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All videos archived of ActionAdventureTwins

44mChwXUqcM | 04 Mar 2025
We found this 10ft diameter pipe on a mountain and came back with a go pro, dive light and 1000ft of string. The pipe went so deep and kept dropping into underground lakes...

f-E-3a3EXH0 | 18 Feb 2025
Last time he went down the ladder, something down there starting shaking the whole mine and silted out the entire ladder seconds after he came up. This time he went down with a leaking air tank to figure out what made the disturbance

XEJBO4XpLGA | 11 Feb 2025
This might have been one of the dumbest things we have done. We forced our way through a hurricane force waterfall to see what was in this cave. Our buddy Davis's channel is @CaveChronicles

g1XJOY-1tNM | 22 Jan 2025
We pumped out a flooded cave on the @DemolitionRanch property and pushed further than anybody else has ever seen before... Huge thanks to Matt for having us out at the ranch, and letting us stay at the Freedom House Air BNB on the ranch! His channels are @OffTheRanch and @DemolitionRanch

oMy8Eb6znIU | 10 Nov 2024
I can't believe she went into this flooded cave first, @adventuringlight is a wild one. also check out @explorehigh23 and @CaveChronicles for more caving content. Huge thanks to Sakowuf_Solutions on reddit for designing and building this UV light

9AJSRuC-vrg | 28 Sep 2024
We went back into this crazy deep river cave with a 280ft deep waterfall inside it to push way further into the cave. Go check out @explorehigh23 and @CaveChronicles channel for more caving content!

OpzP5m9zfhI | 16 Aug 2024
This cave will blow your mind.... Huge thanks to Imalent for sending us the MS32 flashlight Davis's channel is here @CaveChronicles

NBe6GDrEyos | 27 Jul 2024
We went into this cave in search of the biggest underground room with the worlds brightest flashlight, and came across the biggest river we have ever seen. Huge thanks to Imalent for sending us this 200,000 lumen flashlight! Check out @CaveChronicles

gUBO1m_TPy4 | 05 Jul 2024
Things got a little sketchy on rope, but Autumn is a champ for handling the anxiety attack so well! Go subscribe and check out her channels and website if you want more info about Adventure Valley; and her other tiny home retreats at the links below! Adventure Valley is an over 500 acre retreat, that's being built in spring city, Tennessee. Autumn and Jared just acquired the land a few weeks ago, and have already made major progress on the property. They are about ready to start putting homes on the site if you are interested in buying or renting one. Their youtube channel @zionstinyhomes Their Tiktok Davis's channel @CaveChronicles

bCwyhigZDOI | 16 May 2024
Part 2 of going into this crazy hole next to the tracks. The Lake was literally just the start if things.... go check out Stephens channel here @_DeAThWisH112

_Hso9UtlUJ4 | 16 Apr 2024
The pump stopped running, and the cave was filling with water inches from my face.... it was the worst time for this to happen. Demolition Matt's youtube channel is @OffTheRanch and @DemolitionRanch Alex channel is @Underground_Explorers Ryan's channel is @Underground_Adventures

rvSDXjq2ytk | 02 Apr 2024
This amazing couple invited us out to check out this cave on their property that nobody has been far into, in over 35 years! This cave was way bigger than we thought, and we never found the end to it.

mbZSU3SHMp8 | 27 Mar 2024
We met up with some fans who showed us this massive cave they knew of. We have to come back to see where some of these places go. check our @PetroWasHere and @ARCavingandOutdoors for more caving videos!

xWnjhhF7O7s | 14 Mar 2024
We couldn't believe how far in this went, after going into the hole with air coming out that Matt found by the river! With this cave going on for Hundreds and Hundreds of feet, it easily qualifies as a new cave! Davis channel @CaveChronicles

vgei8ifyk84 | 27 Feb 2024
While looking for caves we dropped a go pro down a sinkhole we found and couldn't believe what we saw! Huge thanks to Matt and Davis for finding this cave with us, go check out Davis's channel here @CaveChronicles

uXyRTfLOH7A | 18 Feb 2024
Our friend Matt discovered this cave after 3 hard days of digging out the entrance! Huge thanks to him for letting us come out and explore the place! go check out our friends channels at @Mineral_dude , @CaveChronicles @chvrlie_expeditions @Rock_Rat

NJT0NW1FKPE | 21 Jan 2024
We never even found the end of this place after getting miles deep inside..... Go check out our other channels here @ActionAdventureTwinsShorts @ActionAdventureClips and our friends channels @funfinding4two955 @Mineral_dude @woebkenm

ch4Q4bhRK-g | 07 Jan 2024
Crazy formations, a climbing rope that gets cut in half on sharp rocks, an ancient snake skeleton, and plenty of water. you are not going to want to miss this one! check out the rest of the gangs channels @Underground_Explorers @Cave.Chronicles @Mineral_dude @chvrlie_expeditions

_sukbPfSQ8Y | 24 Dec 2023
We came back to explore the cave we found in the back of this mine, and realized the cave turned out to be way bigger than we could have ever imagined. Go check out our friends channels at @lowrangeoutdoors @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @chvrlie_expeditions and our other channels @ActionAdventureTwins@ActionAdventureClips @ActionAdventureTwinsShorts

oVicD63LJWc | 09 Dec 2023
We found ourselves in an endless system of tunnels at the bottom of the 280ft pit. We will be back to try to push this cave way deeper. go check out our friends youtube channels and our other channels here... @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @ActionAdventureClips @ActionAdventureTwinsShorts

FYpwCSYIVOs | 02 Dec 2023
We later learned from a local that the giant pile at the bottom of the pit was made of thousands of animal bones, and was just covered with some leaves and sticks so we couldn't see them. Go check out @funfinding4two955 , @Mineral_dude , @woebkenm for more crazy caving

qxk-umIQIY4 | 24 Nov 2023
We went well over a mile into this cave to search for the 90ft waterfall to climb up. The crystals we passed along the way made the tough journey so worth it. We spent about 9 hours in the cave on this trip.

eULp72P0pNM | 18 Nov 2023
We spent over 12 hours inside this cave dropping down the deepest pit in the USA at 586'! We can't believe we finally managed to drop down the pit after planning this for a long time. We will be back to this cave to see where it goes down there! Check out our friends channels at @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @Underground_Adventures @ThisweeksAdventure

RCbU2ZZ2N8w | 10 Nov 2023
This is part 2 of exploring this water filled cave on the property of youtuber @DemolitionRanch. Pumping out the water revealed rooms never seen by anyone before full of rare formations! Part 1 of this cave can be found here Make sure to check out matts channels at @DemolitionRanch @OffTheRanch and all our friends channels at @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @Underground_Adventures

mdrwYKA-fjc | 03 Nov 2023
subscribe to Matt @OffTheRanch and @DemolitionRanch ! huge thanks to him for letting us come out and explore the ranch! also subscribe to @Mineral_dude , @Underground_Adventures , and @Underground_Explorers for more caving content!

1_272ueyaWQ | 24 Oct 2023
This cave in the woods just kept dropping deeper and deeper until we ran out of rope. We have to come back to see how far down this goes. @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @Underground_Adventures @ActionAdventureClipsfor more caving content!!

-0-B7jQAS5Q | 13 Oct 2023
We couldn't believe how much this cave opened up from the tiny entrance. There was more bats in this one cave than we have seen in our entire lives. go check out @Underground_Explorers @Underground_Adventures @lowrangeoutdoors @Mineral_dude

dTHNL-iSR_8 | 03 Oct 2023
We couldn't believe how it opened up into these giant rooms full of crystals, and we will definitely be back to explore the rest of this place. go check out @funfinding4two955 @CavernReaper @Mineral_dude @woebkenm @cavezip @ActionAdventureClips

GBW1bZ_ZQbQ | 26 Sep 2023
This guy let us check out the cave on the edge of his field, and we couldn't believe how big it was Don't forget to check out these channels @funfinding4two955 @CavernReaper @woebkenm @Mineral_dude @ActionAdventureClips

YOhhz0OLbQo | 19 Sep 2023
This massive cave hid some amazing waterfalls and formations inside it. We will definitely be back to explore the rest of the cave. Check out @Underground_Adventures @Underground_Explorers@Mineral_dude , and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

yKT1iKzNmCc | 13 Sep 2023
We were having a good time until it was time to turn around. Check the weather before entering a cave Our friends channels are @funfinding4two955 @CavernReaper @Mineral_dude @woebkenm Our second channel is @ActionAdventureTwins

nF2MtiGxCo0 | 07 Sep 2023
This underground river was hiding at the bottom of the 150ft deep pit in the ground. We will definitely be back to explore further in this place Check out @Underground_Adventures @Underground_Explorers and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

zMtg7Qgekok | 25 Aug 2023
We journeyed into the cave with the largest underground room in the USA. It wasn't easy but it was so worth it seeing this place. Our friends channels are @Mineral_dude @lowrangeoutdoors @Underground_Explorers @Underground_Adventures

tDGAS7zREcw | 11 Aug 2023
This is one of the craziest things we have seen in our life. This 280 foot waterfall inside this cave did not disappoint. Check out our friends channels at @Underground_Explorers @Mineral_dude @Underground_Adventures @lowrangeoutdoors

SjKlwM0qL10 | 04 Aug 2023
We took a 75,000 lumen flashlight into a cave with the 2nd biggest chamber in the US, to light the place up like nobody has ever done before @underground_explorers @lowrangeoutdoors @

M1tAnNiZrJA | 28 Jul 2023
After getting convinced to swim through this scary water tunnel, I couldn't believe what was on the other side. Go check out our friends channel's @funfinding4two955 @CavernReaper @woebkenm @Mineral_dude and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

KlltGdU9nT4 | 14 Jul 2023
This tiny hole in the woods opened up into the biggest most magical room underground Check out our friends channels @Underground_Adventures @Mineral_dude @Underground_Explorers and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

6VQBSsimU70 | 30 Jun 2023
We went down into this sinkhole to find out how deep it was and couldn't believe how far it dropped. Check out our friends channels at @CavernReaper @funfinding4two955 @Mineral_dude @woebkenm and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

SQVW9704yaM | 23 Jun 2023
The deeper into this cave you go, the cooler it gets Go check out these channels for more crazy caving content @funfinding4two955 @CavernReaper @Mineral_dude @ActionAdventureClips

MrnSDfZ-3D8 | 16 Jun 2023
Don't ever go caving without other sources of light or this will happen Check out our friends channel @funfinding4two955 and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips for more caving content

0iF96TSnf_0 | 09 Jun 2023
We went back to check out the really deep hole in the ground, to see where it went. The part 1 video can be found here Check out Alex's channel @Underground_Explorers Cades channel @lowrangeoutdoors and our second channel @ActionAdventureClips for much more exploring content!

-88srd5juoc | 12 May 2023
We found a secret cave that's not supposed to exist anymore and had a dark history. We came across a gate with a sign saying its been gated for our protection. This is part 1 of this video. go check out underground explorers channel here @Underground_Explorers

-gelHOxIXws | 21 Apr 2023
You would never expect this tiny hole in the forest to open up into this massive deep sinkhole. Check out the guys at @deepfreedom And our second channel here @ActionAdventureClips for more underground content

OFbuwUE_0ds | 31 Mar 2023
We found our way to the top of the deepest pit in the continental United States. first we lowered a camera down to the bottom of it, then we threw a rock down! check out the channel @deepfreedom for more caving content!

OUhNP8n4pTk | 25 Mar 2023
We followed a spring flowing from a mountain and crawled miles back into a cave until finding a massive waterfall! subscribe to both Alex and Cades channel for more caving content! links below!! Alex: @Underground_Explorers Cade: @lowrangeoutdoors

KeT7nzT1cVE | 17 Mar 2023
This culvert pipe under the highway took us deep into a huge cave that we could never find the end of! Huge thanks to @funfinding4two955 for taking us to this place so we could explore with them! Go subscribe to their channel, they have a lot more cool places to show everyone!!!

N2W7XzczcJA | 03 Mar 2023
We found this tiny mystery hole while walking in the woods that opened up into a massive world underneath our feet Subscribe to @Underground_Explorers for more caving adventures!

KDxUHuz8szU | 23 Feb 2023
This cave kept dropping hundreds of feet down into the earth and we rappelled down into it to find out what was at the bottom. Make sure to watch part 1 and 2 first! part 1 is here: check out Alex with @Underground_Explorers and show some support by subscribing to his channel. This video wouldn't have been possible without his help!!

xYQw03w2Ns4 | 15 Feb 2023
We went deep into this 7 mile long cave and found walls covered in huge crystals! to see part 1 of us exploring this section of the cave, check out :

LsElukgnp5g | 08 Feb 2023
We are going deep inside this cave to solve the mystery of where it goes! if you haven't seen part 1 of this video go check out : go check out @lowrangeoutdoors for more exploring content

6D5ACJlqk5w | 25 Jan 2023
We are going deeper than ever into this terrifyingly tight cave to try and find a rumored underground waterfall! Part 1 of this cave is right here: check out Cades channel : @lowrangeoutdoors

tc3MTddCJv0 | 04 Jan 2023
we found a marble mine and went deep into it with kayaks and super bright lights! part two of this explore can be found here : go subscribe to @lowrangeoutdoors and @ActionAdventureClips for more exploring content!!

MReRCvqD4wI | 21 Dec 2022
We couldn't believe our eyes at what we found deep in this massive limestone mine! We will be back to continue exploring much further with even more gear next time! part 2 of this video is here: go support cade and subscribe to his channel@lowrangeoutdoors , and check out our second channel@ActionAdventureClips

NJfOrznWmeA | 30 Nov 2022
We took a go pro down into the deepest pit in the USA, and are the first people to drop it down to the bottom of this cave. Nate and Bens channel @deepfreedom Our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

DrRF9UnXdx4 | 26 Oct 2022
We went beyond the point of high anxiety in our effort to find the end of pettyjohns cave! subscribe for the next adventure! check out part 1 here: Our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

igYist_hR7U | 15 Oct 2022
This cave got the best of us this time. We went in completely unprepared for what lay waiting for us. check out @dancer1 's channel to see some more action! Our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

xtf3T_QRXnE | 08 Oct 2022
Deep in an abandoned green talc mine we found loads of pyrite crystals. We attempted to go deeper into the mine than ever before but it was so vast we will have to return to explore more of it.

T2CzCRwzdXU | 30 Sep 2022
We set out to dive into these deep caves in this secret lake. joining us for this adventure is Brent from @BrentDives and David from @funfinding4two955 !! this is part two of this explore. part one where we explore the other tunnels is here:

jqKi5-x0f0s | 21 Sep 2022
There's some tunnels that nobody knows where they lead to, in the side of a hidden lake.. We set out to find out where the tunnels lead. part 2 is where we go underwater to see what is down there!:

C2dsnOyq54A | 13 Sep 2022
We found a way into the underground nuclear aircraft laboratory. We never expected to see this once inside. part one of this explore can be found here: Our second channel @ActionAdventureClips

9OGyf8QkyX0 | 05 Sep 2022
We made it into an underground complex that was used to design a nuclear powered aircraft that could stay in the air for weeks. Inside was an unshielded reactor used to radiate different parts to test the effects. part two of this explore where we find the reactor room can be found here:

3mB91RTLdug | 26 Aug 2022
Back in this 7 mile long cave is an amazing 50 foot waterfall. From there the caves splits in many different directions. We explored for hours and only saw a fraction of the cave before we made our way out of a tiny second entrance we found. check out Brandon's Youtube channel @BrandonGross !!!!!!

zmpGT9nC4u4 | 19 Aug 2022
This cave was so incredibly huge, and after an hour of walking through the biggest rooms we ever saw, we came across a giant river! exploring with us was @BrandonGross. check out his channel for more crazy adventures!

lw1E_i0cSls | 12 Aug 2022
The cave was full of fast moving water, super sketchy ladders and ropes. Several places the water was too deep to continue so we're going to try and come back when the water has calmed down. huge shoutout to @BrandonGross for showing us the cave! go check out his channel and subscribe for tons more action

Bx-PU4cClaU | 05 Aug 2022
Deep inside this cave lies the biggest underground room in America. This trip took us 9 hours to complete and involved rappelling down 2 pits. In between the pits were hours of grueling low crawls, and we had to climb up 2 waterfalls to get to the room. At the bottom of the massive room was a gigantic river that goes for miles. Subscribe to catch every new video, and check out the Brandon Gross channel here All credit for the long exposure photo goes to Trevor Daniels

hy8HtYVr2qk | 29 Jul 2022
we go exploring this massive cave with Fellow Youtuber @BrandonGross this is by far the biggest cave we have ever been into! this cave was so large it had its own weather inside! check out brandon's channel for insane cliff diving and epic caving videos!

xD8QwM2Rs4I | 23 Jul 2022
this deep hand dug shaft leads straight down into a massive underground chamber that has poisonous air and a massive lake inside. this was our second trip inside this place. part one has even more action, check out part one right here: check out @SheInspiresAdventures for more cool content! thank her for helping us explore this place!

2WRaa-UXXKA | 17 Jul 2022
These caves start off as a few unsuspecting holes in the ground, but each one drops deep down into a pitch black pit. we found bones at the bottom showing evidence that animals have been falling into the holes for awhile. these pits were shown to us by fellow YouTuber Cade. check out his YouTube channel Lowrange outdoors!

fV1YMGiUroE | 10 Jul 2022
This was too much for us. We don't get stressed easily but this crawl tested us to the limits. With the real fear of getting stuck where no rescuers could come, and the feeling that the cave would flood, we vowed never to come back here again.

SM7XhsGB-QA | 27 Jun 2022
This cave goes much deeper than we could have possibly imagined. It's like a giant staircase to the center of the earth. part one of this place can be found here: Part 3 of this explore is out now!!:

g5rZRIhkVJ4 | 10 May 2022
We found the deepest pit in the united states in the bottom of a massive cave after hours of walking. We will have the full length video on our second channel ActionAdventureClips!

7dZLaGfUvHY | 03 May 2022
We messed up and went into this cave when the water was too high.. joining us on this adventure was trey and Cade from LowRange Outdoors YouTube channel! link to the channel is here: for more of this cave check out this video here:

efNQldK35TA | 15 Apr 2022
we found rare crystals and discovered a new passage in this trip to the outer limit of Pettyjohns cave. to see part two where we explore even more of this section of the cave check out:

cWaJ-FRACl0 | 08 Apr 2022
Inside this creepy hospital we discovered that all the equipment still works. Everything was left inside it like they planned to return the next day....

d7cQGO5NGy0 | 01 Apr 2022
Things didn't go as expected on this trip when high water forced us to explore a section of the cave that neither us or anyone else had ever been. It got unbelievably tight to the point where we questioned whether we could even turn around.

Yn9TfQTB31E | 01 Jan 2022
it started to get crazy at the far reaches of Petty Johns cave when we both got separated from each other and had to find our way back through the maze.. The raw footage video of this trip is on our second channel here , and a time-lapse of the full trip into the cave

9kBae3x7cZU | 14 Dec 2021
this microwave transmission antennae is from the cold war era . The tower and associated underground bunker is capable of withstanding a nuclear blast from 2 miles away and still passing critical information on afterward.

AoXF-B16oHE | 08 Dec 2021
we took the kayaks deep into a flooded self-sealing cold war era AT&T communication bunker to see what it was like inside. this is part 1 of the exploration of this place, part 2 is available here:

0yQ0Ya1O3GU | 26 Nov 2021
We had a couple close calls with big boulders after going into this massive green and blue soapstone/talc mine. This old mine opened up really big and seemed to go in every direction deep inside the mountain.

cbosUMACrUI | 19 Nov 2021
go pro 8 camera dropped to depth of 200 feet. the light attached is the nitecore dl20 .This shaft really opened up big time a hundred feet down. We finally made it to the bottom and were surprised at what we saw. It almost got stuck a couple times and we thought we were going to lose our Go Pro . to see the unflooded portions of this mine being explored check out this video:

6uY8g5x1kWY | 22 Oct 2021
We almost fell into the shaft as we were looking around the area. This talc mine collapsed in the early 1900s before the inner workings could be inspected and now a sinkhole has reopened the mine. this is the first view in since then.

Mh7ZblyQVGQ | 16 Oct 2021
this was definitely the hardest thing we have ever done. In this video we geared up and attempted to push through the pulverizer squeeze and send it to the outer reaches of the cave known as tobacco road. This is where the cave gets wild!

S1JpL-HMsOg | 11 Oct 2021
watch part one first here: in part 2 we explore even more tunnels and a few more buildings including an old Laboratory! for even more backrooms check out:

Rt0zuWUWcqA | 04 Oct 2021
We set out to find some rumored tunnels that ran under a city but little did we know we would be heading straight into one of the creepiest situations we have ever been in... This is part 1 of a 2 part video. part two can be found here:

TFG7l-x60GQ | 26 Sep 2021
this underground lake is able to be kayaked from one side to the other. along the way many areas of natural sunlight are encountered making for the most breathtaking paddles we have ever done! Check out last video of this mine to see even more of this place:

XfzWdN4gmsk | 13 Sep 2021
We put together a 2 year Montage of some of our favorite clips to celebrate an awesome first 2 years of the channel. Thank you to all our subscribers and viewers for making it better than we could have possibly imagined!!

0eo1PqToJG8 | 24 Aug 2021
massive pits, slippery rope climbs, tight spaces, and getting lost are some of the challenges we faced on our way to the Mistery Room in pettyjohn cave. Along the way we stopped at the biggest room in the cave called the Echo Room to see just how big it is!!!

Bk8O8jGH8bw | 06 Jul 2021
our go pro hero 8 made it 150 feet down unprotected without a super suit case and still continues to provide the same quality of video and sound to this day. the dive light was the nitecore dl20 UPDATE: we took another video and made it to the bottom of the shaft check it our here:

Qi_weUHOHfc | 28 Jun 2021
we got some friends together and went into this massive underground mine to explore inside. the water was incredibly deep and most of the time we couldn't see to the bottom leaving most of the mine unexplored. what's down there?.... while exploring we found a cracked kayak missing an owner... who's kayak did we find and how did it get there? After getting out of the mine several tires had been slashed on the vehicles in our group of explorers. someone wasn't happy about us trying to find out the answers....

1BLp0-0EL8A | 09 Jun 2021
We found these massive openings in the mountain that led us over 1000 feet down into the earth. It was so big that we spent 5 hours inside and still didn't see any end in sight! We couldn't get our drone to work inside the mine because it was too dark :( but we definitely need to come back with some rafts and see the unexplored sections!

mKp-EA_LsUY | 13 May 2021
with friends along for the trip, We kayaked deep into an abandoned marble mine that had 80 ft ceilings. This was our second kayaking trip into this mine, but this time we had our big light out the whole time and the results were stunning. The water level had risen so we couldn't access half of the mine but we still saw a bunch of things we had never seen before. Part 1 is here:

2aKzTmaZtKA | 05 May 2021
We went into the cave while it was pouring rain, and ran into the worst flooded passages we have ever seen. The lowest and longest was the worm tube which is a 200 foot long passage that is so low you can't even crawl through(you have to slide), and it was completely flooded. It was the only way to reach the echo room the biggest room in the cave so we went through it.

m9A3phgcVyw | 28 Apr 2021
Our friend showed us this abandoned coal mine he found in the woods near a hiking trail. The main haulage way went back thousands of feet and it had miles of passages but it was flooded part of the way back. There was all sorts of artifacts inside it!

KVbfb-AZ_8w | 21 Apr 2021
We encountered the tightest crawl yet on our way to the volcano room deep inside petty johns cave. Someone dug out the mud between the rocks and you have to squeeze down a passage that is no bigger than a person. Subscribe and don't miss the next adventure!

X6VrgjJ0H6Q | 14 Apr 2021
we found an iron mine in the woods and had to find out what was inside. We can tell it's very old and it had several collapsed portions inside. to see tunnels left over from the track system that carried the ore from these mines into town, check out this video of the estelle mine tunnels:

vLgdaKQFzVM | 08 Apr 2021
This mine is in the process of being excavated. There are plenty more unexplored leads. We explored what we could without digging anything else out ourselves, but rumor has it the unexplored passages could lead to another mine nearby.

b2eazvQlGl8 | 03 Apr 2021
Tim shows us a tight entrance to a mine previously explored by the n. ga. mine freaks. Inside we discover things we have never seen before such as the rainbow iridescent goethite that we identified in the video as hematite pieces. check out the n. ga. mines freaks video here

W_VH012sxjs | 28 Mar 2021
Things got scary on this trip miles back in a cave where it narrowed down to basically nothing. This was a trip hours back inside Pettyjohn Cave in Georgia to a place called high anxiety. Subscribe for more videos! part 2 of this video is here:

hrOW4lfZ0PY | 24 Mar 2021
This was the final trip into the abandoned coal mine that was over 120 years old! the first trip can be found here: exploring with us was Sabrina from She Inspires Adventure youtube channel . this coal mine operated about 30 years from 1880 to 1910. We found some really cool artifacts that were hidden deep inside the mine.

yI7xoM2Fnag | 19 Mar 2021
in this adventure we explore an abandoned Tennessee coal mine for the very first time. It was unlike anything we have ever seen inside. Check out our next video where we crawl further back into the mine to see what we can find, .

2i28YhR6B7s | 15 Mar 2021
We discovered a collapsed talc mineshaft entrance deep in the woods. It kept going once you squeeze through the tight portal. We explored this with some friends the same day we went into the soapstone mine from our last video

-xVEJ4uC0nI | 11 Mar 2021
We went back into the huge soapstone mine from our last video, but this time with some friends. We explored some older workings where we made some cool discoveries, and even found blasting caps. subscribe for the next adventure!

YCRLNThtCrU | 06 Mar 2021
We want to thank everyone for 1000 subscribers!!! This channel wouldn't be possible without everyone. In this video, we follow a mysterious tunnel on the side of a mountain deep into a soapstone mine. We pop out a different side of the mountain when we are leaving.

e_RbXp6MjnA | 28 Feb 2021
This was a wild kayaking adventure into a giant marble mine, the same one from our last video which is here, . We were joined by Sabrina from the youtube channel She Inspires Adventure this mine was so big it took hours to explore, and we still don't think we have seen it all! subscribe for the next adventure!

A3olHZ9zvs8 | 20 Feb 2021
We discovered a Huge marble mine In north Georgia today with the N Ga mine freaks and we finally found a way in. This is one of the biggest mines we have ever seen! Most of the mine is still unexplored so check out our next video where we kayak deep into it,

Ogd-PbOyLU8 | 14 Feb 2021
We think we found the entrance to the Bramlet talc mine in North Georgia on Cohutta mountain. It appears that an air shaft or something kept going but it collapsed. By the looks of it there is another entrance up the hill.

vqmYTyZDv0I | 08 Feb 2021
dangerous free climbs on ropes, leads us down to a jackpot of abandoned dynamite. this is the multilevel mine In Georgia and we went further than ever down into the mine. The first 3 videos from this mine are here if you haven't seen them 1. 2. 3.

4Rv--9wv2Og | 02 Feb 2021
This cave we found was located inside a train tunnel and had quite an extensive history. It had signatures dating back to the civil war, lighting, railings, and an elevator that went over a thousand feet down into the cave. This is part 1 of 2. part 2 is here:

iz55z2g8j5k | 21 Jan 2021
We visited Dahlonega GA around lake Zwerner to explore some old gold mines, shoutout to the N.Ga. Mine Freaks for giving us some hints. Found more adits than we could have imagined. There is probably more but we ran out of daylight.

XvSQrDMqLl8 | 18 Jan 2021
There are many flooded levels to this mine, and this ladder leads to the next level down. dropping water levels have already exposed a lot of the ladder, maybe one day it will be low enough to go down a level. we sent a go pro to the bottom of this flooded shaft check out the video here:

3GrbPR_pwME | 11 Jan 2021
This mine was massive, and for some reason had oil or some kind of soot on every surface. this mine was apparently still being used for ventilation as we found a working air blower with an airshaft descending hundreds of feet into the earth. video of the blower here:

KeaTzFU4F2A | 28 Dec 2020
These were iron ore cart tunnels that were built very late 1800's and used until around 1920 for an iron mine. to see one of the iron mines that this tunnel system was bringing ore from check out this video here: these tunnels go straight through the mountains along the estelle mines trail, on pigeon mountain in GA and were pretty much back to back. there is a final tunnel we did not enter because the close side was collapsed. a hike over the mountain would bring you to the open side. there is also one more tunnel that is along the road that takes you to the hiking trail for the tunnels that one is the longest and the video can be found here:

UNHttOPSoeY | 24 Dec 2020
We believe this is the Northeast Estelle Mine Tunnel in North Georgia. there are 5 more tunnels back to back on a hiking trail very close to here. those tunnels can be seen at this link: This tunnel was very long and pitch black. The roof seemed very unstable like it was falling in sheets. The tunnel was used to transport iron ore carts by rail through the mountain back around 1900. an iron mine that supplied ore for these carts to transport can be viewed here at this link:

27BRPDbtgp8 | 17 Dec 2020
This is the same marble mine we went into last video. We headed straight for the flooded level where it opened up into cavernous halls 70 feet tall and pure blue water sometimes 40 foot deep.

yCfXlc-JHS4 | 06 Dec 2020
We put in on Warwoman Creek in north Georgia right after the first bridge on earls ford road coming from Warwoman rd. It had a water level of 2.2 ft on the Chattooga River section 3 gauge. We floated down until we hit the Chattooga river and then kept going until we got out at Sandy Ford. the go pro died less than a minute from where we parked. Water levels were perfect for beginner paddlers, any less would be very bony. Please consider subscribing if you enjoyed the video.

sA4xiB6IRGw | 26 Nov 2020
This marble mine is in north Georgia and is the deepest marble mine we have been to. The roads kept taking us further down until we finally hit a point where it was flooded. You could tell by the mud on the walls and floor that the whole mine is usually underwater. we kayaked in the flooded section of this mine check out the video here!

APW2sSDmxII | 17 Nov 2020
We kayaked the middle stretch of the Tullulah river in Georgia, from highway 441 to Tullulah falls lake. Rapids were pretty bony at 365 CFM until highway 23 bridge. Immediately after that where the river cascaded down to the lake the water was flowing good. Took less than an hour to run.

1F_E_4Q3E90 | 10 Nov 2020
We ran section 3 when it was at 2.2 feet on the online gauge. we missed earls ford to sandy ford because we were late getting on the river. It was a crazy ride but we managed to stay mostly upright. last major rapid was bull sluice and is rated a class 4+ rapid. We ran it in less than 4 hours at this flow. that's with stopping a few times to scout rapids, and once to bail a boat.

_W9cXgWaboI | 03 Nov 2020
This is Ulla Cave in north Georgia on Pigeon Mountain, and was one of the coolest we have ever been in. It had the biggest room we had ever seen and had lots of formations. No water in the sump when we went either which was great. Audio is not so great with the waterproof case.

40yVTMgqeWE | 26 Oct 2020
Nickajack Creek in GA was at 1900 cfm after a flash flood on a range of 300-5000cfm. It should be a mix of class 2's, and 3's, but at this flow it was just about all class 2. It turned into an industrial wasteland at the end with the chemical spill on the surface lol.

7JD2uxSwu14 | 13 Oct 2020
This cave is the coolest I have been In. It was just me along with Tim this trip. We got to it when the water crawl we had to do was pretty low so, and after that the cave had so many awesome things to look at. We didn't explore the whole thing so we will have to come back this cave hides a very tall waterfall

2E8SZziXQd8 | 06 Oct 2020
what not to do in kayaking. The river is sweetwater creek near atlanta, ga and the flow was 4.5 feet when we went. Definitely got in over our heads this time. We called it quits before we lost what little gear we had or got hurt

B7TXqxeFF98 | 23 Sep 2020
We took a trip inside ellisons cave, the biggest cave in the state with 2 of the deepest unobstructed pits in the USA. We entered in the historic entrance and walked until we came to the warm up pit, the first drop you need rope for which is 125'. Then we went around the pit and into a water tunnel that tapered down until it stopped. This is about all you can do in this entrance before you need rope and gear.

JcoE4hoFJa0 | 14 Sep 2020
This is a tall short mine located up marble mine trail in north Georgia in James H Sloppy Floyd State Park. It was a cool mine that wasn't too bad of a hike either, and would look even better with more water flowing over it.

NxBFiRCULuk | 07 Sep 2020
We whitewater kayaked through the mine tunnel when the water was pretty high at around 275 cfs. Even though it says class 2, with the walls next to you it leaves you no way to brace with a paddle, and you are pretty much along for the ride.

dgN7zLLwk5k | 31 Aug 2020
This is the second video going into the enormous room and pillar mine. If you haven't seen the first vid its here This mine is unimaginably big, this footage was from 3 hours in the mine; and it just kept going. It had holes that made natural lighting come in like no other mine we have ever seen, subscribe for more!

J6wu-ByyMQA | 14 Aug 2020
This is a massive marble mine makes any other mine/cave look tiny. This could be the biggest abandoned mine ever filmed. The pillars, and ceilings in most spots are over 50 feet, and 100' or more in some places. This video just shows one room which took over an hour to explore because there's rock everywhere. In the next video we head out onto the huge underground lake with a kayak.

wBSUcUITni8 | 05 Aug 2020
This adit was the widest mine I have seen, Probably 50 foot across. Most of it is flooded. It looked like running water in it but it might have been a draft creating waves on the surface coming from another entrance. update: we figured out where this one goes. we point it out towards the end of the video it's the adit coming in from the right.

Wm5iusmntjs | 31 Jul 2020
We were woken up by the noise of rustling bushes the day after 4th of july. I grabbed my phone and 4 horses walked out. They came right up to our tent and I thought for sure me and my bro were going to get trampled. Then they kept walking away and coming back for 30 minutes to eat more tasty grass. Then as soon as they walked away for good a rancher came to the top of the mountain looking for them saying that the horses were scared of fireworks the night before and ran off.

PL5rrswdyDM | 28 Jul 2020
This was the wildest thing we have ever done. We rafted the lower flooded level of this huge labyrinth of a mine in Georgia. The water clarity was the clearest we have ever seen, and you could see all sorts of old things under the water.

GxN2SX9HeXU | 09 Jul 2020 that is a link to part one of this explore. This is the second trip inside the giant mine with lots of levels to it. We explored some more and connected the dots on how this mine looks. that is a link to part one of this explore. Part 3 is out and is insane, check it out here; please subscribe for the next video!

e-J0YXQb2k8 | 03 Jul 2020
We went further into the huge soapstone mine with multiple entrances. Part one to this is here The rafting experience was awesome. It would be ideal to scuba dive the deep clear water. No audio for the bear clip at the end.

TompB7C0UZc | 01 Jul 2020
This hole in the side of a mountain led to the biggest cavern I have ever seen with a huge underwater lake!! each hole was about 30 ft across and it dropped down down about 100 feet at the high one. UPDATE: we got inside and kayaked through this mountain! check out the footage here:

30eVjHhCVPY | 25 Jun 2020
This is a rock quarry in north georgia that is massive and yet is only about a medium sized operation compared to how big they can get. They crush and process granite here mostly for road use. once they crush it they sort it in piles from big rocks all the way down to sand.

Ry1sJlNp_4w | 22 Jun 2020
These short mine adits 2 of which are a little flooded are located in the dawson forest in north georgia. They are very old and don't go very far, although some might have been bigger back in the day. there was more salamanders, and cave crickets than I had ever seen before in the biggest adit. N.Ga. Mine Freaks channel is here Subscribe for the next video!

eXwg-7FCw7Q | 18 Jun 2020
Happened on 6-17-20 at 9:25am after the train hit a semi truck stuck at a crossing. 3 people hurt, the (truck driver and 2 engineers) and the front engine was part of the 23 derailed cars. Cleanup is quick as they have been working through the night but there are still train cars next to the road. I found out after watching other videos that the train cars next to the road were put there to clear the tracks.

qHFfhm8yTMA | 16 Jun 2020
This Mine starts with a shaft that goes down about 150 ft. It splits left and right and leads to all sorts of cliffs and other drifts. I think It was worked from the early 1900's until the late 1900's, and they mined talc here. Not much of an ending to this cause I ran out of battery. part two of this explore can be found here:

rmmCR0m7FBs | 12 Jun 2020
This mine is in north Georgia, and only one massive room isn't flooded once you get down the main shaft. Judging by the size of it and the rails and pipes going in there is probably a huge portion of it that is flooded. this mine needs to be dived one day

LldZRW3aDLs | 10 Jun 2020
The first one we went into was just a bunch of crawling around, and The second entrance was flooded but led to a large room with another better entrance. from there we followed a underground river(which was really high because of a rain storm) to where it split and then kept going until it became too narrow. We will go back soon when it hasn't been raining. There's not much audio through the waterproof housing.

mzONYyDOa40 | 31 May 2020
This is the final video from this HUGE mine that goes into a mountain in north Georgia in Murray county. The ceilings are so high at times it makes you feel tiny. Video quality isn't the best because the vast space and dark walls eat up even our insanely bright lights. We were In it for over 2 hours this time so I had to edit it way down. first 2 videos are here #1 subscribe, and don't miss the next video!

w5d9LM0_02Q | 21 May 2020
We explored this huge mine that we found way in the woods in north georgia. It was full of insanely large features, and cool minerals, in part 2 we explored more on a raft in this video here ...... subscribe for the next video!

kMYhTuyMnTA | 12 May 2020
We went back to this huge soapstone and talc mine in north Georgia deep in the woods that we went to In the last video, and set out to explore the rest of it. it's easily the biggest mine we have gone to yet, cause we walked for over 2 hours and still couldn't find the end. It's a unstable mine and very very slippery in the rockpiles on account of the soapstone......subscribe for the next video!

TyzbOKe_fzg | 08 May 2020
This mine is about an hour walk up a steep mountain in in murray county georgia. It took us all day of hiking to find it though, cause we tried starting at the top of the mountain. it was crazy huge and the soapstone looked awesome. we didnt get to explore the whole thing because we got lost and were running low on light. we already went back and explored way more. That video is here .......Subscribe for the next video!

t17CVCJC9UY | 03 May 2020
This is a short video of our trip that lasted for hours into the labyrinth section of petty johns cave on pigeon mountain in north Georgia. It's down in the water tunnels and turns into a connecting maze full of weird features. It was too big for us to explore so we will eventually come back. music

vVeCfi-ZS00 | 26 Apr 2020
This is our insane kayaking trip through a Gigantic marble mine in Georgia shortened down to a few minutes. Being on that water was like no other feeling. It was like rowing on glass through a gigantic man made cave. Subscribe for the next video! The full trip is here if anyone is interested Music:

UQ_lq-S7z60 | 21 Apr 2020
This trip was Insane, probably the wildest thing I have ever done. We came back to the marble mine in Georgia from the last video and set out onto the flooded portion of the mine which was so huge it was a lake. This is only a small part of how big is actually was and I had to edit it way down. The glare in the video is from the dive housing on the go pro. part 1 to this edventure was me and my brother walking around the dry part of this mine. That video is here and I put the best scenes together in a short edit which you can find here Music for the video, intro song: song in the rest of the video:

aU4IAjIPAeA | 19 Apr 2020
This Ridge in georgia was home to one of the first gold rushes in georgia dating back to the early 1800's. These shafts dot the vast hillside and if you can find them are a cool place to explore, and each is as unique as the next. I gathered up the shortest ones and put them all in one video.

1mek9-OcRU0 | 16 Apr 2020
This mine is a marble mine located in talking rock georgia. This thing was massive, It took us a while to explore it; and there is way more that is flooded. Part 2 to this edventure is now out where we went back a few days later and rafted out onto the lake and explored the rest of this spectacular mine! check it out here

lM_RqkxBhr8 | 15 Apr 2020
Footage of the tricks from an average day riding in Atlanta with my friend and my brother. My brother is on the bike and my friend on the electric longboard, and together we hit a portion of the streets of Atlanta ga. Lighting isn't the best in some of the clips.

jYkI-VCUBNM | 11 Apr 2020
This is one of the biggest gold mines from the 1800's that is on findley ridge in dahlonega georgia. It drops far down from the top entrances and opens up as it winds down still. Then it goes to some flooded tunnels hundreds of feet long.

0A4U15aXfJU | 10 Apr 2020
We were exploring findley ridge in dahlonega ga and came across this gold mine shaft, and stamp mill remains below it. first we explored the remains of the mill which must be 100 or more years old. Then we went up into one of the short shafts on findley ridge right above it.

DfJ-B-qn_g8 | 08 Apr 2020
This is one of the bigger mines In dahlonega georgia. It was one of the first gold mines in georgia, and was at the heart of the georgia gold rush. It starts off long and level but some shafts quickly turn upwards at a sharp angle.

U_Q0m7MAf8o | 06 Apr 2020
This is one of the bigger mines located on a ridge in dahlonega Georgia where a lot say the gold rush started. We went into a entrance at the top and went down super deep. We came to a flooded portion and a shaft that led straight down 100'. Then we kept going and popped out at the other side of the ridge. Then we walked back through to the top and found the shaft that went down.

bv2vJYd7nx0 | 31 Mar 2020
Me and my brother explored the HUGE old copper/pyrite mine right on the bank of the chestatee river that makes you feel small. We went In with Super bright lights and explored the whole thing; then we walked the old automobile bridge from the early 1900's. This mine started in 1850 as a copper mine but turned into a pyrite mine in the early 1900's cause it wasn't profitable for copper. Then they quarried it out for stone and that's when it really got big in the 1920's. They stopped mining not too long after.

33KXjUHY4ck | 29 Mar 2020
This is some random cave footage in the water tunnels of petty johns cave which makes up miles of the cave. We haven't been back in much this year since it's been flooded the entire time. Music provided by Free Vibes: [Rock n Roll] → Jack the Lumberer [FREE DOWNLOAD] by Alexander Nakarada: Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

nKzw_yLarXw | 27 Mar 2020
This is the short version of our intense trip into screech owl cave on pigeon mountain. Full video is here . The cave may start as a crack in the ground, but it opens up into some super tall pits and and domes that me and my brother free climbed. Its located next to petty johns cave on pigeon mountain. music: Extreme Energy by MusicToday80: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Music provided by Free Vibes:

JSBTBzrOxBw | 25 Mar 2020
This is almost the full cave exploration of screech owl cave on pigeon mountain, in north Georgia. This cave is linked to petty johns by the stream that runs through it. for an updated video of this cave, click this link here: it shows the tunnel connection that winds it's way into pettyjohns cave but gets tighter and tighter!!

W4mNZ8Owk3Q | 19 Mar 2020
I think this is the Atwood talus point cave in North Georgia on pigeon mountain. It's located on the cliff just below the top of the cliffs at atwood point. The views were incredible everywhere from the hike up the valley to the cliffs and cave itself.

OsY7FYECTm0 | 14 Mar 2020
This tunnel was crazy long and tall. It was about 25 feet tall was 1600 feet long and took us 10 minutes to walk through. It was located on pigeon mountain in the woods in Georgia. This is one of the railroad tunnels that was originally built in the late 1800's for the Estelle mining company. It smelled like cows because of the farm that the tunnel ran under.

yXCcQ4jZOj4 | 13 Mar 2020
My friend who is a pilot flew us from a small airport and followed the Chattahoochee river from lake lanier, up past Helen and into the Appalachian mountains. It was my first time in a small plane and I couldn't believe how scary and fun it was. music: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music released by Argofox Music promoted by Audio Library

3RRdvOTRvP4 | 10 Mar 2020
Me and my bro hiked over a mile and a half to get to these 2 stunning caves; Nash waterfall pit, and nash waterfall cave located on pigeon mountain in Georgia. The river runs straight out of the upper cave and cascades down into the pit cave at the bottom. The upper cave has lots of cool features and is loaded with fossils. The cave had a lot of water from the rain so there might have been more to explore in the dry season, and past the large spider we encountered.

fzJepDaAJKc | 28 Feb 2020
A tunnel me and my brother had found while rafting sweetwater creek in duluth, and now we explore it. Walking through the tunnel was insane. The way the walls were swirling made it feel as though you were in a funhouse. It kept going seemingly forever. I accidentally left the mic static in the last few minutes sorry :/

5TJCO0WkLuY | 26 Feb 2020
These buildings were once used in the maintenance of quarry vehicles for the Bellwood quarry in Atlanta. We rode our bikes through buildings, climbed giant 2 story sandblasting/painting booths, and saw lots of other old things.

wiPZU_857Vk | 25 Feb 2020
Me and my bro streetriding gwinnett place which is up hwy 85 north of atlanta. We popped some awesome tricks and I had a gnarly fall on a rail. Gwinnett place is a shopping plaza located north of Atlanta and has some of the best places to ride besides Atlanta. I edited 2 different days together to make this.

Ltl6tpQ4rTs | 24 Feb 2020
This is alonzo wades schoolbus graveyard in georgia. He has a auto wrecking service and he built a wall of busses around his property to keep thieves out. Artists come and spray paint them different every year. I only walked around the outside since he wont allow people in on the weekends.

7-6px2MEuy8 | 23 Feb 2020
Brandon's lake flooded after days of rain so we rafted sweetwater creek that runs out it even though it's winter. We have an assortment of cheap boats that threaten to send us in the cold water with every turn. It got dark on us so we had to stop where we did and have brandon pull up with the 4 runner, stay tuned for part 2

iCYF26XbrdY | 16 Feb 2020
Me and my brother were looking for 2 caves patricks cave during the day, and screech owl cave during the night.... I don't think we found either. Instead we found some cool sinks, holes, and caves along the way. The caves we found in the nighttime were right around petty johns cave, which we popped into and found the bottom few miles flooded.

3yZ_RxLS-rU | 08 Feb 2020
Biking down a huge dirt pile at a construction site.It was so steep I almost didn't send it. I had to do everything I could to keep straight in the water and mud in the field below. The whole pile was wet and soft but it was the driest day I could find.

UOXSMQOhdo4 | 04 Feb 2020
The easiest way ever to make charcoal that is clean and ready to use for whatever you want. Just buy a cast iron dutch oven and load it with the clean dry wood. Stick it on a fire and build it up around it.The heavy lid will let the volatiles boil off and seep out but wont let the air inside to make the wood catch on fire. So the wood continues to have the gases cook out until its almost all carbon. You can use any steel container of any size and stab a hole in it. It will quickly heat up in a fire and start off gassing and not let any air in even though there is a big hole. just plug it with a wet paper towel after you take it off to cool

oEHXbXXeNlc | 03 Feb 2020
white river cave in Polk county Georgia. This cave had some wicked climbs and had over half a mile of passages. The walls were absolutely tagged with graffiti from long ago. we didn't see any shoe prints in the mud so nobody had been in that cave in a while and it definitely flooded recently. we heard a waterfall exists in this cave but we didn't find it on this trip. this cave has bat bars on it now so access is restricted

bvCmC98JRTg | 02 Feb 2020
I welded this together after seeing a similar design on someones channel. I used a bike bearing, a railroad tie, a piece of plate steel, some wire from a basket, a milwaukee 1/4" attachment, self tapping screws, a nut, a few washers, and a handle from a broken grinder. I welded it all together. If you make one, use a bigger wobbling bearing , and make the clearance between the bearing and prongs less to make it track back and forth more so it will have a longer stroke to cut.

tLLvg1DcPY8 | 30 Jan 2020
Northbend sink cave aka. spider hole cave is a very small cave located right next to the road going down pigeon mountain on the petty johns cave side. you climb into a very warm steamy pit (winter) and the entrance is a tight squeeze at the bottom. Once in It drops about 40 feet down through a series of drops that eventually leads to a short tight horizontal passage. we heard it connects to the stream passage in petty johns below but It would be really tight. There are big black spiders and huge groups of cave crickets everywhere in the cave.

TzI5daWQoaI | 26 Jan 2020
This cave is located about a third mile off one of the switchbacks going up pigeon mountain. It is the narrowest cave I have ever been in, and was just wide enough for a really skinny person, about a foot wide,(not even wide enough for my helmet.) It kept going in one direction but a bunch of large spiders blocked the way.

1vYUK0Xfgj0 | 20 Jan 2020
We worked our way through the main room into a breakdown pile, and proceeded down into the lower east stream passage. We then found a high room with a big formation in the middle that we climbed our way around which led to a bolt climb up into a super tall 70ft dome. we then dropped back down into the stream and kept going but my gopro died. petty johns cave is located on pigeon mountain in georgia with 60+ other caves to explore, which i will post video of us doing.

1RgRu6v0GbY | 25 Jul 2019
Exploring a local cave called pettyjohns in georgia. We went down to the waterfall and then climbed up that and then climbed into the squirrel room. subscribe cause soon I'll have a part 2 with more light and hopefully a better camera and we will go to the main cave(we barely even scratched the surface of what is there).