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All videos archived of Apoptosis
Extracting Rare Cesium from a Rock

Ba7wXAbPCXM | 19 Feb 2025

Extracting Rare Cesium from a Rock

In this video I extract and purify rare and caesium compounds from a mineral I purchased on eBay (pollucite). I also figured I'd go ahead and demo a few unique reactions that are only possible with caesium, with many more to come in the future! This video took a whole lot longer than I anticipated to finish, so I hope you all enjoy! Video Clips used: Join this channel to get access to perks and support my work:

Gallium: An Alien Metal

nbgWWQ_ERwY | 26 Jan 2025

Gallium: An Alien Metal

In this video I discuss the science, the history, and several demonstrations of the bizarre and fascinating element gallium. This is by far the shortest and easiest of all the elements I want to showcase, so I figured it would be a good place to start! Join this channel to get access to perks and support my work:

Making Combustible Nitrocellulose Plastic

SjHFlvMer9Q | 12 Jan 2025

Making Combustible Nitrocellulose Plastic

In this video I discuss the science, the history, and a few ways to make the famous chemical nitrocellulose (also called guncotton or flash paper). I apologize it's been so long since my last video, holidays are busy and I've accidentally gotten my hands full working on too many projects at once. Regardless, I hope you enjoy! As always let me know in the comments if you come across any mistake I made. PS: LMK If you like/dislike the historical angle and the inclusion of old footage. PLEASE READ: I do not recommend anyone attempt this process due to several significant hazards associated with the synthesis of this chemical. Most notably the strong corrosive acids and evolution of toxic/corrosive fumes. I find this synthesis to be an excellent educational model historically and chemically, which is the sole purpose of this video. Considering the full synthesis is already outlined in detail on Wikipedia and Google Patents, along with dozens of different uploads detailing this process already actively here on YouTube, felt it reasonable to post this video. That said, heed all warnings presented in this video, and check for the legality of this process by legal statutes in your local area before ever proceeding with anything shown on this channel. Join this channel to get access to perks and support my work:

Best Way to Make Nitrite: Comparing 7 Methods

gMwgncsJIRg | 30 Nov 2024

Best Way to Make Nitrite: Comparing 7 Methods

In this video I discuss the science and uses of nitrite compounds, and then test 7 different methods of making potassium nitrite. These methods are tested for purity and percent yield via an array of qualitative and quantitative tests, and the most promising methods scaled up to try and create a meaningful quantity of usable potassium nitrite. I also include a final purification step to clean any crude nitrite salt to 100% Purity. This is by far my longest video, and it kind of had to be given the complexity of the tests and analysis. I have heard though that many of you prefer longer videos in general, so leave a comment if you'd like to see more long chemistry videos like this one! NOTES: I also tried carbon and sulfur as reducing agents, but did not include them as they were both unreasonably difficult to clean up into a usable final product. This is because both carbon and sulfur are almost TOO good at reducing nitrate, and I ran into the same issue I did with the calcium formate where there was just a huge amount of byproduct and a violent decomposition. Additionally, ultrafine carbon requires celite filtration to remove completely. That said, both of these methods work (and are probably the cheapest per unit of mass) so definitely worth considering if the additional impurity isn't an issue. Also, I forgot to mention it in the video, but silver nitrite is a fantastic intermediate for the synthesis of any other nitrite salt. Simply react any chloride salt with the silver nitrite and you'll be left with insoluble silver chloride along with the nitrite salt of whatever cation held the chloride. CHAPTERS ____________________ 0:00 Intro 1:43 Why Make Nitrite? 4:30 Systematic Procedure 5:32 Running 7 Methods 12:57 Extracting Nitrite from Reaction Matrix 14:27 Titration for Quantitative Results 18:51 Qualitative Tests 20:55 Bulk Synthesis of Top Performers 28:16 Analysis of Final Potassium Nitrite 33:34 Purification to 100% 37:25 Future Ideas and Lab Notes ___________________________________________

Making 3 Fascinating Coordination Compounds of Cobalt

gQUEELRyb-Q | 18 Nov 2024

Making 3 Fascinating Coordination Compounds of Cobalt

In this video I discuss and make a few fascinating cobalt complexes. I thought this video would be a good opportunity to discuss the science, the history, and the nomenclature of coordination complexes along with a bit of modern application. Let me know in the comments if the more informative approach is appreciated/interesting, or if you found it a bit too much. Note that my explanation of how these compounds work is targeted at the undergraduate-level. Those of you very advanced chemists out there will probably take issue with my oversimplification of certain topics.. which is very understandable. Also, my Patreon is currently deactivated as they took issue with nitroglycerine (figures). I'll be sure to update if my appeal goes through or if I decide to move to a different platform altogether.

Making Scrap Copper into Glow Powder

O_HYrWd_s9o | 02 Nov 2024

Making Scrap Copper into Glow Powder

In this video I discuss and make a few beautiful fluorescent complexes from some scrap copper and the pyridine from last week. Two colors of this complex are possible (yellow and green) but unfortunately the green version isn't very stable and breaks down as it dries into the yellow version. This is one of my safer projects, but do keep in mind that pyridine is highly toxic (and smells horrid) Support My Channel on Patreon!

Making Vitamin B-3 into Foul Pyridine

ntUfxdogeIc | 26 Oct 2024

Making Vitamin B-3 into Foul Pyridine

In this video I discuss and make the very useful but absolutely horrid smelling chemical pyridine from vitamin B-3 which is also known as niacin or nicotinic acid. I plan to use this chemical later to make a variety of organometallic complexes, so be sure to check in later if that's something you'd like to see! Note: I'd use molecular sieves to keep this stuff as dry as possible if you plan to make and then store it.. Also consider ventilated storage.. Support My Channel on Patreon!

Making Nitroglycerin

mQIOZEEt9vI | 19 Oct 2024

Making Nitroglycerin

In this video I discuss and make a small quantity of the notorious compound Nitroglycerin. This was initially meant as a patreon-exclusive video, but I've gotten a bit behind on my uploads and figured I'd put this out here while I finish up my next release on pyridine. (I did also speak to several of my patrons about it and most seem happy with having had this just as an early-release) PLEASE READ: I do not recommend anyone attempt this process due to several significant hazards associated with the synthesis of this chemical. I intentionally made a very small amount, but with compounds that can potentially undergo rapid decomposition, safety is a very fine line. I find this synthesis to be an excellent educational model, which is the sole purpose of this video. Considering the full synthesis is already outlined in detail on Wikipedia and Google Patents, along with over 15 different uploads detailing this process already actively here on YouTube, felt it reasonable to post this video. That said, heed all warnings presented in this video, and check for the legality of this process by legal statutes in your local area before ever proceeding with anything shown on this channel. Support My Channel on Patreon!

Making the First Azo Dye

-0VFCPD936U | 29 Sep 2024

Making the First Azo Dye

In this video I make the very first azo dye using some 2-naphthol and p-nitroaniline I made in previous videos. This is one of the final endpoints of a very long synthesis series I've been working on for over a year. If you're curious, the other major videos that I intend to put out using one or more of the chemicals I made for this video include: Sudan I, Nile Red, Nile Blue, Alizarin Yellow, Aniline Yellow, and a few others I can't remember at the moment. Enjoy! Support My Channel on Patreon! Making 2-Naphthol: Making P-Nitroaniline: Making Acetanilide: Making Aniline: Making Nitrites:

Making Quinones from Tylenol

5gQW49D9TnA | 21 Sep 2024

Making Quinones from Tylenol

In this video I demonstrate how to make benzoquinone and hydroquinone from Paracetamol (Tylenol). This video was fully experimental for me (even more so than my typical upload) and the idea was to essentially try a milder version of my synthesis of chloranil from paracetamol. That said, my priority here was in making a pure final product rather than maximizing yield, and I'm 100% sure improvements can be made to various steps throughout this ad-hoc procedure. Enjoy! Support My Channel on Patreon! I will not respond to any questions regarding its use in this capacity, and I strongly advise against using any chemical to try any synthesize any controlled substance.

Making Glowing Paint from Aluminum

SIWcvudEPVA | 14 Sep 2024

Making Glowing Paint from Aluminum

In this video I demonstrate how to make the phosphorescent chemical strontium aluminate from aluminum along with a few other chemicals. Strontium aluminate is currently the most widely-used consumer phosphorescent, and can be found in almost anything that "glows in the dark". Strontium aluminate replaced the 1st generation phosphorescent zinc sulfide, which is for the most part inferior by every major metric (but still something I'd like to make someday) I'm sure I made some mistakes here, as always I'd love to hear any insight from any of you who happen to know this chemical better than I do. Enjoy! Support My Channel on Patreon!

Making Hydroiodic Acid for Legal Reasons

lRJwfUpjMTE | 24 Aug 2024

Making Hydroiodic Acid for Legal Reasons

In this video I demonstrate how to make hydroiodic acid from any iodide salt. As I don't have any real use for this acid (and since its shelf life is so short) I decided to then use it to make the largest iodine crystal I've personally ever seen. Note that hydroiodic acid is a regulated chemical due to its potential use in the further synthesis of controlled substances. Despite this, hydroiodic acid is completely legal to own and even for companies, reporting isn't required below 1.7kg. Technically, hydroiodic acid is less closely monitored than even elemental iodine. I will not respond to any questions regarding its use in this capacity, and I strongly advise against using any chemical to try any synthesize any controlled substance. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Biodiesel from Cooking Oil

_doR7WEdIok | 17 Aug 2024

Making Biodiesel from Cooking Oil

In this video I demonstrate how to make any type of cooking oil into pure biodiesel, which is a sustainable eco-friendly alternative to traditional diesel fuel. This was my first attempt at this procedure, and I went in blind/without a procedure. To make things easier on myself I used fairly pure extra-virgin olive oil I had lying around, but now that I've got a good grasp on the process I may try this again at a much larger scale using spent/dirty cooking oil. I feel that could be a super satisfying process, just let me know in the comments if that's something you'd like to see. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

The Silver Mirror, Gone Horribly Wrong

AA8VH0Ttvao | 03 Aug 2024

The Silver Mirror, Gone Horribly Wrong

In this video I demonstrate the classic silver mirror reaction using Tollen's Reagent. Simple stuff, a casual lab demo on a lazy day in highschool. However, due to a simple careless oversight this innocent project turned into a nightmare ordeal involving some of the most dangerous compounds known. Which is honestly my favorite part of chemistry, its an eternal lesson in never letting your guard down, even for a simple Tollen's demo. PS: The actual silver mirroring part was eventually a success, it just took a while to get there. PPS: Initially I planned to cut the first 5 minutes of this video, but I've gotten several requests to show more of the mistakes I make. Since this is one of my bigger mistakes of all time it felt appropriate to include. PPPS: I am currently in the process of handling an unexpected move, so I did not plan this upload for today.. Honestly wasn't whether I was going to upload it at all. I've been sitting on this finished video for a while and decided since I didn't have time for my planned upload that I'd release this instead. Enjoy! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

This Salt Changes Color!

jEOhfFwfdYA | 27 Jul 2024

This Salt Changes Color!

In this video I make the sulfates and potassium double-salts of six different lanthanides, which all exhibit fascinating optical properties. Four of the salts change color depending on the type of light they're under, and the other two are strongly fluorescent under short-wave UV light. This was technically done in my process of trying to make every possible alum, but honestly I think this video ended up being more interesting than that one will be if I can ever get it finished. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making a Powerful Decarboxylation Catalyst

usiDwddoCQ4 | 20 Jul 2024

Making a Powerful Decarboxylation Catalyst

In this video I show how to make the decarboxylation catalyst copper chromite. This chemical can also be used as a catalyst for certain hydrogenation reactions, but I intend to use it to decarboxylate niacin to pyridine, which is very hard to do even with typical catalysts. Copper chromite is also sometimes used as a grey pigment. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making an Important Precursor from Mothballs

DOxWOUIur-c | 13 Jul 2024

Making an Important Precursor from Mothballs

In this video I show how to make naphthalene moth balls into the very useful chemical β-Naphthol or 2-naphthol, which is a very useful precursor that is critical in the manufacture of numerous synthetic dyes. A slight modification of this process can be used to make 1-naphthol, which is used more often in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, most notably Zoloft. Given that this is a longer and somewhat more complex video, it is very likely I made a few mistakes along the way. If you find any feel free to let me know! Note: Procedure was taken from a sciencemadness forum post. I'll try to find the initial post to give proper credit. This one was a little much to rely exclusively on Wikipedia this time. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making a Rare and Very Unstable Chemical (and also Potassium Iodate)

_Og1Xr1OGS0 | 06 Jul 2024

Making a Rare and Very Unstable Chemical (and also Potassium Iodate)

In this video I first show my new method for making and purifying potassium iodate from any chlorate or bromate salt. I then use the potassium iodate to make a rare and very unstable heteropentahalide interhalogen salt with the formula KICl4; or potassium tetrachloroiodide. As a side note, using a potassium salt as an oxidizer would probably work better than a sodium salt for making iodate. I do like however that using a sodium salt really emphasized how effective my purification process was. PS: You need STRONG hydrochloric acid for the interhalogen salt solution to be strong enough to crystallize. I tried first with 25% and no matter what I did it would not crystallize. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Silicone from Scratch

ZE5xBc856U4 | 29 Jun 2024

Making Silicone from Scratch

In this video I make a simple silicone from sodium silicate and ethanol. The sodium silicate was purchased for this video, but can be easily obtained by dissolving silicon dioxide in sodium hydroxide. This is my first real foray into polymer chemistry, and as you chemists know, this is about the simplest possible example. I started so simply because I'm unsure whether there is any real interest in polymers, and I'm more than happy to try something more complex if there's any interest. Just let me know! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making a Beautiful Violet Dye

IpB3G06X4bw | 23 Jun 2024

Making a Beautiful Violet Dye

In this video I make the beautiful purple dye Azo Violet. This is done by an azo coupling of p-nitroaniline and resorcinol, and is one of the final products in a long project I've been working on that began with the conversion of p-aminobenzoic acid to aniline. The other final products of this project are para red, and possibly paracetamol (tylenol) if there is enough interest. As always, do not attempt anything you see except under professional guidance. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making a Hypnotic Sedative From Acetone

fXIlkGNRcPE | 15 Jun 2024

Making a Hypnotic Sedative From Acetone

In this video I make an old hypnotic anesthetic agent called chlorobutanol from acetone, bleach, and potassium hydroxide. Note that this chemical is NOT a recreational drug, and I have yet to find any examples of someone ever trying to use it as such. This was used nearly exclusively as a medical anesthetic until its use was discontinued due to its major side-effects which I discuss later in the video. As always, do not attempt anything you see except under professional guidance. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Nitroaniline (And the Exploding Snake)

v4uAglluR_s | 01 Jun 2024

Making Nitroaniline (And the Exploding Snake)

In this video I make some p-nitroaniline from some acetanilide I made a few weeks ago. I use the chemical to then try out the exploding snake reaction, which is an awesome energetic reaction I've wanted to try for ages. In the future I plan to use the rest of this to make some azo violet, along with para red which is the very oldest azo dye (and a brilliant color). BTW: I forgot to mention in-video but I did a melting point test, and my main product melted at around 138-141C. The second smaller batch obtained by boiling away excess methanol melted between 105-108C indicating it is much less pure, and definitely contains a lot of the ortho product. All included diagrams used are open-source educational material, and I'll try to provide specific sources when I can. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Turning Fertilizers Into Pure Chemicals

VVWpe2GQ_eU | 26 May 2024

Turning Fertilizers Into Pure Chemicals

In this video I convert the fertilizer calcium ammonium nitrate to pure calcium nitrate. I then purify urea fertilizer and ammonium sulfate fertilizer using a few basic techniques. This was done on a patreon request, and by request of a few people in the comments of my ammonium nitrate video who wanted a pure source of calcium nitrate for one of the methods I showed. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Chrome-Based Explosive

7k3_nmqvwBQ | 11 May 2024

Chrome-Based Explosive

In this video I synthesize the very unique and potentially explosive compound potassium tetraperoxochromate (V) This is a fairly energetic compound on its own, but an incredibly powerful oxidizer when used in binary mixtures. What is most interesting to me is the structure of the chemical, representing both a rare example of pentavalent chromium, and a complex stabilized only by peroxide ligands. DISCLAIMER: Even though this compound is a very weak explosive on its, this should still not be performed by anyone but those with formal training in handling energetic compounds. Note that this process involves the extensive use of hexavalent chromium, which is a powerful carcinogen and lethally toxic in very small quantities on its own. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #subscribe

Making Bromine

zg_K5hz6Ld4 | 05 May 2024

Making Bromine

In this video I discuss and make some of the beautiful but very dangerous chemical bromine. Bromine is one of only two elements that is a liquid at STP, and behaves much like chlorine sharing many of the same hazards. I plan to use this chemical in the future for a variety of projects that I'll likely link here when they come out. PLEASE READ: I do not recommend anyone but trained professionals attempt this process due to several significant hazards associated with the synthesis of this element. Bromine is as lethal as chlorine, except due to its much greater density it is capable of much more easily reaching high concentrations in air. It also sinks due to its very high density and can accumulate in low areas. Bromine can only be safely stored in ampules, under strong reducing agents, and OUTSIDE. Post-Release Notes: 1. I think I hate the little formation mechanism I drew now even more than I hated it when I drew it. That said, don't take that mechanism as an absolute representation of how the reaction happens. It was mostly meant to illustrate generally how one peroxide molecule could oxidize two HBr molecules. 2. The final product still contains an appreciable volume of sulfuric acid due to the drying process. Based on solubility data I could find it should be less than 1mL, which is fine for my purposes but if you'd need 100% pure bromine another distillation is necessary. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making an Old Pain Medication (Acetanilide)

3in4hhxnGQ0 | 28 Apr 2024

Making an Old Pain Medication (Acetanilide)

In this video I make the old pain medication acetanilide (brand name Antifebrin) from some aniline I made in a previous video. This is technically an intermediate step in a long process I'm working on to make some Azo dyes, which require para-nitroaniline as a reagent. Acetanilide is required to make para-nitroaniline, as the acetylation of the amine prevents meta-substitution. PS: The thumbnail image is a picture of acetanilide crystals under polarized light microscopy. Stock photo by: by Karl Gaff on the Science Photo Library #chemistry #science #organicchemistry #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #apoptosis

Making Simple Pyrotechnics

uu0BUsDElXc | 20 Apr 2024

Making Simple Pyrotechnics

In this video I discuss and make a small quantity of a few different pyrotechnic mixtures PLEASE READ: What I demonstrate in this video is done at the smallest possible scale, with the safest possible pyrotechnics, in a controlled environment, by a person (me) who has extensive experience with energetic compounds. I do NOT recommend anyone attempt to make any pyrotechnic mixtures themselves without proper professional supervision, and I do not recommend anyone try to make any pyrotechnic devices. Not only is the manufacture of pyrotechnic devices very dangerous, it may be outright against the law where you live. Be sure to reference local laws where you live before considering any chemical procedure. SPECIFIC HAZARDS: Bromate salts are suspected carcinogens, barium chloride is HIGHLY toxic. Mixtures of chlorates/bromates with sulfur are EXTREMELY shock sensitive, and can potentially detonate even by excessively vigorous grinding or mixing. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making TNT

f9I0O3OgdrM | 07 Apr 2024

Making TNT

In this video I discuss and make a small quantity of the notorious compound TNT or trinitrotoluene. PLEASE READ: I do not recommend anyone but trained professionals attempt this process due to several significant hazards associated with the synthesis of this chemical. I intentionally made a very small amount, but with compounds that can potentially undergo rapid decomposition, safety is a very fine line. I find this synthesis to be an excellent educational model (which is the purpose of this video), and considering the full synthesis is already outlined in detail on Wikipedia and Google Patents, felt it reasonable to post this video. That said, heed all warnings presented in this video, and check for the legality of this process by legal statutes in your local area before ever proceeding with anything shown on this channel. A FEW POST-RELEASE NOTES (I was up late editing and made some mistakes): 1. There is a typo at 2:20. Text on screen says 98% HNO3 when it should be H2SO4. 2. 8.46m in reference to the side length of a block of TNT is for a kiloton, not a ton as I said. 3. Toluene is misspelled at 1:46.. Rookie mistake.. if I had known this video was going to do so well I would have spent more than 2 hours in editing.. 4. As an attempt to help keep this video up, I may remove comments implying or suggesting this be used to make any weapon. That was obviously not the intent of the video, but if the comment section is flooded with people saying things like that, it invites an element I don't particularly want associated with my channel. Try and keep it legal down there.. 5. All the product seen at the end of the video was destroyed, as I have no further use for this chemical and do not recommend anyone keep this around. Not only is it a fire hazard, but even in many places where this is legal to make, there can be separate laws dictating whether it can be stored. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Testing Fast Food for Chemical Makeup

cqDvAZS95Q8 | 31 Mar 2024

Testing Fast Food for Chemical Makeup

In this video I demonstrate four ways to test for four different chemicals that comprise the vast majority of the food we eat. This type of analysis is strictly qualitative, telling the analyst simply whether or not the compound is present. I thought fast food would be a cheap and interesting candidate. Also, MANY more such tests exist to determine the presence of these compounds (and many more) both qualitatively and quantitatively. If you'd like to see more content like this, be sure to let me know. PS: I have virtually no background in this specific type of chemistry, so please forgive my technique those of you who do this as a career. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #food

Growing a Chemical Garden

heGWs66uWis | 23 Mar 2024

Growing a Chemical Garden

In this video I demonstrate how to grow a chemical garden, which unlike most of my projects is something you could safely do without much of a background in chemistry. The most dangerous step here is the preparation of sodium silicate, but this can alternatively be purchased easily as a chemical called "water glass". Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more out of this project! BTW: The very general procedure for this video came from the YouTuber NurdRage, but this is a fairly popular demonstration many old diy-science kits. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Methylamine 3 Ways

yaGNQVe9bX0 | 18 Mar 2024

Making Methylamine 3 Ways

In this video I demonstrate three ways of making the incredibly commonplace (but fairly tough to buy) chemical methylamine. I used the methylamine produced here to make a photographic developer called Metol, which I'll demonstrate in a future video. There are numerous other methods of making methylamine and its salts, as it is the simplest primary amine and a simple byproduct of a multitude of biological and organic decompositions, but I believe these three methods to be the most useful. This video was done on the behalf of several Patreon requests, and I am sorry it took so long. Hopefully it was worth the wait. Enjoy! Since this is my longest video to date, I made numerous mistakes in my Narration. Many I caught during editing, but I'm sure you all will catch many more in the coming days. So far it's been noted that: At 2:22 methylene imine is being reduced and formaldehyde is oxidized. Not water. Note that this video involves the use of dangerous chemicals, and generates toxic gases. Nothing seen here should be reproduced except by professionals or under professional supervision. Synthesis of this chemical may violate local law or ordinance depending on your country of residence, so always check before proceeding with any chemical procedure. Also note that I will not now or ever be using this chemical to further manufacture any chemical that is illegal in any country, so do not ask. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Fluorescein

jbUYnoeTk70 | 10 Mar 2024

Making Fluorescein

In this video I demonstrate the organic synthesis of fluorescein. This chemical is an extremely fluorescent compound in dilute solution (as the name would imply), and I primarily synthesized it as an intermediate in the synthesis of eosin. I meant to release a video on my synthesis of resorcinol before this one, as it is used as a primary reagent, but that video ended up taking over 4 hours of footage and the editing is intimidating. Enjoy! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light #fruit

Mercury Beating Heart

ZG9H4PC7GCo | 02 Mar 2024

Mercury Beating Heart

In this video I demonstrate the classic version of the mercury beating heart reaction. Being the classic version, it is also by far the most dangerous to perform. Today, this reaction is typically done using the MUCH safer gallium, but since mercury is my favorite element I like to play with it every chance I get. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Pure Acetic Acid from Vinegar

Ql7T6Pfu8Yc | 22 Feb 2024

Pure Acetic Acid from Vinegar

In this video I synthesize pure (glacial) acetic (ethanoic) acid from common vinegar. This process can also be done by fractional freezing (I guess) but it isn't nearly as scientifically interesting. Also note that nothing done here is particularly efficient, as this stuff is quite easy to just buy outright. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #subscribe

Copper-Based Explosive

t7Py7iuW2BQ | 18 Feb 2024

Copper-Based Explosive

In this video I synthesize the beautiful primary explosive tetraamine copper persulfate. This is a fairly weak primary as far as they go, so definitely MUCH safer than something like silver fulminate or any azide. DISCLAIMER: Even though this compound is a very weak explosive, this should still not be performed by anyone but those with formal training in handling energetic compounds. Even something like this could cause severe burns or injury if not handled appropriately, This was done on recommendation by Guerilla Chemistry. I'm not sure if he creates videos at the moment, but if he does in the future here's the link: I also didn't include any music in this video, and I plan to put out a couple more without music to get some feedback as I've gotten a lot of mixed opinions on its inclusion. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #subscribe

Extracting Pure Iron from Pills

rgF9_tQdqsc | 10 Feb 2024

Extracting Pure Iron from Pills

In this video I try to extract elemental iron in as pure a state as I can manage from iron supplements. Done on request, but actually turned out pretty fun and I learned a lot. In reality I probably should have at least given electrolysis a try, but I've been doing it so much lately I wanted to try something weird and completely different. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

What Acid Entirely Dissolves Flesh?

g36iNUaUiMA | 08 Feb 2024

What Acid Entirely Dissolves Flesh?

In this video I do a little experiment to find out which common lab acid dissolves a piece of steak the quickest and most completely. My guess going into this was 98% sulfuric, but I was actually very surprised by the results. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Nitric and Hydrochloric acid Synth (2 Ways)

snAFXJfITxo | 03 Feb 2024

Nitric and Hydrochloric acid Synth (2 Ways)

In this video I demonstrate how to make fuming nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. I also demo a second method for each one, although the first method shown is really the only sensible method when balancing purity and difficulty. A few other methods of making other acids are discussed, and feel free to comment if you'd like to see me make hydroiodic acid, hydrobromic acid, or phosphoric acid. I won't make hydrofluoric acid unfortunately as I still value living. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Essence of Guava

RbXu05jY4Ug | 27 Jan 2024

Making Essence of Guava

In this video I demonstrate how to make the ester methyl benzoate which is the chemical mostly responsible for the smell of guava and Feijoa. The purpose of this video was to demonstrate my unorthodox esterification method, and I'd love any feedback on this weird little method. As always, don't attempt anything seen here unless you are trained to do so, but as far as my videos go this one is relatively safe. BTW this chemical in its 100% pure state is nauseatingly sweet. Probably more pleasant diluted. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light #fruit

Making Potassium Permanganate

sEzzLAe4ycI | 20 Jan 2024

Making Potassium Permanganate

In this video I demonstrate how I made the strong oxidizer potassium permanganate. I meant to release this video months ago as it was a fairly popular request, but I got somewhat sidetracked. It turned out to be a satisfyingly successful project so I hope it was worth the wait! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Potassium Chlorate Synthesis Two Ways

A1FxEg9MOag | 13 Jan 2024

Potassium Chlorate Synthesis Two Ways

In this video I demonstrate two ways to make the powerful oxidizer Potassium Chlorate. Technically there is a third method introducing pure chlorine to potassium hydroxide, but it sucks. Regardless, stay safe and don't try anything you see here without a lot of experience or formal training as this video involves the use of highly toxic, mutagenic chemicals, potentially explosive mixtures, hazardous voltage, corrosive acids.. you get the idea #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Tylenol into Chloranil

Fr3__SWwpXc | 06 Jan 2024

Making Tylenol into Chloranil

In this video I synthesize the oxidizing and dehydrating organic compound chloranil from OTC Tylenol (paracetamol). I plan to eventually use this to make Dioxane Violet pigment 23, but this chemical is extremely versatile and can be used as a starting point for various chemicals which I also may decide to make. Note that this video involves the use of dangerous chemicals, and generates toxic gases. Nothing seen here should be reproduced except by professionals or under professional supervision. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Singlet Oxygen

Och4sHJyKUU | 23 Dec 2023

Making Singlet Oxygen

In this video I demonstrate the chemiluminescence of singlet oxygen. This was initially just something I was doing for fun, but figured some people might find it interesting. I also do my best to explain the science behind this reaction, but as anyone with expertise in this area will quickly find out, it is a gross oversimplification. Also, apologies on the graniness of the footage, the emitted light is EXTREMELY dim (Only visible at 3200 iso and 3.0 f.2 with maximum exposure correction) #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light


zD5Msu0pZt8 | 16 Dec 2023


In this video I spend some time extracting and running chemical tests on chlorophyll. Specifically I show how chlorophyll can be extracted and purified using different solvents, centrifugation, and chromatography. I also demonstrate the UV fluorescence of chlorophyll, and the mechanism of photosynthesis. This was mostly done for fun, and the end goal for this project was itself. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Making Ether

5WZt1EcLMxc | 09 Dec 2023

Making Ether

In this video I demonstrate how to make diethyl ether, which was an anesthetic drug that revolutionized medicine, and is today mostly used as a solvent. I did this process last year, but its such an important chemical I felt it deserved a redo. Always make sure to take proper precautions before attempting anything seen in this video. The chemicals used are extremely corrosive, and ether itself is extremely flammable. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Colorful fires

-y0hbWuPLZg | 06 Dec 2023

Colorful fires

This is a reupload from my tik tok showing all the different fire colors I've made over the last year (flame tests). I have a much longer video on the science of this phenomenon coming out in a few weeks so keep an eye out if this interests you! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Alum from Drain Cleaner (Two ways)

N2E9EoA3AyI | 02 Dec 2023

Alum from Drain Cleaner (Two ways)

In this video I demonstrate two methods for making the useful chemical potassium alum from two types of drain cleaner (sulfuric acid type and potassium hydroxide type) along with aluminum foil. The second method turned out to be the superior one, sorry I didn't put it first but I did my audio recording a bit out of order in making this video. In any case make sure to take proper precautions before attempting anything seen in this video. The chemicals used are extremely caustic and corrosive, and can cause severe injury if handled improperly. Enjoy! PS: Very Early typo, Y variable indicates trivalent metal, I accidentally typed "X" twice Karter Scientific Webpage: #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Black Body Radiation

iLb4MXaUp_w | 28 Nov 2023

Black Body Radiation

I've stopped cross-uploading my tik-tok videos to YouTube for the most part as I wanted to start focusing more on YouTube-specific content and not distract with short tik-tok uploads. However, I figured I'd start again and just include the little tik-tok logo just so you all know its short and in the 9:16 aspect ratio. Anyway this is a short on black-body radiation and is actually a short clip from a very long youtube video I've been working on for months on atomic emission and plasma coloration. Enjoy!

Determining Water Hardness by Complexometric Titration

ppTS0lUNifs | 22 Nov 2023

Determining Water Hardness by Complexometric Titration

In this video I demonstrate how a complexometric titration with EDTA can be used to determine total water hardness. A further process can be done to separately test magnesium and calcium water hardness, but it would have made the video excessively long so I didn't bother. Also, keep in mind the procedure shown in this video does not adhere to SOP for a determination like this, and I actively manipulate far more variables than you ever would in an analytical lab. That said, I hope you enjoy anyway! #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Making Aniline HCl

9DCCWDdFdik | 17 Nov 2023

Making Aniline HCl

In this video I synthesize the hydrochloride salt of the simple aromatic amine aniline. This was initially going to be used to synthesize chloranil, but I changed my mind at the last second and used paracetamol instead as the reaction seemed to be much more promising. I feel this video is still a good quick guideline on how to make amines into their simple salt form so I went ahead and posted it anyway. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Easy Potassium Nitrate Synthesis

X6hO5U_R03c | 15 Nov 2023

Easy Potassium Nitrate Synthesis

In this video I synthesize the chemical potassium nitrate by a simple salt metathesis reaction between potassium carbonate and some fertilizer. This process would work even better using pure calcium nitrate (obviously) #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green #light

Making Acetamide

yCipjYvR3O8 | 11 Nov 2023

Making Acetamide

In this video I synthesize the chemical acetamide by the reaction between equal amounts of urea and acetic acid. This chemical will be used in an upcoming video to synthesize methyl amine via Hofmann rearrangement. NOTE: Somehow I accidentally wrote the formula for nitromethane instead of carbamic acid. Formula of carbamic acid should be NH3CO2 #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green

Bismuth from Pepto Bismol

A6npEqxnNx8 | 04 Nov 2023

Bismuth from Pepto Bismol

In this video I extract bismuth metal from pepto bismol, I also make some nice bismuth crystals. I want to apologize for my only posting weekly videos lately, been having a hard time at a new job. My goal is to get up to at least two video posts per week, and I have a TON of good stuff in the pipeline if you have the patience to hang around. Also, for you serious chemists, I know this vid is very elementary chemistry, but It was taking up 20gig on my PC and I filmed it 4 months ago so it was kinda time to get it out of the way. I'll be back with more advanced stuff soon :) #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green

Making Sodium Nitroprusside

6WnU0Rd9p5E | 27 Oct 2023

Making Sodium Nitroprusside

In this video I synthesize the medication sodium nitroprusside by the nitric acid digestion of potassium ferrocyanide. This chemical is also used to qualitatively test for the presence of sulfide ions or ketones, which I also demonstrate. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green

Trimethyl Borate

f_30lJQCkEc | 20 Oct 2023

Trimethyl Borate

In this video I synthesize simple organoboron compound trimethyl borate from borax (I also discuss a few other methods and make a bunch of green fire obvi) #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #green

Piperine Extraction from Black Pepper

tNVdgGo4iAQ | 15 Oct 2023

Piperine Extraction from Black Pepper

In this video I extract the chemical piperine from black pepper, which is the chemical responsible for the unique flavor and aroma of peppercorns. I used pre-ground pepper here and I suspect that has something to do with my relatively low yield. Might try this one again with actual peppercorns and see how it goes. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #light #poison #orange

Benedict's Reagent

rI_HF-vL18U | 07 Oct 2023

Benedict's Reagent

In this video I synthesize and demonstrate Benedict's reagent, which is a chemical reagent commonly used to test for the presence of reducing sugars in qualitative analysis. I may also eventually make the quantitative form, but I haven't decided yet. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #light #poison #orange

Making Potassium Dichromate

H4_owUXUViI | 30 Sep 2023

Making Potassium Dichromate

In this video I synthesize the highly toxic and carcinogenic oxidizer potassium dichromate from elemental chromium metal. I also quickly show how to make chromic acid and potassium chromate from the dichromate salt. Sorry my cadence is even more monotone than usual, I'm getting over an illness. WARNING: This chemical is EXTREMELY toxic and has been proven to cause lung cancer with a 20-year latent delay. It is also lethal through dust inhalation. See disclaimer at the end of the video. This video was done on request of The Next Guy #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color #light #poison #orange

Making Aspirin into Picric Acid (TNP)

BmAW7U4a89U | 23 Sep 2023

Making Aspirin into Picric Acid (TNP)

In this video I synthesize the explosive compound picric acid or trinitrophenol from plain aspirin. PLEASE READ: I do not recommend anyone but trained professionals attempt this process due to several significant hazards associated with the synthesis and storage of this chemical. In this video (especially near the end) I made a few dry jokes downplaying the dangers associated with this chemical. These jokes were excessively dry and upon rewatching my own video I see how they could be easily taken as serious notes on the process. That said, I just want to be clear that this is chemical has the potential to be VERY hazardous. I intentionally made a very small amount, but with compounds that can potentially undergo rapid decomposition, safety is a very fine line. Just a few grams more than I made could be the difference between a loud pop and some broken glass, and something that could cause severe injury. Also keep in mind that metal picrate formation is only really a concern during storage (the small amount I made here using a sodium salt and a metal thermometer was removed in the recrystallization). That said, I don't recommend storing this chemical at all, and I destroyed this sample after I finished filming. Its my opinion that this chemical does not have enough practical uses to balance the risk of keeping it around, but I find this synthesis an excellent educational model. If you do insist on storing this chemical, it MUST be stored with at least 15% of its mass of water. It should also be checked and re-wetted periodically. This would be a bad thing to forget to do so again I'd just skip this on anything beyond the 2-5g scale. BTW this was done on request.. although its been several months so I forget who asked I do this one.. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Ammonium Nitrate (Three Ways)

fjNyVRxjgy0 | 16 Sep 2023

Making Ammonium Nitrate (Three Ways)

In this video I demonstrate three ways to make the chemical ammonium nitrate. I also include a 4th idea that I didn't feel like doing because it would look identical to one of the other methods and felt redundant. NOTE: No idea how I missed this but ammonium is NH4 not NH3.. Everything else is the same just imagine there is an NH4 every time you see NH3 :) #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Manganese Redox

VVBHZmAyGVY | 10 Sep 2023

Manganese Redox

ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF STARTING THIS CHANNEL! :) Thank you all so much for your interest in my hobby and your support into making it into something more. NOTE: The "Hypomanganate" sample shown is actually likely an intermediate between the +7 and +6 states and not the actual +5 state. Hypomanganate can only be made by very careful reduction of Manganate or permanganate below 10°C. I may correct and reupload this video showing this if time allows. Here is to many more years! Synthesis all the oxidation states of manganese I could easily make in a home lab. Note that the -2, -1. 0, and +1 states have also been isolated, but their difficulty of synthesis is prohibitive. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Hexavalent Iron

Q-sAOcfxKrg | 06 Sep 2023

Hexavalent Iron

Synthesis of the hexavalent iron compound Barium Ferrate from elemental iron. Also demo of a few other common oxidation states of iron. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Hexamine

SYOze014tW0 | 01 Sep 2023

Making Hexamine

Synthesis of the smoke-free fire starter and medication Hexamine or Hexamethylenetetramine #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Zinc Sulfide Reaction

CaTxYEvSkw8 | 28 Aug 2023

Zinc Sulfide Reaction

Demonstration of the Reaction between Zinc and Sulfur to Produce the phosphorescent chemical zinc sulfide. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Organic Color

X6g_ewqdwog | 26 Aug 2023

Organic Color

A brief look into the science of color at the molecular level.. Also a few titrations using natural pH indicators #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #color

Making Aniline

ljBlPtGjXCc | 21 Aug 2023

Making Aniline

Easy synthesis of the important chemical aniline by thermal decarboxylation. Credit to corrosive chemistry on YT for this idea #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #chemical #industury #aniline


M3THYXoPTo8 | 17 Aug 2023


Synthesis of cadaverine, the chemical primarily responsible for the smell of decomposing tissue. Sorry, smells too bad to purify. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #death #stink #smelly

Styrene from Styrofoam

YfByQ190cOM | 13 Aug 2023

Styrene from Styrofoam

A process for the thermal depolymerization of styrofoam (polystyrene) to the chemical styrene #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #styrofoam

Microwave Plasma

IQI3PWfJiyg | 06 Aug 2023

Microwave Plasma

Making plasma in the microwave and talking about it a bit. Don't do this at home #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #plasma #microwave #heat

Making Benzocaine

aUKOGlMWk4U | 04 Aug 2023

Making Benzocaine

A brief synthesis of the chemical of the topical anesthetic benzocaine by the Fisher Esterification of p-aminobenzoic acid and ethanol. #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #anesthetic

Nitrous Oxide

t0jjafF6hgU | 03 Aug 2023

Nitrous Oxide

A brief synthesis of the chemical nitrous oxide. I don't know any applications/demonstrations for this chemical beyond its synthesis and the barking dog demonstration, which I do not (sadly) have the materials to do #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire #nitrousoxide

Invisible Ink

zyVvLM3n4GY | 27 Jul 2023

Invisible Ink

Making invisible color changing ink with turmeric Note: Apologies for the audio/video quality, I'm working in a new lab setting with all new hardware (and the software that comes with it). This will improve as I get more acquainted with the tech so bear with me.


XKFKHczaBTI | 24 Jul 2023


Key facts and synthesis of hydrogen gas #chemistry #science #hydrogen #gas #elements #fire


QJS6Ng4pb1o | 23 Jul 2023


I forgot how sad this little dog always makes me

Ocean Acidification (Carbon Capture)

5s5xcQMLnuI | 22 Jul 2023

Ocean Acidification (Carbon Capture)

Demonstration of how carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, which leads to the acidification of the ocean.

Anthranilic Acid

2v_hH9bMhkU | 21 Jul 2023

Anthranilic Acid

Organic synthesis of the useful chemical Anthranilic Acid from the phthalimide I made last week Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Plasma Globe (DSLR TEST)

6jHXLqbAUQY | 21 Jul 2023

Plasma Globe (DSLR TEST)

I'm going to finally start shooting my videos on DSLR in a standard YouTube aspect ratio, this video is simply a test of the camera, edit, and upload process.

Silver Fulminate

h5w0f775r2E | 17 Jul 2023

Silver Fulminate

Making the primary detonator silver fulminate. Do NOT Attempt yourself without professional training and supervision. Note that the clip I posted as nickel hydrazine nitrate was actually silver fulminate (oops). I'll try and go back to edit that video with the correct clip ASAP Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Ferrocyanide to Ferricyanide

mKby8MZCKVs | 14 Jul 2023

Ferrocyanide to Ferricyanide

Making Potassium Ferricyanide by oxidizing potassium ferrocyanide with chlorine gas. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Nickel Hydrazine Nitrate

enJAVGGTPQ4 | 13 Jul 2023

Nickel Hydrazine Nitrate

Making nickel hydrazine nitrate from nickel nitrate and hydrazine sulfate Note: Sodium hydroxide was used to balance hydrazine solution to pH 8 Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Phthalimide

BIXjJtfPCO4 | 12 Jul 2023

Making Phthalimide

Organic synthesis of the useful chemical phthalimide from phthalic anhydride. Materials: phthalic anhydride, urea, ethanol Hazards: oil burns Methods: My own method Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Benzene

btRA5bnRUjQ | 10 Jul 2023

Making Benzene

Process of making benzene from sodium benzoate and sodium hydroxide. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Taking the Alcohol out of Wine

fJG2ttZw38g | 30 Jun 2023

Taking the Alcohol out of Wine

Extracting ethyl alcohol from a box of wine. Note: The 96% azeotrope between ethanol and water can be broken in several other ways besides using molecular sieves. A classic example is adding Benzene and distilling it out, and a Dean-Stark trap could also possibly work. Materials: Ethanol source (beer, wine, liquor, etc), molecular sieves. Methods: My own procedure Hazards: Ethanol at this concentration is essentially toxic as it is over twice as potent as vodka. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Recovering Waste Sulfuric Acid

MVtqLmgfi-o | 29 Jun 2023

Recovering Waste Sulfuric Acid

Process for my recovery of usable sulfuric acid from dirty acid waste. Materials: Dirty sulfuric acid, sand/boiling stones, celite Methods: My own procedure Hazards: Boiling sulfuric acid is one of the most dangerous things you could ever come in contact with. At 300C sulfuric acid will instantly burn and blacken flesh and cause permanent blindness even in very small amounts. The sulfuric acid vapor can also cause lung damage including acute pulmonary edema, and boiling sulfuric acid can cause glassware to bump aggressively or break if insufficient boiling stones are used. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Fractal Wood Burning

ax-Om4PcU4A | 26 Jun 2023

Fractal Wood Burning

Demonstration of Fractal wood burning or Lichtenberg Etching Do not do at home. Due to hazards of the process I am not providing materials and methods. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Zinc by Alkaline Electrolysis

gcJD2cuG59c | 25 Jun 2023

Zinc by Alkaline Electrolysis

Here I precipitate pure zinc metal from old chemical waste using galvanic deposition via alkaline hydrolysis. Note that I misspoke and said that the zincate ion loses electrons to reduce to elemental zinc, it actually GAINS electrons to reduce. Materials: Sodium hydroxide, zinc hydroxide, nickel/copper electrodes, DC power supply. Hazards: Small risk of electric shock, chemical burns from caustic strong bases Methods: Deviation of procedure by NurdRage #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Making Cobalt Titanite Pigment

HU3BAPUOViE | 23 Jun 2023

Making Cobalt Titanite Pigment

Inorganic synthesis of the old-timey pigment cobalt titanite spinel #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Making Sodium (Poly)Sulfide

biTPzeDdO0E | 22 Jun 2023

Making Sodium (Poly)Sulfide

This is a synthesis of a sodium sulfide alternative, and is not chemically pure sodium sulfide, rather it is a mixture of the primary sulfide and some polysulfides/hydrosulfides. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Wintergreen Flavoring

YvGJvSRmEe0 | 17 Jun 2023

Making Wintergreen Flavoring

Organic synthesis of methyl salicylate which is more commonly known as the flavoring "Oil of Wintergreen" Materials: Salicylic acid, methanol, sulfuric acid (greater than 90%), sodium bicarbonate Hazards: Strong acid burns. all reagents are fairly toxic Methods: Wikipedia Note: Adding another immiscible solvent such as ethyl acetate or DCM before the washing step I've been told can help prevent water in the distillate and prevent the need for a second distillation. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Cobalt Green Pigment

c3CWYeF7Wds | 16 Jun 2023

Cobalt Green Pigment

Inorganic synthesis of the classic pigment cobalt or Rinmann's Green. Materials: Cobalt, Zinc, Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Carbonate Hazards: Burns from strong acids/bases/heat. Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Making Luminol

iagQk7ZcZkg | 15 Jun 2023

Making Luminol

Finally got around to making luminol, sorry it took so long. Materials: Hydrazine sulfate, 3-nitrophthalic acid, glycerin, sodium hydroxide, sodium acetate trihydrate, sodium dithionite (hydrosulfite), sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, ammonia, potassium ferricyanide. Hazards: Caustic burns, noxious fumes evolved. Methods: ScienceMadness forums, Wikipedia Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Purification of 18k Gold

PI11f74sHHA | 14 Jun 2023

Purification of 18k Gold

I've done a few gold videos, this one is the quickest and most to-the-point. Also I want to note that I'm not actually sure whether chloroauric acid is volatile, or if it just evaporates away with water as an aerosol. Materials: Impure gold, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium metabisulfite. Hazards: Strong acids, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide gasses evolved. Methods: Well known and common procedure for high purity gold refining. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

WOOSH Bottle

xv8A-W2dAT0 | 13 Jun 2023

WOOSH Bottle

A classic combustion demonstration. Materials: Alcohol, a bottle Hazards: expanding gas, fire Methods: Well known demo Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Vanadium Rainbow

uY0CKBIroQQ | 12 Jun 2023

Vanadium Rainbow

Demonstration of the classic Redox Rainbow using vanadium pentoxide. Materials: Vanadium Pentoxide, Sodium Hydroxide, Sulfuric acid, Zinc Hazards: Burns from strong acids/bases Method: Chemistry LibreTexts Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #quantum


bmSaPPCL-jw | 09 Jun 2023


First video in a new series on elements I want to start working on. Figured I'd start with indium as it got a lot of attention in the comments of my last video. Materials: Indium, HV transformer Hazards: Electric shock (Do NOT try this one) Methods: My own procedure Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Making 3-Nitrophthalic Acid

ridu6XIDb4I | 06 Jun 2023

Making 3-Nitrophthalic Acid

Decided I'm going to go ahead and cave to popular demand and make luminol. This along with hydrazine sulfate is a key ingredient. Materials: Phthalic Anhydride, nitric acid, sulfuric acid Hazards: Strong acid burns, nitrogen dioxide gas evolved Methods: Wikipedia Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making YInMn Blue Pigment

LxFnCF5xQzw | 05 Jun 2023

Making YInMn Blue Pigment

Inorganic synthesis of the very newly discovered pigment YInMn Blue. Materials: Indium, Yttrium, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, manganese dioxide Hazards: Burns from strong acids/bases/heat. Methods: ScienceMadness Forums Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Glowing Tonic Water

6fGKvTNoslw | 04 Jun 2023

Glowing Tonic Water

Simple demonstration of the photoluminescence of tonic water under UV light. This is due to an ingredient in tonic water called quinine. Materials: Tonic Water, UV light Hazards: None Methods: Observance of a known property Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Vacuum Pressure and Volume

OaS-wfM5WkY | 31 May 2023

Vacuum Pressure and Volume

A simple demonstration of the relation between volume and pressure for those who have a hard time visualizing the ideal gas law. Materials: Vacuum Chamber Hazards: None Methods: Demo of known property Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Graphene Quantum Dots

XoW-yXtGOGY | 30 May 2023

Making Graphene Quantum Dots

Synthesis of graphene quantum dots from citric acid and urea. I fully intend to make this into a full series. Materials: Citric acid, urea, UV source Hazards: None Method: "Controlled synthesis of blue luminescent graphene quantum dots from carbonized citric acid: Assessment of methodology, stability, and fluorescence in an aqueous environment" (Materials chemistry and Physics Journal Volume 220) Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #quantum

Making Hydrazine Sulfate

1YjQt_xyBjI | 28 May 2023

Making Hydrazine Sulfate

Probably going to use this to make luminol, not really sure yet. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Piranha Solution Q&A

XND-NckQDsk | 27 May 2023

Piranha Solution Q&A

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not do at home.

Making Calcium Sulfite/Carbonate

Yu1gXbmQ4a8 | 26 May 2023

Making Calcium Sulfite/Carbonate

Filmed this video ages ago before I did my synthesis of sodium nitrite, but it didn't seem interesting enough to post. Decided to post it anyway as I feel some may find it useful. Supplies Required: -Calcium Chloride -Sodium Sulfite -Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) Key Hazards: None Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Glowing Penny Reaction

SEnJheud4do | 25 May 2023

Glowing Penny Reaction

Just a Penny and Acetone Supplies Required: -Acetone -Penny -Wire -Torch Key Hazards: Fire Hazard Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Cobalt Blue Synthesis

d2nsk4YaGow | 21 May 2023

Cobalt Blue Synthesis

Matherials: -Cobalt Salt -Aluminum Salt *Salts can also be made with elemental form and a suitable acid Key Hazards: Cobalt salts are a suspected carcinogen, strong acids are toxic and corrosive, and extreme heat can cause serious burns. Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #sonic #blue

Making Lithium Iodide

dG0XVAcbzgo | 20 May 2023

Making Lithium Iodide

Synthesis of lithium hydroxide by the salt metathesis of lithium carbonate and calcium hydroxide. Subsequent synthesis of lithium iodide by direct reaction of lithium hydroxide and elemental iodine. Supplies Required: -Lithium Carbonate -Calcium Hydroxide -Elemental Iodine Key Hazards: Strong alkalis can cause chemical burns, elemental iodine can can produce toxic gas if vaporized Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Self-Inflating Exploding Balloon

rf-FkI-CRSs | 19 May 2023

Self-Inflating Exploding Balloon

Back to some simple explosions Materials Required: -Calcium Carbide -Balloon Key hazards: Acetylene is a highly flammable and potentially explosive gas Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Taking Caffeine out of Coffee

gVlszjOrWXg | 18 May 2023

Taking Caffeine out of Coffee

Done just for fun. If you want caffeine it is far easier to just extract it from caffeine pills. Also you could likely purify the end product through sublimation rather than recrystallization. Materials Required: -Coffee -Chloroform -Diethyl Ether Key Hazards: Chloroform is toxic and a suspected carcinogen, diethyl ether is extremely flammable Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Manganese Sulfate

oRagXWfKckI | 16 May 2023

Making Manganese Sulfate

Filmed this video ages ago before I did the Briggs-Raucher Reaction, but it didn't seem interesting enough to post. Decided to post it anyway as I feel some may find it useful. Materials Required: -Manganese dioxide or manganese metal -Sulfuric acid -Oxalic Acid or Hydrogen peroxide Key Hazards: Sulfuric acid is highly corrosive, oxalic acid is an irritant Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Cellulose Extraction From Weeds

m-SXuhLPYig | 15 May 2023

Cellulose Extraction From Weeds

I did this one other time using actual wood pulp which resulted in a perfectly white and pure cellulose. Using weeds is not recommended and I only used weeds for the novelty of it. Materials Required: -Sodium hydroxide -Ortho-Xylene -Ethanol Key Hazards: Sodium hydroxide is caustic, ortho-xylene is toxic, ethanol is flammable Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Deconstructing Milk

RvkAFHhWfq8 | 14 May 2023

Deconstructing Milk

Extracting the major components from a sample of whole milk.. I'd actually recommend using skim milk as the fat only got in the way. Materials Required: -Milk -Acid (HCl/acetic) -Alum -Methanol -Activated Carbon Key Hazards: Methanol is flammable and toxic, dilute acids are irritating Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Sodium Nitrite

5BLPoE6Y-ns | 13 May 2023

Making Sodium Nitrite

Sodium Nitrite synthesis by the reduction of sodium nitrate. Materials Required: -Sodium Nitrate -Calcium Sulfite Key Hazards: This reaction can produce toxic nitrogen dioxide gases, sodium nitrite is highly toxic Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Bleach and Soda

GMGdV_GLVQw | 12 May 2023

Bleach and Soda

I was bored.. Materials Required: -Dark Soda -Bleach Key Hazards: Bleach is toxic Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not drink. Obviously.

Two Types of Thermite

WDGWuFWPquc | 11 May 2023

Two Types of Thermite

My second attempt at thermite. This time instead of grinding foil for my aluminum, I bought 500 mesh (30 micron) powder. Result is the reaction is far more violent. Materials Required: -Aluminum Powder -Manganese Dioxide -Iron Oxide Key Hazards: Burns thousands of degrees and can easily melt through most things Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Double-Displacement Reactions

qrxQqEKlqks | 10 May 2023

Double-Displacement Reactions

A few examples of Double Displacement reactions in my work Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #primary

Making Sand From Silicon

JYQ0WxR4zgU | 09 May 2023

Making Sand From Silicon

Technically the term sand only refers to grain size and isn't necessarily silicon dioxide. However, most of the stuff at beaches we refer to as "sand" is silicon dioxide. Materials Required: -Silicon -Sodium Hydroxide -Sodium bisulfate Key Hazards: Sodium hydroxide is highly caustic and can burn skin Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Dissolving Hot Wheels Car

2865T93Ig2g | 08 May 2023

Dissolving Hot Wheels Car

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not do at home.

Making Formic Acid

eEY3PUWMSl4 | 07 May 2023

Making Formic Acid

Synthesis of formic acid by decomposition of oxalic acid. Materials Required: -Oxalic acid dihydrate -Glycerin/Glycerol Key hazards: This reaction can/will produce toxic acrolein which is a strong irritant. Formic acid is also corrosive. Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Making Mercury (II) Fulminate

tB-Wica8iRo | 04 May 2023

Making Mercury (II) Fulminate

Extreme caution against attempting this process at home. It is an interesting molecule, and this is purely for educational purposes. Materials Required: -Mercury -Nitric Acid -Ethanol Key Hazards: Mercury is toxic neurotoxic, mercury salts are nephrotoxic, ethanol is flammable, fulminates are highly explosive and release mercury vapor Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #primary

Making Cobalt Violet Pigment

YF44j7TrVnI | 03 May 2023

Making Cobalt Violet Pigment

Reupload from my Tik-tok Materials: -Cobalt salt or cobalt metal and a suitable acid -Phosphate salt -Ammonia Key hazards: Cobalt salts are a suspected carcinogen, nitric acid is corrosive and releases toxic nitrogen oxide gases Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 #science #chemistry #color #cobalt #purple #violet

Methyl Acetate Synthesis

3JGCZjv4Upg | 02 May 2023

Methyl Acetate Synthesis

This will be part 1 in a short series on the synthesis of acetic anhydride. I began filming a different method by synthesizing methyl iodide with hydroiodic acid, but that route felt too complicated and inappropriate for public audiences. Materials Required: -Methanol -Glacial (99.9%) Acetic acid -Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Key Hazards: Methanol is toxic, methyl acetate is flammable Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Cadmium Yellow Attempt #2

ABUHGPDGMIs | 01 May 2023

Cadmium Yellow Attempt #2

Reupload from my Tik-tok This video also includes an easy hydrogen sulfide generator demo I came up with. Materials: Cadmium, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, sulfur/sodium sulfide Hazards: Cadmium is toxic, carcinogenic, and a reproductive toxin. Strong acids/bases can cause serious burns, and hydrogen sulfide gas is extremely toxic and lethal. Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 #science #chemistry #color #sand #glow

Making Potassium IodATE

3RZ4jZoi46A | 29 Apr 2023

Making Potassium IodATE

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Most Dangerous Chemicals I Own

qT6bUnTfhds | 27 Apr 2023

Most Dangerous Chemicals I Own

Reupload from my tik-tok Do not under any circumstances handle any of these compounds unless you have proper training to do so. Note: The LD50 values I reported here are the highest literature values I could find, many of these compounds can be lethal at much lower doses. For example, I saw LD50 reports of sodium cyanide as low as 1.6mg/kg. #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Making Glue Slime

QHMO43wEVv4 | 26 Apr 2023

Making Glue Slime

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #glue #slime

Acidic Hydrolysis of ACS to Salicylic Acid

Vpdgi48ClMI | 26 Apr 2023

Acidic Hydrolysis of ACS to Salicylic Acid

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid I find this method far superior to the alkaline hydrolysis

Piranha Solution on Bone

cM0fRGwEE38 | 24 Apr 2023

Piranha Solution on Bone

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not do at home.

Mercury (II) Iodide Thermochromism

PFgZfrNsBmw | 23 Apr 2023

Mercury (II) Iodide Thermochromism

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #blue #yellow #red

How Acidic are Drinks?

aQ4LIFYGb84 | 22 Apr 2023

How Acidic are Drinks?

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #redbull #gatorade This is an old video, I never did a part 2 due to lack of interest.

Sourcing Chemicals Part 2

WJUIVX7DJk4 | 20 Apr 2023

Sourcing Chemicals Part 2

Reupload from my tik-tok. #science #chemistry #supplies The prices reflected here are the cheapest I could find these items in early 2023 at normal stores/vendors without any special licensing.

Sourcing Chemicals Part 1

PcwIqxrEwCw | 20 Apr 2023

Sourcing Chemicals Part 1

Reupload from my tik-tok. #science #chemistry #supplies Sorry about the resolution, I'm working on fixing a bug with the import file program. The prices reflected here are the cheapest I could find these items in early 2023 at normal stores/vendors without any special licensing.

Potassium Chlorate Synthesis

-Tr42jyBRvg | 19 Apr 2023

Potassium Chlorate Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Edit: The chemical equation I included for the disproportionation reaction of calcium hypochlorite is incorrect. There is no hydrogen in calcium hypochlorite (not sure how I made such a silly mistake) and so hydrogen gas is not released in this reaction.

Burning things With Sulfuric Acid

qT5Iwr3JlIc | 14 Apr 2023

Burning things With Sulfuric Acid

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not do at home.

Phenolphthalein Synthesis: 4th and Final Part

lM8Z6OakLn0 | 14 Apr 2023

Phenolphthalein Synthesis: 4th and Final Part

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid This is the forth and final part in a short series I'm doing on the synthesis of phenolphthalein. Note: The image I found for the full mechanism isn't great. I actually hate it. It uses 4-chlorophenol instead of phenol, which generates byproducts that don't actually exist in the reaction I did here.. Its the best image I could find on the mechanism, and aside from that issue it is otherwise correct. From now on I will likely just use ChemSketch and make my own mechanism diagrams. Second: I do not mean to imply that phthalic anhydride and phthalimide are the same thing, I only mean that they can be substituted for each other in this reaction. I've tried this with both and I haven't noticed a difference in the final product. Third: As always, purity is not a priority for me in these shorts, and some amount of phenol will remain in the aqueous layer after NaOH treatment as phenoxide. Some phthalic anhydride will also remain as water-soluble sodium phthalate. These impurities are very minor though and do not have any impact on the use of this as an indicator. Edit: I did this reaction a few more times and found a few things: First, salicylic acid can be used instead of phenol, and it works literally just as well. I actually found using salicylic acid even easier. Second, diethyl ether can be used as a less-toxic alternative to DCM, you'll just need to remember that if using diethyl ether, the organic layer will be the top layer. I actually found that using ether improved both yield and purity of the final product very noticeably.

Piranha Solution

5yySp98yPe4 | 13 Apr 2023

Piranha Solution

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Do not do at home.

Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction

SRhq3i7Hf3c | 12 Apr 2023

Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #blue #yellow #oscillation

Briggs-Rauscher Reaction

xzTuP_Fsxls | 11 Apr 2023

Briggs-Rauscher Reaction

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #blue #yellow

Phenol Synthesis (Part 3 of Phenolphthalein synthesis)

5HjlNhD3BfI | 10 Apr 2023

Phenol Synthesis (Part 3 of Phenolphthalein synthesis)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid This is the third part in a short series I'm doing on the synthesis of phenolphthalein. Note: Salicylic acid also sublimes well below the temp required for decarboxylation, and I didn't show it in the video but initial crystal formations were likely just Salicylic acid and needed to be knocked back to the bottom to assure the final product is actually phenol. This is accomplished either by firm shaking or physically knocking them down with a glass stir rod.

Imploding Cans

-3B6SoHHBlI | 09 Apr 2023

Imploding Cans

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cans #implosion

Potassium Permanganate

Gm0IOULoCxY | 08 Apr 2023

Potassium Permanganate

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer Note that many organic compounds will be decomposed by potassium permanganate in this manner, not only ethylene glycol.

DIY Kinetic Sand

ROxbccCF6y0 | 07 Apr 2023

DIY Kinetic Sand

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #sand #glow Note: I made this video after my first "kinetic sand" video. This is more in line with the product sold as "kinetic sand". Also, TRUE kinetic sand is sand that has a hydrophobic coating mixed with a bit of oil. This is simply a good DIY approximation.

DIY Moon Sand

bHAIhZXNiWk | 06 Apr 2023

DIY Moon Sand

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #sand #glow Note: I made this video before I knew what kinetic sand actually was. As such, I refer it as "kinetic sand" the whole video, although this is more like the product "moon sand" Also, I said I added 100mL of cooking oil, but I only used 50 for this batch.

Ethyl Acetate Synthesis

-xu3WR-XK_w | 05 Apr 2023

Ethyl Acetate Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #organicchemistry Note: I have no Idea why the upload quality of this video is so bad.. I believe it has something to do with the format of the video type as I messed around with that before uploading. In any case I am working on fixing it ASAP. Notes: I made the comment about MEK containing ethyl acetate offhand without really knowing what MEK is, I just saw a container labeled MEK in the hardware store and curious as I am, I read the label and it said "ethyl acetate 55%". After making this video I checked the label again and it is actually "MEK Substitute" so yeah entirely different thing. Actual MEK is the chemical butanone. Also, the final product is not completely anhydrous so the percent yield I posted is not accurate as the product still contains notable quantities of ethanol and water. I'll likely do a longer video on this in the future where I go the extra mile and dry the ethyl acetate. Also, ethyl acetate is really only comparable to DCM as an extraction solvent, not a reaction solvent. This is because unlike DCM, ethyl acetate tends to hydrolyze under certain reaction conditions.

Making Red Paint from Bugs

CT4nNeQ3GWI | 04 Apr 2023

Making Red Paint from Bugs

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #red Materials: Cochineal Insects, sodium carbonate, ammonia, Alum Hazards: Strong bases can cause serious burns Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 Note: I was just reviewing my synthesis notes and I actually did another thing different with the second beaker beyond just boiling it. I also added 4mL of stannous chloride which I read could help the pigment precipitate better. I believe this had more to do with the better precipitation of pigment in that second beaker than simply boiling it.

Manganese Heptoxide 2.0

qhetNJRG4Ys | 04 Apr 2023

Manganese Heptoxide 2.0

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #oxidizer

Alkyl (Amyl) Nitrite Synthesis

YDC0hlwGgpE | 28 Mar 2023

Alkyl (Amyl) Nitrite Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #organicchemistry #cyanide Note that 100% pure amyl nitrite is colorless, not the yellow color apparent here (other alkyl nitrites are yellow). The yellow hue here is likely due to dissolved nitrogen dioxide, which you do NOT want to breathe. That said, even if nitrogen oxides were not the cause of the color, I did a redistillation anyway and the color disappeared.

Nitrocellulose Synthesis

3MQa-1LvdmA | 26 Mar 2023

Nitrocellulose Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid Note: The nitrocellulose here is not pure. If it isn't obvious, I tend to focus on general procedure and the science of what is going on rather than purity of the final product in these short-form videos I do. I do intend to eventually make longer form videos that place greater emphasis on the chemical mechanisms as well as purification steps, but for now I'm having fun just learning all these general procedures. In any case, to achieve high-purity nitrocellulose that will burn nearly instantly and leave no ash, you'd need to do either a much longer nitration, or a second nitration of the dry product seen here. Also, note that instead of 98% nitric acid and 67% sulfuric, you can use 67% nitric and 98% sulfuric. The only difference is that with 98% sulfuric acid, care must be taken to keep the reaction temperature low or the cellulose will dissolve.

Salicylic Acid Synthesis by Alkaline Hydrolysis (Part 2 of Phenolphthalein Synthesis)

LW5GNwIWz3g | 25 Mar 2023

Salicylic Acid Synthesis by Alkaline Hydrolysis (Part 2 of Phenolphthalein Synthesis)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid This is the second part in a short series I'm doing on the synthesis of phenolphthalein.

Dichloromethane (DCM) Synthesis by Reduction of TCM

0ZtR2WGHXZM | 23 Mar 2023

Dichloromethane (DCM) Synthesis by Reduction of TCM

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #acid #chemistry #solvent #organic Note: This is only my first attempt at a hypothetical reaction I read about, so my method/procedure could definitely use work. Let me know if you have any ideas on how this process might be improved. Also yeah I know my thermometer should be in the vapor phase during distillation, no idea why I had it so far down.

Acetylsalicylic Acid Extraction (Part 1 of Phenolphthalein Synthesis)

OWOwHpPHVIQ | 20 Mar 2023

Acetylsalicylic Acid Extraction (Part 1 of Phenolphthalein Synthesis)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid This is the first part in a short series I'm doing on the synthesis of phenolphthalein.

Nickel Extraction From Nickels

3J4qk-ELi4w | 16 Mar 2023

Nickel Extraction From Nickels

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #penny #nickel #metal This was a two part video on Tik-Tok that was stitched together for YouTube. Let me know if you'd like a dedicated long-form YT video on metal seperation.

Potassium Bromate Synthesis

Zl8nwE8w6yA | 15 Mar 2023

Potassium Bromate Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #acid #chemistry #red #bromine Edit: This is a two step reaction, and I forgot to include the second step. The first step is as shown where potassium hydroxide and bromine react to form KBrO (potassium hypobromite). However, there is a second step where the hypobromite reacts with water to form KBrO3 (Potassium Bromate). The reaction also is not balanced as written, and the yield is much higher than it should be looking at the balanced reaction. That said, I would NOT boil the filtrate down further and recrystallize as I advised in the video, as I likely only crystalized potassium bromide by doing so.

Extracting Iodine From Betadine

YpScZMajy8o | 14 Mar 2023

Extracting Iodine From Betadine

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #acid #chemistry #purple #Iodine

Extracting Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) From Tylenol

CUv8GvrlGO4 | 08 Mar 2023

Extracting Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) From Tylenol

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #tylenol

Bromine Synthesis

eDjXaB1j7Yk | 07 Mar 2023

Bromine Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #acid #chemistry #red #bromine

Making Cerulean Blue

aw9cdPeeMfQ | 06 Mar 2023

Making Cerulean Blue

Early Synthesis of the Pigment Cerulean Materials: Cobalt, nitric acid, tin, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide Hazards: Strong acids and bases can cause serious burns, cobalt salts are toxic/carcinogenic Methods: "The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments, containing directions for the manufacture of all artificial artists' and painters' colours, enamel colours, soot and metallic pigments" 1901 Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #blue

Chromium (VI) Oxide-Peroxide

faNQvlyDIgc | 04 Mar 2023

Chromium (VI) Oxide-Peroxide

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #acid #chemistry #blue

Making Phthalo Blue

8ZGW3sqgu4s | 02 Mar 2023

Making Phthalo Blue

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #blue

Bioplastic Synthesis

ffYN4sSWet4 | 28 Feb 2023

Bioplastic Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #plastic #chemistry Note: This is not PLA or a related thermoplastic, I will likely do a video on a thermoplastic synthesis if this one gets some interest.

Gas Phase Reactions (Ammonium Chloride)

Fcerf02-FRM | 27 Feb 2023

Gas Phase Reactions (Ammonium Chloride)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #gas #solution #chemistry #acid

Hydrobromic Acid Synthesis

Xj_tiq5V9rc | 24 Feb 2023

Hydrobromic Acid Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Ferrofluid Synthesis

ag9IqulD3tk | 23 Feb 2023

Ferrofluid Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #iron #magnet This was previously uploaded as three separate videos. I went ahead and combined them into one and I'll be deleting the old videos from this account.

Making Oxygen Gas

ipm0w8VYXcE | 20 Feb 2023

Making Oxygen Gas

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #fire #chemistry #oxygen

Making Manganese Violet

Axrzr7iJ2eQ | 20 Feb 2023

Making Manganese Violet

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #violet This was previously uploaded as two parts. I combined them and I will be removing the two old videos I used to make this one

Extracting Capsaicin From Peppers

3Dzo2us4MeU | 18 Feb 2023

Extracting Capsaicin From Peppers

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #pepper

Qualitative Testing for Metal Ions

SK62f7uSf30 | 17 Feb 2023

Qualitative Testing for Metal Ions

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #color #solution #chemistry #metal

Cleaning Diethyl Ether

Q2sFVnyhB7A | 15 Feb 2023

Cleaning Diethyl Ether

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #synthesis

Channel Preview

Qr29r_tZWz4 | 14 Feb 2023

Channel Preview

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #fire We have fun here

Important Lab Glassware

Df7G6EumtWc | 13 Feb 2023

Important Lab Glassware

Reupload from my tik-tok. #science #chemistry #glass

Diethyl Ether Synthesis

sskBtZ4eT3g | 12 Feb 2023

Diethyl Ether Synthesis

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #synthesis

Gold From Computer Components

ASfOrnK3I3A | 09 Feb 2023

Gold From Computer Components

Reupload from my Tik-tok This video is four tik-tok videos combined into one cohesive video. That said, please excuse the potentially jarring shifts between segments. Also, I intended in the third part to make a tiny ingot, but left it as a nugget as the ingot became a lot of work for what was essentially a joke. #science #chemistry #color #acid #gold

Pure Silver Recovery from Old Coins

dKle9UgnVmQ | 07 Feb 2023

Pure Silver Recovery from Old Coins

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #silver

Golden Pennies

D6XHgzxn-Lo | 05 Feb 2023

Golden Pennies

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #penny #gold

Making Lead White

gFnEcI1L67E | 03 Feb 2023

Making Lead White

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #white After posting notes: 1. The pH of this solution needs to stay below 9, otherwise the lead hydroxide will redissolve in solution.

Making Viridian and Chrome Green

opuXjz6EPfE | 02 Feb 2023

Making Viridian and Chrome Green

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #green

Cadmium Yellow and Red Synthesis

F3h0FfiestA | 27 Jan 2023

Cadmium Yellow and Red Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok One thing I did not mention in my video is that true cadmium red must be calcined at high heat to stabilize it as a pigment. Cadmium yellow can be used as prepared here but the red will degrade without that final step. #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #green

Making Verdigris (Copper Acetate)

bmF95Nh_uR0 | 26 Jan 2023

Making Verdigris (Copper Acetate)

Reupload from my Tik-tok One thing I did not mention in my video is that the patina associated with this pigment is actually copper acetate carbonate which is formed when this compound reacts with carbon dioxide in the air. This shifts it to the pale green color you'd see on the statue of liberty. #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #green

My Element Collection So Far

3rystEwcOA8 | 20 Jan 2023

My Element Collection So Far

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #metal #elements

Making Lead into Gold (Lead Iodide)

VwhstZK9fKg | 19 Jan 2023

Making Lead into Gold (Lead Iodide)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #lead #iodine After posting notes: 1. I found that lead sinkers from the store contain small amounts of other metals that made this reaction more annoying than it had to be. I would recommend instead using a purer source of lead to save yourself the headache.

Extracting Citric Acid From Lemons

ylCG3wdSRqI | 16 Jan 2023

Extracting Citric Acid From Lemons

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #citricacid #lemon After posting notes: 1. I HIGHLY recommend a water rinse of the calcium citrate before proceeding to the next step. I skipped it and it made every succeeding step a little gross.

Mars Black Pigment Synthesis

HvjqjsLDNGY | 15 Jan 2023

Mars Black Pigment Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #black


IXsLaUa-OCg | 15 Jan 2023


Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #polonium #radiation

Gold Extraction From a $20 Ebay Ingot

Qj-ycaQl1UE | 11 Jan 2023

Gold Extraction From a $20 Ebay Ingot

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #gold

Distilling Sulfuric Acid

EmUXNeaqBZg | 08 Jan 2023

Distilling Sulfuric Acid

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Making Manganese Heptoxide

mO5YyKn5XU8 | 08 Jan 2023

Making Manganese Heptoxide

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #synthesis

Squishing Pennies

Mn6OgN0Mka8 | 08 Jan 2023

Squishing Pennies

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #penny

Making Paint From Rust

vbOks6QzGWY | 03 Jan 2023

Making Paint From Rust

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #blue #paint

Chemical Traffic Light

C9QJNRx1eEo | 02 Jan 2023

Chemical Traffic Light

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #clock #stoplight

Iodine Clock Reaction

oQG-radKOGE | 27 Dec 2022

Iodine Clock Reaction

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #clock #iodine

Melting Styrofoam in Acetone

D9zJKgLom7Q | 27 Dec 2022

Melting Styrofoam in Acetone

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #fire #styrofoam

UV-Vis Spectrphotometer

VOwUI9sI-w0 | 27 Dec 2022

UV-Vis Spectrphotometer

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #electronic #laser

Making Sodium Chromate

7zJubPfjrxY | 23 Dec 2022

Making Sodium Chromate

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #yellow After Posting Notes: 1. The orange color of the sodium chromate is not due to high concentration, as chromate is bright yellow at all concentrations. The orange is sodium dichromate which was formed along with the sodium chromate. This can probably be eliminated by the addition of sodium hydroxide. 2. I found that sodium metabisulfite is the best and cheapest reducing agent to eliminate hexavalent chromium waste and spillage. 3. When neutralizing chromium chloride into the insoluble base, the product will be chromium hydroxide regardless of whether sodium hydroxide or bicarbonate is used (chromium carbonate is highly unstable and decomposes immediately). That said, sodium hydroxide is probably a better choice as it will eliminate the aerosol-producing bubbling in the hypochlorite addition step..

Gas-Discharge Tubes (HID Lighting)

qbw5fO5Ivbg | 23 Dec 2022

Gas-Discharge Tubes (HID Lighting)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #electronic #laser

Indigo (short Version)

XjWrejckhts | 21 Dec 2022

Indigo (short Version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #battery #red After Posting notes: 1. The yellow solution produced when the indigo dissolves is NOT indigo carmine (IC), and is actually called leucoindigo. Leucoindigo is simply a soluble form of indigo which reverts back to indigo when oxidized (usually by air), while indigo carmine is a redox indicator that is fully soluble in water across all pH values.


aya1Pw970Xk | 21 Dec 2022


Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #battery #red


5gifm9yaYYg | 21 Dec 2022


Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color

Thermite Synthesis

xOCFFlorWY8 | 18 Dec 2022

Thermite Synthesis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #battery #red

Lithium Extraction from Battery

oL8hK9bVE48 | 16 Dec 2022

Lithium Extraction from Battery

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #battery #red

Making Sulfuric Acid (Nitric Acid and sodium sulfite Method)

X7YXZXzpL_s | 16 Dec 2022

Making Sulfuric Acid (Nitric Acid and sodium sulfite Method)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Making a Battery (Galvanic Cell)

w0_X-BlHR8A | 16 Dec 2022

Making a Battery (Galvanic Cell)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #electrolysis #electronic

Making Ethanol (Short Version)

oF0UhIIltZo | 16 Dec 2022

Making Ethanol (Short Version)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #distillation #alcohol

Electrolysis Demo

Zu0dbAN-PjM | 14 Dec 2022

Electrolysis Demo

Reupload from my tik-tok. #science #chemistry #electrolysis

Cathode Ray Tube Demo

TTVaX2ngsNs | 14 Dec 2022

Cathode Ray Tube Demo

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #electronic #laser

Making Chrome Orange Pigment

prUcQESx2qY | 13 Dec 2022

Making Chrome Orange Pigment

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #yellow

Acid Regeneration Test

G-finqm-siw | 11 Dec 2022

Acid Regeneration Test

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Glacial Acetic Acid Synthesis (OLD)

Wddrf0nTZ4w | 11 Dec 2022

Glacial Acetic Acid Synthesis (OLD)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid After video notes: 1. The boiling point of acetic acid is 118C, not 244C. I accidentally copied the temp in Fahrenheit since it was the first number I saw when searching the BP, and did not question this until later. 2. An addition funnel would be preferable for this reaction, I just didn't own one when I made this video. 3. I've more recently remade this video at higher quality, and in a standard aspect ratio.

Making Paris (chrome) Yellow Pigment

m0r1zkw3qYc | 08 Dec 2022

Making Paris (chrome) Yellow Pigment

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #pigment #yellow

Growing Metal Crystals

21Sj2Q4IpVo | 08 Dec 2022

Growing Metal Crystals

Reupload from my tik-tok. #science #chemistry #electrolysis

Making Salt Bridges for Electrolysis and Project Updates

SGjgFwQ5hQk | 07 Dec 2022

Making Salt Bridges for Electrolysis and Project Updates

Reupload from my tik-tok. Soap project and Gaviscon project revisited #science #chemistry #color #soap #electrolysis

Rust Removal with Electrolysis

GlSKXqwC9hA | 07 Dec 2022

Rust Removal with Electrolysis

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #rust #iron

Magnesium Reaction

LBDPCCX4eZ0 | 06 Dec 2022

Magnesium Reaction

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #glow #lightroom After Posting notes: 1. Avoid allowing the burning magnesium to touch the bottom of a glass beaker. The heat cracked the one seen here.

Chemiluminescence of Diphenyl Oxalate

SOJ2CpZblIs | 06 Dec 2022

Chemiluminescence of Diphenyl Oxalate

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #glow #light

Macromolecule Extraction from Strawberries (Part 2: Protein and Sugars)

BEo__AaRrSM | 04 Dec 2022

Macromolecule Extraction from Strawberries (Part 2: Protein and Sugars)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #biochemistry

Macromolecule Extraction from Strawberries (Part 1: DNA)

uz1y-JCHDlc | 04 Dec 2022

Macromolecule Extraction from Strawberries (Part 1: DNA)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid #biochemistry

Making Gunpowder

dX8gKVpImp0 | 04 Dec 2022

Making Gunpowder

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #fire

Ammonium Sulfate Synthesis (Short Version)

qG9WE_HscDY | 02 Dec 2022

Ammonium Sulfate Synthesis (Short Version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #base #acid #ammonia #science

Sodium Acetate Synthesis (Short Version)

K8BH7VegqfE | 02 Dec 2022

Sodium Acetate Synthesis (Short Version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #base #acid #vinegar #science

Boric Acid Synthesis (short version)

NV-5dGMYMXs | 30 Nov 2022

Boric Acid Synthesis (short version)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Natural pH Indicator From Cabbage

xpu-8JMBqrA | 29 Nov 2022

Natural pH Indicator From Cabbage

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #cabbage #foodscience

Cleaning Salts Containing Organic Contaminants

hLhKMFRLxnU | 28 Nov 2022

Cleaning Salts Containing Organic Contaminants

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #base

Silver Metal from Old Quarters (Old Version)

bhM8_YQZenE | 28 Nov 2022

Silver Metal from Old Quarters (Old Version)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #silver I've more recently remade this video at a higher quality.

Phosphoric Acid Synthesis (Short Version)

O5LtxBycKGY | 28 Nov 2022

Phosphoric Acid Synthesis (Short Version)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid

Calcium Acetate from eggshells (short version)

CGjils638jY | 28 Nov 2022

Calcium Acetate from eggshells (short version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #base #egg #acid #science

Copper Colors (oxides and hydroxides)

prhQjnCAtlY | 23 Nov 2022

Copper Colors (oxides and hydroxides)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color

Hydrochloric Acid Synthesis (Old Version)

RbcJjJYXQ50 | 23 Nov 2022

Hydrochloric Acid Synthesis (Old Version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color #acid After posting notes: 1. Sulfuric acid can be substituted by sodium bisulfate and a bit of water to allow mixing. Everything else would be done the same. 2. I've more recently remade this video at a higher quality and in a standard aspect ratio.

Prussian Blue Synthesis (short version)

9v74OXASvFg | 22 Nov 2022

Prussian Blue Synthesis (short version)

Reupload from my tik-tok #science #chemistry #color

Copper carbonate synthesis (short version)

7TU72n_uUOA | 22 Nov 2022

Copper carbonate synthesis (short version)

Reupload from my Tik-tok #science #chemistry #color

Caffeine Extraction and Purification (Part 1)

eAsw35Mu-V4 | 18 Nov 2022

Caffeine Extraction and Purification (Part 1)

reupload from my tik tok, excuse the obnoxious music choice. #science #chemistry #color #caffeine

Synthesizing Gaviscon (short version)

Iedw578hzrs | 18 Nov 2022

Synthesizing Gaviscon (short version)

reupload from my tik tok #science #chemistry #color #pharmacy

Acetylsalicylic Acid extraction (short version)

QrnOjlzUyr8 | 18 Nov 2022

Acetylsalicylic Acid extraction (short version)

Reupload from my tik tok

Titration of muriatic acid (short version)

m-1DDo-d3Qw | 18 Nov 2022

Titration of muriatic acid (short version)

reupload from my tik tok

Nitric acid synthesis (Old Version)

yoLCfmdNfuk | 18 Nov 2022

Nitric acid synthesis (Old Version)

Reupload from my tik-Tok #science #chemistry #color #acid I've more recently remade this video at a higher quality and in a standard aspect ratio.