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Mantracks: a True Story of Fake Fossils

2UDXdqqJQPE | 10 Jan 2025

Mantracks: a True Story of Fake Fossils

Clickbait Title: Footprints in Stone III - The Reckoning Back in 2013 a couple random dudes decided to make a pseudo-sequel to Footprints in Stone called Forbidden History: Footprints in Stone II, which is essentially just an extended interview with Carl Baugh and his protegee Aaron Judkins. I was really tempted to call this video Footprints in Stone III, but restrained myself and consigned that in-joke to the clickbait title. Special thanks to Glen Kuban and his invaluable documentation of mantracks Produced by Dan Olson Written by Nathan Landel and Dan Olson Animation by Megan Lloyd Camera by Kara Artym and Dan Olson Editing by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Bibliography: Crowdfunding: Twitter: Bluesky:

I Don't Know James Rolfe

b3gZOt1Lo4A | 19 Jun 2024

I Don't Know James Rolfe

PHOTO-SENSITIVITY WARNING: occasional subtle flickering between 19:00 and 24:36 If ever there were a video I've made that required a companion essay or some kind of artist statement to go along with it I suppose it would be this one. It's a strange project that I've been working on for the better part of six months now, a process of trying to disentangle myself from myself. It's about a lot of different things, it's about James Rolfe but also not about him because we have so many versions of him and we can only react to those imperfect projections. He's been doing this for basically 20 years at this point, and out of that arise a million different ways to tell the story: AVGN is deeply influential, but what does that influence mean? I found myself fascinated with his creative fixations, the motifs and stories that he keeps coming back to, and felt like the only way to engage with that honestly was to expose all my own fixations, insecurities, and fears. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Music by Mike Rugnetta Performed by Dan Olson Camera by Dan Olson, Kara Artym, and Alex Mitchell Crafts by Dan Olson, Kristi O. (@komakesthings), Tim Uruski, and Steve Olson Executive Assistant Crystal Donovan Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00:00 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 1 00:06:21 - Title Drop (He Said The Thing!) 00:07:19 - A Reintroduction is Necessary 00:16:27 - Even In Rejecting It They Learn Something About Themselves 00:19:00 - Don't Get Your Panties in a Wad 00:23:08 - A Crass Homunculus of Photons 00:28:53 - Book Bad 00:41:20 - I Keep Coming Back 00:44:53 - The Length of Time It Takes To Get To Some Waves 00:48:17 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 0 00:52:58 - The Narrative of AVGN's Decline 00:54:55 - They Are In Fact Just Haters 01:04:08 - I Did The Thing Any Normal Person Would Do 01:10:25 - The Nerd In My Dreams 01:15:39 - Credits

About That Idris Elba Gold Documentary

ihvG3RgbYzE | 10 Jan 2024

About That Idris Elba Gold Documentary

Clickbait Title: Can this magical metal make you immortal? Godkings hate this one weird trick! This was a lot of fun to work on because I got to spend a lot of time learning THE TRUTH ABOUT GOLD and by that I mean actually interesting facts about how humans use gold. The mythology of gold actually makes a lot of sense through the lens of its physical properties, the fact that ancient humans could make things out of it and those things would outlive generations. It's just rare enough that societal elites can monopolize it, but common enough you can gather enough to actually make stuff with it. So these things, namely jewellery for the leaders, are so resistant to the elements that you can see how the gold itself became representative of the power of the kings, of their claimed immortality. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00:00 - Gold Open 00:00:53 - Ads for gold 00:03:05 - Gold is interesting 00:07:17 - Not everything is rosy for gold 00:11:45 - Enter the World Gold Council 00:14:56 - A journey with Idris Elba 00:20:02 - It's boring 00:22:22 - Colonialism 00:24:50 - The environment 00:33:52 - The rest of the doc 00:36:03 - Reception 00:37:47 - The Golden Thread 00:39:53 - Selling shovels in a gold rush

The Darkmoon Fiasco

Vl307SfWyzg | 11 Nov 2023

The Darkmoon Fiasco

Clickbait Title: grown man gets owned by a line of people Taliesin & Evitel invited me to be on a panel and talk about video games while I was in Anaheim, and you can watch that here: Blizzcon 2023 was an interesting experience. I personally had a lot of fun, but maybe not for the reasons or in the ways that the organizers intended. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

This is Financial Advice

5pYeoZaoWrA | 30 Sep 2023

This is Financial Advice

Clickbait Title: if the price is zero then you can buy all the shares I tell you what, when you try and tell this story you either sum it up in ten minutes with the broadest strokes or you settle in for a rabbit hole made entirely out of onions and ogres. Conspiracy theorists flock together and constantly try and rope each other into the orbit of their personal hobby horse conspiracy, so once you break the surface suddenly you're digging through endless side stories, each with their own cast of characters, trying to figure out if some tertiary claim is true, was maybe true in the past but is no longer true, or was never true, and discover that the only sources on the matter are the same three people quoting each other in an endless circle of false legitimacy. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Performed by Dan Olson Camera by Dan Olson and Kara Artym Edited by Dan Olson Production Assistant Laura Schultz Featuring music by Young Neighbours - Special thanks to Eric Pauls, a friend of mine from film school, for digging up 15 year old hard drives just to re-master some songs he wrote back in college when I was like "those old tracks you and Cam did, they've got the perfect vibe I'm looking for!" Crowdfunding: Twitter: BlueSky:

The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse

EiZhdpLXZ8Q | 26 Mar 2023

The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse

Clickbait Title: I spent three months living in the metaverse and now I'm starving The metaverse salespeople have a weird fixation with Animal Crossing, in specific. The number of times we saw New Horizons specifically cited as an example of the metaverse was bizarre, like it was their first time experiencing a multiplayer game that wasn't CoD and it melted their brains. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Produced and performed by Dan Olson Nathan Twitter: Dan Twitter: Crowdfunding: 00:00:00 Chapter 1 - Welcome to Decentraland 00:05:31 Chapter 2 - The Metaverse 00:21:35 Chapter 3 - The Dead Mall of the Future 01:06:27 Chapter 4 - Clap your Hands or Tinkerbell Dies 01:22:02 Chapter 5 - A Child’s Vision of Governance 01:38:05 Chapter 6 - A Magic Circle

Why It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft

BKP1I7IocYU | 25 Nov 2022

Why It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft

You enter a bright new digital world, exited to explore and hyped just to enjoy the vibe. Ten months later you're yelling at someone for standing in fire. What changed? Produced by Dan Olson Written by Nathan Landel and Dan Olson Choice's channel - Bibliography A Reports/Books/Articles Ask, Kristine, ‘The Value of Calculations: The Coproduction of Theorycraft and Player Practices’ (2016) 36(3) Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 190. Boellstroff, Tom, Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human (Princeton University Press, 2008) Chen, Mark, ‘Leet Noobs: Expertise and Collaboration in a World of Warcraft Player Group as Distributed Sociomaterial Practice’ (PhD Thesis, University of Washington, 2010) [Not: College of Education]. Consalvo, Mia, Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames (MIT Press, 2007) 28. Egliston, Benjamin, ‘Play to Win: How competitive modes of play have influenced cultural practices in digital games’ (Honours Thesis, University of Sydney 2013) [Not: School of Art, Communication and English] 24. Genette, Gérard, Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation (Cambridge University Press, 1997). Glas, René, Battlefields of Negotiation: Control, Agency, and Ownership in World of Warcraft (Amsterdam University Press, 2013). Golub, Alex, ‘Being in the World (Of Warcraft): Raiding, Realism, and Knowledge Production in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game’ (2010) 83(1) Anthropological Quarterly 17. Iser, Wolfgang, The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary Anthropology (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993) Lehdonvirta, Vili and Edward Castronova, Virtual Economies: Design and Analysis (The MIT Press, 2014). McArthur, Victoria et al, ‘Knowing, Not Doing: Modalities of Gameplay Expertise in World of Warcraft Addons’ in CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM, 2012) 101. Prax, Patrick, ‘Co-Creative Interface Development in MMORPGs - the Case of World of Warcraft Add-Ons’ (2012) 4(1) Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 3. Skare, Roswitha, ‘Paratext’ (2020) 47(6) Knowledge Organization 511. Skare, Roswitha, ‘The paratext of digital documents’ (2021) 77(2) Journal of Documentation 449. Steinkuehler, Constance, ‘The Mangle of Play’ (2006) 1(3) Games and Culture 199. Taylor, T.L, ‘Does WoW Change Everything?: How a PvP Server, Multinational Player Base, and Surveillance Mod Scene Caused Me Pause’ (2006) 1(4) Games and Culture 318. Taylor, T.L, ‘The Assemblage of Play’ (2009) 4(4) Games and Culture 331. Taylor, T.L, Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture (MIT Press, 2006). B Other Crusader3455, ‘MIESTRO DOES A LEGIT 2v3 AT 2500 CR’ (YouTube, 30 August 2022) AzAMOus, ‘It’s 2922 and You Enter Utgarde Keep’ (YouTube, 29 September 2022) Mark Chen, ‘Mark Chen presenting Leet Noobs 10 years later’ (YouTube, 12 March 2021) Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00:00 Preface 00:01:28 Chapter 1 - Instrumental Play 00:17:58 Chapter 2 - Paratext 00:31:44 Chapter 3 - How Add-ons Ruined my Manchildhood 00:40:50 Chapter 4 - Join a Guild, They Said 00:56:45 Chapter 5 - WoW Classic, A Hellscape of Instrumental Practices 01:12:03 Chapter 6 - Decomposing the World 01:19:37 Conclusion

Contrepreneurs: The Mikkelsen Twins

biYciU1uiUw | 27 Sep 2022

Contrepreneurs: The Mikkelsen Twins

Clickbait Title: I'm here to teach you about an unmissable business opportunity! Thank you to Savy over at Savy Writes Books for helping out with this video - Emma Thorne - The Mikkelsen Twins' "Publishing Life" Scam? - I spared everyone the part of the story where I got COVID and spent months recovering. A Skeptic's Guide to Hypnosis is available for you to read for free, the hitch is that it's been distributed to Patreon subscribers who have permission to hand out as many copies as they want. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00:00 Preface 00:05:03 GRIFTMAP 00:22:19 SAUSAGE FACTORY 00:34:12 I WROTE A BOOK 00:45:39 LET'S GET SOME CHARTS 01:01:11 SAVY WRITES BOOKS 01:11:00 LET'S WRAP THIS UP

Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs

YQ_xWvX1n9g | 21 Jan 2022

Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs

If someone pitches you on a "great" Web3 project, ask them if it requires buying or selling crypto to do what they say it does. Sources and Further Reading Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00:00 Preface 00:01:12 0. In 2008 The Economy Collapsed 00:07:09 1. Bitcoin 00:18:18 2. Ethereum 00:24:34 3. The Machine 00:39:07 4. NFTs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 00:57:54 5. The Unbearable Cringe Of Crypto 01:11:46 6. A Self-Organizing High Control Group 01:16:57 7. Crypto Reality 01:25:36 8. There Is No Privacy On The Chain 01:32:52 9. If This "Looks Like Scam" Then Every NFT Room I'm In Looks Like Scam LOL 01:38:29 10. Play To Earn Exists To Get You To Buy Crypto 01:46:39 11. We're All Gonna Make It And By "We" I Mean "Us" Not You 01:56:08 12. DAOs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 02:13:21 13. I Know It's Rigged, But It's The Only Game In Town

Jamie Oliver's War on Nuggets

V-a9VDIbZCU | 29 Oct 2021

Jamie Oliver's War on Nuggets

Clickbait Title: Chefs Hate Him! Big thanks to Hot Dad for letting me use his absolute banger, you can put the whole song in your ear holes here: I wanted to make this because I see this clip make the rounds again and again and every time I'm like "of all the arguments you could make, that's the worst one." So I decided to make a whole video around "of all the arguments you could make, that's the worst one." Jamie Oliver in particular seems to have that effect on people, he gets into this kinda crap all the time, and I think it has a lot to do with the sheer audacity of his lies or near-lies that make even people otherwise sympathetic to his goals wish that he'd just go away. The willingness to just brazenly misrepresent how and why things are the way they are demonstrates a fundamental disrespect for the intelligence of the viewer. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

An Exhaustive History of Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings

Cr_rb_pitHk | 20 Aug 2021

An Exhaustive History of Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings

While the video talks mostly about The Lord of the Rings (1978) there is a discussion of Bakshi's earlier R-rated and NC-17 films, which deal with heavy subject matter like racism, police violence, transphobia, drug abuse, and various adult scenarios. This was intended to be a quick little video that I could churn out in a couple weeks at the end of June, but it's now taken almost the whole summer. I haven't done animation like this in years, and never with this kind of a coherent goal, so approximately 48 seconds of this video consumed 80% of the entire post production time. Written and performed by Dan Olson Background artist: Agata Pankowska Crowdfunding: Twitter:

The Nostalgia Critic and The Wall

rokAtlFGa7Y | 13 Apr 2021

The Nostalgia Critic and The Wall

Clickbait Title: I remember it so you don't have to. Mild flashing effects in the last 40s. "Pink Floyd - The Wall" deals with mature subject matter and contains intense imagery some viewers may find distressing. As a full disclosure, I was briefly a contributor to Channel Awesome for about six months in 2014/15. Channel Awesome CEO Mike Michaud severed the relationship after he received angry emails about an exposé of 8chan I had published on Medium and I refused to take it down or commit to not doing "anything else like that." Several of the songs are a roundabout veiled reference to #ChangeTheChannel, a hashtag that gained some traction in the spring of 2018 as contributors and former contributors to Channel Awesome spilled all the beans about CA's incompetence and mismanagement. What started as a bunch of people sharing stories about how the scheduling page never worked right escalated to Channel Awesome leadership releasing a counterattack letter in which they inadvertently admitted to covering for a sex predator. Fantano (who I stole two lines from): Ms. Lola: JAR Media: Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter: 0:00 - The Wall 7:37 - Doug 19:13 - We Need More Victimization 25:51 - So Long, Weird Song 33:34 - Comfortably Dumb 34:48 - It's not that vague, Doug 38:44 - The Trial

Let's Argue About Christmas Movies (ft. Movies w/ Mikey)

uU5ZlOAvzAo | 24 Dec 2020

Let's Argue About Christmas Movies (ft. Movies w/ Mikey)

Clickbait Title: Die Hard Isn't A Christmas Movie The Trial of Christmas Movies: Go watch Mikey's companion video for the other half of the Dan and Mikey Christmas Special. His is way better and he put so much work into it. We had a proper blizzard a couple days ago, so I just had to dig my car out from under over six inches of snow. And that's not like "oh, we got six inches" but it's kinda spread all around, this was six inches at the shallowest. It actually snapped my car's radio antenna. Anyway my arms feel like noodles from all the digging so I'm just going to wish you all happy New Year. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

That Time Geocentrists Tricked A Bunch of Physicists

icwDF8wRgF4 | 20 Nov 2020

That Time Geocentrists Tricked A Bunch of Physicists

Clickbait Title: Is There Proof We Really Are The Center of the Universe?! Shortly before the election my cat escaped the house and got her belly covered in sticky mud which then picked up all sorts of junk. During the extremely needed bath, which she hates, I lost control of her head and she managed to latch onto my arm and break the skin with two teeth. It looked kinda rough, so I figured I should get a tetanus shot in the morning. By the time the clinic opened I was in some of the worst pain of my life, the swollen bite looked like a tennis ball was embedded inside my arm, and the selling was pressing constantly against my ulnar nerve. The pressure was so intense that I could feel gravity pulling on my skin and fingers. Anyway, that's a big part of why this is late. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

The Minnewanka Curve Experiment [2K/1440p]

y8MboQzXO1o | 18 Sep 2020

The Minnewanka Curve Experiment [2K/1440p]

A companion video for "In Search of a Flat Earth" containing the details of the Minnewanka curve experiment in greater detail. Appropriate for a classroom environment. Dizzib's curve calculator: Written and performed by Dan Olson Music: Trampled by P C III Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00 Preamble 00:23 Part 1 - The Math 04:34 Part 2 - The Footage

In Search Of A Flat Earth

JTfhYyTuT44 | 11 Sep 2020

In Search Of A Flat Earth

Clickbait Title: The Twist at 37 Minutes Will Make You Believe We Live In Hell More Lake Footage: This has taken a long time to make, and it was a very winding road, but I'm glad I did it. Hiking out to the north shore of Minnewanka, a 19km round trip, is one of the worst decisions I've ever made but I'm glad I did it. I'm not sure what else to say. I'm so tired. So very, very, very tired. Flat Earth OR Why Do People Reject Science? - Philosophy Tube Flat Earth: A Measured Response - hbomberguy I Read The Most Hateful Book Ever Written - Thought Slime Maybe We Should Be Concerned About Qanon? - SOME MORE NEWS If you want to stay up to date on QAnon, The QAnon Anonymous Podcast, YouTube channel Some More News, and the work of journalists Will Sommer and Alex Kaplan will give you a place to start. Music: Isolated by Kevin MacLeod (prologue) Oxygen Mask by Andy G. Cohen (title/credits) Sunset by Kai Engel (across a curved lake) Fastest Man on Earth by Jahzzer (they're all going to Q) Released under a Creative Commons Attribution International License Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter: 00:00 Prologue 03:21 Intro 05:01 Part 1 37:39 Part 2

Cooking Food On The Internet For Fun And Profit

4EXVrzOACv4 | 15 May 2020

Cooking Food On The Internet For Fun And Profit

Clickbait Title: World's Largest Activated Charcoal Superfood Epic Burger Made With Acai Cake In this video I mention Gourmet Makes a bunch and I actually felt really insecure about that just because for a long time during the edit it was feeling like I only had one example. But the reason it was on my mind so much is that the recent video with the gourmet Tater Tots was just so perfect with the intro where a parade of chefs, cooks, and foodies, the kind of folks who regularly cook hundred-dollar cuts of meat with obscure Italian names, stop by to talk about just how much they love frozen potato nuggets. How To Cook That's investigative reporting: Written and performed by Dan Olson Music: "Good Ol Plan B" – Mela "Headway" – Kai Engel Crowdfunding: Twitter:

I Can't Stop Watching Contagion | Folding Ideas

ZsSzrVhdVuw | 31 Mar 2020

I Can't Stop Watching Contagion | Folding Ideas

Clickbait Title: Spreading Misinformation During A Crisis Makes You A Bad Person The one thing that I'm expecting someone in the comments is going to latch onto is the exact timeline of the abolition of serfdom in Europe because it was very much not a uniform thing and the process took a couple hundred years to encompass the entire continent. It's a super big and complex subject because it encompasses both the fallout of the Black Death and various technological developments. But some of those developments were, themselves, responses to the plague, built to solve problems it created. Ultimately I chose a super simplified, ultra-compressed version of history because the story of history is ultimately the story of the present. We can come out of this crisis better than we went in. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

The Art of Editing and The Snowman | Folding Ideas

buYxGFWCWNg | 29 Feb 2020

The Art of Editing and The Snowman | Folding Ideas

Clickbait Title: Only 1% Can Last All Forty Minutes! Cut example: The Snowman has been a bugbear on my back for years now. I first tried to make this video January 2018, but skidded out when I got distracted by Fifty Shades Freed, which inspired me to expand my already-in-the-works Fifty Shades video into a full three-part series that took most of the rest of the year to make. Then I tried again in January 2019, but things were moving along poorly, the script just wouldn't crack, and eventually I ran out of winter when I decided to Pivot to Fortnite, a video which took a huge number of hours to make. So it feels good to finally have this off my plate, even if it doesn't feel like a video that should have taken two years to come out. To add to all that, because The Snowman is cursed, it took ten hours of revisions, fifteen different versions, to get this video past Universal, who would flag it instantly with a total global block. Written and performed by Dan Olson Special thanks to Kara and Crystal and all my Patrons. Crowdfunding: Twitter:

CATS: An Existential Crisis

W1mKButlxxk | 24 Dec 2019

CATS: An Existential Crisis

Clickbait Title: 10 Reasons To Go See CATS Before It Vanishes Forever CATS is poised to be one of the biggest box office bombs in terms of both % gross and absolute dollars lost. I'm not sure if it'll take the throne, but it's definitely up there, having made a scant $6.2m against its $95m budget. It averaged less than 200 tickets per cinema over its entire weekend. At this point anyone and everyone who wants to see it purely to gawk could do so five times each and it would still be an utter financial disaster. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

The Snyder Cut Does (Not) Exist | Folding Ideas

8pGlYF3xLrM | 13 Dec 2019

The Snyder Cut Does (Not) Exist | Folding Ideas

Clickbait Title: Odds Are You'll Probably Never See The Snyder Cut of Justice League I do talk about the recent rumours with HBO Max, but it's not until the end of the video, so it's basically a guarantee that the comments are going to be full of commenters telling me I didn't talk about things that I definitely did talk about. I know mocking knee-jerk comments in the description is pretty hack, but knee-jerk comments are also pretty hack, so a hack for a hack I guess. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

Tuca And Bertie Can't Make It Alone | Folding Ideas

M8z8P-l8NwQ | 06 Dec 2019

Tuca And Bertie Can't Make It Alone | Folding Ideas

Clickbait Title: Check Out This Hot Bird On Bird Action I have spent an unusual amount of time agonizing over the title and thumbnail for this video. I'm not sure I can vocalize exactly why they've been so difficult, but they have. I know I usually write a lot more here, but I'm very hungry and want to catch Pokemon and get a pizza. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

What's Gone Wrong With the FTC's COPPA Agreement With YouTube

LuScIN4emyo | 21 Nov 2019

What's Gone Wrong With the FTC's COPPA Agreement With YouTube

Sources: FTC Reaches Landmark Settlement Regarding Kids’ Privacy, Clarifies Platforms’ and Video Creators’ COPPA Obligations for Child-Directed Content - Sara Collins Commissioner Slaughter's Statement [PDF] Chairman Simon & Commissioner Wilson's Statement [PDF] Google and YouTube Will Pay Record $170 Million for Alleged Violations of Children’s Privacy Law While voluntary content flagging is useful and a good measure, and some measure of automated detection is likely necessary, YouTube’s response has been deliberately broad, utilizing their status as a monopoly in online video to force creators to bear the burdens of compliance without providing them with the tools and data to do so in a meaningful, educated manner. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

I Saw Three Versions of Gemini Man In One Day: A 60 FPS Vlog

qlGdHd-XHcY | 13 Oct 2019

I Saw Three Versions of Gemini Man In One Day: A 60 FPS Vlog

Clickbait Title: Two Will Smiths? You Won't Believe What Happens Next! I had to go home and take a nap in between viewings because the 3D HF DBOX UltraAVX Experience™ was just that draining. Presented in 60fps because I've fallen victim to my own weird quirks of replicating carious elements of a film in the videos I make about those films. In the last two days I've had a bigger existential crisis about the narrative value of HFR than the characters had about being clones/cloned. I broadly agree with the sentiment that audiences can and will acclimate to HFR as they watch more of it, but that's definitely never going to happen if it all looks like this. I can settle in and feel comfortable and normal watching HFR footage of my own creation, like this vlog, but Gemini Man resisted that at every turn. Everything looked bad, sped up, and cheap. Ang Lee seems to have decided that a "real" explosion looks like a firework, with a bunch of sparks in the mix, because sparks are really easy for the brain to track in HFR, so they look neat. But I couldn't ever get past it looking "neat". It was like watching stock footage or a tech demo for two hours. There's no attempt at using the frame rate to enhance the emotional state, it's just "turn it up to 11 and leave it there" which makes the experience just tiring. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

World of Warcraft Classic And What We Left Behind

0RxQRswLAmI | 04 Oct 2019

World of Warcraft Classic And What We Left Behind

Clickbait Title: WoW Classic – Everything Sucks, Therefore You Are Free I'm really excited to see where Classic goes down the road. The predictable outcome is that Classic rolls into Burning Crusade and Wrath with essentially the chaos of legacy servers that we see in EverQuest and many of the other surviving MMOs, but there's the tantalizing, though slim, possibility of an alternate development path, where Classic becomes a second attempt at history, basically WoW 2, but starting from where things were 13 years ago. I wouldn't even entirely mind if some of the hazier, less balanced sensibilities of Classic cropped back up in the future, if the pace of the game slowed a bit without necessarily just making things bad and inconvenient to get there. Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: Twitter:

Minecraft, Sandboxes, and Colonialism | Folding Ideas

d6i5Ylu0mgM | 23 Aug 2019

Minecraft, Sandboxes, and Colonialism | Folding Ideas

Clickbait title: OOPS! Did I Do A Colonialism In Minecraft?! This video has been "done" for a while now, but I had a lot of trouble finishing it owing to a lingering sickness in my lungs that has made it difficult to record vocals that don't sound froggy and gross. Aside from that bit of TMI I do want to stress that I really love Minecraft, I love creative games, I love construction games, I love logistics games. All of the game footage in this video is mine. I have it because I own all these games and have played them all for somewhere between dozens and hundreds of hours each. Music used: Minecraft OST Visager - Windy Bluffs Bibliography: Video Games and the Global South, 2019, Phillip Penix-Tadsen ed. Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder, 2017, Caroline Frasier Texture pack and shaders: Bare Bones Texture Pack BSL Shaders Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Is Detective Pikachu Mathematically The Worst?!

Y0UgPfKnUBo | 10 May 2019

Is Detective Pikachu Mathematically The Worst?!

Clickbait Title: A Short Review and Discussion of Detective Pikachu and The Broader Subject of Video Game Movies Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the Channel:

Let's Spoil The Endgame

hQwGqnJVtv8 | 26 Apr 2019

Let's Spoil The Endgame

Clickbait Title: Everyone Who Dies In Avengers Endgame And, yes, I realize that even by suggesting that someone does, in fact, die in Endgame could be construed as a spoiler because addressing the idea of a subject, even devoid of details, is already an indicator that the subject is relevant to the film. I feel like with Endgame we have truly reached the apotheosis of spoiler-aversion. It has been so thoroughly hijacked by marketing forces that even reasonable discussion is viewed as hostility, that wanting to talk about movies is characterized as a betrayal of the movie itself. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the channel:

Manufactured Discontent and Fortnite

dPHPNgIihR0 | 01 Apr 2019

Manufactured Discontent and Fortnite

Clickbait Title: Dab your hearts out and jump on the battle bus, I'm dropping in to Retail Row and I've got an orange pump pointed right at your default. If you want to know one thing about making a machinima in Fortnite it's that it's super, super rad when you spend several hours late at night setting up footage in your virtual digital studio with the intent that you'll record the properly-composed shots in replay mode in the morning, only to wake up to a minor patch that breaks all your replays. It's extra rad when this happens three days in a row. Written and performed by Dan Olson Music used: "Airship" by Visager "Shrine" by Visager "Fortnite Lobby Theme" by Epic Games Twitter: Support the show:

Wonder Park: Why Movies Generally Need Directors

U0xZZXrReWE | 15 Mar 2019

Wonder Park: Why Movies Generally Need Directors

Clickbait title: 5 Broken Things About Wonder Park If anything my experience with Wonder Park was a double stack of disappointment. It's not good, but it's also not the spectacular train wreck I was hoping it would be. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the show:

What Is Vsauce?

fKmkI0xzvHc | 15 Feb 2019

What Is Vsauce?

Clickbait title: 10 WILDEST Geek Girls OMG!!! I found myself stonewalled on a number of other projects, to the point that I needed to make something just to get something done. More specifically I needed to finish something. Starting projects is easy, finishing them is hard. This isn't a thorough historiography of Vsauce, it's a story. It's not about the business of running the channel, the ways that it has fractured into sub-channels with multiple hosts and how the stand alone DONG channel functions as its own version of what Vsauce was, it's about the narrative created by the channel itself. Part of why I didn't go into all that is because the self-contained story is applicable to so many channels. It's a very prototypical story unique to the structure of YouTube itself. As much as there's a possible future where Mind Field is done, cancelled, over, whatever, and Vsauce goes on to do something else, something old, something new, there's as much a possible future that this is it, that when Mind Field is over so is Vsauce. Either way when you walk from one end of Vsauce to the other it's quite a journey. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the show with money:

That 2019 Movie Called Serenity About a Fish Named Justice - a Spoiler Rich vlog

eoFmvFdaOrg | 25 Jan 2019

That 2019 Movie Called Serenity About a Fish Named Justice - a Spoiler Rich vlog

Clickbait title: You Literally Won't Believe The Twist In This Movie This movie really kinda defies classification. I'm not sure it's a bad movie, but it's not quite a good movie either. If they had stuck to just the A plot it would probably have been a passible but forgettable thriller, but they didn't, and we have been blessed with the result. Jenny Nicholson's vlog is going to be so much better than mine. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the channel:

Glass Isn't a Very Good Movie - A Spoiler-Rich Vlog

oi5DsqH1vwg | 18 Jan 2019

Glass Isn't a Very Good Movie - A Spoiler-Rich Vlog

Clickbait title: Glass Isn't Very Good One of the most remarkable things about the film is that it leaves you consistently bewildered about which characters you're supposed to care about, and it's almost impossible to parse who the story is supposed to be about while you're sitting in the theatre. Whole swaths of confusing character behaviour are waved away with sloppy last-minute reveals that play less like reveals and more like excuses. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Support the channel:

The Art of Storytelling and The Legend of Chun Li

9Hl203g5k3Y | 11 Jan 2019

The Art of Storytelling and The Legend of Chun Li

Written and performed by Dan Olson Clickbait title: You won't believe what these videos look like now! Support the show on Drip: Twitter: This is my first attempt at doing a second edition of an old video. I like the original (link below) but there's a bunch of jokes in there that didn't really land, the audio was awful, and a couple assertions that just didn't hold up. I'm leaving the original up and marking it as "first edition" but it's pretty much just staying there for posterity. This is the better version in every way. It's the second edition. First edition:

A Christmas Story: A Tale of Technological Nostalgia

y4PM1MFT5mk | 24 Dec 2018

A Christmas Story: A Tale of Technological Nostalgia

Clickbait title: This Christmas Video Gonna Get You Hornt Oh my, what a year it has been! The upside to awful is that it pulls personal successes into stark contrast. I'm trying really hard to focus on those and not on everything else. I do think that, despite everything, I wrote some of my best work this year, and I got to perform at SGDQ which was a total blast, and I helped make one of the best Youtube documentaries on the site with Lindsay Ellis' Hobbit videos. 2018 has been two years long, but it hasn't all been awful. Cheers, everyone, have a happy New Year. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

"Charlie Tango" [FULL MUSIC VIDEO]

c0Je2c7ZJes | 05 Dec 2018

"Charlie Tango" [FULL MUSIC VIDEO]

Featured in the video "A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades Part 3: Freed" Written by James Fairlie Performed by Crystal Rhoney Featuring Mike Rugnetta as Christian Grey Camera by Dain Evans Editing by Dan Olson Download:

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades Part 3: Freed

0R4bczm8BPY | 30 Nov 2018

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades Part 3: Freed

Clickbait Title: A Eurocopter EC135?! Well, here we are. I want to say I'm done with Fifty Shades forever, but given the legacy it's leaving behind, the upcoming slate of fanfiction-turned-novel-turned-movies, I'm sure we'll be back sometime. There's always more that I can say. I just can't stop talking about it. Also Charlie Tango, Eurocopter EC135, is played in the film by a Eurocopter EC130 because Seattle noise laws prohibit civilian use of a helicopter as large as the EC135 within city limits. I do not know how this impacts Charlie Tango's safety rating. Ana: Crystal Rhoney Christian: Mike Rugnetta Taylor: Mikey Neumann Kate: Lindsay Ellis Dr. Flynn: H. Bomberguy SnowQueen’s IceDragon: Jenny Nicholson “Charlie Tango” written by James Fairlie, Performed by Crystal Rhoney Camera: Kara Artym GarBox art: Magdalen Rose Special thanks to Jenny Trout for her amazing read-along blogs and Anne Jamison for both her writing on the subject of Fifty Shades and fanfiction and for tolerating my emails. Jenny Trout: Anne Jamison: Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Zero Dark Loxley - A Robin Hood Bad Movie Vlog

DrKJrW83-C0 | 21 Nov 2018

Zero Dark Loxley - A Robin Hood Bad Movie Vlog

Robin of Loxley's Long Halftime Walk The Hurt Loxley Thin Red Loxley Full Metal Loxley Saving Private Loxley There's so much to talk about I didn't even get around to mentioning the wall of fire that soldiers just push open like a door, the way characters will just stand and have Very Important Conversations at full volume in the middle of crowds of snooping nobles, Little John's iron arm stub that he makes so that they don't need to keep disguising Jamie Foxx's real hand, or how Friar Tuck is simultaneously the most entertaining and least meaningful character, largely present out of obligation. If you want a better Robin Hood watch the Errol Flynn movie, and if you want more entertaining cheese watch Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I will say this was more entertaining than the endless bore of the 2010 Ridley Scott film. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Annihilation and Decoding Metaphor

URo66iLNEZw | 31 Oct 2018

Annihilation and Decoding Metaphor

Clickbait Title: The Ending of Annihilation Actually Explained For Real There was a lot of anxiety in the final stretch of this one, I got really worried that the front half was too mean. I wondered what Mikey would think of me. I always admire his commitment to optimism, but I also envy it, because I am an envious person. So you'll have to forgive me for my weakness. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

An American Tail: Fievel Goes to Video Game Hell

--SXFB7m6mk | 04 Oct 2018

An American Tail: Fievel Goes to Video Game Hell

Clickbait title: THE WORST VIDEO GAME EVER!? [gone wild] [prank][TWIST ENDING] Frozen Elsa Spider-Man This video would not have been possible without the generosity and help of Nathan, who was able to send me both a PAL PlayStation 2 and not one but two copies of An American Tail, and then didn't freak out when I decided to open the PS2 and swap the power supply with a North American PS2 so I wouldn't need to use a voltage converter. It worked just fine because all PS2 motherboards use +12 v DC power to minimize the cost difference between regions. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades Part 2: Things Go Downhill Very Quickly

pjViIRWesQ0 | 31 Aug 2018

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades Part 2: Things Go Downhill Very Quickly

Clickbait Title: Does This Video Have a Direct Line to Your Inner Goddess? Of Course It Does. I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure that I can identify the exact scene where Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson started drinking to get through the nudity and sex, and it’s the shower scene where they’re on the boat. The reason I pinpoint this one is because we have so many examples of Johnson doing an admirable job at acting while crying, but in that scene she’s suddenly delivering her lines like she just got home from the dentist. Written and produced by Dan Olson Drip: Twitter:

Dan Will Be Presenting Live At Summer Games Done Quick on June 26th

g3BVJUQZ7DY | 21 Jun 2018

Dan Will Be Presenting Live At Summer Games Done Quick on June 26th

For up to date schedule check and search for FoldableHuman At the time of publishing the run is scheduled for 5:10am Central Daylight Time. Twitter: Twitch:

Book Club Is A Theatrical Made-For-TV Movie: A Vlog

aTrhjxj72t4 | 31 May 2018

Book Club Is A Theatrical Made-For-TV Movie: A Vlog

Book Club isn't very good, but you probably already guessed that, so instead let's talk about why and how it exists in the first place. Erin Simms' bio makes it sound like she actually was on the Power Rangers, but she apparently left the show before filming anything. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey

qzk9N7dJBec | 25 May 2018

A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey

Clickbait Title: A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey It's been a long time coming. This was originally supposed to be ready for the release of Fifty Shades Freed back in February, but that clearly didn't happen. I know I like to try and write little mini-essays down here in the description, but I'm hard pressed to think of something to put here that isn't already in this video. It's over an hour long. Twitter:

The Art of Storytelling and The Book of Henry

GMb7-6eg4Zo | 20 Dec 2017

The Art of Storytelling and The Book of Henry

Clickbait title: 7 Reasons The Book of Henry FAILS The Book of Henry is pretty close to an ideal awful movie. There's dimensions to watching the film that I can't convey fully in a condensed video, like how stop-start the plots are, how Henry gets sick and the movie basically stops what it was doing for twenty minutes waiting for him to die, and how watching the film is to go through a rolling process of trying to figure out what the film is trying to actually tell you. People who are familiar with Jurassic World should catch the similar ways that Book of Henry demonizes a woman for not behaving exactly and precisely as the mother figure that the filmmakers think she should be. Susan gets off light, though, since she isn't executed by dinosaur for the crime of texting. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

The Last Jedi Vlog - It Made Me Feel Feelings

nZYwQ0FxBsk | 15 Dec 2017

The Last Jedi Vlog - It Made Me Feel Feelings

There's a lot of things that I didn't get around to in this video, but I wanted it to be a mix of criticism and the things I liked the most from a storytelling perspective, rather than just being a rundown of suff. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

The Disaster Artist Vlog (and stories about awful movies Dan has worked on)

oBWogM_W3CA | 08 Dec 2017

The Disaster Artist Vlog (and stories about awful movies Dan has worked on)

I enjoyed The Disaster Artist. It's a good film for people who probably already know they want to see it. It's a bit Inside Baseball for a wide audience, not as accessible as its comparison Ed Wood, because there's a lot of moments that rely on the audience knowing just how awful the final product actually is, but if you think you're gonna like it, you're probably going to like it. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Weird Kids' Videos and Gaming the Algorithm

LKp2gikIkD8 | 22 Nov 2017

Weird Kids' Videos and Gaming the Algorithm

Clickbait Title: Video Criticism YouTube Exploitation Meta Commentary Pregnant Algorithm Educational Spam Fidget Spinner Buried Alive For Kids Very late in the process of making this I decided to change the name, largely because the moment I made the original title "YouTube and the Business of Exploiting Children" public in a promotional Tweet I realized that there was an entire constellation of related issues that I wanted to talk about. From channels that exist to get kids hooked on gambling to parents subjecting their children to abusive conditions as "pranks", there's a lot of shady stuff going on. In that context, weird spam and unsettling videos about poop didn't rank high enough to warrant burning a title that good. References: James Bridle "Something is Wrong on the Internet" H3H3 "Toy Channels are Ruining Society" Down the Rabbit Hole "Finger Family Videos" Retsupurae "Joker Mouse Lethal Injection" Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Justice League Vlog

paZtuMz75xc | 16 Nov 2017

Justice League Vlog

Justice League isn't good, but I didn't hate it. If you want a bottom line, that's it, but if you watch the video I go into a lot more detail. Because I couldn't take notes in the theatre there's a bunch I forgot, like a completely misplaced scene near the start where Batman's beard disappears, a sequence set to Icky Thump that seems to have been left in purely because they already paid the licensing fee, how Steppenwolf looks like he's been lifted from a Dragon Age: Origins cutscene, and Cyborg's uniformly weird, floaty movements that aren't strange enough to feel intentionally alien nor normal enough to feel natural. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Cinematic Trainwreck – The Snowman: A Vlog

B3IdwW2bmU4 | 24 Oct 2017

Cinematic Trainwreck – The Snowman: A Vlog

Hello mister police. I forgot to mention this in the body of the vlog itself, but the lighting is ass. Sometimes it's good, but most of the time it's ass. This extends to the grade as well. One little girl looks green. It's almost as bad as Sherlock season 1. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Folding @ PAX Interview: Frostpunk

A_sS-bZw4_I | 13 Sep 2017

Folding @ PAX Interview: Frostpunk

Dan @ PAX talks with Paweł Miechowski about Polish developer 11 Bit Studios' past game This War of Mine and their upcoming Frostpunk 11 Bit Studios - Frostpunk official site - Paweł's Twitter: Twitter:

Folding @ PAX Interview: Children of Morta

rXTrQSJjW5Y | 04 Sep 2017

Folding @ PAX Interview: Children of Morta

Dan @ PAX talks with Jakobsen Beck, narrative designer at Dead Mage Studios about the upcoming title Children of Morta. Twitter:

The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play

ZHmivGmkjJw | 26 Jul 2017

The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play

Clickbait title: Watch These Hot Games Intentionally Misbehave The cough hasn't gotten any better. If anything it's worse now. I had to stop and hack a good, rumbling cough for a solid few seconds every other line. I wouldn't be surprised if it shows in the performance. The other thing, and this is petty I know, is that I'm dreading the inevitable wave of single commenters pointing out that my shirt is missing a button. They'll probably mostly assume that I missed a button, maybe make a crack about how I forgot how to dress myself, but, no, the shirt is just missing a button. I actually meant to take the spare from the fringe and repair the shirt before filming, but between the cough and the three hours of sleep it pretty much slipped my mind until recording was already done. Anyway, The Stanley Parable and Dark Souls are both really good games with very different approaches to narrative, you should check them out. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Ludonarrative Dissonance

04zaTjuV60A | 19 Jul 2017

Ludonarrative Dissonance

Clickbait Title: this happened to me ~~~~pseudo-intellectual nonsense~~~~ STORYTIME #SocialExperiment When I teased this video the initial reaction was a near-unanimous slow-motion "oh no," like a comedy action hero leaping on a grenade that's revealed to be a dud or a prop or it was actually just a bagel. I'm not saying this looks like a grenade, but is really just a bagel, but I am saying that I find the tepid anti-intellectualism that has become calcified in video game circles to be exhausting. It's reached a point where so many intelligent, engaged people are on the brink of giving up entirely because any attempt to improve the language we use to talk about games as they exist and operate is met with suspicion and mockery, painted as little more than bloviating wankery, and trotted around like Quasimodo as a target for rotten turnips. Ludonarrative dissonance has earned a reputation not through any irreparable flaws in the concept, but because pundits catering to an anti-intellectual base coined stupid names like "ludonarrative disco biscuits" because pretending big words are hard is a sure way to get a laugh from the worst kinds of people. Clint Hocking - Ludonarrative Dissonance and BioShock Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Why The Jump Cut Is Here To Stay

XvK8xtVbopA | 12 Jul 2017

Why The Jump Cut Is Here To Stay

Clickbait Title: You've Never Seen Barthes and Saussure Like THIS Before I thought to myself "hey, this one's going to be a snap, you can just shoot it once and be done, you'll crank this out so fast!" and then I went and cooked up a whole bunch of intricate gags and cuts and segments that required multiple setups and/or doing things in a style that I've never done before, one of which involved driving to a riverside park half way across the city b/c I really dig the bridge. Miraculously I only suffered a couple bug bites while I was wandering around down there, and all of them have, at this point, stopped itching. The absolutely manic delivery of that bit at the end isn't entirely intentional, it's just what felt right. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Vlogs and the Hyperreal

GSnktB2N2sQ | 06 Jul 2017

Vlogs and the Hyperreal

Clickbait Title: Warning Don't Use Dialectic Analysis Before You See This While meta-discussion of YouTube is hardly lacking, I think there's a lot of room for more serious analysis of YouTube as a broad subject and all the myriad subcultures in specific. Every time I've attended VidCon I've been as surprised by the subcultures that are represented as I have by the ones that are absent. I think it would be utterly fascinating to see an ASMR panel at VidCon 2018, to hear a bunch of ASMR creators talk shop about the specific nuances of their genre, the common needs and wants of their audience, what makes a successful channel, and how the genre is evolving. The other day I saw a five hour long, multi-part ASMR choose your own adventure. you always think you have a handle on what's out there, until you realize you really don't. Unrelated: Idea Channel is Ending Mike and the crew have been a huge inspiration over the years, and I've made many good and proper changes to my own work in order to try to rise to the bar they set. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

The Book Of Henry - A Postmortem Vlog

gO4o-gYkr7E | 16 Jun 2017

The Book Of Henry - A Postmortem Vlog

Book of Henry is in the running for worst movie of 2017 and you should totally go see it. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

VidMe or Why Platforms Aren't Your Friends

r3snVCRo_bI | 14 Jun 2017

VidMe or Why Platforms Aren't Your Friends

Clickbait title: Get Paid 60k Per Year With This One Online Trick! also positioned itself as "just pals" but that idea of "we'll let the users guide our growth" was a paper mask hiding a lack of core vision. They would make a lot of promises and did a lot of posturing vis a vis supporting creators and helping them develop content, but in the end Blip's business model was "get bought by someone bigger." That kind of worked out for them as they were bought by Maker Studios who were, themselves, in the business of getting themselves bought by someone bigger. So Maker buys Blip so Disney will buy Maker, opens as a hypothetical curated database clone-and-re-skin of Blip, but closes the whole thing within 18 months without ever actually re-launching the Blip creators they went out of their way to retain in the merger. As it turned out they had no real interest in developing content when they could just skim ad revenue off the 50,000 channels that fell below payment thresholds, and withhold payment en masse in order to milk the interest on the payroll account. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Finding Motivation

AIr9GeVzHRw | 02 Jun 2017

Finding Motivation

Excerpt from a Q&A Livestream on June 1, 2017 Full stream: Twitter:

YouTube Restricted Mode Explained

Pda2xk4TA74 | 21 Mar 2017

YouTube Restricted Mode Explained

Dan Olson and Crystal discuss the current Youtube Restricted mode controversy. An excerpt from Dante's Inferno - eXtreme Poetry livestream Crystal's Twitter - Dan's Twitter:

Setup and Payoff

cG5zKwmXLgo | 11 Mar 2017

Setup and Payoff

Clickbait title: hack writers hate him! One weird trick to improving your screenplays! My friend Lindsay recently did a video on this subject looking at Mad Max: Fury Road talking about this same subject (though she uses the term 'planting and payoff'; both are equally valid, though I'll admit that 'planting and payoff' has a wonderful alliterative quality to it versus 'setup and payoff') and I'll admit that I was a bit chapped, like I'd been beaten to the punch on a great idea. But that's the thing: not only was it a great idea it was also an obvious one. Anyone with a trained eye came away from Fury Road blown away by the almost perfect efficiency of the story in managing the establishment and use of every single prop, from the guns planted around the war rig to the steering wheel to the bolt cutters to the boot and the blood and the bullets. It's a really good video and you should go watch it, here's a link: Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Language of Editing: Basic Cuts

RzgLbuj6dHM | 04 Mar 2017

Language of Editing: Basic Cuts

Clickbait title: This editor describes basic vocabulary and you won't believe what happens next! Filmmakers are actually really awful when it comes to vocabulary, re-using words randomly, basically describing anything with whatever word feels right at the time. A gobo is a cucalorus, also called a cookie, that has a focusing mechanism, but a gobo is also a kind of motor, and that motor might be attached to a gobo, or it might be attached to the fixture itself, and by the transitive properties of metonyms you end up with a gobo gobo with a gobo on its gobo. I've seen 'parallel cut' used at least three different ways in various textbooks and glossaries. This isn't me claiming that I've got the definitive take on all of these terms, just that, you know, if you heard a term used a different way to describe a different thing chances are you're right, you have and you did, because it's a mess and we're all faking it. Written and performed by Dan Olson Special thanks to Laura for helping with Brock Mansley. Super special thanks to Brock Mansley for coming out of retirement to be the devil on my shoulder. Twitter:

The Morality of Shadow of the Colossus

jhJ_qTU61g4 | 27 Feb 2017

The Morality of Shadow of the Colossus

Clickbait title: This video will restore your faith in the entombed god Dormin Shadow of the Colossus is a rare masterpiece of a game. The occasional janky controls and wonky physics aside, every element of this game holds up incredibly well. More than that, it's about the overall package just coming together in a cohesive and synergistic way, the mechanics of the game complimenting and reenforcing the themes and story. Probably the biggest reason we haven't seen a repeat is because it's less about a boss rush where you climb all over big monsters and more about the total package, and getting it right. Though it is also about the boss rush. The technological side of SotC is still daunting, and I'm sure plenty of game developers out there re-play it and go "wait, how did they do that?" Last word: the beginning of the fight with Avion, when Wander transfers from the ground to Avion's wing, is one of the purest moments in video game history. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Youtubers Life and the State of YouTube (w/ Linkara)

P3Y2bvbkiIo | 15 Feb 2017

Youtubers Life and the State of YouTube (w/ Linkara)

Highlight from the stream Youtubers Life with guest Linkara Youtubers [sic] Life is a Tycoon-style sim game where you play a cursed soul looking for a mortal host to inhabit and consume. Every few years the current shell withers to a husk and you must move on, always hungry, always feeding. In your spare time you make videos for the internet and become a superstar. Full stream - Dan's Twitter - Twitter: Linkara's Twitter -

Triumph of the Will and the Cinematic Language of Propaganda

jJ1Qm1Z_D7w | 10 Feb 2017

Triumph of the Will and the Cinematic Language of Propaganda

Clickbait title: Nazis hate him! Secrets of propaganda exposed! This took far longer to put together than I'd anticipated. It wasn't even the work itself, it's the emotional load. I eventually had to start chopping out huge planned segments, like looking at modern propaganda like that awful "Surfing in the DPRK" white guy rap video. I'm sorry about the downer ending, but there's no way to spruce it up. To a certain degree we lost. You should seriously read, and then re-read, Umberto Eco's'Ur-Fascism'. It's available online for free. It's not that long. Here, I'll even link it for you. Books mentioned: Urania's Children The Occult Roots of Nazism The Origins of Totalitarianism Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Stream Highlight - Ico and Good Puzzles

IlkMvn4p__A | 07 Feb 2017

Stream Highlight - Ico and Good Puzzles

Full stream: Weekly Streams playlist: Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Stream Highlight: Late Night Rambling about VR and the Resolution Limits of the Human Eye

i9RbIqAuGYI | 05 Feb 2017

Stream Highlight: Late Night Rambling about VR and the Resolution Limits of the Human Eye

Weekly streams playlist: Twitter:

DOOM - Stream Highlight - Kitten Time

utGJfgBgZ-8 | 27 Jan 2017

DOOM - Stream Highlight - Kitten Time

Posted by popular demand Paul Ryan is a spineless toad. The refugee ban is powered only by xenophobia and the need of the current US leadership to exert its will on the people. Twitter:

The Kuleshov Effect

Vy2Vhnqtu8I | 14 Jan 2017

The Kuleshov Effect

Clickbait title: This One Weird Trick Is The Reason Movies Even Work There's something cathartic about drilling all the way down to the fundamentals. Not just the basic techniques, but the actual fundamentals, the bedrock of how something even functions in the first place, the reason why a series of edits can be used to tell a story rather than simply turning into abstract mush. It's also surprisingly challenging, like explaining what hands are. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter:

Suicide Squad Comment Responses

2ALMpIemuIo | 06 Jan 2017

Suicide Squad Comment Responses

Clickbait title: The Hot New Comment Responses Everyone Is Talking About Suicide Squad season has come and gone, but the crisp winter air reminds us of its icy grip on our collective cultural urethra. Part of me wants to move on, hunker down for winter and embrace spring, but another part knows it's going to be cold forever and maybe I should just spend the rest of forever dissecting caped hero and video game movies. Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Twitch:

The Art of Editing and Suicide Squad

mDclQowcE9I | 31 Dec 2016

The Art of Editing and Suicide Squad

Clickbait title: This AWFUL EDITING Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity Suicide Squad's construction is bad in a way that's legitimately unsettling for a movie of this scope and budget. There's serious concerns about what Warner Brothers is up to with how the DC films are being handled in general that makes you wonder if they aren't going to implode entirely. Comment responses: Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: Twitch:

Assassin's Creed VLOG: A Good Bad Addition to the Awful Video Game Movie Canon

zym1irLG9M8 | 23 Dec 2016

Assassin's Creed VLOG: A Good Bad Addition to the Awful Video Game Movie Canon

Clickbait title: Ubisoft Makes a Movie and You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next I walked up to the counter and said "two for Ass Creed" and the cashier lost it. Is Ass Creed ass? Yes. How? Watch the video.

Everyone Batman Kills in BvS (and why it matters)

dO1ydIZNaNY | 22 Dec 2016

Everyone Batman Kills in BvS (and why it matters)

Clickbait headline: You Won't Believe How Many People This Hero Killed! Batman kills a lot of people in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. A lot of people. Piles. The bodies do, indeed, hit the floor. Here we've compiled all the non-dream-within-a-hallucination casualties Batman racks up during Batman vs. Superman. Written and performed by Dan Olson

A Folk Retelling of Blood on the Sand

Z20o588COVE | 05 Dec 2016

A Folk Retelling of Blood on the Sand

Contact Your Representatives

KXXYkLa-HHI | 13 Nov 2016

Contact Your Representatives

Contact your representatives! US: Canada: Australia: UK: Written and performed by Dan Olson Thanks to Emily Ellsworth

YouTube Heroes Explained

SrlGOAjK6Dg | 22 Sep 2016

YouTube Heroes Explained

YouTube Heroes, announced September 20th, immediately drew massive pushback, but is it really as awful as people think it is?


ur0Z1V6gBwU | 20 Sep 2016


When you're a tiny ruby lily beetle, a pet hedgehog is basically Godzilla.

Alone in Public - A "No Man's Sky" Review

8ymRN6cCd0I | 13 Sep 2016

Alone in Public - A "No Man's Sky" Review

This is an exploration of the themes and meanings of the game No Man's Sky through a lens of both personal experience and the synthesis of mechanics with meaning. I do not use the word 'ludonarrative' even though it would be the correct word to use. Written and performed by Dan Olson

Folding Ideas Goes to PAX West 2016 and Comes Home With an Existential Hangover

5jYFIiz-tZw | 08 Sep 2016

Folding Ideas Goes to PAX West 2016 and Comes Home With an Existential Hangover

A rundown of my thoughts on my time at PAX West 2016 Written and performed by Dan Olson

On Context

669MV-4DU2A | 30 Aug 2016

On Context

"On Context" was commissioned by LUMA Quarterly for the Spring 2016 issue. Written and performed by Dan Olson

RENT and the Failure of Visual Storytelling

1XrQzhc186Q | 26 Aug 2016

RENT and the Failure of Visual Storytelling

Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman -

Suicide Squad VLOG: The Editing Was Shockingly Awful

6QOrv9jY8Bs | 04 Aug 2016

Suicide Squad VLOG: The Editing Was Shockingly Awful

For real, the editing was almost inexcusably bad. We're talking approaching 'The Last Airbender' bad.

How to Play Pokemon Go With Depression

L-4sJTYHIXY | 26 Jul 2016

How to Play Pokemon Go With Depression

Short film by Dan Olson

S A C R E D ~ M O M E N T

g2r2zco1q6w | 03 Jul 2016

S A C R E D ~ M O M E N T

BLANK BANSHEE - Ammonia Clouds BLANK BANSHEE - Bathsalts

Minisode - The Endings of Bloodborne

If9BmlbLGUM | 13 Jun 2016

Minisode - The Endings of Bloodborne

Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman -

24 Down - CUFF 48 Hour Filmmaking Challenge 2016

Kh7wtqWtJfk | 29 Apr 2016

24 Down - CUFF 48 Hour Filmmaking Challenge 2016

24 Down was made as part of the Calgary Underground Film Festival's 48 hour filmmaking challenge. It received honorable mention for "best use of phrase" which amounts to a verbal pat on the head, but it made us feel good anyway.

CUFFerage - "The Lure"

uI_p-0-yNKo | 16 Apr 2016

CUFFerage - "The Lure"

Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman -

CUFFerage - "Under the Shadow"

Dxs2OMy5zHo | 13 Apr 2016

CUFFerage - "Under the Shadow"

Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman -

CUFFerage 2016 - CUFFCADE

JwzZqGkZ2YA | 11 Apr 2016

CUFFerage 2016 - CUFFCADE

CUFFCADE is a part of the Calgary Underground Film Festival lineup. For more info on the games that are a part of CUFFCADE:

Duck Reacts to Funshine Bear Reacts to Dan Eats Crackers GONE SEXUAL!!! ***ALMOST DIED*** 2016

6N4nULxDRTE | 12 Feb 2016

Duck Reacts to Funshine Bear Reacts to Dan Eats Crackers GONE SEXUAL!!! ***ALMOST DIED*** 2016

ANNOTATIONS ON FOR FULL OMG Created by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 09 - Post-Mortem

vlcO2UayStg | 11 Feb 2016

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 09 - Post-Mortem

Minisode - React World

a49fipjglyc | 31 Jan 2016

Minisode - React World

Written and performed by Dan Olson Twitter: @FoldableHuman - *UPDATE* React World has been scuttled - Archive of the React World FAQ -

Behind A Red Pill

7RWKFZnejW8 | 17 Jan 2016

Behind A Red Pill

Behind the scenes for "A Red Pill", winner of a Telus STORYHIVE production grant.

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 07 - Scope, Food, and Nightmares

5RHIU6-LUts | 05 Jan 2016

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 07 - Scope, Food, and Nightmares

Production vlog for "A Red Pill", winner of a Telus STORYHIVE production grant.

Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Monsters and Dogs - Undertale Part 1

c4HF1ufCyxw | 30 Dec 2015

Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Monsters and Dogs - Undertale Part 1

Let's Play Undertale! Follow Dan on Twitter:

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 06 - Location Location Location

u9UmDL004zY | 29 Dec 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 06 - Location Location Location

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 05 - Casting, Locations, and Depression

PXkoEDb48Hc | 21 Dec 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 05 - Casting, Locations, and Depression

Production blog for short film "A Red Pill" funded by Telus STORYHIVE grant.

Minisode - Kylo Ren as a Compelling Villain

gR1e4idmvWY | 18 Dec 2015

Minisode - Kylo Ren as a Compelling Villain

Dan talks about that Star Wars thing. As always: WE ASSUME YOU HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE!

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 04

2qHfp9VSkuo | 16 Dec 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 04

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 03 - Winner's Workshop and NSI Mentors

hw1xOQPeNGU | 07 Dec 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 03 - Winner's Workshop and NSI Mentors

Food Crimes - 1958 Cheese Snowman

vkogHqfT5GQ | 07 Dec 2015

Food Crimes - 1958 Cheese Snowman

Source: Good Housekeeping "Ten PM Cookbook" - 1958

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 02 - Project Balance and Paying Crew

7QhVwOpxubs | 30 Nov 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 02 - Project Balance and Paying Crew

Production Vlog for Storyhive winner "A Red Pill"

Apple Cider Jell-O Mold

xNDjJ4_8uoc | 25 Nov 2015

Apple Cider Jell-O Mold

As featured in the Washington Post!

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 01 - Studio space and grant money

u1eYZ4hufZg | 21 Nov 2015

"A Red Pill" Production Vlog 01 - Studio space and grant money

Dan and Kara begin the adventure of making an experimental short!

Minisode - How Much Power Does "The Author" Have?

ikJ_b2SCycU | 06 Oct 2015

Minisode - How Much Power Does "The Author" Have?

Written and performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - Album Recommends

ONETQ66qm6I | 05 Oct 2015

Minisode - Album Recommends

Written and performed by Dan Olson Recs: Econoline Crush - The Devil You Know k-os - Yes! The Tea Party - Transmission Ohbijou - Beacons The Tragically Hip - Day For Night Dramarama - Cinema Verite

Minisode - The Medium is the Message

OseOb_wBsi4 | 24 Sep 2015

Minisode - The Medium is the Message

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - Dan-O's Fancy Miracle Cure-All Sliding Scale of Movie Badness

MKodVJbP5f8 | 23 Sep 2015

Minisode - Dan-O's Fancy Miracle Cure-All Sliding Scale of Movie Badness

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - The Limits of Language

1nsx8Fc9SQk | 22 Sep 2015

Minisode - The Limits of Language

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - A Pile of Questions and Answers

BNMm2Dj6jdE | 21 Sep 2015

Mailbag - A Pile of Questions and Answers

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - The Hypothetical Case Study of Assassin 47

pBvj6WWY8KM | 18 Sep 2015

Minisode - The Hypothetical Case Study of Assassin 47

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - The Thermian Argument

AxV8gAGmbtk | 17 Sep 2015

Minisode - The Thermian Argument

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - Diegetic

FT_E9Jm_Lk8 | 16 Sep 2015

Minisode - Diegetic

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - Dolphins

DUMdSyGMC2M | 15 Sep 2015

Minisode - Dolphins

Dan talks about communicating with dolphins, from the road

Minisode - The Con

bymjN7P_snU | 11 Sep 2015

Minisode - The Con

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - Forgotten Pop Albums?

sLlEwbfQkCQ | 10 Sep 2015

Mailbag - Forgotten Pop Albums?

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

How to Cook: Eggs With Depression

ShFQcLyAPGw | 09 Sep 2015

How to Cook: Eggs With Depression

Short film "How to Cook: Eggs With Depression" All elements by Dan Olson

Minisode - Is Jupiter Jones an Empowered Character?

oaUoR6v_yuU | 08 Sep 2015

Minisode - Is Jupiter Jones an Empowered Character?

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - PAX Prime 2015

8OEBm0o30_E | 07 Sep 2015

Minisode - PAX Prime 2015

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - Is Power-Worship Intrinsic to Superhero Stories?

d_3mokUQcrk | 03 Sep 2015

Mailbag - Is Power-Worship Intrinsic to Superhero Stories?

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - Why Do You Use A Puppet?

1hRQy4cq0Zo | 02 Sep 2015

Mailbag - Why Do You Use A Puppet?

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - Why Don't People Accept Horror as a Music Genre?

laWl6W52144 | 01 Sep 2015

Mailbag - Why Don't People Accept Horror as a Music Genre?

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

Minisode - The "Lost" Mysteries of Attack On Titan

iFy7lWh9IS8 | 31 Aug 2015

Minisode - The "Lost" Mysteries of Attack On Titan

Twitter: Written and Performed by Dan Olson

PAX 2014 - #TellMeAStory - Daniel Floyd

Ki6l6O2VXn8 | 28 Aug 2015

PAX 2014 - #TellMeAStory - Daniel Floyd

We're off to PAX Prime 2015, so here's a throwback to last year! While portions of this were included in the Tell Me A Story supercut, this one was so good we wanted to share it on its own.

Minisode - The Good News of Like Share Subscribe

TQoM-QF52Zo | 27 Aug 2015

Minisode - The Good News of Like Share Subscribe

Like, Share, Subscribe. Say it with me. Like, Share, Subscribe. Written and performed by Dan Olson

Mailbag - Is Mad Max Fury Road Feminist?

Sb3U6f_qxZ8 | 26 Aug 2015

Mailbag - Is Mad Max Fury Road Feminist?


Mailbag - Is Jurassic World Good Because it's Bad?

YKxg3VMCadM | 25 Aug 2015

Mailbag - Is Jurassic World Good Because it's Bad?


Making A Foldable Human

nEF_1kXXtGE | 24 Aug 2015

Making A Foldable Human

Featurette on the making of the second major Foldable Human puppet. Originally uploaded early 2012

Mailbag - We The Audience?

ErrCHLnwr1M | 24 Aug 2015

Mailbag - We The Audience?


Folding Ideas - End of Evangelion and the Audience Author Membrane

NAMAwErYRpQ | 23 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - End of Evangelion and the Audience Author Membrane

Originally uploaded to Blip.TV February 26, 2013 In retrospect making this video was a big turning point for me as a writer. Earlier drafts of the script leaned much more on performative shock at the weirdness and general inscrutability of the movie, but the more I worked on it, the more times I sat through the movie looking for clips and things to talk about, the more I started to see End of Evangelion not just as an extension of a show that I enjoyed, but as the legitimately brilliant and impacting film that it is.

Folding Ideas - The Legend of Chun Li -- [1st Edition, 2012]

XBS5ywyngxY | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Legend of Chun Li -- [1st Edition, 2012]

2nd Edition: S2E9 - The Legend of Chun Li Originally uploaded January 26, 2012

Folding Ideas - 300

1gvYzk0P3BA | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - 300

S2E16 - 300 Originally uploaded April 25, 2012

Folding Ideas - Genre Mixing

SvXAmvyEN-c | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Genre Mixing

S3E1.1 - Genre Mixing Originally uploaded January 23, 2013

Folding Ideas - The Last Airbender

3LlMdPmtVMI | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Last Airbender

S3E4 Originally uploaded June 14, 2013

Folding Ideas - Source Code

nZrGsl5_Ps4 | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Source Code

S2E12 - Source Code Originally uploaded March 3, 2012

Folding Ideas - Rantasmo Chat

-wQcz-JSOWM | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Rantasmo Chat

S2E3 - Jamie Interview Originally uploaded November 9, 2011

Folding Ideas - Video Games as Art

mbhqO01j5Qk | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Video Games as Art

S2E18 - Video Games as Art Originally uploaded May 30, 2012

Folding Ideas - Tell Me a Story

bsxpy9gqGrI | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Tell Me a Story

S4E6 - Tell Me a Story Originally uploaded September 19, 2014

Folding Ideas - Shrooms

D9Qhm0PsF3o | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Shrooms

S2E2 - Shrooms Originally uploaded November 2, 2011

Folding Ideas - End of Eva Follow Up

YTAQhgXD75I | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - End of Eva Follow Up

S3E2.1 - End of Eva Follow Up Originally uploaded March 26, 2013

Folding Ideas - Homer Simpson

7gDn3rdFgpw | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Homer Simpson

S2E17 - Homer Simpson Originally uploaded May 14, 2012

Folding Ideas - Fight Club and Toxic Masculinity

Td88z08a_4c | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Fight Club and Toxic Masculinity

S4E8 - Fight Club and Toxic Masculinity Originally uploaded November 13, 2014

Folding Ideas - Depression Quest

-8klnOhG7aE | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Depression Quest

S4E5 - Depression Quest Originally uploaded September 4, 2014

Folding Ideas - Sam Witwicky

DNspkOjZ0ac | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Sam Witwicky

S2E15 - Sam Witwicky Originally uploaded April 13, 2012

Folding Ideas - Asian Girlz

NlZEo0B-N-Q | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Asian Girlz

S4E1 - Asian Girlz Originally uploaded April 22, 2014

Folding Ideas - Postal

8ujAMK6FA5A | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Postal

S2E11 - Postal Originally uploaded February 15, 2012

Folding Ideas - The Chronicles of Riddick

X_CBtjBxiLY | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Chronicles of Riddick

S2E19 - The Chronicles of Riddick Originally uploaded June 21, 2012

Folding Ideas - Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, and Emergent Narratives

pdc8Oa16BeQ | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, and Emergent Narratives

S2E6 - Minecraft/Dwarf Fortress Originally uploaded December 7, 2011

Folding Ideas - She's Out of Control

a7--pzmkZDU | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - She's Out of Control

S2E14 - She's Out of Control Originally uploaded March 29, 2012

Folding Ideas - Superhero Follow Up

ZxzyeDnZKFY | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Superhero Follow Up

S3E5.1 Originally uploaded August 15, 2013

Folding Ideas - Violence as Narrative

sWxCBZ2xFGw | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Violence as Narrative

S3E6 Originally uploaded September 2, 2013

Folding Ideas - Earthsea and Adaptation Sickness

ETVdtRvfhvQ | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Earthsea and Adaptation Sickness

S3E1 - Earthsea and Adaptation Sickness Originally uploaded January 1, 2013

Folding Ideas - The Dark Side of Source Code

_Er35w-21sg | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Dark Side of Source Code

S2E13 - The Dark Side of Source Code Originally uploaded March 8, 2012

Folding Ideas - #GamerGate

5VtjZHC5Qyk | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - #GamerGate

S4E7 - #Gamergate Originally uploaded October 21, 2014 Featured in Felicia Day's book "You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)"

Folding Ideas - The People vs Clark Kent

xLUvR8zKbh0 | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The People vs Clark Kent

S3E5 Originally uploaded July 20, 2013

Folding Ideas - Skyrim

J0z9f9jJi7I | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Skyrim

S2E5 - Skyrim Originally uploaded November 23, 2011

Folding Ideas - Crank: High Voltage

vfeTmhONK2I | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Crank: High Voltage

S2E8 - Crank: High Voltage Originally uploaded December 21, 2011

Folding Ideas - Gamer

tIwtADGZntA | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Gamer

S2E10 - Gamer Originally uploaded February 9, 2012

Folding Ideas - Man Of Steel Redux

teTOkGXa_W8 | 22 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Man Of Steel Redux

S4E2 - Man of Steel Originally posted May 8, 2014 to Blip.TV

Folding Ideas - Lights of Endangered Species

nq4l6fFPVgk | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Lights of Endangered Species

S1E7 - Lights of Endangered Species Originally uploaded June 30, 2011

Dan Eats Crackers for Three Minutes

WvucaY465mA | 20 Aug 2015

Dan Eats Crackers for Three Minutes

My final upload to Blip.

Folding Ideas - Sam and Fuzzy Noosehead

n1ve7UPy6sI | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Sam and Fuzzy Noosehead

S1E8 - Noosehead Originally uploaded July 6, 2011

Folding Ideas - Memes

rs0sybzUu24 | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Memes

S1E1 - Memes Originally uploaded July 22, 2010 Test pilot for the show, shot on a laptop webcam. Hey, baby, you've come a long way.

Folding Ideas - Music Videos 1996-2000 (Isolation)

LOrHkRhAN2M | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Music Videos 1996-2000 (Isolation)

S1E12 - Isolation Originally uploaded August 3, 2011

Folding Ideas - Genre

86M7MGXS6oE | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Genre

S1E6 - Genre Originally uploaded June 21, 2011

Folding Ideas - The Man Who Fell to Earth

AcyknEaS_TQ | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Man Who Fell to Earth

S1E13 - The Man Who Fell to Earth Originally uploaded August 10, 2011

Folding Ideas - All of the Lights

T03aqFrhcQc | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - All of the Lights

S1E2 - All of the Lights Originally uploaded May 25, 2011 Still shot on a webcam, was a burst idea to test out the puppet idea.

Folding Ideas - The Matrix Reloaded Revolutions

mzidu-5iVRk | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Matrix Reloaded Revolutions

S1E19 - The Matrix Reloaded Revolutions Originally uploaded September 21, 2011 This version has been re-recorded and altered to comply with fair use.

Folding ideas - Brain Candy

kpmLvpChTq4 | 20 Aug 2015

Folding ideas - Brain Candy

S1E9 - Brain Candy July 13, 2011 A brief foray into the standard riffing format

Folding Ideas - The Cremaster Cycle (Part 1 of 2)

usfTxTXlCFc | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Cremaster Cycle (Part 1 of 2)

S1E15 - The Cremaster Cycle Part 1 Originally uploaded August 24, 2011

Folding Ideas - The Fountain

kmjInCBqEOY | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Fountain

S1E4 - The Fountain Originally uploaded June 7, 2011

Folding Ideas - The Cremaster Cycle (Part 2 of 2)

AXS4t_-6akU | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - The Cremaster Cycle (Part 2 of 2)

S1E17 - The Cremaster Cycle Part 2 Originally uploaded September 7, 2011

Folding Ideas - Transformers

PeGTsSKPC1g | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Transformers

S1E11 - Transformers Originally uploaded July 27, 2011

Folding Ideas - Enter The Void

3RJRGGOyJv0 | 20 Aug 2015

Folding Ideas - Enter The Void

S1E3 - Enter the Void Originally uploaded May 31, 2011

YouTube Trailer August 2015

J6OJZsH9zZQ | 19 Aug 2015

YouTube Trailer August 2015


Alien's Great 4th Wall Break

XmOateL3ohI | 22 Jul 2015

Alien's Great 4th Wall Break


Spec Ops: The Line - Post Stream Chat

s414aRUlc6c | 09 Apr 2015

Spec Ops: The Line - Post Stream Chat

Debriefing and discussion post-game.