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HlH5VHp-zcY | 21 Sep 2022
This video demonstrates in detail the AK-12 development process and how active feedback from the troops influenced the rifle design. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: AK-12 has been in service for 4 years and is part of the Ratnik equipment kit. Today, the 5.45 mm AK-12 Kalashnikov is the standard service assault rifle of infantry and other units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Andrey Lushnikov, Head of Department of Combat Small Arms of the Kalashnikov Design and Technology Center, will answer the key questions about AK-12: • What were the objectives of its development? • How did the feedback from the troops affect the design of the rifle? • Why are the windows located in the magazine front part, and not in its back? • Is it possible to introduce an ambidextrous selector/safety switch on AK-12? #kalashnikov #ak12 #army

fYBx_92A6zM | 09 Sep 2022
What are the key features of the new generation explosive reactive armor based on 4S24 ERA elements? Let's find out! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: ERA system provides protection against: - monoblock RPGs; - B-32 AP bullets; - 23 mm API rounds; - 30 mm AP rounds. ERA modules do not detonate being hit by: - API bullets; - rounds of up to 30 mm caliber; - fragments of large caliber HE shells; - while burning of Napalm-type incendiaries. Overall weight of the ERA system: 4,200 kg.

FIkEFzHX450 | 02 Aug 2022
In this release, Georgy Gubich, Kalashnikov's expert, continues to demonstrate the advantages of the carbine. There are at least three reasons to watch the second part of the video about the TR3 carbine design features right now. Firstly, Georgy Gubich armed himself with a thermometer and conducted a series of the most objective and unbiased experiments. Secondly, you will find a unique advertising integration. And thirdly, you will finally find out why we fired up the barbecue. If you missed the first part, we recommend you start watching from it! You can plunge into the unique atmosphere of the cinematograph of the 20s of the XX century. In addition, this is a quite funny video, and even informative sometimes. Watch the video "Fundamental differences between TR3 and Saiga or the story about the magic patch. Part 1":

RMXGVabgB20 | 26 Jul 2022
To find out how two popular carbines differ, we decided to study secret films. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: In this video, you can watch how a man who looks like Georgy Gubich uses mystical skills to improve his weapons. But seriously, Georgy's natural charm, the ability to read lips and the ability to draw the right conclusions from gestures helped us create this video. Let us briefly remind of the characteristics of TR3 gen.2 5.45×39. The TR3 self-loading carbine chambered for 5.45×39 rounds was developed on the basis of AK-12 Kalashnikov assault rifle and received a complete external resemblance to it. The TR3 features improved ergonomics and is compatible with modern sights, while retaining all the original Kalashnikov features. The carbine is designed for target practice, competitive shooting, and hunting. Barrel length — 415 mm Round used — 5.45×39 mm Magazine capacity — 10 rounds Weight — 3.8 kg Watch the video to find out how to turn Saiga-MK rev.30 into TR3 gen.2 using a patch and a slight resentment, and how many stages of magical mastery you need to overcome for this. #kalashnikov #weapons

psWdhn8iGAE | 08 Jun 2022
The pistol hit the shelves on February 23, 2022, and we have a video showing it in action. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The PM PRO 9 is a less-lethal pistol based on the legendary Makarov, designed for self-defense, practice shooting, and sports. The PM PRO features Glock-type mount for rear sight. More about Kalashnikov's newest offering: • new barrel allows to use more powerful cartridge; • new milled slide; • hi-vis inserts in the front and rear sights; • new magazine base plate. The pistol can use standard PM/MP-79-9TM magazines. Specifications: cartridge: 9 mm PA; weight, g: 750; barrel length, mm: 93,5; overall length, mm: 166; magazine capacity, rounds: 8; Russian nationals over 21 years of age can legally purchase the PM PRO 9 less-lethal pistol. #kalashnikov #pistol #Makarov

4FcXstdDOc4 | 24 Sep 2021
Ratnik is the new combat equipment system for Russian military and one of the major Russian Army modernization projects. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The AK-12, AK-15, and AK-19 assault rifle series were designed to improve the Ratnik system performance for different conditions and scenarios. Main features: Adjustable buttstock; Picatinny rail on the dust cover holds zero throughout the life cycle of the rifle; Aperture sight; Free-float handguard; Quick-detachable muzzle devices; Ergonomic pistol grip with integrated trigger guard; Picatinny rails on the handguard for additional equipment. #Ratnik #АК12 #АК15 #АК19 #Kalashnikov

cW4BfU68C8M | 10 Sep 2021
In this video, we are going to answer one of the frequently asked questions — what are the actual differences between Russian Kalashnikov AK-103, AK-203, AK-15 and PPK-20 submachine gun. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: #AK103 #AK203 #AK15 #PPK20

cs9070uW2GY | 28 Aug 2021
New Product Introduced at Army 2021 International Military and Technical Forum. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Rybinsk Shipyard (a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov Group) has developed DS-RIB, Russia's first inflatable tactical boat designed for rapid transportation of special forces teams. A unique feature of the DS-RIB tactical boat is its inflation system. It only takes 45 seconds to inflate the boat from a compressed air cylinder. The inflation system allows to do that right out at sea. Another advantage of the DS-RIB is its extremely compact size. A pair of folded DS-RIBs will easily fit in the trunk of an SUV. When folded in a shipping case, the boat is less than 500 mm in diameter, allowing to deploy it through a submarine's torpedo tube. The boat can also be airlifted unfolded, sling-mounted to a helicopter. The boat is available in two options: The DS-RIB 450 is 4.5 m long and 1.85 m wide, weighs 70 kg and accommodates eight passengers. The boat is powered by a 50-hp LS engine and has a cruising speed of 50-60 km/h. The second option, DS-RIB 530, can accommodate from 10 to 12 people. The larger boat is 5.4 m long and 2.34 m wide, weighing 110 kg. With two 30-hp SS engines, its cruising speed is 40-60 km/h. Twitter: #SpecialForces #Kalashnikov

TdyvKyhyLws | 26 Aug 2021
The new AKV-521 carbine had passed full line of tests. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: - The forend is completely freefloated - Safety adapted for right and left hand - Captive reciever pins - Upper reciever with 35-slot 1913-MIL-STD top rail provides stable base for any kind of optic combos without risk of loosing zero - Left side charging handle - The ability to adapt to the task, using changeble upper recievers with different calibers and barrel lengths - High level of unification with current Kalashnikov model lines Twitter: #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

_XRLG56HNgk | 26 Aug 2021
Watch the video to see what @Armapedia thinks about Kalashnikov weapons. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: #Kalashnikov #Armapedia #Army2021

NL2obcfuH9k | 24 Aug 2021

HkeAcGimnTI | 22 Aug 2021
For the first time, at the International Military-Technical Forum, “ARMY 2021” Kalashnikov Group is going to unveil a prototype of the 9 mm submachine gun PPK-20. New submachine gun was independently designed as a part of “Vityaz-MO” R&D project. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The PPK-20 has completed state trials, and is now awaiting the final decision of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in regards to adoption by the Armed Forces. The PPK-20 was significantly modified to make it more compact, and now it is under consideration to become a new weapon system in the pilot’s personal survival kit for the Russian Aerospace Forces. The PPK-20 tests carried out at the RF MOD State Flight Test Centre in Aktyubinsk, confirmed that it could be placed in an ejection seat; tests are continuing to assess the effectiveness of the changes made. If the trials are successful, Kalashnikov Group is ready to start production of the PPK-20, which also has significant export potential. The PPK-20 can also serve as PDW (Personal Defence Weapon), a firearm for combat vehicle crews or various support units, and for Special Forces units that operate in urban areas, inside structures and vehicles, and in crowded environments. The length of the PPK-20 with the folded butt stock is only 41 cm. The trials showed that when 7N21 ammunition is used, PPK-20 could penetrate Level 3A body armour (NIJ standard). With this round, the muzzle velocity of the PPK-20 is nearly 470 m/s, and the point blank range at a full-height target is 360 m. #Kalashnikov #submachinegun #ARMY2021

HSjziy_2sfY | 11 Jun 2021
Valentin Vlasenko, Head of the Civilian Firearms Design Center at Kalashnikov Concern, answers questions by Kalashnikov Club members. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Will there be a less-lethal version of the PLK? What happens with the Saiga 410? What's next for the MP-155 Ultima and AKV-521? Why are things like that, where are things gone, and when are they going to be back? We picked almost 30 of your questions about various civilian weapons, from sporting to hunting, for Episode 1 of the Vlasenko Shoots Back series. Valentin Vlasenko, Head of the Civilian Firearms Design Center at Kalashnikov Concern, answered them. #Kalashnikov #CivilianFirearms

CnllU78Uadw | 04 Jun 2021
A new episode in the series devoted to the AKV-521, this time about the .366 TKM version, certified as a smoothbore gun. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The AKV-521 is a new model by Kalashnikov that combines all the most effective tech the AK system can offer. Valentin Vlasenko, Head of the Civilian Firearms Design RnD Center at Kalashnikov Concern, will show you its special features. Check out other videos about the AKV-521: #Kalashnikov #AKV521

fp0Nxk3Uvbs | 29 May 2021
We compare modern sighting devices for shooting in limited visibility conditions and tell you about the advantages they offer a hunter. Do not forget to give us a like if you've liked it and subscribe to the channel (if you haven't done it yet): And if you don't want to miss our next video, click on the bell sign too! The night vision scope and thermal imager operate using the same IR range, but different wavelengths. The night vision scope is fundamentally not that much different from a conventional telescopic sight, it simply features a light amplifying element called an image intensifier. Therefore, we see the actual image in the eyepiece, just as in a regular scope. This is also the reason why a night vision scope without illumination is useless in total darkness. There is simply nothing to intensify. The principle on which a thermal imager operates is somewhat different: the infrared gets through the lens and hits the sensor operated by microbolometers. The sensor data is then processed and fed to the screen. Lighting does not matter for the thermal imager, as it picks up temperature differences between objects. In our new video, Kalashnikov expert Yevgeniy Spiridonov talks in-depth about the right way to use these devices in limited visibility conditions and the new opportunities they offer to a modern hunter. #Kalashnikov #hunter

QRa_W2FyIXI | 26 May 2021
Kalashnikov Group conducted Successful Trials of the Vikhr Guided Missiles. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Together with the KBP JSC, NTsV Mil&Kamov JSC and the Aerospace Forces of Russia, the Kalashnikov Group conducted successful flight trials of the Vikhr guided missiles. In the course of the trials at the Russian Ministry proving ground, 22 missile launches were conducted by a Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance/attack helicopter. As part of the revision work, the probability of hitting targets at short ranges was increased, and the flight stability was improved. These upgrades were introduced without hindering the missile’s core characteristics. Works to update the missile were conducted proactively at the design bureau’s initiative. The trials confirmed the effect of the upgrades. #Kalashnikov #VikhrGuidedMissiles

Qgb5_5jeGMY | 21 May 2021
The TG2 smoothbore carbine, based on the Saiga .308, a semi-auto rifled carbine chambered in .308 Winchester, inherited all the benefits of its predecessor. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: AK RELIABILITY & AK SIMPLICITY RUGGED BUILD Rugged build, reinforced to take a powerful cartridge. The smoothbore carbine is visually identical to the Saiga .308 semi-auto carbine. The gun is designed to take .366 Magnum cartridges. ADJUSTABLE REAR SIGHT The classic AK pattern rear sight is adjustable for elevation. RAIL FOR SCOPES AND MOUNTS The dovetail side rail allows for outfitting the carbine with a variety of regular and night scopes. REMOVABLE MUZZLE BRAKE The default muzzle device can be taken off and replaced with another one at the shooter's choice. M24×1.5 RIGHT-HAND The muzzle rifling is right-hand M24×1.5. 8-ROUND MAGAZINE The short 8-round magazine was designed specially for this carbine. FOLDING BUTTSTOCK The folding buttstock saves space when carrying the gun. #kalashnikov #smoothborecarbine

XQaDzfLj7Vg | 04 Mar 2021
The first thing that many of our subscribers associate the IDEX 2021 defence exhibition in Abu Dhabi with is gold-plated assault rifles. But well, it definitely was not limited by them. Check out this video for more details. Do not forget to give us a like if you've liked it and subscribe to the channel (if you haven't done it yet): And if you don't want to miss our next video, click on the bell sign too! In this video, Valentin Vlasenko, the head of Kalashnikov Concern Civilian Small Arms R&D Center, explains what kinds of interesting small arms were presented by foreign companies at IDEX 2021 and introduces the features of each system. It is surely very interesting!

o0jwaxDPh8c | 02 Mar 2021
This video covers what's probably the main feature of AKV-521. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Today, people in Russia can hold 5 green slips for 5 smoothbore guns, and another 5 red slips for rifles. So, if one wanted to have two AKs - well, Saigas - chambered in 5.45, and also a 7.62 one, that'd mean three slots crossed out. What we want to do here is: if one wants a civilian AK carbine in another caliber, they can buy just the barrel (that'll come as a set with a fitted receiver and bolt) and add it to the existing license, effectively owning several different calibers on one slip. This carbine is meant for people who aren't too keen on getting an AR. They don't think they can use an AR the way they use their carbines. They want a carbine to use with scopes that can withstand the punishment their habitual use case may entail. This is a carbine that doesn't need to be pampered. It's good with scopes, but you can also drop it without panicking about its well-being. #Kalashnikov #AKV521

ocI0qLePb0I | 01 Mar 2021
Kalashnikov Group held more than 50 business meetings and negotiations with delegations from 14 countries at IDEX 2021, the largest defence exhibition in the Middle East. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: More than 900 companies from 59 countries presented their samples and products in 2021. At the exhibition Kalashnikov presented: - AK-19 - PLK - MP-155 ULTIMA - PPK-20 - MODULAR CARRY SYSTEM Within the exhibition organized by Rosoboronexport, the booth of Kalashnikov was visited by: - Sergey Chemezov - Denis Manturov - Rustam Minnikhanov - Ramzan Kadyrov Next International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) is to be held in 2023.

EtRjr5hWQts | 27 Feb 2021
What are the key features of the new AK-19 assault rifle in 5.56x45mm caliber? First official presentation by the Rosoboronexport. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The world premiere of AK-19 will take place at the largest Middle Eastern arms exhibition IDEX-2021, which will be held in Abu-Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, from February 21 to February 25. “AK-19 is chambered for 5.56x45 round, one of the most popular rifle rounds in the world, which is currently used by NATO countries. Consequently, this new rifle was developed specifically for the export market. “We are confident that presentation of AK-19 at IDEX, a large international exhibition will interest foreign customers, and we are already getting the first requests,” said Dmitry Tarasov, CEO of the Kalashnikov Group. AK-19 is based on AK-12, which was accepted into service by the Russian Armed Forces in 2018. AK-19 has a Picatinny rail, a new collapsible folding stock, improved aperture sight, and a quick-detachable suppressor. AK-19 already caught the attention of some Middle Eastern customers who are using 5.56x45 ammunition. In a hot and humid climate with frequent sandstorms, AK-19 will ensure reliability and effectiveness with minimal maintenance. #АК19 #Kalashnikov #assaultrifle

p18zE7r8z88 | 26 Feb 2021
For the first time on the international market Kalashnikov have presented a new Modular Carry System (MCS) designed by Group 99 (part of the Kalashnikov group). LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: MCS is a universal solution for a wide range of missions and allows the user to find the optimal balance of protection and load bearing capability with regards to thermoregulation, ergonomics and the operational situation. “When we developed MCS we had one mission – to develop the system with the best ergonomic and functional solutions for any situation and environment based on the analysis of the combat experience of Russian forces. Among consultants and designers of this system we had former and active duty operators of the elite Russian special units,” said Boris Salenko, Managing Director, Group 99. Catalog: #Kalashnikov #MCS

By9G8kJxNo8 | 25 Feb 2021
What is Lebedev PLK pistol? First official presentation by the Rosoboronexport. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Kalashnikov group is presenting a new PLK compact pistol for the first time at the largest Middle East arms exhibition IDEX-2021, which will be held in Abu-Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates from February 21 to February 25. “Another new product Kalashnikov group will showcase at the IDEX exhibition is PLK – compact Lebedev pistol chambered for 9x19 round. This handgun passed state technical trials in Russian Federation and already proved its reliability in a harsh environment,” said Dmitry Tarasov, CEO of the Kalashnikov Group. Compact size and sufficient magazine capacity make PLK suitable for concealed carry, necessary for plainclothes law enforcement personnel. Picatinny rail allows mounting lights and lasers which are crucial in a low-light environment. One of the PLK’s advantages is great ergonomics: slide stop, manual safety, and magazine release are ambidextrous and allow both right-handed and left-handed to use it equally effectively. All necessary official permissions have been obtained so Kalashnikov is ready to offer PLK pistols to international customers, with a particular focus on the Middle East. #Kalashnikov #PLK #IDEX2021

lqihchGBL8g | 24 Feb 2021
We are glad to introduce a solution that allows you to improve the performance of your TG2 in 15 minutes: Kalashnikov Approved Sag Freefloat Chassis. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: ⁃ Ease of accesorising. ⁃ Ease of weapon control and reloading. ⁃ Ease of strong hand \ weak hand manipulation. ⁃ Ease of red dot \ lpvo usage with your ak system. #Kalashnikov #TG2

m7KTLZTAJkE | 22 Feb 2021
IDEX 2021, one of the world's largest military technical exhibitions is taking place in Abu Dhabi from 21 to 25 February. What have we brought here and what attracts the most attention? Vladimir Onokoy knows answers to all these questions. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel:

QNz9vUD6EFU | 18 Feb 2021
At IDEX 2021 Kalashnikov Group will present the whole range of diverse modern products: modern military and civilian firearms, rockets, watercrafts, and a new body armor/load-bearing equipment system for special forces. Some of the new products are new Ak-15, AK-19 chambered for NATO round, new PLK compact pistol and 9-mm submachinegun PPK-20, sniper rifles and modern assault rifles at our stand in Hall 12. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The main attraction among Kalashnikov civilian firearms will be MP-155 “Ultima”, the first Russian SMART shotgun. Other highlights include MP-135, a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, two versions of new hunting carbine MR-1, one chambered in 7.62x54 and another in 308 Win, and Saiga rifles chambered for 5.45x39. SP-1 pistol and “Saiga-MK” chambered in 7.62x39 will represent the segment of sporting weapons. Bk-10, Bk-16 speedboats and Haska-10 hovercraft are representing the naval segment. Modernized air defense remote-controlled rocket “Strela 9M333” used in surface-to-air missile system “Strela-10M” is another highlight of the exhibition. Among potential foreign customers for the new rocket are countries that currently use the “Strela-10M” surface-to-air missile system. Group 99 (part of the Kalashnikov group) will unveil a new body armor/load-bearing equipment system called Modular Carry System (MCS) for the first time at the international exhibition. #Kalashnikov #IDEX2021

SMG5rck-ZHs | 16 Feb 2021
This is the first prototype with a milled receiver that we revised. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The changes to it include a paint job, so it now looks like it's supposed to, with a full anti-corrosion coating. As was announced, we closed the slot on the right side of the receiver, and the charging handle migrated over to the left. The slot that we got so many comments about is now covered with a moving door, spring-loaded like the one seen on FN FNC. So, when we move the bolt, the handle pushes the door, which, in turn, slides up and down, covering the slot. You also can see how we ditched the old rear sight, replacing it with the updated AK-12 version on top of the receiver. What you see here is basically what the carbine will look like on the users' shelves. It runs like clockwork, and we like it a lot. We hope our customers end up liking it too, as well as those who are still unsure whether they their collection is full without a new Kalashnikov-made carbine. Twitter: #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

ShbYfbyaYwE | 11 Feb 2021
In this video, we're testing the carbine AKV-521 that we just took out of the freezer where it had been sitting for an hour at -50°С. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Twitter: #AKV521 #COLDTEST #Kalashnikov

JUG9ZH_7bSI | 01 Feb 2021
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Total length: 819 mm Barrel length: 510 mm Used cartridge: 12/76 Magazine capacity: 6+1 shotshells Weight: 4 kg #MP155Ultima #Kalashnikov

ciAlblXcrTQ | 31 Dec 2020
What we did in 2020: ✅ shot over 5000 rounds ✅ destroyed 4 rifles ✅ blew up 4 cars ✅ debunked 6 gun myths ✅ introduced 11 new designs at Army 2020 ✅ created over 350 videos We’ll be back in 2021! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel:

IWcr_rgE4dk | 29 Dec 2020
Checking whether smoothbore guns can rival rifles in certain features. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Internet experts tend to get into fights over their opinions, even when they know next to nothing about the subject. An often-seen claim is that paradox or oval-bore Lancaster guns should be legally equal to rifles, and that it takes a certain skill to handle those. Today we will be checking some similar myths: • that an oval-bore Lancaster gun can shoot as far as a proper rifle; • that the 9.6×53 Lancaster round is powerful enough to penetrate a thick tree trunk; • that rifles are overall very powerful, which is why you need experience to own one. We will run a series of comparisons and find out how true these claims are, and also see which ones are just misconceptions existing among some gun owners. All Gun Myths: #GunMyths #FactCheck

iKPbzyOkWW4 | 24 Dec 2020
Kalashnikov successfully finished testing of Guided surface-to-air Missile for Anti-missile defense STRELA 10M. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Tests successfully completed on the Donghuz polygon in Russia. Kalashnikov Group has started serial production in the interest of the Russian MoD. It has bright prospects in terms of export. The 9M333 missile is designed to destroy low-flying targets like planes and helicopters, all kinds of parachuted or moduled optical targets and remotely piloted flying vehicles and cruise missiles. Its seeker has 3 working modes: photocontrast, infrared and jamming. This makes the 9M333 missile unique. 9M333 missile works in the launch and forget mode. #Kalashnikov #9M333

BAHAgXi7ENo | 14 Dec 2020
As you can see, AKV-521 already shoots well, even though it's a prototype; and we're still working to improve it. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The following changes are likely to come: the charging handle will migrate to the left side; a door will be added to cover the opening here; and this slot will be closed up to make the structure more rigid. It's because we want it to be really stable. Updated buttstock and rear sight from the AK-12 are also likely to appear here. Naturally, if we move the charging handle to the left side, we'll also redesign the fire selector switch to make it equally comfortable to operate it with the left hand. #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

30iGP0N3KFU | 10 Dec 2020
We're back at reviewing 5 worst AKs ever made. First place: Pakistan. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. The bulk of what's made there can hardly be called firearms. And that's a shame. If state and private-owned weapon makers of Pakistan ever come to unite, they might make something really good together. #WORSTAKs #PAKISTAN

xJONPtL5wEU | 07 Dec 2020
The first offering in the AKV-521 family will be a carbine chambered in 5.45 × 39 mm. Other calibers in the series will include 7.62 × 39 mm, .366 TKM, and .223 Rem. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The carbine will also be certified to feature interchangeable barrels. Optional barrels here will actually mean entire uppers. This way, any customer will be able to essentially own several carbines in different calibers, or in one caliber but with barrels of different lengths, all on a license for a single firearm. Here, for example, we have a long 415 mm barrel, and there will also be a short 340 mm barrel with a muzzle brake, like on AK-105. If a single caliber is used, then both barrels will work with the same bolt face, especially if both are purchased as a set directly from the factory. Now, if the customer opts for different calibers, then, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the weapon, we will supply a fitted bolt face for each upper, as well as any other parts, if needed. #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

RSbxR--obso | 03 Dec 2020
We're back at reviewing 5 worst AKs ever made. Second place: Ethiopia. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. No other weapon ever rusted quite like those Ethiopian AKs did. Even Chinese rifles that looked like they'd spent years underground without even being wrapped in a plastic bag didn't rust that easily. #WORSTAKs #ETHIOPIA

IuHjCJjPcGk | 30 Nov 2020
Today we will be showing you the main features of the new AKV-521 carbine, the latest design by the Kalashnikov Group, aimed predominantly at the civilian market. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The most distinctive feature here is the fact that, while staying about 85% compatible with the TR3 carbine (a civilian-market version of the updated AK-12 rifle), the new model boasts a receiver split into upper and lower. The bolt guiding rails, bolt, trunnion, barrel, gas block, and muzzle brake have been relocated to the upper, while the magazine fixture, trigger group, fire selector switch, and buttstock remain integrated with the lower half. The recoil spring locks against a post attached to the lower. Another feature is the charging handle made removable to provide for disassembly through the rear end. The receiver on the prototype is milled, while it will be stamped on the production model. The fire selector switch follows the logic traditional for the AK, meant to be operated with just the index finger. In this current version, we have a vertical fire selector switch on the left side, made like that to provide for folding the buttstock and locking it. Another major feature is the sight rail staying permanently linked to the barrel in all use cases, including disassembly, reassembly, and cleaning of the carbine. The rail here is just the correct height for a micro reflex sight installed on a low mount to be 1/3 co-witnessed with the iron sights, which allows for using a red dot sight simultaneously with the iron sights. #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

6GrEc23kcV4 | 26 Nov 2020
In this new installment of the Gun Myths series, we'd like to run a check on something everyone has likely seen in Hollywood action films. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: A car chase on a highway, with good guys trying to escape and bad guys shooting at the good guys. Or the other way round. The idea is basically someone shooting from a moving car, aiming at the trunk of another car that's trying to lose the tail. What we're going to check is whether it's possible to survive in such a situation, just sitting there — or ducking. We've got a VAZ-2104 here for a test object. We'll be shooting at it from behind, aiming at the tailgate window and the metal part. And we'll then see what we hit. We'll find out what kind of damage it does, whether the bullets get inside, and whether they hurt the ducking passengers. All Gun Myths: #GunMyths #FactCheck

WPZgp6vJFKI | 23 Nov 2020
AKV-521 prototype in 5.45×39 mm caliber. Now the carbine is being tested. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: #AKV521 #Kalashnikov

noD6fwrq2rc | 19 Nov 2020
Today we'll be talking about five worst AK variants ever made. Third place: USA. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. It may come as a surprise to many, but AKs are made in the US too, with dozens of companies manufacturing them. Some of the best quality - and, interestingly enough, also some of the worst variants come from there. #WORSTAKs #USA

lqJKNgwpSQ8 | 12 Nov 2020
The history of Iraqi rifles is probably the most complicated out of all variants ever produced anywhere. The Iraqi rifle is essentially a pirated copy of a pirated copy. Just like those CDs once sold by street vendors. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video.

eFhIBaB7MRk | 29 Oct 2020
Vladimir Onokoy over the years spend amassing statistics on AKs he worked on. He was able to throw together a list of worst Kalashnikov rifles ever made. Let's get down to it. Fifth spot on the list is occupied by Chinese AKs. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video.

vL3qMgkFG78 | 28 Oct 2020
The AK-12 updated was presented at the Army-2020 International Military and Technical Forum. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. Total length: 880-940 mm Barrel length: 415 mm Used cartridge: 5,45 х 39 mm Magazine capacity: 30 cartridges Weight: 3,5 kg #Kalashnikov #AK12

QA3O_m2qvGk | 27 Oct 2020
There are tons of myths circulating online regarding the design of the Kalashnikov. One such claim is that the rifle will still be fully operational even with the full auto sear removed. According to another claim, the purpose of the auto sear is to ensure safety and keep the gun from firing with the bolt unlocked. Let's see if that's true. Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. #GunMyths #AK74M

uWb4cI2j4vo | 22 Oct 2020
Can an AR-15 do this, huh? Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. #mudtest #rifle

O_3a9CAdYxs | 21 Oct 2020
New light machine gun from "Kalashnikov". Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video. RPL-20 Total length: 1085-1145 mm Barrel length: 590 mm Used cartridge: 5,45 х 39 mm Cartridge box capacity: 100 cartridges Weight: 5,5 kg #Kalashnikov #RPL20

YEswXEs8KKk | 20 Oct 2020
Let us continue our series on comparing military surplus and civilian rounds when used in hunting weapons. Here is a Saiga chambered in 7.62x39. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: All Gun Myths: #GunMyths #FactCheck

u_yHkCJUpoQ | 15 Oct 2020
To all the fans of Escape from Tarkov hardcore first-person shooter! Push the “like” button if you like the video and subscribe to our channel if you haven’t subscribed yet Don’t forget to click the bell button so you won’t miss the next video and tell us in the comment section which Escape from Tarkov developer impressed you the most. Escape from Tarkov developers recently visited Kalashnikov shooting range. They tested weapons, old and new, familiar and unfamiliar. Obviously, they could not miss the first Russian smart shotgun - MP-155 Ultima. Hopefully, some day you will see it in the game. #EscapefromTarkov #EFT

jVx89WRLJmk | 14 Oct 2020
One of the world's most famous sniper weapons. The Dragunov sniper rifle. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Total length 1220 mm Barrel length 620 mm Used cartridge 7,62х54R Magazine capacity 10 cartridges Weight 4,3 kg #Dragunovsniperrifle #sniperweapons

4yXMM6jS1as | 13 Oct 2020
We are going to have a live stream here at Kalashnikov group channel today at 4 PM (16:00) GMT, which is 12 PM (12:00) EDT, or 9 AM (09:00) PDT. Join us for a little Q&A session in English with Vladimir Onokoy, Russian defense industry specialist, and AK armorer. You probably already know him from "Gun myths" and a few other videos. Subscribe to the channel: #Kalashnikov #live

co3jjmYJQjo | 06 Oct 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Since the Soviet times, many hunters have believed that surplus ammo scored off a quartermaster buddy is better than anything you can get in a store. We decided to shoot a series of videos to compare military and civilian rounds by precision. All Gun Myths: #GunMyths #FactCheck

cgHoP4gALNw | 01 Oct 2020
In this video, we are going to answer one of the frequently asked questions - what is the actual difference between Russian Kalashnikov AK103 and AKs of previous generations. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: #AK47 #AK103

RFUgf7x0JKk | 30 Sep 2020
9 mm Kalashnikov submachine gun in honor of Viktor Mikhailovich Kalashnikov. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Total length 640-700 mm Barrel length 233 mм Used cartridge 9х19 Luger Magazine capacity 30 cartridges Weight 3,65 kg #SubmachineGun #PPK20

lIo_0qBR8nU | 29 Sep 2020
In the world of Hollywood films, a bullet can hit a car's gas tank and unleash an explosion. We decided to recreate this scenario to see if that can actually happen. We took a gas can and filled it halfway with fuel. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: All Gun Myths:

EZQTsqHm2p8 | 23 Sep 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: "Сapabilities" is a regular feature of ours where we tell you everything about a weapon in just 50 seconds. Featured today is the AK-19. The video lists all its performance stats. Watch. Learn. Discuss. #AK19 #NATOStandardBullet

2znMSAcldMs | 22 Sep 2020
Now, what we decided to check is which parts are absolutely vital for AK-74M to still be able to shoot and hit the mark. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel:

whYSjGHaSDU | 21 Sep 2020
"Сapabilities" is a regular feature of ours where we tell you everything about a weapon in just 50 seconds. Featured today is the MP-155 Ultima prototype. The video lists all its performance stats. Watch. Learn. Discuss. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: #MP155Ultima #SMARTSHOTGUN

Fu4ZefdvGzY | 14 Sep 2020
Watch: what happens when a bullet leaves an assault rifle AK-12 in super slow-mo. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: We filmed with a Phantom v2640 at 6000 frames per second. It allowed us to capture amazing moments that would otherwise be missed by the unaided eye.

FoJ5DntDVQA | 08 Sep 2020
Haska-10: air cushion ship. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Length: 22.3 m Width: 12.96 m Load displacement: 45 tons Main engines: 2x1,500 bhp Top speed: 40 knots Payload capacity: 10 tons Cruising range: 400 miles Crew endurance: 3 days Crew: 3

fWeTtI45du4 | 07 Sep 2020
IZH-49 electrical motorcycle. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Top speed: 90 km/h Weight: 130 kg Air-cooled brushless motor Top power output: 15 kW Peak torque: 60 Nm Li-ion battery Ventilated hydraulic disc brakes Driving range: 80 km

XX_zBa5jv70 | 06 Sep 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: First Russian-made machining center to combine DED technology with 5-axis milling. - Employs additive technologies to manufacture parts and modular units of complex shapes - Combines direct energy deposition with 5-axis milling - Makes it possible to use several materials in the manufacture of a single part to improve its properties - Allows for manufacturing parts and modular units of complex shapes - Weight: under 300 kg - Dimensions: 600x500x500 mm - Reduces lead time for parts and modular units up to 10x

EgT2dm-G_X4 | 05 Sep 2020
Kalashnikov reveals RPL-20: prototype light machine gun with tape ammunition. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel:

Abcc9AqFcEs | 04 Sep 2020
AK-12 UPDATED. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: - further development of the ak-12 design improving upon the platform's usability features; - lightweight length adjustable buttstock; - new ergonomic hand grip; - updated diopter sight; - total length: 880-940 mm; barrel length: 415 mm chambered in 5.45x39 mm 30-round magazine weight: 3,5 kg magazine windows allow to check for remaining rounds fire modes: single; auto; 2-round burst picatinny rails on the hand grip and receiver serve as a platform for installing sights

pRNnmuMvI38 | 03 Sep 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: PPK-20 - Chambered in 9mm Luger - Six-position adjustable length buttstock folds to the left - Comfortable hand grip - Second spur on the fire selector switch - Picatinny rail mounts on receiver cover, handguard right side and bottom slotted flash suppressor with a quick-attach silencer mount - Passed official trials and deemed fit for mass production

eQsp34zo6aE | 02 Sep 2020
MP-155 Ultima: first Russian-made gun to offer synchronization with personal gadgets! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: MP-155 Ultima - Based on MP-155 - Chassis made from T7075 alloy and high-end rugged polymer - Quick-release stock with a built-in computer - The computer's onboard memory stores videos - Data can be transferred to external devices over Wi-Fi - USB Type-C port for connecting FHD cameras

s10cbyapFzM | 01 Sep 2020
Official trials of the PLK pistol on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: MORE:

QSfFptS-EHk | 28 Aug 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The AK-19 is a version of AK-12 chambered in 5.56 NATO. Twist rate: 178 mm Barrel length: 415 mm Weight: 3,35 kg ✅ New lightweight adjustable length buttstock. ✅ New rear sight. ✅ Slotted flash suppressor designed for quick silencer attachment. ✅ For export sales. MORE:

BrkrqgKG7kc | 26 Aug 2020
The rifle displayed good accuracy when shooting from different positions and even had Kalashnikov's design beaten in some of those parameters We present to you the 7.62 mm TKB-415 assault rifle, designed by the weaponsmith Alexey Alexeyevich Bulkin. It was the second participant of the late 1947— early 1948 competition where the Soviet Army was making its final decision on which new rifle to adopt. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Like and subscribe to the channel: MORE:

qH4vnfufK1Y | 18 Aug 2020
Destroying an RPD! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Like and subscribe to the channel: Here comes the new episode of #GunBusters. You asked for a belt-fed machine gun. Here's one, chambered in 7.62x39. The RPD, Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova. We’ve got 11 belts here, each holding 100 rounds. That makes it 1100 in total. Post your comments before the action starts and try predicting how many this one’s going to withstand! Keep in mind that this machine gun fires from an open bolt. Let's go! #GunBusters: MORE:

bmv_scrxf0g | 13 Aug 2020
Destroying the SKh-AK103! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Like and subscribe to the channel: We hope you've already checked out our video from the GunBusters series where we attempt to destroy proper weapons. Now we'll try doing the same with a blank-only rifle. This is a blank-firing AK-103. If you didn't know, there are some design changes in this one. Among others, three pins have been welded inside the barrel. And another detail: these blank rounds are loaded with pistol powder. Let's shoot it a bit, see how long it survives, and find out what happens. MORE:

q5GZnO3fBE0 | 10 Aug 2020
Destroying the AKS-74U! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Our watchers wanted us to shoot at some steel in GunBusters. We’ve found another car, as it was in “Gun Myths: Shooting at Cars” Part 1 ( and Part 2 ( What we're gonna do is see how resistant to bullets it is. Today we have an AKS-74U on our hands. Along with a can full of 5.45 mm rounds. There we go! MORE:

fMka9Zyri2U | 05 Aug 2020
This rifle performed the worst of the three during the trials of the late 1947— early 1948 competition. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: We present you the 7.62 mm AD-46 assault rifle, designed by the weaponsmith Alexander Andreyevich Dementyev of the Kovrov city. It was the third rifle model to participate in the last test stage of the competition aimed at selecting an assault rifle for the Soviet Army. MORE:

OwZ3NknCQJM | 23 Jul 2020
Destroying the AK-103. Again! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Most gun enthusiasts around the world still remember our legendary video ( where we destroyed - or rather attempted to destroy - an AK-103 rifle. It ate 1,400 rounds. And it still gave us 2 MOA at 100 meters. We promised we'd give it another go, this time with four full cans of ammo. Hope we won't run out of rounds too soon this time. MORE: All GunBusters videos: Please do not repeat this test. We have the facilities, conditions, and skills required to perform these tests. If you'd like to see other weapons destroyed, please tell us in the comments.

e_WU4l0qTKk | 20 Jul 2020
We continue our series of videos in which we try to penetrate cars using various rounds. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: This time we've got hunting guns. A myth has been circulating for a long time about French Resistance members stopping enemy cars by shooting their hunting guns at them. Let's figure out which spots in a car worth trying to hide behind during a gunfight. Watch the first part here: All Gun Myths: MORE:

-KOtXE1BYPY | 13 Jul 2020
Taking cover behind a car during a shootout is something you often see in Hollywood movies. We decided to try and see if that would actually work in real life. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: We'll take a Moskvich-412 - old Soviet metal and divide it into four zones for the test. These are the engine block zone; the passenger compartment, doors, and B-pillar zone; the trunk zone; and what is often said to be the strongest cover, the rear axle and wheel rims zone. We put some hardboard behind the car to document the piercing power. All Gun Myths: MORE:

PF2W8jT_FqU | 06 Jul 2020
Destroying an RPK! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Our new episode of GunBusters is set in Kirov Oblast, the town of Vyatskiye Polyany. Here we have an RPK chambered in 7.62 mm. It's new old stock, made in 1974. We've got ammo in drum and box mags, a total of 1275 rounds. Let's go! #GunBusters: MORE: Please do not repeat this test. We have the facilities, conditions, and skills required to perform these tests. If you'd like to see other weapons destroyed, please tell us in the comments. #meltdown

QSkFYI_TaWA | 23 Jun 2020
Destroying the latest rifle in the family of Kalashnikov! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The chance of a barrel bursting under extreme load is much higher in rifles chambered in 5.45 and 5.56 than in larger calibers, but the AK-12 survived over three times the number of rounds stipulated by the Ministry of Defense regulations MORE: Please do not repeat this test. We have the facilities, conditions, and skills required to perform these tests. If you'd like to see other weapons destroyed, please tell us in the comments.

0w4qmdanw-Q | 09 Jun 2020
Sniper semi-automatic rifle to replace SVT. Developed by German Korobov in the mid. 40s. Chambered for 7.62 mm. Non removable magazine. Loaded wit a 5-round clip. Can be used with scope mount. Safety catch is in front of the trigger. Designed to replace Tokarev semi-automatic rifle. Not adopted by the military. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Kalashnikov Media:

5XpdxbRkSaU | 13 May 2020
One more icing test, but this time with better visual evidence. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Let’s make it clear: we never said that the AR platform wouldn't work at negative temperatures. But there's an inherent problem with the AR platform that affected its functioning under certain environmental conditions. In particular, icing can cause a failure of the weapon's operating parts. This can happen at near-zero temperatures, under alternating rain/snowfall, in the mountains, or during air or sea landing. Gun Myths: AK-12 vs M4 | Kalashnikov vs Stoner. Part 1: MORE:

MGhrR_mUltA | 14 Apr 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Handgun’s balance is changed. New version has less muzzle flip. New ergonomic mag release. Improved feed ramp geometry. Modified for the new double-stack single feed mag. New pistol is backward compatible with old mags. New barrel is longer and is reinforced in the high stress areas. Trigger mechanism is improved. New pistol has a Picatinny rail. Front and rear sight are Glock-compatible. Accuracy was enhanced. New grip is more ergonomic. Life of main parts is now extended to 50 000 rounds

jF224xP17_w | 11 Apr 2020
This is our first livestream on this channel, Vladimir Onokoy is going to talk about Kalashnikov Media videos, future projects and we will have a short Q&A for your questions. More videos: Subscribe to the channel: #Kalashnikov #live #KalashnikovMedia

DmA3XIEVs0s | 27 Mar 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: There is one of the eternal debates existing in our universe: whose general design is better, the one coined by Eugene Stoner or that by Mikhail Kalashnikov? Let's compare! We'll be shooting at a silhouette-shaped steel target from 50 meters. We hope you will be able to see that each design has its advantages and disadvantages. MORE:

2Gi6F3QVf4Y | 13 Mar 2020
General purpose machine gun from Tula weapons engineers! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: More:

q2qD_P10paA | 05 Mar 2020
"He carries on like nothing ever happened". Destroying a PPSh! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: This guy here came off the production line at the Vyatskie Polyany factory seventy-eight years ago. We're back at it and we're going to test him for endurance. GunBusters and Shpagin's submachine gun. We got 913 rounds in box and drum magazines. Let's go! MORE:

Ll-Qo6vgrKo | 27 Feb 2020
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: The AS Val (Avtomat Special'nyj Val, Russian: Автомат Специальный Вал or Special Automatic Rifle, code name: "Shaft", GRAU designation 6P30) is a Soviet-designed rifle featuring an integrated suppressor. Development of a special rifle (AS) "Shaft" began in the first half of the 1980s in the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH), in the city of Klimovsk, Moscow region. The lead designer of the rifle is Pyotr Serdyukov [ru]. It was developed in 1987 by TsNIITochMash (Central Institute for Precision Machine Building). Since 1987, it was added to the arsenal of the Soviet Army and the KGB and is used by Russian Spetsnaz special forces and the MVD, FSB, OMON, SOBR, GRU, and select units of the Russian Army. More:

QetSQj-6aEs | 11 Feb 2020
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Mikhail Kalashnikov's birthday - Barrel length - 750 mm - Used cartridge - 12x76 mm - The gun is decorated employing inlay and damascening techniques, with embossed elements in precious metals - Punched-out engraving - Dark walnut stock - Classically carved fore-end - Approximate price - $11300

Io7Zztghdno | 31 Jan 2020
"This is the most robust weapon I’ve ever held in my hands". Destroying the AK-103! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: We checked out your comments on our first GunBusters video You asked for the 7.62 mm, you got your wish. Here’s an AK-103, made in 2019. Another comment stated that the rifle couldn’t penetrate anything or even shoot straight after 200 rounds. So, we got some wooden blocks, 150 mm of well-dried birch. I will shoot at them every now and then. See if we can cut through those. Let's go! MORE: Please do not repeat this test. We have the facilities, conditions, and skills required to perform these tests. If you'd like to see other weapons destroyed, please tell us in the comments.

GGJJM_lB6Ec | 16 Jan 2020
The Mosin–Nagant rifle, otherwise known as the Mosin rifle (3 lines caliber, or 7.62 mm), entered into service with the Russian army in 1891. This system was quite appropriate for its time. It survived two insignificant modernizations (in 1910 and 1930s) and loyally served the Russian soldiers in the First World War, during the revolutionary years and in the Civil War, and then during the WWII. Work on upgrading the rifle continued virtually until the mid-1930s. Famous for its simple, strong and reliable structure with manual loading and a magazine for five cartridges, the Mosin rifle was removed from service by the Soviet army only after the Great Patriotic War, but it was used for much longer as a sniper rifle. Nowadays, many of these rifles are used by Russian and foreign hunters and amateur riflemen. MORE:

U7bzpZnV5dU | 09 Jan 2020
А civilian version of AK-12 and AK-15 assault rifles - AK TR3 carbine.The weapon is maximally unified with the combat version. Total length - 880-940 mm Barrel length - 415 mm Used cartridge - 5,45х39 mm Magazine capacity - 10 cartridges Weight - 3,8 kg MORE:

SnaUIrmRsb4 | 19 Dec 2019
The Fedorov assault rifle was created by the russian and soviet designer Vladimir Fedorov in 1913-1916. A total of 3,200 copies were produced.It was used only during the World War I and the Winter War. Subscribe to our channel: MORE: https://en.kalashnikov

kodtRFJIpP8 | 03 Dec 2019
Subscribe to our channel: Saiga-12 version 30 is most popular semi-automatic shotgun produced by Kalashnikov group. In this video, we will go through technical features of this shotgun and what exactly makes it different from a standard AK and show how to field strip the weapon for cleaning and maintenance. MORE:

gg5A3WzN7Kg | 29 Nov 2019
Suppressed sniper rifle for special purpose forces. VSS Vintorez is a suppressed sniper rifle that uses a heavy subsonic 9×39mm SP5 cartridge and armor-piercing SP6 cartridge. It was developed in the late 1980s by TsNIITochMash and manufactured by the Tula Arsenal. It is issued primarily to Spetsnaz units for undercover or clandestine operations, a role made evident by its ability to be stripped down for transport in a specially fitted briefcase. More:

wZWT0VDPQJo | 13 Nov 2019
Larry #Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited #Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot the #Saiga 12 version 340. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

fmhbRTWktfA | 16 Oct 2019
Experimental: TKB-408-2 by German A. Korobov LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: MORE:

UfHVwjAhkUo | 11 Oct 2019
The strength of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: MORE: The internet is full of videos showing people destroy their weapons by firing nonstop. This firing rate is not how weapons should be fired. The Russian Ministry of Defense even set the requirement that the Kalashnikov has to withstand a 180-round burst. We decided to conduct our own test. To do so, we took a random AK-74M made in 2014 from a test station that has already served for quite a long time. We had a 7N6 ammo spam can, 26 magazines, two water buckets, a fire extinguisher, protective gear, welding gloves, and bullet trap. Our machine gun fired 587 rounds nonstop, after which its barrel exploded near the front ferrule of the handguard. Please do not repeat this test. We have the facilities, conditions, and skills required to perform these tests. If you'd like to see other weapons destroyed, please tell us in the comments.

OKfnef3tBvA | 10 Oct 2019
TG3 capabilities. Subscribe to the channel: MORE: Kalashnikov Group presents a hunting variation of the SVD rifle called TG3 сhambered in 9.6x53mm Lancaster.

BZBAPr02qmA | 04 Oct 2019
MORE: The 200 series automatic retains all the advantages of the traditional AK scheme: reliability, durability and ease of maintenance. Integration into the design of the Picatinny rail machine allows you to install the necessary equipment for the effective use of weapons in various conditions, including in conditions of limited visibility. The length-adjustable butt of the machine and a number of ergonomic solutions for optimizing controls, allows users to fully realize their shooting skills, regardless of anthropometric data and the availability of a variety of equipment, equipment and clothing. The AK-200 series has successfully passed the test program, meets all the requirements for modern small arms and is an effective shooting complex.

0e44jv2wYo4 | 26 Sep 2019
SP1 pistol is the competition version of Lebedev pistol. It’s operating mechanism is identical to MPL pistol as well as cartridge 9x19 mm. The 16 round double-column single-feed magazine has indicator windows. SP1’s handle has cutouts for easier magazine removal. Front and rear sights are interchangeable with Glock pistols. The pistol has Picatinny accessory rail for weapon lights, ergonomic pistol grip. Safety, slide stop, and magazine release are ambidextrous. It’s slide features a red dot mount plate. The frame is checkered to improve grip traction. SP1 is designed for practical shooting competition in production and production optics divisions.

BaPmo4QeNdg | 29 Aug 2019
AKM-63 is the modified AKM variant, developed in Hungary. Want to know how is it different from standard AKM and why it has a turquoise stock? Watch the video. FOLLOW US: Kalashnikov media presents "Kalashnikov: around the world". For the first time, we will show all variants of the legendary AK that were produced all around the globe in the last 60 years. History, pros and cons, comparison, personal stories and experiences – all of that you will find on Kalashnikov media:

MBzZBNp6wYY | 20 Aug 2019
Like AK? Follow us: Kalashnikov media presents "Kalashnikov: around the world". For the first time, we will show all variants of the legendary AK that were produced all around the globe in the last 60 years. History, pros and cons, comparison, personal stories and experiences – all of that you will find on Kalashnikov media: АMD-65 - short barreled AK developed in Hungary in the 60s. It was meant to be a weapon of Hungarian paratroopers, but became the primary weapon of Afghan police instead. Want to know more? Watch the video on Kalashnikov media.

SM3eb4BHv3k | 05 Aug 2019
Assault rifle is chambered in 7.62x51. Magazine capacity – 20 rounds certain design features taken from AK-12. Weapon features aperture sights and folding adjustable 4-position stock. More about #AK: #Kalashnikov

lEs9Oyqw-VQ | 31 Jul 2019
AK-12. From defeat to victory: The AK-12 caliber 5.45 mm and AK-15 caliber 7.62 mm were adopted by the Russian Defense Ministry in early 2018. This gun will gradually replace the AK-74. The weapon was developed within the framework of the “Ratnik” program as an element of a promising set of equipment for the fighters of the Armed Forces of Russia.

l3Jgfq5Phi4 | 17 Jul 2019
Saiga-9 LOT Yarovit features! Click the "Like" button and subscribe to our channel! – chambered for 9 mm Luger – muzzle brake – ergonomic handguard made of carbon fiber – Picatinny rail on the hinged receiver cover – ergonomic safety lever with the tab for trigger finger and manual bolt hold open – extended magwell for faster reloading – Arkhipov's magazine release lever – 10- or 30-round magazine – ambidextrous charging handle – adjustable telescoping stock with an adapter – raised stock comb – designed specifically for practical shooting

afXRx53bopo | 01 Jul 2019
Kalashnikov is presenting new precision UAV weapon system “ZALA LANCET” at the international forum “Army 2019”. Testing of this UAV system is already completed. “ZALA LANCET” is a smart multipurpose weapon, capable of autonomously finding and hitting a target. The weapon system consists of precision strike component, reconnaissance, navigation and communications modules. It creates its own navigation field and does not require ground or sea-based infrastructure. “ZALA LANCET” is equipped with several targeting systems: coordinate system, optoelectronic system and combined system. Also, this UAV can transmit video, which allows to confirm successful target engagement. Detonator of the strike component has a pre-contact action system. Operational range of the UAV is 40 kilometers. Maximum gross takeoff weight is 12 kilograms. “ZALA LANCET” UAV significantly enhances national security of the country and has significant export potential.

4JGuRDIiVRo | 27 Jun 2019
#Kalashnikov (Subscribe!) presented a novelty - a civilian version of AK-12 and AK-15 assault rifles - #AK TR3 carbine. The weapon will be produced in two calibers - 5.45 mm and 7.62 mm, as well as the #military version. The weapon is maximally unified with the combat version. The weapon will go on sale in August 2019. More about AK: Facebook: Instagram:

o8pJZUz1IqM | 19 Jun 2019
The AK-74M was also the basis for the new Russian AK-100 family of Kalashnikov firearms: the AK-101 assault rifle and AK-102 carbine (both chambered for the NATO-standard 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge), AK-103 assault rifle and AK-104 carbine (both chambered for the 7.62×39mm round) and the 5.45×39mm AK-105 carbine. The AK-101, AK-102, AK-103 and AK-104 are destined primarily for export, while the AK-105 is slated to replace the AKS-74U with the Russian Armed Forces. Additionally, the 5.45×39mm AK-107 and 5.56×45mm NATO AK-108 rifles have a balanced recoil system to reduce felt recoil and muzzle rise. This balanced recoil system is derived from the AL-7 rifle.

_KOHlu7aGFY | 11 Jun 2019
Experimental: TKB-0111 by German Korobov. The experimental assault rifle for the project Abakan Chambered for 5.45x39 mm. 30 round AK magazine. Gas oprated. Semi-automatic and Automatic firing mode. Effective Muzzle Break. Semi-hooded front sight. Not adopted by the military. More:

eNjs1gLX6ao | 04 Jun 2019
Check out the video and remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel! More information about AK: The AKS-74U bridges the tactical deployment gap between a submachine gun and an assault rifle. It was intended for use mainly with special forces, airborne infantry, rear-echelon support units, helicopter and armored vehicle crews. It is commonly used by law enforcement; for example, each urban police foot patrol is issued at least one. #АК #АК74 #Kalashnikov

w_PsC7uDE0Y | 27 May 2019
Like and follow us! Kalashnikov Media is launching a new series on experimental and unusual weapons. APS underwater rifle. The weapon of Soviet frogmen. Developed under the guidance of Vladimir Simonov in 1970-1975. Chambered for special 5.66 mm ROUND. Box magazine capacity 26 rounds. Open nonadjustable sight. Semi-automatic and automatic firing modes. The rifle's life expectancy is 2000 shots underwater|180 on the surface. Used by combat divers and special units in the Russian Navy.

5qURHUc0jVQ | 21 May 2019
Like and follow us! Kalashnikov Media is launching a new series on experimental and unusual weapons. OTs-21 Malysh - Subcompact pistol for Police. More about AK and military technologies:

KSNk-DGv2m0 | 17 May 2019
This is an #AK with milled receiver, also called #AK47 type 2. In 1949, following trials conducted in 1947, AK was officially accepted into service and mass production began at Izhevsk machine building plant. In a first few years of production AK went through significant design changes, constantly evolving and changing. One of those evolutions is showcased in the video. Like and follow us! More about #Kalashnikov:

0Xa8DHtSJjM | 09 May 2019
Exclusive video from the test and control station! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Reliability is the main quality of #AK rifles. It makes this weapon so beloved and respected all over the world. But how is the reliability of the manufactured products checked? #Kalashnikov Media presents an exclusive video from the test and control station, which shows all the steps of the AK test: low temperature, dust and sand, rain and dirt. #India plans to produce 700 000 AK-203 at a new plant:

gBbx7suLXJ0 | 29 Apr 2019
The PPSh-41 is a Soviet submachine gun designed by Georgy Shpagin. More about Soviet weapons: The PPSh is a magazine-fed selective fire submachine gun using an open bolt, blowback action. Made largely of stamped steel, it can be loaded with either a box or drum magazine and fires the 7.62×25mm Tokarev pistol round. The PPSh saw extensive combat use during World War II and the Korean War. It was one of the major infantry weapons of the Soviet Armed Forces during World War II. Around six million PPSh-41s were manufactured.

w3RWFDR9MtM | 26 Apr 2019
Kalashnikov Media is launching a new series on experimental and unusual weapons. We start with an assault rifle by Korobov - TKB-454. More about German Korobov - armourer of the future:

3POFWw2ctus | 17 Apr 2019
Like and follow us! More about AK: In the past video we once and for all denied the myth that the bullet from MP-40 submachine gun could not penetrate the soviet jacket: But this misconception has different variations: will the German cartridge penetrate a sapper blade? And the belt buckle? Today we will answer all questions! #GunMyths #Gun #Myths

0MNhRzVJX1E | 11 Apr 2019
Like and follow us! More about AK: We continue to check the main gun myths. Today we will find out whether the bullets of the German submachine gun MP 40 of the Second World War can’t shoot through a soviet «Telogreika» jacket at a distance of 100 meters. All Gun Myths: Kalashnikovs Instagram! More photos and videos: And our Facebook page:

JcKCL_g68HQ | 08 Apr 2019
Like and follow us! More about #AK: #Kalashnikov Group presents Ak-203 assault #rifle that recently recieved permitting export documents . The assault rifle has a folding adjustable buttstock, ergonomic pistol grip and a selector with additional tab for trigger finger. Receiver cover is hinged on the rear sight block and locks in place with a special retainer. Picatinny rails are located on the upper and lower handguard. Birdcage type hybrid flashider with compensator design features. AK-203 assault rifle is currently used by #Russian Special Forces. Kalashnikovs Instagram! More photos and videos: And our Facebook page:

PkCcc1Ah86Y | 25 Mar 2019
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: More about AK: #AK-203: test for accuracy and reliability of optics mounting. Shooting from the assault rifle after disassembing! Historically, two claims were made to the weapon on the basis of the #Kalashnikov assault rifle. First: the complexity of mounting modern sighting systems. The second: accuracy in single shooting. The Kalashnikov Media team decided to conduct an AK-203 test for the accuracy and reliability of optics mounting. #India

44b9y66FR7A | 21 Mar 2019
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: How to keep a gun when firing? This question is actively discussed by shooters all over the world probably since the appearance of firearms. Books are being written on this topic, training videos are being shot, courses are being held. Kalashnikov Media decided to try several different ways and find out which of them is more effective.

XOHmfJ2O-JA | 12 Mar 2019
AN-94 is a very unusual type of modern Russian small arms. The unique scheme with a displaced recoil impulse allows this machine to make a queue of two shots so quickly that it is almost impossible to notice. Many people think that both bullets will hit one hole. But is it so? #shooting #Myths #Kalashnikov

1CywxJYHrmU | 06 Mar 2019
Kalashnikov Group and ZALA AERO GROUP introduce new smart weapon – unmanned combat aerial system «KYB-UAV» at International defence exhibition #IDEX 2019 stand A2-036 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. UCAS «KYB-UAV» precisely hits ground targets, delivering specific payload to target coordinates. The target coordinates are specified manually or acquired from payload targeting image. The key advantages of the system are: - High precision - Hidden launch - Silent operation - Simple to operate The UCAS «KYB-UAV» has successfully completed tests. ZALA AERO — is the leading manufacturer of unmanned systems in Russia, member of Kalashnikov group since January 2015.

d2McweKfy7I | 04 Mar 2019
Like + follow us + comment! In this video we will show how the handle, buttstock and receiver of the newest #AK12 assault rifle are arranged and show the weapon in it’s field strip. AK-12 caliber 5.45 mm was adopted by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The assault rifle will gradually replace the #AK74. The #weapon was developed as part of the “Ratnik” program as an element of a promising set of equipment for the fighters of the Armed Forces of Russia. More information: Technical characteristics of AK-12: * Caliber: 5.45x39 * Weapon length in combat position: 880-940 mm * Length with folded butt: 690 mm * Barrel length: 415 mm * Weight with empty magazine: 3.5 kg * Shooting rate: 700 shots per minute * Magazine capacity: 30 rounds

jP3XPSCbv2M | 25 Feb 2019
Follow + like + comment! Thanks! #Kalashnikov automatic #pistol was designed in 1950. A contest for the development of a new combat pistol was announced after WW2. New pistol was meant to be a personal defense #weapon. Kalashnikov pistol lost the race to Stechkin APS. Only few prototypes remain nowadays. Cartridge - 9x18. Magazine capacity - 20 rounds. Pistol is straight blowback action. It is selective fire: fullauto and semi-auto. Holster can be used as a detachable stock. Safety also works as the fire selector. More information:

lyFovGe-jSA | 22 Feb 2019
ATTENTION! #Shooting was conducted with live (!!!) ammunition. Do not try to repeat yourself!!! LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: Do you like to watch #russian special forces videos? The group of experts of the #Kalashnikov Group held a special demonstration on the occasion of the Armourers Day. During the event employees demonstrated actions in various tactical scenarios.

VQ8aXTcjS_M | 18 Feb 2019
After M16, chambered in 5.56x45, entered US Army service in 1964, Soviet design engineers started development of their own low recoil round. This ammunition allows reduce the weight of the loadout carried by the soldiers, lighter bullet has higher velocity, which leads to better accuracy and flatter trajectory. In the early 70s, a group of design engineers lead by V. Sabelnikov completed development of the new round, and in 1974, new assault rifle, #AK74, entered service. New weapon was very similar to #AKM, which allowed starting mass production very quickly. #Kalashnikov #AK

EodGL4tkBXs | 01 Feb 2019
We analyse the classic crime drama by Michael Mann! Kalashnikov Media launches a new series "#Movies under fire". We will analyze how #weapons are used in modern #cinema and TV. Anyone who is interested in this topic is able to find a dozen mistakes, blunders and stupidities in a regular movie. But some directors pay special attention to it. #Heat by Michael Mann is just one of those. More videos:

ToWjAouLrcU | 29 Jan 2019
More information about AK: From the very beginning, Mikhail #Kalashnikov wanted his weapon to be easy to produce. He achieved this goal in 1959, when production of modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle called #AKM began. New stamped receiver reduced overall weight of the firearm and allowed to considerably increase production. In the late 60s, just one Izhevsk factory produced over half a million AKs every year. #AK

YzJkpIzG4Uo | 22 Jan 2019
In the third episode of the #Gun #Myths we will talk about effectiveness of #fullauto. Is full auto just a fun way to waste ammunition or does it have any merit? How does full auto accuracy change with distance? Does caliber make any difference? More videos: Our Facebook page. Follow us: And Instagram: #shooting

N4TtB5Jqi2M | 14 Jan 2019
What do you think, did Vladimir managed to assemble M1 carbine back after the video? Post your answer in the comment section. Gun Myths. Part 3. Anyone who read about the history of an #AK, heard the theory of german involvement. Allegedly, german engineer Hugo #Schmeiser, who worked in Izhevsk after WW2 really developed an AK and #Kalashnikov had nothing to do with it. In this video, we are comparing the designs of AK and #STG 44 a trying to find some actual "relatives" of both weapons. More videos: #Gun #Myths

DRdKYjFRXVk | 03 Jan 2019
People love to argue about right and wrong ways to shoot a #Kalashnikov, but probably the most heated discussion we see is about #AK reloads. Today we will conduct an experiment and try to find out which one is the fastest. Watch the video to see what technique is the absolute best. #reload More videos: Our Facebook Page:

D9lCRvU__Mg | 27 Dec 2018
Kalashnikov Media is pleased to announce a new series about popular gun myths in witch our technical advisor Vladimir Onokoy will dispel (or confirm) them. First things first we check a popular belief that 5.45 ammunition can’t shoot through a tree branch and sometimes even rebounds from the grass. Is it so? The answer is in the video. More videos: Our Facebook Page:

-R4663SUufM | 24 Dec 2018
«#Ak is very easily given a facelift with what is available on the market can be brought up to be a very efficient weapon system»: Larry #Vickers #interview pt. 2 Part 1: More videos: Vickers Tactical:

bf9I5wNMj_w | 18 Dec 2018
Larry #Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited #Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, #Russia and had a chance to try some of our new products. We sat down with Mr. Vickers to find out how was his trip to Russia going. More videos: Vickers Tactical:

PWkN6cUJlVo | 13 Dec 2018
More videos: The submachine #gun, a new class of arms, was born in the trench battles of the World War I. The #USSR started development of submachine guns in the 1920s. The PPD gun from 1934 was the first practical result of these development efforts. It was used as a self-defence weapon by junior commanders in operating units. In 1938, the PPD was upgraded, but, for certain political reasons, it was soon removed from service and only the Winter War with Finland forced the country to quickly resume manufacturing 1940 modification PPD guns. The PPD-40 was manufactured in besieged Leningrad until 1942, although the PPSh-41 replaced it as a mass weapon and entered into service in 1941. The PPD was a classic example of a 'first-generation' submachine gun. It had a traditional wooden stock with a structure that was quite expensive to produce and required a significant amount of machining. The first samples of the #PPD34 only had casket magazines; however, following the 1940 war, drum-type magazines with increased capacity were developed for them.

Oref0TcOMQg | 06 Dec 2018
The development of the #Kalashnikov assault rifle began in 1943. The Ministry of Defence a decided to make a series of weapons which provided the infantry with the possibility of effective fire at ranges of about 400 meters. The first party of the Kalashnikov assault rifle wsd manufactured in 1948. Want to know more? #АК47

fEh7HqrZOdU | 25 Oct 2018
Kalashnikov assault rifle was developed over 70 years ago, but people still argue about its history. What is the correct name of this weapon – AK or AK-47? Who really designed it? How Kalashnikov, who did not have a weapons design engineering degree, managed to create one of the best assault rifles in history? In the first video we will answer those questions and get to know some of the first AKs ever made – unique AKS manufactured in 1948 at the Izhevsk motorcycle factory for army trials and some later variants that were on production until late 50s and are still used around the world.

k0IhfO0sYKc | 15 Oct 2018
In April 2018, Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had an opportunity to see the assembly line, tool manufacturing facility, forging production, logistical center and R&D facility. Watch the video to see what are his thoughts on current Kalashnikov production and the progress made in the last several years.

4OqmoHBvB0c | 03 Oct 2018
The Kalashnikov group presented an automatic weapon control station under the control of combat artificial intelligence. It can operate in the combat mode of a remotely controlled module, providing the operator with automatic recognition and target illumination, automatic tracking of ground, air and sea targets, ballistic computer. The weapon is equipped with a gyrostabilization system, which allows fire in motion, and two-spectral optics, which allows the use of the complex at any time of day and under conditions of limited visibility. Under the control of combat artificial intelligence the station can successfully perform tasks without a human operator. Combat artificial intelligence performs the functions of detecting and recognizing targets, determines priorities in the sequence of defeat, gives commands to the tracking machine and makes a decision about opening fire. Artificial intelligence is based on artificial neural networks, and can be trained in the process. The video presents one of the modes of operation in which the station scans the sector of the operational space, recognizes threatening objects, indicates the type of object (person or machine), decides on the required number of shots for guaranteed destruction and carries out a defeat. Stations are installed both permanently or on the vehicles, and can be combined into a single network for concerted actions, such as perimeter security. The station is able to independently decide on the exclusion from the sector of destruction of objects that are not dangerous, for example, animals. Artificial intelligence with automatic accompaniment compatible with all combat modules of the Kalashnikov Group. Equipping objects with such stations allows to exclude the human factor, such as loss of vigilance and fatigue.

GrAlQfLQroY | 28 Aug 2018
Kalashnikov Group demonstrated new assault rifle prototype “7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-308” at the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2018”. Weapon is based on AK-103 with certain design features taken from AK-12 and is chambered for 7.62x51 round. At the moment, weapon is being prepared for trials. Assault rifle is chambered in 7.62x51. Magazine capacity – 20 rounds. Weight with empty magazine – 4.3 kilograms. Overall length – 880-940 millimeters. Barrel length 415 mm. Weapon features aperture sights and folding adjustable 4-position stock. Bayonet can be attached. Complete technical characteristics of the assault rifle: Caliber: 7.62 mm Cartridge: 7.62x51 Weight (with magazine, without ammunition): 4,3 kg Overall length/with bayonet – 880-940 millimeters/ 1045-1105 mm Overall length with the folded stock: 690 mm Barrel length: 415 mm Height: 242 mm Width: 72 mm Stock: folding adjustable 4-position Magazine capacity: 20 rounds Sights: aperture sight

joKJAYd3BVM | 16 Jul 2018
More: Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot new PL-15K pistol. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

l67umYKDhH4 | 28 Jun 2018
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: PPSh and MP 40 are two most iconic World War II submachineguns. In this video, we will perform a series of tests to find out which one subgun is better - more accurate. more controllable, better at shooting throught obstacles.

0bTzA1KYFWw | 15 Jun 2018
More: Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot AM-17, the new assault rifle designed by Kalashnikov group. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

VsyX-X9GX-M | 01 Jun 2018
MORE: Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot Kalashnikov SR1. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

q4dtup_s2ek | 22 May 2018
More: Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot AK-12 the new assault rifle designed by Kalashnikov group. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

4bp-u8Cq0nM | 15 May 2018
MORE VIDEOS: The young Red Army inherited the Nagant M1895 revolver from the Imperial army. This was quite a reliable, but not very convenient weapon with slow loading and an original system of obturation between the drum and the barrel. Despite the fact that this revolver had already become obsolete when it entered service, the USSR manufactured it until the end of the Great Patriotic War out of necessity.

8cSCQD5lAbU | 08 May 2018
More videos with Larry: Larry Vickers, one of the most respected firearms industry experts, visited Kalashnikov Group production facility in Izhevsk, Russia. He had a chance to shoot AMB-17, the new integrally supressed assault rifle designed by Kalashnikov group. Watch the video to see what he thinks about this weapon.

-cj1Q8C5zA8 | 06 Mar 2018
Live demonstration of the new vehicles, gear and weapons from Kalashnikov group - all in one video. Starring - unmanned combat ground vehicles "Soratnik" and "Nahlebnik", Vitiaz submachinegun, gear and equipment from " Group 99", "Tourist" UTV, special purpose motocycles and remote controlled weapon station PPDU.

nXEFyHMdScw | 19 Feb 2018
The Czech VZ. 58 assault rifle is often confused with the AK. Their stories are similar. VZ. 58 was also invented by a young and unknown engineer beating many famous colleagues in the competition. But inside VZ. 58 and AK differ crucially. Want to know more?

8UD2rXV7P2w | 22 Jan 2018
More videos: Kalashnikov Media presents a unique project "Kalashnikov: around the world." For the first time we will tell you about all the variants of AK that have been produced all over the planet for the past sixty years. Thanks to Zoltán Szőrös for informational support and guidance! Check his website if you want to know more about Hungarian AKs.

fMzbrRAuux8 | 25 Dec 2017
"Kalashnikov Media" tests the TG2. Want to know which cartridge to choose for accurate shooting and how will the TG2 shoot at 200 and 300 meters? Watch the video. TG2 for the cartridge 366 TCM is based on the AK103 Kalashnikov assault rifle and is authentic to the combat analog for ergonomics, mass and appearance. A new gun is available for purchase under a license for smooth-bore weapons.

SHfa1RDNyss | 27 Oct 2017
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Subscribe to the channel: It is no accident that Kalashnikov became the most popular weapon in history. Different versions of AK were produced in over 20 countries. The most famous non-Russian variant of Kalashnikov assault rifle is the Chinese "Type 56". From Columbia to Vietnam, from Mozambique to Afghanistan, those weapons were involved in dozens of armed conflicts and have questionable reputation. In this video we will discuss how Chinese AK came about , what is the difference between Chinese and Russian AK, and what countries started to copy Type 56, which was itself a copy of Russian design.

JSpTEzs4swc | 18 Aug 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov group presents new tactical operational air monitoring complex ZALA 421-16E2 at the “Army 2017” international military forum. This UAV is designed for day/night reconnaissance with the live video stream at range up to 35 km.

8YCh_Lsb7zA | 16 Aug 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov group will present a new line of SVCh rifles in different calibers at the Army-2017 International Military-Technical Forum. According to company's experts, SVCh is the future of Russian precision firearms.

Zq32DYvgoLs | 03 Aug 2017
visit us at 🔫 “Escort” operational briefcase is one of the most unusual accessories for AK rifles. 💼 It was developed for KGB close-protection agents, who were tasked with guarding high-ranking state officials. Watch the video to see how it works.

TQJUWthY09c | 03 Jul 2017
visit us at Two famous biathletes Anton Shipulin and Alexei Volkov invited stand-up comedians from the team “Ural’s pelmeni” to the shooting range, gave them new Izhmash biathlon rifle Bi-7-7 and had a relay race shooting competition.

gXTyBo49eY8 | 21 Jun 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov Group presents two product lines of handguns with different trigger mechanisms. Yarygin pistol (PY) and Lebedev pistol (PL) are produced in different modifications: from competition handguns to combat pistols currently used by Russian Army and police.

ZbSgTn-Up9E | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at US team competitor Kuan Watson received an award of 250 000 rubles (4500$) at the first world IPSC rifle championship. He had the best results among all of the shooters who used “Kalashnikov” weapons in standard semi-auto division.

MdRKZ6g_2Dc | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Which rifles does Nikolay Valuev prefer? Two-time WBA heavyweight champion chooses the products of Kalashnikov Group. The Russian Giant get new items to his collection on this week. It’s the MP-155 semi-automatic shotgun and double-barrel gun MP-234. These rifles had made special for him - on the basis of anthropometric parameters.

mrXsrR-XB2Y | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Pump-action rifle KSZ-223 was developed and produced especially for Russian National IPSC team for the First IPSC Rifle World Championship

a2SsMwc0H6c | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov group manufactured a special batch of 5.45x39 Saiga MK rifles for the first IPSC Rifle World Championship. The weapons were made for competitors who were unable to bring their own firearms due to the sanction policies of their own countries.

s1bDdECYS0E | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Opening ceremony of the First IPSC Rifle World Championship was held on June 4 at "Patriot" park. 850 competitors from 45 countries participated in an opening ceremony.

srG82LMTX9M | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Pump-action rifle KSZ-223 was developed especially for Russian National IPSC team. Russian shooters won in all divisions where manual action rifles were used. International shooters also appreciated this new weapon.

X2ThehA3j_0 | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at "Very good! Can I have one?" - said “the greatest shooter of all time” about KSZ-223, pump-action rifle made by Kalashnikov group. Jerry Miculek, holder of multiple world records in shooting and member of team USA had a tour of the "Kalashnikov" shooting club.

XCZkvurGSGk | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov group presented its product line at the exhibition of innovative technologies of law enforcement agencies. Commander of Russian Guard Victor Zolotov and Vice-premier Dmitry Rogozin visited Kalashnikov's stand.

5d-xYZEcijY | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Members of Kalashnikov team Roman Khalitov and Alena Karelina became IPSC rifle world champions. They told us about the price of a victory right after award ceremony.

zaGYtntu_tA | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at Kalashnikov Group presents new and modernized assault rifles and light machine gun RPK 16. Some of those weapons already successfully passed all stages of army field-testing.

Bd8ht7ZEzJk | 20 Jun 2017
visit us at The First Rifle World Championship is finished - all the shots are already fired, flags were lowered, competitors are going home. The award ceremony was a final event of the match. How was it, who won - all of it is in our video report.