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"I'm pregnant with Rick Ross's baby!" | Woman Arrested at Rick Ross's Mansion

-yiwunSIu6U | 26 Jun 2023

"I'm pregnant with Rick Ross's baby!" | Woman Arrested at Rick Ross's Mansion

On October 14, 2021, officers with the Fayette County Sheriff's Office were dispatched to the 235-acre, 109-room mansion of William Leonard Roberts II. Roberts is better-known as the rapper "Rick Ross," and his expansive estate previously belonged to boxer Evander Holyfield before it fell into foreclosure and was purchased by Roberts. From the report of Deputy Donald Warney, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On October 14, 2021, at approximately 3:56 pm, Lieutenant Kersey and I responded to [an address] in reference to a female trespassing on property belonging to William Roberts, AKA "Rick Ross." On my arrival, Lt. Kersey and I walked up to the pool area behind the residence where Precious Bridgeman, the trespasser, was standing next to a security guard who was also the complainant — Gary Summers. Summers advised that Roberts does not know Bridgeman and that she needed to leave the residence. Earlier that same day, Summers had asked Bridgeman to leave and advised her that she would be trespassing if she came onto the property, but she found an opening in the gate and ran through it, after which she ran to Roberts' pool and jumped in. Lt. Kersey placed Bridgeman in handcuffs. Bridgeman stated she was there for a photo shoot, that she is married to Rick Ross, that she lives at Rick Ross's house, and that she is pregnant with Rick Ross's twins. A searched of her purse turned up a small amount of marijuana. Bridgeman was arrested on suspicion of criminal trespass and possession of marijuana. Stay tuned to learn what happened next. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 01:42 Bodycam 16:51 Transport 17:47 Jail

Firefighter Arrested for Impersonating Police Officer

QZHIc8OC9Rk | 31 May 2023

Firefighter Arrested for Impersonating Police Officer

Anthony Woods has the unenviable distinction of being the only firefighter on the Brady List maintained by the State Attorney's Office for the Ninth Judicial District of Florida. At the time of this incident, Woods was a firefighter with Orange County Fire Rescue. According to a summary written by prosecutors, on December 12, 2021, the victim was exiting the 408 onto East Colonial Drive when, according to his statement, a Grey Hyundai cut him off. The victim continued to drive toward his original destination, but realized he was being followed by the vehicle that cut him off. The victim, fearing that he was being followed, took a different route to determine whether he was being followed. The Hyundai continued to follow the victim until the Hyundai maneuvered a in such a way to block the victim's vehicle in the roadway. At that point, then-firefighter Anthony Woods exited his vehicle and walked toward the victim's vehicle... with a black gun in his right hand. Woods then stated "you almost hit me and I'm a police officer / firefighter." The victim then drove away and called 911. At the exit/entrance of the neighborhood, Woods caught up to the victim and again parked his vehicle in front of the victim's vehicle. Woods exited his vehicle again, overheard tje victim on the phone with 911, told the victim "don't take my tag," and returned to his vehicle to leave the scene. Woods is a firefighter. Woods also called 911 to report a reckless driver. Police interviewed Woods at Fire Station 87 where Woods initially stated that he and the victim got into a verbal argument due to the victim's reckless driving. Woods stated that it was actually the victim who was following him. It was apparent to police that Woods was lying, and Woods ultimately changed his story and admitted to following the victim and to brandishing a gun when approaching the victim's vehicle. Woods was arrested on suspicion of falsely personating a law enforcement officer during the commission of a felony, as well as aggravated assault with a firearm. Prosecutors charged Woods with falsely personating an officer and improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon. As part of a plea deal, the former charge was dropped, and adjudication was withheld on the latter charge. Woods was sentenced to six months supervised probation, credit for time served, a required firearms safety course, and minor fines/fees. Woods resigned his position with Orange County Fire Rescue on December 21, 2021. Prosecutor notes state that the victim feared that he would be shot, and that the victim had previously been in trouble with the law and had received significant penalties for that incident, and was consequently less inclined toward leniency for Mr. Woods. The victim ultimately told prosecutors that he believed in forgiveness, and that if Woods had apologized he wouldn't have pressed charges — but that if he had had a gun it could have been an entirely different outcome. Court records indicate that in 2015, the victim in this case had been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault with a firearm. That charge was ultimately dropped. In 2020, the victim had been arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor battery. He pleaded no contest and agreed to pay restitution. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 04:30 Victim 05:33 Police interview Woods 12:30 Miranda warning 19:43 Questioning 24:27 Turning up the heat 20:20 Confession 36:04 Arrest 39:59 "Babe, I'm going to jail" 42:21 "Lieutenant, I'm going to jail" 56:27 Cops not getting fired

"You Are a Disgrace!" | California Cop Arrested in Arizona

iS6V6_kGdbM | 06 May 2023

"You Are a Disgrace!" | California Cop Arrested in Arizona

On November 14, 2020, now-former Roseville Police Officer Drew Scott Romo was arrested by officers with the Scottsdale Police Department on suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct. Prior to arresting Romo, officers had contacted him multiple times throughout the night at a variety of locations regarding "his disruptive behavior." Romo had been removed from Whiskey Row for being overly intoxicated. He also became aggressive and confrontational with security. Romo then crossed the street and attempted to enter El Hefe, but was denied entry for being overly intoxicated. Romo "again became aggressive and confrontational with security," and was screaming at the bar's security personnel before officers arrived and intervened. The following quotes are excerpted from the police report and supplements: "My intervention withe Drew at El Hefe was brief, as Drew's friend's were holding him back and telling him to leave. I merely encouraged Drew to call it night as he was obviously too intoxicated and disorderly to enter into any establishment. It was then learned when security from Whiskey Row came over to El Hefe and both parties advised Drew was claiming to be a police officer that our interest was now drawn more to him. Myself and assisting officers again tried to encourage Drew to go home to prevent any further disturbances based on his job title." "Sgt. Weishaar then contacted Drew as I made contact with the reporting party at International. The reporting party, Edgar Suarez. of International stated Drew was also just removed from their bar (third bar in the night) for over intoxication. Edgar stated once Drew was outside of the bar, he was attempting to "fight" everyone that was passing by and everyone in line at their bar. Edgar said he observed Drew take a fighting stance, puff out his chest, and say "you want to have a problem" with a group of patrons a waiting in line. Edgar told me, he then told Drew to leave and notified police." "Once at the Jail, Drew's disorderly behavior continued which delayed his booking process. Drew was described as being disruptive, repeatedly banging on his jail cell door and calling 911 multiple times without having an emergency." "A taxi was requested for Drew once he stopped banging on his cell door. I released Drew at around 0330 to a taxi, providing him a sober ride home. Drew signed his cite and was given a copy prior to his release." "We made contact with Drew and advised him it was probably time to go home based on his level of intoxication. Drew became argumentative and wanted to know why we believed that. Drew's friends began telling him we were right, it was time to leave and they tried walking him away. Drew refused at first, was trying to push back toward us but, ultimately started walking away. He paused for a few minutes while his friends tried to negotiate with him. He eventually began walking off toward INTL Nightclub. One of Drew's friends apologized for his actions, told me they had been trying to get Drew to go home all night but, he will not listen to anyone. He also advised Drew was pretty intoxicated before going out the bars and they tried to convince him to stay at the house and Drew refused. We eventually rode over to INTL for few minutes to keep an eye on Drew. Drew was ultimately admitted into INTL at which point Officer Clore made contact with security staff about Drew. We then cleared." According to Lieutenant Chris Ciampa with the Rosedale Police Department, Romo was a police officer with the Rosedale Police Department at the time of his arrest. Romo's employment began as a police officer trainee on July 3, 2019. Romo's last day of employment was November 18, 2020 — four days after this arrest. According to Lieutenant Ciampa, "The Roseville Police Department holds every employee to a high standard as we represent the City of Roseville and our Community." Romo was charged with assault and disorderly conduct. On March 23, 2021, Romo pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. Romo was fined a total of $650. The assault charge was dismissed. According to Romo's LinkedIn profile, he now "ha[s] the honor of serving the Lord full time" as the assistant director of a church in Rocklin, California. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 02:43 Bodycam 25:48 Jail

Florida Deputy Arrested After Running Away From His Mother's Wedding

n3rZpVifVRY | 09 Apr 2023

Florida Deputy Arrested After Running Away From His Mother's Wedding

eThis is a bit of a weird one. On February 26, 2022, Orange County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) Deputy Sheriff Zachary Louis Erickson was arrested by officers with the West Melbourne Police Department after Erickson ran away from his own mother's wedding and was caught driving more than 80 mph in a 40 mph zone. Erickson was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, Erickson refused field sobriety tests and refused to submit to a breath alcohol test. On May 25, 2022, Erickson was accepted into the Brevard County first-time DUI offender program. Erickson was required to complete 20 community service hours, DUI school, and a victim impact panel, to be followed by a related term of DUI probation. On August 3, 2022, Erickson pleaded guilty to the charge of Reckless Driving, Alcohol or Controlled Substance Related. Adjudication was withheld, fees and fines were imposed totaling $674.81, and Erickson was placed on nine months of probation with various requirements. Erickson's brother Jared is a deputy with OCSO, and his father died in the line of duty as a deputy first class with OCSO (see note below). According to Erickson's words during this arrest, his mother previously worked for OCSO. After OCSO learned of Erickson's arrest, Erickson was relieved of his law enforcement duties. Information obtained by this channel indicates that Erickson is currently employed as a police officer with the Kissimmee Police Department. As of mid-June 2022, Erickson was on the Brady List maintained by the State Attorney's Office for the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Note: Erickson's father was Michael K. Erickson, who died on March 16, 2011. A contemporaneous story published on states: "Orange County Sheriff's Office officials said a deputy died while on the job at the YMCA Aquatic Center," however a WESH article published that same day reports that Erickson died of a heart attack while playing racquetball with one of his neighbors. It appears that Erickson's death may have determined to be in the line of duty because Erickson had attended three high-stress homicide calls the weekend prior to his death while playing racquetball. Whether of not an officer death occurred in the line of duty has implication for, among other things, the availability of certain financial benefits to next of kin. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 04:22 "Hello..." 05:25 Crying 08:56 Deputy sheriff 10:44 Where were you headed? 14:58 Can I call my mom? 17:20 Can you open the door? 19:48 I had a bad burger... 20:26 Chest pain 23:44 Hot dog vomit 25:02 Heart to heart 27:55 Asking for favors 29:34 Will they know I'm a cop?

49ers Defensive End Nick Bosa Caught Driving With Expired License

1Yc8hYzOHps | 26 Mar 2023

49ers Defensive End Nick Bosa Caught Driving With Expired License

Nick Bosa is a football defensive end for the San Francisco 49ers. He played college football at Ohio State and was selected second overall by the 49ers in the 2019 NFL draft. Bosa was named NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year by having nine sacks in the regular season and helping his team reach Super Bowl LIV. In 2022, Bosa won the NFL's Defensive Player of the Year award. He is the son of former NFL defensive end John Bosa and younger brother of Joey, currently a linebacker for the Los Angeles Chargers. And last year, he was caught driving his Tesla with an expired driver's license, after he failed to yield to another vehicle. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Sean Kingston Accused of Armed Robbery, False Imprisonment

aMNQn_fMxJo | 22 Mar 2023

Sean Kingston Accused of Armed Robbery, False Imprisonment

This video presents exclusive, never-before-seen footage from a 2018 incident. On July 27, 2018, Assistant State Attorney Eddie L. Holiday III wrote a memo to Chief Assistant State Attorney Kathleen Hogue regarding State of Florida v. Kisean Anderson. Kisean Anderson is better known as the singer and rapper Sean Kingston. Holiday's rather-frustrated memo explained the facts of the case against Kingston, and why the State of Florida was declining to prosecute. In summary, on June 28, 2018, Amanda Torres was in Miami for a vacation when her boss called her regarding a jewelry transaction that he wanted Torres to complete. The boss explained that Torres would pick up two pieces of jewelry from a store in downtown Miami and go to the Kisean Anderson aka Sean Kingston's home to sell the jewelry for $75,000 and a trade-in watch. When Torres and an employee of the jewelry store, Hanan Rubinov, drove to Kingston's home, they learned that Kingston did not have the full $75,000. Kingston only had $24,000, however Kingston still wanted the jewelry and as sign of good faith gave Torres $24,000 and a "very expensive watch" with the intention that that the next day, Kingston would withdraw the rest of the money and retrieve the original trade-in watch. Torres allowed Kingston to take the two pieces of jewelry, and took the watch plus $24,000. The next morning, Kingston's mother called Torres and explained that she would withdraw $50,000 from a bank on behalf of Kingston. Kingston's mother also explained that she needed a ride to the bank, and asked Torres to pick her up from her son's home. Torres retrieved Kingston's collateral watch, with the thought that she would soon receive the $50,000 and the trade-in watch discussed the previous day. Torres and Rubinov picked up Kingston's mother from her son's home and drove to the bank. Kingston's mother withdrew $50,000 and handed the money to Torres. The three then returned to Kingston's house to retrieve the trade-in watch, but when they got to Kingston's house, Kingston's mother stated that the trade in watch wasn't there. Kingston's mother tried to trade in another watch, but Torres's boss refused to accept the substitute, so Kingston's mother called her son and asked him to come home and negotiate himself. After negotiating for nearly three hours, Kingston decided that he no longer wanted the jewelry and asked for his money back. Torres handed Kingston's watch back to him and asked for the two pieces of jewelry that Torres had allowed Kingston to hold the previous day. Kingston refused, stating that he would only give back the jewelry after he had received all of his money, which had been placed in a jewelry store safe. Kingston demanded that they all drive downtown to retrieve the money, and stated that he would return the jewelry once he had received his $24,000. Torres called her boss to explain the situation, and her boss advised that they should ride downtown together, or else Kingston might just keep the jewelry and drive away. Torres got into Kingston's Bentley coupe, with Kingston driving and and an unknown Latino male in the front passenger seat. Before they left, Kingston asked the Latino male for his gun. Ultimately, Rubinov retrieved the $24,000 and handed the money to Kingston, who handed the money to an unknown black male to be counted. Torres then told Kingston to let her out of his car and to hand over the jewelry, because Kingston had his money. In response, Kingston yelled at Torres "I'm not letting you out. I need to make sure all my ** money is here. You're not getting out!" The black male then counted the money multiple times. During the counting, Kingston took off the jewelry, placed it in a box, and handed the box to Torres, but Kingston did not allow Torres to leave. Then, the black male told Kingston they had only received $23,700. When Kingston heard that he had been shorted, he tried to take the jewelry box from Torres. They struggled over the box, but Kingston overpowered Torres and took the jewelry box. When Torres protested, Kingston took out a gun, racked the slide, and pointed it at Torres, telling her "You're not getting out of the ** car, because I don't have all my money!" Torres asked to count the money herself, and explained that all the money was there. Kingston then gave the money back to the black male, who agreed that all the money was there. As Kingston apologized for pointing his gun at Torres and Torres left the car, the black male slammed the door on Torres' finger, causing injury. After reviewing the evidence, ASA Holiday filed an arrest warrant and information charging Kingston with one count of Armed Robbery with a Firearm and one count of Armed False Imprisonment. I'm at YouTube's character limit. For details on why the charges against Kingston were dropped, visit the Real World Police subreddit. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 01:38 Body cam 05:29 Victim

Police respond to 11-year-old with fake gun at mall

7sv-cD9Qj0E | 19 Mar 2023

Police respond to 11-year-old with fake gun at mall

Parenting fail, mall security fail, neither, or both? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Police Corporal Arrested for Drunk Driving

NdtBfQsUXnE | 08 Mar 2023

Police Corporal Arrested for Drunk Driving

On January 1, 2021, Gainesville Police Department Corporal Scott W. Bertzyk was driving in the vicinity of 6200 W. Newberry Road in Gainesville, Florida, when he reached down for his lighter and crashed into a vehicle that had just started to move at a green traffic light. There were no injuries at the scene, however the people in the vehicle struck by Bertzyk subsequently sought medical care. Gainesville Police Officer Brooke Shutterly responded to the crash and immediately recognized Corporal "Bertie" Bertzyk as involved. According to the report of Officer Shutterly, "While investigating the crash I observed Bertzyk having difficulty maintaining balance. He was also slurring his words and had difficulty physically grasping his driver's license when I handed it back to him." After performing poorly on standardized field sobriety exercises, Bertzyk was arrested and eventually handcuffed at his own insistence. Bertzyk later provided two breath samples, which registered .156% BAC and .153% BAC. Post-Miranda, Bertzyk admitted that he had been drinking Bacardi and Diet Coke. Bertzyk was charged with driving under the influence with property damage, and eventually pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge. Bertzyk was sentenced to fines totaling $974, 50 hours of community service, various substance abuse and DUI classes, and a six-month driver's license suspension. Bertzyk was subsequently sued by the driver and passenger of the vehicle he struck, and a settlement was reached in that case. A subsequent internal investigation by the Gainesville Police Department concluded that Corporal Bertzyk violated City of Gainesville Policy E-3, Rule 44A, "Pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or being found guilty by a jury or court of a misdemeanor involving physical violence, theft, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or possession or sale of drugs, regardless of whether or not adjudication is withheld and probation is imposed." Corporal Bertzyk received a written "employee notice," a five-day (40 hour) suspension without pay, and the execution of a Last Chance Agreement and Release. In the course of the Internal Affairs investigation, Corporal Bertzyk alleged that he was not impaired at the time of the crash, and that he had prepared and consumed a very strong alcoholic drink during the course of the crash investigation. A complete copy of the internal affairs investigation is available for free on the Real World Police Patreon. Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) is responsible for the training and certification of law enforcement and correctional officers in the State of Florida. In response to Bertzyk's DUI conviction, on August 31, 2022, the CJSTC imposed a five-day retroactive suspension, and ninety-day prospective suspension of Bertzyk's law enforcement officer certification, along with a one-year term of probation beginning at the conclusion of the suspension period. Bertzyk was also required to provide CJSTC staff with "proof of successful completion of Commission-approved substance abuse counseling prior to the end of the probationary period." Real World Police has inquired of the Gainesville Police Department as to whether Officer Shutterly ever reported to Corporal Bertzyk. This description will be updated when that information is received. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 02:22 Bodycam 03:51 Neil can give you a ride 09:56 "You're giving me some indicators" 11:17 "Are you on?" 17:14 "She's 100% right in what she's doing" 22:20 Field Sobriety Tests 25:15 Walk and Turn 29:26 One leg stand 38:54 "I'm not gonna cuff you!" 39:57 "Can I uncuff you now?" 43:00 Apology & hug

Officer Confronts Man Over "Super Disrespectful" Language

uD5x8t5ne1U | 05 Mar 2023

Officer Confronts Man Over "Super Disrespectful" Language

From the report of Officer Andrea Castaneda, lightly edited to remove some identifying information and to not aggravate the algorithm: "On September 1, 2022, at approximately 1214 hours, I responded to a location in reference to weapons. Upon arrival, I was flagged down by a female who was later identified as Nadien Chavez. Ms. Chavez stated that her mother was having issues with a male named Bob. She stated that Bob would continuously knock on her door and walk away. She confronted him at his apartment. She told him to leave her mom alone to which he stated, “F You” and closed the door. Ms. Chavez stated she kicked the door. He opened the door and had a black object in his hand. She and her boyfriend then walked away after a verbal confrontation. I then made contact with the male, who was later identified as Robert Ewing. He stated he was in a sexual relationship with Ms. Chavez’ aunt who lives two doors to the right from his apartment. He stated that Ms. Chavez’s mom “needed to get F'ed”, because she was bothered that he was tapping on her window. Officer Joshua Nanez asked Mr. Ewing if that’s how he talked to ladies. Mr. Ewing got confrontational and began to walk towards Officer Nanez. Mr. Ewing calmed down and walked us to his apartment so we can see if there was any damage done to the door. I observed no damaged done to the door other than his bike marks on the bottom of his door. I asked Mr. Ewing to explain what occurred. He stated that Ms. Chavez approached his apartment, knocked, and confronted him about making vulgar statements that her mother “needed to get f'ed”. He replied, “F You” and closed the door. He stated she hit the door, opened it again and by this time, a male, who was later identified as Samuel Nolasco, pulled out a gun. Mr. Ewing stated he was in shock and they both walked away. I asked him about some conflicting statements. At first, Mr. Ewing stated that Mr. Nolasco was standing on the left side of the door frame, not visible, and after he slammed the door and opened it again, he brandished a weapon. He later then stated that when he slammed the door and the female banged on it, he opened it. Mr. Nolasco and the female were walking away then Mr. Nolasco turned around, grabbing towards his lower back and brandished the weapon. I asked which one had occurred since he kept having conflicting statements amongst them. He finally stated that Mr. Nolasco brandished a weapon as they were walking away. Mr. Ewing wanted to know what possible charges were at hand. I notified him that it was still an ongoing investigation and Mr. Nalosco still needed to be questioned. I later made contact with the male, Mr. Nolasco. I asked him to explain to me what had occurred. He stated he accompanied Ms. Chavez to Mr. Ewing’s apartment, where she knocked. Mr. Ewing got vulgar. He stepped in and then Mr. Ewing slammed the door and Ms. Chavez kicked the door. Mr. Ewing then opened the door. Mr. Nolasco stated he walked into the kitchen and came back with a black cylindrical object in his hand. They both walked away in which Mr. Nolasco pretended to put his hand behind his waistband, telling him to back away. He stated he does not own a gun and was pretending to have something so Mr. Ewing would not close distance on them. Then contacted the manager, who was later identified as Lisa. I asked Lisa if she was aware of any of the incident and she stated no. She stated Mr. Ewing’s neighbor to the right was making complaints on him but was not aware about the ongoing situation between Mr. Ewing and Ms. Chavez’s mother. I then made contact with the maintenance man, named Paul, who also notified us that Mr. Ewing is a disturbance and is just knocking on windows and doors. He stated that Mr. Ewing can get a little bit verbal with the tenants living in the apartment complex. I then went back to service. No further information." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Social Media Generation Gets Arrested

XxEB_yziUlA | 22 Feb 2023

Social Media Generation Gets Arrested

On October 22, 2022, officers with the Sarasota Police Department responded to Bay Island Park in reference to a single-vehicle crash with a complicated backstory. It ultimately emerged that the operator of the vehicle, Sallina Thibault, had been as observed driving a vehicle after having consumed several alcoholic beverages. A witness observed Thibault drive into a wooden post in the parking lot of Bay Island Park, and that Thibault parked the vehicle and exited prior to the arrival of law enforcement. From the police report: Upon arrival, I made contact with Thibault, who appeared intoxicated. Thibault had blood shot eyes, had problems keeping her balance and had slurred speech. Thibault admitted to consuming a shot of Crown Royal prior to driving to Bay Island Park. When Thibault arrived at Bay Island Park, Thibault advised she consumed several alcoholic beverages, specifically Twisted Tea's, However, Thibault advised she did not operate her vehicle after consuming the Twisted Tea's. Thibault also denied crashing her vehicle on this date. I conducted Field Sobriety Exercises, in which Thibault agreed to participate. Thibault showed multiple signs of impairment during these exercises. I placed Thibault in handcuffs and double locked them. I read Thibault Implied Consent, in which Thibault agreed to provide a breath sample. Thibault blew a .148 and a .142. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 03:19 Police arrive on scene

Hooters Waitress Offers to Take Clothing Off During DUI Arrest

wvEwxIYwUts | 06 Feb 2023

Hooters Waitress Offers to Take Clothing Off During DUI Arrest

From the report of Officer Klein, with the Sarasota Police Department, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "On Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 3:53 a.m., I was on uniformed marked patrol within the City of North Port, Sarasota County, when I approached a red traffic light at the intersection of North Cranberry Blvd and North Toledo Blade Blvd, when I observed a black Hyundai sedan which had stopped over the painted stop bar and crosswalk, placing the vehicle almost completely in the intersection as it waited for the light to cycle. I checked the vehicles license plate through NCIC/FCIC which revealed that the plates were expired as of 4/2/21, and that the registered owner, Naomi Furrer, had a suspended driver's license. Once the light cycled, I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle and made contact with the driver, who was the sole occupant of the vehicle. Upon making contact with the driver, I immediately identified the driver as Naomi Furrer, the registered owner of the vehicle. While speaking with Furrer, I observed her to have bloodshot watery eyes and slightly slurred speech. Furrer appeared to struggle with completely recalling her recent events and locations. I observed that Furrer was dressed for Halloween, and she stated that she was coming from a Halloween party. I observed Furrer to be wearing a yellow, non-descript wristband on her left wrist, consistent with wristbands issued at local bars. While further speaking with Furrer, I smelled the strong odor of an unknown alcoholic beverage emitting from her breath and person. I questioned Furrer about her license status, and she informed me that she knew her license was suspended and that she was trying to get it fixed. I instructed Furrer to exit her vehicle, and she complied. I observed Furrer to be unsteady on her feet as she was exiting her vehicle. While outside of her vehicle, I continued to smell the odor of alcohol emitting from Furrer;s breath and person. I asked Furrer if she would perform field sobriety exercises, and she agreed. A further computer check revealed that Furrer had three active suspensions for failure to pay traffic citations, and one active suspension for violation of financial responsibility. Due to the totality of the circumstances and Furrer's performance on the field sobriety exercises, there is probable cause that Furrer violated F.S.S. 316.193(1)(a), Driving under the Influence, and F.S.S. 322.34(2)(a), Driving While License Suspended With Knowledge. Furrer knowingly operated a vehicle on a roadway while her license was suspended and while under the influence of alcohol to the extent that her normal faculties were significantly impaired. Furrer was placed under arrest and placed in the back of my patrol vehicle. A probable cause search of Furrer's vehicle was performed in which two small open containers of Fireball Whiskey and one empty White Claw Hard Seltzer can were located within the passenger compartment. I transported Furrer to the Sarasota County Jail without incident, where I requested Furrer provide a breath sample; she refused. I advised Furrer of her implied consent warnings which she indicated she understood. Furrer still refused to provide a breath sample. Furrer was issued copies of her citations and was booked. Her vehicle was later removed by Talon Towing. Furrer's trial is ongoing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

"He makes me giggle, too" | Bentonville DUI Arrest

UR48cQWDpbU | 01 Feb 2023

"He makes me giggle, too" | Bentonville DUI Arrest

On January 15, 2023, at approximately 0055 hours, Officer Nathan Smith with the Bentonville Police Department was traveling westbound on the 2200 block of SE Walton Boulevard in a marked patrol unit. From the report of Officer Smith: I observed a black SUV traveling westbound in the inside lane ahead of me. I noticed the driver side tires cross the yellow line as the vehicle approached the intersection of SE Walton Blvd. and SE Medical Center Parkway. The vehicle continued westbound as it merged back into the inside lane. The vehicle’s driver side tires crossed the yellow line and drifted back into the inside lane again. The vehicle continued to drift toward the center turn lane with the driver side tires on top of the yellow line multiple times. As the vehicle negotiated Rainbow Curve, the driver side tires crossed the yellow line twice. I conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle by initiating my emergency lights. The vehicle came to a stop in the parking lot of Credit Cars, located at 3302 S Walton Blvd. I approached the driver side window and made contact with the driver, later identified as Brooke Teague by her Arkansas Driver’s License. While speaking with Brooke, I observed her eyes to be bloodshot and watery. I could smell the odor of intoxicants emitting from the vehicle and noticed her speech was slurred. Brooke stated she was on her way home from JJ’s Grill where she works. Brooke advised her shift ended at 2230 hours and that she only had one drink which she clarified was a Miller Lite. I asked Brooke if she would take the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, which she agreed to. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: The first test I explained was the HGN Test. I asked Brooke if she understood the test and she said she did. I noticed both left and right eyes had equal pupil size and no resting nystagmus. I also observed Brooke to have equal tracking in both left and right eyes. I observed lack of smooth pursuit, onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees, and distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in both her right and left eye. Walk and Turn: The second test I explained and demonstrated was the Walk and Turn Test using an imaginary line on a flat surface. I first placed Brooke standing in a heel to toe position and advised her not to start the test until she was told to do so. She could not maintain the heel to toe stance and lost balance during the instruction phase of the test. After completing the instructions, I asked her if she understood, and she stated she did. During the test I observed Brooke lose balance during the instruction phase, use her arms for balance, step off the line, take the wrong number of steps, conduct an improper turn, and miss heel to toe. One Leg Stand: The third test I explained and demonstrated was the One Leg Stand. After the explanation and demonstration, I asked Brooke if she understood the test and she said she did. During the test, Brooke put her foot down, used her arms for balance, and swayed. Brooke did not satisfactorily complete field sobriety testing. Brooke was placed under arrest for Driving While Intoxicated. She was handcuffed, searched, and placed in the rear of my patrol vehicle. Corporal Quinton Reinhardt and I conducted an inventory of the vehicle which was later towed by Bentonville Towing. While inventorying the vehicle, suspected vomit was located in the two center cupholders. Brooke was transported to the Bentonville Police Department. I read Brooke the Arkansas Statement of Rights form and she agreed to provide a breath sample. After a twenty-minute observation period, Brooke provided a breath sample of .14%. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Arkansas State Police Pursuit | Don't Forget Your Girlfriend

6caDbBVzABc | 28 Jan 2023

Arkansas State Police Pursuit | Don't Forget Your Girlfriend

For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment: On Friday, August 28th, 2020 while patrolling northbound on I-555, in Poinsett County, Arkansas, Trooper Blaine Middlecoff was ovetaken by a black passenger car displaying Florida tags. Middlecoff ran the tags displayed via ACIC, and the return indicated that the tags had expired in June 2020. Middlecoff initiatd a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle at the 20 mile marker northbound. “I then approached the suspect vehicle on the passenger side and immediately smelled the odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle. I observed a male occupant (operator) and a female occupant (passenger), and I advised I was Trooper Middlecoff with the Arkansas State Police and advised the operator of the vehicle he was being stopped for expired license registration. I then asked for his license, registration, and proof of insurance. The suspect was only able to provide his license and a rental agreement at the time. It was at this time I asked the suspect to exit the vehicle and meet me at the rear of his vehicle. Once at the rear of the vehicle I asked the suspect if there were any illegal items within the vehicle or on his person, in which he stated there [were not]. The suspect stated he had smoked marijuana earlier in the day but did not have any with him. I then did a quick search for weapons on the suspects person and walked back to the vehicle and asked the passenger if there were any drugs within the vehicle. The passenger stated there was nothing illegal in the vehicle and stated she was on her period. I then asked the passenger to step out of the vehicle. The passenger again stated she was on her period before exiting the vehicle. Once out of the vehicle I observed a large bulge within the lower portion of the passenger’s front waistband. I asked her what the bulge was, and she stated it was a pad for her period. I then advised her I knew it was not a pad and to pull it out from her waistband. The passenger then pulled a small baggie of suspected marijuana out from her waistband and handed it to me. I then placed the bag on the front of the suspect vehicle and escorted the passenger to where the suspect and Cpl. McLaughlin was standing. It was at this time I returned to the suspect vehicle to search for any other illegal items within. When I opened the front driver door, I immediately observed a 40 round rifle magazine in the door pocket. Then I observed the barrel of a rifle just under the driver seat. It was at this time I made the decision to place both subjects into custody until my investigation was complete. As I approached the suspect, he fled towards his vehicle, escaping my attempt[s] to detain him. * * * Cpl. McLaughlin and I entered our patrol unit, leaving the passenger, and began pursuing the suspect. As we were pursuing the suspect, I reached speeds of 120 mph before catching up to him approximately 3 miles from the stop location. The suspect entered the 24 exit onto State Highway 463. He then immediately returned to I-555 southbound in attempt to flee into Tennessee. As I caught up to the suspect - reaching speeds of 130mph - I observed him weaving in and out of traffic, almost striking multiple vehicles. I was then able to get close enough to perform a PIT to end the pursuit. On my first attempt the suspect engaged his brakes, disrupting my positioning. I then attempted to reposition for a second attempt, but the suspect continued to cut me off and brake to keep me from getting in position. I was able to get in position a third time but again the suspect braked and attempted to ram the side of my patrol unit. After regaining control, I was once again behind the suspect vehicle as he continued to flee. After many attempts to regain a good position for a PIT, I was able to PIT the suspect vehicle as he tried once again to brake. This sent us both into the median of I-555. The suspect was able to regain control of his vehicle and proceed onto I-555 southbound. It was at this time I performed a second PIT which stopped the suspect in the median. I was then able to take the suspect into custody without further incident. Once the suspect was in custody and in the back of my patrol unit, I searched the suspect vehicle for any more illegal items. That search ultimately revealed - among other things - 168 grams of marijuana, $7,128 cash, and multiple loaded firearms. The suspect vehicle was towed from the scene by Rusty’s Towing. The passenger, whose first name is allegedly “Maddie,” was never located. The suspect, Randy Blackburn, was arrested and transported to Poinsett County Detention center on charges of felony fleeing, reckless driving, speeding, resisting arrest, possession of firearms by prohibited person, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, possession of schedule 6 with purpose to deliver, and possession instruments of a crime. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Daytona Beach Woman Arrested in Prostitution Sting

v-M2VQC4LD0 | 24 Jan 2023

Daytona Beach Woman Arrested in Prostitution Sting

On April 28, 2022, an undercover officer with the Daytona Beach Police Department was operating an unmarked vehicle in areas of Daytona Beach, Florida, that are known for street-level prostitution. This patrol occurred after the agency had "received numerous complaints in reference to prostitution" in the area. The officer was electronically monitored, and at approximately 12:55 p.m., he contacted a white female at the intersection of North Segrave Street and North Street, "an area where street prostitution is prevalent." The female entered the undercover officer's vehicle, asked if the officer was "police," stated that she was looking to make some money, and agreed to oral and regular sex for a total price of $60... after which, this happened. The arrestee has a history of multiple convictions for driving without a license as well as for drug possession, and had previously been referred to drug court, where she absconded from a residential treatment program, an act she subsequently told the court was an attempt to maintain her sobriety. (Seriously.) However, on June 28, 2022, she successfully completed the Volusia County State Attorney's "SMART" deferred prosecution program. SMART is a rather-contrived acronym for "State Attorney's Mission to Assist thriving Rehabilitation and Treatment" — a program intended to address to the underlying causes of misdemeanor crimes. Because the arrestee references her daughter in this video, it should be noted that the arrestee was married in 2019, that her daughter was born in 2020, and that her husband filed for divorce in 2021 while the arrestee was incarcerated. On July 26, 2022, the couple's marriage was dissolved; the father has full custody of the daughter. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Arrest 02:20 What did I do? 05:28 Mirandizing Miranda 06:50 Have you ever been arrested for prostitution before? 08:14 How long have you been battling addiction? 10:36 Why are you all wet? 11:01 Toilet paper 14:03 Don't be sorry to us 16:06 How much is my bond?

Florida Rapper Caught With Illegal Machine Gun, Drugs

b56icW56OTI | 20 Jan 2023

Florida Rapper Caught With Illegal Machine Gun, Drugs

On January 27, 2022, officers with the Miami-Dade Police Department stopped a grey Porsche Panamera after they observed the vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed and making improper lane changes. As officers caught up to the vehicle, they observed its driver, later identified as Matthew Reed, not wearing a seatbelt. The officers initiated a traffic stop of the Porsche, and the vehicle came to a stop. In the vehicle were Elijah Johnson, Javarri Walker, the aforementioned Reed, and Ranard Jenning. Walker is better known as the rapper "Hotboii," and at the time of the stop he was out on bond in relation to a RICO and Conspiracy to Commit RICO case in Orlando, Florida. Walker's 2020 breakout single "Don't Need Time" has received nearly 90 million views on YouTube and spawned a remix featuring rapper Lil Baby. He is signed to multiple record labels. Back to the traffic stop. When officers made contact with the vehicle's occupants, they smelled a strong odor of marijuana, and marijuana smoke was seen coming out of the car's windows. During the traffic stop, Miami-Dade Police Department Detective Krystian Perez-Almeida observed the rear driver-side passenger, Walker, fidgeting around in his seat and making "an overt movement toward the rear seat center divider area." After backup officers arrived on scene, the occupants were removed from the vehicle, however when officers asked Walker to exit the vehicle, "he removed his sweater and made a quick overt movement back toward the center console divider and placed his jacket on top of the divider, directly next to his black bag that was sitting on the back passenger seat next to him. When removed from the vehicle he was patted down and a pat down revealed a large wad of what felt like to be cash in a rubber band inside defendant walkers front left pocket." Search of the vehicle revealed a loaded FN Five-SeveN, concealed directly underneath Walker's jacket, on the seat underneath the center console divider. The Five-SeveN was "loaded, not securely encased, and within the immediate arms reach of defendant Walker. Inside defendant walkers black bag mentioned earlier, there was a total of +/- 100 grams of marijuana all in individually packaged bags containing +/ - 25 grams each of marijuana." Further search of the vehicle revealed a Glock 23 and a fully loaded extended magazine, on the rear passenger side floor directly by the feet of the rear right side passenger, Jenning. That firearm had been modified using an illegal auto-sear, which enabled it to fire as a fully automatic weapon. Separately, a loose .40 caliber round was found on the seat where Jenning had been sitting. Also found in the vehicle was a black bag that belonged to Jenning. That bag contained "9.5 oxycodone pills as well as a large amount of cash ($3000) in separate rubber bands and multiple denominations." Not shown here, on May 22, 2022, Walker was the occupant of a vehicle stopped by the Florida Highway Patrol in which several firearms were found as well as marijuana. Somehow, it took until the May 2022 traffic stop for prosecutors to learn that Walker's January 2022 arrest had even happened. On May 26, 2022, prosecutors in Walker's RICO case filed a motion to revoke Walker's $750,000 bond, and on June 2, 2022, that motion was subsequently granted. On June 30, 2022, Walker turned himself in on charges of failure to appear. On July 19, 2022, Walker filed a motion to set pretrial release conditions. Despite testimony that recording studio security protocols led to the situation where Walker was in possession of someone else's firearm — and that the 'someone else' didn't know anything about the automatic weapons or drugs found in the car... — bond was denied. Walker is currently incarcerated in the Orange County Jail pending trial. In the interim, Walker's attorneys have filed multiple motions for pretrial release, and Walker's mom wrote an email to the court complaining about Walker's attorneys. He is still in jail. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Highlights 02:08 Traffic stop 11:25 Guns 12:19 More guns 13:29 Arrest of Hotboii 18:26 Mumble rapping 20:03 "Sup, body cam" 20:46 Michael Pierre 23:27 Counting Hotboii's money

Florida Deputy Fired After DUI Arrest

ZQrhTqAuD1A | 12 Jan 2023

Florida Deputy Fired After DUI Arrest

On May 17, 2022, now-former Pinellas County Deputy Sheriff Shelby Alyse Coniglio was stopped by Officer Kristin Higgins with the St. Petersburg Police Department. Despite pleading to her status as a deputy sheriff, to having been assembling furniture, and to wearing contact lenses, Coniglio was ultimately cited for careless driving and arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence. Even after she invited an officer into her dad's car with her. 'Cause that's something sober people do. Coniglio submitted to a breath alcohol test; her BAC registered as .206% and .219%. She was fired. Coniglio's next court date is scheduled for January 19, 2023. Did you know she is Italiano? /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Interrogation of Cowboys Cornerback Mackensie Alexander

jWrP2hLP_5w | 11 Jan 2023

Interrogation of Cowboys Cornerback Mackensie Alexander

Or, more accurately, the attempted interrogation of Cowboys cornerback Mackensie Alexander, as the footballer's attorneys were having nothing of any interrogation. That said, Mr. Alexander made the most of his interrogation room — or "First 48," as he put it — experience. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Rapper DaBaby Arrested for Assault of Show Promoter (New Footage)

bdT5UU0lMXU | 08 Jan 2023

Rapper DaBaby Arrested for Assault of Show Promoter (New Footage)

Two years ago, Real World Police published exclusive footage from the 2016 arrest of rapper "DaBaby." We followed up on that by publishing exclusive surveillance, body cam, and interrogation footage associated with DaBaby's 2020 arrest in Miami, and five months ago, we again published exclusive surveillance, body cam, and interrogation footage from a Miami shooting that involved DaBaby's entourage. Today, we revisit DaBaby's 2020 arrest, bringing you never-before-seen footage showing what happened when the police arrived on scene. For completeness, the surveillance footage is included in this video, however that footage is followed with more — new — footage of DaBaby's show promoters just before the rapper gets arrested, as well as footage of Miami police officers discussing the issue of DaBaby's property with hotel management. ~~~ Patreon ➞ The subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice The other channel ➞ @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Arrival on scene 01:40 Calling supervisor 07:08 Fire rescue 08:26 "Twenty stacks" 09:31 "He just poured apple juice on me" 19:11 Surveillance footage & overview 25:47 Arrest of DaBaby 36:08 Cuffs too tight 37:23 Hotel manager 40:49 Earlier, with the victims

Surveillance Footage: Assault of Colby Covington by Jorge Masvidal

TxRCoqxVu7o | 06 Jan 2023

Surveillance Footage: Assault of Colby Covington by Jorge Masvidal

~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Bitcoin Multimillionaire Ex-Con Stopped Driving Maserati With Expired Tags

Llyr7sd3TBs | 05 Jan 2023

Bitcoin Multimillionaire Ex-Con Stopped Driving Maserati With Expired Tags

Charlie Shrem, 33, was born in Brooklyn, New York. A graduate of the Yeshiva of Flatbush high school, Shrem founded the now-defunct BitInstant, and is a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation. He is also a federal ex-con. According to a 2019 New York Post article based on a then-new book by Ben Mezrich, when Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss attended a 2012 meeting about Bitcoin, they were expecting a professional introduction to a business opportunity in cryptocurrency. Instead, they got, as the Post put it: "...a 22-year-old Orthodox Jewish stoner living in his parents’ Brooklyn basement. Charlie Shrem was the founder of BitInstant, one of the first firms to buy Bitcoin for clients. In his Midtown office, with weed paraphernalia on every shelf, he kept three bongs on his desk — and was toking from one as he met the millionaires. “Welcome to the ‘Bakery,’ gentlemen,” said Shrem." On January 26, 2014, on returning from an e-commerce convention, Shrem was arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Prosecutors alleged that Shrem and Robert Faiella conspired to launder $1 million worth of bitcoins to help users of the Silk Road darknet marketplace anonymously make illegal purchases. Shrem was also charged with failing to report suspicious banking activity and operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business. Two days later, Shrem was released on $1 million bail, which included electronic monitoring, and a requirement that Shrem live with his parents. It was back to the basement for Shrem. On April 10, 2014, Shrem was indicted on accusations of "operating an unlicensed money transmitting business, money laundering conspiracy and willfully failing to file suspicious activity reports with banking authorities." On September 4, 2014, Shrem pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of aiding and abetting unlicensed money transmission. On December 19, 2014, Shrem was convicted ordered to forfeit $950,000, and sentenced to two years in prison. He surrendered to authorities on March 30, 2015, and subsequently entered Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp in Pennsylvania. He was released from prison on September 16, 2016. According to Wikipedia — which lists the wrong release date for Shrem's prison stint — in September 2018, the Winklevoss twins sued Shrem for $32 million, claiming that he stole thousands of bitcoins from them in 2012. An affidavit filed in that case suggested that the $950,000 restitution required in Shrem's 2014 conviction had not been paid. In 2019, a judge overturned an order freezing $32 million of Shrem's assets, ordered the Winklevoss twins to pay Shrem's legal fees, and the case was dismissed. In 2017, Shrem joined Jaxx and served as its chief operating officer, subsequently founding the cryptocurrency advisory firm CryptoIQ. An impressive post-prison turnaround... but why hasn't he registered his car? /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen​

Body Cam: Assault of Colby Covington by Jorge Masvidal

QyScvWmVqio | 02 Jan 2023

Body Cam: Assault of Colby Covington by Jorge Masvidal

According to the Miami Beach Police Department arrest affidavit, on March 21, 2022, at approximately 10:55 p.m., officers were dispatched to 736 1st Street, Miami Beach, Florida, for a disturbance. The victim was UFC fighter Colby Covington, and he reported that he had been attacked by fellow UFC fighter — and his former roommate and training partner — Jorge Masvidal. According to Covington, he had exited Papi Steak Restaurant when Masvidal ran up from his left side and sucker punched him in the mouth and eye, breaking one of Covington's teeth. Covington stated that Masvidal said "You shouldn't have been talking about my kids," during the attack. Covington observed three or four other males also approaching him in an aggressive manner during the attack, and he attempted to create distance by pushing one of the males and re-entering Papi Steak Restaurant to avoid further injury. Covington advised that Masvidal had been wearing a blue surgical face mask, a hoodie, and sweatpants, but that he was able to identify Masvidal due to their long-standing relationship as former roommates, training partners, and friends. Covington stated that he had immediately recognized Masvidal by his voice and by the upper half of his face, which included his long curly hair, which was sticking out of his hoodie. One of Covington's front teeth was chipped during the incident, and Covington further stated that his Rolex watch had been damaged; repair of the watch was subsequently estimated to cost $15,000. Police attempted to contact Masvidal, and in response received a phone call from Masvidal's attorney, who invoked Masvidal's rights. Masvidal surrendered himself to the Miami Beach Police Department. Previously, Real World Police published footage of Masvidal turning himself in to police and being transported to jail, as well as an audio recording of Colby Covington's statement to the police. In this video, Real World Police presents exclusive, never-before-seen police body cam footage from the response to Papi Steak House on March 21, 2022. Note that this video presents footage from multiple body cameras, covering much of the same, relatively-brief time period. Due to Florida's victim's rights law, Colby Covington is blurred throughout this video. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Police Chief Arrested For DWI, Part II

MVE_ZKynlWI | 28 Dec 2022

Police Chief Arrested For DWI, Part II

In today's exclusive, we present additional footage from the September 12, 2021, drunk driving arrest of Olla, Louisiana Chief of Police Jody O'Bier. According to the report of Caldwell Parish Sheriff's Office Deputy Dustin Hatten, at approximately 2:17 a.m. on September 12, 2021, Hatten was patrolling US-165 near LA-847 when he observed a sedan on the shoulder of the road, and a male subject, later identified as O'Bier, standing outside the vehicle. Hatten approached the vehicle to investigate and possibly render assistance. When Hatten approached, it became apparent the subject was Olla Chief of Police Jody O'Bier... standing at the rear of the vehicle urinating. Hatten asked if O'Bier was, in fact, urinating, and O'Bier responded "Yep." From the report of Deputy Hatten: "As Jody gathered himself and turned to face me, he stumbled and fell against the vehicle. I detected a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person, his speech was slurred as he spoke and he could not complete a sentence without stumbling his words. Jody advised he had one Ginger Ale with alcohol at an establishment in West Monroe prior to driving. I then spoke with the female passenger, Kirstie Bryan who stated she had also been drinking but had consumed less than Jody. Without me asking further questions she advised she could drive the vehicle if needed, but it would be difficult due to her not knowing how to drive a standard transmission. After speaking with Kirstie, I offered the opportunity for Jody to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, to which he denied stating he was trained not to do so. It should also be noted the interior of the vehicle had a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage. Jody was placed under arrest and transported to CCC by Deputy T. Ferguson where he was offered the opportunity to submit a breath sample using the Intoxilizer 9000 to which he refused. He was arrested and booked for suspicion of driving while intoxicated. The vehicle was released to a friend, Justin Carr, who Kirstie left the scene with. Nothing further. Case closed with arrest made." Investigation by Real World Police reveals that Kirstie Bryan and Jody O'Bier appear to have shared the same residence at the time of O'Bier's arrest. More to come. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Police Chief Arrested for Drunk Driving

BupRBbeYZBQ | 26 Dec 2022

Police Chief Arrested for Drunk Driving

In today's exclusive, we present footage from the September 12, 2021, DUI arrest of Olla, Louisiana Chief of Police Jody O'Bier. Watch as Chief O'Bier reveals that training for Louisiana law enforcement officer includes guidance that if they — meaning, the officers-to-be — are ever arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, they should refuse all tests. According to the report of Caldwell Parish Sheriff's Office Deputy Dustin Hatten, at approximately 2:17 a.m. on September 12, 2021, Hatten was patrolling US-165 near LA-847 when he observed a sedan on the shoulder of the road, and a male subject, later identified as O'Bier, standing outside the vehicle. Hatten approached the vehicle to investigate and possibly render assistance. When Hatten approached, it became apparent the subject was Olla Chief of Police Jody O'Bier... standing at the rear of the vehicle urinating. Hatten asked if O'Bier was, in fact, urinating, and O'Bier responded "Yep." From the report of Deputy Hatten: "As Jody gathered himself and turned to face me, he stumbled and fell against the vehicle. I detected a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person, his speech was slurred as he spoke and he could not complete a sentence without stumbling his words. Jody advised he had one Ginger Ale with alcohol at an establishment in West Monroe prior to driving. I then spoke with the female passenger, Kirstie Bryan who stated she had also been drinking but had consumed less than Jody. Without me asking further questions she advised she could drive the vehicle if needed, but it would be difficult due to her not knowing how to drive a standard transmission. After speaking with Kirstie, I offered the opportunity for Jody to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, to which he denied stating he was trained not to do so. It should also be noted the interior of the vehicle had a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage. Jody was placed under arrest and transported to CCC by Deputy T. Ferguson where he was offered the opportunity to submit a breath sample using the Intoxilizer 9000 to which he refused. He was arrested and booked for suspicion of driving while intoxicated. The vehicle was released to a friend, Justin Carr, who Kirstie left the scene with. Nothing further. Case closed with arrest made." Investigation by Real World Police reveals that Kirstie Bryan and Jody O'Bier appear to have shared the same residence at the time of O'Bier's arrest. In November 2022, Jody O'Bier, who had been previously appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of the chief of police, won election to the position. After having been himself arrested. More to come. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen Note: the original audio associated with this body-worn camera footage was nearly inaudible. This is a significant improvement from the original, but it is still, at times, somewhat difficult to understand. For that reason, subtitles have been added. I did my best in subtitling the footage, but it's certainly possible that I misheard one or more words.

Colby Covington Talks to Detectives About Jorge Masvidal

6zowVuPYrRc | 22 Dec 2022

Colby Covington Talks to Detectives About Jorge Masvidal

According to the Miami Beach Police Department arrest affidavit, on March 21, 2022, at approximate 10:55 p.m., officers were dispatched to 736 1st Street, Miami Beach, Florida, for a disturbance. The victim was Colby Covington, and he reported that he had been attacked by Jorge Masvidal. According to Covington, he had exited Papi Steak Restaurant when Masvidal ran up from his left side and sucker punched him in the mouth and eye, breaking one of Covington's teeth. Covington stated that Masvidal said "You shouldn't have been talking about my kids," during the attack. Covington observed three or four other males also approaching him in an aggressive manner during the attack, and he attempted to create distance by pushing one of the males and re-entering Papi Steak Restaurant to avoid further injury. Covington advised that Masvidal had been wearing a blue surgical face mask, a hoodie, and sweatpants, but that he was able to identify Masvidal due to their long-standing relationship as former roommates, training partners, and friends. Covington stated that he had immediately recognized Masvidal by his voice and by the upper half of his face, which included his long curly hair, which was sticking out of his hoodie. Covington further stated that his Rolex watch had been damaged during the incident, and the damage was subsequently estimated at $15,000. Police attempted to contact Masvidal, and in response received a phone call from Masvidal's attorney, who invoked Masvidal's rights. Masvidal surrendered himself to the Miami Beach Police Department, where a brief interview and subsequent transport to jail occurred. Upon arrival at the police station, Masvidal was noted to have fresh stitches on his right hand and knuckles. Earlier this morning, Real World Police published exclusive footage from the arrest of Jorge Masvidal. Now, we follow up on that story with an audio recording of Colby Covington's statement to Miami Beach Police Department detectives in the immediate aftermath of the incident. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Arrest of Jorge Masvidal

_WcLMUSsXhg | 22 Dec 2022

Arrest of Jorge Masvidal

According to the Miami Beach Police Department arrest affidavit, on March 21, 2022, at approximate 10:55 p.m., officers were dispatched to 736 1st Street, Miami Beach, Florida, for a disturbance. The victim was Colby Covington, and he reported that he had been attacked by Jorge Masvidal. According to Covington, he had exited Papi Steak Restaurant when Masvidal ran up from his left side and sucker punched him in the mouth and eye, breaking one of Covington's teeth. Covington stated that Masvidal said "You shouldn't have been talking about my kids," during the attack. Covington observed three or four other males also approaching him in an aggressive manner during the attack, and he attempted to create distance by pushing one of the males and re-entering Papi Steak Restaurant to avoid further injury. Covington advised that Masvidal had been wearing a blue surgical face mask, a hoodie, and sweatpants, but that he was able to identify Masvidal due to their long-standing relationship as former roommates, training partners, and friends. Covington stated that he had immediately recognized Masvidal by his voice and by the upper half of his face, which included his long curly hair, which was sticking out of his hoodie. Covington further stated that his Rolex watch had been damaged during the incident, and the damage was subsequently estimated at $15,000. Police attempted to contact Masvidal, and in response received a phone call from Masvidal's attorney, who invoked Masvidal's rights. Masvidal surrendered himself to the Miami Beach Police Department, where this brief interview and subsequent transport to jail occurred. Upon arrival at the police station, Masvidal was noted to have fresh stitches on his right hand and knuckles. More to come. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Rapper "Hotboii" Arrested for Firearm Possession by Convicted Felon

Y-163Lbz5hc | 21 Dec 2022

Rapper "Hotboii" Arrested for Firearm Possession by Convicted Felon

This video presents never-before-seen footage from a 2018 arrest. On September 22, 2018, at approximately 11:00 p.m., officers working a proactive detail observed a grey Suzuki SUV, and witnessed a black male, wearing a yellow pants and yellow/white shirt, remove a firearm from his waistband. According to officers, that male was Javarri Latre Walker, better known as the rapper "Hotboii." According to the police report, Walker activated the gun's laser sight, pointed it around the vehicle, and placed it back into his waist band. The vehicle then left the area. As the vehicle made a right turn from Powers Drive onto Silver Star Road, the vehicle failed to turn to the most immediate right hand lane — a traffic violation. The vehicle also subsequently failed to use a turn signal on multiple occasions. Officers initiated a traffic stop of the vehicle at 7732 Silver Star Road, and all occupants were removed from the vehicle. The driver was identified as Jimmie Wright, the front passenger as Javarri Walker, one rear passenger as Tokiyo Major Jr., and the other rear passenger as Taheem Joseph. As officers approached the vehicle, they observed a black firearm on the front passenger-side floorboard, where Walker had been sitting. The firearm was identified as a Glock 32, serial number MMU790, with a rail mounted laser sight, and an NCIC/FCIC search of the firearm revealed that it had been reported stolen in 2014. Since Walker had previously been convicted of a felony, he was arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. But there was more to the stop. Watch and see how it all played out. The charges against Walker were ultimately dropped, however Walker was subsequently arrested and charged with, among other things, racketeering, as part of a sweeping Central Florida anti-gang operation. On June 30, 2022, Walker was taken into custody after he failed to appear in relation to his RICO case. Walker is currently incarcerated pending trial. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Intro 00:15 Traffic stop 01:05 "Have you ever been arrested before?" 02:10 Hotboii 03:18 "Is that your penis?" 06:44 Foot pursuit! 08:09 Back at the scene 08:55 Search 10:49 "He's guardian..." 20:51 Hotboii gets arrested

Police Officer Accused of Racism for Doing His Job

GSEHU-FfvkY | 19 Dec 2022

Police Officer Accused of Racism for Doing His Job

~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

"I Played Soccer With His Head" | The Interrogation of Joel Arciniega-Saenz

TkUDJTJZ7Pc | 12 Dec 2022

"I Played Soccer With His Head" | The Interrogation of Joel Arciniega-Saenz

On June 20, 2021, police officers were dispatched to Apodaca Park in Las Cruces, New Mexico, after multiple 911 callers reported a body lying in Madrid Avenue. The body belonged to then-51-year-old James Garcia. His head... was thirty feet away. Joel Arciniega-Saenz was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder. Arciniega-Saenz has since been formally charged with one count of first-degree murder. His trial is ongoing. Patreon ➞ The subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter ➞ @realworldpolice Check out the other channel ➞ @WhatYouHaventSeen 00:00 Background 02:56 Intro 03:33 Interrogation 44:07 Smoke break

Kodak Black Caught Driving With Revoked License

tGQ6Qs1c6r8 | 07 Dec 2022

Kodak Black Caught Driving With Revoked License

In 2019, Bill Kahan Kapri, better known as the rapper Kodak Black, was sentenced to 46 months in prison for knowingly making false statements on federal forms to acquire a firearm from a federal firearms dealer. In January 2021, on his last day in office, former President Donald Trump granted Kodak Black clemency, releasing him from prison and praising his charitable giving. On July 15, 2022, the rapper, driving a purple Dodge Durango, was stopped by the Florida Highway Patrol for having an expired registration tag and windows that "appeared darker than the legal limit." According to Kapri's arrest report, police found a small clear bag that contained 31 tablets of oxycodone, and $74,960 in cash. The rapper was arrested on suspicion of drug possession and trafficking, however on July 16, 2022, the rapper posted a $75,000 bond and was released. On November 16, 2022, the State Attorney for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida filed a motion to revoke Kapri's bond, on the basis that the rapper had violated his conditions of release by driving with a revoked license. Six days ago, Real World Police published footage from the Florida Highway Patrol's July 15, 2022, traffic stop of Kodak Black. Today, we are following up with exclusive footage of the rapper's November 5, 2022, traffic stop by the Broward County Sheriff's Office. ~~~ Join the subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter ➞ @realworldpolice Check out the other channel ➞ @WhatYouHaventSeen Patreon ➞

Arrest of Rapper Kodak Black

-BVrjJu_KMo | 30 Nov 2022

Arrest of Rapper Kodak Black

In 2019, Bill Kahan Kapri, better known as the rapper Kodak Black, was sentenced to 46 months in prison for knowingly making false statements on federal forms to acquire a firearm from a federal firearms dealer. In January 2021, on his last day in office, former President Donald Trump granted Kodak Black clemency, releasing him from prison and praising his charitable giving. On July 15, 2022, the rapper, driving a purple Dodge Durango, was stopped by the Florida Highway Patrol for having an expired registration tag and windows that "appeared darker than the legal limit." According to Kapri's arrest report, police found a small clear bag that contained 31 tablets of oxycodone, and $74,960 in cash. The rapper was arrested on suspicion of drug possession and trafficking, however on July 16, 2022, the rapper posted a $75,000 bond and was released. On November 16, 2022, the State Attorney for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida filed a motion to revoke Kapri's bond, on the basis that the rapper had violated his conditions of release by driving with a revoked license. This footage is from the Florida Highway Patrol traffic stop of Kodak Black, on July 15, 2022. ~~~ Join the subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter ➞ @realworldpolice Check out the other channel ➞ @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 01:28 Traffic stop 02:15 "If I can't weigh it, you're not getting charged" 05:16 The arrest 06:38 "I got a show tomorrow!" 07:07 Up close and personal 11:48 "I just want to be in cahoots with you" 14:25 "Y'all received a call to stop me?" 16:49 Kodak's mom shows up 32:07 "I ain't trying to touch your gun" 54:30 "You're a target" 01:00:58 Homeless guy asks to shake Kodak Black's hand

Police Chief's Son Arrested for DUI

RFReWORYXns | 29 Nov 2022

Police Chief's Son Arrested for DUI

This video presents new footage from the arrest of Chase Mina, the adult son of Orange County Sheriff John Mina. Chase, a CDL holder, has pleaded not guilty to one count of driving under the influence, a second-degree misdemeanor. The next hearing in his criminal traffic case is scheduled for December 5, 2022. From the report of Officer Sean Peter Lefere, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On August 14, 2022, at approximately 2339 hours, I responded to the area of South Dillard Street and East Story Road in Winter Garden, Florida, in reference to a possible disabled vehicle. On arrival, I located a white 2000 Ford F-250 in the straight lane facing westbound, with its engine running and lights on. As I approached the vehicle, I found a white male, later identified as Chase Mina, slumped over and asleep behind the steering wheel of the truck. Chase was the sole occupant in the truck and there were two open beer containers in the front two cup holders. Contact was made with Chase, who had to be awakened by another officer. Chase was instructed to exit the vehicle and was asked where he was coming from. Chase advised that he was coming from "the ride home." Chase was asked again where he was coming from and continued to say he was coming from "the ride home." Chase was asked for his driver's license, and began searching for it in his pockets. Chase pulled out some cash from his pocket looking for his license. While he was looking for his license through his cash, Chase dropped a single dollar bill onto the ground. Chase then began to go back to his truck to look for his ID. Chase was instructed not to go back to his truck, but he continued to place his cash in his truck and search his truck for his ID. Chase was again instructed not to go into his truck. I asked Chase whether he had had anything to drink tonight, and he replied, "a little." Chase was asked if his ID was in his truck and he said yes. Chase spoke with slurred speech, had bloodshot eyes, had difficulty standing up, and had a very strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. Chase was escorted to the side of the road and into a parking lot. While escorting Chase to the parking lot, he was stumbling and was unable to walk straight. Chase was instructed to lean on the hood of my patrol vehicle, and was then offered two opportunities to participate in field sobriety exercises. Chase refused to participate in field sobriety exercises and declined to answer any more questions. Chase was placed under arrest for suspicion of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence based on the following observations of Chase: Chase was slumped over and asleep behind the steering wheel of the truck in the driver seat, had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, had slurred speech when he spoke, had bloodshot eyes, could not stand up straight, stumbled as he walked, and admitted that he had been drinking. Chase was secured into handcuffs which was checked for proper fit and double locked. - searched Chase's person prior to placing Chase into the back seat of my patrol vehicle. While searching Chase's person, I located Chase's driver's license inside of his shirt pocket. I transported Chase to the Orange County DUI Testing Center, where he first agreed, and subsequently refused to provide a sample of his breath. ~~~ Patreon ➞ Join the subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter ➞ @realworldpolice Check out our other channel ➞ @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:14 Breathalyzer 02:09 "I'd like to talk to a damn lawyer" 03:32 911 call 06:26 "Hang on, now!" 08:15 Body cam (already published elsewhere) 08:55 The ride home 21:19 "You obviously know who he is?"

Interrogation of an Addict

H5eM4O7CCF0 | 28 Nov 2022

Interrogation of an Addict

Join the subreddit ➞ /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter ➞ @realworldpolice The other channel ➞ @What You Haven't Seen

Police Catch ATM Thief Hiding in Garbage Can

fT5NW1MgitQ | 24 Nov 2022

Police Catch ATM Thief Hiding in Garbage Can

On January 22nd, 2022 at about 3:30 a.m., officers were dispatched to an ATM theft in progress. Ultimately, Victor Charles, Eric Adams, Jacobei Deion Townsend, and Eric Jamaile Amams, Jr., were arrested on suspicion of a slew of charges, including felony larceny from a building, felony larceny from a building with a firearm enhancement, criminal damage to property in an amount greater than $1,000, unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, conspiracy to commit a second-degree felony, conspiracy to commit a fourth-degree felony, resisting or obstructing, and another count of unlawful taking of a motor vehicle. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! Join the subreddit → /r/realworldpolice Follow us on Twitter → @realworldpolice Check out our other channel → @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:11 Witness video 01:24 First arrest 01:41 Foot pursuit 02:51 Second arrest 03:07 Witness 03:15 Dude in garbage can 04:01 Third arrest 18:16 Dude, he was so mad! 19:17 I gotta pee 20:11 Foot pursuit (no arrest) 21:11 Why do I have to stay in jail? 21:40 Eyewitness 23:24 We got them all

Arrest of Polo G: "It Was Them Honkies!"

gdyJTCClqKI | 21 Nov 2022

Arrest of Polo G: "It Was Them Honkies!"

Taurus Tremani Bartlett, better known as the rapper "Polo G," rose to prominence with his singles "Finer Things" and "Pop Out." But on June 12, 2021, while leaving an album release party, the rapper ultimately found himself arrested and in the back seat of a police car. Along with his brother. His sister. And some of his fans. Four months ago, Real World Police published exclusive footage showing Polo G taunting his arresting officer, bragging about how much money he has and asking the officer whether he has any stocks or Bitcoin, and, bizarrely, whether he knows how to play baseball. Shortly after Polo G's arrest, his mother and manager — 'Momager' Stacia Mac — rallied together Polo G's fans. Among her posts was an all-caps Tweet asking where the police had taken her children. Well, looks like she already knew the answer. "Them honkies" had taken her kids to the Miami-Dade Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center ("TGK"), and to a juvenile detention facility. As shown in this video, Stacia Mac had already been provided the address for each facility, and had even written them down. Moreover, despite subsequent allegations that Polo G had been stopped for no reason, in this video, Polo G's security guard appears to clearly acknowledge that they had been stopped because they had cut off a police car. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Highlights 01:33 Body cam 03:13 Arrest 07:43 Stacia Mac 15:43 Arrest 16:24 "Discriminating us!" 17:28 "He needs to relax... He's being aggressive..."

Man on Peyote Baptizes Himself, Hides Under Garbage Can Lid

Nco9TyMSuqw | 15 Nov 2022

Man on Peyote Baptizes Himself, Hides Under Garbage Can Lid

The title of this video explains it all, however it should be noted that while at the hospital, Paul denied that he was under the influence — despite having clearly stated otherwise earlier in the call. We have reached out to the City of Las Cruces to determine whether Paul is still employed with the city. We will update the description when we hear back. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:52 The report 01:35 The recycling bin 02:09 Hiding under garbage can lid 07:46 Drag 12:32 "He was crouched down like this, bro" 22:44 "Sorry to hear about your wife, man" (his wife is fine) 25:13 Hospital 28:54 "Your wife said you were fine two hours ago" 31:34 "He's gonna trip balls. I'm excited!"

Shooter's Brother: Interview of Joel Ybarra

8p8WbBmZX6Y | 14 Nov 2022

Shooter's Brother: Interview of Joel Ybarra

On June 5, 2014, then-27-year-old Aaron Ybarra of Mountlake Terrace, Washington, opened fire at Seattle Pacific University, killing one person. Ybarra had intentionally gone off of his medication in order to feel his anger at the world. He had scouted the Seattle Pacific University campus, and then returned with a 12-gauge shotgun on the second-to-last day of classes, intent on killing as many people as possible. Freshman Paul Lee, 19, was fatally shot outside Otto Miller Hall, and then-22-year-old Sarah Williams was critically wounded by a shotgun blast to her chest as she descended a staircase inside. Ybarra had attempted to shoot another female student, but his shotgun misfired and the student ran away. Ybarra was disarmed by Jon Meis, a school safety monitor who confronted Ybarra with pepper spray and tackled him to the ground. A third student, Thomas Fowler, was injured by shotgun pellets during the shooting. Ybarra was ultimately convicted of premeditated first-degree murder, three counts of attempted first-degree murder and one count of second-degree assault after a trial that lasted approximately one month. In exclusive interrogation footage published by Real World Police, Ybarra is heard discussing his obsession with with school shootings and admiration of Eric Harris, one of two students responsible for the mass shooting and attempted bombing at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado in 1999. On November 16, 2016, Ybarra was sentenced to 112 years in prison. Many additional interviews associated with this investigation were conducted, and many of those interviews will be posted here. Today's interview is with Joel Ybarra, Aaron's brother. In this interview, Joel reveals that Aaron had told him that he had been hearing the voice of Eric Harris urging him to shoot up a school, and speaks of a telephone call that he had with Joel shortly before the tragedy at Seattle Pacific University — revealing a portion of the call, and then insisting on keeping the remainder secret by stating that nothing else had been said — despite having stated only moments before that there had been more to the call. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Defensive Shooting by Concealed Carrier Stops Threat: The Aftermath

b9VQFtD5OaU | 11 Nov 2022

Defensive Shooting by Concealed Carrier Stops Threat: The Aftermath

[Pending, however it should be noted that Clay, a licensed concealed carrier, has never been arrested; he has not been charged with any crime in relation to this incident.] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Football Coach Knocked-Out in Post-Game Affray

AkAYUozYdUA | 10 Nov 2022

Football Coach Knocked-Out in Post-Game Affray

From the report of Officer Luis Balderama, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On November 13, 2021, at approximately 1148 hours, I was dispatched to the football fields in reference to an affray involving more than 30 people. This was the second time I had been dispatched to the football fields within the hour. As I was en route, dispatch advised that there was a male subject knocked unconscious. By the time I arrived on scene, everything appeared to be quiet. As I exited my vehicle, I had to ask a female walking with her children if there was an affray going on, because I couldn’t tell based on my initial observation. There were large groups of people hovering around the entire field. She advised that yes, there was a fight, it was all over and that it was further north of my location. As I was walking, I was flagged down by a male subject who pointed to two male subjects who had just walked past me and advised that they were the instigators to the altercation and that was the reason why they were fleeing. I related this to officer Nathaniel Telles. I then saw another small group of individuals surrounding one male who was on the ground and that was my victim, Mr. Enrique Aguilera. As I started relaying information to the fire department on where they could make entry into the park since we were right in the middle, I made contact with a female who was standing by Mr. Aguilera, and she was identified as Ms. Theresa Acosta. She was the fiancee of Mr. Aguilera and stated that the football game had been finished and her team was the Picacho Middle School football team. She said that the players had finished the game and then as they were shaking hands with each other they started fighting. The kids started fighting and then the coaches tried to intervene and separate the children. The next thing she knew, parents started jumping in and then the parents started fighting with each other. Video showed that the two teams had finished playing, and that during the process of shaking each other’s hands something was said amongst them. It caught their attention, as they stop moving, and then they start running toward each other. Then, some of the coaches and a few parents try to intervene and separate the children. A number of parents rush into the field and there are piles of people fighting on the ground. I then spoke to Officer Telles, who had actually detained the male subject that I had called out initially. He stated that they were just involved. As I was standing by with officer Benoit, David Chaparro came up to me and advised that he was the one who initially started the fight. He stated that he was on the Picacho team and was a friend of the head coach, Mr. Enrique Aguilera, who was transported to the hospital. He stated that the football game was over and a juvenile male on the Lynn Middle School team, wearing a red jersey with “87” on it, had said something to one of his players and the two started fighting. Then a white male coach from the Lynn team grabbed his player’s jersey and was about to punch him when Mr. Chaparro ran over there, threw the coach to the side. The coach then came back and punched him in the face. As soon as the coach had punched him in the face, he grabbed him and pushed him on the ground and the coach took him down to the ground as well, and then the next thing he knew, everybody just started fighting one another. Watch as it all played out. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

School Shooter: The Interrogation of Aaron Ybarra

zS5jU-i-37c | 08 Nov 2022

School Shooter: The Interrogation of Aaron Ybarra

On June 5, 2014, then-27-year-old Aaron Ybarra of Mountlake Terrace, Washington, opened fire at Seattle Pacific University, killing one person. Ybarra had intentionally gone off of his medication in order to feel his anger at the world. He had scouted the Seattle Pacific University campus, and then returned with a 12-gauge shotgun on the second-to-last day of classes, intent on killing as many people as possible. Freshman Paul Lee, 19, was fatally shot outside Otto Miller Hall, and then-22-year-old Sarah Williams was critically wounded by a shotgun blast to her chest as she descended a staircase inside. Ybarra had attempted to shoot another female student, but his shotgun misfired and the student ran away. Ybarra was disarmed by Jon Meis, a school safety monitor who confronted Ybarra with pepper spray and tackled him to the ground. A third student, Thomas Fowler, was injured by shotgun pellets during the shooting. Ybarra was ultimately convicted of premeditated first-degree murder, three counts of attempted first-degree murder and one count of second-degree assault after a trial that lasted approximately one month. In this exclusive interrogation footage, Ybarra is heard discussing his obsession with with school shootings and admiration of Eric Harris, one of two students responsible for the mass shooting and attempted bombing at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado in 1999. On November 16, 2016, Ybarra was sentenced to 112 years in prison. The first of many additional interviews associated with this investigation is available now on Patreon, with more to follow. Today's interview is with Joel Ybarra, Aaron's brother. Listen as Joel reveals that Aaron had told him that he had been hearing the voice of Eric Harris urging him to shoot up a school. Joel describes his frustration with media coverage of the case, talks about their upbringing, and speaks of a call he had with Joel shortly before the tragedy at Seattle Pacific University. Joel reveals only a portion of that call, and then keeps the remainder secret by insisting that nothing else had been discussed — despite having stated only moments before that there had been more to the call. It's tragic. It's sad. And it's fascinating to hear. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

The Prosecution of Skylar Nemetz: Evidence of Firearms Proficiency

26klG2srOvg | 07 Nov 2022

The Prosecution of Skylar Nemetz: Evidence of Firearms Proficiency

These videos were, in part, used by the prosecution in to demonstrate Skylar Nemetz's experience with firearms. Also seen in the videos is Tarrah Danielle Nemetz — Skylar's wife at the time, and the person he shot in the head at point blank range while allegedly attempting to clear an AR-15. The following is excerpted from the report of Officer Darrell Moore, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: Skylar told me "I need to tell someone my story." I directed the fire department personal to the apartment so they could administer medical attention. Skylar again stated, "I want to talk to you." I stared at Skylar without saying anything. Skylar went onto say that he was in Yakima for field training with the military. Skylar said he returned home to his wife. Skylar said he loves his wife more than most other men, and that his love for her was special. Skylar stated that he returned home from Yakima and he had left his wife with his rifle for her protection when he was gone. Skylar told me that he took out the magazine, and motioned taking out the magazine. Skylar said he was making the rifle safe, and for some reason he grabbed the rifle and shook it. I watched as Skylar demonstrated grabbing what I believed to be the upper portion of the rifle with his left hand and the lower portion of the rifle with his right hand. Skylar motioned holding the rifle at an approximately 45 degree cant. Skylar said, "I just shook it and it shot her." Skylar began to make sounds as if he was crying, but I could see that he had no tears coming out. I also noticed that he had no tears during my entire contact with him. [End of report] According to neighbors, they regularly heard yelling coming from the Nemetz residence. Skylar initially told his neighbor that his wife Danielle had shot herself while she been cleaning a rifle. On November 24, 2014, detectives traveled to Eureka, CA, to conduct interviews. Among those interviewed was Samatha Minton, who stated that she knew Danielle most of her life. According to Minton, Danielle had met Skylar online ~2 months before they married. Minton stated that she had observed odd behavior between the couple. For example, when Danielle and Skylar would visit, Skylar would drop her off and leave for the day while he visited friends. Detectives also interviewed Michayla Yingling, who had known Danielle her entire life. Yingling confirmed that Danielle had met Skylar online two months prior to their marriage. Yingling said Danielle never gave her any indication Skylar was being abusive. She knew that Skylar had broken Danielle's cell phone, but she did not know the details. Yingling said Danielle never talked negatively about Skylar, but she got the impression that Danielle was being fake. Yingling stated that Skylar would not let Danielle come to her baby shower, and that Skylar was indecisive on wanting Danielle to get a job. Skylar would tell Danielle to get a job, and when she looked for a job he would tell her she didn't need one. Yingling said Danielle just wanted someone to love her and take care of her. Yingling said Danielle thought her new boss was attractive, and that Danielle had told her that her new boss used to be an underwear model. Yingling said she had a FaceTime session with Danielle and her boss, while they were out to dinner. Yingling was positive that Danielle would not cheat on Skylar. Yingling said on the night Danielle died she had a FaceTime session with her at approximately 1600 hours. Yingling said nothing appeared to be out the ordinary, and that at one point Danielle had pointed the phone at Skylar, who had smiled and waved to her. According to Mikala Rippeon, Danielle's youngest sister, Danielle was always wearing long-sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters. Mikala remembered seeing what appeared to be fingertip bruises on Danielle's arms. On February 24, 2015, detectives contacted Skylar's mother, Danetta Heller, as they had obtained information that she was possibly in possession of Danielle's diary that was taken from her apartment after the homicide. The following day, Danetta confirmed that she was in possession of Danielle's diary. Danetta stated there were some pages missing from the diary, but stated that she had not removed the missing pages. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a "busy little girl." After speaking with Skylar's attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle's diary to Skylar's attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about a male named Kennedy, who Danielle had dated, stating that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy's current girlfriend, Chloe, did not know. That entry was dated April 23, 2012, prior to Skylar and Danielle’s relationship. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

151 MPH Pursuit of Chevy Camaro Ended With High-Speed PIT

pVPbmXtj99s | 05 Nov 2022

151 MPH Pursuit of Chevy Camaro Ended With High-Speed PIT

~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

The Killing of Danielle Nemetz: Police Interview Ben Bergmark

UkUVgvRDPwA | 04 Nov 2022

The Killing of Danielle Nemetz: Police Interview Ben Bergmark

The following is excerpted from the report of Officer Darrell Moore, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "Skylar told me "I need to tell someone my story." I directed the fire department personal to the apartment so they could administer medical attention. Skylar again stated, "I want to talk to you." I stared at Skylar without saying anything. Skylar went onto say that he was in Yakima for field training with the military. Skylar said he returned home to his wife. Skylar said he loves his wife more than most other men, and that his love for her was special. Skylar stated that he returned home from Yakima and he had left his wife with his rifle for her protection when he was gone. Skylar told me that he took out the magazine, and motioned taking out the magazine. Skylar said he was making the rifle safe, and for some reason he grabbed the rifle and shook it. I watched as Skylar demonstrated grabbing what I believed to be the upper portion of the rifle with his left hand and the lower portion of the rifle with his right hand. Skylar motioned holding the rifle at an approximately 45 degree cant. Skylar said, "I just shook it and it shot her." Skylar began to make sounds as if he was crying, but I could see that he had no tears coming out. I also noticed that he had no tears during my entire contact with him." According to neighbors, they regularly heard yelling coming from the Nemetz residence. Among the many statements initially made by Skylar Nemetz was a statement to his neighbor (pictured here), indicating that his wife Danielle had shot herself while she been cleaning a rifle. That did not happen. On November 24, 2014, detectives traveled to Eureka, California, to conduct interviews. Among those interviewed was Samatha Minton, who stated that she knew Danielle most of her whole life. According to Minton, Danielle had met Skylar on the internet approximately two months before they married. Minton stated that she had observed what she thought was odd behavior between the couple. For example, when Daniella and Skylar would visit, Skylar would drop her off at the house and leave her there all day, while he visited with his friends. Detectives also interviewed Michayla Yingling, who had known Danielle her whole life. Yingling confirmed that Danielle had met Skylar on the internet two months before they had married. Yingling said Danielle never gave her any indication Skylar was being abusive. She knew that Skylar had broken Danielle's cell phone, but she did not know the details. Yingling said Danielle never talked negatively about Skylar, but she got the impression that Danielle was being fake. Yingling stated that Skylar would not let Danielle come to her baby shower, and that Skylar was indecisive on wanting Danielle to get a job. Skylar would tell Danielle to get a job, and when she looked for a job he would tell her she didn't need one. Yingling said Danielle just wanted someone to love her and take care of her. Yingling said Danielle thought her new boss was attractive, and that Danielle had told her that her new boss used to be an underwear model. Yingling said she had a FaceTime session with Danielle and her boss, while they were out to dinner. Yingling was positive that Danielle would not cheat on Skylar. Yingling said on the night Danielle died she had a FaceTime session with her at approximately 1600 hours. Yingling said nothing appeared to be out the ordinary, and that at one point Danielle had pointed the phone at Skylar, who had smiled and waved to her. According to Mikala Rippeon, Danielle's youngest sister, Danielle was always wearing long-sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters. Mikala remembered seeing what appeared to be fingertip bruises on Danielle's arms. On February 24, 2015, detectives contacted Skylar's mother, Danetta Heller, as they had obtained information that she was possibly in possession of Danielle's diary that was taken from her apartment after the homicide. The following day, Danetta confirmed that she was in possession of Danielle's diary. Danetta stated there were some pages missing from the diary, but stated that she had not removed the missing pages. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a "busy little girl." After speaking with Skylar's attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle's diary to Skylar's attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about Danielle having sex with a male named Kennedy. It stated that Kennedy and Danielle used to date, that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy's current girlfriend Chloe did not know. The entry was dated 4/23/12, prior to Skylar and Danielle’s relationship. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Illinois man caught driving 150 MPH in rented Lamborghini

hOrK7F5-8u8 | 28 Oct 2022

Illinois man caught driving 150 MPH in rented Lamborghini

On November 4, 2021, at approximately 9:14 a.m., Officer Ian Hamm with the Boulder City Police Department, Boulder City, Nevada, was stopped in the median of Interstate 11, near Mile Marker 12, when he noticed a white sports car traveling toward him at high speed. Officer Hamm estimated the vehicle’s speed to be in excess of 125 miles per hour, and locked the vehicle on LIDAR at 150 MPH. Officer Hamm conducted a traffic stop on the car — a rented Lamborghini Huracan Evo — and arrested its driver, an Illinois carpenter named James Rice… complete with a somewhat bizarre rehearsed speech about calculus and the energy of a vehicle in motion. Speech aside, James D. Rice was arrested for reckless driving… however, as Real World Police was first to uncover and report, many of Nevada’s highest-speed speeding tickets are ultimately pleaded down to non-moving violations, and Mr. Rice’s reckless driving charge was no exception. James D. Rice ultimately pleaded out to the equivalent of a parking violation. He was required to take “level 2 traffic school,” which a court employee confirmed to Real World Police is an online class, and Mr. Rice had to pay over $1,000 in fines and fees. He has a non-moving violation on his record. Drive safe, folks. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Woman named "Honesty" arrested for shoplifting

85AZdr8_I6w | 27 Oct 2022

Woman named "Honesty" arrested for shoplifting

/r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Florida Man Arrested For Impersonating a Police Officer

RKWdACh7lZY | 25 Oct 2022

Florida Man Arrested For Impersonating a Police Officer

In late-November 2018, an unknown subject transmitted on Washington County Sheriff's Office's radio frequency, using a two-way communications device, without authorization. The subject used a radio device to speak and identify himself as Washington-37, Washington-21 and Washington-15, requesting "radio checks" and driver's license information regarding various subjects. The subject also set off "alert" tones on the Washington County Sheriff's Office dispatch radio frequency. The same subject later transmitted on Washington County EMS radio frequencies, identifying himself as "EMS-3" and "Medic-121." At one point, a police lieutenant sent a radio signal to the transmitting device, intending to shut down the unauthorized transmissions. A short time later, the Washington County Sheriff's Office Communications Center received a series of the same signals, which shut down the Washington County Sheriff's Office Communications Center radio for several hours. The unknown subject made multiple attempts to continuously disable Washington County Sheriff's Office radios, and sent disabling signals to EMS radios which disabled EMS communications for 13 hours, and later, again, for about seven hours. A radio text message was subsequently received from the unknown subject advising, in essence, that he would leave the police alone, if they left him alone. In January 2019, investigators with the Bay County Sheriff's Office, while working a similar series of radio transmissions and service interruptions, developed a lead, and on January 4, 2019, BCSO investigators arranged a meeting with Cody Blaine Jones under the guise that they wanted to give him a "thank you" card for his assistance to the Sheriff's Office. Jones was advised that he was being detained, and he attempted to run, however Jones was tackled to the ground and was taken into custody, after which he gave this statement. When Jones was captured, he was found to be in possession of a police badge and gun. Jones had previously been prosecuted for his participation in a "swatting" network, along with various drug charges, and was a convicted felon. After being transported to the Bay County Sheriff's Office, Jones gave this recorded statement, along with another, much longer, recorded statement. Cody Blaine Jones was ultimately charged with disruption of a computer network, unauthorized reception of communication services, three counts of falsely personating a law enforcement officer, depriving a law enforcement officer of a means of communication, unauthorized transmission to government radio frequencies, three counts of unlawful use of a two-way communication device, and violation of probation. Jones was ultimately convicted on multiple counts and was sentenced to five years in state prison. Jessica Ann Marie Davis was charged with accessory to a number of the charges against Jones, as well as perjury not in an official proceeding. All charges against Davis were eventually dropped, however Davis kept busy, and has since faced prosecution for driving without a license, driving a motorcycle without a motorcycle license, possession of paraphernalia, driving without insurance, failure to exhibit a driver's license, forgery (for attempting to pay for Taco Bell using a fake $100 bill), driving without a motorcycle endorsement (again), driving without a motorcycle endorsement (yet again), destruction of / tampering with evidence, and a probation violation. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Police interview of Cody Blaine Jones 23:01 Police interview of Jessica Ann Marie Davis 32:19 Photos of radio equipment

Does anybody in the car have a driver's license?

7aXiqE5cTBY | 19 Oct 2022

Does anybody in the car have a driver's license?

Woman wearing weed jumpsuit gets arrested on warrant after lying to friend about whether she has a driver's license. Posted primarily because of the driver's remarkable clothing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Johnny Damon DUI Arrest: Breathalyzer Test

G089IHMSmGw | 15 Oct 2022

Johnny Damon DUI Arrest: Breathalyzer Test

On February 19, 2021, retired Major League Baseball outfielder Johnny Damon was arrested for DUI and resisting without violence. On August 5, 2021, Damon entered into a pretrial diversion agreement — coincidentally, that happened just a couple of weeks after his arresting officer was arrested by the FBI. On March 15, 2022, Damon successfully completed pretrial diversion and his DUI charge was dropped; prosecutors never filed the resisting without violence charge. Real World Police was the first media outlet to post the body camera footage from Johnny Damon's DUI arrest. It's time for the rest of the footage. Watch as Johnny Damon predicts that he will blow a .06%... then compare his prediction with his actual results at the end. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Highlights 00:26 Breath alcohol tests 09:22 Test results

You don't argue with a crazy man

8i6bMVXBsv4 | 12 Oct 2022

You don't argue with a crazy man

Or so says the self-described crazy man. Who quite possibly has the heaviest clothing on the planet. Do you think charges were ultimately filed? If yes, who do you think was charged? Note that when John states that he was "69'ed" from the laundromat (see Urban Dictionary), he likely meant to say that he was "86'ed" (trespassed). Or maybe he didn't? What happens at the laundromat... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Intro 00:23 John's story 11:12 Laundromat manager's story

They 69'ed me

X2MhCEZ4Z64 | 09 Oct 2022

They 69'ed me

/r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Old Man Arrested for Arson After Setting His Apartment Complex on Fire

cupMrPikoe8 | 07 Oct 2022

Old Man Arrested for Arson After Setting His Apartment Complex on Fire

On December 21, 2021, at 8:50 a.m., officers with the Las Cruces Police Department responded to 765 Williams Street to assist the Las Cruces Fire Department with a raging residential blaze. On arrival, officers were told that a "90-year-old man" lived in the apartment where the fire started, and it was unclear whether the man had made it out. Shortly thereafter, one of the property managers for the apartment complex arrived on scene and informed officers that the resident — Byron Anthony Hicks — was fine, and that he was standing outside watching the activity. Watch the video to see what happened next. Mr. Hicks was ultimately taken into protective custody and transported to a local area hospital, where a nurse made contact with Mr. Hicks' wife — "who wanted nothing to with him." A hospital psychiatric evaluation concluded that Mr. Hicks's delusions were the result of substance abuse rather than the result of another mental illness, and Mr. Hicks was arrested and charged with arson. On February 11, 2022, all charges against Mr. Hicks in the Las Cruces Magistrate Court were dismissed without prejudice, however Doña Ana County District Attorney's office spokesperson Roxanne Garcia-McElmell informed Real World Police that Mr. Hicks is the subject of an active grand jury investigation. If the grand jury finds probable cause that Mr. Hicks committed one or more crimes, he will face prosecution in New Mexico District Court, a higher court than the magistrate court where Mr. Hicks was initially charged. Note: if you watched our recent video titled "Took Too Much," don't miss the end of this video. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Highlights 01:44 Police arrive on scene 04:21 "LADDER!" 05:34 Ladder rescue 11:44 That's him right there 13:34 Confession 16:27 We saved some lives today 18:39 Owner of the building 30:26 He's got Air Force One on standby 34:03 Protective custody 37:49 Easiest arson you've ever had 40:34 "Boobies for me" 41:07 Don't touch me! 48:58 Joking with the nurses 53:12 Coffee hunt 54:50 Arrest 56:05 "Took Too Much" throwback @What You Haven't Seen

Hospital interview of man who just escaped murderer

S6wzIuwbXsM | 06 Oct 2022

Hospital interview of man who just escaped murderer

See pinned comment. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Interview of Ishmile Ramirez 04:01 "Had him in a headlock..." 06:35 "Both of us were in the trunk" 07:11 "I started smelling gasoline; the car was set ablaze" 07:45 Ramirez speaks to his mother 08:38 "John is dead" 10:12 "Six or seven shots" 13:23 "The trunk opened... gunshots..." 14:38 "Couldn't get him out of the trunk" 16:30 "Raging fire... I started to walk" 17:50 "I was walking..." 18:38 "They found him in the trunk"

Took Too Much

2YUWqZHY4nE | 30 Sep 2022

Took Too Much

On December 21, 2021, Chris Michael lost his mind. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Preview 00:48 Temporary insanity 05:38 Destiny 08:23 Different stories 12:40 Chris goes nuts 18:44 "She can watch!" 20:25 "He always takes his breaks in the car" 22:12 Protective custody 28:01 Chris talks Jesus

This guy is wearing a wire

I4wGCZ3_68U | 29 Sep 2022

This guy is wearing a wire

Ever wonder what it looks like when an undercover police officer makes a purchase while wearing a wire? Wonder no more, as this exclusive footage - from a trafficking case - shows the view from behind the wire. The guy on the other end is now in jail. Note the undercover officer encouraging the dealer’s wife to be present at the deal for translation purposes — also known as “so they can be arrested at the same time.” ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Undercover buy 04:02 Earlier buy, same dealer 08:11 Controlled call with dealer’s wife 14:41 Controlled call arranging purchase

Sovereign Citizen Gets Shut Down

10iHzl_ncw4 | 22 Sep 2022

Sovereign Citizen Gets Shut Down

On January 18, 2022, Las Cruces Police Officer Joshua Milks was working as the crisis intervention coordinator for the Las Cruces Police Department when he was dispatched to the city library at 200 East Picacho for a trespassing incident involving a sovereign citizen. Library manager Margaret Neill had called about a male, later identified as Steven Mackmiller, who was refusing to wear a face covering in the library. At the time, a governor’s order was in effect that required face coverings all businesses. New Mexico's mask mandate was lifted by the governor one month later, on February 17, 2022. The following is from Officer Milks' report, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: when I arrived on scene, I could see Mackmiller, Neill and a security guard all standing by the library computers. Mackmiller stated that he just wanted to print out four pages of a document and complained that the staff was not allowing him to conduct his business. I explained to Mr. Mackmiller that he needed a face covering and he told me that he is an American “something” — that basically means he does not have to follow laws. I dismissed his claim and felt that arguing the law with Mr. Mackmiller would be pointless. He was recording our interaction on a camera and seemed to have his 'sovereign speech' rehearsed, so I took a stern approach and asked Mackmiller to either put on a face covering or leave the library. He continuously refused to put on a face covering so I told him that he could either leave, or he would be arrested for trespassing. Mr. Mackmiller wanted a supervisor, but I wanted him out of the library. In case the confrontation turned physical, I wanted to be outside. Mr. Mackmiller stated that he felt “threatened." He then walked to the front door, and refused to continue. I identified Mackmiller and checked him for wants and warrants; I wanted to ensure I was completely done with him, before I made him leave the property. During this process, Mackmiller requested a supervisor and I told him to go across the street. He refused, and wanted one on scene so I called Sergeant McCord over the radio to meet with us. I explained to Mackmiller that he would need to leave the property while waiting for a supervisor. I felt that Mackmiller was using the request for a supervisor to prolong his ability to be in the parking and to also test what kind of response he would get from me. Throughout the interaction, I felt that Mackmiller was testing me to see if he could bait me into a physical interaction with the intention of suing me, the city or the department. Each time I explained to Mackmiller that he would be arrested, he curbed his behavior. Mackmiller requested that I write a police report for this incident, so by policy I gave him a case number and documented this report. I believe that Mackmiller got upset when he realized that I was not going to give him the response he wanted. Consequently, he walked off. Mackmiller told me that he would sue me and that I should wait to expect something in the mail. I waited as Mackmiller walked off before going inside to interview Ms. Neill. Neill said that MMackmiller refused to wear a face covering even after they offered him one, or several other suggestions on what he could wear as an approved covering. In my conversation with Ms. Neill she also expressed the feeling that Mr. Mackmiller was just looking for a reaction that he could record and publish for whatever alternate motives he has. I was out of trespass cards at the time, so I went back to the station to pick one up and give it to Ms. Neill. [End of report] I have not been able to find any indication that Mr. Mackmiller sued anyone in relation to this incident. A search of PACER for "Steven Mackmiller" turned up only a 1999 bankruptcy filing by a "Steven Ross Mackmiller" — a different person. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 01:00 The incident 03:54 The Benzino argument 06:19 You're unwilling? 11:20 Thank you for the check! 14:58 Report

Police Interview of Jeremy Henry

AsNdYX6l8Kc | 20 Sep 2022

Police Interview of Jeremy Henry

Two days ago, this channel published the interrogation of Skylar Nikolas Bear Nemetz, in relation to Mr. Nemetz shooting his wife in the back of her head with an AR-15. Extensive information regarding the case was communicated in a pinned comment on that video. Excerpts from that comment are duplicated in a pinned comment on this video. This is the police interview of Jeremy Henry. Earlier today, we published the police interview of Michael Newton. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Woman Arrested for Check Forgery

jd83_GJacCc | 20 Sep 2022

Woman Arrested for Check Forgery

On December 15, 2020, Graciela Jimenez was arrested on suspicion of forgery, use or possession of an altered or forged ID card, and concealing identity. Officers had been dispatched to First New Mexico Bank for reports of an in-progress bank fraud. From the report of Detective Frank Torres, lightly edited for clarity: On the morning of December 15, 2020, I responded to First New Mexico Bank located at 3000 E. Lohman Street in reference to a call out on a forgery in progress. On arrival, I contacted Officers Dominguez and Mendez who briefed me on the incident, it should be noted that Officer Dominguez had stopped a white Chevrolet Impala bearing a Texas temporary tag, that was involved in passing a forged check at the bank. After getting briefed, I briefly contacted the female driver and male passenger of the Impala briefly. The female, who was wearing a face mask, identified herself as Evelyn Delgado. I then went to the bank and spoke to Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Julie Koenig who told me that numerous forged checks on the account of American Solar Group had been passed at various branches, to include the check that had just been passed by the female in the Impala. I also spoke briefly to another bank employee, Riley Binder, who was the teller who accepted the check. These interviews were video recorded. Koenig also provided me with numerous documents to include copies of the forged checks. I then went back to the location of the stop and spoke to the passenger identified as Miguel Angel Rodarte and he identified the driver as his mother, Graciela Jimenez. A copy of one of the forged checks was in Rodarte’s name, and had been cashed at the Anthony, New Mexico branch. Both individuals were detained and taken to the police department for further investigation. While enroute to the station I spoke to Mark Hernandez, the owner of American Solar Group, who confirmed that the checks being passed on his business account were forgeries. At the police department I obtained a photo and driver's license printout for Graciela Jimenez and I observed that the photo did not match the photo or identification which was in the name of Evelyn Delgado, which Jimenez had used when she passed the check at the bank. I then spoke to Rodarte after he waived his Miranda rights and agreed to give a statement. I then spoke to Jimenez, who agreed to speak to me after she waived her Miranda rights. Jimenez continued to identify herself as Evelyn Delgado until I confronted her with her photo from her driver's license at which time she became aware that I knew who she was. During the interview, Jimenez gave written consent for a search of her vehicle and she was transported back to the location of the stop to be present during the search. The search produced documents as well as a laptop. Jimenez stated that she used the laptop to create forged documents, a skill she learned while incarcerated. I then went back to the station where I filed a complaint charging Jimenez with forgery, concealing identity, and using a fictitious license. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

The Killing of Danielle Nemetz — Interview of Michael Newton

blN8q6xC_wY | 19 Sep 2022

The Killing of Danielle Nemetz — Interview of Michael Newton

Two days ago, this channel published the interrogation of Skylar Nikolas Bear Nemetz, in relation to Mr. Nemetz shooting his wife in the back of her head with an AR-15. Extensive — largely-unreported — information regarding the investigation was communicated in a pinned comment on that video. Excerpts from that comment are duplicated in a pinned comment on this video. This is the police interview of Michael Newton. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

"I killed my wife" | The Interrogation of Skylar Nemetz

Y-neYRsOFZU | 17 Sep 2022

"I killed my wife" | The Interrogation of Skylar Nemetz

The following is excerpted from the report of Officer Darrell Moore, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: Skylar told me "I need to tell someone my story." I directed the fire department personal to the apartment so they could administer medical attention. Skylar again stated, "I want to talk to you." I stared at Skylar without saying anything. Skylar went onto say that he was in Yakima for field training with the military. Skylar said he returned home to his wife. Skylar said he loves his wife more than most other men, and that his love for her was special. Skylar stated that he returned home from Yakima and he had left his wife with his rifle for her protection when he was gone. Skylar told me that he took out the magazine, and motioned taking out the magazine. Skylar said he was making the rifle safe, and for some reason he grabbed the rifle and shook it. I watched as Skylar demonstrated grabbing what I believed to be the upper portion of the rifle with his left hand and the lower portion of the rifle with his right hand. Skylar motioned holding the rifle at an approximately 45 degree cant. Skylar said, "I just shook it and it shot her." Skylar began to make sounds as if he was crying, but I could see that he had no tears coming out. I also noticed that he had no tears during my entire contact with him. [End of report] According to neighbors, they regularly heard yelling coming from the Nemetz residence. Among the many statements initially made by Skylar Nemetz was a statement to his neighbor, that his wife Danielle had shot herself while she been cleaning the rifle. On November 24, 2014, detectives traveled to Eureka, California, to conduct interviews. Among those interviewed was Samatha Minton, who stated that she knew Danielle most of her whole life. According to Minton, Danielle had met Skylar on the internet approximately two months before they married. Minton stated that she had observed what she thought was odd behavior between the couple. For example, when Daniella and Skylar would visit, Skylar would drop her off at the house and leave her there all day, while he visited with his friends. Detectives also interviewed Michayla Yingling, who had known Danielle her whole life. Yingling confirmed that Danielle had met Skylar on the internet two months before they had married. Yingling said Danielle never gave her any indication Skylar was being abusive. She knew that Skylar had broken Danielle's cell phone, but she did not know the details. Yingling said Danielle never talked negatively about Skylar, but she got the impression that Danielle was being fake. Yingling stated that Skylar would not let Danielle come to her baby shower, and that Skylar was indecisive on wanting Danielle to get a job. Skylar would tell Danielle to get a job, and when she looked for a job he would tell her she didn't need one. Yingling said Danielle just wanted someone to love her and take care of her. Yingling said Danielle thought her new boss was attractive, and that Danielle had told her that her new boss used to be an underwear model. Yingling said she had a FaceTime session with Danielle and her boss, while they were out to dinner. Yingling was positive that Danielle would not cheat on Skylar. Yingling said on the night Danielle died she had a FaceTime session with her at approximately 1600 hours. Yingling said nothing appeared to be out the ordinary, and that at one point Danielle had pointed the phone at Skylar, who had smiled and waved to her. According to Mikala Rippeon, Danielle's youngest sister, Danielle was always wearing long-sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters. Mikala remembered seeing what appeared to be fingertip bruises on Danielle's arms. On February 24, 2015, detectives contacted Skylar's mother, Danetta Heller, as they had obtained information that she was possibly in possession of Danielle's diary that was taken from her apartment after the homicide. The following day, Danetta confirmed that she was in possession of Danielle's diary. Danetta stated there were some pages missing from the diary, but stated that she had not removed the missing pages. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a "busy little girl." After speaking with Skylar's attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle's diary to Skylar's attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about Danielle having sex with a male named Kennedy. It stated that Kennedy and Danielle used to date, that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy's current girlfriend Chloe did not know. The entry was dated 4/23/12. Although the CVSA shown in this video is pseudoscience, the results were "no signs of deception." See pinned comment for meatier information. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Skylar Nemetz, Moments After Killing His Wife

Px6AwUJzSTg | 13 Sep 2022

Skylar Nemetz, Moments After Killing His Wife

From the report of Officer Thomas Rodridguez, lightly edited for clarity: On October 16, 2014, at approximately 1802 hours, I responded to 8509 82nd St SW #5-301 in Lakewood, Washington, with several other Lakewood police officers for a reported accidental shooting. Initially, we were advised a person had accidentally shot himself with a rifle. However, we were updated while en route to the location that a female had possibly been shot by her husband. I arrived at the scene with Officers Moore, Holthaus, and Moody. Neighbors directed us to the incident building and stated that the occupant was still inside. We called out and a male subject, later identified as Skylar Nemetz, came downstairs to us. He was wearing a white t-shirt and dark colored shorts. There appeared to be blood on his clothing and possibly on his hands. His face was distorted as if he was crying. The male was detained by Officer Moore. Officers Holthaus, Moody, and I went to the apartment and entered it to search for victims. After clearing the living room and kitchen, Officer Holthaus and I entered a bedroom and located a female seated in a chair at a computer desk. Her head was laid back, and on her right shoulder. Her arms were limp at her sides as she was in the chair. There was a large amount of blood coming from her head that had collected on the floor beneath her. She was unresponsive, and I felt no pulse at her carotid artery. There was a computer monitor facing the female. The monitor was off and the screen was broken — there was a circular hole with radiations extending from its center; it was apparent something had struck the screen. No other occupants were located in the apartment. I observed an expended silver colored shell casing at the entrance to the bedroom. It appeared to be consistent with a 5.56 mm or .223 caliber rifle round. I left the apartment as fire department personnel entered, and did not return to the apartment. I went down to my patrol car and I saw Nemetz seated on my bumper. Officer Moore was with him, and Moore asked to be relieved so he could speak with Sergeant Evans. I relieved Moore. As I stood near Nemetz he asked me if his wife was "gone." I told him that I thought so, but that the fire department was still with her. Nemetz was making sobbing sounds and stated, "I don't know why I can't cry." I noticed that Nemetz' cheeks were dry, and I saw no tears. Nemetz then stated, "It was an accident." He paused and then stated, "I'm a bad man. I'm a bad man." I did not say anything to Nemetz. Officer Moore returned to my vehicle, moved Nemetz to another police vehicle and secured him there. Coming soon, the police interrogation of Skylar Nikolas Bear Nemetz, police interviews of friends of the deceased — Tara Danielle Nemetz, and additional footage associated with the investigation and prosecution of Skylar Nemetz. If you don't know the basics already, the complete story will emerge in time. Hang tight for part two... however to get things started, you should know that Skylar Nemetz was a gunner in the military. He grew up around firearms and was a firearms expert. Nemetz would later state, among other things, that he pointed his AR-15 at the back of his wife's head and pulled the trigger. He just didn't know the gun was loaded. Some background information regarding gun safety: there are ways to clear a gun. Pointing it at the back of someone's head and pulling the trigger certainly works, but — for obvious reasons — that's not how it's done. Of all people, Skylar Nemetz knew that. Extensive photographic records from the investigation and prosecution of Mr. Nemetz will be uploaded to Patreon shortly. 00:00 Intro 02:05 Skylar Nemetz ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Please don't poop!

DeNZU2h8oTM | 08 Sep 2022

Please don't poop!

Sometimes, law enforcement is a crappy job. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Double Fatal Crash of Piper Comanche

s2tzGFZVvnE | 08 Sep 2022

Double Fatal Crash of Piper Comanche

This video is a rare crosspost from our sister channel, @What You Haven't Seen, which covers transportation safety. This story is fitting for both channels, as it is told through the lens of police body-worn camera footage. If you are interested in seeing more like this, visit @What You Haven't Seen. On October 20, 2019, about 8:45 a.m. local time, a Piper PA-24, N7742P, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Angel Fire, NM. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. According to friends of the pilot who stated they had helped with the refueling and preflight of the accident airplane that morning, this was his first time flying into Angel Fire Airport (AXX). The pilot stated to his friends that he was going to depart to the south and then head back toward the airport because of the winds and to gain altitude. The pilot started the engine and let it warm up for 10-15 minutes. He then taxied to the departure end of runway 17 where he performed an engine run-up and magneto checks. The pilot's friends watched as the airplane started its takeoff roll and became airborne just past halfway down the runway. Shortly thereafter, they saw the plane's landing gear retract, and lost sight of the plane behind the parallel taxiway, which rises in elevation above the runway. An eyewitness was driving north when she saw the plane flying south from the airport. The plane was very low and it appeared to be struggling to remain in flight. The plane turned right to fly over the road and toward the witness, who drove her vehicle into a ditch alongside the highway. As the plane was descending, it appeared to the witness that the plane was preparing to land on the road. The witness noticed power lines crossing the road in front of her location and hoped that the plane was going avoid hitting them. As the plane approached the power lines, the plane pitched up and turned to the west, impacting trees, a building, and terrain. Several other witnesses saw the plane as is departed the airport and described its flight as unstable. The 65-year-old pilot held a commercial certificate with ratings for multiengine land, single engine land and instrument airplane. His most recent third-class FAA medical certificate was issued on 3/7/19. At that time, he reported 1,000 flight hours, 15 of those in the last 6 months. The pilot's logbooks were not located during the investigation. There was no evidence found that showed that the pilot had any mountain flying training or experience. The plane's two fuel tanks had a total capacity of 60 gallons. According to airport personnel, on the morning of the accident flight, the plane was fueled with ~20 gallons of fuel, which filled both tanks. Manufacturer performance data for takeoff distance exist for altitudes from sea level up to 6,000' based on standard temperature and pressure. The expected takeoff ground roll could not be determined for the accident takeoff, as the environmental conditions exceeded those in the calculations provided by the manufacturer when the plane was manufactured. Approximate weight and balance requirements were calculated and were found to be within the normal operating envelope. The airplane would have experienced about a 9 knot crosswind and about a 2 knot tailwind. A weather study using the approximate airport elevation, temperature, dew point temperature and altimeter from AXX, calculated density altitude at 845 at the surface to be 9,360' msl. At 845 MDT, about the time of the accident, AIRMET TANGO was issued for moderate turbulence below FL180, strong surface winds and LLWS potential for areas that included the accident site. AXX is at 8,379' msl. It has one runway, 17/35, which is 8,900' x 100'. Runway 17 has an avg uphill gradient of .64% and a difference of about 57' between its ends. Signage before entering the runway cautions pilots about the field elevation and reminds pilots of their airplane's performance at that elevation. The airport directory describes the airport as in a mountain valley, with rising terrain in all directions, strong gusty crosswinds possible, and high-density altitude probable. There was no evidence of in-flight airframe, engine, or flight control malfunction or failure. According to the pilot's autopsy report, the cause of death was blunt trauma. The manner of death was an accident. The autopsy identified moderate-to-severe multivessel coronary artery disease with two coronary artery stents present. There was an area of old heart muscle scarring and microscopic changes consistent with old heart attack. Amlodipine, metoprolol, and atorvastatin were detected in heart blood and urine, as well as clopidogrel in urine. The NTSB investigation is ongoing. 00:00 Accident video 01:04 Body camera 08:07 Friends, Witness 10:40 Crime scene 11:49 Witness 18:00 FAA interview 24:47 Video #2, investigatory material 36:52 Scene photos The title sequence misidentifies the aircraft as a Cherokee. It is a Comanche.

The Arrest of Kodak Black

syGYhPEEmH8 | 01 Sep 2022

The Arrest of Kodak Black

On January 1st 2022, at approximately 1:27 a.m., deputies with the Broward Sheriff's Office were dispatched to a ShotSpotter call. On arrival at the location, deputies made contact with Bill K. Kapri, better known as the rapper Kodak Black. It was known to the responding officers that Kapri had an active trespass warning from the House Authority of Pompano Beach Golden Acres development at 1050 NW 18th Dr, Pompano Beach... which happened to be exactly where he was located. Kapri was taken into one of the more starstruck, outspokenly-Cuban police officers you have likely seen in a long time. Unfortunately, the arrest messed up Kapri's evening plans, which had been to hang with Puff Daddy and Kanye West. Tough break — considering that one year prior, Donald Trump had commuted Kapri's federal prison sentence. About Kodak Black, largely courtesy of Wikipedia: Kodak Black gained initial recognition with his single "No Flockin", released in 2014. His debut album, Painting Pictures (2017), peaked at number three on the US Billboard 200 and included the Billboard Hot 100 top 10 single "Tunnel Vision". Black's second album, Dying to Live (2018), peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 and was supported by the single "Zeze" (featuring Travis Scott and Offset), which peaked at number two on the Hot 100. In 2019, Kodak Black was arrested for weapons possession and was ultimately sentenced to almost four years in federal prison for making a false statement on a federal document. Kodak's weapons sentence was commuted by Donald Trump on January 20, 2021 — just about one year prior to this arrest — as part of the same outgoing executive action that got Lil' Wayne a full presidential pardon. Lil' Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., had been federally charged and recently pleaded guilty to federal charges of possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon. The White House published an official statement regarding Kodak Black's commutation, which noted the support of rappers Gucci Mane, Lil Yachty, Lil Pump, and others. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 02:20 "Gonna 15 [arrest] him for 51 [trespassing]?" 04:12 Kodak Black gets arrested 07:14 Meet Deputy Jose Machado 09:16 "How much money you got?" 10:38 Taking off Kodak's bling 14:03 ...while the Lambo gets towed 16:33 Counting Kodak's money 23:23 Money falling out of things 25:08 Cops work with Kodak's security guard 35:53 Back to transport of Kodak 37:35 Officer Starstruck 38:28 Officer doesn't understand how music radio works 39:12 "My first arrest" 40:00 Officer asks for 5-star Yelp review 42:16 Celebrity jail check-in 42:37 Earlier...

Tinder Date Gone Wrong

PR0GM8-ObtE | 29 Aug 2022

Tinder Date Gone Wrong

On August 13, 2021, Deline was coming off of a 26 hour shift at Memorial Medical Center. Or was it a 25 hour shift? Maybe 24 hours? It would ultimately emerge that Deline was actually coming off of a trip to El Paso, where she had been bar hopping. (But she does work a lot.) After bar hopping in El Paso, Deline followed her GPS to her Tinder boyfriend's place... and ended up driving through multiple backyards before getting her car stuck between two houses. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:42 Arrival 05:26 That's not a road at all... 10:21 "We're definitely not on Tuesday" 13:15 I met him off of Tinder 14:19 Drunker than Cooter Brown 15:05 SFSTs 19:22 "No wonder you guys have nice grass" 25:38 Oh my god, that's crazy! 31:49 "I used to train to be a bodybuilder, a bikini competitor" 43:24 "You need to help without complaining" 49:46 "You are the Covid patient" 58:23 "She gets drunk with us all the time"

Ex-cop caught speeding 150 mph in 75 zone

HrafdNXOa5U | 27 Aug 2022

Ex-cop caught speeding 150 mph in 75 zone

On July 22, 2022, Arkansas State Police Trooper Korbyn Freeman stopped Steven Lowell Sale for Driving Extremely Fast. By the end of the traffic stop, Freeman issued citations to Sale for speeding (150 mph in a 75 mph zone), reckless driving, driving without insurance, and failure to register vehicle / expired tags. Sale, it would turn out, had been a cop. Notably, even after telling Sale that he did not believe that Sale was running from him, Freeman still maintained to two other officers that Sale had looked directly at him prior to gunning it down the interstate. Also notable, on or about September 8, 2021, Sale and a co-defendant were charged with having hunted migratory game birds over bait. Judgment on that charge appears to have been withheld. On August 27, 2008, Sale was arrested on southbound Interstate 530, near the #3 mile marker, for reckless driving. He then failed to appear in court and was adjudicated guilty on both the reckless driving and failure to appear charges, for which he respectively received probation and a $310 fine, and a $250 fine. Regarding Sale's current charges, his arraignment is scheduled for September 6, 2022. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Woman arrested at trap house with six-year-old

6FEGzlvd8Zk | 22 Aug 2022

Woman arrested at trap house with six-year-old

[Description pending] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @WhatYouHaventSeen

Leon County Sergeant Arrested for Drunk Driving

13SvZtvo4Ds | 17 Aug 2022

Leon County Sergeant Arrested for Drunk Driving

On October 18, 2020, Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Anthony Moschetto was dispatched to the intersection of Centerville Road and Buford Blvd in Tallahassee, Florida, to assist the Tallahassee Police Department with a traffic stop. According to Moschetto's sergeant - who related the message - the driver, later identified as Morgan Wysocki, was a sergeant with the Leon County Sheriff's Office and was possibly under the influence of alcohol. Moschetto arrived on scene at 11:50 p.m., and contacted TPD Officer Jonathan Scott. Scott reported that at 10:56 p.m., he had been operating his marked TPD vehicle, traveling south on Capital Circle at Centerville Rd, when he observed a red 2014 Jeep SUV, stopped on Capital Circle in the left turn lane to Centerville Rd. According to Scott, the vehicle was stopped for a steady red left arrow, and proceeded against the red arrow through the intersection, making a left turn onto Centerville Rd. Scott conducted a traffic stop. Events proceeded as shown in this video. According to TPD Sgt. Wagner, he made the decision to turn the investigation over to the Florida Highway Patrol to avoid any conflict of interest due to the close relationship between the Tallahassee Police Department and the Leon County Sheriff's Department. Sergeant Morgan Wysocki ultimately pleaded no contest to the charge of driving under the influence. He was adjudicated guilty and sentenced to twelve months of probation with the possibility of early termination, fifty hours community service (25 of which could be bought-out at $10 per hr); DUI School Level I; a six-month driver's license suspension; Victim Awareness Program; vehicle Impoundment/Immobilization for thirty (30) days; court costs and fines; and general conditions of probation. Wysocki had previously been arrested for DUI at the age of 20. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

My dad is a border patrol agent, and I'm under arrest

S1iLTmsqlE4 | 14 Aug 2022

My dad is a border patrol agent, and I'm under arrest

On October 29, 2021, at approximately 4:30 a.m., Las Cruces Police Officers Joshua Nanez and Catrina Ornelas were on patrol when the pair were dispatched downtown in reference to a single-vehicle accident. The reporting party stated that a four-door Nissan had struck a tree. And struck a tree it had; the Nissan exhibited what officers described as "extreme front end damage." According to the driver, Melissa Ventura, she had been on her way home after bar hopping in El Paso. At some point, she reached down for to find one of her high heel shoes that had come off, and when she looked back up, she was headed straight for a tree. Both of Ms. Ventura's breath alcohol test returned a result of .10% BAC. Ms. Ventura has entered a plea of not guilty to the crime of DWI Driving While Under the Influence of Liquor and/or Drugs (.08 or Above) (1st Offense). Her jury trial is currently scheduled for October 31, 2022. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Lazy Cop Arrests Polo G's Brother

RE3i4Clwyis | 12 Aug 2022

Lazy Cop Arrests Polo G's Brother

On June 12, 2021, officers with the Miami Police Department conducted a traffic stop on a black Cadillac after the vehicle cut off a police car. The driver of the vehicle refused to roll down the vehicle's windows, and the occupants of the vehicle subsequently refused orders by the police to exit the vehicle. One of those occupants, the rapper Polo G, was arrested. As were his brother, sister, driver, security guard, and various members of his entourage. Polo G's brother is Taurean Bartlett, better known as the rapper "Trench Baby" (mistakenly referred to in this video by a correctional officer as "Trans Baby"). In this somewhat comical video, watch as Trench Baby gets arrested by Miami's self-described "lazy cop," as officers discuss sneaker culture, whether Yeezys look good, Trench Baby's Rolex... and how to get out of window tint tickets by presenting false evidence to the court. 00:00 Highlights 04:12 Entering JAC 06:27 Traffic stop 10:41 Transport 12:14 Juvenile Assessment Center 17:14 "Trench baby" 23:06 Are those $400 shoes? 31:52 How it all started 38:05 Petty tickets 39:05 Hello Brady List ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

27 Year Old Caught With 26 Pounds of Cocaine

1dj2U3qKf3o | 05 Aug 2022

27 Year Old Caught With 26 Pounds of Cocaine

Description in pinned comment. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Traffic stop 02:20 “I’m stopping you for your side window tint” 04:22 “Let me check your information”… and get a dog on scene 06:14 Any reason a canine would alert to your vehicle? 07:40 Detained 08:29 Statements in Spanish 08:52 Search 10:25 We need to put the vehicle up on a lift 13:34 To the shop 17:04 Getting a break

Rapper 'DaBaby' Interrogated by Miami Beach Detectives

6syJ6lbQetY | 27 Jul 2022

Rapper 'DaBaby' Interrogated by Miami Beach Detectives

On May 31, 2021, superstar rapper Jonathan "DaBaby" Kirk and his entourage were involved in an altercation in front of the Miami Beach restaurant Prime 112. Real World Police recently published a police interview of DaBaby's bodyguard in relation to the incident. Today, in this Real World Police exclusive, the narrative takes unexpected twists and turns as DaBaby first demands (and receives!) a custom Miranda waiver, after which he relates his version of the events, revealing that he himself fired shots. Below is a lightly edited version of the arrest report that was ultimately filed for Wisdom Akornuche Awute. Wisdom is (a) an artist on DaBaby's label, and (b) the person who was ultimately charged with attempted murder in relation to the Prime 112 shooting. The stories, to say the least, are not the same. At all. On May 31, 2021, at approximately 2337 hours, Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) Officer Guzman advised MBPD dispatch of shots fired on the 100 block of Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, Florida. When police arrived on scene, they found Emerson Delgado, shot in his right calf. Delgado was quickly transported to a nearby hospital for emergency care. On scene, officers contacted Carlos Aviles, who related as follows: [The arrest report identifies Aviles and Delgado as victims.] Mr. Delgado and Mr. Aviles had been attempting to enter their vehicle, which was parked in front of Prime 112. A verbal altercation ensued between Aviles, Delgado, and a group of males, who Aviles identified as the entourage of rapper DaBaby. Aviles stated that the argument escalated to the point where Delgado was struck on his face by one of DaBaby's entourage members. Delgado stumbled and attempted to run from his attacker. Aviles identified a male that began chasing after him northbound on Ocean Drive as a rapper by the name of "Wisdom." Aviles stated that Awute extended his arm and pointed a firearm directly at him, which made him fear for his life, thinking he was going to be shot. Awute then redirected his aim toward Delgado and discharged his firearm, striking Delgado in his right calf. [Surveillance footage of the shooting, as well as surveillance footage from Prime 112, were both recently published on Real World Police.] Delgado and Aviles started running towards Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Park, where they lost sight of Awute. At MDPD Criminal Investigations Division, Detective Alberto Porro interviewed Aviles and Delgado. Aviles was able to positively identify Wisdom Awute via photograph, reiterating that he knew who Awute was because he is a famous rapper. Detectives determined that Awute was staying at the JW Marriott Marquis Miami. They located Awute at the hotel, where he was arrested. Wisdom Awute refused to provide a statement to detectives. Of course, the above narrative makes no mention of the apparent reality that a member of DaBaby's entourage ("Mr. Williams") was also shot — and apparently paralyzed — nor the claim that the group of males, who are alleged to have started shooting first, also stole one of the vehicles belonging to the entourage and fled the scene in that vehicle. Miami Beach Police Department did not respond to an interview request in time for this publication. This description will be updated when we have more information to report. DaBaby was held in the pictured interview room for nearly twelve hours. He has not been charged with any crime in relation the Prime 112 incident. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Intro / highlights 01:57 Crime scene investigator photos, GSR test 06:26 Detectives show up 09:08 DaBaby agrees to talk, but only with a different Miranda waiver 13:08 "The rapper treatment" 15:49 DaBaby likes spicy chips 16:43 Modified Miranda waiver comes through 19:34 "I'm just gonna give you the rundown" 27:33 DaBaby explains when he opened fire, and why

Crazy drunk, or just crazy?

tlhowxxTOLA | 24 Jul 2022

Crazy drunk, or just crazy?

Meet Bianca. What’s your best guess as to her blood alcohol level? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

19 Year Old Arrested for Aggravated DWI

MApyeM9kjCo | 21 Jul 2022

19 Year Old Arrested for Aggravated DWI

Las Cruces, New Mexico ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Brittany Zamora's Lookout: Forensic Interview of Victim B

yEmPHLWxuiI | 21 Jul 2022

Brittany Zamora's Lookout: Forensic Interview of Victim B

Goodyear, AZ — On March 22, 2018 Brittany Ann Zamora was arrested by officers of the Goodyear Police Department. A sixth-grade teacher at the time of her arrest, Zamora is now a resident at the Arizona Department of Corrections Perryville Complex, where she lives in Santa Cruz Unit I. Zamora is serving a twenty-year sentence for one count sexual conduct with a minor, one count attempted molestation of a child, and one count public sexual indecency. The first two charges relate to "Victim A" — whose forensic interview you have already seen. The third, however, relates to "Victim B" — Victim A's best friend, and the student Zamora recruited to serve as a lookout while she and Victim A had sex. This is the forensic interview of Victim B. Zamora is scheduled to be released on March 16, 2038. There is no possibility of parole. A copy of Brittany Zamora's plea agreement is attached to this post and is also available at 00:00 Settling in 07:47 Truth vs. lie 10:04 "Tell me what happened" 13:41 "It starts with a "v"' 19:20 "They told me to cover the door" 22:29 "It was very uncomfortable" 26:24 Creating a signal in case someone's coming 33:32 "Like, every day" 39:58 Has Ms. Zamora done something like this to someone else? 49:30 Break 53:27 Back (Sorry, you'll have to turn up your volume) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Music additions from YouTube's audio library were used in a number of places to redact audio. The tracks used require attribution: Ambiment - The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod and The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie are both licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license

Police Arrest Drug Dealer in Motel Parking Lot

cDio49v3f-g | 15 Jul 2022

Police Arrest Drug Dealer in Motel Parking Lot

On the afternoon of May 5, 2020, members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office’s (OCSO) Tactical Anti-Crime (TAC) Unit were conducting proactive patrol in the area of the Quality Inn and Suites located at 626 Lee Road, Orlando, Florida. The TAC decided to patrol this area because it has been previously identified as a high-crime area. Deputies Bryant and Krieger, and Corporal Stephens, were each involved in the arrest. Deputy Bryant drove by a suspicious vehicle that was backed into a parking spot in the lot of the Quality Inn and Suites. Deputy Bryant was able to see the driver through the windshield, but he was unable to see the driver through the side windows. This led Deputy Bryant to believe that the windows were tinted darker than allowed by Florida law. Deputy Bryant called out his observations over the radio to his colleague, Deputy Krieger who was in a marked vehicle. Deputy Krieger approached the vehicle in a marked OCSO sports utility vehicle. Deputy Krieger noticed that the window tint on the vehicle appeared to be “extremely dark.” Deputy Krieger parked his vehicle in front of the suspicious vehicle, drew his firearm, and ordered the driver to show his hands. Deputy Krieger was dressed in his OCSO K-9 uniform that contained the word “SHERIFF” in bold white lettering on the front and back. The driver of the vehicle, later determined to be Isaiah Smalls, drove his vehicle toward Deputy Krieger’s vehicle. Corporal Stephens arrived on scene, in an unmarked vehicle, during the interaction. Smalls reversed his vehicle and struck the building behind him. Corporal Stephens used his vehicle to tactically park Smalls' vehicle in an effort to prevent Smalls from using the vehicle as either a means of egress or as a weapon. Deputy Bryant drove his unmarked vehicle to the stop. Smalls exited his vehicle and fled on foot, after being parked by Corporal Stephens. All three deputies pursued Smalls and detained him after a short foot pursuit. Deputy Bryant and Corporal Stephens returned to were able to see multiple plastic bags containing a white powdery substance in plain view inside of Smalls' vehicle. The deputies were able to see these items because the front passenger window of Smalls' vehicle was down. Smalls' vehicle was subsequently searched. Deputies recovered over 100 grams of cocaine, over 45 grams of fentanyl, and more than $18,000 cash. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Rapper DaBaby's Bodyguard Questioned in Miami Shooting; New CCTV & Bodycam

6t5bVhhAk4s | 14 Jul 2022

Rapper DaBaby's Bodyguard Questioned in Miami Shooting; New CCTV & Bodycam

Wisdom Akornuche Awute is currently facing charges of first degree attempted murder and aggravated assault with a firearm. He is out on $50,000 bail with a trial hearing scheduled for August 29, 2022. 00:00 Shooting CCTV 02:30 Prime 112 restaurant CCTV 07:02 Prime 112 restaurant CCTV #2 16:34 Bodycam Note: the first CCTV clip shown in this video has been published elsewhere prior. It is included here for completeness. The footage from Prime 112, the BWC footage, and the interview have never been shown publicly. If you have firsthand knowledge or verifiable evidence of the relationship between Wisdom Awute and Michael Awute email tips at the name of this channel with no spaces dot com. I am specifically interested in whether they are siblings. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Oregon Trooper Pulls Over The Wrong Lamborghini Owner | The Other Side

yYZrhePIr9Q | 13 Jul 2022

Oregon Trooper Pulls Over The Wrong Lamborghini Owner | The Other Side

Investigating this story revealed the existence of another, much more significant story, in Oregon. It's the story of how a legislative accident made dash camera footage secret. Most Oregon State Police (OSP) patrol vehicles are equipped with dash cameras. Paired with wireless microphones, dash cameras create a contemporaneous objective recording of law enforcement encounters, providing footage that supports investigations, prosecutions, training, and accountability while encouraging lawful and respectful interactions between the public and the police. Dash camera recordings are public records in Oregon and they are not exempt from disclosure. An otherwise-mundane change in OSP’s recording technology has turned that transparency on its head. In 2015, the Oregon legislature voted to create a conditional public records exemption for police body-worn camera footage. The change came about through HB 2571 (2015), thanks to which ORS 192.345(40) conditionally exempts: "Audio or video recordings, whether digital or analog, resulting from a law enforcement officer’s operation of a video camera worn upon the officer’s person that records the officer’s interactions with members of the public while the officer is on duty." The exemption's language is convoluted, but its target is clear: police body-worn camera recordings. No one was trying to restrict access to police dash camera videos. Unfortunately, they did. Technology changes that were unanticipated in 2015 have put a lid on the meaningful disclosure of state police dash camera footage, and this is happening right now. Oregon State Police recently finished rolling out body cameras to all of their troopers. Prior to the rollout, any given trooper's dash camera audio came from a wireless microphone carried by the trooper. Now that troopers have body cameras with built-in microphones, the original wireless microphones are redundant. OSP's new body cameras use the body camera audio feed for both the body camera video and the dash camera video. Two separate video feeds. One body camera audio feed. See the problem? Because the dash camera audio comes from the body camera microphone, the dash camera audio falls under the body camera audio exemption. It is an “audio… recording… resulting from a law enforcement officer’s operation of a video camera worn upon the officer’s person…” The consequence of that linguistic accident is a dramatic curtailment of public access to police dash camera recordings, which for any given trooper will only be released without sound—from the moment they start using their new body camera. This is not theoretical. OSP has already denied requests for dash camera videos with sound. Because the trooper has a body camera. Which is as absurd as it sounds. The public today demands transparency in policing, and this unexpected restriction on access to public records has the potential to further erode the public’s trust. I have watched video (with audio...) of the public hearings and work sessions associated with HB 2571. No one saw this coming, and no one asked for it. This is the result of a mistake. It needs to be fixed. 00:00 Intro and backstory 01:30 The traffic stop 02:48 "No plate" 06:28 Call from Patrick Fuller, request for reconsideration 11:57 Rummer was made a Verbal Judo instructor 14:25 The traffic stop continues 16:20 "I have another call" 18:22 The BLOGGER 25:35 "You're speaking to a BLOGGER" 27:08 "I know all the laws" 30:23 Where are your complaint forms? Thanks to @Stig's Persian Cousin, for being a champ. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

The Shortest Arkansas State Police Pursuit

y2vcxFpSraM | 12 Jul 2022

The Shortest Arkansas State Police Pursuit

From the report of Trooper Joshua Porter, lightly edited for clarity: On February 24, 2021, at approximately 11:39 p.m., I was traveling through a Shell Gas Station when I observed a license plate that was bent upward on a white Chevrolet Cruze. I ran the Arkansas license plate, 401ZDC, and the tag returned stolen out of the Fort Smith Police Department. I turned around and initiated my emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle. The driver, Zackery Wilson, was in the vehicle. The passenger, Garret Cardwell, was sitting down in the passenger seat as l approached the vehicle. Wilson ignored my lights and began to back out of the parking space. I initiated my siren and the vehicle continued to travel out of the Shell Gas Station. The vehicle then traveled onto Rogers Avenue and then turned onto Cliff Drive. The vehicle continued to not stop for my lights and siren. I told Troop H dispatch that I was in pursuit of the vehicle. I then traveled beside the vehicle to perform a PIT maneuver to the left rear side of the suspect vehicle to end the pursuit. The PIT ended with the vehicle in the grass against a barbed wire fence. I then observed a large cup being thrown out of the passenger side window. I waited for additional units before ordering the suspects out of the vehicle. When a Fort Smith Police Officer arrived on scene, I ordered one suspect at a time, to come out of the driver's side window. Both suspects were placed in handcuffs without incident. I went to see what was thrown out of the vehicle and found a large cup. Inside the cup, I found two baggies of a crystal-like substance weighing approximately 1.7 ouncez and a baggie of marijuana weighing approximately 3 grams. A used marijuana pipe and a scale with marijuana residue on it were found in the vehicle. Both suspects stated they didn't know anything about the illegal substances that were found. Wilson was driving on a suspended license, there was no insurance on the vehicle, and the vehicle had expired tags of 7/2020. Wilson had three active warrants for his arrest; Cardwell had two active warrants for his arrest. There was no damage to the barbed wire fence. The crystal-like substances and the marijuana were sent to the Arkansas State Crime Lab for further testing. The pipe and scale are being held at Troop H Headquarters in evidence. 00:00 Stolen license plate 01:47 Pursuit reported 01:52 PIT maneuver 05:38 Climb out the window 07:14 Passenger out the window 35:02 Might not want to miss this part ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

You can't dump beer on people at the park

L_pJEEinFHU | 10 Jul 2022

You can't dump beer on people at the park

From the report of Officer Matthew Dollar, lightly edited for clarity: On July 14, 2021, I responded to Young Park in reference to an assault. Central dispatch advised that a male individual poured a beer on another individual and then also tried to fight a second individual at the park after a verbal altercation. Officer Marvin Kelley made contact with the first individual, who I learned did not wished to pursue charges for the battery when the beer was poured on him. I learned that the suspect, later identified as Joel Arredondo, got into a verbal argument with a Jose Garcia, and I was advised by another individual at the park that the male we were looking for was sitting in an area that was just northeast of the parking lot. I made contact with this individual and identified him as Joel Arredondo. I learned that Mr. Arredondo was not from Las Cruces or New Mexico that he was passing through from Colorado. When I asked him about the incident that occurred, he denied knowledge of any altercation or incident with any person in the park. I then mentioned an incident where he poured beer on an individual and argued with someone else, and Mr. Arredondo referred to an individual that he got into an argument with who that was harassing the ducks with his dogs. At this time, a male approached me identified as Jose Garcia. He had two small dogs with him. Mr. Garcia asked if he could speak with me. Mr. Garcia was upset and stated that the male that I was speaking with, Joel Arredondo, had assaulted him. Mr. Garcia stated that he was at the park talking with the ducks that his dogs were with him when he was approached by the individual and was threatened. Mr. Garcia stated that Mr. Arredondo threatened him in Spanish, threatening him to fight him and calling him and his dogs names while threatening to harm his dogs. Mr. Garcia stated that Mr. Arredondo closed distance on him with his hands raised and in an aggressive fighting stance and that he felt threatened. Mr. Garcia stated that he wished to pursue charges for the assault. I obtained his information and advised him he was free to go. I then questioned Mr. Joel Arredondo again about the incident who stated that he was also threatened by Mr. Garcia that he was just defending himself. I advised Mr. Arredondo that a summons would be issued in reference to the assault. I advised Mr. Arredondo that it would probably be in his best interest if he left the park at which point, he did so. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Rapper "Polo G" Arrested in Miami

SFaYcTdw5ok | 07 Jul 2022

Rapper "Polo G" Arrested in Miami

Taurus Tremani Bartlett, better known as the rapper "Polo G," rose to prominence with his singles "Finer Things" and "Pop Out." But on June 12, 2021, while leaving an album release party, the rapper ultimately found himself arrested and in the back of a police car, where — suffice it to say — he very much did not want to be. Mr. Barlett is alleged to have spent much of his backseat time kicking at the car doors and window bars, to the point that he broke the electronic mechanism for raising and lowering one of the windows. But his time in the cage wasn't solely spent venting against inanimate objects. He also vented at Miami Dade Police Officer Herrera... who decided to join in. ~~~ 00:00 Arrested eleven of Polo G's entrourage 00:46 Polo G vs. Officer Herrera 06:42 Polo G complains of an injury, not realizing it means an even longer wait 09:59 RWP's Latest Single (feat. Polo G) 11:05 Don't forget your duty belt 17:00 We got Polo G ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

"Don’t do that, bro!"

bGfX4CNr600 | 04 Jul 2022

"Don’t do that, bro!"

Cincinnati, Ohio

132 MPH Pursuit of 19 Year Old Driving Dodge Charger R/T

wZCcA_W5AG0 | 29 Jun 2022

132 MPH Pursuit of 19 Year Old Driving Dodge Charger R/T

From the report of Trooper Brandon Bird, lightly edited for clarity: On Friday, April 9, 2021, at approximately 3:50 pm, as I was traveling southbound on State Highway 7, I observed a white Dodge Charger traveling northbound at a high rate of speed near Tucker Road north of Ola. I checked the speed of the vehicle with my radar and confirmed it to be traveling at 85 miles per hour in a posted 55 mile per hour zone. I turned around to initiate a traffic stop, but the driver of the vehicle increased speed in an attempt to elude. I initiated lights and siren, and advised dispatch that I was in pursuit of the white Dodge Charger. As we traveled northbound on State Highway 7 at speeds well over 100 miles per hour, I observed the suspect driving recklessly, passing other vehicles on the shoulder and in no-passing zones, and nearly striking other motorists. At approximately 3:54 pm, I advised dispatch to notify Dardanelle Police Department to see if they could assist in the apprehension of the suspect. At approximately 3:57 pm, as we entered Dardanelle, I was able to relay the vehicle's license plate number to dispatch. At this time I observed the suspect throw a beer can out of the passenger side window. As we approached the intersection of State Highway 7 and Old Highway 7, Dardanelle Police Department had the intersection shut down for me to safely continue pursuing the suspect. As we continued traveling northbound into Dardanelle, Trooper Steven Payton joined in the pursuit. We continued to pursue north on State Highway 7, passing Highway 27 due to Dardanelle Police Department blocking the intersection. We then turned right onto Union Street (State Highway 7), and I couldn't see any other traffic control at intersections. At this time, Trooper Payton and I decided to slow down and safely get through traffic. [Trooper Bird apparently forgot to mention that he was ordered to terminate the pursuit.] Once we were on the Arkansas River Bridge, leaving Dardanelle and entering into Pope County, I increased my speeds in an attempt to keep eyes on the suspect. Immediately after entering into Pope County, I observed the suspect turn right onto State Highway 247 northbound. State Highway 247 is a five-lane highway and typically doesn't have much traffic. Upon turning onto State Highway 247, and after communicating with my supervisor, I made the decision to catch back up to the suspect in an attempt to end the pursuit. As we were traveling northbound on State Highway 247, the suspect attempted to make a right turn onto West Tucker Road and lost control of his vehicle, overshooting West Tucker Road and striking the ditch. The suspect regained control and made a series of maneuvers to exit the ditch and turn onto West Tucker Road. We traveled a short distance down West Tucker Road before the road came to a T-intersection with Pond View Drive. The suspect made a right turn onto Pond View Drive and noticed a "Dead End Road" sign, The suspect rounded the corner where two children were playing on scooters on the edge of the roadway. The suspect showed no regard to the children as I blew my horn and motioned frantically for the kids to move away from the roadway. At approximately 4:02pm, once we reached the end of Pond View Drive, the suspect pulled into a driveway on Pond View Drive and exited the vehicle with his hands in the air. I ordered the suspect to the ground where he was handcuffed and placed into the back seat of my unit. The suspect and sole occupant of the vehicle was identified as Corbin Fischer. Upon searching the vehicle, located an opened box of beer. I gave the suspect a portable breath test (PBT), which registered .02%. Fischer was transported to the Yell County Detention Center where he refused to provide a urine sample. He was booked into the facility on suspicion of: Fleeing-Felony Reckless Driving-2nd Careless/Prohibited Driving Possession of Alcohol by Minor Underage DUI-2nd Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test Endangering Welfare of Minor Open Container Drinking in Public or Drinking on Highway Driving DWI Suspended License Fischer was ultimately charged with the following misdemeanors and violations: Fleeing Reckless driving-1st Endangering welfare of a minor Open container Driving DWI suspended license Underage DUI Refusal to submit to a chemical test Careless/prohibited driving Purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Public intoxication Fischer entered a negotiated plea of guilty to underage DUI and misdemeanor fleeing. The other charges were nolle prossed. He was sentenced to three months in county jail for for the DUI and 30 days for fleeing, with both sentences suspended subject to conditions of probation. Fischer's driver's license was suspended for one year, and he had to pay fines and fees totaling ~$1,360 plus $50 month for probation. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Denied Boarding, Woman Loses It

I0W_G8VoCHo | 27 Jun 2022

Denied Boarding, Woman Loses It

Meet Police Officer Veteran Sheriff’s Deputy Attorney Victoria Ramirez. From the report of Orlando Police Officer Jeriel Gomes, lightly edited for clarity: On September 19, 2021, at 11:36 p.m.,, I, along with Officer Sisk, responded to Gate 28 (Spirit Airlines) in reference a disturbance. While en route to the call, Orlando Communication Center advised the subject, a Hispanic female, had struck one of the gate agents. Upon our arrival at Gate 28, I met with Spirit Airlines gate agent Yashira Bruno Garcia and Victoria Ramirez. Garcia immediately pointed a Ramirezand stated that Ramirez-Osorio had struck her and she wanted to press charges. Rarnirez immediately became belligerent and combative. She also told us she was pregnant, and she was in the Army, that she was the police, the sheriff, that she knew her rights, etc. We escorted Ramirez out of the jet bridge to gate 23. Officer Richardson assisted me while Officer Sisk returned to the gate to take Garcia's written statement. In her sworn statement, Garcia stated she was at Gate 28 boarding flight 1049 when passenger Ramirez approached her. Ramirez asked Garcia for a different seat. Garcia stated Ramirez appeared to be intoxicated and smelled of alcohol. Garcia changed Ramirez's seat and told her she had to board last. Rarnirez's attitude changed and she proceeded to call Garcia names, using profanity. Garcia cautioned Ramirez about her behavior, and Ramirez was subsequently denied boarding on the flight, at which point Ramirez ran through the gate door and pushed Garcia into the jet bridge wall as Garcia attempted to follow her. Garcia informed the flight crew of what had transpired. The flight crew closed the aircraft door before Ramirez could board the flight. While Garcia was still in the jet bridge, Ramirez struck Garcia and another passenger in the head. They were not injured and refused medical attention. Officer Sisk also took a sworn written statement from a passenger who stated she saw Ramirez "talking crazy and hit gate agent Garcia." While I was at gate 23 with Ramirez, she placed her hands on her tummy and began to scream, "My baby, my baby!" Ramirez then proceeded to remove her pants and then her shoes. Medical personal (ARFF) was summoned to gate 23. Sgt. Sammy Stites also responded. Ramirez was being disorderly, screaming and shouting at the top of her lungs. Repeated attempts to deescalate and defuse the situation were made. Ramirez refused to answer questions and continued to be belligerent and combative. ARFF personnel arrived on scene, but Ramirez refused to talk to them. Ramirez's behavior became even more erratic. She threw one of her cell phones toward Officer Richardson, missing him by inches. Ramirez then threw her second cell phone toward Sgt. Stites, glancingly hitting him. Ramirez continued her rampage, picking up her purse and throwing it at me. I quickly moved to my left to avoid being struck by the purse. ~~~ Victoria Ramirez was charged with battery and disorderly intoxication, respectively first and second degree misdemeanors. After a recent hearing regarding competency, followed by a canceled change of plea hearing, it appears that Ramirez has decided to take her case to trial — which as of now is set for July 18, 2022. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Police Respond to Bizarre Robbery at La Quinta Inn

n14aAs_VZG0 | 26 Jun 2022

Police Respond to Bizarre Robbery at La Quinta Inn

From the narrative of Officer Daniel Benoit, lightly edited for clarity: On March 6, 2021, at approximately 1233 hours, while on uniform patrol for the Las Cruces Police Department, I was dispatched to 790 Avenida de Mesilla at the La Quinta in reference to a possible robbery. Dispatch was advising that they were approached by a customer and that a a male pulled out a gun and tried to rob him. They advised that the customer in the lobby was wearing a jacket, black pants, and a black hat. The male left the scene running to the next building on the east side of the property. As I was arriving on scene, I came in contact with the reporting party, Rick Boy, and another subject. I was attempting to get information as to whether the possible suspect and victim had left. As I was speaking to Mr. Boy in the front parking lot near the front doorway, a male subject ran out of the annex building which was just to the east and ran toward the north end of the property and turned running eastbound. That is when Mr. Boy informed me that was the male subject we were looking for. At first, it was unclear as to whether the identified party was the victim or the suspect. I provided that information to other units who were arriving on scene. There were able to detain several male subjects who matched the description of a blue jean jacket, black pants, and a black hat, possibly a Hispanic male a last seen heading east from the north end of the annex building. Later, it was determined that it was possibly the victim of the incident who initially came over to Mr. Boy, advising that he had been robbed. After speaking to several employees, we went over and cleared two rooms in the annex building, one of which officer Brian Klimeck (L797) had contact with a male subject who later was found to have some warrants and possible narcotics on him. See officer Brian Klimeck’s (L797) report for further information. There were also several electronic items such as phones and other things in that room itself. From there, I went over to get more information from the employees who were on scene. They advised that there were two males, one wearing a black shirt with black shorts and the other male wearing a jean jacket and a black hat with the black pants. They stated that they had seen them walking and that they were on the west corridor inside near the Norther portion of that corridor checking rooms. They advised that they had seen those two males walking and asked if they needed help. They stated that the male in the Black was his brother and they were just having a slight disagreement. He advised that the males had walked upstairs and that is when they heard possible running and one male ran down and came back toward the employees and stated that he had been robbed by the other male subject but they did not see where the other male subject had gone or if he had come downstairs and left. The victim stated that the male pulled out a firearm and robbed him and took his money. He advised that he did not see the suspect after that occurred and stated that he went over to make contact with the front desk so they could contact law enforcement. Shortly thereafter, the victim had left the scene. They advised that while I was there gathering information, the girlfriend of the male subject where the parties possibly came from had a ride. The room was in her name: Valerie Valles. I gathered Ms. Valles’ information and asked her what had occurred. When I ran her information, dispatch advised she had warrants for her arrest. Ms. Valles was arrested and transported, first to Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority to pick up the warrants, then to the detention center. No other details. No other information. Mysteries of the La Quinta Inn. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

UFC Fighter Nina Nunes Hit With $527 School Zone Speeding Ticket

-Rzp8d4gvPQ | 25 Jun 2022

UFC Fighter Nina Nunes Hit With $527 School Zone Speeding Ticket

And nothing else happens. Nina Nunes is currently the #7 ranked female in the UFC's strawweight division. Strawweight covers competitors weighing between 106 and 115 pounds. Nina's wife, Amanda, is both (a) widely regarded as the greatest female mixed martial artist of all time, and (b) briefly visible in the passenger seat. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Rappers Iggy Azalea & Playboi Carti Report $1 Million Jewelry Theft (Part II)

5EK-bjHur7g | 22 Jun 2022

Rappers Iggy Azalea & Playboi Carti Report $1 Million Jewelry Theft (Part II)

A number of people on Twitter recently reminded me that part two of this story was still outstanding and expressed interest in seeing it. Can oblige. Note that Playboi Carti and Iggy Azalea no longer live at this residence, nor are they together. On November 22, 2019, TMZ reported: "Iggy Azalea and Playboi Carti's rental home was burglarized in Atlanta ... and the couple told cops a massive amount of jewelry was stolen!!!" The value of the stolen jewelry was reported to be $366,000. The Atlanta-Journal Constitution picked up the story on November 23, with AJC crime reporter Zachary Hansen making the story his own by adding a few more details from the police report. AJC's coverage got the ball rolling on mainstream media attention, and by the end of the day, the Associated Press had picked up the story. Crediting AJC, AP distributed a prepackaged overview of the $366,000 heist to their news wire service clients. Overnight, the story was everywhere. CNN. Billboard. Fader. Reuters. ABC. Every one of those stories was wrong. In reality, the amount in question was far more than $366,000. The true figure was in the neighborhood of $1 million. It was enough that Playboi Carti needed two different insurance policies to cover it all. So where did the $366,000 figure come from? It only accounted for Iggy Azalea's jewelry. This video rounds out part one of our coverage of this story, to include surveillance footage of the burglar in action. From the report of Atlanta Police Officer Michael Solomon, lightly edited for clarity and to protect victim privacy: On November 17, 2019 at 1456 hours, I was dispatched to a residential burglary. Upon my arrival, I came into contact with the victim, Ms. Amethyst Kelly [rapper "Iggy Azalea"], who advised that their rental house had been burglarized two nights prior, and that jewelry had been stolen from their dining room. Ms. Kelly advised that earlier in the day, she and her boyfriend discovered that his jewelry was missing, along with a blue Goyard bag where she and her boyfriend would keep those possessions. Ms. Kelly advised that she had been in the basement and had heard footsteps on the second floor, which she had attributed to her boyfriend, Mr. Jordan Carter [rapper "Playboi Carti"]. Ms. Kelly advised that it had been raining the night of the burglary, and that the back door to their house had not been locked in order for her boyfriend to have access. Ms. Kelly advised that they have video surveillance footage of the suspect. Mr. Carter advised that he believed the suspect had been armed, and that he had been wearing a dark mask and gloves. Ms. Kelly advised that she would downloaded the video footage to a flash drive for the investigators. And she did. Want to see it? It's at 1:41. Wondering why we didn't follow the officers into the house? The Georgia Open Records Act places restrictions on access to “audio and video recordings from devices used by law enforcement officers in a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy when there is no pending investigation,” § 50-18-72(a)(26.2). Wondering what happened to our original coverage of this story? Same here. Mysteries of YouTube. 00:00 Recap 01:41 Surveillance footage 08:10 Carti needed two insurance policies to cover his jewelry 09:19 Iggy's suspect 13:43 Sergeant arrives /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Motorcyclist Evades State Police at 150+ MPH, Still Gets Charged

gqoUHUWQ3HA | 22 Jun 2022

Motorcyclist Evades State Police at 150+ MPH, Still Gets Charged

From the report of Trooper Desmond Benton, lightly edited for clarity: On 07/19/21, at approximately 9:29 PM, I was working stationary radar on the I-49 South 69 on ramp watching southbound traffic, when I saw a motorcycle moving at a high rate of speed on I-49 passing the on-ramp and weaving in and out of traffic. I proceeded to catch up to the motorcycle. The motorcycle was still traveling at a high rate of speed at the 67 mile marker when I noticed that traffic was starting to pick up. I decided to activate my blue lights and siren, and caught up to the motorcycle at the 65 mile marker. We were traveling approximately 109 mph as the motorcycle fled southbound, passing the Wedington Drive overpass at more than 150 mph. I caught back up to the motorcycle around the M.L.K. Blvd area on I-49. The motorcycle continued to flee southbound on I-49. The motorcycle exited the interstate on exit 61 passing on the shoulder. The motorcycle fled eastbound on US 71. I was able to catch back up to the motorcycle as we approached the US 71 and School Street intersection. It was then that I was able to see a possible tag on the bike: Arkansas 494-AO or 494-AD. I could see that the rider had a black helmet with some silver color in it, black jacket, black pants, white tennis shoes, and a black backpack with a silver design going across it. I thought the rider was going to pull over, but he fled northbound on School Street. The motorcycle ran the red light at the intersection of School Street and 15th Street, then turned eastbound onto 7th Street. The motorcycle failed to stop at the stop signs on 7th and Locust Avenue and 7th and College Avenue. After running the stop signs, the motorcycle turned northbound on Willow Avenue, running the stop sign at Willow Avenue and MLK before fleeing westbound on MLK Blvd. The motorcycle ran the stop sign at MLK Blvd and College before fleeing northbound on College. I could see the motorcycle as it ran the stop sign at College and School, continuing northbound on College. I advised dispatch that I was going to discontinue the pursuit. I knew that traffic might be a little heavy on College Avenue and I didn’t want to pursue at these speeds in that area. I went to the registered owner’s residence: William Wright in Fayetteville. I made contact with Mr. Wright’s wife, who advised that her husband was at work in Tontitown. Mrs. Wright tried to call and text her husband, but she was unable to reach him. I gave her the phone number for headquarters and asked that her husband call me. Mr. Wright contacted me and advised that he had sold the bike on three days prior, to a Reginald Seabron. Mr. Wright asked me to meet with him at his office in Tontitown, where he offered to give me a copy of the bill of sale. I met with Mr. Wright, and he provided me a copy of the bill of sale bearing Reginald’s name, driver’s license number, address, email address, and signature. The following day, I went to Mr. Seabron's address, however Mr. Seabron was not there. I spoke with a lady by the name of Tracy Davis, who advised that Mr. Seabron was staying in a motel in Fayetteville. Ms. Davis advised that they were keeping Mr. Seabron’s son. I asked Ms. Davis if Mr. Seabron had a motorcycle. Ms. Davis stated yes. Ms. Davis stated that Mr. Seabron came to his son’s ball practice in Springdale showing off his new motorcycle. Ms. Davis stated that it was around 8:20 pm the night prior. I told her about the pursuit. She just started shaking her head. I advised her to tell Mr. Seabron to get in touch with me so I could talk to him about the pursuit. Mr. Seabron has a warrant for his arrest out of Tonitown, and a suspended driver’s license. Will be sending this report to the prosecuting attorney’s office for review for warrants for Mr. Seabron arrest. Mr. Seabron will be charged wih felony fleeing, reckless driving, fail to stop at stop sign, and suspended driver license. [Regarding the sentence immediately above, it should be noted that despite law enforcement often making statements regarding charges, generally speaking, with the exception of minor traffic violations, the police do not have the authority to charge anyone with crimes. Prosecutors do, and they operate under a different standard of proof than the police. While the police arrest on the basis of probable cause, prosecutors are only supposed to file cases they believe can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That is one of the reasons why many arrests are not ultimately charged. That happens by design.] In this case, Seabron was charged with fleeing. He is separately facing trial for two counts of theft by receiving (possession of stolen credit card information), failure to appear, and possession of a controlled substance (less than two grams of meth). Seabron has pleaded not guilty. 00:00 Catching up to the bike 02:35 Pursuit is on!

Hillsborough County Detention Deputy Gets Himself Fired

mmwUKImP4BE | 14 Jun 2022

Hillsborough County Detention Deputy Gets Himself Fired

Dewayne "Eddie" Coker was a detention deputy with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. On October 8, 2018, Coker was sustained on administrative charges of: (1) Misdirected Action in an Official Investigation (2) Misuse of Communications Facilities (3) Improper Use of Official Position (4) Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Sheriff's Office "Misuse of public position" is considered a moral character violation in the State of Florida. Consequently, Coker's policy violations were forwarded to Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission, the body responsible for overseeing the certification and training of police and correctional officers in the state. On January 30, 2020, the CJSTC met for officer discipline hearings, and voted to revoke Coker's certification, meaning that he cannot simply move to a different law enforcement agency. In the course of investigating Coker's decertification, it became apparent that his wife's actions played a significant role in the events. And thus began my descent into the rabbit hole you are about to go down. It's quite the ride. Enjoy. This story has never been reported elsewhere. Various unprofessional emails are referenced during Mr. Coker's interview with internal affairs. Check them out for yourself on the Real World Police subreddit @ 00:00 Traffic stop 10:28 Meet Dr. Kathi Coker 13:16 Complaint against the Pasco deputy 16:23 Lies about being a cop 22:25 IA interview of PSO Captain Tate Sanborn 32:49 IA interview of PSO Deputy Durriel Aiken 43:00 IA interview of PSO Sergeant Andrew Denbo 50:42 IA interview of decertified detention deputy Dewayne Eddie Coker 01:05:13 Videos of Kathi Coker’s driving, IA interview continues 02:02:52 "Your wife slammed the door in his face" (Video break) 02:17:01 Investigating the alleged threats /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Hillbilly TV: Paul allegedly sets Tracey's daughter's bathing suit on fire

y21BWpHrtws | 10 Jun 2022

Hillbilly TV: Paul allegedly sets Tracey's daughter's bathing suit on fire

Welcome back to Buena Vista, Commonwealth of Virginia. Many of you had asked if you would get to meet Paul. The answer is yes. And not only will you meet Paul, but you'll even meet his spry grandmother, as she challenges Tracey to throw down in the street. Only in Appalachia: America’s Finest Backwoods. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Paul allegedly sets Tracey's daughter's bathing suit on fire 29:20 Paul's grandma challenges Tracey to throw down in the street

Policing Appalachia: America's Finest Backwoods

Bf2QJayLXLI | 06 Jun 2022

Policing Appalachia: America's Finest Backwoods

Today, we take a trip to Buena Vista, Commonwealth of Virginia, visiting the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Policing Appalachia: America's Finest Backwoods. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Protester Arrested for Impersonating a Federal Marshal

iJsbaPSUyoI | 27 May 2022

Protester Arrested for Impersonating a Federal Marshal

On May 31, 2020, at 7:25 p.m., John Wesley Mobley attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Orlando, Florida. According to an undercover officer with the Orlando Police Department, Mr. Mobley got out of his car to roust protestors who were blocking his way. He did so by displaying a U.S. Marshal badge and by asking them if they wanted to “get arrested” or “go to jail.” Just over an hour later, Mr. Mobley was spotted by the same undercover officer—wearing what appeared to be a firearm. The undercover officer, a sergeant, called for marked units to contact Mr. Mobley. She was “thinking that Mobley wanted to seek out revenge against the protestors.” The firearm was identical to a Glock; in reality it was a BB gun. In short order, Mr. Mobley was surrounded by uniformed Orlando Police officers, mainly on bicycles. What followed was captured on the body worn camera video shown here. By the end, it appears that Mr. Mosley has peed his pants. On February 19, 2009, John Wesley Mobley was investigated by the Orange County Sherriff's Office for an incident in which he used his gold Ford pick-up truck to block another vehicle. Mobley got out of his truck, stated he was an off duty police officer, and accused the other driver of driving recklessly. Mobley was wearing a black hat with the words "Deputy Sheriff" on it in gold letters. On February 26, 2009, Two Windermere Police Officers were conducting radar enforcement when a gold Ford pick-up truck sped past them. The officers pursued the truck, but discontinued following him after he observed a permanent tag on the back of the truck that stated, "Sheriff." Later, the same gold truck pulled up behind the officers on the side of the road and Mobley got out of his vehicle and approached the officers. Mobley was wearing a hat that said "Deputy Sheriff" on it in gold letters. Mobley claimed to be a deputy sheriff for about three years, said he was in the tactical anti-crime (TAC) unit, and gave them the name of a real deputy sheriff who Mobley falsely claimed to be. Mobley claimed to have been moved into the TAC unit due to his prior experience as an Army Ranger. After Mobley provided additional false details about his involvement in the TAC unit, one of the officers left to conduct a traffic stop. Mobley then pulled his truck around the officer and acted as though he was providing backup for the officer. On this same day, a corporal for the OCSO driving an unmarked vehicle observed Mobley driving in his truck wearing the same hat that said "Deputy Sheriff" on it and the "Sheriff" tag on the back of the truck. While the vehicles were stopped next to each other, the corporal asked Mobley where he worked and he replied "Sector 5 Narcotics," and Mobley claimed the truck was a sheriff vehicle. The corporal pulled Mobley over and Mobley drove away from him until he lost him. After additional investigation, Mobley was arrested on March 12, 2009, and his gold pick-up truck was searched. Inside the truck law enforcement found multiple shirts with the emblems of various sheriffs' offices, a black wallet with a metal insignia on it that said "State of Florida Law Enforcement," and the previously mentioned hat with "Deputy Sheriff" written in gold letters. As Mobley was being driven to the jail, he initiated conversation with the corporal and told him that he was previously arrested for breaking into an OCSO vehicle and stealing the red and blue lights inside. Mobley explained that he stole the Sheriff's tag from an unmarked car in College Park. The mother of an autistic child reported that on July 29, 2016, and August 3, 2016, Mobley came to her residence and told her that he was a Gainesville Police Officer. Mobley was walking with a German Shepard which he claimed was a police K-9. The autistic child was apparently riding his go-cart in the street and Mobley threatened to take him to jail because he was not paying attention. On August 6, 2016, Gainesville Police were called to a Publix in reference to a suspicious person carrying a gun. A witness saw Mobley pull back a rain coat and exposed a handgun holster on his hip. Two officers encountered Mobley inside of the Publix and he voluntarily gave up the gun on his hip. The gun was a black metal Airsoft pellet gun. Mobley was also wearing a police style belt, an expandable black baton, a set of Peerless handcuffs, a flashlight, a can of tear gas or pepper spray, and a black shirt bearing the word "Police." After checking Mobley's criminal history, Officer John O'Ferrell questioned Mobley in the back of his police car. That recording, with periods of silence truncated in the audio, follows the 2020 body cam video. On March 24, 2021, Mobley pleaded guilty to Impersonating a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison... and remanded to the custody of U.S. Marshals. https:/ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 The 2020 Arrest 06:45 The 2016 Arrest

"What do you mean you can't fight with the police?"

hY6nEpiozzo | 25 May 2022

"What do you mean you can't fight with the police?"

This video presents four arrestees out of Renton, Washington, from the archives, post-arrest and in conversation with the same officer. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ~~~ 00:00 Intro 00:56 You can't fight the police, even as a joke... 21:19 Are you responsible for any of the crimes you've been convicted of? 31:54 Communication with a minor for immoral purposes 34:10 The accusation (communication with a minor) 51:33 "If I were you, I would stay as far away from her as I could"

Las Cruces Police: Code Enforcement

DEuoTqjtbx0 | 24 May 2022

Las Cruces Police: Code Enforcement

On February 18, 2021, Officer Javier Ontiveros with the Las Cruces Police Department Code Enforcement Section was dispatched to 648 South Mesquite Street to evaluate a complaint of metal containers that had been emplaced on a lot in the city's historic district. This meeting between Officer Ontiveros and Derrick Pacheco, who owns the lot, sets the stage for a long and contentious saga regarding Pacheco's project, which he sees as beneficial to the community, the restrictive rules of the historic district where his lot is located... and the self-appointed enforcer of those rules, Mr. Ortega. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:22 We're building a community garden 08:35 Twenty feet that way, ten feet this way 11:14 Meet Mr. Ortega 17:02 Checking with the boss 22:52 "They're going to have to remove them" 25:24 Some bad news...

149 MPH Pursuit Ended With 102 MPH PIT

kot9-_Vznow | 22 May 2022

149 MPH Pursuit Ended With 102 MPH PIT

From the report of Arkanasas State Police Trooper John Parker: "I was traveling southbound on State Highway 7 near Ouachita 63. I saw a silver Nissan Maxima traveling at a high rate of speed. I locked the vehicle in at 93 mph in a 65 mph zone. I turned around at the nearest crossover and began traveling northbound. While traveling northbound, I noticed her about a mile ahead of me, and she was traveling 110 mph. I finally caught up to the vehicle just south of the State Highway 376 intersection. While behind her with my lights and siren on, we were traveling between 90 mph and 100 mph in the left lane. As we approached a vehicle in the left lane, she moved into the right lane to pass the vehicle. After passing this vehicle she moved back into the left lane just before reaching the State Highway 376 intersection. I advised Warren dispatch the driver was not stopping. The driver failed to yield and continued around the right hand curve just before the Coke plant and Lakewood drive. While negotiating the curve, she was mainly in the left lane, but drifted into the right lane a couple times through the curve. By the time we reached the Coke plant, it was evident that the driver was fleeing, traveling at 96 mph, and not going to stop. We were approximately half a mile from the Camden city limits. Due to the time of day and traffic volume I performed a PIT Maneuver. At the time of the PIT Maneuver, the vehicle was traveling at 102 mph. The vehicle began to rotate in a clockwise movement while traveling in a northwestern direction. The vehicle left the road and entered onto the northbound roadside where it struck two trees and overturned. I contacted Warren dispatch and advised them to contact EMS, fire, and rescue to extract her. Once they arrived, EMS transported the driver, Tracy Gray, to Ouachita County Medical Center for treatment." 00:00 Maxima speeding in the opposite direction 02:06 149 MPH 02:46 Caught up 04:02 PIT (not much to see after this point) 07:32 "Get off the horn!" (horn sounds attenuated for your sanity) 08:40 Not much to see after here 13:17 "Just relax" 13:54 "What happened?" 17:30 "Hey give me some facts for this" 21:17 Interesting conversation

Chevy Impala falls apart in 135 MPH pursuit

O1D6n_9mNl8 | 19 May 2022

Chevy Impala falls apart in 135 MPH pursuit

From the narrative of Trooper Quincy Harris, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: on the June 20, 2019, at approximately 12:00 p.m., Troop A Communications advised that Saline County was in pursuit of a vehicle on Interstate 30 eastbound, approaching Geyer Springs Road. Saline County advised the reason they were attempting to stop the vehicle was an outstanding felony warrant on the driver, Ricky Pennington. Furthermore, Bryant Police Department had been involved in a pursuit with the same vehicle earlier in the day. At 12:08 p.m., I observed a single unmarked patrol unit with lights activated in pursuit of the Impala. Trooper Roam and I entered Interstate 30 East from Geyer Springs Road and we became involved in the pursuit. At Approximately 12:09 p.m., I assumed the primary position and Trooper Roam assumed secondary. As the pursuit continued on I-30 East, we reached speeds of more than 100 mph, driving on both the left and right highway shoulders. While continuing to drive recklessly through heavy traffic conditions, at times I had to maneuver to the inside shoulder. [Apart from my addition of a comma, the last sentence is unaltered. Not sure that's what he meant to say... Anyway, continuing...] In an effort to not only keep up with the Impala, but to give drivers traveling ahead of the pursuit a warning that an emergency was taking place and they need to take precautions due to Pennington driving in such a manner as to indicate a wanton disregard for the safety of the public. The pursuit continued to reach speeds of more than 100 mph, as we took the Interstate-440 East entrance ramp from Interstate 30 East. While on the entrance ramp to I-440, it should be noted that Pennington struck a vehicle while attempting to pass on the left shoulder. Pennington continued to drive recklessly at speeds of over 100 mph, even with a flat tire that he gained due to the collision. Around the Fouche Dam Pike exit, Trooper Dotson took the secondary position in the pursuit due to Trooper Roam experiencing flat tires. I attempted to P.I.T. the vehicle several times, but the volume of traffic and Pennington's attempt to prevent the P.I.T. maneuver made my attempts unsuccessful. Pennington''s rear passenger-side tire eventually disintegrated, causing a large piece of metal to strike my windshield. Due to the shattering glass covering the upper half of my body including my face I pulled my vehicle to the left shoulder and advised dispatch I could no longer pursue the vehicle. At this time Trooper Dotson took the primary position in the pursuit. "After locating my safety glasses in my vehicle, I was eventually able to catch back up to the end of the pursuit where the vehicle lost control and wrecked out. Myself, Troopers, and assisting agencies placed both subjects in the vehicle in custody without incident. The Saline County Sheriff's Office took custody of both subjects and [Pennington] was charged accordingly. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

"I'm not f***ing going down!"

Uh9BqdqJnIs | 18 May 2022

"I'm not f***ing going down!"

Welcome back to Las Cruces, New Mexico. From the archives. 00:00 Intro 02:26 “It’s the police department” 06:43 “You can’t just pop out like that!” 08:46 “I’m not f***ing going down!” 27:25 Channeling Benzino

Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder: The Sister

B2cm1SYyD3Q | 17 May 2022

Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder: The Sister

STUART, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2022, at approximately 12:52 p.m., the Stuart Police Department received a 911 call from a witness stating that she just saw a vehicle hit a bunch of people in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 2300 SE Ocean Blvd, and flee the scene westbound on SE Monterey Rd. The witness followed the suspect vehicle as it traveled at a high rate of speed westbound on SE Monterey Rd, and provided Stuart Police dispatch with a description of the vehicle. When the vehicle, a black Kia Forte, made a right turn onto SE Palm Beach Rd from SE Monterey Rd, it was intercepted by Stuart Sergeant John Reddick. Sgt. Reddick activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached the intersection of SE 10th St and SE Palm Beach Rd. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop in the middle of SE 10th St. As Sgt. Reddick exited his vehicle, the suspect vehicle continued northbound on SE Palm Beach Rd, then made a left turn onto westbound SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd before making a left into the parking lot of the Stuart Police Department. The suspect vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle. Sgt. Reddick pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and took the driver into custody. The driver was later identified as a Beatrice Bijoux. As soon as Bijoux was taken into custody, she made a spontaneous statement: "The voices in my head told me to kill someone." Bijoux was temporarily secured inside of Sgt. Reddick's patrol vehicle before being transported to a Stuart Police Department interview room. Four victims were hit by the vehicle being driven by Bijoux. One, a 69 year old female was transported with life threatening injuries to Lawnwood Trauma Center by Martin County Air Rescue. Two others left on their own and refused further treatment, while the last was transported to Cleveland Clinic North by family members with a possible leg injury. During her subsequent custodial interview, Bijoux was adamant that she intentionally wanted to kill other people, that she intentionally wanted to kill the people she struck with the car, and that she wanted to kill herself. Bijoux went onto state that she was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and for schizophrenia, and that she was under a doctor's care. She stated she had not talked to her doctor since December 2021, and that she had been diagnosed with her mental health disorders in 2019. Bijoux asked for her phone to delete all her social media. (That request was denied.) Bijoux insisted on being charged with attempted murder in lieu of aggravated battery because her act was intentional. 00:00 Case overview 01:16 Siblings interview ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Rapper Flo Rida caught speeding in Rolls Royce

jwuPDJkfE28 | 16 May 2022

Rapper Flo Rida caught speeding in Rolls Royce

Tramar Lacel Dillard — much better-known as "Flo Rida" — is an American rapper from Carol City, Florida. His 2007 breakout single "Low" was number one for 10 weeks in the United States and broke the record for digital download sales at the time of its release. Flo Rida's debut studio album, 2008's Mail on Sunday, reached number four in the US. The album was succeeded by R.O.O.T.S., the next year. His subsequent albums, 2010's Only One Flo (Part 1) and 2012's Wild Ones, also charted on the US Billboard 200 chart. Flo Rida has sold over 80 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. And on November 2, 2020, Flo Rida was stopped in Pembroke Pines, Florida, for driving 68 miles per hour in a 40 mph zone. Mr. Rida was driving a 2019 Rolls Royce at the time of the traffic stop. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Dodge Charger Outruns Two Arkansas Troopers @ 150+ MPH

03v-_OfJDks | 09 May 2022

Dodge Charger Outruns Two Arkansas Troopers @ 150+ MPH

From the report of Trooper Nick Burleson, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On February 6, 2020 [yes, he got the month wrong in his report], I was traveling northbound on Interstate 530 near mile marker 34, when I noticed a black Dodge Charger entering Interstate 530 via the 34 on ramp. The black Charger appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed as it entered the roadway. I estimated its speed to be 75 miles per hour and activated my front radar antenna to confirm. The initial reading was 75 miles per hour, slowly increasing—but I lost a good contact on the vehicle, and instead paced the Charger at 80 miles per hour. I also noticed that the Charger had a tinted license plate cover and I was unable to read its tag number. I accelerated to get a better visual on the license plate. As I neared the Charger, I noticed that its tail lights were blacked-out with dark tint. Closing the distance, I was able to read the plate: Arkansas tag, MSACLP. I ran the plate through ACIC and NCIC, and got a return on a 2019 black Dodge Charger, registered to Lareda Faye Davis and Nichalous [spelled incorrectly in the report; the r/o is Nichalaus Davis] Davis at an address in Bryant, Arkansas. I initiated my emergency lights and sirens to make a traffic stop on the black Charger. The Charger then accelerated and rapidly pulled away from me. I called Troop E dispatch to advise that I was attempting to conduct a traffic stop. The operator of the black Charger refused to stop and continued to accelerate. I then called Troop E dispatch and advised that I was in pursuit. The pursuit began on Interstate 530 northbound near mile marker 32. I continued to update Troop E dispatch of my location. The black Charger initially reached speeds of 100 to 120 miles per hour. The black Charger was driving in a reckless manner, on the right shoulder passing vehicles, weaving in and out of traffic. The black Charger accelerated to speeds in excess of 130 miles per hour. Trooper Bob Love was sitting stationary in his patrol unit on the shoulder near mile marker 23 waiting to assist. Trooper Love was able to position his unit in front of the charger, slowing it down and allowing me to catch up to within a few car lengths. The black Charger evaded Trooper Love's unit and accelerated in the number one lane, continuing northbound on Interstate 530. At this point we achieved speeds from 140 miles per hour to 150 miles per hour. The black Charger continued to drive in a reckless manner at high speeds as we approached the 17 mile marker. Due to increased traffic volume and distance between the black charger and myself, the supervisor ordered me to terminate the pursuit. Troop E dispatch notified Troop A dispatch of the pursuit and vehicle information. Troopers were dispatched to the address listed on the registration, but the vehicle was not located. ~~~ On April 10, 2020, Nichalaus Tyler Davis was arrested in an apparently separate incident on charges of fleeing, possession of a controlled substance (and a paraphernalia charge), reckless driving, a vehicle lighting violation, and improper display of tag. He was ultimately charged with and entered a negotiated plea of guilty to felony fleeing. Davis was sentenced to three years of supervised probation with various terms, 50 hours community service, $1290 in fines, and one day in jail with credit for one day served. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ​

I’m on the phone!

YJuXkdZby2g | 08 May 2022

I’m on the phone!

What do you mean, I can't shoot my neighbor? He's messing with the fence!

ZJNbJRjRxig | 08 May 2022

What do you mean, I can't shoot my neighbor? He's messing with the fence!

On March 26, 2022, Sebastian County Sheriff's Office Corporal Jason Morse along with other deputies were dispatched to an address at Glass Lane for a disturbance between neighbors. The caller, Stephen Fultz, stated that his neighbor Stacy Fox was then-currently tearing down his fence. While en route to the call, deputies were notified by dispatch of another call from Stacy Fox, who called 911 stating that his neighbor, Stephen Fultz, had just shot at him with a pistol. Fun times. When deputies arrived on scene, they made contact with Fultz and inquired about the firearm, which Fultz stated was inside. Fultz stated that he did have a pistol, but that he shot it behind his house toward the pipeline area before taking it back inside. Fultz stated that he never fired at Mr. Fox, but that he only fired because he was upset. From the report of Corporal Morse: I asked Mr. Fultz at that time about the fence, which he stated that he has been having problems with Mr. Fox over the fence in the past, and today he started to take his backhoe and was tearing down his fence. I then had Mr. Fultz take me over to the fence to show me what was done. When we got over there, I could see Mr. Fox standing by his residence from the fence line, and there was part of the fence removed and a orange backhoe that Mr. Fultz stated belonged to Mr. Fox. As I was finishing talking to Mr. Fultz, Mr. Fox started to walk over to us. I had another deputy get Mr. Fultz information as I went to speak with Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox stated that he has had issues with Mr. Fultz and the fence line. Mr. Fox stated that the property and fence are well on his property, while Mr. Fultz stated that the fence was on his property. Both parties stated that they had surveys to show this. Mr. Fox stated that he had one from 9 years prior, when he bought his property, and Mr. Fultz stated that he had one done recently. Both parties were told that that issue was civil and they needed to take it to civil court and have a judge make a determination. I then asked Mr. Fox about the call he made of being shot at by Mr. Fultz. Mr. Fox stated that Mr. Fultz came down to the fence line about 15 yards away. He was carrying a pistol, and had fired a round at him. Since there was no evidence proving either side of the story, an arrest was not made for that incident. After speaking with Mr. Fox, I went to speak to Mr. Fultz again, and explain to him what was going to happen. While explaining everything to Mr. Fultz, he stated that he wanted Mr. Fox arrested for trespassing onto his property. Mr. Fultz was informed that since Mr.Fox was on his own property, by his own house when we arrived, and the alleged trespass didn't happen in our presence that he was not going to be arrested at this time. I then explained to him what Mr. Fox told me about him bringing a gun and shooting at him. Mr. Fultz denied ever shooting at Mr. Fox, but did state that the last time they had a argument about the fence, that he told Mr. Fox that he was a dead man if he came onto his property again. Both parties were informed that a report was going to be made of everything, and it was best to leave the fence alone until it was taken to court and figured out. At that time all units left the area. From the narrative supplement of Lieutenant Josh Helmert: On April 7, 2022, at around 10:00 a.m., Mr. Stacy Fox contacted me at the Fort Smith Sheriff's Office. Mr. Fox asked about the status of this report. After I read the report, I asked Mr. Fox if he was certain Mr. Fultz shot at him, or if he could have shot in another direction. Mr. Fox replied that Mr. Fultz did shoot at him, but he was unsure where the round went because it did not hit the ground. Mr. Fox then confirmed that it was a single shot, and that he saw Mr. Fultz point the gun directly at him just before the round discharged. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

“We spent, like, $500 on Plan B”

9Fz0CUx33v8 | 05 May 2022

“We spent, like, $500 on Plan B”

STUART, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2022, at approximately 12:52 p.m., the Stuart Police Department received a 911 call from a witness stating that she just saw a vehicle hit a bunch of people in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 2300 SE Ocean Blvd, and flee the scene westbound on SE Monterey Rd. The witness followed the suspect vehicle as it traveled at a high rate of speed westbound on SE Monterey Rd, and provided Stuart Police dispatch with a description of the vehicle. When the vehicle, a black Kia Forte, made a right turn onto SE Palm Beach Rd from SE Monterey Rd, it was intercepted by Stuart Sergeant John Reddick. Sgt. Reddick activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached the intersection of SE 10th St and SE Palm Beach Rd. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop in the middle of SE 10th St. As Sgt. Reddick exited his vehicle, the suspect vehicle continued northbound on SE Palm Beach Rd, then made a left turn onto westbound SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd before making a left into the parking lot of the Stuart Police Department. The suspect vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle. Sgt. Reddick pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and took the driver into custody. The driver was later identified as a Beatrice Bijoux. As soon as Bijoux was taken into custody, she made a spontaneous statement: "The voices in my head told me to kill someone." Bijoux was temporarily secured inside of Sgt. Reddick's patrol vehicle before being transported to a Stuart Police Department interview room. Four victims were hit by the vehicle being driven by Bijoux. One, a 69 year old female was transported with life threatening injuries to Lawnwood Trauma Center by Martin County Air Rescue. Two others left on their own and refused further treatment, while the last was transported to Cleveland Clinic North by family members with a possible leg injury. During her subsequent custodial interview, Bijoux was adamant that she intentionally wanted to kill other people, that she intentionally wanted to kill the people she struck with the car, and that she wanted to kill herself. Bijoux went onto state that she was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and for schizophrenia, and that she was under a doctor's care. She stated she had not talked to her doctor since December 2021, and that she had been diagnosed with her mental health disorders in 2019. Bijoux asked for her phone to delete all her social media. (That request was denied.) Bijoux insisted on being charged with attempted murder in lieu of aggravated battery because her act was intentional. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Interrogation of Attorney Beatrice Bijoux

7F5lfP5rFZY | 03 May 2022

Interrogation of Attorney Beatrice Bijoux

STUART, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2022, at approximately 12:52 p.m., the Stuart Police Department received a 911 call from a witness stating that she just saw a vehicle hit a bunch of people in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 2300 SE Ocean Blvd, and flee the scene westbound on SE Monterey Rd. The witness followed the suspect vehicle as it traveled at a high rate of speed westbound on SE Monterey Rd, and provided Stuart Police dispatch with a description of the vehicle. When the vehicle, a black Kia Forte, made a right turn onto SE Palm Beach Rd from SE Monterey Rd, it was intercepted by Stuart Sergeant John Reddick. Sgt. Reddick activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached the intersection of SE 10th St and SE Palm Beach Rd. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop in the middle of SE 10th St. As Sgt. Reddick exited his vehicle, the suspect vehicle continued northbound on SE Palm Beach Rd, then made a left turn onto westbound SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd before making a left into the parking lot of the Stuart Police Department. The suspect vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle. Sgt. Reddick pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and took the driver into custody. The driver was later identified as a Beatrice Bijoux. As soon as Bijoux was taken into custody, she made a spontaneous statement: "The voices in my head told me to kill someone." Bijoux was temporarily secured inside of Sgt. Reddick's patrol vehicle before being transported to a Stuart Police Department interview room. Four victims were hit by the vehicle being driven by Bijoux. One, a 69 year old female was transported with life threatening injuries to Lawnwood Trauma Center by Martin County Air Rescue. Two others left on their own and refused further treatment, while the last was transported to Cleveland Clinic North by family members with a possible leg injury. During her subsequent custodial interview, Bijoux was adamant that she intentionally wanted to kill other people, that she intentionally wanted to kill the people she struck with the car, and that she wanted to kill herself. Bijoux went onto state that she was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and for schizophrenia, and that she was under a doctor's care. She stated she had not talked to her doctor since December 2021, and that she had been diagnosed with her mental health disorders in 2019. Bijoux asked for her phone to delete all her social media. (That request was denied.) Bijoux insisted on being charged with attempted murder in lieu of aggravated battery because her act was intentional. ~~~ htttps:// /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Predator in the Classroom: The Search Warrant

kfqULk_jA1U | 02 May 2022

Predator in the Classroom: The Search Warrant

GOODYEAR, AZ — On March 22, 2018 Brittany Ann Zamora was arrested by officers of the Goodyear Police Department. A sixth-grade teacher at the time of her arrest, Zamora is now a resident at the Arizona Department of Corrections Perryville Complex, where she lives in Santa Cruz Unit I. Zamora is serving a twenty-year sentence on a negotiated plea: one count sexual conduct with a minor, one count attempted molestation of a child, and one count public sexual indecency. The first two charges relate to "Victim A." The third, however, relates to "Victim B" — Victim A's best friend, and the student Zamora recruited to serve as a lookout while she and Victim A had sex. In this video, officers with the Goodyear Police Department babysit Brittany Zamora's husband as the agency executes a search warrant on the now-former couple's house. Conversation is at times illuminating. A copy of Brittany Zamora's plea agreement is available at ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen ​

123 MPH Pursuit Into the Woods

OkxZLcwXqSg | 02 May 2022

123 MPH Pursuit Into the Woods

"On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at approximately 9:57 p.m., I observed a vehicle traveling south at a high rate of speed. I activated my radar unit and locked in a speed of 94 mph in an 55 mph zone. I saw the car immediately slow down. As the vehicle passed my location, I was able to see that it was a black passenger car. I pulled onto the highway and attempted to catch up to the car so that I could initiate a traffic stop. As I accelerated towards the car, I could tell that the car was accelerating and that it was not maintaining a single lane. I initiated my lights and sirens once I realized the car was fleeing. The car continued south on Highway 79 a short distance and turned west on Columbia Road 64. I pursued the car and advised Hope of the pursuit. The car continued on Columbia 64. As it traveled west, it drove between two vehicles parked on opposite sides of the roadway. The car then turned north onto Columbia Road 111. I saw an opportunity to end the pursuit and rammed the car with the front of my car. The ram was unsuccessful in stopping the car and it continued north. Columbia 111 is a gravel road and the car continued at a high rate of speed and was able to create distance between us. I was able to follow the dust cloud left by the car. It continued north on Columbia 111 until it turned north west onto Ouachita 1. The car then traveled into Nevada county. While following the dust trail, I regained visual of the car while on Nevada 179. The car had slowed considerably as I caught up to it. I lost visual as the car rounded a curve, as I rounded the curve I could see the car had stopped in the roadway. The driver's door was open as well as the passenger's. I could see feet hanging out of the passenger door as I stopped my vehicle. I exited my unit and ordered the passenger not to move. The female passenger followed commands and was taken into custody. The female was identified as Harlie Colvin. I asked her who was driving and if he had a weapon. She advised me that Broderick Colvin was the driver and that he did not have a weapon. She said that he fled into the woods to the left of the car and that he was fleeing because he had warrants. I asked her how long she had known Broderick Colvin. She told me that this was their first night of being alone together. Once other units arrived we searched for the suspect but were unsuccessful in finding him. A search of the vehicle was conducted. There was a Marlin .22 Rifle located between the driver's seat and the center console that the female said belonged to the driver. A knife was also found in the edge of the woods. Both the gun and the knife were seized. I returned to Colvin and asked her why her and the suspect had the same last name. She told me she was actually married to the suspect. I stopped her and immediately advised her of her Miranda Rights. I told her that she had lied to me and that she was facing hindering and obstruction charges. She told me that the driver was actually RJ Hughey, Ronnie Damaria Hughey, Jr. Colvin stated that he told her not to identify him. I confirmed his identity through photograph. Harlie Colvin then wrote out a statement and signed that statement advising who the driver was. Harlie Colvin was released with the vehicle and charges could be pending. The following day, I was contacted by a Deputy Alexander of the Columbia County Sheriff's Office and advised that Hughey wanted to turn himself in. I advised him to meet me at the jail at 3:30 p.m.. Hughey arrived the Sheriff's Office and was immediately advised of his Miranda Rights, he signed the rights form and agreed to speak to me. The interview was recorded on my car camera. I asked Hughey if he was driving. He responded that he was the driver. I asked him why he fled. He responded by saying that he thought he had a warrant and that he was scared. I advised Hughey that he would be charged with Felony Fleeing by Vehicle, Fleeing by Foot, Reckless Driving, and Speeding. I told him that I would contact him Tuesday, November 12, 2019 to serve a warrant on him. He agreed to meet me when I contacted him. The firearm and the knife were assigned the property control number of P-19-0210-HP-G. Both items where returned to Hughey's mother Chavela Hughey once it was confirmed that Ronnie Hughey was inn [sic] fact the operator and that he was not a felon. Mrs. Hughey signed an ASP 2A for the property. During the pursuit my unit sustain scuff marks from the PIT bumper. Vehicle one sustained minor damage to the right rear and rear bumper." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Two police officers stop the head of Internal Affairs

4-rVDVDVxw4 | 01 May 2022

Two police officers stop the head of Internal Affairs

On April 10, 2021, Orlando Police Officers Sebastian Woods Mariano and Alexander Ham conducted a traffic stop of a U-Haul truck after they witnessed the U-Haul run a red light. The stop was rather uneventful, apart from the reality that the pair had stopped their own agency's manager of Internal Affairs, Dwain Rivers. Asked is he had any 'drugs, guns, or stolen kids' in his U-Haul truck, Rivers replied "Just furniture." Which seems to have been satisfactory to Officer Mariano... whose body camera was sideways. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Police seize $332,000 from Asian couple

9ylrfMbf0mY | 29 Apr 2022

Police seize $332,000 from Asian couple

Six months prior to this traffic stop, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed into law the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2019, which amended Arkansas law to read: "There shall be no civil judgment under this subchapter and no property shall be forfeited unless the person from whom the property is seized is convicted of a felony offense that related to the property." You would be forgiven for thinking that such a law would curb civil asset forfeiture in Arkansas. Not quite, though. Now, cases are simply transferred to federal court, where there are no such restrictions, and where "equitable sharing" ensures that a sizable portion of any forfeited funds gets kicked back to the local agency. But wait! A separate Arkansas law was passed to curb that practice: "No state or local law enforcement agency may transfer any property seized by the state or local agency to any federal entity for forfeiture under federal law unless the circuit court having jurisdiction over the property enters an order, upon petition by the prosecuting attorney, authorizing the property to be transferred to the federal entity." The law further states that "the transfer shall not be approved unless it reasonably appears that the activity giving rise to the investigation or seizure involves more than one state or the nature of the investigation or seizure would be better pursued under federal law." That's why, on September 12, 2019, Lonoke County Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Huggins filed in Lonoke Circuit Court a complaint for forfeiture, immediately followed by a "Petition for Authorization to Transfer Seized Property to Drug Enforcement Administration." In Huggins' petition were the magic words: "[T]he nature of the activity giving rise to the seizure would better be pursued under federal forfeiture law because the federal authorities are investigating the Claimant's involvement in interstate drug trafficking." Investigating. PACER stands for "Public Access to Court Electronic Records." It's a service that does two things: (1) provides electronic public access to federal court records, and (2) slowly empties your wallet. As of this story's publication, a name search of PACER for "Sung Won Kim" reveals that there have been no federal charges brought against Sung Won Kim. Kim did, however, file for bankruptcy in 2020. Arkansas passed its ineffective forfeiture reform law in 2019. Two years prior, the United States Department of Justice Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section published an "Equitable Sharing Wire" regarding state forfeiture legislation that impacts state or local law enforcement agencies’ ability to transfer assets to the federal government for federal forfeiture or receive equitably shared funds. The 2017 publication states that "State legislation directing federally forfeited proceeds to state general accounts conflicts with the statutes and policies governing the Equitable Sharing Program. Agencies in states with such laws are precluded from receiving federal equitable sharing funds." It appears from the above that Arkansas had clear instructions, if they wanted to use them, about how to write an effective forfeiture reform law. As to Mr. Kim's (or whomever's...) funds, some mild comedy from the case United States of America vs. $332,057 in United States Currency: On March 21, 2022, Judge Kristine Baker denied the claimant's motion to suppress evidence. That same day, Judge Baker issued a "Judgment and Decree of Forfeiture," writing "The Court declares that the $332,057 in U.S. currency (“defendant property”) described in the government’s verified complaint (Dkt. No. 1) is forfeited, and title is now vested in the United States. All prior claims in and against the defendant property are extinguished and declared void. The defendant property shall be turned over to the United States and disposed of according to law. The Clerk is directed to close the case." The following day, Judge Baker issues an order vacating her previous judgment: "The Court, on its own motion, withdraws the judgment entered on March 21, 2022. Both parties take the position that matters remain for trial, even with the Court’s ruling on the suppression motion. Trial in this matter remains scheduled. The Clerk is directed to reopen the case." (Citations removed.) Oops. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

"I hear voices telling me to kill people" | Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder

0mJD8vIKFJI | 28 Apr 2022

"I hear voices telling me to kill people" | Attorney Arrested for Attempted Murder

STUART, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2022, at approximately 12:52 p.m., the Stuart Police Department received a 911 call from a witness stating that she just saw a vehicle hit a bunch of people in the parking lot of Fresh Market at 2300 SE Ocean Blvd, and flee the scene westbound on SE Monterey Rd. The witness followed the suspect vehicle as it traveled at a high rate of speed westbound on SE Monterey Rd, and provided Stuart Police dispatch with a description of the vehicle. When the vehicle, a black Kia Forte, made a right turn onto SE Palm Beach Rd from SE Monterey Rd, it was intercepted by Stuart Sergeant John Reddick. Sgt. Reddick activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle as it approached the intersection of SE 10th St and SE Palm Beach Rd. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop in the middle of SE 10th St. As Sgt. Reddick exited his vehicle, the suspect vehicle continued northbound on SE Palm Beach Rd, then made a left turn onto westbound SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd before making a left into the parking lot of the Stuart Police Department. The suspect vehicle pulled into a parking space and the driver exited the vehicle. Sgt. Reddick pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and took the driver into custody. The driver was later identified as a Beatrice Bijoux. As soon as Bijoux was taken into custody, she made a spontaneous statement: "The voices in my head told me to kill someone." Bijoux was temporarily secured inside of Sgt. Reddick's patrol vehicle before being transported to a Stuart Police Department interview room. Four victims were hit by the vehicle being driven by Bijoux. One, a 69 year old female was transported with life threatening injuries to Lawnwood Trauma Center by Martin County Air Rescue. Two others left on their own and refused further treatment, while the last was transported to Cleveland Clinic North by family members with a possible leg injury. During her subsequent custodial interview, Bijoux was adamant that she intentionally wanted to kill other people, that she intentionally wanted to kill the people she struck with the car, and that she wanted to kill herself. Bijoux went onto state that she was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and for schizophrenia, and that she was under a doctor's care. She stated she had not talked to her doctor since December 2021, and that she had been diagnosed with her mental health disorders in 2019. Bijoux asked for her phone to delete all her social media. (That request was denied.) Bijoux insisted on being charged with attempted murder in lieu of aggravated battery because her act was intentional. Police interview of Beatrice Bijoux, and the interview of her boyfriend, to follow. ~~~ htttps:// /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Man Runs from Cops, Gets 98 MPH PIT Maneuver

-RkTb2cOLow | 26 Apr 2022

Man Runs from Cops, Gets 98 MPH PIT Maneuver

From the report of Trooper Philip Roark, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On Friday, October 11, 2019, at approximately 10:01 p.m., I was northbound on U.S. 63, north of Black Rock, when I observed a black Chevrolet pickup heading southbound that appeared to be speeding. I verified with radar that the suspect vehicle was going 73 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. I turned around and got behind the suspect vehicle and activated my blue lights. The operator of the vehicle was slow to acknowledge that I was behind him. The suspect vehicle was weaving. It crossed the centerline and the fog line. The suspect vehicle then stopped, however about 3/4 of the suspect vehicle was in the southbound travel lane. I did not want to get out of my car at this dangerous location. I would have had to leave my vehicle in the travel lane also. This location had a very small shoulder, is near a curve, a hillcrest, and there was a moderate traffic flow. I pulled up beside the suspect vehicle, and asked him to pull his vehicle up the road to a safe location. Clauderick Williams rolled down his window, and said "How you doing officer?" I replied "Pull your vehicle up, so that you can get off of the road". Williams advised "Oh ok". Williams then pulled forward to the location that was requested and stopped again. I got out of my vehicle and had made it about to the front of my vehicle when Williams stomped on the gas and began spinning his tires, nearly striking the vehicle that was directly in front of him. Other southbound traffic that had to yield to Williams. Williams then drove past the Dollar General in Black Rock, and I observed him pass a car in a curve that was marked with double yellow paint. Williams was traveling around 99 MPH at this point. Officer Zach Barton of the Black Rock Police Department joined in the pursuit. Barton took over as primary while I was attempting to catch up. As I was catching up, I advised dispatch to notify the Hoxie and Walnut Ridge Police Departments of the pursuit, and that we would be in their jurisdictions fast. While Barton was primary, the suspect vehicle temporarily drove into the northbound lane, on the wrong side of the road. The suspect vehicle then began driving in the center left turn lane continuously between Black Rock and Portia. The suspect came into Portia at about 100 MPH driving in the turn lane. I was able to catch up by Portia, so I advised Barton that I would attempt a PIT. Barton could not hear me at first, so I told him again on the radio that I would attempt a PIT. After we got through Portia, Barton pulled over to the side and I took over again as the primary unit. The suspect vehicle was traveling in the inside lane. There was some southbound traffic in the southbound outside lane and I was worried that the suspect vehicle would try to get back over into the turn lane again, so I approached the suspect vehicle on the driver's side. I kept an eye on my current roadside conditions, and on the northbound traffic. When it was safe to do so, I pulled up and attempted the PIT. The first attempt was unsuccessful. I then got back into position. When I saw there was no northbound traffic and no roadside hazards, I conducted a successful PIT, causing minor damage to the suspects rear driver's side bumper. I then stopped my patrol unit. After the PIT, the suspect vehicle slid into the ditch on the northbound roadside. The driver then stomped on the gas, trying to get away again, however he was stuck, and he dug holes with both rear tires, trying to get away again. With the help of Officer Barton and Deputy Dillon Cagle, I was able to get both suspects into custody. The driver Clauderick Williams was on federal probation or supervised released status from the Western District of Tennessee. There was one passenger in the vehicle, Jermaris Brown. I later learned that Brown had a felony warrant for his arrest, out of Washington County for Theft of Property, Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud, and Breaking or Entering. Brown advised that he was asleep and did not know anything was going on. Both suspects were transported to the Lawrence County Jail. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 02:25 "How you doin', officer?" 03:10 Truck flees traffic stop 08:20 PIT 22:34 "If it was worth chasin', it was worth PIT-ing" (plus update) 23:30 Settlement agreement

Interrogation of Larissa Rodriguez: Suspected of Murdering Her Five-Year-Old

Fg627ZKkCRo | 23 Apr 2022

Interrogation of Larissa Rodriguez: Suspected of Murdering Her Five-Year-Old

Larissa Rodriguez was originally charged with murdering her five year old, among other crimes. She would ultimately plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, endangering children, and gross abuse of a corpse. Rodriguez was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Her late son, Jordan, was born prematurely, and was non-verbal. He was found buried in a 4-foot by 4-foot grave in the family's backyard, wrapped in blankets and trash bags by Rodriguez and her boyfriend, Christopher Rodriguez, after they woke up to find him dead on September 22, 2017. Jordan’s body was not discovered until December, when a tip from Christopher's brother, who was deployed overseas in Pakistan, led authorities to discover the grave behind the family's home in Cleveland. This is the police interrogation of Larissa Rodriguez in relation to the murder of her own son. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

"I don't know what a registration is" | Washington driver arrested for DUI

vbHbC9DJb68 | 21 Apr 2022

"I don't know what a registration is" | Washington driver arrested for DUI

On November 1, 2020, a non-dentist wearing a BRATZ shirt was in a "bumper" in the parking lot of a residential building in Pullman, Washington. After exchanging insurance information and Snapchat profiles, one of the parties on the receiving end of said 'bumper' decided that they wanted a police report... at which point, the not-a-dentist allegedly took off. Shortly thereafter, the 'bumping' vehicle was located and stopped by an officer with the Pullman Police Department. The driver admitted that she had just been a "bumper" and that she hadn't been drinking... not really, no... just one regular twelve-ouncer. The driver was arrested on suspicion of DUI. She was ultimately not convicted due to insufficient evidence. More to come on that. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Memphis Rapper "NLE Choppa" Caught Breaking into Tow Yard

kEzXRSTCAv0 | 17 Apr 2022

Memphis Rapper "NLE Choppa" Caught Breaking into Tow Yard

From the report of Davie Police Officer Willian Alzamendi, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "On March 28, 2021, at 1:50 a.m., I responded to 2385 SW 66th Terrace (A Superior Towing) in reference to a burglary in progress at their secured tow lot. The company dispatcher, Mary Crimmins, was on premises and was watching via a live CCTV feed. She advised that two vehicles had pulled into the closed business's parking lot. Several subjects were seen exiting the vehicles and jumping over the fence of the secured lot. Crimmins stated she did not know the subjects and nobody was supposed to be in the tow yard at this time. Upon reviewing the surveillance footage, I observed the following: two vehicles enter A Superior Towing's front parking lot from SW 23rd Court. The vehicles, a silver, 2019 Ford Expedition bearing a Florida plate, and a white 2010 Toyota Prius bearing a Florida plate, both backed into parking spaces at the southeast corner of the front parking lot. A black male wearing a black ski mask and a black jacket with white sleeves, later identified as Bryson Potts (offender) [NLE Choppa], and a black male wearing a yellow hoodie jacket and a black facemask, later identified as Zyrion Matlock (offender), exited the rear of the silver Ford Expedition. Potts and Matlock walk over to the south gate of the business and jumped over the gate into the tow yard and walked around the entire tow yard. Matlock exits the tow yard by jumping over the east side concrete property wall into SW 66th Ter, Bryson remains inside the tow yard. Bryson walks back to the south gate and jumps over to exit the tow yard. exits the front parking lot northbound on SW 66th Ter. The Toyota Prius Bryson and Matlock run back crouched down towards the silver Ford Expedition and both enter the vehicle through the rear driver door. Responding officers arrived on scene and conducted a felony traffic stop on the silver Ford Expedition, which was still at the parking lot of the business. As the subjects exited the rear seat of the silver Ford Expedition, firearms were visible on top of the back seat. Prior to the subjects exiting the vehicle, the firearms were not visible as they were being concealed by the subjects sitting directly on top of the firearms. Bryson was wearing a black jacket with white sleeves and Matlock was wearing a yellow hoodie jacket, both were seated in the rear seat. Daniel Bingel, A Superior Towing manager, stated he did not know any of the subjects and none of them had permission to be inside his tow yard. Bingel signed an affidavit in favor of prosecution. While speaking with Bryson post Miranda, Bryson admitted to jumping over the property fence to retrieve a watch from a vehicle that was towed from an unrelated incident. The vehicle Bryson was looking for was not in the tow lot. I charged Bryson with burglary of a structure. [See note below.] During a tow inventory of the vehicle, A Glock 27 with an extended magazine (#BELM588) and a AK-47 Draco pistol (#PMO-16706-19R0) were clearly visible in the back seat of the Ford Expedition. The firearms were readily accessible to Bryson, Matlock and Thony Coleman, who were all seated in the rear of the Ford Expedition. The firearms were fully loaded with a round in the chamber. Bryson, Matlock and Coleman did not have a valid concealed carry weapon permit and were not of age (21). Officer Burns read all three subjects their Miranda rights. None of the subjects claimed ownership or knowledge of the firearms. A purple and yellow backpack was located in the rear seat of the Ford Expedition. Inside the large pocket of the backpack were 7 grams of marijuana (field tested positive using Syndicate Alliance test kit) and three and a half blue oval Xanax pills (identified via Poison Control). Bryson claimed ownership of the purple and yellow backpack. Bryson was charged with possession of firearm without permit, possession of Xanax and possession of marijuana under 20 grams. Bryson was transported to Davie Booking then later transported to BSO main jail." Note: despite the language used by law enforcement, with very limited exception the police do not "charge" people with crimes. Charging decisions are in the hands of prosecutors. The distinction is particularly significant when considering what might otherwise seem to be 'soft on crime' prosecutors, since the police and the state operate under different burdens of proof (probable cause vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). In this case, Potts was charged with one count each of burglary of an occupied structure, carrying a concealed firearm, possession of alprazolam, and possession of cannabis (20 grams or less). Respectively, second degree felony, third degree felony, third degree felony, and misdemeanor. On March 17, 2022, the court granted a defense motion to continue. The next court event is scheduled for May 12, 2022. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Asiana 214: Communications

iu4LSJ53l1U | 15 Apr 2022

Asiana 214: Communications

On July 6, 2013, about 1128 Pacific daylight time, a Boeing 777-200ER, operating as Asiana Airlines 214, was on approach to runway 28L when it struck a seawall at San Francisco International Airport. Three of the 291 passengers were fatally injured; 40 passengers, 8 of the 12 flight attendants, and 1 of the 4 flight crew received serious injuries. The other 248 passengers, 4 flight attendants, and 3 flight crew received minor injuries or were not injured. The airplane was destroyed by impact forces and a post-crash fire. The flight was vectored for a visual approach to runway 28L and intercepted the final approach course about 14 nm from the threshold at an altitude slightly above the desired 3° glidepath. This set the flight crew up for a straight-in visual approach; however, after the flight crew accepted an air traffic control instruction to maintain 180 knots to 5 nm from the runway, the crew mismanaged the airplane’s descent, which resulted in the airplane being well above the desired 3° glidepath when it reached the 5 nm point. The flight crew’s difficulty in managing the airplane’s descent increased as the approach continued. As the approach continued, it became increasingly unstabilized as the airplane descended below the desired glidepath; the PAPI displayed three and then four red lights, indicating the continuing descent below the glidepath. The decreasing trend in airspeed continued, and about 200 ft, the flight crew became aware of the low airspeed and low path conditions but did not initiate a go-around until the airplane was below 100 ft, at which point the airplane did not have the performance capability to accomplish a go-around. The flight crew’s insufficient monitoring of airspeed indications during the approach resulted from expectancy, increased workload, fatigue, and automation reliance. When the main landing gear and the aft fuselage struck the seawall, the tail of the airplane broke off at the aft pressure bulkhead. The airplane slid along the runway, lifted partially into the air, spun about 330°, and impacted the ground a final time. The impact forces, which exceeded certification limits, resulted in the inflation of two slides within the cabin, injuring and temporarily trapping two flight attendants. Six occupants were ejected from the airplane during the impact sequence: two of the three fatally injured passengers and four of the seriously injured flight attendants. The four flight attendants were wearing their restraints but were ejected due to the destruction of the aft galley where they were seated. The two ejected passengers, one of whom was later rolled over by two firefighting vehicles, were not wearing their seatbelts. The NTSB determined that both would likely have remained in the cabin and survived had their seatbelts been worn. After the airplane came to a stop, a fire initiated within the separated right engine, which came to rest adjacent to the right side of the fuselage. When one of the flight attendants became aware of the fire, he initiated an evacuation, and 98% of the passengers self-evacuated. As the fire spread into the fuselage, firefighters entered the airplane and extricated five passengers who were injured and unable to evacuate. One later died. Overall, 99% of the airplane’s occupants survived. On June 28, 2017 I launched our sister channel "What You Haven't Seen," introducing the world to the full-length surveillance video showing the crash of Asiana 214 at SFO. On January 28, 2020, I posted the helmet camera footage to this channel. It's time for the lesser-known heroes of the day to get recognized: the people who answered the phones. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ It was widely reported that the San Francisco Fire Department banned helmet cameras after this footage came to light. That is incorrect. A ban existed prior. The move's optics were certainly poor, but the supposedly reactionary ban was in fact the reiteration of a policy that already existed. ~~~ Regarding the lawsuit brought by the family of Ye Meng Yuan, it settled in August 2015 with a public statement that "The parties have reached a confidential settlement on mutually agreeable terms." California cities are not allowed to enter into confidential settlement agreements, so I got a copy. The truth? The settlement was for $0 and the City did not admit fault. The available evidence appears to indicate that Yuan was already dead when she was run over. Particularly notable is the absence of foam and dust from her lungs, indicating that she never inhaled those materials. That does not excuse running over a body, but it is reality. ~~~ I want to be transparent about the source material I relied on in forming my conclusions about Asiana 214. With the exception of video, all of that material is posted at ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Baby With The Plate

dnV0kfqQl3M | 14 Apr 2022

Baby With The Plate /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @Real World Police @What You Haven't Seen

MMA fighter Tyrone Spong caught driving 47 in a 15 MPH school zone

NB0rPj8lOjU | 14 Apr 2022

MMA fighter Tyrone Spong caught driving 47 in a 15 MPH school zone

Tyrone Spong is a Surinamese-Dutch professional boxer, MMA fighter, and former kickboxer. He is the current WBC Latino Heavyweight Champion and WBO Latino Heavyweight Champion. In kickboxing, he is the former WFCA Cruiserweight champion and Glory 95kg Slam Champion. On January 28.2022, Spong was scheduled to fight Bigfoot Silva at EFC 44, but Silva pulled out and was replaced by Sergei Kharitonov, who defeated Spong by technical knockout in the second round. Spong... has a bit of a lead foot. /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Intro 00:29 Traffic stop 05:46 Roadcam

Benzino gets arrested. Again.

R7cmQdLQWNA | 13 Apr 2022

Benzino gets arrested. Again.

Pursuit of Britney Putt ended with 111 MPH PIT maneuver

hf6Ko5KwyOU | 12 Apr 2022

Pursuit of Britney Putt ended with 111 MPH PIT maneuver

Apparently, the trooper was surprised to have not also ended Ms. Putt... From the report of Corporal Michael Bowman, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: “On January 30, 2019, I, Cpl. Michael Bowman, was on Interstate 40, releasing a violator, when I heard Arkansas Highway Police Lt. Tim Gushing say he was in pursuit of a vehicle. That day, within minutes of each other, dispatch had given out three different BOLOs for stolen vehicles out of Ft. Smith. Lt Gushing said that he was trying to stop one of the vehicles entered as stolen, which was going north on I-540 from Kelley Highway. Lt. Gushing was requesting assistance from the Arkansas State Police. I then turned my lights and siren on, and met the fleeing vehicle and Lt. Gushing around the 3 mile marker on Interstate 540. The vehicle was a 2004 white Acura passenger car. I then became the secondary unit in the pursuit with Lt. Gushing. At the time when I first made contact, the vehicle was driving approximately 100 mph. I then followed the pursuit and watched as the vehicle passed traffic in an unsafe manner at a high rate of speed. The vehicle then took the Interstate 40 west ramp and got onto Interstate 40. As I rounded the curve I could see that the vehicle was passing a tractor trailer on the shoulder. As we continued west, I continued to see that the vehicle would drive from 90 to 120 mph, and would recklessly pass vehicles either on the shoulder or the left lane. Then around the 3 mile marker on Interstate 40, the vehicle again passed a tractor trailer on the shoulder and struck something that caused the passenger side rear tire to go flat. Lt. Gushing then took the right lane, as if he was going to pass on the shoulder, so I slowed and he slowed, which caused me to eventually become the primary unit. As this was taking place, I observed the passenger side rear tire come apart, which caused part of the fender to fly off of the suspect vehicle. The suspect vehicle slowed to 80 mph then accelerated again to over 90 mph. At the Dora Road Exit the suspect exited the interstate on to Dora Road, and continued traveling west. The suspect vehicle then drove across the double yellow line, and traveled into the oncoming traffic lane. At a sharp left hand curve, the vehicle passed westbound traffic again, by crossing the double yellow line into oncoming traffic lane. At the time I could see that there was no other traffic present, which would have been on coming. I was then informed to push her off the roadway in a curve that was a short distance ahead, if possible. Once we got to the curve I could see that there was no traffic on the roadway, so I attempted to push the vehicle from behind, twice, towards the shoulder. This caused the back end of the suspect vehicle to fish tail around, however the vehicle recovered and continued traveling westbound. The suspect then crossed into Oklahoma on US Highway 64D, headed back towards Garrison Avenue in Ft. Smith. I was behind the vehicle and it continued to drive from one lane to the other, and accelerated to 110 mph. I was then told that if I had a chance, to go ahead and attempt a PIT on the vehicle. When there was no traffic around, I pulled up along the driver’s side rear of the vehicle, and with the front right of my unit, I turned into the vehicle, just enough to cause the vehicle to spin off the roadway. The vehicle left the roadway on the south side and began to roll. The suspect vehicle then struck a tree and came to rest on its tires facing north. As I was turning around, Lt. Gushing and Trp. Kevin Yates were at the vehicle assisting the driver, who was climbing out of the rear window. The driver, Brittany Putt, was then placed into handcuffs and an ambulance was called for her. While I was waiting, the vehicle was confirmed stolen out of Ft. Smith Police Department. Once the ambulance arrived, the EMS crew began treating Putt and asked her what hospital she wanted to go to. Putt requested to go to Baptist in Ft. Smith. Putt was then taken by ambulance to the hospital and a Sequoyah County Sheriff’s deputy called for a wrecker to remove the vehicle. Lt Gushing went to the hospital and placed a hold on Putt out of Crawford County for Theft by Receiving, Felony Fleeing, and Driving on Suspended License. Putt also had a confirmed warrant for a probation violation. On February 5th, 2019, I obtained warrants for the arrest of Putt, for the listed charges. I went to Baptist Health Care in Ft. Smith and made contact with Putt. I then explained the warrant for her arrest I had out of Crawford County and the one I had for a probation violation from the Arkansas Board of Parole. Once she signed the warrant, indicating she understood and promised to appear, I released her on her own recognizance.” ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Arkansas State Police chase man into Oklahoma at 144 MPH

BqMoWFKp6E4 | 11 Apr 2022

Arkansas State Police chase man into Oklahoma at 144 MPH

From the report of Trooper Cort Williams, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "On April 3, 2019, at approximately 9:05 a.m., I was running stationary radar on I-40 West near the 3 mile marker when I saw a light-colored passenger car approaching from behind at a high rate of speed. The radar tone was loud and steady. The vehicle was passing the other traffic quickly. My radar indicated a speed of 117mph. I pulled out and attempted to initiate a stop on the vehicle. I activated my lights and attempted to catch up with the vehicle, however, the vehicle continued west at a high rate of speed. I noticed there was light traffic toward the west and the suspect vehicle did not appear to be slowing down, so I activated my emergency siren with my lights. I continued west, attempting to close the distance behind the suspect vehicle and my vehicle. As the vehicle approached Exit 1, Dora Road, it passed a semi-truck using the right shoulder of the interstate, and merged back onto I-40. I had to maneuver through light traffic before I could continue after the vehicle. Once through the traffic, I accelerated and began to catch up with the suspect vehicle as it entered Oklahoma. As we continued into Oklahoma, the traffic was light and I reached a maximum speed of 143 mph [actually, 144 MPH -ed.]. I caught up with the vehicle near mile marker 329 and the suspect vehicle began to slow down. The suspect vehicle pulled over near the 328.5 mile marker near the weigh station. I performed a felony stop on the driver, later identified as James B. Cooper. After he exited the vehicle, I placed the driver under arrest. As I was placing him under arrest he stated he was trying to find a hospital because he thought he was having a possible heart attack. I had dispatch contact EMS. Once EMS arrived, they decided to transport him to Baptist Health in Fort Smith. Oklahoma Highway Patrol towed the vehicle. B & W Truck took possession of the vehicle. I followed EMS to Baptist Health in Fort Smith. Once at the ER, Mr. Cooper stated he was headed to the Right Way Clinic in Roland, OK. He advised he began to have a medical issue so he turned around and headed back toward Arkansas to look for a hospital. He stated he continued into Arkansas for about four or five miles and turned back around and began to head back to the clinic because he could not find a hospital. He could not advise why he did not stop and use his cell phone to call for help. Mr. Cooper admitted to taking a variety of prescription medications that could possibly affect his ability to drive. I read Mr. Cooper his Arkansas Statement of Rights and he agreed to provide a urine sample. I took possession of the urine sample. I was advised by the ER doctor that Mr. Cooper was going to be admitted. I contacted Baptist Health Security and placed a hold on Mr. Cooper. I advised him that if he left the hospital prior to being transported to the jail he could be charged with escape as well as his other charges." That is exactly what happened. "On April 4, 2019 at approximately 6:45am, I was contacted by dispatch and advised that Mr. Cooper had left the hospital without being picked by police. On April 5, I spoke with Shane Griffin, a deputy prosecuting attorney with the Crawford County Prosecutor's Office, and got warrants issued for the charged listed above. Deputy Prosecutor Griffin will be seeking a warrant for Escape 3rd Degree 5-54-112 as well." Cooper was charged with fleeing and with escape, as a habitual offender. He was sentenced on a negotiated guilty plea to six years of probation and the forfeiture of his $3,500 bond. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Benzino confronts Althea's date, gets arrested by Braselton police

Mzs7N9i0Ans | 10 Apr 2022

Benzino confronts Althea's date, gets arrested by Braselton police

From the report of Braselton Police Sergeant Wayne Breeden: "When I arrived on scene I was greeted by two males, Raymond Scott and Reginald Cuington. Both males were arguing with one another and making threats as they were separated. [Note: Cuington is never heard making threats.] Reginald seemed to cool down once police arrived, but Raymond remained visibly upset during the duration of the call. I spoke with Reginald, as another officer spoke with Raymond. Reginald advised that he and a female he has been seeing, Althea Eaton, were out for a walk in the neighborhood. Once they arrived back at Reginald's vehicle, a male approached him in a threatening and harassing manner. Reginald stated that he did not know the male, and also had no idea that Althea was involved in another relationship. [Further note: "Raymond," also known as Benzino, repeatedly claimed that he and Althea were married. They are not, and they have never been, married.] At this point, Reginald attempted to get into his vehicle, but was unable to due to Raymond being in the way. Reginald stated that Althea then got in to the driver's seat of his truck and attempted to pull away. Reginald told me that as they began to try and drive away, Raymond then struck his vehicle multiple times with his fist. I was able to view the damage of the truck, which showed two dents in the driver side rear door. Reginald then stated that Raymond continued to threaten him until police arrival. I also spoke with Althea, and another witness, Cindy, who observed the incident from her porch. Cindy stated that she also viewed the Raymond subject shouting obscenities and punching the red pickup truck. After speaking with Reginald, I went and spoke with Raymond. Raymond advised that he was in the area to watch his son play tennis. While watching his son play tennis, Raymond states that a male came up to him and told him he was going to shoot him. Raymond denies any involvement in the damage to Reginald's vehicle. Raymond continued to shout foul language and open ended threats to Reginald. Raymond was taken into custody for Criminal Damage and transported to Gwinnett Co Jail. Warrants were signed with a Gwinnett County judge." On February 3, 2022, Raymond "Benzino" Scott was charged with one count of second degree criminal damage to property. A felony. His case is currently open before Judge Warren Davis. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Underage College Student Arrested for Drunk Driving

dqVu21-tixs | 08 Apr 2022

Underage College Student Arrested for Drunk Driving

From the report of Officer Greg Nelson, lightly edited: On Saturday, February 6, 2021, at approximately 3:32 a.m., I responded to to back up Sergeant Holt on a traffic stop. I approached the driver side of the black Mercedes and made contact with a white female driver [who will be referred to as the Driver going forward]. The Driver was the only individual in the vehicle. I identified myself to the Driver. As I was speaking to her, there was a strong odor of alcoholic impurities emitting from the vehicle. I asked the Driver where she was coming from, and she advised that she was coming from downtown. I asked her how much she had to drink and she advised she had one vodka and cranberry. While speaking to the Driver, I observed that she had a yellow band on her right wrist, which is typically used at a drinking establishment to identify someone over the age of 21. The Driver was 19. Due to my observations, I informed the Driver that I wanted to ensure she was safe to drive, and asker her whether she was willing to participate in field sobriety exercises. She agreed. While outside the vehicle, I could smell an overwhelming odor of alcoholic impurities emanating from the Driver’s breath and person. I also noticed that her eyes were bloodshot and glassy. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus I instructed the Driver how she was to stand. Using the red light as a stimulus, I instructed the Driver to follow the stimulus with her eyes and her eyes only and not to move her head. The Driver advised she understood. I checked her eyes for equal and normal pupil size; they were. She did not display resting nystagmus, and her eyes displayed equal tracking. While checking for lack of smooth pursuit, the Driver had to be reminded to follow the stimulus with her eyes only. There was a lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes as well as nystagmus at maximum deviation and prior to 45 degrees, however there was no vertical nystagmus. While checking, the Driver had to be reminded to follow the stimulus with her eyes only. During the exercise, the Driver displayed a sway from left to right and front to back. Walk and Turn For the walk and tum exercise, I had the Driver stand at the end of a white parking line. I asked the Driver if the surface appeared to be level to her, if it was free of debris, if the line was straight. the Driver answered yes to the questions. I instructed the Driver of the position she was to get into and maintain while I read and demonstrated the exercise. While instructing the Driver, she had to be reminded to stay in the correct position. While completing the exercise, the Driver did not count her steps out loud. She missed heel-to-toe on steps one, two and three on the way down, and took ten steps, missing steps one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight and nine on the way back, when she also took eleven steps. One leg stand Prior to beginning, I instructed the Driver how to stand while I read the instructions and demonstrated the exercise. She had to be told multiple times to stay in the correct position, and started the exercise before I told her to begin. After instruction, I asked the Driver if she understood the instructions, she said that she did. Throughout the exercise, the Driver displayed orbital sway to the left and right, front and back. She put her foot down at 24 seconds. Based on her driving pattern, personal contact and performance of the exercises, I determined that the Driver’s normal faculties were impaired. She was arrested for driving under the influence. The Driver was then secured in my vehicle and transported to the Orange County DUI Center. I requested for the Driver to submit to a breath test, and she agreed. On the first breath test, at approximately 5:01 a.m., the Driver blew a .094%. On the second breath test, at approximately 5:04 a.m., she blew a 0.095%. The Driver was issued a citation for running a red light and a DUI Citation. She was later approved for and successfully completed DUI pretrial diversion. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Getting Away With Murder: The Killing of Joshua Bell

ZONsC-cUckc | 06 Apr 2022

Getting Away With Murder: The Killing of Joshua Bell

This is the otherwise-unknown story of the murder of Joshua Bell, and of how his accused killer walked free. On March 19, 2016, at 10:28 a.m., multiple Orlando police units responded to 3952 WD Judge Drive, #110, in reference to a shooting. Upon arrival, units located Joshua Bell leaning on the second floor railing directly in front of apartment #110. With a life-threatening gunshot wound. Bell was transported to the hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries. Two eyewitnesses stated that yelling and screaming had caught their attention. They observed a red-complected black male, 6', bald-headed, wearing a red shirt and blue jeans, placing items in the trunk of a burgundy Impala. One also noticed a dark-skinned black male, ~5'6", with short dreads, a red/black striped shirt, and black jean shorts – running up the stairwell. Both heard a single shot, and observed a heavyset black female, ~5'5", with a ponytail, white shirt, and gray skirt, running down the stairs with an infant in her arms. The female and the bald-headed male entered the Impala and departed. At the hospital, Detective Mike Stanley met with Bell's parents, Sherry and Nathanial Jones, along with Bell's girlfriend, Laquanda Nero, with whom Bell had a child. Nero stated that she had been at a tire & rim store to make a payment, and that in lieu of payment, she was going to return the tires and rims that were at her residence. She called her aunt, Yvonneya Gary, and asked her to pick up the tires and her child, and to bring both to her at the store. While Nero was waiting for Gary, she was "pocket dialed" by Joshua. She heard screams and returned home, where she found Bell shot and leaning over the railing. A short time later, Shereta Ward, along with Gary and Nero's infant arrived. Gary drove a burgundy impala, and matched the description of the black female observed departing the scene of the shooting. Stanley asked Nero if she had an idea of who would have been with Gary. She answered Gary's son, Rouquan Exile, and her own brother, Courtney Nero. After one interview and multiple story-changes, Gary contacted Detective Stanley. In an audio-recorded interview, Gary stated she wanted to tell the truth, and related that after receiving a call from Nero asking Gary to bring her tires and child, she went over with her son Rouquan and with Courtney Nero. She and Nero went upstairs, while Exile began placing Nero's tires in the trunk of Gary's Impala. Gary picked up Nero's child, then saw Courtney and Josh arguing inside Nero's apartment. The argument moved to the porch, and Gary was standing in the doorway when she saw Courtney and Josh standing close to each other and arguing, followed by a gunshot. She heard Bell exclaim, "You shot me! you shot me!" Gary stated she panicked and ran down the stairwell and entered her vehicle while holding Nero's child. Gary stated Exile entered her vehicle, and she handed the child to Exile. Courtney entered her vehicle and sat in the front passenger seat, at which time he stated, "It's going to be alright, Auntie." Gary stated that Courtney expressed no remorse about shooting Bell. On March 29, 2016, the Orlando Police Department Tweeted "Arrested: Courtney Nero, on warrant for 2nd degree murder in 3/19 shooting death of Joshua Bell at Palm Grove Apts." That's the last anyone heard about it. Nero was charged with second degree murder and held without bail. "The Court finds that the proof is evident and the presumption is great that the Defendant committed the charged offense." On May 20, 2017, the defense requested and was granted a continuance: "State has witness issues and is actively looking for two eyewitnesses." And then Ms. Gary developed heart problems. The kind that somehow coincided with the dates of her subpoenas. On June 26, 2017, Gary told ASA Frank George that she was prepared to testify that: 1. She was drunk at the time she gave her statement and "on other things." 2. The police made her say whatever she said. 3. She had no memory of the events. She didn't even remember why she, Courtney, and her son went to the apartment. "I handed her statement to [her] and she said she didn't have her reading glasses. I offered to read it to her. She stated it wouldn't matter because she would not remember any of it and would not say that at the time she said those things, she believed she was telling the truth. It was obvious from speaking with her that she had received legal counsel, as she was not putting herself in a position of perjuring herself. I asked her if she was really willing to allow a murderer to go free. She replied she doesn't know what happened." The charges were dropped. Defendants have a right to a speedy trial, and the State's time was up. Witness problems. Previously facing life in prison for murder, Courtney Nero was free. @What You Haven't Seen 00:00 Interview of Yvonneya Gary 28:00 The truth comes out 37:27 The case falls apart 38:44 911 calls

Scenes From Jail

9kfKXJO6M4w | 05 Apr 2022

Scenes From Jail

Meet inmate Miller. @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice @Real World Police @What You Haven't Seen

Manufacturing Suspicion: The Traffic Stop of Kareem Spaulding

ByoL5d3UI-g | 04 Apr 2022

Manufacturing Suspicion: The Traffic Stop of Kareem Spaulding

In Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806 (1996), the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the issue of pretextual traffic stops. On the evening of June 10, 1993, plainclothes vice-squad officers of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department were patrolling a “high drug area” of the city in an unmarked car. Their suspicions were aroused when they passed a Pathfinder truck that was sitting at a stop sign for what seemed an unusually long time. When the officers executed a U-turn in order to head back toward the truck, the Pathfinder suddenly turned, without signaling, and sped away. The officers followed and overtook the Pathfinder when it stopped behind other traffic at a red light. The officer approaching the truck immediately observed two large plastic bags appearing to contain crack cocaine in the hands of the passenger, Michael Whren. Whren and the driver were arrested, and illegal drugs were retrieved from the vehicle. The defense moved to suppress, arguing the traffic stop was illegal. They said the justification for the stop – to warn the driver about traffic violations – was pretextual, and the officers did not have probable cause, or even reasonable suspicion, to believe drug violations were occurring. In a unanimous opinion, the Supreme Court held the officers had probable cause to believe Brown violated the traffic code and, therefore, the stop was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment. The officers’ motivation to investigate possible drug violations was irrelevant. In short, if a law enforcement officer witnesses a traffic violation, he or she may stop the vehicle in question, even if the officer’s actual goal is to investigate the possibility of other illegal activity. The Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits selective enforcement of the law based on considerations such as race. As for creating ("license and registration?" "why are you reaching?!") the observations that aroused your suspicions, that's another matter... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Las Cruces Man Tries Auditing His Own Traffic Stop

dulMfa1zjO0 | 01 Apr 2022

Las Cruces Man Tries Auditing His Own Traffic Stop

The plot line of this video is pretty great, though the comedy takes some time to pay off. For those of you who don’t intend to watch through to the end, I present a spoiler: Dude spends a half-hour complaining about the officer’s conduct during his traffic stop, after which he requests a supervisor. Supervisor shows up, patiently hears out all of dude’s complaints, and then casually reminds the driver that he — the supervisor — had pulled the driver over for the exact same things the day prior, and had issued him the exact same citations, warning the driver that if he kept driving with a suspended license, he risked having his truck towed. Which is exactly what happened. Take that, and punctuate it with a guy who is trying his best to save face on Facebook Live, or whatever he’s on, and you have this traffic stop. Ah, people… ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

Asleep in Taco Bell drive-thru, woman gets arrested for DUI

AuwpX0AhZEU | 30 Mar 2022

Asleep in Taco Bell drive-thru, woman gets arrested for DUI

On December 11, 2021, at approximately 2:48 a.m., Officer Joseph Geil with the Pullman Police Department was dispatched to the Taco Bell restaurant at 425 NE Stadium Way in Pullman, Washington to reports of a female who had fallen asleep in the Taco Bell drive-thru. The woman was briefly woken up when the 911 caller had knocked on her window, but she soon went back to sleep. To mitigate against the possibility of harassment, the driver will be referred to as “the driver” or similar in the narrative that follows. From the report of Officer Geil, lightly edited for brevity: "I arrived at Taco Bell and started walking toward the drive-thru and was pointed toward a silver 2001 Honda CRV. I approached the vehicle and observed its driver asleep in the driver's seat with the vehicle running. I knocked several times and asked the driver to roll her window down. The driver woke up and appeared confused, and then appeared to wave me off. I knocked on the driver's window again, asking her to roll the window down. She opened the door. I observed that the vehicle was in neutral and told the driver to place the car in park. I was getting a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from her. I observed the driver's eyes were red, watery, and bloodshot, and her face appeared droopy. She appeared to be having a hard time understanding my instructions. I observed an open case of beer in the back seat and an open beer can in the cup holder adjacent to her. The driver placed her hands on the steering wheel as if she was going to drive away. I reached in, placed the car in park, turned the vehicle off, and dropped the car keys by her feet. The driver's pupils appeared dilated. I asked the driver what was going on. She said she was trying to go home. I asked her to step outside of the vehicle. She said okay and then tried to shut the door on me. She began trying to start her car without her keys, placing her hands where the keys would be and making a turning motion near the ignition, and then placed her hands on the steering wheel as if to drive away. I told her again to step outside of the vehicle, asking her several times. She said that she was ready, then grabbed her keys and appeared to try to find the key to start the vehicle with. I told the driver that she was under arrest and grabbed her wrist and her right shoulder gently encouraging her outside her vehicle. WSU Sgt. Kurht assisted me in getting her outside of the vehicle. Once the driver was outside the vehicle she became compliant. I placed the driver into handcuffs and checked for a good fit. WSU Sgt. Kuhrt asked the driver if he could park the car, she said yes. I asked how much she had to drink. She told me "Not much, honestly". When asked why she fell asleep at the wheel at Taco Bell, she said it had been a hectic week with finals and she was tired. When asked about the beer in her cupholder she said it wasn't hers. She then said it was hers from two days ago and then told me it wasn't hers again or something to that effect. I asked the driver if she would be willing to perform some voluntary field sobriety tests to which she agreed. I took the driver out of handcuffs. HGN: I observed lack of smooth pursuit in the driver's left and right eyes. She moved her head several times throughout the test. At times she would stop looking at my stimulus, look at me, and look back at the stimulus. WAT: The driver had issues with balance while in the starting position, and had trouble getting into the starting position. She used her arms for balance while walking and stopped walking during the test. On her 9th step, instead of turning she began walking slowly backwards. OLS: The driver began walking forward while counting out loud. I stopped her, gave her the instructions again. During the test, Ofc. Emerson had to remind her to lift her foot at least six inches off the ground. Several times during the test she raised her eyes from her foot and look straight ahead. She swayed while balancing. PBT: I asked the driver if she was willing to provide a breath sample. She agreed. The driver provided a PBT of .249% at approximately 3:09 a.m. It was my opinion that the driver was impaired. I placed her under arrest for DUI and transported her to the Pullman Police Department." ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice @What You Haven't Seen

“I just got out of jail yesterday, man!”

l3YX5xbQx8A | 28 Mar 2022

“I just got out of jail yesterday, man!”

On May 13, 2021, officers with the Las Cruces Police Department were dispatched to the area of Golf Club and Crescent Creek in reference to an golf cart theft that had just occurred. Dispatch advised that a male subject with tattoos, blue jeans, a beanie, and no shirt had “hopped into a golf cart at the Sonoma Ranch Golf Course, driven off of the course, and attempted to take the golf cart into the desert.” While en route, dispatch advised that “some male subjects from the golf course were out with the suspect and that they were going to be in the ravine area south of the Golf Club and Crescent.” From the police report: “On arrival, I saw golf carts parked on the side of the road, and some subjects down in the ravine area southwest of Crescent and Golf Club. I made my way down the ravine where I found several subjects speaking to a male subject wearing no shirt, a gray beanie, several body tattoos that I could see, and blue jeans. He was standing next to a golf cart. I walked over to the male subject and asked him to turn around and place his hands behind his back. I advised him that he was detained at this time. The male subject complied. He placed his hands behind his back. I placed handcuffs on the male, gauged them for tightness and double-locked, and walked him to my marked police unit. I sat him in my unit after performing a pat down for weapons before placing him in my unit. The suspect was identified as Andrew Herrera. While I was gathering the male's information, the male was making exciting utterances. Also, while I was walking him to my marked police unit, he made excited utterances stating that somebody at the golf course had let him use it and that he was just driving over there. He also made statements that the brakes were not working and he could not stop the golf cart and he was not trying to steal it. After sitting him in my unit, Officer Manny Frias obtained the victim’s information, who advised he did want to prosecute.” Further investigation would reveal that Mr. Herrera had a warrant for battery. Mr. Herrera was arrested and charged with unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, a fourth degree felony. Trial is scheduled for June 1, 2022. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Pursuit of Tracy McGlothlin | Helicopter Footage (2016)

K_y3C72B6ko | 24 Mar 2022

Pursuit of Tracy McGlothlin | Helicopter Footage (2016)

From the archives. ORLANDO, FLORIDA — On September 11, 2016, at 12:11 P.M., Officer Richard Carpenter was dispatched to the area of 177 E. Washington Street in reference to a "Joanna" that called advising they were using a GPS tracker to track a stolen truck with no tag number. Joanna advised that the she was waiting for an Orange County Deputy to arrive to make a report. She then updated the address of the vehicle to 2667 Rosedale Road, and advised that the vehicle was a blue 2005 Ford F-150 with no tag, as it had been stolen from her business overnight. An emergency channel was established. Officers Cechowski and Tabbara located the vehicle in the parking lot behind the Chevron gas station at the intersection of East Colonial Drive and North Primrose Drive, approximately one block from the last-known GPS location. Officer Carpenter was in the area and responded. As he was traveling through the McDonalds parking lot, which shares a driveway with the Chevron Gas Station, Officer Carpenter observed Officers Cechowski and Tabbara approaching the rear of a blue Ford F-150, along with K-9 Officer Shanley's marked vehicle at the rear of the Ford truck with his emergency lights on. As Officer Carpenter began to exit his vehicle, he heard the words "Show me your hands," but couldn't tell which officer was giving the command. As he began walking toward the Ford truck, the vehicle fled, departing the parking spot over a curb, and then exiting on the east side of the parking lot and south on Primrose Drive. The pursuit was on. Later, K-9 Shanley and his partner Leo were directed into a wooded area by Chase 1, where Leo found the driver. In response to a request for her date of birth, the driver stated that she was scared because someone pointed a gun at her and that she was only trying to go see her kids. McGlothlin, who had an extensive record, was driving with a revoked license, two active warrants, and a quantity of a crystalline substance. McGlothlin's warrants were for probation violations for dealing in stolen property, and for driving while license suspended/revoked. There is some body camera footage of McGlothlin emerging from the swamp after having been bit by K-9 Leo, available on Patreon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

151 MPH pursuit of firefighter riding Suzuki Hayabusa

qWC-tZY_rtw | 22 Mar 2022

151 MPH pursuit of firefighter riding Suzuki Hayabusa

If you're riding a Hayabusa, and you still can't get away from the police, something is wrong. The Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa is a monster of a sport bike. Manufactured by Suzuki since 1999, the Hayabusa immediately won acclaim as the world's fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed ranging from 188 to 194 mph. Speaking personally for a moment, I have had the awesome - and mildly scary - experience of piloting a 1999 Hayabusa a handful of times.* While there is a lot more to the bike than speed, Hayabusa is synonymous with fast. Very fast. On June 18, 2019, Arkansas State Police Trooper Mitchell Grant was traveling southbound on U.S. Hwy 65, south of Pickens, working moving radar, when he observed what appeared to be a white motorcycle traveling northbound, toward him, at a high rate of speed. Grant's radar indicated 122 mph. It was a 65 mph zone. Trooper Grant entered a median turn-around just before the motorcycle passed him. He observed the rider to be a white male, riding a white sport bike. The rest was a blur. The driver was later identified as [someone whose name I don't intend to publish, for the reason described below]. As the rider passed, Grant turned around and accelerated rapidly, in an attempt to catch the rider and initiate a traffic stop. As Grant accelerated, it was clear that the rider was not slowing down. Instead, he continued northbound, passing vehicles and pulling away from the State Police Dodge Charger. Grant initiated his lights and siren, and advised Sergeant Jeff Preston that he was attempting to stop a motorcycle. It was on. "We were northbound traveling toward Dumas. After driving several miles, at a speed of 150 mph, I was slowly catching up with [the rider]. At one point, just south of Dumas, [the rider] was blocked by two 18-wheeler trucks. I was able to get close to [the rider] before he drove onto the left shoulder, and accelerated past the semis. I maintained [the rider] in sight, as we entered Dumas. [The rider] was weaving around traffic at a very high, and very unsafe speed." "As we continued through Dumas, amongst traffic, [the rider] continued weaving through traffic, and ran through the red light on Highway 65, and Highway 165, still at a very high rate of speed. As we continued northbound out of Dumas, [the rider] was able to weave around traffic and accelerate much quicker than me, and began pulling away from me. As we left Dumas and was heading toward Gould, I again accelerated to a speed of 151 mph, and was able to keep [the rider] in my sight. As we entered Gould, [the rider] was clocked on radar by a Gould City Officer, at 155 mph. As I was going through Gould, I saw [the rider] make a right turn by a Dollar General Store. As I turned in beside the store, I observed [the rider] turning around. He was facing me. As I exited my unit, [the rider] turned the motorcycle off, and put his hands in the air. [The rider] then complied with commands to get on the ground, and was taken into custody without further incident." "[The rider] made a statement that he fled, because after being caught speeding, and with no motorcycle endorsement, he thought he would go to jail." He was right. "[The rider] was transported to the Dumas Police Department, and booked for Fleeing, Reckless Driving, Speeding, No Motorcycle Endorsement and Improper Lane Usage. After booking [the rider] in on the misdemeanor charges, I made contact with Deputy Prosecutor Crews Puryier, who will be reviewing the case to consider a felony fleeing charge. [The rider's]' bond was $940. His motorcycle was towed by Turner's Wrecker Service." Ultimately, the rider was sentenced to "12 months on suspended imposition of sentence, with an additional fine of $2500," a $165 court fee, and a $20 booking fee, with credit for one day served. In 2013, the Arkansas legislature simplified and streamlined the state's laws regarding criminal records sealing. With few exceptions, the new law superseded all preexisting sealing provisions. In 2019, HB 1831 further amended the sealing law, eliminating some waiting periods. It was "the first step in a multi-step process to attempt to make the sealing of certain records of a person's criminal history that involves nonviolent and nonsexual offenses an automatic operation." Most misdemeanor convictions in Arkansas are now eligible for sealing after successful completion of sentence, payment of fines, fees, and restitution . Certain more serious offenses, such as DUI, have a waiting period, and I believe the commercial license holders may be ineligible in relation to traffic offenses. In this case, the rider had the case records sealed prior to my obtaining them. For that reason, I am not reporting his name. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Preview 00:00 Pursuit 07:39 151 MPH on wet roads... 16:02 Meet our other channel *Yes, I’m State Certified 😛.

144 MPH Pursuit of Blacked-Out Dodge Charger

2k39Tz745tA | 17 Mar 2022

144 MPH Pursuit of Blacked-Out Dodge Charger

PULASKI COUNTY, ARKANSAS — From the report of Corporal Cleyton McDonald, lightly edited for clarity: "On October 3, 2019, at 10:41 p.m., I advised dispatch that I was in pursuit of a black Dodge Charger on Interstate 430 northbound at Rodney Parham. The Charger had been speeding, and made a sudden lane change from lane one across to lane three. I tried to read the vehicle's license plate but, never got close enough to see it. I continue to pursue the vehicle traveling westbound on Highway 10. The operator of the Charger was driving erratically, swerving between lanes,, and had turned its headlights off. The Charger continued to drive in that manner, running several red lights. At 10:44 p.m., I advised Pulaski County and Little Rock Police Department units in the area that I had lost sight of the vehicle at Highway 10 and Taylor Loop. No ASP vehicles were damaged in the pursuit." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Brookhaven Police Sergeant Orders Officers to Leave Benzino Alone

XR4FZYXQZ_c | 16 Mar 2022

Brookhaven Police Sergeant Orders Officers to Leave Benzino Alone

On October 9, 2020, Real World Police broke the story that Ex-'Love & Hip Hop' star Raymond "Benzino" Scott was getting evicted from his luxury apartment. He hadn't paid his rent in months, and management wanted him out. This, of course, led to the police being called. Because Benzino. That video's description contained the following: "From the police report: On July 13, 2020 at approximately 1241 hours, I responded to a 911 hang up call at 3450 Blair Circle. Per call notes, Lindsay [last name withheld] called for police to return to location from the previous Disorderly Person Call on 07/13/2020 at 1205 hours in reference to Raymond Scott. [Yes, the police had already been at that location earlier in the day. Also because of Benzino.] From speaking with Lindsay on the call earlier, Lindsay stated Scott has not paid rent since March. [Note: the police report is incorrect about this. Scott had not paid rent since May.] Lindsay advised Scott informed her he should not have to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lindsay stated the eviction process has been started and she believes Scott is aware of the eviction process which is why Scott is angry with her." Notice how I glossed over that 'earlier in the day' incident? It's time we revisit it. ~~~ For those of you who missed the update on Twitter, on February 2, 2021, Judge Shannon McNeal issued a writ of possession, evicting Benzino from his now-former luxury apartment and ordering the ex-L&HH star to pay nearly $10,000 in overdue rent. New to Benzino and wondering what it was that the police didn't want to engage with? Already seen the guy's racist tirade...but want to see more? We've got you covered! Real World Police was the first media outlet anywhere to report Benzino's: And don't forget our hit single: “Pork Fried Rice Face, feat. Benzino.” Which got demonetized, age-restricted, and buried by YouTube faster than you can read this sentence. A censored version is at the end of this video. The original is here: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Intro 00:30 Earlier in the day 04:35 Making plans to speak with Benzino 06:15 Interference 06:45 Sergeant shows up 11:10 "Thank you guys. Good job." 12:00 Blaming it on Covid 14:48 "Pork Fried Rice Face, feat. Benzino" (censored version)

Police Helicopter Rescues Injured Hiker From Surprise Lake

t0VCJ4H4nyY | 12 Mar 2022

Police Helicopter Rescues Injured Hiker From Surprise Lake

It’s been a minute since we’ve shared police search and rescue footage. Today’s mission takes us to Surprise Lake in King County, Washington’s Skykomish Watershed, where we learn the secret to making the best of breaking your ankle in the backcountry: make sure you have a pair of Corgis with you. Total cost of helicopter ride, ground team, helicopter medic, and rescuer: $0. Oh, and there might - just maybe - be a sneak preview of ‘you’ll never guess who got himself arrested again’ footage at the end of this video. (Did you guess Benzino? Because that would be a good guess.) Enjoy! ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice 00:00 Liftoff 01:40 Heading down 04:18 “How are your Corgis?” 11:45 Getting dressed 16:29 Heading up! 20:09 Getting an IV in a helicopter 21:08 Medic is amused by patient not wanting to watch 26:09 Hoist cam 32:45 Coming soon

Homophobic Z-list celebrity trespassed from Red Roof Inn with male companion

d0tolnoSRrY | 09 Mar 2022

Homophobic Z-list celebrity trespassed from Red Roof Inn with male companion

See pinned comment below for the longer version. The short version is that I had no intention of publishing this footage... until Benzino changed my mind. Lil Nas X was the main event at the BET Music Awards in June 2021, where he performed his hit single “Montero.” He closed out that performance by kissing one of his male dancers. I know, right? Oh, heavens. What has the world come to. Two grown men kissing each other on TV? On BET, that last bastion of morality on cable? Someone had better call Benzino. He always has misplaced outrage to spare. I mean, his kid could see that and turn gay himself! Or even worse, he might become tolerant of people who are differen. Maybe even accepting! No! Benzino needed to step up and Parent. He took to Instagram: "That s# BET pulled yesterday was lame asf. It was too uncomfortable, too irresponsible, too forced and too irrelevant to the awards. Homie ain’t even hot like that for music anymore anyway. It’s a shame what all this is comming [sic] to.” Taking inspiration from luminary of love Louis Farrakhan, Benzino even referred to Lil' Nas' music as "Satanic." "I bought ol town road for ZINO [his son], he knows every word but all the satanic s#. I'm just not with. I mean how do you explain s# like this to your kid? I got nothing but respect and love for the gay community but that ain't it, I could see if he was pooping [huh?] but it was unexpected and unnecessary. I didn't care for the Madonna kiss either. I could see if they way dating. Now I hope I don't offend anyone because this post wasn't meant for that. It's just my opinion of the production. Only God judges." Benzino subsequently learned that there are, in fact, judges other than the big dude in the sky. He caught a lot of well-deserved heat and deleted his own Instagram post. Then Instagram deleted his account, though I am not sure if that was in relation to this particular incident. Believe it or not, I rarely pay attention to the guy. But I did see his subsequent doubling-down non-apology apology interview. Which prompted me to revisit the Red Roof Inn footage. It was exactly as I had remembered. This is it. And yes, I understand that two men sharing a motel room does not mean that they had their own Montero. To loosely quote Benzino, "It's the optics of the situation." Couple that with the reality that he contrasted himself and his companion to an imaginary white couple named John and Bill Summerfield (who for some reason are exempt from checkout times) along with some other clues, and I guess it's possible that they were just planning Benzino's next diss track. But, y'know, the optics. Benzino, gay people were definitely around when you were younger. The "movement," as you call it, has existed for a remarkably long time. (Approximately forever, give or take a few years.) I am sorry if you didn't get to be yourself—I don't know what that's like, but it sounds pretty terrible. The thing is, that doesn't excuse the way you act. Times have changed, man. Get with them. For your own sake, if not for everyone else's. In the words of the great Ali G, "Without realness, we is nothing." Peace. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Arkansas State Police 130 MPH Pursuit of Daishun Allen

qFO19YhvumU | 06 Mar 2022

Arkansas State Police 130 MPH Pursuit of Daishun Allen

On January 24, 2020, Arkansas State Police Trooper Alex Bray was patrolling on US Highway 67 south near the 8 mile marker when he noticed a vehicle moving at a high rate of speed, heading southbound in front of him. As he approached the vehicle, he could see that it was a black Kia Optima. The Optima bore paper dealer tags that were unreadable, and Trooper Bray activated his front radar antenna: 87 miles per hour in a 65 mph zone. The Optima was also following too closely. As Bray and the Optima approached exit 5 on US Highway 67 south, Bray informed Troop A dispatch that he was going to attempt to conduct a traffic stop on the Optima, and that he could see that the Optima had at least four occupants. At 8:31 P.M., Alex Bray initiated his emergency lights and siren. Almost immediately, the Optima took off, reaching speeds of 130+ miles per hour in a 60 mph zone, driving recklessly and weaving through traffic. The Optima exited US Highway 67 south and continued to flee onto I-40 east. At that point, Trooper Keri Permenter joined in the pursuit as a secondary unit. The Optima exited I-40 east at exit 156 and continued to flee northbound on Springhill Drive. The Optima continued to flee eastbound on McCain, before turning north onto State Highway 161... where all four of the vehicle's occupants exited the Optima, which ultimately ended up in a deep ditch. All four suspects began to flee on foot through a field east of State Highway 161. Trooper Bray pursued one occupant in his vehicle, driving through the field until the occupant stopped running. Bray exited his vehicle, gave the suspect commands, and arrested him without further incident apart from a his extraordinarily-fast jump-to-prone. The suspect Bray arrested was a 16 year old who we will not be naming. As Trooper Bray was handcuffing his suspect, he watched as two suspects run into a neighborhood on the north end of the field. Bray had lost sight of the fourth suspect. After Mirandizing his suspect, Trooper Bray asked him who the other three suspects were and he stated that he did not know. During a search of the Optima, Trooper Keri Permenter located a Glock 23 under the passenger front seat with the barrel facing toward the front of the car. It had been reported stolen out of North Little Rock Police Department. The owner of the vehicle and her grandmother eventually arrived on scene.Both knew all of the occupants of the vehicle, and stated that Daishaun Allen, Darion Deshun Richard, and Caleb Sykes, and the minor suspect were the occupants of the vehicle during the pursuit. The captured minor suspect was transported to his mother’s residence and turned over to her care. On January 25, 2020, Trooper Bray made contact with the grandmother, who stated that she had made contact with the suspects over social media. She also stated that the other minor suspect made a comment about "throwing a bag" in the field that they had fled through. Trooper Bray returned to the field east of State Highway 161 and identified where he thought that he had lost sight of the suspects. It was there that he found, in some bushes by the back side of a neighborhood, a black bag containing a clear plastic baggy with ~50 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, an iPhone, and two loaded firearms. One firearm was a Glock 19; the other a Glock 17. Neither of the two had been reported stolen. Daishun Allen was killed in a drive-by shooting before he was charged in relation to this incident. He was already under investigation for his involvement in a different drive-by only eight days earlier, and had himself survived yet another drive-by about a month prior. Caleb Sykes was charged with speeding, contempt of court, driving without a license, and driving an unregistered vehicle. On February 11, 2020, a warranr was issued for his arrest ater he failed to appear in court. It is unclear what has happened since. Darion Richard was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and fleeing on foot, both misdemeanors. He entered a negotiated guilty plea and was sentenced to 30 days on the former charge; 365 days on the latter — with both sentences suspended, along with his driver's license, which would be suspended for a period of six months. On October 21, 2020, Richard was arrested by the Arkansas State Police for his alleged involvement in a different incident, in which he was charged with carrying a wapon and tampering with evidence. The case is still open. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice 00:00 Pre-event footage 01:59 Radar lock 03:00 The chase is on 04:47 "They're not letting me PIT" 07:43 120+ MPH through town 08:17 The fastest proning-out you've ever seen; secondary pursuit vehicle

Fish & Wildlife Officer Gets Himself Fired

EraXQT2fHi8 | 04 Mar 2022

Fish & Wildlife Officer Gets Himself Fired

See pinned comment for a detailed overview of this case. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call Compendium, Volume I

1UucY_bLWEQ | 28 Feb 2022

Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call Compendium, Volume I

This is volume one of a four-part jail call compendium. There is some backstory here, but I'll save that for a later installment. For now, let's dive in. Note that the calls are not in chronological order. Dates are included. I am aware that some of these have been posted elsewhere, though I doubt they have all been. That said, I could be wrong. I don't pay attention to the goings-on in the YouTube Dewitteverse. 00:00 Extended intro. You probably want to watch this. 00:28:32 "She changed the locks." "Are you going to file for divorce?" (Jennifer, 4/9/21) 00:51:30 "Hamdu a-f'ing-la." Now Sandy only trusts Jennifer for some reason... (Jennifer, 4/10/21) 02:20:31 "You mean they literally monitor this #!&@?" (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 02:26:27 "You sound like you got into a huge argument [with Rania]" (Jennifer, 3/23/21) 02:39:32 "Your chickadee is keeping me informed." "She's just an employee" (Ursula, 3/23/21) 02:54:03 "I was on channel nine and six." "How do you know all this $#!&*?" "There's a TV right here." "Can't we call some people we know in the sheriff's office?" (Jennifer, 3/23/21) 03:08:38 Rania doesn’t believe Jeremy when he tells her the police stole his money. "I wouldn't lie to you." (Rania, 3/23/21) 03:23:09 "People are talking a lot of #@%!, but it's up. There's like two thousand something in like, 45 minutes." "I do like Real World, I do like their drama and !$@%" (Jennifer, 3/23/21) 03:38:05 Health, the dogs, their daughter. (Rania, 3/23/21) 03:52:56 "You better have my #@$! globe on that video!" Planning for Jeremy's release. "Everything's been going great with YouTube" (Jennifer, 3/24/21) 04:00:12 Jeremy: I'm gonna have to tell them the truth. Jennifer: For once! Jeremy: Huh? Jennifer: Nothing. (Jennifer, 3/24/21) 04:15:52 Recording content for YouTube. "They dropped everything!" "He should lose his job." (Jennifer, 3/24/21) 04:22:05 Jennifer sent Rania a picture of herself in their house (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 04:30:41 Ursula and Jeremy chat about Rania (Ursula, 4/8/21) 04:40:31 Rania tells Jeremy that she is filing for divorce. Jeremy hangs up on her. (Rania, 4/8/21) 04:41:29 Jeremy reads the charging affidavit to Jennifer (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 04:55:41 Random screaming, romantically involved in the last six months, discuss calling Amir at 2am (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 05:10:17 Jennifer wants to talk about moving Metro State vehicles; Jeremy doesn't want to talk to her (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 05:24:45 "I'm definitely not going to say anything on a recorded line to tell you what you need to say, but…" (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 05:40:08 "They can't revoke your bond! I didn't even make a report!" Jeremy keeps telling Jennifer that she can't call the police. (Jennifer, 4/8/21) 05:54:53 "How are the COs treating you?" "Everyone is talking #$&!." "The one in booking, she was reaaal stupid." (Jennifer, 4/8/21) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Aggravated Murder: The Case of Brandon Stonum

4L5ZPRbTss8 | 28 Feb 2022

Aggravated Murder: The Case of Brandon Stonum

On May 24, 2019, Brandon Stonum was arrested after discharging his legally-owned firearm in what he claimed was self-defense. Shortly thereafter, Stonum was charged with one count of aggravated murder. He was granted bond. Sort-of... Stonum's bond amount? Three-quarters of a million dollars. Stonum's privately retained attorney, Andy Petropouleas, filed a motion requesting that Stonum's bond be reduced to $100,000. He argued that 1. Stonum had no felony record. 2. He had lived in Cleveland his entire life, and had close family connections there. 3. He held a concealed carry license and had been in lawful possession of his weapon on the day of the offense, and 4. The case involved an alleged robbery, in which Stonum claimed that he had fired in self-defense. Immediately after the incident, Stonum called 911 and requested medical attention for the individual, and while on the 911 call he observed a police officer and flagged him down for assistance. Stonum had been cooperative with law enforcement the entire time. On June 18, 2019, Judge John J. Russo granted Stonum's motion for reduction of bond, over the State's objection. Stonum's bond was reduced to $200,000, with GPS monitoring. But the restriction wouldn't last long. On June 21, 2019, Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney Mike O'Malley filed a motion to terminate charges. The case against Brandon Stonum was dismissed. This is the police interview of Brandon Stonum. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

"She's not drunk, she's just an аssһоӏе!"

QNxdEtQ5eT4 | 25 Feb 2022

"She's not drunk, she's just an аssһоӏе!"

A self-explanatory video out of Washington State. Aside from the part when a random person walks by on the highway... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Pre-stop indicators 00:51 Traffic stop 02:12 Contact 10:14 "She's not drunk..." 23:26 I have three different citations? 24:08 No. Drive away.

Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Gets Himself Fired

PMdc01iEvJ4 | 21 Feb 2022

Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Gets Himself Fired

On October 7, 2020, Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Timmy Williams conducted a traffic stop for speeding on Fletcher Avenue and Dale Mabry Highway in Hillsborough County, Florida. Trooper Williams removed his body microphone during the stop. When Trooper Williams asked the Asian female motorist why she was speeding, she replied, in part, that she had just left a job interview at a spa. Trooper Williams told the woman that was pretty several times, and inquired as to whether she gave 'other' types of massages. The 'private' type. The woman found Trooper Williams' comments to be inappropriate and sexually suggestive; she was uncomfortable with the situation. That is why, when Williams briefly left her alone to answer another motorist's request for directions, she began recording their conversation with her cell phone. The woman made it clear that she did not give "sketchy" massages, and that Trooper Williams would need to go elsewhere for them. Trooper Williams took that as an opportunity to clarify: those were the type of massages he wanted. Trooper Williams told the woman that he had experienced both 'types' of massages before. He wanted to know what types of massages she had given. Remember, this was all happening on a traffic stop. The woman insisted that she only gave normal massages. Undeterred, Williams told the woman that police officers need the "other” (“sketchy”) types of massages, just like anyone else. The woman told Trooper Williams where she worked, and that he could come get a normal massage, but Trooper Williams wasn't going to get distracted that easily: cool story, lady, but he wanted a private massage. Some acronyms: HSMV is Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. FHP is the Florida Highway Patrol, which is a division of HSMV. HSMV has an Office of Inspector General, or OIG. HSMV OIG Inspector Frank Troffo shines in this video. The video presents otherwise-silent in-car camera footage from the subject traffic stop, along with audio of Inspector Troffo's interview of Timmy Williams, who has an unusual definition of "deescalation." As you listen to Frank Troffo's interview of Timmy Williams, it is worth noting that Florida's version of the law enforcement officer's bill of rights provides every police officer in the state with the right to receive a copy of all of the evidence against them prior to being questioned in an administrative investigation. There is no surprising a police officer with contrary evidence during an interview. It's against the law. So what does that mean? It means Timmy Williams had already heard the driver's audio recordings. He had copies of the complaints. This is the guy prepared. Timmy Williams was fired. He appealed his termination to another acronym: PERC, Florida's Public Employees Relations Commission. The Commission order affirming Williams' termination is at the end of this video. This story has never been reported elsewhere. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Reckless Motorcyclist Caught by State Police Cessna Turbo Stationair

MEdCSugtXH8 | 20 Feb 2022

Reckless Motorcyclist Caught by State Police Cessna Turbo Stationair

You have probably seen the signs. "Speed Enforced by Aircraft." And you might have wondered: "Are they for real?" Watch as a Washington State Patrol Cessna 206H Turbo Stationair answers that question with a definitive yes. Or just ask Michael Icenhour. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 06:09 Exiting the highway 07:10 Contact

"I'm with the National Background Investigations Bureau"

BMBYURGf_90 | 17 Feb 2022

"I'm with the National Background Investigations Bureau"

On April 19, 2018, at 0044 hours, Officers Jeffrey Rine, Jonathan Burgos, Stephen Hurt, and Craig Broder conducted a traffic stop in front of The Palms Club apartments in Orlando, Florida, on a red 2014 Mercedes sedan. Officers Burgos and Rine provided the driver, Delmontae Pryor, with a Florida Uniform Traffic Citation for violation of Florida State Statute (FSS) 316.074 (1), Obedience to and Required Traffic Control Devices ("Ran Stop Sign."). On April 19, 2018, Pryor responded to the Orlando Police Headquarters and completed a citizen's complaint form against Officers Rine, Burgos, Hurt and Broder. What do you think the outcome was? Oh, and believe it or not... the NBIB? It was real. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Intro 01:40 Officer Rine 16:38 Officer Hurt 30:27 Officer Broder 43:33 16-hour suspension without pay

Standoff at the Tax Collector's: The Arrest of Politician Joel Greenberg

-wNQuMp1DJo | 12 Feb 2022

Standoff at the Tax Collector's: The Arrest of Politician Joel Greenberg

Before we get into Joel Greenberg, there is the matter of the blurring in this video. Since I have brought up similar blurring in the past, I have an idea of how this goes: I explain why I believe the blurring is unlawful, and then a bunch of people try to explain to me why they think the agency is doing it (officer safety), ignoring the reality that even the most convincing explanation can't change the law. If the police can't legally do something, and they want to do that thing, there is a way to make it happen: through the legislature. Not by having the police ignore or violate the law. Florida’s Public Records Law, often referred to as the Sunshine Law, provides everyone with a right to access the state's "public records" — an expansively-defined term. All public records in Florida exist with a presumption of access. The only acceptable reason for withholding a record (or information within a record) is that the record or information is exempt or confidential by law. One of the Sunshine Law's *1,159* exemptions is found in 119.071(4)(d)2.a., F.S.. Specifically, the exemption for “home addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and photographs” of certain law enforcement officers. A minority of law enforcement agencies in Florida argue that a video is just a series of photographs in rapid succession, therefore the exemption for photographs applies to videos. In a particularly memorable email [to me], the City of Ormond Beach once characterized body camera footage as “photographic video evidence” — so they could then redact the face of the police officer they had arrested from the arrest video that I had requested... despite the fact that the officer was a regular on Live PD. Ormond Beach charged a couple hundred dollars for the privilege of not seeing his face. I think those agencies are wrong. First, the plain language of the law is unambiguous. The word “video” appears hundreds of times throughout the Florida Statutes, sometimes in the same sentence as the word “photograph.” The legislature knew the word video and they didn't use it. But they did define the term “body camera.” According to 119.071(2)(l)1.a, F.S., a body camera is “a portable electronic recording device that is worn on a law enforcement officer’s body and that records audio and video data in the course of the officer performing his or her official duties and responsibilities.” Catch that? “Video data.” Not photographs, a series of photographs, or even photographic videos. According to the Supreme Court “…the starting point for interpreting a statute is the language of the statute itself. Absent a clearly expressed legislative intention to the contrary, that language must ordinarily be regarded as conclusive." The legislature could have exempted video. They didn't. There is more. One of the canons of statutory construction — the rules for interpreting the rules — states that the express mention of a subject, object, or idea is the exclusion of other subjects, objects, or ideas. When a statute contains a list of specific contexts where it applies, the inference is that it doesn’t apply in other contexts. The legislature exempted photographs to the exclusion of video. So, Joel Greenberg. On the night of March 2, 2021, Seminole County Sheriff's Deputy Jerome Grunat arrived at the home of disgraced Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg, in Lake Mary, Florida. It wasn't a social visit. Greenberg had a warrant from the United States Marshals Service for failure to abide by his conditions of release. After more than four hours of rather crazy negotiations, Joel finally walked out of his house at ~12:15 A.M. In 2016, Greenberg was elected tax collector of Seminole County, after running a reportedly self-financed campaign that defeated 30-year incumbent Ray Valdes. Briefly a Republican rising star in Central Florida politics, Greenberg resigned from office on June 24, 2020, the day after he was arrested on a 33-count federal criminal indictment. (See pinned comment for details.) On May 17, 2021, Greenberg pleaded guilty to six counts as part of an 86-page plea deal that requires his cooperation with federal investigators in their probes of other high-profile individuals, most notably Republican congressman Matt Gaetz. In exchange for his cooperation and guilty plea on six counts, Greenberg faces a recommended sentence of 12 years; his actual sentence will determined by a judge at sentencing, which is currently scheduled for March 22, 2022. Real World Police was previously first to report that Greenberg has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ 00:00 Preview 03:28 Arrival 11:57 He wants to cut his ankle monitor off 19:45 I have Tannerite planted throughout my yard 31:40 He knows me, though he's an a**hole 33:04 References being "dopesick" 36:56 Wearing an Ashley Moody shirt to jail 50:16 Joel! Get your a** out here now! 57:30 Joel emerges. 59:49 That only took four hours

Bodybuilder Cop: The Other Traffic Stop

98DU-Y2U7-s | 09 Feb 2022

Bodybuilder Cop: The Other Traffic Stop

COCOA, FLORIDA — The Rock Contardi saga continues, with a look at what happened on a similar traffic stop... with a very different outcome. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Two-minute recap 01:55 Dope 08:25 God did it 09:32 Former Officer Rock Contardi 10:07 Officer Xzevies Baez 11:55 Officer Dan Rhodes 12:49 A lie? 14:00 Sergeant Nick Moon

Predator in the Classroom: School Principal Calls the Police

XcbwlDmkSbE | 04 Feb 2022

Predator in the Classroom: School Principal Calls the Police

GOODYEAR, ARIZONA — On March 21, 2018 an officer with the Goodyear Police Department received a phone call from Principal Timothy Dickey of Las Brisas Academy. The call's purpose was to inform law enforcement of a possible sexual relationship between a 13-year-old student and his teacher. Her name was Brittany Zamora. The officer used his body-worn camera to create an audiovisual record of his phone conversation with Tim Dickey. There is nothing that would raise your suspicions in the video, but evidence discovered later in the investigation revealed that Principal Dickey was either forgetful or lying when he said that there was no history between the victim and Zamora. In fact, Dickey had been informed more than one month earlier of rumors that the victim and Brittany were "in a relationship," that Brittany was favoring him and giving him A's (despite his poor performance), that the victim and Brittany were spending an unusual amount of time together, and more. Photographs of his notes associated with the earlier disclosure are available on Patreon. Ignoring his status as a mandatory reporter, Dickey instead took it upon himself to independently investigate the allegations. At the end of his investigation, Dickey decided it was appropriate to chastise the students, telling them that "they shouldn't be spreading rumors like that about a teacher." Oops. That wrinkle - that the principal had been informed more than a month earlier - would form part of the basis for a civil suit filed by the victim's parents against both the school district and Daniel Zamora. In that lawsuit, which the school district settled on July 16, 2021, the victim's parents alleged that the school district was obligated to have notified law enforcement back when the rumors first came out in early-February 2018. Daniel Zamora settled and was dismissed from the civil suit in 2019, in exchange for unknown consideration. Note that "unknown consideration" or "an undisclosed amount of money" could very well be zero dollars, as I previously discovered and revealed in relation to Asiana 214 victim Ye Meng Yuan and her family's lawsuit against the City of San Francisco. Attorney Gretchen Nelson announced that the parties had reached “a confidential settlement on mutually agreeable terms,” but knowing that the City of San Francisco could not legally do such a thing, I inquired. Turned out the "mutually agreeable terms" were dropping the lawsuit. That's it. You should also know that Principal Tim Dickey was listed as a reference on Brittany Zamora's job application, and that Dickey describes himself in another recording as having recruited Zamora to come to Las Brisas. The context of that statement, however, was Dickey beating himself up over having recruited Zamora.

On The Block: Arizona Prison Fight | Mind The Closing Door

WP8XLfLkjGw | 01 Feb 2022

On The Block: Arizona Prison Fight | Mind The Closing Door

Unusually, this incident is one for which we have the footage without the backstory. You'll have that information as soon as it comes in, but since there is no clear ETA on the backstory, the clip is yours. @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice

When you forget your body cam is on

BX_Y2eS2kNQ | 31 Jan 2022

When you forget your body cam is on

"I'm not a liar, I'm a Buddhist!"

HT4MPlVnfqw | 31 Jan 2022

"I'm not a liar, I'm a Buddhist!"

Welcome back to Las Cruces, New Mexico, where today we try something a bit different. This story presents body-worn camera footage from each officer on scene, showing concurrent events consecutively to provide a more complete picture. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Neck Guy: The Arrests Behind The Mugshots

M08c10VR1pk | 27 Jan 2022

Neck Guy: The Arrests Behind The Mugshots

Before we get into Neck Guy, aka Wideneck, who all-but introduces himself, there's the matter of the blurring in this video. Since I have brought up similar blurring in the past, I have a decent sense of how this goes: I explain why I believe the blurring is unlawful, and then a bunch of people try to explain to me why they think the agency is doing it (officer safety), ignoring the reality that it makes no difference. Things don't magically become lawful in response to public policy arguments. If the police can't legally do something, and they want to do that thing, there is a way to make that happen: through the legislature. Not by having the police ignore or violate the law. Florida’s Public Records Law provides everyone with a right to access public records, and it defines that term expansively. Entities subject to the Public Records Law are not allowed to withhold records because they want to or because they think it's for the best. The only acceptable reason for withholding records or information within records, is that the record or information is exempt or confidential by law. One of the Public Records Law's many exemptions is found in 119.071(4)(d)2.a., F.S.. Specifically, the exemption for “home addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and photographs” of certain law enforcement officers. A minority of law enforcement agencies in the State of Florida argue that a video is just a series of photographs in rapid succession, therefore the exemption for photographs applies to videos. In a particularly memorable email to me, the City of Ormond Beach once characterized body camera footage as “photographic video evidence” — so they could then redact the face of the police officer they had arrested, in the video that I had asked for. And charge a couple hundred dollars for the privilege. I think those agencies are wrong. First, the plain language of the law is unambiguous. The word “video” appears hundreds of times throughout the Florida Statutes, sometimes in the same sentence as the word “photograph.” The legislature obviously knew the word video. They did not use it. But they did define the term “body camera.” According to 119.071(2)(l)1.a, F.S., a body camera is “a portable electronic recording device that is worn on a law enforcement officer’s body and that records audio and video data in the course of the officer performing his or her official duties and responsibilities.” Catch that? “Video data.” Not “photographs,” "series of photographs,” or even “photographic videos.” According to the United States Supreme Court “…the starting point for interpreting a statute is the language of the statute itself. Absent a clearly expressed legislative intention to the contrary, that language must ordinarily be regarded as conclusive.:" The legislature could have exempted video. They didn't. That’s not all. One of the canons of statutory construction — the rules that tell you how to interpret the rules — states that an express mention of a subject, object, or idea is the exclusion of other subjects, objects, or ideas. When a statute contains a list of specific contexts where it applies, the inference is that it doesn’t apply in other contexts. The legislature did not exempt video to its exclusion. So. Neck guy. For a while, I had wondered whether the rapper 9lokkNine had the longest rap sheet of anyone in Florida. Today, I can definitively say “Not even close.” Neck Guy, whose real name is Charles Dion McDowell? His rap sheet can eat 9lokkNine's for breakfast. Jacquavius ‘9lokkNine’ Smith's rap sheet clocks in at an impressive 43 pages. Charles Neck Guy McDowell's rap sheet dwarfs it: an epic 65 pages. Given the astonishing number of contacts Mr. McDowell has had with law enforcement, most of which were with Escambia County Sheriff's Office, it might come as a surprise to learn that the Sheriff’s Office has relatively few videos of their contacts with Mr. McDowell. Shown here are portions of all of them. Sixty-five page rap sheet. Wow. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ 00:00 Intro 01:25 2018 11:17 2015 13:25 2016 19:58 Backseat 22:04 2017 (#1) 22:39 Backseat 39:00 Sadneck :( 40:28 2017 (#2)

Arkansas State Police pursuit of Ramon Avendano

aIv4JhHP-78 | 25 Jan 2022

Arkansas State Police pursuit of Ramon Avendano

On January 10, 2020, Arkansas State Police Trooper Justin Williams and Trooper First Class James Taylor were dispatched to a report of a stolen blue 2010 Infiniti G37 being tracked by the West Chicago Police Department traveling westbound on I-40 near the 242 mile marker. The vehicle was reported as being driven by Ramon A. Avendano, a parolee who had possibly stolen five firearms. Turned out he hadn’t. From the report of James Taylor, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: “I was stationary at the 216 mile marker westbound when I observed the vehicle pass with Trooper Williams and two St. Francis County Sheriff’s Department vehicles behind the suspect vehicle. As they passed the 216 mile marker, Trooper Williams activated his emergency lights and the vehicle did not stop. I activated my emergency lights and siren and became the secondary unit in the pursuit. While the subject was evading, he turned his headlights off and was passing on the shoulder on several occasions, reaching speeds of 151 mph. The Hazen Police Department advised that they would deploy spike strips at the 198 mile marker. Officer Dillion deployed the spike strips and advised that it was a successful deployment. We then continued to pursue the vehicle at a high rate of speed for an additional nine miles before the suspect vehicle impacted a civilian vehicle in the rear at the 187 mile marker and came to a stop in the north ditch of I-40.” In the civilian vehicle were the driver and her six-month-old infant. Both were transported to the hospital for treatment. “After impact, Avendano continued to evade apprehension by fleeing on foot into a nearby ditch, where he was apprehended by the Hazen PD K9 in a ditch just north of the scene. I heard other officers giving commands and went to assist. When I arrived at the other officer’s location, we placed the subject into custody without further incident. Mr. Avendano was transported to Baptist Health North Little Rock for injuries sustained in the collision and the subsequent dog bite.” Officer Clayton Dillion of the Hazen Police Department was also injured while attempting to apprehend Avendano. Officer Dillion was transported to Baptist Health North Little Rock for treatment and later released. Upon release from the hospital, Avendano was transported to the Prairie County Sheriff’s Department by Trooper Justin Williams.” Avendano was charged with theft by receiving, greater than $5,000 but less than $25,000; felony fleeing, leaving the scene of an injury accident, and fleeing on foot. On March 16, 2020, Avendando entered a negotiated plea of guilty to the first three counts; the charge of fleeing on foot was dismissed. Avendano was sentenced to 60 months supervised probation and 66 days in jail, with credit for 66 days served. He was ordered to pay various fines, fees, and restitution, and his driver’s license was suspended for six months. Arkansas has sentencing guidelines. The presumptive sentence for felony fleeing by vehicle or conveyance is dependent on one’s criminal history score. If the offender falls into the lowest two tiers (of six), the presumptive sentence does not include incarceration. For unknown reasons, Trooper First Class Taylor’s incident report states that the uninvolved woman and her daughter were not “injury transported.” That is clearly incorrect. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Driving With Too Much Money: Arkansas State Police Seize $96,690

PI2_VaOXpwg | 23 Jan 2022

Driving With Too Much Money: Arkansas State Police Seize $96,690

On January 27, 2021, Osamah Aburas was stopped by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). During that traffic stop, it emerged that Aburas was transporting a large amount of United States currency. Aburas was detained and the Criminal Investigations Division of Texas DPS investigated the situation. As part of their investigation, DPS contacted a representative at First Horizon Bank in Memphis, who confirmed that the company employing Aburas, CtoR Wholesale, had an upcoming appointment. The representative also confirmed CtoR's long-standing relationship with the bank and the large-volume cash nature of their standard transactions. Texas Department of Safety allowed Aburas to continue on his way to Memphis. With the money. The following day, on January 28, 2021, Arkansas State Police Trooper Joshua Elmore stopped Aburas for following too closely. Elmore believed that Aburas's answers to his questions "did not make sense," however no evidence ever emerged indicating that Aburas ever lied to the police. Aburas granted consent to search his 2019 Dodge Journey rental, in which Elmore located the same United States currency that had been found the day prior in Texas. Elmore would later describe the currency as "concealed" on the rear floorboard. As is shown in a photograph at the very end of this video, the currency was in a suitcase that was in plain view on the floor. Although Trooper Elmore's drug dog alerted on Aburas's rental minivan, no drugs were ever located. Trooper Elmore seized the currency, totaling $96,690. On March 18, 2019 (yes, two years earlier), Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed into law the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2019, which amended Arkansas law to read that "There shall be no civil judgment under this subchapter and no property shall be forfeited unless the person from whom the property is seized is convicted of a felony offense that related to the property." But that doesn't stop forfeiture cases from being transferred to federal court, where no such restriction exists, and where "equitable sharing" ensures that a sizable chunk of any forfeited funds is kicked back to the state. A separate Arkansas law was intended to curb that practice. It states that "No state or local law enforcement agency may transfer any property seized by the state or local agency to any federal entity for forfeiture under federal law unless the circuit court having jurisdiction over the property enters an order, upon petition by the prosecuting attorney, authorizing the property to be transferred to the federal entity." The law further states that "the transfer shall not be approved unless it reasonably appears that the activity giving rise to the investigation or seizure involves more than one state or the nature of the investigation or seizure would be better pursued under federal law." A loophole the size of a door. On March 2, 2021, Crawford County Prosecuting Attorney Rinda Baker filed a complaint for forfeiture of the $96,690, alleging a connection to drug trafficking. Aburas filed a response as claimant, and a hearing was set for July 13, 2021. On July 12, 2021, Baker filed a petition asking that the property and case be transferred to the DEA for forfeiture under federal law: "[B]ased upon the information that DEA has provided our office, we believe that it reasonably appears that the activity giving rise to the investigation and seizure involves more than one state and the nature of the investigation and seizure would be better pursued under federal law." No one was ever arrested or accused of a crime, and Aburas was never cited for a traffic violation. No drugs or drug paraphernalia were ever found, and Aburas was never found to have lied to the police. One day prior to the seizure by Arkansa State Police, Texas law enforcement had investigated the circumstances surrounding the currency and allowed Aburas to continue on his way with the money. On October 27, 2021, attorney Eugene Clifford signed a settlement agreement on behalf of Mr. Aburas, agreeing that Aburas would receive $38,676 and the remaining $58,014 would be forfeited to the government. It is likely that most, if not all, of the $38,676 were intended to cover Clifford's fees for legal services. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Rapper "XXXTENTACION" commits witness tampering in new jail calls

li24pQcoux0 | 19 Jan 2022

Rapper "XXXTENTACION" commits witness tampering in new jail calls

On October 6, 2016 Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, better known as the late rapper "XXXTentacion" was arrested on charges of domestic battery. At his bond hearing, Onfroy was advised of his conditions of release. Among the conditions was a no contact order prohibiting Onfroy "from having any direct or indirect contact with [victim Geneva Ayala], including contact in person, in writing, by telephone, through social media (or any other electronic means), or third persons." Onfroy did not post bond, and if he had, he would not have been released due to a hold from Broward county, where he was charged with Armed Home Invasion and Aggravated Battery with a Firearm. While he was in custody at Metro West Detention Center, Onfroy made many telephone calls, including the following: October 12, 2016: Onfroy directed Chris Gotay to initiate a three-way phone call with victim Geneva Ayala. Onfroy was unable to speak to Geneva on that call, however later that same day Onfroy successfully engaged in three-way phone call with Ayala, pressuring her to drop the charges. October 14, 2016: During a three-way phone call, Onfroy told Ayala he would give her $3,000 if she drops the charges. Onfroy apologizes for hitting her. October 15, 2016: During a three-way phone call, Onfroy again speaks with Ayala. Onfroy tells Ayala that his friends have deposited $5,000 into her GoFundMe account. [Her account would later be shut down when Onfroy's fans mass-reported the GoFundMe as a scam. It was not a scam. She was trying to raise money for surgery she needed due to Onfroy's attacks.] Onfroy told Ayala to come to the State Attorney's Office to drop the charges, and instructs her to tell no one that they spoke. October 16, 2016: Onfroy spoke with a person he identified as Will. They discuss Ayala and her relationship with a man named Rob. They believe Rob is the one telling Ayala not to drop the charges. Onfroy states "Alright, I got a way to handle this. I'm "bout to call you off a different pin. I'm 'bout to end this once and for all. I got a way to do this, I just need y'all to play along." Onfroy also engaged in victim tampering with the victim in his Broward home invasion robbery case, Che Thomas. On October 11, 2016, Onfroy initiated a phone call with Chris Gotay. Onfroy directed Chris to initiate a three-way phone call with Che Thomas, after which Onfroy offered Thomas $10,000 to sign a non-prosecution affidavit. That same day, Onfroy instructed his friends to meet with Thomas and take him to the Broward State Attorney's Office to sign a non-prosecution affidavit. Onfroy spoke at length with Thomas and promised him money in exchange for signing a non-prosecution affidavit. The following day, Gotay initiated a three-way phone call with Thomas in which he instructed Thomas not to show up in court and to not answer phone calls from the State Attorney's Office. These are the witness tampering jail calls. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ 00:00 Intro 00:44 Call with Chris 03:05 Onfroy tries witchcraft 09:27 "This is the plan" 11:50 Che Thomas witness tampering 13:30 "I'mma hit you up as soon as I get out" 16:15 Call with the bondsman 21:38 "Be careful what you say" 24:15 "What is she going to do about the kid?" 31:36 Layla 34:35 "Just make sure you don't say my real name" 37:47 Onfroy call with Che 45:25 Call with Geneva Ayala

Neck Guy: Trailer

X8QYRfPXcmg | 18 Jan 2022

Neck Guy: Trailer

Until recently, I had wondered whether anyone in Florida has a longer rap sheet than the rapper 9lokkNine, whose FDLE criminal history report runs a solid 43 pages. Today, I can answer that with an unequivocal “yes.” Clocking in at an impressive 65 pages, Wideneck aka Neck Guy aka Charles Dion McDowell has a rap sheet that can eat 9lokkNine’s for breakfast. I’m just glad that FDLE doesn’t charge per page. Neck Guy has had a few more interactions with the police than most. Some of those interactions were captured on video. Of those, I have them all. And soon, you will too. Hopefully. Just waiting for the overlords at YouTube to review the video. Update: still waiting for the overlords to review the video... along with three other videos uploaded in the interim, all of which are inexplicably demonetized. Fun times. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Man driving 127 MPH asks trooper for a warning

lLmhs9Qly8w | 18 Jan 2022

Man driving 127 MPH asks trooper for a warning

Regular viewers are aware that Real World Police published a series of videos showing Nevada Highway Patrol's fastest-speed speeding tickets of 2019. A subset of those regular viewers might have noticed, however, that our top-ten list was incomplete. Today we fill in a gap, with the 127 MPH citation of Alan Rosania, who tried to get out of his ticket by citing "CES" — Las Vegas's annual Consumer Electronics Show. It didn't work. And unlike almost every other high-speed speeding ticket we have seen in Nevada, Rosania's citation — ninth place on the leaderboard — was not amended to a parking ticket. His wife just paid the fine and they moved on. The ten fastest speeding tickets issued by Nevada Highway Patrol in 2019 were: #1 - 155 MPH, to Aaron Snyder and his Charger #2 - 142 MPH, to Michael Alexander and his Corvette #3 - 134 MPH, to the off-duty cop from LA #4 - 133 MPH, to the hairdresser on his way to Salt Lake #5 - 132 MPH, to the guy from Jamaica who just got married #6 - 129 MPH, to Mohammed Basiouny, visiting from the UAE #7 - 129 MPH, someone you haven't met because there is too much wind noise in the video #8 - 127 MPH, to Justin Cole Jance #9 - 127 MPH, to Mr. Rosania #10 - 127 MPH, upcoming They are all pretty great, but if you haven't already seen the first place citation, it's a particularly fun watch. Aaron Snyder was stopped driving 155 MPH while wearing a tee-shirt emblazoned with the word "THRILLS," and the trooper spends much of the stop kind of amazed that Snyder stopped, even telling Snyder that there's no way he would have caught him. Note: On October 1, 2019, Nevada Assembly Bill 434 went into effect, reforming - a bit - the state's approach to traffic violations. The new law states that for someone arrested for a violation of Nevada’s traffic laws, “…there is a presumption that the person should be released on his or her own recognizance.” This presumption doesn't apply to arrests for reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, DUI; or if the person willfully refuses to pay court-imposed obligations and refuses to perform community service to satisfy a court-imposed obligation; or if the court finds that releasing the person “…would substantially jeopardize public safety.” ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice

"I'm not nervous, I'm just tired!"

Qm-NWMeckPk | 14 Jan 2022

"I'm not nervous, I'm just tired!"

On March 13, 2021 at approximately 9:00 A.M., Arkansas State Police Trooper Christopher Short conducted a traffic stop on a white Hyundai Accent for making an unsafe lane change in front of a pickup truck, causing it to have to apply its brakes, and for following too closely to a tractor-trailer. The traffic stop occurred on westbound I-40 near the 13 mile marker in Crawford County, Arkansas. The driver was later identified as Kyla Nicole Forbes, and her front seat passenger was identified as Malcolm Dewayne Alexander. Having been trained in drug interdiction techniques, Trooper Short noticed that both Forbes and Alexander were extremely nervous. Trooper Short requested consent to search of the vehicle and Forbes denied consent. Consequently, Trooper Short requested Trooper Jose Elmore and his K9 partner Bo. While waiting for Trooper Elmore, Forbes admitted to being on federal probation and stated that she was not supposed to leave the State of Iowa. Forbes also admitted to having a meth pipe in her purse. At approximately 9:20 A.M., Trooper Elmore arrived on scene. Trooper Elmore utilized his K9 partner Bo to conduct a sniff of the air around the stopped vehicle, and Bo alerted to the presence of narcotics in the vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, ten bundles of meth weighing a total of 6.3 kilograms were located inside a black duffle bag in the vehicle's trunk. Also located inside the vehicle was a glass pipe Forbes' purse, as well as an open syringe in the center console. At approximately 10:50 A.M., Special Agent Andrew Chronister and Task Force Agent Eric Pippin conducted a post-Miranda interview of Kyla Nicole Forbes, during which Forbes admitted to driving Alexander to Greenville, Mississippi, on March 12, 2021. Once they arrived in Greenville, Forbes stated that they drove to a hotel. Forbes stated that Alexander gave her the money for a hotel room and she rented a room in her name at an Executive Inn Motel. Alexander left Forbes at the hotel and retuned a few hours later, at which time, they left Greenville en route to Des Moines, Iowa. Forbes advised that Alexander was paying her $1000 to drive him to Greenville and back. Forbes also stated that she knew Alexander was a "drug dealer," as he had sold her meth in the past, and that he would also sell cocaine and Ecstasy. On March 14, 2021 at approximately 2:00 p.m., Special Agent Chronister and Task Force Officer Pippin conducted a post-Miranda interview of Malcolm Dewayne Alexander. During the interview, Alexander stated that he helped Forbes make the connection to purchase the meth in Greenville. When asked how much meth, Alexander stated that "the report" says ten pounds. He would not give an amount other than that. Alexander was also asked if any money was exchanged for the meth. He advised there was not. Alexander stated that a price for the meth was not agreed upon and it was just given to them without a price. Alexander did advise, however, that he paid $22,000 on his debt of $25,000 before he was able to obtain the meth.. and that his debt didn't have anything to do with the purchase of the meth he was stopped with the previous day. Forbes was charges with two counts of possession with intent to distribute more than 500 grams of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of methamphetamine. On October 6, 2021, Forbes pleaded guilty to one count of the above. Forbes was sentenced to ten years in prison, to be followed by five years of supervised release. Three weeks prior, Alexander pleaded to the same sentence. In early-2014, Forbes was sentenced to 75 months imprisonment, to be followed by five years and three years of concurrent supervised release, for conspiracy to distribute meth and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments. Be cool. Stay in school. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Pullman Police respond to reports of 100+ person disturbance

5BF2be4dPx8 | 11 Jan 2022

Pullman Police respond to reports of 100+ person disturbance

On October 27, 2019 officers of the Pullman Police Department were dispatched to reports of a large public disturbance involving more than one hundred people. -Massive fight in the street? -Chick screaming that she wants to fight someone because of her anger disorder? -Girl wearing a police officer costume? Sounds like a normal evening in a college town. Welcome back to Pullman. Available only on Patreon for the last year-plus, it's time all y'all have a chance to see. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice Patreon @

Sacramento detective covers up DUI collision, gets fired for dishonesty

MwvAlsUZ4Wc | 05 Jan 2022

Sacramento detective covers up DUI collision, gets fired for dishonesty

There is something important to know about this video. Until very recently, nearly all police disciplinary records were secret in California. That has changed, but only to the extent that misconduct is sustained and falls into one of two categories: sexual misconduct and dishonesty. Everything else is still secret. Without the dishonesty element, this entire incident would be confidential. You wouldn't know about it. You're not entitled to records about it. If you live in California, your legislature can change that. Vote. The following is excerpted from the internal affairs investigation of Glen Barawed. The full 480-page disciplinary file, including the arbitrator's decision upholding Deputy Barawed's termination is available for free on Patreon. Deputy Glen Barawed is assigned to Centralized Investigations Division (CID) - Gang Suppression Unit. On September 19, 2019, at approximately 0620 hours, Deputy Barawed called Sergeant Prehoda via his cell phone to report he had been involved in a vehicle accident involving his home retention county vehicle. Deputy Barawed told Sergeant Prehoda he was on Haussman Street and Laguna Blvd in the City of Elk Grove. Deputy Barawed told Sergeant Prehoda he was not injured and that he had hit a curb. Upon Sergeant Prehoda arriving at Haussman St and Laguna Blvd, he immediately noticed major damage to the front of Deputy Barawed's county vehicle. The damage did not appear consistent with striking a curb. Deputy Barawed told Sergeant Prehoda the accident occurred on Cosumnes River Boulevard near Delta Shores in the City of Sacramento. Deputy Barawed was with his father who resided close by and had arrived at the Haussman Street location prior to Sergeant Prehoda arriving on scene. Sergeant Prehoda admitted he did not smell or observe any signs of Barawed being under the influence of alcohol. Deputy Barawed had already requested a tow truck via the communication center. Sergeant Prehoda made arrangements with a CSI officer to stand by at the Haussman location for the tow truck. Deputy Barawed's father drove Deputy Barawed, followed by Sergeant Prehoda to the area of Cosumnes River Blvd and Delta Shores Circle near I-5. Sergeant Prehoda and Deputy Barawed located the collision scene on Cosumnes River Blvd east of Delta Shores Cir S, approximately 5.5 miles from where Deputy Barawed's vehicle was parked on Haussman in Elk Grove. Sergeant Prehoda and Deputy Barawed identified the area where Barawed left the roadway, causing damage to an electrical box and knocking down two trees. At approximately 0800 hours Sacramento Police Officer Kelly arrived on scene to handle the traffic collision. Officer Kelly's interaction with Deputy Barawed was recorded on Officer Kelly's body worn camera. On several occasions during their contact, Deputy Barawed stated he had struck the curb around 0600 or 0615 hours. The facts of the case demonstrated that Deputy Barawed was repeatedly dishonest with Officer Kelly regarding the time he struck the curb. This in an integral element of the case, as Barawed's dishonesty does not waver and continues on for over two hours while at the location of the accident. Barawed also stated after looking down to reach for his phone he did not realize he hit the electrical box or the trees and believed he had only struck the curb, which is why he continued driving. During Officer Kelly's contact with Barawed he did not smell or observe any signs or symptoms of Barawed being under the influence of alcohol. At approximately 0953, hours Deputy Barawed consented to a PAS test. Prior to completing the PAS test, Deputy Barawed admitted to having "three tall cans of PBR beer" the night prior at 10:00pm or 11:00pm. Prior to this admission, Barawed had denied having had any alcohol. Deputy Barawed's PAS results were .046 and .047. These results are another key component to the case corroborating his dishonesty with Officer Kelley regarding the actual time of the accident. During Deputy Barawed's interview with Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) Sergeants Takahashi and Kloss, he stated he was having marital problems and he parked his county vehicle in our county garage and walked to a bar. After having two pint sized beers, he returned to our garage and drove to another bar. Deputy Barawed could not recall what time he arrived at The Trap or what time he left The Trap. Sometime thereafter, Deputy Barawed recalls striking the curb on Cosumnes River Boulevard after looking down for his phone. Unbeknownst to Deputy Barawed, the investigation revealed DOT video footage of Deputy Barawed's vehicle traveling east through the intersection of Cosumnes River Blvd and Delta Shores Cir at 0217 hours... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ 00:00 12:20 Barawed's story 25:15 Barawed's father's story 33:00 Supervisor catchup 41:22 Sgt. Dieckmann 44:30 Some truth emerges 50:45 Alcohol testing 55:40 Meet WYHS

Orlando Police Internal Affairs Interview of Andrew Mamone

3T8qzEAdD7Q | 03 Jan 2022

Orlando Police Internal Affairs Interview of Andrew Mamone

On February 4, 2019 at approximately 2000 hours, Officer Andrew Mamone was riding together with Officer J. Sites as a two-man unit when they observed a black 2008 Honda Civic, bearing Florida tag KBCK40, traveling east on Greenbelt Boulevard. The vehicle pulled to the south side of Greenbelt Boulevard, turned off its headlights and continued to travel eastbound. After the vehicle came to a stop on the side of the street the officers drove past the vehicle. The officers observed that the vehicle was occupied by two black males who were not wearing their seatbelts. Officer Sites turned his marked patrol vehicle around and conducted a traffic stop with the front bumper of their marked patrol vehicle facing the front bumper of the suspect vehicle. Officer Mamone contacted the driver, Tarik Green, and Officer Sites contacted the passenger, Daquan Grant. Green and Grant were asked to exit the vehicle because the driver stated he had cannabis in the vehicle. Officer Sites had previously contacted Green on another occasion and Green was very cooperative. Daquan Grant had originally provided the name Carey Grant and told the officers that he had been arrested before. Grant's behavior became increasingly nervous and Officer Sites stated that he could see Grant visibly shaking and acting suspiciously. Grant was placed in handcuffs due to his behavior. Officer Mamone exhausted several different avenues to obtain Grants' identity. When Officer Mamone determined Grant's identity he relayed the information to Officers Sites and Madison. A short time later, Grant ran from the stop while still in handcuffs. Officers Mamone and Madison chased Green on foot until Grant fell to the ground. After running from Officers Mamone and Madison, Grant was able to reposition his handcuffs from the rear of his body to the front of his body. Grant attempted to get back up when Officer Mamone discharged his taser and the officers were able to gain control of him. Officers Mamone and Madison instructed Grant to get up off the ground and escorted him to the place of the original traffic stop. On their return, Officers Mamone and Madison instructed Grant to get on the ground and reposition his handcuffs from the front of his body to the rear, threatening to pepper spray Grant if he did not comply, despite Grant's protests that he was physically unable to comply. Officer Mamone is then seen on body camera forcing Grant's legs back through his handcuffs and subsequently walking him to a patrol vehicle while stating "Wow, it's a miracle your legs work and everything." An Internal Affairs investigation determined that Officer Mamone's actions were unreasonable. There were no exigent circumstances or conditions that required immediate action. The subject was much smaller in size, stature and weight than all three officers on scene. The suspect never became violent or threatened violence. Taser probes were still attached to the suspect and could have been cycled if needed; the officers had access to communications to request additional officers and to equipment to secure the suspect's feet to eliminate an attempt to flee. Moreover, there were no crowd issues. It was recommended that Officers Andrew Mamone and Jeffery Madison be sustained for a violation of "Treatment of Prisoners." Officer Mamone was suspended without pay for 24 hours. Officer Mamone grieved his suspension, and his grievances were rejected. Ultimately, his suspension case came before Arbitrator Stuart Goldstein. Despite the capitalized "A," an arbitrator is whomever the arbitration participants choose. There are no standardized minimum qualifications, and an arbitrator does not have to be an attorney. Arbitrators often come to the table with substantial industry experience. This is seen by some as benefiting labor, who would likely characterize it as being fair. The arbitration of Officer Mamone's 24-hour suspension took seven days, the proceedings alone took nearly 24 hours. There were approximately 1,500 pages of exhibits filed, and several body-worn camera videos. Although some news media outlets are thorough in their reporting on police officer discipline, by and large they tend to drop the ball when it comes to reporting the final disposition of discipline cases. While Mamone's case received minimal publicity, it was reported by at least one media outlet. What was never reported – anywhere – however, is the reality that all discipline imposed against Officer Andrew Mamone was overturned: "The City did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Officer Mamone's conduct either (1) threatening to use a chemical spray on Mr. Grant if he did not move his hands from his front to his back or (2) physically moving Mr. Grant's hands from his front to his back was "inhumane" and consequently did not prove that Officer Mamone violated RM 800-2c. For all of the reasons set forth above, Officer Mamone's grievance is GRANTED. The City shall make him whole in all respects."

Officer Dilbert responds to F-150 vs. Chevy Malibu | Las Cruces, NM

N-brJ6wuZBQ | 01 Jan 2022

Officer Dilbert responds to F-150 vs. Chevy Malibu | Las Cruces, NM

LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO — On July 4, 2021, at approximately 11:14 P.M., Las Cruces Police Department notified Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority of a motor vehicle crash at the intersection of South Telshor Boulevard and Sundown Road. From the crash report: Driver #1 stated that he was operating Vehicle #1 southbound on Telshor Blvd and was making a left (eastbound) turn onto Sundown Road when, while he was initiating his turn, the turning arrow turned yellow, and that Vehicle #2 began to proceed through the intersection. Driver #1 admitted to being tired while operating Vehicle #1. Driver #1 stated he was wearing his seatbelt, and he did not complain of any injuries. Driver #1 was the only occupant in Vehicle #1, which sustained visible damage to its front right. Driver #2 stated that she was operating Vehicle #2 northbound on Telshor Boulevard in the left lane of travel, and had been stopped at the red light at Telshor Boulevard and Sundown Road. Driver #2 stated that the light turned green and she began to proceed through the intersection from a stop, when Vehicle #1, which was traveling southbound on Telshor Boulevard was making a left (eastbound) turn onto Sundown Road and struck Vehicle #2. Driver #2 stated she was wearing her seatbelt and she did not complain of any injuries. Vehicle #1 was also occupied by Occupant #1, who stated he was wearing his seatbelt and complained of pain to his head, however he refused medical attention on scene. Vehicle #2 sustained heavy front-end damage with airbag deployment, and came to rest in the intersection of the northbound right lane of traffic. Driver #1 was issued a citation for failure to yield. Note: Dilbert is the officer's surname. Michael Dilbert. 00:00 Intro 01:05 Arrival on scene 08:18 Negotiations 13:54 Don't get hit 19:40 Chevy Malibu 20:40 Meet our other channel ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Real World Police Ferguson: Burglary Investigation

ATJRAx1x5iw | 25 Dec 2021

Real World Police Ferguson: Burglary Investigation

Happy Holidays, folks! Our contribution to the festivities is a new agency on Real World Police. Welcome to Ferguson, Missouri and the Ferguson Police Department! 00:00 Intro 17:20 "These ain't my neighbors!" 24:05 "That's my diet cranberry juice!" 34:15 The truth comes out 40:41 The fastest-talking guy in Missouri 51:00 "He's being charged with burglary." 53:20 Not the smartest criminal ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Woman With Bright Red Hair Steals California Highway Patrol Police Car

Rg8U2-eQX2w | 22 Dec 2021

Woman With Bright Red Hair Steals California Highway Patrol Police Car

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA — On November 6, 2014, at 2:45 p.m., San Diego Police Department's Communications Division received a call requesting "cover" from the California Highway Patrol at the De Anza Cove boat Launch. Both CHP and SDPD officers responded and learned that CHP Officer Alex Pereira had responded to a radio call of a hit and run on the northbound 5 freeway. A witness reported a gray Toyota Camry ran into part of the freeway divide and continued to exit at Clairemont Drive. Pereira searched the area adjacent to I-5 at Clairemont Drive until he located an unoccupied gray 2007 Toyota Camry parked in the boat launch parking lot. The vehicle had front end damage. Pereira searched the area and he located people who directed him south along the west sidewalk near the water. Pereira estimated that he traveled over a mile southbound until he found a woman in neon shorts and dyed red hair. Pereira brought the female back to the boat launch area and identified her as Casaundra Rose Lane. Pereira uncuffed Lane and he began a hit-and-run investigation. When Lane could not locate her registration, he ran the license plate on her vehicle and learned the vehicle had been reported stolen. Pereira then placed Lane under arrest and once again handcuffed her. This time, however, Pereira placed her in the back seat of his patrol vehicle. His patrol vehicle was not equipped with a prisoner cage. Pereira placed the vehicle in the shade, left the patrol car running and exited the patrol car to inventory the contents of the stolen vehicle. A tow truck driver on scene then observed Lane climbing over the front seat and into the driver's seat of the CHP vehicle, and told Pereira that the woman was taking his car. Pereira responded by running toward his vehicle, as Lane was already in motion, driving toward, but turning away from Pereira, who described Lane as grabbing for rifle in his car. Lane would later strenuously deny having grabbed for the rifle at that time. Pereira fired approximately three rounds towards his patrol car, as Lane fled eastbound through the parking lot and toward Mission Bay Drive, eventually entering the I-5 freeway. Watch from the ground and from overhead as the events unfolded in this new footage from 2014. 00:00 Intro 00:26 Searching for the redhead 01:50 Stealing the patrol car 03:19 Helicopter footage 06:52 Patrol car located 09:48 Standoff 18:39 Interview of Casaundra Lane ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon -- https://

"Just trying to get my sister home!"

_KWDa7j45f8 | 19 Dec 2021

"Just trying to get my sister home!"

LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS — On May 24, 2020, at approximately 5:30 a.m., Arkansas State Police Trooper Steve Miller was dispatched to the area of I-430 North and Colonel Glenn for reports of street racers shutting down the interstate. From the report of Trooper Miller, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: I responded to a common area the "racers" like to hang out and located approximately 50-70 vehicles in the parking lot of the Cinemark Rave Theater. Once I arrived, I drove through the parking lot and the vehicles began to scatter. The vehicles were leaving at normal speed and were not fleeing the area recklessly. Once vehicles started to clear out of the parking lot, I did as well, traveling east on Colonel Glenn towards I-430. I was stopped at the traffic light at the intersection of Colonel Glenn and the I-430 South ramps when I observed two vehicles, a red Ford Mustang and a small black passenger car traveling the wrong way on Colonel Glenn. The two vehicles were traveling east in the westbound lanes and passed me at the intersection where I was stopped. I activated my emergency lights and siren and pursued the two vehicles. I followed the vehicles onto I-430 north and was able to catch up to the red Mustang. The red Mustang started to move to the outside shoulder and slow down. The small black vehicle continued to travel I-430 north and increased speed so I chose to pursue that vehicle. The suspect vehicle changed speeds and lanes repeatedly while traveling I-430 north. We reached speeds over 100mph while approaching the Shackleford exit and came up on a group of vehicles that were traveling north. The suspect vehicle quickly veered in front of the group of vehicles traveling north and slowed the vehicle abruptly, all while being pursued with lights and sirens. The driver's abrupt braking caused me to momentarily overtake his vehicle. He traveled toward the outside shoulder and then back into the outside lane. I was able to get back behind the suspect vehicle and get the group of vehicles behind us to slow down. The suspect vehicle began to speed back up, at which point I put my vehicle in position to safely end the pursuit. I steered my vehicle to the passenger side of the suspect to perform a PIT maneuver. As I steered my vehicle close to suspect vehicle, the suspect vehicle braked again — causing our vehicles to collide. My vehicle continued straight and the suspect vehicle traveled around the front of my vehicle and down the passenger side. I was able to recover and turned around. I then observed the suspect vehicle pointing in the opposite direction, south in the northbound lanes. The vehicle was slowly rolling, so I attempted to stop it by pinning the passenger side door with the front of my vehicle. At that time, I noticed the driver’s door was open and the driver, later identified as Arthur Joyner, was standing in the roadway way pleading his reason for not stopping: trying to get his sister home. The vehicle, with the passenger still in it, continued to slowly roll away. I put my vehicle in park and advised Joyner to get on the ground and put his hands behind his back. Joyner cooperated and was taken into custody without incident. I placed Joyner in the back of my vehicle and traveled south on I-430 north to catch up to the vehicle that was still rolling south. The passenger, Brianna Gaston had been able to get into the driver's seat and stop the vehicle on outside (east) shoulder. I had Gaston exit the vehicle and took her into custody without incident. Highway Police officer Watson arrived on scene to assist. Asher Wrecker towed Joyner's vehicle from the scene and I released Gaston to Officer Watson to transport her home. I transported Joyner to Pulaski County jail and charged him accordingly. 5-54-125(d)(2): FLEEING - FELONY - VEHICLE OR CONVEYANCE - SUBSTANTIAL DANGER OF DEATH 27-16-602: NO DRIVER LICENSE OR LICENSE EXPIRED 27-51-304: DRIVING WRONG WAY ON ONE-WAY ROADWAY 27-50-308(b)(1)(B) 1ST: RECKLESS DRIVING - 1ST On December 8, 2020, Arthur Joyner, Jr. was sentenced to three years probation, $1,370 in fines, 30 hours of community service within one year, and - if I'm interpreting the cryptic sentencing memo correctly - 25 days of jail credit toward the fines. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Arkansas State Police Pursuit of Kaelyn Ashby

2HlTvORLwls | 17 Dec 2021

Arkansas State Police Pursuit of Kaelyn Ashby

On May 3, 2020, Arkansas State Police Trooper Kenya Campbell was on routine patrol, parked on I-40 West near mile marker 132, when a vehicle driven by a young woman, later identified as Kaelyn Marie Ashby, flew by her location at a high rate of speed. Trooper Campbell attempted to stop the vehicle, which instead accelerated away at speeds reaching 120 miles per hour. Ashby would later claim that she was not running from the police. About four miles later, the pursuit ended in a random person's driveway. Ashby was ultimately charged with reckless driving, speeding 15+ MPH over the limit, driving left of center, and fleeing, all at the misdemeanor level. Ashby was also charged – in a separate case – with possession of an instrument of crime, DWI drugs, and possession of drug paraphernalia. If the above description reads like a hacked-together collection of facts that collectively raise just as many questions as they answer, it's not you. Publicly available court records from the two separate misdemeanor cases, bizarrely from the same originating incident, reflect the following dispositions: Case #1 Possession of crime instrument: dismissed, civil penalty DWI drugs, 1st: not guilty (acquittal) Paraphernalia: nolle prosequi Sentence: "motion of direct verdict granted" Case #2 Reckless driving: nolle prosequi Speeding, 15+ over: nolle prosequi Driving left of center: nolle prosequi Fleeing (misdemeanor): nolle prosequi Sentence: "no sentence info found" Yet there was apparently a trial held in Case #2 on 9/22/20, and Ashby paid fines in Case #1. After spending an unexpectedly long amount of time on the phone trying to chase down an arrest report that should have been easy to locate, all evidence points toward the case against Ms. Ashby having been sealed. Just as interesting, I noticed that Trooper Kenya Campbell was subpoenaed in September 2020 as "Former Trooper Kenya Campbell." Raising the obvious question: why "former?" In Arkansas, all public employee evaluation records are generally secret. Even records of sustained police misconduct. Such records can only be released if (a) the employee was suspended or terminated (with finality), (b) the records in question formed a basis for the suspension or termination, and (c) the public has a compelling interest in records disclosure. All of those conditions have to be met for any Arkansas disciplinary record to be disclosed. Consequently, nearly all reprimands, complaints, investigations – even commendations – are exempt from disclosure. Fortunately (sort of) in this case we are looking for records associated with a possible termination. Earlier today I submitted the request. We'll see what turns up. Arkansas court records don't reflect any cases involving Campbell after June 23, 2020. Also, minutes from a late-2015 meeting of the Arkansas State Police Commission tell an unusual story. Particularly in light of Campbell clearly having been employed in 2020: "Colonel Bryant advised Recruit Kenya Campbell, 21 years old, during her initial EVOC Training; she failed to pass three of the courses. During the time frame of the initial training, she received individual training and was given numerous attempts to try to pass those parts of the driving course in Troop School. So I made the decision last week, last Thursday and Friday we gave her more remedial training along with another recruit by the name of Pettigrew. He passed all phases except the cone course and Thursday, they took him out and he passed the cone course. They also did some more training with Recruit Mitchell who had passed the cone course; they just felt he needed some more training on his driving. On Friday, they issued the cone course to Recruit Campbell close to 70 times to try to get her to pass the course and she could not pass the course. I had all driving instructors prepare memorandums describing what great lengths we went to try to get her to pass the driving course, the private instruction, the remedial training and they felt according to their memorandums she would be a liability to the Arkansas State Police. I met with her personally this morning and again discussed with her what I am telling you as far as the documentation and I felt that in all good faith I could not give her keys to drive a State Police cruiser; I felt she would be a liability to herself and others. She chose not to resign, so I come to the Commission with the recommendation that we have to terminate Ms. Campbell. I hate that, but we have standards they must meet and we gave her training and more remedial training and she was not able to pass that course. After checking with the General Counsel, I think she would be a liability to the Arkansas State Police if we put her out on the road and she had an accident and hurt herself or others. My recommendation to the Commission is that we terminate Ms. Campbell." And they did. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Washington Judge Arrested for Drunk Driving | New Footage, Old Arrest

TByE2zX36y0 | 12 Dec 2021

Washington Judge Arrested for Drunk Driving | New Footage, Old Arrest

In one of the oldest videos ever posted on Real World Police, today's installment presents never-before-seen footage capturing the DUI arrest of former Granger Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Morehouse. From the report of Trooper Brian Luedke, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: At approximately 0803 hrs on July 23, 2013, I observed a white 2004 Mitsubishi Diamante traveling eastbound on I-82 in Yakima County. As the vehicle approached, I noticed the vehicle appeared to be traveling faster than the posted speed limit of 70 mph. I estimated the vehicle's speed to be in excess of 80 mph. I activated my in-car radar unit and obtained a speed reading of 85 mph in the posted 70 mph zone. After obtaining the reading, I crossed the median and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle for the speeding violation. Upon catching up to the vehicle, it had already pulled over on the shoulder. I advised WSP Communications of the traffic stop and contacted the vehicle on the passenger side. I observed a female driver as the only occupant in the vehicle. I informed her that I had stopped her for the speed violation and requested her license and paperwork. She provided both, and the driver's license identified her as Kathleen E. Morehouse. Morehouse admitted to speeding and stated she had just sneezed which caused her to step on the accelerator and make her vehicle speed up. I recorded her information and re-contacted her vehicle to give her a verbal warning for speeding. After telling her she was getting a warning for speeding, it was difficult for me to hear as she was talking so I leaned my head inside the vehicle. When I did this, I could smell an odor of alcohol coming from inside the vehicle. I asked Morehouse to step out of her vehicle so I could administer field sobriety tests. Upon exit, Morehouse appeared to lose her balance and stumbled slightly. Prior to administering SFST's, Morehouse denied drinking and denied having any alcohol in the coffee that I observed in her vehicle. She went on to explain that she thought the cause of the alcohol odor was because she had a "port" in her chest due to hemophilia. The first test offered to Morehouse was the HGN test. Morehouse was initially unable to follow the test instructions. After several unsuccessful attempts, I stopped the test and had her sit on the front bumper of my patrol vehicle. Morehouse agreed to perform additional tests and was subsequently administered the alphabet test and the finger dexterity test. During the alphabet and finger dexterity test, Morehouse committed no errors. She was eventually able to complete the HGN test as well. During the test, I observed six of six clues and smelled a strong and obvious odor of alcohol on her breath. I also noticed her eyes were bloodshot and watery, her face was flushed, and she exhibited a slight side-to-side sway. After the SFST's were completed, I asked Morehouse to provide a PBT sample, she refused and told me she was a judge. She also said she often told people not to provide a PBT sample when she was an attorney. Morehouse admitted to drinking two margaritas the night before and also admitted to taking half of a hydrocodone at 0430 hrs that morning. After Morehouse refused to provide the sample, I asked her to sit in the rear of my patrol vehicle so could contact Sgt. Cozzitorto and let him know I was conducting a DUI investigation involving a judge. As I was attempting to secure her in the vehicle, Morehouse tried to walk away from me and return to her vehicle. l instructed her she needed to stay in my vehicle but she refused and tried to walk past me. At that point, I took hold of her and began to place her under arrest. She attempted to pull away from me and tried to pull her hands to the front of her. While doing this, she told me she didn't want me to be mad at her because she had a gun in the vehicle. I instructed her to stop resisting several times and was eventually able to get her hands behind her back and place handcuffs on her. While placing handcuffs on her, I informed her she was under arrest and secured her in my patrol vehicle. I advised her of her Constitutional Rights and asked her if she understood her rights. She stated that she did. She was eventually transported to Sunnyside Police Dept for DUI processing. Upon arrival to Sunnyside PD, Morehouse requested to speak to attorney. She was provided her cell phone which she used to contact several attorneys between 0853 hours and 0914 hours. All paperwork in the DUI Arrest Report packet was completed as required. Morehouse stated she understood her rights and signed indicating the same. She also agreed to waive her rights and provided two breath samples with results of .253 and .248. Morehouse was eventually transported to her residence in Yakima and released to her sister. Morehouse, better known publicly as Kathleen "Katy" Hitchcock, died August 25, 2019. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

"That's not my meth pipe in my pocket, officer!"

F3mV24mdUYM | 09 Dec 2021

"That's not my meth pipe in my pocket, officer!"

From the report of Las Cruces Police Officer James Borden, lightly edited for clarity: On November 25, 2020, at approximately 0845 hours, I was dispatched to the Quality Inn located at 2200 South Valley for a report of disorderly subjects. Central dispatch advised responding units that two females, neither of whom were guests of the hotel, were inside the main lobby throwing things around. Upon arrival, I noticed that Officer Kinney had made contact with two females who matched the descriptions provided by dispatch, as well as one male. I went inside the main lobby and asked an employee at the front desk if they wanted the male trespassed as well. The employee told me that if the male was not a guest that she wanted him trespassed. I went back outside and advised Officer Kinney that the front desk wanted the male trespassed as well. Officer Kinney was in contact with dispatch verifying the names of the subjects when he advised me that Andrea Hernandez, later identified as Andria Evaro, was not coming back on file. I approached her and requested her social security number. When I ran her by SSN, dispatch advised that Ms. Evaro had a warrant out for her arrest. I asked dispatch to confirm the warrant. Once the warrant was confirmed with central dispatch, I told Ms. Evaro to stand up and I placed her hands behind her back and put her in handcuffs. I double locked the handcuffs and gauged for tightness. I escorted Ms. Evaro to my patrol unit and conducted a search incident to arrest. Once I completed the search, Ms. Evaro was placed into the back of my patrol unit. I buckled her into the seat. I asked Officer Kinney, who had the male in custody, if there was anything else he needed and he replied no. I left the location and headed to dispatch to obtain the warrants, advising central of my mileage. Once I retrieved the warrants, I transported Ms. Evaro to the detention center and I completed the necessary booking paperwork. I escorted her into the detention center and once she was medically cleared, I turned custody of Ms. Evaro over to the detention officers. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice Patreon @

Dana White, Tyrone Spong Cited For Speeding; Joel Greenberg Gets Arrested

2uK05xC59PA | 05 Dec 2021

Dana White, Tyrone Spong Cited For Speeding; Joel Greenberg Gets Arrested

Today's episode delivers a medley of three separate, short incidents: In part one, UFC President Dana White gets a speeding ticket in his Ferrari. You may recall that last time around, White got away with a warning. This time? Not so lucky. Part two takes us across the county to Florida, where a Broward County deputy cites professional boxer Tyrone Spong for speeding... in his 2012 SUV. Sponge was cited for driving 66 in a 45. Last but not least, teaser footage for Standoff at the Tax Collector's: The Arrest of Joel Greenberg. Greenberg Trivia: Greenberg eventually came out of his house after a four-hour standoff with the police. He intentionally wore a "Vote Ashley Moody" shirt for his arrest. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @ ~~~ 00:00 Dana White gets a speeding ticket 03:06 Tyrone Song gets a speeding ticket 07:14 Arrest of Joel Greenberg

"Basically an execution that didn't quite work out" | The Confession of Kwantedious Lamont Ross

rZCzuJD_Upo | 30 Nov 2021

"Basically an execution that didn't quite work out" | The Confession of Kwantedious Lamont Ross

For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment, the interrogation of Mr. Ross begins at 4:25, though I wouldn't miss the judge at first appearance. Note: the interrogation of Mr. Ross was not video recorded. The State of Florida offered Kwantedious Ross the 25 year mandatory minimum in exchange for his guilty plea. Ross rejected the deal and took his case to trial, where a jury wasted no time finding him guilty. From Ross's sentencing hearing: MS . LATHAM: Judge, the State is asking that this Court sentence the the defendant to the only appropriate sentence, and that would be a life in this case. The facts certainly warrant that. The State asks you to recall just three pieces of evidence that was admitted at trial. One would be the the body cam footage of the the child. that was disturbing, in her statements, over and over again, that she can't feel her body; God, I hope I'm not paralyzed. But more importantly, she laid out several aggravating factors in this case. And one the most important, would be that the defendant was lying in wait. This was an ambush; she did not see this coming. He concealed himself in the stairwell, concealed himself. He tried to kill somebody else, Trenten Carson. And when she was down and helpless, he came up to her and she described the crime that was basically execution-style attempted murder. Another piece of evidence is the the interview with the defendant by the detective. I think his words and the tone, it was quite chilling, where he bragged about that he shot Emily and he literally emptied the magazine into her. And at that time, he had no remorse; he was actually proud of that fact. And when the officer asked if he if he wanted to make an apology, he chuckled, and said, "Like I should be the one that apologized. She provoked this. She provoked this." And even when the officer gave him another chance, "Don't you wish we didn't have guns, maybe this wouldn't have happened," the defendant said, "I was really mad. Something would have happened, even if I didn't have a gun." And in the end I know he says now he's remorseful, but in the end, he said, "Part of me wishes I hadn't done it, but part of me felt it was right; it was retaliation." And one can only conclude from that interview that his motive was just one of pure evil intent in this case. We'd also like to point out the testimony of Emily, and that statement that she was here just because she wants justice, and justice in this case would be life. We want to make it clear to the defendant this isn't sad time for Emily. She's not broken. He hasn't taken her good soul away. She doesn't want anybody to look at her and and say how heartbreaking, 'cause she's a strong, courageous, beautiful girl. And he hasn't taken that away from her. But her life has changed, and every day she has to wake up and she has to remember that the actions of one evil person has changed her life forever. So we're simply asking that you sentence the defendant in the same manner; that he wakes up and realizes my life has changed forever and I have a life sentence. And that's what we're asking for. Ross testified about how he found god in jail. Ross's grandma testified that he is good kid. The defense asked the judge to not sentence Ross to life in prison. THE COURT: Mr. Ross, you've already spoken to me, sir, but before I pronounce sentence, I want to just make sure that there's nothing else that you'd like to say? THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor. THE COURT: All right. As it relates to Count 1, I've already adjudicated you guilty. I'll sentence you to life in prison with 348 days credit for time served. That's subject to a 25-year minimum mandatory. Count 2 will run consecutive to Count 1, five years Department of Corrections, 348 days credit for time served. Count 3 will run concurrent with Counts 1 with Count 1 and Count 2, life in prison, 25-year minimum mandatory. 348 days time served. The judge also addressed Ms. Nelson: THE COURT: I want to just mention to you how impressed I was with your testimony, you know, how you acted that particular night. You know, grabbing that gun in front of Mr. Carson made a big difference in his particular life. I think that - Manny, excuse me. I think that the that your life is not limited in any way. What I mean by that is, that if you can conduct yourself in that particular moment, in that particular way, if you can conduct yourself in this courtroom in the way that you conducted yourself, you can do anything you want. And that -- and like I said, your life has no limits to it. So I'll be very interested, ma'am, to see what you do with your life. I'm sure it'll be excellent. On June 18, 2019, Florida's Fifth District Court of Appeal affirmed Ross's sentence. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @ ~~~ 00:00 First appearance 02:27 "Basically an execution that didn't quite work out" 03:03 Incident footage 04:25 Interview begins 55:39 Confession

Arkansas State Police traffic stop turns up 37 pounds of cocaine

bTG4yhtZ2Rg | 29 Nov 2021

Arkansas State Police traffic stop turns up 37 pounds of cocaine

On April 17, 2019, Stephen Mark Cox and Scott Samuel Green were traveling in a white SUV heading east on Interstate 40 in Arkansas. Green was driving and Cox was in the passenger seat. At approximately 1:25 p.m., Arkansas State Trooper Christopher Short initiated a traffic stop of their SUV because Trooper Short believed they were following a black pickup too closely. Trooper Short engaged his blue lights and pulled Green over for following the black pickup too closely in violation of Ark. Code Ann. § 27-51-305. Trooper Short noted in his report that Green’s SUV was approximately two car lengths away from the pickup truck, and the cars were travelling at 60 miles per hour. Green exited the interstate at the next exit and stopped on the side of the road at the end of the exit ramp. Trooper Short initially approached the passenger window. He noted that both passengers appeared nervous. Trooper Short explained that he pulled Green over because he was following the pickup “a little bit close.” Trooper Short requested Green’s driver’s license but stated that he did not intend to issue a ticket. Trooper Short asked the pair about their line of work, and Green replied that they were in "fugitive recovery." After discovering their car was a rental, Short asked for a copy of the rental paperwork and asked Green to return to his patrol car with him. Trooper Short promised that they would be on their way soon. And they would be. To jail. Green and Trooper Short returned to the patrol car approximately a minute and a half after the traffic stop began—that is, after the cars came to a complete stop on the exit ramp. Once in the car, Trooper Short asked Green about their destination, and inquired as to their travel plans and purpose—including the fugitive they were after and the length of their stay in Virginia. Green informed Trooper Short they were staying in Virginia for three days. Trooper Short then radioed dispatch to obtain the the duo's’ criminal history. While waiting on a response from dispatch, Trooper Short returned to the SUV to speak with Cox. Trooper Short asked Cox the same questions he had asked Green to corroborate Green’s answers. Cox did not know the name of the fugitive they were allegedly hunting. Moreover, he indicated that they were staying in Virginia for only one day. Trooper Short then asked Cox about his criminal history, to which Cox replied that he has a DUI. Trooper Short returned to the patrol car approximately six and a half minutes after the traffic stop began. Upon his return, Trooper Short asked Green whether there were any weapons in the car, noting that both defendants appeared extremely nervous. When Green replied there were no weapons, Trooper Short then asked whether they had any drugs. Green replied that there were no drugs. Trooper Short then asked Green if he could search the vehicle—approximately seven minutes after the stop began. Green stated, “I don’t care” and indicated that both he and Cox had signed the car’s rental paperwork. Trooper Short then discovered that, in addition to a DUI, Cox also had a prior drug charge. [Note: the on-screen text incorrectly attributed the omitted prior charge to Green] Trooper Short asked Green again if he could search the car, and Green again replied that he did not care. This exchange ended approximately eight minutes after the stop began. Trooper Short exited his patrol car and asked Green to wait in front of their vehicle. Trooper Short approached the passenger window and asked Cox to exit the vehicle because Green had consented to a search. Cox offered no objection and exited the SUV. The pair waited at the front of the SUV while Trooper Short performed his search. Eventually, Trooper Short discovered approximately 17 kilograms of cocaine in the vehicle’s trunk and placed both Cox and Green under arrest. Both arrestees ultimately pleaded guilty. On May 14,2020, Stephen Mark Cox, of Beverly Hills, California, was sentenced to 120 months in federal prison followed by five years of supervised release on one count of Possession with Intent to Distribute more than 5 Kilograms of Cocaine and Scott Samuel Green, age 40, of Los Angeles, California, was sentenced on May 20, 2020 to 46 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute Cocaine. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

How to get out of a ticket (but still get indicted for money laundering)

g6pWcajDeLM | 26 Nov 2021

How to get out of a ticket (but still get indicted for money laundering)

If you haven't seen "Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce," you are missing out. If you have seen it, you are still missing out. Only less-so. When I first brought Ingersoll's DUI arrest to public attention, my knowledge of the guy was superficial. Since then, I have been cramming. Let's dive in. "I was a cop for six years" On 5/10/10, Belle Isle Chief of Police John Tegg III, a three-time three-loss candidate for Sheriff of Orange County, expanded the ranks of Belle Isle's new police department by swearing in Keith Ingersoll as an auxiliary police officer. Tegg also swore in Keith's father, Jim, to the entirely-made-up position of "Honorary Police Officer," complete with an "Honorary Oath of Office" and - apparently - an indefinite appointment. Campaign finance records prior to 2011 were unavailable as of this publication, but what is available is revealing. In 2011 and 2012, Auxiliary Officer Keith and Honorary Officer Jim, collectively with their wives and "Ingersoll Investments II," contributed nearly $7,000 to Tegg's campaign for sheriff. "Ingersoll Investments II" is a company that consists solely of Keith and Jim Ingersoll. There have only been three other honorary cops in Belle Isle. The three others and their swearing-in dates follow: Raju Mantena (7/9/10), Patrick Armstrong (6/15/11), and Robert Picerne (7/5/11). On 3/30/12, Raju and Padma Mantena - who share the same address - together with Raju's company Mantena Ventures, donated $2,500 to Tegg's campaign. They went in for another $1,500 on 10/24/12. On 11/11/11, Patrick Armstrong donated $2,000 to Tegg's campaign. As to Picerne, he is responsible for at least $4,500 of support to Tegg's candidacy, all within one year. On 9/29/11, Picerne was 'upgraded' from honorary to auxiliary police officer. The City of Belle Isle has no records indicating what, if anything, Honorary Officer Jim did in that capacity, beyond donate money. It is clear from his 'honorary oath of office' that Jim received a police badge, however Belle Isle has no records of where that badge came from, nor its disposition after it was given to Jim eleven years ago. Keith's badge? That's a different story. Auxiliary police officers in Florida have police powers when they are under the direct supervision of a full-time officer. Keith was appointed to his auxiliary gig on 5/10/10, a full year-and-a-half before he started the required basic auxiliary police academy class. Not long after Ingersoll's appointment, Tegg was contacted by a fellow officer who wanted to pass along information about Keith's close friendship with — and alleged assistance to — an on-the-run convicted felon, Chris Miller. Their relationship was dismissed as a nonissue under Tegg's watch. Ingersoll was terminated by Chief Thomas Jackson - for an incident stemming from his relationship with Chris Miller - on November 19, 2012. It's been a while since I took math, but I'm pretty sure that May 2010 to November 2012 is not even close to six years. Chief Jackson would later be convicted of federal conspiracy and bribery charges associated with his previous tenure as Chief of Police in Longwood, Florida. There, Jackson swore-in and provided police credentials to Samer "Sam" Majzoub, a felon from New York whose conviction disqualified him from being a police officer in Florida. Jackson, defiant and apparently in need of cash, promoted Majzoub to "Commander"... for the low, low price of $32,000. "Something did happen" On July 12, 2021, Ingersoll sued his landlord Allison Hunt, alleging that she had shut off his water for one hour. In response, Hunt countersued for eviction, alleging that Ingersoll had been obligated to transfer all utilities to his name since the beginning of his lease in 2020; she had only turned the water off because she believed Ingersoll had vacated the premises... since she had provided him notice of lease termination. Hunt alleged that not only was Ingersoll a holdover tenant, but that he hadn't been paying the utility bill either. Included with her counterclaim were copies of Ingersoll's recent water bills. Somehow, in the month of June, 2021, Keith and his son Lance managed to use 60,085 gallons of water. No joke. In one month. In response to the eviction petition, Ingersoll pointed out that he had already paid rent for July, and that Hunt had accepted his payment, making her notice a nullity. On 8/13/21, Ingersoll and Hunt entered into a settlement agreement, and two days after this traffic stop, Hunt alleged that Ingersoll had breached it. The fireworks were still to come. On November 15, 2021, Keith Ingersoll was arrested on a 41-count federal indictment alleging his involvement in a $12 million real estate fraud. If convicted on all counts, Ingersoll faces a maximum of 592 years in prison. And... I'm out of space. Want more? Head over to /r/realworldpolice. More to come. This is the tip of the iceberg. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Catching Shoplifters at Walmart, Part II

yD-5E74VcjI | 21 Nov 2021

Catching Shoplifters at Walmart, Part II

From the report of Las Cruces Police Officer David Rodriguez, edited for clarity and brevity: Through dispatch notes, I learned that there were two males and a female who were possibly shoplifting from Walmart at 1550 South Valley. One of the male subjects had concealed items on his person, in the front of his waistband, hidden under his shirt. On arrival, I made contact with loss prevention in the front of the store. Gabe Diaz with loss prevention stated that a female who he was speaking with was involved. I asked her to step to the side of the door so I could speak to her. As I was standing with the female, Diaz stated that the subject who had concealed items on his person was exiting the grocery side doors where we were standing. Diaz walked toward the subject, and the subject, later identified as Hoyt Inman, looked in my direction and immediately took off running. I shouted that I was the police and for him to stop, but he continued to run. I gave chase as Inman continued to run through the Walmart parking lot and eventually caught up to him at 1500 Hickory. Once I caught up to Inman I told him to get on the ground. He did not comply, so I performed a mule kick sweep to take him to the ground in order to apprehend him, since he had already run away from me for an extended distance without stopping. Once I performed the mule kick sweep I was able to get him down to his hands and knees. Once on his hands and knees I told him not to move, placed his hands behind his back, and I was able to place handcuffs on him. I then stood him up and walked him over to Walmart, where I checked the handcuffs for tightness and double-locked them for safety. I relayed the information that I learned from Mr. Diaz, who stated that there is another male subject who is wearing all black with a black cap who was also involved and who had left. I relayed this information to officer Joshua Milks (l863) who had observed a male matching the description running away from his location. I then advised Mr. Inman that he was under arrest. I walked him over to the front of my unit and performed a search incident to arrest on his person, where I found that he had concealed items in his pockets, as well as in the front of his waistband. Once I removed the items from Inman's person, I placed him in the back of my unit. I confirmed that Mr. Inman had previously been trespassed from Walmart and learned that the stolen items totaled $18.02. Charges were requested for resisting/obstructing, shoplifting, and trespass. After running Mr. Inman’s information through central dispatch, I learned that Mr. Inman had five outstanding municipal court warrants and one outstanding NMSU warrant. This series presents the story of how the police got into a foot chase with the wrong guy... who ended up giving being uninvolved, but still gave the police a fake name... and was eventually arrested for that anyway. Stay tuned. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Caught Shoplifting at Walmart: An Afternoon With Las Cruces Police Department

G1LnGIZwHsE | 19 Nov 2021

Caught Shoplifting at Walmart: An Afternoon With Las Cruces Police Department

From the report of Las Cruces Police Officer Joshua Milks, lightly edited for clarity and brevity and coming in either part three or part four: On May 9, 2019 I was on regular uniform patrol in the city of Las Cruces, driving a marked patrol unit, when I heard Officer Rodriguez call for assistance at the Walmart on South Valley. Officer Rodriguez had been dispatched to a shoplifting incident, and a short time later announced on the radio that he was in a foot pursuit. Just before I arrived, Officer Rodriguez stated he had a male detained at the La Quinta Inn just north of the Walmart. The lots are only divided by a ditch. Officer Rodriguez stated that other subjects had run from him and he was only able to catch one. He asked for more units to meet him at the La Quinta to assist with his arrestee. I arrived at the La Quinta and started driving around the parking lot looking for Officer Rodriguez. While in the process of asking Officer Rodriguez for his location, I saw a male subject wearing black shorts, black shirt and a black baseball cap throw down his backpack and start running westbound through the parking lot. I told Officer Rodriguez I had a male subject running from me and he replied the suspect was wearing all black with a black hat on. This series presents the story of how the police got into a foot chase with the wrong guy... who ended up giving being uninvolved, but still gave the police a fake name... and was eventually arrested for that anyway. Stay tuned. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

Kwantedious Ross: The Attempted Murder of Emily Nelson

HM_VFejlGE0 | 18 Nov 2021

Kwantedious Ross: The Attempted Murder of Emily Nelson

The State of Florida offered Kwantedious Ross the 25 year mandatory minimum in exchange for his guilty plea. Ross rejected the deal and took his case to trial, where a jury wasted no time finding him guilty. The interrogation and confession of Kwantedious Lamont Ross is available now on Patreon. It will become publicly available in about one week. From the transcript of Ross's sentencing hearing: MS . LATHAM: Judge, the State is asking that this Court sentence the the defendant to the only appropriate sentence, and that would be a life in this case. The facts certainly warrant that. The State asks you to recall just three pieces of evidence that was admitted at trial. One would be the the body cam footage of the child. That was disturbing, in her statements, over and over again, that she can't feel her body; "God, I hope I'm not paralyzed." But more importantly, she laid out several aggravating factors in this case. And one the most important, would be that the defendant was lying in wait. This was an ambush; she did not see this coming. He concealed himself in the stairwell, concealed himself. He tried to kill somebody else, Trenten Carson. And when she was down and helpless, he came up to her and she described the crime that was basically execution-style attempted murder. Another piece of evidence is the the interview with the defendant by the detective. I think his words and the tone, it was quite chilling, where he bragged about that he shot Emily and he literally emptied the magazine into her. And at that time, he had no remorse; he was actually proud of that fact. And when the officer asked if he if he wanted to make an apology, he chuckled, and said, "Like I should be the one that apologized. She provoked this. She provoked this." And even when the officer gave him another chance, "Don't you wish we didn't have guns, maybe this wouldn't have happened," the defendant said, "I was really mad. Something would have happened, even if I didn't have a gun." And in the end I know he says now he's remorseful, but in the end, he said, "Part of me wishes I hadn't done it, but part of me felt it was right; it was retaliation." And one can only conclude from that interview that his motive was just one of pure evil intent in this case. We'd also like to point out the testimony of Emily, and that statement that she was here just because she wants justice, and justice in this case would be life. We want to make it clear to the defendant this isn't sad time for Emily. She's not broken. He hasn't taken her good soul away. She doesn't want anybody to look at her and and say how heartbreaking, 'cause she's a strong, courageous, beautiful girl. And he hasn't taken that away from her. But her life has changed, and every day she has to wake up and she has to remember that the actions of one evil person has changed her life forever. So we're simply asking that you sentence the defendant in the same manner; that he wakes up and realizes my life has changed forever and I have a life sentence. And that's what we're asking for. Ross testified that he had found god in jail. Ross's grandma testified that he is good kid. The defense asked the judge to not sentence Ross to life in prison. THE COURT: Mr. Ross, you've already spoken to me, sir, but before I pronounce sentence, I want to just make sure that there's nothing else that you'd like to say? THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor. THE COURT: All right. As it relates to Count 1, I've already adjudicated you guilty. I'll sentence you to life in prison with 348 days credit for time served. That's subject to a 25-year minimum mandatory. Count 2 will run consecutive to Count 1, five years Department of Corrections, 348 days credit for time served. Count 3 will run concurrent with Counts 1 with Count 1 and Count 2, life in prison, 25-year minimum mandatory. 348 days time served. The judge also addressed Ms. Nelson: THE COURT: I want to just mention to you how impressed I was with your testimony, you know, how you acted that particular night. You know, grabbing that gun in front of Mr. Carson made a big difference in his particular life. I think that - Manny, excuse me. I think that the that your life is not limited in any way. What I mean by that is, that if you can conduct yourself in that particular moment, in that particular way, if you can conduct yourself in this courtroom in the way that you conducted yourself, you can do anything you want. And that -- and like I said, your life has no limits to it. So I'll be very interested, ma'am, to see what you do with your life. I'm sure it'll be excellent. We'll be in recess. (The proceedings concluded at 3:58 p.m.) On June 18, 2019, Florida's Fifth District Court of Appeal affirmed Ross's multiple life sentences. He is not going anywhere. ~~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice Patreon @

FDLE Special Agent's Wife Arrested in Bizarre Domestic Incident

0dG_swfNsso | 16 Nov 2021

FDLE Special Agent's Wife Arrested in Bizarre Domestic Incident

Carl Shedlock is a special agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Recent IRS filings also identify Shedlock as a director of the Florida Police Benevolent Association. In the early hours of morning on New Years Day 2019, Special Agent Carl Shedlock, intoxicated, dialed 911 and reported that his wife of ten years, Dianne, had bit, hit, and kicked him. He would later state that "she got a few drinks in me, she beat me up," clarifying shortly thereafter that they had both been drinking... but that she had beat him up. Carl stated that he tried to control Dianne and that he had tried to defend himself using his mixed-martial arts skills. Carl would later add that he is "a workout guy" and "this is the end of John Mina," a statement for which context was lost due to redaction by the City of Orlando (see note #1 below). Much body-camera-muting and audio redaction later, Dianne McConkey Shedlock was arrested. For nearly three years this incident has flown under the public's radar. They end today. According to Dianne, she and Carl started to argue after Carl accused her of being a bad mother. They verbally berated one another, Carl grabbed her wrist and Dianne hit Carl. They both began hitting each other, and Dianne alleged that Carl "used his law enforcement training to hurt her, so she did not have significant marks." Dianne also claimed that Carl had choked her, but not to the point that her airway was blocked, and that as Carl was choking her, Dianne had laughed in his face. In response, Carl allegedly "became upset and started to use pressure points behind her eyes." Dianne stated that she screamed and told Carl that he was going to "cause her to go blind." Carl claimed that the reason he did not simply leave their motorhome at any point during the 20-minute physical fight was that Dianne had overpowered him and would not permit Carl to depart. For unknown reasons, Orlando Police Officer Jessica Bennett arrested Dianne only, telling her that Florida law required her to make an arrest, and that "whether it be you or him, it doesn't matter" — a statement that is probably easier to make when you are not the one getting arrested, jailed, and served a no-contact order naming the other party as protected from you. Officer Bennett assured Dianne that at-large charges would be filed against Carl, but there is a catch there as well: with limited exception, the police in the United States are not empowered to charge anyone with crimes. Prosecutors are. Guess who wasn't charged. Guess who now has an arrest record. Citing mutual combat, the Office of the State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit did not file charges against Special Agent Carl Shedlock, and the State Attorney eventually no-filed the misdemeanor battery case against Dianne, who on February 25, 2019 filed for divorce. Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission ("the Commission") is responsible for overseeing peace officer training and certification in the state. To that end, the Commission is empowered to suspend or revoke an officer's certification when the Commission finds probable cause that an officer committed a moral character violation. Moral character violations happen when a violative act occurs; criminal prosecution is not a prerequisite for Commission action. (See note #2, below, for details.) The penalty guideline for battery is suspension, however the penalty guideline for DV battery with slight or moderate injury is prospective suspension to revocation. Just prior to this video's publication I contacted FDLE and inquired about whether this incident was ever brought to the Commission's attention. You'll know if and when FDLE responds. Notes: (1) Although a substantial amount of footage was redacted (and consequently excluded from this video) efforts to obtain a substantially-less-redacted copy are underway and I anticipate some degree of success with that. More on that when the time comes. (2) Many moral character violations are not even crimes. See for details. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Police break up fight between two adults, bunny rabbit

X9oMXKyiKdo | 12 Nov 2021

Police break up fight between two adults, bunny rabbit

For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment, it’s just another night downtown. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

The Murder of Sasha Samsudean | Police Interview of Taylor Unsinger

o7imRIfTmxk | 09 Nov 2021

The Murder of Sasha Samsudean | Police Interview of Taylor Unsinger

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — At 1:45 a.m. on October 17, 2015, Sasha Samsudean was trying to get back to her condo after an evening out drinking with friends in downtown Orlando. Witnesses described her as being extremely intoxicated. Sasha shared an Uber with two other young women, back to her condo at Uptown Place. The two women, Julia Goff and Haley Messmore, were concerned about Sasha's well-being, and waited as she tried to use the keypad to enter Uptown Place. Sasha did not have her key fob, key, ID, or phone, and she was unable to get in. Before long, Stephen Duxbury, a security guard, approached the three women. They explained Sasha's predicament and Duxbury advised that he could not let anyone into the building without proof that they were a resident, nor could he allow her to sleep on a couch in the lobby. As they continued to talk, a young male resident opened the door and allowed Sasha in. Instead of challenging her entry into the building, Duxbury continued talking with Goff and Messmore, who expressed their concern to Duxbury as to how Sasha would get into her unit without a key. The women eventually left for their own building. In his statements to the police, Duxbury said that he then went looking for Sasha. The jury saw CCTV video that showed Sasha wandering around the inside of the building as she tried to find her apartment. The video showed Duxbury following her for at least thirty minutes. One eyewitness testified that Duxbury was trailing a short distance behind an obviously-intoxicated Sasha, rather than actually walking with her. Duxbury later told police that Sasha, at some point, tried to enter her apartment by using a digital lock on her door, but she was not able to recall the code. She told him that her key fob was in her car, so Duxbury started to go with her to the garage. However, Duxbury related that Sasha suddenly recalled the code and headed back toward her apartment; Duxbury said he left her alone at that point. When he passed by her door later, he did not see her. Sasha's friends became concerned when they were unable to contact her and they called the police, who eventually agreed to do a well-being check. Although off-duty, Duxbury approached the police and Sasha's friends, and stated that he knew who they were concerned about—before anybody told him whether the person was male or female, or her name. Police gained access to Sasha's apartment and entered. Initially, they saw no sign of a struggle or any criminal activity, but before long, they discovered Sasha, dead, in her bed, wrapped in a comforter. She smelled of bleach and there were signs around her consistent with somebody attempting to remove physical evidence. Sasha's shirt and bra had been ripped open in front. Her pants and underwear had been forcefully removed, leaving abrasions; those items of clothing were never recovered.(1) The medical examiner ("M.E.") found evidence of blunt trauma to Sasha's head, contusions on her upper body as though she had been repeatedly punched, defensive wounds on her arms, and other contusions and abrasions consistent with forceful restraint. There was no direct evidence of intercourse, but the M.E. discovered abrasions that were consistent with somebody attempting to have sex with Sasha. The M.E. testified that Sasha's cause of death was asphyxiation due to manual strangulation, and her death was ruled a homicide. Duxbury completed his usual daily report, in which he mentioned his encounter with Sasha. He did not mention the length of time that he followed her around, nor report that he had removed bags of trash from an inside hallway. After being advised of his Miranda rights, Duxbury steadfastly maintained that he had never been in Sasha's apartment. Investigators found a print from his right thumb in her bathroom and a print from his left thumb on the nightstand in her bedroom. Furthermore, his DNA was found on Sasha's breasts. There were shoeprints in Samsudean's apartment, including several that generally matched a pair of shoes recovered from Duxbury’s home. A police technician searched Duxbury’s smartphone and determined that someone had done an internet search using that phone, trying to learn how to override a Kwikset digital lock—the type of lock on Sasha's door. That search was performed around 5:00 a.m., which coincided with the ninety-minute time period during which Duxbury is not seen on any video, nor his location revealed by any other security-related patrol data. (1) Security video showed Duxbury carrying bags of trash from the building into the garage where (a) his car was parked, and (b) a dumpster was located. It was unusual for security to remove trash from the building, and the length of time after Duxbury entered the garage led the State to suggest that Duxbury may have put the bags in his car and not in the dumpster. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

The Murder of Sasha Samsudean | Police Interview of Benjamin Robuck

gOM54aWB8pc | 09 Nov 2021

The Murder of Sasha Samsudean | Police Interview of Benjamin Robuck

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — At 1:45 a.m. on October 17, 2015, Sasha Samsudean was trying to get back to her condo after an evening out drinking with friends in downtown Orlando. Witnesses described her as being extremely intoxicated. Sasha shared an Uber with two other young women, back to her condo at Uptown Place. The two women, Julia Goff and Haley Messmore, were concerned about Sasha's well-being, and waited as she tried to use the keypad to enter Uptown Place. Sasha did not have her key fob, key, ID, or phone, and she was unable to get in. Before long, Stephen Duxbury, a security guard, approached the three women. They explained Sasha's predicament and Duxbury advised that he could not let anyone into the building without proof that they were a resident, nor could he allow her to sleep on a couch in the lobby. As they continued to talk, a young male resident opened the door and allowed Sasha in. Instead of challenging her entry into the building, Duxbury continued talking with Goff and Messmore, who expressed their concern to Duxbury as to how Sasha would get into her unit without a key. The women eventually left for their own building. In his statements to the police, Duxbury said that he then went looking for Sasha. The jury saw CCTV video that showed Sasha wandering around the inside of the building as she tried to find her apartment. The video showed Duxbury following her for at least thirty minutes. One eyewitness testified that Duxbury was trailing a short distance behind an obviously-intoxicated Sasha, rather than actually walking with her. Duxbury later told police that Sasha, at some point, tried to enter her apartment by using a digital lock on her door, but she was not able to recall the code. She told him that her key fob was in her car, so Duxbury started to go with her to the garage. However, Duxbury related that Sasha suddenly recalled the code and headed back toward her apartment; Duxbury said he left her alone at that point. When he passed by her door later, he did not see her. Sasha's friends became concerned when they were unable to contact her and they called the police, who eventually agreed to do a well-being check. Although off-duty, Duxbury approached the police and Sasha's friends, and stated that he knew who they were concerned about—before anybody told him whether the person was male or female, or her name. Police gained access to Sasha's apartment and entered. Initially, they saw no sign of a struggle or any criminal activity, but before long, they discovered Sasha, dead, in her bed, wrapped in a comforter. She smelled of bleach and there were signs around her consistent with somebody attempting to remove physical evidence. Sasha's shirt and bra had been ripped open in front. Her pants and underwear had been forcefully removed, leaving abrasions; those items of clothing were never recovered.(1) The medical examiner ("M.E.") found evidence of blunt trauma to Sasha's head, contusions on her upper body as though she had been repeatedly punched, defensive wounds on her arms, and other contusions and abrasions consistent with forceful restraint. There was no direct evidence of intercourse, but the M.E. discovered abrasions that were consistent with somebody attempting to have sex with Sasha. The M.E. testified that Sasha's cause of death was asphyxiation due to manual strangulation, and her death was ruled a homicide. Duxbury completed his usual daily report, in which he mentioned his encounter with Sasha. He did not mention the length of time that he followed her around, nor report that he had removed bags of trash from an inside hallway. After being advised of his Miranda rights, Duxbury steadfastly maintained that he had never been in Sasha's apartment. Investigators found a print from his right thumb in her bathroom and a print from his left thumb on the nightstand in her bedroom. Furthermore, his DNA was found on Sasha's breasts. There were shoeprints in Samsudean's apartment, including several that generally matched a pair of shoes recovered from Duxbury’s home. A police technician searched Duxbury’s smartphone and determined that someone had done an internet search using that phone, trying to learn how to override a Kwikset digital lock—the type of lock on Sasha's door. That search was performed around 5:00 a.m., which coincided with the ninety-minute time period during which Duxbury is not seen on any video, nor his location revealed by any other security-related patrol data. (1) Security video showed Duxbury carrying bags of trash from the building into the garage where (a) his car was parked, and (b) a dumpster was located. It was unusual for security to remove trash from the building, and the length of time after Duxbury entered the garage led the State to suggest that Duxbury may have put the bags in his car and not in the dumpster. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

“I’m Gucci” | NY Jets Free Safety Marcus Maye Arrested for DUI, Hit & Run

m6vJDib7fDM | 08 Nov 2021

“I’m Gucci” | NY Jets Free Safety Marcus Maye Arrested for DUI, Hit & Run

BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — On February 22, 2021, New York Jets free safety Marcus Dajon Maye was arrested by Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Bryant Maseille on suspicion of driving under the influence, driving under the influence with property damage, hit and run, and careless driving. From the report of Trooper Maseille, lightly edited for clarity: "On 02/22/2021, I, Trooper Maseille of the Florida Highway Patrol, was on routine patrol at approximately 7:48 pm when I was dispatched by the Lake Worth Regional Communications Center, (LWRCC), to a hit and run crash on a State Road 91 (Florida's Turnpike) just north of Commercial Boulevard at mile marker 62 in Broward County, Florida. The LWRCC advised me that a black Volvo SUV had been struck by an unknown black SUV. The unknown black SUV failed to remain at the scene. When I arrived on scene at 7:58 pm, I observed that the black Volvo XC60 had damage to its left rear and was stationary on the east shoulder of SR 91.I approached the passenger window of the Volvo and spoke to the female driver, who stated that a black SUV had collided with her SUV and continued. I went back to my patrol vehicle and began to open my crash report when I was advised by Road Ranger Hussaine Singh that there was a black SUV stationary on the east shoulder just north of my location with damage to its front right. Road Ranger Singh left my location to assist the black SUV. As I began to write the report for the driver of the Volvo XC60, I was advised by LWRCC that Mr. Singh had approached the black SUV and observed that its driver was unresponsive and moving side-to-side. I left driver two and headed to Mr. Singh's location. When I arrived, I observed a black Mercedes GLE43 SUV stationary on the east shoulder of SR91. The driver's door was open, and the male driver had his head out the door and facing the ground. I called out to the driver to step out of the vehicle and he closed the door. When I approached the passenger side of the Mercedes SUV, I observed a black male driver with glasses and a white undershirt behind the wheel of the Mercedes. He seemed unaware of what was occurring. I looked at the front of the vehicle and observed damage to the front right that matched the damage to the Volvo XC60." The video takes over from there. Although the original video is nearly four hours long, most of the removed material consists of Marcus Maye sleeping, and/or the patrol car's empty backseat. How Maye's sister ended up at the scene and whether she may have been present for the alleged hit-and-run is unclear as of this writing. On March 9, 2021, the State Attorney for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit filed an information charging Maye with one count driving under the influence with property damage, one count driving under the influence, and one count leaving the scene of a crash. On October 29, 2021, Judge Mindy Solomon granted a defense motion to take the depositions of four individuals associated with Maye's arrest and alleged collision. The next event in Maye's case is a January 26, 2022, court hearing. Attorney Eric Schwartzreich is representing Marcus Maye in this matter. “Marcus was not operating any motor vehicle at the time while he was under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance, nor was Marcus impaired by alcohol or drugs. We look forward to trial, where we are confident that Marcus will be found not guilty of these erroneous allegations,” stated Schwartzreich. Four days prior to the publication of this story, Marcus Maye tore his achilles tendon in a 45-30 loss to the Indianapolis Colts, sidelining the star free safety for the rest of the season. To close on a lighter note: while Maye was being driven to the Broward County Jail, he called out Trooper Maseille for exceeding the speed limit. (It does not appear that Maseille took any enforcement action against himself.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Vitaly Goes to Jail: Miami Beach Police Rap-Along

slrbOgsTqX0 | 05 Nov 2021

Vitaly Goes to Jail: Miami Beach Police Rap-Along

The lighter side of Vitaly’s arrest. This will likely be the last of the Vitaly series. For now. Enjoy. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Thirty-second recap 00:38 The sing-along begins

Arrest of a YouTube Superstar: Vitaly Goes to Jail

0VHx7gERE-Y | 28 Oct 2021

Arrest of a YouTube Superstar: Vitaly Goes to Jail

On the early evening of April 12, 2020, Lily Jensen was out jogging by herself on a typically-sleepy road in Miami Beach, Florida when a man, later identified as YouTuber Vitaly ‘VitalyzdTv’ Zdorovetskiy, without any provocation, attempted to hug her. Jensen told Zdorovetskiy to leave her alone, and the YouTuber responded by tackling her to the ground, straddling her, and punching her in the head, face and body. She had never met or interacted with Zdorovetskiy prior. Zdorovetskiy was arrested later that day and charged with felony aggravated battery. During the course of his detention and arrest, and subsequently in the course of a civil suit by Ms. Jensen, Zdorovetskiy stated that he had been “tripping” on hallucinogenic mushrooms when he battered Ms. Jensen. Two of Zdorovetskiy’s friends managed to get the YouTuber back inside his house, though it would later appear that they, too, had been beaten by Zdorovetskiy in the process. Multiple uninvolved witnesses called 911, and the police responded. One witness reported that prior to Zdorovetskiy’s attack on Jensen, the witness noticed a different female exiting Zdorovetskiy’s residence, with Zdorovetskiy in chase, as she entered a rideshare service vehicle. That female, who remains unidentified, had to exit the car after Zdorovetskiy entered, running to the other side of the vehicle and re-entering as Zdorovetskiy exited in chase after her. The unidentified female was able to flee the scene. In Part I, I told you that "one police body-worn camera video captured Zdorovetskiy inquiring of a police officer as to whether he, too, was tripping. (The officer was not.) Zdorovetskiy then stated that people are not going understand why he ‘attacked that girl for no reason,’ adding that he was famous, a millionaire, and going to lose everything." Today, you can hear it from the Ukranian prank video guy himself. On April 15, 2020, Lily Jensen filed a civil lawsuit against Zdorovetskiy and his company, Vitalyzdtv, Inc. On June 9, 2021, the court was notified that Jensen’s civil suit against Zdorovetskiy had settled. On June 23, 2021, Vitaly Zdorovetskiy was accepted into pretrial diversion for his felony battery charge, with no objection by Lily Jensen. Coverage of Zdorovetskiy’s trip to jail, and more, is here. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ 00:00 Preview clips 01:17 90-second recap of Part One 02:47 Heading to jail 08:09 "I attacked this girl for no reason" 10:00 T.G.K.

Police K9 hunts hit-and-run suspects, finds trees

gxBG9rk_yAM | 27 Oct 2021

Police K9 hunts hit-and-run suspects, finds trees

There is more law enforcement footage available to the public today than at any point in history. Some people watch that footage and assume that they are seeing a representative picture of police work. Those people are usually wrong. An overwhelming majority of the law enforcement footage available to the public does not represent the day-to-day reality of law enforcement. Reality tends to skew heavily toward the boring (and often depressing), not the exciting and adrenaline-filled. Movie plot-lines? They happen. But not always. Not even close. When was the last time you saw video of a police dog in action? Did they get the suspect? Was there a lot of shouting? An excited dog getting praised for biting the bad guy? Have you ever seen a K9 deployment that went like this? Which do you think happens more often? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police clear entire mall after rapper "9lokkNine" targeted by rival gang

bvXFejIyhUQ | 24 Oct 2021

Police clear entire mall after rapper "9lokkNine" targeted by rival gang

Jacquavius Dennard Smith, better known as the rapper 9lokkNine, is best known for his songs "10 Percent" and "223's" (featuring YNW Melly). In part because of this channel, Mr. Nine is also known for getting arrested, like, all the time. Despite 'Quay's gravity-defying hairstyle, gang-leader lifestyle, and [no joke] 40-foot-long rap sheet, Mr. Smith's interactions with law enforcement are consistently among of the most polite on this channel. He has a job to do; they have a job to do. No hard feelings, right? But where does that come from? Who taught the AFNF gang leader to be a gentleman? Meet Jovita Lawna Anthony. MotherNine. Who showed up at the mall because she heard on Facebook that 9lokk had gone "R.I.P." after two dudes opened up on him in the mall parking lot. Turned out 9lokk ("Quay" to his mom) was totally fine. Well, apart from the RICO case that he didn't know was coming. That one is probably gonna sting. As to the two guys with bad aim — allegedly Trey'von Jaheim Graham and Joshua Caleb Holder — Graham has been charged with four counts of attempted second degree murder, one prohibited possessor charge, and discharging a firearm in public. The first four counts each carry a potential life sentence. Holder's charges in relation to this incident have been rolled into the RICO case against him, which is being prosecuted by the Office of Statewide Prosecution. Some history: Florida's Office of Statewide Prosecution is a division within the Office of the Attorney General. Their mission is to investigate and prosecute organized crime that crosses jurisdictional boundaries, and to assist other law enforcement agencies in their efforts against organized crime. In 2019 - 2020, the Statewide Prosecutor's conviction rate was an intimidating 99%, though it should be noted that the figure only includes defendants "who reached a final disposition."(Excluding, for example, defendants that died or - a bit more puzzling - had their charges dropped.) In 1993, a report by the Office of the Auditor General concluded that there was no consensus on appropriate performance measures for the Office of Statewide Prosecution. Recommendations were made for performance measures with greater validity than those in use at the time, with conviction rate among them. That same report also pointed out potential issues with that metric. In December 2001, a report by the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association argued that the Office of Statewide Prosecution engaged in jurisdictional overreach and encouraged forum shopping by law enforcement agencies. The report further stated that the lack of cooperation between the Office of Statewide Prosecution and the State Attorney's Offices was wasteful, resulting in duplicative work. The Association argued that the friction had serious consequences — including the reversal of a conviction on appeal — and that the Office of Statewide Prosecution cases was handling its cases at twenty times the cost to the state attorneys. Tensions were clearly high, and the Florida Legislature directed Florida's Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) to examine cost-effectiveness and efficiency, economic viability, and jurisdictional authority of the Office of Statewide Prosecution and the state attorneys. Its conclusion, in a nutshell, was that the parties need to grow up and figure it out. "Law enforcement and regulatory agencies may take a case to either the state attorney or the Office of Statewide Prosecution, as they consider appropriate. This choice enhances Florida's ability to aggressively fight crime, but it creates the potential for tension between the two prosecutorial entities. Both the state attorneys and the statewide prosecutor need to make an effort to communicate better." An interesting item of note that I came across while researching the above: the word "gang" appears nowhere in the Office of Statewide Prosecution's annual report for the last three years. It appears in every annual report for the eight years prior. Is a shift underway? Time will tell. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice 00:00 Preview 00:40 Meet MotherNine 06:47 9lokkGirlfriend, and screw-on earrings 10:22 Earlier... 11:49 "Where at? Don't reach for it!" 16:28 A familiar voice 20:52 It's video game time 23:45 Why is your sweater so wet? 26:31 Clearing the mall. Quickly.

Crowd Control | "Sir, is it under your balls?"

5Qg6IDnnIdE | 20 Oct 2021

Crowd Control | "Sir, is it under your balls?"

It's like Rock Contardi, except different. This video contains an interesting discussion about civil asset forfeiture. For some background on the subject, the following is excerpted from an Orange County Sheriff's Office legal bulletin: Civil forfeiture first became part of Florida law in 1974. A statute was passed in that year that allowed law enforcement officers to take property from private citizens that was used to transport illegal contraband. The idea behind the law was to deprive criminals of the tools and fruits of their crimes. Forfeiture is a civil, not criminal, proceeding. A law enforcement agency wishing to begin a forfeiture case must file papers in civil court and follow the civil rules of procedure. Forfeiture is considered to be “remedial,” not punitive. Therefore, a person may be criminally charged for a particular offense, and may be subject to a civil forfeiture action resulting from the same events, without a violation of the double jeopardy clause occurring The 1980's were the heyday of civil forfeiture in Florida, and there were reports of abusive practices by law enforcement agencies that resulted in political pressure to curtail civil forfeiture. The Florida legislature has amended the forfeiture statute several times since 1974. These changes created new and stricter standards for law enforcement agencies. For example, the burden of proof in a civil forfeiture action was changed from “preponderance of the evidence” to “clear and convincing evidence” to "beyond a reasonable doubt." Agencies are also more limited as to how they can spend forfeiture proceeds. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) was tasked with creating guidelines, which it subsequently published. Those guidelines, such as requiring an officer who wishes to initiate a forfeiture to seek the permission of a person designated by his or her agency, provides oversight of officers at the scene. Case law dictates that forfeiture is not favored, and - at least as of 2016 - local judges "tend to hold law enforcement to an exceptionally high standard." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Polygraph of Stephen Duxbury | The Murder of Sasha Samsudean

krnt8UWWA6E | 15 Oct 2021

Polygraph of Stephen Duxbury | The Murder of Sasha Samsudean

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — At 1:45 a.m. on October 17, 2015, Sasha Samsudean was trying to get back to her condo after an evening out drinking with friends in downtown Orlando. Witnesses described her as being extremely intoxicated. Sasha shared an Uber with two other young women, back to her condo at Uptown Place. The two women, Julia Goff and Haley Messmore, were concerned about Sasha's well-being, and waited as she tried to use the keypad to enter Uptown Place. Sasha did not have her key fob, key, ID, or phone, and she was unable to get in. Before long, Stephen Duxbury, a security guard, approached the three women. They explained Sasha's predicament and Duxbury advised that he could not let anyone into the building without proof that they were a resident, nor could he allow her to sleep on a couch in the lobby. As they continued to talk, a young male resident opened the door and allowed Sasha in. Instead of challenging her entry into the building, Duxbury continued talking with Goff and Messmore, who expressed their concern to Duxbury as to how Sasha would get into her unit without a key. The women eventually left for their own building. In his statements to the police, Duxbury said that he then went looking for Sasha. The jury saw CCTV video that showed Sasha wandering around the inside of the building as she tried to find her apartment. The video showed Duxbury following her for at least thirty minutes. One eyewitness testified that Duxbury was trailing a short distance behind an obviously-intoxicated Sasha, rather than actually walking with her. Duxbury later told police that Sasha, at some point, tried to enter her apartment by using a digital lock on her door, but she was not able to recall the code. She told him that her key fob was in her car, so Duxbury started to go with her to the garage. However, Duxbury related that Sasha suddenly recalled the code and headed back toward her apartment; Duxbury said he left her alone at that point. When he passed by her door later, he did not see her. Sasha's friends became concerned when they were unable to contact her and they called the police, who eventually agreed to do a well-being check. Although off-duty, Duxbury approached the police and Sasha's friends, and stated that he knew who they were concerned about—before anybody told him whether the person was male or female, or her name. Police gained access to Sasha's apartment and entered. Initially, they saw no sign of a struggle or any criminal activity, but before long, they discovered Sasha, dead, in her bed, wrapped in a comforter. She smelled of bleach and there were signs around her consistent with somebody attempting to remove physical evidence. Sasha's shirt and bra had been ripped open in front. Her pants and underwear had been forcefully removed, leaving abrasions; those items of clothing were never recovered.(1) The medical examiner ("M.E.") found evidence of blunt trauma to Sasha's head, contusions on her upper body as though she had been repeatedly punched, defensive wounds on her arms, and other contusions and abrasions consistent with forceful restraint. There was no direct evidence of intercourse, but the M.E. discovered abrasions that were consistent with somebody attempting to have sex with Sasha. The M.E. testified that Sasha's cause of death was asphyxiation due to manual strangulation, and her death was ruled a homicide. Duxbury completed his usual daily report, in which he mentioned his encounter with Sasha. He did not mention the length of time that he followed her around, nor report that he had removed bags of trash from an inside hallway. After being advised of his Miranda rights, Duxbury steadfastly maintained that he had never been in Sasha's apartment. Investigators found a print from his right thumb in her bathroom and a print from his left thumb on the nightstand in her bedroom. Furthermore, his DNA was found on Sasha's breasts. There were shoeprints in Samsudean's apartment, including several that generally matched a pair of shoes recovered from Duxbury’s home. A police technician searched Duxbury’s smartphone and determined that someone had done an internet search using that phone, trying to learn how to override a Kwikset digital lock—the type of lock on Sasha's door. That search was performed around 5:00 a.m., which coincided with the ninety-minute time period during which Duxbury is not seen on any video, nor his location revealed by any other security-related patrol data. (1) Security video showed Duxbury carrying bags of trash from the building into the garage where (a) his car was parked, and (b) a dumpster was located. It was unusual for security to remove trash from the building, and the length of time after Duxbury entered the garage led the State to suggest that Duxbury may have put the bags in his car and not in the dumptster. Note: this audio was recently published elsewhere; the video has never been published. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Las Cruces Police Arrest Man Smoking Meth in Parking Lot

1GG1sANNsvs | 11 Oct 2021

Las Cruces Police Arrest Man Smoking Meth in Parking Lot

LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO — On September 12, 2019, at approximately 7:50 a.m., Officer Ramiro Rivera was dispatched with Officer Trainee Eric Torres to 1155 Montana Avenue in reference to an allegation of trespassing. Two males were allegedly squatting in an apartment. On arrival, Officer Rivera parked on the east side of the apartment complex. As Officer Rivera walked toward the complex, he noticed a gold Cadillac in the parking lot, with two males inside of the car. As he walked nearer and looked toward the car, just as Officer Rivera made eye contact with its driver, the subject raised a glass pipe to his mouth and gave Officer Rivera a look that quietly screamed "fuu-----." The video tells the story from there. As noted in the video, the driver, Jesus Perez, had been arrested just three weeks prior for possession of a controlled substance. That case was ultimately nolle prossed after the judge granted a motion to suppress key evidence. The case associated with this arrest of Mr. Perez ultimately met a similar fate, though the second time around the case was nolle prossed the day *before* a scheduled suppression hearing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

YouTuber Vitaly Zdorovetskiy Arrested in Miami Beach

dNMY39fZEsY | 07 Oct 2021

YouTuber Vitaly Zdorovetskiy Arrested in Miami Beach

On the early evening of April 12, 2020, Lily Jensen was out jogging by herself on a typically-sleepy road in Miami Beach, Florida when a man, later identified as YouTuber Vitaly ‘VitalyzdTv’ Zdorovetskiy, without any provocation, attempted to hug her. Uninterested, Jensen told Zdorovetskiy to leave her alone. The YouTuber responded by tackling her to the ground, straddling her, and punching her in the head, face and body. She had never met or interacted with Zdorovetskiy prior. Zdorovetskiy was arrested later that day and charged with felony aggravated battery. During the course of his detention and arrest, and subsequently in the course of a civil suit by Ms. Jensen, Zdorovetskiy stated that he had been “tripping” on hallucinogenic mushrooms when he battered Ms. Jensen. Two of Zdorovetskiy’s friends managed to get the YouTuber back inside his house, though it would later appear that they, too, had been beaten by Zdorovetskiy in the process. Multiple uninvolved witnesses called 911, and the police responded. One witness reported that prior to Zdorovetskiy’s attack on Jensen, the witness noticed a different female exiting Zdorovetskiy’s residence, with Zdorovetskiy in chase, as she entered a rideshare service vehicle. That female, who remains unidentified, had to exit the car after Zdorovetskiy entered, running to the other side of the vehicle and re-entering as Zdorovetskiy exited in chase after her. The unidentified female was able to flee the scene. One police body-worn camera video captured Zdorovetskiy inquiring of a police officer as to whether he, too, was tripping. (The officer was not.) Zdorovetskiy then stated that people are not going understand why he ‘attacked that girl for no reason,’ adding that he was famous, a millionaire, and going to lose everything. On April 15, 2020 Lily Jensen filed a civil lawsuit against Zdorovetskiy and his company, Vitalyzdtv, Inc. On June 9, 2021 the court was notified that Jensen’s civil suit against Zdorovetskiy had settled. On June 23, 2021 Vitaly Zdorovetskiy was accepted into pretrial diversion for his felony battery charge, with no objection by Lily Jensen. Coverage of Zdorovetskiy’s trip to jail, and more, to follow. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"He was trying to jump out the window!" | Cincinnati Police Domestic

6HC29JVJI6c | 06 Oct 2021

"He was trying to jump out the window!" | Cincinnati Police Domestic

We rarely cover domestic violence cases, but they are unfortunately common. It's been a long time, however, since we covered any DV case, and it's time for another acknowledgement that they do, in fact, exist. This video out of Cincinnati has been exclusively available for channel patrons for more than 1.5 years, and occasionally that content rolls out more widely. Today is one of those occasions. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

New Jersey woman arrested for possession of weed residue

pxY5RsS9WIM | 04 Oct 2021

New Jersey woman arrested for possession of weed residue

[Note: this arrest predates the law change described below.] On February 22, 2021, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed three bills changing the legal status of marijuana in the state. These laws, which went into immediate effect, created a two-tier framework: regulated, and everything else. The former is fully legal in New Jersey, while everything in the latter is still defined as “controlled dangerous substances” under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-2. That said, despite the scary-sounding name, the latter category has been largely decriminalized for non-distribution offenses. The new laws eliminated existing prohibitions and created new, more lenient penalties for possession and distribution. As of mid-September, New Jersey courts had automatically expunged more than 360,000 low-level marijuana cases, with more than 100,000 additional cases eligible for automatic expungement. According to a March 26, 2021 document published by the Attorney General of New Jersey, under the new law, if a driver is not found to be under the influence, the odor of marijuana, either burned or raw, by itself does not establish reasonable suspicion to justify a continued stop, nor probable cause to conduct a search — even in a low-level possession with intent to distribute marijuana case. There are also severe restrictions on law enforcement officers' ability to investigate and take action against anyone under the age of 21 who is suspected or known to be in possession of marijuana. Due to the above changes in New Jersey law, Real World Police will not be providing any details about this incident or the arrestee, beyond what is communicated in the video. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

ATM Thief Crashes Truck into Hospital | Arkansas State Police

6Qp-UGrywss | 26 Sep 2021

ATM Thief Crashes Truck into Hospital | Arkansas State Police

On June 1, 2020, at approximately 11:00 p.m., Arkansas State Police Sergeant Nicholas Brown was sitting stationary at the exit ramp from Interstate 630 West to Martin Luther King Drive, monitoring a protest while blocking traffic from entering the protest area. At 11:18 p.m., Little Rock Police Department advised that they were in pursuit of a blue Dodge Dakota traveling west on Interstate 630 West at Martin Luther King Drive. Corporal Jarrod Akins, Trooper First Class Mark Blackerby, and a Highway Police unit responded. Approximately one minute later, additional information was provided: the driver of the vehicle had previously stolen an ATM from the Arvest Bank in downtown Little Rock. With that added information, Sergeant Brown assumed that it would take multiple subjects to load an ATM into a truck, and decided to respond to assist in the apprehension of the suspects. As the vehicle continued to travel west on I-630 West all units responding were advised that Cpl. Akins attempted to perform a PIT but was unsuccessful. The vehicle continued on I-630 West before taking the Baptist exit ramp. At this point, Sgt. Brown was traveling west on I-630 West at John Barrow. Upon arrival at the Baptist Hospital, the vehicle was driving through the parking lot of the hospital. Sergeant Brown continued south through the four-way stop towards the main entrance of the Baptist Hospital. While traveling south behind Tfc. Blackerby and approaching the main entrance of the Baptist Hospital, Sergeant Brown observed the vehicle traveling east on a unnamed street designed for access to the parking lot. "Due to the potential danger of patients and pedestrians I decided to intervene in V1's ability to continue north or east by placing my unit (V2) beside that of Tfc. Blackerby and partially in the intersection. V1 attempted to travel north and the front left of V1 collided with the front of V2 (my unit). V1 then rolled to a stop a making impact into a concrete garbage can and the corner of the Baptist Hospital. The suspect fled from the passenger door of V1 and made an attempt to enter the hospital. Due to the doors being locked, the suspect was unable to enter the hospital. I was able to apprehend the suspect without further incident." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Bodybuilder Cop | The Termination of Rock Contardi

kh5Tsm8mtXU | 22 Sep 2021

Bodybuilder Cop | The Termination of Rock Contardi

COCOA, FL — In today's exclusive, the story of a bodybuilder-cop turned just-bodybuilder. On June 5, 2019, Cocoa Police Officer and IFBB amateur bodybuilder Rock Contardi was sustained on multiple administrative charges relating to searches, code of conduct, property and evidence management, body worn camera activation, and case reports. Contardi resigned in lieu of termination, and Cocoa Police Department forwarded their investigative findings to Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC). On May 6, 2021, the CJSTC voted to revoke Contardi's law enforcement officer certification in the State of Florida, on the basis of Sexual Battery and Possession of Cocaine, neither of which come remotely close to communicating what happened. Presenting the termination of Rock Contardi, bodybuilder-cop. I wonder what Ronnie Coleman thinks of all this. (Other than "Lightweight baby!") ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas State Police Pursuit of Deajon Dobbins @ 130 MPH

ETerba0OL0Q | 19 Sep 2021

Arkansas State Police Pursuit of Deajon Dobbins @ 130 MPH

On July 8, 2020 Trooper First Class Aaron Morphis was at the Arkansas State Police Troop C headquarters when dispatch sent out an alert that the Poinsett County Sheriff’s Department was in pursuit of a gray Dodge Charger, northbound on Interstate 555. Dispatch advised that the suspect vehicle was traveling at speeds more than 100 mph and that the Poinsett County Sheriff’s Office was requesting ASP assistance. According to what was related, the Poinsett County Sheriff’s Office dispatch had informed ASP dispatch that the pursuit was initiated when a deputy got out with the vehicle for a motorist’s assist on I-555; the vehicle fled from the deputy as he got out with it and almost struck the deputy. Morphis departed Troop C headquarters toward southbound I-555 in an attempt to intercept the vehicle. When he reached the 37 mile marker on I-555, ASP dispatch advised that the suspect vehicle was exiting off at exit 29. Morphis continued in pursuit until he reached Nestle Road, where he pulled onto the right shoulder to wait for the pursuit to catch up. When that happened, the suspect vehicle was traveling at speeds more than 100 mph and was cutting in and out of traffic, however, traffic was light. As the pursuit approached a construction zone of I-555 started, just north of Commerce Drive, the suspect vehicle had to start slowing down because there was an uninvolved vehicle approximately 15 feet in front of him. At that time, Morphis attempted a PIT maneuver, striking the suspect vehicle with his bumper, however the PIT did not stop the vehicle. But it did encourage the driver to give up ​near the 40 mile marker. Once the vehicle came to a halt, a felony traffic stop followed. "At first, the suspect was not complying with our orders, but he finally started complying after one of the Trumann K9 officers advised that he was going to release his K9 if he didn’t comply. We were able to get the suspect out of the vehicle and other officers placed him into custody. There were also two passengers in the vehicle that were also ordered out of the vehicle and detained. We then cleared the rest of the car with a Jonesboro Police Department K9. Once the vehicle was cleared, it was searched. The vehicle smelled heavily of marijuana, but no marijuana was located. There was an AR-15 rifle that was located in the back driver’s side floorboard along with a pistol in the driver’s side seat pocket in the back. There were also several pistol magazines and rifle magazines that were located. The firearms and magazines were collected by the Poinsett County deputies for evidence. I spoke with the suspect (driver) and obtained his name and date of birth since he did not have an ID on him. I also obtained the two passenger’s IDs. I ran all three subjects through ACIC/NCIC. The suspect showed to have a suspended driver’s license and also showed to have two warrants. The first warrant was out of the Collin County Sheriff’s Office in Mckinney, TX for theft of property, but they would not extradite. The second warrant was through Prairie County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas, but they would not extradite either and just left the warrant active. The suspect had criminal history for aggravated assault out of the Jacksonville Police Department from June 27, 2017, but there was no disposition on [the case]. The suspect also advised that the firearms were his and that he had bought them. The two passengers came back clear through ACIC/NCIC with no warrants or criminal history. The two passengers were released and the suspect was transported to the Poinsett County Detention Center by a Poinsett County deputy. He was charged with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, carrying a weapon, reckless driving, felony fleeing, and driving on a suspended driver’s license." Dobbins was ultimately sentenced to 36 months probation and a 12 month suspended sentence. On 3/16/21 a petition for revocation was filed after Dobbins was arrested for openly carrying a tan handgun at a Walmart store. He had $2,091 cash on his person at the time of his arrest, and had somehow managed to become a convicted felon between the pursuit arrest and the Walmart incident. Dobbins then failed to appear on the date of his own trial. His case is now set for a status hearing on October 11, 2021. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌

The Honest Police Impersonator | Investigation of Daniel Gomez

S3Gwia4HsWQ | 09 Sep 2021

The Honest Police Impersonator | Investigation of Daniel Gomez

From the report of Officer Lee Sahs, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On February 23, 2018, at approximately 10:09 a.m., I responded to Vedder Lane in reference to a suspicious incident. Upon arrival contact was made with complainant Sila Battaggia Lopez who provided the following in a sworn written statement: Battaggia Lopez stated that at approximately 9:00 a.m., his golden retriever had gotten out of his garage and ran off toward DeHaven Street and Randal Park Blvd. Battaggia Lopez stated that he got into his vehicle and drove off to bring the dog home when a gray GMC pickup truck did a U-turn and pulled up next to him. The driver of the vehicle – an unknown white male possibly in his thirties – then identified himself as a police officer and showed him a police badge in an aggressive manner, stating that his dog is always running free and threatening to kill his dog. The truck then sped off and parked behind a nearby residence. Battaggia Lopez followed the truck and was able to take a picture of its license plate. He then called the police, because he wasn't sure if the male was a real police officer. A check of the vehicle tag that Battaggia Lopez provided came back to a Daniel Gomez, just a few residences down the street. Contact was made with Gomez, as seen in this video. The Office of the State Attorney ultimately charged Daniel Gomez with one count misdemeanor unlawful use of police badge or indicia of authority, Florida Statutes 843.085. Lopez pleaded no contest to the charge, and adjudication was withheld, with fines and fees due in the amount of $436.82. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial: "This Defendant is a Danger!" (Full)

k54Heehj_VI | 04 Sep 2021

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial: "This Defendant is a Danger!" (Full)

In case you missed part one, it can be found at Apologies for the unusually nonexistent video description. A handful of other stories-in-progress are demanding my full attention. Hang tight. It'll be worth it. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial, Part II: "This Defendant is a Danger!"

Y4qSigHLxe8 | 01 Sep 2021

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial, Part II: "This Defendant is a Danger!"

Continued from Part One, available at Note that this is a 'highlights' version of the full, hour-and-a-half-long recording. It is presented in this manner because the first quarter of the full version is fairly slow-moving. Watching this video should help you determine whether you'd like to hear the rest. The full version is available on Patreon now. If for any reason that's not your speed, it will be publicly available for free this weekend. Regarding Jennifer Burton's 2016 calls to 911, greater context will emerge in time. Suffice it to say that those calls got the ball rolling on a series events that may surprise you. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Social Media Mass Murder Threats | Nicholas James Rountree

2u2ZA-4OoLA | 31 Aug 2021

Social Media Mass Murder Threats | Nicholas James Rountree

On August 8, 2018 Nicholas James Rountree was adjudicated guilty of one count "written threats to do bodily injury," a second-degree felony. The charge stemmed from material Rountree had posted to his Twitter feed, allegedly in an attempt to expose corruption he had seen in the Army. Rountree — no "d" — was ultimately sentenced to five years in prison, to be followed by two years community control, and then eight years of probation. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial | Jeremy Takes the Stand

VJLOo922hhc | 27 Aug 2021

Serial Police Impersonator on Trial | Jeremy Takes the Stand

In the interest of getting this to you faster, the video description is going to have to wait until later. Fortunately, this is fairly self-explanatory to anyone familiar with Mr. Dewitte. This is a recording of Jeremy's bond hearing. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

“Stop the cameras! Everybody turn everything off!”

SiKHoMRhQmQ | 22 Aug 2021

“Stop the cameras! Everybody turn everything off!”

In today’s video, watch as Cincinnati police officers approach a parked car for a casual chat with its occupants, but end up getting far more than they expected. Also, theIr supervisor appears to be having a hard time… ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas State Police arrest 19-year-old for felony fleeing and street racing

yVPvaiaQ-Lo | 16 Aug 2021

Arkansas State Police arrest 19-year-old for felony fleeing and street racing

On 05/22/20, at approximately 10:49 pm, Trooper Earnest Benton had just merged onto College Avenue southbound from Fullbright when he spotted three sports cars racing northbound on College Avenue at speeds he estimated to be well over 100 miles per hour. Trooper Benton swung around after the third car passed his location. He was in a pursuit. The fleeing vehicles increased their speeds, and started weaving through light traffic as they fled. As the three vehicles passed Main Street, two turned their lights off. At night. From that point, they were only visible when they braked. The three vehicles entered into the city limits of Springdale, Arkansas on Thompson Street, running a red light at the intersection of Thompson Street and West Lakeview Drive. They continued weaving In and out of traffic as they fled northbound. Trooper Benton noticed vehicles stopped just south of Locomotive Avenue on Thompson Street in the northbound lanes of traffic, and saw that one of the fleeing cars had crashed into a creek on the east side of Thompson Street. There was a red Chevy Camaro upside-down in the creek. And its two male occupants were exiting. Meet Brian Escobar-Lopez and his friend Humberto Ibarra. Escobar-Lopez was charged with felony fleeing and racing. Felony Information was actually filed, and his case is still open. A look at Mr. Escobar-Lopez's driving record, only in relation to the State Police, reveals that he wasn't lying about his history of speeding tickets. On July 5, 2019 Sr. Cpl. Raymond Triplett stopped and cited him for driving 97 in a 70, and for reckless driving. On November 16, 2019, Trp. Zenda Staab stopped and cited him for driving 106 in a 70, and for reckless driving. On May 6, 2020, Trp. Mason Redding stopped him for driving 101 in a 70, and - again - for reckless driving. For context, as a reminder, the pictured incident occurred only shortly thereafter, on May 22, 2020. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than seventy exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Them sumbitches need to start calling the damn police department n' quit calling Terry"

1O6PNVSZ6Z8 | 12 Aug 2021

"Them sumbitches need to start calling the damn police department n' quit calling Terry"

On May 20, 2021, a Beechcraft B300 Super King Air 350 airplane, registration N627TE, experienced a [reported] brake lockup and [definite] loss of control at C. David Campbell Field - Corsicana Municipal Airport (KCRS), Navarro County, Texas. The airplane ultimately came to a stop when it collided with a parked vehicle and hangar. There were no injuries. The flight had departed Tulsa International Airport, Tulsa, Oklahoma and was being operated as a Part 91 personal flight. FAA data indicate that the airplane is registered to Watkins Construction Company LLC. This video shows the police response to the incident. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Wiretaps Attorney Michael Brehne

NXlZAd1_FgQ | 10 Aug 2021

Serial Police Impersonator Wiretaps Attorney Michael Brehne

And then - shocker - misrepresents their conversation. [Turn on captions for the beginning.] After trying unsuccessfully to reach Attorney Mike Brehne by phone regarding this video, I sent the "Biker Law" attorney an email. It began with a few questions regarding a claim by the ransonware group REvil that they had exfiltrated more than 142 gigabytes of data from his law practice. Then came this: "...Separately, in October 2019 Jeremy Dewitte recorded a telephone conversation with you, shortly after you had met with John Mina — seemingly regarding and on behalf of Mr. Dewitte. At one point during your conversation, Mr. Dewitte stated “I’ll tell you right now that if they come and get me, I mean, yeah, Amir and all that, but you have more....“ In a subsequent conversation, Mr. Dewitte recounted his conversation with you to his employees, first offering to play the recording for them and then deciding to paraphrase. Mr. Dewitte then claimed that you told John Mina that OCSO's investigation into him [Mr. Dewitte] is “tainted.” Mr. Dewitte further claimed that John Mina, in front of you, instructed “his lieutenant” from internal affairs to investigate Sergeant Keith Vidler and Corporal John Ramsey. John Mina’s calendar reflects an hourlong lunch meeting with you on October 2, 2019. -What is your relationship with Jeremy Dewitte? -Why did you speak with John Mina in support of Mr. Dewitte, a man who is many-times a convicted felon? -Have you ever had a financial interest in any of Jeremy Dewitte’s business ventures? Which?" Brehne addressed (I wouldn't call it "answered") my questions about the ransomware attack. The Dewitte questions... went a bit differently: "With regard to your questions regarding Mr. Dewitte, I am evaluating my options regarding the possibility of initiating a criminal investigation. Therefore, I will reserve my comments." Florida's wiretapping law requires two-party consent to record. It is a crime in Florida to intercept or record a "wire, oral, or electronic communication" in Florida unless all parties to the communication consent. There are some exceptions, but none appear to apply here. In possibly-related news, some of you may be aware that three of Jeremy Dewitte's ambulances have been repossessed. Sources state that Mike Brehne repossessed them. And that he is after one more. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Judge Rejects Sgt. Vidler’s Testimony

k9oC8mAn3cw | 09 Aug 2021

Judge Rejects Sgt. Vidler’s Testimony

This case and I have a history. My search for records from State of Florida v. Marian Lynn Long began on August 17, 2020, with a phone call to court reporting. On the other end was a familiar voice. I had spoken with Kaye on many other occasions, and she laughed when I told her I was looking for a recording from 2006. It had been destroyed in 2016. I then asked the Office of the State Attorney to produce everything they had regarding the case, and to prioritize their production of (a) the August 29, 2006 deposition of Keith Vidler, and (b) the audio recording of a November 20, 2006 suppression hearing. That, too, went nowhere. They produced five pages that contained nothing new. Their case file had been destroyed a decade prior.* On top of that, Marian Lynn Long was dead, and neither Frank Iennaco, Long's defense attorney, nor any of the prosecutors who had handled this case were responding to my calls and emails. Next came the Clerk of Court. I requested a copy of an audio recording that I had reason to believe was in their custody. I had a photocopy of the CD. Seriously. A photocopy of a CD. I wanted the audio, but when the Clerk saw "audio" they referred me to court reporting. The same people who had told me they didn't have anything. After months of trying, I finally found my hero in Monica West. Though we did have some teething issues. I thought my request was pretty clear: "One of the docket items in this case appears to be a photocopy of an audio CD, where the photocopy is intended to communicate the existence of an audio recording. See attached. Specifically, the CD is labeled "CD 11/20/06 motion to suppress hearing," and it appears to have been filed on or about 1/4/2010. I request a copy of the audio recording that is on that CD. Thank you." That's what got me a referral to court reporting: "Thank you for contacting the Orange County Clerk of Courts. Request for audio recordings or transcripts are done through the Court Reporter's Office. Please contact their office for more information. Their contact information is as follows:.." Yeah, I know. I was just in touch with them... "Thank you, however I am not seeking an a copy of an official recording or transcript. I am seeking a copy of a docket item from a case. I believe that you are the custodian of that record. Am I wrong?" That got me in touch with Monica West. After exchanging a few messages, I received an invoice. I paid it immediately, and things were looking good. Hopeful that I might be able get the recording sooner, I wrote: "Thanks, Monica! I already paid the invoice. Any chance you can email me the recording?" Nope. "Your request has been fulfilled and put into the outgoing mail." A promising no. The kind that said, "No, but be patient. It's coming." It wasn't. My request for a copy of an audio recording, referring to a specific recording from a specific case, on a specific CD that I bizarrely had a photocopy of? Somehow, that had been interpreted as a request for a copy of the case docket. One of the few things I already had. Discovering that cost a few weeks, $19, and some optimism. I thought that I was getting the recording until the moment I opened the envelope to discover that it contained documents that were already on my desk. Right next to me. Not the biggest deal in the grand scheme of things, but it didn't leave me hopeful. I tried again. "Hi Monica, I received the records you sent. Thank you. Unfortunately, I don’t understand how the records provided are responsive to my request. I apologize for any confusion, however my request was as follows: "One of the docket items in this case appears to be a photocopy of an audio CD, where the photocopy is intended to communicate the existence of an audio recording. See attached. Specifically, the CD is labeled "CD 11/20/06 motion to suppress hearing," and it appears to have been filed on or about 1/4/2010. I request a copy of the audio recording that is on that CD. Thank you. In response I was provided paper records only. Please advise." Monica then tracked down a box at an off-site storage facility, and requested that the box be retrieved and shipped to her office. It eventually arrived, and in the box was a CD. The one I had a photocopy of. It had been there for more than ten years. This is what it contained. *Corrected from the original, which read "a decade and a half prior." Apparently I am bad at subtraction. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want more Real World Police? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than 70 exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of rapper 9lokkNine for possession of stolen Glock 17

lREPl94FToE | 05 Aug 2021

Arrest of rapper 9lokkNine for possession of stolen Glock 17

ORLANDO — If there was a world record for ‘greatest number of times, as a convicted felon, arrested with drugs and a stolen gun and the charges getting dropped’ it would not surprise me if Mr. Nine holds the title. Per their charging affidavit, on October 14, 2020, Officers Kristin Cintron, and Detective Patrick Cavanaugh were on proactive patrol in the area of Bethune Avenue and Eccleston Street. While on patrol in Detective Cavanaugh's unmarked Ford F-150 police truck, the officers observed a red Dodge sedan with tint was below the AS1 line. A traffic stop was conducted. As officers approached the driver side window of the vehicle they smelled an odor of fresh cannabis coming from the vehicle. In the vehicle were Damara Vega and Jacquavius Smith — better known as the rapper 9lokkNine. [Who is currently in jail on what was originally a $750,000 bond for racketeering, later updated to simply ‘no bond.’] When asked whether they were firearms in the vehicle, Vega stated "yes" and added she had a concealed weapons permit. Officer Cintron asked Vega where she obtained the firearm and she claimed she had purchased it from a pawn shop. Officer Cintron asked if either occupant had a medical marijuana card, and both non-infant occupants replied no. Detectives arrived on the scene and both occupants were removed from the vehicle for a probable cause search based on the smell of fresh cannabis. Once Mr. Smith was removed from the vehicle, Sgt. Jackson could smell the odor of fresh cannabis coming from his person. Upon searching the vehicle, a Glock 17 firearm with no magazine was found under the driver seat of the vehicle. An extended Glock magazine and a single 9MM round were found in the center console of the vehicle. One bag of cannabis was found next to where Smith's left foot was placed on the front passenger floorboard and a second bag of cannabis was found on the floorboard under Mr. Smith's legs. The bags appeared to be readily accessible to Mr. Smith and under his control. The two bags totaled 10 grams. Upon running the serial number of the firearm on Teletype, it was found the firearm was reported stolen out of Orange County, Florida. 9lokkNine was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, however the charges were dismissed shortly thereafter on the basis the case could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Based on notes obtained from the State Attorney's Office, it appears that officers did not responding to a tasking sheet for a DNA or fingerprint analysis of the gun. That is strange, however, in light of the fact that the state attorney's note regarding the above was written on 10/29/20, and that on 10/20/20, Detective Cavanaugh received a latent fingerprint report which stated that a fingerprint matching Smith's left little finger was found on the left side of the metal slide of the gun that was found. The above, however, may be explained by coordination for a much broader sting by the name "Operation X-Force," that went down in late-June. 9lokkNine and 33 others are currently facing racketeering charges from the State of Florida. Related, only a couple of weeks back Mr. Nine pleaded guilty to more than $10,000 In Paycheck Protection Program loan fraud. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida man claims muggers left pile of drugs in his car

nYsmOqqq6Hc | 31 Jul 2021

Florida man claims muggers left pile of drugs in his car

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — Noah is insistent that he was selling a pair of "Jordan 6" sneakers. The police, on the other hand, don't find any sign of sneakers. But they do find something else in his car: drugs. According to Noah, the people who robbed him must have left the drugs behind. Do you believe him? Come along for the ride with Noah Degilio as his alibi-generation skills go up against against the investigatory skills of a few police officers. On February 21, 2020, at approximately 9:16 p.m., Officers Frantz Charlestin and William Escobar responded to the area of Canvas Restaurant in reference to a robbery. From its outset, the incident was odd. The alleged victim was uncooperative, and people don’t typically get mugged selling shoes. There were two alleged victims in different locations, and the critical details of their stories were in conflict. It wasn't long before an officer spotted - out in plain view - a large bag of suspected cannabis in the alleged-victim's car. It was at that point that things started to make more sense. Watch as Noah Degilio claims to have no idea who the roughly 40 grams of cannabis belong to, instead blaming its presence on his sneaker thieves. Who obviously left it behind. "Although Noah alleged that a kidnapping and or robbery occurred, officers on scene were unable to follow-up on the allegations or any possible leads due to the uncooperativeness of Noah and Fernando regarding the OfferUp account. Based on the aforementioned facts and circumstances, probable cause was developed to charge Noah Degilio with possession of cannabis, greater than 20 grams." Degilio was arrested. On March 5, 2020, a notice of no information was filed in 2020-CF-2438, State of Florida vs. Noah Scott Degilio, effectively dismissing the case. According to the case notes we obtained, the Office of the State Attorney determined the possession charge could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe he was selling shoes. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

The Two-Minute Self-Incrimination of Emmanual Brandon Perry

hUZOFPenxv0 | 30 Jul 2021

The Two-Minute Self-Incrimination of Emmanual Brandon Perry

Viewers regularly ask why people talk to the police after being explicitly informed that their statements will be used against them. One answer that is rarely mentioned - probably because of its relative rarity - is that some people don't. This is an example of a nearly-unicorn interrogation. Notably, the heart of Perry's trial was spent trying to suppress the brief statement he provided, in which he demonstrated knowledge of an incident at Subway before anyone else had mentioned the store. Combine that with the video, and self-incrimination can be accomplished in remarkably few words. Perry was ultimately sentenced to nine months in jail followed by one year probation and restitution in the amount of $549.99. The victim required jaw surgery. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Bainbridge Island rampage turns into standoff with police

Ea-cH_fzEVE | 28 Jul 2021

Bainbridge Island rampage turns into standoff with police

Got a couple of hours? Meet Hayden Brown. From the report of Officer Jeffrey Benkert: On 1/15/19, at approximately 1345 hrs., I responded to a call of a domestic verbal on Sundance Lane. The comments on the call indicated that a neighbor heard a mother and son arguing and the son threatening to shoot his mother. While en route to the call, the RP advised that the son was in the driveway of the residence breaking things. I arrived shortly after Officers Johnson and Tovar, and Corporal Koon. Koon was speaking with a woman later identified as the suspect's mother. Further down the road I saw Officer Johnson speaking with an individual that I could not identify. Officer Tovar told me that the suspect was in the backyard of the house and was speaking with Officer Johnson. While Officer Johnson was attempting to de-escalate the suspect, we formulated a plan for taking the suspect into custody should the need or opportunity arise. Sergeant Ziemba would assume the task of communicating with the suspect while Officer Tovar and I would form an arrest team. Corporal Koon would assume lethal cover while Officer Johnson would deploy his 40mm less-lethal launcher. Just as this plan was completed, the suspect broke contact with Officer Johnson and retreated into the residence. Sergeant Ziemba attempted to contact him via telephone with varying degrees of success. During this lull, the suspect's mother asked me to escort her to a neighbor's home where she could be warm and have use of facilities. As I was walking her across the driveway, the suspect exited the front door of the house holding a large kitchen knife to his own throat and making threats of suicide. I returned the mother to the command post area and took a position to cover Officer Tovar, who had deployed his own less-lethal launcher. We attempted to speak with the suspect but could not establish a dialogue. The suspect went back into the house after a few seconds. Officer Tovar and I took a position to cover the front door, from where I could see inside the open garage. A white Toyota Prius was parked in the garage and all its windows had been smashed. [Notably, other vehicles not belonging to the suspect's mother were present and undamaged.] The suspect exited the home a second time still holding the knife to his throat. He yelled obscenities at officers and continually made reference to our weapons, goading us to shoot him. The second time, however, the suspect dropped the knife in some landscaping adjacent to the front porch before he went back into the house. By this time, multiple units from other agencies had arrived to assist. I was assigned as lethal cover for Officer Johnson , with views of the backyard routes of escape. We were advised via radio that a negotiator was on the phone with the suspect and was attempting to bring this call to a peaceful end. The negotiation took well over an hour. The negotiator got the suspect to exit the residence to get water and continue their conversation. We were advised that we would receive a command to advance on the suspect. After a few minutes of negotiation, we received the order and I advanced on the suspect with the arrest team. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident or use of force. The suspect, Hayden Brown, was arrested for DV Malicious Mischief, 1st degree. Hayden's criminal history reveals he was convicted of inflicting corporal injury to spouse/cohabitant, DV vandalism and exhibiting deadly weapon/firearm from Santa Barbara, California, in what was described as a similar incident where he extensively damaged a girlfriend's property. Inside the residence officers found two Airsoft assault rifles on the bed in the room where Hayden had been yelling at officers and threatening to arm himself. Both weapons were exact replicas of assault rifles and would be visually unable to recognize that they were not real assault weapons from any distance. There was also a compound bow and arrows in the same room. Based upon his criminal history it is believed that Hayden has been court ordered to not be in possession of replica weapons, as he has prior weapon charge violations and is on California probation. According to his own statements during the incident, he said that he has violated his probation by being up in Washington. Once at jail and prior to booking, Hayden utilized the jail phone and called the victim and started angrily yelling at her, stating the incident was "all her fault" and "why did you do this to me." The victim immediately began defending herself saying she didn't do this and she hadn't called the police. The call was disconnected and we were advised by jail staff that Hayden had smashed the phone receiver , causing damage to jail property. He was placed in an isolation cell. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Insurance scammer caught on video walking into woman's car

t3xoh_OCd5A | 25 Jul 2021

Insurance scammer caught on video walking into woman's car

What's that? Of course the end of this video has some new Motor One content. On November 1, 2019, Gisbertt Granado was driving in front of central Florida Walmart store when she struck a man who just had a knee replacement. She had been driving carelessly, not paying attention to what was in front of the deadly weapon she controlled, and he was in pain. Almost immediately, the man started talking about his lawyer. After all, as a pedestrian in a crosswalk he clearly had the right of way, and this lady had dragged him for almost ten seconds. Granado wasn't looking where she was going. Fortunately for Granado, Walmart's cameras were paying attention and they told a different story. Just prior to meeting the guy, Gradando had stopped for a pedestrian in the crosswalk, showing that she had been paying attention. At the time of the horrible collision she was driving somewhere between zero and two miles per hour, and the man abruptly walked right in front of — and into — Granado's car. Granado stopped almost immediately, and certainly as soon as could be expected. The pedestrian received a ticket for walking into Granado's car. Also, some Jeremy Dewitte stuff. 00:00 Police arrive on scene 04:30 Ten seconds for her to stop 07:01 The footage doesn't lie 08:45 Why am I not at fault? 11:35 "We find you at fault for this" 14:02 Serial Police Impersonator wiretaps his secret weapon 14:45 Trouble for Jeremy? 15:11 "I will only deal with this a few times" 16:46 Surprisingly good voiceless uvular fricative ("ch" sound) My questions for Mike Brehne were: "...Separately, in October 2019 Jeremy Dewitte recorded a telephone conversation with you, shortly after you had met with John Mina — seemingly regarding and on behalf of Mr. Dewitte. At one point during your conversation, Mr. Dewitte states “I’ll tell you right now that if they come and get me, I mean, yeah, Amir and all that, but you have more....“ In a subsequent conversation, Mr. Dewitte recounted his conversation with you to his employees, first offering to play the recording for them and then deciding to paraphrase. Mr. Dewitte then claimed that you told John Mina that OCSO's investigation into him [Mr. Dewitte] is “tainted.” Mr. Dewitte further claimed that John Mina, in front of you, instructed “his lieutenant” from internal affairs to investigate Sergeant Keith Vidler and Corporal John Ramsey. John Mina’s calendar reflects an hourlong lunch meeting with you on October 2, 2019. What is your relationship with Jeremy Dewitte? Why did you speak with John Mina in support of Mr. Dewitte, a man who is many-times a convicted felon? Have you ever had a financial interest in any of Jeremy Dewitte’s business ventures? Which?" [Edited for English] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Caught driving uninsured car, Benzino claims "I don't even drive this car"

8ULBVvSDih4 | 23 Jul 2021

Caught driving uninsured car, Benzino claims "I don't even drive this car"

On April 16, 2019, Brookhaven Police Officer James McArthur observed a silver Acura fail to stop at a stop sign at the insertion of Durden Drive and Blair Circle in Brookhaven, Georgia. A search of the National Crime Information Center ("NCIC") database revealed that the vehicle's license plate was not associated with a valid insurance policy and Officer McArthur conducted a traffic stop. The driver of the uninsured vehicle was Raymond Edward Scott. Known for having founded The Source magazine, Scott — aka Benzino — previously starred on "Love & Hip Hop." He is the subject of the Eminem diss track "Nail in the Coffin," and was made famous on Real World Police after we exposed his hourlong racist tirade against Asian police officer Travis Nguyen. McArthur informed Scott of the reason for the traffic stop and asked whether he had he had valid insurance. Scott replied he should and that the vehicle was insured through his co-signer Daryl Brown. Their policy was allegedly through Geico, and — surprise — Scott doesn't drive the car. The one he was pulled over while driving. Officer McArthur contacted Geico and found that Daryl Brown had multiple policies on a variety of vehicles. He also found that every one of them had expired. Geico informed McArthur that Scott had previously been a policyholder on the car he was driving, but it had expired nearly one year prior. The vehicle was towed and Scott was cited for driving a vehicle without insurance. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas Police Impersonator Caught by His Own Body Cam | Part II

ZfnRks65_xg | 21 Jul 2021

Arkansas Police Impersonator Caught by His Own Body Cam | Part II

"Arkansas police impersonator's arrest recorded by his own body camera" has been viewed seven million times for a cumulative one million hours of watch time. It's time for more footage and information. The former is up top, the latter follows. Subsequent his meteoric rise to infamy, Kurck was arrested yet again for impersonating a police officer. In the second incident, Kurck was alleged to have conducted a traffic stop on a teenage girl. He allegedly stole her driver’s license, physically searched her and forced her to take a roadside "breathalyzer." The girl picked Kurck out of a lineup, and to this day we receive a steady stream of messages from people who are excited to inform us of Kurck's rearrest. Kurck's second arrest was widely reported, and the police obtained a search warrant that covered his entire house — a highly intrusive act that is, of course, warranted at times. The catch? Kurck didn’t do it. On August 12, 2020, prosecution was declined, in part because the alleged victim’s story wasn’t supported by surveillance footage that should have captured at least some of the events. The alleged traffic stop never even happened. Plenty of people talk about copycat crime, but copycat allegations are a similarly-serious problem. Kurck’s wife filed for divorce in the wake of his second arrest; on July 2, 2021 she was granted temporary exclusive use of what had been their house. Of course, just because Kurck didn't do it in that case doesn't mean he's lived a life free of impersonation. As this video shows, Officer Kurck exists and has been on patrol. On April 13, 2020, Kurck's application for appointment as a civil process server in Saline County, Arkansas, was denied "due to multiple arrests for impersonating an officer." On April 6, 2021, Kurck was appointed as a process server in the Arkansas counties of Faulkner, Van Buren, and Searcy. Two days later, Kurck requested reconsideration from the Saline County judge who had previously denied his application. In his request, Kurck suggested that his second arrest was retaliation for a civil lawsuit he had filed against certain police officers two days before his arrest. Judge Robert Herzfeld denied Kurck's request the same day it was received. And he denied it forever: "The Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration describes certain facts related to several criminal cases in which he was involved and offers explanations and excuses as to why these cases should not prohibit his being granted the right to serve civil process in Saline County. The Plaintiff fails to acknowledge or even to mention that he was convicted of using Emergency Lights and Sirens without legal authorization. Given the nature of the conviction compounded by the Plaintiff's failure to acknowledge the conviction, the Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration is hereby denied. Further, the Plaintiff is hereby barred from applying to serve civil process in the 22nd Judicial District of Arkansas (Saline County) in the future." As for the specific reasons behind the declination of prosecution, Prosecutor Becky Reed McCoy wrote: "I have reviewed the case file submitted for Jeremy Dale Kurck for the offenses of criminal impersonation, false imprisonment (second degree) and theft of property stemming from an incident which occurred on April 8, 2020. The case cannot be filed for the following reasons: 1. Posts and photographs of Kurck on Facebook discussing his similar conduct and conviction in Lonoke County shortly before April 8th could reasonably [have] tainted the victim's identification of Kurck. 2. No physical evidence could be located to corroborate the victim's claims or identification of Kurck, despite searches in Pulaski and White counties. 3. Kurck's booking photograph taken April 9, 2020, does not match the physical description given by the victim. 4. Video evidence from Valley Baptist Church does not corroborate the victim's allegations. I do not believe I can prove the above-listed charges beyond a reasonable doubt; therefore, no criminal charges will be filed absent additional information or evidence." We have independently reviewed the church surveillance footage. There was no traffic stop. Talk about a case full of drama. CHAPTERS 00:00 A quick recap 01:33 Police discount 03:00 Traffic stop, police badge 04:30 Sing-along, then backstory 25:56 Mistaken for a cop, lots of talking to himself 29:54 The infamous traffic stop ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas police chief arrested by State Police in his own backyard

Fo5B-Xw2x1U | 15 Jul 2021

Arkansas police chief arrested by State Police in his own backyard

HOWARD COUNTY, ARKANSAS — As of the 2010 census, Dierks, Arkansas boasted a population of 1,133 people, down from 1,230 ten years prior. The small municipality had an equally cozy police force, consisting of three full time and two part-time officers. In early-June 2018, the entire Dierks Police Department was temporarily suspended after the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards notified the city that their law enforcement agency of five had not met required range standards, nor completed a required racial profiling class. At the time, Chief James Brian White — who goes by his middle name — stated "We took a couple of days to do some in house training that we let ourselves get behind on, but it's been taken care of." Less than two years later, Dierks Chief of Police Brian White resigned from his position after the Arkansas State Police arrested him in his own backyard. On April 4, 2021 at 10:02 a.m., Arkansas State Police Trooper Darren Henley was requested by Howard County Sheriff’s Department to respond to a single vehicle collision at the intersection of Green Plains Road and US-278. Henley was told that the driver of the accident vehicle was the Chief of the Dierks Police Department, James White. While en route, Henley received an update: White had left the scene, driving the vehicle that was previously involved in the collision. Also known as his patrol vehicle. Multiple police units followed White back to his house, where White drove behind his house and into the woods. Shortly thereafter, dispatch advised Trooper Henley that a "Deputy Quick" had the chief of police detained. White's preliminary breath test sample returned a healthy .24% BAC, otherwise known as three times the per se limit. And Dierks Chief of Police James White was arrested for driving while intoxicated. At the Howard County Detention Facility, White submitted to additional requested testing. His final BAC result was .21%. Earlier today we called the Howard County Sheriff's Office seeking additional information and White's booking photo. If you are reading this, we are waiting for a return call. (Notably, White's booking photo is a public record, and our Arkansas business license provides us with a right to access it. Still waiting.) While we are on the subject of DUI arrests, let's circle back to Keith Ingersoll, of "Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce" fame. When we left off, the question we posed was how a politically-connected multimillionaire was accepted into a diversion program that he was likely ineligible for. First, some background: it may come as a surprise to learn that government agencies are generally not required to answer questions or produce information. The only thing agencies have to produce is nonexempt public records, in response to a request and the payment of any fees due. And on the records front, it's unfortunately still early. Pretrial diversion put Ingersoll's prosecution on pause, which means that his 2020 DUI case is still open. Consequently, records that could explain Ingersoll's acceptance into diversion remain exempt. But I did manage to confirm my suspicion. There is no way that he was eligible. "In order to be eligible for either tier the defendant must meet the following general criteria: * * * #4. The defendant must not have been involved in a crash in the instant case." If you are thinking "Maybe the State Attorney's Office defines "crash" in a weird way," you nailed it. They interpret the term more expansively than usual. They have also defined the term in relation to diversion eligibility. Verbatim: A "crash" certainly includes... (c). Hitting someone else's vehicle. I have a copy of the crash report associated with Ingersoll's arrest. Ingersoll was charged with one count DUI With Property Damage. There was definitely a crash. It took some nagging, but SAO spokesperson Keisha Mulfort eventually told me that she would "reach out to the assigned ASA" and get back to me. That was five weeks ago. Their silence is loud. State Attorney Worrell: Keith Ingersoll is a politically-connected multimillionaire who spent much of his DUI arrest informing officers that they were going to regret arresting him. The crash report associated with Ingersoll's arrest reflects thousands of dollars in property damage. Why was Keith Ingersoll accepted into a diversion program that he is ineligible for? Not holding my breath. But once the records are no longer exempt, they're mine. And they're yours. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than 70 exclusive full-length videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation -Material from other cases -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix at Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Impersonation Arrest of Jefrey Scott Schultz | New Footage

7U9bEpRX7wc | 14 Jul 2021

Police Impersonation Arrest of Jefrey Scott Schultz | New Footage

Over the last couple of years, Real World Police has made minor celebrities of a number of people. Jeremy Dewitte is probably the most well known, but there are many others — even in the police impersonation category.* Two years ago, Real World Police introduced you to Jefrey Scott Schultz (yes, one-f-Jef), who starred in 'Cringeworthy Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz' and 'Arrest of Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz.' Those videos, about 20 minutes in total, are recapped at the start of this video, for those viewers who haven't seen them. The original Schultz arrest video is notable for its second half, which presented some of Schultz's personnel records, including a couple of citizen complaints that had been filed against him. Also shown was a one-page document revealing that Schultz had been employed by more than a half-dozen law enforcement agencies in a very short period of time, most for less than one year. He had been fired from his most recent gig with Hapeville Police Department back in 2007. At the time we posted that video, that was most of the information we had, and as far as anyone knew, our publishing those videos put the story to bed. In reality, it didn't, and the investigation into Schultz's history continued up to the present. We have interviewed some of Schultz's former employees and have spoken with a former coworker, a former chief of police, a city council member, and a number of others who insisted on anonymity even in their title. It's time to share some of what we have learned. At 4:06 in the Schultz arrest video, Corporal Lowe waves some papers in the air, stating "I've got your POST history right here, bro." With complete respect for Corporal Lowe, there is no way that was true. Because we have Schultz's POST history. And it's more than 1,300 pages long. A significant subset of those 1,300 pages consists of citizen, coworker, management, and even elected official complaints against Jefrey. As referenced in this video, Schultz actually managed to get [seriously] investigated for impersonating a police officer while actually employed as a police officer. Not even Jeremy Dewitte can do that. From the 1,300+ pages we selected some to share in this video. There are, of course, many more, and some of those are worth your time. For the true story of the police officer who was investigated for impersonating a police officer, stop by the Real World Police subreddit later this week. Remarkably, there is even more to this story. Multiple certificate revocation actions and frivolous lawsuits filed by Schultz seemingly in retaliation for his terminations. At one point, he even sued Georgia POST. And guess who has a current action against his certification? Nailed it. Hop onboard. Side note: Georgia law is very different from Florida in relation to police impersonation. Florida law requires that the person pretending to be an officer "...takes upon himself or herself to act as such, or to require any other person to aid or assist him or her in a matter pertaining to the duty of any such officer." That would be a hard sell for Schultz at the traffic stop. Georgia law, on the other hand, seems clearly applicable: "A person who falsely holds himself out as a peace officer or other public officer or employee with intent to mislead another into believing that he is actually such officer commits the offense of impersonating an officer" O.G.C.A. 16-10-23. *Dewitte may be the most well known, but he is hardly the most significant. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police investigate Matt Gaetz wingman Joel Greenberg

ejRx-AZeC40 | 07 Jul 2021

Police investigate Matt Gaetz wingman Joel Greenberg

On February 28, 2021 officers with the Jupiter Police Department responded to the home of Joel Greenberg's in-laws after his mother-in-law placed a frantic call to 911 while hiding from Joel in her bathroom and then under her bed. Once a rising Republican star in central Florida politics, Greenberg has experienced a precipitous fall from grace since he was elected tax collector of Seminole County, Florida in 2016. In that election, Greenberg defeated Ray Valdez, an incumbent who had held the office for 30 years — in a reportedly self-funded campaign. On June 23, 2020 Greenberg's house was raided by federal law enforcement agents who arrested Greenberg and executed a search warrant on the residence. At the time of his arrest, Greenberg had two fake drivers licenses in his wallet, each containing the personal information of a minor whom he had met online and paid for escort services... but with Greenberg’s photograph. Greenberg had used his position as Tax Collector to facilitate the production of the fake drivers licenses. In addition, Greenberg used his position as Seminole County Tax Collector to embezzle and divert over $400,000 to benefit himself, including purchases of cryptocurrency, operating a business selling cryptocurrency mining equipment, mining cryptocurrency, and purchasing personal items, such as autographed sports memorabilia. Greenberg was indicted on 33 criminal counts. On May 17, 2021 Greenberg accepted a plea deal, pleading guilty to six charges and agreeing to cooperate in what is widely believed to be the investigation of Matt Gaetz. Remember Keith Ingersoll? The "Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce" guy? He, too, benefited from Greenberg's largesse-with-public-funds. An Ingersoll company by the name of KI Consulting won a $48,000 contract with the Tax Collector’s Office from September 2017 until September 2020. Auditors who reviewed the contract ultimately concluded that there was “no evidence of work” performed. When questioned, Tax Collector's Office staff stated that they were “unaware what [KI Consulting] did.” Ingersoll was reportedly also involved in a real estate deal wherein a bank building was purchased privately for $680,000 and then resold to the Tax Collector's Office the same day for $810,000, with another $132,000 for the furnishings... that had been explicitly included in the original $680,000 purchase price. When Real World Police broke the story of Ingersoll's DUI arrest, we also introduced Aaron Miller, a longtime associate of Ingersoll's and the reason for Ingersoll's termination as a Belle Isle Auxiliary Police Officer. Aaron Miller's full name is Aaron Christopher Miller, and he has an extensive criminal history in both Florida and Nevada. Using the name Chris Miller, Miller played a prominent role in a shady cryptocurrency operation allegedly funded through embezzled tax collector dollars. (Credit to Scott Stedman of Forensics News for making that connection.) On Miller and Ingersoll, there is more to the story than we originally reported. Due to space constraints, in what remains, here are some select quotes from law enforcement records: "Mike went on to state that Keith and Chris had committed a fraud case on an older woman in Brevard County and when Chris went into the house to get the check from the woman, the police moved in and arrested him. The only reason Keith was not arrested was because he stayed in the vehicle while Chris went inside the house." " recent as a couple of months ago, Chris and Keith and a third person went to a woman named Lois and tried to commit a fraud on her involving a pharmaceutical company owned by Lois. The deal was to get Lois to set up business in the Villages in Lake County. Mike knew this because Lois called Mike the next day and told him what had transpired." "...Ingersoll advised Bauer, "You can't put him [Miller] in jail, he is making money for me" and "I talk to him every day." Bauer then stated that his mother had been at a Bridge game where she overheard a conversation that John Tegg was doing favors for Ingersoll..." John B. Tegg III was City Manager of Belle Isle at the time. Did I mention that Ingersoll only started his police academy training more than one and a half years after his start date as an auxiliary police officer? Guess who okayed that. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Traffic stop finds $6 million of fentanyl hidden in spare tire

5nA0PurW0Ks | 02 Jul 2021

Traffic stop finds $6 million of fentanyl hidden in spare tire

RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS — On September 28, 2017, Arkansas State Police Trooper Chris Goodman conducted a traffic stop in Russellville, Arkansas when he observed a silver Hyundai Santa Fe driving on and then crossing the center-line divider of Interstate 40. Heriberto Felix Ruiz was the front seat passenger, and — having rented the car two days earlier in California — his name was on the car's rental agreement. When the driver of the car and Ruiz gave conflicting stories to Trooper Goodman, he responded by asking for permission to search their vehicle. This conversation happened in Spanish, and Ruiz consented to the search. Trooper Goodman ultimately found six packages wrapped in duct tape and hidden in the vehicle’s spare tire‚ which he had noticed was a 15-inch tire despite the vehicle requiring 17-inch tires. The packages turned out to contain more than 15 pounds of fentanyl, which had a street value of more than $6 million. In November 2017, a grand jury charged Ruiz with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute fentanyl, and then the story took an unexpected turn. In February 2018, an auto salvage company contacted law enforcement to report they had located a suspicious package in a vehicle they had purchased at auction from a car rental company. The vehicle was the same Hyundai Santa Fe from this traffic stop...and it contained an additional five kilograms of fentanyl that had not been found in the initial search. On April 3, 2018, a grand jury charged Ruiz and other in a Superseding Indictment to increase the amount of fentanyl involved in the offense. Ruiz pleaded guilty on October 10, 2019, and on May 21, 2020 United States Chief District Court Judge D. Price Marshall, Jr., sentenced Ruiz to eleven years in prison, followed by five years of supervised release. There is no parole in the federal system. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving

yyEJ_Wb8yKc | 28 Jun 2021

Arkansas Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving

This is one of those stories where you can dig forever and never reach the bottom. For starters, Ben Opelt is a now-former lieutenant with the Camden Police Department in Arkansas. On December 1, 2019 he was arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence. Eight days later, Opelt was fired. Sort of. Because terminating a police officer is often the start, rather than the end of a process. Despite his having been terminated in December 2019, that firing is only now approaching finality. And it could have easily been reversed. In the wake of his termination, Opelt contested his dismissal in a proceeding before the Camden Civil Service Commission. That hearing concluded on February 22, 2020, resulting in a 500+ page case record, the revelation of signfiicant new information, and ultimately a decision upholding Opelt's firing. But that wasn't the end of the story. On March 20, 2020, Ben Opelt filed a civil lawsuit appealing the determination of the Camden Civil Service Commission. That lawsuit was finally resolved on June 18, 2021, after Opelt requested voluntary dismissal without prejudice. His request was granted and the case was terminated without prejudice — meaning Opelt can refile if he wishes. Wondering why he voluntarily dismissed his appeal? Because he finally pleaded guilty to the criminal charges. From 2019. In early June of this year, Ben Opelt was adjudicated guilty of driving while under the influence and refusal to submit to breath alcohol testing. A separate charge of failure to maintain control of his vehicle was dismissed. Opelt was sentenced to six months probation and a mandatory DWI class. If he fails to attend the class within 90 days, he could face a ten day jail sentence. Opelt’s drivers license was also (finally) suspended and he was ordered to pay $850 in fines. The "finally" is because Opelt had originally prevailed at a hearing before the "Office of Driver Control," where he argued that he had been exhibiting signs of a concussion — not intoxication — at the accident scene, and there was no evidence of intoxication. At the Civil Service Commission hearing the police department was represented by Chief of Police Boyd Woody. There was no attorney present on behalf of the agency, which makes their having prevailed all the more significant. Notably, in 2016 Opelt was demoted from sergeant to officer and suspended for an unclear number of days after he failed to complete and submit multiple reports to the prosecutor’s office. One such incident resulted in a person suspected of having raped a young girl being released from jail after he was held for more than 60 days without charges... because Opelt didn't provide the prosecutor a copy of the case file. In a curious twist, Opelt's demotion only came out during the Civil Service Commission hearing because his own father brought it up during his testimony as a character witness for his son. (He testified that he had encouraged Opelt to appeal that demotion, but Opelt had not done so.) A less significant note: the reason Opelt had a beard, per Chief Woody's testimony, was "no-shave November." A more significant note: when Real World Police filed an Arkansas Freedom of Information Act request for the State Police dash and in-car camera videos capturing Opelt's arrest, Arkansas State Police responded that they were unable to locate the videos. Making that all the more odd, records from the Civil Service Commission hearing clearly show that the video existed. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Former WINK 11 Reporter Hannah Vogel Arrested for DUI

Myw_Hsc-8cU | 25 Jun 2021

Former WINK 11 Reporter Hannah Vogel Arrested for DUI

On Saturday, October 12, 2019, at approximately 01:40 hours, Naples Police Officer (now Sergeant) Brian Kazmierczak was patrolling westbound on 4th Avenue North in the area of the Naples Police Department when he observed a white 4-door vehicle later identified as a 2017 Volkswagen Jetta, traveling southbound on Goodlette-Frank Rd N passing 4th Avenue N at a high rate of speed. After the vehicle passed, Officer Kazmierczak pulled out west across Goodlette-Frank R N, through the median, turned right, and stopped in the southbound lanes facing south. visually estimating the vehicle to be traveling at 65 mph and confirming the same via radar. After catching up to the vehicle and activating the emergency lights on his patrol vehicle, the vehicle was slow to react, eventually pulling over on U.S. 41 E at Pine St. Once the vehicle stopped, its driver was identified as Hannah Louise Vogel, a now-former reporter for WINK 11 news. Following the administration of field sobriety tests, Vogel was placed under arrest. On January 15, 2020, Vogel pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving, for which she was sentenced to probation. Her citations for speeding, failure to produce proof of insurance, and open container were all dismissed. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Las Cruces Police Respond to Air Force Veteran in Mental Health Crisis

IGSSGldPTpA | 21 Jun 2021

Las Cruces Police Respond to Air Force Veteran in Mental Health Crisis

On September 30, 2019, officers with the Las Cruces Police Department responded to call regarding a male in his late 20s. 911 callers reported that the male had approached a random vehicle in the roadway and attacked its driver with a knife. The driver managed to successfully wrestle the knife from the subject, who retreated back to his apartment. When officers arrived, the male emerged from his apartment holding a beer and refusing to comply with officers’ commands, leading to a Taser deployment, arrest, and — like most police calls — lots of paperwork and waiting. [More detail to come.] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Pursuits Gone Wrong | Arkansas State Police, Episode #2

VzYBAZ5hgZU | 17 Jun 2021

Police Pursuits Gone Wrong | Arkansas State Police, Episode #2

The following excerpts are from various supervisor review and disciplinary records relating to this pursuit: "Sgt. Elvis Mull, Cpl. Brandon Love, and Trp. Brandon Dotson engaged in a vehicle pursuit on the morning of April 23, 2019. The suspect involved had fled from Troop K units earlier that morning. Troop K attempted a successful PIT maneuver, but the suspect was able to regain control of his vehicle ... Troop K unit lost contact." "There were multiple opportunities to bring the pursuit to a conclusion after PIT maneuvers had been utilized, or in at least one instance where the suspect lost control and left the roadway. If Dotson or Love had followed through with "pinning" the suspect vehicle in manner consistent with their training..." "This collision caused significant injuries of the other motorist." "At some point, Dotson and Love should have realized that the need to apprehend the suspect was out of balance with the risk posed to the public. "Sgt. Mull has a great deal of experience with situations like this, but should have considered that the primary unit (Dotson) has less than one year of experience on the road, and has already had a previous Letter of Warning for not using good judgement in a similar situation. I know and understand that supervisors are hesitant to terminate pursuits, and want to trust the Troopers involved to make good decisions. All factors considered, I feel that Sgt. Mull should have ordered the pursuit terminated. I believe that not ordering the termination was also failure to use due regard, and violated ASP Policy, LE Section 13, Vehicle Pursuits." "Sgt. Mull's assessment of this pursuit and the actions of Dotson and Love were not consistent with the expectations of an ASP supervisor." "Trp. Dotson attempted to PIT/Ram the fleeing vehicle numerous times. Most of these attempts were more of a ramming technique to the rear corner while the vehicle was in a turn. As the pursuit continued, Trp. Dotson's vehicle became disabled due to going airborne at a cross-street." "I have reviewed the videos of all three troopers involved. There are obviously things that need to be addressed in some manner." "Trp. Dotson reached a high speed of 112mph." "I don't know how clear it was to Trp. Dotson as to how dangerous it was to cross that intersection at that speed." "Trp. Dotson did some good things while driving and did slow at several intersections; however, there were several times he was out of control and was driving, at times, at some high speeds on city streets. These areas were residential, business, by a College and into a school zone just before he turned right onto Park. My biggest concern with Trp. Dotson is a pattern of driving that has been identified. This is not the first time his driving habits have been of concern. He has been counseled and provided with a written warning. He has not been out of troop school very long and there have been previous issues with his driving." "Sgt. Mull couldn't stop his vehicle, due to what he said was hot brakes. Sgt. Mull struck the rear of the suspect vehicle with the front of his unit. Sgt. Mull had not been driving near as hard as the other two so don't know why his brakes were so hot." "When reviewing the pursuit packet, I noticed Sgt. Mull did not mention any concerns about the driving of Trp. Dotson. He mentioned Trp. Dotson's top speed of 112 mph and that Trp. Dotson was able to maintain control of his unit while negotiating city streets. I do not agree with this statement (maintaining control). At one point, both units lost control making the same turn." "He and I had a discussion the other day, prior to my seeing the videos, making sure he knows that at times we have to terminate pursuits. In this case, it turned out the suspect had been identified and we were pursuing on city streets." "When Trp. Dotson moved from midnights to Sgt. Mull's post, I reminded Sgt. Mull to monitor some things with him and his driving habits were one of those things. He also was cc'd on the letter of warning provided to Trp. Dotson." "I am curious/concerned why Sgt. Mull did not have any concerns about the driving, especially of Trp. Dotson." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Ocala Police Officer Katie MacDonald found hiding behind a tree, arrested for DUI

5J71VpfNUcI | 13 Jun 2021

Ocala Police Officer Katie MacDonald found hiding behind a tree, arrested for DUI

On August 10, 2018, now-former Ocala Police Officer Katie MacDonald was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence with property damage after she drank "at least seven beers" and then drove a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire — registered to her mother — into a utility pole. The arrest occurred just a quarter-mile from the Ocala police station where MacDonald had begun her probationary period eight months prior. Commenting on MacDonald's arrest, Ocala Police Department stated that the agency has a zero-tolerance policy regarding driving under the influence. MacDonald was terminated less than 24 hours after her arrest. In this video, watch as the events unfold that early morning, revealing significant new information about MacDonald's implausible story and how officers responded to it, including the moment MacDonald was found hiding behind a tree, her claim that she "didn't call 911 because [she] was scared," her colleagues matter-of-fact reply: "That doesn't make sense." And much more. MacDonald’s breath test results were .200 and .198. She was booked into the Marion County Jail. On October 8, 2018, Kaitlyn Marie MacDonald entered a plea of no contest in 2018-CT-4908. She was adjudicated guilty and sentenced to 75 hours of community service with the Marion County Solid Waste Department, an additional 20 hours of community service, one day in jail with credit for one day served, one year of reporting probation, a six month suspension of her driver's license, six months of an ignition interlock, and $1584 in fines and fees. Her vehicle was ordered impounded for ten days, a requirement that was lifted when she submitted proof that it had been totaled. MacDonald was also ordered to attend a victim impact panel, undergo alcohol evaluation and counseling, attend DUI school, and not possess or consume any alcohol, drugs, or medication without a valid prescription — with random drug and alcohol screening to be conducted at her expense. She was also ordered to pay restitution to Ocala Electrical Utility in the amount of $3,984. On December 20, 2018 MacDonald's attorney filed a motion requesting that MacDonald be allowed to buy out her community service hours at a rate of $10 per hour. The motion was granted. On October 16, 2019, Probation Counselor David Wilson filed a probation termination letter with the court, informing the court that MacDonald had successfully completed the terms of her probation. In the State of Florida a body called the Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) is responsible for - among other things - oversight of law enforcement officer certification, a responsibility that includes the administration of administrative sanctions in instances when an officer is found to have violated either Florida law and/or standards that have been set by the CJSTC. The CJSTC has in place its own 'diversion program' for police officers arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, wherein the officer may elect probation with substance abuse counseling. MacDonald was present when her moral character violation case was brought before the CJSTC for an informal hearing (case number 43624). Florida Department of Law Enforcement Attorney Rebecca Cambria presented the case and recommended that CJSTC impose a 30-day prospective suspension, beginning 15 days after the filing of the Commission's Final Order; one year of probation, to begin at the conclusion of the suspension period, with the requirement that MacDonald provide Commission staff with proof that she has successfully completed Commission-approved substance abuse counseling prior to the completion of the probationary period. The Commission accepted the recommended discipline. On October 15, 2020, Katie MacDonald successfully completed her CJSTC suspension and probation. She remains eligible for employment as a law enforcement officer in the State of Florida. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Complete Arrest of Steelers Cornerback Justin Layne

dTiyez6zLmk | 12 Jun 2021

Complete Arrest of Steelers Cornerback Justin Layne

In the early morning hours of Friday, April 23, 2021, at approximately 1:20 a.m., a Willoughby Hills, Ohio, police officer was conducting traffic enforcement on Interstate 90 east when he noticed a Dodge Charger approaching his location at a high rate of speed — confirmed with handheld laser at 89 mph. The speed limit was 60. The officer proceeded after the violator and initiated a traffic stop for the excessive speed violation. The owner and operator of the vehicle was identified as Justin Layne. There were two other male occupants in the vehicle. During the course of the traffic stop Mr. Layne identified himself as a professional football player, and the arresting officer later confirmed that Mr. Layne is a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Based upon a records check conducted by the officer at the scene of the traffic stop, it was determined that Mr. Layne was operating his vehicle with a suspended license. There was also an outstanding warrant for his arrest for failure to appear on a traffic violation through another jurisdiction. Mr. Layne was taken into custody at that time. At that point, officers conducted a probable cause search of Layne's charger, after observing loose cannabis particles strewn throughout the vehicle, as well as the odor of raw marijuana. A loaded Glock 9mm pistol was located in the center console. Mr. Layne is a not a licensed concealed carry permit holder in the state of Ohio. Through further interviews and continued investigation, Mr. Layne was arrested and charged with Improper Handling of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle, a fourth degree felony. He was also cited for the related traffic violations. In early May, the felony charge against Layne was dropped when he pleaded guilty in Willoughby Municipal Court to a misdemeanor charge of possessing criminal tools and two traffic violations. Layne received a fully suspended 180-day jail sentence, must serve six months probation and perform 32 hours of community service. Layne, who played football at Michigan State prior, was selected by the Steelers in the third round of the 2019 NFL draft. He appeared in 16 games last season. His four-year contract with the Steelers is for $3,683,180 contract, including a $922,180 signing bonus and an average annual salary of $920,795. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jumped selling sneakers, or drug deal gone bad?

MPjrJDP1PIo | 11 Jun 2021

Jumped selling sneakers, or drug deal gone bad?

This is a teaser for a hopefully-upcoming story. In it we go along along for the ride as Noah's alibi-generation skills go up against against the investigatory skills of a few police officers. Noah is insistent that he was selling a pair of "Jordan 6" sneakers. The police, on the other hand, don't find any sign of sneakers. But they do find something else in his car: drugs. According to Noah, the people who robbed him must have left the drugs behind. Do you believe him? [You might be wondering why I don't just publish the full story. It's been ready for more than a week. The answer relates to YouTube's advertiser-friendliness guidelines and their relationship with search and discovery on YouTube. I would have sworn that the full video easily meets those guidelines, but apparently YouTube's systems and then a human reviewer didn't see eye-to-eye with me on that. To YouTube's credit, there is an unofficial way to appeal by one more round, but it's all a process and it all takes time. That's where things stand with the full-length video... and unfortunately a number of others as well. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often, but there are a solid half-dozen videos waiting for re-review. Even the most recent published video — of the woman who successfully ran from her DUI arrest — that, too, required an appeal of an appeal before it was green-lighted. Prior to that, a human reviewer had somehow categorized it as "focusing on graphic violence." Which it obviously doesn't. Many of videos on this channel are demonetized, and for most of those videos I predicted as much. It's only an issue when a video's classification appears to be wrong, since improper classification dramatically and artificially limits a video's reach. I publish original investigative reporting covering US law enforcement and crime, and I want my work to be seen by the people who want to see it. The last thing I want is for YouTube to suppress them for reasons that are not reality-based.] That digression aside, and without further ado: the teaser. *The full-length, 71-minute video is available now on Patreon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Most embarrassing DUI stop of this trooper's career?

Qv3z0BjMkEU | 07 Jun 2021

Most embarrassing DUI stop of this trooper's career?

On July 16, 2020, at approximately 11:31 p.m., Arkansas State Police Trooper Donnie Cheers was on Interstate 55 south at the 8-mile mark running stationary radar when he observed an SUV traveling at a high rate of speed in the far left lane. He activated his rear radar and confirmed the vehicle's speed to be 82 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. Trooper Cheers exited off the highway shoulder and identified the vehicle as a gold Honda Pilot. Cheers attempted to initiate a traffic stop by activating his blue lights, after which the Honda Pilot continued to Exit 7 in West Memphis, Arkansas. After exiting the interstate, the Honda Pilot pulled into an Applebee's parking lot. From Trooper Cheers' report, lightly edited for clarity: "After the vehicle stopped, I got out and walked up to the vehicle. I stated who I was and the reason for the stop. I asked the driver for her driver's license, registration and proof of insurance. The female driver, Devan Marie Williams, was only able to produce a paper copy of her driver's license. Upon receiving her driver's license, I could smell the odor of intoxicants. I returned to my patrol car to advise dispatch of my location. I returned to the Honda Pilot and ordered the driver to exit the vehicle. The driver was adamant that she had not consumed any alcohol. I performed field sobriety tests on Williams, and the clues indicated she was impaired. After completing the field sobriety tests, I gave Williams a preliminary breath test ("PBT") and she attempted to manipulate the test. I instructed her to blow harder, as if she was blowing up a balloon. Williams blew harder after a few attempts... at which point she blew a .105 BAC, and stated that she "was good." I informed her that she was over the limit and under arrest. Williams refused to put her hands behind her back and took off to her vehicle, pulling away from me. At that point I tried to remove the keys from the passenger side but was not successful, because Williams put the vehicle into motion. Williams fled east on the South Service Road, through a red light. While carefully looking in all directions to ensure there was no oncoming traffic, I proceeded through the red light. I pursued the vehicle until I lost sight of it on the east side of 7th Street. At this time terminated the pursuit due to not having the suspect in sight." Devan Marie Williams was arrested on either April 1 or April 2, 2021 — records reflect both dates. On April 5, 2021, William was released on $25,000 bail, with a court date set for May 28. On April 21, a felony information was filed, charging Williams was felony fleeing. She pleaded not guilty to the felony charge, the disposition of which is unclear . We are working to obtain clarification on the outcome of the felony charge, however it appears that Williams may have arranged a deal in which she will plead to (/or was scheduled to plea to...) misdemeanor fleeing. Somehow — in the middle of all that — she managed to earn herself a 15 day sentence for contempt of court. Williams' next court appearance is scheduled for October. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Cop fights fire faster than fire department

vOvGxrhYE-A | 01 Jun 2021

Cop fights fire faster than fire department

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — On November 4, 2020 at approximately 1:27 a.m., officers with the Orlando Police Department responded to the 1000 block of South Orange Avenue for reports of a two-vehicle accident. A white Mustang had been entering northbound South Orange Avenue from Silver Court when it struck the rear of a green Ford F-250, spinning the F-250 multiple times. The impact caused the Mustang to lose control, striking a concrete wall and utility pole. The vehicle came to a final stop in the intersection of South Orange Avenue and Columbia Street. On fire. In today's exclusive, watch as one Orlando police officer takes care of the fire... before the already-on-scene firefighters, moving from there straight to extrication. Update: both vehicle occupants survived. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce, Part Two | The Breathalyzer

jLbCuK-UnbY | 30 May 2021

Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce, Part Two | The Breathalyzer

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — On June 14, 2020 at approximately 7:42 p.m., officers with the Orlando Police Department responded to the area of Main Lane at the intersection of South Lucerne Circle in reference to a vehicle accident. When Officer Keith Hernandez approached Keith Ingersoll, the driver of the involved Rolls Royce, Hernandez noticed that Ingersoll's speech was slurred and that he was staggering. The driver of the other involved vehicle, Michael Collazo, also believed Mr. Ingersoll to be intoxicated. Collazo advised that he had been driving down Orange Avenue when a white male driving a two-door Rolls Royce with the top down and in the left lane, merged into his lane and struck his truck. He then observed the driver of the Rolls Royce "flicking people off," and "driving aggressively as he yell[ed] from his car." From the report of Officer Stephanie Rodriguez, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "I approached Mr. Ingersoll as he was standing on the sidewalk behind his Rolls Royce with his hand on his phone as he appeared to be videoing me. I advised him that had arrived on scene because the crash investigation was over, and I was doing a changing of the hats and was going to begin a DUI investigation. I read Mr. Ingersoll his constitutional rights from my agency-issued card. He stated he understood and agreed to speak with me. During my interaction with Mr. Ingersoll I detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from his person. He also had dried saliva surrounding the rim of his mouth. Based on the interaction I had with Mr. Ingersoll and the fact that he was involved in vehicle accident I asked Mr. Ingersoll if he would be willing to participate in field sobriety exercises in order to alleviate my concern for his abilities to safely operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway. He seemed eager to participate. Prior to starting the field sobriety exercises, asked Mr. Ingersoll a series of questions which he answered as followed: He does not wear prescription glasses or contact but did advise that he has a "lazy" eye and "has nystagmus." [See part one for field sobriety test performance.] Based on the investigation above probable cause existed to place Mr. Ingersoll under arrest for FSS 316.193(3)(c)(1); DUI with property damage. Ingersoll was searched incident to arrest by Officer Hernandez. I placed him into the back of my patrol vehicle and transported him to the Orange County DUI testing center per policy without incident. Mr. Ingersoll complained that I had caused injury to his elbows during the drive. His elbows did not have any visible injuries. Upon arriving at the DUI testing center he was observed by an Orange County DUI technician for approximately 20 minutes. I read him implied consent and he refused to provide two breath samples." This is DUI testing center footage. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce | Florida Real Estate Mogul Gets Arrested

CHo0rN-xvs4 | 29 May 2021

Drunk Driving the Rolls Royce | Florida Real Estate Mogul Gets Arrested

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — On June 14, 2020 at approximately 7:42 p.m., officers with the Orlando Police Department responded to the area of Main Lane at the intersection of South Lucerne Circle in reference to a vehicle accident. When Officer Keith Hernandez approached Keith Ingersoll, the driver of the involved Rolls Royce, Hernandez noticed that Ingersoll's speech was slurred and that he was staggering. The driver of the other involved vehicle, Michael Collazo, also believed Mr. Ingersoll to be intoxicated. Collazo advised that he had been driving down Orange Avenue when a white male driving a two-door Rolls Royce with the top down and in the left lane, merged into his lane and struck his truck. He then observed the driver of the Rolls Royce "flicking people off," and "driving aggressively as he yell[ed] from his car." From the report of Officer Stephanie Rodriguez, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "I approached Mr. Ingersoll as he was standing on the sidewalk behind his Rolls Royce with his hand on his phone as he appeared to be videoing me. I advised him that had arrived on scene because the crash investigation was over, and I was doing a changing of the hats and was going to begin a DUI investigation. I read Mr. Ingersoll his constitutional rights from my agency-issued card. He stated he understood and agreed to speak with me. During my interaction with Mr. Ingersoll I detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from his person. He also had dried saliva surrounding the rim of his mouth. Based on the interaction I had with Mr. Ingersoll and the fact that he was involved in vehicle accident I asked Mr. Ingersoll if he would be willing to participate in field sobriety exercises in order to alleviate my concern for his abilities to safely operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway. He seemed eager to participate. Prior to starting the field sobriety exercises, asked Mr. Ingersoll a series of questions which he answered as followed: He does not wear prescription glasses or contact but did advise that he has a "lazy" eye and "has nystagmus." [See video for field sobriety test performance.] Based on the investigation above probable cause existed to place Mr. Ingersoll under arrest for FSS 316.193(3)(c)(1); DUI with property damage. Ingersoll was searched incident to arrest by Officer Hernandez. I placed him into the back of my patrol vehicle and transported him to the Orange County DUI testing center per policy without incident. [Which I guess means "As he threatened me with arrest for a half hour."] Mr. Ingersoll complained that I had caused injury to his elbows during the drive. His elbows did not have any visible injuries. Upon arriving at the DUI testing center he was observed by an Orange County DUI technician for approximately 20 minutes. I read him implied consent and he refused to provide two breath samples." More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Motorcyclist Smokes Arkansas Trooper in 136 MPH Chase

6DPORf2FXFs | 25 May 2021

Motorcyclist Smokes Arkansas Trooper in 136 MPH Chase

PULASKI COUNTY, ARKANSAS — On April 17, 2020 at approximately 12:43 p.m., Arkansas State Police Trooper Quincy Harris attempted to initiate a traffic stop on a black sport motorcycle after observing the motorcycle and its rider driving recklessly at speeds well over 100 miles per hour, traveling southbound on U.S. 67/167. "Once behind the vehicle with my emergency equipment activated we exited U.S. 67/167 at the 5 mile marker. The vehicle pulled over to the McDonald's parking lot from the service road and continued to go through the parking lot failing to yield. After driving through the parking lot we re-entered the service road and got back U.S. 67/167 heading southbound. "The vehicle began to flee reaching speeds at over 100mph. While attempting to stay with the vehicle I was unable to get a license plate number. While continuing southbound on U.S. 67/167 the vehicle took the McCain exit and headed westbound on McCain. Due to traffic build up I discontinued the pursuit because I lost sight of the vehicle." As long as you stay alive, can ride, and don't run out of gas, the power-to-weight-ratio and maneuverability of a sport bike is hard to beat. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Charlie English | "We have an inmate with a gun!"

-eJuUxMz7gg | 25 May 2021

Interrogation of Charlie English | "We have an inmate with a gun!"

ORANGE COUNTY JAIL, FLORIDA — On March 22, 2020, at 5:46 pm, Eric Jefferson Stanley Jr. was in the triage area of the Orange County Corrections Booking and Release Center ("BRC") in Orlando, Florida. He was present with another inmate - Charlie English - for a routine check prior to being booked into jail. While seated on a waiting bench, Stanley extracted his left hand from the flex cuffs in which he was secured, brandished a handgun and pointed it at Corrections Officer James Magwood, who he ordered to the ground. Magwood complied. Stanley then pointed the gun at his arresting officer, Deputy Jeffery James-Potts, ordering James-Potts to "not do anything." Stanley approached Magwood and pointed the gun at his head. He then walked to James-Potts and physically grabbed hold of him, pointing the handgun at James-Potts' head while ordering deputies outside of the locked triage area to back away, threatening to kill his new hostage. Stanley forced James-Potts to walk around the nurse's desk, where Stanley was surprised to find the triage nurse — who had been hiding beneath his desk. Stanley ordered the triage nurse, Hector Jamie, to move from behind the desk — an area Stanley took over, bringing his hostage along for the ride. Stanley began searching James-Potts for other weapons, placing his handgun in his lap to free his hands. Sensing that as his opportunity, James-Potts tried to take control of the handgun. He did not succeed. Stanley punched James-Potts in the face with his fists and pistol whipped him multiple times. As they both fell to the ground, shots were fired into the triage area — through bullet-resistant glass. One round that penetrated struck Stanley in his shoulder. Stanley hid behind the nurse's desk while sitting on top of Deputy James-Potts, refusing to allow James-Potts to leave. During this time, triage nurse Jamie was hiding behind a body scanner used to scan incoming inmates. Jamie yelled for staff within the control room to open the door to the sally port, and the control room complied, but when Jamie began to run toward the door, Stanley rose to his knees and, according to an official report, fired a round toward the door, preventing Jamie from exiting. It is unclear in the video when, and whether, that actually happened. When Stanley returned to his position of cover behind the desk, Jamie ran out the open door. Stanley remained behind the desk and on top of James-Potts, who, with the help of Stanley's girlfriend via FaceTime, eventually convinced Stanley to (a) not kill him, and (b) extract the magazine from his handgun and put the handgun on the ground. At that point, a staged SWAT team entered the triage area from multiple directions and secured Stanley, dragging James-Potts out of the room. James-Potts was taken to the hospital to be treated for multiple lacerations to his face. [Surprisingly, at a press conference later that night Sheriff John Mina would publicly claim that no deputies or corrections officers were injured in the incident. This was clearly untrue, and it is surprising that Mina would not have known his employee had been admitted to the ER.] At a later awards ceremony, Sheriff Mina recognized James-Potts, stating that he “was taken hostage and remained cool and calm in probably one of the most harrowing situations any law enforcement or civilian could ever face and there is no doubt in my mind his actions not only saved his own life but saved the lives of corrections officers and others there alike.” He also suspended James-Potts (and the two other deputies involved in Stanley's arrest) for 40 hours without pay for failing to properly search Stanley. It has since emerged that Stanley was searched multiple times, specifically because deputies suspected he had a firearm. Turns out they were right. Eric Jefferson Stanley Jr. faces three counts of armed kidnapping, three counts of aggravated assault of an LEO with a firearm, one count of aggravated battery of an LEO with a deadly weapon, and one count possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Footage of the entire incident is available exclusively on Real World Police at ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Rappers Iggy Azalea and Playboi Carti Report $1 Million Jewelry Heist (Part I)

6Kqst5fKKDA | 20 May 2021

Rappers Iggy Azalea and Playboi Carti Report $1 Million Jewelry Heist (Part I)

On November 22, 2019, TMZ reported "Iggy Azalea and Playboi Carti's rental home was burglarized in Atlanta ... and the couple told cops a massive amount of jewelry was stolen!!!" That massive amount was $366,000 worth of bling. And yes, the three exclamation points were in the original headline. The Atlanta-Journal Constitution picked up the story on November 23, AJC crime reporter Zachary Hansen making the story his own by padding it with a few more details from the police report. AJC's coverage got the ball rolling on mainstream media attention, and by the end of the day, The Associated Press had picked up the story. Crediting AJC, AP distributed a prepackaged overview of the $366,000 heist to their news wire service clients. Overnight, the story was everywhere. CNN. Billboard. Fader. Reuters. ABC. And they all got it wrong. Every. Last. One. As Real World Police (re-)reveals, the actual figure was roughly $1 million. Enough that Playboi Carti needed two different insurance policies to cover it all. So where did the $366,000 figure come from? It only accounted for Iggy Azalea's jewelry — and none of Playboi Carti's. This two-part video presents the full story, from start to finish, omitting details only when necessary to protect the reasonable privacy interests of those involved. It should be noted that neither artist still lives at the pictured location. From the report of Atlanta Police Officer Michael Solomon, lightly edited for clarity and victim privacy: On November 17, 2019 at 2:56 p.m, I was dispatched to a residential burglary in the Atlanta area. Upon arrival, I came into contact with the victim, Ms. Amethyst Kelly [better known as the rapper Iggy Azalea], who advised that their rental house had been burglarized two nights prior, and that jewelry had been stolen from their dining room. Kelly advised that earlier today she and her boyfriend discovered that his jewelry was missing, along with the blue Goyard bag where she and her boyfriend would keep the jewelry. Kelly advised that she had been in the basement and had heard footsteps on the second floor, which she had attributed to her boyfriend, Mr. Jordan Carter [rapper Playboi Carti]. Kelly advised that it had been rainy the night of the burglary, and that the back door to their house had not been locked in order for her boyfriend to have access. Kelly advised that they have video surveillance footage of the suspect. Mr. Carter advised that he believed the suspect had been armed, and that he had been wearing a dark mask and gloves. Kelly advised that she would download the video footage to a flash drive for the investigators. She did. Coming in part two. ~~~ Wondering why we didn't follow the officers into the house? The simple answer: The Georgia Open Records Act places restrictions on access to “audio and video recordings from devices used by law enforcement officers in a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy when there is no pending investigation,” § 50-18-72(a)(26.2). But it raises an important question. [Opinion warning] I believe that transparency is essential for good government, since without transparency there can be no accountability. To that end, Real World Police is a card-carrying member of more than a dozen open government organizations. But I have to acknowledge a tension: Georgia's restriction? I believe it's sensible. There are circumstances under which police officers have the right to enter places where the occupants have a reasonable expectation of privacy. And that can happen entirely within an officer's community caretaking role. Entry into normally-private spaces is not restricted to situations involving crime. Just because a police officer can lawfully enter a private space shouldn't mean that the rest of the world gets to tag along via their camera. Consider a scenario where the police are dispatched to a malicious false alarm at your house. They force entry and find you surprised, naked and watching this video in your living room. You haven’t committed a crime. They apologize and leave. Should everyone have a right of access to that video? The question of where to draw the line doesn't have an obvious or easy answer. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Found an error? Help us fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arizona SWAT officer arrested for DUI on his way home from DUI training

wNKWYwzgfig | 08 May 2021

Arizona SWAT officer arrested for DUI on his way home from DUI training

CHANDLER, ARIZONA.— On April 14, 2020, the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board voted to revoke the certification of now-former Officer Jonathan Schueller, after Schueller was arrested for DUI drugs and then arrested once again for DUI drugs while administratively assigned to his home pending the outcome of the first arrest. Jonathan Schueller's first day as a police officer with the Maricopa Police Department was May 16, 2016. On September 7, 2018, at about 2339 hours, Officer Schueller was driving his personal vehicle south on the 101 freeway and was attempting to merge onto the 202 eastbound freeway in the single HOV lane when he hit the concrete curved barrier wall with the passenger side of his vehicle. He merged onto the 202 freeway and took the first exit, onto Alma School Road. Schueller pulled into a parking lot, parked, and was contacted by Chandler Police Department. Chandler officers noticed that Schueller was sweating profusely and visibly shaking, and a DUI investigation was initiated. Officer Schueller had no alcohol in his system but admitted to taking several prescription drugs. During an inventory search of his vehicle, two prescription bottles were found for anastrozole, a drug that was prescribed to Schueller. One of the bottles, however, contained seventy-four Xanax pills. The other contained sixteen 'Adderall' pills. There was no anastrozole in either bottle, and the Adderall pills would later be determined counterfeit — containing only methamphetamine. Officer Schueller's blood test results were positive for zolpidem (Ambien), alprazolam (Xanax), and oxycodone. Schueller advised he had bought the Xanax pills online, without a prescription, and that he also did not have a prescription for the not-actually-Adderall. Schueller was arrested for DUI drugs and possession of a dangerous drug. During the subsequent administrative investigation, Officer Schueller took responsibility for his actions. He did not remember some of the conversations he had with the Chandler Police Department, but he did not try to minimize or misrepresent anything that had happened. Schueller was administratively assigned to his home pending the outcome of his criminal case, but prior to that case's conclusion, Schueller was arrested yet again on March 1, 2019 after he swerved into a residential yard, hitting a tree… and then leaving the scene of the accident. As with the first accident, a witness followed Schueller and called 911. When Chandler police officers found Schueller and stopped his vehicle, another DUI investigation was conducted. Schueller consented to a breath alcohol test, which returned .096%. Officer Schueller also admitted to taking multiple prescription benzodiazepines and anti-depressants earlier in the day and to having drank "four or five" beers. Schueller resigned his position with the Maricopa Police Department on March 2, 2019 and later pleaded guilty to one count of DUI drugs on each arrest. All other charges were dropped. On December 18, 2019, Arizona POST voted to initiate proceedings against Schueller's peace officer certification. On December 21, 2019, a representative from Officer Schueller's attorney's office signed for Arizona POST’s Certified Letter of Complaint. Schueller's attorney reported to Arizona POST that he had not been able to contact Officer Schueller since then. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Uber Driver Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

a6YZkicaJk8 | 02 May 2021

Uber Driver Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — From the report of Officer Stephen Erickson, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On 10/15/2019, at approximately 2120 hours, Officer John Edwards and I were on proactive patrol in the area of N Mills Avenue and E Colonial Drive. While traveling southbound on N Mills Avenue, I observed a black 2016 Acura four door sedan traveling slowly in the left thru lane of E Colonial Drive. As I glanced to my right, I observed flashing blue and red lights coming from the dash area of this vehicle. Another vehicle in front of the Acura appeared to be pulling to the right and the Acura was following it. As I entered the intersection, it appeared the driver noticed my marked police vehicle and deactivated his red and blue lights. I turned around to get behind the vehicle as it continued to travel eastbound on E Colonial Drive. It appeared the driver knew I was behind him and he accelerated, weaving between vehicles in an erratic manner. I initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, Josue Santiago. As soon as I approached the driver side window, Santiago had his wallet in his hand and was displaying a gold five-point star badge. The badge had the seal of Florida and the lettering “DEPUTY SHERIFF CHARLOTTE COUNTY FLORIDA” imprinted on the front. To my knowledge, this appeared to be a real Florida sheriff's deputy badge. I asked him if he was a law enforcement officer and he replied that he was not, but that his cousin was. He stated his cousin’s name was "John Nunez," who was a "state trooper." I asked why he had the police badge in his possession, and he explained that he had bought it on eBay. Before any further questioning, I read Santiago his Miranda warnings. He agreed to speak with me. I explained to him that I saw his lights activated on E Colonial Drive and he replied that a truck had "crossed him" and he flashed the lights to get the truck out of his way. I asked why he had a red and blue light on the front of his vehicle and Santiago explained that he was an Uber driver, and that he often used it while picking up passengers from the airport. He explained that the parking attendants at the airport require him to move, so he activates the red and blue lights, so he can wait on passengers. I again asked Santiago about the badge in his possession and he again stated he bought it on eBay. I advised him that it was illegal to possess a law enforcement officer's badge [which, it should be noted, is not quite true] and he stated that I could take it. Santiago’s vehicle was black in color and had a “Police Athletic League” license plate with a “thin blue line” license plate cover. On the front bumper, he had a thin blue line license plate with the imprint of a five-point star and the words “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICE OFFICER." Inside of his vehicle was a blue and red flashing light attached to the windshield, a can of OC spray in a police-style pouch in the left door, and a police-style flashlight in the center console. Santiago repeatedly told me about his extensive volunteer work with law enforcement agencies and how he did not think that improperly using a red and blue light to gain certain traffic privileges would get him arrested. Santiago was charged with falsely personating a law enforcement officer, prohibited use of certain lights, and unlawful use of police insignia / badge. Santiago pleaded no contest to the charges and adjudication was withheld. He was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served and placed on probation for three years, during which time he must undergo a mental health examination and any treatment deemed necessary. Santiago was ordered to pay a variety of fines and fees totaling roughly $800, and the court ordered his lights and badge forfeited to Orlando Police Department. Notably, Santiago has a bit of a record, having been convicted of theft, resisting with violence, battery, evidence tampering, possession of cocaine, paraphernalia, and possession of cocaine with intent to sell/deliver. [Regarding the text in the video directing you here, I am fairly sure that the crazy rectangular blur mask is a failure of object tracking. And a failure of the person whose job it is to review the video after redaction to ensure this doesn't happen.] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Congressional candidate tells police "little gang members" hiding in her attic

BZlfE66eCwk | 30 Apr 2021

Congressional candidate tells police "little gang members" hiding in her attic

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — Shantele Bennett is running for Senate in Florida's 11th Congressional District. She has no party affiliation, but she does have experience running for political office — as a candidate for mayor of Orlando in 2019. Remarkably, despite qualifying for that race and raising a bit under $500, she received no votes. On January 18, 2018, Bennett filed a complaint against Orlando Police Officer Gregory Smith. "Bennett alleged that Officer Smith had conferred with Jeff Ashton to have her charged with First Degree Attempted Murder With a Firearm." Bennett's complaint read: "The officer lacks firmness of moral character and doesn't work well under pressure. When arrived at the scene he ask me where was the shooter? I informed him I was the person with the gun. He was over hypered and stressed for the lack of integrity that questions moral character and violates company policy, there is a demand that Gregory L. Smith II employment with OPD be terminated." Officer Smith's report tells a different story: Officer Smith responded to [ ] reference a shooting. He observed a black female wearing a blue shirt and brown pants matching the description of the suspect. Dispatch stated that the female still possessed the weapon on her person. Officer Smith heard Bennett state in a spontaneous utterance "The gun is in my purse." He ordered her to keep her hands above her head and to not reach for anything. He moved behind her and Officer Metzger arrived as backup. "Officer Smith holstered his pistol, removed the purse from her arm, and placed her in handcuffs. The black pistol was found in her purse. Officer Metzger transported Bennett to CID for an interview with Detective Conroy. Once Officer Smith entered the residence with Officer Wilson, he saw the victim sitting on the couch. She had a hole in the front right side of her upper chest above her breast. Witnesses corroborated that Bennett shot Turnbull. Detective Conroy interviewed Bennett in CID and Officer Smith transported her to BRC with no further incident. Bennett was charged with Attempted Murder in the Second degree with a firearm. This case has not gone to court. There is a current motion for psychiatric examination to determine competency." On June 29, 2018, investigators met with Bennett in the OPD lobby, as she wished to provide additional documentation: 1. A letter addressed to then-Chief Mina asking in part for Officer Smith to "be terminated and the Department of Law Enforcement's Criminal Justice Professionalism Program pursue disciplinary action against his certification for malicious persecution." 2. A letter to Mina demanding in part that "aggravated stalking charges be filed against Jessica K. Turnball along with charges violated." On July 9, 2018, OPD received additional documentation in the form of a letter addressed to "The City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer" and a copy of an Injunction for Protection between Bennett and the woman Bennett shot, Jessica Turnball. On July 31, 2018, Bennett completed a Citizen's Complaint form alleging that then-Chief Mina had violated the Hatch act. On March 28, 2019, Bennett came into the police department lobby to complete a statement that an OPD officer at the Magic Game was brandishing a weapon. She was advised that a SWAT team is always in attendance at the games, working perimeter security at Orlando Magic Events. Bennett also wished to document her being "barred" from City Hall in June of 2018 at then-Orlando Police Chief John Mina's request. She stated Mina was not present, but that she knows the order came from him. She also claims Chief Mina "deprived her character" and wishes to press charges against him. On April 17, 2019 Bennett filed one citizen complaint alleging that an officer threatened her with his rifle, and another complaint alleging forgery by OPD due to a difference in her original arrest and the charges filed. On July 14, 2020, Bennett filed for a stalking injunction against OCSO Major Bobby Anzueto, alleging that Anzueto stalked her "all the way to Charleston, SC" and is accessing her computer. On July 30, 2020, Bennett filed a lawsuit against John Mina, requesting that he be "removed from the 2020 ballot" for "conspiracy, misrepresentation, injurious falsehood, and fraudulent misrepresentation." She lost. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Anonymous letter to internal affairs exposes highway patrol sergeant

OzJciGP9kqQ | 27 Apr 2021

Anonymous letter to internal affairs exposes highway patrol sergeant

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA — In today's exclusive, Florida Highway Patrol Sergeant Scott E. Hull had submitted his retirement notice from FHP effective August 3, 2018, and was processing for employment as a school resource officer with the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office in Sebring, Florida, when FHP received an anonymous complaint on August 2, 2018. The complaint packet contained a handwritten letter with names and contact information of prostitutes Hull had allegedly solicited for sex. The packet also contained copies of text messages between Hull and a prostitute, along with a photocopy of Hull's official FHP business card. On August 3, 2018, Hull was interviewed by an HCSO background investigator and was given an opportunity to explain the allegations in the packet. Hull willingly spoke with the investigator, confirming that he met “Butterscotch Ebony," “Alex,” and “Jasmin” as a result of internet searches he had conducted on Backpage. The following is a summary of the story Hull told during his interview. Hull stated that he had been seeking “companionship” after going through a divorce and working “a lot of hours and feeling down on myself.” Hull made arrangements to meet the women for "body rubs" and dates, and admitted that as time went on, the body rubs escalated to include a “happy ending." After the “happy endings” Hull would “throw” in extra money. Along with body rubs, Hull’s relationship with Stacy and Alex included movies, dinner, and an occasional visit to a sports bar, but his main reason for contacting them was sex. At times, Alex would just show up at his apartment unannounced and at other times Hull would visit her at her apartment. Hull felt he developed a certain friendship with them. Hull also met “Summer” through Backpage and only saw her once. He met with "Jasmin" on at least two occasions after being introduced to her by Alex. Hull was not able to explain who “Lou” or “Jennifer” were and said they may have been females he contacted in the past through an internet ad but never followed through to meet them. Hull confirmed that the text messages were communicatons between him and Alex. Hull did not have a falling-out with any of the females he met on, and does not believe Alex would use the text messages to blackmail him. The last time Hull had any contact with any of the females he met through was February 14, 2018. Hull never identified himself to any of the women as a state trooper, and he took precautions in his home to avoid disclosing his true identity and employment with the state by putting away all work related items. Hull was unable to explain how his State of Florida business card came into the complainant’s possession. On September 25, 2018, after successfully contacting "Butterscotch Ebony," the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Office of the Inspector General sustained the allegation that Hull had solicited prostitutes for sex while employed as a supervisor with Florida Highway Patrol. Hull resigned. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Markeith Loyd | Interrogation of a Cop Killer

pE5dU1x6h8w | 26 Apr 2021

Markeith Loyd | Interrogation of a Cop Killer

On December 13, 2016, Markeith Loyd shot and killed his pregnant girlfriend, Sade Dixon and her unborn child. Loyd also shot Dixon's brother, Ronald Stewart, however Stewart survived, and along with other family members immediately identified Loyd as the person responsible. Based upon their testimony, Detective Brian Savelli of the Orange County Sheriff's Office obtained an arrest warrant charging Markeith Loyd with First Degree Murder. OCSO released Loyd's name and driver's license photograph to local media the day after the homicide, asking for assistance from the community. On January 9, 2017, at approximately 7:15 am, a witness was shopping inside a Walmart store located at 3101 W. Princeton Street. While waiting to pay at register #2 , a black male wearing a black shirt with the word "SECURITY" on the front, stood behind her with his cart. The witness knew Markeith Loyd by name and face and was aware of his outstanding warrant, and immediately recognized the customer behind her as Markeith Loyd. As she paid, the witness spotted Orlando Police Sergeant Debra Clayton exiting the store. She had just purchased several small items from register #18 and was walking towards the north exit of the store adjacent to the produce section. The witness exited the store through the same door and approached Sergeant Clayton, informing her of Loyd's presence in the store. Sergeant Clayton requested emergency radio traffic for an attempt to contact a possible homicide suspect. Eight seconds later, Officer Brandon Thornton, a member of her patrol squad, broke from his call and began traveling to her location. OPD Communications then established emergency radio traffic on the, "Emergency North" channel with responding units as well as Sergeant Clayton switching over to this channel. Units on the emergency channel began asking Sergeant Clayton for her exact location. Fifty seconds into the call, Sergeant Clayton stated, "I guess we're looking for a Markeith. He's walking out the door right now. I guess he was involved in shooting with a pregnant female. I am at the first entrance." At one minute, fourteen seconds, she transmitted, "Foot pursuit!" followed by the sounds of three gunshots in the background. That was her last radio transmission. Dispatcher Patricia Monahan is heard asking, "B20, you 10-4?" But Sergeant Clayton was dead. And Loyd had managed to escape. On January 17, 2017, members of the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Investigative Unit located Markeith Loyd in an abandoned house at 1157 Lescot Lane in Orlando's Carver Shores neighborhood. Loyd was observed dropping two handguns from the window of what was later determined to be the bedroom directly south of the entry door. Loyd then complied with commands and crawled on his stomach from the entry door to awaiting officers where he was placed under arrest. Loyd was wearing an American Body Armor (ABA) level IIIA bullet-resistant vest is at the time of his arrest, rated to stop all handgun ammunition commonly used by law enforcement. The firearms would remain on the ground where they had been dropped until a search warrant for the residence was executed later that evening. After being secured he was transported to the Orlando Police Headquarters for interrogation by Detectives Danny Garcia-Pagan and Pete Cadiz. This is the interrogation of Markeith Loyd. 0:00 Loyd brought in, officers refuse to loosen his cuffs 24:55 OPD Det. Pete Cadiz & Danny Garcia-Pagan 28:18 Interrogation begins 1:09:50 "In the street, you're nothing" 1:14:38 Photographs 1:29:50 Medical assistance provided 1:48:50 Bunny suit (a portion of this is silent) 1:51:34 Audio is back ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pork Fried Rice Face, feat. Benzino

Yqgh50j1_bk | 26 Apr 2021

Pork Fried Rice Face, feat. Benzino

Some of you may remember that on July 5, 2019, Real World Police brought to light an hourlong racist tirade by Raymond "Benzino" Scott against Asian police officer Travis Ngugen, a story that would go on to receive wide coverage in industry and general-interest publications. At the time, we teased TMZ for having missed the story entirely, instead highlighting Benzino's relatively-mild disrespectful attitude toward a female officer on scene. TMZ's miss happened because they only had the female officer's body-worn camera video. Since Benzino's shocking rant only began in the backseat of Officer Nguyen's police car, TMZ had no way to know of its existence. Well, now we are going to point the finger at ourselves. Because we didn't know of this cage camera video's existence. (No, it didn't come as a music video.) Do you think Benzino is angry about something? In other Benzino-related news, on February 2, 2021 Judge Shannon McNeal issued a writ of possession, officially evicting the "Nail in the Coffin" subject from his now-former luxury apartment and ordering the ex-L&HH star to pay nearly $10,000 in overdue rent. Our original video from July 2019 can be found at Be nice to each other. We're all just people. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police K9 "Jedi" Hunts Jail Escapee Hiding in Industrial Warehouse

vEmrxe3Dg_o | 23 Apr 2021

Police K9 "Jedi" Hunts Jail Escapee Hiding in Industrial Warehouse

On May 2, 2018 Seattle Police Officer Anthony Ducre responded to an industrial area in Kent, Washington to assist Kent Police Department with their search for Giovanni Dashawn Herrin, who had just escaped from Kent County Jail and was thought to be hiding in an industrial warehouse. Less than two months after this incident, Herrin was arrested and charged with the murder of Karyme Barreto-Sabalza, his girlfriend of a few months. Herrin was accused of luring Barreto-Sabalza into a wooded area of a Kent park on June 16, 2018, shooting her once in the head at close range, taking her purse and cell phone, and then using her car to take himself to an ATM, where he helped himself to money from her bank account. Not long after his murder arrest, Herrin was secured to a hospital bed in the emergency room of Seattle's Harborview Medical Center. It was the third time in a row Herrin had complained of feeling ill due to bad drugs he allegedly ingested behind bars, and two corrections officers were assigned to keep watch over the alleged murderer. According to an incident report, when one guard went to use the restroom and the other "became distracted for approximately 10 to 15 seconds," the then-19-year-old escaped from his restraints and left the hospital. The escape ended when two officers from King County Jail located Herrin on Eighth Avenue and Yesler Way and shot Herrin in the shoulder. Herrin is currently a resident of King County Correctional Facility on charges of homicide, attempt to elude, first degree murder, escape, robbery, theft, and criminal trespass. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"We've got an inmate with a gun!" | Deputy taken hostage at Orange County Jail

oke_RgZjkBI | 22 Apr 2021

"We've got an inmate with a gun!" | Deputy taken hostage at Orange County Jail

ORANGE COUNTY JAIL, FLORIDA — On March 22, 2020, at 5:46 pm, Eric Jefferson Stanley Jr. was in the triage area of the Orange County Corrections Booking and Release Center ("BRC") in Orlando, Florida. He was present with another inmate for a routine check prior to being booked into jail. While seated on a waiting bench, Stanley extracted his left hand from the flex cuffs in which he was secured, brandished a handgun and pointed it at Corrections Officer James Magwood, who he ordered to the ground. Magwood complied. Stanley then pointed the gun at his arresting officer, Deputy Jeffery James-Potts, ordering James-Potts to "not do anything." Stanley approached Magwood and pointed the gun at his head. He then walked to James-Potts and physically grabbed hold of him, pointing the handgun at James-Potts' head while ordering deputies outside of the locked triage area to back away, threatening to kill his new hostage. Stanley forced James-Potts to walk around the nurse's desk, where Stanley was surprised to find the triage nurse — who had been hiding beneath his desk. Stanley ordered the triage nurse, Hector Jamie, to move from behind the desk — an area Stanley took over, bringing his hostage along for the ride. Stanley began searching James-Potts for other weapons, placing his handgun in his lap to free his hands. Sensing that as his opportunity, James-Potts tried to take control of the handgun. He did not succeed. Stanley punched James-Potts in the face with his fists and pistol whipped him multiple times. As they both fell to the ground, shots were fired into the triage area — through bullet-resistant glass. One round that penetrated struck Stanley in his shoulder. Stanley hid behind the nurse's desk while sitting on top of Deputy James-Potts, refusing to allow James-Potts to leave. During this time, triage nurse Jamie was hiding behind a body scanner used to scan incoming inmates. Jamie yelled for staff within the control room to open the door to the sally port, and the control room complied, but when Jamie began to run toward the door, Stanley rose to his knees and, according to an official report, fired a round toward the door, preventing Jamie from exiting. It is unclear in the video when, and whether, that actually happened. When Stanley returned to his position of cover behind the desk, Jamie ran out the open door. Stanley remained behind the desk and on top of James-Potts, who, with the help of Stanley's girlfriend via FaceTime, eventually convinced Stanley to (a) not kill him, and (b) extract the magazine from his handgun and put the handgun on the ground. At that point, a staged SWAT team entered the triage area from multiple directions and secured Stanley, dragging James-Potts out of the room. James-Potts was taken to the hospital to be treated for multiple lacerations to his face. [Surprisingly, at a press conference later that night Sheriff John Mina would publicly claim that no deputies or corrections officers were injured in the incident. This was clearly untrue, and it is surprising that Mina would not have known his employee had been admitted to the ER.] At a later awards ceremony, Sheriff Mina recognized James-Potts, stating that he “was taken hostage and remained cool and calm in probably one of the most harrowing situations any law enforcement or civilian could ever face and there is no doubt in my mind his actions not only saved his own life but saved the lives of corrections officers and others there alike.” He also suspended James-Potts (and the two other deputies involved in Stanley's arrest) for 40 hours without pay for failing to properly search Stanley. Eric Jefferson Stanley Jr. faces three counts of armed kidnapping, three counts of aggravated assault of an LEO with a firearm, one count of aggravated battery of an LEO with a deadly weapon, and one count possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. 0:00 Intro / highlights 1:40 How it all started 9:50 Shots fired 14:17 Nurse escapes 15:17 Photos of Eric Stanley 20:42 Interview of triage nurse 28:55 Shooting... Martinez! Hernandez! Nurse! 38:55 Second interview of hostage 53:00 SWAT breach ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida Woman Arrested for Wrong Way Drunk Driving

TE44wRPW_yY | 19 Apr 2021

Florida Woman Arrested for Wrong Way Drunk Driving

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — From the report of officer Andrew Hall, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On December 19, 2020 at approximately 2:30 am, Officer Andrew Hall with the Orlando Police Department responded to the intersection of East Colonial Drive and North Magnolia Ave, at the request of a fellow officer regarding a possible intoxicated driver. "Upon arrival I made contact with Officer Funchess, who advised that he had observed a dark colored vehicle traveling northbound on North Orange Avenue, a southbound-only one-way street. Officer Funchess conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and made contact with its sole occupant. I advised her who I was and what I was about to request. She had bloodshot and glassy eyes and I could smell the obvious odor of alcohol emanating from her person, becoming stronger as she spoke / slurred. During HGN, she had a lack of smooth pursuit, distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation, and the onset of nystagmus prior to a 45-degree angle in both eyes. She also had a distinct orbital sway. Walk and Turn, One Leg Stand, and Modified Romberg Balance tests [see video]. Post-Miranda I asked her what had happened tonight and she advised she did not know why she was speaking with law enforcement. I then explained to her the reasoning for the stop again and asked her how many drinks she had this evening. She advised "two or three drinks." I asked her what kind of drinks she had and she advised "vodka and RedBull". I asked her what time it was and she advised it was "twelve"; the time was 0245 hours. Thayer advised she ate food at 2000 hours. I asked her on a scale of one to ten how drunk she was. She replied a "four." At the Orange County DUI center, she refused to provide a breath sample. She was then transported to the Orange County Jail for further processing." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"We have an inmate with a gun!" | Deputy Taken Hostage at Orange County Jail

o69RQuJF1MU | 18 Apr 2021

"We have an inmate with a gun!" | Deputy Taken Hostage at Orange County Jail

ORANGE COUNTY JAIL, FLORIDA — For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment, we present this preview of exclusive footage from inside the Orange County Jail, showing you the events of a March 2020 hostage situation as they unfolded, narrated by the hostages themselves. The full video is available now on Patreon; it will be available here for free on April 22, 2021, at which point the Patreon content will be supplemented with additional hostage interviews and incident photos. Thank you for your support. On March 22, 2020, at 5:46 pm, Eric Jefferson Stanley Jr. was in the triage area of the Orange County Corrections Booking and Release Center ("BRC") in Orlando, Florida. He was present with another inmate for a routine check prior to being booked into jail. While seated on a waiting bench, Stanley extracted his left hand from the flex cuffs in which he was secured, brandishing a handgun and pointing it at Corrections Officer James Magwood, who he ordered to the ground. Magwood complied. Stanley then pointed the gun at his arresting officer, Deputy Jeffery James-Potts, ordering James-Potts to "not do anything." Stanley approached Magwood and pointed the gun at his head. He then walked to James-Potts and physically grabbed hold of him, pointing the handgun at James-Potts' head while ordering deputies outside of the locked triage area to back away, threatening to kill his new hostage. Stanley forced James-Potts to walk around the nurse's desk, where Stanley was surprised to find the triage nurse — who had been hiding beneath his desk. Stanley ordered the triage nurse, Hector Jamie, to move from behind the desk — an area Stanley took over, bringing his hostage along for the ride. Stanley began searching James-Potts for other weapons, placing his handgun in his lap to free his hands. Sensing that as his opportunity, James-Potts tried to take control of the handgun. He did not succeed. Stanley punched James-Potts in the face with his fists and pistol whipped him multiple times. As they both fell to the ground, shots were fired into the triage area — through bullet-resistant glass. One round that penetrated struck Stanley in his shoulder. Stanley hid behind the nurse's desk while sitting on top of Deputy James-Potts, refusing to allow James-Potts to leave. During this time, triage nurse Jamie was hiding behind a body scanner used to scan incoming inmates. Jamie yelled for staff within the control room to open the door to the sally port, and the control room complied, but when Jamie began to run toward the door, Stanley rose to his knees and, according to an official report, fired a round toward the door, preventing Jamie from exiting. It is unclear in the video when, and whether, that actually happened. When Stanley returned to his position of cover behind the desk, Jamie ran out the open door. Stanley remained behind the desk and on top of James-Potts, who, with the help of Stanley's girlfriend via FaceTime, eventually convinced Stanley to (a) not kill him, and (b) extract the magazine from his handgun and put the handgun on the ground. At that point, a staged SWAT team entered the triage area from multiple directions and secured Stanley, dragging James-Potts out of the room. James-Potts was taken to the hospital to be treated for multiple lacerations to his face. Surprisingly, at a press conference later that night Sheriff John Mina would publicly claim that no deputies or corrections officers were injured in the incident. This is clearly untrue, and it is surprising that Mina would not have known his employee had been admitted to the ER. At a later awards ceremony, Sheriff Mina recognized James-Potts, stating that he “was taken hostage and remained cool and calm in probably one of the most harrowing situations any law enforcement or civilian could ever face and there is no doubt in my mind his actions not only saved his own life but saved the lives of corrections officers and others there alike.” He also suspended James-Potts (and the two other deputies involved in Stanley's arrest) for 40 hours without pay. Eric Stanley Jr. faces three counts of armed kidnapping, three counts of aggravated assault of an LEO with a firearm, one count of aggravated battery of an LEO with a deadly weapon, and one count possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Weed shake? That's asphalt!"

m6-MOmmvJtM | 16 Apr 2021

"Weed shake? That's asphalt!"

ORLANDO, FL — Orlando Police Department's Tactical Anti-Crime Unit ("TAC") was a street-level initiative that nominally focused on violent crime as well as crime trends identified by OPD crime analysts. Its practical reality was a group that operated out of undercover vehicles, spending most of its time conducting pretextual traffic stops. The kind that routinely uncover drugs and guns, and the kind that tend to piss people off for their perceived pettiness — particularly when the only violation turns out to be the minor traffic offense. Like in this video... where a TAC officer responds to allegations of "stereotyping" with a speeding ticket. Pretextual stops are lawful. The constitutional reasonableness of a traffic stop does not depend on the motivations of the officers involved, as long as they had probable cause to conduct the traffic stop. They also mean that just about anyone can be stopped. Do you have a license plate frame on your car? The kind commonly installed by the dealership? If you drive your car in Florida, you are committing a violation. And it is settled law that the presence a license plate frame alone is enough to justify a traffic stop. In a previous story involving TAC, we reported the following, verbatim: "In 2018 TAC recovered 98 crime guns and 57 stolen vehicles, seizing 368 pounds of cocaine, 10,360 pounds of cannabis, and 194 pounds of heroin in the process. Yes, those are all supposed to be pounds. No, the numbers are not anomalous. In 2017 the unit recovered 107 crime guns, 70 stolen vehicles, made nearly 600 felony arrests and seized thousands of pounds of drugs." Those figures came straight from Orlando Police Department's annual reports. And — as we also reported previously — every one of the drug seizure figures is wrong, overstating reality by more than 450 times. We discovered OPD's misrepresentation after we requested records associated with all incidents involving the seizure of drugs with a street value of more than $100,000... and there weren't any. That made no sense, given the figures in OPD's annual reports. It turned out that Orlando Police Department had — for three consecutive years — been stating TAC's drug seizures in pounds, when the figure should have been in grams. There are 453.59 grams in a pound. Which means that TAC's drug seizures had been overstated by more than 450 times. Or to make it sound particularly bad: more than 45,000%. If the annual reports were to be believed, TAC had somehow managed to seize more drugs than OPD's Drug Enforcement Division. OPD's position is that this was all a mistake. According to Police Legal Advisor Alex Karden, "What happened in 2018 was that TAC sent their numbers for the year to the civilian employee who prepares the Annual Report. However, on the form they sent over, there were no units listed. So for, example, “368.5 cocaine” instead of “368.5 grams of cocaine.” The civilian employee who then prepared the report mistakenly thought it was pounds." The same error was present in 2017 and 2016. That it was a mistake is plausible. That no one noticed it for three consecutive years is a tougher pill to swallow. After OPD confirmed our finding, the agency corrected and reissued its annual reports from 2016, 2017, and 2018. On March 1, 2019, a Special Notice was issued by Chief of Police Orlando Rolón. Effective March 10, 2019, "The Special Enforcement Division will be created and will operate under the Investigative Services Bureau. DED, TAC, NPU, GIU, and FIU will be assigned to the Special Enforcement Section under the Special Enforcement Division." TAC no longer exists. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Motorcyclist Successfully Evades Air and Ground Units in Extended High Speed Pursuit

2GQGbXWN3tw | 15 Apr 2021

Motorcyclist Successfully Evades Air and Ground Units in Extended High Speed Pursuit

For a long time, viewers have been debating whether a helicopter is like a cheat code in a pursuit. When the helicopter shows up, is it game over... or do some people still get away? Today, we present a definitive answer. Courtesy of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport’s air traffic controllers. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Rapper “G Herbo” Arrested for Assault of Ariana Fletcher

Xzzw8znufoU | 13 Apr 2021

Rapper “G Herbo” Arrested for Assault of Ariana Fletcher

ATLANTA, GA — From the police report: "On 4/17/19, I, Officer Codner responded to a fight call at [address redacted]. As I was walking up the stairs to the home, I saw a cell phone that looked to have been thrown and was broken in several pieces. The front door was open and the house alarm was going off. The victim came outside visibly shaken and angry. Her name is Ariana Fletcher [contact information redacted]. Fletcher stated that her ex-boyfriend and father to her child hit her and dragged her by her hair. Her hair weave was visibly halfway pulled out and she had visible scratches on her right arm and wrist area. The accused was not on scene at the time of my arrival. I walked inside the house and saw several pieces of glass on the floor, the tv and lamp turned over leading me to believe a fight had taken place. The victim stated that she and her babies father got into a physical fight and he had left with the child. She gave me description of the vehicle and I relayed that information to dispatch so other units could look for the car. Approximately one minute later, the suspect arrived back at the house with the child, neither of the two appeared to be injured. Unit 3286 detained the suspect, Herbert Wright [better known as the rapper G Herbo] where he stated he went to the house to get some of his jewelry back from her and see his child. He stated she would not give all of his property back and they started to argue but he did not hit her. He stated he left the house with the child because she was "acting crazy". I also spoke to a neighbor who called 911. She stated she heard the two fighting and she saw him throw a phone down the from porch steps. She also stated that while the two were yelling at each other outside he (Wright) grabbed Fletcher by the hair and dragged her back inside and hit her while going up the front steps. Wright was placed into custody and I transported him to Fulton County jail with out incident. I made Sgt. Dingle unit 2293 aware of the situation." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Woman Carrying Concealed Gun Arrested at TSA Checkpoint

qvELvlVzhgw | 11 Apr 2021

Woman Carrying Concealed Gun Arrested at TSA Checkpoint

ORLANDO, FL — On November 18, 2020, just before 7:00 pm, Orlando Police Officer James Ruhl was stationed at Orlando International Airport’s West Security Checkpoint when he was summoned by Supervisory Transportation Security Officer Veronica Bell to the X-ray machine of lane #10, operated by Transportation Security Officer ("TSO") Selena De Grijze. TSO De Grijze was new to the job and was being trained by TSO Ladawn Stevens. The training was more eventful than anyone had planned. TSO De Grijze told Officer Ruhl that she had observed, via the X-ray machine, a handgun inside of a gold ladies handbag. Officer Ruhl glanced at the X-ray machine monitor and confirmed the unmistakable silhouette of a pistol. The following is from the report of Officer Ruhl, lightly edited for clarity: I removed the gold ladies handbag from the plastic container on the belt, which is the bag that Witness De Grijze stated was the bag containing the alleged handgun. I walked toward the end of the lane and observed a white female, who was later identified as suspect Samantha Sberna, standing near the end of the lane opposite of me. She appeared to be concerned about the bag I was carrying. She stated she forgot she had a firearm in her handbag. She handed me her New Hampshire driver license upon my request. I searched inside the handbag and located the firearm in the center compartment. I also located other items inside the handbag with the suspect's name on them. The suspect stated she had a valid concealed weapon permit in the state of New Hampshire, however she did not have it in her possession. Officer J. Givens arrived to assist me, and walked with the suspect into the OPD office for processing of this case. I ran the suspect on teletype for warrants via my police radio. I requested verification of the suspect's claim that she had a concealed weapons permit in the state of New Hampshire. Teletype advised the suspect did not have any active warrants and she did not have a concealed weapons permit in New Hampshire. We ran criminal history and the suspect does not appear to have any felony convictions. I removed a black Glock model 43, 9mm, from the center compartment of the gold handbag. There was a magazine containing (5) rounds inside the handgun's magazine well, and there was a round chambered. The handgun appeared fully functional capable of expelling projectile through the use of an explosion. The TSA checkpoint is a sterile area within OIA, where firearms are prohibited. There are signs posted at the entrance to the TSA screening area, that warns anyone entering the checkpoint that firearms are prohibited. The listed firearm, magazine and six (6) rounds of ammunition were placed into OPD Property and Evidence reference this case number. Witnesses Bell, Stevens and De Grijze submitted sworn written statements and they will testify in court. OFC P. Owen (34447) assisted with evidence packaging and obtaining statements from the witnesses. OFC J. Jones (11682) managed the suspect while I processed this case. I advised SGT S. Stites (15336) of the incident and the decision was made to arrest the suspect for carrying a concealed firearm, a third-degree felony. *Note: this video presents all of the events captured on body-worn camera. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

State Police Chase Man Riding Yamaha YZF-R1 Until He Runs Out of Gas

rYGh_sKzapA | 09 Apr 2021

State Police Chase Man Riding Yamaha YZF-R1 Until He Runs Out of Gas

POPE COUNTY, AR — On July 16, 2020 at 11:04 PM Arkansas State Police Corporal Chad Maness was stopped on the eastbound shoulder of Interstate 40, at mile marker 87, when he observed a motorcycle pass by at a high rate of speed, passing vehicles on both the inside and outside traffic lanes. Corporal Maness attempted to stop the motorcyclist for speeding and reckless driving but the rider fled eastbound, reaching speeds in excess of 150 miles per hour. The motorcyclist continued to flee eastbound, passing several vehicles on the shoulder. Maness pursued the motorcycle eastbound on Interstate 40, through Pope county, Conway County, Faulkner County, and into Pulaski County — where the motorcycle ran out of gas at mile marker 144. After running out of gas, the driver stopped on the shoulder and submitted to arrest. The driver was identified as Christopher Smith. Smith was arrested on charges of felony fleeing by vehicle, reckless driving, driving on a suspended driver's license, speeding, no proof of insurance, driving without tags, improper lane usage, and improper passing on right. Ultimately, charges were filed for felony fleeing and reckless driving. Smith had warrants out of Yell County, Farmington County, and Cleburne County, but none of the departments would extradite. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Another Day, Another Lie: Serial Police Impersonator Marathon, Part II

zcWcZmcv9dI | 07 Apr 2021

Another Day, Another Lie: Serial Police Impersonator Marathon, Part II

ORLANDO — Welcome to part two of the marathon. Get comfortable. At 22:30 in this video Jennifer claims that Jeremy told her he owns a "police escorting business" through which he escorts "funeral processions" and assists "government employees go[ing] from Point A to Point B." Jennifer states that Jeremy specifically mentioned Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. Remarkably, Jeremy's claim - assuming he actually made it - appears to be at least somewhat reality-based. Shawn Dunlap is a labor leader for central Florida law enforcement. In 2015, Dunlap was President of Orlando's Fraternal Order of Police Lodge. On April 1, 2015, Dunlap exchanged emails with Captain Dean Deschryver, labor chair Randy Thames, and Sergeant Richard Ruth. [Titles are current as-of April 2015.] At the time, Deschryver commanded OPD's Special Operations Division, which meant that he was also responsible for special events permitting. Ruth commanded OPD's Motors Unit. Their emails were in reference to an escort Metro State had illegally provided "Hooters for Scooters," a charity event. Dunlap wrote: "I personally observed Metro State completely blocking the intersection of Central at Summerlin. Randy Thames observed them overtaking vehicles using lights and air horns as well as crossing over double yellow lines." After questioning whether Metro State has "the proper licenses to operate as a Security Company," (an odd question, because of its irrelevance) Dunlap wrote the following: "It’s a scary thought that the Mayor was not only involved in this event, but drove the lead car in a non-law enforcement 22 mile escort through 3 jurisdictions." The mayor he is referring to? Buddy Dyer. Dunlap has refused to comment on his words, and as of the publication of this video, the mayor's office has not responded to questions about the relationship between Mayor Dyer and Mr. Dewitte, nor explained why the mayor drove a Metro State vehicle as the lead car in a 22-mile unauthorized escort. This story will be updated if and when the mayor or Mr. Dunlap respond. More to come on that front. Separately, in this video Jeremy talks about his nonexistent military service, helpfully clarifying what we already knew: that he was lying about it. Here, Jeremy states that his military service was limited to two years of college ROTC, and that he attended 'special forces' training as an ROTC summer program. Earlier today, around 5:15 am, we spoke with James Daley, ROTC coordinator for Valencia College (circuitously, through University of Central Florida). Coincidentally, we also recently learned Jeremy Dewitte's dates of attendance at Valencia College. Mr. Dewitte attended for a total of three fall semesters: 1999, 2000, and 2004. He did not graduate and did not receive any honors, awards, or other recognition. He was never there for a spring semester. According to Mr. Daley, although he was not involved with Valencia ROTC when Jeremy claims to have been, UCF's ROTC program does not offer "special forces" or "ranger" training to students, and Daley reaction to the very idea was disbelief, stating that ROTC cadets are new to military culture and lack the indoctrination and discipline necessary to succeed in such an environment. Daley added that most people spend "a year or more" preparing physically for such programs. Jeremy Dewitte might have been in ROTC for a semester or two, but... despite referencing his “first two years of college" Jeremy never attended college for two consecutive semesters, let alone years. If he was actually in ROTC, it is extraordinarily unlikely that as part of ROTC he was sent to nonexistent special forces training... and even if that did happen? Fort Bragg is pretty far from Fallujah. Trivia: Jennifer Burton also attended Valencia College, but her attendance never overlapped with Jeremy's. Burton was enrolled at Valencia in spring 2004, spring 2007, fall 2011, and spring 2012. Her attendance in 2004 is supported by a child support attestation she filed at the time, on which she claimed to be unemployed and a "college student." 0:00 Preview 1:50 Meet Dylan, Jeremy's brother 5:10 The judges throw them out! 18:45 Or do they? 20:15 Brief intro to Jennifer, by Jeremy 21:30 Jennifer Burton: The Full Interview 26:47 Jennifer doesn't get that her recording was a crime 37:53 "Everything he's ever said is a lie" 41:35 The Muslim connection 1:01:35 Jeremy Dewitte: Full Interview 1:08:55 "Why do you shoot O.C. rounds as an escort company?" 1:11:12 "Were you special forces at one point?" 1:17:03 In a meeting in a closet. 1:31:32 Interview of Rania Dewitte 1:38:14 Jennifer Burton?! 1:39:07 Witness tampering? 1:43:34 "I don't f*** you in front of your wife!" 1:46:04 Jessica calls Rania ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

[Sneak Preview] Another Day, Another Lie: The Serial Police Impersonator Marathon Continues

JWPLLO4l6o0 | 06 Apr 2021

[Sneak Preview] Another Day, Another Lie: The Serial Police Impersonator Marathon Continues

Wondering what's coming up in the Serial Police Impersonator Marathon series? Look no further. Not wondering and don't want to know? Nah, just kidding. Of course you want to know. (But if you don't, this is totally not the video for you.) Barring [more of] the unexpected, I expect the next Marathon installment to go live at 7 AM EST tomorrow, Wednesday April 7th. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice

Former Oakland Raiders Star Barret Robbins Arrested in Delray Beach

GpktyZ_dvsA | 02 Apr 2021

Former Oakland Raiders Star Barret Robbins Arrested in Delray Beach

DELRAY BEACH, FL — Barret Robbins stands 6' 3" tall and weighs more than 300 pounds. You'd never know it from looking at the guy, but rewind ~19 years and he was leading the Oakland Raiders offensive line, driving the team all the way the Super Bowl. But at his arrest this past November, Robbins wasn't wearing a jersey. Initially, he wasn't wearing anything at all. Other than red fingernail polish. In the 2002 NFL season with Bill Callahan in his first year as head coach, Robbins started all sixteen regular season games and was elected to the Pro Bowl. The Raiders would go on to defeat the New York Jets, and then the Tennessee Titans in the AFC championship game. Then, the day before the Super Bowl, Robbins disappeared. And it's not clear how much control he had over that outcome. Robbins resurfaced the next day incoherent and unfit to take the field. He had lost his wallet and ID, and his then-wife would later reveal that Robbins spent most of the day before the Super Bowl partying in Tijuana. Because he thought the Raiders had already won the Super Bowl. Of course, they hadn't. And the Raiders would go on to lose the big game to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 48-21. Although Robbins was nominally back in 2003, he never fully returned to his NFL career. Robbins got caught up in the BALCO steroid scandal (along with Marion Jones, Dwain Chambers and others). Robbins was released from his contract in the summer of 2004. A few months later, on Christmas Eve, Robbins was arrested for punching a security guard in San Francisco, and less than a month after that incident, Robbins was shot three times in the lung and heart by police during a brawl in Miami Beach. He was in a coma for more than a month, and after he woke up and recovered the former-footballer pleaded guilty to five charges, among which was attempted murder. He was sentenced to five years probation, ordered to receive mental health treatment, and was required to abstain from drinking. Since then, Robbins' life has been defined by jail, rehab, mental hospitals, and the streets. In early 2010, a police officer pulled Robbins over near Dallas and found crack cocaine in his car. On March 25, 2011, a Florida court sentenced Robbins to five years for violating his probation. He was released significantly early, on September 25, 2012. In August 2016, Robbins allegedly punched a mother and her daughter in Florida, He was arrested and charged with two counts of felony battery. Robbins was sent to a mental hospital, which he references toward the end of this video. In that same conversation — between Robbins and a police officer —Robbins tells the officer that he has spent his last two years homeless and smoking crack on the streets of Pompano Beach. Quite the fall. As for this incident, on November 14, 2020 Robbins and the police had an unwanted meeting. On that day, at approximately 1:30 pm, police responded to Sandes Restaurant at 1717 N Federal Highway in reference to a disturbance. The caller reported that a heavyset white male with red painted fingernails had thrown a rock at a server after having skipped out on his bill. The manager of Sandes, Bailey Stormer called the police and stated that she had maintained visual contact with the red-fingernailed white male and that she had followed him to a Budget Inn location on the same street. Stormer reported that the male had ordered a taco salad meal that cost $10.00, and that an unknown customer had given the male money to cover his meal. Despite that, the male just got up and left the restaurant, paying by tossing a fist-sized rock at his server. Robbins was ultimately arrested and charged with one count of Defrauding an Innkeeper, less than $300. Robbins refused to come to court for first appearance, and was arraigned on video. On December 14, 2020, adjudication was withheld on the lone charge and Robbins was sentenced to 31 days in jail, with credit for 31 days served. He was ordered to pay restitution to Sandes Restaurant in the amount of $10.00... along with $373 in fines and fees. Two weeks prior to the Sandes Restaurant incident, Robbins had a separate encounter with Delay Beach law enforcement. That time around, it took six people to hold him down and he had to be sedated. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Found an error? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

High Speed Chases, High Speed Crashes | Police Pursuits Gone Wrong (Part One)

3ftpA1QDudY | 01 Apr 2021

High Speed Chases, High Speed Crashes | Police Pursuits Gone Wrong (Part One)

[What you are about to read arguably ventures into the realm of opinion.] Every time we publish footage of a high speed chase, the comments are full of spirited debate. Predictable spirited debate. The following example was created from a mashup of actual conversations: A: Of course, the capital felony of shoplifting. Punishable by 126 MPH deadly PIT maneuver. The pursuit created too much danger for everyone. It should have been called off. B: It's a crime and the thief was driving at speeds that would kill! Plus they had a gun. So do you want to recant your ignorant statement? A: If you watch the video, they clearly say they don’t think the person has a gun. The police chasing them is the reason they continue to drive at high speeds. If police back off the chase that person will slow down to blend in with regular traffic and not put the public at risk. Is shoplifting that serious of a crime that it requires such a large police response, and deadly force? Also, guns are not illegal. B: WTF? Are you defending a criminal? That's the real problem today. Not the police. It's people defending the criminals and then complaining constantly when the police didn't arrive to help them against criminals! Pick a side, DOLT! A: I am not defending the shoplifter. The police responded to a shoplifting incident like they do to an armed robbery. My point is this could have been handled better, and more safely. CHP’s top speed for PIT is 35 mph, the maximum speed recommended by the agency that developed the technique. I'm saying that in this situation the risk wasn't worth it. Even the risk to the officer is too high. It’s crazy. Pursuits are dangerous enough without intentional crashes. B: So you just want to let criminals go? How fast do you have to speed before you don't get a ticket anymore? That's ridiculous. It would lead to chaos. That conversation has happened countless times in comments on this channel. In fact, it consists almost entirely of actual quotes. Rather than directly weigh in, I want to provide you with more information. First, a recent comment caught my attention. The commenter, referencing California Highway Patrol pursuits, wrote "Just wait until one of those pursuits kills an uninvolved party." It caught my attention because California pursuit stats are readily available. I am also familiar with them, and there is no "waiting" necessary. In 2019, of nearly 9,000 California pursuits, more than 2,000 ended in a collision, injuring more than 1,200 and killing 35. Fourteen of the 35 dead were uninvolved third parties. Of the injuries, 370 were uninvolved and 60 were officers. The most common originating violation was speeding. I also want to share with you the Arkansas State Police pursuit policy, and to contrast it with that of Nevada Highway Patrol. The most striking difference is in their approach to safety. Although both start with references to safety, ASP's safety note is one sentence long, quoting the state law that requires officers to drive with "due regard for the safety of all persons." The policy then dictates the number of units that can be pursuing at one time — unless an exception is made. Overall, ASP's policy provides little actual guidance and almost no explicit direction on when pursuits should or should not be initiated or terminated. Under some circumstances, ASP policy allows troopers to PIT motorcycles. It doesn't allow troopers to drive on the wrong side of the road during a pursuit unless exigent circumstances exist and supervisor approval is obtained in advance. NHP's policy begins: "Vehicle pursuits expose innocent citizens, law enforcement officers and fleeing violators to the risk of serious injury or death. The primary purpose of this policy is to provide officers with guidance in balancing the safety of the public and themselves against law enforcement's duty to apprehend violators of the law. Another purpose of this policy is to minimize the potential for pursuit related collisions. Vehicular pursuits require officers to exhibit a high degree of common sense and sound judgment. Officers must not forget that the immediate apprehension of a suspect is generally not more important than the safety of the public and pursuing officers. . . An individual's unreasonable desire to apprehend a fleeing suspect at all costs has no place in professional law enforcement." NHP's policy provides explicit guidance to officers about pursuit initiation and termination, emphasizing safety throughout. It also, of course, covers the mechanics of pursuits. I encourage you to read them both. NHP's pursuit policy: ASP's pursuit policy: The CA data source: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Another Day, Another Lie: A Serial Police Impersonator Marathon

WH20SXQLE9M | 27 Mar 2021

Another Day, Another Lie: A Serial Police Impersonator Marathon

This video opens with newly-uncovered footage from December 2014 that appears to show Jeremy Dewitte intentionally provoking a police officer to pull him over... after which he tries to shift the blame for his own unlawful actions to the police officer. Jeremy's ruse is revealed when, upon the officer's return to his patrol vehicle, Jeremy tells his 'contractors' what actually happened. 0:00 Jeremy intentionally gets pulled over, pretends to be irate 1:38 Motor One would never violate traffic laws! 3:46 "I never would have done that if not..." 6:25 Accusing the officer of violating the law and causing Jeremy's violation 7:34 A citizen calls 911 to report being pulled over by Metro State 10:25 Jennifer Tramaine Burton v. Jeremy Charles Dewitte, Injunction Hearing 13:55 We never use sirens! I have never pulled anyone over! 15:15 Jennifer Burton: Double Agent 26:44 Burton tells the police that she, a witness against Jeremy, recently slept with him 37:00 Priceline History 47:00 Jeremy Dewitte: Double Agent 53:11 Serial Police Impersonator? One time! 55:30 Interview ends kind of hilariously; newly uncovered footage of Dylan Vogt 57:35 "I figured you would like this. All your siren s***." 57:40 Extended footage prior to the "Stop pretending..." guy shows that Jeremy was lying. Shocker. 1:00:11 Audio excerpt from upcoming material At 12:35 in this video, some viewers are referred to the video description. You are in the right place, but space constraints mean that I am going to refer you another video, including its description, which is a must-read if you want to understand the insanity. That video — "When Crazy Meets Crazy — is at Coming soon, the answer to a longstanding question: where did Jeremy meet his wife Rania? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

138 MPH State Police Pursuit

pHmOLTnm4xE | 25 Mar 2021

138 MPH State Police Pursuit

SEBASTIAN COUNTY, AR — From the report of Senior Corporal Michael Springer, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: On June 22, 2020 at approximately 2:25 pm, I was working stationary radar when I observed a white Honda Accord traveling northbound on US 71. I estimated the vehicle’s speed to be 70 mph and confirmed that figure using radar. The posted speed limit for this particular section of US 71 is 55 mph. With my lights activated, I proceeded to catch up to the vehicle. I initiated a traffic stop and the Honda Accord moved over to the shoulder, stopping south of Elmwood Cutoff. After I exited my unit, the vehicle took off at a high rate of speed, fleeing northbound on US 71. I advised dispatch that I was in pursuit as the vehicle traveled north on US 71. At the intersection of State Highway 549, the vehicle took the exit to travel north in excess of 100 mph. At the Massard Road exit, the vehicle exited the highway and traveled onto the ramp at a high rate of speed before attempting to travel east on Massard Road, which is a dead-end. In an attempt to avoid the dead end, the vehicle abruptly turned around, skidding across the roadway and into ditch. This action caused damage to the right front of the vehicle as it traveled through the ditch and then back onto the roadway. Returning to the roadway, the vehicle continued traveling north on State Highway 549 towards Barling. I caught up to the vehicle as it was negotiating the exit ramp onto State Highway 22. The vehicle then came to a stop and pulled onto the shoulder. The driver of the vehicle was arrested without incident with the assistance of Trooper First Class Caleb Pevehouse and other agencies that were in the area. The suspect was identified as Cecedrice Poole Jr. [Which it should be noted, I totally butchered in the video's title sequence. My apologies to Mr. Poole.] Above listed subject was booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on charges of: 27-16-303 Driving on Suspended License 27-51-201 Speeding - 1 to 15 MPH over limit 5-54-125(d) Fleeing - Vehicle or conveyance Mr. Poole is no stranger to legal trouble. Indeed, on February 5, 2021 he was arrested for cocaine possession after a traffic stop search located a dollar bill with visible powder cocaine residue. His criminal history includes narcotics charges, weapons charges, and a kidnapping charge from 8/14/20. Poole has pleaded not guilty to the cocaine possession charge and his next court appearance in that case is not until 5/17/21, after his kidnapping trial that is currently set for 4/27/21. In that case, Poole is alleged to have forced his ex-girlfriend into a car and drove off with her, refusing to let her out, while he punched her in the face and pointed a handgun at her. Not cool. An update as to this case was not readily available, however we expect to have that information soon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

College Arrest of Dallas Cowboys Defensive Tackle Trysten Hill

-7zSArvOZhk | 22 Mar 2021

College Arrest of Dallas Cowboys Defensive Tackle Trysten Hill

Trysten Maxwell Hill, born March 25, 1998, is a defensive tackle for the Dallas Cowboys. Before he turned pro, Hill played college football at the University of Central Florida. Signed by the Cowboys in 2019 to a four-year, $4.86 million contract, Hill has been on injured reserve since October 2020 after he suffered a torn ACL. This footage presents two back-to-back incidents involving Hill, the latter of which led to criminal charges. Neither appear to have ever been reported elsewhere prior. According to the report of UCF Police Officer Luis Rivera: "On 12/2/2017, I was working, under a mutual aid between the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the UCF Police Department, the SNAP Patrol detail. At approximately 2250 hours, Sgt. White and I were conducting a bar check inside the Knights Pub Bar, located at 3910 Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32817. While walking inside the Knights Pub Bar, I saw a black male holding a cup with a liquid substance that appeared to be alcohol (Rum and Coke). I saw the male attempting to hide his drink from me and then set it down behind him. I walked up to the male and asked for his ID. I grabbed the drink he was in possession and escorted him outside to conduct an investigation. I identified the male as Trysten Maxwell Hill. I asked him to show me his ID. He told me he didn't have an ID with him. I asked how did he get into the bar. He asked "Don't you know who I am?" I asked Hill to provide me with his full name and date of birth. He wanted to argue with me about giving me the information. He kept saying “Don’t you know who I am?” I said no. He told me he is a football player and we are 12 and 0 [12 wins, zero losses]. I told him that was okay, but that I still saw him with a clear cup of alcoholic drink in his right hand. I explained to him that he turned away from me, trying to hide it and then set it down and acted like he didn’t have anything in his hand. I told him that he didn't look like he was over the age of 21 and he was still in possession of alcohol. I asked him if there was anyone I could call to get him. He told me he doesn't care who I call, it doesn't matter to him. He told me Coach Frost is no longer his coach and he doesn't care if we know him. I explained to him the SAR process and explained to him, he couldn't go back in the bar. He needed to go home. He advised me that he was going downtown instead of staying at this bar. At approximately 2345 hours, Sgt. White and I entered the Knights Pub Bar and again saw Hill inside of the bar and holding another clear cup with an alcoholic drink in his left hand. Sgt. White collected the alcohol and I escorted Hill back outside. I explained to him I was issuing him an NTA ["Notice To Appear"; essentially an arrest where the subject is released prior to being booked into jail] for Possession of Alcohol by a Person Under 21. I could hear Hill arguing with Sgt. White and then with Orange County Sheriff Deputies. Hill was trespassed from the Knights Pub Bar for the night. He was explained the NTA and the trespass warning. Both alcoholic drinks were destroyed (poured out) on the side of the parking lot. Based on the above facts, I gave Hill a mandatory Notice To Appear, for Possessing Alcohol Under the Age of 21, with a court date of December 30, 2017 at 8:00AM." On 12/27/17 Hill pleaded not guilty to the crime alleged, and on 1/4/18 formal charges were filed. At a 2/1/18 pre-trial conference, Judge Elizabeth Starr ordered Hill to a six-month pre-trial diversion program. One year later, on 2/20/19, the charges were dropped, after Hill completed — among other requirements — 40 hours of community service and a substance abuse awareness class. Hill also paid $326 in fines and fees. Apparently his coach couldn't get the charges "taken care of" after all. Chapters: 0:00 Preview 1:48 Officers enter the bar 4:05 Hill brought outside 10:22 "Wannabe idiot" / Part Two 12:00 Hill brought outside again ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We cannot respond individually to every submission. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interstate Pursuit of Israel Miranda-Zapata | 131 MPH | 13 Miles

s8Qhzr2veBI | 15 Mar 2021

Interstate Pursuit of Israel Miranda-Zapata | 131 MPH | 13 Miles

On January 10, 2020, at approximately 10:05 AM, Arkansas State Police Trooper First Class Joshua Porter observed a Nissan Altima traveling on Old Highway 271. The tags on the vehicle read 868YTM... which came back to a Chevy Impala. Trooper Porter initiated a traffic stop, and the vehicle pulled over on the shoulder of State Highway 253. The following is from the report of Trooper Porter, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: I told the driver, Israel Miranda-Zapata, and the passenger, Randy Turpen, who I was and why I pulled them over. Israel stated it was his vehicle and he must have put the wrong license plate on the vehicle. Israel gave me the fake name of Israel Del Rio with a date of birth of 1/13/1990. I told Israel that I was going to write down the VIN since he didn't have any paperwork on the vehicle. I copied the VIN down and started to return to my car. At this time the vehicle began to flee. I told Troop H dispatch that I was in pursuit of the vehicle and we were southbound on I-540 traveling towards Oklahoma. The vehicle continued to flee on US 271 in Oklahoma. The vehicle began traveling at a high rate of speed with speeds exceeding 100 mph in a 65 mph zone. The vehicle traveled recklessly while passing multiple vehicles on the shoulder. The vehicle continued to flee and traveled up to ~130 mph. I observed the vehicle traveling back across SH 112 on Yoakum Avenue. I traveled across SH 112 and traveled to the top of the hill on Yoakum Avenue. I then observed the vehicle to have wrecked out in a ditch. I got out of my car and gave commands for Israel to step out of the vehicle. After giving multiple commands, Israel stepped out of the vehicle and appeared to be following commands. Israel started to lean towards the ground as if he was going to lay on the ground. Israel then turned and began fleeing on foot. I chased Israel down and deployed my taser to his back. The probes successfully made contact with the top left and bottom right of Israel's back. I then placed handcuffs on Israel and Randy. After running the vehicle's VIN, it was confirmed stolen out of the Fayetteville Police Department. A vehicle inventory located a used syringe, a baggie containing ~11.3 grams of a crystalline substance, and multiple empty baggies. Randy stated he would like EMS to come check him out. Randy Stated his leg was bothering him. EMS arrived on scene and stated he didn't need to be transported. EMS personnel stated his vitals were normal. EMS personnel stated his blood pressure was a little high but it was probably due to the circumstances. Israel refused medical attention. Oklahoma Highway Patrol transported both subjects to the LeFlore County Detention Center. On August 7, 2019 Israel Miranda-Zapata was convicted of theft by receiving and sentenced to 40 days in jail. On June 18, 2020, Miranda-Zapata pleaded guilty to felony fleeing, driving on a suspended license, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a controlled substance. The details of his sentence are unclear from the records immediately available, but he appears to have been sentenced to at least three years in jail, with imposition of the sentence suspended, possibly due to Covid-19. We have contacted the court for clarification; check back tomorrow if you'd like an update... though it appears Miranda-Zapata has bigger problems. On August 5, 2020, federal, state, and local law enforcement finished a year-long investigation into methamphetamine trafficking in Sebastian, Crawford, and Logan Counties in Arkansas. Among those arrested? Israel Miranda-Zapata. Turpin's drug charges remain open. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to every submission, they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Dana White Caught Speeding in Ferrari 488 Spider

BLPcaXBaGQ4 | 13 Mar 2021

Dana White Caught Speeding in Ferrari 488 Spider

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is the largest mixed martial arts organization in the world, and Dana Frederick White, Jr. has stood at its helm as president since 2001. Under White's leadership, the UFC has grown from a once-ridiculed $2 million investment on the part of Station Casinos executives Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta, into a multibillion-dollar business and a household name. But a net worth in the hundreds of millions of dollars doesn't make any difference when lights and siren come on behind you. Or does it. On May 22, 2019, UFC President Dana White was stopped for speeding by a Nevada Highway Patrol trooper on a motorcycle. As for White, he was driving a Ferrari 488 Spider. Twenty-three miles per hour over the limit. Watch what happened next. Only on Real World Police. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to each submission, they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trooper hits 151 MPH in pursuit of the wrong car

rHUYhWwkzcc | 12 Mar 2021

Trooper hits 151 MPH in pursuit of the wrong car

The original video is nearly a half-hour long. It seemed cruel to have y'all sit through a half-hour of a high-speed chase just to watch the wrong Mustang get pulled over... so you get the condensed version. With added anxiety, and some unrelated (/and unusual) DUI footage out of Everett, Washington. It should be noted that the police were in fact pursuing the correct vehicle for nearly all of the chase. It was only after officers caught up to 'the' Mustang that they discovered they had the wrong one. (The crackling sound in some of the audio was far worse in the original. Not sure what the story is there. C'est la vie.) As for the vehicle-in-water incident, despite the 1990s-looking surveillance footage, that one happened July 5, 2020, when an extraordinarily drunk woman named Crystal Shaw drove through a retaining fence, launching her car into a dock standpipe before if fell into the water. Shaw managed to escape before her 2012 Ford Focus sank, though according to witnesses it took her a minute or so to get out. She was evaluated for a "big bump on her forehead" and arrested for DUI. "While she was being treated by Everett Fire, Shaw was overheard by Officer D. Purcell being asked if she had any alcohol. She said she had. When asked how much, she said something like "way too much." When asked by Officer Purcell how much she had after he told her he was the police, Shaw [sixty years old], responded "F*** you."" Later at the hospital Shaw admitted to having had three glasses of wine and stated that she had "done it" (referring to the crash) intentionally because she wanted to hurt herself. A call placed this morning to Marysville Municipal Court, seeking an update on Shaw's DUI charge, went unanswered. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to every submission, they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of retired MLB star Johnny Damon, wife Michelle Mangan-Damon

JIni9R82u0Y | 09 Mar 2021

Arrest of retired MLB star Johnny Damon, wife Michelle Mangan-Damon

Some couples really do everything together. From the report of Windermere Police Officer Griffin Hebel, edited for clarity and brevity: On February 19, 2021 at approximately 0123 hours, I was monitoring traffic near Conroy Windermere Road and Horizon Circle in the Town of Windermere, Florida and sitting facing westbound on the westbound shoulder of Conroy Windermere Road in a fully marked Windermere Police Department patrol vehicle. I observed a dark in color SUV traveling westbound past me with its left two tires on the double-yellow line on the left side of the westbound lane of Conroy Windermere Road. I observed the vehicle's left tires then drift back toward the right side of the of lane, continuing westbound on Conroy Windermere Road. As we approached the intersection of Chase Road and Bridgehouse Road, I called out traffic stop on the vehicle via the radio to Dispatch, then activated my emergency lights and siren to initiate a traffic stop on the black Lincoln SUV and the vehicle yielded, entering the right turn lane then turning onto Bridgehouse Road and stopping just prior to the resident entry gate for Lake Butler Sound. As I approached the vehicle on the driver's side, I observed the driver's door swing open and I began giving verbal commands to the driver close his door. As I was giving commands to the driver, I observed a white female standing at the right rear of the vehicle in a short skirt and white top and I ordered her to get back in the vehicle. At this time, I asked Officer Tuck to respond to assist. The female then walked back to the front passenger door and got back in the vehicle. I then gave the driver commands to turn the vehicle off and hen step to the back of his vehicle. I asked the male what was going on out with both of them stepping out of the vehicle, and the male, later identified by his Florida driver's license as Johnny Damon, advised "Um, because we saw you following us..." I advised Damon that I was there because the interaction was a traffic stop and he then asked "What traffic stop?" I asked if he could see the police lights, which he confirmed he could, stating that they "...started back there…" while pointing toward the entrance to the turn lane where I had initially turned my lights and sirens on. As observed Damon, he was extremely unsteady on his feet and his speech was extremely slurred. detected the odor of alcoholic impurities coming from his person as we stood the rear of his vehicle. I explained to Damon that would continue speaking with him about the reasons for the stop after backup officer arrived on scene. At this time, I asked Damon how much he had to drink during the evening. and he stated "...just little bit." White motioning with his left hand and fingers in a small pinching motion. I began explaining to Damon that while I had been traveling behind him, his vehicle had left its lane multiple times and struck the curb while traveling on Main on Street. While explaining this to Damon, the passenger door of the vehicle begin to open. I began giving the white female passenger verbal commands to stay the vehicle and shut the door. The female disobeyed my commands to stay in the vehicle, stepping out and stating that she didn't need to listen to me. The report continues, but space for the report doesn't, so: Johnny Damon's arrest report can be found at His wife's is at And maybe, one day, YouTube will recognize the .yt TLD in video descriptions (without requiring a preceding "https://")... since it works fine in comments. Mangan-Damon was arrested for Battery on an LEO and Resisting an Officer With Violence, both felonies. Formal charges have yet to be filed by the State. Johnny David Damon was arrested on suspicion of DUI and Resisting an Officer Without Violence. The latter charge has been dropped; Damon is still facing the DUI. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We can't respond to every submission, but they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere unless we have significant new footage and information to add. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jeremy Dewitte, you are not my husband!

u7QKWCoc2BU | 08 Mar 2021

Jeremy Dewitte, you are not my husband!

Florida Forensics: Escaped From the Mental Hospital (Episode #2) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Go the f#@& home!

BvKO51nPLCA | 05 Mar 2021

Go the f#@& home!

With the caveat that it's been a busier-than-usual five days, this week alone we have received more than a half-terabyte of police records, processed more than two hundred hours of video, sued the City of Cleveland, pursued dozens of story leads (surprisingly many of which panned out), and paid north of five grand in fees. Before I get to the point, I want to be clear about something: I am not complaining and I am not asking for anything. I love my job and I am proud of what I have built, and although it's expensive, like most small business owners I don’t spend most of my waking hours on it as a multi-year charity project. In the month of February, Real World Police attracted a daily audience larger than the combined circulation of The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune. That's all thanks to you, and in a neat symbiosis, it's your enjoyment of our content that allows us to keep producing it. "Cool story, bro... but we just want some context for the video." This is context for the video. Keep reading. If you have ever worked a government job, you are familiar with the joys of bureaucracy, but if you are human you also know that people are remarkably good at making mistakes. Rules be damned. For more than seven months I have been in a tug-of-war with the City of Orlando in relation to one particular request for public records. The City had closed the request multiple times, each time alleging that they had disclosed all responsive records. In response, I was a broken record telling the City that they hadn't. (My insistence wasn't out of left field. I had knowledge of specific undisclosed responsive records.) Things finally came to a head about a week ago when my patience ran out. Unlike the guy in this video, that didn't take the form of a highly-public shouting match. Instead, the occasion was marked by a letter to the City of Orlando, placing them on notice that if they didn't get with the program and follow the law, Real World Media was going to sue them five business days later. [That kind of lawsuit is for records, not money — though they would have ended up on the hook for our attorney's fees. And, to be fair, she is far from cheap.] "But I thought you sued Cleveland, not Orlando? What happened to the Orlando lawsuit?" First, good job on paying attention. Second, I'll answer the question you didn't actually ask, but I've gotta tell you.... you might want to sit down for this one... because you'll never believe what happened. Right after we sent that letter? Those nonexistent records? Shocker: they turned up. In case you have trouble with sarcasm, no one, anywhere, was shocked about these records materializing. Well, almost. All but one of them. The exception? This video. This video was among the records disclosed — and I have no idea why. Not only is it not responsive to my request, but it *couldn't* be responsive, since it was created a half-year after the request was submitted. The best explanation I've got is that some records folks were scrambling to get records together, and they made a mistake. It happens all the time — I'd estimate about once a month — but mistakenly-disclosed records tend to be (a) documents, and (b) boring. This is neither. But the only context I can provide is this explanation of why I don't have any. Enjoy. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"That Taser ain't enough for me!"

SeZI2WvauLc | 01 Mar 2021

"That Taser ain't enough for me!"

Since November 2019 this [now-formerly-]unlisted video has been one of a few surprise rewards linked at the end of relatively-long pieces of writing, or in one case at the end of a Google Form. After well over a year, I think the video has fulfilled its mission. It's time to share it a bit more widely. For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment, welcome to Cincinnati. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information, someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas State Police Chase Motorcyclist 85 Miles Until He Runs Out of Gas

d0AQvDThGig | 27 Feb 2021

Arkansas State Police Chase Motorcyclist 85 Miles Until He Runs Out of Gas

Yup. Another pursuit out of Arkansas. On July 19, 2020 at approximately 1:52 am, Arkansas State Police Trooper Randall Schwab was parked adjacent to I-49, facing southbound and near exit 64. While stationary on the shoulder Trooper Schwab observed a motorcycle approaching from the rear, and activated his rear antenna radar — receiving a clear readout of 100 mph. Considering that the speed limit was 65 mph, Trooper Schwab activated his emergency lights and got behind the suspect motorcycle. After coming to an almost complete stop at a red light, the suspect, later identified as Weston Ramey, accelerated through the red light and entered onto the southbound on-ramp. A pursuit was on. The pair traveled on I-49 southbound exceeding speeds of 120 mph, ultimately taking a scenic tour and ending up near the City of Greenland, whereupon Ramey reentered I-49 northbound, traveling approximately 30 miles... until, as Ramey approached exit 81 in Rogers, his motorcycle appeared to run out of gas. Ramey exited at exit 81 and gave up. The pursuit of Weston Ramey lasted approximately 48 minutes, and covered nearly 85 miles of road. Charges were requested for felony fleeing, driving on a suspended license, speeding, improper lane use, failure to stop, failure to stop at a red light, failure to stop or yield, no liability insurance, and failure to register vehicle. Cue the "I'm outta gas!" comments... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we can't respond individually to every submission, they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? We want to fix it. Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

150 MPH Pursuit of Felony Absconder

i0eFzEkVl9M | 25 Feb 2021

150 MPH Pursuit of Felony Absconder

On April 5, 2020 Arkansas State Police Trooper Alan Aiken was stationed on the southbound 76 ramp to I-49 running radar, when a black passenger car went by at a radar locked sped of 125 mph. That section of highway had a speed limit of 70 mph. Aiken entered I-49 south and attempted to catch up to the vehicle, which eventually pulled over... but not for long. Watch this intense pursuit involving multiple PITs and PIT attempts, 150 MPH speeds, and a foot chase with a shocking ending. Upon taking him into custody, the suspect was identified as Michael Nightengale. When asked why he had been running, Nightengale initially refused to respond, later admitting to Aiken that he was wanted as an absconder. After a trip to Washington Regional Medical Center for to complaints of a concussion, Nightengale was delivered to the jail on requested charges of felony fleeing, fleeing on foot, reckless driving, speeding, DWI drugs, refusal to submit to a chemical test, and no liability insurance... and all of his other warrants. A thorough search of Nightengale's vehicle did not locate any contraband. Nightengale was ultimately charged with felony fleeing, DWI (1st), and refusal to submit to a chemical test. His trial is set for May 7, 2021. Nightengale has an extensive criminal history, mostly relating to drug offenses, and one of the most normal-looking mugshots in existence. It should be noted that Trooper Aiken is best known as the guy who intentionally drove his police vehicle into a man by the name of John Overman, an undercover state police lieutenant who Aiken thought was the suspect in a pursuit. After striking Overman, Aiken jumped from his car, shouting at Overman to get on the ground while holding him at gunpoint— only then realizing they were on the same team. In a subsequent complaint, Lt. Overman offered scathing commentary about Aiken and his suitability for work in law enforcement: "Trooper Aiken has had several pursuits since [the] incident and continues to demonstrate a very limited ability to control his emotions and actions in stressful situations. [. . .] Trooper Aiken has shown that he cannot be trusted to perform under stressful situations in a manner that does not jeopardize safety or that he does not bring embarrassment or liability to the department." Overman's complaint further alleged that Aiken “sees the incident as something of a joke,” claiming that Trooper Aiken had attempted to get the state police repair shop to give him a piece of his damaged bumper. The damage, of course, was from hitting Lt. Overman — who alleged that Aiken intended to turn whatever he received into a commemorative plaque. Arkansas watchdog journalist Russ Racop, author of the Bad Government in Arkansas blog, reported in late-September 2017 that "on Thursday, September 21, 2017 Arkansas State Police Troop L staff were instructed to pull Trooper Aiken from pursuits he tries to join and to terminate any pursuits he begins, except in extreme cases." It is unclear when that instruction was rescinded. Racop's original report, and much more, can be found at 0:00 Highlights 1:13 The chase is on 9:53 Both cars catch air 11:24 In custody ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we can't respond individually to every submission, they are all read. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? We want to fix it. Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Accidentally Records His Own Confession

Tti8ZTJUXAc | 23 Feb 2021

Serial Police Impersonator Accidentally Records His Own Confession

Florida Statutes 843.08 — FALSE PERSONATION "A person who falsely assumes or pretends to be a firefighter, a sheriff, a deputy sheriff, a police officer, [. . . ] and takes upon himself or herself to act as such, or to require any other person to aid or assist him or her in a matter pertaining to the duty of any such officer, commits a felony of the third degree."* Jeremy Dewitte has long since pointed to the law's requirement that one 'take it upon himself to act' like a cop, correctly stating to anyone who will listen that his appearance alone is not a crime in the State of Florida. With this brief video, Jeremy Dewitte might actually regret his habit of recording everything. Probably not, though. *Many other positions are listed in Florida's false personation statute. To keep things focused, they have been omitted from the quoted text. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information, someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Airport Police Body Cam | Behind The Scenes

60w5q7ZGGtw | 22 Feb 2021

Airport Police Body Cam | Behind The Scenes

This video takes us behind the scenes at Dallas Fort-Worth International Airport (KDFW), where on December 3, 2020, a belt loader was inadvertently wedged beneath an Embraer E175LR (N258NN), operating as Envoy Air 3517. The driver of the belt loader was fine. The aircraft was... not as fine. It's not the most heart-racing footage, but it does present a view that is rarely seen by the general public. And something a bit more exciting follows. Also in this video is new material from our sister channel @What You Haven't Seen, which publishes original reporting and exclusive footage covering transportation safety. Unusually, both videos could have easily fit on either channel, since the @What You Haven't Seen footage shows the unintentional destruction of a Bell 206L-4 helicopter (N119SP) operated by Minnesota State Patrol. As seen here, the MSP helicopter was significantly damaged while conducting ground rescue personnel exercises at an Army training site in Arden Hills, Minnesota. 0:00 Dispatch audio, CCTV 1:34 Police arrive on scene 6:36 MN State Patrol helicopter mishap ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Though we can't respond individually to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas Trooper Cheats Death in 116 MPH PIT Maneuver

72cjCfIuhOY | 19 Feb 2021

Arkansas Trooper Cheats Death in 116 MPH PIT Maneuver

From the report of Arkansas State Police Trooper Logan Hall, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: "On February 15, 2020 at approximately 8:42 p.m. I heard Sgt. Hydron advise that he was in pursuit of a Silver Jeep Compass bearing Arkansas tag 842XKR and traveling eastbound on the Walmart service road in West Memphis. The vehicle was reported stolen out of Little Rock. I was traveling eastbound on the interstate and observed the Jeep and a black Chrysler 300 driving recklessly and at a high rate of speed on the service road in front of Applebee's. I took the 278 exit and entered the south service road behind the suspect vehicle, taking over as primary in the pursuit. After Sgt. Hydron confirmed through radio traffic that the Jeep was the suspect vehicle, with my emergency equipment activated, I attempted to stop the vehicle, but it failed to stop and continued fleeing at excess of 100 mph. The vehicle reentered Interstate 40 eastbound in front of the Holiday Inn Express and reached speeds of over 100 mph. I attempted to match the suspect's speed and conduct a Precision Immobilization Technique ("PIT") maneuver on the vehicle. The suspect swerved at me, attempting to strike my vehicle. As I began to close the distance, the vehicle exited the interstate at the Ingram exit. I continued eastbound on the Interstate and Sgt. Hydron became primary. I began pacing the vehicle from the Interstate as he drove at a high rate of speed recklessly through the business district of the west service road. I observed the vehicle reenter Interstate 40 and regained primary of the pursuit. Due to the suspect's high rate of speed, the recklessness of the driver, and the substantial risk of danger to the public I initiated a successful PIT maneuver on Interstate 40 at exit 279B. The PIT disabled the vehicle on at the 4.5 mile marker, where the vehicle came to rest. Assisting officers and I were able to take the driver, later identified as Bryandon Clark into custody without any further incident." [Leave a thing or two out about the PIT maneuver nearly taking out the trooper...] Clark was charged with felony theft by receiving and felony fleeing. He pleaded guilty to the latter charge and was sentenced as a first-time offender to two years probation and a bit over $1,000 in fines and fees. The moving violations were nolle prossed. The felony theft by receiving charge was ultimately nolle prossed as well, however it appears that Clark was later charged with felony theft in relation to the same incident. His felony theft trial is currently open. 0:00 Intro & start of pursuit 1:36 Suspect vehicle contact 2:30 The PIT 4:12 It sinks in... 6:00 Rear-facing footage 6:26 Bonus pursuit ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we cannot respond individually to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida Man Arrested for Unlawful Use of Police Insignia

JNiSlcmXkwQ | 16 Feb 2021

Florida Man Arrested for Unlawful Use of Police Insignia

From the report of St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Detective David Snyder, lightly edited for clarity: “On 10/22/18, I received a phone call from Detective Leflur stating that he had observed a black male, later identified as Leroy Thompson, inside the Verizon Wireless store located at 1689 Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie, Florida. According to Leflur, Thompson was wearing a bullet proof vest, and was openly carrying a handgun and taser. I arrived at the address with Detective Leblond, and saw a black male - Thompson - wearing a gold “OFFICER” badge on a chain around his neck, a black bullet proof vest and green tactical pants. I made contact with Thompson and asked him who he worked for. He told me he worked for a federal agency responsible for transporting prisoners. I understood the answer to be deceptive and an attempt to lead me to believe he was law enforcement. When I pressed Thompson for the name of the agency he changed his story and said he was a contractor for a Federal Agency. Thompson produced an ID card with the name "U.S. Corrections" on it. Thompson would not give a phone number for the company he worked for, forcing me to do an internet search for U.S. Corrections. I called the number and spoke to an individual identified as Robert Downs. Downs said Thompson worked for U.S Corrections and that a similar incident occurred recently with Thompson and the Port Saint Lucie Police Department, but Downs did not elaborate. Downs said Thompson had been spoken to about the incident and was aware he isn't authorized by to law to open carry a firearm when he isn't working. I asked Downs if Thompson was currently working and he said no. I read Thompson his Miranda rights and conducted a video interview. Thompson stated he had no knowledge that he wasn't permitted to open carry a firearm. I asked him if he had ever been trained by U.S. Corrections about the laws on open carry and he said no. I asked Thompson if he was working and he said he was going to visit his mother and had traveled into Port Saint Lucie from the Indian River County area. I asked Thompson why he hadn't taken his bullet proof vest, gun and taser off. He answered that he was cold. Based on the information gathered at the at scene, I placed Thompson under arrest for wearing a badge that identified him as an officer and for openly carrying a firearm and taser. The weapons and badge were taken as evidence and turned into Sheriffs Office evidence. [They were later returned to Thompson -ed.] Thompson was transported to the Saint Lucie County Jail without issue. Nothing further.” On July 8, 2020 Thompson entered a plea of no contest to one misdemeanor charge of unlawful use of police insignia and two misdemeanor counts of openly carrying a weapon. He was adjudicated guilty and sentenced to time served and fines/fees totaling $348. He is on a payment plan and is scheduled to make his final payment - in the amount of $23 - on March 1, 2021. In May 2013 Thompson was arrested on the exact same charges, only in round one he was stopped at an AT&T store instead of a Verizon store. On that occasion, he allegedly identified himself to a store employee as a deputy sheriff with West Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, and was decked out in similar apparel as in this incident. While at the AT&T store, Thompson had allegedly told the store employee that he was “also with FHP” (as a field training officer, of course) and had allegedly mentioned to a different employee that he was “an M.P. in the Army.” Those charges were ultimately dropped. Impressive resume, though. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Although we can't respond individually to every submission, they are all read. If we need more information, someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 650 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of Former World Champion Boxer Adrien Broner, “High as a Kite”

NroltXDKDoI | 15 Feb 2021

Arrest of Former World Champion Boxer Adrien Broner, “High as a Kite”

Exclusively on Real World Police, this video presents the 2018 Lenox Square arrest of world champion boxer Adrien Broner —described by one officer on scene as "high as a kite." Because of this video's length [the underlying videos are nearly five hours long] its first few minutes present highlights of what is to come. From the report of Atlanta Police Officer K. Goree, lightly edited for clarity: "On February 12, 2018, I Officer K. Goree, responded to a sexual battery call at 3393 Peachtree Road. Once on scene, Officer Baskin was flagged down due to a dispute at the mall. Upon his arrival he met up with mall security, Mr. Adrien Broner, [victim], and [victim's friend]. The victim stated that as she was walking in the mall, Mr. Broner came towards her, and that Mr. Broner appeared to be drunk. The victim stated that as Mr. Broner passed by her, his right hand passed extended toward her groin and Mr. Broner grabbed her crotch. Mr. Broner stated that he did not touch the victim as he passed and that she was lying. The victim's friend stated that as she was walking by she heard the victim exclaim that Mr. Broner touched her groin. The victim's friend stated that she did not witness the actual touching. Investigator Gilstrap and Sgt. Martin were on scene. The incident was not caught on camera. After investigating the incident it was determined that there existed probable cause for Mr. Broner's arrest for Misdemeanor Sexual Battery O.C.G.A 16‐6‐22.1(C). Mr. Broner was arrested and transported to Fulton County without further incident. Mr. Broner's property was given to his family member. Nothing further." On March 28, 2018, the victim filed a civil lawsuit against Adrien Broner, in which she was represented by attorney Daniel Tobin. On the same date, Tobin filed a request for admissions, asking Broner to admit, among other things, that "At no point prior to touching Plaintiff had Plaintiff asked you to take a photograph with her," and that he had "lied to the media when [he] said that Plaintiff asked [him] for a photograph." In an odd turn of events, on October 26, 2018 the victim's lawsuit against Broner was dismissed without prejudice for failure to complete service of the complaint upon Adrien Broner. Shortly before the publication of this video, Real World Police reached attorney Daniel Tobin by phone. In an even more bizarre turn of events, Tobin refused to identify himself and initially stated that he had no idea what we were calling.about — despite having clearly explained the same to his secretary, who connected our call only after speaking with Tobin. When asked to comment on the litigation, and to explain why service was never effectuated on Mr. Broner, Tobin claimed that by calling him "out of the blue" one hour prior to the publication of this story, we had not provided him sufficient time to respond. Upon reminding Mr. Tobin that the call was not random, that the news business involves tight deadlines, and that he in fact represented the victim in her lawsuit against a world champion boxer whose arrest we would be imminently covering, Tobin once again refused to identify himself by name, wished us well, and ended the call. On February 6, 2019, all charges against.Adrien Broner were dismissed by the state. According to the prosecutor, the state did not possess sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. On November 2, 2020 Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Nancy Margaret Russo had Broner jailed in contempt of court after the boxer chalked up his failure to pay an $830,000 judgment against him (for assaulting a woman at a nightclub) to his having only $13 in his bank account. Just days earlier, Broner had posted to Instagram a photo in which he showed off thousands of dollars in cash. Judge Russo wasn't having it. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We cannot respond individually to every submission, but they are all read. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man Fights Through Pepper Spray, Taser; Ends Up Stranded on Log in River

tLvRMOL1Wu4 | 14 Feb 2021

Man Fights Through Pepper Spray, Taser; Ends Up Stranded on Log in River

SEDRO WOOLLEY, WA — From the report of Officer Kerig Holmberg, lightly edited for clarity: On October 15, 2019, at about 0510 hrs, Sedro-Woolley Officers were dispatched to a suspicious vehicle, parked in the parking lot of the Burger King Restaurant, located at 600 Crossroads Square. An employee, who was just arriving to work, reported that there was a silver car parked there, which appeared to be unoccupied. The employee stated they were afraid the car's owner might have entered the restaurant, which was not yet open. When officers arrived, they located the vehicle parked directly in front of the building, just to the West of the front doors to the business. There was a male subject in the driver's seat. When contacted, the driver of the vehicle refused to identify himself. Officers asked dispatch to see if the vehicle was in the local database and if there were any recent associations. Dispatch subsequently advised that there was a Garrett Richardson associated to the vehicle. They also advised that Richardson had a confirmed DOC felony warrant, along with a misdemeanor warrant out of Burlington. Officers asked dispatch to send a driver's license photo of Richardson to their in-car computer. When the photo was received, officers confirmed that the subject in the vehicle was Richardson. Officers asked dispatch to contact the jail and see if they would accept Richardson on the warrants, and dispatch subsequently advised that the jail would accept him. Officers re-contacted Richardson at the vehicle and told him that he had warrants and that he was under arrest. He was ordered to step out of the vehicle, several times, but he refused to do so. Officers attempted to extricate Richardson, but he began to actively resist them and threatened to start the car and drive away. Officers continued to struggle with Richardson, trying to get him out of the vehicle, and he was warned that, if he did not comply, he would be pepper sprayed. Richardson continued to resist, so pepper spray was deployed. At that point Richardson put the key on the ignition, started the vehicle and put it in reverse. At that point, an officer deployed their Taser, which proved ineffective as Richardson pulled the Taser probes out. Richardson started the vehicle again and began to drive away, as officers were still leaned into his vehicle. He pulled up onto the curb and fled out of the parking lot. Richardson exited the parking lot onto Eastbound SR-20, then turned South onto SR-9. Officers followed in their vehicles, advising dispatch that Richardson was fleeing in his vehicle and his direction of travel. Richardson continued South on SR-9. Richardson stayed at the 50 mph speed limit as he continued South on SR-9, until he came to the South Skagit Highway, where he turned and headed east. Officer continued to follow Richardson, giving periodic updates to dispatch on location, speed, and traffic conditions— which were light. Once on South Skagit Highway, Richardson accelerated, reaching speeds in excess of 100 mph. After several minutes, just as officers were preparing to discontinue the pursuit, Richardson suddenly braked hard and pulled over to the northbound shoulder of the highway. He then jumped out of the vehicle, which was still in gear, and ran into the woods on the north side of the roadway. This area is heavily wooded, with heavy underbrush, so the two officers did not pursue him on foot into the woods. Dispatch was advised that Richardson had fled on foot, and additional units, to include K9, were requested. At this time, Officer Katie Wilson noticed that she had received a cut to her hand during the struggle with Richardson. She further stated that her left wrist was injured. Officer Wilson also noticed that her body worn camera had been ripped from her uniform. The officers looked into Richardson's vehicle to see if the camera had fallen off inside, at which time Officer Holmberg noticed the butt of a firearm wedged between the driver's seat and the center console. The vehicle was secured and a tow was requested to seize the vehicle for evidence. Officer Wilson's body worn camera was recovered. Additional officers and deputies, to include a K9 officer and drone operator, arrived, at which time a perimeter was set and a track was begun. Sheriff's Deputies also deployed a drone to help look for Richardson. Two and a half hours after it all began, the tracking officers heard shouting west of their location as the drone located Richardson - who was unable to swim - clinging to a log in the river. Officers were able to recover him from the river and take him into custody. Aid was called. Richardson was taken to a waiting ambulance where he was treated and transported to United General Hospital for further treatment. Upon his release from the hospital, Richardson was transported to the Skagit County Jail, where he was booked on an investigative hold for two counts of Assault 2, Eluding, and Resisting Arrest.

Motorcyclist Escapes Police in 150+ MPH Pursuit

bOGUFR3BTpM | 11 Feb 2021

Motorcyclist Escapes Police in 150+ MPH Pursuit

Yes, Arkansas. No, they didn't end up pitting it. From the report of Corporal Glen Bates: "On August 14, 2020, I heard a Pope County trooper advising of a reckless sports bike traveling eastbound. A call then came across the state radio from Pope County dispatch saying that their ambulance stated the bike was passing the 104 mile marker. I went to the 108 to get on Interstate 40 and look for the motorcycle. I initially thought the sports bike had likely passed before I got on the interstate. I then saw a motorcycle approaching when I was near the 112 mile marker. I slowed and pulled to the right shoulder. A black sports bike passed me at a high rate of speed with a white male operator. The male was wearing blue jeans, a grey t-shirt, no helmet and had dark colored hair. I initiated my lights to see if he would stop. He began weaving through traffic so I initiated my siren. When I knew he had seen me and had no intentions of stopping, I notified Clarksville that I was in pursuit. Traffic remained fairly light so I continued pursuing until losing sight of the motorcycle at exit 124. As I passed the exit, I believe I saw the motorcycle at the top of the ramp. There was no traffic on the on ramp so I went up the ramp in an attempt to locate the suspect. Once I was at the top of the ramp and could not see the motorcycle, I deactivated my emergency lights and siren and ended the pursuit." Plus another one for good luck, a bit slower-speed in round two. This time around, the law enforcement officer was Trooper Brady Bates, and the incident was noteworthy because of Bates's supervisor's decision to call off the pursuit: "On May 25, 2020 at approximately 9:15 AM I was traveling southbound on US Highway 63 in Black Rock when I visually observed a grey sport bike speeding. I confirmed with the radar that the bike was traveling 80 mph in a 45 mph zone. I turned my patrol car around and traveled northbound to attempt to initiate a traffic stop. I noticed that the bike had picked up a little more speed but was unsure if it was running. I activated my lights and siren and attempted to catch up to the vehicle. After following the vehicle for a short time I was still uncertain if he was running or if he just didn’t hear or see me. I then noticed the driver look behind at me and increase his speed even further, at this point I notified Newport of the pursuit. The driver was driving very recklessly, driving well over 100 mph and passing on double yellow with oncoming traffic getting close to striking him on a couple of occasions. I would occasionally lose sight of the vehicle when passing over hills and the vehicle kept getting further and further away. After never getting very close to the vehicle and losing sight of it around the rock crusher in Black Rock, I terminated the pursuit and passed the information to Sharp County." Note that absent from Trooper Bates' narrative is any indication that his supervisor — and not Trooper Bates — was the person who called off the pursuit for safety reasons. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jennifer gets annoyed because she can’t move in with Jeremy Dewitte and Rania

MoW2UmhmGGc | 10 Feb 2021

Jennifer gets annoyed because she can’t move in with Jeremy Dewitte and Rania

In today's episode of Florida Forensics: Escaped From The Mental Hospital... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pasco Man Blows a Fuse in Response to Citation

ID1RGQXEldI | 09 Feb 2021

Pasco Man Blows a Fuse in Response to Citation

The Revised Code of Washington is the compilation of all permanent laws now in force in Washington State. It is a collection of Session Laws (enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor, or enacted via the initiative process), arranged by topic, with amendments added and repealed laws removed. The Revised Code is what the officer is referring to with the term "RCWs." And the officer appears to be correct. In fact, it looks like there are at least two possible violations at play. RCW 16.52.080 states that "any person who willfully transports or confines or causes to be transported or confined any domestic animal or animals in a manner, posture, or confinement that will jeopardize the safety of the animal or the public shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Offering far less wiggle room, RCW 46.61.660 forbids "carrying persons or animals on outside part of vehicle." Specifically: "It shall be unlawful for any person to transport any living animal on the running board, fenders, hood, or other outside part of any vehicle unless suitable harness, cage or enclosure be provided and so attached as to protect such animal from falling or being thrown therefrom. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport any persons upon the running board, fenders, hood or other outside part of any vehicle, except that this provision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles or to solid waste collection vehicles that are engaged in collecting solid waste or recyclables on route at speeds of twenty miles per hour or less." Tangent: while researching the above information I came across RCW 46.61.665, which may come as a surprise to some. In the State of Washington it is apparently a crime to "embrac[e] another while driving." Specifically: "It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state when such person has in his or her embrace another person which prevents the free and unhampered operation of such vehicle. Operation of a motor vehicle in violation of this section is prima facie evidence of reckless driving." Watch those hugs. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Literally just dropping my homegirl Shenelle off"

aWscyW0dT94 | 07 Feb 2021

"Literally just dropping my homegirl Shenelle off"

On December 28, 2018, Lincoln Gordon, 25, was arrested after Officer Ilya Ivanov witnessed him allegedly driving recklessly in the City of Seattle. This video presents the events that followed. To avoid spoilers, Gordon's BAC test results are included at the end of this description. On January 3, 2019 Assistant City Attorney Mindy Longanecker filed a criminal complaint against Gordon in Seattle Municipal Court, alleging violations of Seattle Municipal Code Section 11.56.0202(A)(1), Driving Under the Influence, and Seattle Municipal Code Section 11.56.120(A), Reckless Driving. On March 10, 2019 Gordon entered a plea of not guilty, literally, in response to both charges. Ultimately, Gordon accepted a negotiated plea, pleading guilty to the first charge, which was amended from DUI to Reckless Driving. The second charge - the one that started as Reckless Driving - was dismissed with prejudice. On July 30, 2019 Gordon received a 24 month suspended sentence, provided he comply with all of the following: 364 days in jail with 358 days suspended, and a fine of $5,000 with $4,405 suspended. Regarding the six days of remaining jail time, he was given the option of six days work crew within 60 days in lieu of jail. Additional fines and fees included a $250 BAC fee, $102.50 criminal traffic fee, $240 records check fee, $25 work crew fee, and a $43 criminal conviction fee. Gordon also had to obtain a substance use disorder evaluation, which he passed with flying colors, and attend a DUI Victim's Panel and Alcohol/Drug Information School, from which he received a fancy-looking diploma-type thing. According to a note submitted to the court by Gordon's defense attorney, a Department of Licensing hearing officer dismissed the suspension action against Gordon's driver's license due to "officer unreliability of testimony." We have requested a copy of the transcript and audio recording of the DOL hearing to confirm the same. Gordon's BAC test results were .136 and .133. Want to get to Real World Police faster, or tell a friend about Real World Police? Our new easy-to-type and easy-to-remember URL is literally just ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send news stories. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Officer Arrested for DUI Tries Blackmailing Arresting Officer

QqXu7ot_J7Y | 05 Feb 2021

Police Officer Arrested for DUI Tries Blackmailing Arresting Officer

Things start to get personal around 33:43. From the report of Hall County Sheriff's Deputy J.W. Thompson, edited for clarity and brevity: On November 10, 2018 at approximately 1:20 am I was enforcing the speed limit on I-985 N near Friendship Road when I observed a maroon 1995 Dodge Ram traveling at high rate of speed. I visually estimated the vehicle's speed to be 90 MPH and LIDAR confirmed its speed at the same. I activated the emergency equipment on my marked patrol vehicle and accelerated to catch up to the vehicle. When I caught up to the Dodge, it braked abruptly and pulled over into the right shoulder. I exited my patrol vehicle and approached the driver's side window of the Dodge. I asked the driver, identified as Adam Davis for his driver's license, which he provided. I recognized Davis because he is a City of Gainesville Police Officer. Davis stated, "I got my backup weapon on me" and asked my name. When asked what he had to drink, Davis stated "Not a damn thing." I asked Davis "Not a thing at all?" and he replied "No sir." I could smell an odor of alcoholic beverages emanating from Adam Davis' breath, which he explained with "My wife's been drinking, man." While performing the HGN evaluation, Davis began loudly yelling my name. I informed Davis that he was beginning to be belligerent, and he lowered his voice and spoke to me in a normal tone. I again gave Davis the instructions for the HGN test. I observed horizontal gaze nystagmus in both left and right eye while checking for lack of smooth pursuit. I inventoried Davis' vehicle prior to impound. Terry's Towing removed the vehicle from the scene. While en route the jail. Davis expressed that he would like to submit to the state administered chemical test. [Omitted from Thompson's report: any mention of the many other things Davis alleged.] Upon arriving to the jail, I read Davis the implied consent notice again. He agreed to submit to the state administered chemical test of his blood. Davis also stated that he would like his own independent chemical test. Once we entered the jail, Davis repeatedly stated that he would submit to the state's chemical test if he was required to, but he was not doing it freely and voluntarily. Davis advised that he wanted to comply with state law if he was required to submit to a test. While sitting in the chair where blood draws are conducted, Davis continued to state that he would allow the nurse to draw his blood, but he was not doing so freely and voluntarily. After conferring with the nurse, Sgt. Smith and others, we felt that Davis' willingness to submit to the chemical test of his blood was not voluntary due to his contradictory statements. I again read Davis the implied consent notice and this time asked for chemical test of his breath. He agreed to submit, but again advised that submitting to the state because the law requires him to, but not freely and voluntarily. I advised Adam Davis that it was up to him to provide a sample into the instrument; Davis advised that he had to breathe out to live. Davis eventually provided a sufficient sample into the Intoxilyzer 9000, which returned a BAC of .144%, confirming the earlier PBT reading of .142%. Davis was charged with speeding and DUI. He resigned the next Saturday. In a 2013 Gainesville Police annual report, Davis is noted as having received an award from Mothers Against Drunk Driving for making 25 DUI arrests that year. Davis pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of reckless driving and was sentenced to 12 months probation. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Empire Star Bryshere Gray Interrogated by Goodyear Police

rOZrLWAolpo | 04 Feb 2021

Empire Star Bryshere Gray Interrogated by Goodyear Police

On July 13, 2020 'Empire' actor Bryshere "Yazuan" Gray (whose real middle name is actually "Ronald") was arrested by police in Goodyear, Arizona on a slew of aggravated assault domestic violence charges. Around 10:15 PM officers responded to a Circle K gas station after a woman called 911 and reported that her husband “who she identified as Bryshere Gray, an actor on the TV series ‘Empire,'” had brutally assaulted her for three hours at their home. At some point toward what would be the end of the beating Gray decided to go to his local Quick Trip convenience store. He drove to the store in a rental SUV, taking his victim — Candice Jimdar — along for the ride. When Gray went into the store, Jimdar, covered head-to-toe in bruises and blood, fled from the car and requested assistance from a man driving a tow truck. He told her to get in the truck, and took her to a different, nearby gas station to get her away from her husband. Once parked, the man gave Jimdar his cell phone and she called the police. When officers arrived, Jimdar presented with obvious indications that she had been assaulted, and related that during the ordeal she had been strangled to the edge of unconsciousness. "I observed that the reporting female victim was small in stature and appeared to be upset. She looked as if she had been physically assaulted, judging from the injuries and blood on her face." Jimdar was treated at a local hospital, where she stated that her husband had hit her numerous times, choked her and threatened to kill her with a sharp serrated bread knife. Jimdar was taken to a safe location as the police attempted to locate and arrest Gray, who had barricaded himself inside their Goodyear home and refused to come out, leading to a SWAT callout at his residence. Remarkably, at some point Gray managed to leave the house undetected (other than by some Ring doorbell cameras) while the SWAT team was out front. He is seen in Ring videos shirtless and jumping neighbors' fences in the dark. Come morning, Gray returned home after allegedly having been out playing football. As soon as he was recognized he was taken into custody by officers on scene. This is the rather bizarre interrogation of Bryshere Ronald Gray. Who is a really bad liar. Excerpted from a report titled Initial Analysis of Bryshere Gray’s phone: “There were several images of a woman, or women, with little clothing on and topless. These images were not of Candice. This is consistent with Candice's statement that she found evidence of other women on Bryshere Gray's phone, leading to the assault.” (Yes, you read that correctly. According to Jimdar, she found evidence on his phone that he had been cheating on her — far from the first time. In response to her finding evidence of him cheating, he beat the hell out of her.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

YouTuber Charles Ross Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

YP8XYl12Ah0 | 03 Feb 2021

YouTuber Charles Ross Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

On April Fool's Day, 2019, a woman parked her car in the parking lot of 4297 Cattlemen Road in Sarasota, Florida. While carrying her two children, she was approached by a man wearing a rented police uniform. The woman told law enforcement that the man — later identified as Youtube prankster Charles Ross — displayed a badge and said. "Ma'am I'm going to have to write you a ticket." According to the woman, she thought that Ross was a police officer, although a witness to the incident believed that Ross was a security guard. According to her testimony, the woman felt uneasy and raised her voice to draw attention to herself. In response, Ross became more aggressive, and then informed her that it was all a prank, offering what the woman described as "fake oversize concert tickets." Ross returned to his vehicle, but then drove back toward the woman, who threatened to call 911; Ross drove off. Sarasota County Sheriff's Office deputies responded and associated the license plate of the van with Ross, "who films pranks for his YouTube channel RossCreations.” Ross was arrested on one count of falsely personating a law enforcement officer. It was far from Ross's first rodeo. In November 2012 Ross was arrested after he did a flip over two beach patrol deputies. In the course of backgrounding Ross for this video, we uncovered that Deputy Daniel Ivanov lied in the probable cause affidavit he wrote to justify Ross's arrest. (See video for details.) In January 2013 Ross was again arrested, resulting in the revocation of his pretrial release in the flipping-over-a-cop case. This time around he was charged with battery, after he gave multiple people outside of a Bradenton movie theater wedgies. Ross pleaded guilty and adjudication was withheld. He was placed on six months probation and ordered to complete 35 hours of community service within five months, stay away from the theater, and write an apology letter to a particular wedgie recipient. After successfully completing the terms, Ross's probation was terminated early. Ross's next lockup came in April 2014, when he was arrested after jumping on a Manatee County parade float, allegedly pushing someone to the ground and elbowing another in the process. On July 1, 2014, the State dropped the case. In March 2017, Ross was arrested one more time on a charge of "grand theft stop sign," after he removed stop signs from an intersection in Manatee County. The signs were replaced by Manatee County Public Works, and the charge was dismissed following Ross's successful completion of a pretrial intervention program. On May 16, 2019, Ross was trespassed from a Sarasota Chipotle after a "suspicious incident" involving the women's restroom, a hallway, and someone by the name of Amethyst Gurley. Sarasota County Sheriff's Office attempted to charge Ross with violating Florida Statutes §877.03.. which investigating officer Daniel Levanti amusingly misspelled "Breach of the Peach." After conferring with an Assistant State Attorney referred to only as "ASA Jackman," Levanti was informed that "the description of the offense did not meet the exact parameters of the charge." Despite his many arrests, Ross has always managed to avoid serious consequences. After a rather entertaining series of motions in which the State and Ross's attorney argued about what constitutes a joke, on November 20, 2019 Judge Charles Roberts denied Charles Ross's motion to dismiss the impersonation charge. Ross subsequently pleaded No Contest, was adjudicated guilty, and was sentenced to six months probation, $535 in fees, 50 hours community service (of which 25 could be bought out at $10/hour), all of which would automatically end after three months — not six — if at that point Ross was in full compliance. On February 6, 2020 Charles Ross's probation terminated early. The recording was returned to Ross. *It should be noted that Ross's video shows a somewhat different version of events than was described by the victim. Because Ross has not published that footage, we will not describe its contents other than to note that discrepancies exist. The discrepancies either are, or are not, significant, depending on your perspective. They ultimately formed the basis of the question debated by the State and Ross's attorney: What, exactly, is a joke? @Vlog Creations ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested for Failure to Register

0tdz00WKTAM | 31 Jan 2021

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested for Failure to Register

Recently we have learned a lot about Jeremy's "office assistant" Jennifer Burton, but most of what we've learned has come from police reports along with our interviews of her past associates. Today's marathon installment presents many stories in one, centered around a 2018 video of Serial Police Impersonator Jeremy Dewitte and Ashley Madison Extortionist Jennifer Burton, together — in the Metro State office. Note that if you are just here for the failure to register footage, (a) you are missing out, and (b) it begins at ~34:53. This video is divided into chapters: 00:00 Quid Pro Quo (2018) 1:02 Stop Bothering My Lawyer! (2018) 1:43 Jennifer Burton's 911 call, text messages, background info (April 2020) 5:30 Police response to Burton's 911 call (April 2020) 7:13 Quid Pro Quo, Part II (2018) 10:39 OMG, we're at my office (2018) 11:12 Detective calls Jennifer in front of Jeremy 16:05 "What exactly would you be testifying against me?" 18:30 Jennifer turns up the acting 22:45 "Unlike you, I have empathy" 34:53 Jeremy Dewitte arrested for failure to register (April 2020) 43:50 Fake ending 44:10 A preview you shouldn't miss ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

I requested footage of her DUI arrest, so she sued me

RuwhI_zhVWg | 29 Jan 2021

I requested footage of her DUI arrest, so she sued me

In a comment on the Patreon post "Hothead," supporter Purple Sprynkles wrote: "If he really had an attorney that thought he had a case, the ATTORNEY would be the one to send the letter on the attorney's letterhead." In response to Purple Sprynkles, I wrote: "Number of letters I have received from people claiming to have retained counsel: I'd guess a dozen; Number of letters I have received from counsel: zero. Number of times I have been sued in relation to Real World Police: one. Scratch that. Two. They were clearly memorable." Purple Sprynkles wanted to know more about the whole 'getting sued' thing. It's now many months later and all of the numbers above have gone up, but Purple Sprynkles still deserves an answer. This video — and this text — are it. Washington State has a strong access to public records statute: the Washington Public Records Act, or "PRA." The PRA allows for something called “third-party notice,” in which public agencies notify affected parties of a public records request. Agencies have wide discretion to decide whether and whom to (or not to) notify; notice is optional, and as long as an an agency acts in good faith, they can’t be held liable for failing to notify someone. The main idea behind third-party notice is to allow affected people to go to court and obtain an injunction or protective order preventing the agency from releasing records where the release would impact them. The PRA permits a reasonable delay in providing responsive records in order to provide affected parties enough time to obtain a protective order. The requestor is a necessary party to any such lawsuit. This woman sued me. She lost. A couple of notes at the beginning of this video direct you here. I'll address them in the order they appear: 1. “Everything we do is a public record and we can’t not release it if someone specifically requests it.” - Sort of. Although that statement may technically be correct, it’s real-world incorrect. Every state’s access to public records statute creates exemptions for many - often 1,000+ - types of records and/or information within records. (Even though they are still, in many cases, technically 'public records exempt from disclosure.') 2. “The law right now, they have to have a specific reason for requesting video” - I know what he was trying to say, but that wasn't it, since with limited exception, agencies may not inquire about the purpose of a request. The most common exception relates to the restriction that agencies may not sell or provide access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes. RCW 42.56.070(9). 3. “Somebody would have to say I wanna know this specific case about this specific person.” Actually, yes. And more. Under the PRA, a request for a body worn camera video must include (a) the name of one of the people involved in the incident, and (b) the incident or case number, along with either (c) the date, time, and location of the incident; or (d) the name of a law enforcement or corrections officer involved in the incident. Ms. Landvatter’s lawsuit didn’t get off to an auspicious start. Her attorney roared out of the gate by serving someone in Mississippi who happened to have the same name as me. He did put up a good fight, though, going so far as to to try and get the case heard by the Supreme Court of Washington. (Spoiler: they didn't hear it.) I have since requested a number of other videos from the same agency, and guess what? It seems that - two lawsuits later - they no longer provide third-party notice. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Respond to Report of Ex-Boyfriend Breaking Into House

tZHJ_Yku_9U | 26 Jan 2021

Police Respond to Report of Ex-Boyfriend Breaking Into House

His strategy didn’t quite work out... If you came here thinking that you would find background information on this incident, that expectation is both reasonable in light of past stories and — just for now — mistaken. I have no idea what happened to the incident report associated with this event. Another copy is already in the works, but in the meantime: what do you think was happening? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator: Money Talks

JNhycCp8d18 | 24 Jan 2021

Serial Police Impersonator: Money Talks

Jennifer Tramaine Burton is better known as the woman Jeremy Dewitte met on Ashley Madison in 2018, the same year in which she reported Jeremy for failing to register his username with the FDLE. Jeremy was responsible for that offense, but Jennifer was the cause of his conviction. Without her report, it wouldn't have happened. And apparently, soon after her report, she lied to Jeremy about having made it, instead claiming that the police were lying, Hundreds of pages of text messages between Jennifer and Jeremy spanning mid-2018 to early 2019 reveal a relationship far from antagonistic. They range from flirtatious to overtly sexual, albeit with an odd undertone of condescension from Jennifer throughout. But things went bad in late-January 2019 as soon as Jennifer discovered she had competition. Competition who - the end of this video reveals - had been in an intimate relationship with Jeremy for three years. Immediately after discovering Jessica's existence, Jennifer alleged that Jeremy had raped her in one of his ambulances and wanted Jeremy prosecuted for it. After a thorough investigation, prosecution was declined. The evidence didn't support Jennifer's story, parts of which she had clearly fabricated. The fact that in 2007 she had falsely — per the police — accused someone else of rape did not factor into the decision. Fast-forward a year, and in early 2020 Jennifer wasted no breath, authoring more than 400 comments on this channel expressing her feelings about Jeremy, Metro State, and — to make things particularly confusing — the kind of people who work for and hang out around Jeremy. People like her. “He surrounds himself with stupid, weak people.” “He needs to be in prison. He’s very dangerous.” “Dewitte deserves every year he may receive.” “His employees are losers and felons and can’t find employment anywhere else.” “He’s absolute trash.” Fast-forward a couple of months to April 2020, when Jennifer filed Cybertip #66243452 — sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children — alleging that Jeremy’s Flickr page may contain child pornography. Orlando Police Detective Jennifer Wing investigated, and determined, to put it bluntly, that it didn't. Jennifer's complaint was unfounded. A theme. That same month Jennifer did an impressive job of trying to get Jeremy arrested for felony wiretapping. She was in tears when she called 911 and was angry when she was told that Jeremy would not be arrested. Then, bizarrely, the next day she contacted the police and told them to forget about it. And even that is consistent with her history. For example, in early 2019 Jennifer filed a petition for an injunction against Jeremy, only to not show up for the hearing, which she knew would result in its dismissal. (The audio recording of that hearing contains some unintentional comedy: Jeremy tried to convince the judge to prosecute Jennifer.) On 10/11/2020 Jeremy Dewitte got into a fender-bender with someone named Shamar Smith. Jennifer wrote about the accident at length, but she left something out. Something important. Jeremy had a passenger in his car at the time of the crash: Jennifer. Who is now nominally working for Metro State in the capacity of "Jeremy's office assistant," and who is allegedly pregnant. (It wouldn't be the first time she faked a pregnancy when faced with rejection.) All of which is particularly weird in light of the fact that the Kissimmee Police Department is currently investigating a battery allegation against Jeremy. Filed by Jennifer. And that in early-2019 Jeremy filed a police report detailing how Jennifer has been harassing, stalking, and extorting him for money. In "When Crazy Meets Crazy," Jennifer's grandmother revealed that she and her late-husband financially supported Jennifer and her son Jordan for sixteen years because Jennifer "refused to work." In April 2018, Jennifer was evicted from her grandmother's house. Her alleged blackmail of Jeremy? It started then. Money Talks. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"I was fixing my coochie lips, dude!"

3bYj88Ymiew | 20 Jan 2021

"I was fixing my coochie lips, dude!"

On August 24, 2020, at approximately 11:38 AM, Trooper Christopher Wademan with Florida Highway Patrol Troop D arrested Rebecca Kozub for possession of a controlled substance. She was also alleged to have tampered with evidence and transported drug paraphernalia. Kozub was the passenger of a white 2 door vehicle stopped for speeding. Trooper Waderman noted that after he activated his emergency equipment, the vehicle continued driving for 1- 2 miles before coming to a stop, despite having had several places to safely pull off the roadway. According to Trooper Waderman, “While behind the vehicle I could see the passenger through the back windshield moving around a lot. Upon the vehicle stopping made a passenger side approach, requested the driver's license, vehicle information and informed my reason for the stop. While standing at passenger side the driver became concerned about getting ticket." "The driver was positively identified as Mr. Gregory Palemo from his Florida driver's license, and the passenger positively identified by her name and date of birth as Ms. Rebecca Kozub. While standing at the passenger side of the vehicle I could clearly see the passenger had several sores on her legs and face. Based on my experience with narcotics users, I know that they tend to pick at their skin, causing sores like these. Furthermore, the occupants were consistently moving around and could not stay still which is common with narcotics use.” “….Trooper Pubillones then deployed K9 Rico to conduct and exterior air sniff of the vehicle. Trooper Pubillones later informed Mr. Palemo, Ms. Kozub and I that K9 Rico alerted to narcotics inside of the vehicle. Both occupants were asked if they had any contraband on their person then were placed into the rear of my patrol vehicle while a probable cause search was conducted. During a probable cause search no items of contraband were located inside.” They were eventually found. Inside of Ms. Kozub. From whose pants would emerge a purple case containing four capped needles, one clear plastic bag containing two metal spoons along with two more needles, a clear glass pipe, and 13.12 grams of meth. Mr. Palermo was released with a warning for speed. On December 7, 2020, a Notice of No Information was filed in Ms. Kozub's case, declining prosecution. [If you are interested in knowing why prosecution was declined, I expect to have that answer within the next few days. I will update this text when that happens. UPDATE: As promised, I have the answer. A full explanation of why Ms. Kozub was not prosecuted can be found on the Real World Police subreddit, at] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas State Police 109 MPH PIT Maneuver | The Complete Pursuit

2FdNa8uho_Y | 16 Jan 2021

Arkansas State Police 109 MPH PIT Maneuver | The Complete Pursuit

From the report of Trooper Shawn Ellis, lightly edited for clarity: On April 10, 2020, at approximately 6:40 AM, Troop H dispatch advised that Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office was requesting assistance with a pursuit. Deputies were pursuing a black pickup, driven by Justin Battenfield, which had recklessly driven through several traffic lights without stopping and was passing traffic on the shoulder of U.S. 71. The pursuit of Battenfield has been initiated in the area of Ingersoll Circle and U.S. 71 at approximately 6:36 AM by a Forest Service Ranger. At approximately 6:53 AM, I checked In-Service with Troop H Dispatch and traveled towards U.S. 71 from State Highway 45. At approximately 6:54 AM, at the intersection of State Highway 45 and U.S. 71, I joined the pursuit as it traveled north on U.S. 71, soon becoming the lead vehicle in the pursuit. While pursuing Battenfield, he traveled through several traffic lights and passed multiple vehicles while driving on the shoulder before turning east onto Zero Street. This particular section of Zero Street (SH255) is a four-lane roadway, divided by a continuous center turn lane and was at the peak of a hill crest. In the area of 66th Street, the pickup began crossing into the westbound traffic lanes meeting traffic at a high rate of speed. After I relayed the suspect’s actions to Troop H Dispatch, Sgt. Brandon Margis advised that due to Battenfield’s extremely reckless driving, and lack of due regard for the safety of the public that I needed to get the pickup stopped immediately. I then attempted a PIT maneuver to stop the vehicle. While executing the PIT, my unit collided with the passenger side of the suspect vehicle. As a result, both vehicles traveled off the roadway and into the east side ditch. Battenfield’s vehicle collided with a driveway culvert while overturning and my unit went airborne as it traveled over Battenfield’s vehicle. Battenfield sustained fatal injuries and I sustained multiple serious injuries." This is the complete pursuit footage. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Idaho man crashes car into his own house. Domestic violence, or just bad luck?

DgAIfrDtypA | 06 Jan 2021

Idaho man crashes car into his own house. Domestic violence, or just bad luck?

In today's mostly self-explanatory installment you get two for the price of one. The first story comes your way out of Lewiston, Idaho. It involves a tired-looking guy who just drove his own car into the front of the house he is renting. His now-ex girlfriend was in the car with him when he drove it into his house, and the neighbors had heard them yelling at each other just prior. Watch as responding officers try to figure out whether the 'driving into the house' incident was an intentional act of domestic violence, or if the guy really just drove into the front of his house and nothing more. (If you are thinking "neither of those are good," you are paying attention.) In part two of this video we leave Lewiston behind, picking up in a Pasco, Washington parking lot. Where two young women seem to have an a fair bit of experience receiving traffic citations. Also, the cop who pulled them over? He has pretty solid whistling chops. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Reacts to His Own Videos | Interrogation: Part Four

KQRdrZtXlqI | 05 Jan 2021

Serial Police Impersonator Reacts to His Own Videos | Interrogation: Part Four

It’s back. And it's better. Since the beginning of 2020 there has been a constant stream of comments from people wondering what Jeremy Dewitte would say if he was forced to watch his own escort footage. How would Jeremy react to watching himself doing all of the things he never does? Today you find out. In this fourth and final installment of the interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte, Corporal John Ramsey turns up the heat, confronting Jeremy Dewitte with his own body cam footage. Also, we hear from Jennifer, the woman Jeremy met on Ashley Madison in 2018. The same year in which she reported Jeremy for failing to register his username with the FDLE. Jeremy was convicted and served jail time for that felony crime. and while Jeremy was responsible for the offense, Jennifer was the proximal cause of his conviction. It wouldn't have happened without her. Hundreds of pages of text messages between Jennifer and Jeremy spanning mid-2018 to early 2019 reveal a relationship far from antagonistic. They range from flirtatious to overtly sexual, albeit with an odd undertone of condescension from Jennifer throughout. But things went bad in late-January 2019 as soon as Jennifer discovered she had competition. Details at Immediately after discovering Jessica's existence, Jennifer alleged that Jeremy had raped her in one of his ambulances. That allegation resulted in a thorough investigation, and prosecution was declined. Bluntly. the evidence didn't support Jennifer's story, parts of which were clearly fabricated. The fact that in 2007 she had falsely — per the police — accused someone else of rape was not considered. Fast-forward a year, and in early 2020 Jennifer wasted no breath, authoring more than 400 comments on this channel expressing her feelings about Jeremy, Metro State, and — to make things particularly weird — the kind of people who work for and hang out around Jeremy. People like her. Examples, many of which have since been deleted: “He surrounds himself with stupid, weak people.” “He needs to be in prison. He’s very dangerous.” “Dewitte deserves every year he may receive.” “His employees are losers and felons and can’t find employment anywhere else.” “He’s absolute trash.” Fast-forward a couple of months to April 2020, when Jennifer files a "cybertip" sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, alleging that Jeremy’s Flickr page may contain child pornography. Orlando Police Detective Jennifer Wing investigated, and determined - to put it bluntly - that it didn't. Jennifer's complaint was unfounded. A theme. That same month Jennifer did an impressive job of trying to get Jeremy arrested for felony wiretapping. She was in tears when she called 911 and was angry when she was told that Jeremy would not be arrested. The next day she contacted the police and told them to forget about it. And even that is consistent with her history. For example, in early 2019 Jennifer filed a petition for an injunction against Jeremy, only to not show up for the hearing, which she knew would result in its dismissal. (The audio recording of that hearing contains some unintentional comedy: Jeremy tried to convince the judge to prosecute Jennifer.) On 10/11/2020 Jeremy Dewitte got into a fender-bender with someone named Shamar Smith. Jennifer wrote about the accident at length, but she left something out. Something important. Jeremy had a passenger in his car at the time of the crash: her. Jennifer Burton is now nominally working for Metro State in the capacity of "Jeremy's office assistant." Which is particularly weird in light of the fact that Kissimmee Police Department is currently investigating a battery allegation. By Jennifer, against Jeremy. And that in early-2019 Jeremy filed a police report detailing how Jennifer has been harassing, stalking, and extorting him. In "When Crazy Meets Crazy," Jennifer's grandmother reveals that she and her late-husband financially supported Jennifer and her son for sixteen years because Jennifer "refused to work." In April 2018, Jennifer was evicted from her own grandmother's house. Guess when she allegedly began blackmailing Jeremy. ~~~ We strive for 100% accuracy in our reporting and are pleased to announce that we will be offering a cash bounty of up to $100 for material corrections. Stay tuned for details! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Las Cruces Police Respond to Landlord-Tenant Dispute

bPZhF1-y_wI | 31 Dec 2020

Las Cruces Police Respond to Landlord-Tenant Dispute

If your idea of police work is all shootings, chases, and similarly exciting scenes, it's time for a reality check. Police officers certainly fight crime — even violent crime — but in most departments, an officer’s primary role is a mix of social worker, traffic guy, accident scene recorder, mediator, mental health counselor, stenographer, community watch, and enforcer of minor violations. With the occasional DV assault or robbery thrown in. Add to that mix the fact that heated situations often include allegations of — or actual — crime, along with the fact that the cops are in fact law enforcers, and things get even muddier. Deciding to take enforcement action can be a no-brainer, but that is far from always true, and may cause more problems. This multifaceted, multi-day call offers a window into that reality. Lightly edited for kind-of-brevity and sort-of-clarity, the following report is from a couple of days *after* the events seen here: “On July 1, 2019, I responded to 604 Solano avenue in reference to a disturbance. Dispatch stated that there was an argument involving a landlord about some wood being removed from the property. Upon arriving on scene, I made contact with Officer Landrum who had contact with 5 or 6 subjects on the north side. I then had my attention directed to a male identified as Stephen Jaramillo who was wearing a gray shirt and holding a cane. This individual walked up to me and the individuals who were speaking with Officer Landrum and began to argue with him. I then told these subjects that they are not going to argue while we were there at which time, I separated Jaramillo and escorted him westbound down the roadway towards the front of his nearby residence. I then learned that Jaramillo is the landlord of 604 South Solano and that the individuals moving trash from the north side of his building were former tenants. He claimed that they had been evicted, but was unable to provide any proof. During the course of his statement, I determined that we were dealing with a civil matter and it appeared as though Jaramillo wanted the individuals to move their trash. I left Jaramillo and began to proceed back to other officers. While speaking with other officers, I heard a commotion behind me and observed a male identified as a Saba Randolph in the roadway with an orange extension cord, and Jaramillo approaching him stating that the extension cord belongs to him. I closed distance with these individuals who were engaged in somewhat of a tug-of-war and placed myself in between them. Both subjects appeared to not even acknowledge that I was present and were yelling at one another over ownership of the cord. During this time, I had to step in and secure Saba’s left arm with my wrist in an effort to pull him away from Jaramillo who was equally aggressive and argumentative with Randolph. At this time, another officer addressed Jaramillo and separated him from the situation. I then placed myself in between Randolph and very sternly yelled at him that this is going to be a civil matter and that property that is disputed will remain where it is until the courts decide who actually owns it. I then yelled at him that I was going to remove the extension cord from the bed of his truck and place it exactly where it was found. I then made contact with Jaramillo and directed him to the pile of trash on the north side of the building. I asked him if any of the other property in this area he disputed the ownership of and he stated no. At this time, I believed the only disputed property was going to be the extension cord. I learned from Officer Landrum that one of the individuals on scene had alleged to be the victim of an assault or battery from Jaramillo prior to the arrival of officers. After speaking with all parties involved and Officer Landrum, I learned that the stories provided by the opposite parties were total opposites. The subjects associated with Randolph stated that at no point in time did they receive any eviction notice. I spoke with these individuals at length in the roadway and explained to them the nature of this civil matter; however, none of the individuals appeared to want to have a conversation, and were very argumentative...." It goes on. That was only a couple of days later. Headache-inducing... ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Former Police Chief For Capital Murder

Si3rfqwM9uo | 30 Dec 2020

Interrogation of Former Police Chief For Capital Murder

Or, alternatively, the most not-happening police interrogation you have ever seen... but one that raises interesting questions about what rights you actually have while being interrogated, and what it means if they are violated. In the 2010 Supreme Court case Berghuis v. Thompkins, the Court's majority opinion wrote "If the right to counsel or the right to remain silent is invoked at any point during questioning, further interrogation must cease." It seems that these guys missed the memo. But what's the worst that could happen? They might not be able to use his statements? Okay. They didn't need them. Any other remedies? Not really. (But there is more to that story. Anyone know?) In November 1997 an Arkansas schoolteacher at work on a Sunday morning was raped. The perpetrator was so careful to not leave evidence that detectives thought he might have had law enforcement training, but he left something behind: his DNA. The same DNA that resulted in the 2003 issuance of Arkansas' first-ever "John Doe" DNA arrest warrant, prior to the expiry of Arkansas' six year statute of limitations for the crime. In October 2017, more than twenty years later, Hardin, then 50 years old, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder, admitting that he had killed James Appleton. Appleton pulled into a parking lot on Gann Ridge Road in Gateway, Arkansas on February 23, 2017, to talk with his coworker and brother-in-law on his cell phone. A passerby saw the pickup and a blue Chevrolet Malibu parked behind it. The driver of the Malibu waved him around, the passerby told police, and when he was a few hundred yards away, he heard a bang and saw the Malibu speed toward him, before turning onto the dirt road where Hardin lived. With his family. And his blue Malibu. His wife Linda thought he had been outside spreading grass seed, but the passerby knew Hardin all his life. He was sure it was him. Hardin was sentenced to 30 years in prison and was required to provide a DNA sample to the state. It was a match. Hardin had never even been a suspect, but on February 7, 2019 Hardin pleaded guilty to two counts of rape, finally closing the 1997 case. Hardin received 25 years on each of the two counts, which are running concurrently with his murder sentence. All in all, Hardin will serve at least 21 years of the 30-year murder sentence, and then another 14, before he is first eligible for parole at age 84. Hardin had worked for four police agencies. He was fired from one, allowed to resign from one rather than be fired and resigned from two, always claiming his separation was on higher ground. For example, he claimed to have left Fayetteville Police Department because other officers were stealing and his work environment became intolerably hostile after he reported their theft. He resigned after seven months from Huntsville, stating that he refused to treat people unfairly, as was expected of him. A couple of departments later, and he found himself filing for unemployment. And being denied. Hardin returned to the private sector, but kept his toe in law enforcement, serving two one-year terms as volunteer constable in Benton County. In 2016 Hardin became chief of police in Gateway, resigning after four months to earn an associate's degree in criminal justice at Northwest Arkansas Community College. Hardin was working in corrections when he was arrested for Appleton's murder. Hardin is now #168541 at Arkansas DOC's North Central Unit, where — apart from the whole murder and rape thing — he has no major disciplinary violations, has completed an anger management course, and in October 2017 was determined to be minimum risk classification. To this day no one knows why he killed Appleton. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Ohio Special Ed Teacher Robbed at Knifepoint During Zoom Call, Releases Her Dogs On Robber

vyM-kqtRRPM | 28 Dec 2020

Ohio Special Ed Teacher Robbed at Knifepoint During Zoom Call, Releases Her Dogs On Robber

"On Monday, November 23, 2020 while assigned to 1C13, accompanied by P.O. David Wagner, at approximately 1101 hours, we received a radio assignment was for an aggravated burglary on Baltic Road. Upon our arrival we conferred with Robert Tubbs. He stated that a friend of his, Arthur Lerner, was hired to do work at his home on Baltic Rd. Mr. Tubbs stated that he was holding a ladder that Mr. Lerner was on, when they both observed a male (later identified as Charles Derosett) running east on Baltic, carrying two boxes and holding a knife. Mr. Tubbs stated that he then observed a female (later identified as Amanda Zupancic) running after the male yelling, "[H]elp me, he just robbed me." Mr. Tubbs confronted Mr. Derosett and suspect then began thrashing at him with the knife. Mr. Tubbs was able to get Mr. Derosett to drop the boxes to the ground. Mr. Tubbs stated that Mr. Derosett then continued to run east on Baltic, and that he threw the knife to the ground. He then informed us that RTA police had the suspect in custody on Desmond Ave. We recovered the two boxes of suspected stolen watches that the suspect had dropped from Mr. Tubbs and Mr. Lerner. Upon our arrival to Desmond Ave, we met with Zupancic, who identified the watches as her property. She stated that while in her home office, remotely teaching over the internet, she heard a noise and told the mother (Mariana Barisic) of the student she was teaching, "I think someone's breaking into my home." She got up and confronted a strange male on the staircase leading to the second floor of her home. The Suspect (Derosett) stated "[G]ive me all your money, I have a knife." Suspect then, by threat of a knife, ordered Zupancic into her bedroom and stated, "[G]et on the fucking ground, I'm gonna cut your f-ing throat. Give me your wallet and keys." Derosett demanded Zupancic hand him two boxes of watches, to which she complied. Zupancic stated that she told Derosett that her keys were downstairs. He led her down stairs, where she reached for her keys, but instead released her dogs, who went after Derosett, and Derosett ran out of the house via the front door. Zupancic then grabbed a pair of scissors and ran out after him. She ran down the street screaming for help and that she had just been robbed. Zupancic continued to chase Derosett, past Tubbs, who got Suspect to drop the watch boxes. Zupancic continued to chase Derosett until he was apprehended by RTA Sgt. Eric Richards, who happened to be in the area. This apprehension occurred the southeast corner of West Blvd and Desmond Ave. He was detained until CPD arrived and was arrested by P.O. Madej and P.O. Fields. We conferred with Mariana Barisic via phone. She stated that she was assisting her son via Zoom Meeting, when she heard Victim state, "I think someone's breaking into my house." R.P. then stated that the victim got up and heard loud shouting from the victim and an unknown male. After a brief period, she then heard unknown male clearly state, "Give me your phone. Give me your car keys." A few seconds later she heard this male say, "Get on the floor, or I'll cut your f-ing throat." R.P. did not hear anything clear after that, and called 9-1-1. *Suspect conveyed to Lutheran by Medic 39, where he was treated and released for a sprained wrist and foot. *Suspect then conveyed to CCCC, where he is booked and housed. *Recovered watches were returned to victim. However, her husband's wedding ring, which was in one of the boxes, and was not recovered. *The knife that the suspect threatened both victims with was recovered on the treelawn of 1335 West Blvd by Sgt. Eric Richards (RTA). This was later tagged and entered into LERMS/D1 Prop by Sgt. West #9263. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man Moves In With Ex-Wife’s Dad, Then Ex Moves In With New Husband. Chaos Ensues.

sOoFsgEEPsE | 27 Dec 2020

Man Moves In With Ex-Wife’s Dad, Then Ex Moves In With New Husband. Chaos Ensues.

EVENT ➞ UNSCIENTIFIC FREQUENCY (1) Guy gets divorced ➞ Happens every day. (2) Same guy got along well with his ex's dad ➞ Less often, but still unremarkable. (3) So they move in together ➞ Excuse me? (4) Then the ex decides she's also moving in ➞ This doesn't happen. (5) With her new husband ➞ Ever. Except it did. Is there a living arrangement more likely to result in the police being called? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

“You’re gonna have to do better for your child, Benzino!”

rGja47wU6WE | 26 Dec 2020

“You’re gonna have to do better for your child, Benzino!”

From the report of Brookhaven Police Officer K. Hopkins, and the apartment of former-‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Benzino: "On December 25, 2018 at approximately 1722 hrs. I was dispatched to [the home of Raymond "Benzino" Scott] in reference to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival I could hear from inside the apartment a male voice yelling. The male voice was yelling at someone telling them to get their stuff and leave the house. I knocked on the door and a male, later identified as Raymond Scott, answered. Scott invited Sgt. Fleming and I inside the home. Scott advised the apartment belonged to him and he wanted the mother of his child, Althea Eaton, to leave. Scott advised the couple got into an argument over an Instagram photograph but would not go into detail. Scott advised the argument lead [sic] into issues they were having over custody of the son they shared. Scott advised he just wanted Eaton and their son, to leave the apartment. Eaton advised the couple got into an argument. Eaton advised the argument never became physical, but they have in the past. Eaton advised she called the police to prevent the argument from escalating. Eaton advised she would leave the apartment, she just needed her keys and the car seat out of Scott's vehicle. Sgt. Fleming accompanied Scott down to the vehicle to obtain Eaton's property. Once Scott returned Eaton began moving her items from the apartment to the hall way. Scott became very angry and started yelling at Eaton, stating she was not allowed to use or have anything of his. Scott was very emotional through this situation. Sgt. Fleming removed Scott from the area. All [of] Eaton's property was removed from the apartment. Both parties were advised on different remedies to deal with their relationship. Both parties were advised about the magistrate court in order to deal with their custody issues. Eaton and their son were picked up by a friend." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

When Crazy Meets Crazy: Jennifer Burton & Jeremy Dewitte

ii3eZEjVDfk | 24 Dec 2020

When Crazy Meets Crazy: Jennifer Burton & Jeremy Dewitte

In early-2018, Jeremy Dewitte met Jennifer Tramaine Burton on Ashley Madison, the same year in which Burton reported Jeremy to law enforcement for failure to register his internet identifiers as a sexual offender. Jeremy was convicted and served jail time for that felony crime, and while Jeremy was responsible for the offense, Burton was the proximal cause of his conviction. If she hadn't reported him, it would never have happened. We have well over 100 pages of text messages between Jennifer and Jeremy from mid-2018 to early 2019. The earlier messages are far from antagonistic. They range from flirtatious to racy, albeit with an odd undertone of condescension from Jennifer throughout (examples at /r/realworldpolice). But things went bad in late-January 2019, after Jennifer discovered the existence of Jessica Bolden. Immediately thereafter, Burton alleged that Jeremy had raped her in one of his ambulances. That allegation resulted in a full investigation, and prosecution was declined. The evidence did not support Jennifer's story and she was not found to be credible. Indeed, Jennifer had lied to investigators. The fact that in 2007 she had falsely accused someone else did not factor into the decision. This is the story of that 2007 incident, told by Jennifer's victim. But let's continue here. In early 2020 Jennifer wasted no breath, authoring more than 400 comments on this channel (many of which she has since deleted) expressing her feelings about Jeremy, Metro State, and — to make things particularly confusing — the kind of people who work for and hang out around Jeremy. Like her. “He surrounds himself with stupid, weak people.” “He needs to be in prison. He’s very dangerous.” “Dewitte deserves every year he may receive.” “His employees are losers and felons and can’t find employment anywhere else.” “He’s absolute trash.” Fast-forward a couple of months to April of this year, and Burton has filed Cybertip #66243452, which was sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, alleging that Jeremy’s Flickr page contained images of young girls in various states of undress. Orlando Police Detective Jennifer Wing investigated, and determined, to put it bluntly, that it didn't. Jennifer's complaint was unfounded. Picking up on a theme? That same month Burton did an impressive job of trying to get Jeremy arrested for felony wiretapping. She was in tears when she called 911 and was angry when she was told that Jeremy would not be arrested. Then, bizarrely, the next day she contacted the police and told them to forget about it. And even that is consistent with her history. For example, in early 2019 Burton filed a petition for an injunction against Jeremy, only to not show up for the hearing, which she knew would result in its dismissal. (The audio recording of that hearing contains some unintentional comedy: Jeremy tried to convince the judge to prosecute Jennifer.) On 10/11/20 Jeremy Dewitte got into a fender-bender with someone named Shamar Smith. Jennifer wrote about the accident at length, but she omitted a significant piece of information. Jeremy had a passenger in his car at the time of the crash: her. Jennifer Burton is now working as Jeremy's 'office assistant.' In early-2019 Jeremy Dewitte filed a complaint against Jennifer, alleging that she was extorting, stalking, and harassing him. The complaint is many pages long, and it's quite clear that Jeremy was not joking. When confronted recently by her history with Jeremy in light of the fact that she is now nominally employed by him, Jennifer tried to explain away Jeremy's extortion and stalking complaint against her (ignoring entirely her unfounded rape allegation against him): Per Burton, Jeremy "was just upset because I had broken up with him." Yeah, right. Meet Michael. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere and we are not staffed to handle requests. Please don't send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Craigslist Predator Sting: The Arrest of Dylan Vogt

RyFwEc6B2XE | 22 Dec 2020

Craigslist Predator Sting: The Arrest of Dylan Vogt

It was 2013. Her name was Katie, and he was Jeremy Dewitte's brother Dylan. Dylan and Katie found each other through Craigslist Casual Encounters. Shortly after they started talking, Katie told Dylan that she wasn't actually twenty years old. Apologetically, she wrote that in reality she was only 15, turning 16 in a few months. She understood if he was upset and didn't respond. Katie's real name was Special Agent William Glidewell. That same day, Dylan Vogt arrived by motorcycle at a sting house in use by the Osceola County Sheriff's Office. Among the items in his pockets were marijuana and paraphernalia, and a purple box of Trojan condoms. Which Dylan would later tell Detective Joni Bishop he had brought "to show [Katie]." Detective Bishop wasn't convinced. Are you? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere and we are not staffed to handle requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Call Granny, bro! I'm going away for life!"

hfCrndg6tEE | 20 Dec 2020

"Call Granny, bro! I'm going away for life!"

Regular viewers might remember Brent Gaines, the Universal Studios employee with no driver's license who was arrested while driving his brother's car back in 2018. At the time, the passengers in his car included his brother's Percocet and some weed. This time around, we fast forward to the summer of 2020, where we catch up with Mr. Gaines once again. In this installment, he is a bit more "emotional" — as the police report put it — lamenting the fact that he was caught with sale-and-delivery quantities of drugs as well as a firearm. As a felon. Somewhat remarkably, Brent Gaines is currently out of jail, released on his own recognizance as he awaits trial — currently scheduled for spring 2021. Edit: I should clarify the reason Gaines was released. Gaines' original bond was set at a solid $100,450, which he had not been able to post. Accordingly, he spent a month hanging out in jail. Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.134 states that on the 30th day after an arrest, the Court shall order the Defendant released on their own recognizance on the 33rd day, unless the State files formal charges by that date. For whatever reason, the State delayed in filing charges. That's why he is out on ROR. Not because the judge decided to overlook the whole 'felon with a firearm committing new felonies' thing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Nevada Trooper Stops Jamaican Man Driving 132 MPH

N8AfTbC1rvw | 15 Dec 2020

Nevada Trooper Stops Jamaican Man Driving 132 MPH

Paul Anthony Francis was born in Jamaica, where a 2019 survey commissioned by Jamaica Observer found that 30% of respondents admitted to having bribed a cop to avoid a ticket. Unfortunately for Mr. Francis, Trooper Sandoval of the Nevada Highway Patrol was having none of that "Can I pay it right now?" business. As a wedding gift, Trooper Sandoval handed Mr. Francis a $605 citation. For driving 132 in a 75. Unlike almost every other high-speed speeding ticket we have seen in Nevada, Francis' citation — fifth place on the 2019 Nevada Highway Patrol leaderboard — was not amended to a parking ticket. Francis paid the fine in full and moved on. Notably, the only other person we have met to-date who has done the same is Mohamed Basiouny — who was also visiting from overseas; in his case from the UAE. The ten fastest speeding tickets issued by Nevada Highway Patrol in 2019 were: #1 - 155 MPH, to Aaron Snyder and his Charger #2 - 142 MPH, to Michael Alexander and his Corvette #3 - 134 MPH, to the off-duty cop from LA #4 - 133 MPH, to the hairdresser on his way to Salt Lake #5 - 132 MPH, to Paul Anthony Francis #6 - 129 MPH, to Mohammed Basiouny, visiting from the UAE #7 - 129 MPH, someone you haven't yet met #8 - 127 MPH, to Justin Cole Jance #9 - 127 MPH, to someone you haven't met yet #10 - 127 MPH, see above Also, it's not quite clear where Sandoval got "48 over" from. Last we checked, 132 - 75 = 57. Close enough? ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Traffic stop turns up four kilos of cocaine

ddU3xEqYfgs | 11 Dec 2020

Traffic stop turns up four kilos of cocaine

On July 3, 2019 I submitted a request for public records of the Orlando Police Department ("OPD"). After much negotiation, on November 29, 2019 I paid the City of Orlando $2,143.32 in fees. Some background: while the Florida Public Records Act does not specify a time limit within which requests much be handled, the Act requires that the records custodian respond in good faith and permit access to non-exempt records. The Florida Supreme Court has held that “[t]he only delay permitted [under the Act] is the limited reasonable time allowed the custodian to retrieve the record and delete those portions of the record the custodian asserts are exempt.” (Morris Pub. Group, LLC v. State, 154 So. 3d 528, 533 (Fla. 1st DCA 2015). I paid at the end of November 2019. When do you think the records came in? That "limited reasonable time" language? It's wishful thinking. The first record didn't show up until March 19, 2021. No joke. And that only happened after I placed the City on notice that Real World Media intended to sue the City to compel the production of all records responsive to my request. Months later, after production continued at a slow-to-hardly-existent pace, the City declared their production of records complete. It wasn't. My request was based in part on reliable information about OPD drug seizures, yet OPD was claiming that they had no records of those seizures. Unexpectedly, it turned out they were right. There were no records of those drug seizures. Because they had never happened. My information was wrong. But keep reading. In part, my request was for records relating to drug interdictions where the street value of the seized drugs was greater than $100,000. I was confident that such seizures had occurred because OPD's 2018 Annual Report said so. Specifically, it said that their Tactical Anti-Crime Unit ("TAC") had seized — among other things — 368 pounds of cocaine, 10,360 pounds of cannabis, and 114 pounds of heroin. As I wrote to an OPD contact: "There are ~453 grams in a pound, and the DOJ thinks a gram of street heroin sells for (being conservative here) $400. If my math and assumptions are right, a seizure of one pound of heroin far exceeds the $100k threshold. What am I missing?" I was missing the fact that OPD's 2018 annual report had overstated the Department's drug seizures by more than 450 times. "Hi Jay, I was able to confirm yesterday that the 2018 Annual Report had an error in it. The numbers reflected in the report were in grams, not lbs. We are currently working to correct the report. I definitely apologize for any confusion that the incorrect report created in this request." Oops. "Hi Alex, Thank you for following up. You may already be aware of this, but FYI the 2016 and 2017 annual report both reflect TAC seizures of “thousands of pounds of drugs” — putting TAC well ahead of OPD’s Drug Enforcement Division. Is someone looking into whether this was more than just a mistake? It’s hard enough to believe that the same error was made for three consecutive years, let alone without anyone noticing." Their response: "Thank you for bringing 2016 and 2017 to my attention. What happened in 2018 was that TAC sent their numbers for the year to the civilian employee who prepares the Annual Report. However, on the form they sent over, there were no units listed. So for, example, “368.5 cocaine” instead of “368.5 grams of cocaine.” The civilian employee who then prepared the report mistakenly thought it was pounds. I have just reached out to see if that was also the case in 2016 and 2017. I will let you know what I find out." Then: "I was able to confirm that the same issue happened in 2016 and 2017. The problem again was caused by data being sent without units and then the person who compiled the report assumed the wrong units. It again should have been in grams and not pounds. The reports are being corrected." I recently received the corrected annual reports. They had all overstated TAC drug seizures by more than 450. This footage is from one of the few truly huge seizures that actually happened. Correction: I am a moron. The substance found was cocaine. Its ultimate weight was 4,282 grams. UPDATE: On November 6, 2019, Clinton James Dunston pleaded no contest to a negotiated charge of cocaine trafficking, over 200 grams but less than 400 grams. He was sentenced to a mandatory seven years in Florida DOC, and $928 in various fees, payable at a rate of $30 per month upon his release. This is not Dunston's first rodeo. In 2008, he was convicted of drug conspiracy (cocaine), and in 2012 he was convicted of cocaine trafficking, fleeing, and DWLS. Did I mention his 1996 conviction for cocaine trafficking? Sensing a theme here... Surprise: he actually did work for the company he claimed. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today!

Murdering Homeless People: The Interrogation of Dalton Aiken

mSvflF0hXbc | 08 Dec 2020

Murdering Homeless People: The Interrogation of Dalton Aiken

OGDEN, UTAH— In June 2019 Dalton James Aiken, 28, was sentenced to a term of 16 years to life in prison in connection with the shooting death of Brian Racine on August 16, 2018. Racine, a 28-year-old homeless man originally from California, had been sleeping at a homeless encampment outside of Ogden, Utah when he was shot once in the head by Aiken. But Aiken had not been out at the homeless camp alone. Rather, he and his friend Cory Fitzwater had gone out together. They were on a mission, Aiken would later tell police: they were out to harass some homeless people. It worked. Not long after Fitzwater and Aiken found themselves in jail in the wake of the shooting, they each made separate phone calls in which they accused the other of having been entirely responsible for the killing. But Fitzwater took things well beyond "normal" blame shifting, if there is such a thing in the context of murder. Prosecutors allege that Fitzwater bribed multiple uninvolved inmates to approach the police with their [totally invented] stories explaining how the other guy — Aiken — had confessed to them that Aiken had Killed Racine, and that he had worked alone. Also, they should add that Fitzwater was totally innocent. That... didn't work. And you can see why in our recent video "Jailhouse Snitch For Hire." Turns out murderers aren't necessarily good actors. As of today, Aiken has been convicted, but Fitzwater's trial is only just getting started, having faced significant delays due to a combination of Covid and substantially more challenging scheduling between prosecutors and defense expert witnesses. Notably, Fitzwater tried and failed to secure compassionate release from the jail due to a particularly bad Covid outbreak at the facility where he is now held. Prosecutors argued that the greater community would only be safe with the alleged murderer locked away. (There was also the small matter of his alleged attempts in jail to “manufacture evidence, influence witnesses and obstruct justice” in relation to his case.) Fitzwater stands charged with murder and obstruction of justice. This is the interrogation of Dalton Aiken. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Shoplifter Stopped With Fatal 126 MPH PIT Maneuver

sEbHsVCTOow | 07 Dec 2020

Shoplifter Stopped With Fatal 126 MPH PIT Maneuver

[As noted in the video, it would ultimately emerge that there had been no armed robbery — the original justification for the pursuit. In reality, Davis had shoplifted some paper towels and 5 Hour Energy drinks. Last but not least, the dispatcher’s conversation with a State Police supervisor is illuminating and worth listening to. The audio recording of that conversation is presented in the last ~4 minutes of this video.] Excerpted from the report of Trooper Tanner Middlecoff: On October 3, 2020 at approximately 6:56 PM, I was at Troop C HQ when I overheard radio traffic from Jonesboro PD in reference to a robbery in progress at the Dollar General on Southwest Drive. Due to the close proximity of the call, I responded for assistance. As I proceeded west on Browns Lane Access Road, Jonesboro dispatch advised that the suspects left the Dollar General and were traveling north on Southwest Drive in a silver passenger car. At this time, I turned around and began traveling east on E Parker Road. As I traveled through the intersection, I observed the suspect vehicle, [whose driver] was later identified as Lakita Davis, enter into oncoming traffic once again while attempting to negotiate a curve. Davis lost control of the vehicle but was able to regain control just before nearly striiking a vehicle headon, forcing a vehicle out of the traffic lane. Officer Shull then requested permission from Sergeant Davis to perform a PIT on the suspect vehicle. Sergeant Davis advised Officer Shull not to PIT and followed up with advising Officer Shull that State Police was behind him. Officer Shull then advised Jonesboro dispatch that once I caught up, he was going to turn the pursuit over to State Police. It was at this time that I advised Troop C dispatch that the Jonesboro PD was requesting our assistance. Officer Shull then advised that he needed assistance "ASAP" due to the suspect vehicle continuing at a high rate of speed and entering the oncoming traffic lane before running the red light at E Parker Road and S Caraway Road. After running the red light, Davis then turned north on S Caraway Road. I turned south onto l-555 and advised Jonesboro dispatch to have officers allow me through so that I could perform a PIT on the vehicle to end the pursuit. I was then able to take lead in the pursuit as we were nearing the end of the construction area at mile marker 40. I was able to catch up with Davis near mile marker 39 to attempt a PIT. Once traffic was clear, I began closing the distance between us once again, at which time she made the same movements, appearing to be attempting to stay in front of me. I was able to move up to her passenger side rear and make contact with her rear bumper, at which time Davis lost control of the vehicle and left the roadway to the right. At this time, I advised dispatch to start EMS due to Davis leaving the roadway at a high rate of speed. After leaving the roadway, Davis' vehicle traveled into a small patch of trees. Due to poor lighting. officers were unable to locate the vehicle initially. Officers were later able to locate the vehicle, which had traveled approximately 250 feet after leaving the roadway. The suspect vehicle was overturned and had struck a tree head-on. Officer were able to extract three occupants from the vehicle. Officer Johnson with Jonesboro PD, advised the fourth occupant, Davis, was located in the driver's seat but was unresponsive with no pulse. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

San Jose Police Officer Gets Tased by His Partner

bbeoStBCH-8 | 02 Dec 2020

San Jose Police Officer Gets Tased by His Partner

One of the shortest videos on Real World Police, this one also needs a caveat. One of the things that sets Real World Police apart is that every story we publish contains significant new footage and information that was not available elsewhere prior. Typically, that significant amount is "all of it." I believe this video fits that description, but in this case - unusually - I can't be sure. With that communicated, watch as a San Jose cop goes for an unexpected lightning ride. Unrelated, a brief update on the Larry Krantz situation: In a phone conversation last week, Casselberry Chief of Police Larry Krantz denied having issued an order shutting down enforcement action against, or investigative efforts into Metro State in 2015. When asked if he was saying that Captain Chapman was lying in his email [linked below] Chief Krantz denied having "said that" — a technically accurate answer that also avoided the question. When pressed to explain the apparent incongruity between his denial and Captain Chapman's assertion, Chief Krantz accused me of having an agenda. He is right. I care about the truth. More to come. Don’t know what I'm talking about? Visit ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Metro State: Putting The "Risk" in "High Risk Funerals"

OMrInRNo9p8 | 30 Nov 2020

Metro State: Putting The "Risk" in "High Risk Funerals"

If you haven't already joined the Real World Police subreddit, join /r/realworldpolice today! As you may be aware, in late-October 2019, deputies with the Orange County Sheriff's Office sought and were granted a warrant for Jeremy Dewitte's electronic devices. This came about as the direct result of Dewitte telling the police that he kept many hours of archival funeral escort footage on his office computers. Clever. Sure enough, a forensic search of those computers turned up a trove of video-recorded criminal activity, conveniently stored on Jeremy's desktop in a folder named "Jay's Cool Stuff." Those videos led directly to many of Motor One's current felony charges, and as an homage to Jeremy, we, too, store our Metro State videos in our own folder, appropriately named "Jay's Cool Stuff." But enough talk about it. Let's see what's in it. Is there more escort footage? Start your engines! Let's at least get some speed! Let's get to 100! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

‘My cellmate wouldn't stop coming on to me, so I tied him up and took his ass”

CgqjKzfS-aw | 27 Nov 2020

‘My cellmate wouldn't stop coming on to me, so I tied him up and took his ass”

Dino. J. Bennetti is in for life on a small handful of charges, including murder. Watch his Sandison-esque flat demeanor as Bennetti describes his deed from just earlier in the day... only Bennetti didn't off his cellmate. He had other plans. A review of Bennetti's DOC records reveals a book-length disciplinary history, along with what appears to have been an escape in 2006. Since this interview took place (about a decade ago; you wouldn't be hearing it if it was recent) Bennetti has since gone before the parole board one time. You can probably guess their decision. I don't have much more that I can add in the way of background information, though I should point out the obvious trigger warning. Note: the original video description misspelled Bennetti’s surname. It has since been corrected. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jailhouse Snitch For Hire

1GHQUst00yU | 25 Nov 2020

Jailhouse Snitch For Hire

OGDEN, UTAH— In June 2019 Dalton James Aiken, 28, was sentenced to a term of 16 years to life in prison in connection with the shooting death of Brian Racine on August 16, 2018. Racine, a 28-year-old homeless man originally from California, was sleeping at a homeless encampment outside of Ogden, Utah when he was shot once in the head -- by Dalton Aiken. But Aiken had not been out at the homeless camp alone. Rather, he and his friend Cory Fitzwater had gone out together. They were on a mission, Aiken would later tell police. They went out there to harass some homeless people. Not long after Fitzwater and Aiken found themselves in jail in the wake of the shooting, they each made separate phone calls in which they accused the other of having been entirely responsible for the killing. But Fitzwater took things well beyond "normal" blame shifting, if there is such a thing in the context of murder. Prosecutors allege that Fitzwater bribed multiple uninvolved inmates to approach the police with their [totally invented] stories explaining how the other guy — Aiken — had confessed to them that Aiken had Killed Racine, and that he had worked alone. Also, they should add that Fitzwater was totally innocent. It didn't work. And this video shows why. Get ready for the least-convincing story of your life. As of today, Aiken has been convicted. And it didn't come about through tainted inmate testimony. As for Fitzwater, his trial is only just getting started, having faced significant delays due to a combination of Covid and substantially more challenging scheduling between prosecutors and defense expert witnesses. Notably, Fitzwater tried and failed to secure compassionate release from the jail due to a particularly bad Covid outbreak at the facility where he is now held. Prosecutors argued that the greater community would only be safe with the alleged murderer locked away. There was also the matter of his alleged attempts in jail to “manufacture evidence, influence witnesses and obstruct justice” in his case. Fitzwater stands charged with murder and obstruction of justice. This is one of Fitzwater's alleged obstructors-for-pay. [Pictured in the original thumbnail was Cory Fitzwater, who is alleged to have bribed Miller Costello to tell this invented story.] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte (Part III)

UGNPfpqa3JI | 23 Nov 2020

Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte (Part III)

Parts I & II of the police interview of Jeremy Dewitte were recorded on September 26, 2019, as part of a voluntary sit-down with law enforcement. The next time Mr. Dewitte and the police came together was on a rather different occasion, though similar terms. The date was October 30, 2019 and Mr. Dewitte had just been picked up on multiple felony warrants for falsely personating* a law enforcement officer. Of course, that did not require Jeremy to speak with the police... but he couldn't resist. And so, notwithstanding his attorney's advice to the contrary, on October 30, 2019, Jeremy Charles Dewitte sat down for a multi-hour pow-wow with Corporal John Ramsey. Listen along in the first of two installments as they discuss everything from Jeremy's wife Rania running Jessica off the road, to whether the Sheriff's Office is harassing Jeremy and Metro State. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte | Part One

FfxXDYpXLNQ | 18 Nov 2020

Interrogation of Jeremy Dewitte | Part One

On September 26, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte sat down with officers of the Orange County Sheriff's Office for a two-hour-long voluntary interview. After all, who needs an attorney when the police are questioning you about crimes? Because the interview is nearly 2.5 hours in total length, it will be presented here in two parts. This is part one. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos (like this one) -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Interrogated by the Real Police (Part Two)

EinE87nRrO0 | 18 Nov 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Interrogated by the Real Police (Part Two)

On September 26, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte sat down with officers of the Orange County Sheriff's Office for a two-hour-long voluntary interview. After all, who needs an attorney when the police are questioning you about crimes? Because the interview is nearly 2.5 hours in total length, it will be presented here in two parts. This is part two. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos (like this one!) -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Newton County Chief Deputy Arrested by Arkansas State Police

4eg3p94Qxyo | 17 Nov 2020

Newton County Chief Deputy Arrested by Arkansas State Police

On May 12, 2019 Newton County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Michael Kyle Dunn was arrested by Arkansas State Police Trooper Michael Valentine, after Valentine observed Dunn's vehicle swerve almost entirely off the road in Rural Boone, Arkansas. Dunn was cited for driving while intoxicated - first offense and for refusing to submit to a chemical test of his breath. Dunn resigned from his job in the immediate aftermath of his arrest. Although Boone Municipal Court records are not available online, a telephone call to the clerk of courts earlier today revealed that Dunn was found guilty of driving while intoxicated. He was ordered to pay an $800 fine and was sentenced to one year in jail, with all but one day suspended. For that day, he received credit for time served. Note that Trooper Valentine's statements about "the limit" being "8%" are wrong. The per se limit is .08%, not 8%. An eight percent blood alcohol concentration would be fatal many times over. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Little Rock Police Conduct Warrantless Search of Drug Offender

8Sn6LIR1uXQ | 14 Nov 2020

Little Rock Police Conduct Warrantless Search of Drug Offender

Today's story brings us back to The Natural State, where some background information may be necessary to understand what's going on. Arkansas Code § 16-93-106 states that a person who is placed on supervised probation or released on parole is required to agree to a waiver as a condition of his or her supervised probation or parole that allows any law enforcement officer or Department of Community Correction ("DOCC") officer to conduct a warrantless search of his or her person, place of residence, or motor vehicle at any time, day or night, whenever requested by the law enforcement officer or DOCC officer. The law requires that any warrantless search conducted based on a waiver must be conducted in a "reasonable manner" but does not require that it be based on an articulable suspicion that the person is committing or has committed a criminal offense. Signing such a waiver is required in order to be eligible for supervised probation or parole. (In case you are confused about what Officer Cole Reppond was pleasantly surprised to find on Bill, the answer is "Nothing.") ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Learns His Driver's License is Suspended

bxhldoF2rS0 | 12 Nov 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Learns His Driver's License is Suspended

On December 2, 2019 deputies with the Orange County Sheriff's Office stopped Jeremy [and Rania] Dewitte for running a red light. Because he is a genius, Jeremy jumped out of the car and immediately began reaching into his pocket while not listening to the commands he was being given. Rania wasn't thrilled. Jeremy was just not-as-thrilled, and for good measure it would turn out that Jeremy had been driving on a suspended license. A couple of months back you saw a short snippet of this footage. Here is the rest. For more about that email, check out It's worth understanding. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Predator in the Classroom: Police Interview of Brittany Zamora

LR74ZS2_oj4 | 09 Nov 2020

Predator in the Classroom: Police Interview of Brittany Zamora

GOODYEAR, AZ — On March 22, 2018 Brittany Ann Zamora was arrested by officers of the Goodyear Police Department. A sixth-grade teacher at the time of her arrest, Zamora is now a resident at the Arizona Department of Corrections Perryville Complex, where she lives in Santa Cruz Unit I. Zamora is serving a twenty-year sentence on a negotiated plea: one count sexual conduct with a minor, one count attempted molestation of a child, and one count public sexual indecency. The first two charges relate to "Victim A." The third, however, relates to "Victim B" — Victim A's best friend, and the student Zamora recruited to serve as a lookout while she and Victim A had sex. A copy of Brittany Zamora's plea agreement is available at This is a video of a video of the police interview of Brittany Ann Zamora. This is the only video recording of that interview, which was until recently thought by most to have only been audio recorded. For those of you who are interested (or who haven't yet seen the notification), although the forensic interview of Victim A has been available on Patreon since May, the forensic interview of Victim B was notably absent. No longer. The forensic interview of Victim B went up on Patreon this morning. As with the first video, all identifying information has been redacted. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than seventy exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -Exclusive Motor One content -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Cleveland Police Officer Suspended Over Text Message | Internal Affairs Interview

-4Z-SsHIu8s | 08 Nov 2020

Cleveland Police Officer Suspended Over Text Message | Internal Affairs Interview

Internal Affairs investigations are often shielded from public scrutiny, not subject to disclosure exempt from disclosure as "personnel records" or similar. The details, however, vary by state, and in some cases the public is afforded insight into police oversight. Here is one such instance, coming your way out of Cleveland, Ohio — and with an interesting twist. Officer Aaron Petitt was suspended for six days in part as a result of the text messages referenced in this interview. (The suspension also covered Petitt failing to deescalate and failing to cover his tattoos in relation to a separate incident.) But that wasn't the end of it. After his suspension Petitt filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Cleveland, alleging unfair punishment and pointing to another officer who was only sent to "sensitivity training" for using overtly racist slurs against black people. Petit maintained that "Hajji" is not a word he ever knew to be derogatory, stating that he was explicitly instructed by the Army to use the word during his four tours in Afghanistan and Iraq as an Army Ranger like Jeremy Dewitte, only real. Petitt's complaint alleged free speech and due process violations by the City of Cleveland. On 4/10/19 US District Judge James S. Gwin issued an order disposing of the the case. In relevant part, he wrote as follows: "On April 3, 2018, the City disciplinarily charged Petitt with using “disparaging remarks when referencing an Arabic male during a potential police action.” Cleveland Police Department rules prohibit officers from using “epithets, terms or words which tend to denigrate any person(s) due to their race.” It also charged Petitt with failing to de-escalate and failing to cover arm tattoos during an October 25, 2017 encounter. . . . . In May 2018, the Cleveland Police Chief found Petitt guilty of all charges and suspended him for six days. Plaintiffs then brought this case under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, claiming that the City's actions violated Plaintiffs' freedom of speech and due process rights. . . . . The Constitution prohibits the state from punishing citizens for protected speech. To make out a First Amendment claim as a public employee, Petitt must show that: (i) he was speaking about a matter of public concern, (ii) he was speaking as a private citizen, and (iii) his interests in that speech outweigh the interest of the State, as an employer, in promoting public service efficiency. Petitt fails each step. . . . . Third, Petitt's interest in using an arguably offensive epithet barely registers as an interest at all. To the extent it is an interest, it is easily outweighed by Defendant's interest in prohibiting its officers from using offensive language. Accordingly, Petitt's freedom of speech claim fails. . . . . The City's discipline does seem overblown. Petitt had sent one seemingly private text message to another officer with an only-arguably insulting ethnic reference. No public statement was made. Petitt's reference to "tune up" a citizen, an apparent reference to using force on the citizen, seems more offensive. But this does not make out a substantive due process claim. Public employers make suspect employee decisions without necessarily running afoul of the Constitution. . . .In any event, the City's decision falls far short of the extreme executive abuse required. . . . . Also, the City found that Petitt had failed to cover his tattoos and failed to de-escalate. Failing to cover his tattoos was a Group I violation, warranting a maximum five-day suspension. Failure to deescalate was either a Group I or II violation, warranting either a maximum five-day suspension or minimum six-day suspension, respectively. These additional charges undercut the severity of Petitt's six-day suspension. . . Although the City may have overreacted, Petitt's substantive due process claim fails. . . . " ~~~ If you are wondering why the officer's face is blurred, that is an almost-certainly-illegal practice of the City of Cleveland. For more information see [Every time I explain this, a group of selectively-literate people shows up to explain the City's logic, ignoring the reality that I linked to an article clearly explaining it. Read the linked article if you want to understand what's going on. Don't just guess.] ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of Rapper 9lokkNine by Orlando Police. Again.

OAGufvV3V1U | 07 Nov 2020

Arrest of Rapper 9lokkNine by Orlando Police. Again.

From the arrest report of Officer Jordan Sites, edited for clarity and brevity: On 12/20/2018 at approximately 1:00 AM, I, Officer Jordan Sites and Officer C. Holcomb were on proactive patrol in the area of Spaulding Road and Bethune Drive when I observed a 2018 silver Cadillac XTS bearing FL temp tag #CII0251 traveling south on Bethune Drive approaching Spaulding Road. The vehicle failed to stop at the stop sign and took a eastbound turn onto Spaulding Road, again failing to stop at the Goldwyn Avenue stop sign. Due to the traffic infractions I conducted a traffic stop on the Cadillac using my lights and siren. I approached the Cadillac on the driver side and could immediately smell the scent of cannabis emitting from the vehicle before I got to the windows. I told the driver, identified as Jacquavius Smith, [better known as the rapper "9lokknine" née "Glokknine"] to roll down all the windows and he complied. At this time, I observed that the vehicle was occupied by three occupants. The front passenger was identified as Jeremiah Robinson and the back passenger was identified as Demetrius Cox Jr. I explained to Smith the reason for the stop was his failure to stop at the above-mentioned stop signs. I asked Smith if he had any weapons in the vehicle, Smith immediately looked towards the center of the vehicle and then stated he did not. I asked him if he was sure because I saw him look towards the center of the vehicle and he stated he had no weapons in the vehicle. I asked Cox and Robinson if they had any weapons in the vehicle and they stated they did not. I asked all the occupants if there was any more cannabis in the vehicle or on them and each of them replied that they did not. I stated to Smith that the vehicle had the scent of cannabis and he stated he just "rolled up." I explained to the occupants that due to the scent of cannabis I had probable cause to search them and the vehicle. Officer J. Tournay arrived as an additional unit. Cox was removed from the vehicle and searched, located in his boxers was a clear plastic bag with a green leafy substance. Based on my training and experience I believed the substance to be cannabis. Total package weight is 27.73 grams. Smith and Robinson were removed from the vehicle and searched. Nothing was located on their person. I conducted a search of the vehicle and located a plastic panel attached to the center console on the driver side, where I observed Smith look when I asked if he had and weapons. I pulled the panel lightly and it easily popped off revealing a black handgun. The handgun is a Black Diamondback Firearm. I ran Smith through teletype revealing that he has four felony convictions. As I continued to search the vehicle Officer Tournay and myself observed that the VIN number was seen on the front window and front driver side door panel, however we observed a different VIN number located on the passenger floor board and underneath the hood of the vehicle. The vehicle was towed by Johnson Wrecker and red tagged for additional investigation. During the search of the vehicle I located $2,793 in the center console. Smith stated that money was his. It was seized for forfeiture and placed into property. I read Cox, Smith, and Robinson their Miranda warnings via my department issued Miranda card. Each of them stated they did not want to talk, or claimed no knowledge of anything. Based on the above factual information probable cause exists to charge Jaquavius Smith with Possession of a Concealed Weapon by Convicted Felon and Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon. The charges against Smith were dropped in January 2019. Remarkably, Smith's ability to avoid consequences is not limited to these charges. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trooper Nearly Flips Patrol Car During Arkansas High Speed Pursuit; Ramming

_yInQQUQI3I | 03 Nov 2020

Trooper Nearly Flips Patrol Car During Arkansas High Speed Pursuit; Ramming

RURAL BENTON, ARKANSAS — The following has been adapted from the incident report of Trooper Mason Redding: On August 5, 2019 at approximately 7:56 pm while riding with Sr. Cpl. Desmond Benton on US Highway 412 west I observed a black Honda Civic traveling east on 412 which appeared to be exceeding the posted speed limit. Benton turned around and proceeded east in order to conduct a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle. On our approach, the suspect, later identified as Trent Guida, and his passenger Krystal Starr, began increasing their speed. Benton radioed dispatch that he was in pursuit of the vehicle. Guida continued driving at approximately 120 mph west on Highway 412 before turning north on Old Hwy 68. After .25 miles on Old Hwy 68, Guida made a U-turn and headed back toward 412. L-17 / Alan Aiken and his passenger L-32 / Kirt Williams were at the intersection of US Hwy 412 and Old Hwy 68. When Guida turned west on 412, Benton attempted to get in position in order to conduct a PIT maneuver, however Guida repeatedly swerved in front of Benton’s vehicle, prohibiting Benton from getting into position. Guida turned back east on 412 and accelerated to ~120 mph toward Tontitown, where PD attempted to utilize spike strips. Guida swerved toward a Tontitown officer to avoid the spikes. When Benton slowed his speed in order to avoid the spike strips, Aiken became the lead vehicle. Aiken attempted to get in position to PIT the vehicle, but Guida swerved into Aiken’s vehicle, colliding with its passenger side front and causing Aiken’s vehicle to go onto two wheels before slamming back down and disabling the vehicle. Guida turned south on Barrington and Benton became the lead vehicle with Tontitown following behind. Benton attempted to get into position to PIT but Guida again swerved in front of Benton’s vehicle prohibiting him from getting into position. At this point, Guida began throwing small plastic bags out of the driver’s side window, ultimately tossing as well a bottle full of a liquid.Fayetteville Pd. attempted to deploy spike strips but Guida was able to avoid them. He began driving into opposite lanes of traffic and turned northbound on I-49. Benton again attempted to get into position to PIT Guida but was unable to. Guida took the Porter Exit and headed south, eventually driving the wrong way down the exit ramp traveling south in the northbound lanes before turning back north onto I-49. When Guida attempted to make a U-turn on Don Tyson, Benton used his vehicle to ram Guida’s vehicle on the driver’s side door, disabling Guida’s vehicle and stopping his flight. Benton held Guida and Starr at gunpoint and ordered Guida out of the vehicle. When Guida refused to exit the vehicle, a Tontitown officer and I physically removed him through the driver’s side window and placed him onto the pavement in order to take him into custody. While attempting to place Guida into handcuffs, he forcefully pulled away from me in an attempt to keep from being handcuffed. I was able to gain control of Guida’s arms and place him into custody. Upon searching Guida I located $4,107 in his pants pockets Starr was taken into custody by a Tontitown Officer. Records indicate that both Starr and Guida are parolees, and that both have since been arrested yet again: 1/22/20 for Guida, and 5/22/20 for Starr. They both have extensive criminal histories, though Starr's wins on sheer length. In relation to this arrest, Guida was charged with two counts of aggravated assault of a law enforcement officer, felony possession of drug paraphernalia, tampering with evidence, fleeing, DWI, refusal to submit to testing, and resisting arrest. The next hearing in his case is scheduled for March 12, 2021. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Semi Truck Blowout at Highway Speed | Real World Police: Roadcam

FqA7qJu12xc | 02 Nov 2020

Semi Truck Blowout at Highway Speed | Real World Police: Roadcam

Today's installment takes us back to the New York State Thruway, where a FOIL request initially denied — overturned on [an epic, if I may say so myself] appeal — has resulted in our possessing an unusually large volume of New York State Thruway Authority accident footage. Our big win = your big win. Let's partake. ~~~~~ "FOIL" stands for "Freedom of Information Law" — New York State's access to public records statute. For more information on getting access to public records in New York State, visit About this video: Most of the material that gets published to Patreon is intended as Patreon-only, but we have always trickled out public releases of a small portion of that content. This is one of those occasions. Enjoy. ~~~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We do not publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Squatter?! I own the place!!

uoFyqs6W3h8 | 30 Oct 2020

Squatter?! I own the place!!

This video is about as self-explanatory as they come, so instead of explaining it to you I want to share an unrelated story about Jeremy Dewitte. On September 1, 2017 at approximately 10:30 AM Detective Shawn Chuman was working an off-duty job at at 4200 Conroy Road (Mall at Millenia) when he observed a white male subject wearing what appeared to be a police uniform. From Detective Chuman’s report, lightly edited for clarity: The subject was wearing a uniform similar to officers assigned to a “Motor Traffic Enforcement Unit.” I observed the subject enter the Tiffany’s store escorted by an unknown female and I notified security via mall radio of another possible police officer on property. Upon closer inspection through mall video surveillance, security advised the subject wearing the uniform was not a police officer but instead a security officer of a different company. The subject’s company vehicle was located in the B1 parking lot with the company logo: Metro State Special Services. Greg Moore, security director of the mall placed a call to the company to speak with a supervisor and to advised of mall policy which prohibits non-contracted security from entering the mall unless performing a security detail with approval from mall management. Moore spoke with a subject who identified himself over the phone as “Jay.” Moore attempted to explain to Jay the mall policy until he was interrupted by Jay who began to state the following,"I did not have a gun. Did you see me with a gun? I am not a security officer and Florida State Statute 493 does not apply to me.” Chapter 493 Florida Statutes is the state statute which governs licensed security guards. Jay continued by stating he falls under Florida State Statute 316 and that he is certified by the State of Florida. Jay further stated that he is former military, former police, and added that he had just spent $1,300 at Tiffany's for his wife. Jay also advised he just finished a funeral detail for a retired police officer and threatened to contact Channel 9 and claim he is being harassed by mall management. Jay abruptly disconnected from the phone call. It should be noted that during the phone call Jay stated to Moore that he should be better informed about policy because of his previous employment as security director of Point Orlando… with himself as a former employee of his. After the phone conversation, Moore recognized “Jay” as Jeremy Dewitte, a former employee who used to work under him at Point Orlando. Dewitte had been arrested and convicted for impersonating a police officer, with multiple reports and historical flags as a prolific police impersonator in Orange County. Dewitte is also a registered sexual offender. Mall Management advised if Dewitte enters the property, they would like him trespassed. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Trump Doral Shooter Jonathan Oddi

hGrm0zIg8IE | 29 Oct 2020

Interrogation of Trump Doral Shooter Jonathan Oddi

On May 18, 2018 officers responded to the Trump National Doral Miami Hotel regarding multiple reports regarding an erratic man with a gun in the lobby. Jonathan Oddi had taken over the lobby and draped an enormous American flag over the resort’s front desk. The details of that incident were covered in a story we published in September 2019, and today we have finally acquired footage of Mr. Oddi's interview by FDLE Special Agent Alberto Borges and Miami Dade Police Detective Oscar Andino. During his interview with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Oddi, a 42 year old former stripper, stated that he had planned his actions to direct attention to several political issues. He stated he dressed in black clothing and painted his face black so he would not be seen, and that he had conducted surveillance on the property for about two hours. While at the hospital, Oddi yelled many spontaneous statements, asking to speak with the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, and the media. He stated that he is an intelligence officer and also made the following erratic comments: “Trump is a traitor,” “Obama is Osama,” “Trump makes his money on gas,” and “laws are corrupt." Oddi also told officers that he had a "settlement" with Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and the rap artist known as P. Diddy. This video presents a portion of the interrogation of Jonathan Oddi. Whose last name could hardly be more appropriate, and who at one point worked for website "Dancing Bear" as a porn actor. Let us know in a comment if you would like to see more of this interview aka hear Oddi's thoughts on Tupac Shakur. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Supercharged Mustang Hits 178 MPH in Arkansas High Speed Pursuit

UBP1m0G441U | 26 Oct 2020

Supercharged Mustang Hits 178 MPH in Arkansas High Speed Pursuit

On October 8, 2020 at approximately 1:39am Trooper Matthew Walker of the Arkansas State Police was traveling eastbound on I-30 near the Arch Street overpass when he noticed a passenger vehicle in the far left lane traveling at a high rate of speed. Walker activated his rear radar and showed the vehicle to be traveling 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. Trooper Walker slowed down to allow the vehicle to pass, and as the vehicle passed he activated his emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop. The vehicle was a gray Ford Mustang bearing Arkansas plate 799ZEX. As Walker activated his emergency lights, the vehicle immediately picked up speed, accelerating away from Walker's Dodge Charger at a rate far faster than Walker could match. Walker wrote "I visually observed the weight of the vehicle shift backwards as he began to accelerate. I shortly activated my emergency sirens and notified dispatch I was in pursuit." "The vehicle continued to travel eastbound onto I-30 at a high rate of speed. While on I-30, I reached top speeds of 152 mph and the suspect vehicle was still putting distance between us. I keep the vehicle in sight, knowing Trooper Worn was sitting in the area of Interstate 40 near North Hills." "I managed to keep the suspects’ vehicle in sight and [was] able to notify Trooper Worn that the suspect took the exit to travel eastbound on Interstate 40." "Trooper Worn was sitting stationary on the right shoulder just past the North Hills exit on Interstate 40, waiting on the suspect vehicle. Trooper Worn activated his emergency lights and sirens as the suspect vehicle began to approach him. The vehicle drove around Trooper Worn and continued to travel eastbound on Interstate 40." "I became secondary in the pursuit and Trooper Worn became primary in the pursuit. Shortly after Trooper Worn became primary, the suspects’ vehicle exited off Interstate 40 onto Highway 161 traveling southbound." "While on Highway 161 the vehicle collided with two other vehicles at the intersection of Bethany Road and Highway 161 [ ]. The suspect vehicle came to a complete stop against a building [ ] and a concrete barrier." "The suspect, later identified as Kendrick Price, was sitting against the side of the building in the Sonic parking lot. Trooper Worn and I began to place Prices hands behind his back and Price tensed up and attempted to pull away from us. As I began to attempt to take Price to the ground a North Little Rock officer came up and assisted us in taking Price to the ground." "Price was taken into custody after a short struggle and secured into the back of my patrol vehicle. Price was later transported to UAMS to be treated for a cut on his chin, which occurred during the accident. After being treated by medical staff, Price was transported to Pulaski County Detention Center. Price was charged with Speeding, Felony Fleeing by Vehicle, Reckless Driving and Resisting Arrest." During conversation with Trooper Walker, Price freely admitted that he had been driving his supercharged 2017 Mustang at speeds as high as 178 miles per hour during the pursuit. Price's citations as well as the full incident report and scene photos are available on Patreon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Washington Auditor Gets Arrested; Trespassed From Police Department

HG5C2Kk0ZA4 | 25 Oct 2020

Washington Auditor Gets Arrested; Trespassed From Police Department

Remember Victor? No, not Photo. The one from Pasco. Victor Scott. Remember him? When we last saw Mr. Scott, he and and his buddy were about to get trespassed from Pasco City Hall. Not liking that idea, the duo took off running in an attempt to evade service. One dude - not Mr. Scott - threw a water bottle at the police and landed himself in jail. But what happened to our other friend that day? Did Mr. Scott ever get served? Answer: quite. Check it out. *If you are new to Victor Scott, mind your headphone volume. He shouts. A lot. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Can’t Keep His Lies Straight

gi-n9N9Gr5A | 24 Oct 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Can’t Keep His Lies Straight

Sixteen seconds. Two contradictory claims. Impressive, even for Jeremy.

Serial Police Impersonator Testifies About Metro State

1hXsE5qWGhU | 23 Oct 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Testifies About Metro State

The following is loosely adapted from a case summary written by the State Attorney's Office: Mohammad Amar Aljamos owns the Royal Hookah Lounge in Orlando, Florida. Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan had been frequenting Aljamos’ business for approximately eight months and Aljamos knew Brijmohan to be a federal agent. Brijmohan always had his badge and firearm on him when in the business. Brijmohan had also shown-up other times wearing a tactical vest and carrying an assault rifle. Furthermore, Brijmohan had implied to Aljamos that he was involved with the Las Vegas shooting investigation, going so far as to tell him that he was traveling to Las Vegas to meet with the President of the United States about the event. Aljamos advised he was very close to Brijmohan and treated him like a brother. He also advised that Sean Brijmohan had introduced him to someone. That someone had been identified as Brijmohan's friend, and as a fellow federal agent. His name? Steven Negron. Sound familiar? No? Try “Recycle.” Rather than explain the [very twisty] story here, we are going to let the victim, the suspects, and the witnesses tell their own version of events. Published concurrently with this video was footage of the police interrogation of Sean Brijmohan. We heard your requests for a better home for conversation and we have responded. Join the new Real World Police subreddit for extended, better-threaded, off-YouTube conversation about anything and everything Real World Police and Jeremy Dewitte: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trick Daddy Arrested for DUI, Cocaine Possession [Part I]

OzMDETeCVWo | 22 Oct 2020

Trick Daddy Arrested for DUI, Cocaine Possession [Part I]

On January 11, 2020, officers with the Miami Police Department were dispatched to SW 128th Avenue and SW 42nd Street in reference to a possibly impaired driver who had been seen hitting road signs and running red lights. Reports indicated that the vehicle was a “dark color Range Rover.” Upon arrival, officers observed the suspect vehicle parked in the roadway and made contact with its driver — who appeared to be asleep behind the wheel. From the police report: “I knocked on the window and advised the driver to lower the window, which he did. The driver was identified as Maurice Young [aka “Trick Daddy”] by his Florida drivers license. I asked Mr. Young where he was coming from and where he was going. Mr. Young stated he had left a club in Miami Gardens near NW 37th Avenue and NW 187th Street. Mr. Young then stated he was dropping someone off and heading home. I observed Mr. Young to have bloodshot, watery glassy eyes, slurred speech when he spoke, and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath. I asked Mr. Young if he would perform the field sobriety exercises to which he [eventually] agreed. Mr. Young had distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation, with onset before 45 degrees. Mr. Young also moved his head to follow the pen when he was instructed not to move his head. Mr. Young then performed the walk and turn. Mr. Young did not touch heel-to-toe and he stepped off the line. Mr. Young did not turn correctly and did not do the correct amount of steps as he was instructed to do. I then demonstrated for Mr. Young the one-leg stand exercise. I explained it several times, but Mr. Young refused to perform the exercise. Mr. Young was subsequently placed under arrest for driving under the influence. I then transported Mr. Young to the Hammocks Station. While at the Hammocks Station I read Mr. Young the implied consent warnings and requested Mr. Young to provide a breath sample for the purposes of determining its alcohol content. Mr. Young refused. While gathering Mr. Young’s money to be counted and put away properly into a bag with his belongings and taken to TGK, powder cocaine was located inside of a dollar bill. The cocaine and dollar bill with residue was entered into evidence at Hammocks Station. Young was charged with felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor DUI. He has pleaded not guilty. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Calls For Help

pvc-OXKhRIU | 21 Oct 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Calls For Help

On September 30, 2020 Jeremy Charles Dewitte left a voicemail for Casselberry Police Department Chief of Police Larry Krantz. Referencing some nonspecific fixing Krantz had apparently done on Jeremy's behalf a while back, Dewitte was turning to him for help. Krantz has been subpoenaed to testify at Jeremy Dewitte's trial. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"They're at my office. Oh my god, they're at my office." | Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call

NxvENWZ-bRQ | 20 Oct 2020

"They're at my office. Oh my god, they're at my office." | Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call

"I can't even imagine if this gets out on the internet or on the news." "Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me!.... You have to believe me." "I don't care what you do. I don't care if you ever want to see me again as your son..." "You better get the family together and get a bunch of money. Mom, this isn't right." "Listen carefully: I need you to reset the cameras... so they're ready for the weekend." Jail calls are a wellspring of Metro State one-liners, but in their longer form they do double-duty as a solid source of information. You have heard Jeremy's shocked statement of disbelief that the police are in his inner sanctum, but you haven't heard it in context. What was the rest of that call about? Presenting the complete "Oh my god, they're at my office" call. (God as my witness.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Metro State Officer Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan (Part II)

bfxeaHNUiuM | 17 Oct 2020

Interrogation of Metro State Officer Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan (Part II)

The following is loosely adapted from a case summary written by the State Attorney's Office: Mohammad Amar Aljamos owns the Royal Hookah Lounge in Orlando. Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan had been frequenting Aljamos’ business for approximately eight months and Aljamos knew Brijmohan to be a federal agent. Brijmohan always had his badge and firearm on him when in the business. Brijmohan had also shown-up other times wearing a tactical vest and carrying an assault rifle. Brijmohan had also implied to Aljamos that he was involved with the Las Vegas shooting investigation, on one occasion even telling Aljamos that he was traveling to Las Vegas to speak with the President of the United States about the tragic event. Aljamos advised he was very close to Brijmohan and treated him like a brother. Brijmohan introduced Aljamos to someone he identified as (a) his friend and (b) a fellow federal agent. That guy's name? Steven Negron. Sound familiar? No? Try “Recycle.” And then — as a "prank" — they robbed Aljamos. Good prank. Rather than explain the [very, very twisty] story here, we are going to let the victim, the suspects, and the witnesses tell their own version of events. Published to Patreon concurrently with Part One was a sworn interview of Jeremy Dewitte by Assistant State Attorney Richard Wallsh (yes, two "l"s) in relation to this case. That video will be publicly available for free this coming Friday. This video was published days early to the Real World Police subreddit, /r/realworldpolice. Check it out and join in the conversation! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Morristown police respond to private jet runway overrun

TZGuTNOEYqI | 16 Oct 2020

Morristown police respond to private jet runway overrun

On January 4, 2020 a Beechcraft B200 King Air, registration N200HF, landed on a wet runway and hydroplaned, ultimately overrunning the runway into an area of grass and mud, resulting in the airplane’s nose gear collapsing. The pilot reported that, during the descent for an instrument approach in instrument meteorological conditions, he saw an area of patchy fog over the approach end of the runway and leveled off to avoid the fog. He landed the airplane with about 3,000 ft of the nearly 6,000-ft-long runway remaining and felt the airplane hydroplaning while using a combination of wheel braking and the beta range of the propellers. The airplane subsequently overran the end of the runway onto grass and mud, which resulted in the nose landing gear collapsing. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the forward fuselage. The pilot reported that there were no preaccident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the probable cause of this accident to be the airplane hydroplaning while landing on a wet runway, which degraded its braking capability and resulted in a runway overrun onto grass and mud, and the nose landing gear collapsing. Contributing to the accident was the pilot's improper decision to land the airplane until it was near the runway midpoint due to fog over the approach end of the runway. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

DaBaby Accuses Black Police Officer of "Showing Off for the White Man"

ZgLnhdkjBE8 | 15 Oct 2020

DaBaby Accuses Black Police Officer of "Showing Off for the White Man"

On January 2, 2020 at 1:17 PM Miami police officers were dispatched to the Novotel Brickell at 1500 SW 1st Avenue. From the report of Detective William Ledlow, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: I contacted Sergeant Rosemond, who gave me a brief synopsis of the incident. I then interviewed Victim 1 who stated that he is a music promoter. He previously made an agreement with the Defendant for $30,000 in US currency for the Defendant to perform at Cafe Iguana Pines on today’s date. At approximately 1300 hours the Victims met up with the Defendant and gave him $20,000 in US currency. When the Defendant counted the money, he complained that he was short $10,000. The Defendant began demanding the rest of the money and a verbal altercation ensued. The altercation became physical, during which time Victim 2 alleges that DaBaby reached into his front left pocket and took his iPhone 7, a Bank of America credit card and approximately $80. The offenders then fled the scene in a black SUV. At approximately 1650 hours the Defendant returned to the lobby area of the hotel. The Defendant was taken into custody and transported to the Miami Police Department Robbery Unit for further investigation. At approximately 1920 hours Sergeant Murray offered the Defendant food and water, which he refused. At approximately 2007 hours I informed the Defendant of his Miranda rights, per form, which he waived and agreed to speak to me. Sergeant Murray and I then proceeded to interview the Defendant who denied his involvement in the incident. Defendant arrested.’’ If you missed our previous coverage, the complete footage of DaBaby’s interrogation can be found at Note: captions are available for a portion of this video. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation of Metro State Officer Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan (Part I)

3o1pXf3mxeo | 14 Oct 2020

Interrogation of Metro State Officer Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan (Part I)

The following is loosely adapted from a case summary written by the State Attorney's Office: Mohammad Amar Aljamos owns the Royal Hookah Lounge in Orlando. Sean Jeffrey Brijmohan had been frequenting Aljamos’ business for approximately eight months and Aljamos knew Brijmohan to be a federal agent. Brijmohan always had his badge and firearm on him when in the business. Brijmohan had also shown-up other times wearing a tactical vest and carrying an assault rifle. Brijmohan had also implied to Aljamos that he was involved with the Las Vegas shooting investigation, on one occasion even telling Aljamos that he was traveling to Las Vegas to speak with the President of the United States about the tragic event. Aljamos advised he was very close to Brijmohan and treated him like a brother. Brijmohan introduced Aljamos to someone he identified as (a) his friend and (b) a fellow federal agent. That guy's name? Steven Negron. Sound familiar? No? Try “Recycle.” And then — as a "prank" — they robbed Aljamos. Good prank. Rather than explain the [very, very twisty] story here, we are going to let the victim, the suspects, and the witnesses tell their own version of events. Published to Patreon concurrently with this video is a sworn interview of Jeremy Dewitte, taken by the State Attorney's Office in relation to this case. That video will be publicly available for free next Friday. Also published concurrently is Part Two of the interrogation. To kickstart the new Real World Police subreddit (/r/realworldpolice), Part Two is posted over there only. It's available to anyone, right now, for free. And it won't be published to anyone's feed for at least a few days. Check it out and join the conversation and community! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Woman demands police officer because sheriff is "giving off too much radiation"

ukZE4lzhYIc | 13 Oct 2020

Woman demands police officer because sheriff is "giving off too much radiation"

On June 1, 2020 a woman locked herself in the bathroom of a Las Cruces gas station, refusing to come out after more than 45 minutes. Under ‘normal’ circumstances, that situation (someone locked in a gas station bathroom for an unusually long period of time) screams “overdose" — but these were not normal circumstances. Rosa was just hanging out. Things took a turn for the even-weirder upon the arrival of a deputy with the Doña Ana County Sheriff's Department. Rosa apparently objected to the deputy’s presence due to his radiation levels. The radiative deputy wouldn’t do, and Dewitte lives in Florida. With those two solutions out of the picture, there was only one option left: a cop. Of course, Rosa had her own issues with the police department, but at least those could be talked through without lead shielding. Meet Rosa T... whose job it is to tide you over while work continues on a handful of big stories. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Don't take my son to Lakeside!” (Don’t threaten to kill people?)

a4A8Gj84NmI | 10 Oct 2020

"Don't take my son to Lakeside!” (Don’t threaten to kill people?)

According to Orlando Police Department directives, an individual should be taken into protective custody and subjected to "involuntary examination" - which may take up to 72 hours - when either of two conditions are met: 1. "Without care or treatment the person is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse care for him- or herself and such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to his her well-being, and it is not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of willing and responsible family members or friends, or the provision of other services, or 2. "There is substantial likelihood that without care or treatment, the person will cause serious bodily harm to him- or herself or others in the near future as evidenced by recent behavior." The second criteria is pretty unmistakably in effect in this case. It should also be noted that there is no basis for a guardian of a minor to provide - or refuse - consent to their child’s involuntary examination under the Florida Mental Health Act, better known as the Baker Act. Under the Baker Act, only three people may require someone to undergo involuntary examination: a judge, mental health professional, and a law enforcement officer. Although people who meet Baker Act criteria are not under arrest, police officers may use reasonable force to detain them for purposes of delivering them to a receiving facility. OPD policy explicitly states that "there is no expectation that the officer should be able to clinically diagnose mental illness or predict dangerousness." Evidence of likely harm to self or others is defined solely by the person’s “recent behavior.” The law requires the law enforcement officer’s report to document the circumstances under which the person was taken into custody, not necessarily their own personal observations. As the Baker Act is a civil law, not a criminal one, probable cause is not required. Officers are provided the following criteria to determine suitability for the Baker Act, typically looking for a combination of the following: Behaviors: rapid speech, flight of thought, no eye contact, quick movements, disconnected speech patterns, constant movement, inability to concentrate, swift and frequent mood changes, disorganized thoughts, disoriented to time and place, acts of violence, cutting self, combative or aggressive behavior, inappropriate dress or nudity. Hallucinations: sees people who aren’t there, hears voices telling them to hurt themselves or others, reports that television is suggesting harm to others, turning the head as if listening to an unseen person. Self-Care Issues: insomnia or increased sleep, has not eaten for days, not taking prescribed medication, home is in disarray, neglects household, property, or personal hygiene to the point of putting self/others at risk. Feelings: low self-esteem with feelings of hopelessness, flat affect, or not reacting with much feeling or interest. Suicidal Risks: has weapons or access to weapons, speaks about previous attempts, makes direct comments about dying or hurting self, evidence of previous attempts such as scars on the wrists. Elderly Issues: wandering at night, leaving things on stove unattended, not eating or sleeping or caring for personal needs, unrealistic fears, uncontrollable anxiety, confusion, quantity and age of unused food in the house. Substance Abuse: abuse of prescribed medications, use of alcohol or illegal substances while taking medications. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Ex-Love & Hip Hop Star ‘Benzino' Hasn't Paid Rent Since May; Getting Evicted

cshAHGOwdYA | 09 Oct 2020

Ex-Love & Hip Hop Star ‘Benzino' Hasn't Paid Rent Since May; Getting Evicted

If you don't remember Benzino, you've been sort-of-missing-out on one of the most off-the-wall videos we have ever posted. That (very NSFW) video can be found at Shifting gears to this incident, the following is directly from the police report, lightly edited for clarity: On July 13, 2020 at approximately 1241 hours, I responded to a 911 hang up call at 3450 Blair Circle. Per call notes, Lindsay [last name withheld] called for police to return to location from the previous Disorderly Person Call on 07/13/2020 at 1205 hours in reference to Raymond Scott. [Yes, the police had already been at that location earlier in the day. Also because of Benzino.] From speaking with Lindsay on the call earlier, Lindsay stated Scott has not paid rent since March. [Note: the police report is incorrect about this. Scott had not paid rent since May.] Lindsay advised Scott informed her he should not have to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lindsay stated the eviction process has been started and she believes Scott is aware of the eviction process which is why Scott is angry with her. When I arrived on scene, Scott was sitting inside the leasing office speaking to one of the leasing agents. Lindsay was inside her office. Scott was asked to step outside of the leasing office so we could have a conversation. Scott advised he was at the leasing office because Lindsay would not send via email her supervisor`s information. Scott went on to speak of how Lindsay has been disrespectful to him in the past and how did not want to be treated with disrespect. Scott advised he has been putting up with Lindsay`s negative behavior for almost two years. I relocated to Lindsay's office. Lindsay was visibly upset and crying. She advised she just sent Scott the information he requested via email. Lindsay stated she was on the phone with her supervisor advising the incident with Scott. I spoke with Scott in the lobby and he advised he finally received the email from Lindsay. Scott was advised to have contact with the supervisor instead of Lindsay due to a sour relationship. Scott agreed and left the premises without incident." Benzino is currently listed as a defendant in an open eviction proceeding in DeKalb County Court. The plaintiff in that case is the management company of the apartment building pictured in this video. Scott has filed a pro se answer in the case using a form with various check boxes. On that form, Raymond ‘Benzino’ Scott is alleging that (1) his landlord terminated his lease without a valid reason, (2) he offered to pay on time but his landlord refused to accept his money, AND (3) he was unable to pay because he did not have the money. Not sure how those last two fit together, but Benzino seems like a creative kind of guy. Sort of. The next hearing in Benzino's eviction case will take place on October 14, 2020. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

New Jersey Store Owner Nearly Arrested Over Covid Closure Violation

KP5pT-eCtlM | 08 Oct 2020

New Jersey Store Owner Nearly Arrested Over Covid Closure Violation

CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY — This incident caused considerable tension in the seaside resort town of Cape May. In its wake, Lower Township Police Department's Chief of Police William Mastriana issued, in part, the following statement: "On May 16, the Lower Township Police Department responded to the Sunset Beach Gift Shop, located at 502 Sunset Blvd, Cape May Point. This response was based on multiple anonymous tips received that both the business and miniature golf course were operating in violation of the governor’s COVID-19-related executive orders. Upon arrival, the Lower Township officer located the owner of the business and advised him that he was there based on anonymous tips that the store and golf course were open in violation of the executive orders. The owner said he believed that his business could open because he sold, what he considered to be, essential products, as defined by the executive order. After receiving this information, the officer walked through the store to see whether the products being sold would meet the definition under the executive order. The officer contacted the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office and advised of the facts surrounding the complaint. In accordance with the governor’s COVID-19 executive order, the officer was advised that the gift shop did not meet the requirements to remain open as a walk-in business, but could remain open for curbside service and the miniature golf course could not remain open. The officer, in a sympathetic manner, relayed this information to the owner, and the officer politely advised the customers that the store would have to close and that they would have to leave the premises after completing their purchases. The customers on the golf course were advised that the golf course was closing, but they could finish their games. While the officer was carrying out his duty, the owner and his adult son became very agitated and responded negatively to the officer, including insulting him in public, which lead to a brief exchange of words outside of the business. This, in turn, caused the officer to tell his son that if he did not calm down and stop interfering with his ability to communicate with his department that he would be arrested for disorderly conduct. No summons was issued. It was clear that the owners of the business were blaming their frustration with being unable to remain fully open on the officer and the situation became very contentious. During this entire incident, the officer continued to explain to the owner and his son that this was not a decision made by him, he was simply enforcing the executive order, and he understood their frustration. After review of the body camera the officer was wearing, it was evident that he did everything he could to deescalate the situation while carrying out his sworn duties. We all realize that these are very trying and difficult times for everyone. This was a very unfortunate situation that nobody wanted to be in, but as police officers, we have a sworn duty to uphold the laws given to us." Real World Police attempted to contact the owner of the Sunset Beach Gift Shop to hear his version of events. There was no answer at their main phone number, however we would like to include their perspective and invite anyone affiliated with the Sunset Beach Gift Shop to contact us. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Training: High Risk Funerals

RzUzp4yzI3k | 06 Oct 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Training: High Risk Funerals

Let's face reality: you don't know how to 50/50 an intersection. But haven't you thought to yourself "I wish I knew how to 50/50 one of those," daydreaming about all the things you could do — if only you were given a lesson in escorting funerals? And dump trucks, when no one is looking? This lesson comes from the best in the business. No, not those second-stringers at Curtis! Didn’t you read: escorting dump trucks?! Get with it! Motor One! In this video, you will learn the secrets of high risk funeral protection. Rules such as "Don't enter an intersection when the light is red, unless you are Jeremy,” (no joke; 316.1974!) and life skills, such as how to 50/50 an intersection, and how to make people think you are the police. Start your engines. It’s training time! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Secret Recording of Secret Metro State Meeting (Part 2)

OyPFyEIL9K4 | 04 Oct 2020

Secret Recording of Secret Metro State Meeting (Part 2)

The last installment of videos from the Metro State Florida Mall meeting. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Secret Recording of Secret Metro State Meeting

5phN9n4HsKU | 30 Sep 2020

Secret Recording of Secret Metro State Meeting

Recorded by Steven "Recycle" Negron, what feels like ages ago. Remember when Photo told the police that there had been a meeting where Jeremy asked his employees to give him money? The one where Photo donated $10 to the Commander? This is it. Part two just went up on Patreon. More to come. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator: Shorts

qfBtwlDfokI | 25 Sep 2020

Serial Police Impersonator: Shorts

Yes, this means what some of you are probably thinking: there is escort footage you haven't [yet] seen. This brief clip should tide you over until your next full-size dose of Motor One. There may be another episode of "Rappers Get Arrested" in the interim, and hey, you never know... there may even be something resembling our once-normal content, too. If you can believe there was a time before-JD. If you really can't wait, additional Metro State content is due over on Patreon later today. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Bank Gives Woman's Money to Wrong Person, Trespasses Woman

eNJbOjoJBCw | 24 Sep 2020

Bank Gives Woman's Money to Wrong Person, Trespasses Woman

Las Cruces, New Mexico — This is about as self-explanatory a video as they come. It does, however, highlight something that happens surprisingly often and can be easy to miss: both the bank and the woman called 911, leading to confusion on the woman’s part over why the police were not there for her. It’s easy to get caught up in your experience of a situation, and to lose perspective as a result. When the police are called to a civil issue and receive a separate call about potentially criminal threats, the civil issue is going to wait. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We do not publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Rapper DaBaby Interrogated by Miami Robbery Detectives

_87l4Loi8Dw | 23 Sep 2020

Rapper DaBaby Interrogated by Miami Robbery Detectives

The following is from the report of Miami Police Detective Robert Ledlow. It has been lightly edited for clarity. On January 2, 2020, 1317 hours, Miami police officers were dispatched to the Novotel Miami at 1500 SW 1st Avenue in reference to a strong arm robbery. Upon arrival, officers located two victims on scene. I, Detective Ledlow, then responded to the scene where I contacted Sergeant Rosemond, who gave me a brief synopsis of the incident. I then interviewed Victim #1, who stated that he is a music promoter. He previously made an agreement with defendant Jonathan Kirk for $30,000 for the defendant to perform at Cafe Iguana Pines on today’s date. At approximately 1300 hours the victims met up with the defendant and gave him $20,000 in US currency. When the defendant counted the money, he complained that he was short $10,000. The defendant began demanding the rest of the money and a verbal altercation ensued. The defendant then punched Victim #2 in the face. The defendant then approached Victim #1 with several other males and began attacking him. During the attack the victim fell to the ground and the males continued to hit him. One of the offenders then reached into the victims front left pocket and took his iPhone 7, a Bank of America credit card bearing Victim #1’s photo, and approximately $80 in US currency. The victim further stated that during the altercation one of the offenders doused him with apple juice. The offenders then fled the scene in a black SUV. The victim was unable to provide me with a make model or tag for the vehicle. I then interviewed Victim #2 whose statement was consistent with the statement made by Victim #1. However, Victim #2 stated that he did not witness the robbery because, after he was punched in the face, he fled into the hotel fearing for his safety. At approximately 1650 hours the defendant returned to the lobby area of the hotel. Both victims saw the defendant and positively identified him as the person who initially attacked Victim #2. The defendant was taken into custody and transported to the Miami Police Department Robbery Unit for further investigation. At approximately 1920 hours Sergeant Murray offered the defendant food and water, which he refused. At approximately 2007 hours I informed the defendant of his Constitutional Miranda rights, per form, which he waived and agreed to speak to me. Sgt. Murray and I then proceeded to interview the defendant, who denied his involvement in the incident. Defendant arrested. Pursuant to Florida Statutes §812.13(1), the crime of Robbery, also referred to as Strong Arm Robbery, is committed when a person intentionally and unlawfully takes money or property from another person through the use of force, violence, assault, or threat. Strong Arm Robbery is a Second Degree Felony and is categorized as a Level 6 offense under Florida’s Criminal Punishment Code. Upon conviction, a judge can impose any combination of (1) up to fifteen years in prison, (2) up to fifteen years of probation, and (3) up to $10,000 in fines. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Records Himself Committing Felony Wiretapping. Again.

A3c4I2L0fiE | 22 Sep 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Records Himself Committing Felony Wiretapping. Again.

One of Jeremy Dewitte's felony charges stems from an incident in which he called the State Attorney's Office to complain that the police were conducting a criminal investigation into Metro State. That call didn't go as planned. Instead of the State Attorney stepping in to rescue Jeremy, Motor One found himself facing with a felony wiretapping charge, since Florida is a two-party consent state and Jeremy recorded the conversation without the investigator's knowledge or consent. It gets better. In that phone call, Jeremy refers to Metro State's vehicles as "police cars," then quickly catches himself with this gem: "But I shouldn't say that, 'cause then it sounds like I said it." Nailed it, genius. It certainly does sound the way you said it. This is the complete felonious recording. Note that this reproduction of the illegal recording is permissible. On May 21, 2001 the Supreme Court decided the case Bartnicki v. Vopper, summarized below courtesy of Oyez: In a 6-3 opinion delivered by Justice John Paul Stevens, the Court held that the First Amendment protects the disclosure of illegally intercepted communications by parties who did not participate in the illegal interception. "In this case, privacy concerns give way when balanced against the interest in publishing matters of public importance," wrote Justice Stevens. "[A] stranger's illegal conduct does not suffice to remove the First Amendment shield from speech about a matter of public concern." Noting that the negotiations were a matter of public interest, Justice Stevens wrote that the "debate may be more mundane than the Communist rhetoric that inspired Justice Brandeis' classic opinion in Whitney v. California, but it is no less worthy of constitutional protection." Oyez is a multimedia archive devoted to making the Supreme Court of the United States accessible to everyone. For more information on Bartnicki and other Supreme Court cases, visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Metro Snitch: Part Three

wP7M4eEghVY | 18 Sep 2020

Metro Snitch: Part Three

The tell-all continues in this third and final installment of Metro Snitch. Well, unless you count Jeremy essentially snitching on himself. One of Jeremy Dewitte's felony charges stems from an incident in which he called the State Attorney's Office to complain that the police were conducting a criminal investigation into Metro State. That call didn't go as planned. Instead of the State Attorney stepping in to rescue Jeremy, Motor One found himself hit with a felony wiretapping charge, as Florida is a two-party consent state and Jeremy recorded the conversation without the investigator's knowledge or consent. It gets better. In that phone call, Jeremy refers to Metro State's vehicles as "police cars," then quickly catches himself with this gem: "But I shouldn't say that, 'cause then it sounds like I said it." Nailed it, genius. We expect to post the full State Attorney call recording to Patreon later today. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

High Speed Pursuit of Fleeing Charger Through Residential Neighborhood

yJ5e7sWowms | 17 Sep 2020

High Speed Pursuit of Fleeing Charger Through Residential Neighborhood

From the report of Detective Matthew Lilje: On 07/04/18 I was working in uniform with Det. Pinkerton. I was in the passenger seat of a SPD Gang Unit Patrol vehicle that is equipped with red and blue lights, siren, and ICV system. Det. Pinkerton was in the driver's seat. At approx. 2035 hours we heard plain clothes detectives stating over radio that they had observed a known warrant suspect driving through a Safeway parking lot in the 9200 block of Rainier Ave. The suspect was identified as Leo M. Dickerson (9/17/96). I am familiar with Dickerson from previous arrests and investigations. I know that other detectives in my unit are also very familiar with Dickerson and could easily identify him. The detectives stated that Dickerson was driving a silver Dodge Charger with WA license plate BHY6822, and he appeared to be the only occupant. A check of the license plate revealed that is registered to a female who lives in Kent, with no known connection to Dickerson. The vehicle had also been involved in a burglary in Seattle on 4/16/18 where no suspects were identified. During a briefing earlier in the day I was given a picture of Dickerson and told that he had a current felony warrant for his arrest. I had also personally run his name and DOB a day earlier and saw the same warrant. I also knew that there was reliable information that Dickerson was presently armed with a firearm, and was in-fact, well known to be "always armed". I also knew that Dickerson has been the subject of multiple shooting investigations and other violent crimes. I had recently done research into where Dickerson may be staying and I was unable to locate and addresses where he might be located or vehicles he might be associated with. It is my belief that Dickerson was aware of his warrant and had been actively attempting to evade capture by keeping his whereabouts concealed from Police. At approx. 2040 hours we pulled into the parking lot and saw Dickerson's vehicle turn away from us, towards Rainier Ave. The plainclothes detectives had continual sight of the vehicle and never saw Dickerson stop or exit the vehicle, and never saw anyone else enter the vehicle. The vehicle pulled onto Rainier Ave and went southbound. We decided to initiate a stop to take Dickerson into custody for his warrant. As soon as our lights and siren were activated, Dickerson turned South onto 56 Av S. At this point, all of our emergency red and blue lights were activated and our siren was blaring loudly and continuously. Based on Dickerson's criminal history, our knowledge that he continued to engage in criminal activity involving firearms, and our knowledge that he had been attempting to elude capture on his warrant, we decided it was reasonable to attempt to take him into custody while the opportunity presented itself. Dickerson continued to accelerate away from us and take several turns. It was quickly apparent that he had no intention of stopping, and was actively trying to elude us. We followed Dickerson as he travelled through residential streets, well in excess of the speed limit or any reasonable speed. Dickerson continued to take turns very quickly and failed to stop for any stop signs or obey any type of traffic control devices. At one point, he turned southbound onto Renton Ave S, traveling past a stop sign, going into a blind intersection with an arterial road. He did not slow his vehicle or make any kind of apparent attempt to negotiate the turn in a safe manner. It was very clear that his intention was to escape our attempts to stop him by driving in a reckless manner. Dickerson accelerated even more and turned onto 116th. This turns into a residential street where families were lighting fireworks. Det. Pinkerton slowed his speed for the safety of any pedestrians. We very quickly lost sight of Dickerson's vehicle. Citizens continued to point down 116th, and south on 76th, up to around the intersection with S 120th. At this point we did not know where Dickerson went and we ended our attempts to locate him. Charges for felony eluding were filed. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Exclusive material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Las Cruces Psychiatrist Arrested by Police After Joint Investigation by DEA, Locals

M8aQxgpXStE | 15 Sep 2020

Las Cruces Psychiatrist Arrested by Police After Joint Investigation by DEA, Locals

After an extensive investigation by Las Cruces Police Department, the DEA, and Metro Narcotics, psychiatrist and pain management specialist Mark D. Beale was arrested and ultimately charged with three counts of Criminal Sexual Penetration in the Third Degree, twenty-eight counts of Criminal Sexual Contact in the Fourth Degree, and three counts of Battery. Las Cruces police first learned of sexual assault allegations against Beale in October 2018, ultimately investigating complaints from six of his patients prior to his arrest. Three more victims came forward after news of Beale’s arrest became known. The allegations date back as far as January 2015 and the victims range in age from 21 to 60. Metro Narcotics is a joint agency formed by the Las Cruces Police Department, the Doña Ana County Sheriff's Office, and New Mexico State Police. In unrelated news, Jeremy Dewitte had a pre-trial conference scheduled yesterday morning before Orange County Judge Andrew Bain. Neither Jeremy nor his attorney showed up. [In related news, guess how I spent three hours yesterday morning.] At the end of the morning session I spoke with Judge Bain, who confirmed that he had not received a request for a continuance from Dewitte or anyone representing him. Realistically, this nonappearance is a minor administrative matter relating to a traffic ticket, and - assuming something didn't come in that the judge missed - it's probably not Jeremy's fault. Judge Bain made it seem like this happens all the time, stating that they handle it by calling the attorney to figure out what happened and reschedule. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Nearly Talks Himself Into Jail

9In1lmuSpws | 13 Sep 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Nearly Talks Himself Into Jail

Rather than describe a a self-explanatory video, I want to let you know about a post that went up on Patreon yesterday. Titled "2001: The Ascension of Jeremy Dewitte," the post chronicles Jeremy's transition from run-of-the-mill single-conviction police impersonator to the Serial Police Impersonator we all know. The Ascension was set in motion on August 29, 2001, when Dewitte was arrested yet again for impersonating a police officer, and the title became official just a few months later when Jeremy pleaded no contest to the charges. Jeremy was sentenced to, among other things (including jail), intensive psychiatric treatment. Ocoee Police Department was the arresting agency in that case, but public bodies don't retain records forever, and they destroyed their records from Jeremy's arrest years ago. Same deal with the State Attorney's Office and the Clerk of Courts. All they have is basic case information. The narratives have long-since been destroyed. But sometimes things work out, and this happens to be one of those times. The destroyed case records are available now on Patreon. Some excerpts: "Thomas said that he called Dewitte at 1600 hours and Dewitte identified himself as a police officer working undercover at the mall as a Cingular Wireless employee." [Reality: Jeremy was working at a mall cell phone kiosk. The end.] "Dewitte later gave us consent to search his bedroom at 1500 Tangerwood. There, Officer Loyko and myself, along with Darwin Simcoe [Jeremy's probation officer at the time] observed countless law enforcement books, magazines, patches, badges, batons, and police-like duty belts, one of which contained a gun holster in which a BB gun - black in color - was discovered." The complete story of what Jeremy did and how he got pinched is available now on Patreon. If for any reason that's not your speed, the complete post, along with the case records, will be available for free midweek in the same place. Circle back on Wednesday morning. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Exclusive material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trooper Stops 19 Year Old Driving 126 MPH

9aVMaFg5Q3c | 10 Sep 2020

Trooper Stops 19 Year Old Driving 126 MPH

Because when you're caught, you're caught. Little did Mr. Almanza-Baca know that he was in for a crash course on what to do with this life. Turn on closed captions. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of NFL Linebacker Dan Skuta

GyJ2YRhWKdQ | 08 Sep 2020

Arrest of NFL Linebacker Dan Skuta

This video presents previously-unpublished footage capturing the 2016 arrest of then-Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Dan Skuta. According to Officer Ben Gauntlett's arrest report (lightly edited for clarity): "On 6/19/2016, at approximately 228 hours, I, Officer Ben Gauntlett was approached by a female subject, Claudia Perez, who informed me that her friend had been hit by a white male subject who was standing at the corner of E. Central & N. Orange Avenue. Perez then pointed at a tall male subject and told me "That's the guy who hit my friend". Based on the alleged battery, I approached the male subject and had him sit on the east sidewalk of N. Orange Avenue. Sgt. Massicotte assisted with this investigation and stood by with the subject as I conducted my investigation. Perez led me to her friend Amy Sanchez, who was on the south sidewalk of E. Central Blvd. I made contact with Sanchez, who provided a written and verbal statement. Sanchez stated that on 6/19/16, she and her friend Claudia Perez were standing in the area of E. Central Blvd. & N. Orange Ave. As they were standing on the south sidewalk. a white male subject (later identified as Daniel Skuta) approached Sanchez and began talking to her and flirting with her. When Skuta asked for Sanchez' phone number and she told him no, a verbal altercation ensued between the two. The altercation turned physical when Skuta pushed Sanchez's face with an open hand, which caused the back of her head to hit a glass window in the 2 block of E. Central Blvd. Sanchez further stated that she did not give Skuta permission to touch her and that she wishes to press charges. I provided Sanchez with a Victim Rights Pamphlet and asked her if she would like medical attention, however she refused. I did not observe any visible injuries on Sanchez's person. Claudia Perez provided a verbal statement which corroborated Sanchez's written statement. I positively identified the subject as Daniel Skuta by Florida driver's license. During my interactions with Skuta I observed his eyes to be bloodshot and glassy, and could smell the impurities of alcohol on his breath. Sgt. Massicotte interviewed Skuta on scene, and the interview was recorded by his body worn camera. I then reviewed IRIS camera footage from the area, which shows Skuta in the area of the alleged battery however does not show the incident. IRIS also shows Perez immediately walk towards the middle of the intersection in order to grab my attention. I placed an IRIS video work request for the above footage. Based the above information and statement, probable cause was established to charge Daniel Skuta with violation of on F.S.S. 784.03 / Battery. I placed Skuta in handcuffs, double locked for safety, and checked for fit. Skuta was transported to 46 W. Washington St (OPD Bike Office) for paperwork and later transported to Orange County Booking and Release Center without incident." On 6/23/16 Skuta filed a plea of not guilty, and on July 14, 2016 the State Attorney's Office filed a "No Information" notice, "information" being synonymous with "charges" in Florida nomenclature. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest (free) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it! Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trooper Stops Tourist From Dubai Driving 129 MPH

s0a7hpRbhYU | 06 Sep 2020

Trooper Stops Tourist From Dubai Driving 129 MPH

Mohammed Basiouny spends most of his time in Dubai, but on June 20, 2019 he found himself in Nye County, Nevada, heading north on US-95, clearly excited to visit Yosemite National Park at 129 MPH. Unfortunately for Mr. Basiouny, Trooper Wilson of the Nevada Highway Patrol was out that day doing traffic enforcement, and when his radar detector displayed "129" he took off after the Mercedes C-Class rental car. Unlike almost every other high-speed speeding ticket we have seen in Nevada, Basiouny's citation — sixth place on the 2019 leaderboard — was not amended to a parking ticket. Basiouny simply paid the fine and moved on. The ten fastest speeding tickets issued by Nevada Highway Patrol in 2019 were: #1 - 155 MPH, to Aaron Snyder and his Charger #2 - 142 MPH, to Michael Alexander and his Corvette #3 - 134 MPH, to the off-duty cop from LA #4 - 133 MPH, to the hairdresser on his way to Salt Lake #5 - 132 MPH, to someone you haven't yet met #6 - 129 MPH, to Mohammed Basiouny, visiting from the UAE #7 - 129 MPH, someone you haven't yet met #8 - 127 MPH, to Justin Cole Jance #9 - 127 MPH, to someone you haven't met yet #10 - 127 MPH, see above ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records — it's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. (For real, guys. No news articles.) Found an error in a story? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

The Arrest of Randall Brocius, or Jeremy Smacks the Wrong Guy's Hood

biQouFlaQRo | 03 Sep 2020

The Arrest of Randall Brocius, or Jeremy Smacks the Wrong Guy's Hood

On September 16, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte banged on the wrong guy's hood. The guy behind the wheel of that vehicle was a deputy with the Orange County Sheriff's Office, and Jeremy called him a "f***boy" in front of his four-year old. while motioning toward his authentic-looking pepperball gun and ordering the off-duty deputy out of his funeral. Bad idea. The day would end with Randall Brocius arrested, Jeremy chewed out, and both 'Photo' and 'Recycle' considering spilling the beans on Metro State to the police... which they would do not long thereafter. It wasn't long before Brocius was arrested yet again, for a late-November crime that practically screams Metro State: driving an unregistered ambulance on a suspended driver's license. In that incident, the arresting officer ran the Metro State ambulance's VIN, only to discover that it came back to nothing. No record of any kind, from any state, anywhere. Curiously, however, it did have a license plate, which raised the obvious question: from where? From Metro State, of course. The plate on the ambulance came back to a black F-250 pickup truck owned by Metro State. The bus, on the other hand, was built on a red F-450. That had a completely different VIN number. Randall is currently facing one count of felony false personation for actions taken during a funeral escort on 10/12/19. That charge against him was filed on 2/12/20. On 2/24/20 Randall Brocius pleaded no contest to one count of openly carrying a firearm. He was adjudicated guilty and sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served, plus fees... which he appears to have not yet paid... thus resulting in — sense a theme? — the suspension of his driver's license about a week ago. Soon on Patreon: We have already posted Randall Brocius-es (talk about a tongue twister to possessivize) juvenile criminal history records, which is notable, by the way, in light of the fact that they are strictly confidential in the State of Florida. Coming soon, in honor of Randall's arrest video, we will be posting the records from the Army court martial that landed him 30 days behind bars in Fort Benning. And footage of Brittany Zamora's interview with law enforcement. I know what some of you are thinking, and yes, what you read above means that Randall did sort of serve in the Army. Emphasis on the sort of. Brocius enlisted for four years, but found himself less-than-honorably discharged before his first anniversary. Fast forward a few years, and that didn't stop him from telling a police officer that he had served six years in the Army, with many overseas deployments, plus jump school and ranger training. (Sound familiar?) If you are wondering what the context was of that law enforcement encounter, we've got you covered. The police had been called to Brocius's local Lavanderia Laundry in Tavares because someone — him — was seen by multiple scared would-be-customers cleaning an M1 rifle. In. The. F***ing. Laundromat. That happened in 2012. Wanna know what happened in 2016? After multiple rejections for administrative reasons, Brocius was approved as a licensed armed security guard. Makes you wonder what they consider disqualifying. *Real World Police Sergeants on Patreon had access to this video ten days ago. (That's why it has ~500 views after zero seconds.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest (free) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it! Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Ohio Man Arrested For Impersonating a Police Officer | New Footage

vyJKmnL_7Eg | 01 Sep 2020

Ohio Man Arrested For Impersonating a Police Officer | New Footage

LORAIN, OHIO — At 5:03 AM on May 24, 2019 a vehicle was stopped in Vermilion, Ohio for driving without its headlights activated. At the end of the stop and subsequent investigation, the vehicle's driver, Dorsey Fields, was in some serious trouble. Fields was arrested and cited for OVI, driving on an OVI-suspended license, driving at night without headlights, and failure to stay in his marked lane of travel. Affidavits were completed for open container and littering, and warrants were pursued for: 1. Impersonating a peace officer (felony) 2. Having weapons while under disability (a felony, and the result of Fields' status as a fugitive... from another arrest) 3. Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle (oh look, another felony) 4. Possession of drugs (felony) 5. Possession of drugs once again (misdemeanor this time), and 6. Using weapons while intoxicated (misdemeanor). There were a dozen charges in total. Fields was transported to Erie County Jail, and footage of his interaction with law enforcement is forever enshrined on the internet, in two videos, both easily find-able by searching "I'm a CEO of companies!" That CEO line didn't help him back in Vermilion, but maybe it helped at the other, earlier, stop we wrote about in the description of the Vermilion videos? "That was convoluted. What are they talking about?" The Vermilion videos informed readers that Fields had been arrested a-month-and-change earlier in a strikingly similar incident. That incident happened in the next town over: Lorain, Ohio — and at its conclusion, Fields was hit with a nearly-identical battery of charges. Intrigued, and in possession of information suggesting there was something to see, we pursued the Lorain footage. After a stupid-long tug of war with Lorain Police Department over their plainly wrong interpretation of the Ohio Public Records Act. (Not helped by their steadfast unwillingness to follow multiple written opinions of the Attorney General of Ohio...) the dash camera footage from Fields' Lorain traffic stop finally showed up in the mail this past weekend.* Let's check it out. Fields is currently out on bail. His pre-trial hearing is scheduled to begin just about, oh, right now (which is obviously in the past when you are reading this). At that hearing, among other things, the court will decide whether or not to grant Fields' motion to have his alcohol sensor removed. According to Fields' attorney JD Tomlinson, the sensor's data indicates that Fields has not drank any alcohol since the sensor was affixed in mid-June, as part of his bail conditions. We'll see what happens. *Pro tip: If you are a public body and the Attorney General issues a written opinion stating that the law requires you to do something, that means you have to do it. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a member and supporter of the Ohio Coalition for Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Ohio? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free, and it's at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. (Thanks!) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

What hit and run, a**hole?

-juIFJt1yZI | 30 Aug 2020

What hit and run, a**hole?

If your idea of law enforcement work comes from television shows and Hollywood, chances are that you don't appreciate the mundanity, monotony, paper-pushing, and endless-waiting-around-for-something-or-someone that describes most of your average police officer's workday. In this video we take a brief step back from the celebrity arrests, pursuits, tasings, and Metro State videos to cover a more relatable — and far more common — law enforcement investigation: a hit and run. This footage of police mundanity comes your way out of Lewiston, Idaho, as a Lewiston police officer attempts to investigate an alleged hit and run, only to find himself up against an uncooperative family. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of Idahoans For Openness in Government, working to foster open government, supervised by an informed and engaged citizenry. Believing that we all benefit when the public, the media and government officials are fully aware of the public's rights to access government information and observe the conduct of the public's business. Check out the most recent (and free!) Patreon post about access to public records at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Metro Snitch Part Two: Serial Police Impersonator Betrayed

QGucle6uU8g | 29 Aug 2020

Metro Snitch Part Two: Serial Police Impersonator Betrayed

On November 14, 2019 Victor Modesto Lopez IV, aka 'Photo,' sat down with three deputies of the Orange County Sheriff's Office to spill the beans. The meeting took place against the advice of Lopez's attorney, who was not present at any point during the two-hour-plus tell-all. In this continuation of Photo Spills The Beans, plenty of new revelations come to light, including: 1. At Jeremy's instruction, Photo has personally altered many Metro State videos. Those videos were later used in court to get Jeremy out of tickets, because they conveniently showed that he wasn't breaking any laws. Photo would delete the original videos and Jeremy would claim that the camera stopped working. 2. According to Dylan - Jeremy's half-brother - your antihero is doing fine financially, despite his semi-public statements to the contrary. 3. We learn why Dylan and Jeremy can't work together 4. Metro State Bail Bonds? 5. Jeremy told Photo to lie to the police and much more. Many people have asked where they can see the background footage shown in some of our audio-only stories about Metro State. Until recently, the answer has been "Nowhere," but that that changed earlier this week when 45+ minutes of footage from Blue Jacket Park became available on Patreon. Join today and watch as Jeremy gets chewed out, Photo nearly has an asthma attack, and the VPU starts to fall apart. Or don't. It's up to you. Update 9/3/20 — The video is being made public today. For those who are interested, there is plenty more exclusive content on Patreon, with much more on deck. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest (free) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it! Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Officer Arrested for Battery of Former NFL Player | The Full Story

aBFd7dLy3rY | 27 Aug 2020

Police Officer Arrested for Battery of Former NFL Player | The Full Story

CORRECTION: David Rose did not file - and could not have filed - a motion for qualified immunity. The doctrine of qualified immunity only applies to civil cases. Rose filed a motion for immunity under O.C.G.A. § 16-3-24.2, a Georgia law that provides immunity to anyone who uses force in accordance with certain specified statutes. His motion was denied. On April 27, 2018, former Tampa Bay Buccaneer Desmond Marrow made national headlines when a video of his December 2, 2017 arrest went viral. The video shows two Henry County police officers in a parking lot, lifting Desmond Marrow off of the ground and slamming the ex-NFL player to the pavement. Seconds later, an officer is seen choking Desmond Marrow until his body goes limp. Marrow was handcuffed the entire time. An internal affairs investigation found that both officers’ use of force was in compliance with department policy, but months later the Henry County Police Department received notice that one of the two officers had been recorded on his own dash camera saying, “I’m not gonna write it down, but hell yeah, I choked that mother****er.” A second investigation was launched, and this time departmental charges against Officer David Rose were sustained. Rose was fired and charged with simple battery. In late-March, 2019, Rose unexpectedly rejected a plea deal that would have resulted in twelve months probation, anger management classes, and the surrender of his law enforcement certification, instead entering a plea of not guilty. In late-April 2019, Desmond Marrow pleaded no contest to charges of reckless driving, aggressive driving, and obstructing a police officer. The other charges against him had all been dropped. On June 27, 2019, a grand jury indicted David Rose and issued a warrant for his arrest. The grand jury charged Rose with two counts of violating his oath of office, one count of making a false statement, and simple battery. Millions of people around the world have seen the viral video that put this case on the map, but only a handful have seen the rest of the evidence. Let’s change that. Note: At the end of this video there is a note stating the IA file is available now on Patreon. It is slightly delayed. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records, at It's free! Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. (For real, guys. No news articles.) Found an error in a story? Help us fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Metro Snitch: Serial Police Impersonator Betrayed

gZG8PMDrDCA | 25 Aug 2020

Metro Snitch: Serial Police Impersonator Betrayed

On November 14, 2019 Victor Modesto Lopez IV, aka 'Photo,' sat down with three deputies of the Orange County Sheriff's Office to spill the beans. The meeting took place against the advice of Lopez's attorney, who was not present at any point during the two-hour-plus tell-all. The first minute-and-change of this video does not contain footage shown later in the video, but it does drive home Jeremy Dewitte's categorical avoidance of anything resembling the truth. Did you know that Jeremy Dewitte has never used a siren on escort? That he has never even heard any of his people using a siren on an escort? Yeah, we didn't know either. It also reveals something else you likely didn't know: the Jeremy sat down with law enforcement for at least one other interview than the one you have heard. More to come on that. Many people have asked where they can see the background footage shown in some of our audio-only stories about Metro State. Until now, the answer has been "Nowhere." That footage from Blue Jacket Park - 45+ minutes of video — became available on Patreon yesterday. Join today and watch as Jeremy gets chewed out, Photo nearly has an asthma attack, and the VPU starts to fall apart. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest (free) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it! Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Trooper Stops 19-Year-Old Driving 127 MPH

r2Zd1p2vYJ4 | 22 Aug 2020

Trooper Stops 19-Year-Old Driving 127 MPH

The ten fastest speeding tickets issued by Nevada Highway Patrol in 2019 were: #1 - 155 MPH, to Aaron Snyder and his Charger #2 - 142 MPH, to Michael Alexander and his Corvette #3 - 134 MPH, to the off-duty cop from LA #4 - 133 MPH, to the hairdresser on his way to Salt Lake City #5 - 132 MPH, to someone you haven't yet met #6 - 129 MPH, to another someone you haven't yet met #7 - 129 MPH, see above and then we have numbers eight through ten, all of which tied with 127 MPH. So, somewhere between eight and tenth place, meet Justin Cole Jance. If you have been watching Real World Police lately - and, come on, we both know you have - you might remember Deputy Sheriff Felipe Perez. He was the guy who thought - incorrectly, on that occasion - that his badge would excuse a 134 MPH run in his Hellcat, with his kid in the backseat. Mr. Perez had also neglected to put license plates on his car. He got the ticket. Depending on how closely you paid attention to the Perez video, you might also be aware that the Deputy's charge was amended downward. Significantly. What began as "Speeding 41+ MPH Over Posted Speed Limit" ended up as a parking ticket. But there was more to the story. Our investigation found that Deputy Perez did not get special treatment in having his super-high-speed-speeding-ticket turned into a no-speed-at-all parking ticket. That's the norm. As long as you actually show up or even phone the Justice Court, you, too, can get just about any Nevada Highway Patrol speeding ticket amended to a non-moving violation. The catch? Only the crime changes. Your fine — which is technically a "bail forfeiture," since moving violations in Nevada are criminal offenses — stays the same. Which is why Deputy Perez's parking ticket cost him a cool $706, plus the time and expense of traffic school. Jance's 127 MPH run wasn't half the speed, but it was a bit less than half the price... with a somewhat amusing twist shown in the video. Note: On October 1, 2019, Nevada Assembly Bill 434 went into effect, reforming - a bit - the state's approach to traffic violations. The new law states that for someone arrested for a violation of Nevada’s traffic laws, “…there is a presumption that the person should be released on his or her own recognizance.” This presumption doesn't apply to arrests for reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, DUI; or if the person willfully refuses to pay court-imposed obligations and refuses to perform community service to satisfy a court-imposed obligation; or if the court finds that releasing the person “…would substantially jeopardize public safety.” ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. (For real, guys. No news articles.) Found an error in a story? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Empire Star Bryshere Gray Stopped by Police on Suspicion of Battery

IEmznvGfzFg | 21 Aug 2020

Empire Star Bryshere Gray Stopped by Police on Suspicion of Battery

Bryshere Yazuan Gray, also known by the stage name 'Yazz The Greatest' or 'Yazz,' is an American actor and rapper, best known for his role as Hakeem Lyon in the Fox series 'Empire.' Gray is also known for his portrayal as Michael Bivins in the 2017 BET miniseries 'The New Edition Story.' More recently, however, Gray is known for his alleged inability to control himself. On November 29, 2019 Gray allegedly threw a number of items at an Orlando 7-11 store clerk. Even more recently, on July 13, 2020, Gray was arrested by police in Goodyear, Arizona. According to the Goodyear Police Department, a 911 caller reported that an adult female had flagged him down at a gas station and told him that she had been assaulted by her husband at their home, naming Gray as the suspect and identifying herself as his wife. She stated that Gray had assaulted her for several hours, choking her to unconsciousness. Police responded and Gray initially refused to come out of his house, resulting in the deployment of a SWAT team and crisis negotiators. Hours later, Gray emerged and was arrested on multiple domestic violence charges. Note: a small portion of this footage was previously published elsewhere. This is the entirety of the incident. Surveillance footage was never provided to law enforcement in relation to the 7-11 investigation. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the new (free!) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it! Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix now! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Cops Get Trolled at Traffic Stop

KZhb8wobJkg | 19 Aug 2020

Cops Get Trolled at Traffic Stop

Orlando Police Department's Tactical Anti-Crime Unit is led by Lieutenant Chad Ochiuzzo. The group - "TAC" for short - operates out of a variety of undercover vehicles, primarily making pretextual traffic stops. The kind that routinely uncover drugs and guns. In 2018 TAC recovered 98 crime guns and 57 stolen vehicles, seizing 368 pounds of cocaine, 10,360 pounds of cannabis, and 194 pounds of heroin in the process. Yes, those are all supposed to be pounds. No, the numbers are not anomalous. In 2017 the unit recovered 107 crime guns, 70 stolen vehicles, made nearly 600 felony arrests and seized thousands of pounds of drugs. But on November 2, 2017, TAC made an unusual stop. They stopped a Direct TV installer... who had some fun trolling them. Note: In 1996 the United States Supreme Court ruled that pretextual traffic stops are not inherently unconstitutional. In that case, Whren v. United States, a unanimous Court held that as long as officers have a reasonable cause to believe that a traffic violation occurred, they may stop any vehicle. As long as an actual traffic violation occurred, the ensuing search and seizure [read: traffic stop] of the offending vehicle is reasonable, regardless of what other personal motivations the officers might have had for stopping the vehicle. Fourth Amendment protections have since been further watered-down. In Herring v. United States a 5-4 Court held that a criminal defendant's Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when police mistakes that lead to unlawful searches are 'merely' the result of isolated negligence and "not systematic error or reckless disregard of constitutional requirements." In cases where the mistake is 'just' a result of isolated negligence, evidence obtained is admissible and is not subject to the exclusionary rule. The real home run, however, came in the 2014 case Heien v. North Carolina. In Heien, an 8-1 majority held that ignorance of the law actually is an excuse, provided the legal error is reasonable. Oh, and only if you are a police officer. Under Whren, a traffic stop was reasonable as long as there was any violation of traffic law, no matter how insignificant and even if the police really were stopping you for some other reason. But there had to actually be a violation of the law. Not anymore. The court ruled that the officers who stopped Nicholas Heien for a broken taillight were justified in their subsequent search of Heien’s car, even though North Carolina law says that having just one broken taillight is not a violation of the law. So the cocaine they found couldn't be suppressed, even though the reason for the stop was a law that didn't exist. There is no longer a known baseline of daily activity that anyone can be assured will not result in their being lawfully — mistakenly — seized. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the new (free!) post about access to public records, at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Help us fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Come get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"I'll take my felonies" | Detective tries to recruit an informant

8bfHcWtsti8 | 18 Aug 2020

"I'll take my felonies" | Detective tries to recruit an informant

On August 10, 2018 Detective Brett Dammon with the Lewiston Police Department was conducting surveillance of suspected drug residences when he noticed a vehicle of interest departing one of the residences he had his eyes on. Detective Dammon called Lewiston K9 Officer Chris Reese and requested his assistance in stopping the vehicle. This is the footage from that traffic stop. *The video directs you here for current case status information. But why didn't I just include it in the video? The answer is "Because I don't have it yet." I am waiting to hear back from the court for details, but this is what I know right now: Lydia was charged with three felony counts of possession of a controlled substance. On 3/27/19 it appears that two counts were dropped and she pleaded guilty to the third, for which adjudication was withheld pending successful completion of three years felony probation. It is unclear, but there may have somehow been 30 days of jail time, 150 hours community service, and some fines thrown in there — I am waiting to hear back on that. What I do know for sure, however, is that on 10/29/19 Lydia was arrested and charged with violating her probation. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to jail for a period of time I am waiting to hear back on. (Her sentence is at least 40 days, and at most 1.5 years.) She may also be facing federal charges. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the new (free!) post about access to public records, at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Help us fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of Rapper “G Herbo" for Assaulting Ariana Fletcher

g7ifrxGZWuY | 16 Aug 2020

Arrest of Rapper “G Herbo" for Assaulting Ariana Fletcher

From the police report: "On 4/17/19, I, Officer Codner responded to a fight call at [address redacted]. As I was walking up the stairs to the home, I saw a cell phone that looked to have been thrown and was broken in several pieces. The front door was open and the house alarm was going off. The victim came outside visibly shaken and angry. Her name is Ariana Fletcher [contact information redacted]. Fletcher stated that her ex-boyfriend and father to her child hit her and dragged her by her hair. Her hair weave was visibly halfway pulled out and she had visible scratches on her right arm and wrist area. The accused was not on scene at the time of my arrival. I walked inside the house and saw several pieces of glass on the floor, the tv and lamp turned over leading me to believe a fight had taken place. The victim stated that she and her babies father got into a physical fight and he had left with the child. She gave me description of the vehicle and I relayed that information to dispatch so other units could look for the car. Approximately one minute later, the suspect arrived back at the house with the child, neither of the two appeared to be injured. Unit 3286 detained the suspect, Herbert Wright [better known as the rapper G Herbo] where he stated he went to the house to get some of his jewelry back from her and see his child. He stated she would not give all of his property back and they started to argue but he did not hit her. He stated he left the house with the child because she was "acting crazy". I also spoke to a neighbor who called 911. She stated she heard the two fighting and she saw him throw a phone down the from porch steps. She also stated that while the two were yelling at each other outside he (Wright) grabbed Fletcher by the hair and dragged her back inside and hit her while going up the front steps. Wright was placed into custody and I transported him to Fulton County jail with out incident. I made Sgt. Dingle unit 2293 aware of the situation." ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Did we get something wrong? Help us fix it! Email [email protected]. Please include a link to the video as well as the time stamp or relevant text. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Blue Jays Catcher Reese McGuire For Masturbating in Parking Lot (Full Video)

yS2VL4Rwu5Q | 14 Aug 2020

Arrest of Blue Jays Catcher Reese McGuire For Masturbating in Parking Lot (Full Video)

Lightly paraphrased: On 02/07/2020, at approximately 1408 hours, a call came out of a report of lewd and lascivious conduct occurring in the public parking lot at the Dollar Tree located in Dunedin. The caller was upset and stated there was a white male with a muscular build, ~30 y/o, sitting and demonetizing in a white Mercedes SUV in the parking lot. Upon arrival I located the vehicle. It had perfectly clear tint and was occupied by a tall white male subject. As I approached the vehicle simultaneously with Deputy Skypack, I could clearly observe the male subject was demonetized from the waist down. The subject's shirt tail was barely covering his demonetized and his sweatpants were around his ankles. The subject, later identified as Reese Jackson McGuire, saw the Sheriff's Deputies approaching his vehicle and was hastily trying to pull his pants back up. Reese was instructed to make himself decent and then exit the vehicle. As Reese exited the driver's side door, he repeatedly stated, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this is really embarrassing." I asked Reese why his pants were down and he replied, "I really shouldn't have been doing that." Reese was still struggling to get his sweatpants on correctly and I could observe he currently had a[n] demonetized which was very apparent. I then spoke with the complainant. She confirmed I had correctly located the subject she called about. I asked what she had observed. [ ] stated she entered the parking lot a few minutes ago and parked near the front portion of the lot by the store. She stated on her immediate left was the white Mercedes SUV. She stated as she exited her own vehicle, she could clearly see the driver of the Mercedes had his pants fully down and was stroking his demonetization. The caller stated that she was appalled and in absolute disbelief by what she saw. She went on to say that the male driver looked directly at her making eye contact, and continued demonetizing without stopping. She stated she hurried to the front of the store away from the vehicle and immediately called the Sheriff's Office, adding that it took approximately five minutes from the time she placed the call till the time deputies arrived. She stated the SUV stayed in the same place and no subjects entered or exited the vehicle. I asked Reese how he got here. Reese stated he is a Major League Baseball player for the Toronto Blue Jays. Reese stated he finished a practice today and then went to get some lunch. After lunch Reese stated he came to the parking lot and began "hanging out". I asked Reese why he came to this parking lot in particular. Reese stated he did not know, it just seemed like a good place. I pointed out the high foot traffic and vehicles in and around the entire parking lot and Reese acknowledged this. ...Reese was brought his phone and immediately upon it being opened, I observed the caption "xvideos" and an extremely demonetized video was playing on the screen. This was closed and Reese located his address, which was [ ]. This location is less than one mile from where Reese was currently located. I asked Reese if there was any reason why he did not go home, and Reese stated he didn't have a reason and "it was stupid" of him to be doing what he was doing. I directly asked Reese why he chose to demonetize in a visible area with people around. Reese stated he "wasn't trying to be seen". I pointed out that he was in a vehicle with no tint, and parked in the busiest portion of the parking lot, surrounded by cars on all sides and demonetizing at 2 PM on a Friday afternoon. Reese acknowledged that he should have known people would see him. Reese was arrested for Misdemeanor Exposure of Demonetized Organs. Court records indicate that the charge has been pleaded to disorderly conduct. Update: Didn't work. Demonetized. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the new (free!) post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Serial Police Impersonator Blackmails His Mother For Money, Part II

F_4qMeuxgBI | 13 Aug 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Blackmails His Mother For Money, Part II

In Part One we heard Jeremy Dewitte attempt to blackmail his mother for money, something he hasn't done "in years," if you trust his ever-reliable self-report... which you shouldn't do, since during that call it emerged that Jeremy had hit her up for $1,000 just one week prior. In Part Two we tag along as Jeremy and his mom reconnect minutes later for more begging and manipulation. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, working to protect and advance the public’s right to open government by providing education and training, legal aid and information services. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to a growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos — and more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jeremy Dewitte Tries to Tamper With Evidence

rq-Gqk0iYBA | 12 Aug 2020

Jeremy Dewitte Tries to Tamper With Evidence

Unfortunately for Jeremy, he was talking on a recorded line... with an employee who would become a witness for the state, and who would happily explain to law enforcement exactly what Jeremy meant by his thinly veiled instructions. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, working to protect and advance the public’s right to open government by providing education and training, legal aid and information services. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Did we get something wrong? We want to fix it. Email [email protected]. Please include a link to the video and the time stamp where the issue appears. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to a growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos — and more, like early access to this and other videos! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Chaplain Arrested for Impersonating Police Officer

L3OeUc0A1RE | 11 Aug 2020

Police Chaplain Arrested for Impersonating Police Officer

On May 9, 2019, Jay Harlan Jeffers, 79, was arrested on charges of impersonating a peace officer, reckless driving, operating a vehicle with front-facing red lights, and displaying blue lights on a non-emergency vehicle. Law enforcement located and stopped Jeffers after another motorist notified Nevada Highway Patrol dispatch that a man in a white Nissan Frontier pickup was using red and blue emergency lights to move traffic from his path on US-395. Jeffers allegedly used the emergency lights from Washoe Valley south of Bowers Mansion Road all the way into Carson City and into Dayton. [As if you know where those are.] Jeffers had a police chaplain badge and ID card from the Sparks Police Department in his possession, but had no police authority and no authorization by any agency to have red and blue lighting on his personal vehicle. Jeffers was booked into the Carson City Sheriff’s Office jail. Jeffers was an active member of the Sparks Police Chaplain Corp, which is almost-certainly spelled "Corps" despite Sparks Police Department's misspelling to the contrary. The group consists of local clergy of various religions who volunteer their services to the department, providing guidance to members of the department and community during difficult times. *Was* an active member. Those days are behind him. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Did we get something wrong? Help us fix it! Email [email protected]. Please include a link to the video as well as the time stamp or relevant text. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

142 MPH in a 65 | Nevada Highway Patrol’s Second-Fastest Speeding Ticket of 2019

bnejG665G5w | 09 Aug 2020

142 MPH in a 65 | Nevada Highway Patrol’s Second-Fastest Speeding Ticket of 2019

142 MPH in a 65. A not-even-close second! Nevada Highway Patrol's second-fastest speeding ticket for the year 2019 was handed to Michael Anthony Alexander II of North Las Vegas, Nevada in the early morning hours of August 24, 2019. Unlike Aaron Snyder's 155 MPH first-place run, Alexander was not wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the word "THRILLS." Similarly, however, Alexander landed himself in cuffs... temporarily. If you have been watching Real World Police lately - and, come on, we both know you have - you might remember Deputy Sheriff Felipe Perez. He was the guy who thought - incorrectly, on that occasion - that his badge would summarily excuse a 134 MPH run in his Hellcat. While his child was in the backseat. Mr. Sheriff Perez had also neglected to put license plates on his car. Perez was cited for 134 MPH. Depending on how closely you paid attention to the Perez video, you might also be aware that the Deputy's charge was amended downward. Significantly. What began as "Speeding 41+ MPH Over Posted Speed Limit" ended up as a parking ticket. But there was more to the story. Our investigation found that Deputy Perez did not get special treatment in having his super-high-speed-speeding-ticket turned into a no-speed-at-all parking ticket. That's the norm. As long as you actually show up or even phone the Justice Court, you, too, can get just about any Nevada Highway Patrol speeding ticket amended to a non-moving violation. The catch? Only the crime changes. Your fine — which is technically a "bail forfeiture," since moving violations in Nevada are criminal offenses — stays the same. Which is why Deputy Perez's parking ticket cost him a cool $706, plus the time and expense of traffic school. Michael Alexander's 142 MPH encounter with the highway patrol earned made him the recipient of Nevada Highway Patrol's second-fastest-speed speeding ticket of 2019, but - despite the obvious moving violation, Alexander's citation was amended much the same as Perez's and Snyder's: it turned into a parking ticket. Some might point out that he hired an attorney. It is not clear, however, that the attorney made any difference beyond Alexander not having to personally show up in court. Notes: (a) As with Snyder's stop, the numbers here are inconsistent. The citation is for 140 MPH, but Sgt. Wayne Dice initially tells the driver he was stopped for driving 142 MPH. A bit later in the stop, Sgt. Dice makes reference to 146 MPH. I don't know the reason for the discrepancies. (b) On October 1, 2019, Nevada Assembly Bill 434 went into effect, reforming - a bit - the state's approach to traffic violations. The new law states that for someone arrested for a violation of Nevada’s traffic laws, “…there is a presumption that the person should be released on his or her own recognizance.” This presumption doesn't apply to arrests for reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, DUI; or if the person willfully refuses to pay court-imposed obligations and refuses to perform community service to satisfy a court-imposed obligation; or if the court finds that releasing the person “…would substantially jeopardize public safety.” ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. (Like, for real, guys. No news articles.) Found an error in a story? We want to fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Jeremy Dewitte tried hitting up his mom for cash. It didn't go well. At all.

yjUKU7rw2YI | 07 Aug 2020

Jeremy Dewitte tried hitting up his mom for cash. It didn't go well. At all.

On October 30, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested on charges of impersonating a law enforcement officer and interception of wire communications. According to an affidavit by Sergeant Keith Vidler of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office — edited for brevity: “On 09/16/2019 I responded to the Blue Jacket Park to assist the Orlando Police with an incident between Metro State Vehicle Protection Company and an OCSO off-duty deputy sheriff. Upon arrival, I made contact with all parties involved and determined that further investigation needed to be conducted, and no arrest was made at the scene in regards to the complaints by Deputy Mohney, K. Mohney, and Jeremy Dewitte. One of Dewitte's employees, Randall Brocius, was arrested for openly carrying a firearm. On 09/18/2019, at approximately 0830 hours, I was contacted about a complaint by Dewitte in reference to OCSO Deputy Mohney. Dewitte gave the phone number of a potential witness (Aaron Giachetz) who observed the confrontation between himself and Deputy Mohney. On 09/19/19, I obtained statements from Deputy Mohney and K. Mohney. Both stated they observed what appeared to be a police motorcycle holding traffic. Both indicated the person riding the motorcycle appeared to be a police officer by the way he dressed and acted. Both positively identified the motorcycle rider (Randall Brocius) as the person I took into custody for openly carrying a firearm at Blue Jacket. T. Mohney stated that Dewitte directed him with voice commands and hand signals to move out of the left lane, into the right lane, which he was blocking. They also stated they observed Dewitte directing traffic with hand signals and waving several vehicles through the intersection in the left through lane. They advised that Dewitte then raised his hands up, indicating for them to stop.At this point, the witnesses advised that Dewitte yelled at them about being in his funeral procession and ordered Mohney to go. Mohney then slowly continued to drive past Dewitte, who was on the driver's side of their vehicle. Due to Dewitte blocking the right through lane, Deputy Mohney attempted to merge back into the left through lane.As the front bumper of Mohney's truck passed Dewitte's location, he slapped the hood of Mohney's vehicle with both hands. Dewitte then proceeded to put his right hand on his gun holster in a threatening manner, putting everyone inside Mohney's vehicle in fear for their safety. K. Mohney, seated the front passenger seat, stated she was stressed and afraid for herself, Todd, and their 4-year-old child in the backseat. Mohney pulled up to Dewitte, who began yelling "You can't drive in and out of my funeral" repeatedly. Both witnesses stated Dewitte kept placing his right hand on his handgun in a threatening manner. Mohney advised Dewitte that he was a cop and that his actions were unlawful and Dewitte yelled back, stating, "It doesn't matter! Get out of my escort, f***boy!” Deputy Mohney called 911 to report this confrontation to the Orlando Police Department. While on the phone with dispatch, several Metro State vehicles began following him to Blue Jacket Park. On 09/20/19, at approximately 0900 hours, [officers] made contact with witness Aaron Giachetz whose information was provided to OCSO by Dewitte. Mr. Giachetz stated that on 09/16/2019, while at the intersection [], he observed a Metro State motorcycle enter and take control of the intersection. Mr. Giachetz said he waited at the intersection for approximately six light cycles before a B&W Metro State Chevy Tahoe arrived, at which point Dewitte exited the Tahoe looking like a cop wearing a uniform that resembled law enforcement. Mr. Giachetz observed an altercation between Dewitte and the driver of a black Dodge pick-up truck. Mr. Giachetz stated he observed Dewitte place his right hand on his handgun and aggressively approach the driver of the truck. Mr. Giachetz had seen Metro State in the past and knew Metro State was not law enforcement. . . ." ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, working to protect and advance the public’s right to open government by providing education and training, legal aid and information services. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to a growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos — and more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Rapper DaBaby Arrested in Miami | Surveillance Footage and Body Cam

NAwYUYrP1Ys | 04 Aug 2020

Rapper DaBaby Arrested in Miami | Surveillance Footage and Body Cam

Jonathan Lyndale Kirk (born December 22, 1991), better known as DaBaby, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter from Charlotte, North Carolina. After releasing several mixtapes between 2014 and 2018, DaBaby rose to international prominence in 2019. His debut studio album Baby on Baby (2019) peaked at number seven on the Billboard 200, while his second studio album, Kirk (2019), debuted at number one. The albums produced the Billboard Hot 100 hit singles "Suge", "Intro", and "Bop". Kirk's third studio album, Blame It on Baby (2020), became his second consecutive number-one album in the US, also producing DaBaby's highest-charting song, "Rockstar" featuring Roddy Ricch, which peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. As of this writing, the song has more than 155 million views on YouTube. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, working to protect and advance the public’s constitutional right to open government by providing education and training, legal aid and information services. (At least in Florida it's a [state] constitutional right. There is no parallel right in the US Constitution.) Check out the latest free Patreon post about access to public records! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Man Wearing Pink Underwear on His Head Tries to Borrow Skateboard From Police, Gets Arrested

aWi5-NjEZXs | 01 Aug 2020

Man Wearing Pink Underwear on His Head Tries to Borrow Skateboard From Police, Gets Arrested

From the report of Officer Zach Carroll: On 6/30/19 at about 2028 hours Officers at Sedro-Woolley Police Department were alerted to a disturbance at the Sedro-Woolley Skate Park at by a male yelling at officers and firefighters from the skate park. Officers contacted the male and recognized him as Taylor Sedrick [age 20]. Officers had contacted Sedrick earlier when a resident called about him sitting on their porch refusing to leave. During that contact Sedrick's movements were exaggerated and erratic. He would gesture wildly and salute passing cars and inanimate objects. His behavior and rapid speech led officers to believe he was under the influence of a stimulant. Sedrick was also carrying a six-foot long tree branch and a smaller and sharper stick with something wrapped around it as a handle. During the Skate Park contact Sedrick was still erratic, carrying the branch and small sharp stick. Now he was wearing underwear over his face and had effectively frightened all the park-goers from the Skate Park. Sedrick attempted to come into the secure area of the police and fire department parking lot and was warned to leave. After leaving, Sedrick fixated on a car full of juveniles pulling up to the Skate Park. He began engaging with them by yelling and holding his hands up as if to suggest a fight. The car began to back away from the parking lot and Sedrick began running toward the vehicle, preventing them from safely backing up. Sedrick was yelling profanities at the vehicle including "You want to f me up? I'll f you up!" as he ran toward them. As the vehicle drove away, Sedrick continued to posture as if wanting to fight. Officers contacted Sedrick and placed him under arrest for Disorderly Conduct, Disrupting Traffic, and Disruptive Language. Sedrick provided static resistance and as officers began to search his person became unruly and sporadic, thrashing at officers. Officers secured him in a patrol car and he later slipped his handcuffs to the front, unbuckled his seatbelt, and began hitting the safety partition separating himself from Officer Eddy, who was transporting him to jail for booking. Based on the information above Taylor Sedrick was cited for Obstructing Traffic per SWMC and Use of Abusive Language per SWMC ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

155 MPH in a 65 | Nevada's Fastest Speeding Ticket of 2019

_Uelrsz_VfY | 28 Jul 2020

155 MPH in a 65 | Nevada's Fastest Speeding Ticket of 2019

155 MPH in a 65. First prize! Nevada Highway Patrol's fastest-speed speeding ticket for the year 2019 was handed to Aaron Snyder of Henderson, Nevada late at night on June 16, a bit over a year ago. At the time, Snyder was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the word "THRILLS." How appropriate. If you have been watching Real World Police lately - and, come on, we both know you have - you might remember Deputy Sheriff Felipe Perez. He was the guy who thought - incorrectly, on that occasion - that his badge would summarily excuse a 134 MPH run in his Hellcat. While his child was in the backseat. Mr. Sheriff Perez had also neglected to put license plates on his car. Perez was cited for 134 MPH. Depending on how closely you paid attention to the Perez video, you might also be aware that the Deputy's charge was amended downward. Significantly. What began as "Speeding 41+ MPH Over Posted Speed Limit" ended up as a parking ticket. But there was more to the story. Our investigation found that Deputy Perez did not get special treatment in having his super-high-speed-speeding-ticket turned into a no-speed-at-all parking ticket. That's the norm. As long as you actually show up or even phone the Justice Court, you, too, can get just about any Nevada Highway Patrol speeding ticket amended to a non-moving violation. The catch? Only the crime changes. Your fine — which is technically a "bail forfeiture," since moving violations in Nevada are criminal offenses — stays the same. Which is why Deputy Perez's parking ticket cost him a cool $706, plus the time and expense of traffic school. Aaron Snyder's 155 MPH encounter with the highway patrol earned him the belt as 'fastest-speed speeder [caught by NHP] in 2019, but - despite the obvious moving violation, Snyder's citation was amended much the same as Perez's: it turned into a parking ticket. In fact, Snyder came out ahead of Perez in his wallet and on his speedometer. Snyder was given a mandatory court date, and the court determined that an appropriate penalty was $255. Total. Some might point out that he hired an attorney. It is not clear, however, that the attorney made any difference beyond Snyder not having to personally show up in court. Notes: (a) Although Snyder was 'only' cited for 98 MPH, the citation also reads "Actual Speed: 154 MPH." In the video, however, Trooper Provost states many times that he clocked Snyder at 155. Those claims notwithstanding, the citation's brief narrative states that the radar-clocked speed was 153 MPH. I don't know the reason for the discrepancies. (b) On October 1, 2019, Nevada Assembly Bill 434 went into effect, reforming - a bit - the state's approach to traffic violations. The new law states that for someone arrested for a violation of Nevada’s traffic laws, “…there is a presumption that the person should be released on his or her own recognizance.” This presumption doesn't apply to arrests for reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, DUI; or if the person willfully refuses to pay court-imposed obligations and refuses to perform community service to satisfy a court-imposed obligation; or if the court finds that releasing the person “…would substantially jeopardize public safety.” ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

If you don't want to go to jail, don't throw things at cops

wMYsoSRROKE | 24 Jul 2020

If you don't want to go to jail, don't throw things at cops

So far we've seen our new friends from Pasco, Washington (1) protesting in a store parking lot, and (2) nearly getting themselves arrested on the sidewalk in front of that very same store — all over some sidewalk chalk, and (3) convincingly demonstrating that they don’t have any need for an assistive walking device. But you haven't seen any of them actually get locked up. Today that changes, with the deep takeaway lesson that if you don't want to go to jail, you probably shouldn’t throw things at police officers. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That's cool too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator, Sex Offender: The Victim's Story

HAu830oOClw | 23 Jul 2020

Serial Police Impersonator, Sex Offender: The Victim's Story

Turn on closed captions. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, working to protect and advance the public’s constitutional right to open government by providing education and training, legal aid and information services. (At least in Florida it's a [state] constitutional right. There is no parallel right in the US Constitution.) Check out the latest free Patreon post about access to public records! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles.

Orlando Attorney Refuses Police Request to Search Car

iCzKmNBHzWE | 18 Jul 2020

Orlando Attorney Refuses Police Request to Search Car

"No" means "no." Right? Nope. Did you know there's a caveat? "Unless you really want to search some guy's car. In which case, ask them again while acting as though they had consented the first time they told you "No."" Welcome to Orlando, Florida. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Motor One Can’t Count | Jeremy Dewitte’s Name Change Records Contradict His Own Story

JGeJqA6-vFA | 16 Jul 2020

Motor One Can’t Count | Jeremy Dewitte’s Name Change Records Contradict His Own Story

"We've been running this business for 10 years." How many times do you think you've heard Jeremy make that claim? Twenty? Fifty? It probably comes as no surprise to learn that - once again - Jeremy Dewitte's version of events is not reality-based. In this case, we disprove Jeremy's claim by using none other than his own petition for change of name... on which he disclosed that from 2011 to 2012 he was employed by Palmer's Garden and Goods in Orlando. Which, it should be noted, is not the Army [that Jeremy Dewitte was never in]. Jeremy also wrote - if you choose to believe him - that his involvement with Metro State began at the start of 2012. It's 2020. Eight years. Eight is not ten. Unless you repeat it enough, Omar. And yes, this is yet another video to tide you over while you somewhat-patiently wait for the big reveal. But I do have some good news in that regard - finally. The obstacle we've been up against? We are past it. Some minor changes need to be made (to incorporate new information we just verified), and once that's finished you will finally learn what the Big Deal is. We will let you know exactly when to expect the video as soon as we know for sure. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest free Patreon post about access to public records! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Off-Duty Cop Caught Speeding 134 MPH!

RXCpmDuaXU4 | 15 Jul 2020

Off-Duty Cop Caught Speeding 134 MPH!

Deputy Sheriff Felipe Perez of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is the lucky recipient of the fourth-fastest speeding ticket issued by the Nevada Highway Patrol in all of 2019. His wife and child were both in the car at the time, and the car happened to not have any license plates. Smart. Trooper Ken Nickerson cited Deputy Perez for the full 134 MPH and for the missing plates. The citation was handled by Justice Larry Shupe of Goodsprings Township Justice Court,* in Jean, Nevada, where the charge was amended to a whopping parking violation. Tangentially, in researching this case we discovered that Andre Agassi received a ticket for driving in a manner that wasted energy back in 1992. No joke. But what about that parking ticket for driving 134 MPH? We wanted to know the same thing that many of you are probably wondering: do non-off-duty-cops get 134 MPH citations reduced to parking tickets, too? Well, we investigated and - crazily enough - it turns out that they do, At least in Goodsprings Justice Court. Every single citation we looked at where the violation was for 41+ MPH over the speed limit was ultimately disposed of as some sort of a parking ticket. Some were 'parked car too close to the curb' and others were run-of-the-mill 'parking in a no-parking zone'' type deals. None remained insanely-fast speeding tickets... unless the recipient didn't contact the court prior. It should be noted that in no case was the amount of the fine reduced. Most expensive parking ticket ever. Deputy Sheriff Perez had to complete traffic school, too. (Guess whether you have to pay Goodsprings Township for that...) Dewitte news: still working hard at it. You will get to see it. Your patience will be rewarded ✌️ *Minor correction: On-screen text incorrectly refers to the court as "Goodsprings Municipal Court." Its actual name is "Goodsprings Township Justice Court." ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Area Lunatic Harasses Pasco Police Officer

2uUtb7ZmUcI | 12 Jul 2020

Area Lunatic Harasses Pasco Police Officer

Yes, it's this guy again. From his pre-sign days. Tangentially, if you've never had the pleasure of trying to make obscenely overdriven audio sort-of listenable, I am envious. I hereby certify that the footage review, selection, outlining, editing, audio mastering, rendering, uploading, and publication of this video did not further-delay the inevitable Dewitte bombshell. -RWP ✌️ ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That's cool too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Real World Police: Roadcam

J6GAXB6tQrA | 10 Jul 2020

Real World Police: Roadcam

New to the Roadcam series and wondering how it came about? Here's the scoop: In our never-ending pursuit of the best in otherwise-unreported otherwise-unpublished police footage and stories, we often come across material such as you see in this video — typically held by the police department that investigated the incident, though sometimes acquired through other avenues (as here, for example.) About a year ago we shared a sort-of-similar video with Patreon supporters and asked whether they thought the video belonged on Real World Police. Their unanimous and probably-correct answer in that case was "no." At least not without context showing the nexus between the video and the channel's purpose. But there was another message along with that. One that everyone seemed to agree on: "We wouldn't mind seeing it here!" And thus was born the Patreon series "Real World Police: Roadcam." With more than two-dozen installments published to date, and more in the pipeline, a handful of the Roadcam videos have also been published for free on the main channel, as a teaser and for your general enjoyment. It's time for another. *Yes, I know that you are all wondering about the Dewitte video. My satisfyingly-unsatisfying answer is that - for reasons that I can't can't get into (or I would tell you), its publication has clearly been delayed. On the good news front, you should have it soon. I've learned my lesson about telling you when. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Nevada Highway Patrol Stops Hairstylist Driving 133 MPH

O0UtDJJAbLg | 09 Jul 2020

Nevada Highway Patrol Stops Hairstylist Driving 133 MPH

On July 13, 2019 Trooper Mike Timm with the Nevada Highway Patrol was on traffic duty covering part of Interstate 80 in Elko County. Nevada has an abundant supply of sunshine and desert landscapes, and it can sometimes feel like the open road belongs to you alone. So it's natural to push your Audi SQ5 a bit. Gotta see what it can do, right? In 2019 the ten fastest-speed speeding tickets issued by the Nevada Highway Patrol ranged from 127 MPH to 154 MPH. In the middle of the pack with #4 in the rankings is a Sacramento-based hairdresser who was stopped on his way to Utah. Meet Scott Fallantine, lucky recipient of the fourth-fastest Nevada Highway Patrol speeding ticket of 2019: a solid 133 MPH. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Join the club! Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Keep Your Man In Check!

tfSzy6qvfng | 30 Jun 2020

Keep Your Man In Check!

LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS — The realities of law enforcement involve far more paperwork and waiting around for people / things than Hollywood would have you believe... and even when there is action, it's typically not six-o'clock-news-style. More often it goes something like this. On November 11, 2019 Little Rock Police Officers Reppond and Gallegos responded to a call for service involving a neighbor dispute. Apparently the complainant went outside looking too good, which attracted attention from the boyfriend of one of her neighbors. This was unacceptable to the neighbor, who - thinking rationally - decided that her boyfriend's behavior was the complainant's fault. The complainant called 911 to file an informational report. She wanted the situation documented in case it escalated. Alright. Cutting that short, as it's time to go back to work on the Dewitte blockbuster you've been mostly-patiently waiting for. The teaser footage at the end of this video (start at ~16:00) is pretty great, but it's not the big news ✌️ Stay well out there, folks. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Pasco Cop Doesn’t Take The Bait

1Nse-bVWjWE | 29 Jun 2020

Pasco Cop Doesn’t Take The Bait

By law, every United States municipality with a population greater than 10,000 is required to have at least one dude who looks (and acts) erratically, however in many areas Ordinance 12(b) allows the guy to - occasionally - be more stable than his appearance might suggest. This so-called ‘ten-thousandth man’ must have sufficient knowledge of the law to be a nuisance, but he must never be permitted to have enough knowledge to be dangerous. Recent changes to the Uniform Commercial Code suggest that if any such individual's knowledge of the law was to surpass that of your median Moorish National (no joinder intended), pursuant to the current construction of 970 UCC § 1974 (B)(6)(b), the individual must act swiftly to identify a replacement nuisance-citizen within fourteen days. The ten-thousandth man must possess at-most-rudimentary sign-making abilities. They must own or otherwise be able to somehow obtain multiple livestream-capable cameras, and - critically - they must have the testicular fortitude to stand outside doing essentially nothing other than occasionally shouting for long periods of time. The position in Pasco is not available. Note: The foregoing is not true. Surnote: But some people are going to be convinced that it is. (Many of those people have jobs waiting for them...) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That's cool too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Name-Dropping Cop Amanda Myers Arrested for Drunk Driving

aHHB2GEC_2s | 25 Jun 2020

Name-Dropping Cop Amanda Myers Arrested for Drunk Driving

From Officer Katie Finley's report: "On Wednesday, February 5, 2020, at approximately 1901 hours, Patrolman Renken and I responded to the back parking lot of Number One Lounge located at 5555 Ridge Road for report of a motor vehicle accident. Dispatch advised that the caller stated the female driver was not being cooperative and seemed intoxicated. Upon arrival I spoke with Amanda Myers and asked her what happened. She stated she was backing up out of a parking space when Stanley Mckee was pulling into the parking lot and that he struck her vehicle as she was backing up. Ptl. Renken was speaking with Stanley and then came over to speak with Amanda. I then went and spoke with Stanley, who stated he had already backed out of the parking lot but came to a complete stop before entering onto Westlake Ave. due to yielding to oncoming traffic. He stated that Amanda backed out of a parking space and when continuing to back up she struck the front end of his vehicle with her rear end. Stanley stated he could hear someone outside yelling at her to stop her vehicle when she was backing up. Stanley stated that Amanda exited her vehicle and told him she would just give him $50. Stanley mentioned to her that a new headlight would cost more and they could just exchange information and handle it that way. When Amanda started to become uncooperative and telling him he was the one pulling into the parking lot and struck her vehicle he decided it was a good idea to call police. He stated he could tell she had been drinking Amanda was slurring her speech and had an odor of alcohol coming from her person." Amanda Myers was arrested on charges of Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated, BAC Test Refusal w/ Prior, and Physical Control. Under Ohio law, a 'Physical Control' charge is similar to an OVI charge in that it deals with vehicles and intoxication, with one major difference: Physical Control does not require that the vehicle have ever been driven or even started. Myers pled not guilty to all three charges on February 12th, also filing a petition to be declared indigent and have an attorney appointed to defend her. The court granted Myers' petition, declaring her indigent and - kind of hilariously - appointing Attorney Joseph O'Malley to represent her. O'Malley is the prosecutor Myers was referring to with her name-dropping, only he is no longer working in that capacity... You see, O'Malley is best known for his 2013 "indefinite disbarment" after he was charged with nine violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct arising from his improper influencing of a judge and his August 2011 convictions in an Ohio federal court for misprision of a felony (with Dewitte-level excuses) and making a materially false statement in a matter within the jurisdiction of the federal government. Details at Although most people think of "indefinite disbarment" as, you know, indefinite... reality shows otherwise. A 2007 paper titled "Should Permanent Disbarment be Permanent?" published in The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics provides a good overview of the impermanence of permanent disbarment. Its author found that "Five states mandate that all disbarments be treated as permanent. Eight states allow for disbarments to be permanent in some situations. In these states, when disbarment is not permanent, readmittance can either be applied for in seven years, five years, or at any time, depending on the jurisdiction. . . . The remaining 35 states and DC have no procedure for permanent disbarment." O'Malley's 2013 disbarment generated a lot of press, but everyone on the planet seems to have missed the fact that he was reinstated in 2016. You heard it here first. On 3/19/20 Myers case went to trial. Myers was found not guilty on the charges of OVI and 'BAC refusal w/ prior,' but was found guilty of reasonable control. It is not clear at this time what, if any, penalties she was subject to other than a $315 fee or fine. Clarifying records have been requested from the court and we inquired with Kelleys Island Police about whether this arrest impacted her job. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Patreon supporters get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty full-length Patreon-only Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator: Shorts

nWypcLXIGik | 24 Jun 2020

Serial Police Impersonator: Shorts

Two brief scenes you haven't seen: — Scene One: Jeremy shares how he really feels about Sergeant Keith Vidler. — Scene Two: Jeremy nearly gets himself killed during a traffic stop. If you have no idea what the above is referring to, the following text was published in, and in the description of, a video that went live this past Thursday: For five months I have been working to obtain certain specific information about Jeremy Dewitte. Two days ago, I got it. From a credible source. This latest information is more significant than anything that has been published to date about the guy. Florida law enforcement doesn't have this. The State Attorney's Office doesn't have this. But you will have it. In about a week. Some people believe that Jeremy likes negative attention. And who knows, they may be right. But I can tell you one thing for sure: Jeremy is NOT going to like this. Stay tuned. Also coming soon, and not mentioned with that video: newly uncovered documents call into question the credibility of a central figure in the Dewitte saga... ::CUE SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC:: *This video was available three days early to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Police Response to the Seattle Crane Collapse | All New Footage

rH9hB1C-7FM | 22 Jun 2020

Police Response to the Seattle Crane Collapse | All New Footage

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON — On April 27, 2019, at approximately 3:28 p.m. Pacific Time, a construction crane working on a Google office building in Seattle, Washington, collapsed onto Mercer Street, killing four people and injuring four others. The crane, which was being dismantled, fell across the street and its median, crushing six cars near the Fairview Avenue intersection. It also damaged the building's roof and eastern facade. Two of the four victims were ironworkers, while the others, a college student and a former city administrator, were in vehicles on the street. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries began an investigation into the incident, with cooperation from developer Vulcan, Inc., the City of Seattle, and general contractor GLY Construction. The collapse's cause was initially unknown, although outside investigators had speculated that the improper removal of pins and bolts during disassembly was a potential cause. Mercer Street remained shut down for the weekend and re-opened on Monday morning, following removal of the crane and debris to a nearby lot. The preliminary findings from the Washington Department of Labor and Industries were released in October 2019. Their investigation found that the collapse was caused by the premature removal of more than 50 pins between the tower crane sections. Some of those pins can be seen in this video. The Department of Labor and Industries fined general contractor GLY Construction and Northwest Tower Crane Service, responsible for dismantling the crane $25,200 and $12,000 respectively. Morrow Equipment, which supplied the crane, was cited for a “willful” serious violation which “directly contributed to the collapse” and fined $70,000. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That's cool too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Paranoid Schizophrenia vs. Fullerton Police

oxDi51FJRRU | 21 Jun 2020

Paranoid Schizophrenia vs. Fullerton Police

FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA — On July 8, 2017 at approximately 2055 hours, Officers Brayley, Green, and Ryu of the Fullerton, California Police Department responded to a radio call for a disturbance. A man was repeatedly lighting his stove on fire with lighter fluid, and had been threatening his roommate to continue. Reports indicated that that the man had not been taking his prescribed psychiatric medications for paranoid schizophrenia. The subject was contacted shortly after officers arrived on scene, however he refused to sit and would not allow the officers to conduct a pat-down of his person for weapons. Return to center infinity! The subject's mother witnessed the ensuing use of force, which included multiple Tasers, baton strikes, and hands-on pain compliance. Her comments about the officers can be heard in an interview at the end of this video. Nearly all of the blurring in this video was added by the Fullerton Police Department. The only exception being the subject's butt, which was visible after he somehow got his pants tased off. *In trying to figure out what the guy what saying I ran an informal poll of a dozen people. The results were evenly split between "Return to sender infinity!" and "Return to center infinity!" Frankly, the tie-breaking vote was cast in favor of the version that sounded more awesome. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That's cool too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Cage Cam

RfNiPpFPIPQ | 19 Jun 2020

Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Cage Cam

For five months I have been working to obtain certain specific information about Jeremy Dewitte. Two days ago, I got it. From a credible source. This latest information is more significant than anything that has been published to date about the guy. Florida law enforcement doesn't have this. The State Attorney's Office doesn't have this. But you will have it. In about a week. Some people believe that Jeremy likes negative attention. And who knows, they may be right. But I can tell you one thing for sure: Jeremy is NOT going to like this. Stay tuned. *There is an unrelated preview at the end of this video. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free and it went live this morning. Find it at at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Patrons get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Join the club. Get your fix. Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

"I'm a CEO of companies, dude!" | Ohio Anger Problem Gets Arrested, Part II

xsxcfreuSPQ | 17 Jun 2020

"I'm a CEO of companies, dude!" | Ohio Anger Problem Gets Arrested, Part II

Vermilion, Ohio — On May 25, 2020 Dorsey Michael Fields was arrested by officers of the Vermilion Police Department on charges of.... Impersonating a peace officer; Having weapons while under disability; Using weapons while intoxicated; Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle; Possession of Schedule I or II substance; Possession of Schedule III, IV... substance; Restrictions on depositing litter on public property; Open container liquor - Operator; Driving under OVI suspension; OVI; Failure to stay in marked lanes, and Lighted lights required. Quite the list. [Note that this video's description is essentially the same as in Part One.] Not captured on video, however, was the basis for Fields' "Impersonating a Peace Officer" charge. Let's fill in the gap: Among the many items found during the inventory of Fields' vehicle were a police- style uniform outer carrier vest with body armor with the name "J.A. DeAngelis" embroidered on it. Also present were a variety of firearms. Next to the vest on the seat was a baseball hat which had the word "POLICE" embroidered on it in gold stitching. Underneath the bulletproof vest was a six-pack box of Coors Light beer with only one full beer inside. Underneath the front passenger seat was a full bottle of vodka, which appeared unopened. There was more, but that's plenty for our purposes. A few hours after Fields' arrest, a man contacted the Vermilion Police Department to file the following report: "A large white vehicle with one headlight stopped and sat at Hanover Square Park and parked for 5-10 minutes. He (the driver) approached our party after he had overheard our conversation about Texas, and my son is about to go to boot camp there. He pulled out his wallet and flashlight and said, "I'm from Texas", showing his wallet. We could not see it. [ ] asked him, why are you wearing this heavy vest? Isn't it hot? "I'M A POLICEMAN," he said. I asked him "If you are a policeman, why are you carrying a beer and a gun?" I walked over to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked him to leave. He asked "WHY?" I said I did not want any firearms on my property. He told me not to touch him. I told him again to leave my property, no guns allowed. He said, "What do you think I'm going to do, go "Dommer" on you?" While walking away, he threw his Coors bottle in the park. He started his car and sped off." Evidence at the scene tied the incident to Fields. Whose license was already suspended for a separate OVI incident not long before this one. Drive sober. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Ohio? Visit Related, Check out the recent public Patreon posts about access to public records, at and ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

"If you call 911 for this again, we’re going to arrest you"

bEtFLw-BfgE | 16 Jun 2020

"If you call 911 for this again, we’re going to arrest you"

Seattle, WA — The Bureau of Justice Assistance ("BJA") is a component of the Office of Justice Programs within the Department of Justice. BJA provides leadership and assistance to local criminal justice programs with a goal of improving and reinforcing our criminal justice system. Beginning years ago, the BJA began funding programs and training intended to better equip law enforcement officers for handling mental health calls. Increasingly, officers are called on to be the first (and often only) responders to calls involving people experiencing a mental health crisis. Such calls can be among the most complex and time-consuming for officers to resolve, redirecting them from addressing other public safety concerns and violent crime. As we all know, they draw intense public scrutiny when things go sideways, all while posing increased danger to both the responding officers and the people with mental health needs. When these calls come into 911/ dispatch, the appropriate community-based resources are often lacking to make referrals, and officers often don't have sufficient training to identify and understand what they are dealing with. The most promising responses to these challenges are those involving the behavioral health system, where vast institutional knowledge already exists. Absent these collaborations, officers often lack awareness of, or do not know how to access, a community’s array of available services and alternatives to arrest, such as crisis stabilization services, mental health hotlines, and other community-based resources. And even when officers are fully informed, service capacity is often insufficient to meet the community’s need. As a result, officers experience frustration and trauma as they encounter the same familiar faces over and over again, only to witness the health of these individuals deteriorate over time, and the individuals find themselves stuck in a system that does not seem to be helping them. For information on current thoughts and best-practices, check out ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

"I'm a CEO of companies, dude!" | Ohio Anger Problem Gets Arrested

-67LU-ayciE | 13 Jun 2020

"I'm a CEO of companies, dude!" | Ohio Anger Problem Gets Arrested

Vermilion, Ohio — On May 25, 2020 Dorsey Michael Fields was arrested by officers of the Vermilion Police Department on charges of.... Impersonating a peace officer; Having weapons while under disability; Using weapons while intoxicated; Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle; Possession of Schedule I or II substance; Possession of Schedule III, IV... substance; Restrictions on depositing litter on public property; Open container liquor - Operator; Driving under OVI suspension; OVI; Failure to stay in marked lanes, and Lighted lights required. Quite the list. Not explained in this footage, however, is the basis for the "Impersonating a Peace Officer" charge. Let's fill in the gap: Among the many items found during the inventory of Fields' vehicle were a police- style uniform outer carrier vest with body armor with the name "J.A. DeAngelis" embroidered on it. Also present were a variety of firearms. Next to the vest on the seat was a baseball hat which had the word "POLICE" embroidered on it in gold stitching. Underneath the bulletproof vest was a six-pack box of Coors Light beer with only one full beer inside. Underneath the front passenger seat was a full bottle of vodka, which appeared unopened. There was more, but that's plenty for our purposes. A few hours after Fields' arrest, a man contacted the Vermilion Police Department to file the following report: "A large white vehicle with one headlight stopped and sat at Hanover Square Park and parked for 5-10 minutes. He (the driver) approached our party after he had overheard our conversation about Texas, and my son is about to go to boot camp there. He pulled out his wallet and flashlight and said, "I'm from Texas", showing his wallet. We could not see it. [ ] asked him, why are you wearing this heavy vest? Isn't it hot? "I'M A POLICEMAN," he said. I asked him "If you are a policeman, why are you carrying a beer and a gun?" I walked over to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked him to leave. He asked "WHY?" I said I did not want any firearms on my property. He told me not to touch him. I told him again to leave my property, no guns allowed. He said, "What do you think I'm going to do, go "Dommer" on you?" While walking away, he threw his Coors bottle in the park. He started his car and sped off." Evidence at the scene tied the incident to Fields. Whose license was already suspended for a separate OVI incident not long before this one. Drive sober. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Ohio? Visit Related, Check out the recent public Patreon posts about access to public records, at and ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

"You can't give me a ticket, because I'm not in the program!"

GYR19JbkVv0 | 10 Jun 2020

"You can't give me a ticket, because I'm not in the program!"

Kalamazoo, Michigan — It's been far too long since we've presented a sovereign citizen encounter on Real World Police. This Kalamazoo traffic stop - featuring a highly unusual ending - occurred on August 3, 2019. In December 2011, Andre Juron Gardner was sentenced to eight days in jail, two years of probation, court costs and fees for delivery/manufacture of marijuana as a second-time habitual offender. It appears that his, uhh, sovereignty, began around that time. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips email is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Dozens of exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Woman Arrested For DUI; Found Not Guilty by Jury

1qxvjrB9Gsk | 06 Jun 2020

Woman Arrested For DUI; Found Not Guilty by Jury

Seattle, Washington — On November 20, 2017 Tiffany Neatrour was released from an inpatient alcohol detox center. She went to her relatives house, some things happened, and later that day she found herself arrested on suspicion of DUI, driving without a license, and false reporting after Seattle Police dispatch received a 911 call reporting a reckless driver allegedly matching her description... and driving her car. The arresting officer in this case was Tom Heller, badge number 7427 of North Precinct Patrol, Second Watch. Officer Heller graduated from the police academy in April 2008, and at the time of this arrest he had already "apprehended, arrested, or otherwise investigated" nearly 450 DUI cases. He is an instructor for the standardized field sobriety tests and has been a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor since November 2016. Prior to being a police officer he spent two years working as an EMT. And Tiffany Neatrour's jury verdict was clear: Officer Heller got this one wrong. Neatrour's attorney - public defender Wissam Itani - fought vigorously for her, challenging the constitutionality of Officer Heller's arrest and making a wide variety of other courtroom plays. Ms. Neatrour had later admitted to driving, but only after what Itani argued was an unconstitutional arrest, not supported by probable cause. A defense investigator poked holes in some of the testimony that you will hear, and the defense took issue with the warrant that had been issued for Ms. Neatrour's blood. Nonetheless, the defense motion to suppress pretty much everything was denied. The defense did get some big wins, though, such as a granted motion to preclude all statements made by witnesses who would not be testifying in court on confrontation clause grounds - including the 911 caller. One of Neatrour's nieces had since died, and "would likely" not be appearing in court. Her testimony was suppressed accordingly. On top of that, the defense was granted a motion to exclude any mention of Neatrour's prior alcohol abuse or having attended a detox facility. The prosecution would not be permitted to reference Neatrour's threats to kill Officer Heller or her statement about having a suspended driver's license. Specific sections of body worn camera footage were agreed admissible and were played in court. All other footage could not be used or referenced.* The prosecution scored a number of motion practice wins as well, and the case was set for trial. Neatrour refused to accept a plea bargain. On 2/20/19 a panel of jurors was selected and sworn in and Ms. Neatrour's trial commenced. Officer Heller and other witnesses testified, and the City rested its case the following day. On February 22, 2019 the jury returned its verdict: not guilty. And that was that. The case was closed. This is Part III of the body worn camera footage in the case. As you watch, keep in mind that much of the footage you are seeing was deemed inadmissible. *That is not unusual. Although the details get complicated, a defendant's prior misconduct ("propensity evidence") is not admissible to show the defendant's general propensity to engage in criminal activity. See State v. Bowen, 48 Wash. App. 187, 738 P.2d 316 (Div.3 1987). The idea being that such evidence is highly prejudicial, stripping the defendant of their presumption of innocence and possibly leading a jury to convict not because they find the defendant guilty of the charged crime beyond a reasonable doubt, but because they believe the defendant deserves to be punished for a series of immoral actions. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Police Impersonator Confession: Meet John Dawson

-EWuq8k3U8o | 04 Jun 2020

Police Impersonator Confession: Meet John Dawson

On June 19, 2017 John William Dawson was driving what was then his 2012 Chevy Impala westbound on SR 54 in Lutz, Florida. The Impala bore an FOP license plate, tag number 955FA. A man was in front of Dawson's Impala, driving his own vehicle, when Dawson decided he didn't like the guy's driving. Dawson activated his red and white emergency lights and began flashing his bluish-color headlights at the victim. Upon making contact with the victim, Dawson exited his vehicle, placing around his neck a law enforcement badge necklace. Dawson ordered the victim to slow down and threatened him with (a) jail, and - bizarrely - (b) running his license plate "again." He advised the victim that he would arrest him if he ever followed him [Dawson] again, and then ordered the victim to leave immediately. The victim easily identified Dawson from a photo lineup. The incident was captured on cell phone video, which was aired on Fox News... where Dawson's wife saw it. He turned himself in later that day. This video presents the original footage, and - for the first time - Dawson's complete post-Miranda confession. At the end of the confession tape, select court records are shown on screen. Dawson's Impala was Impounded. That's some decent alliteration. /// In other news, something is seriously wrong vis-à-vis YouTube's recommendation engine and our newer content. Fortunately, YouTube has acknowledged the issue. They assured us that it has been escalated, and said that we should expect to hear from someone within 24 hours. Unfortunately, they said that on Sunday. And they haven't said a thing since. On Sunday morning we published the most recent Jeremy Dewitte video. The one you might not have seen. Because it's not being suggested... to anyone, or even showing up in subscribers' home feeds. The video doesn't suck, and people — beyond Jeremy — are not 'over' the story. The video is advertiser-friendly and it has a clickthrough rate of nearly 13% with an average viewer retention of 13 minutes. The ingredients are there for a hit. Except one: YouTube. The video is not being suggested to prospective viewers. Let's put some number on that, because I really want you to understand the magnitude of the effect: YouTube suggestions and browse features are typically the source of 80% - 90% of all views on this channel. For the Dewitte video, they account for almost-zero. Bizarrely, more than 60% of the views on that video are from people going directly to our channel page. Closer examination reveals that the issue is not limited to Sunday's Dewitte video. This has been happening — to obvious-but-varying degrees — for at least two to three weeks. For a few reasons, it wasn't blatantly obvious until Sunday. To put it mildly, this is not cool. You rely on YouTube's recommendation engine to discover our new content, and we rely on having an audience to keep the lights on. Stay tuned for information on how we are going to handle this. A plan is in the works. ~~~~ Edit: Notifications are still working. Meaning, if you are subscribed to Real World Police, have the bell 'rung,' and have notifications enabled for YouTube on your phone, you were notified about the Dewitte video. But even if you are in that group, if you go to your "Home" feed on mobile, you will likely find that a lot of our recent content is not there. Including the Dewitte video. ~~~ Real World Police proudly supports the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. Check out the recent public Patreon posts about access to public records, at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Get access to: -Dozens of exclusive full-length videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation, such as case files, reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Files an Internal Affairs Complaint, Part II

1x2Lth_O_EY | 29 May 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Files an Internal Affairs Complaint, Part II

On 09/13/19, at approximately 1400 hours, Windermere Police Detective John Allen met with Jeremy Dewitte and his attorney Amir Ladan at the Windermere Police Department. Dewitte, who had been arrested and charged with resisting an officer without violence, falsely impersonating a law enforcement officer, and unlawful use of a two communication device less than a week earlier, was there to file complaint against Sergeant Mark DeStefano, the agency supervisor who participated in and oversaw Dewitte's arrest. In the days following his arrest and prior to meeting with Detective Allen, Dewitte had left a message for Windermere Deputy Chief Jennifer Treadwell indicating his desire to "file an internal affairs investigation." This is it. Detective Allen, who had been directed to conduct an inquiry into Mr. Dewitte’s complaint by Windermere Police Chief David Ogden, sat down with Dewitte and Ladan, and asked that Dewitte detail what had occurred during his arrest, and list his complaints. Motor One's primary complaint was that he had been targeted by DeStefano. Dewitte claimed that he and DeStefano had a history, and that Dewitte had filed an “IA complaint” against Sergeant DeStefano during his employment at the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Mr. Ladan indicated he believed the traffic stop had been conducted without “legal foundation” and that a claim had been made that Dewitte’s motorcycle had been reported stolen, prompting Dewitte to be taken into custody, and only later charged with “impersonating a law enforcement officer” and “resisting arrest.” We heard and addressed parts of Jeremy's complaint in Part One. It's time for Part Two. Motor One is on the move! Enjoy, and stay well out there! Much more to come. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. (Unfortunately reserved for Floridians. The United States Constitution bestows no such right.) Check out the recent public Patreon posts about access to public records, at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

"I did what I thought was right" | The Complete Confession of Steven Sandison

5GpCIIhH2So | 28 May 2020

"I did what I thought was right" | The Complete Confession of Steven Sandison

About twelve hours after offing his cellmate Ted Dyer, Steven Sandison calmly walked up to a prison guard and told him what he had done. Despite having violently murdered his girlfriend in 1991, Sandison didn't have a reputation as a troublemaker behind bars — and at first the guard didn't believe him. Sandison wasn't playing. Millions of people have heard a three-minute excerpt of Sandison's confession, but only a handful of people have heard the uncut recording. Let's change that. Meet Steven Daniel Sandison. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to support the Michigan Coalition for Open Government — working to secure, protect, expand and maintain the people’s right to know what government is up to. For information on access to public records in Michigan, visit Want to read about how we got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the free post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Miami Beach Police Arrest Rapper 'DaBaby' While Filming Music Video [Part II]

LWzan3xAoGg | 25 May 2020

Miami Beach Police Arrest Rapper 'DaBaby' While Filming Music Video [Part II]

Miami Beach, FL — Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, born December 22, 1991, better known as DaBaby, is an American rapper and songwriter from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is best known for his singles "Suge" and "Bop", peaking at numbers seven and eleven respectively on the Billboard Hot 100. Along with the success of "Suge", his debut studio album Baby on Baby peaked at number 7 on the Billboard 200. He released his second studio album, Kirk, months later, which debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, becoming his first album to top the chart. The music video for "Suge" currently has over 235 million views on YouTube. Although this incident occurred in 2016, this footage has never been released publicly. In fact, a quick scouring of the internet did not turn up anything that would indicate the public knew about this arrest before we published the first video last week. On April 2, 2016 Kirk was filming a music video in Miami Beach, Florida. According to police "people were in the middle of the street drinking, screaming, and causing a scene." Officer Ronald Suarez wrote in his report, [lightly corrected for spelling and grammar] that "there were around 30 people walking west in the middle of the road and there were people shooting video. There was a van set up watching them and videotaping. Vehicles had to use other lanes to go around them walking in the road." "Officer Small walked up and asked if they had a permit to be filming. The city requires that for filming to take place there needs to be a permit and an off-duty officer on scene. Officer Small had engaged one male who had an open glass bottle of Hennessy in his hand, which violates the county ordinance on open containers of liquor. This was Defendant Johnson who was eventually arrested for said open container." "They were telling everyone to move up onto the sidewalk and some complied, but others were refusing and wanting to know why and saying that officers couldn't tell them what to do and they didn't have to use the sidewalk. Johnson was placed under arrest and the bottle was impounded." "Defendant Kirk came up and was mouthing up and telling them to let Johnson go saying he didn't do anything. Defendant Kirk was holding his arms out but he was just inches from the officers and yelling at them. He told Defendant Gentry to record and she was recording and yelling and screaming from the sidewalk. There was another male using a camera that was arrested by others and screaming that he had it all on video." Kirk's punishment? A letter of apology, probation, and some fines/fees. He didn't pay the fees until March 5, 2020. They had already gone to collections. This is part two of two. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s right to open government. Want to read about how we got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Little Rock Police Department: Suspicious Person Call

uQocWDkJGWw | 24 May 2020

Little Rock Police Department: Suspicious Person Call

Dude is angry. Shortest video description ever. Instead, I want to share some information with you about access to public records. This is an email I received earlier this year: "Las Cruces PD has been real busy! Most of the recent uploads are them! Do you know if you can obtain some El Paso PD footage?" The good news: Yes. The bad news: Texas is among the more tortuous states for accessing police video. That said, it’s 100% on the table, and we get Texas records fairly frequently. If you have information about one or more newsworthy, unreported incidents out of El Paso, send the details our way. Please remember: we don’t publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Also - and this one's big - we need details. Here's why. In 2015 the Texas legislature enacted new rules regulating access to police body-worn camera footage. They bulldozed over transparency. It was already the case that police departments could withhold records if the associated case did not result in a conviction or deferred adjudication. But the 2015 law added many new obstacles. Like this gem: To obtain any body camera footage in Texas you are required to provide, at minimum: (1) the date and time of the recorded incident, (2) the "specific location" where it occurred, and (3) the full name of at least one person who is "known" to be a subject of the recording. You don't have all of that information? Denied. You forgot to include some of it in your request? Denied. You saw something go down but don't know the subject's name? Denied. There is something you should understand here: The required information? That's the kind of information people tend to get *through* public records requests. I know of no other record type that requires a requestor to provide that level of detail just to have a chance at getting records. And it’s only a chance. Because even if the case is closed, many exemptions can still apply. Which means time. Because in Texas, exemptions = bureaucracy. With limited exception, any time a Texas public body wants to withhold material due to an exemption, they have to request an Attorney General ruling on its validity. They have 10 business days to file their request, and another 15 business days to provide the AG the material for review. The AG then has 45 business days, after which you will likely find out that the AG has okayed the exemption. Fun times. Not done yet. The 2015 law created new exemptions that only apply to body cam video. For example, if a video is recorded in a private space, or relates to the investigation of a fine-only misdemeanor (like a traffic stop) the requestor must have written permission from the subject of the recording before any footage can be released. Special rules also apply if the footage documents the use of deadly force, or is being used in the investigation of an officer. And, as I mentioned earlier, footage of anything that doesn't result in prosecution or deferred adjudication is exempt as well. Know what's also exempt? Any video an agency wants, as long as they claim that its release will hinder an open investigation or prosecution. Talk about a loophole big enough to drive a truck through. But what if you get past the hurdles? What then? By law you're looking at a fee of $10 per video, plus $1 per minute of footage that hasn't already been released. Then it's all yours. (Those fees are not unusual. In 2019 we spent more than $25,000 in fees for public records. Not a typo.) Now you know why you haven't seen footage of Alex Jones' DUI arrest. Monkey wrench: I believe that some states go too far in providing access to police body-worn video. More on that another time. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the free records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected] now! Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Idaho Man Convinced Hospital Poisoned Him; Gets Trespassed

YSjWAdm2ZQ8 | 22 May 2020

Idaho Man Convinced Hospital Poisoned Him; Gets Trespassed

The film “Billion Dollar Bully” examines the business practices of Yelp. Specifically, whether Yelp's alleged business practices involve the extortion of small businesses. In a Business Insider interview, the film's director, Kaylie Milliken, said that she decided to take on the project when her doctor told her that she had begun seeing negative Yelp reviews for her practice that she was unable to reconcile with actual patient visits. "I was at a doctor about a year ago, and she started telling me about her experiences with Yelp. The more she talked about it, the more my jaw just kind of dropped. I knew that they had aggressive sales people -- my husband is a small-business owner and he’s complained before about how pushy they can be. But then she started telling me about receiving reviews, really negative reviews by clients, and she couldn’t figure out who these clients were.and that she had become convinced that some of the reviews were fictitious when a complaint was posted describing symptoms she had never seen in her practice." In this video you will meet Devin, whose allegations take negative reviews and reputation management to a whole other level. Devin is trying to investigate his local hospital's attempt at poisoning him. Because he wrote some negative reviews online. Feeding the conspiracist thinking, the hospital is tired of Devin's investigation. So they have him trespassed. You know, so he can't figure out The Truth. "But when I've got a list of 150 names about the conspiracy coming against me, and all I wanted was just the ingredients for the salad!" [I understand.] "And it's turned into trespass!" [Right.] Welcome back to Lewiston, Idaho. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. Thank you. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Rapper DaBaby Arrested in Miami While Filming Music Video [Part I]

oZkdZSoSbrk | 21 May 2020

Rapper DaBaby Arrested in Miami While Filming Music Video [Part I]

Miami Beach, FL — Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, born December 22, 1991, better known as DaBaby, is an American rapper and songwriter from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is best known for his singles "Suge" and "Bop", peaking at numbers seven and eleven respectively on the Billboard Hot 100. Along with the success of "Suge", his debut studio album Baby on Baby peaked at number 7 on the Billboard 200. He released his second studio album, Kirk, months later, which debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, becoming his first album to top the chart. The music video for "Suge" currently has over 233 million views on YouTube. Although this incident occurred in 2016, this footage has never been released publicly. Part II is coming out today on Patreon. It will become available (for free) here early next week. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s right to open government. Want to read about how we got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please note: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

San Diego Police Respond to Active Shooter at Birthday Party

aoCZEtgSY_A | 20 May 2020

San Diego Police Respond to Active Shooter at Birthday Party

On April 30, 2017 a man who was lounging poolside at 9125 Judicial Drive randomly opened fire on a group of people who were at the pool for a birthday party. One person was killed and eight others were injured, seven by gunfire. (The eighth injured their hand while escaping.) The shooter opened fire immediately after he was offered a Jello shot by a party attendee. The shooter allowed one person to stay and tend to the people he had shot, telling her that she could not take anyone from the pool deck, but that if she stayed he would not shoot her. Although some witnesses articulated their belief to the contrary, an exhaustive investigation revealed no reason to believe the shooting was racially motivated. The full 504-page case file will be available shortly on Patreon. In the not-too-distant future it will be joined by audio of interviews with each of the shooting officers. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Cleveland Police Drug Raid Uncovers Dog Fighting Ring; Twelve Dogs Rescued

scV-_9gblCc | 19 May 2020

Cleveland Police Drug Raid Uncovers Dog Fighting Ring; Twelve Dogs Rescued

On January 2, 2020 officers of the Cleveland Police Department raided a house located at 2918 Minnie Ave. A search warrant had been granted and the occupants were to be brought in on charges of drug trafficking, endangering children, and possession of criminal tools, but once officers arrived they found something else: twelve dogs and evidence of a dog fighting operation. It even emerged that one of the arrestees had a long history of criminal charges relating to dog fighting. So the drug raid expanded. Animals control officers responded to the scene, seizing the twelve dogs and tacking on more charges for the arrestees — for dog fighting and cruelty to animals. ~~~ Thanks to @RealWorldPoliceRyan for pointing out yesterday that this video had been sitting in the queue for months, patiently waiting for me to realize that I hadn’t actually clicked ‘publish’ back when it was first uploaded 😛 Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Army Ranger, Active Shooter: The Interrogation of Jesse Suhanec

SryQTecuZvs | 18 May 2020

Army Ranger, Active Shooter: The Interrogation of Jesse Suhanec

On the night of November 5, 2015 detectives with the Lakewood Police Department sat down for a conversation with Jesse Suhanec, an Army Ranger stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord as part of the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Because nobody reads video descriptions these days, the narrative can be found in a pinned comment. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips email is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

The Arrest of Brittany Ann Zamora

n7ZxEQ7i8J4 | 16 May 2020

The Arrest of Brittany Ann Zamora

Goodyear, AZ — On March 22, 2018 Brittany Ann Zamora was arrested by officers of the Goodyear Police Department. A sixth-grade teacher at the time, Zamora is now a resident at the Arizona Department of Corrections Perryville Complex in Santa Cruz Unit I, where she is serving a twenty-year sentence for molesting one of her students. Zamora is scheduled to be released on March 16, 2038. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists. Want to read about how we recently got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Please remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. Thank you. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Florida Man Goes Nuts, Fires AR-15 in Downtown Orlando

8l863xlhMA0 | 13 May 2020

Florida Man Goes Nuts, Fires AR-15 in Downtown Orlando

Orlando, Florida — Straight from the police report at first, with minor editing for clarity: “On January 9, 2020 at approximately 0257 hours, I, Officer J. Wilkins, was dispatched to the area of South Orange Avenue and East Pine for an armed assault emergency call. As I was driving south on Orange Avenue near Central, I saw several people running from the area. One person ran towards my marked police car and told me there was someone shooting a rifle on East Pine Street east of South Orange Avenue. I drove my car to this intersection, stopping just short of the intersection. I exited my patrol vehicle, quickly moved around the building on the northeast corner of the intersection and I saw the suspect, later identified as Ryan Sarjoo walking west in the middle of East Pine Street between South Orange Avenue and South Court Avenue with a black AR-style rifle in his hands. I notified other officers responding to the scene. Sarjoo walked to the south side of E Pine Street behind a dark colored BMW sedan. I could still see Sarjoo's head and the top of his white shirt while he was behind the BMW. After a moment, Sarjoo came out from behind the BMW, without the rifle and holding his hands in the air. Because Sarjoo had his hands in the air and they were free of weapons, Officers ordered Sarjoo to walk toward the police. Sarjoo started walking west on the south side of E Pine Street (on the sidewalk) toward the officers giving him commands. Sarjoo stopped, lifted up his shirt, grabbed a black Glock handgun out of his waistline area and dropped it on the ground near him. Sarjoo was not ordered to do this. Sarjoo put his hands back into the air and turned away from the police. He was not ordered to do this. Sarjoo got onto his knees with his hands in the air and stayed near the gun he threw on the ground. Several officers approached Sarjoo, one officer going to the gun and the others going to Sarjoo to secure him. Sarjoo was placed stomach down on the ground and put into handcuffs. The handgun was secured in a police vehicle.” Sarjoo was ultimately charged with: (1) improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon or firearm; (2) discharging a firearm in public; (3) openly carrying a firearm, and; (4) disorderly conduct. Sarjoo, of course, had a different story. More surprising, though, he had a witness: his friend Jamal, who had been hanging with Sarjoo all night. Jamal is the guy you heard calling Sarjoo "Scooby" toward the beginning of the video. Sarjoo and Jamal go back decades, having grown up and gone to school together, but it had been a while since they had seen each other in person. Although Jamal split when things went sideways, he ended up writing a letter for Sarjoo, supporting his version of events. In response, prosecutors subpoenaed Jamal to provide sworn testimony about the events of January 9, 2020. In exchange for his truthful testimony Jamal was granted immunity from prosecution. An audio recording of Jamal's interview with prosecutors will be available later today on Patreon. [Delayed due to tech. reasons. Sorry!] Four days after Sarjoo's arrest, Judge Alan Apte issued a temporary risk protection order against Sarjoo, requiring the Windermere man to temporarily surrender custody of his concealed carry permit and all firearms in his possession. Finally, credit where it's due: this story comes your way courtesy of a tipster going publicly by the name "Florida Man." *Yes, the title sequence has an error. It'll be okay. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s right to open government. Want to read about how we got a $690.20 invoice for police video reduced to zero? Check out the latest records post on Patreon @ Earlier installments @ and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA that time he accidentally brought a gun to the airport. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

College Football Player Body Slams Grove City Police Officer [New Footage & Information]

kLKm_d71wwQ | 11 May 2020

College Football Player Body Slams Grove City Police Officer [New Footage & Information]

On 2/10/20 at 9:38 A.M., an employee of Communications Test Design, Inc called the Grove City, Ohio Division of Police to report a disturbance where a male was in their building and would not leave. The caller told dispatchers that the male did not work there, that he was being aggressive, and that he did not seem to be "all there." Patrol Officer Carrie Rose, a trained crisis negotiator, arrived on scene first and made contact with Michael Harris, a 6' 3", 245 pound redshirt sophomore on the Eastern Kentucky University football team. Harris was near his vehicle, which was parked and running in front of the business — outside of a designated parking spot. Straight from the police report: "Harris was agitated, was not able to stand still, and was not able to stick to one story. At different times, he stated that he was trying to get directions, that he wanted to just talk to someone, and that he needed money for gas. At one point, Harris went toward the driver's compartment of his vehicle, and Rose instructed him to stay outside, as she was still attempting to obtain his identity. Harris stated he did not need to give Rose his name and continued inside the vehicle as if he was going to drive away. Harris was talking excessively and continuously, leaning toward Rose, throwing his arms around, and at one point dancing. His actions caused Rose to believe that he was under the influence and potentially dangerous to himself or others if he drove away. Rose asked for Harris’ name again, to which he complied, giving Rose his name, SSN, and later his DOB. Rose asked Harris if he was taking medications or illicit drugs. He stated he was not. When Patrol Officer Hall arrived, Harris continued to act erratically, not sticking to one specific topic and ignoring commands. Harris turned his attention away from Rose and walked toward Hall, getting in Hall's personal space. Because Harris had moved to within an arm's length of Hall, Hall extended his arm, pushing Harris back, as he asked Harris to stay back. Harris refused, took an aggressive step towards Hall, and began yelling at Hall, saying "Take me to jail." Both officers believed that Harris was intoxicated or under the influence of an unknown substance. Harris did not seem to know where he was, and he was unable to care for himself. Because Harris was continuing to behave in an erratic and increasingly aggressive, possibly assaultive manner, Ptl. Hall decided to place him in handcuffs. Hall told Harris to put his hands behind his back, but Harris ignored the order and raised his arms above his head. Hall tried to grab onto one of Harris’ arms to put in behind his back, and Harris smacked Hall’s hand away. Because Harris was now obstructing the officers and was unable to care for himself, Hall told Harris he was under arrest and again tried to get Harris’ hands behind his back. Harris pulled away and walked back toward his vehicle, stating that he was not going to jail. Hall attempted to control Harris, but Harris pushed him away. Hall deployed his OC spray, but Harris was able to pull the hood of his sweatshirt up, avoiding most of the OC. You can see what happened next. Jackson Township medics arrived on scene and transported Harris to the hospital, where he had to be sedated. The vehicle Harris was driving was impounded. During the inventory prior to impound, officers found several unlabeled pills and suspect powder found, as well as a digital scale consistent with drug use. In reference to the suspected drugs, Grove City Sergeant Chris Emmelhainz told Real World Police: "The drugs were sent to BCI for testing and results came back that some contained methamphetamine." Harris has been indicted for assault. Separately, on 3/5/20 Harris, out on bond, was stopped by a Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper after the trooper was notified of a reckless driver pointing a gun at other cars. Harris refused to cooperate and had to be OC sprayed to gain his compliance. During a subsequent search, Harris was found to be carrying a large amount of marijuana and a "large" stolen handgun. He is in jail. You heard it here first ✌️ *There is no body camera footage. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a member of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate your right to know. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he tried to get a gun past the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Interrogation of Armed Felon Police Impersonator Daniel A. Mitchem

7vzRrCqYKhI | 08 May 2020

Interrogation of Armed Felon Police Impersonator Daniel A. Mitchem

Albuquerque, NM — Daniel A. Mitchem is no Jeremy. On February 8, 2020, officers of the Albuquerque Police Department Auto Theft Unit had deployed a City-owned white Chevy Tahoe as a bait car. The operation was active in the area of 810 Copper Avenue NW, and the Tahoe was being electronically monitored with audio and video recording devices as well as GPS. An APD detective who was present in an undercover capacity was walking toward the bait car when he was approached by a male wearing a red flannel shirt, blue jacket, and black jean pants. The detective stated that the male subject “took a step backwards while pushing his jacket away from the right side of his hip and placed his right hand on a camouflage firearm that was secured in his waistband area.” According to the detective, the male subject identified himself as a member of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. In turn, the detective identified himself as a member of the Albuquerque Police Department. The male responded out of protocol: he immediately hopped into the bait car and fled the scene at high speed. Clever. Detectives from APD's Auto Theft Unit located the vehicle in the area of 13th Street SW and Rio Avenue SW, where they observed the male subject outside of the vehicle attempting to conceal something near the area of the vehicle's spare tire. The male subject saw the detectives, got back into the vehicle, and drove off once again at a high rate of speed. Detectives were ultimately able to contact and detain the male as he pulled up to the front of a residence on the 800 block of Pacific Avenue SW. It was there that detectives identified their subject as Daniel A. Mitchem and observed that his belt was undone on its right side, and that the belt itself was out of Mitchem's pant loops. Mitchem was advised of his Miranda rights and agreed to speak with the police. During the field interview that followed, Mitchem mostly-admitted to having identified himself as a Sheriff’s Deputy, and he freely admitted to being a felon, claiming ignorance that the gun was real. Mitchem told detectives that he had disposed of the firearm underneath the white Tahoe in the area of its rear bumper, and the gun was promptly recovered. The Springfield 9mm with a magazine containing 13 live rounds was far from fake. A criminal history query of Daniel A. Mitchem found that he had three previous felony cases that had resulted in convictions, including aggravated 2nd degree murder, aggravated armed robbery, tampering with evidence, escape from a penitentiary, and conspiracy to bring contraband into a prison. All in New Mexico. On March 10, 2020 a Grand Jury delivered a federal indictment of Daniel A. Mitchem for one count of 18:922(g)(1) Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition, and one count of 18:922(j) Possession of a Stolen Firearm. Mitchem is currently in custody pending trial, which is now set for June 15, 2020. This video shows the interrogation of Daniel Mitchem. It was released on Patreon five days ago. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit Check out Patreon for a public post explaining how we got access to Arkansas public records: ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Please keep in mind that we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

1001 Excuses: Veronica Gets Locked Up

KmQsnRDhlxs | 07 May 2020

1001 Excuses: Veronica Gets Locked Up

[Get comfortable — this is a long one. The original video is well over three hours.] On December 9, 2017 at 2:56 a.m., Officer Gary Koon of the Bainbridge Island Police Department stopped a red Mazda on suspicion of DUI after observing the vehicle drift onto and over both the white fog line and center yellow line several times. The driver was a young woman named Veronica, and upon contact with her Officer Koon smelled the aroma of an alcoholic beverage. Veronica admitted to drinking wine earlier in the night, and Officer Koon requested that she perform voluntary Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. While making more excuses than you've ever heard in your life, Veronica simultaneously performed poorly on all three tests. Based on her driving over the lane lines, the odor of an alcoholic beverage, her admission to drinking, and her poor performance on the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Officer Koon placed Veronica under arrest for DUI — but not before she managed to call her parents to join her on scene. Veronica subsequently blew a 0.079 and 0.081 BAC on BiPD's Datamaster breathalyzer. She was booked into the Kitsap County Jail, with no bail set due to her having a previous DUI arrest within the past ten years. On December 18, 2018, Veronica was adjudged guilty of RCW 46.61.502 Driving Under the Influence. She was sentenced to 364 days in jail, with 360 days suspended for five years, and four days to serve. Subsequent her jail sentence Veronica was required to spend 180 days on electronic monitoring, pay a long list of fees and fines, and take various classes and evaluations. Her arrest report, DUI packet, and court sentencing documentation have been posted on Patreon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips email is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Calls His Mom From Jail

26j6wMkjKAY | 06 May 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Calls His Mom From Jail

On September 7, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested by officers of the Windermere Police Department on charges of resisting an officer without violence, falsely personating an officer, and reckless driving. He was also cited for passing within an occupied lane and "passing on a double solid line." After his arrest, Dewitte made a number of phone calls from jail, all of which were recorded. This video - the third in its series - presents Jeremy Dewitte's phone call to his mother. As previously, all channel supporters on Patreon will be getting early access to the next installment of jail calls shortly. I don't say this very often, but I am going to say it now: we have been working on a handful of huge stories over the past few weeks, and I am excited for you to learn about them. Stay tuned. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. (Unfortunately reserved for Floridians. The United States Constitution bestows no such right.) ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable nonpublic information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. *Please don’t send links to news articles.* ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Trooper Stops 17-Year-Old Driving 128 MPH

_bW6Oum7lVM | 03 May 2020

Trooper Stops 17-Year-Old Driving 128 MPH

Peace officers are routinely required to respond to an emergency as quickly as possible, knowing that the outcome of an emergency may rest in the balance. Each officer is expected to respond in a responsible manner, balancing the risks of their driving against the risk to the public posed by the call they are responding to. That said, extreme speeds are inherently dangerous and although risks can be managed, minimized, and mitigated they never go away entirely. Few know the potential consequences better than highway patrol troopers. Dealing with those consequences is a less-than-pleasant part of their job. But New Mexico’s straight open roads and low population density in outlying areas make for an inviting state to floor it — without going to jail. In this footage, watch as New Mexico earns its keep as the unofficial best place in the country to get caught speeding. Drivers in New Mexico receive the same $257 citation (with no points) for driving 36 MPH over the limit as they would driving 136 MPH over. That is, unless they also have a suspended license. Like Brice. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit "Access to Arkansas public records: Why you (probably) don't have it, and how we got it" — is now publicly available on Patreon, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Note: We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Armed Felon Police Impersonator: The Arrest of Daniel A. Mitchem

kE7az05NTFM | 02 May 2020

Armed Felon Police Impersonator: The Arrest of Daniel A. Mitchem

Albuquerque, NM — Daniel A. Mitchem is no Dewitte. On February 8, 2020, officers of the Albuquerque Police Department Auto Theft Unit had deployed a City-owned white Chevy Tahoe as a bait car. The operation was active in the area of 810 Copper Avenue NW, and the Tahoe was being electronically monitored with audio and video recording devices as well as GPS. An APD detective who was present in an undercover capacity was walking toward the bait car when he was approached by a male wearing a red flannel shirt, blue jacket, and black jean pants. The detective stated that the male subject “took a step backwards while pushing his jacket away from the right side of his hip and placed his right hand on a camouflage firearm that was secured in his waistband area.” According to the detective, the male subject identified himself as a member of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. In turn, the detective identified himself as a member of the Albuquerque Police Department. The male responded out of protocol: he immediately hopped into the bait car and fled the scene at high speed. Clever. Detectives from APD's Auto Theft Unit located the vehicle in the area of 13th Street SW and Rio Avenue SW, where they observed the male subject outside of the vehicle attempting to conceal something near the area of the vehicle's spare tire. The male subject saw the detectives, got back into the vehicle, and drove off once again at a high rate of speed. Detectives were ultimately able to contact and detain the male as he pulled up to the front of a residence on the 800 block of Pacific Avenue SW. It was there that detectives identified their subject as Daniel A. Mitchem and observed that his belt was undone on its right side, and that the belt itself was out of Mitchem's pant loops. Mitchem was advised of his Miranda rights and agreed to speak with the police. During the field interview that followed, Mitchem mostly-admitted to having identified himself as a Sheriff’s Deputy, and he freely admitted to being a felon, claiming ignorance that the gun was real. Mitchem told detectives that he had disposed of the firearm underneath the white Tahoe in the area of its rear bumper, and the gun was promptly recovered. The Springfield 9mm with a magazine containing 13 live rounds was far from fake. A criminal history query of Daniel A. Mitchem found that he had three previous felony cases that had resulted in convictions, including aggravated 2nd degree murder, aggravated armed robbery, tampering with evidence, escape from a penitentiary, and conspiracy to bring contraband into a prison. All in New Mexico. On March 10, 2020 a Grand Jury delivered a federal indictment of Daniel A. Mitchem for one count of 18:922(g)(1) Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition, and one count of 18:922(j) Possession of a Stolen Firearm. Mitchem is currently in custody pending trial, which is now set for June 15, 2020. This video shows the arrest of Daniel Mitchem. A separate video of Mitchem's interrogation is available now on Patreon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit "Access to Arkansas public records: Why you (probably) don't have it, and how we got it" — is publicly available on Patreon, at ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Note: We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator: Jail Calls #2 & #3

PWdNNSm8UHU | 30 Apr 2020

Serial Police Impersonator: Jail Calls #2 & #3

On September 7, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested by officers of the Windermere Police Department on charges of resisting an officer without violence, falsely personating an officer, and reckless driving. He was also cited for passing within an occupied lane and "passing on a double solid line." After his arrest, Dewitte made a number of phone calls from jail, all of which were recorded. This video - the second in its series - presents two of those calls. The first call presented is Call #2, to Jeremy's attorney Amir Ladan. I am not certain who the recipient is of Call #3, but their voice sounds a lot like Steven Negron. Note, in Call #3, the mention of an escort to "Sweet 22." The location they are referring to is a nightclub — not a funeral. As previously, all channel supporters on Patreon will be getting access to the next installment of jail calls later today. Lastly, an update regarding this case [that was timely a week ago when this went live on Patreon]: On April 21, 2020 Amir Ladan filed a motion to continue in the felony case associated with Dewitte's 9/7/19 arrest. Continuances are nothing out of the ordinary and they are rarely opposed. Ladan's motion was granted, and Jeremy's trial in this particular case is now scheduled to begin September 14, 2020, with a pre-trial conference on September 1, 2020. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. (Unfortunately reserved for Floridians. The United States Constitution bestows no such right.) Check out the recent public Patreon post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Hardware Store Cashier Arrested for Felony Theft [Little Rock, Arkansas]

HaGzC3tdrM0 | 29 Apr 2020

Hardware Store Cashier Arrested for Felony Theft [Little Rock, Arkansas]

Kallie Lewis has a lot more experience with the criminal justice system than you might assume from this video. Nearly all of it, however, stems from a methamphetamine charge she picked up years ago. In that case she was sentenced to probation... only to be found a while later in Arizona, where she had been arrested. Lewis then failed to show up to a number of mandatory court appearances and also failed to comply with the conditions of her probation, skipping meetings with her probation officer and testing positive for methamphetamine while eight months pregnant. Addiction is not pretty. In her latest arrest - shown in this video - Lewis was collared for felony theft from her then-employer. The State of Arkansas alleges that Lewis conspired with codefendant Nicholas Preston to steal more than $1,000 in goods from the hardware store where Lewis was employed as a cashier. The case against Lewis and Preston is ongoing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Store Owner Cited for Stay-At-Home Order Violation

fllSTf42lro | 28 Apr 2020

Store Owner Cited for Stay-At-Home Order Violation

On March 22, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton, had issued a director’s order requiring all Ohioans to stay in their homes to combat the spread of COVID-19. The order went into effect just before midnight on March 23, 2020, and is currently set to last until May 1, 2020. The notable exceptions to the director's order include individuals and entities that are deemed to be engaged in “essential” activities, businesses, and services, including the attendant travel that is necessary to effectuate them. Any person or business found to be violating the director’s order may be criminally prosecuted. On April 10, 2020 Fakhry Daoud, 43, was cited by officers of the Cleveland Police Department for violating the stay at home order. The citation Daoud received alleges a violation of Ohio Revised Code § 3701.352, which is cleverly titled “Violations Prohibited." The statute reads as follows: "No person shall violate any rule the director of health or department of health adopts or any order the director or department of health issues under this chapter to prevent a threat to the public caused by a pandemic, epidemic, or bioterrorism event." The violation is a second degree misdemeanor, punishable by a jail sentence of up to 90 days and a fine of up to $750. Hair products are not essential. Daoud's arraignment is currently scheduled for 8:30 A.M. on June 19, 2020. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Ohio? Visit Related, there is a new series of public Patreon posts about access to public records! The most recent installment went live this morning, and is titled "Access to Arkansas Public Records: Why You (Probably) Don't Have It, and How We Got It." Check it out at: The first post, explaining and introducing the series, is at: ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Marco Hides From Police in Closet, Gets Pepper Sprayed

eLYP-1tZlm4 | 27 Apr 2020

Marco Hides From Police in Closet, Gets Pepper Sprayed

On June 20, 2016* at about 3:40 P.M., Officer Chris Rodgers of the Sedro-Woolley Police Department was dispatched to a report of a domestic disturbance involving Marco Garcia, who was known to the police to be a drug user and convicted felon. At the time of the call, Garcia had an unconfirmed no-bail felony warrant for bail jumping, possession of a controlled substance, and resisting arrest. En route to the call, Officer Rodgers called for backup. Garcia had fought police is the past and Rodgers figured that it might happen again. Upon arriving, Officer Rodgers asked one of Garcia's kids "Where's daddy?" and she replied "Daddy's in the bedroom," pointing toward what police described as "the same closet that Garcia used to hide in" on other occasions. After ordering Garcia out of the closet multiple times, Officer Rodgers deployed one burst of OC spray onto Garcia's face. Rodgers would later write "I immediately felt blowback from the spray on my face as I backed out of the closet. The man that came out of the closet fit the physical description of Garcia, he was later identified as Garcia. He was taken into custody on the floor of the bedroom by myself and Officer Eddy. He was handcuffed and walked out of the house." "Aid was called to decontaminate Garcia. He was not very compliant with officers or the aid crew. Garcia was transported to Skagit County Jail on his warrants and charged with resisting arrest." *Yeah, yeah, old news — you haven't seen it before ✌️ ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit Check out the recent public post on access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Idaho Man Performs Burnout, Gets Cited for 'Excessive Acceleration'

EVaV759wSjM | 26 Apr 2020

Idaho Man Performs Burnout, Gets Cited for 'Excessive Acceleration'

If your idea of law enforcement work comes from television shows and Hollywood, chances are that you don't appreciate the mundanity, monotony, paper-pushing, and endless-waiting-around-for-something-or-someone that describes most of your average police officer's workday. In this video we take a brief step back from the celebrity arrests, pursuits, tasings, and Metro State videos to cover a more relatable — and far more common — law enforcement encounter: a traffic stop. On March 28, 2020 Officer Jon Moyle of the Lewiston Police Department spotted a white Chevy pickup performing a burnout "all the way up" 16th Avenue at 21st Street in the City of Lewiston. After stopping the vehicle and identifying its driver — Patrick Chandler — Officer Moyle was clearly not thrilled with Chandler's refusal to admit fault. Moyle cited Chandler for "Driving, racing on a public highway by excessive acceleration/speed at organized motoring activity" — a misdemeanor under Idaho law, and a seeming-stretch in light of the fact that there was no other party involved. Officer Moyle also cited Chandler for failure to register his vehicle. Chandler has a fairly long history of driving infractions in Idaho, mostly for speeding. He has entered a plea of not guilty in response to the two recent charges. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of Idahoans For Openness in Government, working to foster open government, supervised by an informed and engaged citizenry. Believing that we all benefit when the public, the media and government officials are fully aware of the public's rights to access government information and observe the conduct of the public's business. Check out our recent public Patreon post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Little Rock Police Stop Black Man With Defaced Gun; Nothing Happens

rXqGWzEg_Vk | 24 Apr 2020

Little Rock Police Stop Black Man With Defaced Gun; Nothing Happens

In late-2019 the Little Rock Police Department finished a trial of body-worn cameras. One of the participating officers was Officer Cole Reppond, who is behind the camera in this footage of a traffic stop... that turned up a .25 caliber pistol in the center console of the stopped vehicle. It had a filed-off serial number. Watch as the subject beats the odds, and somehow manages to walk away from the stop a free man. Note: the Gun Control Act of 1968 requires that all newly manufactured firearms produced by licensed manufacturers in the United States or imported into the United States bear a number. That number is a "serial number," not a "VIN number." ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Check out the recent public Patreon post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call #1: Rania Mohamed Dewitte

m2qsmxNVTdE | 24 Apr 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Jail Call #1: Rania Mohamed Dewitte

Note: The first part of the description below was written for this channel's Patreon supporters, who had previously been recruited to try and decipher Jeremy's words, and who saw this video a bit under a week ago. Absent that context, however, the first half of the description will make little sense. This past week you were presented with the first two words spoken on this phone call. Asked to write what you heard Jeremy saying, your answers ranged from "Hey Grandma" to "Hey Gremlin" to "Hey Kremlin!" to "Let's get some speed! Let's at least get to 100!" A couple of commenters went above and beyond, writing both "Hey Gremlin," and suggesting - accurately - that "gremlin" might be a pet name for Jeremy's wife Rania (of "Where's my BAADGE Rania?!" fame.) There was, of course, far more to their call than the words "Hey Gremlin." And you've waited long enough; here are the rest of them. Fair warning: this is humanizing material. Jeremy and Rania even have a puppy. Miscellany: -At 7:51 Jeremy tries to sound upset, but fails, when he says that he is going to have to get new gear. -At 9:30 Jeremy claims that Sergeant DeStefano's name does not appear in any of the reports from his arrest. That is not the case. Sergeant DeStefano filed a supplemental report. -As of a few days ago, two more jail calls - featuring attorney Amir Ladan and Metro State 'officer' Steven Negron - have been posted to Patreon. They will become publicly available here (for free) later this coming week. -Also coming up, a comprehensive critical examination of Jeremy's claim that Sgt. DeStefano was disciplined or otherwise forced to resign due to a complaint he had filed. We have a copy of every complaint ever filed by Jeremy with Orange County Sheriff's Office, spoke with a former supervisor of Sgt. DeStefano, and more. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. (Unfortunately reserved for Floridians. The United States Constitution bestows no such right.) Check out the recent public Patreon post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Files an Internal Affairs Complaint — Part I

G_WjZasv7d0 | 22 Apr 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Files an Internal Affairs Complaint — Part I

On 09/13/19, at approximately 1400 hours, Windermere Police Detective John Allen met with Jeremy Dewitte and his attorney, Amir Ladan, at the Windermere Police Department. Dewitte, who had been arrested and charged with resisting an officer without violence, falsely impersonating a law enforcement officer, and unlawful use of a two communication device less than a week earlier, was there to file complaint against Sergeant Mark DeStefano, the agency supervisor that participated in and oversaw Dewitte's arrest. On the days following his arrest and prior to meeting with Detective Allen, Dewitte had left a message for Deputy Chief Jennifer Treadwell indicating his desire to "file an internal affairs investigation." Detective Allen, who had been directed to conduct an inquiry into Mr. Dewitte’s complaint by Windermere Police Chief David Ogden, sat down with Dewitte and Ladan, and asked that Dewitte detail what had occurred during his arrest, and list his complaints. Motor One's primary complaint was that he had been targeted by DeStefano. Dewitte claimed that he and DeStefano had a history, and that Dewitte had filed an “IA complaint” against Sergeant DeStefano during his employment at the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Mr. Ladan indicated he believed the traffic stop had been conducted without “legal foundation” and that a claim had been made that Dewitte’s motorcycle had been reported stolen, prompting Dewitte to be taken into custody, and only later charged with “impersonating a law enforcement officer” and “resisting arrest.” We will be going into that - and more - in upcoming videos. (In related news, another full Jeremy Dewitte jail call recording is coming out later today on Patreon.) Enjoy, and stay well out there! ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. (Unfortunately reserved for Floridians. The United States Constitution bestows no such right.) Check out the recent public Patreon post about access to public records, at ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Officer Ogletree: The Musical

_XfWesbuA5o | 21 Apr 2020

Officer Ogletree: The Musical

Some lighter fare. Warning: The lyrics to this song are likely to get stuck in your head. Anyone feel like counting the Ogletrees? ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Police Lieutenant Arrested For DUI; .36% BAC [Booking footage; with audio]

K2oaYCBT4p4 | 18 Apr 2020

Police Lieutenant Arrested For DUI; .36% BAC [Booking footage; with audio]

On June 22, 2019 Real World Police brought you exclusive footage of a police lieutenant's DUI arrest that had been kept quiet for over a year. New Jersey media outlets covered our publication of the footage. “The drunk-driving arrest of a veteran South Jersey police officer whose blood alcohol level tested at over four times the legal limit is coming to light over a year later... Lower Township police Lt. John Chew, 48, was stopped in the Erma section of Lower Township in his Chevrolet pickup truck on April 27, 2018 after several 911 calls were received about an erratic driver operating at a high rate of speed, according to a case file posted online by an individual or group using the names "Real World Police" and "Real World Media." Chew's arrest was withheld from the police blotter posted on the Department's Facebook page -where all other arrests for the time period were posted- and it was not disclosed in subsequent weeks. No other media outlet even knew it had happened. Another news publication wrote: "A summary of the case by Real World Police in its YouTube video description says Chew pleaded guilty on Sept 13, 2018 to driving under the influence and was fined nearly $700, was required to use an ignition interlock for six months following a seven-month license suspension, and was required to spend 12 hours a week in a intoxicated driver resource center." That is accurate, and it was standard for a first-time DUI arrest in New Jersey. Chew retired immediately after his arrest. Notably, we have since learned that in March 2009, John Chew himself investigated a hit-and-run incident, tracking vehicle debris and tire tracks for hours until he ended up on the doorstep of a different Lower Township police officer. Chew arrested him on a slew of charges. Some time after publishing the initial footage, we published a portion of the footage seen here. Only it was silent. In fact, we didn't even know that an audio track existed. Audio did not play in any player we used, and ffprobe did not report that audio was present. But it was. And after a lot of cursing, we finally got it to play. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Jersey Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Jersey? Visit the Reporters Commitee For Freedom of the Press state guide, at ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more — like the Dewitte jail call that's going up later today! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Live PD vs. Reality: Body Cam Footage of 'Live PD' Traffic Stop

Q2LCcZKTvvo | 16 Apr 2020

Live PD vs. Reality: Body Cam Footage of 'Live PD' Traffic Stop

Elaine Frontain Bryant, the executive vice president and head of programming for A&E, has stated that the mission of Live PD is to provide “transparency of policing in America." To that end, Live PD takes "COPS" to the next level, bringing a live feed from the field directly into your living room. But how "live" is Live PD? How much of the calls are you actually seeing? And what kind of editing is being done to the footage? The "Live PD" Wikipedia article contains an oft-repeated line: "Because of the risk of confidential or otherwise inappropriate material being aired, A&E imposes a broadcast delay on the show which may range from a few seconds to several minutes." Excuse me for a minute while I finish laughing 😂 Live PD is many things, but live is not one of them. In fact, one Live PD contract we looked at explicitly states that the show is produced to give *the appearance* of being unedited. And as this video shows, what was in reality a 20+ minute incident was condensed by Live PD to ~3 minutes of broadcast-worthy content. Is it still "live" if audio is cut and dubbed between scenes? If a funky bass backing track is added for mood? How far can the word "live" be stretched before it becomes a lie? On March 20, 2020, The New York Times published an article about Live PD. Written by Lindsey Underwood, the piece describes Live PD as "live-ish," adding - almost apologetically - that "There’s a delay, in case something unusually gruesome happens." Not quite, Ms. Underwood. Here are some facts: —Officers in the field have the authority to stop Live PD's film crew from filming at any time. No questions asked. No explanations needed. —The law enforcement agency dictates what Live PD can (and can't) film. —We uncovered records indicating that - despite contract wording to the contrary - it's the police department (and not the show) that has final say over what you see. In an attempt to put real numbers on Live PD's delay, we looked at contracts between the show's production company, Big Fish Entertainment, and police agencies. The delay's duration varies between contracts, but it has never been "seconds to several minutes." One contract we looked at states that 'almost live' content is delayed "10 to 25 minutes." Another contract has the delay at "30-60 minutes." That one also provides for a department representative literally in the control room, to put the kibosh on anything they don't want you to see. And it seems that things may be moving more in the direction of an edited production. We got our hands on the emails police agencies had exchanged with Live PD. For example, an email from Ashlee Souza, Live PD's Coordinating Producer. The email was sent 12/19/19 and it contains a link to edited footage that was filmed two weeks prior. Souza's email was a request to the police department, asking that they review and approve the linked video "package" covering the 12/3 incident. Souza sent a few nudging follow-up emails, and the package was finally reviewed and approved by the chief of police on 1/2/20. For content filmed 12/3/19. Almost live? There are other, arguably more important, questions that should also be asked. Like how much editorial control police departments have over the footage that gets aired, and what kind of impact the show itself has on policing — let alone the people who appear on it. For those questions I refer you to a fantastic podcast by Dan Taberski. It's called "Running From COPS" and the six-episode series is the result of an 18-month investigation into the iconic TV show. Running From COPS explores how COPS actually gets made and how much control the police have over the final product, while telling some of the stories of people who have ended up on camera. The show's last few episodes touch on Live PD. Check it out at Want more Live PD vs. reality comparison videos? Let us know in the comments below! *I'm running out of space, but - briefly - about Jalen Foster: Foster was arrested by Officer Martinez on 5/2/19 for driving without a license, which violated Foster's probation for burglary of a structure. That's how they know each other. More to come. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Another Metro State Police Impersonator? Meet Yunus Gardee.

QFkbHaC2o9k | 14 Apr 2020

Another Metro State Police Impersonator? Meet Yunus Gardee.

On 11/26/19, at approximately 1330 hours, Osceola Deputy Ismael Rodriguez observed a black and white Dodge Charger and heard what he believed to be that vehicle sounding a siren. In his rather inelegant report, Officer Rodriguez wrote as follows: "...The vehicle appeared to look like a law enforcement vehicle (had decals with the words "Metro State" on the sides and had what appeared to be red and blue lights on). I observed additional vehicle's behind the "Metro State" Dodge Charger, following closely to each other with hazard lights on. As I was near the intersection, I observed a white BMW "Metro State" motorcycle with what appeared to look like red and blue emergency lights (rider looked like law enforcement too) stop traffic by blocking the above mentioned intersection, to continue escorting vehicles to the funeral (this information was later revealed to me)." "I continued to follow behind two "Metro State" white motorcycles (with what appeared to look like red and blue lights) and observed them not stopping at a stop sign and following too closely to other vehicles. I conducted a traffic stop at their final destination." "Upon contact with the riders and while conducting my traffic stop investigation, I was approached by a male, who was wearing a black baseball cap with the word "Orange County Sheriff" embroidered on the front and "Deputy Sheriff" embroidered on the back. He was also wearing a yellow reflective vest with the word "SHERIFF" on the front and back. I believed the individual wearing Orange County Sheriff's Office attire was a law enforcement officer. I asked the individual if he was a Sheriff, which he advised he was and has been for 17 years. It should be noted that the individual showed me an identification card that was attached to a lanyard and quickly put it away (I was not able to observe what the identification card stated). The traffic stop investigation subsequently came to a conclusion and I left the area." "On 12/10/19, I was informed by Sgt. Carlson from OCSO that the individual from 11/26/19, who represented himself as a law enforcement officer (later identified as Yunus Gardee) is not a sworn deputy sheriff with OCSO. Sgt. Carlson advised me that he is a civilian volunteer member of the OCSO." "It should also be noted that the male later brags and states on video that as soon as he showed his badge to the deputy "he (the deputy) changed his tune very quickly. " It is not normal for a volunteer civilian member to represent and portray himself as a Deputy Sheriff by wearing a black baseball cap with the word "Orange County Sheriff" embroidered on the front and "Deputy Sheriff" embroidered on the back as well as a yellow reflective vest with the word "SHERIFF" on the front and back of the vest." "Yunus was also not conducting any sanctioned official duties for the OCSO in the county of Osceola and nobody was aware of his presence in Osceola County while representing the OCSO and portraying himself as a sheriff. It should be noted that a video of this incident was collected and submitted into evidence. Yunus was in violation of false impersonation of a law enforcement officer. An arrest warrant was completed." In a somewhat surprising move, on March 16, 2020 Assistant State Attorney Matthew Angelo Kozyra filed a "No Information Notice" with the court. That document reads: "Comes now the State of Florida, by and through the undersigned Assistant State Attorney and states that, from the investigation which has been made, it is the opinion of the writer that this case is not suitable for prosecution." The State Attorney's Office has not responded to a request for comment. Yunus is no longer serving as a volunteer with OCSO. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man-child gets a speeding ticket

ue52WYj-QTQ | 10 Apr 2020

Man-child gets a speeding ticket

It is common knowledge that under many circumstances, police officers are permitted to lie. But when a police officer tells you that he has not yet made up his mind about whether to cite you, it's not a clever idea to assume the worst and start telling him off immediately. Some people (okay, at least one person) who already know that pearl of wisdom, but who can't resist the urge. Cops get it. People tell them off all the time, and most officers won't bat an eye. But don't be surprised - like this guy - when they come back a few minutes later with a citation. Come on, dude. *Fear not: Motor One is on the move, and more exclusive Metro-State content is coming soon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Police Shooting of 'E.R.' Actress Vanessa Marquez (New Footage)

qRYnmYHrs8E | 09 Apr 2020

Police Shooting of 'E.R.' Actress Vanessa Marquez (New Footage)

On February 25, 2020 The Justice System Integrity Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office completed its review of the August 30, 2018, fatal shooting of Vanessa Marquez by South Pasadena Police Department Officers Gilberto Carrillo and Christopher Perez. The DA’s office determined that Carrillo and Perez acted in lawful self-defense and defense of others. On August 30, 2018, SPPD officers responded to an apartment located on Fremont Avenue, in the City of South Pasadena, to conduct a welfare check on Vanessa Marquez, who was 49 years old at the time. Marquez is widely known for her recurring role in the first three seasons of the television show “ER” as nurse Wendy Goldman, as well as her role as Ana Delgado in the 1988 teacher drama Stand and Deliver. Marquez lived in an upstairs apartment in a South Pasadena apartment complex. When officers first entered Marquez’s apartment, they had difficulty pushing the door open due to boxes and other items piled near the interior side of the door. The apartment was severely cluttered - in hoarding conditions, and it was evident that Marquez had not been outside for weeks. Officers cleared a path to the bedroom, announcing their presence and calling out to Marquez several times. They arrived at the bedroom door and saw Marquez lying on her bed surrounded by several items, including an open laptop. Marquez would later tell a first responder - who estimated Marquez’s weight to be 80 pounds - that she had not eaten in five days. After a significant amount of time attempting to persuade Marquez to accompany them to the hospital voluntarily, including an evaluation by a mental health professional, Officer Carrillo advised Marquez of their intention to detain her. At that time, Carrillo was standing in the bedroom doorway as he spoke with Marquez. Two paramedics waited immediately outside the bedroom door. As Carrillo began to read advisements from a form, Marquez, who was sitting on her bed facing the doorway, became upset and insisted that she would not go to the hospital for an evaluation. Suddenly, Marquez grabbed a pair of scissors. It appeared to Officer Carrillo that she was going to attempt to harm herself with them, but then Marquez uncovered and quickly grabbed a handgun, pointing it at Officer Carrillo and then at herself. All emergency responders retreated, however Marquez was shot and killed shortly thereafter, when she emerged with the gun pointed at officers. Notably, on 9/27/16 officers responded to Marquez's apartment on a different welfare check call, after no one had been able to get in touch with her for a week. In that incident, firefighters used a ladder to make entry through her bedroom window. Responders found Marquez in her bedroom, and she was involuntarily taken to Huntington Memorial Hospital. (More details in a pinned comment. Apparently I'm out of characters here :P) The 419-page case file for this incident is available now to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Also available is a 19-minute video, captured on the body-worn camera of an officer who was not directly involved in the shooting. That officer's positioning throughout the incident offers an 'outsider' perspective on the incident, relative to the shooting officers. The video will be available here late next week. As always, an overwhelming majority of this footage has never been published elsewhere. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a supporter of Californians Aware — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know in California. Want to know more about access to public records in California? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Car Bolts From Traffic Stop @ 140 MPH, Leaving Trooper in the Dust

mzRGBqwLO40 | 08 Apr 2020

Car Bolts From Traffic Stop @ 140 MPH, Leaving Trooper in the Dust

The title of this video describes its contents pretty accurately. From what I have been able to determine, the occupants of the vehicle were not found. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Passenger Steals Car After Driver Gets Arrested

iFhIZXKU4Yw | 07 Apr 2020

Passenger Steals Car After Driver Gets Arrested

On January 15, 2019 a trooper with the New Mexico Department of Public Safety conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle observed speeding through a school zone. Upon making contact with the driver, the trooper determined that his license was suspended. The driver was taken into custody and placed in the back seat of the trooper's patrol car. At the same time, a second unit joined the trooper on the stop. After some time, while the trooper was engaging in conversation with the arrestee, a sound caught his attention: the car he had stopped? It was starting. The trooper ran toward the car as it peeled out, and the backup unit on scene gave chase. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Man Almost Doesn't Get Arrested

GV5IakHQTzk | 04 Apr 2020

Man Almost Doesn't Get Arrested

Early morning July 23, 2017 an officer with the Washington State Patrol observed a vehicle failing to maintain its lane. The events of the traffic stop are captured by this impressively-low-quality video, so instead of giving the story away, this is a reasonable time to talk about the cues of impairment police officers look for in drivers. According to the NHTSA, the probability of detecting DWI by random traffic enforcement stops at night has been found to be about 3 percent, but research has identified certain cues of impairment that work with impressive accuracy. The NTSHA began its research into impairment cues by interviewing police officers from across the country. From those interviews they developed a list of more than 100 driving cues that were believed to be associated with blood alcohol concentrations ("BAC") of 0.08 percent or greater. The list was reduced to 24 cues during three subsequent field studies involving hundreds of officers and more than 12,000 enforcement stops. The driving behaviors identified fit into four categories: problems in maintaining proper lane position, speed and braking problems, vigilance problems, and judgment problems. The cues predict that a driver is DWI at least 35 percent of the time, and some cues, such as swerving, accelerating for no reason, and driving on other than the designated roadway, have single-cue probabilities greater than 70 percent. Generally, the probability of DWI increases substantially when a driver exhibits more than one of the cues. In many jurisdictions, departmental policy dictates all drivers stopped on suspicion of DWI be instructed to exit their vehicle. It’s important to note that by instructing the driver to exit their vehicle, the officer is not committing to an arrest. Rather, the instruction is another step in the DWI detection process, as the officer observes the manner in which the driver exits and notes any additional signs of impairment. There are many subtle cues the officer is looking for even prior to that point. For example, you will typically hear officers ask a driver for their license and registration. When the driver responds, officers are looking to see if the driver forgets one of the documents, produces the wrong document(s), fails to notice their license or registration, fumbles while handling either, or demonstrates an inability to retrieve the documents using their fingertips. Officers will frequently interrupt the driver's search for their license and registration with one or more simple questions, such as "Where are you coming from?" or "What day is it?" Possible evidence of impairment may be disclosed by the actions of the driver who ignores the question and concentrates only on the license or registration search, forgets to resume their search after answering the question, or supplies a grossly incorrect answer to the question. Impaired drivers will also often answer the wrong - expected -- question, for example providing their first name when asked for their middle name. Next time around: field sobriety testing. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Tells Army Veteran He 'Jumped In Fallujah'

p0Q0BNfKw50 | 02 Apr 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Tells Army Veteran He 'Jumped In Fallujah'

Today you get to tag along with Florida law enforcement on the kind of mission you rarely if ever get to see. Watch as someone covertly assisting the police calls Jeremy Dewitte to arrange a Metro State escort. In this video: -Jeremy agrees to escort a motorcycle event. Conspicuously absent: a funeral. -Jeremy shows off his creative imagination as he talks about his time in the Army... while talking to a real Army veteran. -New footage from a September 16, 2019 incident involving Metro State. According to one deputy, years ago Jeremy stole a police officer's ticket book and used it to issue citations to motorists. -Audio from one of Jeremy's jail phone calls. Enjoy! ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Ex-NFL Offensive Tackle Branden Albert Arrested After Tackling Atlanta Police Officer

dVKMdUnGOl4 | 31 Mar 2020

Ex-NFL Offensive Tackle Branden Albert Arrested After Tackling Atlanta Police Officer

On February 28, 2018 at approximately 4:16pm, Officer Joel Richardson, of the Atlanta Police Department was working an off-duty gig at an Atlanta jewelry store, when he "was involved in a physical altercation with a Mr. Branden Albert." Richardson - who was tackled by Albert during the incident - described the former NFL player as "solidly built." Branden Baptist Albert, born November 4, 1984, is a former NFL offensive tackle who played nine seasons professionally. He played college football at Virginia and was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs 15th overall in the 2008 NFL Draft. Albert later played for the Miami Dolphins and was a member of Jacksonville Jaguars before announcing his retirement in 2017. The Icebox Jewelry incident began when Albert and two of his friends entered Icebox to make a purchase. While the three men were inside the store, Albert wandered to the back of the store — where customers are generally not permitted. The store's owner, Jooma Zahir, asked Albert to leave multiple times, but, per Officer Richardson's report, "instead he punched a jewelry cabinet which left a very large hole." At that point Albert was confronted by Officer Richardson. Albert's friends agreed to pay for the damages immediately, "but Albert kept insisting that he leave the store." "Furthermore, Albert became loud and boisterous, used lots of profanity and stated that he would kill Mr. Jooma. Mr. Albert also stated that he did not steal anything." "I, Ofc Richardson, gave Mr. Albert several commands that he cannot leave the store until this matter is resolved, then without being provoked Mr. Albert dashed between his two friends and pushed me very hard, then made his way toward the exit. I, Officer Richardson, deployed my City Of Atlanta Taser due to the fact that Mr. Albert is approximately 315 pounds (solidly built) 6' 4" in height, and a former NFL football player." "Also, upon deploying my taser only one of the prongs made contact, and Mr. Albert fell to the ground, but immediately got back up, pulled out the prong and began to take flight again. I, Officer Richardson, gave chase again, but Mr. Albert stopped, turned around and tackled me to the ground, then attempted to leave the stated location, but was confronted by Zone 2 units and gave up." "While at Zone 2 precinct Mr. Albert stated that we had a good tussle and he apologize for his behavior, but then his attitude changed again. Mr. Albert once again used profanity, was boisterous and would constantly asked to be released, stating that he did nothing wrong." Branden Albert was arrested and charged with Criminal Damage to Property 16-7-23, and Obstruction of a Law Enforcement Officer 16-10-24(b). Albert's friends on scene explained his behavior as emerging from a "concussion syndrome" associated with Albert's time in the NFL. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud media supporter of the Georgia First Amendment Foundation, a Georgia nonprofit that works to educate and advocate for government transparency, free speech rights and access to public information, meetings and proceedings. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Investigated by Tampa Police

S98nt_NrtnM | 30 Mar 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Investigated by Tampa Police

"I served as a cop. And then I served for twelve years in the US Army as a Major." "I was an Oviedo police officer." "I didn't serve fourteen years in Iraq and Afghanistan to turn around and run away." [True, I guess.] "I was young and dumb and wanted action, so I joined the Army. Was a Ranger, then I went Special Forces. And then.... my parachute didn't work right; my back got hurt. My brother got killed." -Motor One That Jeremy Dewitte "was young and dumb" is clearly true. The rest... is demonstrably false. This past week you heard Motor One's fanciful claims. There was some contemporaneous shouting (at folks Dewitte derisively called "security officers") and a bunch of nonsensical talk about Jeremy's military "GS level" — a pay scale used only for civilian government employees. But you lacked context. And you wanted it. In fact, comments and emails along the lines of "When do we get to see the whole Tampa body cam video?" continue to stream in. The answer is "Right now." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Six-Year-Old Calls 911, Reports Stuffed Animal Furmergency; Police Respond

WqD2Q-lQcek | 28 Mar 2020

Six-Year-Old Calls 911, Reports Stuffed Animal Furmergency; Police Respond

On February 9, 2020 six-year-old Natalie Coulter was playing games on one of her mother's old cell phones. The phone did not have service, but it was connected to wifi — and that's all it took for Natalie to summon the cops to her door. The six-year-old dialed 911 but quickly became phone shy, not speaking with the operator other than to inform him that she needed help. The 911 operator and responding officers did their job and took the call seriously, but as officers arrived at the Coulter residence they learned that the injured party was a toy stuffed bunny named Timo. Natalie’s mother Brittany said that she and Natalie's grandmother had given Natalie an old cell phone to play games with, not knowing it could still make emergency calls. Fort Collins Police Officer Dane Stratton explained that all cell phones are capable of making emergency calls, regardless of whether service is active and even when connected to wifi-only. As for Timo, Officer Stratton band-aided-up the injured toy rabbit and tried to use the incident as a teachable moment. “Natalie, if bunny’s hurt we don’t need to call 911. But if you’re hurt or mommy’s hurt, absolutely call us, okay?” It's not clear from the video that Natalie is onboard with her new protocol. If you have young kids, police recommend placing gaming phones and tablets into airplane mode to avoid having your own surprise "furmergency" police response. Teach your kids when and how to call 911 — and when not to call, and make sure your kids know to answer the operator's questions any time they call. Make sure your kids know their own address. Timo appears to be doing well. The girl in the photo is not Natalie. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the TSA's detention of T-Pain. -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Arkansas Police Impersonator's Arrest Recorded By His Own Body Camera

yF2QH8Ca_0Y | 24 Mar 2020

Arkansas Police Impersonator's Arrest Recorded By His Own Body Camera

I guess there's something about the name "Jeremy"... On February 8, 2019 at 1:56 pm while traveling on South Pine Street in Cabot, Arkansas, Detective David Dillon of the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office observed a black Dodge Ram activate green, red, and yellow emergency lights. The vehicle then began driving in the center turn lane at "approximate speeds of 90 miles per hour," passing several cars recklessly. On the rear window of the truck was a sticker reading "Caution: Working K9,” and the front of the truck was equipped with a push bumper. Detective Dillon initiated a traffic stop, was joined by some of his colleagues, and this is what happened — as captured on the body worn camera of Jeremy Kurck. “There were visor lights that were red and green in color. There were also several antennas on top of the vehicle. I made contact with the driver who was identified as Mr. Jeremy Kurck. I observed a badge around his neck as well as a body worn camera. I asked Mr. Kurck to turn on the lights to see if there were any blue lights attached to his truck. Mr. Kurck turned on the lights and I observed a dash camera and a mounted radar that is identical to the ones we use in our emergency vehicles.” “During a vehicle tow inventory of the truck there were also several other items inside that resembled law enforcement equipment as well. Those items were several pairs on hand cuffs, expandable baton and holder, a taser with the warning label that says may cause death or serious physical injury, a seat organizer like we use, a flashlight, pepper spray, bear spray, a radio that had our dispatch channel programmed inside it, and a portable breath test for determining blood alcohol content.” “Mr. Kurck was dressed in tan tactical pants and black polo which is extremely similar to the uniform that we wear at the Sheriff's Office. Mr. Kurck stated that he is a civil process server and was headed to the high school to serve a civil paper. Mr. Kurck stated he works for himself but this was his first paper to serve. Mr. Kurck was convicted of aggravated assault in 2008 and isn't allowed to serve civil process papers in the State of Arkansas. Mr. Kurck stated that he worked for ADEM. After checking with ADEM it was learned that Mr. Kurck was only an amateur radio operator for them. ADEM requested that we seize the radio and his ADEM identification card.” “The vehicle was towed to the Lonoke County Sheriff's Office for further investigation and Mr. Kurck was transported to the Lonoke County Detention. Since Mr. Kurck's arrest, the Lonoke County Sheriff's Office has received information from some Central Arkansas Law Enforcement Agencies and citizens that this individual has been making contact with the public as a law enforcement officer.” After publicizing Kurck's arrest, the Lonoke County Sheriff's Office asked the public to let them know if they had encountered Kurck impersonating a police officer. In response, the Sheriff's Office received numerous emails from members of the public and members of law enforcement regarding their encounters with Not-Officer Kurck. There's even a letter from the DEA! All of those emails, along with records of Kurck's long history of law enforcement encounters relating to impersonation, are available to all channel supporters on Patreon now. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Caught on Gun Camera: Police Shootout With Man Wanted for Child Sex Crimes

LsEL4pka4Rg | 22 Mar 2020

Caught on Gun Camera: Police Shootout With Man Wanted for Child Sex Crimes

On April 27, 2019 Corporal TJ Session of the Vernon Police Department, Vernon, Texas, went to a house on the 15000 block of Mansard Street, intending to arrest Walter Emilio Orellana. Orellana , a Honduras native, was 23 years old at the time and was wanted on three felony warrants alleging continuous sexual abuse of a child, indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault of a child. Corporal Session arrived at the house - where Orellana's girlfriend lived - to find his subject reclining in the driver's seat of a vehicle in the driveway. When Session confronted Orellana, Orellana gave Session a false name, then attempted to put the car in gear. Subsequent events unfolded rapidly. Orellana grabbed a sawed-off shotgun and opened fire. Corporal Session, now a seven-year-veteran officer, spotted the weapon as Orellana went for it. He created distance between himself and Orellana, drew his sidearm, and began shooting. Switching gears for a moment — I wasn't planning on covering this incident. In fact, I only know about it because I was contacted by a marketing company for the gun camera manufacturer. I get emails like that all the time and they rarely warrant more than a glance. We do our own investigations, aggressively pursuing access to records and delivering on our commitment to not publish footage that has already been published elsewhere (unless we have significant new footage and information to add). Ethical journalism requires independence. It calls for avoiding conflicts of interest and resisting the constant attempts of outsiders to influence stories. Marketers don't get to dictate what we cover. So why are you seeing this video? Body worn cameras are frequently worn at chest-height. That placement reliably obscures the officer's field of view any time the officer draws their sidearm. Just when you most want to know what's going on you get a great view of the officer's arms. The gun camera concept is a solution to that problem, and Viridian seems to have done a good job at executing it. Indeed, in this incident Corporal Session's body camera is blocked by his outstretched arms throughout much of the gun battle. His gun camera captures almost all of it. Furthermore, the gun camera clearly shows Orellana pointing a sawed-off shotgun at Session. In the body camera video it's hardly visible. Viridian's "FACT" camera automatically activates any time the gun is removed from its holster. It has a built-in flashlight and is supposedly capable of recording up to six hours of 1080p video with sound. Gun cameras play a different role than body worn cameras and the technologies complement one another, but I have to point out that a weapon mounted camera deployment is orders of magnitude less expensive than a body worn camera deployment. (More on that soon.) With the caveat that purchasing decisions should not be made on the basis of footage from a single incident, this is promising tech. And that's why you are seeing it. Back to the story. When the smoke cleared, Orellana has been shot eight times and Session had taken 41 shotgun pellets to his left arm and shoulder — where 36 pellets remain to this day. In mid-February 2020 a jury found Orellana guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on a public official, a level one felony in Texas. Orellana was sentenced to 40 years in prison, with a minimum of 20 years served before he is eligible for parole. Moreover - per Corporal Session - Orellana has yet to face his charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child, indecency with a child and aggravated sexual assault of a child. That 20 year minimum could get much longer. Session and Orellana have both recovered from their injuries. *As noted on screen, Corporal Session explicitly consented to showing the entirety of this video - including the ambulance footage. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien

Woman Gets Out of Detox, Immediately Gets Arrested for DUI (Part II)

7ZJup6XYw98 | 20 Mar 2020

Woman Gets Out of Detox, Immediately Gets Arrested for DUI (Part II)

On November 20, 2017 Tiffany Neatrour was released from an inpatient alcohol detox center. She went to her relatives house, some things happened, and later that day she found herself arrested on suspicion of DUI, driving without a license, and false reporting after Seattle Police dispatch received a 911 call reporting a reckless driver allegedly matching her description and driving her car. The arresting officer in this case was Tom Heller, badge number 7427 of North Precinct Patrol, Second Watch. Officer Heller graduated from the police academy in April 2008, and at the time of this arrest he had already "apprehended, arrested, or otherwise investigated" nearly 450 DUI cases. He is an instructor for the standardized field sobriety tests and has been a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor since November 2016. Prior to being a police officer he spent two years working as an EMT. And Tiffany Neatrour's jury verdict was clear: Officer Heller got this one wrong. Neatrour's attorney - public defender Wissam Itani - fought vigorously for her, challenging the constitutionality of Officer Heller's arrest and making a wide variety of other courtroom plays. Ms. Neatrour had later admitted to driving, but only after what Itani argued was an unconstitutional arrest, not supported by probable cause. A defense investigator poked holes in some of the testimony that you will hear, and the defense took issue with the warrant that had been issued for Ms. Neatrour's blood. Nonetheless, the defense motion to suppress pretty much everything was denied. The defense did get some big wins, though, such as a granted motion to preclude all statements made by witnesses who would not be testifying in court on confrontation clause grounds - including the 911 caller. One of Neatrour's nieces had since died, and "would likely" not be appearing in court. Her testimony was suppressed accordingly. On top of that, the defense was granted a motion to exclude any mention of Neatrour's prior alcohol abuse or having attended a detox facility. The prosecution would not be permitted to reference Neatrour's threats to kill Officer Heller or her statement about having a suspended driver's license. Specific sections of body worn camera footage were agreed admissible and were played in court. All other footage could not be used or referenced.* The prosecution scored a number of motion practice wins as well, and the case was set for trial. Neatrour refused to accept a plea bargain. On 2/20/19 a panel of jurors was selected and sworn in and Ms. Neatrour's trial commenced. Officer Heller and other witnesses testified, and the City rested its case the following day. On February 22, 2019 the jury returned its verdict: not guilty. And that was that. The case was closed. This is Part II of the body worn camera footage in the case. As you watch, keep in mind that some of the footage you are seeing was deemed inadmissible. *That is not unusual. A defendant's prior misconduct ("propensity evidence") is not admissible to show the defendant's general propensity to engage in criminal activity. See State v. Bowen, 48 Wash. App. 187, 738 P.2d 316 (Div.3 1987). The idea being that such evidence is highly prejudicial, stripping the defendant of their presumption of innocence and possibly leading a jury to convict not because they find the defendant guilty of the charged crime beyond a reasonable doubt, but because they believe the defendant deserves to be punished for a series of immoral actions, ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

Jeremy "Stolen Valor" Dewitte

VrukFUExhms | 20 Mar 2020

Jeremy "Stolen Valor" Dewitte

Jeremy Charles Dewitte lives life on the edge. On one side is the truth and on the other side is... not... and Jeremy is well-practiced at straddling the dividing line, misleading people into believing whatever he wants them to think while never explicitly stating his claim. That way it's YOUR fault if you think he is a police officer. Never his. Or so he would have you think. Because sometimes, it seems, Jeremy gets carried away by his fairy tales. And unfortunately for Major Dewitte's fantasies, one of those times was captured by a Tampa police officer's body camera. Meet Major Jeremy Charles Dewitte. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ Music: Slick Move by Dave Renda / Fesliyan Studios.

Dallas Cowboys Defensive End Tyrone Crawford Shoves a Cop: The Full Bar Fight Footage

JxEi9Xw9Oc0 | 18 Mar 2020

Dallas Cowboys Defensive End Tyrone Crawford Shoves a Cop: The Full Bar Fight Footage

For the latest in your demonetized enjoyment, this is the complete footage from an "affray" incident involving Cowboys defensive end Tyrone Crawford. The incident - better described as a bar fight - took place on March 15, 2019 at the Coyote Ugly Saloon in Panama City Beach, Florida. [In case you're wondering, it's not the camera. Checking in at 6' 4" and 298 pounds, Tyrone Crawford is, in fact, huge.] The incident depicted in this footage was investigated by the Panama City Beach Police Department. Lieutenant Jason Jones wrote the affidavit that formed the basis for the affray complaint: "On March 15, 2019 at or about 23:56 pm, the above named defendant, Tyrone Crawford did commit the offense of Affray. The defendant did so by being at Coyote Ugly, located at 10412 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, Bay County, Florida. While inside the establishment, the group that the defendant was with became involved in an argument that ultimately led to a physical altercation...." The affidavit goes on to describe events seen in this video, including Crawford's attempt at physically interfering with what appeared to be the arrest of his friend. (It is unknown at this time whether his friend was charged. I have inquired with the State Attorney's Office and will provide an update.) Incredibly, despite having shoved at least one police officer, Crawford was not arrested on scene. Five days, later, however, the State Attorney filed a single-count 'affray' charge against Crawford. Affray is a first-degree misdemeanor in Florida, and it is not defined statutorily. Instead, Florida has adopted the common law definition of "affray," which proscribes "the fighting of two or more persons in a public place to the terror of the people." See D.J. v. State, 1255 So.2d 93 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995), upholding the conviction for a fight on a school campus. Interestingly, the court in that instance found no Florida opinions on point, and relied on North Carolina and Alabama cases in reaching its decision. Crawford resolved the charge by entering into a deferred prosecution agreement, whose terms he successfully completed. The full text of that agreement, along with the complaint and other court records, are available now to channel supporters on Patreon. They will be freely available on Patreon later this week. In a comment about the incident, Crawford is reported to have said "I did what I had to do." Music: A$$ by Fredrik Nyblom ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please (please) don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

Woman Gets Out of Detox, Immediately Gets Arrested for DUI

beH4U_CGEiI | 17 Mar 2020

Woman Gets Out of Detox, Immediately Gets Arrested for DUI

On November 20, 2017 Tiffany Neatrour was released from an inpatient alcohol detox center. She went to her relatives house, some things happened, and later that day she found herself arrested on suspicion of DUI, driving without a license, and false reporting after Seattle Police dispatch received a 911 call reporting a reckless driver allegedly matching her description and driving her car. The arresting officer in this case was Tom Heller, badge number 7427 of North Precinct Patrol, Second Watch. Officer Heller graduated from the police academy in April 2008, and at the time of this arrest he had already "apprehended, arrested, or otherwise investigated" nearly 450 DUI cases. He is an instructor for the standardized field sobriety tests and has been a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor since November 2016. Prior to being a police officer he spent two years working as an EMT. And Tiffany Neatrour's jury verdict was clear: Officer Heller got this one wrong. Neatrour's attorney - public defender Wissam Itani - fought vigorously for her, challenging the constitutionality of Officer Heller's arrest and making a wide variety of other courtroom plays. Ms. Neatrour had later admitted to driving, but only after what Itani argued was an unconstitutional arrest, not supported by probable cause. A defense investigator poked holes in some of the testimony that you will hear, and the defense took issue with the warrant that had been issued for Ms. Neatrour's blood. Nonetheless, the defense motion to suppress pretty much everything was denied. The defense did get some big wins, though, such as a granted motion to preclude all statements made by witnesses who would not be testifying in court on confrontation clause grounds - including the 911 caller. One of Neatrour's nieces had since died, and "would likely" not be appearing in court. Her testimony was suppressed accordingly. On top of that, the defense was granted a motion to exclude any mention of Neatrour's prior alcohol abuse or having attended a detox facility. The prosecution would not be permitted to reference Neatrour's threats to kill Officer Heller or her statement about having a suspended driver's license. Specific sections of body worn camera footage were agreed admissible and were played in court. All other footage could not be used or referenced.* The prosecution scored a number of motion practice wins as well, and the case was set for trial. Neatrour refused to accept a plea bargain. On 2/20/19 a panel of jurors was selected and sworn in and Ms. Neatrour's trial commenced. Officer Heller and other witnesses testified, and the City rested its case the following day. On February 22, 2019 the jury returned its verdict: not guilty. And that was that. The case was closed. This is Part I of the body worn camera footage in the case. As you watch, keep in mind that some of the footage you are seeing was deemed inadmissible. *That is not unusual. A defendant's prior misconduct ("propensity evidence") is not admissible to show the defendant's general propensity to engage in criminal activity. See State v. Bowen, 48 Wash. App. 187, 738 P.2d 316 (Div.3 1987). The idea being that such evidence is highly prejudicial, stripping the defendant of their presumption of innocence and possibly leading a jury to convict not because they find the defendant guilty of the charged crime beyond a reasonable doubt, but because they believe the defendant deserves to be punished for a series of immoral actions, ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

"Can I buy your cat?" | Seattle Man Arrested for Cruelty to Animals and Assault

qVdN7NWFu9Q | 15 Mar 2020

"Can I buy your cat?" | Seattle Man Arrested for Cruelty to Animals and Assault

On the afternoon of June 2, 2018 Seattle Police dispatch received a 911 call regarding a male at the corner of 8th Avenue and Republican Street. According to the caller, the male was yelling and cursing, throwing bottles... and also throwing a kitten. Officers Oliver Murphy and David Passarella were dispatched to the call. According to Murphy, he approached the male, who was later identified as Michael Stewart, and immediately noticed that Stewart was "extremely agitated in a manner consistent with someone who is under the influence of a large amount of methamphetamines." (Note: since "methamphetamine" denotes a specific compound, "methamphetamines" is a meaningless - though common - pluralization.) According to his report, Officer Murphy "then noticed the kitten, laying on the pavement behind the bench. The kitten appeared injured, and seemed lifeless. I went behind the bench and bent down to retrieve the kitten. When I did so, Stewart became agitated and screamed "that's mine!" and reached for the cat as well. I grabbed him by the arm to prevent him from further injuring the animal, and while holding his arm, quickly retrieved the kitten from the ground. I left Stewart with Officer Passarella while I placed the kitten in the passenger seat of my patrol vehicle." "Post-Miranda, Stewart stated that he had used about $20 of meth before this incident unfolded (about .2 grams), which he said was double what he normally uses." ... "Stewart was booked into King County Jail for assault, and animal cruelty." The victim stated that she would cooperate in his prosecution. Stewart has a long history of getting himself arrested for assault and harassment. At the time of his arrest for the kitten incident he was already on - and in violation of - probation for assault, harassment, a totally separate assault, and indecent exposure. For the kitten incident Stewart was charged with one count of cruelty to animals and one count of assault, and was released on a $1,000 bond with a condition that he complete mental health treatment. He (a) didn't do that, and (b) also missed a couple of court dates, which led to the issuance of a warrant for his arrest. On 8/22/18 Stewart showed up to the courtroom building and signed in, but decided to leave before his case was called. Another bench warrant was issued, accompanied by six other warrants for various probation violations. When Stewart was located a bit less than a week later. the court ordered him held and also ordered a competency evaluation. On 9/12/18 all parties agreed that Stewart was competent to stand trial, and plea negotiations began. After more than a month in jail, on 10/23/18 Stewart pleaded guilty to the charges of assault and cruelty to animals. For the crime of cruelty to animals Stewart was sentenced to 90 days, and for the assault charge Stewart was sentenced to 364 days with 184 suspended. The sentences were to run concurrently, for a total of 180 days in jail, with credit for time served On 7/22/19, in a separate matter, Stewart was convicted yet again of assault. In that case he was sentenced to 364 days in jail, with 309 days suspended, and a fine of $5,000 with $5,000 suspended. Now, enough about Stewart. What happened to the kitten? The male shorthair kitten was taken to Seattle Animal Shelter on 6/2/18. He was evaluated by a veterinarian and was assigned a guesstimated birthdate of 4/20/18. The following day he was adopted. (Extensive records from Stewart's prosecution in this case and others are available to all channel supporters on Patreon. Thank you!) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

Florida Fish & Wildlife Police: Marine Enforcement

oJi2DQVzJf0 | 12 Mar 2020

Florida Fish & Wildlife Police: Marine Enforcement

In this video we take a step back from the celebrity arrests, high-speed pursuits, epic tasings, Jeremy Dewittes, and similar high-octane content. Because this is Real World Police, and those incidents - though certainly real - are not representative of your average encounter with law enforcement. Flipping that around, they are similarly not representative of your average day in the life of a police officer. Real police work tends to be mundane, centered around paperwork more than anything resembling action. For today's hat-tip to mundanity we turn to Florida's Fish & Wildlife Police for the enforcement of tripletail bag and length limits against a visitor from Alabama. Music: Enjoy Yourself by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please (please) don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

"Eastside, Mother%#!&er!" - Las Cruces Gang Member Gets Tased

_9tkFt_7sxk | 12 Mar 2020

"Eastside, Mother%#!&er!" - Las Cruces Gang Member Gets Tased

This incident takes us back to our old haunt, Las Cruces, New Mexico, as officers respond to a report of a male seeking a lightning ride. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Challenges Porsche Driver to a Fight!

--xcewjmKag | 10 Mar 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Challenges Porsche Driver to a Fight!

On October 30, 2019 Corporal John Ramsey of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office initiated a traffic stop on a black and white tow truck for speeding. During the stop it was determined that Jeremy Dewitte was the operator and had several outstanding warrants for impersonating a law enforcement officer and illegally recording a person's phone conversation without their knowledge. The warrants were a direct result of body camera video seized from Mr. Dewitte in association with his arrest on September 7, 2019 (footage on this channel). Dewitte was transported back to the Sheriff's office where he was interviewed by Corporal Ramsey. During the interview Dewitte stated that he maintains videos at his office for the purpose of dealing with complaints from motorists while performing escorts. With that information in hand, on October 31, 2019 a warrant was obtained to collect evidence from Dewitte's place of business. The original footage underlying this video was found on the desktop of a Metro State computer, in a folder titled “Jay's cool stuff.” In the original video, the funeral escort ends around the 20 minute mark. But Jeremy's body cam recording doesn't. Watch what it caught. Enjoy. Music: Slick Move by Dave Renda / Fesliyan Studios. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. The tips line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 475 free videos to enjoy!

Coming Soon: More Motor One!

MTmAjpRNr88 | 10 Mar 2020

Coming Soon: More Motor One!

Your next fix of Metro State, later today! But that's not the only reason I am posting this. I want to take this opportunity to address something. A few weeks ago I posted to Patreon the Chicago Police Department ‘cage camera’ footage from Jeremy Dewitte’s Chicago arrest. In a comment on that video a supporter asked a question that many others have asked as well. I answered it there, and it’s a question that I want to answer more publicly: "Has Jeremy Dewitte reached out to you at all? It’s pretty clear he’s aware that you’re posting about him. Has he reached out complaining about being the star of Real World Police lately?" The answer is that Jeremy was in touch from the very beginning. Much of the content in the first Dewitte video on Real World Police consisted of material that had also been disseminated to other media outlets, and Jeremy had no way of knowing that I had a lot more than what was shown. So he wrote to me with his go-to explanations: (1) The guy behind the camera wasn’t him. It was a rogue employee he had already fired. The police edited the footage to remove all scenes where the person's reflection was visible, because those would reveal it wasn't him — "God as my witness." (2) The guy who said “Stop pretending you’re a police officer” had been yelling racist comments immediately prior, but the police cut that part out to make Jeremy look bad for confronting him. [Not sure what that has to do with pulling someone over, but okay.] (3) About his original arrest for impersonating a police officer, verbatim: "I was skipping school and my credit card declined and I was in academy and she said she was going to call cops that I was stealing and in no way was I. My card was not working. I got my first cridet card and had no idea. And I should he my police explorer badge and gave my name and driver lic and all to her. And I came back the next day to pay the gas. I was not wearing a badge that is a lie i had it in wallet. I even told her I was a explorer and in the academy. God as my witness." (4) Jeremy complimented me on my investigative work and said that I was right about most of it. He did claim, however, that I got one thing wrong: "News flash... I love your report on the on probation have a gun. You do have the dates a bit wrong on that. And that was not my security company I dont know where that came from. Oh and the person that reported that i had a gun was the same sgt. That got me the VOP was a sgt. For orange county sheriff's office by the name of distefano." Jeremy also claimed to have tons of footage that would exonerate him. Footage that would show that he was the real victim. What Jeremy didn’t know was that I had all of the footage he claimed had been cut out, such as the footage leading up to his confrontation with the “Stop pretending” guy. It did not support Jeremy's story. I also had footage of the “guy that wasn’t him” introducing himself to someone on camera, by name. (Spoiler: it was him.) Regarding #3, there is a whole video dedicated to showing the falsity of that story. In a 1998 sworn written statement Jeremy admitted that he did not pay for the gasoline at the time and had not paid for it in the month-plus since. Regarding #4, I had claimed the following:: "At this point you need to know that Dewitte's probation officer had told him "to find gainful work in a field other than security." Then...on 5/7/01 someone told Dewitte's probation officer that the convicted felon was in possession of a firearm. Who reported him? Why, one of the people that had hired him... to work as a security guard. Through his company. Wait for it... "Dewitte Security."" Jeremy claims I got that wrong, however court records indicate otherwise. You decide: A fundamental tenet of ethical journalism is that you should provide the subject of negative coverage an opportunity to respond, but as far as I’m concerned, that responsibility goes out the window the moment you start lying to me. And Jeremy Dewitte has a problem with telling the truth. Despite that, I provided Jeremy with an upload link through which he could send up to 5 TB of video at no cost to him. I asked that he send the exonerating footage he had been referring to. On 1/9/20, Jeremy said that he had to get the footage from his attorney, and that he would send it in a few days. I haven’t received a thing. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Unfortunately, the volume of story tips is such that we can't reply to all messages individually. ~~~ Want more Real World Police? Consider supporting the channel on Patreon and get access to exclusive, supporter-only Real World Police videos! Or don't.

Police Negotiator In Action

OVCwhRh5Zwk | 07 Mar 2020

Police Negotiator In Action

Ask a random person to describe their idea of a typical police negotiation, and you are likely to get a puzzled look... but if an answer followed, the scene described would likely be something out of an action movie. Police negotiator? Sounds like a barricaded subject. Perhaps with hostages? Well, not always. Police negotiators also prove useful in many other, less-well-known scenarios. Like convincing Chris that the Seattle Police Department’s elevator is not going to kill him. This guy is good. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

High Definition FLIR Camera Makes Quick Work of Car Theft Hit and Run Suspect

H5FzvySG-uQ | 06 Mar 2020

High Definition FLIR Camera Makes Quick Work of Car Theft Hit and Run Suspect

Running from the cops rarely goes well for the person attempting to get away, but that 'rarely' approaches 'never' when a thermal-camera-equipped police helicopter is overhead. In this video, watch from overhead as police close in on and arrest an auto theft hit and run suspect, conduct a water rescue, and assist fire at the scene of an industrial accident. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Warrant Issued For Arrest of Migos Rapper Offset: The Police Report

_MHEszqd7hs | 06 Mar 2020

Warrant Issued For Arrest of Migos Rapper Offset: The Police Report

On April 26, 2019 Officer S. Moore of the Sandy Springs Police Department responded to a residential address in Sandy Springs, Georgia, in reference to an incident involving damage to property... and Migos rapper Offset. "Upon arrival I met with Junior Gibbons and his family. Gibbons was at the Target in the Prado shopping center when he spotted celebrity rapper Kiari Cephus, know as "Offset", member of the rap group Migos. Gibbons took out his camera phone and put it on selfie mode in order to get he and Cephus in the view frame, walking behind him. Cephus saw him filming and walked up to him and slapped the phone out of Gibbons`s hand. The phone was an Apple iPhone 8 and valued at $800.00. The phone landed on the ground and it shattered the screen." "Because it was done intentionally Gibbons is seeking reimbursement to at least cover the replacement of the phone. I advised he would have to pursue him through the civil courts to seek monetary compensation. However, I would send over the information and video footage of the incident to bring forth criminal charges. I was able to view a video of the incident and it does clearly show the suspect Cephus knocking the phone out of Gibbon`s hand. Gibbons also included a photograph of the damaged phone. The video and photo will be attached to the file for investigative review. Mr. Gibbons was given a case number on this date." Perhaps the most remarkable part of this incident is the phone call with TMZ. Look anywhere online and you'll find speculative comments stating that TMZ pays enormous amounts of money for celebrity footage. While that may be the case in certain instances, this body worn camera video is revealing. It seems fairly clear that as part of negotiations, the rights holder in this case managed to get TMZ to pay a whopping $150 for the video plus photo of the broken phone. If you ever get lowballed by TMZ, get in touch with Real World Police. We'll double their offer ✌️ ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a weapon through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

"I don't enforce freedom of speech!"

9Tj3XUOpxeI | 05 Mar 2020

"I don't enforce freedom of speech!"

Today's installment takes us to Napa, California, as an officer responds to a local campground for a report of a guy refusing to be ejected. When the officer arrives, things go for an emotional roller coaster ride — at its peak the guy asks to be arrested and for his RV to be impounded. Time for a few deep breaths... ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally brought a weapon through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

New Mexico Traffic Stop Turns Up 49 Pounds of Weed, 10 Pounds THC Wax

FybPeG-2ojc | 04 Mar 2020

New Mexico Traffic Stop Turns Up 49 Pounds of Weed, 10 Pounds THC Wax

This video provides a rare look at some of the techniques used by law enforcement in identifying and interdicting interstate drug traffickers. On January 13, 2018, Officer Hermilo Lucero was conducting patrol operations near the City of Grants, New Mexico. While traveling eastbound on I-40, he came upon a White Chevy 4-door passenger vehicle which he paced at 80 mph in a 75 mph zone. He initiated a traffic stop, and as the vehicle came to a stop Officer Lucero observed a front passenger sit up in the seat. Upon making contact with the vehicle's occupants Officer Lucero observed a dog in the back seat as well as a duffel bag. Officer Lucero stated that he usually has subjects stand by his front passenger-side tire during traffic stops, but due to the extreme cold he conducted a pat down of the driver - later identified as Eric Vredenburgh - and then had him sit in the front passenger seat of his police car. While making conversation with the driver Officer Lucero observed him to be uncharacteristically nervous: "he had shallowed breathing, he had a dead stare out the front windshield, [was] chewing his gum very rapidly, avoided eye contact, and became very talkative." The following selections are excerpted from Officer Lucero's report: "During our conversation while I was conducting business, Mr. Vredenburgh was really nervous, every time I asked a question of concern he would rub his face, twist his mustache, attempt to change the subject)." "At this time I advised Mr. Vredenburgh he was free to leave to have a good day and a safe trip. At this time Mr. Vredenburgh exited my vehicle and started walking back to his vehicle. At this time I had observed several criminal behaviors and items of interest of criminal activity. These items of interests are as follows: 1. My training and experience. 2. Coming from Portland, Oregon. (This city is known for receiving/shipping illegal narcotics into the greater United States). 3. Going to Austin, Texas/ Oklahoma City. (This city is known for receiving/shipping illegal narcotics into the greater United States). 4. The driver being very nervous. (Innocent motoring public tends to be nervous when first encountering law enforcement, but subsides as the contact prolongs, and his never subsided). 5. Their travel plans seemed implausible. (The rental car was from Portland, Oregon, Mr. Vredenburgh advised they were in Las Vegas for two days, so travel plans don't meet the time frame.) 6. The luggage in the back of the vehicle, people tend to place luggage in the trunk of the vehicle if the trunk of the vehicle is not full. Due to, but not limited to, the above criminal behaviors and items of interest, I had reasonable suspicion that Mr. Vredenburgh and passenger were involved in some type of criminal activity. As Mr. Vredenburgh got between my police vehicle and his vehicle I called out to Mr. Vredenburgh he stopped I asked him if I could asked him some questions he stated yes, Mr. Vredenburgh returned to my police vehicle without any further direction from me. [As] Mr. Vredenburgh was returning back to my vehicle I advised him he could sit in my unit if he desired which he did sit back down in my police vehicle." "At this time I retrieved my narcotic sniffing canine Blek from my police vehicle. I deployed Canine Blek in a systematic exterior sniff of the vehicle, while doing so Canine Blek alerted to the vehicle attempting to jump in the driver's side open window attempting to trace odor he was detecting and he alerted to the trunk of the vehicle. Canine Blek and I are certified as a team through the New Mexico State Police Criminal Enforcement Unit, and through CNCA..." "At the office I drafted, applied, granted and executed a search warrant on the vehicle. Inside the vehicle I located 49 pounds of high grade marijuana, 3.5 pounds of THC wax in wax form, and several jars of THC wax in these jars." Due to space constraints, case disposition information will be posted in a pinned comment. Some of you will remember the video where a New Mexico trooper called a woman's dentist to confirm her appointment. Now you know why. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Why You Shouldn't Loan Your Ex-Girlfriend Your $10,000 Viola

sj0xMuh8KjM | 03 Mar 2020

Why You Shouldn't Loan Your Ex-Girlfriend Your $10,000 Viola

Have you ever given your former lover your expensive viola, thinking that they'll just give it back when you ask for it? No? Didn't think so. But if you were wondering what might happen if you did... ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Seattle Police Arrest High School Student After Staff Finds Loaded Gun in His Backpack

Iq9fqUham14 | 03 Mar 2020

Seattle Police Arrest High School Student After Staff Finds Loaded Gun in His Backpack

On Friday, May 18, 2018 officers of the Seattle Police Department were called to the Franklin High School after school staff found a loaded handgun in the student's backpack. The 18-year-old student was called to the principal's office around 9 AM because he smelled like marijuana, and when he found out that the school was going to look in his bag he confessed that there might be a loaded gun in there. Just maybe. You know. Why not. School staff confirmed the presence of a gun (and someone else's credit card) and the police were called. The student was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm, and stolen property. The police investigation did not find any indications that there was a threat of violence against the school. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Surprise: Jeremy Dewitte Doesn't Get Kicked Out of Bond Court!

D_HJmcSc4FE | 02 Mar 2020

Surprise: Jeremy Dewitte Doesn't Get Kicked Out of Bond Court!

[Jeremy first appears at 2:54] A few days ago you learned that your favorite police impersonator had turned himself in to law enforcement just before 9pm on 2/26/20. Jeremy was booked into Orange County jail on five new felony warrants for impersonating a police officer, plus one count of aggravated of assault with a deadly weapon for good luck. Topping it all off, there was a scheduling snafu at first appearance this morning and Jeremy wasn't scheduled to see a judge for a bond hearing. His attorney, however, did show up, and the court managed to get Dewitte transported over for a late bond hearing. This is the footage from bond court. [If you read the description a couple of videos back, heads up: this one is substantially the same.] Some of the charging information: Remember the guy in the blue Sentra that Jeremy pulled over? The guy that called Jeremy out with an epic "Stop pretending you're a police officer?" Well, when officers from OCSO saw that footage they looked up the car's license plate in Florida's DMV database, called "DAVID." When they saw that the car was a rental, owned by Enterprise, they contacted Enterprise and were provided the renter's name and contact information. During the week of November 4, 2019 OCSO officers made contact with the driver, who had been so disturbed by the incident that he had taken notes on it just for himself. He recounted the incident and told officers that although he lives in Virginia, he wanted to press charges and was willing to return to Florida to testify against Dewitte. The "Stop pretending you're a police officer" guy has officially managed to get Jeremy charged with felony impersonating a police officer. Remember Dewitte screaming at the guy driving a truck, wearing a pink shirt a couple of videos back? Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and false personation. Both felonies. It should be noted that one of the false personation warrants was for both Jeremy Dewitte and a "Dylan Vogt" — who was arrested in relation to a 2017 incident in which he called 911 claiming that a motorist had hit him with his car. In reality Vogt had been banging on the hood of the guy's car while he [Vogt] and Jeremy shouted at him.) The motorist was arrested at the time. I am not going to go into much more detail on that incident, but I bring it up because WFTV, a Florida television station, covered Vogt's arrest on the 19th. And they missed something significant. Vogt's arrest was particularly newsworthy because, as noted above, he originally got the *other* guy arrested. And that 'other guy' happened to be a wealthy and influential real estate developer. In late-October 2019 officers obtained a search warrant for Metro State's headquarters, after Jeremy volunteered to officers that he kept a trove of historical video there. One of those videos was from the 2017 incident, and reports indicate that the video clearly shows that Vogt instigated everything, invented his report that the driver hit him, and even impersonated a police officer. In fact, it appeared from the video that the responding Winter Park officers arrested the other guy in part because they thought Vogt was a police officer! The guy who was falsely arrested - Jerome Henin - is now suing Vogt and the funeral home that had hired Metro State. A brief - and relevant - digression: What sets Real World Police apart from every other video news source I know of is the fact that every story on this channel contains significant footage and information that was not publicly available elsewhere prior. So why did I just tell you a story you can hear on WFTV? Because WFTV left something out. Something they didn't know. That guy? Dylan Vogt? That's Jeremy brother. It seems that hood-banging and getting arrested runs in the family. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

San Diego Police Shooting of Jason Santana

pEU7N9zgIAU | 01 Mar 2020

San Diego Police Shooting of Jason Santana

At nine minutes after midnight on November 29, 2017, San Diego Police Department Officers Jarrel Davis and Joseph Propati located a vehicle parked on Ciotas Way. in the Kearney Mesa Recreation area located at 3170 Armstrong Street. The park was closed at that hour and no cars should have been present. The car, a four-door 2009 Acura TSX, bore paper license plates and had two occupants. The occupants were later identified as Jason Santana, driver, and Marco Huerta, passenger. Officers initiated contact with the occupants to conduct a field interview. Following a brief conversation with the officers, during which the officers learned the vehicle was stolen, the driver, Santana, backed the vehicle up in the direction of Officer Davis before turning and exiting in the parking lot. Officer Davis, was struck in the back and stumbled, catching his footing right before falling. Davis stated that he feared he was about to be run over, and fired one shot through the front driver-side window of the vehicle. That shot resulted in a through-and-through wound to Santana's left biceps. The subsequent pursuit ended with a traffic collision between the suspects' vehicle and a parked car in front of 3935 Marlesta Drive. After a brief foot pursuit, Officer Propati detained Santana near the side gate of the residence. When Santana was arrested, a loaded Rigarmi semi-automatic pistol, model 1953 and chambered in 25 Auto caliber, was found in his pocket. The firearm had not been identifiably reported as stolen, however it had been manufactured prior to the marking and record-keeping requirements of the Gun Control Act of 1968. Santana was transported to Sharp Memorial Hospital for treatment of the gunshot wound to his left arm. Santana was released from the hospital and was questioned by detectives. He was then booked into the San Diego County Jail. Santana and Huerta are documented and self-admitted members of the 'Westside Luni Mobb' criminal street gang. The San Diego District Attorney reviewed the evidence in this case and cleared Officer Davis of liability. The full 329-page case file for this incident, as well as audio of the police interview of Jason Santana, are currently available to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Both will become publicly available (for free) this Friday. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Cops Called To Teacher's Union Meeting Over Nothing (Las Cruces, NM)

eWx2O19CHLA | 29 Feb 2020

Cops Called To Teacher's Union Meeting Over Nothing (Las Cruces, NM)

Nothing criminal, that is. One of the officers in this video puts it well when he explains that the police can't force people to be courteous. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Body Cam: Extended Edition [Plus news!]

AcqwB7ecbVk | 27 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Body Cam: Extended Edition [Plus news!]

Some of you already know that your favorite police impersonator turned himself in to law enforcement just before 9pm last night. Jeremy was booked into Orange County jail on FIVE new felony warrants for impersonating a police officer, plus one count of aggravated of assault with a deadly weapon for good luck. Topping it all off, there was a scheduling snafu at first appearance this morning and Jeremy wasn't scheduled to see a judge for a bond hearing. His attorney, however, did show up, and the court managed to get Dewitte transported over for a late bond hearing. (Jeremy was released.) Anyone remember the guy in the blue Sentra? (How can you forget him!) The guy that Jeremy pulled over, and who then called Jeremy out with an epic "Stop pretending you're a police officer." Yes? No? Doesn't really matter, because that scene is shown again in this video. Why the repeat? When officers from the Orange County Sheriff's Office saw that footage they looked up the car's license plate in Florida's DMV database, called "DAVID." When they saw that the car was a rental, owned by Enterprise, they contacted Enterprise and were provided the renter's name and contact information. During the week of November 4, 2019 OCSO officers made contact with the driver, who had been so disturbed by the incident that he had taken notes on it just for himself. He recounted the incident and told officers that although he lives in Virginia, he wanted to press charges and was willing to return to Florida to testify against Dewitte. The "Stop pretending you're a police officer" guy has officially managed to get Jeremy charged with felony impersonating a police officer. Dewitte screaming at the guy driving a truck, wearing a pink shirt (a couple of videos back)? Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and false personation. Both felonies, It should be noted that one of the false personation warrants was for both Jeremy Dewitte and a "Dylan Vogt" — who was arrested in relation to a 2017 incident in which he called 911 claiming that a motorist had hit him with his car. In reality Vogt had been banging on the hood of the guy's car while he [Vogt] and Jeremy shouted at him.) The motorist was arrested at the time. I am not going to go into much more detail on that incident, but I bring it up because WFTV, a Florida television station, covered Vogt's arrest on the 19th. And they missed something significant. Vogt's arrest was particularly newsworthy because, as noted above, he originally got the *other* guy arrested. And that 'other guy' happened to be a wealthy and influential real estate developer. In late-October 2019 officers obtained a search warrant for Metro State's headquarters, after Jeremy volunteered to officers that he kept a trove of historical video there. One of those videos was from the 2017 incident, and reports indicate that the video clearly shows that Vogt instigated everything, invented his report that the driver hit him, and even impersonated a police officer. In fact, it appeared from the video that the responding Winter Park officers arrested the other guy in part because they thought Vogt was a police officer! The guy who was falsely arrested - Jerome Henin - is now suing Vogt and the funeral home that had hired Metro State. A brief - and relevant - digression: What sets Real World Police apart from every other video news source I know of is the fact that every story on this channel contains significant footage and information that was not publicly available elsewhere prior. So why did I just tell you a story you can hear on WFTV? Because WFTV left something out. Something they clearly didn't know. That guy... ...Dylan Vogt? He is Jeremy Dewitte's brother. (It seems that hood-banging and getting yourself arrested runs in the family.) ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 460 free videos to enjoy!

Investigation of Miami Police Officer Adrian Santos (Audio Only)

2ke8aiViArc | 26 Feb 2020

Investigation of Miami Police Officer Adrian Santos (Audio Only)

This is a video for a long car ride (or something similar). If you choose to stare at your [relatively static] screen for a couple of hours, it's on you. Miami Police Officer Adrian Santos was charged with Possession of Cocaine as a result of activities that took place on the evening of November 17, 2017, and the early morning of November 18, 2017 while Santos was in a Miami nightclub known as E11even. Santos, a two and a half year employee of the department, was off-duty and out of uniform at the time. And allegedly snorting coke... Witnesses indicated that Santos was observed with a plastic baggie containing a white powdery substance and was observed inhaling some of the white powder. The Miami State Attorney's Office has stated that nightclub’s surveillance video appears to support the witnesses claims, however the SAO asserts that the video is exempt from disclosure under 119.071(4)(d)2 Florida Statutes.* The nightclub security director was notified and he approached Santos, speaking with him and then taking possession of the plastic baggie containing the white powdery substance. The security director then escorted Santos out of the nightclub and turned him over to the Miami Police Department officers who were working an off-duty security detail at the club. At that point it came to light that Santos was a City of Miami Police officer. Santos was detained in a police vehicle and the officers took possession of the baggie containing the white powdery substance, securing it as evidence. Upon completion of forensic analysis, the white powdery substance was positively identified as cocaine. Santos's trial is ongoing. *A questionable assertion, but you need to pick your battles in this business and it doesn't make sense to fight this one. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Dewitte Gone Wild: Part II

Pg40ykdnfnA | 24 Feb 2020

Dewitte Gone Wild: Part II

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier... let's go for a funeral escort with Metro State, shall we? ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Point us in the right direction, we'll take it from there. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Arkansas Woman Convinced Deputy Is Harassing Her

M8CZkredyUE | 22 Feb 2020

Arkansas Woman Convinced Deputy Is Harassing Her

On October 17, 2017 a Pulaski County Sheriff's Deputy conducted a routine traffic stop of Shenette Lafaye Curlett. Shenette Curlett is no stranger to the Arkansas criminal justice system. Our research found Curlett associated with various traffic misdemeanors (such as driving a vehicle without tags and speeding) along with a collection of Class A Misdemeanors, like third degree battery, third degree assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, second degree endangering the welfare of a minor, and public intoxication. Despite the above, as seen in this footage, Curlett was not willing to entertain the idea that she might have committed a traffic violation. Some viewers might be wondering about the point of posting this video. The answer is that this channel is Real World Police, not "World's Most Thrilling Police Chases" or "Watch People Get Shot on YouTube." The overwhelming majority of law enforcement contacts are mundane, and their excitement - at most - reaches the level shown in this video. Rather than pretend that reality is not what it is, this channel endeavors to show it. (You might recall our posting interrogation footage that ended with a tearful confession: yes, the suspect did in fact kick his ex-girlfriend's car. Same deal here. Police mundanity is reality.) ~~~ Do you have verifiable inside information on a story we are (or should be) covering? Do you have access to police video that the public needs to see? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. *We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. *Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Music “Enjoy Yourself” by Steven O’Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Edition

3jNmnDLEX1o | 21 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator: Chicago Edition

When Detective John Allen of the Windermere Police Department recently interviewed Jeremy Dewitte, your hero claimed that he hadn't been in trouble in ten years. Audio from that interview is at the end of this video: "You've not been arrested at all in ten years?" "Other than the registration thing that Ms. _____ got me in trouble for, yes." "That's the only time in ten years you've been arrested?" "Yes." "You weren't arrested in Chicago recently?" At the time of that interview, Detective Allen was only in possession of the arrest report from Chicago Police Department. He did not have the body camera footage, exclusively obtained by Real World Police this week. For reasons that will become obvious as you watch the video, "the arrest report" and "what actually happened" tell pretty different stories. Some key lines that did not make the report: "Where's my badge, Rania!?!" "I have my badge and my identification in the car!" "This guy is a police officer." "I'm doing this because you're an officer, correct?" ["Yes, sir."] "He's a state certified Federal agent." Your favorite police impersonator was hard at work, doing his thing in Chicago. It should be noted that, as far as anyone has been able to determine, Jeremy Dewitte is not a "state-certified" anything. Not in Florida, nor anywhere else. Florida does not certify funeral escort companies and Metro State doesn't even have a business license to operate in Orange County. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of Antonio Brown: The Full 911 Call

Vb6IZlzdyzw | 20 Feb 2020

Arrest of Antonio Brown: The Full 911 Call

On January 21, 2020 Antonio Brown and his coach Glenn Holt are alleged to have attacked a moving truck driver who was making a delivery at Brown's home. This is the full 911 call audio from that incident, along with associated police and court records. Records from other recent Hollywood Police Department callouts to Brown's home are included as well. Holt was arrested that same day and a warrant for Brown's arrest was issued the following day; on the night of January 23, 2020 Antonio Brown turned himself in. Of particular note in the documents shown is the sworn affidavit of indigency filed by Antonio Brown's coach Glenn Holt. If Holt did not perjure himself, that document is proof that Antonio Brown pays Holt absolutely nothing for his services. It also indicates that Holt has no significant assets to his name. The court conducted a verification of Holt's attestation and confirmed that he does not have any motor vehicles or real estate registered to his name. (The affidavit of indigency is part of the process of having a public defender appointed.) This incident followed a series of police callouts to Brown's home for domestic incidents, some documented in his video. In fact, on January 13, 2020, the Hollywood Police Department publicly distanced themselves from Antonio Brown, announcing that they no longer wanted the wide receiver to be associated with their police athletic league, returning a donation check, and issued a trespass order to Brown. The Hollywood Police Department issued a public statement indicating "We do not want him to continue to affect our youth, or influence them in a negative way." Ouch. COMING SOON: Footage uncovered by Real World Police that is going to blow the Jeremy Dewitte case wide open. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!aaa

'Below Deck' Star Ross Inia Punches Police Officer, Gets Arrested (Full Video)

pQHnnnbHgJw | 19 Feb 2020

'Below Deck' Star Ross Inia Punches Police Officer, Gets Arrested (Full Video)

This is a contender for the non-existent Real World Police award for getting away with a crime. Ross Inia was arrested on 12/22/18. Court records indicate that he was initially facing charges of battery on a police officer, disorderly intoxication, and threatening harm to a public servant or their family., and that those charges were never filed. Intead, they somehow morphed into (1) battery, (2) resisting an officer without(!) violence, and (3) disorderly intoxication. I left a message with the State Attorney's Office this morning inquiring about how and why that happened. You'll know when I know. Ultimately, the State Attorney did not move forward on either of the first two revised charges, leaving only the charge of disorderly intoxication to deal with. To that charge, after missing a couple of court dates, on November 22, 2019 Inia accepted a plea deal. He paid a total of $338 and entered a plea of guilty... But that's not the end. Even though he entered a plea of guilty, that doesn't mean that he was actually found guilty. (Just think of it the other way. He could have entered a plea of not guilty and have been adjudicated guilty. Plea and adjudication are separate.) In the end, despite Inia pleading guilty to the misdemeanor crime, and despite missing multiple mandatory court appearances, adjudication was withheld. That means he won't have a conviction on his record. It is clear from the video that Ross Inia punched a police officer and made direct threats to the life or another police officer and his family. Inia was arrested and ended up in jail, where he was supremely uncooperative. It all went away for $338. No probation or anything like that. If you ever find yourself in legal trouble, find out who his attorney was. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Jeremy Dewitte & Metro State on WWE Wrestling!

muSF6rn3j58 | 18 Feb 2020

Jeremy Dewitte & Metro State on WWE Wrestling!

Those of you who have been following along may be aware of the fact that Metro State 'Officer' Randall Allyn Brocius was recently arrested for impersonating a police officer. Our initial coverage of that arrest mentioned the fact that Brocius had also been arrested in November 2019. He was caught driving an unregistered Metro State ambulance while his license was suspended for failure to pay child support. Metro State ambulance? What could that possibly be for? Not long after that post went up, the Real World Police "'tips" email inbox lit up with messages from wrestling aficionados, many of whom recognized Dewitte and Metro State from a wholly unexpected source: WWE NXT. And we are sharing that with you. A bit modified. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Reality TV Star Ross Inia Punches and Threatens West Palm Beach Cops [Preview Footage]

ccr6-ByE1PM | 17 Feb 2020

Reality TV Star Ross Inia Punches and Threatens West Palm Beach Cops [Preview Footage]

Just wanted to give you a taste of one of the many exclusive stories being worked on right now. In this brief preview footage, watch as 'Below Deck' star Ross Inia runs at a West Palm Beach Police Detective, throwing an overhand right punch and striking the detective in the face. He later made repeated threats toward a different West Palm Beach officer, and later on [not shown here] toward yet another officer and his family. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Dewitte Gone Wild: Seminole County Edition

DR6A7R8Jqr0 | 14 Feb 2020

Dewitte Gone Wild: Seminole County Edition

Late last week week you were given "a taste of Jeremy Dewitte turned up to 11," and promised: "The full video will be available to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon later today, and will go live publicly (for free, obviously) this coming Friday." Well, it's Friday. The video is all yours. Note: This is not the only time Mr. Dewitte has recorded himself pounding on the hood of a seemingly-random car. In fact, that action led to one of the current charges he is facing in Orange County, when he pounded on the hood of an off-duty police officer's car while repeatedly calling him "F***boy!" When later told that the person was an off-duty police officer who was pressing charges against him, Dewitte allegedly replied "I didn't know he was a cop." In case you were wondering, Florida’s funeral escort statute doesn’t cover hood-pounding. Regardless of where the driver is employed. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Point us in the right direction, we'll take it from there. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Rapper 9lokkNine Arrested for Possession of Stolen Glock 27

wzCw-gxyUd8 | 12 Feb 2020

Rapper 9lokkNine Arrested for Possession of Stolen Glock 27

In this exclusive footage, Real World Police presents the October 3, 2018 arrest of Jacquavius Dennard Smith, born May 1, 2000 and professionally known as rap artist 9lokkNine (formerly GlokkNine). Mr. Nine is perhaps best known for his song, "10 Percent", which has received over 20 million views on YouTube; and "223's" with YNW Melly, which peaked at number 34 on the Billboard Hot 100. He was found in possession of a stolen Glock 27, and would later reveal that he had an ounce of weed hidden in his underwear. "On October 3, 2018 at approximately 0010 hours, I, Officer Ryan Sayer while on patrol in the area of W Colonial Dr and N Tampa Ave, observed two Dodge Challengers traveling eastbound directly in adjoining lanes, side by side, at escalating speeds, a violation of F.S.S. 316.191(2)(a), Driving Vehicle in a Race. The posted speed limit in the area was 40 mph. The vehicle in the left lane, a black Dodge Challenger bearing an unknown FL tag was traveling at speeds over 100 miles per hour. I conducted a visual estimate of the Orange Challenger at approximately 70 miles per hour and subsequently pace-clocked it using my Department Issued Patrol Vehicle with certified calibration as of 9/11/2018, at 70 miles per hour, a violation of F.S.S. 316.074(1), Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device. I am speed measurement certified by the State of Florida as of August 4, 2017. I lost visual observation of the black Challenger in the area of Colonial and Orange Blossom. A traffic stop was conducted on the orange Challenger and I made contact with its driver Jacquavius Smith. The vehicle emitted the distinct smell of cannabis. Upon conducting a probable cause search of the vehicle, small amounts of ground cannabis were found throughout the entirety of its interior. Located between the driver seat and center console, concealed from view, not holstered, and readily available for use by the driver, Jacquavius Smith, was a black Glock 27 .40 caliber handgun loaded with an extended magazine and 10 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition. A run of the firearm's serial number, CTV262, revealed that it was stolen. A check of Smith's criminal history revealed that he was convicted guilty of a felony as a juvenile on 4/4/2017. Smith was placed under arrest and subsequently asked if he had any contraband on his person prior to traveling to BRC. Smith stated he had “weed“ in his underwear. Smith was escorted by Officer John Edwards to his vehicle where Smith removed from his underwear a large plastic baggie containing a green leafy substance that was immediately identified as cannabis. The green leafy substance weighed approximately 27 grams and field tested presumptive positive for the presence of cannabis." [lightly edited] Robinson attempted to claim that the firearm was his. It wasn't. It should be noted that Robinson held six active out of county warrants and was arrested reference the same. Based on my observations on scene. probable cause exists to charge Smith with Possession of Firearm by Convicted Delinquent, Grand Theft Firearm, Possession of Cannabis greater than 20 Grams (w/ Weapon), and Carrying a Concealed Firearm. Smith was issued a citation for Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device." The State Attorney only filed the marijuana possession charge, dropping the gun charges entirely. Smith fought the traffic ticket, which was dismissed, and accepted a plea for the marijuana charge. Smith pleaded no contest and was sentenced to one day in jail, with credit for one day served, plus one day of non-reporting probation. He paid $1,174 in fines & fees and adjudication was withheld, meaning that he doesn't have a conviction on his record from this arrest. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Judge Threatens to Remove Jeremy Dewitte From Courtroom

0BdtSrKSpk8 | 12 Feb 2020

Judge Threatens to Remove Jeremy Dewitte From Courtroom

As many of you already know, Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested yesterday on charges of unlawful interception of oral communication. A search warrant that had been executed on the offices of Metro State allegedly turned up an audio recording made by Mr. Dewitte and capturing the contents of a phone call between himself and an investigator from the State Attorney's Office. Despite the fact that some viewers want the law to be different, their will does not make it so. Florida Statutes § 934.03(3)(d) states that all parties must consent to the recording and or disclosure of the contents of and electronic, oral or wire communication. Violation of Florida's wiretapping law by recording, disclosing, or endeavoring to disclose a recording without the consent of all parties is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and $5,000 in fines, unless the interception is a first offense committed without any illegal purpose, and not for commercial gain. § 934.03(4)(a). In those circumstances, a violation is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and fines of up to $1,000. § 934.03(4)(b). The consequences of ignoring or misunderstanding recording laws can be life-changing, in the "jail" sense of the term. Comments making objectively false or misleading assertions about recording laws will be removed. Note that all wiretapping laws contain exceptions. For example, Florida's statute exempts calls to 911 and other emergency phone numbers, certain law enforcement activities, certain FCC employees, and other entities that would sensibly be included. Some people pointed out that many businesses record all calls, which is of course true. They also tell you that they are recording the call at the beginning. By remaining on the call, you are consenting to the recording. For a comprehensive state-by-state introduction to US wiretapping laws, visit Note that Nevada has a one-party consent law, but Nevada’s Supreme Court has interpreted it as an all-party consent law. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Animal Control Officer Catches Aggressive Great Pyrenees

gYhQ15z4i44 | 11 Feb 2020

Animal Control Officer Catches Aggressive Great Pyrenees

"6/25/19 Dog is extremely fearful. First time out on dog, his but, his hackles were raised and he had a very dilated eyes. He would take a treat from my hand, but when I went to pet him he raised his upper lip at me and growled. UTC at that time." "ASO Acosta was dispatched to him again and a resident was able to get him to go into his backyard. He had to be catch-poled. Once catch-poled he immediately was gator rolling and tried to bite ASO Acosta's hand on the pole. ASO Acosta was unable to scan for a microchip as he was actively trying to bite her and gator rolling while coming off of the ASO truck." "6/30/19 Volunteer Jen was trying to take foxtails out of her fur through the kennel, dog turned and tried to bite her. He still is stressed here and showing to be very fearful. He has shown that he has the behavior of a fear biter." "7/2/19 Manager Beth came in and was walking through the kennels the dog sat against the kennel and she was petting him through the cage, as she went to touch his muzzle and face area, he bit her on the finger. The bite did not draw blood, however it was unprovoked." ~~~ On the chance you missed our post about it earlier this morning, Jeremy Dewitte was arrested today, picked up by the Orange County Sheriff's Office felony squad on charges of illegally recording a phone conversation with the State Attorney's Office. Dewitte was booked into the Orange County jail at 12:04 pm on 2/11/20. He faces two counts of unlawful interception of oral communication. (Also, yesterday was Jeremy's birthday! Happy birthday!) ~~~ Got a story tip? Inside information we should know? Get in touch! Email [email protected] ∞ We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere prior. ∞ Please don't send links to news articles unless you know that unpublished footage exists. ∞ Although all messages are read, regrettably, we cannot respond to every email. Thank you. ~~~ Did we miss a redaction? Email [email protected] Found an error in our reporting? Email [email protected] Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Ex-Patriots QB Ryan Mallett Arrested for Drunk Driving (Complete Footage)

G9je_CfbAB0 | 10 Feb 2020

Ex-Patriots QB Ryan Mallett Arrested for Drunk Driving (Complete Footage)

The following is the report of Officer Dalton Meadows: "On 09-10-2019 at approximately 1824 hours I responded to a two motor vehicle accident with injury at XXXX New Hope Drive in the City of Springdale. While en route to the scene I was advised by Springdale Dispatch that Tontitown Police were out with an accident and one of the drivers was possibly intoxicated. When I arrived on scene I made contact with the driver of a red passenger car and the one who complained of injuries. The driver stated that as he was traveling west on New Hope Road he observed a silver truck crest the hill in front of him heading straight for him in his lane. The driver stated that to avoid a head on collision he swerved into the oncoming lane and toward the ditch on the opposite side of the road. The driver stated that as he swerved toward the ditch the driver of the silver truck got back into the eastbound lane and hit his car. I then made contact with the driver of the silver truck, who was suspected of being intoxicated. The driver was identified as Ryan Mallett. I observed him to have bloodshot watery eyes and could smell a strong odor of intoxicants coming from his persons. Mallet verbally admitted to crossing over the center line while traveling east on New Hope Road and he also verbally admitted to drinking one beer. I then advised Mallett that I was going to give him a field sobriety test and Mallet did not object. The first test given was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test. I observed lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes. While I was giving him this test he was swaying heavily. During this test I also observed vertical gaze nystagmus. I observed a total of 6 clues during the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test. The next test given was the Walk and Turn test. During this test he would not stand in the position that I explained and demonstrated during the instructional phase of the test. He could not stand heel to toe and keep his balance at the same time while listening to the instructions. I observed him use his arms to balance while taking the test. He stepped off line and missed heel-to-toe multiple times on both sets of nines steps. I observed a total of 6 clues during this test. The next test given was the One Leg Stand test. During this test I observed Mallett place his foot down multiple times, use his arms to balance, and sway while balancing during the test. I observed a total of 3 out of 4 clues during this test. Mallett was placed under arrest for Driving While Intoxicated and transported to the Springdale City Jail. Mallett's vehicle was towed in accordance with Springdale Police Department policy. When I arrived to the Springdale City Jail I read Mallett the Arkansas Statement of Rights which he signed and agreed to take the test. I then administered the Breath Alcohol Content test. The final result to the test was a 0.081%. It should be of note that Mallett blew his first sufficient sample but then took 3 more tries to blow a second sufficient breath sample. Mallett was also issued a citation for careless prohibited driving." This is the complete footage from the investigation and arrest of Ryan Mallett. Some viewers may watch this footage and wonder if they missed anything - other than an(other) NFL player getting arrested. The answer is no. From the beginning Real World Police has been committed to presenting reality. And reality is that much of police work is unexciting. You just doesn't see it. (In fact, you don't even get the full experience here. Long periods of silent driving and silent waiting at the station were removed from this footage.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ -Got a story tip? Get in touch! Email [email protected] Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere prior. Please don't send links to news articles. -Did we miss a redaction? Email [email protected] -Found an error in our reporting? Email [email protected] ~~~ We take our social responsibilities seriously and moderators actively enforce channel policies and YouTube's Community Guidelines. Be relevant. Be real. Be reasonable. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Gone Wild

ifG-6D7LJy8 | 08 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Gone Wild

More than ten thousand comments have been written on this channel in response to our coverage of Jeremy Dewitte. The following table shows how many times select words have appeared in those comments: mental — 1,671 crazy — 1,243 insane -- 370 wack —171 lunatic — 105 courteous - 1 In light of the above, it might come as a surprise to learn that you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If you are ready for a taste of Jeremy Dewitte turned up to 11, this is it. The full video will be available to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon later today, and will go live publicly (for free, obviously) this coming Friday. Note: This is not the only time Mr. Dewitte has recorded himself pounding on the hood of a seemingly-random car. In fact, that action led to one of the current charges he is facing in Orange County. (In case you were wondering, Florida’s funeral escort statute doesn’t cover hood-pounding.) ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government ~~~ Do you have verifiable inside information on this (or another) story? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Music by Fesliyan Studios ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested by Real Police (Part Two)

to_Wr2oRMSI | 06 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested by Real Police (Part Two)

[This description is largely the same as, though not identical to, Part One.] The following narrative was written by Windermere Police Officer Jerrell Ogletree: "On Saturday 9/7/19 at approximately 1617 hours I, Ofc. J. Ogletree, observed a funeral procession being conducted with a black and gray motorcycle with multiple colored lights, air horn and siren activated while approaching the traffic circle at Maguire Road and Park Avenue. I continued observing when the black and gray motorcycle, traveling west on Park Ave., passed my clearly marked patrol vehicle and proceeded to pass over the double solid yellow center lines with oncoming traffic approaching and traveled within the same lane as a vehicle in the procession. The motorcycle's movement caused the driver to travel outside of their lane of travel. I activated my emergency equipment and conducted a traffic stop at McKinnon Rd. and Lake Butler Blvd. The driver, later identified as Jeremy Charles Dewitte, was advised of the reason for the traffic stop and was told to move his motorcycle to the side of the roadway. While conducting the traffic stop, the motorcycle, bearing FL tag [], came back as a hit for being stolen. Dewitte was placed in handcuffs and detained while an investigation was conducted. While confirming the hit and conducting a search of Dewitte he became uncooperative and began to move and pull away from me. Dewitte had to be redirected on multiple occasions to stay against the car while a search was conducted. Dewitte used his communication device attached to his helmet to yell for backup from his peers. Dewitte at this point began yelling to other officers on scene about the motorcycle. Due to safety and Dewitte's actions, he was disarmed and placed in the back of my patrol vehicle.... ....Dewitte was disarmed of his weapons and placed into the patrol car after becoming verbally loud and pulling away. A closer look at his Glock-looking firearm revealed that it was an unloaded bb-gun with no red or orange tip indicating it was in fact a bb-gun. Dewitte wore this bb-gun holstered outside on his duty belt in plain view. An NCIC check found Dewitte to be a convicted felon. Dewitte was acting in a security capacity during his duties of the funeral procession. He is unlicensed as a security officer as he says his security is “in-house.” No active security license showed under his name. Dewitte was placed under arrest and taken to the Orange County Jail without further incident. Dewitte is charged with resisting without violence, impersonating a law enforcement officer, and unlawful use of a two-way communication device. In addition, Dewitte was written two traffic citations." The last charge was ultimately dropped in favor of a reckless driving charge. It was during this arrest that Dewitte's body camera was seized as evidence. A search warrant for its contents revealed video evidence of multiple felonies, including multiple occasions of false personation. Windermere Detective John Allen forwarded the body cam footage to Orange County Sgt. Keith Vidler, as the felonies had all occurred in OC. Vidler investigated, and Dewitte was arrested two more times (footage to come.) After this arrest Dewitte called the police department multiple times to complain, eventually showing up with his attorney to file a complaint, at which time Dewitte alleged that he had been targeted and falsely arrested due to bad blood between himself and "Sergeant." Dewitte claims that he never should have been pulled over, stating "I'm definitely going to want a suspension and definitely a letter of apology." "And people in hell want ice water." -Mallory Archer This is part two. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested by Real Police (Part One)

-r1czLNKjpU | 05 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested by Real Police (Part One)

The following narrative, lightly edited, was written by Windermere Police Officer Jerrell Ogletree: "On Saturday September 7, 2019 at approximately 1617 hours I, Ofc. J. Ogletree, observed a funeral procession being conducted with a black and gray motorcycle with multiple colored lights, air horn and siren activated while approaching the traffic circle at Maguire Road and Park Avenue. I continued observing when the black and gray motorcycle, traveling west on Park Ave., passed my clearly marked patrol vehicle and proceeded to pass over the double solid yellow center lines with oncoming traffic approaching and traveled within the same lane as a vehicle in the procession. The motorcycle's movement caused the driver to travel outside of their lane of travel. I activated my emergency equipment and conducted a traffic stop at McKinnon and Lake Butler. The driver, later identified as Jeremy Charles Dewitte, was advised of the reason for the traffic stop and was told to move his motorcycle to the side of the roadway. While conducting the traffic stop, the motorcycle came back as a hit for being stolen. Dewitte was placed in handcuffs and detained while an investigation was conducted. While confirming the hit and conducting a search of Dewitte he became uncooperative and began to move and pull away from me. Dewitte had to be redirected on multiple occasions to stay against the car while a search was conducted. Dewitte used his communication device attached to his helmet to yell for backup from his peers. Dewitte at this point began yelling to other officers on scene about the motorcycle. Due to safety and Dewitte's actions, he was disarmed and placed in the back of my patrol vehicle. . . . . . . .Dewitte was disarmed of his weapons and placed into the patrol car after becoming verbally loud and pulling away. A closer look at his Glock-looking firearm revealed that it was an unloaded bb-gun with no red or orange tip indicating it was in fact a bb-gun. Dewitte wore this bb-gun holstered outside on his duty belt in plain view. An NCIC/FCIC check of Dewitte found him to be a convicted felon. Dewitte was acting in a security capacity during his duties of the funeral procession. Dewitte is unlicensed as a security officer as he says his security is “in-house.” No active security license showed under his name. Dewitte was placed under arrest and taken to the Orange County Jail without further incident. Dewitte is charged with resisting without violence, impersonating a law enforcement officer, and unlawful use of a two way radio. In addition, Dewitte was written two citations for the traffic violations." The last charge was ultimately dropped.. in favor of a reckless driving charge. It was during this arrest that Dewitte's body camera was seized as evidence. A search warrant for its contents revealed video evidence of multiple felonies, including multiple occasions of false personation. Detective John Allen of the Windermere PD forwarded the body camera footage to Orange County Sgt. Keith Vidler, as the felonies had all occurred in Orange County. Vidler investigated, resulting in Dewitte being arrested two more times. Subsequent Dewitte's arrest he called the police department multiple times to complain, eventually showing up with his attorney to file a complaint, at which time Dewitte alleged that he had been targeted and falsely arrested due to bad blood between himself and Sgt. DiStefano (see "Caught in a Web of Lies" linked below.) Dewitte claims that he never should have been pulled over, stating "I'm definitely going to want a suspension and definitely a letter of apology." And people in hell want ice water. -Mallory Archer ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. We don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Caught In A Web of Lies: Jeremy Dewitte vs. The Truth

yYIIkTLHdGk | 03 Feb 2020

Caught In A Web of Lies: Jeremy Dewitte vs. The Truth

On September 7, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested by officers of the Windermere Police Department on charges of resisting arrest without violence, impersonating a police officer, and reckless driving. Dewitte wasn't thrilled, and he believed that one of the arresting officers had a personal vendetta against him due to a complaint Dewitte had filed about that officer at his previous agency. Six days after his arrest, Dewitte, accompanied by his attorney Amir Ladan, entered the office of Windermere Police Detective John Allen. He was there to file a complaint. Under oath. Part of Detective Allen's job is to assess a complainant's credibility, and to that end he questioned Dewitte about his history of police impersonation arrests and accusations. Understandably, Dewitte played down his extensive record, but far less understandable is what happened next. Dewitte rewrote history under oath. His arrest (and conviction) in 1998 for impersonating a police officer? He never told anyone that he was a cop! It all stemmed from an innocent mistake involving a credit card that his mom got him right after his 18th birthday! He had pumped $13.40 of gas, and he went back the next day and paid for it! When I first heard that recording I couldn't believe my ears. I am very familiar with the details of Dewitte's first arrest. I have read all of the court records from the case many times and I transcribed, word-for-word, the (originally handwritten) five-page arrest affidavit so I could include it in a public post on Patreon. Dewitte's version? The innocent mistake version? Contradicted by the reality version. Dewitte: "In fact, I [had] just turned 18 for like, a week." Reality: His birthday is February 10th and the incident occurred on May 18th. (It wasn't reported to the police until June 11th, and Dewitte wasn't arrested until June 25th.) Dewitte: 'My mom got me a credit card for my 18th birthday and I didn't know that it needed to be activated.' Reality: There hadn't ever been a credit card. Dewitte attempted to pay using a prepaid Mobil "Go" gas card. Dewitte: "I never told her that I was a police officer" Reality: The clerk - who has no reason to lie about this - was very clear that Dewitte had claimed to be a police officer. He even told her work stories. (Dewitte had also told the gas station owner that he was a police officer, by phone.) Even minor details, like the dollar amount of the gas he had pumped, were not real. Dewitte: $13.40, stated with supreme confidence in the recording. Reality: $14.50 And the last part, which may also be the most important part, perhaps second only to the personation issue: Dewitte's claim that he had gone back the next day and paid for the gas? Well, back in 1998 Jeremy Dewitte wrote a sworn affidavit addressing that very issue: "...In his statement, Defendant admitted that he did not pay for the gasoline, and has not paid since the date of the incident." You can't make this up. All of the documents shown on screen in this video are available in Google Drive at Also in that folder is Dewitte's Chicago arrest information. Because - hey - guess what? Turns out he was arrested in Chicago after all. (Or so says the Chicago Police Department.) [Last but not least, a correction: On-screen text in this video asserts that Florida police academy applicants must be at least 19 years old. I had been provided that information from a source I trusted and I regrettably did not verify it prior to including it in this video. By law the age requirement only kicks in upon graduation, prior to employment in a sworn capacity. That said, I have since contacted *every* accredited law enforcement training center in Orange county and all but one stated that they require their applicants to be 19. In the unlikely event that Mr. Dewitte can prove that he had been accepted to a 770-hour basic law enforcement training academy in 1998 [not an "Explorer Academy," "Citizen's Police Academy," or "Teen Police Academy"] he is welcome to email verifiable evidence to [email protected]. If that happens and his proof checks out, I will publish a prominent correction. I wouldn't hold your breath.] ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation. ~~~ Do you have verifiable inside information on this case? Email [email protected]. Your identity will never be revealed without your consent. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Music by Fesliyan Studios ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Records Himself Committing Felony Wiretapping

udlgHS2gntQ | 02 Feb 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Records Himself Committing Felony Wiretapping

At this point we have introduced more than two million people to Jeremy Dewitte, the motorcycle-riding, police-impersonating, funeral-escorting, Florida-Man-to-the-max who recently managed to get himself arrested three times in three months for impersonating a police officer. But how does that even happen? Because, let's be real for a minute: that's not an easy thing to do. Round one began on September — actually, hang tight- Round one began in 1998, when Dewitte was first arrested for impersonating a police officer. (Details in a public post on Patreon, and coming in a video tomorrow.) 'Recent round one' began on September 7, 2019, when officers of the Windermere police department stopped Dewitte and informed him that his motorcycle was coming back as stolen. To say that Dewitte lost his shit would be an understatement. If you thought you saw him flipping out in the first video we published... you haven't seen anything yet. Dewitte's bike ended up not being stolen, but Dewitte himself was taken in on charges of resisting without violence, impersonating a police officer, and reckless driving. Dewitte was wearing a body camera during his arrest, and it was seized as evidence. Windermere police applied for a search warrant for its contents, and when the warrant was approved they found a trove of incriminating footage, some of which you have already seen. Included within that collection of footage were at least two other instances supporting probable cause for impersonating a police officer, and each of those instances was tied to an interaction with the motoring public. Because the offenses all occurred in Orange County, Windermere Police Detective John Allen handed the footage over to Orange County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Keith Vidler. While reviewing Dewitte's body camera video, Vidler noticed that Dewitte appeared to be handling a motorist complaint by phone, and that Dewitte was surreptitiously recording the call — which can be charged as a felony in Florida. In the video, Dewitte identifies himself to the caller as "J” and they begin to converse about her complaint without notification that the phone conversation is being recorded. "Based on my investigation, there were three separate phone calls between Victim and Dewitte, and at no time did Dewitte inform Victim that the phone call was being recorded nor was there any request for consent to record the phone call." "On 10/08/19, Cpl. Ramsey met with Victim. Victim indicated that on 09/26/19, at approximately 11:00 am, she was stopped at a red light when she began to hear sirens approaching from behind her. She observed a black and white motorcycle approach the intersection, enter the intersection, then begin to direct traffic as other marked vehicles with flashing lights entered the intersection. At one point, she was ordered to move from her stopped position by the person on the motorcycle to allow other approaching vehicles to enter the intersection. Victim described the individual as wearing a “police-style" uniform with vest, radio, and gun belt. "She described the motorcycle as being “police-style” vehicle with mounted flashing lights and sirens. The Victim indicated that she initially believed the person giving her instructions at the intersection was a police officer, and that the commands given to her were lawful and in the execution of the normal duties of a police officer," becoming suspicious when she noticed the words "Metro State" and that the flashing lights were purple and amber." Based upon the above facts, Vidler found probable cause to believe that on 09/26/19, Dewitte violated FS 934.03 by intercepting three phone calls between himself and Victim, without her knowledge or consent, and that Dewitte had impersonated an officer in his earlier interactions with the Victim. The State Attorney agreed, and a warrant was issued for Dewitte's arrest. Note: -Some of the quoted text has been lightly edited to protect the victim’s privacy. Prior to publishing this video, I spoke with her by phone and provided her with an advance copy of the video; she is onboard. ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation. ~~~ Do you have verifiable inside information on this case? Email [email protected]. Your identity will never be revealed without your consent. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Music by FesliyanStudios ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Florida Detective Arrested For Drunk Driving in Georgia

2CV357_6_9Y | 31 Jan 2020

Florida Detective Arrested For Drunk Driving in Georgia

In this Real World Police exclusive we travel to Garden City, Georgia where Volusia County Sheriff's Office Detective Brandon Cobb was on vacation visiting friends one year ago in January, 2019. The detective and his friends had gone out for drinks and Detective Cobb had agreed to serve as the designated driver for the group — which apparently meant that he only had a few drinks.* Watch as a no-nonsense Garden City lieutenant stops Brandon Cobb for driving all over the road. By the end of the call, Cobb is sitting on the wrong side of the partition. Brandon Cobb's criminal prosecution is still open, with the next hearing scheduled for April 1, 2020 in Chatham County State Court. Brandon Michael Cobb faces one count of failure to maintain lane, one count of impeding traffic flow. and one count of driving under the influence. Cobb has prior disciplinary history with VCSO; the internal affairs files can be found at Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien Available for free listening on SoundCloud *Or so he said. The blood test results were not readily available. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Florida Fish and Wildlife Police Arrest Three For Night Hunting

7jfoxxF0BTU | 30 Jan 2020

Florida Fish and Wildlife Police Arrest Three For Night Hunting

On the night of July 19, 2019 Florida Fish & Wildlife Officer Duane North and his K9 partner Max were on patrol in Volusia County. About 10:30 pm Officer North saw a truck shining a spotlight from its driver’s side window. Immediately after he saw the light Officer North heard a loud bang, as a shot was fired out the window. North stopped the truck to investigate as it was leaving the property. The driver said he had shot a coyote, and volunteered that he "got scared" when he saw North's patrol vehicle, tossing his rifle out the window into the fernery. After detaining the three vehicle occupants Officer North deployed his K9 Max, who located both the discarded rifle and a freshly killed 10-point whitetail "coyote" in the area where the shot was fired. A second rifle was located on the back seat of the suspect truck. All rhree men were arrested for hunting deer at night with a gun and light. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Asiana 214: The Helmet Camera Video

IsI0iiQrbnM | 28 Jan 2020

Asiana 214: The Helmet Camera Video

On July 6, 2013, about 1128 Pacific daylight time, a Boeing 777-200ER, operating as Asiana Airlines 214, was on approach to runway 28L when it struck a seawall at San Francisco International Airport. Three of the 291 passengers were fatally injured; 40 passengers, 8 of the 12 flight attendants, and 1 of the 4 flight crew received serious injuries. The other 248 passengers, 4 flight attendants, and 3 flight crew received minor injuries or were not injured. The airplane was destroyed by impact forces and a post-crash fire. The flight was vectored for a visual approach to runway 28L and intercepted the final approach course about 14 nm from the threshold at an altitude slightly above the desired 3° glidepath. This set the flight crew up for a straight-in visual approach; however, after the flight crew accepted an air traffic control instruction to maintain 180 knots to 5 nm from the runway, the crew mismanaged the airplane’s descent, which resulted in the airplane being well above the desired 3° glidepath when it reached the 5 nm point. The flight crew’s difficulty in managing the airplane’s descent increased as the approach continued. As the approach continued, it became increasingly unstabilized as the airplane descended below the desired glidepath; the PAPI displayed three and then four red lights, indicating the continuing descent below the glidepath. The decreasing trend in airspeed continued, and about 200 ft, the flight crew became aware of the low airspeed and low path conditions but did not initiate a go-around until the airplane was below 100 ft, at which point the airplane did not have the performance capability to accomplish a go-around. The flight crew’s insufficient monitoring of airspeed indications during the approach resulted from expectancy, increased workload, fatigue, and automation reliance. When the main landing gear and the aft fuselage struck the seawall, the tail of the airplane broke off at the aft pressure bulkhead. The airplane slid along the runway, lifted partially into the air, spun about 330°, and impacted the ground a final time. The impact forces, which exceeded certification limits, resulted in the inflation of two slides within the cabin, injuring and temporarily trapping two flight attendants. Six occupants were ejected from the airplane during the impact sequence: two of the three fatally injured passengers and four of the seriously injured flight attendants. The four flight attendants were wearing their restraints but were ejected due to the destruction of the aft galley where they were seated. The two ejected passengers, one of whom was later rolled over by two firefighting vehicles, were not wearing their seatbelts. The NTSB determined that both would likely have remained in the cabin and survived had their seatbelts been worn. After the airplane came to a stop, a fire initiated within the separated right engine, which came to rest adjacent to the right side of the fuselage. When one of the flight attendants became aware of the fire, he initiated an evacuation, and 98% of the passengers self-evacuated. As the fire spread into the fuselage, firefighters entered the airplane and extricated five passengers who were injured and unable to evacuate. One later died. Overall, 99% of the airplane’s occupants survived. On June 28, 2017 I launched our sister channel "What You Haven't Seen," introducing the world to the full-length surveillance video showing the crash of Asiana 214 at SFO. It's time for more. And there is much more to come. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ It was widely reported that the San Francisco Fire Department banned helmet cameras after this footage came to light. That is incorrect. A ban existed prior. The move's optics were certainly poor, but the supposedly reactionary ban was in fact the reiteration of a policy that already existed. ~~~ Regarding the lawsuit brought by the family of Ye Meng Yuan, it settled in August 2015. The family's attorney stated "The parties have reached a confidential settlement on mutually agreeable terms." Unfortunately for the attorney, California cities are not allowed to enter into confidential settlement agreements. So I got a copy of it. The truth? The family dropped the lawsuit and the City paid nothing, admitting no fault. The available evidence appears to indicate that Yuan was already dead when she was run over. Particularly notable is the absence of foam and dust from her lungs, indicating that she never inhaled those materials. That does not excuse running over a body, but it is reality. And it should not be ignored. (Scenes showing the deceased were removed from this video.) ~~~ I want to be transparent about the source material I relied on in forming my conclusions about Asiana 214. With the exception of video, all of that material is posted at ~~~ Support Real World Police on Patreon and get access to exclusive content!

Homeowner Catches, Wallops, Residential Burglar

G_YLqFdbAiY | 27 Jan 2020

Homeowner Catches, Wallops, Residential Burglar

When Caleb Clark entered the target house on Hilda Drive* he thought that that it would deliver like all his other scores. Clark would help himself to someone else's property and no one would be the wiser. Instead Caleb ended up in the hospital, getting his head stapled back together. Despite having already left for work, the Army-veteran man of the house decided to swing back and briefly check on things. And when he returned to find Caleb Clark in his living room, it was on. Clark attempted to flee, but took off in the direction of a closed door. The homeowner quickly closed the distance and opened up a Costco-size can of whoopass on Clark, eventually pinning him to the floor and calling 911. Caleb R. Clark, 19 and no stranger to the criminal justice system, had to have his head stapled closed, after which he was booked on two third-degree felony charges — one each of residential burglary and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. (Caleb had cut the homeowner with a piece of glass.) Clark also had three outstanding felony warrants for his arrest: two for violating terms of his release and one for failure to appear... for a residential burglary he allegedly committed back in January 2019. He won't be getting out any time soon. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien *I appreciate your concern for the homeowner’s privacy. In fact, I share it. Prior to publishing this video we verified that the homeowner and his family had long-since moved from the incident house. Had that not been the case, or had we been unable to confirm it, their address would not have appeared in the video or description. ~~~ -Got a story tip? Get in touch! Email [email protected] Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere prior. -Did we miss a redaction? Email [email protected] -Found an error in our reporting? Email [email protected] ~~~ We take our social responsibilities seriously and moderators actively enforce channel policies and YouTube's Community Guidelines. Be relevant. Be real. Be reasonable. ~~~ About the blurring in this video: New Mexico's access to public records statute is the Inspection of Public Records Act — "IPRA" for short. As in most states, there exists a general presumption that New Mexico government records are public, but that presumption can be overcome if a record meets the criteria of one or more exemptions. In most states there are many dozens, even hundreds, of exemptions. New Mexico has only seven core exemptions. That said, they are quite broad, and first among the group is an exemption for "Records pertaining to physical or mental examinations and medical treatment of persons confined to any institution," found at NMSA 1978 § 14-2-1-A (1). Despite the fact that exemptions are supposed to be narrowly construed, and the fact that "confined to any institution" is unambiguous, in 1977 the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that the medical records exemption applied to all records kept by any governmental agency relating to physical or mental illness or medical treatment... and not just to records of persons confined to institutions. See State ex rel. Newsome v. Alarid, 90 N.M. 790, 568 P. 2d 1236 (1977). The City of Las Cruces applies that exemption by blurring anything resembling a medical intervention. Rectangular-shaped blurring in this video has been applied by the City of Las Cruces. All other blurring is from us, and is typically present to protect the someone's personal privacy. Real World Police is proud to be an institutional supporter of the New Mexico Foundation For Open Government. For more information on IPRA, visit ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Taser Induced High-Pitch Voice Syndrome

p1iqUbuJBBw | 25 Jan 2020

Taser Induced High-Pitch Voice Syndrome

Taser Induced High-Pitch Voice Syndrome is probably not a real thing. But this is a real video, so hey, you never know... Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Seattle SWAT Multi Jurisdictional Pursuit: View From The Ground

hKK88Vs_LwM | 24 Jan 2020

Seattle SWAT Multi Jurisdictional Pursuit: View From The Ground

To skip intro / background info, start at 1:20. On March 13, 2018 Seattle police officers, assisted by King County Sheriff's Office Guardian One helicopter, engaged in a pursuit that started around 2pm in Seattle and ended near Auburn. The pursuit involved many units, was at very high speeds, and took place while it was raining out. A house's front yard was ruined, including the cars that had been parked in the driveway. Police cars were rammed, and multiple (otherwise-uninvolved) vehicles were struck along the way. It turned out to be the wrong guy. Police were under the impression that the man behind the wheel of a green pickup truck had been involved in a shooting, but as soon as they had yanked the driver out through his window they knew that their man was elsewhere. Previously we brought you footage of this pursuit from the air. This time we ride along in a Seattle Police SWAT Tahoe as the suspect's pickup is rammed and he is taken into custody. Footage from a different SWAT officer's body camera will be available on Patreon. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music by Fredrik Nyblom ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Las Cruces Police Recover Stolen Vehicle; Sort-of StarChase Deployment

y26K4pNBnvg | 23 Jan 2020

Las Cruces Police Recover Stolen Vehicle; Sort-of StarChase Deployment

On the morning of Tuesday, October 15, 2019 officers of the Las Cruces Police Department arrested Orlando R. Jacques, charging the 29-year-old with a fourth-degree felony count of receiving or transferring a stolen motor vehicle, a fourth-degree felony count of possession of a controlled substance and a misdemeanor count of possession of drug paraphernalia. About 11 am on Tuesday morning Las Cruces police officers located a Chevrolet Equinox that had been stolen on October 3rd in El Paso, Texas. A female passenger of the vehicle exited near the intersection of Lohman Avenue and Nevarez Street in Las Cruces and walked away. The Equinox continued for a short while until Las Cruces police officers conducted a high-risk stop on the vehicle near Tornillo Street. Jacques was the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle at the time of the stop. Jacques told police the vehicle belonged to a friend who lives in Anthony, Texas, but he was unable to provide the friend’s last name or address. Investigators contacted the owner of the vehicle who resides in El Paso. The owner indicated she does not know Jacques and did not give him permission to be in possession of the vehicle that she had reported stolen. Jacques was also found to be in possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia at the time of his arrest. Jacques was booked into the Dona Ana County Detention Center where he was held without bond. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Have No Fear, T-Money Is Here

09qnRN2bS-4 | 22 Jan 2020

Have No Fear, T-Money Is Here

Teaser footage... Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Police Officer Wrestles Gun From Suicidal Man at Dialysis Clinic

GGETyaMoEKw | 21 Jan 2020

Police Officer Wrestles Gun From Suicidal Man at Dialysis Clinic

On the afternoon of March 26, 2019 Matthew Roger Smith, 56, was scheduled for routine treatment at a Fresenius Dialysis Center in Las Cruces, New Mexico. When he arrived he needed dialysis. When he left he was charged with three counts of assault after he pulled a .357 revolver on Police Officer Oscar Magallanes and clinic staff, allegedly in an attempt to kill himself. And he still needed dialysis. But what was the cop doing there to begin with? That same day, prior to the gun incident and before beginning his treatment, clinic staff held a meeting with Smith to discuss his tendency toward outbursts and general agitation directed at clinic staff. Smith received treatment after the meeting, but the meeting didn't prove terribly effective. Smith pulled out his access line during treatment, causing him to bleed heavily. When clinic staff attempted to control Smith's bleeding he grew more agitated and staff in turn called 911. Upon learning that the police had been called Smith became irate. You can see for yourself what happened next. Smith, of Hatch, New Mexico, was booked into the Doña Ana County Detention Center on two charges of aggravated assault on a health care worker with a deadly weapon and one charge of aggravated assault on a peace officer. All three charges are third degree felonies. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Man vs. Taser: Man Loses in Round Two

JqxqwjvZ7Ew | 20 Jan 2020

Man vs. Taser: Man Loses in Round Two

~ Strapped for time? Watch for a minute and a half, starting at 4:00. ~ Pro tip: Stating "Hey, you're an officer of the law. Get my pizza!" will not ingratiate you with law enforcement. Or anyone, for that matter. ~ Tasers may be the only projectile weapon to have a minimum effective distance as well as a maximum. In order to achieve "neuromuscular incapacitation" the Taser's probes must achieve sufficient separation upon contact with the subject. If the barbs land too close together (closer than ~12" ) the Taser's effect will be limited to pain. At least one investigation - by American Public Media - found that most Taser deployments occur at relatively close range, making it little surprise that the Taser is frequently reported to have 'failed.' But if you are ever so fortunately unfortunate as to find yourself on the receiving end of a ‘failed’ Taser shot, don’t get too cocky... because there may be more where that came from. As this dude found out the hard way. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Jacob Gets Restraint-Chaired (“I’m the kind of guy that gives out dime bags!” ~ Part II)

oexOfEJNkxo | 19 Jan 2020

Jacob Gets Restraint-Chaired (“I’m the kind of guy that gives out dime bags!” ~ Part II)

As you may recall from part one, this case brings us back to Pullman, Washington, after officers of the Pullman Police Department were dispatched to reports of an intoxicated young man in the street and unable to care for himself. If you haven’t seen part one, I suggest checking it out prior to watching part two — Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

“Jimmy, I Don’t Know This Guy From a Can of Paint” ~ Part 2: The Arrest

2yFtSfNWFRw | 17 Jan 2020

“Jimmy, I Don’t Know This Guy From a Can of Paint” ~ Part 2: The Arrest

[If you missed the first part of this story, I suggest you go back and watch it first.] On March 24, 2019 at approximately 7:48 pm officers responded to 3729 Bayshore Road (5 West Pub) in the North Cape May section of Lower Township, New Jersey for a report of an adult male who had been assaulted in the parking lot. Upon arrival officers made contact with the victim, Nick DiCarlo, who had clearly taken a wallop to his right eye. DiCarlo stated that he was losing vision in his eye and believed strongly that he had been struck with an object rather than a fist. DiCarlo described his assailant as being a tall white male, wearing a green shirt, a baseball cap, and having "scruff" for facial hair. EMS responded to the scene to render aid, and the investigation was underway. You watched officers search for and finally identify Dave Hughes as their suspect. Kick back now and watch as officers move in for the arrest. Music by Fesliyan Studios. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Police helicopter video shows fleeing driver wreck out, run, eat pavement

8uivuDlP3h8 | 16 Jan 2020

Police helicopter video shows fleeing driver wreck out, run, eat pavement

FLIR up @ 3:13 Eluding car collides with curb @ 3:34 Driver bails from car @ 4:00 Driver is disabled @ 4:42 A viewer recently commented that you can't get away when a helicopter is following you, and in response someone asked if I know of any cases to the contrary. The answer is yes, and I have the footage, too. Coming soon. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Assault Investigation ~ “Jimmy, I Don’t Know This Guy From a Can of Paint”

_M64LQ61JIY | 14 Jan 2020

Assault Investigation ~ “Jimmy, I Don’t Know This Guy From a Can of Paint”

It’s finally here. The video many of you have been patiently waiting months to see. On March 24, 2019 at approximately 7:48 pm officers responded to 3729 Bayshore Road (5 West Pub) in the North Cape May section of Lower Township, New Jersey for a report of an adult male who had been assaulted in the parking lot. Upon arrival officers made contact with the victim, Nick DiCarlo, who had clearly taken a wallop to his right eye. DiCarlo stated that he was losing vision in his eye and believed strongly that he had been struck with an object rather than a fist. DiCarlo described his assailant as being a tall white male, wearing a green shirt, a baseball cap, and having "scruff" for facial hair. EMS responded to the scene to render aid, and the investigation was underway. Watch as officers identify their suspect, and tune in soon for part two as they move in for the arrest. Music by Fesliyan Studios. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Arkansas Trooper Arrests Sheriff's Deputy for DUI

Zc4OMBd-bh8 | 13 Jan 2020

Arkansas Trooper Arrests Sheriff's Deputy for DUI

On September 17, 2019 Arkansas State Police Trooper Robbie Stewart was on patrol in Jackson County when he received a call. Someone had called 911 to advise that he was following a truck whose driver was "all over the road" and "driving at a high rate of speed ... running vehicles off the road." Less than three minutes later Trooper Stewart had the 2018 Jeep Compass pulled over. Seconds later, Stewart discovered that its driver was Jackson County Sheriff's Deputy Adam Joseph Zitzelberger Zitzelberger insisted that he was fine, but the trooper was having none of it and responded directly: "Adam, you're drunk." Zitzelberger blew more than twice the legal limit on a preliminary breath test, was physically incapable of performing standardized field sobriety tests, and returned a solid .187% BAC on the breathalyzer test back at the station. Adam Joseph Zitzelberger was arrested for Speeding, More Than 15 MPH Over Limit and Driving While Intoxicated - DWI 1st. On October 23, 2019 Zitzelberger pleaded guilty to all charges and received a 30-day suspended jail sentence. He was also ordered to complete a mandatory DUI class. As you can see from the disciplinary memo at the end of this video, his predictions about this ending his career did not come true. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien Available for free listening on SoundCloud. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

"I'm the kind of guy that gives out dime bags"

xXXq3SxkQOk | 12 Jan 2020

"I'm the kind of guy that gives out dime bags"

This case brings us back to Pullman, Washington, as officers of the Pullman Police Department have been dispatched to a call for service. The caller reported having come upon an intoxicated young man who was clearly unable to care for himself, and... meet Jacob. This story will be covered in two parts, with part two presenting events back at the station. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Airport Police Surprise Bam Margera With Ride to Shuttle After "Jackass" Star Booted From Plane

q6DTKNNZCFk | 12 Jan 2020

Airport Police Surprise Bam Margera With Ride to Shuttle After "Jackass" Star Booted From Plane

Brandon Cole "Bam" Margera is an American professional skateboarder, stunt performer, filmmaker, musician and television personality best known for his work on the MTV show Jackass. On August 3, 2019, Margera was removed from a Southwest airlines flight following an altercation with an Atlanta airport police officer who told him he was too drunk to fly. What happened next might surprise you. It sure surprised Bam. Sequel: The following day, Margera posted a chain of videos on his Instagram account, publicly pleading for Dr. Phil's help. He directed a lengthy public tirade towards his mother April Margera, wife Nikki Margera, and childhood friend Brandon Novak, candidly stating his relationship with his family is broken. Dr. Phil reciprocated Margera's pleas the next morning, referring him to a treatment center following a one-on-one session. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Maximum Security: Behind Bars at the Shelton Intensive Management Unit

NZpCGscheFc | 11 Jan 2020

Maximum Security: Behind Bars at the Shelton Intensive Management Unit

The Washington Corrections Center is a men's prison in Shelton, Washington. Inside the walls of WCC is what the Department of Corrections terms a "prison within a prison" — the Shelton Intensive Management Unit, or IMU. The Shelton IMU consists of 124 solitary cells and six small exercise yards. There are three IMUs in Washington and they house inmates deemed unfit for “general population.” Unless you work there or live there, you are not supposed to see inside Washington prisons. In 2012 the state's Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling that prison videos are exempt from disclosure for security reasons. They are routinely requested, and are denied precisely as often. But today Real World Police takes you on an exclusive look behind the scenes, behind bars at the Shelton IMU. Hopefully this is your only look inside. Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Serial Police Impersonator Caught by His Own Body Camera

L4ya5rOeZb8 | 08 Jan 2020

Serial Police Impersonator Caught by His Own Body Camera

See below for an important update. Jeremy Dewitte's first arrest for impersonating a police officer happened more than twenty years ago and he hasn't slowed down since. In fact, Dewitte was arrested for impersonating a police officer three separate times in the last three months of 2019. In the interim Dewitte was hard at work racking up dozens of minor violations, with the occasional felony thrown in. To top it off, Dewitte is remarkably good at violating his probation. In researching this case I created a spreadsheet to keep track of Dewitte's Florida record. See the craziness for yourself: The story of Dewitte's first arrest takes more space than I have available here, so for now we begin when that case ends. On 9/30/98 Jeremy Dewitte entered a plea of no contest to charges of impersonating a police officer and theft, instantly becoming a convicted felon. He was sentenced to five years probation, banned from Mobil gas stations for the duration, and ordered to repay a bit more than $14. Fast forward through a couple of probation violations, 8 days jail, 6 months house arrest, and 3 years probation... At this point you need to know that Dewitte's probation officer had told him "to find gainful work in a field other than security." Then...on 5/7/01 someone told Dewitte's probation officer that the convicted felon was in possession of a firearm. Who reported him? Why, one of the people that had hired him... to work as a security guard. Through his company. Wait for it... "Dewitte Security." The next day a warrant was issued and Dewitte was arrested, somehow managing to pick up new charges too. This is how it went down: "On 5/8/01, the arresting officer responded to [] to make contact with the defendant, who had an active capias for VOP. The arresting officer made phone contact with the defendant who advised that he was enroute. The defendant pulled up in a blue four door Chevy Lumina with dark tint. As the defendant opened the driver's door the officer heard a police scanner with OPD dispatching. The defendant had the scanner hooked up next to the driver's seat. The officer heard OPD units from the Southwest sector being dispatched to calls. Further inspection of the vehicle by the arresting officer, along with assisting officers, revealed white blinking lights mounted in the rear window and side wing windows. Also mounted in the windshield, were more lights behind the tinted strip, which when lit shined flashing blue." On 10/8/01 Dewitte's probation morphed into a one-year sentence in Orange County Jail. And you still don't even know about Dewitte's first arrest. You know, when he pretended to be a cop to steal $14 of gas. The full story is at ~~~ A closing comment: I have hundreds of pages of records from Dewitte's previous court cases, including the one that made him a registered sex offender. Other news outlets have reported on Dewitte's arrest using sensational "Sex Offender Arrested For Impersonating..." headlines, and - frankly - I am disappointed. It can be tough to get information on a sex crime case, but if you are going to run headlines highlighting that someone is a sex offender, you should know something about the case's gravity. According to the prosecutor - who certainly knew it was legally impossible - Dewtite had putatively "consensual" sex with a female who was not legally old enough to consent. She did not want Dewitte to receive a long sentence and neither did her parents. I question the ethics of running unqualified "Sex Offender Arrested!" headlines in reference to such a case. (Dewitte ended up having to serve four years for violating his probation, but that's a whole other story.) UPDATE Damning new information has emerged. Visit Turn on captions. In contextualizing the paragraph above - in particular the sentence beginning "She did not want Dewitte to receive..." it must be recognized that "she" was the prosecutor at Jeremy's VOP sentencing — my source was not the victim. That prosecutor was not the same ASA that had worked the original case, and they only had the original ASA's notes. In the interview linked above I confronted the victim with the transcript. In response, she explained what really happened. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arkansas Police Pursue Texas Twins at 140+ MPH; Search For Missing Driver

9dM65qbYmIE | 07 Jan 2020

Arkansas Police Pursue Texas Twins at 140+ MPH; Search For Missing Driver

Today’s installment of Real World Police take us to Cotter, Arkansas where an officer has just attempted a traffic stop only to have the vehicle take off on him. Speeds during the pursuit were reported as hitting 140+ miles per hour and the officer’s siren bizarrely stopped working mid-pursuit. Fortunately for Sergeant Joel Richardson, the car's occupants caught themselves by wrecking their car... and taking off into the woods. Watch as Chase and Chad Pollard, both on felony probation out of Crosby, Texas, get arrested in The Natural State. The twins were each sentenced to two 30-day jail terms which ran concurrently, and to three years in jail, to be suspended upon successful completion of their probation. They were also each assessed fines and fees of $2,670. Select court records from the twins' prosecution are shown on screen at the end of the video. Note: The original audio was painfully loud & distorted. This is a huge improvement. A less-expected update: Sergeant Joel Richardson resigned from the Cotter Police Department on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 following a verbal confrontation with deputies from the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office. In an incident report filed the preceding Saturday (8/17) Deputy Austin Morrison wrote that he arrived at Combs Avenue in Cotter at 9:47 p.m. on 8/17 in response to two calls about fireworks being discharged in the area. Upon arrival, the deputy reported that he found a large group of people standing outside, with music coming from a side-by-side utility vehicle. While speaking to the group about fireworks and the noise, Morrison alleged that Richardson identified himself as a sergeant with the Cotter Police Department. (Richardson was one of the people in the group.) Morrison wrote that Richardson had his portable police radio on and monitoring dispatch. Richardson told Morrison that there were no noise ordinances for commercial properties inside Cotter city limits, and that “they had every right to play loud music there because it is commercial property.” Morrison took notice of the fact that Richardson had a baseball bat next to him, then advised the group to keep the noise down and left the property to meet with his supervisor, Sgt. Doug Meurer. Sgt. Meurer wrote in a supplemental report that after discussing the situation, both officers returned to the property. On their return, the officers noticed no loud music being played and the side-by-side was no longer at the scene. Meurer's report continues with the following: “I asked how everyone was doing and asked if there had been a misunderstanding about loud music. Immediately a male stood up holding a baseball bat and told me that we were harassing them and that we needed to leave them alone.” The male was Richardson. Meurer states that he explained to the property owner that while the Sheriff’s Office doesn't enforce city ordinances, it does enforce state laws and that if they received complaints they could issue a disorderly conduct citation. “At that time, Joel, who was still holding the baseball bat (and) tossing it between his hands back and forth, started arguing with me stating that I could not write a ticket for disorderly conduct on commercial property in the city limits. I informed him that Cotter did not have an officer working, so when we are covering calls, we are going to play by my rules, and that they were the same set of rules for anywhere else in the county,” Meurer wrote in his report. "While speaking with Joel, I noticed a portable radio that was monitoring the Sheriff's Office channel laying on the bench where they were gathered." As Meurer and Morrison left the area, Richardson "began speaking in an argumentative manner." The City of Cotter reportedly does have an ordinance in place addressing public nuisances inside the city limits, and that ordinance makes no distinction between residential and commercial properties. It specifically mentions "loud music" as being a violation. Shifting from factual reporting to opinion, that doesn't sound resignation-worthy. Either something else happened, or the report's language is an exceptionally-toned-down recitation of events. I am looking into this and will let you know what I find. Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 425 free videos to enjoy!

Police Respond to Florida Nightclub, Find Women Pouring Milk All Over Themselves

lxwpNtpMVJQ | 03 Jan 2020

Police Respond to Florida Nightclub, Find Women Pouring Milk All Over Themselves

On October 14, 2019 officers with the Jacksonville Police Department were dispatched to a 911 call at a local nightclub. Upon arrival the officers had trouble locating their subject, however they were able to confirm that pepper spray had been deployed in order to break up a disturbance. After a bit of hunting (and one attempted departure) the officers eventually turned a corner... and there she was: their caller — a woman covered in the better part of a gallon of fresh milk. (Not to be outdone, the caller's friend was giving herself a liberal dose of 2% as well.) Some science: In 2008 the medical journal "Prehospital Emergency Care" published an article titled "A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Treatment Regimens for Acute Pain for Topical Oleoresin Capsaicin (Pepper Spray) Exposure in Adult Volunteers." The study's lead investigator was Dr. James D. Barry of the Brooke Army Medical Center Department of Emergency Medicine at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and his work evaluated the relative efficacy of five different pepper spray treatments: Maalox, 2% lidocaine gel, baby shampoo, milk, and water. Forty-four men and five women, with an average age of 24 years, participated in the study. Its conclusion? There was no significant difference in pain relief between the different treatment regimens. The best predictor for decrease in pain was simply time. Save your milk. Or better yet, don't get maced. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Ohio State Highway Patrol Vehicle Pursuit; Foot Chase

PcZ_jFxMUHw | 02 Jan 2020

Ohio State Highway Patrol Vehicle Pursuit; Foot Chase

Happy 2020! On March 8, 2019 Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers attempted to stop a vehicle in the City of Cleveland for multiple traffic violations. The vehicle refused to stop, choosing instead to flee at high speed. OSHP Aviation was in the area and took over the pursuit, allowing ground units to not actively pursue the vehicle — a much safer approach when it's available. The vehicle eventually stopped and two occupants fled on foot. A perimeter was quickly set up and Aviation directed ground units to the suspects. Both were apprehended. The suspects were found to be in possession of crack cocaine and one had an active felony warrant. Both suspects were incarcerated in the Cuyahoga County Jail. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

"I'm famous, yo!" Complete Arrest of Migos Rapper Offset

CfL4NnRiFUI | 31 Dec 2019

"I'm famous, yo!" Complete Arrest of Migos Rapper Offset

First off, Happy New Year! In this Real World Police exclusive, we take a trip back to July 23, 2018 and join officers from the Clayton County Police Department who have just stopped a 2014 Porsche 911. Its occupants: Migos rapper Offset and his bodyguard Senay Gezahgn. It would later emerge that also occupying the car were three guns, a small amount of weed, and more than $107,000 cash*. *Trouncing Lil' Pump's arrest. See The incident report by Clayton County PD is an interesting read. Its first few pages are unremarkable, containing general information about the stop: who, what, when, where, etc. There are also two officer narratives, each providing a broad account of the events seen in this and other videos. But then we get to page five (spelling errors in the original): "On 07/20/18 I was contacted by ATF Special Agent Dorman regarding two vehicles that they had under surveillance. ATF asked that if the officers were able to get probable cause on the vehicles, could we pull over the vehicles and identify everyone in the vehicles. I observed the Offender #1's vehicle (2014 Porsche) Traveling northbound on Tara Blvd. in the left-hand lane, when it failed to maintain its lane by crossing the solid yellow line on the left-hand side of the roadway. I also observed that the window tint on the vehicle appeared to this officer to be under the legal limit as well. I activated my emergency equipment and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, vehicle pulled into Texaco gas station. Officers exited my patrol vehicle and could immediately smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. I approached the driver side of the vehicle, while Officer Berry approached the passenger side of the vehicle. I advised Offender #1 who I was and requested his driver license. Offender #1 advised at that time that he refused to provided me with his driver license, and asked me did I know who he was. I asked again Offender #1 for his driver license, and that I did not know who he was and to please provide me with his driver license, again he refused... ...Once Offender #1 provided his driver license I started advising him the reason for the traffic stop. I first advised Offender #1 about his window tint possibly being too dark. Offender #1 at this time became angry and started complaining about not wanting points on his driver license. At this point I decided to deal with the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and discuss the lane violation after I had removed Offender #1 from the vehicle, hoping that after a few minutes he would calm down so we could discuss it. At this point I had Offender #1 step out of the vehicle (Offender was patted down for weapons) and to the front of my patrol vehicle, but before I did I asked Offender #1 if there was any firearms in the vehicle. Offender #1 just turned his head sideways and gave me a funny look. I advised him that I asked everyone but he did not give me an answer. Once at the front of my patrol vehicle I advised Offender #1 about the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and advised him that it would be searched. As I started to walk to the vehicle I heard Offender #1 say that there was a firearm underneath his seat driver seat. A Taurus Judge pistol was located underneath Offender #1's seat fully loaded. Also on the driver side of the vehicle I located marijuana on the floor board. While continuing the search I located another firearm (Glock 19 pistol) in the glove box fully loaded. During my investigation Offender #1's criminal history was run, I found that Offender #1 was a convicted felon (09/17/12 for Theft by Receiving stolen property out of Dekalb County). Offender at this time was placed into handcuffs and advised he was under arrest. Offender #1 was placed into the rear seat of my assigned patrol vehicle. Offender #1's vehicle was impounded by Tara Wrecker service. Before the vehicle was placed onto the wrecker the window tint was measured, 35%." Charges against Offset and his bodyguard were unceremoniously dropped at the behest of the feds, allegedly due to a much larger ongoing investigation. Prosecutors stated that continuing the case "would alert other potential future parties to the investigation and evidence that may support federal charges against said parties." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown here, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally tried to bring a gun through a TSA checkpoint -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Migos Rapper Offset Facetimes His Lawyer and Cardi B During Traffic Stop; Gets Arrested

OWWzm0iK9KM | 28 Dec 2019

Migos Rapper Offset Facetimes His Lawyer and Cardi B During Traffic Stop; Gets Arrested

In this Real World Police exclusive, we take a trip back to July 23, 2018 and join officers from the Clayton County Police Department who have just stopped a 2014 Porsche 911. Its occupants: Migos rapper Offset and his bodyguard Senay Gezahgn. It would later emerge that also occupying the car were three guns, a small amount of weed, and more than $107,000 cash. *Trouncing Lil' Pump's arrest. See The incident report by Clayton County PD is an interesting read. Its first few pages are unremarkable, containing general information about the stop: who, what, when, where, etc. There are also two officer narratives, each providing a broad recounting of the events seen in this and other videos. But then we get to page five (spelling errors in the original): "On 07/20/18 I was contacted by ATF Special Agent Dorman regarding two vehicles that they had under surveillance. ATF asked that if the officers were able to get probable cause on the vehicles, could we pull over the vehicles and identify everyone in the vehicles. I observed the Offender number one's vehicle (2014 Porsche) Traveling northbound on Tara Blvd. in the left-hand lane, when it failed to maintain its lane by crossing the solid yellow line on the left-hand side of the roadway. I also observed that the window tint on the vehicle appeared to this officer to be under the legal limit as well. I activated my emergency equipment and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, vehicle pulled into Texaco gas station. Officers exited my patrol vehicle and could immediately smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. I approached the driver side of the vehicle, while Officer Berry approached the passenger side of the vehicle. I advised Offender #1 who I was and requested his driver license. Offender number one advised at that time that he refused to provided me with his driver license, and asked me did I know who he was. I asked again Offender #1 for his driver license, and that I did not know who he was and to please provide me with his driver license, again he refused.... ...Once Offender #1 provided his driver license I started advising him the reason for the traffic stop. I first advised Offender #1 about his window tint possibly being too dark. Offender #1 at this time became angry and started complaining about not wanting points on his driver license. At this point I decided to deal with the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and discuss the lane violation after I had removed Offender #1 from the vehicle, hoping that after a few minutes he would calm down so we could discuss it. At this point I had Offender #1 step out of the vehicle (Offender was patted down for weapons) and to the front of my patrol vehicle, but before I did I asked Offender #1 if there was any firearms in the vehicle. Offender #1 just turned his head sideways and gave me a funny look. I advised him that I asked everyone but he did not give me an answer. Once at the front of my patrol vehicle I advised Offender #1 about the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and advised him that it would be searched. As I started to walk to the vehicle I heard Offender #1 say that there was a firearm underneath his seat driver seat. A Taurus Judge pistol was located underneath Offender #1's seat fully loaded. Also on the driver side of the vehicle I located marijuana on the floor board. While continuing the search I located another firearm (Glock 19 pistol) in the glove box fully loaded. During my investigation Offender #1's criminal history was run, I found that Offender number one was a convicted felon (09/17/12 for Theft by Receiving stolen property out of Dekalb County). Offender at this time was placed into handcuffs and advised he was under arrest. Offender #1 was placed into the rear seat of my assigned patrol vehicle. Offender #1's vehicle was impounded by Tara Wrecker service. Before the vehicle was placed onto the wrecker the window tint was measured, 35%." Charges against Offset and his bodyguard were unceremoniously dropped at the behest of the feds, allegedly due to a much larger ongoing investigation. Prosecutors stated that continuing the case "would alert other potential future parties to the investigation and evidence that may support federal charges against said parties." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Delta Pilot Arrested For Drunk Flying

G6ccwEXXdc4 | 26 Dec 2019

Delta Pilot Arrested For Drunk Flying

The reports and other documentation associated with this arrest can be accessed at This case is particularly interesting because of the uncertainty as to Schroeder's actual blood alcohol concentration at the time of his arrest. There was a delay of more than two hours from the time of his arrest to the time of his blood draw, and the lab test result ended up being .027% (you can read about the reason for the delay in the documents linked above). The police requested that a forensic scientist conduct a retrograde extrapolation ("RE"), which is a scientific and mathematical process used to estimate what a person's blood alcohol content was at a specific time based on test results and collateral information obtained at a later point in time. The results of the RE (also linked above) found that Schroeder's blood alcohol concentration at the time of his arrest was between .04% and .08%. The legal limit for flying a plane is .04%, but that's not all. The RE was based in part on statements Schroeder made during the interview you see in this video. It's not a stretch to suggest that Schroeder's casual guess as to when he stopped drinking might have been off by an hour, and accounting for such an error could reasonably result in the low-end of the RE dropping below .04%. Of course, the above is all academic, as a search of the FAA's Airmen Certificate database reveals that Gabriel Lyle Schroeder is not currently licensed to operate any aircraft. The FAA does not publicly provide information regarding the history of, or enforcement actions taken against airmen certificates, and I have submitted a request to the FAA for all 2019 records relating to Gabriel Lyle Schroeder, which will of course include all [non-exempt] records relating to enforcement actions taken and any challenges or appeals filed by Schroeder. We'll see what turns up. (*To be clear, Schroeder had been licensed. Until this happened.) ~~~ The following text is selectively quoted from the report of Detective Dylan Thomas of the MSP Airport Police. The sections included below are primarily intended to provide information that cannot be known from watching the video. “...I asked Schroeder if I could speak to him in the rear of the aircraft and Schroeder agreed. It should be noted that at this time, there were two passengers already on board. As I began speaking with Schroeder, he started sweating and shaking. Schroeder stated he had not consumed any alcohol since last Saturday (three days prior). As Schroeder was speaking with me, I could smell a light odor of a consumed alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath. Schroeder stated he does not know why his breath would smell like alcohol. Schroeder stated he had not recently used mouthwash, gum or mints. Schroeder told me he never went to the bathroom and only went to the Delta crew room. After questioning Schroeder on this, he then stated he might have gone to the bathroom but did not discard a bottle of alcohol in the trash. I asked Schroeder twice if he felt like he was alright to fly the aircraft and as ed if he would like to leave the aircraft and go home. Schroeder stated he was not under the influence of alcohol, that he was fine and that he was going to fly the aircraft shortly. I went and spoke to the Delta Captain of the aircraft who was identified as David Oneil Battles. Battles stated that Schroeder told him this conversation was occurring because Schroeder forgot his iPad prior to going through screening. I advised Battles that Schroeder was lying to him and advised him of what was actually occurring. Battles told me that he believed he would have noticed if Schroeder was impaired. I asked Battles if he was still comfortable flying with Schroeder knowing he was being deceptive to police and him. Battles stated he was comfortable still flying with Schroeder. I then administered a Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) lack of smooth pursuit test to Schroeder in the aisle of the aircraft. Schroeder had a lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes. At that time, Officer Dixon arrived with a preliminary breath test (PBT). I checked Schroeder's mouth which was clear of debris. I administered the PBT to Schroeder. Schroeder provided a sample of .065 BrAC. [Note: the limit for operating an aircraft is .04%." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Underage Drinker Arrested For Drunk Driving

VtIjasE2JNk | 25 Dec 2019

Underage Drinker Arrested For Drunk Driving

Sticking with the Las Cruces theme for a while longer, this installment comes from the archives - prior to the introduction of the Axon Body 2 (and now 3) body worn camera. In this 2017 video, officers respond to a gas station convenience store for a report of a young man passed out in his truck. On arrival, it is apparent that the subject is (a) likely underage, and (b) smashed. Watch as officers turn this case of underage drinking and driving into a night in jail. (Also, a pretty amusing interaction over a false ID.) *At this time it is unclear whether footage exists of subsequent events. If it does, we will get it and you will see it. Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien. Available for free listening (and for commercial licensing) on SoundCloud. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

"Hey Siri, come get me!"

ejmy_O5Kgk8 | 23 Dec 2019

"Hey Siri, come get me!"

Meet Joe. Joe is moonlighting as Jesus... something about a frozen bullet— check his net worth! And on those Puerto Rican girls. Good luck following his train of thought, because Joe's brain is working much faster than yours. Unless you're on a lot of crack. The officer’s patience during his conversation with Joe (when Joe is in the back seat of the cruiser) is remarkable. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos (like this one!) -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Florida TV News Anchor Arrested for Drunk Driving

7CUEz5Z35Sw | 20 Dec 2019

Florida TV News Anchor Arrested for Drunk Driving

On December 5, 2018 Florida morning news anchor Farron Salley was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. This video presents the entirety of Salley's traffic stop, field sobriety testing, and her testy exchanges with law enforcement. Remarkably, on February 8, 2019 Assistant State Attorney Ryan G. Myers filed a memo in State of Florida v. Farron La Trice Salley, stating that "Although there was probable cause to make an arrest, the evidence cannot prove all legally required elements of the crime alleged and is insufficient to support a criminal prosecution." And with that, all charges against Salley were dropped. A copy of that filing as well as Salley's breath testing refusal is included at the end of this video. During the pendency of Salley's DUI case the WPBF anchor was suspended from her on-air duties, but when the charges against her were dropped Salley was quickly back in her former position. But the story doesn't end there. In late-June 2019 a few minutes of footage from her stop were published, resulting in WPBF "reassessing the impact of the incident." Shortly thereafter Salley resigned. Scott Jones was first to break the story of Salley's arrest back in December 2018, and was first to publish a portion of this footage months before it became big news. Jones' work can be found at And if anyone knows how to tell YouTube to exclude trailing punctuation from hyperlinks, I'm all ears. (See the preceding sentence.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Aurora Officer Found Drunk and Unresponsive On Duty Not Charged, Still Employed

Amlfc6Q0aps | 19 Dec 2019

Aurora Officer Found Drunk and Unresponsive On Duty Not Charged, Still Employed

It is extraordinarily uncommon for any chief of police to publicly criticize their counterpart at another agency, but this is an extraordinarily uncommon scenario. First, the story: On March 29, 2019 two citizens separately called 911 to report that an Aurora, Colorado police officer was unconscious and unresponsive in the driver's seat of what would turn out to be Agent Nate Meier's unmarked police vehicle. The unmarked cruiser was stopped in the middle of East Mississippi Avenue in Aurora, just east of the south gate of the Buckley Air Force Base. Meier could not be roused, which ultimately resulted in his window being broken by Aurora Fire Rescue, and responding officers noted the smell of an alcoholic beverage about Meier. Agent Meier was on duty, in uniform, armed with his duty weapon, and operating a vehicle when this occurred. When Meier was found his car's engine was still running, the vehicle was in gear, and Meier's foot was on the brake. During a subsequent internal affairs interview Meier admitted that he had left work, gone home, and drank vodka "from a bottle" — all while on duty. Meier claimed to have no recollection of anything that happened from that point until he woke up in the hospital. Although the internal affairs investigation concluded that Meier had violated four department policies, he has not faced any criminal charges. Meier was demoted from "agent" to "officer" and received an unpaid suspension whose duration has not been publicly specified. In response to widespread criticism, Aurora Police Department issued a statement (included in this video), which states in part: "Questions have been raised as to why this was not a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) investigation and why he was not charged with a DUI-related charge. Due to an inability to exclude a medical condition, and absent confirmatory information a DUI investigation was not conducted." If after seeing the available evidence you find APD's explanation difficult to swallow, you are not alone. In a highly unusual move, Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith posted to Facebook a scathing criticism of APD's response to this incident, writing - among other things - that "Meier should have been criminally charged and fired, and those who swept it under the rug should be held accountable." Smith noted that other Colorado counties, his own included, have fired and arrested officers found breaking the law "like any other citizen," and stated "This kind of BS behavior by the officer and lack of action by the department are inexcusable and are a slap in the face to the 14,000 brave and honorable peace officers across the state." Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler announced last week that he had directed his staff to begin an inquiry into the actions - and inactions - of the Aurora Police Department. *The intro to this video directs viewers to the video description. Although the on-screen text indicates that you are about to see all of the body-worn camera footage and reports associated with this incident, I have reason to believe that there may exist additional documentation that is (a) relevant, and (b) not exempt from disclosure. I am actively pursuing that material and if it is not exempt I WILL get a copy of it — whatever it takes. This video contains all of the audiovisual material that is available, apart from the silent pre-event buffer for each video, which did not capture anything material and has been removed. **I am aware that other media outlets cite unnamed sources as stating that Meier's blood alcohol concentration was over 0.45%. I have requested that APD confirm or deny that figure. I will not repeat that figure as fact without verifiable evidence. ***Less related, a surprisingly large number of people have emailed me asking to hear the rest of the new intro track. You got it, folks. The rest of the track begins at 24:56. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Don't obstruct my federal investigation, officers!

CftYWtR_ouw | 18 Dec 2019

Don't obstruct my federal investigation, officers!

Television shows and movies occasionally feature a plot of inter-agency turf battles, but reality’s plot line is typically far more mundane. When the feds and the locals start hurling accusations of obstruction at one another, a peek behind the curtain might reveal that the so-called ‘fed’ is none other than a local mentally unstable dude in violation of a court order. And on that note, meet General Wadkins. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Kent Burglary Suspects Captured With Guardian One Assist

bPh6bKj9okc | 17 Dec 2019

Kent Burglary Suspects Captured With Guardian One Assist

This video takes us back a few years, but the bad guys are just as hot and the thermal video is just as compelling. Watch as a group of suspects in a Kent, Washington burglary attempt to elude law enforcement... only to fail miserably with Guardian One overhead. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

LCPD SWAT Team Takes Wanted Man Into Custody

0AmABDxkd4s | 16 Dec 2019

LCPD SWAT Team Takes Wanted Man Into Custody

Action: The first few minutes, and then ~42:00 Reality: The whole video, watched through a few times because I cut out more than two hours of waiting around. On Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Patricio Fierro, 29, of Deming, New Mexico, was believed to be armed and barricaded in a home on the 900 block of east Hadley Avenue in Las Cruces, New Mexico. About 10 a.m. that day the Las Cruces Police Department SWAT team was activated, surrounded the home and began the process of making contact with Fierro. At least two other occupants left the home during the incident. Members of the SWAT team cleared adjacent homes while residents in other surrounding homes were asked to shelter in place. Roads in the area were temporarily blocked during the incident. A sergeant with LCPD’s Hostage Negotiations Team made telephonic contact with Fierro and was instrumental in negotiating his eventual surrender. About 12:30 p.m. Fierro exited the home and was taken into custody without further incident. No shots were fired, and no injuries were reported. Fierro was turned over to the custody of federal agents, as the FBI is the lead investigative agency in reference to Fierro. *Regarding the term "fatal funnel" that is heard in this video, with an on-screen reference to the description: The "fatal funnel" refers to areas such as stairwells, hallways and doorways that are generally narrow and confining, offering little or no cover or concealment during building-clearing operations. There is a movement, however, against the use of language that suggests inevitable loss, instead encouraging positive and goal-oriented language. You don't want an officer thinking that the fight is over and that they are done for if they are caught in a "fatal funnel" when the fight breaks out. Brian Willis suggests instead calling those areas what they are — thresholds and transitional areas. Willis, the retired officer behind Winning Mind Training, suggests "In order to search a building, officers must move through these thresholds and transitional areas. Therefore, it would be more desirable to learn tactics to both minimize time in these areas when possible, and win fights in these areas when necessary." It's hard to win a fight if you lack the confidence in your ability to do so. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

"What's up, Britney!"

hXmTgQUQFnE | 14 Dec 2019

"What's up, Britney!"

New places, familiar faces. It's time for some frequent flyers. Watch as officers with the Cincinnati Police Department pull over our old friend Dan... and run into a buddy of their own. Interestingly, the two officers appear to differ in how they prefer to handle minor crimes. If you haven't met Dan, he was the star of "Did you know that your fiancée just swallowed a bunch of crack?" Real World Police first published that story on May 29, 2019. For a direct link to that video, check the pinned comment below. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Las Cruces Police Make Fast Arrest in Road Rage Incident

lfnCBgDzHN4 | 13 Dec 2019

Las Cruces Police Make Fast Arrest in Road Rage Incident

On April 9, 2019 officers of the Las Cruces Police Department arrested Adam Cardenas Jr., 23, and charged him with one count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon — a fourth-degree felony. Investigators learned that a woman had been traveling east on Lohman Avenue about 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 9, when her car was nearly struck by an SUV that drifted into her lane. The woman told police she sounded her vehicle’s horn to avoid a crash. In response, the SUV slowed down until it was next to her vehicle, at which point the passenger of the SUV leaned out of his window and pointed a handgun at the woman. Classy. A Las Cruces police officer spotted a vehicle partially matching the description provided by the woman, and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle near Spruce Avenue and Wingate Court. The passenger was identified as Cardenas. Cardenas quickly denied being in possession of any weapons, but officers didn’t take his word for it and (surprise!) Cardenas changed his mind once a pat down was underway, revealing that he was carrying a 9mm handgun in his waistband. The gun had a round in the chamber and a loaded magazine was recovered from the passenger-side of the Tahoe. Cardenas was arrested and booked into the Dona Ana County Detention Center. No charges were filed against the driver of the SUV. Correction: The video description initially stated that Cardenas has denied being in possession of a firearm. That was inaccurate, and the description has been updated. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Extremely Drunk Dude Arrested For DUI, Speeding, Expired Plates

gMPbjUnA8d0 | 12 Dec 2019

Extremely Drunk Dude Arrested For DUI, Speeding, Expired Plates

This DUI arrest marks a number of firsts for this channel. For starters, the subject actually realizes that he is incoherent. Watch at ~6:13 as it dawns on him. Things continue downhill from there, getting rather unique between ~7:00 and ~8:00, as the subject expresses total confusion as to how he could possibly give the officer proof that he has insurance. [In case you're confused (because, you know, it's just a piece of paper that you keep in the car) rest assured that everything is fine with you. Dude in the video makes no sense.] Finally, according to the police report, "After two attempts the test was stopped for [subject's] safety, as he had extreme difficulty maintaining balance." Too drunk to safely complete field sobriety tests? Not looking good. Set your time machine to August 15, 2018 and let's tag along with officers for some roadside gymnastics. *Don't forget to cast your vote in the "Guess his BAC %" poll, @ 21:09! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Wrong-Way Driver Nearly Kills Ohio Trooper; Trooper Is Not Thrilled

0HSCNe5hGaE | 10 Dec 2019

Wrong-Way Driver Nearly Kills Ohio Trooper; Trooper Is Not Thrilled

As many of you are aware, law enforcement agencies have a unique ability to acquire (and then never replace) some of the worst video and audio recording equipment known to man. The Ohio State Highway Patrol is no exception. In this "can't believe it was captured in 2018" footage, watch as a trooper cruising down the highway rounds a curve, only to find himself confronted by a wrong-way driver about to take him out in a head-on collision. Needless to say, the trooper wasn't happy. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Dolphins Linebacker Rey Maualuga: The Strip Club Surveillance Video

NNUYNjlI14Q | 09 Dec 2019

Arrest of Dolphins Linebacker Rey Maualuga: The Strip Club Surveillance Video

Rey Maualuga, born January 20, 1987, is a former NFL linebacker. He played college football at USC, and was recognized as a unanimous All-American before being drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals in the second round of the 2009 NFL Draft. He has also played for the Miami Dolphins… a stint that came to an abrupt end in late-2017. On November 18, 2017, Maualuga was arrested for battery in Miami, Florida. He was accused of grabbing and shoving an employee at Miami’s E11EVEN nightclub, all over a $40 bar tab dispute. Shortly thereafter, the Miami Dolphins waived Maualuga, who found himself charged with misdemeanor battery. After countless postponements, one year after being charged Maualuga accepted a pretrial diversion anger management program, which he successfully completed. The case against Maualuga was dismissed in December 2018. This is the first time the club surveillance footage is being shown publicly. Voice: Eric Hollaway Music: Fesliyan Studios, with David Renda ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Police helicopter rescues woman from alpine lake

oGjy7Z0G2HI | 09 Dec 2019

Police helicopter rescues woman from alpine lake

You asked for more helicopter rescue videos, you got 'em. Because people always ask about blurring, here is more than you wanted to know: ~The woman's face is blurred because she is clearly not having a fun time, and she didn't break the law. In this case - as in nearly all cases you see here - she does not have a legal right to privacy of her image, but I believe that ethically she does. ~Some might point out that you can see her face momentarily at times, and they would be right. It's always important to remember why you are doing things. In this case, she is not in witness protection. It's okay that you know what she looks like. Her face is blurred because she is injured and hurting due to an accident — and when she is shouting in pain her face is obscured. ~If you're wondering why the blur occasionally jumps around or misses its target, for this video I decided to give Google's automatic face identification and blurring feature another shot. Verdict: it still needs a lot of work... and YouTube's manual blurring tool, used to 'touch up' the automated tool, is simply bad. (It's great that the tool exists, but my praise ends there.) ~In hindsight, it would have been far simpler and neater - though still time consuming - to go back to FCPX, blur it there, rerender, reupload, etc. Live and learn. ∞∞∞ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are over 400 free videos to enjoy!

Drunk NFL player tries to leave accident scene, stopped by state police

cVwUmXlbNFY | 07 Dec 2019

Drunk NFL player tries to leave accident scene, stopped by state police

[Note: Reasonably accurate subtitles are available for this video. More info below.] Dozens of media outlets have reported on the DUI arrest of NY Jets tight-end Chris Herndon, but every other report was missing a big part of the story: the drunk NFL rookie had tried to leave the scene of the accident... only to be stopped by a New Jersey trooper. ∞∞∞ In this Real World Police exclusive, watch as a New Jersey State Police trooper driving an unmarked vehicle comes up on the scene of a rollover accident. As soon as the trooper exits his vehicle he notices a black male standing on the shoulder walking quickly away from him — and away from the accident scene. Recognizing that normal people don't hang out on the side of the highway, the trooper quickly realizes that the male was probably involved, and the he orders the male to stop. Shortly thereafter, we hear the male confirm his involvement in the accident, and identify himself as New York Jets rookie tight-end Chris Herndon. The trooper informs his colleagues that Herndon had been attempting to leave the scene of the accident, changing the CAD code for the incident from a traffic accident to an investigatory stop. The trooper explicitly informs his colleagues that Herndon had been drinking, and reminds them to "do [their] job"... but to also watch out for the "PR nightmare" to come. The full-length version of this dash cam video is a bit more than ten minutes long. Although the unedited version doesn't contain anything earth-shattering beyond what you see/hear in this edit, it will be posted to Patreon soon for those who are interested. Correction: An earlier version of this video’s description implied that Herndon is no longer with the Jets. That was incorrect. Thank you to Roman Shepherd for the correction. *Real World Police is dedicated to ethical journalism and our content is biased heavily in favor of the truth, whatever it happens to show. If you ever notice a factual error in a video or video description, we want to know! The fastest and most reliable way to notify us is by sending an email to [email protected]. (Thousands of new comments are left daily and we couldn’t possibly see them all. Correction emails are sent to multiple people, are read immediately, and are prioritized.) Similarly, if you believe that we have missed a redaction, we want to know so we can investigate and address the issue if we agree. The email address for all such notifications is [email protected]. Be sure to include the relevant video title and time stamp. Thank you. ∞∞∞ Subtitles, and Community Contributions: Reasonably accurate subtitles are available for this video, so if you have any difficulty understanding the radio traffic, I suggest enabling closed captioning. Also, as is the case with all videos on this channel, Community Contributions are enabled for this video. That means you can translate and subtitle anything you want... as long as it's accurate. If you are willing to translate this or other video titles and/or descriptions, by all means, go to town! We'd love to have your help. Similarly, you are invited to translate any video you wish by adding subtitles in your own language. (You can also suggest corrections to any existing subtitles.) Note that there will always be a delay in posting your contribution, as all user submissions are reviewed for accuracy before they go live. ∞∞∞ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

"I completely forgot about that Molly!"

4y0uW8C_xog | 06 Dec 2019

"I completely forgot about that Molly!"

From the incident report: "On October 21, 2019 at approximately 10:47 hours, Lower Township Patrolman Danze conducted a motor vehicle stop on Bayshore Road by Miami Avenue in the Villas, New Jersey. Upon approach to the vehicle Ptlm. Danze made contact with the driver/defendant Breanna Gara and the passenger Matthew Britton. Ms. Gara appeared nervous and her hand was shaking. Mr. Britton appeared to be under the influence of C.D.S. During questioning, Ms. Gara gave inconsistent answers and continued to act nervous. During further investigation, Ms. Gara admitted to having hypodermic syringes inside the vehicle . Ptlm. Danze retrieved the syringes located inside the center console. Some of the syringes appeared to contain a liquid believed to be C.D.S. Also located in the center console were several small plastic containers with C.D.S. residue. One container contained a white power substance. Ptlm. Danze continued the search of the vehicle and located a green bag in the rear seat containing multiple hypodermic syringes and located a plastic vial containing suspected C.D.S. in her purse. Ms. Gara was placed under arrest and searched incident to arrest. Located in her front pocket was a clear plastic bag containing suspected "Molly" (MDMA). Ms. Gara was transported and processed, and the suspected C.D.S. and paraphernalia were entered into evidence." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are over 400 free videos to enjoy!

Kazi's Hookah Lounge Shooting - Renton, Washington [Uber Footage]

C3jIEQQ-daY | 05 Dec 2019

Kazi's Hookah Lounge Shooting - Renton, Washington [Uber Footage]

On the night of September 4, 2017 gunfire erupted at Kazi's Hookah Lounge in Renton, Washington. When officers from Renton Police Department arrived on scene they found a man in his mid-20s who had been shot at least three times, and were informed that another person with non-life-threatening injuries had already been transported to a local hospital. We will soon be publishing surveillance footage showing the interior of the lounge at the moment gunfire erupted, capturing the chaotic scene that followed. Kicking off our coverage, however, is footage from an unexpected source: an in-vehicle camera belonging to an Uber driver... who happened to be transporting a passenger to Kazi's at just the wrong time. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

"It's The Law To Allow Me To Nurse!"

XjJ93H-9Q-M | 05 Dec 2019

"It's The Law To Allow Me To Nurse!"

This video was captured a couple of years ago in Albuquerque, New Mexico on a previous-generation body-worn camera. As a result, the audio and video quality are not quite up to par. On top of that, out of respect for the privacy interests of the children involved in this incident I have blurred the overwhelming majority of this video. Nevertheless, the contents of this video are so insane that I think it's still worth a listen. If you haven't heard crazy lately, I will caution you to steel yourself — because this video is off the charts. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of NY Jets Tight End Chris Herndon [Full Video]

ZtyNsQLCTPw | 04 Dec 2019

Arrest of NY Jets Tight End Chris Herndon [Full Video]

At 4:45 am on June 2, 2018, officers of the New Jersey State Police responded to reports of a rollover accident on I-80 Westbound in Rockaway Township. Fortunately, despite heavy damage to the vehicles involved everyone was perfectly fine. Troopers launched an investigation, which culminated in the DUI arrest of New York Jets rookie tight end Chris Herndon. This exclusive footage is the product of months of work, and we are proud to bring it to you today. As seen in this NJSP body cam video, Herndon was arrested after he crashed his SUV — a 2018 Nissan Armada — into another SUV, a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser. Upon striking the second vehicle, Herndon's SUV flipped and slid about 700 feet, leaving behind one of his wheels literally embedded in the side of the vehicle he struck. Although a witness on scene estimated that Herndon has been driving over 100 miles per hour, Herndon told a different story, reporting to responding troopers that he had been driving only 58 miles per hour... a claim they clearly disbelieved. Herndon is heard telling officers that he was coming from New York City and heading to Florham Park, and that as he turned into the lane to take the exit, what he thought was a Nissan (the FJ) hit him - causing his SUV to flip - and then sped off. In response, an officer questioned how one of Herndon's tires ended up embedded in the side of other car. Herndon didn’t even try to explain that one. When asked if he had anything to drink, Herndon tells the officer "not a lot,” an amount he quantified at two half-cups of wine. The officer would later write in his report that he smelled “a strong odor of alcohol emanating from his breath" and further noted Herndon’s “watery, bloodshot eyes." The second driver, 76-year-old Albert Elliott of Manalapan, told police that he had been en route to “an excursion in Philadelphia,” hauling a small flatbed trailer and towing a yellow motor car. Elliott is heard telling an officer "I thought I did something wrong, but the whole side of my car is caved in." A witness on scene reported to officers that Herndon's vehicle had passed him going "at least 100 miles per hour" and that a mile later up the road he noticed the vehicle flipped on its side. The witness pulled over to help Herndon when he saw that a second vehicle (behind Herndon’s) was on fire. The witness extinguished the fire and determined that everyone involved was physically okay. After investigating the scene, the officer determined that as Herndon attempted to change lanes in order to take the exit, he struck the rear of the trailer and motor car. The impact caused the motor car to be pushed into the vehicle, and Herndon’s car continued forward, striking the side of the second car. The force of that impact was such that Herndon’s front tire and rim completely detached and remained stuck in the second vehicle. More exclusive information on this incident to come soon. An additional hour of State Police dash cam footage will be available to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon later this week. (The reason for the delay will be apparent. Mysteries...✌️) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Don’t Shove Things Into Police Officers

p1asMYLA8r4 | 03 Dec 2019

Don’t Shove Things Into Police Officers

This installment takes us back to a familiar haunt: Las Cruces, New Mexico. Unusually, however, we take a substantial leap backward in time to watch this footage. So set your time machines for the year 2013 and tag along with a group of LCPD officers dispatched to handle an... unusual... noise complaint. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

DUI Arrest of New Jersey Political Influencer Steve DeMicco

EZlCQDve1fU | 01 Dec 2019

DUI Arrest of New Jersey Political Influencer Steve DeMicco

Stephen “Steve” DeMicco is a political consultant and influencer, well-known In New Jersey political circles as an expert at media relations and campaign marketing and messaging. Active in New Jersey politics for more than 30 years, DeMicco has been involved in successful campaigns for every statewide elected seat, including three U.S. Senators and two governors of New Jersey. DeMicco worked on former Democratic U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey Jon Corzine's 2000 senate bid, Democratic U.S. Senator Cory Booker's successful 2006 race for mayor of Newark, N.J. as well as the successful 2006 campaign of Democratic U.S. Senator Robert Menendez. He was also... recently arrested for DUI following a traffic stop by police officers of his alma mater — Rutgers University. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Ohio State Highway Patrol Helicopter Locates Wanted Felon in Woods

q3UKnRrsk00 | 30 Nov 2019

Ohio State Highway Patrol Helicopter Locates Wanted Felon in Woods

On April 13, 2019 Ohio State Highway Patrol's aviation unit was called upon to assist Ashland County Sheriff's Office with their search for Kyle Billick, a wanted felon who had been seen in the county and was thought to be hiding in an area of dense brush near Cinnamon Lake. Watch as airborne troopers convince Billick to give himself up, and as Ashland County Sheriff’s Office deputies escort the fugitive out of the woods and into custody. Billick was charged with resisting arrest and obstructing official business. He pleaded no contest to the charges, but was nonetheless found guilty and sentenced to 50 days in jail on April 15, 2019. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 400 free videos to enjoy!

Pullman Police Respond to Cow Wandering Around Downtown

Y4guNBx6jw4 | 29 Nov 2019

Pullman Police Respond to Cow Wandering Around Downtown

On September 22, 2019 at 6:40 pm officers of the Pullman Police Department were dispatched to a report of a stray calf wandering around downtown. Call disposition: "Calf was taken into custody, officers still attempting to locate owner." Real World Police has followed up with the Pullman Police Department requesting information on the current status of the calf. This video description will be updated when we have more information to share. Music: Enjoy Yourself by Steven O’Brien (Available on SoundCloud) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos (including exclusive footage from multiple officer-involved shootings) -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien

Ohio State Highway Patrol DUI Arrestee Won't Do Tricks

XfcSdxeV-Q0 | 28 Nov 2019

Ohio State Highway Patrol DUI Arrestee Won't Do Tricks

"So, how do you think you did on those tests?" "About a D...." Sounds about right. This arrestee is a great example of the erratic and unpredictable emotional state of an intoxicated person when they are placed under arrest. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien

Mark Is Not Resisting, or "How to Get Maced"

d4kNN0neH1Q | 27 Nov 2019

Mark Is Not Resisting, or "How to Get Maced"

Kidding. Mark is definitely resisting. He also has a warrant. And, apparently, a desire to fight. Perhaps the most mind-boggling part of this entire incident is that there ended up being no physical evidence indicating that Mark was trying to do anything other than hand his girlfriend a bunch of rubber bands. Seriously. If you've never experienced the joys of OC spray and are wondering what all the fuss is about, I highly recommend continuing to live your life ignorant. It's bottled hell, conjured out of a pepper. [Trivia: the percentage strength advertised on OC spray is only part of the story. The primary factor in determining the strength of a particular product is the strength of the OC that's *in* the spray, not its concentration. That depends on the grind of the pepper before the oil is extracted. It's also important that the oil be dispensed as a fine spray, and higher oil concentrations are more difficult to atomize.] Additional footage to come on Patreon. Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -Additional footage from videos you see here -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy and there are no plans to change that.

Alpharetta Officer Pulls Over McLaren Driving 155 MPH [With Officer Speed]

67ZuPS8Yi9g | 26 Nov 2019

Alpharetta Officer Pulls Over McLaren Driving 155 MPH [With Officer Speed]

In the wake of this traffic stop Alpharetta Police Department released footage of the stop, but missing from the public video was was any indication of how fast their officer was driving. Not anymore! As you watch this version, note the officer's creative replies to her supervisor's repeated inquiry, "What is your speed?" (The complete incident report is at the end of this video.) For those of you who are wondering, Dwayne Sherwood Pope was driving a 2018 McLaren 720S, a car that is - to be frank - so insanely fast that Pope's story that he wasn't trying to elude the officer? It's almost believable. The 720S features a terrifying top speed of 212 MPH and is one of the quickest production cars in existence, with reported 0-60 times below 2.4 seconds. Doesn't go that fast when you're in jail, though. "What is your speed?" "In excess of a hundred." 😂 ~~~ In the words of Officer C.N. Lawrence: On 11/12/17 at approximately 0300 hours, I was traveling southbound on GA400 approaching Mansell Rd in a marked Alpharetta patrol vehicle (#15-07). I noticed a vehicle approaching me from behind in lane 2, which appeared to be traveling at a speed that I believed to be well above the posted 65 mph speed limit. The vehicle passed me and continued driving at a high rate of speed. The vehicle appeared to be accelerating at a fast rate. I visually estimated the vehicle's speed to be in excess of 100 mph. I paced the vehicle at 105 mph, as it passed the Mansell Rd off-ramp. I also checked the vehicle's speed with my RADAR device and the device read 109 mph. It quickly reached a speed in excess of 115 mph. I activated my emergency equipment in an attempt to pull the vehicle over as it passed the Mansell on-ramp to GA400SB. The vehicle then continued to accelerate after I activated my emergency equipment. The vehicle was failing to maintain its lane, and at times would straddle the boundary line that divided two lanes of travel. The vehicle was also changing lanes without using a turn signal and weaving in and out of the traffic that it was passing. I checked the vehicle's speed again with my RADAR device and the device read 155 mph. I reached a speed of 143 mph in my patrol vehicle and the vehicle was still pulling away from me. The vehicle could not maintain a consistent speed, as it varied between 115 mph and 155 mph. The vehicle braked abruptly several times, but did not stop. As we passed the exit for Northridge (exit 6), the vehicle braked abruptly again and went from approximately 150 mph to 0 mph in a matter of several seconds. After the vehicle came to a stop, I was able to identify it as a McLaren. I made contact with the driver, identified as Dwayne Pope. I asked him why he didn't stop when I turned my blue lights on and he stated he did not see my blue lights or hear my siren. He stated that he pulled over when he saw me behind him, which was approximately 5 miles after I initiated my emergency equipment. I noticed his eyes were bloodshot, watery and glassy. I noticed he had a blank stare. I noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage about his breath and person. I asked how much he had been drinking and he stated, "not much." I asked him how much that was and he stated three drinks. The stop continues from there, and the rest of the report is embedded in the video. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Seattle Police Pursuit and Arrest of DV Shooting Suspect

4sK3n5rxF_o | 25 Nov 2019

Seattle Police Pursuit and Arrest of DV Shooting Suspect

*The SUV wrecks at ~2:43 On June 7, 2018 Armon L. Irons was arrested by officers of the Seattle Police Department and King County Sheriff's Office following a county-wide search and eventual vehicle pursuit, which ended in Irons barricading himself inside his Volkswagen SUV as SPD SWAT was called to respond. (Irons was taken into custody just before SWAT pulled up on scene.) For background, the following is an officer narrative from the case file: "Shoreline had a DV shooting at approx. 0600 hours. Dispatch stated the suspect, Armon Irons, fled in a grey VW Atlas SUV. King County detectives informed SPD that Irons' cell was pinging in the area around ML King / Henderson at approx. 0730 hours. Officer Ducre found the vehicle at ML King / Boeing Access Road, and a pursuit ensued. Irons was northbound in the southbound lanes in the 9000 block of East Marginal Way South, and blew out the SUV's left front tire. The pursuit continued northbound until the 7900 block of East Marginal Way South, where Irons lost control of the VW, drove onto a dirt / gravel road, and crashed into the railroad tracks on the west side. Irons and an unknown passenger were taken into custody shortly thereafter. I noted the following damage to the VW Atlas: the left front tire had blown out and the rim ground down by contact with pavement. The remaining three rims had large gouges. King County took custody of Irons. SPD requested the charge for investigation of felony eluding be filed." Once we finish redacting it of personal information, the complete 102-page police report associated with this incident will be available to channel supporters on Patreon. [On that note: Thank you! Like most videos on this channel, this video has been demonetized by YouTube. Your support makes this all possible, and we work hard to make it worth your while. Newly added on Patreon (only): exclusive footage and extensive information from a 2016 Florida officer-involved shooting, recently acquired after a few months' tug-of-war with the agency.] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien

Asbury Park Police Respond to Disgruntled Oyster Protester

x10_y6MyLj0 | 22 Nov 2019

Asbury Park Police Respond to Disgruntled Oyster Protester

Sometimes you hire someone and it just doesn't work out the way you expect. The logical move from there is to go your separate ways and move on with your lives, right? Certainly. But that's only when you're dealing with rational people. And on May 8, 2019 in Asbury Park, New Jersey.... a termination went sideways. For Chris D'Angelo, employment at The Bonney Read seafood restaurant in Asbury Park was short-lived — a mere ten days. But after he was fired, D'Angelo wasn't done with the establishment. Instead of moving on, D'Angelo swore to "destroy" the restaurant on social media and in public, setting up a self-styled 'protest' directly in front of the eatery decrying what he alleged to be unsafe food handling practices. D'Angelo's allegations were firmly rooted in the unlikely. Even ignoring the fact that no one else was claiming to be sick, and that D'Angelo had just been fired, didn't appear very stable, and was clearly annoyed, The Bonney Read's owner and executive chef, James Avery, cut his teeth as Gordon Ramsay's consultant and on-air sous chef on both "Hell's Kitchen" and "Kitchen Nightmares," two shows that rocketed Ramsay to superstardom. That's not the kind of person to risk their restaurant in order to make a few extra bucks. But how could the cops get D'Angelo to move along? After all, he was just flexing his constitutional rights. Watch as Asbury Park police get creative, turning D'Angelo's words against him and turning D'Angelo's promise that he was "not going anywhere" into a rapid departure. ~~~ Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Police Interview Leader of Outlaw Motorcycle Gang

_hGaCXPrXrI | 21 Nov 2019

Police Interview Leader of Outlaw Motorcycle Gang

In June 2019, Earl D. Fisher pleaded guilty to conspiracy to engage in racketeering in in connection with the 2015 kidnapping and murder of Robert "Bagger" Huggins, a former club member. As part of his plea agreement, Fisher acknowledged that the motorcycle club, from at least January 2008 until October 2018, was an organization whose members followed a written code, wielding their power through intimidation and violence while enriching themselves through extortion, robbery and drug distribution. The charges stem from the 2015 kidnapping and killing of Robert “Bagger” Huggins, 56. Portland’s Gypsy Joker president Mark Leroy Dencklau ordered the attack on Huggins and others helped, according to another co-defendant, Tiler Evan Pribbernow, who cooperated with the government and also pleaded guilty to racketeering. The June 2015 kidnapping and subsequent killing was in retaliation for Huggins’ burglary and robbery at Dencklau’s Woodburn home earlier that month, the government alleged.Prosecutors say that Huggins had targeted Dencklau’s home after getting kicked out of the club for stealing and breaking club rules. Dencklau’s then-girlfriend was tied up and Huggins stole some of Dencklau’s property, including guns, according to the government. Fisher acknowledged his involvement in the club’s crimes, including the murder and kidnapping, according to court papers. After arrests were made, investigators discovered incriminating jail notes passed between Dencklau and Fisher tying them to the killing. Fisher is scheduled to be sentenced December 10, 2019. The racketeering conspiracy offense brings a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Ex-Army Combat Medic Stabs Neighbor: Interrogation of Benjamin Gregory Lewis

2msjdon8-rM | 19 Nov 2019

Ex-Army Combat Medic Stabs Neighbor: Interrogation of Benjamin Gregory Lewis

[The police interview of Amiya T. Johnson, the victim in this incident, is available now to all supporters on Patreon. Johnson's story bears little similarity to the one Lewis tells in this video.] On the night of April 10, 2016 Benjamin Gregory Lewis, then 37, got into a fight with his Lakewood, Washington neighbor Amiya T. Johnson. Lewis was a former Army combat medic who had served in Iraq. He had been detailed to Ranger school at Fort Benning, Georgia, and would disclose later that night that he was diagnosed with PTSD. At the time the fight occurred Lewis was working in construction as a concrete finisher. Despite not knowing the name of the person he was about to nearly kill, Lewis and Johnson threw down in the parking lot of their apartment complex. At one point during the fight, Lewis was seen by witnesses on top of Johnson attempting to strangle him. Witnesses also reported seeing Lewis holding a steak knife, which he used to deliver four stab wounds to Johnson's neck and upper body. Lewis fled in a dark colored Kia before the police arrived. When officers arrived on scene they found Johnson lying in a supine position on the ground. He appeared incoherent and there was a knife blade - broken from the handle - on the ground next to him. Also nearby were a glass crack pipe and a 211 Steel Reserve beer can. Responding officers observed multiple puncture wounds on Johnson and a medic bystander was providing basic life support. On scene officers contacted a neighbor who had witnessed much of the fight and also contacted Amber Lance, Benjamin Lewis's girlfriend. The neighbor-witness made allegations suggesting that Amber had been involved in the crime. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Officer Nick McClelland had located Lewis's Kia, and with the assistance of other officers made a high-risk traffic stop, taking Lewis into custody. Lewis was cooperative and told Officer McClelland that he would answer questions "to a point." He related that he had just left his residence and was headed to "nowhere". When asked why he had blood on him, Lewis responded "there was a scuffle." Officer McClelland asked him who he had a "scuffle" with and Lewis replied "a dude that kept fucking with me" who he could only describe as a fat black male. When Officer McClelland asked Lewis what had happened during the fight, Lewis replied "I was trying to kill him." Lewis denied using any weapons and stated that he was only trying to choke the fat black dude. Benjamin Lewis, Amber Lance, and the witness were all brought to the Lakewood police station for questioning. A few days ago Real World Police published a video containing exclusive footage of the police interview of the neighbor-witness, as well as the interrogation of Amber Lance. This is the interrogation of Benjamin Gregory Lewis. Although Lewis initially pleaded not guilty, on August 25, 2016 Lewis pleaded guilty in Pierce County Superior Court to two counts of second-degree assault. Judge John McCarthy sentenced him to two years, two months in prison. Update: Real World Police has purchased copies of the sentencing order, warrant of confinement, and order setting restitution in this case. The latter order reveals that Lewis was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $36,093.34. Interestingly, the funds are to be allocated as follows: $1,956.24 for crime victims compensation, and $34,137.10 to "Community Health Plan," the latter being the cost of Johnson's medical treatment. Additionally, Lewis was ordered to pay court and justice-related costs in the amount of $800. A ten-year no contact order was issued for Lewis in relation to Amiya Johnson. (The no contact order is not legally allowed to last longer than the maximum sentence for the crime.) The sentencing order also contains criminal history information for Lewis. It contains three line items. In 2008 Lewis was convicted of 3rd degree theft and driving under the influence (the same incident) and in 2010 Lewis was again convicted of driving under the influence. *Correction: The victim's first name is "Amiya" not "Amaya" as appears at the end of the video. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Florida Woman Drives Into Moving Train, Is Fine (Car Is Not Fine)

b6jSG2dXknk | 18 Nov 2019

Florida Woman Drives Into Moving Train, Is Fine (Car Is Not Fine)

Around 6:30 am on August 11, 2019 Jacksonville Police received a call about woman whose car had hit a train. The car's engine was gone, but the driver was reportedly fine — the tongue-lashing she was about to receive from her sister would be far worse than her minimal injuries from the crash. The woman had been driving north on West Moncrief Road toward Federal Street in Jacksonville, Florida, when - for reasons still unknown - she did not stop in time for an oncoming Amtrak passenger train. Her vehicle struck the train between its first and second engines, "popping a hose" from the Amtrak and sending the passenger train into emergency. The collision destroyed the front end of the woman's car and the 79 MPH train's engines literally decoupled as a result of the impact. The train's engineer would later tell police "I am glad that she was okay, and I'm glad that we didn't derail." Music: "Vlog Vibes" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Ex-Army Combat Medic Stabs Neighbor: Interviews & Interrogations, Part I

bGCPsQs2GfY | 16 Nov 2019

Ex-Army Combat Medic Stabs Neighbor: Interviews & Interrogations, Part I

On the night of April 10, 2016 Benjamin Gregory Lewis, then 37, got into a fight with his Lakewood (WA) neighbor Amaya T. Johnson. Lewis was a former Army combat medic who had served in Iraq. He had been accepted to Ranger school at Fort Benning, Georgia, and would disclose later that night that he was diagnosed with PTSD. At the time the fight occurred Lewis was working in construction as a concrete finisher. Despite not knowing the name of the person he was about to nearly kill, Lewis and Johnson threw down in the parking lot of their apartment complex. At one point during the fight, Lewis was seen by witnesses on top of Johnson attempting to strangle him. Witnesses also reported seeing Lewis holding a steak knife, which he used to deliver four stab wounds to Johnson's neck and upper body. Lewis fled in a dark colored Kia before the police arrived. When officers arrived on scene they found Johnson lying in a supine position on the ground. He appeared incoherent and there was a knife blade - broken from the handle - on the ground next to him. Also nearby were a glass crack pipe and a 211 Steel Reserve beer can. Responding officers observed multiple puncture wounds on Johnson and a medic bystander was providing basic life support. On scene officers contacted a neighbor who had witnessed much of the fight and also contacted Amber Lance, Benjamin Lewis's girlfriend. The neighbor-witness made allegations suggesting that Amber had been involved in the crime. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Officer Nick McClelland had located Lewis's Kia, and with the assistance of other officers made a high-risk traffic stop, taking Lewis into custody. Lewis was cooperative and told Officer McClelland that he would answer questions "to a point." He related that he had just left his residence and was headed to "nowhere". When asked why he had blood on him, Lewis responded "there was a scuffle." Officer McClelland asked him who he had a "scuffle" with and Lewis replied "a dude that kept fucking with me" who he could only describe as a fat black male. When Officer McClelland asked Lewis what had happened during the fight, Lewis replied "I was trying to kill him." Lewis denied using any weapons and stated that he was only trying to choke the fat black dude. Benjamin Lewis, Amber Lance, and the witness were all brought to the Lakewood, Washington police station for questioning. This video contains the police interview of the neighbor-witness, followed by the interrogation of Amber Lance, girlfriend of former combat medic and neighbor-stabber Benjamin Lewis. The police interrogation of Benjamin Gregory Lewis is available right now to all Real World Police supporters on Patreon. It will be available publicly on Tuesday this week. Additionally, all Patreon supporters will soon have access to the complete police report for this case, as well as a 30-minute audio interview with the victim — who has a very different version of events. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

NFL Star Myles Garrett Punched by Random Moron [Full Report Body Cam]

uhZJJn7UsWo | 13 Nov 2019

NFL Star Myles Garrett Punched by Random Moron [Full Report Body Cam]

Myles Lorenz Garrett stands nearly 6' 5" tall and weighs in at a lean 275 pounds. He played college football at Texas A&M, and was drafted by the Cleveland Browns first overall in the 2017 NFL Draft. Needless to say, Garrett is not the kind of person most people would consider punching in the face. But 5' 7", 160 pound Richard A. Perez is not most people. And for reasons still unknown, on October 18, 2019 Perez approached Garrett while the footballer was sitting in his car and got to work. Perez first requested a photograph with Garrett, who obliged by rolling down his window. The photograph went normally. Everything was cool. And then came the punch. Garrett was not hurt, but he was understandably upset. Footage of Garrett filing a report with officers of the Cleveland Police Department was quickly released in the wake of the incident, but few people are aware that CPD only released a couple of minutes of footage. And that there was more. Right here, right now, you can watch it all — only on Real World Police. ~~~ Music by Steven O'Brien; "Enjoy Yourself" Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Officer Trainee Awkwards His Way Through a DUI Arrest

p4ePJQyMV0c | 12 Nov 2019

Officer Trainee Awkwards His Way Through a DUI Arrest

Everyone's gotta start somewhere... Music: "Enjoy Yourself" by Steven O'Brien ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Cincinnati Police Foot Chase, Tasing

9Go0k1TffkA | 11 Nov 2019

Cincinnati Police Foot Chase, Tasing

[If you want to know what reality is like, watch the whole video. If you want to skip to the action, start at 6:45.] In today's installment, watch as officers of the Cincinnati Police Department get an unexpected workout, dish out a bit of tasing, and even compliment the guy they had been chasing on his impressive leap from an elevated parking lot. All in a day's work on Real World Police. Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are hundreds of free videos to enjoy.

Bellevue Car Theft Suspect Can't Outrun Police Helicopter (and More)

Lu0dpls2Nws | 09 Nov 2019

Bellevue Car Theft Suspect Can't Outrun Police Helicopter (and More)

In this installment, two for the price of one. The first video captures the capture of a Bellevue, Washington suspected car thief, running in all his infrared-radiant glory right into the waiting cuffs of local law enforcement. Round two brings us to a non-criminal incident, but a cool (hot?) one nonetheless: the extinguishment of a vehicle fire, captured on video in both visible light and infrared. Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Police Detective Arrested For Drunk Driving

CVvSnj7z6n0 | 08 Nov 2019

Police Detective Arrested For Drunk Driving

The following is the report of Deputy Chief Paul Brock: On October 25, 2019 at 10:36pm, I was off duty at my residence when I received a phone call from Lieutenant Marc Pacheco, L282. Lieutenant Pacheco called to advise me that graveyard officers had been dispatched to a possible intoxicated driver and located the vehicle on Highway 70 near the Mesa Grande exit. He stated that the driver of the vehicle was Stephanie Carabajal. He further indicated that the officers were standing by waiting for Sergeant Feliciano Garcia L737 to arrive at the location. I then immediately placed a phone call to Deputy Chief Miguel Dominguez as he is the Deputy Chief over investigations. I placed a second phone call to Lieutenant Pacheco and asked him to request that New Mexico State Police conduct the investigation into this incident. I then proceeded to the scene from my residence. I arrived at the location near 11:15 pm and contacted Sergeant Garcia. Sergeant Garcia gave me a quick briefing of the circumstances and stated that Ms. Carabajal was seated inside her vehicle and they were waiting for state police to arrive. I observed Ms. Carabajal’ s vehicle facing east bound partially parked in the outside lane and partially on the roadway shoulder. A blue Nissan pickup displaying NM license plate NWR204. I stood by until state police arrived and began an investigation. I stood next to the state police unit as the state police officer and Sergeant Garcia contacted both the witness and Ms. Carabajal. I observed Ms. Carabajal exit her vehicle from the passenger front door and walk back towards the state police unit. While walking back Ms. Carabajal lifted her arm up to block the light from the emergency lights on the state police unit. She then sat on the front bumper area of the unit and had a conversation with the state police officer. Shortly thereafter Ms. Carabajal was placed into handcuffs by the state police officer and placed in the rear seat of his unit. I could not hear the conversation that Ms. Carabajal had with the officer as I was not close enough and the engine noise from the unit prevented me from hearing it. After Ms. Carabajal was arrested, I placed another phone call to Deputy Chief Dominguez advising him of what occurred. After speaking with DC Dominguez and walking back to speak with Sergeant Garcia I passed by the state police unit and Ms. Carabajal attempted to speak with me through the open window. Ms. Carabajal stated to me “DC Brock, I wasn’t driving.” I told her to stand by and the state police officer would be back to speak with her. This was the only contact or conversation I had with Ms. Carabajal as I did not want to interfere with the investigation. I was only at the scene to gather information to provide to DC Dominguez and Chief Gallagher at a later time and ensure that all departmental policies and procedures were [misspelled "where" in the original] followed regarding an incident of this nature. I had another short conversation with Sergeant Garcia and then left the location proceeding back to my residence near 12:10 am October 26, 2019. ~~~ A copy of the police report and all officer narratives is available on Patreon. ~~~ Music: Enjoy Yourself, by Steven O’Brien

Gretchen Wilson Arrested at Bradley Airport

OASZOnYUCKQ | 07 Nov 2019

Gretchen Wilson Arrested at Bradley Airport

It took a hell of a long time to obtain the footage - and you might not even know that the incident happened - but earlier this week Real World Police received exclusive access to airport surveillance camera video showing the arrest of country music star Gretchen Wilson. Regular viewers may remember Wilson from a couple of weeks ago, when we posted body worn camera footage showing the “Redneck Woman” getting kicked out of a Las Cruces hotel by the police. In this incident, which occurred the evening of August 21, 2018, the ‘Redneck Woman’ singer was reportedly causing a minor disturbance on an incoming plane and Connecticut State Police was dispatched to meet her flight at Bradley Airport. When interviewing Wilson in the jetway, she allegedly “became belligerent” toward the Troopers, who arrested her for 2nd degree breach of peace. Wilson was released on a $1,000 bond. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Lower Township Police Tackle Man Who Tried to Slash Police Officer

yGp9XDVGIAE | 06 Nov 2019

Lower Township Police Tackle Man Who Tried to Slash Police Officer

You have been patient. It's Jersey time. On March 31, 2019 at approximately 9:44 pm, Lower Township Police 911 received a report of a suspicious person throwing items at a residence on Oregon Avenue. Upon arrival, Patrol Officer William "Billy" Kocis was advised by the complainant that a small-framed, possibly Hispanic male, wearing a black t-shirt with a white Nike symbol on it, was throwing items at her residence. Patrol Officer Kocis investigated the damage to the woman's residence and radioed the description of the individual to Cape May County Dispatch. Shortly after leaving the woman's Oregon Avenue residence, PO Kocis located an individual matching the given description walking in the area of States and Tennessee Avenue, a short distance from the original complaint. PO Kocis exited his marked patrol vehicle and attempted to investigate further by speaking to the individual. The unidentified male refused to speak with the officer and attempted to walk away. As PO Kocis continued to question the suspect, the subject, who was later identified as Zachary "Zach" Piccioni, 21, of the Villas, lunged at Kocis and slashed at his abdomen area with a large knife. Kocis was able to avoid being cut as he stepped back and drew his duty weapon. Piccioni then walked away from the officer, initially continuing to hold the knife. Kocis continuously ordered Piccioni to show his hands and to stop and drop his weapon. Piccioni finally partially relented, dropping the knife but fleeing on foot. Additional responding officers assisted in attempting to locate the suspect, who had jumped a fence heading north and then east towards a wooded area. Details of the suspect’s clothing description and direction of travel were updated over the police radio. Officers searching parallel streets to the north were able to locate the suspect on Greenwood Avenue. Patrol Supervisor, then-Corporal-now-Sergeant Ryan Hansberry, arrived on scene as officers located the suspect. Piccioni continued to be uncooperative, refusing to take his hand out of his pocket. Officers successfully rushed their suspect, apprehending him without any injuries, though with an astonishing abundance of high-pitched screaming. Piccioni was transported to Lower Township Police Headquarters, where he was evaluated by Lower Township Rescue. He was processed and subsequently charged with Title 2C:12-1B(7) Aggravated Assault; 2C:39-4D, Possession of a Weapon for Unlawful Purpose; 2C: 39-5D, Unlawful Possession of a Weapon; 2C:29-2A(3)A Resisting Arrest by Physical Force; 2C:29-2A(2) Resisting Arrest; and 2C:17-3A(1) Criminal Mischief. While this video tells the whole story, an extended version is available on Patreon. Why? Real World Police is monetized on YouTube, which is great because we wouldn't exist otherwise. But many videos on the channel have been demonetized by YouTube, and this video is one of them. YouTube's 'advertiser friendliness' determinations create a tension between my desire to freely and widely share my work, and the need to do things like make payroll and eat breakfast. This approach is a compromise aimed at accomplishing both.

Police Helicopter Rescue From Remote Lake

f3QL9Xx9WvY | 01 Nov 2019

Police Helicopter Rescue From Remote Lake

In early August 2016 a group of six set off from Big Heart Lake in the Cascades toward Azure Lake in North Cascades National Park. Azure Lake is a pristine, 89-acre body of water just under one mile east of McMillan Spire in a remote location in the park, well off of any maintained trails. The group's plan took them on a route where they expected to not encounter other human beings for three days. Things were going well when their plans were suddenly interrupted by a fall. An 11-year-old member of their group had injured his knee on a sharp-edged granite boulder, slicing open a wound 1.5" across, 1/2" wide and 1/4" deep. The group tended to the injury and managed to stop the bleeding, but found that any walking would cause blood to gush through the bandages they had applied. Walking was out of the question. Members of the group took turns carrying Joe, the 11-year-old, the roughly quarter-mile remaining to Azure Lake, where they set up camp. Using a Delorme InReach "SEND" ("Satellite Emergency Notification Device"), a member of the group communicated with search and rescue personnel, discussing options. The device works by pairing with a cell phone, which is used to send and receive text messages via satellite. It was clear that carrying Joe out wasn't going to work, as they were miles from any road. Eventually, the group received word that an SAR EMT would be sent out to them the next morning to evaluate Joe in person. That EMT began hiking out to the group at 2:30 AM, and reached their campsite about 7.5 hours later. On arrival, the EMT - Karl - sat down with Joe, evaluated him, confirmed that Joe would not be walking out, and began to plan. Three options were on the table: 1. Carry him out — an operation that Karl estimated would take at least 75 people, twenty of whom had already started hiking out toward them in the event that became necessary. 2. Helicopter evacuation, with Joe being hoisted up to the Huey 3. The same helicopter ride, with the chopper landing. The video can take it from here. Joe was transported to an area hospital where he received stitches for his knee injury. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Asbury Park Police Force Man to Remove 'Obscene' Trump Yard Sign

Ya83eKMPnDc | 31 Oct 2019

Asbury Park Police Force Man to Remove 'Obscene' Trump Yard Sign

For context, the relevant statute is New Jersey Revised Statutes, Section 2C:34-4. It is titled "Public communication of obscenity" and its text reads as follows: a. "Publicly communicate" means to display, post, exhibit, give away or vocalize material in such a way that its character and content may be readily and distinctly perceived by the public by normal unaided vision or hearing when viewing or hearing it in, on or from a public street, road, thoroughfare, recreation or shopping center or area, public transportation facility or vehicle used for public transportation. b. A person who knowingly publicly communicates obscene material, as defined in section 2C:34-3 or causes or permits it to be publicly communicated on property he owns or leases or operates is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. c. Public communication of obscene material shall constitute presumptive evidence that the defendant made the communication or caused or permitted it to be made knowingly. "Obscene material" is defined in Section 2C:34-3 as follows: (1) "Obscene material" means any description, narrative account, display, or depiction of [demonetized word] activity or anatomical area contained in, or consisting of, a picture or other representation, publication, sound recording, live performance, or film, which by means of posing, composition, format or animated [demonetized word] details: (a) Depicts or describes in a patently offensive way, things that if I wrote them here would instantly demonetize this video so many times over 😂 (b) Lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, when taken as a whole, and ` (c) Is a part of a work, which to the average person applying contemporary community standards, has a dominant theme taken as a whole, which appeals to the prurient interest. In light of (1)(b) it is surprising that the signs were not exempt. Real World Police has contacted two prominent New Jersey civil liberties attorneys for comment, and will update with any relevant insights they might have into this incident. *The complete 40 minute body-worn camera video is available now to all Patreon supporters. Producing Real World Police takes a tremendous amount of time and (surprisingly, to some) a significant amount of money. Thank you for being the kind of people who not only care, but who care enough to take action. Your support makes a difference. You guys rock! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Misconduct: Officer Lets Impaired Driver Go Because His Shift is Ending Soon

XaeL-FEAlBk | 29 Oct 2019

Misconduct: Officer Lets Impaired Driver Go Because His Shift is Ending Soon

After watching Officer Uriel Paredes of Arkansas' Little Prairie Police Department arrest third grade teacher / bus driver / justice of the peace / "but my kid was in a WRECK!" Andrea Jenkins, the law enforcement inaction seen in this video is... starkly contrasted. I'll leave it at that. Okay. No I won't. Jesse Pierson, a Port Orange police officer, was off-duty when he was rear-ended by an SUV on North Dixie Freeway in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Officer Eric Peterson of the New Smyrna Beach Police Department questioned the at-fault driver and found that he was hammered. Barely able to stand, slurring his speech, the whole nine yards and then a few more yards for good measure. The guy was a no-brainer candidate for jail. Another New Smyrna Beach officer, Jeff Cornelisse, clearly agreed. Cornelisse is heard on camera stating that the driver is "messed up," and that "he would be a DUI all day, just on booze alone." But Officer Peterson's shift was ending soon. And man, would it be LAME to have to actually do work so close to the end of your shift!* So, what'll it be? Hmm... How about instead you just let the impaired driver catch a ride home? That seems smart. 🤦‍♂️ An internal investigation found that the two NSB officers "ignored signs of impairment" and did not meet the "productivity of workmanship" standards expected of them. Both were issued written reprimands. *It's not like it would result in overtime, or anything. And yes that's sarcasm. Of course it would. "Collars for dollars..." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy.

Homeless Man Rescued After Three Days Stuck on Mountainside Ledge 100' Over River

QigElXSArwk | 28 Oct 2019

Homeless Man Rescued After Three Days Stuck on Mountainside Ledge 100' Over River

This video shows the incredible rescue of a homeless man who had survived three days and two nights stuck on a mountain ledge in Washington. The man told rescuers he'd sought refuge underneath a lookout platform when he slid down the mountainside to the edge of a cliff. He managed to arrest his fall, but when he stopped tumbling the man was precariously perched on a mountainside ledge, mere inches from a 100' drop straight to certain death in the White River. Army Corps of Engineers workers who operate the dam reported that on a Tuesday they thought they heard someone calling for help, but they couldn't find anyone and all the cars had left the park so no search was started. It was a full two days later that workers once again heard a call for help. This time it was decided to call in a mountain search and rescue team, and the groundwork was quickly laid for a helicopter hoist rescue. The victim was taken to Harborview Medical Center where he was evaluated and released in satisfactory condition. *The complete hoist cam video is available to channel supporters on Patreon. Thank you! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy! ~~~ We are hiring! Are you an experienced investigative journalist with a strong network in law enforcement and a track record of successfully fighting for access to police records? We want you! Email your CV and links to your recent published work to [email protected]. Full-time position, competitive pay. Journalism’s landscape has radically changed in recent years. In late-2018 social media surpassed newspapers as a news source for U.S. adults, and a Pew Research Center survey released in early October found that more than half of U.S. adults get news from social media. Real World Police’s reach far exceeds that of the Boston Globe and our average daily viewership is greater than the circulation of The New York Times. Join us today!

County Music Star Gretchen Wilson Gets Ejected from Las Cruces Hotel, Loses It On Cops

I5qXxPVqc1w | 26 Oct 2019

County Music Star Gretchen Wilson Gets Ejected from Las Cruces Hotel, Loses It On Cops

On the morning of October 13, 2019 country music star Gretchen Wilson was ejected from the Hotel Encanto in Las Cruces, NM. Police body camera video raises questions about the hotel manager's story of having received numerous noise complaints. In the footage the confused yet angry "Redneck Woman" singer tells law enforcement that she was nearly asleep when she was told to leave the hotel, and accuses the hotel staff of retaliating against her over a bizarre room service complaint from earlier that morning. Now available on Patreon: Body-worn camera footage from the third officer on scene, capturing his conversation with the hotel manager when he heads downstairs in an attempt to negotiate some kind of "sound truce" between Wilson and hotel management — and hears in more detail the manager's side of the story. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are hundreds of free videos to enjoy. They are for you.

I'm a school teacher, a bus driver, and an elected official and you ARREST ME?!

MSnVJOvhmLk | 23 Oct 2019

I'm a school teacher, a bus driver, and an elected official and you ARREST ME?!

Note: A two-hour long version of this incident, edited down from nearly 3.5 hours, is available on Patreon. Yes, that means I had to watch this for nearly four hours. You're welcome :P Straight from the officer's narrative: "On 6/12/19 at approximately 8:10 PM, Officer J. Ahrends and I were dispatched to an accident at the intersection of Highway 62 and Butler Road. The accident was a two vehicle accident involving a 16 YOA male. When I asked the male for insurance, he stated that his mother had it and was on her way. At approximately 8:50 PM, the male's mother arrived on scene driving a small silver passenger car. I made contact with the mother, Jenkins, Andrea, and inquired about the insurance. When she began talking I could smell a strong odor of intoxicants. I asked if she drove to the accident, she stated that she did. I asked her how much she had to drink. She stated that she had two glasses of wine. I released all parties from the accident and had Jenkins perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Jenkins performed the test consistent with that of an intoxicated person. When asked to place her hands behind her back, she pulled away and began yelling for her family to record the incident. I advised her that the incident was being recorded on my body worn camera. Jenkins began cursing and yelling, saying that she had only driven there for her son. She was placed in handcuffs (double locked) and in the back of my patrol vehicle. On the way to the jail she yelled over and over that she did have three glasses of wine and drove to the scene of the accident, only because of her son. At the jail, I read to her the Arkansas DWI statement of rights. She agreed to take the Intox EC/IR II requested of her. The final result, at 10:29 PM, showed Jenkins to have a blood alcohol concentration of .17. She was read and explained the drivers license receipt form, which she signed and a copy placed in her file. It should be noted that Jenkins cursed and yelled for a majority of the time. Often times she interrupted me during the field sobriety tests and rights form. She told me multiple times that she was a teacher, school bus driver, and justice of the peace and I could have let her go. She was turned over to jail staff to be booked on the above charge." That's putting it mildly. Hey, did you know that she is a teacher and a bus driver. And she is only there because her son got in a wreck? Just checking. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Tased Man Compliments Officer on His Own Tasing

WUyRRzUgxJE | 21 Oct 2019

Tased Man Compliments Officer on His Own Tasing

It takes a special type of person to act defiantly and get tased... and to compliment the officer who tases you on a “nice shot” mere seconds later. Today we meet one of those people, beginning with Taser camera footage of the tasing and then switching to body camera footage for a more comprehensive overview of the incident. Welcome back to Las Cruces, New Mexico. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

Propane Tank Explosion Captured on Multiple Body Cams

JJcqLiLf77A | 20 Oct 2019

Propane Tank Explosion Captured on Multiple Body Cams

Just before 10 pm on Tuesday September 17, 2019, a couple traveling from Michigan to Arizona were injured in a fire and subsequent explosion near the Las Cruces Pilot Travel Center. The couple was taken to a hospital before being transported by air to the closest regional burn center in Lubbock, Texas. Body camera footage shows two police officers arriving at the scene of a reported fire in the bed of a pickup truck. As one officer approaches the couple - who are standing near their truck - a large explosion knocks the couple to the ground, catching the woman's clothing on fire. The couple’s pickup was towing a trailer with three horses and three dogs inside. The animals were not injured. An Animal Control officer took custody of the three dogs while an inspector with the New Mexico Livestock Board found temporary shelter for the three horses. The fire that caused the propane explosion originated from a portable generator. Regarding the guy being blurred beginning at a seemingly random point in the video: New Mexico's access to public records statute is called the Inspection of Public Records Act - "IPRA" for short. When a 'public record' is properly requested under the act and all fees are paid, the only legitimate justification for withholding all or part of that record Is a specific statutory exemption. One of the exemptions under IPRA pertaining to medical care is found at NMSA § 14-2-1(A)(1), and it reads "(1)records pertaining to physical or mental examinations and medical treatment of persons confined to an institution." Despite the fact that IPRA itself instructs that all of its exemptions are to be narrowly interpreted in favor of disclosure, the City of Las Cruces had take an an expansive reading of "records pertaining to physical examinations and medical treatment of persons confined to an institution" to include (a) most depictions of injury, and (b) literally any interactions between EMS and patients that is captured on video. Finally, a note about something seen in this video: Around the five minute mark the woman is heard repeatedly stating that she can’t breathe. It’s easy to think nothing of that, as she is clearly breathing, but her experience (and far worse) is common in severe burn victims. Hot gases from the fire and explosion are inhaled, severely burning the airway and lungs. This alone can kill. More-final-finally: This footage was captured on Axon Body 3 body-worn cameras. You won't notice much if any difference, though, as their main selling point is the ability to livestream. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

SkyWest Pilot Wanted for Murder Steals Regional Jet, Drives Into Parking Lot, Kills Self

6vPCVjUMsxg | 18 Oct 2019

SkyWest Pilot Wanted for Murder Steals Regional Jet, Drives Into Parking Lot, Kills Self

On July 17, 2012, SkyWest pilot Brian Hedglin, 40, scaled the airport fence and stole a 50-seat Canadair regional jet from the St. George Municipal Airport, St. George, Utah. He boarded the aircraft unnoticed, started its engines, and proceeded to crash his way toward a nearby parking lot, losing part of a wing on the way, knocking down the airport fence, and crushing a dozen or so cars (among other damage). Once in the parking lot, Hedglin, a former special forces soldier [see note below], moved to the back of the aircraft and killed himself with a pistol he had brought for the occasion. Hedglin had been wanted by law enforcement as the prime suspect in the murder of his girlfriend. The surveillance footage shown in this video was released in the wake of the crime, but much more footage exists that has never been seen. Until now. The complete case file along with 400+ high resolution photographs from the investigation are available to supporters on Patreon. Thank you! Note: It is unclear whether Hedglin was ever confirmed to have served in a special forces unit. The narrative excerpted below quotes a "Sgt. Cowan" with definitiveness, however a later narrative appears to indicate that Cowan may have been speculating. I will look into this further. ~~~ The following is excerpted from one of the many written statements in the case file: "On 1/17 I was called out as part of the Bomb Squad to 4550 South Airport Parkway. Sgt. Cowan related to me that there was a deceased male inside the plane. Sgt. Cowan had concerns about the deceased male. Sgt. Cowan feared that the male subject had connections to the military and was a "Special Forces" pilot, and the subject was a recent suspect in a homicide in Colorado. Because of the Special Forces experience and possible homicide connection. Sgt. Cowan had concern the subject might have booby trapped the plane.   Capt. Whipple met with those who are in charge of the incident and they asked that the bomb squad go into the plane and search the plane for any suspect devices or booby traps that could have been laid by the suspect. Deputy Bowling and I suited up in our search suits to make entry into the airplane and to search for suspect devices. I searched the outside of the plane looking through the windows inside. I was able to get a good look of the inside of the plane through the windows but there were areas that could not be seen from outside the plane. I had to make entry into the plane to do a more detailed search at that time. Deputy Bowling was assigned to search the cockpit area and I would search from the door to the rear of the plane. As I searched the seating areas and overhead bins I located a spent bullet that was deformed lying on the ground. The bullet was left there for the detectives to photograph and recover. I was able to carefully make my way to the rear restroom of the airplane. I did not come across any suspect devices, booby traps or anything that would cause alarm or pose a danger to the investigators that would later come into the plane.   As I approached the subject that was on the ground, I observed a male who had what appeared to be a gunshot wound to his head. The closer I got closer to the subject I began to see parts of bone, blood and gray matter on the seats and wall of the plane. The subject had 5.11 style pants with a 5.11 military/law enforcement style training shirt. I observed a black H&K semi-auto pistol by the legs of the subject. I did not touch or search the body as I made my way past the subject as he laid on the floor between the seats in the walkway." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

Guardian One Assists Kent Police in Pursuit of Stolen Car

x_ejZ3DOKl0 | 17 Oct 2019

Guardian One Assists Kent Police in Pursuit of Stolen Car

On March 18, 2017 King County Sheriff's Office Guardian One helicopter provided crucial air support Kent Police Department in their pursuit and eventual spike-strip (with Washington State Patrol support) of a stolen vehicle and its driver. Watch as the pursuit unfolds and the eluding car strikes other vehicles, gets PIT-ed twice, and -ultimately - as the car thief ends up proned out on highway asphalt. Music by Steven O'Brien ~~~ We're hiring! Are you an experienced investigative journalist with a strong network in law enforcement and a track record of successfully fighting for access to police records? We want you! Email a copy of your CV and links to your recent published work to [email protected]. Full-time position, competitive pay. Journalism’s landscape has radically changed. In late-2018 social media surpassed newspapers as a news source for U.S. adults, and a Pew Research Center survey released in early October found that more than half of U.S. adults get news from social media. Real World Police’s reach far exceeds that of the Boston Globe and our average daily viewership is on par with the circulation of The New York Times. Join us! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

Man arrested for DUI can’t become a flight attendant

I-T7VPYsrQE | 16 Oct 2019

Man arrested for DUI can’t become a flight attendant

Many people are unaware that Canada denies entry to anyone with a DUI (or related alcohol offense) conviction unless they have received special permission to enter from the Canadian government. This is true for airline staff too, which means that any pilot or flight attendant with a DUI is unable to work on a Canadian route without jumping through hoops. It also means that airlines flying to Canada often view a DUI conviction as disqualifying. According to Ilir Orana, a Montreal-based immigration lawyer, there are two ways to get official permission to enter Canada with a DUI; a Temporary Resident Permit can allow an individual to visit Canada for a limited amount of time, and "Criminal Rehabilitation" enables a person to overcome their criminal inadmissibility permanently. A Canada Temporary Resident Permit or TRP can be valid for multiple entries for up to three years, but is only a temporary solution. Canadian Rehabilitation is ideal since it never expires, but it takes much longer to obtain than a TRP and requires a person to have completed all sentencing (including probation) at least five years prior. Watch as a young employee of Alaska Airlines gets arrested for DUI... and promptly concludes that he has failed at life. Interestingly - and understandably - his arresting officer seems to be entirely unaware of Canadian law. *Note: Long periods of silence have been removed from this footage. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

Seattle Police K9 'Jedi' Eats Man For Lunch

9A4o2FK2pqU | 15 Oct 2019

Seattle Police K9 'Jedi' Eats Man For Lunch

On March 29, 2019 Seattle Police were called to a report of a man who had just violated an order of protection by literally showing up inside the house of the woman he was ordered to stay away from. The offender was known to police as someone with a history of both running from and fighting with officers. Last time around it had taken four officers to subdue the offender, and officers were injured in the process. That's why, when SPD Officer Dupree heard the call and a request for K9 assistance, he jumped on it - heading over to the house with his police dog partner Jedi. Watch as Jedi chases down the offender - through a patch of thorny blackberry bushes, and eats this dude for lunch. Caution - this footage may be disturbing to some viewers. (Extensive additional footage from this incident will be posted on Patreon. Supporters also had early access to this video. Thank you!) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ We are hiring! Are you an experienced investigative journalist with a strong network in law enforcement and a track record of successfully fighting for access to police records? We want you! Email a copy of your CV and links to your recent published work to [email protected]. Full-time position, competitive pay. Journalism’s landscape has radically changed. In late-2018 social media surpassed newspapers as a news source for U.S. adults, and a Pew Research Center survey released last week found that more than half of U.S. adults get news from social media. Real World Police’s reach far exceeds that of the Boston Globe and our average daily viewership is on par with the circulation of The New York Times. Join us today!

New Mexico trooper stops black man driving with taillights off, tells him to turn them on

CX6Ku5BgMB0 | 14 Oct 2019

New Mexico trooper stops black man driving with taillights off, tells him to turn them on

Part of this channel's purpose is to show the realities of U.S. law enforcement. We present calls that are not covered elsewhere and we present them in their entirety, preferring reality to hyperbole and pursuing the truth, whatever it shows. If your knowledge of law enforcement was solely derived from the news you would be surprised to find police officers doing things that don't involve shooting or tasing people. "If it bleeds, it leads" works great for selling the news, but its consequence is a fundamental disconnect between the popular impression of reality and reality itself. According to a recent Pew Research Center national survey, many Americans believe that it is common for police officers to fire their guns. Roughly three-in-ten adults estimate that police officers fire their weapons "a few times a year while on duty," and more than eight-in-ten — 83% — estimate that the typical police officer has fired their service weapon at least once in their career, in the field (outside of training or on a range). In fact, an overwhelming majority of police officers have never fired their gun while on duty. A 2016 Pew Research Center survey found that only 27% of all officers say they have ever fired their service weapon while on the job. That survey was conducted among a nationally representative sample of nearly 8,000 sworn officers working in 54 police and sheriff’s departments with 100 or more officers. Bringing the conversation away from shootings and toward the more mundane, State troopers tend to have a reputation for writing tickets, making arrests, and giving relatively few warnings. Watch as one New Mexico Department of Public Safety trooper bucks the trend, in this sub-two-minute traffic stop. This is not unusual. You just don't see it. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Arrest of God (Real name: Dillon)

78b16ZTRTv4 | 13 Oct 2019

Arrest of God (Real name: Dillon)

Did you know that God has a rap sheet? And is a rapper by the name of Dillon Ray Fox? At about 4:51 pm on March 29, 2018, Sedro-Woolley, Washington police dispatch advised that there was a subject in the backyard at 955 Marshall Street. The subject, who later identified as God, and was later identified as Dillon Ray Fox, had been banging on the back door of the caller's house. In order to reach that door, Fox had to go into an enclosed backyard that was surrounded by a fence with a gate. Fox was shouting at the homeowner to "let the girl go." The 72-year-old homeowner opened the door and told Fox there were no girls there, but Fox became argumentative and the homeowner closed her door and called the police. When she was on the phone with dispatch, Fox was occupied with his own task: moving from the back to the front of the house, knocking on all of the windows and calling for 'the girls.' Officer Austin McCombs arrived and Fox looked in his direction, cooperated for about two seconds, and then fled. Fox jumped over the back fence and ran down an alley. Fox was contacted by officers a few houses away and was ordered on the ground. From there, the video has the rest of the story. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

(In)accuracy Visualized: The Hollywood Sharpshooter Myth

u6pUpSSqOsA | 11 Oct 2019

(In)accuracy Visualized: The Hollywood Sharpshooter Myth

An unfortunate reality is that police officer shooting accuracy is nothing like what Hollywood depicts. According to a 2008 RAND Corporation study evaluating the New York Police Department’s firearm training and performance, between 1998 and 2006, the department's average hit rate during gunfights* was 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, officer accuracy increased dramatically... to 30%. What makes that particularly unfortunate is the reality that all fired bullets have to go somewhere. Inaccurate shooting has innocent victims. Statistics from the Metro-Dade Police Department from 1988-1994 published in a Police Policy Studies Council report indicate that officers had fired approximately 1,300 rounds at suspects during that period, missing more than 1,100 times. Their hit rate was a hair over 15%, most of those shots from very close distance. For the Los Angeles Police Department, in 2016 the total number of rounds fired compared to total number of rounds which struck their intended targets resulted in a hit ratio of 48%. This was a 10 percentage point increase compared to 38% in 2015. Context, however, is important: the LAPD's 2012 through 2015 aggregate hit ratio was just 28%. The devil is in the details whenever you are examining data. Here are two examples relating to officer accuracy figures: Example #1: The statistics above don't account for lighting conditions. Indeed, there are some indications that officer accuracy is significantly higher in adequate lighting. Example #2: The number of officers present has an enormous correlation with shooting accuracy. Data from Los Angeles County (sourced between 1998 - 2002) indicate that officer accuracy drops from ~50% when one officer is present to an astonishing low of 9% when more than two officers are involved. Meanwhile, the average number of shots fired per officer was 3.59 when a single officer was involved, and increased to 6.48 when more than two officers were involved! Michael D. White of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice examined what he called "the well-documented inaccuracy of police officers who use deadly force" in a 2006 paper titled "Hitting the Target (Or Not): Comparing Characteristics of Fatal, Injurious, and Noninjurious Police Shootings." His conclusion: "A number of factors emerge as predictors of shooting accuracy including distance, suspect actions, and officer approach and preparedness. Alternatively, a number of seemingly important factors appear unrelated to shooting accuracy including lighting conditions, use of cover, and gun type." So... it's complicated. Another surprising non-correlation? A 1988 -1994 dataset from Metro-Dade Police showed no significant correlation between officer range scores and officer accuracy in the field. More recent data indicate no significant change. A 2018 study of the Dallas Police Department published by the Force Science Institute found that the department's overall hit rate was in line with all of the other research. Researchers analyzed 149 real-life OIS incidents over a 15-year period. In nearly half of these encounters, officers firing at a single suspect missed the target entirely. In the 134 cases where researchers could establish the number of shots fired, they calculated the hit rate at 35 percent. The authors of that research caution their reader that the “generalizability of findings” from a single department “may be limited" and urge that future research “investigate shooting accuracy in a more comprehensive model” to confirm that their findings are representative of law enforcement beyond Dallas Police Department. Unfortunately, it appears to be. This video provides a rare direct view of the (in)accuracy described above. SOURCES Rostker, Bernard D., Lawrence M. Hanser, William M. Hix, Carl Jensen, Andrew R. Morral, Greg Ridgeway, and Terry L. Schell, Evaluation of the New York City Police Department Firearm Training and Firearm-Discharge Review Process. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2008. Los Angeles Police Department, "Use of Force: 2016" White, M. D. (2006). Hitting the Target (or Not): Comparing Characteristics of Fatal, Injurious, and Noninjurious Police Shootings. Police Quarterly, 9(3), 303–330. Aveni, T.J. (2003). Officer-Involved Shootings: What We Didn’t Know Has Hurt Us. The Police Policy Studies Council *A gunfight was defined as a confrontation where the bad guy has a gun.

Stubborn Jersey Cop vs. Stubborn Jersey Guys

i6AdAbAHMgM | 10 Oct 2019

Stubborn Jersey Cop vs. Stubborn Jersey Guys

When two unstoppable forces collide, the one that wins is usually the one with the ticket book. On September 9, 2019 Officer Narciso Vergara of the West Deptford, New Jersey police department stopped two skateboarding males on the access road to Riverwinds Point in West Deptford, New Jersey. According to the officer's report, he then advised the males that the park closed at 10:00 pm. The males, Joseph and Tyler Kyser, "became extremely argumentative about why they were being stopped," wrote the officer in his report. Officer Vergara ultimately released the males from the scene and mailed a citation to Joseph Kyser, as he had promised. No citation was issued to Tyler. *The other stories out of New Jersey have not been forgotten. You'll be seeing them soon. ~~~ We are hiring! Are you an experienced investigative journalist with a strong network in law enforcement and a track record of successfully fighting for access to police records? We want you! Email a copy of your CV and links to your recent published work to [email protected]. Full-time position, competitive pay. Journalism’s landscape has radically changed. In late-2018 social media surpassed newspapers as a news source for U.S. adults, and a Pew Research Center survey released last week found that more than half of U.S. adults get news from social media. Make your work count: Real World Police’s reach far exceeds that of the Boston Globe and our [rapidly growing] average daily viewership is currently on par with the circulation of The New York Times. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 365 free videos to enjoy.

Fake Cop Makes Traffic Stop, Gets Arrested by Real Cop (Complete Footage)

L1mKhrBgTZc | 08 Oct 2019

Fake Cop Makes Traffic Stop, Gets Arrested by Real Cop (Complete Footage)

Jefrey Scott Schultz has competition. On September 9, 2019 Brenden Wysynski was out on patrol. He had an eBay-special Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office badge, handcuffs in his car, and of course — a handgun, fortunately in a lockbox under his driver’s seat. But the 18-year-old parking garage security guard wasn’t at a job site. Wysynski was patrolling the highway. And when he “caught” a car allegedly driving 120 miles per hour using his invisible radar, Wysynski entered cool-mode, morphing his unmarked personal vehicle into a Police Impersonator Special. And then Brenden got to work, doing, well... who knows what. Shortly after contacting the speeding driver, Brenden, wearing jeans and lacking altogether anything resembling a uniform, waved at a real Albuquerque police officer who was driving by. The fake cop's wave caught the real cop's attention, and he doubled back to see what was going on. Rolling up on Wysynski, a variety of things struck the officer as highly unusual. When he ran Not-An-Officer Wysynski's 'unmarked unit' and found that it came back to Wysynski (and not to the government), the officer made contact. Watch as the lies build and build and build... and then all come toppling down. Unbelievably, the rebuild starts almost immediately. Because the biggest Round II lie doesn't get busted on video, I took the liberty of investigating it and busting it for you. You'll know it when you see it. Finally, in previously-unpublished footage, 22:25 onward, we have the mostly-just-audio of Wyzynski getting transported to jail. We learn more about his personality and gain context, though what to believe is up in the air. Wyzynski claims that he doesn't know his wife's phone number, nor would his family. He has been shot at, his pregnant wife is almost due, and he doesn't like his security guard job because of the management. Brenden is looking for work. If any of you need a police impersonator... Don’t be like Brenden. As we learned from Dashawn Lamar Brown, “sheriffs are not police” is not a defense to impersonating a police officer. ~~~ The particularly attentive and curious among you are here to learn more about the legality of floating black box redaction. My kind of people! Some time ago I tried to convince the City of Las Cruces that 'floating black box' redaction was not compliant with New Mexico’s Inspection of Public Records Act. Much to my surprise, it worked. This is what I wrote at the time: “It appears to be Las Cruces Police Department practice to redact video using a floating black rectangle whose sides are always parallel to the edges of the video frame. That practice effectively renders the redacted video unusable in news reporting. More importantly, however, it is inconsistent with the IPRA in that it necessarily redacts non-exempt information. In 2016 the Attorney General of New Mexico wrote the following in response to an IPRA complaint by Justin Horwath regarding a request he submitted to the Department of Corrections: "When requested public records contain both exempt and nonexempt information, the custodian shall separate the exempt information before allowing the inspection. NMSA 1978, § 14-2-9(A). However, if redaction is necessary, the public body must redact in a way to ensure that the nonexempt information contained in the document is legible and not obscured. Public records must be accessible to the public and every copy produced must reflect the integrity of the record with the utmost clarity. The Department should immediately reproduce the information to the complainant in a legible clear format at no additional cost." The contemporary industry standard for redaction of video is object-based blurring. I redact incident video and audio every day and there is no substantive difference in the amount of time it takes to perform object-based blurring vs. 'redaction via floating black rectangle.’ (It is possible, however, to do either inefficiently. Current technology - advanced object tracking in particular - makes redaction far easier than it once was.) I encourage LCPD to shift to object-based blurring and to stop using floating black rectangles. Pretty please?” I was prepared to sue LCPD if it was necessary. Fortunately, 'pretty please' worked. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of R&B Singer 'Jacquees' for Disorderly Conduct

K4YkUUb-01U | 07 Oct 2019

Arrest of R&B Singer 'Jacquees' for Disorderly Conduct

This exclusive body cam footage shows the chaotic scene amidst which R&B singer Jacquees -- real name Rodriquez Jacquees Broadnax -- was arrested on March 23, 2018 in Miami Beach, Florida. Brief side note: if you haven't heard of Jacquees, rest assured that a few other people have. His hit song "At The Club" has a solid 110 million views on YouTube, and B.E.D. isn't far behind at 93 million. Also of note, the title sequence incorrectly identifies Broadnax as a rapper. Explanation of why it wasn't fixed is in a public post on Patreon. Back to business: the 23-year-old singer was taken into custody in the area of Ocean Drive and 8th Street on charges of failure to obey a police officer and disorderly conduct / breach of the peace. According to the arrest report, the singer was spotted by an officer driving a black Lamborghini without wearing a seatbelt. When the officer ordered him to pull over, Jacquees... well... didn't. “The defendant did not obey my command and instead kept driving the vehicle at a low rate of speed with heavy traffic still northbound on Ocean Drive,” the officer wrote. Broadnax then asked why he was being pulled over and the officer informed him about the seat belt infraction. “He was then asked again to pull over and to provide me with his driver’s license,” the officer wrote. “The defendant once again refused to obey a lawful command from this officer.” Ultimately, the artist stopped his [rented] Lambo and “abruptly opened the door and exited." At that point the officer told Broadnax to move to the sidewalk, “but he refused to comply." Instead he gave the officer a taste of his own medicine by commanding the officer to not touch him. Thing is, that doesn't work. As can be seen in the video, "a large crowd, including the defendant’s friends and pedestrians” gathered around and “additional officers had to be requested in emergency mode due to the large crowd gathering and the defendant still not complying." Broadnax was taken into custody. The report continued, “It should be noted that the defendant’s actions disrupted the peace and quiet and public morals of bystanders on a busy spring break day on ocean drive in Miami Beach." [Another side note: Morals and spring break in Miami? I thought the whole point was... never mind.] After all of that craziness, ultimately only one of the seven arresting officers showed up in court for a scheduled hearing, prompting prosecutors to drop all charges against the singer. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 350 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

His Masters Degree Was Not in Field Sobriety Tests

A-f8bUH0c2o | 05 Oct 2019

His Masters Degree Was Not in Field Sobriety Tests

For something "standardized" there sure is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Can you pass them? Are they even pass / fail? What happens if you refuse? How scientific are they? And why can't the silly Americans get with the program and use a handheld breathalyzer instead of roadside gymnastics? If you thought that this paragraph was going to provide answers, you thought wrong. That would make the spirited debates in the comments section far less entertaining! Instead, I will simply introduce you to today's contestant. Meet Robert Ford, MA. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Drunk On-Duty Officer Wrecks Police Car, Refuses Tests

haNnI3xHPMQ | 04 Oct 2019

Drunk On-Duty Officer Wrecks Police Car, Refuses Tests

**Nine minutes of footage from this video were published roughly one year ago when the Piqua Police Department proactively disclosed the footage to a local news station. This is the first time that the entirety of the footage is available for public view.** The following is excerpted from a supplemental report written by Lieutenant Rick Byron of the Piqua Police Department: "On October 27, 2018 at approximately 1937 hours I was requested by Officer Justin Augustine to meet him behind the old Board of Education Office at 719 E Ash Street. Officer Augustine made the request over the radio. Upon arrival in the area I observed Officer Augustine's patrol vehicle (P145) parked next to a flatbed semi-trailer loaded with concrete barriers used to separate lanes in road construction areas. Officer Yingst was also present as he had been previously requested by Officer Augustine to meet him at this location to talk. After exiting my patrol vehicle I was approached by Officer Augustine. Officer Augustine stated "I was trying to take a piss over there. " Officer Augustine was pointing toward the Southeast corner of the building. Officer Augustine was asked to repeat what he said and he again stated "I was trying to take a piss over there." I asked Officer Augustine why he was telling me this and he advised "Because I f’d my cruiser up." From where I parked and the location I was speaking with Officer Augustine I could not see any damage to his patrol vehicle. Officer Augustine walked me to the passenger side of his patrol vehicle where I observed significant damage to the entire passenger side starting at the front windshield and ending on the rear quarter panel. The windshield and both passenger side door windows were broken. I asked Officer Augustine what happened and he stated "I was trying to take a piss," I asked Officer Augustine how fast he was going and he stated 20 mph. While Officer Augustine was gathering his personal backpack and other items I observed him drop a handcuff key on the ground. I advised him he dropped it and he was unable to bend over to pick it up and fell forward stepping over it. Officer Augustine never picked up the key so I picked it up and handed it to him After Officer Yingst left with Officer Augustine, I photographed the damage to P145 and the trailer that was struck. I had previously had dispatch contact Lumpkins Towing to pick up the patrol vehicle and take it to their shop to be placed inside. While the tow truck operator was on scene Officer Yingst arrived back and advised that he felt I needed to go on station to deal with Officer Augustine as he appeared to be impaired and was demonstrating odd behavior to include hugging and kissing him and other officers and telling them that he loved them." Officer Augustine resigned. He was later found guilty of first-degree misdemeanor weapon under the influence, amended down from fifth-degree felony improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle, and first-degree misdemeanor physical control of vehicle while under the influence, amended down from an OVI. He was sentenced to one year of probation, 177 days of suspended jail time, a $300 fine, and court costs, plus an additional three days in jail, which were dismissed after he completed an educational program. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Officer Responds to Report of Woman Sleeping in Mailroom

xQA6hCzWcq4 | 03 Oct 2019

Officer Responds to Report of Woman Sleeping in Mailroom

On September 22, 2019 Pullman Police Officer Nathan Padrta was dispatched to 1615 SE Bleasner Drive in Pullman, Washington. [Yes, more Pullman PD.] The emergency? "Report of a woman sleeping in a mailroom." Presenting more of the realities of law enforcement work, which is almost always nothing like what you see on the six-o'clock news. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 350 free videos to enjoy.

Arrest of Kodak Black Protege 'Jackboy', Tried to Hide Weed by Eating It

ppD2-j0AYYQ | 03 Oct 2019

Arrest of Kodak Black Protege 'Jackboy', Tried to Hide Weed by Eating It

In this Real World Police exclusive, brief law enforcement footage, a variety of evidence photographs, and an array of court records relating to the 8/22/19 arrest of Kodak Black protégé rapper "Jackboy" - real name Pierre Delince. According to the police report: "....members of the Broward Sheriff's Office Gang Investigation Unit were conducting proactive enforcement in the area of 716 NW 5th Avenue in Pompano Beach, Florida. In doing so, I observed a white BMW 2 door sedan bearing Florida tag CMI 6671 driving south on NW 5th Avenue. It should be noted the tints on this vehicle were extremely dark and I could not see inside of the vehicle." I was able to get in my vehicle and conduct a traffic stop on the suspects vehicle at 300 NW 14th St in Pompano Beach, Florida. Once the vehicle was the stopped, the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle was identified as Pierre Delınce, B/M, 8/27/97, from his Florida drivers license. While speaking to the driver a smell of fresh marijuana was coming from inside of the vehicle. The driver was also chewing something. The driver was ordered out of the vehicle and advised to open his mouth. Inside of Mr. Delince's mouth was a green leafy substance that was clearly marijuana. Delince was ordered to spit out the marijuana. The contents were collected and field tested positive for marijuana. It should be noted a field test kit (syndicated alliance) presumptive testing for 1% or greater D-9 THC concentration. The driver was placed under arrest for possession of marijuana and tampering with physical evidence. The tints on the vehicle were tested with a calibrated BSO issued tint meter which gave a result of 6%. A query of the tag was also conducted and advised it had been replaced with LQWG29. Delince was cited for his traffic citations." Prosecutors declined to prosecute nearly all of the violations, but the one they DIDN'T overlook happens to be the most serious: a probation violation from a 2017 arrest for aggravated battery and robbery with a firearm. According to court records included in this video, just this past April Delince had managed to convince a judge to allow him to leave his home county for work purposes - as a popular rap artist on tour. But there were strict conditions, such as alerting his probation officer prior to every trip and checking in immediately on his return. In this case, probation found out that he was out of Palm Beach County when they heard that he had been arrested in Broward County. Not the kind of notice the court had intended... ~~~ Music: "Refined" by Steven O'Brien On SoundCloud @ *Many of his songs require a [well-deserved] $30 license for use in videos. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 360 free videos to enjoy.

Domestic Battery Arrest of Stacey Dash from ‘Clueless’ and Fox News

7Yv9H8xeEJQ | 02 Oct 2019

Domestic Battery Arrest of Stacey Dash from ‘Clueless’ and Fox News

On September 29, 2019 “Clueless” actress and former Fox News contributor Stacey Dash was arrested at an apartment in Pasco County, Florida on a single charge of domestic battery. In the rush to cover her arrest some media outlets have made questionable assumptions. I am publishing this to present the evidence in its entirety --- minus the spin. Yesterday afternoon it was reported that court filings indicate that Dash claims to be indigent, and that she had requesting a court-appointed lawyer. Those claims are true and the court records themselves can be found in this video. Unfortunately, those two checkboxes were stretched into race-to-the-bottom headlines such as “Stacey Dash makes shocking claim about financial state!” and “Stacey Dash tells judge she’s broke!” Those headlines only make sense in the context of the misleadingly-brief excerpts that were published from her call to 911. The entirety of Dash’s 911 call is presented here, and that audio unambiguously reveals that Dash has her own attorney. She also contemplates aloud flying to Los Angeles, stating that she does not “live here” [in Florida]. Court records indicate that Dash’s husband, attorney Jeffrey Marty, bailed her out of jail. According to the police report (also in this video), “On Sunday, September 29, 2019 at approximately 1945 hours, the defendant, Stacey Dash, and the victim, Jeffrey Marty, became involved in a verbal argument. The defendant pushed the victim and slapped him in the face. The victim sustained red scratch marks to his left upper arm from being pushed. The defendant and the victim reside together in the same household as a family unit, and are intimate partners. The defendant was taken into custody for domestic battery, and transported to the Land O Lakes detention facility without further incident.” Marty is Dash’s fourth husband. The two tied the knot in secret on April 6, 2018, days after Dash withdrew from her campaign to run for Congress as a Republican in California’s 44th District. People magazine reported at the time that Dash and Marty has met each other ten days prior to their wedding. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 350 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Complete Arrest of Ex-Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Roscoe Parrish

7c2OskRWmLM | 01 Oct 2019

Complete Arrest of Ex-Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Roscoe Parrish

On August 12, 2019, former NFL wide receiver and punt returner Roscoe Parrish was arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida when a routine traffic stop returned two warrants for his arrest. Parrish was wanted for criminal stalking and written threats to kill, as he had allegedly started harassing his ex-girlfriend and her daughter after their 11-year relationship ended in July 2018. Although the ex had blocked Parrish on all forms of electronic communication, she began to receive handwritten notes from him at her apartment in July 2019. According to one of the arrest warrants, on July 28, 2019 Parrish left his most recent note. It allegedly read, "Ima kill your stupid ass daughter." After receiving that note the ex-girlfriend brought the matter to the attention of law enforcement, resulting in the issuance of the two warrants for Parrish's arrest. Roscoe Parrish was first drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the second round of the 2005 NFL draft after having played college football at the University of Miami. On September 25, 2012, he was signed by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to replace Jordan Shipley as the team's kick returner. He retired after that season, finishing his career with over 1,500 receiving yards and nearly 2,700 return yards. This video contains the complete primary arresting officer's body-worn camera video, with prolonged periods of silence removed. Two additional videos from the other officers on scene will be posted on Patreon. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Shooting at Trump National Doral Miami (Surveillance & Body Camera Footage)

X3j8-RF75P4 | 30 Sep 2019

Shooting at Trump National Doral Miami (Surveillance & Body Camera Footage)

On May 18, 2018 officers responded to the Trump National Doral Miami Hotel regarding an active shooter in the lobby. The shooter, Jonathan Oddi, entered the main lobby carrying an American flag and a firearm. Prior to police arrival, Oddi fired shots toward the lounge, ceiling and chandelier of the hotel lobby. Oddi then draped the American flag over the front desk and, while still armed, proceeded to break computers and other electronics. At one point, Oddi pointed his gun in the direction of the arriving officers, then placed his hand down as he stood behind the desk. As the officers were approaching, Oddi raised one and then, briefly, both hands. As the officers were nearing with weapons drawn, Oddi ducked behind the counter, re-armed himself and pointed his gun in the immediate direction of the officers. Immediately, an officer discharged his firearm and Oddi returned gunfire. An exchange of gunfire ensued between the responding officers and Oddi. As Oddi was attempting to flee, he also fired at Sergeant Luis Celis, who was standing near the side entry to the lobby. While fleeing, Oddi dropped his firearm and shortly thereafter was apprehended while hiding near the 3rd floor elevator with gunshot injuries to his legs. During an interview with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Oddi, a 42 year old former stripper and porn actor, stated that he had planned his actions and wanted to direct attention to several political issues. He stated he dressed in black clothing and painted his face black so he would not be seen. He stated he conducted surveillance on the property for about two hours. He stated that he knew when the officer arrived there was going to be a shootout and he was expecting to get shot. He stated that he was going to surrender, but when the officers arrived, they were pointing guns at him, so he pointed his gun at the officers. While at the hospital, Oddi yelled many spontaneous statements. He asked to speak with the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, and the media. He stated that there will be no president in two days, and that he is an intelligence officer. He spoke of nuclear weapons and stated that police will cease to exist. Oddi also made the following erratic comments: “Trump is a traitor,” “Obama is Osama,” “Trump makes his money on gas,” “kill all the police in the street, useless good for nothing, nada, all of you,” “laws are corrupt,” and “Police, death has come to you, you be judged, die for now and for hell and for all of eternity, people in the streets are going to shoot you, get heart attacks, you are all dead, I’m going to let them know to put a bullet in your head.” Oddi also told officers that he had a "settlement" with Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and the rap artist known as P. Diddy. More details in a public post on Patreon. More footage in a supporter post on Patreon. *Officer Azrak was the only officer with a body camera that captured any of the action in this incident. **This video was rendered at 60 frames per second because much of the footage is played back faster than its original speed. The higher frame rate means fewer dropped frames. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Pullman Police Department: Minor Intoxicated in Public

0OxhPq86Jac | 27 Sep 2019

Pullman Police Department: Minor Intoxicated in Public

"There was just a young lady that was walking on the highway that tried to get on the bus. She is really drunk and she's just right over there." Today's installment takes us right back to Pullman, Washington, this past weekend. Whereas yesterday we enjoyed Officer Emerson's perspective, this time around we are tagging along with Officer Reuben Harris. Watch as he learns that a drunk woman who had been walking along the highway had just tried to board a broken-down UCLA bus... and is now wandering around in the street. Officer Harris quickly contacts the young woman, finding her cooperative, friendly, and yes: apparently quite drunk. After a few attempts at figuring out where she is trying to go and what's going on, the young woman is placed under arrest, technically for minor intoxication in public but also to protect her from herself. Because she certainly can't handle that task right now. Another Saturday night in a college town. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Drunk woman bites and threatens to kill Pullman police officers

HeNjiP5Fcjo | 25 Sep 2019

Drunk woman bites and threatens to kill Pullman police officers

Some of you may remember the video titled "I Will F*** Your Career Up, Officer!" The sequel to that crazy video featured the same man-child and was titled "Pullman Zoo." But what kind of zoo only has one animal? Introducing another of Pullman's wildest. Restraint chair and all. As with Mr. My-dad-is-a-police-officer-and-I'm-going-to-kill-you, this gem's identity will not be revealed. Her case outcome, however, will. Today's biter / lover pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 180 days in jail, with 180 days suspended. So, what does that mean? In this case it meant the disposition of her case was deferred pending her compliance with court-imposed conditions: 42.5 hours of community service, no new offenses, and a $700 fine. She pulled it off, and the charge was dropped. More footage from this arrest - including scenes not shown here - will be available soon on Patreon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Pursuit & Arrest of Ex 'Deadliest Catch' Star Jake Harris

VNKg9xZCoEk | 23 Sep 2019

Pursuit & Arrest of Ex 'Deadliest Catch' Star Jake Harris

On 4/5/19 Real World Police published extensive coverage of the January 23, 2019 arrest of former 'Deadliest Catch' star Jake Harris following a very-slow-speed pursuit as Harris eluded a park ranger in his 1968 Cortez motorhome. Our April coverage included audio of radio and telephone conversations, photographs, and written reports but notably absent was footage of the pursuit and arrest. There was good reason for the absence of video at the time: the law. Washington state law does not allow for the release of video recordings of an incident until the final disposition of active criminal or civil litigation that arose from the incident [see RCW 9.73.090(1)(c) and RCW 42.56.070(1)]. That litigation has since come to a close, and as promised in the original video, today Real World Police brings you the exclusive footage of Harris's pursuit and arrest, as well as his rather entertaining commentary on the Washington State Patrol and "Ranger Rick" during transport. Notably, after a warrant was obtained for Harris's blood it took three hospital phlebotomists nine attempts before a successful draw was possible - from the top of his foot. (Also of note: the application for a search warrant was initially denied by the reviewing judge.) The former Cornelia Marie deckhand was sentenced to 18 months behind bars in Skagit County, Washington, convicted of felony DUI — fourth DUI is a felony in Washington — and possession of heroin with intent to deliver or manufacture. Much more detail on the case against Harris is in the video, though it should be noted that the charges relating to the stolen firearms were dropped. The entire case file - including dozens of photos and audio - is available on Patreon. All Real World Police supporters on Patreon had early access to this video. Thank you! *Particularly hilarious in this video is the exchange between 18:39 and 21:14. (For the exceptionally-strapped-for-time, 20:42 - 21:14.) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Casual Interrogation of a Bank Robber

Apmonf80bMs | 22 Sep 2019

Casual Interrogation of a Bank Robber

Shannon Levar Stewart, 41, is facing a charge of first degree robbery, a Class A felony punishable with up to life imprisonment and/or a $50,000 fine. It is doubtful that he will receive either of the two maximum options. Let's see why. Just after 3:30 pm on July 8, 2019, Stewart, homeless and hungry, walked into an Lakewood, Washington Heritage Bank, heading straight to a teller and passing her a handwritten note reading: "This is a ROBBary give me money no GPS or DyE packs and no one wiLL get hurt." [Capitalization in the original.] The teller handed over some cash, and Stewart left for Safeway - where he spent $30 on groceries and alcohol. After his lavish shopping spree, Stewart attempted to call a cab, but got spooked over the wait time and instead walked to the bus. Hot on his trail by then and certainly not hindered by the fact that Stewart was wearing an ankle GPS tracker, local law enforcement picked Stewart up while he was waiting for the bus. This is the interview of Shannon Levar Stewart, perhaps the most casual interrogation of a bank robber you will ever see. In other news, available to all supporters on Patreon now (and more widely available early this week), 45 minutes of exclusive footage capturing the pursuit, arrest, and rather hilarious transport of ex-'Deadliest Catch' star Jake Harris. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Officer-Involved Shooting: Knife-Wielding Man Throwing Bricks at San Deigo Police Officers

NXw5QSUzdk4 | 21 Sep 2019

Officer-Involved Shooting: Knife-Wielding Man Throwing Bricks at San Deigo Police Officers

On December 10, 2017, at about 0607 hours, officers received a radio call to respond to investigate a report of a possibly mentally ill person acting violently. The reporting party stated that she and her boyfriend had been awakened by a loud thud. Her boyfriend got up to see what the noise was and saw a man in the bushes outside their window. The caller then saw the male climb onto their front porch. She reported that her boyfriend went to the front door to ensure the security screen was locked and encountered the male at their front door. The male, later identified as Kyle Zahacefski, asked the boyfriend for a knife so he could kill himself. The caller’s boyfriend declined and told Zahacefski that he should not try to kill himself. Zahacefski left their front porch and walked south, after which the caller heard the sound of rocks being thrown onto the street. At about 0620 hours, Officer James Baker and Officer Jacqueline Giammona arrived on scene. When they arrived, the officers saw Zahacefski on the hill in front of a residence. The officers parked, and as they exited their vehicle Zahacefski started throwing bricks at them. Officer Stephen Hickox and Officer Richard Butera arrived on scene as Zahacefski continued to throw bricks and Officer Hickox personally saw one of the bricks hit Officer Butera's police vehicle immediately after Officer Butera had exited the vehicle. As the officers prepared to contact Zahacefski, who was positioned on significantly elevated yard, they lost sight of him. Officer Hickox went to a neighboring yard so he could get a better visual on Zahacefski. By doing this, Officer Hickox was able to guide Officer Butera up a zig-zag walkway and into the front yard of the residence. When Officer Hickox and Officer Butera reached the top of the hill and walked into the front yard of the residence, each of them saw Zahacefski breaking a glass door leading into the residence. As the glass door to the residence shattered, Officer Butera and Officer Hickox rapidly approached the location where they saw Zahacefski enter the residence. When they arrived at the shattered glass door, Officers Butera and Hickox entered the residence through the broken door and encountered Zahacefski, who was standing in the kitchen. As Officer Butera was standing in the living room, facing the kitchen, he saw Zahacefski hold a knife up to his own throat. Officer Butera gave Zahacefski commands to put the knife down, but Zahacefski refused and instead walked around a short partition wall. Zahacefski lowered the knife and pointed it at Officers Butera and Hickox. Zahacefski then began to quickly advance on the officers. Officer Butera, who was armed with his department issued SWAT team 5.56 Caliber Daniels Defense AR-15 rifle, fired four rounds at Zahacefski. Officer Hickox fired one round from his bean bag shotgun. After being hit by the rounds, Zahacefski fell to the ground on the living room floor. Officers administered first aid until paramedics arrived. At approximately 0650 hours, Dr. Solomon from UCSD Hospital pronounced Zahacefski deceased. The entire 515-page report of the investigation into this shooting is available on Patreon. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of - and material from - cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 350 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Heroics in Hell: Police Evacuation of Santa Rosa

18kp6LEh2uQ | 20 Sep 2019

Heroics in Hell: Police Evacuation of Santa Rosa

On October 8th, 2017, multiple fires developed in Napa County, California. The largest – the Tubbs Fire – started at 9:43 pm near the town of Calistoga. Winds quickly fanned the flames and pushed them westward into the eastern hills and mountains of Sonoma. As the fires gained in elevation, the winds increased, speeding the spread of the largest fire. Burning debris flew forward, igniting fires ahead of the main conflagration. Residents overwhelmed dispatch centers with calls. Fire and Emergency Services Department staff activated the SoCoAlert system and deputies utilized sirens and went door-to-door to warn residents. Fire agencies from throughout the County and the Bay Area quickly responded but were challenged by the scope, speed, and dynamic intensity of the fires. In just four hours, the Tubbs Fire raced 12 miles, quickly burning through unincorporated areas, and entering the Fountaingrove neighborhood of Santa Rosa. Simultaneously, the Nuns fire entered the county from the southeast, destroying hundreds of homes and threatening the communities of Shell Vista, Glen Ellen, Kenwood and the City of Sonoma. A few hours after the County Emergency Operations Center had been activated, the Tubbs fires swept past one-half mile north the EOC itself, jumping highway 101 and burning further into the City of Santa Rosa. For the next week, fires continued to threaten large areas of County with evacuations occurring as late as day seven. By the time the fires were contained on October 31st, the fires had become the most significant County disaster in living memory and the single most destructive wildfire event in California history. Over 110,000 acres of land were scorched and estimated 100,000 people were evacuated from their homes. Twenty-four people died directly as a result of the fires. This is the story of the last-minute police evacuation of the City of Santa Rosa as the Tubbs Fires closed in. If you have the option, I recommend listening through good headphones or speakers. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Mission Impossible: Woman Passes Field Sobriety Tests

uBpTgp5cq3U | 20 Sep 2019

Mission Impossible: Woman Passes Field Sobriety Tests

On May 25, 2017 an officer who had just made a DUI arrest was driving with his arrestee in the back seat cage when he witnessed a driver heading the wrong direction of travel - a high probability indicator of chemical impairment --- or old age. Either way, danger. Taking his job seriously, the trooper swung around and made a DUI-stop-within-a-DUI-stop... but he was surprised to discover that the woman he pulled over, pulled off the impossible: she came out of the standardized field sobriety test battery wearing only the bracelets she started with. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"Arrest That Security Guard!" Followup: Brian Murphy's Body Camera Footage

TloFmiHfZwU | 19 Sep 2019

"Arrest That Security Guard!" Followup: Brian Murphy's Body Camera Footage

On November 26, 2018 there was an altercation at Seattle's Pier 57 between security guard Brian Murphy and a male by the name of William Moore. Mr. Moore received a hefty dose of OC spray and was very vocal about his belief that Murphy would be spending time in jail. On the other side of the fight, Brian Murphy was convinced that Moore had swung at him first, and that said event only happened after Moore refused to leave Pier 57 private property. There were plenty of witnesses, but there was also an usual twist: the witnesses were evenly divided between two contradictory stories. Throw some Canadians and an Asian fisherman into the mix and it was a party. Three months ago Real World Police published the police body worn camera footage from that party, and many of you came away from the video wanting to see Brian Murphy's body worn camera footage. You were not alone, either, as the police wanted to see it too. (Murphy encountered some sort of technical difficulty downloading the footage at the time of the incident.) At the time I told you that I would pursue the footage and share it with you when it became available. It's now three months later. And it's time to watch. A copy of the incident report is available in a public post on Patreon. *I attempted to call Brian Murphy for comment on this incident and to obtain the answers to a couple of questions - like why he doesn't have a Washington security guard license. As of publication I have not been to reach Mr. Murphy. You will be updated if that changes. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Detroit woman steals police car; citizen dash cam captures wreck!

JGjkICOUpQg | 18 Sep 2019

Detroit woman steals police car; citizen dash cam captures wreck!

Just after 11 am on July 5, 2019, Destiny Talora Hawkins stole a Ferndale Police Department cruiser and went for a joyride, blasting rap music and driving dangerously fast. According to the police car's event data recorder, Hawkins adventure hit speeds of 100 miles per hour in a 35 zone and 92 in a 25 zone. Hawkins was driving well over 80 miles per hour and eluding multiple pursuing units when her joyride came to an abrupt end, courtesy of a gold GMC Yukon at the intersection of 7 Mile and Stoepel in Detroit, Michigan. This footage, captured on the dash camera of an oncoming Toyota Prius, was provided to the Ferndale Police Department in the course of their investigation. The driver of the Prius, Victor Grant, quickly swerved to avoid a high-speed head-on collision with the Yukon, narrowly escaping most of the oncoming chaos. The Prius received driver’s side rear end damage, and Grant was fortunately uninjured. Police dash camera and body-worn camera footage from this incident have been posted separately. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The complete Roadcam series, with new videos being added regularly -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of - and material from - cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain... that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 340 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Police Helicopter Rescue of Snowmobiler After Avalanche

f5hPXP-cb-E | 18 Sep 2019

Police Helicopter Rescue of Snowmobiler After Avalanche

On March 23, 2018 at 11:45 am search and rescue forces were notified that four snowmobilers had been caught in an avalanche one-half mile south of Longs Pass in Kittitas County, Okagonan-Wenatchee National Forest, Washington. One was partially buried not critical, one was partially buried critical, and two were completely buried and deceased. [Note: “critical” in this context refers to the head being buried under snow.] All party members had avalanche transceivers, shovels, and airbag packs. Probes were carried by three of the four members. One rider sustained minor injuries. The more seriously injured (but alive) rider, seen in this video, would ultimately be found to have sustained a head injury with disrupted vision in his right eye, an unclassified right shoulder injury, injury to his left knee (MCL and ACL), and multiple complex fractures to his lower left leg. He had been buried face-up, head uphill, with his legs slightly down and to the left. His left arm was free and snow nearly covered his head. The other surviving party had been buried up to his waist and self-extricated, from there providing immediate life-saving assistance to the pictured party and getting notification of emergency services in motion. (Due to their location, direct communication was not possible. complex task which required radio relays. One of the victims, James Larson, 41, was a 14-year veteran of the Bonny Lake police department. The other fatality was Zach Roundtree, 27, an Air Force veteran also of Bonny Lake. Nearly all of the known information on this accident can be found in the associated Northwest Avalanche Center incident report, available in a public post on Patreon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Detroit Woman Steals Police Car: The Body Cam Footage

mn51Va0KJs0 | 17 Sep 2019

Detroit Woman Steals Police Car: The Body Cam Footage

Just after 11 am on July 5, 2019, Destiny Talora Hawkins stole a fully marked Ferndale Police Department cruiser and went for a joyride, later telling officers that she "just wanted to have some fun." According to the police car's event data recorder, Hawkins' joyride hit speeds of 100 mph in a 35 mph zone and 92 in a 25 zone. Her adventure was cut short by an 80+ mph encounter with the rear end of a GMC Yukon at the intersection of 7 Mile and Stoepel in Detroit. This is the body-worn camera footage you have been patiently waiting for. *A couple of people asked how insurance works for government vehicles. The City of Ferndale self-insures its police cars. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of - and material from - cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain... that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are 340+ free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Street Racing Crackdown: View From The Sky

S5av1LY2IWg | 15 Sep 2019

Street Racing Crackdown: View From The Sky

On July 15, 2017 officers from the Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila police departments joined forces - and then joined forces once again with the King County Sheriff's Office Air Support Unit - in a crackdown on illegal street racing in Washington State. The crackdown was primarily intended to curb 'side effects' of the street races, which included stabbings, fights, shooting, collisions and damage to local businesses. By the end of the night officers made dozens of arrests, including 40 people arrested for attending an illegal street race, three for the actual racing itself, one for minor in possession of drugs, and one for an outstanding warrant. One stolen vehicle was recovered and a second stolen vehicle fled but was not found. Watch as Guardian One orchestrates events on the ground, taking full advantage of HD thermal imaging - also known as cheat mode - to capture one very determined fleeing racer. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series (already up to episode 21) -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of - and material from - cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain... that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 340 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Trucker Receives $1,067 Ticket for Failure to Yield

KJ4Opt8SIgA | 14 Sep 2019

Trucker Receives $1,067 Ticket for Failure to Yield

Notwithstanding the reality that this guy was likely receiving the ticket no matter what, this stop is a good lesson to file under "things not to do during a traffic stop." As the trooper is speaking to the driver, the driver volunteers [bad idea #1] that he typically hangs out in the left lane for the section of highway they had just been on. The trooper's immediate response - without hesitation - is to educate the trucker about the law: it's a violation to drive in the leftmost lane, which is reserved for passing. Rather than take the opportunity to show the trooper that his education attempt was successful, assuring the trooper that it would never happen again (regardless of his actual intentions), the driver instead tries to justify his driving in the left lane. When the trooper reminds him that it's still illegal, the driver's voice conveys his frustration over this cop Just. Not. Getting. It. Come on, dude. Drive in the left lane if you really need to, but don't try to justify violating a law to a cop who just pulled you over for violating that very law. And definitely don't tell that cop that you don't plan on changing your driving habits. Picking your battles wisely is an important life skill. $1,067 is a steep price to learn that lesson. If it was even learned. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Detroit Woman Steals Police Car, High Speed Chase Ensues

IMCg20euam0 | 13 Sep 2019

Detroit Woman Steals Police Car, High Speed Chase Ensues

In the words of Officer Kevin Jerome, the guy who will never live this down for the rest of his career: "On 07/05/2019 at approximately 1101 hours, I was driving a fully marked Ferndale Police vehicle P60. I was dispatched to 9 Mile and Woodward to meet a male who just had his luggage stolen by a taxi driver. I parked my patrol vehicle in a parking spot in front of Como's (22812 Woodward) and exited my vehicle. My emergency lights were not activated. I spoke to Austin Wooten who was standing near the bus stop in front of Como's. I had several conversations with Wooten regarding the unknown taxi company that drove him to 9 Mile and Woodward. I entered and exited my patrol vehicle several times throughout the course of my interaction with Wooten. The last time I exited my vehicle I advised Wooten on the incident being a civil matter. As I was explaining several things to Wooten, a male that was also at the bus stop turned to me and said "Hey, someone is getting into your vehicle." I turned toward my patrol vehicle and started to run towards my vehicle. I observed an African American female with a white t-shirt, later identified as Destiny Talora Hawkins, in the drivers seat. I was several feet away from my patrol vehicle as the driver sped north on Woodward. I immediately notified dispatch that an unknown subject just drove away in my patrol vehicle and gave dispatch a description and direction. I walked back to Ferndale PD where I took patrol vehicle 66 and started traveling towards the pursuit. I was receiving radio updates that the vehicle crashed at 7 Mile/ Stoepel and they had one subject in custody. Upon my arrival to that area, Hawkins was already in custody and several other vehicles were struck. I stood by and took no action. I returned to FPD with Detective Goebel." The body-worn camera footage is priceless and will be published separately. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man Challenges Officers to Suicide by Cop; Gets Free Electroshock Therapy

MHeDLT5Jyx0 | 12 Sep 2019

Man Challenges Officers to Suicide by Cop; Gets Free Electroshock Therapy

(Las Cruces, New Mexico) When officers arrive they encounter a suicidal man, contemplating aloud the possibility of suicide by cop. But the cops? They are having nothing of it, insisting that they are not going to kill the guy and urging him to voluntarily admit himself to the hospital for care. Surprise surprise, the dude continues to reject the whole hospital idea, offering as a counter that he go to war with the police. From there, it's pretty self-explanatory how the dude earned himself a free round of unlicensed electroshock therapy. Look like it worked, too. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series (already up to episode 21) -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of - and material from - cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain... that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 340 free videos to enjoy. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Washington Trooper Wastes No Time Arresting 137 MPH Driver

3cDvv9YdZXs | 11 Sep 2019

Washington Trooper Wastes No Time Arresting 137 MPH Driver

Like to drive fast? Might not want to do it in Washington. Or at least not in front of this trooper. In other news, diabetes does not make people drive 137 miles per hour. Good story, though. The first couple of minutes of footage show the trooper on a more normal speeding traffic stop. Less than two minutes after that stop ends, the 137 MPH speeder flies by in the far left lane. If you want to start with the second car, skip to 2:18. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Roadcam #19: Student Pilot vs. UH-60 Black Hawk Wake Vortex

EOlXqsHF1YY | 10 Sep 2019

Roadcam #19: Student Pilot vs. UH-60 Black Hawk Wake Vortex

Something a bit different. On December 5, 2014, about 1428 MST, a Cirrus SR20 airplane, N407ND, impacted terrain during approach at the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport ("FNL"), near Fort Collins, Colorado. The solo student pilot was seriously (though not life-threateningly) injured and the aircraft was substantially damaged. Day visual conditions prevailed for the local flight, which departed without a flight plan. The student pilot stated that he entered the traffic pattern at FNL for a full stop landing on runway 33. He observed a Sikorsky UH-60 helicopter on downwind and delayed his turn to base until the helicopter was on final, abeam his position. While on final, he adjusted his aim point to land long, as he was concerned with wake turbulence and wanted to land beyond the helicopter's touchdown point. Just prior to landing, he encountered turbulent air, entered into an uncommanded steep left bank, and attempted to go around. The pilot was unable to maintain control and the airplane subsequently impacted terrain and cartwheeled, which resulted in damage to the fuselage and both wings. AmSafe airbag seatbelt assemblies were mounted in the two front crew seats of the accident aircraft. Neither of the two airbag seatbelts deployed as the airplane cartwheeled. On January 6, 2015, a wreckage review was conducted, which included examination of the crew seats and airbag seatbelt assemblies. A review of data downloaded from the Primary Flight Display (PFD) revealed that longitudinal G-forces necessary to trigger the EMA crash sensors did not occur during the accident sequence. (Which is good, because there was also a hole in one of the inflator tubes.) In February 1996, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Center released a flight test report (DOT/FAA/CT-94/117) on the hazards of rotorcraft wake vortices in forward flight. The flight test utilized a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) to measure helicopter wake vortices. Four helicopters, with weights ranging from 7,600 to 70,000 pounds, were utilized as the wake vortex generating aircraft. The maximum duration for vortex life, as measured by the LDV, was 75 seconds for the UH-60. The FAA flight test report made the following conclusions: --Medium weight helicopters, such as the S-76A and UH-1….can leave active, potentially hazardous vortices for up to 90 seconds. Separations for small aircraft behind these rotorcraft should therefore be in the 90-second range. --Larger helicopters, such as the CH-47D and CH-53E ….were observed to have longer hazard times. A 120-second separation should be adequate for operations behind these rotorcraft. --Information on the wake vortex hazard behind these rotorcraft, including delineation by class, should be included in the Airman's Information Manual and the Wake Vortex Advisory Circular. Current (like, today) FAA airman information manual and advisory circular 90-23G on aircraft wake turbulence *do not recommend* an in-trail distance or timing separation for an airplane following a helicopter. The AC contains a general wake turbulence statement: "pilots should avoid helicopter vortices since helicopter forward flight airspeeds are often very low, which generate strong wake turbulence." The NTSB found the probable causes of this accident to be the student pilot's failure to comprehend the significance of the wake turbulence that a preceding helicopter would generate during departure. Contributing was the lack of FAA wake turbulence separation criteria for a small airplane following a helicopter. ~~~ New to the Roadcam series and wondering how it came about? Here's the scoop: In this channel's never-ending pursuit of the absolute best police videos, we often come across footage such as you see in this video — typically held by the police department that investigated the incident or accident, although sometimes acquired through other avenues - like here. A couple of months ago I shared a sort-of-similar video with Patreon supporters and asked whether they thought the video belonged on Real World Police. Their unanimous and likely-correct answer was "no." At least not without context sufficient to show the video's nexus with the channel's purpose. But one of the messages I got alongside that was something like: "But, y'know... we wouldn't mind seeing it here!" And thus the Roadcam supporter-series was born. Today, one month later, we are hitting twenty episodes. And despite the fact that I have stretched the word "road" far beyond anything Webster might have imagined, I haven't been hearing complaints. This is Roadcam #19. ~~~ Like this video and want to see more? You can make that happen! The Roadcam series is one of the many rewards for Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Become a supporter today! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That's totally fine. You will still get occasional teasers like this one.

Roadcam #20: Head-On Collision, Subsequent Semi T-Bone in Delaware County

R-5VhUPpVu4 | 10 Sep 2019

Roadcam #20: Head-On Collision, Subsequent Semi T-Bone in Delaware County

The incident shown in this video took place on December 14, 2017 in Delaware County, Ohio, on US-23 between Lazelle Road and SR-750. As is seen in this video, 55-year-old Robert Fish of Columbus was driving a Toyota Corolla northbound on US-23 when he traveled left of the center line and struck a Ford Fusion head-on. The Fusion was immediately forced into the right lane — directly in the path of an oncoming semi. A fourth vehicle was struck by debris from the initial collision. The driver of the Fusion was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries and Fish was pronounced at the scene. Fish had been driving with three passengers, all of whom were hospitalized. One of those passengers, Lisa Hiles, 54, from Columbus, succumbed to her injuries at the hospital. The other two passengers sustained serious injuries. No one in Fish's car was wearing a seatbelt. All others involved were. (Which, I should add, is the reason I decided to share this video. Normally this kind of footage wouldn't make the cut, but it's an unfortunately 'good' reminder that seat belts actually do save lives.) Note: The original version of this description listed the Ford model as "Focus." The current version is correct. ~~~ New to the Roadcam series and wondering how it came about? Here's the scoop: In this channel's never-ending pursuit of the absolute best police videos, we often come across footage such as you see in this video — typically held by the police department that investigated the incident or accident, although sometimes acquired through other avenues. A couple of months ago I shared a sort-of-similar video with Patreon supporters and asked whether they thought the video belonged on Real World Police. Their unanimous and likely-correct answer was "no." At least not without context sufficient to show the video's nexus with the channel's purpose. But one of the messages I got alongside that was something like: "But... y'know... uhhh... we wouldn't mind seeing it here!" And thus, the Roadcam supporter-series was born. Today, one month later, we are hitting twenty episodes. Despite the fact that I have stretched the word "road" far beyond anything Webster might have imagined, I haven't been hearing complaints. This is Roadcam #20. With an incorrect title... (Lakewood, Washington is certainly not in Ohio.) ~~~ Like this video and want to see more? You can make that happen! The Roadcam series is one of the many rewards for Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Become a supporter today at: Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That's totally fine. You will still get occasional teasers like this one, and there are more than 340 free full-length videos to enjoy.

Trooper Doesn't Appreciate Man's Honesty: "This is not a happy experience, sir!"

IJ-M1bNwzu4 | 09 Sep 2019

Trooper Doesn't Appreciate Man's Honesty: "This is not a happy experience, sir!"

On August 6, 2017 a trooper with the Washington State Patrol stopped a Ford truck for speeding: 59 in a 40. What came next was a surprising exchange, one in which the driver didn't put on a happy face and engage in small talk. Instead, he told the trooper why he wasn't going to play along. Watching the footage from the stop you get the sense that the trooper took it all in stride. Which makes sense. After all, law enforcement work requires thick skin. People are-- oh, wait... the end of the video. Hmm... Spoiler alert: he didn't take it all in stride. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Supporter-only full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series (already up to episode 19) -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Coverage of and material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally brought a gun through airport security -Behind the scenes updates -Early access to videos -And more Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. This is free. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Florida Sheriff's Deputy Arrested for Boating Under the Influence

KBOZlN7DEEE | 06 Sep 2019

Florida Sheriff's Deputy Arrested for Boating Under the Influence

On Saturday, July 6, 2019 Sergeant Ryan Harvester of Florida's Hillsboro County Sheriff's Office, was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of boating under the influence while piloting his 24' Yamaha vessel on Citrus County's Crystal River. The arresting agency is a new one here on Real World Police: Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement. FWCCDLE doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but their arrests are just as real and freedom-restraining as any other agency's. And when Fish & Wildlife Lieutenant Matthew C. Griffis spotted Harvester speeding through a river manatee slow speed zone and subsequently detected signs of impairment on the 35 year old... the sergeant was destined for jail. Harvester was issued a written warning for the speed zone violation, and was administered of a battery of "seated field sobriety tests" - a marine variant of the SFSTs you are more used to seeing. After observing numerous clues of impairment, Griffin placed Harvester under arrest and brought the sergeant  to the Citrus County Jail, where he refused an evidentiary breathalyzer test and was held for the mandatory 8-hours before being released to his wife - a corporal at Hillsboro County Sheriff's Office. Harvester faces two charges, one charge of BUI and a separate charge of refusal to submit to a breath test. On August 6, 2019 Harvester's attorney filed a rather misleading motion to dismiss the BUI case, which was strongly opposed by Assistant State Attorney Michael Kotsifakis. A hearing on the motion to dismiss is scheduled for September 20, 2019.  All of the records from Harvester's arrest as well as all court records to date (including the motion to dismiss and opposition) are available on Patreon. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Electric Scooter DUI: Lily Gets Locked Up (Part II)

K4d4F_nFc4g | 05 Sep 2019

Electric Scooter DUI: Lily Gets Locked Up (Part II)

Earlier this week you met Lily Romero, the unlucky recipient of Albuquerque's first-ever e-scooter DUI charge. Similar to the series in which you met 99-Bananas-aficionado (and Tempe, Arizona's first-ever e-scooter DUI recipient) Shelton Begay, I informed you that Romero's story would be told over the course of two installments. Part I, published earlier this week, covered Romero's stop from initial contact up to her arrest and transport. In Part II, we pick up where Part I left off, finishing Romero's transport and heading straight to the BAC testing area at the station, where Romero is offered two opportunities to provide a breath sample as she continues to hurl creative insults at her arresting officer. Music: A$$ by Fredrik Nyblom ~~~   Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Electric Scooter DUI: Lily Gets Locked Up

_-xDA2vv-_c | 02 Sep 2019

Electric Scooter DUI: Lily Gets Locked Up

You may remember a few months back when I posted a multi-part series on Shelton Begay, the Native American dude with the dubious honor of being Tempe, Arizona's first e-scooter DUI recipient. Well, Shelton is facing some serious competition: Lily Romero, winner of Albuquerque's first-ever e-scooter DUI charge. Similar to the series in which you met 99-Bananas-aficionado Begay, Romero's story will be told over the course of two installments. Part I, shown here, covers the stop from initial contact up to Romero's transport to the station. In Part II, we will pick up where this video leaves off, finishing Romero's transport and heading straight to the BAC testing area at the station. Romero is then offered two opportunities to provide a breath sample as she continues to hurl creative insults at her arresting officer. Meet Lily. *Patreon supporters had early access to this video, and will have early access to Part II as well. I expect that a copy of Part II will be posted to Patreon within two hours of this video being posted, and will become publicly available on Thursday morning. Thank you! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Man Loses Mind, Tries to Find it in Traffic; Gets Free Lightning Ride

cNA8unb5WFw | 01 Sep 2019

Man Loses Mind, Tries to Find it in Traffic; Gets Free Lightning Ride

After spending a while trying to convince their friend to not run around in traffic, it was time to call in the police for help. Upon arrival, officers were met with the psychotic version of telling officers that you are unarmed: taking your pants off to show them. It did work, but when their subject took off running it was time to use force and take him into protective custody, as he was a manifest danger to himself. Watch as Cincinnati police officers deliver a free lightning ride, and subsequently get thanked by the subject's friends --- for tasing their buddy! Not something you hear every day. ~~~ Channel pro tip: Many regular viewers don't know that Real World Police has a ridiculously simple URL. That's right, you don't have to mess with strings of random characters ever again. Told you. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Complete Traffic Stop of Migos Rapper Offset; "Stop picking on black folks!"

bQoSB2EmXo0 | 30 Aug 2019

Complete Traffic Stop of Migos Rapper Offset; "Stop picking on black folks!"

Kiari Kendrell Cephus, known professionally as Offset, is an American rapper from Lawrenceville, Georgia. Married to Cardi B, Cephus is a member of the hip hop and trap music trio Migos, alongside cousins Takeoff and Quavo. This is the complete footage of a March 2019 traffic stop of Cephus by the Sandy Springs Police Department in Sandy Springs, Georgia. Bizarrely, Offset has his windshield wipers on the entire time. Despite Offset's claim that he would beat the three tickets in court, it turned out that the judicial system wasn't buying his excuses either. Cephus paid a total of $470 in fines for speeding and failure to maintain his lane, with a bonus fine of $100 tacked on for missing a hearing in his case. Notably, in May 2018 Cephus was in a serious car wreck. In a profile later that year the New York Times asked Cephus how the accident had affected him. His answer? "Slow down." People are good at forgetting. Nice car, though. *A copy of Offset's three traffic tickets and written warning are available on Patreon. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man With No Driver's License Claims Trooper Is Just Harassing Him

WKmr4DuO2ek | 29 Aug 2019

Man With No Driver's License Claims Trooper Is Just Harassing Him

This one is from the archives, though Washington State Patrol's dash camera system makes it look more ancient than it truly is. In any event, nearly two years ago - on September 2, 2017 - a trooper with the Washington State Patrol made an otherwise unremarkable traffic stop of Tyree U. Monette. Mr. Monette was accompanied by his wife, Laquisha A. French, as well as their kids. Little did the trooper know that he was actually harassing Mr. Monette, not pulling him over for a traffic violation. But Mr. Monette did not fail to let the trooper know exactly what was going on. Today on Real World Police: An alternate reality, and the very real sigh (24:30) it produces. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Florida Man Arrested at Best Buy for Impersonating a Federal Marshal

iIdDNETZI50 | 25 Aug 2019

Florida Man Arrested at Best Buy for Impersonating a Federal Marshal

On March 21, 2018, officers of the Boynton Beach Police Department ("BBPD") responded to a call from a manager of the Best Buy store located at 550 North Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida. The Manager advised the officers that he wanted a man in a business suit, later identified as John Joseph O'Grady, to be issued a trespass warning because he had been previously observed and video recorded shoplifting an iPhone X from the store. When BBPD officers made contact with Mr. O'Grady they noticed that his suit and jacket were appointed with a US Marshals Service lapel pin. Seeing a possible bulge from a weapon, another BBPD officer asked O'Grady if he had any weapons on his person, to which O'Grady replied "Yes." An officer then asked where the weapon was located, to which O'Grady replied "on my hip." O'Grady then denied being a "police officer," but upon being asked "What are you?" he answered "a Federal Marshal." He then claimed to not have his "federal marshal ID" with him because he had "just stepped out of [his] house." Of course, he also didn't have a supervisor's phone number the officers could call to verify his literally unbelievable story. The officers then expressed their concern that O'Grady was carrying a weapon without any law enforcement identification while claiming to be a "Federal Marshal," and O'Grady responded with the not-very-reassuring "It's not a real weapon." And thusly it emerged that they were dealing with a limo driver. Who was under arrest. A later search of O'Grady's car turned up the stolen iPhone as well as another authentic-seeming US Marshals Service badge along with another holster. After obtaining a warrant, officers searched O'Grady's residence, turning up additional US Marshals paraphernalia. On May 10, 2018 John Joseph O'Grady was arrested and brought before Magistrate Judge William Matthewman of the West Palm Beach Division of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. On May 11, 2018 O'Grady was released under strict conditions - see end of video - having put up his house as collateral against a $150,000 bond. Charges were formally filed against O'Grady on May 28, 2018, alleging one count of Impersonation of an Officer or Employee of the United States, a "wobbler crime" pursuant to Title 18, USC, § 912 of the United States Code. (Wobbler crimes may be prosecuted as either felonies or misdemeanors. In this case, statute sets the maximum penalty at zero to three years imprisonment, a maximum fine of $250,000, a zero to one year term of supervised release, and a $100 special assessment.) On August 16, 2018 O'Grady pleaded guilty to the sole charge, also submitting to the court a letter from his wife requesting leniency. O'Grady was sentenced to four months incarceration followed by one year of supervised release and a $100 special assessment. John Joseph O'Grady was released from prison on December 4, 2018 and is currently on probation. He paid the $100 fine. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man Doesn't Understand That Death Threats are a Felony

4f1c8ygQHB0 | 23 Aug 2019

Man Doesn't Understand That Death Threats are a Felony

This video is self-explanatory. I recommend reading the police report excerpts included at the end, as they provide additional information on the incident. It's hard to understand how some people make it to adulthood without knowing that you can't legally threaten to kill someone. Kevin Lyle Daniel Jr. was charged with felony harassment on May 18, 2018. He entered into a stipulation agreeing that there exist facts sufficient to prove his guilt, and was approved for entry into a felony diversion program where prosecution of the felony would be deferred pending successful completion of the program. Daniel was fined $850, was required to perform 48 hours of community service, and was assigned 90 days of anger management classes. The court also issued a no firearms possession order and required that Daniel be assessed for alcohol problems, followed by 90 days of treatment. On October 8, 2018 a court review found that Daniel had complied with program requirements. On May 24, 2019 a motion to dismiss was filed and granted. On that date the felony case was dismissed and closed. For a bit. On July 30, 2019 the case was reopened, as Daniel's attorney had filed a motion to seal the case record. One week ago, on August 16, 2019, a hearing was held on the motion to seal. Denied. *Regarding the audio and video quality: For some reason Bainbridge Island Police Department was still using first generation Axon body cameras as recently as June 2018. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

NYPD Body Camera Trials: The Earliest Footage

A96Ntjlx8zc | 22 Aug 2019

NYPD Body Camera Trials: The Earliest Footage

The NYPD is known for many things, but transparency is not one of them. New York's Finest lagged the rest of the country in deploying body-worn cameras department-wide, and their legal team has shown particular zeal in creatively denying requests for body-worn camera footage, pushing back hard and even appealing their litigation losses. As I mentioned in a recent post, the NYPD recently argued in court that body-worn camera videos are exempt from public disclosure for a litany of reasons, some more comical than others. As you read the list, keep in mind that the court didn't buy any of their arguments: (a) they are personnel records, because they might be used to evaluate an officer's job performance, (b) their disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (c) they contain information that is protected under HIPAA, (d) their release could endanger the life safety of anyone in the footage, (e) they are non-final intra-agency materials, and (f) their release would interfere with pending criminal investigations. Nice obstruction! What I want you to take away from this, however, is that denials don't mean game over. If you regularly pursue access to public records you are going to get denied. A lot. It is critical to understand that denial is not the end of the road. It's the beginning of a different stage in the journey. Many people give up in the face of a denial letter - which is probably the point of many such letters. Denials are often written by attorneys and their assertions of exemptions are commonly phrased as if they were facts. But that's not the case. Denial letters are not informing you about the way things actually are. Rather, they are a written legal argument supporting one interpretation of the law. A concrete example might be helpful here. The following is excerpted from an email I received yesterday: "The recording requested, in whole or in part, is by definition not "public record." (O.R.C. 149.43(A)(1)(gg)). The recording is defined as "restricted" pursuant to O.R.C. 149.43(A)(15), as it would disclose the image or identity of a child or information that could lead to the identification of a child who is the primary subject of the recording." How can you argue against that? It's not like you can see the video to evaluate it yourself. And if the law says that stuff is restricted, that's it... right? Wrong. One possible response - which coincidentally happens to be the one I sent - might be to remind the agency of their duty to redact and release under §149.43(B)(1): "If a public record contains information that is exempt from the duty to permit public inspection or to copy the public record, the public office or the person responsible for the public record shall make available all of the information within the public record that is not exempt." In every state I am familiar with, only wholly exempt records may be withheld in their entirety. If a requested public record contains exempt information - say, a driver's license number - only that information should be redacted. The rest must be released if the administrative side of things is in order. From there it seems reasonable to point out that the statute they cited only exempts "any... portion" of the recording that contains or communicates the exempt information. Which means that every other "portion" of the recording should be coming your (well, my... and then your) way. They can't simply say "no" to everything, even though they try to. And from there the tug-of-war moves on to level two. Ideally, that's negotiation. Let's bring this back full circle. The NYPD has been denying requests for body camera footage for years, and despite very recent court rulings in favor of release, the NYPD is clearly in no hurry to turn anything over, still denying requests left and right. That is why I am glad to be able to share this video with you. The footage in this video required a court order to obtain. It shows the earliest days of the NYPD's testing of body-worn cameras. Most of the clips are very brief — the product of officers practicing turning their cameras on and off. The content is generally light, with some real gems mixed in — including one call filmed on the street, and one involuntarily dancing officer. Enjoy. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 700 free videos on enjoy!

Roadcam #13: Albuquerque Officer Was Watching Youtube on Laptop Before Crash

gVwCDHqNbJI | 20 Aug 2019

Roadcam #13: Albuquerque Officer Was Watching Youtube on Laptop Before Crash

Very regularly - we're talking once or twice a day - someone leaves a confused comment, wondering why they can’t find anything online about an incident I covered on Real World Police. The answer those people are looking for, of course, is that many of the videos on Real World Police have not been covered by any other media outlet. Ever. I have been accused of faking entire videos by people who don’t understand this. (And who apparently think that I have the time and resources to do such a thing.) The tools that I use to find and investigate stories are not secret. They are the tools of investigative journalism, and they include: -Agency reports -Analysis of court records and case filings -Databases of public records -On-record interviews -Legal research -Lawsuits -Regulatory reports -Scrutiny of government practices -Off-the-record sources (typically only anonymous to you) -State and federal access to public records laws, and -Subscription-based research tools From there it's 'just' a lot of hard work. And I like it. That said, this story is a bit unusual. When I am working on a story - which is always (and it's never one) - mine is not the only investigation going on. I cover law enforcement and crime, which means that the stories I cover usually contain their own investigations. Police investigations. Criminal investigations. Those investigations are usually over by the time I get involved. Not this time. In this case, rather than covering a police investigation I am covering the police. And mine is the only investigation. What I found can be summed up in short order: Contrary to popular belief, police officers are in fact human beings. And sometimes people do stupid things. Like crash their police car while watching Youtube. Check it out. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to lots of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

"Jimmy, I don't know this guy from a can of paint!" (New Jersey Preview)

F9G97Cdf0O4 | 19 Aug 2019

"Jimmy, I don't know this guy from a can of paint!" (New Jersey Preview)

Neither of these two stories are ready quite yet, but I wanted to share some scenes with you. Really. Really. Really. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to lots of supporter-only Real World Police videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Man Attempts to Murder Lakemoor Police Officer; Gets Smoked (Officer Tedesco's Footage)

p7yvSD_HB1M | 16 Aug 2019

Man Attempts to Murder Lakemoor Police Officer; Gets Smoked (Officer Tedesco's Footage)

On July 23, 2018, Kenneth Martell tied, robbed, beat, and stabbed to death 88-year-old Theodore Garver in his Beaver Township home in Pennsylvania. After the murder, Martell abducted other individuals at gunpoint and forced them to aid him in the disposal of Garver's body. Martell eventually dumped the body in a lake near Garver's residence. A warrant for murder was issued for the arrest of Kenneth Martell, and that warrant was still open on July 26, 2018 when Martell was shot and killed by Officer Anthony Loiacano of the Lakemoor Police Department. Family members of Martell would later recount to police his abuse of illegal drugs, including methamphetamine. Martell had made statements to friends and family that “cops were going to kill him over a drug bust” and that he was “not going down without a fight.” Following the officer-involved shooting, a search of the area for evidence located a large cache of Martell's weapons, including rifles, shotguns, crossbows, and ammunition. Accompanying the weaponry were various court documents, bail bond documentation, and a summons in the name of Kenneth Martell. Also located in the area was stolen property and identification cards of Martell's Pennsylvania murder victim, Theodore Garver. The weapons found near Martell's lap were a Colt Police Positive .38 caliber revolver (fully loaded), and a Rohm GMBH Sontheim/Brz 22 caliber magnum revolver (unloaded). Post-mortem toxicology revealed the presence of amphetamine (24 ng/ml), methamphetamine (36 ng/ml), Delta-9 Carboxy THC (29 ng/ml), and Delta-9 THC (1.1 ng/ml). On June 8, 2019 Real World Police published the complete footage from the body camera of Officer Loiacano. In response, many people asked to see the complete footage from Officer Brianna Tedesco — whose life Martell was threatening when her partner shot him in the head. It's time. This video presents all of the footage from Officer Tedesco's body-worn camera. It has never been published elsewhere in its entirety. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Gurnee Police Shoot, Kill Woman Brandishing Beretta Cx4 Storm Tactical Carbine

pdvYVwUkOD4 | 15 Aug 2019

Gurnee Police Shoot, Kill Woman Brandishing Beretta Cx4 Storm Tactical Carbine

This Real World Police exclusive covers the May 23, 2018 shooting of Makell Meyerin by officers of the Gurnee Police Department in Lake County, Illinois. Some of you have been wondering what was on the discs I posted a photo of a few days ago. This is part of the answer. On May 23, 2018, Officer Ben Bozer, a nine-year veteran of Gurnee Police Department, was working a 12-hour (6 am - 6 pm) shift. At 1:22 pm, Officer Bozer received a radio dispatch regarding a suspicious vehicle - a 2010 Toyota Prius - at the intersection of Harper Avenue and Gould Avenue in a residential area of Gurnee. Officer Bozer arrived at the vehicle four minutes later. As he approached, Bozer noted that the car was running. A white male, later identified as Jordan Huff, was passed out in the front passenger seat and his breathing was clearly labored. Fearing that the passenger was experiencing a medical emergency, Officer Bozer notified dispatch and requested that rescue be notified of the passenger's condition: suspected overdose. Officer Bozer then approached the driver’s side of the car. A white female, later identified as Makell Meyerin, appeared unconscious in the driver’s seat. Officer Bozer knocked on the driver’s door and Meyerin finally awoke, speaking in what Officer Bozer described as a “thick tongued” manner. Seeing that the car was in drive, Bozer asked Meyerin to put the car in park. Multiple times. After some mumbling and the placement of an unknown item in the back seat of the car, Meyerin responded by speeding away from the officer… down a dead end. When Officer Bozer and other responding officers turned onto the dead end street, Meyerin had already turned her car around. She drove directly toward the police cars, ultimately avoiding them by driving onto a residential lawn. Officer Bozer radioed the car description and license plate number, and another Gurnee officer radioed that the Prius had struck a Gurnee ambulance while fleeing the area. Officer Bozer maintained a view of the Prius. The car was seen maneuvering around cars in a construction zone, after which it proceeded into a residential area. Eventually, the Prius crashed in a wooded area adjacent to Gurnee's Chittenden Park. As Meyerin jumped out of the car at that location, another officer radioed that she was “armed with an AK.” From there, watch the video. Meyerin was pronounced deceased at 2:33 pm. Meyerin was found to have been brandishing a Beretta Cx4 Storm tactical carbine rifle. There was one live shell in the chamber, and the magazine contained 5 additional live rounds. The selector switch on the rifle had been moved into the “fire” position. Jordan Huff later stated that earlier in the day he had been with Meyerin and another female in Antioch. He stated that Meyerin had “hustled” a male for money and that the three of them drove away in a Volkswagen. Moments later, the police attempted to stop their car. Huff, the driver, didn't stop and was able to successfully elude the police. Upon arriving at Huff’s Antioch residence, they all fled on foot. Huff later met with Meyerin and went to Huff's mother’s home, where Meyerin took Huff's uncle’s Prius. They drove to a Waukegan motel and took a variety of drugs. Huff has no recollection of what occurred after that point, but added that he and Meyerin had been doing drugs for the last few days, and that Meyerin had recently been suicidal. Huff said that he only saw the long gun after he and Meyerin had gotten into the Prius. Linda Meyerin, Makell's mother, stated that she spoke to her daughter by phone on the morning of the shooting. Makell had called her and stated “Somebody set up Jordan. I’ve gotta help him. I’m gone. I mean I’m dead.” Makell added that her mother would “see her on the news.” According to her mother, Makell had also asked whether the police had shown up looking for her. Makell then hung up the phone. Linda reported that Makell had been a heroin addict since she was 14 years old. She had been in and out of jail on a variety of offenses and was only clean when she was arrested. Toxicology for Meyerin was positive for opiates, cocaine, benzodiazepines, fentanyl, heroin, and buprenorphine. An additional hour-plus of footage from this incident is available to all Patreon supporters. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Cleveland Police Locate Stolen Bag at Airport, Victim (“D1”) Gives Officer a Hug

f80r9zztziE | 13 Aug 2019

Cleveland Police Locate Stolen Bag at Airport, Victim (“D1”) Gives Officer a Hug

In late-June 2019 D’Ron Maingrette, 33, a former competitive gamer and current e-sports commentator better known as “D1," went to Cleveland for a weekend birthday party. To get back to his home in California, Maingrette flew out of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Due to an ankle injury, Maingrette used a wheelchair to get around the airport. It/he was pushed by an airport wheelchair attendant. Apparently, the attendant didn't do much attending. Or at least not much paying attention. According to Maingrette, he stopped to use a restroom near his gate prior to his flight. Knowing that he would only be gone for a minute, Maingrette left his bag on the (attended) wheelchair during the stop. You know where this is going. Of course, when Maingrette returned his bag was gone. That left him without his wallet... or his passport. Not a good position to be in when you have a flight to catch like... now. Watch as officers of the Cleveland Police Department find Maingrette's bag — in the hands of an unexpected thief. Also, a heartfelt hug. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Note: This story was reported in a couple of other publications, but only a short excerpt of the body-worn camera video was shown. This is the entirety of the footage.

Felony DUI on a Stolen Scooter (Albuquerque, NM)

U5IAvQJZY3c | 12 Aug 2019

Felony DUI on a Stolen Scooter (Albuquerque, NM)

Paula had everything planned. She would take her cash - a cool grand - and make her way to the pawn shop, where the scooter of her dreams was waiting. Sounds easy enough, right? Not for Paula. You see, Paula knows people. And she ended up at their house, which was near - but not at - the pawn shop. What happened next is a bit unclear, but here is what we know: Paula's friends also happened to have a scooter for sale! Or they knew a guy on the street who had one for sale. Same difference. Either way, she knew the scooter needed work, that was for sure. Specifically, ignition work. So it wouldn't have to be started with a screwdriver every time. And maybe it needed a license plate? But that's getting into the details. And Paula is not a details person. She is practical. Paula's evaluation of this scooter revolved around two questions: Q1. Is the scooter a steal? A1. Yes! Only two hundred fifty bucks! Q2. Does the scooter run? A2. A qualified yes!* *Paula knew that the scooter ran, because she had seen her friends start it. However... despite having attempted to start the scooter multiple times herself, she simply could NOT figure out the screwdriver trick! No big deal, though. Paula knows a mechanic who can fix 'that kind' of problem. And it was a problem. Because without a key, she would be stuck on the side of the road. Where she was. Stuck. When the cops found her. And it's good that they did! Otherwise she might still be there right now. Scooters don't start themselves, after all. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Roadcam #2: Multi-Vehicle Pileup on NYS Thruway

RVinCezTIZA | 11 Aug 2019

Roadcam #2: Multi-Vehicle Pileup on NYS Thruway

The morning of February 7, 2018 was wet and cold in New York. It was snowing, and no matter how often the salt trucks and plows came through, they could hardly keep up with the accumulation. Conditions were ripe for things to go wrong in a big way. Watch as a single car losing control snowballs into a twenty-five car pileup. Fortunately, everyone survived. *I was pretty surprised when I was told that this video was not publicly available (prior to now). So much so that I wonder if it's true. Perhaps I missed something. If you know of another place this specific footage exists online please let me know. ~~~ New to the Roadcam series and wondering how it came about? Here's the scoop: In this channel's never-ending pursuit of the absolute best police videos, we often come across footage such as you see in this video — typically held by the police department that investigated the incident or accident, although sometimes acquired through other avenues. A couple of months ago I shared a similar video with Patreon supporters and asked whether they thought the video belonged on Real World Police. Their unanimous and likely-correct answer was "no." At least not without context sufficient to show the video's nexus with the channel's purpose. But one of the messages I got alongside that was something like: "But... y'know... uhhh... we wouldn't mind seeing it here!" And thus Real World Police: Roadcam was born. This is Roadcam #2. ~~~ Found a link to this video and want to see more? You can make that happen! This series of videos is one of the many rewards for Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Join in — all the cool people are doing it! Or don't. That's totally fine. You will still get occasional teasers like this one.

Roadcam #1: Semi-Tractor Trailer Rollover Wreck

uHstriT0S5E | 10 Aug 2019

Roadcam #1: Semi-Tractor Trailer Rollover Wreck

Earlier today I published the eighth installment of Real World Police: Roadcam, a three-week-old series that is one of the rewards for supporters on Patreon. (Along with other exclusive and early-access content, and more.) Put simply, Roadcam is one of the ways I try to say thank you to the channel’s generous backers. About an hour after I published today’s installment I received a message from a new supporter. She wrote “I have to tell you. I love the Roadcam videos. I actually just rapid fire binged watched them all and want the next one already! I wanted to let you know, though, that when I joined on Patreon I had no idea what these videos even were. IMO, you should occasionally show a video or two publicly on the channel so people can see them. I for sure would have signed up sooner had I known!” I’m all for it! It’s really something I should have done weeks ago. So, better late than never: here is Roadcam #1. Tomorrow morning I will share another. Enjoy! ~Background Info~ The scoop on how this series came to exist: In this channel's never-ending pursuit of the absolute best police videos, I often come across footage such as you see in this video — typically held by the police department that investigated the incident or accident, although sometimes acquired through other avenues. A couple of months ago I shared a similar video with Patreon supporters and asked whether they thought the video belonged on Real World Police. Their unanimous and likely-correct answer was "no." At least not without context sufficient to show the video's nexus with the channel's purpose. But one of the messages I got alongside that was something like: "But... y'know... uhhh... we wouldn't mind seeing it here!" And thus Real World Police: Roadcam was born. This is Roadcam #1. ~~~ Found a link to this video and want to see more? You can make that happen! This series of videos is one of the many rewards for Real World Police supporters on Patreon. Join in! All the cool people are doing it!

Police Respond to Gas Station Overdose Fakeout (Lower Township, New Jersey)

2uHrWd4LRYI | 09 Aug 2019

Police Respond to Gas Station Overdose Fakeout (Lower Township, New Jersey)

Last time you met the officers of Lower Township Police Department the context was an exclusive story about the extraordinarily-high-BAC drunk driving arrest of a police lieutenant. That happens roughly once in a lifetime, so it's time for something a bit more typical. With a twist. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Ex-Cowboys Tight End Rico Gathers Arrested For Two Grams of Marijuana in Texas

98JE9T5V8_U | 07 Aug 2019

Ex-Cowboys Tight End Rico Gathers Arrested For Two Grams of Marijuana in Texas

In today's exclusive, Real World Police brings you complete footage of the August 2018 arrest of former Baylor basketball star and very-recently-former Dallas Cowboys tight end Rico Gathers. On Friday, August 31, 2018 at approximately 10:52 pm, Officers Wang and Moreno of the Frisco Police Department in Frisco, Texas were on bike patrol through the city's Central Park when they detected a strong odor of burning marijuana. In the same area, they observed an adult male and female sitting together on a nearby bench. The two officers rode over to make contact with the individuals, the odor becoming "very strong" as they neared. The individuals were identified as Ricardo "Rico" Gathers, then of the Dallas Cowboys and Ieshia Small, a professional basketball player. The officers noted in their report that there was nobody else in the area and that all nearby vehicles were unoccupied. Gathers reportedly stated that he and Small had finished smoking a "cigarillo filled with marijuana and there was nothing left of it." When asked if he had more, Gathers replied by pointing to a green and purple “Juicy Hemp Wraps” package sitting next to him. Inside the package, Officer Wang observed a cigarillo filled with a green and leafy substance which he knew from his "training and experience" to be marijuana. Gathers claimed ownership of it and stated that he did not have any other contraband with him. Despite his pleas for leniency, officers informed Gathers that he was under arrest and placed him in handcuffs, releasing Small from the scene and transporting Gathers to the Frisco Jail. It was later determined that the total weight of the marijuana was 0.078 ounces (2.21 grams). Rico Gathers ultimately entered into a plea deal, pleading guilty to a Class "C" misdemeanor in exchange for 90 days deferred adjudication, a $99 fine and court costs. The complete police report is available now to supporters on Patreon, who also had early access to this video. (Thank you!) The report will become publicly accessible on Patreon tomorrow morning. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Very Thorough Search of Very Methy Vehicle

8VQBDbAB4Mg | 06 Aug 2019

Very Thorough Search of Very Methy Vehicle

This video presents something that happens every day which the public rarely if ever gets to see: a reasonably thorough police search and inventory of an impounded vehicle. Expectations management: If you are here for action-packed police footage this is not the video for you. If you choose to watch this video, one thing to keep in mind throughout is that despite the meticulousness of this search, what you are seeing is kids stuff compared to the searches performed when law enforcement has probable cause to believe that narcotics are hidden in a car. At some point soon-ish Real World Police will be posting footage of a much more thorough search — which turned up massive quantities of drugs, valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. When a specialized police facility is not available, searches of that nature often take place in auto body and general automotive repair shops, as the police will tear down as much of a vehicle as proves necessary. (A common and more 'localized' type of teardown frequently takes place at tire shops, as drugs and money are frequently hidden in car tires.) The footage in this video is from the Sedro-Woolley Police Department in Washington State. The search is associated with the video "Wannabe Sovereign Citizen Eats Sidewalk" available at ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

"Oh, shoot my body camera is still on!"

w1lFVqSNeX8 | 05 Aug 2019

"Oh, shoot my body camera is still on!"

Its answer is shrouded in mystery, a secret held behind a legendarily impenetrable wall of silence. The question: What on earth are cops talking about when they turn their body cameras off? Well, I have seen a lot of body worn camera footage where officers forgot their camera was on. Some of it has already been shared on this channel and today I am going to share some more with you. Unfortunately, with one exception today's police secrets are going to disappoint the conspiracists. When not discussing investigative or case strategy (the most common reason for going offline), the conversation tends to cover one or more of the following: cops complaining about their boss, making fun of each other, gossiping, chatting about their family or their hobbies, and, of course - occasionally - making fun of you. In other words, the same things everyone else talks about at work. All is not nefarious. But what about the really incriminating conversations? Surely they exist, right?! Well, yes. And I have included one such recording in this video. You may have heard about the case, but you haven't heard the actual audio. The case relates to the arrest of ex-NFL player Desmond Marrow, and an excerpt from the much larger story is at the end of this video around 13:00. Extended coverage of the rest of that case will come soon. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series and more. As an added bonus, all supporters get early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Curious to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more. There is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

San Diego Officer Shoots, Kills Man Aggressively Swinging Metal Chain at Him (Full Video, 911 Call)

ziilW3UiKIs | 02 Aug 2019

San Diego Officer Shoots, Kills Man Aggressively Swinging Metal Chain at Him (Full Video, 911 Call)

On August 8, 2018, at approximately 1711 hours , San Diego Police received a 911 call reporting an assault with a deadly weapon. Witnesses reported seeing a male, later identified as Vaughn Denham, attack another male in the head and torso with a machete. San Diego Police Officer Corey Pitts responded to the call and advised dispatch he was making contact with a person matching the description of the suspect. As Officer Pitts was getting out of his vehicle, Denham ran up to the car and swung a four-foot long metal chain striking Officer Pitts' vehicle. Officer Pitts unholstered his Taser and ordered Denham to drop the chain. Denham refused and began walking towards Officer Pitts while swinging the chain. Officer Pitts deployed his Taser, which was ineffective in stopping Denham, as the barbs were blocked by - and became entangled in - the metal chain. Officer Pitts then removed his duty weapon from his holster and pointed it at Denham. He continued to retreat from Denham for a block and a half to keep from being struck with the chain, commanding and imploring Denham to drop the chain throughout. Denham continued to close the distance between him and Officer Pitts, shifting the chain from hand to hand. After giving Denham multiple commands to "Drop the chain or I will shoot," Officer Pitts fired two rounds from his duty weapon striking and dropping Denham to the pavement. Denham was eventually transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. The man he had attacked with a machete survived. The entire 306-page investigation report (which contains many photographs, including photos of the machete, and of the chain with entangled Taser barbs) is available in a public post on Patreon. Direct link: Additional body-worn camera footage from this incident will be posted for Patreon supporters in the coming days, along with supplemental audio. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content, like the new Roadcam series and upcoming supplemental footage from this incident. As an addded bonus, supporters also get early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Florida Mansion Alarm System Fails, Rich Dude Proned Out on Floor in Underwear

NLIq7fxHntg | 01 Aug 2019

Florida Mansion Alarm System Fails, Rich Dude Proned Out on Floor in Underwear

To protect the identity of the lucky owner, with one exception I will not be publishing any additional information about this call or the property. The exception: I will answer the officer’s question and tell you that the house recently sold for ~$5 million. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Pistol Whipped: He’s Running!

IplpGqOpjPE | 31 Jul 2019

Pistol Whipped: He’s Running!

This video is (a) self-explanatory and (b) rather gripping at times. I'll just sit back and let it do the talking. Note: this video is intended to follow the video titled "Man to Man..." posted two days ago on this channel. Another note: Because people always ask, I am responsible for the blurring in this video. You’ll live. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Rapper T.I. arrested trying to enter his own gated community | the dash cam

QfifOYiX4Gg | 30 Jul 2019

Rapper T.I. arrested trying to enter his own gated community | the dash cam

This video - a Real World Police exclusive - is a new supplement to a series of four surveillance and body worn camera videos from this incident. That series was published on this channel in late-April 2019. This dash cam video has not been published elsewhere prior. On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at approximately 4:43 am, Henry County Police Department officers were dispatched to the Eagles Landing Country Club located at 100 Eagles Landing Way in McDonough, Georgia, in reference to a male subject later identified as Clifford Harris (“T.I.”) yelling at the front gate security guard because he would not let him in. To his own house. Dispatch advised responding officers that they could hear Mr. Harris yelling through the phone. On arrival officers met with Mr. Harris and with his friend, Marquinarius Holmes. When asked what was the problem, Mr. Harris stated that when he pulled up to the guard shack, he observed the guard - Euwan James - sleeping. This can clearly be seen in the first of the four videos previously published. When Mr. Harris woke the guard, Harris asked to be let in, but the guard refused, claiming that he did not know who T.I. was... even after he identified himself and his wife Tiny called the guard shack. James finally opened the gate and allowed T.I. in, but T.I. was less than thrilled with the guard's guarding and he requested the guard's name. Surprisingly, James refused to identify himself to Harris, who grew more irate before jumping back in his swank ride and driving home — only to walk back for another attempt at getting the guard’s name. No dice the second time around, either, as instead of getting the guard's name, Harris got arrested. When a responding officer spoke with the guard (who is referred to in the report as “Officer James”), James is *reported by the officer* as having provided the following information: When Harris pulled up James asked Harris for his name and where was he going. Harris replied, "Harris, hook me up!”* James did not recognize Harris and did not let him in the gate. In response, stated James, Harris started to use profanity, yelling at him to open the gate. James then opened the gate and let him inside the neighborhood. James further stated that Harris subsequently walked back to the gate and was threatening him, and added that Mr. Holmes had arrived after Mr. Harris. When asked for specifics of the kind of threats Harris had made, James is reported as having stated that Harris asked him to “come outside so they can deal with it,” however James wrote on his statement that Harris stated "come outside so we can deal with this man to man,” and "Let go in the street.” (It's not clear that Harris said any either of those two sentences.) James stated he felt threatened by Harris because he told him that he would come back and he did. The guard added that he "did not know what Harris was going to do." James' supervisor Andrea Stone advised she witnessed Harris yelling at James. This is the complete dash camera footage from the police car driven by Officer N. Gibbs of Henry County Police Department. *The recording seems to clearly indicate that T.I. said, "Harris, look me up," — and not "Harris, hook me up." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Man to Man Conversation: "If I wasn't wearing clothes I would have caught you!"

Zrl33RkQUGc | 29 Jul 2019

Man to Man Conversation: "If I wasn't wearing clothes I would have caught you!"

I realize that you have no context for this conversation. Coming soon: the chase they are talking about. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Stabbing Suspect Tased 23 Times, Beanbagged 15 Times

rX27TWq1w2k | 27 Jul 2019

Stabbing Suspect Tased 23 Times, Beanbagged 15 Times

We are back again at the oppressively hot seat of Doña Ana County: Las Cruces, New Mexico. An Cruces economic hub, Mesilla Valley Mall is over 600,000 square feet in size and hosts 85 stores. On March 23, 2019, Joshua James LeNoir, 31, stabbed multiple people at the mall during a botched attempt at shoplifting from Dillard's. The police response was swift, but it took 23 Taser deployments and 15 beanbag shots to take LeNoir into custody. For insight into the response, listen to the police officer interview beginning at 7:30. The following is a Real World Police summary... of a detective's summary... of a recording... of an interview with a mall security guard: The guard came out of the restroom and observed LeNoir with numerous pairs of jeans in his arms. When she sees someone like that she knows they may try to run, so she latched the exit doors to the parking lot. Soon after, a store manager locked another door, leaving only one door unlocked. She stood behind some pillows so LeNoir would not be able to see her. When she saw LeNoir approach the exit doors she approached, and when he saw her she heard him say, "Oh fuck." LeNoir turned back into the store at which time she alerted Dillard's employees to lock their fitting rooms and then returned to her position near the west exit door. LeNoir approached her with several pairs of jeans under his arm and told her, "I gave everything to them" and continued to the doors — which were locked. LeNoir said, "Ah, shit" and tried to open the locked doors without success. She asked LeNoir if he was ready to pay and asked what he had under his arm. LeNoir replied, "I don't have anything." She told him that she had associates who could help him pay if he was willing. In response, LeNoir approached her and said, "Fuck you!" before punching her in the face. She told LeNoir several times, "You don't hit me like that... you don't touch me!" LeNoir replied, "Why? Because you're a little bitch!?" She told LeNoir that he couldn't touch her, and LeNoir said, "Well then leave me alone, I already gave you your pair of jeans." At the time she was standing in front of the doors and LeNoir next told her to just let him out. She responded "You' re not going anywhere, turn around and head the other way." LeNoir retorted, "Fuck you," and then punched her under her left breast — which she said "knocked the air out of her." LeNoir then dropped the jeans and began heading the other way as she yelled out for help. She stated that she again confronted LeNoir at which time she observed [X, a guard] grab LeNoir. The two went to the ground and began to wrestle. She then saw LeNoir pull a knife from his pocket and she yelled out that he had a knife. She added that during the scuffle LeNoir's shirt came off. LeNoir said, "Let me out or I'm gonna stab you guys!" He yelled directly at her, "I'm gonna stab you, bitch!" LeNoir then ran into the mall toward the Verizon store where "Z" was, and she saw LeNoir stab Z. She followed at a distance as LeNoir ran into and across the mall, heading south. When LeNoir saw that she was following on the phone he yelled at her, "You fucking snitch!" She subsequently heard someone scream that LeNoir had a gun, and she assured Dillard's employees that police were on the way. Outside, she observed LeNoir jump into someone's vehicle. She saw that there was also a baby in the car. She heard someone yell out, "Get out!" And said that she [unknown who from this transcript] "grabbed the baby carriage and threw it out of the vehicle, and then yelled, "Come here!"" LeNoir was in the vehicle, but he couldn't start it, so she yelled "Close the doors!" and mall security closed the car doors, trapping LeNoir inside. LeNoir then began to use his knife to strike at a car window, eventually shattering it. He exited and "took off" just as police began arriving. This video picks up around that point. Lenoir was charged with two 3rd-degree felony counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, a 2nd-degree felony count of aggravated burglary with a deadly weapon, multiple misdemeanor counts of battery, criminal damage to property and resisting, evading or obstructing. This video shows multiple Taser Cam recordings of officers confronting LeNoir. (Taser Cam audio is... bad.) They are followed by audio of an interview with one of the responding officers. As that audio plays, the officer's body camera video is shown silently on screen. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content and early access to many videos — including the new "Real World Police: Roadcam" series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Know of a hot story that hasn't been covered elsewhere? We want to hear from you! Email [email protected] Redaction issue? Email [email protected]

Cleveland Police Officer Fired for Undisclosed Felony Convictions, Hells Angels Affiliation

_GHRvZzLe4Y | 26 Jul 2019

Cleveland Police Officer Fired for Undisclosed Felony Convictions, Hells Angels Affiliation

On June 1, 2019 then-Cleveland Police officer Shawn David Lund Simmons was fired following an internal investigation which began in February after the City received a notification indicating that Simmons had a felony criminal record and had served prison time in the Kingdom of Norway, where he was associated with the Hells Angels motorcycle gang. Simmons had been on emergency restricted duty since early-February. As seen in this footage, during his pre-disciplinary hearing Simmons denied being a member of the Hells Angels, stating that he was childhood friends with a member of the Hells Angels and that he rented a room to the friend as an adult — but has since had only sporadic contact with him. Simmons did not deny his criminal convictions and jail time, though he did claim to not recall one of his arrests. Cleveland police became aware of his history after the city posted a photo of Simmons next to Mayor Frank Jackson on Facebook after Simmons was sworn in as a police officer. Shortly thereafter, Mats Bjørnstad, a police superintendent with KRIPOS, the National Criminal Investigation Service in Norway, spotted members of the Oslo Hells Angels commenting on the Facebook post. One of the comments (available in the supporting documentation) reads "When you think you've seen everything... from red to blue what the f***" Bjørnstad immediately notified a contact at the ATF. According to an email from Officer Bjørnstad to Agent Jeremy Sheets, Simmons' convictions include aggravated assault, kidnapping, and extortion. Bjornstad wrote that "[Simmons] is well known to police for violence and connections to the Hells Angels," adding that Simmons trained the gang’s “crew boys” in mixed martial arts. “Not one you want in your ranks, believe me,” Bjornstad wrote. EUROPOL confirmed the conviction allegations, which Simmons had failed to disclose in his employment application, in which he had marked "no" in response to questions asking if he had ever been arrested. Information regarding his conviction and jail time served had not been located during an intensive pre-employment background screening. This is the recording of Simmons' pre-disciplinary hearing. It is also a particularly asinine example of the City of Cleveland's almost-certainly-illegal practice of blurring the faces of all police officers, as Mr. Simmons is certainly not going to be serving in an undercover or plainclothes capacity with the department, ever. (That potentiality is the City's only legal argument supporting redaction. It's a big stretch, and it has been addressed elsewhere. See below if you really feel like talking more about it.) The complete internal affairs investigation report and supporting documentation, including the email from Bljørnstad alerting the ATF about Simmons, is available to supporters on Patreon. Thank you. [PayPal people, you all rock too. I wish there was an easy way to let you all in on these things.] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — including the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ More on the redaction issue: Dearest viewers who want to tell me why the City of Cleveland may be knowingly breaking the law: Whether or not a public body may withhold any portion of a public record is strictly a legal question. It is not a public policy question. You are not making a compelling argument by explaining the logic behind the City's actions. On the other hand, if you have a well-supported legal argument to make I want to hear it. Because as far as I know, one doesn't exist. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?" (Part III)

1obya9YsOqU | 25 Jul 2019

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?" (Part III)

A while back I posted the first video in this series, promising that more was to come. Fortunately, I didn't say when that would happen. So with a nod to the saying 'better late than never,' Part II recently went up. Keeping the momentum going, I present the third video in the series. When the Mercedes before them came back with a warrant hit for a female, Cincinnati’s finest drove in for a closer look at the driver. The moment they confirmed that a female was behind the wheel, a traffic stop was in order. As the stop progressed it emerged that the driver of the car wasn't the female they were looking for, but as quickly as that door to arrest closed others opened. It's "Everyone Gets Arrested Day" in this Cincinnati installment of Real World Police. This series shows the traffic stop, search, and arrest from the perspective of different officers on scene. Part III is from the perspective of the K9 handler. Subsequent installments will be available on Patreon. *Believe it or not, what you see in this video is only mildly thorough for a vehicle search. In an upcoming video I will show what a thorough search looks like. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — plus the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too.

New Mexico Police Officer Bit by Bullmastiff

gIbvPXAQwU0 | 24 Jul 2019

New Mexico Police Officer Bit by Bullmastiff

On the afternoon of Wednesday, April 4, 2018, Las Cruces Police Officer Pierce E. Wilber responded to a call in reference to stolen property. While investigating, the officer requested that the resident, Philip Olona, put his Bullmastiff in the house so he could look around the back yard without fear of getting bit. Mr. Olona complied... but not well enough, apparently. Managing to make a bad situation worse, after his dog bit the officer, Olona was unable to provide a responding animal control officer with any proof of vaccinations for his dog - named "Compon" - and Compon was taken for a ten-day quarantine. A few days later, while in quarantine, Compon fell ill. Olona's mother was contacted for guidance on how to proceed, as Olona himself had been arrested in the interim. Mr. Olona's mother decided to have Compon seen by a veterinarian, who diagnosed the dog with severe bacterial pneumonia. Following one week of treatment the dog recovered and was returned to the care of the city animal shelter, as Olona had not complied with the city's requirements for housing a dangerous dog, including "Beware of Dog" signage, fencing, and a kennel. Despite multiple inspections and advisements of the requirements Olona ultimately failed to qualify for dangerous dog registration and Compon was euthanized on May 29, 2018, after a 30 day waiting period. Records [written in tenseless and not-conjugated English] relating to the animal control aspect of this incident are at the end of this video. The removed pages are repetitious and do not contain any new material information. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos — plus the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?" (Part II)

twpHX7MQl10 | 23 Jul 2019

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?" (Part II)

A while back I posted the first video in this series, promising that more was to come. Fortunately I didn't say when that would be, as many great stories came up in between... but the wait is over. Presenting Part II of “Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack Cocaine?" When the Mercedes before them came back with a warrant hit for a female, Cincinnati’s finest drove in for a closer look at the driver. The moment they confirmed that a female was behind the wheel, a traffic stop was in order. As the stop progressed it emerged that the driver of the car wasn't the female they were looking for, but as quickly as that door to arrest closed others opened. It's "Everyone Gets Arrested Day" in this Cincinnati installment of Real World Police. This series shows the traffic stop, search, and arrest from the perspective of different officers on scene. Part III will be from the perspective of the K9 handler. Subsequent installments will be available on Patreon. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content — including the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

¿Cómo se Dice "You Have Been Trespassed" en Español?

eGupivoKbtM | 22 Jul 2019

¿Cómo se Dice "You Have Been Trespassed" en Español?

In this installment, watch as Las Cruces' finest deal with Las Cruces' weirdest. A man being trespassed from a local business refuses to provide his name and date of birth, leading to charges for concealing his identity. But that's nothing too unusual. After all, people conceal their identity all the time. What is unusual is that this gentleman doesn't speak English. Sometimes. #WeirdWorldPolice ~~~ Because someone is inevitably going to ask, the New Mexico statute making it a petty misdemeanor to conceal one's identity can be found at NMSA 1978 § 30-22-3: "Concealing identity consists of concealing one’s true name or identity, or disguising oneself with intent to intimidate, hinder or interrupt any public officer or any other person in a legal performance of his or her duty or the exercise of his or her rights under the laws of the United States or of this state." ~~~ Help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it! Become a supporter on Patreon today and gain access to supporter-only exclusives (like the new Roadcam series) AND get early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Miami Beach Police Arrest Former UFC Champion Conor McGregor (Body Camera Footage)

ru1EXELiRGU | 20 Jul 2019

Miami Beach Police Arrest Former UFC Champion Conor McGregor (Body Camera Footage)

The publication of this video is accompanied by some good news and other mediocre news. The good news is that body camera footage of Conor McGregor's arrest exists and is published here for you to see. It contains material that has never been published elsewhere prior. The mediocre news is that the body camera footage of McGregor's arrest could more appropriately be titled "Miami Beach Police Stand Around For Two Hours Waiting for Conor McGregor to Come Outside, and Then Turn Their Cameras Off." One thing to realize as you watch this video is that you are seeing only the most action-packed portions of the body camera footage of McGregor's arrest. I took the liberty of removing more than one hour of footage which showed cops standing around in silence, their impatience perhaps tempered only by the thought of The Notorious stealing their phone and smashing it. (Too soon?) Conor McGregor was arrested the night of March 11, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida and charged with felony strong-armed robbery and misdemeanor criminal mischief. Ahmed Abdirzak, on vacation from England with friends, had been out at the LIV Nightclub at Miami's Fountainebleu hotel. Abdirzak exited the nightclub along with McGregor and his entourage, but when he tried to take a photo with McGregor things turned south. The 30-year-old McGregor smacked the phone from Abdirzak’s hand and stomped on it multiple times, before picking it up himself and walking away with it. The phone was reportedly valued at $1,000. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video and detectives later located and arrested McGregor at his Miami Beach Airbnb. McGregor was booked into jail and released from custody approximately four hours later, after posting a $12,500 bond.  In Mid-May 2019 prosecutors dropped all charges against the former UFC champion, stating that the Abdirzak had stopped cooperating with investigators and had recanted his story. According to the The Miami Herald, Abdirzak dropped his civil lawsuit against McGregor after reaching a settlement. Abdirzak had been seeking $15,000 in damages. Florida assistant state attorney Khalil Madani said that Abdirzak “has credibility issues as he’s changed his previously sworn testimony.” He added, “Based on the witness’s credibility issues, his unwillingness to respond to a subpoena and the inability of the witnesses to testify as to his subjective mindset, the State of Florida cannot prove the charges against Mr. McGregor beyond a reasonable doubt.” Because some people have not been reading between the lines, I should clarify that the above quote by the ASA does not actually suggest that the victim has credibility problems or that the incident did not happen as originally claimed. Rather, McGregor reached a financial settlement with Abdirzak. In exchange, Abdirzak stopped cooperating with the State of Florida's prosecution of McGregor. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Officer Responds to Drake Sing Along; Car is Chicken

bHlIWhKZyNc | 19 Jul 2019

Officer Responds to Drake Sing Along; Car is Chicken

Lip sync challenge? Not for this police officer. Watch as one of Orlando's finest practices the real deal, working on his cover of "Now & Forever" by Drake as he processes as accident scene. Unrelated, a man with an accent so thick that it can turn his car into fowl. *Wondering about the apparent lack of editing in this video? There is a story behind it. Originally this was a decently-edited 15 minute video of an officer responding to a fender-bender. Thing is, after finishing it I came to the conclusion that the only worthwhile parts were the "car is chicken" and Drake sing-along. And they were roughly 12 minutes apart from each other. So why not just cut the video down to size and re-upload it with normal transitions and such? Well, this video has been patiently hanging out for more than two months as a copyright dispute was taking place behind the scenes. Until it was resolved, this video was banned entirely from being shown. Having won that dispute, re-uploading the video would mean another months-long wait. Clean transitions and another multi-month delay? No thanks. But I didn't want to keep this gem to myself, either. [The end] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (Full Surveillance Footage)

S6q-9gJ2RnA | 18 Jul 2019

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (Full Surveillance Footage)

Former two-division UFC champion Conor McGregor was arrested the night of March 11, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida and charged with felony strong-armed robbery and misdemeanor criminal mischief. Ahmed Abdirzak, on vacation from England with friends, had been out at the LIV Nightclub at Miami's Fountainebleu hotel. Abdirzak exited the nightclub along with McGregor and his entourage, but when he tried to take a photo with McGregor things turned south. The 30-year-old McGregor smacked the phone from Abdirzak’s hand and stomped on it multiple times, before picking it up himself and walking away with it. The phone was reportedly valued at $1,000. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video and detectives later located and arrested McGregor at his Miami Beach Airbnb. McGregor was booked into jail and released from custody approximately four hours later, after posting a $12,500 bond.  In Mid-May 2019 prosecutors dropped all charges against the former UFC champion, stating that the Abdirzak had stopped cooperating with investigators and had recanted his story. According to the The Miami Herald, Abdirzak dropped his civil lawsuit against McGregor after reaching a settlement. Abdirzak had been seeking $15,000 in damages. Florida assistant state attorney Khalil Madani said that Abdirzak “has credibility issues as he’s changed his previously sworn testimony.” He added, “Based on the witness’s credibility issues, his unwillingness to respond to a subpoena and the inability of the witnesses to testify as to his subjective mindset, the State of Florida cannot prove the charges against Mr. McGregor beyond a reasonable doubt.” This is the entirety of the surveillance footage. (Much of it has been sped up.) Until now only a fraction of the footage had been publicly available. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (Victim Interview)

jVukt2_kiWY | 18 Jul 2019

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (Victim Interview)

Former two-division UFC champion Conor McGregor was arrested the night of March 11, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida and charged with felony strong-armed robbery and misdemeanor criminal mischief. Ahmed Abdirzak, on vacation from England with friends, had been out at the LIV Nightclub at Miami's Fountainebleu hotel. Abdirzak exited the nightclub along with McGregor and his entourage, but when he tried to take a photo with McGregor things turned south. The 30-year-old McGregor smacked the phone from Abdirzak’s hand and stomped on it multiple times, before picking it up himself and walking away with it. The phone was reportedly valued at $1,000. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video and detectives later located and arrested McGregor at his Miami Beach Airbnb. McGregor was booked into jail and released from custody approximately four hours later, after posting a $12,500 bond.  In Mid-May 2019 prosecutors dropped all charges against the former UFC champion, stating that the Abdirzak had stopped cooperating with investigators and had recanted his story. According to the The Miami Herald, Abdirzak dropped his civil lawsuit against McGregor after reaching a settlement. Abdirzak had been seeking $15,000 in damages. Florida assistant state attorney Khalil Madani said that Abdirzak “has credibility issues as he’s changed his previously sworn testimony.” He added, “Based on the witness’s credibility issues, his unwillingness to respond to a subpoena and the inability of the witnesses to testify as to his subjective mindset, the State of Florida cannot prove the charges against Mr. McGregor beyond a reasonable doubt.” ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (The Complaint)

sh-tD_mrd9U | 18 Jul 2019

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (The Complaint)

Former two-division UFC champion Conor McGregor was arrested the night of March 11, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida and charged with felony strong-armed robbery and misdemeanor criminal mischief. Ahmed Abdirzak, on vacation from England with friends, had been out at the LIV Nightclub at Miami's Fountainebleu hotel. Abdirzak exited the nightclub along with McGregor and his entourage, but when he tried to take a photo with McGregor things turned south. The 30-year-old McGregor smacked the phone from Abdirzak’s hand and stomped on it multiple times, before picking it up himself and walking away with it. The phone was reportedly valued at $1,000. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video and detectives later located and arrested McGregor at his Miami Beach Airbnb. McGregor was booked into jail and released from custody approximately four hours later, after posting a $12,500 bond.  In Mid-May 2019 prosecutors dropped all charges against the former UFC champion, stating that the Abdirzak had stopped cooperating with investigators and had recanted his story. According to the The Miami Herald, Abdirzak dropped his civil lawsuit against McGregor after reaching a settlement. Abdirzak had been seeking $15,000 in damages. Florida assistant state attorney Khalil Madani said that Abdirzak “has credibility issues as he’s changed his previously sworn testimony.” He added, “Based on the witness’s credibility issues, his unwillingness to respond to a subpoena and the inability of the witnesses to testify as to his subjective mindset, the State of Florida cannot prove the charges against Mr. McGregor beyond a reasonable doubt.” This is the complete body worn camera footage from the victim's police report. The audio was barely audible in the original; you may still need to turn up your volume. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Cleveland Woman Arrested for Child Endangerment

HzjgEGZQ68g | 17 Jul 2019

Cleveland Woman Arrested for Child Endangerment

On May 19, 2019 at 1:51 am, a woman called 911 reporting her suspicion that her upstairs neighbor had left her three very young children at home unattended. The caller stated that the kids were screaming nonstop and that the mother had a track record of unfit parenting. Cleveland Police Officers Nagy and Jelenich were dispatched to investigate. This is what they found. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Arrest that security guard!"

0i2nLdhNJBo | 16 Jul 2019

"Arrest that security guard!"

On November 26, 2018 something happened at Seattle's Miner's Landing between security guard Brian Murphy and a male by the name of William Moore. There were plenty of witnesses, but there was also an usual twist: the witnesses were evenly divided between two contradictory stories. Today on Real World Police learn what happened, and find out which party is going to jail. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

U.S. Marshals & Las Cruces Police Shooting of Juan Angel Piñedo (Additional Footage)

speeTcbgaUg | 15 Jul 2019

U.S. Marshals & Las Cruces Police Shooting of Juan Angel Piñedo (Additional Footage)

[Shouting is loud. Shooting is louder. There is plenty of shouting and a fair amount of shooting in this video. Be mindful of your headphone volume.] If you missed Part I, I recommend watching that first. This is meant to supplement it, not substitute for it. Juan Angel Piñedo sealed his fate at approximately 6:00 pm on September 27, 2018. Surrounded by U.S. Marshals and heavily armed officers of the Las Cruces Police Department, Piñedo ignored more than a dozen commands to stay away from the handgun he had accidentally dropped during the preceding foot pursuit. Piñedo, age 32, had led officers on a chase for several blocks and was on the run for much longer before that. But on the evening of September 27th Piñedo ran across the Las Cruces High School campus and found himself caught. Disobeying both commands and normal logic, Piñedo rapidly spun around and reached for the gun he had dropped. Officers fired a combined 18 shots at Piñedo, four of which hit their target. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Piñedo was wanted by police prior to the incident after he was suspected of pointing a handgun at his ex-girlfriend’s current boyfriend. As a felon Piñedo was not allowed to possess a firearm, but that charge was one of many that he faced from multiple incidents. His photograph had been run on television and it took a police manhunt to pin him down. U.S. Marshals had located Piñedo at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment earlier in the day, but they did not have a warrant and she would not allow them entry. Officers set up a perimeter and about a half-hour later witnessed Pinedo jump from the second-floor window of the apartment complex armed with a gun. He landed in the parking lot and fled on foot. This first video presented a variety of scenes and perspectives relating to the manhunt and eventual shooting of Juan Angel Piñedo, noting that additional footage was to come. It's here. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Speed Enforcement by Aircraft: View From The Plane

YHWMFnLJLDs | 15 Jul 2019

Speed Enforcement by Aircraft: View From The Plane

Washington State Highway Patrol provides statewide aerial enforcement, rapid response, airborne assessments of incidents, and transportation services in support of the Patrol’s public safety mission — says the Washington State Highway Patrol in some sharp-looking PR material. But the Patrol's glossy brochure doesn't mention WSP Aviation's strongest hidden asset: its banter. The reason for that is understandable. After all, Department of Homeland Security provided a many-hundred-thousand dollar grant for aerial DUI enforcement, not conversations about hunting or jokes about flying sideways between downtown skyscrapers. WSP Aviation currently manages seven aircraft. They are a pair of King Airs, three Cessna 182's, and a pair of Cessna 206's. (In one publication the 206's were mistakenly referred to as Cessna 208's. That happened to be the publication I was reading when I wrote the burned-in caption toward to the beginning of this video.) It's the Cessna 206's that are equipped with thermal imaging cameras, which have a custom software solution that allows any target to be marked and its ground speed automatically calculated, which is how aerial speed enforcement happens without needing special areas of roadway marked at fixed intervals for aerial visibility and speed calculation. Aerial services provides statewide day and night aerial traffic enforcement, traffic congestion management, pursuit management, as well as services such as crowd monitoring, search and rescue support, and more. You have probably seen footage from police helicopters. Police fixed-wing aircraft? Less likely. c Let's change that. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Real World Police: Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

40 mm Less-Lethal Round to the Leg (Part III)

2t6Mwk1r7cA | 13 Jul 2019

40 mm Less-Lethal Round to the Leg (Part III)

This unannounced final video in the series runs parallel to Part II, but rather than head back to the station with Justin Jorgens, in Part III we stick around the scene to collect evidence and check in with the original reporting party. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

New Footage Shows Officer Wasn't Going to Arrest NBA YoungBoy, Housekeeper Objected

v3-h1385-Gg | 12 Jul 2019

New Footage Shows Officer Wasn't Going to Arrest NBA YoungBoy, Housekeeper Objected

"I'm YoungBoy! NBA YoungBoy!" "She violated my space! I'm a star!" The footage in this video was captured on the body worn camera of the backup officer on scene at the arrest of rapper NBA YoungBoy and in Atlanta, Georgia on February 11, 2019. In comparison to the video posted a couple of weeks ago, this footage is (surprisingly) far better. The audio is of much better quality and Officer White's camera captures significant parts of the police investigation and decision-making process that until now were not publicly known. On top of that are some great conversations between Gaulden and Officer White, and the revelation that White's primary concern was ensuring that Gaulden's child would not end up in the care of Georgia's Division of Family and Children Services. Get comfortable, because this is the complete uncut video. On February 11, 2019 Atlanta Police Department Officers Sobocinski and White responded to a fight in progress at Hyatt House Atlanta hotel. Upon arrival, the officers briefly spoke with hotel staff in the lobby who stated that another staff member had been attacked by a guest and that the guest was headed back to their room. Accompanied by a hotel employee, the officers went up to room 708 and found Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, better known as the rapper "NBA YoungBoy" or "Young Boy Never Broke Again" and his girlfriend Starr Thigpen, better known as NBA YoungBoy's baby momma. When officers found the duo they were locked out of their room... and their toddler ("baybeh") was locked inside. Along with their drugs. This body camera video shows the investigation from the perspective of Officer White, uncut, from her arrival at the hotel to their arrival at jail and beyond. Toward the end of the video, it seems that the relationship between Gaulden, Thigpen, and the two arresting officers changes substantially. They are all casually joking around about Lil' Bow Wow and the officers provide actually-helpful advice on how Gaulden and Thigpen can get through the booking process quickly. Of course, their conversation also contains a warning from the officer that Gaulden should behave himself because he wouldn't want this footage getting out on YouTube or Instagram. Hmm... Despite their apparent chumminess, in the end, the officers seized 9.2 grams of marijuana and poured out a cup of NBA YoungBoy's “lean" — the promethazine / codeine concoction also known as Purple Drank. Gaulden and Thigpen were booked on charges of disorderly conduct and marijuana less than an ounce, and left their screaming toddler in the care of his uncle, Gaulden's brother. All charges were eventually dismissed, though Gaulden has other legal issues to deal with. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

U.S. Marshals & Las Cruces Police Shooting of Juan Angel Piñedo

6zhjcden5Ag | 10 Jul 2019

U.S. Marshals & Las Cruces Police Shooting of Juan Angel Piñedo

[The OIS sequence begins at 35:16] Juan Angel Piñedo sealed his fate at approximately 6:00 pm on September 27, 2018. Surrounded by U.S. Marshals and heavily armed officers of the Las Cruces Police Department, Piñedo ignored more than a dozen commands to stay away from the handgun he had accidentally dropped during the preceding foot pursuit. Piñedo, age 32, had led officers on a chase for several blocks and was on the run for much longer before that. But on the evening of September 27th Piñedo ran across the Las Cruces High School campus and found himself caught. Disobeying both commands and normal logic, Piñedo rapidly spun around and reached for the gun he had dropped. Officers fired a combined 18 shots at Piñedo, four of which hit their target. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Piñedo was wanted by police prior to the incident after he was suspected of pointing a handgun at his ex-girlfriend’s current boyfriend. As a felon Piñedo was not allowed to possess a firearm, but that charge was one of many that he faced from multiple incidents. His photograph had been run on television and it took a police manhunt to pin him down. U.S. Marshals had located Pinedo at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment earlier in the day, but they did not have a warrant and she would not allow them entry. Officers set up a perimeter and about a half-hour later witnessed Pinedo jump from the second-floor window of the apartment complex armed with a gun. He landed in the parking lot and fled on foot. This video presents a variety of scenes and perspectives relating to the manhunt and eventual shooting of Juan Angel Pinedo. Additional footage to come. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Seattle Police Respond to Assault of Domino’s Delivery Driver

LhZmJgH0PUY | 09 Jul 2019

Seattle Police Respond to Assault of Domino’s Delivery Driver

On March 25, 2018 Seattle Police Department responded to a Domino’s Pizza location, having just received a 911 call complaining of an assault against their delivery driver. As the driver arrived at her destination she was met at her car by a man she assumed to be the customer. The man appeared to be around 40 years old and was wearing black glasses. He had a shaved head, a "chunkier" build, and was far from sober. He walked up to the driver's side door and she asked "Are you Cory?" And then he punched her in the face. Watch as Seattle police officers take the employee's report and locate the perp --- just as he was getting into an Uber to leave the city. *The City of Seattle is responsible for the somewhat lazy full-screen blurring of frames containing the victim. On the other hand, I am responsible for rendering this using the wrong audio file, so I’m inclined to give the City a pass this time. (Intelligibility is far better than the original; the mix is unchanged.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Everyone But Ty Gets Released

V4VgKGQUctw | 08 Jul 2019

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Everyone But Ty Gets Released

In another of the Ty Dolla $ign arrest videos I mentioned that the leg shackle securing Mr. $ign's bodyguard got jammed, and that the fire department had to remove the shackle using massive bolt cutters. Understandably, people were interested in seeing that 'hilarious-unless-it's-you' situation for themselves. That time has come. On September 5, 2018 Tyrone William Griffin Jr., better known as rapper and singer Ty Dolla $ign, was arrested on drug charges in Atlanta, Georgia after an officer on foot patrol walked by his tour van in and smelled an overwhelming odor of marijuana. The officer, Che Milton, called a K9 unit to confirm, and - following an astonishingly strong hit on Mr. $ign's property - officers subsequently located 18 grams of marijuana, a small quantity of cocaine, and thousands of dollars in cash. Problematic for responding officers, however, was the fact that none of the seven occupants of the van (among them: Skrillex) were willing to claim the drugs as their own. So Officer Milton rounded up all seven van occupants and brought them in. In this video, watch as everyone gets released but Ty, and the realization that their star is going to jail begins to set in. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Ohio Police Officer Saves Six People in Two Hours: OD Resuscitation

6Z9XZ9BqruE | 06 Jul 2019

Ohio Police Officer Saves Six People in Two Hours: OD Resuscitation

Six rescues in one day. Not bad, Franklin. Officer Aaron Franklin's unexpectedly busy Monday was reported on by a number of other media outlets, however none of them included anything resembling a complete audiovisual picture of the events. I am glad to be able to bring you the complete footage from both incidents here on Real World Police. A few days ago you saw the swiftwater rescue footage; now it's time for the resuscitation. Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Racist Tirade Against Asian Cop By Ex-"Love & Hip Hop" Star Benzino #TMZFail

H2rtlA-yy_w | 05 Jul 2019

Racist Tirade Against Asian Cop By Ex-"Love & Hip Hop" Star Benzino #TMZFail

[Benzino's racist tirade begins with a single word around 12:18 and is in full swing by 18:25. Things really get crazy around 20:56 - 21:12, and they somehow manage to escalate even further from there.] Now, before everyone starts writing "What's a Benzino?" I have to confess that until a few days ago I was happily ignorant myself. But there is never a good reason to fall for the "I don't know them so they are not famous" fallacy. So let's figure out who this guy is. Per Wikipedia, Raymond Scott, better known by his stage name Benzino and widely commented on for his mostly-absent neck, is an American hip hop media executive and record producer. He is known for having appeared on VH1 reality TV series Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta and TV One original series The Next :15. Benzino is also known for being involved, since 2003, in a widely publicized feud with rapper Eminem as Benzino called him "2003 Vanilla Ice". Since then the pair have been creating diss tracks about each other, including Benzino's "Pull Your Skirt Up" and "Die Another Day" or Eminem's "The Sauce" and "Nail in the Coffin." A co-owner of The Source, Benzino was also a founding member of rap groups The Almighty RSO and Made Men. Unrelated... I wonder what was in those pills in his pocket? Much more relevant, Raymond "Benzino" Scott appears to not like Asian people. At least, one very generalized Asian police officer. I can only imagine what a relief it must have been for Benzino to have TMZ cover his arrest... and for him to realize that TMZ's BOMBSHELL story - titled "Benzino's nuclear meltdown" - was all about the fact that he had uttered a single offensive sentence to the female officer. 😂 Not quite, TMZ... It appears that TMZ only managed to get their hands on one of the body worn camera videos capturing Benzino's arrest. Because that video happened to be from the female officer's body-worn camera, it missed the entirety of Benzino's true "nuclear meltdown." "Pork fried rice face" "Jackie Chan midget gook" "We should have killed you all in Vietnam" "Can I get an order of egg foo young?" And plenty more that would get this video removed and not just demonetized (like it already is, of course) If you make it all the way there, the end of this video is in many ways the most unbelievable part. After all the time Benzino spends screaming about the arresting officer's mother, wanting to fight the arresting officer, wanting to sue the arresting officer, and various Chinese food dishes, he then issues the most half-hearted apology ever [because - no shit - he did actually get a ticket]... which is met with "We're cool" by the arresting officer. It seems that as far as Benzino is concerned, nothing really happened. Hey you! Yes, you. You piece of shit. Put the A/C on? **The above is intentionally more opinionated than the usual video description on Real World Police. Why? Easy: I didn't want to write a neutral article about the kind of behavior seen in this video. It’s abhorrent. Things will be back to fair and balanced with the next video; just wanted to acknowledge and own the change in tone here. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Police Officer Rescues Five Teens from Storm Drain (Massillon, Ohio)

usfZ6RqrvC0 | 04 Jul 2019

Police Officer Rescues Five Teens from Storm Drain (Massillon, Ohio)

Watch as Massillon, Ohio Police Officer Aaron Franklin teams up with the city's fire chief to rescue five teenage boys from a high-flow storm drain after the group was swept away by strong currents following a brief but heavy rain. A total of six teens between the ages of 13 and 15 were playing in the city's typically-placid Sippo Creek after the downpour, but their afternoon of fun ended quickly when one of the kids lost his footing and was taken away by the current. The remaining boys tried to form a human chain to rescue him… and they soon found themselves ALL downstream, holding on to avoid being swept into underground tunnels. Luckily, one of the five managed to make it back to high ground. He called 911. Officer Franklin was the first to arrive on the scene, and he kicked into gear, assisting firefighters by tossing a life ring to retrieve the nearest two teens, after which Massillon Fire Chief Tom Burgasser tethered himself to 300 feet of rope and was lowered downstream to retrieve two more teens who he found just inside a drainage pipe. The sixth teen had been swept away entirely, taken through a maze of pitch-black underground storm drain pipes and eventually spat out in a reservoir one mile away. From there, he managed to reach shore on his own. Fun day at the creek. (Did I mention that Officer Franklin would resuscitate an overdose patient less than two hours after this incident? Full video of that coming soon.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content — including the new Roadcam series! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving @ .36% BAC [Extra Footage]

xbxN7f0fF60 | 03 Jul 2019

New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving @ .36% BAC [Extra Footage]

This shorter video provides a different perspective on the drunk driving arrest of Lieutenant John Chew of the Lower Township, New Jersey Police Department on April 27, 2018. On that date at approximately 6:28 pm, Lower Township police communications received a call from a concerned citizen regarding a black Chevrolet truck driving erratically on Breakwater Road toward Route 9. The citizen described the vehicle as being operated at a high rate of speed and in a manner unsafe to other vehicles on the road — reporting that the driver had already ran a light and nearly crashed multiple times. Two officers were assigned to the call and responded, quickly locating the vehicle and noting that “the driver was not able to maintain the[ir] lane of travel,” and that “the vehicle cross[ed] over the center line as well as the fog line numerous times" while it was under their observation. In the area of Route 9 and Honeysuckle road, the lead officer attempted to stop the truck, but its driver turned onto Honeysuckle and continued for another quarter mile before coming to a stop. At that point the driver of the vehicle was identified as Lower Township Police Lieutenant John A. Chew. The responding officers contacted their command staff per department protocol, and after some attempts at field sobriety tests, Chew was placed under arrest for driving under the influence. Chew’s attorney hired expert witness Kevin Flanagan to review the entire arrest. Flanagan, now retired from law enforcement, spent 16 years working in and eventually leading the Alcohol Testing Unit of the New Jersey State Police. Flanagan authored a highly detailed 12 page report covering every possible deficiency in the case against Chew. Nevertheless, on September 13, 2018 John Chew pleaded guilty to driving under the influence. His driver’s license was revoked for seven months followed by six months with an ignition interlock, and he was required to spend a minimum of six hours a day for two consecutive days in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center or IDRC. (IDRCs provide a 12-hour class conveying information about New Jersey's alcohol and drug laws and the effect of alcohol and drugs on the body. They also conduct screenings for referrals or treatment of substance abuse issues.) Chew was also assessed $689 in fines. That battery of punishments is standard for a first DUI in New Jersey. John Chew is no longer employed by Lower Township Police Department. He is currently receiving a pension of $41,986.56 (*this is a corrected figure*). The complete 79-page case record is at About the discrepancy between the measured and reported BAC figures: Chew provided two breath samples, and each was measured using two different technologies: infrared (IR) and electrochemical oxidation in a fuel cell (EC). Two samples and two tests per sample means four measurements. For Chew, those were .382%, .377%, .374%, and .367% (in descending order). So how did Chew have a BAC of .36%? In March 2008, the NJ Supreme Court decided State v. Chun, 943 A.2d 114 (N.J. 2008), easily the most important drunk driving case in New Jersey history. Chun set the standard for drunk driving litigation by establishing the procedures and protocols for breath testing in the state utilizing the then-new Alcotest machines. Draeger, the machine's manufacturer, was an intervenor in the case, which subjected the Alcotest to an almost-unimaginable level of scrutiny — down to its source code. The end result was a court decision upholding the validity of the Alcotest, subject to some relatively minor tweaks. The full 25 page opinion provides a lot of key background info, but here is the relevant quote: The Alcotest IR and EC tests each return a BAC to three decimal places, accurate to within +/- .005%. It "then reports the final BAC test result, which is always the lowest of the four acceptable readings, that is, readings within acceptable tolerance, which the device is programmed to truncate to two decimal places. Truncating, as opposed to rounding, involves simply reporting the first and second decimal places and dropping the third. For example, by truncating, a reading of 0.079 percent BAC would be reported as 0.07 and a reading of 0.089 percent BAC would be reported as 0.08. The effect of truncating, as opposed to rounding, is to under-report the concentration, to the benefit of the arrestee." Chew's actual BAC was likely around .375%, not .36%. But the law defines its own world, and in the eyes of the law his BAC was .36%, because all measurements were truncated (to .38, .37, .37, and .36) and only the lowest was reported. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Supporters had early access to this video. Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too.

40 mm Less-Lethal Round to the Leg (Continued)

v-lwaql5ByQ | 02 Jul 2019

40 mm Less-Lethal Round to the Leg (Continued)

This episode takes us back to that largest city in Whitman County, Washington. To the home of Washington State University and Bloomberg Businessweek's 2011 "Best Place to Raise Kids in Washington." You know it: Pullman. Last time Pullman came up on Real World Police was roughly a week ago, when we met Justin Jorgens - the dude whose entertaining commentary was provoked, to a degree, by a 40 mm less-lethal round to his upper leg. Many of you were interested in knowing whether there would be a Part II to that story, wanting to know what happened next with the investigation and processing. I am happy to oblige. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Arrest of Rapper NBA YoungBoy and Starr Thigpen (Part II)

hBOSftyMQQ4 | 01 Jul 2019

Arrest of Rapper NBA YoungBoy and Starr Thigpen (Part II)

On February 11, 2019 Atlanta Police Department Officers Sobocinski and White responded to a fight in progress at Hyatt House Atlanta hotel. Upon arrival, the officers briefly spoke with hotel staff in the lobby who stated that another staff member had been attacked by a guest and that the guest was headed back to their room. Accompanied by a hotel employee, the officers went up to room 708 and found Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, better known as the rapper "NBA YoungBoy" or "Young Boy Never Broke Again" and his girlfriend Starr Thigpen. When officers found the duo they were locked out of their room... and their toddler ("baybeh") was locked inside. With their drugs. All of the above is in Part I. As Part II begins I'll let the footage take over the story. Toward the end of the video, it seems that the relationship between Gaulden, Thigpen, and the two arresting officers changes substantially. They are all casually joking around about Lil Bow Wow, the officers provide actually-helpful advice on how their arrestees can get through the booking process quickly. Of course, their conversation also contains a warning from the officer that Gaulden should behave himself because he wouldn't want this footage getting out on YouTube or Instagram. Too bad I didn't get the memo. Despite their apparent chumminess, in the end, the officers seized 9.2 grams of marijuana and poured out a cup of NBA YoungBoy's “lean," a promethazine / codeine concoction also known as Purple Drank. The responding officers booked Gaulden and Thigpen on charges of disorderly conduct and marijuana less than an ounce, and left their screaming toddler in the care of his uncle (Gaulden's brother). All charges were eventually dismissed. *If you missed Part I, definitely check that out first. Direct link: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arrest of Rapper NBA YoungBoy and Girlfriend Starr Thigpen: The Complete Footage (Part I)

VcRDPOPYH4M | 29 Jun 2019

Arrest of Rapper NBA YoungBoy and Girlfriend Starr Thigpen: The Complete Footage (Part I)

On February 11, 2019 Atlanta Police Department Officers Sobocinski and White responded to a fight in progress at Hyatt House Atlanta hotel. Upon arrival, the officers briefly spoke with hotel staff in the lobby who stated that another staff member had been attacked by a guest and that the guest was headed back to their room. Accompanied by a hotel employee, the officers went up to room 708 and found Kentrell Gaulden, better known as the rapper "NBA YoungBoy," and his girlfriend Starr Thigpen, better known as NBA YoungBoy's girlfriend. The duo were locked out of their room... and their toddler was locked inside. The footage tells the story far better than I ever could, and I will let it speak for itself here. Ultimately, officers seized 9.2 grams of marijuana and poured out a cup of “lean,” filing a request for charges of disorderly conduct and marijuana less than an ounce against both Gaulden and Thigpen. (*The preceding sentence originally read "...seized 9.2 ounces...." It should have read "seized 9.2 grams," and has since been corrected.*) Oh, and lest you get the wrong impression from the beginning of this footage, the whole police encounter is not seriousness and shouting. Later on, as Gaulden and Thigpen are waiting to be booked into jail the mood lightens up a lot. Gaulden randomly raps under his breath, dances around a bunch, and the four of them joke around about Lil’ Bowow's then-recent arrest... all while Gaulden tries to think up ways to creatively get them out of their predicament. (And he very well may have figured it out, because charges were eventually dropped against both of them.) *Part II is available now to all Patreon supporters. It will go live early Monday morning, 7/1. Update: Part II is now live. Direct link: ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Man Escapes Psych Hold, Defeats Taser With Puffy Jacket

P9qrcx-AvQE | 28 Jun 2019

Man Escapes Psych Hold, Defeats Taser With Puffy Jacket

"I'm gonna give you one chance, then I'm gonna tase the hell outta you!" Or not. It sometimes seems as though the Taser falls short of its promise. Invented and marketed as a revolutionary device that would safely and instantly incapacitate the most resistive or combative subject, the Taser works by firing two small barbed darts intended to puncture the skin and remain attached to the target. The darts are connected to the main unit by thin insulated copper wire, and when all goes according to plan they deliver a high-frequency, high-voltage, low-amplitude current that immediately stops a person by causing involuntary muscle contraction and neuromuscular incapacitation. But everything depends on the connectivity of the darts. Without a good connection the effects may only be localized pain, and many things can interfere. As you might guess, one of the most common causes of interference is heavy clothing. In fact, it's a bit surprising that the Cincinnati officer in this video deployed his taser, as Herbert's jacket looked (and apparently was) rather Taser-proof. Jack Cover, the inventor of the Taser, named the device after a book featuring his childhood hero, Tom Swift — Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle. Cover's original “Taser Public Defender" used gunpowder as its propellant, which led the ATF to classify it as a firearm in 1976. Current Taser darts are propelled by small compressed nitrogen charges. According to a 2010 study by the DOJ over 15,000 law enforcement and military agencies around the world use Tasers as part of their use of force continuum. A study of use-of-force incidents by the Calgary Police Service conducted by the Canadian Police Research Centre found that the use of Tasers resulted in fewer injuries than the use of batons or empty hand techniques. Use of Tasers by the Seattle Police Department has been shown to reduce the odds of suspect injury by 48%, and data gathered from other agencies confirm a similar percentage decline in suspect injuries due to Taser deployment. Officer injuries have been impacted by Taser use as well — studies have found that in most agencies officer injuries were greatly reduced after Tasers were introduced as part of each particular organizations use of force continuum. Although vast amounts of data support the positive benefits of Taser usage in law enforcement, there are also data which suggest that Taser usage has negatively impacted some individual police officers as well. The above-referenced study conducted in 2010 by the United States Department of Justice found that some officers may rely too heavily upon deploying a Taser during suspect encounters. The DOJ study refers to this negative trait in some police officers as "lazy cop" syndrome. If the above text sounds familiar you have probably seen the Real World Police video titled "This is How a Taser is Supposed to Work." If you haven't seen that video and you want to see a textbook Taser deployment, I recommend checking it out, particularly ~1:00 to ~2:00. Direct link: ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Trying to figure out why it costs anything? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Bedford Judge Erik Jacobsen Arrested and Tased; Charged With DUI, Resisting Arrest

xAhf0fF041s | 26 Jun 2019

Bedford Judge Erik Jacobsen Arrested and Tased; Charged With DUI, Resisting Arrest

Today's installment brings you exclusive footage of the April 22, 2019 arrest of Bedford Town Justice Erik Jacobsen in Westchester, New York. Just after midnight on April 22, 2019 Bedford Town Justice Erik P. Jacobsen, 54, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated and resisting arrest. At 11:54 pm a motorist had called the county police to report that a silver Mercedes was being driven erratically on the Saw Mill River Parkway in Mount Kisco, New York. Officer Mathieu Ricozzi and Officer Ahmed Bitawi were assigned the call and quickly located the vehicle, following and observing it after they spotted the SUV exiting onto SR-133. Both officers observed the Mercedes SUV repeatedly swerve in-and-out of its lane, crossing over into oncoming traffic multiple times. Upon reaching a red light, the Mercedes failed to stop in time, ultimately coming to a rest in the intersection, on the extension of a left-turn-only lane, well over the crosswalk and parked under the red traffic light. When the light turned green, the SUV pulled out of the left-turn-only lane and continued straight. Following these observations officers initiated a vehicle stop. It is the footage from that stop which you are seeing in this video. It has never been published elsewhere, and it speaks for itself. Jacobsen was charged with DWI (1st offense), resisting arrest, violating a red light, and failure to maintain a lane. He was released on a mandatory appearance ticket for the village of Mount Kisco Court. On May 22, 2019 the supervising district judge ordered that Jacobsen’s case be transferred from Mount Kisco to the City Court of Rye, as the judges in Mount Kisco could not preside due to conflicts of interest. On June 4, 2019 Jacobsen’s first appearance arraignment was held in Rye, and he entered a plea of not guilty on all four counts. Jacobsen's license was suspended pending prosecution, however he was granted a hardship license that allows him to drive to and from work. It is not clear what purpose that license serves, considering that Jacobsen has been indefinitely relieved of all his judicial duties and has been banned from all non-public areas of his former courthouse. Next appearance in Jacobsen’s case is scheduled for July 30, 2019. *Note: I am publishing this footage now because you deserve to see it, but my investigation into this incident is not yet complete. That is why I am not reporting the results of Jacobsen's blood test. Frankly, I am not sure that I understand what I am reading and I don’t want to misinform you. I have already reached out to Jacobsen’s attorney as well as the Westchester County District Attorney’s office. Once I know what I am looking at I will update this story with the information and will post the complete case file for Patreon supporters. (Thank you!) Believe me, it's frustrating to not be able to report on such a key detail. But it's more important to me that I get it right. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Wannabe Sovereign Citizen Eats Sidewalk During Traffic Stop

1lBDMc23wKI | 24 Jun 2019

Wannabe Sovereign Citizen Eats Sidewalk During Traffic Stop

On December 15, 2018 Sedro-Woolley police stopped a car that had a headlight out and its registration expired. The driver, Maurice Jackson, didn't have his driver's license with him, but he did have a bunch of knives and drug paraphernalia, and would later freely admit to having tried some spiritually energizing crystal earlier that morning. Jackson's front-seat passenger "Richie" is apparently studying hard at the Sovereign Citizen School of Law. Considering the ease with which he hoarsely shouted nonsense at officers while questioning their authority and ignoring that of the Supreme Court of the United States (all while livestreaming) Richie seems destined, at bare minimum, to jail/. ~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to tons of supporter-only content! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. Enjoy! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link: An update to the above post will be coming soon, as just today I received word that an appeal had been fully granted in relation to a strikingly similar request. The takeaway? Denials are only the end of the road if you allow them to be. Know the law well, and if it's on your side you must be persistent. You will get what you are entitled to.

New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving; .36% BAC

i2a9wijk6Yo | 22 Jun 2019

New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving; .36% BAC

Today's installment is an exclusive, otherwise-unreported story covering the drunk driving arrest of a Lower Township, New Jersey police lieutenant on April 27, 2018. On that date at approximately 6:28 pm, Lower Township police communications received a call from a concerned citizen regarding a black Chevrolet truck driving erratically on Breakwater Road toward Route 9. The citizen described the vehicle as being operated at a high rate of speed and in a manner unsafe to other vehicles on the road — reporting that the driver had already ran a light and nearly crashed multiple times. Two officers were assigned to the call and responded, quickly locating the vehicle and noting that “the driver was not able to maintain the[ir] lane of travel,” and that “the vehicle cross[ed] over the center line as well as the fog line numerous times" while it was under their observation. In the area of Route 9 and Honeysuckle road, the lead officer attempted to stop the truck, but its driver turned onto Honeysuckle and continued for another quarter mile before coming to a stop. At that point the driver of the vehicle was identified as Lower Township Police Lieutenant John A. Chew. The responding officers contacted their command staff per department protocol, and after some attempts at field sobriety tests, Chew was placed under arrest for driving under the influence. Back at the station the on-duty administrator - also a lieutenant - observed Chew's breath alcohol testing. His report memorialized the following events: “I then read the defendant his Miranda warnings from a card in the processing area. As I completed each sentence of the form I asked if he understood. After each question, he raised his right hand and extended the middle finger in my direction. Upon asking the last question if he wished to answer questions he again extended his middle finger in my direction. I advised I would consider that a NO.” Chew’s attorney hired expert witness Kevin Flanagan to review the entire arrest. Flanagan, now retired from law enforcement, spent 16 years working in and eventually leading the Alcohol Testing Unit of the New Jersey State Police. Flanagan authored a highly detailed 12 page report covering every possible deficiency in the case against Chew. Nevertheless, on September 13, 2018 John Chew pleaded guilty to driving under the influence. His driver’s license was revoked for seven months followed by six months with an ignition interlock, and he was required to spend a minimum of six hours a day for two consecutive days in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center or IDRC. IDRCs provide a 12-hour education class conveying information about New Jersey's alcohol and drug laws and the effect of alcohol and drugs on the body and driving ability. They also conduct screenings for referrals to assessments and/or self-help groups for treatment of substance abuse issues. Chew was also assessed $689 in fines. That battery of punishments is standard for a first DUI in New Jersey. John Chew is no longer employed by Lower Township Police Department. As of the time of this story’s publication Lower Township Police had not responded to questions and a request for comment. The complete 79-page case record, including the entire report by Kevin Flanagan, will be available to Patreon supporters shortly. (Thank you.) EDIT: This is an important incident and it seems to be getting a fair amount of attention. Accordingly, I have decided to make all of the supporting documentation available. The complete case file can be found at ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Stop Wrong Guy; Find Right Guy, Stop Him With 40MM Round to the Leg

jxs2ucSPvzo | 20 Jun 2019

Police Stop Wrong Guy; Find Right Guy, Stop Him With 40MM Round to the Leg

This episode takes us to the largest city in Whitman County, Washington. The home of Washington State University and Bloomberg Businessweek's 2011 "Best Place to Raise Kids in Washington." Today's installment tells the story of an August 4, 2018 incident in which Pullman PD got some use out of their 40 mm less-lethal across the street from a brewery. It worked. Fortunately they didn't have to use it on the first guy they stopped... ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

World's Worst Jack In The Box Manager Calls the Police on Herself

6LJ-Wb0HHjU | 19 Jun 2019

World's Worst Jack In The Box Manager Calls the Police on Herself

Add this to the list of calls that just make you shake your head at humanity. This video covers an August 15, 2018 incident that took place at a Seattle, Washington Jack In The Box restaurant. It shows footage from each officer's body worn camera consecutively. *If you have a better title recommendation for this video I'm all ears. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Three Troopers Repeatedly Attempt to PIT Vehicle

AUeF8zkoXtk | 18 Jun 2019

Three Troopers Repeatedly Attempt to PIT Vehicle

There is no way that passenger was having fun at 2:18. Ouch. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With "Super Extreme" DUI: The Deleted Scenes

3cIK8Gnc6XA | 17 Jun 2019

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With "Super Extreme" DUI: The Deleted Scenes

Picking up where you didn't know we had left off, and with the same introduction as last time... This collection of deleted scenes was posted yesterday as bonus footage for Patreon supporters. Not long after I shared the video I started to receive messages encouraging me to share this material with y'all. And so, courtesy of this channel's generous Patreon backers: the deleted scenes. As a heads up, a few minutes of audio had problems in the original. They are included here. (Tempe, Arizona) On October 26, 2018 at approximately 8:40am, self-described Navajo Indian Shelton Christopher Begay was riding a Bird electric scooter in the number three lane of southbound Rural Road approaching Broadway Road in Tempe, Arizona, when he swerved and collided with a vehicle driven by G.S., who was driving a Dodge Dart in the number two lane of southbound Rural. Begay fled the scene but was quickly located at 1105 East Broadway Road when a passerby saw him laying on the median, "holding his scooter and his head." Responding officers noted that Begay appeared intoxicated, and a subsequent blood test would reveal that he sure was — lab tests returning a remarkably high .285% BAC. This video covers the second half of the police and fire department encounter with Shelton Begay, as they further evaluate his story and injuries, and G.S. makes another appearance, this time to positively identify Begay in person. Begay was transported to Tempe Saint Luke's Hospital for treatment of his injuries. A slew of charges were recommended by police, and the prosecutor ultimately charged the scooterist with super extreme DUI (.2% BAC and over), endangerment, reckless driving, and criminal damage. Of note, Begay has the unenviable honor of being the first electric scooter rider to ever be charged with DUI in Tempe. Of further note, Real World Police has the somewhat-enviable honor of having acquired and published - for your education and enjoyment - the first-ever video of the first-ever electric scooter DUI in Tempe. Self-congratulation aside, where are things with this case now? Different from yesterday, if you read the description two days in a row? [Answer: Not really.] On January 18, 2019 Shelton Begay failed to appear for his arraignment and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Apparently not thrilled with Begay's failure to appear, new charges were filed alongside the FTA warrant. The new additions: failure to remain at the scene of an accident and failure to exchange information at the scene of an accident. If convicted of only the DUI charge, Begay faces a mandatory minimum of 45 days and a maximum of six months in county jail as well as over $3,000 in fines and fees. Arizona does not mess around with people who drive while intoxicated. Speaking of Arizona law, some people apparently assumed that "super extreme" in the video title was an attempt at getting clicks. I'm going to point my finger at the Arizona legislature, though, because they invented the admittedly-title-friendly naming convention. See ARS 28-1382. "Driving or actual physical control while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor; trial by jury; sentencing; classification." The 24-page incident report and report of DUI investigation, as well as scene photos, Begay's mug shot, and the full 911 call audio, are all available now to Patreon supporters. (Thank you.) Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Santa Fe Deputy Arrested After Bar Fight With Sergeant

ZoRkx-g5E54 | 17 Jun 2019

Santa Fe Deputy Arrested After Bar Fight With Sergeant

On September 4, 2018 at approximately 2:24 AM officers from the Santa Fe Police Department were dispatched to 530 S. Guadalupe Street (“Boxcar”) in reference to a fight involving two male subjects. Upon arrival, officers exited their patrol cars and were immediately approached by a security guard and two male subjects, known to responding officers as being Sheriff’s Deputies James Yeager and Jose “JD” Lujan. Officer James Plummer began to speak with security while Officer Ryan Alire-Maez instructed Mr. Yeager to stay seated by the front entrance bench. In that time, Mr. Lujan had approached Officer Alire-Maez and also tried to get the attention of Officer Plummer. Alire-Maez told Lujan, "Not right now,” and noted that Lujan showed signs of heavy alcohol intoxication as he had slurred speech, bloodshot and watery eyes, a strong odor of an intoxicated beverage emitting from his person, and unsteadiness on his feet. Mr. Lujan then stepped close to Officer Alire-Maez and gestured with his left hand extended out in front of him towards officer Alire-Maez in what the officer perceived to be an angry manner while standing within one foot of the uniformed officer. Mr. Lujan then stared at Officer Alire-Maez in an “angry manner” and appeared to be "sizing up" Alire-Maez for a fight. Feeling uncomfortable with Mr. Lujan's demeanor and aggressive behavior, Alire-Maez decided to place handcuffs on Mr. Lujan. Real World Police just minutes ago confirmed with the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office that Jose Lujan's last day of employment with the county was October 26, 2018. He worked for the Santa Fe Sheriff's Office for more than six years prior to the abrupt career-tank seen in this video. The full case file from this incident will soon be available to supporters on Patreon. (Thank you.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today!

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI (Part III)

vo2x6H3CEYc | 16 Jun 2019

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI (Part III)

Picking up where we left off in Part II... (Tempe, Arizona) On October 26, 2018 at approximately 8:40am, self-described Navajo Indian Shelton Christopher Begay was riding a Bird electric scooter in the number three lane of southbound Rural Road approaching Broadway Road in Tempe, Arizona, when he swerved and collided with a vehicle driven by G.S., who was driving a Dodge Dart in the number two lane of southbound Rural. Begay fled the scene but was quickly located at 1105 East Broadway Road when a passerby saw him laying on the median, "holding his scooter and his head." Responding officers noted that Begay appeared intoxicated, and a subsequent blood test would reveal that he sure was — lab tests returning a remarkably high .285% BAC. This video covers the second half of the police and fire department encounter with Shelton Begay, as they further evaluate his story and injuries, and G.S. makes another appearance, this time to positively identify Begay in person. Begay was transported to Tempe Saint Luke's Hospital for treatment of his injuries. A slew of charges were recommended by police, and the prosecutor ultimately charged the scooterist with super extreme DUI (.2% BAC and over), endangerment, reckless driving, and criminal damage. Of note, Begay has the unenviable honor of being the first electric scooter rider to ever be charged with DUI in Tempe. Of further note, Real World Police has the somewhat-enviable honor of having acquired and published - for your education and enjoyment - the first-ever video of the first-ever electric scooter DUI in Tempe. Self-congratulation aside, where are things with this case now? Different from yesterday, if you read the description two days in a row? [Answer: Not really.] On January 18, 2019 Shelton Begay failed to appear for his arraignment and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Apparently not thrilled with Begay's failure to appear, new charges were filed alongside the FTA warrant. The new additions: failure to remain at the scene of an accident and failure to exchange information at the scene of an accident. If convicted of only the DUI charge, Begay faces a mandatory minimum of 45 days and a maximum of six months in county jail as well as over $3,000 in fines and fees. Arizona does not mess around with people who drive while intoxicated. Speaking of Arizona law, some people apparently assumed that "super extreme" in the video title was an attempt at getting clicks. I'm going to point my finger at the Arizona legislature, though, because they invented the admittedly-title-friendly naming convention. See ARS 28-1382. "Driving or actual physical control while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor; trial by jury; sentencing; classification." The 24-page incident report and report of DUI investigation, as well as scene photos, Begay's mug shot, and the full 911 call audio, are all available now to Patreon supporters. Additional footage from the investigation will be available soon. (Thank you.) Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI: Part II

PV5PkxxZ-2Q | 15 Jun 2019

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI: Part II

(Tempe, Arizona) On October 26, 2018 at approximately 8:40am, self-described Navajo Indian Shelton Christopher Begay was riding a Bird electric scooter in the number three lane of southbound Rural Road approaching Broadway Road in Tempe, Arizona, when he swerved and collided with a vehicle driven by G.S., who was driving a Dodge Dart in the number two lane of southbound Rural. Begay fled the scene but was quickly located at 1105 East Broadway Road when a passerby saw him laying on the median, "holding his scooter and his head." Responding officers noted that Begay appeared intoxicated, and a subsequent blood test would reveal that he sure was — lab tests returning a remarkably high .285% BAC, considering that Begay was mostly-coherent. This video covers the first half of the police and fire department encounter with Shelton Begay, as they evaluate his story and injuries, find his stash of 99 Bananas schnapps, and work to assist Begay in recalling where he lives. Oh, right - they also make a half-hearted attempt at convincing Begay to join the military. I don't foresee that happening any time ever. Begay was transported to Tempe Saint Luke's Hospital for treatment of his injuries. A slew of charges were recommended by police, and the prosecutor ultimately charged the scooterist with super extreme DUI (.2% BAC and over), endangerment, reckless driving, and criminal damage. Of note, Begay has the unenviable honor of being the first electric scooter rider to ever be charged with DUI in Tempe. Of further note, Real World Police has the somewhat-enviable honor of having acquired and published - for your education and enjoyment - the first-ever video of the first-ever electric scooter DUI in Tempe. So where are things now? Well, on January 18, 2019 Shelton Begay failed to appear for his arraignment and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Apparently not thrilled with Begay's failure to appear, new charges were filed alongside the FTA warrant. The new additions: failure to remain at the scene of an accident and failure to exchange information at the scene of an accident. If convicted of only the DUI charge, Begay faces a mandatory minimum of 45 days and a maximum of six months in county jail as well as over $3,000 in fines and fees. Arizona does not mess around with people who drive while intoxicated. The 24-page arrest report and report of DUI investigation, as well as scene photos, Begay's mug shot, and the full 911 call audio, are all available now to Patreon supporters, who also had early access to this video. (Thank you.) Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI (Part I)

0TYmaB4Rq3M | 14 Jun 2019

Electric Scooter Rider Charged With Super Extreme DUI (Part I)

On October 26, 2018 at approximately 8:40 am, Shelton Christopher Begay was riding a Bird electric scooter in the number three lane of southbound Rural Road approaching Broadway Road in Tempe, Arizona, when he collided with a vehicle driven by G.S., who was driving a Dodge Dart in the number two lane of southbound Rural. Begay fled the scene but was later located at 1105 East Broadway Road when a passerby saw him laying on the median, "holding his scooter and his head." Responding officers noted that Begay appeared intoxicated, and a subsequent blood test would reveal that he sure was, remarkably coherent at .285% BAC. This video covers the portion of the police investigation beginning before officers located Begay. It shows the police response to the 911 call of G.S., the driver whose Dart the scooterist struck when he failed to stay in his lane. As for Begay (who you will meet in Part II as soon as it's finished), he was transported to Tempe Saint Luke's Hospital for treatment of his injuries. A slew of charges were recommended by police, and the prosecutor ultimately charged Begay with super extreme DUI (.2% BAC and over), endangerment, reckless driving, and criminal damage. Begay has the unenviable honor of being the first electric scooter rider to ever be charged with DUI in Tempe. On January 18, 2019 Begay failed to appear for his arraignment and a warrant was issued for his arrest. On top of that, it seems that more charges were added as well: failure to remain at the scene of an accident and failure to exchange information at the scene of an accident. If convicted of just the DUI charge, Begay faces a mandatory minimum of 45 days and a maximum of six months in county jail as well as over $3,000 in fines and fees. Arizona does not mess around with people who drive while intoxicated. The 24-page arrest report and report of DUI investigation, as well as scene photos, will be available shortly to Patreon supporters. (Thank you.) Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive evaluating one specific request. Direct link:

Pursuit of Dirt Bike Ends In Acrobatic Dismount, Arrest

GUhr17GNX-w | 13 Jun 2019

Pursuit of Dirt Bike Ends In Acrobatic Dismount, Arrest

On August 6, 2018 Sedro-Woolley, Washington Police Officer Chris Rogers was on routine patrol approaching a construction zone with flaggers present directing traffic. He then he noticed a dirt bike... with no registration. The bike then pulled out of traffic, turned into the oncoming traffic lane, and rode up the sidewalk — ignoring the flaggers clear attempts to get him to stop. Officer Rogers initiated a pursuit and soom caught Darrin L. Koopsen, who, as you will see, wasn’t thrilled with the pursuit’s end. Quite the dismount, though! When all was said and done, Officer Rogers referred to the prosecutor charges for failing to obey a flagger, reckless driving, attempt to elude, and possession of a stolen motor vehicle. Enjoy! *The complete police report for this incident will be available to Patreon supporters shortly. Thank you! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: Short URL has no relation to this video series :) ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Ty Dolla $ign's Bodyguard Was Convicted of Grand Theft, Impersonating a Police Officer

fQEkHlTpvbM | 13 Jun 2019

Ty Dolla $ign's Bodyguard Was Convicted of Grand Theft, Impersonating a Police Officer

On September 5, 2018 Tyrone William Griffin Jr., better known as rapper and singer Ty Dolla $ign, was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia after an officer on foot patrol walked by his tour van and smelled an overwhelming odor of marijuana. The officer, Che Milton, called a K9 unit to confirm, and - following an astonishingly strong hit on Mr. Dolla $ign's property - officers subsequently located 18.2 grams of marijuana, a quantity of cocaine, and thousands of dollars in cash. Problematic for responding officers, however, was the fact that none of the seven people in the van were willing to claim the drugs as their own. And so, Officer Milton - apparently in an arresty mood relative to his colleagues - rounded up all seven van occupants and brought them in. In this video you will hear plenty of talk and insinuation from Ty$'s security guard Dashawn Lamar Brown. Is he security? Former law enforcement? Just your average constitutional law scholar? Who knows! I do. So what's all the fuss about? Well, it all started during my otherwise-routine background research. I was looking into the entourage that was detained, trying to figure out who we had on our hands so I could pass that information along to you. That's when I discovered that Dashawn Lamar Brown had a security guard license out of California. More precisely, an expired security guard license out of California. But what really caught my attention was learning that Brown had, at one point, possessed a baton license as well as a firearms license. Also expired? Nope. Revoked since 2006 following a disciplinary hearing. Hmm... Curious to know more, I dug deeper. Much deeper. And my research ultimately revealed that Brown, who had once worked as a bounty hunter, had a criminal history that literally took up dozens of pages in some reports. And he was beginning to remind me of a west coast Jefrey Scott Schultz. How so? Easy: One of Brown's convictions - by a jury and sustained on appeal - was for grand theft and impersonating a police officer. Dashawn Lamar Brown was sentenced to two years in prison after he pulled someone over using a fake police car. Brown then approached the vehicle, dressed in a full sheriff's uniform - badge and all - and ordered the driver out so he could search the car for drugs. Brown didn't find any drugs, but he did steal $7,000 in cash from the driver. Unfortunately for him, Brown left something in exchange: his fingerprints. Which eventually sealed the deal in the case against him. I'll close this by sharing a mildly hilarious anecdote from Brown's trial. Ever the legal scholar, Brown offered a novel defense to the impersonation charges: he claimed that he could not have been impersonating a police officer because, and I quote, "Sheriffs are not police." The jury didn't buy it. See the end of this video for a selection of records from the nearly-100-page disciplinary case history for Dashawn Lamar Brown. The entire record (and more) is available to Patreon supporters. Enjoy! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: Short URL has no relation to this video series :) ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Surprise: police K9 finds drugs in search of Ty Dolla $ign’s van

a7CoC4svAdE | 12 Jun 2019

Surprise: police K9 finds drugs in search of Ty Dolla $ign’s van

On September 5, 2018 Tyrone William Griffin Jr., better known as rapper and singer Ty Dolla $ign, was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia after an officer on foot patrol walked by his tour van in and smelled an overwhelming odor of weed. The officer, Che Milton, called a police K9 unit to confirm, and - following an astonishingly strong hit on Mr. Dolla $ign's property - officers subsequently located 18.2 grams of marijuana, a small quantity of cocaine, and thousands of dollars in cash. Problematic for responding officers, however, was the fact that none of the seven occupants of the van were willing to claim the drugs as their own. And so, Officer Milton - apparently in an arresty mood relative to his colleagues - rounded up all seven van occupants and brought them in. In the immediate wake of Mr. $ign's arrest Atlanta Police Department released ten minutes of video from the primary officer's body worn camera, not revealing that they had withheld a full hour of footage from that video alone. This video, one of many in a series documenting the arrest of Mr. Dolla $ign, shows the search in full for the first time anywhere. Coming up next: the incredibly sketchy recent-history of Ty Dolla $ign's security guard. And why you might not want him protecting anything. [Hint: He is the Jefrey Scott Schultz.of Los Angeles.] ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Well, wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent answer — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: (*Short link has no relation to this video series!) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Fall Guy Fail

lF4yhuOD1k4 | 11 Jun 2019

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Fall Guy Fail

On September 5, 2018 Tyrone William Griffin Jr., better known as rapper Ty Dolla $ign, was arrested on charges of marijuana and cocaine possession in Atlanta, Georgia after an officer on foot patrol walked by his tour van in and smelled an overwhelming odor of marijuana. The officer, Che Milton, called a K9 unit to confirm, and - following an astonishingly strong hit on Mr. Dolla $ign's property - officers subsequently located 18 grams of marijuana, a quantity of cocaine, and thousands of dollars in cash. Problematic for responding officers, however, was the fact that none of the seven occupants of the van were willing to claim the drugs as their own. And so, Officer Milton - apparently in an arresty mood relative to his colleagues - rounded up all seven van occupants and brought them in. In this video we meet up with the group at the station, as the driver of the Sprinter van agrees to take responsibility for the drugs that had been found in his vehicle. Unexpectedly, though, he encounters some difficulty in taking the rap: the cops won't let him. Stay tuned. There is much more to come. *Although of no legal significance, it probably didn't help Mr. Dolla $ign that he is a member of a music production team by the name of "D.R.U.G.S." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Well, wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent answer — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Who Gon' Take The Rap?

DNS1txxj1j4 | 11 Jun 2019

Arrest of Ty Dolla $ign: Who Gon' Take The Rap?

Bringing you yet another major exclusive story about a rapper, today's videos - plural - take us to Atlanta, Georgia where on September 5, 2018 at 4:52 PM Atlanta Police Officer Che Milton was on foot patrol In the area of 810 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive near Busy Bee's Restaurant. The following is excerpted from Officer Milton's report: “While conducting my duties I walked past a black Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van and from my Knowledge, Training and Experience [which are capitalized for reasons unknown] I recognized a very strong odor of burnt marijuana coming from the vehicle. I then asked Mr. Jamieson Simon, who was the driver, “Who's smoking weed In this vehicle?" Mr. Simon tried to quickly throw me off and ask me could I help him back out the parking lot and he basically Ignored my question. I then contacted my supervisor Lt. Parete and Informed him of what I had on the scene, I was not sure of how many occupants was In the vehicle when I looked In thru the front windshield but I could see a silhouette of an unidentified person with dreadlocks sitting In the backseat In the rear of the vehicle so, I then asked for additional units to assist me and I raised a K-9 unit to my location. Once the K-9 unit arrived, A walk around of the vehicle was conducted and the K-9 barked to Indicate there were narcotics inside the vehicle at that time." "I then asked all seven (7) occupants to step out of the vehicle and I detained everyone at the time until my on scene investigation was complete. Once inside the vehicle the K-9 dog hit Instantly on (The Arrestee) Mr. Tyrone William Griffin's backpack. Myself along with Officer Brown (CSU) searched the backpack and found a tobacco grinder with fresh marijuana residue Inside along with marijuana rolling papers, a marijuana cigarette (Blunt) and two (2) THC pens. While searching further In the vehicle 18 grams of Marijuana was found stuffed In between the back seat where I observed Mr. Griffin sitting and also a small container of possibly cocaine behind his seat In his wingspan area which Is possible any passenger could have thrown the container behind Mr. Griffin's seat and I then placed every passenger In the vehicle under arrest." Plenty more to come! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Officer Calls District Attorney About Arresting Ty Dolla $ign, Skrillex

trEgqkdrkQA | 11 Jun 2019

Officer Calls District Attorney About Arresting Ty Dolla $ign, Skrillex

On September 5, 2018 Tyrone William Griffin Jr., better known as rapper and singer Ty Dolla $ign, was arrested on charges of marijuana and cocaine possession in Atlanta, Georgia after an officer on foot patrol walked by his tour van in and smelled an overwhelming odor of marijuana. The officer, Che Milton, called a K9 unit to confirm, and - following an astonishingly strong hit on Mr. Dolla $ign's property - officers subsequently located 18 grams of marijuana, a quantity of cocaine, and thousands of dollars in cash. Problematic for responding officers, however, was the fact that none of the seven occupants of the van were willing to claim the drugs as their own. And so, Officer Milton - apparently in an arresty mood relative to his colleagues - rounded up all seven van occupants and brought them in. But what were the cops supposed to do from there? Enter the Office of the District Attorney. For the most part, police officers do not and cannot charge people with crimes, nor can they drop charges against arrestees. In fact, the police generally don't make charging decisions at all. That is all within the purview of the prosecutor's office. The police are only involved to the [very significant] extent that they gather and provide evidence and charging recommendations to the prosecutor. Accordingly, in complex cases and unusual situations police officers often consult with the prosecutor's office on how they should proceed. In doing so the officer can ensure that they are complying with the law while maximizing the chances of a successful prosecution. In this video listen in on the conversation between Officer Che Milton and an Atlanta ADA as they discuss how to proceed in the case involving Ty Dolla $ign, Skrillex, and their entourage. Of note, at no point does the officer mention who the subjects are in the case. More to come. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Well, wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent answer — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Man Breaches SeaTac TSA Checkpoint, Breaks Into American Airlines Plane (2013)

oj2B-hOW2tg | 10 Jun 2019

Man Breaches SeaTac TSA Checkpoint, Breaks Into American Airlines Plane (2013)

This one comes from deep in the archives, stretching back to November 8, 2013. It's is also my way of stalling as I continue working on the material I told you about toward the end of last week. It's coming soon, and is only delayed because the Lakemoor OIS footage unexpectedly arrived in the mail on Friday afternoon, after I had posted that another big story was in the works (the Lakemoor footage wasn't it). Anyway, on November 8, 2013 Seattle resident Ryan C. Vanhoutte, who had "done some coke" breached Lane 3 of TSA security Checkpoint 5 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport — by leaping over two stanchions and running through a magnetometer. He then ran down the airport’s secure D concourse, ultimately exiting through a marked emergency exit door near gate D8 — and gaining entry to the airport ramp area. Vanhoutte wasn’t done. He climbed the stairs from the ramp to the end of the D8 jetway. Faced with a locked door at the top of the stairs, he broke the security glass and climbed through the window into the jetway. Determined to do something (only he knows what), Vanhoutte then gained access to the American Airlines aircraft parked at gate D8. A Menzies employee reported seeing Vanhoutte opening the main cabin door, entering the aircraft, and closing the door behind him. Shortly thereafter, TSA Agent Gregory Steele followed Airport Police Officer Hess onto the jetway. Upon reaching the end of the jetway Hess saw broken glass on the ground and noticed that the security glass in the secured door to the ramp was broken. An airline ramp worker standing outside the locked door told Officer Hess that their subject was onboard the plane. At 2038 hours, Officer Hess boarded the plane followed by Officer Steele. Officer Hess observed a single white male seated in the First Class cabin at row 4. The male was identified by way of his Washington driver’s license as Ryan C. Vanhoutte. Officer Hess approached Vanhoutte from behind and announced his presence by saying "Police, lean forward and put your hands behind your back." Vanhoutte looked up at Officer Hess and immediately started shouting his name and saying that he was a ticketed passenger flying to Hawaii. You can't make this stuff up. Officer Hess again instructed Vanhoutte to put his hands behind his back, placing pressure on his back between his shoulder blades and attempted to capture his forearms behind his back so he could be handcuffed. In response, Vanhoutte unbuckled his seat belt and started running toward the cockpit door. Genius. Officer Hess was afraid Vanhoutte may enter the cockpit where Officer Hess assumed the plane's pilots were located. Because of this, Officer Hess attempted to tackle him before reaching the cockpit door. Their momentum carried them forward and they hit the door “with significant force” and a ground struggle began. Multiple backup officers had trouble subduing Vanhoutte, who only became compliant after being threatened with a taser. Vanhoutte was placed in leg restraints and carried to the jetway and down to a waiting patrol car. Vanhoutte was charged with Assault 3 (RCW 9A.36.031), Malicious Mischief (RCW 9A.48.070), Criminal Trespass 1 (RCW 9A.52.070), and Resisting Arrest (RCW 9A.76.040). Don't do drugs, kids. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Man Attempts to Murder Lakemoor Police Officer; Gets Smoked [Complete Footage, Officer Loiacano]

EvKYJy3kVrw | 08 Jun 2019

Man Attempts to Murder Lakemoor Police Officer; Gets Smoked [Complete Footage, Officer Loiacano]

Some of you are probably wondering what happened with the video I posted a couple of weeks ago on this incident. That would be understandable, considering that not long after the video went live and had thousands of views I took it down without any warning or explanation. So, what gives? The answer is long and I don't want it to take away from this video. If you are interested, you can read about it on Patreon: (Summary: I brought someone on part-time to ease my workload... and they didn't do the one and only job I assigned them.) This video offers a rarely-seen window into the experience of an officer in the immediate aftermath of an officer-involved shooting. About this video: On July 23, 2018, Kenneth Martell tied, robbed, beat, and stabbed to death 88-year-old Theodore Garver in his Beaver Township home in Pennsylvania. After the murder, Kenneth Martell abducted other individuals at gunpoint and forced them to aid Martell in the disposal of the man’s body. Martell eventually dumped the body in a lake near Garver’s residence. A warrant for murder was issued for the arrest of Kenneth Martell, and that warrant was pending on July 26, 2018 when Martell was shot and killed by Lakemoor Police. This video presents all of the body worn camera footage from the shooting officer, including the vast majority of his experience following the shooting. Family members of Martell would later recount to police his abuse of illegal drugs including methamphetamine. Martell had made statements to friends and family that “cops were going to kill him over a drug bust” and that he was “not going down without a fight.” Extensive further information can be found at the end of the video. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wondering why it's anything other than free? I recently posted a thorough and transparent introduction — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Cincinnati Screaming: Part I

lZc3Y9SwjN4 | 07 Jun 2019

Cincinnati Screaming: Part I

"There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying." -Robert Evans I'm not sure that Evans has been to Cincinnati, because someone is definitely lying here. You heard LaShae's side of the story. Now it's Miss Lucky's turn to tell hers. Grab some popcorn and enjoy! (The first few minutes are the same or similar to the other video, the rest is not.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Woman Parallel Parks Friend's Car, Gets Arrested For DUI, Hit & Run

kWjGAs7iSmY | 07 Jun 2019

Woman Parallel Parks Friend's Car, Gets Arrested For DUI, Hit & Run

Jasmine and her friend were having a good time, but her friend was having trouble parallel parking her Honda Civic. No big deal, right? Jasmine jumped in the driver's seat, moved the car a few feet... may or may not have hit another car in the process, and was parked! Also, some dude was bothering them. How annoying! Something about hitting his friend's car, and he was going to call the cops. Who knows? He's drunk anyway. Time to move on with the night!! Keep the drinks flowing, and-- Wait, "keep?" But you were just driving? Could that be why parallel parking was unusually difficult? But that other guy who was trying to bother them, they are sure that he was just an annoying drunk guy and hey, why are the police following us? ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and you will get instant access to additional footage from this incident, and much more! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? I recently posted a thorough and transparent introduction — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Terroristic Threats: Interrogated at the Mall

bZOLE7fQkAY | 06 Jun 2019

Terroristic Threats: Interrogated at the Mall

Pseudoscience, behavioral control, pelvic thrusts, mall security, bomb talk, surveillance cameras, and a subject who might just be, as one officer puts it toward the end: "Signal 20." What could go wrong? ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link: ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? I recently posted a thorough and transparent explanation of why police video is so expensive — including nearly all of the channel's invoices paid from August 2018 to May 2019. Direct link:

Barefoot Wrong-Way Drunk Driver Didn't Stop Because Police Were "Trying To Assault [Her] Physically"

Fg_xBvbcoHM | 05 Jun 2019

Barefoot Wrong-Way Drunk Driver Didn't Stop Because Police Were "Trying To Assault [Her] Physically"

From the police report (available on Patreon): On 6/30/16 at approximately 2340 hours I was sitting at the exit from RaceTrac onto Westside Pkwy northbound with Officer Bent #329 as he blocked the roadway due to construction. At that time I noticed a vehicle enter the closed roadway. The vehicle, a white SUV, turned in front of Capt. Mechler #192 who was blocking the turn lanes from GA 120 westbound to Westside Pkwy. southbound. Capt. Mechler had his blue lights activated as he sat blocking the roadway. The vehicle entered the road closure in front of Capt. Mechler's vehicle, proceeded past multiple road barriers and paving trucks, and then proceeded to enter into the northbound lanes of Westside Pkwy traveling southbound in the northbound lanes. I noticed Capt. Mechler activate his emergency siren as he followed behind the vehicle. I also noticed that the vehicle's hatch was open as the vehicle drove towards Officer Bent's patrol vehicle. I initiated my lights and proceeded toward the vehicle, and at that time...." "....Ms. Ware stated she didn't stop because she was afraid officers were going to physically assault her, and then asked me if I had watched the news lately in reference to officer behavior. I told her she had no reason to believe that, and she stated it wasn't true. She stated she was trying to protect herself, and her son. However, her son was not in the vehicle. She was by herself at the time of the traffic stop. About that time, Officer Noble #387 showed up with Ms. Ware's luggage which had fallen out of her open trunk as she drove down GA 120. The luggage was re-secured in the trunk." The complete police report is available to Patreon supporters (thank you!) now. The post becomes public on Monday. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link: ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? I recently posted a thorough and transparent introduction — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Woman Driving Jetta Receives 121 MPH Speeding Ticket

32WfVplib7Q | 04 Jun 2019

Woman Driving Jetta Receives 121 MPH Speeding Ticket

Peace officers are routinely required to respond to an emergency as quickly as possible, knowing that the outcome of the emergency may rest in the balance. Each officer is expected to respond in a responsible manner, balancing the risks of their driving against the risk to the public posed by the call they are responding to. That said, extreme speeds are inherently dangerous and although risks can be managed, minimized, and mitigated they never go away entirely. Few know the potential consequences better than highway patrol troopers. Dealing with those consequences is a less-than-pleasant part of the job. When Trooper Jesus Cortez heard his radar unit screaming he couldn’t yet see the vehicle it was shrieking about, but the Jetta soon came into view and its speed was locked-in at a solid 121 miles per hour... going the opposite direction. Normally that scenario would require an all-out sprint to catch up with the speeder, easily a few miles of driving in the low-130s if the speeder doesn’t slow down. But in this case Trooper Cortez's U-turn was met with a welcome and surprising response: the driver, a woman named Kari, had already pulled herself over, and the Jetta was waiting just a bit further ahead on the side of the road. [Oh, snap! Sigh. If you're wondering why your only your left ear gets to enjoy this video, here is an explanation: The New Mexico Department of Public Safety uses the exceptionally crappy COBAN in-vehicle recording system. When actively recording, the system sends the officer's body mic audio to the left channel and the rear compartment mic audio to the right channel. No one gets arrested in this video, which means that keeping the right channel live only introduces weirdness with radio transmissions, so - as I often do - I silenced the right channel's audio. Only this time I forgot to mirror the audio from the left channel. In summary, I hope your left ear enjoys this video.] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? I recently posted a thorough and transparent introduction — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Cincinnati Screaming | Part II

50H2Mp_XqMk | 03 Jun 2019

Cincinnati Screaming | Part II

If this video looks familiar, you either live in Cincinnati or you watched Real World Police a week ago. As you may recall, the earlier video covering this incident didn't provide much context. As a result, many of you wanted to know what had prompted all of the action. I am happy to fill you in, but I'll let the protagonists do the talking. Without further ado: LaShae Blackburn. Coming later this week (and available to Patreon supporters right now), Ms. Lucky has a very different story to tell. Grab some popcorn and enjoy! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain these police videos? Check out the latest public post on Patreon for a comprehensive and transparent overview — including nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Sedan vs. Scooter: The 911 Calls

HkSTadttkcw | 02 Jun 2019

Sedan vs. Scooter: The 911 Calls

Some viewers have expressed an interest in better understanding the direct costs of obtaining law enforcement video records. As of this morning, a thorough explanation is presented in in a public post on Patreon. Linked in that post are actual invoices which support this channel's actual content acquisition costs. To check that out, visit With that put to bed, let's get back to work: This video provides a much more in-depth look into the emergency response to the incident first seen in the May 28, 2019 video titled "Officer medical emergency captured on his own body camera." On Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at 1:00 am 19-year-old Jennifer Alejandra Beltran Rojas was riding as passenger on a 50cc [read: slow even with one rider] 2017 Riya scooter in Orlando, Florida when the scooter was struck by the front bumper of a grey Lexus IS250. Both scooter riders were ejected a distance and transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center; the driver of the Lexus declined medical attention. At 9:11 pm Ms. Rojas was pronounced deceased due to severe head trauma. She had been wearing a three-quarter motorcycle helmet with a full-face shield, but its chin strap had not been fastened, and the helmet came off early in the accident sequence. Gustavo Andres Zarta-Osorio had been married to Ms. Rojas and was in control of the scooter at the time of the accident. In a translated-from-Spanish interview later that day, Zarta-Osorio provided the following (excerpted) information: He had been at the McDonalds located at 5400 S. Kirkman Road with his wife. When preparing to leave, and while seated on the front seat of the scooter, he turned around to assist her with her helmet, as she was having trouble putting it on due to her hair. After putting her helmet on her head, he turned around and faced forward again. He did not know if she had strapped the helmet on. Zarta-Osorio stated that they had been in the right lane because the scooter doesn’t travel very fast and they would be making a right turn onto Conroy Road. Zarta-Osorio stated they were traveling less than 50 miles per hour and there wasn’t a lot of traffic. When they were halfway across the bridge, he was knocked off his scooter. He put his hands out so he wouldn’t hit his head. After landing on the ground, he got up and looked for his wife. He found her with bumps and abrasions on her head. And no helmet. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

21 Jump Street IRL: "He's Running!"

dczOLu2abjg | 31 May 2019

21 Jump Street IRL: "He's Running!"

Come on, Jeffrey! Among the amusing things in this video: the male officer who gave chase on foot abandoned his bicycle at the location of the initial stop. When backup arrived they noticed a homeless man eyeing the police bike, clearly considering taking it, and only moving along once they pulled a U-turn back toward the bicycle. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today!​ Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"I'll tase your ass, dog!"

a5oZQs2pXWU | 31 May 2019

"I'll tase your ass, dog!"

Literally. Bringing you yet another short video as work continues on a few big stories, this installment takes us straight back to Cincinnati, Ohio where we observe an officer well-prepared for an encounter with a guard dog. The officer is seen to approach with an abundance of caution and a bag of dog treats. The dog, however, isn't having any of either, and begins to snarl, bark, and advance at the officer. Despite the unfortunate reality that most similar videos end with a dead dog, this officer manages to draw her Taser and hold her fire. But how does a standoff like that come to an end? With words. The dog ultimately backed off after being told in no uncertain terms that its ass would otherwise be tased. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"You Make Me Stronger!" (With Your Taser...)

Y9Vqon3FWAE | 30 May 2019

"You Make Me Stronger!" (With Your Taser...)

Courtesy of some folks visiting from overseas is this brief, unfortunate, and kind of hilarious footage at SeaTac Airport showing how to not interact with the police. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today!​ Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Renton Police Interview GiCarr Wright

eNLu0sgkhK4 | 29 May 2019

Renton Police Interview GiCarr Wright

So, did GiCarr attack the dude, or was the dude trying to stab GiCarr, and GiCarr grabbed the knife in self-defense... and then stabbed the dude? Details, people. Join two Renton detectives as they work together in an attempt to tease the truth out of GiCarr Wright's story, and get to the bottom of a drug-fueled incident that from New Years 2016. Want to know about the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Check out my recent public post on Patreon for a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link @ ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?"

KX4PGZNGxVw | 29 May 2019

"Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?"

When a database check revealed that the Mercedes in front of them was associated with an arrest warrant for a female, the group of Cincinnati police officers drove in for a closer look. The moment they confirmed that a female was driving, it was traffic stop time.. As the stop moved forward it emerged that the driver of the car wasn't the female they were looking for, but as that door closed many others opened. Watch how everyone gets arrested in this entertaining Cincinnati installment of Real World Police — from two years ago. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than seventy exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Officer Medical Emergency Captured on His Own Body Camera; Accident Investigation

g4Dso5v0UFo | 28 May 2019

Officer Medical Emergency Captured on His Own Body Camera; Accident Investigation

There are two very different stories in this video. The title story appears later on, generally beginning around 12:30. The preceding interview, however, stands strongly on its own, offering a raw view into an unfortunate reality of police work: accident investigation. Below you will find a synopsis of the accident events. Regarding the officer medical emergency, Real World Police is working to verify an update received. Until then, nothing further. On Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at 1:00 am 19-year-old Jennifer Alejandra Beltran Rojas was riding as passenger on a 50cc [read: slow even with one rider] 2017 Riya scooter in Orlando, Florida when the scooter was struck by the front bumper of a grey Lexus IS250. Both scooter riders were ejected a distance and transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center; the driver of the Lexus declined medical attention. At 9:11 pm Ms. Rojas was pronounced deceased due to severe head trauma. She had been wearing a three-quarter motorcycle helmet with a full-face shield, but it appears that the chin strap was not fastened, and that the helmet had come off early in the accident sequence. Gustavo Andres Zarta-Osorio had been married to Ms. Rojas and was in control of the scooter at the time of the accident. In a translated-from-Spanish interview later that day, Zarta-Osorio provided the following (excerpted) information: He had been at the McDonalds located at 5400 S. Kirkman Road with his wife. When preparing to leave, and while seated on the front seat of the scooter, he turned around to assist her with her helmet, as she was having trouble putting it on due to her hair. After putting her helmet on her head, he turned around and faced forward again. He did not know if she had strapped the helmet on. Zarta-Osorio stated that they had been in the right lane because the scooter doesn’t travel very fast and they would be making a right turn onto Conroy Road. Zarta-Osorio stated they were traveling less than 50 miles per hour and there wasn’t a lot of traffic. When they were halfway across the bridge, he was knocked off his scooter. He put his hands out so he wouldn’t hit his head. After landing on the ground, he got up and looked for his wife. He found her with bumps and abrasions on her head. And no helmet. ~~~ Want to know about the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Check out my recent public post on Patreon for a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link @

Attorney Ex-Cop Arrested for Drunk Driving

bFhYuWiCT84 | 27 May 2019

Attorney Ex-Cop Arrested for Drunk Driving

An abrupt detour for this greater-Washington overachiever, her trip home interrupted by a trip to jail. Regarding her employment claims, Real World Police has (a) independently verified that she is an attorney, and (b) found records indicating that she was once a sworn peace officer in Missouri. About the decision to make the preview more like an abridged version of the story, the poor quality of the audio was the driving force behind that. What you are hearing in this video is significantly enhanced from the original, but it's far from ideal. Accordingly, I wanted to offer a shorter listening option that would still provide a big-picture overview of the story. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Crash Investigation and DUI Arrest (Las Cruces, NM)

l8ujxnz7Mpw | 25 May 2019

Crash Investigation and DUI Arrest (Las Cruces, NM)

Almost every populated area - no matter how big or small - has one or more people known to cause trouble. I'm not talking the hardened criminal type; rather, the people who cause more problems for themselves than for anyone else. The "non-pillars-of-the-community" that the police know by name. The frequent flyers. It seems that we may have found one belonging to Las Cruces. This guy was going to go shooting - again - despite being so intoxicated that he could not independently avoid walking into a cactus. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

PIT Maneuver Accidentally Disables Police Car

6ZH0qa905Kg | 24 May 2019

PIT Maneuver Accidentally Disables Police Car

"Lex III: Actioni contrariam semper et æqualem esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse æquales et in partes contrarias dirigi." or "Law III: To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts." Stated differently, the PIT maneuver and "crashing" exist on the same continuum. Thanks, Newton. [Regarding the other video that went up today, it should never have gone live in the first place. How and why it did is a whole story in and of itself. At some point I'll share it, as it's pretty funny.] ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"Get Off My Arm For Real, Brah!"

UT6jYE6gJ4E | 23 May 2019

"Get Off My Arm For Real, Brah!"

On December 29, 2018 Cincinnati police officers responded to a call for service regarding a property dispute between two women. This video shows only the latter portion of that call, and is intended to highlight the reality that physical resistance to law enforcement is always a bad idea, unless you want to get hurt. You can't win, and the more effective you are at physically resisting the more likely it is that you (and possibly others) will get seriously injured. Remember, police officers are lawfully allowed to use force against resistance to arrest even if that arrest does not hold up in court. You can't win on the sidewalk. Be smart. Don't get hurt. Win in court if you're right. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Motorcyclist stopped for 120 MPH wheelie in a 70 zone

P8rhKdXQaZ8 | 22 May 2019

Motorcyclist stopped for 120 MPH wheelie in a 70 zone

Ready to see someone get chewed out? Arrested? Lightly scolded? A bit berated? Do you think the officer is going to even mention the wildly-high-speed wheelie? Think again. (I mean, what do you think he is? A cop?) This is likely to be the most low-stress, least-eventful high-speed traffic stop you will ever see. It's like the entire video was hit with valium. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Former Cop Alleges “Bull$#!+ Traffic Stop” by Orlando Police

qhL7lY60h0g | 21 May 2019

Former Cop Alleges “Bull$#!+ Traffic Stop” by Orlando Police

This video shows an Orlando, Florida traffic stop. Apart from a brief note below I will let the footage tell the story for this one. It should be self-explanatory. Note: The last words in the video - spoken by the driver during its final seconds - are “that was a bull$#!+ traffic stop.” He filed a complaint shortly after the incident occurred. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Running From the Cops: Interrogation & Confession

EMdeqgyV5dk | 20 May 2019

Running From the Cops: Interrogation & Confession

On September 18, 2018 Sedro-Woolley, Washington police officers were led on a high-speed chase that ended with the fleeding vehicle abandoned and the driver taking off on foot. Minus his cell phone... which had been left in the vehicle. Despite a solid attempt at a manhunt - including a tracking canine and aerial drone - the driver was not found. The following morning, however, police received a tip that their suspect was hiding - fast asleep in the back of his girlfriend's car. Officers rushed to the area and arrested Riley Simmons, whose alibi was as thorough as it was unlikely. This third and final [public] installment begins later that night, as Riley and a police detective sit across from each other in an interview room and Mr. Simmons slowly caves. Part III: The Interrogation. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

From Car Chase to Confession: Arrest & Alibi (Part II)

gT8V4wv1Ato | 19 May 2019

From Car Chase to Confession: Arrest & Alibi (Part II)

On September 18, 2018 Sedro-Woolley, Washington police officers were led on a high-speed chase that ended with the vehicle abandoned and the driver taking off on foot. Minus his cell phone... which had been left in the vehicle. Despite a solid attempt at a manhunt - including a tracking canine and aerial drone - the driver was not found. This video picks up the next morning, as police officers locate their suspect, fast asleep in the back seat of his girlfriend's car. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

From Car Chase to Confession: Manhunt In Sedro-Woolley (Part I)

dO2LxsmuZCA | 18 May 2019

From Car Chase to Confession: Manhunt In Sedro-Woolley (Part I)

On September 18, 2018 Sedro-Woolley, Washington police officers were led on a high-speed chase that ended with the vehicle abandoned and the driver taking off on foot. Minus his cell phone... which had been left in the vehicle. Despite a solid attempt at a manhunt, tracking canine and all, the driver was not found. The next morning police officers picked up their suspect, found sleeping in the back seat of his girlfriend's car. He had a plausible alibi, but his ability to withstand standard police interrogation techniques was far weaker than the alibi was strong. (Not that it would have stood up to scrutiny, anyway.) Presenting the complete case, from car chase through confession. This is the first video in the series. [Because the chase was captured on body-worn camera the pursuit footage is not terribly compelling. Solid audio... with a view of a steering wheel. As noted in the video, you can skip the pursuit by jumping to 13:30. The first 50 seconds of video are a preview of what you are about to see.] This video was available early to Patreon supporters, who also now have access to Part II. Thank you! ~~~ Help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it! Become a supporter on Patreon today and gain access to supporter-only exclusives AND early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Pursuit and PIT Maneuver of Confused Student From India

5q0Zp0LBCxA | 17 May 2019

Pursuit and PIT Maneuver of Confused Student From India

[The action in this video starts around 5:20] On December 7, 2018 New Mexico troopers found themselves in a surprisingly common type of pursuit: one traveling at normal speed. Police pursuits are usually associated with high-octane language: fast speed, helicopters, felons and felonies, all that jazz. Although that association exists for good reason, there is another side to pursuits that the public tends to not see, a side that doesn't end up on television or in news reports. The most common of the 'non-stereotypical' pursuits are those involving an elderly driver who (scarily) manages to not see or hear the bright lights and loud siren behind them, typically for miles of driving. But apart from pursuits of the elderly is another category altogether: pursuits that are simply weird. Where the driver is someone you would never expect... but there they are, standing right in front of you. One example: At some point I will be publishing footage of a 30 mile, 135+ mph chase where the driver was an older gentleman who could see very well that he was being chased. It turned out that he had no reason whatsoever to run. No warrants, no impairment, nothing. He said he just "didn't feel like stopping" and that he "hadn't done anything this stupid since I was a teenager." Funny. And weird. Another example from the weird category: this pursuit. Do they not do traffic enforcement in India? ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"Orange Shorts, White Hat, Purple Shirt, Purple Hair!" (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Ff1yKBGPtTI | 16 May 2019

"Orange Shorts, White Hat, Purple Shirt, Purple Hair!" (Cincinnati, Ohio)

[The action in this video begins around 8:25] The call initially came through as a domestic dispute, but when Cincinnati police officers arrived on scene they found a kicked-out, newly-ex-boyfriend who was complaining that his ex would not return his property. Although nominally a civil issue, the officers decided to assist as best they could — and it wasn't long before it the ex-boyfriend alleged that the female had hit him at some point... which opened two doors: the door to the apartment and the door to criminal charges. But the colorfully dressed ex-girlfriend wasn't interested in criminal charges. So - despite being barefoot - she made a break for it. And the chase was on! ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Comedian Hannibal Burress (New Footage)

21bzbhtNSwQ | 15 May 2019

Arrest of Comedian Hannibal Burress (New Footage)

[The footage contained in the first half of this video has been covered by other news outlets. The footage contained in the second half of the video is new, and has never been published elsewhere prior.] On December 7, 2017, comedian Hannibal Buress was arrested in Miami, Florida on one count of disorderly intoxication after a multifaceted incident with Miami Police Officer Luis Verne. Body camera footage released shortly after the arrest showed Buress taunting and mocking the officer and repeatedly demanding to know why he was being arrested. According to Verne's arrest report, however, the incident started much earlier. It alleges as follows: “While working a fixed post on NW 2 Avenue & NW 20 Terrace during Art Basel, the defendant, who had red bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from within his breath approached me and asked me to call him an Uber. I told the defendant I could not call him an Uber and he became angry and belligerent. I asked the defendant to leave the premises and the defendant instead walked inside the venue located on 2000 NW 2nd Avenue. I then walked inside the venue and told the defendant he had to leave due to him being highly intoxicated. Once outside, the defendant stood by the front gate and continued yelling profanities, I then again asked him to leave the area about five times. A crowd began to gather and vehicular traffic slowed as they watched the defendant yelling and being disorderly. Defendant arrested. Buress later stated, "I asked the [officer] to call me an Uber, and he said, "No." He told me to leave the street. I go into this bar to get a phone charger for an Uber. He follows me into the bar, and told me I'm too drunk to go inside. [...] 'If I can't be on the street, where do you want me to be?' I ask him. I was in a state of trying to get home. [...] I don't really believe I was at fault." (He left out a few things.) The case was later dismissed. *The footage in the first half of this video was released after Burress's arrest. The latter half of this video is first seeing the light of day right now. (The arrest report will be publicly available on Patreon tomorrow at noon PST.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

New Mexico Trooper Wrecks Cruiser During High Speed Pursuit

vR_LT2s4Gv4 | 12 May 2019

New Mexico Trooper Wrecks Cruiser During High Speed Pursuit

On January 6, 2018 near Clovis, New Mexico two New Mexico Department of Public Safety troopers were in pursuit of a white truck that was driving recklessly and at high speed. Although DPS' pursuit policy generally indicates that pursuits be discontinued when the fleeing driver's evasive actions put the public at elevated risk, in this pursuit the primary trooper was still hot on the truck's tail when its driver blew through a busy intersection, leaving the trooper without any safe options as he approached.... so he took the safest option he could find, and destroyed his cruiser. [It is possible to calculate vehicle speed with surprising accuracy based off of highway markings in video. Approximation of the trooper's speed just prior to his swerving - calculated in that manner - indicates that he was likely traveling in the mid-to-high-80s mph when he slammed on the brakes and went right.] ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

The Harder They Fall (Marco: An Unexpected Sequel)

K6536oZ-lwk | 11 May 2019

The Harder They Fall (Marco: An Unexpected Sequel)

Some of you may remember Marco Garcia, the gentleman who in November 2018 was tased so hard that it exposed his tremendous [and thoroughly blurred] asscrack. Well, in this video it's exactly three months later and Marco is at it again. In this installment, we find Marco accusing the cops of "always messing with [him]" — because they pursued his fleeing Ford Explorer, and then pursued him on foot after he wrecked that Explorer into a parked car. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

In Depth: WSU Football Player Excessive Force Lawsuit (Part II)

DbGhXf5kJHc | 10 May 2019

In Depth: WSU Football Player Excessive Force Lawsuit (Part II)

On October 30, 2018 Treshon Nedill Broughton filed suit against Alex Gordon, Shane Emerson, the Pullman Police Department, and other unnamed defendants with a complaint alleging various violations of Broughton's civil rights. Broughton alleges unlawful detention, filing of false or misleading documents about said detention, excessive force, violations of Broughton's Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and malicious prosecution - all stemming from an incident that took place on February 18, 2017 in Pullman. Since that incident some videos have emerged, but they are all incomplete - showing only a portion of what was captured - and they also represent only a small, cherry-picked portion of the full body of video associated with the incident and arrest. It's difficult to form an opinion about something when you don't know what actually happened. So for this case, Real World Police is filling in the blanks. Because there will be many videos in this series the channel will not be solely dedicated to it. Instead, regular programming will continue as these videos are published. This video was captured on the body worn camera of Officer Alex Gordon. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"I Don't Want No White People Touching Me!" (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)

OwCJ_43hDz0 | 10 May 2019

"I Don't Want No White People Touching Me!" (Treshon Broughton, Part Three)

On October 30, 2018 Treshon Nedill Broughton filed suit against Alex Gordon, Shane Emerson, the Pullman Police Department, and other unnamed defendants with a complaint alleging various violations of Broughton's civil rights. Broughton alleges unlawful detention, filing of false or misleading documents about said detention, excessive force, violations of Broughton's Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and malicious prosecution - all stemming from an incident that took place on February 18, 2017 in Pullman. Since that incident some videos have emerged, but they are all incomplete - showing only a portion of what was captured - and they also represent only a small, cherry-picked portion of the full body of video associated with the incident and arrest. It's difficult to form an opinion about something when you don't know what actually happened. So for this case, Real World Police is filling in the blanks. Because there will be many videos in this series the channel will not be solely dedicated to it. Instead, regular programming will continue as these videos are published. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

In Depth: WSU Football Player Excessive Force Lawsuit (Part I)

846_Pm_M3Ak | 09 May 2019

In Depth: WSU Football Player Excessive Force Lawsuit (Part I)

On October 30, 2018 Treshon Nedill Broughton filed suit against Alex Gordon, Shane Emerson, the Pullman Police Department, and other unnamed defendants with a complaint alleging various violations of Broughton's civil rights. Broughton alleges unlawful detention, filing of false or misleading documents about said detention, excessive force, violations of Broughton's Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and malicious prosecution - all stemming from an incident that took place on February 18, 2017 in Pullman. Since that incident some videos have emerged, but they are all incomplete - showing only a portion of what was captured - and they also represent only a small, cherry-picked portion of the full body of video associated with the incident and arrest. It's difficult to form an opinion about something when you don't know what actually happened. So for this case, let's begin filling in the blanks. Portions of this video have been publicly disseminated. Subsequent videos have not. *At one point in this video on-screen text directs the viewer to the description. I want to comment specifically on that scene, where the officer yells to Broughton "You're under arrest for using a fake twenty!" Because the comment is more opinion than factual reporting I posted it to the Real World Police Patreon page as a public post. You can check it out there if you're interested in reading. The post is at ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today!​ Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 600 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Bad Combination: Reckless Driving & Living In Your Car

EL93dDaIURs | 09 May 2019

Bad Combination: Reckless Driving & Living In Your Car

A fundamental rule of not getting arrested is to stay invisible to the police. When the police can't see you, there is nothing to catch their attention. Even the best officers can't see incongruities when they can't see anything. How to stay invisible? Well, for most people their 'most invisible' place is inside their own home. The above advice comes from Dale Carson, author of "Arrest-Proof Yourself," defense attorney in Jacksonville, and former peace officer with the Miami-Dade Police Department and FBI. Carson extends his "stay invisible" rule to provide practical advice: if you plan on doing something illegal the best place to do eit is at home — where you are not going to stand out. Now, why dot I bring this up here? To highlight an exception this video makes apparent: the rule doesn't quite work if you live in your car. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Senator Paul Campbell Arrested for DUI, Providing False Information (Full Video)

rjkbpXYwvpI | 08 May 2019

Senator Paul Campbell Arrested for DUI, Providing False Information (Full Video)

In footage that can only be found on Real World Police, this video presents the shenanigans allegedly attempted by South Carolina Senator Paul Campbell and his wife after they rear-ended another vehicle on November 4, 2017 while driving on I-26 West near mile marker 204. Senator Campbell was arrested on suspicion of DUI and providing false information to law enforcement. His wife received a citation for providing false information to law enforcement. Remarkably, Campbell was successful at having all charges dropped. A quick review of how that happened: Prosecutors nixed the false information charge almost immediately, as the cited statute only criminalizes providing false *identification* to law enforcement — and not the providing false information generally. The ball got rolling on total case dismissal when Judge Elbert O. Duffie III ruled that Campbell's breathalyzer test was inadmissible on the grounds that the arresting officer did not provide "affirmative assistance" to Campbell - as required by state law - when the senator asked for a blood test to be taken. (Campbell can be heard clearly asking for a blood test in the preview portion of this video.) Judge Duffie wrote that the failure to make arrangements for Campbell to undergo a blood test was a violation of state law, and held that the breath test results were consequently inadmissible as evidence. Duffie's ruling was a major win for Campbell, but the judge stopped short of dismissing the case. One day before Campbell's trial was to begin Duffie reevaluated his decision and threw the entire case out, ruling that without any hard evidence of Campbell's intoxication there was no reasonable way that a conviction could be achieved, and that by not providing Campbell with the opportunity for a blood test the prosecution had irreparably deprived Campbell of potentially exculpatory evidence. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Officer Accidentally Helps Film Anti-Police Rap Music Video

37SkFZY_6qw | 06 May 2019

Officer Accidentally Helps Film Anti-Police Rap Music Video

More coverage of rap, but this time the cops are on the inside. In mid-2017 Cleveland Police Officer Ken Kirk was approached by a group of four black males who asked for his help with the filming of a music video. Instead of telling you Officer Kirk's story, this video features the man himself with a first-person retelling. Accordingly, and without further ado, I present Officer Ken Kirk in a combination of 'a Garrity interview' and 'The Race.' The full music video can be found at: ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

High-Speed Pursuit of Three Women Ended With Strong PIT Maneuver

IEp3pDKnxpE | 04 May 2019

High-Speed Pursuit of Three Women Ended With Strong PIT Maneuver

Responding to a call for “suspicious people” on April 10, 2019 a Florida Highway Patrol trooper pulled up at a rest area on I-75 North in Pasco County... and found three naked black teenage women who told him they were “air drying.” He asked why, and they replied with the obvious: they had just showered. They began to get dressed as they warned the trooper to not get any closer, actually commanding him to “Stay right there!” When one woman told the trooper that they were going to leave, he replied that they were detained. And... they responded by sprinting to their 2009 Nissan Sentra and fleeing. The chase was called off as quickly as it had started, but not long thereafter a motorist called to report a reckless driver going the wrong direction on State Road 52 and another trooper took up the chase — this time tagging the car with a StarChase GPS tracking projectile. The car was ultimately tracked to a convenience store parking lot, but the women were not ready to give up. A Highway Patrol spokesperson told Real World Police that when a trooper arrived, the three women were emerging from the convenience store, but when the trooper tried to take one of them into custody the other two ran to their car. Fighting back against arrest, the driver of the Sentra then headed right at the trooper, forcing him to let the detained woman go as he darted to avoid being struck. It gets even crazier. The Patrol representative told Real World Police that the passenger in the car then got out with a metal baseball bat and started moving towards the trooper. At that same moment, backup was pulling up. That second trooper saw what was about to occur and and rammed the teens’ vehicle to keep the trooper from being bludgeoned. All three women then rushed back to the Sentra and fled, heading east on State Road 52. This video starts just after Dade City Police had successfully deployed stop sticks on the Sentra, and just before troopers use a solid PIT maneuver to bring the Sentra to a stop at State Road 52 and 21st Street in Dade City. Jeniyah McLeod, 19, was charged with felony resisting an officer with violence, felony assault on an officer, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Oasis Shakira McLeod, 18, was charged with misdemeanor DUI, felony assault on an officer, felony resisting an officer with violence, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Finally, Cecilia Eunique Young, 19, was charged with felony resisting an officer with violence, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia When questioned, Jeniyah McLeod is said to have admitted that the marijuana in the vehicle was hers — she claimed that she had “bought it from a white guy named Bubba.” Oh, Florida. *Also, it could just be the camera angle, but the officer on the left (in black) at 5:00... holy crossfire! ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Ride The Lightning (Pullman, 2018)

wzmRpgqK5mE | 03 May 2019

Ride The Lightning (Pullman, 2018)

On November 9, 2018 Pullman Police responded to a report of a large fight at a local Jack in the Box. Officers were called to the fast food restaurant around 2:30 am, having received reports of six males fighting. The initial caller also reported that a gun may have been involved and that someone was unconscious. Time to step it up. When officers arrived they found two men who were bleeding and other men running from the scene. One of the men - our hero in this installment of Real World Police - ran through the Missouri Flat Creek as he tried to escape near a Pizza Hut store. But Officer Ruben Harris chased the suspect down and deployed his taser, quickly taming 21-year-old Ohanny Murillo. More body cam footage to come from various portions of this geographically spread-out response. Happy Friday, folks! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

New Footage Shows Arrest of T.I. Outside His Own Gated Community (Part IV)

oEoCVt_eDRg | 01 May 2019

New Footage Shows Arrest of T.I. Outside His Own Gated Community (Part IV)

This video - exclusively on Real World Police - is the final installment in a series of four videos covering this unusual incident. Taken together, the videos paint a comprehensive picture of the events leading up to and including the arrest of Grammy Award winning rapper T.I. on May 16, 2018 at the entrance to his gated community in McDonough, Georgia. The first two videos used surveillance system video footage to tell the story; the third and [this] fourth utilize police body-worn camera footage. The body-worn camera footage in this installment comes from the officer directly responsible for T.I.'s arrest. More info to come on that. ~~~ The following incident narrative is primarily sourced from the police report. There are some areas where the reported narrative diverges from what appears to take place in the recording: On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at approximately 0443 hours, Henry County Police Department officers were dispatched to the Eagles Landing Country Club located at 100 Eagles Landing Way in McDonough, Georgia, in reference to a male subject later identified as Clifford Harris (“T.I.”) yelling at the security guard because he would not let him in the gate. Dispatch advised responding officers that they could hear Mr. Harris yelling through the phone. On arrival officers met with Mr. Harris and with his friend, Marquinarius Holmes. When asked what was the problem, Mr. Harris stated that when he pulled up to the guard shack, he observed the guard - Euwan James - sleeping. When Mr. Harris woke him, he asked to be let into the gate, but the guard refused to let him in. Mr. Harris stated that James finally opened the gate to let him in, but added that he had asked the security guard for his name multiple times and asked for his supervisor but that the guard refused to provide that information to him. Mr. Harris then drove home - a bit over a half mile - only to walk back for another attempt at getting the guard’s name. No dice the second time around, either. When that same officer spoke with the guard (who is referred to in the report as “Officer James”), James is *reported by the officer* as having provided the following information: When Harris pulled up James asked Harris for his name and where was he going. Harris replied, "Harris, hook me up!”* James did not recognize Harris and did not let him in the gate. In response, stated James, Harris started to use profanity, yelling at him to open the gate. James then opened the gate and let him inside the neighborhood. James further stated that Harris subsequently walked back to the gate and was threatening him, and added that Mr. Holmes had arrived after Mr. Harris. When asked for specifics of the kind of threats Harris had made, James is reported as having stated that Harris asked him to “come outside so they can deal with it,” however James wrote on his statement that Harris stated "come outside so we can deal with this man to man,” and "Let go in the street.” (It's not clear that Harris said any either of those two sentences.) James stated he felt threatened by Harris because he told him that he would come back and he did. James added that he did not know what Harris was going to do. James' supervisor Andrea Stone advised she witnessed Harris yelling at James. *The recording seems to clearly indicate that he said, "Harris, look me up," — and not "Harris, hook me up." ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

New Footage Shows Arrest of T.I. Outside His Own Gated Community (Part III)

WrdSBnqnzvo | 01 May 2019

New Footage Shows Arrest of T.I. Outside His Own Gated Community (Part III)

This video - exclusively on Real World Police - is the third in a series of four from this unusual incident. Taken together, the videos paint a comprehensive picture of the events leading up to and including the arrest of Grammy Award winning rapper T.I. on May 16, 2018 at the entrance to his gated community in McDonough, Georgia. The first two videos used surveillance system video footage to tell the story; this video and the next utilize police body-worn camera video. ~~~ The following incident narrative is primarily sourced from the police report. There are some areas where the reported narrative diverges from what appears to take place in the recording: On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at approximately 0443 hours, Henry County Police Department officers were dispatched to the Eagles Landing Country Club located at 100 Eagles Landing Way in McDonough, Georgia, in reference to a male subject later identified as Clifford Harris (“T.I.”) yelling at the security guard because he would not let him in the gate. Dispatch advised responding officers that they could hear Mr. Harris yelling through the phone. On arrival officers met with Mr. Harris and with his friend, Marquinarius Holmes. When asked what was the problem, Mr. Harris stated that when he pulled up to the guard shack, he observed the guard - Euwan James - sleeping. When Mr. Harris woke him, he asked to be let into the gate, but the guard refused to let him in. Mr. Harris stated that James finally opened the gate to let him in, but added that he had asked the security guard for his name multiple times and asked for his supervisor but that the guard refused to provide that information to him. Mr. Harris then drove home - a bit over a half mile - only to walk back for another attempt at getting the guard’s name. No dice the second time around, either. When that same officer spoke with the guard (who is referred to in the report as “Officer James”), James is *reported by the officer* as having provided the following information: When Harris pulled up James asked Harris for his name and where was he going. Harris replied, "Harris, hook me up!”* James did not recognize Harris and did not let him in the gate. In response, stated James, Harris started to use profanity, yelling at him to open the gate. James then opened the gate and let him inside the neighborhood. James further stated that Harris subsequently walked back to the gate and was threatening him, and added that Mr. Holmes had arrived after Mr. Harris. When asked for specifics of the kind of threats Harris had made, James is reported as having stated that Harris asked him to “come outside so they can deal with it,” however James wrote on his statement that Harris stated "come outside so we can deal with this man to man,” and "Let go in the street.” (It's not clear that Harris said any either of those two sentences.) James stated he felt threatened by Harris because he told him that he would come back and he did. James added that he did not know what Harris was going to do. James' supervisor Andrea Stone advised she witnessed Harris yelling at James. *The recording seems to indicate that he said, "Harris, look me up," — and not "Harris, hook me up." One small thing to note in this video: At :38, right after Tip repeats "He don't have to?" — pay close attention to the female manager's facial expression. What you're looking for only lasts for .03 seconds but it's there. (In case you didn't know, you can step through a paused YouTube video one frame at a time using the comma and period keys.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown here, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally tried to bring a gun through a TSA checkpoint -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

New Surveillance Footage Shows T.I. Screaming at Security Guard Prior to T.I.'s Arrest (Part II)

Lh10DSqoCEQ | 30 Apr 2019

New Surveillance Footage Shows T.I. Screaming at Security Guard Prior to T.I.'s Arrest (Part II)

This video - exclusively on Real World Police - is the second in a series of four from this unusual incident. Taken together, the videos paint a comprehensive picture of the events leading up to and including the arrest of Grammy Award winning rapper T.I. on May 16, 2018 at the entrance to his gated community in McDonough, Georgia. The first two videos utilize surveillance system video and audio to tell the story; the latter pair utilize police body-worn camera video. ~~~ The following incident narrative is primarily sourced from the police report. There are some areas where the reported narrative diverges from what appears to take place in the recording: On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at approximately 0443 hours, Henry County Police Department officers were dispatched to the Eagles Landing Country Club located at 100 Eagles Landing Way in McDonough, Georgia, in reference to a male subject later identified as Clifford Harris (“T.I.”) yelling at the security guard because he would not let him in the gate. Dispatch advised responding officers that they could hear Mr. Harris yelling through the phone. On arrival officers met with Mr. Harris and with his friend, Marquinarius Holmes. When asked what was the problem, Mr. Harris stated that when he pulled up to the guard shack, he observed the guard - Euwan James - sleeping. When Mr. Harris woke him, he asked to be let into the gate, but the guard refused to let him in. Mr. Harris stated that James finally opened the gate to let him in, but added that he had asked the security guard for his name multiple times and asked for his supervisor but that the guard refused to provide that information to him. Mr. Harris then drove home - a bit over a half mile - only to walk back for another attempt at getting the guard’s name. No dice the second time around, either. When that same officer spoke with the guard (who is referred to in the report as “Officer James”), James is *reported by the officer* as having provided the following information: When Harris pulled up James asked Harris for his name and where was he going. Harris replied, "Harris, hook me up!”* James did not recognize Harris and did not let him in the gate. In response, stated James, Harris started to use profanity, yelling at him to open the gate. James then opened the gate and let him inside the neighborhood. James further stated that Harris subsequently walked back to the gate and was threatening him, and added that Mr. Holmes had arrived after Mr. Harris. When asked for specifics of the kind of threats Harris had made, James is reported as having stated that Harris asked him to “come outside so they can deal with it,” however James wrote on his statement that Harris stated "come outside so we can deal with this man to man,” and "Let go in the street.” (It's not clear that Harris said any either of those two sentences.) James stated he felt threatened by Harris because he told him that he would come back and he did. James added that he did not know what Harris was going to do. James' supervisor Andrea Stone advised she witnessed Harris yelling at James. *The recording seems to clearly indicate that he said, "Harris, look me up," — and not "Harris, hook me up." Note: T.I.'s speech from 4:30 - 6:30 is pretty epic. Keep an eye on Marquinarius Holmes' (guy in the car) subtle facial expressions throughout. They're great! ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown here, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally tried to bring a gun through a TSA checkpoint -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

New Surveillance Footage Shows T.I. Screaming at Security Guard Prior to T.I.'s Arrest (Part I)

OxcLjNkOIr8 | 29 Apr 2019

New Surveillance Footage Shows T.I. Screaming at Security Guard Prior to T.I.'s Arrest (Part I)

This video - exclusively on Real World Police - is the first in a series of four from this incident. Taken together, the four videos paint a comprehensive picture of the events leading up to and including the arrest of Grammy Award winning rapper T.I. on May 16, 2018 at the entrance to his gated community in Georgia. The first two videos utilize surveillance system video footage with an audio component; the latter two utilize police body-worn camera video. ~~~ The following incident narrative is primarily sourced from the police report. There are some areas where the reported narrative diverges from what appears to take place in the recording: On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at approximately 0443 hours, Henry County Police Department officers were dispatched to the Eagles Landing Country Club located at 100 Eagles Landing Way in McDonough, Georgia, in reference to a male subject later identified as Clifford Harris (“T.I.”) yelling at the security guard because he would not let him in the gate. Dispatch advised responding officers that they could hear Mr. Harris yelling through the phone. On arrival officers met with Mr. Harris and with his friend, Marquinarius Holmes. When asked what was the problem, Mr. Harris stated that when he pulled up to the guard shack, he observed the guard - Euwan James - sleeping. When Mr. Harris woke him, he asked to be let into the gate, but the guard refused to let him in. Mr. Harris stated that James finally opened the gate to let him in, but added that he had asked the security guard for his name multiple times and asked for his supervisor but that the guard refused to provide that information to him. Mr. Harris then drove home - a bit over a half mile - only to walk back for another attempt at getting the guard’s name. No dice the second time around, either. When that same officer spoke with the guard (who is referred to in the report as “Officer James”), James is *reported by the officer* as having provided the following information: When Harris pulled up James asked Harris for his name and where was he going. Harris replied, "Harris, hook me up!”* James did not recognize Harris and did not let him in the gate. In response, stated James, Harris started to use profanity, yelling at him to open the gate. James then opened the gate and let him inside the neighborhood. James further stated that Harris subsequently walked back to the gate and was threatening him, and added that Mr. Holmes had arrived after Mr. Harris. When asked for specifics of the kind of threats Harris had made, James is reported as having stated that Harris asked him to “come outside so they can deal with it,” however James wrote on his statement that Harris stated "come outside so we can deal with this man to man,” and "Let go in the street.” (It's not clear that Harris said any either of those two sentences.) James stated he felt threatened by Harris because he told him that he would come back and he did. James added that he did not know what Harris was going to do. James' supervisor Andrea Stone advised she witnessed Harris yelling at James. *The recording seems to clearly indicate that he said, "Harris, look me up," — and not "Harris, hook me up." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"You Almost Died Today," Officer Confronts Teens Brandishing BB Gun

lfTe7aqKNIg | 28 Apr 2019

"You Almost Died Today," Officer Confronts Teens Brandishing BB Gun

In the immediate aftermath of this incident the Columbus, Ohio Police Department released a highly edited clip to the press. Showing Officer Peter Casuccio stopping two black boys with a BB gun and berating them in what the department called a "lesson learned" moment, that two-minute video quickly gained national attention. The full video, however, hasn't made public rounds. And it certainly deserves to be seen, if only for the astonishing amount of blurring and pixellation added by Columbus PD. ~~~ Channel pro tip: Many regular viewers don't know that Real World Police has a ridiculously simple URL. That's right, you don't have to mess with strings of random characters ever again. The URL is easy: ~~~ Help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it! Become a supporter on Patreon today and gain access to supporter-only exclusives AND early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Seattle Office of Police Accountability - Full Investigation (Audio)

rqkMJTkr1UM | 26 Apr 2019

Seattle Office of Police Accountability - Full Investigation (Audio)

The mission of Seattle's Office of Police Accountability (OPA) is to "ensure that the actions of Seattle Police Department employees comply with law and policy by conducting thorough, objective, and timely investigations, recommending improvements to policies and training, and engaging in collaborative initiatives that promote systemic advancements." The audio recordings contained in this video pertain to a complaint that was made about an SPD lieutenant. The complaint was ultimately sustained, and the lieutenant was suspended for five days. The complaint alleged that the lieutenant made unprofessional and biased comments regarding the Holocaust, Germans, and Jewish people. The comments were made on two separate occasions and were heard by employees of the Southwest Precinct. When information emerged during an interview that another employee failed to report the lieutenant's comments to OPA as required by SPD policy, a complaint was opened on that issue as well. The final case summary for 2017OPA-1202 can be found at In this video: 00:00:15 - 00:07:22 Officer Marc Sagmoen (as witness) 00:07:22 - 00:18:51 Sergeant Dean Ikei (as witness) 00:18:51 - 00:23:00 Sergeant Dean Ikei (as named employee) 00:23:00 - 00:31:52 Officer Doug Jorgensen (as witness) 00:31:52 - 00:44:11 Officer Todd Novisedlak (as witness) 00:44:11 - 00:49:11 Officer Todd Wiebke (as witness) 00:49:11 - 00:56:47 Officer Melody Rios (as witness) 00:56:47 - end Lieutenant Seth Dietrich (as named employee) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

You're Under Arrest! NO, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!

ThDRvz1gjQ0 | 26 Apr 2019

You're Under Arrest! NO, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!

Sometimes police videos double as free comedy, and, well, this is one of those times. This video comes to you from the archives, stretching back four years and over to Pullman, Washington, where on a freezing winter night a call came in reporting a man yelling nonsense out in the snow, possibly hurt and with his trailer set up on city property... that was not designated for camping. Watch as officers need to use both a less-lethal dart and a taser to subdue this Native American medicine man... who is convinced that the officers are out of their jurisdiction, and that he is in fact on native soil. (And now you are beginning to understand how he comes to arrest his arresting officers.) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Man Accepts Paraphernalia Charge For Someone Else's Scale

tO4gzS8KBzQ | 25 Apr 2019

Man Accepts Paraphernalia Charge For Someone Else's Scale

This surprisingly bite-size evening dose of Real World Police is excerpted from a November 27, 2017 arrest in Orlando, Florida. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Point Three Percent: Extraordinarily Drunk Driving

d5YfJ-OzTc8 | 25 Apr 2019

Point Three Percent: Extraordinarily Drunk Driving

.3% BAC sets a new record here on Real World Police, though not a record to be proud of. For that woman to still be standing, let alone lucid... ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Drunk Driver Tries to Trade Breath Sample for Phone Call

KOKRwW0xQBE | 24 Apr 2019

Drunk Driver Tries to Trade Breath Sample for Phone Call

And fails. The officer's commentary while following the subject vehicle is pretty entertaining. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Cleveland Police Rescue Dog Hanging From Roof

pKzXVhXDlMU | 24 Apr 2019

Cleveland Police Rescue Dog Hanging From Roof

On March 30, 2019 Cleveland Police responded to a call for service. The frantic caller reported that their dog was hanging off the side of their house. The dog was attached to the second floor balcony by its leash but still somehow fell over the side — resulting in this terrifying situation. Responding officers were able to hold the dog so he could breathe as they worked to free him from his leash. ~~~ Help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it! Become a supporter on Patreon today and gain access to supporter-only exclusives AND early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Washington Amtrak Derailment: Police Drone Footage

3C_96df0c5g | 23 Apr 2019

Washington Amtrak Derailment: Police Drone Footage

On December 18, 2017, at 7:33 a.m., Pacific standard time, southbound Amtrak passenger train 501, consisting of a leading and trailing locomotive, a power car, 10 passenger railcars and a luggage car, traveling at 78 mph derailed from a highway overpass near DuPont, Washington. The speed limit for that curve was 30 miles per hour. When the train derailed, it was on its first regular passenger service trip on a single main track (Lakewood subdivision) at milepost 19.86. The lead locomotive, the power car, and two passenger railcars derailed onto Interstate 5. Fourteen highway vehicles came into contact with the derailed equipment. At the time of the accident, 77 passengers, 5 Amtrak employees, and a Talgo Incorporated technician were on the train.1 Of these individuals, 3 passengers were killed, and 62 passengers and crew members were injured. Eight individuals in highway vehicles were also injured. The damage is estimated to be more than $40.4 million. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

MS-13 Member Threatens to Kill Arresting Officers

cbetvTUpjNo | 23 Apr 2019

MS-13 Member Threatens to Kill Arresting Officers

Glossing over the details of the domestic assault that kicked things off, when our chapter begins Jesus Negrete-Sanchez had just been spotted riding a girl's bicycle on SR-20 near the Skagit Motel in Sedro-Woolley, Washington. Officers converged on the location and began a delicate attempt at boxing in a gangster riding a girl’s bicycle using multiple police cars — on a public road. Jesus refused to stop, instead giving officers the finger as he skirted between the gaps separating their patrol vehicles. At one point an officer got on his PA and advised Jesus that he was under arrest, and to stop and get off his bike, but Jesus continued to ride, demanding to know what officers wanted with him and yelling obscenities. Officer McCombs of Sedro-Woolley Police Department then pulled up next to Jesus, opened his window and pointed his OC canister at Jesus, ordering him to get off the bike. Perhaps familiar with the joys of OC, Jesus complied… but not for long. Jesus soon refused to listen to commands and forced officers to take him to the ground, thus starting a protracted ground struggle. After some time - and an impressive degree of resistance - officers were finally able to get Jesus secured in handcuffs, though he continued thrashing about and yelling obscenities, screaming that the police were going to die and asserting membership in MS-13. Officers found a switchblade knife on Jesus’s person… and... I’ll let the video take it from here. Enjoy. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Miami Cop to Lil' Pump's Manager: Man Up!

zdecKhyDi1A | 22 Apr 2019

Miami Cop to Lil' Pump's Manager: Man Up!

[Fear not, the Lil' Pump videos are coming to an end,] On December 13, 2018 certified-quadruple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Complete T.I. Booking Video & 911 Call

I2hQAW19QJY | 21 Apr 2019

Complete T.I. Booking Video & 911 Call

In May 2018 rapper T.I. was arrested at the entrance to his Georgia gated community following an exchange of words with a security guard who wouldn’t let him in… to his own house. T.I. didn’t have his key with him, but the security guard apparently even refused him entry after his wife got involved. T.I. was arrested for assault, public drunkenness, and disorderly conduct. The rapper in turn claimed that he had found the guard asleep on the job, and that the guard has cursed-out his wife, Tiny, when the guard called her to verify that T.I. lived there. Although T.I. denied ever putting his hands on the guard, he did admit to cursing at him; and ultimately the only charge that stuck was disorderly conduct — for cursing at the guard. This is the full video of T.I. being booked into jail, followed by the guard’s original 911 call. The audio has been enhanced in both. The guard has since been fired. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Forensic Interview

8EHLt0t0ngc | 21 Apr 2019

Forensic Interview

Many people have seen police interrogation videos, and have a reasonably good sense of how an adversarial interview works. Far less familiar, however, are forensic interviews of much younger subjects. It should come as no surprise that they are quite different from the usual "I know you're not a bad person, but I can tell you're lying. Don't play games with me!" A forensic interview is a structured conversation with a child meant to elicit information about a possible event that may (or may not) have happened in the child's life, and the structure used today has developed over time. Possibly the most important consideration in a forensic interview is doing everything possible to ensure that answers only come from the child's memory - and not from their imagination. The structure of the interview is designed to do that, and also to qualify the child's testimony in court. There were several high-profile cases in the 1980s where it was alleged that daycare workers had sexually abused multiple children in their care. Those cases became the subject of much analysis because of the interview techniques that were used. At the time, law enforcement depended on mental health professionals to conduct interviews, but those interviews were torn apart in court due to the techniques used, and associated concerns over suggestibility. Today, all forensic interviews follow the same three-phase structure. They open with the rapport-building phase, proceed to the substantive phase, and end with - you guessed it - the closing phase. The interviewer attempts to elicit extremely detailed answers early on, as that increases the likelihood of detailed answers at a later point. In the rapport-building phase the interviewer attempts to elicit extremely detailed answers to easy questions - only from their memory - as that increases the likelihood of detailed answers at a later point. Apart from just building rapport, however, the rapport-building phase also serves to qualify the child as a witness. The interviewer uses a number of questioning and practice techniques to ensure that the child knows the difference between the truth and a lie, and practices having the child say that they don't know the answer to one or more questions. This phase also reinforces for the child that they are the one doing the talking. (This forensic interview video has never been published elsewhere. As you will see, the child's figure has been completely blurred to obscure all detail and the voice of the child has been changed (though hopefully not too noticeably). The date and year of the interview have been obscured and all names spoken by the child, as well as the child's name when spoken by the interviewer, have been removed completely.)

Lil' Pump Finds Out He's Going To Jail

jw-_j2-l8sE | 19 Apr 2019

Lil' Pump Finds Out He's Going To Jail

On December 13, 2018 certified-quadruple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Rapper Tries to Bribe Deputies $35,000 Cash

myHktQ9a3_8 | 19 Apr 2019

Rapper Tries to Bribe Deputies $35,000 Cash

On March 14, 2017 a Cleveland-based music artist and a former high school basketball standout were among three members of a street gang sentenced for a 2016 gang-related gunfight in Cleveland Heights. Rapper Crayshaun "Lil' Cray" Bates and tall guy Xavier Eberhardt were both sentenced to the minimum of four years in prison. Prior to reading their sentence, Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert McClelland stated that he was saddened by the case, which to him represented a waste of lives and talent. "Your lives matter, but you're treating each other like they don't," said the judge. Bates, performing under his “Lil’ Cray” moniker, had opened in July 2016 for T.I. at Quicken Loans Arena, and was up-and-coming in Ohio's hip hop scene before his legal troubles captured center stage. Now, turning to this video: Bates also pleaded guilty to attempted bribery of two Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department deputies. The deputies showed up at his house after he missed his curfew - a condition of Bates’ release while trial was pending. When they found Bates he was (a) almost incoherently drunk, and (b) running a gambling operation in his basement. Sobriety was another condition of Bates' release, and the gambling thing... well, that was overshadowed by Bates' repeated attempts to "work something out" with deputies, culminating in an offer of $35,000 cash. This is the only footage from that incident — and it's only available here on Real World Police. *Bates does not state the dollar amount loudly enough to be heard in this video, however Mr. Cray can be clearly heard making repeated attempts to "work something out" with the deputies, even requesting that they disable their body-worn cameras. (They declined.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Mexican Cited for Driving 105 MPH Claims Kilometer Confusion

vsmT5EX9nu0 | 18 Apr 2019

Mexican Cited for Driving 105 MPH Claims Kilometer Confusion

On May 6, 2018 two young women were stopped by Hidalgo County Sheriff's Deputy Sgt. David Arredondo for driving 105 miles per hour in a 75-zone. The driver of the vehicle presented her international driver's license as she explained that she was so used to driving "in" kilometers per hour that 100 seemed like the right spot. Unconvinced, Sgt. Arredondo wrote up her citation, the two of them occasionally conversing to try and figure out unit conversions, such as the driver's height in feet. $182, ma'am. ~~~ Political comments lacking any objective connection to the video being commented on may be removed without warning. The same is true for any comment that violates YouTube's hate speech policy. (Thank you moderators for your work!) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Prentice Williams Arrested for DUI Marijuana

1u2SzGB0L90 | 16 Apr 2019

Prentice Williams Arrested for DUI Marijuana

On November 22, 2018 Prentice Williams was just driving home when - he claims - his "front end went out" and he suddenly ended up in an unconventional parking spot — straddling the sidewalk and the front yard of a house. Williams had not been drinking, but he did admit to smoking some marijuana much earlier in the day. Little did he know that it would land him in jail. Related information: Because recreational marijuana is legal in Washington, the state established a blood level THC cutoff for per se impairment - similar to alcohol. Interestingly, as time has gone by law enforcement, law-makers and scientists have learned that the figure is not particularly reliable. Even Washington Traffic Safety Commission research director Staci Hoff has stated on the record that the number is completely arbitrary, stating “[The per se blood limit for THC of 5ng/ml wasn’t backed by scientific theories then, and it’s not backed by scientific theories now." Though the per se limit for alcohol is not perfect (as tolerance dramatically changes effects), .08% is a better predictor of intoxication than the limit for THC. That is because THC is a fat soluble drug. According to Hoff, chronic users of chronic [okay, she didn't say that] who haven't smoked recently could still exhibit a blood THC level of 10 - 20 ng per ml , but not be impaired. Conversely, someone who smokes for the first time might register no THC in their blood while still being too impaired to drive. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

This is How a Taser is Supposed to Work

tK-y2HXIum8 | 15 Apr 2019

This is How a Taser is Supposed to Work

It sometimes seems as though the Taser falls short of its promise. Invented and marketed as a revolutionary device that would safely and instantly incapacitate the most resistive or combative subject, the Taser works by firing two small barbed darts intended to puncture the skin and remain attached to the target. The darts are connected to the main unit by thin insulated copper wire and deliver electric current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles — when everything goes right causing “neuromuscular incapacitation.” The primary issue, of course, is that everything depends on connectivity of the darts. Without a good connection, the effects may only be localized pain. And many things can interfere (heavy clothing being the most common). Jack Cover, the inventor of the Taser, named the device after a book featuring his childhood hero, Tom Swift — Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle. Cover's original “Taser Public Defender" used gunpowder as its propellant, which led the ATF to classify it as a firearm in 1976. (Current Taser darts are propelled by small compressed nitrogen charges.) According to a 2010 study by the DOJ over 15,000 law enforcement and military agencies around the world use Tasers as part of their use of force continuum. A study of use-of-force incidents by the Calgary Police Service conducted by the Canadian Police Research Centre found that the use of Tasers resulted in fewer injuries than the use of batons or empty hand techniques. Use of Tasers by the Seattle Police Department has been shown to reduce the odds of suspect injury by 48%, and data gathered from other agencies confirm a similar percentage decline in suspect injuries due to Taser deployment. Officer injuries have been impacted by Taser use as well — studies have found that in most agencies officer injuries were greatly reduced after Tasers were introduced as part of each particular organizations use of force continuum. Although vast amounts of data support the positive benefits of Taser usage in law enforcement, there are also data which suggest that Taser usage has negatively impacted some individual police officers as well. The above-referenced study conducted in 2010 by the United States Department of Justice found that some officers may rely too heavily upon deploying a Taser during suspect encounters. The study refers to this negative trait in some police officers as "lazy cop" syndrome. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Lil' Pump: Behind The Scenes With Miami-Dade Police (Part II)

8tchoTCjU2Y | 15 Apr 2019

Arrest of Lil' Pump: Behind The Scenes With Miami-Dade Police (Part II)

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. (Yes, even if you haven't heard of him and even if you don't like his music.) This video is Part II of a behind-the-scenes look at the decision-making process of a Miami PD supervisor on scene. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) Media: For information on using this video, email [email protected]. These videos are not in the public domain; preregistration has been filed with the United States Copyright Office. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

It's Not Me, It's You; Florida Man Thinks Everyone Else Is The Problem

NkWWVYa5npY | 14 Apr 2019

It's Not Me, It's You; Florida Man Thinks Everyone Else Is The Problem

If you think your neighbor is stalking you because you occasionally see him around the neighborhood, it's probably a good idea to get a second opinion before you start harassing him by filming your every encounter. #RWPLPT #tinfoilsunglasses ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Lil' Pump: No Jewelry In Jail

egW6cIrvjbM | 13 Apr 2019

Arrest of Lil' Pump: No Jewelry In Jail

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. In this installment, one of Pump's travel companions almost manages to get arrested himself when he is given the typically-simple task of taking Pump's jewelry — which can't go with him to jail. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) Media: For information on using this video, email [email protected]. These videos are not in the public domain; preregistration has been filed with the United States Copyright Office. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

The Arrest of Superman

CZYu2fM-XfQ | 13 Apr 2019

The Arrest of Superman

"What are you doing, chump?" That dude is so hulked-out, Superman should be wearing a shirt of him. (I will not be providing any further information on this arrest due to the nature of the incident.) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Lil' Pump: Behind The Scenes With Miami-Dade Police (Part I)

WxepgEbspNs | 13 Apr 2019

Arrest of Lil' Pump: Behind The Scenes With Miami-Dade Police (Part I)

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Come along, because we are about to change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Lil' Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Lil' Pump Ordered to CALM DOWN!

GkCzWXL5BlM | 12 Apr 2019

Lil' Pump Ordered to CALM DOWN!

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon*. On December 13, 2018 certified-quadruple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Come along, because we are about to change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) Media: For information on using this video, email [email protected]. These videos are not in the public domain; preregistration has been filed with the United States Copyright Office. *True even if you haven't heard of the guy, and if you don't like his music. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Lil' Pump Arrested @ Miami Airport - "Your Bag Reeks of Weed!"

pmONSqQJgYA | 12 Apr 2019

Lil' Pump Arrested @ Miami Airport - "Your Bag Reeks of Weed!"

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Come along, because we are about to change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean you can have his phone number. (You're welcome, Mr. Garcia.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Miami police officers listen to “Gucci Gang” with Lil’ Pump’s manager

IiSFrKLOIXA | 12 Apr 2019

Miami police officers listen to “Gucci Gang” with Lil’ Pump’s manager

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see, Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Come along, because we are about to change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pilot Kicks Lil' Pump and His Manager From Flight

3jH3fFvTaz8 | 12 Apr 2019

Pilot Kicks Lil' Pump and His Manager From Flight

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. (Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean everyone should have his phone number.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Off-Duty Chicago Cop Tries to Keep Lil' Pump Out of Jail

BYvBjd5tbvU | 12 Apr 2019

Off-Duty Chicago Cop Tries to Keep Lil' Pump Out of Jail

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Come along, because we are about to change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean you can have his phone number. (You're welcome, Mr. Garcia.) ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Miami Officers Count Lil' Pump's Money — It's All $1 Bills!

4polpiMrWk8 | 12 Apr 2019

Miami Officers Count Lil' Pump's Money — It's All $1 Bills!

In one of our biggest stories to date, Real World Police has exclusively acquired footage from the December 2018 arrest of music sensation Lil' Pump and his manager Dooney Battle. Over the coming days we will be sharing it with you, taking you on a journey into the inner circle of a contemporary music and pop culture icon. On December 13, 2018 certified-triple-platinum rapper Lil' Pump was arrested at Miami International Airport after a baggage handler reported the presence of a bag that "reeked of weed." Examination of that bag revealed that it was tagged with Pump's given name: Gazzy Garcia. Pump and his entourage were deplaned and ultimately were denied boarding as an epic shouting match ensued between Pump & Co. and responding officers from Miami-Dade Police Department. Complicating the situation was the fact that the bag actually wasn't Garcia's, and all - well, at least most - of his frustrated protestations were eventually revealed to have been truthful. But they had crossed the line, said the cops, between ‘trying to resolve an annoying situation’ and disorderly conduct. At least, that’s what the cops told him. You see,. Real World Police has not only obtained body camera footage from this incident, but we have obtained that footage without a single redaction. Which means that not only will you be provided with an inside look into the arrest, but also with an unprecedented window into the thoughts and decision-making process of responding officers and their supervisors. Never before has footage like this been made available. Media reports at the time of Pump’s arrest indicated that the rapper had been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge, but neither the media nor the general public knows the full extent of what happened that afternoon at Miami International Airport. Let's change that. Note: This incident took place at Miami International Airport. Redactions have been made in order to avoid revealing operational and security procedures, access codes, and the like. Similarly, the personal information of Lil' Pump and his traveling companions has been redacted. Just because Pump is a public figure doesn't mean you can have his phone number. (You're welcome, Mr. Garcia.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown here, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally tried to bring a gun through a TSA checkpoint -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

State Troopers Rescue Man From Burning Car

4vgfHPzEDAE | 11 Apr 2019

State Troopers Rescue Man From Burning Car

When troopers Chris Warwick and Tom O'Connor received the 11:23 p.m. report of a Ford Fusion that had wrecked into a guardrail along Route 42 in Gloucester Township, New Jersey, they had no idea what they were about to encounter. But they knew it was just up the road. Watch this gripping footage of two New Jersey State Police troopers making one of the closest-call police rescues from a burning vehicle to be caught on video. Although the dash camera footage was not recorded with audio, Real World Police has obtained exclusive body worn camera video (with audio, obviously) capturing the entirety of this dramatic rescue. The call is first shown to completion, with both video sources on screen simultaneously. Then, in the final three minutes of video the rescue is shown for a second time. Those three minutes utilize only one video source: a tightly-cropped shot from the troopers' dash camera, mixed with the audio from the trooper's body-worn camera. Notice, as that plays, that there are people watching in the background on the right. Finally, if you are still reading this, a heads up: tomorrow morning (Friday, 4/12), Real World Police will be publishing our biggest story to date. Check it out, and when you see it please share it!

Seattle Nordstrom Robbery; Arrest of Suspect Days Later

zODBZuK3RDY | 10 Apr 2019

Seattle Nordstrom Robbery; Arrest of Suspect Days Later

Incident narrative & surveillance footage @ 2:15 Arrest of Matthew Abernathy @ 11:03 On November 9, 2018 Matthew Abernathy allegedly (ha) robbed a Nordstrom store in Seattle of unknown quantities of merchandise. He definitely stole some shoes, but likely concealed more before he was spotted. Abernathy was stopped by the store's loss prevention officer and a manager, but he managed to get hold of a pepper spray canister he had hidden on his person, subsequently spraying the two men who were holding him. Abernathy escaped. (Surveillance footage of the incident is shown beginning around 2:57. That footage is sped up to match the loss prevention employee's narrative.) Seattle Police responded quickly, but not quickly enough to catch Abernathy. In this video, watch footage of the robbery and listen along with Seattle police officers as they are brought up to speed on what happened. After showing Seattle Police Department's response to the incident, the video skips ahead eleven days — to the random moment when patrol officers spotted Abernathy strolling on by — and swoop in for the arrest. Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Sovereign Citizen Wayne Hall Gets Tased In Court

cJb9fiROdnU | 10 Apr 2019

Sovereign Citizen Wayne Hall Gets Tased In Court

On January 25, 2019 Real World Police published exclusive footage showing the arrest of sovereign citizen Wayne Hall in Rochelle Park, New Jersey. Hall had been in a fender-bender, but instead of providing police with his driver's license, he produced a card reading "The right to travel; the right to mode of conveyance, the right to locomotion are all absolute rights, and the police cannot make void the exercise of rights." Hall then claimed to not have a birthdate, resisted arrest, and ultimately found himself on the receiving end of much OC. This video begins with a quick review of Hall's original arrest, and continues with an update. (Spoiler alert: Wayne Hall is nuts.)

Officer-Involved Shooting: Inquiry & Incident Footage (Part II)

bTvVW99Fo1Q | 09 Apr 2019

Officer-Involved Shooting: Inquiry & Incident Footage (Part II)

This is the second video in a deep-dive series into multiple officer-involved shootings. Rather than start off with video of the incident itself, the first video opened with footage of the involved officer being interviewed by New Mexico’s Officer-involved Incident Task Force, offering a perspective rarely seen or heard by the public: that of the officer who fired their weapon. This video opens with the last five minutes of the officer's interview before the Task Force, and then shifts to one officer’s body-worn camera. The male subject, Charles Ray Campolla, 34, of the 1300 block of Lees Drive in Las Cruces, has since been charged with with one count of aggravated assault upon a peace officer. The charge is a third-degree felony. The officer has been cleared of wrongdoing with regard to the shooting. As you heard in Part I, at about 3:30 am on Sunday, September 23, 2018 Las Cruces Police were dispatched to a report of a domestic disturbance at Campolla’s home that he shares with his girlfriend and her teenage daughter. The daughter had called 911 to report that Campolla was armed with a pistol and was threatening others. It was the tenth time that year that officers had been called to that home. Three Las Cruces police officers arrived to find Campolla barefoot and outside the home. The officers gave multiple commands for Campolla to show his hands but he refused to do so. At some point, Campolla pointed a gun at one of the officers, who fired as Campolla ducked in front of the vehicle parked in the driveway. Campolla was not struck, and spent the next hour-plus shouting in protest of having been shot at, repeating a number of times that he didn’t even have a weapon. Campolla would later retract that claim, after officers located his gun hidden - right where he had ducked down - resting atop the driver’s-side front tire of the car in the driveway.

Internal Investigation Following an Officer-Involved Shooting (Part I)

dvkktAlDdMs | 08 Apr 2019

Internal Investigation Following an Officer-Involved Shooting (Part I)

Most people have heard the phrase “if it bleeds, it leads” — a reference to the hierarchy of news programming, most often on television, and to fear-based programming in particular. The idea is to grab the viewer’s attention, stroke their anxieties, and sell them on the suggestion that they need to watch the news story in order to get the information they need to resolve their fear. "Tonight at six: the toxin found in YOUR air conditioner. Could it be making you sick?" Dunno. Better watch and find out! The success of such programming relies on a number of unfortunate tactics. They are unfortunate because they focus on kindling emotion rather than conveying information. Those tactics include: -Presenting dramatic anecdotes instead of scientific evidence -Suggesting that isolated events are trends -Promoting fatalistic thinking -Pushing simplistic generalizations as universal truths, -Relegating fact-checking to the back-burner... -While placing corrections out of sight, and - critically - -Not going beyond the surface in news reporting. Why am I bringing this up? I’ll tell you one thing: I have no interest in sparking conversation about so-called "fake news” and I am not trying to criticize broadcast news. Rather, I am bringing this up to explain why, when you hear about an officer-involved shooting on TV, you never hear about the officer's experience. What was going through their mind? Why did they shoot? What emotions did they feel at various times throughout the incident? Who are they as a person? None of those answers are likely to accomplish any of the goals of fear-based programming. So the questions don't get asked, and it doesn't get programmed. This is the first video in a short series which will be taking a deeper-than-usual dive into one or more officer-involved shootings. Rather than start off with video of the incident itself, we will begin by viewing the officer interview portion of the internal investigation into the OIS. You will hear from officers who speak candidly about what they were seeing, hearing, thinking, and feeling throughout the event. After which you will see the incident footage. Let’s see how it goes.

Sanity Check: Dancing In The Street

W0w7dPivI5w | 08 Apr 2019

Sanity Check: Dancing In The Street

A much shorter than usual installment, showing a somewhat uncommon outcome of a mental health welfare check. (Protestation is very common. Actually being this sane when you're dancing in the street and pacing in circles... less so.)

"Press charges? No! I want a rematch!"

qp2rGSAcSZc | 07 Apr 2019

"Press charges? No! I want a rematch!"

This video presents - from start to finish - a fairly normal call for service, including investigation, arrest, and release. A handful of sections of video containing silence have been removed. On February 10, 2019 at approximately 1:40 AM, officers from the Sedro-Woolley Police Department were dispatched to a physical fight in progress at Murdock St. and State St. near Old Timers Tavern in the City of Sedro-Woolley, Washington. The person who called in the incident reported two males physically fighting in the parking lot. Officers arrived and immediately saw two males on the ground in the snow and ice, interlocked and fighting / struggling against each other. One of the males was wearing a red flannel shirt and the other did not have a shirt on. (It was 19 degrees outside). Officers approached the two males on the ground and instructed for them to lay down on the ground; one - the red flannel shirted male - followed commands, and was later identified as Joshua Oudman. The shirtless male did not follow commands and continued to sit on the ground facing officers. One responding officer removed her taser from its holster and turned it to the 'on' position, aiming towards the shirtless male's torso as the other officer advanced toward the male, ultimately forcing him to the ground using an arm bar. The shirtless male was then placed into handcuffs, and was later identified as Ryan Gugel, after a fair bit of uncertainty due to the fact that Ryan has an identical twin brother. A group of onlookers claimed to not know Oudman, but were aware that Gugel believed Oudman had damaged Gugel's truck in some way. Both males were taken into custody for disorderly conduct, transported to the local police station, and were later cited and released. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pursuit and Arrest of Jake Harris from "Deadliest Catch" (Audio & Records)

IVLzHDAN0aM | 05 Apr 2019

Pursuit and Arrest of Jake Harris from "Deadliest Catch" (Audio & Records)

[Note: The criminal prosecution of Jake Harris is underway, with his jury trial currently scheduled for April 22, 2019. Washington law does not allow for the release of incident video while litigation is pending. All other records, however, are fair game. That's what you'll find here today — only on Real World Police. Video to come.] On January 23, 2019 Jake Harris of the television show "Deadliest Catch" was arrested on a laundry list of felony charges in Skagit County, Washington, following a slow-speed pursuit by a park ranger, sheriff's deputies, and the Washington State Patrol. Harris was driving a yellow 1968 Cortez motorhome. He was accompanied by his dog, an extensive collection of stolen firearms, roughly half an ounce of heroin, and no driver's license. (His girlfriend would later take the dog.) Harris is currently incarcerated at the Skagit County Jail on charges of felony DUI, driving without a license, eluding, possession of heroin with intent to sell (with firearm enhancement), maintaining a dwelling for drug trafficking, and possession of stolen firearms. He is being held on a $200,000 bond. You probably won't see him doing much fishing any time soon... ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Prison Wallet Crack

bsT72Tku8YM | 04 Apr 2019

Prison Wallet Crack

It's one thing to be caught with contraband in the back seat of a police car. It's a whole other level when you hilariously try to pin that contraband on the clearly-not-involved dude that has been riding next to you. Stay in school, kids. Don't do crack. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Addicted In Kirkland

tHhc2MLpZIs | 03 Apr 2019

Addicted In Kirkland

As modern medicine's understanding of addiction has matured the United States criminal justice system has not kept up with the program, and until very recently, the gulf between evidence-based best practice and practical reality been just as stark as the gulf between the United States and the rest of the world. Some experts have estimated that up to a quarter of those incarcerated have opioid-use disorder, with some of those addicts enrolled in methadone maintenance at the time of their arrest. But most jails and prisons around the country do not give inmates access to methadone or buprenorphine, two medications considered to be the gold standards for treatment of opioid-use disorder. There is ample scientific evidence demonstrating that certain types of prison-based drug treatment can substantially reduce recidivism. Yet most prisons don't even offer assistance in coordinating treatment entry for prisoners being released, let alone offer treatment behind bars. Most countries in Western Europe along with Australia have implemented methadone or buprenorphine programs within correctional facilities to reduce the risks associated with ongoing drug use in jail, and the risks associated with relapse and its consequences upon release. These include increased risk of overdose death, spread of HIV infection and - as mentioned above - criminal recidivism. Indeed, the World Health Organization has recommended opioid agonist treatment in prisons for more than a decade, and correctional facilities with treatment programs have found that they increase - not decrease - security within their facilities. In Europe opioid substitution treatment in prisons is reported by 28 of the 30 countries monitored by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Detoxification, individual and group counseling, and therapeutic communities or special inpatient wards are available in prisons in most countries, and infectious diseases testing is available in prisons in most countries. Critically, many European countries have partnerships between prison health services and providers in the community to ensure continuity of care on prison entry and release. In November 2018 U.S. District Judge Denise Casper issued a groundbreaking ruling, ordering that a county jail in Massachusetts must provide methadone to a prospective inmate so he can continue his opioid addiction treatment while incarcerated. The order stated that the denial of methadone medication could violate the Americans with Disabilities Act and the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. While Judge Casper’s preliminary injunction applies to only one man at one facility, the decision could have nationwide implications – potentially expanding or expediting the use of medication-assisted treatment for addicted inmates. The decision stemmed from a lawsuit brought by the ACLU of Massachusetts against the head of Essex County's House of Correction in Middleton, Massachusetts, and the county sheriff, on behalf of Geoffrey Pesce, who started taking methadone in 2016 to kick his addiction to heroin. Pesce was due to be sentenced for driving with a revoked or suspended license when the lawsuit was filed. Following the success of a pilot program in Franklin County's jail system, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed legislation in August 2018 to establish pilot medication-assisted treatment programs for inmates at correctional facilities in five counties, including Franklin. Essex County, however, was not among the counties included.

Man Complains Pepper Spray Messing With His Skin Tone

ig70Vm25llQ | 02 Apr 2019

Man Complains Pepper Spray Messing With His Skin Tone

On November 11, 2017 Sedro-Woolley (yes, that's a real place) police officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance literally across the street from the police station. A man by the name of Dwaine Rogers had gotten into an argument with his girlfriend over his alcohol consumption and during the argument Rogers took her phone and would not give it back. Things became physical from there. Responding officers observed Rogers to be intoxicated and found his version of events to be unsupported by the physical evidence (see narratives at end of video). When officers attempted to take Rogers into custody he resisted - a move that resulted in the deployment of the devil himself, pure hell-on-earth: OC spray. Remarkably, OC at first seemed only to provoke Rogers' accusations of racism. As time progressed, however, OC did its thing — though Rogers' accusations of racism did not subside. Rogers was transported to the Skagit County Jail and booked for Assault-DV and resisting arrest.

Police Mundanity: Oakland Man Protests Cell Phone Ticket

3A8sjQOKldk | 02 Apr 2019

Police Mundanity: Oakland Man Protests Cell Phone Ticket

In this video we take a brief step back from the celebrity stops and intense foot chases to cover a police encounter that many will be able to relate to: a traffic stop. (Though hopefully fewer will relate to the whole "roadside courtroom" deal. Save it for the judge, dude...)

What Really Happened: Oakland Police Arrest Najari Smith

cEhWqH4TuzU | 01 Apr 2019

What Really Happened: Oakland Police Arrest Najari Smith

On August 3, 2018 Najari Smith was arrested by an Oakland police officer for what Richmond Mayor Tom Butt would later say "appeared to be a case of "bicycling while black."" The unfortunately-named mayor wrote a three-page letter to Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley and Oakland Mayor Libby Shaaf asking that the charges against Smith be dropped. It worked. While the move was politically understandable, Mayor Butt likely did not see this footage. Because he was clearly wrong about the reason for Smith's arrest. According to Peter Bibring, senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, although California law generally requires that officers release people who are cited for misdemeanors, rather than taking them to jail, it makes an exception if the person cannot provide satisfactory identification. If officers are actually trying to write you a misdemeanor citation, you may have to provide identification or face arrest for the misdemeanor offense. Exactly what happened here. Most people don't get confused about their own birthday. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of Californians Aware — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know in California. Want to know more about access to public records in California? Visit Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free, and it's at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Arrest of Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz

9t6AGKINw68 | 31 Mar 2019

Arrest of Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz

"Dude, I'm a POST certified peace officer. I've saved lives!" On March 9, 2017 Jefrey Scott Schultz was arrested on the felony charge of impersonating a police officer and the misdemeanor charge of unlawfully passing a parked school bus. Incredibly, Schultz asked for "courtesy" even as he was being arrested for impersonating a police officer. The incident which got the ball rolling on his arrest? A request for "courtesy" during a traffic stop. On December 5, 2018 Jefrey Scott Schultz reached a plea deal. He entered a guilty plea to the charge of unlawfully passing a school bus and prosecution was declined on the felony impersonation charge ---- provided that Schultz successfully complete 80 hours of community service, pay a $500 fine, and serve 12 months probation. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Ex-NFL Quarterback Donovan McNabb Arrested for DUI (New Footage)

bm8KEy0s4nk | 30 Mar 2019

Ex-NFL Quarterback Donovan McNabb Arrested for DUI (New Footage)

[Old incident, never-before-seen footage.] On June 28, 2015 retired Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was arrested in Gilbert, Arizona on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol for the second time in 18 months. The arrest came after McNabb rear-ended a car that was stopped at a red light. The driver of that vehicle had noticed McNabb's truck approaching at a high rate of speed and had even honked to try and get his attention, but to no avail. Fortunately there were no injuries. Unfortunately for McNabb, the driver of the other vehicle was the wife of a Gila River tribal police officer, who swung by the scene when he heard his wife's suspicion that the other driver was impaired. McNabb, then 38, told officers that he had been at a local sports bar and was "just trying to get home." "While Donovan spoke, I noticed a strong, fruity odor on his breath. I noticed Donovan's eyes were watery and very bloodshot and his speech was slurred," a Gilbert officer wrote in his report. McNabb denied having had anything to drink, but a later blood draw would reveal McNabb to have had a blood alcohol concentration of .17. For a male his size, that takes a hefty amount of alcohol. Donovan McNabb would later plead guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol, without the "extreme" enhancement for having a BAC over .15%. He was sentenced to 18 days in jail, followed by 72 days of house arrest with work release, 30 hours of community service, counseling, unsupervised probation, and a $6,342.23 fine. And yes, Donovan claimed to be taking "chlorophyll" for his cold. He is apparently a plant.

Police Helicopter Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness & Collision With Terrain (HD)

mIW7JZbGf0Y | 26 Mar 2019

Police Helicopter Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness & Collision With Terrain (HD)

Real World Police is proud to bring you this exclusive, never-before-seen footage. If you only care to see the LTE + impact, watch from 1:38 - 1:50. On July 17, 2016, about 1409 Pacific daylight time, a Bell UH-1H police helicopter belonging to King County Sheriff's Office in Washington state, impacted mountainous terrain while maneuvering near a landing zone at an elevation of about 7,800 feet near Mount Adams, Washington. Two pilots, four crew members and two passengers were not injured; however, the helicopter sustained substantial damage. The helicopter was registered to and operated by the King County Sheriff’s Office and was supporting a search and rescue (SAR) mission at the time of the accident. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the flight that had originated from Yakima Air Terminal/McAllister Field (YKM), Yakima, Washington. The pilot reported that after refueling at YKM, he departed to transport two SAR personnel onto Mt. Adams to retrieve a seriously injured climber who had fallen more than 1,000 feet. While en route, a sensor unit on the helicopter indicated 5 knots of wind. As they approached the chosen landing zone from the north, the pilot used too much left pedal and decided to abort the approach. He then attempted a second approach from the south, but the helicopter yawed to the right, which the pilot attributed to a loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE). [Note: LTE is not mechanical failure.] In an attempt to recover, the pilot reduced the collective and applied forward cyclic. The helicopter continued to spin, rotating approximately 540 degrees and impacting the ground. Incredibly, the impact aborted the spin, which would normally be fatal to the aircraft - and likely its occupants, too. The rotors did not impact anything and they continued to operate normally. The pilot flying regained control and the helicopter departed the mountain. An Army M-60 Blackhawk was nearby on the same mission and was able to visually confirm the damage and also note that a skid was broken, and the two helicopters flew back to the Yakima airfield together. Once at the airfield, the helicopter unloaded its passengers while in a low hover. Since the helicopter could not land on one skid, wood pallets were brought out to the airfield and placed under the aircraft to support it for a 'normal' landing. The pilot did not observe any indications of a malfunction with the rotor or the drive system on the helicopter. In his subsequent report, he reported that there were no mechanical malfunctions or anomalies that could have precluded normal operation. The NTSB found it likely that, during the landing approach, as the helicopter's airspeed dropped below effective translational lift and the pilot added power to compensate, there was insufficient left pedal to stop the resulting right yaw, and the pilot lost control of the helicopter due to a loss of tail rotor effectiveness. The NTSB further determined the probable cause of this accident to be the pilot's failure to maintain yaw control as he slowed the helicopter during a landing approach, which resulted in the loss of helicopter control due to the loss of tail rotor effectiveness. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

DEBUNKED: Assassination of Loretta Fuddy by SCUBA Diver

3MJkKv9LOCc | 25 Mar 2019

DEBUNKED: Assassination of Loretta Fuddy by SCUBA Diver

Loretta Fuddy was a Hawaiian health official and social worker. She served as Director of the Hawaii Department of Health and the Mayor of Kalawao County from 2011 until her death in 2013. Fuddy briefly became a household name on two occasions. The first was in April 2011, when she made national news for verifying the authenticity of certified copies of President Obama's birth certificate. The second time was after her death following a plane crash off the coast of Molokai. The ditching and subsequent evacuation were captured on a GoPro, and grainy copies of that video - perhaps in combination with people not getting enough sleep - sparked a conspiracy theory in which it is alleged that Fuddy was assassinated by one or more SCUBA divers who awaited her in the water. Let's get something straight: that sounds crazy because it is crazy. The thing is, the conspiracy theorists have a few frames of low-resolution video that they point to in support of their claim. And if you squint just right you can actually see what they are talking about. Spoiler alert: The conspiracy theorists are wrong. (I know, I know. What's next? Santa doesn't exist? Come on now.) Real World Police recently published - for the first time ever, anywhere - the full-length, full-HD video of the ditching and subsequent evacuation. Predictably, some loons showed up in the comments on that video parroting the Fuddy / diver assassination conspiracy theory. Rather than respond to them with text, this one calls for a video. And here it is. (Of course, this reveals is that Real World Police is part of the conspiracy. And who cares about what it shows here? This video is obviously doctored.) We'll be back to our regular programming with the next video. Hope you don't mind the interruption, and if you do — tough. [As a reminder, political comments that are not clearly related to the video may be removed without warning. That policy is party-neutral; Real World Police does not endorse any particular political agenda.]

Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Las Cruces, NM)

FHfSrrIKJQ8 | 25 Mar 2019

Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Las Cruces, NM)

It's not your lucky day when you happen to be in the same area as an armed and dangerous man that the police are actively hunting. Even worse if you're wearing the same clothing as him... and even worse still if you match his physical description. On the other hand - if you happen to find yourself in that unfortunate situation - it is perhaps your good fortune to come out mostly unscathed. In this case the man the cops were after had already threatened to off any officers that approached him, so a normally-innocuous sudden movement could have reasonably been curtains for this guy... who simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lucky unlucky dude. Coming up at some point soon, officers locate the man they are looking for....

Cringeworthy Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz

bwE6-Vq5occ | 23 Mar 2019

Cringeworthy Police Impersonator Jefrey Scott Schultz

On March 8, 2017 Jefrey Scott Schultz was pulled over by a Doraville, Georgia police officer after he flew past a stopped school bus. As the traffic stop progressed Schultz asked, "No courtesy? You can't exercise courtesy for me?" — requesting that he not receive a ticket because he is a police officer. Pressed for basic information about his job (specifically, the police department he was claiming to be affiliated with) Schultz refused to answer, literally replying "I can't tell you" and referencing twenty-seven years of experience as he stood there looking a bit ridiculous in a 'thin blue line' hat. Watch and see how the stop progresses. The truth about Schultz is revealed at the end of the video. Want to see body worn camera footage of Schultz’s arrest at his house the next day? Real World Police has you covered: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

You Shot Your Boyfriend Again?! (Police Interview Denae Turley)

pK87cR53o2c | 22 Mar 2019

You Shot Your Boyfriend Again?! (Police Interview Denae Turley)

In February 2015 a 23-year-old Lordsburg, New Mexico woman was arrested after shooting her boyfriend in the arm as he walked away from her on Gold Hill Road in Hidalgo County. Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department responded to a 911 call at 11:15 a.m., and on arrival found victim Tyrone Whetten with a gunshot wound to his left triceps. Investigators determined that the woman, Denae Turley, had fired at least three rounds at Whetten from a .22 caliber revolver. She was charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery against a household member, and negligent use of a deadly weapon. As hard as this is to believe, Turley had done this once before. In June 2014 she was arrested on similar charges after a similar incident. (Some guys don't pick up on cues too well...)

Police Deception: Off The Record

TIWkI30UxTE | 21 Mar 2019

Police Deception: Off The Record

Do not post ANY actual or speculative identifying information regarding this interview, case, or investigating agency. The date and location in the video's embedded title are in no way related to this incident or interview. Thank you for your cooperation. After a young girl was killed in a gang-related drive-by shooting, police worked night and day to identify the shooter and prepare the case for prosecution. Part of that job involved locating the weapon that was used. Watch as two police officers convince their interview subject that their conversation is not being recorded, and that no one would be able to find out that he cooperated with them. (There is, of course, more deception happening in this video. The focus here is on the overt, likely-planned deception regarding the recording.) *Because there seems to be some confusion about this: the title of this video is descriptive, and is not intended to suggest a value judgment. The legality of deception by law enforcement has limits, but the deception shown in this video is not only legal but an example of quality police work.

Police Arrest Woman For Stealing Bowl of Weed

VYaDSA9IyOE | 20 Mar 2019

Police Arrest Woman For Stealing Bowl of Weed

On December 6, 2012, Washington became the first U.S. state to legalize recreational use of marijuana. The state had previously legalized medical marijuana in 1998. Under state law, cannabis is legal for both medical purposes and for any purpose by adults over 21. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

From Zero to Shootout in a Heartbeat (Orlando, Florida)

Ai9KJh_RWDs | 19 Mar 2019

From Zero to Shootout in a Heartbeat (Orlando, Florida)

Real World Police is proud to exclusively bring you this intense footage. None of what you are about to see has ever been published elsewhere. On Monday, October 16, 2017, at approximately 0228 hours, Orlando Police Corporal Chris Ehlers was patrolling the area of Rosewood Way and Cinderlane Parkway on a police mountain bike when he encountered a black male - later identified as Dracarris Mandel Hill - jaywalking. Ehlers began a consensual encounter with Hill, who provided Ehlers his Florida identification card. During the encounter, Hill, a convicted felon, removed a firearm from his right waistband area / front pocket of his pants and ran from Corporal Ehlers, who immediately gave chase. During the foot pursuit, Hill discharged his firearm at Ehlers, who returned fire. The chase continued and Hill was located by assisting officers who took him into custody. Hill was found with a single gunshot wound to his right leg and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Hill's firearm, his blue and black wallet, and cell phone were located in the same area he was taken into custody. A check of Hill's criminal history showed he was adjudicated guilty for the second degree felony of Burglary of a Dwelling as well as the third degree felony of grand theft. As a convicted felon, Hill was prohibited from possessing a firearm. Based on this information, probable cause was established to charge Hill with possessing a firearm while a convicted felon. Because Hill's firearm was initially concealed from Ehlers’ view, probable cause was established to charge Hill with carrying a concealed firearm. Hill's actions of running from Ehlers hindered his ability to conduct a lawful investigation, which - when combined with the fact that Hill shot at Ehlers - established probable cause to charge Hill with resisting an officer with violence. Because Hill shot at Ehlers while he was engaged in his lawful duties as a police officer, probable cause was established to charge Hill with attempted murder on a law enforcement officer with a firearm. The entire encounter was captured by Ehlers body worn camera. This is the first time any of this footage is being made publicly available. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Cessna Engine Failure and Ditching in Ocean, Filmed From Inside (HD)

knJ54JNtcJc | 18 Mar 2019

Cessna Engine Failure and Ditching in Ocean, Filmed From Inside (HD)

This video is a bit of a departure from our normal fare here on Real World Police, but I'm obviously letting this one slide. We will be back to our normal programming shortly, but this unparalleled footage is not to be missed. On December 11, 2013, about 1522 Hawaiian standard time, a Cessna 208B, N687MA, was destroyed following a loss of engine power and ditching into the Pacific Ocean near Kalaupapa, Hawaii. One passenger was fatally injured, the airline transport pilot and two passengers were seriously injured, and five passengers received minor injuries. The airplane was operated by Makani Kai Air. The flight departed from the Kalaupapa Airport on the island of Molokai, about 2 minutes prior to the accident, with an intended destination of the Honolulu International Airport on the island of Oahu.  In a written statement, the pilot reported that shortly after takeoff from runway 05, at an altitude of about 400 feet above ground level, he began a left turn for a downwind departure. Shortly after passing 500 feet AGL, the pilot motioned toward the power lever to reduce power for the climb when he heard a loud bang followed by an immediate loss of engine power. The pilot continued the turn toward land, verified the fuel valves were on, and observed all engine gauges displaying "zero." The pilot realized the airplane was not going to make it to land, and rolled the wings level while broadcasting a mayday distress call. Shortly after, the airplane landed within open ocean water in a flat or slightly nose up attitude.  All the passengers and the pilot exited the airplane through the rear right door, and the airplane remained on the water surface for approximately 25 minutes before it sank. One passenger swam to shore, and United States Coast Guard and Maui Fire and Rescue helicopters recovered the pilot and 7 passengers from the water about 80 minutes after the ditching.  A couple of minutes of standard-definition footage from this video were disseminated immediately following the event, however this - right here, right now - is the first time that the full-length, full-HD video is being made publicly available. Enjoy. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Arizona Representative David Cook Arrested for Extreme DUI

9aCp_ebNA40 | 17 Mar 2019

Arizona Representative David Cook Arrested for Extreme DUI

David Cook is a Republican politician elected to serve in the Arizona House of Representatives from the 8th Legislative District. He was first elected to the state House in 2016 and represents central & eastern Pinal County and southern Gila County. On December 19, 2018, Cook was pulled over by an Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper in Mesa, Arizona after the officer spotted Cook's vehicle failing to maintain its lane on Loop 202. When asked to step out of his vehicle, Cook responded “Do you know what you’re doing, son? You’re making a mistake.” Cook was arrested with a measured blood-alcohol content of .158%, well above the state limit of .08%... and tested well after the time of his initial stop. When the officer informed Cook that he would lose his driver's license, Cook responded that he would be fine because his wife works at MVD, Arizona's Motor Vehicle Division. When the trooper told Cook to watch his head while exiting the rear of his police car, Cook responded "Don’t worry, you’ll get yours." Not long after Cook's arrest a number of news media outlets announced that "body cam" footage from the arrest had been released. It had not. Arizona DPS does not use body-worn cameras. In fact, AZDPS is one of the few state police agencies to use a fleet of police cars where a significant number of vehicles have no video camera of any kind. What had been released was a single minute of dash camera footage - from the only vehicle that had a camera - along with a one minute audio recording from a separate wireless audio recorder. As you may have guessed, Cook's DUI stop took more than a minute. That footage has been held by the state police since Cook's arrest. Here it is. (Curious about the red solo cup in the thumbnail? Read the vehicle inventory at 20:43.)

Helicopter FLIR Footage Shows Capture of Robbery Suspect

oEM-BrRNMqc | 15 Mar 2019

Helicopter FLIR Footage Shows Capture of Robbery Suspect

On the night of January 22, 2018 an Ohio man attempted to steal a large television from the Westerville, Ohio Kohl's store — it didn't go well. On his way out of the store the would-be-thief was confronted by a security guard, and a physical altercation followed. The man narrowly escaped, dropping the television and taking off running. Unfortunately for him, Westerville police officers apparently weren't up to much that night, and law enforcement promptly set up a perimeter and began a systematic search for the man. Although the odds were stacked heavily against the now-thief-assailant, darkness had fallen and the man on the run was not immediately found. The police are not fond of leaving the odds stacked against them, though, and in this case the State Police came in to assist, tilting the odds right back in their favor as Ohio State Highway Patrol's aviation unit responded to assist — equipped with a high-end thermal camera that made swift work of finding the perp.

'Crazy Ex' Drama; Police Seize Cell Phone as Evidence

xfafA9ycrp8 | 14 Mar 2019

'Crazy Ex' Drama; Police Seize Cell Phone as Evidence

Nearly everyone either has or has heard a 'crazy ex' story, but most of those stories - fortunately - don't involve the police. Of course, many others do, and the relative paucity of domestic / DV calls on this channel is not meant to imply that such calls are uncommon. As entertaining as some of the insanity may be — the woman who threw a sawhorse through the windshield of her boyfriend's car comes to mind — the privacy issues can be difficult to overcome. Difficult, but not impossible. After much time spent cursing at blur masks, here you go — a 'crazy ex' case from — where else — Florida.

NFL Defensive Tackle Barry Cofield Accepts Plea Deal in Drug Court

HJG2UnnqQIo | 13 Mar 2019

NFL Defensive Tackle Barry Cofield Accepts Plea Deal in Drug Court

On February 21, 2019, NFL defensive tackle Barry Cofield pleaded no contest to charges of 'DUI causing damage or injury' and possession of heroin — both stemming from an off-the-wall incident that took place July 3, 2018. On that date, Cofield was found passed out in the driver's seat of his Cadillac Escalade. The Caddy was stopped... in the middle of the Interstate 4 off-ramp for West Lake Mary Blvd. The vehicle was still running, and Cofield's foot was resting on the brake. After several minutes trying to wake Cofield, officers eventually succeeded — and the former Giants draft pick promptly drove off, initiating a well-below-the-speed-limit pursuit in which Cofield swerved all over the road and side-swiped a car before finally pulling up to a gated community. As the gate swung open, a deputy managed to pull his cruiser in front of Cofield's Escalade, blocking him in. Not to be outdone, the once-300+ pound footballer simply drove into the passenger side of the cruiser. Genius. Deputies ordered Cofield out of his vehicle but the guy would not comply. Just as a window smash was initiated, Cofield lumbered out and was arrested. Although he refused all sobriety testing, Cofield reeked of alcohol and had a bunch of heroin in his pocket to boot. He was arrested, cited for a variety of crimes, and released. This exclusive footage - apparently captured on a 1990s webcam - shows Barry Cofield accepting a plea deal in Seminole County Adult Drug Court, after which it shows a public reprimand received by that court's judge. Enjoy! *Sorry for the re-upload. There was an issue with the first video.

Whiteout In Washington: Massive Pileup Shuts I-82, Cruiser Struck

PUcXHxyB_gI | 12 Mar 2019

Whiteout In Washington: Massive Pileup Shuts I-82, Cruiser Struck

Early-January 2017 walloped the northwestern United States, dumping as much as four feet of snow and ice on higher elevations in the upper Sierras. The storm caused more than 35,000 power outages as it eventually made its way to the south, with at least five fatalities confirmed. This compilation of never-before-seen State Patrol dash camera footage shows the treacherous roadways of Washington and Oregon on the afternoon of January 10, 2017, as blinding snow and severe weather conditions caused a massive ten-car & five-semi pileup on I-82, shutting the major thoroughfare in both directions from Kennewick to the Oregon state line. Enjoy, and drive safe! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Officer Suspended for Allowing Arrested Couple to Smoke and "Make Babies" in Police Cruiser

2EINi5it6jg | 11 Mar 2019

Officer Suspended for Allowing Arrested Couple to Smoke and "Make Babies" in Police Cruiser

Fort Pierce Police Officer Doug McNeal was recently suspended for 20 days without pay for failure to follow policy, conduct unbecoming an officer, neglect of duty, failure to follow body worn camera procedures, unauthorized [lack of] restraint devices, improper prisoner/detainee transport operations, and failure to follow his department's "special transport situation" policy, handcuff policy, and tobacco policy. I could explain exactly what happened here, but there is really no need. You see, although McNeal violated the department's body worn camera policy, he still managed to capture three hours of footage showing ALL of the above violations on video. This five-minute video provides an introduction and overview to the incident, but it omits a ton of footage and essentially all of the backstory. If you want the full picture - and context for it - get yourself a snack and get comfortable, as the full-length version of this video will be posted in ~one hour on Real World Police. Enjoy! *A complete copy of the internal affairs investigation report is included at the end of the full-length video.

Police Response to Domestic Disturbance in Cincinnati

WVGJCwfWMUk | 11 Mar 2019

Police Response to Domestic Disturbance in Cincinnati

It's not every day that you hear law enforcement announce their presence with a loud "POE-LEECE!" Welcome to the midwest?

[FULL] Officer Suspended for Allowing Arrested Couple to Smoke and "Make Babies" in Police Cruiser

048hoGnZ94s | 11 Mar 2019

[FULL] Officer Suspended for Allowing Arrested Couple to Smoke and "Make Babies" in Police Cruiser

Fort Pierce Police Officer Doug McNeal was recently suspended for 20 days without pay for failure to follow policy, conduct unbecoming an officer, neglect of duty, failure to follow body worn camera procedures, unauthorized [lack of] restraint devices, improper prisoner/detainee transport operations, and failure to follow his department's "special transport situation" policy, handcuff policy, and tobacco policy. I could explain exactly what happened here, but there is really no need. You see, although McNeal violated the department's body worn camera policy, he still managed to capture three hours of footage showing ALL of the above violations on video. This video provides a comprehensive overview of the incident, from start to finish — including a complete copy of the internal affairs investigation report at the end. Intimidated by the long video? Don't have time for it? Check out a five-minute ‘highlights’ video covering same story at ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

Field Sobriety Test Refusal

D7PbOw-BGSI | 09 Mar 2019

Field Sobriety Test Refusal

If some of the comments I have seen here are any indication, there are a sizable number of people who mistakenly believe that field sobriety test results are necessary for a drunk driving arrest. Those elite few believe that they have the system figured out. According to them, without the results of some sort of field test (either PBT or SFST), even the most sloshed of drivers gets sent on their way. Well, that's not how it works.

$1,025 HazMat Ticket For Urinating On Dominoes Wall

G3Fn4PD2VOQ | 08 Mar 2019

$1,025 HazMat Ticket For Urinating On Dominoes Wall

Although I don't know whether or not the ticket actually held up, this was a pretty clever move by the responding officer. Don't pee on the wall in food establishments, please. (Or any establishment, for that matter.) The events of this video took place in Pullman, Washington. *Some of you may recall that earlier this week I promised you some vague 'spectacular footage' later in the week. An update: I am just finishing up rights clearance. It's coming soon. (You'll know it when you see it. Guaranteed.) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Albuquerque Police Respond To Attempted Murder, Get Shot At

rNa2NDrHJbA | 08 Mar 2019

Albuquerque Police Respond To Attempted Murder, Get Shot At

On January 26, 2017 officers with the Albuquerque Police Department were dispatched to the neighborhood near Rhode Island and Chico NE after a 911 caller reported hearing shots fired and seeing a man fall to the ground. The caller said the suspect ran away with a gun in his hand. This video is from the body worn camera of one of the responding officers. (More like the body worn camera microphone... details.) Following the body cam footage is a comprehensive overview of the incident.

Man Files Complaint Against Orlando Police Officer

ELzdqOujFAk | 05 Mar 2019

Man Files Complaint Against Orlando Police Officer

This one is pretty simple: a former police sergeant from Texas files a complaint about an interaction he had with an Orlando police officer earlier in the day. Nothing crazy here, just a look into a normal officer/citizen interaction. Two things: 1. Clickbait title resisted: "Former Police Sergeant Files Internal Affairs Complaint" 2. There is some incredible footage coming your way soon. It should be ready to go up in the next two or three days.

Police Belgian Malinois "Sicaria" Eats Bad Guy For Lunch

863Pf-aUU3U | 05 Mar 2019

Police Belgian Malinois "Sicaria" Eats Bad Guy For Lunch

Certified in April 2016, police K9 "Sicaria" is Cincinnati Police Department's first female K9 officer. A Belgian Malinois / German Shepherd cross, Sicaria was born on June 11, 2015. And on September 14, 2018 she got to chase some bad guy for lunch. Her handler is Officer Jason Ader. Want to have a real experience of police work? Watch all of this video straight through. Plenty of cicadas... Want to skip to the action? Jump to 8:20 and take it from there. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"No, you grab it! I'm not touching it!"

b1Uo98EDU6Y | 04 Mar 2019

"No, you grab it! I'm not touching it!"

Some of you may remember the Real World Police video "If you move your hands off that steering wheel I will shoot you!" That was the video where the driver claimed that he needed to check the balance on his driver's license, and explained away his unlicensed concealed firearm as belonging to his cousin — as if that would work. Here is another way that a pretty similar conversation went down - also in Orlando. This one comes with its own twists and turns, though, as throughout the entire stop the driver is convinced that the officer is treating him disrespectfully, not quite understanding that the officer is on the fence about taking the him to jail. Enjoy!

Naked Cleveland Man Bemoaning End Times Gets Tased

iCvHOipyC40 | 03 Mar 2019

Naked Cleveland Man Bemoaning End Times Gets Tased

Nothing screams "psychotic break" quite like a grown adult sitting naked in an intersection crying for a hug and attacking people because the world is coming to an end. ~~~ Help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it! Become a supporter on Patreon today and gain access to supporter-only exclusives AND early access to many videos! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a comprehensive and transparent overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link:

Trooper Rescues Man From Burning Car; Arrests Him For DUI

0ynTg2ksDYQ | 02 Mar 2019

Trooper Rescues Man From Burning Car; Arrests Him For DUI

On November 9, 2017 Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper Dante' M. Hanns was patrolling U.S. 20 when he noticed a two-vehicle crash involving a Ford Mustang and Dodge Durango SUV near U.S. 20's intersection with County Road 198 in Green Creek Township. Hanns checked on the vehicles and noticed Jose Gonzalez, 21, of Sandusky, Ohio, trapped inside the Mustang, conscious but not alert. As Hanns assessed the situation, the Mustang began to smoke and catch fire. The vehicle's driver-side door had been damaged in the crash and wouldn't open, and Gonzalez's leg was pinned. So the trooper went to the passenger side of the Mustang and broke the window Sovereign Citizen style, pulling Gonzalez from the burning vehicle with the assistance of Registered Nurse Ginger Havlin, who had stopped when she saw the accident. As can be seen in this grainy video (which is unfortunately the best copy that exists), less than one minute after getting Gonzalez out of the car, the fire spread and the Mustang became completely engulfed in flames. Gonzalez escaped with a broken shoulder blade.... and a DUI. It turned out that Gonzalez had failed to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of U.S. 20 and County Road 198, and he had crashed into the Durango as he was turning eastbound onto U.S. 20. Hanns stated in his report that Gonzalez admitted to drinking alcohol before the crash. The driver of the Durango, Amanda Reyes, 30, was transported to Bellevue hospital as a precaution. Gonzales would likely have not made it out alive had it not been for the actions of the trooper. At the time of this incident, Hanns had only started his job in law enforcement eight months prior. For their lifesaving actions, Ginger Havlin and Trooper Donte' M. Hanns each received a certificate of recognition, which when you see what they did seems a bit lame, but also very well deserved.

Ohio Troopers Chase ATV on Interstate; Manhunt Follows

NP1MqmC7UXY | 01 Mar 2019

Ohio Troopers Chase ATV on Interstate; Manhunt Follows

On May 21, 2018 Timothy Rice, 32, of Norton, Ohio was found and arrested on charges of inducing panic, fleeing/eluding an officer, failure to comply, obstructing official business, resisting arrest, criminal trespass, and disorderly conduct. Quite the collection. Earlier in the day an Ohio State Highway Patrol traffic enforcement aircraft had been working speed zone duty when the pilot reported seeing an ATV - driven by Rice along with a 21-year-old passenger - riding on the highway. The pilot called it in, but Rice refused to stop for responding officers. The result was a highly unusual three-mile chase on Ohio interstates 277 and 76 which ended with the ATV hitting a police cruiser and with Rice fleeing on foot. This exclusive video shows the pursuit from one of the troopers' dash cams. Officers from Akron, Barberton and Norton Police Departments joined state troopers in searching for Rice - with help from the state police aircraft - but it was hours before they found him. Around 1:45 p.m., an area resident called the Norton Police to say they spotted Rice walking on Berry Road behind Greenlawn Cemetery. Barberton and Norton officers responded, found Rice and chased him on foot over the Interstate 76 overpass on Barber Road and into Wolf Creek while the Highway Patrol pilot - still working the search - directed officers to Rice. Timothy A. Rice was taken to the Summit County Jail and was booked on the charges listed above. As of 3/1/19 Rice has appeared in court facing those charges three separate times. Following each occasion, Rice failed to reappear and had multiple warrants issued for his arrest. Since 2/1/19 Rice has been wanted on three bench warrants out of Barberton, Ohio. *I know the sound in this video isn't great; it was a lot worse before. Take it up with OSHP... state police agencies seem to have a thing for terrible audio equipment. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Sacramento State Linebacker Tased and Arrested (Pullman, Washington)

h5OZsDroEbY | 28 Feb 2019

Sacramento State Linebacker Tased and Arrested (Pullman, Washington)

On January 29, 2016 then-Idaho Vandals linebacker Leonard Hazewood IV was tased and arrested on multiple charges of fourth degree assault, after the now-Sacramento State footballer shoved two bouncers who had the audacity to prevent him from reentering a venue that was closed. (Also, they shined a flashlight at him and he didn't like it.) In a move nearly rivaling Marquis Bundy's jail stint over a hat, Hazewood not only shoved the two venue security employees, but also threatened to knock one of them out — and did all of the above in the immediate presence of a Pullman police officer. Who tased him. Hazewood's 6' 4", 248 lb. frame seemed to find being tased more annoying than incapacitating, but the real surprise came when Hazewood found out that "I play football" doesn't actually get him out of jail. As far as I can tell, this is the first time Hazewood's tasing and/or arrest have been reported anywhere. REMINDER: The right to free speech does not mean that you can say anything you want on my Youtube channel without consequence. Overtly hostile or hateful comments - particularly those without clear relevance to the video - may be deleted without warning. Comments threatening any specific person or group of people with violence will be reported to the police without exception. Thank you for your help in making this a reasonably sane corner of the internet.

Police Officer's Rifle Accidentally Discharges in Casino

_1QaZXJPNA8 | 27 Feb 2019

Police Officer's Rifle Accidentally Discharges in Casino

On the night of April 19, 2018 a Suquamish Tribal Police officer and a Kitsap County sheriff's deputy were at the Clearwater Casino in North Kitsap in response to reports of a fight between casino guests. At about 8:40 pm a Bainbridge Island police officer received a call for emergency backup of the two officers. The emergency had been phoned in by a bystander — not by either of the officers. The caller reported that officers were trying to take someone into custody but the person was resisting. Complicating the response, local law enforcement radios have poor reception inside that particular casino, and no one was able to contact the supposedly-in-danger officers before responding. The assigned Bainbridge Island officer rushed to the casino, parked, grabbed his rifle and hurried in. Seconds later the officer's rifle discharged a round into the floor. His hand was not near the trigger. The weapon has since been tested by the Washington State Patrol crime lab, but results were inconclusive. Regardless, the Bainbridge Island Police Department decided to retire the weapon. The officer whose weapon discharged was not disciplined. This casino surveillance video shows the incident. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Police Investigate Altercation at Orlando Nightclub

1M1KMaletmA | 27 Feb 2019

Police Investigate Altercation at Orlando Nightclub

On December 20, 2017 Orlando Police Department responded to a downtown nightclub to reports of an altercation between a club bouncer and patron. On arrival they discovered that the patron - who had already come to and was being treated by Orlando Fire Department medics - had been knocked out by a bouncer, who had himself bounced immediately afterwards. Interestingly, in this footage officers can be heard expressing concern that the nightclub might delete CCTV footage showing what had actually occurred ---- a valid concern, but one that would ultimately become irrelevant as the nightclub's manager managed to convince the bouncer to return and "tell his side of the story." Which was essentially "I punched him in the face and knocked him out because I didn't like his attitude." Sounds like it's time for a new career.

Pulled Over For Speeding, Driver Tries To Sell Trooper Gym Membership

9jEjBIYUkTI | 26 Feb 2019

Pulled Over For Speeding, Driver Tries To Sell Trooper Gym Membership

"Always Be Closing" -Alec Baldwin, in Glengarry Glen Ross *Note: Captions are only present at the beginning. They took an unusually long time to create, because I had to remove the burned-in date and time stamp from the lower-right corner in order to make room for the text. *Also - because someone is bound to mention this, despite it hardly being material: I know that it's not clear what number the officer says. I went as far as contacting the trooper to see if he remembered, but no dice. Algebra update: The guy claims that he went from 29" to 37" tires. That's an increase of 1.276 times. If his speedometer read 65, an approximation of his actual speed should be 1.276 * 65, or 82.9 miles per hour.

"Just For The Record, Officer!"

jFouwu_QvVk | 25 Feb 2019

"Just For The Record, Officer!"

A look at the less glamorous, coffee-rather-than-adrenaline-fueled side of law enforcement. (And perhaps a candidate for the most patient police officer in Florida.)

New Mexico State Police vs. Jaguar XJR | 131 MPH Ticket!

ALQUTjJGPMI | 25 Feb 2019

New Mexico State Police vs. Jaguar XJR | 131 MPH Ticket!

On October 24, 2018 while on routine patrol of US-285, New Mexico State Trooper Todd Sibley clocked a black sedan in the southbound lanes of travel hauling it at 131 miles per hour. Already blasting “Youth Gone Wild” by Skid Row, Sibley pulled a sharp U-turn and gunned it in pursuit of the black four-door. You'll have to watch the video to see what comes next, but those of you who are Real World Police regulars may recall that in New Mexico, anything 36 mph over the speed limit - or faster - gets you at most a $257 ticket. I suspect that many would consider this 131-in-a-70 adventure to be $257 well-spent.

Ohio Trooper Rams Wrong-Way Driver on I-71

8bapuUxldGI | 24 Feb 2019

Ohio Trooper Rams Wrong-Way Driver on I-71

On October 7, 2017 at approximately 6:18 a.m. Ohio State Highway Patrol Sergeant Robert Burd responded to reports of a wrong-way driver on Interstate 71 in Greene County. Another officer had already located the vehicle and himself narrowly avoided a head-on collision, and Burd was en route to assist. Sgt. Burd entered I-71 northbound near milepost 58 and immediately began slowing northbound traffic behind him. Observing the wrong-way vehicle coming toward him in the number one lane, Sgt. Burd began flashing his spotlight at the vehicle in an attempt to signal its driver to stop. As the vehicle approached, however, its driver accelerated and attempted to pass him on the left. Burd, knowing the danger and potential consequences of allowing the vehicle to pass him, steered into the path of the wrong-way vehicle and intentionally accelerated into it. When that contact failed to disable the wrong-way vehicle, Sgt. Burd immediately turned around and struck the vehicle a second time, attempting to force it into the median. The wrong-way driver again accelerated, this time spinning around the front of Burd’s cruiser. The driver tried to avoid Burd, drove across the median, and attempted to continue in the wrong direction. Sgt. Burd crossed the median, got ahead of the vehicle and attempted to cut it off. Not ready to give up, the vehicle accelerated and rammed into the front-left of Burd’s cruiser, pushing the vehicle sideways. As the suspect driver continued to attempt to accelerate, spinning and smoking his tires, Burd exited his patrol vehicle, pulled the driver from the vehicle…. and.... discovered that the guy was 79 years old and suffering from dementia. The driver was transported to the hospital and was cited for reckless operation of a motor vehicle; Sergeant Burd received an award.

Trooper Dragged Nearly Two Miles When Traffic Stop Goes Bad

qcxKELXyyjY | 22 Feb 2019

Trooper Dragged Nearly Two Miles When Traffic Stop Goes Bad

At about 11:25 pm on July 12, 2018 rookie Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper Michael Miller was on duty in Youngstown when he was passed by a car that had its headlights off. Miller initiated a traffic stop, but the driver of that vehicle - 22 year old Jamel Patton - did not cooperate, eventually speeding off and taking Miller along for the ride. Miller had one hand on the driver's door handle and his other hand on the driver as he was dragged 1.7 miles down Kirk Road at speeds that reached 70 miles per hour. Reportedly, as Miller was being dragged he asked the driver to slow down “because it's not worth it,” a tactic that actually worked. Patton slowed down just long enough for Miller to let go and fall into the street - and every second was captured on this exclusive dash cam video. Fortunately (and remarkably) Miller only sustained minor injuries to his shoulder and back. Patton's vehicle was located by Youngstown Police around 7:30 am the following day after an intense search that involved State Police aviation resources, multiple K9 units, the U.S. Marshals, and many local police agencies. Jamel Patton turned himself in at the Austintown Township Police Department at 2:25 pm the day after the incident, shortly after charges of first-degree felonious assault and third-degree failure to comply were filed against him in Youngstown Municipal Court. Patton's bond was set at $100,000, and after a number of continuances to allow for negotiations Patton pleaded guilty to nearly all of the charges. He was sentenced to serve four-and-one-half years in prison, followed by five years of community control. To read the judge’s sentencing order: To read Patton's guilty plea: Patton had already been serving time 'in' outpatient rehab / community control (in lieu of jail time) for a couple of possession charges he had picked up in 2017. That was, of course, revoked as soon as this incident happened. To read the revocation and re-sentencing associated with that case:

Wide Receiver Marquis Bundy Goes To Jail Over a Hat (Complete Footage)

a2wmR7VWnUk | 21 Feb 2019

Wide Receiver Marquis Bundy Goes To Jail Over a Hat (Complete Footage)

At the time of this arrest - back in April 2017 - Marquis Bundy had just managed to score himself an undrafted rookie spot on the Arizona Cardinals. That must have felt too comfortable for him, however, because Bundy really needed to find his hat. Enough to go to jail. Welcome to one of the stupidest arrest videos you have ever seen. The 22-year-old then-Arizona-Cardinals wide receiver was arrested at approximately 2:45 a.m. on April Fools Day 2017 in the parking lot of the International Nightclub in Scottsdale, Arizona. Only it wasn't a joke. Cops can certainly be difficult, but it's hard to blame this one on anyone other than Bundy himself. As you can see in the video officers gave him every possible chance to leave without incident, all while ignoring a fair amount of borderline (read: clearly arrestable) behavior. But no... his hat. Bundy was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct and failure to obey an officer while outside the bar. Bundy attended Boulder Creek High School in Anthem and played college football for the University of New Mexico. He is now a wide receiver for the Arizona Hotshots of the Alliance of American Football. The NFL? It left with Bundy’s hat.

Orlando Police Respond to Fatal House Fire

Xfcb6EamCig | 20 Feb 2019

Orlando Police Respond to Fatal House Fire

According to the US Fire Administration (a branch of FEMA), in 2017 the United States played involuntary host to more than one million fires, resulting in a loss of more than 3,400 lives, injuring more than 14,000 others, and causing more than $23 billion in damage. As much as those figures are an improvement on historical numbers, they are still large enough as to make the data impersonal. On the flipside, most every accidental loss of life due to fire hits hard to a hyperlocal group of friends and family who are immediately impacted... and with that uplifting remark we reach this video. There is a law enforcement presence at the scene of nearly every fire in the United States. Now, it is by no means obvious that the 5-0 are needed at a fire. After all, that's hose monkey work. Cops... make light-hearted fun of them. What is the role of a police officer at a fire? The answer will vary somewhat depending on the specifics of the incident, but I did want to provide at least one concrete answer to that question, and this video is it. There may be more; we'll see. Here we go. ~~~~ IN OTHER NEWS (UPDATE TO HARLEY PURSUIT VIDEO) For the past week+ I have been working to uncover more (read: any) information about the Ohio State Highway Patrol's pursuit of a Harley offroad and into the woods. My work finally paid off: The pursuit took place on July 4, 2018 and the rider of the motorcycle was Robin Buckels, male, age 46, from Painesville, Ohio. (Fun fact about Robin: On 6/2/16 he won $10,070 on a Keno scratch off.) Buckels was charged with failure to comply, 'permitted operation without a license', operating a motorcycle without a helmet, and unsafe operation. All except for failure to comply were dismissed. Same sentence as I had previously reported, plus $592 in fines and a temporary license suspension. I have updated the description of the pursuit video to reflect the above, and that video can be found at

Kid Gives Cops a Hard Time, Gets One Back

1fphDLyWLAg | 20 Feb 2019

Kid Gives Cops a Hard Time, Gets One Back

Reasonable people can disagree about who is being unreasonable here. Where do you land? ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Driver arrested for DUI marijuana

C6tI7Yqzng8 | 19 Feb 2019

Driver arrested for DUI marijuana

Despite the fact that recreational marijuana is legal for adults in ten states (plus Washington DC), I haven't seen many videos online showing motorists accused of impairment due to weed. In line with this channel's MO, let's change that. Related background information: In this video you will hear mention of the fact that Washington State established a blood level THC cutoff for per se impairment. Interestingly, as time has gone by law enforcement, law-makers and scientists have learned that the figure is not particularly reliable. Even Washington Traffic Safety Commission research director Staci Hoff has stated on the record that the number is completely arbitrary. “[The per se blood limit for THC of 5ng/ml wasn’t backed by scientific theories then, and it’s not backed by scientific theories now," said Hoff. Though the per se limit for alcohol is not perfect (as tolerance dramatically changes effects), .08% is a better predictor of intoxication than the limit for THC. That's because THC is a fat soluble drug. According to Hoff, chronic users of chronic [okay, she didn't say that] who haven't smoked recently could still exhibit a blood THC level of 10 - 20 ng per ml , but not be impaired. Conversely, someone who smokes for the first time might register no THC in their blood while still being too impaired to drive. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"It's Because I'm Black, Right?!"

tie4Nt16tow | 19 Feb 2019

"It's Because I'm Black, Right?!"

It doesn't take long to discover that I like to present information and footage that challenges popular assumptions. Well, lest the title mislead you this video is not intended to challenge assumptions about race. Rather, it's meant to underscore a different point I made recently. Some people didn't like it, but that made it no less true: At no point during a traffic stop is the person who has been stopped legally entitled to know the officer's reason for the stop. A reason must exist and the officer may be required to defend the stop in court, but when officers explain why someone has been stopped it's not because they have to. One or two comments in response went so far as to say that 'no officer is getting my ID until they tell me why they pulled me over.' That. Is. A. Bad. Idea. It's possible that I am wrong, but you'll have to do better than simply stating "You're wrong!" Post the statute that obligates a police officer, upon request, to inform someone of the reason they were stopped. That's it. Easy. Unless it doesn't exist... Anyway, in discussing the matter I mentioned that most police officers are in fact trained to positively identify the subject of a traffic stop BEFORE providing the reason for the stop. I explained that the officer wants to know who they are dealing with in case that person decides to run, and added that people are more likely to stop cooperating and challenge an officer once they know what they have been accused of. This video provides some confirmation of my latter point. So hit play and take it in ---- along with a very unreasonable and mildly entertaining woman. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Sexual Assault Complaint Against Boxer Adrien Broner

dO1qKJMrlBg | 18 Feb 2019

Sexual Assault Complaint Against Boxer Adrien Broner

According to Cleveland police - who got the story from the two in this video - champion boxer Adrien Broner, 29, forcefully kissed a woman inside the VIP area at The Park Social Lounge on W. 9th Street in Cleveland, Ohio in June of 2018. The 35-year-old victim told police that she was sitting on a couch when Broner showed up, put his entire weight on her, and began kissing her. The victim’s friend tried to pull Broner off of her friend, but was unable to. The friend then asked other men in the lounge to help but they were unwilling to do anything because Adrien Broner. Broner allegedly stopped immediately after someone tried to take their picture. The victim and her friend then left and made a police report at the Third District. This is the complete footage from the police interview. Broner was indicted in October 2018 and is out on $10,000 bail and his trial is this matter (one of several pending for Broner) is currently scheduled for April 8, 2019 --- with the most recent continuance being due to "plea negotiations." [Bad positioning for the officer's body camera, I know.]

ICE Agent Pulled Over By Sheriff's Deputy

LpQtD8cmRkA | 17 Feb 2019

ICE Agent Pulled Over By Sheriff's Deputy

Continuing to bring you more of the stuff you don't see anywhere else, in this video watch as a Bernalillo County Sheriff's Deputy pulls over an ICE agent. Seems simple enough, but it turns out that the Deputy doesn't like what he perceives to be her attitude. The ICE agent, on the other hand, doesn't think that she is being disrespectful and claims to have no idea what the deputy is talking about. Making the situation more awkward is the fact that the deputy can decide at any time to ticket Ms. ICE --- so ‘getting into it’ isn't an option. The deputy then walks himself into a bit of a hole. He offers to let Ms. ICE listen to a recording of herself. ICE says “Sure!” taking the deputy up on his offer... only to discover that it had apparently been a bluff. Weird. Of course, as luck would have it, while all of this is playing out there just happens to be a random gaggle of ICE agents observing the exchange from the deputy’s car. Not something you see every day. General note: During a traffic stop you have no legal right to know why you have been pulled over. It is courteous for police officers to inform people, but keep in mind that when a cop engages you in conversation by the roadside, 99% of the time they are looking for evidence, not trying to be your friend. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Oklahoma Sovereign Citizen Arrested For Felony VIN Tampering

2zuDe-4aH-s | 16 Feb 2019

Oklahoma Sovereign Citizen Arrested For Felony VIN Tampering

On 7/15/18 while on routine patrol Oklahoma City Police Officer Hayden Barnes noticed a white Cadillac Escalade bearing the license plate "CHURCH NOT FOR HIRE." It turned out that the driver's name was Church, and subsequent requests for his license and insurance revealed to Barnes that he had found a Sovereign Citizen. Not sure whether "Church" was the hilarious type or the 'guns blazing' type Barnes called for backup. Fortunately for everyone involved, Bryan Arnett Jackson (his 'government name') was of the "peaceful denialist" SovCit variety. They sound something like this: "I'm not a Sovereign Citizen. They are cray cray... Also, I don't have a driver's license or insurance and the VIN number is not MISSING from my Escalade. It's actually not NECESSARY. You see, I am not conducting commerce, so these thi--" ➡ JAIL. Jackson insisted that he would clear his name in court, and later publicly stated that he intended to represent himself at his felony trial. Something significant must have happened, however, because Jackson seems to have accepted that the United States of America Corporation may have joinder over his person after all. Or at least he accepted that he was facing a lengthy jail sentence. Oklahoma City court records show that Jackson filed a "Pro Se Motion to Dismiss" on 9/13/18, but that the court appointed him a public defender one week later. After a continuance, on 12/20/18 a miracle-worker attorney by the name of John Martino managed to convince Jackson to accept a favorable plea deal. On that date the following docket entry was made: JUDGE SAVAGE [Ed. Note: Epic name!]: DEFT APPEARS IN PERSON WITH COUNSEL JOHN F. MARTINO. THE STATE IS PRESENT. THE DEFT ENTERS A PLEA OF GUILTY AND IS TO PAY FIINE ONLY. CT 1 AMENED TO DRIVING W/O A LICENSE. NO PROBATION. VEHICLE TO BE RELEASED BACK TO DEFT. THE DEFT IS TO PAY $100 FINE, $50 VCA,AND COURT COSTS. ALL COSTS DUE INSTANTER. COURT REPORTER WAIVED. ANY BOND NOT IN FORFEITURE IS TO BE EXONERATED. COMMITMENT ISSUED. Driving without a license vs. felony VIN tampering? Good choice. Even if the judge didn't have his oath of office on file or whatever. I won't tell your friends that you pled guilty. Background info: Court records show that Jackson had received Oklahoma City traffic tickets on three previous occasions. Despite each citation being relatively minor, Jackson managed to not show up in court every single time, leading to the issuance of a warrant for his arrest in 1997, 2010, and 2011. Dude.... come on. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Orlando Police Find Drugs, $1800 Cash on Black Man Driving Someone Else's Car; Nothing Happens

ESHm41nisgc | 15 Feb 2019

Orlando Police Find Drugs, $1800 Cash on Black Man Driving Someone Else's Car; Nothing Happens

This installment comes to you out of sunny Central Florida, where on February 1, 2018 Marquel Dquan Dock was stopped by police officers for making a wide right turn. Despite finding drugs in the car and $1,800 cash (in a variety of small bills) on Dock's person, officers confiscated the drugs and allowed Dock and his companion to continue on their way. It does happen. In the interest of thorough reporting, however, there is an update on Dock: In December 2018 Marquel Dquan Dock was arrested in California on a Florida warrant for money laundering ($100,000) and conspiracy to import cannabis ($5,000), events alleged to have taken place on 12/27/17 and 6/28/18. At this time Dock has no criminal convictions on his Florida record and he is free on a rather substantial bond. Dock is not permitted to reside outside of Florida during the pendency of his case. Prior to posting this video Real World Police reached out to Dock's attorney for comment. As of its publication no response has been received. ~~~~~~ REMINDER: The right to free speech does not mean that I have to let you say anything you want on my Youtube channel. If your comments are irrelevant, disruptive, hostile, objectively afactual, or advocate violence they may be removed without warning and your account may be banned from commenting. Comments threatening specific people with physical violence are forwarded to law enforcement without exception. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Ohio State Police Pursue Fleeing Harley Into Woods

5oGytRgEQ_0 | 14 Feb 2019

Ohio State Police Pursue Fleeing Harley Into Woods

It's not every day that you see a cruiser motorcycle being chased through the woods by a police cruiser. Although not seen in this video, the operator of the motorcycle was found and taken into custody. And this is where the description gets strange. Ohio State Highway Patrol directly provided the footage you see in this video, but they have been extraordinarily slow to produce further [relevant] information about its contents. What follows is everything that I know and can tell you now: An adult male was arrested, tried, and convicted [for something]. His sentence was 180 days in jail, but 146 of those days were suspended. The remaining 34 days were nominally jail time, but the judge provided an alternative, exercisable at the discretion of probation: he could serve four days in jail over two weekends, followed by 30 days of electronically monitored house arrest and 9 months of probation, during which he was not permitted to operate a motorcycle after dark. That's all I've got. And believe me, it's not for want of trying. Despite OSHP's foot-dragging, I am confident that in due time I will be able to provide much more detail on this pursuit. When that happens I will (a) update this description, and (b) include a note to that effect in the next video I publish, so you don't have to check back here. Until then. UPDATED 02/20/19 For the past week-plus I have been working to uncover more information about this pursuit. My work finally paid off. This pursuit took place on July 4, 2018 and the rider of the motorcycle was Robin Buckels, male, age 46, from Painesville, Ohio. (Fun fact about Robin: On 6/2/16 he won $10,070 on a Keno scratch off.) Buckels was charged with failure to comply, 'permitted operation without a license', operating a motorcycle without a helmet, and unsafe operation. All except for failure to comply were dismissed. Same sentence as I had previously reported, plus $592 in fines and a temporary license suspension. Over and out. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida Man Takes MDMA, Steals Boat; Maroons Self on Lake Eola

qWgVLRonPgE | 13 Feb 2019

Florida Man Takes MDMA, Steals Boat; Maroons Self on Lake Eola

Early morning on December 15, 2017, Keith Thurston stole a swan-shaped pedalo and marooned himself on a small fountain in Orlando's Lake Eola. Thurston's middle-of-the-night-misadventure was fueled by a "large quantity of Molly." ("Molly" is a street name for MDMA, commonly known as "Ecstasy.") According to the police report, "He stated he took the swan boat out onto the lake to be with the swans, and paddled it to the fountain, because "the swans don’t judge him."" Things went wrong when Thurston reached the Lake Eola fountain and disembarked. For probably obvious reasons, Thurston neglected to secure his ride and the stolen swan boat floated away. Taking with it the rest of his drugs. And his driver's license. And so it came to be that a 36-year-old man was stranded on a tiny island in the middle of Lake Eola, high as a kite on December 15, 2017. Thurston began screaming for help. He was rescued around 0400. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you can't make this stuff up. Note: The color noise in this video is present in the original recording.

State Police "Professional Courtesy" Caught On Camera

-vub-PGpt4w | 13 Feb 2019

State Police "Professional Courtesy" Caught On Camera

I recently posted an extensive video of the drunk driving arrest and booking of Midland County Sheriff Scott Stephenson. In response a number of commenters have claimed that the ubiquity of video recorders has rendered so-called "professional courtesy" a thing of the past. Not quite.

Police Divers Locate Plane Wreckage 176 Feet Underwater

WH58jPECVug | 13 Feb 2019

Police Divers Locate Plane Wreckage 176 Feet Underwater

On May 27, 2018, about 1705 Pacific daylight time, a Cessna 150M airplane, N6AF, impacted water near Bainbridge Island, Washington. The pilot went down with the plane and was presumed fatally injured, and his passenger - picked up by a nearby boat - sustained serious injuries. The airplane was registered to and operated by the pilot as a personal flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed for the local flight and no flight plan had been filed. The flight departed from Harvey Field Airport in, Snohomish, Washington. A witness located at Yeomalt Point, was on the shore looking out toward the water when she observed a low-flying airplane above the water. The airplane came into view from her right and was descending in a nose low attitude. She initially thought it was going to skim the water and perform a loop, but the airplane continued the descent until it impacted the water. The airplane flipped over during the accident sequence and quickly sank. In the immediate aftermath of the accident that Coast Guard led an intensive but ultimately unsuccessful search for the plane wreckage. On June 14, 2018, the wreckage was finally located at a depth of 176 feet below the water's surface. The pilot was nowhere to be found. Hold your breath. HT: Shout out to the Bainbridge Island Police Department for sharing this exclusive footage.

Police Arrest Antifa Protesters At Kent State Rally

VNNHFpg3lZw | 12 Feb 2019

Police Arrest Antifa Protesters At Kent State Rally

When the Ohio State Police deployed to a pro-gun rally at Kent State University in September 2018, accompanying the Super-Trooper-Outfitted Officers were a handful of less-kitted-out cops. Those officers were armed with video cameras. Their job, among other things, was to provide a clear record of arrests, and they had a distinct advantage over everyone else there to film: access. As on-duty officers, they could get get as close to the action as they wanted. As was expected, Antifa protesters showed up at the rally and a number of arrests were made. Grab some popcorn and let's see what was filmed. Reminder: comments advocating violence will be removed without warning. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

'Super Drunk' Sheriff Tries to Avoid Arrest; "I'm a F**** Constitutional Officer!"

mFZFRr-2l3s | 11 Feb 2019

'Super Drunk' Sheriff Tries to Avoid Arrest; "I'm a F**** Constitutional Officer!"

"I'm a constitutional f**** officer! You can't take me to jail!" "That doesn't have to read what it f**** reads!" At approximately 4:00 pm on November 16, 2018 Kalkaska Sheriff's Deputy Ashley VanSloten was dispatched to a location on M-66 just south of Lund Road in Garfield Township, Michigan, after multiple calls were received reporting a vehicle stopped on the side of the road with an unresponsive male slumped over the steering wheel. VanSloten handled the call and ultimately arrested Midland County Sheriff Scott Stephenson, who blew a .233 on a preliminary breathalyzer test. Despite his easily having met the requirements of Michigan's "super drunk" statute - a real thing, coming into play at .17 - Stephenson tried every trick in the book to avoid jail: begging and pleading, cursing, speaking gibberish, suggesting the destruction and falsification of records, and imploring friends in high places to intervene on his behalf. Ultimately, however, the sheriff's pleas fell on [mostly] deaf ears, and Stephenson was arrested and booked into jail for operating a vehicle while impaired. As former Kalkaska County Sheriff Jerry Cannon says in this video, "It's not like the old days." That is, of course, incredibly true given what is happening right now in your life. You have the opportunity to literally replay this incident as you draw your own conclusions about it. Your court is now in session, and it's not like the old days. Which is a good thing. ~~~ Shout out to Chris Little for bringing this story to my attention. When Chris emailed me and let me know about Stephenson's arrest the story had already been covered by a number of news media outlets, all of whom had published two to seven minutes of body worn camera footage. I generally don't cover stories that have already been published elsewhere, and with that backdrop this video almost didn't happen. When I watched the available body cam footage, however, I noticed a lot of gaps in the time stamps. Working under the assumption that additional non-exempt footage existed, I started tangling with the Kalkaska County Sheriff's Office over the records. After two months of - frankly - obstruction, I recently received hours of exclusive additional material. The highlights from that content are in the video above. Thanks again, Chris. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Near Disaster: Ohio Trooper vs. Wrong Way Driver

UHvAAYIV3cc | 10 Feb 2019

Near Disaster: Ohio Trooper vs. Wrong Way Driver

There was no call, and the trooper was certainly not expecting to see headlights coming right at him on the interstate. The video tells the story.

Complete Footage: Kareem Hunt Assault Investigation

ZNP6ORvh1lc | 09 Feb 2019

Complete Footage: Kareem Hunt Assault Investigation

Cleveland Police Department has faced a variety of criticisms in its investigation of assault allegations against now-former Kansas City Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt. This is the primary body-worn camera video capturing Cleveland Police Department's investigation following its receipt of three 911 calls. The events in this video took place on February 10, 2018, but nothing happened in Hunt’s career until November 2018 when TMZ published hotel security camera footage clearly showing Kareem Hunt pushing and kicking the party who reported the incident. In that video it is also clear that a member of Hunt's party intentionally grabbed and ran off with the cell phone of one of the complainants, who later reported that her phone had been tampered with. She had been recording video of the conflict with Hunt. Kareem Hunt was released from the Chiefs the day the security footage was made public, allegedly because he had lied to the NFL during its investigation. Officers enter Kareem Hunt's apartment at The 9 hotel at the end of this video, starting at 1:32:00 through the end.

Trooper Hits 149 MPH in High-Speed Pursuit

1fN3Uu4Ikoo | 08 Feb 2019

Trooper Hits 149 MPH in High-Speed Pursuit

This video contains exclusive footage of a trooper reaching - and sustaining - 149 miles per hour as part of a pursuit that took place in New Mexico on October 26, 2018. Earlier in the day on the 26th there had been an attempted armed robbery in Gallup, New Mexico and officers statewide were on the lookout for the getaway car: a silver Honda Accord with three teenage male occupants. When a State Trooper came across a car matching the description later that night, he lucked out: the vehicle's registration was expired, which meant easy probable cause for a stop. If the car would stop. The Honda took off and a pursuit ensued. The fleeing driver pushed his Accord over 120 miles per hour, but the real speed came from one of the pursuing troopers. That trooper had bee tasked with getting ahead of the pursuit to set up spike strips, and the only way to get in front of a high-speed chase is to go even faster. As seen in this video, the trooper floored it, cruising for well over a minute at 140+ miles per hour, sustaining 149 miles per hour for part of that run. Bonus material: this video contains audio that the public rarely (if ever) gets to hear. You'll know when it starts. Enjoy. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Confession of Antoine Bynum (Full Video)

ZpO5nNL3-HI | 08 Feb 2019

Confession of Antoine Bynum (Full Video)

On December 20, 2011 Antoine Lee Bynum killed his longtime girlfriend, Remmi Goyens. He claimed that his girlfriend had "put a voodoo trick" on him, and that the trick had resulted in voices in his head telling him that he could have been an NBA star or an NFL player. In August 2016 after multiple incompetency determinations Bynum was declared competent and his case finally went to trial. A jury found Bynum guilty of second-degree murder and Bynum was sentenced to life in prison. Interestingly, Bynum's judgment and sentence were appealed, and on May 11, 2018 the Fifth District Court of Appeals remanded his case for further proceedings. The defense had argued that the trial court committed fundamental error when it failed to “make an independent determination of [Bynum's] competency.” The court of appeals agreed and reversed - but only for a retroactive competency hearing. (On all other matters the court of appeals affirmed.) That competency hearing was held in Florida on August 3, 2018. The court retroactively found that Bynum was competent to proceed and issued an order to that effect, thus rectifying its previous error. Bynum is serving a life sentence. For those interested, the details on appeal: On April 26, 2015, the day before trial was initially scheduled, Bynum's counsel filed a notice of incompetency. As a result, the trial court held a competency hearing, and after considering the reports of two court-appointed experts, found Bynum incompetent to proceed and committed him to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for treatment at a state hospital in accordance with Florida criminal law. On August 31, 2015, mental health professionals at the North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center filed a report representing that Bynum's competency had been restored, and at the request of Bynum's attorney the trial court once again appointed an expert to evaluate Bynum. The trial court then held a competency hearing on October 22, 2015. However, no evidence was received at the hearing. Rather, Bynum's attorney conveyed to both the State and the trial court that the expert had found Appellant competent to proceed. Even though it had not yet reviewed the expert's report, the court found Bynum competent to proceed “based on the accord of [the expert], and based on the stipulations of the State and Defense.” The case then proceeded to trial on August 8, 2016, where Bynum admitted that he killed Goyens but raised an insanity defense. The jury convicted Appellant of the lesser-included offense of second-degree murder. The court of appeals held that the trial court had committed fundamental error when it found Bynum competent to proceed based upon stipulation of parties and expert's report which court had not reviewed, rather than making its own independent determination regarding Bynum's competency. Essentially, the court must always make an independent determination as to a defendant's competency to proceed; accepting a stipulation of the parties as to competency is not permitted. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The new Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are nearly 400 free videos to enjoy!

Confession of Antione Bynum: I Killed My Girlfriend (Overview)

V_OnK_h8lR4 | 07 Feb 2019

Confession of Antione Bynum: I Killed My Girlfriend (Overview)

[Video begins at 00:30] On December 20, 2011 Antoine Lee Bynum killed his longtime girlfriend, Remmi Goyens. He claimed that his girlfriend had "put a voodoo trick" on him, and that the trick had resulted in voices in his head telling him that he could have been an NBA star or an NFL player. In August 2016 after multiple incompetency determinations Bynum was declared competent and his case finally went to trial. A jury found Bynum guilty of second-degree murder and Bynum was sentenced to life in prison. Interestingly, Bynum's judgment and sentence were appealed, and on May 11, 2018 the Fifth District Court of Appeals remanded his case for further proceedings. The defense had argued that the trial court committed fundamental error when it failed to “make an independent determination of [Bynum's] competency.” The court of appeals agreed and reversed - but only for a retroactive competency hearing. (On all other matters the court of appeals affirmed.) That competency hearing was held in Florida on August 3, 2018. The court retroactively found that Bynum was competent to proceed and issued an order to that effect, thus rectifying its previous error. Bynum is serving a life sentence. The full police interview with Bynum will be posted tomorrow morning. For those interested, the details on appeal: On April 26, 2015, the day before trial was initially scheduled, Bynum's counsel filed a notice of incompetency. As a result, the trial court held a competency hearing, and after considering the reports of two court-appointed experts, found Bynum incompetent to proceed and committed him to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for treatment at a state hospital in accordance with Florida criminal law. On August 31, 2015, mental health professionals at the North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center filed a report representing that Bynum's competency had been restored, and at the request of Bynum's attorney the trial court once again appointed an expert to evaluate Bynum. The trial court then held a competency hearing on October 22, 2015. However, no evidence was received at the hearing. Rather, Bynum's attorney conveyed to both the State and the trial court that the expert had found Appellant competent to proceed. Even though it had not yet reviewed the expert's report, the court found Bynum competent to proceed “based on the accord of [the expert], and based on the stipulations of the State and Defense.” The case then proceeded to trial on August 8, 2016, where Bynum admitted that he killed Goyens but raised an insanity defense. The jury convicted Appellant of the lesser-included offense of second-degree murder. The court of appeals held that the trial court had committed fundamental error when it found Bynum competent to proceed based upon stipulation of parties and expert's report which court had not reviewed, rather than making its own independent determination regarding Bynum's competency. Essentially, the court must always make an independent determination as to a defendant's competency to proceed; accepting a stipulation of the parties as to competency is not permitted. ~~~ @realworldpolice /r/realworldpolice Patreon @

Police Interview & Confession: "I Kicked Her Car"

NxCa4gWKRtQ | 05 Feb 2019

Police Interview & Confession: "I Kicked Her Car"

[If you want to skip ahead, "Johnny" breaks down crying around 13:20.] Many if not most of you have seen recordings of dramatic police interrogations. Indeed, a quick search will bring to your screen the confessions of well-known serial killers such as Ted Bundy and Israel Keyes. But those cases are so well known because they are so extreme. Those videos are not representative of your typical police interrogation. As you would expect, most confessions are to relatively minor offenses. If you have ever wondered what a 'normal' police interview is like, this video is for you. (No, I don't expect there to be an "Episode 2" of Mundane Confessions. I want to present a realistic overview of law enforcement, not bore you to death.) *People waive their rights a significant majority of the time. Studies vary in their conclusions, but somewhere between 80% and 93% of people waive their right to silence and cooperate with police.

Seattle Homeless Man Marrying Ellen Degeneres Attacks Family From Arizona

lltLYG6Dgj0 | 04 Feb 2019

Seattle Homeless Man Marrying Ellen Degeneres Attacks Family From Arizona

In late-June 2018 a handful of media outlets covering the northwestern United States reported on a series of unprovoked attacks on the streets of Seattle. In each case passersby had been confronted by a mentally ill male, and in each case that confrontation had turned violent. Four days ago I published a video covering one of those incidents. It’s time for another. On June 2, 2018 Seattle police officers responded to reports of a fight in progress in a parking lot one block away from the iconic Space Needle. It would be hard to invent a more hilarious and unfortunate story than the reality officers encountered. A delusional homeless man by the name of Michael Lee Person explained everything to responding officers. One of the women in the out-of-state group was Ellen Degeneres, to whom he was engaged. His fiancé (Ellen) had slept with a fourteen-year-old that very morning (Person claimed to have video), and the fourteen-year-old had swung first in the altercation, which was over Person’s fiancé having slept with an underage male just before their wedding. In reality, Person was captured on an officer's dash camera sneaking around a building and jumping the not-14-year-old. You can't make this stuff up. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist, Part III

xU_ksQ9q3EQ | 02 Feb 2019

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist, Part III

The wait is over! Without further ado, Ms. Lujan's award-winning performance continues in Part III. Part One: Part Two: (Unfortunately, footage for a Part IV does not exist.) ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Delta Pilot Assists Airport Police In Takedown of Irate Passenger

RHM4yBfr9g8 | 01 Feb 2019

Delta Pilot Assists Airport Police In Takedown of Irate Passenger

On December 14, 2015 a Port of Seattle Police officer was rerouted from a welfare check to an in-progress disturbance at Gate A13. It was reported that a male subject was being denied boarding and was currently engaged in a verbal disturbance with gate agents. The male subject, later identified as Anthony Neal, was described as a black male wearing a dark jacket and do-rag. While en route to gate A13, dispatch updated the officer, stating that Neal had entered the jetway and physically struck a Delta employee. When the officer neared Gate A13 it was apparent to her that Neal was highly agitated and cursing profusely. As she neared the gate she observed that a male Delta Airlines employee was physically blocking the entrance to the jetway, and as the officer approached the employee immediately stated "He assaulted me!" while indicating that Neal was the person who had committed the assault. Concerned that Neal had already allegedly committed some sort of assault and that Neal's anger and outrage were escalating the officer decided to detain Neal in handcuffs, wanting to lessen the possibility that Neal would be able to physically assault members of the Delta Airlines crew with him he was arguing. The officer contacted Neal and placed her hands on his left arm, telling Neal that she was going to place him in handcuffs for the moment. Neal immediately began to protest and said "No!" The officer told Neal to put his hands behind his back and attempted to move his left arm behind his back. In response, Neal tensed his arm and pulled it violently forward. Neal continued to push against the officer, shoving her backwards away from him as she attempted to control his arm. The officer pulled Neal in so that he could not escape her grasp. At this time, the officer and Neal both struck the podium near the entrance to the jetway. Neal continued to push the officer and grabbed her side, continuing to fight by pushing and shoving her. At this point the officer struck Neal in the stomach with her knee, a blow which did not seem to affect Neal, who continued to struggle. The officer then struck Neal in the face with her fist in an attempt to quickly end the struggle. Neal continued to fight, pushing the officer back and moving his left arm toward her. The officer then used both of her hands to control Neal's arms so that he would not strike her as he continued to push his arms at her. At this time, unable to control Neal and with no free hand to strike him a second time, the officer head-butted him in another attempt to end the struggle and protect herself from being struck. That's when the Delta Airlines pilot jumped in, assisting the officer in taking Neal to the ground and controlling him. Neal was criminally cited for obstruction of a law enforcement officer and for criminal trespass in the first degree. [The foregoing is lightly paraphrased from portions of the arresting officer's report.]

Delusional Seattle Homeless Man Attacks Passerby: Police Response & Investigation

wOHlWFTP1HI | 31 Jan 2019

Delusional Seattle Homeless Man Attacks Passerby: Police Response & Investigation

In late-June 2018 a handful of media outlets covering the northwestern United States reported on a series of unprovoked attacks on the streets of Seattle. In each case passersby had been confronted by a mentally ill male, and in each case that confrontation had turned violent. This video tells the story of one of those attacks, as seen from the perspective of responding officers. It provides a rare behind-the-scenes view of unredeacted conversations between officers throughout their investigation. In this incident, the two victims were on their way to a screening of “The Incredibles 2” when David Dandre Ailep began following them down the sidewalk. Press play and join Seattle law enforcement officers as they piece together what happened. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Orlando High-Speed Pursuit: Cruiser Wrecks; Perp Caught

BEZNhmOrCpY | 30 Jan 2019

Orlando High-Speed Pursuit: Cruiser Wrecks; Perp Caught

Taking a quick break from the Field Sobriety Test Olympics to bring you this exclusive footage of a high-octane pursuit through the roads and highways of sunny Orlando. Another installment from our gold medalist will be coming soon, but in the meantime - start your engines! Note: At ~10:12 in this video things speed up for a few silent seconds before continuing as normal. I meant to include some text on screen explaining that one of the officers had left his siren on for those few minutes. To spare your ears, I muted the sound and jumped us ahead to the point where the siren is turned off. (As noted in a comment, all of the action precedes that point, anyway.)

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist, Part II: Silver Bracelets

IbbVWy7wPWc | 29 Jan 2019

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist, Part II: Silver Bracelets

The entertainment continues! Presenting Gloria Lujan, Part II. If you missed the first installment in this series, I highly recommend checking it out: Part I: Part III: ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist Gloria Lujan

AZTzgqcqFzU | 28 Jan 2019

Field Sobriety Test Gold Medalist Gloria Lujan

Prepare to be entertained. Presenting Ms. Gloria Lujan. Part Two: Part Three: *Yes, the date shown on screen at the beginning is incorrect. You'll be okay. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Sovereign Citizen Asserts 'Right to Locomotion'; Gets Pepper Sprayed In The Face

x7KIOrOKV_M | 25 Jan 2019

Sovereign Citizen Asserts 'Right to Locomotion'; Gets Pepper Sprayed In The Face

This exclusive footage comes to you from Rochelle Park, New Jersey. The date was March 31, 2017 and officers were responding to the scene of a fender bender. On arrival they found a relatively normal-looking 37-year-old black male accompanied by a female in one of the vehicles. Thinking this was a normal call for service, Officer Chris Saldivia asked the male - who would turn out to be Wayne Hall - for his driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. Hall knew better than to provide those, as his driver’s license was suspended and he had an active arrest warrant. So he instead handed over something much more hilarious: a card reading “The Right to Travel, The Right to Mode of Conveyance, The Right to Locomotion, and the police cannot make void the exercise of Rights.” After Hall put up an argument instead of providing his birthdate (he claimed to not have one), officers moved in for an arrest. In response, Hall actively resisted. Once Citizen Hall began to physically strike the three officers who were trying to take him into custody, an officer deployed pepper spray directly into Hall’s mouth. It worked. But what tamed Wayne Hall amped up Jameika Hutchison, 34, who had jumped out of the vehicle and begun filming Hall's tussle with police. Unable to resist some resistance of her own, Hutchinson jumped into the fray and tried to help her friend fight the police, which went exactly the way you would expect: she was arrested, too. Hilarious related audio at 14:53. At police headquarters Hutchinson later refused to provide her basic information to police, claiming the police had no right to it. The two arrestees were later taken to the hospital for complaints of shoulder pain, after which both were released on criminal summonses. Hall was charged with three counts of aggravated assault on police, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct. Hutchison was charged with two counts of aggravated assault on police, obstruction and disorderly conduct. Rochelle Park Police Chief Robert Flannelly applauded his officers' conduct, stating “My officers showed professionalism and composure in attempting to de-escalate the situation and in dealing with these violent suspects,” he said. “I’m just glad nobody was seriously injured.” *For the record, OC is bottled hell. **Sorry for the out-of-sync audio; this footage was a nightmare to work with and the audio was out-of-sync in the original, with a number of other issues compounding that problem. Note: The audio playing during Hall's arrest comes from the only audio channel (of six) to have captured anything intelligible. Blame Panasonic, who are apparently is in the in-vehicle and body-worn camera business.

Clairl III: Warrant For Her Blood

w42udLa4LOs | 25 Jan 2019

Clairl III: Warrant For Her Blood

Clairl is slowly approaching that scary moment faced by all DWI arrestees. The punctuation in time at which the haze of alcohol begins to wear off just enough for the reality of events to start setting in. So before we get there, it's time to grab some Clairl blood. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Trooper Clocks Motorcycle @ 171 MPH; Stops Two @ 144 MPH (Audio Only)

orDjNL3_52U | 25 Jan 2019

Trooper Clocks Motorcycle @ 171 MPH; Stops Two @ 144 MPH (Audio Only)

Yes, you are reading that correctly. But I'm not just referring to the speeds. I am also talking about the fines. In New Mexico, the fine for driving 79 MPH over the speed limit is a relatively meager $257. And had that third motorcyclist been caught, his fine for driving 106 over would have been the same. Unlike many other states, New Mexico won't arrest you or impound your vehicle for speeding, and the fine for 36-over is the same as for 136-over. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be an organizational supporter of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in New Mexico? Visit ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that one time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That's totally fine. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Clairl II: Gator's Night Out

v52ZbOfvauo | 24 Jan 2019

Clairl II: Gator's Night Out

When we left off Clairl had gotten into some hit-and-run DWI type trouble, but many viewers were more concerned about her dog Gator. Deaf, unable to drive a Suburban, and away from his human, Gator the biter was potentially on his way to the pound. In this installment of Clairl, creatively titled Clairl II, we find out what happens to Gator, and Clairl shares her opinions about a public defender. ("Clairl III: Clairl Gets a Blood Draw" will be the final installment in this series.) Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

New Mexico: Off-Road High Speed Pursuit

IPDdRGHLhDU | 24 Jan 2019

New Mexico: Off-Road High Speed Pursuit

This New Mexico pursuit video, along with others you will see here, is best understood with some background info: Prior to 2003, it was only a petty misdemeanor to run from the police in the state of New Mexico. In 2003, however, the New Mexico legislature created the new crime of “aggravated fleeing a law enforcement officer” - a fourth-degree felony. But the new crime included an unusual element: a plain reading of the statute indicates that the new evading / eluding statute would only apply if the pursuit was being conducted in compliance with another law: the Law Enforcement Safe Pursuit Act (“LESPA”). **See note at end.** Among other things, the LESPA mandates an additional 16 hours of police training on how to conduct high-speed chases. It also defines a high-speed pursuit, lays out specific criteria to be considered by police when initiating a high-speed pursuit, sets forth the responsibilities of officers during and after a pursuit, and even requires a full police academy curriculum on the subject. The LESPA also requires that every police agency within New Mexico establish and enforce policies regarding high-speed pursuits, and it requires that those policies have as minimum standards the requirements of the LESPA. Very relevant to this video, the statute also makes clear when officers should not pursue, articulating circumstances under which pursuits must be terminated as well as specific considerations which must be taken into account. The Department of Justice has referred to pursuits as the most dangerous aspect of law enforcement, and the data back that up. According to an FBI report, high-speed police chases kill roughly one person a day nationwide, and innocent bystanders represent one-third to one-half of the fatalities. Law enforcement officers are not immortal either, and each year police officers are severely injured or killed in pursuit-related crashes. In this pursuit - as in many other pursuits you will see here - there is a constant supervisory evaluation of whether the benefits of the pursuit clearly outweigh its risks. (As you will see.) Oh, also, if you ever consider purchasing a used police car... just remember 2:55 - 3:25 in this video. **Note": Although the LESPA statute explicitly requires that a pursuit be conducted “in accordance with” the Law Enforcement Safe Pursuit Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 29-20-1 to - 4 (2003), in 2008 the New Mexico Supreme Court held that "in accordance with the LESPA" is not considered an essential element of the crime. See State v. Padilla, 2008-NMSC-006, 143 N.M. 310, 176 P.3d 299, reversing State v. Padilla, 2006-NMCA-107. Sucks for Mr. Padilla. To read the court's ruling yourself, visit

Clairl I: "She's Hammered!"

yBO7wojMAik | 22 Jan 2019

Clairl I: "She's Hammered!"

According to the NHTSA, when properly administered the standardized field sobriety tests can determine with 93% accuracy whether a person has a blood alcohol concentration higher than the legal limit. It's a whole new level of drunk when "How do you spell your name?" becomes an accurate field sobriety test... Clairl. (If you want to skip the officer taking reports on the damaged vehicles and start as officers find the hit-and-run drunk driver, that begins at 6:20.) ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! ~~~ Curious to know how much it costs to obtain this channel's content? Want to know why it costs anything at all? Wonder no more, as there is a public post on Patreon that offers a transparent and comprehensive overview — including a link to nearly all of the channel's invoices paid between August 2018 and May 2019. Direct link: ~~~ Interested in understanding the mechanics of fighting for access to public records? Join me on a deep dive into one specific request. Direct link:

Murder Confession of Robert Mondrian-Powell

VxJZ2Vw9lfk | 21 Jan 2019

Murder Confession of Robert Mondrian-Powell

The criminal case against Mondrian-Powell was dismissed with prejudice in late-June 2018, after a series of prosecutorial delays led to a violation of the accused's right to a speedy trial as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. Mondrian-Powell, 59, was facing a second-degree murder charge and other counts for allegedly shooting Elvira Segura in the neck in the fall of 2016 at Segura’s home in Nambé, New Mexico. He had been in jail for 20 months awaiting trial. Stories about the case all cite police sources as stating that Mondrian-Powell had confessed to shooting the 67-year-old woman. This video shows Mondrian-Powell's actual confession, the core of which begins at ~40:00 and ends at ~44:30.

"Is This Simon Says?" - Flirty Grandma Fails Field Sobriety Tests

Onunox9g9Jc | 20 Jan 2019

"Is This Simon Says?" - Flirty Grandma Fails Field Sobriety Tests

::drumroll:: Presenting.... Real World Police's 2018 SILVER MEDALIST in standardized field sobriety test lunacy! Meet Brenda Colwell, who has just been pulled over in a Circle K gas station parking lot. Of note, her six year old grandson was in the back seat of the Toyota she had been driving. As you watch this video remind yourself: this is a real person. Want to take a guess at Ms. Colwell's BAC? I will be posting a poll shortly, and will be sharing the answer approximately 24 hours later. Enjoy! And please drive safe out there, folks.

Bizarre Traffic Stop: Trooper Calls Woman's Dentist

TkdQWZvLq-0 | 19 Jan 2019

Bizarre Traffic Stop: Trooper Calls Woman's Dentist

Beginning with the trooper's three-second flip-flop over whether the woman was free to go and ending with him making phone calls that I think I would have hung up on, this traffic stop gets filed away in my book under the heading "strange." What do you think?

New Mexico State Trooper vs. Porsche SUV @ 132 Mph

PPSkJ2Pphg4 | 17 Jan 2019

New Mexico State Trooper vs. Porsche SUV @ 132 Mph

Real World Police is happy to announce that the New Mexico State Police will be a regular feature of the programming mix here on the channel. Kicking things off with this 132-in-a-75, as the speeds get even higher there are plenty of surprises in store. Without further ado, kick back and let's get started!

Pullman Zoo: The Surveillance Footage

wfjhR9Y5Vw8 | 16 Jan 2019

Pullman Zoo: The Surveillance Footage

Likely the penultimate installment in the "Zoo" series, this video provides a wholly different perspective on the use-of-force incident that took place at the Pullman Police Department on February 4, 2017, showing with more clarity the moment that the subject - intentionally or not - kicked things up a few notches on the use of force continuum. Also shown from the surveillance camera's perspective are events that took place after the subject was restrained, including his evaluation by Pullman Fire Department EMTs. (Those scenes were not included in any of the preceding videos.) The final installment in this series will show the subject being transported and 'checked-in' to jail. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Domestic Violence in Washington: Prequel to the Pullman Zoo

uV6kiawFA8E | 16 Jan 2019

Domestic Violence in Washington: Prequel to the Pullman Zoo

Last week I published a video showing an altercation between Pullman Police Officer Alex Gordon and an uncooperative arrestee --- who repeated endlessly that his father was a Tacoma police officer. Following a heated exchange where the subject insisted on his "God-given right" to a phone call, refused to be fingerprinted until he got what he wanted, and demanded that nobody touch him, an officer began moving the subject toward his jail cell. Then, in a rapid sequence of events, the arrestee threw a punch at the officer, was kneed in return, threw another punch, and received a harder one right back. Much shrieking later, the arrestee found himself in a restraint chair wearing a spit mask. Understandably, many people expressed interest in seeing the events leading up to the arrest of the subject. I had not included that footage because the guy was arrested on a domestic violence charge, a subject I tend to categorically avoid on this channel. Upon reexamination of the legal and ethical issues, that categorical ban has been slightly relaxed. Which brings you this prequel. The footage in this video has been edited so as to avoid showing the alleged victim. Furthermore, the arrestee is only identified by his first name. Shortly I will be publishing surveillance camera footage of the altercation between Officer Gordon and the arrestee. From the surveillance camera's perspective the first punch thrown by the arrestee can be seen much more clearly.

Behind the Scenes: Emergency Response to Woman Struck and Killed by Train in Orlando

cbuqKBZmEBA | 12 Jan 2019

Behind the Scenes: Emergency Response to Woman Struck and Killed by Train in Orlando

This generally-safe-for-work video provides a behind-the-scenes look at the emergency response to a woman fatally struck by a SunLink train in Orlando, Florida. On arrival at Kaley Street and Lucerne Trail emergency workers found the victim deceased --- and still under the train. She was later identified as Deborah Lynne Youngbar, age 63. A witness stated that a different train had just passed through the tracks, which might have led Youngbar to erroneously conclude that the tracks were clear. She had been walking with an assistive walker.

"I Will F*** Your Career Up, Officer!"

_tBbTnIopfM | 10 Jan 2019

"I Will F*** Your Career Up, Officer!"

Their arrestee was trouble from the beginning, but officers had no way of knowing that a wild banshee would emerge later in the night, conjured into existence following an exchange where the subject insisted on his "God-given right" to a phone (/finger) call and refused to be fingerprinted until he got what he wanted. The officer who responded to assist with the situation wasn't having anything of it, but the arrestee had one last trick up his sleeve: telling the officer not to touch him. Because that obviously works when you're in custody. Welcome to the zoo. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown here, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain when he accidentally tried to bring a gun through a TSA checkpoint -Early access to some videos -And more! Prefer PayPal? Prefer nothing? That works too. There are more than 450 free videos to enjoy!

Lakewood Police Pursuit of Driver Wanted For Assault With a Deadly Weapon

irxouHuXrPw | 09 Jan 2019

Lakewood Police Pursuit of Driver Wanted For Assault With a Deadly Weapon

On June 30, 2017 a Lakewood, Washington police officer was on routine patrol in a residential neighborhood when a white Toyota drove by him in the opposite direction. Noticing that the Toyota was speeding, the officer made a U-turn, intending to pull the vehicle over and write the driver a ticket. Instead, things got a lot more exciting. Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

New Mexico Vehicle & Foot Pursuit, K9 Bite

syV0YyRC-90 | 08 Jan 2019

New Mexico Vehicle & Foot Pursuit, K9 Bite

This installment takes us to Las Cruces, New Mexico, where a police officer finds himself briefly chasing a driver who had only moments before been stopped right next to him at a stop sign. Just as the officer calls off his pursuit he sees the vehicle crash in front of him, the driver jumping out of his truck and taking off running. The foot pursuit lasts even shorter than the vehicle pursuit, however, as the driver - clearly not making wise decisions - climbs over a razor wire fence and runs off into the distance. Fortunately for the pursuing sergeant, radios are much faster than anyone can drive or run, and other officers are quickly in the area searching for the man who had fled. Not only is he found, but a police good boi gets to have fun chasing him down and chewing on him. Enjoy!

Los Lunas Police Sergeant Arrested For Aggravated DWI

q1c3cCdLUXo | 07 Jan 2019

Los Lunas Police Sergeant Arrested For Aggravated DWI

This video provides a comprehensive overview of the evidence in the September 23, 2018 DWI arrest of Los Lunas Police Department Sergeant Michael Romero. I have been investigating Romero's arrest for nearly two months and have uncovered evidence indicating that Romero may have committed another crime in addition to DWI. In a forthcoming video I will present the evidence in support of that claim and will also provide an update on Romero's criminal case, which has taken a couple of interesting turns. Now, a bit more about this video. First, as you may have noticed the footage of Romero's field sobriety tests was not captured on body-worn camera ("BWC"). Nothing nefarious is going on there; the arresting officer's department simply does not have them. The arresting officer did have an audio recorder, though, and what it captured is of particular interest as it was recorded separately from - and runs much longer than - the field sobriety test footage. That recording captures Romero's breathalyzer tests along with many conversations between Romero and his arresting officer, such as Romero's statement that he can always get a job working security at Walmart, and his inquiry about whether his police chief had been called. A note about the FST footage not having been captured on BWC: this video is a reminder of the fact that not all departments have BWCs. In fact, research published in April 2018 by the Police Executive Research Forum found that nearly two-thirds of American law enforcement agencies don't have BWCs on any of their officers. In what I believe to be good news, the same study found that half of those departments had plans to equip some or all of their officers with BWCs.

Orlando Traffic Stop Turns Up Weed, Driver Arrested

02Mr-NhfKPE | 05 Jan 2019

Orlando Traffic Stop Turns Up Weed, Driver Arrested

This installment brings you footage from an August 31, 2017 traffic stop in Orlando, Florida. If you think this video is mundane, that's probably because it is. Just like the vast majority of police work. (That said, this stop does contain a surprise or two. Enjoy!)

Surveillance Footage Followup: Two WSU Students Arrested For Stealing From Walmart Self-Checkout

28hEBCOI_hA | 04 Jan 2019

Surveillance Footage Followup: Two WSU Students Arrested For Stealing From Walmart Self-Checkout

After I published the original "Two WSU Students Arrested..." video some people expressed interest in seeing the surveillance footage associated with the incident. Although I generally don't do requests, I'm happy to deliver on this one. Enjoy! *If you are new to the channel and lack any context for this video, reference the video of the same title, published on 12/25/18. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Woman Gets Tased While Driving, Kicks Officer In The Balls

WqFveoQG1m0 | 03 Jan 2019

Woman Gets Tased While Driving, Kicks Officer In The Balls

Around 2:30 a.m. Friday, April 13, 2018 a Las Cruces police officer on routine patrol spotted a woman, later identified as Jasmine Allen, standing next to a car in the parking lot of a La Quinta Inn. The officer saw the woman enter a gray Mazda sedan where she sat for a short while.  The officer parked his unit behind the Mazda, activated his overhead lights and approached the Mazda. The officer spoke with Allen briefly before she suddenly started the vehicle and quickly reversed, slamming her car into the officer’s cruiser and nearly striking the officer.  The Mazda’s driver’s-side door was damaged when it struck the patrol car and was stuck in the open position, and the officer tried to grab Allen through the open door, quickly firing his Taser at her as she sped away. Allegedly, police say, “Allen put the Mazda into drive and accelerated at a high-rate of speed, dragging the officer a short distance.” Allen’s vehicle then struck a second patrol unit that had arrived to assist. Allen continued driving away after the second crash, fleeing the scene. A third LCPD officer located Allen a short while later as she tried to hide near a home on the 1000 block of Hickory Drive. As that officer took her into custody Allen put up a fight and intentionally kicked him at least once. The three officers that were injured all sustained minor injuries. The two patrol cars sustained serious damage.  Allen, 26, was also found to be in violation of terms of her probation and was booked into the Dona Ana County Detention Center. She was charged with two third-degree felony counts of aggravated battery against a peace officer using a deadly weapon, one fourth-degree felony count of battery upon a peace officer and two misdemeanor counts of resisting, evading or obstructing an officer.

Albuquerque Police Catch Hit-And-Run Drunk Driver

rs_LV1pz06k | 01 Jan 2019

Albuquerque Police Catch Hit-And-Run Drunk Driver

A couple of quick notes: -The first minute of footage is shown because of its relevance at 8:40. -For the uninitiated, "Burque" (pronounced BOOR-kay, at 12:30) is a nickname of Albuquerque. -"CYFD" is an acronym for the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department. Wishing you all a happy and safe 2019.

Wild Spinout on Florida Interstate

_tlRptKR5AM | 30 Dec 2018

Wild Spinout on Florida Interstate

[If you want to get right to it, start at 1:00. The spinout happens at 1:12.] This dash camera video, captured May 4, 2018 on a Florida interstate highway, is a sobering example of just how quickly and unexpectedly things can turn south on the road. Sent in by a viewer (thank you), I was on the fence about sharing this for a while but have decided to go ahead with it. Drive safely out there.

Police Helicopter Footage of May Day Protests & Arrests in Seattle

7W4QCPsGYK4 | 30 Dec 2018

Police Helicopter Footage of May Day Protests & Arrests in Seattle

This group of police helicopter videos shows scenes from anti-capitalist protesters in Seattle during the city's May Day 2016 demonstrations. Seattle police say they made nine arrests during the protests, including eight males and one juvenile female. Five arrests were for obstruction, three for assault, and one for destruction of property. On the "other" side, five officers were injured. One officer was struck by a rock in the head, one was injured but not burned by a molotov cocktail, and one was bitten - yes, bitten - by a protester. ~~~~~~ Want more never-before-seen Real World Police videos? Subscribe now and click the red bell to get notified about awesome future content!

Police Response to Crash of Vintage C-47 "Bluebonnet Belle" in Burnet, Texas

jy_oV6jHwvc | 29 Dec 2018

Police Response to Crash of Vintage C-47 "Bluebonnet Belle" in Burnet, Texas

On July 21, 2018, about 0915 central daylight time, a tailwheel equipped Douglas C47-B (DC-3) twin-engine airplane, N47HL, was destroyed when it impacted terrain during takeoff from the Burnet Municipal Airport, Burnet, Texas. The airplane was registered to American Airpower Heritage Flying Museum Inc., and operated by the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) as a personal flight. The airline transport captain, crew chief, and 4 passengers sustained serious injuries, 1 passenger sustained minor injuries, and the airline transport co-pilot and 5 passengers were not injured. Representatives from the CAF reported that the intention of the flight was to travel to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to attend an airshow, with an intermediate fuel stop at Sedalia Regional Airport (DMO). The co-pilot, who was the flying pilot reported that prior to the flight, it was briefed that he would perform the takeoff. He stated that the captain taxied the airplane to the runup area, where all pre-takeoff checks were completed; the captain then taxied the airplane onto runway 19. The co-pilot further stated that he then took control of the airplane, provided a pre-takeoff brief, and initiated the takeoff sequence. About 10 seconds into the takeoff roll, the airplane drifted right, at which time he applied left rudder input. This was followed shortly by the captain saying that he had the airplane.  The captain, who was the non-flying pilot, reported that during the initial stages of the takeoff roll, he didn't recall the airplane swerving to the right, however, recalled telling the co-pilot not to push the tail up because it was heavy; he also remembered the airplane swerving to the left shortly thereafter. The captain stated that he yelled "right rudder" three times before taking control of the airplane. He said that as he put his hands on the control yoke, he noticed that either the tail started to come down or the main wheels were either light or were just coming off the ground as it exited the left side of the runway. The captain said that he knew the airplane was slow as he tried to ease it [the airplane] over [to the runway] and set it back down. Subsequently, he felt the 'shudder of a stall," and the airplane turned to the left and impacted the ground. After the airplane came to a stop, a post-impact fire ensued, during which all the occupants of the airplane egressed through the aft left door. The most severely burned of the passengers was airlifted by helicopter to the burn unit at San Antonio Regional Medical Center, while others were transported by ambulance and personal vehicles. The picture-in-picture video of the crash that displays at 3:19 is excerpted from footage shot by Matt Gallagher.

State Troopers Pursue Wrong-Way Driver on I-25 North of Las Vegas, New Mexico

TVv6pFSbbO4 | 27 Dec 2018

State Troopers Pursue Wrong-Way Driver on I-25 North of Las Vegas, New Mexico

[You may need to click the "CC" button to turn on English subtitles, which begin around 8:35. If you're wondering why the trooper seems to be familiar with the motorist, listen to the dispatch recording from this call, which begins around 20:12.] The footage in this video was captured on September 19, 2018 in the early evening in northern New Mexico, when 911 operators began receiving a flurry of calls reporting a wrong-way driver barreling down I-25 at full speed in the rain. The Federal Highway Administration reports that in the United States, wrong-way driving ("WWD") crashes result in 300 to 400 deaths each year on average, representing approximately 1 percent of the total number of traffic-related fatalities that occur annually. While this is a small percentage overall, because WWD crashes involve head-on or opposite direction sideswipe collisions at high (combined!) speeds, they tend to be much more severe than other types of crashes. Although there are many strategies and engineering treatments in use that are designed to address WWD, at the end of the day when someone is spotted driving the wrong direction on a road we all rely on law enforcement officers to rapidly respond and remedy the situation, often at great danger to themselves. This video shows one such - somewhat bizarre - occasion. A cool item of note: dash camera footage from the trucker who is heard in this video calling 911 is on YouTube! It can be found at Last but not least, a huge thank you to Miguel Dominguez for his work translating and subtitling this video. If you'd like to submit an addition or correction for consideration, it's easy: just click the three dots to the right of the like/dislike icons, then click "Add Translations." Community translations and transcriptions can be contributed to any video on this channel, and in any language. (Yes, even English! Real World Police has deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers who rely on Google's impressive-but-still-bad automatic transcriptions. If you're interested in subtitling in English, go for it!) Enjoy, folks!

How To Get Arrested (Orlando, Florida)

D6QtEhE14HE | 27 Dec 2018

How To Get Arrested (Orlando, Florida)

At the moment I don't have much more information than you do about this footage (other than its provenance, which is unremarkable). If there is interest I am willing to do a bit of digging to find out more about what was going on here and what the outcome(s) were. Regardless, a blindingly obvious message highlighted in this video is that it's a bad idea to taunt the police and/or act violently in plain view of the police. The guy in the yellow t-shirt has the right idea here, but this isn't rocket science. About the strange aspect ratio in the second half: This video was edited together from two body-worn camera videos and it was captured early in the rollout of Orlando Police Department's body-worn camera program. The officer who recorded this footage mistakenly attached his camera sideways, which meant that I had to rotate the video 90 degrees... effectively making each clip into a vertical video. Unacceptable. So... although the first clip was conducive to strategic cropping, the second was not. What you are seeing in the second half of this video is a balance between "getting as far away from vertical video as possible" and "not cropping out important parts of the footage." A NOTE ABOUT COMMENTS: Hostile racist comments will not be tolerated on this channel. I intend to clearly communicate what that means and I am working on a written policy that will be available to everyone. I have no interest in stifling debate and criticism but I will not tolerate deliberate hostile intolerance in my space. Users leaving such comments may be banned without warning. Similarly, comments encouraging violence will be removed without warning. Expect to hear more on this in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation.

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Sanchez BWC)

qfw44d5kHQw | 26 Dec 2018

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Sanchez BWC)

(The action in this video picks up around 9:00. Of the four videos I posted from this incident, I strongly recommend watching at least the intro to the longest of them.) On August 19, 2018 Albuquerque Police Department received word that suicidal man armed with a gun was threatening to kill his neighbors at 219 Dallas NE. When APD responded at approximately 1:53 p.m. they found 38-year-old Joe Lambert walking into and out of his apartment, sometimes armed with a rifle and frequently yelling at officers that they should kill him. Officers trained in crisis negotiation spent approximately one and a half hours trying to negotiate with Lambert, successfully reaching him by cell phone around 2:30 pm. At first a female negotiator was in contact with Lambert, but when he began to complain about relationship issues it was decided to have a male negotiator continue. Lambert was described as “very hyped up” and officers had trouble getting him to stay in contact with them, and at approximately 4:00 pm Lambert simply emerged from his apartment bearing his rifle, and instead of ‘just’ yelling at police officers to kill him (as before) he instead raised his rifle and aimed directly at Officer Ian Ross, who fired three shots at Lambert in response. One of those shots struck the rifle Lambert was holding. Lambert continued to walk toward officers still holding his firearm and attempting to aim at officers; in response Officer Richard Whitman fired two additional rounds at Lambert. Incredibly, one of Whitman’s rounds also struck Lambert’s rifle, but this round ricocheted and hit Lambert in his groin. I am publishing all of the four primary body-worn camera videos from this incident. They are long, but portions of each capture extremely valuable scenes and conversations, both before and after the metaphorical heat turned up. Additionally, although certain footage has been blurred [for reasons that will become obvious], this is one of the most dramatic examples I have seen of officers rushing to help someone they were just forced to fire upon. Lambert was treated for his injuries at a local hospital, following which he was booked into Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Detention Center (“MDC”) on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of assault on a peace officer. Lambert had an extensive criminal history at the time of this incident, including ten DUI arrests and an already-pending case for aggravated battery and burglary. Neither Officer Whitten nor Officer Ross had ever before been involved in a shooting. Whitten has been an officer for eleven years while Ross has been with Albuquerque Police Department for three years.

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Ross BWC)

8pBxWAxDkfA | 26 Dec 2018

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Ross BWC)

(The action in this video picks at roughly 1:05:00. Of the four videos I posted from this incident, I strongly recommend watching, at minimum, the intro to the longest of them: "Officer Wolffbrandt BWC.") On August 19, 2018 Albuquerque Police Department received word that suicidal man armed with a gun was threatening to kill his neighbors at 219 Dallas NE. When APD responded at approximately 1:53 p.m. they found 38-year-old Joe Lambert walking into and out of his apartment, sometimes armed with a rifle and frequently yelling at officers that they should kill him. Officers trained in crisis negotiation spent approximately one and a half hours trying to negotiate with Lambert, successfully reaching him by cell phone around 2:30 pm. At first a female negotiator was in contact with Lambert, but when he began to complain about relationship issues it was decided to have a male negotiator continue. Lambert was described as “very hyped up” and officers had trouble getting him to stay in contact with them, and at approximately 4:00 pm Lambert simply emerged from his apartment bearing his rifle, and instead of ‘just’ yelling at police officers to kill him (as before) he instead raised his rifle and aimed directly at Officer Ian Ross, who fired three shots at Lambert in response. One of those shots struck the rifle Lambert was holding. Lambert continued to walk toward officers still holding his firearm and attempting to aim at officers; in response Officer Richard Whitten fired two additional rounds at Lambert. Incredibly, one of Whitten's rounds also struck Lambert’s rifle, but this round ricocheted and hit Lambert in his groin. I am publishing all of the four primary body-worn camera videos from this incident. They are long, but portions of each capture extremely valuable scenes and conversations, both before and after the metaphorical heat turned up. Additionally, although certain footage has been blurred [for reasons that will become obvious], this is one of the most dramatic examples I have seen of officers rushing to help someone they were just forced to fire upon. Lambert was treated for his injuries at a local hospital, following which he was booked into Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Detention Center (“MDC”) on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of assault on a peace officer. Lambert had an extensive criminal history at the time of this incident, including ten DUI arrests and an already-pending case for aggravated battery and burglary. Neither Officer Whitten nor Officer Ross had ever before been involved in a shooting. Whitten has been an officer for eleven years while Ross has been with Albuquerque Police Department for three years.

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Wolffbrandt BWC)

T-ZNyMnnmYA | 26 Dec 2018

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Wolffbrandt BWC)

(The action in this video picks at roughly 1:14:30.) On August 19, 2018 Albuquerque Police Department received word that suicidal man armed with a gun was threatening to kill his neighbors at 219 Dallas NE. When APD responded at approximately 1:53 p.m. they found 38-year-old Joe Lambert walking into and out of his apartment, sometimes armed with a rifle and frequently yelling at officers that they should kill him. Officers trained in crisis negotiation spent approximately one and a half hours trying to negotiate with Lambert, successfully reaching him by cell phone around 2:30 pm. At first a female negotiator was in contact with Lambert, but when he began to complain about relationship issues it was decided to have a male negotiator continue. Lambert was described as “very hyped up” and officers had trouble getting him to stay in contact with them, and at approximately 4:00 pm Lambert simply emerged from his apartment bearing his rifle, and instead of ‘just’ yelling at police officers to kill him (as before) he instead raised his rifle and aimed directly at Officer Ian Ross, who fired three shots at Lambert in response. One of those shots struck the rifle Lambert was holding. Lambert continued to walk toward officers still holding his firearm and attempting to aim at officers; in response Officer Richard Whitten fired two additional rounds at Lambert. Incredibly, one of Whitten's rounds also struck Lambert’s rifle, but this round ricocheted and hit Lambert in his groin. I am publishing all of the four primary body-worn camera videos from this incident. They are long, but portions of each capture extremely valuable scenes and conversations, both before and after the metaphorical heat turned up. Additionally, although certain footage has been blurred [for reasons that will become obvious], this is one of the most dramatic examples I have seen of officers rushing to help someone they were just forced to fire upon. Lambert was treated for his injuries at a local hospital, following which he was booked into Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Detention Center (“MDC”) on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of assault on a peace officer. Lambert had an extensive criminal history at the time of this incident, including ten DUI arrests and an already-pending case for aggravated battery and burglary. Neither Officer Whitten nor Officer Ross had ever before been involved in a shooting. Whitten has been an officer for eleven years while Ross has been with Albuquerque Police Department for three years.

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Whitten BWC)

7R442-yTFZ4 | 26 Dec 2018

Man Aims Rifle at Albuquerque Police, Gets Shot In Groin (Officer Whitten BWC)

(The action in this video picks up at roughly 21:45. Of the four videos I posted from this incident, I strongly recommend watching at least the intro to the longest of them.) On August 19, 2018 Albuquerque Police Department received word that suicidal man armed with a gun was threatening to kill his neighbors at 219 Dallas NE. When APD responded at approximately 1:53 p.m. they found 38-year-old Joe Lambert walking into and out of his apartment, sometimes armed with a rifle and frequently yelling at officers that they should kill him. Officers trained in crisis negotiation spent approximately one and a half hours trying to negotiate with Lambert, successfully reaching him by cell phone around 2:30 pm. At first a female negotiator was in contact with Lambert, but when he began to complain about relationship issues it was decided to have a male negotiator continue. Lambert was described as “very hyped up” and officers had trouble getting him to stay in contact with them, and at approximately 4:00 pm Lambert simply emerged from his apartment bearing his rifle, and instead of ‘just’ yelling at police officers to kill him (as before) he instead raised his rifle and aimed directly at Officer Ian Ross, who fired three shots at Lambert in response. One of those shots struck the rifle Lambert was holding. Lambert continued to walk toward officers still holding his firearm and attempting to aim at officers; in response Officer Richard Whitten fired two additional rounds at Lambert. Incredibly, one of Whitten's rounds also struck Lambert’s rifle, but this round ricocheted and hit Lambert in his groin. I am publishing all of the four primary body-worn camera videos from this incident. They are long, but portions of each capture extremely valuable scenes and conversations, both before and after the metaphorical heat turned up. Additionally, although certain footage has been blurred [for reasons that will become obvious], this is one of the most dramatic examples I have seen of officers rushing to help someone they were just forced to fire upon. Lambert was treated for his injuries at a local hospital, following which he was booked into Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Detention Center (“MDC”) on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of assault on a peace officer. Lambert had an extensive criminal history at the time of this incident, including ten DUI arrests and an already-pending case for aggravated battery and burglary. Neither Officer Whitten nor Officer Ross had ever before been involved in a shooting. Whitten has been an officer for eleven years while Ross has been with Albuquerque Police Department for three years.

Two WSU Students Arrested For Stealing From Walmart Self-Checkout

dENi4DRV4PA | 25 Dec 2018

Two WSU Students Arrested For Stealing From Walmart Self-Checkout

I hope that kid doesn't actually believe the words coming out of his mouth. Self-checkout is not the lottery. Note: Anthony White, from Miami, Florida,, pled guilty to third degree theft. He served one day in jail and was ordered to pay fines.Zaire Webb, from Jacksonville, Florida pled not guilty, and the theft charge against him was dismissed. *Sorry about the "Copy of.." video that randomly showed up for some of you last night. The joys of YouTube... ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

"If you move your hands off that steering wheel I will shoot you!"

Oax99Ol3TcE | 24 Dec 2018

"If you move your hands off that steering wheel I will shoot you!"

Pro tip: if the police are ever questioning you and you feel the need to need to say something, it's best to not preface that thing with "I'm not even gonna lie." Enjoy!

High-speed police pursuit of stolen Lexus SUV

tQypClWRTn4 | 23 Dec 2018

High-speed police pursuit of stolen Lexus SUV

In late-September 2018 Sheriff's deputies and Washington state highway patrol officers were involved in an extended high-speed pursuit of a women driving a stolen Lexus SUV. The chase began when highway patrol troopers pulled the woman over around 7:30 pm in Seattle, and she responded by nearly running one of the troopers over, the ordeal ending more than a half-hour later, following a successful deployment of spike strips against the stolen Lexus and a subsequent PIT maneuver. The pursuit's end was in the Arlington, Washington area on the Stillaguamish Bridge, and it briefly shut down all of the northbound lanes of travel on I-5. Until now only three silent minutes of this footage have been available. Not anymore. This video contains the complete footage of the pursuit, in full-HD and with all original audio, as recorded by King County Sheriff's Office's Guardian One helicopter. Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Sovereign Citizen Gets DUI, Blames Alcohol Breath on "Purple Listerine" He Is "Not Used To"

OO_xPQJwOCw | 20 Dec 2018

Sovereign Citizen Gets DUI, Blames Alcohol Breath on "Purple Listerine" He Is "Not Used To"

Purple listerine? People are really funny sometimes. * I want to let you know upfront that although many parts of this video are hilarious, if you are looking for over-the-top sovereign citizen footage you won't find all the latest legal wackery in this particular video. As shown in the intro, that unique brand of Sov Cit ‘logic’ sure is present, but in this particular incident it only emerges later on, serving as a bit of a wanting explanation for all the weirdness that precedes it. Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Car in River: FLIR Assist to Kent PD [Complete Video]

ERdmar_AaSQ | 18 Dec 2018

Car in River: FLIR Assist to Kent PD [Complete Video]

Alright guys and gals, it's time for me to tell you something about myself. It's nothing monumental but it is relevant to this video: I really like the Pacific Northwest and I try to visit often, though always between mid-July and late-September. One of my favorite things about the region is the abundance of edible wild fruit that can be found everywhere there's water, which in many places is "everywhere." Take, for example, the Klamath Basin. The Basin has many short hiking trails which are far better than any supermarket produce section while having the distinct advantage of being free. In the right season you can easily find blackberries, asparagus, apples, blackberries, pears, blackberries, huckleberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, multiple plum varieties, and even blackberries. Also you can find blackberries. Do you know that there are blackberries? The Himalayan blackberry is sweet and delicious when ripe and it grows wild all over Oregon. Sounds cool, but the thing is, it's a European shrub that was introduced in the United States as a crop in the late 19th century and it quickly escaped cultivation and invaded many areas of the Pacific Northwest. It considered a noxious weed in Oregon, as it's extremely difficult to eradicate once established and it tends to out-compete native vegetation. Why on earth am I telling you all this? Because there's something you need to know about blackberry plants in order to understand this video. When blackberry plants don't have delicious fruit to enjoy they can be quite accurately described as a "vicious thorn bush" and because they grow so well in the Pacific Northwest they typically form a dense wall just as good as if not better than barbed wire (only lower to the ground). Now you understand why the guy in this video had so much trouble getting out of the river :-) End of story time. Enjoy the video, and if you haven't been I highly recommend a visit to the Pacific Northwest, ideally between mid-July and late-September. You won't regret it. (Note to those of you who are used to normal seasons: people talk about the "rainy season" in the Pacific Northwest. It exists, but that 'season' lasts nine months. It's no joke.)

Unredacted Real World Police: Orlando Woman Lights Boyfriend's Clothes On Fire

dT8uMfPnksg | 18 Dec 2018

Unredacted Real World Police: Orlando Woman Lights Boyfriend's Clothes On Fire

While YouTube's development team continues to investigate what on earth happened with my first upload of this video, I finally received approval to upload a duplicate copy and see what happens. This is that copy. Fingers crossed that it works, because I'm really looking forward to sharing this one with you. (For reference, this incident-length installment should be just about 1:03:05 in length. It should not be a minute-and-a-half long. Get some popcorn, do your laundry, whatever - get comfortable.) Enjoy, folks! And I appreciate your patience and understanding while this was all being worked out. The original description, which will eventually be the only description: There was something specific I promised you when I started this channel: access to behind-the-scenes conversations that you don't otherwise get to hear. Not because they don't happen, but because they get redacted from the recordings that get released publicly. What do you think a full hour of non-muted, never-shut-off, body cam footage sounds like? What get said when officers discuss cases among themselves, forgetting or ignoring their cameras? This video provides one answer to that question, and the call itself is even interesting! Please note: I have personally muted a number of sections to protect the privacy interests of individuals and involved juveniles who are not in public areas; same deal with the blurring. Good luck guessing how old that woman is :P Cheers, friends. -RWP *FYI - I didn't initially upload another copy because YouTube sees duplicate uploads as spam, and the bot that detects such things would have had no idea that there was something wrong on YouTube's end that necessitated my re-upload. That's the reason I wasn't uploading another copy until support explicitly gave me the thumbs up to try it, and even then only after I explained my concern to them for the millionth time. Approval received. Here we go!

Helicopter Rescue of Injured Hiker From Lake Melakwa (Helmet Cam)

wLAfWTO0yrg | 16 Dec 2018

Helicopter Rescue of Injured Hiker From Lake Melakwa (Helmet Cam)

This is the first in a series of rare views that you will be getting on this channel, all of which will provide - consistent with the ethos of Real World Police - the full picture. It's easy to find videos on the internet showing hoist rescues, but nearly all of those videos are edited to show a few minutes of the incident. That has more of a negative impact than you might think, as it makes it more difficult for agencies to learn from each other's experiences. Let's change that together, beginning right now with this complete footage upload of KCSO's March 19, 2015 rescue of an injured hiker from Lake Melakwa in Washington State. Solid job all around. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Don't Consent to Search? That's cool. "Here Doggy!"

QJlkdEQKJCc | 15 Dec 2018

Don't Consent to Search? That's cool. "Here Doggy!"

I'm going to stay pretty silent on this one, as I am curious to hear y'alls thoughts on this stop - and particularly on the interactions that followed. Enjoy, ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Criminal fails at hiding from thermal camera

A2jVZIFyv_I | 14 Dec 2018

Criminal fails at hiding from thermal camera

You asked for more helicopter footage, you got it - and with plenty more to come This video continues our series out of the King County Sheriff's Office, showing the commanding view offered by aerial FLIR as KCSO's Guardian 1 guides a Kent Police Department K9 officer and his dog directly to a suspect. Note: The footage that I am posting out of KCSO is and will in all cases be the totality of the footage that exists. I am aware that KCSO Air Support has posted to its YouTube channel brief "highlight" clips from some (but certainly not all) of the events that I will be sharing. As you might guess, the material KCSO chose to *not share* is just as if not much more interesting than that which they chose to share. tl;dr: These videos are not reposts, and they are available nowhere else. I hope you enjoy them. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Aftermarket Exhaust and a Fistful of Tickets

ogtw096XQl4 | 14 Dec 2018

Aftermarket Exhaust and a Fistful of Tickets

Officer discretion is broad, and its existence means that many people go home with a warning while many others go home with a new collection of citations, the least lucky people going home only days after their encounter with law enforcement --- after seeing a judge and following a stint in jail. I have shown on this channel videos in which officers clearly intended to send the subject home with plenty of tickets but ended up letting them go with a warning, but in the spirit of this channel's ethos - reality - this short video shows officer discretion going the other way. Meet a guy whose exhaust is probably nowhere near as awesome-sounding as he thinks, and his new fistful of tickets.

American cops with British accents | Florida edition

0pRiYhePbb0 | 13 Dec 2018

American cops with British accents | Florida edition

A couple of videos back we met an Albuquerque police officer who sported a British accent, but lest you think he's the only one around this video brings you yet another specimen straight out of Orlando, Florida. Notably, his accent all-but-disappears when he commands the subject to put his hands behind his back at the :50 mark. Note: All color weirdness in this video is present in the original. Enjoy!

Mount Si Haystack Rescue: Hoist Cam Footage

3sIKioWpO4E | 13 Dec 2018

Mount Si Haystack Rescue: Hoist Cam Footage

As promised yesterday when I posted the helmet camera footage from the Mount Si rescue, this video contains the complete footage from Guardian 2's hoist cam on the Haystack rescue. Enjoy, and stay safe out there!

Former Police Officer Gets Interrogated, Waives His Rights

rQ2s6RCNKYI | 12 Dec 2018

Former Police Officer Gets Interrogated, Waives His Rights

This low-quality video out of Washington (about which I am intentionally not providing much in the way of background information) demonstrates just how challenging it can be for some people to remember that when they are on the receiving side of an interrogation, the only intelligent move is to invoke your rights. I want to take this opportunity to clarify some things as best I can (while noting that nothing I write here is legal advice): Some find it strange, but in order to invoke your right to remain silent you MUST speak. Merely remaining silent or using your body language is insufficient. Not only that, but you must invoke your rights by speaking in a clear and unambiguous manner. Again: If you want your invocation to legally count you must state that you wish to remain silent verbally and unambiguously. The only alternative is that *you have waived your right to remain silent.* Any of the following should suffice: “I am invoking my Miranda Rights. I will not answer your questions and I want to speak with my attorney.” “I refuse to answer questions and want to contact an attorney.” You can even say, “I am invoking my right against self-incrimination.” Now, you heard the officers in this video badgering their subject about how obvious it was that his silence implied his guilt. So why would you invoke your rights by explicitly referencing your right against self-incrimination? Isn't that incriminating? No! Realize that the only reason those officers were legally allowed to do what they did is because the subject in this video never actually invoked his rights until the very end of the video. At which point - as you saw - the interview immediately ended. That was not a coincidence! However someone asserts their right to remain silent, it must be remembered that they people are allowed to change their mind. How might that change be communicated? By speaking or answering questions! Therefore, if you ever invoke your right to remain silent it is incumbent upon you to show with your actions that you are in fact invoking your right. Be quiet. Your ambiguity can undermine even your explicit statements. Don't be the guy in this video. He may be innocent of all charges and he may be guilty, but speaking with the police did nothing to help his case. In an upcoming video I will show you someone who tries to invoke his rights ambiguously - through his silence - and who would have been far better served by speaking the few words necessary to clearly invoke. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not note that it can certainly be appropriate to speak with police officers -- if you are the one who called them. It may seem as though I am trying to protect criminals. Absolutely not! Police interrogations in the United States have a goal, and it's not "finding out the truth." That goal - the purpose of the Reid Technique - is obtaining confessions. From whomever is sitting in front of you. Stay safe out there. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

King County Sheriff Helicopter Rescue of Man With Man-Bun

mOwCRSm8CWc | 12 Dec 2018

King County Sheriff Helicopter Rescue of Man With Man-Bun

Mount Si lies on the western margin of the Cascade Range just above the coastal plains around Puget Sound, towering over the nearby town of North Bend in the U.S. state of Washington. Between 80,000 and 100,000 hikers visit the mountain annually, trekking, scrambling, and climbing in the designated Natural Resources Conservation Area. A four-mile (6.4 km) long trail climbs a total of 3,500 feet (1,100 m) to the summit ridge, and the summit of Mount Si can be reached by an exposed class-three scramble up the north side of the summit block which is known as the "Haystack." The man in this video, however, is on the south side of Mount Si, having ascended a 5.8 face rather than the class three gully (visible in this video climber's counter-clockwise 90 degrees). It is hard to imagine how the man thought that he was on the right path, but he made the right call in requesting aid, and at approximately 12:45 pm on Thursday, August 9th, 2018 King County Sheriff’s Office helicopter Guardian 2 responded to the Haystack for the rescue of the cliffed-out scrambler-turned-climber. Although King County Search and Rescue crews had been initially dispatched to make the rescue by foot, they were called off when Guardian 2 confirmed its availability and the man-with-man-bun was picked off the mountain and transported to Torguson Park in downtown North Bend. This is the first time that the complete rescue footage is being made publicly available. Complete footage from Guardian 2's hoist camera will be posted shortly. Enjoy, and climb safe.

Full HD FLIR Footage Multi-Jurisdictional Pursuit in Washington

kS49iAzK_YQ | 11 Dec 2018

Full HD FLIR Footage Multi-Jurisdictional Pursuit in Washington

Impressive driving by the bad guy in this pursuit, including a ramming-escape from being barricaded in a cul-de-sac. Of course, you're not getting away from a helicopter. (On that note, even more impressive in this footage is Guardian One's sticking with the pursuit despite countless ground agencies' terminating their involvement.) This is the first time the full length-footage from this pursuit is being publicly disseminated. Enjoy! ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Albuquerque Police Officer Attacks Man Having Affair With His Wife

jwKORwsQNKw | 10 Dec 2018

Albuquerque Police Officer Attacks Man Having Affair With His Wife

Following an August 2017 incident in which he was arrested off-duty for driving his take-home police car while intoxicated, now-former Albuqueruque police officer Josh Malecki was investigated a couple of months later for allegedly attacking a man in an Albuquerque dog park, an apparent serious escalation of a longstanding issue relating to infidelity in Malecki's marriage. Although Malecki was suspended during the DWI investigation, that suspension was with pay and the case took over nine months to resolve, ultimately concluding with a guilty plea in early-May 2018, a few weeks after Malecki resigned his position as a police officer with APD. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Seattle Police Stop Drunk Man With Knife, Get Interrupted By Helicopter Crash

cR_KsVoiETE | 09 Dec 2018

Seattle Police Stop Drunk Man With Knife, Get Interrupted By Helicopter Crash

Any time a major call comes in it is probable that officers will already be involved in another call for service. This video shows exactly that, as Seattle police officers stop a drunk man with a knife, only to be interrupted by news of a helicopter crash downtown. Enjoy!

Jack In The Schizophrenic Box, Part II

gTJTDYtSmy8 | 09 Dec 2018

Jack In The Schizophrenic Box, Part II

This video provides a rare firsthand view of an interaction between law enforcement officers, paramedics, and a young man in the throes of a mental health crisis. If offers another perspective on events seen in Part I as well as new footage of post-incident conversations among officers. Although I typically do not post videos like this out of respect for the privacy of people who are victims of unfortunate circumstances rather than their own bad decisions, I will briefly explain my reasons for this apparent departure from policy: First, broadly, this incident highlights the dire need for police officers to receive effective training in the recognition and handling of individuals experiencing mental health crises, and in differentiating those individuals from run-of-the-mill uncooperative subjects. Just as importantly, it is a reminder that such skills are useless if they are not exercised when needed. Second, more specifically: 1. The subject in this video is Kyle North. Mr. North recently filed a lawsuit against the Pullman Police Department over this 2016 encounter, claiming over $1 million in damages and citing violations of his civil rights, negligence, disability discrimination, assault and battery. 2. North’s complaint made serious allegations regarding officer training and qualification. In particular, it alleged that the officer who repeatedly tased Mr. North was forbidden under Department policy from even carrying a taser, and that the officer who employed a choke-hold (aka “lateral vascular neck restraint”) on Mr. North was similarly not authorized to use that technique. 3. The lawsuit describes all of the events in this video in great detail, adding a lot of information that could not be known solely from the video. It also explains Mr. North's mental health status at the time of the incident, pulling no punches. The cat is well out of the bag. 4. North's lawsuit settled this week; the City of Pullman didn't even make a show of trying to defend its officers' actions. The complaint can be found at The complaint is long, and it's worth a read. (Incredibly, it seems that the officer actually did break North’s arm in this encounter.) The City of Pullman's answer to the complaint can be found at ABOUT COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO: As always, criticism and debate are welcome. Incivility, however, will not be tolerated and may lead to removal of your comments. Be civil. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Pullman Police Arrest: The Next Morning

-Wrw6NAjUes | 09 Dec 2018

Pullman Police Arrest: The Next Morning

Turns out that Colton is a tolerable human being when he is sober. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Jack In The Schizophrenic Box, Part I

Zb-kkGCe0n0 | 08 Dec 2018

Jack In The Schizophrenic Box, Part I

This video provides a rare firsthand view of an interaction between law enforcement officers, paramedics, and a young man in the throes of a mental health crisis. Part II will be published tomorrow at noon EST. Although I typically do not post videos like this out of respect for the privacy of people who are victims of unfortunate circumstances rather than their own bad decisions, I will briefly explain my reasons for this apparent departure from policy: First, broadly, this incident highlights the dire need for police officers to receive effective training in the recognition and handling of individuals experiencing mental health crises, and in differentiating those individuals from run-of-the-mill uncooperative subjects. That training exists and it is effective. Just as importantly, it is a reminder that such skills are useless if they are not put into practice when needed. Second, more specifically: 1. The subject in this video is Kyle North. Mr. North recently filed a lawsuit against the Pullman Police Department over this 2016 encounter, claiming over $1 million in damages and citing violations of his civil rights, negligence, disability discrimination, assault and battery. 2. North’s complaint made serious allegations regarding officer training and qualification. In particular, it alleged that the officer who repeatedly tased Mr. North was forbidden under Department policy from even carrying a taser, and that the officer who employed a choke-hold (aka “lateral vascular neck restraint”) on Mr. North was similarly not authorized to use that technique. 3. . The lawsuit describes all of the events in this video in great detail, adding a lot of information that a viewer could not know solely from the video. It also explains Mr. North's mental health status at the time of the incident, pulling no punches. The cat is well out of the bag. 4. North's lawsuit settled this week; the City of Pullman didn't even make a show of trying to defend its officers' actions. The complaint can be found at The complaint is long, and it's worth a read. (Incredibly, it seems that the officer actually did break North’s arm in this encounter.) The City of Pullman's answer to the complaint can be found at ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!

"That's not my dope, officer!"

YGYqSeVgDp0 | 06 Dec 2018

"That's not my dope, officer!"

Said everyone who was arrested for drugs, ever. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of the Florida First Amendment Foundation, protecting and advancing the public’s constitutional right to open government. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. The tip line is not for requests. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by the TSA -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 480 free videos to enjoy!


1vZVY11ATf0 | 04 Dec 2018


Considering the consequences, this guy is surprisingly chill about his DWI arrest. Mind you, I'm not referring to the consequences of the DWI alone. Rather, Mr. Archibald's DWI appears to have been a violation of his conditions of release on charges of battery a couple of months prior (see case number T-4-DV-2017003144, ultimately dismissed). Archibald pleaded guilty to DWI (2nd offense) on July 18, 2018.

Tesla Model X Fire (Lake Forest, California)

3eFM9JJMH_0 | 04 Dec 2018

Tesla Model X Fire (Lake Forest, California)

[The title of this video initially identified the vehicle a a Tesla Model S. I have since been informed that it is a Model X.] In this video we take a brief foray into the toasty side of things. At 6:15 pm on August 25th, 2017 a man in his mid-30s driving a Tesla Model X lost control of his car and crashed into the garage of a single-family, single story home, taking out a load-bearing beam and starting a raging fire. Approximately 45 minutes to an hour after the initial knockdown and removal of the vehicle firefighters noticed the vehicle beginning to off-gas in a distinct, heavy, manner. A fog-like smoke was emitting from the car. At first firefighters believed that it had the look of a chemical fire, but when the Tesla began to emit an orange, jet-like flame something new was clearly at play. The Tesla had been traveling at a high rate of speed when it left the road, entering a culvert and violently launching itself into the garage. The impact caused tremendous damage and firefighters reported seeing small lithium ion batteries scattered about. They were dealing with the thermal runaway of the Tesla’s main battery. A firefighter’s primary tool is water, but water wasn't cutting it for this fire. And so, one of the firefighters got out their smartphone and looked up Tesla’s guide for emergency responders, which informed them of their two fairly obvious options: put it out with water, or let it burn. The kicker, though was that it could take a LOT of water. Because this fire was in a residential neighborhood it was decided to try extinguishment, and an attack was prepared. Using two hand lines, firefighters hit the Tesla with very high flow rates for nearly an hour and a half, at which point the fire went out. With the fire out but risk of re-ignition still present, crews decided to engage their heavy rescue team to lift the vehicle off the ground and block it up so they could have better access to its underside. It was clear that the fire mostly involved the undercarriage of the vehicle and the the battery assembly that makes up the floor in most electric vehicles. At this point the car sat, comfortably not on fire, for over an hour. But that wasn’t the end, because a few hours later a tow truck arrived to remove the Tesla and it seemed as though just the tilting of the flatbed and putting the car up on the flat bed cause the Tesla to reignite. Fortunately, firefighters were able to get that knocked down fairly quickly. The advantage they had this time was that the vehicle was lifted. They asked the tow truck driver to simply slide it back on the flatbed and tilt it nose down so they would have access to the bottom of the vehicle. From there, they used a couple of pre-connects again with large amounts of water, this time hitting it early and not allowing the Tesla battery to reach a state where it was running away thermally. Firefighters estimate that from this point the fire was extinguished within another 10 to 15 minutes.

Pullman Police Arrest: Security's Side of the Story

6W8IAcilHtg | 02 Dec 2018

Pullman Police Arrest: Security's Side of the Story

In this short video (conceptually part two) we accompany the Pullman police officer who spoke with bar security guards to listen in on their version of events. Coming up shortly thereafter will be the final installment of this unplanned mini-series. In it we once again meet our hero, only it’s the morning after his arrest, and we thus get to see the not-drunk version of his personality. (Spoiler alert: the guy should stop drinking.) Also on the agenda is a de facto walkthrough of Pullman PD’s arrest processing procedures. They have a neat fingerprinting computer. Enjoy!

Pullman Police Arrest Drunk Idiot

s9cZBQ155Sg | 30 Nov 2018

Pullman Police Arrest Drunk Idiot

Caution: the drunk idiot is strong in this video. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Amusing Crash Investigation (Orlando, Florida)

i5gp8Z9TRKE | 28 Nov 2018

Amusing Crash Investigation (Orlando, Florida)

There are some gems in this one. If you're strapped for time (or have a very limited attention span) and you only watch thirty seconds of this video, I recommend picking the ones between 3:40 - 4:10. As pointed out in the comments, one of the subjects sounds spot-on like Borat / Ali G. Enjoy!

Pulse Nightclub Shooting: SWAT Responds to Reported Second Shooter at Hospital

85vU_rkDrII | 27 Nov 2018

Pulse Nightclub Shooting: SWAT Responds to Reported Second Shooter at Hospital

On June 12, 2016, what began as an active shooter incident when a lone gunman entered the Pulse nightclub in Orlando and began shooting innocent club goers transitioned into a barricaded-suspect-with-hostages incident. The night was horrific, and by morning the Pulse tragedy had become the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001. Ultimately at least one out of every three people in Pulse was either wounded or killed, and one hundred two innocent people had been shot: 49 of them killed, 53 injured. As the scene at Pulse unfolded law enforcement was faced with many monumental tasks. Among them was collecting, processing, and swiftly taking appropriate action in response to information. At 3:25 am, as victims were actively being evaluated and resuscitated at Orlando Regional Medical Center, a report was issued indicating that gunfire had been heard in the emergency room lobby. The hospital’s “code silver” active shooter plan was implemented and heavily armed police officers and sheriff’s deputies rapidly arrived and began combing the hospital for possible threats. Staff closed doors and remained in place while continuing to provide patient care, as portable X-ray machines were used to barricade the trauma resuscitation room doors and prevent entry. Initial reports stated that one of the victims that had been transferred to the hospital was in fact a second shooter at the club. This allegation was later determined to be false, but the report led to an incredibly tense scene at the hospital. But finally, approximately 45 minutes after it began, the code silver alert and lockdown were lifted. This body-worn camera footage shows the manhunt for the non-existent second shooter, beginning just before the report of his existence came over the radio and ending with the "capture" of a terrifically unlucky Pulse victim and the stand-down of responding officers. Of note, many physicians and nurses continued to move from room to room of the emergency department during the lockdown, caring for patients despite the risk of personal injury. (Yes, Officer Davis's positioning of his body-worn camera is clearly less than ideal. It is what it is.)

Las Cruces Police Officer Shoots Pit Bull Attacking Her

4CyZi2IzwB4 | 25 Nov 2018

Las Cruces Police Officer Shoots Pit Bull Attacking Her

This video is not for the squeamish. Shortly after 9 a.m. on Monday, December 25, 2017 an officer with the Las Cruces Police Department was investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle parked behind a closed Goodwill store at 1240 South Valley Drive in Las Cruces, New Mexico, when she was attacked by a pit bull. As the dog charged at the officer and attempted to bite her, the officer fired at - and struck - the dog. The pit bull was taken to an emergency veterinarian for treatment but was subsequently euthanized.

Gwinnett County Police Respond To Plane Down at Briscoe Field (Georgia, 2018)

OxT1AVCMq6A | 22 Nov 2018

Gwinnett County Police Respond To Plane Down at Briscoe Field (Georgia, 2018)

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! On Sunday, October 14, 2018 a Cessna 172K Skyhawk, tail number N996SB, experienced a hard landing and subsequent fire at Gwinnett County Airport-Briscoe Field (KLZU), Lawrenceville, Georgia. Onboard the aircraft were a flight instructor and his student, both of whom walked away without a scratch. According to FAA preliminary data the 172 flew out of Peachtree-DeKalb Airport and was performing a touch-and-go at Briscoe Field when it "experienced a nose dive and hard landing as it took off from Runway 7." This video provides a comprehensive overview of Gwinnett County Police Department's response to the incident. Enjoy!

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Crash in Downtown Seattle (Video #2 - First On Scene)

f89buGnzo-c | 21 Nov 2018

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Crash in Downtown Seattle (Video #2 - First On Scene)

This is the second in a series of videos chronicling the response by Seattle Police Department to the tragic 2014 crash of a KOMO 4 news helicopter in downtown Seattle. On March 18, 2014, at about 0740 Pacific daylight time, an Airbus Helicopters AS350 B2 helicopter, registration N250FB, was destroyed when it impacted terrain following takeoff from the KOMO TV Heliport (WN16) in Seattle, Washington. The helicopter was registered to, and operated by, Helicopters Incorporated The commercial pilot and one passenger were fatally injured. One person occupying a stationary automobile was seriously injured when the accident helicopter impacted terrain immediately adjacent to the automobile. (Incredibly, that person emerged from his vehicles minutes after the helicopter crash, on fire.) Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the local repositioning flight that was originating at the time of the accident. The pilot’s intended destination was the Renton Municipal Airport (RNT) in Renton, WA. The Electronic News Gathering equipped helicopter had landed on the KOMO News helipad about 30 minutes prior to the accident in order to refuel for its repositioning flight to RNT. A witness who was located on the south side of the helipad reported that he observed the helicopter initially lift off of the helipad to about 15 ft, then heard a muffled sound like a car backfiring, after which the helicopter immediately pointed nose up and began rotating counter-clockwise, spinning out of sight. A second witness, who was stationed in a crane a few hundred feet to the northeast of the helipad, reported that he observed the helicopter rise up off of the helipad, turn toward the west, and then “shoot straight back” with its nose up, out of control. It then nosed down into the street below, descending into an occupied automobile near a main street intersection, after which a post-impact fire ensued. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the probable cause of this accident to be loss of helicopter control due to a loss of hydraulic boost to the tail rotor pedal controls at takeoff, followed by a loss of hydraulic boost to the main rotor controls after takeoff. The reason for the loss of hydraulic boost to the main and tail rotor controls could not be determined because of fire damage to hydraulic system components and the lack of a flight recording device. A video providing additional insight into what led the NTSB to its conclusions will be forthcoming. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Crash in Downtown Seattle (Video #3 - Crosstown Response)

fC2bGndZq3A | 21 Nov 2018

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Crash in Downtown Seattle (Video #3 - Crosstown Response)

This is the third in a series of videos chronicling the response by Seattle Police Department to the tragic 2014 crash of a KOMO 4 news helicopter in downtown Seattle. On March 18, 2014, at about 0740 Pacific daylight time, an Airbus Helicopters AS350 B2 helicopter, registration N250FB, was destroyed when it impacted terrain following takeoff from the KOMO TV Heliport (WN16) in Seattle, Washington. The helicopter was registered to, and operated by, Helicopters Incorporated The commercial pilot and one passenger were fatally injured. One person occupying a stationary automobile was seriously injured when the accident helicopter impacted terrain immediately adjacent to the automobile. (Incredibly, that person emerged from his vehicles minutes after the helicopter crash, on fire.) Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the local repositioning flight that was originating at the time of the accident. The pilot’s intended destination was the Renton Municipal Airport (RNT) in Renton, WA. The Electronic News Gathering equipped helicopter had landed on the KOMO News helipad about 30 minutes prior to the accident in order to refuel for its repositioning flight to RNT. A witness who was located on the south side of the helipad reported that he observed the helicopter initially lift off of the helipad to about 15 ft, then heard a muffled sound like a car backfiring, after which the helicopter immediately pointed nose up and began rotating counter-clockwise, spinning out of sight. A second witness, who was stationed in a crane a few hundred feet to the northeast of the helipad, reported that he observed the helicopter rise up off of the helipad, turn toward the west, and then “shoot straight back” with its nose up, out of control. It then nosed down into the street below, descending into an occupied automobile near a main street intersection, after which a post-impact fire ensued. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the probable cause of this accident to be loss of helicopter control due to a loss of hydraulic boost to the tail rotor pedal controls at takeoff, followed by a loss of hydraulic boost to the main rotor controls after takeoff. The reason for the loss of hydraulic boost to the main and tail rotor controls could not be determined because of fire damage to hydraulic system components and the lack of a flight recording device. A video providing additional insight into what led the NTSB to its conclusions will be forthcoming. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy!

Behind The Scenes: Lowe's Loss Prevention

s0jhr_754tw | 21 Nov 2018

Behind The Scenes: Lowe's Loss Prevention

In this video we take a brief look behind the curtain of retail loss prevention, tagging along with a Florida police officer as he enters one store's surprisingly tiny and not-that-high-tech loss prevention closet to receive information about a serial shoplifter. The nondescript door opens around 2:35. Enjoy!

NFL Linebacker Nick Moody Attacks Hotel Security Guards in San Diego

95OAp7Evp1g | 21 Nov 2018

NFL Linebacker Nick Moody Attacks Hotel Security Guards in San Diego

Just after 2:00 am on January 3, 2016 then Seattle Seahawks linebacker Nick Moody was at the San Diego Hard Rock Hotel with a group of friends, on their way back to Moody's two hotel rooms following a night on the town. As the group approached the hotel elevators Moody thought he heard a group of men say "What's he doing here?" In reality no one had said anything - and the men were hotel security guards - but Moody interpreted what he thought he had heard as a racist comment and immediately decided to deal with it. With his fists. When Moody first approached the guards they assumed that he wanted their assistance with his elevator keycard, but they quickly discovered that Moody had other plans. Following a skirmish that seriously injured one of the guard's knees, Moody and his party left the hotel. The guards all wrote detailed reports but their reports were missing a key detail: Moody's identity. All they knew about their assailant is that he "was in the NFL." Importantly, however, Moody assumed that he had been identified. The following morning hotel security called the San Diego Police Department to file a report about the incident and an officer was dispatched to the hotel. Just as that officer was wrapping up his investigation he learned that a guest had arrived complaining that a group of security guards had jumped him the night before. Bingo. NFL player identified. The police officer had already seen video footage clearly showing that the security guards were not at fault, but he went to speak with Moody and took his side of the story. This video begins just after the officer has finished taking Moody's statement. It contains body-worn camera footage, security camera footage of the incident itself, audio of a detective's phone call to Moody, and court records from Moody's criminal prosecution.

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Down in Seattle (Video #1)

OI6dw3yqACA | 20 Nov 2018

KOMO 4 News Helicopter Down in Seattle (Video #1)

This is the first in a series of videos chronicling the response by Seattle Police Department to the tragic 2014 crash of a KOMO 4 news helicopter in downtown Seattle. On March 18, 2014, at about 0740 Pacific daylight time, an Airbus Helicopters AS350 B2 helicopter, registration N250FB, was destroyed when it impacted terrain following takeoff from the KOMO TV Heliport (WN16) in Seattle, Washington. The helicopter was registered to, and operated by, Helicopters Incorporated The commercial pilot and one passenger were fatally injured. One person occupying a stationary automobile was seriously injured when the accident helicopter impacted terrain immediately adjacent to the automobile. (Incredibly, that person emerged from his vehicle - on fire - minutes after the helicopter crash.) Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the local repositioning flight that was originating at the time of the accident. The pilot’s intended destination was the Renton Municipal Airport (RNT) in Renton, WA. The Electronic News Gathering equipped helicopter had landed on the KOMO News helipad about 30 minutes prior to the accident in order to refuel for its repositioning flight to RNT. A witness who was located on the south side of the helipad reported that he observed the helicopter initially lift off of the helipad to about 15 ft, then heard a muffled sound like a car backfiring, after which the helicopter immediately pointed nose up and began rotating counter-clockwise, spinning out of sight. A second witness, who was stationed in a crane a few hundred feet to the northeast of the helipad, reported that he observed the helicopter rise up off of the helipad, turn toward the west, and then “shoot straight back” with its nose up, out of control. It then nosed down into the street below, descending into an occupied automobile near a main street intersection, after which a post-impact fire ensued. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the probable cause of this accident to be loss of helicopter control due to a loss of hydraulic boost to the tail rotor pedal controls at takeoff, followed by a loss of hydraulic boost to the main rotor controls after takeoff. The reason for the loss of hydraulic boost to the main and tail rotor controls could not be determined because of fire damage to hydraulic system components and the lack of a flight recording device. A video providing additional insight into what led the NTSB to its conclusions will be forthcoming. ~~~ Real World Police is proud to be a Sunshine Supporter of the Washington Coalition for Open Government — working to educate, advocate, and litigate the public's right to know. Want to know more about access to public records in Washington? Visit ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published. Please don’t send links to news articles. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today! Supporters get access to: -Exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain that time he accidentally tried to bring a gun through airport security -Early access to some videos -And more! Rather not? That works too. There are more than 490 free videos to enjoy!

Police Investigation of Incident at Gas Station, Part III (Phone Calls)

kvNdLAdwX_g | 20 Nov 2018

Police Investigation of Incident at Gas Station, Part III (Phone Calls)

[If you have not already seen Part I & Part II this is probably a good time to do so.] Investigations are a core piece of law enforcement work, but just as most police officers only discharge their sidearm at the range, so too most investigations are not like what you see on TV. (Think less CSI and a lot more "Are you kidding me?") In this case, the complainant was getting a couple of drinks at an Albuquerque Shell gas station when an exchange took place between the woman and a gas station employee who was stocking shelves. Neither of them seem to have been thrilled with the other's reaction and things escalated. The woman was told to leave the store, but it's not clear who told her that and when. At some point a security guard arrived and forcibly escorted the woman from the store. The woman was not happy. Roll up your sleeves as your detective work continues. Part I brought you the woman's side of the story. Part II presented the security guard's side, and here in Part III you hear from two independent witnesses to the incident. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Investigation of Incident at Gas Station, Part II (Security Guard Interview)

j_huvoGbjVA | 16 Nov 2018

Police Investigation of Incident at Gas Station, Part II (Security Guard Interview)

In Part I we heard from the complainant. According to her, she was getting a couple of fountain drinks at an Albuquerque Shell gas station when an exchange took place between her and an employee who was stocking shelves. Neither of the two were thrilled with the other's reaction and things escalated. The woman may have been told to leave the store, but details about that were predictably fuzzy in her story. What is clear, however, is that at some point a security guard showed up and forcibly helped her out of the store. The woman was not happy at all, and she called the cops to report what had happened. Part I brought you the woman's side of the story, and now it’s time for Part II, in which we meet the security guard and hear his side. Coming soon in Part III you will hear from an independent witness to the incident, and coming even sooner is something entirely unrelated... and hilarious. Stay tuned. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

It's The Law: Life Lessons From The State Police

DlV8zuA7Aj8 | 16 Nov 2018

It's The Law: Life Lessons From The State Police

1. Don't drive drunk! 2. Click it or ticket! 3. Stay in school! It's the law. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Investigate Incident at Albuquerque Gas Station, Part I (The Complaint)

OL3T8XryZB8 | 15 Nov 2018

Police Investigate Incident at Albuquerque Gas Station, Part I (The Complaint)

The complainant was getting a couple of fountain drinks at an Albuquerque Shell gas station when an exchange took place between her and an employee who was stocking shelves. Neither of the two seem to have been thrilled with the other's reaction and things escalated. The woman may have been told to leave the store, but detail about that is [predictably] fuzzy in her story. What is clear, however, is that at some point a security guard showed up and forcibly helped her out of the store. The woman was not happy - because she is "not homeless" (not quite sure how that fits in her story, but it does) - so she called the cops to report what had happened. Roll up your sleeves for a taste of the mundanity of everyday detective work (no CSI trucks coming out to assist on this one). Part I brings you the woman's side of the story. Coming up in Part II is the security guard's side, and in Part III you will hear from an independent witness to the incident. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"I don’t need no help, I can do it myself!" (Abq Traffic Stop, Foot Pursuit)

v38PC7-NORA | 14 Nov 2018

"I don’t need no help, I can do it myself!" (Abq Traffic Stop, Foot Pursuit)

Once this subject is caught things take a fast turn toward the weird. This footage is probably going to surprise you. As a heads up, it contains strong language. (Like, more than usual.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Don't Reach!"

v_MZub9SP5U | 13 Nov 2018

"Don't Reach!"

Most people have heard the standard advice on how to handle a traffic stop. You know, things like turning your dome light on if it's dark out, turning your vehicle off, keeping your hands visible on the steering wheel, not making fast movements, etc. Most people similarly understand that the above are not magical ways to get out of a ticket. Rather, they are actions designed to send the clear message that you are not a threat. Given the pervasiveness of that messaging and the consequences of even a mistake, it's hard to understand people like the dude in this video. I mean, when the cops tell you to stop reaching you should probably, umm... stop reaching. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Do you have your ID on you, baby?"

v1alkwGwiHM | 12 Nov 2018

"Do you have your ID on you, baby?"

The funniest thing about this video is just how normal everything is, with one very notable and recurrent exception: 0:56 - A very subtle "baby" 1:18 - "Do you have your ID on you, baby?" 1:44 - "Which lane were you in, baby?" 3:52 - "K, do you have your ID with you, baby?" 4:38 - "So what were you doing, baby?" 5:03 - "Where were you headed to, baby?" Contributing to this officer's unorthodox style is their foray into roadside astrology at 5:43: "Oh, you're a Sagittarius, right?" No. Aquarius. "Aquarius! Right. Sagittarius is before." [addressing the other subject] "And Capricorn." Yes. I was waiting for the officer to predict their future, but they only called for a tow truck. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

A Normal Call Where Nothing Crazy Happens (Lakewood, Washington)

ix-Lwal8wa8 | 08 Nov 2018

A Normal Call Where Nothing Crazy Happens (Lakewood, Washington)

If you want to know what it's like to work in law enforcement don't try to figure it out from the videos you typically find on the internet. (If web video was your only source of information you would probably be shocked to learn that the vast majority of police officers have never fired their sidearm in the line of duty, and never will. Ever.) So what is police work like? What happens all day if not wild shootouts and tasering people who are high on PCP? Well, a big part of the glamorous life looks just like this video. Called to a fender bender, do a bunch of paperwork, your patrol car has something broken, and you try to get in a casual conversation with your coworkers when you see them and have the time. Sounds a lot like a job. Travel back in time to October 8th, 2018 and zip on over to Lakewood, Washington for this very real installment of Real World Police. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Massive Oil Tank Truck Explosion In Rural Texas (January 2015)

WZs1CCfnyI8 | 08 Nov 2018

Massive Oil Tank Truck Explosion In Rural Texas (January 2015)

On January 15, 2015 a tanker truck carrying a full load of fuel oil overturned in rural south Texas. Involved in the subsequent insanity were the 18-wheel tractor semitrailer, two pick-up trucks (one of which was carrying oxyacetylene tanks), and a van. Although the semi driver made it out (just barely), five others were less lucky. The incident occurred within the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas boom in Dimmit County, Texas, which according to the Texas Department of Public Safety had experienced a significant increase in traffic accidents since 2008 when Eagle Ford Shale started to take off. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida Highway Patrol Pursuit Reaches 142 MPH, Cruiser Catches Fire

y9feVp0RZvQ | 06 Nov 2018

Florida Highway Patrol Pursuit Reaches 142 MPH, Cruiser Catches Fire

Here is something you don't see every day. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper pulls a U-turn across a highway median, accelerating to more than 140 mph to catch up with a vehicle going 20 over. Impressively (if not a bit recklessly) the trooper catches up with the vehicle he was pursuing, and that vehicle's driver decides to pull over to the left, stopping in the center median of the divided highway. One thing 142 mph reliably does to a car's engine is heat it up. A lot. And that center median? It was covered in dry grass. You know what happens next. And now you can see it. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Man Accuses Police Officer of Digitally Penetrating Him In Parking Lot (Body Cam Footage)

ixL07onONNw | 04 Nov 2018

Man Accuses Police Officer of Digitally Penetrating Him In Parking Lot (Body Cam Footage)

Richard Vasquez has a plausible story going for a while, but officers don't let up their suspicions. When his scooter turns out to have no information associated with the temporary plate affixed to it, the questioning increases. But just as it seems that things are going nowhere, the evidence they were looking for magically appears on its own. Also, accusations of probing. I will be posting as a separate video the body camera footage from the officer who conducted the search. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Florida Real World Police: "A Good Attitude Goes A Long Way"

3DWtEyrTRms | 03 Nov 2018

Florida Real World Police: "A Good Attitude Goes A Long Way"

Welcome sunny central Florida to the mix here on Real World Police! Today's installment comes your way straight out of Orlando, Florida and features Orlando Police Department at work. The original incident took place on June 26, 2018. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Unhinged In Duke City: Body Camera #3

S-ekbDYifgE | 26 Oct 2018

Unhinged In Duke City: Body Camera #3

This video is number three in its series. For earlier installments, check out: Footage from body worn camera #2 Footage from body worn camera #1 Full incident, many camera edit (19:06) Full incident, many camera edit (68:12) It's striking to see the differences between each officer's [quite literal] perspective of this event, and I find it particularly interesting to note that each perspective is significant and perhaps even necessary in understanding all that occurred and how decisions were made. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

San Diego CHP Pursuit Ended By Curious PIT Maneuver

oDz0vue6DeA | 24 Oct 2018

San Diego CHP Pursuit Ended By Curious PIT Maneuver

High on life's list of things that don't typically end well is "running from the highway patrol." This holds true even on those amusingly-frequent occasions where it sounds like the police car is about to fall apart. The physics behind the stupidity is simple: No matter how fast your ride is it's not faster than a radio. And to top it all off, the police have a whole collection of toys that are all designed to ruin your day (to varying degrees). You might have some too, but they get to legally use them when you don't follow instructions. It doesn't quite work the other way around. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police Idaho: Plane Crash in Rexburg (Additional Views)

VaTwbfDAkV4 | 21 Oct 2018

Real World Police Idaho: Plane Crash in Rexburg (Additional Views)

On September 27, 2018 this channel posted extensive footage covering the emergency response to the September 1st crash of a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser upon landing at Rexburg-Madison County Airport (KRXE), Rexburg, Idaho. A core mission of this channel is to provide a comprehensive picture of events. In furtherance of that goal, this follow-up video brings you: 1. All of the video footage from the other two responding police units (0:00 - 5:31, 5:32 - end) 2. Close-up photographs of the accident aircraft (9:00) 3. The original recordings from 911 dispatch of fire rescue (0:00 - 01:26), and police 01:27 - end). Although time in this video "resets" at 5:32, the dispatch audio plays continuously.

Homicide in Albuquerque: Inside the Mobile Crime Lab

cWDhpN3nmbQ | 21 Oct 2018

Homicide in Albuquerque: Inside the Mobile Crime Lab

On October 29, 2017 Steve Kramer, 42 years old at the time, was arrested and charged with the murder of Vincent Guttierez in the campaign office of former mayoral candidate Dinah Vargas. According to the criminal complaint the murder was witnessed by Vargas, and those who knew Kramer report that the murder was preceded by a precipitous slide into mental illness and methamphetamine abuse by Kramer, who had just a few years prior co-founded a media organization with the hope of helping the homeless - people like Vincent Guttierez, Kramer’s victim. Friends reported that Kramer’s troubles began when he disappeared for a long period of time, only to return and report that he - a highly educated architect - was homeless and abusing hard drugs. That was followed by months of bizarre behavior, which included stripping naked outside and paranoid belief that the police department was bugging his person. Eventually, it seemed, Kramer only trusted Vargas, and he and would occasionally be seen at her campaign headquarters. Vargas told police that she had been at her Albuquerque office at Central and Rio Grande earlier the day of the murder to pack it up, but she realized she left some belongings behind and returned around 10:30 p.m. Kramer is reported to have arrived at the office at the same time. Vargas told police his behavior was strange and he kept making grunting noises along with talking to himself angrily in the bathroom. While at the office, Gutierrez arrived and Vargas let him in. Guttierez had been living with his girlfriend in a trailer in the parking lot, where they had received permission to park. Vargas is reported to have said that because the office was closing, some of the furniture was going to Gutierrez. Vargas told police that everyone sat down at a table to talk, and that Kramer was still making “grunting” noises. As she stood up to end the conversation and leave, she said she heard a popping noise. Kramer then turned to Vargas and asked “Was I not supposed to do that?” while holding a literally smoking gun. Vargas says that she screamed and said they needed to call the police and Kramer replied, “We need to go out the back door, I don’t want to have to kill you.” According to the complaint, Vargas told police that she fled the office building and called the police. On August 24, 2018 this channel posted exclusive body camera footage from the first officer that responded to the scene. Now (for what may be the first time ever) you are invited to step inside Albuquerque Police Department's mobile crime scene laboratory, to observe the first steps in the forensic processing of the murder scene as specialists methodically gather evidence from Kramer's clothing. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Interrogation: The Confession

kkkBxzq8mkM | 17 Oct 2018

Interrogation: The Confession

"Hey, you are in handcuffs. You are under arrest. Oh, do you want a free lawyer?" Why would you ever say no to that? Do you not like being out of jail? "Anything you say can and will be used against you. But you don't have to say anything." Why would you talk? It's not like they are saying, "If you are guilty, anything you say will be used against you." It's anything. You ARE a suspect, and if you think you are going to convince law enforcement to change their mind in a custodial interview, you could hardly be more wrong. Among the many mysteries of life... Anyway, about this: Few people have seen a real custodial interview for a crime that wasn't making headlines. I have been wanting to share an example or two for a while now but most were categorically inappropriate for the channel. Fortunately, after what felt like a lifetime of blurring, this one made the cut. Let's do it! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Texas Slip and Slide: Officer Narrowly Escapes Skidding Car

3znKOza4HiQ | 15 Oct 2018

Texas Slip and Slide: Officer Narrowly Escapes Skidding Car

On December 31, 2017 luck was with Texas Police Officer Jonathan Cramer of the Hurst Police Department. Working a crash on an extremely slick Texas roadway, in ten minutes alone Cramer's dash camera captured five cars and trucks losing control and skidding out. One of those instances was way too close for comfort. Check it out. (Quick heads up: I put the main event up front in case you don't feel like watching the whole video.) ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Officer Finds Knife Hidden In Woman's Bra

sf7xDlszKp4 | 13 Oct 2018

Officer Finds Knife Hidden In Woman's Bra

The pat-down begins at 2:10, in case you want to skip right to it. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Las Cruces Police Respond by Helicopter to Plane Crash in Rugged Terrain

h6Q4u0fpWvI | 13 Oct 2018

Las Cruces Police Respond by Helicopter to Plane Crash in Rugged Terrain

This video provides a rare glimpse into early response efforts in the immediate aftermath of an aviation accident. Be advised that although all graphic images have been redacted, discussion of the scene does take place. On October 12, 2017 two men lost their lives when the single-engine Cessna they were flying crashed in a remote and mountainous area of Doña Ana County, about four miles northeast of the Las Cruces International Airport. The men, David Glenn Hancock, 67, of El Paso, Texas, and instructor Morris Douglas Newton, 77, of Las Cruces, were the only occupants of the aircraft. Hancock was close to earning his pilot’s license, and the pair had just taken off to perform a 30-minute night flight when they crashed. No significant information on the accident has been released by authorities. Officials responded that night by helicopter, ATV, and on foot. As can be seen in this footage, the aircraft was still on fire when officers arrived and the scene was rapidly evolving. The first half of the video contains subtitles. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pursuit onto Navy Base: F-18 Damage Photos, CHP Dash Cam Footage

VSuwBP4tQGQ | 11 Oct 2018

Pursuit onto Navy Base: F-18 Damage Photos, CHP Dash Cam Footage

In a pursuit that raised many more questions than the public will ever have answers to, on the night of March 30 - 31, 2016 an unauthorized vehicle being pursued by California Highway Patrol was able to enter the secure jet operations area at Naval Air Station Lemoore, sending officers on a wild chase as an F-18 was flying overhead. Real World Police recently posted exclusive FLIR footage showing the chase and ultimate [self-?]capture of the offender. In this followup video, Real World Police presents exclusive dash-camera footage from a California Highway Patrol vehicle that was on base trying to locate the Jeep. Preceding that footage are a few photos and even a brief video of the F-18 that was struck by the jeep, all courtesy of an NCO who wishes to remain nameless. (Thank you.) Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Just One Beer, Occifer! I'm good!" - Part II

5SBv2jXdzvc | 07 Oct 2018

"Just One Beer, Occifer! I'm good!" - Part II

Part II contains additional body camera footage from this incident's field investigation. Enjoy! Note: Ambient music randomly appears at one spot in this video. That's because part of a phone number was inadvertently left audible and, although YouTube does not offer a tool to remove or silence portions of a video, it does have a tool that allows you to add (YouTube's) music over any portion. The ambient music is this video's version of a censoring "beep." ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

"Just One Beer, Occifer. I'm Good!" - Part I

QSaFk-lG9mg | 06 Oct 2018

"Just One Beer, Occifer. I'm Good!" - Part I

One Dos Equis? I think not. It never ceases to amaze me that people allow their judgment to become so clouded that they have no idea how they appear. What does she think is going to happen? "Oh, yeah, I'm good!" "Gotcha. That explains your inability to stand up without falling, why you don't know your right from your left, and why you wrecked your car on a normal turn and then lost the keys you were driving with. Have a good night!" /s Note: In this video you will find music randomly interjecting itself for 1-2 seconds. Those audio overlays have been added to protect an alleged privacy interest. (The reason for music is simple: although YouTube does not offer a tool to remove audio from portions of a video, it does have a tool that allows creators to add audio from YouTube's own music library over any portion of a video. The tool is meant for overlaying music tracks, but I'm using it a bit creatively as a short censoring "beep.") Do not post anything in the comments that might identify anyone in this video. I am aware that everything in this video took place in public and is public information, however this is not up for discussion. Thank you for your cooperation. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Pursuit onto NAS Lemoore Ends When Jeep Crashes Into F-18 Super Hornet

RgC2BWWqdOc | 04 Oct 2018

Pursuit onto NAS Lemoore Ends When Jeep Crashes Into F-18 Super Hornet

In a pursuit that raised many more questions than the public will ever have answers to, on the night of March 30 - 31, 2016 an unauthorized vehicle being pursued by California Highway Patrol was able to enter the secure jet operations area at Naval Air Station Lemoore, sending officers on a wild chase as an F-18 was flying overhead (visible on FLIR at 5:52). Real World Police has obtained exclusive FLIR footage showing the chase and ultimate capture of the offender after the CHP helicopter landed to take the driver into custody. What those officers found, though, was a shocking surprise. This is the kind of footage you have to see to believe. GTA in real life. Some particularly noteworthy scenes: 5:52 - 6:10 8:04 - 8:28 10:00 - 10:10 20:43 - end Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

PREVIEW: FLIR Footage of CHP Pursuit Onto Naval Air Station Lemoore (Full HD)

OY7PoFI-gbg | 03 Oct 2018

PREVIEW: FLIR Footage of CHP Pursuit Onto Naval Air Station Lemoore (Full HD)

UPDATE: The full video has been posted. In a pursuit that raised many more questions than the public will ever have answers to, on the night of March 30 - 31, 2016 an unauthorized vehicle being pursued by California Highway Patrol was able to enter the secure jet operations area at Naval Air Station Lemoore, sending officers on a wild chase as an F-18 was flying overhead. Plenty of new details will become public soon, as Real World Police has exclusively obtained complete and non-redacted FLIR footage showing the chase and ultimate capture of the offender when the CHP helicopter landed to take him into custody. Stay tuned, as this is the kind of footage you'll have to see to believe. I expect that the full 20+ minute video will be ready to go up tomorrow (Thursday, 10/4/18). ~~~ Want more Real World Police videos? Subscribe now so you get notified about awesome future content! If you appreciate this content and are looking forward to more of it, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon. All supporters get early access to videos. Thank you, and stay safe.

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Cam #4

GN46DkT7gDo | 02 Oct 2018

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Cam #4

[This is not the most interesting video on the planet, but I am posting it because I told you that I would post all of the tactical body cam videos from this arrest and I come through on my promises. This is video 4 of 4. The video does show something rare, though: a person calling their attorney instead of just doing whatever seems right to them. A+, dude.] On February 1, 2017 a young woman was carjacked at gunpoint in Albuquerque. Police officers quickly attempted to track her iPhone but the woman at first did not recall her correct login information. Once she did, however, Albuquerque Police Department kicked into overdrive. This video opens with a one-minute introduction to the case, and then shifts to extended 1080p footage showing the manager (or owner) or the store making an excellent choice during an interaction with police: calling his attorney. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice (New!) @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. Found an error in a story? Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

San Diego Motorcycle Pursuit Reaches Nearly 100 MPH on City Streets

oMug2rEC_oY | 02 Oct 2018

San Diego Motorcycle Pursuit Reaches Nearly 100 MPH on City Streets

On January 27, 2018 a motorcyclist led officers on a pursuit through city streets before losing control and hitting a van and home in the 4600 block of Orange Avenue in Teralta. Officers attempted to pull the speeding motorcyclist over on southbound 805 near Adams Avenue at about 2:00 p.m. but - as you can see - the driver was not keen on stopping. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Unhappy With Traffic Stop, Woman Loses It

iFQkdqLDEBo | 02 Oct 2018

Unhappy With Traffic Stop, Woman Loses It

Your daily dose of someone yelling about their rights... while not quite knowing how those things work. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police: Dogs and Guns

VpTX7Xtcf2M | 01 Oct 2018

Real World Police: Dogs and Guns

This installment brings us to the parking lot of everyone's favorite everything emporium, Big Save Discount Store, where an altercation has occurred between two parties and their pets. This altercation, however, grew heated enough that a firearm was brandished --- and it's at that point that the parties' stories significantly diverge. Watch as officers try to figure out what actually happened, while also working to defuse the situation and meet their obligations under the law. (Oh, and in case you miss it, there is a pretty amusing moment around 48 seconds into this video where the male subject realizes that officer is wearing a video camera. You know that funny head-tilt that many dogs do when they are confused? Ever see a person do it?) Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Intoxylizer 8000 in HD; or A Normal Breathalyzer Test

KEyD9Mxu_yg | 29 Sep 2018

Intoxylizer 8000 in HD; or A Normal Breathalyzer Test

Recently I have posted a number of DUI videos but in none of them could you clearly see the operation of the mighty - and pricey - Inxtoxylizer 8000. This full HD video is for anyone who has been interested in seeing a breathalyzer machine up close and in use... without getting arrested. Also seen here is a breathalyzer test subject who is not yelling and screaming about anything. Surprise. Enoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police Las Cruces: Two Space Cadets, One Arrest Warrant

j8j1J5LyXBA | 28 Sep 2018

Real World Police Las Cruces: Two Space Cadets, One Arrest Warrant

Watching police doing their job quickly reveals that no one has a driver's license, everyone is drunk, and 95% of people are have outstanding warrants. Okay, fine. So it's not that bad. (And more importantly: people who get pulled over for weaving or not having their headlights on at night are a self-selected bunch.) But this installment only helps bolster my made-up-statistics, albeit with a couple of twists. I am interested in knowing what you think about these three - and about the two guys in particular. Are they just space cadets, or are drugs involved? *The relatively poor audio quality here is from the original, as the body camera being used is from an earlier generation. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Motorcycle Officer Narrowly Avoids Bird Strike

cvEe75-DGHI | 28 Sep 2018

Motorcycle Officer Narrowly Avoids Bird Strike

Police officers face a variety of potential threats in their line of work, but bird strikes aren't typically on that list. Unless you're the motorcycle cop in this short video. The evasive action takes place around :27. Be warned that the audio kicks in at :30. I reduced the audio volume substantially, but it can still be jarring if you're not ready for it. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Hit and Run Driver That Reported Car Stolen vs. Intoxylizer 8000

uynn3_HL_0E | 27 Sep 2018

Hit and Run Driver That Reported Car Stolen vs. Intoxylizer 8000

If you have not already watched "Hit And Run Drunk Driver Tries Reporting Car Stolen, Gets Arrested Instead" this video will lack context. You are of course welcome to give it a shot on its own, but I highly recommend you check out the other video first. Okay! So we are all familiar with our hero, Alex, or "the guy who reported his car stolen almost immediately after he crashed it, and called his mother to his arrest." Some of you were wondering what what this guy was like at the station and I received a few messages from people asking whether there was footage of him being breathalyzed, and if so, whether I could post it. Of course there is. And here you go. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police Idaho: Plane Crash in Rexburg (September, 2018)

lKRNAVEw3_4 | 27 Sep 2018

Real World Police Idaho: Plane Crash in Rexburg (September, 2018)

On September 1, 2018 a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser experienced a runway overrun and subsequent impact with airport fencing upon landing at Rexburg-Madison County Airport (KRXE), Rexburg, Idaho. The tailwheel equipped airplane came to rest inverted on adjacent golf course terrain, sustaining substantial damage, and there were no reported injuries to the three occupants onboard. This video provides a comprehensive picture of the police emergency response to the accident. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Police Dash Cam: Electrical Vault Explosions, Firefighter Down

YIRWosRYrcE | 22 Sep 2018

Police Dash Cam: Electrical Vault Explosions, Firefighter Down

[Note: There are four separate explosions in this video.] Here is something a bit different. In this video (two videos, really) we travel back to the year 2012, where on April 22 in Yorba Linda, California an underground electrical vault exploded, cutting power to over 2,000 area residents and leaving two firefighters with minor injuries. Incredibly, the first blast was both witnessed by a police officer and captured on his dash camera. But, as shown in this video, the explosions were only just getting started when the first officer rolled up on scene. Not long thereafter, Captain David Wolf of Orange County Fire Authority was thrown nearly ten feet into nearby bushes by a subsequent blast, regaining consciousness as he was being dragged to safety by a fellow firefighter. Wolf and another firefighter suffered minor burns, lacerations, and bruises, both making complete recoveries after an incident that could have been far worse. Arc flash is exactly as nasty as it looks. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Just A Normal 8:30 AM, Drunk In The Twister's Parking Lot

JFThBfYm_jE | 17 Sep 2018

Just A Normal 8:30 AM, Drunk In The Twister's Parking Lot

Note: There are a few parts in this video where the subject is just sitting around without much happening. As you will see, I sped those up and added text noting that I did so. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Hit And Run Drunk Driver Tries Reporting Car Stolen, Gets Arrested Instead

2eFYL6whIJc | 15 Sep 2018

Hit And Run Drunk Driver Tries Reporting Car Stolen, Gets Arrested Instead

Hit and run on foot, that is. This episode is interesting, as it shows some fundamentals of investigative technique. I'm curious to see what y'all's thoughts are and will leave the intro at that... other than to mention that the subject's shirt probably didn't help his story much. Enjoy. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Drunk Man Fails at Name-Dropping His Way Out of Arrest

YM-vp6eG25g | 13 Sep 2018

Drunk Man Fails at Name-Dropping His Way Out of Arrest

[The most entertaining part of this video (to me), is the part beginning ~5:31, where you see Mr. D.O.J. perform FSTs. I included some of the other material both for context, and because I thought some of you might find it interesting to see a rookie officer learning the ropes of DWI investigation. If you find that part has you yawning, skip ahead to 5:30 and watch drunk guy take the FSTs for a spin, all while trying to weasel his way out of the situation he got himself into.] Gabriel Cruz was a "quality assurance auditor" at Albuquerque Police Department, reporting in his unsworn position to the Department of Justice, but on one Monday afternoon this past January he was just another drunk guy weaving around traffic enough that multiple people called 911 to report him. Cruz lightly hit another car as well as a utility pole before stopping, emerging from his car to find himself at gunpoint. Shortly thereafter, following a conversation in which Cruz claimed that some empty liquor bottles which had been in his own pants pocket in fact belonged to his friend... and that they had been in his pants for a week.... these cringe-worthy field sobriety tests happened. As you can see, they are being administered by an officer in training and followed by the conversation you hear - in this video - during his FSTs. (You'll see what I'm talking about.) If you want to skip the officer receiving instructions on DWI processing, jump to 4:45. Cruz resigned his civilian job with the police department before APD was able to fire him, however to APD's credit the agency had already begun the process of termination when Cruz submitted his resignation that same day. Regarding APD's body worn camera policy: An officer turning off their BWC, and even informing other officers when their camera is on, is not a violation of policy. Rather - perhaps surprisingly - it is fully compliant with policy, as there are certain conversations which must not be recorded. The general idea behind APD's policy, paraphrased, is that officers should record all significant interactions with witnesses, victims, and suspects. Here are some key excerpts from the policy which govern when the camera MUST be off: Department personnel shall not use OBRDs to document in these circumstances: b. Personal activities or private conversations of Department personnel that do not involve calls for service or contact with individuals. d. Conversations between Department personnel that involve case strategy or tactics. [This one is the reason for letting each other know when they are recording. It's hard to un-have a conversation]. A link to APD's entire BWC policy follows. There is a "quick guide" on page 10, though the full text provides a lot of context and explanation. Current APD body worn camera policy is at: The policy is currently being revised. Working copy of revision is at, with changes highlighted and explained: ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Las Cruces Vehicle Stop Turns Deadly - Complete Body Camera Footage, Part 1

n18cCGxHnV4 | 09 Sep 2018

Las Cruces Vehicle Stop Turns Deadly - Complete Body Camera Footage, Part 1

[The primary action in this video takes place in the first few minutes.] On July 17, 2017 Las Cruces Police Officer Kenneth Davis responded to the 1700 block of Rio Grand Street after a caller said a suspicious person who may be armed with a knife was in the area. Davis saw the man, later identified as Ernesto Sedillo, entering the back of a black Honda sedan parked on Arizona Avenue. As Davis approached the vehicle Sedillo pointed a handgun at the officer, who responded by firing eight rounds, four of which struck Sedillo. At the time, however, it was unknown to the police whether any of the shots had hit and officers were unable to see into the vehicle. For all they knew, the offender was hiding there waiting for his next opportunity to open fire. As you will see in a subsequent video, the Las Cruces Police Department SWAT team was called in to make contact with the man. Ultimately they were unable to do so --- for reasons suspected, and later confirmed when upon officers' ultimate approach to the vehicle found Sedillo unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the head. A 9mm handgun and a knife were found with Sedillo in the backseat. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police: DWI & Five Counts of Child Abuse

unN9f1g8O9c | 03 Sep 2018

Real World Police: DWI & Five Counts of Child Abuse

[The transport scene is long, but it contains a lot of compelling material. If you are interested in highlights only, I recommend 4:45 - 4:56, and then 9:18 onward, which shows - among other things - the offender slipping out of her cuffs and then accusing the officer of having not put them on her correctly.] Another case-length episode, consisting of raw original footage with no sound effects or interruptions. The footage itself, edited only for length (and to remove scenes with children) provides all the commentary that's needed. And with that, meet the exceptionally drunk Laura Salgado. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police: DWI & Five Counts of Felony Child Abuse (Preview)

6MLmVCx3YCY | 01 Sep 2018

Real World Police: DWI & Five Counts of Felony Child Abuse (Preview)

[Be advised: this trailer contains hilariously strong language.] This is a brief preview of the next case-length episode of Real World Police, coming out this Monday, September 3rd and available right now to all supporters. In it, we meet a woman who is both exceptionally drunk and exceptionally unhappy with the reality of her charges: DWI, and five counts of felony child abuse. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Ms. Laura Salgado. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Camera #3

2pXIrznMsTc | 31 Aug 2018

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Camera #3

This video contains the complete footage from the body camera of yet another SWAT team member on this call. If you have seen any of the other Carjacking at Gunpoint videos, jump ahead to 1:04 for fresh material. On February 1, 2017 a young woman was carjacked at gunpoint in Albuquerque. Police officers quickly attempted to track her iPhone but the woman at first did not recall her correct login information. Once she did, however, Albuquerque Police Department kicked into overdrive. This video opens with a one-minute introduction to the case, and then shifts to extended 1080p footage which shows the entire raid and capture of the suspect. Unlike most such videos available to the public, this complete footage provides insight into the thought processes of the officers as well as the many tactical decisions made in the field. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Black Lives Matter Gone Wild: Body Cam #2 (Full)

gPfhpsV91Gs | 31 Aug 2018

Black Lives Matter Gone Wild: Body Cam #2 (Full)

This video is the second is a series in which I am posting the body camera footage from every officer that was on scene at the "Black Lives Matter Gone Wild" call. It's striking to see how different each officer's perspective on the situation is, and it's interesting to note that there is plenty of fresh material in each officer's view. What officers are hearing and seeing, and how they accordingly react is, of course, directly dictated by where they are and how they are positioned. Here Real World Police presents, raw and in full, the first video in that series and the perspective of the officer who was the primary target of the subjects vitriol. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Cam #2

wYb7Vy6vtE0 | 29 Aug 2018

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Cam #2

This video contains the complete footage from the body camera of the second-in SWAT team member. If you have seen any of the other Carjacking at Gunpoint videos, jump ahead to 1:04 for fresh material. Background for those of you who are new to the incident: On February 1, 2017 a young woman was carjacked at gunpoint in Albuquerque. Police officers quickly attempted to track her iPhone but the woman at first did not recall her correct login information. Once she did, however, Albuquerque Police Department kicked into overdrive. This video opens with a one-minute introduction to the case, and then shifts to extended 1080p footage which shows the entire raid and capture of the suspect. Unlike most such videos available to the public, this complete footage provides insight into the thought processes of the officers as well as the many tactical decisions made in the field. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Homicide In Albuquerque: Hidden Weapon

sDWF-HQkPVo | 27 Aug 2018

Homicide In Albuquerque: Hidden Weapon

In the last Real World Police video officers were called late at night to a strip mall for a reported homicide. Ultimately finding themselves at the campaign office of a former Albuquerque mayoral candidate, officers found Vincent Guttierez on the floor in a pool of blood immediately thereafter arresting Steve Kramer, the alleged murderer. This short video shows just how predictably unpredictable people are, as you watch an officer find a weapon on Steve Kramer, clearly secreted away for purposes we will never know. (About the unpredictability being predictable, note the officer's total non-reaction to finding a hidden weapon on the arrestee.) Coming up soon in this series, never seen before footage showing the interior of APD's mobile forensic crime scene investigation unit, in action. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

An Exercise In Restraint: Body Cam #1 (Full)

fGaA2BOBz2E | 27 Aug 2018

An Exercise In Restraint: Body Cam #1 (Full)

[The first 30 seconds of this video are silent] This video is the first is a series in which I will be posting the body camera footage from every officer that was on scene at the call from Episode #1. It's striking to see how different each officer's perspective on the situation is, and it's interesting to note that there is plenty of fresh material in each officer's view. ~~~ Follow us on Twitter @realworldpolice ~~~ Real World Police is a proud supporter of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which provides pro bono legal representation, amicus curiae support, and other legal resources to protect the First Amendment freedoms and the news gathering rights of journalists. Check out the latest Patreon post about access to public records! It's free! Find it at Earlier installments at and ~~~ Do you have independently verifiable inside information on a story we are or should be covering? Email [email protected]. Your identity will not be revealed without your consent. Because we receive dozens of tips daily we cannot respond individually to every submission. If we need more information from you someone will be in touch. Remember: we don't publish footage that has already been published elsewhere. Please don’t send links to news articles. (Like, for real, guys. No news articles.) Found an error in a story? Help us fix it! Email [email protected] ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today and get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Thinking about it? Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat. There are more than 500 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police: Homicide In Albuquerque (Offender Still On Scene)

v964bUoWVoQ | 24 Aug 2018

Real World Police: Homicide In Albuquerque (Offender Still On Scene)

Update: I just posted follow-up footage showing the interior of APD's Mobile Crime Lab, as investigators recover forensic evidence from the offender's clothing. That video can be found at On October 29, 2017 Steve Kramer, 42 years old at the time, was arrested and charged with the murder of Vincent Guttierez in the campaign office of former mayoral candidate Dinah Vargas. According to the criminal complaint the murder was witnessed by Vargas, and those who knew Kramer report that the murder was preceded by a precipitous slide into mental illness and methamphetamine abuse by Kramer, who had just a few years prior co-founded a media organization with the hope of helping the homeless - people like Vincent Guttierez, Kramer’s victim. Friends reported that Kramer’s troubles began when he disappeared for a long period of time, only to return and report that he - a highly educated architect - was homeless and abusing hard drugs. That was followed by months of bizarre behavior, which included stripping naked outside and paranoid belief that the police department was bugging his person. Eventually, it seemed, Kramer only trusted Vargas, and he and would occasionally be seen at her campaign headquarters. Vargas told police that she had been at her Albuquerque office at Central and Rio Grande earlier the day of the murder to pack it up, but she realized she left some belongings behind and returned around 10:30 p.m. Kramer is reported to have arrived at the office at the same time. Vargas told police his behavior was strange and he kept making grunting noises along with talking to himself angrily in the bathroom. While at the office, Gutierrez arrived and Vargas let him in. Guttierez had been living with his girlfriend in a trailer in the parking lot, where they had received permission to park. Vargas is reported to have said that because the office was closing, some of the furniture was going to Gutierrez. Vargas told police that everyone sat down at a table to talk, and that Kramer was still making “grunting” noises. As she stood up to end the conversation and leave, she said she heard a popping noise. Kramer then turned to Vargas and asked “Was I not supposed to do that?” while holding a literally smoking gun. Vargas says that she screamed and said they needed to call the police and Kramer replied, “We need to go out the back door, I don’t want to have to kill you.” According to the complaint, Vargas told police that she fled the office building and called the police. This is the footage from the body camera of the first officer that responded to the scene that night. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Camera #1

2heGRUUX3uo | 23 Aug 2018

Carjacking at Gunpoint: SWAT Body Camera #1

On February 1, 2017 a young woman was carjacked at gunpoint in Albuquerque. Police officers quickly attempted to track her iPhone but the woman at first did not recall her correct login information. Once she did, however, Albuquerque Police Department kicked into overdrive. This video opens with a one-minute introduction to the case, and then shifts to extended 1080p footage which shows the entire raid and capture of the suspect. Unlike most such videos available to the public, this complete footage provides insight into the thought processes of the officers as well as the many tactical decisions made in the field. More to come. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Greenfield Police SUV Rolls Over During PIT Maneuver, Pursuit Footage

_BaZsBRTV0A | 23 Aug 2018

Greenfield Police SUV Rolls Over During PIT Maneuver, Pursuit Footage

This video contains footage from all three police vehicles present of a Greenfield police SUV rolling over during a failed attempt at executing a PIT maneuver during a recent pursuit. Jorge Ornelas, 26, of Milwaukee faces one count of first degree recklessly endangering safety and one count of operator fleeing/eluding an officer, bodily harm or property damage. According to the criminal complaint that has been filed, a Greenfield officer was in pursuit of a vehicle that had fled as he attempted a traffic stop for speeding. The pursuit was ultimately terminated. Not long after, however, the suspect vehicle was spotted and another Greenfield officer made a U-turn in an effort to catch up to the vehicle, which "suddenly accelerated away." A third Greenfield officer picked up the pursuit, and that third officer attempted a PIT maneuver on - for those of you who know anything about Milwaukee County, Wisconsin - Loomis near Coldspring Road. The officer's vehicle ended up flipping over onto its hood, and the suspect vehicle continued on, away from the scene. For your internet instant gratification, this video shows all of the action upfront before playing the longer individual clips. The police officer suffered minor injuries and is now doing fine. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police #1 - An Exercise in Restraint (Shorter Cut)

qc7G8s-rcRw | 17 Aug 2018

Real World Police #1 - An Exercise in Restraint (Shorter Cut)

I received some feedback that Episode 1 contains must-see content, but that the episode's length - at a solid hour - is intimidating. Here is an edited version of the first 19 minutes of that episode (in clock time, not simply copied). Enjoy. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Carjacking at Gunpoint Solved Using Find My iPhone

36IFJfqG2J4 | 16 Aug 2018

Carjacking at Gunpoint Solved Using Find My iPhone

On February 1st, 2017 a young woman was carjacked at gunpoint in Albuquerque. Police officers quickly attempted to track her iPhone but the woman at first did not recall her correct login information. Once she did, however, Albuquerque Police Department kicked into overdrive. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Nevada Highway Patrol Car Door Ripped Off on Freeway (Body Cam)

EadiG3j9o8k | 08 Aug 2018

Nevada Highway Patrol Car Door Ripped Off on Freeway (Body Cam)

We interrupt our regularly unscheduled programming to bring you this footage from earlier this week. In an exercise of judgement consistent with the poor life decisions seen in the citations she ultimately received, the woman driving the vehicle that obliterated the door of this cruiser sped off after the impact. Hit-and-run with a police car. Less than clever. After an anonymous tip located the woman, she ultimately received a number of misdemeanor citations: driving without a valid license, hit and run with property damage, and failure to stop and render aid. The patrol car, with its emergency lights activated, had been stopped about 5 p.m. on Monday along the off-ramp at U.S. 95 North and Summerlin Parkway when this incident occurred. Fortunately, there were no injuries. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Episode #3 Trailer: Ready, Set, RUN!

X5tK9ihlrnw | 01 Aug 2018

Episode #3 Trailer: Ready, Set, RUN!

Episode #3, coming out... sometime. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Episode #2: Albuquerque Real World Police - "DUI Will Not Comply"

_E-7khqXH6c | 23 Jul 2018

Episode #2: Albuquerque Real World Police - "DUI Will Not Comply"

This Albuquerque woman takes DUI test refusal to the next level, refusing not only to take any tests but also to get out of her car, stop answering her phone - it goes on, but I don't want to give it all away. Presenting the whole slew of refusals, through booking, and one of the most patient officers you have ever seen. (Perhaps only eclipsed by the officers in Episode #1.) Notably, the officer's patience pays off. Enjoy! ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police Episode #1: Albuquerque - An Exercise In Restraint

dpGDYMMAwkM | 23 Jul 2018

Real World Police Episode #1: Albuquerque - An Exercise In Restraint

Welcome to Episode #1. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️

Real World Police Episode #1: An Exercise in Restraint (Trailer)

pZcynFQS3dk | 13 Jul 2018

Real World Police Episode #1: An Exercise in Restraint (Trailer)

Preview of the first full episode of Real World Police, coming to you now straight out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. ~~~ /r/realworldpolice @realworldpolice ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen and get rewarded for it? Become a Sergeant on Patreon today! Sergeants get access to: -A growing library of more than sixty exclusive full-length Real World Police videos -The Roadcam series -Supporting documentation: police reports, court records, and other investigatory material -Material from cases not shown on the main channel, like the arrest of Chris Hansen and the detention of T-Pain by TSA. -Early access to some videos -And more! Get your fix today! Rather not? No sweat! There are more than 700 free videos to enjoy ✌️