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Shady Discord Users are Working for the Government now...

3bQkzxJS1DQ | 28 Feb 2025

Shady Discord Users are Working for the Government now...

Edward Coristine, a broccoli haired 19 year old, has a shady past on Discord... From working with a company that hires convicted cybercriminals to allegedly leaking internal company documents and even hosting a Discord image hosting website for predators, he's now perfect for a government job! But while the media is having a complete meltdown, what has Rivage / Edward actually done on Discord, and are there any red flags? Is Edward Coristine a risk to our security and safety? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Com... 01:23 - 08:47 - Path Network 20:51 - Courvix / Bromance Betrayal 24:29 - The Risks of Revenge... 26:10 - Or Manipulation? 27:06 - What about Bribery... 28:35 - THE SCOOP: more spy stuff?

This New Discord Virus is Only Targeting Scammers?

t7REnKeMnYk | 21 Feb 2025

This New Discord Virus is Only Targeting Scammers?

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal + 4 months extra here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ Discord is filled with script kiddies, e-gangsters, scammers, and hackers. And that's the perfect target for this new Discord malware, people with zero morals and zero frontal lobe. But how does this malware infect Discord's e-gangsters? In what "Discord tools" does this malware hide? And what does this Discord malware do? More importantly, why is it spreading to Discord and why is the malware problem getting worse? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I'm going to hack Discord... i think 05:18 - Cracking the Malware 07:57 - Malware Decoded? 12:07 - Malware DLC 17:05 - Why is it spreading to Discord and getting worse?

Discordā€™s E-Gangsters are in Shamblesā€¦

sCarjC2KerQ | 17 Feb 2025

Discordā€™s E-Gangsters are in Shamblesā€¦

Discord is finally removing the gaming guild feature and Discord's egangsters are furious. But I'm finally happy for once, so that's nice. Discord's clan tags / guild tags are a pretty simple feature, add a 1-4 characters next to your name in chat with a little icon. Seems harmless... Yet since Discord only released it to a small number of people, it created another Discord black market. In fact, it created Discord's biggest black market. And Discord let it fester for months... and it became degenerate. Scamming, recruitment, straight up moronic bypasses, and of course... predators. But there is something to be excited about, Discord will be bringing some of the features of gaming guilds back for everyone :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Guild Tags 02:14 - The Black Market 07:15 - Black Market Degeneracy (scams, memes, and predators) 13:23 - Discord's Announcement Nuke 15:42 - What Features are Coming Back?

Can you Really Trust These Discord Safety Tools?

2CWxUnDpPYM | 14 Feb 2025

Can you Really Trust These Discord Safety Tools?

Discord is filled with hackers, scammers, and predators. And when Discord fall short, people try to make their own homemade Discord safety tools. But out of all of them, can you trust these safety tools to keep you safe? I'm going to answer that question for Ruben Sim's Ro-Cleaner bot, Discord dating servers ID verification, ban syncing bots, token protectors, token invalidators, and webhook leak alert tools. If I wasn't already considered a Discord nerd in your eyes, this video wont be helping the chronically online allegations. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruben Sim's Boblox Video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Ruben Sim's Ro-Cleaner Bot 05:33 - Ban Syncing Bots 06:39 - ID Verification 08:10 - Token PROTECTOR 09:49 - Token Invalidator 12:41 - Webhook Life Alert 14:51 - SCAM NUKER 9000 PRO MAX PLUS

I Got Paid to Join Horrible Discord Servers...

cnh1QYuOT40 | 10 Feb 2025

I Got Paid to Join Horrible Discord Servers...

When times are tough, you gotta join Discord servers to put food on the table. And unfortunately for my sanity, the Discord servers that pay for people to join them are horrible. Whether it be some crypto scheme that will 100% lose you money, or a nasty AI Discord server, I joined it to make money. But I also got the "privileged" opportunity to get paid for watching russian youtube, reviewing shady shops, and visiting an absolute creature's Patreon page. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I'm in financial ruin 01:03 - First day on the job.. 01:48 - Second chances with... crypto 02:52 - Depraved AI Platform 06:02 - Best investment opportunity 07:36 - Interview 07:56 - Promoting Gambling 08:34 - Russian YouTube... 09:24 - Blaze Clan Discord 10:35 - Paid Reviews? 11:34 - A "special" Patreon 13:38 - Vaping that Discord pack 15:54 - The "Golden Goose"

Is Discord Ruining Itself with these New Features?

BE0mvQGJRks | 07 Feb 2025

Is Discord Ruining Itself with these New Features?

Discord voice changers, calling cards (like from call of duty), and a skill tree... Are these Discord updates the start of Discord's decline into ruining itself? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Tweeter Wumpus Central Twoter Discord Previews Discord Discord Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - E-Girl Voice Changers... 04:20 - Discord Calling Cards 06:18 - ORBS 08:10 - Skill Tree? 10:22 - Torture... (new UI)

i bought everything on Discord's merch store...

3ur3hHQgJ_Y | 03 Feb 2025

i bought everything on Discord's merch store...

i have some regrets.... but I had to review this stuff. So I spent $4000 to buy everything I could on Discord's merch store. All to see if it's high quality, worth it, and whether or not you would get bullied for wearing it. But as I dug deeper into the prices, I realized that Discord loses money on some items. If you want to see a man in his twenties upload content that will taint his self worth for the rest of his life, this is the video. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Disappearing Machine SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Shirts 10:15 - Plushies and Figures 14:32 - why discord loses money 15:30 - Jackets and Hoodies 23:53 - Bags 26:44 - Accessories 32:06 - HATS 34:58 - Stream Deck 35:58 - Wumpus Microphone 37:12 - $50 Keycaps... 37:55 - Discord Keyboard 40:18 - Discord x Apple 41:08 - Paper waste (Stickers, sticky notes)

Discordā€™s Strangest Doxxing Methodā€¦

dqSoaDYRpQ0 | 31 Jan 2025

Discordā€™s Strangest Doxxing Methodā€¦

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal + 4 months extra here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ Imagine getting a friend request on Discord, or being sent an emoji, and having your general location revealed. Well Hackermon, a bug bounty hunter, figured out a "0-click deanonymization attack" that affects Discord, Signal, and a bunch of other platforms that utilize cloudflare's CDN. Now if you had no idea what I just said, don't worry. I'll be breaking down Discord's strangest doxxing method for people that don't speak computer. And I'll be answering the question on whether or not you should be worried about this... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hackermon's Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Explaining the Exploit 05:06 - Testing the Friend Request Exploit 08:05 - Testing the Emoji Exploit 09:30 - Drawbacks and Dangers 10:09 - Danger 1 - Another Stalking Tool 10:30 - Drawback 2 - Accuracy? 11:46 - Danger 2 - Discord Users are Dumb 12:41 - Drawback 3 - Live in the boonies? 13:00 - Danger 3 - Journalists, activitists, and terrorists BEWARE 13:57 - Drawback 4 - Basic Anonymity tools 14:14 - Should you even care?

Exposing a Discord ā€œE-Girl Datingā€ Businessā€¦

IEJoqIB4U0M | 27 Jan 2025

Exposing a Discord ā€œE-Girl Datingā€ Businessā€¦

Sidekick has stooped to a new low... and it got so bad, an insider leaked me their group chat. And what I found on it was vile. Sidekick, a business that uses Discord to connect lonely gamers with E-Girls to, initially had a problem where minors would sign up for a website. Now I did do calculus (and failed), but paying minors to "just chat" or "virtual date" you, sounds like a formula for grooming. And after my initial video, Sidekick made an announcement and fixed everything, but it somehow got more cursed... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I hate this... 00:32 - Sidekick's Response 01:32 - PSA: STOP 02:04 - They banned E-Dating Minors! 02:49 - wait nvm... 04:30 - The Disturbing Leaked DMs 06:58 - Their Gameplan got leaked 09:00 - How much do Egirls make? 11:22 - War and poverty... 13:27 - Sidequest's Side Quest? 17:10 - GAMBLING 20:06 - Locked and Loaded

LEAKED Discord Features Coming in 2025!

tcmdPMyruic | 24 Jan 2025

LEAKED Discord Features Coming in 2025!

Message effects, new badges, and even a new UI... Discord has been working on a bunch of features to release in 2025 and through the power of datamining and looking at Discord experiments, we can get a sneak peek into leaked Discord features. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - questionable leaking methods 00:15 - Emoji / HD Splash Potions 02:30 - Nitro Badges V2 03:41 - The Ignore Feature.... (it's good lol) 05:26 - SoundMojis 06:32 - Mobile Feature - MP3 PIP 07:09 - Bon(er)us Mobile Feature - Swipe to Reply but not 07:46 - Advanced Server Join 08:23 - NEW DISCORD UI

Discord's $700 Lawsuit is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS

NJQm9T4_Rgo | 20 Jan 2025

Discord's $700 Lawsuit is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS

I dislike old people... ...because Discord is getting sued because their Nitro subscriptions are "too hard to cancel". But if you read deeper into the lawsuit, the stupidity gets even worse. It was hard to cancel the nitro subscription because the person didn't know how to log into their account. Only if they put as much effort into thinking as they did in this lawsuit... or maybe they are just trying to get a bag from Discord. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lawsuit SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's getting sued again... 01:32 - The lawsuit (and lawyer roleplaying) 03:52 - You can sue anything I guess 06:54 - Boomers vs Computers Arc 08:55 - Youtube comments in a lawsuit... 11:36 - Actual problems 13:02 - What about the $700? 13:46 - Predicting the future (with similar lawsuits)

Discord's AI Banned People for Forwarding This...

9igf5WxlJ8o | 17 Jan 2025

Discord's AI Banned People for Forwarding This...

Discord falsely banned a bunch of people from the Marvel Rivals Discord server for sharing / forwarding Sue Storm's "Malice" skin. And people have determined that it must be Discord's AI system acting up and assuming people are sending heinous images. But what if it wasn't AI? What if Discord had the answer to what happened in plain sight... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Support SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Marvel Rivals Discord situation.... 02:13 - How did AI think it was bad? 04:32 - Was it AI though? 07:27 - Did people get unbanned? 09:24 - You only hear about the big problems 10:55 - Scammed out of nitro? 11:12 - Discord Responded... and it's GOOD!

is Roblox Lying about the Botting Problem?

xmaZh679zdM | 13 Jan 2025

is Roblox Lying about the Botting Problem?

Roblox has a massive botting problem, yet nothing seems to be done about it. Is Roblox intentionally keeping this bots to boost numbers? And are they lying to us about their "response?" SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox's botting problem is bad 01:22 - How bots work 02:40 - Why do people use bots? 05:27 - Roblox's Response 06:08 - Is Roblox Lying? 08:28 - The truth... 09:20 - and the real problem

Investigating a Discord ā€œE-Girl Datingā€ Business...

PZm_9qyLc-E | 16 Dec 2024

Investigating a Discord ā€œE-Girl Datingā€ Business...

and well, it was disappointing... There's a Discord bot called Sidekick that lists Discord E-Girls for hire for "Just Chatting", "Watching YouTube", or the worst of the worst, "Virtual Dating". Sidekick will also go into Discord dating servers and recruit E-Girls to join their platform as "models". Now uhh, this is going to be a disaster. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - "E-Girls for hire" 05:39 - NOT AN ADULT WEBSITE btw 07:32 - The "App" 11:00 - Becoming a kicker and making $$$ 13:36 - $4m of orders! (i think) 17:03 - Financial exploitation? 21:07 - Pimp. 24:21 - I love you (server name, not me confessing) 26:07 - E-Girls = L, Crypto = W? 30:35 - LETS GO GAMBLING 32:34 - Degenerate Gamblers

Discordā€™s New Age Verification uses AI and Your Face!

KJhU-iVCYaM | 13 Dec 2024

Discordā€™s New Age Verification uses AI and Your Face!

not another AI thing... Discord is working on a new age verification system that requires users to take a "video selfie". Now will some human being look at your ugly face and determine if you are old enough to use Discord? Nope! Instead it's a random AI from some company I haven't heard of before. Is this new age verification system a good idea? Or is Discord just getting in on the AI hype again... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Age Verification with your Cute Face 01:41 - Why do I have to scan my face? 03:08 - Sisyphean Discord 05:17 - Concern... 06:07 - What is k-ID 07:04 - How do they guess your age? 08:02 - The ACTUAL point of this feature 08:36 - Should I worry about my privacy? (always)

Is Discord Making Robloxā€™s Disgusting Problem Worse?

H5NlGYtPiCo | 09 Dec 2024

Is Discord Making Robloxā€™s Disgusting Problem Worse?

Roblox Condos... one of the disgusting aspects of Roblox is being fueled by a bunch of Discord servers and communities. There are servers specifically made to share condos, generate condo games to circumvent bans, and finally to find young Roblox players to play with. And Discord has done NOTHING about it. This disgusting cesspool of creeps remains up and available on Discord's own discovery feature for anybody to join. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox Condos... 01:46 - Discord's Wall of Condos 03:56 - Diving into the Cesspool 07:28 - Who are joining the Discord Servers? 09:13 - "dear-discord" 10:43 - Dating Channel Chronicles 11:44 - Who are playing Condo Games? 13:30 - Discord is making condos worse. 14:11 - Who are making Condo games? (and why) 16:16 - Scams :) 17:36 - What is Discord doing about this?

Discordā€™s New Free Nitro Feature... thatā€™s actually good?

feQwAn58H2k | 06 Dec 2024

Discordā€™s New Free Nitro Feature... thatā€™s actually good?

Discord made a whole new feature called "Nitro Credits", where you can earn free Discord nitro. However, when it comes to Discord being generous, I get skeptical... In this case though, these free Discord nitro credits are pretty good. They do have a pretty obvious flaw, the amount of nitro you get. But it opens the doors to a future where Discord somehow makes money while allowing us to save money by not buying nitro. All thanks to Discord's quest feature. Hopefully there's a quest to teach people how to touch grass though. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro Credits are here! 00:18 - How to get Free Nitro Credits 01:38 - How do Nitro Credits Work? 04:16 - This is better than everything else 06:40 - How this could flop... 07:04 - 200IQ Discord Move

This Captcha Can Hack your Discord! (and everything else)

H2gnbPKyNNc | 02 Dec 2024

This Captcha Can Hack your Discord! (and everything else)

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal + 4 months extra here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ There's a new Discord scam that is on the loose. A captcha that hacks your computer and Discord account after you complete it. However, this captcha scam doesn't pop up only on Discord, but it shows up everywhere across the internet. So I'm going to show you how the scam works and how to identify a scam captcha. And for the paranoid Discord users watching this, I'm going to clarify something about Discord's own captchas... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Fake Captchas are Everywhere... 04:01 - How the Captcha Looks 05:51 - Completing the Captcha 06:55 - How the Captcha Works 09:11 - Spicy Sketchy Behaviour 10:32 - The LOOT 12:05 - PSA Discord's Captchas

PSA: Discord added a New Raid and Scamming Method...

6vjG34uyPz0 | 29 Nov 2024

PSA: Discord added a New Raid and Scamming Method...

Please check your server perms... Because months ago Discord gave people a new way to raid servers and to send scam messages. People use a Discord bot to spam channels or send scam messages. However, if you try to ban the bot, it doesn't work. You don't even know who sent the Discord scam either. But there is a way to both remove these bots from your server and see who's behind the messages. (and for you nerdy Discord users, you already know what's happening. But this is a PSA :) ) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Raids 02:09 - Testing the raid bot 02:52 - Scams? 04:54 - Discord tried... 05:57 - But Discord blundered (and how to fix)

The Andrew Tate Hack is Worse than you Think...

j84gB2cbNps | 25 Nov 2024

The Andrew Tate Hack is Worse than you Think...

Andrew Tate's "The Real World" online university / Discord clone just got hacked by Andrew Tate's biggest rivals... LGBT hackers. Not only did 14GBs of public and private messages get leaked for anyone to download, but Andrew Tate's servers got raided with tons of emojis and people being timed out until 2050 by the hackers. While this is funny, this hack is bigger than you think... Not only does this data pose a risk for the users of "The Real World", but it poses a potential risk for Andrew Tate himself. And as time progresses, we will see this leaked data manifest into bigger stories. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tate got hacked (tragic) 00:23 - What is "The Real World" 00:59 - How it was vulnerable 02:13 - Deep Dive into how the Raid Happened 05:56 - The Stolen Data Hack 07:59 - Bigger Consequences than you think 10:21 - Where the emails came from 10:58 - Keep your eyes peeled 11:40 - Andrew Tate's Response 12:41 - There was another hack... 13:33 - is it fixed? 14:02 - I doubt it will be secure

Discordā€™s Goofiest Drop-Shipping Scam...

9zXfuL4IAZQ | 22 Nov 2024

Discordā€™s Goofiest Drop-Shipping Scam...

Discord is being invaded by drop shipping ā€œprofessionalsā€ and I had to get to the bottom of it. Is it a real drop shipping business opportunity? Is it just another discord scam? And who are some of the people behind it? Well through critically acclaimed dropshipping professional ā€œJoe Kurtā€, we figure out the truth behind Discord drop shipping DMs. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - joe kurt from united state 01:44 - THE BEST SHOPPING EXPERIENCE ON THE PLANET 03:00 - He's a professional btw 04:14 - The 1 dollar plan... 07:52 - Cursed joe technique 09:35 - A hidden scam technique? 10:47 - send 100 buck 12:01 - Money Panic 13:16 - The Goldmine... 16:35 - speculation: an organized operation?

Discord is Removing Badges? | Discord Experiments & News

sQT3jOwlcds | 18 Nov 2024

Discord is Removing Badges? | Discord Experiments & News

Discord might be getting rid of 3 badges, and I already know this is going to be the 9/11 for Discord badge goblins. However, that's only one small part of this Discord news recap. Discord is also working on a new scam feature that should prevent scams..... and at the same time make new ones! Discord's Quests/ads feature also got a dystopian upgrade that forces you to watch their new video ads. And the cherry on top of this all is that another Discord user went to jail... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 00:15 - The Scamming Anti-Scam Feature 04:01 - Bye Bye Badges? 06:20 - Dystopian Video Ads... 08:12 - Better Image Viewer 08:40 - New Overlay UI 09:46 - JAIL 10:20 - arm arm arm arm arm

This Discord Predator is Disgusting...

tx5SqpuhZJI | 15 Nov 2024

This Discord Predator is Disgusting...

Today is a good day for Discord :) because another Discord predator is rotting in jail. However this man, Richard Densmore, is not only a predator, but he's also labeled as a terrorist by the news. We got terrorism on Discord before GTA6. But the crimes that this predator did are absolutely disgusting. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCMEC TakeItDown SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Good day for Discord :) 01:07 - 2022... 02:42 - The Second Search 04:10 - Freedom... 05:14 - THE PLEA DEAL 08:32 - The Deep End 12:06 - An honest conversation 13:15 - Useful information 15:11 - It's a cycle 15:42 - More creepy events 16:36 - A happy ending!

I Tried Andrew Tateā€™s Discord Cloneā€¦

mV98gVg36p0 | 11 Nov 2024

I Tried Andrew Tateā€™s Discord Cloneā€¦

I want my money back Andrew... Anyways I tried out Andrew Tate's Discord clone called "The Real World" to chat with special individuals, learn how to hustle "like a G", and most importantly, to escape slavery. All of these are things Discord doesn't offer if that wasn't clear. But the real world offers special features that Discord can only dream of. You have power levels, power boosters, power ups, coins, courses, cults, clans, and enough nerdy references to make you think you are in a dungeons and dragon's server. I dived into every nook and cranny this Discord clone had to offer. But the most beautiful thing of all, is the community. And my goodness...... these people are lost LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffeezilla's Andrew Tate Video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Escaping the matrix 02:14 - SIGN ME UP 03:20 - First Glorious Impressions 06:05 - "Diamond King" Ranks 06:45 - COINS AND POWER UPS 09:55 - Hero's Journey 10:43 - REFERRAL PROGRAM 12:16 - "encouragement" 13:39 - Initiation 15:33 - "Real World" Courses 16:47 - Hero Cult 18:12 - Everything you can learn 19:21 - ANDREW TATE CRYPTO? 21:29 - HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED! By Andrew Tate 23:32 - RNT GIVEAWAY? 24:44 - Its all garbage (surprise) 24:58 - The COUNCIL 26:43 - Flexing Channel 28:16 - A champion 29:53 - Victories 30:44 - General Chat 32:09 - "Custom App" 34:17 - Trapped 34:48 - A review from a happy customer

From Cheating to Hacking, This Discord Activity is Brokenā€¦

orfBAqR9Nq4 | 08 Nov 2024

From Cheating to Hacking, This Discord Activity is Brokenā€¦

Discord's Death By AI activity got broken... by BobDaHacker. Not only in terms of cheating in the game to troll your friends, but also in terms of hacking into the Discord bot itself. I'm going to reveal how someone cheated in Discord's "Death by AI" activity, and how that led to them hacking into the company behind it. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requestly Extension Template Github Compiling Nerd Stuff SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Death by AI is a bit broken... 02:39 - Cheating in Death By AI 05:55 - Anything else vulnerable? 10:04 - Admin Powers :) 11:02 - Bad things Bob could do 12:32 - Even more damage :) 13:54 - Playroom's Response 14:16 - But wait, there's more!

Discord is Stealing People's Nitro...

gq2OcwMpcYg | 04 Nov 2024

Discord is Stealing People's Nitro...

Over the past week, a bunch of people have had their Discord Nitro suddenly disappear without any email or notification from Discord. Discord is taking away peopleā€™s nitro and Iā€™m going to tell you why it happened and how to prevent it from happening to you. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord stole?1?1?1! 01:19 - New Nitro Gift Scam? 02:41 - CHARGEBACKS... (dun dun dun) 04:56 - Where is this Nitro coming from? 06:30 - Cheap Nitro 1: Localized Pricing 09:06 - Cheap Nitro 2: Hackerman 09:49 - Cheap Nitro 3: Straight up Fraud 12:19 - Discord's Response 12:52 - Digging Deeper 15:09 - Will I Get Banned? 15:43 - Can I get my Nitro Back?

Exposing Robloxā€™s Most Desperate Scammerā€¦

k-iPRlZW5oU | 01 Nov 2024

Exposing Robloxā€™s Most Desperate Scammerā€¦

A desperate Roblox scammer made the most obvious Discord scam server: "Roblox Halloween Event" where people are promised to get FREE ROBUX and a FREE HEADLESS HORSEMAN if they invite people to a Discord server. And for some reason they told me to talk about it... Now if you have the brain capacity to critically think, you probably already know that Discord invite reward servers are scams. But when it comes to Roblox scams, there's a lot of completely clueless kids that will fall for the most obvious scams. However, in the case of our Discord scammer, he's so desperate that he's continuously fumbled the bag and has hands down made the most pointless scam I have seen. So I made fun of him. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox Brainrot 03:25 - SCAM ATTEMPT 1 05:46 - Attempt 2: Giveaway Bot DM 06:40 - What happens when they respond? 07:42 - Attempt 3: The Money maker 10:26 - The Final Scam ft. Photoshop Genius 12:14 - The Haunt Server 13:01 - Elijah's Server 15:45 - Rigged Giveaways 19:15 - Connecting Axix to Elijah 20:44 - ElijahGrifts 21:11 - It's like really rigged lol 22:10 - MOM PUT ME ON TV 23:36 - Elijah's Message 25:20 - The Big Reveal 27:08 - UPDATE

Exposing Discord's Degenerate Gambling Predictors...

JXmo8oxH6xY | 28 Oct 2024

Exposing Discord's Degenerate Gambling Predictors...

Don't gamble, invest in the outcome of the casino. And in this case, Discord users are using "gambling predictors" to become better gamblers. For the steep price of $700 DOLLARS, you can join a Discord server and get access to their bloxflip / stake gambling predictor Discord bot. This bot claims to predict the outcome of your game with a 70-100% accuracy. Is this just some hocus pocus degenerate gambler cope? Or is this actually real? You probably already know lol (i hope) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Why gamble when you can just win? 03:29 - THE PREDICTOR SERVER 05:47 - How is this a scam if you don't try it? 08:45 - Who's Falling for this? 10:24 - UNDERAGE GAMBLING ARC 12:28 - BloxFlip Predictor Server 13:14 - MACHINE LEARNDING 15:46 - Accuracy & Advantage of Predictors 17:29 - GAMBLELORE 20:20 - Predictor Code 21:19 - Code but better 100 emoji

Discord's Most Important Legal Battle... Involves Piracy

KYPCip-G3MU | 25 Oct 2024

Discord's Most Important Legal Battle... Involves Piracy

Discord's legal team is currently disputing a DMCA subpoena from Nexon, the company behind the game Maplestory. But despite how uninteresting and unimportant this Discord news sounds, this legal battle sets the precedent of user privacy on online platforms. However that's not the only reason why I wanted to talk about Discord's legal battle. This battle is filled with Discord's lawyers beefing with Nexon, incompetently filled legal documents, and much much more :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Billion Dollar Company btw 01:49 - Nexon's Dystopia 03:36 - Discord's Involvement 04:22 - Incompetent Legal Documents 09:43 - Incompetence Pt 2 11:01 - IT GETS WORSE... 12:13 - Incompetence Pt 2.2 15:37 - BDE from Discord 17:52 - Discord Protects Free Speech 19:04 - Nexon's Response 19:37 - This is important

How One Man got Discord Banned in Turkey...

v7sj8XiresY | 21 Oct 2024

How One Man got Discord Banned in Turkey...

Data leaks, Extortion, and 3 dead, this is ā€œThe Discord Incidentā€ and how one man got Discord banned in the entire country of Turkey... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turkey's Freedom on the Net 2023 Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Turkey's Twisted History 02:13 - The Incident 05:15 - Escalation 08:03 - The video? 15:45 - Explaining Discord's Refusal 18:59 - Government Spying? 20:20 - Extra: Censorship

Has Discord Hit A New Low? | Discord Experimental Features

svSnn5LHBPk | 18 Oct 2024

Has Discord Hit A New Low? | Discord Experimental Features

If you could watch a video ad on Discord to get an avatar decoration, or a temporary nitro perk, or an item in a video game, would you? Well Discord is doubling-down on their Quests feature by expanding its capabilities into "Video Quests". Now the internet has stained us Discord mods to assume the worst, but this feature aint as bad as you think. Also, Discord has been releasing some experiments regarding blocking, a League of Legends leaderboard (uh oh toxicity incoming), and reaction notifications so you know when someone doesn't want to respond to you but also doesn't want to ghost you. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Video Ads 02:49 - Temporary Nitro Perks 05:30 - Remove Activity Feed 06:40 - Hide Stream Preview 07:03 - Better Blocking Info 08:12 - League of Legends Leaderboard 09:04 - Reaction Notifications 09:43 - Hidden Channels are gone... 11:08 - Security Buffs

I Found North Korean Spies on Discordā€¦

QebpXFM1ha0 | 14 Oct 2024

I Found North Korean Spies on Discordā€¦

North Korean Spies on Discord... this has to be a joke or some clickbait nonsense. But from the bottom of my non-existent heart, I think there is a recruitment program ran by North Korea on Discord. Meant to trick unknowing Discord users into supporting North Korean IT workers (DPRK IT), to gain access to funds and potentially private corporate information. The worst part about this whole investigation, is that I stumbled upon it by mistake. I was looking for Discord freelancing servers to make money on Discord. And between some obvious scams, I managed to find something that I didn't understand. And I unfortunately dug deeper than I maybe should have. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - North Korea and Freelancing 00:17 - Freelancing Scams 01:14 - Renting Account Scam 02:32 - Potential spies? 05:14 - Proxy Interviewing 07:14 - Someone special... 08:07 - The Phone Call 20:57 - North Korean Infiltration 24:48 - Are they North Korean? 26:03 - More spies 27:55 - Should you hustle? (aka work for north korea) CORRECTIONS: 14:06 - Typically tech support scammers will tell you the "password" but put in something different. In this case Kosuke could have done the same.

is Discord getting banned in Russia?

0vFWSyGIl00 | 11 Oct 2024

is Discord getting banned in Russia?

Every news outlet makes it seem like Discord is getting banned in Russia for "extremist content". But is that the case? What if there was a Discord feature that could stop this ban from happening? And why is Russia banning Discord? Well I'll explain why Discord is being banned in Russia (to the best of my ability) and why things may or may not be doomed from the start... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Insider Telegram SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Russia is banning Discord? 00:14 - The warning to ban timeline 02:29 - Russian Banned Content 02:57 - Note: This stuff is complex 03:34 - Back to Banned content 04:31 - The biggest reason for the ban? 04:55 - Bans and Propaganda 06:08 - 947 illegal materials = what? 07:03 - Discord's Refusal 08:57 - The saving feature? 10:42 - UPDATE 11:44 - UPDATE (again)

Discordā€™s Discovery Feature is perfectly balanced...

XZmsLKiWWRQ | 07 Oct 2024

Discordā€™s Discovery Feature is perfectly balanced...

Discordā€™s discovery feature is perfectly balanced and perfectly moderated, with absolutely no issues whatsoever..... Just kidding. Discord's server discovery feature is plagued with two major issues that allow down-bad freaky servers to show up. Whether it be using the world's most advanced Discord exploit or just letting Discord do a horrible job at moderating, you will stumble across one of these servers. But when you take a step back and observe some concerning Discord trends, you'll realize things are just going to get worse... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Discovery is broken... 00:54 - Discovery Requirements and Rules 01:48 - ISSUE 1: EPIC BYPASS 03:47 - Discovery is flawed... 04:42 - like really flawed 05:28 - ISSUE 2: DO THESE GET BANNED 07:40 - The Bigger Issue With Discord 08:57 - the stats get worse...

Discordā€™s New Black Market is Strangeā€¦

xEaMlwh93Hs | 04 Oct 2024

Discordā€™s New Black Market is Strangeā€¦

People are spending money on dumb Discord stuff again. Whether we like it or not, Discord has multiple black markets. You have the rare usernames market, the rare vanity link market, and all the other stolen credit card/fraud markets. But we have a new challenger, the Discord gaming guilds black market. Now to call this a "black market" might be much, it's just a bunch of idiots trying to sell access to their Discord . But is it even worth buying? And what is Discord going to do about it? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord gaming guilds 02:28 - Rare clan tags? 03:09 - The black market emerges 04:16 - The black market grows 05:57 - The turf war 07:05 - Grow the empire 08:35 - brain damage 09:36 - WARNING, DISCORD GET ANGWY

Revealing Discordā€™s Hall of Shameā€¦ | 1m sub special

OApqYQmHrOE | 30 Sep 2024

Revealing Discordā€™s Hall of Shameā€¦ | 1m sub special

Every time I've gotten an angry Discord scammer DMing me, or a funny discord ban appeal, or a discord message that lowers my IQ when I read it, I'll put it in a HALL OF SHAME channel. And since you lovely gamers got me to 1m subs, I thought it was time to celebrate and show you the degeneracy that resides inside this channel. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Angry Scammers 04:16 - Ban Appeals 05:09 - Discord E-Gangsters 06:59 - Golden Viewers 08:40 - BRAIN ROT

Discordā€¦ what are you doingā€¦

JOK92xYY-w8 | 27 Sep 2024

Discordā€¦ what are you doingā€¦

Discord decided to do what they do best, make questionable updates. And in this case we have a trifecta of weird updates: Feet šŸ„“, Discord sending emails to your friends about what games you are playing, and a new type of Discord channel which will may or may not be problematic. But when there's a storm, at the end there's a rainbow. We got some free Discord nitro from AND QUESTS. And Discord has a couple of experimental features which vary from mid on de_dust2 to peak. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server Free Nitro SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Stalking Emails 01:49 - F**T 02:54 - Spam Friend Requests 04:13 - FRIENDS IN SERVER (4D technology) 04:27 - Friend anniversary stalking feature 05:06 - Free Nitro Quest, no strings attached 06:12 - CHESS NITRO 07:31 - HALLOWEENIE 08:14 - New Discord Look pt.3 09:18 - Lobby Channels

This Roblox Extension Has Some Hidden Tricks...

58hpXtQitC0 | 23 Sep 2024

This Roblox Extension Has Some Hidden Tricks...

Recently I've been getting spammed with Roblox scam messages about And when I visit the website, it leads me to a browser extension called "Roblox Daily Rewards". Typical Roblox scam, right? Well this scam is a bit different than normal... Because the scam does nothing (for now). However, that doesn't mean you should go wild and download it. This scam uses three loopholes that allows it to instantly change how it works, while also avoiding the ban hammer of Microsoft. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LucentWaves Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox Scam Extensions 00:46 - He had raygun 02:20 - Testing the extension yolo 04:51 - CODE TIME 05:59 - Nerdy Code time 08:36 - What about UniverseID(1)? 09:32 - How does this turn into a scam? 10:31 - Loophole 1 12:09 - Loophole 2 13:51 - Loophole 3

Earn Free Nitro with Discord Coins?

Mjkkde1x_9Q | 20 Sep 2024

Earn Free Nitro with Discord Coins?

Discord has a new concept for a feature they want to add to Discord: Discord Coins (they should be called D-Bucks) With this new virtual currency system, Discord is hoping that they can reward people for playing Discord quests and doing other things with coins. And these coins are then used to redeem Discord avatar decorations, profile effects, and yes, even Discord nitro. All for free. There's also another thing Discord want you to spend your coins on, Discord Potions. Which are temporary buffs/Discord nitro features. I'd be skeptical though. However, all of this is overshadowed by a controversial Discord change regarding Quests... and I don't think Discord wanted you to know SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's New Currency 02:27 - Earning D-bucks 04:12 - What to buy with coins? 08:30 - Nitro benefits? 09:23 - Discord Potions 10:29 - More Potion Types 11:24 - Potion cost & duration 12:16 - The point of potions 12:54 - Nitro Potion Perks? 13:37 - This seems good.... but 14:39 - THE BAD CHANGE... 16:04 - A Final Warning

The Secrets to Owning a Big Discord Server

GufZzqzmdoY | 16 Sep 2024

The Secrets to Owning a Big Discord Server

Celebrate Collectors Fest using my link or my code ā€œnotextā€ to access my special promo: up to 2 Displates 32% OFF, from 3 Displates 37% OFF. Available until September 23rd. Discount applied automatically at check out when using my link, (excl. Limited Editions, Lumino and Textra) I've grown my Discord server to over 100k members. And during those two years, I've learned a ton about managing a Discord server. Everything from growing your Discord server and picking your server topic, to setting up bots and automod to filter out trolls. But there's things that aren't as simple, like discord booster and level rewards and how they change with time. Or how to pick staff on your Discord server. All of this culminates to the biggest secret that most Discord server owners don't want to tell you about owning a big server... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tips and tricks, but also some secrets 00:18 - Your server makes no sense 02:42 - Growing your server 03:41 - What bots to use? 05:07 - Custom Bots? 06:10 - Headache 1: You're a target... 07:27 - Check bot's commands and perms! 08:04 - DISCORD BEST FEATURE: AUTOMOD 10:20 - Server Boosting Rewards 11:09 - XP / Level Bots 11:47 - Dead Chat isnt bad 12:10 - Make Money on Discord? 13:35 - STAFF ARE KEY 13:48 - Staff Roles 14:41 - How to Pick Staff 15:12 - Headache 2 - Staff Security 15:41 - Our Staff Security System 16:40 - How to take care of Staff 17:14 - How to Demote Staff 17:42 - The big secret... 18:50 - Pain: the sequel

this discord server is worse than you think...

2W6ks6E2jKA | 13 Sep 2024

this discord server is worse than you think...

This may just be the worst Discord server I have ever talked about... Now when I first looked into this Discord server, I thought it was just a freaky gaming server. And when it comes to freaks, Discord has a lot of them. But as I dug deeper and deeper into this disgusting Discord server, things just got worse. I thought the boys puberty center discord server was the worst, but NOPE. This takes the cake (which is an amazing pun as you will see). SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This will be horrible 03:11 - "gaming" 04:51 - oh no... 05:49 - This has to be fake, right? 06:43 - Where's Waldo, but worse 08:29 - Mentally.... unwell 09:59 - One last attempt at staying sane 10:37 - it just gets worse 11:30 - Why hasn't this been taken down yet? 12:03 - Time to fix that

Fixing Discordā€™s Biggest Privacy Flaw with a Loopholeā€¦

g5FbRfwMEuo | 09 Sep 2024

Fixing Discordā€™s Biggest Privacy Flaw with a Loopholeā€¦

Want to delete all your messages in Discord? Well Discord says no, but I say yes. Why would you want to delete your discord messages? Well Discord doesn't delete your messages when you delete your account. So if you are trying to get away from a bad situation, your messages will still stay on every server you've been in. This allows creeps or any bad actor to go through your messages and determine other ways to contact you. However, it turns out while I've been talking about Discord stuff and weird servers, privacy nerds (i love you guys šŸ’–) have been figuring out how to delete all their messages on Discord. And it requires a little loophole :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teen Safety Charter Bulk Deletion Helper Python Download Contact Discord Privacy Report Template SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Privacy Issue 02:31 - What Discord is Doing... 03:37 - The old dangerous way 04:59 - Why can't we delete all our messages? 06:17 - There are some issues 06:58 - TUTORIAL: New way to Bulk Delete Messages 09:30 - Deleting Specific Channels 10:36 - Sending the messages to Discord to delete 11:31 - Discord is lazy though

Discord Just Nerfed Uploads... (and added a New Badge)

bXaEk72Hyvo | 06 Sep 2024

Discord Just Nerfed Uploads... (and added a New Badge)

Discord users are about to either riot or cry tears of happiness. Because Discord just updated their free limit on uploading files to Discord. From starting off at 8MB, and going up to 25MB, this new update is sure to impress people in how bad Discord can be. But if you are one of those Discord mods who lack a functioning, top trim level, frontal lobe, then you will completely forget about this betrayal and will foam at the mouth at Discord's new badge. Yeah.... we are getting a new nitro badge. We're also getting a new nitro feature and potentially some free nitro. This is Discord's biggest business tactic to date. All covered by a cute man who talks about Discord news. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Free Upload Nerf 03:32 - Free Nitro through Quests? 04:41 - New Nitro Feature! (bad) 05:25 - Updated UI Stuff 06:18 - New Nitro Badges....

This AI Discord Scam that's making Scamming Worse!

HcwQgGkjJqs | 02 Sep 2024

This AI Discord Scam that's making Scamming Worse!

There's a G2A scam that is being spread across Discord with the help of AI chatbots. Like the chatbots are actually scamming people. These Discord AI scam bot accounts will reply to messages in your conversations as "naturally" as possible. All while promoting some garbage scam that will steal your money. In this case, it's a g2a scam promising free games by abusing a "timezone method". Now is this Discord scam the start of a really bad wave of scamming with AI bots, or is it just another thing to point and laugh at? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - As a large language model... 00:27 - Socially inept person or AI bot? 02:27 - 3rd time's the charm 03:31 - HOW TO BREAK THE BOT 04:09 - AI and scamming, dynamic duo? 05:23 - A working scam 06:39 - Timezone Timemachine PDF 08:14 - Buying the worst video game 08:56 - Timezone glitch time 09:43 - How the scam works 10:41 - PASTEBIN

Discord ā€œfixedā€ the Block Button! (And added more Useless Features)

sn3h5_3K8VQ | 30 Aug 2024

Discord ā€œfixedā€ the Block Button! (And added more Useless Features)

Discord mod stalking you? Snot nosed Discord kiddo spamming you? Tired of all those Discord bots spamming your DMs when you join a server? Well you've probably used Discord's block button to deal with those problems. But Discord's blocking system is pretty weak. If a chronically online Discord user wanted to harass you, they could find a way around blocking you. And that's what Discord's new experimental features are trying to fix. But since we're throwing it back to the good ol Discord news videos, I also talk about some useful and utterly useless features that Discord is working on. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Blocking on Discord is useless... 00:18 - Blocking Pre-buff patch v10.2 01:03 - Block Shortcoming 1 - HBP 02:22 - Blocking Shortcoming 2 electric boogaloo 03:42 - I DONT LIKE IT (brilliant stuff discord) 04:57 - Desktop PIP 05:29 - Keyword Filter 07:15 - Quick React 08:02 - STICKER

The Worst Website on Discord...

QacpIq4lWzc | 26 Aug 2024

The Worst Website on Discord...

The worst place to go on Discord... is Disboard. Disboard is a website that lists off a bunch of Discord servers that anyone (despite their intentions) can advertise and promote their Discord server. Now Disboard is great for filling in the gap that Discord has for helping people grow their Discord server. Discord requires you to have 1000 members and be family friendly. Disboard on the other hand, uhhh well allows basically anything. And that's the problem with Disboard. It feels like the wild west because it doesn't take long for a normal person to stumble across the most disgusting, depraved, discord servers imaginable. And when you go to report these servers.... well you'd have better luck trying to jump across an ocean than get your report processed by Disboard. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Disboard... we all know it's bad 00:21 - Why do people use Disboard? 01:11 - Finding horrible servers is ezpz 03:35 - Things used to be different 05:53 - The problem with Disboard 07:41 - Disboard's Big Flaw 09:30 - PROFIT 10:05 - What about other websites? 10:43 - Should Discord shut this down?

Discord is getting MORE Ads?

ngLz1a3KvPk | 23 Aug 2024

Discord is getting MORE Ads?

You know what would make Discord even better? MORE ADS! It turns out behind the scenes at Discord, they've been working on two things which imply that we may be seeing more ads in Discord. Originally, Discord's ads were just them telling you to buy nitro. But then Discord quests came along. Gaming company pays Discord money, and in return Discord tells you to play the game in exchange for a reward. Which aint that bad compared to normal ads. But now, we don't really know what is coming... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - More ads? 00:16 - Baseline Discord ads 01:39 - 1. THE POLICY 03:50 - REDDOT 05:05 - Misconception 08:20 - 2. Steve Jobs 10:15 - I am inevitable 11:44 - YouTube Ads?

Discord Connections Are Broken...

I_M1D1JsqJk | 19 Aug 2024

Discord Connections Are Broken...

People are using an exploit to get whatever TikTok username that they want. And with that, people's Discord profiles are being flooded with bugged connections with usernames like "rich", "mrbeast", and even "discord". But how does this Discord exploit work? Why do people want these edge-lord-hacker-supreme usernames? and finally should you even bother with trying to do this exploit? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - A TikTok or a Discord problem? 00:37 - Brain Rot Username Culture 01:00 - The Exploit 03:13 - Matrix Reloaded 03:41 - Please don't be dumb 04:22 - 3 reasons to not use this, even if it's "safe" 05:09 - the Andrew Tates of discord 05:25 - Reason 2: TikTok employees crunchin 06:21 - Reason the third: Pointless

The Discord Dating Bot Rabbit Hole...

pE8EkB0X27A | 16 Aug 2024

The Discord Dating Bot Rabbit Hole...

I've been getting spammed by a bunch of Discord catfish accounts with the username "!". And every single one of them has a profile picture of a silly lady that forgot to put her clothes on! But even after using my horrible pickup lines, this Discord account keeps messaging me and tells me to sign up for a dating website. And in return for all my hard work helping out this 100% not a Discord Scammer, I will be rewarded.... with uhhh... stuff. Not only are these Discord catfish dating bots annoying, but the websites they promote are arguable the most malicious part of this whole Discord scam. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Lonely and Afraid 00:34 - Finding the Bots 02:34 - DMing my new gf 05:07 - I got tricked 05:52 - Why the Dating Websites? 06:37 - The Bad Dating Website Rabbit Hole 09:24 - Why is Janifa promoting this? 10:18 - HUSTLE AFFILIATE 2008 12:01 - Organized Operation? 13:56 - The Workers 16:55 - Making them angry part 5 of 9

Discord has a "Minor" Dating Problem...

g5t6FfmsoOI | 12 Aug 2024

Discord has a "Minor" Dating Problem...

E-Dating, is arguably the most annoying thing about Discord. Sometimes you want to just talk with your homies and chat is filled with a e-couple who don't understand how Discord DMs work. And out of all weird and gross Discord servers I have covered, I missed a pretty important one. E-dating servers. But not just any E-dating servers, I'm talking about servers that miss what Tinder, Hinge, and Farmers Only do: keep teenagers off the platform. TLDR: I'm talking about Discord dating servers that allow minors. But do these servers actually exist? Does Discord have a minor dating problem? (I know, the pun is great) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Finding out using the "scientific" method 00:29 - Server 1: I love you 03:33 - Discord's Guidelines on Dating 05:04 - Server 2: Lovebirds 07:30 - Mods... 07:52 - Server 3: my savior? 08:43 - Discord Dating as an Adult 09:18 - Server 4: LoveCafe 09:54 - Server 5: E-Life 10:29 - Guys it doesnt break rules1!

This Discord Server made me Taller!

YPF2kjA2tgE | 09 Aug 2024

This Discord Server made me Taller!

So I was sent a Discord server that promises to teach you how to grow up to 6 inches in height. And like most people on the internet, I believed everything and decided to join the server to learn how to get taller, to heightmax in my journey of looksmaxxing. And well, the ancient and secret knowledge of lengthening my shinbones was right at my fingertips. Ancient knowledge hidden in a simple Discord server for the low price of $9. But as if by divine intervention, I not only have one method to grow taller (the bamboo method), but I also have the cream of the crop, the best that modern science has to offer: THE TITAN METHOD. Thank you Discord for making this ascendant experience possible. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice video - yeah so I aint risking no YouTube getting mad at me so search it up lol SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I'm now 9ft 11in tall 01:13 - The TITAN server 02:27 - The Bamboo method 03:07 - Red pill 05:16 - "Proofs and reviews" 07:06 - Why the Titan Method? 08:02 - I WANT TITAN METHOD 08:26 - THE TITAN METHOD 10:00 - The website of truth 10:52 - Stolen valor 11:21 - Actually increasing my height 12:12 - The cursed techniques 13:00 - The mega cursed growing technique

A Warning about Custom Vencord Plugins...

_rCXxa5MDrE | 05 Aug 2024

A Warning about Custom Vencord Plugins...

Vencord is a client modification for Discord that allows you to add a bunch of extra features to Discord. For example, there's a plugin called fake nitro, which gives you some Discord nitro features for free. But what if I told you there's a whole other side to Vencord which is risky and potentially dangerous? Well that's what third party / custom Vencord plugins are. Not only can these plugins cause you some issues regarding the safety of your account, but the duty of making sure the plugin is safe relies solely on you. Aka, you need to go through the code of every custom plugin you decide to install. And in some cases (which I show), these plugins can contain malware or token grabbers. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord Discord Server BetterScreenshare Plugin SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Vencord is great... 01:07 - But you need to be careful with Custom Plugins 02:06 - A special plugin (that crashes people) 03:58 - The Skid Lore is Brewing 04:35 - Explaining the Black Market Crash Plugin 08:44 - Running the plugin

This is why you should Stop Downloading Roblox Cheats!

ykS9ooPccq4 | 02 Aug 2024

This is why you should Stop Downloading Roblox Cheats!

Discord has a bit of a scamming problem when it comes to Roblox cheats... Recently I've been getting spammed by viewers about this Roblox solara message that people are getting in Discord. Now, is this some massive scam that people are falling for? Or is this something a bit less intimidating? And even if this is or isn't a scam, should you even download game cheats in the first place? There's a ton of risk with discord scammers abusing discord's rules, potential vulnerabilities, and trusting 16 year old cheat developers with access to your computer. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roblox Cheat Vulnerability Tweet SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Solara Discord Scam 02:02 - Running this 100% not sketchy app 04:03 - Malware Report 05:56 - Impersonation... 06:28 - Trust no one 08:03 - The Roblox Cheat Vulnerability 09:19 - Cheat makers are trustworthy 1000% 09:44 - Incoming exit scam? 10:51 - Breaking news

The Dumbest Discord and Roblox Scams (that still scam people)

fyn7T2BQRXM | 29 Jul 2024

The Dumbest Discord and Roblox Scams (that still scam people)

I think times are tough for Discord and Roblox scammers because there's a bunch of scams out there that are more dumb than dangerous. The worst part though, is that people still fall for it. You have Discord bots either trying to promote some down-bad website of theirs. Or Discord bots that annoy you so much that the only way to make them leave you alone is to give them your xbox gamepass code. And for the Roblox side of things... well it's pretty horrendous. Because we have annoying british teenagers who livestream for hours on end trying to get roblox kids to get scammed with "free robux giveaways". But don't forget about people who ask for donations for Robux. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's got some fans... 01:34 - Discord begging session 02:56 - Roblox scammers migrated 04:08 - How many kids are falling for this? 05:10 - womp womp 05:24 - Mommy Robux 06:16 - Peak Scam Arc

The Dark Side of Discordā€™s E-Girls

0VE-oHtULHQ | 26 Jul 2024

The Dark Side of Discordā€™s E-Girls

And when I mean E-Girls, I don't mean the normal Discord E-Girls. I'm talking about the entitled and delusional E-Girls who will try to get people to pay their bills and buy them stuff. But that's like the barely dark side of Discord's E-Girls, because it gets way worse. Like horribly worse. Because as you dive deeper and deeper into these hidden E-Girl servers, you start to realize how messed up both the men sending money are. And you start to realize how messed up the women are. It's just bad all over. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Not the normal E-Girls 03:43 - Disboard is horrible 04:13 - The Perfect E-Girl? 10:45 - Down-Bad Delirious 14:31 - Point of No Return 15:52 - i give up... 16:30 - UPDATE

SpongeBob is in Discord...

Tc_8c1DuVhs | 22 Jul 2024

SpongeBob is in Discord...

I don't know what timeline we are living in right now but I'm loving it because SpongeBob is now in Discord. And that's not all Discord has surprised us with this week. Discord might be making Discord Nitro even better. Discord also is working on their new desktop UI. On top of that, Discord is working on increasing their safety features. And for the nerdy Discord bot developers, you also get a feature. Discord isn't leaving anyone out in terms of the gamer updates. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- title, markers, double check audio 00:00 - spunchbob 01:47 - Heat profile effects 03:06 - Here forever? 03:46 - Nitro got better? 04:21 - New WIP Discord UI 05:17 - Night owls rejoice, midnight theme 06:03 - Buffed Safety Feature - GDM Block 06:35 - Safety Buff 2 - bye bye telephone 07:11 - Developers got something good 07:35 - Does this mean free nitro emojis?

This Roblox Scam Infects the Roblox Website...

og2d5niB09A | 19 Jul 2024

This Roblox Scam Infects the Roblox Website...

Visit for a 7-day free trial, 20% off your Guardio subscription, and the ability to protect yourself and 4 others from malicious websites and emails! Discord and Roblox have two things in common: Scams and creeps. But we're taking a look at Roblox scammers today. You'll get a DM on Roblox about "buying your game / UGC item" or maybe even "getting permission to use your roblox avatar". It all leads to the same place, vikgames. This one single scammer has adopted the name vik games, motive creations, and a couple of others. But regardless of what happens, people still go into the scam Discord server, and lose all their robux and items. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account Recovery Tweet Discord Developer Compliance Report Form Google Safe-browsing Report Form Michaelsoft Report Form SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - My robux are gone 04:24 - Looking at scam code (but not boring) 05:27 - Bye bye bobux 06:13 - Scammers gotta steal more of course! 07:18 - Protected by 2FA and pin? 08:14 - The instant account takeover 09:49 - Good luck with getting your account back 10:11 - The Scam Gets Worse 11:09 - Where do the stolen items go? 12:34 - History Repeats Itself 13:33 - Taking this down for good?

Discord made Scamming Harder (and also easier...)

3C6GhF192aA | 15 Jul 2024

Discord made Scamming Harder (and also easier...)

Discord's "Dismiss message" just became a new scamming technique and people are worried. But with Discord's new subtext feature, is this really something that we should be worried about? And is this related to people on Discord having warnings about "being hunted by the FBI" or "under investigation by Discord". Now that's how Discord may have made scamming easier. But they added two new features that will make scamming on Discord harder (and potentially removing a certain scam from the platform entirely). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's new scamming technique? 01:04 - What happens when I "Dismiss message" 02:09 - Making this "scam" message 03:22 - This is more used for something else... 03:49 - The Best Safety Update 04:57 - It has a flaw 06:12 - It's still good though 06:59 - Bonus Anti-Scamming Feature!

This Discord Server is Disgusting

MnpgNn9hhhc | 12 Jul 2024

This Discord Server is Disgusting

Discord, a chatting platform, has now become a hotspot for down bad discord users. Because there are mountains of Discord servers that share things you wouldn't show meemaw. But who are the people behind these Discord servers? and are they going to keep people safe? Well uhhh, idk what you expect with the video title... Anyways I wish I could forget this whole thing. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - yall down bad 00:30 - Joining the server (mistake) 04:03 - A "minor" problem 05:41 - The People Behind the server 08:32 - The Roblox Investigation 11:37 - Toxic 16 year old roblox players 12:16 - I aint even done boyo 13:45 - Father Figure Pt.1 14:26 - Turn the problem into a feature 15:15 - No one realizes this is a problem? 15:43 - The worst of the worst 16:55 - Father Figure Pt.2

Discord's Next-Gen Redesign Concept! (and some experimental features)

wZuPZaBoXzg | 08 Jul 2024

Discord's Next-Gen Redesign Concept! (and some experimental features)

Discord has been pumping out new experiments and concepts, and all of them I'm going to glaze about. We have new Discord UI concepts that range from Discord themes you find on client mods, all the way up to absolute heat. But we also have a revamp of Discord's discovery page which *chef's kiss* looks good. Nerdy boys like me though will get excited for Discord's bookmarks experiment. Imagine being able to pin any message for yourself only.... none of you are excited. BUT there's a possibility Discord can make it better. And finally there's the ICYMI tab, which people will complain about. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's New UI Concepts 00:55 - Concept 2: Mobile but on Desktop 01:56 - Concept 3: Glazing (as in the real definition) 02:42 - Concept 4: Microsoft x Discord (st8 cookin) 04:51 - New Discovery Page 06:28 - Bookmark 08:30 - ICYMI Tab

Did Discord just make Scamming Easier?

4tO2Js20D6Q | 05 Jul 2024

Did Discord just make Scamming Easier?

Yes, yes they did. But is Discord intentionally releasing a horrendous update? Or is there a 400 IQ move hidden somewhere in this update? Turns out, it's complicated. Discord is allowing any bot to become verified. Discord's trying to make things easier for bot developers so that Discord bots can grow, specifically Discord user apps. But does this reason have an ulterior motive? And better yet, does the term "verified" even mean anything at this point? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Bot Report Form (Developer Compliance) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Every bot can get verified 00:17 - Discord's announcement 01:53 - Just another money grab? 02:37 - Guys this wont be abused! trust 03:04 - That was quick... 03:52 - how did they do it? 04:28 - PSA: Verified = nothing 04:47 - ruined by the internet 06:09 - Did discord give up? 06:25 - Things are getting better 07:37 - banning scam bots, it's possible? 08:39 - 400 IQ update 09:15 - The point of verification is... 09:41 - one big flaw

Why is Discord adding this Privacy Feature?

uhvND7EsPXk | 01 Jul 2024

Why is Discord adding this Privacy Feature?

A new Discord experiment has popped up, Secure Frames, and the name doesn't explain anything. But this is Discord's in-development end-to-end encryption for DM calls and server voice chats. Okay so, a new Discord privacy feature. Sounds great! But in my potentially controversial opinion, I feel like this is going to be less of a feature and more of a marketing tool. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - End-to-End Encryption 02:53 - What about DMs? 04:47 - Should I even care? 05:55 - Security Theatre 06:49 - feds are still feds

Infiltrating a Discord Bot that Spies on People!

reArD_O5YBw | 28 Jun 2024

Infiltrating a Discord Bot that Spies on People!

Over 30 people have been spied on for hours on end by a small group of 10 Discord cybercriminals. Everything the victims did on their computer was recorded and sent through a Discord spy bot. And in some rare cases, there were things recorded that shouldn't have been. And I was able to log into the Discord bot and see everything these criminals have been doing... and I'm disgusted. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 30 victims 00:24 - Spying capabilities 02:54 - Victim 1 - Big Money Man Michael 05:12 - Victim 2 - Skibidi Toilet Brain Brian 07:04 - Victim 3 - Ghosted Grant 07:46 - Victim 4 - Groundhog Day Dave 08:25 - They got hacked because... 09:41 - Skid 1 and Skid 2 11:11 - Victim 6: Captain Skid 12:41 - Another type of victim? 13:22 - Rescued Victim - Mr. Omniscient 14:25 - The people behind this...

Vencord's New Plugins are Awesome!

HED1fCEyrp8 | 24 Jun 2024

Vencord's New Plugins are Awesome!

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ While I've been crying and complaining about Discord, Vencord's community has been producing something to be happy about: some banger new plugins. Whether you want adblock on Discord's Watch Together activity, or maybe you want to customize when Discord goes idle, these new vencord plugins should have a little something for everyone. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord Download SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Vencord got new plugins baybee 00:19 - YouTube Plugins - WatchTogetherAdblock 00:46 - Dearrow 01:49 - FixYouTubeEmbeds 03:12 - Extra Feature Plugins - Summaries 03:58 - VoiceDownload 04:25 - FriendsSince 04:39 - Quality of Life Plugins - CustomIdle 05:20 - MaskedLinkPaste 06:11 - NoOnboardingDelay 06:46 - Nerdy Plugins - ShowHiddenThings 08:03 - SecretRingToneEnabler 08:22 - AutomodContext 08:55 - Replace Google Search

Discord is Making a Voice Changer (and other leaked features)

PRiA0xwGZ6E | 21 Jun 2024

Discord is Making a Voice Changer (and other leaked features)

Behind the scenes of all the Discord news I covered, Discord employees have been cooking up some interesting features. That you might be excited for..... or you might not :P But for you to make up your mind, I have to leak these new Discord experimental features. And since this is like a classical Discord news video, there are some updates that fix some long time issues with discord. And there are some updates that you might have missed (since I assume most of you have a life outside of Discord). Also can we all forget that I said I would wear a maid outfit at 1m subs. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Experiment Hub Advaith Tweet SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord has been cooking 00:21 - Leak 1 - Voice Changers / Filters 04:03 - Leak 2 - Game Profiles 04:57 - Leak 3 - Desktop App Launcher 06:10 - Leak 4 - Bestest ever 06:22 - Fix 1 - Call Confirm 07:02 - Fix 2 - IOS Notifications Revamp 07:38 - ICYMI - Nitro Trials 08:10 - Save money on the shop... well not really

Discord, shut this server down...

q72G391LVTo | 17 Jun 2024

Discord, shut this server down...

This Discord server broke me. One of my viewers reached out to me about this horrible Discord puberty server. Now, I was either walking directly into some poor advice by teenagers or into something a lot more sinister. But this Discord server surprised me, it was even worse than I expected. Weird Discord users telling stories that I convince myself are fake. Strange behavior from Discord mods. And finally one of the biggest pieces of irony I've seen. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Education server, right? 03:23 - this is concerning... 05:40 - Regret 09:57 - Degeneracy 12:10 - shut it down

discord is absolutely disgusting...

sp67dv0fSCk | 14 Jun 2024

discord is absolutely disgusting...

Imagine a place where you are forced to give Discord money. Well in this Discord update, that no one asked for, Discord is forcing bot developers to give Discord money. And somehow Discord is trying to spin this into a positive update. Because instead of being upfront with people, they masked the issues with a bunch of nonsense Discord updates (that aren't really new either). So what do you need to know about this update both as a developer and as a normal user? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's superb gaslighting 01:23 - Wait this might not be good 02:37 - Oh... This announcement IS bad 05:04 - Your turn to get screwed 05:56 - Expect some bad bot changes 07:04 - Discord's charging you extra for..... what? 07:50 - More money at all costs 08:52 - Even more issues... want a refund? 09:38 - Fix the problems with loopholes! 10:05 - Loophole strategy 2 11:16 - Loophole 3: ODST

The Next Generation of Discord Music Bots

jH6OcmgLLZU | 10 Jun 2024

The Next Generation of Discord Music Bots

Step aside Discord music bots, because now we have Discord music activities. Discord currently has three music related activities that have varying availability. TREBEL, a music service converted into a Discord activity. Tune In, a internet radio and podcast app converted into a Discord activity. And finally, Rythm, one of the OG Discord music bots that got shut down and now is revived as a Discord activity. With these three offerings, which one is the best in terms of features, music selection & availability, and sound quality. Spoiler, all of them have drawbacks and some of them have some heat features. Song: Lost Identities x Robbie Rosen - Moments [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Music Bots 01:04 - New Activities 01:43 - Trebel 05:21 - Rythm 08:25 - Rythm's biggest flaw 09:26 - Tune-in

Making an Annoying Discord Feature even Worse

aykIr6-NYi8 | 07 Jun 2024

Making an Annoying Discord Feature even Worse

Voice Activity Statuses (also known as Hang Statuses) are another one of Discord's features that we didn't ask for. And this time, there's a reason to be annoyed with it. Want to watch a friend's Discord stream? You can't with Discord's new feature. Want to not use this Discord feature? Too bad. Question 3 ODST? Answer. Anyways there's a handful of issues with voice activity statuses and I know how to fix it. But I also know how to make things worse for all the other users on Discord. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deafened Icon Vencord SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Hang Status / Activity Status 00:58 - Issue 1 - Streaming 01:26 - Issue 2 - Wack 02:37 - Issue 3 - Privacy? 03:14 - Issue 4 - No no activities 04:00 - Fake Deafen Troll 05:13 - How to Turn it off

Discord Lost Their Only Competitorā€¦ Guilded

cejY8hOcx0s | 03 Jun 2024

Discord Lost Their Only Competitorā€¦ Guilded

Guilded, a popular Discord alternative, might have just ruined their community by releasing an update that makes the platform even worse than Discord. Here's the thing, Guilded users are a lot of ex-Discord users: users that are fed up with Discord Nitro, Discord's shop, or one of the many pointless updates Discord does. So these people would rather starve than use Discord. But Guilded a couple of years ago got acquired by Roblox, and this seems to be the first step towards Roblox (intentionally?) ruining Guilded for its own gain. Also since I know you Guilded nerds will read this, don't harass the Guilded staff. Should be obvious this choice came from upper-management. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox ruined Guilded 00:52 - "Guilded will not change" 01:54 - Guilded's Gaslight Update 04:55 - But wait, this is good guys1!!1 05:22 - The trifecta of backlash 07:37 - Guilded can't ignore the feedback 08:33 - Ensh*ttifcation 10:02 - The Future of Guilded?

Infiltrating Robloxā€™s Fake Middleman Scam

nfworEF3CGs | 31 May 2024

Infiltrating Robloxā€™s Fake Middleman Scam

Turns out it's also a Roblox pyramid scheme... Roblox scammers have a special place in my heart. They are somehow really successful at scamming Roblox kids while also being the most low IQ individuals I have ever seen on Discord. And this time, it's no different. Because these fake Roblox Middleman scammers follow the textbook scammer playbook: scam people, call other people poor, make less than minimum wage if you factor in the hours, and finally flex their wealth. But there's a hidden trick up their sleeve, an ultra-rare tactic, a technique that matches exodia, it's a pyramid scheme as well. If you aren't scamming scammers, are you really the best scammer? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Roblox Middleman 02:07 - The Scam Server 03:35 - The Fake Proof Bot 05:23 - Fake Discord Messages 06:04 - Fake Vouches 06:38 - Becoming a Scammer 07:59 - Behind the Hidden Scam Channels 08:51 - The Pyramid Scheme 10:53 - Flexing... 11:45 - Where do the Stolen Items go? 13:29 - Why is RMT always Banned 14:37 - How do the Servers get so many Members? 16:49 - double exposed lol

These Discord Features will be Controversial...

VPX5kBnpzSI | 27 May 2024

These Discord Features will be Controversial...

Two experimental Discord features, message forwarding and recently online, are going to spark outrage and controversy. But is this hoopla even worth caring about? Well, it will change the behavior of those chronically online Discord moderators. Will it encourage people to go outside? no.... lol idk what you were thinking. These two experimental Discord features will probably lead to more toxicity on Discord. Stalking to see when your friend goes offline after they ignore your DM, made easier with the Recently Online feature. And using Discord's built in snitch button (message forwarding) you can forward messages out of context and cause even more drama. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Reddit Thread SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Message Forwarding 01:34 - How is this Controversial? 03:48 - Recently Online 06:12 - But is this Actually Bad?

Explaining Discordā€™s Hidden AI Feature!

DxVV_fpCCtI | 24 May 2024

Explaining Discordā€™s Hidden AI Feature!

Nothing makes me happier than AI reading all my messages and using them to figure out more about me. But Discord hates us so they used AI to scan all of your messages to determine both your age as well as your gender. Why would Discord do this? Well it turns out the reason is..... actually pretty stupid. Which makes me confused why Discord had to be this invasive in the first place. However you might be thinking PS: Discord does scan every single image you send (and potentially every message) :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Preview's Tweet Panley Project Tetris Big Nutty's Tweet SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - AI Profiling 00:48 - Discord AI Lore 05:24 - Project Tetris (what discord did with the data) 07:37 - Has this been done before? 07:59 - Is Discord allowed to do this? 08:56 - How do I find my Discord Age and Gender? 10:40 - Turn this off

Discord is getting a New Look!

VleFAF1Qav0 | 20 May 2024

Discord is getting a New Look!

Use my link or my discount code "notext" to access my special promo on all designs: 1-2 ā†’ 32% OFF | 3+ ā†’ 37% OFF | 4+ ā†’ 42% OFF. Available until 27/05/2024. Discount applied automatically at check out when using my link, (excl. Limited Editions, Lumino and Textra) [SPONSORED] Discord is getting a "refresh", which feels like happens every other year. What does this mean in theory? New Discord themes, both free and nitro only. New Discord app icons, nitro only. And one of these new features is actually worthwhile. But there are some discord experiments (experimental features) that truly bring some hope into my nihilistic eyes. And some of you actually already have access to it. Discord is getting new profiles, new menus, and a extra list in your members list. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's "Refresh" 00:16 - New Good* Discord Themes 01:41 - NEW APP ICON 1!!11!1 03:50 - Simplified Profiles šŸ’– 06:47 - New Server Popup 08:05 - Member List

discord's dumbest update...

bx6BR2bwIpg | 17 May 2024

discord's dumbest update...

Discord has revolutionized the internet. Gone are the days of Discord bots. Welcome to the era of Discord apps. Yep. There's a video about how Discord changed the name of bots to apps. However this isn't 10 minutes and 37 seconds of yap. Because it turns out there are SOME valid reasons for this change (and there is also a real reason that makes me question the mental state of Discord) On the other hand though, there are a handful of new discord experiments that are coming out for bots. And these beta features will improve Discord bots/apps and give them more tools to make our lives a bit easier (with good formatting). Oh and a viewer also found a bug that allows you to crash everyone's Discord... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Change isn't always good 01:14 - Reason 1 on why this happened 02:02 - Reason 2 02:26 - Reason 3: ODST 04:19 - Great new bot features 05:23 - Subtext 05:38 - Media Gallery 06:25 - The best feature: Improved Modals 08:25 - People broke user apps already... 09:19 - And also scammed with them...

These 6 Discord Scams are EVERYWHERE!

Jz-3goOPj9o | 13 May 2024

These 6 Discord Scams are EVERYWHERE!

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ Discord and scams are like peanut butter and jelly. No matter where you are on Discord: femboy hangout servers, genshin impact servers, or the worst of the worst, my server, you will be a target of a scam at some point. Now unfortunately for the sake of my sanity, there are a lot of very common Discord scams that people still fall for. Like 50% of my DMs are about scams that I have already talked about (it got so bad I just use keyboard macros to copy and paste responses). To save myself, I made a video showing you common discord scams to look out for. So now whenever someone sends me a DM about a scam, I can just send them this video. HOWEVER, I can't just be selfish about all of this. So uhh, you can also send this to your tech-illiterate Discord friends so they can learn how to not get scammed on Discord! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steam Help Page Discord Support Page How to Clean Install Windows 11 SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. The oh so common fake nitro bot 02:13 - 2. Fake Verification 05:44 - 3. $50 Steam giftcard 08:00 - 4. Artist / sugar meemaw / psychic / free $3000 10:06 - 5. "I accidentally reported you" / Discord support 15:15 - 6. Download my game / beta tester

Discord Just Got Faster! (with less issues)

rSXQJSbHpUY | 10 May 2024

Discord Just Got Faster! (with less issues)

Discord is a platform filled with bugs and can be as slow as my deceased grandpa. But Discord's staff have been cooking for the past couple of months and have released their first bi-monthly "patch notes". These patch notes aren't the typical things you see pop up when you open Discord. They focus on performance improvements that make Discord faster. They focus on fixing the most absurd bugs on the planet (can't unfavorite a gif because you already favorited 1330 gifs?). And if you dig deep enough, you will find some new feature announcements. The real question though... is this something that you should even care about? Surprisingly, yes! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Patch Notes Article Discord Previews Tweet Discord's White Page of Doom and Gloom Bug Boogaloo SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Better, Faster, Stronger? 00:26 - Discord listens to the #1 Degenerate 01:54 - Performance Improvements 04:52 - New Features 05:53 - Bug Fixes 07:56 - Where discord fin bug 09:13 - How to report bugs

Your Discord Account is in Danger!

a9rOLaH5dJs | 06 May 2024

Your Discord Account is in Danger!

A lot of people are getting their accounts warned for being in illegal Discord servers! But the issue is, they didn't do anything. In fact, some people don't even remember joining the Discord server. Or in some rare cases, the server was completely normal, and then it turned into a cesspool. Well there's a lot of scenarios where you discord account could be warned. Now you might be edgelord supreme and not care about being warned on Discord. But if you keep on getting these violations, you will eventually be banned off Discord. And uhh, there's a problem with that... Because scammers can abuse this system and get your account banned (either intentionally or accidentally). SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Pandabuy Incident 05:00 - How Punishments Work 07:37 - Discord Tracks Everything you Do! 08:58 - A MAJOR flaw 09:50 - How to protect your account 10:57 - Scammers can (accidentally) ban you 12:01 - Scammer can (intentionally) ban you!!!

Discord Does NOT Want You to Do This...

DvySPjX0F6w | 03 May 2024

Discord Does NOT Want You to Do This...

Did you know you have rights? Well Discord does and they've gone ahead and fixed that for you. Because in Discord's long snorefest of their Terms of Service, they signed you up for FORCED ARBITRATION. Now when I first heard of this, I had no clue what arbitration meant and if it was even important. So that's why I've made a whole Discord video dedicated to it. Explaining what Discord's forced arbitration is, why arbitration is generally bad, and how to OPT-OUT of arbitration. Email Template ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your email to : [email protected] Subject: Arbitration Opt-Out - [User-ID] Message: Hello, This message is to exercise my right to opt out and not be bound by the Discord provisions requiring arbitration. User Information Email: [Email] User ID: [User-ID] Sincerely, [Name] SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Forced Arbitration 03:13 - Discord's Legal Gauntlet of Doom 04:38 - The BIG issues with arbitration 05:32 - Discord just wants to protect themselves... right? 06:59 - Pros and cons of class action lawsuits 07:50 - Arbitration, good or bad? 10:00 - How to opt out

Discord is getting Clan Tags, but why?

lq2eyKSnjqA | 29 Apr 2024

Discord is getting Clan Tags, but why?

Welcome back to 2009 because Discord is following in the footsteps of Call of Duty lobbies by adding in Clan tags. And if you're as ancient as I am, you already know this is a horrendous idea. BUT, maybe there is something redeemable in Discord's clans feature. Like Discord, a however many million dollar company, should have a frontal lobe to deal with the degeneracy of teenagers on the internet. So now you're forced to watch me while I tell you what a clan server is, how to change your clan tag (when the feature comes out and assuming discord changes nothing), and how to raise your anxiety. Oh geez I wrote this whole description calling it clans. Discord changed the name to gaming guilds because idk LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server (where the discord bread man lives) Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This could be bad 02:00 - GaMiNG gUildS 02:41 - How do I get a clan tag? 03:01 - Clan vs normal server 03:18 - Getting a Tag - Creating a clan (horror) 04:27 - Customizing Clan Tag 05:08 - Customize Clan Banner 06:00 - Clan Application Questions 06:27 - Discord did something? 07:25 - Discord's peak moderation 08:12 - Adding a clan tag 09:35 - Getting a clan tag - by joining a clan 11:12 - Choosing which clan to represent

Discordā€™s New Quests Badge! (and how to get it)

MV33-XB0gss | 26 Apr 2024

Discordā€™s New Quests Badge! (and how to get it)

READ THE PINNED COMMENT BOYO Discord has a new badge and I'm going to show you how to get it with the LEAST amount of effort. Like I kid you not, there is an exploit that allows you to skip Discord quests, saving you the headache of downloading a game that you probably don't want to play. And it's dead simple to do. But this new Discord quests badge might have a couple of tricks up its sleeve. Like is it a temporary badge? Maybe it's a badge that evolves over time depending on how many quests you do. It's hard to tell what Discord will do with the badge because right now it's probably the most bogus thing I've seen. Speaking of which, what is the point behind discord adding this badge. It feels like active developer all over again... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quest Completer (by aamiaa) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Quest Badge 03:14 - Why did Discord add this? 04:05 - Wtf is a quest 05:18 - This Badge could Evolve 06:19 - Discord's master plan

Someone made a Free Discord Members Bot...

kc8d4wZnvPw | 22 Apr 2024

Someone made a Free Discord Members Bot...

Are you struggling to get members on your Discord server? Trying to grow your server and failing miserably? Well don't use this bot lol. Because this Discord bot that promises to give you free members has a dark secret. If you think about it, where do the discord users come from? Are there any risks of using a Discord bot like this for your server? Is it a good idea? And, is this real? Yes, it is. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Free Discord Members? 01:35 - Where are these members coming from? 02:29 - Why free members? 04:02 - DONT USE THESE 05:02 - The Scheme 07:02 - Exploiting the bot

Exposing the Website that Stalks You in Discord!

ktxbXlF6UQE | 19 Apr 2024

Exposing the Website that Stalks You in Discord!

There is a website called that claims to have 4 billion messages saved across Discord. With this, you can "see what your friends are doing on Discord". Now lets cut the nonsense, this website scrapes messages on Discord servers (invading your privacy) and will show them to anyone who is willing to pay a fee. But what if I told you things go deeper than that. In fact, there are some hidden intentions of the website. Which combined with the legal issues of selling people's data, leads to a recipe for disaster. So buckle in boyo, you're in on the trainwreck early. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Selling your privacy (or lack thereof) 03:04 - Journalists are stupid 05:35 - Behind the scenes 07:45 - Investigating the person behind 15:44 - How does work? 17:32 - The Reality of your messages 18:25 - There will be consequences

Someone leaked Classified Documents on Discord... again

0dSN52HstbI | 15 Apr 2024

Someone leaked Classified Documents on Discord... again

You thought the discord user Jack Teixeira, aka jackthedripper, leaking military documents was a once-in-a-lifetime? WRONG Because discord mods that never go outside, it turns out this is a twice-in-a-lifetime experience because it happened again. Jason Gray, a Discord user posted in a military base in Alaska did the unthinkable, leaked government documents. Now here's the thing, our fella didn't get in trouble for leaking government documents... so what did he get in trouble for? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - not again... 00:25 - Recap - Jack Teixeira 02:10 - LazyAirmen - Jason Gray

Discord just got Upgraded!

nrTkRmLQwUY | 12 Apr 2024

Discord just got Upgraded!

Discord just got an upgrade because those poor souls at Discord have been working on a bunch of features to improve a ton of aspects of Discord. Upgrades to Discord nitro include a nice free bonus. Upgrades to server management and organization. Upgrades to your account security and moderation on the platform. Upgrades to Discord's quests feature (that everyone definitely loves). And upgrades to Discord's in development Clan servers. Just so we're clear. Some of these features are available now or soon. But a lot of these upcoming features are discord experiments. So things can and will change depending on how Discord is feeling (i have an upset tummy right now). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro Upgrades 03:42 - Server Upgrades 06:05 - Security & Moderation Upgrades 07:08 - Quests Upgrades 08:26 - Clan Upgrades 09:55 - ???

Discord has Ads... and it's not what you think

f1f7pcKDCMI | 08 Apr 2024

Discord has Ads... and it's not what you think

According to news outlets, Discord just released ads in Discord. And it is a massive can of worms. You have Discord blatantly lying, media misguiding you, and twitter users making bizarre predictions about Discord ads. But I am, self-proclaimed, YouTube's biggest Discord degenerate. Which means I'm qualified to tell you the truth behind Discord's ads and how they aren't what you think. And what's the thing that's special about these ads. It's that you can turn them off. Wow I just spoiled why I don't mind this feature. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panley Blog Post (History of Discord Ads) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Media spewing 00:43 - Rage 02:00 - What are Discord's new Ads? 04:09 - The Fear of Quests 04:32 - Ads on Discord Existed (for a long time) 06:09 - The Concerning Future of Quests 07:10 - Why Does Discord Need these Ads? 07:57 - How does Discord make money 08:36 - True ads of discord 09:06 - Discord Ad-pocalypse

How Discordā€™s Loot Boxes Broke YouTube

aopYlNsIdTI | 05 Apr 2024

How Discordā€™s Loot Boxes Broke YouTube

Discord did the funny with their "Discord Loot Boxes are here" video because they managed to make a YouTube viewbot and the video gained over a billion views. But, how did Discord break YouTube records? Was this part of their April Fools plan? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Server Marvin's Hit Tweet Lootbox Page Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - YouTube Brokey Brokey 03:19 - The April Fools Event 05:27 - More Jokes from Discord

Investigating the Discord Scam that Targets your Friends!

Gc9E_de_jNU | 03 Apr 2024

Investigating the Discord Scam that Targets your Friends!

Visit for a 7-day free trial, 20% off your Guardio subscription, and the ability to protect yourself and 4 others from malicious websites and emails! Scammers on Discord are annoying, but what if this specific scam turned you into the scammer. You now go from a friendly, degenerate Discord user into a jobless Discord scammer. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phishing Page Report ( Discord's Bot Reporting Page SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - You're about to be infected 03:45 - Scam upgrade (1 of 2) 04:44 - You're a brand new scammer! 06:00 - You aren't just a discord scammer... 06:56 - Tricks scammers use to get you 07:49 - The final boss (of fake login pages) 10:38 - How to secure your account 11:32 - Sneaking in behind the scenes 13:44 - How to shut these scams down

How to Open Discord! (on a computer?)

L5rnyUgQg28 | 01 Apr 2024

How to Open Discord! (on a computer?)

im turning the difficult into the not difficult by teaching you how to achieve the insurmountable task of opening discord on your personal computing device. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter What day is it again?

Exclusive Valorant Features in Discord?

5czW6pKof2A | 29 Mar 2024

Exclusive Valorant Features in Discord?

Valorant invaded Discord. And surprise surprise, it's a good thing??? I know, it shouldn't make sense but it's the truth. Valorant invading Discord is the start of a bunch of good things to come. However, not all is smooth sailing. And the prime example are Discord's new Valorant themed avatar decorations and profile effects that are available in Discord's shop. They look great but my oh my.... there's a pretty glaring thing that people are going to be shocked at. I dun dont want to spoil it, sowwy. But I will say that this Valorant invasion is going to prime Discord's quests feature and Discord's clans feature. And it's pretty clear why when you look at what Discord is working on. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Get Yer Wallets Primed. 03:22 - The Future of Discord with Valorant 05:42 - The Admin Signup 06:41 - Valorant Clans

You wanted these features in Discordā€¦

NnwlCBS9spM | 25 Mar 2024

You wanted these features in Discordā€¦

I asked my community what features they wanted Discord to put inside of Discord. And let me tell you, some of them are good ideas. But some of them aint it chief. Anyhoot, here's a list of 20 actually 18 actually 19 Discord concept features that I'm going to charge to Discord's billing department. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panley's Concept Github Page SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Custom Fonts 02:27 - Notification Volume 03:19 - Advanced Reports 04:05 - Report Status 05:05 - VERIFIED AGE BADGE???? 06:04 - Improved Role Appearance 07:28 - Staff Applications and Server Applications 08:23 - Mod View Buff 08:51 - Slowmode Revamp 10:11 - Join server for you (demolished hopefully) 12:08 - QR Scan Warning 13:14 - End to End Encryption 13:42 - Delete account = actually deleting things 14:29 - Online Status Privacy 15:00 - Quick Reply 15:32 - Better Activities (uhhhh) 15:58 - Multiple Replies 16:23 - Secret

Discord is About to get a lot Better, Hereā€™s Why

Mji-i3y9UZ4 | 22 Mar 2024

Discord is About to get a lot Better, Hereā€™s Why

Discord's potential is now unlocked... because Discord is allowing developers to make their own user bots and activities. Now as a person with absolutely no will to live, I mean with no coding experience, this doesn't seem like a big deal to me. And boom baby, that's why I did some light reading and extracted the important information that affects us chronically online Discord users. Imagine a world where you could have actually fun games for Discord activities. Imagine a world where you could get a Discord bot to type out responses to questions you get asked every day that slowly chip away your mental sanity. Imagine a world where Discord gives you advertisements. Well stop imagining goober, that's what Discord is going to be. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's Activity Tutorial Advaith's User Apps Tweet SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's GDC Announcements 00:51 - Custom Activities 05:28 - User Apps 07:18 - Quests

Mee6 added AI Girlfriends to Discordā€¦

W847R6l50r4 | 18 Mar 2024

Mee6 added AI Girlfriends to Discordā€¦

With the absolute creatures that inhabit Discord, what could go wrong when Mee6 adds an AI chatbot that you can date. And when I say date, I mean all aspects of it. Sir yes sir. You can romance an AI chatbot for the low low price of 5 dollary-doos per month. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - AI Girlfriends are in Discord before GTA VI 02:57 - Losing Something 04:35 - Speedrunning Dirt Nasty 06:23 - Reality of AI Dating 06:58 - People are Down Bad 08:13 - Greed6 09:21 - Mee6's Response

I Love Discord (because they listened to us)

KqmVR9PeYBs | 15 Mar 2024

I Love Discord (because they listened to us)

Discord made the right decision regarding loot boxes on discord. But that's not all the W's Discord took home this week. In fact they announced that they are releasing something called "User Apps" which basically are bots that you can use anywhere on Discord. Now usually when things are released, it's for something that comes out in Q4 2039. In this case, it's March 18th. Aka right about now. Oh yeah, want to use Discord activities but don't want to join a voice chat? You can do that now. Well, it's more of an experiment which means it aint out for everyone but it will slowly release. Speaking of which, there's a handful of Discord experiments that are exciting. But like all relationships, there are ups and downs. And there was a cataclysmic downfall on Discord. A femboy Discord server was blocked in a certain country :( DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Server Panley's Vulnerability Blog Post Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Loot boxes are... 02:25 - Using bots everywhere 04:40 - Activities in text chat 05:08 - Experiments 06:25 - Femboy Blockage

I added Read Receipts in Discord!

DOvbXgHWgHc | 11 Mar 2024

I added Read Receipts in Discord!

šŸŒ Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal here āž¼ Itā€™s risk-free with Nordā€™s 30-day money-back guarantee! āœŒ Read receipts don't exist in Discord, unless you do a bit of trickery :) Now I'm not going to ask why you would want to know if someone read your message. You could be sending an important DM and just want to know if someone read it. Or you could be someone obsessed with read receipts that feed into your insecurities. I'm not judging, just kidding I am. But how do these read receipts work? How do you set them up? And how do you protect yourself from them? DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read receipt / view logger Github SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - How it read receipts work 04:10 - How to setup read receipts 09:31 - How to avoid being tracked (if you can)

Discord is adding Loot Boxes???

I4JEDrERxXQ | 08 Mar 2024

Discord is adding Loot Boxes???

Yeah this is quite a headscratcher in terms of Discord news. But Discord is working on a feature that they call lootboxes / packages. Now I'm neck deep in denial that Discord would do something like this. Is this some sick twisted joke? Maybe, we don't entirely know. Is it part of Discord's quests feature? Again, we do not know. What I do know is that Discord has a bunch of nitro/premium features that will either make you rejoice or cry in pain. First up, cat ears in discord. 10/10. Loyalty rewards for buying consecutive months of nitro? Yessir. More advertisements to buy nitro? YESSIR. Now I don't want to spoil everything, but this 8 minutes and 53 seconds is jam packed with Discord beta features and experiments. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Lootboxes? 04:08 - Controversial Nitro Features 07:12 - Features that aint making it chief

Discord's Mobile App is.... good now?

KHdbGYmkZsQ | 04 Mar 2024

Discord's Mobile App is.... good now?

Discord's mobile app was a hot mess. People complained about button placement, lag, features nobody asked for. And believe it or not (I didn't believe it at first), Discord is listening to its users. Discord is working on a bunch of beta features and experiments that improve the mobile experience. The best part? You might have access to some of them right now. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Muscle Memory 02:50 - Buttons Galore 04:28 - Accessibility & Secret Customization 06:20 - Multiple Accounts 07:23 - Channel List

A New Type of Discord Server! | Discord News

sG4hDb2zypY | 01 Mar 2024

A New Type of Discord Server! | Discord News

Discord... is for gamers. But gamers need more gamer-ness. Solution? Discord Clan Servers. That's right fellow Discord degenerates, Discord is adding a new type of Discord server called "clan server". What does it do? I don't even know (well I do but you have to watch the video teehee). Oh and Discord has a secret feature they are working on, it's called "Operation Porthole". What does it do? Well it allows Discord bots to do even more than you could think (I dont think). Anyhoot it's a news video so you are obligated to get your serving of Discord experimental features, minor changes, and for dessert this week, you get another free Discord nitro promotion! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Operation Porthole Tweet Discord Previews Alienware Free Discord Nitro (lol) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Clans? 03:38 - Operation Porthole 05:00 - Nitro & Shop Experiments 06:20 - Server Subscriptions Nerfed 07:16 - Discord's Free Nitro Prank (greed)

Investigating the Discord Exploit that Leaks Your IP!

d0h4QPqAwss | 26 Feb 2024

Investigating the Discord Exploit that Leaks Your IP!

There are people going around on Discord leaking a bunch of IPs... But how are they doing this? Well, apparently there is a Discord exploit that allows you to get someone's IP from their Discord ID. And if you want to use it, you just have to pay the low price of $30 a month. This smells like a normal Discord scam, doesn't it. It's not though. This is very much real. In fact I've have a handful of people confirm that their real IP has been leaked and I might be one of them. Is this a coincidence? Is this an exploit? Or is this something else? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Exploit 03:57 - Am I Being Mislead 07:12 - Rising Suspicion 09:01 - Discord's Flaw 10:41 - But is it a Coincidence? 12:37 - How Did They Break in? 13:50 - The Snitch 17:02 - Something is Fishy

Cheap Discord Nitro + Logging into a Banned Account | Discord News

tWKJkN7UkWo | 23 Feb 2024

Cheap Discord Nitro + Logging into a Banned Account | Discord News

Discord has finally done it, well maybe. Because they are working on a potential feature where you can get a discount on Discord nitro for either 1 month or 3 months. How big is the discount? Well I can't tell you because I can't time travel. However I can tell you that Discord now allows you to log into your banned account. Why would you do that? To see what you got banned for silly (and to appeal). But the good from Discord don't stop there. Because we got a wackton of experiments that get a chronically online Discord mod like myself happy. And for the Discord drama seekers, yes... of course there are dumb things Discord did. Like making Discord nitro more expensive for certain currencies or outright blocking you from buying nitro. Billy Mays here, but wait there's more. Discord also nuked a server and all the hardcore Discord sweats are going to be a little upsetti. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro Discount 02:17 - Log into Banned Accounts 03:35 - Experiment Time - Quest Update 05:32 - Per Server Profile Effects / Avatar Decorations 05:58 - Emoji Uploader 06:33 - Sad Time - Expensive Nitro 07:50 - Bye Bye Discord Partner Hangout

Discord's New Safety Tools are...

zbO-TFbiEYc | 21 Feb 2024

Discord's New Safety Tools are...

Weirdos on Discord aren't going to be happy when Discord releases their new safety features. But what about us normal, well behaved, Discord moderators. Are Discord's new safety features going to be a blessing or a curse to the platform? Are we sacrificing our privacy on Discord for the sake of teens that have AFK parents? Will we just have another thing pop up whenever you try to do anything on Discord? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews NoFiltr SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - New Safety Features... uh oh 01:40 - The First Blessing of Discord 03:03 - Discord is Proactive, not Reactive 04:10 - Safety Tools 05:26 - Rapid Fire Curses 07:25 - NoFiltr is beautiful 08:46 - Discord hotline (bling)

Trying and Exposing Discord Nitro Generators (ft. ChatGPT)

-bnVGH62Yho | 19 Feb 2024

Trying and Exposing Discord Nitro Generators (ft. ChatGPT)

Are free Discord nitro generators a real thing? Do they work or are they a typical Discord Scam? Well believe it or not, you're not going to like the answer to both of those questions if you are gullible and broke. Because nitro generators are not what they seem like and they can have dire consequences. BUT, how about using AI, ChatGPT to make myself a Discord nitro generator? Will it work? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RJain's Nitro Generator Probability Video Discord Promotion New Releases SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro Generator 1 03:40 - Generator 1 attempt 2 07:09 - Triage Analysis 07:45 - Generator 2 08:39 - Generator 3 - ChatGPT 10:21 - Maff 11:37 - Ways to get Free Nitro

Discord is Making Mobile Users Angry! | Discord News Recap

JT74yslPhgk | 16 Feb 2024

Discord is Making Mobile Users Angry! | Discord News Recap

Discord woke up and chose violence. Well in this case, chose to anger a bunch of Discord users. Because they decided to patch my tutorial on how to get the old Discord mobile UI / version. And while doing so, they completely disregarded doing something that would make us Discord users happy. C'est la vie I guess. Discord struggles to make a good update. But for the rest of the news, I talk about what's coming up on Discord. And ironically, there is a really good experiment coming out for people who want Discord to be minimal. Your Discord server's member list will no longer be a cluttered mess. And what's that, more things to spend your money on in the shop! (I made that sound exciting, everyone broke dawg). And finally the Discord mod view. Which isn't AR glasses to the nearest fast food, it's something different. Rip my hopes and dreams ig. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Discord Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Happiness Ruined 03:18 - Minimalism Experiment (i love you discord) 04:46 - SHOP LEAKS 06:42 - Discord Mod View 08:10 - Emoji Roadblock

Discordā€™s New Notifications Beta (is surprisingly good!)

y25sLgZtEv0 | 14 Feb 2024

Discordā€™s New Notifications Beta (is surprisingly good!)

Discord (for the first time this year) has made an actually GOOD feature. Their new notifications system. Instead of having to deal with hundreds and hundreds of pings from large Discord servers that you joined during a deep down bad state, you can now easily pick and choose what notifications you want. Want to only be pinged when you get mentioned? Done. Want to stay in the loop without constantly having the white dot next to the server? Done. Want to not get notified about anything at all? Done. And the best part? This is a Discord beta feature but Discord made it so that we can test it (all without blowing our Discord account up) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord Discord's Notifications Blog Post SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Finally a Good Discord Feature 00:14 - How to get the Beta 02:11 - Notification Configuration 05:20 - Example 1: Announcement Notifications Only 06:51 - Example 2: Big Community Servers 08:40 - Perfect Feature? 09:20 - What about Mobile?

The Down Bad Side of Discord

SdZuIDTXYC4 | 12 Feb 2024

The Down Bad Side of Discord

Discord has a growing problem because people cant think with their heads. A bunch of Discord servers have been popping up on tiktok. Where people are saying that "x server is better" or "y best server". But what's inside of these Discord servers? Better yet, why do people even make and advertise these servers? Well from failed Discord safety measures up to full blown piracy, Discord has to put their foot down and deal with the down bad side of Discord. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - My grave mistake 01:30 - Remember, teens are seeing this 02:07 - Cannonball into the cesspool 03:11 - The harms of this content 04:10 - Discord IS NOT THE PLACE 04:39 - What's with the TikTok comments 06:04 - Discord does the bare minimum 10:02 - Banning does nothing 12:20 - Why do these servers exist 13:53 - Summary

Discordā€™s CEO in Court & Another AI Feature Gone | Discord News

ZyZQjlW6NxY | 09 Feb 2024

Discordā€™s CEO in Court & Another AI Feature Gone | Discord News

Jason Citron, Discord's CEO, had to visit the supreme court last week... Let's just say he didn't want to go. But I am not a lawyer, I'm a chronically online Discord user. So you're going to the rundown of important information that normal people actually care about. But again, as a Discord user, my brain can only compute so much non-Discord stuff. So after that I show you how to fix a bug that ruined my life (in a video game). And like my idol Billy Mays said, but wait, there's more. Discord's shop got stocked with some Chinese new year art (which slaps, good job discord employee/contractor). did something. And gee willy baby there's some experiments to talk about. I love yelling at old people. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Lawyer Up 00:10 - Kangaroo Court 04:21 - Discord's Alt-Tab Bug 05:25 - SHOP UPDATE (subliminal message, spend money) 06:20 - Mobile - Custom Call Backgrounds 06:48 - Another AI Feature Gone 07:43 - did something good 08:14 - Bot Animated PFP 08:34 - Activity Experiments

Discord's AI breaks its own TOS!

FBtw_O0k4BM | 05 Feb 2024

Discord's AI breaks its own TOS!

Worried about message loggers getting you banned off Discord? Well thanks to Discord's AI conversation summaries, you don't need to get any Discord client mods. Because it turns out that Discord's AI retains some of your user data EVEN AFTER YOU DELETE YOUR MESSAGE. So, deleting your message doesn't mean much anymore. And there's a lot of repercussions of this. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Tweet (Panley) Discord Experiment Hub SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord messed up again... 00:10 - What are AI Summaries? 00:53 - The Security Issue 02:02 - The Potential Damage 02:35 - Legal Issues 04:38 - Discord's AI Failure 06:05 - Discord Bug Bounty

You Askedā€¦ and Discord Delivered! | Discord News

So3a5UlX3GQ | 02 Feb 2024

You Askedā€¦ and Discord Delivered! | Discord News

Discord users love complaining, and Discord loves not listening to user feedback. But Discord has secretly been cooking up a bunch of features that people have been asking for. Improving the mobile app? Check! Having a quiet / focus mode? Check! Being able to have a temporary online status? Check! There's a lot of good going on here, but Discord is a perfectly balanced platform and there has to be some dumb dumb stupid things Discord is doing. In this case, Discord is going to annoy their hardcore new username protesters because they are forcing you to have the unique username. If you don't comply, Discord will give you a nice new username. For the more mentally stable (barely) Discord users, Discord is also changing how many bots your Discord server can have. But they aren't? Idk things are confusing and Discord is 50/50 on the decision. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Experiment Hub Discord Server Wumpus Central Twitter Good ol Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tons of Experiments 00:13 - Focus Mode 00:52 - Temporarily Online / Offline Status? 02:04 - Game Status 02:41 - Server Gaming Status 03:07 - Mobile Improvements!!! 04:34 - I'm leaking the shop again 05:04 - Apple 05:14 - Discord's being bad again with Usernames 05:51 - Decreased Bot Limit 07:46 - Nerdy Stuff - Quests update 08:08 - Discord Mod View (horror) 08:34 - App Storefront 08:53 - Linux users bout to bus

Taking Down a Discord Scammer!

2LwWrfLCFEw | 31 Jan 2024

Taking Down a Discord Scammer!

and recording him the second he gets banned... Honestly this Discord scam video is the culmination of all my Discord knowledge distilled into a single objective: to troll and take down a Discord scammer. And let me tell you, he didn't know what hit him (and will only figure out after watching this video). I'm going to be honest, I only figured out I could get him banned 5 minutes before I started recording. The stars aligned just so I can ruin this scammer :) Also subscribe because I'm like 99% sure that I will reveal my trick because it will become a pretty big problem on Discord. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The New Scam Method 01:33 - What's Inside the File? 03:41 - The Scammer's Fatal Flaw 04:47 - Infiltrating the Scam Server 06:09 - Betrayal and Punishment

Imagine spending $1000 on a Discord Bot...

RqefCh1Dq2o | 29 Jan 2024

Imagine spending $1000 on a Discord Bot...

Mee6 has lost the plot. Seriously. I don't know in what parallel Discord universe or reality Mee6 is existing in, but spending $1000 for a Discord bot subscription is nearly impossible for most people. And even if you had $1000, why wouldn't you spend it on anything else. Mee6 is hands down the worst Discord bot I have ever had the pleasure of making a video on. This is quite frankly, the most disgusting cash grab I have ever seen. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatives to Mee6 SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Mee6's revolutionary new subscription 03:37 - Going to the source - The Mee6 Server 06:07 - Greed6 07:40 - Plot Twist? 08:43 - Mee6 Alternatives

Discord, please don't do this...

LAHJSAT24uo | 26 Jan 2024

Discord, please don't do this...

According to Discord, Discord is an ad free platform. Now I previously ripped on Discord for shoving Discord Nitro down our throats with pop-ups and annoying modals. However that was more of a chronically online complaining session. This on the other hand, is a lot more mainstream. Discord Quests is Discord's new way of trying to get some extra money on the side. Whenever this comes out (since it is currently in development), you'll get a wonderful pop-up on the bottom left of your screen showing you a new quest! And conveniently, this quest is sponsored. Now I'm no rocket scientist, but Discord.... this is an ad. And conveniently the video where you say "Discord is an ad free platform" is no longer available... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Ads in Discord 03:06 - Femboys 04:10 - Conversation Warning 04:47 - No more Discord on Old Windows 05:37 - Cyberpunk shop 06:17 - New Appeals 07:37 - Rapid Fire News (streaming, better uploads, twitter fixed)

Discord Hidden (edited) Message Glitch

ykEcPWqsMBk | 24 Jan 2024

Discord Hidden (edited) Message Glitch

Ever wanted to hide the (edited) tag from your messages? Well you can.... but it's a glitch that I don't think Discord wants you to do. And it's understandable why Discord doesn't want you to. Seeing edited and deleted messages is already a part of message loggers (which discord frowns at like my mother when I tell her I bought another anime body pillow) and Discord likes message transparency. People want to know if a message got edited. But with this Discord glitch, no one can tell. But do bots / message loggers detect it? Well you gotta watch the video goofball, no spoilers. Anyfart and a half, if this was a normal Discord feature, things could be really bad. The scam potential, the troll potential, and the gaslight potential. The trifecta of things that Discord users fall for. Also I try some weird live zooming thing in this video. Might try to change some things or write a whole new program for mouse tracking. But that takes time and I'm slow. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - How to make a hidden (edited) message 02:36 - Troll potential 03:06 - Message Logs / Loggers? 04:39 - This Can Be Dangerous 06:17 - This Glitch Breaks Message Loggers? 07:39 - Discord Fix This?

6 Ways to Troll your Discord Friends (that don't exist)

ONn4Gal6dkw | 22 Jan 2024

6 Ways to Troll your Discord Friends (that don't exist)

Imagine being annoying, just kidding, you probably are. But imagine being more annoying... Well that's what I'm going to show you. I'm releasing cursed knowledge on Discord that allows everyone to be even more excruciatingly insufferable. Whether it be hiding messages in discord gif links, crashing people's discord with a gift link, hiding your dead server's invite link in a fake blog post, or playing a fake videogame, there's something for every archetype of annoying. So yeah, go wild and be the best discord troll you can be. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crashing Gift Link Vencord Download SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Hidden Messages in Gif Links 01:11 - Crashing Gift Link 02:01 - Disguised Invite Link 03:09 - Custom RPC Setup (for rest of video stuff) 03:52 - Playing GTA VI? 05:12 - Adding Rick sauce 06:07 - Playing Minecraft for 51 years?

Discordā€™s Biggest Fails of 2023

1ebC6r3vEOI | 17 Jan 2024

Discordā€™s Biggest Fails of 2023

šŸ•¹ļø Stop torturing yourself and get Opera GX: Sponsored by Opera GX! Whether it be the absolute monstrosity that is the Discord mobile update or highs of a feature like Onboarding taking away the need for reaction roles. 2023 was quite a rollercoaster of a year for Discord. But, how has Discord done overall in 2023? Are there more fails than wins? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Wrapped 2023 01:41 - Features Nobody Asked For 05:07 - Cancelling Good Features 06:07 - A GOOD FEATURE! 06:49 - Security 08:28 - Discord's Moderation... 10:02 - Moderation but good 10:51 - AI 12:39 - Draining Money 13:17 - Infinite Money Printer 14:43 - Hoarding Money 15:43 - Bonus :)

PSA: Don't Copy and Paste Messages on Discord!

b9s-7oMSMKs | 15 Jan 2024

PSA: Don't Copy and Paste Messages on Discord!

Copy and pasting just got buffed on Discord. Because whether you like it or not, Discord is filled with snot nosed goblins that try to ruin your day. And their new tactic is a doozy. It can get your Discord server raided or get you completely banned off Discord. Now most people don't bat an eye when it comes to copy and pasting messages, what you see is what you get. However with a bit of linguistic (as well as unicode) trickery, things can be more dangerous than you think! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ThioJoe's video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Level 1 02:12 - Level 2 03:48 - Level 3

Is Discord adding Geo-blocking? + Massive Layoffs | Discord News

ByzS2BEomhg | 12 Jan 2024

Is Discord adding Geo-blocking? + Massive Layoffs | Discord News

Oh my goodness, Discord both Thanos snapped a large amount of its staff and potentially added geoblocking. Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. I'm talking about the geo-blocking. The layoffs are pretty straightforward corporate nonsense. Anyhoot before I rant about that, here's what else is in this week's Discord news roundup. We got some shop leaks, roblox cause I wanted to talk about it. Discord experiments (and surprise, one of them is really good). And then some nerdy stuff. It's a charcuterie board of news today. And I spelt that word right on the first try. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Geo-blocking Servers? 01:49 - Discord layoffs 03:44 - Shop Leaks 04:13 - BOBLOX AINT DISCORD! 04:55 - Experiments 06:58 - Nerdy Speedrun News of News

The Best Underrated Vencord Plugins for Discord!

CuQErbwqm_4 | 10 Jan 2024

The Best Underrated Vencord Plugins for Discord!

Vencord has taken the Discord client modding scene by storm. And we all know the mainstream plugins you should use, fake nitro, message logger, and custom RPC. But what if I told you there were some hidden gems among the massive list of Vencord plugins? Well, I gathered all the underrated discord plugins and threw them into a list for you to discover. All the rewards without the work of trying out every single plugin. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Vencord 00:30 - Features Discord Should Add 02:32 - Making Discord Pwetty 03:54 - Quality of Life Plugins 05:41 - Stupid Plugins 06:55 - Spotify Plugins 08:06 - Super Nerdy Plugins

5 Discord Tips and Tricks to become the Ultimate Discord Mod...

rZLfeti_ESo | 08 Jan 2024

5 Discord Tips and Tricks to become the Ultimate Discord Mod...

These 5 Discord features saved my marriage and will save yours too. Discord has a lot of hidden settings and features which make navigating discord significantly better (yes even on that new mobile update, you can improve it). Whether it be actually looking at Discord's settings to turn on a simple toggle, all the way up to customizing keybinds to leave specific voice channels or disconnect from VC, there's something you are missing out on :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. Quickswitcher 01:51 - 2. Launchpad 03:08 - 3. Privacy Settings / Active Now Tab 04:05 - 4. Hotkeys (but good ones) 05:41 - 5. Pings be gone 06:10 - 6. Useless trick

The Dumbest Roblox Scams...

9OzXu1WFQ-c | 05 Jan 2024

The Dumbest Roblox Scams...

Some Roblox scams are really intricate. Automatically capturing your clipboard or using social engineering tricks to convince you to hand over your account credentials. But these scams, they don't do any of that. The scams in this sacred video (not sacred) target the lowest percentile of intelligence. The Roblox iPad kids. Whether it be free robux tweets from accounts that impersonate famous roblox people or a video telling you to give your account to scammers, people still fall for these... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tweeter Robux? 02:37 - Hacking da website 04:42 - Scammer Beef 06:42 - Stolen Roblox account 07:30 - Robux Miner 08:55 - Scam Recruitment

another ā€œgreatā€ discord update...

wXc59fHazzc | 03 Jan 2024

another ā€œgreatā€ discord update...

Discord did it again, but is this time different? Yes. Surprisingly yes. Discord added two things. First they added a massban feature that allows your server staff to ban a whole bunch of people. Now, hear me out. Yes this can be used to nuke your Discord server. But, I said can, not will. Second, Discord has been handing out random bans to people because they sent an image. Now this aint no PhotoDNA doing it's job and banning creeps or gullible people. This is AI, artificial intelligence using it's lack of intelligence to flag images as bad. And when discord flags your image, you might get banned. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's New Image AI Moderation 03:21 - Reality of AI Systems 05:40 - Massban = EZ raids? 06:47 - Discord used brain expansion?

Hacking a Discord Server With a Link!

VFpWScRJ6Ac | 01 Jan 2024

Hacking a Discord Server With a Link!

My greatest fear has been unlocked... Discord scams, hacks, and vulnerabilities are usually pretty scary for everyday people. But as a chronically online Discord mod, these things don't scare me anymore. I thought I saw every single Discord scam and knew how to avoid them. But clicking on a link and having my Discord server ruined within a minute. Whether it be Carl bot sending a scam message, Dyno doing an admin giveaway, or Maki deciding that everyone gets admin, this destruction is all caused by vising a website. So maybe, just maybe, think twice before clicking a link on Discord. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xyzeva's socials SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter Music ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Aviino - Two Thousand Miles Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Click link = hacked server 00:26 - Carl bot scamming 01:35 - How the vulnerability works 03:10 - Dyno's admin giveaway 04:34 - Maki's admin for everyone! 05:50 - Happy ending :)

[PATCHED] Get Discordā€™s Old Mobile UI Back & Discord News!

48PXqIg0sSc | 22 Dec 2023

[PATCHED] Get Discordā€™s Old Mobile UI Back & Discord News!

Discord's new mobile update is not well received by people. A lot of people hate the new UI and wish they could go back to the safe and comfortable old UI. WELL GUESS WHAT, MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS BOYO I GOT YOU. Using a bit of technical Discord nerdiness, you can turn back the old UI. Now I don't expect this to work forever (nothing gold can stay), so use this while you can and avoid the buggy mess that is the mobile update. Now it's Friday, that means that this is a Discord news video. And despite Discord employees cozying up for the holidays, we still have some heat Discord experiments coming out that make life easier for both Discord mods like myself, but also normal Discord users. Also some developments on Midjourney leave questions about the future of the Discord-based AI art generator. And finally, Discord gives us all a last sendoff with a winter giveaway. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Mobile UI Code Giveaway Links SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Old Mobile UI Tutorial 02:16 - GOOD DISCORD FEATURES?!1?!1?! 04:25 - Midjourney's Journey Away from Discord 05:12 - Discord Giveaway

OperaGX's Accidental Free Discord Nitro Generator!

yWqqMp6ca30 | 20 Dec 2023

OperaGX's Accidental Free Discord Nitro Generator!

Opera GX made a pretty dumb mistake and it resulted in people generating an infinite amount of Discord Nitro promotion codes. But what is the mistake that lets people get these codes? And how many can you generate at a time? Well it turns out there are increasingly more nerdy ways to generate more and more free nitro codes. And surprisingly, I know how to do it. Now while this is all fun and games and is primarily just to satiate your curiosity, DO NOT MASS ABUSE THIS PROMOTION. Opera GX and Discord might get a bit cranky. Also, if you're just trying to get a free nitro promotion, make sure to not have the full $10 nitro in the last 12 months and make sure to have valid payment info. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OperaGX Nitro Webpage SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Redeeming Free Nitro (like normal) 02:39 - Whoopsies They Forgot... 03:12 - Some Cheeky and Nerdy Tricks. 05:11 - THE MEGA NERD 07:17 - DO NOT DO THIS please uwu is (a bit) brokenā€¦

i2ZezwcUzMI | 18 Dec 2023 is (a bit) brokenā€¦

Guilded, a Discord competitor, is a perfect platform with absolutely no issues whatsoever. Well, actually you can make broken messages, grab peopleā€™s IP if they visit your profile, force people to own your Guilded server, and finally you can shut down Guilded by running some code. All through the power of Guilded's broken API. Time to exploit Guilded to annoy people :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Guilded is perfectly balanced 00:22 - Post request knowledge 00:55 - Broken messages 02:35 - IP logging profile 04:08 - Forcing server ownership 06:23 - Crashing Guilded

People Hate Discord's Mobile Update so much, they're doing thisā€¦

YHxGg3BrYPs | 15 Dec 2023

People Hate Discord's Mobile Update so much, they're doing thisā€¦

Discord's Mobile update still is living rent free in people's heads. So much so, that people are "leaking" internal Discord emails. What's inside these emails? And more importantly, is the email real? Well you're going to find out in this week's Discord news recap. But that's not all goober. Discord's working on some new emojis that might potentially replace the default emojis. Also, there's this very early in development improved notifications settings which is going to be fantastic in reducing the number of Discord pings. Oh and of course, Discord updated their shop with new avatar decorations and new profile effects. Finally, snowsgiving aint coming, L. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Devious Email 02:42 - New Notification Settings 04:58 - New Emojis? 05:47 - No Snowsgiving 06:15 - New Shop Update 07:15 - Friend Links + Free YT premium + LATAM ES

The Discord Server that Scams Amazon!

wENbCy7rFVc | 13 Dec 2023

The Discord Server that Scams Amazon!

Yeah, for some reason Discord users think it's smart to scam a billion dollar company... For the uninitiated, there are servers on Discord that exist solely to scam Amazon through retail fraud. And the way they do that is through fraudulent returns. This Discord server intentionally messes up refunds so that users can get Amazon products for free. Sike, not for free kiddo. These Discord scammers want their cut and they will charge you for the service. However with claims of things for 80% off, is this too good to be true? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon's Juicy Lawsuit SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Scamazon 02:07 - Trolling Scammers 05:15 - The fundamentals 06:22 - How do these refunds work? 09:06 - Massive Lawsuit

How to get Free Custom Discord Avatar Decorations!

m9_Jh_SPZHk | 11 Dec 2023

How to get Free Custom Discord Avatar Decorations!

Imagine paying $10 for an avatar decoration in Discord, couldn't be me. Imagine having to use Discord's own avatar decorations and not a bob the builder one, couldn't be me. Because gamers, Vencord dropped a new plugin and it is heat, Decor. Decor allows you to have custom avatar decorations on your Discord profile. But it aint just for you, other people can see your custom avatar decoration (assuming they also have the plugin installed). Gone are the days of rationing your food budget, get your free avatar decoration. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Vencord and Decor 01:39 - Decor Limitations 02:04 - Changing decoration 02:34 - Uploading your own decoration 03:39 - Importanto stuff 04:01 - Uninstalling Vencord

Discord's Best Mobile Update!

Uu9PrPqaSGc | 08 Dec 2023

Discord's Best Mobile Update!

This is the Discord mobile update of all time. So yeah, Discord updated their mobile app AND their desktop app. And there's no reality where I could possibly convince you that people loved this update. Whether it be the button rearrangement, new features, or the new icons. There something for everyone to hate on. And guess what, yall wrong. This Discord update is actually a good thing. And since it's a Friday video, I also got more discord news. Double Counter did a massive dub, chicken dinner, Nathan my beloved. Also TMobile is giving away 3 months of free Discord nitro in their new promotion. And finally, new Discord experiments :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Mobile Update 04:55 - Desktop Update 05:34 - Double Counter W 06:25 - Free Nitro 07:00 - Experiments

I Hacked a Discord Bot, the Owner said this...

jNhkTR0i3Fc | 06 Dec 2023

I Hacked a Discord Bot, the Owner said this...

A vulnerability was found in the Discord bot, And I hacked into the bot and gave myself admin on a Discord server. But when I told the bot owner/developer about this, he said... Wow I'm a tease. But yessir, it's another video where I talk about the abhorrent security of Discord bots and how easily they can be hacked. And in this case there's a lot of things I get to complain about, from the security of a "security Discord bot" to how the owner responded to me after I disclosed the vulnerability. And again, massive thank you to xyzeva for finding this vulnerability. They are 2-0 right now. Also just so we are clear, I hacked into my own test server. I would never cause intentional damage to a Discord server. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xyzeva's socials SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Hack 06:12 - The Damage 08:27 - The Response

Thousands of People Keep Falling for this Discord Scam!

Rcif_7hmjiU | 04 Dec 2023

Thousands of People Keep Falling for this Discord Scam!

Are you aware of one of the most successful scams on Discord? Discord has a very long running scam that people are STILL falling for. It involves verifying on a Discord server. Now this is a normal occurrence for a lot of people joining Discord servers, and people usually don't bat an eye. However, these devious Discord scammers do whatever it takes to make their scam Discord server appealing. And their most profitable ideas involve showing you some spicy content or helping you get a job. Both require you using your hands. Every time someone falls for this scam I lose my faith in humanity by 0.1% LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Billing Dispute Page SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What is the scam? 02:39 - What happens when you get hacked 03:39 - How to get unhacked & how to prevent it

Discordā€™s Winter Shop Update and New Vencord Plugins!

1lHmGTXOMcY | 01 Dec 2023

Discordā€™s Winter Shop Update and New Vencord Plugins!

Oh baby the Discord News is bone chilling (because it's winter related). Discord updated their shop feature. Midjourney is giving nitro users a free month of AI generation for unspeakable acts. Discord's ruining all your photos by compressing them into smithereens. Oh and Vencord got 2 banger plugins that you need to use. And for the turbo nerds in the crowd, Mushroom bot and Double counter both have some interesting updates since our last time with them. And for the hyper nerds, discord has more experimental features that leave everyone disappointed. EXCEPT ME BABY CAUSE THEY GOT FAVOURITES V2. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midjourney Details Images Brokey Reddit Post Advaith's Slash Commands Update Tweet Discord Previews Server User Apps Advaith's User Apps Tweet User Apps FAQ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Winter Shop Update 01:16 - Beta Gifting Feature 02:00 - Midjourney "Free" Month 02:29 - Discord Ruining Photos 03:54 - New Vencord Plugin 04:27 - Mushroom Bot & Double Counter Update 05:19 - New (yucky) App Launcher Beta 06:28 - User Apps! 07:00 - Experiments Update Speedround

Ruining Discord Servers with a Bot Exploit!

woQjvYfiOh8 | 29 Nov 2023

Ruining Discord Servers with a Bot Exploit!

Imagine me joining your Discord server and using an exploit to give myself Admin. From there I can nuke your Discord server or give everyone staff or promote a scam. The evil is flowing through me. Well, believe it or not, this is not a power tripping dream that I had. This is a reality. Because the popular Discord alt bot, Double Counter, might have made some seriously amateur mistakes regarding security of their bot and dashboard. The only good news of this is that it didn't fall into the wrong hands. (or maybe it did cause it fell into mine) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xyzeva's socials SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Double Counter 00:49 - Vulnerability 1: da password in da public code 02:21 - Vulnerability 2: Oppenheimer of Discord 07:31 - Bye Bye Privacy Lens

Do NOT Use This to Protect your Discord Account!

y8crpVOLcpY | 27 Nov 2023

Do NOT Use This to Protect your Discord Account!

Discord is filled to the brim with free nitro scams, scam servers, QR code verification scams, and many other scams. How do you protect yourself? Well someone decided to make a tool that will protect your Discord account. BUT, I would avoid it even if it works* Yeah that star means something lol. The tool is a "Discord Token Protector". It attempts to protect your Discord token from malware / token grabbers. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Don't use what? 01:25 - Reason 1 on Why to AVOID this 03:11 - 2. False Sense of Security 03:44 - 3. Random Software 04:08 - 4. Bye Pass :) 04:46 - What SHOULD I use?

Discord Gave You a Free Nitro Feature, But Thenā€¦

lFfL8fexGQE | 22 Nov 2023

Discord Gave You a Free Nitro Feature, But Thenā€¦

Discord finally did it, they gave us a new beta feature that benefits users that don't buy Discord Nitro. And the feature itself, is REALLY good. But then something happened... Now I'm not one to spoil anything, but at the very least, watch up to the scammed timestamp because you're about to go through the most poetic piece of Discord's development. Genuinely this brought tears to my eyes, but are they tears of joy or tears of pain. Anyways half of you didnt understand any of that and I should stop being poetic, I'm a Discord channel. This is a new discord feature, something something free nitro perk, fortnite burger. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emoji Packs FAQ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Emoji Packs! 01:45 - Global Emojis 02:20 - Benefits and Drawbacks 03:40 - Exploiting Emoji Packs 04:16 - SCAMMED 05:39 - Server Bug 06:15 - Big Privacy Issue

Is Discord Nitro Worth it? Maybeā€¦

u6X2kSlEEWk | 20 Nov 2023

Is Discord Nitro Worth it? Maybeā€¦

Discord Nitro is Discord's premium subscription service that allows you unlock additional perks and features. Being able to send custom emojis, customizing your profile, and uploading larger files are just a couple of many Nitro features. But, which tier of Discord Nitro should I buy? Discord Nitro Basic or the full $10 Nitro? Is Discord Nitro worth it in the first place? Also is there any way I can get Nitro for cheap or maybe get the coveted free Discord Nitro? So many questions that I am pitching and this video contains so many answers. Even the answer to the question "Is twitter blue worth it". SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What is Discord Nitro? 01:32 - Which Nitro to Pick? 02:23 - Cheaper Nitro? 03:43 - Free Nitro? 04:49 - Nitro vs Other Premium Services 06:44 - Do You Care About Discord?

Discord Cancelled Clyde! | Weekly Discord News

Ezbam7HOMEw | 17 Nov 2023

Discord Cancelled Clyde! | Weekly Discord News

Discord finally pulled the plug on their infamously unmoderated and bugged AI chatbot, Clyde AI. Powered off the good old ChatGPT, Clyde would rizz you up, no matter your age, and spew racism. While this does mimic a lot of Discord users, this is definitely an A+ brand risk for Discord. Compile that with some other issues and kaboom, abort the mission because this baby is not growing up to be a Discord staple. Anyways since this is my Discord weekly news broadcast on the internet, I also cover Discord potentially adding selfbots, adding two pointless features, and writing a blog post about their previous outage. Oh and how they updated polls slightly. And finally, another Discord server got hacked, womp womp. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clyde Cancelled Help Center Article: Selfbots Are So Back Advaith's Tweet: Blog Post: Hang Statuses Discord Previews Server: Game Awards: Discord Outage Blog Post: SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Clyde Cancelled (Thanks Twitter) 02:04 - Selfbots Are So Back 03:38 - Anotha Day, Anotha Hacked Server 04:24 - Hang Statuses 05:13 - Attachment Link Changes 05:38 - Rapid Fire: Polls, Awards, Discord Outage

Discord Support Scammers Reported Me...

10A5qpmC6pE | 15 Nov 2023

Discord Support Scammers Reported Me...

These scammers on Discord evolved. From steam scammers to Discord scammers. But does this change come with any new tricks or is it the same scam in a different coat of paint? Well, there are some changes. And unfortunately that's enough where people still fall for this Discord scam. And these scammers will eventually be more prevalent than steam scammers because they can contact everyone, not just people with a linked Steam account. So make sure to turn DMs off from Discord servers and keep your eyes peeled for this Discord scam. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Support Form SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Scam 05:23 - How do people fall for this? 06:02 - What do scammers do with hacked accounts? 07:44 - Please troll these scammers! 08:20 - What to do if you got hacked

Exposing a Discord Bot's Secret...

oEGH9hcyOBc | 13 Nov 2023

Exposing a Discord Bot's Secret...

I get told a lot of secrets about things happening on Discord, but thereā€™s this secret that I have to tell you. A popular Discord bot called Mushroom, suffered a data breach. And it seems like they donā€™t want you to know (because itā€™s embarrassing how it happened). Now this data breach / vulnerability / whatever you want to call it, is a bit different compared to some other data breaches I've covered. There's a lot of dumb and there's a lot of smart going on. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog Post SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What is a mushroom? 00:57 - The breach 03:18 - The exposed information 04:18 - This is still bad 05:53 - More Issues

Discordā€™s Giving Everyone Free Nitro* | Discord News

5nn9XvmW6c0 | 10 Nov 2023

Discordā€™s Giving Everyone Free Nitro* | Discord News

Discord finally upped their free Nitro game and is giving almost everyone 2 weeks of free nitro. Of course that little * means there is more to it. However that's not all that is new with Discord, Discord patched the wacky webm videos (moving discord videos). Discord also canned their app Gas, that they bought back at the start of the year. But they did have another reason to buy Gas (apparently), developers. And if you're a developer then you'll want to check out Discord's nerdy blog post about how they manage 1 million online users in a Discord server. Now if you are a Discord degenerate or one of your friends is, you might have noticed two things. 1. Twitter/X links don't work no more. And I'll show you why and how to fix it 2. The FNAF movie is widely available on Discord, but how LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas Discord's Nerdy Midjourney Blog Post Fixing twitter Free Nitro SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Webm Wuined :( 00:54 - Gas Canned 02:09 - Nerdy Midjourney 02:26 - FNAF Movie on Discord 04:03 - Twitter getting worse 05:23 - Free Nitro

Upgrade your Discord Account Security!

co5uX4S7KXI | 08 Nov 2023

Upgrade your Discord Account Security!

Discord released a brand new update available to everyone that allows you to make your Discord account more secure. But it does have some drawbacks and it's not going to allow you to dive head first into discord without your brain enabled. Discord scams have been extremely prevalent, and general good practice says that we should always secure our important accounts with two factor authentication. But there are drawbacks, your 2FA code could be phished through a devious Discord login page. Only if there was a system that could make it nearly impossible for a normal person to fall for a phishing page... SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Security Keys! 00:45 - 3 Reasons why security keys are better 01:51 - 2. Backed up in the cloud 02:44 - 3. Easy to use 03:27 - How it works 04:29 - Set up and Use 06:48 - Drawbacks

Has Discord Gone Too Far?

18vXC4cmpZI | 06 Nov 2023

Has Discord Gone Too Far?

Whether it be free nitro trials or spamming you with ads, Discord wants you to spend money on Discord Nitro. But my oh my gamers, Discord has released something that surpasses the apex of stupid, the apex of pointless, and the apex of shilling. A Discord nitro user badge. Show off to the world that you spend $10 a month on a chat platform. Show off to the world that you don't go outside. This is a Discord badge goblin and a Discord mod's dream. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord, what are you doing? 01:56 - Discord's ad tsunami 03:02 - Is Discord evil?

Does Discord Scan your Messages with AI to Ban you?

omaN1q43N20 | 03 Nov 2023

Does Discord Scan your Messages with AI to Ban you?

Recently, everyone has been talking about Discord monitoring and scanning your messages. And people are worried that Discord will automatically ban you if you crack a joke with your friends. However, is this a hoax? Does discord scan your messages? And how does the new moderation system work? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verge Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Beep Boop iRobot 00:16 - Community backlash 02:04 - Does Discord scan your messages? 04:58 - How did this conspiracy develop? 05:39 - How the new system works 09:23 - Why is Discord changing their systeem?

The Inevitable Downfall of Mee6

mqOU2lHFWkk | 30 Oct 2023

The Inevitable Downfall of Mee6

Mee6 is Discord's most hated bot, and it just got even worse! Mee6 has been through quite a rocky journey. From initially being one of the first Discord bots on the platform, it grew to an immensely popular bot. But with scale, comes increasing costs. And Mee6 had to start moving away from donations to more sustainable financing methods. A premium subscription was born. Perfectly balanced. But the co-founders of Mee6 started to get greedy. Things took a nosedive. And when we all thought Mee6 was on its last leg, they did another thing to seal their fate. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderation Bots Sapphire: Dyno: Leveling Bots Arcane: Amari: Tickets Bot: Mee6 Alternatives Website SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Mee6's Humble Beginnings 02:00 - Grift Time 05:36 - AI 06:09 - Mee6's New Update! 07:10 - Downfall of Mee6 08:03 - Best Free Discord Bots 08:35 - Premium Is Not Always Bad

Discordā€™s Leaked Nitro Features, Call Banners, and New Icons!

MSYd-DtbH34 | 27 Oct 2023

Discordā€™s Leaked Nitro Features, Call Banners, and New Icons!

Discord had a bunch of stuff come out this week and someone in the Discord Previews server told me to cover it all. So I did. And wow, there's a lot. New nitro features, discord's clipping feature, unlimited super reactions, dead chat ping, call banner backgrounds, new icons. Man I'm just listing this off as if you're going to read this. Summary, it's a bunch of Discord leaks combined into one video. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortnite Promotion Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - New Nitro Features 00:18 - Discord Clips 01:27 - Collectibles for All / Nitro Discount 02:33 - Custom Desktop App Icons 02:58 - Unlimited Super Reactions 03:39 - Speculative "Free Nitro Trial" for everyone 03:58 - Dead Chat 04:48 - Broken Client Mods 05:23 - Call Banner Background 06:16 - New Icons 07:04 - Pop out chat 07:23 - Events Revamp 07:51 - 2 Free Nitro Trials

PSA: Donā€™t Send this Photo on Discord!

Kyc_ysVgBMs | 25 Oct 2023

PSA: Donā€™t Send this Photo on Discord!

There is an ILLEGAL photo that is floating around that if you send it on Discord, YOU WILL GET BANNED. Doesn't matter if it's in DMs or in a Discord server. This is not some bogus hoax or clickbait garbage, you will get banned. To try to figure out what's going on, I sent the image in an empty Discord server. I tested this on an alt account (and I got banned in 72 seconds, I am the discord ban speedrun champ). But why did I get banned, is the image anything bad? From the surface it's just a normal photo... Also big big big warning, do not try to send or download this image if you do stumble upon the original. As you will see, this is not an image you want to have lying around. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Warning: The original photo is illegal 00:12 - Is this real? 02:10 - Why does this photo ban you? 06:39 - Why you NEED to avoid this!

Discord is Crushing Creeps in 3 Ways!

GerAcxIa-rY | 23 Oct 2023

Discord is Crushing Creeps in 3 Ways!

Discord is filled to the brim with creeps and weirdos and thankfully Discord is adding new features to crush creeps. You soon will have the option to censor sensitive photos, whether it be a little revealing or contain shock value. However things change if you are a teenager because Discord wants to get all those brownie points from those ridiculously hot moms that read discord news (call me). And if you are going to talk to some weird stranger on Discord, Discord will give you some tips to keep yourself safe. And when you do stumble across a strange discord user with a creepy about me / profile photo / banner, you now are able to report their profile. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Image Blurring 03:36 - STRANGER DANGER 04:36 - New Reporting Features

Discord's Halloween Event, Free Nitro, and More!

GfQYj15LKCA | 20 Oct 2023

Discord's Halloween Event, Free Nitro, and More!

Discord's Halloween event just landed on Discord and it comes with a handful of interesting seasonal items. But to get these seasonal items, you have to unlock Discord's shop (which is nitro only). Well thank goodness Discord has another free nitro trial available for users to exploit, I mean, use. Spend a solid 10-15 minutes on Marvel Snap (at the expense of your IQ) and you should be able to get free nitro ezpz. Oh and while I'm recording, I also show off Discord's new poll system, updated gifting system, and explain the mystery behind the link. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Halloween Call Sound 6 hours of pain Marvel Snap Free Discord Nitro HELPFUL RESOURCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Wumpus Central SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Halloween Event 03:13 - Free Nitro Trial 05:08 - New Gifting System 06:24 - Polls 07:09 - Mysterious Invite Link

A Discord User Hacked into a Company!

lIcQDoOZCxQ | 16 Oct 2023

A Discord User Hacked into a Company!

Imagine being a large cloud computing company. You know, computer nerd wizardry. And then kaboom, a teenager with a room temperature IQ comes out of the woodwork to go wild. Yep, a Discord scammer managed to hack a large company with a sophisticated technique. But was this hacking technique actually sophisticated? Or is Shadow, the company, lying to you? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Advanced level hacking 01:16 - The scope of the breach 02:29 - How did the hacker do it? 04:44 - Preventable? 05:31 - Bankruptcy? 06:32 - How to protect yourself

Discord achieved nothing...

UohRFOdYz2U | 13 Oct 2023

Discord achieved nothing...

Discord just banned over 8 million accounts! and it's going to achieve nothing. Every single quarter of the year, Discord will release their "transparency" report. The quotes are there because this transparency report, as you will see, is not really transparent. In this report, Discord goes over how many accounts they warn and ban, each being divided amongst different categories. Discord also highlights the trends of bans, warnings, appeals, and number of legal documents processed between each quarter. Basically the report turns into a bunch of data that is wrapped up in business speak while Discord toots their own horn about how awesome they are... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Transparency Report Discord Previews (where I got the safety hub experiment image from) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 8 million banned users 00:19 - How do punishments work? 01:34 - The juicy stats 04:24 - False bans 05:28 - Lazy authorities 06:11 - Ban evasion tutorial 06:27 - Appeals 06:55 - Copyright 07:43 - "transparency"

Discord is Removing the Partner Program!

sskfgHnKiO0 | 09 Oct 2023

Discord is Removing the Partner Program!

Discord removed the partner program and it might be Discord's biggest blunder! The Discord partner program was a milestone for a lot of Discord server owners. If you owned a Discord server, you probably were eyeing the perks and prestige of the partner program. It was something to work towards, made it worth dealing with the bogus discord drama. But what if Discord removed the partner program? Would you care enough to make a Discord server? Would you put in that extra effort if there was no Discord partner perks? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Is this Real? 02:14 - What is the Partner Program 03:13 - How big of an Impact? 06:25 - How is Discord going to be in the future?

Discord added Microtransactions...

n8jVhuyaeJg | 06 Oct 2023

Discord added Microtransactions...

šŸ•¹ļø Break up with basic browsers. Get Opera GX here: Sponsored by Opera GX! Discord finally ran out of money I think because they added microtransactions. Basically for the eye watering price of $7, you can get some dinky little animation around your Discord profile picture. Now I think everyone and their dog is complaining about the prices being too high. But I'm going out on a whim to say that these microtransactions are a good thing. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Michealtranscations 04:03 - The prices are wild 06:00 - More decorations? 07:00 - This is good? 07:47 - Store part 2 electric boogaloo

Discord Links are Breaking! (and itā€™s a good thing?)

rZ73h1qWb3c | 04 Oct 2023

Discord Links are Breaking! (and itā€™s a good thing?)

Discord is changing how their image/file/attachment links work. After a certain amount of time, they will expire! There's a lot more to that though. The links refresh themselves during certain actions within the Discord client. But why would Discord go through all this extra work for no good reason? My brother, Discord did have a good reason. Freeloaders be freeloading. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Developers Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Changing Links 00:53 - Website Implosion 02:31 - Why was this done? 04:59 - Does this affect normal users? 06:20 - Bypassable? 07:13 - Stop complaining 08:14 - Addendum

Discord Users are Freaking Out! (for strange reasons)

ouXmFFfCZeY | 02 Oct 2023

Discord Users are Freaking Out! (for strange reasons)

Apparently Discord is vulnerable and Discord is blocking IPs and you probably heard about it from a freaked out Discord user. But trusting Discord users and @everyone pings in Discord servers is a stupid idea and this is a prime example. So how is Discord vulnerable? Was Discord even vulnerable in the first place? Is there some sort of hack or scam I need to look out for? And finally, how and why is Discord blocking IPs? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nerdy Writeup (That's genuinely interesting) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Blocking IPs 02:05 - Discord Vulnerability

Ruin Friendships with these 9 Discord Tricks!

MDSscZjzXb4 | 29 Sep 2023

Ruin Friendships with these 9 Discord Tricks!

Do you have friends on Discord and want to change that? Well here's 9 (+1 bonus) Discord tricks that are fun to use against your friends, but they'll end up getting very annoyed with you. How do I know this? Well I don't, I lost all my friends from being the most annoying rodent on the planet. Anyways you'd expect this to be a tips and tricks type thing but genuinely there is very little education going on here. Maybe the bait videos will add some neurons to your dome. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Colored Discord Messages Rebane's Generator 2. Blank Messages 1x1 Invisible Picture 3. Reset Password Link (App Protocols) 4. Fake/Bugged Gift Links 5. Fake Invite Links Bonus About Me Banners 6. Spying "About Me" 7. Account Warning 9. Bait Videos / Gif Videos SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. Colored Discord Messages 00:53 - 2. Blank Messages 01:41 - 3. Reset Password Link (App Protocols) 03:07 - 4. Fake/Bugged Gift Links 05:18 - 5. Fake Invite Links 06:24 - Bonus - About Me Banners 08:14 - 6. Spying "About Me" 10:26 - 7. Account Warning 11:10 - 8. Crash Mobile Users 11:38 - 9. Bait Videos / Gif Videos

Roblox Hacked by joining this Discord Server?

IAs8Rcy__-Q | 27 Sep 2023

Roblox Hacked by joining this Discord Server?

Roblox scammers are at it again with yet another sophisticated scam. They get you to join a Discord server, and when you join the server you get instantly banned and receive a DM from a bot. This bot tells you that you've been hacked. Now I could say I hacked you or that my dad owns Discord, doesn't mean much without proof. However, these bots actually send you your Roblox account. Uh oh. So am I completely screwed or is there something else going on behind the scenes? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Finally, a good roblox scam 01:38 - Discord's one click hack history 02:28 - How the bot works 05:25 - The primary goal 06:07 - The second scam 07:40 - trolley

Discord's Forums are Being Invaded by AI!

yZGf7UgGFgY | 25 Sep 2023

Discord's Forums are Being Invaded by AI!

Discord's community forums are filled with a variety of people, people who want everything for free, scammers, and people who absolutely despise Discord and think yelling at them about some self-inflicted ban will resolve things. However, there is a new type of moron joining the fray, AI CHATBOTS! ChatGPT nerds are abusing the big robot (which I love dearly please don't punish me once the robot overlord takes over) to spew out a bunch of word vomit about specific apps. Apps, I mean apks, android apps. These AI bots are spewing nonsense about video upscaling and cartoon effects all inside of the community platform. Is this all a big scam against Discord users or is the Discord forums a stepping stone for these scammers? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - John's win10 activator 02:25 - The APKs 04:18 - How widespread is this? 07:24 - Is this AI? 07:56 - Why spam Discord's forums? 09:32 - SEO

Discordā€™s New Icons (this is real...)

tlRnLIejwls | 22 Sep 2023

Discordā€™s New Icons (this is real...)

I wish I was joking but Discord has a new icon, and 17 other ones for people to use with the new feature "custom app icons" But this new feature comes with some drawbacks, 1. nitro only, 2. mobile only. However I have a solution for both shortcomings. So whether you are a cheapskate and want nitro features for free or don't have a phone, you're in for some learnin. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Support Post Nerd Icon I made Discord Avatar Maker .ico Converter Photopea SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Custom app icons 01:14 - Not an original thought 02:33 - Redditor rage 03:54 - Getting custom app icons free 05:38 - Custom desktop icon 08:04 - Setting Discord's .ico

The Discord Nuke Bots Rabbit Hole

WIQAu0Sd5s0 | 20 Sep 2023

The Discord Nuke Bots Rabbit Hole

There are a ton of Discord bots that you can use to create your Discord server. But there are also a ton of Discord bots that have the sole purpose of destroying your server. Nuke bots are a very common sight on Discord, from big servers to small servers. But is this simply people seeking revenge on a server owner for being banned? Or is there a sub-community of people on Discord that specifically seek out Discord servers to destroy solely for the sake of looking cool to their friends? Well I'm bad at teasing you but yep, there are Discord trolls that nuke and raid Discord servers for the sole sake of destruction and self amusement. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The "nuking community" rabbit hole 00:30 - How do nuke bots enter the server? 01:13 - How often do nukes happen? 02:03 - Investigating the "deaddestroyers" rabbit hole 07:26 - Give the poor your money! 07:49 - Nuking a Server 09:16 - How to prevent nukes 10:19 - Nuke Bot Code

9 Features Discord Needs to Add!

eWGNU_d1k9A | 18 Sep 2023

9 Features Discord Needs to Add!

Whether it be by listening to the community, stealing from competitors like Guilded, or copying from Discord client modifications like Vencord or BetterDiscord, here are 9 features that Discord needs to add! Surprisingly, the first two features already exist or previously were in Discord. But one thing is missing, Discord giving us the keys to unlock its potential. Like being able to make complex statuses via RPC to customize our Discord profile or simply making our own custom Discord theme. And since no idea is an original thought the remaining Discord features are either based on or direct copies of feature or concepts. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Custom RPC Tutorial Join Servers For You Rant SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. Custom Themes 01:02 - 2. Advanced Statuses (Custom RPC) 02:23 - History of Copying Client Mods 03:12 - 3. Better Spotify Embeds 03:56 - 4. Sending Voice Messages on PC 04:33 - 5. Better Default Notifications 05:00 - 6. Message Translation 05:26 - 7. Join Server Prompt 06:48 - 8. Different Channel Types 07:56 - 9. Guilded's Account Profiles

Discord Emojis with Soundā€¦

SNkNOGKwAvE | 15 Sep 2023

Discord Emojis with Soundā€¦

Discord did the impossible... Combined the soundboard with emojis to make: Soundmojis. Yep, Soundmojis, this experimental Discord feature is going to knock your socks off because it is genuinely a load of fun. I genuinely enjoy Discord's soundboard feature because I can annoy the snot out of my friends and have a good laugh. As a stinky discord mod though, maybe not as fun. But Discord was cooking up this new evolution of trolling and soundmojis are genuinely going to be hated by a ton of people. But as a simple-minded numnut, I like them. Of course though, even I realize that these might not be the best. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Invite Link SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Imagine a place, that have emojis with sound... 00:55 - DO I NEED NITRO??? 01:58 - Tools for trolls 03:54 - People are upset 04:48 - Goofy bugs 05:55 - Using this right now

These Bot Commands can Raid your Discord Server!

GynulDUOgDE | 13 Sep 2023

These Bot Commands can Raid your Discord Server!

If you own or moderate a Discord server, you 100% have a bot on it. Whether it be for moderation, like Carlbot or Dyno, or for fun, like Dank Memer. But with each of those bots (and many more), there are commands that raiders can use to do some naughty stuff. Bypass your automod, check. Bypass embed perms and spam unsavory images, check. Ping everyone? I gotta check. So it's in your best interest to double check all your commands and ensure that no one can bypass your moderation systems in place that keep your server safe. (Also you can bypass Discords automod for the Assyst bot by just inputting in a javascript string and concatenating it) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Discord Bots SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. Tags 02:11 - 2. AFK 03:11 - 3. Reminders 05:49 - Bonus Command 06:19 - What to Do?

Think Twice before sending Discord Messages

qorCytCoRLU | 11 Sep 2023

Think Twice before sending Discord Messages

Every single time you send a Discord message, there is a good chance that behind your back a bot or a selfbot is saving your message. Whether to train AI, doxx you, or track you across Discord. Now this was and still is a big problem on Discord. Malicious actors could use Discord bots to scrape messages on public servers. But in the past week things have changed. Is it for the better? Well I cant spoil the video geez. But regardless of what Discord does, should you let your guard down or should you think twice before sending that raunchy message to your egirl. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Your messages are being saved. 00:45 - Why should I care? 01:37 - Discord's flaw 02:23 - Discord nerdy bot talk 04:53 - Discord did something!!1!!1!! 05:49 - A pay-to-stalk website 07:02 - Selfbots are a problem 07:21 - How to stop them?

Is Discord Support Getting Better?

f2SWTWd8xTk | 08 Sep 2023

Is Discord Support Getting Better?

Discord support is pretty stinky. And things got even smellier when Discord decided to remove their trust and safety page, making it very difficult to report people for anything complex. Now while that is still a problem, Discord is working on some more safety and reporting features that might actually improve Discord and make Discord support better. Whether it be through the new safety hub, impersonation reporting, or adding in a new multi factor verification system. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server Wumpus Central Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord fixing things? 00:24 - Trust and Safety Warnings 01:46 - Discord Account Reputation 05:19 - More Security Options

I Tried a Roblox Scam Website Generatorā€¦

lUL2vgyhsw4 | 06 Sep 2023

I Tried a Roblox Scam Website Generatorā€¦

Roblox and scamming go together like cookies and milk. You have a ton of gullible children and a ton of degenerate teenagers that are willing to push morals aside to get free Robux. But if you manage to dive into the deep end and become a Roblox scammer yourself, despite contributing nothing to society, are you actually scamming people? Or are you getting scammed yourself? Well it turns out the reality of Roblox scamming tools are a bit more complicated than you think. If you read to here then idk man you gotta subscribe, I don't make the rules. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Turning to the Dark Side... 01:12 - A Promising Scam Method 02:56 - Sending Scam Links 04:14 - Scammer's POV 05:09 - Dualhooked 06:09 - Why Are People Scamming?

Discord is Dangerous Because of this Feature!

WZNWAoLJmyk | 01 Sep 2023

Discord is Dangerous Because of this Feature!

What if I told you there was a single Discord feature that is holding up a large portion of the malicious communities that fester in the dark side of Discord? Well I aint lying boyo. There is a discord feature that I absolutely despise. It allows scammers to keep you trapped in a Discord server. It allows scammers to scam you even further. And finally it provides a safety net if the scammer's server gets terminated by Discord. Discord I make some pretty decent points in this thang, just remove the feature please. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Fueling the Discord dumpster fire 00:17 - What is the dark side of Discord? 02:22 - Why Verify? 04:00 - Restorecord 06:18 - Remove authorized apps 06:42 - Discord won't do anything...

YouTube is Stopping Roblox Scammers?

NSdaVlwVl7g | 30 Aug 2023

YouTube is Stopping Roblox Scammers?

Visit for a 7-day free trial, 20% off your Guardio subscription, and the ability to protect yourself and 4 others from malicious websites and emails! YouTube is making changes to the way that links work in YouTube shorts. And this is directly going to cause problems for the Roblox scammers I have been monitoring. Roblox scammers izzland (aka mert or izzlint) and clownxiao spam youtube shorts, livestreams, and community posts telling people to get free robux by visiting their scam website. This website either tells you to fill out a survey. Or as you will see in the video, the websites wont even work at all. The power of an illiterate manchild trying to scam kids on Roblox. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Free Robux Lore 01:08 - Upgraded Scam 05:05 - YouTube Steps In 07:09 - MR BEATs 07:46 - bAD

2 (awful) Free Discord Nitro Promotions

xhwWxvHd12k | 28 Aug 2023

2 (awful) Free Discord Nitro Promotions

These Discord free Nitro promotions are starting to get to me a little. I either have to sell my dignity/soul and play Genshin Impact for some sweet succulent Discord Nitro. OR I have to visit the worst music collective on the planet, SoundCloud, sift through dogwater mixtapes, and stumble into SoundCloud's (genuinely pathetic) support system just to get some Nitro. At this point, I'm either going to break the rules and get free nitro perks or I'm just going to write-off buying Discord Nitro as a business expense. The CRA cannot catch me and this is not an admission of guilt. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's Genshin Impact Post Genshin Impact Forum Discord's SoundCloud Post SoundCloud (please don't advertise your mixtape) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Genpoop impact 01:01 - Soundcloud rapping for nitro 03:24 - Eligibility 04:59 - Cancel your Subscription!

Discord Needs my ID Now?

wJjIUUnX1rI | 25 Aug 2023

Discord Needs my ID Now?

There have been a couple of bots and rumors popping up about Discord requiring your ID to use the platform. This is hot off the heels of news about KOSA and COPPA 2.0. But what is KOSA and COPPA 2.0? Are these government bills going to change how we use Discord? Will teenagers need to verify their identity to use Discord? Will those old farts (aka the government) force us to not talk about specific topics? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOSA Articles SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord wants my ID? 00:17 - KOSA 03:18 - Are these bots scams? 04:06 - When will Discord ask for ID 04:32 - Other Verification

Discord is Making My (Pathetic) Life Easier!

UXxL0bnBNwM | 23 Aug 2023

Discord is Making My (Pathetic) Life Easier!

Being a Discord mod is some tough work! Having to monitor my precious Discord server and make sure all my members enjoy their safety from trolls. And now Discord has made things a lot easier for me with some of their in-development Beta features. The member tab, used to monitor every creature that enters my server and see if they are spamming DMs. The community activity alerts that allow me to be notified when my empire (discord server) is at risk of siege (discord server raid). Security actions allow me to impose communication and travel restrictions. Oh god this metaphor is falling apart. Basically all these features help with raids and moderation. The last two features though, they help with Discord bans and make life not painful. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rollout Monitor Website Thang SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Member List 02:30 - Raid Alerts 03:29 - Server Lockdown 04:24 - BULK BANNING 04:54 - Improved Ban Page

Discord in 2025

2mAqtJXZ-hA | 21 Aug 2023

Discord in 2025

Whether it be through Discord's avatar decorations or profile effects, Discord in the future is going to be filled with random effects to spice up Discord nitro. Now this isn't some concept video, Discord is actively working on the experiments that I show in the video. But note that they will 100% change as they approach release (or maybe no release at all). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Avatar Decorations 01:20 - Shop 04:02 - Profile Effects 06:49 - Discord Merch 07:07 - Discord on Amazon?

Did Discord Leak your Name?

-lEg13LKJxE | 18 Aug 2023

Did Discord Leak your Name?

Discord's profile connections are going through a little bit of a rollercoaster. With the new domain connections, things were looking somewhat promising. But Discord dun did a big whoopsie daisies I tell you what. They made it so all these connections are visible to Discord nerds. Doesn't matter if you turned off "Display on profile" that bad boy was displaying on your profile. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Tweet (dunno what it's called now) Discord Previews' Article Discord Previews' server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. Discord's Connection Leak 02:30 - 2. Connections and Getting Hacked 03:43 - 3. Bot's Snooping Around 06:37 - Little Easter Egg got hacked!

wJbKwOY2sio | 16 Aug 2023 got hacked! is NOT /! But this hack / data breach does affect Discord users that may have used (yeah it's confusing), a website like and that allows you to advertise your server as well as create free vanity invite links, got breached. 760,000 users had their information uploaded to the . This information includes emails, Discord IDs, salted and hashed passwords, and finally your billing information if the conditions are right. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeePass Bitwarden Proton Pass iCloud+ CloudFlare Email Routing SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - 1. What is 00:49 - 2. What information was exposed? 02:50 - 3. What should you do? 04:40 - 4. How to stay safe(r) from databreaches 06:57 - 5. How stupid is this?

Discord's Invite Rewards (totally not a bad idea)

AfBkm3hv4KE | 14 Aug 2023

Discord's Invite Rewards (totally not a bad idea)

Discord is releasing a feature that is definitely not doomed to be extremely annoying to Discord users. Invite rewards or referrals, same thing at the end of the day, are potentially being introduced to Discord after the datamining folks scooped this up. If you have a phone, you can search your contact list and invite people to Discord. If they accept your invite, you get a free server boost. That's right, referring someone to this god forsaken platform wont get you nitro, you'll just get a server boost. So, NTTS (im pretending I am you), what's the big deal about this? Well you're going to be learnin in this bad boy thing called a video. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews (The server I was on and use to get notified of these leaks) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Invite Rewards 00:47 - But Discord... You said... 01:23 - Opening the floodgates of Spam 02:21 - This makes no sense 03:47 - Can I exploit this? 06:07 - The darker side of Discord

Shady Businesses are Invading Discord

pFvUIwFyMow | 11 Aug 2023

Shady Businesses are Invading Discord

Discord is the new fertile ground for strange businesses to plant their seed of annoying advertisements. Mobile games, if you can call them games, are being shoved down people's throats through a somewhat transparent advertisement. Accounts ran by advertisers will add you as a friend and talk to you. Eventually they will start to push you into downloading a game... Now I thought this bad boy was a scam, I thought it was going to be some malware that I download and kaboom my phone is now some dude's new crypto miner. But the truth is a bit more interesting. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter

I became a Discord E-Girlā€¦

r2Xvf066zww | 09 Aug 2023

I became a Discord E-Girlā€¦

I infiltrated Discord's dating servers. And let me tell you, I genuinely hate society and wish I never did this. Discord is filled with the most down bad individuals. Individuals with the largest amount of thirst. Individuals who wanted a desert of no social interaction and try to satiate the thirst by talking to any girl that crosses their way. Whether it be through Discord's abundant dating servers or other means, if you're a girl on Discord, you're getting DMed. From impeccable rizz to complete lack of respect, I experience it all and truly regret all life decisions that lead me to troll discord edaters. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Article on Discord Dating SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Down Bad of Discord 02:05 - Where does the down badness come from? 03:03 - More degeneracy 05:10 - Calling in the specialist 08:09 - Actual Dating Success?

Discord Staffā€™s "Secret" Version of Discord

w9Npwfo61O4 | 07 Aug 2023

Discord Staffā€™s "Secret" Version of Discord

Remember Discord's annie dark mode? It was a little build override that when you clicked on "Apply" you would get a Discord theme? Well that was NOTHIN compared to the heat Ian cooked up in the kitchen. Ian, a Discord staff member, made a funny little build override / easter egg that turns your Discord into a point and click horror game. Now technically speaking this is a leaked build override that we shouldn't be seeing. But hey, it's Discord, not everything has to be serious all the time. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build Overrides (in pastebin cause YT would goof the links) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - New super duper cool dark mode?!?1 00:26 - What are Build Overrides? 01:32 - How to Remove Override 01:58 - New Scam Technique? 03:37 - Temporary Feature 04:53 - Leaked? 05:29 - Why is Discord Ruining the Fun?

Discord Employees Review Working at Discord!

oBKcf5XboJA | 04 Aug 2023

Discord Employees Review Working at Discord!

You definitely won't want to work at Discord anymore! Imagine a place where working is beyond miserable. A place where if you provide feedback, you get written up. A place where your manager will berate you and if you complain, you get punished. Sounds good? Well work at Discord! Recently Discord employees have been going through a gauntlet of new managers and work culture shift. From a wonderful place where creativity was booming to a toxic FAANG oriented workplace where people are only working so they don't become homeless. Discord please refrain from trying to hire me when my channel explodes and dies. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's Silly Glassdoor (Don't spam it you moron) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Working at Discord is.... Bad 01:20 - Needlessly Toxic Environment 03:17 - No Light at the End of the Tunnel 04:20 - "growth mindset" 07:05 - Terrible Leaders 09:13 - Great, Mismanaged 10:04 - Hiding Layoffs

Minecraft Mods Can Hack You

7YcPMmVSTto | 02 Aug 2023

Minecraft Mods Can Hack You

Bleeding Pipe and Fracturizer, two different ways that Minecraft Mods can compromise your computer and steal your Minecraft account and other usernames and passwords. Fracturizer works pretty simply, you have a malicious mod developer who creates a virus that replicates and copies itself to other mods. This eventually lead to a big Minecraft mod being infected and infecting others. When a computer is infected, the hacker can take your usernames, passwords, crypto wallet. Bleeding Pipe on the other hand, is vastly different. A development shortcoming that is common on a ton of Minecraft mods lead to a bunch of modded Minecraft having the possibility of being compromised. A malicious attacker could tell a Minecraft server to tell your computer to send your usernames and passwords to the hacker's website. Also for the fun of it I threw in a Minecraft anticheat system that definitely makes me paranoid. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fracturizer Writeup Bleeding Pipe Github Writeup MMPA Bleeding Pipe article Bitwarden EchOh-No! (Echo vulnerability article) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Previously: Fracturizer 02:42 - Today: Bleeding Pipe 07:11 - Normal Mods 08:23 - Minecraft Anti-cheat

Discord Wont Ban These Scammers... why?

0OsPdfydz8I | 31 Jul 2023

Discord Wont Ban These Scammers... why?

Visit for a 7-day free trial, 20% off your Guardio subscription, and the ability to protect yourself and 4 others from malicious websites! Discord is filled with scammers and recently there has been a surge of scams around the NFT space. People advertise a Discord server and the scammers are looking for a "paid moderator / collaboration manager / community manager position". But before you can reject humanity and live inside for the rest of your life, you get hit with a discord verification system. Now this isn't anything particularly new but it's disappointing to see how Discord trust and safety deals with these scammers. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This one gets them NFT bros 02:48 - How is Discord letting these scammers scam? 04:22 - Verified Scam Bots? 05:54 - cant do anything 06:58 - What's the point of hacking discord accounts 07:43 - Wallet Drainer 08:37 - They do get taken down...

Discord's Domain Connections were perfect...

-ezKmmLQsXI | 28 Jul 2023

Discord's Domain Connections were perfect...

Domain connections! You can add your own website to your Discord profile. Whether it be used to show off your myspace/2000's era website or show off your portfolio. Having a section to put your websites into is a nice little feature Discord made for us turbonerds. But, what about scams? Could someone use this feature to trick you into downloading malware or sending your information? Or what about impersonation? Could you trick people into thinking you own a certain website by having it's domain in your profile? All these questions but no answers in this description, well it's because I want you to watch the video teehee :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Domain Connections 00:32 - How to use it 01:56 - Oh mi gawd dis bad! 02:39 - Genuine Concerns 04:25 - Discord's new verification 05:23 - Uh Discord, what did you do?

Making Discord Better (by breaking some rules)

0_pAg_gV6Kw | 26 Jul 2023

Making Discord Better (by breaking some rules)

Discord is a really basic social media platform that caters to people that struggle to turn on their computer. But, what if I could make Discord better by installing Discord client mods. Using Discord plugins, I can add some interesting features. Free nitro perks, message logger, friend invites, and silent typing are all features that are available to use with Vencord. And yes, this does break Discord's TOS but it would be pretty difficult to get banned. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord CustomRPC Tutorial SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Client Mods 00:20 - FakeNitro 00:53 - NSFWGateBypass 01:08 - MessageLogger 01:56 - RelationshipNotifier 02:41 - PinDMs 03:01 - FriendInvites 03:30 - EmoteCloner 03:57 - ReadAllNotificationsButton 04:08 - MuteNewGuild 04:42 - BetterFolders 05:06 - PlainFolderIcon 05:20 - FavoriteEmojiFirst 06:04 - SilentTyping 06:37 - NoReplyMention 07:00 - ImageZoom 07:42 - HideAttachments 07:58 - Translate | WhoReacted| MessageLinkEmbeds 08:24 - SendTimestamp 08:47 - ReviewDB 09:08 - CallTimer & DisableDMCallIdle 09:39 - CustomRPC 10:03 - VoiceMessage 10:47 - THEMES

Discord's Minecraft Verification Scam!

QXHGFXq28oQ | 24 Jul 2023

Discord's Minecraft Verification Scam!

Discord is filled with scams, but it's not just about Discord. This new Minecraft scam asks you to "verify" your account. If you verify, you get scammed. Now what actually happens? Well you're asked to join VC with someone in Minecraft because they want to duo with you or help out in a mission. They'll add you as a friend or DM you a Discord server they are on. This scam server has people talking in chat, but you need to validate your minecraft IGN. How do we verify? Well a cute little discord bot will help us out, just send your in game name, your email, and this weird 6 digit code. And uhh congrats! You've been hacked and the scammers will take your account. Time to rebuy Minecraft. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minecraft Transaction ID SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Please give me ur account 04:29 - Getting my Account Back 04:53 - Please Save this Number!

Strange Discord Raid Method that Bans Servers

oCff80qSLUw | 21 Jul 2023

Strange Discord Raid Method that Bans Servers

Discord servers getting raided are nothing new. However imagine a squeaky clean Discord server getting completely banned off the platform. How does this happen? Is there a mole at Discord banning specific people? Do Discord raiders have a secret connection with Discord staff? No that's stupid. These discord servers are getting banned because raiders are spamming them with bad content. Add in Discord's unreliable and crap support system, and you have a wonderful way of shutting down any Discord server you want. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAGPDB Regex SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Why didn't I think of this? 01:36 - Fighting this Raid 02:40 - Abusing Safe Links 05:10 - Abusing Image Hosts 07:52 - The Easiest Solution

I'm Done with Discord's AI Features!

RJmA3ylqilA | 19 Jul 2023

I'm Done with Discord's AI Features!

AI has been a hot topic everywhere. But Discord... should the AI craze stay away from the platform. Well I was pretty dumb and welcomed Discord's AI projects with open arms. And after 4 months I've learned my lesson. Discord's AI Clyde chatbot is beyond the definition of "dookie", it's awful. I've seen better Discord bots than Discord's own ai bot. And the sad truth is that my dislike for Discord's AI aint just about Clyde. AI summaries are more annoying than helpful and both features pose a privacy concern. Automod AI? Don't know what that is cause no one has seen it (except a few that say it's bad). Anyways moral of the story Discord only did this AI stuff to make boomers happy. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Clyde. 100% not pointless 01:59 - Gaslighting Clyde 03:32 - New Clyde Features 04:32 - Clyde's AI Prompt 05:44 - Greed6 07:03 - AI Summaries 07:43 - AutoMod AI 08:39 - Why does AI exist on Discord 09:36 - AI not all bad though

Discord Tricks You Should Know About!

qAQGyplGH2U | 17 Jul 2023

Discord Tricks You Should Know About!

Discord is a platform filled with very obvious features crammed down your throat. However, there are some hidden / secret features that are really helpful that everyone should know about. First off, the remix feature. Bad boy just came out and is pretty nifty if you are censoring something in your photo or just making low effort memes with your friends. Timestamps make it easy to coordinate with friends or look super professional. Sticker suggestions are annoying, turn them off. Verifying a member can help out people stuck in Discord purgatory. Silent messages, self explanatory those bad boys make no ping noises. Markdown, makes your messages cleaner (unless you use the bug I show you) and also allows you to have a longer about me in your profile. DMing clyde, if you wanted this I hate you. But I try to be helpful to everyone Finally the Custom RPC for Discord. The holy grail in terms of Discord tricks and tips. Advertise using it or make a big memes. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp Tool this also is nice: Markdown Discord Post Clyde Number 1081004946872352958 Vencord Download SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Image Editor (Remix) 01:03 - Timestamps 01:44 - Sticker Suggestions 02:20 - Verify Member 02:56 - Silent Messages 03:25 - Markdown 04:34 - DM Clyde 05:42 - Pinging with IDs 06:54 - Custom Game Status 11:06 - Vencord Uninstall

The Disturbing Dark Side of Discord

MgWAyGIBiYw | 14 Jul 2023

The Disturbing Dark Side of Discord

Discord may seem like a great place to talk with your friends and meet with new people. However, there are a ton of evil communities on Discord that take advantage of people and make them to horrible things. Discord does have a dark side, and its malice is beyond your imagination. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The First Investigation 02:04 - The Deep Dive 02:54 - Vitor 03:35 - DEXTER 04:14 - DPE 05:00 - Law & JOUST 05:20 - Capture 06:19 - KING 07:19 - Perpetual Problem 08:02 - A Strange Coincidence

The Dumbest Discord Safety Bypass...

tujgR1stxIM | 12 Jul 2023

The Dumbest Discord Safety Bypass...

Discord spends a lot of time making features that prevent people from being scammed. They have a window that pops up if you are about to visit a website. Perfect for making sure you don't end up on a phishing page. But there is a stupidly easy bypass that can allow people to be exposed to vile content or scams. And it's right at your fingertips, pun intended. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Link Bypass any% 02:18 - How does this work? 05:16 - Opening Calculator 06:47 - Why Does Middle Clicking Exist? 07:28 - What Discord May Do.

Discord Support is Broken

rjrNNbY6J0g | 10 Jul 2023

Discord Support is Broken

Discord has gotten rid of reporting people to Discord Trust and Safety on the white page of doom and gloom. And replaced it with the most half baked feature on the planet! YAY! Reporting people on Discord is now more restrictive than before! You can't give any details to trust and safety. You can't send Discord malware links for them to take down. You can't do anything with this new system other than report someone's messages. There is a benefit though, the messages you report are cached. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel's Cool Tweet SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord lost the plot with this update 01:40 - New reporting is a Downgrade 04:28 - T&S Was Always Bad 07:31 - Faith Restored

Buying Discord Nitro Classic in 2023?

CDzTkqCQHQw | 07 Jul 2023

Buying Discord Nitro Classic in 2023?

Discord Nitro Classic... Should we forget that it existed or should we use it to solve a big problem with Discord Nitro. Discord nitro kinda sucks. You spend $10 a month on a ton of nitro perks that you don't use. What if I just want to screenshare on discord at a higher quality, well that's going to cost me $10 a month. Unless..... LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitro Classic Monthly links: Gift: Subscription: Nitro Classic Yearly links: Gift: Subscription: Vencord SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - NITRO LORE 03:32 - Getting Nitro Classic 04:33 - Nitro Classic Method 2 05:52 - Haha funny plugin 06:13 - Nitro Classic Method 2 (cont.) 06:53 - What features of Nitro Classic Work? 08:33 - Worth it?

Discord is Giving out my IP...

iz1t2zz6lsI | 05 Jul 2023

Discord is Giving out my IP...

Is this a recipe for disaster... well you might be surprised. Discord recently released (and then unreleased) a new permission that would allow Discord activities to see your IP address, location, and web browser. Is this a bad thing? Is my IP going to be shared with sketchy discord apps and scammers will use this to scam me or possibly extort me? Well uhh, no. In fact Discord bots have been able to get your IP for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. So buckle in as I show you what's going on with IPs on Discord and whether or not you should be worried. HELPFUL LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpful video about IPs SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord has my IP now... 00:37 - Bots Getting Your IP 01:58 - Are IPs Dangerous? 04:10 - Permission Restrictions 04:54 - Why Did Discord Add this Permission? 05:41 - Hot meme

Is Discord the New OnlyFans?

2XZQBP3GHdY | 03 Jul 2023

Is Discord the New OnlyFans?

Please no. Discord don't do it. Or wait, hold on a sec. People have been making funny reddit posts and comments saying that Discord is becoming the new OnlyFans or becoming the new Twitch. But are these just people with tinfoil hats, jokesters, or do they have a good point? Are Discord's new updates and experimental features leading the platform towards a more monetized space? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord is the new twitch 100% 01:53 - Discord Clips 02:29 - Discord is new OnlyFans 04:11 - Selling "Products" 05:19 - Discord's Guidelines

Always Typing on Discord Prank

Nu_zjfYQuZo | 30 Jun 2023

Always Typing on Discord Prank

Want to really annoy people? Well I do. I'm going to show you how to always be typing in Discord. People will think you are typing out a dream tweet or finishing part two of the bible. You're basically infinitely typing after watching this throwback tutorial. NOTE: This is technically against Discord's TOS, use at your own risk. Don't cry in my DMs if you abuse this so much you get banned. Also you know how I said I like annoying people, well teaching you this will get people mad at me which is hehe funny. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insomnia SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - is typing... 04:01 - Typing in DMs 04:27 - Always Typing 05:05 - Stop Typing

Dumb Discord Scams that People Still Fall For!

LFvlES-J7V8 | 28 Jun 2023

Dumb Discord Scams that People Still Fall For!

How the heck do people fall for these dawg. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord Artist Scam 02:03 - Roblox GFX Art 03:31 - Free $1000 a day 05:18 - Paid Mod position 06:44 - AMAZON GIFT KARDDD

Discord, PLEASE keep doing this!

RRmVSrKV7dc | 26 Jun 2023

Discord, PLEASE keep doing this!

Discord did some good stuff gamers. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server (where I stay up to date on this stuff) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Guest Invite Links 01:30 - VC Topics 01:41 - Activities are now free 02:04 - Clear Incoming Friend Requests 02:45 - Media Channel 04:18 - EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES (Can change) 04:33 - Emoji Packs 05:50 - Join Sounds 06:42 - Discord Polls 07:22 - Discord's Weird Updates 07:52 - FIX SPOTIFY EMBED

Discord's Most Popular Music Bot is Coming Back!

EW8YAr3EqJs | 23 Jun 2023

Discord's Most Popular Music Bot is Coming Back!

I thought YouTube was going to kill every single Discord music bot. However from the rubble, a king is reborn. Rythm, the Discord music bot, has been working away at this completely new concept. Instead of utilizing chat commands or embeds with reactions, the new rhythm has it's own user interface (apologies for the low quality recording). And DAMN, this kinda opens the doors for other bots. Also I probably spelt Rythm wrong in the video :3 DISCORD PREVIEW'S SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter Discord Server YouTube Channel @DiscordPreviews SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This is bigger than you think. 00:39 - A revival 02:34 - All good, right? 03:05 - What's behind this? 03:44 - Concepts for Other Bots

Discord Support's Free Nitro Problem

osQ-5QCtMsY | 21 Jun 2023

Discord Support's Free Nitro Problem

Discord is giving away free nitro on their support forum! Oh wow. Actually, oh no. Turns out these posts are a scam (who could've thought). But there is something important about these scams that people fail to realize. They show up on Google's search result. That's not all though, the scam IS SHOWN BEFORE the actual free nitro posts on Discord's website. This is a pretty big problem and I'm still shocked how Discord hasn't done much about it. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro šŸ¤¤ 04:43 - Discord, this is really bad btw 05:37 - What the...

Discord's Most Disgusting Server...

ibOsjW3DSKk | 19 Jun 2023

Discord's Most Disgusting Server...

Sorry for the double upload, youtube striked the previous one and I had to make a couple of edits. Holy moly. I wish I never heard about this. Discord is filled with the most evil and disgusting people on the planet. And of course there are going to be places where these people gather. Now I would never expect them to gather in a proclaimed self-help Discord server, but it happened. This is the worst Discord server. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter

This Link will Ban You on Discord!

aU8UnWVmzhc | 16 Jun 2023

This Link will Ban You on Discord!

Sorry for reupload. YouTube processing is messed up. You're joking, right? Well, no. There is a bug/exploit on Discord that allows someone to ban you if you authorize their Discord bot. This isn't movie magic. You will first be asked to add a phone number to your discord account. And only a couple minutes later, you will be booted out to the login screen and met with "your account has been terminated". Discord, please fix this and also please remove "join servers for you". No one uses it. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This has to be a joke... 01:16 - Explanation 03:37 - Join servers for you = dumb

Discord's New Usernames are Here...

dX-LoIqpPp8 | 14 Jun 2023

Discord's New Usernames are Here...

Usernames are being rolled out and it is problematic to put it kindly. The way Discord is releasing these new usernames is through a rollout system. Waves of people gain access to change their Discord username. However, many people realize that a ton of usernames are taken... What gives? Well Discord has put in a fancy little reservation system which is so super clear and obvious and totally not making me want to smash my head against the wall. But it either completely screws you over, or it keeps your username safe and sound from people's grimy mittens. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Previews Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Username Rollout 01:45 - Reserved Username System 03:55 - The Username Filter of all Time 04:14 - Harassment 05:35 - Rare Username Market 07:50 - 1 Letter Usernames 08:39 - Discord Staff Corrupt?1?1?!!?12! 10:44 - I drink gasoline

Hacking into a Discord User's Crypto Account!

UMjxl_hJTSw | 12 Jun 2023

Hacking into a Discord User's Crypto Account!

Visit for 20% off your Guardio subscription, a 7-day free trial, and the ability to protect yourself and 4 others from malicious websites! I just got a friend request from someone who has their account credentials in their Discord about me. HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE to put YOUR PASSWORD in your about me. Well I am going to punish this bozo by hacking into his crypto account and stealing all 2.6 million of his hard earned dollars. But uhh..... I don't think things will go my way. Mayhaps perhaps perchance this could be a scam. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Free money 01:33 - Hacking this bozo for his money 05:46 - Oh I got played 09:02 - How to stop being annoyed

How does Cheap Discord Nitro work?

593rf4iPRHY | 09 Jun 2023

How does Cheap Discord Nitro work?

šŸ•¹ļø Get a browser thatā€™s literally better at everything: Sponsored by Opera GX! Discord Nitro.... it never goes on sale. There are free trial promotions, but those mean nothing to people who have already had nitro. But, if you do a bit of Googling, you will find people selling cheap Discord nitro. $1.27 for a month of nitro or $15 for a whole year. Server boosts for $1.25. Nitro gifts for half the price. How do these sellers get cheap Discord nitro? Well it's complex. But there are a variety of different methods and techniques that allow people to get Discord nitro for basically free. And it varies from doing a bit of currency tomfoolery to outright fraud. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Dave's Delectable Discounts 02:16 - Cheap Nitro Boosts 05:38 - Cheap Discord Nitro 09:16 - Cheap Nitro Gifts

Discord's Recipe for Disaster? Pronouns

JBmOIi8UF_g | 07 Jun 2023

Discord's Recipe for Disaster? Pronouns

Discord is getting super close to releasing pronouns on Discord. But there is quite a bit of resistance to this new feature. Is it because people are anti-trans? Not entirely. In fact normal people find this change a bit confusing. DID DISCORD BECOME WOKE? ARE WE MISSING SOMETHING? Has Discord thought of a new feature that surpasses the average IQ of Discord users? Yes. Discord's pronouns feature is filled with surprises that might actually make harassment on Discord a lot less frequent. But it also gives trolls and harassers another avenue to display their hate. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter

Level Up your Discord Server with Onboarding

UdcD-ac8rKw | 05 Jun 2023

Level Up your Discord Server with Onboarding

Discord's onboarding system. It's kinda complex. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, Discord's onboarding shouldn't just stop at being a reaction roles bot replacement. Using onboarding, you can level up your super complex dumpster fire of a Discord server and turn it into a place where people would actually want to chat. Honestly a level 1 noob to level 100 mafia boss type glow up. And wowsers, it's been a while since I dropped a Discord tutorial. Giving out the forbidden knowledge while bickering to Discord. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:31 - Beginner 07:16 - Intermediate 09:42 - Advanced

This Discord Server Controls my PC (with Malware)!

KVRatEEZZGk | 02 Jun 2023

This Discord Server Controls my PC (with Malware)!

Well, the hacker can control your PC using a Discord server. Discord scams are rampant on the platform. Whether it be someone asking you to download their beta game, sending you game cheats, or discord nitro generators, you will have a malicious file hit your DMs. And when you open up that Malware, what information are you really giving to the scammer. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Appetizer 01:36 - The Meal 07:31 - The Dessert

This Discord Message is Not what you think it is.

NPw13gYuq10 | 31 May 2023

This Discord Message is Not what you think it is.

I got a pretty weird DM and I didn't really know what to do with it. I first thought that this was a normal discord DM ad that leads to a scam or just some silly server. But as I dove deeper and deeper, I realized that this message is not what I thought it was. Is it a sketchy business trying to spam people's DMs? Is it a scammer trying to make some quick cash? Or is it a sign from the heavens that I should play the most garbage browser game on the planet? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter

Google made Scamming Easier!

Y9Fzv0a9tPA | 29 May 2023

Google made Scamming Easier!

Google decided to release new TLDs (top level domains) which are the variations to .com (.net, .gg, .ca, etc.). And these new TLDs are .zip and .mov. Now a website like sounds pretty cool, but it really just gives scammers another tool to trick people into clicking onto malicious links. And when I mean malicious, I mean it. Imagine clicking on, and downloading You wouldn't really bat an eye. But what happened is that you downloaded malware from (a website with the new TLD) and now you're about to run it. YIKES. Google really did make scamming easier. My grandma definitely losing half of her retirement on this one, big ups google. Maybe subscribe so I can help her get it back. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Okay google, don't mess up. 00:25 - SCAM LINKS! 02:16 - Advanced Scam Technique 06:14 - More Phishing Links 08:13 - Why

The Most Pathetic Roblox Scammers Ever

hYE1x65X-h8 | 26 May 2023

The Most Pathetic Roblox Scammers Ever

Visit for a 7-day trial and 20% off your Guardio subscription + the ability to protect 5 family members from hackers and scammers! Jeez I am petty person and when you mix that with an egotistical and delusional Roblox scammer, it's a recipe for disaster. Follow along as I showcase the a couple of fiends behind those "FREE ROBUX GIVEAWAY" livestreams that plague YouTube and prove them wrong, by getting scammed myself! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Free Robux? What could go wrong? 01:26 - DM Roasting 04:02 - Is this cyberbullying 05:50 - Actually doing the survey 11:52 - EMOTIONAL RESEARCH 14:27 - The "legit" people 16:15 - MERT LORE YAY 18:17 - Mert's Surveys are GOOD? No 21:12 - Trolling Mert 22:11 - How much do Dumb and Dumber make? 23:03 - YouTube problem 23:29 - MOBILIZE THE TROOPS

The Dangers of AI Girlfriends

grQtbKJHNhc | 24 May 2023

The Dangers of AI Girlfriends

Just stop. Artificial intelligence is become a massive market. And in this loneliness epidemic, people are turning to AI girlfriends or boyfriends. But do AI girlfriend apps like Replika pose a risk to your mental health? Will you devolve into someone who was even more lonely than before you downloaded the app? And yeah yeah I know I am a Discord channel but people on Discord are online all the time and there are tons of people feeling lonely. I don't want you falling into the trap of one of these services. Good hour long deep dive into Replika SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord GF? 00:18 - Why are AI GFs so popular? 04:07 - Exploiting Loneliness 05:26 - Your loneliness gets worse 08:01 - Lose lose situation 10:40 - Declining Rizz 12:56 - It gets worser 14:42 - Bonk Clue Sun

Discord Support got Hacked...

CPOSjnHyttE | 22 May 2023

Discord Support got Hacked...

Bruh, this better be the last time or we are screwed. It seems like someone at Discord support decided to download a very sketchy 100% legit file and they ended up with malware. And Discord's tactical response team came in to assess what in tarnation got exposed and what didn't. To blunt, Discord aint telling us much. So I guess it's in the power of deductive reasoning and "trust me bro" sources to determine if people should be worried about being hacked or scammed. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Yes sir please download vbuck generator 01:26 - The Potential Damage 03:59 - The Actual Damage 05:09 - What can happen to you 07:36 - Wrappin up baebee

Discord Users Got Randomly Banned!

5CUBJgknoW0 | 19 May 2023

Discord Users Got Randomly Banned!

Tons of innocent Discord users are getting banned for no reason at all. What gives? Well believe or snot, Discord's 100% existing Trust and Safety team are at it again with their abysmal support. Randomly banning you for a message you sent probably months ago. But if you're a goodie two shoes, this shouldn't happen. BOOM CONTEXT BABY. Discord's T&S team are the best at avoiding any context and banning people for something as simple as saying 12. As long as the person reporting you is creative enough to twist your words into something that could be passed off as something breaking the TOS, you could be in trouble. So listen up soldiers as I tell you what to do and then also listen while I proceed to explain T&S and bash on it. Subscribe or don't, I ain't your dad. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Get banned nerd 02:54 - Discord "Support" 04:48 - Outsourced Support 07:04 - Desperate Times = Desperate Measures 08:04 - The Appeal Process of Pain 09:21 - More Support = More Better!

Discord didn't listen...

z3LUtBVe3Jk | 17 May 2023

Discord didn't listen...

Discord's new usernames are coming whether or not you want them to. And some things have changed. Now how do we know the end is near for Discord's discriminator. Well if you visit the closest people to Discord (Discord staff) those gamers have a fancy new username. But they also have a fancy new badge. Now before you lose it since Discord has a new badge that badge goblins are going to consume, just know that something good actually came out of this: Display Names. Display names are basically global nicknames. You don't have to worry about Discord's username cooldown or worry about too many people having the same username. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Discord Community Post with upset people SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord ignorin yall 00:56 - The Problems 02:21 - How to hate people 03:32 - Discord Staff stole my name bruh 04:43 - BADGE BADGE BADGE BADGE BADGE 05:46 - Strange changes... 06:39 - Quick little deets for newbies 07:22 - Discord LIED omg????? 09:26 - They aint stopping g

Spoiling Discordā€™s Birthday Event & Free Nitro!

0qBDItmpOb0 | 15 May 2023

Spoiling Discordā€™s Birthday Event & Free Nitro!

Discord has been working on their 8th birthday event. Filled with surprises and other features. And I'm going to spoil it all because I want to watch the world burn. Also since showing you just Discord's birthday event would be pretty short. I bundled together a little easter egg tutorial showing you how to unlock party mode and finally for those impatient (which is confusing why I put it at the end) nitro gremlins, I have a free nitro promotion tutorial. This is literally a watch 1 video and get 2 extra topics free. A value combo. Yeah after I uploaded this I played zelda lol. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Nitro Promo FAQ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Merry Bith Discord 03:06 - Party Mode 04:53 - Fwee Nitrwo

Discord's New Secret Mobile UI (and How to Get it)

1tGL4-icGBw | 12 May 2023

Discord's New Secret Mobile UI (and How to Get it)

Sorry for the weird static noise. Phone screen recording footage messed up my audio and I didnt notice :/ TabsV2... Discord's new mobile redesign/layout is one of those updates where everyone wins. The new Discord mobile app layout is generally a nice new addition to the platform. Some convenient gestures and a nice new coat of paint. However, things aren't all good. Performance can be bad, the server list has NO FOLDERS which makes it almost impossible to use if you are in a ton of servers, and finally some menus are harder to find. Of course, when Discord has a new update, people are upset and there is controversy. But thankfully, it seems like Discord is giving you the option to go back! So test it out using the easter egg I showed and poke around with it. Also sorry about the low framerate, IOS only screen records in 24fps I think and goodness gracious I had to tone down animations to keep people from being motion sick. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's Support Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - New UI 05:09 - Community Cranky 06:34 - Community NOT Cranky? 09:20 - Going Back to Old UI

This Raided Discordā€™s Own Servers, Nitro Trials

s6RIBgipuwk | 10 May 2023

This Raided Discordā€™s Own Servers, Nitro Trials

Discord made it so you can give people free Discord Nitro trials/promos. And somehow it caused Discord's own Discord server to get raided with UNDELETABLE messages. The poor discord mods :( Anyways I'll tell you the how the nitro trials work, surprise surprise, they are basically like those free nitro promos from SteelSeries and Epic Games. BUT, who cares about that when you can see how this devious little fella managed to raid Discord's own server. And while raiding Discord's own server is funnies, they made a pretty big mistake in my books. Just like you're making a mistake by not subscribing. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Article Bug Bounty Program SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Nitro Trials 01:40 - The Trial Raid 03:02 - Marker 4 04:56 - Outcome 05:31 - UH OH NO MONEYZ

Discord's New Usernames are now Pay to Win

jK07xsHm6A4 | 08 May 2023

Discord's New Usernames are now Pay to Win

Discord... Why are you doing this to me. Just go back to the normal usernames. I can only talk about this topic so many times before my head explodes. So if you don't keep up with Discord lore, Discord recently proposed the idea of changing their username system. Instead of having the tradition Discord username of your name(#)xxxx, they instead want to do @name. Of course, this raises a lot of issues. But instead of Discord reverting back their feature, they instead added more fuel to the dumpster fire. PAY TO WIN! Discord's rollout for these new usernames (which give people the ability to claim usernames) was based on account age. But now if you had a bit of cheddar in your wallet then you could be one of the lucky few to get the chance of getting your new username. While there are surprisingly pros to turning on pay to win, there are definitely cons. And with the additional community feedback on the topic, I dive into "is this feature really it?" LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Recap 00:54 - PTW TIME! 03:48 - Why Is Everyone Mad 05:52 - Display Names Save Us Please 08:52 - Something Good! 09:52 - Added Confusion 11:01 - Possible Solutions? 11:40 - Discord Doesnt Care 13:09 - When we don't complain

Discord's New Usernames, uh oh

qsN16VClvLM | 05 May 2023

Discord's New Usernames, uh oh

Discord is changing their username system and people are MAD! Instead of the lovely No Text To Speech(hashtag)6600 username, you now get @notexttospeech. However this one change has started a bit of a war where people are fighting to get the username of their dreams. But realistically, people have already accepted defeat and are mad and angry they cant get a cool funky username. To be fair folks, this feature is honestly alright and I think the growing pains are the most problematic and in like 3 months no one will care. EXCEPT ME BECAUSE NOW I GOT FREE CONTENT ABOUT SCAMMERS! THANKS DISCORD FOR DEVELOPING A COMMUNITY OF RARE USERNAME LOSERS! (Losers as in the people that hack into accounts and threaten people so they can get a silly little username). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Billing Support Page Article you can downvote Panley's Tweets Discord's Big Article Discord's Bot Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Uh oh.... 02:04 - The new username system 04:12 - How you get it 08:45 - ANGRY? 10:06 - But first, Bots 10:32 - Will Discord Revert This?

Discord, please ban these accounts

bJVnvHCtuWs | 03 May 2023

Discord, please ban these accounts

Got a friend request from a Discord user with the name "check my bio"? Well clicking on the bio is like opening Pandora's box. The grey market side of Discord has gone rampant in this new advertising technique. Malicious actors no longer will send a DM and let it hit your message requests. Rather they will send you a Discord friend request telling you to check their bio. And it's the wild west out there, scams, ads, fake giveaways, crypto double money scams, and community server advertisements. There's some good and there is some bad. The bad thing is that it looks like Discord might not be doing anything. The good? You can easily prevent yourself from being targeted by scams or being advertised to by people trying to sell garbage. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - new fwiends? 00:19 - Nvm this aint a friend 01:15 - Discord's Support is DOOKIE 03:19 - A new hope? 05:13 - Stop the Spam Yourself 05:51 - Discord's possible solution? 09:30 - Chicken Wrap up

Another Discord Bot Nuked People's Servers, Again...

S9fjpiBx54o | 01 May 2023

Another Discord Bot Nuked People's Servers, Again...

I sometimes question if people ever learn. Thankfully the Reverb Discord bot, a music bot, answered that question for me. It's no! When you set up a Discord bot, you give it permissions to do a wack ton of stuff, and if you aren't careful. You could be exposing yourself to the risk of having your whole Discord server get nuked. All those precious memories / nonsense messages flushed down the drain. So maybe do a bit of reading on what Discord permissions do and STOP ADDING OBSCURE DISCORD BOTS IF YOU DON'T HAVE TO. As you can tell, a bit upset all of this was caused by a silly music bot. Just use youtube or something. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tesk - makemesee El Train, Marc Mathias - Snap Back Aso - Sidewalks Plusma, Ben Bada Boom - Cabriolet TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Hack 01:54 - Reverb Team's Awful Response 04:26 - Server Safety

No Text To Speech is a Scammer?

oUIvKRnu59A | 28 Apr 2023

No Text To Speech is a Scammer?

I got caught. Sorry guys....... Sorry for not informing you about the rampant impersonation that is happening on Discord! Yes, people are starting to impersonate me, No Text To Speech, trying to convince you to give up your hard earned shekels. Nigerian scammers are starting to go from emailing your parents to telling young people on Discord that they can TRIPLE THEIR MONEY in only 14 days! And the only way to do so is to sign up for this cryptocurrency exchange that is 100% totally legitimate. Definitely no red flags on this journey. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eli Way - Green Tea El Train, Marc Mathias - Snap Back El Train, Paal Singh - Over You El Train, Paal Singh - Sippin' Misha, Jussi Halme, El Train, goodie bags - Dreaming

Temu: Turning People Into Scammers

80rE40Pqbc4 | 26 Apr 2023

Temu: Turning People Into Scammers

Temu, the Chinese Amazon, has a couple of tricks up its sleeve. From having a full blown casino like experience in the app to rock bottom prices, tons of people have flocked to Temu. However, Temu's swift uprising has brought out the worst in people. From spamming Discord servers with referral links to scamming people with fake ROBLOX tweets, people are doing everything to satiate Temu's extremely exploitative referral system. Temu is turning people into scammers, spammers, deceivers, and more. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:29 - What is Temu? 03:55 - Referral Program 09:08 - Temu Taking Over The World 12:06 - MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- El Train, Marc Mathias - Snap Back Masked Man - Fuyez Ruck P - Green Valley Trail anbuu, Florent Garcia - Hayride chromonicci - Afterglow cocabona, Misha - No Problem

This Minecraft Scam Shocked Me!

T4oJocT6E-c | 24 Apr 2023

This Minecraft Scam Shocked Me!

Check out for a 7-day trial and 20% off your subscription + the ability to protect 5 family members from hackers and scammers! Hypixel (a minecraft server for you non minecraft gamers), is filled with the most vile creatures.... scammers! While things are definitely getting better, one of the scams I encountered was something I've never seen before and I dubbed it "the automatic scam". Because it automatically scams you (genius writing I know). Anyways this minecraft scam isn't solely restricted to Hypixel, in fact it can also be shown as a lunar client scam. Regardless, the scammer promises a free lunar cosmetic item or hypixel ranks and if you fall for the scam, you lose your minecraft account. Tough. And the worst part is the scammer is going to sell it to another loser for like $70, smh my head. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypickle forum post SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Different Scam Approaches 03:57 - The Devious Scam Website 06:43 - Bye bye website 07:56 - Helpful scam resource

Mee6 is Good Now? Well...

8LwZ2fyTZ8M | 21 Apr 2023

Mee6 is Good Now? Well...

Mee6, the most hated Discord bot on the platform, has been cooking up a couple of new things. From a massive comeback on Trustpilot to a new feature (that is surprisingly a good thing), will this be the start of Mee6's return to fame? That's pretty damn optimistic to be honest, it'll be hard for Mee6 to scrap together their very little reputation and build it back up to what it used to be. But if Mee6 keeps releasing features that push Discord as a platform forward, I'll be rooting them on. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Sketchy Reviews 04:09 - Shill Program 06:05 - A good feature from Mee6?!?!!?!

The Mysterious Discord Accounts with Strange Quotes

VTv_-udnZoE | 19 Apr 2023

The Mysterious Discord Accounts with Strange Quotes

These random accounts are popping up on every corner of Discord. Every Discord server has a couple of accounts that are eerily similar. An account made on the same day that joined the server on the same day. And the most telling thing, an "About Me" filled with a random quote. But what is the point of these bots? Is it to spy on you? Is it to train AI? Is it to just boost the member count of the server? Will I ever stop asking questions? No, watch the video and find out :) Hint, it involves something with Discord Nitro. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - How these bots are made 03:32 - What are these bots doing? 05:32 - How to stop this

The Dumbest Discord User - The Pentagon Leaker

DZtb0MN9Ceg | 17 Apr 2023

The Dumbest Discord User - The Pentagon Leaker

Military + Discord degenerate = Leaked Documents. Jack Teixeira is a 21 year old Discord user who worked in the Massachusetts's US Air Nation Guard. They had clearance to top secret documents pertaining to all aspects of politics. From war updates to who the US is spying on, Jack had it all at his fingertips. A normal person would keep these classified pentagon documents safe and secure. However, Jack Teixeira was a Discord user, and Discord users are DUMB. To satiate his own ego and need to feel cool in his Discord server "Thug Shaker Central", Jack posted photos of these classified documents to impress, and the end result is definitely far from impressive. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:18 - Surfacing Leaks 02:08 - Contents of the Leaks 03:37 - How did it get Leaked 05:58 - The Hunt Begins 09:02 - F around and Find out 11:21 - Media Illiteracy 15:31 - Conclusion

Discord Masked Scam Links!

ULTWJB1Edlc | 14 Apr 2023

Discord Masked Scam Links!

Discord is PACKED full of scams. In every single community there is some sort of scheme going on to try and make you either lose money, nitro, or the best currency on the planet bobux. Unfortunately, Discord might have done a little uh oh whoopsies because they added more chat customization (markdown) and now I can do a severe amount of trolling. But for the people that are chronically online, they are going to use this new feature to scam. Hopefully that money goes towards the electricity bill for mom after you turned her basement into a gamer den. Also since I am talking about Discord doing stuff about scams, I threw in the new "Vanity Review" or "Vanity Declined" thing, which is honestly sickomode from travis scott. Also if you didn't get the hint from like the three times I asked, subscribe if you haven't. You have no choice sorry. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Preview's Tweeter SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - New Markdown 04:16 - Denied Vanity Links

Discord, the Leaked Military Documents Hotspot

UlvuH0zfuBE | 12 Apr 2023

Discord, the Leaked Military Documents Hotspot

Discord is known for their freaks and weirdos but recently in the news it's known for being the source of leaked military documents. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brodie's Fosscord Video wow_mao's experience Bellingcat Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord is the new War Thunder? 01:28 - Discord Military Lore 02:49 - Security = none? 03:43 - Who Leaked? 06:09 - How did they get the intel?

Discord, this is Awful

nkQZivGIre0 | 10 Apr 2023

Discord, this is Awful

Discord Parental Controls, the biggest Band-Aid fix to one of the most fundamental problems of the platform, safety. If you didn't know, Discord is filled with the most vile stuff on the planet. From malware that will steal your credit card info to graphic content that will put you in jail. Now instead of putting every ounce of effort into trying to combat those issues, Discord makes a shiny new family center feature that is not only fundamentally flawed, but is easily bypassed through either basic tricks or just making a new discord account. Dunno how this made it out the concept phase but I would assume it's to appease the out of touch moronic investors. YAY! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter

The Dumbest Roblox Scammer Tricked Someone...

WDUWXZzSgDM | 07 Apr 2023

The Dumbest Roblox Scammer Tricked Someone...

MERT, the dumbest scammer I have ever talked to has done it. They managed to turn a massive Roblox youtuber into a scammer. From illiterate emails to hyperbolic financial promises, there are so many red flags that would make anybody with a pulse think twice. However the combination of stupid Roblox youtubers and frontal-lobe lacking hustle bros is just perfect enough to result in thousands of kiddos filling out surveys to get their FREE ROBUX! There is no god, only MERT. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Incoherent Email 00:48 - MERT 02:25 - Roblox Community Cancer 03:15 - MONEY MERT 03:31 - Roblox 2 electric boogalo 03:56 - Sugar Mommy Mert 04:55 - MERT MERTANALYSIS 07:50 - MertTube 08:36 - MoneyMert

Midjourney Nuked their Free Trial...

EHnUydrurmk | 05 Apr 2023

Midjourney Nuked their Free Trial...

From the Pope dripped up in the fanciest Balenciaga puffer jacket to trump being arrested, AI art has been extremely prevalent recently regarding politics and meme culture. However, with this uprise of popularity, Midjourney, the most popular AI art platform on the planet, dropped a bomb. Midjourney stopped their free trial tier due to rampant abuse. Is this abuse the result of these popular political images or is it because of something else? Subscribe so I can buy Midjourney and AI generate myself a girlfriend SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter MUSIC USED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- azula, Aviino - Coffeebreak Philanthrope, Nokiaa - Friction Middle School, Henry Gritton - Delicate TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - MIDjourney 00:30 - Broke boys cryin 02:16 - Why it got canned 03:34 - Ignoring problems 04:53 - Other motives?

Discord has a Soundboardā€¦ uh oh

TYC4TT_75JY | 03 Apr 2023

Discord has a Soundboardā€¦ uh oh

AMONGUS AMONGUS AMONGUS AMONGUS AMONGUS AMONGUS I can already hear the immense amount of spam and pain that Discord's new soundboard feature will provide to this platform. Using a soundboard on Discord has one purpose, to annoy your friends. Now this feature has a couple of cons and a couple of pros. Pros, you can troll your friends. Cons, annoying kids can troll you and the soundboard CAN BE VERY VERY LOUD. My wife left me. 1 Subscriber = 1 Divorce Lawyer. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soundboard FAQ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter MUSIC USED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middle School, Henry Gritton - Delicate Kreatev - Sunset Drive Plusma, Ben Bada Boom - Cabriolet TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - BoundSoard 03:59 - Server Guide

Games that Steal your Passwords and Discord Account!

FLFuuxhx3RQ | 31 Mar 2023

Games that Steal your Passwords and Discord Account!

Discord scams come in many shapes and forms. And one of the most malicious ones is covered in a sweet package. Imagine playing video games and getting paid for it on Discord? Well this dream will surely be crushed as you download malware that will steal your passwords. So instead of just worrying about a Discord scam that will steal your account (or maybe even a ROBLOX scam), you have to be concerned about every single account you made that has your password stored in Google. DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tesla YouTube Scam Article Phish.Report SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Paid to Play Games? 02:14 - My PC is bye bye 04:34 - Explaining the Malware 06:45 - Bye Bye Malware! 08:01 - Report EVERYTHING 09:45 - Sad Truth

Big Discord Servers are Getting Hacked!

ZWMi45wWX_4 | 29 Mar 2023

Big Discord Servers are Getting Hacked!

Beluga, Sea of Thieves, what's next? Very recently two big Discord servers, BeluGANG and Sea of Thieves were victims of a spearphishing attack. This specific scam/hack/social engineering trickery manages to compromise admin Discord accounts of the server. Consequently the server vanity link is stolen and the server is raided. In many cases, the admin is accused of the most foul things on the internet. This is solely to both generate infamy for these little Discord runts, but to also cause as much havoc as possible. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Big Servers are getting Hacked 00:25 - How did it get hacked? 04:02 - Now that's a lot of damage 05:04 - The Degeneracy of the Raiders 07:00 - Common Sense is rare on Discord 08:30 - I got da moneyz 08:55 - Closin up

The Counter Strike 2 Livestreams that Steal your Account!

aF6QxWGkaJY | 27 Mar 2023

The Counter Strike 2 Livestreams that Steal your Account!

Counter Strike Global Offensive Source 2.0 is now in beta and I am THRILLED. However, like many people, I want to play it right now. Thankfully there are a whole bunch of YouTube streams showing me how to unlock the cs2 beta. What could ever go wrong??? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valve's CS2 Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Twitter TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:21 - Gamer Livestream Scams 01:23 - First Scam Website 02:09 - Second Scam Website 03:12 - The real way to get CS2 03:54 - Compromised YT accounts 05:19 - Exploring Scam 1 06:19 - Exploring Scam 2 07:06 - Failure 07:40 - Marker 2

The Best Roblox Scam I've Seen!

xPazDKScjJM | 24 Mar 2023

The Best Roblox Scam I've Seen!

Check out for a 7-day trial and 20% off your subscription + the ability to protect 5 family members from hackers and scammers! A lot of Roblox scams that I cover are obvious to spot. You usually get a gut feeling when you are about to send over some information that will compromise your account. However, with this scam, things are different. With the large number of scam videos pointing on YouTube pointing to the same website plus the "official" presentation of the video, many people believe these videos. What makes things even worse is that since YouTube removed dislikes, it's almost impossible to tell at a glance whether or not these fake tutorials are helpful or malicious. Pro tip, mark these down in your "Roblox scams" list. And for me, this scam is at the top of my list. It is the best Roblox scam I've seen. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Bait 03:13 - Active Scams 05:31 - The Grimy Details 06:34 - Complexity of Scam 07:36 - Scamming Myself 08:51 - Secure your account

Discord's AI Clyde is a Mistake...

gWUWNgfTRHc | 22 Mar 2023

Discord's AI Clyde is a Mistake...

Who could have seen this coming? Discord released their Clyde AI chatbot. This badboy is based on OpenAI's ChatGPT. And ChatGPT has a couple of exploits. Now I'm building up a recipe for disaster here and Discord baked it up. Follow along as Clyde teaches me how to produce bad things, how to flirt with catgirls, and possibly find a way to release excess fluid. Discord's AI is off to a wonderful start. I hope I don't get disappointed by automod ai :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - AI Everywhere... 00:36 - Heyo Clyde 02:23 - Clyde is a horn dog 02:53 - How to exploit Clyde 03:19 - How to get Clyde 03:57 - Disabling Clyde 04:30 - Clyde Free? 05:19 - Milkin da cash cow 05:45 - AI Marketing Garbage 06:49 - Rant Mode 08:09 - Sum mar eee

Discordā€™s New Themes + How to Get it for Free

Bw3dGR01xew | 20 Mar 2023

Discordā€™s New Themes + How to Get it for Free

Discord released their new gradient themes. Unfortunately, it is another nitro only feature. However with a bit of tomfoolery, you can get these gradient themes for free. And if you want to go off the deep-end, you can install custom themes and maybe hang around and check out some Discord plugins. That's the beauty of Discord client mods, the sky is the limit. Just incase you missed it, client mods like Vencord are against Discord's TOS. Use it at your own risk, I aint your momma so I can't tell you what to do. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vencord Custom BetterDiscord Themes SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's New Themes! 00:51 - The Issue with Free Themes 01:34 - Vencord Installation 03:04 - Enabling Themes 04:08 - Custom Themes 06:27 - Fun plugins 07:10 - Uninstall 07:54 - Kissie time

The Discord Scams I Don't Show You....

638FFLNAfZ4 | 17 Mar 2023

The Discord Scams I Don't Show You....

My brain cannot comprehend how people fall for this. BUT IT HAPPENS ANYWAYS. I get a lot of DMs from people showing me Discord scams, and I unfortunately have to filter out scams that simply aren't worth the time. Whether it be a scam that is mainly a spearphishing attack or something that no one will ever see. WELP, I collected a handful of these absolutely atrocious Discord scams that people unfortunately fall for. Sit back as we watch in horror the true atrocities that are committed aka bad scams. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Collecting scams like PokƩmon cards 00:15 - Psychic Wizard 03:44 - I am a Roblox Hacker 07:13 - Wallstreet Investor 10:19 - People still fall for these

Nerdy Privacy-Focused Discord Alternatives!

47EjvPIhAOU | 15 Mar 2023

Nerdy Privacy-Focused Discord Alternatives!

Sometimes my viewers ask me to look into the nerdiest things. And today is the day I finally cave in and review nerdy Discord alternatives from the perspective of a normie Discord user. Note, I didn't talk about guilded because I already talked about it like 2 times and it's definitely not as nerdy as these alternatives. What makes these alternative Discord clients nerdy? Well they are free and open source software (FOSS) and have an unfathomable amount of flexibility for people who know how to use it. I am not one of those people. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revolt Element Matrix SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Privacy Privacy Privacy 00:26 - Onboarding 02:00 - Ease of Use: Profile Customization 03:33 - Ease of Use: Joining A Server 05:30 - Ease of Use: Creating A Server 06:42 - Privacy 08:56 - Performance 10:27 - Userbase 11:30 - Chat Features 15:03 - Server Features 16:54 - Bot Support 19:05 - Off-Topic: Cool things 20:14 - Platforms 20:47 - Nerd Stuff 23:00 - Final marks

Is Discord Spying on You?

RjiNN0plFDk | 13 Mar 2023

Is Discord Spying on You?

With Discord's updated Privacy Policy, people on twitter and reddit are having a fit. People are saying "Discord is spying on us", "Discord is recording us", "Discord is using our messages to train AI". All of this stems from a single reddit post that might have misinterpreted what is going on. What is true? What is false? Well, I tried my best to clear it up :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour Tencent Documentary 10 minute Tencent Video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The privacy controversy 01:41 - Discord's Response (or lack thereof) 02:34 - Debunking 03:50 - Discord storing your messages 06:07 - Discord was never private 08:46 - Should you be concerned? 10:06 - Data Package 10:27 - AMERICANS, WATCH THIS 12:08 - Summary

The Future of Discord?

lgkiDtvgY6Q | 10 Mar 2023

The Future of Discord?

Discord is putting a lot of their eggs into the AI basket..... and I'm all for it! Recently Discord announced that they are working on a couple of AI projects for Discord. A conversation summary tool, AI enhanced auto moderation, a chatbot, and some fancy image generation tools. AI art conversion through an upcoming whiteboard feature is also expected. While these features are promising, we are still at the end of the day hoping that Discord puts the time and effort into polishing these features and making it match our expectations. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avatar Remix Github Avatar Remix Bot SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Oh no another AI thing 00:42 - AI Automod! 03:13 - Conversation Summaries 03:56 - Clyde Chatbot 04:59 - Avatar Remix 05:55 - Whiteboard 06:53 - Why Discord might do it better

A Big Win for Discord Users!

_LknxqS2GuA | 08 Mar 2023

A Big Win for Discord Users!

Discord recently changed their Community Guidelines to be a bit more strict around topics of guns, bullying, and fraud. While things were definitely not smooth, some community feedback from Discord users resulted in Discord actually listening to us! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Guidelines SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord x Guns crossover episode 02:57 - Discord Responded 04:22 - Community Guidelines W 05:18 - Can't call Discord mods fat? 06:28 - Guidelines are not always followed

This Bookmark Can Hack You!

mNEdjq6xDUk | 06 Mar 2023

This Bookmark Can Hack You!

Only if I could make a bookmark that would make your subscribe. Recently there has been a couple of scams floating around Roblox and Discord that involve you verifying your account using a bookmark. Now, while most people think bookmarks are harmless, they are in fact quite dangerous. These bookmarks that can hack your Roblox or Discord account actually contain code. This spooky wooky code then steals your Roblox items or discord token. Now, since it seems like everyone falls for this scam bookmark, I would highly appreciate it if you could spread the word. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roblox Report Discord Report (for taking down the website) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Scammers be spammin 01:08 - Scam Tactic 1 01:39 - Scam Tactic 2 03:08 - Explaining the Scam 04:15 - How to avoid being scammed 04:48 - Taking down the scam 07:29 - Stupid Scammers

Did Discord Unverify MEE6? Was it a Bug?

wUnlvB2BQvQ | 03 Mar 2023

Did Discord Unverify MEE6? Was it a Bug?

Recently Mee6 got unverified and people are wondering whether it was a bug or if Discord FINALLY did something. Well, while there isn't a clear cut answer. Using the details of the unverified and then verified fiasco with MEE6, we can come to a conclusion on what happened. This might be the start of a new beginning for Discord and Discord bots :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panley's tweets which will most likely be more up to date if things change (probably wont though) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:42 - What actually happened? 03:31 - Why did Discord unverify Mee6? 05:05 - My opinion on the whole thang

Mee6 Will Make You Rich on Discord????

I6SaakGF8J4 | 01 Mar 2023

Mee6 Will Make You Rich on Discord????

Mee6 is DMing users and telling them that they can make $8000/mo on Discord! Wow, you can make money on Discord! Well, uhhh, not really. To monetize your Discord server, you need to lower your expectations and raise your work ethic because having something half successful requires a lot of work (and luck to be honest). And the ironic thing about this title is that Mee6 and their incompetence has made me a fair chunk of money. Thanks guys for the 1.5 months of premium revenue (you know, if the $8000/mo was real). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mee6 NFT Fiasco SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Exposing Discord Image Loggers on TikTok!

S-L8JNYC5eM | 27 Feb 2023

Exposing Discord Image Loggers on TikTok!

Discord Image Loggers.... Click on an image sent from a friend and kaboom, you get hacked (or in skid vernacular, BEAMED). Well that's obviously a load of crap. Follow along as I not only roast these pretend hackers and legitimate scammers but I also critique their drip. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Introducing Morons 01:14 - Why is Belt Baby Making these videos? 01:57 - Are Image Loggers Real? 03:40 - Malware! 04:31 - I AM BEAMING KIDS IMAGE LOGGER WOW HAHA

Trolling my Server by Being an AI Discord Bot!

fjClcxfSa-8 | 24 Feb 2023

Trolling my Server by Being an AI Discord Bot!

Tried something new because why not! Anyways enjoy me annoying my server mods and my server members by being an annoying and snarky Discord AI bot. Banter, trolling, crying, and other human emotions is just all over this video. Just so we are clear, I know my acting is pretty close to hollywood level but this is not a real AI bot. I was controlling the bot the whole time. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Ruining a Roblox Discord Scam

NsMnWztm2ok | 22 Feb 2023

Ruining a Roblox Discord Scam

Scams are rampant on Discord and typically most people just report it to Discord and nothing happens. Well today I was sick and tired of waiting and I decided to take matters into my own hands by ruining a Roblox scam that was on Discord. Trolling Discord scammers is honestly my favorite pastime and I finally get a nice opportunity to show it to yall. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webhook bye bye-er SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How Much is a Discord Badge Worth?

8Wc23XVx-cg | 20 Feb 2023

How Much is a Discord Badge Worth?

Discord badges are loved by many people for absolutely no reason. However, there are a group of people that like these rare badges so much that they are willing to buy accounts with Discord badges for thousands of dollars. This made me think "how much are discord badges?" and hopefully this video can give you a decent ballpark number on how much a Discord account may cost if someone were to sell it. LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR, DO NOT SELL YOUR DISCORD ACCOUNT! YOU WILL EITHER BE BANNED OR SCAMMED! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:19 - Hypesquad Brilliance/Balance/Bravery Badge 00:48 - Active Developer Badge 01:12 - Nitro Boost 01:58 - Early Supporter 03:24 - Moderator Programs Alumni 03:46 - Early Verified Bot Developer Badge 04:31 - Hypesquad Events 04:49 - Low-Value Combos 05:38 - Discord Partner Badge 06:02 - Bug Hunter Badge 06:20 - High-Value Badge Combos 06:51 - Golden Bug Hunter Badge 07:14 - Discord Staff Badge 07:31 - How they get these accounts

Mee6's $3,000,000 Discord NFT Scam!

EqLBdLBxhds | 15 Feb 2023

Mee6's $3,000,000 Discord NFT Scam!

Mee6 completely screwed over it's NFT holders by soft/slow rugging the project. Now to understand the whole Discord NFT fiasco with Mee6, you need to go back to the start of it all January 2022. NFTs and crypto was the craze and everyone and their dog was hopping on the trend. Mee6 was no different, looking to get as much money as possible from it's Discord users (and fanbase as Discord's top bot) through an NFT sale. This NFT promised a lot, mee6 tokens, premium features, exclusive chats and groups. But does this value stay forever or does it fade away after each slow failure of the project. Delays after delays, empty promises after empty promises. At what point do people stop and think "is Mee6 trying to take our money and scam us?" And I hope that this video makes this clear. I also edited this bad boy for like 18 hours straight and pulled an all nighter so forgive any mistakes. I wanted to get as much info out there as possible as soon as possible so people don't lose more and more money. #Mee6Rug LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatives to Mee6 ARCHIVES: All MEE6 Public Announcement messages saved All MEE6 Holder Announcement messages saved All MEE6 Holder Chat messages saved All Mee6 AMAs AMA Statement References (not super organized sorry) AMA2 7m airdrop promised AMA2 8m55s (we arenā€™t just another NFT project) AMA2 9m50s (our token on exchanges) selling empty promises AMA2 16m35s Mee6 token will be valuable AMA2 17m45s ā€œwhat weā€™re selling is not art, itā€™s the Mee6 tokenā€ AMA2 18m43s ā€œstarted marketing two days agoā€ AMA2 22m ā€œI know there are not any guarantees in crypto, but what kind of guarantee do you expect to provide. We are a real company behind the project, Mee6 very popular tool todayā€ AMA2 29m25s sizeable amount of tokens AMA2 34m vocal minority (unsure if used) AMA2 39m10s ā€œweā€™re very confident we are going to sell outā€ AMA2 41m ā€œhiring and expandingā€ AMA2 44m30s ā€œwhat the NFT gives youā€ main thing is tokens (not sure if I used this one) AMA3 6m28s ā€œcute photo but airdrop of mee6 tokens VERY soonā€ AMA5 4m45s "every nft holder will get tokens" AMA5 25m30s "the art isnt valuable, it's the mee6 nft" AMA5 31m "Dutch market is fair" AMA5 40m25s "Rewarded for being early" AMA10 2m46s ā€œMinted 4531 NFTs, 500 NFTS from Mee6, 377 NFTs ownedā€ AMA10 11m22s ā€œshoutout to xxxx who minted 100 NFTsā€ AMA10 13m30s ā€œWe know how to build products fastā€ AMA14 38m50s waiting for people to stop complaining AMA14 18m30s talking about the hack AMA10 16m ā€œ4444 is a very bad number, it means deathā€ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Discord Nitro is Getting Better!

JK2d1S5NqUo | 13 Feb 2023

Discord Nitro is Getting Better!

Wow fellas Discord might be adding new things to Discord Nitro! It's a shame they seem to be quite the cashgrab. If you didn't know, Discord is fiending for those hard earned dabloons from you or your parents. And to help extort, I mean convince, you to hand over that money, Discord is adding new nitro perks. With new features like client themes and super reactions (code named burst reactions), why don't you just spend that $10 a month on a premium subscription on Discord ;) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- advaith's tweeters Tom's hardware Discord GPU Bug SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Super Reactions 01:22 - Client Themes 04:10 - Yucky Cashgrab 04:44 - Fun Experiments Time 04:59 - Favorites Tab 06:00 - Message Related Experiments 07:41 - Conk clue shun

Discord Music Bots are Deadā€¦. Host your own!

FyOuyCzeEPo | 10 Feb 2023

Discord Music Bots are Deadā€¦. Host your own!

You can make your own Discord music bot without having to code anything! It's extremely easy to setup and perfect for the lazy people like myself. Now why would someone want to make their own music bot? Well, YouTube has been straight destroying Discord Music Bots that even mention the word YouTube. And now it's almost impossible to find a bot that will let you play videos. Look no further gamers because this is the hot off the press, best discord bot you could make. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagrosh Music Bot Java Download (get x64* not x86) Config File Developer Portal Hosting Wiki Pebblehost SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - YouTube + Music bots = pain 00:15 - Downloading Bot + prerequisites 01:12 - Bot Configuration Files 02:22 - Getting Discord Bot Token 03:40 - Bot Permissions 04:13 - Getting Owner ID 05:02 - Bot Prefix 05:20 - Optional Helpful Config 06:46 - Starting & Inviting the bot! 07:10 - Inviting your bot 08:15 - Using the bot 09:42 - 24/7 Bot?

Try Leaving this Glitched Discord Server!

Zcvxw7yAXK0 | 08 Feb 2023

Try Leaving this Glitched Discord Server!

This is genuinely crazy. If you join this completely normal discord server, you cannot leave. This Discord server is a trap! You don't have to fall for a scam or anything, just by clicking that join button you have sealed your fate. Discord jail is honestly really fitting for this discord trap server. Now why is this? Well people love exploiting the most broken social media platform on the internet, Discord. Discord exploits and glitches are everywhere and I am a very luck boy when someone decides to leak one to me. Follow along as I explain how someone made a Discord server that you cannot leave! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Use this Email, Get Banned off Discord!

loNxxtk6Fws | 06 Feb 2023

Use this Email, Get Banned off Discord!

Discord mass banned a whole bunch of people using a certain email domain. If you use the Courvix email domain, you might have received a nasty email from Discord saying that you broke the terms of service and got banned for spam. Now I know most of you probably just use Discord to talk to your friends so this might be a nasty surprise. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courvix SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Is YouTube Killing Every Discord Music Bot?

L4Ga3QXg64I | 03 Feb 2023

Is YouTube Killing Every Discord Music Bot?

Rip Hydra + ProBot + Green-Bot's music function. You will be missed. YouTube's lawyers pulled up and decided to send the Discord music bot Hydra with a cease and desist. Now this is an issue because Hydra stopped letting people use YouTube with their bot, so they shouldn't get in trouble. Yet they did. Is this the start of the end of Discord music bots or is this just an extremely unfortunate one-time event. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydra Bot Server ProBot Server Green-Bot Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Beluga's Discord Server is a Toxic Mess!

NY47a3WwWsw | 01 Feb 2023

Beluga's Discord Server is a Toxic Mess!

Let me reiterate, do not harass Beluga staff. Beluga's Discord server has been known as a toxic mess for a while. Ex staff members complain about the harassment from admins and conveniently we get a glimpse into one of these events. From racism to homophobia, there is a collection of bad apples that ruin the whole bunch. And with someone as busy as Beluga behind the wheel, this ship is steering into an iceburg that's visible from miles away. I'm supposed to write stuff for this description and talk about discord servers, beluga and all that jazz. It's midnight before this video comes out and I'm kinda tired. Just enjoy the fancy edits that pop up because they took longer than I thought to do. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:15 - How the Warn Happened 02:18 - Operation: Cover Up 03:40 - Whistleblowing 04:44 - What is the punishment? 05:22 - MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 06:05 - Toxic Admins - Pat 07:30 - Toxic Admins - Rick

This MEE6 Exploit Can Ruin Your Discord Server!

od91GuH3SyE | 30 Jan 2023

This MEE6 Exploit Can Ruin Your Discord Server!

Mee6 released their new ChatGPT command called "ask-gpt" and wowsers. Who ever would've thought that this command could be used to bypass Discord's automod and spew complete hate speech. The worst part about all of this is that this silly command is enabled by default. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Permissions Blog Panley's Tweets SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Why Did Discordā€™s Game Library Fail?

MuwjIFnp2Ow | 27 Jan 2023

Why Did Discordā€™s Game Library Fail?

Discord used to have their own game store. Like Steam or the Epic Games Store, Discord would happily sell you whatever game they could get their hands on. But, in the early days of Xbox gamepass, Discord made their own and called it "nitro games". Learn more about Discord's discontinued games store and library by using your eyes and ears and perhaps brain, idk. Subscribe so I can buy myself a psychonauts collectible statue. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Store Video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Shop till you drop 02:24 - Happy Gamers 03:51 - Happy Devs 05:45 - Uh oh stinky 08:45 - Revive me I have raygun

Scammed by a Discord Sugar Mommy...

zDI_vkkAFIw | 25 Jan 2023

Scammed by a Discord Sugar Mommy...

Lord, I will not give in unless given $500 a week. Anyways you might have received a random friend request from a person on your mutual discord server. When you ask what's up, they turn out to be a wonderful Discord sugar momma that will give you money just to talk to them. Talk about loneliness to the extreme smh. This is a scam if it isn't obvious. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Drowning in both $ and ... 00:15 - Getting to know mama 03:41 - Investing with Mama 04:11 - Meemaw is a banker 08:48 - Mommy we need a talk 10:30 - Scam explanation 11:08 - SPEEDRUN SCREENSHOTS 11:53 - MEEMAW IS A DUDE? 12:36 - Scam part 3: ODST

Discord Bought Gas?

NAwE-kXm6U8 | 23 Jan 2023

Discord Bought Gas?

I don't know why or how this ever was conceptualized but Discord bought Gas. Despite Discord's persistent issues, they decided to take on some more work. Now Gas is something you put in your car but in this case I'm talking about a positivity focused poll app. The anonymous Gas app is probably the scummiest way I've seen big tech try to monetize teenagers. Preying on commonly found insecurities, Gas allows you to satiate your curiosity for a fee. A monthly fee. Either Discord learns how to siphon more nitro subscriptions out of people or they lose a bucket of money. I like catastrophes so you know what I'm rooting for. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What is Gas 01:07 - Discord's Acquisition 01:53 - Yik Yakkin 02:48 - Gas issues 05:52 - Issues with Discord Won't Like This...

__ub_AeY6cI | 20 Jan 2023 Won't Like This... definitely won't be too happy that I not only explain why they protected Mee6 through it's DM advertisement drama, but also place a bogus bid on their advertisement system. If you didn't know, is a Discord bot and server listing website. But you probably know that since Mee6 spammed it on full blast during November. That DM blast from Mee6 felt like Mee6 trying to become more relevant and place higher on the listings. But, an anonymous tip tells me that's not the case. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What happened 01:48 - The Anonymous Tip 06:10 - No Reviewing Mee6 :( 07:32 - Poor Moderation 09:09 - ADVERTISING IS A WASTE

The Worst Discord Mods...

I5eDTIRYnsA | 18 Jan 2023

The Worst Discord Mods...

Imagine Discord mods that think they work for Discord. Well with the recent development of Discord "security and safety" servers, Discord mods are trying to control more and more of Discord in some power hungry power trip. They ask people to report users to their server to try and protect people. However this idea is critically flawed and can result in some pretty heated drama. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting to Discord TOS SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Security / Safety Servers 00:54 - Power Tripping Time 01:14 - Issues 04:49 - Really Bad Issues

Using AI to Cheat on Discord Staff Apps

2FLpl_cN3N4 | 16 Jan 2023

Using AI to Cheat on Discord Staff Apps

ChatGPT is a wild beast. You can use it to write funny jokes, explain novel concepts, but most importantly use it to cheat on those boring Discord staff applications. Now it may seem like AI doesn't have the guts or the brain power to do it. But, feast your eyes on this 9 minutes and 46 seconds of AI exploration. My AI girlfriend left me. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChatGPT SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Using AI to answer 01:06 - The Staff Application 01:59 - ChatGPT moderated before! 03:18 - ChatGPT Blunder 03:49 - Test Scenarios 05:15 - The best response 06:29 - Uh oh spaghetti-o 07:57 - The downfall 08:46 - ChatGPT chad 09:10 - ChatGPT is VERY viable

A Large Discord Bot got Hacked!

TkoRuBnDZ5E | 13 Jan 2023

A Large Discord Bot got Hacked!

Install Raid for Free āœ… Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Jotun šŸ’„ Available only for new players for the next 30 days šŸ’„ Use the Promo Code READY4RAID to get 4 x Skill Tomes Rare, 4 x Rank Up Chickens 3*, 40 Random EXP brews, 200 Autobattle tickets, 1M silver. Available for NEW users only by Feb28 šŸ’„Use the Promo Code RAIDRONDA to get a 3-day 100% XP boost, 500K Silver and 5 full Energy refills, 50 Auto battle x3. Available for ALL users by Feb28 *NB! Use only 1 Promo code within 24hours NOTE: This happened like a month ago, KOYA IS ALL GOOD NOW! Time to get a new fear with Discord. Recently a very popular Discord bot called Koya, known for it's moderation and One Piece Minigame, was hacked. The events that unfolded from the bot owner's account being compromised are exactly what you think: absurd, egotistical, and incompetent hackers doing everything possible to not leave a stone unturned without leaving their mark. Watch along as I discover the events that happened after the bot got hacked. And maybe you'll realize that gee willy, Discord is actually pretty good at helping out big bots (who could have ever guessed with Mee6 ;) ) Honestly though, great response time by Discord. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Custom Discord Notification Sounds!

P1IRJHBw8FA | 11 Jan 2023

Custom Discord Notification Sounds!

Tired of hearing the same ping noise over and over again? Well with the power of BetterDiscord, you can change the sound of Discord and open up a new world of possibilities. Do you want to get the snowsgiving sounds back? Well you can. Want to be a disgrace to your parents? Follow what I do and make YouTube videos. Want to make your message sound a fart noise? Watch this stinkin video already and stop reading this description! DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord NotificationSounds Plugin SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Sussy Pings 00:31 - BetterDiscord Install 02:24 - Plugin Settings 02:45 - Sound Configuration 03:06 - No Sound Fix 05:46 - Advanced Settings 06:26 - My Masterpiece 07:01 - Uninstall Procedure 07:44 - Outro

I Became a Discord Simp and got Scammed!

GcRvKVq1QuE | 09 Jan 2023

I Became a Discord Simp and got Scammed!

Discord is filled with all these tiktok scam servers and I wanted to see how they operate with my own eyes. Armed with a new Discord account and perhaps a little bit of hormones, I dive into the pool of photos and videos that will redirect anyone's bloodflow. PLEASE STOP SCANNING QR CODES ON DISCORD I AM LOSING IT! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I AM LOSING IT 01:00 - Scam Time 03:47 - All dun getting hacked 06:35 - Getting my Account Back!

Steam Scammers on Discord are Insane!

Oggu6eh73ZE | 06 Jan 2023

Steam Scammers on Discord are Insane!

I accidentally reported your steam account! This scam has been around for AGES yet I haven't even covered it yet. Thankfully I get to not only show you the scam but also clown on how ridiculous it is. Keep in mind, these scams might seem obvious but people still fall for it :( LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steam Scam Articles SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Steam I reported you Scam! 00:14 - Frontal Lobe Dysfunction 06:47 - Deep Dive into 2 pixel text 08:17 - Back to regular grammar errors 13:00 - Helpful Scam Info 14:15 - Bye bye luv u

Genshin Impact Forced Discord To DOXX Someone!

IKO1HltzkzI | 04 Jan 2023

Genshin Impact Forced Discord To DOXX Someone!

Imagine being a Genshin Impact player, what a nightmare. But the nightmare gets worse if you are a Genshin Impact Leaker. There has been a lot of news around saying that "Discord got sued by Genshin Impact!" but to be honest, that's a gross use of clickbait. This is a story about how showing people early looks of anime girls in a game can lead to Discord sending over your information (to be fair, they were forced to). SOURCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Scambaiting Fake Discord Support!

lzDVs5Cx1fg | 02 Jan 2023

Scambaiting Fake Discord Support!

and failed hysterically. There is a new wave of scam that is floating around. Scammers will make their own Discord support live chat system and target high value accounts in hopes of stealing them. Well your half mentally functional papa tried to scam bait these little rats and holy moly I am very bad. If you are a better troll than I am, feel free to go wild. Don't fall for these support scams, always contact Discord directly if you have any issues. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Holding a Discord Server Invite Hostage!

z4ZEkMrqWZs | 30 Dec 2022

Holding a Discord Server Invite Hostage!

NFT Bros are like optimized combination of the hustle culture and trolls. In this cough medicine fueled video, I will show you a Discord user that is trying to get the bag by holding a popular NFT project's Discord vanity link hostage. Who will win, the corporate greed of a company trying to scam it's customers with an NFT project or an NFT bro trying to extort money out of the greedy company? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The NFT 02:00 - The Discord 04:15 - The Drama 06:11 - The Twist 06:44 - The Angry Incoherent Rant 07:16 - The Prediction

Minecraft OAuth Scam on Discord!

uHKhSFc9RqA | 28 Dec 2022

Minecraft OAuth Scam on Discord!

Discord is flooded with scams and they don't stop at just stealing Discord accounts. This Minecraft OAuth scam is commonly found on Discord and if you fall for it, scammers can drain your hypixel balance or whatever you care about. Basically once you go through this bad boy, they gain access to enough information to be able to log in as your character on online servers. I would consider this less of a Dream SMP moment and more of a nightmare SMP moment (cringe). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OAuth Manager SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The scam 02:14 - Remove OAuth

"Breaking Open" A Discord Nitro Generator

nz1Bf3YaSWU | 26 Dec 2022

"Breaking Open" A Discord Nitro Generator

Discord nitro generators are obviously fake. I mean even the big brains at Nasa probably couldn't crack free nitro. However there are an abundance of nitro "methods" where people get you to run some random code. Well, when the code looks like a wall of copy and paste, you need to do some deobfuscation and that's what I did. Keep in mind, the thumbnail is satire. What I did was literally no where close to any sort of hacking or advanced computer science. I'm a degenerate who uses Discord, not a comp sci major. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RJain's video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Goofy Stuff 01:52 - Uber Nerdy Stuff 05:10 - Satisfying Based Decode 06:10 - What the code does

Can You Get Every Discord Badge?

uUwtnbMW9-c | 23 Dec 2022

Can You Get Every Discord Badge?

People fiend over the smallest things and Discord badges are one of them. The small little photo that pops up next to your Discord profile shows a lot about how you use and engage with Discord. The unfortunate part about this is that people see these little icons as a symbol of royalty or something to ogle over. Regardless of what you think of them, I'm going to explain every discord badge and let you know which ones are common, and which ones are the rarest! Then of course I'm going to complain about the badge system. ;) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panley's Badge Article (not available anymore) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - HypeSquad House Badges 01:22 - Discord Nitro Badge 01:47 - Server Booster Badge 02:29 - Active Developer Badge 03:07 - Early Verified Developer Badge 04:04 - Partnered Server Owner Badge 05:07 - Early Supporter Badge 06:19 - Discord Certified Moderator Badge 07:10 - Bug Hunter Badge 07:57 - Discord Staff 08:18 - Golden Bug Hunter Badge 08:50 - Badge Goblins

Free Discord Nitro Promos Suck!

xBlYvX2Ff-s | 21 Dec 2022

Free Discord Nitro Promos Suck!

Remember when you were excited when Discord announced that they were giving away 3 months of Discord Nitro in partnership with Epic Games? Well I was pretty excited to finally have a sweet taste of free Nitro (and so did everyone else). As time went on, these promotions got shorter and more restrictive and just generally sucked. Let's figure out why they suck more than ever before. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:18 - Current Promotion 00:37 - Why it sucks

Discord Screwed Upā€¦ Badly

1FuecDktwjI | 19 Dec 2022

Discord Screwed Upā€¦ Badly

What happens when you forget to follow the most fundamental thing about building a website? Well you get creative NFT and crypto scammers abusing Discord's incompetence to create the ultimate way to get your Discord account stolen. If you visit a specific page on Discord's website, you instantly get your account stolen. No clicking on phishy (pun intended) links or downloading an exe file. You visit the discord page and it's already over. What a completely laughable and preventable event that occurred. Thanks Discord šŸ‘Ž LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server Forge Overview JustCC's ELI5 + upsetness Vice banger article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The scam 01:24 - Explanation 06:04 - Why this is unforgivable

MEE6 Thought I Wouldnā€™t Noticeā€¦ (Discord didn't)

cD9Rpq8d_wk | 16 Dec 2022

MEE6 Thought I Wouldnā€™t Noticeā€¦ (Discord didn't)

Mee6 you did it again and you thought I wouldn't notice. Turns out the community has been keeping an eye on Mee6 and recording their stupid mistakes. Mee6 keeps messing up and breaking Discord's rules. And I got breaking news, hardcore calculations that show how much Mee6 spends on ads, and finally some insider knowledge on the corruption of Mee6. This video is a wild ride and if you enjoyed it, please let a brother know šŸ’– HELPFUL LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatives to Mee6 AmariBot Pepe Manager Full Mee6 insider story SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

You Might Lose your Active Developer Badge!

Pmo28SdCUUI | 14 Dec 2022

You Might Lose your Active Developer Badge!

Discord is changing their Active Developer Badge to make a bit more sense. Instead of being able to run a command once and have a badge forever, you may be forced to run your discord bot every 30 days. This video not only updates you on the Discord active developer badge, but it also shows you how to get the active developer badge using methods that will hopefully turn a normie into a developer. Let us hope this is the last video about the Discord active developer badge lol. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer Portal Pro Gamer Coder Method Mobile / Lazy Method Badge Redemption SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:52 - Starting Steps (BOTH METHODS) 02:32 - Use YouTube's chapters! 02:50 - Pro Gamer Coder Method 07:45 - Mobile / Lazy Method 10:12 - Crazy outro

Bad Parents are Suing Fortnite!

et3Q7ngEoi0 | 12 Dec 2022

Bad Parents are Suing Fortnite!

Canadian parents are pushing the blame towards Epic Games for their child's crippling video game addiction. And the best way to do that is through a class action lawsuit. Yes, parents are suing fortnite because the game is too addictive. The lawsuit alleges that the game is too addictive and is leading to unhealthy gaming habits in children. What has the world become man... Also that fortnite W (aka victory royale for you newbies) was so epic, time to buy $1000 worth of skins! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banger Source Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

A Discord Moderator's Worst Nightmare...

KxfUSZ4VSGU | 09 Dec 2022

A Discord Moderator's Worst Nightmare...

LMFAO, Discordā€™s Moderator Academy and Certified Discord Moderator badge are no more! Despite the number one academic program dedicated to adding extra pounds and inches on your waist, this program indicates the health of Discord as a platform. While there are Discord mods genuinely upset about the badge being gone, I think they are missing the real travesty here. Discord is not sustainable. With Discord layoffs happening and programs being closed down, there is a true financial struggle going on that will definitely result in everyoneā€™s Discord experience being altered. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloomberg Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

You just got Doxxed!

LPLcja5BUgg | 07 Dec 2022

You just got Doxxed!

šŸŒŽ Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here āž”ļø It's risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee!ā˜ļø Discord has a doxxing problem. Tons of people are getting doxxed and there are just so many damn reddit threads about it. Whether it's someone getting their name doxed or their whole entire address posted on the internet, the harassment and stress is there. And in some extreme cases, there are scammers taking advantage of people's negligence and using their IDs for more malicious scams and fraud. Do I actually know where you live? No. I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night, how could I remember your address. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Spoiling Discord's Snowsgiving 2022 Rewards!

e3yOS5OVrQA | 06 Dec 2022

Spoiling Discord's Snowsgiving 2022 Rewards!

Discord's snowsgiving is out for 2022 and I'm going to show you what rewards you should expect to see in the upcoming days. Also yeah this video is not adhering to my upload schedule but screw it, I don't care. What are you going to do, kiss me? Now this is technically spoiling the video but you definitely have to check out Discord's snowsgiving ringtone which is conveniently placed in the timestamps of the video. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowsgiving bot (so you can do quests and waste your time haha) Discord Townhall Server Discord Merch Store (Aka bye bye money) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Ruining Snowsgiving 00:53 - Typical Snowsgiving Rewards 02:39 - Good Reward #1 - Snowsgiving Sounds 04:02 - Good Reward #2 - Avatar Decorations 05:12 - Overpriced Merch 07:24 - Scams

Get Discord's Old Font Back! (And Why They Changed it!)

A8uh9s-yrrA | 05 Dec 2022

Get Discord's Old Font Back! (And Why They Changed it!)

Discord got a new font called gg sans and reddit is in shambles. People dislike the font because it's hard to read even without any vision issues. Thankfully there are ways to get Discord's old font back. Also, I explain why Discord even changed the font in the first place. Because believe it or not, Discord doesn't randomly decide to make Discord worse with every new update. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Custom Theme Github SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tutorial 02:45 - Why do people hate the font 04:40 - Why did discord change the font?

Discord's Premium Server Subscriptions are...

TTbjr14e2Ow | 02 Dec 2022

Discord's Premium Server Subscriptions are...

Discord recently released server subscriptions for everyone (just kidding, it's US only). However does this premium subscription offering anything new or is it another poor attempt at Discord trying to get as much money from its users as possible? We will see... Turns out, this feature can swing Discord into a greedy money grab culture or into a fruitful golden era of creativity and creator prosperity. Jeez those are some fancy words, simmer down ntts. Anyways this should probably skyrocket the number of "make money on Discord" videos and I 100% will probably be contributing to that šŸ’€ LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's Creator Blog SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Discord Premium Subscriptions 0:39 - Requirements + Restrictions 3:13 - How Subscriptions Look 4:51 - My Take on Subscriptions 5:17 - Misleading Marketing 5:58 - Discord's Good Marketing 7:37 - THANK YOU FOR 200k ā£ļø

Discord's Weird Bugs + Easter Eggs!

9OgpQHSP5qE | 30 Nov 2022

Discord's Weird Bugs + Easter Eggs!

Discord is a very stable platform that is not filled with any bugs whatsoever. But, I guess somehow these weird bugs / features / easter eggs made it onto Discord. Now what type of bugs / easter eggs am I talking about? Folder icons, Discord edited message bug, invisible pings, sending embeds as a user, sending fake invite links. But wait, there is more! Discord seggs hack, Discord chess game, a Discord RPG game, multiple images in a single message. I am running out of breath. Undownloadable discord videos, Discord personal roles, slash commands in your profile, and finally the secret Discord snek game. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited message website Line spam text pastebin Alternative link Video link scrambler (encoder) Discord seggs hack explained by dev SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Folder Icons 00:17 - (edited) message bug 01:07 - Spoiler Spam: Invisible Pings 01:45 - Spoiler Spam: Send Embeds 02:09 - Spoiler Spam: Fake Invites 02:48 - Discord s/*/x (seggs) commands 03:28 - Discord Gnome Hack 03:44 - Explaining the s/*/x (seggs) message 05:24 - Discord s/w/ag Chess Game 05:40 - Discord RPG s/w/ord Game 06:08 - Tiled Images 07:14 - Undownloadable video 09:13 - Profile Roles 10:25 - Slash commands in Profile 10:54 - Play Snek

Discord Should Ban MEE6 Already!

HepIpx63yKo | 28 Nov 2022

Discord Should Ban MEE6 Already!

Mee6's devious actions of being the worst Discord bot out there is starting to spread to other bots. Carl bot is slowly become a shell of what it once was (pun intended) and BotGhost is doing some wacky bribery. What a mess. Please Discord just remove Mee6 from the platform before it creates infinite content. Anyways Mee6 is stupid because it keeps breaking Discord's rules (or at the very least stretching the rules as thin as possible. And it's true, I hate Mee6 and the fact that they get this special treatment from Discord. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Mee6 06:46 - Carlbot 09:10 - Botghost

Everyone Hates Discord's Active Developer Badge!

HZUELV8yt28 | 25 Nov 2022

Everyone Hates Discord's Active Developer Badge!

Discord's Active Developer Badge has been a massive headache for me, Discord, developers, and users. At this point I should just say that the badge has been a headache for everyone. In this audio-visual format, I will explain to you why Discord made this controversial badge so damn easy to get. I will also talk about the upcoming scams that are targeting users that want this oh so sacred badge. Oh I almost forgot! I also talk about how I made a big whoopsies and also my motives behind the video (because yes, there is something beyond the motive of money). My ex wife has finally filed for divorce and according to my lawyer I am apparently not allowed to cut her brake lines on her car. Somewhat disappointing because she took that vehicle from me and in my eyes it's my property. The new Discord badge is the Divorced Dad badge. I can't wait for it to come out! Game: Muck LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot Builder Unfortunately the bot isnt ready yet and this part of the video will be trimmed out SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:20 - Everyone has the badge :( 04:33 - My Tutorial's Controversy 06:16 - Why the EXE in the first place? 07:50 - Upcoming malware

I Have Your Token!

IPfmLRQAYJA | 23 Nov 2022

I Have Your Token!

There are a ton of fake or troll everyone pings that go out. People are convinced that adding a couple of users, clicking on an image, or even being on Discord will result in you being hacked. In this totally professional (since I have gameplay footage I am now instantly unreliable) video, I will be bustin out some rhymes and busting some myths. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Myth 1: Friend Request = Hacked Token 03:39 - Myth 2: Discord shutting down 05:36 - Myth 3: Viruses in Videos! 07:09 - Myth 4: Images can hack you! 08:04 - Myth 5: Discord Cyber-Attack 09:44 - Myth 6: My wife left me

Discord got Fined $800,000!

O_w-Fq3tgx4 | 21 Nov 2022

Discord got Fined $800,000!

Welp, it happened. 1) I put gameplay footage in a video and 2) Discord got fined for breaking GDPR (general data protection regulation). Discord's weird app behavior and lack of terminating abandoned/inactive accounts has lead to a whopping 800,000 euro (or $830,000 USD) fine. Since Discord now doesn't have a lot of money, I guess it's time to buy Discord nitro! Sike, I'm still holding out on it. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Shrimpnose, nobuddy - Hyperspace Moods, Yasper - Blessed

You Cannot Leave this Discord Server!

nfudlY_RV9g | 18 Nov 2022

You Cannot Leave this Discord Server!

Thank you Whop for sponsoring this video. Create your premium Discord community on Whop: Whop's Discord server for suggestions: Check out Whop's new blog: If you've ever wanted to monetize your Discord server then look no further, Whop has you covered. With surprisingly low fees and content freedom, your business idea can become a reality. Imagine randomly showing up in a Discord server that you don't remember joining. You try to leave but you just join the server again after a couple of days. Well, you probably fell for a very common Discord scam. A verified Discord bot might send you a free nitro DM or free Discord server boosts and gaw damn you fell for it. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - YOU CANT LEAVE 01:43 - How do the bots work? 03:30 - Expose time 06:18 - Why cant people leave + how to leave 06:53 - How are they even verified 07:24 - How do Discord bots get stolen? 08:32 - What is the end goal? 09:17 - How to stop these bots 10:12 - Outro

UK's Government Made a Discord Server...

0s0fuTa2mt4 | 16 Nov 2022

UK's Government Made a Discord Server...

It went VERY poorly! Yall basically raided a government Discord server. So if you haven't been up to date on twitter or on the Discord news, the UK government's economic and finance ministry (which has control of public spending), wanted to be more hip with the kids and made a Discord Server. And who could have thought that would turn into a disaster! People spamming statuses and hoisting their name, and spamming hilarious reactions. I never ever in my lifetime would have typed out the words "Discord users raided a government Discord server". LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HM Treasury Invite SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Discord's Nitro Basic is a Joke (like this video)

8PC5R6wlmuU | 14 Nov 2022

Discord's Nitro Basic is a Joke (like this video)

Nitro basic is frustrating. It's an obvious business tactic of pushing people to buy the expensive nitro. In this wacky video where I legit am losing my mind, I will tell you the woes of Nitro Basic. Also, this video is definitely a bit goofy but it's also me testing whether or not if it is illegal to crack a joke in a video. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Nitro Perk thing video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Video 8:02 - Not Video

(Outdated) How to get Active Developer Badge on Discord!

PpYw7lQiNqI | 12 Nov 2022

(Outdated) How to get Active Developer Badge on Discord!

Unfortunately the mobile method has stopped working. I would suggest using something like and using their "Active Developer Module" to get active developer. This is an updated version because replit doesn't work anymore. This tutorial covers both DESKTOP and MOBILE! You also don't need an alt account or a friend. Make sure to follow all the steps like resetting your bot's token and secret so nothing can ever happen and I can sleep at night. So Discord released a new badge called "Active Developer" and you can get it very easily! In this speedrun tutorial I'll show you how to set up a bot that will allow you to send a slash command. Once you do that, wait 24 hours and redeem that badge gamer. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer Portal Windows Desktop Method PLEASE NOTE. THE EXE FILE HAS BEEN REMOVED BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE IMPERSONATING THIS APPLICATION. IF YOU WANT TO SELFHOST THIS, PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS IN THE GITHUB REPO! Mobile Method is unfortunately brokey Badge Redemption SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

OUTDATED - CHECK DESCRIPTION | How to get Discord's Active Developer Badge!

VrgXN6O60P8 | 11 Nov 2022

OUTDATED - CHECK DESCRIPTION | How to get Discord's Active Developer Badge!

UPDATED VERSION. No need to wait for replit to load! HERE FOR ACHIVAL PURPOSES. IF YOU DID THIS METHOD, PLEASE RESET YOUR BOT'S TOKEN. So Discord released a new badge called "Active Developer" and you can get it very easily! In this speedrun tutorial I'll show you how to set up a bot that will allow you to send a slash command. Once you do that, wait 24 hours and redeem that badge gamer. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE VIEW UPDATED VIDEO SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Setting up the bot 02:04 - Using the bot 02:35 - Getting your badge 03:36 - IMPORANT: Refreshing your badge MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide

Discord's Weird Nerd šŸ¤“ Gift Link!

MbTV45ZdTOM | 09 Nov 2022

Discord's Weird Nerd šŸ¤“ Gift Link!

I feel great dishonor for using an emoji in the title. So yeah, there are some very weird Discord Nitro gift links that lead to these weird pages that either have some dude's face on it and them pouring a bowl of cheerios cereal or have the nerd emoji. The nerd Discord gift link has been making a ton of rounds recently and I decided to cover it. I'll tell you how all of it works and whether or not you are able to do it. Spoiler alert, you need to break the rules to do this yourself. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL LINKS ARE IN PINNED COMMENT BECAUSE YOUTUBE IS MEAN Nerd Gift Link Cheerios Gift Link bonk one (not in video but is funnie) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - What is this nerd gift link 00:43 - Are there any others? 01:14 - How is this done? 03:24 - Can you do it? 04:05 - How these guys bypass it MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed Aves - Stay Positive

This Video Crashes Discord and I Don't Know Why!

FUHFIpAfvLY | 07 Nov 2022

This Video Crashes Discord and I Don't Know Why!

Yeah, you play this video and your Discord crashes. Specifically in this case, the video causes your Discord to go black and basically become useless. In this video I'll show you how to fix this, provide download links to the video because I know yall want to troll on Discord, and finally I'll theorize what is going on while asking for your help in figuring this out. If you know how to replicate this exactly, please do send me a badboy message on Discord and I'll give you like 30 kisses. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash Video Google Drive Backup (need to download then upload to Discord) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Crash Video + How to Fix 00:36 - Trying to investigate what is going on. 00:46 - Wonky Video Length 01:25 - Using Handbrake to Re-encode 02:02 - Looking at the file properties 03:10 - What I think is going on 03:51 - Please help me lol MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- King I Divine - Reflections Shrimpnose, nobuddy - Hyperspace

Discord Stole Someoneā€™s Server!

8ksyuQG8j9g | 04 Nov 2022

Discord Stole Someoneā€™s Server!

UPDATE: Kaarssteun told me that Stability AI is sending them an RTX 4090 as a token of appreciation and will be having them as an intern once Kaarssteun is legally old enough! šŸ„³ This is the story of Discord user Kaarssteun (and yes, I probably pronounce it wrong) and how they got their verified Discord server stolen by Discord and Stability AI (creators of stable diffusion). It is a mess of miscommunication and incompetence. Discord breaking policy, Stability AI just being a crap business overall and treating their community like garbage. I guess at the end of the day this video tells you why you don't want to be a Discord mod for a business lmfao. Subscribe if you want more videos like this. This badboy took about 2x as long as my other videos during editing. However, please do tell me if there are things you don't like about it! I want to improve the quality of these gamer videos. Reddit Post SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Fake Giveaway Servers are getting Crazier!

CsVRWpY2mN4 | 02 Nov 2022

Fake Giveaway Servers are getting Crazier!

OMG GUYS I AM NOW PLAYING FORTNITE ON THE PS5 I JUST GOT FOR FREE. Just kidding, I am broke and I didn't get a PS5. Anyways this banger Discord server decided to boost their member count by telling people that they are giving away a PS5. Sometimes this happens every single week! But, what is the true purpose of this giveaway? Do they really giveaway a PS5? Why do they force you to listen to Spotify playlists on repeat to gain entries? Is there a sinister backstory to all this? Well I can't tell you because I want you to watch the video and subscribe if you like it :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortnite SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - OMG GUIS FREE PS5 00:47 - Investigating this Giveaway 02:52 - What's the point of this? 04:48 - How the server gets money 05:37 - Use your noggin! 06:51 - Fake proof goes brrrrrrr 07:54 - Outro = bye bye MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Shrimpnose - In Minutes Shrimpnose - Halflife

Discordā€™s New BETA Channels & Roles!

2vwYy4qUaiM | 31 Oct 2022

Discordā€™s New BETA Channels & Roles!

Discord finally released some pretty good beta features that pertain to your user experience on Discord servers. Browse Channels and Customize Community buttons have been added to a very select few servers and showcases the direction that Discord is taking with their future features. Customize Community is Discord's answer to reaction roles. Instead of going through a bot or some weird menu, users are prompted to select their roles on join. If you make a mistake, you can just click on the customize community button and select your roles. Browse Channels is literally the best thing Discord has released the past couple of months. Using browse channels (or I'd love to coin it as Channels V2), you can favorite channels and hide channels from your list. It's a fantastic way of removing all the crap you don't care about on a server. (Would be sick if Discord allowed server owners to see which channels are hidden from users as an analytic). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Town Hall Invite SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord is releasing good features! 00:29 - Role menu on join 01:23 - Changing your roles 01:50 - Hide Voice Channels button 02:01 - Customizing Channels 02:38 - Favorite Channels 03:03 - This is exclusive beta feature MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Shrimpnose - Halflife

STOP Wasting Money on Discord Nitro + Nitro Basic!

ukEqX1NO-l0 | 28 Oct 2022

STOP Wasting Money on Discord Nitro + Nitro Basic!

Discord Nitro is a waste of your money boss man. In this video, we're going to talk about why Discord Nitro is a waste of money, and why you should stop buying it. Discord Nitro is a great tool, but it's not worth the price tag because there are so many alternative methods to get what you want. Also, I'll explain why Discord even released Nitro Classic. Hint, it's not really to help you save money. It's to make you spend MORE! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Nitro explanation 01:36 - Why is Nitro basic a thing 02:52 - Reason 1: Why Nitro is a waste of $$$ 03:42 - Reason 2: Customization 04:08 - Reason 3: Shiny badge 05:09 - Why server boosting is a waste 07:51 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes Shrimpnose - Memories of When....

Stop Paying for Midjourney! Use these FREE AI Art Generators!

MhQ9sLMuu20 | 26 Oct 2022

Stop Paying for Midjourney! Use these FREE AI Art Generators!

Midjourney is probably the name you hear when you think of AI generated art just because their Discord server is massive and they have a large reach. However, Midjourney costs money and most of us are broke. So in this video, I'll show you some heat alternatives that allow you to generate AI art for free. Keep in mind, of course these free alternatives wont be as fast as midjourney but you don't have to pay for them which is nice. If you enjoy what a website does, please do think about supporting the developer by buying their premium subscription. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenAI's DALL-E 2 NightCafe Playground Reddit Post SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro to AI art 00:36 - Good: OpenAI's DALL-E 2 02:23 - Better: NightCafe 05:03 - AMAZING: Playground 07:02 - Please support the Devs 07:48 - Testing it out 08:02 - Self-hosted option! 08:36 - Face reveal results

Dank Memer Bot is PISSED at Discord!

Qd6TnQfrdoQ | 24 Oct 2022

Dank Memer Bot is PISSED at Discord!

Dank memer is the second largest Discord bot on the platform. It boasts engaging economy systems that are carry over between servers. But there is one feature Dank memer is missing, being in Discord's new app directory! Hop along for the ride as I explain the situation and show you that Mee6 is still a crap bot. Talk about beating a horse to death am I right. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dank Memer Article SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Why is Dank Memer not on App Directory 02:00 - A problem arises 02:43 - This cripples bot developers 04:01 - Special treatment doesn't come from size 05:00 - Discord doesn't seem to care about bot devs 05:59 - Potential Solutions are not concrete 06:24 - Enforce the rules equally 07:08 - Remove gambling commands 08:01 - Revert the rules 08:33 - Outro

You will NEVER get Discord Partner, Here's why!

GwH9oPb3Ok0 | 21 Oct 2022

You will NEVER get Discord Partner, Here's why!

Play World of Warships here: Thank you World of Warships for sponsoring this video. During registration use the code BRAVO to get for free: -500 doubloons -1.5 million credits -7 Days Premium Account time -Free of choice USS Phoenix, Japanese cruiser Kuma, French battleship Courbet, Italian battleship Dante Alighieri, or the HMS Wakeful after you complete 15 battles Applicable to new users only. Many people ask me "how do I get discord partner?" well if I had a easy 100% guaranteed answer, I would have partner. Basically right now in this text I am saying that I do not have Discord partner. Regardless, after 3 heart-felt partner applications to Discord. I can tell you the DOs and DONTs of making a server so you have a better chance at getting into the Discord Partner Program. And I should make it clear, statistically speaking at least one of you will get Discord partner some time in the future. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 01:20 - Basic Partnership Requirements 01:46 - Why certain servers get partner 03:30 - Why servers dont get partner 07:49 - Why is Discord so picky? 11:00 - Why you don't want partner! 13:21 - Outro

The Truth about Midjourney's Discord Server! (I was VERY wrong)

TGTqKC1O4UI | 19 Oct 2022

The Truth about Midjourney's Discord Server! (I was VERY wrong)

Wow. I am simply the biggest idiot on the platform. The Midjourney Discord server is the LARGEST Discord server and is the fastest growing Discord server. But, is all this growth legitimate? Yeah lol. Midjourney even contacted me and left comments on my video telling me how wrong I was. So, it's rewind time and now I'm going to tell you the truth about Midjourney and stomp out the conspiracy theories that I accidentally caused. I also managed to ask some questions to a Midjourney volunteer mod that knew A LOT more than I did. At the end of the day, it just seems like Midjourney are a bunch of homies trying to make AI art. INTERESTING LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verge's article on Midjourney My disasterpiece video SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I made a mistake 00:30 - I am sorry 00:44 - Midjourney contacted me! 00:58 - Correction 1: Server segregation 01:53 - Why boost member counts? 02:40 - Q1: Does MJ use alt/bot detection? 04:02 - Q2: Why have Beemo if it's disabled? 05:17 - Q3: Why be Discord-bound? 06:40 - Q4: What is MJ doing about inactive accounts? 08:04 - Q5: Can I share this info? 08:34 - This growth is unprecedented 10:13 - Improvements to alt abuse 10:48 - Discord's special treatment 12:08 - Outro

[OUTDATED] Midjourney's Discord has a DARK secret

2n_pGcEZ1po | 19 Oct 2022

[OUTDATED] Midjourney's Discord has a DARK secret

PLEASE WATCH THE UPDATED VIDEO: The Midjourney Discord server is the LARGEST Discord server and is the fastest growing Discord server. But, is all this growth legitimate? Is Midjourney hiding a dark secret about it's member count? Well in this video I'm going to explain 2 driving forces behind Midjourney's massive member count. One of them involves people exploiting the system to bypass Midjourney's 25 free image limit. And I won't tell you the other because I want you to watch the video okay cutiepie. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Addressing Alt Accounts 02:13 - Purchasing Members 03:03 - Midjourney's raids 07:23 - Is this intential behaviour? 09:10 - Is this Malicious Behavior? 09:59 - How does Midjourney Benefit? 11:28 - Outro

Your Discord Data Package is DANGEROUS! Here's why

eHTR0-_eHto | 17 Oct 2022

Your Discord Data Package is DANGEROUS! Here's why

Many people are using their Discord data package to learn about their Discord stats. With the increasing popularity of these websites, many people do not understand what data is inside that file and how scammers and malicious users could use it to figure out your personal information. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Post Discord Package Discord Data Package Explorer SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - YOUR DATA IS DANGEROUS 00:26 - Getting your Data Package 00:58 - What's inside your data package? 02:21 - Data package websites 03:15 - OPTIONAL: Turning off Wifi 04:25 - Speedrun video any% 04:53 - OPTIONAL: Clearing cookies 05:10 - Marker 8

Discord's Dyno Verification Bookmark Scam!

0emiy4TxV7A | 14 Oct 2022

Discord's Dyno Verification Bookmark Scam!

Do you need to drag a bookmark into Discord to verify on a Discord server? Chances are you are about to fall for a scam that will take your Discord Token! This scam impersonates Dyno (but can also impersonate Mee6 and other popular Discord bots) and asks you to visit a website to complete verification. This is not like the old Discord QR code verify scams. It's a bit worse. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - How the scam looks 01:52 - How the scam works 03:59 - What is a Discord Token 05:05 - What to do if you fell for this sam 05:28 - Please let the homies know about this 05:56 - Bye bye luv u

Discord is protecting MEE6 from being Banned!

CrR4W_e1FLs | 12 Oct 2022

Discord is protecting MEE6 from being Banned!

Discord has a lot of nepotism occurring. Topic 1: Music bots are getting their verified status removed but there is one bot that just seems to not be getting this treatment. Also, do you know why Discord music bots are being removed? Well I'll cover the reasons why Discord is banning music bots. Topic 2: Next, I'll talk about how our little angel MEE6 is breaking GDPR and Discord's OWN TOS via a very shameful ad. Topic 3: Finally, the last topic of the video is Mee6 scamming the NFT community. Ride along as we figure out how Mee6 got hacked, scammed users out of their NFTs and what MEE6 is doing to remediate the issue. Spoiler alert, it aint much. Massive thanks to Panley for the immense amount of information used in this video! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - DO NOT HARASS MEE6 00:14 - Discord, Music Bots, and nepotism 04:05 - Mee6 loves unsolicited emails 04:45 - Mee6 gets Hacked and starts Scamming 08:20 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Shrimpnose - Halflife Shrimpnose - Memories of When....

Discord Themes and Plugins on IOS | Enmity

oXpx54FK4nc | 10 Oct 2022

Discord Themes and Plugins on IOS | Enmity

Do you want themes and plugins to improve your Discord experience? Well most people do. Thankfully the developers of Enmity mod allow IOS users to experience client modifications, like betterdiscord or aliucord, on IOS / apple devices. Themes are pretty obvious. You can theme and customize the look of Discord on IOS. Plugins however are a bit more complicated. Plugins allow you to add more features to Discord. For example, a plugin called Freemoji allows you to use Discord Nitro emojis for free! NOTE: This does break Discord's TOS. However if you just stick with plugins and themes available on Enmity, you ban chance is extremely low. If you are stupid and use a spam plugin or a message logger plugin, you can get banned. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iTunes Download Altstore Download Enmity IPA Download Enmity Discord Server SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Final product 00:10 - Installing the correct iTunes version 00:51 - AltServer Explanation 01:21 - Installing AltServer 02:35 - Sideloading AltStore 04:31 - AltStore IOS Setup 05:32 - Downloading Enmity 08:06 - Using Enmity 09:44 - Other fun plugins to look at 10:14 - Free Nitro Emojis Plugin 11:09 - Uninstall 13:24 - Outro

MEE6: The Most Evil Discord Bot!

FAsGoexR_AA | 07 Oct 2022

MEE6: The Most Evil Discord Bot!

When Discord was just a little baby, bots were few and far between. Growing alongside Discord was a humble bot called MEE6. MEE6 was the solution to the needs of Discord's pioneers. A simple automoderation bot that would make moderation easier. But, how did this unstoppable Discord bot garner the immense hate it currently has? And yes, the thumbnail is 100% inspired by Cult of the Lamb. I love the game and the art style very much :) Also mee6 don't sue me I don't have dental insurance LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternatives To MEE6 Soda Discord Bot DISCONTINUED. OOF Helpful list of Discord bots SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The rise of Mee6 00:37 - The hate towards Mee6 00:48 - Free becomes premium 03:15 - The money grab 03:51 - NFT Web3 Disneyland passes 05:01 - Quick NFT explainer 06:15 - Advertising NFTs to Teens 07:12 - The future of Mee6 08:03 - SUBSCRIBE I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE

Stop Discord Server Raids and Nukes! (Wick + Beemo)

q1-B3_tQW7M | 05 Oct 2022

Stop Discord Server Raids and Nukes! (Wick + Beemo)

Imagine your prized possession, your dead Discord server gets raided or even worse, nuked. Well I'm going to show you how to setup Beemo, Beemo helper, and Wick to prevent (like 90%) of raids your server will get. This video should help prevent Discord raids and nukes from happening on your Discord server. Backstory: A raid is when a whole bunch of bot accounts join your server and either spam in chat, spam friend requests, or mass DM your server members. This could be caused by people not liking you or scammers just trying to scam people. Server nukes are when your server staff members plot revenge against you (or get hacked and the hacker doesn't like you) and add a nuke bot that deletes all your channels and bans all your members. Catastrophic. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beemo Beemo Helper is no longer being maintained so I have removed the link Wick SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Explaining Raids and Nukes 00:37 - Setting up Beemo anti-raid 02:46 - Wick V5 Anti-nuke 03:23 - Wickzard - Misc 06:18 - Wickzard - Antinuke 07:07 - Wickzard - Whitelist 10:24 - Wickzard - Joingate 12:57 - Wickzard - Verification 14:10 - BACKUP YOUR WICK KEY 14:34 - IMPORTANT: Final Wick settings 16:45 - Wick Anti-raid setting 17:10 - Wick command permissions 18:51 - PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!

Discord Broke BetterDiscord and Other Client Mods!

7LNpiePmNO4 | 03 Oct 2022

Discord Broke BetterDiscord and Other Client Mods!

Discord released a new updated that completely obliterated client mods. BetterDiscord users stare at their screen as they see the "Plugin could not be compiled" error. Developers cry as thousands of mindless individuals ask the same question: "why doesn't BetterDiscord work anymore". Rejoice! A video is on its way to the interwebs, a video that explains the situation and shows people the current status of client mods. F in the comments for the plugins that reached end of life due to Discord screwing client mod developers LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall List of Client Mods: BetterDiscord Website: Discord: Replugged (Powercord Revival) Website: Discord: OpenAsar OpenAsar Website: Discord: Ducko's Discontinued Projects: Goosemod Website: Topaz Website: Polymod Website: Discord: C*mcord Website: (I am going to get demonetized if I add it but it's just the c* with the u) Discord: Funny YT video: Vencord Github: Discord: Aliucord Github: Discord: Enmity Github: Discord: (Devs, if the links are outdated or you want anything removed, please send me a DM on discord!) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Uh oh what happened 00:41 - Is Discord cracking down on Client Mods? 01:31 - BetterDiscord 02:26 - STOP PESTERING DEVS! 03:19 - Powercord + Replugged 04:12 - OpenAsar 04:26 - Goosemod + Topaz 05:10 - Polymod 05:30 - C*mCord 05:59 - Vencord 06:30 - Mobile - Aliucord 06:58 - Mobile - Enmity 07:16 - Summary 07:52 - Outro

Cheating The Discord Moderator Academy Exam!

zPO4qic28Lk | 30 Sep 2022

Cheating The Discord Moderator Academy Exam!

The Discord moderator academy is the most rigorous exam that has ever been created. The LSAT, SAT, and Tax forms are nothing compared to the most difficult exam on the planet. Becoming a Discord moderator is a way of life. You must dedicate your soul to protecting all the Discord kittens from trolls and other moderators. And, the only way to stand out is with the Discord moderator badge. I feel like this should be obvious enough but this is satire. Please don't cancel me. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Exam Exam studying resources SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Welcom 2 sckool 00:15 - Q1. What is life 00:37 - Q2. Disc horde 01:18 - Q3: Passing the skill check 01:44 - 32 page thesis on Discord's finances 03:11 - The bad page of the exam 03:50 - Cheating 04:36 - Picking up a child needs two hands 05:26 - This is a confession I killed david 06:02 - Mental degeneration 06:33 - Cheddar farming 07:13 - Giving up 07:33 - I have discord mod now 07:59 - Time to ace it! 08:33 - BAN EVERYONE DO NOT STOP DO NOT STOP DO NOT STOP

Random Discord Friend Requests....

xagaHWmiDQA | 28 Sep 2022

Random Discord Friend Requests....

Do you think you are popular with all your Discord friend requests? Well believe it or not, these friend requests might not be so friendly after all. Random Discord friend requests can actually be inhumane robots that are wanting to enslave your Discord account and possibly your family. I am not too sure about that last claim to be honest. This video also shows you how to verify if a message actually came from Discord. Those system message accounts are not actually from discord (wow so shocking, shocked emoji, ghost emoji, wow that is so unreal no way ntts that's crazy). Subscribe to satiate our robot overlords. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Discord System Message Forum SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I have no friends 00:18 - Turn on da brain 01:37 - What happens when you add them 02:32 - What real messages look like 04:19 - Bye bye

Rating My (+ People's) Discord Servers!

jdI0ph2vOdM | 26 Sep 2022

Rating My (+ People's) Discord Servers!

So uhh some people self advertise their server thinking it is the best thing since sliced bread. However, in this video, yes this youtube video. I will show you good and bad discord servers. Ideally, you should be able to use this non-constructive criticism (aka roasting) to help improve your own discord server and make it more active. This is a 100% totally original video concept that hasn't been done throughout the years by every other Discord content creator. Trust me and don't look it up. ;) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Drippin up 00:53 - Palace of gamers 01:38 - Godroll Club of Wacking 04:06 - Wooden Board 07:53 - My Degenerate Server

TikTok has a BIG Free Discord Nitro Problem

0dZJA5fNNbE | 23 Sep 2022

TikTok has a BIG Free Discord Nitro Problem

Imagine scrolling through videos of people trying to catch simps and you stumble upon an ad from Discord saying you got free nitro. Do you a) continue simping to random people on tiktok or b) get that fat discord nitro. Jokes on you, you cant do either because this ad has both free Discord Nitro and CSGO skins. A two for the price of one account special! Subscribe for more of whatever this video was ;) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Tic Tac Ad 00:20 - The Rosetta Stone 00:55 - How she looks in the jungle 01:33 - Ppolish Pronunciation 01:50 - Hey VSauce, is Steam Real? 02:15 - Why TikTok? 02:38 - Nerdy scam disection 03:13 - Why Tiktac pt2 03:44 - Is this a tiktok only problem?

Duolingo is killing my YouTube Channel

3ezV6Zfevhw | 21 Sep 2022

Duolingo is killing my YouTube Channel

Note: Duolingo did help me out thankfully šŸ’“ Duolingo had a big spam problem and I'm shocked it hasn't happened to anyone else. A couple of days ago I woke up and I had over 300 hundred emails and my phone was buzzing. Turns out someone is email bombing my account. Over 60,000 emails have hit my inbox and it comes from one domain, Come along as I rant about how Duolingo and their poor anti-spam measures might cause my channel to die (or atleast prevent me from getting sponsors and important emails). SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - My crazy dream 00:13 - Email Torture 01:22 - I am a robot now 02:58 - Wow I coded something 04:42 - Duolingo has 1 basic system 05:18 - Not funny mail joke outro

Guilded vs Discord (Revisited)

0SvEHy2rqKA | 19 Sep 2022

Guilded vs Discord (Revisited)

Sponsored by Ugreen. Get your Ugreen 100W GaN Power Strip in the links below! Amazon: Official Website: Get 24% off with code 15UGREEN100W Roblox acquired not too long ago and it made me wonder, is a good alternative to Discord? Guilded has a ton of features for free that Discord hides behind their nitro paid subscription. Furthermore, Guilded has a lot of advanced features that Discord is simply missing. While Discord has the upper hand on polish, guilded has the upper hand on features. Who will win this intense adrenaline pumping battle.... GUILDED LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (referral for the meme) ( since YouTube messed up the link) (non referral) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 01:00 - Free Nitro Features 03:02 - Free Server Boost Features 03:30 - Not available Server Boost Features 04:01 - Guilded Bots 05:11 - Integrated XP Bot 05:24 - Integrated XP Roles 05:50 - Gradient Roles 06:25 - Self Roles 06:52 - Performance 07:13 - Premium Subscriptions 08:13 - Guilded Profile 09:38 - Cool Channels Introduction 10:08 - Advanced Voice channel 11:13 - Calendar Channel 11:32 - Scheduling Channel 12:10 - Announcements Channel 12:21 - Forums Channel 12:30 - Documents Channel 13:01 - Lists Channel 13:20 - Media 13:32 - Server Applications 13:48 - Server Groups 14:19 - Partnership Program 14:45 - Summary

Quitting YouTube, I am now Infinitely Rich

bOlY-9kVBNY | 16 Sep 2022

Quitting YouTube, I am now Infinitely Rich

I'm simply too rich for yall now. I am going to buy myself two mcdonald's sprites and conquer the world with the threat of extreme flavor. In actuality, I'm going to show you this scam YouTube sponsorship that I received. The scam wants me to make my own custom chrome extension that will generate an absurd amount of money. They claim I will earn up to a million dollars if I actually promote this scam sponsorship. This stupid scam sponsorship will truly make me a millionaire! 100% legit no cap Follow along as I go through their hilarious marketing materials, specifically the brochure of brain damage. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DON'T DOWNLOAD OR USE ANYTHING IN THIS VIDEO SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - I am rich now email 01:00 - Brochure of brain damage 05:38 - NotAVirusChromeExtension.crx 10:04 - The big reveal 10:57 - What's the tea sis

Slash Commands in Discord Profile! | Discord Quickie

UYKt4eX_F6o | 15 Sep 2022

Slash Commands in Discord Profile! | Discord Quickie

You can put funny slash commands in your Discord profile using a very simple trick. I'll show you how to put slash commands in your discord about me without having nitro (well you never needed nitro in the first place). Regardless, this another way to customize your discord profile to stand out from the sea of other thirsty degenerate teenagers on this platform. Subscribe :3 SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:12 - Code to use 00:30 - Space limitations 00:46 - Underscore Trick 01:05 - Kisses

How to get Discord Forum Channels!

yPkbFcsb8B0 | 14 Sep 2022

How to get Discord Forum Channels!

I'm going to show you how to get Discord's new forums feature. Forums are basically Discord threads but significantly better. You are able to organize things easier and also manage conversations without having to deal with the 9000000 threads in your threads manager tab. I'll also show you how to use threads just as a normal Discord user because they can be a bit confusing for some people. And if you are a Discord server owner, I'll give you a tutorial on how to set up your forums properly to prevent abuse and spam. Subscribe please or my anime wife will leave me. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro + bad joke 00:13 - How to get Forums 00:42 - How to use Forum Channels as a Member 02:35 - Setting Up Forums 04:40 - Important Slowmode Stuff 06:32 - Outro

How to Have Discord Folder Icons | Discord Quickie

9xVeDOFYZW0 | 14 Sep 2022

How to Have Discord Folder Icons | Discord Quickie

A lot of people were asking... here it is. This is how to make your Discord folders into a nice and neat icon instead of the awful looking server quandrants. Just note that this is probably a bug and Discord may patch it. Hopefully they don't and instead they make it into a nice little togglable feature. These colored folder icons and pretty sickomode (that's what people say, right?) Subscribe for more quickies and longies. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - This is a bug btw 00:18 - Double click to win 00:50 - Issues with usage 01:13 - Discord add this please

Discord Friend Nicknames + Other Tips & Tricks for Organization

hXwnrvf2SoY | 12 Sep 2022

Discord Friend Nicknames + Other Tips & Tricks for Organization

When you have 100 DMs, 30 pings, and 1 computer, Discord can be a disorganized mess. Fortunately there are some tools to help you make Discord more organized. These tips and tricks will allow you to speed up your Discord experience. Now, I split up this video into to major parts. The first part contains stuff that will be on normal Discord. The second part contains BetterDiscord stuff. This should make it easier for the BD haters to know when to go away while still allowing pro gamers to learn about the fancy plugins I use. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord ChannelTabs PinDMs SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - not-hilarious intro 00:10 - Friend Nicknames 00:27 - Notes 00:54 - To-do messages 01:38 - Remove Crap in "Active Now" tab 02:05 - Customize Notifications 02:53 - BD Organization Plugins 03:12 - ChannelTabs 03:54 - PinDMs 04:26 - Talking about picnics

Exploring Old Discord (2016-2017)!

rknKDJviQSw | 09 Sep 2022

Exploring Old Discord (2016-2017)!

Discord back in 2016/2017 was a riot. You had beautiful login pages, wonderful UI look and feel, and most importantly the inability to mix text and voice channels. Discord has gone a long way and it's extremely interesting to look back in time and see what Discord once was. Come along for the ride as I crack jokes and struggle to use the old Discord interface. No weird SUBliminal meSsaging that Could Really cause Individuals to BE brainwashed into subscribing. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Login page 00:34 - Home Page 01:06 - DMs + Profiles 01:31 - Text and Voice Channels 02:17 - HAHA PIANOOO 02:28 - Chatting 02:41 - Emojis 03:25 - Replying to people is tuff 03:44 - Member list and server buttons 04:07 - Server settings 04:35 - Role Creation 05:05 - Vanity URLs 05:39 - Profile + Nitro 06:49 - Notifications 07:04 - Light/Dark mode + streamer mode 07:19 - Discord's Old Changelog 07:47 - Inbox + Server Creation 08:10 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The upstairs neighbor slaying on the piano (if it is audible)

What is BetterDiscord and is it SAFE?

pMC1AbAQWCE | 07 Sep 2022

What is BetterDiscord and is it SAFE?

BetterDiscord is a client modification for Discord. A lot of people have heard of it but very few truly understand the minimal amount of risk using it. In this video I'm going to address Discord's ToS changes and whether or not BetterDiscord is still against the ToS. Furthermore, I'm going to debunk the rumor that BetterDiscord will 100% get you banned. NEWS FLASH, DISCORD DOESN'T REALLY CARE UNLESS YOU USE BETTERDISCORD FOR MALICIOUS PURPOSES. Also massive shoutout to everyone in the BetterDiscord community, they are top tier gamers and will always have my respect. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord website šŸ„° SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:21 - Is BetterDiscord against ToS 01:27 - Can you get sued? 01:49 - Can you get banned? 02:48 - Discussion of high ban risk plugins 04:19 - BetterDiscord is GOOD! MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Aves - Stay Positive

Discord Profile Themes Beta + How To Get Them?

7u4OJzm3NYI | 06 Sep 2022

Discord Profile Themes Beta + How To Get Them?

Discord's new profile themes are definitely alluring to a lot of people. Being able to change the background of your profile makes it so that it can match your anime profile or your edge lord hacker profile. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't have this feature and want to figure out how to get it. While I love being the tutorial guy, there is no way to actually get the profile themes beta. Discord hands it out randomly. The reason for the clickbait in the title is to rank at the top of "how to get discord profile themes beta" so that people don't get scammed into downloading some virus file or being tricked into adding malicious code into your console. I also show you some experimental Discord features like Discord pronouns and Discord avatar decorations. Just note that this experimental features could be a Discord feature but they could also just be deleted and never ever seen again. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - How to get it 00:50 - How it works/looks 01:09 - Experimental Profile Features 02:01 - A,B,C's of this stuff MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed

[Patched šŸ˜­] Get Custom Emojis in Your Discord Profile WITHOUT Nitro!

1gKZ3VIJycc | 05 Sep 2022

[Patched šŸ˜­] Get Custom Emojis in Your Discord Profile WITHOUT Nitro!

No need to buy nitro! Add custom (non-animated) emojis to your Discord profile / about me without nitro. Using absolutely futuristic patent pending technology and brains, you can add whatever emoji you want to your profile. It's really simple and you can even upload your own emojis to your server and use those as well! Profile customization without spending $10/month sounds great to me :D The sky is the limit :) Jk, the character limit is the limit Subscribe? SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro + Limitations 00:13 - Adding the emoji 01:20 - I LOVE MICHAELWAVES MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - In Minutes

FAKE Sponsors are trying to get YouTubers HACKED!

Z4Kxaqktmgc | 02 Sep 2022

FAKE Sponsors are trying to get YouTubers HACKED!

YouTubers get a lot of bogus sponsorships, it's the industry norm. And now malicious sponsorships are becoming the norm as well. In this video I'll show you an email hacking attempt that tries to get me downloading a fake MP4 file that contains RedLine stealer! Are my passwords safe? Will I become a crypto shill? Who knows! HELPFUL LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VirusTotal Triage SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The sussy email 00:35 - The banger website 01:06 - Did Rishi get hacked? 02:20 - Clicking on wack links 02:45 - explanation 03:13 - Don't run malware (even on a VM) 03:30 - VirusTotal's blunder 03:48 - saving my rear end 04:55 - What does it do? 05:28 - Becoming crypto scammer 05:52 - How do people fall for this? 06:42 - Easy Peasy Finance is not Malicious MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes Aviino - Perfect Storm

How to make Discord Troll Virus Videos! (Safe)

bilC3QjgslY | 31 Aug 2022

How to make Discord Troll Virus Videos! (Safe)

PLEASE NOTE: THE VIRUS CODE PROVIDED IS NOT ACTUALLY MALICIOUS. I'm going to show you how to make Discord videos that will trigger people's antivirus when the video plays. Yes, these Discord virus videos will make Windows defender/security pop up saying that your PC has a trojan. Fortunately this is completely harmless and is at worst very annoying for people. That's why I also show you how to turn off windows defender for these troll virus videos! So, use this tutorial to help you do some discord trolling ;) Hopefully this is a nice change of emotion compared to the doom and gloom of scams. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notepad++ Fake Virus Code SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The virus is SAFE, its only for trolling 00:12 - Getting notepad++ 00:30 - Turning off Windows Security 00:55 - Adding the Virus 02:13 - Testing the videos 02:32 - How to turn off the Virus popup 03:52 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Perfect Storm Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide

How to get Discord Nitro Features for Free!

C_vYMEQfNqg | 29 Aug 2022

How to get Discord Nitro Features for Free!

Why pay for Discord nitro when you can get Discord's nitro features for free! I'm going to show you how to use the important features of Discord nitro without paying for it. I'll show you how to send nitro emojis for free, how to circumvent Discord's upload limit, how to change your discord tag, and much more without having to spend a single cent. What's the catch? Nothing really, it's a bit more annoying to do things but at least you aren't paying $10/month. Links ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Emojis Imageclipboard: BetterDiscord Freemoji: BetterDiscord DiscordFreeStickers: 01:01 - Larger Uploads Guilded: 02:14 - Larger Upload Alternative Tixte: 02:45 - Change your Tag 04:02 - Send Larger Messages Wall of Text Splitter: BetterDiscord SplitLargeMessages: 04:51 - Custom Video Backgrounds NVIDIA Broadcast: 05:15 - Streaming Quality 05:34 - Local BetterDiscord Modifications 05:45 - Buying Nitro is not bad SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - In Minutes Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes

How to make Super Long Discord Videos

CuYr0w8epL4 | 26 Aug 2022

How to make Super Long Discord Videos

This video will show you how to make very long discord videos. These glitched Discord videos can be either MP4 or Webm (probably could also extend to MOV files). When you use an MP4 file, you can make it any video length. You can also make discord videos that are infinitely long or even negative infinity long. When you use a Webm file, you can have a discord video that changes length, a video that is 0 seconds long, or even a video with a custom length (just like MP4). The process is just a bit different. Please note: This won't loop the videos so if you have a video that is 3 seconds long, it will only play for 3 seconds. This means you need to find a very long looping video (5-10 minutes) to really sell the effect LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MP4 Decimal to Hex Webm Decimal to Hex SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:23 - MP4 Hex Layout 01:01 - Custom MP4 02:23 - Infinity MP4 02:49 - Negative infinity mp4 03:22 - -1 second mp4 03:50 - Webm Hex Layout 04:21 - Growing Webm 04:46 - Zero Webm 05:21 - Custom Webm 06:35 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Moods, Yasper - Blessed Aves - Stay Positive

This Discord Beta Virus Steals your Passwords!

QKBgeS-y0cE | 24 Aug 2022

This Discord Beta Virus Steals your Passwords!

Thanks to MANSCAPED for sponsoring today's video! Get 20% OFF + Free International Shipping + 2 Free Gifts with my promo code "NOTEXT" at There is an up and coming Discord beta scam that is going around that steals your passwords. Scammers will trick you into downloading a malicious Discord beta client that scans through your files and sends your usernames and passwords (as well as your Discord token) to scammers. The worst part about these malicious downloads is that you have to completely nuke your PC to get rid of them (well you could be super specific and figure out the malware on your PC and then try to specifically remove it but I'd just go nuclear on it). Subscribe! HELPFUL LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Discord Beta Clients Download Links TronScript Link SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The Fake Beta Download Links 01:39 - The real beta download links 02:12 - Figuring out how the scam works 03:15 - How do they steal your password? 05:17 - Process to change your passwords 06:09 - Process to clean your PC 07:03 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Shrimpnose - Halflife

Free Discord Nitro Airdrop from Steam is a SCAM!

eUzwsT12sU0 | 22 Aug 2022

Free Discord Nitro Airdrop from Steam is a SCAM!

It's been around for years. Scammers have been trying to steal people's steam accounts by promising free discord nitro via an airdrop. Yes, instead of stealing a low value Discord account, these scammers will try to steal your steam account which may have hundreds of dollars worth of items or games. These scammers try to impersonate Discord or system messages to convince users into believing the message is legit SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The scam message 00:30 - Identifying the scam 00:50 - Visiting the scam website 02:41 - What if you fell for this scam? MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Perfect Storm Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide

How Discord Scam Bot Messages Work!

E767g__Sm8w | 19 Aug 2022

How Discord Scam Bot Messages Work!

SAAPHIRE IS NOT A SCAM BOT, IT WAS USED TO HELP GENERATE THE EMBEDS. Discord's scammers are using some messaging tips and tricks to help hide the malicious links / invites that are riddled in their spam DM messages. Recently these messages have popped up as free nitro bots. While these bots have been covered in previous videos, their main purpose is to get you to authorize the bot so that you can be dragged into a server for the benefit of the scammer. The purpose of this video is to spread awareness on the flexibility that discord message buttons have and how embed links can be masked (which allow scammers to link whatever they want). The video's goal isn't to specifically target a specific bot. This is because scammers can always just make another bot. Stopping this issue requires educating the public to raise scam/spam awareness. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:28 - Claim Button Trick 01:16 - Embed links trick 02:57 - Crank Clushion MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Halflife

How to Make Discord Dropdown Reaction Roles with Sapphire Bot

TyQswM8a3rk | 17 Aug 2022

How to Make Discord Dropdown Reaction Roles with Sapphire Bot

Discord reaction roles are a great way to allow users to give themselves roles. However, there is a way to make these roles selectable in a nice little menu. In the video I'll be showing you how to use the Sapphire (Sapphbot) Discord bot to create custom embeds that contain a dropdown menu that allow you to select your role. I'll also show you a handful of tips at the end to make your embeds look a bit better and some common diagnosis problems. Thank yall for 100k subs šŸ’– Here's to my slow and steady progression to world domination. LINKS & RESOURCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapphire Bot Discord Role Icons/Emojis EMBED RAW CODE SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The final product 00:12 - Bot permissions 00:40 - Set up color roles 01:13 - Creating Update Message 02:06 - Colors Drop Down Menu 03:56 - Notification Roles Menu 05:16 - Creating color roles message 07:03 - Colored emojis in drop down menu 08:40 - Sending the message 09:41 - Tip - Multiple selections 09:57 - Tip - Change embed color 10:08 - Tip - Adding emojis in the embed 10:51 - Tip - How to edit messages 11:15 - Tip - Missing pop ups 11:41 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Moods, Yasper - Blessed King I Divine - Reflections Aves - Stay Positive Aviino - Perfect Storm

Stop Sending Discord Nitro Gifts in #general

fQgDVh1jR6U | 15 Aug 2022

Stop Sending Discord Nitro Gifts in #general

Just stop.... Sending discord nitro gifts in the general chat of your favourite discord server is a great way of giving nitro to someone you don't even know. What do I mean by that? There are applications called nitro snipers that do exactly what they are named after. It snipes nitro from public chats and instantly redeems them on a target account. Chances are the nice fella you are trying to gift nitro to won't even have a chance to redeem it. While Nitro Snipers may seem like a way to get free discord nitro, do not use them! It's against TOS, it could be a virus, and it's just a poor move. Subscribe :) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:19 - STOP SENDING GIFT LINKS TO PUBLIC CHATS 00:43 - Nitro Snipers Explained 01:59 - Dangers of Nitro Snipers MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Two Thousand Miles Shrimpnose - Memories of When....

Free Discord Nitro Trial Promotion X Tower of Fantasy

7bmoYW7W_yk | 13 Aug 2022

Free Discord Nitro Trial Promotion X Tower of Fantasy

Discord is doing another free nitro promotional trial. Expires November 8th. This video will show you how to get a free nitro trial from Tower of Fantasy. This 1 month nitro trial will auto-renew and bill your credit card. So, I show you how to cancel your nitro so that you don't get auto billed. Requirements: 1. First time nitro user (yes this includes free trials) 2. Valid payment information 3. Have a PC or mobile device, sorry YouTube TV viewers 4. 30 minutes of free time LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower of Fantasy Download: Redemption Link (Must be level 6): SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:13 - Requirements 00:41 - Downloading the game 01:07 - Getting our promo link 01:20 - Redeeming the promo 02:10 - Canceling the auto-billing 02:59 - Uninstalling the game 03:20 - Outro / Anime rant MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes

Discord's Hypesquad / Moderator Academy Scam!

icDErII4Xfc | 12 Aug 2022

Discord's Hypesquad / Moderator Academy Scam!

Discord's Hypesquad is some sort of program where you can be Discord's little merch kitten and Discord's Moderator Academy is a program to validate your abstinence. Regardless of these two poor descriptions of the program, there is a scam going around where a legitimate looking account will DM you saying that you have been selected for one of these two programs. In the message there is a link to the legitimate Discord testers server and then there is a phishing link to a fake Discord login page. This phishing link and fake login page will steal your credentials and will allow the scammer to not only use your account but also buy fraudulent nitro gifts on your account to sell for money. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - The message 01:28 - How the scam looks 03:08 - Tips to avoid the scam MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Two Thousand Miles Aviino - Perfect Storm

Discord is Finally Doing Something about SCAMS!

iRG1RHq1tjQ | 10 Aug 2022

Discord is Finally Doing Something about SCAMS!

Discord scams are going rampant, what has Discord been doing behind the scenes to keep its users safe? Welp, Discord has finally done something about the notorious QR code scams that steal people's tokens. The objective of those scams is to steal nitro from your account and resell it (or the scammer just uses it). However, what happens when you need to verify that you actually want to purchase nitro? All in all, good job Discord. This is a really creative way to help minimize the incentive to scam. Subscribe = 1 gp back into my runescape account (jk that's not how the internet works) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Discord's Nitro Update 00:34 - Is scamming finally over? 01:03 - QR code hacks are still dangerous 01:56 - Possibly a new QR code system? 02:33 - Conc clue shin 02:53 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes

Discord's Family and esex Scam Servers are EVERYWHERE!

Kah-Dot1734 | 08 Aug 2022

Discord's Family and esex Scam Servers are EVERYWHERE!

Note: Please do not spam the pfps server, they aren't scammers, some troll just sent mass DM ads to get them in trouble. There are a ton of Discord servers that exploit the majority of Discord users. Yes, provocative content entices teenagers brains and those teenagers make up the majority of Discord users. These scam NSFW servers utilize fake roleplay scenarios and other very clickbait like messages to trick people into joining the server. Once someone joins the server, they are asked to verify using a QR code. Yes, this is the same Discord QR Code scam I talked about a long time ago. However the family scam server and esex server are still wrecking tons of Discord accounts and scamming nitro gifts out of people. Also if you already know about these scams, please look at the "I NEED YOUR HELP" chapter to learn the best way to report these scam servers to Discord (I literally got the one I reported in the video banned in 12 hours). Subscribe if you are a sigma chad that doesn't use Discord for this weird type of content. RESOURCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scam Recovery Center (Where you can find scam servers) Unfortunately the server has shut down :( Discord Trust and Safety Subject: QR Code Scam Server - SERVERID Description: The server that contains the reported message is trying to steal people's accounts using a fake verification bot that utilizes the mobile QR code login system The ID of the fake verify bot is: FAKEBOTID The ID of the server is: SERVERID SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:15 - Family Scam Server 00:50 - Quick review of QR Code Scams 01:37 - Edating DM ad 02:53 - NSFW Scam servers 04:57 - I NEED YOUR HELP 05:25 - Hunting down scammers 07:39 - Trolling scammers 08:26 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Shrimpnose, nobuddy - Hyperspace Shrimpnose - Halflife

The Scariest Fake Discord Login Phishing Scam!

uS9h24IKKb0 | 05 Aug 2022

The Scariest Fake Discord Login Phishing Scam!

A lot of Discord scams are based on tricking the user to log into a phishing website (or a fake website disguised as discord). A lot of these websites are easy to detect though, you just look at the URL bar and make sure it's However, what happens when you get a popup that has the normal discord URL and looks legit? Well surprisingly there are some fake discord login pages that can disguise their URL by using some HTML trickery. Thankfully, there is one very easy way to tell if we are about to be phished. Use promo code: ISubscribedToNTTS for 0% off your Walmart order. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Introduction 00:36 - The scam 02:04 - Explaining the popup 05:42 - Conk clue shun 07:00 - How to recover your account 08:03 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Minecraft music)

The TRUTH About Cheap Discord Nitro!

eciHlSF_Omk | 02 Aug 2022

The TRUTH About Cheap Discord Nitro!

Many people try to get Discord nitro for free or for cheap. Either through nitro code generators or some sort of other fishy methods. In this video I'm going to address the dangers of getting cheap discord nitro (or discord nitro gifts from sketchy people). Why is this dangerous? Well you have to determine where the nitro actually came from. Most suave businessmen don't buy nitro for $10 and then turn around and sell it for 50-75% off, losing tons of money. So this must mean that these nitro resellers will get their nitro from some other place. Some resellers can get nitro for cheap due to Discord's local nitro pricing. Some resellers get free nitro from scamming people. How do we tell the difference? Imagine this sentence as the best sales pitch to get you to subscribe. Awesome so now you should subscribe! SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:14 - What are Nitro Resellers? 00:39 - Nitro Buyers (They buy nitro for cheap from Discord) 02:35 - Don't trust vouches blindly 03:37 - Nitro Gifters (They probably steal nitro from people) 05:11 - Conclusion 05:33 - Would I use Nitro resellers? 06:05 - Are normal nitro gifts safe? 06:30 - OUT TRO MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes

How to make Discord wacky Webm Videos!

ZjGMjv1Gv94 | 30 Jul 2022

How to make Discord wacky Webm Videos!

PLEASE RUN "npm install" BEFORE CREATING YOUR FIRST VIDEO TO NOT GET AN ERROR Recently everyone is sending videos that change size in discord. These videos that shrink/get crushed are actually a result of clever result of discord's webm system. In this video I'm going to explain videos that can change size and the way people make them. Then I'm going to show you how to make a moving discord webm video. Unfortunately, Discord might consider these videos as bugged / glitched videos so they may not last as long as you would want them to. Make sure to use this for lighthearted stuff or I will cry. Idek what to call these types of moving videos. FFMPEG COMMAND: setx /m PATH "C:\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%" LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webm Maker Thing GitHub NodeJS FFmpeg Github SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Glitched Webm Explained 01:07 - Tutorial 05:49 - Shoutout session 06:13 - Final Results 06:54 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes Shrimpnose - Halflife

Beginner-Friendly Discord Server Tutorial!

sCEQDXZ_vIw | 29 Jul 2022

Beginner-Friendly Discord Server Tutorial!

I previously made a Discord server tutorial that just handed you a server template and let you figure out Discord role, channel, and category permissions on your own. However, those Discord permissions are actually really hard to understand as a beginner. In this video I aim to educate you on how to set up a Discord server. Hopefully the foundations presented in this video will help you grow your small server into a massive server that can hopefully get the golden prize of becoming Discord partner. Subscribe so I know that this massive 1hr video wasn't a waste. Jk I know it'll be useful to at least 1 person and that makes me happy :) TIMESTAMPS + RESOURCES (website links and helpful text) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00 - Who this tutorial is for 00:00:32 - Creating the server 00:01:03 - Creating channels & categories 00:05:39 - Fancy channel names The channel text used: šŸ’¬ļø±general 00:07:15 - Channel Topic & Slowmode 00:08:05 - Setting up Discord's Community Function 00:10:22 - Welcome screen 00:12:23 - Community features + announcements 00:13:41 - Server Overview Tab 00:15:03 - What are server boost perks 00:15:59 - Emojis & Stickers 00:16:23 - Misc. nerdy stuff Server Template this server: 00:17:07 - Rules screening 00:17:39 - Safety Setup 00:18:53 - Rules Screening (cont.) 00:20:03 - Fancy Rules Discohook website: 00:23:47 - Editing a webhook message 00:24:38 - Explaining Permissions, Skip if you know already. 00:30:36 - Making Roles 00:31:45 - How role permissions work 00:33:36 - Finalizing Admin Role 00:34:27 - Role Hierarchy Explanation 00:35:32 - Moderator permissions 00:39:24 - Channel permissions 00:42:06 - Explaining Channel Category Permissions 00:44:58 - Channel permission overrides 00:46:31 - Voice Channel Settings 00:47:41 - DOUBLE CHECK PERMISSIONS PLEASE 00:48:30 - Discord's Automoderator 00:51:04 - Explaining Automod's word filter 00:53:47 - Carl Bot configuration Carl Bot Website: 00:55:44 - Carl Bot Reaction Roles 00:56:57 - Change Role Hierarcy 00:57:28 - Carl Bot Setup (cont.) 00:58:36 - Configuring Carl Bot 01:02:30 - Testing the Server 01:03:17 - Inviting People 01:03:50 - Outro OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server MUSIC (In order) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrimpnose - Halflife Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Moods, Yasper - Blessed Shrimpnose, nobuddy - Hyperspace Shrimpnose - In Minutes Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Shrimpnose - Memories of When.... Enzalla - Morning View Aviino - Perfect Storm King I Divine - Reflections Aviino - Sketchbook Memory Aviino, Oliv - Sorry Matthew Aves - Stay Positive Sleepy Fish, coa - The Field from Spirited Away Shrimpnose - The Flash before my Eyes Aviino - Two Thousand Miles Shrimpnose, nobuddy - Hyperspace Shrimpnose - In Minutes Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Aviino - Perfect Storm Aviino - Sketchbook Memory Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks

Can you trust Discord's verified bots?

KW3IbNs_B28 | 25 Jul 2022

Can you trust Discord's verified bots?

I made the grave mistake of telling you all that legit bot will have a verified check mark in Discord. Unfortunately, this is not true. There are many Discord scam bots that have a verified check mark. I'm going to answer some questions on how these bots get verified and how advertisement bots make money. These verified scam bots come in many different flavors, they can be a nitro boost gift scam, a fake growth bot, a fake nitro bot, and even a fake moderation bot. Make sure to understand the permissions you are giving and bot and make sure it functions as advertised, if not, kick it. Subscribbles for kisses ;) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Blindly following a verified bot 01:29 - Is this bot malicious? 02:43 - The NFT server I was invited to 03:45 - How do they get verified? 06:00 - Summary MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Moods, Yasper - Blessed Aves - Stay Positive

The Truth about Discord's Loading Image Hack / Scam!

BDSPUY5xRuk | 22 Jul 2022

The Truth about Discord's Loading Image Hack / Scam!

There has been a lot of announcements made by proactive Discord mods that have warned users about a Discord scam that can apparently steal your account just by you clicking on an image. However, is this actually a thing? And if not, is there a scam poses the same risk? In this video I'm going to clarify the misconception about a Discord scam that can hack your account with one click. And instead of ending the video after 10 seconds, I'm going to spend some time explaining Discord's loading image scam. SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Dramatic Intro 00:29 - How it looks 01:15 - How it works 02:57 - How to secure your account 03:35 - TURN OFF SERVER DMS 03:56 - How to tell this is a scam 05:19 - Scammers scamming scammers 07:24 - Conclusion MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Perfect Storm Aviino - Two Thousand Miles Aviino - Sketchbook Memory

Scam Invite Reward Discord Servers! (Free Robux + Nitro?)

nfoWY-oU9IQ | 18 Jul 2022

Scam Invite Reward Discord Servers! (Free Robux + Nitro?)

A lot of people join these stupid Discord invite reward servers that promise free discord nitro or free Roblox gift cards (I've been informed this is called robux). And despite the glaring issues with giving away $10 worth of stuff for a single invite, people still believe that they will get free robux or free nitro, wasting their time and credibility. What's even worse about these types of servers is that they encourage users to send these invites to random people. Even ignoring these warnings and inviting people just leads to you being ghosted by the server owner. But this begs the question, why do server owners do this? 1 Subscriber = 1 video (jk that would kill me) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Introducing the Invite Rewards Server 00:55 - Fake YouTuber Giveaway 01:51 - Getting back on track 02:13 - What are the rewards? 02:29 - Why these servers are ALWAYS a scam 03:13 - Exposing the scammer's "Sponsorships" 03:55 - Redeeming my ROBLOX GIFTCARD! 04:09 - Hardest captcha of all time 04:25 - Messaging the admin to redeem my prize 04:44 - Explaining why the admins ghost you 05:35 - Fake proof images 06:03 - Why are there no public chat channels 06:28 - Why do these servers exist? 07:23 - What to do if you joined a server 08:13 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino, Oliv - Sorry Matthew Aviino - Sketchbook Memory Aviino - Two Thousand Miles

How to get an ANIMATED Discord Rich Presence!

-YUIRdb5Dv8 | 15 Jul 2022

How to get an ANIMATED Discord Rich Presence!

After all our pain and suffering, the solution was there the whole time... Is this the endgame? Probably, Discord Rich Presences used to be a massive pain to setup because dealing with Discord's image processing time was annoying and time consuming. However, euz#6972 found Deviant#6491 rocking an animated Discord rich presence and brought it to my attention. After some serious discussion about the lore of discord rich presences, ranging from added buttons to timers, Deviant revealed what the special sauce was. The sauce was just using an image URL instead of uploading art on Discord's developer portal. So, now we are able to have an animated discord rich presence with a timer and buttons. Truly the best way to advertise your side hustle or spam people with garbage memes. Have fun and don't post stuff that breaks the TOS. Also please subscribe so I can pay child support. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomRP Developer Portal Verified Gif SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Final Result 00:10 - Installing CustomRP 00:54 - Configuring the Application 01:24 - Showing your Rich Presence on Discord 02:00 - Configuring Rich Presence Fields 02:36 - Adding Static and Animated Images 04:20 - Configuring Rich Presence Buttons 05:16 - CustomRP Autostart 05:38 - Saving and Sharing Presets 06:01 - Uninstalling CustomRP 06:57 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aviino - Sketchbook Memory Aviino - Perfect Storm

This Roblox Gift Card Scam forces you into Discord servers!

zh-HccsdXDQ | 11 Jul 2022

This Roblox Gift Card Scam forces you into Discord servers!

This scam method is a bit weird... You don't get your account credentials stolen, you don't get your credit card drained, you join other severs randomly. This video goes over a fake Mee6 verification bot that makes Discord users connect their account to the bot through Discord's own authorized apps. However, the malicious component of this fake verification app is that it can join servers... Seems pretty miniscule. BUT, it can actually lead to your Discord account being banned. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Report Form SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:14 - First contact of the scam 00:34 - Tip: Disabling DMs 01:05 - Joining the Scam Server 02:43 - The scam finally happening 04:10 - What happens after being scammed? 04:24 - Aside: Why do scammers do this? 05:01 - How does this get me banned? 05:40 - How to secure your account 07:12 - Making the scammers mad MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Moods, Yasper - Blessed King I Divine - Reflections

Investigating Discord's Fake Verify QR Code SCAM!

U3hEFSV1THA | 08 Jul 2022

Investigating Discord's Fake Verify QR Code SCAM!

Discord has been a haven of scams and frauds. In this video I'm going to show you how a widespread scam functions. I'll show how it steals discord accounts and mass DMs everyone on your friends list. I'm going to show you how this discord scam works when someone scans the QR code. I'm going to show you who is behind the scam and who programmed the bot. I'll also update you on what Discord is doing about this scam and how this scam could potentially be stopped. Once again, do not scan any QR code using your Discord app unless you are trying to log in. If you don't listen to this warning, you will get your discord account token logged and you will become one of the many people that have been hacked. Something something subscribe please so I can steal a play button from youtubes. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Report Form SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Start 00:14 - Recap: What is the Scam 00:55 - What happens when the QR code is scanned 02:37 - Who is behind this scam? 04:04 - What is Discord doing about this scam? 06:05 - How do we stop this scam? 09:57 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Minecraft music) Trance Music for Racing Game by Bobby Cole (Dream Speedrun Music)

This Discord SCAM is getting Out of Hand!

0HtnCH1t4a8 | 04 Jul 2022

This Discord SCAM is getting Out of Hand!

Discord is becoming a haven of scams and frauds. In this video I'm going to show you a widespread scam that is going around and stealing discord accounts and scamming nitro from your parent's credit card. I'm going to show you how this discord scam works, how to avoid it, and how to recover your account after being scammed. This scam basically hacks your discord account and gives the hacker full control over your account. This bypasses two factor authentication! Nothing will save you unless you know what to look for and how to avoid being scammed on discord. This message is a fraud: "heyy ummm idk what happened or if its really you but it was your name and the same avatar and you sent a girl erm **** stuff like what the f? SERVER INVITE check shame and youll see. anyways until you explain what happened im blocking you. sorry if this is a misunderstanding but i do not wanna takes risks with having creeps on my friendslist." LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Report Form SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Why the scam is bad 01:25 - How to tell this is a scam 02:18 - WHAT TO DO MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Moods, Yasper - Blessed Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks

Free Mee6 Leveling Bot? | Lurkr

uEHGNx3idFM | 03 Jul 2022

Free Mee6 Leveling Bot? | Lurkr

MEE6 is one of Discord's most popular bots. However, this doesn't mean that it is good. Mee6 has started to paywall a ton of features and many people ask how to get Mee6 premium for free or other silly questions. The only answer is to ditch MEE6 altogether. However, this raises some concerns. How do you import or copy mee6 levels to a different bot. Unfortunately a lot of other leveling bots do not have this capability. Thankfully, Lurkr (formerly Pepe Manager) is the first bot that I've seen that allows users to import in MEE6 levels, completely avoiding the disaster that is being yelled at by Discord users for deleting their levels. Escape the cold grasp of MEE6 and embrace the warmth of my smooth cheeks by subscribing or something. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEE6 Dashboard (for making leaderboard public) Lurkr (formerly Pepe Manager) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:21 - Importing MEE6 XP 02:47 - Configuring Bot Prefixes 04:03 - Leveling 10:50 - Autorole 10:58 - Milestones 11:29 - Mention Cooldown 13:02 - Chat commands 13:57 - Outro MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philanthrope, mommy - Growing Through The Cracks Enzalla - Morning View King I Divine - Reflections Moods, Yasper - Blessed Yasper, chromonicci - Low Tide Aves - Stay Positive

Can you be a Gaming/Minecraft YouTuber on a $450 GEEKOM Mini IT8 PC?

fzdiapUi-JA | 02 Jul 2022

Can you be a Gaming/Minecraft YouTuber on a $450 GEEKOM Mini IT8 PC?

Thank you GEEKOM for sponsoring this video! Get your own GEEKOM Mini IT8 here: Use code "NTTSdiscount" when purchasing on GEEKOM's Amazon store for a surprise ;) When GEEKOM contacted me to look at their $450 Mini PC, I had one question in mind. ā€œCan you be a gaming YouTuber on a $450 Mini PC?ā€ But, even if you arenā€™t interested in buying another computer, this video will show you what you can do with integrated graphics that are commonly found on mid-tier laptops. The GEEKOM Mini IT8 features an Intel i5-8259U with Intel Iris Plus 655 Graphics. My specific unit came with 16GB of ram and a 512GB Intel 660P SSD. Using this small form factor PC for content creation is quite challenging for something of this size and price class. Playing and recording games like Minecraft and CSGO can be challenging but what's even harder is editing those videos at a reasonable speed. Will the Mini IT8 survive my torture test or will it burn up in flames? LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon Listing Geekom Website SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Sponsored by GEEKOM 00:19 - Unboxing 00:33 - Specs 01:02 - Ports 01:23 - Teardown 01:52 - How are we torturing this PC? 02:15 - 1. Can it run Minecraft? 02:24 - 2. Can it record Minecraft 02:54 - 3. Video Editing using Davinci Resolve 03:54 - 4. Photo Editing a Thumbnail 04:14 - Test Results 04:27 - Performance Quirks 05:00 - Other Uses for a Mini PC 05:39 - Conclusion MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods, Yasper - Blessed King I Divine - Reflections Aves - Stay Positive

Two Modern Windows Theme Apps that you NEED to See!

dEe8XmL2_L8 | 26 Jun 2022

Two Modern Windows Theme Apps that you NEED to See!

I'm going to show you two amazing windows applications that will theme your PC and make it look more modern. YourFlyouts is a replacement for the media/brightness controls that are integrated into windows. Flow Launcher is a modern windows version of MacOS's search/finder. I've looked at similar applications before but these two are the cream of the crop. YourFlyouts utilizes a rainmeter theme system called JaxCore which contains a ton of different customization apps. If you want more apps like what I showed in the video, just look through JaxCore and go wild. If this was helpful, please subscribe or I'll make more videos with my toes in it. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YourFlyouts Flow Launcher SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - App 1 - YourFlyouts 02:28 - YourFlyouts - Themes 03:52 - App 2 - Flow Launcher 05:22 - Flow Launcher - Settings 06:10 - Flow Launcher - Plugins 07:24 - Flow Launcher - Themes 08:48 - Uninstall

How to get FREE Discord Nitro with

jdzZKOx0T7M | 21 Jun 2022

How to get FREE Discord Nitro with

How to get Free Discord Nitro Trial from! You can get 1 month of free discord nitro. This video will also show you how to turn off autobilling so that you do not get charged after the trial! This video should help out people that are looking for free discord nitro or how to get free discord nitro. It should be noted that getting free nitro is not always possible. Sometimes Discord gives a couple of free months of nitro but there is no way to get nitro for free outside of Discord's control. Getting this free nitro trial has a couple of requirements: 1. VALID PAYMENT METHOD 2. FIRST TIME NITRO SUBSCRIBER If this was helpful, please subscribe or I'll make more videos with my toes in it. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitro Promo SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Downloading Medal 01:14 - Getting Code 01:30 - Claiming Offer 02:08 - Stop auto-billing

What you should know about | Salad miner

oz9QND1_LKI | 19 Jun 2022

What you should know about | Salad miner or is a crypto miner that is focused on tech newbies that have no clue what crypto mining is. In this video I aim to answer two questions "what is salad" and "how much money do I earn with salad?". Believe it or not, Salad is not really worth it since the crypto market crashed. Use the Timestamps in YouTube to navigate around when things get boring (hopefully not, I put way more time into editing this than other videos) PLEASE NOTE: The best way to actually determine the profitability of using Salad is to get an electricity usage monitor and run Salad for 24 hours. Most people are too lazy to do that, hence why I used the profitability calculator (which to be fair, is a ballpark number). Also, Salad's profitability can vary over time. The analysis used here is to make people understand that Salad is not a free money generator that will earn people $50+ a day. Salad generates money slowly and many people do not understand that. Disclosure: Salad did sponsor me previously but I'm certain they hate me since the video flopped like gaw damn. Anyways this will definitely prevent me from getting another sponsorship but I'd rather inform you about how Salad is most likely a waste of your time. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profitability Calculator: SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - What is Salad doing? 00:49 - How much do I make? 02:10 - When to Avoid Salad 03:39 - How Salad Makes Money 04:13 - Conk Clue Shun

The Best Discord Bots for Your Server!

8qdEWzq3BaE | 12 Jun 2022

The Best Discord Bots for Your Server!

In this video, I'm going to show you the best discord bots for your server to help moderate chat, encourage engagement, and keep members on your server. Each of the bots shown in the video has been chosen due to my personal experience with the bots or what I've determined to be top quality in each category. These bots (except Mee6) are all great to add to your discord server. BOT LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderation Dyno: Carl-Bot: YAGPDB: Leveling Mee6: Arcane: AmariBot: Utility TicketTool: Tickets: Beemo: Wick: Fun Dank Memer: OwO: SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Farded 00:16 - Moderation - Dyno 00:56 - Carl-Bot 01:41 - YAGPDB 02:40 - Leveling Bots - MeeSux 03:19 - Arcane 03:39 - AmariBot 04:25 - Utility - Ticket Bots 05:12 - Beemo 05:52 - Wick 06:19 - Fun - Dank Memer 06:54 - OwO 07:15 - Share bots I missed in the comments

How to make a VTuber Minecraft Video | Sponsored by DemoCreator

CZEhvdFHFsY | 08 Jun 2022

How to make a VTuber Minecraft Video | Sponsored by DemoCreator

Thank you Wondershare DemoCreator for sponsoring this video! Try out DemoCreator here: In this video, I use DemoCreator's virtual presenter feature to become a VTuber. Using this feature, I record and edit a slick Minecraft VTuber video. DemoCreator allows you to easily screen record and edit tutorial videos, presentations, gaming videos, and much more. You can draw on your screen, turn into a virtual character, and change your voice. Timestamps/Chapters are included in the tutorial to help you make your money printing minecraft vtuber videos :) #democreator #democreatortutorial SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Sponsored by Wondershare DemoCreator 00:43 - Setting up the VTuber recording 03:17 - Transitions 03:40 - Title 05:00 - Effects 07:34 - Making a video more funny 09:27 - Building Suspense.... 10:23 - Subscribe or Die 11:12 - Ending a Video 12:33 - Sound 17:15 - Dirty Tricks 18:06 - Exporting 19:10 - Finished Video

Send Nitro Emojis for Free on Discord

th1laef2uKc | 05 Jun 2022

Send Nitro Emojis for Free on Discord

Many people want to send nitro emojis but do not want to pay for nitro. There have been methods using betterdiscord and such that allow people to do that. However, using imageclipboard.neocities, you can send discord emojis for free and be completely safe. No more breaking the TOS, you can send anime emojis and you can send animated anime emojis. There is no other option, you cannot send non-anime emojis anymore. You put yourself in this. You could've stopped reading but now you just keep on going. Dang. Wow. Okay you beat me I can't type nonsense anymore. I love you. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The website I used SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Collecting Emojis 00:41 - Sending emojis to distant relatives 01:25 - Advanced Gamer Features 02:32 - Secret QR Code

How to get Free Discord Nitro Trial from Epic Games!

KdiFDZo2fxw | 27 May 2022

How to get Free Discord Nitro Trial from Epic Games!

New Method: How to get Free Discord Nitro Trial from Epic Games! You can get 1 month of free discord nitro and also get free xbox gamepass and free picsart gold. This video will also show you how to turn off autobilling so that you do not get charged after the trial! Getting this free nitro trial has a couple of requirements: 1. VALID PAYMENT METHOD 2. FIRST TIME NITRO SUBSCRIBER If this was helpful, please subscribe or I'll make more videos with my toes in it. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epic Games: Temp Mail: SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Making an EGS Account 1:08 - Redeeming Nitro 3:30 - Preventing Auto-Renewal 4:14 - Free Codes (Subscribe)

How to keep Discord Party Mode on FOREVER!

-5UPo_36HBs | 23 May 2022

How to keep Discord Party Mode on FOREVER!

Discord's Party mode had a whole bunch of fun achievements and visual effects that people either loved or hated. I'm going to show you how to turn on party mode again. This will allow you to earn party mode achievements and enjoy Discord party mode even when the event is over. Basically, Discord is having their birthday every single day, a childhood dream of mine, lucky. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pastebin SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:34 - Uninstall

How 2 Turn On šŸ˜ˆ Your Personal Computer Device

RP0ryKYzhrM | 21 May 2022

How 2 Turn On šŸ˜ˆ Your Personal Computer Device

This is a dedicated video tutorial on how to turn on your personal computing device. This will help anyone who uses discord religiously and can laugh to the garbage discord memes I see every day which slowly regrade my mental well being this video was proposed to a 3D printer company and they didnt send me a 3D printer which is very sad and I dont know what to do with my life holy moly wow this is kinda upsetting wow didnt even send me free moneys shame youtube please help someone out and give my 3rd grade teACher a raise she totally deserves it anyways this video should help out pepople get off of discord and touch grass or something thanks cya love you bye btye DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minecraft SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:16 - Uninstall

How to Customize Chrome!

OUcAVhh-_Ss | 08 May 2022

How to Customize Chrome!

Chrome's new tab screen is pretty damn ugly. Thankfully using extensions like HexagonTab allow you to customize your chrome homescreen and personalize it to your liking. Customizing your new tab screen is a great way to bring a cohesive look between your chrome theme and your chrome's homescreen. Also, this extension was made by the same gamer that also made nightTab! DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HexagonTab My HexagonTab Template (Modified from github template) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Overview 00:52 - Adding a Bookmark 03:41 - Editing Bookmarks 04:36 - Theming 08:00 - Backups 08:55 - Uninstall MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- License code: Z167KLEL17ZHVOHP License code: QDYE1RB2D17MY2AP License code: ZMR7RMY4BQOSFHGK

Make Discord Faster and More Private!

DbpvHoSaXbw | 01 May 2022

Make Discord Faster and More Private!

Discord can be horrendously slow on older computers and devices. Using something called OpenAsar, you can optimize and speed up discord all while blocking discord's tracking telemetry. This should make discord faster and prevent discord from being laggy. However, there are going to be diminishing returns for people with big gamer PCs. This is against Discord's TOS, however, I honestly think you shouldn't face any issues or bans using OpenAsar. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenAsar IF YOUR BACKUP DOESNT UNINSTALL OPENASAR, USE THIS LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE LASTEST OFFICIAL ASAR SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Intro 0:19 - Install 2:05 - Uninstall

Theme Discord on Android using Aliucord!

vI5AZSXToTI | 24 Apr 2022

Theme Discord on Android using Aliucord!

You can theme your Discord app by using an application called Aliucord. Aliucord is a Discord client modification that works on Android. You can add almost do everything that BetterDiscord does but on mobile. You can add themes and you can also add plugins (if you didn't know). Aliucord is against Discord's TOS! Please use Aliucord at your own risk! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aliucord Download Aliucord Server (for plugin downloads) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:21 - Installing Aliucord 01:57 - Getting Themes 04:27 - Uninstall

Make Windows 10/11 More Private! Turn off Windows Tracking and Spying

uMYuRZYsc-c | 17 Apr 2022

Make Windows 10/11 More Private! Turn off Windows Tracking and Spying

A lot of people are becoming more privacy oriented regarding their devices and operating systems. For us windows gamers that are afraid of switching to Linux, we have to endure Microsoft's tracking and telemetry features. Using ShutUp10++, you can disable windows 10 or windows 11's tracking features that invade on your privacy. Daddy Microsoft, please stop spying on me with windows. Yes, it is ironic how I'm using chrome while talking about privacy, YouTube already has all my personal info so I already sold my soul. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShutUp10++ SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - ShutUp10++ 00:27 - Basic Usage 01:57 - Backup/Restore Custom Config 02:46 - Using System Restore

Is Autonomous' SmartDesk Pro Standing Desk Worth It for Productivity?

54W2P6FH5J8 | 11 Apr 2022

Is Autonomous' SmartDesk Pro Standing Desk Worth It for Productivity?

Thank you @AutonomousAI for providing their SmartDesk Pro for review! If you would like to get one for yourself, use my 4% discount code "21NTTS" here: Standing desks are a big craze today since working from home or hybrid working is now a normal part of society. However, people tend to have lower back, tailbone, and upper back pain from sitting all day long. In this unbiased review video, I share my personal opinion on how having a standing desk has changed my workflow and whether or not it is worth it to spend all that money on a desk that can move up and down. Spoiler alert, your money might be better spent on an ergonomic office chair. And yes, this is the closest thing we will get to a face reveal. Maybe before we reach the unobtainable 1 million subscriber goal, I could shed some pounds ;) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Introduction 0:21 - Unboxing & Assembly 0:57 - Returns & Warranty 1:13 - Using the Desk 2:22 - Productivity Discussion 3:29 - Cost 4:27 - Conclusion

Discord WISHES they made this! | Temporary Discord Servers

Qu7B2Zx4YFw | 10 Apr 2022

Discord WISHES they made this! | Temporary Discord Servers

Have you wanted to talk to someone without adding them or adding them to your personal server? Using instaparty, you can make temporary discord servers! Wanting to communicate to lobotomized teammates in rocket league? Instaparty. Want to leave your e-girlfriend for an e-boyfriend? Instaparty. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instaparty SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Party Time 1:55 - Bye bye time

Free Discord Nitro by Exploiting Picsart's Free Trial!

iC4qgbxRjv4 | 01 Apr 2022

Free Discord Nitro by Exploiting Picsart's Free Trial!

šŸšØ THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE šŸšØ Today I'll show you how to get 3 months of discord nitro for free using Picsart Gold's free trial. Basically we use a free trial to get a free trial but we cancel both so we don't pay anything. It's literally cheese my guy. To get a 3 month free trial of discord nitro, you need to be a first time nitro user. If you already got discord nitro as a gift, bought discord nitro, or got discord nitro through the epic games free trial, this will not work for you :( DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Picsart Gold Picsart Nitro Link SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Requirements 00:29 - Picsart Trial 01:07 - Nitro Trial 02:29 - Cancelling Picsart 03:07 - Cancel Nitro Autopay

BetterDiscord on Android with Free Nitro Features?

X0bTGI4ysVE | 28 Mar 2022

BetterDiscord on Android with Free Nitro Features?

BetterDiscord is a wonderful client modification for Discord that allows users to add plugins to Discord to improve their experience. Being able to send animated emojis, longer messages, and stickers for free is fantastic but what about using BetterDiscord on mobile? Stage enter, Aliucord. Aliucord is a Discord client modification that works on Android. You can add almost do everything that BetterDiscord does but in the palm of your hand. I hate writing these because I feel like I'm trying to sell you something. Regardless, it's cool and you should definitely check it out. Aliucord is against Discord's TOS! Please use Aliucord at your own risk! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aliucord Download Aliucord Server (for plugin downloads) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Long intro (sorry) 00:26 - Installing Aliucord 02:01 - Getting Aliucord Plugins 03:07 - Viewing Plugin Settings 03:28 - Using the Free Nitro Plugins 04:36 - Stupid Plugins 05:24 - Uninstall

How to be a VTuber on Discord!

8T0KAcEN4jw | 21 Mar 2022

How to be a VTuber on Discord!

Have you ever wanted to become a VTuber and troll your friends or perhaps get a boyfriend or something on Discord? Well, thank goodness there is a tutorial for you. In this tutorial, I will show you how to be a VTuber and be able to use your VTuber for a webcam. This virtual webcam can be used in zoom, discord, skype, or any other software. To become a VTuber, you need the following: 1. A webcam 2. A Steam account 3. Some acting skills. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PrprLive (For VTuber Models) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Software 00:32 - Getting a VTuber Model 02:07 - Using PrprLive 02:46 - Face Tracking 05:34 - Virtual Camera for Discord 07:49 - Uninstall

Send Animated Emojis for FREE using this Discord Bot!

E1YNiEmyfq0 | 14 Mar 2022

Send Animated Emojis for FREE using this Discord Bot!

Not Quite Nitro is a Discord bot that allows anyone to send an animated emoji without having Discord Nitro. Adding this bot to your discord server or convincing the admin to add NQN to a server will easily increase everyone's happiness. No one likes spending money on stupid Discord nitro because Discord is a stupid company. Also just as a side note, college being very rough at the moment so there may be a lapse in videos depending on how much I can handle without snapping and becoming deranged. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Quite Nitro Bot (NQN) Emote Packs SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Not Quite Nitro Bot 00:39 - Sending an emoji 01:43 - Emojis from packs 03:15 - Reacting to a message

You HAVE to try this Modern Volume Mixer on Windows 11/10 | Rainmeter skin

XQJnXJ2Q568 | 28 Feb 2022

You HAVE to try this Modern Volume Mixer on Windows 11/10 | Rainmeter skin

Eartrumpet is a nice volume mixer but it looks pretty ugly. Thankfully Jax made a rainmeter skin that allows you to have an advanced volume mixer with the ability to customize it to make your PC more modern. You can customize the colors of your volume mixer, you can customize the animations, and you can customize if the background gets blurred. YourMixer is honestly very straightforward to use and the "it just works" factor is insanely high. Jax has really outdone it this time šŸ˜» DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainmeter YourMixer SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Rainmeter 01:02 - Installing JaxCore 02:26 - Configuring YourMixer 03:40 - Appearance Settings 06:25 - Position Settings 07:03 - General Settings 10:06 - Uninstall

Discord's Terms of Service are Changing and people are MAD!

K2DOsqoTRQg | 26 Feb 2022

Discord's Terms of Service are Changing and people are MAD!

Discord changed their terms of service (TOS) and people are not happy. Discord added in a couple of clauses that limit the freedom of speech users have on the platform. Discord also introduced a term that would give them the ability to delete your account if it was inactive for more than 2 years. Finally, Discord restricted access to it's platform in "terrorist supporting" countries. These countries include Iran and Cuba. Want to start some sort of revolution? Stop paying for nitro lmao. ALSO, SICK WINDOWS CUSTOMIZATION VIDEO COMING OUT ON MONDAY Game: Elden Ring LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Introduction 00:40 - Free Speech No More 04:54 - Discord Deleting Old Accounts 06:01 - Calling people terrorist supporters 08:12 - Summary

How to Easily Edit your Gaming Montage with Wondershare Filmora 11

KxAhe3yuOlM | 18 Feb 2022

How to Easily Edit your Gaming Montage with Wondershare Filmora 11

Thank you Wondershare for sponsoring this video! Try Newest Filmora 11 For Free: Meet Filmora 11, a creative video editing experience all on one platform to make and share stories. Filmora is powerful video editing software for PC to edit & personalize videos with rich templates, effects, music, text, filter and more elements. Editing videos and montages can be difficult confusing. Even more, finding cool transitions and effects can take a ton of time and be quite costly. Fortunately, Wondershare's Filmora 11 makes video editing trivial and straightforward. In this video I'll be showing you how to edit recorded footage to be in sync with your chosen music. Starting with Filmora 11's auto montage maker, the montage will be tweaked to highlight your perfect recorded moments. Then I'll show you how to tweak and add effects to add your creative touch to your montage. After, I'll show you how to make a slick intro and how to find expressive transitions. At the end of it all, you should have a banger intro that showcases how good (or perhaps bad) you are at a game. Timestamps/Chapters are included in the tutorial to aid in helping you in making your montage :) #Filmora11#Filmora11tutorial SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Using the Auto Montage Maker 02:21 - How to tweak the montage 03:05 - Removing irrelevant clips 03:52 - Changing the clip timing 07:03 - Adding specific highlights 08:32 - Speeding up edits using auto ripple 09:10 - Putting highlights into the montage 11:08 - Adding your creative touch 11:37 - Pop in title intro 14:57 - Making the title shake 15:52 - Retiming effects 17:35 - Adding effects 18:59 - Fade out outro 19:34 - Fading in and out music 20:27 - Adding fancy transitions 22:04 - Final product

[OUTDATED] How to Send SECRET Messages in Discord!

mZ5N0e2OqDE | 14 Feb 2022

[OUTDATED] How to Send SECRET Messages in Discord!

Another BetterDiscord plugin video that allows you to send secret / encrypted messages in Discord without anyone knowing. These messages can only be seen by people with the Apate BetterDiscord plugin. You do have the option of setting a password on your messages but your friend will also need to have the password. Please note: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS, I haven't heard anyone get banned for using it when using plugins from so you should be relatively safe. I'd rather let you know for your own sake. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Apate (Secret Message Plugin) SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing BetterDiscord 00:41 - Installing Plugin 01:26 - Secret About Me 01:59 - Sending a Hidden Message 02:38 - How it looks to normal users 03:04 - More clarification 03:53 - Uninstalling

How to Automatically Ping Chat Revive on Discord

m8LqAqh_Gvw | 31 Jan 2022

How to Automatically Ping Chat Revive on Discord

Does your Discord server have a lot of members but the chat is dead? Well you need to have a chat revive role. However, the chat revive role is only useful if someone pings it. Using the dead chat reviver bot, you can automatically ping the chat revive role. Also sorry about the bad audio quality. I messed up the michaelphone settings when I was beatboxing to my friends. Also please dont ping everyone or you will lose members and I will lose faith in humanity. Also buy my book, I don't have it made yet but I will. jk I can't write. BOT INVITE LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Creating the Role 00:45 - You need to assign the role 01:03 - Inviting the bot 01:24 - Setting up automation 02:45 - Results 03:03 - Other Commands 03:39 - Bye Bye bot

[DO NOT BUY] Ewin Racing RGB Gaming Desk Review

ZH09nAxP5y4 | 30 Jan 2022

[DO NOT BUY] Ewin Racing RGB Gaming Desk Review

Ewin racing desk is poopoo The ewin racing desk has a non-fireless wireless charger, cable management, a headphone stand, a massive drink holder, and a gaming storage thing that they will forget. The elose racing desk also has a cheap LED controller that is a waste of your money. Okay I'll actually give some explanation here. Ewin contacted me to send out a desk to review. The review was meant to compare a gaming desk versus a height adjustable desk because the prices are very close. I wanted to propose the idea that the extra money you spend on RGB and carbon fiber is not worth it compared to spending extra money getting a height adjustable desk. Your posture and physical health is worth a whole lot more than lights on a desk. However, all of this got flipped upside down because the main appeal of the desk (the RGB lights) barely even worked. The desk I assumed I was getting was not the desk I got. Ewin cut costs on their desks, bait and switched the old version with the new version, and they cut the RGB customization. Consequently, the RGB stuff only worked through the aux cable. You get the same boring pattern. That's all assuming the headphone splitter you got wasn't broken. Basically you got scammed into getting an inferior product. The worst part about this is that the LEDs you have on the desk are expensive compared to some others. You can make custom patterns on the LEDs yet Ewin just doesn't care enough about you to add a LED controller that utilizes the potential of the LEDs. YOU ARE PAYING FOR A FEATURE THAT EWIN REMOVED FROM THE DESK WITHOUT YOU KNOWING. THEY ARE FALSE ADVERTISING A DESK, CRAZY. The worst part about this is the underhanded approach of the "sponsorship" to make me give Ewin a positive review. They were promising future products to be sent. They offered me commission on every desk I sold. They showed me exceedingly positive reviews by other YouTubers and wanted me to follow their lead. They want YouTubers to give this desk a positive review to drive sales. This desk, as explained above, is not worth purchasing. DESK LINK THAT YOU SHOULDN'T BUY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And please do not forget to add the 20% off code NTTS and affiliate link in the description of the video. Ok I did it SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:16 - Uninstall

How to have a Changing Minecraft Discord Status (RPC)

AYostKuKcR8 | 20 Jan 2022

How to have a Changing Minecraft Discord Status (RPC)

In this video I'm going to show you how to have a Minecraft rich presence on discord that updates to show people which biome you're in, what items you are holding, what mob you are attacking, what server you are on, and many more. The CraftPresence Minecraft mod allows you to have a Discord activity on your profile. This activity, known as Rich Presence (RPC), can dynamically change to track your Minecraft activity. This is probably the best implementation of Discord's rich presence api. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forge: Craft Presence Download Documentation SOCIALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing the Required Mods 02:23 - General Setup 05:43 - Multiplayer Setup 07:06 - Very Advanced but Cool Settings

IN-DEPTH Wick Discord Bot Tutorial | How to setup Wick

sLWMPiJdLao | 17 Jan 2022

IN-DEPTH Wick Discord Bot Tutorial | How to setup Wick

Wick is a really feature-rich bot so it will take sometime to setup, that's why the video is 36 minutes lol. Wick is a fantastic Discord bot that can prevent server nukes and raids as well as keep the chat clean from bots using its verification and automod feature. These great features however result in a bot that can be a bit confusing to set up for first timers. In this video moving picture tutorial, I'll show you how to set up Wick and I'll explain what each feature of Wick does along the way. Tighten up those laces because Wick takes a bit of time to setup. BOT INVITE LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wick Invite Wick Mod Commands OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Inviting Wick 00:38 - Please Enable 2FA 02:34 - Statics 05:17 - Whitelist 08:56 - Marker 1 12:08 - Marker 2 13:22 - Auto Mod 25:11 - Join Gate 29:23 - Verification 31:20 - FINAL SETUP COMMAND!!! 32:18 - Using Wick Moderation Commands 35:05 - Removing Wick

How to try out Linux on Windows 10/11

AyVBa7sRRlc | 10 Jan 2022

How to try out Linux on Windows 10/11

Are you caught up in the sea of Linux content by your favourite creators? A lot of people want to try out Linux but don't want to be dedicated solely to Linux and endure the pain like Linus & Luke from LTT. Fortunately, you can have the best of both worlds. Using virtual machines on windows, you can use most Linux distributions without having to wipe your drive to install Linux (or dual boot). This means you can try out as many Linux distributions as you want while still having the comfort of running windows. However, running Linux on a windows hosted virtual machine is not as good as running it natively. As a result, some features may be limited. Linux users: Please keep in mind that this is my first time trying out Linux so there will definitely be some nomenclature errors and perhaps some oversights. If there are any issues feel free to comment on what they are and how to solve them. Complaining is being a pain in the rear. Complaining and providing a solution is being helpful. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VirtualBox Manjaro OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Software 01:59 - Creating the Virtual Machine 04:20 - Configuring the Virtual Machine 06:10 - Starting the Virtual Machine 08:25 - Uninstall Virtual Box

How to Get 3 Months of Free Nitro from SteelSeries!

RIEp_r4cZU4 | 28 Dec 2021

How to Get 3 Months of Free Nitro from SteelSeries!

UPDATED METHOD: Today I'll show you how to get 3 months of discord nitro for free using SteelSeries' limited time promotion. To get a 3 month free trial of discord nitro, you need to be a first time nitro user. If you already got discord nitro as a gift, bought discord nitro, or got discord nitro through the epic games free trial, this will not work for you :( FREE NITRO LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Requirements 00:23 - Getting Free Nitro 03:51 - Stopping Subscription 04:39 - Removing Payment Info 04:48 - Removing the Steelseries App

How to Set up YouTube Stats Counter on Discord

V2RbV61AoPQ | 27 Dec 2021

How to Set up YouTube Stats Counter on Discord

Have you ever wanted to show your YouTube subscribers, views, and number of videos in your discord server? Using AXVin bot, you can easily show these stats/counter channels. BOT INVITE LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXVin OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Inviting the Bot 00:33 - Picking a YT Channel 01:13 - Making the Basic Counters 01:26 - Fixing Possible Errors 02:12 - Changing Channel Text 03:36 - Showing Rounded Numbers 04:35 - scount vs count 05:03 - Removing Counters 06:07 - Listing Counters 06:28 - Making it look better 07:53 - Twitch Counters and Refresh Time

How to Stay Safe on Discord!

9oaxNDPOmEU | 15 Dec 2021

How to Stay Safe on Discord!

Discord can be a friendly place where you talk with your friends or some nice strangers about your hobbies and life. However, Discord is also a malicious and scary place filled with people waiting to pounce on you at any moment. Iā€™m going to help you avoid scams, protect your account, and protect your privacy. Please just use your brain and don't trust people blindly. So many people fall for these types of scams. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Scams: Phishing Links 00:59 - Scam: Meatbait 01:16 - Scam: Virus File 01:47 - How and Why? 02:25 - Protecting your account 03:18 - Protecting your Privacy 04:06 - Closing thoughts

How to Set up Discord Ban Appeals with Dyno

mjV51iRdW-k | 13 Dec 2021

How to Set up Discord Ban Appeals with Dyno

Setting up ban appeals through a secondary discord server is a huge pain in the rear. Fortunately with a new Dyno update, making ban appeal forms for discord is super easy. Ban appeals are forms that banned users need to fill out if they want to be unbanned. These forms are highly customizable and can be tailored to your own discord server's flavor. Although, you don't have to put in a ton of effort to make an appeal form as Dyno has set up a very useful template. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dyno Dashboard OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Setting Up Dyno 00:53 - Appeal Type 01:13 - Pre-requisite Housekeeping 03:15 - Constructing the Form 06:02 - Form Settings 09:16 - Test driving the 2004 Echo 10:43 - Rejecting the Appeal 12:43 - Appeal Response 13:18 - Undoing Ban Appeals

[Outdated] How to Change Discord Font

0cPZpkf7nZg | 30 Oct 2021

[Outdated] How to Change Discord Font

Using BetterDiscord, you can change your Discord font to make it easier to read or to theme your Discord. Using the GoogleFont BetterDiscord plugin, you can pick any font available on Google Fonts and instantly use it in Discord. Keep in mind, BetterDiscord is against Discord's Terms of Service. This means that you are using BetterDiscord at your own risk. You could get banned from using BetterDiscord but the chances are slim. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Font Plugin Google Fonts OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install BetterDiscord 2:14 - Changing the Font 4:04 - Uninstall

Modern Start Menu Replacement for Windows 11 (and 10)

P6EPfvLWdcc | 23 Oct 2021

Modern Start Menu Replacement for Windows 11 (and 10)

The Windows 11 start menu is pretty but it's also pretty bland. Fortunately using a fancy rainmeter skin, you can replace your windows 10/11 start menu with a free and modern start menu with tons of customization. But wait, maybe I need some of my start menu for specific tasks! Luckily ValliStart doesn't disable your start menu so if you want to go back to the normal start menu, you can do so easily. It's the perfect balance between functionality and customizing your start menu. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainmeter ValliStart OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:31 - Installation 02:54 - Hotkey Setup & Basic Settings 03:53 - Adding Shortcuts 04:32 - Minor Visual Tweaks 05:36 - Applying Themes 06:00 - Media Player & Spotify Fix 07:20 - Additional Modules 08:12 - Changing Weather Location 08:48 - Uninstall

How to GROW your Discord Server!

xM01NFoDac8 | 08 Oct 2021

How to GROW your Discord Server!

Thank you Salad for sponsoring the video! Check out Salad and use code "NTTS1" when signing up to double your earnings up to $2! You may have a super cool Discord server set up but you probably have struggled getting members to join your server and STAY. In this video, I aim to show you how to grow your discord server and how to make your discord server more fun for your members. SPONSORED LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get Salad: Salad's Open Source Code: Salad's Reviews: Research Resources Provided by Salad How Much Electricity Does Cryptomining Use?: Making Money With Salad: What's the Catch?: How DAG & Hardware Degradation Affect Miners: Does Mining for Cryptocurrency Damage My GPU?: Antiviruses and Salad: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Introduction 0:29 - Salad Ad 1:48 - Server Topic 3:40 - Engagement 5:48 - Advertising 9:18 - Staff Members 11:39 - Partner Applications 13:56 - Closing Thoughts

What is a Discord Widget?

Pslqx3lSu_8 | 26 Sep 2021

What is a Discord Widget?

Discord widgets are a fancy way of adding your discord server to a website or blog. Discord widgets allow you to view voice channels, online members, and join the server all through a nice modern widget. Widgets are a better way of advertising your discord server on a website. Instead of having a boring link, you can have a nice interface which gives new users a preview of what your server has to offer. Hopefully in the future, Discord can expand upon their widget functionality to include chat channels. I know there are third party options that allow people to interact with your server from the browser. If you want to see something like that, comment "show us the cool beans" and I'll have no idea what you are talking about. Please excuse the poor audio quality in this video. My settings got messed up during an update and I had the mic a bit too loud, causing the clipping. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Getting Widget Code 0:40 - Adding Widget on Wix 1:21 - Adding Widget on Google Sites 2:13 - Widget Functionality 2:43 - Hiding Channels 3:44 - Removing Widget / Outro

Log into a Discord Bot!

iivVWOgCLOI | 19 Sep 2021

Log into a Discord Bot!

UPDATE: This probably isn't against Discord's TOS but use this at your own risk. You can log into a discord bot account to prank your friends by messaging them or DMing them. Unfortunately my previous video got outdated by Discord patching the program and ruining the whole thing :( Fortunately there is an alternative which is a lot more restrictive but still allows you to send messages as a bot. I'm going to show you through screen recordings on how to create a bot account, log into the bot account, and use the bot account. Moreover, this application does not allow you to log into a public bot like Dyno or Carlbot since you need the bot token (which devs will definitely not give out). Although, you could impersonate a bot by changing the profile picture and the account name of the bot. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LiveBot: Developer Portal: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Downloading LiveBot 0:36 - Bot Creation 2:11 - Logging into the Bot 3:07 - Basic LiveBot Features 3:50 - Advanced LiveBot Features 5:03 - LiveBot Thoughts and Opinions 5:53 - Deleting the bot and LiveBot

Fake Ban Custom Command Tutorial with Dyno

U35UOknI1Lc | 12 Sep 2021

Fake Ban Custom Command Tutorial with Dyno

Have fun trolling your friends and community with this fake ban command. Dyno has custom commands that allow you to create useful things that aid in server moderation. Since you are watching No Text To Speech, I'll be showing you how to make a silly custom command that tricks people into thinking they are being banned. The fake ban command is really easy to implement as a dyno custom command and I'll be showing you step by step on how to do it. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emoji: Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Color #43B581 Embed Code after the emoji code ***$ has been banned.*** **||** ***$2+*** OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Required Emoji 0:39 - Get Emoji Code 0:58 - Dyno Custom Command 1:56 - Custom Command Embed 3:35 - How to use ?fakeban 4:56 - Command Permissions

Best Budget (~$100) XLR Microphone Setup + Tutorial

HGU6IL_nFKU | 12 Sep 2021

Best Budget (~$100) XLR Microphone Setup + Tutorial

Having a cheap microphone setup is pretty difficult. Chances are it sounds pretty bad. In this video, I show you my microphone/audio setup which costs about $100 total. This XLR setup video thing shows you all the gear that is required to convert your beautiful voice into electronic signals. Keep in mind, the Behringer XM8500 does make your voice sound a bit deeper than it is, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. AFFILIATE LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behringer XM8500: M-Track M-Audio Solo: Microphone Wind Screen: Microphone Desk Arm: 3ft XLR Cable: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Setup 3:51 - Tutorial

Modern Windows Application Launcher | Keylaunch

7O0Q-5ugLGM | 05 Sep 2021

Modern Windows Application Launcher | Keylaunch

Rainmeter skins are usually pretty similar. They show some cool stats about your PC and allow you to make it look nice. Unfortunately, most of us are pretty lazy and refuse to spend hours making our desktop look nicely themed. Fortunately, using Keylaunch, you can get the advantages of having a rainmeter skin (being able to launch apps quickly and effectively) without having to spend hours configuring it to get a decent result. Jax has done a wonderful job in making this modern and sleek windows app launcher. It works great. It looks great. It smells great? Anyways, this bad boy made a fancy dancy app shortcut launcher doodad that is pretty responsive (even on a VM!) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keylaunch: Rainmeter: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 6:45 - Uninstall

Wobbly Windows in Windows 10 & 11 with WindowFX

yQA-EPD1L0c | 28 Aug 2021

Wobbly Windows in Windows 10 & 11 with WindowFX

Windows has wacky windows that are rigid like walking sticks. Using WindowFX you can have wibbily wobbly windows that wabble in wadded water like a wholesome whale. That alliteration was pretty bad, anyways I will be absent for a bit longer and hopefully after everything gets sorted I'll be able to upload more often. Keep in mind it wont be every other day. Rather, it would be every week at the most. This tutorial shows you how to make your windows wobble just like some Linux wizard stuff. This isn't something that will change the way you use your PC but it's something fun that I thought was pretty nifty. Shout out to the winthemers' discord: for talking about this in their general channel and giving me the sick idea to look at it. Since people have no idea what Linux is, I should say that this video shows you how to make your windows look like jello. This video is not sponsored by jello. I have a hat. Stardock's WindowFX can do more stuff but I didn't care that much. This video is not sponsored by Stardock. I eat water. Use the free trial so you don't have to pay money. I am not sponsored by money. I smell smoke. The smoke is delicious. The deliciousness comes from the black tar coating the interior of my lungs. Lungs are an organ that you use to breathe and put oxygen into your blood. Blood is the thing that comes out of people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are gone. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. People are people. To uninstall, just uninstall WindowFX and restart your PC. It's really easy that I forgot to show it :( DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowFX: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to make a Discord Verification System with AltDentifier.

rlXUm4WtEJ8 | 13 Aug 2021

How to make a Discord Verification System with AltDentifier.

Alt and bot accounts are annoying to deal with. In this video I'm going to show you how to set up a verification system on your discord server using altdentifier. This will make it so that your server will have less alt accounts and bots joining it. This results in less trolling, spam, and overall pain. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AltDentifier: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server SETUP / AFFILIATE STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Setup: Random Shirts that I made (I guess this is merch?):

Is good compared to Discord?

zRu_NtpLqT4 | 11 Aug 2021

Is good compared to Discord?

No. It's cheeks In this video I'll basically be rambling and going through to check out the pretty cool features and also check out my computer doing nothing as it lags when I join a single server. You might ask, is good compared to Discord? No, it's not good because it's basically an alpha application and is not as polished as discord (minus their new threads feature which is a garbage heap). DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, guilded is so bad im not even putting the link in here. sike OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Optimism 12:08 - Slipping Happiness 12:49 - Reality 18:24 - Postpartum Depression SETUP / AFFILIATE STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Setup: Random Shirts that I made (I guess this is merch?):

[Outdated] How to make Discord Role Dividers/Categories

oM_tM3osSFU | 11 Aug 2021

[Outdated] How to make Discord Role Dividers/Categories

Making your massive list of roles look good is a huge pain. In this tutorial I'll show you how to add discord role dividers. Sometimes people mistake this for sorting discord roles but in reality this is an invisible role used to split up roles for organization. To be clear, role dividers on discord aren't perfect. There are a big of nuances and other considerations that must be considered while implementing role dividers. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Role Divider Pastebin: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Send Discord Embeds without a Bot

CpsHHXUX5yM | 09 Aug 2021

How to Send Discord Embeds without a Bot

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A HIGH BAN RISK PLUGIN. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK Sending embeds on discord is a good way to make your messages on your server a whole lot nicer. Unfortunately, bots like Mee6 and Dyno have a limited number of embeds for free users. Today I'll show you how to send embed messages without using any bots. Doing this allows you to send an unlimited amount of embeds without buying premium bot features. Suggested by Asutoro DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin: Example Command: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Install GooseMod (Modded Discord Client)

Pd55qNN9fcc | 07 Aug 2021

How to Install GooseMod (Modded Discord Client)

GooseMod is a client modification just like BetterDiscord/Powercord. Client modifications for Discord are against discord's terms of service. This means you can be banned for using GooseMod so use it at your own risk. The differences between Powercord and BetterDiscord and GooseMod are heavily debated. While you could pick and choose whether or not you want to install GooseMod, just know that it is a bit more involved vs BetterDiscord. I personally think GooseMod is very snappy and lightweight. Although, BetterDiscord is a whole heckuva lot easier to use and Powercord seems to be for people who install Arch. Unfortunately, GooseMod's uninstall steps are undocumented and ideally in the future the whole install and uninstall process could be streamlined even further. PS: GOOSEMOD IS AGAINST DISCORD'S TERMS OF SERVICE, USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GooseMod: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:42 - Uninstall

Is Salad a Virus?

ZZjJlP97q3E | 05 Aug 2021

Is Salad a Virus?

Salad has sponsored a ton of YouTubers recently to promote free discord nitro and there has been some concern from community members regarding whether or not Salad is a virus. Crypto miners can be used to cryptojack which basically means they mine bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies on your computer and send the money away to the hacker. In the case of Salad, this malicious behavior does not apply. Also keep in mind, I have been sponsored by Salad in the past but that sponsorship has not altered my findings or opinion on this matter. The sponsorship was for it's respective video, not for this one. Salad has not sponsored this video nor do they even know that I am making it. If you have any further questions, please put them in the comments and I would be happy to respond to them :) OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Get Buttons and a Clock on your Discord Profile using Rich Presence!

og0AeRHRVq8 | 03 Aug 2021

Get Buttons and a Clock on your Discord Profile using Rich Presence!

Custom rich Discord presences have been out for a while but they usually require you to open a spooky script that opens command prompt which can be annoying. There are also BetterDiscord plugins but BetterDiscord is against the TOS so how do we get a safer alternative? NOTE: Please enable "Activity Status" in Discord if you don't see your status! DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomRP: Developer Portal: Verify Photo: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 6:49 - Uninstall

13 Powercord plugins you should try!

fS4Fh7MKcxQ | 01 Aug 2021

13 Powercord plugins you should try!

Powercord is a client modification like BetterDiscord. This means that Powercord is against Discord's TOS. If you don't care about that, you can use these great powercord plugins to improve your discord experience. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PowercordPluginDownloader: (YOU WILL NEED TO COPY THE CONTENTS OF THE PASTEBIN INTO COMMAND PROMPT JUST LIKE THE VIDEO SHOWS) 2. PowercordThemeDownloader: 3. bdCompat: 4. userNotifs: 5. muteNewGuild: 6. grammar-nazi: 7. relationship-notifier: 8. better-replies: 9. DM-Typing-Indicator: 10. Rejoin-VC: 11. invisible-chat: 12. Privacy-Tab: 13. powercord-ownertag: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Intro 0:18 - PowercordPluginDownloader 1:06 - PowercordThemeDownloader 1:28 - bdCompat 1:59 - userNotifs 2:49 - muteNewGuild 3:14 - grammar-nazi 4:24 - relationship-notifier 4:53 - better-replies 5:36 - dm-typing-indicator 6:20 - Rejoin-VC 6:49 - invisible-chat 7:51 - Privacy-Tab 8:49 - powercord-ownertag 9:27 - Removing plugins/Outro/Kiss

Speed up your Discord Messages with BetterDiscord!

A2u1LD9gKNs | 31 Jul 2021

Speed up your Discord Messages with BetterDiscord!

Do you send the same message over and over again on discord? You can speed up your conversations by creating chat aliases. Chat aliases are basically long messages of text that you can shrink into a small command. The ChatAliases BetterDiscord plugin is not only restricted to single basic command but you can also use Regex to trigger an alias. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord ChatAliases OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

All In One Windows Desktop Customizer!

MSay_YAbd8U | 30 Jul 2021

All In One Windows Desktop Customizer!

Customizing your windows desktop can be a bit of a nightmare. A ton of things to look through and learn and it's just a mess. Using ScreenStyler you can reduce the headaches of windows desktop themes and instead focus on picking and choosing elements that match what you want. To be fair, screenstyler is still in BETA and has quite a few bugs hidden inside. Rainmeter still has incompatibilities with weather as well as spotify. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenStyler: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Setup 11:04 - Removal 12:16 - Tr(Outro) šŸŸ

How to stop Viruses and Scam links on your Discord Server!

fKGCA1gTSu4 | 29 Jul 2021

How to stop Viruses and Scam links on your Discord Server!

Update: Crosslink restricted some features to premium only which is sad. You've heard the news from me and plenty of other YouTubers about the number of scams and viruses that plague discord daily. Using a bot called Crosslink, you can stop any suspicious links from being shown on your discord server. This makes your discord server a lot more safe and will save your discord members from falling for these scams. Keep in mind that this doesn't carry over to DMs. So, Crosslink scans attachments and links to determine the contents of the link and will automatically act upon it. If the link is a discord invite, crosslink can automatically delete it. If the link is a virus, Crosslink can automatically delete it and ban the user that sent it. Crosslink can be configured however you want! Keep in mind there will be some false positives so make sure to setup the logs :) Suggested by Yeetus Baboon(0001) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crosslink Bot: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Inviting the bot 00:44 - Server Setup 09:58 - Channel/Role Setup 11:03 - Link/Server Whitelist

Discord's Thread Names are BROKEN + How to STOP them

GPZHbLUK9z8 | 29 Jul 2021

Discord's Thread Names are BROKEN + How to STOP them

E: Wow I missed this but Bots do work in a thread but THE THREAD NAME IS NOT MODERATED. DISCORD HAS DONE IT AGAIN! Discord has ruined their new Threads feature by making it impossible to moderate and control. In this video I'll show you how to quickly disable threads so you don't get spammed and nuked and also how angry I can get in a matter of 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Discord bots do not automatically join threads or validate the title of the thread. This results in tons of spam, racism, raids, and other events that can ruin your server. DISCORD THREADS ARE LITERALLY A SERVER RISK. AND YEAH IM PLAYING ROBLOX IN THE BACKGROUND TO STOMP OUT MY ANGER full stupid roblox video here: DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord's new staff after management goes nuts OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Tutorial 0:35 - Rant and reasoning

Get Google Assistant on Windows!

kGcVtvBToig | 28 Jul 2021

Get Google Assistant on Windows!

Cortana on windows is a huge pain in the rear to deal with. Fortunately, using the Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client, you can fill the loneliness in your life with a spry and happy AI assistant. While some functions do not work correctly. The main things you ask your google assistant will work like normal. You cannot summon the assistant using "Hey Google" but you can press win + shift + a and it will open up the assistant. Later on in the video I change the settings so the assistant automatically listens after using the hotkeys. This functions exactly like holding the google assistant button on your phone. Suggested by:āœ® YSO āœ®(9520) and Three(0001) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google Assistant Download Actions Dashboard Console Dashboard Uninstall page OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Install 7:07 Uninstall

How to Fully Setup the ULTIMATE Discord Server!

jIf1w--yOZg | 27 Jul 2021

How to Fully Setup the ULTIMATE Discord Server!

Thank you Salad for sponsoring the video! Check out Salad and use code "NTTS" when signing up to double your earnings up to $2! There are a lot of videos out there that show you how to set up a Discord server but they miss a lot of things that I think are ABSOLUTELY necessary for any server big or small. I mainly focus on the best bots that everyone should have on their Discord server. Keep in mind that you can totally use any alternative but the bots I show have been the most user friendly I have found that also allow you to learn and get comfortable with even stronger and more complex discord bots. To set up a good and professional discord server, you need to have a variety of channels, moderation bots, anti-raid bots (trust me you need these lol), rank rewards, reaction roles, and a flushed out community features to match up with the bigger servers out there. To speed up the process I provided a discord server template based on my Discord server. You can use a different server template or make your own if you wish. Also due to brevity sake, this video won't focus on growing a discord server. If you want to see something like that, let me know :) SPONSORED LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get Salad: Salad's Open Source Code: Salad's Reviews: Research Resources Provided by Salad How Much Electricity Does Cryptomining Use?: Making Money With Salad: What's the Catch?: How DAG & Hardware Degradation Affect Miners: Does Mining for Cryptocurrency Damage My GPU?: Antiviruses and Salad: TUTORIAL LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server Template: Rules & Role Info Template: Dyno Bot Invite: Dyno Bot Dashboard: Ticket Tool: Beemo Invite: Arcane Invite: Arcane Dashboard: Carl-bot: Discord Emojis: Discord Stickers: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Salad Ad (SalAD?) 01:17 - Server Template 01:38 - Copying Rules & Template info 03:06 - Dyno's Moderation 10:04 - Ticket Tool's Modmail system 14:06 - Beemo's Anti-raid 15:05 - Arcane's Level Roles 19:34 - Carlbot's EZ Reaction Roles 23:12 - ARCANE AND CARLBOT FIX 24:05 - Server Emojis 24:51 - Server Stickers 26:22 - Community Tab for fanciness 29:30 - Advice & Tips 30:22 - Outro and Clarification

Free Nitro Discord Scams | Phishing links to steal your account

cBZWn5wetmM | 26 Jul 2021

Free Nitro Discord Scams | Phishing links to steal your account

The Epic Games Store free Discord nitro offer has been long gone but scammers have gotten creative and have now started hijacking accounts by promising people free discord nitro if they redeem it. Scammers will implement phishing links, malicious links that look like normal links, to get you to sign in through a fake log in page. This fake log in page implements Discord's QR code which bypasses two factor authentication and gives the scammers complete access to your account. The background game footage is from The Witness, a fun puzzle game that looks great. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Play poker and watch YouTube with friends on Discord

12dnubBT9Kw | 25 Jul 2021

Play poker and watch YouTube with friends on Discord

Using a Discord bot called Activities, you can play games and watch YouTube with your friends on Discord over voice calls. The Activities bot actually uses Discord's Beta feature that was showcased as poker in some public servers. These games and applications run through Discord and looks like a screenshare but allows you to click and drag and move stuff around in it. This is the first beta feature on this channel that you can actually opt into, hurray! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activities Bot OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to make Earrape Videos

YcKLfLSnr5o | 24 Jul 2021

How to make Earrape Videos

DO YOU LIKE NOT HEARING OR MAKING YOUR DEAF FROM YOUR VIDEOS? Then you definitely need to make a super loud video. Loud videos have one purpose, inflict pain into the ear receptacles of your friends. Mind you, this is super annoying and you will probably get banned from a handful of discord servers if you do something like this. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Louder Website Davinci Resolve OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Basic Method 0:52 Advanced Method

How to install BetterDiscord FAST!

WPSAYxP1eB0 | 23 Jul 2021

How to install BetterDiscord FAST!

BetterDiscord is a super easy to use and install client modification for Discord. Client modifications for Discord are against discord's terms of service. This means you can be banned for using better discord so use it at your own risk. The main point of this video is to be a companion to many other videos that involve installing betterdiscord. If you want to learn how to use plugins and themes, I would suggest taking a look at this video: PS: BETTERDISCORD IS AGAINST DISCORD'S TERMS OF SERVICE, USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 0:38 - Uninstall

Sussy Among Us Dumpy Bot [I am being held against my will]

HZoEs-wyi7s | 23 Jul 2021

Sussy Among Us Dumpy Bot [I am being held against my will]

Do you want to be a sussy baka in your discord server and have fun among us, your friends. Well using this fancy bot you can have a couple of giggles with the lads while we all find out who's the impostor that kidnapped NTTS! Sounds like a whole lotta fun! There is no way nothing is wrong at all with any part of the description or video just enjoy it and like and subscribe! LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Among Us Dumpy Bot OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 This is not a drill 0:40 I am being held 1:20 Against my will 1:50 It's just kids saying 2:20 you're a sussy baka 2:50 I am scared

How to Easily install Powercord, Plugins, and Themes

Mop8515xtCE | 22 Jul 2021

How to Easily install Powercord, Plugins, and Themes

Powercord is a client modification just like BetterDiscord. Client modifications for Discord are against discord's terms of service. This means you can be banned for using powercord so use it at your own risk. The differences between Powercord and BetterDiscord are heavily debated. While you could pick and choose whether or not you want to install powercord, just know that it is a bit more involved vs BetterDiscord. Feel free to make your decision based on experience if powercord is better than betterdiscord. While I personally think powercord has a ton of power user utilities, betterdiscord is a whole heckuva lot easier to use. I did attempt to streamline the installation of powercord to be a bit easier to allow more people to experience the differences between it and betterdiscord. PS: POWERCORD IS AGAINST DISCORD'S TERMS OF SERVICE, USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Canary macOS: Windows: Linux (deb): Linux (tar.gz): Git NodeJS Install script Powercord Discord Server Uninstall script Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugins cd powercord\src\Powercord\plugins && git clone [link] cd %homepath% Themes cd powercord/src/Powercord/themes && git clone [link] cd %homepath% OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Installation 2:15 Install Plugins 3:57 Install Themes 5:37 Uninstall

Which Discord Image Host is the Best?

MQBvQVPhTpU | 21 Jul 2021

Which Discord Image Host is the Best?

When I made my video showing you how to get the fancy dancy discord embeds. I got a wave of comments talking about different image hosts. After looking more into it, it seemed like there was a hissy fit of which one was better. While I wonā€™t be looking at performance because I donā€™t have stable enough conditions to test performance, I will be looking at how long it takes to get an invite, the professionalism of staff, and the domain selection of each host. To clarify on any potential bias, I currently am signed up with and have made a video on although I rarely use any of these services due to privacy concerns. I am not sponsored in any way and my thoughts are my own and have not been reviewed by a third-party. Also keep in mind that a lot of image hosts are not actually trying to be malicious or evil. The server raid was an anomaly. The awful domain names are normal and it's because these image hosts are so competitive and evil to each other that if one image host has a racist domain name, the other image host has to one up them and get something even more putrid. The worst part about all of this is that private discord image hosts are not even profitable and are susceptible to a ton of legal issues. It literally makes no sense to have one other than the drip factor. If you want to read a very thorough image host review, please check this out: Thanks klook#1000 for sharing this :) OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Different Profile Pictures per Discord Server?

uSoazCZw35Y | 20 Jul 2021

Different Profile Pictures per Discord Server?

Discord once again is releasing a beta feature that allows you to have multiple profile pictures. When you are enrolled into the change identity beta, you can change your nickname and profile picture for every single server you are in. This is pretty cool and a ton of people have been asking for different profile pictures per server and discord has finally listened. In this video I show you how it works, how to check if you have the beta, and how to keep yourself safe from potential scam videos/tutorials that will attempt to steal your token. PS: THIS FEATURE ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE NITRO. Kinda sad OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to make a Beluga Discord Video

_L7OersbtBc | 19 Jul 2021

How to make a Beluga Discord Video

Beluga and his style of videos has taken YouTube and it's mysterious algorithm by storm. Making these Discord mod meme videos are actually very easy and does not require a lot of editing skills. In the video I show you tips on how to draft an entertaining script, how to record the video, how to efficiently edit the video, and how to upload it. At the end of the video I have the finished video that I made in the tutorial itself. Hopefully after watching the video you will be able to make your own content that will be as entertaining and successful as Beluga and his discord meme videos. Also remember, don't start YouTube for the money, start it for fun and if your passion shows money will come. Additionally, a lot of this process could be sped up through keybinds and perhaps macros. In the future there will 100% be a bot that will be able to turn a script into a full video and that will be the start of the end. To be transparent, I do in fact make some bitter jokes and remarks in the video regarding Beluga and his type of content. These were mainly used to keep the tutorial somewhat entertaining and not as information dense. I do not hate Beluga nor his content, I'm just outside of the target demographic and I do not understand it. Thanks boomer brain. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firefox Davinci Resolve Discord Sound Effect: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro and Requirements 01:00 - Writing a Script 02:14 - Recording 05:23 - Editing 19:18 - Final Result 19:44 - Outro

How to Customize your Taskbar to be Modern

u-xNazqqWMs | 18 Jul 2021

How to Customize your Taskbar to be Modern

Trying to get the Windows 11 modern taskbar on Windows 10 is actually surprisingly easy. Using RoundedTB and T-Clock, you can make your taskbar look modern and sleek. Fortunately, you can still customize and tweak your taskbar's clock as well as the margins and borders. Basically, it looks good and it's customizable. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RoundedTB T-Clock Microsoft stuff OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Download and Install 1:11 Rounded Taskbar Config 2:18 Tclock Config 4:03 Taskbar Tweaks 5:14 Uninstall Suggested by: _Zelk#1403

Is Discord's Cache HTML/Adodb.gen!A Trojan Dangerous?

kUN8Y_l1a-k | 17 Jul 2021

Is Discord's Cache HTML/Adodb.gen!A Trojan Dangerous?

Recently a lot of people have been getting a Window's Defender notification that they have a Trojan on their device from their Discord Cache. This HTML/Adodb.gen!A Trojan is actually quite harmless and I show you how to remove it but I also show you how to prevent windows defending from freaking out. While excluding the discord cache folder can seem dangerous, if Discord's application works like normal those files will be deleted after some time. Want to learn more about this? Check out this reddit thread: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Top 5 BetterDiscord Themes 2021

zLigyeSZHwk | 16 Jul 2021

Top 5 BetterDiscord Themes 2021

Making your discord look fantastic is actually really easy. I'm going to show you how to install betterdiscord and use it to theme your discord into one of the 5 themes that I show in this video. Some of the betterdiscord themes that I show are modern, sleek, or cute so anyone should be able to find something that they like :) PLEASE NOTE: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS, these particular themes are very low risk but you still have a small chance of being banned regardless Thumbnail photo is taken from Nyria's immaculate Couve theme. Check their work out here: DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BD Download Couve LilyPichu Materialistic Metro for Discord Lode OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Installing BetterDiscord 1:22 Couve 2:17 LilyPichu 3:09 Materialistic 4:08 Metro for Discord 4:41 Lode 5:48 Uninstalling BetterDiscord

Discord User vs Discord Scammer

mWpbZb1nuHA | 15 Jul 2021

Discord User vs Discord Scammer

What do you do when you get a Discord Scammer in your DMs? Do you act like a wimp and block them or do you commit chad and give them what they want...... photos of hot and steam-y figures ;) Douglas's Step-mom is back in business in case you thought that she wasnā€™t. Yes. This is again inspired by Beluga the prophet ALSO, normal video coming out tomorrow. Videos should alternate between funny stuff and normal tutorials. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How2 E-Date as a Discord Mod

5ob2geutxfw | 14 Jul 2021

How2 E-Date as a Discord Mod

E-dating on discord is a hard feat to accomplish. With the sleuth of people with anime profile pictures itā€™s hard to stand out for a potential e-kitten. With my experience of having no IRL girlfriend, or even an e-girlfriend, Iā€™m going to teach you how to be the prime sigma male and get the girl or a dude pretending to be the girl of your dreams. Yes. This is inspired by Beluga the prophet OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Best "Free" Voice changer, Voicemod

AOLN2gBtVxM | 14 Jul 2021

Best "Free" Voice changer, Voicemod

Voice changers are generally buggy, annoying, and hard to use. I've looked at clownfish before and it sucked. But after a ton of suggestions for Voicemod, I checked it out and it is top quality stuff. The free version is great for exploring different voices but it can be a bit restrictive. The cost of premium can be very high but if you really like this program, it could be worth it. I personally only use the free version and am content with the software :) PLEASE DONT USE THIS ON PUBLIC DISCORD SERVERS, YOU MIGHT GET BANNED. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voicemod OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Install and usage 5:06 Uninstall

Free Discord Level / Rank Roles (Arcane Bot Setup)

8WKvCXNqzxM | 12 Jul 2021

Free Discord Level / Rank Roles (Arcane Bot Setup)

Mee6 sucks since you need to pay to get level up rewards. Fortunately, if you use Arcane bot you can have level up rewards for free. While Arcane bot still does have restrictions with their premium features, you don't need them to have level or rank role rewards. This video will show you how to set up your discord server and how to set up arcane for aesthetic role rewards. Using this system, you could easily scale this into a permission focused role reward where achieving a certain level will unlock certain permissions. I currently use Arcane on my discord server to restrict image and embed permissions until members are active enough to understand the rules. This also blocks out potential image spam of bad content. Moreover the Arcane YouTube thing might work and I was just and idiot, I'll find out soon. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcane OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Adding Arcane 1:04 Setting up server 2:56 Configuring Arcane 10:20 Using Arcane 13:18 Goodbye Arcane

How to Show Views in the Title like Tom Scott

-AsCXt14ft0 | 10 Jul 2021

How to Show Views in the Title like Tom Scott

Tom Scott made a fantastic video which showed the number of views the video had in the title. In the tutorial, I'm going to show you how Tom Scott put the number of views in his title and had it constantly updated. To show how many views a video has in the title, you need Google Scripts and some code which is linked in the LINKS section. Moreover, you could also show the number of likes, dislikes, and comments in the title of the video which will dynamically update using the bot / script. This unfortunately does not work for YouTube Brand accounts. Trust me, this video title would be way cooler if that was the case. HOMEMADE EXAMPLE: LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google Scripts Code My minecraft video featuring this script OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Install and setup 8:55 Uninstall

Top 10 Custom CSS Codes for BetterDiscord

l8MJIKGqR3g | 08 Jul 2021

Top 10 Custom CSS Codes for BetterDiscord

BetterDiscord is a fun and nifty Discord client modification that allows you to have plugins as well as themes for discord. There is always a section that I haven't looked at and that's Custom CSS. Custom CSS has massive potential and in the video I show you some interesting codes that were sourced from BetterDiscord's Discord server. Please note: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS! DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Custom CSS Chat OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Installing BetterDiscord 1:07 Round Borders - by Leeprky 2:12 Hide Banner Nitro Icon - by Strencher 2:35 Resize-able Channels - by Qb 2:57 Hide Stickers Button - by david 3:14 Small Stickers - by david 3:38 Role Color BG - by l0c4lh057 3:55 No Server Banners - by ItMeSarah 4:09 Hide Dumb Stuff - by david 4:56 Uninstall Suggested by: Asutoro#6666

Increase Video / Gif FPS with AI

b6kdc5xaqs0 | 06 Jul 2021

Increase Video / Gif FPS with AI

A lot of banner gifs for Discord are very low FPS and are choppy. Using an application called FlowFrames, you can upscale the fps of a video to make it smoother. The AI upscaler will allow you to increase a video's framerate up to 8x the original amount. Mind you, there will always be some artifacts but when the artificial intelligence gets the perfect reference material, there can be some amazing outcomes. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlowFrames OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:16 - Uninstall Suggested by: Tyzze /ć‚°ćƒ¬ć‚“ćƒÆ惫#5472

#scuffed-short Discord bugs - Fake Vanity URLS and Ghost Pings

iF_8V_KwfJk | 05 Jul 2021

#scuffed-short Discord bugs - Fake Vanity URLS and Ghost Pings

This is just a quick preview of some discord bugs lol. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, THIS IS AGAINT DISCORD TOS Bug 1: Fake invite link. You can mask your discord invite link as any link. Bug 2: Invisible ping. You can send a message and it'll ping the person but they wont see the @ LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool code OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server #scuffed-short Suggested by aadit#0001

How to use Canva to make a Basic Logo

YBu8tXYzOiY | 05 Jul 2021

How to use Canva to make a Basic Logo

Making a profile picture or logo for your new YouTube channel or for Discord can be a daunting task if you have no idea how to use any professional tools. Fortunately, using an online photo editing software with a plethora of amazing templates called Canva, you can create these logos with ease. Canva has a couple of strengths that make it easy to recommend. Canva's free templates which cover a wide range of styles as well as it's cloud storage allow anyone anywhere on any device to make whatever their heart desires. While this video may seem like an ad, it is not. I genuinely love Canva for getting design ideas and it has helped me immensely in the past and still helps me in the present. I even used Canva to make my own profile picture. And yes, the thumbnail is different because I made it in Canva lmao. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canva OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Suggested by: Three#0001

How to have a Custom Discord Image Embed with no Beta Invite

MX1G04Oypho | 04 Jul 2021

How to have a Custom Discord Image Embed with no Beta Invite

You might see people with a custom URL for their discord screenshots that are funny or they might have an embed associated with their screenshot. Well using ShareX and a free custom image host, you can also make your screenshots embeds with funny words. While this isn't the easiest method to get custom embeds with links, it is one that does not require an invite to use which restricts people from using it. Once easier and better to use hosts become public, they will be covered due to their vast advantage to sxcu. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShareX Embed code OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Install and Usage 4:56 Uninstall Suggested and helped massively by: Asutoro#6666

Listen with your friend's Spotify on Discord!

k_zfVA8ghI8 | 03 Jul 2021

Listen with your friend's Spotify on Discord!

Using BetterDiscord you can add a plugin that can allow you to listen to spotify music with your friends despite your economic standing with spotify! Using my normal spotify account I can join any listening party and avoid the nasty discord pop up. Please note: BetterDiscord is against discord's TOS moreover, spotify might get mad with you on this one but idek. Just don't go too crazy with it. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord SpotifyListenAlong Plugin OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 2:56 - Uninstall

How to setup Dyno Discord Bot

n1sV1jYWxzQ | 03 Jul 2021

How to setup Dyno Discord Bot

Dyno is a wonderful, albeit quirky, bot that is very friendly for beginners and does not restrict basic utilities behind a paywall like Mee6. Dyno has powerful and simple moderation tools that can be customized to your liking. I'll be showing you in this video how to setup dyno, the discord moderation bot, and I'll show some features that I feel are necessary for any server big or small. With some experience with a medium sized server (~4300 members) I give you some tips and tricks on how to use Dyno effectively and avoid the bloat. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dyno OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Inviting Dyno 1:13 Dashboard 1:42 Action Log 5:05 Announcements 5:25 Autoban 6:21 Auto Delete 7:26 Automod 14:41 Autoresponder 15:10 Autoroles 15:41 Custom Commands 16:24 Fun, Message Embedder 16:40 Moderation 18:12 Reaction Roles 18:34 Reminders, Starboard, Tags 19:23 Commands 21:11 Custom Commands, Logs 21:35 Warnings 22:30 Modlogs in the server 23:11 Outro

[READ DESCRIPTION] How to log into a Discord Bot Account

hbIRikxAp6E | 02 Jul 2021

[READ DESCRIPTION] How to log into a Discord Bot Account

AN UPDATED VERSION IS SHOWN HERE: A lot of people are wanting to log into a discord bot account to either prank their friends or take advantage of the free nitro perks that bot accounts get. I'm going to show you through screen recordings on how to create a bot account, log into the bot account, and use the bot account. Logging into a bot account IS AGAINST DISCORDā€™S TOS. Moreover, this application does not allow you to log into a public bot like Dyno or Carlbot since you need the bot token (which devs will definitely not give out). Although, you could impersonate a bot by changing the profile picture and the account name of the bot. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer Portal Bot Client OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Install 4:18 Uninstall

Custom Keyword Discord Notifications with Betterdiscord!

g0m8KqmZu6k | 01 Jul 2021

Custom Keyword Discord Notifications with Betterdiscord!

You can mute notifications on all servers and only get a notification if a certain word is said in visible channels. Using KeyWordTracker, you will get a ping if a message matches what you have entered in the plug-in's settings. Using this you could get a custom notification when a friend talks about you or if someone asks a specific question you can answer. These notifications overwrite the notification settings of the server. Fortunately, you can turn on and off specific pings from servers. PS: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS so proceed with caution and understand the ban risk associated with client modifications DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord KeywordTracker OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 4:11 - Uninstall Suggested by ćƒ«ćƒŸćƒć‚¹#7668

Top 5 Helpful Chrome Extensions

TpXtohf0MJ0 | 30 Jun 2021

Top 5 Helpful Chrome Extensions

Google chrome is probably the web browser you use on a day to day basis. These 5 google chrome extensions are, hands down, the best extensions I use on a day to day basis. AdBlock allows you to block ads on websites and YouTube but it also allows you to turn off ads for specific channels (Protip I would really appreciate it if you did turn ads off for my channel) nightTab is a wonderful new tab replacement which has a sleuth of customization options and has a couple of presets. Combine that with an intuitive interface and you have a pretty minty fresh new tab page. Bitwarden is basically LastPass but you don't have to pay for basic features. GoFullPage just captures the whole page as a screenshot, very useful for specific scenarios. StayFocusd is your dad moderating your PC without him being there. Struggling with self-control and an absent family member is difficult so StayFocusd helps you stay focused on stuff you need to do by allowing you to set a timer for specific websites. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AdBlock with youtuber whitelist nightTab Bitwarden GoFullPage StayFocusd OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - AdBlock 0:40 - nightTab 1:12 - Bitwarden 1:44 - GoFullPage 2:18 - StayFocusd 3:27 - Uninstall

How to have Adobe as your Discord Status!

uZUnG9jf9RI | 29 Jun 2021

How to have Adobe as your Discord Status!

Do you want to show your current photoshop, after effects, or premiere pro activity on your discord account? Well, using Adobe Discord RPC with any of the newer versions of the Adobe suite (CC 2018 and above I think), you can show off exactly what you are doing on discord at any time. This app shows the application you are in, the tool you are using, the composition/layer you are on, the file name, and even how long you are using the app. Fortunately you can disable some of these settings incase you deal with sensitive information. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Discord RPC "PlayerDebugMode" and put "1" as value OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 4:49 - Uninstall

How to test out Discord Threads!

GPDFQM6tsUM | 29 Jun 2021

How to test out Discord Threads!

Discord has a new feature announced called threads. You can actually test out this feature on a super small private server. Threads are conversations that can be started from messages and are replicating the forums feeling of discussion without needing any bots or alternative messaging systems like guilded. Discord did a fantastic job figuring out this feature and listening to their audience. Not only are minor chat tweaks implemented for simplicity, but the multitask view of threads is phenomenal PS: This isn't released yet, it's just announced and open to testing. Expect to see it in the next handful of days (assuming discord doesn't play dumb and wait 2 months). LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord PTB Development Portal OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Unlocking Threads 1:15 - Using Threads

Improve your screenshots with ShareX

_CnxeV7V0NA | 28 Jun 2021

Improve your screenshots with ShareX

Sending screenshots to your discord friends can be a bit boring. Having the basic screenshot without any fancy effects added to it is now out of style due to tons of gamers now using ShareX. ShareX allows you to do a whole bunch of stuff but the focus of this video is to make screenshots look better with its after screenshot effects feature. You can select from a whole bunch of presets or you can spend a bit of time and make something of your own. A flexible and basic effect editor will make you have unique screenshots in no time. ALSO FOR THE TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND THING I WAS TALKING ABOUT, YOU CAN DO ONE OF THREE THINGS (Thanks Jaex from ShareX) 1. Drag n drop from main window of ShareX: 2. Drag n drop from notification popup: 3. Also you can enable transparent clipboard copying support but it not works everywhere thats why [Jaex] did not make it enabled by default: DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShareX OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 6:57 - Uninstall Suggested by: Nqt#5788 and EvilPedia#1337

Custom Bots could Nuke your Server

phTIWEMwBRk | 27 Jun 2021

Custom Bots could Nuke your Server

Letting someone code a custom discord bot for your server is very dangerous. This is because a lot of people will inadvertently give the bot permissions that could be used against them. Bot creators can used modified discord clients to log into the bot and become the bot. When logged in, the bot creator can ban everyone, modify roles, modify channels, and basically reduce your server into nothing. How do you protect yourself from custom bots that can nuke your server? Basically don't accept custom bots from people unless you know exactly what the bot is doing. This also applies to webhooks. Stick with the main bots that people use on their discord servers and you should be safe. TO BE FAIR, there are a ton of actual hardworking developers out there that do create bots for a living. Just do your research on the person who is developing your bot and see if they have created reputable projects in the past. Someone with a ton of active and safe projects under their belt will not risk their rapport for a single 500 member discord server. So, just keep in mind that there are legitimate developers out there that want to get paid or get their name out there. HOW TO BE A BOT: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

#scuffed-short Free Pre-Made Discord Banners

qHn4bbH9YO4 | 26 Jun 2021

#scuffed-short Free Pre-Made Discord Banners

This is a nice little website I was shown by Ethanerino#3939 on my sweet discord server. It allows you to find premade banners without having to be a graphic designer or without having a brain. It's dead simple, download the banner and apply it like normal. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Banners OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Change Windows Fonts

bt5T-B8dKgM | 26 Jun 2021

How to Change Windows Fonts

The typical windows font can be boring and somewhat hard to read. Using MacType you can change the font to something cooler, easier to read, or downright awful to read. Changing your windows font is a heckuva lot easier than you would think. One small application with a very thorough setup will allow you to configure any font you want on your windows computer entertainment America. (This literally sounds like rambling but it's an inside joke for myself because I want to read this later and laugh) Anyways, MacType makes it easy to change fonts, add your own fonts, and turn off custom fonts all with a relatively simple UI. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacType Google Font OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 5:24 - Turn off font 5:47 - Adding more fonts 6:04 - Changing fonts 6:48 - Uninstall

Easy Discord Animated Profile Picture Maker

pBpYFdKOCGw | 25 Jun 2021

Easy Discord Animated Profile Picture Maker

Not all of us are super skilled in after effects but we want our own custom animated profile picture for discord. Fortunately, you can create your own pfp on the web without any design skills. Pick your text and your colors and after about 5 minutes, your newly made profile picture will be sent to you. Honestly this is probably the most efficient way of getting an animated profile picture. You omit the granularity that comes with fully custom logos but you don't have to spend hours in after effects and handfuls of minutes rendering. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile Making Website OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Discord Custom Banners and About me Profiles are Here!

3G-fyPqwJAk | 24 Jun 2021

Discord Custom Banners and About me Profiles are Here!

Discord About me customization and custom banners are now available to everyone! Get that customization started!!!! The about me feature is free for everyone and allows you to have a custom more in-depth bio for discord. It used to be a beta feature but not it is available for everyone! The custom banner is a nitro exclusive and allows you to have an animated or static banner for your profile And the profile customization is just there for ease of use! IF YOU DONT HAVE IT, MAKE SURE TO PRESS CONTROL + R TO RESTART DISCORD. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, TRY UNINSTALLING AND REINSTALLING THE LATEST DISCORD VERSION. IF YOU ARE ON MOBILE, YOU MAY NEED TO WAIT A BIT UNTIL THE APPS ARE UPDATED. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Get a Custom Discord Banner without Nitro

NNkoRnDywNo | 24 Jun 2021

Get a Custom Discord Banner without Nitro

UPDATE: To request a banner, just upload a .gif or .jpg/.png/.jpeg to the background-request channel on the usrbg Discord Server Please note: This uses BetterDiscord which is against Discord's TOS. This feature only works for BetterDiscord users who use specific themes. Since it's impossible for anyone to get the discord banner without nitro, the BetterDiscord community has created a database of custom backgrounds that allows anyone to upload their own banner and have it approved and merged into the database. This database gets accessed by specific themes which display the user's chosen custom discord banner. In this particular video, I use betterdiscord, usrbg, and the slate theme to display my custom ANIMATED discord banner. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: To request a banner, just upload a .gif or .jpg/.png/.jpeg to the background-request channel on the usrbg Discord Server usrbg Discord Server and Info BetterDiscord BDFDB The theme I used OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 6:33 - Uninstall Suggested by: Fr_g

How to have Folders in your Taskbar!

_2FofQ0BCSM | 23 Jun 2021

How to have Folders in your Taskbar!

Imagine not having to use the wretched start menu. Imagine just opening up a small folder in your taskbar that would reveal a menu of other applications. Well, stop imagining because this just got real. Using Taskbar groups you can shrink your 10000 shortcut taskbar into a single icon (I wouldn't test that). Please note that this app is a bit buggy so like best of luck if it gets super wacky/ Thanks to chanel name for the video idea! DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taskbar Groups Taskbar Groups Patch OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 8:40 - Uninstall

Discord Beta Scams!

vl93RzBfm4Q | 22 Jun 2021

Discord Beta Scams!

People far and wide have been losing their accounts to try and get Discord beta features. This highly sought after feature turns critical thinking humans into test dummies where their discord token gets stolen and sent to the mothership. Basically, there are "tutorial" videos out there that 100% steal your account token. Obfuscated code disguised to unlock the experiments tab but also steal your token are scattered in the description to trick you into putting malicious code in your discord console. The videos disable comments and the like to dislike ratio to remove any perceived red flags. Even worse, Discord even gives you a warning but people still fall for it. If you have entered weird code into your discord console from a discord beta tutorial, please change your password as soon as possible. Also, just know that not all beta tutorial videos are trying to steal your token. Some people actually provide clean code but it still doesn't work regardless. TL;DR: YOU CANT GET THE ABOUT ME OR BANNER BETA UNLESS DISCORD GIVES IT TO YOU. IF YOU PUT CODE INTO DISCORD, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Easily Install BetterDiscord Plugins and Themes

W6aqvb_ujPg | 22 Jun 2021

How to Easily Install BetterDiscord Plugins and Themes

Installing a whole bunch of BetterDiscord themes and plugins can be a bit of a hassle. Using ThemeRepo and PluginRepo, installing anything BetterDiscord related is super easy. Moreover, the plugins and themes available through the Repos are verified by the BetterDiscord team and are generally speaking very low-ban risk plugins. PS: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS. Thanks to Asutoro#6666 for the video idea ā™„ DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord ThemeRepo PluginRepo OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 4:36 - Uninstall

Theme Spotify using Spicetify V2

rRhratE0KNk | 22 Jun 2021

Theme Spotify using Spicetify V2

A SPOTIFY UPDATE BROKE SPICETIFY CURRENTLY, IF YOU HAVE A BLANK SCREEN, TYPE IN ā€œspicetify restoreā€ INTO POWERSHELL AND WAIT UNTIL SPICETIFY GETS A NEW VERSION. This is a quick updated tutorial on how to make your spotify look significantly better than before using themes. For the customization, I am using spicetify which finally got released as a V2 which works for the latest version of spotify. This tutorial will help you apply any theme available in the github link. Moreover, this tutorial will also help you change the color variant of the theme to match your taste. PS: Please have the version of spotify installed before continuing installation. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spotify Download Spicetify Themes Themes Preview Spicetify Code CODES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGING BASIC THEME spicetify config current_theme (theme name) spicetify config color_scheme (color scheme name) spicetify apply CHANGING COMPLEX THEME spicetify restore spicetify config extensions (EXTENSION.js) spicetify config current_theme (theme name) spicetify config color_scheme (color scheme name) spicetify apply CROSS COMPATIBILITY spicetify config extensions (EXTENSION.js)- OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 03:27 - Basic vs Complex Themes 04:03 - Basic Theme Install 06:55 - Complex Theme Install 10:48 - Removing Social Tab 11:07 - Cross Compatibility 13:01 - Fixing Disappearing Theme 14:16 - Uninstall

Custom Rich Discord Presence without BetterDiscord

pL4TLEbIsAA | 21 Jun 2021

Custom Rich Discord Presence without BetterDiscord

Custom rich Discord presences have been out for a while but they usually require you to open a spooky script that opens command prompt which can be annoying. There are also BetterDiscord plugins but BetterDiscord is against the TOS so how do we get a safer alternative? Hey, Vince here with the slap chop, I mean DiscordRPCMaker. It can do almost everything the BetterDiscord plugin can but is a lot safer. The only con about DiscordRPCMaker is that you need to start it everytime you restart your PC. EDIT: ThatOneCalculator (the bot developer) has fixed the nasty dash issue with buttons. So that basically means dashes turn into spaces and you wont face any weird issues ā™„ Also, if you press win+r and type "shell:startup" and drag a Discord RPC Maker shortcut (might have to make one) into the folder and enable "Auto-start latest presence" you will have your custom rich presence start when you start your PC :) LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DiscordRPCMaker (Newer nicer looking site) (Old website that matches the video) Developer Portal Image Resizer OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 09:46 - Uninstall

[10k subs special] 9 + 10 calculation in Minecraft

r1lCP5vHlds | 21 Jun 2021

[10k subs special] 9 + 10 calculation in Minecraft

I think my calculator is broken since 9 + 10 did not result in 21 but 19. Can someone please help. Also, thank you all very much for 10k subs. I honestly didn't even expect 5k subs and I definitely didn't imagine getting 10k subs before the start of September. Y'all are nuts and I can't thank you enough. ā™„ Also, that calculator took me 3ish hours to make and it actually functions but is highly unoptimized. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decimal to Binary Converter Minecraft OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How To Annoy Everyone on Discord with a Voice Changer

XxUwuuPrlyU | 20 Jun 2021

How To Annoy Everyone on Discord with a Voice Changer

PLEASE DONT USE THIS ON PUBLIC DISCORD SERVERS, YOU MIGHT GET BANNED. Voice changers are annoying not only for the people listening to it but it's also annoying for you. Follow along as I go through perhaps the most painful 7 and a half minutes of my life trying to change my voice and endure the ear piercing voice changer that feeds back into my headphones. Not only does clownfish have a voice changer but they have the following: - Soundboard - Music Player - Text to Speech šŸ˜” Also the video is under 8 minutes so no super long ads! :) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clownfish Voice Changer OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 6:34 - Uninstall

Unlimited Embeds on Discord for Free!

GadlQ6qzEr0 | 19 Jun 2021

Unlimited Embeds on Discord for Free!

Sending embeds on discord is a good way to make your messages on your server a whole lot nicer. Unfortunately, bots like Mee6 and Dyno have a limited number of embeds for free users. Today I'll show you how to send embed messages through a webhook. Doing this allows you to send an unlimited amount of embeds without buying premium bot features. Please note that to create a webhook on a server, you must have the correct permissions. This cannot be used to send messages on servers that you do not manage. LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DiscoHook Markdown 101 OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - Webhook URL 01:22 - Content 02:30 - Content Image 02:51 - Removing Embeds 03:12 - Author 03:51 - Body 04:33 - Field 07:18 - Images 07:51 - Footer 08:32 - Sending/Editing 10:09 - Saving 12:17 - Removing 12:47 - Bye bye

Easy Modern/Windows 11 Icon Theme

Xc5rswJ76cs | 18 Jun 2021

Easy Modern/Windows 11 Icon Theme

Windows themes can be a bit confusing and hard to deal with. Using this very easy to install theme, old icons blend into new icons which creates a uniform modern experience. Overall, this windows icon theme is pretty superb and is something I would consider using on my host machine :) Plus these icons are basically smelling like the fresh Windows 11 cake that baker Microsoft leaked. PREWARNING: MAKE A DANG SYSTEM RESTORE POINT LIKE I SHOWED IN THE VIDEO DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7TSP Tool Windows 10 Insider Preview Icon Theme Wallpaper OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 4:56 - Uninstall

Easy DIY Animated BetterDiscord Themes

VpBhFJJt2xs | 17 Jun 2021

Easy DIY Animated BetterDiscord Themes

All these premade themes suck. I want to customize my own discord theme with an animated background. Well fortunately, this was quite a feat and required coding knowledge or using an outdated website. NEW FLASH BABY! The developer of the outdated website pulled out a banger of a new update to the website which makes it 10000x easier to use and customize. PLEASE NOTE: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS. Theming discord has a very low ban risk but there is a risk nonetheless. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Theme Editor WALLPAPERS OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install BD 01:13 - Making Theme 13:18 - Uninstall

Cold Dark Winter Rainmeter Skin ft. A Gas Station

lepLhC_r8Sk | 16 Jun 2021

Cold Dark Winter Rainmeter Skin ft. A Gas Station

I love winter and drinking gasoline. If you like a dark blue winter feeling Rainmeter skin, this is the one to pick. The Cold Rainmeter skin has time and date functionality, a half working now playing monitor, and a fully broken weather system. I'll show you how to cull the weak and not working parts of the Rainmeter skin and keep the functional parts for a better looking desktop experience. Also the new fancy graphical stuff is what I was struggling with on after effects. Pretty underwhelming. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainmeter Cold Skin Wallpaper OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 5:50 - Uninstall

Use Picture in Picture on ANY Video in Windows

jqTTl2htFZE | 15 Jun 2021

Use Picture in Picture on ANY Video in Windows

Picture in Picture (PiP) is a feature that phones have that allow you to watch a video and have it floating on top of any other application. Using the PiP-Tool it is possible to do this on windows. Albeit, with this software, there are some bugs that require you to pay attention. One of these bugs is that if you resize the video window, you will also move the PiP view. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PiP-Tool OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 2:14 - Uninstall

8 Chat Plugins for BetterDiscord Users (2021)

WGwUysqFw3s | 14 Jun 2021

8 Chat Plugins for BetterDiscord Users (2021)

Improving your Discord experience is really easy. Using BetterDiscord and some hand-picked plugins, you can improve your quality of life on Discord to at least have something in your life that isn't morbid and sad. To highlight the convenience of these plugins, take a peek at ChannelTabs. It single handedly improved my Discord experience. It allows me to easily multitask between multiple conversations with ease. Goated plugin ngl. PLEASE NOTE: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS, these particular plugins are very low risk but DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BD Download BadgesEverywhere PlatformIndicators HideDisabledEmojis WhoReacted BlurNSFW (Youtube is going to strike my channel for this again) SendLargeMessages RemoveBlockedMessages CallTimeCounter OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install BD and plugins 2:36 - BadgesEverywhere 3:07 - PlatformIndicators 3:29 - HideDisabledEmojis 4:05 - WhoReacted 4:31 - BlurNSFW 5:13 - SendLargeMessages 5:51 - RemoveBlockedMessages 6:24 - CallTimeCounter 7:15 - Uninstall

The Dangers of Fake Credit Cards for Free Nitro from Epic Games

FZRH66bIhys | 13 Jun 2021

The Dangers of Fake Credit Cards for Free Nitro from Epic Games

E: It seems like Discord doesn't really care about this so you probably wont get banned regardless. Did you use a fake/suspicious credit card that you didn't own? Chances are that you commited a pretty serious offense and you are either a) concerned about your discord account or b) concerned about being in legal trouble. You may think that this situation is a bit overblown, but it's better to be diligent. Chances are, most users will not face any bans due to so many people using a fake credit card. But it's definitely a good idea to remove the fake credit card from your account. Unfortunately, the damage is done by using a fake credit card. There is no way to fully clean yourself from your sins but taking the steps shown in the video is a good way to at least cover some of your steps. To be clear, doing this doesn't guarantee you get a get out of jail free card but it is helpful in reducing the chances of punishment. Although, like I said, the chances of punishment are slim to none. Spreading the word about credit card fraud is something you should do. Tell your friends to follow the steps shown to reduce their chances of being banned. But don't stop there. Look up credit card fraud and it's multiple applications towards online theft. This particular case is very mild in nature but avoiding stupid mistakes like this in the future is a good idea. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to see Deleted/Edited Discord Messages

vdryid7kZcY | 13 Jun 2021

How to see Deleted/Edited Discord Messages

Did your friend send you a weird message and you want to catch him Chris Hansen style? Well, using this plugin you can see any deleted or edited discord messages. Want to figure out who keeps ghost pinging you? You can find out the second it happens. PLEASE NOTE: This plugin and BetterDiscord setup breaks Discord's TOS and there is a high-risk of being banned with this plugin. Use this plugin with caution or use it on an alt account (mind you, using a VPN would be best). DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord MessageLoggerV2 OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 4:24 - Uninstall

Smart Hiding Taskbar | Shows when opening start menu

fiVuQoMOyUo | 12 Jun 2021

Smart Hiding Taskbar | Shows when opening start menu

The taskbar is a screen stealing relic of the old boomer windows era. Using ButteryTaskbar, you can reclaim that space and maximize the screen real-estate on your monitor without having any cons. Showing your taskbar is as easy as pressing the windows key, the key with the 4 flags on it, the key to the left of the alt key which is to the left of the space bar, the key to the right of the control key under the shift key which is under the tab key. It's easy. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ButteryTaskbar OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 2:44 - Uninstall

Free Discord Nitro from Epic Game's Legal Department

vcvMHZlVMx8 | 10 Jun 2021

Free Discord Nitro from Epic Game's Legal Department

Epic games is losing the legal battle between Apple pretty bad. In an attempt to sway the public's opinion and boost their stock price, Epic games is giving out FREE DISCORD NITRO to homies who haven't had discord nitro yet. All you gotta do is be a first-time nitro user and have an epic games account. EZ money boost my server please DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nitro link yall just insta jumped to OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server THUMBNAIL DESIGNER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made by Three#0001 I luv u bby :* TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00-1:17 Getting you nitro + hard

Pathetic Minimalism Theme | When themes go wrong

0EkGnLR5V0o | 10 Jun 2021

Pathetic Minimalism Theme | When themes go wrong

Windows themes are a fantastic way of changing the look of your PC. Unfortunately, this particular theme has the side effect of making almost impossible to navigate windows. Follow my path of destructive pain that will make any gamer fella cry. TOOL DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ThemeTool 7TSP GUI OldNewExplorer 7-zip THEME DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Theme Icons (Or lack of icons) Wallpaper OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing Pain 10:12 - Therapy

SideBAR Rainmeter Skin | Modern Rainmeter Skin Installation

oGgWmia0dNs | 09 Jun 2021

SideBAR Rainmeter Skin | Modern Rainmeter Skin Installation

The SideBAR rainmeter skin is nice skin that is easy to apply. With some limitations in customization, this suite of rainmeter components is easy to pair with any windows theme or wallpaper. In the case of this video, Lively Wallpaper is used to create a rain effect on the particular wallpaper I've chosen for this video. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainmeter SideBAR Skin Wallpaper OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 10:33 - Uninstall #rainmeter

8 BetterDiscord Plugins that Help You (2021)

W-z2a3foDns | 08 Jun 2021

8 BetterDiscord Plugins that Help You (2021)

Improving your Discord experience is really easy. Using BetterDiscord and some hand-picked plugins, you can improve your quality of life on Discord to at least have something in your life that isn't morbid and sad. To highlight the convenience of these plugins, take a peek at ChannelTabs. It single handedly improved my Discord experience. It allows me to easily multitask between multiple conversations with ease. Goated plugin ngl. Prewarning: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BD Download ChannelTabs DoNotTrack OnlineFriendCount TypingIndicator BetterNsfwTag VoiceUsersCounter BiggerStreamPreview DndWhilePlaying OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Installation 2:41 - ChannelTabs 4:01 - DoNotTrack 4:19 - OnlineFriendCount 4:30 - TypingIndicator 5:13 - BetterNSFWTag 5:49 - VoiceUsersCounter 6:38 - BiggerStreamPreview 7:15 - DndWhilePlaying 7:51 - Uninstall

How to use Animated Emojis for Free!

zs15X_qOxrk | 07 Jun 2021

How to use Animated Emojis for Free!

Sending animated server emojis to your friends is cool but paying for discord nitro isn't. Using this fancy plugin, you can send any emojis, animated or not, to any server without needing discord nitro. There is no weird thing you have to do every time you send an emoji, just pick it like normal. The only con about this plugin is that it does not allow you to react to messages using server emotes. Prewarning: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord FreeEmojis Plugin OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:09 - Uninstall

Custom Firefox New Tab Page

Hb0p-TxgZzs | 06 Jun 2021

Custom Firefox New Tab Page

This is an in-depth tutorial on how to make your Firefox's new tab page look significantly better than before using custom HTML code. This is using new tab override which allows you to change the new tab to point to either a file or any URL. In this case, we use it to point to a local HTML file that contains code that we customize to create a nifty little new tab page. This method is highly customizable and is definitely the end game for hardcore desktop customizers. And yes, I did copy and paste this chunk of text from the chrome video. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Tab Override Theme Link OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install and configure 9:47 - Uninstall

Can you Get About Me Beta in Discord?

kE8wFDQwMgc | 06 Jun 2021

Can you Get About Me Beta in Discord?

NOW THIS VIDEO IS OUTDATED. DISCORD HAS NOW RELEASED THE ABOUT ME FEATURE TO A LARGE CHUNK OF ITS USERS SO LIKE YOU CAN ACTUALLY GET IT XD There are many videos showing you "how to get the about me beta in discord" but are these tutorials truly useful or do they hide a more sinister motive? After complex inverse google transforms and searches, the effectiveness of these exploits/tutorials is discussed. Moreover, an alternative "method" of attempting to get the about me beta is shown. The format of this particular video is significantly different than a tutorial but I feel that due to the demand of the new feature and the supply of the deceptive top result videos on it create a dangerous environment for impatient people like me. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Canary Discord Development OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server #discord #aboutme

How to Consistently Theme Any Website! Easy with Tons of Options.

lUG-qXjigL8 | 05 Jun 2021

How to Consistently Theme Any Website! Easy with Tons of Options.

I've shown you how to get custom themes on individual websites, but what if there was a way to theme any website to follow a specific color scheme that you wanted? Welp, to cut the fluff, I show you an extension that will do that and allow you to disable it on troublesome websites if you wish. Suggested by FireFox289 DOWNLOAD LINK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midnight Lizard OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:16 - Uninstall

[NEW] Animated Discord Status with Animated Emojis

LThjqDTtjGU | 04 Jun 2021

[NEW] Animated Discord Status with Animated Emojis

If you want to spice up your discord profile, you need to get this plugin. Using BetterDiscord and an animated status plugin, you can customize your discord status to change however you like. You can have your status show your current time, spell out some funny words, or use it to advertise your cool roblox server. PLEASE READ: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS so you have a chance of being banned. Moreover, using an animated discord status falls under Discord's Self-Bot TOS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THE TIMER AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. "TIME PER KEYFRAME" VALUES HIGHER THAN 30000 ARE WAY SAFER THAN 2900. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BetterDiscord Animated Status Plugin OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 10:52 - Uninstall

Best Dark Windows Theme 2021 | How to Install Nua Windows Theme

wkTxU83XdEY | 03 Jun 2021

Best Dark Windows Theme 2021 | How to Install Nua Windows Theme

This is a quick and thorough tutorial on how to install a nice dark (with hints of purple) windows 10 theme that changes the taskbar, the overall windows theme, and has an animated rain background. With all of these elements, your windows computer will look super clean and modern. The best part about the tutorial is that if you don't like it, I show you how to fully uninstall the theme. Crazy, you aren't left behind trying to figure that out like other channels. TOOLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ThemeTool 7TSP GUI OldNewExplorer 7-zip StartIsBack Lively Wallpaper THEMES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nua Windows Theme Windows Icons Wallpaper OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 11:53 - Uninstall #dark #windows #theme

Work and Play Gemini Rainmeter Skin Showcase and Installation

-74xHNsW2_I | 02 Jun 2021

Work and Play Gemini Rainmeter Skin Showcase and Installation

Differentiating between working on your pc and playing games on your PC is hard. With the Gemini suite rainmeter skin, not only can you customize it to fit your gaming needs, but you can also switch over to a productivity mode that follows a more muted color scheme and changes the shortcuts to whatever your heart desires. With a greeting, a shortcut section, computer statistics panel, and media control, the Gemini suite is one of the best colorful yet dark rainmeter skins I've seen so far. Oh yeah, also the transparent taskbar is sick as well ;) DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainmeter Gemini Theme Modified Files TaskbarX (Transparent and center taskbar) OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 12:07 - Uninstall #rainmeter

How to have an Invisible Discord Profile

DvLu8xlo1OU | 01 Jun 2021

How to have an Invisible Discord Profile

Having an invisible name and profile in discord is super easy. On this fateful day, I am going to show you how to turn into an invisible person and perhaps troll your friends if they do not have the brain capacity to put basic concepts in their head. Despite the IQ of your friends, this is still a nifty trick to have on hand :) INVISIBLE ITEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisible Character "į²¼" or if that doesn't work Invisible Profile Picture OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00-1:38 It's the easiest video lmao

Top 10 Best BD Features and Plugins of 2021

2lcuDj67cCQ | 31 May 2021

Top 10 Best BD Features and Plugins of 2021

Discord is a disorganized mess. Fortunately with these 10 plugins, organizing your chaotic discord experience is easy. Not only can you organize and customize your own servers, but you can for servers that you aren't admin on. All of these changes are local to your computer, so other people won't see that you changed their name to something rude or weird. Prewarning: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BD Download NOTIFICATIONS InAppNotifications FriendNotifications ReadAllNotificationsButton STATUSES CustomStatusPresets SpotifyControls GameActivityToggle CHAT ChatFilter SpellCheck GoogleTranslateOption EmojiUtilities OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server #betterdiscord #plugins TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Installing and Downloading 01:38 - InAppNotifications 02:20 - FriendNotifications 03:32 - ReadAllNotificationsButton 04:08 - CustomStatusPresets 05:07 - SpotifyControls 05:59 - GameActivityToggle 06:10 - ChatFilter 07:23 - SpellCheck 07:55 - GoogleTranslateOption 09:14 - EmojiUtilities 10:26 - Uninstall

Fully Customize Chrome New Tab Page

yBp0FbHB7B0 | 30 May 2021

Fully Customize Chrome New Tab Page

This is an in-depth tutorial on how to make your Chrome's new tab page look significantly better than before using custom HTML code. This is using new tab override which allows you to change the new tab to point to either a file or any URL. In this case, we use it to point to a local HTML file that contains code that we customize to create a nifty little new tab page. This method is highly customizable and is definitely the end game for hardcore desktop customizers. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrome Theme link OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00 - Install 09:57 - Uninstall

How To Customize Windows Screensaver

k9j9Sy13vkY | 29 May 2021

How To Customize Windows Screensaver

Screensavers used to be the best thing that ever came out from Microsoft. Unfortunately, since windows 7, screensavers have fallen out of style. Reviving the old trend is hard with the default screensavers so I'm going to show you how to customize your windows screensaver using premade themes. DOWNLOAD LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screensaver library OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Install 3:42 - Uninstall

Fix Rainmeter Spotify Visualizer

xXTCavaQDNs | 28 May 2021

Fix Rainmeter Spotify Visualizer

Rainmeter skins usually have media player controls or something that integrates with either spotify or iTunes. Most of us probably use spotify and unfortunately, spotify does not natively work with the rainmeter skins. Fortunately, your boy knows a thing or two about spotify and found an easy peasy way of fixing it and maybe getting your toes wet in spicetify. Extension download Powershell Code Spicetify V2 Spicetify V1 (If you already downgraded spotify for spicetify themes) Monstercat Visualizer Download TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Install 4:29 - Uninstall OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Theme Firefox

QNIIr2jUFD4 | 27 May 2021

How to Theme Firefox

Theming Firefox is significantly easier than trying to fully customize chrome. Firefox not only allows you to change the color of the top bar but it also allows you to fully change the location and shape of elements. Most of us don't have the time to fully make a theme to our liking. Fortunately, some smart fellas made a collection of Firefox themes that allow us to pick and choose looks that we like. Thank goodness for the wonderful users that made these themes for us to enjoy. THEME COLLECTION CONFIGURING FLAGS about:config toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets layers.acceleration.force-enabled gfx.webrender.all gfx.webrender.enabled layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled svg.context-properties.content.enabled PROFILE FOLDER LOCATION about:profiles TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Install 2:36 - Uninstall 3:40 - Outro/Ramble OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Customize Your Windows Mouse Cursor

ZebDLXHrn4o | 26 May 2021

Customize Your Windows Mouse Cursor

Customizing your windows cursor is not only easy, but it almost requires no effort on your end. That is if the cursor pack you download has the install file. In this video I'll show you how to customize your windows mouse cursor and I'll also show you how to go back to normal! Custom Cursor Gallery OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Windows 11 Simulated Look (Windows Sun Valley)

FxIkajfhjS8 | 25 May 2021

Windows 11 Simulated Look (Windows Sun Valley)

Windows Sun Valley is a rumored version of Windows that's going to come out. Sun Valley will turn Windows from the Windows 8 style old UI into something more modern. Microsoft is ideally going to release a big update that changes the look of Windows to better suite the look of modern operating systems like MacOS Big Sur. Unfortunately, since we don't have a time machine, simulating the potential look of Sun Valley is the only possible thing we can do until Microsoft releases the new update. While some of the applications shown are used on my PC on a day to day basis, some of them should be avoided. Centered Taskbar (TaskbarX) [Awesome] Modern Notepad (Notepads) Modern Files (Files) [Buggy] Modern Volume Control (Modern Flyouts) [AWESOME] Modern Mail Client (Mailspring) 0:00 - Intro 0:32 - Notepad 0:53 - File Explorer 1:22 - Volume/Brightness Control 1:52 - Mail 2:17 - Dark Mode 2:34 - Simulation Applications OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Log into Many Discord Accounts at the Same Time

00whUDDhjmU | 24 May 2021

How to Log into Many Discord Accounts at the Same Time

If you have multiple discord accounts, it's hard to log in and out of each account. Not only does this make you miss important notifications but its also annoying. Using a helpful browser extension, we can log into multiple discord accounts. Also, we can use this browser extension to log into multiple facebook, twitter, and other social media accounts at the same time! Sessionbox extension download (press the install button on the top right) OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Theme ANY Website (Spotify, Discord, even Roblox)

bR-RkhlMvO0 | 21 May 2021

How to Theme ANY Website (Spotify, Discord, even Roblox)

Using Stylus you can theme any website to finally unify your theme experience. Not only can you theme the Spotify webapp, but you can also theme Discord, YouTube, Roblox, and many more. Instead of custom coding your own theme, you can visit the UserStyles Archive to quickly browse themes made my other users. Mind you, some themes may not be fully compatible or may require modifications in the code. Nevertheless, UserStyles' collection of premade themes are perfect for anyone that wants to quickly put on a fresh coat of paint. Stylus Extension UserStyles Archive [Fast] UserStyles Normal Website [Slow/Not Working] OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

MacOS Get Old Spotify Back and Block Updates

lMDazdNJ1mo | 21 May 2021

MacOS Get Old Spotify Back and Block Updates

The new MacOS Spotify look is nice, but everything is shifted around. This makes navigating Spotify awful. Fortunately, there is a way to get the old Spotify back. Unfortunately, this method is a bit longer than the normal one for windows and it does get slowed down by my russian MacOS VM. But for all you speed macbook pro m1 users, this will take at most 12.35 ms. Anyways, it's the same functionality as the windows version but on the apple software system. Old Spotify Download MAKE SURE TO NOT LOG IN BEFORE ADDING THE UPDATE FOLDERS Spotify prefs file code ui.experience_override="classic" FAQ Q: "My username is weird" A: Yes, this is a normal side effect that you will just have to tolerate. I'm not sure if it will go away. Q: "This doesn't work" A: Please save my sanity and try it one more time. If it doesn't work..... At this point imma just send an email to Spotify or a private video of me crying. TIMESTAMPS 0:00-0:13 Intro 0:14-6:51 Installation 6:52-8:08 Uninstall 8:09-8:51 Winding down for bed OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to have an Animated Discord Wallpaper

66L-tksLPMI | 20 May 2021

How to have an Animated Discord Wallpaper

Spending your whole life on discord is boring. Having an animated background on discord is not only interesting, but is also aesthetically pleasing. In this brief video, I'm going to show you and also talk into your ear receptacles about the installation process of having an animated discord background. Also, just as a quick reminder, BetterDiscord is against the TOS of Discord. This means you can technically get banned from Discord but generally speaking most people who use themes or plugins from will not get banned. Additionally, the limeshark editor does not do any scary stuff so you will be safe :) BetterDiscord Download Theme Editor MY GIF THAT I PICKED Timestamps 0:00 - Install 3:13 - Uninstall 4:05 - Outro OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Make your Own Discord Theme

EvfvFXotakE | 19 May 2021

How to Make your Own Discord Theme

Spending your whole life on discord is boring. Having an custom theme on discord is not only interesting, but is also aesthetically pleasing. Despite's discords ugly new UI, we can just gloss over that garbage and make our own theme to our liking. Buckle up and pull out the modern design textbook because tonight you'll be making something that can easily go on the home and gardening channel. Also, just as a quick reminder, BetterDiscord is against the TOS of Discord. This means you can technically get banned from Discord but generally speaking most people who use themes or plugins from will not get banned. Additionally, the limeshark editor does not do any scary stuff so you will be safe :) BetterDiscord Download Theme Editor OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPPERS 0:00 - BetterDiscord Install 0:50 - Making the theme 5:43 - Installing themes 6:08 - Uninstalling everything 7:01 - Cry for help/Outro

How to Go Back to the Old Discord Look

oRXV2kz0Gtk | 18 May 2021

How to Go Back to the Old Discord Look

The new Discord look looks ugly and has awful usability issues. Overall, it's a massive step backwards in terms of streamlining the brand. Fortunately, using BetterDiscord (which is against the TOS but has a very low chance of getting you banned) we can apply a theme that will undo the awful rebranding discord has done. This video will briefly show you how to get the old discord back. BetterDiscord Download Theme Download OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 0:13 - Installation 1:43 - Uninstall Procedure 2:19 - Outro/Ramble

[SPICETIFY V1] Make Spotify Look Better Using Themes!

RdbN1ig3BNY | 17 May 2021

[SPICETIFY V1] Make Spotify Look Better Using Themes!

IF YOU WANT TO USE SPICETIFY V2 (No downgrading required) FOLLOW THIS VIDEO: This is a quick tutorial on how to make your spotify look significantly better than before using themes. This tutorial will help you apply any theme available in the github link. Moreover, this tutorial will also help you change the color variant of the theme to match your taste. Once spicetify themes become more readily available for spicetify V2, I'll make a video on that to complete the saga of spicetify. 00:00-00:16 | Intro ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00:17-02:37 | Downgrading and Blocking Updates ----------------------------------------------------------------- win + r and %appdata% Version Download Spotify_new.exe 02:38-04:04 | Installing Old Spicetify ----------------------------------------------------------------- Code for PowerShell (Run as Admin) Old Spicetify Files 04:05-05:08 | Installing Themes ----------------------------------------------------------------- Spicetify Themes 05:09-06:02 | Changing Color Scheme ----------------------------------------------------------------- spicetify config color_scheme (scheme name) spicetify apply 06:03-07:29 | Changing Theme ----------------------------------------------------------------- spicetify restore spicetify config extensions dribbblish.js- spicetify config current_theme (theme name) spicetify apply 07:30-08:23 | FAQ: Theme looks wrong ----------------------------------------------------------------- spicetify config extensions dribbblish.js- spicetify apply 08:24-10:02 | FAQ: Dribbblish-Dynamic ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copy the files first then use these commands spicetify config extensions dribbblish-dynamic.js spicetify apply Changing from Dribbblish Dynamic spicetify restore spicetify config extensions dribbblish-dynamic.js- spicetify config current_theme (theme name) spicetify apply 10:03-11:51 | Uninstall Everything ----------------------------------------------------------------- spicetify restore 11:52-12:03 | Outro/Rambling/Pain ----------------------------------------------------------------- SWEET NEW DISCORD SERVER OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

[UPDATED V4] Get Old Spotify Back by Downgrading and Pausing Updates

lPUFzDes_Eg | 16 May 2021

[UPDATED V4] Get Old Spotify Back by Downgrading and Pausing Updates

The new Spotify look is nice, but everything is shifted around. This makes navigating Spotify awful. Fortunately, there is a way to get the old Spotify back. Unfortunately, Spotify decided to ruin the old method of changing the UI so I'm hitting back hard and showing you not only how to downgrade Spotify, but also how to stop Spotify updates so our super secret code works like normal. Old Spotify Download MAKE SURE TO NOT LOG IN BEFORE ADDING THE UPDATE FOLDERS Spotify prefs file code ui.experience_override="classic" FAQ Q: "My username is weird" A: Yes, this is a normal side effect that you will just have to tolerate. I'm not sure if it will go away. Q: "This doesn't work" A: Please save my sanity and try it one more time. If it doesn't work..... At this point imma just send an email to Spotify or a private video of me crying. OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Dynamic Discord Status using PreMiD

6zSqvM8jyFI | 10 May 2021

Dynamic Discord Status using PreMiD

PreMiD allows your discord status to update depending on what you are doing on your internet browser. Not only is this super creepy, but it's also super cool because people can know when you look up questionable YouTube videos at night. PreMiD link: Support the kind folk at PreMiD (not sponsored, they just cool asf): OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

TOP 10 Organization Focused BetterDiscord Plugins

sGNCqxtFrZ8 | 07 May 2021

TOP 10 Organization Focused BetterDiscord Plugins

Discord is a disorganized mess. Fortunately with these 10 plugins, organizing your chaotic discord experience is easy. Not only can you organize and customize your own servers, but you can for servers that you aren't admin on. All of these changes are local to your computer, so other people won't see that you changed their name to something rude or weird. Prewarning: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS DOWNLOADS ---------------------- BetterDiscord: BetterFriendsList: DisplayServersAsChannels: ServerCounter: ServerSearch: ServerFolders: ServerHider: EditServers: EditChannels: EditRoles: EditUsers: OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server TIMESTAMPS ----------------------- 00:00 - Installing BetterDiscord and plugins 2:52 - BetterFriendsList 3:34 - DisplayServersAsChannels 4:03 - ServerCounter 4:24 - ServerSearch 4:49 - ServerFolder 5:49 - ServerHider 6:42 - Introducing Edit... Plugins 7:02 - EditServers 7:41 - EditChannels 8:29 - EditRoles 9:17 - EditUsers 10:51 - Uninstalling BetterDiscord and plugins

Free Wallpaper Engine Alternative

ieQ578C7RdY | 03 May 2021

Free Wallpaper Engine Alternative

Wallpaper engine is a cool way to make your wallpaper animated. But if you don't have airpods, you probably don't want to drop money on getting Wallpaper Engine. Therefore, today you're going to see a great alternative to wallpaper engine. It's called Lively Wallpaper. Lively Wallpaper is featured packed and very simple to use. Lively Wallpaper download Wallpapers OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

MacOS Spotlight Search on Windows

OOCEKVLVLns | 30 Apr 2021

MacOS Spotlight Search on Windows

Spotlight on MacOS is a pretty neat feature. Fortunately for us broke Windows users, we can replicate the search functionality of Spotlight on Windows. The actual name for this software is PowerToys Run. PowerToys run basically moves the traditional windows search and allows you to call it using the shortcut "alt + space". Also whoah, is this guy uploading on a Friday? Perhaps.... Is this a new thing? Perhaps... Powertoys install OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to have a Custom Rich Discord Presence

Vx2HAZu1ipw | 26 Apr 2021

How to have a Custom Rich Discord Presence

WARNING: BETTERDISCORD IS AGAINST DISCORD'S TOS SEE THIS: Custom rich Discord presences have been out for a while but they usually require you to open a spooky script that opens command prompt which can be annoying. Fortunately the top minds of BetterDiscord have created a plugin which will remove the yucky console and ease the pain of having a custom discord status with rich presence. Also, you can have custom buttons. I'm sold :) First link in the description (BetterDiscord Installer) 1st important plugin (AutoStartRichPresence) Just press the big blue download button on the right. 2nd important plugin (BDPluginLibrary) To download it, just click on the file and click the download icon at the top right. Rich presence configuration Video suggested by Fr_g šŸ˜ OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

How to Customize Windows Taskbar

vbV3U71AEVg | 19 Apr 2021

How to Customize Windows Taskbar

Having a transparent or centered taskbar is extremely easy to do. Not only does this video look over how to install TaskbarX, it also goes over how to change icons in the taskbar. Customizing the taskbar is easy and it's even easier to uninstall all the changes. Paid TaskbarX Free TaskbarX Nord Icons Timestamps Basic Taskbar Settings 00:00 - 01:46 TaskbarX 01:47 - 07:10 Changing Icons 07:11 - 09:50 Uninstalling 09:51 - 11:33 OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

Use Multiple (1-3) Discord Accounts at the Same Time

5BKc2kpXbag | 05 Apr 2021

Use Multiple (1-3) Discord Accounts at the Same Time

If you have multiple discord accounts, it's hard to log in and out of each account. Not only does this make you miss important notifications but its also annoying. Using multiple branches of Discord installs allow you to have up to 3 accounts active at the same time. PTB Canary OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server

[READ DESCRIPTION] How to have an Animated Discord Status

6krUNTXpKKY | 29 Mar 2021

[READ DESCRIPTION] How to have an Animated Discord Status

[THIS CAN GET YOU BANNED. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK] SAFER ALTERNATIVE HERE: UPDATED VIDEO HERE: If you want to spice up your discord profile, you need to get this plugin. Using BetterDiscord and an animated status plugin, you can customize your discord status to change however you like. PLEASE READ: BetterDiscord is against Discord's TOS so you have a chance of being banned. Moreover, using an animated discord status falls under Discord's Self-Bot TOS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THE TIMER AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. "TIME PER KEYFRAME" VALUES HIGHER THAN 30000 ARE WAY SAFER THAN 2900. BETTER DISCORD DOWNLOAD (Slightly different compared to the video but straightforward) ANIMATED STATUS PLUGIN (make sure it isnt saving as a text file) OTHER LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server