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SHOULD [You actually can't make people feel things]

_kJp3k8npJM | 22 Feb 2025

SHOULD [You actually can't make people feel things]

Learn fast with book summaries! 20% OFF + FREE TRIAL Our world is very stupid about feelings. People tell each other all the time - with a straight face - "you should feel different about me/that/whatever." FEELINGS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. You can stop EATING pizza, but you can't stop LIKING it. You can TOLERATE obnoxious behavior, but you can't just... START ENJOYING IT. The same thing is true about what people like about each other. Saying "don't judge my past" will not make anyone feel any differently about who you are and the choices you've made. It will just make them lie to you. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

SELF-MAXIMIZE 3: [Explain] GIRL MATH [to me]

UnF7YEGEc5I | 19 Feb 2025

SELF-MAXIMIZE 3: [Explain] GIRL MATH [to me]

This lesson is brought to you by me, and the great thing I did. Subscribe to Self-Max to get my guidance on how to get better at life. This guy begged me to explain the girl math to him, so I did. He's got the equation all wrong. He thinks that being mean is attractive, and that women can just... pick nice guys if they want to. In reality, STRONG guys are attractive, and short in supply. That's why they get to be mean. NICE guys usually HAVE to be nice because they're WEAK. There are many ways to get strong, and it's your only option. They're not gonna change what they like. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE [It makes sense to me...]

09e2iel1u5A | 08 Feb 2025

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE [It makes sense to me...]

"Why do the ones I like never like me?" Because they're not supposed to. Nature built us to be selfish, not to be in love. Do you want the rules back yet or not? ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

MONEY NOT LOVE [Did Equality Work?]

KlX9CLJeu34 | 06 Feb 2025

MONEY NOT LOVE [Did Equality Work?]

This lovely young lady explains her choice to plan her future of dating around access to resources rather than feelings. Is it a smart move? No, probly not. Best of luck to her though. Best of luck to us all. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

POTENTIAL [Don't waste it]

Wqhx7DrQdKs | 14 Jan 2025

POTENTIAL [Don't waste it]

Go to for a FREE Trial and 20% off! Hey look, I'm back doing short videos again. I should be able to make lots of these quickly now. This girl brings up a good point for everyone to consider. A lot of guys in her dating pool act way too available. They are always there, answering right away when she contacts them. But, as Lauren (The Dadvocate) points out, a lot of women say the opposite! They hate when guys DON'T text back fast ENOUGH! So women just don't make sense, right? WRONG. And DUMB. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER BY NOW. They make sense to me, and now this curious behavior of both wanting and not wanting immediate text messages from men can be understood by you. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

LINGO [How your WORDS are making your life SUCK] [with the Situationship Evasion Chart]

sUUaVQjvSGc | 07 Jan 2025

LINGO [How your WORDS are making your life SUCK] [with the Situationship Evasion Chart]

Go to and see more angles on every issue. My link saves you 40% on Ground News’ unlimited access Vantage Plan! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's another long one. This girl had a lot to say about MAN BAD because she keeps getting in "situationships." She's smart enough to understand that the words we use are what causes these things to become normal, but... she doesn't know how to use her words to make it stop. So I helped! You can get the Situationship Evasion Chart on Patreon. Link to my linktree below. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️ And yes, I had to delete and reupload because I am EXHAUSTED ALWAYS and I keep making sloppy mistakes. It's fine, you can watch it twice. Music: Artist: Benjamin Tissot License code: VDIJGR3YEBIPISWW God I hope I did this ▲ right this time. SO EMBARRASSING TO REUPLOAD WHY AM I NOT GOOD AT THIS YET

TRUTHFULLY (How to Stop Lying with Squares) (AQAL Quadrant analysis)

3wZDMsbxEmk | 23 Nov 2024

TRUTHFULLY (How to Stop Lying with Squares) (AQAL Quadrant analysis)

Wanna learn more things, faster? Join me on Shortform! You’ll get a 5-day FREE TRIAL and 20% OFF an annual subscription. I like what Shortform did with The 48 Laws of Power! ➡️➡️ ⬅️⬅️ VIDEO SUMMARY: You liked my video on Levels? Here's my introduction to the 'Quadrants' element of the AQAL model. Human beings are short-sighted and selfish. We tend to tell stories about reality that leave out important parts, or that emphasize certain aspects to bend the truth. "I'm doing great in life because of my brilliance and hard work! ...But YOU only have success because of PRIVILEGE!" Or the other way around: "I've had so many struggles and challenges! The world is too hard on me! ...But not you, your problems are all in your head!" If you want to understand reality more accurately and figure out how to create smarter solutions, you need to take a holistic view. People hate that word... "holistic." It sounds like "homeopathic," which is just hocus pocus nonsense. But in reality, "holistic" just means "dealing with the whole thing" as opposed to just a part of it or an angle on it. So a NON-holistic solution to weight loss would be "just inject Ozempic." That treats the problem like it's all just your body being too hungry. But a holistic solution would be more like... well, where do you get food? What do you eat? How much? Why? Are there emotional reasons? Are there habits you can change? Can you get to a store that has better food? Can you learn more about food choices? What about exercise? What about your friends and family? Are they encouraging you to make poor choices? Do you believe you even CAN lose weight? ...and so on and so on. The Quadrants from the AQAL model can be used as a holistic rubric to check and make sure you're looking at a problem from all angles so you don't leave anything out. In this video, I use an example of a girl who had a viral video about a bad date on TikTok last month to show her how her results were almost entirely her own fault. Instead of asking her TikTok girls for support and creating a culture of helplessness, she could have just made better choices... but only if she can see them first! ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

Self-Maximize Part 2: CRISIS [Why are we having a maturity crisis, and what can you do about it?]

xbF17FiiD1M | 08 Oct 2024

Self-Maximize Part 2: CRISIS [Why are we having a maturity crisis, and what can you do about it?] ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Sign up for my new AI self-improvement platform! Self-Max learns about you and generates personalized suggestions to help you achieve your goals. OK, ad over. Description starting: The internet is full of people screaming and whining about their problems. If it wasn't, I'd have a different career. We are undeniably less mature than the generations that came before us. Our grandparents fought wars and built families and industries. We complain about dating on the internet and vote based on birth control policies. We're too soft, and we aren't being forced to take any responsibility for ourselves. Yet. It's not that things aren't bad. They are. We have a lot of material comfort, but that isn't a meaning you can live for. People are lonely, disconnected, mentally ill, not having children, and living lives of nihilistic hedonism. If we keep this up, bad times may be coming soon. Where does the blame for this lie? Well, that's a complicated question. Is it a pattern humans go through? Is it the government? Is it the media? Did women start being selfish for no reason? Did men decide to be useless babies one day after a billion years of evolving from sludge? I don't think we can answer that, but I think I can help make it a lot easier to spot what immaturity is, how to see it in yourself and others, how to grow out of it, and how to deal with immature people (when you have to). I may not be as much of a man as my grandfather was, but I got a pretty bad start in life in terms of being raised to be a competent, mature adult, and I figured out quite a lot on my own. I didn't just learn from my surroundings, I had to look into myself and find all the parts that weren't fitting in with my world and change them. I hope that this video, along with Self-Max ( can help a lot of people start taking the steps towards competence that we need to get back to the good times. ⬆️ EVERYTHING I DO ⬆️

Deserve (maybe deserve-maxing isn't the best strategy right now)

WJPCbyULrco | 16 Aug 2024

Deserve (maybe deserve-maxing isn't the best strategy right now)

Get 40% OFF the same Unlimited Access Vantage Plan that I use when you subscribe to Ground News with my link! ➡️ ⬅️ A lot of people are trying to game the dating scene with charts. What most of them forget is the parts of the market they DON'T like. These girls were thinking about their options in terms of how to select the ones they like the most. I gave them an extra dimension on their chart (it is now a cube) to remind them that the market isn't actually bursting at the seams with guys who are ready, willing, and able to provide the experience they want the most, and sometimes, for some women, it's better to pick a guy who's on his way rather than waiting for one who's already there. A lot of guys would appreciate having someone lock in before the struggle is over. I know I would have! ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Dangerous (and very few of you know it)

DSWVCuMvHPo | 10 Aug 2024

Dangerous (and very few of you know it)

To learn more things faster, Check out Shortform! First 1000 subscribers to use my link get a FREE TRIAL and 20% OFF ➡️ ⬅️ The video I'm reacting to here is just awful. The girl in it is obviously not that smart. She has nothing of substance to say. She contradicts herself. It's a cringe-inducing, bratty, boring, emotionally incontinent waste of hard drive space. Here's the problem: this kind of dumpster-crust content is emotional, which means it affects people, and it's very easy to make, which means that there's a lot of it. For the past few years, millions of selfish, entitled, cluster-B harpies like her have been spreading their reasonless, childish entitlement outwards into the population, especially affecting young women. It's nothing but society-rotting, antisocial behavior, but they believe (or act like they believe) that it's the wave of the future. Once all women everywhere get handed everything for doing nothing, and all men (not really all men, just the specific ones she hates, which is obvious if you think about it for two seconds) are properly subjugated, then... everyone will get free stuff forever? The danger of stupidity of this magnitude spreading through the minds of young people (particularly women) at this rate of growth should not be underestimated. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Guy Pretty Privilege

mUsbDbrZSJQ | 17 Jul 2024

Guy Pretty Privilege

This one is just for appreciation of those who 'get it' and motivation for those who need it. Society is different than it used to be, and more people are getting left out of it. This is causing some of us to notice the reasons why, which has been an underlying aspect of human nature as long as civilization has been growing. We used to not notice these things because we fixed them. We're losing the fixes, and nature is showing back up. This girl gives a pretty good read on the 'why,' and I'm using it as a springboard to tell a bit of my story of becoming valuable to women (for a while) so that you can know why putting in the work matters (and what not to do if you succeed). ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

The Mystery Zone

xWOA1TBqAFU | 07 Jul 2024

The Mystery Zone

First 500 subscribers get a FREE TRIAL with UNLIMITED ACCESS and 20% OFF a Shortform subscription!!! ➡️➡️➡️ ⬅️⬅️⬅️ I was asked to respond to this video and my answer kept getting longer because I wanted to be comprehensive. This game that people play, which I'm calling "The Mystery Zone," is when people strategically or ignorantly say one thing and mean another and expect others to "just get it." It's not limited to ambiguous hookup situations, but those are the most untouchable ones to talk about, so I'm talking about them. This behavior of disguising opportunity and then punishing men who make the wrong guess causes a lot of drama between men and women because of how blurry the lines get between who said what and what they meant and how you can tell. So I made a set of instructions for men to begin learning how to pick up on "hints," and what to do if a hint isn't enough, and WHY. In other words, yeah, this girl is in the wrong in her "jooooooke" scenario -- and she admits it -- but the guy in the scenario still has full control over the outcome. So we don't need any more drama. Just follow the instructions. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


CN_BDrVjWvU | 13 Jun 2024


Want to see more angles on every issue? CLICK THE LINK for 40% off the Vantage Plan from Ground News! Everything I talk about is centered around one thing: we might be stuck in a spiral of collapse, and we should avoid it if we can. The collapse comes from many things, but a major feature of it is the selfishness and dissatisfaction caused by moral degradation and unconstrained ladder-climbing in the sexual marketplace. Here is my long-overdue answer to the question: "why is promiscuity bad?" ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Make Sure

jJTwXg-80sk | 06 Jun 2024

Make Sure

Young Western men are almost universally lulled into a false and dangerous belief that women are sweet, selfless, good, and loving, and that they have no personal desires that would ever conflict with a stable relationship. And that's stupid. Women are humans with their own needs. No one exists to be what someone else wants. When these men realize how badly they've been fooled, sometimes they get really upset and can turn pretty dark. Instead, they should put that energy into adapting themselves to reality, and to changing the system they live in. Here's a short explanation of a central feature of female relationship choice dynamics. THE PAST MATTERS. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Woman or Tree? (Not the right argument)

AXVm-VaNVRQ | 24 May 2024

Woman or Tree? (Not the right argument) ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Answers (Impossible to explain)

5Tbm76Oxp5Y | 23 May 2024

Answers (Impossible to explain)

Why can men be good friends, but not boyfriends? One of the most important differences between men and women is our relationship to valuable resources. Men always turn the thermostat down, women turn it back up. Men live in empty rooms with a mattress on the floor, women fill up credit cards with home decor purchases. It almost seems like nature designed women not to understand that STUFF doesn't come from NOWHERE. Someone has to make the stuff, and if you didn't make the stuff, you have to do something to earn the stuff, and you can't just do INFINITY EARNING. Women want men to have money, but they don't seem to remember that the money's got to come from somewhere, and we all have our limits. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Found Out

TpIN0IJeUa4 | 17 May 2024

Found Out

The comments section of this TikTok video was mixed. Both men and women said that the move this guy made was good, ok, and bad. One guy got the answer right. Allow me to elaborate. Men everywhere are learning that it can be a bad move to be "too nice," which is counterintuitive. Should we all... STOP being nice? Isn't nice... good? No, it turns out! Only in certain cases. Here's my explanation of why this wasn't one, and why this guy found out the hard way (he has underdeveloped emotional skills). ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Entitlement (Red Flag #7)

yy35FurVB1A | 08 May 2024

Entitlement (Red Flag #7)

Selfish, spoiled people have always existed, but it seems a lot more common now. I think growing up on a farm or crossing the Wild West gave people character, but watching spongebob with oreos and getting stimulus checks doesn't. The fall of Rome happened the same way - The Romans grew rich and soft and lost their sense of responsibility. It was all about what more they could have, and not about how the strength of Rome came from them. We didn't learn anything. Well, I did. Anyway. Here's a short video on what entitlement looks like and how to avoid it. They key is to look for people who talk a lot about what they want, but can't connect it to what they give back. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 BUY MY BOOK IT'S IN HARDCOVER NOW

Upside Down (A little different than usual)

QEGKszzKYXg | 07 May 2024

Upside Down (A little different than usual)

I continue to try new things to see what works. On my Live Q&A sessions (Tuesdays), people ask me all manner of questions about life, and I answer the ones I feel I have something to add to (I have no advice on which country is best to be a passport bro). Let's see how people like this little point I made about how values create reality. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Era (Not over yet)

QLXhUKVd4fo | 06 May 2024

Era (Not over yet)

I really need to change my channel name to reach more women. A friend of mine once told me that she showed Zones to a friend of hers, and the guy she was seeing had said the "three weeks" line to her just a few days previous. She broke up with him right away. I saved at least one woman undue misery from male foolishness. I want women to get it that no one is stopping men anymore from pretending that commitment is coming and stringing women along. It's up to women now to spot the signs that he's faking it and run. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Man or Bear? (The world is a stupid place full of stupid people)

SSVXbgR4JFs | 03 May 2024

Man or Bear? (The world is a stupid place full of stupid people)

I've been asked strongly to review the "man or bear" question, so I did. I will dance for you. I AM A DANCING MONKEY FOR VIEWS. I've said it before and I'll say it again until every last one of you gets it: Understanding human psychology is simple. It's not EASY, but it's simple. The same principles tend to pop up over and over, and once you look past the surface (complicated and confusing) and into the deepest, most subconscious motivations (and develop the ability to be honest about them (in yourself and others (not easy))), you will start to see the patterns. The short story of this video is: no one actually believes that anyone would be more comfortable running into a bear than some random guy in the woods. The people saying otherwise are playing a game of collective negotiation. If they can all agree that everyday men are to be presumed dangerous, that entitles them to place limits on those men (at their personal discretion of course - Chad isn't dangerous, he's CUTE!) and then remove them from competition for status, power, and resources. And it's working. Men (especially Western men) are losing big-time because of the negotiated legitimacy of a huge pile of thin excuses for why we're not welcome. Watch the whole video to understand why this is a super bad idea. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Exposition (Green Flag #1)

W0QQts1KQIc | 12 Apr 2024

Exposition (Green Flag #1)

TRUST ME: get someone who says her feelings out loud. Not everything people feel is what they want to feel. Sometimes, I show a woman saying something that men don't like to hear, and men respond by trashing her, even though she's exposing a side of herself she doesn't like and can't control. If you make women feel afraid to do this, then they won't do it, and then how are we ever going to learn about them? Learn the difference between "men should simp for me forever even if they get nothing" and "there's a part of me that just wants men to simp for me forever even though I don't want to give anything back." One of those is selfish, and the other is saying "why do I have these impulses to be so selfish and what can I do about them?" Wouldn't it be cool if we showed them what to do instead of making them afraid to talk? ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Incredible (Worth Knowing)

SOAcsTlvFic | 06 Apr 2024

Incredible (Worth Knowing)

A lot of women say this out loud. Men feel it too, we just don't say it. We also don't really notice, because we're not looking for men. Men just aren't popular unless they're exceptional. Most men live lives of quiet desperation (Thoreau) and never experience being desirable upon first appearance. Background men are ignored, and must stand out in some way in order to break the spell. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

If I was a man

XsQwfYngw6c | 04 Apr 2024

If I was a man

When women say "If I was a man," they mean "if I was the kind of man that I respect or desire attention from." If you're not in that group, you are not included in their calculations. That's why society is having a hard time right now. Are you having a hard time? No you're not, because you don't count. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

This is Why

7BY83m_4SGw | 04 Apr 2024

This is Why

There are way too many of these girl math videos where they add up the total cost of every jar of face slop they bought since they were 9 and then act like they use it all on one date. What is the point of these videos? They really are not making a case for the whole "women don't suck at math" thing. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Different Kind

B8GY854wz9s | 02 Apr 2024

Different Kind

She's having a moment of realization that good things in life aren't free. Good to see it. We need to make sure that people don't keep reaching adulthood believing that another whole entire person is going to show up, offer you everything that you wanted, and require nothing from you in return besides just BEING YOURSELF. Start by really evaluating what YOU have to offer and how valuable it is to others. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

The Delta Hot Index: Compare your Mate Value at a Glance

O-y2mj3bC_c | 30 Mar 2024

The Delta Hot Index: Compare your Mate Value at a Glance

Get a FREE TRIAL of Shortform and 20% off a yearly subscription! 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼 I was asked to review the Hot/Crazy matrix. My re-plotting of the tension between hotness and insanity has, I believe, higher utility than the original because it reminds you to compare your overall value to that of your partner so that you can prepare for your likely relationship dynamics. Look out for a cameo by one of my favorite video subjects, who explained one of the main points of my work with such perfection that all I had to do was agree with her and I got 2 million views (and she still called me an incel).

Explain (I can't believe we haven't fixed this yet)

t7FGc5srdkU | 29 Mar 2024

Explain (I can't believe we haven't fixed this yet)

This young woman made the same mistakes as me, and feels the same way as I do about them. American college kids are being trained for jobs that don't exist while turning their noses up at jobs that... well, did you hear that a bridge just collapsed recently? Maybe that wouldn't have happened if we weren't all BAs in normative gender construction or whatever. Thank god people care about my overeducated dating critiques or I'd be working at Dunkin' Donuts. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Market Forces: How many make $200k a year?

jjYFMUyNnrU | 26 Mar 2024

Market Forces: How many make $200k a year?

Yet another example of the eternally deceptive "my exorbitant luxuries are actually basic expenses" argument. Sure. If you want to live in an average apartment in a major city in a period of massive inflation and a flooded labor market, you need a top income to be comfortable. But only so many people get to be comfortable in these conditions. Can you really expect that? ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Noticing (I noticed something too)

C2lS5rYNNpc | 20 Mar 2024

Noticing (I noticed something too)

This young woman feels the pain of all the men in her target range being unavailable due to abundance of options... while making herself one of those options. I promise, if you stop participating in that market, you start finding the people who don't behave that way. I stopped dating for 2 years and so did my GF and we found each other and it's so satisfying. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Next Steps (Almost there!)

vOxy9Wzd464 | 16 Mar 2024

Next Steps (Almost there!)

This guy reminds me a lot of me when I was 16-28, except that someone loves him. The way that he thinks about his wife's expressed needs and how he struggles with them as being inconsistent, but also the way he wants to be what she needs in every case, proves to me that he's still in a middle-high level of consciousness where he hasn't really started to see yet that there are no contradictions. Once you begin to exit the rational levels of awareness, you will start to see: you never have to be one thing or another. The many parts of your self all have their places in the world around you, and learning to make women happy is the best teacher of where you should put them. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

So Funny (All gone?)

01LBdVBNlyI | 13 Mar 2024

So Funny (All gone?)

A probably-Korean woman laughs at all of her people dying off because the women refuse to cooperate with what seems like pretty basic expectations. It's almost as if she's saying "if I can't have everything for nothing, I'll destroy the entire world." I mean, I guess that's one way to respond to living in an entropic universe, but... ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Where??? (She's so confused)

TMBGlCclNvE | 12 Mar 2024

Where??? (She's so confused)

This aging woman is so confused about what happened to men after she spent her entire life causing it. How silly! ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 [CLICK] EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Helpful Advice

DAHoByzHkR8 | 02 Mar 2024

Helpful Advice ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 OK, here's another cheap stitch from TikTok. I just thought it was worth sharing here. I'll keep the production high from now on.

Self Maximize (Introduction)

hREY1FJmqpU | 01 Mar 2024

Self Maximize (Introduction) ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK HERE☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 for a FREE TRIAL of Shortform and 20% off an annual subscription! This is installment #1 of Self-Maximize. It's a self-reflection mind map (free on my linktree), a packet with exercises (for sale on linktree), and a structure for using awareness to make your own life better. I've been talking about Self-Maximizing for a while. I wanted to put everything in one video, and that's not possible, it turns out. There's just to much advice that some people need and some don't. So I created a map of how consciousness works in real life and added some starter exercises to help you do what I did - work on these sections by pointing the finger at YOURSELF and questioning your own choices, beliefs, and habits. In this video, I go over the map and how it works, and then I provide a preview of what I think are the major areas that modern men and women need to work on. (#1 for both is looks, #2 for men is power and #2 for women is supportiveness / not craziness). If you install the map on your mind (it's only seven sections) and use it to check on your life every day, I believe you will begin seeing new ways to act that you never saw before. Also, more exercises will be added in future editions. Hopefully, I'll make more videos to follow, which will focus on smaller areas of self-improvement, like fitness, fashion, and status.

Made Up

gKtZ5dEbu6c | 29 Feb 2024

Made Up ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 Some people still don't get it. Humans think that their minds are a lot better than they really are. It's the worst, most annoying thing about us. 90% of people are totally incapable of thinking "hey, maybe my mind is telling me something that's not accurate or good or helpful." This woman, for example, is sleepwalking through life thinking "when I judge men, I do so correctly and with smartness and goodness because I am smart and good, but other women do so with evil and badness because they are evil bad. Furthermore, the men who attract those women are also evil and bad." In reality, we live in a low-consciousness culture that causes us to think with our stupid brains more often than ever, and female stupid brain is SUPER picky about men, whereas male stupid brain is NOT PICKY ENOUGH. She's confusing her thoughts about herself with her actual behavior. This is what ego looks like and why you have to get over it.

Cycle (They almost got it)

tyf4GXT_oWA | 24 Feb 2024

Cycle (They almost got it) ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 I wonder if she's serious or if it's a jooooooooke

Seemingly (It IS a big deal)

L8nY8YJNfu0 | 20 Feb 2024

Seemingly (It IS a big deal) ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 The little things are not little to women. That's how you prove that you're planning to support and protect her. You can't just ignore a woman's need for attention and wonder why she leaves. USE ZONES. I MADE ZONES FOR YOU.

No One

-j-PyKXaFWU | 18 Feb 2024

No One ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 A short one today while I work on the big one. Someone asked why women might flirt and be nonchalant, but be goofy and stupid if she likes the guy. It's because women react the same way to liking someone. If she doesn't seem flustered, she might not care about blowing it! Get you a nervous one.

Never Wrong

eTj3gcQqICI | 18 Feb 2024

Never Wrong ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK FOR EVERYTHING I DO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 Letting people off the hook for bad things they've done has become epidemic in proportion in our society. We live in an evil world where evil people make excuses for other evil people to do evil. Do women do more evil? Maybe. The Bible seems to think so. But it doesn't matter, because Self-Maximize is almost done, and it's an evil reduction tool as well as a self-improvement tool. It'll actually make you better at catching when people are selling you a lie, which makes you a dumb weak sucker, and I HATE THOSE.

Chase (another answer to everyone's big question...)

o-czfOgq1dA | 14 Feb 2024

Chase (another answer to everyone's big question...)

Sometimes, I answer questions several times because different ways of answering hit different people in different ways. I hope some people "get it" after this.


KSq5R_XFGao | 14 Feb 2024


I want people to think at higher levels, but if they don't... don't yell at them on tik tok. Save your breath.

Realize: less than half of all people...

oWXeoR4VVbg | 12 Feb 2024

Realize: less than half of all people...

This woman is describing a moment that not everyone has where you realize that everyone else is struggling to get their needs met just as much as you are. Getting past this point is 100% necessary for self-maximizing, because if you don't, you're unable to respond to your world.

Pull (as a woman)

NX-KXvMrUg8 | 09 Feb 2024

Pull (as a woman)

Someone forgot to tell all the women born in the last 40 years that boys and girls work differently.

So Much

Y83nXvLWwzg | 06 Feb 2024

So Much

Modern women often act like it's a crime to want something from them. What do you expect from men? Do you want them to never say anything that they like about your company? Why have you chosen to be this way? What is happening to women?

The Pants

UpXuQAfpm_o | 04 Feb 2024

The Pants

This woman is expressing something I feel all the time. People just don't look good. We have a "so what" attitude towards our appearance these days, but should we? Personally, I've found that people treat me A LOT more like I want to be treated when I dress in a respectable way. ...just maybe not in the airport. Unless you know a designer!!!

Unfortunately [Can you compliment her FOREVER?]

c15YKMTRVnI | 03 Feb 2024

Unfortunately [Can you compliment her FOREVER?]

This young guy gives advice that works, but only for the kind of relationship I don't want to have. You don't have to play these games if you actually like each other. You pick the relationship style you want. I just tell you how they work.

Someone who Will... should you hold out?

orqqdCmnWyo | 03 Feb 2024

Someone who Will... should you hold out?

A young woman confronts an uncomfortable feeling when faced with the same sort of demands she's been making. This is all leading up to my map of how to control your life, Self-Maximize, which is coming out as soon as I'm not deadly exhausted every day enough to finish it.


ukHekvBnhlg | 31 Jan 2024


This well-intentioned woman is encouraging women to feel good about themselves, but can acceptance go too far? We live in a culture that promotes acceptance - and punishes rejection - on the principle that acceptance is a good thing in and of itself. I disagree for two reasons: 1. False acceptance can blind people to what they need to know about themselves in order to grow. 2. Mandatory acceptance (say the nice thing or you're fired) forces a lot of us to tolerate things we really, really don't want in our lives, and that's honestly pretty violent. This woman is encouraging women to accept the appearance of their bodies, which is good, but in my opinion, she crosses the line into "you're entitled to believe others agree." The line between "I like myself" and "you have to like me" is the same as the line between "I deserve this" and "you owe me." Let's start being more clear about where that line is.

DUMMY: What happens if you call her DUMB?

GDlQjlmigec | 29 Jan 2024

DUMMY: What happens if you call her DUMB?

This girl has my kind of energy. This is an aggressive communication style, not for everyone, but if you ask me, relationships are better when you can create and release tension without fear.

Transactional (Red Flag #6)

HawtuD3iHZw | 24 Jan 2024

Transactional (Red Flag #6)

A young woman gives out strategies for women to get rid of men who can't afford them. While this is a good strategy for women who want to receive the largest number of dollars from men, it's also a good strategy for men to notice and avoid women who use it. Think of it this way: is it you and her figuring out money together? Or is it you figuring out money to make sure she doesn't find somewhere else to be? I wouldn't bother with relationship #2.


Eft4H62DjL4 | 23 Jan 2024


This fella is confronting some really rude behavior head-on so I thought I'd help out with a deeper analysis. We all need to call this out more, and with better accuracy and skill. Stop letting these hateful, manipulative people get away with being victims. Show them for the bullies that they are!

I'm a 10: Status Games

PQtdOuD4cLc | 21 Jan 2024

I'm a 10: Status Games

Get a FREE TRIAL of Shortform and 20% off a yearly subscription at 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼 Men need to understand how women communicate, or we're going to keep facing the same problems. Cancel culture, false accusations, and even laws based on assumptions that are obviously not true are all partially attributable to the female communication strategy of creating a false sense of peace and equality on the outside while keeping true intentions hidden. So when people start saying things that are obviously not true, don't argue with logic! That's a waste of time. Just figure out what they're keeping hidden. In the case of the clip I used as an example, the guests are trying to unify against Brian and friends in order to have the power to shape the conversation as a group. This makes it easier to make themselves appear correct and to silence people who oppose them. SOUND FAMILIAR? Canceling cancel culture means calling out what they really want - unearned benefits and social and political power for no reason other than "we all said it's true so it is."

What Happened to Marriage?

qDhde8MSwBA | 20 Jan 2024

What Happened to Marriage?

This young woman seems to have sadness in her eyes as she asks "do men want to get married anymore?" I think we all feel how badly relationships have degraded, but no one really understands why. The answers are in the changes we made to what used to work. That's called "hubris," - when you believe that you know better than thousands of years of tradition and that your best guess is going to yield better results. We now live in a state of decay, declining quality of life, and cultural and social collapse, and it's because we were fooled - once again - into thinking that we could change all the rules to be more convenient and empowering and we wouldn't lose anything. In reality, laws, culture, technology, and all forms of change to our systems are like a wish made on a monkey's paw - you might get what you want, but you might not like what it costs. (I tried making my own background music for this. It'll get better over time)

Short Kings

LlGixnTppOU | 16 Jan 2024

Short Kings

Just a small conceptual correction for this lonely tall young woman. One of the LAST FEW CRAPPY QUALITY videos I'm importing from Tik Tok. I was sick this day and I had to go low-effort. I miss doing 8 stitches a day and each one of them getting 100k views. Maybe I'll just do that on tik tok and... NOT bring them here? Exclusive content?

Be in the Road

4G1wP3cAnXM | 15 Jan 2024

Be in the Road

Just a short reminder that you have to make things happen for yourself. This is hopefully one of the LAST FEW videos imported from TikTok in a suboptimal format. I think I have my process down, audio and all.

Accountability (Red Flags #4 + #5)

Aj_g5dbtJG4 | 15 Jan 2024

Accountability (Red Flags #4 + #5)

APOLOGY: I was advised to re-upload with the names removed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. My channel is now going to collapse into a documentary-style chronology of the Disney-to-eaten-by-cats pipeline for select tiktokkers. Remember: I make these videos not because we should hate these women, but because they're such perfect examples of how not to become a better person when you have an opportunity.

Quarrelsome: Red flag #3

XQTj6Tb0mBY | 13 Jan 2024

Quarrelsome: Red flag #3

This attitude is a sign that she's not ready for a relationship (or a job or a driver license or really any part of adulthood)


tsNYckW4mdw | 11 Jan 2024


Someone, somewhere, is telling 3000 women jokes and asking how frisky it makes them SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO.


jfAwbSAjq1E | 10 Jan 2024


This guy mentioned me so I added levels to his diagram. She was behaving in a self-oriented way and he was role-oriented.

Intransigence + Inauthenticity (Red Flags #1 and #2)

SNVxK5rT87M | 06 Jan 2024

Intransigence + Inauthenticity (Red Flags #1 and #2)

My take on this last-week's this-week's-thing is that there are signs you should look for right out of the gate. If you're 38, successful, reasonably attractive, and still looking, the issue probably isn't everyone else.

Positive Toxic

IDxee-gmHtM | 05 Jan 2024

Positive Toxic

WHY DO GIRLS LIKE TOXIC? Because it's not toxic, dummy. When you stay at home and do nice boy things, it's not proving to her that you're strong and exciting. It's not enough to be nice and safe and peaceful. You have to make her feel like you're fighting for her every day - AND WINNING.

And Then...

XUdGbhi0VkA | 04 Jan 2024

And Then...

Here's a little video bout how TV changes what people believe.

What He Did

I_hW1Mkk_1s | 01 Jan 2024

What He Did

Someone asked me who was in the wrong here. Just in case anyone else isn't clear, here's who it is and why.


b9DsEWK1L8s | 30 Dec 2023


This human made a thing that's like my thing. I'm not sure anymore if they're copying me or if it's convergent but whatever


QwU0orP2D-k | 29 Dec 2023


There is a right way to be mean. It's about giving her the benefits of your meanness, which should be directed at bad guys and various modern boogeymen.

My Boyfriend

TDKmRQrzXjc | 28 Dec 2023

My Boyfriend

Miriam Nakamoto dumped her boyfriend for daring to receive brain damage. Not being able to suspend her feelings of disgust at her man being injured in his job where he gets aggressively injured as entertainment is a pretty low form of awareness.


CMWCrI9ZugM | 27 Dec 2023


This was a popular video of a young woman admitting that gender roles pretty much always work the same.

Never Ever

P557Q4HmJyg | 24 Dec 2023

Never Ever

Signals mean maybe (and you should find out). No signals mean maybe (and you shouldn't find out).


Wjwi3uTkhEo | 17 Dec 2023


We should all try to treat people properly. There are a lot of people who seem to think this means "taking revenge on people for what similar people did a long time ago." That's not what it means.

A Chance

4V62Va4KxXU | 17 Dec 2023

A Chance

She's got a good sense of humor about herself, but not all women do. What do we do when every choice is an ick?


Nh9VqIRKgKA | 17 Dec 2023


The difference between app addiction / flightiness / flakiness and an avoidant attachment style is whether or not the feeling of emotional attachment started to happen.

Zones v3 - The most useful relationship map in history

n4aMiAesXjE | 17 Dec 2023

Zones v3 - The most useful relationship map in history

I consider this version of Zones "complete." I rushed on v2 because I needed to get my brand off the ground, which I have now done. SAY YOU LOVE THE BRAND. I have fixed every issue with Zones that anyone has suggested to me that was also a real issue and not a misunderstanding. I have also added strategically significant language to try to most effectively evoke the deeper meaning of what the map is pointing at. Words and images can only point the way to understanding. It's so frustrating - understanding knows itself as such, but those without it often think they have it. The right know they're right, the wrong think they're right, and teaching people to see the difference is what I aspire to. Enjoy, and also buy posters and all that ok bye bye

Ugly Hot

UDk7SDdnyR4 | 16 Dec 2023

Ugly Hot

I'm pretty sure this girl watched my content and then reworded it to get publicity, but she did it well so I used it anyway. Great job!


diMxUyRVwn8 | 15 Dec 2023


Just like in "What a Woman Wants," they name the surface-level things that they say they like, but thy forget to mention the more basic things he has to have first. She says she likes the cube, his finger skills, etc. She really likes his base attractiveness and confidence, and the skills are sugar on top. Remember: Women will usually only tell you about the good guy things they like, never the bad boy ones. GET FIT AND CLEAN YOURSELF UP.


okr-Peoc5Mo | 14 Dec 2023


A frustrated woman asks men why they become "FFBs..." And I explain the forces behind the market.


N5e_184a-E8 | 14 Dec 2023


People like these engineering triangle explanations. Maybe I'll make a whole book of them.


SmXCvgv6w9I | 14 Dec 2023


Men and women cheat for different reasons. I made this video doing NO research whatsoever, and then Macken DM'd me to say it was pretty much accurate. We're pals now whether he likes it or not

What a Woman Wants

UGtbfUTiUl0 | 14 Dec 2023

What a Woman Wants

Women get really upset when you tell them they don't know what they want, but then they say what they want, and you do it, and they don't like it. That's not because they're wrong. It's just because there are other things they want first, but they won't tell you about those. "I WANT A NICE GUY!" (who is also tall and rich) "I WANT AMAN WHO EXPRESSES HIS FEELINGS" (in a way that makes me feel safe and supported, not in a way that makes me feel like I'm holding him up) Always listen for the part they're not saying.

Flash Sale

NKZdbQHJbFM | 14 Dec 2023

Flash Sale

Many people believe that women change their needs based on hormone cycles. Some tell me it only fits the research weekly. Be your own judge, but also read carefully.

All you Have to Do

wj7bn4Y9pLs | 13 Dec 2023

All you Have to Do

Another video about perception versus reality

Don't do it

YTQU2mgAZ9c | 13 Dec 2023

Don't do it

A young lady tells us about why she should not have followed her sexual desires above all (they never lead you good places)


aAw3Bl8mSw4 | 12 Dec 2023


She gives really good advice... if you're already attractive. Get in shape, clean yourself up, and dress like a grownup, and THEN follow her advice with the girls that LIKE you.

Man Stuff

0xdXcDq13wA | 12 Dec 2023

Man Stuff

A LOT of you don't really get it that you have to be doing things that make you look cool. If you just go to work and home again and you're like "WHY DON'T GIRLS LIKE MEEEEE" it's because they don't like you just for existing. You have to do things that make them go "oh wow ok he's cool" go do that

Chimp World

fgWvh-AQTEY | 12 Dec 2023

Chimp World

It's common for people who don't actually know what they're talking about to say that we should live like chimpanzees or bonobos because it would fix toxic masculinity or whatever. What they really mean is: "I want DNA from one man and $$$ from another, and I don't want to be shamed for it"

Girl Cortex

oVbECUgQMx0 | 11 Dec 2023

Girl Cortex

I explain to a girl why all the girls are prettier than all the guys. (it's because of who's looking)


djemc8vDXxo | 11 Dec 2023


SheraSeven is smart. She knows a lot about how male-female relations work. But for me, her advice is too cynical. If we all looked out for ourselves first, we wouldn't end up in a world we'd really want to be in.

Most True

_0-mRye6njQ | 04 Dec 2023

Most True

People who think that generalizations are bad should not be trusted to think or to vote or be allowed to have a job more important than shift manager at Olive Garden. Generalizations can be false, a little, true, or very true. Whenever I generalize, I am always giving you the generalization that I believe to be "most true." If I'm correct, then anyone who disagrees wants you to have less truth than I do. Rest In Power Kevin Samuels, who flew so I could also fly but different

The Table

UtQAeermbS8 | 04 Dec 2023

The Table

There is a very stupid conversation happening regarding who should (or does) bring what "to the table" in a relationship. The answer is that we have no culture anymore and it's up to each pair of partners to communicate and negotiate. I would personally never bother with anyone who wanted princess treatment ugh

Conform to Reality

r7XWoaHTSkc | 04 Dec 2023

Conform to Reality

This girl seems pretty cool, but she fell for a trap that gets a lot of us. It got me for a while, too. That trap is the notion that you are entitled to have other people like you for who and what you are. It sounds like this: "You can do anything you want! Express yourself how you want to! If people don't like it, that's their problem!" And that's all well and good until you make a choice that changes how people perceive you in a way you didn't want. Her tattoos and gym body make men shy to take her seriously (she thinks (and so do I, I think most men perceive tats and muscles like that on women)) It's easier to be what people like than it is to make them like what you are.

Don't Get Computer Brain

KnF4lLWFLmo | 04 Dec 2023

Don't Get Computer Brain

I saw this ad for a dating app and I thought it was thoroughly disgusting. Here's why they're bad.

(Not) Self-Maximize (just a tiny preview of it, not even 1% of the whole thing))

-9d51yXaFw0 | 03 Dec 2023

(Not) Self-Maximize (just a tiny preview of it, not even 1% of the whole thing))

I bet I made you excited when you read "self-maximize." I bet you're STARVING for it aren't you? SAY YOU'RE STARVING. Just kidding, I love you. I am working on Self-Max every day but it turns out that it's a summary of my entire life coaching practice which makes it super hard. I'm gonna be making other videos while I work on it, bc it needs to be good. Hang on, it's coming. It ends abruptly bc I'm not doing coaching rn-- every day is full! SOON

Live Narration

lo-bMs0FhEc | 03 Dec 2023

Live Narration

I got a request from this chap/bloke and I felt like doing it.

Just Be Psychic

0OfMPaTHGuA | 03 Dec 2023

Just Be Psychic

Sometimes I have to answer questions with really vague, directional skill improvement suggestions. LEVEL UP YOUR ABILITY TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. It makes you understand women better.

Mod Libs

CtLa7XF6W9g | 02 Dec 2023

Mod Libs

Just another perfect example of young minds being destroyed by normalizing celebrity expectations. (mad libs was a silly paperback book word game from the 1840s)


1Ytl3J6iDbI | 02 Dec 2023


I'm working on production every day. New changes, new problems. The fella in the video is of course Macken Murphy who I usually agree with except when we disagree for 3 hours straight. I hope I can use his face like that.

Felony Points

YytNDsgYXIs | 29 Nov 2023

Felony Points

A lot of women have a taste for ill-behaved men. There's a lot of argument about why. I'm pretty sure that being "untamed" and willing to do what you want without regard for the rules is an attractive thing to women.

Everything is Bad

qcHoOVcwaN4 | 29 Nov 2023

Everything is Bad

The effect of unconstrained technology upon the collective psyche is worse than most people realize. The phones are too easy to use, and the content they deliver is too stimulating. In the 80s, all of our grandparents used to say "TV rots your brain," and we would laugh and call them old. In 2003, I quit TV and never went back. I absolutely promise you, TV rots your brain. I remained without a smartphone until 2012, when I moved to a major city. I then avoided becoming addicted to it until COVID, when there was nothing to do for 2 years. I promise... the smartphone rots your brain. Our expectations of real life are being altered by images that are not real life. Everyone is a zombie. Things are bad.


GHk4DCXkMxI | 28 Nov 2023


Men often talk about women being "crazy." That can mean a lot of things, but often, it's just her behavior that comes from her anxiety about losing your investment to other women. When women start acting "crazy" and accusing you of all manner of debauchery, it can sometimes mean that she's become attached to you and doesn't want to lose you, so she wants to know where you are all the time. It can also mean other things, like she cheated and she's projecting. In any case, this is pretty normal behavior, and as long as it doesn't cause problems, you should understand that it's based on not wanting to lose your attention to a shiny new woman.

Price Ranges

7VO_kFCaj1o | 28 Nov 2023

Price Ranges

Idioms are things that sound true because we say them a lot. You don't "get what you pay for" when you're paying for a woman.

Girls Like Me

zCjzy03lPZY | 28 Nov 2023

Girls Like Me

This young woman is just starting life, and she's spending her time on tik tok making "JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKES" about falling in love with murderers. It's not possible to argue that culture is OK.


-AWW0Uo5VYA | 28 Nov 2023


It's common to experience "when I like them they don't like me and when they like me I don't like them." People have begun to give a lot of reasons for this, including "avoidant attachment," but I disagree. Attachment styles don't begin to take effect that early on. I think women are just built to chase men they can't get, and when they can get him, he's not exciting anymore.


2TlJRUsEdZM | 28 Nov 2023


This young women thinks that something should be more popular and I don't think that

Ick Indicator

8QzGNmpwY9c | 27 Nov 2023

Ick Indicator

I will eventually get all these up for download and sale (print on-demand). I NEED AN ASSISTANT.

Sick things

yXk19crS_DY | 27 Nov 2023

Sick things

We live in strange times because we're mentally strange. It's complicated as to why. I was moving this week so I couldn't use my regular equipment. People have told me that The Jungle by Sinclair was a LIE. That would be interesting.


LmwR_gwZf5I | 26 Nov 2023


Yes, I get it that men are usually trying to get the women that they're "friends" with. But there IS such a thing as just being friends, and when we DO get a gf, she does not recognize this.

Tell Me Why

Dr9zNd0IUSA | 26 Nov 2023

Tell Me Why

girls like guys who are BUSY

Never Seen

OrcnKP-jmEU | 26 Nov 2023

Never Seen

Hot women are often seen with ugly men. Why don't you see so many hot men with ugly women? (because we do that in secret)

Playing Field (Money 4)

wCu94YcZHiE | 26 Nov 2023

Playing Field (Money 4)

Someone in my comments told me that the laws that distribute money from men to women are there to "level the playing field." They're not. They're there to entitle women to a comfortable living at men's expense so that women are free to be pickier about who they have children with (and they're not choosing doctors and lawyers, they're choosing bad boys with neck tattoos).

Can and Will (Money 5)

uOomt8AC_K0 | 26 Nov 2023

Can and Will (Money 5)

This woman tells us about her experience of men's willingness to spend money on women. She's correct except that she views money as the only sort of "investment" because that's what she values. It's true... men will invest less in women they don't really value. But investment takes many forms. Try to find someone who wants what you have to offer.

Intimidating (Money 3)

iP3gct7N6bY | 25 Nov 2023

Intimidating (Money 3)

This not-as-young-anymore lady wonders why men pursue her less as she spends her time and life on her career instead of spending on things that men like. The answer is that your career doesn't benefit me and it makes you more expensive.

Coffee Date (Money 1)

Fw0p1GSr9-w | 25 Nov 2023

Coffee Date (Money 1)

I got a lot of requests about money this week.


63FgZY34lY0 | 25 Nov 2023


This gentleman gives an introduction to simping and I elaborate

Pretty girls

HYd1-enPujU | 25 Nov 2023

Pretty girls

Men rarely think about what it's like to be a desirable woman. They're constantly drowning in unwanted attention, and the men on their level have access to women and can cheat all they want. It may be an easier life than yours in some ways, but not all.

Weak Jerks

3MQ0OyEyKfM | 24 Nov 2023

Weak Jerks

I'm trying to change the way we think about "good" guys and "bad" boys. There's good and evil, and there's strong and weak. Most "bad boys" are strong jerks and most "good guys" are nice wimps. You can be both strong and good, and if you're not trying to do that, you're kind of a piece of s***

Pattern Recognition

-cRLd-SCq8M | 24 Nov 2023

Pattern Recognition

A huge percentage of our problems could be solved by thinking 3 months in advance.

Bird Test

toijxXKxUso | 24 Nov 2023

Bird Test

The "bird test" is a way of checking to see how much someone cares to be in touch with you. It predicts the strength of long-term relationships and it can also show you who wants to talk to you and who to leave alone.

Get Shrek'd

Km5rWD1JkdI | 24 Nov 2023

Get Shrek'd

A comments section full of women describes what touching nice boys feels like

But I Want

f921cPjbxdE | 23 Nov 2023

But I Want

Our attitudes are causing irreconcilable pressures on others.

Other Kinds of Love

BU71L3pvXm8 | 23 Nov 2023

Other Kinds of Love

Someone smart asked me a good question. Relationships do happen without the variables on Zones being primary reasons for the relationship. Zones just isn't about those kinds of love. It's about the fun kind that sells views.,

Double Alpha

2ia5qXdYEXM | 22 Nov 2023

Double Alpha

This kind lady took the time out of her day to warn us about the Double Alpha.


eegX2tNxqIg | 22 Nov 2023


Just a reminder not to pollute the dating pool (you have to be in it)

Ick Types

UzagvxL4OhM | 08 Nov 2023

Ick Types

The Ick is getting complicated!

Single Ladies

5geJGiqvzDI | 07 Nov 2023

Single Ladies

They're not gonna change when you buy them a ring

"Supposed To"

TRUkMRs_jx8 | 05 Nov 2023

"Supposed To"

I heard this advice when I was young and it wasn't helpful.

"What am I doing wrong?"

dayLobSCl94 | 05 Nov 2023

"What am I doing wrong?"

I offered a guy some advice, and I think it's working.


s8n3MJb7Mm0 | 04 Nov 2023


I re-edited this recap with pixelation for Macken's SENSITIVITY. I think the argument went pretty well and I'll learn how to structure it better or next time.

Free Trial

bLzyFP72Scw | 04 Nov 2023

Free Trial

There is a really common relationship structure called a "situationship" that usually comes from a woman thinking that if she makes herself available to a man, he'll develop feelings later. In my estimation, it's a bad bet. Ow, my heart!


byDN027-kT0 | 03 Nov 2023


GET A LOAD OF THIS GUY. Maybe he meant well and maybe he was just trying to show off for his friends, but man do I ever find it irritating when people respond to telling the basic truth with tirades about how "just because what you said is overwhelmingly true doesn't mean there's not an exception somewhere behind Mars or something and therefore you can never speak again"


ULxgBTSO39g | 02 Nov 2023


Don't let people confuse you into accepting behavior that doesn't make any sense. This poor guy got rejected TWICE for marriage, was given no explanation, and was pressured by everyone around him to continue the relationship. Don't you think she'd marry the guy if she really wanted to? WHY WOULD SHE NOT WANT TO?

Thinking about Thinking

LYOER3V_b3A | 02 Nov 2023

Thinking about Thinking

This video was a great example of "thinking about thinking" done in therapy. That's what therapy is for.


24WlZqm9bVg | 01 Nov 2023


Why do women sometimes hate it when you're possessive, but sometimes love it?

Just Be Yourself

7rgXgANHrhk | 01 Nov 2023

Just Be Yourself

Some women have been asking why men are checking out of the dating market. I got a lot of attention over the years, but a real, healthy, lasting, meaningful relationship never formed. I have my own ideas about why that is (two things that are my fault but can't fix and a whole lot of things that are embedded in society), but this is just my experience of how it all went down.


c9ckB-i9A8I | 31 Oct 2023


All these jokey jokesters are just out there saying things that have zero attachment to their lived experiences haha jk the joke is that they're not supposed to admit how they're feeling

Ick Structure

ETxO50fuPac | 31 Oct 2023

Ick Structure

I figured out "the ick" so that we can all shut up about it forever.

Avoidant or Addicted?

55SMk97oQhk | 31 Oct 2023

Avoidant or Addicted?

Attachment styles are a popular topic lately. It's an important thing to know about yourself and others. And I'm not saying this girl is wrong, I'm just saying that all these people can't be avoidant... maybe it's the app-fueled dopamine cycles.

Mate Choice Copying

SFGT6oZlXOY | 31 Oct 2023

Mate Choice Copying

A lot of men don't get it that having a woman makes you sexier.


tUraeB6KpvA | 30 Oct 2023


We call a lot of things "toxic" when they're actually just evolved psychological traits. It may not be pretty, but the way we're built can't be "poison" or else we're just labeling ourselves unnecessarily.

Shadow Work

-JeztwcntnA | 29 Oct 2023

Shadow Work

This was a commercial for a book. I like selling things I believe are good for you. I will do that again. This also was a good video for just understanding what shadow work is and how to grow up the levels. YOU CANNOT BUY THE BOOK FROM HERE DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT I MADE OUT LIKE A BANDIT


9qudngsRANM | 28 Oct 2023


This is my quick upgrade of a dating chart that these lovely young ladies made for kicks. I think they're kinda telling on themselves with their evaluations here. LOVE PLUS FUN = MARRY.


qqrurUx9Mjg | 28 Oct 2023


There is a dark aspect to sexuality that men - especially domesticated, oversocialized Western men - tend to remain ignorant of forever. Women, on the other hand, are never ignorant of it because it rules and guides attraction for a large percentage of them, and the rest of them have friends who exemplify it. Jordan Peterson says "you have to be a monster" but then also control it. I am a monster. I have controlled it so far... that is, until it's time not to. Do you know when it's time?


DaWftATGsUo | 28 Oct 2023


This girl has a really bold habit that she told everyone about on the internet. I'm sure that not a few young impressionable women thought this would be a good idea for themselves, too.

LEVELS (Basic Version)

kse87ocS0Uo | 28 Oct 2023

LEVELS (Basic Version)

Grab Atlas VPN for just $1.70/mo + 6 months extra before the BLACK FRIDAY deal expires: 👈👈👈👈 LINK HERE "TIME ARMY" is now a community! Go to "LEVELCHECK" or "SELF-MAX" in my linktree and JOIN THE DISCORD! This video explains the diagram I made, what it's for, how it works, and how to read it, as well as each level, how it works, and how to see it in yourself in the world. It's my personal interpretation of a model of consciousness that I studied, but it's re-written to make it more understandable to a big audience. DIAGRAM HERE: (bottom link) I use this diagram to show how people think and where some of the crazy thoughts in our society come from. It's having a big effect! Lots of people are figuring things out, and that's satisfying to me, especially when someone who's been spending a lot of time at level 6 realizes "oh NO! I've been letting people at level 3 get away with a LOT!" I hope you enjoy the explanation and the little bits of gentle humor peppered throughout. More relationship content coming soon!


LE5Y5NqEXwc | 27 Oct 2023


A young man tells a story of a time that he got passed up for another guy, and he entirely missed the point as to why that might have been.

Wifey Material

RN5WATm_rNA | 27 Oct 2023

Wifey Material

Young women often use black magic word tricks to make you think that reality isn't what you're looking at right in front of your eyes. When you're all grown up, you know that what you see is real and what people say isn't (necessarily).

Saturday Scaries

QbL0-vNIJqs | 27 Oct 2023

Saturday Scaries

This young woman's choices exemplify a certain pattern that is destroying the world.

Hostage Negotiation

W7CmlC9lmAA | 27 Oct 2023

Hostage Negotiation

A visibly upset young woman tells us about being hit on

How Attractive

Vh0hj9ZD9FY | 30 Sep 2023

How Attractive "How Attractive" is the shortest possible answer I can give to the question: "how do I know how attractive I am?" This is the most common question I've been getting. In order to find out, you will need to develop the social skills of: 1. knowing what other people think about you in particular, and 2. how people think about attractiveness in general. This diagram and video should be used along with "Zones" and "The Standard Female Delusion Chart" for maximum understanding.

Not a Good Sign

6VdiJCgRyyo | 25 Aug 2023

Not a Good Sign

This commentary on a bit of male-female relations from overseas paints a dark picture for the future.

Abbie's Perfect Man

Lqz8e-izzqk | 25 Aug 2023

Abbie's Perfect Man

In this 4-part short series, I demonstrate and explain what all these women are JOKING about when they say they are attracted to criminals. "ITS JUST A JOOOOOOOOKE"

Mostly Hoe

3vZjjiEIyug | 23 Aug 2023

Mostly Hoe

In this short video too long for YouTube Shorts, but too good to leave on TikTok, I tell a story about how cool and great I am to point out something you should look for in a partner.

Long Shorts: "Dating Down"

0VviwQeV0mo | 23 Aug 2023

Long Shorts: "Dating Down"

In this TikTok video too good not to post on YouTube, I help a news lady figure out why she has to "date down."

Zones: A map of relationship types to help relieve dating confusion

lL13EeEhgag | 16 Aug 2023

Zones: A map of relationship types to help relieve dating confusion

BUY A 'ZONES' PRINT: "Zones" is a brief outline of what men and women value in each other. Named after the "friend zone," I have expanded "box theory" (and made a few corrections) in order to divide relationship types into "zones." Both men and women can use "Zones" as a handy guide to understand why their relationships are functioning the way they are, and to make better choices. For women: If you're not his "keeper," and you can't improve on what he wants from you, he just isn't that into you. Move on, or stay sidelined. For men: If you're stuck in the "friend zone," you need to learn to be a man. It's not just looks, but fitness, success, power, and personality that make women excited. It's up to you to create that for yourself, or you can't complain. Both men and women can use the "Zones" map as a quick and easy way to figure out why their relationships work the way they do, find out how to improve them, and either make these improvements happen, or move on if they can't.

Average Guys

NiASL3ERgec | 12 Aug 2023

Average Guys

Average girl talks about average guys like they're goblins who are blessed to have any attention at all

The Standard Female Delusion Chart - a tool to reduce dating drama

0iHr5tJhTgA | 10 Aug 2023

The Standard Female Delusion Chart - a tool to reduce dating drama

I submit to the world a common-sense system to help reduce inflated female self-valuation (delusions) caused by technologically-mediated overexposure to validation. Q: What? A: OK, let me explain... Technology has enabled countless millions of desperate and morally bankrupt men to constantly shower mediocre women (there's nothing wrong with being mediocre -- most of us are) with attention. Naturally, women assume that this attention is higher-quality than it actually is, because "why wouldn't people like me?" It's an understandable mistake. We all want to believe we are "worth it." Simply put, a huge wave of sleazy, short-term, hookup-level interest from men is being mistaken -- by the women who receive it -- as akin to marriage proposals, and they are subsequently developing deeply emotionally- and ego-rooted beliefs that they are all 9s, which is mathematically impossible. They then proceed to reject men who are far more likely to treat them well and pursue men who see them as nothing but cheap conquests, resulting in avoidable emotional damage, which they then take out on men in an intensifying cycle of resentment. I must stand against this, and all I have is a voice. The only power that a man has to stop this cycle is to stop playing the game of letting women think he wants to be with them for real, when he knows he doesn't. Shame on you. Stop that. The only power that a woman has to stop this cycle is by being realistic about her actual value and finding men who are most likely to give her the maximum return for what she offers. Stop letting yourself believe that users love you. That's a delusion. These diagrams are only roughly based on non-scientific data, but they are heavily rooted in real-life experience that proves itself true again and again. I am confident that if women use them to identify the correct men and get to know them, they will have better luck starting relationships that last, and that will cause much less drama, heartbreak, confusion, and wasted time. Also, my content does and always will contain humor to clarify and intensify the points that I'm making. Try to not take my content as being in competition with formal science, but rather as evidence-and-experience-based advice to avoid common dating problems. I tripped over a lot of rocks so you don't have to. Best luck out there.