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tTaMvFmR1nE | 27 Feb 2025
⋆become a better socialiser/listener ➼ There's so much counter productive dating advice floating around the internet- an overwhelming amount, actually. So that leaves the question- what the heck do we do, and what's stopping us from actually building the romantic life we want? ♡ see more ➼ ⋆instagram ➼

DgN1Xd9BU4w | 25 Dec 2024
⋆become a better socialiser/listener ➼ ♡ see more ➼ we're coming into a new year, a time where people feel more important than ever. but how can we keep them around, and form fulfilling relationships with these people that benefit everyone? maybe we've screwed up in 2024, and that's left us feeling a bit lonely. well, this is what I do, as well as some tips from others. ⋆instagram ➼

b6UmmajgzgI | 21 Nov 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Have you ever found it difficult planning dates or outings with friends? Maybe no one shows up, or your dates are seeming disinterested or flaky? Well, me too, so I made a few systems and approaches to make my life easier when it comes to setting up social events. I hope this video helps, let me know. Cheers! ♡ First half (Planning for Friends, New and Close): 0:00 - 6:24 Second Half (Planning for Dates, First and Beyond): 6:24 - 11:15

OTKIIInLFnQ | 01 Nov 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Dating is tough, and dating without knowing what you're doing would be tougher- like driving with no headlights on- and also your eyes are shut. I hope this video helps you skip the nonsense, and find someone you're not just compatible with, but happy with.

398QSI91u_w | 22 Sep 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Talking to strangers, especially for younger people, is considered weird- but I think it shouldn't be. There are so many good reasons to talk to strangers, but there are also many obstacles that get in the way. How do I talk to strangers? Why? What was stopping me? HealthyGamerGG Social Anxiety Guide - Very handy. ♡

e72WoGOhghE | 02 Sep 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Not everyone is great at communicating, even if they wish they could be. I hope my experiences can help change that, so that the next time we meet new people or find ourselves in a dry patch, we can get out of it, and have a more fufilling social life. ♡

nVtATZChJ9o | 11 Aug 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ We're trying to better our lives so quickly, but sometimes trying to cram fixes for ourselves just doesn't work. we're trying to be more authentic, smile more often, get better at storytelling, have better eye contact, and more, all in one go. so how can we take the approach to bettering our interpersonal skills one, indefinite step at a time? Life is hard, but sometimes we find other people make it easier, by, well, just being them. It’s something about them, something not many people can put their finger on. I believe everybody should have the ability to express themselves, their ideas and feelings, to understand others, feel comfortable and equipped in social situations, and form and maintain meaningful relationships. ♡

1vhkkQGRbBE | 03 Aug 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ One-on-one conversations are much different from groups or parties- so how can we feel like we fit in, and not like we're being left out? how can we turn group interactions into meaningful and fun experiences for everyone? what if you're introverted? Life is hard, but sometimes we find other people make it easier, by, well, just being them. It’s something about them, something not many people can put their finger on. I believe everybody should have the ability to express themselves, their ideas and feelings, to understand others, feel comfortable and equipped in social situations, and form and maintain meaningful relationships. ♡

qXjgpYevUww | 26 Jul 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Life is hard, but sometimes we find other people make it easier, by, well, just being them. It’s something about them, something not many people can put their finger on. So, I did some research, and I found that unsurprisingly, sharing and understanding our thoughts and feelings equally and empathetically is the way to go- but how? ♡

QhjcEyj181s | 18 Jul 2024
⋆learn active listening/communication ➼ ⋆posting cool stuff ➼ Life is hard, but sometimes we find other people make it easier, by, well, just being them. It’s something about them, something not many people can put their finger on. So, I studied and wrote over 100 pages about the topic, in a search to not only make myself more charismatic, but to help spread the word too. ♡