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ptXugCuJBgU | 14 Feb 2022
► Visit our event: This video is about ETH and Ethereum. Huge ETH update you need to see. ETH Update, Ethereum Update, Ethereum News: Latest News #Ethereum #ETH #Bitcoin Coinbase is an app that lets you buy and sell all sorts of cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and about 50 others. You can also use Coinbase to convert one cryptocurrency to another, or to send and receive cryptocurrency to and from other people ► Learn more about Coinbase's mission here: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Like us on Facebook:

rWsAgatcsPc | 14 Feb 2022
► Visit our event: This video is about ETH and Ethereum. Huge ETH update you need to see. ETH Update, Ethereum Update, Ethereum News: Latest News #Ethereum #ETH #Bitcoin Coinbase is an app that lets you buy and sell all sorts of cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and about 50 others. You can also use Coinbase to convert one cryptocurrency to another, or to send and receive cryptocurrency to and from other people ► Learn more about Coinbase's mission here: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Like us on Facebook:

o2mC5DDClJQ | 13 Feb 2022
► Visit our event: This video is about ETH and Ethereum. Huge ETH update you need to see. ETH Update, Ethereum Update, Ethereum News: Latest News #Ethereum #ETH #Bitcoin Coinbase is an app that lets you buy and sell all sorts of cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and about 50 others. You can also use Coinbase to convert one cryptocurrency to another, or to send and receive cryptocurrency to and from other people ► Learn more about Coinbase's mission here: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Like us on Facebook:

-hYDgF3LFAE | 02 Apr 2019
This is an individual clip pulled from Episode #40 to provide direct links for people looking for specific content and nothing else. ================================== Our review of the very fine Fluke analog toner and probe tool set. The "Generations" line of products! You can obtain your set here: ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram:

Q-WVfi7Ietk | 02 Apr 2019
This is an individual clip pulled from Episode #40 to provide direct links for people looking for specific content and nothing else. ================================== We review the newly introduced Pockethernet cable testing tool and cover some of the potential pitfalls to avoid in this amazing device! You can get your very own Pockethernet here: ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram:

yjsmFOf5gBs | 02 Apr 2019
This is an individual clip pulled from Episode #40 to provide direct links for people looking for specific content and nothing else. ================================== After many grueling months of field testing, our Psiber Data Systems Cable Tracker series shined. Quality equipment that worked like a charm! You can get your set at the link below: ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram:

A3M2E_s0qYA | 02 Apr 2019
This is an individual clip pulled from Episode #40 to provide direct links for people looking for specific content and nothing else. ================================== A hands-on review of the Tempo 177 high power toner. This bad boy is POWERFUL! You can get your very own here: ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram:

icZpU4HbprM | 02 Apr 2019
This is an individual clip pulled from Episode #40 to provide direct links for people looking for specific content and nothing else. ================================== What happens with you connect a toner to a line that is already connected to an Ethernet switch? What's behind the results you get? And what's the difference between an analog and digital toner? Find out here! You can order a Fluke Intellitone Pro toner and probe here: ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram:

s2lZxTRLIuQ | 27 Dec 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram: ================================== Walk with me through what I consider to be the worst job I've taken on... Essentially every single aspect of this job went wrong! There was not a single thing I can think of that wasn't a special case, exception to the rule, or flat out messed up and needed special treatment!! Learn from my mistakes people... Not much cabling in this job but I still think it's relevant to this field. I was first involved because I was the "phone guy" among all the technicians one of my dispatchers has. Long Note Three by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

dbW2-DbSy1A | 18 Dec 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: Instagram: ================================== It's been a while hasn't it?! Good to be back and up and running again. This was an interesting small job to do but I think it showcases a situation where running long patch cables is better than direct runs like I've shown in many other videos I've published here.

s83esSaBAuo | 14 Aug 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: - Patreon: - PayPalMe: ================================== I decided to skip much of the backlog of episodes to give you a good, solid hour-long project I just completed from Florida. Enjoy everyone!!

n7MZmoBi4jQ | 01 Aug 2018
I think this video speaks for itself... Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways... --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer:

sLxwa5s6UcI | 04 Jun 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways... --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer: ================================== I'm so glad to finally get this one out the door!! I've had that media converter on my desk for at least 6 months now! I hope you all get something out of this one. I've got quite a few more episodes like this I'm gathering content for now and can't wait to share them with you. ** NOTE1: The ZMAX hardware from what I can tell is not available through Amazon so I don't have an affiliate link for you this time. So the best bet I can tell is directly from the source. You can order from Siemon at their website: ** NOTE2: If you're concerned about me displaying CLLI codes from the transport equipment here, I only ask you this one thing: Please give me one good scenario where a bad actor could make use of these numbers to cause harm, mayhem, or even just annoyances through this knowledge. If you can do that, I will listen to you. If you can't do that one thing, then don't bother telling me about how your company doesn't even let you label the equipment at all now. I think it's a stupid policy and only makes life more difficult for everyone while providing ZERO improvement in security!!

YrmcUEL6IEE | 30 May 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer: ================================== Another project from last summer. It’s a short one but I think you’ll enjoy. I’ve got another video coming that was shot at this same location that I’m editing right now so stay tuned!! For those interested in the tie mounts I show in this video, below is a link I'd get a small bit of referral credit for if you're interested: --This is for a 100 pk of Saddle Type Tie Mounts

hK59o6J-4VI | 02 May 2018
SORRY ABOUT THE AUDIO!! I tried to revise it but it's tough to do in the field... Ok, so maybe not so dramatic, but I think it is important for my viewers to know what's going on and where I'm thinking now. In this case, I was asked to fly to Florida for just about 1 week to survey some new prospective sites. They turned out to be incredibly messy and downright dangerous. A lot of new content is going to come out from this process!! ================================== Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer: *** Amazon Affiliate links for some of the products mentioned this week: *** - COMING SOON!! - ==================================

qC1doJTU4FI | 25 Apr 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer: *** Amazon Affiliate links for some of the products mentioned this week: *** --Here's the tooless Keystone jack I showed on the end of the panel that used the top cover to connect the wires to the jack through an IDC fastener. ================================== Man does it feel good to get back to working on this content! I am travelling today but still managed to get this episode edited and published -all done remotely! Enjoy!!

rFq05YZ_bMI | 12 Mar 2018
Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through the following ways: --My Patreon page: --Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer: *** Amazon Affiliate links for some of the products mentioned this week: *** - COMING SOON!! - ==================================

sWY6MU95tNM | 01 Mar 2018
My Patreon page: --At this point I am not creating tiers of support as I really don't have any perks I could even offer! I also won't want to delay a video release by a week. I'm sure things will evolve but that's where I am on the subject and I really appreciate all the input this week from so many of you about this!! If you can't do Patreon, another way to help support this channel is via and you can find my account at the link below. Thanks in advance everyone for your support. I just know were going to make something awesome here together! Donate through PayPal if you'd prefer:

DtVfbNDbZB4 | 27 Feb 2018
This episode focuses mainly on cabling that is outside and exposed to the sun and weather. I'm also trying out a new camera angle for the channel using "the bench". I expect to do many product reviews and training shots from here soon!! UPDATE: Many of you have asked about what was on my PC screens so here goes... I like to use "live data visualization" websites and simply use a full-screen window of Chrome to show it. Here are links to the 4 different things I had on display: LOWER CENTER SCREEN: Tangram Sandbox - some form of 3D visualization of world (cities are the best to move to first off) combined with possibly realtime traffic information. UPPER CENTER SCREEN: Earth - "a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions",37.65,862 LEFT SCREEN: The Globe of Economic Complexity - Very cool 3D view of world trade activity. There's some amazing other data visualzation views on that page as well. RIGHT SCREEN: Bitcoin Market Tracker - I really don't care too much about BTC but I liked the smaller visualization window for my smaller screen. NOTE: Much of this was obtained through a rather old Reddit page that's still a decent resource for "live data" websites:

uXGwkITlBVw | 16 Feb 2018
This was a project I worked on this past summer here in LA. Had to stop the work before finishing but I'm still pleased with the outcome. Hope you all find it inspiring and thought provoking. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback as well! *** STAY TUNED: I'm working on another video I'm trying to release later today with just an update on how things are going "behind the scenes". Hopefully I'll get it published soon! *** UPDATE: A lot of you have asked about the rack cabinet I used in this video. I got that rack from another job I was doing for a school. They were going to throw that cabinet away so I got permission to pick it up. There was a sticker on the side that said it was manufactured by Communications Supply Corporation with a part number of W24-SP867-EW but I've done a light search of that info and found nothing currently. Here are at least a couple of similar cabinets I was able to find: Finding just the right search word was tricky on this one! I think I got the best success with "tilt out low profile wall mount rackmount enclosure"

LF6MYSAifUc | 20 Nov 2017
If you are in decent physical shape, not looking to sleep tonight, and want to help us out with a job that needs a bunch of labor in a really short period of time? Well I'm going to be working a rather large cable pull party tonight and really need some help. You can email me here: jon"at" or call me at 661-609-6195 I will try and post any answered questions I get here in the notes to save someone else's question.

DGOPESpU64A | 19 Jun 2017
This was a fun and different project for me. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot more of these in the future and it was a fantastic learning experience for me. For those of you interested, I am using the Ubiquiti Powerbeam antenna (PBE-5AC-500) here. Considering it has a 25Km range, 0.8 miles was no sweat!

qLuugpSNkmU | 29 May 2017
Watch me lose my mind at less than a minute in! LOL... This one doesn't have too much cabling in it but I felt the need to answer these questions and share my thoughts on career here since I get asked the question frequently. Also I show at the end a little talk about our first "Ride Along"! If you'd like to spend the day with me and are in the Los Angeles area, feel free to PM me. You'll always be welcome! Thanks everyone for all your support and for getting me over 9K subs!! I've got some interesting plans for the future here... Stay tuned!! BTW, that thumbnail photo is me almost 30 years ago in high school...

bdWrKfMpyUk | 07 May 2017
A simple job today running a new network drop in a storefront. What I encounter --in the wild-- is an IDC patch panel done right! Some tips on keeping the belly full and basic cable running stuff this time. And some of this while a kid shouts bloody murder in the background!! *** AT THE END I'VE GOT SOME NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *** For those of you interested in the type of RJ-45 connector I'm using here, It's a n ICC IC107E5CBL Cat 5e EZ Modular Connector. They can be found on Amazon in bags of 25 for around $50.

KlugpL7Hgco | 30 Apr 2017
This one is a bit different. I try to look cool and macho lifting a heavy vault lid by myself and manage to look like a dork! I have some info to share with this video but it's more about what NOT to do this time. I'd love your feedback on the additions I've made to this video -namely the narration at the beginning and the summary at the end. Please let me know what you like and dislike! I'm working to keep producing great content for you and want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. NOTE: If you are squeamish about spiders and bugs, you may want to skip this one! Music: Jazz Comedy -

lRVrbhFlVFo | 15 Apr 2017
An unusual job where the network / telco equipment was placed in a rather high traffic area for both the customer and their patients. I had to perform several revisions to accommodate this including raising up the cabinet, relocating the power receptacle, and enclosing the telco 66-blocks. In the end, I like the result! Originally, the network equipment had been installed inside a shallow wall cabinet next to the sink in the bathroom! This meant that any work performed on the network would make trips to use the bathroom awkward! I explained to the customer that this was not a professional way to do this -nor was it in line with the level of quality in the rest of the office. I proposed we relocate the equipment and make it more secure. SOME OF THE MATERIALS USED =========================== Goplus® 9U Wall Mount Rackmount Chassis --$70 shipped Hoffman ASE16X14X3 Pull Box --$46 shipped

amdfzcqaTIQ | 26 Mar 2017
Holy cow this turned out to be a long video! I will seriously be shocked to see if anyone manages to stay awake through all 2 hours. I was thinking of breaking it into parts but my wife talked me into leaving intact as a single video. I'd love to hear feedback from you all as to the formatting and length. his was a project that spanned around 2 months and a lot of all-nighters and weekends. I'm proud of the result and hope to get the chance to do another project like this in the future. It isn't often I can just be cut lose to do everything I think needs to be done so the network will be in it's ideal state so this job really makes me happy. I hope all you enjoy the video and manage to either learn something you didn't know before or get inspired to do something differently in your work. ============================= Help support Fiber Ninja efforts through My Patreon page: You can also support me directly via PayPal: *** Amazon Affiliate link for the gray cable tags seen in this video ***

8NOfSUF45tU | 23 Mar 2017
Looking back, this solution seems so obvious but I just think it took many years of dealing with trying to hide excess cable, manage slack, and even custom cable lengths per port, until I finally arrived at this technique. Enjoy!

YgBSpYiJQHM | 19 Jan 2017
Showing some of the lessons learned that I've gone through dealing with patch panels over the years. I've pretty much arrived at what I think is the best solution (if you're starting from scratch).

8_bUPJftvwc | 15 Jan 2017
Mind you, this is Southern California so the weather doesn't get TOO bad, but a lot of the points are common throughout the land: make sure it's well sealed / insulated, add your drip loops, etc.

NjVZdojsIvE | 11 Jan 2017
NOTE: this is a re-upload of a previous video that had TERRIBLE audio levels. Hope you all find this version a much more tolerable experience! I never got the chance to finish this job but I'm quite proud of how far I got before leaving. I think it is a good study in problem solving and working with existing equipment.

neHWlaxyN0I | 15 Dec 2016
I ran into some additional issues with this project I wanted to share with you all briefly. I think it highlights some of the advantages of how I terminate 1U patch panels (when space allows).

nQIEXllmBTI | 22 Nov 2016
*** NOTE *** I know that the username / password for the Ubiquiti CloudKey is visible in the video. It's ok... It's also ok that I show the phone number towards the end. This is an advertised number. *** /NOTE *** This was a very satisfying project to do. Got to clean up years of neglect, simplify the system, and run everything properly. I hope you like it.

VJidrNptPv4 | 09 Mar 2015
NOTE: Please check out my re-uploaded version of this video in the link below. The audio is MUCH better than this! I never got the chance to finish this job but I'm quite proud of how far I got before leaving. I think it is a good study in problem solving and working with existing equipment.

0WqH_sOnugE | 23 Dec 2012
NOTE: OSX stands for "Optical Signal Cross-Connect" I am especially proud of this OSX overhaul. The fiber cables were originally run in a very hazardous route that had them laying directly over a sharp corner of sheet metal. Additionally, we were completely out of space for future growth. Over a period of weeks, we slowly overhauled the fiber ducting and structure around this old OSX to get the existing cabling better protected, and still allow room for future cables that may need to be added. Along the way, I show some examples of improper use of concave fiber ducting fittings and what happens to them later on. Enjoy!

7t7Jm90jT-0 | 15 Sep 2012
I recently retired my good old IBM Thinkpad X41 tablet laptop and decided to experiment with Windows 8. The claim had been that the system requirements were even lower than Windows 7 and I wanted to see just how low that could actually be. In all fairness, I did purchase a 1.8" SSD from eBay as the only upgrade on the machine (the original 4500 RPM hard drive had died). I was absolutely blown away by the speed of this machine with Windows 8 installed! I'm going to be installing Photoshop or Illustrator in the near future to see how well it performs with a heavy-duty drawing program while using the stylus and will be sure to post another video here. Mind you, Flash video and other processor-intensive operations are still fairly slow but basic computing is pretty good. This actually brought new life to a machine I had long since written off!! UPDATE: I have since learned that Windows 8 doesn't truly perform a shut down in the traditional sense --It still executes a hibernation. This means a longer time in the powering down phase since it is writing everything in RAM to the hard drive but it also means much faster startup times. I have long suggested doing this when using laptops due to their slow drives but the fact is that it makes sense no matter what you're running. Microsoft has simply forced our hand to always perform a hibernation when powering down and never truly shuts down the OS like we have conventionally though...

VC6oIvjLT4A | 09 Aug 2012
This was an interesting problem to solve. I needed to run fiber to both sides of an equipment rack with just one vertical duct. I devised a solution by fabricating a unique way to convey fibers and still maintain protection and future growth.

pLHE_HSOM18 | 03 Mar 2012
This was a re-work of a bay of fiber distribution panels that were previously either unprotected or poorly protected. I tried several possible fixes before arriving at my final solution. I hope you enjoy it!

SNycpRm5YD0 | 03 Mar 2012
This was an interesting clean-up job. Not only were there sharp right angles in the fiber duct but much of the slack was taken up vertically. This eventually slid down the vertical trough and pooled in a big mess at the floor. I clean up the runs and add new fiber ducting overhead to manage the slack and remove the sharp edges.

t6bRaWZhbyQ | 25 Nov 2011
This was a complete overhaul of an existing fiber ducting system at a remote site. It involved moving existing fibers from old to new, larger troughs, combing out the tangled mess, taking up the slack from around the equipment, etc.

RfdPs3QT6Eo | 25 Nov 2011
Here's a quick fix I did on a fiber distribution panel that didn't properly protect the fibers running to the back of the panel. It isn't uncommon to see situations like this in remote sites where access to the proper tools and hardware is very limited (or would mean a long drive back to the central office).

Dp7kuKExhuw | 25 Nov 2011
This was a fiber optic cable duct rework that was needed due to the new fibers being added at a Remote Service Unit (RSU) for a local telco. Many RSU's have sub-par workmanship due to their distance to the main central office and lack of the correct hardware or tooling needed to do the job in the best way.