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J0so7qQTDuc | 30 May 2024
Over grenzen heen kijken! Dynamiek! Toch? Discord Server: I do not own any of the content in this video. This channel is devoted to making silly shit.

23Jw6NHpTU8 | 12 Jan 2025
Israeli Petahtikvian superhero From @negevkuper (TikTok). I only translated (although did a lazy job at it.) I didn't expect it to reach so many people and translated this video in a kind of a half-assed attempt for fun, so know this is apparently riddled with mistakes (according to others in the comments) which I didn't even notice myself. It's a bit hard to listen to him for me, especially when he screams, and when the video is cut in a weird way, so I didn't even bother trying to listen for some of his screams. מקווה שתוכלו לסלוח לי. This is not a representation of Judaism, Jews or Israelis. Neither is MemriTV a representation of Islam or Muslims. This is just many of religious crazies there are in this world.

yhwO8u4sZ-8 | 09 Aug 2016
Brain scans, controlled studies, evolutionary psychology, and anthropology, demonstrate that men and women are not the same! We are physically & mentally different. We input, process and deliver information differently. We evolved with different priorities, and we are marinated in different combinations of hormones. This leads to a misaligned interpretation of reality...which creates conflict, not only in our love lives, but in our family lives, and the lives of our children. The following is a list of 50 of these differences...perhaps if we're aware of them, we can interact with more empathy, and better logic. Bibliography Brizendine. The Female Brain. New York: Morgan Road, 2006. Print. Brizendine. The Male Brain. New York: Broadway, 2010. Print. Campbell, and Stockley. "The Evolutionary Psychology of Women's Aggression." The Royalsociety Publishing. N.p., 28 Oct. 2013. Web. 5 June 2016. Harris, Judith Rich. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do, Revised and Updated. 2nd ed. New York: Free, 1998. Print. Hamann, Stephan (2005). "Sex Differences in the Responses of the Human Amygdala". Neuroscience 11 (4): 288–93. doi:10.1177/1073858404271981.PMID 16061516. Human Sexual Behavior I. Perf. Robert Sapolsky. Stanford, 11 Feb. 2011. Web. "Journal of European Psychology Students." Male and Female Differences in Nonconscious Mimicry: A Systematic Review. N.p., 22 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 July 2016. Male Brain Ages Faster: The Age and Gender Dependence of Subcortical Volumes. N.p., 16 Nov. 2015. Web. 18 July 2016. Mumme, Donna L., Anne Fernald, and Carla Herrera. "Infants' Responses to Facial and Vocal Emotional Signals in a Social Referencing Paradigm."Child Development 67.6 (1996): 3219. Web. Raeburn, Paul. Do Fathers Matter?: What Science Is Telling Us About the Parent We've Overlooked. N.p.: Scientific America, 2015. Print. Sax, Leonard. Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences. New York: Doubleday, 2005. Print. "Sex Differences in Brain Response to Anticipated and Experienced Visceral Pain in Healthy Subjects." American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. American Physiological Society, 15 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 July 2016. Wright, Robert. The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology. New York: Pantheon, 1994. Print. "Women's, Men's Brains Respond Differently to Hungry Infant's Cries | National Institutes of Health (NIH)." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 6 May 2013. Web. 18 July 2016. Credits/Mentions How to Fight a Baby (Gavin Mcinnes)- The Tragic Tale of David Reimer- Featured artists: Alberto Vargas & Danni Shinya Luo (Soft Candy) Featured movies: Gone with the Wind & It Happened One Night Shout outs: To my sister for putting up with me & helping me film, & to Ash N. & Chris B. for edits & suggestions. Music: You're Not Going Anywhere by Brad Sucks -

Jimmy Dishkawnt
90IALVOvCVQ | 12 Nov 2020
корки бухек - бинг жарылыс барлық халықтарға арналған хит әнімен корки бухч қазақстанның бірінші орында тұрған әнші bing bang қазақ музыка және фильтрлеу министрлігінің ақысыз пайдалану саясаты Korky Buchek Number 1 Top singer with hit song Bing Bang Free use policy by permission of glorious Kazakh ministry of music and filtration systems. Very nice!

P_lwQgAUNEQ | 18 Nov 2018
A German Salafi preacher, Pierre Vogel smashes the table and raises his voice during his speech. The way he speaks is...well, it reminds me of something, or rather someone from the past.

S.A Music
-lDJ__y3gyY | 28 Jun 2023
Title is self explanatory. To be honest, the main reason why this is out first is because oh boy, that lead piano is possible one of the most iconic sounds ever and incredibly difficult to get right. IMO, you'd need a live recording from a real piano to really pull that off. No MIDI piano would truly do it justice tbh. The backing parts however, are easier to replicate. So I thought why not release a no lead mix of the iconic Thomas Theme Song. SHOUTOUT TO MY FAITHFUL PATRONS SeanrailAnimations GojiraKing wingman7 MuffinManofSodor Damien Turner BlueishYeti68 SudderyProductions Anthony Jovan GreenVictoryFilms Railfan98 Broa Island Daniel Mibus Kenneth K Spoiled Fire Kingston Alex Kravchenko TJOC9891 Trent JayRacer11 PercyFan Curtis Paul Darcourt Jasper Lewis FOLLOW ME: Patreon: Soundcloud: Twitter: Twitch:

FYQmqxQgEBY | 19 Feb 2012
"Is it appropriate for men and women in a relationship to have friends of the opposite sex?" Patrick Romero and cameraman Jesse Budd take to the streets at the Sundance Film Festival to answer this question.

Debbie Saslaw
BX9X_T_MPaQ | 16 Aug 2018
You’re my number one boy. SUBSCRIBE: ‣ Instagram - ‣ Twitter - ‣ Commissions & Collabs: [email protected]

Unity Research
RwzIq04vd0M | 25 Nov 2023
Players rave and rant about the wonders of kernel level anti cheats, and how games like Valorant barely have any cheaters compared VAC secured Counter Strike servers. But are they as good as people claim? This video is a deep dive into the world of cheating, how cheaters typically cheat at video games, and how they continue to cheat on games that have Kernel level anti cheats. This video is long, so if you need to skip to specific chapters, they are below: 00:00 Intro 03:50 History of cheating in Counter Strike & VAC bypass 08:28 Counter Strike 3rd party kernel anti-cheats 09:46 Introduction to Valorant as a CS Competitor 11:20 Understanding Kernel anti-cheats 13:34 Mouse scripting cheats 15:45 Understanding memory read/write cheats. 17:51 EFI Cheating methods 20:10 Hardware spoofing banned HHIDs 22:01 Cheating distribution & customers 23:22 DMA Cheats 29:56 AHK Scripting / Pixel bots 33:11 Hardware Pixel bots 37:48 Outro

Stanford Alumni
x6TsR3y5Qfg | 15 Nov 2023
Many of us dread having to convey our ideas to others, often feeling ill-equipped, anxious, and awkward. Experts help by focusing on planned communication experiences; yet, most of our professional and personal communication occurs in spontaneous situations that leave us flustered and stumbling for words. Together, we’ll explore science-based strategies for managing anxiety, responding to the mood of the room, and making content concise, relevant, compelling, and memorable. By the end of this class, you’ll know how to navigate the situation like a pro and bring out your very best. Matt Abrahams, ’91, lecturer in organizational behavior, Graduate School of Business

Nederlandse Hardstyle
2eIYaWlPDx0 | 09 Dec 2021
Beste mensen! Hier is die dan "Pieter Post (Hardstyle Remix)" Overal te beluisteren!: Luister hem! deel hem! like hem! Voor meer van deze muziek volg de afspeellijst op Spotify "Nederlandse Hardstyle" Spotify Playlist: Instagram: Soundcloud: Email: [email protected] xx Nederlandse Hardstyle #nederlandsehardstyle #hardstyle #remix #mix #borrel #karnaval #hardstylecarnaval #carnaval #remix #party #feest #hardstyle #nederlandstalig

_8ZCzhoeQMg | 22 Jun 2024
Lately I've noticed a growing feeling that the world has changed. The internet is no longer the wonderland it once was from Frutiger aero laden user interfaces, to the heavily customizable Myspace. It seems everything in our lives from the Hollywood Blockbusters we consume to the content we see online is just bleak, and uniform. Take a nostalgic deep dive with me as we try to get to the root of these feelings. Patreon: Twitter: Email [business inquiries only] [email protected] ☆☆ CHAPTERS ☆☆ Intro 0:00 The Problem With Hollywood 1:10 Minimalist Hell 7:33 The Internet 13:36 [Adult Swim] 23:39 This Is Your Stop 28:17 ☆☆ MUSIC ☆☆ ☆☆ all credit goes to the producers of the music☆☆ Tags: the internet is boring, frutiger aero, dead internet, minimalist design, y2k, internet culture, marvel sucks now, funko pops, 4chan, Newgrounds, myspace, facebook, 2000s, 90s, early internet, ancient internet, Artificial intelligence, AI, chatgpt, hollywood is boring, #nostalgia #y2k #videoessay

Self Deficient
X8jC2KT481c | 21 Aug 2023
Exaggerated, but still impassioned. Modern Gaming isn't fun, it's an obligation. It's a dystopic hellscape bastardizing the things we once found enjoyable about video games, and this video is a cathartic take on exactly why that feeling of resentment towards this new wave of entertainment exists within a lot of people who grew up gaming in the 70's, 80's, 90's, or early 2000's. This is a comedic video essay on the state of modern gaming. Strap in. it's not going to agree with you. I leave out some context occasionally for the sake of the joke. It's ok, everything is fine. Please don't be upset. Follow me on twitter: Shout out to the Biggest Problem In the Universe podcast. Lots of funny bantz on that show. Sampled them during the bit where Sony and Nintendo call me to bitch me out: 00:00 - Intro 01:41 - AAA Games Hate you 03:35 - You keep buying it 04:09 - Matchmaking is dumb now 06:20 - It takes the latter half of your adolescent years for Call of Duty to install 06:40 - Remasters 08:42 - Nintendo and Sony should support their back catalog 10:24 - All Playstation games are C-tier AMC dramas 11:58 - New original IPs are literally just Biomutant 5.5/10 13:05 - Ubisoft 15:13 - Far Cry 1,000,000,000 16:18 - Valve, where are you? 19:51 - EA squandered the EA Sports BIG brand 23:26 - Not enough easy to pick up, easy to master games 25:05 - Every Indie game is a color-blocked low-poly roguelike. 25:18 - All games are still made for PS2 26:07 - Digital sales are complete trash 27:06 - I don't like Discord 27:36 - Gaming is now a job 28:11 - Final thoughts Sound Effect Sources: sword draw: guitar solo: sad violin: boom: elevator music: wow: applause: kazoo: door open: Music Sources: Kazoos Of The Valkyries by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Wild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported N.Sanity Island from the Crash Twinsanity Soundtrack For the SEO or w/e: why does fall guys have a battlepass grind for cat ears halo call of duty fall guys battle pass ea sports big ssx NBA street NFL street matchmaking sucks Ubisoft far cry assassins creed video games suck now gaming sucks now gaming isn't fun gaming used to be great golden era of gaming best gaming era gaming obligation discord bpd game ui game ux Modern Game UI sucks Modern Gaming UI Sucks Modern Gaming UX Live service games suck Live service UI/UX modern video games modren games modern game modern gamign modern gaming modern gaming rant gaming rant modern gaming video essay modern gaming comedy essay modern gaming it's over modern gaming essay modern gaming in a nutshell Modern gaming sucks

Print Shift Repeat
TMkT92EuzEM | 22 Nov 2021
Subscribe to the main Print Shoot Repeat channel here: My Printer: Patreon: Link to my entire setup and gear:

IKXDyKWXBhk | 26 Jul 2023
This was generated by getting the snapshots of the canvas at perfect 39 second intervals directly from reddit, which was the framerate of the original animation on the canvas. This means it does not rely on Reddit's timelapse footage or recorded footage where the loading screen creates white flashes. This was done using osuplace's templateManager, developed by LittleEndu, myself, and April, which is a script to create an overlay on the canvas for where users should place pixels. The animation of the frames that the template was *supposed* to be can be found at Original Animation: This version of the timelapse is meant to match the original template framerate. Therefore, it is 30fps. For a 4k60fps version, see For a 4k60fps version with comparison videos, see

QjHNfweAexw | 05 Mar 2019
Een sfeerimpressie uit 2013 voor iedereen met heimwee naar oud Hoog Catharijne.

lHPDP-q3EIY | 11 Dec 2018
dicko mode Kusorare's Soundcloud: ======================== USE DISCOUNT CODE "ACAI" FOR 10% OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE AT SUBSCRIBE for a new video at least EVERY DAY! Twitch: Twitter: Big Spreadsheet of songs to download for Clone Hero: Q: Why don't you play a real guitar? (if you type this question in the comments it will be filtered) A: last updated 5-9-2018

Cash Cat Flava
w7x_lWJNnNg | 12 Dec 2015
Jack has a very rare form of laryngeal paralysis and his voice changed after his first surgery. Since posting this video I've received a lot messages from people sending me their own cat's that have similar issues. I want to make an awareness video on this and include cats that sound the same as well as veterinary interviews. If you have a cat that sounds similar to jack or suffers from any form of laryngeal paralysis and want to be included in this future video, feel free to send me your videos at - [email protected] Thank you all for the support! If you want to see more of jack here is a video of him eating goldfish! - Here is some more information on Jack's condition - For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]

Mindy Robinson
GidVHyh2-Ek | 13 Jan 2022
On October 1, 2017 58 people were killed at the Route 91 country music concert in Las Vegas....and by 2 weeks the media dropped the entire story due to all the lies and holes in the police and FBI’s story. These are all the things they’ve covered up about the tragedy that they don’t want you to know about.... Tips/info: [email protected]

RTV Noord
hXjBS-Hr6qo | 05 Apr 2015
Het zijn waarschijnlijk de meest zinloze stoplichten van Nederland: die bij het tankstation aan de Groningerweg bij Peizerwold. De verkeerslichten staan bij het begin van de busbaan richting Groningen. De bus kan er linksaf de busbaan op rijden, maar dit gebeurt bijna nooit. Waarom elke ochtend om zeven uur verkeer van beide kanten moet stoppen is een raadsel. Kijk hier voor meer informatie: Link naar video:

Embedded Control Lab.
I5GvwWKkBmg | 19 Aug 2022
This is the world's first experimental video about 56 transition controls that occur in a triple inverted pendulum. The triple inverted system was developed by Embedded Control Lab. Control was implemented using LW-RCP02, which was developed by Embedded Control Lab, and Simulink. The sampling time is 1 ms. * The triple inverted pendulum and LW-RCP02 can be purchased from Sungjin Techwin. For purchase inquiries, please contact [email protected]. 3단 도립진자에서 발생하는 56가지 transition control을 실제로 구현한 세계 최초의 실험 영상입니다. 3단 도립진자는 Embedded Control Lab의 자체 기술로 개발하였으며 실시간 제어는 Embedded Control Lab에서 개발한 LW-RCP02와 Simulink를 이용하여 구현하였습니다. Sampling time은 1 ms 입니다. * 3단도립진자와 LW-RCP02는 성진테크윈으로부터 구입할 수 있습니다. 구매문의는 [email protected]로 해주세요.

David McBride
VrFs2_uhz-o | 15 May 2024
Support my legal and personal GoFundMe: 🔗 Contact: 🌏 ✉ [email protected] #davidmcbride #truthisalonelywarrior License ID: DgRwXdK4Yn0

4CTSf1QRk9w | 13 Sep 2020
full script: Join my private discord Or hop on the public server

LMG Clips
N6c4ksH86Gw | 26 Apr 2024
Dennis and the team get back at Linus for the house break-in prank years ago, and hijinks ensues! This video is available for 48 hours on YouTube; Floatplane subscribers can watch the full video, and much more at ► GET MERCH: ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: ► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: ► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: TikTok (LMG Clips): Twitch:

Candace Owens Podcast
0KQ-mW0mfVM | 27 Apr 2023
#CandaceOwensPodcastSubstack writer Yashar Ali obtained Ring camera footage of a horrible interaction between Steven Crowder and his wife Hilary. This is the behavior of monsters. There is no justification. Change my mind. Become a DailyWire+ member here: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos. Watch the full episode here: Ep.140 - Watch “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM” exclusively on DailyWire+: Grab some “Yes We CANdace” merch: #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #PopCulture #DailyWire #StevenCrowder #LouderWithCrowder #Conservative #LWC #MugClub #Marriage #Divorce #HilaryCrowder #Exposed #CandaceOwensPodcast

Christian Koller
zx8_Pumdkpg | 27 Oct 2022
***best to be viewed in 4k to see all the details*** The purpose of this dashboard arranged film is to give a better overview on the timeline of the events unfolding on 11 September 2001. The footage and events are synchronized in realtime. The film starts exactly one hour before the first plane hits the World Trade Center. The video starts at 07:46:40 am. The screen is divided into various sectors: Live TV broadcast TV coverage of different TV stations (ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC). Latest Events All event which happened in this time window. Information taken mostly from Wikipedia. Timeline Major Events 27:14 AA11 hijacked 55:58 UA175 hijacked 59:55 AA11 crashes into WTC1 1:03:15 AA77 hijacked 1:16:17 UA175 crashes into WTC2 1:41:15 UA93 hijacked 1:51:01 AA77 crashes into the Pentagon 2:12:15 WTC2 collapsed 2:16:26 UA93 crashes in Somerset County, PA 2:41:37 WTC1 collapsed Radio Window Indicates when radio of either New York City Fire Department or Air Traffic Control is played. Clock Actual time during the events in EST Eastern Standard Time (GMT-4). Information Board Mostly, the board shows the flight paths and positions of the air planes. Also movie footage and photos which could be time-synced are shown. Additional information to the TV footage, audio or events are overlayed. Status Monitor Status of the airplanes (on the ground, airborne, hijacked, crashed) and buildings which have been impacted (WTC1, WTC2, Pentagon). * if you find errors, please let me know in the comments Other events: 38:03 Radio transmission from terrorist Mohammed Atta aboard flight 11 47:18 Another radio transmission from terrorist Mohammed Atta aboard flight 11 50:44 Flight 175 confirms sighting of hijacked Flight 11 1:02:54 First TV pictures from the attacks are broadcasted 1:07:47 Near midair collision of United 175 1:22:05 President Bush gets informed about the second plane hitting the WTC 1:41:12 Hijackers storm the cockpit on flight 93 1:43:13 Public statement of President Bush 1:45:19 Radio transmission from terrorist Ziad Jarrah aboard flight 93 1:52:20 Another radio transmission from terrorist Ziad Jarrah aboard flight 93 1:54:25 The photograph "The Falling Man" is taken 2:28:33 Five stories of the pentagon collapse Coincidences and Unusual Connections disovered in retrospect (not intentional foreshadowing): 9:00 Man in ad saying the he 's not jumping off the building. (Coincidental reference, not intentional foreshadowing) 16:36 President bush is leaving for his visit to Sarasota, not knowing he will be holding a difficult speech there about the attacks. 17:00 "Three numbers that can save your life - 911" (Numerical coincidence) 18:23 An elderly couple is celebrating their 54th year of being married in New York. They got married in 47. 5+4=9, 4+7=11, (9/11) (Numerical coincidence) 27:58: During the hijacking of flight 11, an ad is showing a paper plane flying low through Manhattan. Inside of the plane is written: I'm on my way (Ironic coincidence, not implying intentional foreshadowing) 31:55 CNN reports about an expansion project for the Capitol in Washington D.C. which was the target of Flight 93. (not intentional foreshadowing) 38:55 One of the last times the date "September 11th" has been spoken out without the relations to terrorist attacks. The man's voice cracked when he spoke it out. (Coincidental mention, not intentional foreshadowing) 51:49 CNN advertises a report: "When the big one hits", 8 minutes before flight 11 hits the WTC. (Scheduling coincidence, not implying intentional foreshadowing.) 52:04 The weatherman says that fortunately the hurricane moves away from the US. If it didn't move away, it may have prevented the terrorists planes taking off that day. (Speculative observation) 1:00:12 After 9/11, President Bush created the Office of Homeland Security. Tom Ridge, who is shown on screen just seconds after the first plane hit, became the first head of the office. (Historical fact, established in response to 9/11) 1:02:29 The flying papers flying around in the ad look very similar to the scene happening at the same time at the world trade center. (Observational similarity, not implying intentional foreshadowing) Errors: 1:00:02 The photo on the information board is incorrect. It doesn't show Chief Joseph Pfeifer who made the radio message but his brother Lieutenant Kevin Pfeifer who died on 9/11. 2:13:27 The photo on the information board is incorrect. It doesn't show Chief Joseph Pfeifer who made the radio message but his brother Lieutenant Kevin Pfeifer who died on 9/11.

Richtek Technology 立錡科技
1nx_n-wEtII | 28 Apr 2020
This video explains the technology behind fast charging in mobile phones, from early phones with linear chargers to the most advanced high power Direct-Charge-Divide/2 systems. We discuss different battery types, special charging systems like Qualcomm’s Quick-Charge QC2.0/3.0 and the new USB-C Power Delivery charging systems, covering Direct Charge and Direct Charge-Divide/2 systems that can deliver charging powers up to 45W without overheating. We hook up oscilloscope and USB-PD analysers to different smartphones like Galaxy Note 10+ to examine their charging behaviour in detail. We will also tell you about next generation smartphone charging technology like Direct Charge-Divide/4 and dual cell battery systems. Read more about Richtek’s ‘’Fast charging and USB PD’’ : Related Richtek products: RT9467: 5A Switching charger (high current switching charger application) RT1716: USB-PD 3.0 Power delivery controller (sink side) RT9471: 3A Switching charger (medium current switching charger application) Some handy measurement tools that were used in this video: RIDEN TC66 and XYZ studio ZY1271 USB power monitors; Total Phase USB-PD protocol analyser. music "The Stratosphere" by Adam Vitovsky

TsTBazT-Edk | 01 Oct 2020
I'm the Riddler, I'm not racist. I'm not here to solve the mother of all riddles, riddle me this before you go: I'm loud and obnoxious, I like music that rhymes, I'm a fraction of the population, but commit half the crimes. Who am I? THE NI-

Sergio Ledovsky
65sJCET54CQ | 05 Mar 2012
NewsLink: The organizers of the regional ski festival in Kostanay played Ricky Martin's song "Livin' la Vida Loca" instead of national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All rights belong to their rightful owners. На открытии лыжного фестиваля в Костанае, Республика Казахстан государственный гимн перепутали с хитом Рики Мартина. Все права принадлежат их законным владельцам.

The Meme Lord
a5plqZLfxRE | 05 Jun 2023
The greatest meme goldmine the world has ever known || We finally reach the end to our great Sponge journey. This is the final video in this series, and contains every previous Spongebob Season video of memes, as well as Seasons 9-12 and both movies. (There is not a single Spongebob meme from season 13 as of this video's publication) *Timestamps* 00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:15 - Season 1 00:13:31 - Season 2 00:32:04 - Season 3 01:00:11 - SpongeMovie 01:05:26 - Season 4 01:15:14 - Season 5 01:21:57 - Season 6 01:29:30 - Season 7 01:33:59 - Season 8 01:38:14 - Seasons 9-10 01:39:16 - SpongeMovie Out of Water 01:40:10 - Season 11-12 *Playlist:* These memes will be laid out in a chronological short clipshow style format, and the video simply contains each time a famed spongebob meme appears onscreen. There will be no indicator or cringe vine boom sound or anything like that to point out when exactly the frames are, but if you pause the video or use the period (".") key to go frame by frame, you can find them all in this video. Some memes of course aren't just a freezeframe and are shown in length. The memes are separated by season, and then episode, all in chronological order. A titlecard will display at the beginning of each section to show what episode the following memes are from. Sorry if you start to lose it midway through the video because of the lack of flow/music, but I really wanted the clips to be as plain as possible, as I haven't seen a compilation on Youtube of every original scene the memes are from yet. Memes Included: -Classic meme templates -Meme'd scenes -Meme lines -Meme'd titlecards -Meme'd timecards -Scenes/frames used in iconic Spongebob YTP's -Obscure reaction memes Obviously, I have, no doubt, missed some Spongebob memes, and as the years go on there will of course be more new memes, and this video will be outdated. For the common memer however, this video contains all the classics and I'm sure you will recognize most of the memes in this video, and props to the meme veterans out there who catch all the references and more obscure memes in here! *|| MEME DATA* Alright its time for the Meme Data tally up! For those who haven't seen the previous individual season videos, the way this usually works is I include basic data of the season, list how many memes were in that season, and state the worst and best episodes in terms of meme count. In this case I will tally up the entire series to show everything at once, and below I will show minimized data sections for seasons 9-12 and the 2nd Spongemovie. (If you want to see the individual meme data for each season, find the appropriate video in the playlist linked in this videos description) *Grand Totals* Episode Count: 451 + 2 movies Number of Episodes with Memes: 277 (mainly seasons 1-4) Number of Episodes without Memes: 252 (mainly seasons 7-12) Average Memes per Episode: 2.21 Average MpE INCLUDING Episodes that had 0 memes: 2.04 Total Memes: 1297 Episodes with Most Amount of Memes (Top 5): 1. "The Algae's Always Greener", with 23 Memes -S3 2. "Face Freeze!", with 20 Memes -S8 3. "Mid-Life Crustacean", with 19 Memes -S3 4. "I Had An Accident", with 18 Memes -S3 5. Two-way Tie: "Fools in April"-S1, and "Dying for Pie"-S2 with 17 memes each. (Note: Not a single episode in Spongebob seasons 9-12 had more than one meme per episode) *Season 9 Meme Data* Episode Count: 52 Number of Episodes with Memes: 5 Number of Episodes without Memes: 47 Average Memes per Episode: 1 Average MpE INCLUDING Episodes that had 0 memes: 0.1 Total Memes: 5 *Sponge Out of Water* Meme Total: 9 Total time worth of Memes: 51 seconds Movie's Runtime: 1 hour, 23 minutes, 30 seconds Memes Per Minute (Meme Total/Movie Runtime Minutes): 0.01 Memes every Minute *Season 10 Meme Data* Episode Count: 22 Number of Episodes with Memes: 3 Number of Episodes without Memes: 19 Average Memes per Episode: 1 Average MpE INCLUDING Episodes that had 0 memes: 0.16 Total Memes: 3 *Season 11 Meme Data* Episode Count: 52 Number of Episodes with Memes: 7 Number of Episodes without Memes: 45 Average Memes per Episode: 1 Average MpE INCLUDING Episodes that had 0 memes: 0.16 Total Memes: 7 *Season 12 Meme Data* Episode Count: 52 Number of Episodes with Memes: 5 Number of Episodes without Memes: 47 Average Memes per Episode: 1 Average MpE INCLUDING Episodes that had 0 memes: 0.1 Total Memes: 5 -|| Lastly, I'd like to thank Viacom for somehow, miraculously, not blocking ANY of the compilations! If any of you have been watching my channel for a while you know how often they tend to block my videos and force me to do some editing an- *NEVERMIND I GUESS* Ignore the following: || Description Tags -spongebob memes,spongebob meme compilation, spongebob meme origin,spongebob original meme scenes,every spongebob meme,spongebob but only memes-

Cornelius Bogfrollup Fitzgerald
XdPrueIO1aU | 28 May 2021
Alex Howland, the CEO of virbela took down the original because it hurt his feefees. Unlike "Dr. Derrick, PHD" the original uploader of the video, Alex Howland is a big fakie fakie doctor who likes big poopie in mouth. and likes to eat poop. Alex Howland eats poop.

G95b3ji-tek | 30 Dec 2020
Original meme: #ChineseMeme #TikTokMeme #Memes lyrics: The actual translation is: 驸马爷近前看其牆上寫著 Fuma get close and see what's written on the wall 秦香蓮年三十二歲那狀告當朝 Qin Xianlian, 32-years old, is suing the current 駙馬郎欺君王瞞皇上 Fuma (emperor's son-in-law) of defrauding the emperor 那悔婚男兒招東床 Of bigamy by marrying into the (royal) family 杀妻灭子良心丧。 Killing his wife and son to lose his conscience. 逼死韩琪在庙堂, Forced Han Qi to die in the temple. 将状纸押至了爷的大堂上。 Escorted the papers to the lobby of the master.

Eight bit Adam
oka1XfJuSc8 | 03 Sep 2008
Here is some game footage from the very rare Hong Kong '97 on the Super Famicom (SNES). Take some time to read the story. It's very amusing. 5,000 views - 24/07/09 10,000 views - 01/04/10 15,000 views - 03/11/10 20,000 views - 30/05/11 25,000 views - 02/12/11 30,000 views - 01/06/12

Albert Kandhiwrahaspati
97isej_NfFM | 01 Jul 2020
cc for hidden message. 我们都对爱情不陌生 你知道规矩我也知道 我打算完全地委身 你不会从任何别的男人得到 我只想要告诉你我的感受 一定要让你明白 副歌 绝对不会放弃你 绝不会对不起你 绝对不会乱跑然后抛下你 绝对不会让你哭 绝不会与你告别 绝对不会说谎然后伤害你 我们都认识那么久 你的心一直渴望却不好意思说 我们心里都知道发生什么事 我们明白游戏规则也要照着玩 而如果你问我感觉如何 别告诉我你盲目得看不见 副歌 副歌 放弃你,放弃你 绝对不会,绝对不会 放弃你 绝对不会,绝对不会 放弃你 我们都认识那么久 你的心一直渴望却不好意思说 我们心里都知道发生什么事 我们明白游戏规则也要照着玩 我只想要告诉你我的感受 一定要让你明白 副歌 副歌 副歌 pinyin : Wǒ ài Běijīng Tiān'ānmén, Tiān'ānmén shang tàiyáng shēng. Wěidà lǐngxiù Máo zhǔxí, Zhǐyǐn wǒmen xiàngqián jìn.

Merk Whild
Bj7V5Tc0NzQ | 07 Aug 2015
The orignal video was removed from pewdiepies channel due to copyright reasons, thats also why there is ads on this video, I make zero money from this video Imma be blunt, I really want to remove this video off my channel but out of respect to the people who still want to listen to this song i'll keep it up until I just don't care anymore. Original creator:

zwT6DZCQi9k | 29 Mar 2013
"Watch the UNRATED version only on VEVO: Download the album now! Click here for a special customized canvas of Blurred Lines: Watch him perform live on Interscope Introducing : Music video by Robin Thicke performing Blurred Lines. (C) 2013 Star Trak, LLC #RobinThicke #BlurredLines #Vevo #Pop #OfficialMusicVideo #TI #Pharrell #EmilyRatajkowski "

The Cappening Channel
1WdTAJ9_IY0 | 01 Feb 2017
Author Michele Elliott of 'Kidscape', in an interview recorded in 2004, provides an insight into women who sexually abuse children and covers how some Gender Feminists (among others) have attempted to suppress the reality of the high prevalence of female abusers. Uploaded at viewers request, to provide some insight into the topic.

Bro Code
XKHEtdqhLK8 | 15 Feb 2021
Python tutorial for beginners full course #python #tutorial #beginners ⭐️Time Stamps⭐️ #1 (00:00:00) Python tutorial for beginners 🐍 #2 (00:05:57) variables ✘ #3 (00;17;38) multiple assignment 🔠 #4 (00:20:27) string methods 〰️ #5 (00:25:13) type cast 💱 #6 (00:30:14) user input ⌨️ #7 (00:36:50) math functions 🧮 #8 (00:40:58) string slicing ✂️ #9 (00:51:52) if statements 🤔 #10 (00:58:19) logical operators 🔣 #11 (01:04:03) while loops 🔄 #12 (01:07:31) for loops ➰ #13 (01:13:04) nested loops ➿ #14 (01:17:08) break continue pass ⛔ #15 (01:21:06) lists 🧾 #16 (01:26:58) 2D lists 📜 #17 (01:30:47) tuples 📄 #18 (01:33:47) sets 🍴 #19 (01:40:03) dictionaries 📖 #20 (01:47:20) indexing 📑 #21 (01:53:23) functions 📞 #22 (02:02:03) return statement 🔙 #23 (02:04:51) keyword arguments 🔑 #24 (02:07:09) nested function calls 🖇️ #25 (02:09:40) variable scope 🔬 #26 (02:13:23) *args 📦 #27 (02:16:58) **kwargs 🎁 #28 (02:21:17) string format 💬 #29 (02:33:22) random numbers 🎲 #30 (02:36:43) exception handling ⚠️ #31 (02:43:40) file detection 📁 #32 (02:47:28) read a file 🔍 #33 (02:51:00) write a file 📝 #34 (02:53:45) copy a file 🖨️ #35 (02:57:05) move a file 🗃️ #36 (03:01:20) delete a file 🗑️ #37 (03:06:15) modules 💌 #38 (03:10:26) rock, paper, scissors game 🗿 #39 (03:18:32) quiz game 💯 #40 (03:35:45) Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 🐍 #41 (03:45:06) class variables 🚗 #42 (03:48:54) inheritance 👪 #43 (03:55:30) multilevel inheritance 👴 #44 (03:58:32) multiple inheritance 👨👩👧👦 #45 (04:01:49) method overriding 🙅 #46 (04:04:14) method chaining ⛓️ #47 (04:08:08) super function 🦸 #48 (04:12:09) abstract classes 👻 #49 (04:19:12) objects as arguments 🏍️ #50 (04:23:20) duck typing 🦆 #51 (04:27:38) walrus operator 🦦 #52 (04:31:45) functions to variables 📛 #53 (04:35:21) higher order functions 👑 #54 (04:41:06) lambda λ #55 (04:45:44) sort 🗄️ #56 (04:53:22) map 🗺️ #57 (04:57:17) filter 🍺 #58 (05:00:10) reduce ♻️ #59 (05:04:54) list comprehensions 📰 #60 (05:10:54) dictionary comprehensions 🕮 #61 (05:18:59) zip function 🤐 #62 (05:23:41) if _name_ == '__main__' ❓ #63 (05:29:21) time module ⌚ #64 (05:39:58) threading 🧵 #65 (05:53:31) daemon threads 😈 #66 (05:58:19) multiprocessing ⚡ #67 (06:07:15) GUI windows 🖼️ #68 (06:14:38) labels 🏷️ #69 (06:24:24) buttons 🛎️ #70 (06:30:44) entrybox ⌨️ #71 (06:40:15) checkbox ✔️ #72 (06:49:08) radio buttons 🔘 #73 (07:00:47) scale 🌡️ #74 (07:10:24) listbox 📋 #75 (07:24:41) messagebox 💭 #76 (07:37:17) colorchooser 🎨 #77 (07:43:10) text area 📒 #78 (07:48:38) open a file (file dialog) 📁 #79 (07:55:33) save a file (file dialog) 💾 #80 (08:05:17) menubar 🧾 #81 (08:15:23) frames ⚰️ #82 (08:21:30) new windows 🗔 #83 (08:25:32) window tabs 📑 #84 (08:30:52) grid 🏢 #85 (08:39:52) progress bar 📊 #86 (08:49:48) canvas 🖍️ #87 (09:01:18) keyboard events ⌨️ #88 (09:05:54) mouse events 🖱️ #89 (09:11:00) drag & drop 👈 #90 (09:18:18) move images w/ keys 🏎️ #91 (09:29:13) animations 🛸 #92 (09:41:31) multiple animations 🎞️ #93 (09:53:04) clock program 🕒 #94 (10:01:03) send an email 📧 #95 (10:07:37) run with command prompt 👨💻 #96 (10:09:53) pip 🏗️ #97 (10:13:30) py to exe 🏃 #98 (10:17:13) calculator program 🖩 #99 (10:31:38) text editor program ✏️ 100 (11:05:51) tic tac toe game ⭕ 101 (11:26:25) snake game 🐍 🎮 GAMES & PROJECTS 🎮 rock, paper, scissors game 🗿 quiz game 💯 clock program 🕒 calculator program 🖩 text editor program ✏️ tic tac toe game ⭕ snake game 🐍 Here's the link to the full playlist: Code for each topic can be found pinned to each video's comments section music credits 🎼 : =========================================================== Beat Your Competition - Vibe Tracks =========================================================== Twelve Speed - Slynk =========================================================== Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ===========================================================

James Yeager
pInk1rV2VEg | 01 Feb 2019
My Amazon Store: My Older Gun Vids are on LIBERTV: PATREON: FACEBOOK: INSTRAGRAM @MFCEOYeager PODCAST search "Tactical Response" on SPOTIFY and ITUNES PLEASE support my SPONSORS! Coupon: YEAGERBOMB1775

Tony Anderson
HdEBQsE_YKw | 09 Sep 2022
Debris is a 25 minute film made in collaboration with the National September 11th Memorial and Museum. This documentary tells the story of September 11th, 2001 using bystander footage, source audio and newly composed music. Some of what you'll see may seem familiar - but certain events in Debris have rarely been viewed by the public. I've spent the last handful of years finding what I believe to be some of the most important footage of that day in order to preserve the memory of this day for future generations. Youtube has decided to restrict this film because of the nature of the subject material. This is interesting since hundreds of million of people saw the attacks live on television 21 years ago. Please be assured that my team and I took great care in omitting far more intense moments of the attacks that could have been perceived as exploitative, shocking or salacious. Most of what you'll see and hear in this film is recovered film and audio from the day of the attacks in lower Manhattan, Washington DC and Shanksville, PA. This documentary is not designed to shock, re-traumatize or entertain. It is simply an audible record of the day - a time capsule to hold history in place for coming generations. ----- The 9/11 attacks killed 2,977 people - the single largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on American soil. Among the dead were 441 first responders, which remains the greatest loss of life for emergency responders on a single day in American history. Since 9/11, more than 4,300 first responders have died from respiratory illnesses and cancers as a result of exposure to toxins at Ground Zero during the cleanup - nearly double the amount killed the day of the attacks. In memory of American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93. Help us preserve the memory of those we've lost: Tunnels to Towers - Educating & Informing future generations about 9/11: Director of Photography, Co-Directed & Co-Produced by Mitchell Mullins: Cello: Clarice Jensen Violin: Ben Russell Additional Production: Noah Gorelick Mastering: Brian Calhoon: Music Licensing: Musicbed: Spotify: Apple Music: Bandcamp: Instagram: Special thanks to Ray Maione, retired FDNY and to Carl Gelardi of 38 Engine and Rescue 1 Thank you to the FDNY, the NYPD and all of the first responders who helped in the recovery and cleanup efforts at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA. Bystander Footage filmed by: The Naudet Brothers Jack Taliercio Mark Heath Luigi Cassaniga Richard Peskin Paul Berriff Guy Rosbrook NJ Burkett Jim Huibregtse Clifton Cloud Kevin Westley Michael Hezarkhani Keith Behrle Thank you to Enhanced WTC Videos for hosting so much of this historic day on your channel: And to WTC911 Videos: Any uncredited footage has been secured from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Xne9CEwR7Rc | 05 Apr 2022
4 days, condensed down into a couple of minutes. In glorious 8K For the best source of Place maps and heatmaps - Music - Wistful Winds

Rip Bipple
PP8tGBJke7Q | 11 May 2021
Reuploaded in 480p cuz it was saved on my phone, ye turkey Frick Furbela. Original Creator: DerrickNOTAFISH Subscribe to him or I'll whoop you upside the head wit an onion 🧅

9sx2YmSXDy8 | 13 Feb 2012
Фильм на русском языке: Documentary film describes the September 1999 Russian apartment bombings as a terrorism act committed by Russian state security services. Written and directed by Yuri Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko. "We just cannot go out and say that the president of Russia is a mass murderer. But it is important that we know it."

Caleb Leverett
rYFY3POHk2k | 06 Jun 2013
Comment notice: To make sure your comment stays up, please do not include hashtags or links in your comment. Due to the nature of this video, YouTube will automatically delete it if you don’t. #CalebLeverett #14yearold #Parker #Son Watch: Parker vs the Man to see what happened to Parker next, click here and grab a box of tissues: UPDATE 10/17/18 It's over: Update: 3/5/18 Interview via Dads Surviving Divorce: Update 1/8/18: This issue was finally beginning to die down, until December of 2017 when deadbeat Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seized my bank account. I have made a few videos describing what happened, click here Ken Paxton has been indicted on 3 counts of being a crook and is also running for re-election in November. #PaxtonForPrison #KenPaxton Show your support for nonviolent parenting by shopping at our online store! Follow Caleb on Instagram! Twitter: @calebleverett 'Hard Working Americans' plug for Parker on Conan O'Brien! Note #4: Click here to see what happened to Parker: Note #3... On August 19, 2013 Judge Denn Whalen ordered that Parker go live with his mom and step-dad, who recently moved 6 hours away to San Antonio. He got about 15 minutes to say goodbye. --- Fan Page ***Note 2: For those who wish to thank officers Rocha and Spinks of the OPD, here's the contact info: Odessa Police Department, 205 N. Grant Avenue, Odessa, TX 79761 432-333-3641 *** NOTE 1: I appreciate the enormous support and "bad words" don't bother me at all, but for those very few trolls who are suggesting ANY sort of violence to ANYONE in this video, you disgust me and it is NOT appreciated. Voluntarism has NOTHING to do with the initiation of force. -caleb Twitter: @calebleverett This video was recorded on Sunday, May 26, 2013. It is completely unedited. I (Caleb Leverett) uploaded the video to YouTube the very same day, but kept it set to private until June 6, 2013. I am Parker's dad, father, biological father, Daddy and guy who cut his umbilical cord. This video was recorded, posted and released with the permission and request of my son, Parker. We only decided to release it after the step-dad in this video (Jason May) admitted to repeatedly trespassing on my land, when confronted by Parker and myself. Neither of us appreciated the harassment. I am a subscriber to the non-aggression principle (NAP) which basically says that the initiation of force is always immoral. I raise all four of my children in a non-violent manner, i.e., I never spank my kids... EVER. All four of my kids are very familiar with the NAP are extremely well behaved; anyone who knows them personally will testify that this is true. Until today (Saturday, June 8, 2013) there was no description to the video. I am adding it to help others understand the broader picture. Parker has lived with me full time since the day this was filmed. I picked up my other three kids from their mom and step-dad's house yesterday for my first week of summer vacation with them. The pick up was text book perfect and without incident, of which I am thankful. I bought Parker his very own iPhone 5 and gave the number to his mom. He is free to call or text her (or anyone in her family) any time he wishes (something I was never granted). He is also free to visit her or her family or friends any time he wishes. On this day, he is with his cousins in Gardendale, TX playing and working on the family farm. He is excited to have a job this summer. My son and I are very close and are very open. We have a full summer planned and I am excited. I thank many of you for your kind, encouraging words. I even thank the critics, for your words are teaching Parker and I to hone our skills, and yes, Parker and I read every single word. Have a peaceful day and remember, you own yourself. No one else owns you.

Official Wakaliwood
KEoGrbKAyKE | 01 Mar 2015
T-Shirts, DVDs and more - Watch da New Movie BAD BLACK --- Support Wakaliwood ?? Captain Alex is Out Now and FREE!!! English SUBTITLES, VJ and DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY!! Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda's First Action Movie was produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana IGG from his home in Wakaliga, Uganda. Made for under $200 - using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod - the film became a sensation in the slums of Uganda while the trailer went viral in Europe, South America, and the US. Who Killed Captain Alex is available for FREE via YouTube, Torrent, BitTorrent Bundle, and as a HiRes download from official website Share and enjoy! - Nabwana IGG and Wakaliwood See MOAR!!! Ramon Film Productions, Wakaliwood, Uganda ACTIONNN LALALALLALALALA! ! ! ! ! !

ayE0y7XfCpo | 20 Oct 2021
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a history of controversy. It’s been blamed for not acting fast enough. It’s also been blamed for rushing products to market. The FDA has a tough job. It regulates a powerful industry with a lot of money — and questionable practices. With American distrust for Big Pharma at an all-time high, the FDA’s role is more important than ever. This is how the FDA could be doing a better job at protecting Americans from the greed of some pharmaceutical companies. Watch more from this series: Europe’s Agricultural Mafia The Temple That Sparked an Armed Conflict The WWF’s Poaching War Is Killing Innocent People Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network: #VICENews #News

Expat Rights
7fszkP--iqM | 14 Jan 2022
CBA Player Bus Racist Assault CBA球员公交车上的种族主义者攻击行为 Like? ▶️ SUBSCRIBE! Facebook ▶️ Douyin 抖音 ▶️ BaiPig WeChat Official Account 公众号 ▶️ ExpatRights TOP 10 1. China's SPOUSE VISA 🤵👰 SUCKS! 2. Prostitution & Law in China 3. “Chinese Women, Please Don’t Sleep With Foreigners” 4. I WANT A CHINESE ID CARD ! 5. We Teach Illegally For You, China 6. Do NOT Teach English in China! 7. No Employer Release Letter? 🚫 NO WORK VISA! 🚫 8. I am not American 🗽 我不是美国人 9. 62% of Hangzhou 3* Hotels REJECT Foreigners 10. STOP "Welcoming Me to China" 🛑 你不用再"欢迎我到中国"

Radim Passer
7pg1hhW5qhM | 09 Jan 2022
Many people have asked that we share raw footage from the GoPro from inside the car during the Top Speed test and so we did. We hope you enjoy the ride, this time from a different perspective. It is July 2021, and it's been six years since our last trip to the Autobahn near Wittenberg, Germany. We have been to this city a few times, to remind us of the great reformer - Martin Luther. We are thankful for his hunger for Truth, his obedience to the Word of God, rather than the traditions of man and his courage to stand up to tyranny and oppression, even if it would cost him his life. We recommend the book Great Controversy, where this history is explained and reveals what is happening in our time today and where we are heading. After our trip, on Sunday morning, we performed a speed test, but this time with the Bugatti Chiron. We also tested the Porsche 911 Turbo, Lamborghini Aventador and the Bentley Flying Spur. (Those cars are in a different video). The section of the A2 was a 3 lane, 10 km straightaway with a light descent in the middle, so there was visibility along the whole stretch. Safety was a priority, so the circumstances had to be safe to go. We thank God for the safety and good circumstances, as we were able to reach the speed of 414 km/h! We hope you enjoy the video and yes, we made this video for you to feel the excitement in the Chiron, but also to consider a relationship with Jesus, who brings true love, joy and hope to anybody who comes to Him. Blessings! Radim and his video team Full video of Bugatti Chiron vs Autobahn - Top Speed TEST Full video of Bugatti Veyron World Record on autobahn 402,5 km/h #bugatti #chiron #veyron

ouGLEtapOX8 | 10 Jul 2015
One of my all-time favorites, it's a peaty, smokey, delicious experience if you appreciate peat, and it's totally disgusting if you don't like peat :) Check out my Patreon page:

Loodgieter Den Haag Stad
2rKsyfcWjBw | 29 Aug 2014
ANO Loodgieter service en onderhoudsbedrijf laat u met een kort filmpje zien hoe je het beste kan kitten. Kit: Kit spatel super handig: Goedkoop uitpistool: Mijn camera: Mijn camera: Mijn lens: Mijn Variabel ND Filter:

Rh1Z1jhk6nY | 24 Dec 2009
Bridle Path and Kulp Elementary Schools Advanced and Beginner Band plays Jingle Bells December 16, 2009. No teacher was fired in the making of this concert! All elementary school band concerts sound this way at some point. The original version of the video "when you're the only person in band that practices". 00:00 Prep 02:11 "Performance" 04:25 Applause

TGqBs9Fx1bM | 12 Jul 2020
best music ive ever heard of soundcloud version of this masterpiece:

EWqXKB4FoXo | 11 Jul 2018
Occurred on July 5, 2018 / Methuen, Massachusetts, USA "Two girls, both 20 were heading home when one of the girls cars ran out of gas (which we did not know at the time.) In my smart defense I grabbed jumper cables thinking that was the issue with the car. I got cocky and bragged about how smart of a girl I was who knew how to fix cars on her own, how I had a hidden “trade” and continuously said “who needs men in life when you have me”, well karma bit me in the ass and next thing you know my both me and my friends cars lit up in flames and exploded because my smart, independent self put the jumper cables on backwards and started a giant fire to the point we had to call 911 and extinguish both the cars. As you can see in the first video of me claiming you don’t need men for anything: CLEARLY you do when you give a dumb blonde girl jumper cables and she explodes both cars." Contact [email protected] to license this or any ViralHog video. Make money from your videos! Submit footage to ViralHog @ Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

-St_ltH90Oc | 24 Jul 2008
Adam Savage answers a question about RFID Censorship after his talk on his Fascination with the Dodo Bird at the Last H.O.P.E. Hacker Conference ( which took place on July, 18-20 2008 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. --- Mythbusters Host Retracts RFID Censorship - Mythbusters host Adam Savage is retracting comments he made at a hackers conference where he said an episode exposing security flaws in credit card RFID technology was squelched by credit card company lawyers. In a new statement Adam says, " If I went into the detail of exactly why this story didn't get filmed, it's so bizarre and convoluted that no one would believe me, but suffice to say...the decision not to continue on with the RFID story was made by our production company, Beyond Productions, and had nothing to do with Discovery, or their ad sales department." --- Steven Levy gave the keynote address. Kevin Mitnick, Steve Rambam, Jello Biafra, and Adam Savage of MythBusters were also featured speakers at The Last H.O.P.E. Hackers Conference. The name referred to the expectation that this would have been the final H.O.P.E. conference due to the scheduled demolition of its venue, the Hotel Pennsylvania. is scheduled for Summer 2010. --- Includes the 'infamous' new-yourk point-of-view on 'unglazed' ceramic tiles for ovens to make 'better pizza', OMG!!!

2tR3gn2vw5Q | 02 Sep 2021
The school board got an earful during the public comments section of the Natomas (California) Unified School District's regular board meeting held on September 1, 2021. This meeting was held days after Project Veritas released an exposè showing a high school teacher in the district openly discussing how he tries to indoctrinate students with communist and antifa ideals. This video is a copy of the district's official video and is therefore in the public domain. Project Veritas' exposè:

Rebel News
P8QFmiioSQw | 18 Sep 2021
SIGN UP for the full (true) story: Don't believe a word of the fake news coming out of the mainstream media tonight. Police are NOT THE REAL VICTIMS of what happened today—this woman and scores of other defenceless protesters are. If anyone else did this, they'd be jailed. And so they should be. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. YouTube is censoring conservative and independent voices. We don't know how long we have left on YouTube. But you'll always be able to find us at Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, Rebel News doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews+ subscription, shopping in our online store, or any of the other methods below: ►Support our independent journalism - ►Sign up for our free emails and newsletters! - ►Charitable donations for 'Fight the Fines' can be made to The Democracy Fund - ►Donate in cryptocurrency - ►Rebel News Plus - Become a Premium Content subscriber - ►BUY Rebel News gear - ►LISTEN to our FREE podcast - Make sure to follow Rebel News on social media too! RUMBLE - ODYSEE - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - Subscribe to the "Rebel News Clips" channel on YouTube: An original video production by Rebel News.

45mgOuoVN4E | 09 Feb 2011
This poor guy pulled of the most polite robbery in history but was busted two days later by Seattle police when locals identified the robber after seeing the clip on the internet. -------------------------------------------- Visit our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe for more laughter!

JyChRYQNNPU | 09 Apr 2020
*DISCLAIMER* ALL CLIPS ARE PROVIDED WITH THE PERMISSION OF TWOMAD TWOMAD ZOOM RAIDS TWOMAD ZOOM ZOOM SCHOOL CLASS RAIDS MEMBER LINK Completely optional but much appreciated!! Follow on Twitter for updates join my discord server Dont forget to sub here for more clips #RANDOMCLASSRAID #ZOOMRAIDS #TWOMADHIGHLIGHTS Donate if you would like anything helps Check out TWOMAD After all he provides the content TWOMAD-

lOw6Ls4eZvw | 05 Apr 2020
*DISCLAIMER* ALL CLIPS ARE PROVIDED WITH THE PERMISSION OF TWOMAD TWOMAD ZOOM RAIDS TWOMAD ZOOM ZOOM SCHOOL CLASS RAIDS MEMBER LINK Completely optional but much appreciated!! Follow on Twitter for updates join my discord server Dont forget to sub here for more clips #RANDOMCLASSRAID #ZOOMRAIDS #TWOMADHIGHLIGHTS Donate if you would like anything helps Check out TWOMAD After all he provides the content TWOMAD-

MIpBK3ryjlA | 06 Apr 2020
*DISCLAIMER* ALL CLIPS ARE PROVIDED WITH THE PERMISSION OF TWOMAD TWOMAD ZOOM RAIDS TWOMAD ZOOM ZOOM SCHOOL CLASS RAIDS MEMBER LINK Completely optional but much appreciated!! Follow on Twitter for updates join my discord server Dont forget to sub here for more clips #ZOOMRAIDS #RANDOMCLASSRAID #TWOMADHIGHLIGHTS Donate if you would like anything helps Check out TWOMAD After all he provides the content TWOMAD-

Kmd9e0aMkGk | 08 Apr 2019
Op 20 maart 2019 is de voorstelling van Youtube verwijderd in verband met muziekrechten, hiervoor is de film al 152,917 keer bekeken. - Including English Subtitles - WEBSITE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: - Filmopnames: LOER FILMPRODUCTIES

oabh32a8n-A | 22 Sep 2018
Op 20 maart 2019 is de voorstelling van Youtube verwijderd in verband met muziekrechten, hiervoor is de film al 152,917 keer bekeken. Re-upload op youtube heeft de video Kmd9e0aMkGk, hier loopt de ondertiteling niet synchroon. Hier is de originele upload met de juiste ondertiteling. Het verwijderen van deze video heeft mij deze automatische youtube archief laten maken. --- On March 20, 2019, the show from YouTube was removed in connection with music rights, for which the film has already been viewed 152,917 times. Re-upload on youtube has the video Kmd9e0aMkGk, the subtitles are not synchronized there. Here is the original upload with correct subtitles. The deletion of this video has made me to create this automatic YouTube archive.

Omroep PowNed
jMpUpikKf1g | 21 Jan 2020
De gendergelijke ziekte raast door. Na aangepaste toiletten, begroetingen in het openbaar vervoer en genderneutraal speelgoed, moeten nu de verkeersborden eraan geloven. In Zwitserland en België worden deze al aangepast. De PvdA in Eindhoven wil nu dat de helft van de verkeersborden in de lichtstad vrouwelijk wordt. Want ook in Eindhoven moeten vrouwen zich kunnen identificeren met de plaatselijke verkeersborden. HOU POWNED IN DE LUCHT, WORD LID: Abonneer je op PowNed voor dagelijks verse videos! PowNed op Facebook: PowNed op Instagram: PowNed op Twitter: Volg ook de PowNed verslaggevers op Instagram! Adinda - Charlotte - Dennis - Mark - Nadia - Sensi - Vera -

Omroep PowNed
TGT1x9Bdmaw | 26 Feb 2019
Een techniekdocent van het Hoofdvaart College in Hoofddorp wordt beschuldigd van het beledigen van de profeet Mohammed en zit daarom al sinds januari thuis. Een unieke situatie die nogal wat stof doet opwaaien. Abonneer je op PowNed voor dagelijks verse videos! PowNed op Facebook: PowNed op Instagram: PowNed op Twitter: Volg ook de PowNed verslaggevers op Instagram! Sensi - Dennis - Charlotte - Nadia - Mark - Vera -

Omroep PowNed
_vbADRk1lqE | 30 Apr 2020
Opnieuw is Volkert van der Graaf de Nederlandse Staat te slim af. Omdat Justitie-minister Grapperhaus een handtekening vergat te zetten, moet de Staat bijna 3000 euro overmaken naar de moordenaar van Pim Fortuyn. Dit tot woede van de familie Fortuyn en zijn politieke vrienden. HOU POWNED IN DE LUCHT, WORD LID: SNEL CASHEN? WORD POWNED-CAMPAIGNER: Abonneer je op PowNed voor dagelijks verse videos! PowNed op Facebook: PowNed op Instagram: PowNed op Twitter:

ARLT7EfQv04 | 06 Jun 2017
T-SHIRT GOFUNDME: PATREON: PAYPAL: BITCOIN: 1HKhijBuxVrxdXCKQA7131sNdfoUFJZSg5 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: Twitter: @shuttershot45 Instagram: @shuttershot45

M-2Scfj4FZk | 29 Jul 2019
I don't know much about making computers, but I sure learned a lot when The Verge tried to make one. Tells you a lot about the credibility of these "tech reporters", in case you didn't already know they were run by Vox (which should be warning enough already). Their "how-to guide" video was posted September 13th, 2018, and less than a week later, Vox would take down this video, accuse it's critics of toxicity, harassment, and racism, before ultimately issuing illicit copyright takedown notices to Youtubers who posted responses addressing it's various errors, poor instruction, and misinformation. The Verge cited "editorial standards" as the reason for retracting the video, but that evidently hasn't stopped them before and it wasn't until an informed audience revealed their entire company to be a sham that they did anything about it. Please Remember: The Verge is a company of Vox journalists, they are not to be considered in touch with any dimension of reality. Their accompanying, albeit amended, article is still viewable. Needless to say, it should not be considered trustworthy PC building advice: Here's a mirror of the original video: KnowYourMeme's article on the fiasco: Youtubers appearing: #TipsterNews: KristoferYee: eTeknix: Wiltshire Tutorials: Bitwit: Tom5Tom Entertainment: TacoFist: Alexei Rivera - Technoclast:

Neil Halloran
bIAF7kBbGKk | 08 Aug 2017
Sequel to The Fallen of World War II, The Shadow Peace is a web series that combines data-visualization and cinematic storytelling to explore the driving factors of war and peace. Please consider supporting this audience-funded series on Patreon: The first episode looks at the numbers behind nuclear war and peacekeeping efforts. Composed largely of data-driven animation, the 15-minute film allows the viewer to pause at certain moments to interact with the content.

Neil Halloran
DwKPFT-RioU | 26 Oct 2016
An animated data-driven documentary about war and peace, The Fallen of World War II looks at the human cost of the second World War and sizes up the numbers to other wars in history, including trends in recent conflicts. Please consider supporting this series by becoming a Patreon supporter: Written, directed, coded, narrated by http:/// Sound and music by

Talks at Google
vsMydMDi3rI | 27 Nov 2017
For Google's Security and Privacy Month, we are honored to present the real Frank Abagnale, Renowned Cybersecurity And Fraud Prevention Expert, Bestselling A...

QEzhxP-pdos | 27 May 2013
Windows Paint is not always the best choice when editing images to be posted on the internet. Much of the original quality of images can be lost when exporting directly from Windows Paint. It can still be avoided, however, by exporting/saving your image as a .PNG, and NOT a JPEG. Edit: Since the start, people keep asking me how I did this effect. I used After Effects to make this (I don't have it anymore). I used some automation (plugin) and keyframed the jpeg quality from 100 to 0. You could just export single frames of the video at a progressively lower JPEG quality, combine the images into a sequence, and then back into a single video. Most video editing packages should be able to do that, including Blender, which I practice using on and off.

fHMZmthg-Vk | 04 Jun 2019
On June 4, 1989, Chinese troops expelled thousands of demonstrators from Tiananmen Square, killing an unknown number. One day later, a lone protester stood his ground before a column of tanks. The iconic image of the Tank Man, captured by Western photographers, was one China never wanted the world to see. In 2006, FRONTLINE investigated the mystery of the Tank Man — his identity, his fate, and his significance. #TankMan #TiananmenSquare #China This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS Station here: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook: FRONTLINE is streaming more than 200 documentaries online, for free, here: Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Major funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation, the Park Foundation, The John and Helen Glessner Family Trust, and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation.

Condition One
Vr95Hir8bzw | 06 Jun 2019
Bold animal rights activists from Direct Action Everywhere stormed an industrial duck farm and slaughterhouse, locking their necks to the slaughter line to halt the killing of the animals in Petaluma, California on June 3rd, 2019. After the slaughter line was stopped, Thomas Chiang along with other activists locked themselves to the slaughter line. The slaughter line restarted, strangling Thomas Chiang in the process. One of the slaughterhouse workers rushed in, taking hold of the slaughter line in an attempt to stop it from advancing. The camera operator held Thomas Chiang up to take pressure off his neck. It is unknown how the line was stopped again, but Thomas Chiang was unlocked by activists. The Sonoma County Sheriffs Office told ABC7 they looked into the incident. Reichardt Farm told them it was an accident and that the employee who turned on the machine inside, was unaware the protestors were chained to it outside. 32 ducklings were rescued during the action and brought to a sanctuary. Nearly 100 activists were arrested in a defiant act of non-violent civil disobedience in protest of the confinement and slaughter of animals.

dK2Tyhxv4OQ | 10 Feb 2012
A video tour inside Kim Dotcom's mansion by his very own bodyguard (taken February 2012) NO Copyright Infringement is intended Video belongs to: Mediaworks TV TV3 - NZ Campbell Live

7rZAYYbbk0A | 13 Aug 2017
So me and my friends got matched up against "Riot fe" CSGO team and won 16-14 on mirage. Here's their hltv profile: Here is zon1q's twitch account: And marions: Music: Offenbach - Can Can Music Some clarifications : About my POV - If you're using ShadowPlay, you'll understand me better. With ShadowPlay you can record the last minute or so (depends on how much u change it in the settings) of your gameplay, which is exactly why I have 1 clip from my POV but not the whole game Stream sniping: No neither I, nor my teammates stream sniped them, I cant prove it tho, its up to you to believe what you want. We threw 2 mollies to CT corner, cuz I was in shadow (under palace) and saw the tiny pixel of her awp sticking out from CT, gave the info to my mates and thats why we double mollied. PLEASE don't be toxic in the comment section.

_fHfgU8oMSo | 02 Apr 2018
Anchors at Sinclair-owned local news station parrot a script pushing Trump talking points and “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories plaguing our country.” Subscribe to Deadspin: Visit us at: Like us at: Follow us at: Watch more from Fusion friends: Splinter: F-Comedy: Fusion TV: Gizmodo: Kotaku: Jezebel: Lifehacker: io9: Jalopnik: Sploid: The Root: Earther:

Osbwd6d66wA | 14 Apr 2021
Conservative state legislators are taking a page from the playbook of pro-immigration activists and the marijuana legalization movement. Full text and links: ------------------ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Reason is the planet's leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective. Go to for a point of view you won't get from legacy media and old left-right opinion magazines. ---------------- With President Joe Biden issuing a flurry of executive actions last week to strengthen federal gun laws, state representatives across the country are working in the opposite direction, taking a page from the playbook of immigration activists by advancing legislation that would make their enforcement illegal. On April 6, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a Republican, signed the first gun control nullification bill into law. "Nullifying unconstitutional, federal laws is both legal and it's also the right thing to do," says Anthony Sabatini, a Republican lawmaker and member of the Florida House of Representatives. "It's silly to sit around and wait for something you know is unconstitutional," he tells Reason. "It's time to stand up and fight back. And the methods that we need to use are the ones already being used by the left." In 1987, Oregon passed a law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using public resources to arrest or detain people whose only crime was being in the country illegally. Since then, hundreds of other jurisdictions have passed similar laws, becoming so-called sanctuary cities. Conservative activists are employing the same strategy. While Arizona is the only state where such a bill has become law, elected officials have introduced similar bills in more than a dozen statehouses. "We know this stuff has been working and the right can continue to complain about the things that the left is successful at, or they can look at it, learn from it, and replicate it," Michael Boldin, the founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center, tells Reason. Sabatini is cosponsoring a bill in Florida called the "Second Amendment Preservation Act" that would prohibit any employee of the state of Florida from enforcing, or attempting to enforce "any federal act, law, executive order, administrative order, court order, rule, regulation, statute, or ordinance infringing on the right to keep and bear arms ensured by the Second Amendment." Defying federal law is something that a majority of states already do in one way or another, by becoming immigration sanctuaries or through the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana and other drugs that federal law still deems illegal. "In terms of the method it's identical," says Sabatini. In sanctuary cities, "they stopped reporting to or dealing with I.C.E., and that's basically what we're doing." Boldin says that for the nullification movement to succeed against gun control laws and beyond, more Americans will have to recognize that the most effective way to oppose federal policies that violate their rights is at the local level. "The whole idea of federalism is so important because it's the only way you can have a country with a few hundred million people living together with a wide range of social, economic, political viewpoints together in peace. What's right for people in California is probably not right for people in South Carolina and vice versa. And when we see things that come down from a one-size-fits-all centralized solution, I don't think anyone really ever gets what they want." Because 36 states have nullified federal marijuana prohibition, Boldin argues, there's mounting pressure for the federal government to follow suit. "I think we can replicate that on other issues and learn that localism is really the way forward for liberty." Produced by John Osterhoudt, additional camera by Zach Weissmueller, color correction by Regan Taylor Photos: Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa USA/Newscom; Nicole Neri/Reuters/Newscom; The Mises Institute; Jeff Malet Photography/Newscom.

عيضه المنهالي | Eida Al Menhali
xq9KS1CQmYc | 08 Nov 2015
لتنزيل "يا طارشي" من iTunes: اشترك الآن في قناة عيضه المنهالي الرسمية: عيضه المنهالي - يا طارشي (النسخة الأصلية) | 2003 Eidha Al Menhali - Ya Tareshy (Official Audio) | 2003 توزيع ديجيتال: شركة قنوات ـــــــــــــــــــــ Official Twitter: Official iTunes: Official Instagram: Official Google+: Official YouTube:

Watkins Xerxes
yKPdbEAmWGE | 06 Aug 2019
What a sad weekend. I just finished watching the President of the United States give his condolences to the families of the victims of the El Paso Walmart Shooting, and the Dayton Ohio Shooting. It is a tragedy for those families. It is a tragedy for Mexico, and the United States of America. It is indeed such a sad day, and time in the history of the world. The worst sort of monster shoots up random people, that it is the fact that insanity is obviously involved. One of these shooters even shot his own sister. It is terribly sad. We are lucky that at least he was not able to continue shooting, because quick acting law enforcement was able to kill him within a minute of his attack in Dayton. Hopefully service will be restored shortly. Again my thoughts and prayers are for the victims of violence everywhere. #Trump #Prince #Jim

Fronta Pax
ONsmJAyFAAw | 13 Aug 2015
Mega Explosion. HD+ At least 44 people are dead, among them 12 firefighters. Hospitals are dealing with an overwhelming influx of patients, as more than 500 people have been injured. Authorities say the explosions happened when a shipment of explosives being stored in a container detonated. China , Tianjin Gas Explosion am 12.08.2015. Mega Explosion, Massive Explosion, Vollbrand, Gas-Station, Footage, Extreme Explosion, Original, Super Explosion, Dashcam, Full Video, BBC, CNN

Corendon Hotels & Resorts
wInmDCBCZpY | 09 Apr 2020
English below. Lieve kijkers, bedankt allemaal voor het kijken!!!🙏😄 We hebben super leuke, interessante vragen van jullie binnengekregen. De piloot is hard aan het werk gezet!👨✈️ We hopen dat jullie hebben genoten van deze live tour en dat jullie nu een beter beeld hebben gekregen van wat er allemaal te zien is in onze Corendon Boeing 747. Zijn niet al je vragen beantwoorden tijdens de tour? Piloot Erwin heeft een aantal vragen beantwoord die je kan vinden op onze website: Houd onze Facebookpagina's en andere kanalen in de gaten voor updates en leuke acties. We hopen jullie snel weer te verwelkomen in onze Corendon Hotels ❤️ ✈️ ENGLISH: Have you ever dreamed of seeing the inside of a Boeing 747? Now is your chance! Watch our online live tour of this iconic aircraft in the comfort of your own home. Corendon Village Hotel Amsterdam has organized a live tour of our amazing Boeing 747. The pilot who last piloted this airplane talked about everything you need to know about the Boeing. Although the tour is in Dutch, it didn't make the experience any less spectacular! We guided you through the enormous jumbo jet and we let you discover all its secret spots. The tour included, among other things, a peek at the elusive black box (which is usually not black but actually orange), the flight attendants’ sleeping quarters, an exclusive look into the cargo compartment of the plane and of course, most spectacularly, the impressive cockpit. Strap yourself in for a wonderful adventure!

d1YBv2mWll0 | 15 Apr 2019
Now on Spotify and Apple Music ------------------------------------------------------ Audio mixing by Koaster:

GFS Valhalla
d0XdsYEBdtk | 05 Dec 2014
Air France Flight 139, originating from Tel Aviv, takes off from Athens. Minutes later, it is hijacked by two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - External Operations (PFLP-EO) and two Germans from the German "Revolutionary Cells". The hostages were eventually rescued from the old terminal of Entebbe International Airport in Uganda by Israel Defense Forces special forces troops.

ICT College - ROC Midden Nederland
zeGoRAbUbCM | 02 Oct 2019
Neem een kijkje op het ICT College. Maak kennis met onze studenten en docenten. Ontdek hoe ons onderwijs eruit ziet en welke opleidingsmogelijkheden je hebt. Jouw carrière in de ICT begint op het ICT College. Ben jij er klaar voor?

R4B36TMMGp4 | 06 Sep 2020
Taking an evening stroll from Shibuya to Shinjuku on a Friday night. Shibuya was pretty busy, but Shinjuku was absolutely empty. 📷 Follow on Instagram Checkout the 360° behind the scenes footage 👀 🌃 HDR Night Walks 🌙 🌙 For more night walks 🌙 🗺️ MAP Shibuya Station - Shinjuku Station - Become a channel member to get access to exclusive 360° behind the scenes footage! 🔴 Come hang with us on Twitch 💬 Chat with us on Discord 🧢 MERCH STORE 👕 🤝 Support us on Patreon! 00:00 Intro 00:33 Shibuya Station 05:05 Shibuya Crossing 07:22 Shibuya Center-gai 13:11 Shibuya Yokocho 16:23 Shibuya to Harajuku 29:34 Harajuku 37:17 Harajuku to Yoyogi 55:29 Yoyogi Station 01:01:01 South Shinjuku Station 01:09:12 Shinjuku #4kHDR #shibuya #shinjuku #HDRjapan #japan #tokyo #slowtv

Wiy_eHdj8kg | 04 Jun 2011
Bill opens up a computer hard drive to show how it is engineered. He describes how the "head" reads the magnetic information on the disk; reveals how a voice coil motor and a slider controls the position of that head. He also discusses how smooth a disk must be, and briefly mentions a mathematical technique that allows engineers to pack more information on a drive.

Uv_zBYlZJR8 | 06 Oct 2019
In 2012, while living in China, longtime e-waste recycler Eric Lundgren manufactured 28,000 PC restore discs to be used in refurbished computers sold in the United States. The shipment of discs, exact copies of Dell-branded Microsoft Windows CDs, immediately raised suspicions with U.S. Customs officers, beginning a chain of events that would alter Lundgren’s life for the next seven years. VICE follows the prolific computer refurbisher as he's sentenced to—and released from—federal prison. Click here to subscribe to VICE: About VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE. Connect with VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: More videos from the VICE network: Click here to get the best of VICE daily: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: The VICE YouTube Network: VICE: MUNCHIES: VICE News: VICELAND: Broadly: Noisey: Motherboard: VICE Sports: i-D: Waypoint:

9vz06QO3UkQ | 01 Jul 2014
This is the FULL MOVIE! - The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him. The film tells his story up to his eventual suicide after a legal battle, and explores the questions of access to information and civil liberties that drove his work. Director / Producer: Brian Knappenberger Contact Information: This movie is made available under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Remix, transform and build upon the material as you like Please support the creators of this movie! Rent it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Instant, XBox Video, Vudu, Sony Entertainment Network or other platforms or see it in the cinema. you can also load the full movie here:

Alec Connectify
klAilfISoug | 03 Dec 2013
Ever notice those labels on the box of a space heater that says what room size they are best suited for? Well get ready, cause in this video you'll find out why those are nothing but lies. If you don't understand why this is true (or don't believe me) check out this video for more definitive proof: While different types of space heaters have their advantages, nearly all space heaters use the same amount of electricity. Because of this, all space heaters produce the same amount of heat. This video explains how to choose a space heater for your needs, and why there is no use comparing the "efficiency" of a space heater.

Alec Connectify
Vdwy8RPByLA | 15 Jan 2014
Confused? See the original video here: A response to a comment on my original video regarding why space heater room size ratings are essentially made up. I performed an experiment with the oil-filled heater and small ceramic heater (which are supposedly ideal for large and small rooms, respectively) to see if one really did outperform the other, or if there really wasn't a difference. The results are surprising.

Twitch Switch
jmfJ2TxFMHs | 30 Nov 2017
iDubbbz is not happy with his girlfriend's opinion on Nickleback If you guys liked the video then hit like and open the link and support us. THANKS.

Youtube Pedant
fT4lDU-QLUY | 20 Apr 2016
Captured from a D-Theater HD DVHS Demo Tape by Posted here (on my supplementary channel) as it has a copyright claim on the soundtrack. If you want to subscribe - the main Techmoan channel is The full Retro-Tech D-VHS video is here: In 2002 D-Theater launched in the US - the dealers needed a demo tape of HD footage. JVC reused some HD video that had been shot as a demo for the Japanese HD market back in 1993. This footage would have most likely been originally used for a HiVision MUSE demo (an HD Broadcast, Tape & Laserdisc format). You can determine that the year is 1993 by the adverts in Times Square - The Radio 501 CD that's advertised on a billboard came out in 1993 and Paper Moon is playing at the Marquis Theater. For those wondering what HD video camera tech existed in 1993 - there are a few options, but it's likely that this footage was shot with a HDVS camera- perhaps a Sony SONY HDC-500 attached to a HDV-10 portable recorder which recorded on UniHi 3/4" tape. Music - Living for the City - Muzak Version (Originally Stevie Wonder) / Autumn in New York - Kimiko Itoh

lGnOCR0aJWs | 18 Sep 2017
If you liked the video leave a like! Support/Follow Forsen: TWITCH → TWITTER → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Editor: TWITTER → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Outro: by songname: Forsenbajs

LF6AZEOFJ_A | 25 May 2018
Here's a D-VHS Demonstration tape, featuring HD recordings of Japan, America, and Spain from the early to late 90s. Pretty cool shit not gonna lie. This was played back on my JVC DH30000U D-VHS player, recorded with the Elgato Game Capture HD with component cables. 1080i60 video deinterlaced to 1080p60 with Handbrake. Any sort of weird glitches is the fault of my player, or the tape, not sure. Not sure how to fix it. I really don't think YouTube does this justice (given that they compress the video quality even at 1080p), so if y'all want to see how this truly looks (deinterlaced of course) here's the raw file (warning: huge, like really huge, like 14 GB huge):!v11w3ZZa!Sxa98c3V2ikpbhIBew0I8fJyjaN3jP_zmwPIu-06Ta8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Channel - Gaming Channel - Website - Twitter - Twitch - Instagram - SoundCloud - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

民視英語新聞 Formosa TV English News
UlCYFh8U2xM | 30 Mar 2020
A senior WHO official has raised hackles in Taiwan by appearing to dodge questions about Taiwan''s exclusion from the world health body. During an interview via video chat with a Hong Kong media outlet, Bruce Aylward, a Canadian epidemiologist, remained silent for about ten seconds when asked if the WHO should reconsider Taiwan''s membership. After their video hook-up appeared to be disconnected, the interviewer called him back. This time Aylward declared that if he had contracted the coronavirus, he would want to be treated in China. When Aylward was asked about Taiwan, he stalled for close to ten seconds, and avoided a reporter’s question, but the reporter persisted. Aylward is an assistant director general at the WHO and is a Canadian-trained epidemiologist. Ever since the pandemic broke out, he has constantly sung China’s praises. Bruce Aylward (March 9)WHO Assistant Directors General I left inspired and with a deep admiration for the common Chinese people that I worked with.Bruce Aylward (February 25)WHO Assistant Directors General If I had COVID-19, I would want to be treated in China. Lin Shih-chia, the CEO of the Foundation of Medical Professionals Alliance, lamented that the WHO has been deeply poisoned by Chinese influence. He said he believed that once the pandemic was over, each nation would seriously consider how to reform these kinds of international organizations that have been heavily infiltrated by China.

jPlniPH0lgo | 29 Oct 2016
The women of Godiva Gaming have crafted a tight-knit group of friends who support each other online and in real life. Together they have navigated online safety, how to build healthy friendships, how to decide whom to trust, and what to do when things go wrong. At this panel, they will share their best tips and tricks for navigating online friendships.

PA8600: Tech Videos and More!
mBgIBF9Y6PE | 27 Mar 2017
Terry A Davis responds to the haters who don't understand how TempleOS works, and how he wrote his own compiler and OS in under 2 megs. Also he calls out the CIA. RIP Terry A Davis, the smartest programmer who ever lived.

If Americans Knew
4xl30Re1EUI | 02 Feb 2021
An exposé on Israel's detailed projects – some public, some covert – to influence what people see on the Internet, and what they don't. From the article, "How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet" – the article has additional information and citations. Since the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, it is essential that Americans are thoroughly informed on this issue. We've made four versions of this video. This article gives the background: (1) The original version of this video was removed by YouTube under erroneous claims. (2) Our second attempt was permitted by YouTube but age restricted, again unjustly. (3) We then posted a version that included text that described the previous censorship, and that version was permitted – (4) This video is that version without the introductory text. Follow us on: BitChute - d-tube -!/c/iak Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Sponsor us on Patreon - Make a Donation - Video also available in: Italian - (removed) Spanish -

Steven Morgan
lgGmYeAm0jk | 04 Feb 2021
The best bits of the extraordinary meeting of the Handforth Parish Council Planning and Environment Committee held on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 7:00pm, the meeting was held using Zoom video technology. Minutes: Full video: Prequel: Facebook beeves: Twitter:

ESC Stuff
fguyPO9T4Vs | 17 Oct 2020
Eurovision Song Contest 1976 Date: 3 April 1976 Host Venue: Nederlands Congresgebouw, The Hague, Netherlands Presenters: Corry Brokken & Hans van Willigenburg (green room) Musical director: Jan Stulen Directed by Theo Ordeman Executive supervisor: Clifford Brown Executive producer: Fred Oster Host broadcaster: Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) Interval act: The Dutch Swing College Band The Eurovision Song Contest 1976 was the 21st edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. It was hosted by NOS and held in The Hague, Netherlands. The arena for the event was the Nederlands Congrescentrum. Teach-In's victory in Stockholm the previous year gave The Netherlands the right to host the contest for the third time. The Contest was won by Brotherhood of Man, who sang "Save Your Kisses for Me" in English, representing the United Kingdom. The Hague is the seat of government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the capital city of the province of South Holland. It is also the third largest city of the Netherlands, after Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Located in the west of the Netherlands, The Hague is in the centre of the Haaglanden conurbation and lies at the southwest corner of the larger Randstad conurbation. The contest took place at the Congresgebouw (presently known as the World Forum). The venue was constructed in 1969. The scoring system introduced in the previous year's competition returned in 1976. Each jury gave 12 points to the best song, 10 to the second best, then 8 to the third, and then 7 to 1 (from fourth to tenth best song, according to the jury). Unlike today, the points were not given in order (from 1 up to 12), but in the order the songs were performed. The current procedure was not established until 1980. Sweden, Malta and Turkey did not enter after their participation the year prior, while Austria and Greece returned to the contest, making for eighteen participating countries. Sweden did not enter in the contest, as broadcaster Sveriges Radio (SR) did not have enough money to host another contest if Sweden won again. A new rule was therefore introduced that in the future each broadcaster participating would have to pay a part of the cost of staging the contest. As the author and historian John Kennedy O'Connor notes in his book The Eurovision Song Contest – The Official History, there had been public demonstrations in Sweden against the contest, which also played a part in SR's decision not to take part.[2] The same book also notes that the victorious song went on to become the biggest selling winning single in the history of the contest and won with 80.39% of the possible maximum score and an average of 9.65 of 12; a record under the voting system introduced in 1975. Five artists returned to the contest in 1976. Fredi who represented Finland in 1967, Anneli Koivisto who represented Finland in 1971 as part of the duo Koivistolaiset, Sandra Reemer returned having represented Netherlands in 1972, Peter, Sue and Marc also returned having represented Switzerland in 1971, and finally Anne-Karine Strøm represented Norway again having last done so in 1974; she repeated her finishing result by coming last once more. Results: Draw Country Artist Song Language Place Points 01 United Kingdom Brotherhood of Man "Save Your Kisses for Me" English 1 164 02 Switzerland Peter, Sue and Marc "Djambo, Djambo" English 4 91 03 Germany Les Humphries Singers "Sing Sang Song" German, English 15 12 04 Israel Chocolate, Menta, Mastik "Emor Shalom" (אמור שלום) Hebrew 6 77 05 Luxembourg Jürgen Marcus "Chansons pour ceux qui s'aiment" French 14 17 06 Belgium Pierre Rapsat "Judy et Cie" French 8 68 07 Ireland Red Hurley "When" English 10 54 08 Netherlands Sandra Reemer "The Party's Over" English 9 56 09 Norway Anne-Karine Strøm "Mata Hari" English 18 7 10 Greece Mariza Koch "Panagia mou, Panagia mou" (Παναγιά μου, Παναγιά μου) Greek 13 20 11 Finland Fredi & The Friends "Pump-Pump" English 11 44 12 Spain Braulio "Sobran las palabras" Spanish 16 11 13 Italy Al Bano & Romina Power "We'll Live It All Again" English, Italian 7 69 14 Austria Waterloo & Robinson "My Little World" English 5 80 15 Portugal Carlos do Carmo "Uma flor de verde pinho" Portuguese 12 24 16 Monaco Mary Christy "Toi, la musique et moi" French 3 93 17 France Catherine Ferry "Un, deux, trois" French 2 147 18 Yugoslavia Ambasadori "Ne mogu skriti svoju bol" (Не могу скрити своју бол) Serbo-Croatian 17 10

Prince Noob
4Q4O5ztz92o | 31 Jan 2019
Best moments of Uganda Morning Breeze Homosexuality Debate 18th Dec NBS TV by Pastor Sempa VS LGBTI Activist Pepe Julian. To contribute subtitle and closed captions:

5JB6qiJ5n5w | 27 Jan 2020
At a recent Change My Mind event at the Dallas Women's March, Steven gets assaulted by two (beautiful and brave) transgender individuals... Want to watch the full show every day? Join #MugClub! Use promo codes "student" "veteran" "military" to get daily access for $69/year! Shop the official #LWC store: Follow me on Twitter: Like me on Facebook: Find behind the scenes footage on instagram:

vabXXkZjKiw | 17 Jan 2018
So guys, I wanna tell you something: Faith and belief is the one thing we will need to be able to change the world. And right now, I believe, that in this room, we have the seed, that’s gonna germinate, and that is going to EXPLODE, into an AMAZING opportunity for us to change this entire world! Dont be like Carlos, buy your cryptocurrencies in the best exchange: What is Binance? Binance is the fastest growing exchange for trading cryptocurrencies. In the short duration of 5 months, it has reached the 10th position among the top volume cryptocurrency \ exchanges. Binance has become so popular due to some of the factors such as availability in multiple languages, very neat user interface, and it also enables processing the orders at an extremely high speed. Binance exchange is available only for trading cryptocurrencies, hence, it is not available for any FIAT wired deposits.

Argentina Shelite
hUtrkfLKyFE | 14 Aug 2015
Tianjin Explosion Video & Photo Compilation Stabilized HD 12 04 2015 China, Tianjin Explosion Video & Photo Compilation Stabilized HD 12 04 2015 China

QNI6l0Bbloc | 05 Jun 2016
*Turn on Captioning - some of it is hard to hear and it's worth it!* Protestors get triggered as Dad cracks a joke while walking by with his sons. The scene takes place outside of Cafe Gratitude in Venice Beach, CA. The protestors are boycotting the restaurant because the owners of Cafe Gratitude (a vegan restaurant) eat meat from their own farm in Hawaii. The owners were even getting death threats from animal rights activists. See more here: Protestors are claiming that artificial insemination of livestock is rape - something that Cafe Gratitude (a vegan cafe) owners are doing on their private farm in Hawaii. After screaming "You cannot compassionately rape someone," Dad cracks joke referencing Mike Tyson and Kobe Bryant. Protestor yells to Dad "why don't you come rape my 6ft, 200lb ass." The scene couldn't get more ridiculous: screaming in stilettos, sons carrying a chicken, and angry protestors with bull horns - only in Venice.

Stop And Think
dBMrzibEwZA | 05 Nov 2016
September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor For Educational Purposes Only - Producer Grants Permission To Distribute Freely "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. All the most important issues in the debate are presented in full detail, showing both the positions of those who reject the official version, the 9/11 Truth Movement, and the positions of those who support it, called "the debunkers." You can be the judge. Source: September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor - September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor - Trailer - VIDEO - September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) - Time - 4:53:42 You can also purchase the DVD from Amazon - ($29.00) Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Sascha Pollok
vQ5MA685ApE | 05 Oct 2010
Five guys moving a server to a new datacenter without shutting it down. Without cutting it off from the internet. And as using a car would have been too easy, they used public transport.

CuBF0ErWIhQ | 28 Mar 2016
Согласно оф.документа причина излом изолятора ШР при отключении по причине замерзания ножа в губках и старения фарфора. Приложили дополнительное усилие и оно развалилось.. ДЗТ и МТЗ сработала сразу, но коммутационный аппарат не сработал на отключение изза дефекта выходного реле 2РП, заводской дефект пайки катушки.

BBC News
PLzgtpd5D3s | 17 May 2017
A brawl broke out between supporters and opponents of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington DC, injuring nine. Video footage from the scene shows several people with bloody injuries, as punches are thrown and police deploy their batons. Demonstrator Flint Arthur, from Baltimore, told CNN: "They think they can engage in the same sort of suppression of protest and free speech that they engage in in Turkey." The Turkish leader met US President Donald Trump for talks in Washington on Tuesday. Please subscribe HERE World In Pictures Big Hitters Just Good News

Ole Tange
zdStj-EOPSI | 23 Jul 2011
This is the 12-minute video by the murderer Anders Behring Breivik. I do not agree with the video, but together with Breiviks 'The Declaration of Independence of Europe' they are important historical documents that people have the right to see and judge for themselves. Please vote as if the video was uploaded by Anders, but do NOT flag it as offensive: It is important that others can also watch the video to form their own opinion. And DO feel free to leave your opinion as a comment on the video.

xFqmzqIn2_Y | 29 Sep 2010
WBNS television was testing 'high definition' video cameras back in 1998 and 1999. On May 20th, 1999, the station sent several employees to New York City to shoot HD video of the city. The video includes HD shots of The World Trade Center, Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, and much more as it was back in 1999. The video has sat in WBNS' large archives until now. This video is dedicated to the people of New York and their history.

_XDVv9UQkvc | 22 Jun 2011
WBNS television was testing 'high definition' video cameras back in 1998 and 1999. On September 9th, 1998, WBNS photographers and engineers went into downtown Columbus for the station's first, field test.

Channel 4 News
vFZZF39fgWM | 28 Mar 2020
These are the astonishing before and after scenes from cities around the world - as countries go into lockdown to combat the coronavirus. (Subscribe: ------- Watch more of our explainer series here - Get more news at our site - Follow us: Facebook - Twitter -

zu9gklzdz3A | 27 Jun 2019
If you spotted Snake-Cat before the alert you actually have 10,000 IQ confirmed and fact checked by the Big Brain Society. Original Cat Video here: The rest is songs from the original Metal Gear Solid

Courier Newsroom
x6U2Un5kEdI | 26 May 2020
Read more here: Amazon is taking proactive action ahead of Wednesday’s annual shareholders meeting—at which investors plan on demanding the company address worker safety issues after at least eight warehouse employees have died of Covid-19—by pushing a propaganda package to local news outlets that promote the corporation’s health and safety efforts. While most TV news professionals have scoffed at the idea of running Amazon-provided content as news, at least ten stations across the country ran some form of the package on their news broadcasts.