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All videos archived of Drugslab
Best of Nellie | Drugslab

3bhcFqa4E8E | 03 Jan 2020

Best of Nellie | Drugslab

Drugslab gaat stoppen en dit is de allerlaatste video. In deze video blikken Bastiaan, Dzifa en Rens samen met Nellie terug op Nellie haar meest memorabele momenten tijdens Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: OVER DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is een educatief YouTube kanaal over drugs. Op dit kanaal proberen Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman en Dzifa Kusenuh de drugs uit die jij getest wil zien. We doen dit in de naam van de wetenschap, zodat we kunnen laten zien wat de effecten van drugs op het menselijk lichaam zijn. Je kunt ons laten weten welk type drug jij getest wil zien door te reageren in het reactiegedeelte onder de video of de hashtag #drugslab te gebruiken. Naast ons wekelijkse experiment voorzien we je van informatie over veilig gebruik, veilige dosering, wat de effecten en risico’s zijn en enkele do’s en don’ts als je drugs gebruikt. In de naam van de wetenschap! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA Naast dat onze presentatoren twee keer per maand drugs testen in het lab, onderzoeken Nellie, Bastiaan en Dzifa de wereld rondom drugs. Zij gaan twee keer per maand op pad om jullie vragen te beantwoorden. Want over drugs valt zoveel meer te vertellen. OVER BNNVARA: BNNVARA is een Nederlandse publieke omroep. De omroep van vrij, nieuwsgierig en sociaal Nederland. We blijven schoppen, maar nooit zonder reden. BNNVARA produceert entertainment en informatieve programma’s, radioprogramma’s en speelfilms. Sommige programma’s stellen controversiële onderwerpen aan de kaak zoals het orgaandonortekort, drugs en seks. WAARSCHUWING: De bovenstaande video dient een educatief doel in relatie tot het gebruik van drugs en de effecten ervan. Het is expliciet niet de intentie mensen aan te moedigen om drugs te gebruiken. De handelingen die te zien zijn in de video worden uitgevoerd door professionals of onder de strikte supervisie van professionals. Dienovereenkomstig dringen BNNVARA en de producers van het programma er met klem op aan dat niemand poogt enige getoonde handeling uit de video te recreëren of na te doen en zal BNNVARA niet aansprakelijk zijn voor welke materiële en/of immateriële schade dan ook als mensen dit wel doen! Meer info over drugs:

Best of Bastiaan | Drugslab

IyIZE9Jjonc | 27 Dec 2019

Best of Bastiaan | Drugslab

Drugslab gaat stoppen. In deze video blikken Nellie, Dzifa en Rens samen met Bastiaan terug op Bastiaan zijn meest memorabele momenten tijdens Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: OVER DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is een educatief YouTube kanaal over drugs. Op dit kanaal proberen Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman en Dzifa Kusenuh de drugs uit die jij getest wil zien. We doen dit in de naam van de wetenschap, zodat we kunnen laten zien wat de effecten van drugs op het menselijk lichaam zijn. Je kunt ons laten weten welk type drug jij getest wil zien door te reageren in het reactiegedeelte onder de video of de hashtag #drugslab te gebruiken. Naast ons wekelijkse experiment voorzien we je van informatie over veilig gebruik, veilige dosering, wat de effecten en risico’s zijn en enkele do’s en don’ts als je drugs gebruikt. In de naam van de wetenschap! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA Naast dat onze presentatoren twee keer per maand drugs testen in het lab, onderzoeken Nellie, Bastiaan en Dzifa de wereld rondom drugs. Zij gaan twee keer per maand op pad om jullie vragen te beantwoorden. Want over drugs valt zoveel meer te vertellen. OVER BNNVARA: BNNVARA is een Nederlandse publieke omroep. De omroep van vrij, nieuwsgierig en sociaal Nederland. We blijven schoppen, maar nooit zonder reden. BNNVARA produceert entertainment en informatieve programma’s, radioprogramma’s en speelfilms. Sommige programma’s stellen controversiële onderwerpen aan de kaak zoals het orgaandonortekort, drugs en seks. WAARSCHUWING: De bovenstaande video dient een educatief doel in relatie tot het gebruik van drugs en de effecten ervan. Het is expliciet niet de intentie mensen aan te moedigen om drugs te gebruiken. De handelingen die te zien zijn in de video worden uitgevoerd door professionals of onder de strikte supervisie van professionals. Dienovereenkomstig dringen BNNVARA en de producers van het programma er met klem op aan dat niemand poogt enige getoonde handeling uit de video te recreëren of na te doen en zal BNNVARA niet aansprakelijk zijn voor welke materiële en/of immateriële schade dan ook als mensen dit wel doen! Meer info over drugs:

Best of Dzifa | Drugslab

nAvsSksLpbg | 20 Dec 2019

Best of Dzifa | Drugslab

Drugslab gaat stoppen. In deze video blikken Bastiaan en Nellie samen met Dzifa terug op Dzifa haar meest memorabele momenten tijdens Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: OVER DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is een educatief YouTube kanaal over drugs. Op dit kanaal proberen Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman en Dzifa Kusenuh de drugs uit die jij getest wil zien. We doen dit in de naam van de wetenschap, zodat we kunnen laten zien wat de effecten van drugs op het menselijk lichaam zijn. Je kunt ons laten weten welk type drug jij getest wil zien door te reageren in het reactiegedeelte onder de video of de hashtag #drugslab te gebruiken. Naast ons wekelijkse experiment voorzien we je van informatie over veilig gebruik, veilige dosering, wat de effecten en risico’s zijn en enkele do’s en don’ts als je drugs gebruikt. In de naam van de wetenschap! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA Naast dat onze presentatoren twee keer per maand drugs testen in het lab, onderzoeken Nellie, Bastiaan en Dzifa de wereld rondom drugs. Zij gaan twee keer per maand op pad om jullie vragen te beantwoorden. Want over drugs valt zoveel meer te vertellen. OVER BNNVARA: BNNVARA is een Nederlandse publieke omroep. De omroep van vrij, nieuwsgierig en sociaal Nederland. We blijven schoppen, maar nooit zonder reden. BNNVARA produceert entertainment en informatieve programma’s, radioprogramma’s en speelfilms. Sommige programma’s stellen controversiële onderwerpen aan de kaak zoals het orgaandonortekort, drugs en seks. WAARSCHUWING: De bovenstaande video dient een educatief doel in relatie tot het gebruik van drugs en de effecten ervan. Het is expliciet niet de intentie mensen aan te moedigen om drugs te gebruiken. De handelingen die te zien zijn in de video worden uitgevoerd door professionals of onder de strikte supervisie van professionals. Dienovereenkomstig dringen BNNVARA en de producers van het programma er met klem op aan dat niemand poogt enige getoonde handeling uit de video te recreëren of na te doen en zal BNNVARA niet aansprakelijk zijn voor welke materiële en/of immateriële schade dan ook als mensen dit wel doen! Meer info over drugs:

Best of Rens | Drugslab

5-ujdn0vajI | 13 Dec 2019

Best of Rens | Drugslab

In this video Rens, Bastiaan and Nellie look back on Rens his most memorable moments during Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Drugslab LIVE: het afscheid | Drugslab

EoBu8KMQ6NM | 06 Dec 2019

Drugslab LIVE: het afscheid | Drugslab

During this live show, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman, and Dzifa Kusenuh look back on the previous years of Drugslab. We see never before seen footage, the golden play button, and special guests including the father of Bastiaan, Rens Polman and our medical specialist Mark. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Ayahuasca Special deel 3: de aftertalk | Drugslab

4eMLO6H6ycg | 29 Nov 2019

Ayahuasca Special deel 3: de aftertalk | Drugslab

In the three-part Ayahuasca Special, Bastiaan, Dzifa and Nellie take part in an Ayahuasca ceremony. In this third part, the presenters look back on the ceremony: what did it bring them? And how do they feel now? They also answer your questions. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh try out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Ayahuasca Special deel 2: de ceremonie | Drugslab

-PtLctc727Y | 22 Nov 2019

Ayahuasca Special deel 2: de ceremonie | Drugslab

In the three-part Ayahuasca Special Bastiaan, Dzifa and Nellie participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony. In this second part the presenters drink the Ayahuasca during a traditional ceremony. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Ayahuasca Special deel 1: de weg naar Ayahuasca | Drugslab

pUqy0Ru0QN8 | 15 Nov 2019

Ayahuasca Special deel 1: de weg naar Ayahuasca | Drugslab

In the three-part Ayahuasca Special Bastiaan, Dzifa and Nellie participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony. In this first part, the presenters will talk to experience expert Gitta and take you into the preparation for the ceremony. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or immaterial damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

1 miljoen abonnees: we hebben belangrijk nieuws | Drugslab

PAGuRPigdq0 | 08 Nov 2019

1 miljoen abonnees: we hebben belangrijk nieuws | Drugslab

In this episode, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh celebrate that they have 1 million subscribers. In addition, they have important news that they want to share with you. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh try out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Nellie rijdt onder invloed van cannabis | Drugslab

XOLYq6tl-js | 01 Nov 2019

Nellie rijdt onder invloed van cannabis | Drugslab

In this video, Nellie Benner smokes cannabis to see what effect it has on her driving ability. She drives a car under the influence of cannabis. CURIOUS TOWARDS A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious about and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or immaterial damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Weet wat je neemt: Nellie test de drugskennis van de gebruiker | Drugslab Extra

kkEncJh_Kn4 | 25 Oct 2019

Weet wat je neemt: Nellie test de drugskennis van de gebruiker | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Nellie tests the drug knowledge of party visitors. What do users know about the drugs they take? CURIOUS TOWARDS A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious about and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or immaterial damage if people do so. More info about drugs:

Cocaïne kopen bij straatdealers: Bastiaan gaat undercover | Drugslab Extra

My_c15Q_1ew | 18 Oct 2019

Cocaïne kopen bij straatdealers: Bastiaan gaat undercover | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Bastiaan Rosman goes undercover to buy cocaine from various street dealers. What exactly is sold on the street? Is he being scammed? The results are shocking. CURIOUS TOWARDS A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious about and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown on the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Damiana - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

I9krQ0FxUlU | 11 Oct 2019

Damiana - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

In this video, Dzifa Kusenuh tells the do's and don'ts to limit the risks when using Damiana. USE: - You can smoke damiana herb or make tea from it. - Contact time is approximately 20-30 minutes. And you can feel the effects for 1.5 to 2 hours. DOSAGE: -Take 10 to 15 grams of Damiana herb and add this to a liter of water. Let this boil gently for 5 minutes, cool it, strain it and drink a few cups of it. RISKS: Excessive use is of course never good, and with Damiana this can also lead to: -insomnia -headache -nausea -vomit. Stop using if you experience: -breathing problems; fever, nausea, vomiting; - changes in your mental state (agitation, anxiety, worry, confusion, hallucinations); - problems with swallowing, excessive saliva, drooling; anesthesia of a part of your body; or painful muscle cramps or uncontrolled muscle movements. Damiana can affect your blood sugar levels. So if you have diabetes, check your blood sugar carefully. CURIOUS TOWARDS A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious about and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, what the effects and risks are, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or immaterial damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Dzifa rijdt onder invloed van XTC | Drugslab

me_IlDhvNgk | 11 Oct 2019

Dzifa rijdt onder invloed van XTC | Drugslab

In this video, Dzifa Kusenuh is trying xtc to see what effect it has on its responsiveness. She drives a car under the influence of XTC. CURIOUS TOWARDS A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious about and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh try out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hasd tag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, the effects and risks, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or immaterial damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Ritalin slikken zonder recept? Bastiaan zoekt uit wat de risico's zijn | Drugslab Extra

3m-mBQE-V1E | 04 Oct 2019

Ritalin slikken zonder recept? Bastiaan zoekt uit wat de risico's zijn | Drugslab Extra

In this video, Bastiaan Rosman finds out what happens if you take Ritalin without a prescription. Ritalin is a medicine for people with ADHD. One in four students takes it as a study stimulant without a prescription.

Nellie gaat lekker op porno door Damiana | Drugslab

ZAjsbH0AOVM | 27 Sep 2019

Nellie gaat lekker op porno door Damiana | Drugslab

In this video, Nellie Benner tries out Damiana to see what effect it has on her body. Damiana is a plant (Turnera diffusa) and has a relaxed, mild cannabis-like effect. Nellie tests whether it works sexually stimulating.

Hoe run je een amfetaminelab? Dzifa gaat in gesprek met Joop | Drugslab Extra

G23BtPziFV0 | 20 Sep 2019

Hoe run je een amfetaminelab? Dzifa gaat in gesprek met Joop | Drugslab Extra

In this video, Dzifa Kusenuh talks to former drug lord Joop. He built a huge drug empire with a lot of violence.

Bastiaan gebruikt truffels op een psychedelisch festival | Drugslab

of8oUodeIKA | 13 Sep 2019

Bastiaan gebruikt truffels op een psychedelisch festival | Drugslab

In this video, Bastiaan Rosman tries out truffles at a Psy-fi to see what effect it has on his body. Truffles fall into the group of consciousness-changing agents. Space, time, environment, feelings and perception are experienced differently.

Psychedelische drugs op een festival: Bastiaan gaat naar Psy-fi | Drugslab Extra

9U_MgXpR8GE | 06 Sep 2019

Psychedelische drugs op een festival: Bastiaan gaat naar Psy-fi | Drugslab Extra

In this video Bastiaan Rosman goes to a psychedelic festival to talk to the visitors. What did they use? How do they experience tripping at a festival? And what about their knowledge about psychedelic drugs? Bastiaan finds out. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know in the comment section about which drug you are curious and in which setting we should try it. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this channel, Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh are trying out the drugs that you want to see tested. We do this in the name of science so that we can show the effects of drugs on the human body. You can let us know what type of drug you want to see tested by responding in the reaction section below the video or by using the hashtag #drugslab. In addition to our weekly experiment, we provide you with information about safe use, safe dosing, what the effects and risks are, and a few do's and don'ts if you use drugs. In the name of science! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA In addition to our presenters testing drugs in the lab twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa investigate the world of drugs. They go out twice a month to answer your questions. Because there is so much more to say about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcaster. The broadcaster of free, curious and social Netherlands. We keep kicking, but never without a reason. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informational programs, radio programs and feature films. Some programs address controversial issues such as organ donor deficiency, drugs and sex. WARNING: The above video serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and their effects. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The actions shown in the video are performed by professionals or under the strict supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers of the program insist on no one attempting to recreate or imitate any act shown in the video and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and / or intangible damage if people do so. ! More info about drugs:

Medicinaal cannabisgebruik: Nellie gaat langs bij Serge en Marian | Drugslab Extra

-_RpqM-PmWM | 30 Aug 2019

Medicinaal cannabisgebruik: Nellie gaat langs bij Serge en Marian | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Nellie Benner visits Serge and Marian. They are medical cannabis users and grow their own cannabis plants. Nellie investigates in what way cannabis helps against health complaints. How you can use it and whether it is legal.

Psychose door drugs: Dzifa praat met Florian | Drugslab

xZns6AT7daM | 23 Aug 2019

Psychose door drugs: Dzifa praat met Florian | Drugslab

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Dzifa Kusenuh visits Florian. He ended up with a psychosis through drugs a few years ago. What happened during his psychosis, how did he get out and how is he doing now? CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you with safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan, and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs, and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt with controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa neemt lachgas en test haar reactievermogen | Drugslab

ua_eCAO9SQc | 16 Aug 2019

Dzifa neemt lachgas en test haar reactievermogen | Drugslab

In this episode of Drugslab, Dzifa Kusenuh tries laughing gas. Laughing gas is becoming increasingly popular, but appears to be less innocent than it seems. What are the risks? CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

EHBO op een festival: Bastiaan loopt mee | Drugslab Extra

35-h-fe2eA0 | 09 Aug 2019

EHBO op een festival: Bastiaan loopt mee | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Bastiaan Rosman walks along with the first aid at a festival. How are things going at such a first aid station? When should you go and what can they do for you? CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Drugs en de wet: Nellie praat met strafrechtadvocaat | Drugslab Extra

dTTd71-kZew | 02 Aug 2019

Drugs en de wet: Nellie praat met strafrechtadvocaat | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Nellie Benner visits criminal lawyer Zahra. She tells Nellie everything about the Opium laws in the Netherlands and tells you what to do if you get caught at a festival with drugs. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

XTC op een festival, Bastiaan vraagt het aan bezoekers | Drugslab Extra

A2X9UEIoCzk | 26 Jul 2019

XTC op een festival, Bastiaan vraagt het aan bezoekers | Drugslab Extra

In this video, Bastiaan Rosman goes to a festival to talk to recreational XTC users. How much do they use? Do they combine with other drugs? And what about their knowledge about ecstasy? Bastiaan finds out. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan neemt een groot risico en combineert alcohol met cocaïne | Drugslab

HjgOQz_20Ws | 12 Jul 2019

Bastiaan neemt een groot risico en combineert alcohol met cocaïne | Drugslab

In this episode of Drugslab, Bastiaan Rosman tries alcohol in combination with cocaine. 75% of cocaine users combine this with alcohol. Bastiaan has the idea that he can handle the world, but is shocked by the risks. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa microdoseert een maand LSD en tript onverwachts | Drugslab Extra

Yc387eK1Eg0 | 05 Jul 2019

Dzifa microdoseert een maand LSD en tript onverwachts | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Dzifa Kusenuh microdoses LSD for a month. She cries, trips and feels different, but at the same time wonders if this is the placebo effect. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie overwint haar angst na het nemen van 3-MMC | Drugslab

8KG-oZcc0Ao | 28 Jun 2019

Nellie overwint haar angst na het nemen van 3-MMC | Drugslab

In this video, Nellie Benner tries 3-MMC to see what effect it has on her body. 3-MMC is a new psychoactive substance on which little scientific research has been done. USE: - 3-MMC can be snorted or swallowed. Snorting can be painful. - You can feel the effects of 3-MMC fairly quickly. When swallowing after 20 to 60 minutes and when snorting within a few (3-5) minutes. - You feel the peak after 2-3 hours when swallowing. And the entire effect lasts 4 to 7 hours. You can still feel the after effects for around 3 to 6 hours. DOSAGE: -When taking 3-MMC, a low dose is between 25-75mg. 75 and 130 mg is an average dose. And when you take 130 mg or more you have a high dose. -When snorting 3-MMC you need less for the same effect. RISKS: -Increased heart rate -Increased blood pressure / narrowed blood vessels -Increased body temperature -Less appetite -Tooth grinding -Dry mouth (dehydration) -Nausea Irritation / irritability -Fear / paranoia -Confusion -Overheating -Dry out -Exhaustion (crash / rebound when working out) -Headache -Epileptic seizure -Damaged nasal mucosa -Colored limbs (purple / green) -Liver damage -Heart and vascular problems -Brain hemorrhage -Stroke -Cardiac arrest -Winding delirium -Serotonin syndrome -Hallucinations (sound / voices) -Psychosis CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

3-MMC - Do’s en don’ts | Drugslab

EFCZ55_kyFw | 28 Jun 2019

3-MMC - Do’s en don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using 3-MMC. USE: - 3-MMC can be snorted or swallowed. Snorting can be painful. - You can feel the effects of 3-MMC fairly quickly. When swallowing after 20 to 60 minutes and when snorting within a few (3-5) minutes. - You feel the peak after 2-3 hours when swallowing. And the entire effect lasts 4 to 7 hours. You can still feel the after effects for around 3 to 6 hours. DOSAGE: -When taking 3-MMC, a low dose is between 25-75mg. 75 and 130 mg is an average dose. And when you take 130 mg or more you have a high dose. -When snorting 3-MMC you need less for the same effect. RISKS: -Increased heart rate -Increased blood pressure / narrowed blood vessels -Increased body temperature -Less appetite -Tooth grinding -Dry mouth (dehydration) -Nausea Irritation / irritability -Fear / paranoia -Confusion -Overheating -Dry out -Exhaustion (crash / rebound when working out) -Headache -Epileptic seizure -Damaged nasal mucosa -Colored limbs (purple / green) -Liver damage -Heart and vascular problems -Brain hemorrhage -Stroke -Cardiac arrest -Winding delirium -Serotonin syndrome -Hallucinations (sound / voices) -Psychosis CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Ritalingebruik onder studenten: Bastiaan gaat undercover | Drugslab Extra

K0OPrnIzbkk | 21 Jun 2019

Ritalingebruik onder studenten: Bastiaan gaat undercover | Drugslab Extra

In Drugslab Extra, Bastiaan Rosman goes undercover as a student to see how easily he can get Ritalin. He comes to a worrying discovery. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan is verbaasd door Trip-E | Drugslab

Ho-2fOVk6ZY | 14 Jun 2019

Bastiaan is verbaasd door Trip-E | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman tries Trip-E (Happy Caps) to see what effect it has on his body. Trip-E is the most psychedelic of all Happy Caps. Bastiaan is surprised by the effects. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Drugslab Live - We have news! | Drugslab

ABGvxx08o0k | 07 Jun 2019

Drugslab Live - We have news! | Drugslab

In this live stream, Bastiaan, Nellie, Dzifa celebrate the 10th episode of Drugslab Extra. They also want to share important news with you. NIEUWSGIERIG NAAR EEN DRUG? Laat ons weten in de comment sectie naar welke drug je nieuwsgierig bent en in welke setting we die moeten uitproberen. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: OVER DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is een educatief YouTube kanaal over drugs. Op dit kanaal proberen Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman en Dzifa Kusenuh de drugs uit die jij getest wil zien. We doen dit in de naam van de wetenschap, zodat we kunnen laten zien wat de effecten van drugs op het menselijk lichaam zijn. Je kunt ons laten weten welk type drug jij getest wil zien door te reageren in het reactiegedeelte onder de video of de hashtag #drugslab te gebruiken. Naast ons wekelijkse experiment voorzien we je van informatie over veilig gebruik, veilige dosering, wat de effecten en risico’s zijn en enkele do’s en don’ts als je drugs gebruikt. In de naam van de wetenschap! Peace. DRUGSLAB EXTRA Naast dat onze presentatoren twee keer per maand drugs testen in het lab, onderzoeken Nellie, Bastiaan en Dzifa de wereld rondom drugs. Zij gaan twee keer per maand op pad om jullie vragen te beantwoorden. Want over drugs valt zoveel meer te vertellen. OVER BNNVARA: BNNVARA is een Nederlandse publieke omroep. De omroep van vrij, nieuwsgierig en sociaal Nederland. We blijven schoppen, maar nooit zonder reden. BNNVARA produceert entertainment en informatieve programma’s, radioprogramma’s en speelfilms. Sommige programma’s stellen controversiële onderwerpen aan de kaak zoals het orgaandonortekort, drugs en seks. WAARSCHUWING: De bovenstaande video dient een educatief doel in relatie tot het gebruik van drugs en de effecten ervan. Het is expliciet niet de intentie mensen aan te moedigen om drugs te gebruiken. De handelingen die te zien zijn in de video worden uitgevoerd door professionals of onder de strikte supervisie van professionals. Dienovereenkomstig dringen BNNVARA en de producers van het programma er met klem op aan dat niemand poogt enige getoonde handeling uit de video te recreëren of na te doen en zal BNNVARA niet aansprakelijk zijn voor welke materiële en/of immateriële schade dan ook als mensen dit wel doen! Meer info over drugs:

Bastiaan voelt zich verdoofd na het drinken van absint | Drugslab

myDKC5GEKU4 | 31 May 2019

Bastiaan voelt zich verdoofd na het drinken van absint | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman tries absinthe to see what effect it has on his body. Absinthe is made from alcohol and the herb wormwood. Absinthe contains 55% to 70% alcohol. Bastiaan feels stoned and numb. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Jong en verslaafd: Nellie praat met Paulien | Drugslab Extra

0EJNvGovypA | 24 May 2019

Jong en verslaafd: Nellie praat met Paulien | Drugslab Extra

In this episode of Drugslab Extra, Nellie Benner visits Paulien. Paulien has been addicted to various types of drugs since she was 16 years old. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie en Dzifa gebruiken samen 2C-B | Drugslab

r6bW6VruKQ0 | 17 May 2019

Nellie en Dzifa gebruiken samen 2C-B | Drugslab

In this video, Nellie Benner and Dzifa Kusenuh try out 2C-B together to see what effect it has on their bodies and how they react to each other while under the influence. 2C-B is a psychedelic drug. USE: When you’re about to use 2C-B, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Especially when it’s your first time, use 2C-B in a comfortable setting. - You can control your trip positively, with nice people, music and videos. - Are the effects unpleasant? Take some vitaminC, dextrose or some sweet drinks. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired trip and the strength of your pill. A low dose (5-15mg) gives you an euphoric and energetic effect.  From a high dose (15mg and higher) you can hallucinate. The effects of 2C-B lasts for 4-6 hours. RIKS: - Nauseous and vomit. - Triggering or increase of mental disorders. - Freak out / bad trip CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

DMT Q&A met Bastiaan | Drugslab Extra

6pAk1PhWCiM | 10 May 2019

DMT Q&A met Bastiaan | Drugslab Extra

In this video Bastiaan Rosman talks about his experience with DMT. He answers the questions of viewers from the previous video where he took DMT. 'Bastiaan smokes DMT (N,N- Dimethyltryptamine)' CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan rookt DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) | Drugslab

EUhdGiMDYtA | 03 May 2019

Bastiaan rookt DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) | Drugslab

This episode Bastian Rosman smokes DMT (N,N- Dimethyltryptamine). After smoking Bastiaan falls in a total orange world. USE: Are you about to use DMT? Keep the following things in mind: -     Prepare yourself for using DMT. -     Make sure your using it in a relaxed setting. -     Make sure there is a tripsitter. -     You can snort or smoke DMT. Smoking is the most common way. -     Smoke DMT with a pipe. -     Go with the flow. The trip always comes to an end. DOSE: -     The dosage is between 25-50 mg. -     The doses are different when you snort DMT. -     Make sure you take the right dose by weighing it on a scale. RISKS: -     Change in spatial perception. -     Change in perception of time. -     Increased heart rate. -     Increased blood pressure. -     Dilated pupils. -     Elevated body temperature. -     Dizziness. -     Nausea. -     Difficulty breathing. -     Queasiness. -     Anxiety and panic. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Smartshop: Nellie finds out | Drugslab Extra

BLmth77bsRI | 26 Apr 2019

Smartshop: Nellie finds out | Drugslab Extra

In Drugslab Extra Nellie Benner visits a smartshop to see what is being sold here and wonders why this is legal. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa can't sleep after using Speed | Drugslab

MUvZfpCFpQ0 | 19 Apr 2019

Dzifa can't sleep after using Speed | Drugslab

In this video Dzifa Kusenuh tries out speed to see what effect it has on her body. Speed (Amfetamine) is een synthetisch psychofarmacon en drug. She tries to go to sleep but this is almost impossible. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Street dealers: Bastiaan sells fake drugs | Drugslab Extra

KFlWdjC9rrg | 12 Apr 2019

Street dealers: Bastiaan sells fake drugs | Drugslab Extra

Amsterdam is full of street dealers who sell fake drugs to tourists. This is very dangerous and in this Drugslab Extra episode, Bastiaan Rosman is looking for tourists who want to buy fake drugs from him. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Kamagra - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

4Di59qdUpfA | 05 Apr 2019

Kamagra - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This video Nellie Benner explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using Kamagra. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan has sex with Kamagra | Drugslab

xVonsFMq_8s | 05 Apr 2019

Bastiaan has sex with Kamagra | Drugslab

In this video, Bastiaan Rosman Kamagra tries to see what it does to his body. Kamagra is used for erectile dysfunction and Bastiaan checks how long he lasts during sex. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Drugs dealer: Nellie asks him everything | Drugslab Extra

LmOFjCDsJWo | 29 Mar 2019

Drugs dealer: Nellie asks him everything | Drugslab Extra

In this Drugslab Extra episode, Nellie Benner asks a drug dealer everything you ever wanted to know from a dealer. What does his work and private life look like? CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa takes LSD in an art gallery | Drugslab

raOz4k8LeYc | 22 Mar 2019

Dzifa takes LSD in an art gallery | Drugslab

In this video Dzifa Kusenuh tries out LSD in an art gallery to see what effect it has on her body. LSD is a psychedelic drug known for its psychological effects, which may include altered awareness of one's surroundings as well as sensations and images that seem real though they are not. Thanks to: OD Gallery Amsterdam CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

What do tourists in Amsterdam know about drugs? Dzifa finds out | Drugslab Extra

qdLJaZepROs | 15 Mar 2019

What do tourists in Amsterdam know about drugs? Dzifa finds out | Drugslab Extra

In this Drugslab Extra episode, Dzifa Kusenuh asks tourists in Amsterdam what they know about drugs and the related policy. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie takes Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca) | Drugslab

gcrl5RWJn3s | 08 Mar 2019

Nellie takes Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca) | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tries out Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca) to see what effect it has on her body. She becomes more active and tests her endurance. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

czDJMLA4a5A | 08 Mar 2019

Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This video Dzifa Kusenuh explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using Coca powder (Erythroxylum coca). CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

How to test your drugs: Nellie finds out | Drugslab Extra

odWqGy5MJkM | 01 Mar 2019

How to test your drugs: Nellie finds out | Drugslab Extra

In Drugslab Extra Nellie Benner explores how you can have your drugs tested in the Netherlands. She visits Jellinek to see how XTC is being tested. Check here where you can test your drugs: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan builds a closet after vaping weed | Drugslab

T-2lAZ4UrBk | 22 Feb 2019

Bastiaan builds a closet after vaping weed | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman is vaping weed with a volcano vaporizer. After that he tries to build a closet. Thanks to Azarius USE: Usually people smoke weed. But weed can also be eaten and drunk. You can smoke weed with or without tobacco. Smoking weed in combination with tobacco is more addictive than smoking pure weed. DOSE: The THC level in weed differs considerably, so the dose is difficult to determine. The THC in the Dutch weed is between 15-18% and from 1 gram 3 to 6 joints can be smoked. You do not have to inhale deeper to feel the effect. RISKS: Psychoses. Amnesia. Anxious. Harmful to the lungs. Spiritually dependent. Palpitations. Dizzy. Drop blood pressure. Dry mouth. Red eyes. Appetite increases. Nauseous. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Coffeeshop policies: Dzifa finds out | Drugslab Extra

o2AL1cIXA1Q | 15 Feb 2019

Coffeeshop policies: Dzifa finds out | Drugslab Extra

In Drugslab Extra Dzifa Kusenuh finds out all about the Dutch coffeeshop policies . What is legal, and what isn't? Thanks to Boerejongens CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa takes GHB and talks about overdose | Drugslab

lw72nOquMlc | 08 Feb 2019

Dzifa takes GHB and talks about overdose | Drugslab

In this video Dzifa Kusenuh tries out GHB to see what effect it has on her body. GHB is an psychoactive drug. Bastiaan and Dzifa talk about the risks of passing out out with GHB. USAGE: Are you considering to use GHB? Keep the following things in mind; - Always mix GHB with water or soda. - It’s easier to OD on an empty stomach. - You’re quicker to throw up when you’ve eaten a lot. - Eat normally and wait at least two hours before you drink the GHB. DOSAGE: GHB is difficult to dose. The dosage depends on - Your experience; - Your stomach content; - Your sensitivity to GHB; - The concentration of the GHB. The maximum strength of GHB is 650 milligrams per millilitre. Always test your GHB and never take more than 2.5 millilitres (half a tube) at once (one tube contains 5 millilitres). RISKS: - GHB is highly addictive; - Passing out because of a high dosage (or when you combine GHB with other drugs); - Sexual deprivation; - Trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness; - Confusion; - Memory loss; - Brain damage. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Cocaine: Bastiaan investigates how it's cut | Drugslab Extra

tqQ4OOOvgLc | 01 Feb 2019

Cocaine: Bastiaan investigates how it's cut | Drugslab Extra

In our newest series Druglab Extra we will be investigating the world around drugs every fortnight. In this week's episode Bastiaan visits a drug dealer to see how and with what cocaine is cut. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! DRUGSLAB EXTRA Twice a month, Nellie, Bastiaan and Dzifa will investigate the world around drugs to answer all your questions. Because there is so much more to tell about drugs. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan drinks alcohol and drives a car | Drugslab

XlWi7XxQEbc | 25 Jan 2019

Bastiaan drinks alcohol and drives a car | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman tries out alcohol to see what effect it has on his responsiveness. He controls a car with a promilage of 2.0. USE: Are you about to have some drinks this weekend? Keep the following things in mind: - Per alcoholic beverage, drink one glass of water. - Take enough rest before and after drinking alcohol. And take some extra vitamin B. - Drink alcohol for fun, not to suppress problems. - Combining alcohol with other drugs, medicines or participation in traffic is very dangerous. - It takes your body 1/1,5 hour to break down one glass of alcohol. DOSE: The volume of a glass is adapted to the type of alcoholic beverage. So you get the same amount of alcohol per glass. One glass of alcohol contains 12 millilitres of alcohol, which is equal to 10 grams. It is recommended to keep it at a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Preferably with at least 2 consecutive alcohol-free days. RISKS: - Hangover - Alcohol poisoning - Black out - Naussea and vomit - Gain weight - Addiction CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

San Pedro Q&A with Nellie | Drugslab

gtjUmUWvaiU | 18 Jan 2019

San Pedro Q&A with Nellie | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner talks about her experience with San Pedro. She answers the questions of viewers from the previous video where Nellie took San Pedro. 'Nellie has a lot of emotions after taking San Pedro' USE: San Pedro can be used in different ways. Traditionally the pieces are cooked for a long time with some added herbs. When consuming the cactus in dried form it is important to chew slowly until the pieces turn into a fine pulp to prevent stomach problems. It is also possible to make tea out of the cactus: boil the pieces for two to three hours on a low heat and add fruit juice or honey. The taste can be really foul, so keep in mind that the person drinking it can simply not swallow the tea. Make sure not to eat anything six hours before use. DOSE: For a cactus with an average length of 15-20 cm and an average diameter of 3.5 cm one to one and a half cactus is enough for a light to average trip. Two to two and a half cactus will deliver a strong trip. The amount of active substance (mescaline) in the San Pedro cactus can vary enormously per cactus, so it is difficult to determine the right dosage. Therefor start with taking half of the prepared portion and wait an hour until the effects are known. Taking more can be useful: the trip can become stronger and you will have to wait longer for the effect. RISKS: - Nausea. - Coloured hallucinations. - Anxiety. - Confusion. - Suspiciousness. - Inability to distinguish reality from trip. - Psychosis. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie has a lot of emotions after taking San Pedro | Drugslab

vEPigNt1cmo | 11 Jan 2019

Nellie has a lot of emotions after taking San Pedro | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner drinks San Pedro made from the San Pedro cactus. She ends up in an emotional rollercoaster and runs into her innocent self. USE: San Pedro can be used in different ways. Traditionally the pieces are cooked for a long time with some added herbs. When consuming the cactus in dried form it is important to chew slowly until the pieces turn into a fine pulp to prevent stomach problems. It is also possible to make tea out of the cactus: boil the pieces for two to three hours on a low heat and add fruit juice or honey. The taste can be really foul, so keep in mind that the person drinking it can simply not swallow the tea. Make sure not to eat anything six hours before use. DOSE: For a cactus with an average length of 15-20 cm and an average diameter of 3.5 cm one to one and a half cactus is enough for a light to average trip. Two to two and a half cactus will deliver a strong trip. The amount of active substance (mescaline) in the San Pedro cactus can vary enormously per cactus, so it is difficult to determine the right dosage. Therefor start with taking half of the prepared portion and wait an hour until the effects are known. Taking more can be useful: the trip can become stronger and you will have to wait longer for the effect. RISKS: - Nausea. - Coloured hallucinations. - Anxiety. - Confusion. - Suspiciousness. - Inability to distinguish reality from trip. - Psychosis. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Christmas special with MDMA | Drugslab

loX2Z7ErH5c | 21 Dec 2018

Christmas special with MDMA | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh celebrate Christmas based on your comments. Bastiaan AND Dzifa use MDMA together to see what the various comments do to them. USE: When taking MDMA powder or “crystals”, the user licks small amounts of the substance from a wet finger. This way, the dose can slowly be increased. Another option is to put the powder in a capsule or to roll it in cigarette paper (creating a “bomb”) and then to swallow it. Very occasionally MDMA powder is snorted and it can also be smoked, but this almost never happens. MDMA can damage your tooth enamel; if you dissolve the powder in a drink or lick it up, you increase the chance of damaging your teeth. DOSE: A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Thomas tells about his experience with Arketamine - Trip Phone | Drugslab

c9vxC7dgRiU | 14 Dec 2018

Thomas tells about his experience with Arketamine - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Nellie Benner calls with Thomas to talk about his experience with Arketamine. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa can't sit still after she uses Cocaine | Drugslab

qKBPgzDEWRg | 07 Dec 2018

Dzifa can't sit still after she uses Cocaine | Drugslab

In this episode Dzifa Kusenuh snorts cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride). She is very hyped and can not sit still. USAGE: - Cocaine is commonly snorted. - The powder is laid in a line and is snorted through a small tube. - The cocaine dissolves into the nasal mucosa and ends up in the blood vessels. DOSAGE: - There is no safe dosage. - From 1 gram of cocaine, 10 to 15 (sometimes 20) lines are made. - The effects are noticeable after a few minutes and last for about half an hour. RISKS: - Heart problems; - Exhaustion and fatigue; - Inflammation of the nasal mucosa; - Addiction; - Overdose. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Shimeï tells about his experience with Salvia - Trip Phone | Drugslab

aKv3_lvMfzs | 30 Nov 2018

Shimeï tells about his experience with Salvia - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Bastiaan Rosman calls with Shimeï to talk about his experience with salvia. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan uses Speed in a club | Drugslab

3RY6J_zqmvo | 23 Nov 2018

Bastiaan uses Speed in a club | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman snorts speed (amphetamine) in a club. He experiences it completely different than in the lab. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Brandon tells about his experience with Truffles - Trip Phone | Drugslab

ohisZmTa5KA | 16 Nov 2018

Brandon tells about his experience with Truffles - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Bastiaan Rosman calls with Brandon to talk about his experience with truffles. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie's stamina is put to the test after Kratom | Drugslab

5iGFbJsFrUk | 09 Nov 2018

Nellie's stamina is put to the test after Kratom | Drugslab

Nellie Benner takes Kratom to see what the effect it has on her body. The leaves of Kratom contain various psychoactive alkaloids that produce mild stimulant and opioid effects. USAGE: - Kratom is available in different forms: leaves, powder and an extract. - You can prepare Kratom in many different ways for consumption. You can smoke the leaves, chew on them or make tea of the extract of the leaves. - Make sure you drink enough water when using Kratom. DOSAGE: - Normal dose: 3 to 5 grams. High dose: 5 to 10 grams. - A normal dose provides a euphoric effect and a high dose provides a tiring effect. - Do not mix Kratom with other drugs, medicines and definitely not with MAO inhibitors. RISKS: - Kratom is physically and mentally addictive. - You can feel nauseous, dizzy and sleepy while using Kratom. - Do not mix with uppers and downers. - Do not mix with MAO inhibitors. This could be fatal. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dor tells about his MDMA experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

suGx_Yam5Xs | 02 Nov 2018

Dor tells about his MDMA experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Nellie Benner calls with Dor from Israel to talk about his first MDMA experience. He took it in a forest with a trip sitter. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Andres tells about his LSD experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

eInR2LT_pAI | 19 Oct 2018

Andres tells about his LSD experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Dzifa Kusenuh calls with Andres to talk about his first LSD experience. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan eats truffles on a boat in Amsterdam | Drugslab

hv_yLlBaisU | 12 Oct 2018

Bastiaan eats truffles on a boat in Amsterdam | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman tries out truffles (psilocybin) to see what effect it has on his body. Truffles are underground mushrooms that looks nutty and smells acid. USE: - You can eat truffles, smoke (only if they are dried), tea draw or even soup. - It makes no sense to use two days straight truffles. Your body develops tolerance. - Most users wait several weeks or months before they plan a new trip, so the experience is special. DOSAGE: It is difficult to give a clear dose Truffles can vary considerably in strength. There is a big difference between dried and fresh truffles. People react differently to similar doses, this has to do with body weight and strength of the truffles. RISKS: - Change in sensory perception - Change in mood - Change in perception of time - Change in thought processes - Mild increase in heart rate and blood pressure - Perspire - Dizziness - Nausea CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Stef tells about his weed experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

FY7Jwrw4k14 | 05 Oct 2018

Stef tells about his weed experience - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Bastiaan Rosman calls Stef to talk about his weed experience, which was not a pleasant experience for him. It even resulted into a panic attack. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa writes a song under the influence of Methylphenidate | Drugslab

vWUo1y6r6Bs | 28 Sep 2018

Dzifa writes a song under the influence of Methylphenidate | Drugslab

In this video Dzifa Kusenuh use Methylphenidate to see what effect it has on her body. Methylphenidate is a psychostimulant. Dzifa dives into the studio to write and record a song in a concentrated way. USAGE: Methylphenidate is in a pill form and has to be taken orally with half a glass of water. DOSAGE: Usually one pill that contains 10mg Methylphenidate. There are also pills that contain 5mg and 20mg. Wait at least two hours before taking an extra pill. RISKS: - Overdosing;- Depression and exhaustion; - Do not use if you have problems with your heart- and blood vessels; - Do not use if you suffer from psychological problems. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Juliana tells about her Ayahuasca trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

YvoXAODdyog | 21 Sep 2018

Juliana tells about her Ayahuasca trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Nellie Benner calls with Juliana about her Ayahuasca trip. She went through a ride of emotions. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie sees herself dancing after MXE | Drugslab

ctC_FWA-No8 | 14 Sep 2018

Nellie sees herself dancing after MXE | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tries out MXE (Methoxetamine) to see what effect it has on her body. MXE is an dissociative hallucinogen drug. Nellie see herself dancing and can't feel her face anymore. USEAGE: - MXE is commonly snorted. - The effects are noticeable after 15 minutes with a peak at 60 minutes. - The effects of MXE are approximately 4 to 5 hours noticeable. - It can also be taken orally. The effects will occur slowly but will last longer. DOSAGE: - The usual dosage when snorting MXE is 20 to 60 milligrams. - If you take MXE orally, the dosage is 40 to 60 milligrams. RISKS: - Dizziness, nausea and throwing up; - Headache; - Heart papiltations; - Tinnitus; - Double vision; - Diarrhea; - A dissociative trip (with a high dosage). CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Franceska tells about her San Pedro trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

7V1ZAau1JmE | 07 Sep 2018

Franceska tells about her San Pedro trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Dzifa Kusenuh calls with Franceska about her San Pedro trip. She finds her inner self and also see her family. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Dzifa no longer understands anything at all after 2C-B | Drugslab

aemZxzcAshA | 31 Aug 2018

Dzifa no longer understands anything at all after 2C-B | Drugslab

In this video Dzifa Kusenuh tries out 2C-B for the first time to see what effect it has on her body. 2C-B is an psychedelic drug. Dzifa no longer understands anything at all. USE: When you’re about to use 2C-B, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Especially when it’s your first time, use 2C-B in a comfortable setting. - You can control your trip positively, with nice people, music and videos. - Are the effects unpleasant? Take some vitaminC, dextrose or some sweet drinks. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired trip and the strength of your pill. A low dose (5-15mg) gives you an euphoric and energetic effect.  From a high dose (15mg and higher) you can hallucinate. The effects of 2C-B lasts for 4-6 hours. RIKS: - Nauseous and vomit. - Triggering or increase of mental disorders. - Freak out / bad trip CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Kevin tells about his LSD trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

UVOwThkODhg | 24 Aug 2018

Kevin tells about his LSD trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Nellie Benner calls with Kevin about his LSD trip. It was a frightening experience for him, in his perception he became one with the city around him. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie drinks alcohol in a karaoke bar | Drugslab

Nuj7UPbHYas | 17 Aug 2018

Nellie drinks alcohol in a karaoke bar | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tries alcohol (ethanol) to see what this does to her body in a Japanese karaoke bar. This well-known drug results into rowdy behaviour. USE: Are you about to have some drinks this weekend? Keep the following things in mind: - Per alcoholic beverage, drink one glass of water. - Take enough rest before and after drinking alcohol. And take some extra vitamin B. - Drink alcohol for fun, not to suppress problems. - Combining alcohol with other drugs, medicines or participation in traffic is very dangerous. - It takes your body 1/1,5 hour to break down one glass of alcohol. DOSE: The volume of a glass is adapted to the type of alcoholic beverage. So you get the same amount of alcohol per glass. One glass of alcohol contains 12 millilitres of alcohol, which is equal to 10 grams. It is recommended to keep it at a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Preferably with at least 2 consecutive alcohol-free days. RISKS: - Hangover - Alcohol poisoning - Black out - Naussea and vomit - Gain weight - Addiction CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Jurre tells about his DMT trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

ZD7z-gYtxmM | 10 Aug 2018

Jurre tells about his DMT trip - Trip Phone | Drugslab

This week Bastiaan Rosman calls with Jurre about his DMT trip. It was a great experience for him where he mainly saw the color orange. He also saw his core. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan takes MDA in the forest | Drugslab

ddq1AKImrno | 03 Aug 2018

Bastiaan takes MDA in the forest | Drugslab

This week Bastiaan Rosman tries MDA (3,4-Methylene​dioxy​amphetamine), a chemical substance with hallucinogenic effects. Walking through the forest everything looks prettier than normal. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: Dzifa Kusenuh: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

This is our new host! | Drugslab

Op8a0biCydc | 27 Jul 2018

This is our new host! | Drugslab

After months of waiting the time has finally come! Bastiaan and Nellie are ready to announce their new co-host. In addition to this exciting news, we also have some other surprises in store! CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG / SETTING? Let us know which drug you want us to try and in what kind of setting, by commenting in the comment section below. TRIP PHONE (+31 6 12 17 11 31): We want to break the taboo on drugs. Therefore, and because we're also very interested in your drug adventures, we came up with Trip Phone. This is a weekly serie in which we discuss your good or bad trips. Wanna chat with one of us? Send us your story via Whatsapp. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we Nellie Benner, Bastiaan Rosman and Dzifa Kusenuh will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science. Peace! ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Rens stops presenting Drugslab | Drugslab

JBzlIcyJT04 | 02 Mar 2018

Rens stops presenting Drugslab | Drugslab

Rens decided to quit doing drugs in Drugslab and by that leaving the Drugslab family. We love Rens for who he is and for how he helped us globally breaking the taboo on drug use. Wanna keep track of Rens? Follow him on his Instagram account: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan can't eat after using Ecstasy | Drugslab

qHwc20Zf6bM | 23 Feb 2018

Bastiaan can't eat after using Ecstasy | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman takes in Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) to see what effect it has on his body. Together with Rens he starts dancing and they do a test with different types of food. USE: Usually MDMA is swallowed in pill form (Ecstasy). Because every tablet contains a different amount of the active ingredient, you never know how much MDMA you take in when you swallow a whole, a half or a quarter tablet. DOSE: The dose of MDMA in ecstasy pills varies widely. Also, some tablets can contain a different (dangerous) substance like PM(M)A or mCPP. These substances are more harmful than MDMA and can cause unpleasant side effects. A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of copurse the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover EXTRA INFORMATION: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie gets confused after smoking weed | Drugslab

FAh0eGvXa1g | 16 Feb 2018

Nellie gets confused after smoking weed | Drugslab

This time Nellie Benner smokes a joint. She gets stoned very quickly after which Rens gives her some fun exercises to do. USE: Usually people smoke weed. But weed can also be eaten and drunk. You can smoke weed with or without tobacco. Smoking weed in combination with tobacco is more addictive than smoking pure weed. DOSE: The THC level in weed differs considerably, so the dose is difficult to determine. The THC in the Dutch weed is between 15-18% and from 1 gram 3 to 6 joints can be smoked. You do not have to inhale deeper to feel the effect. RISKS: Psychoses. Amnesia. Anxious. Harmful to the lungs. Spiritually dependent. Palpitations. Dizzy. Drop blood pressure. Dry mouth. Red eyes. Appetite increases. Nauseous. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan goes on an inner journey under the influence of San Pedro (Mescaline) | Drugslab

uoIiDFZdU7k | 09 Feb 2018

Bastiaan goes on an inner journey under the influence of San Pedro (Mescaline) | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman drinks Mescaline made from the San Pedro cactus. After which he goes on an inner journey in the company of Nellie and a ceremony leader. USE: San Pedro can be used in different ways. Traditionally the pieces are cooked for a long time with some added herbs. When consuming the cactus in dried form it is important to chew slowly until the pieces turn into a fine pulp to prevent stomach problems. It is also possible to make tea out of the cactus: boil the pieces for two to three hours on a low heat and add fruit juice or honey. The taste can be really foul, so keep in mind that the person drinking it can simply not swallow the tea. Make sure not to eat anything six hours before use. DOSE: For a cactus with an average length of 15-20 cm and an average diameter of 3.5 cm one to one and a half cactus is enough for a light to average trip. Two to two and a half cactus will deliver a strong trip. The amount of active substance (mescaline) in the San Pedro cactus can vary enormously per cactus, so it is difficult to determine the right dosage. Therefor start with taking half of the prepared portion and wait an hour until the effects are known. Taking more can be useful: the trip can become stronger and you will have to wait longer for the effect. RISKS: - Nausea. - Coloured hallucinations. - Anxiety. - Confusion. - Suspiciousness. - Inability to distinguish reality from trip. - Psychosis. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie takes the MoCa test under influence of caffeine | Drugslab

Hp3f-DIw0fE | 02 Feb 2018

Nellie takes the MoCa test under influence of caffeine | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie Benner uses caffeine. Rens Polman gives her an MoCa test to check her cognitiveness. USAGE: Are you a lover of caffeine in the form of coffee or energy drinks? Keep the following things in mind: - If you use it frequently, there is a possibility you get addicted to caffeine. - Only use caffeine after a good and healthy meal. - Don’t combine a high dose of caffeine with other uppers (such as cocaine, speed, XTC/MDMA). - If you suffer from a headache, feeling restless and/or anxiety it’s best to stop using caffeine for a while. DOSAGE: It’s recommended to not use more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, which is equal to 5 cups of coffee a day. RISKS: - Restlessness and insomnia; - Irritation of the stomach: nausea; - Headache; - Addiction. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie lost her focus after using Xanax | Drugslab

Zb3dOOVV7Dg | 26 Jan 2018

Nellie lost her focus after using Xanax | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie Benner takes Xanax (Alprazolam). Bastiaan Rosman tests her mental capabilities, meanwhile she doesn’t feel any emotions. USAGE: Xanax comes in pill form and has to be taken orally with a glass of water. Xanax is only available on prescription. DOSAGE: A mild dose: 0,25 – 0,5 milligram An average dose: 0,5 – 1,5 milligram A strong dose: 1,5 – 2 milligram RISKS: - Addiction; - Memory loss; - An overdose. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie inhales laughing gas (nitrous oxide) | Drugslab

uLycRSuHSAs | 19 Jan 2018

Nellie inhales laughing gas (nitrous oxide) | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie Benner inhales laughing gas (N2O – Nitrous Oxide). She experiences a mild trip and is out of it for a second. USAGE: Are you about to use a balloon? Keep the following things in mind: - Use laughing gas from a balloon, never from a cartridge or dispenser. That will avoid frostbite, choking and lack of oxygen. - Make sure you can sit or lay down when you use laughing gas. - Don’t use it too often! Frequent usage can cause brain damage. - Never use laughing gas when you’re having a cold. Laughing gas expands in air, so your eardrum could pop. Besides earache it can also lead to permanent hearing damage. - Mixing nitrous oxide with alcohol is very dangerous as it can increase the risks named below. DOSAGE: 1 cartridge is good for 1 balloon. After 4 inhalations all the gas from the balloon is absorbed in your body. A trip from a balloon with 1 cartridge of laughing gas is short and lasts for about 1 minute. RISKS: - Nausea and dizziness; - Severe headache; - Passing out; - Freezing of lungs, lips, nose and vocal cords; - Heavy regular use of nitrous oxide can lead to deficiency of vitamin B12 and to a form of anaemia; - Heavy regular use can lead to brain damage and neurological disorders. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan feels like an idiot after taking MXE | Drugslab

W3RXitDiNIs | 12 Jan 2018

Bastiaan feels like an idiot after taking MXE | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman snorts MXE (methoxetamine). He feels stupid and has no perception of time. USEAGE: - MXE is commonly snorted. - The effects are noticeable after 15 minutes with a peak at 60 minutes. - The effects of MXE are approximately 4 to 5 hours noticeable. - It can also be taken orally. The effects will occur slowly but will last longer. DOSAGE: - The usual dosage when snorting MXE is 20 to 60 milligrams. - If you take MXE orally, the dosage is 40 to 60 milligrams. RISKS: - Dizziness, nausea and throwing up; - Headache; - Heart papiltations; - Tinnitus; - Double vision; - Diarrhea; - A dissociative trip (with a high dosage). CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Live stream Drugslab

sg8AmQS-DOY | 05 Jan 2018

Live stream Drugslab

Hey all! Today we're gong Live at 9:00 PM (CET). There won't be an episode at 5:00 PM. It's going to be awesome! See you at nine.

Bastiaan, Nellie and Rens look back on 2017 | Drugslab

aYCCKHIOXcc | 29 Dec 2017

Bastiaan, Nellie and Rens look back on 2017 | Drugslab

Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman look back on the past year. They discuss the most impressive and controversial moments of 2017. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan floats like a balloon after taking salvia | Drugslab

dv3lapBD1KI | 15 Dec 2017

Bastiaan floats like a balloon after taking salvia | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman uses Salvia (Salvorin A). During his trip, he feels like a helium balloon. USAGE: - Smoke the Salvia through a water pipe without tobacco. - Use a lighter with a blue flame for complete combustion. - Try to hold the smoke in your lungs for 20 seconds. - The effect depends on the amount of inhaled smoke during a period of 2 minutes. - If you wait longer between the inhalations the trip will last longer, but won’t become stronger. - There are different Salvia extracts. The smartshop can give you a good advice. DOSAGE: - Always start with a low dose and low extract. - The smartshop can give you advice about the dosage. - The dosage depends on your experience and sensitivity. Level 1: Light and subtle effects are noticeable. Slight effects are noticeable. You’ll get a relaxed feeling and improved focus, but that’s all. Level 2: The effects are now definitely noticeable, but it won’t be a heavy trip. Thoughts and patterns are slightly adjusted. Music can be more intense, colours seem brighter and it can affect your memory. Level 3: Light hallucinations. You can compare this with the thoughts and hallucinations that you may have just before you fall asleep. You still have a good view of the reality. Level 4: You will notice the same effects as level 3 trip, but more intense, longer, more striking and more concrete. You can see patterns in 3D. It’s certainly possible to see alien creatures and different landscapes originated from the environment in which you are located. Level 5: You’re no longer in this world. You have a completely different perception of the environment or you can mentally be in a very different environment. You are still able to connect with yourself and think. You will be overpowered by the effects of Salvia. It is even possible that you feel like you are an object. Level 6: This is the highest level you can reach. This can be really dangerous, because you feel no pain and you lose all control over yourself. You may fall, hit, yell or say weird things. You lose all your memories of the trip. You will not enjoy this level. RISKS: - The effect is unpredictable. Sometimes you will experience small effects and sometimes you can experience an extreme and heavy trip. - There is a high chance of experiencing a bad trip, especially for unexperienced users. - Salvia can provoke psychosis for people who are prone to it. - It is risky to move. Your coordination is strongly reduced, which can make you fall. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie tells about her bad trip | Drugslab

OaNfCdm4tPE | 08 Dec 2017

Nellie tells about her bad trip | Drugslab

In this special episode, Nellie Benner reacts to the most remarkable comments and questions of the past year. She also explains what to do when you are having a bad trip. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nelly takes ketamine and feel like she’s at the dentist | Drugslab

7YmfwEgahUk | 01 Dec 2017

Nelly takes ketamine and feel like she’s at the dentist | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie Benner snorts ketamine (2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone). She feels completely anesthetized and says she can’t think normally anymore. USAGE: Are you planning on using ketamine? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before using ketamine to prevent nausea. - Effects that may occur are disorientation and reduced motor skills. So make sure you either sit or lay down when you use ketamine. - Keep in mind that the after-effects can last up to 2 to 3 hours. - In case of a (too) high dose, you may end up in a K-hole. We strongly discourage this. DOSAGE: The dose depends on the desired effect. If you snort ketamine, we advise to start with a dose between 20 milligrams and 50 milligrams. First time? Start with 20 milligrams and wait for at least 15/20 minutes to see what kind of effect you experience. RISKS: - K-hole (possible upward of 100 milligrams); - Ketamine has an anaesthetic effect, so you might injure yourself without noticing it; - Nausea and vomiting; - Disorientation and reduced motor skills; - Possible kidney and bladder problems; - Addiction. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Rens plays guitar under the influence of kratom | Drugslab

JFM2lx9VDDA | 24 Nov 2017

Rens plays guitar under the influence of kratom | Drugslab

In this episode Rens Polman uses Kratom (Mitragynine). He feels relaxed and happy, but his second dose proves to be too much for him. USAGE: - Kratom is available in different forms: leaves, powder and an extract. - You can prepare Kratom in many different ways for consumption. You can smoke the leaves, chew on them or make tea of the extract of the leaves. - Make sure you drink enough water when using Kratom. DOSAGE: - Normal dose: 3 to 5 grams. High dose: 5 to 10 grams. - A normal dose provides a euphoric effect and a high dose provides a tiring effect. - Do not mix Kratom with other drugs, medicines and definitely not with MAO inhibitors. RISKS: - Kratom is physically and mentally addictive. - You can feel nauseous, dizzy and sleepy while using Kratom. - Do not mix with uppers and downers. - Do not mix with MAO inhibitors. This could be fatal. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan tells how to celebrate safe | Drugslab

nql7zg8LuAk | 17 Nov 2017

Bastiaan tells how to celebrate safe | Drugslab

In this special episode, Bastiaan Rosman reacts to the most remarkable comments and questions of the past year. He also tells you what to do when you want to use drugs during a night out. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie gets a massage while under influence of MDA | Drugslab

DGmaZpXAOrE | 10 Nov 2017

Nellie gets a massage while under influence of MDA | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie takes MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine). It makes her feel very happy and Bastiaan Rosman gives her a massage. USE: - MDA is available in pill form. - MDA is also available in powder form. - Processing time is between 30 minutes and 2 hours. DOSE: - A recreational dose is between 1 milligrams and 1,5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. - If you take more than the recreational dose, you may experience undesirable effects. RISKS: - Exhaustion of the body - Sweating; - Restlessness; - Heart palpitations; - Brain damage; - Insomnia; - Psychoses; - Anxiety attacks; - Depression; - Increased feeling of thirst; - Elevated body temperature; - Gastrointestinal complaints; - Overheating (hypothermia); - Water poisoning; - Nausea; - Throwing up; - Headache; - Anxiety. Effect that may occur later: - Epileptic attacks; - Decreased level of consciousness; - Coma. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Rens tells what a trip sitter does | Drugslab

OfuWv0zPWuk | 03 Nov 2017

Rens tells what a trip sitter does | Drugslab

In this special episode, Rens Polman reacts to the most remarkable comments and questions of the past year. He also explains how to be the best tripsitter possible and gives tips on how to use drugs safely. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie is on an emotional rollercoaster after taking Kanna | Drugslab

nnyXQWZy7Mg | 27 Oct 2017

Nellie is on an emotional rollercoaster after taking Kanna | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie Benner snorts Kanna (mesembrine). She experiences a lot of ups and downs, but has a lot of fun while doing crafts. USEAGE: - You can snort Kanna powder. - You can smoke Kanna powder. - You can take Kanna orally by chewing on the plant for a while. It’s also possible to make tea of the plant or to put the powder in a capsule that you can swallow. DOSAGE: Standard Kanna extract (note, there are different extracts that have different strengths): Snorting - Mild: 25-50 milligram - Medium: 50-100 milligram - Strong: 100-250 milligram Smoke - Mild: 50-100 milligram - Medium: 100-250 milligram - Strong: 250-400 milligram Oral - Mild: 200-400 milligram - Medium: 400-600 milligram - Strong: 600-1000 milligram RISKS: - Do not combine with MAO inhibitors. This can be fatal; - Mild headache; - Slight dizziness; - Increased feelings of anxiety or irritation; - Insomnia; - A calming feeling. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan gets confident after taking speed | Drugslab

QrMFgbOlZ0k | 20 Oct 2017

Bastiaan gets confident after taking speed | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman snorts speed (amphetamine). The effects is mostly physical. Mentally, Bastiaan remains very calm. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

MXE (Methoxetamine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

4_60VYqQSYw | 13 Oct 2017

MXE (Methoxetamine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using MXE (Methoxetamine). USEAGE: - MXE is commonly snorted. - The effects are noticeable after 15 minutes with a peak at 60 minutes. - The effects of MXE are approximately 4 to 5 hours noticeable. - It can also be taken orally. The effects will occur slowly but will last longer. DOSAGE: - The usual dosage when snorting MXE is 20 to 60 milligrams. - If you take MXE orally, the dosage is 40 to 60 milligrams. RISKS: - Dizziness, nausea and thowing up; - Headache; - Heart papiltations; - Tinnitus; - Double vision; - Diarrhea; - A dissociative trip (with a high dosage). CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Rens loses himself in the music after taking MXE (methoxetamine) | Drugslab

OKXr9YdbGtg | 13 Oct 2017

Rens loses himself in the music after taking MXE (methoxetamine) | Drugslab

In this episode Rens Polman snorts MXE (methoxetamine). He feels numb and connects with the music. USEAGE: - MXE is commonly snorted. - The effects are noticeable after 15 minutes with a peak at 60 minutes. - The effects of MXE are approximately 4 to 5 hours noticeable. - It can also be taken orally. The effects will occur slowly but will last longer. DOSAGE: - The usual dosage when snorting MXE is 20 to 60 milligrams. - If you take MXE orally, the dosage is 40 to 60 milligrams. RISKS: - Dizziness, nausea and throwing up; - Headache; - Heart papiltations; - Tinnitus; - Double vision; - Diarrhea; - A dissociative trip (with a high dosage). CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan smiles after taking GHB | Drugslab

UQbfKQ7SBTk | 06 Oct 2017

Bastiaan smiles after taking GHB | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman drinks GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate). He does a taste test and Rens Polman checks his muscular strength. USAGE: Are you considering to use GHB? Keep the following things in mind; - Always mix GHB with water or soda. - It’s easier to OD on an empty stomach. - You’re quicker to throw up when you’ve eaten a lot. - Eat normally and wait at least two hours before you drink the GHB. DOSAGE: GHB is difficult to dose. The dosage depends on - Your experience; - Your stomach content; - Your sensitivity to GHB; - The concentration of the GHB. The maximum strength of GHB is 650 milligrams per millilitre. Always test your GHB and never take more than 2.5 millilitres (half a tube) at once (one tube contains 5 millilitres). RISKS: - GHB is highly addictive; - Passing out because of a high dosage (or when you combine GHB with other drugs); - Sexual deprivation; - Trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness; - Confusion; - Memory loss; - Brain damage. CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Drugslab LIVE

REfn1ReX2oU | 29 Sep 2017

Drugslab LIVE

Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman celebrate 500.000 subscribers! In this livestream they answer all sort of questions and have some surprises in store. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. DRUGSLAB PLAYLIST: Spotify: Apple Music: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. More info about drugs:

500K subs and a big surprise! | Drugslab

1HgCar1ZC6E | 22 Sep 2017

500K subs and a big surprise! | Drugslab

Friday (29 september 2017) we celebrate a milestone: 500.000 subscribers! Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman are going to do a livestream on this channel at 09.00 pm (CET). They will answer all your questions and have some surprises in store! Do you want to know what time the livestream starts in your country? Check out: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan applies for a job on cocaine | Drugslab

7SE85t9A-IE | 22 Sep 2017

Bastiaan applies for a job on cocaine | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman snorts cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride). Along with Nellie Benner he steps into the business world. However, Bastiaan gets reluctant and nervous. USAGE: - Cocaine is commonly snorted. - The powder is laid in a line and is snorted through a small tube. - The cocaine dissolves into the nasal mucosa and ends up in the blood vessels. DOSAGE: - There is no safe dosage. - From 1 gram of cocaine, 10 to 15 (sometimes 20) lines are made. - The effects are noticeable after a few minutes and last for about half an hour. RISKS: - Heart problems; - Exhaustion and fatigue; - Inflammation of the nasal mucosa; - Addiction; - Overdose. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie gets a high from poppers | Drugslab

4AdbcuQfuZ0 | 15 Sep 2017

Nellie gets a high from poppers | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie inhales Poppers (Amyl Nitrite). While her heart is beating faster, Rens lets her do an eye test. USAGE: - Poppers are inhaled. - You can inhale it directly from the vial or put the liquid on a handkerchief and inhale. - Make sure the liquid doesn’t touch your skin. - Replace the cap immediately after use. DOSAGE: - Poppers is a volatile substance, which makes it difficult to measure how much you take. - One good sniff of the bottle or a handkerchief is enough to feel the effects after 10 seconds. - The rust lasts about one to two minutes. RISKS: - Headache and nausea; - Loss of consciousness/fainting;- Palpitations; - Irritated skin (if the liquid touches your skin); - Poppers are flammable; - Brain injuries; - Addiction. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie, Rens & Bastiaan celebrate with Spacecake | Drugslab

fVIze4o9Qg8 | 08 Sep 2017

Nellie, Rens & Bastiaan celebrate with Spacecake | Drugslab

In this special episode Nellie, Bastiaan and Rens eat space cake (cannabis, weed) to celebrate the one year anniversary of Drugslab. They play some games, discuss your comments and have a lot of fun! USAGE: - Do not use more than 5 grams of weed when you bake a space cake; - Make sure you are in a safe environment where you feel comfortable; - Never combine space cake with other drugs; - Do not mix the weed with the batter, but make weed butter; - Want to know how to make a space cake? Watch our previous video: DOSAGE: - Eat a slice of 1 centimetres thick (maximum). - Wait at least one and a half hours for an effect. Do not take an extra slice in the meantime. RISKS: - Nausea;- Dizziness; - Fainting; - Cannabis psychosis (anxiety attacks/hallucinations/confusion); - Triggering/increasing mental disorders. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Nellie goes outside and trips on LSD | Drugslab

K4NwWPNOoKY | 01 Sep 2017

Nellie goes outside and trips on LSD | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie uses LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide). Bastiaan and Nellie walked around in nature. During this trip everything was very intense for Nellie. USAGE: - LSD is usually , which is placed under the tongue or is swallowed. This is called a papertrip. - There are LSD pills that are taken with water. - LSD is also available in liquid or powder. This has to be dissolved in water. - An LSD trip can last for up to 12 hours. A familiar setting and a trip sitter is therefore very important. - Don’t plan anything for the day after your trip so you can process the experience. DOSAGE: - Mild trip: 20 microgram. - Normal to strong trip: 50-150 microgram. - Strong trip: 100-250 microgram. RISKS: - Nausea and vomiting; - Bad trip; - Psychosis and flashbacks. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan is feeling flat after taking Methylphenidate (Ritalin) | Drugslab

qfbZzLJsiUw | 25 Aug 2017

Bastiaan is feeling flat after taking Methylphenidate (Ritalin) | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan takes Methylphenidate (Ritalin). This makes him calm and emotionless. USAGE: Ritalin is in a pill form and has to be taken orally with half a glass of water. Another option is to pulverize and snort it. We highly discourage this. DOSAGE: Usually one pill that contains 10mg Methylphenidate. There are also pills that contain 5mg and 20mg. Wait at least two hours before taking an extra pill. RISKS: - Overdosing;- Depression and exhaustion; - Do not use if you have problems with your heart- and blood vessels; - Do not use if you suffer from psychological problems. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #Drugslab. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNNVARA: BNNVARA is a Dutch public broadcasting association. It’s the broadcasting association that stands for freedom, curiosity and a social environment. BNNVARA produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNNVARA’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNNVARA. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNNVARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNNVARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Xanax - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

Inlc_PrOuVA | 18 Aug 2017

Xanax - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using Alprazolam (Xanax). USAGE: Xanax is in a pill form and has to be taken orally with a glass of water. Xanax is only available on prescription. DOSAGE: A light dose: 0.25 - 0.5 mg. An average dose: 0.5 - 1.5 mg. A strong dose: 1.5 - 2 mg. RISKS: Addiction. Memory loss. Overdosing. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Rens has no emotions after he took Xanax | Drugslab

wN2Vcf0CgpE | 18 Aug 2017

Rens has no emotions after he took Xanax | Drugslab

In this episode, Rens takes Alprazolam (Xanax). Then he becomes dull and emotionless. USAGE: Xanax is in a pill form and has to be taken orally with a glass of water. Xanax is only available on prescription. DOSAGE: A light dose: 0.25 - 0.5 mg. An average dose: 0.5 - 1.5 mg. A strong dose: 1.5 - 2 mg. RISKS: Addiction. Memory loss. Overdosing. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! More info about drugs:

Bastiaan trips after he took 2C-E | Drugslab

lLNiZ5yeIko | 11 Aug 2017

Bastiaan trips after he took 2C-E | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan takes the psychedelic drug 2C-E. After taking 2C-E He trips very hard. USE: 2C-E is a powder and is generally taken orally. You can put the powder in a capsule to prevent a dirty taste. Sniffing is not recommended, which can also be very painful. DOSAGE: A light dose is 5-10 mg A medium dose is 10-15 mg A strong dose is 15-30 mg. Always start with a low dose, 2C-E is a very strong psychedelic drug. RISKS: Bad trip Psychosis Dizziness Nausea INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie parties on ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

N0rJ5dKSWHA | 04 Aug 2017

Nellie parties on ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

This episode Nellie takes the partydrug XTC (MDMA). Together with Bastiaan she dances on different kinds of music. USAGE: -     XTC is MDMA in a pill form. These pills are taken orally. Always test your XTC pill so you know how much milligram MDMA it contains. DOSE: When swallowed, a recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA per kilogram of body weight. RISKS: Overheating Water poisoning Higher risk of heart problems Epileptic attacks Liver damage More info about drugs, check out: INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens snorts and chews tobacco (nicotine) | Drugslab

w7gwFl50Usk | 28 Jul 2017

Rens snorts and chews tobacco (nicotine) | Drugslab

This episode Rens tries chewing and snuff tobacco (nicotine). He almost must throw up because of the chewing tobacco. USAGE: -     Tobacco can be smoked, chewed or snuffed. DOSE: Approximately 2 mg of nicotine can be absorbed due an average cigarette. A large amount of nicotine (50-100 mg) can cause acute risks. RISKS: -     A high dose can lead to a nicotine poisoning. - When smoking tobacco, there is a high risk to get a cardiovascular disease and cancer which can lead to death. -     Chewing tobacco and snuff tobacco can cause mouth and throat cancer. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Tobacco (nicotine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

cqpyZ-snVnw | 28 Jul 2017

Tobacco (nicotine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using tobacco (nicotine). USAGE: Tobacco can be smoked, chewed or snuffed. If you want to get rid of your nicotine addiction you can contact your doctor. DOSE: Approximately 2 mg of nicotine can be absorbed due an average cigarette. A large amount of nicotine (50-100 mg) can cause acute risks. RISKS: A high dose can lead to a nicotine poisoning. When smoking tobacco, there is a high risk to get a cardiovascular disease and cancer which can lead to death. Chewing tobacco and snuff tobacco can cause mouth and throat cancer. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Cannabis oil - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

fLT0YrhUJ_E | 21 Jul 2017

Cannabis oil - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while using cannabis oil. USAGE: Look carefully at what kind of oil you use. The percentages THC and CBD may differ quite a bit. Buy your oil via a reliable source. Make sure you are with people you trust and use it in a safe environment. Build the dose slowly. DOSE: Begin with 1 drop of cannabis oil. Usually 1-2 drops at a time are sufficient. The correct dosage differs per each person. Do not take more than 2 drops. RISKS: -     The most common side effects of cannabis oil with THC are increased heart rate, a dry mouth, dizziness and red eyes. - If you have cannabis oil that contains olive oil, you have a risk to be suffering from diarrhea. -     A higher dose of THC can result in a bad trip and a risk of psychosis. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie feels less pain after using cannabis oil | Drugslab

IxT40c3vCJI | 21 Jul 2017

Nellie feels less pain after using cannabis oil | Drugslab

In this episode Nellie uses cannabis oil. First, Nellie gets a little bit tired and then she gets stoned. USAGE: -     With the pipette from the bottle you can drop a drop under your tongue. - Take the cannabis oil while watching in a mirror, so you can see and count the amount of drops. DOSE: Begin with 1 drop of cannabis oil. Usually 1-2 drops at a time are sufficient. The correct dosage differs per each person. Do not take more than 2 drops. RISKS: -     The most common side effects of cannabis oil with THC are increased heart rate, a dry mouth, dizziness and red eyes. - If you have cannabis oil that contains olive oil, you have a risk to be suffering from diarrhea. -     A higher dose of THC can result in a bad trip and a risk of psychosis. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Drugslab: How it's made | Drugslab

ssWUScFTql4 | 14 Jul 2017

Drugslab: How it's made | Drugslab

In this video Nellie, Rens and Bastiaan explain how an episode of Drugslab is created, who's on the team and how we check our facts. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so! OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex.

Lean - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

YVeUkv3RbOY | 07 Jul 2017

Lean - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman explains the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks while drinking Lean (Codeine and Promethazine). USAGE: Always get your codeine, promethazine at your pharmacist with a receipt. Make sure you are in an ultimate ‘chill’ environment when you are drinking Lean. Know exactly how much Promethazine and Codeine you are using, because it is highly harmful at higher doses. Do not combine with other drugs or alcohol. Do not take part in traffic when you are on lean. Do not drink Lean if you suffer from sleep apnea or other breathing problems. DOSE: Always start with a low dose. Start with 1 dose of cough syrup containing 50mg of codeine and 30mg of promethazine. Do not take more than 2 doses. RISKS: In large amounts you can get hallucinations, go out or even get a breathing dysfunction. Codeïne is addictive. Drinking large amounts of Lean can cause damage to your organs, which eventually can lead to major problems such as liver failure. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens raps while sipping Lean | Drugslab

0BR_EGKd2WU | 07 Jul 2017

Rens raps while sipping Lean | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman drinks Lean. After drinking Rens gets a little bit slack. During drinking Rens is dancing and freestyling with hiphop music. USAGE: -     The cough syrup contains Codeïne en Promethazine - Always start with a low dose. It is common to mix the cough syrup with soda and ice. DOSE: Always start with a low dose. Start with 1 dose of cough syrup containing 50mg of codeine and 30mg of promethazine. Do not take more than 2 doses. RISKS: -     In large amounts you can get hallucinations, go out or even get a breathing dysfunction. - Codeïne is addictive. -     Drinking large amounts of Lean can cause damage to your organs, which can eventually lead to major problems such as liver failure. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie is panicking because of Salvia | Drugslab

-GkSyWXWQX8 | 30 Jun 2017

Nellie is panicking because of Salvia | Drugslab

This Episode Nellie Benner uses Salvia (Salvinorine A). After smoking the Salvia Nellie experiences an intense trip. USE: -     Smoke the Salvia through a water pipe without tobacco. -     Use a lighter with a blue flame for complete combustion. -     Try to hold the smoke in your lungs for 20 seconds. -     The effect depends on the amount of inhaled smoke during a period of 2 minutes. -     If you wait longer between the inhalations, the trip will last longer but won’t become stronger. -     There are different Salvia extracts. The smartshop can give you a good advice. DOSE: -     Always start with a low dose and low extract. -     The smartshop can give you advice about the dosage. -     The dosage depends on your experience and sensitivity. Level 1: Light and subtle effects are noticeable. Slight effects are noticeable, a relaxed feeling and improved focus, but that’s all. Level 2: The effects are now definitely noticeable, but still no heavy trip. Thoughts and patterns are slightly adjusted. Music sounds richer, colours seem brighter and it can affect your memory. Level 3: Light hallucinations. You can compare this with the thoughts and hallucinations that you may have just before you fall asleep. You still have a good view of the reality. Level 4: You will notice the same effects as level 3 trip, but fuller, longer, more striking and more concrete. You can see patterns in 3D. It’s certainly possible to see alien creatures and different landscapes originated from the environment in which you are located. Level 5: Your no longer in this world. You have a completely different perception of the environment or you can mentally be in a very different environment. You are still able to connect with yourself and think. You will be overpowered by the effects of Salvia. It is even possible that you have a kind of object experience. Level 6: This is the highest level you can reach. This can be really dangerous because you feel no pain and you lost all control over yourself. You may fall, hit, yell or say weird things. You lose all your memories of the trip. You will not enjoy this level. RISKS: -     The effect is unpredictable. Sometimes you will experience little effect and sometimes you can get an extreme heavy trip. -     There is a high chance of getting a bad trip, especially for unexperienced users. -     Salvia can provoke psychosis for people who are prone to it. -     Moving is risky. Your coordination is strongly reduced which can make you fall. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Salvia - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

xE1Gkb0FUkA | 30 Jun 2017

Salvia - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using Salvia (Salvinorine A). USE: -     Use Salvia only if you think you are ready for it. -     Use Salvia in a quiet and comfortable environment. And turn off your phone. -     Make sure there is a tripsitter. -     Make sure there are no dangerous objects near you. Such as candles, an open window, an open door or sharp objects. -     Do not underestimate the power of Salvia. Start with a low dose, you can build up your dose later on if you want to. -     Relax during the trip. -     Smoke Salvia out of a pipe. The smoke can be quite violent for your lungs and respiratory tract. -     It is not wise to vaporize the Salvia. The Salvia will not heat enough. -     Salvia is not a party drug. -     Do not use Salvia if you have any worries or if you are violent. DOSE: -     Always start with a low dose and low extract. -     The smartshop can give you advice about the dosage. -     The dosage depends on your experience and sensitivity. RISKS: -     The effect is unpredictable. Sometimes you will experience little effect and sometimes you can get an extreme heavy trip. -     There is a high chance of getting a bad trip, especially for unexperienced users. -     Salvia can provoke psychosis for people who are prone to it. -     Moving is risky. Your coordination is strongly reduced which can make you fall INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

MDA - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

iELVV0JnFKY | 23 Jun 2017

MDA - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using MDA (3,4- methylenedioxyamphetamine). USE: -     Make sure you drink and eat enough before use. -     Make sure you use in a nice environment. -     Make sure you’re in a physically and mentally good state. -     Take rest after using. -     You can get a bad emotional hangover. -     Do not combine with other drugs, medicines and alcohol. -     Do not participate in traffic. -     Do not use if you are suffering from a weak heart, high blood pressure, epilepsy and psychological symptoms. -     Do not use in combination with MAO inhibitors. -     Do not use more than once every 8 weeks. -     Do not drink more than 2 glasses of water per hour. -     Make sure you do not get too hot during use. - DOSE: -     Recreational dose is between 1mg – 1,5mg per kilogram of body weight. -     If you take more than the recreational dose, you may experience unwanted effects. RISKS -     Exhaustion and body overload. -     Sweating. -     Unrest. -     Heart palpitations. -     Brain damage. -     Insomnia. -     Psychoses. -     Anxiety attacks. -     Depression. -     Increased feeling of thirst. -     Elevated body temperature. -     Intestinal complaints. -     Overheating. -     Water intoxication. Nausea. Throwing up. Headache. Anxiety. Effect that can come later: Seizures Decreased level of consciousness. Coma Coma INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens is off his rocks after taking MDA | Drugslab

0qxiQRP3be4 | 23 Jun 2017

Rens is off his rocks after taking MDA | Drugslab

This Episode Rens Polman uses MDA (3,4- methylenedioxyamphetamine). After taking Rens goes visible hard on MDA. USE: -     MDA is available is pill form. -     MDA is also available in powder form. -     Processing time is between 30 minutes and 2 hours. DOSE: -     Recreational dose is between 1mg – 1,5mg per kilogram of body weight. -     If you take more than the recreational dose, you may experience unwanted effects. RISKS: -     Exhaustion and body overload. -     Sweating. -     Unrest. -     Heart palpitations. -     Brain damage. -     Insomnia. -     Psychoses. -     Anxiety attacks. -     Depression. -     Increased feeling of thirst. -     Elevated body temperature. -     Intestinal complaints. -     Overheating. -     Water intoxication. Nausea. Throwing up. Headache. Anxiety. Effect that can come later: Seizures Decreased level of consciousness. Coma INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Diazepam - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

G2E7ll4Or24 | 16 Jun 2017

Diazepam - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using Diazepam (Valium). USE: -     Use Valium only by doctor’s prescription. -     Contact your doctor before using Diazepam. -     Do not use Diazepam longer than 2 months. -     If your using Diazepam longer than 2 months, talk to your doctor about how you can stop using. -     Work on the underlying problems of your fears. -     Do not combine with other, drugs, alcohol and medicines. -     Especially do not combine with downers. -     You can’t drive for 72 hours after using Diazepam. -     Do not use Diazepam if you are suffering from myasthenia gravis, liver disorders, acute depression, sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. DOSE: -     There are Diazepam tablets of 2mg, 5mg and 10mg. -     The sooting effect lasts for 12-24 hours. RISKS: -     Addiction -     Headache -     Dizziness -     Shakiness -     Sweating -     Nausea -     Stuffiness -     Voice and sight disorders -     Memory disorder -     Confusion -     Skin reactions INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan becomes emotionless by Diazepam | Drugslab

9e1u5zu9G0o | 16 Jun 2017

Bastiaan becomes emotionless by Diazepam | Drugslab

This Episode Bastiaan Rosman uses Diazepam (Valium). After taking the Diazepam Bastiaan shows no emotions anymore. USE: -     Take the tablet with a glass of water. -     The tablet will start working within half an hour. -     Diazepam is used by epilepsy attacks, anxiety, tension, panic disorders, insomnia, muscle cramps and unrest. DOSE: -     There are Diazepam tablets of 2mg, 5mg and 10mg. -     The sooting effects lasts for 12-24 hours. RISKS: -     Addiction -     Headache -     Dizziness -     Shakiness -     Sweating -     Nausea -     Stuffiness -     Voice and sight disorders -     Memory disorder -     Confusion -     Skin reactions INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

2C-E - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

5VLUCSe-k1U | 09 Jun 2017

2C-E - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using 2C-E (2,5-dimethoxy-4- ethylphenethylamine). USE: -     Always test your 2C-E. -     Choose to swallow 2C-E. Snorting is very painful. -     Make sure that you use in a save environment. -     Use a mg scale to weigh the right dose. -     You can become nauseous. Make sure you eat a good meal 3 hours before using, so you reduce the risk of vomiting. -     Never take more than 15 mg. The chance of a badtrip will be higher. -     Do not participate in traffic. -     Do not combine with other drugs, medicines or alcohol. -     Make sure you’re not alone during the use of 2C-E. -     Stacking is not wise. DOSE: -     The dose is dependent on: Your experience, sensitivity and the concentration of the 2C-E. -     Please make sure you do not take a too high dose. There is a high chance of getting a badtrip. Oral: -     Light dose: 5-10 mg. -     Usual dose: 10-15 mg. -     Strong dose: 15-30 mg. Snorting: -     Light dose: 1-3 mg. -     Usual dose: 3-7 mg. -     Strong dose: 6-10 mg. RISKS: Short term: -     Badtrip (fear, restless, panic). -     The trip is more intense than expected. -     Injury due to accidents when participating in traffic and other situations. -     Psychoses. Long-term risks: -     There is a little known about the long-term risks. But this doesn’t mean there are no long-term risks. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie does not go optimum on 2C-E | Drugslab

-29uc3Rnjqk | 09 Jun 2017

Nellie does not go optimum on 2C-E | Drugslab

This Episode Nellie Benner uses 2C-E (2,5-dimethoxy-4- ethylphenethylamine). After taking the effect is different than expected. USE: -     You can swallow or snort 2C-E. -     The dosages of snorting or oral use are different. -     Snorting is not recommended because this is very painful. -     Put the 2C-E in a glass of water when you choose to use it orally. DOSE: -     The dose is dependent on: Your experience, sensitivity and the concentration of the 2C-E. -     Please make sure you do not take a too high dose. There is a high chance of getting a badtrip. Lange termijn risico’s: -     Er is nog weinig bekend over lange termijn risico’s Dit wil niet zeggen dat er geen lange termijn risico’s zijn. Oral: -     Light dose: 5-10 mg. -     Usual dose: 10-15 mg. -     Strong dose: 15-30 mg. Snorting: -     Light dose: 1-3 mg. -     Usual dose: 3-7 mg. -     Strong dose: 6-10 mg. RISKS: Short term: -     Badtrip (fear, restless, panic). -     The trip is more intense than expected. -     Injury due to accidents when participating in traffic and other situations. -     Psychoses. Long-term risks: -     There is a little known about the long-term risks. But this doesn’t mean there are no long-term risks. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens gets jolly and completely lost after drinking alcohol | Drugslab

halJEOj2RP4 | 02 Jun 2017

Rens gets jolly and completely lost after drinking alcohol | Drugslab

This Episode Rens Polman drinks alcohol (Ethanol). Because he almost never drinks alcohol, he gets totally wasted. USE: Are you about to have some drinks this weekend? Keep the following things in mind: - Per alcoholic beverage, drink one glass of water. - Take enough rest before and after drinking alcohol. And take some extra vitamin B. - Drink alcohol for fun, not to suppress problems. - Combining alcohol with other drugs, medicines or participation in traffic is very dangerous. - It takes your body 1/1,5 hour to break down one glass of alcohol. DOSE: The volume of a glass is adapted to the type of alcoholic beverage. So you get the same amount of alcohol per glass. One glass of alcohol contains 12 millilitres of alcohol, which is equal to 10 grams. It is recommended to keep it at a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Preferably with at least 2 consecutive alcohol-free days. RISKS: - Hangover - Alcohol poisoning - Black out - Naussea and vomit - Gain weight - Addiction INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan sees everything moving after taking 2C-B | Drugslab

N90Ulzz-BEc | 26 May 2017

Bastiaan sees everything moving after taking 2C-B | Drugslab

This episode Bastian Rosman uses 2CB (4-bromo-2,5dimethoxyfenethylamine). After taking the 2CB his perception is completely changing. USE: When you’re about to use 2C-B, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Especially when it’s your first time, use 2C-B in a comfortable setting. - You can control your trip positively, with nice people, music and videos. - Are the effects unpleasant? Take some vitaminC, dextrose or some sweet drinks. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired trip and the strength of your pill. A low dose (5-15mg) gives you an euphoric and energetic effect.  From a high dose (15mg and higher) you can hallucinate. The effects of 2C-B lasts for 4-6 hours. RIKS: - Nauseous and vomit. - Triggering or increase of mental disorders. - Freak out / bad trip INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens fights to stay active after taking ketamine | Drugslab

XLCmIAB0Ty4 | 19 May 2017

Rens fights to stay active after taking ketamine | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman uses Ketamine (2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cycloheanone. After snorting, Rens tries to box against Nellie. USE: Are you about to use ketamine? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before using ketamine, to prevent nausea. - Possible effects are disorientation and reduced motor skills. So make sure you can sit or lay down when you use ketamine. - Keep in mind that the after-effects can last for 2-3 hours. - In case of a (too) high dose, you can end up in a K-hole. We strongly advice against. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired effect. If you sniff ketamine, a dose to start with is between 20mg-50mg. First time? Start with 20mg and wait for at least 15/20 minutes to see what kind of effect is has. RISKS: - K-hole (from about 100mg) - Ketamine anesthetized; so you can injure yourself without noticing. - Nausea and puking. - Disorientation and reduced motor skills. - Heavy regular use can lead to problems with your kidney and bladder. - Heavy regular use can lead to addiction. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan has a bad trip after drinking DXM | Drugslab

-GvsNdiknw0 | 12 May 2017

Bastiaan has a bad trip after drinking DXM | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman drinks DXM (Dextromethorphan). After drinking DXM Bastiaan doesn’t really enjoy the effects. USE: -     You can take DXM in capsule and beverage form. DOSE: -     The dose is difficult to determine. Please pay attention! -     Make sure you check what other substances there are in the cough drink. -     Determine the dosage based on milligrams of active ingredient per kg of body weight. Different doses: Low dosage: -     Works stimulating. -     Euphoric feeling. Average dosage: -     Short-term memory functions are decreasing -     Light hallucinations. High dosage: -     Hallucinations. -     Disturbed thought processes. -     You can get lost in your own thoughts. Very high dosage: -     Body and soul become separated. RISKS: -     Cough drink contains several substances. If you take too much of any of these substances this can be fatal. -     Overdose. -     Flatulence. -     Delayed responsiveness. -     Nausea. -     Influence on your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. -     Sweating. -     Itchiness. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

DXM - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

YZ0bJM8SfKk | 12 May 2017

DXM - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using DXM (Dextromethorphan). USE: -     Make sure you precisely determine your doses. An overdose can be fatal. -     Pay close attention to other substances in the cough drink. -     A high dose can be very dangerous. -     Make sure there is a sober person with you. He/she can offer help when needed. -     Use in a quit environment. -     Do not combine with other medications, drugs or alcohol. -     Do not combine with MAO inhibitors. -     Do not use if you have heart problems or high blood pressure. -     Do not use if you are allergic to any of the substances in the cough drink/pill. -     Do not participate in traffic. DOSE: -     The dose is difficult to determine. Please pay attention! -     Make sure you check what other substances there are in the cough drink. -     Determine the dosage based on milligrams of active ingredient per kg of body weight. Different doses: Low dosage: -     Works stimulating. -     Euphoric feeling. Average dosage: -     Short-term memory functions are decreasing -     Light hallucinations. High dosage: -     Hallucinations. -     Disturbed thought processes. -     You can get lost in your own thoughts. Very high dosage: -     Body and soul become separated. RISKS: -     Cough drink contains several substances. If you take too much of any of these substances this can be fatal. -     Overdose. -     Flatulence. -     Delayed responsiveness. -     Nausea. -     Influence on your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. -     Sweating. -     Itchiness. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

GHB makes Nellie feel weak | Drugslab

F-KQPVr_HoE | 05 May 2017

GHB makes Nellie feel weak | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner drinks GHB (gamma- hydroxybutyrate). After drinking GHB she feels like she just heard some good news. USE: Are you about to use GHB? Keep the following things in mind: - Always mix GHB with water or soda. - Don't use GHB on an empty stomach, it increases the risk on an overdose. Also don't use GHB on a full stomach. That increases the risk on puking. Just eat a normal meal and wait for 2 hours before intake. DOSE: It’s hard to dose GHB the right way. The dose depends on: - Your experience - Your stomach contents - Your sensitivity for GHB - The pureness of the GHB RISKS: - It is VERY addictive - Black-outs - Sexual disinhibition - Shaking, nausea, puking, dizziness - Confusing - Convulsions - Amnesia - Possible brain damage INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

MDMA makes Bastiaan feel like a child again | Drugslab

-mD43hJpMNA | 28 Apr 2017

MDMA makes Bastiaan feel like a child again | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman swallows MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxy-methamphetamine). After swallowing the MDMA he feels like he is at a kids party. USE: When taking MDMA powder or “crystals”, the user licks small amounts of the substance from a wet finger. This way, the dose can slowly be increased. Another option is to put the powder in a capsule or to roll it in cigarette paper (creating a “bomb”) and then to swallow it. Very occasionally MDMA powder is snorted and it can also be smoked, but this almost never happens. MDMA can damage your tooth enamel; if you dissolve the powder in a drink or lick it up, you increase the chance of damaging your teeth. DOSE: A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Cocoa - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

8gBQPofPKv4 | 21 Apr 2017

Cocoa - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using Cocoa powder (Theobromine). USE: -     You can still drive after using cocoa powder. -     Make sure you clean your snuff tube. -     Use responsible. Habituation can occur. Frequent use can cause nose infections. DOSE: -     0,10 gr per nostril. -     You can Stack. RISKS: -     Lung irritations. -     Scars inside the nose. -     Infections. -     Allergic reactions. -     Chance of coughing during use. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens uses cocoa as a partydrug | Drugslab

pVTvJxqQpuY | 21 Apr 2017

Rens uses cocoa as a partydrug | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman sniffs Cacoa powder (Theobromine). After sniffing he tries to get into a party mode. USE: -     Snort through a tube. -     Or through a cacoashooter. DOSE: -     0,10 gr per nostril. -     You can stack. RISKS: -     Lung irritations. -     Scars inside the nose. -     Infections. -     Allergic reactions. -     Chance of coughing during use. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

DMT - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

2z_Rt-_Wx7Y | 14 Apr 2017

DMT - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). USE: Are you about to use DMT? Keep the following things in mind: -     Make sure there is a tripsitter. -     Make sure you use DMT in a secure environment with people you trust. -     Make sure the tripsitter can take your pipe after smoking DMT. -     Keep breathing calmly. -     Make sure you take the right dose. -     Surrender yourself to the trip. Remember that the trip will always come to an end. -     Do not combine with other drugs and alcohol. -     Do not take part in traffic. -     Do not use DMT if you are sensitive to psychosis or other mental problems. DOSE: -     The dosage is between 25-50 mg. -     The doses are different when you snort DMT. -     Make sure you take the right dose by weighing it on a scale. - RISKS: -     Change in spatial perception. -     Change in perception of time. -     Increased heart rate. -     Increased blood pressure. -     Dilated pupils. -     Elevated body temperature. -     Dizziness. -     Nausea. -     Difficulty breathing. -     Queasiness. -     Anxiety and panic. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie has a breakthrough on DMT | Drugslab

HPHNakev2ss | 14 Apr 2017

Nellie has a breakthrough on DMT | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner smokes DMT (N,N- Dimethyltryptamine). After smoking Nellie ends up in all different worlds. USE: Are you about to use DMT? Keep the following things in mind: -     Prepare yourself for using DMT. -     Make sure your using it in a relaxed setting. -     Make sure there is a tripsitter. -     You can snort or smoke DMT. Smoking is the most common way. -     Smoke DMT with a pipe. -     Go with the flow. The trip always comes to an end. DOSE: -     The dosage is between 25-50 mg. -     The doses are different when you snort DMT. -     Make sure you take the right dose by weighing it on a scale. RISKS: -     Change in spatial perception. -     Change in perception of time. -     Increased heart rate. -     Increased blood pressure. -     Dilated pupils. -     Elevated body temperature. -     Dizziness. -     Nausea. -     Difficulty breathing. -     Queasiness. -     Anxiety and panic. INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens takes modafinil and gets annoyed | Drugslab

N2Ev0vabi6I | 07 Apr 2017

Rens takes modafinil and gets annoyed | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman swallows Modafinil. After swallowing Modafinil he gets irritated. USE: Are you about to use Modafinil? Keep the following things in mind: -     Take your first pill of 100 mg in the morning. -     Take your second pill around 12 o’clock. -     Do not swallow any other pill after 14:00 o’clock. You risk a bad night’s sleep. DOSE: -     Normal dose for people suffering from insomnia: 200mg. -     Do not take too many tablets, you can experience: restlessness, disorientation, confusion, difficulty to sleep, diarrhea, hallucinations, chest pain, change in heart rate and blood pressure. RISKS: -     Headache. -     Irritation. -     Impatience. -     Less appetite. Stop using Modafinil if you experiencing: -     Difficulty breathing. -     Swollen face, mouth and throat. -     Change in mental health: changing moods, abnormal thoughts. CHECK OUT OUR NEW INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Modafinil - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

BLnRt9mK-1g | 07 Apr 2017

Modafinil - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using Modafinil. USE: Are you about to use Modafinil? Keep the following things in mind: -     Read the patient information leaflet. -     Make sure you eat and drink enough. Because after using Modafinil you will probably have no apatite. -     Take regularly breaks during your work. -     Do not combine with alcohol, medicines and drugs. -     Do not participate in traffic. -     Do not use Modafinil if you have problems with your liver or kidneys. -     Modafinil reduces the effect of birth control. DOSE: -     Normal dose for people suffering from insomnia: 200mg. -     Do not take too many tablets, you can experience: restlessness, disorientation, confusion, difficulty to sleep, diarrhea, hallucinations, chest pain, change in heart rate and blood pressure. RISKS: -     Headache. -     Irritation. -     Impatience. -     Less appetite. Stop using Modafinil if you experiencing: -     Difficulty breathing. -     Swollen face, mouth and throat. -     Change in mental health: changing moods, abnormal thoughts. CHECK OUT OUR NEW INSTAGRAM: OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

LSA seeds - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

ri4U5TIZPEM | 31 Mar 2017

LSA seeds - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using LSA Seeds (lyserginezuuramdie). USE: Are you about to use LSA seeds? Keep the following things in mind: -     Eat the seeds on an empty stomach. -     Do not take more seeds too quickly after your first dose. -     Make sure you have a tripsitter. -     Make sure you feel well. -     Don’t use LSA seeds regularly and dosed. -     Do not combine with other drugs, medicines or alcohol. -     Do not participate in traffic. -     Do not buy LSA at garden centres. DOSE: -     Look carefully what kind of LSA seeds you have. There are different kinds of LSA seeds which differ in dosage. -     The usual dosage is 4 to 7 seeds. -     If you’re using LSA seeds for the first time make sure you don’t take more than 2 or 3 seeds. -     The dosage has nothing to do with your body weight but with your personal sensitivity. RISKS: -     Euphorical feeling. -     Philosophical introspection. -     Feelings of unity and solidarity. -     Increased anxiety. -     Dizziness. -     Sedation. -     Stomach ache. -     Nausea. -     Muscle pain. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

LSA seeds make Bastiaan puke and trip | Drugslab

kD-NVw_8OtY | 31 Mar 2017

LSA seeds make Bastiaan puke and trip | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman eats the Hawaiien Baby Woodrose LSA seeds. After puking Bastiaan can enjoy his trip. USE: Are you about to use LSA Seeds? Keep the following things in mind: -     Chew on the seeds for 10 minutes. After chewing, rinse your mouth with water. -     Bruise the seeds and let them soak in alcohol. Eat them and rinse your mouth with water. -     Make tea of the LSA seeds. DOSE: -     Look carefully what kind of LSA seeds you have. There are different kinds of LSA seeds which differ in dosage. -     The usual dosage is 4 to 7 seeds. -     If you’re using LSA seeds for the first time make sure you don’t take more than 2 or 3 seeds. -     The dosage has nothing to do with your body weight but with your personal sensitivity. RISKS: -     Euphorical feeling. -     Philosophical introspection. -     Feelings of unity and solidarity. -     Increased anxiety. -     Dizziness. -     Sedation. -     Stomach ache. -     Nausea. -     Muscle pain. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens can't stop talking after using cocaïne | Drugslab

zbeyo9cnqvw | 24 Mar 2017

Rens can't stop talking after using cocaïne | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman snorts a white crystalline powder: Cocaïne (cocaïne hydrochloride). After sniffing the cocaine Rens bends Nellie’s ears. USE: Are you about to use coke? Keep the following things in mind: - Most of the time Cocaïne is blended with other (harmful) substances. Therefore, it’s recommended to test the drug so you know the purity of your coke. - Only use it when you are physically and mentally healthy. Don’t use it to suppress your problems. - After snorting coke, make sure you clean your nose and your snort pipe. - Combining coke with alcohol or other drugs is very risky. DOSE: There is no safe dose. The risks are increasing when you use it regularly. The dose depends on the individual person and his/her experience with cocaïne. 1 gram of cocaïne = 15 to 20 lines. RISKS: Increased risk of heart problems Exhaustion Ignitions in the nasal mucosa Addiction Overdose OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan is knocked out by Temazepam | Drugslab

T_Enfdlfn5A | 17 Mar 2017

Bastiaan is knocked out by Temazepam | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman swallows the sleeping medication Temazepam (Normison). He tries to fight against his sleep but is defeated by the sleep medication. USE: - Swallow the capsule with water without chewing. DOSE: - There are capsules of 10mg to 40mg. - Normal doses: 10-20mg. - Swallow the capsule half an hour before going to sleep. RISKS: - Physical and mental dependence. - Less concentration. - Change in personality. - Forgetfulness. - When stopping after prolonged use of Temazepam the complaints return more violent. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Temazepam - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

ifcAYlUylS8 | 17 Mar 2017

Temazepam - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using Temazepam (Normison). USE: Keep this in mind if using Temazepam. - Only get this medication when you have a doctor’s prescription. - Contact your doctor before using Temazepam. - Do not use Temazepam for too long. Work on solutions for your sleeping problems. - Do you use Temazepam daily for 2 months? Contact your doctor about stopping. - Do not combine with other drugs, medicines and alcohol. - And certainly do not combine with other downers. - Do not participate in traffic for 24 hours after using Temazepam. - Do not use Temazepam if you are suffering from liver function or breathing disorders. - Do not use Temazepam of you are suffering from increasing muscle weakness. - Do not use Temazepam daily. Use it up to 2 times a week and no longer than 2 weeks in a row. DOSE: - There are capsules of 10mg to 40mg. - Normal doses: 10-20mg. - Swallow the capsule half an hour before going to sleep. RISKS: - Physical and mental dependence. - Less concentration. - Change in personality. - Forgetfulness. - When stopping after prolonged use of Temazepam the complaints return more violent. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan philosophizes and enjoys the nature thanks to kanna (mesembrine) | Drugslab

2kVP9ncEOlI | 10 Mar 2017

Bastiaan philosophizes and enjoys the nature thanks to kanna (mesembrine) | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman sniffes Kanna (Mesembrine). Because the Kanna Bastiaan philosophizes and enjoys the nature in the lab. USE: - You can sniff Kanna powder. - You can smoke Kanna powder. - You can take Kanna oral. You can chew on the Kanna plant for a long time, make tea of the Kanna plant or put the Kanna powder in a capsule that you can swallow. DOSE use for medium Kanna extracts (note, there are different strenghts of the extract): Sniffing Mild: 25-50 mg. Medium: 50-100 mg. Strong: 100-250 mg. Smoke Mild: 50-100 mg. Medium:100-250 mg. Strong: 250-400 mg. Oral Mild: 200-400mg. Medium:400-600mg Strong:600-1000mg. RISKS: - Do not combine with MAO inhibitors. This can be fatal. - Mild headache. - Mild nausea. - Increasing feelings of anxiety or irritation. - Insomnia. - Calm feeling. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Kanna (mesembrine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

wIxUKxG88Ic | 10 Mar 2017

Kanna (mesembrine) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks of using Kanna (Mesembrine). USE: Keep this in mind if using Kanna. - Buy your Kanna at the smartshop. - Ask the employee for advice. - Go into nature. - Do not combine with other drugs, medicines or alcohol. - Do not take extra dosage. - And certainly do not combine Kanna with MAO inhibitors, this can be fatal. DOSE: Sniffing Mild: 25-50 mg. Medium: 50-100 mg. Strong: 100-250 mg. Smoke Mild: 50-100 mg. Medium:100-250 mg. Strong: 250-400 mg. Oral Mild: 200-400mg. Medium:400-600mg Strong:600-1000mg. RISKS: - Do not combine with MAO inhibitors. This can be fatal. - Mild headache. - Mild nausea. - Increasing feelings of anxiety or irritation. - Insomnia. - Calm feeling. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Speed makes Nellie aggressive (amphetamine) | Drugslab

ADNh_hbjRLI | 03 Mar 2017

Speed makes Nellie aggressive (amphetamine) | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner used speed (amphetamine). This powder is chemical medium with a stimulating effect. After using speed Nellie test her concentration and focus. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan parties for 12 hours straight after using 6-APB / Benzo Fury | Drugslab

oRwii_K62sU | 24 Feb 2017

Bastiaan parties for 12 hours straight after using 6-APB / Benzo Fury | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman uses 6-APB (2-aminopropyl). He is celebrating a party in the lab under the influence of this stimulant that is similar to MDMA, and which is also seen as a replacement for XTC. USE: - You can swallow 6-APB as a capsule, tablet or a bomblet. - Sniffing 6-APB is not recommended, because this will give a very burning sensation. - The effects can last for 8-12 hours. DOSE: - Mild effect: 40-70 mg. - Normal/strong effect: 70- 100 mg. - Strong effect: 100-125 mg. - Very strong effect: 125 + mg. - Do not stack, the effects will last longer. RISKS: - There’s no scientific research data about the long term and short term effects. - Not much information about 6-APB in general. - Heavy and long lasting hangover. - Headache. - Anxiety. - Hallucinations. - The dosage is difficult to determine. - Increased heart rate. - Increased blood pressure. - Rising body temperature. - Difficulty urinating. - Jaw clenching. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

6-APB / Benzo Fury - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

J5qarcqkP-Y | 24 Feb 2017

6-APB / Benzo Fury - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie explains the do’s and don’ts to minimize the risks when using 6-APB (2-aminopropyl). USE: Keep this in mind if using 6-APB. - Make sure you drink enough. - Take some sugar for your energy level and when you feeling down. - Make sure you take 2 days off after using 6-APB. The hangover can be long lasting. - Do not stack, the effects will last longer. - Do not combine with other drugs. DOSE: - Mild effect: 40-70 mg. - Normal/strong effect: 70- 100 mg. - Strong effect: 100-125 mg. - Very strong effect: 125 + mg. - Do not stack, the effects will take longer. RISKS: - There’s no scientific research data about the long term and short term effects. - Not much information about 6-APB in general. - Heavy and long lasting hangover. - Headache. - Anxiety. - Hallucinations. - The dosage is difficult to determine. - Increased heart rate. - Increased blood pressure. - Rising body temperature. - Difficulty urinating. - Jaw clenching. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens jerks off while sniffing poppers | Drugslab

zdx4en3UJnc | 17 Feb 2017

Rens jerks off while sniffing poppers | Drugslab

This video Rens Polman inhales the yellow, smelly and burning liquid Popper (Amyl Nitrite) while he jerks off. Because of this combination he is experiencing an intense feeling. USE: Are you about to use Poppers? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t use poppers when you have low blood pressure, if your are prone to fainting or if you have heart problems. - Make sure you can sit or lie down when using poppers. And don’t hold anything in your hands. A cigarette is especially dangerous, because poppers are highly flammable. - Be careful when you inhale it. Avoid contact met your skin, nasal mucosa or eyes. - Don’t combine it with other drugs and especially not with Viagra. DOSE: It’s hard to name a precise dose, because it is a volatile substance. One good inhalation from the bottle or handkerchief will make you feel the effect already. It starts working after 10 seconds and lasts 1 or 2 minutes. RISKS: - Headache or dizziness - Loss of consciousness, possible fainting - Palpitations - Irritation of the skin (when the liquid comes in contact with skin) - Poppers are highly flammable - Brain damage - (psychological) dependence. SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan gets baked - Weed (THC) | Drugslab

VeBTG8JabY0 | 10 Feb 2017

Bastiaan gets baked - Weed (THC) | Drugslab

In this episode Bastiaan Rosman uses Weed (THC). He smokes the popular weed White Widow out of a pipe. After smoking this weed he is pretty stoned and gets a huge munchie. USE: - Usually you smoke Cannabis. You can also eat and drink the weed. - You can smoke Cannabis with or without tobacco. - Smoking weed combined with tobacco is more addictive than smoking weed pure. DOSE: - It is hard to determine a dose because the THC content in cannabis differs a lot. - The THC content in Dutch weed is between 15-18% and you can smoke 3-6 joints out of 1 gram. - You don’t have to inhale deeply to feel the effect. RISKS: - Psychosis. - Memory loss. - Anxiety. - Harmful to the lungs. - Mental dependence. - Heart palpitations. - Dizziness. - Decreasing blood pressure. - Dry mouth. - Red eyes. - Increasing appetite. - Nausea. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Weed (THC) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

kD24KRvHwQk | 10 Feb 2017

Weed (THC) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens explains the do’s and don’ts to minimize the risks when using Weed (THC). USE: Keep this in mind if using Weed: - Wait 2 minutes after your first puff to experience the effect. - A good coffee shop can tell you everything about the weed and its effects. - Only use for fun. - You can get hungry, so make sure you have some food ready. - Sweet drinks will help to reduce the effect. - You don’t have to inhale deeply to feel the effect. - Do not use weed every day. - Do not participate in traffic. - Do not use weed during school or work, it can influence your memory in a bad way. - Do not combine it with other drugs and alcohol. DOSE: - It is hard to determine a dose because the THC content in cannabis differs a lot. - The THC content in Dutch weed is between 15-18% and you can smoke 3-6 joints out of 1 grams. - You don’t have to inhale deeply to feel the effect. RISKS: - Psychosis. - Memory loss. - Anxiety. - Harmful to the lungs. - Mental dependence. - Heart palpitations. - Dizziness. - Decreasing blood pressure. - Dry mouth. - Red eyes. - Increasing appetite. - Nausea. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Oxycontin (Oxycodon) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

7Lh7NSQXCN8 | 03 Feb 2017

Oxycontin (Oxycodon) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens explains the do’s and don’ts to minimize the risks when using the addictive medicine Oxycontin (oxycodon). USE: Keep this in mind if using Oxycontin. - Take the right dose. - Take this medicine on scheduled times. - When you want to stop using Oxycontin, don’t go cold turkey but quit using by gradually reducing your dose. - Only use this medication if prescribed by a doctor. - Do not combine with other drugs, medicines, alcohol and grapefruit juice. - Do not participate in traffic.     DOSE: - Stick to the dose prescribed by your doctor. - Take the medicine at scheduled times. - Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. RISKS: - Addictive. - Respiratory problems. - Hypotensive. - Dizziness. - Headache. - Nausea. - Nightmares. - Drowsiness. - Dry mouth. - Delusional. - Loss of co-ordination. - Confusion. - Constipation. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie becomes dazed by Oxycontin (Oxycodon) | Drugslab

VABLbcdIlOw | 03 Feb 2017

Nellie becomes dazed by Oxycontin (Oxycodon) | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner uses Oxycontin (Oxycodon). This addictive medicine is prescribed for long-term pain. Nellie will test her pain threshold. USE: - Swallow the drug with water. - Do not shredder, chew, inject or dissolve this medicine. - Take the medicine at scheduled times. DOSE: - Stick to the dose prescribed by your doctor. - Take the medicine at scheduled times. - Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. RISKS: - Addictive. - Respiratory problems. - Hypotensive. - Dizziness. - Headache. - Nausea. - Nightmares. - Drowsiness. - Dry mouth. - Delusional. - Loss of co-ordination. - Confusion. - Constipation. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens eats a whole Peyote cactus (mescaline) | Drugslab

d-94ly8nMg0 | 27 Jan 2017

Rens eats a whole Peyote cactus (mescaline) | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman eats the Peyote cactus (mescaline). Peyote is a spherical cactus with no spines and has very bitter taste. After eating the entire cactus, you can see what happens with Rens. USE: -You can prepare the Peyote in many different ways for consumption. You can eat it fresh, dried or make an extract. -  If you eat the Peyote fresh or dried you have to chew slowly. - Peyote has a very bitter taste. Make sure you have some juice that you can drink to neutralize the bad taste of the Peyote. - Do not eat 6 hours before consuming the Peyote cactus. DOSE: - The Mescaline in the Peyote is not measurable which makes the dosage difficult to define. - Stacking makes sense, you have to wait longer for the effect and the trip can become stronger. RISKS: - Nausea. - Coloured hallucinations. - Anxiety. - Confusion. - Suspiciousness. - Inability to distinguish reality from trip. - Psychosis. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Peyote (mescaline) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

oeAAXbSU3gg | 27 Jan 2017

Peyote (mescaline) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Nellie explains the do’s and don’ts to minimize the risk when using the Peyote cactus (mescaline). Peyote is a spherical cactus with no spines. USE: Keep this in mind if using Peyote. - Make sure you use Peyote in a good set/setting. - For the best trip result do not eat 6 hours before consuming the Peyote cactus. - Make sure you have a trip sitter. - Do not participate in traffic. - Do not mix with other drugs, medicines and MAO inhibitors.     DOSE: - The Mescaline in the Peyote is not measurable which makes the dosage difficult to define. - Stacking makes sense, you have to wait longer for the effect and the trip can become stronger. RISKS: - Nausea. - Coloured hallucinations. - Anxiety. - Confusion. - Suspiciousness. - Inability to distinguish reality from trip. - Psychosis. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan use Kratom and goes up and down (Mitragyna) | Drugslab

YWurCAcwFLA | 20 Jan 2017

Bastiaan use Kratom and goes up and down (Mitragyna) | Drugslab

This episode Bastiaan Rosman uses Kratom (Mitragynine). They’re making a tea of the Kratom powder. The tea looks like a mud drink. Bastiaan has a hard time drinking this very nasty Katron Tea. USE: Kratom is available in many different forms; leafs, powder and an extract. You can prepare Kratom in many different ways for consumption. You can smoke the leafs, chew on them or drink them as tea by making an extract of the leafs. Make sure you drink enough when your using Kratom. DOSE: Normal dose: 3-5 grams. High dose: 5-10 grams. A normal dose provides an euphoric effect and a high dose provides an tiring effect. Do not mix Kratom with other drugs, medicines and definitely not with MAO inhibitors. RISKS: Kratom is physically and mentally addictive. You can become nauseous, dizzy and sleepy during use. Do not mix with uppers and downers. And do not mix with antidepressants. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Kratom (Mitragyna) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

YOK4BF6SZjw | 20 Jan 2017

Kratom (Mitragyna) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

In this video Rens explains the do’s and don’ts to minimize the risks when using Kratom. Kratom is a tree which you can find in South-east Asia. USE: Keep this in mind if using Kratom: - Drink enough. - Take a day off. - Use only for fun. - Do not participate in traffic. - Do not use it too often. - Do not mix with other drugs, medicines and MAO inhibitors. DOSE: - Normal dose: 3-5 grams. High dose: 5-10 grams. - A normal dose provides an euphoric effect and a high dose provides an tiring effect. - Do not mix with other drugs, medicines, antidepressants and definitely not with MAO inhibitors. RISKS: - Kratom is physically and mentally addictive. - You can become nauseous, dizzy and sleepy during use. - Do not mix with uppers and downers. -     Do not mix with MAO inhibitors, this can even be lethal. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie completely spaced out on magic truffles (psilocybin) | Drugslab

kz9yC6WkWA0 | 13 Jan 2017

Nellie completely spaced out on magic truffles (psilocybin) | Drugslab

Nellie Benner eats magic truffles (psilocybin). Truffles are underground mushrooms that look and smell nutty acid. After eating the truffle Nellie thoroughly enjoy its intense trip. USE: - You can eat truffles, smoke (only if they are dried), tea draw or even soup. - It makes no sense to use two days straight truffles. Your body develops tolerance. - Most users wait several weeks or months before they plan a new trip, so the experience is special. DOSAGE: It is difficult to give a clear dose Truffles can vary considerably in strength. There is a big difference between dried and fresh truffles. People react differently to similar doses, this has to do with body weight and strength of the truffles. RISKS: - Change in sensory perception - Change in mood - Change in perception of time - Change in thought processes - Mild increase in heart rate and blood pressure - Perspire - Dizziness - Nausea OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Magic truffles (psilocybin) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

ryXD-IohcGw | 13 Jan 2017

Magic truffles (psilocybin) - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman tells you the do’s and the don’ts of the drug Magic truffles. USE: - You can eat truffles, smoke (only if they are dried), tea draw or even soup. - It makes no sense to use two days straight truffles. Your body develops tolerance. - Most users wait several weeks or months before they plan a new trip, so the experience is special. DOSAGE: It is difficult to give a clear dose Truffles can vary considerably in strength. There is a big difference between dried and fresh truffles. People react differently to similar doses, this has to do with body weight and strength of the truffles. RISKS: - Change in sensory perception - Change in mood - Change in perception of time - Change in thought processes - Mild increase in heart rate and blood pressure - Perspire - Dizziness - Nausea OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie, Rens and Bastiaan look back at 2016 | Drugslab

ul-oaEYPMiA | 06 Jan 2017

Nellie, Rens and Bastiaan look back at 2016 | Drugslab

2017 has begun! Obviously it will be a fantastic new year with new Drugslab-episodes in which Nellie Benner, Rens Polman and Bastiaan Rosman will try new drugs every week. To show you what effect is has on the human body. But, let’s not forget the crazy 2016! The year that Drugslab has been launched on YouTube for the first time. The year that Nellie Benner cried about a green stuffed toy. The year that Rens Polman got horny from GHB. The year that Bastiaan Rosman sang Russian karaoke songs. And ofcourse:The year that our channel went from 0 to more than 230.000 subs! Thank to you 2016 was a great year! What happening made your 2016 special? Let us know in a comment! On behalf of Drugslab, we wish you all the best for 2017! Cheers! Drugslab

Alcohol - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

3JBf8REp0Xw | 30 Dec 2016

Alcohol - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts of alcohol (ethanol). This colorless liquid is a narcotic. USE: Are you about to have some drinks this weekend? Keep the following things in mind: - Per alcoholic beverage, drink one glass of water. - Take enough rest before and after drinking alcohol. And take some extra vitamin B. - Drink alcohol for fun, not to suppress problems. - Combining alcohol with other drugs, medicines or participation in traffic is very dangerous. - It takes your body 1/1,5 hour to break down one glass of alcohol. DOSE: The volume of a glass is adapted to the type of alcoholic beverage. So you get the same amount of alcohol per glass. One glass of alcohol contains 12 millilitres of alcohol, which is equal to 10 grams. It is recommended to keep it at a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Preferably with at least 2 consecutive alcohol-free days. RISKS: - Hangover - Alcohol poisoning - Black out - Naussea and vomit - Gain weight - Addiction OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan says cheers with alcohol | Drugslab

8aan7P_rgsc | 30 Dec 2016

Bastiaan says cheers with alcohol | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman drinks several alcoholic beverages to see the effect of alcohol (ethanol) on his body. Dit colorless liquid is a narcotic. USE: Are you about to have some drinks this weekend? Keep the following things in mind: - Per alcoholic beverage, drink one glass of water. - Take enough rest before and after drinking alcohol. And take some extra vitamin B. - Drink alcohol for fun, not to suppress problems. - Combining alcohol with other drugs, medicines or participation in traffic is very dangerous. - It takes your body 1/1,5 hour to break down one glass of alcohol. DOSE: The volume of a glass is adapted to the type of alcoholic beverage. So you get the same amount of alcohol per glass. One glass of alcohol contains 12 millilitres of alcohol, which is equal to 10 grams. It is recommended to keep it at a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Preferably with at least 2 consecutive alcohol-free days. RISKS: - Hangover - Alcohol poisoning - Black out - Naussea and vomit - Gain weight - Addiction OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab

0msBwUfGjc8 | 23 Dec 2016

Nellie celebrates a white Christmas with cocaine | Drugslab

This episode Nellie Benner snorts a white crystalline powder: Cocaine. The active substance is cocaine hydrochloride and has a stimulating effect and a bitter taste. USE: Are you about to use Coke? Keep the following things in mind: - Cocaine is most of the time blended with other (harmful) substances. Therefore, it is good to test your drug so you know the purity of your coke. - Use it when you are physically and mentally healthy. Don’t use it to suppress problems. - Clean your nose and your snort pipe. - Combining with alcohol or other drugs is very risky. DOSE: There is no safe dose. Risks are increasing when you use it regularly. The dose depends on the person and his/her experience with cocaine. 1 gram of cocaine = 15 to 20 lines. RISKS: Increased risk of heart problems Exhaustion Ignitions in the nasal mucosa Addiction Overdose OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Cocaine - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

9pNs3kNBfu0 | 23 Dec 2016

Cocaine - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

Rens Polman tells you the do’s and the don’ts of the drug Cocaine. Coke is a white crystalline powder with the active substance cocaine hydrochloride. It has a stimulating effect and a bitter taste. USE: Are you about to use Coke? Keep the following things in mind: - Cocaine is most of the time blended with other (harmful) substances. Therefore, it is good to test your drug so you know the purity of your coke. - Use it when you are physically and mentally healthy. Don’t use it to suppress problems. - Clean your nose and your snort pipe. - Combining with alcohol or other drugs is very risky. DOSE: There is no safe dose. Risks are increasing when you use it regularly. The dose depends on the person and his/her experience with cocaine. 1 gram of cocaine = 15 to 20 lines. RISKS: - Increased risk of heart problems - Exhaustion - Ignitions in the nasal mucosa - Addiction - Overdose OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens rolling balls on Herbal XTC | Drugslab

kpNRs5PYvhU | 16 Dec 2016

Rens rolling balls on Herbal XTC | Drugslab

Rens swallows a Herbal XTC capsule, with a mix of several natural ingredients. The ingredients are not always the same and differ per type of Herbal XTC. USE: Are you about to use Herbal XTC? Keep the following things in mind: There are many different types of Herbal XTC, with each its own mix of ingredients. Therefore, it’s good to be informed about the product your buy in the smartshop. Use it when you’re in a comfortable setting and when you are as physically as mentally feel good. Don’t use it when you or a family member has predisposition for psychosis. Herbal XTC contains natural ingredients, but it’s not a substitute for meals. DOSE: Recommended dose is 1 capsule (150 mg). RISKS: Taking unkown/illegal ingredients. Restless feeling Anxious, confused and irritable feeling Overheating Headache Inability to sleep Naussea Palpitations OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Herbal XTC - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

TgopnJWab14 | 16 Dec 2016

Herbal XTC - Do’s and don’ts | Drugslab

Nellie Benner explains the do’s and the don’ts concerning the drug Herbal XTC. In most cases it’s a capsule with a mix of natural ingredients. The ingredients are not always the same and differ per type of Herbal XTC. USE: Are you about to use Herbal XTC? Keep the following things in mind: There are many different types of Herbal XTC, with each its own mix of ingredients. Therefore, it’s good to be informed about the product your buy in the smartshop. Use it when you’re in a comfortable setting and when you are as physically as mentally feel good. Don’t use it when you or a family member has predisposition for psychosis. Herbal XTC contains natural ingredients, but it’s not a substitute for meals. DOSE: Recommended dose is 1 capsule (150 grams). RISKS: Taking unkown/illegal ingredients. Restless feeling Anxious, confused and irritable feeling Overheating Headache Inability to sleep Naussea Palpitations OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens goes fast on speed (Amphetamine) | Drugslab

2RqtSmApBeQ | 09 Dec 2016

Rens goes fast on speed (Amphetamine) | Drugslab

This episode Rens Polman snorts speed (amphetamine). This is a chemical powder with a stimulating effect. Rens gets really energetic and feels great.. until he bends over the sink. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Speed - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

NpZ86L4TmOI | 09 Dec 2016

Speed - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks of using speed (amphetamine). This is a chemical powder with a stimulating effect. USEAGE: - You can use speed in different ways; snorting (the effect will be shorter, but stronger), spray (you feel the effect right away, not recommended), rectal and oral (longer effect). - Solvents can be harmful and risky. - To reduce the risk, you must dry the speed. - The effects can be felt up till 8 hours. - 12 hours after using speed, you may still feel some effects. - Don’t take any more speed after your first dose. This will only increase the length of the trip. - Don’t combine speed with other drugs and/or alcohol. DOSAGE: - The strength of amphetamine varies, which makes it hard to dose. - Depending on your experience, the way of using it and the strength of the speed, 5 to 40 milligrams is a usual dose. RISKS: - Overheating (hypothermia). Make sure to rest enough in a cooler area and drink up to 2 glasses of water in one hour; - Increased risk of heart problems; - Brain damage; - Addiction; - Physical problems; - Hangover. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Ritalin (methylphenidate) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

wLTUShDM5a0 | 02 Dec 2016

Ritalin (methylphenidate) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Bastiaan tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks of using Ritalin (or methylphenidate). Ritalin is the brand name of a drug that is prescribed for ADHD and narcolepsy (lethargy) patients. Ritalin is also often used for recreational purposes. USE: The most common way to take Ritalin is by swallowing a capsule with a glass of water. You can also pound and snort it but this is not recommended. DOSE: If you are diagnosed with ADHD, take the dose prescribed by your doctor. If you take in Ritalin for recreational purpose, never use more than 30mg (as seen in the video above). RISKS: - When overdosed: death - Vomiting - Trembling - Twitching - Sweating - Cardiac arrhythmia - Depression - Exhaustion SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Ritalin makes Nellie hyper (methylphenidate) | Drugslab

HTBmirLHkl0 | 02 Dec 2016

Ritalin makes Nellie hyper (methylphenidate) | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner takes Ritalin (or methylphenidate) to see what effect it has on her body. Ritalin is the brand name of a drug that is prescribed for ADHD and narcolepsy (lethargy) patients. Ritalin is also often used for recreational purposes. USE: The most common way to take Ritalin is by swallowing a capsule with a glass of water. You can also pound and snort it but this is not recommended. DOSE: If you are diagnosed with ADHD, take the dose prescribed by your doctor. If you take in Ritalin for recreational purpose, never use more than 30mg (as seen in the video above). RISKS: - When overdosed: death - Vomiting - Trembling - Twitching - Sweating - Cardiac arrhythmia - Depression - Exhaustion OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens becomes horny of GHB | Drugslab

GDbARu0acww | 25 Nov 2016

Rens becomes horny of GHB | Drugslab

Rens Polman swallows the date rape drug GHB (or gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid). A transparant, odorless drug with a strong salt taste wich makes you feel warm and also a bit horny. USE: Are you about to use GHB? Keep the following things in mind: - Always mix GHB with water or soda. - Don't use GHB on an empty stomach, it increases the risk on an overdose. Also don't use GHB on a full stomach. That increases the risk on puking. Just eat a normal meal and wait for 2 hours before intake. DOSE: It’s hard to dose GHB the right way. The dose depends on: - Your experience - Your stomach contents - Your sensitivity for GHB - The pureness of the GHB RISKS: - It is VERY addictive - Black-outs - Sexual disinhibition - Shaking, nausea, puking, dizziness - Confusing - Convulsions - Amnesia - Possible brain damage SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English / Russian subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

GHB - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

NJYZaSnxBI8 | 25 Nov 2016

GHB - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks of using GHB (or gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid). A transparant, odorless liquid with a strong salty taste. USE: Are you about to use GHB? Keep the following things in mind: - Always mix GHB with water or soda. - Don't use GHB on an empty stomach, it increases the risk on an overdose. Also don't use GHB on a full stomach. That increases the risk on puking. Just eat a normal meal and wait for 2 hours before intake. DOSE: It’s hard to dose GHB the right way. The dose depends on: - Your experience - Your stomach contents - Your sensitivity for GHB - The pureness of the GHB RISKS: - It is VERY addictive - Black-outs - Sexual disinhibition - Shaking, nausea, puking, dizziness - Confusing - Convulsions - Amnesia - Possible brain damage SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English / Russian subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan inhales poppers | Drugslab

FypuQHjUY2E | 18 Nov 2016

Bastiaan inhales poppers | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman inhales the vapor of the drug Poppers (Amyl Nitrite). A yellow, stinking and most of all, flammable liquid that brings you in a daze of 2 minutes. USE: Are you about to use Poppers? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t use poppers when you have low blood pressure, if your are prone to fainting or if you have heart problems. - Make sure you can sit or lie down when using poppers. And don’t hold anything in your hands. A cigarette is especially dangerous, because poppers are highly flammable. - Be careful when you inhale it. Avoid contact met your skin, nasal mucosa or eyes. - Don’t combine it with other drugs and especially not with Viagra. DOSE: It’s hard to name a precise dose, because it is a volatile substance. One good inhalation from the bottle or handkerchief will make you feel the effect already. It starts working after 10 seconds and lasts 1 or 2 minutes. RISKS: - Headache or dizziness - Loss of consciousness, possible fainting - Palpitations - Irritation of the skin (when the liquid comes in contact with skin) - Poppers are highly flammable - Brain damage - (psychological) dependence. SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Poppers - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

_kmpudKTdJQ | 18 Nov 2016

Poppers - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks of using poppers (Amyl Nitrite). A yellow, stinking and most of all, flammable liquid that brings you in a daze of 2 minutes. USE: Are you about to use Poppers? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t use poppers when you have low blood pressure, if you are prone to fainting or if you have heart problems. - Make sure you can sit or lie down when using poppers. And don’t hold anything in your hands. A cigarette is especially dangerous, because poppers are highly flammable. - Be careful when you inhale it. Avoid contact met your skin, nasal mucosa or eyes. - Don’t combine it with other drugs and especially not with Viagra. DOSE: It’s hard to name a precise dose, because it is a volatile substance. One good inhalation from the bottle or handkerchief will make you feel the effect already. It starts working after 10 seconds and lasts 1 or 2 minutes. RISKS: - Headache or dizziness - Loss of consciousness, possible fainting - Palpitations - Irritation of the skin (when the liquid comes in contact with skin) - Poppers are highly flammable - Brain damage - (psychological) dependence. SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Hash (hashish) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Ohbx8DAG5W8 | 11 Nov 2016

Hash (hashish) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Hash/Hashish is an extracted product from the cannabis plant. The most important substance in Hash is THC (Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol). Getting stoned or high can be a fun experience but there are risks to smoking a joint. Therefore, Bastiaan Rosman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks. USE: Are you planning to smoke a joint? Keep the following things in mind: - Be informed about the type, strength and effect when purchasing the hash. - Start with a small puff and wait a moment to see what kind of effect it has. - Be prepared and take care of yourself. For example, make sure you have (healthy) drinks and food because you might get the munchies. - Consuming Hash via a vaporizer is less harmfull and risky than eating or smoking. DOSE: The dose depends on the person and the amount of THC and CBD in your hash. With 1 gram of hash you can make 3-6 joints. Start with just a few puffs and decide for yourself if you can handle more. RISKS: - Nausea - Trigger of psychoses - Damage to the lungs. - Addiction SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie smokes hash (hashish) | Drugslab

6-hTMbdmscU | 11 Nov 2016

Nellie smokes hash (hashish) | Drugslab

Hash/Hashish is an extracted product from the cannabis plant. The most important substance in Hash is THC (Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol). The most common way of using Hash is smoking a joint, so that is exactly what Nellie Benner is going to do in this video. USE: Are you planning to smoke a joint? Keep the following things in mind: - Be informed about the type, strength and effect when purchasing the hash. - Start with a small puff and wait a moment to see what kind of effect it has. - Be prepared and take care of yourself. For example, make sure you have (healthy) drinks and food because you might get the munchies. - Consuming Hash via a vaporizer is less harmfull and risky than eating or smoking. DOSE: The dose depends on the person and the amount of THC and CBD in your hash. With 1 gram of hash you can make 3-6 joints. Start with just a few puffs and decide for yourself if you can handle more. RISKS: - Nausea - Trigger of psychoses - Damage to the lungs. - Addiction SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens swallows pure Caffeine | Drugslab

oTisJEey-aA | 04 Nov 2016

Rens swallows pure Caffeine | Drugslab

Caffeine is one of the most stimulating substance used worldwide. Normally Rens Polman doesn’t consume caffeine very often, but for this video he makes an exception. USE: Are you a lover of caffeine in de form of for example coffee or energy drinks? Keep the following things in mind: - Use it frequently. There is a possibility to get addicted to caffeine. - Use caffeine only after consuming a good and healthy meal. - Don’t combine a high dose of caffeine with uppers (cocaine, speed, XTC/MDMA). - If you have symptoms like headache, feeling restless and anxiety, stop with consuming caffeine for a while. DOSE: Recommended is a maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Which is equal to 5 cups of coffee a day. RISKS: - Restlessness and insomnia - Irritation of the stomach; nausea - Headache - Addiction SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Caffeine - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

YyOF3IWFrGY | 04 Nov 2016

Caffeine - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Caffeine is one of the most stimulating substance used worldwide. Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using caffeine. USE: Are you a lover of caffeine in de form of for example coffee or energy drinks? Keep the following things in mind: - Use it frequently. There is a possibility to get addicted to caffeine. - Use caffeine only after consuming a good and healthy meal. - Don’t combine a high dose of caffeine with uppers (cocaine, speed, XTC/MDMA). - If you have symptoms like headache, feeling restless and anxiety, stop with consuming caffeine for a while. DOSE: Recommended is a maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Which is equal to 5 cups of coffee a day. RISKS: - Restlessness and insomnia - Irritation of the stomach; nausea - Headache - Addiction SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan trips balls on LSD (Acid) | Drugslab

ByWxLR7M39M | 28 Oct 2016

Bastiaan trips balls on LSD (Acid) | Drugslab

Bastiaan Rosman tries the psychedelic drug LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and thanks to this small papertrip he experiences a heavy trip. USE: Are you about to try LSD? Keep the following things in mind: - The trip from LSD takes a long time. The effects can last for 12 hours. - Therefore, a comfortable setting and a sober tripsitter is very important and can help you experiencing a good trip. - Take a day off after using LSD. You will need this to recover and to process the whole experience. - A LSD-trip is quite similar to a trip from magic mushrooms. If you don’t like magic mushrooms, don’t try LSD. DOSE: LSD is a heavy substance, so you don’t need much for a heavy trip. For a normal to heavy trip the average is 50-150 micrograms. Be careful with microdots (pills), these are more strong (100-250 micrograms) than papertrips. RISKS: - Nausea and puking - Bad trip - Trigger for psychosis and flashbacks SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

LSD (Acid) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

bHOVZ_Tb3ik | 28 Oct 2016

LSD (Acid) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a very heavy psychedelic drug. Bastiaan Rosman tries a papertrip and experiences a LSD-trip in the other video. In this video Rens Polman tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks when using LSD. USE: Are you about to try LSD? Keep the following things in mind: - The trip from LSD takes a long time. The effects can last for 12 hours. - Therefore, a comfortable setting and a sober tripsitter is very important and can help you experiencing a good trip. - Take a day off after using LSD. You will need this to recover and to process the whole experience. - A LSD-trip is quite similar to a trip from magic mushrooms. If you don’t like magic mushrooms, don’t try LSD. DOSE: LSD is a heavy substance, so you don’t need much for a heavy trip. For a normal to heavy trip the average is 50-150 micrograms. Be careful with microdots (pills), these are more strong (100-250 micrograms) than papertrips. RISKS: - Nausea and puking - Bad trip - Trigger for psychosis and flashbacks SUBTITLES Don’t understand Dutch? Make sure the English subtitles are activated. You can select these in settings. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Magic mushrooms - do's and don'ts | Drugslab

E7T1BbnFxpM | 21 Oct 2016

Magic mushrooms - do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Rens Polman has experienced the negative effects of magic mushrooms in the other video. Therefore Nellie Benner tells you the do’s and don’ts to reduce the risks. USE: Are you about to try magic mushrooms? Keep the following things in mind: - You have to chew for a long time, because it will be absorbed via your oral mucosa. - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before eating mushrooms, to prevent nausea. - Take a day off after using magic mushrooms, because you need to process the heavy experience. - Don’t use it when you are predisposed for psychosis. DOSE: The dose depends on the type of mushroom and if you have dried or fresh mushrooms. Fresh: 10 gram is enough for a good and strong trip. Dried: Between 1,5-3 gram is enough for a good and strong trip. RISKS: - Bad trip - Flashbacks/Psychosis OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens trips on magic mushrooms | Drugslab

9-RFRnKI3q8 | 21 Oct 2016

Rens trips on magic mushrooms | Drugslab

Rens Polman eats dried psychedelic mushrooms with the active substance psilocybin and psilocin, known as magic mushrooms. During his trip he experiences that taking drugs is not always fun. USE: Are you about to try magic mushrooms? Keep the following things in mind: - You have to chew for a long time, because it will be absorbed via your oral mucosa. - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before eating mushrooms, to prevent nausea. - Take a day off after using magic mushrooms, because you need to process the heavy experience. - Don’t use it when you are predisposed for psychosis. DOSE: The dose depends on the type of mushroom and if you have dried or fresh mushrooms. Fresh: 10 gram is enough for a good and strong trip. Dried: Between 1,5-3 gram is enough for a good and strong trip. RISKS: - Bad trip - Flashbacks/Psychosis OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

50.000 Subscribers after 7 weeks, party! | Drugslab

Jc6npVeiQrM | 20 Oct 2016

50.000 Subscribers after 7 weeks, party! | Drugslab

Online since 9 September, and already more than 50,000 subscribers! So, time to celebrate! From all over the world, you guys follow us to see us try the drugs you are curious about. And if it’s up to us, this is only the beginning! Cheers! OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

MDMA crystals - Do's and dont's | Drugslab

N8uB8IuP6Ps | 14 Oct 2016

MDMA crystals - Do's and dont's | Drugslab

MDMA is not good for your health and the use of the substance always comes with risks. In this video Bastiaan provides you of the most important do's and don'ts to limit the risks. USE: When taking MDMA powder or “crystals”, the user licks small amounts of the substance from a wet finger. This way, the dose can slowly be increased. Another option is to put the powder in a capsule or to roll it in cigarette paper (creating a “bomb”) and then to swallow it. Very occasionally MDMA powder is snorted and it can also be smoked, but this almost never happens. MDMA can damage your tooth enamel; if you dissolve the powder in a drink or lick it up, you increase the chance of damaging your teeth. DOSE: A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie dances on MDMA crystals | Drugslab

zptnnYPNBN4 | 14 Oct 2016

Nellie dances on MDMA crystals | Drugslab

In this video Nellie Benner takes in MDMA crystals to see what effect it has on her body. MDMA is a psychoactive drug used primarily as a recreational drug. Desired effects of MDMA include increased empathy, euphoria, and heightened sensations. USE: When taking MDMA powder or “crystals”, the user licks small amounts of the substance from a wet finger. This way, the dose can slowly be increased. Another option is to put the powder in a capsule or to roll it in cigarette paper (creating a “bomb”) and then to swallow it. Very occasionally MDMA powder is snorted and it can also be smoked, but this almost never happens. MDMA can damage your tooth enamel; if you dissolve the powder in a drink or lick it up, you increase the chance of damaging your teeth. DOSE: A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan sniffs ketamine (special K) | Drugslab

Xt7qYyJw8C4 | 07 Oct 2016

Bastiaan sniffs ketamine (special K) | Drugslab

This episode of Drugslab, Bastiaan Rosman is going to experience the dissociative effects by sniffing ketamine (2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone). Ketamine has been developed as an anesthetic for veterinary medicine. USE: Are you about to use ketamine? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before using ketamine, to prevent nausea. - Possible effects are disorientation and reduced motor skills. So make sure you can sit or lay down when you use ketamine. - Keep in mind that the after-effects can last for 2-3 hours. - In case of a (too) high dose, you can end up in a K-hole. We strongly advice against. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired effect. If you sniff ketamine, a dose to start with is between 20mg-50mg. First time? Start with 20mg and wait for at least 15/20 minutes to see what kind of effect is has. RISKS: - K-hole (from about 100mg) - Ketamine anesthetized; so you can injure yourself without noticing. - Nausea and puking. - Disorientation and reduced motor skills. - Heavy regular use can lead to problems with your kidney and bladder. - Heavy regular use can lead to addiction. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Ketamine (special K ) - do's and don'ts | Drugslab

ZWW4NODR05c | 07 Oct 2016

Ketamine (special K ) - do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Using ketamine is not without risks. For example, you can end up in a K-hole, which can be very unpleasant and dangerous. To reduce the risks, Rens Polman tells you in this video the do’s and don’ts. USE: Are you about to use ketamine? Keep the following things in mind: - Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before using ketamine, to prevent nausea. - Possible effects are disorientation and reduced motor skills. So make sure you can sit or lay down when you use ketamine. - Keep in mind that the after-effects can last for 2-3 hours. - In case of a (too) high dose, you can end up in a K-hole. We strongly advice against. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired effect. If you sniff ketamine, a dose to start with is between 20mg-50mg. First time? Start with 20mg and wait for at least 15/20 minutes to see what kind of effect is has. RISKS: - K-hole (from about 100mg) - Ketamine anesthetized; so you can injure yourself without noticing. - Nausea and puking. - Disorientation and reduced motor skills. - Heavy regular use can lead to problems with your kidney and bladder. - Heavy regular use can lead to addiction. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens & Bastiaan fly high on nitrous oxide (N20) | Drugslab

tfSqqs5SqZ0 | 30 Sep 2016

Rens & Bastiaan fly high on nitrous oxide (N20) | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman and Bastiaan Rosman inhale laughing gas (N2O – Nitrous Oxide). What does this colourless and slightly sweet odor/tasting gas to your body? See it for yourself. USE: Are you’re about to use a balloon? Keep the following things in mind: - Use laughing gas from a balloon, never from a cartridge or dispenser. Therewith you avoid frostbite, chokings and lack of oxygen. - Make sure you can sit or lay down when you use laughing gas. - Don’t use it too often! Frequently use can cause brain damage. - Never use laughing gas when you’re having a cold. Laughing gas expands in air, so your eardrum could pop. Besides earache it can also lead to permanent hearing damage. - Mixing nitrous oxide with alcohol is very dangerous as it can increase the risks. DOSE: 1 whipped cream charger is good for 1 balloon. After 4 inhalations all the gas from the balloon is absorbed in your body. A trip from a balloon with 1 cartridge of laughing gas is short and lasts for about 1 minute. RISKS: - Nausea and dizziness - Severe headache - Passing out - Freezing of lungs, lips, nose and vocal cords. - Heavy regular use of nitrous oxide can lead to deficiency of vitamin B12 and to a form of anaemia. - Heavy regular use can lead to brain damage and neurological disorders. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nitrous oxide (N20) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

AHvRdKLr930 | 30 Sep 2016

Nitrous oxide (N20) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

A balloon with laughing gas is used at many (home)parties and for most of the people it seems innocent. Unfortunately using laughing gas is not without risks and it can even be harmful. That is why you have to take the do’s and don’ts in mind, to reduce the risks. USE: Are you’re about to use a balloon? Keep the following things in mind: - Use laughing gas from a balloon, never from a cartridge or dispenser. Therewith you avoid frostbite, chokings and lack of oxygen. - Make sure you can sit or lay down when you use laughing gas. - Don’t use it too often! Frequently use can cause brain damage. - Never use laughing gas when you’re having a cold. Laughing gas expands in air, so your eardrum could pop. Besides earache it can also lead to permanent hearing damage. - Mixing nitrous oxide with alcohol is very dangerous as it can increase the risks. DOSE: 1 whipped cream charger is good for 1 balloon. After 4 inhalations all the gas from the balloon is absorbed in your body. A trip from a balloon with 1 cartridge of laughing gas is short and lasts for about 1 minute. RISKS: - Nausea and dizziness - Severe headache - Passing out - Freezing of lungs, lips, nose and vocal cords. - Heavy regular use of nitrous oxide can lead to deficiency of vitamin B12 and to a form of anaemia. - Heavy regular use can lead to brain damage and neurological disorders. OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

2C-B - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

h_lIZWBKqeM | 23 Sep 2016

2C-B - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

The trip from 2C-B can be influenced very easily, which unfortunately also can proves negativily and can lead to a bad trip. Therefore, Rens explains in this video the most important do’s and don’ts when using 2C-B. USE: When you’re about to use 2C-B, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Especially when it’s your first time, use 2C-B in a comfortable setting. - You can control your trip positively, with nice people, music and videos. - Are the effects unpleasant? Take some vitaminC, dextrose or some sweet drinks. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired trip and the strength of your pill. A low dose (5-15mg) gives you an euphoric and energetic effect.  From a high dose (15mg and higher) you can hallucinate. The effects of 2C-B lasts for 4-6 hours. RIKS: - Nauseous and vomit. - Triggering or increase of mental disorders. - Freak out / bad trip OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Nellie trips on 2C-B | Drugslab

2-S2o3tZltU | 23 Sep 2016

Nellie trips on 2C-B | Drugslab

This week Nellie Benner tries the drug 2C-B, to show you what effect it has on the human mind and body. The active substance in 2C-B is 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. A trip of 2C-B is also called a mental journey. USE: When you’re about to use 2C-B, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Especially when it’s your first time, use 2C-B in a comfortable setting. - You can control your trip positively, with nice people, music and videos. - Are the effects unpleasant? Take some vitaminC, dextrose or some sweet drinks. DOSE: The dose depends on the desired trip and the strength of your pill. A low dose (5-15mg) gives you an euphoric and energetic effect.  From a high dose (15mg and higher) you can hallucinate. The effects of 2C-B lasts for 4-6 hours. RIKS: - Nauseous and vomit. - Triggering or increase of mental disorders. - Freak out / bad trip OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Bastiaan eats spacecake (cannabis / THC) | Drugslab

Vh-wd69g8uc | 16 Sep 2016

Bastiaan eats spacecake (cannabis / THC) | Drugslab

In this video Bastiaan Rosman eats spacecake to see what effect it has on his body. The spacecake Bastiaan eats contains weed (or cannabis). The principal psychoactive constituent of weed is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. Desired effects of THC include feeling relaxed, increased creativity, enhanced sensory perception and sometimes laughing fits. USE: When you’re about to eat spacecake, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Eat spacecake in a comfortable setting with people you feel comfy with. - Start with a small piece of cake. The effects of eating spacecake are often underestimated and can be very overwhelming. - Never mix spacecake with other drugs. - Do not eat spacecake before participating in traffic or going to school. DOSE: The right dosage is very hard to determine when eating spacecake. The effects of the THC don’t arrive gradually so you risk eating too much. About to try spacecake? Wait for at least 90 minutes before eating more. We recommend not to eat more than a slice of 1cm thick. RISKS: - Feeling nauseous - Becoming dizzy - Cannabis psychosis (anxiety attack / hallucinations / confused) - Passing out - Triggering or increase of mental disorders OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Spacecake (cannabis / THC) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

VJQd2-4cKdU | 16 Sep 2016

Spacecake (cannabis / THC) - Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Eating spacecake (containing THC) is not good for your health and the use of the substance comes with risks. In this video Nellie provides you of the most important do's and don'ts to limit the risks. USE: When you’re about to eat spacecake, you should keep a couple of things in mind: - Eat spacecake in a comfortable setting with people you feel comfy with. - Start with a small piece of cake. The effects of eating spacecake are often underestimated and can be very overwhelming. - Never mix spacecake with other drugs. - Do not eat spacecake before participating in traffic or going to school. DOSE: The right dosage is very hard to determine when eating spacecake. The effects of the THC don’t arrive gradually so you risk eating too much. About to try spacecake? Wait for at least 30 minutes before eating more. We recommend not to eat more than a slice of 1cm thick. RISKS: - Feeling nauseous - Becoming dizzy - Cannabis psychosis (anxiety attack / hallucinations / confused) - Passing out - Triggering or increase of mental disorders OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs, funded by the Dutch government. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Rh5q42acRW8 | 09 Sep 2016

Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) Do's and don'ts | Drugslab

Ecstasy is not good for your health and the use of the substance comes with risks. In this video Nellie provides you of the most important do's and don'ts to limit the risks. USE: Usually MDMA is swallowed in pill form (Ecstasy). Because every tablet contains a different amount of the active ingredient, you never know how much MDMA you take in when you swallow a whole, a half or a quarter tablet. DOSE: The dose of MDMA in ecstasy pills varies widely. Also, some tablets can contain a different (dangerous) substance like PM(M)A or mCPP. These substances are more harmful than MDMA and can cause unpleasant side effects. A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!

Rens tries Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

CLZKrEUGx74 | 09 Sep 2016

Rens tries Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) | Drugslab

In this video Rens Polman takes in Ecstasy (XTC / MDMA) to see what effect it has on his body. XTC is a psychoactive drug used primarily as a recreational drug. Desired effects of XTC (or MDMA) include increased empathy, euphoria, and heightened sensations. USE: Usually MDMA is swallowed in pill form (Ecstasy). Because every tablet contains a different amount of the active ingredient, you never know how much MDMA you take in when you swallow a whole, a half or a quarter tablet. DOSE: The dose of MDMA in ecstasy pills varies widely. Also, some tablets can contain a different (dangerous) substance like PM(M)A or mCPP. These substances are more harmful than MDMA and can cause unpleasant side effects. A recreational dose is between 1 and 1.5 mg MDMA for each kilogram body weight per occasion (or between 0.4 and 0.7 mg MDMA for each pound body weight). This means that when you weigh 60 kg (or 130 pounds), a recreational dose would be between 60 and 90 mg MDMA for the whole evening. Does your tablet contain more than 180 mg MDMA? In that case, a half tablet (or two times a quarter tablet with at least one and a half hour in between) should be enough for the desired effect. If you take more, you will especially experience more unwanted effects like jaw tension, forgetfulness, confusion and nausea. Of course the use of MDMA is never without risks, but if you follow this advice you can limit the risks and side effects as much as possible. RISKS: - Overheating (hyperthermia) - Water intoxication (hyponatremia) - Serotonin syndrome (serotonin poisoning) - Higher risk of heart problems (cardiovascular disease) - Epileptic seizure - Acute confusional state - Liver damage - Psychological symptoms / hangover OUR HOSTS: Rens Polman: Nellie Benner: Bastiaan Rosman: CURIOUS ABOUT A DRUG? Let us know which drug by commenting in the comment section below or by using the hashtag #DrugslabBNN. ABOUT DRUGSLAB: Drugslab is an educational YouTube channel about drugs. On this YouTube channel we, Rens Polman, Nellie Benner and Bastiaan Rosman, will take in the drugs you want us to try. We do this in the name of science so we can show you what the effect of drugs are on the human body. You can suggest any type of drug by commenting in the comment section below the videos or by using the hashtag #drugslab. Besides our weekly experiment, we provide you of safe methods of use, safe doses, the effects, the risks and very useful do's and don'ts when high on drugs. Given by experienced epicureans. Light it up people, in the name of science! Peace. ABOUT BNN: BNN is a Dutch public broadcasting association. The broadcasting association was founded in 1997 by Bart de Graaff. The focus of the broadcasting association lies on reaching teenagers and young adults. BNN produces entertainment and informative television programs, radio programs and feature films. Some of BNN’s programming has dealt controversial issues such as the shortage of organ donors, drugs and sex. ABOUT SPUITEN EN SLIKKEN: Drugslab is part of Spuiten en Slikken. Spuiten en Slikken (translated as Shoot and Swallow) is a Dutch program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs that started in 2005. It has been broadcasted since on BNN. The aim of the program is to educate youngsters. In the show discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The program also features small reports about certain types of drugs and the effects of them, as well as different aspects of sex. WARNING: The following show serves an educational purpose in relation to the use of drugs and the effects of using drugs. It is explicitly not the intention to encourage people to use drugs. The acts seen in this show are performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, BNN-VARA and the producers must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any activity performed on this show and BNN-VARA will not be liable for any material and/or immaterial damage if people do so!