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Are You In a Situationship? (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

IZRb7DIxq2Y | 09 Mar 2025

Are You In a Situationship? (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code CRYSTAL Get a PDF version of this chart here: Get a PDF version of the "Should You Tell Your Crush You Like Them?" chart: This is the definitive guide to every scenario of whether or not you're in a situationship. because everyone and their mother says theyre in a situationship nowadays so here is my definitive guide based on no actual objective facts at all but im gonna make a video about it anyway also i tried doing video chapters for this thing but i couldnt figure out a good wya to do it so if anyone has suggestions then let me know but i think it kind of breaks up the flow of the video idk Edited by Elowen: Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art:

What Your Favorite TV Show Says About You (ODDLY SPECIFIC) - Part Two

5BEgXQDcgP0 | 20 Feb 2025

What Your Favorite TV Show Says About You (ODDLY SPECIFIC) - Part Two

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code CRYSTAL this is part 2 of the long awaited except no one waited because i posted it last week except long awaited because everyone just said i didnt mention their favorite show and to be honest i probably didnt mention it in this one either but i try i try my best i try i am one man i am just a man i am just one if youre reading subscribe to my seconed channel where i do run on sentence talking for 20 minutes because i love this first channel and doing scripts but also do yall know how long this shit takes it deosnt seem like very scripted but it is very scripted every day i wish i was a podcaster. do you know how much podcasters make. and they just sit there with 3 hour long unedited videos that are like ". ...... so this is what happened to me the other day. when i was walking my dog. because as i was watching my dog take a dump on the side of the road right " (*guest in a muffled voice that is clearly too far away from the mic*) "yo thats fucked up man. you just let your dog take a dump on the side of the road.. did you have one of those little plastic baggies with you" "yeah i had one of those little plastic baggies with me what do you think i fucking am man. " (*rustling noise from production team*) "i had one of those plastic baggies man and i squatted down and i had to do that thing where like you put your hand in the plastic bag so that it covers your hand like a glove and then i reached over and like covered my hand over my dogs dump right. the dump on the side of the road") (*gulping water*) "so like you know how when youve got your hand in thoe plastic baggies im reaching over and like having to cover my hand over all the separate little lumps of dog poop right. like you know how when dogs shit they come out in these little clumps - looks a little like human shit but when you didnt drink enough water so they come out like little pebbles" "this is some disgusting shit man. i cant believe you invited me over to do this podcast with you and youre just spending this entire time telling me about how you were walking your dog and picking up its shit" "what? are you not enjoying this? you love this shit man (*through smiling*) (*guest laughs*) you love this shit you love this shit as much as i love my shitting dog. but anyway as i was saying man. so i was trying to pick up all the separate little clumps of this dog shit on the side of the road. but like it was a hot day and my hand started sweating under the plastic baggie right and it made it kind of hard to pick up all the poop because you have to kind of do it in one go right. and so i think i have all of the poop in hand but as im flipping the bag inside out to tie it and throw it away, a little clump of shit kind of slips through and it slips out of the bag as im trying to turn the bag inside out because as i said man my hand was sweating have you ever tried walking down the sidewalk in this wet heat in july. its crazy. and so as im struggling to turn the bag inside out a clump drops out and by the time ive noticed it ive already turned the bag insdie out and so obviously i cant then un-turn the bag inside out and then grab all of the poop again and then re-turn-the-bag-inside-out you know. so now i kinda just feel like a bad person. like i feel like a bad citizen. because here i am right. in this glaring wet sweaty july heat and my little dog who i love to death you know mutzi." "i love mutzi" "we fucking love mutzi. sweetest dog on earth. where is that old girl. mutzi" "mutzi" (*scuffling dog noise* *chair noise*) "mutzi girl cm'ere" (*scuffling *) (* unnaturally uneditedly long silent pause while the guest and podcaster are clearly bent over trying to get the dog to come to them*) (*why dont they edit out these pauses this is why i need to be on the podcast grift you can just do whatever*) "she's usually sitting under the table here. for those of you that are audio- only (*muffled noice of the mic hitting something *) (*wet dog snout noise* ) mutzis here everyone say hi mutzi" (*wet dog huff noise*) -------------------------------------------- Edited by Elowen: Find me on: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 adventure time 0:35 office 1:38 fleabag 1:56 house 2:00 naruto 2:45 one piece 3:54 attack on titan 4:06 doctor who 4:20 avatar 4:26 teen wolf. teen show- perfect cut/ comedic timing i cackled 4:58 greys anatomy 5:13 how i met your mother 5:46 parks n rec 6:01 girls 6:34 euphoria 7:23 sex and the city 9:23 british cooking show 9:38 american cooking show 9:59 law and order 10:17 vanderpump rules 10:39 new girl 10:56 squid game 11:28 house of cards 11:43 family guy 12:19 south park 12:43 glee

What your Favorite TV Show says about You (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

qpAKXeIsLjo | 10 Feb 2025

What your Favorite TV Show says about You (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code CRYSTAL hello return of the king the king being me i think i am starting to be sick again but im in denial third time this year!!!! i am an overachiever. anyway this is a video about what your favorite tv show says about you and if ur favorute show isnt here dont worry because part 2 is already filmed its being released next week so keep ur eye out for it / turn on notifs and youtube will do it also follow the 2nd Channel: where im thinking of posting more casual stuff because i know some of you prefer the slower paced videos - so im thinking they can live on their own channel from now on so the people that come for the fast shit where i dont take a single breath for 20 straight minutes can enjoy that and then the people that only type in lowercase and like to knit and drink tea and watch tv shows on their laptop in bed and then take a photo of them knitting and drinking tea and watching tv on their laptop in bed and post it on their instagram stories with like a clairo song in the background or something can enjoy those videos jk love you all but you do do that shit Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Edited by Elowen: Chapters: 0:00 Game of Thrones 2:40 The Boys 2:58 Friends 3:27 The Bear 4:22 Modern Family 4:54 Gilmore Girls 5:44 Bridgerton 7:29 Breaking Bad 8:12 Rick and Morty (+ Breaking Bad) 13:14 Gossip Girl 13:37 13 Reasons Why 14:10 Sherlock 15:35 Supernatural 15:43 The Sopranos (+ HBO) 15:59 Succession 16:35 Skins (+ Euphoria)

Why I hate the Lion King Remake (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

ljayqlu62sk | 17 Jan 2025

Why I hate the Lion King Remake (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code CRYSTAL this is a video about the lion king live action not live action remake i dont really know why i made this video but i wrote the script and you know how youtubers be if its done im RELEASING it i dont care if the video is bizzare and off-topic i am not doing a second draft i am not revisiting the drawing board i am not reshooting if it bombs it bombs except i hope not that would be terrible anyway this is a video about furries kind of Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art:

How to use Dating Apps (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

tcpeBvEQgRY | 07 Jan 2025

How to use Dating Apps (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code CRYSTAL this is the comprehensive guide to EVERY DATING APP EVER and also the only guide you will ever need!!!! if you are getting no matches or no dates or bad matches or bad dates then sit around my metaphorical campfire while i share all of my sage wisdom that i gathered from my incredibly limited and incredibly subjective and incredibly biased experience using dating apps that is supported by no facts and no figures but that doesnt mean you shouldnt still listen to me! because if someone is saying it to you online hten it must betrue thats how internetworks Edited by Elowen: Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Lesson 1 0:57 Getting ghosted 1:46 Hot people 2:53 Unflattering pictures 4:10 Niche down 8:08 Texting 9:03 Moving off the dating app 10:24 Disclaimer 13:28 Dating profile pitfalls 14:08 Fish pictures 15:09 Generic interests 17:09 Pineapples on pizza 17:20 Group pictures 17:58 Setting boundaries 19:17 Peer review 20:21 Choosing a dating app

Should You Tell Your Crush You Like Them (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

hpwyjcd3Ioc | 10 Dec 2024

Should You Tell Your Crush You Like Them (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

this is the CONCLUSIVE guide to literally every scenario under the sun about whether you should tell your crush you like them. u might think ur very specific scenario isnt on here but it probably is because my flowchart is so oddly specific that its actually almost impossible to follow also re: the cady's law part of the video i showed my friend who does a masters degree in math and he thinks the math is not adding up and i was like damn u were not meant to tell me the math isnt adding up what u were meant to do is confirmation bias agree with me that it totally works because the video was already filmed and edited at that point there is no way i am changing this even if the math doesnt make sense so if you tell me in the comments the math doesnt make sense i am going to refer you to this also i am currently absolutely coughing my lungs out being sick so isejeffkjnsfnjdsjkdkvdsn woohoo Edited by Elowen: Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Start here 0:43 You met through friends 9:11 You met at school 10:54 You met at work 13:23 You met at a third space 14:14 You met them online 15:41 Your crush is seeing someone

What your Shoes say about you (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

CkZ8MvaHdik | 14 Nov 2024

What your Shoes say about you (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

this is a video about what your shoes say about you - converse, uggs, doc martens, air force 1s, etc etc u name it its probably here! except i scripted filmed and edited this video before i realised i forgot the bane of my existence the gum on the bottom of my shoe the monkey on my back the pain in my ass the bee in my bonnet - timberlands. or as people that wear the bane of my existence the gum on the bottom of my shoe the monkey on my back the pain in my ass the bee in my bonnet - timberlands call them, the "Timbs" Edited by Elowen: if u liked this vid u should also watch frugalaesthetic's better cooler funnier more accurate video about what your shoes mean Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Loafers 0:24 Sambas 0:40 Air Jordans 0:57 Air Force 1s 1:27 Heels (thin heel) 1:38 Chunky Heels 1:44 Doc Martens 2:03 Converse 2:31 Hypebeast Shoes 3:39 Vans (black/white) 3:45 Vans (other colors) 4:01 Vans (mid-rise 4:04 Unbranded shoes 4:19 Sockless boat shoes 4:32 Louboutins 4:45 Knee-high socks/ legwarmers 5:27 Cowgirl boots 5:37 Flats 5:55 Flats with straps 6:28 Sporty ballet flats 6:37 Nike slides 7:00 UGGs 7:31 Onitsuka Tiger 7:34 No shoe 8:03 Mary Janes 8:28 Kitten heels 8:48 Bloopers

What your College Major says about you (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

eQ6tzOux3Bc | 04 Nov 2024

What your College Major says about you (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

This is a video about what your college/ university major says about you! whether you're in english, psychology, business, law, math, science, art, history, engineering, computer science, etc come one come all !!!!!!!!! this is what the internet is for (making snide comments which are wholly unsupported by fact about areas of expertise you know nothing about) Edited by Elowen: Find me on: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: also im sorry i look so dead in this video i actually had a lot of fun making it i just filmed this after 9 hour workday and also try condensing 1 hour of talking into 13 min Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:08 English 0:43 Psychology 1:20 Education 1:33 Veterinary Science 1:49 Finance 2:13 Biology 2:54 Chemistry 3:21 Medicine/ Pre-Med 4:00 Dentistry 4:16 Political Science 5:10 Physics 5:20 Law 6:02 Computer Science 6:43 Fine Art 7:05 Game Design 7:09 Animation 7:14 Graphic Design 7:19 Illustration 7:23 Painting 7:28 Theatre/ Drama 7:56 Film 8:58 Math 9:13 Engineering 9:54 Architecture 10:38 Languages 10:53 Business 11:13 Nursing 11:41 Classics 11:59 History 12:15 Journalism 12:25 Music 12:43 Environmental Science 13:00 Actuarial Science

What Your Bag Says About You (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

PaYkyPzZFnI | 08 Oct 2024

What Your Bag Says About You (ODDLY SPECIFIC)

Teddy Blake Clearance Sale from $225! Limited Quantity at: Missed the Sale? Got You Covered! use code TB888_crystal30 for $30 off This is what the bag you own says about you - disclaimer - this video is meant for entertainment purposes only- please dont take anything i say in the video seriously i didnt mean to offend you if i did !! i also own a lot of these bags so i was only ever dragging my own ass i swear i promise Follow Teddy Blake on Social Media: Find me: 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: #teddyblake

Keeping a Physical Journal can Change your Life

3QMNa3vOT_0 | 24 Sep 2024

Keeping a Physical Journal can Change your Life

The first 1,000 people to use my link will get a full year of Premium membership to Craftsy for only $1.49: This is a video about why keeping a physical journal can change your life and impact you in ways that you would not typically expect. I talk about the impact of tangible forms of record keeping, the tradition of handwriting and journaling, amongst other things just watch the vid pls im on my hands n knees Video edited by Elowen Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Writing things down by hand 3:31 Encourages creativity 5:46 It's a cherished keepsake 7:35 Learn about yourself 8:51 PHYSICAL VS DIGITAL 10:38 Goal-setting This video was sponsored by Craftsy

Commonplace Book Tour: How I use my Journal

3t8Wem10Dqw | 12 Sep 2024

Commonplace Book Tour: How I use my Journal

Get UPDF - AI PDF Editor: Learn more about UPDF: #updf is a versatile and intuitive AI PDF editor designed to streamline document management. With an array of powerful features, AI-powered UPDF allows users to easily create, annotate, edit, and convert PDF files. With UPDF, you can summarize and translate PDFs, use AI chat features on PDFs and images, as well as convert PDFs to mind maps. Video Edited by Elowen This is the long awaited commonplace book tour!!!!! This is how I use my commonplace journal. maybe you can find inspiration for yours / it can give some guidance into one method of using one. or you might just be super nosey and want to know what goes on in my life / in my brain Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art:

Keeping a Commonplace Book: Why & How

LbVeHVcW5Wk | 03 Sep 2024

Keeping a Commonplace Book: Why & How

come one come all yall love this shit this is why you should keep a commonplace journal/ otherwise keep a personal collection of writings, notes, memos etc, and how it’s important for developing your creativity (even if you don’t think you’re creative), how it acts as a tool for self reflection and discovery, and also just generally allows you to have a better understanding of your own purpose, your past and how to achieve your future goals. ***************************************************************** and if you didnt watch the video the most important part is I AM STARTING A 2ND CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!! Subscribe here: planning on posting more vlogs, and general chitty chatty videos/ shooting the shit style videos that I won’t post here. Like my commonplace journal, I would also like an online space where I can keep more informal conversations and notes to myself/ bits that I would like to share, which don’t necessarily fit the theme of this main channel/ are not fully fleshed out creatures. so I plan for these to live on the second channel- subscribe if you want. but it’s gonna be shit like me talking about my favorite 1000+ page book about tennis and wheelchair assassins (those things are connected) which is all actually a hamlet analogy which i have been wanting to talk about forever but never did on this channel bc i was paranoid it would tank my algorithm ranking. or like outfit videos because i bought a bunch of secondhand stuff from japan. or you send me questions and I answer them the possibilities are endless!!!!!!!!! so go check that out *************************************************************************** Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 why you should keep a commonplace journal 1:53 conversations with your past self 2:51 foster deep learning 3:38 enhance creativity 4:44 why read old entries 6:08 set future goals 6:36 personalizing your journal 8:09 how to start your journal

How to find your Personal Style (& develop Self-Confidence)

OAued_RFxXY | 26 Aug 2024

How to find your Personal Style (& develop Self-Confidence)

Thank you @aelfricedenofficial for the lovely sweaters and jackets! If you're also into fashion, personal style, and unique clothing (which you are if you're watching this video), visit + use the discount code "cry25" to get 25% off your order Video edited by Elowen This is a video about finding your personal style, how to develop it, find clothing and fashion inspiration, and otherwise just have the confidence to wear what you want and express yourself. just remember that whatever you wear when you kick the bucket is going to be your forever outfit in the afterlife so it better be something you think represents you unless you believe in reincarnation in which case its probably fine Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 How to find your personal style 0:34 Using Pinterest 1:18 Use the Clothes you already have 3:07 Like what you like 4:48 Struggling with self-confidence 10:45 Work with your features 11:33 Not everyone will like it

My Charcoal Sketchbook Tour

2fdwqHQVSfM | 05 Aug 2024

My Charcoal Sketchbook Tour

The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Video Edited by Elowen: I talk about my charcoal drawings in my sketchbook/ journal, as well as my general artistic process, journey, inspiration and struggles. I talk about finding inspiration and looking for art role models, as well as frustration with your own work and the creative process and also other Art related words like Pastels Paper Creativity Inspo Pencils Sketch Sketchbook which are definitely Not for the SEO and the Algorithm to Pick Up My Video to list this is just how i speak in regular life Eraser Journaling Artistic Process Journey Drawing Artist Artist Art Art Creativity Creative Commonplace Journal other words etc etc etc Color Space Line Texture such Cool Words!!!! Authenticity!! Check out the Artists that I mentioned in this video: Sim Sim: Josh Hernandez: @MadCharcoal Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 First attempts drawing in charcoal 5:59 The issue with being inspired 8:29 Changing my approach 10:49 Rediscovering the love of drawing

What's in my Bag - tools for Artists, Students & Creatives

_wyjkAl5T8w | 17 Jul 2024

What's in my Bag - tools for Artists, Students & Creatives

Video Edited by Elowen: - I talk about what's in my bag and how to choose a bag which is personal to you and represents your personal style. I talk about how to use your bag authentically, in relation to fashion trends, style, timelessness and customizing your bag. You carry your bag around all the time like a third arm, so it might as well be a third arm that you feel passionate about and you feel is a true reflection of yourself Get up to 60% off on your own Teddy Blake bag at: + Use Code TB888_crystal30 for an Extra $30 Off! Follow Teddy Blake on Social Media: Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 What's in my bag? 4:09 Your bag should showcase your personality 10:33 You can discover a person from what's in their bag 11:54 Documenting what's in your bag/ your belongings

know yourself through these JOURNALING PROMPTS (ARCHETYPES part II)

pMIzZa0R2mY | 06 Jul 2024

know yourself through these JOURNALING PROMPTS (ARCHETYPES part II)

Video Edited by Elowen: Followup video to journaling based on Carl Jung's theory of archetypes. Run through them and discover something about yourself or stay because we all like knowing what movie/ book character we are that's why we do buzzfeed quizzes and why every popular YA book is like let your IN-GROUP tell u who u are this is the in-group that is smart this is the in-group that is brave this is the in-group that is Supremely and Irredeemably Evil but we will put them all together in one group where they will undoubtedly get more and more entrenched in their Supreme and Evil ideology Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 Archetypes Explained 0:40 The Maiden 2:34 The Temptress 4:39 The Orphan 6:27 The Destroyer 8:12 The Martyr 10:10 The Scapegoat 11:59 The Warrior 13:39 The Healer 15:41 The Shapeshifter

You should keep a DIGITAL COMMONPLACE BOOK (and how to)

v-IfRP-YWUc | 28 Jun 2024

You should keep a DIGITAL COMMONPLACE BOOK (and how to)

Use this link to sign up and automatically get 10% off Scrintal Personal Pro (valid for 4 weeks after the video is out), or use the code CRYSTAL10 on the Scrintal site I talk about why you should keep a digital journal in addition to a physical journal, and why each has their own benefits and uses and in order to get the most use out of journaling and commonplace books Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 Digital vs physical journaling 3:03 TRY THIS journaling idea 10:16 other digital journaling benefits

Journaling prompts for reflection (HAUNTED HOUSE walkthrough)

Egrg0l4g4RQ | 25 Jun 2024

Journaling prompts for reflection (HAUNTED HOUSE walkthrough)

Let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home. Visit and enjoy a special discount on your first month #advert If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ video about journaling and reflection and introspection except its haunted house themed and also this took forever the concept + hand drawn thing was incredibly labor intensive and also i had mock exams this week and i slayed advocacy but got a c in client interviewing because apparently saying "hi" to the client is too informal and i should have said "good morning" which seems a little harsh to me does it ultimately matter :// tough crowd Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Journaling Prompts 0:25 Entrance Hall (surface/ superficial impressions) 0:47 The Gallery (relationships and passions) 1:43 Mirror Room (vanity and appearances) 2:27 The Garden (material desires and guilty pleasures) 4:17 The Library (knowledge and values) 4:56 Hallway (introspection and goals) 5:22 The Chamber (time, aging and legacy) 5:58 The Playroom (passion and joy) 6:23 The Forest (moving forward and life lessons)

Your notebook is MEANT to be MESSY

8YEdt4TELpI | 10 Jun 2024

Your notebook is MEANT to be MESSY

i tell you about why its important your notebooks/ commonplace books/ journals are messy and how it actually offers you greater insight into yourself and is a truer and more sincere accurate form of self expression! seo words journal notebook podcast self help i am telling you about the video to help the seo!! this is a video about writing and artists and creativity and expression and reflection reflect help yourself discover yourself!! i am doing my mock exams this week but the youtube grind never stops so you better let them full advertisements play before and between the video pretty please with a cherry on top Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters: 0:00 Chaos makes you more productive + creative 0:55 Get an UGLY notebook 5:25 How to use your notebook 6:23 Make the pages FULLER

journal prompts to ACTUALLY understand yourself (using the archetypes)

45N4RRma7Ko | 04 Jun 2024

journal prompts to ACTUALLY understand yourself (using the archetypes)

i give you a set of journaling / writing/ reflection prompts that if you work through, will actually give you a well-rounded and holistic understanding of yourself as a person. reflect on your life and how you see yourself and how others see you and your experience in the world based on the idea of archetypes by carl jung- but only very vaguely inspired based on the tropes. not an actual good descriptor of his ideas i recommend you check out his work for yourself if interested Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 Archetypes 1:11 How to use these prompts 1:43 the Creator 3:22 the Lover 4:48 the Magician 6:06 the Caregiver 8:07 the Sage 9:07 the Everyman 10:29 the Hero 11:40 the Jester 12:21 the Rebel 13:20 the Innocent 14:24 the Ruler 15:27 the Explorer

your unfinished work defines you

_LqGCEL3ZSQ | 26 May 2024

your unfinished work defines you

I tell you why it's a good thing to leave your creative projects unfinished, and why it defines you as an artist and your legacy in a good way. this advice applies to writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers, engineers, coders literally anything where you have to make something from nothing. I use examples from billie eilish and kafka and the beatles and more but i wont tell u where each one is so i guess ull just have to watch the whole thing Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 It shows the real creative journey 4:19 Prevent perfectionism 8:12 Just get the idea out 11:28 The most important thing when making art 14:27 You should chase the feeling 15:33 They're more authentic 15:53 Lots of famous works are incomplete 17:40 It can add more meaning to your work 20:26 It's important for growth and learning 23:58 It's good to lose interest in your old work 26:40 Working on multiple projects at the same time

you should keep a commonplace book (& how)

8kTZQ9N8iv8 | 17 May 2024

you should keep a commonplace book (& how)

I talk about commonplace books and why you should keep one! or a journal or a notebook. Anywhere you can write down ideas and thoughts and inspiration which isn't dedicated to one specific topic or subject matter. anything goes in the commonplace book. Learn about yourself and what you are inspired by, become more creative and follow your interests to their ends Links 2nd Channel: Instagram: Newsletter: Tip jar: Buy original art: Chapters 0:00 What are commonplace books? 1:28 Why and how to keep a commonplace book 11:14 Famous people that kept commonplace books 11:29 Customizing and personalizing your book 12:48 Digital format commonplace books

Art is your purpose

YZe9ez-_M1c | 26 Mar 2024

Art is your purpose

talking about art and creative careers and artists and writers and actors and success and failure and the overwhelming pressure of having to be famous/ make money from your art in order to feel valued or valuable as an artist/ identify as an artist im doing all the words for seo art artist creative creativity failure self-doubt self-help youtuber film actor acting theatre we all gotta do what we gotta do you can read more about Ross Gay and his ideas in his essay "Body Musics and the Empire of Time" -(but you can also find a very good couple of pages from his book here: Chapters 0:00 The point of making art 6:19 It's fine to make sh**ty art 8:41 Your art won't outlast you 11:41 Why you don't try new things 12:48 Hot take on self-improvement 15:34 You can start later in life Links

You’re better looking than you think you are

k_R83QxVvYo | 04 Mar 2024

You’re better looking than you think you are

skip around (and then go back and watch the whole thing for the algorithm xxxxx): 0:00 you're better looking than you think 0:19 the problem isn't your appearance 8:20 some people just try harder 9:58 it's not real 12:56 IMPORTANT disclaimer 15:43 you're in the wrong place 17:40 most important takeaway

i teach you how to draw trees like a pro

3Nz3On9iVRM | 22 Feb 2024

i teach you how to draw trees like a pro

tag me in your tree drawings on instagram if u want or dont its a free lawless land we live in Chapters: 0:00 It's trees (intro) 0:12 How to draw a tree - method 1 4:03 How to draw a tree - method 2 6:00 other methods Find me: All tree drawings from other people:

i drew the same drawing for over 14 years

pORKo5CFWok | 19 Feb 2024

i drew the same drawing for over 14 years

Skip to 1:53 for the drawing (and then go back and watch the whole thing - and then leave it on at night so that it racks up watch-time play it for your friends play it for your dog play it for your neighbor mass spam the link for it via your school email and get suspended from school for spamming help a homie out ) 0:00 Context 1:53 The drawing 4:21 Why it's important 11:46 Activity you could do (whether you're an artist or not) 13:26 Future of this youtube channel 15:00 Closeup of big painting Links

you're going to lose your friends

XLCTf5-_V0w | 29 Dec 2023

you're going to lose your friends

find me on the 'gram :

school is over and i dont know what to do with myself

FQAiOJKctKs | 20 Jul 2023

school is over and i dont know what to do with myself

i do things (but not all at the same time) follow the main

(not) me answering your questions

LSfBaxAYGEg | 25 Jun 2023

(not) me answering your questions

re uploaded bc i messed up the editing of the still images that is the extent of how much i hate editing follow the main