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6j5uIh4FpCk | 17 Feb 2025
If you feel stuck in your job, maybe check out 80,000 Hours: This is a video about the Tokyo Subway Attack. Written by: Gereon Wahle Assistant Editor: Oliver Baudeweyns GŁOWA Assistant 3D modeler(s): Regoliste Tyler Tilly (@whyyler_ ) Socafx Albinfx Sidrenders Music: GŁOWA Alex Sephton

FRdeyrfhVIg | 15 Nov 2024
Thank you Odoo! This is a video on the Heineken kidnapping. One of the largest ransoms ever achieved in a kidnapping in Europe. Thank you: Tyler Tilly ; @whyyler_ Gereon Wahle; GLOWA; @_glowa_ JMK Oliver, @oliver_bw and Aryan.

1rEoHOxuZ3E | 12 Jul 2024
Please check out the free in depth career guide at The Evil Design of Japan's Death Penalty Sources:

QMlfVwN3iTw | 31 May 2024
Try out Anydesk for free: This is a video on the design of Amsterdam's Newest Neighborhood - the Houthavens. --- Map Tiler License. Google Earth Images Music from Epidemic Sound Select Videos and Images from Getty Images Respective links are below. Urban planning, Architecture, Amsterdam, Berghain. Check out our building kits at (cut, fold, build):

rAbe9QJD7LA | 13 Apr 2024
Try out Anydesk for free: This is a video on the design of Berghain. Thank you, Andreas Durr, for help with the modeling, Jonas Rump, for help with writing and research, and GŁOWA (, for the music. Thanks @Geopoldd, @neoexplains, and @TechAltar for providing VOs Respective links are below. Urban planning, Architecture, DDR, Berghain. Check out our building kits (cut, fold, build): A nice gift for a friend obsessed with techno, a relaxing activity on a rainy Thursday, and a great way to support the channel:

lF-bzmNosmc | 24 Feb 2024
Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code HOOGDEAL at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: This is a video about the different plans for Central Park. Sources: Thank you @NotJustBikes, @IMPERIALYT, @BobbyBroccoli, @BritMonkey, @PhilEdwardsInc, and @chuppl for helping with the voiceovers. Thank you to GŁOWA for allowing me to use some his very excellent music: Song Name: Somnolence Source: Modifications: Slight EQ changes Artist: music by Kai Engel License: CC 4.0 This video uses footage licensed by Getty Images

sJsu7Tv-fRY | 22 Dec 2023
Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code hoog Disclaimer: The retro English voices are AI generated. Sources: Thank you to GŁOWA for the intro and outro song (Fall): Thank you Wies de Wit, Lars Verheul, Andreas Durr, and Somil Jangra. Special thanks to the Bijlmermuseum and the Stadsarchief. Images via Getty, Music from Epidemic Sound, Map source by MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors via Geolayers 3,

0jdL7R3BcnM | 24 Nov 2023
Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code hoog This is a video on the design of the original Dutch banknote. Thank you to the DNB, Jaap Drupsteen, and AVRO for providing me with footage for this video. Songs: Intro Song: Name: Bermuda VCO Made by: HOME on a Electronic Gems Compilation. - - License: Emailed for permission Rest of the songs provided by Epidemic Sound. Model(s): Retro Computer Tim.Morrow CC 4.0 1970's Vintage Television Glowbox 3D CC 4.0 Select visuals provided by Getty Images.

ZADlkbr7Avg | 30 Sep 2023
Get an exclusive @Surfshark deal! Enter promo code HOOGDEAL for an extra 3 months free at This is a video on multiple plans to build cities on Tokyo's bay. This includes Kenzo Tange's famous 1960 plan. This video would not have been possible without: Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich Obrist's book: Project Japan Metabolism talks. Kenzo Tange Image CC 3.0 Blender. Davinci Resolve. Cavalry. Images via Getty.

S26CHpcD2zk | 23 Aug 2023
fern video!: This is a video about the 1.5 billion dollar cleanup of the Seine. Sources: Paris, Urban Planning, Design

Uln3oINe6Kc | 26 Jun 2023
Please check out the free in depth career guide at Credit to Google Earth for providing me the map and satellite data required for the models. This is a video about Nikolai Ceaucescu's Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania. Urban planning, architecture, masterplans. Sources: 1: 2: ; 3: Edward Behr (Ceausescu) 4:'s_problematic_Centru_civic_in_the_post-socialist_era 5: 6: Gociman, C. O., Florescu, T., Moscu, C. I., & Girneata, M. (2018). Urban Aggression by Ideological, Political and Economic Strain—Anthropic Hazards. Procedia Engineering, 212, 1155–1162. 7: Ceaușescu, Power and Architecture (Moghioros) 8: 9: Gociman, C. O., Florescu, T., Moscu, C. I., & Girneata, M. (2018). Urban Aggression by Ideological, Political and Economic Strain—Anthropic Hazards. Procedia Engineering, 212, 1155–1162. 10: Urban reconstruction and autocratic regimes: Ceausescu's Bucharest in its historic context Maria De Betania Uchoa Cavalcanti 11: Systematization (Dana Vais) ;'s_problematic_Centru_civic_in_the_post-socialist_era 12: ; The political agency of cityscapes: Spatializing governance in Ceausescu's Bucharest (Burce O'Neill) ; 13: ; Edward Behr (Ceausescu) ; 14: ; Edward Behr (Ceausescu); ; 15: ; 16: ; 17: ; ; 18: 19: ; ; 20: ; ; 21: Edward Behr (Ceausescu) 22: ; 23: Urban Reconstruction and Autorcratic Regimes (Calvalcanti) ; 24: ;

qTMBlOyNlqc | 19 May 2023
The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare This is a video on public urinals in Amsterdam. More specifically the plaskrul and the urilift, a urinal designed by a dutch company that comes out of the ground. Also thanks to @NotJustBikes for the footage of the parking garages.

sA0Fh91Wlm8 | 26 Apr 2023
Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: Watch my exclusive video on the Genius Design of Dutch Public Urinals: This is a video about the architecture and design of Amsterdam's new erotic center, and the history behind why its come this far and the controversies surrounding it.

BP2qaqojsEY | 22 Feb 2023
Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: Watch my exclusive video on the plan Obus, Corbusier's plan for Algiers: Sources incoming (24 hours): This is a video about Corbusier's plan for Paris, the Plan Voisin. It's a video about a masterplan that could have happened in Paris, but didn't. Corbusier is one of the most influential architects in the 20th century, and his plans for Paris would have changed the city forever. Tags: Paris, Europe, Urban Planning, Architecture Masterplans. Geolayers maps come from map tiler, and Google earth has also provided fantastic assets.

7a0CCgJ5oiM | 24 Jan 2023
This is a video about the EL AL 1862 Flight Crash in Amsterdam on October 4th, 1992. If you want to see more like this, please check out This video is based on the flight report.

NJm86fzxG8s | 01 Dec 2022
This is is a video about Norway's stave churches and how they are different from the more masonry, stone based churches in continental Europe. The link for the sources (Ill organize them later, sorry):

9d2WPncRi24 | 25 Oct 2022
Get the Nebula/Curiosity Stream bundle here: Twitter: Sources: Description: This is a video on why the Netherlands, for all of its infrastructure glory and fantastic government graphic design, the Netherlands still isn't a perfect country. 3D Model: Amsterdam tram Link: Music: Introtune: Song Title (Prod. by Louismember) Link : Music is provided by epidemic sound

6tfao7CZ0xQ | 15 Sep 2022
The first 200 subscribers can get 20% off of Brilliant by using The American lawn can be found across the United States. But it hides something. It hides that it's placed there. The lawn is a British and French invention. The grasses come from Europe as does the style that grass is arranged in. And that has important ramimfications. Because grass that isn't designed for a specific environment, is going to have to have difficult time Models and Footage: All footage is provided via Getty. 3D Models: Cow Skull Link: Creator: jimmyq Adjustments: I got rid of horns and changed the shader. This is not my model. Bee Link: Creator: Dreamwasabducted License: Creative Commons 4.0 High Poly Riding Lawnmower 3D model Link: Leaf Blower PBR 3D model Link: Lawn Mower Low-poly 3D model Link: Sources: Music (Song Name in Order): - It Will Make You Feel Better If You Put It In the Right Place - It Takes a Lot to Keep a Figure Like This - Can You Even Fucking Imagine Being a Teenager - Hitchcock Would Have Fucked Up Charade - There Are Days That I Don't - I Did the Thing I Said I'd Never Do They all come from the fantastic album: Angie's Sunday Service Made by the incredibly talented: Chris Zabriskie. Link: License: Creative Commons 3.0

ilAMvtwlOLk | 10 Aug 2022
Please check out This is a video about Peat in Ireland, the history of it, the importance peat, and also its relationship with the European Union, Europe in its entirety, and the Environment generally. Music (In Order): Song: lofi hip hop to [chill/dance/study/relax/rage/party/sleep] to Artist: Virtual Boy Link: Song: lofi hip hop to [chill/dance/study/relax/rage/party/sleep] to Artist: Chris Zabrinskie Link: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: Is That You or Are You You? License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: What True Self? Feels Bogus, Let's Watch Jason X License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link:

rbYfnRSQyiU | 07 Jul 2022
Maps are provided by the wonderful Maptiler, and the overlays come from the Amsterdam map website, where the government provides really nice data. This is a video on Amsterdam's Omgevingsvisie 2050. An Omgevingsvisie is not a binding document, but it gives a good indication of where the city would like to head over the next couple of decades, be it rigorous greenification, increased mobility, growth within constraints, etc. Basically the entire video is based on a few documents: One, the omgevingsvisie: Two, the history of green wedges: Three, Amsterdam's Overall Extension: Four, a bunch of Parool articles: Music: The one and only wonderful Chris Zabriskie Songs (in order): Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: Out of the Skies, Under the Earth License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: Readers! Do You Read? License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: Is That You or Are You You? License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: What True Self? Feels Bogus, Let's Watch Jason X License: Creative Commons 3.0 Link:

3WMF_L0V5SQ | 26 May 2022
Please check out Morning Brew - a business, finance, & tech newsletter I actually read. (Plus, it's free): This is a video on the urban planning behind Paris that was led by Haussmann. It describes him, Louis Napoleon, and his team's strategy regarding roads, creating focal points like the Arc de Trimoph, overall architecture, green spaces, limestone, wrought iron, and water management. There are so many details I had to gloss over because of the length of the video, like the larger architectural feats like Les Halles, Louis Napoleon's role in the overall process and his obsession with urban planning, the extent of the destruction and the entire network they constructed, and the more specific requirements they had for overall buildings and street furniture and boulevards. Music: Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: You and Me Should Go Away Link: License: Attribution 3.0 Artist: Pine Voc Song: don't fall asleep in the snow Link: License: Attribution 3.0 Artist: Chris Zabriskie Song: Air Hockey Saloon Link: License: Attribution 3.0 Artist: Paternoster Poetry Song: Inspiration Link: License: Attribution 3.0 Artist: Paternoster Poetry Song: Paternoster elevator 1 Link: License: Attribution 3.0

lkOWOPcsMrY | 25 Apr 2022
Please check out the exclusive NordVPN deal here: It helps me, it's a really great service, and it's also risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee. This is a video on attention grabbing (particularly on YouTube) and how it harms what would we consider "high quality content." I have no dogs, so I'm not saying that I'm right on this topic by any means, but I have seen a lot more discussion surrounding social media platforms manipulating our attention more than I've seen discussions on the content that is on those social media platforms. From TikTok to Mr. Beast, to the channels that try to emulate him, what we see time and time again is that the content we consume is incredibly attention grabbing, and there are some tricks that are constantly being used, like rapid cutting or rapidly revealing text. Sources: I'm working on a website right now, so once that is up the sources will be posted there. For now, sign up for the newsletter at, so that I can notify you once the sources are up. Music: Title: Air Hockey Saloon Title: Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To Artist: Chris Zabriskie Link:

vjb4xRywiO8 | 27 Mar 2022
I can be wrong, and I will be wrong. This is a video on the Cerda Plan, which is the reason why there are so many octagons in the city of Barcelona. It's a fascinating story about urban planning and human centric design, which was informed by studies on air circulation, adequate height requirements for sunlight, urban vs rural living, elaborate sanitation plans, and street design. Thank you to professor Neuman for helping me make this video. Please follow me on Twitter, so I can feel better about myself: Music: Title: (FREE FOR PROFIT) Melodic Type Beat ~ Dark Magic Artist: Zyeq Link: Title: Air Hockey Saloon Title: The Theatrical Poster for Poltergeist III Artist: Chris Zabriskie Link:

nMwUOWCnQ6Q | 28 Feb 2022
This is a video on the Rijkshuisstijl, which is the Dutch Government's Visual Identity. It also compares with Sweden's government identity, the Swiss government identity, and the German government identity. To be quite frank, this video was a bit of a passion project, and I will not make videos like this in the foreseeable future. Music: [FREE] Synthwave Lofi Type Beat Free For Profit "Driving" Lofi Type Beat -- Sphere - Ambient Chillwave Background Music | Relaxing Synthwave | Royalty - Free -- [No Copyright] Chill Lo-Fi Guitar Instrumental Beat (15 Minutes ♫ ) - "Chilling" Music by @HoobeZa Link -

TszPiGaZy8g | 08 Feb 2022
Made by: Made with: - - - Sources: We are updating our referencing style, but the sources can be found on the Romulus website: What (keywords): Nordic Entertainment Group, the owner of Viaplay, has been acquiring Formula 1 rights across Europe. They bought Verstappen, and they've been making original content in the Baltics, Poland, Nordics, and the Netherlands. It may be a European streaming giant that takes on Amazon, Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, etc. Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Music: Name: I am a man who fill fight for your honor. Artist: Chris Zabriskie Link: Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 01:05 - The Intentions 01:23 - Europe's Streaming State 01:46 - Streaming Business Models 02:14 - NENT's catch 03:41 - Streaming Sports 04:45 - Max Verstappen 05:12 - The Netflix Paradox 05:55 - European Content 06:36 - Conclusion

VZx-rLoV4do | 17 Jan 2022
I can be wrong, and I will be wrong. Please check out IntoEurope. It's a great channel that is extremely bingeable and produces European content (if the name didn't give it away already): Sources: The source document will always be posted on the website: About this video: This is the most American-centric video I think I will make a in long time. I am not trying to claim that these differences between the United States and Europe are the most relevant (consumption tax and inequality overall, education financing, coddling of Americans, and the political system generally), or that these are the only differences that exist. I made this video mainly because I've always felt that Americans and Europeans both engage in just looking at each other and thinking there are these simple differences that could be tweaked easily, and I just think that's far from the case. There are a lot of large and relevant differences between the two regions. Also, this video engages in a bunch of generalizations, and there are enough relevant differences between 'East' and 'Western' Europe already not even including the differences with the US. That being said, I wouldn't be making this channel if I didn't think there were more similarities between Europeans that we would care to admit. Assets: Images: [Figure of Cultural Groups in Europe] American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America [Figure of European Language Groups] Distribution of Major Language Groups in Europe [Mark Zuckerberg Image] added black and white filter and mosaic modifier Author: JD Lasica from Pleasanton, CA, US Link: /wiki/File:Mark_Zuckerberg_(7985186041).jpg Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Elon Musk Image Author: Duncan Hull Link: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Bill Gates Image Author: Kuhlmann /MSC Link: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany Plenaire zaal Tweede Kamer Image Author: Husky Link: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Inside Parliament of Sweden Author: Suyash Dwivedi Link: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Deutscher Bundestag Plenarsaal Seitenansicht Author: Times Link: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Footage: [Senator Ted Cruz][59:36] Sen. Cruz and Sen. Sanders Debate Tax Reform on CNN - October 18, 2017 link: [France 24] Emmanuel Macron Video. Can’t find the link anymore but the title was ‘France - Emmanuel Macron réunit le parlement pour tenter de se relancer.’ Video was also used as an image. [NBC News] 1988 Flashback: George H.W. Bush Says, ‘Read My lips: No New Taxes’ | NBC News link: [Bloomberg Quicktake Now | CSPAN] Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Votes Against $15 Minimum Wage Effort link: [Bill Gates] The wicked problem of school funding link: [Big Think] How overparenting backfired on Americans | Jonathan Haidt | Big Think link: [CPSAN] Constitutional Role of Judges link: Music: Expand by Hazy Music provided by Wonder by Hazy Music provided by Title: Blue Wednesday, tender spring - Exhale Artist: Blue Wednesday Link: Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 01:00 - Taxation 02:26 - Federal Responsibility 03:05 - Education 04:58 - Coddling of the American Mind 06:19 - Scalia Rant 08:01 - Conclusion

wA6sack7y3o | 19 Dec 2021
Contact: twitter: @romuluselmo You can find the script and all the sources here: If you disagree strongly with this video, please send us an article, so we can publish it and make sure your perspective is heard. The team contact details: twitter: @ArthurVijg123 twitter: @romuluseurope email: [email protected] About the video: I've seen a lot of videos covering Belgium, more specifically the divides between Flanders and Wallonia, but I always feel like they haven't done justice to the relationship between the Walloons and Flemmings. Usually, it doesn't touch upon Catholicism, the more concrete policy decisions, the underlying history, etc., etc. So, hopefully you'll enjoy this video, which also tries its hardest to give this political situation the respect it deserves. About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create a European media platform. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs. Music: Title: Blue Wednesday, tender spring - Exhale Artist: Blue Wednesday Link: Dreamer by Hazy Music provided by Chapters: 00:00 | Intro 00:56 | Belgian Federal State 01:30 | Communities vs Regions 02:18 | The Divides Are Real 03:21 | Belgian History 05:18 | European Divides 06:06 | Outro

GfYuTb21Gd0 | 28 Nov 2021
Europe is Ageing. Europe’s fertility rate is declining. The share of Europe’s population that is old is increasing, and the share of the population that is young is getting smaller. That trend will impact pensions, health care costs, international relevancy, and the solutions are unclear. Chapters: 00:00 | Intro 00:50 | Back to High School 02:06 | Pensions 03:03 | Health Care 03:43 | International Relevancy 04:07 | Extend Retirement Age 04:36 | Migration 06:30 | Cheaper Children 07:14 | The Dangers for the EU Disclaimer: Please find the source document, script, and commentary here: If you disagree with the content of the video, please submit an article to, so we can publish it and pin it at the top of this video's comment section for others to see. About: The videos are made by one person, but there's a website where there's a lot of other content that is produced with a team. Here's our message: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media platform. We publish a lot of other European related content created by Europeans on our website ( There's a couple of core principles that we try and follow with all our content. It's important to note that these are of course slightly different depending on the medium (article or video): 1. No pretentious (attempting to impress) writing. We write how we speak. 2. No wasting your time. We focus on clarity, always. 3. No hidden bias. Everyone is biased, but not everyone is open about it. We will always be clear about our hidden motivations. 4. Our articles must be between 800 and 1,200 words. 5. Our ideas must be clearly extractable, and outlined writing is encouraged not avoided.* Music: 失望した by EVA Promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 The End by HOME Promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 The End by HOME Promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

-tsVp4QD0yk | 04 Nov 2021
If you live in a pretty large European city, it's very likely that you've seen a fast grocery delivery company like Getir, Gorillas or Flink. What may stand out is their presence everywhere, be it through their riders or their advertising that you may have even seen before watching this video. We try to unpack what these companies are, the value proposition they offer, why you see them everywhere, and why they have grown so fast in Europe. Chapters: 00:00 | Intro 00:48 | Implicit Costs 01:19 | Value Proposition 01:57 | Extreme Valuations 02:30 | Incentives of Venture Capital 03:27 | Extreme Marketing and Promotion 04:10 | Gorillas 05:10 | European Based Companies 06:19 | Conclusion Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: Other people's content used: Title: CARGO BIKES in NYC 🇺🇸 aka: RoughCut: "Hotline—CesarMacay" Creator: Terry Barentsen Link: Title: Delivery Wars: The Rise of Ultra-Fast Delivery in the UK Creator: Charged Retail Link: Title: How 'Dark Stores' Are Speeding Up Grocery Deliveries | WSJ Creator: Wallstreet Journal Link: Title: Can the Rush to Deliver Your Groceries in 10 Minutes Be Profitable? Creator: Bloomberg Link: Title: Image of Amazon Truck Source: Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images About us: The videos are made by one person, but we have a website where there's a lot of other content that is produced with a team: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media platform. We publish a lot of other European related content created by Europeans on our website ( There's a couple of core principles that we try and follow with all our content. It's important to note that these are of course slightly different depending on the medium (article or video): 1. No pretentious (attempting to impress) writing. We write how we speak. 2. No wasting your time. We focus on clarity, always. 3. No hidden bias. Everyone is biased, but not everyone is open about it. We will always be clear about our hidden motivations. 4. Our articles must be between 800 and 1,200 words. 5. Our ideas must be clearly extractable, and outlined writing is encouraged not avoided.*

VY1f0jEKbVk | 11 Oct 2021
What: The AUKUS deal between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia has destroyed the French Australian submarine deal, and it indicates a changing foreign policy future where the three Anglo-Saxon countries are becoming increasingly involved in the Indo Pacific while a country like France, and the European Union seem to be being left behind. Sources: the sources for the video can be found here: Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:10 - The Basics 02:20 - The Indo Pacific 03:30 - What Aukus Represents 04:23 - European Defense 05:16 - CARD 06:03 - European Main Battle Tank 06:36 - Conclusion About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs.

KNF3Sw810bI | 23 Sep 2021
What: Erasmus is one of the most popular programs that the EU offers. However, the exchange, which is a smaller part of the general Erasmus+ program, has been criticized for being elitist and creating a bottleneck for making people feel more European. We discuss the 'Erasmus effect' and relate it to future policies that are being considered. Sources: Sources can be found on our website at On that website you can find opinion pieces, interviews, analysis articles, and source documents that all work towards a common goal: make Europeans more informed, confident, and excited about the future of Europe. If you are a European with a passionate view on something related to Europe and or want to get in touch with us, please send us an article or just an email: [email protected] About Us: A team of Europeans that are tired of the lack of supply of European content and, quite honestly, the quality of what already existed. Romulus Guiding Principles: (Some are only applicable to our articles) 1. No pretentious (attempting to impress) writing. We write how we speak. 2. No wasting your time. We focus on clarity, always. 3. No hidden bias. Everyone is biased, but not everyone is open about it. We will always be clear about our hidden motivations. 4. Our articles must be between 800 and 1,200 words. 5. Our ideas must be clearly extractable, and outlined writing is encouraged not avoided.*

CpdPkG8S_L4 | 29 Aug 2021
What: The European Media Company Axel Springer just bought Politico for one billion dollars, which is just one more addition to its massive portfolio that includes other brands like Business Insider and Morning Brew. Why: Any European media company that is making one of the largest media deals in recent history should be better understood. And the content out there detailing its rise is lacking. Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create a European media platform. Our motivation is relatively simple: there is a demand for European content that is presented in an attractive format without convoluted academic jargon, but the supply does not exist. We think many Europeans are interested in learning about European geopolitical and business developments that maintain and strengthen Europe's position internationally. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. It's important for any platform that produces content to make the distinction between fake narratives and fake facts. We will always try to stay as close to the truth when presenting objective facts (e.g there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), but it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to deciding important narratives. Our team may decide that content on European business is particularly relevant, but for many others it isn't relevant at all. What we decide to publish can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may misdirect people's attention to content that isn't particularly important for them. We ask the viewers to be aware of this and realize that, just like them, we are imperfect and pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs. Music: Title: Blue Wednesday, tender spring - Exhale Artist: Blue Wednesday Link:

MMMbECbbi74 | 28 Jul 2021
Europe is pouring billions in investment for semiconductors over the next decade. This video touches on why Europe is putting so much money into microchips, both from a geopolitical and technological standpoint, and it explains how that money may be used. Pan European Articles: If you want to read our first 'Pan-European' article, please subscribe with your email here (don't worry – it's free): Also, if you have any opinion on European public affairs, please do not hesitate to send us an article that we can publish on your behalf on the website. Our email is [email protected] Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs. Music: Title: New Places Artist: Lee Rosevere Source:

kXG2_rc6LVA | 20 Jul 2021
What: We made a video about Peter de Vries's death and organized crime in Europe. Honestly, this was a sensitive video, and we weren't entirely sure how to do it correctly. We hope that the video does something in regards to educating people about the threat of organized crime in Europe. Why: Peter de Vries's death shocked us, and we think it's fundamentally important for people to grasp the bigger picture of what makes such a heinous crime like shooting someone in broad daylight possible. Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: DISCLAIMER: In order to access the sources, you have to subscribe to our newsletter (sorry, that's the time we're living in), but this won't cost anything, and you'll be on track for getting more European content. About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs. Music: Title: Lie Artist: Lee Source:

iTIVw6yBm0A | 06 Jul 2021
What: A video about how Europe experiences brain drain through lost companies and people. Why: There can be large tangents about the value of the company climate generally, but it's important to understand what things are taken away by the country across the ocean. How: We use primary and secondary sources to insulate an argument about stolen human capital, and this video is by no means unbiased. Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs. Music: Title: Blue Wednesday, tender spring - Exhale Artist: Blue Wednesday Link:

o99m-7kdzl0 | 01 Jul 2021
What: A video about how to become an EU official and how it may feed into the conception of Europe as a technocracy. Although technocracies are often related to meritocracy, which is treated as a universal good, the EU's selection process can cause some problems in regards to national representation, ease of getting recruits, and feeding into the 'eurobubble.' Why: We thought it was important to describe a bit more of how someone can get into the EU, what this process means, and why some people are quick to talk about 'unelected bureaucrats.' How: We took a bunch of primary and secondary sources on the EPSO EU selection process and also more opinionated articles on what the potential ramifications could be. Sources: The sources for the video can be found here: About us: We are a team of Europeans trying to create European media. Feedback is extremely useful, and it's incredibly important to understand that we are by no means the arbiters of truth: we can be wrong, and we will be wrong. Also, there is a large difference between fake narratives and fake facts. Although we will try to stay as close to the truth in presenting objective facts (i.e there are 27 EU commissioners not 10), it is much more difficult to stay close to the truth when it comes to important narratives. What the team decides is 'news' can shift the attention to a certain set of facts that may be true but may not be as important for other people, and this is where bias can easily come to fruition. We ask the viewers to be aware of our bias and realize that, just like them, we are an imperfect team pushed by our own moral convictions and beliefs.

9S76Ml99ObE | 22 Jun 2021
Europe may potentially have a space problem. Not so much in terms of having an independent agency that can invest in space, but in terms of keeping up with an age of space that will be centered around commercial space ventures. We will be uploading videos for Europeans covering European topics. The breadth of media for Europeans covering Europe is limited, and we hope to challenge this. Everyone in the team is European.