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All videos archived of danooct1

OQ9xT4LcCdI | 23 Aug 2024
a video detailing the exploration and unknown regarding a long-forgotten family of trojans from time immemorial or maybe it's just me having fun with some relatively simple but incredibly damaging trojans, who knows cuz I sure don't

x8sLBRUP_Zc | 24 Feb 2024
the first of (hopefully many) AV and other misc. ancient software demonstrations and battles against computer viruses of their time. let me know what you think!

rLh_eb6tsks | 12 Feb 2024
this video was originally going to be much more grandiose in scale, but I pared it down because doing three separate recording sessions was already stretching it, and none of them seemed to work quite like I expected in my head. i know technically it's not the 666th *virus* video, but whatever.

pnnUEjuJstc | 02 Dec 2023
sorry, the lighting in this video kinda sucks. this worm does a lot of things that either I don't have the current setup to demonstrate, or just flat out didn't happen in this video. I didn't even mention it's supposed to spread to networked PCs via open shares on drives, but it does that too. I'm not super proud of this one, but I hope you like it anyway

hsAvLUBDMQY | 05 Aug 2023
something a bit different this time. let me know what you like, what you don't like, and what might be cool to see going forward. anything I've covered in the past that you think would benefit from an updated video, or something I didn't cover quite right? just leave a comment.

l8ukaDdkElU | 22 Jul 2023
wow hello, welcome back to the channel. my apologies if this video seems long and drawn out - sometimes when I take a long break, it takes me a while to get back into the swing of things. I'm planning on resuming a more regular upload schedule again, but this time it'll be more along the lines of one new virus video per month, then maybe another fun or on-topic but not strictly a virus in-action video biweekly. a new video every other week, I should maybe possibly hopefully be able to manage that sort of pace. if anything, maybe semi-regular videos will help revive this channel and bring it back into favor with the algorithm gods - currently it's about the slowest it's been in over ten years, and beginning to shrink subscriber-wise. I guess that's fairly normal for a channel that began almost 15 years ago and hit its peak 7 years ago, but still it kinda sucks to see the numbers in the red. not that it really matters in the end, it's just cool that people care to see anything that I put out there in the first place. fun fact, this is the first video I've made with my new (to me) Lumix GH5S, hopefully it looks a bit better than previous videos, although there's only so much improvement to be made with pointing a camera directly at an old CRT monitor. at the very least, I can match the 70Hz refresh rate on MS-DOS and avoid the strobe effect. thanks for reading this if you've made it this far. you're very cool, thanks for sticking around and watching the vids.

UtSJArqx_ZE | 02 Dec 2022 sorry if I seem a little scatterbrained throughout this video - this virus threw tons of curveballs at me and by the time I got done recording it I was more than ready to be finished. the file I never ended up finding was a log file that the virus keeps of every file and its directory listing that it infects. This is also my first time using YouTube's auto generated captions to form the basis of the subtitles - if you don't like the way it's structured, or the flow, or anything else, please let me know. I went through them all and added proper punctuation and my personal flare, but it might not be as good as some of the older videos. Feedback is appreciated.

ZrM_NhlnxjA | 22 Apr 2022 thanks for your support and concern for my cat Buster last week - he's doing just fine. also I changed pronunciation of this virus's name midway through the video because I kept forgetting the name and how I said it.

LSfqnkCmf9U | 18 Mar 2022 I had actually forgotten I'd made a video on this like twelve years ago, but at least this one has more info. there's not a whole lot of Symbian OS malware out there, but I do plan to cover it as completely as I can.

cuA5zikg-jc | 04 Mar 2022 the DATACRIME II virus is a very SERIOUS THREAT that will ANNIHILATE YOUR COMPUTER AND MANKIND AS WE KNOW IT, but actually it probably won't, for eyewitness news I'm danooct1. youtube source of news footage:

lc1kvs5ONZE | 25 Feb 2022 I'd recommend watching with headphones to get the full "hard drive clicking" sound experience, but that's up to you. This virus has a few surprises, and I wasn't even going to go through with recording it until I realized that it actually did change the icons successfully, but you have to open them up in the icon viewer to see it.

0CZ4I4COZEw | 18 Feb 2022 This virus was one of the most obnoxious ones I've ever tried to record for a video. This is the result of my descent into madness versus Caw. this is one of the first videos where I really tried tweaking and adjusting the color balances throughout. For whatever reason, the Red Blocks background looked great on the phone camera and when I recorded it, but whenever I played it back on my PC the blocks were pale shades of orange instead of the vibrant reds they should be. Hopefully I didn't screw it all up. If you actually read this, give yourself a pat on the back, you rock.

Fx7GsLqoPpU | 11 Feb 2022 the long awaited "review" of the AnnaKournikova worm in action. It spread globally 21 years ago on February 11th, 2001, and led to the arrest and eventual community service sentence for then-20 year old Jan de Wit, who released the worm after creating it with a Visual Basic worm generator. I know it's a little anachronistic to be using Windows XP for this video, but hey, it still works doesn't it? also, I apologize for my noob VBS skills failing to kill Windows XP, however I feel that just adds to the whole aesthetic of being a completely terrible malware author who doesn't test his creation prior to unleashing it upon the world.

yBRHKEoi0TA | 03 Dec 2021 More discerning viewers will notice that DOSKEY is a COM file, not an EXE, and thus executing it/expecting it to do anything related to an EXE infecting virus is an effort in futility. That's what I get for assuming it gets infected without actually checking the extension/file size. Let that be an important lesson to all of you - like the old saying goes, if you assume, then you don't get your computer infected by a virus that threatens to cut you into little pieces. Or something, I don't know.

4zyx8pChkQY | 22 Oct 2021 An endless string of message boxes that prolong the virus payload? Now all I need is 10 sponsorships, an obnoxious intro and outro, some obvious product placement, and a bunch of thumbnails of me making an absurd face. Then I'll finally be the best YouTuber I can be.

MT3MwYlJBDU | 27 Jun 2017 hopefully my explanation of how it spreads/works is accurate, but everything with it is prett...

Zy4G30kSPnY | 14 May 2017 a few links for further (and interesting) reading:

oVvBEJTNEpI | 10 Feb 2017 Sorry I called it Exec in the video, but thanks very much to Nikitpad for writing and sendin...

IKtW_7_b104 | 28 Oct 2016 thanks bigol tauri for this very cool submission. desktop wallpaper effects, especially constantly changing ones, are cool. W...

DD9CvHVU7B4 | 02 Aug 2016 edit: Fosshub is no longer offering malicious downloads. But as a safety precaution, no matter the site you download from, ke...

I-jdSgjtUPk | 08 Jul 2016 i hope you enjoy my great joke in the intro. thanks to Leurak for writing and contributing this one! it's SO COOL Memz is a p...

JoYkbKBlbQk | 17 May 2016 holy crap 100,000 subscribers. there's not much I can say that hasn't been said before, but thank you so much for your suppor...

CxHItYCQSCw | 10 May 2015
special thanks to kamilrakowski for rendering the video with the powerpoint and flappyzor for the subtitles. powerpoint:

iIgpWGVvfjA | 27 Nov 2014
holy cow 50,000 subscribers, thank you all so much! WARNING: contains strong language. do not watch if this will offend you for some reason. in honor of this...

oIbLPb0ssjE | 30 Apr 2014
anyone who knows anything about me beyond my virus persona knows that I love to listen to and sometimes produce chiptune music. since the original audio for ...

nuzrxQgvJS0 | 08 Jun 2013
Thanks everyone. It's not the most interesting thing around but the history surrounding it is too great to pass up for this momentous occasion. Welcome to th...

yHlajs37CBs | 12 May 2012
What started off as a computer review video turned into a twenty minute battle against the worst touchpad ever devised by man. It's like trying to lift a tho...

RrnWFAx5vJg | 26 Apr 2012
The long awaited video of CIH trashing a standalone PC's BIOS and rendering the computer unable to boot. This video comes fourteen years to the day after CIH...

cS2o-6-mL2U | 02 Oct 2011
As the title suggests, this is an informal test of my 1080p video camera. Does everything look/sound okay? As for the laptop, this is the Zenith Supersport 2...

sm4noM4TCsg | 23 Jun 2011
You can visit Device Side Data's webpage here: From there you can buy this product and a few other pieces of hardware if you wish ...

pAFstb3vWyM | 19 Apr 2011
Noobwarrior is old news, we are no longer doing new videos on anything related to him or any other VB antiviruses, so don't bother requesting any new ones - ...