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All videos archived of GradeAUnderA
The Worst Christmas Song Ever

l9SZFPfG1wI | 21 Dec 2024

The Worst Christmas Song Ever

MERRY CHRISTMAS MATE! It's not Christmas just yet, but I wanted to make a video complaining about the worst Christmas song ever. And no it's not "All I Want For Christmas" by Mariah Carey, that's a banger. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:22 - Length ;) 0:35 - The gifts 1:18 - The dark side of the gifts... 2:31 - The gift giver 2:55 - Do they repeat? 4:20 - Updated 2024 Version

The Worst Magic Tricks Ever

i_rdtPxs8nE | 07 Dec 2024

The Worst Magic Tricks Ever

🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ I love magic, everyone does. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:41 - The Spike Trick 2:13 - Escape Tricks 3:05 - Escape Tricks (cont) 4:17 - The Secret Behind Magic 5:55 - Mind Over Matter Tricks 7:02 - The #1 WORST Type of Trick 9:47- Final Word

Undeniable Proof That Vegans are Dumb Af

QIn7Ajql64Y | 26 Nov 2024

Undeniable Proof That Vegans are Dumb Af

🌎 Get an exclusive 15% discount on Saily data plans! Use code gradea at checkout. Download Saily app or go to ⛵ We all love animals, and vegans love animals more than anyone.... so why do we all hate vegans? Because they're dumb and rude. But in this video, I'm gonna try and help them to reconsider some of their stances by pointing out some stuff I've noticed that doesn't make sense about them. This is part 2 of my series of videos on vegans, watch the others here: Part 1 - Part 2 - (This video right here) Part 3 - (Future video) ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The Official 2024 Donald Trump Roast!

EkwpScD8IGc | 18 Nov 2024

The Official 2024 Donald Trump Roast!

It's here, the Donald Trump Roast!! Slightly late, sorry mate. I got violently ill for a lil over a week (Right after making my Kamala roast, hmmm. I see Hillary Clinton clearly saw my video then...) and in the name of fairness, here is the Donald roast. I would once again like to express my deepest condolences to all fellow Kamala supporters at this sad result. However all is not lost, we should keep our heads, our pride and our patriotic Democrat spirit high during these following 4 years and support one another in this hard time. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The Official US Elections 2024 Roast - Kamala edition

eUp18_QhX5w | 02 Nov 2024

The Official US Elections 2024 Roast - Kamala edition

The Kamala Harris roast! Try not to take this video too seriously, but telling people on the internet to do that is a big ask. Kamala Harris is a great candidate who I fully endorse for President for the United States of America. I think her policies are amazing and will greatly benefit the USA as well as the world. I fully agree with the likes of other intellectual powerhouses such as fellow billionaire Taylor Swift and Harvard professor and economist Megan Thee Stallion, that Kamala Harris is who I believe will lead the USA into a future full of hope and prosperity. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The 4 Craziest Election Results Of All Time

RkGEcyI6CJw | 21 Oct 2024

The 4 Craziest Election Results Of All Time

🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ Deleted scene on 2nd channel: ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

How The Funeral Industry Is a Scam

QwyyvN26evc | 28 Sep 2024

How The Funeral Industry Is a Scam

Go to to get 22% off 1-2 Displates or 30% off 3 or more! The funeral industry is a scam. I think it's silly and I don't understand why anyone does any of it, but they do for some reason. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The World's Best and Worst Flags

gesFZcVHzkw | 06 Sep 2024

The World's Best and Worst Flags

🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ FLAGS! Every coutry has them and I find them so interesting. But which are the most memorable and notable ones? Well today is the day you find out once and for all, with the Official GradeA International Flag Awards! :D Finally uploaded in full 1080p quality! (Even though the source pics are less than 480p) Enjoy ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The Story of Noahs Ark (Bible Stories 3)

4tnyj-y381Q | 24 Aug 2024

The Story of Noahs Ark (Bible Stories 3)

The first 5,000 people to use coupon code gradea will get 1GB SAILY DATA PLAN FOR FREE! Go to and download Saily to test it out for FREE. BWrite description here, dont forget (watch me forget) ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The Olympic Games - How to make them not be sh*t

Wfc6GUPzO3I | 20 Aug 2024

The Olympic Games - How to make them not be sh*t

Use code gradea at to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan. The Olympic games! They just happened a week ago and I wanna talk about it now (cus making animated videos is a headache), because I have some revolutionary ideas that will make them 100x better (or make em 100x worse, you decide) Enjoy. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The Story of Adam & Eve (Bible Stories Part 2)

v6qTFCel-xo | 20 Jul 2024

The Story of Adam & Eve (Bible Stories Part 2)

🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ I LOVE THE BIBLE! I've started a series telling my favourite Bible stories, and they're literally my favourite videos to make. I've already made Part 1 about the WILDEST story I've ever heard in my life, about the cities of Sodom n Gomorrah, but now we take it all the way back to the very start of the Bible, and tell the story about how it all began, with everyones great great great great..... great grandparents, Adam and Eve. Enjoy Watch Part 1 of this series here: ALSO I HAVE NEW GANGSTA JESUS MERCH: ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:28 - Making man and Earth 1:07 - The Garden of Eden 2:13 - That f*cking tree 2:51 - Ribs make a woman 3:35 - Miracles and misbelievers 5:01 - Adam and Steve? 5:53 - Eating the apple 6:58 - Punishments 8:04 - MAXED OUT STUPIDITY 9:28 - More Bible Stories?

Questions I've Always Wanted To Ask a Vegan (Part 1)

mSXcQbvFx5s | 06 Jul 2024

Questions I've Always Wanted To Ask a Vegan (Part 1)

Use code gradea at to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan. I love vegans. Even though they may not necessarily love me. But as much as I love vegans, I don't fully understand them, or some of the strict af rules or philosophies that they impose on themselves. So to better understand my vegan brothers and sisters a little better, I have a few questions for them. So here are a few questions I've always wanted to ask them. Enjoy (Also this is Part 1, I also have a Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 that I've already made that I'll upload in the future. Hope you like it) ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - Eggs + Milk 2:57 - No Involvement 4:02 - What We Hate The Most 5:38 - Religion + Veganism 6:02 - Mushrooms = Meat??? 6:43 - Final Word #vegan

The Craziest Story Ever Told (Bible Stories Part 1)

GkQClsXq9e8 | 29 Jun 2024

The Craziest Story Ever Told (Bible Stories Part 1)

🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ I LOVE THE BIBLE, I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING! The Bible is one of the most iconic books on the planet (even more than the Harry Potter series) and it has some of the most interesting stories. But how much do you reeeeally know about them? There is a lot to be learned from The Bible, but it can be a daunting book to read sometimes. So I have decided to take the time to make some videos breaking down these timeless stories and lessons into easily digestible videos, so everyone can enjoy and learn from them. Btw I genuinely had soooo much fun making this video. Let me know if I should make more and I'll fully get into reading more of the Bible and making more. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 1:01 - Quick Disclaimer 1:!5 - Introducing Sodom n Gomorrah 2:04 - Just Wanna Get To "Know" You 3:15 - Lot's Morals 3:49 - This Is What's In The Bible? ....Fr? 5:27 - Salt-Gate 6:12 - Chill Out, Angels! 6:33 - Caves 7:52 - Love Thy Neighbour 8:32 - Conclusion 9:07 - More Bible Videos?

The Feature Needed To Make GTA *PERFECT* (+ I'm Being Sued)

-Agnxlfd1OU | 16 Jun 2024

The Feature Needed To Make GTA *PERFECT* (+ I'm Being Sued)

Buy some sick new merch: Watch Part 1 of this video: Last week I made a video about the features GTA needs to have to make it amazing. But today, I talk about what the game needs to be THE PERFECT GAME. Enjoy ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:25 - Pre-amble 1:28 - What the feature is 1:39 - Part 1 of the feature 2:06 - Part 2 of the feature 3:33 - SOOOOO many possibilities! 4:22 - The new gaming revolution 5:26 - I'm being sued

Changes we NEED in Grand Theft Auto 6

CLZpXokI4wE | 08 Jun 2024

Changes we NEED in Grand Theft Auto 6

Break up with basic browsers. Get Opera GX using my link: AND DOWNLOAD MY SEXY AF MOD HERE: Everyone loves the Grand Theft Auto series, but it's getting a bit stale now (not that I'll ever stop playing it, but I said the same thing about Call of Duty and I fully abandoned that franchise). So to help Rockstar Games out and help em make GTA6 the best game to ever exist, I thought I'd make a little 2-part video essay on some features and changes I'd like to to see make it into the next game. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 2:13 - New Game+ ? 3:41 - The cheat code we all need 4:39 - Loading Screens 5:06 - Why *six*??? 6:00 - Difficulty 6:31 - Mission difficulty 7:53 - The MOST important thing

The Dumbest (and also the best) things about Powerlifting

SrpMZtxJniA | 25 May 2024

The Dumbest (and also the best) things about Powerlifting

Get 20% OFF + Free International Shipping with promo code gradea at #manscapedpartner #fathersday ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:36 - The bench press 2:00 - The deadlift 3:02 - Deadlift (lil addition) 3:13 - Powerlifters and beards 5:11 - BIG BOIS!! 5:43 - Things I LOVE about powerlifting 6:50 - The DUMBEST thing about powerlifting 8:35 - My World Record attempt

How To 100% Any Exam

go84qA-3xzg | 19 May 2024

How To 100% Any Exam

MERCH: Watch this video to see how to ace any exam / final you have and get the job of your dreams. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 - Intro 0:39 - Method 1 2:02 - Method 2 2:59 - Big announcement 3:31 - Method 3 4:59 - Method 4 5:22 - Method 5

Exams Suck

JM5KKiDPasg | 11 May 2024

Exams Suck

HAPPY EXAM / FINALS SEASON! Exams are like that show "The Big Bang Theory", they suck and only nerds enjoy them. But to lift your spirits during this tough time, here's a video complaining about them. And I might make a follow-up video on how to "help" you do better on them... ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 Intro 0:10 Comparing answers after an exam 1:23 Why are they always in the Summer? 2:10 How to cheat... 2:21 37 watermelons and 22 pineapples 2:48 Exam conditions 4:05 - Oh yeahhh! 4:10 - Workload

How To Talk To Girls

5bK7nMWvdSk | 05 May 2024

How To Talk To Girls

Use code gradea at to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan. Part 2 of my essential guide on How to Master Online Dating. If you haven't seen Part 1, go watch that first: ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

How To Master Online Dating - The Great Catfish Experiment (Part 1)

axNZi3EVSpY | 30 Apr 2024

How To Master Online Dating - The Great Catfish Experiment (Part 1)

Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ Online dating is stressful, but let me take the stress out of it. Whether you're on Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, eHarmony, OkCupid, Plenty of Fish or whatever else, enjoy this masterclass on how to master the art of online dating. My strategy was Einstein-tier genius. I basically became a catfish back at the end of November/start of December last year to see what guys are like when they're messaging girls online, and I used that to see where guys are going wrong. And in this video (and the next one), I will present my findings. This is less of a video and more of an academic publication. Deleted Scene on 2nd channel: ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

I Hate Smalltalk

uQtYPjBttac | 20 Apr 2024

I Hate Smalltalk

Go to to download Saily today. Everyone hates smalltalk. Everyone. So can whoever it is that decides what gets cancelled all take a vote and see if smalltalk can be next pls? Thanks mate. And after they cancel that, they can cancel daylight savings too, cus it doesn't make any sense. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -


5PPHLET8USc | 30 Mar 2024


🌏 Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ The weight class names in fighting sports. Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight, Lightweight, Welterweight etc. I'm sure everyone's seen them, but not everyone has sat down and given thought to why the names of the most badass sports on earth are so lame and embarrassing. Also I had to cut out about 3 minutes of content from this video, but I will most likely be uploading a bonus video next week of that, along with a few minutes of content I didn't include in my video about boxing/mma that I made 2-3 years ago. OK that's enough writing, see you next week, and the week after that too, most likely! ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 Intro 1:03 125lbs 1:49 135lbs and 145lbs 2:30 105lbs 2:39 Headgear is lame 4:53 155lbs 5:43 170lbs 6:32 The best named one 7:02 115lbs 7:20 Final word


oGPq6V42ClQ | 14 Mar 2024


Use code gradea at to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan. Guinness World Records used to be a big deal when I was a kid, but now I'd actually be a little embarrassed if I had one because when you look at the kinda stuff they hand em out for now, you probably wouldn't ant one either. I got to making this video and I had so much unused material that there's basically enough for a whole 2nd video. I'll be uploading that another day, so look out for that. here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - 0:00 Intro 1:35 How to guaranteed get a WR 3:05 Guinness... 3:43 A Special WR 5:15 Do they ever say "no"? 5:42 The one WR that Guinness won't log 6:57 Other nasty sh*t 7:39 Final word

The DUMBEST Examples Of Censoring Ever

OcFh8XHZOiA | 29 Feb 2024

The DUMBEST Examples Of Censoring Ever

Get exclusive NordVPN deal here ➵ It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!✌ Hi again. Let's act like I never went anywhere. Super special leap year Feb 29th upload! Quick video on some random examples of censoring I've seen that made NO SENSE to me at all, and I'm sure it will make no sense to you either. Feels good to be back.... anyways see again next February 29th. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

I'VE MADE *40* BRAND NEW VIDEOS! (2024 Season 7 Teaser Reel)

o4Aeo4TIag8 | 04 Feb 2024

I'VE MADE *40* BRAND NEW VIDEOS! (2024 Season 7 Teaser Reel)

I've literally made 40 brand new videos. No BS. I've been in hiding working away and have a metric ton of videos ready to upload. This isn't all of them (there are a few more, maybe like 8-10ish more?) but topics include: Adam and Eve, The Avengers, unrealistic beauty standards, Earth itself, funerals, graduations, horror movies, magic n David Blaine, nightclubs, Noah's ark, HOW TO MASTER ONLINE DATING (I've never had so much fun working on a video before), that dirty website with the initials OF, how stressful packing is, parents, they/them stuff, small talk, The Notebook, etc etc, I can't be bothered to list them all cus there's so many. (Off the top of my head, some of the topics I haven't included in this video are Guinness World Records, boxing weight classes, a Youtube complaint about how it doesn't treat comedy as an art, a video on a specific well-known Xmas song, child support etc etc, and more. A lot of exciting stuff) ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - (I don't have access to this any more. FML) • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Why Jesus Hates Christmas

L8lWUwVY3Uc | 02 Jan 2022

Why Jesus Hates Christmas

I HAVE MERCH NOW! Not just that thing where Youtubers will throw their logo on a shirt and that's it, I've designed this sexy sexy stuff to be for everyone. But Merry Christmas mate! About a week late, or 51 weeks early? You decide. Quick(ish) vid moaning about Xmas. And following this theme of being late, I'll make a video about New Years Resolutions in March. I have a few new years resolutions, in case anyone cares: 1) Watch imdb top 100 2) Gym every 4of5 days and become a sexy beast of a man 3) 40 videos uploaded in 2022. 4) Marry Susan ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

The World's Most Disgusting Foods

myExAe2sCts | 28 Nov 2021

The World's Most Disgusting Foods

Cyber Month Deal! Go to to get a 2-year plan at a huge discount plus 1 month free. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! I've been watching a lot of travel shows recently, like Gordon Ramsay Stuff, Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, the Top Gear specials etc, and they always have weird foods that any sane person would say "no thanks, gimme some McDonalds instead", but instead they happily eat. So in this video, I go over some of them. Enjoy. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

I Hate Inspirational Pictures (+ The Stupidest Inspirational Quote Ever)

xhD0oyl6SDc | 04 Nov 2021

I Hate Inspirational Pictures (+ The Stupidest Inspirational Quote Ever)

Special Cyber month deal! Go to and use code gradea to get 70% off a 2 year NordPass Premium plan plus 1 free month! I hate those inspirational Pictures/Quotes that you see on Instagram all the time, here's a video moaning about them. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Is COVID Overhyped?

CeJgbiQFyjw | 12 Oct 2021

Is COVID Overhyped?

Derailing the COVID hypetrain, or reinforcing it? In this video we put the hysteria and emotions aside, and look at the raw and uncut figures. Ooh bby. Watch and see for yourself. Big thanks to my Big Hairy Balls for sponsoring this video. Thanks for all the testosterone and spunk over the years. Love you x And proper merch soon too x ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

I Hate Raising Awareness

pYOGiv-uBps | 02 Oct 2021

I Hate Raising Awareness

Go to to get a 2-year plan at a huge discount plus 4 months free. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! Jus making a quick video to raise awareness about a cause very close to my heart: My hatred for "raising awareness". Enjoy. Merch store: Soon... I dunno. We'll see ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Jake Paul vs GradeAUnderA - The Biggest PRBLM In Boxing

NPbOJA_rZEA | 20 Apr 2021

Jake Paul vs GradeAUnderA - The Biggest PRBLM In Boxing

Go to and use code GRADEA to get a 2-year plan plus 1 additional month with a huge discount. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! Me talking some sh*t (Thank God I asterisk-ed that letter, now you don't know wtf I meant) about Jake Paul and the sport of boxing. Jake Paul is the next Floyd Mayweather, we all need to accept this. What an impressive boxing record, and now he beat Ben Askren too? Defeating such GIANTS of the sport, I'm sure he will fight God Himself next. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Zodiac Constellations Are Stupid (+ I Hate My Phone)

XlyjlnySapc | 11 Apr 2021

Zodiac Constellations Are Stupid (+ I Hate My Phone)

Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. The zodiac constellations are stupid. Sooooo stupid. Everyone's thought it, literally noone disagrees, yet we still have these stupid things. Well enough right, cus in this video, we will finally make new ones that make sense! :D Also, quick lil extra bit about how my phone is crack, and it is a black hole for my productivity, and I need to realise the toxic relationship I have with that thing, fr. Phone stays away, n videos get made. I love my smartphone and I hate it a the same time. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Pokemon Game Theory: THE BIGGEST POKEMON SECRET NOBODY TOLD YOU - Where They *REALLY* Come From...

JszzmLD4DrU | 27 Mar 2021

Pokemon Game Theory: THE BIGGEST POKEMON SECRET NOBODY TOLD YOU - Where They *REALLY* Come From...

Go to and use code GRADEA to get a 2-year plan plus 1 additional month with a huge discount. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! Happy 25th Birthady, Pokemon! I have been studying the Pokemon video game franchise for decades right, and have finally found the answer to Pokemon's greatest unanswered question: Where tf do all those new Pokemon keep popping up from? Who cares about $1,000,000 pokemon cards and Logan Paul, that's for children; this is a video for SCIENCE! I am now Professor Oak. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - Summary: Pokemon game theory that will blow your pants off.

Dreams (and Wet Dreams)

LJuK_y-cVzc | 30 Jun 2020

Dreams (and Wet Dreams)

Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon Dreams are a weird and mysterious thing, and this video aims to demystify said concept by explaining HOW TO CONTROL YOUR DREAMS! You're welcome. ► Here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -


rUPKIHsxmT0 | 28 Jun 2020


It finally happened bois, my channel is basically demonetised. 96 public videos, 4 of them fully eligible for monetisation, 1 partially eligible, and *91* not eligible at all. 91! Btw those 91 still have adverts on them so they're still earning money, it's just going to some random dude, who probably does'nt even know i exist. Wonderful. How motivating! ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

h3h3 vs Keem - The Crappest YouTube Drama In History

Hai9KRkBX6Y | 28 May 2020

h3h3 vs Keem - The Crappest YouTube Drama In History

Reviewing the most talked about but least eventful drama in all of 2020, Boomer vs Boomer, h3h3productions vs Killer Keemstar! ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -


SzyZSMEkxvk | 17 May 2020


Hello again! Quick update, vanished before cus things were kinda sh*tty, but they're not sh*tty anymore, so I'm back to making videos :D! ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Why We All Hate Valentines Day (Tiny Bit Late...)

aae5LGZEoOQ | 24 Mar 2019

Why We All Hate Valentines Day (Tiny Bit Late...)

► Men may love their girls, but they hate Valentines Day. No exceptions, we hate it. But in this video, we find a solution. You're welcome. Also, buy some stuff n become a sexgod. Suck it Dan Bilzerian ► ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Sports (And Ones That Aren't Actually Sports)

F8LoUS9iPX8 | 03 Feb 2019

Sports (And Ones That Aren't Actually Sports)

ITS SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! So as a British guy who knows nothing about American Football apart who Tom Brady is and that the sport is badly named, I thought I'd celebrate with a video crapping on a few sports. (Btw, yes American Football is the worst named sport o Earth, but literally everyone has thought of the "Handegg" thing, so I didn't mention it in this video. Making a video on sports and making the "handegg" joke/observation is like being the guy who keeps sayign "The sky xD!" when asked "what's up". ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want ► NU MERCH - • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Swear Words

7a0qw5Ziqm8 | 16 Jan 2019

Swear Words

Swear words aren't allowed to be said, so big changes changes need to be made to this channel. Lol jk, I wish. I curse too much. Twitch art streams soon, and big plans on doing a series of stream where I try and make a video made (almost) entirely by chat. Notes will be taken for eveyrone who suggested stuff, and they'll be listed in credits. But keep it secret mate, this is just for the Video-Description-Checkers. Peace ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel -

Political Correctness Manual 2019 - Things You Can't Say

EYCW73_3JHU | 01 Jan 2019

Political Correctness Manual 2019 - Things You Can't Say

Not being politically correct and possibly offending someone, soon to get you 8-10 years in prison, is the biggest threat to mankind right now. So to make sure you don't contribute to the problem, this video is here to help out. For full educational benefits of the video, please watch this video multiple times, ideally without AdBlock. Again, for the educational benefits ^_^. Thanks. Season 2 was super successful and will be hard to beat, BUT SEASON 3 IS HERE! :D! ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera

GRADEAUNDERA SEASON 2! - Where I've Been, Depre55ion And Wtf Happened To Youtube

5hirytvfSXM | 20 Sep 2017

GRADEAUNDERA SEASON 2! - Where I've Been, Depre55ion And Wtf Happened To Youtube

Announcing GRADEAUNDERA SEASON 2!!! :O Please like the video, if you could. I'll give you oral favours if you do, I have no gag reflex. Cheers. Btw, I spelt that word with 2 5's instead of S's because it's a pretty grim word and I assume it'd get demonetised. No thanks Susan. Where the fuck have I been? I'll answer it in this video. If you go to my Twitch, I streamed yesterday and talked about it. Bit mish mash tbh, but over 90% of it's in there, if you care. And Playing Metal Gear Solid. Badly, but still. And I talked about Pewdiepie saying the N-word there as well, if you care. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera

Is GradeAUnderA Dead? (Where Tf Have I Been?)

X6Ol2-TVkBI | 22 May 2017

Is GradeAUnderA Dead? (Where Tf Have I Been?)

I'm making videos again \o/ FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH!: Gonna be streaming all the Metal Gear Solid games and might even make a video on it if it's crazy enough and I can find enough stuff I find funny about it, so come down for the Metal Gear Solid - a - Thon! And LIKE THIS VIDEO! Youtube algorithm *only* cares about likes apparently, so whatever, lemme beg. Like this video and I'll dance for you, sing for you, make makeup videos or vlogs or anything, whatever you want! But on a serious note, where have I been? In short, 95% health issues and 5% other stuff too. I've had my health stuff going on from MONTHSSSS ago from about late Summer time I think, but it amped up the past 3 months or so. I'll figure it out, but for now I'm back to making videos. But Youtube's in a bit of a hole at the moment, heh heh, so gonna be doing Twitch as well from now on lol. Dammit Susan. (Btw, probably doesn't help that I'm using copyrighted music and this is probably gonna get claimed and make me literally $0, BUT OOH BABY, Undertaker's theme, it's so good. Doubt anyone even reads the description lol, but see you guys soon :) ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are fine as hell and I wanna smash. (Names coming soon)

How To Protest Online (Using The WSJ Pewdiepie Thing As A Case Study)

VI4SXWQCuIA | 11 Mar 2017

How To Protest Online (Using The WSJ Pewdiepie Thing As A Case Study)

I'M GOING BACK TO MAKING 3-5 MINUTE VIDEOS This is the last 10-ish minute video I'll be making for a while man, fuck that, I'm too lazy. Complaining videos are nice n all, but with a bit of research and stuff, they can be soooooo much more. And cus it's the latest situation thing that happened (and cus I already did the research and can't bare to see it go to waste), I'm gonna quickly go over how people could've complained smartly a few weeks ago. "Grade, this Pewdiepie WSJ shit blew over like a fucking month ago bitch, wtf" Yeah I know, but I had this video damn near done so I thought I'd dust it off, get it done, shit it out and then go back to my older type of vids. Short and snappy man, these shits take too long. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters: Name's incoming soon, login being messed up

Pewdiepie Vs WSJ - The Bigger Problem With The Media

GAmo1xGvwlw | 27 Feb 2017

Pewdiepie Vs WSJ - The Bigger Problem With The Media

Fuck the WSJ Been away from the internet for a while but this Pewdiepie shit is some hardcore shit. I always knew the media can be crazy biased at times, especially against comedians (specifically radio shock jocks) etc, but this Pewdiepie stuff is insane man. But dw, I have a possible plan! I was making a video, scrapped it cus everyone was talking about this, got held up making this, and then got a plan. So here, have this video and I'll quickly shit out another video in a few days with my plan so maybe WSJ can not do it again? Who knows. But enjoy video and I'll get on making the next one. Much love. Btw, bit late to the party, I know, but real life stuff happened. And also, drinking game, take a shot every time I mention something about Pewdiepie raising money for charity. May you rest in peace. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • Facebook - • 2nd channel - • Steam - GradeAUnderA • Reddit - GradeAUnderA • Mother's Maiden Name - GradeAUnderA • Snapchat - officialgaua (my current phone can't handle Snapchat btw) ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. If I was writing an article in the WSJ about you guys, I'd totally write about you guys having huge dongs. Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Simon B and Lily D.

F*ck Video Game Trophies - Top 5 Stupidest Trophies

3eBQUjGD7jw | 07 Feb 2017

F*ck Video Game Trophies - Top 5 Stupidest Trophies

If you wanna press "Like" on this video, I'd appreciate that. Cheers mate :) I love video games, but I hate video game trophies In this video, I'll show you 5 of the absolute worst trophies I've ever seen. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are fine as hell and I wanna smash. Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Simon B and Lily D. You guys all deserve a trophy.

Exposing IRL Bullshit - SANTA CLAUS

PuQNQBbl0Ak | 16 Jan 2017

Exposing IRL Bullshit - SANTA CLAUS

Get your own crate of awesome stuff from Loot Crate at: Use code GRADEA to save 10%! INTRODUCING A NEW CRAPPY LIL SERIES I'M GONNA BE DOING ON MY CHANNEL, CALLED "......HUH?" Some stuff in life is so stupid man, but people still believe it. So I thought I'd start dedicating some videos to exposing how bullshitty they are. And we're gonna kick the series off with the grandaddy of bullshit.....SANTA CLAUS! ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are the best :D. Make love to me. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Simon B, Lily D and Kevin R. I'll be coming down your chimneys to pay you guys a visit and eat your cookies and milk very soon :)

Police & Racism - #BLMKIDNAPPING

CK_I6C12uWM | 08 Jan 2017

Police & Racism - #BLMKIDNAPPING

#BLMKidnapping. Leave a "like" if you liked the video, and fuck YT But yo, some of the recent shit around that whole #BLMKidnapping is insanity man. Such an interesting topic that I stopped the video I was making at the time to pump this one out. But ngl, the main reason I'm doing this video is cus it gives me a reason to make a racism video in a few days :p. So look forward to that if you care \o/ ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are fine as hell and I wanna smash. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Simon B, Lily D and Kevin R. I would never kidnap and whoop your arses :)

Annoying Shit That Parents Do

2B-QIqqLkJk | 25 Dec 2016

Annoying Shit That Parents Do

Yes my parents used to let me live with them, they even used to let me live *IN* them before I was born, but despite all that love, they do a few things that are really irritating, ngl. So in this video, I'm gonna go over two things they do that's annoying, and I'll cover some others in future videos. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are fine as hell and I wanna smash. MCDHARYL E! Andy, Reilly S, Prothvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Tiragenocide, Dana, Corey D, Lily D and Kevin R

My Video Game Complaints (+ HAND REVEAL!!!!!!)

0AkWlOigs1g | 13 Dec 2016

My Video Game Complaints (+ HAND REVEAL!!!!!!)

Get your own crate of awesome stuff from Loot Crate at: Use code GRADEA to save 10%! Video games are cool and I goddamn love them right, but they're not perfect. So in this video, I'm gonna go over some of my video game complaints. Yes, I'm complaining about video games, despite how perfect they are. Next wee, I'll be complaining about boobs. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are like rainbows, sunshine and Amsterdam all rolled into one. MCDHARYL E! Andy, Reilly S, Prothvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Tiragenocide, Dana, Corey D, Lily D and Kevin R

Why Diamonds Are A Scam

yK_9GN5r-Jg | 23 Nov 2016

Why Diamonds Are A Scam

Fuck diamonds man, shit's overhyped and overpriced. Poor men having to splash out all that cash on one. That's bullshit man. So lemme help my fellow men out and save them a mini-fortune on proposing. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are Metal Gear Solid (just the original the others are too much), Super Metroid and Mario Party all rolled into one. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R

People Who Hate Video Games

8Lwagct_ySs | 18 Nov 2016

People Who Hate Video Games

Get your own crate of awesome stuff from Loot Crate at: Use code GRADEA to save 10%! Video games are cool, but people who don't like em aren't. And Anita Sarkeesian, she seems nice :). If anyone actually reads video descriptions, opinions? ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are Metal Gear Solid (just the original the others are too much), Super Metroid and Mario Party all rolled into one. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R

TRUMP WINS - SJW Hillary Supporters and Assassinating Trump

HAQmJVx_si4 | 12 Nov 2016

TRUMP WINS - SJW Hillary Supporters and Assassinating Trump

OK, one more political video. I thought Clinton had it in the bag, didn't actually think Trump would win. But since he did, just one more, k? I've got more political views, but I'm not making a video on it. If I do ever decide to voice em, I'll write a blog post, I dunno. But I'm NOT making a video on it again. Next video is gonna be about video games, and then something else random too. So happy days. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters, you guys are the peanut butter to my jelly, and I dunno what I'd do without you. Probably sell crrack. And my body too. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS - Everything You Need To Know Before You Vote

IFu8KK7DnYk | 08 Nov 2016

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS - Everything You Need To Know Before You Vote

THIS IS MY LAST POLITICAL VIDEO, I PROMISE! K? I SWEAR Can Hillary Clinton hold on to her lead and go to war with Russia? Can Donald Trump pip ahead and finally start dating Putin? WELL TODAY IS THE DAY WE START TO FIND OUT, CUS ITS HE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS! One final video (uploaded a day later than I wanted, because of stuff) just to wrap up on some things, and then no more political videos, cus world's gonna be destroyed soon enough anyways. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R

Donald Trump EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - The Worst Of The Presidential Elections

wHvb7WjDHfw | 03 Nov 2016

Donald Trump EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - The Worst Of The Presidential Elections

Not mentioning the shit you've all hear a million times, like grabbing pussies and calling Rosie O'Donnell a cow or whatever etc. I do NOT support Clinton btw. Just saying that right away. Video analysing and breaking down the 2nd of the 2 main Presidential Candidates right now, DONALD TRUMP! Next video will be a quick wrap-up of the election in general (probably be uploaded Saturday/Sunday or so) I don't have a preference between Hillary and Trump, I think they're both horrible candidates tbh, but nonetheless, people need a nice educational video telling them about each candidate. HENCE WHY IM MAKING THIS VIDEO! ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R

Why I *HATE* English Spellings (+Extra Deleted Scenes At End)

GnEnpyAu6hw | 31 Oct 2016

Why I *HATE* English Spellings (+Extra Deleted Scenes At End)

Get a free audiobook and 30-day trial at Btw, thank Audible for the extra scenes at the end, they wanted the video to be over 10 minutes. TRUMP VIDEO OUT ON WEDNESDAY (got pushed back, sorry) How the fuck do "bastard", "nerd", "bird", "word", "turd", heard" and "plastered" all rhyme, despite being spelt so differently? English is a good language man, but how come the spellings of some words are so bad? They're SOOO bad. So in this video, I quickly go over some random examples that came to mind. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee T, DXWarlock, TiraGenocide, Dana, Corey D and Kevin R And thanks to Audible for making sure I'm not homeless. Much love.


4Q714fz3Cu4 | 23 Oct 2016


I do NOT support Trump btw. Just saying that right away. Video analysing and breaking down the 1st of the 2 main Presidential Candidates right now, HILARY CLINTON! Next video will be The Donald (probably be uploaded on Friday or so) I don't have a preference between Hillary and Trump, I think they're both horrible candidates tbh, but nonetheless, people need a nice educational video telling them about each candidate. Cus all people seem to know right now is "Trump likes grabbing pussies" and "Wikileaks is showing how Clinton is basically the new age Hitler..... but too much reading, so fuck it, I'll assume it's not so bad" HENCE WHY IM MAKING THIS VIDEO! SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee T, DXWarlock, TiraGenocide, Dana, Corey D and Kevin R

Who Am I Voting For? (Message to Casey Neistat)

6v148z4ISIM | 19 Oct 2016

Who Am I Voting For? (Message to Casey Neistat)

Btw, this isn't an attack video on Casey, I'm just using him as an excuse to make a politics video (and because some parts of his video were mental) But Presidential elections are coming up and people don't seem to know anything about either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, so I'll be educating you. Not in this video, but in the next few videos. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee T, DXWarlock, TiraGenocide, Dana, Corey D and Kevin R


Of8zKJl39TM | 09 Oct 2016


Me addressing the allegations against me recently. Shit's getting desperate on Youtube, so I've been called a pedophile, a guy who caused a $1m lawsuit, a backstabber, a cunt, a MILF, and a cross-dresser. This video is just clearing up some allegations, and then I'm done with drama. Might have to be more active on Twitter from now on, cus that's where all the teenage-girl-esque sub-tweeting and allegations start. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, I love you guys. Andy, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee T, DXWarlock, TiraGenocide, Dana, Corey D and Kevin R

I Do Not Enjoy Making YouTube Videos (+ End Mini Vlog)

kEtRWdoMI8o | 27 Sep 2016

I Do Not Enjoy Making YouTube Videos (+ End Mini Vlog)

Hey guys. Recently I've not been having nearly as much fun making videos, and growing to fucking hate it, actually. So I need to work on getting my love for it back, but I felt I should talk to you guys and let you all know about it. I know it's a bit of a downer of a topic to talk about, but I didn't think it would be a good idea to keep it to myself and not talk about it, so here's a video. But I'll be back to my normal videos soon enough :D hope everyone's good. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters. I love you guys. Andy, Czn114, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee Thorsen, DXWarlock, Osama A, TiraGenocide, DanalFS, Corey D and Kevin R

When Letters & Numbers Go Full Retard (+ Lil Possible Channel Update)

dZXJAHECx48 | 13 Sep 2016

When Letters & Numbers Go Full Retard (+ Lil Possible Channel Update)

Get your Lootcrate Goodies at Use code GRADEA to save 10%! I've already made a video on the letters in the English Alphabet being stupid, but now numbers are acting up too. And why did this video take so long to be made? Cus I wasted my time doing examples on UK/USA bra sizes (the UK ones are fucking absurd), but then after spending forever on it, it hit me that " am I doing, Youtube is full of 9yr old kids. They don't even know what bras *are*, why you making a video on em?" So I ditched it. That was a 3+ minute part right there. But whatever. But with regards to "Why such a short video after taking so long?" Louis CK makes 60 minutes of material a year. Shit's hard man. But YT algorithm favours frequent uploaders, so I'm gonna have to be making an effort, cus my [insert substance that would get my video demonetised here] addiiction isn't cheap. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are the reason why I get up in the morning. You guys, and my alarm clock. And my morning wood. Andy, Czn114, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee Thorsen, DXWarlock, Osama A, TiraGenocide, DanalFS, Corey D and Kevin R

YoutubeIsOverParty - I Could Lose *97%* Of My Ad Revenue

u-AsnDvhKr4 | 05 Sep 2016

YoutubeIsOverParty - I Could Lose *97%* Of My Ad Revenue

Fuck YoutubeIsOverParty, de-incentivising certain video topics, and videos effectively kinda being censored is the real problem on Youtube. Dw about people complaining about losing 0.3% of your ad revenue SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, I love you guys. You're all invited to my blowout party for when I'm out on the streets. Andy, Czn114, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee Thorsen, DXWarlock, Osama A, TiraGenocide, DanalFS, Corey D and Kevin R

Why I Ducking Hate Autocorrect

NiYT9I88efI | 28 Aug 2016

Why I Ducking Hate Autocorrect

Fuck Autocorrect. Not "duck" Autocorrect, not "suck" autocorrect, *FUCK* it. Autocorrect's fucked me over more times than should be, so I'm calling it out. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, I love you guys. You are the guys who truly don't care if I capitalise my video titles, cus the 13 year olds who dominate the Youtube audience are easily distracted by capital letters: Andy, Czn114, Vin Giorgio, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee Thorsen, Osama A, TiraGenocide, SWF, DanalFS, Corey D, Bill R, Lily D and Kevin R

My Pokémon GO Experience

OOyPWP-MwzE | 14 Aug 2016

My Pokémon GO Experience

I LOVE POKEMON GO! But ngl it's not perfect. Here are my views and complaints about em. (Dw, no more Pokemon vids. I originally had the part 2 video from the last one planned, but had to scrap that) "OMG GRADE, JUST OVER 10 MINS! YOU BITCH!" I know I know lol, but this was originally an 18 min vid, complaining about GPS spoofers and how awesome this game is etc, but some of it was boring, and some of it became redundant. But the video did come to pretty much, on the dot, 10 mins. BUT IM STREAMING POKEMON YELLOW HAX! If anyone actually reads this, I'll be streaming a simple Pokemon Yellow glitch which you can use to get a level 100 Pokemon in about half an hour. Come watch if you want, I'll be streaming shortly after this is uploaded :) SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, I love you guys. You guys are the peanut butter to my jelly, the sugar in my coffee, the crack in my cocaine. Know that I love you all and I want you all inside me, k?: Andy, Czn114, Vin Giorgio, Prithvi S, Kendall, Vee Thorsen, Osama A, TiraGenocide, SWF, DanalFS, Corey D, Bill R, Lily D and Kevin R


1LUqN7pgryY | 31 Jul 2016


Get your lootcrate today at Use Promo Code "grade" to get 10% off your order! Just giving my thoughts on Pokemon. I'm addicted to Pokemon Go (thought I was too grown for that shit when it came out...but I was wrong) and I'm gonna be streaming Pokemon Yellow probably soon, but just giving some thoughts. Please poodlecorp, don't follow up on your August 1st promise. Cheers mates. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, you are all among the few things keeping me going right now, you magnificent and extremely well endowed guys and 11/10 girls: Sovve, Andy, aniellopalino, Taylor R, Prithvi S, KENDALL!!, Charlie B, Vee T, DXWarlock, MrGruesome, Osama A, TiraGenocide, Bryan B, Corey D, Kevin R and Colton F. AND COLIN H, HOOOOLY SHIT MAN!

Why I Hate Sports Fans

2QpO_QNFQjU | 19 Jul 2016

Why I Hate Sports Fans

THIS VIDEO IS JUST COMEDY MATE! I'M A BASKETBALL FAN MYSELF, calm down. If reading the title angers you, please let go of the triggered-ness and deep breaths mate. I know some people on Youtube are sensitive, but if you're a sports fan and you're starting to take the jokes in this video to heart, just take it in your stride, ok? Try not to get too salty please. But seriously though, some of you sports fans, Jesus Christ man, settle down. Shirts: Also the heartache, omg man. I spent all week working on this, it was originally an 11 mintue video, I made the entire video....and I didn't like it too much. The first 7 minutes were "meh", but the last 3.5 minutes was "lol" to me, so I didn't want people to have to sit through 7 minutes of "meh" to see 3.5 minutes of "lol", so I cut out the first 7 minutes. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, you are all among the few things keeping me going right now, you magnificent and extremely well endowed guys and 11/10 girls: Sovve, Andy, aniellopalino, Taylor R, Prithvi S, KENDALL!!, Charlie B, Vee T, DXWarlock, MrGruesome, Osama A, TiraGenocide, Bryan B, Corey D, Kevin R and Colton F. AND COLIN H, HOOOOLY SHIT MAN!

How To Be 100% HACKPROOF!

Q00OZ_Xk24w | 12 Jul 2016

How To Be 100% HACKPROOF!

Some pretty goddamn huge Youtubers are getting hacked and stuff recently. So here's a little video I made about the entire topic of hacking, and how to make yourself as hackproof as possible. Btw, I'm totally expecting to get hacked soon, cus I don't know dick about computers and there's no way I've covered all possible ways. So here's hoping it's not too bad on me. But I wanna help, if I can, so hopefully his video is helpful to some :) Shirts: SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, you are all among the few things keeping me going right now, you magnificent and extremely well endowed guys and 11/10 girls: Sovve, Andy, aniellopalino, Taylor R, Prithvi S, KENDALL!!, Charlie B, Vee T, DXWarlock, MrGruesome, Osama A, TiraGenocide, Bryan B, Corey D, Kevin R and Colton F. AND COLIN H, HOOOOLY SHIT MAN!

Proof That The Human Race Is DOOMED!!

5Ltac5JFciU | 03 Jul 2016

Proof That The Human Race Is DOOMED!!

The human race is FUCKING DOOMED man! We used to be smart and shit, inventing things like electricity, calculus, magnets and nitrogen. But now all we do is....... nothing. I dunno what the point of this video is tbh. I had a few random points and I had to mash together a quick video, and this is it. And it gave me a reason to talk some political shit, so thats always a plus. I've had diarrhoea for 2 days and I've spent more time sat *there* than at my computer desk. I'll be back to making more coherent videos with a more concise topic from next week! Shirts: SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, you are all among the few things keeping me going right now, you magnificent and extremely well endowed guys and 11/10 girls: Sovve, Andy, aniellopalino, Taylor R, Prithvi S, KENDALL!!, Charlie B, Vee T, DXWarlock, MrGruesome, Osama A, TiraGenocide, Bryan B, Corey D, Kevin R and Colton F. AND COLIN H, HOOOOLY SHIT MAN!

GradeAUnderA vs Keemstar (Part 2) How To REALLY Piss Keem Off

VBcB7j0hnck | 25 Jun 2016

GradeAUnderA vs Keemstar (Part 2) How To REALLY Piss Keem Off

Skip to 16:07 if you wanna get straight to how to piss off Keemstar more than anything. MakeYoutubeGreatAgain Shirts: Btw, sorry for the lateness of this, the new Youtube ToS make drama videos too much to have to step carefully around. Legit the last one ever. Otherwise, I'm gonna talk a few more things about Keem in general. Hopefully these videos being made on him recently take him down a peg or two. If he ever starts throwing around false pedo allegations, please don't let him live that stream girl thing. Apparently there's way more evidence too, but I didn't get time to look at it. But hope you enjoy the video :) The new Youtube ToS suck man lol, I had to remove pretty much all my jokes in this video, and what shitty ones were left in, I had little disclaimers riddled in the video. I made this drama video cus the guy's literally going around calling people pedos and ruining their careers. I'd feel like a bitch if I didn't call him out on it. But new ToS suck so fucking much, so me making drama videos legit make no sense any more. If I wanna rip someone, I can't, I've gotta be nice. So I know I've said it before, but this had to be done. Pedo accusing arsehole, but drama vids are no more for me, genuinely. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man, you super sexy beasts: Colin H, Sovve, Andy, Matt B, Prithvi S, Alex BM, Vee T, Bill R, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Kevin R, Osana A, Bryan B and Azman

GradeAUnderA vs Keemstar (Part 1) KEEMSTAR THE PEDO?

G2SRA4JL5dA | 19 Jun 2016

GradeAUnderA vs Keemstar (Part 1) KEEMSTAR THE PEDO?

MakeYoutubeGreatAgain Shirts: FUCK KEEM, FUCK SLEEP, MAKE YT GREAT AGAIN! Keem's a dick. Youtube's terms suck. I lost a few hours of sleep of this, but fuck it, Fuck DramaAlert, fuck Keemstar, fuck that racist dog. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. I love you more than how much I hate Keemstar, and that's a LOT: Colin H, Sovve, Andy, Matt B, Prithvi S, Alex BM, Vee T, Bill R, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Kevin R, Osama A, Bryan B and Azman

My Thoughts On Gay People

05n8S2p5XU4 | 12 Jun 2016

My Thoughts On Gay People

The timing of this video's upload is crazy. I spent 4 days rushing to make this and just a few hours before I got this done, the Orlando shooting happens. It's a shame that there are still people like that around. Please bare in mind what a coincidence it is, having this topic be so relevant to what just happened, but I have to upload the video at this late stage in the week. My shirts/merch store: SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. I love you more than I love gay people, and I fucking LOVE them: Colin H, Sovve, Andy, Matt B, Prithvi S, Alex BM, Vee T, Bill R, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Kevin R, Osana A, Bryan B and Azman

Runway Fashion

DoDv27PFUcY | 05 Jun 2016

Runway Fashion

I FINALLY HAVE SHIRTS! And hoodies too. Runway fashion is stupid, so I made a video giving my thoughts on it. I had to rush this video like mad, I'm dying of no sleep, and I need to get researching my next person/thing for my next video (it's not Kanye, not yet man, but it should be good :D) SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. Way more fashionable than Vivienne Westwood, and have bigger dongs than Rick Owens' models (just the guys, of course): Colin H, Sovve, Andy, Matt B, Prithvi S, Alex BM, Vee T, Bill R, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Kevin R, Osana A, Bryan B and Azman

Stupid Things That Parents Do ( + FUPA )

Ko4leGFOGx8 | 29 May 2016

Stupid Things That Parents Do ( + FUPA )

My Link: :/ Yup, that's my link. Not "Grade"......but "Ram"...... Awesome lol. FUPA Fund: Go help FUPA out, whether it's donating, or just spreading the link. This video, while it does have a nice bit of FUPA news (aka FUPA drama...) and a nice bit of selling out at the end, the main purpose of the video is to point out some of the things parents do that are, in all honesty, fucking stupid. I love my parents, but truth be told, some of the things they, and I'm sure plenty others do, not the best logic. Btw, much love to h3h3productions, must be shitty going through a lawsuit, despite how bullshit it is, and especially to Philip DeFranco, brain child of FUPA, aka saviour of the internet. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. I love you all more than crystal meth. And I fucking love crystal meth. Sovve, Andy, Simple Basics, Jack-SF, Bill R, Tom L, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Vee T, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Connor A and Bryan B.

The Most ANNOYING Things People Say EVER (+ Herpes)

IPAFejOC-4I | 24 May 2016

The Most ANNOYING Things People Say EVER (+ Herpes)

Some people say some annoying shit, so in this video, I will EDUCATE (not complain, *educate*) people and tell them why some of the things they say are stupid, and that they should stop I've done two videos kinda similar to this before, so go have a look at those if you want, too: "Stupid Phrases You Should Never Say Again": "(I'll find this one later)" [Put link here] SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. The following people need to tell me last weeks lottery numbers: Sovve, Andy, Simple Basics, Jack-SF, Bill R, Tom L, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Vee T, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Connor A and Bryan B.

How To Find Any Songs Name (+ 2M Face Reveal)

W1ZHLcBYS3o | 15 May 2016

How To Find Any Songs Name (+ 2M Face Reveal)

In this life-changing video, I will tell you how to find the name of ANY SONG EVER ...... (that you can accurately make out the lyrics to, and is popular enough to have had its lyrics written up :/ ). And face reveal too. I've had messages in the past asking me "oi mate, is this you?" and they've been right lol, but I thought I'd finally show my face, cus it's annoying and kinda unhealthy how much some people seem to care. So here, have a look and get past the curiosity :p SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. The following people need to help me find all the songs in my past songs, cus a few people have asked in the past, and I can't be arsed to man: Sovve, Andy, Simple Basics, Jack-SF, Bill R, Tom L, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Vee T, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Connor A and Bryan B.

An End To Youtube Drama?

qDPesjPimS4 | 10 May 2016

An End To Youtube Drama?

Can we all stop giving YouTube drama the attention it doesn't deserve, please? Can we treat it like fucking Voldemort and just utter those words, pretty please? Can we just make it end? Well if not, fuck it, maybe I can reason with some of you guys and show you that Youtube Drama, the thing that everyone keeps complaining about....isn't worth complaining about in the first place......and that we should end it. Some home truths man. Btw, I know I'm firing a few low-key shots while saying I wanna end drama....yes I am. If I can end some of the current hysteria surrounding Youtube Drama, I'm fucking happy. It's all some people can talk about nowadays. So hope you enjoy! I'll be back to my old, stupid comedy videos now. This was just getting on my tits, having random idiots still leave comments complaining about drama to me. The fuck mate? THE FIRST 7 OR SO MINUTES ARE KINDA SLOW Just so you know Reddit post where I got my information from. Go check it yourself if you want: Recently, everyone's talking about drama. Sheeeit, not me though. I've been dodging drama for 2 months. But I'm *STILL* getting affected by it. I'm not happy Pewdiepie, Markiplier and Matthew Santoro have been all about that bullshit and I've been seeing some comments recently that I don't like, and I'm blaming them. In this video, I'm gonna analyse Pewdiepie, Markiplier and Matthew Santoro's videos, break em down and show you why they're pure shit, and you shouldn't listen to them. And sorry Matthew, but I've gotta expose your bullshit in general. What you're doing is fucking disgraceful on your part, and it's time people knew. Make me sick. (If you somehow have an affiliation with listverse, I'll take back all my comments, but given the original author doesn't get credit in your video, I'm confident you don't) SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. The following people need to help me spread the word that Youtube Drama is the new Voldemort, and noone should dare utter it's name, ever: Sovve, Andy, Simple Basics, Jack-SF, Bill R, Tom L, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Vee T, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Connor A and Bryan B.


6AKPp0tZhjY | 01 May 2016


THE FIRST 7 OR SO MINUTES ARE KINDA SLOW Just so you know Reddit post where I got my information from. Go check it yourself if you want: Recently, everyone's talking about drama. Sheeeit, not me though. I've been dodging drama for 2 months. But I'm *STILL* getting affected by it. I'm not happy Pewdiepie, Markiplier and Matthew Santoro have been all about that bullshit and I've been seeing some comments recently that I don't like, and I'm blaming them. In this video, I'm gonna analyse Pewdiepie, Markiplier and Matthew Santoro's videos, break em down and show you why they're pure shit, and you shouldn't listen to them. And sorry Matthew, but I've gotta expose your bullshit in general. What you're doing is fucking disgraceful on your part, and it's time people knew. Make me sick. (If you somehow have an affiliation with listverse, I'll take back all my comments, but given the original author doesn't get credit in your video, I'm confident you don't) SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to my Patreon supporters, man. The following people need to come to my house and protect me from all the drama: Sovve, Andy, Simple Basics, Jack-SF, Bill R, Tom L, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Vee T, Corey D, TiraGenocide, Connor A and Bryan B.

The Stupidest Names On Earth (Normal, Celebrity & Youtube Names)

DgX-oVZDS44 | 17 Apr 2016

The Stupidest Names On Earth (Normal, Celebrity & Youtube Names)

Celebrity names bit starts at 3:39, in case anyone just wants to skip straight to that for whatever reason. Some names are just stupid. We used to have a kid in our school called "Hardik" *facepalm* and Jesus Christ, school must've been a shitty period of his life. His poor, clueless bastard parents. How were they to know their innocent name meant "erect penis" in English? It's sad that this shit can happen, BUT FEAR NO MORE! This video is here to help you out. I lost track and started the video by saying what you shouldn't do, but the celeb bit was focussing on saying what you should do *sarcastically*, but whatever lol. I've spent way too much time on this video, I had my p.o.s computer break and I've had a company cost me a stupid amount of time, hassle and effort, and it cost me a week's upload, which I am fucking FURIOUS about. Dirty bastards. wonder what next week's video might be about... So if all goes to plan, I should be airing all that next week. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to work for my new restaurant I'm opening up, so we can collect all the tips and bathe in all the monies. Andy, Sky Williams, Simple Basics, Osama A, Jesse J, Prithvi S, Azman, Zachary C, Swiss Dave, Tom L, Bill R, Seth E, Kyle P, Corey D and Kevin Reust #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

Why Tipping Is A Scam

vBTfj2lN6sQ | 04 Apr 2016

Why Tipping Is A Scam

Some aspects of tipping, I don't get it at all. I mean I don't eat at restaurants often anyways, knowing someone who doesn't give a fuck about me is making my food, and trying to do it for as cheap as possible so he can maximise his profits is troubling enough, but the expectation for me to tip makes me wanna go even less. I know, I sound like a barrel of laughs right? The kind of person you want to get to know, no? Lol fuck you, but I'm just saying. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to work for my new restaurant I'm opening up, so we can collect all the tips and bathe in all the monies. Andy, Sky Williams, Simple Basics, Osama A, Jesse J, Prithvi S, Azman, Zachary C, Swiss Dave, Tom L, Bill R, Seth E, Kyle P, Corey D and Kevin Reust #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

Why Gift Cards Are A Scam

xj-7_YU-KIs | 23 Mar 2016

Why Gift Cards Are A Scam

Why do people buy gift cards man? Do people not see shitty they are? Well don't worry man, I'll explain. MY MAIN MAN WILLY SOCHKO: My video from 9 months ago: (Update 27th March - This video has sadly been removed since my video was made. I'm sure we can all agree, a crying shame) SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to find as many gift cards as we can, so we can wipe our arses with them and wipe them on people's faces, and film a prank video of us doing so. Andy, Omar R, Osama A, Youtube's very own Sky Williams, Simple Basics, Jesse J, Azman, Seth E, Alex M, Tom L, Alex C, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Swiss Dave and Adam M! Much love to all you insanely sexy people. #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

Calling In Sick To Work

caDiy3_JVPQ | 13 Mar 2016

Calling In Sick To Work

I don't give a fuck who you are, but when you call in sick to work, I swear eeeeeeveryone does this/goes through this shit. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to grab my phone and call in sick for me on my behalf. Stay away from my texts and my picture gallery though: Andy, Omar R, Osama A, Youtube's very own Sky Williams, Simple Basics, Jesse J, Azman, Seth E, Alex M, Tom L, Alex C, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Swiss Dave and Adam M! Much love to all you insanely sexy people. #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

Retarded Sports Scoring Systems

UaKTuKEErnw | 08 Mar 2016

Retarded Sports Scoring Systems

By the way, just so you know, the main purpose of this video is to prepare some sports fans for a video I wanna make soon. Some sports fans treat their fave sports like their own children, and to insult it would result in them wanting to beat the shit out of you, burn your housee down, kill you, or even worse......unsubscribe! PLEASE DON'T! lol. So the main purpose of this is to ease you sports fans into the upcoming video, whenever that is. Okay? Some scoring systems in some sports are so stupid man. I've played bowling a few times before and it's never made immediate sense to me. If a guy with a Master's Degree in Maths can't "get" your scoring system in 2 minutes, it's too fucking complicated. Btw, please, no comments explaining it, okay? I'm fully aware of how to fucking Google it and I'm sure I'd "get" it straight away, alright? Thanks lol. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Instagram: OfficialGradeAUnderA Snapchat: officialgaua - My current phone can't handle Snapchat btw Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to watch me and my mate Ajmal play tennis, so they can keep score: Andy, Omar R, Osama A, Youtube's very own Sky Williams, Simple Basics, Jesse J, Azman, Seth E, Alex M, Tom L, Alex C, Kevin R, Prithvi S, Swiss Dave and Adam M! Much love to all you insanely sexy people. #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

iPhone 7 & Samsung S7 - LEAKED PHOTOS & DETAILS (Gone Sexual!)

ktkVQk2ypTg | 01 Mar 2016

iPhone 7 & Samsung S7 - LEAKED PHOTOS & DETAILS (Gone Sexual!)

I'll be doing a Reddit AMA tomorrow, in all probability. Add me on Twitter to stay posted on that, in case you wanna ask something: Wanna know what the iPhone 7 and Samsung S7 will look like? Well you've come to the right place man! In this video, you will undoubtedly find out everything you want to know about the new Samsung S7 and the Apple iPhone7. By the way, if someone actually clicked on this video after seeing the title/thumbnail with the dogshit writing and the shitty stick figures, and expected some actual info about the phones, goddamn man. It's not clickbait, you're just an idiot lol. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to buy my Samsung S2 off of me, cus his barely-functional piece of shit is on it's last legs and it's dying, so I don't want it any more: Andy, Osama A, Zachary C, Alex M, Tom L, Azman, Lipton, Kevin R and Prithvi S #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain I'll keep writing this in my descriptions until I actually see the changes we wanna see.

Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part2/2) - The Community Guidelines

sF2tCY281Rk | 22 Feb 2016

Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part2/2) - The Community Guidelines

#MakeYoutubeGreatAgain In this video I'm gonna remind Youtube about it's Community Guidelines, cus thye've clearly fucking forgotten, and I'm snitch some channels out. Just gonna point out some of the worst things on Youtube in the hopes it wakes YouTube up into doing something. Lol doubt there's much of a chance of that happening, but a man can dream. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following people need to make form a mob so we can raid Youtube HQ and personally deliver our angry letter to them, expressing our anger: Andy, Osama A, Zachary C, Alex M, Tom L, Azman, Lipton, Kevin R and Prithvi S

Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part1/2) - Copyright, Reactions and Fanboyism

vjXNvLDkDTA | 08 Feb 2016

Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part1/2) - Copyright, Reactions and Fanboyism

Youtube's fucking up in a big way man. And Youtube needs to fix that shit. Punishing innocent Youtubers, wtf man. Why you punishing them when there are plenty of Youtubers who are actually breaking rules? So I'm gonna remind Youtube about it's Community Guidelines and snitch some channels out (I'll do this properly next week, and shorter too. This video is me rambling. I've been out of it this whole week. Exhausted man. So I'm quickly gonna cover reaction channels again, cus they're the purest form of shit on this site. And in doing so, we'll cover copyright on Youtube. Next week will be a more chill video. I've been awake for like 33 hours man, I don't even know what I'm typing ffs. Not gonna lie, main vid is the next one lol, but had to throw up something. Fuck this video took forever man. And I had way too much going on in real life, this week ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon! The following pepole need to make Youtube videos so I can react to them and leech off their talent: Andy, Osama A, Zachary C, Alex M, Tom L, Azman, Lipton, Kevin R and Prithvi S

Things I Find Stupid

PJTOx7JfuFA | 31 Jan 2016

Things I Find Stupid

A video on some random things I find stupid/hate a little. The video name and title of the video are different cus I changed my mind and forgot to change it and now can't be bothered. Maybe a Part 1? I've got a SHITLOAD of these written in my 8-year-old notepad file of ideas, so I could do these now and then. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in December. The following guys' balls do not drag along the ground: Andy, Osama A, Joseph G, Alex M, Tom L, and Mike M

Prank Channels = AIDS

uq2rF0e-wCQ | 25 Jan 2016

Prank Channels = AIDS

SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but I saw some loser trying to take the name I want for some reason, so I need to beat him to the punch. Cunt. My third and final video on pranks. Fucking trilogy, wth. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in December. The following people need to be actors in my next prank video: Andy, Osama A, Joseph G, Alex M, Tom L, and Mike M

Nicole Arbour EXPOSED As A Liar - With Proof (Vs Matthew Santoro)

B5LlpqU3YpI | 16 Jan 2016

Nicole Arbour EXPOSED As A Liar - With Proof (Vs Matthew Santoro)

Nicole Arbour's lies exposed. Sooo many lies. Jesus Christ, they're like ants, there's so many of em, where do they keep coming from, holy crap Nicole. I've already made a video on Nicole Arbour and I hoped she would've stopped being such a cow. But now she's making videos flat-out lying even more, big claims about how she's being real, wants a fucking polygraph test etc. Settle down Nicole.This video will expose a bunch of her lies. Um, Nicole must've made this account and forgotten about it. And funnily enough, the *only* video she uploaded is the "Dear Matt" video. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in December. The following people need to meet me at the airport so we can go and beat Nicole Arbour up: Andy, Osama A, Joseph G, Alex M, Tom L, and Mike M

Youtube's Stupid Age-Restriction Rules

wMuhCBPqp2Q | 10 Jan 2016

Youtube's Stupid Age-Restriction Rules

My last video got age-restricted, WHICH IS SOME BULLSHIT! Double standards on YouTube man, wth. No fair. I'm butthurt-af. Btw, my prank videos are coming out soon. I've got two I wanna make, but I'm gonna try and get them both out by the weekend. Might have a mid-week upload. We'll see. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in December. The following people need to meet me at the nearest cardiology ward to do some scare pranks: Andy, Osama A, Joseph G, Alex M, Tom L, and Mike M

Exposing Fake Pranks

4uWGCHx9vqo | 03 Jan 2016

Exposing Fake Pranks

A video where I watch some prank videos and show you how to properly analyse them. I will show you how to spot suspicious things, and the power of watching prank videos in slow-motion. Um, btw, not exposing pranks as being fake, that is a nice little joke, heh heh. I feel as though I'm not allowed to say I think a prank is fake, even if I give reasoning and show proof and show how they go against the laws of Physics. Fucking stupid copyright claiming system on Youtube, man. Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in December. The following people need to meet me at the local pub so we can go spit in people's beers while we drink some fruity cocktails: Andy, Osama A, Joseph G, Alex M, Tom L, and Mike M

Fuck Phone Calls (How To Get Out Of Them)

536k0abeoT8 | 27 Dec 2015

Fuck Phone Calls (How To Get Out Of Them)

Does talking on the phone make you nervous? Do you think phones are for pussies and refuse to use them for any purpose other than snapchatting dickpics to random people on the internet? Or are you a time-traveller from the past and don't trust the wizardry that goes into cell/mobile phone technology? WELL FEAR NO MORE! This video will show you how to get out of speaking on the phone. This video will cure your....."telephonophobia" By the way, I'll be working on the Part 2 to my Pranks video this week, so it should be up next weekend. And for the special few who read the description, there might even be a Part 3 which talks about more than just pranks. Who knows. You'll see in the coming weeks. Hope you're all good. Support me on Patreon! You don't have to, but it would be cool if you did. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA *In an Austrian accent* Who is your daddy and what does he do? GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Grade Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in November. The following people need to meet me behind the bike sheds for a hot, steamy make-out session: Andy, Osama A, ZeroBotik, Marc F, Joseph G, TheEngineerFromTCR, Aaron E, Tom L, Les S, Alex C

Why I Hate Prank Channels

95flK-IZDYg | 20 Dec 2015

Why I Hate Prank Channels

This is The Official GradeAUnderA guide on how to have a successful prank channel on Youtube! Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. Btw, don't be offended and switch off the video when I start talking about black people, I'm on their side, if anything. Just watch until the end (if you have a long enough attention span to watch a 10 minute video, I'm told that's rare to find from the average Youtube viewer....but no harm in wondering, is there?) Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Might be streaming a lil later on, so if you're seeing this and it doesn't have too many views, pop over to my twitch and I might be around :D Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in November. The following people need to bring their cameras and help me take some nudes: Andy, Osama A, ZeroBotik, Marc F, Joseph G, TheEngineerFromTCR, Aaron E, Tom L, Les S, Alex C

Why Animal Names Are Stupid

psENhhkYMO8 | 13 Dec 2015

Why Animal Names Are Stupid

Here's a video on a few examples of stupid animal naming (and specification, but "Specification" is a big word, and I'm not about that lifestyle. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera Hope you liked the video! Thanks for watching. Much love. Grade Much love to my Patreon peeps for supporting me in November. The following people need to see me after class for a special assignment: Andy, Osama A, ZeroBotik, Marc F, Joseph G, TheEngineerFromTCR, Aaron E, Tom L, Les S, Alex C

Why The English Alphabet Is Stupid

fPzAABMozs0 | 28 Nov 2015

Why The English Alphabet Is Stupid

I don't know why the English alphabet is the way it is, but it shouldn't be. I don't know who I'm supposed to contact to get this happening, so I'll just post it on YouTube, cus everyone goes on YouTube. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • Facebook - • 2nd channel - • Steam - GradeAUnderA • Reddit - GradeAUnderA • Mother's Maiden Name - GradeAUnderA • Snapchat - officialgaua (my current phone can't handle Snapchat btw) ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera If you're reading this, hey! I usually stream a few hours after I upload a video on, so come pop in and say hi if I am :D

Things I Hate People Saying

zrHkb8U8ID8 | 21 Nov 2015

Things I Hate People Saying

Support me on Patreon: Here's a short video on a few things I hate when people say. I'm sure you'll hear them and think "Shit, yeah, I hate it when people say that too!" Btw, I know Einstein did specifically address the thing about why time goes fast at times and slow at others. Just imagine he never said that. Support me on Patreon: I have some badass perks, if I do say so myself. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA If you're reading this, hey! I usually stream a few hours after I upload a video on, so come pop in and say hi if I am :D

How To Spot A Fake Profile (Catfish)

LagwG7bieEA | 14 Nov 2015

How To Spot A Fake Profile (Catfish)

This video will give you a full, comprehensive guide on how to spot if the person you're talking to online is real....or if they're a CATFISH (aka a fake profile). 3:59 is when it starts, in case you're some super busy guy who has no time, but *needs* to know how to spot fake profiles asap. Support me on Patreon: I have some badass perks, if I do say so myself. Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want. Steam: GradeAUnderA Reddit username: GradeAUnderA Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA If you're reading this soon after I've uploaded this, I might be streaming on, so come pop in and say hi if I am :D

My Patreon Campaign

KfuNxAkUWIk | 07 Nov 2015

My Patreon Campaign

Support my channel on Patreon! Go check it out and see if there's anything on the menu you would like :D I'm trying to speed up the process of making Youtube my full-time job and have made a Patreon page to do so. And not only that, but I think I've got the ABSOLUTE BEST donation incentive levels ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET... EVER, MAN! If you wanna help out the channel, please do. If you don't wanna, why don't you go fu-.. Uh, I mean it's fine, no worries, you don't have to. :p If you dont wanna/can't donate but still wanna help the channel, spreading the word and sharing my videos etc helps out a bunch. Donating is completely optional and I'm always going to try and make as many videos as I can, but if this was my full time, I'd be more consistent with videos and I'd be able to put more time into them. Even this one. Hope you're all well and I look forward to seeing if this goes anywhere Especially that $2.5k total, I'd be super excited if that somehow got met eventually :D Tried to make it not-so preachy, and especially 'beggy' lol, so hope there's still something worth watching in this.

People Who Use Long Words

LZCRxxb_rwY | 01 Nov 2015

People Who Use Long Words

When I say "Long" I really mean "Fancy-ish, somewhat obscure word that considerably more people won't have heard of, than will have," but you can see how just saying "long" is a decent bit shorter. And there's a slight contradiction of my logic intentionally left in the video, so for the self-righteous guy who's going to come to this video, spot it and try to sound like some Sherlock Holmes-esque smartarse by pointing it out and making a big deal out of it, try not to comment about it lol. It was left in for comedy's sake, please relax. Put down the knife and step away from the keyboard. Follow me on Twitter! ALL HAIL BOB ROSS! Twitch TV has been celebrating something (not sure what) and they've been airing Bob Ross' "The Joy Of Painting" episodes for the past 3 days or so. To celebrate this myself, I will most probably be streaming soon after I upload the video to take requests on pictures to make, as a few people have asked me how I make my pictures.

Men's Fashion

7wMJWlql-UY | 24 Oct 2015

Men's Fashion

My views on men's fashion nowadays. I know I'm a nobody who knows nothing about fashion, but I know more than Kanye West, and he's somehow a kinda-respected figure in that industry. So if people in the fashion industry consider him as someone whose opinion is of some worth, mine should be worth at least 3 Mona Lisa's, 2 unicorns and a partridge in a pear tree. Follow me on twitter: And follow on on Twitch too. Why not, right?

Youtube's SECRET Hidden Feature!!!

UMoqUmTN6EA | 10 Oct 2015

Youtube's SECRET Hidden Feature!!!

Btw, this is going to be my channel trailer, hence the bit about subscribing. lol my bad if it comes off weird to you guys who are already subscribed, but I've been getting told for ages to make a channel trailer, so this is going to be it. Youtube's SECRET Hidden Feature!!! Youtube *clearly* didn't want anyone to know about this feature, but I'll tell you, cus I look out for you guys. This shit will change your life! Follow me on twitter! And follow me on Twitch, I'm going to start streaming soon-ish. Hopefully tonight, on the day of this upload.


1XyH8MJARcM | 04 Oct 2015


I am arachnophobic. Therefore I am normal. If you believe Follow me on Twitter! Follow me on, I'm gonna start streaming soon!

Nicole Arbour vs GradeAUnderA (feat. Nicole's breasts)

PVIoy1yCptg | 26 Sep 2015

Nicole Arbour vs GradeAUnderA (feat. Nicole's breasts)

Yoo! Follow me on Twitch. Fuck gameplay, I'm doing it for chat interaction. If you wanna come down and ask me questions about anything (as in literally anything. Wanna ask me what I think about this person or that person, want to ask me to tell you about some of the inside jokes on my vids, want to ask me what I really look like etc, come on down man! I'm doing it purely for the chat interaction. I'll be playing some shit like some golf game or something at the start, which you don't have to pay constant attention to, so come on down man!) Btw, if anyone knows how to get game audio from a Dazzle while I talk, hit me up, I'm clueless on what I'm doing mate. Yeah I know Nicole Arbour made her "Dear Fat People" video over two weeks ago, but I'm still seeing her come up on YouTube and stuff, so I thought I'd chime in and give my view on her. Btw I just wanna say that I'm all about freedom of speech and people being able to sa whatever they want for the sake of comedy, I just think she's a really bad comedian. I won't go into it here, I'll go into all that in the video. Btw, the two videos I mention in the videos where I say there'll be a link in here: By the way, much love to Akasan for being cool about me using him in my video (He's the guy saying "I was staring at her tits"). I asked him if I could use that lil clip of him in my video and in an instant he said I could. Cool dude. Follow me on Twitter

Passwords (And The Trouble I've Had With Them)

luv_bWmb9lE | 12 Sep 2015

Passwords (And The Trouble I've Had With Them)

COMMENT QUESTION OF THE DAY: What's your YouTube password? Leave a comment with your YouTube password in the comment section below and you might be lucky enough to have it shown in my next video! I'm trying to be more like those other popular YouTubers with their shit comment section questions; telling you to "rate, comment and subscribe" and stuff. I'll be invited round to do those rubbish vlogs with MarcusButlerTV and Zoella and that guy from PointlessBlog in no time. Doing shit like "Let's eat sweets from another country" and "let's wax my legs while answering Disney questions" or some fucking Photobooth challenge where the humour is based around acting like a prat. Fun times. Then I'll have 4M subscribers and I'll write a fucking book.... Someone tell me why these popular 19 year-old vloggers are writing books....and there's demand for it. I'm perplexed. You're 19, nothing interesting has happened to you. I find it absurd that anyone actually wants to hear about the life stories of these children. You want to read about someone's life, go get Ozzy Osbourne's autobiography. HIS life sounds fascinating. .....I'm rambling. Anyways, I've had some problems with passwords in the past and I thought I'd share some of my issues with them here. Everyone has passwords, so you must have come across some of these at one time or another. Come on now. Follow me on Twitter!

Racism Test - See How Racist You Really Are!

u5pnDkrCsDQ | 05 Sep 2015

Racism Test - See How Racist You Really Are!

Btw, I AM NOT A RACIST! Okay? Don't leave this video after a minute in disgust lol, it'll all get better, I swear. Presenting GradeAUnderA's new game show.....Racism Test! Ever wondered how racist you really are? ...What's that? ......You haven't? ...Oh..... Shit.... Well in case you are curious, watch this video and you will see just for yourself just how racist you are. And a quick take on the Taylor Swift song called "Wildest Dreams" and everyone saying that's racist. I've seen the video (which is a big deal for me. I never listen to new music, I think it's shit) and I don't see the big deal. Also, I will try and start uploading once a week with shorter videos or something. This video was supposed to be a quick snappy 3 minute thing but it just grew and grew. That seems to happen with every video. Follow me on Twitter!

Why Reaction Channels Are Shit (Jinx and CJisSoCool)

c5Gde-5FRWA | 22 Aug 2015

Why Reaction Channels Are Shit (Jinx and CJisSoCool)

Fuck reaction Channels Reaction channels are the ABSOLUTE fucking worst type of channel on YouTube and in this video, I will detail why. ... I mean I'm sure you're well aware why they're shit already, but it can be nice to hear it in a loud, British accent from time to time. This video was kinda a Part 2 video to a video I've already made, so if you want, go watch that first. For after you've seen the video: Lil bonus video, but it's pretty much someone else's video, just edited to be about 13x shorter than the LotR-long original. It's just an edited down version of Akasan's 40 minute phonecall to YouTube, but condensed down to like 3 minutes. (YouTube user Akasan, the guy with the red hair, is cool with this video being up as a supplement to this video. Cheers mate. Very nice of you.) Follow me on the twitter, man! For the small number of people who might read this, I've made a Twitch, where I might stream me playing golf and talking to chat, if I can figure out how to do it, so if you want, follow me there in case I might stream. And I've also made a kik account, so if you're not a kid like everyone else on that app, send me a message! My twitch and kik are GradeAUndera, same as here. Interaction with people who like my videos is by far the most fun part of making videos on YouTube, so I'm all up for it! Hit me up on those and I'll try and get back at as many people as I can :D

4 Huge Youtube Channels ANYONE Could Have Made

jdyiZSPYm9s | 08 Aug 2015

4 Huge Youtube Channels ANYONE Could Have Made

Ever thought about making YouTube videos and thought you didn't have the talent to get a lot of subscribers? WELL LOOK NO FURTHER I have found 4 hugely successful YouTube channels that require almost no talent whatsoever! After all, takes one to know one. I'm not saying these channels are bad in any way, I'm just saying they require no real talent. Pure luck and/or the personalities might have made the channels successful, who knows? But maybe seeing these mindless channels will motivate you enough to think about starting your own channel! Leave your comments on what you think the next video will be on. Follow me on Twitter mate. Don't think, thinking is for racists. Are you a racist? Or are you going to follow my Twitter? Some of the channels covered in this video: Thanks for watching! And I highly doubt you're even reading this far down into the video description ffs, but if you haven't already, subscribe!

Why I Hate Online Shopping - Amazon (Part 2)

_osrpU9UWrc | 25 Jul 2015

Why I Hate Online Shopping - Amazon (Part 2)

Why I hate online shopping! (Part 2 of 2) I used to use Amazon *loads* man, but I don't like it any more. Bastards. Site was so good, why'd you tweak it? You ruined it. Follow me on twitter! I tweet back to everyone who tweets to me. Make my life harder and tweet me and demand a reply. I reply to every single tweet I get. I get behind like a week or so every now and then, but I *always* catch up. Thanks for watching!

Why I Hate Online Shopping - eBay (Part 1)

K5VXmZ8s-SU | 18 Jul 2015

Why I Hate Online Shopping - eBay (Part 1)

Why I hate online shopping! .......Well I don't at all really, but just thought I'd point a few things out. And more than that, this leads into what will be my next video, which is of a similar, but more pissed off nature. Follow me on twitter! I reply to every single tweet I get. I get behind like a week or so every now and then, but I *always* catch up. And I wanna start doing that with comments too. I'll stay up like an hour or two replying to comments, it's fun. So gimme a shout, tell me I'm awesome, that I'm a cunt, that I owe you money, that I spelt a wurd wrong etc etc. I'll try and reply to as many as I can. Thanks for watching!

Stupid Phrases You Should Never Say Again

zbRQ-PGQeQ4 | 11 Jul 2015

Stupid Phrases You Should Never Say Again

Some phrases in the English language are stupid and you should really stop saying them. But which ones?! How are you supposed to know? You're just a simple person who clearly has very bad taste in YouTube videos. But don't worry! Relax, man. Here at WTFAmIDoingWithMyLife Studios, we have put together a short collection of some of the phrases you should stop saying immediately if you want to stop looking like an idiot. Follow me on Twitter.

Vegan Gains vs GradeAUnderA

3qRd7-cbXes | 04 Jul 2015

Vegan Gains vs GradeAUnderA

The good stuff starts at 3:10, in my opinion, So if you're watching this thinking "ffs, fuck this" lol, at least wait it out until then :p Everything that needed to be said about the guy, I've already said in my previous video: This is just saying any last things that need to be said. You're a pussy, VG. Ignoring my video... Follow me on Twitter!

Vegan Gains VS GradeAUndera - VIDEOS UPDATE!!!

MCWEccLATJI | 02 Jul 2015

Vegan Gains VS GradeAUndera - VIDEOS UPDATE!!!

Saturday!! 4th July!!! 8PM!!! Or close enough!!! For all of you who thought I was bullshitting about those videos, you will be proven wrong! I am GradeAUnderA, man. I do not lie...... You expected two videos, I deliver THREE! Third one consisting of new dirt I found on Vegan Gains. And the dirt, in my opinion, is the main attraction. Saturday, 4th July, 2015. 8PM GMT (UK time, basically) Just Google "Time in England" or something and you'll get the time. I'll see you all soon! This video will be probably be made unlisted or something after the actual video comes out.

PROOF That Vegan Gains Is A Liar

pn8Rd3efEqk | 28 Jun 2015

PROOF That Vegan Gains Is A Liar

If you don't know who he is, watch my extended version: It's the exact same as this video, except it has a little introduction on him. It ruins the flow of the video and slows the video down if you already know who he is, but if you want to know a bit about who he is first, check that one out. Vegan Gains being too self righteous on YouTube, and it was getting on my tits. I started editing a little and started having way too much fun with it, and now here we are with the shortened version of my video being 10 minutes long. He's been flat out lying and covering up some facts while showing the ones he wants etc, and you can't be so self righteous given all that, man. I don't hate the guy like everyone else on YouTube seems to though, guy's got balls (if anyone thinks he doesn't, I'll show you he has some pretty damn big watermelon sized ones). Just stop being so self righteous, that's all I'm saying. Go back to your old videos, those were jokes. Follow me Twitter! I tweet now and then. Or just follow to help boost my ego by having my follower count rise. Either way, thanks for watching!

Life's Hardest Questions

CqlhwWigPDQ | 19 Jun 2015

Life's Hardest Questions

Can you answer any of them? Of course you can't. But we can still pretend to be all smart and stuff, and make like we have a clue. Subscribe/check out my other videos if you liked this. Obviously. Follow me on twitter I've learnt how to tweet. Helen Flanagan's breakin a while back got me thinking Twitter's stupid (it was something like she was constantly updating her twitter saying "oh, I'm all alone at home and vulnerable, and burglar alarms broken, dog ran into it. Hope noone robs me tonight lol" kinda shit and she got robbed). I'll tweet cautiously. If you're still reading this, props. 5 points to Gryffindor. Music at the start: "Black Vortex" Kevin MacLeod ( I raised the pitch of it, btw. No idea by how much, I don't know technical music stuff. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Kevin MacLeod is a fucking badass, man. Youre cool, Kevin.

Why I Dislike The Kardashians

_qu3F3cZjC4 | 07 Jun 2015

Why I Dislike The Kardashians

SUBSCRIBE, MAN! If you like this video, put your Netflix away and go on a marathon watching my old videos. Cheers. My views on all of the Kardashians (Except Kris, because I forgot) and also my views on Kaitlyn Jenner. Go follow me on Twitter too. Not Instagram, though. I don't get Instagram tbh. And I make these crappy cartoons, which are essentially just well timed Powerpoint presentations, what pictures would I even put up? Marry me, Karrueche.

Things I Found Stupid About School

0Vxp_Lj2b-E | 31 May 2015

Things I Found Stupid About School

School isn't completely stupid, but bits of it are nothing but. Subscribe if you like the video btw. My mate suggested that I need to remind people, but I'm like "Do I?" Everyone knows about subscribing, but just in case, subscribe if you like my videos and you haven't already. Benefits of subscribing: - Completely free (for a limited time only (forever), so be quick) - Tells you when I've put up a video (coincides with a blue moon occurence) - Will make certain bodyparts grow bigger. ► NU MERCH! - ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Discord - • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - ► my specs • 2x Intel Core i9 • 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM • 316TB 42000RPM HHD • 48x speed CD-ROM Drive • Super Nintendo • Potato HD Camera You never know, maybe I'll eventually start tweeting actual Twitter'y stuff like "Oh, I'm going to Amsterdam in early July, what are some places I need to check out??" etc.

People I Hate At My Door

VaL9w3lGFlM | 16 May 2015

People I Hate At My Door

A list of people I don't like to see at my door. Follow me on Twitter if you want. Every time I feel like tweeting, I always stop myself and think "Stop, Grade, noone gives a shit that you just crashed your car or that you want to get back into the gym or that you love Jeremy Kyle" ....but follow me anyways, I guess.

Automated Phone Menus

IBwt3RORric | 17 Apr 2015

Automated Phone Menus

Some of the reasons why I can't stand automated phone menus. Those placed-on-hold tunes thou. When they start, you know you might as well make yourself comfortable. Nostalgic, in a weird way though, wth. Follow me on twitter! No reason tbh, follow if you want. I dont tweet much, but once in a blue moon I do. So follow so you can be one of the first to witness such a rare sight!

Awkward Situations

nb4hGeNo7fY | 03 Apr 2015

Awkward Situations

A short list of a few situations I've come across that I found awkward. Follow me on Twitter! Don't be a nob and not follow me. Cheers mate. I try to reply back to everyone who tweets me (which I've kept up, so far). So follow me so you can tell me how much you admire my animation skills. Much love, Grade.

Mother's Day

ATszCmlcz40 | 15 Mar 2015

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone! Show your mum how much you love her by showing her this curse-ridden, vulgar, foul-mouthed video. She'll appreciate it. Love you Mum! :D.................(and you too, Dad) Follow me on Twitter! If you ever find yourself wondering what my excuse for taking so fucking long to upload a video this time is, follow me on Twitter!

Did RayWilliamJohnson Plagiarise My Video?

CzjFd33lFFs | 11 Mar 2015

Did RayWilliamJohnson Plagiarise My Video? least choose someone decent to plagiarise. I made a video on what I dislike about interviews.... So did RayWilliamJohnson. If you liked this video, he might copy this one too, so go check him out. Hack. Follow me on Twitter! I don't tweet often.... but follow me anyways. I promise I won't use Twitter to spam you with 8 tweets every hour about what I'm doing.

Why I Hate Interviews

2W0WsdLobq8 | 21 Feb 2015

Why I Hate Interviews

I made a video on what I dislike about interviews.... Follow me on Twitter! I don't tweet often.... but follow me anyways. Do it, k? You're probably following, like, 440 people already, one more won't hurt.

The Importance of Wiping Your Hands

F130lkndCC8 | 18 Jan 2015

The Importance of Wiping Your Hands

Wiping your hands is important. It is good. jk Follow me on twitter! You never know, one day I might actually learn how to use it and actually start taking twitter seriously :D Thank you for watching!

Things I Don't Like About Tinder (Part 2)

96FFApQiXAw | 10 Jan 2015

Things I Don't Like About Tinder (Part 2)

If you've not seen part 1, go watch that first! Part 1 - Follow me on twitter! I never tweet, but follow me anyways :D

Things I Don't Like About Tinder (Part 1)

zWRRgvr7tHY | 03 Jan 2015

Things I Don't Like About Tinder (Part 1)

Things I Don't Like About Tinder (Part 1). Pretty self explanatory. Part 2: Follow me on twitter! I never tweet, but follow me anyways :D

My Brain vs My Body

xo-pfT1P438 | 14 Dec 2014

My Brain vs My Body

My brain and my body should be working together. Why isn't this the case? Hmm, God? You make bananas perfectly shaped for the human hand, but you forgot to make my brain work for me! Should've paid less attention to the bananas and more to this, shouldn't you?

Public Toilets (Part 2)

iuj0UYar2P4 | 05 Nov 2014

Public Toilets (Part 2)

Why I'm Not Particularly Fond Of Going To Public Bathrooms (Part 2) PGCE sucks. So busy. Follow my twitter if you like to follow people who never tweet.

Public Toilets (Part 1)

JY_Lg1Jxmgs | 02 Nov 2014

Public Toilets (Part 1)

Why I'm Not Particularly Fond Of Going To Public Bathrooms (Part 1) Video Editing takes forever! I've done the first half, I'll finish the second half in the next day or two and upload it then. I've been too busy with stuff/procrastinating. I'll fix up soon, I promise.....I hope. Follow my twitter if you like to follow people who never tweet.


IoPvMxF-UIY | 25 Oct 2014


God would be nervous trying to live up to the hype some of you guys have for this vid lol. It's kinda rushed, but I had most of the pics drawn up from a year and a half ago and did the audio then too, so thought it'd be the one I could make the quickest and upload. I'll keep making vids when I have time. Hope you all don't think it's too shit compared to the other two :p. I'll post more soon.

GradeAUnderA - I'm Back (Kinda)

YZBeRQeK5-s | 22 Oct 2014

GradeAUnderA - I'm Back (Kinda)

Where have you all come from? Seriously? I was on my facebook and saw my shitty video from 19 months ago being shared.......huh? I saw I had subscribers all of a sudden and felt I had a duty to uphold, to provide them with badly made, shitty videos of me shouting. I have to learn Windows Movie Maker again and make some of the videos etc, but I have storyboards already saved from 19 months ago (I was kinda serious about it back then....hence why I made all of *2* videos) so shouldn't take too long at all. I'll try not to disappoint too much, but for the time being, I'll try and make videos again. Thank you all for subscribing/watching (and seek medical help) :) I never use it but follow me on if you want.

Girly Drinks vs Manly Drinks

7lPtr6dQrnY | 08 Apr 2013

Girly Drinks vs Manly Drinks

I sip piss, you drink Cris'. Not fair.

9 Things I Hate About The Barbershop

ruuVGnNmUyA | 23 Mar 2013

9 Things I Hate About The Barbershop

Things I find ever-so mildly irritating at the barbershop. Also, I don't ever use it, but follow me on twitter. Not a fucking clue why you should, but go do it anyway. Thanks.