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All videos archived of Photonicinduction

Ig4NK2xeboI | 08 Aug 2021
Overclocked Extreme Speed Treadmill Harry And Photon test the treadmill until it pops! For Proper Electric Motion, see below in the links: e force Web:

CrP3Y6u7RHs | 16 Jul 2021
How much Vacuum is there in a Fluorescent Tube? As requested a short version of the interesting experiment. This video is free to use on external websites and for educational uses.

0mGhhdPgXG8 | 09 Jun 2021
Full making of the video popping a 5000A fuse. Most of the components came from authorized scrap and recycling merchants. Thank you to my close friends for pointing out the companies that deal with this scrap. Even dirty old cable from the scrap wire bin can be cleaned and reused. General public may be prohibited from purchasing such equipment unless they have a business associated and authorized to make purchases of potentially hazardous equipment. The fuse itself was purchased from eBay from the U.S. Some consumables are from RS Components, Cable and lugs are often from Cleveland Cables and BICC Cables. eBay is great for many things too.

LT5_-A0m8_U | 17 Jul 2016
See Us For Any Light Bulb Made® Light bulb depot is the ultimate place to find any and all lighting and related supplies and accessories. 20kW Halogen lamp used for large scale films sets, we get a close up look and full power test.

PL1VWr6I16o | 10 Jul 2016
The 10,000 watt halogen studio bulb had air in the envelope and it was not usable, it began to smoke inside on low power up. The filament almost resembling garage door springs were still intact, we could not resist a crazy experiment that has not been done before that we are aware of. The lamp was filled with water by breaking off the gas filling pinch seal on the top then filling from the tap. The filament in these lamps burns at 3200 degrees, we were sure it would boil water. If the water filled lamp had been put on 240 volts it would have ruptured instantly, so we used just 30 volts going into the lamp, with a few amps of course because the filament has a much lower resistance when cold thus it will draw more current. It boiled the water rather well, pressure was building in the lamp, steam was almost being ejected so hard it was nearing the ceiling. The lamp was being controlled by a variable voltage transformer, the water would be on a nice simmer, and one turn of the voltage dial, the water in the lamp turns to a boiling fury.

90ffg6QUDwM | 19 Oct 2015
Photon cranks up an electric mobility scooter to the limit and beyond, the results are amusing, enjoy the video :) With special thanks to Adrian, Feel free to check out his "Hitachi Bathtub Challenge"

budMkPhUE4c | 18 Jul 2015
A 30kW Xenon and a 4kW Xenon Short Arc lamp get tested using DC from a Welder Big thanks to: for supply us with a lovely 4kW Xenon lamp.

IHOlx9_fRQY | 07 Mar 2015
A Microwave gets far too much power, well over the normal 240 volt, the inevitable happens with disastrous effects on light bulbs. Special thanks goes to for supplying some lamps and assisting. Special thanks to Polar for supplying an old microwave.

I_pzljtJapE | 30 Jan 2015
Description: Pocket size Easyjumper starts V8 5L Merc and Diesel Van + phone, USB and Laptop!

Oyl8F23uXHc | 04 Oct 2014
Welcome to Photonicinduction's place of Electrical Overload. This Channel is intended for Electrical Engineers and those with an Electrical interest to experience the extreme. YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO REPEAT ANY OF THE EXPERIMENTS YOURSELF UNLESS COMPETENT! Sit back and enjoy us doing these experiments! But please feel free to comment and join in, questions can be answered by people in the comments, they are a good bunch, many are very experienced too. Kind Regards to you all. Play Safe.

Ka-LEcZaYqQ | 14 Sep 2014
With Special thanks to Metal Prefabrications ( Dartford ) Ltd Vagas would not let me sign in upon direct upload from there, fail after fail, wrong format ect, unable to log in also, pinnacle 15 is the same, just upgraded to pinnacle 17 and it seems to work a treat ( well it let me log in to youtube anyway ).. The test vid of a clip of Ashley, I jut did seemed the right format automatically set for you tube, who knows. no codec, no format nonsense interlace progressive at whatever fuckin frame rate, wmv avi mpeg and and that bitrate shit. OMFG! 2 grand on new computers, sofware and cameras...its all worse! Power Meter's on ebay

CUrvVW79Tq4 | 03 Feb 2014 Visits With A Box Of Lamps 0:28 Self ballasted mercury lamp pop 3:16 600w Sodium lamp pop 3:57 Exit sign pop 5:48 30w LED cob pop 7:15 Smokey cob pop 8:00 Grumpy sodium pop 9:00 CFL pancake pop 10:22 Sodium in series pop

EZBhiJq4TL4 | 20 Jan 2014
Playing Safely by having experience, and carrying out a Risk Assessment. Experience is gained by playing. The best inventions are always created by individuals playing at home. The first TV, the first vacuum cleaner, the first engine...the list goes on. Keep playing but do it safe!

ikAql0nbSfs | 08 Jan 2014
LED Retrofit: Most of the lamps I have purchased from ebay from China and Hong Kong for just over £1.00 each to £4.00 each. Don't get ripped off paying £30.00 each from expensive retailers. LED 50w ballast from B&Q at £8.00 Where possible purchase low voltage lamps, if using mains voltage lamps, ensure they are fully enclosed with a plastic cover. Otherwise if you lick your fingers and hold something metal while changing the lamp while on, you could get a little tingle if the SMD led's are exposed.

MGANrd7u4o0 | 28 Jun 2013
The Photon Blaster: Probably the most ridiculously powerful battery operated torch on the planet. Join the mad Science and share your video's. Next torch target 20kW short arc xenon. Weight lifter required! Metal fabrication from: Kent Messenger Article

AGXQNLq19FQ | 15 Jun 2013
Neon tester/ terminal driver gets tested on a few thousand volts. Not a good prospect if you were on the end of it, and you had it in your hand and inadvertently made contact with a few thousand volts. Strongly advise to use a proper insulated screwdriver for terminals. Use a proper voltage tester like a fluke with 2 probes to get a definitive answer to weather there is voltage or not. Always ensure that your test equipment is rated for the voltage you want to test or work on. Where ever possible do not work on live equipment moving wires about. Play safe !

QY6V2syGnZA | 01 Jun 2013
Type Hewittic 150/6 24102 Mercury Arc Rectifier. Made in England. 6 wire AC input, DC comes out the bottom, the negative is 0v from the ac transformer. To operate small excitation is obtained within the mercury pool, a single small aux arm via solenoid dips into the mercury to initiate a small excitation arc. Further stability is obtained by constantly running the 2 smaller aux anodes to prevent dropout. The main current is the 6 big Anodes down to the mercury pool. Current passing through the mercury vapour can only travel in one direction, thus creating forward current only. The heat rises to the big envelope and condenses the mercury and it runs back down into the mercury pool. Assumed to be operating 600v 150A

DI8zo-U2YR8 | 07 Apr 2013
Lots of fun using different inductance with the various ballast selectors in conjunction with the capacitors. The Big Boys Supply actually did some work for once. was at the controls with Photonicinduction waving the wand. Sound Tracks generated from

QFp-q8F87Q4 | 04 Apr 2013
Do Not Play With Electrical Equipment Unless You Are Competent ! Couple of pops that were going to be scrapped, still working on the interlace problem, a GoPro 3 might be an impovement. Intro and Outro Sound Tracks generated from

lTHgn6GQeig | 30 Mar 2013 Never Play With Electrical Equipment Unless You Are Competent ! For all my subscribers, from me you have much respect. BoomBoxDeluxe is a long time subscriber, he has commented on most vids and has been right there in the comments since 2009 when the older chanel was in use. He has a liking for arcs inside of lightbulbs :) He is a good chap, broke my heart to see how upset he was when the old channel closed.

F5AMJvPY3CY | 20 Feb 2013
Huge Light Bulb made by Mazda. Rare 1950's 5,000 watt 240 volt Film Lamp. This was a spare for the shoot of the film Cruel Sea, 60 years ago. It is brand new unused, it has it's first low power test for over half a century collecting dust. Sound Track generated from

_I3Ly5mBhT4 | 23 Nov 2012
How a computer fan spins using magnets If you see these on the net, they are fake, this video shows how the fan spins using 2 hidden batteries and a reed switch. The lamp being illuminated is also a trick, the fan does NOT provide any power to light a lamp or even spin in its own. Do not get caught in free energy scams! Sound Track generated from

PYNqO416h_I | 18 Nov 2012
Contains Flashing Images ! 12,000 watt halide strobe + plasma. state of matter with bangs and pops thrown in. Fun with my special guest filming too. The answers: Both examples of high voltage low current and high current low voltage deliver aproximatly 700 watts. The high current example will not induce electric shock at 1v due to us having a sufficiently high resistance preventing current flow. The high voltage example is unlikely to cause death, however touching it would be very painfull, to a person with history of heart problems, this could be fatal. The capacitor bank in the clip can contain 6 x the voltage of our train network, also delivering instantainious high currents, HV capacitors are the most lethal by far. Thank you to those who commented, your comments can help and inspire others, remember every one of us knew nothing about electicity at some stage. Sound Track generated from

DJOX0c60wQE | 13 Jun 2012
Created by Photonvids. Subscribe hassel free if you really want more:) More High Current fun with my good mate Sound Track generated from

uvpKP4awjDQ | 15 May 2012
Clips From: High Voltage Time Naughty Boy Time Glass Shattered With Electricity Alarm Battery Fail CD Player And Halide Lamp Zapp Lighter Pop Volt Meter Overvolt Sound Track generated from

Jzy_bPnt1_A | 09 May 2012
Monster Jacobs Ladder 200,000 volts Discovery, "you have been warned" Episode 6 "Dukes of Havoc" showing Nov, Dec 12 Created when AintBigAintClever came to visit. Sound Track generated from

pQqyYnyRV4g | 07 May 2012
Electronics Overloaded + Capacitor Pop Photonicinduction Electrical transformer high voltage extreme current experiments science magnetic induction electic motion EMF overload Sound Track generated from

uXEPy6Za6cI | 09 Apr 2012
Photonicinduction 50,000 Amp High Current Transformer Completed 25kva - 75 kva transformer, output voltage at 0.5v 3 x 400mm2 cables 50kA is at max power on short circuit. Input voltage 0-240v My house does not have enough power to run on full load, transformer was built as a demontration of high current. Sound Track generted from

JhOzsFfG1rc | 09 Apr 2012
Photonicinduction Building A Monster High Current Transformer See Too Much Current + Electric Meter Pop And 50,000 Amp Transformer Completed Sound Track generted from

GH_J55xXgNI | 03 Apr 2012
Photonicinduction Creme Eggs under a Vacuum Happy Easter to you all, Thank You to BoomBoxDeluxe for getting in there with the questions and comments, ( I am Reading Them :) All the best to you all. Intro and Outro sound track generated from

TlCCpCB-Gr4 | 21 Mar 2012
Photonicinduction Erase CD and DVD with 240,000 volts. Be aware of Ozone being generated, doing this in a well ventilated area is advised. X-rays can also be produced under certain curcumstances with voltages over 50KV. Never stuff silly volts into a vacuum tube ! Current was 10mA, 20mA and 60mA Sound Track generated from

N9l8Tzj5Ji4 | 19 Mar 2012
With Thanks to: Dedicated to those who miss the vids. With the proper health and safety warnings in place, and with the necessary information provided, the vids will return permanantly. I might even crank it up even more some time soon. Play Safe ! Sound Track generated from