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The Evolution of the Most Expensive Skin in League of Legends

hXXPCXSAzrg | 04 Mar 2025

The Evolution of the Most Expensive Skin in League of Legends

🕹 Don’t let your browser hold you back from victory. Dominate the Rift now: Sponsored by Opera GX! League of Legends generates billions of dollars every year from players like you and I spending a couple dollars on costumes for our favorite champions. And for years, skins in League were never very costly. With the most expensive skins for a long time being Ultimate Skins which had a cost of $25. But, things change. And now we have skins approaching $500 and skins with gacha systems allowing players to spend more money than ever before. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Old reddit thread talking about Ezreal ultimate skin: Prestige Senna SkinSpotlights: Anniebot obtaining Hextech Annie skin: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens IF Pro Players Surrender? | League of Legends

q4K6vup-Gz8 | 20 Jan 2025

What Happens IF Pro Players Surrender? | League of Legends

🕹 Don’t let your browser hold you back from victory. Dominate the Rift now: Sponsored by Opera GX! League of Legends is one of, if not the biggest esport of all time. With that, comes a long history and a lot of trial and error before getting things right. In this case, Riot Games has changed the rules within professional tournaments as time has gone on. Some things that were allowed back then, are now completely against the rules. today we take a look at some of the unspoken rules. Like, surrendering. Links to sources of the videos and data used: FNC surrenders vs T1 and Faker: Denied Penta in the LPL: Fined for leaving the game: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens to Toxic Pro Players? | League of Legends

NpC0JPa04qI | 23 Nov 2024

What Happens to Toxic Pro Players? | League of Legends

🕹 Stop feeding. Get Opera GX and dominate the Rift now: Sponsored by Opera GX! League of Legends is one of the few games that has allowed it's players to pursue lucrative careers by just being good at the game. However, despite these great opportunities some players are incapable of following tournament rules and end up making some interesting mistakes. Today we're looking at some of the players who couldn't resist being toxic and receiving punishments from Riot Games. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Cloud9 Emenes retires: Worlds Mad Lions Coach trolling: IWillDominate Podcast: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens When Pro Players "Mis-Click"? | League of Legends

zhJpERLXXM8 | 09 Oct 2024

What Happens When Pro Players "Mis-Click"? | League of Legends

Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more: League of Legends has been hosting professional tournaments for well over a decade at this point. During this time we've seen some of the best players in the world showcase why they're better than the average solo queue player. However, sometimes they remind us that maybe we're not so different. Today we're looking at some of the biggest in game mistakes made by professional players. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Jungler at Worlds 2024 forgets to buy items: LPL Player fined for forgetting to take smite: Faker wrong summoner spell: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Skins Riot Games Will Never Sell Again | League of Legends

0JkA2epIMRA | 18 Sep 2024

The Skins Riot Games Will Never Sell Again | League of Legends

Join free tournaments and win prizes on Repeat! League of Legends popularized the practice of giving you a free game and then later making money by selling you skins. Specifically non "Pay to win" skins. However, some of these skins are now over 15 years old. Making them rare and exclusively sought after. Although for most of these skins, if you don't already own them, you will never be able to obtain them in your account now. Today we're looking at some of the rarest skins in League that are no longer obtainable. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Credit to SkinSpotlights for skin gameplays: T1 Skins: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Riot Games CONTINUES To Censor League of Legends

9lZ5pUyCeKY | 08 Sep 2024

How Riot Games CONTINUES To Censor League of Legends

Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more: League of Legends continues to somehow be relevant and grow in both popularity and age. And as time goes on, some content in the game seizes to exist. Whether this is basic content like pings and communication features, or skins and emotes deemed offense to some players. Today we're taking a look at more content that has eventually been censored by Riot Games. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Akali and Ksante emotes removed: More removed voice lines: SkinSpotlights credit: Wild Rift comparisons by: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Pro Player Lost $2,000 By Accidentally Cheating

EUOCkuAnIw0 | 25 Aug 2024

How A Pro Player Lost $2,000 By Accidentally Cheating

Get 20% off your first 3 teammates!: League of Legends professional players get paid a lot of money to play the game. But with that comes a lot of rules that each player needs to follow in order to avoid suspensions and hefty monetary fines. But every once in a while... A player slips up and receives very significant punishments. Today we're specifically taking a look at times when players got in trouble although it was technically not their fault. Links to sources of the videos and data used: LEC Player fined: LPL Player strange fine: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How a $499.99 Skin Changed League of Legends

CER8oNr2hwU | 01 Jul 2024

How a $499.99 Skin Changed League of Legends

League of Legends is one of the big reasons why games today are all monetized by selling "skins". When League came out over a decade ago with skins costing a handful of dollars, no one would've thought that 15 years later players would be spending $500 dollars on just one skin for one champion. But, here we are. Immortalized Legend Ahri is now the most expensive skin the game, existing as an honor to the pro player Faker. But if you want to honor him, you better have a lot of money to spend on pixels. Links to sources of the videos and data used: SkinSpotlights Ahri video: Faker picks Ahri but not the skin: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Is Riot Games ACTUALLY Spying on your Computer?

beCrenObQtU | 24 Jun 2024

Is Riot Games ACTUALLY Spying on your Computer?

League of Legends officially released Vanguard as a mandatory anti-cheat in May 2024. Since then, many players have run into technical difficulties through interactions with the program. There has also been many questions regarding Vanguard's integrity and safety for it's users. However, this has resulted in a lot of misinformation and creating fake outrage. Today we take a look into exactly what Vanguard is about and figure out if it's as bad as some people make it seem to be. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Riot Games responds to Vanguard Bricking computers: Official League of Legends video speaking on banning 40k cheaters: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How "Controversial" Skins Are Censored in League of Legends

YsDeCJ-s-xE | 31 May 2024

How "Controversial" Skins Are Censored in League of Legends

Join free tournaments and win prizes on Repeat! League of Legends has been adding content to the game for well over a decade. With that, not everything they release is received positively or also stands the test of time. From content surrounding the game, to players having issues with new skin releases. Today we take a look at what happens to controversial skins in the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Original Graves Cigar post: Ahri Faker SkinSpotlights Video: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens if the Internet Stops Working? | League of Legends Esports

GMb2W5f11kc | 31 Mar 2024

What Happens if the Internet Stops Working? | League of Legends Esports

Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code NicolaiLol for an extra 3 months free at League of Legends is now approaching on 15 years of existence. That includes professional esports as well. And over time while players are earning more money than ever before and tournaments continue to become more and more of a spectacle, it's still all based on a video game. And like any other video game, things can sometimes fail to work. Today we take a look at some of the times when tournament matches had to be paused due to a bug or some other kind of technical difficulty. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vandiril Flash bug: 7 hour pause: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why Some Players Are BUYING Iron Accounts | League of Legends

APiqiVYPV88 | 01 Mar 2024

Why Some Players Are BUYING Iron Accounts | League of Legends

Join free tournaments and win prizes on Repeat! League of Legends separates it's players into 10 different ranks. Starting at Iron being the lowest and Challenger the highest. However, Both the lowest and highest ranks in the game are home to less than 1% of the player base. One is self explainable but the other makes you wonder... What is going on in Iron 4? Today we take a look at what's happening in the lowest rank in the game and along the way we learn about the legend Kadeem Alford. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Kadeem: 100% Win Rate Master Yi footage: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why This Account Spends 12 Hours Per Day Playing League of Legends

tVTEYKRN4PU | 13 Dec 2023

Why This Account Spends 12 Hours Per Day Playing League of Legends

The Mastery Point system in League of Legends provides players with a badge of honor to display how familiar they are with their favorite champions. However, it would take almost 2000 games to reach 1 million mastery points. Meaning that players with several millions have spent a longer time on the rift than you'd imagine. Today we're taking a look at the record breaking Teemo player who has over 20 million mastery points on one champion. The most by any account. But reportedly his commitment to Teemo stems from a commitment of love... Links to sources of the videos and data used: Teemo story: Previous record holder: List of players with the highest mastery points: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens When Riot Games Regrets an Update | League of Legends

P3omq2gqTi4 | 01 Dec 2023

What Happens When Riot Games Regrets an Update | League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is a very old game at this point. With years of changes and updates it's no surprise that there's updates and features that Riot Games has added into the game only to regret the change and eventually remove it all together. Today we're looking at some of the features and additions made to the game that were in the game for the least amount of time. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Chemtech Dragon Disabled: Riot regrets changing the ranked system: ARAM bans removed: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Riot Games is Slowly Removing The Chat in League of Legends

m85keX5WZf4 | 27 Nov 2023

How Riot Games is Slowly Removing The Chat in League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is a team based game that relies on communication. However, due to a significant portion of the player base not being the most friendly, there are things in place to stop players from creating an over whelming toxic experience. But, as time goes on, Riot Games still tries to find a solution to the toxicity in game. This time they announce in their new patch notes that they're removing more of the communication features. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Rioter was pinged before making change: Removal of all chat: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Riot Games is Censoring League of Legends Tournaments

YTbTWHGtojQ | 25 Sep 2023

How Riot Games is Censoring League of Legends Tournaments

🕹 Get a browser that’s literally better at everything: Sponsored by Opera GX! League of Legends has been running professional tournaments for almost 15 years now. But, with time and increasing popularity, the developers have had to step in and make more and more specific rules to make sure everything is up to a certain standards. Most rules make clear sense, while others leave players wondering why they even exist. Today we're talking specifically about those kinds of rules. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Asian Games esports caster rules: Pro team forfeits over gacha game: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Professional Team Lost 39 Straight Matches

sT8n79tnsm8 | 30 Jul 2023

How A Professional Team Lost 39 Straight Matches

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends players are familiar with what it's like to go on a lose streak. You lose a ton of LP and demote your rank. But even worse than than going on a lose streak in solo queue, is going on a lose streak as a pro player. Losing game after game while being paid thousands of dollars to play the game. Today we look at times when esports teams went on record breaking losing streaks. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vaevictis esports kicked from league: V3 esports from Japan set new record: Naehyun legend: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens When A Bug Occurs in Pro Games? | League of Legends

2sqeV6EYGnc | 16 Jul 2023

What Happens When A Bug Occurs in Pro Games? | League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is one of the highest viewed esports. And although the game hardly ever has any problems at tournaments, sometimes a bad bug happens and the game completely crashes live on stage. Sometimes, Riot is capable of fixing the bug and the game moves on. But on the rare occasion that the bug cant be fixed, the game is completely lost and players are forced to play the game all over again regardless of how much time they spent. Today we look at those times when the game crashed. Links to sources of the videos and data used: LCS team wins without breaking Nexus: Faker accident Flash: LEC game canceled and remade: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Pro Player Lost $10,000 By Accidentally Trolling

xyqNyHVxp7s | 30 Jun 2023

How A Pro Player Lost $10,000 By Accidentally Trolling

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends esports has now existed for well over a decade and has provided many gamers the opportunity to have a career from gaming. However, like all competitions, these esports tournaments have their own rules and sometimes, players simply forget the rules. From picking the wrong items, forgetting to take smite, everyone makes mistakes. But often times making these mistakes in a professional tournament could lead to suspensions and fines. Today we look into those mistakes. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Coach suspended after player bought the a disabled item: Fined for forgetting to take smite: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Riot Games FIRED EMPLOYEES For Being Bad at League of Legends

PqnYjjlNdqY | 28 May 2023

How Riot Games FIRED EMPLOYEES For Being Bad at League of Legends

✅ Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant 🎉 Log into the game for 7 days between now and July 24th and get a free legendary champion Artak. 💥Check out Raid’s new limited animated series Call of the Arbiter here: Riot Games is the company behind League of Legends and they reportedly have over 4,000 employees. But with so many different people working on the games you're bound to run into some bad apples. League as a game is known for having toxic players so it makes sense that some Riot employees would be toxic as well. Today we're looking at employees who got fired due to their actions surrounding the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Rioter loses job over Tyler1: Riot Zed Discord: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happens To CHEATERS After They're Exposed?

GQOoep9cY24 | 07 May 2023

What Happens To CHEATERS After They're Exposed?

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is one of the biggest esports in the world. With players sometimes earning over a million dollars a year just to play the game at the highest level. But like any other competition, there will always be a handful of players that attempt to cheat. In this case we're looking at players who cheated in one way or another to further their esports career. And after they were caught, what happened? Links to sources of the videos and data used: Tyler1 full discovery of the win trading couple: LEC Player Bo banned from the LPL: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Can You Actually Get BANNED For DYING Too Much? | League of Legends

VQ3zYnci44M | 01 May 2023

Can You Actually Get BANNED For DYING Too Much? | League of Legends

Join free tournaments at League of Legends has had a problem with players intentionally feeding since the very beginning. Something about League makes players do and say horrible things. However, the issue comes from Riot Games' failure to quickly detect which players are trolling or not. So, today we try to figure out how many deaths does it take for your account to be banned? Links to sources of the videos and data used: Tyler1 meets EUW Syndra: Thebausffs Rammus game: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Challenger Players Are CHEATING And Not Banned | League of Legends

P94mgHN3D6I | 17 Apr 2023

How Challenger Players Are CHEATING And Not Banned | League of Legends

🕹 Get a browser that’s literally better at everything: Sponsored by Opera GX! League of Legends is one of the few games that has done a good job at preventing players from cheating. Of course, that hasn't stopped people from trying. Over the years tons of players have been permanently banned due to running cheating programs. However, with trial and error these programs have improved and it's possible that Riot Games is now struggling to handle cheaters at the speed in which they used to. What's most surprising though is that some of the highest ranked players in the game are taking advantage of said cheats. Today we take a look at how Challenger players are using cheats. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Challenger player caught scripting: Faker plays with scripter: Riot Games hacked: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A 2 HOUR GAME of League of Legends Never Ended

dbK0CNq9TOo | 25 Mar 2023

How A 2 HOUR GAME of League of Legends Never Ended

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends esports has now been a thing for over a decade. With time the game has improved and tournaments and events are now over all better. However, Riot Games stays true to their roots and every once in a while mistakes happen. From computer issues, to the game just now working, today we take a look at some of more interesting technical difficulties at esports events. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Internet fails at Worlds: Zven talks about outside esports: LPL Players says he's sick after doing a horrible Flash play: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Is League of Legends ACTUALLY Pay To Win? | Skins

l7xGgkgb3WI | 25 Feb 2023

Is League of Legends ACTUALLY Pay To Win? | Skins

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends was one of the first games to offer "skins" as the sole micro transaction in a free game. The skins would provide no power ups and were entirely cosmetic. It wouldn't take long until that became the normal way of monetizing a free video game. However, sometimes Riot slips up and some skins have slight advantages over others. Today we take a look at what these advantages are and how some skins even have disadvantages. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Esports coach who shared the original list: Many of the skin clips are from SkinSpotlights: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Streamer Was Trolled Into Playing A 3 HOUR GAME of League of Legends

G0fyzUN4OyM | 21 Feb 2023

How A Streamer Was Trolled Into Playing A 3 HOUR GAME of League of Legends

Download Clash Royale for FREE: League of Legends is known for having a very large player base that consists of many toxic players. And that perception is unfortunately very true at times. Today we are looking at some of the most bizarre situations created by trolls within the game. From Korean streamers being banned, to getting your team disqualified at an esports event. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Viral thread regarding the korean streamer: Korean Troll scam: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching! #leagueoflegends #esports #clashroyale

Why Pro Gamers Were FIRED Over Dumb Reasons | League of Legends, Valorant, and More

ZCCYpxlwgVM | 12 Feb 2023

Why Pro Gamers Were FIRED Over Dumb Reasons | League of Legends, Valorant, and More

Check out Dead Cide Club! League of Legends and other games have given many opportunities for gamers to play games professionally. But as time goes on we've seen certain players blow their opportunities by making mistakes that cause them to lose their positions. From cheating, rage quitting and sometimes just being canceled online over their opinions. Today we take a look at 8 different situations where pro players we're dropped by their esports teams. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Tanukana Pro female esports player drama: Valorant cheater: Optic Forsaken: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Most HATED League of Legends Champions In History

p8upbR3J_8g | 28 Jan 2023

The Most HATED League of Legends Champions In History

🕹Download for FREE: Join the millions of gamers optimizing their setup with the Opera GX browser. League of Legends has released over 150 playable characters over the years. Some of which are fan favorites, while others aren't very well liked within the community. But some champions generate stronger opinions than others. Today we are taking a look at some of most hated champions. And yes, Yuumi is number 1. Links to sources of the videos and data used: The most banned champions: Some skin footage taken from SkinSpotlights: Full Shen tilt moment: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Are The RAREST SKINS In League of Legends?

Zm91BPJRx1s | 23 Jan 2023

What Are The RAREST SKINS In League of Legends?

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends was one of the early pioneers of being a free game which made their money by selling "cosmetic skins". The rest is history, now every game has skins, mystery boxes and battle passes. But with releasing skins for over a decade now, some of these skins have become rare and very sought after. Some players will go out of their way to pay thousands of dollars to have said skins. Today we take a look at what the rarest and most expensive skins in the game are. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Redditor gets Pax Twisted Fate skin: Many of the skin clips are from SkinSpotlights: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Is League of Legends ACTUALLY Dying?

ZaHx5Nk1NDc | 12 Jan 2023

Is League of Legends ACTUALLY Dying?

League of Legends has been one of the most played games in the world for over 10 years now. But, as time goes on, recently it seems Riot Games aren't putting in as much effort into the game as they once did. And the straw that broke the camels back today is the mishandling of the new season and the disappointing launch of the Season 2023 cinematic. Today we take a look at what's going with riot games and how things could potentially change for the better soon. Or not. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Riot developer addressing comments: OG Winter Summoners Rift: Credit to lolTyler1 and Yassuo for the reaction bits. My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why Is MOBILE LEGENDS Being Sued Again? | League of Legends

TFbEaMvkHUk | 18 Dec 2022

Why Is MOBILE LEGENDS Being Sued Again? | League of Legends

Mobile Legends is a mobile game that claims to have been the first "Mobile MOBA game". Although this is debatable, one thing that's not debatable is how the developers take an immense amount of inspiration from League of Legends. A game that came out 7 years before their release. With that fact, Riot Games have spent the last 5 years trying to defeat them in court. But despite how obvious some of their copying is at times, Mobile Legends has seemingly completely got away with it. Today we take a look at the most recent update to their battles and how Riot Games' Wild Rift may actually be struggling to beat Mobile Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Riot Games sues Mobile Legends again: Mobile Legends copied abilities: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Riot Games Doesn't Ban Cheaters (Sometimes.)

PMLREQbUiTA | 26 Nov 2022

How Riot Games Doesn't Ban Cheaters (Sometimes.)

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is a competitive game that for the most part has actually been quite good at dealing with cheaters and hackers. But sometimes, some slip in. In this case they come in the form of bug exploits. Although bugs occur all the time, sometimes certain bugs can give players an advantage. And certain players will try to use that advantage to get as many wins as possible. Today we take a look at times when players got away with cheating for longer than you'd expect. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vandiril custom games rank: Tyler1 meets scripter: Account transfer exploit: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times Pro Players Were ARRESTED Over League of Legends

bVckJYsKLuY | 18 Nov 2022

5 Times Pro Players Were ARRESTED Over League of Legends

Go to to get a 2 year plan plus 4 additional months with a huge discount! At the end of the day pro League of Legends players make mistakes just like everyone else. Sometimes they forget to smite, sometimes they say the wrong thing, and then sometimes they end up in jail. Today we take a look at the many cases of when pro players ended in up arrested. Some for worse reasons than others... Links to sources of the videos and data used: Worlds champion: Challenger caught at internet cafe: Live stream arrest: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Can Pro Players SURRENDER? (Not anymore.)

LXJH_NIKN90 | 31 Oct 2022

Can Pro Players SURRENDER? (Not anymore.)

Download Porofessor for free: Professional League of Legends has now been a thing for over a decade. And as the years go on it seems more regulations are made for players to follow. Granted, I'd follow any silly rule if I was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to play a video game. Today we take a look at some of the interesting rules you didn't know pro players have to follow! Links to sources of the videos and data used: Worlds 2022 Crocs: Bwipo speaking on the surrender rule: Vaevictis esports warnings: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How This Player Has 10,845,886 Mastery Points in IRON

6gbDrF8-d48 | 25 Sep 2022

How This Player Has 10,845,886 Mastery Points in IRON

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends introduced the Mastery Point system during season 5. This was a system that would reward the player points each time they played a specific champion. There is no limit to how many points you could have on one champion. This made many players want to have the record for most mastery points on their favorite champion. Today were taking a look at players who have gone above and beyond to the very best at one champion. Although that may not mean they're the very best at playing the game... Links to sources of the videos and data used: List of players with the highest mastery points: List of highest level players: Heimerdinger mains channel: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Can Pro Players TROLL in Tournaments? (Yes.)

72dwoWv9T7Y | 29 Aug 2022

Can Pro Players TROLL in Tournaments? (Yes.)

Download Porofessor for free: Riot Games would like you to believe that League of Legends esports is very professional but, at the end of the day pro gamers are still gamers. And sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to troll. Gaming trolls come in all sorts of shapes and sizes so today we take a look at few times that pro players listened to their intrusive thoughts and did a little trolling. Links to sources of the videos and data used: TSM Teemo esports: MLG Teams disqualified for trolling: $8,000 for inting Faker: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The RECORDS That Will Never Be Broken In League of Legends

WNBvIdvjYXo | 29 Jul 2022

The RECORDS That Will Never Be Broken In League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: World records are one of the most interesting things to learn about. Everyone has picked up one of those record books and looked at the strange records. Well, esports players have created some records over the years as well. Some that may or may not end up being unbreakable. Unless? Today we take a look at some records that may never be broken again by pro League of Legends players. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vaevictis record broken by Japan: Longest esports match ever: Faker and T1 in the longest League of Legends game: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

GAME-BREAKING Bugs That RIOT GAMES Didn't Fix (In Time)

9cowruJIJ_Q | 30 Jun 2022

GAME-BREAKING Bugs That RIOT GAMES Didn't Fix (In Time)

✅ Download Buff from this link! 💰: & get your first 100 points! (Instead of just 30!) League of Legends, like many other games suffers from bugs and glitches. However, due to the competitive nature of the game, the devs need to be constantly preventing bugs from existing to not ruin other players experiences in the game. But sometimes, some bugs slip by, go unnoticed and end up causing a little bit of trouble. Today we look at some interesting bugs that Riot may not have fixed in time. Links to sources of the videos and data used: List of skins that are pay to win / banned: Danny Jinx Penta kill LCS: Vandiril Warwick bug showcase plus Thebausffs: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How RIOT GAMES Banned Players For Weird Reasons

FdWMrJ2g7tY | 31 May 2022

How RIOT GAMES Banned Players For Weird Reasons

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is one of many games where misbehaving or breaking certain rules, could lead to your account being banned. This holds true for other Riot Games products like Valorant and Wild Rift. However, sometimes players get banned for reasons that aren't so common. Today we take a look at such rare occasions and some related topics. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Wild Rift win trading: Valorant secret message: Riot Games boosted: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happened To The FIRST Female Team in League of Legends? | Team Siren

Qo8e7vjUlXE | 22 Apr 2022

What Happened To The FIRST Female Team in League of Legends? | Team Siren

League of Legends esports has now existed for well over a decade. During this time players from all around the world have had opportunities to make complete careers out of becoming professional gamers. However, despite the widespread success, the representation of females in the space has been non-existent. Though, some "teams" have made attempts. Team Siren was one of these teams. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Team Siren intro video: Why the team broke up: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times PRO PLAYERS Were BANNED In League of Legends

If0Gusor-_o | 26 Mar 2022

5 Times PRO PLAYERS Were BANNED In League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends has become one of the biggest esports in the world. Giving opportunities for players to become professional gamers earning millions of dollars. However, like most professionals, these players must follow rules. And sometimes, things go wrong and these players face suspensions or bans for interesting reasons. Today we take a look at reasons why pro players have been banned. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Banned for leaking info in worlds: SofM one month salary: Caedrel footage: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Bugs RIOT GAMES Struggled To Fix - League of Legends

2CpFYoQpDt0 | 28 Feb 2022

The Bugs RIOT GAMES Struggled To Fix - League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is constantly adding new content into the game. But with each addition and changes, sometimes unfortunate bugs end up appearing. And depending on many variables, these bugs can exist for months if not years, maybe even forever. Today we take a look at some of the bugs that stuck around for a while until Riot Games eventually fixed them. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Some bug footage came from Vandiril bugs: Rumble patch notes bug reddit post: Herald bug at a pro game: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Weirdest Prizes At Gaming Tournaments

W-F0AqEyh90 | 31 Jan 2022

5 Weirdest Prizes At Gaming Tournaments

✅ Join BUFF for Free! 💰 Being a professional gamer is something that not too long ago was either impossible, or not very profitable. But today some players are able to make fortunes with their skills in games. Whether it's games like League of Legends, CSGO, Call of Duty, or any game with a thriving player base, players have opportunities to make a lot of money if they're good enough. However, it's also not so simple. And sometimes some gaming competitions don't actually pay their players cash prizes, instead they provide the winners with some of the strange prizes we'll be looking at today. Links to sources of the videos and data used: KFC esports: All female gamer tournament invaded: Kid loses $40,000 due to Japan laws: Games played in this video, Splatoon 2, CSGO, League of Legends, Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros. My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Of The WORST Champion Releases In League of Legends

-UtzYy0dcxE | 28 Jan 2022

5 Of The WORST Champion Releases In League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is constantly adding new champions or reworking old ones. However, not every release goes as planned or is well received by the player base. Instead, sometimes a new champion release completely breaks the game or sends players into an angry frenzy for one reason or another. Today we take a look at some the worst champion releases in game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vandiril Viego bugs: Ending Seraphine bit: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Things Riot Games REMOVED From League of Legends

1kHt06jHi5A | 15 Dec 2021

5 Things Riot Games REMOVED From League of Legends

Download Porofessor for free: League of Legends is a game that is constantly being updated with new patches. With each patch comes changes, sometimes good, sometimes bad. But with each change the game continues to evolve. However, sometimes these changes take away content that ends up never coming back. Today we take a look at some of the features Riot removed throughout the many patches. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Winter Rift cinematic by Flip: Tyler1 All chat removal: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Player Lost The HIGHEST RANK In League of Legends

HolP_1eme7U | 01 Dec 2021

How A Player Lost The HIGHEST RANK In League of Legends

League of Legends is one of many games to have a ranked mode. Every year players take this mode very seriously in hopes of reaching the highest ranks. Although being Gold in League of Legends is all that is necessary for getting the end of season rewards, at some point players want more. Challenger is a rank that refers to the very best players in the game. Today we take a look at one player who was minutes away from achieving this goal but it all fell apart due to being a couple minutes late at the end of the ranked season. Likes to sources of the videos and data used: Follow the legend himself: Tyler1 reacting to the game: My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Strange MISTAKES Made By PRO GAMERS - League of Legends

wZkngsHTRpA | 31 Oct 2021

5 Strange MISTAKES Made By PRO GAMERS - League of Legends

🕹 Download Opera GX for free here: Thanks to Opera for sponsoring the video! In all sports players have to follow a strict set of rules. This is also the case with esports. Although pro players are playing the same League of Legends we play at home, they cant exactly do whatever they want within the game. Or in some cases mistakes that the average player could make would be something to shrug off and move on. But in esports a silly mistake can end up costing thousands of dollars. Today we take a look at some interesting reasons for why pro players have received penalties that have led to suspensions or fines. Likes to sources of the videos and data used: Team lost bans due to alt f4: Esports team fined for not ending the game: Worlds 2021 team didn't end game in all chat: Concepts: Season 11, Patch 11.22, lol esports, Worlds, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Weirdest Censorship In League of Legends

nTp1qqUNQio | 11 Oct 2021

The Weirdest Censorship In League of Legends

Go to to get a 2 year plan plus 4 additional months with a huge discount! League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world. With that it is played by many different audiences in many different regions. And sometimes when a popular form of media gets shared internationally, it may have to go through some changes to be accepted in different countries. Today we take a look at some of the interesting censored content in League of Legends. Likes to sources of the videos and data used: Skin lines name changed: Volibear skin drama: Concepts: Season 11, Patch 11.20, lol esports, skins, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Things You Didn't Know About The HIGHEST RANK In League of Legends

byaU-ZvHSes | 19 Sep 2021

5 Things You Didn't Know About The HIGHEST RANK In League of Legends

Check out BLITZ here: League of Legends is a competitive video game with 9 different tiers of ranks. Iron being the lowest and Challenger being the most coveted highest rank. While many players dream of being in Challenger, some players live that dream. In this video we take a look at what goes on with Players who play in the highest ranks. 0:00 - Intro 1:16 - Challenger Rewards 2:33 - Win Trading 5:25 - Who is rank 1? 6:45 - Elo Boosting 8:52 - Low Ranked Pro Players Links to sources of the videos and data used: Pro Player banned for boosting: GeneralSniper: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.19, lol esports, Challenger, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Can You Actually CHEAT In League of Legends?

Gip4dHnN8cY | 27 Jul 2021

Can You Actually CHEAT In League of Legends?

Follow me on Twitter! Since the beginning of video games people have found ways to cheat within the games. However, cheating in online multiplayer games negatively affects the people you play with. Due to this, many developers make it incredibly difficult to cheat or hack their games. Some developers barely care. But Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends are quite serious when it comes to cheating, scripting or hacking. In general it's not simple to cheat in League of Legends, and if you manage to do it, you will most certainly get banned. Today we look at what these cheats look like. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends scripts / cheaters data: Small streamer caught scripting: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.16, lol esports, Scripting, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times Players Were FINED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

nV42bU8ghuE | 20 Jun 2021

5 Times Players Were FINED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

Start playing Summoners War: League of Legends is a complicated, but at the same time, very simple game. However, it appears that when performing at a pro level, players sometimes unintentionally break the rules and end up paying the price. Today we take a look at 5 pro players who were fined for strange reasons. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Doinb fined by the LPL's Nike deal: Player fined for forgetting to take smite in the jungle: Puppy esports interview: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.13, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Biggest and Weirdest RECORDS In Esports - League of Legends

YW3N6jUW--w | 15 Jun 2021

The Biggest and Weirdest RECORDS In Esports - League of Legends

Download Opera GX for free here: Thanks to Opera for sponsoring the video! League of Legends has been a leading force in esports since it's inception. Through out the years thousands of professional matches have been played. During this time, loads of achievements have been reached by many players. In today's video we take a look at what have become some of the biggest records in the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: The shortest PRO League of Legends match: The longest PRO League of Legends match T1: Doublelift wanting to win worlds: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.13, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Who Is The LOWEST RANKED Player In League of Legends?

ErO6LtFkAwQ | 08 May 2021

Who Is The LOWEST RANKED Player In League of Legends?

Check out BLITZ here: League of Legends as a popular online game, gets many people interested in being the best player they can possibly be. With that, the question of "who is the best" always comes up. But sometimes I do wonder... Who's the worst player? Today we tackle the subject of low ranked players as we dive into Iron 4, the lowest rank in League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: List of iron ranked players: Kadeem's stream: TSM Huni no kills esports: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.10, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The BILLIONAIRE "Pro Gamer" You Didn't Know Existed - League of Legends

ow8KF99Q23U | 19 Mar 2021

The BILLIONAIRE "Pro Gamer" You Didn't Know Existed - League of Legends

Go to and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free! League of Legends is a free to play game. But despite that fact, you can spend a lot of money inside of the game. And organizations spend millions of dollars to create the best teams possible to compete for even more millions of dollars. This of course is esports. But while most esports players are young people playing the game they grew up with. In today's story we look at the time a billionaire played in a real professional game of League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: The Invictus Gaming Worlds skins by Riot Games: The match where Wang played on his own team in the LPL: Also here's the thousands of dollars spent on apple watches for his dog: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.6, lol esports, Riot Games, Wild Rift My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happened To The Mobile Legends Lawsuit? - League of Legends

mcvPbnp1KNQ | 28 Feb 2021

What Happened To The Mobile Legends Lawsuit? - League of Legends

The first 1000 people to click the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: With League of legends reaching levels of popularity no one could predict, some copy cats came with it. Specifically Mobile Legends. A game which through it's whole existence has always been accused of stealing their assets and ideas from other games. Today we take a look at the time Riot Games took Mobile Legends to court. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Riot Games suing Mobile Legends: Riot Games winning the lawsuit: Moonton allegedly paying players not to play League of Legends Wild Rift: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.5, Mobile Legends, lol esports, Riot Games, Wild Rift My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How A Cat Broke League of Legends

7Qk0NCyCsC8 | 19 Jan 2021

How A Cat Broke League of Legends

Go to and find out how you can get 3 months free. Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this video. League of Legends is an ever growing game, meaning that new content is added to the game regularly. From new items, abilities, and playable characters. called champions. Often times new champion releases are the most controversial. With people being on both sides of the fence calling the champion either bad or good off just an initial impression. But no champion's initial release was received worse than the release of Yuumi. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Yuumi 29% Win rate reddit: G2 C9 Perkz speaking on Yuumi: Data about Yuumi being picked in pro lol esports matches comes from each league's respective Wiki for their Summer split. Music: Most music in this video is from the artist Unike Pluto: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.1, Patch 11.2, Yuumi, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Most Controversial Skin Releases In League of Legends

xBOxovbcdQQ | 27 Nov 2020

The Most Controversial Skin Releases In League of Legends

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Go to or text "nicolai" to 500-500 to get a free audiobook and a 30-day trial! Recently it would seem there is nothing a gamer loves OR hates more than skins in their favorite video game. Despite the fact that these "items" are technically insignificant to the game play, some people are very passionate about skins. From their aesthetics, their prices, particles, everything. And sometimes, players are heavily disappointment by some skin releases for reasons that aren't so simple. Today we take a look at 5 of those times! Links to sources of the videos and data used: Striker Lucian League of Legends: Seraphine Skin: Riot Games employee missfortune skin: Some footage used from SkinSpotlights: And RedRiotRoss: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 10, Season 11, Patch 10.24, Seraphine, ADC, Mid, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times Pro Players Gave Up - League of Legends & More

JAwGbEPmVKU | 23 Oct 2020

5 Times Pro Players Gave Up - League of Legends & More

Follow me on Twitter! Whether it's League of Legends or any other professional gaming tournament, players are competing for a substantial amount of money. Therefore, you generally wouldn't give up or rage quit mid competition. But some players have. And I know you've definitely seen streamers rage quit all the time, xqc, tyler1, etc, only difference is that at the end of the day they're rage quitting to be entertaining. But the players in this video are genuinely giving up. Links to sources of the videos and data used: EU LCS Player rage quit: FIFA player quits: DOTA 2 Player leaves the game: Hearthstone player competing in 2 esports: Concepts: League of Legends, Season 10, Patch 10.15, Patch 10.16, Patch 10.17, Patch 10.18, Patch 10.19, Patch 10.20, Patch 21, Patch 10.22, Season 11, Seraphine, ADC, Mid, lol esports, Riot Games My social medias: Twitch: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Much Money Do Esports Players Make? - League of Legends

X4RhqADt0wQ | 27 Sep 2020

How Much Money Do Esports Players Make? - League of Legends

MAKE money here PLUS get an extra $5 bonus when you take your first survey! Click here to get started now: Thanks, Swagbucks for sponsoring! With the increasing popularity of esports like League of Legends, csgo, and more, the participants themselves have become a new kind of celebrity. But as fans hear about players signing deals and winning big tournaments, they wonder; how much are esports players being paid? In this video we take a look at what players are earning in multiple different esports and along the way we look at the realities of becoming a professional gamer. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Cloud9 million dollar signing: CSGO team salary: LCS players average salary: Unlike Pluto Music: Games mentioned in this video are League of Legends, Fortnite, CSGO, Tekken, Starcraft and Farming Simulator. My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times Players Were BANNED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

7LkzPbrdEXM | 11 Jul 2020

5 Times Players Were BANNED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

Thank you to Raycon for sponsoring today's video. Get 15% off at League of Legends proudly claims to have one of largest player base of any online video game. Despite this fact, Riot Games is constantly banning players who break any of their rules. Regardless of how long you've played the game for, or regardless of how much money you've spent, Riot Games can ban you at any time. Most times, these bans are fair and justified. But in today's video we take a look at some bans that are quite odd. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Player banned for spoiling movie: Banned for playing against Poppy bug: Support players banned: Season 10, 10.1, 10.2, Patch 10.1, Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4 Patch 10.1 Tier List, Season 10 Patch 10.1, Season 10 Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4, Patch 10.5, Patch 10.6, Patch 10.7, Patch 10.8, Patch 10.9, Patch 10.10, Patch 10.11, Patch 10.12, Patch 10.13, Patch 10.14 League of Legends Concepts: Best ADC 10.14, Best support 10.14, best mid laners 10.14, best junglers 10.14, best top laners 10.14 patch 10.14 rundown, 10.14 lol, 10.14 changes, Skarner buffs 10.14, Tahm kench buffs 10.14, karthus buffs 10.14, Pyke buffs 10.14, Swain buffs 10.14, volibear nerfs 10.14, Varus nerfs 10.14, pyke nerfs 10.14, Wukong nerfs 10.14, Trundle nerfs 10.14, Ezreal nerfs 10.14, Kha'zix buffs 10.14, Sejuani buffs 10.14, Zed buffs 10.14, Alistar buffs 10.14, Ghost buffs 10.14, Predator buffs 10.14 My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happened To The All Female League of Legends Team?

HbH8BhgKXbM | 22 Jun 2020

What Happened To The All Female League of Legends Team?

Go to and find out how you can get 3 months free. Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this video. League of Legends has been constantly evolving during the past 10 years. During this time the audience has reached peaks that no one could've predicted. Filling out stadiums to watch esports yearly. However despite all the growth in the professional scene, one thing has always stuck out to some viewers. And that is the lack of female representation. Though some orgs have attempted to step into the girl gamer world, none have actually got into official Riot Games tournaments. Until Vaevictis eSports. The first all female team to ever be represented in LoL esports and have a chance to qualify for the League of Legends world championship. But things didn't go so well. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Vaevictis eSports: Vaevictis eSports 13 Minute defeat: Mayumi esports player: Season 10, 10.1, 10.2, Patch 10.1, Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4 Patch 10.1 Tier List, Season 10 Patch 10.1, Season 10 Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4, Patch 10.5, Patch 10.6, Patch 10.7, Patch 10.8, Patch 10.9, Patch 10.10, Patch 10.11, Patch 10.12, Patch 10.13 League of Legends Concepts: Best ADC 10.12, Best support 10.12, best mid laners 10.12, best junglers 10.12, best top laners 10.12 patch 10.12 rundown, 10.12 lol, 10.12 changes, Cloud rift 10.12, Infernal rift 10.12, Dragon changes 10.12, Elemental Rift changes 10.12, Ghost 10.12, Ghost buffs 10.12, Guardian buffs 10.12, Predator buffs 10.12, Unflinching buffs 10.12, Taste of blood changes 10.12, Approach velocity buffs 10.12, Varus nerfs 10.12, Yasuo nerfs 10.12, Cassiopeia nerfs 10.12, fiddlesticks nerfs 10.12, Trundle nerfs 10.12, Volibear buffs 10.12, Volibear hotfix 10.11, Akali buffs 10.12, Senna buffs 10.12, Xayah buffs 10.12, Brand buffs 10.12, Viktor buffs 10.12, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 of The STRANGEST FINES In Esports - League of Legends

3Ht5eb9Bje0 | 30 May 2020

5 of The STRANGEST FINES In Esports - League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends esports have been on going for more or less, 10 years. During that time a lot of trial and error has created a variety of strict rules. And at times, when players don't follow these rules, they are punished. In this video we take a look at a handful of the strangest fines in professional esports. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Mata Invictus Gaming $8,000 fine: World of Warcraft G2 Fine: Moojin texts: Concepts: Best ADC 10.11, Best support 10.11, best mid laners 10.11, best junglers 10.11, best top laners 10.11 patch 10.11 rundown, 10.11 lol, 10.11 changes, ADC Buffs 10.11, Zeal buffs 10.11, Graves nerfs 10.11, Talon nerfs 10.11, Janna nerfs 10.11, Syndra nerfs 10.11, Fiddlesticks buffs 10.11, Lux buffs 10.11, Gangplank buffs 10.11, Hecarim buffs 10.11, Kai'Sa buffs 10.11, ADC item buffs 10.11, ADC HP buffs 10.11, Volibear rework, Volibear rework 10.11 My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times League of Legends STOPPED WORKING At Esports Events

xeiJTZJLfqI | 05 May 2020

5 Times League of Legends STOPPED WORKING At Esports Events

Start playing Summoners War: League of Legends has been a juggernaut in the world of esports from the very beginning. Now with over 10 years of LoL esports we have countless historic moments to look back on. But what happens when you're at an esports competition and something's wrong with the game? Today we take a look at that and a little more! Links to sources of the videos and data used: Crazy in game skin issue: League of Legends Worlds technical difficulties: Taliyah and Karthus smite bug, youtuber Vandiril has a great video on this subject: Season 10, 10.1, 10.2, Patch 10.1, Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4 Patch 10.1 Tier List, Season 10 Patch 10.1, Season 10 Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4, Patch 10.5, Patch 10.6, Patch 10.7, Patch 10.8 Concepts: Best ADC 10.9, Best support 10.9, best mid laners 10.9, best junglers 10.9, best top laners 10.9 patch 10.9 rundown, 10.9 lol, 10.9 changes, Wukong nerfs 10.9, Karthus nerfs 10.9, Trundle nerfs 10.9, Nami nerfs 10.9, Bard nerfs 10.9, Kayn buffs 10.9, Lissandra buffs 10.9, Quinn buffs 10.9, Fiddlesticks buffs 10.9, Gnar buffs 10.9, Cho'gath buffs 10.9, Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Teamfight Tactics, Eternals lol, Riot games eternals My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Controversial Items REMOVED By Riot Games - League of Legends

D1zTJZWPKcU | 11 Apr 2020

5 Controversial Items REMOVED By Riot Games - League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is a game where players can choose hundreds of items to create their personal load out. However, sometimes for multiple reasons, Riot can suddenly decide to remove an item entirely. And no matter how much some players cry, there's a high chance that item will never been seen again... Links to sources of the videos and data used: This patch brought a lot of the removals in this video. Including sword of the occult and the mana potion: Vincent Draven 1 trick: Concepts: Best ADC 10.7, Best support 10.7, best mid laners 10.7, best junglers 10.7, best top laners 10.7 patch 10.7 rundown, 10.7 lol, 10.7 changes, Conditioning nerfs 10.7, Phase rush buffs 10.7, Wukong nerfs 10.7, Nocturne nerfs 10.7, Garen nerfs 10.7, Nasus buffs 10.7, Galio buffs 10.7, Riven buffs 10.7, Ivern buffs 10.7, Akali buffs 10.7, Kai'sa buffs 10.7, Corki buffs 10.7, XIn Zhao buffs 10.7, Fiddlesticks rework, Fiddlesticks rework 10.7, Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Teamfight Tactics, Eternals lol, Riot games eternals Concepts: Best ADC 10.8, Best support 10.8, best mid laners 10.8, best junglers 10.8, best top laners 10.8 patch 10.8 rundown, 10.8 lol, 10.8 changes, Sett nerfs 10.8, Master yi nerfs 10.8, APhelios nerfs 10.8, Senna nerfs 10.8, Varus nerfs 10.8, Kalista nerfs 10.8, Urgot buffs 10.8, Evelynn buffs 10.8, Soraka buffs 10.8, Xayah buffs 10.8, Tristana buffs 10.8, Ashe buffs 10.8, Ryze buffs 10.8, Orianna buffs 10.8 My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Successful UNUSUAL Strategies in League of Legends

gM2JYUjy5CY | 01 Mar 2020

5 Successful UNUSUAL Strategies in League of Legends

Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code NICOLAI for 83% off and 1 extra month free! League of Legends is a game that gives players the option of many different play styles. Despite that fact, there's only a few play styles which are actually accepted by everyone. But every once in a while someone comes along and tries a strategy that shouldn't necessarily work, but somehow, it does! Links to sources of the videos and data used: Check out Saskio: Teemo support Nubrac: Faker picks master yi for the first time: Concepts: Best ADC 10.4, Best support 10.4, best mid laners 10.4, best junglers 10.4, best top laners 10.4, patch 10.4 rundown, 10.4 lol, 10.4 changes, Bami cinder buffs 10.4, Sunfire buffs 10.4, Cinderhulk buffs 10.4, Exhaust buff 10.4, Phase rush buffs 10.4, Hail of blades buffs 10.4, Legend runes nerfs 10.4, Stopwatch nerfs 10.4, Perfect timing nerf 10.4, Unflinching buffs 10.4, Jayce buffs 10.4, Gnar buffs 10.4, Garen buffs 10.4, Sylas buffs 10.4, Rammus buffs 10.4, Udyr buffs 10.4, Amumu buffs 10.4, Caitlyn buffs 10.4, Lux buffs 10.4, Kayle buffs 10.4, Soraka nerfs 10.4, Sona nerfs 10.4, Aphelios nerfs 10.4, Singed nerfs 10.4, Aurelion Sol nerfs 10.4, Darius jungle 10.4, Garen jungle 10.4, Talon jungle 10.4, Zed jungle 10.4 Diana jungle 10.4, mordekaiser jungle 10.4, Gnar jungle 10.4 ,Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Teamfight Tactics, Eternals lol, Riot games eternals Concepts: Ornn nersf 10.5, Sett nerfs 10.5, Rammus nerfs 10.5, Amumu nerfs 10.5, Blitzcrank nerfs 10.5, Bard nerfs 10.5, Kayn buffs 10.5, Graves buffs 10.5, Lissandra buffs 10.5, Neeko buffs 10.5, Twisted fate buffs 10.5, Sivir buffs 10.5, Kai'sa buffs 10.5, Alistar buffs 10.5, Sona buffs 10.5, Darius buffs 10.5, Mordekaiser buffs 10.5, Poppy buffs 10.5, Brand buffs 10.5, Titanic hydra buffs 10.5, Ravenous hydra buff 10.5, Blade of the ruined king buff 10.5, Turret plate buffs 10.5, Turret plate nerfs 10.5, Spelltheifs edge nerfs 10.5, Spectral sickle nerfs 10.5, Boots of mobility nerfs 10.5, Boots of swiftness buff 10.5, Tiamat buff 10.5, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

4 Bizarre NEWS STORIES Featuring League of Legends

vloDNkde4MQ | 17 Feb 2020

4 Bizarre NEWS STORIES Featuring League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: News channels all around the world are reporting on strange stories everyday. And believe it or not, sometimes League of Legends makes it on the news! But perhaps not for the best of reasons... Links to sources of the videos and data used: Highschool esports champion: Kpop star league of legends cosplayer: Brazil Flamengo esports: Concepts: best adc 10.3, best support 10.3, best mid laners 10.3, best junglers 10.3, best top laners 10.3, patch 10.3 rundown, 10.3 lol, 10.3 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 10.3, op top laners 10.3 op junglers 10.3, op adcs 10.3 op supports 10.3, season 10 changes, Sett nerfs 10.3, Ekko nerfs 10.3, Diana nerfs 10.3, Akali nerfs 10.3, Miss fortune nerfs 10.3, Senna nerfs 10.3, Sona nerfs 10.3, Leona nerfs 10.3, Rumble nerfs 10.3, Aphelios nerfs 10.3, Lucian nerfs 10.3, Jungle EXP buffs 10.3, Jungle buffs 10.3, Sejuani buffs 10.3, Galio buffs 10.3, yuumi buffs 10.3, Azir buffs 10.3, Corki buffs 10.3, Ezreal buffs 10.3, Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Teamfight Tactics Concepts: Best ADC 10.4, Best support 10.4, best mid laners 10.4, best junglers 10.4, best top laners 10.4, patch 10.4 rundown, 10.4 lol, 10.4 changes, Bami cinder buffs 10.4, Sunfire buffs 10.4, Cinderhulk buffs 10.4, Exhaust buff 10.4, Phase rush buffs 10.4, Hail of blades buffs 10.4, Legend runes nerfs 10.4, Stopwatch nerfs 10.4, Perfect timing nerf 10.4, Unflinching buffs 10.4, Jayce buffs 10.4, Gnar buffs 10.4, Garen buffs 10.4, Sylas buffs 10.4, Rammus buffs 10.4, Udyr buffs 10.4, Amumu buffs 10.4, Caitlyn buffs 10.4, Lux buffs 10.4, Kayle buffs 10.4, Soraka nerfs 10.4, Sona nerfs 10.4, Aphelios nerfs 10.4, Singed nerfs 10.4, Aurelion Sol nerfs 10.4, Darius jungle 10.4, Garen jungle 10.4, Talon jungle 10.4, Zed jungle 10.4 Diana jungle 10.4, mordekaiser jungle 10.4, Gnar jungle 10.4 My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Pro Players Who Were BANNED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

EUXF35g6l00 | 12 Feb 2020

5 Pro Players Who Were BANNED For Strange Reasons - League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: Everyday dozens if not hundreds of players are banned on League of Legends for breaking some sort of rule. Sometimes even unfairly banned. But in the professional scene, it takes a lot for a player to be suspended or banned. So it's often interesting to see what these gamers did. Today we take a look at 5 pro players who were banned from professional League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: OMG Icon referee interaction: Team Dark vs Samsung vod: Concepts: best adc 10.3, best support 10.3, best mid laners 10.3, best junglers 10.3, best top laners 10.3, patch 10.3 rundown, 10.3 lol, 10.3 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 10.3, op top laners 10.3 op junglers 10.3, op adcs 10.3 op supports 10.3, season 10 changes, Sett nerfs 10.3, Ekko nerfs 10.3, Diana nerfs 10.3, Akali nerfs 10.3, Miss fortune nerfs 10.3, Senna nerfs 10.3, Sona nerfs 10.3, Leona nerfs 10.3, Rumble nerfs 10.3, Aphelios nerfs 10.3, Lucian nerfs 10.3, Jungle EXP buffs 10.3, Jungle buffs 10.3, Sejuani buffs 10.3, Galio buffs 10.3, yuumi buffs 10.3, Azir buffs 10.3, Corki buffs 10.3, Ezreal buffs 10.3, Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Teamfight Tactics Concepts: Best ADC 10.4, Best support 10.4, best mid laners 10.4, best junglers 10.4, best top laners 10.4, patch 10.4 rundown, 10.4 lol, 10.4 changes, Bami cinder buffs 10.4, Sunfire buffs 10.4, Cinderhulk buffs 10.4, Exhaust buff 10.4, Phase rush buffs 10.4, Hail of blades buffs 10.4, Legend runes nerfs 10.4, Stopwatch nerfs 10.4, Perfect timing nerf 10.4, Unflinching buffs 10.4, Jayce buffs 10.4, Gnar buffs 10.4, Garen buffs 10.4, Sylas buffs 10.4, Rammus buffs 10.4, Udyr buffs 10.4, Amumu buffs 10.4, Caitlyn buffs 10.4, Lux buffs 10.4, Kayle buffs 10.4, Soraka nerfs 10.4, Sona nerfs 10.4, Aphelios nerfs 10.4, Singed nerfs 10.4, Aurelion Sol nerfs 10.4, Darius jungle 10.4, Garen jungle 10.4, Talon jungle 10.4, Zed jungle 10.4 Diana jungle 10.4, mordekaiser jungle 10.4, Gnar jungle 10.4 My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Day "Hackers" Controlled League of Legends

-TveWkWSDQ8 | 11 Jan 2020

The Day "Hackers" Controlled League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is one of many online multiplayer games. In such games it often isn't rare to encounter cheaters or hackers. However, League has done a pretty good job at making it so players aren't able to cheat. Though to reach that point Riot had to go through some hard times. In this video we talk about the time that League of Legends players were at risk of having their internet disconnected just for playing the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: First showcase of a drophack: Greekgodx League of Legends experience: Pro esports gamer loses match over DDOS: Concepts: New league of legends patch, season 9. season 10, best champions season 10, S tier champions, best adc 10.1, best support 10.1, best mid laners 10.1, best junglers 10.1, best top laners 10.1, patch 10.1 rundown, 10.1 lol, 10.1 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 10.1, op top laners 10.1 op junglers 10.1, op adcs 10.1 op supports 10.1, season 10 changes, Jayce buffs 10.1, Sejuani buffs 10.1, Shyvanna buffs 10.1, Vi buffs 10.1, Aurelion sol nerfs 10.1, Corki buffs 10.1, azir buffs 10.1, kassadin nerfs 10.1, Sylas buffs 10.1, Sylas rework 10.1, Kalista buffs 10.1, Varus buffs 10.1, Nami buffs 10.1, Zyra nerfs 10.1, Support item changes 10.1, Eyeball collection buff 10.1, League of legends Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Teamfight Tactics My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Things You Didn't Know About The VOICE ACTORS of League of Legends

0ss4hzDInxU | 21 Dec 2019

5 Things You Didn't Know About The VOICE ACTORS of League of Legends

Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: ✅ ANDROID: Start with💰50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion 💥 on day 7 of the “New Player Rewards” program League of Legends has now existed for over an entire decade. And with almost 150 champions in the game, Riot has created hundreds of unique voices and voice lines. In this video we take a look at some things you wouldn't normally know, about the voice actors of League. Also we take a deep dive into Rammus. Thumbnail cosplayer: Links to sources of the videos and data used: Rammus voice lines: Voice actors from Japan recording their champions: Voice actor for Ziggs video: Concepts: League of legends Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Concepts: teamfight tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9. season 10, best champions season 10, S tier champions, best adc 9.24, best support 9.24, best mid laners 9.24, best junglers 9.24, best top laners 9.24, patch 9.24 rundown, 9.24 lol, 9.24 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.24, op top laners 9.24, op junglers 9.24, op adcs 9.24, op supports 9.24, season 10 changes, Alune lol, Aphelios lol, new champion aphelios, new champions alune, Conqueror nerfs 9.24, Rift Herald buffs 9.24, Omnistone buffs 9.24, Senna nerfs 9.24, Ryze nerfs 9.24, Kassadin nerfs 9.24, Akali nerfs 9.24, Garen nerfs 9.24, Yuumi buffs 9.24, Braum buffs 9.24, Karma buffs 9.24, Rammus buffs 9.24, amumu buffs 9.24, sivir buffs 9.24, azir buffs 9.24, corki buffs 9.24, Concepts: teamfight tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9. season 10, best champions season 10, S tier champions, best adc 9.24b, best support 9.24b, best mid laners 9.24b, best junglers 9.24b, best top laners 9.24b, patch 9.24b rundown, 9.24b lol, 9.24b changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.24b, op top laners 9.24b, op junglers 9.24b, op adcs 9.24b, op supports 9.24b, season 10 changes, Alune lol, Aphelios lol, new champion aphelios, new champions alune, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Features Riot Games REMOVED From League of Legends

1PJe8MEzHW4 | 09 Dec 2019

5 Features Riot Games REMOVED From League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has now existed for over 10 years. During those 10 years the developers Riot Games have constantly been changing the game. With Features being added, features being removed, and sometimes ideas of a feature coming out, only to never actually make it into the game. So today, we're taking a look into 5 of those features removed from the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Challenger ranked player rewards: Google Pixel 2 League of Legends: Legacy cursor removal: Concepts: League of legends Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Concepts: teamfight Tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9, best champions season 9, S tier champions, best adc 9.23, best support 9.23, best mid laners 9.23, best junglers 9.23, best top laners 9.23, patch 9.23 rundown, 9.23 lol, 9.23 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.23, op top laners 9.23, op junglers 9.23,, op adcs 9.23,, op supports 9.23, season 10 changes, preseason 10 changes, season 10 rune changes, season 10 kleptomancy, season 10 omnistone, season 10 conqueror, season 10 aftershock, preseason 10 omnistone, season 10 item changes, preseason 10 item changes, Concepts: teamfight tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9. season 10, best champions season 10, S tier champions, best adc 9.24, best support 9.24, best mid laners 9.24, best junglers 9.24, best top laners 9.24, patch 9.24 rundown, 9.24 lol, 9.24 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.24, op top laners 9.24, op junglers 9.24, op adcs 9.24, op supports 9.24, season 10 changes, Alune lol, Aphelios lol, new champion aphelios, new champions alune, Conqueror nerfs 9.24, Rift Herald buffs 9.24, Omnistone buffs 9.24, Senna nerfs 9.24, Ryze nerfs 9.24, Kassadin nerfs 9.24, Akali nerfs 9.24, Garen nerfs 9.24, Yuumi buffs 9.24, Braum buffs 9.24, Karma buffs 9.24, Rammus buffs 9.24, amumu buffs 9.24, sivir buffs 9.24, azir buffs 9.24, corki buffs 9.24, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Do Pro Players Use /ALL Chat?

icq_MwumGpo | 18 Nov 2019

Do Pro Players Use /ALL Chat?

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends professional esports players essentially play a different game than the rest of us when it comes to metas, team fights, etc. But they still have a lot in common with your regular solo queue player. But, among these things, I've seen people wonder if Pro players are allowed to use the All chat feature. So this video is hear to answer that curiosity! Links to sources of the videos and data used: The reason All chat isn't shown by LoL esports, M5 VS MM: C9 Sneaky chat meme: Fnatic and Evil Geniuses play a game during a pause: Concepts: teamfight Tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9, best champions season 9, S tier champions, best adc 9.22, best support 9.22, best mid laners 9.22, best junglers 9.22, best top laners 9.22, patch 9.22 rundown, 9.22 lol, 9.22 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.22, op top laners 9.22, op junglers 9.22, op adcs 9.22, op supports 9.22, Kayle nerfs 9.22, Pantheon nerfs 9.22, Kai’sa nerfs 9.22, Xayah nerfs 9.22, Ashe nerfs 9.22, Blitzcrank nerfs 9.22, Nautilus nerfs 9.22, Malphite nerfs 9.22, Sejuani buffs 9.22, Sylas buffs 9.22, Kalista buffs 9.22, Concepts: League of legends Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, Concepts: teamfight Tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9, best champions season 9, S tier champions, best adc 9.23, best support 9.23, best mid laners 9.23, best junglers 9.23, best top laners 9.23, patch 9.23 rundown, 9.23 lol, 9.23 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.23, op top laners 9.23, op junglers 9.23,, op adcs 9.23,, op supports 9.23, season 10 changes, preseason 10 changes, season 10 rune changes, season 10 kleptomancy, season 10 omnistone, season 10 conqueror, season 10 aftershock, preseason 10 omnistone, season 10 item changes, preseason 10 item changes, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Things You DIDN'T KNOW About Esports Players

yWXxp_rmt1M | 01 Nov 2019

5 Things You DIDN'T KNOW About Esports Players

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends esports, and just esports in general is becoming more and more established as the years go by. With that, it's always fun and interesting to take a look at some fun facts that you may not be aware of. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Forbes LCS salaries: OMG Esports training facility: Arena of Valor huge prize pool for mobile games: Concepts: teamfight Tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9, best champions season 9, S tier champions, Best adc 9.21, Best support 9.21, best mid laners 9.21, best junglers 9.21, best top laners 9.21, patch 9.21 rundown, 9.21 lol, 9.21 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.21, op top laners 9.21, op junglers 9.21, op adc 9.21, op supports 9.21, Shaco nerfs 9.21, Garen nerfs 9.21, Pyke nerfs 9.21, Kayn buffs 9.21, warwick buffs 9.21, kog'maw buffs 9.21, Lulu buffs 9.21, viktor buffs 9.21, Master yi buffs 9.21, Maokai buffs 9.21 Concepts: teamfight Tactics, new league of legends patch, season 9, best champions season 9, S tier champions, best adc 9.22, best support 9.22, best mid laners 9.22, best junglers 9.22, best top laners 9.22, patch 9.22 rundown, 9.22 lol, 9.22 changes, new league of legends, op mid laners 9.22, op top laners 9.22, op junglers 9.22, op adcs 9.22, op supports 9.22, Kayle nerfs 9.22, Pantheon nerfs 9.22, Kai’sa nerfs 9.22, Xayah nerfs 9.22, Ashe nerfs 9.22, Blitzcrank nerfs 9.22, Nautilus nerfs 9.22, Malphite nerfs 9.22, Sejuani buffs 9.22, Sylas buffs 9.22, Kalista buffs 9.22, Concepts: League of legends Fighter game, Riot games fighter game, League of legends FPS game, League of legends shooter game, riot games shooter game, riot games FPS game, RIot games trading card game, League of legends trading card game, Legends from Runeterra, Riot games anime, league of legends anime, league of legends mobile, lol mobile, Teamfight tactics mobile, League of legends esports manager, League of legends MMORPG, Riot games MMORPG, Fiddlesticks rework, Volibear rework, Senna, New champion Senna, My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Someone Spent $3,500 On League of Legends Skins

o-ySnniP2Cw | 08 Oct 2019

How Someone Spent $3,500 On League of Legends Skins

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is a free to play game but despite it being free, players still manage to spend large amounts of money. To be fair, I get it, you gotta get those Lux skins. However in today's video we take a look at someone who has literally purchased every available skin in the game. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Video of buying every skin in the game: Prozd funny Gacha video: Faker, Worlds skins revenue split: OfflineTV Scarra talking about Worlds skins: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

League of Legends At E3 2009 - 10 Years Later

3iKg3SEw6sw | 28 Sep 2019

League of Legends At E3 2009 - 10 Years Later

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends was shown to the public for the first time ever 10 years ago. Riot Games brought their presence to E3 2009 to present the new official trailer for League of Legends. Along side the trailer participants were got a chance to play the game before anyone else. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends official trailer: E3 2009 Games: Riot Games co-founder Marc Merrill early interview: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES In League of Legends #4

_KcxzHA7SPk | 18 Sep 2019

5 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES In League of Legends #4

Start playing here: League of Legends recently was said to have officially 8 million players daily, worldwide. And with so many people playing in so many different places. Some regions have different features, clients, and more. Today we bring back our series of regional differences in League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: LEC free skin with donation: College Esports ban: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times League of Legends BROKE At Esports Events

fxvkrig0DM8 | 04 Sep 2019

5 Times League of Legends BROKE At Esports Events

Check out ProGuides: We've seen League of Legends break and bug out to regular players every day. But what about when League of Legends breaks live at major esports tournaments? Today we take a look at 5 interesting times when things in the game didn't go the way you'd expect. Links to sources of the videos and data used: CLG LCS Minion block: Bug Splat at LCK esports: SKT Faker dodges Zyra and makes Mithy think a bug happened: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Bugs NEVER FIXED In League of Legends

xUgBsY3FXmc | 23 Aug 2019

5 Bugs NEVER FIXED In League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: Despite League of Legends being one of the biggest games in the world; it's not perfect. And in some parts you could argue that it's broken. As we take a look today into 5 major bugs that have existed in the game for long periods of time, remember that these are not the only bugs like this. There are many smaller bugs that Riot Games has just basically ignored until they rework that champion. I.E. Mordekaiser. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Invisible Nunu bug: Rek'sai bug at NA LCS with C9: Lee Sin classic Q bug: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

How Someone Played 10,000 Games Of League of Legends Without A Keyboard

iE8bS2YExFk | 30 Jul 2019

How Someone Played 10,000 Games Of League of Legends Without A Keyboard

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is a PC game made to be played with both a keyboard and mouse, however one of the most active players in League has been playing the game without a keyboard for years. This is the story of a Heimerdinger main with thousands of games played per year. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Most mastery points: The Heimerdinger mains account: Check out The Donger's Dojo: Channel: Stream: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Do RIOT EMPLOYEES Play League of Legends?

AMI1gSTvzgE | 14 Jul 2019

Do RIOT EMPLOYEES Play League of Legends?

Check out ProGuides: Riot Games is the company behind one of the biggest games in the world, League of Legends. With that, they have thousands of employees. But how many of those employees play the game? Or in this case, do the employees at working at Riot Games play too much League? Today we looked into it and found the answers. Links to sources of the videos and data used: CLG ex CEO talks about the inside of Riot Games office: Riot Games Manager story: lolTyler1 Riot Games video: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 WORLD RECORDS Done In League of Legends

gm6We4i4Oq8 | 08 Jun 2019

5 WORLD RECORDS Done In League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: People create personal records in League of Legends everyday. But do you ever wonder who owns some of the biggest records in League? And what are said records? I grew up looking at Guinness World Record books and I never saw records as significant as League of Legends records! In today's video we dive deep into some of the largest numbers you'll ever see from all sorts of categories, from most kills, longest ranked game, most damage, etc. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Twitch Streamer breaks record with Draven: Site which contains current League of Legends records: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

This Person Spends 15 HOURS A Day Playing League of Legends

Nk90pbjWeHU | 28 May 2019

This Person Spends 15 HOURS A Day Playing League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is one of, if not the most played video game in the world. With so many players coming from all over the world, from all sorts of ages and cultures, you're bound to have some players playing the game in a way completely unique to the way most people play. And in this episode we run into one of the most dedicated League of Legends players ever. Links to sources of the videos and data used: The legend's OP.GG. He changes his name frequently: Players with the most mastery on the champion Singed: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Rules You DIDN'T KNOW Existed In League of Legends Esports

gwH8_bhvi30 | 10 May 2019

5 Rules You DIDN'T KNOW Existed In League of Legends Esports

Check out ProGuides: Riot Games has been running League of Legends as one of the biggest Esports games in the world for years. And as the years go by and the popularity increases Riot Games has created specific rules for the Esports platform. Some being simple rules and some being quite rare and unique. By the way, for this video I read the full LCS rule set. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Riot Games Lol Esports LCS Rule set 2019: C9 Hai fined money for action: Rekkles talking about girlfriends: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times RIOT GAMES Broke League of Legends

Oi_izeY-mC8 | 24 Apr 2019

5 Times RIOT GAMES Broke League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: Riot Games works on making League of Legends the best game it can be everyday. But sometimes the developers of our beloved game over look some small details that in turn cause some major problem. Often times those problems take the form of quite interesting bugs and glitches. And that's what were taking a look into today. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends Tiamat Drop hack video: Champion Syndra can no longer pick up the Baron Nashor patch bug fix: Teemo disabled from being played for a week: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Most UNIQUE PLAYERS In League of Legends

tV6zUtEygTQ | 31 Mar 2019

The Most UNIQUE PLAYERS In League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has had over 100 million players in it's lifetime. Within those players there a handful of individuals who play and use league in their own unique way. In this series we will be making some deep dives into some of the most unique players that you likely never heard of. Starting with our first episode, the biggest troll in league of legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: The original discovery of the troll: The youtube channel of the legend himself: Specific video of the troll showing their league of legends bot rig: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Of The Biggest CHEATERS In League of Legends and Esports

K7zadjuw42I | 17 Mar 2019

5 Of The Biggest CHEATERS In League of Legends and Esports

Check out ProGuides: Cheating in video games have been prevalent since the beginning of video games. Including League of Legends. However League of Legends has done their best to put systems in place to stop users from cheating. But some people still found ways around these systems in able to cheat in league. So although cheating in League is rare, when it does happen, it's quite extreme. And that's what were looking into in this video! Links to sources of the videos and data used: South Korean Scripting League of Legends: Overwatch hackers: Team Dignitas and Team Curse try to split prize money: Guy cheated on video games with AirPods: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Every Champion FAKER Has Picked In Pro League of Legends

-GEDrfJf2-4 | 25 Feb 2019

Every Champion FAKER Has Picked In Pro League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: Faker has been the face of League of Legends eSports for over 6 years now. During this time he has been able to win multiple major tournaments including 3 Worlds championships. And with over 600 games played SKT T1, Faker has so far only played with 62 champions. With that I wanted to take a look deeper into his choices and I was able to find what I think are some pretty interesting things. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Every single statistic and data about Faker is available on his "Gamepedia": Doublelift most pentakills: The longest game in League of Legends Esports by SKT and Jinair: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Things RIOT GAMES Wants You To Forget

7G-5XFgmUT4 | 16 Feb 2019

5 Things RIOT GAMES Wants You To Forget

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has existed for almost 10 years. That's a longer life time than most online multiplayer video games. Riot Games has done their best to keep their players happy, at least they have tried. But while operating a business for 10 years you can do some things that might upset your customers and/or make promises that you unfortunately have to break... Links to sources of the videos and data used: Magma Chamber New League of Legends map: League of Legends fighting game: Riot Games new game, Teemo's Adventure: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

What Happened To ANNIE? - League of Legends

9VcKcaowZOM | 01 Feb 2019

What Happened To ANNIE? - League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has over 100 champions. And every once in a while a new champion gets a surge of popularity, either from being strong or being used by professional players in a way that others weren't using that champion. Well for a while the champion Annie was one of the most popular champions in the game. Unfortunately as time has gone on, people seem to have left her behind or completely forget about her. I personally had not seen an Annie in my games for a long time, and that's actually what led me to make this video. So, what happened to Annie? Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends most played champions: Amount of times Annie was picked in Esports: Champions Faker used in lol Esports: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

These Servers Give FREE SKINS - 5 Regional Differences In League of Legends #3

6V4w1o8BNjE | 16 Jan 2019

These Servers Give FREE SKINS - 5 Regional Differences In League of Legends #3

Free 7 Day Trial of Black Desert Online: League of Legends among other great games is played all over the world by millions of different people, in different ways. And for some reason much like the game itself, the servers are not quite all equally balanced. With some servers getting major down sides and other servers getting amazing perks. In this video series we go into all sorts of differences that other players get to see that other players could never experience. From free Hextech chests to different voice actors on the summoners rift announcers, this is episode 3 of 5 Regional Differences in League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Russian Hextech chests events: League of Legends Esports partners with Jersey Mikes: Turkey League of Legends server 1 RP move: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

The Most Kills In A RANKED League of Legends Game

YMTpAAt0aiU | 29 Dec 2018

The Most Kills In A RANKED League of Legends Game

Check out ProGuides: One of the biggest things people look for in League of Legends is having a good score in your games. And getting a high amount of kills is definitely one way to look good to your teammates and others. So I was recently thinking about who actually got the most kills in a ranked game and I ended up finding some pretty interesting stuff... Links to the sources and match history: Veigar with 200 kills: Veigar player with 5000 CS / Minions slain: And epic gamer Nunu with the most feeding ever: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

5 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES In League of Legends #2

93JrzfND4JQ | 19 Dec 2018

5 REGIONAL DIFFERENCES In League of Legends #2

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends is one of the biggest games in the world, played by people from all over the world in different countries. For some countries and regions Riot Games had to make changes, additions, or takeaways to work in all the regions the game would be played in. So these are 5 more Regional differences going through the servers of China, South Korea, Brazil and SEA. Links to sources of the videos and data used: Brazil League of Legends event: South Korea PC BANG League perks: South East Asia LoL Client: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Are ESPORTS Players Toxic? - League of Legends

zqCip3Xmn3g | 12 Dec 2018

Are ESPORTS Players Toxic? - League of Legends

Check out C.A.T.S.: League of Legends Esports recently had it's biggest year in 2018. With Season 8's Worlds accumulating almost 100 million live viewers. As Esports grows so do the popularity of the players who participate in them. And that got me thinking, with this game being so toxic, are the biggest esports players toxic too? Links to sources of the videos and data used: IWillDominate Esports Ban: League of Legends legend Vasilii: Faker pays penalties for SKT: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why CHINA Loves League of Legends

CarmQ6gQI5s | 28 Nov 2018

Why CHINA Loves League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has over 100 Million active monthly players. However, western region's servers like NA and EUW barely contribute to to a quarter of that player base. China on the other hand is reportedly almost 80% of League of Legends total player base. From Riot Games working with Tencent, to League being at the right place at the right time, in this video we look into why China loves to play League of Legends. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends Tech in Asia: Highest earning PC Games 2018: Highest level account in League of Legends: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Do League of Legends VOICE ACTORS Play The Game?

gH-rvsddDoQ | 12 Nov 2018

Do League of Legends VOICE ACTORS Play The Game?

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has over 140 champions, all with unique voices and voice actors. I often see videos or posts about what the voice's of the champions look like but I never heard much about whether or not League of Legends voice actors play the game. So I decided to search around for as many champion's voice actors as I could and this was the result. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends K/DA Ahri: Draven voice actor reddit AMA: League of Legends Jinx reddit AMA: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why Is There No FEMALE PLAYERS In Pro League of Legends?

YuOS8tmMZ2E | 01 Nov 2018

Why Is There No FEMALE PLAYERS In Pro League of Legends?

League of Legends is a game played by boys and girls all around the world, but how come the Esports scene has no female players? LoL Esports has existed for many years now and through out that time the female player base has seen no rise. Why is that? Well in this video we go into many of the factors and details that could be why there is no females in the LCS or in Esports in general. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends China all female team: Riot Games info graphic about League of Legends player base: Pandacute the female pro League of Legends team: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Why JAPAN Dislikes League of Legends

sQynUAlo084 | 13 Oct 2018

Why JAPAN Dislikes League of Legends

Check out ProGuides: League of Legends has been the most played game in the world for a long time. However that does not mean that everyone who play's video games plays League. Especially Japan. Because Japan couldn't give a single Teemo about League of Legends. So in this video we find out why Japan doesn't play League of Legends and what right Riot Games is doing to change that. Links to sources of the videos and data used: League of Legends Japan promo video: League of Legends player base data: Riot Games Japan Esports casters celebrate: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Discord: Thanks for reading and watching!

Who Is The Most and Least POPULAR CHAMPION In League of Legends?

-snWMfdcQKw | 26 Sep 2018

Who Is The Most and Least POPULAR CHAMPION In League of Legends?

There are over 100 champions in League of Legends, but for some reason a large percentage of the player base prefers one specific champion over all. And at the same time , all of the player base stays AWAY from one specific champion. Do you play any of these champions? Also this isn't a top 5 video but I after all my research it definitely felt like one lol. Links to sources of the data used in this video: This is the list of the current most played champions in League of Legends, updated regularly: Champion and skins releases: Footage for champion skins and Riot Games stuff came from the League of Legends channel: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 People Who Couldn't STOP PLAYING League of Legends

WAVWIAahaxk | 31 Aug 2018

5 People Who Couldn't STOP PLAYING League of Legends

League of Legends can be an addicting game at times. It can easily prevent us from our responsibilities, and anything else we must do. But, Some people in this video have thought of it all and aren't letting go of League for anything. Granted a lot of you reading and watching this already know what that's like. I'm the same way to be honest. Also if you're reading this, hi, yes, Tyler1 isn't exactly in the video but he is the poster boy of the title so spare me lol. My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching! Also keep playing #LeagueOfLegends

How Much MONEY Does League of Legends Make?

1ug-YKLwkaA | 26 Jul 2018

How Much MONEY Does League of Legends Make?

Ever wondered how much money the great game League of Legends has made? Well look no further! Net worths, earnings, etc always spark a lot of curiosity within people. Instead of wondering how much my favorite celebrity makes, I instead was wondering; how much does League make/ has made? So here we are now. Make sure to keep buying League of Legends skins from Riot Games so this great company only gets richer. GG. Sources: Majority of numbers: League of Legends championship skins: Fortnite footage: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

How KFC Took Over CHINA With League of Legends

Y2JmG8Jvn4k | 04 Jul 2018

How KFC Took Over CHINA With League of Legends

Check out Idle Soldier! iOS: Android: Everyone loves League of Legends and everyone loves fried chicken! Well... not everyone but, you get the point. Now imagine mixing the both together and creating the best combination in the world. Well, that happened in china. Unfortunately though this event was not in the best League of Legends region, NA. Which all memes aside, is why you (and me prior to this) never heard about this. Let me know in the comments if you would get finally get off your computer and get out of your room like your parents have been begging you to do just to go get some league of legends themed kfc. Cause if so, rito needs to bring this to more regions... My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times People Took LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Too Far

4ebBuk2lA_U | 12 Jun 2018

5 Times People Took LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Too Far

Check out the PC37X: Being very passionate about League of Legends is something a lot of us have in common. But, some people have taken that passion to the next level. I would not say though that taking League too far is a bad thing. Well maybe number 3 should of gone to get some help. But aside from that I'd say these are all good things. Besides, some of us take League of Legends too far when we should be sleeping or working but instead we're sitting at our desk playing game after game because we want to get the LP we lost. Knowing well that... It's not coming back... FeelsBadMan. My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

What Happens When RIOT GAMES Bans A Streamer

qJE7j40_ZFw | 14 May 2018

What Happens When RIOT GAMES Bans A Streamer

People get banned on League of Legends everyday. But sometimes it can be your favorite streamer being banned. In this case, it's Master Yi legend, Cowsep. A couple years ago we saw this happen to Tyler1. But, obviously Tyler's ban was much worse. Regardless he still sky rocketed in popularity. There have been other streamers in this situation as well but, as I explain in the video, a viral news piece can bring attention to you but you have to find a way to keep that attention. Anyway, who do you think would win in a 1v1? Tyler1 or Cowsep? LUL Follow Cowsep: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 People Sent To The HOSPITAL Over League of Legends

rhx31X0yt4o | 02 May 2018

5 People Sent To The HOSPITAL Over League of Legends

I get sick of League of Legends all the time, but some people actually end up in the hospital, over League of Legends. To be honest, the next time a Yasuo tells me they'll carry me and ends up 16 deaths deep I might begin my Chemo. Stay safe bois. Sources to the topics talked about: Man paralyzed from playing for 20 hours: Angry boy gets head stuck in PC monitor: Pro player Hai in the hospital: AHQ Promise & South Korean gaming addiction: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

5 SADDEST Moments in League of Legends Esports

LaL4I8FbvVw | 25 Apr 2018

5 SADDEST Moments in League of Legends Esports

People lose League of Legends games every day. But, some people lose games on big stages and in front of thousands of people all while losing thousands of dollars. From losing vs SKT after being world champions to losing a potential last visit at Worlds, here are the top 5 saddest moments in League of Legends E sports! My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!


kFwt4M5e600 | 16 Apr 2018


League of Legends is a great game with multiple game modes. One of those being URF. One of the most beloved LoL game modes. But, since it's so loved people wonder why doesn't Riot make it permanent? Or at least bring it out more often? Well, the answer is that rito doesn't love us. Source of the Ask Riot post where rito talks about URF making people stop playing League: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Most EXPENSIVE League of Legends Items Ever Sold

TFzXVNYwATs | 26 Mar 2018

5 Most EXPENSIVE League of Legends Items Ever Sold

I've seen many videos and lists around the internet about expensive video game items sold and I never see League of Legends mentioned, so I started wondering, is there any insane expensive things sold coming from League of Legends? And to my surprise there is! A lot. Too much actually and too expensive lol, but here are the top 5 most expensive sold listings on Ebay! My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

How an NBA CHAMPION Reached The Top of The NA LCS

yrbCuUHesh0 | 05 Mar 2018

How an NBA CHAMPION Reached The Top of The NA LCS

Meet Rick Fox, owner of League of Legends team Echo Fox, 3 time NBA champion and a pretty good dad. Usually in Esports teams the players are usually who end up being the celebrities. But, in this case, a lot of Echo Fox fans are big fans and supporters of their team owner, Rick! And it's a note worthy thing because it's more common for fans to not care or even think about who the owner of their team is. But with large amounts of passion and charisma, Rick Fox has begun a very lovable guy in the League world. Sources to everything: Rick Fox speaking on how he got into League on Forbes: Rick on the view: Esports stats: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

5 Times RIOT GAMES Changed Their Minds

29AqGwZDrAY | 21 Feb 2018

5 Times RIOT GAMES Changed Their Minds

The creators of League of Legends bring us this beautiful game everyday, but do you ever just sit and and think about the things that they've actually taken away instead? I want my mana potion back! Today we're talking about 5 instances of Riot Games employees changing their mind, for the better or for the worst. Reminder that this isn't the ONLY 5 times Riot changed their mind, just some of the more interesting times. Sources to everything: League of Legends teemo dies stream: LoL Supremacy: League of Legends tower defense mobile game: Riven rework: Credit to Teemo gameplays: & My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

4 People ARRESTED Over Playing League of Legends

VxcXmTX5hRM | 08 Feb 2018

4 People ARRESTED Over Playing League of Legends

With League of Legends being the most played game in the world, the possibilities of odd situations happening from playing League are somewhat high... Including being arrested after all you wanted to do was play a great game by riot games. So remember kids, if you're playing League of Legends make sure you keep yourself safe and don't say bad words because you could potentially end up in big trouble. Sources to the stories: Chinese LoL Laptop thief: Vasilii on stream rage: American Arrested over LoL Facebook post: Taiwan man says bad word in chat and loses in court: My social medias: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!!

How League is CENSORED All Around The World

2urRdCwfA30 | 21 Jan 2018

How League is CENSORED All Around The World

Censorship is everywhere. But, did you know it was in League of Legends as well? I always like seeing those before and after censorship videos of old shows, cartoons, gaming, etc. So I started thinking if there were any significant censors done by Riot in league and would you look at that, there are! Hope you enjoyed the video and learned something new today! Hope they don't censor Evelynn anymore though. Gameplay credits: Teemo Gameplay: The Teemo player seems to have took down their video :( I really liked your gameplay though! Evelynn Gameplay: Graves Gameplay: Source to Iran tournament: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Unique REGIONAL Differences in League of Legends

UjunINOwvVw | 08 Jan 2018

5 Unique REGIONAL Differences in League of Legends

Start playing with Moot here: With League of Legends being the biggest game in the world, there are countless people from all over the world playing everyday. And with each country being different in their own ways its not hard to imagine that League in some way or another might collide with those differences. So these are 5 Regional differences going through the servers of NA, South Korea, Russia, Brazil and Oceania. There is definitely many more differences in other servers. Some are just so small that they weren't really worth mentioning in this video. But I hope you came out of this video with something new learned, and remember, feed your Poros their poritos. Gameplay credits: Zed Gameplay: Teemo Gameplay: Mobile Moot download links: Apple: Android: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

What RANK Are Riot Employees?

zhvDsaSAGNc | 17 Dec 2017

What RANK Are Riot Employees?

League of Legends is an amazing game made by Riot Games, but what rank are those who bring us such a great game every day? Playing with or against Riot employees is always something I heard about and then it finally happened, I had my first encounter against a Riot games employee. And I learned that just because you work for Riot it doesn't mean you possess Faker like skills. So then I started researching and quickly found out that aside from a hand full of Rioters like Riot Phreak and more, majority of Riot employees are in the lower tiers of the ranked latter. And that's how this video came to be. Sources: Bronze 5 0LP Riot employee: Riot Games employee ranked list: Riot Meddler on the balance team being silver: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Times HACKS Took Over League of Legends

aAzj9kgjCIo | 05 Dec 2017

5 Times HACKS Took Over League of Legends

Check out Banish!: Today we're talking about hacks in League of Legends. 5 of them to be exact. Have you ever wondered why you don't see hacks or cheaters more often? I have. And actually I've never had a single hacker in one of my games ever. So I decided to make this video and start researching on how many hacks there have been in the game and I was surprised to find that there's been quite a bit more than just 5 hacks. But, these are some of the more interesting ones. Hope you enjoyed and remember, cheating is bad and will get you banned, so be nice LUL My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

How to 100% NOT Get Banned In League of Legends

VnfxGrPRYr8 | 26 Nov 2017

How to 100% NOT Get Banned In League of Legends

For the longest time, League of Legends has slowly cleaned out those who cause other players bad experiences. From feeders, afk'ers, cheaters etc, Riot has gave out a lot of bans. But recently the only ban Riot Games is handing out are just chat related bans. Unless you're someone who rises to fame for while doing bad things in game like pre - reformed Tyler1, riot won't ban you if you're not using bad words. In this video I give you all the information you need to know to avoid getting banned in league of legends. You'll never catch a chat restriction or 14 day ban ever again! The Riot Dublin story I used in the video: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

Why Is Faker The Best League of Legends Player?

CU-Z8BHRgl0 | 15 Nov 2017

Why Is Faker The Best League of Legends Player?

If you've played League of Legends for any amount of time you most likely heard of Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok. 3 Time Worlds Champion with SKT T1. But what comes up the most is that Faker is the best League of Legends player, some people have disagreed with this through time but, recently statistically the "best" League of Legends player may have changed? Primarily it becomes opinion but, I think Bengi has earned his right to be mentioned in the conversation. What do you think? Is Faker the best League player? My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

4 UNNECESSARY League of Legends Accessories

C1HSC-cvD_k | 03 Nov 2017

4 UNNECESSARY League of Legends Accessories

Most of us play League of Legends in a pretty vanilla way, but what if I told you there are accessories out there in the world the bring your gaming experience to the next level! Whether it's necessary or not is up to you to decide. Personally I would like to have some of those Korean league sodas. Maybe they'll make me play like the Koreans, is that SKT's secret? who knows. Here are links to the sources used: American Express League of Legends card: League of Legends Korean soda: Google pixel 2 AR LOL: Razer Switchblade: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

Why Are NBA Teams Joining The NA LCS?

03hJAoYMKvk | 26 Oct 2017

Why Are NBA Teams Joining The NA LCS?

Ever wondered what it would be like if the Golden State Warriors were in the LCS playing League of Legends? You don't have to wonder any more! Now if you were tired of the Cavs vs Warriors in the NBA finals you'll be finding them in the LCS too! And now we begin the new generation of League of Legends Esports where major sports teams are now making Esports teams to represent themselves in the LCS. What do you think of all this? Are you down to support your favorite basketball team playing professional League of Legends? My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

3 Real Life Statues Made Because of League of Legends

hGbrFYt5_lk | 18 Oct 2017

3 Real Life Statues Made Because of League of Legends

Another day, another League of Legends list video! Today the topic is statues of fictional characters. We begin our journey around the world by visiting Brazil, the land of hue hue hue's and Mordekaiser. But, no, they don't have a morde statue. Instead they have a giant statue of the Tower!/Turret!(what do you call it, turret or tower? I feel like I just use both when ever I feel one fits better than the other Idk.) After our trip in Brazil, we head on with our journey and visit the China! Where a statue of the best top lane champion awaits us; Garen. Not much to say about this one that I don't say in the video, so let's pick up our things and go to the land down under, Australia! Here is where we go deep under water and find that Riot Games has literally dumped a statue in the ocean, poor nautilu- Actually no! This is what you get for feeding in my games Nautilus! Links and sources used for the video: Brazil LoL statue: video of the tower: Chinese Garen statue story: The Nautilus Reef Project: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

How Many Times Can You Use Your Ult In One Game of League of Legends?

dvDbaL5OZtg | 16 Oct 2017

How Many Times Can You Use Your Ult In One Game of League of Legends?

Recently I was having a good game of League of Legends, supporting my Jinx, warding, but I started getting frustrated because my Jinx was saving her ult all game! So that got me thinking, how many times can you use your ultimate in one game?! And so I got to researching and made this video for anyone else who would have been curious about that same question! So don't be like Doublelift in Worlds and actually use your flash, ult, teleport, whatever you got! It's meant to be used! My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching! #LeagueOfLegends #Jinx

This Ziggs Got 177 KILLS In One RANKED Game (Not Clickbait)

LQQS5FqG8EA | 30 Sep 2017

This Ziggs Got 177 KILLS In One RANKED Game (Not Clickbait)

Many people think of League of Legends greats like Faker, Doublelift, Tyler1, etc but who you should really be thinking of is he who has the record for most kills in a single game of league of Legends... The legendary... Dotpol. In the depths of bronze some crazy stuff goes down. And sometimes you might play a game for an hour and five minutes as ziggs and go 177/7/1 just for the luls. Lots of crazy records in League and this is one that really shocked me, didn't think you could reach 100 kills on one single champion. gg ez. My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

What TYLER1 Has To Do To Be UNBANNED [Conspiracy Theory]

mEFCTf_IhPs | 19 Sep 2017

What TYLER1 Has To Do To Be UNBANNED [Conspiracy Theory]

The most infamous League of Legends player to ever touch the rift... LolTyler1. The one trick Draven main who has soared to the top of the NA League of Legends rankings, reaching masters a multitude of times and even reaching challenger. Unfortunately one sad day... Everything came to an end. Tyler1 was indefinitely banned by Riot Games. This event caused a major uproar in the League of Legends community from people defending Tyler and from people who felt the decision was justified. Including opinions from LCS Caster Phreak who had strong opinions about Tyler, ultimately saying Tyler was toxic period, and deserves to not be able to play the game. Phreak wasn't the only one who felt this way. Early on this caused a lot of drama and Tyler's audience would go into many forum threads, youtube comment sections and twitch chats, screaming out on top of their lungs; "FREE TYLER1!!!!!!" #FreeTyler1 became a universal campaign. Supporters from all around the world wanted the 6'5 Alpha to be free'd. But despite all of the support for Tyler, and even Tyler himself becoming reformed, Riot has not unbanned him... And maybe this conspiracy theory of mine, might be what Tyler needs to do... My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

Is the Nintendo Switch getting a League of Legends copy?

wjnXK_uixDI | 14 Sep 2017

Is the Nintendo Switch getting a League of Legends copy?

In the recent September 13 Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced a new moba game; Arena of Valor, the current mobile giant will become cross platform and join none other console than the Nintendo Switch. This will be the first time Nintendo has a MOBA game on their console. Also one of the few MOBA games on consoles period. At first sight this game looks like it's copying Riot games' League of Legends but to many surprise the game is made by the owners of League of Legends, Tencent games. So if you ever wanted to play League of Legends on a Nintendo console, wii, wii u, didn't let you. BUT THE NINTENDO SWITCH WILL LET YOU! Are you into playing a league of legends style game on a console on a big tv? I don't play any League clones so I'm stay on my laptop. My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Champions Based On Real Life People In League of Legends

ylSmEQtAWlA | 22 Aug 2017

5 Champions Based On Real Life People In League of Legends

Ever wondered if the champion you love to one trick was actually based on something or someone from real life? Unfortunately for me, it seems Teemo is an original concept for the most part. But here are 5 Champions based on real life people and pop culture! Here are some links to the sources used in the video: Striker Lucian Skin court case: Lee Sin: Wukong: Dr Mundo: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 People Who DIED Over League Of Legends

kh5AiUwX1oc | 14 Aug 2017

5 People Who DIED Over League Of Legends

We all love League of Legends but would you die for it? Unfortunately some people have whether they wanted to or not. Remember to stay safe out there and protect yourself on the rift and outside the rift. You may feed in game but no need to feed irl. Sources: Man plays League for 23 hours in Taiwan and dies: Mother and Son Argue over League of Legends gone wrong: College student kills friend over defeats: Brazilian boy story: Homeless man defends himself at internet cafe: My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

5 Celebrities That Actually Play League of Legends

-rSncDF1l-w | 31 Jul 2017

5 Celebrities That Actually Play League of Legends

Ever thought if any famous people are playing League of Legends? or perhaps even on the enemy team? Maybe on your team?! Yeah me neither. But, some celebrities do play League! Here I feature 5 celebrities new and old who have jumped into the rift and probably fed like most of us do, except for you who is reading this right now because you're probably challenger, right? Right. From rappers to NBA players everyone loves a good game of league of legends. Here are links to the interviews used: Gordon Hayward League of Legends interviews: Doublelift leaving CLG to TSM - League of Legends all stars - Chandler Riggs League of Legends bronze interview: Also Vin Diesel is PC master race, I didn't put the full interview in the video but it's a 3 minute interview and he is definitely a gamer but seems to not rock with consoles much. My social medias: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: @LeagueOfNicolai Thanks for reading and watching!

Megaman in League of Legends!? - Battle Boss Brand Fireman.EXE Skin!

N40vOF2b17w | 25 Jul 2017

Megaman in League of Legends!? - Battle Boss Brand Fireman.EXE Skin!

The new battle boss skins were just revealed which include, battle boss Ziggs, battle boss Malzahar and battle boss Brand! (Also some people are saying these skins could be arcade and not battle boss. I'm pretty sure they'd be battle boss instead but I'm not entirely sure.) And Battle boss Brand really caught my attention by being clearly inspired from Fireman.exe from Megaman and definitely gave me some nostalgic vibes. Glad there's some megaman battle network fans working over at riot. Hope you guys enjoy the short little video! I haven't uploaded in almost 2 months because of honestly laziness/business on other things. But I'm going to try my best to post semi daily ;_; But anyway if you're reading this, I love you!

Gibby Plays League Of Legends

9GT3TdDRPEA | 31 May 2017

Gibby Plays League Of Legends


Nunu and Zac share 5 Gum

sDe2ZfqHguI | 18 May 2017

Nunu and Zac share 5 Gum

How It Feels To Chew 5 Gum League of Legends edition Source of the game play from Vandiril:

What To Do When Thresh Gives You His Lantern

KHEqM39JhdI | 12 May 2017

What To Do When Thresh Gives You His Lantern

Every day a Thresh faces this struggle. The lantern. A precious tool in the game of League of Legends, one which also contains Lucian's wife btw. But for some odd reason we sometimes forget how helpful it can be. And here you see young Shyvana forgetting to use it. Wasting ult and flash. Spoiler alert, this game was lost. But Shyvana learned her lesson. Oh and she lost the game show too. Socials: Twitch: https://Twitch.Tv/lolNicolai Twitter: Tumblr: Donate:


76uQEvvVtMc | 30 Apr 2017


How to play Yasuo, choose a lane, top, mid, perhaps even adc. Now ask yourself, what is your core reason for playing Yasuo today? Is it to work with your team mates and get that victory? Or to go in just to be the sole carry, steal kills to inflate your score and then if you lose you're still satisfied because you got a lot of kills hehe xd? Regardless, either of those routes are possible with this champion. But the second one is more likely. And most of all, once you become a Yasuo main. You get what is called. The Yasuo Disability. If you enjoyed this video and want to see more subscribe! And if you want these and new fresh league memes on your page follow me on insta! @LeagueOfNicolai !

A Day In The Life Of A League Of Legends Player

aavjGHOGKU4 | 27 Apr 2017

A Day In The Life Of A League Of Legends Player

This may not be just quite Faker's every day, but, it's us common folks day in the life of a league player, am i right? hue hue hue Here's a story bois, I once, many years ago, I used to think League of Legends was a terrible game, and then one day I got better internet and decided it's time to try this great online multiplayer game I've heard so much of, and so I downloaded League of Legends. What a mistake. I've invested so much time into this, I could have learned multiple languages by now. All I'm trying to say is if you're reading this send heLP RIOT WONT LET ME G- Follow on my social media if you want Twitch: https://Twitch.Tv/lolNicolai Twitter: Tumblr:

Russell Westbrook Explained in League of Legends

idiXSzS_vlY | 07 Apr 2017

Russell Westbrook Explained in League of Legends

Russell Westbrook. King of the Prairie. Oklahoma's hope. Since Kevin Durant left, Westbrook has had his team on his back. I think that might be similar to when the Jungler goes AFK and now the fed Yasuo has to crouch down, let his team get comfortable on his back and go try to win the game 4 v 5 somehow. And then he does it, he gets that victory, and gets that S. That's the same story of this Challenger Russell Westbrook. All alone, he must fight to win, with his team of gold players and get that mvp... HASAKI!! Also, subscribe if you liked this video :D Will be making more videos like this, and my subscriber count is going mucho slow, so every bit helps Thank you Twitter: Tumblr: If you read this, comment "Russell Westbrook is the goat of the NBA"

SCARCE Fails To Understand How Sponsors Work On A Podcast

nSKDaM40K8s | 30 Mar 2017

SCARCE Fails To Understand How Sponsors Work On A Podcast

I was watching a podcast, Pain Killer Already (PKA) where Scarce was the guest and on this podcast they have sponsors, usually the guest will sit and wait for the reading to be over but, Scarce couldn't hold it! Let's get rooiiiiggght into the news. Link to the source of this fail lol PKA W/ SCARCE Sub if you like memes.


dyLdqESS0vk | 21 Mar 2017


OPEN THE DESCRIPTION! This is 5 reasons why you didn't get an S! For those of you who want to skip the intro and get to the good stuff here are some time stamps for you: 1:23 How to get an s in league of legends, with wards! 2:40 Why the Time in your game plays a factor in getting an S 3:31 How much CS do you need to get an S? 4:09 What objectives to get to help get your S. 4:58 Damage helps get the S. And that's 5 reasons/tips for why you didn't get an S/how to get an S in the future! How many times have you thought you were about to get an S and about to get that chest! But nothing. ;_; Sometimes not even an A. This happens to me often as well, and so, I decided to get more informed and now, share the info with you guy all in one place and easy to understand :) *also, I called gbay, qbay in the video, sorry lol. Follow on my social media ^.^ Twitch: https://Twitch.Tv/lolNicolai Twitter: Tumblr:

The Jungler has to do everything

Pr9avwUa9gE | 14 Mar 2017

The Jungler has to do everything

Yasuo was just minding his business, getting some cs in mid lane when suddenly Teemo from top comes rushing in! Next ganked by rammus! This can't be good, luckily for Yasuo, he has a great Kha'zix in his jungle ready to save the day and get rid of the pests. Oh wait, no, Kha got the kills. KS. Report Khazix. GG. Original video from the BBC, Children interrupt BBC News interview Social media and stuff :) Twitch: https://Twitch.Tv/lolNicolai Twitter: Tumblr: Subscribe for funny League memes, hehe xd

Respoding to Reddit comments + Reading Hecarim's lore

YFL8QD6H7f0 | 11 Mar 2017

Respoding to Reddit comments + Reading Hecarim's lore

A little over a week ago I decided to read every League of Legends champion lore in 4 hours and posted it to the League of Legends subreddit where many wonderful comments were made. So here I am, went from reading lore to reading comments. Welcome to my reading channel bois. Also, yes, in the reading all champion lores, I did not read Hecarims lore. Well I don't remember if I did, but I either didn''t read it at all or I edited out on accident. So here I went and fixed my mistake. RISE HECARIM!!! But anyway, if you enjoyed, subscribe and stuff. Making videos daily, kappa. Follow on my social media ^.^ Twitch: https://Twitch.Tv/lolNicolai Twitter: Tumblr:

Reading Every League of Legends Lore In One Sitting

iQBcNIeOuSI | 26 Feb 2017

Reading Every League of Legends Lore In One Sitting

*TIME STAMPS IN DESCRIPTION* Ever wonder how long it would take to read the entire League of Legends lore? We'll I'll tell you, reading at a pretty fast pace with no breaks it'll take you 4 hours and 30 minutes of pure joy. Make sure to drink water though, because I forgot to. I checked online if this had been done, and no man had been wild enough to do so yet, until now. Sorry for any audio issues. Believe it or not this video gave me so much trouble to render/upload. I tried removing the background noise but the video would render and then the audio was messed up. 5AD Boys. I don't think it sounds terrible as it sounds so thank you for baring with me :). anyway, that's it. Every League of Legends Champion lore read in 4 hours and 30 minutes. GG. Aatrox 0:00:36 Ahri 0:03:41 Akali 0:05:56 Vote Allistar 0:07:52 Amumu 0:10:42 Anivia 0:11:30 Annie 0:14:16 Ashe 0:16:36 Aurilon Sol 0:20:09 Azir 0:20:47 Bard 0:21:21 Blitzcrank 0:21:59 Brand 0:24:03 Braum 0:26:08 Caitlyn 0:30:54 Camile 0:33:04 Cassiopeia 0:34:06 Cho' Gath 0:34:27 Corki 0:37:05 Darius 0:39:33 Diana 0:42:21 Dr Mundo 0:43:10 Draven hehe xD 0:45:09 Ekko 0:47:24 Elise 0:48:05 Evelyn 0:48:32 XD Ezreal 0:49:07 Fiddlesticks 0:49:45 Fiora 0:52:16 Fizz 0:53:59 Galio 0:56:03 Gangplank 0:58:26 Garen 0:58:54 Gnar 1:01:09 His name is Gragas and he's one of the bois! 1:04:13 Graves 1:07:10 Heimerdinger 1:07:57 Illaoi 1:13:26 Irelia 1:14:03 Ivern 1:16:41 Janna 1:17:32 Jarvan 1:20:02 Jax 1:22:10 Jayce 1:24:22 Jhin 1:26:50 Jinx 1:27:42 Kalista 1:31:28 Karma 1:32:23 Karthus 1:35:21 Kassadin 1:35:57 Katarina 1:37:21 Kayle 1:39:51 Kennen 1:42:22 Khazix 1:44:33 Kindred 1:46:42 Kled 1:47:31 Kogmaw 1:49:07 Leblanc 1:51:58 Lee Sin 1:55:01 Leona 1:57:28 Lissandra 1:58:01 Lucian 2:00:57 Lulu 2:04:02 Lux 2:06:43 Malphite 2:08:30 Malzahar 2:10:35 Maokai 2:13:14 Master Yi was in alpha! 2:14:24 Miss Fortune 2:17:48 Mordekaiser 2:18:35 Morgana 2:19:13 Nami 2:21:21 Nasus 2:24:27 Nautilus 2:25:45 Nidalee 2:28:17 Nocturne 2:29:39 Nunu 2:32:29 Olaf 2:38:05 Orianna 2:42:28 Panteon 2:45:12 Poppy 2:45:52 Quinn 2:46:15 Rammus 2:48:34 XD Reksai 2:48:44 Renekton 2:49:30 Rengar 2:50:15 Riven 2:52:54 Rumble 2:56:30 Ryze 2:58:27 Sejuani 2:59:02 Shaco 3:02:19 at this point i start dying Shen 3:04:31 Shyvana 3:04:59 Singed 3:07:32 Sion 3:10:13 Sivir 3:10:58 Skarner 3:11:37 Sona 3:12:50 Soraka 3:15:44 Swain 3:18:58 Syndra 3:22:18 Tahm Kench 3:24:07 Taliyah 3:24:43 Talon 3:25:24 Taric 3:27:59 Teemo 3:28:31 Thresh 3:31:04 Tristana 3:31:33 Trundle 3:32:05 Tryndamere 3:35:23 Twisted Fate 3:38:33 Twitch 3:39:21 Udyr 3:40:27 His name is Urgot and he's one of the bois! 3:46:44 Varus 3:49:09 Vayne 3:52:50 Veigar 3:54:44 Velkoz 3:57:36 Vi 3:58:16 Viktor 4:01:04 Vladimir 4:03:38 Volibear 4:05:53 Warwick 4:08:20 Wukong 04:08:58 Xerath 4:11:41 Xin zhao 4:12:27 Yasuo 4:14:26 Yorick 4:17:37 Zac 4:18:33 Zed 4:20:23 Ziggs 4:23:42 Zilean 4:26:07 Zyra THE END 4:28:06

This Gangplank Will Call You A PeePee Head and Get Away With It. [League of Legends]

Hsd3HyXbEJ8 | 18 Feb 2017

This Gangplank Will Call You A PeePee Head and Get Away With It. [League of Legends]

So, you decided to boot up League of Legends and have a fun game right? Well I think you're used to constant disappointment if you play this game so yeah, you're wrong. You have a Gangplank top who is out of his mind and is flaming all game long. We've all been through it. They go afk, the game ends you cry a little, check all the boxes, click report, boom, nothing happens, cry some more. If you're reading this I hope you enjoyed the video, did a lil half league game video/ league vlog, if you can give me opinions of what you thought about the video in the comments that would mean a lot :D Thanks for watching/reading! Subscribe if you enjoyed! More coming soon! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Also my mustache was disgusting. It's gone now.

The Worst Fiora To Deservingly Lose [League Of Legends]

oyPTRB72NtM | 26 Jan 2017

The Worst Fiora To Deservingly Lose [League Of Legends]

Here we begin a great journey in summoners rift. It was all going great, first blood and all. But suddenly, toxicity broke lose. Jhin was upset, Fizz was dying but, Fiora... Fiora is losing her mind with each death. We've all been tilted. We have. But, have you ever been so tilted you reconnect right before an opponent gets penta and you teleport to give them penta? Pretty honorable way to lose if you ask me tbh. Alas, the Jinx got penta and after Fiora's great build of 5 mobility boots the team had lost hope and the surrender vote went through. GG. Like and Subscribe for more! Going for daily uploads! :D And "The Worst *Blank*" is now a series on this channel ^.^ Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Feeding, Fiora, The Worst, LoL

1337 IQ Blitzcrank Q Prediction

1GE87cxLC08 | 24 Jan 2017

1337 IQ Blitzcrank Q Prediction

100% Calculated. Hey, I see you were curious and clicked the description. Well. There isn't much here. But I still love you. Unlike your dad. Subscribe to unite fathers with all their left behind kids. Blitzcrank, IQ, Q Prediction, League of Legends

The Worst Jax To Ever Win [League Of Legends]

GnTlGFZKya8 | 18 Jan 2017

The Worst Jax To Ever Win [League Of Legends]

It was just your average game of League of Legends, until Xin Zhao decided to feed, our team realized this could be an easy game so we decided to play this safely. But, not Jax. Jax couldn't give a hoot about your safe playing pussi business. It's all in or nothing. Shout out to Cleveland. And so it wasn't long until Jax was 0/3/0 and was not about to slow down. I was inspired to make this video after I tried being a good man to Jax but he just kept being a mean Jax. So instead of being the mean jungler, I made a video for him. Which you could honestly say is a pretty nice thing for me to do. Regardless, we got the W and I got to experience sharing time with this Jax. Also, subscribe if you liked this video :D Trying to upload daily and my subscriber count is going mucho slow, so every bit helps Thank you Twitter: Tumblr: Jax, League of Legends, Top, LoL

My Pikmin are trying to tell me something

_41wc11nkak | 10 Jan 2017

My Pikmin are trying to tell me something

I was playing Pikmin 2 when all of a sudden I had lost track of where all my Pikmin went! And as a good father figure of my Pikmin, I set out to find them! After a small search I had finally found them but for some odd reason they were formed together into two words. Send Nudes. I actually had fun putting this together and am currently going through the gamecube games and if this is enjoyed, ill make another with some other game! So subscribe if youre into that lol, well thanks for watching! Twitter: Tumblr: ONE LAST THING, my video editor has betrayed me and rendered this video in only 480p when it was recorded in 1080. I was going to remake it in another program but, I already uploaded it and since it is a small video I guess the definition doesn't matter much. But future videos WILL be in 1080p :) Pikmin, Olimar, Gamecube, Memes, Send nudes

A tipsy Taric ganks Jinx and Teemo bot lane for a double kill

RsRLHWOF1VU | 02 Jan 2017

A tipsy Taric ganks Jinx and Teemo bot lane for a double kill

You ever just been dancing in lane with your Teemo support? Of course you have. But then all of a sudden an evil fed OP Taric comes in and gives you hell? Quite the dilemma. If you enjoyed, subscribe, it means a lot! If this video doesn't do terribly i'll make some more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Links and credits to all models and motions: Tipsy Motion: Models: Jinx: Teemo: Taric: Thanks for watching! League of Legends, Teemo, Jinx, Taric, MMD

It's the thought that counts

hAr1nS_jPCY | 28 Dec 2016

It's the thought that counts

Annie and Ezreal botlane. All going good, we got a tower, Shyvana failed to kill us, Caitlyn ults annie, "run save yourself!" says Annie. To be continued on the next episode of Degrassi. Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Ezreal, Annie

The Great Comeback FT. Biggie Smalls

iTKJeDefB5s | 26 Dec 2016

The Great Comeback FT. Biggie Smalls

So, you know that feeling when you start a game of League of Legends, ready to be tilt free and have a good time? Well that was me until I clicked to go into the jungle, alt-tabbed and when I came back I had given first blood. All good, all good, I just have to catch up, who needs blue anyway am I right?! But no, Lee was waiting to abuse me in the bush, took my gromp and my life. He later found me again with my chickens, took my life again then, Krugs killed me. It felt like my life was over. But, I took things into my own hands, and with the help of Biggie, I became a champion. Thanks for watching! And if you're reading this you may as well subscribe since you're so invested in me already! duh. lol Twitter: Tumblr: One more thing, this video was uploaded at 1080p idk why the quality is at 480p... I'll have to change something for the next upload League Of Legends, Warwick, Lee Sin, Comeback, LoL

BUG: Camille is unaffected by Warwick's ultimate [League Of Legends]

jalUduXkpuE | 19 Dec 2016

BUG: Camille is unaffected by Warwick's ultimate [League Of Legends]

This is League of Legends so it's nothing new to have bugs with a new champion like Camille. I kind of one trick pony Warwick, and this happened to me in a couple games that I've now stopped using my ult on any Camille's because this is often the result. Rito plz.

Why People Ban Yasuo [League Of Legends]

swo4FFvjIy8 | 15 Dec 2016

Why People Ban Yasuo [League Of Legends]

Everyday League of Legends players around the world wake up, sit on their computer and get ready to play a good game of LoL. But, before they can begin they must remember to ban Yasuo. Banning Yasuo is very common in the lower ranks and I sometimes wonder why he is constantly banned. Of course if you ask your average bronze player why they ban Yasuo they will likely tell you that "he's broken" or something logical like that which makes sense, of course. But, here you have some grade A proof of why you want Yasuo banned. 3 man cornered Yas, and he still escapes. Quite a beautiful thing to be honest, well, if he's on your team. Thanks for watching and HASAGI on that subscribe button if you enjoyed! Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Yasuo, Plays, Ban Yasuo, LoL

Teleport Is Like A Long Flash [League Of Legends]

_NGCOrIsyKE | 14 Dec 2016

Teleport Is Like A Long Flash [League Of Legends]

Here you see Zilean being attacked, being cornered and his only option? To Teleport the same distance of a flash in front of himself. Now Teleport has a longer cooldown and a longer cast time than flash but technically it is almost the same thing. So when you are cornered in a game of league of legends, most likely in Bronze elo, just teleport in front of your self, your opponent will be so confused that you'll be home free safely. Thanks for watching and teleport or flash on that subscribe button for more like this :) Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Flash, Teleport, Zilean, Tristana, League


AUsQXQ4hcPo | 10 Dec 2016


You know that feeling when you're at a party but don't really want to be there and then you are forced to go socialize but then that turns into a giant fight and although you escape with 1HP you're now being chased by an angry Morgana but you keep running away until you eventually get away but then someone says youre a coward so you turn back to fight and and die? Well this is what happened to Talon here. I hope you enjoyed the show. I'm really sorry for the low quality of the gameplay, the recording got messed up and I couldn't recover it. Hope it was still enjoyable to watch. Thanks for watching and subscribe for more like this :) Twitter: Tumblr: League of legends, LoL, Talon, Morgana, Talon parkour,

How To Bind Your Mastery Emote To Your Abilities! [League Of Legends]

dhBC2RPw-Ts | 09 Dec 2016

How To Bind Your Mastery Emote To Your Abilities! [League Of Legends]

Hello summoners of all ages, we all bm from time to time, and sometimes it's a hassle to do CTRL+5 so why not just let it shine when you use your strongest abilities? That's what this is for, I hope you enjoy the tutorial, go out there and flash your mastery all game long! GG Also, this works for all mastery, mastery level 4, mastery level 5, mastery level 6 and mastery level 7. Here's the link I showed you how to do it in the video, its very easy and can be set up in 2 minutes max. If first link doesn't work this one should. Like and Subscribe for more! Going for daily uploads! :D Twitter: Tumblr: League Of Legends, How To, Zilean, LoL

The Legend Of Teemo

fWmw9xXtIvY | 25 Sep 2016

The Legend Of Teemo

I gather you here to tell you the story of the greatest experience I had in my League of Legends career. Some things I don't say in the video, this was an hour long game, took place in bronze 3, in like mid 2015. I was going to make a video on this the day it happened but, I lost the recording and it never worked again. Today, over a year later I decided to tell the story. Now let me say, this is my best league of legends video I've ever made, I love it personally. Now let me also say, that I worked on this for over 10 hours straight and in the last hour, I was finished and my computer would crash every time I tried to render it. The only solution in the end was to make it 720P quality, if any edits look too rushed it's because they got messed up in the timeline while trying to make a way for this thing to render. I had a stressful time making this video and I just hope someone enjoyed it. If you're reading this thank you, and please send sympathy my way for having the worst laptop in the world. Thank you. Twitter: Tumblr:

Pokemon Go Twitch Streamer RickeyBot Robbed While Live Streaming! - Let's Talk

TANpncgLUp8 | 19 Sep 2016

Pokemon Go Twitch Streamer RickeyBot Robbed While Live Streaming! - Let's Talk

Go support Rickey, follow or send some love! Honestly when I heard the news it really got me mad, that someone minding their own business would get attacked with no single thought of that coming and then being robbed for his belongings. I've always hated thief because you never know what that person did to get what they got. Maybe their well off or maybe they saved up every last penny for a year to buy what they have. So of course, screw this guy and I hope he gets caught. This is my first sort of vlog,ill improve as I go on but, just wanted to talk about this topic so I put on the camera. I hope I wasn't too boring. Comment and tell me what you think of the whole situation! Thank you for watching and reading the description, have a great day :) *Btw, ads on this video are not mine, apparently the video I used has copyright owned by viral hog, so that's their ads.

The Difference Between Keemstar And Philip DeFranco

czM011AILRs | 14 Sep 2016

The Difference Between Keemstar And Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco and Keemstar reported on the same news last night about a baby gorilla in china but, not in the same way. Each point of view displays how seriously they "report news". Unfortunately I watch Keemstar from time to time and when I noticed that difference I thought it'd be interesting to put them side by side in a video :) Especially since Keem has claimed to be YouTubes biggest news channel in the past. I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you're reading this comment "Harambe didn't die for this". Twitter: Tumblr: Also Subscribe! I uploaded weekly/ twice a week :) Thanks for reading/watching!

I PLAY POKEMON GO EVERY DAY [Lyrics Made In Pokemon Go]

qLutpy8U2R0 | 11 Sep 2016

I PLAY POKEMON GO EVERY DAY [Lyrics Made In Pokemon Go]

The great Misha / Mishovy silenosti created this masterpiece and I wanted to let everything come full circle and make the lyric video for this anthem on Pokemon Go. I hope you all enjoyed. Twitter: Tumblr: Also Subscribe! I uploaded weekly/ twice a week :) Thanks for reading/watching! Long live Misha


srF7uCTl9-o | 07 Sep 2016


Hey guys, thanks for clicking on this video! I'm not the biggest fan of top 5 lists but I got the idea to do this video and looked around first for how many people have done "Top 5 dead YouTube channels" and almost everyone is just saying, Fred, Ray William Johnson, etc. Not much variety. I thought my rendition was a fresh take to the top 5 YouTube lists. Hope you enjoyed :) Let me know what you liked or disliked in the comments please :) Twitter: Tumblr: Also Subscribe! I uploaded weekly/ twice a week :) Thanks for reading!


5YnPtMAWoE8 | 27 Jul 2016


I saw this post on a Pokemon Go facebook page and it was filled to the brim with cancerous genwunners. So, I decided to make a video expressing how I felt. If you agree with me SMASH THAT MOTHER FUCKING LIKE BUTTON and if you disagree, comment below and tell me why. Also comment if you agree though, lol wanna hear your thoughts. Hope you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you want more videos like this, no one's forcing you though. Twitter: Tumblr: ^.^


PCqQ3QQUBDM | 13 Jul 2016


Hello, Pokemon trainers! Basically, this little trick makes it so that the Pokemon is as close as possible when you throw the Pokeball, giving you an almost 100% chance of landing the ball every time. Be aware that sometimes the Pokemon will dodge your ball even though you're so close. I've been doing this for a while now and makes catching those common Pidgeys and Ratatas a much less tedious task. If you liked this, make sure to subscribe, I'll be making more videos like this :) Thanks for watching! Twitter: Tumblr: ^.^


Oq2PtBu7rgQ | 30 May 2016


The enemy team starts a fight against the Baron and Shen smells opportunity, and you know what they say, when you get opportunity make lemonade. So Shen seizes the moment! And does one of the coolest 1v5 Pentakill plays I've ever seen. Shout out to WESTRICE for the epic play! Hope you enjoyed the video! If you did, subscribe? :D New videos weekly! Twitter: Tumblr: Buh bye!

high elo ok play

mWauaX3jKhc | 09 May 2016

high elo ok play

Memes become dreams Ok. Ok. So a video made it to the front page of /r/LeagueOfLegends and I thought hey, that's pretty good/retarded so I made an exact parody of it for the lulz. Compare side by side if you'd like. But yes, this is just a dank meme. Not be taken seriously. Bring it in pimps and players and let's get right into the news. Subscribe for more! New videos weekly bb girl. Twitter: Tumblr: League Of Legends, low elo ok play, teemo, garen, gg fuk u reading this for?

Today I Learned What Trundle's Ultimate Does [League Of Legends]

UzTJZ8jsVgI | 22 Apr 2016

Today I Learned What Trundle's Ultimate Does [League Of Legends]

Young Kogmaw was about to go home but, all he wanted to do was leave a little bit of damage before leaving so he could get a couple assists and maybe help out his team mates that go into the fight next. But what happened next changed him forever... GG. Also, hope you liked that 8bit moment :) Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Kogmaw, Trundle, Trundle Ult, League of Legends

How To Cut Down Trees Fast! [STARDEW VALLEY]

fLuXi4jroiM | 13 Apr 2016

How To Cut Down Trees Fast! [STARDEW VALLEY]

In this video I'll show you how to make lots of wood fast and how to clear your farm of all the over grown trees you have! First you're going to need a few mega bombs. 4 per section of trees. Then bombs away, you should be making lots of wood and lots sap right after that fourth bomb goes off. Enjoy. Thanks for watching, and if you enjoyed this video at all maybe subscribe? Means a lot to me and I will be making more Stardew Valley videos in the future :) Twitter: Tumblr: You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won't be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town's most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness! For more information on Stardew Valley: Stardew Valley Official Website Download Stardew Valley on Steam

AUTO ATTACKS OP [League Of Legends]

_oNEKHWI7rc | 09 Apr 2016

AUTO ATTACKS OP [League Of Legends]

In this One Minute In Bronze, Lux and Warwick seek out to kill an under leveled Master Yi but, Yi does not want to die so he will flash out of the situation causing Lux and Warwick to only do one thing... Dive... Will our heroes secure the kill and not feed? Find out next time on overusedmeme.png Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Auto attacks, Warwick, Lux, Master Yi

Garen Is Asked To Give Penta And He Gives Penta

bLga1uqj97I | 06 Apr 2016

Garen Is Asked To Give Penta And He Gives Penta

In this One Minute In Bronze, Vayne gets a quadra kill, her team is ready to win the game and Garen is told to give the penta. But Garen is a man of justice, and with the might of DEMACIA! He shall not give in and so, in the end, Garen gave penta. Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: League of Legends, Garen, Garen Pentakill

The Worst Secret Santa Gift Ever [STARDEW VALLEY]

I-7vsbU3vfU | 30 Mar 2016

The Worst Secret Santa Gift Ever [STARDEW VALLEY]

It's The Feast of the Winter Star and i'm excited to receive my gift at the end of the day. I give my boy, Demetrius his favorite gift and so I should be at the end of some good Karma coming right up, right? Well no. I got Jas as my secret santa and well, that happened. Sometimes good things happen to bad people and sometimes bad things happen to bad people gg ez bois jungler never ganked. Stardew Valley is amazing. Download this asap and go lose your life just like the rest of what you waiting for son? Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: STARDEW VALLEY, JAS, SECRET SANTA, GIFTS

This Is How Leah Feels About Me [STARDEW VALLEY]

6RvreSfEMfM | 25 Mar 2016

This Is How Leah Feels About Me [STARDEW VALLEY]

I wake up one day and get visited by a young lady named, Leah. I was not expecting this at all but, she comes with a gift for me so I gladly accept. But to my surprise this was not a gift. This was a message... poop statue OP. gg ez. Stardew Valley is amazing. Download this asap and go lose your life just like the rest of what you waiting for son? Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: STARDEW VALLEY, LEAH,

How To Bind Your Mastery Emote To Abilities And Spells [League Of Legends]

jEQ3AWghqhE | 29 Feb 2016

How To Bind Your Mastery Emote To Abilities And Spells [League Of Legends]

How to BM. This programs binds your mastery emote straight to any abilities you want. Want your level 5 mastery to go off right when you ult? Well now you can! And it's super easy. Here's the link I showed you how to do it in the video, its very easy and can be set up in 2 minutes max. If first link doesn't work this one should. UPDATED VERSION: Like and Subscribe for more! At least 1 video per week! :D Twitter: Tumblr: League Of Legends, How To, Warwick, Annie bot

BASE RACE [League Of Legends]

4jWEYmE3fro | 02 Feb 2016

BASE RACE [League Of Legends]

Tristana and Udyr are racing against the world to win the game but in the world of league of legos only one can be victorious. GG Legend has it to this day the losing team is still tilted. Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Base race, league of legends, league, udyr, tristana

One Minute In Bronze [League Of Legends]

SpVB9CJEMaA | 20 Jan 2016

One Minute In Bronze [League Of Legends]

League Of Legends isn't a game. League Of Legends is a life. How to get out of bronze: Just press B. Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Lux, Bronze, LoL, Teemo

My First Encounter With The New Poppy

3FuNuwaBKc0 | 12 Dec 2015

My First Encounter With The New Poppy

Well that was fun. Subscribe and Like for more League Of Legends content :D Don't stand near walls if you have a Poppy in your game. GG EZ. Twitter: Tumblr:


DYqluNH8RcY | 09 Dec 2015


In this video DJ Khaled decides to play some League Of Legends as his favorite champion, Urgot. I mean, really though whats better than League Of Legends, DJ Khaled AND Undertale music all in one? Nothing. GG EZ WHO DOESN'T LIKE DJ KHALED MEMES!? Thank you very much for watching! Subscribe for more videos like this if you'd like to see more! Twitter: Tumblr: Follow DJ KHALED on snapchat for the motivation. DJKHALED305 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, DJ KHALED, URGOT, NICOLAI,

An Open Letter To Poppy [League Of Legends]

fqkvCxirazA | 25 Nov 2015

An Open Letter To Poppy [League Of Legends]

This is me paying my respects to one of the greatest things to ever come into my life... Poppy... Not to be taken too seriously. Hope you enjoy! Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Poppy, League Of Legends, New Poppy

Jinx Ult Kills Blitzcrank And Steals Blue [League Of Legends]

19y8lzmMsQY | 20 Nov 2015

Jinx Ult Kills Blitzcrank And Steals Blue [League Of Legends]

All Jinx wanted was the Blitzcrank but, got a blue to go. I can't believe this worked. GG. Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: Songs: Mega Man 2 - Wily Stage 1 (MMX Style) Star Fox (SNES) - Corneria (Mega Man X Remix)

Teemo Meets A Horse

pwOQ2Qp0opk | 13 Nov 2015

Teemo Meets A Horse

While walking down the friendly jungle, Teemo walked into a unfriendly encounter. What happened next is the story of why Teemo is a captain... Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: League Of Legends, Teemo, Hecarim


CiBDNY6SKk0 | 12 Sep 2015


This is a presentation of the greatest league of legends jungler champion to bless the rift, Warwick. Warwick had almost no health and still came back to finish the job. I am a Warwick main, I have almost 300k mastery points, I hate my life and Warwick gives me all the power I need to make sure my teams can come to a victorious ending, every time. Legends even say you can make Warwick AP, I haven't tried it but, it just goes to show how great this champion is. I'm sure this Yasuo will learn a thing or two about picking his fights. Also, always buy Thornmail. Thank you for watching I hope you all go the store after watching this video and buy the best league of legends champion, WARWICK! for only 450ip. Subscribe for more and less potato quality in the future! Twitter: Tumblr:


bvpxcl_9NwE | 07 Sep 2015


Varus and Sion venture on a journey to the enemy jungle, what they did next would tilt their enemies forever. Like and Subscribe for more! :D Twitter: Tumblr: *btw, the comic sans is just for luls.


d7s2tPCxMzc | 05 Sep 2015


Yasuo realizes that his friends aren't going to do anything about the Baron and decides to takes matters into his own hands. If you want things done right just do them yourself. GG. Subscribe for more and less potato quality in the future! Twitter: Tumblr:


NSns41PYTrc | 07 Aug 2015


Interesting bug I found while playing a normal match with Tahm, luckily it was after our team had gotten a quadra kill so it wasn't a bad time to die but I would hate for this to happen in the middle of an important team fight in a ranked match. Thank you for watching :)

Meek Mill's Response to Back to Back by Drake

UNO9LIN79t8 | 29 Jul 2015

Meek Mill's Response to Back to Back by Drake

Meek Mill woke up to a nightmare Lyrics: [Verse] Yeah, I learned the game from William Wesley You can never check me Back to back for the niggas that didn't get the message Back to back like I'm on the cover of Lethal Weapon Back to back like I'm Jordan '96, '97 Whoa, very important and very pretentious When I look back I might be mad that I gave this attention Yeah, but it's weighin' heavy on my conscience Yeah, and fuck, you left a boy no options I wanna see my niggas go insane You gon' make me step out of my fuckin' frame You gon' make me buy bottles for Charlamagne You gon' make me go out of my fuckin' way I waited four days, nigga, where y'all at? I drove here in the Wraith playin' AR-AB I'm not sure what it was that really made y'all mad But I guess this is what I gotta do to make y'all rap I mean woah, can't fool the city, man, they know what's up Second floor Tootsies, gettin' shoulder rubs This for y'all to think that I don't write enough They just mad cause I got the midas touch You love her, then you gotta give the world to her Is that a world tour or your girl's tour? I know that you gotta be a thug for her This ain't what she meant when she told you to open up more Yeah, trigger fingers turn to twitter fingers Yeah, you gettin' bodied by a singin' nigga I'm not the type of nigga that'll type to niggas And shout-out to all my boss bitches wife-in niggas Make sure you hit him with the prenup Then tell that man to ease up I did another one, I did another one You still ain't did shit about the other one I got the drink in me goin' back to back Yeah, goin' back to back I got the drink in me goin' back to back Yeah, I'm goin' back to back I don't wanna hear about this ever again Not even when she tell 'em that they better as friends Not even when you sayin', "Drizzy, tell 'em again" I been puttin' on a show, it was a sell out event Oh, you need better seatin' I didn't wanna do it, gave me every reason The point I'm tryna make is I don't ever need 'em Seen what you'd do for fame or what you'd do for freedom Please, check 'em for a wire or a earpiece Please, please do not let these niggas near me Please, think before you come for the great one Please, who's a real nigga and who ain't one? Please, somebody stop me I'm talkin' boasy and gwanin wassy I got the fest in five days and it's my shit Soon as a nigga hit the stage, they gon' They gon' ask if I can play this shit back to back Yeah, they want it back to back They gon' ask if I can play this shit back to back I took a break from Views, now it's back to that, nigga


Ro15lTl8eMY | 21 Jul 2015


Tahm Kench gives no hoots. Subscribe and Like for more League content! Sorry if the video is a little laggy, I don't have the best computer, but thanks for watching! Twitter: Tumblr:


A6YA5tlY6pA | 02 Jul 2015


Yasuo ult with Ekko ult = ACE Subscribe and Like for more League content :D Twitter: Tumblr:


ebH6_RHKKXE | 07 Jun 2015


Subscribe and Like for more League content :D Corki think's he got this kill in the bag but, little does he know that these wolves aren't your usual peasant wolf. Nuh uh, this wolf was some game of thrones dire wolf, ready to take out its enemy. Twitter: Tumblr:


I70rViG2QBY | 03 Jun 2015


LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more League Of Legends content! In this video we see Jinx be a lucky lil summoner and lands fluke ultimates on Master Yi all while actually aiming at Ekko. Fun fact we got rekt in this match. Twitter: Tumblr:


LFvHx0nnnPY | 22 May 2015


On my journey through the many matches of Summoners Rift I sometimes run into some salty companions. This is one of them. Twitter: Tumblr:

Messi vs. Neuer

AJFS0HRRFb8 | 07 May 2015

Messi vs. Neuer



OPziSerrCXw | 03 May 2015



What Would Jesus Do

iGr5FCyX2gE | 24 Apr 2015

What Would Jesus Do

I'm sorry. This is the worst video I've ever made. I was making it and I thought "damn, this is not going as good as I thought it would." well, I was half way done so why not complete it? So I completed it and it would be a waste to not let your precious eyes view this art right? So I have uploaded it. I promise if you (whoever is seeing this) decide to subscribe I'll never make something as bad as this. Probably. Twitter: Tumblr: Note: Video inspiration taken from this reddit post:

The Cow With 2 Legs

p5d4-0n_PPo | 17 Apr 2015

The Cow With 2 Legs

The greatest joke ever told in a 26 second video. Sorry for lack of quality in this. Twitter: Tumblr:

My Chinese Friend

HA-17iJhg84 | 13 Apr 2015

My Chinese Friend

Ever since back in elementary school, I had a good friend. We did everything together. Play soccer, play chess, eat, etc. But one day, I kind of noticed that he never really said much... *Note: This is an animation by me but, inspired by this reddit joke: Twitter: Tumblr:


kFZtSRPU0jo | 03 Apr 2015


This is the story of a young couple madly in love with each other who encounter conflict in their relationship. Some say this is a better love story than Twilight others don't say anything because they know it's the greatest thing they have ever seen. Note: This is a re-upload from my previous channel. Twitter: Tumblr:

Text And Poop

k_LcRpwn7rM | 26 Mar 2015

Text And Poop

A public service announcement. Twitter: Tumblr:

The Shower Spider

1OkbWDlfkYw | 14 Mar 2015

The Shower Spider

That feel when you're taking a shower but you see a spider, you blink and its no longer there. Twitter: Tumblr:

Hitler thinks the dress is black and blue

ywgagzSql-0 | 26 Feb 2015

Hitler thinks the dress is black and blue

Adolf Hitler has a strong opinion on The Dress debate and doesn't want anyone to disagree. Twitter: Tumblr: