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All videos archived of AvE
cAvEman TV || Sam McGee

k_xP-v3z10U | 06 Mar 2025

cAvEman TV || Sam McGee

A Robert Service classic.

BOLTR: Belt File

BLunhMBhAiU | 02 Mar 2025

BOLTR: Belt File

Makita cordless belt sander.

Oddball fittings and other barbs || AvE Hydraulic Nuggets

elRiDK0rChU | 01 Mar 2025

Oddball fittings and other barbs || AvE Hydraulic Nuggets

BSPP, push lock, punch lock and barbs

Tool Invention for TTC

W5vlQfgkDVU | 23 Feb 2025

Tool Invention for TTC

Hillarious new stickers

Adjustable Power Supply || Viewer request how-to

4_t13chPpEI | 17 Feb 2025

Adjustable Power Supply || Viewer request how-to

Adjustable DC power supply are a handy tool; a quick run-down on how to use it.

Kissing Drill

Vg5XyFzIdOM | 15 Feb 2025

Kissing Drill

If you grind only one side of a drill, it will bore a bigger hole.

Tin foil drill trick

RJ6IapMp6R8 | 14 Feb 2025

Tin foil drill trick

Video reply to WoodGears.

Snap-On cordless || Four years on the Haas

qNa30kpTGb4 | 10 Feb 2025

Snap-On cordless || Four years on the Haas

Light duty CNC use and the battery is NFG after 4 years.

Hydraulic O-ring || Dank AvE Nuggs

nUHLs-HkXX0 | 08 Feb 2025

Hydraulic O-ring || Dank AvE Nuggs

This is a great reference for seals and o-rings:


tFu0RwK-31I | 04 Feb 2025


You think you got it bad?

Superpower Unlocked: Cunningham's Law

NGupBSN1s_M | 04 Feb 2025

Superpower Unlocked: Cunningham's Law

You guys are right!

hydraulic gear pump || AvE Nuggets

hRL23ZE9_0A | 02 Feb 2025

hydraulic gear pump || AvE Nuggets

Educational series of short hydraulic tutorials for Mechanics and Engineers

BOLTR: Towel Warmer

vT0GMg0wiFg | 31 Jan 2025

BOLTR: Towel Warmer

AvE knife here:

Mechanical Computer for CuriousMarc

Zhmh23UjKhw | 27 Jan 2025

Mechanical Computer for CuriousMarc

cAvEman tv: New Beginning

-mxOyj8l-_Y | 01 Jan 2025

cAvEman tv: New Beginning

Happy New Beer!

Happy New Year!

YjEAEBVAg_s | 01 Jan 2025

Happy New Year!

cAvEman TV: Was I a Fool?

bZYdUpEr7h0 | 31 Dec 2024

cAvEman TV: Was I a Fool?

Share with me a yarn of the Western Canadian young man. Just as foolish then as they are now.

cAvEman TV: Family Delivery

6kxPpObiTQE | 30 Dec 2024

cAvEman TV: Family Delivery

Pioneering the Canadian Prairie.

cAvEman TV || That Damn Prussian

hMdOrERJxCw | 25 Dec 2024

cAvEman TV || That Damn Prussian

Horse sense.

cAvEman TV || Barmy Bread and Irish Tea

LiAYFTPxgis | 24 Dec 2024

cAvEman TV || Barmy Bread and Irish Tea

Merry Christmas Fellows!

cAvEman tv || Buffalo Mystery

Ata-wi-zGGo | 23 Dec 2024

cAvEman tv || Buffalo Mystery

Occam's razor?

cAvEman tv || Farm Tractor

9fr2PuJYcBE | 22 Dec 2024

cAvEman tv || Farm Tractor

Is it good? Is it bad? Neigh, it just is.

cAvEman tv || homestead

Ia1jc2bxibQ | 21 Dec 2024

cAvEman tv || homestead

Pull up a stump! Plenty of room for you around the fire.

cAvEman TV || Remittance Men

PxUKjvZesTw | 21 Dec 2024

cAvEman TV || Remittance Men

A Christmas Story around the fire.

AvE Knife || Quick-Start

gs1g-z8ZLcY | 20 Dec 2024

AvE Knife || Quick-Start

Knife here:

BOLTR: Bradley Flamethrower

uifhUsMWfNo | 16 Dec 2024

BOLTR: Bradley Flamethrower

Knife here

Bradley S̶m̶o̶k̶e̶r̶ Flamer || 2 year review

1klXcnF7lM0 | 14 Dec 2024

Bradley S̶m̶o̶k̶e̶r̶ Flamer || 2 year review

Mourning the loss of the K3vins. They failed their higher purpose.

Tarp Trick

RSKzna8VgiY | 04 Dec 2024

Tarp Trick

Moose hunting camp. No Mooses were harmed.

Knife Flame Tinting

ZlJmRTGNMTk | 30 Nov 2024

Knife Flame Tinting

Babydoll sez: 20% OFF SALE New 18mm Knife!

Vevor any good? Hydraulic Puller test

z2FP3su4DDQ | 27 Nov 2024

Vevor any good? Hydraulic Puller test

I bought a cheap gear puller. It verkz.


gvmP7snPHzI | 24 Nov 2024


Salvaging a terrible crop of potatoes.

*NEVER* buy new gear | Bamboozled Again.

_S_2mmRra2k | 02 Nov 2024

*NEVER* buy new gear | Bamboozled Again.

The smarter it gets, the stupider it becomes. This generator followed me offgrid and promptly started throwing codes.

Japan? No. Better.

OYtop-9YzLI | 18 Oct 2024

Japan? No. Better.

order here

Rule to fix everything | Just the tip.

yGD6EHlqDbY | 15 Oct 2024

Rule to fix everything | Just the tip.

We'll see how long this lasts.

Avocado vs. Olive Oil Plastic test

30a3Ywj_GXo | 12 Oct 2024

Avocado vs. Olive Oil Plastic test

Pam cooking spray, Grape seed, Olive, Avocado, Vegetable Oil and Becel over-heated to see if linoleic acid polymerizes. Tools available here

Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

Ra_tCL5-4c0 | 05 Oct 2024

Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

Citizen Science: What's the best oil for making fries? Peanut, but I think tallow would be better. Mass Spec Everything Channel:

Sinister Knife Conversion (Left Handed)

XdS5yUPmT6E | 02 Oct 2024

Sinister Knife Conversion (Left Handed)

How to convert the 25mm AvE knife for left handed comfort. Order yours:

BOLTR: Electric Mouse Trap

T7S-8Rai-Mk | 25 Sep 2024

BOLTR: Electric Mouse Trap

More subtle than an electric chair. Teardown and test of the Victor Electronic Mouse trap. @ShawnWoodsMousetrapMonday

New Tool Day!

DkaWd2S6UYk | 20 Sep 2024

New Tool Day!

Tools from Japan are great. That is all.

Instant Itchy. bot larva

ldDplEvrzvM | 17 Sep 2024

Instant Itchy. bot larva


Ladies of Tik-Tok Contracting: Water Heater

RxKIK2RBQx4 | 29 Aug 2024

Ladies of Tik-Tok Contracting: Water Heater

Since men's taints are shrinking faster than ever, I figure we'll be elevated to honeybee-drone status soon. Time to pass on the dirty-job torch to our Strong, Independent, Single Ladies of Tik-Tok. Fly at 'er ladies!

Ghost Knife Download

bM4e1hf2veA | 09 Aug 2024

Ghost Knife Download

Thanks for checking on me lads! All goo here. knife download | Order the real deal |

Knife Quick-Start Guide

yXQZ-Lh_uDM | 26 Apr 2024

Knife Quick-Start Guide

The knife that YOU made

JPN1_5yGcaA | 23 Apr 2024

The knife that YOU made

buy it here

Hydraulics using compressed air.

QNcNAR8BNFw | 08 Apr 2024

Hydraulics using compressed air.

It kinda -works- blows.

OW my achin' Engina!

eLuIuOORXjI | 08 Apr 2024

OW my achin' Engina!

How long did the emery cloth engine rebuild last? 800 Hours.

FAIL: Samsuck Flip | flexible glass

EDmRG1ZVmpI | 18 Feb 2024

FAIL: Samsuck Flip | flexible glass

Clyde send me this almost new broken phone to see what when wrong. Clyde's channel

Following my own advice...

WOUe5J0R76M | 05 Feb 2024

Following my own advice...

50% blowout sale! *EDIT* Link for guys wanting "DIBS!" on a knife in exchange for helping with initial set up cost: (digital download, "DIBS!" and 10% off first knife run)

Making tools for engines

5mMg3WkxM2Y | 03 Feb 2024

Making tools for engines

Friday came early!

Good Business during Great Depression

ldyM4FqAdkI | 12 Jan 2024

Good Business during Great Depression

Pull up a stump, plenty of room around our fire! A yarn about a good business to be in during hard times.

BOLTR: Snap-On Ratchet

oVU60bCOREM | 07 Jan 2024

BOLTR: Snap-On Ratchet

What is going on over at FAP-OFF?!

Surviving on Gopher Tails

EJ-_jURANU8 | 05 Jan 2024

Surviving on Gopher Tails

Pull up a stump and enjoy the fire! This is an oral history about thriving during the great depression.


ch-pk3g_6CM | 04 Jan 2024


Pull up a stump, plenty of room around our fire! Oral history from the great depression.

Santa's Workshop Woodstove

XZM4X8p-egU | 24 Dec 2023

Santa's Workshop Woodstove

Stovepipe. That is all.

BOLTR: Long Milwaukee Ratchet

ttaZ8S5Iku0 | 24 Dec 2023

BOLTR: Long Milwaukee Ratchet

My 1/2" Milwaukee Ratchet is falling to bits, so I bought a 3/8"

To hell with them

C9siCROzzik | 23 Dec 2023

To hell with them

Old yarns by the fire.

Christmas Jeep

4oA3lUvmdcg | 22 Dec 2023

Christmas Jeep

Old yarns by the fireside.

Getting to Jerusalem

6L7caLtWvik | 21 Dec 2023

Getting to Jerusalem

Old yarns around the fire.

Brass and Lead

ul6jfYvbiYA | 03 Dec 2023

Brass and Lead

Happy Friyay! Safety third! Nobody works, so nobody gets hurt.

Chicken feed NFG?!

sVG9-4Z7Sw4 | 30 Nov 2023

Chicken feed NFG?!

Question: is store bought feed bad? Cause, we've been feeding LESS and the hens lay MORE. NASA testing:

When your vice is a vise

em-84cDtvpE | 19 Nov 2023

When your vice is a vise

And visa versa. Robots. Face knurling. Cussin'.

Keep that spindle spinning.

cgVuf5HnDgY | 25 Oct 2023

Keep that spindle spinning.


Milwaukee autopsy

LLIBQf826ZY | 23 Oct 2023

Milwaukee autopsy

The operation was a success! Unfortunately the patient died.

BOLTR: DeWalt Mo' Powah!

VNNZdatyxG4 | 21 Oct 2023

BOLTR: DeWalt Mo' Powah!

20V DeWalt cut off saw is the best one to date. The guard is crap; otherwise build quality is fantastic! Merch link:

Why is Friday 13th is Bad Luck?

sgxDWMSIozQ | 10 Oct 2023

Why is Friday 13th is Bad Luck?

Old school chat around the fire. Now with more dick jokes!

BOLTR: Chinesium Save the Planets!

i-Jy1Nh27kI | 07 Oct 2023

BOLTR: Chinesium Save the Planets!

Will Chinesium eliminate Carbon? Yes, by electrocution. Axe:

Fasting experiment | Dexcom G6

DDUqSUB7K-k | 01 Oct 2023

Fasting experiment | Dexcom G6

Dexcom G6 glucose monitor designed for Diabetics. Didn't work for fasting.

Dexcom Glucose Monitor | Fasting | Bio-hacking

QKFLoUaRMG8 | 22 Sep 2023

Dexcom Glucose Monitor | Fasting | Bio-hacking

First time use! Dexcom G6 for tracking glucose during a fast.

Garlic; old wive's tale?

vmUaq-7xutI | 19 Sep 2023

Garlic; old wive's tale?

Pull scapes or harvest bubils? Local garlic is $16.99 a pound! I tested to see what happens if you don't pull the scape. You get 2 large cloves, and a bunch of bulbils to plant. But overall, less garlic for eating.

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Cutoff

GKU7lkGJOxE | 09 Sep 2023

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Cutoff

Cheap and good except for one dumb deal-breaker.

Brakekleen, WD40 BANNED in Canada

FdBEfASIfsU | 06 Sep 2023

Brakekleen, WD40 BANNED in Canada


The Danger with Stainless Steel Bolts

R54spcBn-Sk | 31 Aug 2023

The Danger with Stainless Steel Bolts

Public Service Announcement.

"how's the smoke?"

KRUBkknQ0fA | 23 Aug 2023

"how's the smoke?"

PM 2.5 peaked at 150ug/m3 in the house and 1000ug/m3 outside. Much better today. Got lots of pickling done!

Bumbleforks: Success!

lM73mmXpCwg | 22 Aug 2023

Bumbleforks: Success!

Don't forget to unsubscribe!

BOLTR: Trans Pump

Iuqum-61j70 | 14 Aug 2023

BOLTR: Trans Pump

Harbor Freight tools transfer pump. Does it stack up? Maybe.

BOLTR: Harbor Freight transfer pump part 1.

yctzVK1aDVo | 13 Aug 2023

BOLTR: Harbor Freight transfer pump part 1.

Bumbleforks: Aubergine Antipasti

QFsiNgyVahc | 03 Aug 2023

Bumbleforks: Aubergine Antipasti

Victory Garden!

BOLTR: They don't build 'em like this anymore!

IbfNzt0UMGc | 22 Jul 2023

BOLTR: They don't build 'em like this anymore!

Craftsman sawsall. Nice build, weak motor.

Results! Potatoes grown in a bag.

fzuDlb9Wnq0 | 14 Jul 2023

Results! Potatoes grown in a bag.

Yield: 4-6 lbs per bag. Results from 3 feed bags sewn with early potatoes. 15 - 20 litres of spent potting soil, dirt, rocks, chicken poop.

Bumbleforks: Carbonara Americana

WMYqT00bjnU | 10 Jul 2023

Bumbleforks: Carbonara Americana

Welp, the kids enjoyed it.

BOLTR: DeWalt Stubby

4lC5hqcfsjg | 02 Jul 2023

BOLTR: DeWalt Stubby

4 inches of nut bustin'.

Makita cooler aces vodka test

Rv2gwEdpvLQ | 30 Jun 2023

Makita cooler aces vodka test

Ready for Canada Day!

Homegrown magic: Garlic Scapes

uWWv4aEwyJ0 | 22 Jun 2023

Homegrown magic: Garlic Scapes

Victory garden scores another win!

BOLTR: Japan is cool

Odcbfgvbgsg | 16 Jun 2023

BOLTR: Japan is cool

Makita portable freezer warms your burrito. MERCH:

Nautical Disaster!

D5sAv6KKMdk | 27 May 2023

Nautical Disaster!

It. Never. Ends.

Cheap but deadly fertilizer

UuI19n_60tI | 05 May 2023

Cheap but deadly fertilizer

I noticed the plants in the shop were doing much better than normal plants. Why? Because of the coals falling out of the stove!

Bumbleforks: Maple Beans with bite.

-3AgLxg-hJs | 30 Apr 2023

Bumbleforks: Maple Beans with bite.

Navy beans, bacon, maple syrup, spice, vinegar.

Ol' Farmer Contraption: better beds

6kRHQZHpDWA | 23 Apr 2023

Ol' Farmer Contraption: better beds

Raised garden bed plow for vegetables. Tiny tractor time with Tommy Took-a-Look guest starring The Chump!

"...simply remove the screw..."

B0-ui5X4tS8 | 21 Apr 2023

"...simply remove the screw..."

Fixing Gaggia Espresso Machine

Mountain-Man Breakfast || Feeds an army!

vyCitY5S5NQ | 20 Apr 2023

Mountain-Man Breakfast || Feeds an army!

Steel plate on the BBQ is all you need. And potatoes, lots of potatoes.

Going DEEP | Deere Kubota I need a plow.

RCPxXSZc3FM | 16 Apr 2023

Going DEEP | Deere Kubota I need a plow.

Fabricobled farm welding.

Bumbleforks: German Swine!

TrsQkWsMjKU | 15 Apr 2023

Bumbleforks: German Swine!

Online recipes suck.

Liar! Liar! Pants on FIRE!

GEtU3bYyCtA | 13 Apr 2023

Liar! Liar! Pants on FIRE!

Where there's no SMOKE, there's a LIAR. Proof: -Toxic amounts of Acrolein (WW1 Chemical Warfare Agent) at low temperature 230F - 110C -Can take a long time, depends on ambient temp. 24-36 hrs at 60F - 15C. -Carbon Monoxide may aid ignition. -Cotton faster than paper. -Prodigious amounts of smoke prior to ignition. Errata: Linseen oil tin mistaken for naphta camp fuel. NOT camp fuel. Ragrets, Mea Culpa etc.

Debunking oily rag BS.

KHZmZIIoEB4 | 11 Apr 2023

Debunking oily rag BS.

Auto-ignition is not spontaneous! More rigorous test of oily rags catching on fire: -Toxic amounts of phenol at low temperature 230F - 110C -Can take a long time, depends on ambient temp. 24-36 hrs at 60F - 15C. -Carbon Monoxide may aid ignition -Cotton faster than paper. -Prodigious amounts of smoke prior to ignition @DDSpeedShop

Spring goes SPROING!

-AVDWooCS40 | 09 Apr 2023

Spring goes SPROING!

Happy Easter to you!

Lyin' sack o' poo

PybuHB9gc_U | 05 Apr 2023

Lyin' sack o' poo

Extracting stripped screw

gQ2pMM3h8h0 | 30 Mar 2023

Extracting stripped screw

#shart Rigid screw extractor set.

Cut too deep

_RRnEK6sJD0 | 25 Mar 2023

Cut too deep

A quick demo of steel's internal stress as it pertains to machining.

Bumbleforks: Gravlox

PUKCBwg-6WY | 24 Mar 2023

Bumbleforks: Gravlox

Sockey. Easy, delicious.

Never eat eggs again!

q8GYB-yslDQ | 20 Mar 2023

Never eat eggs again!

Share chuckles:

Cindy Lauper snippy-snip-snip-*BOOM*

qJ8BzvbeRXQ | 19 Mar 2023

Cindy Lauper snippy-snip-snip-*BOOM*



GB7jBH8lYEE | 17 Mar 2023


Driving the snakes out of everywhere.

Money is a TRAP.

N57LcW01wU0 | 13 Mar 2023

Money is a TRAP.

Cash is debt. Don't sweat the petty. Pet the sweaty.

BOLTR: Nightmare in Dewalt yellow

Jgf54hXEplY | 11 Mar 2023

BOLTR: Nightmare in Dewalt yellow

This Old Tony needs to trim his hedge.

BOLTR: Lucky Seven

1GoCW9ozQcM | 03 Mar 2023

BOLTR: Lucky Seven

When you gotta suspend your disbelief...

"I'm scared for my son."

PsE0G8YQYrc | 03 Mar 2023

"I'm scared for my son."

They're all in cahoots. Sorry, бабушка, it's only business!

BOLTR: Personnel Massager

qlikQ3pvfIw | 26 Feb 2023

BOLTR: Personnel Massager

El cheapo model from the Home Depot.

Atheist Life Hack: Religion

5Dky4Pd5r5E | 14 Feb 2023

Atheist Life Hack: Religion

Nothing against Sky Daddy... but sometimes his fan club gets outa hand.

Science or Religion? #SHART

_VirPLiJLbI | 09 Feb 2023

Science or Religion? #SHART

Fireside chat on the merits of science vs. religion


UOEVwY1JAIs | 01 Feb 2023


better and better!

Miami charger

ZEX7yMlympk | 22 Jan 2023

Miami charger

She'll keep up at 25 kph but falls behind at 33.

Cork Stuffer! Farmer style.

XztVft36jLc | 21 Jan 2023

Cork Stuffer! Farmer style.

Midsuffer fun on the ice planet of Hoth.

This is stupid.

ewWdFEeh2T4 | 17 Jan 2023

This is stupid.

frickin' lazers!

Wire a 3 way switch | reference

KsE1arquEco | 13 Jan 2023

Wire a 3 way switch | reference

How to re-wire 3 way switches. Every few decades I need to re-learn this. This is a reference VJO for our future selves. 1. Breaker off 2. Remove both switches 3. Physically separate wires that were connected to switches 4. Breaker on 5. Locate "Hot" wire; 120Volts, mark wire and label box "A" 6. Breaker off 7. Box "A" wire all 3 wires together 8. Breaker on 9. Box "B" locate both "Traveler" wires that have 120Volts. Mark both "Traveler" wires. 10. Box "B" wire with no voltage is "Load". Mark wire. 11. Breaker off 12. Connect "Hot" in box "A" to "common" terminal of switch 13. Connect "Load" in box "B" to "common" terminal of switch 14. Connect both "Traveler" wires to remaining terminals of switch "A" and "B"; one wire in each terminal 15. Tug test all wire connections to ensure they are properly installed 16. Breaker on and test 17. Step back, invoke the magic words "Another job, well... Done!" and give yourself a pat on the back.

Will OpenAI steal your job?

X63-X0uobJw | 13 Jan 2023

Will OpenAI steal your job?

It ain't no Dewclaw.

Rusty Scrap to Shiny Gift!

RMEIVo3tik4 | 08 Jan 2023

Rusty Scrap to Shiny Gift!

Happy New Beer! Machining, welding, lame jokes in the shop.

Welding on woodstove

QO8D64bCrzw | 24 Dec 2022

Welding on woodstove

Winter wonderland welding waffle.

BOLTR; Hart tools from Walmart

-LWWo0Mz4aw | 09 Dec 2022

BOLTR; Hart tools from Walmart

Only if I had to. But, I'd never admit to it anyway.

Wiha torx are trash.

Ic5rcm_jyLo | 07 Dec 2022

Wiha torx are trash.

1.set screw size markings

Williams; Yard sale kwality at Proto prices

DKQL81qfKLk | 05 Dec 2022

Williams; Yard sale kwality at Proto prices

The "k" stands for kwality!

German Aerospace Shower | Kerdi board

d6Pr2T89I8Q | 04 Dec 2022

German Aerospace Shower | Kerdi board

Do over, dummy.

Gator Mystery: SOLVED!

TXIrmvETtVU | 20 Nov 2022

Gator Mystery: SOLVED!

Mighty Tiny Hammer

mighty tiny.

WUsfnMlRwlU | 08 Nov 2022

mighty tiny.

Deerest Gator;

RTLJ3_NH0A0 | 06 Nov 2022

Deerest Gator;

Nightshift blew 4 wheel ray oliver!

"RUNS GREAT!" | Tractor Ripoff

pQO-pVxvKvA | 30 Oct 2022

"RUNS GREAT!" | Tractor Ripoff

I got suckered. Not my first time, and won't be the last.

A.I. develops LULZ. We're all DOOMED. #shart

-u1AjklSYNA | 28 Oct 2022

A.I. develops LULZ. We're all DOOMED. #shart

Also, shotski.

BOLTR: Installation Driver | DeWalt beats Milwaukee

c-xgYE1csw4 | 23 Oct 2022

BOLTR: Installation Driver | DeWalt beats Milwaukee

The only correct location for a forward/reverse selector: where everybody else puts it!

Battery Chainsaw | Bad Performance, High Cost

3L-qExrOarE | 22 Oct 2022

Battery Chainsaw | Bad Performance, High Cost

Husqvarna battery saw is convenient. However, the performance is terrible in comparison to gas powered models.

Question for you regarding tool recommendations / links?

k6TmGgRvUPk | 20 Oct 2022

Question for you regarding tool recommendations / links?

Please lemme know what you think about adding tool recommendations and links to the description.

BOLTR: Wizz-Banger | Milwaukee driver

hFWdl2zjnIA | 09 Oct 2022

BOLTR: Wizz-Banger | Milwaukee driver

Happy Thanksgiv'r !

Secret Drill Trick?

8ztB1C7dERc | 01 Oct 2022

Secret Drill Trick?


Secret Milwaukee Cheat Code! FREE!

dp9XA4A5a-c | 01 Oct 2022

Secret Milwaukee Cheat Code! FREE!

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A then Start

Crack inspector. Weld Al Casting?

uI75r_hXD6Y | 25 Sep 2022

Crack inspector. Weld Al Casting?

Errata: Silicon not Silica.

King Chuckles the Turd commiserative Prosciutto

KOw-IHFEf4M | 19 Sep 2022

King Chuckles the Turd commiserative Prosciutto

Homemade prosciutto ham as vague allegory.

#shart Eyes on the Prize.

lET2QDwFtwU | 19 Sep 2022

#shart Eyes on the Prize.

Grinding the tile thinset off with a diamond cup wheel. Horrible job.

unBOLTR: Gaggia Expresso

y6vpaWzYUQ0 | 18 Sep 2022

unBOLTR: Gaggia Expresso


#shart Queen Lizzy

3H9IrXr21_E | 08 Sep 2022

#shart Queen Lizzy

#shart I don't mind the Dear Old Queen on our money, the new Goofy Jug Ear'd fella, not so much.

Oily Rags 2: semi-spontaneous insurance scam

k2NUY9OY-lE | 05 Sep 2022

Oily Rags 2: semi-spontaneous insurance scam

Progress! Fireball Tool: French River Woodworks:

Tools for Hard Jobs

hC48bRrxtHI | 02 Sep 2022

Tools for Hard Jobs

Tile party with Demolition Hammer and Burke Bar!

Oily rags: spontaneous insurance scam?

zLTWa19_pdI | 28 Aug 2022

Oily rags: spontaneous insurance scam?

Wive's tale about oily rags? Only one way to find out!

hydrogen battery

1ScAtaP5RsM | 31 Jul 2022

hydrogen battery

aluminum, lye, water.

Beetles for Breakfast

r2kxQDzo3c8 | 29 Jul 2022

Beetles for Breakfast

The lost art of eating bugs.

One man. One chainsaw.

cHyRshU_s_s | 24 Jul 2022

One man. One chainsaw.

30 inch diameter Fir. Husqvarna 372xp, 24" bar, dull chain.

BOLTR; Made in USA Makita?

0ADkQ1ch-58 | 17 Jul 2022

BOLTR; Made in USA Makita?

I bought the Makita over the DeWalt. One was made in USA the other made in PRC. I like the carbide blades, I don't like the stickers.

The secret of Linseed oil.

pr4OS1YiXKM | 13 Jul 2022

The secret of Linseed oil.

Flax aka Linseed oil, ancient wood finish. Why some oil dries and some doesn't? Bonus: best oil for seasoning cast iron.

Hydrogen grease gun?

Ppm9b0JAQCQ | 02 Jul 2022

Hydrogen grease gun?

It's VERKINGK! Big Clive:

unBOLTR: Milwaukee Weed Whacker

A4ARhrW3Ozw | 26 Jun 2022

unBOLTR: Milwaukee Weed Whacker

Yep, dead.

Rail Saw

JtKKLtj1UXs | 18 Jun 2022

Rail Saw

Making parts on the townpumpCNC. Music Composition Public Domain The Grand Funeral and Triumphal Symphony (Grande symphonie funebre et triomphale) Op. 15 composed by Berlioz in 1840. Recording by United States Marine Band; Creative Commons License 3.0

Expensive JUNK!

QG32ZyZPcZ0 | 17 Jun 2022

Expensive JUNK!

Think you're paying extra for quality? Buck Knife, John Deere, Huot.

Husqvarna 372XP | Rainforest test

KSLKxZw7c50 | 10 Jun 2022

Husqvarna 372XP | Rainforest test

New chainsaw day! A rare treat of rainforest Larch.

Automotive Miracle: hydraulic oil converted into beer.

6ttJB_3s9Nw | 22 May 2022

Automotive Miracle: hydraulic oil converted into beer.

Scumbag offset: long neglected hitch. Please consider purchasing my fine, horsepower-boosting decals.

Procrasturbation: Workin' the Wood.

iEDeAP_Z7vg | 15 May 2022

Procrasturbation: Workin' the Wood.

New T-sharts: |

Why has nobody invented this?!

ZUm2Xuo8Cxo | 14 May 2022

Why has nobody invented this?!

Grease gun LED gas guage. Please consider purchasing my fine, horsepower-boosting decals.

Excavator broke pin repair

HzXYapTSTVc | 07 May 2022

Excavator broke pin repair

John Deere excavator pin broke. It was greasier than your prom date; by the end of the night smiles all around. Please consider purchasing my fine, horsepower-boosting decals.

Dangerous Log Splitter

Gy5XQ3Tg5oM | 04 May 2022

Dangerous Log Splitter

Please consider purchasing my fine. horsepower-boosting decals.

Remove broken stud

KRN7SK_elC0 | 02 May 2022

Remove broken stud

Welding a nut to the broken bolt is the easiest way. New OHSHIT! Warning labels here:

Simple & Dangerous.

PoedFa8O2Zs | 24 Apr 2022

Simple & Dangerous.

Automatic wood splitter. No more pulling valves like a sucker.


-wM8NKI3EGI | 21 Apr 2022


I have a look at the innards of a Haas CNC milling machine.

Deere excavator design flaw. Suggestions?

G5sxUtkpiMg | 18 Apr 2022

Deere excavator design flaw. Suggestions?

Late for supper on account of a greasy hoe.

Thor's Pencil

sPgYWHDktPU | 06 Apr 2022

Thor's Pencil

[email protected] Machining micro-hammers to share a chuckle in the workshop! This is a pre-production run that I'm shipping out to thank you guys that share beer and busted carbide. Thank you!

Excavator Dingus. Reasons.

nIouW_CPtAM | 03 Apr 2022

Excavator Dingus. Reasons.

Frozen ground in no match for a stiff pecker. The Magic Harp (Die Zauberharfe), D.644, is the incidental music composed for the play of the same name by F. Schubert. Written in 1819, premiered in 1820 in Vienna, and first published in 1891, the overture to this work has been long asociated with the Rosamunde incidental music, probably because they were first published together. Public Domain Recording: Skidmore College Orchestra, CC 2.0 License. Public Domain

Fixing hydraulic cylinder.

QuPYGj2QaiI | 31 Mar 2022

Fixing hydraulic cylinder.

Whatever it takes.

Bricks for Invention! | Town Pump CNC

Ht1VxeTIWNQ | 18 Mar 2022

Bricks for Invention! | Town Pump CNC

Prototype parts for Buddy's invention: Music: Composition Public Domain. The Flying Dutchman, (Der fliegende Holländer) WWV 63, is a German-language opera, with libretto and music by Richard Wagner. It was composed in 1840. Performance Public Domain. Creative Commons License University of Chicago Orchestra.

Everything shats.

KoP4rW35WV8 | 14 Mar 2022

Everything shats.


Bumbleforks; Smokin' Bacon

mve47Zqpm70 | 07 Mar 2022

Bumbleforks; Smokin' Bacon

My homemade bacon is the best.

Craftsman vs. Proto

udSypgZdtcc | 04 Mar 2022

Craftsman vs. Proto

6 pt proto: 880 lbs ft 12 pt Craftsman: 636 lbs ft

Lox: Rona Recovery

P6gSTdOTZ5g | 01 Mar 2022

Lox: Rona Recovery

Reducing world suck one smoked salmon at a time.

Godspeed lil' nugget!

uYolOb99274 | 01 Mar 2022

Godspeed lil' nugget!

Thank you for your animal husbandry advice! Nugget the baby chick was suffering without improvement, so we made the hardest call.

Heads up boys! U-crane?

6cMZGWFyNZc | 24 Feb 2022

Heads up boys! U-crane?


Splayed Leg Chicks

HB6s2pFmZHg | 23 Feb 2022

Splayed Leg Chicks

Will she make it?

do METRIC wrenches fit INCH bolts?

acpElThX7aI | 22 Feb 2022

do METRIC wrenches fit INCH bolts?

Yes. No. Maybe.

6 point VS. 12 Best wrench?

ZzY4zoe0UcA | 18 Feb 2022

6 point VS. 12 Best wrench?

We fire up some hydraulic testers to see if 6 point or 12 point wrenches are best.

How to check bolts #sharts

hMGzHQf1ANc | 15 Feb 2022

How to check bolts #sharts

Yes. Unless they're not.

McDonald's fries are terrible.

I-CN-09-S3w | 12 Feb 2022

McDonald's fries are terrible.

The Arctic trails have their secret tales That would make your blood run cold;

Canadians are winning | Chores and Chat

Y8sy2pdjFPo | 11 Feb 2022

Canadians are winning | Chores and Chat

Canadians are not afraid. We are not wards of the state; we are citizens. Re-open Canada.

One simple question.

SFrJfwGY-Bs | 03 Feb 2022

One simple question.

The end is nigh! Are we there yet?

Porking with the better three-quarters | #sharts

O1__-2GjIno | 29 Jan 2022

Porking with the better three-quarters | #sharts

Prosciutto week 1: so far so good.

Lion-hearted Canadians discover new variant.

mTbewfX3q34 | 29 Jan 2022

Lion-hearted Canadians discover new variant.

2 years. It is time to re-open Canada. We are not afraid.

tool invention | Friday Fuk-a-round

FsFZXWquYAY | 29 Jan 2022

tool invention | Friday Fuk-a-round

The best things in life are free.

Working class heros | Freedom Convoy

IeYVyhhHY-Y | 27 Jan 2022

Working class heros | Freedom Convoy

Fundamental Freedoms 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.

salt + time = magic

13uuyKBq_G0 | 25 Jan 2022

salt + time = magic

Prosciutto for .99c a pound! (just gotta make it yourself).

BOLTR; Leatherman Rev | Hot Garbage

uuBeQgmfPOM | 21 Jan 2022

BOLTR; Leatherman Rev | Hot Garbage

They fooled me again. Not hard to do; apparently.

BOLTR: NASA multi-tool

9_MdOe3GyUs | 13 Jan 2022

BOLTR: NASA multi-tool

Gifts from abroad: chains and leathermen.

Caveman TV: Glock-n-Spiel

PUNOTce3MNU | 11 Jan 2022

Caveman TV: Glock-n-Spiel

Fire good.

Welcome to Hoth. First time?

Nr_TKlXf344 | 28 Dec 2021

Welcome to Hoth. First time?

Stuk Truk Fuk.

Back to the office! #sharts

zlavhJT6v8w | 26 Dec 2021

Back to the office! #sharts

BOLTR; right angle impact | clever torque

GPJTA_K-VyM | 16 Dec 2021

BOLTR; right angle impact | clever torque

Milwaukee ratchet shaped impact. AND a little tool idea for impacts.

Dewclaw rescue mission!

mSmxZxVh5Ls | 08 Dec 2021

Dewclaw rescue mission!

Ramble through the backroads of British Columbia to rescue a broke down Dewclaw.

#sharts | Lady's subtle message?

iWbRKPClrhY | 08 Dec 2021

#sharts | Lady's subtle message?

Frost free passenger's seat. Driver's seat frozen cock-stiff.

Milwaukee Chainsaw Sharpener?

j2OcZcOWRmQ | 06 Dec 2021

Milwaukee Chainsaw Sharpener?

It's Verking!

BOLTR: Dead, blow hammer?

t-3NWn7KJ1E | 30 Nov 2021

BOLTR: Dead, blow hammer?

Tiny steel balls and proprietary Snap-On magic brown dust.

Skid more with Wilhelm | Bolt Torque

uxTYcOXJORk | 27 Nov 2021

Skid more with Wilhelm | Bolt Torque

Because Science! (?)

Why great machinists are awkward? #sharts

ZTlSaCjoEvk | 26 Nov 2021

Why great machinists are awkward? #sharts

#sharts @Laura Kampf The internal brix struggle is real.

Christmas trick for hiding evidence

wo_FrX0QUiM | 23 Nov 2021

Christmas trick for hiding evidence Want a sticker, but ain't got no scratch? I will send out a bunch of 'em. [email protected] For you who prefer to trust to your legal tender rather than luck: some proceeds go to the Empire of Dirt for beer and busting new tools. The rest gets wasted. Thank you!

Manual CNC heirloom | cowboy philosophy

HJSekVa_J5g | 20 Nov 2021

Manual CNC heirloom | cowboy philosophy

Gandy Dancers Hammer and Chisel a brass commemorative.

Payback. #sharts

NyIR308S1UI | 20 Nov 2021

Payback. #sharts

save scratch on salt #shart

XIrwpTh9kFY | 20 Nov 2021

save scratch on salt #shart

Homemade is best | machining chill

nxQgg7GYfMw | 07 Nov 2021

Homemade is best | machining chill

Knock the rust off the lathe and Bridgeport. Now with more [DAD NOISES].

firewood rack

B19EMUVYKo4 | 27 Oct 2021

firewood rack

Babydoll approved!

Trolls are easily defeated | Shannon's Ghost

UZ4FdU7px_w | 26 Oct 2021

Trolls are easily defeated | Shannon's Ghost

Fireside chat: Information Theory explains the existence of trolls and how to defend yourself.

why so long time?

LE6b4zzsqPI | 22 Oct 2021

why so long time?

Custom firewood holder. The Symphony no. 9 in C major, D. 944, is the last symphony completed by Franz Schubert. It is usually called 'The Great' to distinguish it from the 'Little' Symphony no. 6 in C major. It is largely believed that the no. 9 Symphony was written in 1825. Composition: Public Domain. Recording: European Archive Creative Commons 3.0; Public Domain.

Why Fire is relaxing?

uaEF7SleU9s | 19 Oct 2021

Why Fire is relaxing?

Fireside chat.

BOLTR: Black and Yellow Strippers

Yed_OdHAOzs | 16 Oct 2021

BOLTR: Black and Yellow Strippers

DeWalt strippers, close up view on gyno row.

Best firewood?

SZxvM8kdhWs | 10 Oct 2021

Best firewood?

Testing firewood by weight. Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Russian Olive, Fir and Ponderosa pine.

Thanksgiver: Snow! Goodest floof nugget!

mQ3RiYK1Z-8 | 10 Oct 2021

Thanksgiver: Snow! Goodest floof nugget!

Happy thanksgiving!

Luxurious Winter Office #design #forkliftdesk

dJPtreRMrag | 08 Oct 2021

Luxurious Winter Office #design #forkliftdesk

#shart She doesn't get it. But then again, neither do I. There's a lesson in there, somewhere.

Rust signals DANGER!

o7w5lxEzQJ0 | 01 Oct 2021

Rust signals DANGER!

Spotting danger signals on cable cars, chairlifts and carnival rides. 1. New rust is dangerous 2. Peeling paint is bad. If they don't have money for paint, they don't got money for parts.

mechanic magnet tricks #sharts

_w6htvRwC1s | 28 Sep 2021

mechanic magnet tricks #sharts

#sharts Why I bring magnets everywhere.

Reverse Restoration

d3l7zTw8DFs | 24 Sep 2021

Reverse Restoration

Quickly rusting plated bolts.

BOLTR: Milwaukee chopper test

3dKOZnt2S7Q | 23 Sep 2021

BOLTR: Milwaukee chopper test

Testing out the cut-off saw with plastic and metal against a grinder and hacksawzall.

BOLTR: world's smallest circular saw

Anl6X44UGAQ | 16 Sep 2021

BOLTR: world's smallest circular saw

Milwaukee cut-off

It's official: one pump chump

AiFCafAEhPc | 24 Aug 2021

It's official: one pump chump

Finally got a pump, after I needed it.

I can't log in to Chickadee Engineering | Bullfrog

bvGYo8uMCXY | 23 Aug 2021

I can't log in to Chickadee Engineering | Bullfrog

Chickadee Engineering | Bullfrog

Brilliant! Eggs with NO SHELL!

apVsH_XkO_s | 23 Aug 2021

Brilliant! Eggs with NO SHELL!

Organic, Free-Range? BULLSPIT! Why are factory eggs runny and gross? They're old.

You saved us | forest fire #SHARTS

IFVBmdTPZ2Y | 17 Aug 2021

You saved us | forest fire #SHARTS

The fambly and I are touched by your kindness. Your good juju and rain dances are verking. Thank you! Long may the Empire of Dirt rust!

BUG-OUT! | #sharts

0XFVWH7ckow | 16 Aug 2021

BUG-OUT! | #sharts

#sharts All is good, everybody is safe.

Clutch 2: Retribution

d_VM_MPn_XE | 12 Aug 2021

Clutch 2: Retribution

Deere 2038 tractor and implements

fofgKHZlN68 | 01 Aug 2021

Deere 2038 tractor and implements

Suggestions for buying a small tractor: -get the next size up -get the most horsepower -buy all the implements at the same time

Every clutch job. Ever.

6HCnZFEjLtM | 31 Jul 2021

Every clutch job. Ever.

Swappin' out the lightspeed drive on the Millennial Falcon. Now with more Chewbacca grunts!

Shallow Thinking with Jakov Handy

9PvEBPZtFhc | 29 Jul 2021

Shallow Thinking with Jakov Handy


British Frankendiesel Pump | Dewclaw's Revenge!

8ucgCjjZ9-Y | 26 Jul 2021

British Frankendiesel Pump | Dewclaw's Revenge!

Lister Diesel fire pump and Deutz Engine. Two wrongs don't make a right. But three rights make a left.

Clutch | quick and simple #sharts

tb1KVKtmXFI | 15 Jul 2021

Clutch | quick and simple #sharts

How a clutch works, simply and quickly explained.

Kelowna crane collapse explained

MlXOYan3jmM | 13 Jul 2021

Kelowna crane collapse explained

Entirely preventable deaths. It's my opinion that the crane was allowed to operated unbalanced during climbing/disassembly. We don't know why it was unbalanced, but there are some clues.

I've discovered the meaning of life.

Kx76F4yR134 | 07 Jul 2021

I've discovered the meaning of life.

Happy Canada Day! Fourth of July too!

1BxHnoNCWV8 | 05 Jul 2021

Happy Canada Day! Fourth of July too!

Simple pleasure of a mess of pancakes and dead things.

#sharts Rare natural phenomenon: pyrocumulonimbus

RrwrpIup6P8 | 05 Jul 2021

#sharts Rare natural phenomenon: pyrocumulonimbus

first recorded in relation to fire following the discovery in 1998 pyrocumulonimbus. Pyro - fire; cumulo - big puffy cloud, nimbus - rainstorm

#sharts | Workshop thoughts

zJ01MlT5iWU | 05 Jul 2021

#sharts | Workshop thoughts

New Rapid Tap

dumb old tricks for house AC

5ngNskZGcD8 | 05 Jul 2021

dumb old tricks for house AC

Our house is old and the AC doesn't work very well. Here's how to avoid moving: -shade the windows -sprinklers on the siding and roof -damp rag around your neck -long sleeves, loose pants

Laugh in the face of death!

0JcKq1trWMI | 27 Jun 2021

Laugh in the face of death!

Old time safety! I got prints to give away. Also, new merch. As always if you got no money or just prefer free-ninety-nine drop me a line and I'll send out a bunch. [email protected]

I made a cool thing.

MoRkDlEJguc | 27 Jun 2021

I made a cool thing.

New stickers here:

Brass handle screwdriver | Hand Tool Rescue

pBW6qB0Ce4Q | 26 Jun 2021

Brass handle screwdriver | Hand Tool Rescue

1904 Screwdriver Tabarnac!

Tractor mixer better than shovel? *YES* Slop-Slinger 9000!

8PPYbute57U | 16 Jun 2021

Tractor mixer better than shovel? *YES* Slop-Slinger 9000!

*NO SHOVELING* 25 cubic feet per hour; almost 1 yard/hr. a) -scoop and weigh aggregate with tractor bucket b) -transport and mix in tractor bucket c) -place and dump with tractor bucket d) *BONUS STEP* -automagic de-limbing of errant apprentii

Khyber Pass cylinder repair

OQKOc26eXI8 | 09 Jun 2021

Khyber Pass cylinder repair

It'll make nightshift. probably.

#sharts | raising chicks

krMxt_5ZTFM | 08 Jun 2021

#sharts | raising chicks

Keep baby chickens warm, watered and fed and that's pretty much it. Keep the bedding dry and wipe the poop off their butts for the first few days and you're good to go.

"It is not known why the pulling cable snapped."

uCB1xbkn1Ps | 07 Jun 2021

"It is not known why the pulling cable snapped."

Tragic? Yes. Accident? NO! "...he had left a fork-shaped bracket on the cable car’s emergency brake to disable it because it kept locking on..." Likely, the emergency brakes were dragging and the wire rope was periodically overloaded.

#sharts | dirty vs. clean fuel sock

S7cXnfT4ldk | 05 Jun 2021

#sharts | dirty vs. clean fuel sock

Deere Gator in-tank fuel filter.

#sharts | zip tie trick

zVCBHsiypUM | 05 Jun 2021

#sharts | zip tie trick

ONE trick big tie doesn't want you to know!

#shart | Make any size O-ring

0hFCT2Z3Auc | 04 Jun 2021

#shart | Make any size O-ring

Fabricobbled concrete mixer

S-Dm5zbFbAM | 04 Jun 2021

Fabricobbled concrete mixer

Pouring slabs and picking scabs. Round for the crew:

"But it doesn't WORK!" #sharts

PtldXix6ytY | 20 May 2021

"But it doesn't WORK!" #sharts


#sharts | toothless tape trick

Mg2V377pEVA | 18 May 2021

#sharts | toothless tape trick

#sharts no knife? no teeth? no problemo!

#sharts | Mother Earth needs to watch CNN

tJVXHB2hR_o | 18 May 2021

#sharts | Mother Earth needs to watch CNN

Summer 2021 was rather short. But enough about me.

#sharts | Critter in the woodstove.

rjlsI3K2E8k | 17 May 2021

#sharts | Critter in the woodstove.


#sharts FNG

GO2IG4WXdFM | 10 May 2021

#sharts FNG

Ahh, the heady bouquet of summer, students.

Why NEW equipment isn't as reliable as OLD.

vGv2E9HX1so | 09 May 2021

Why NEW equipment isn't as reliable as OLD.

Faced with utter stupidity, in shit-u-ations like this, remember that marketing wanks think selling Juice Bags with a DRM license is a good idea.

In Musk we trusk.

G4yL4I1cj8E | 07 May 2021

In Musk we trusk.

Friday! Get rich quick trading Kanuckistan Kopeks for 'Ol Muskie's Mars Money.

#shart remove crazy glue from fingies

ZgkGYytXiog | 07 May 2021

#shart remove crazy glue from fingies

#shart filmed on location.

"GOOD USED" | DewClaw vs. Deutz Diesel

k-3L5qfy53s | 05 May 2021

"GOOD USED" | DewClaw vs. Deutz Diesel

"I say'd for sale, not ON SALE. Interesting trades considered. *MINTY* Fresh service, new voltage controller, rare two-tone battleship grey/rust. As is where is, come after dark."

#shart Balin' Wire trick

zghieEms1F0 | 02 May 2021

#shart Balin' Wire trick

#shart Use duct tape to keep wire easy to pull

Wood splitter, almost free.

o-ZNixn1XlU | 01 May 2021

Wood splitter, almost free.

Nauseating shaky-cam fight scenes? Low budget Blair Witch horror? I submit: hangover woodsplitter build.

#sharts Nylon Belt for naughty engineers

Q-42KWPnN8U | 01 May 2021

#sharts Nylon Belt for naughty engineers

#sharts Dark, dirty, dastardly tricks for tight spots. The full fiasco is on

#sharts Pipe thread that'll never leak (or come apart)

nf-kN_VKyDk | 26 Apr 2021

#sharts Pipe thread that'll never leak (or come apart)

#SHARTS Old Mechanic's trick to prevent tapered pipe fittings from leaking.

#sharts Old Mechanic's hydraulic trick

VbJnSk493Gs | 26 Apr 2021

#sharts Old Mechanic's hydraulic trick

#SHARTs Common hydraulic fittings: ORB, JIC and ORFS all use inch fractional NF threads.

Steel, wood, fire.

P9XDOHOwFdI | 24 Apr 2021

Steel, wood, fire.

I make a thing. It is a good thing.

How to get graphic toolpath on Haas? | #shart Viewer Question

_E3nRY89Jbo | 22 Apr 2021

How to get graphic toolpath on Haas? | #shart Viewer Question

#shart select program - memory - graphics - cycle *smash* green button

Eazy way to trigger Youtube NUKE? #shart

phM7Xadkv68 | 22 Apr 2021

Eazy way to trigger Youtube NUKE? #shart

#shart Public domain music gets your VJO nuked from orbit! SEVEN different companies are claiming copyright to ONE public domain recording. I saw a movie like that once; it's not a happy ending.

Thicc BBQ griddles are the best. EVER.

kGCoaaAeP0Y | 19 Apr 2021

Thicc BBQ griddles are the best. EVER.

Making a steel griddle for BBQ. Version 2.0

Axe from scrap rail

jpYTjva8m8o | 16 Apr 2021

Axe from scrap rail

At your suggestion, I'm using high feed end mills. They are incredible! The axe head? Not so much.

Making stuff from scrap rail.

q-PUu509LME | 02 Apr 2021

Making stuff from scrap rail.

Getting the recipe right for work hardened scrap.

BOLTR: Ancient Cordless Craftsman

ACAImDfwV9U | 28 Mar 2021

BOLTR: Ancient Cordless Craftsman

Thank you for the new camera! Pulled this neat-o vintage craftsman off the pile. welder:

Revelstoke Winter Corn.

HBzbz9yEE3o | 25 Mar 2021

Revelstoke Winter Corn.

Spring Chores: feeding the skis corn before putting them up.

Milwaukee pump dies for no reason

yRP-PCYZDpo | 12 Mar 2021

Milwaukee pump dies for no reason

This 18v milwaukee pump is so handy, but why add a bunch of electronics?

Are Japanese Tools Better? Yes.

p2EpdRN2h6A | 06 Mar 2021

Are Japanese Tools Better? Yes.


$35 Theragun? Amazon search results...

G7K4cr52vwI | 03 Mar 2021

$35 Theragun? Amazon search results...


Costco Boost Pack | Electrician vs. Truck Starter

K3G9CcHHXTE | 20 Feb 2021

Costco Boost Pack | Electrician vs. Truck Starter

Everything takes longer in the winter. Reasons.

Theragun: most important question?

XaLoefUIJCo | 12 Feb 2021

Theragun: most important question?

Hard pass.

BOLTR: Theragun

g3Gblw2nZtQ | 11 Feb 2021

BOLTR: Theragun

Why is it $800?

BOLTR: Costco Boost Pack | Stupid Design

R7bg-t8ZqX4 | 05 Feb 2021

BOLTR: Costco Boost Pack | Stupid Design

This battery boost pack from Costco is surprisingly well built, too bad it sucks. 1. LED goes into epilepsy mode 2. push button gives no feedback 3. You reset and disconnect the cables after 5 seconds of cranking

the good book saves

ZmUIUxngfFk | 30 Jan 2021

the good book saves

. Music: Anton Bruckner - Symphony No.4 E flat Major - III. Scherzo Bewegt Composition by Bruckner 1874 Public Domain. European Archive Public Domain Recording from Musopen is a 501(c) 3 non-profit based out of San Francisco, CA. We work to increase access to music education by providing free music recordings, sheet music, apps, and educational materials

Invention: goggles w/ electric defrost

eKVXb3yiCh0 | 15 Jan 2021

Invention: goggles w/ electric defrost

Home-made defrost for your glasses. "Electrocity: everything-u-knead-2-know' for hands-on Autists" Part 1 of 3

Beautiful Japanese Box

JjBVBsg-Nww | 05 Jan 2021

Beautiful Japanese Box

Why don't we make 'em like this anymore?

Only in Japan! Ridiculous cool jacket

ySw0IHIwQ3s | 29 Dec 2020

Only in Japan! Ridiculous cool jacket

We've all seen Milwaukee heated jackets. How about a Makita cooling jacket? Stupid or Brilliant?

BOLTR: Kill-A-Twatt | Electric Smoke Theory

x0UGErQDKPw | 24 Dec 2020

BOLTR: Kill-A-Twatt | Electric Smoke Theory

Shootin' Shit and Fixin' Kit. I convert a kill-a-watt power meter into a kill-a-twat. Reasons.

BOLTR: Air Hawk

k8ptoNN48SU | 22 Dec 2020

BOLTR: Air Hawk

The operation was a success; the patient didn't survive.

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Tail Gator | Brine Tank Testing

y1zQvgytnFg | 18 Dec 2020

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Tail Gator | Brine Tank Testing

Testing the electrical capacity of the generator. 2 stroke gas engine and 6.5 Amp nameplate capacity. But it will merrily buzz along at 9amps till the fuel runs out.

Forgotten knowledge: generator load testing

V5PZb6HtwIE | 16 Dec 2020

Forgotten knowledge: generator load testing

I invented a cheap way to load test high power electrics. Turns out somebody beat me to it about a thousand years ago.

Will it shart?

bIz8LLdHs5o | 11 Dec 2020

Will it shart?

Dewclaw did the bottom end of this Mistsubishi Diesel engine. Stickers here:

Stupid Design Mistake | Stanley Tools

v2nlYoMnX9Y | 08 Dec 2020

Stupid Design Mistake | Stanley Tools

The design of these ratchets is so bad, they don't even work.

worst. job. ever.

toewD0VInlc | 03 Dec 2020

worst. job. ever.

Stickers are back!

Why paint your wrenches?

LG4H8aUkXJY | 03 Dec 2020

Why paint your wrenches?

2 things: guys were wondering about my orange wrenches and when stickers would be available

The final ride. Thanksgiver!

AhBj5KPlMJs | 29 Nov 2020

The final ride. Thanksgiver!

Winter is here.

diggin' hole and rollin' coal.

eridxZajLU8 | 28 Nov 2020

diggin' hole and rollin' coal.

How to drive an excavator a.k.a.; how to run a hoe.

BOLTR: brushless DeWALT crib death | Why?

GJOSVStpZ2Y | 21 Nov 2020

BOLTR: brushless DeWALT crib death | Why?

Dewclaw purchased a DeWalt brushless impact that died right away.

Detecting Dirty Diesel

KmxUZHqKkJo | 17 Nov 2020

Detecting Dirty Diesel

Dewclaw, diesel; you know the rest.

Combat climate change one shovel at a time.

QJoZvwqWhJM | 10 Nov 2020

Combat climate change one shovel at a time.

The winter of our discount tent.

Mecropsy: Y u die pump?

xVRG8uDK64w | 03 Nov 2020

Mecropsy: Y u die pump?

Winter is here; time to lick our wounds and find out what went wrong.

More exotic Japanese hand tools

DBHfv9yWgqE | 24 Oct 2020

More exotic Japanese hand tools

Nepros wood, brass and leather hand tools.


Z3b2amBWCEI | 23 Oct 2020


I'm guessing a solid 50/50.

Stone-boat? You NEED one!

XHKQ7w2_lxQ | 16 Oct 2020

Stone-boat? You NEED one!

I built a stoneboat for moving equipment that is too heavy to lift.

Homeowner vs. Pro tools | What's the difference?

t2-IiqJbqJo | 09 Oct 2020

Homeowner vs. Pro tools | What's the difference?

An interesting mechanical failure that could have been eliminated with a couple extra grams of plastic. That's the difference between a home owner brand and a pro tool.

Graceful Japanese Tools

eVwc4DZbcoE | 03 Oct 2020

Graceful Japanese Tools

Beautiful craftsmanship on display. These simple tools are thoughtfully designed and masterfully made.

Makita impact why u explode?

LUwInp2moQU | 02 Oct 2020

Makita impact why u explode?

Another one dead.

Hair trigger, full auto. Milwaukee T50 caliber.

8zE5QpgjpPg | 26 Sep 2020

Hair trigger, full auto. Milwaukee T50 caliber.

Full Auto conversion Milwaukee Staple Gun chambered in T50.

(your definition of "GOOD" may vary)

Fzv9Tgp-j7A | 24 Sep 2020

(your definition of "GOOD" may vary)

If I were a Super-Villain...6 good reasons for a second lockdown: (Beyond saving the world from the worst pandemic in the last 100 years) 10-Mass adoption of contact tracing 20-Mass adoption of digital currency 30-Goverment Money Printer go BRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr 40-Stay home, stay paid 50-Oil Bad; Lithium Good 60-Low, low voter turnout 70-(Bonus!) Buy Low, Sell High, GOTO 30

BOLTR: Best Stapler Gun? | Milwaukee Crown Stapler

kkrbGojWvNc | 22 Sep 2020

BOLTR: Best Stapler Gun? | Milwaukee Crown Stapler

The Milwaukee stapler doesn't look like anything special; but it fires a metric ass-ton of staples. Better still, it's easy on your arm.

BOLTR: Makita why you die?

dmbrzuxqpGY | 18 Sep 2020

BOLTR: Makita why you die?

Low grade Makita didn't last very long. Let's find out why.

Open letter to Werner Herzog.

M-HTQAfTagk | 16 Sep 2020

Open letter to Werner Herzog.

Ave Imperator, lacerabitur te salutant.

Do LEDs work for slow motion?

kxv8a_P-wUY | 14 Sep 2020

Do LEDs work for slow motion?

More cheap, more better!

What is the best tool battery?

Ayo1mUKFS9A | 07 Sep 2020

What is the best tool battery?

Hilti has the best batteries. Milwaukee and Snap-On make good batteries too. Project Farm tool battery test:

Tune-up the wife's favorite toy | Grayco MagnumPro

BpomEy8_PNg | 01 Sep 2020

Tune-up the wife's favorite toy | Grayco MagnumPro

Grayco airless sprayer; much cheaper than a divorce lawyer!

This is happening too often | 2 Cranes Collapse in Toronto

eFwpfkDL-Gk | 22 Aug 2020

This is happening too often | 2 Cranes Collapse in Toronto

Armchair sleuthing as to why two cranes collapsed.

When wife grows bigger balls than you | Mountain Bike

YXQg3_-2Ykk | 18 Aug 2020

When wife grows bigger balls than you | Mountain Bike

Grinding up the learning curve! Mountain biking: still scary, still fun as shit.

Diamonds cut anything.

o0TvaaPzLXA | 13 Aug 2020

Diamonds cut anything.

This is an experiment to see if I can build a machine to cut through a car. The idea is to build a big diamond bandsaw.

Hoth's official summer commencement ceremony.

Gywp78KnE_4 | 10 Aug 2020

Hoth's official summer commencement ceremony.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's husband gotta do-do it.

Listening to internet advice...

ctN_4jYMhqM | 07 Aug 2020

Listening to internet advice...

Second kick at the cat on the Honda GC 190 pressure washer. Surprise! It's not the carb.

Pixelated Steak Sear | drilled-out griddle face

rZTabDT0qWE | 30 Jul 2020

Pixelated Steak Sear | drilled-out griddle face

Steak in the front, scallops in the rear. I test 3 griddle profiles for the planche mignone. The test subject suffered a botched execution.

How much pressure can PEX take?

ZS7BV8yfIIE | 26 Jul 2020

How much pressure can PEX take?

Sharkbite and Pex subjected to over-pressure fail in a very smart way.

13,500 psi Injection KILLS

J6Ajw5zh1ts | 18 Jul 2020

13,500 psi Injection KILLS

Skip to 10:45 for the money shot. Testing grease injection with a Milwaukee grease gun. OSHIT compliance stickers here:

London Crane Collapse | Explained

sx3n54duJks | 10 Jul 2020

London Crane Collapse | Explained

A stupid, needless and preventable tragedy. Soil compaction

Dangerously Greasy Gun

nFId_NB6Ar8 | 07 Jul 2020

Dangerously Greasy Gun

Milwaukee grease gun for high pressure experiments.

Tractor OVERCLOCKING | Hydraulic Trick

MrSCGK24gDs | 02 Jul 2020

Tractor OVERCLOCKING | Hydraulic Trick

How and why to bump up the pressure on a John Deere tractor. Don't be a dummy; but if you do please record and upload the wreckage. New OSHIT compliance sticker:

Schmoo Squirter pressure test

pEnZoQCHS48 | 29 Jun 2020

Schmoo Squirter pressure test

Quick shop test of the Milwaukee grease gun's 10,000PSI rating. It puts out MORE than rated!

BOLTR: Dual-speed Shooter | Milwaukee

ztpWsuUItrA | 28 Jun 2020

BOLTR: Dual-speed Shooter | Milwaukee

Automagic schmoo squirter.

A trick everybody (but me) knows!

kLL-ydbr9DQ | 23 Jun 2020

A trick everybody (but me) knows!

McMasterbating with 3D models. We are living in the future.

Carefuling in Process!

5pay4yyjHrA | 23 Jun 2020

Carefuling in Process!

Thank you for your help! Decals here.

Fail Fast. Fail Hard. EXCELSIOR!

xRPPM2IOVWo | 17 Jun 2020

Fail Fast. Fail Hard. EXCELSIOR!

La Planche Mignonne delivered a beautiful filet, but was a dismal failure in high resolution searing. This is version 2. Coposition by Dvořák Symphony no. 9 in Em, 'New World' - IV. Allegro con fuoco Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Recording by Symphony Orchestra Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) "Musopen ( is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free."

Bumbleforks: testing the prototype

XZQHaAvSdqs | 12 Jun 2020

Bumbleforks: testing the prototype

The fillet was perfect, but la planche mignonne needs some work.

BOLTR: 5.56 out of 10 would bang | Spectre WS-MCR

x6MdZdDH330 | 08 Jun 2020

BOLTR: 5.56 out of 10 would bang | Spectre WS-MCR

Hold my maple syrup; we're tearing down a made in Canada AR-180 clone.

A simple invention to save Filet Mignon

pPIkB404zLE | 06 Jun 2020

A simple invention to save Filet Mignon

Filet on the BBQ is a crime against steak. Behold la Planche Mignonne!

the old Shoulder Buster. again.

fYZIIC0O5aI | 03 Jun 2020

the old Shoulder Buster. again.

What is Chain Drilling?

Xq35FCLs2cY | 01 Jun 2020

What is Chain Drilling?

Chain drilling is a technique that allows you to use a drill like a bandsaw. ROBRENZ did a 3D version of chain drilling here:

BOLTR: Bosch Screwdriver

5VDXiLIrkK8 | 25 May 2020

BOLTR: Bosch Screwdriver

Interrupting the prevailing fear and loathing to bring you the guts of a tool. Also, Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy addendum: One of the beautiful side effects of considered discussion is that when I post a un-intended strawman it underlines the mis-understanding of a situation. Now it's plainly evident that a mask would help keep one's sneezes contained but how does that really help? Most people wearing a mask have no fucking clue how to use it. Smearing monkey shit all over their faces, scratching, adjusting, pulling aside to talk, going around spittle barriers because they are protected by the virtue signal of sandwich artist gloves and a mask yanked down to allow them to be clearly herd. You need training and diligence to use a mask effectively, otherwise it's little more than kabuki.

Those Habor Freight jackstands we all use despite knowing they're sketchy?

3mBsNd9PMh0 | 21 May 2020

Those Habor Freight jackstands we all use despite knowing they're sketchy?

They've been recalled.

How to pick up chicks with your wife.

xSMVPWF0AjM | 16 May 2020

How to pick up chicks with your wife.

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

Prototype invention 5-axis Vise?

HHTICX_pA9M | 14 May 2020

Prototype invention 5-axis Vise?

CNC machining a cheap alternative to dovetail fixtures for the Haas. Thank you for your help! Early access

YOUR Dirty Forking Tips!

UG--b_wnQLc | 10 May 2020

YOUR Dirty Forking Tips!

I've taken your advice.

Deere Xuan; your hydraulics need third function.

PL5yiwdyNh0 | 04 May 2020

Deere Xuan; your hydraulics need third function.

Installing a diverter valve on a tractor. Thank you very much for your help to make more VJOs. Early access to new ones

Farm Welding™ | Will it Chooch?

MbUNC-xqWxU | 30 Apr 2020

Farm Welding™ | Will it Chooch?

“We have done so much with so little for so long, that now we can do anything with nothing.” -Old Dirty Bastard; Inventor of Shielded Metal Arc Welding. because reasons: A: more structural rust on bottom of bucket than top (upper part of bucket not designed for ground engagement). 2: Dump cylinders are 60 years old, they leak. Bucket curls until bucket in full down then winch pulling through cross bar. D: Straight pull on bucket linkage vs. compound angles (Note previous boom repairs).

Forking Pierced! | John Deere Tractor

UtSdNwS1Wy0 | 27 Apr 2020

Forking Pierced! | John Deere Tractor

Another "Hey, Buddy!" job.

Winch Hitch | Fabricobled Welding

l04usKJYCug | 25 Apr 2020

Winch Hitch | Fabricobled Welding

"Hey, Buddy" job.

Why Women live longer than Men | Sea-Can Move

aGIQXysiet8 | 20 Apr 2020

Why Women live longer than Men | Sea-Can Move

This didn't go according to plan. Not that I had a plan. Sorry the audio is fucked; it's been windy.

BOLTR: Mitsubishi Toaster | Japanese Engineering

IxAbz9mfaj0 | 19 Apr 2020

BOLTR: Mitsubishi Toaster | Japanese Engineering

"She's a beaut, Clark!" Thank you for helping make more VJOs. Early access

Bowline, the only knot you need | The Gist of 'er

PA_v91VPT_8 | 08 Apr 2020

Bowline, the only knot you need | The Gist of 'er

The beauty of the bowline is you can mess it up and still get a strong knot. Hands on demo of overhand, overhand loop, bowline, cowboy bowline, Cossack knot, Dutch bowline, timber hitch and marline hitch. BUT YOU ONLY NEED THE BOWLINE.

Save me from myself

-XZ7UWNnhfI | 06 Apr 2020

Save me from myself

Self Help Negative feedback machining.

Change your car battery | The Gist of 'er

IAi4GbRfvhs | 31 Mar 2020

Change your car battery | The Gist of 'er

1.Make sure the battery is the problem 2.take photos and get the group number off the label 3.remove negative terminal 4.remove positive terminal 5.remove hold-downs 6.ensure terminals and leads are clean, wire brush oxides 7.(optional) apply grease to terminals 8. install positive terminal 9. install negative terminal 10.install hold-downs 11. test 12. coat terminals and hood latch with grease

We're all in this together, apart.

BRWQSK-9eJw | 26 Mar 2020

We're all in this together, apart.

Simplest Ventilator Prototype? | 555 timer!

oqRgISFuE0k | 25 Mar 2020

Simplest Ventilator Prototype? | 555 timer!

This one uses manometers and graduated receptacles to control tidal volume, PEEP, peak and plateau pressures. It uses a flow control and 555 timer chips for mandatory breathing and I:E ratio.

Bumbleforks: Construction Site Chili SURPRISE!

ZYtmmUEEFWI | 25 Mar 2020

Bumbleforks: Construction Site Chili SURPRISE!

Prototype 100 patient ventilator using off-the-shelf parts

N1OFMZDNKvU | 23 Mar 2020

Prototype 100 patient ventilator using off-the-shelf parts

Why make thousands of ventilators when you can make one BIG one?

Jankiest Ventilator Mk.II Prototype

t324iJOYoXI | 23 Mar 2020

Jankiest Ventilator Mk.II Prototype

Simple mechanical control of tidal volume, pressure, PEEP and all the stuff you guys commented on that I don't really understand.

New series idea?

lxsyGuz6Flo | 23 Mar 2020

New series idea?

Cirrus clouds only appear in very high up in clear skies. They show a change in weather is coming. Stratus clouds are low level fog clouds. A high level fog cloud, called Cirrostratus show rain or snow is following within a day.

How to *actually* jump/bump start a vehicle.

JGHf7b2DhJY | 21 Mar 2020

How to *actually* jump/bump start a vehicle.

1.make sure the transmission is in park or clutch is depressed and in neutral 2.check for loose or damaged battery and connections 3.get jumper cables, make sure clamps are not touching 4.start donor vehicle 5.ensure battery voltage and polarity of donor and dead vehicle are the same 6.attach one end positive (red) clamp to donor battery positive 7.attach same end negative (black) clamp to donor chassis or battery negative 8.attach other end positive (red) clamp to dead vehicle battery positive 9.attach other end negative (black) clamp to dead vehicle battery negative 10. allow a few minutes for donor vehicle to charge dead vehicle 11. start dead vehicle 12. disconnect negative (black) clamp from dead vehicle chassis 13. disconnect positive (red) clamp from dead vehicle 14. disconnect positive and negative clamps from donor vehicle 15. high five your adoring frenemies!

Bog Rolls BURGLED!

h9iJaN4HKG8 | 16 Mar 2020

Bog Rolls BURGLED!

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." -Ray Crock, inventor of the French Fry

it's gonna be ok.

7KF1j99Qd0M | 13 Mar 2020

it's gonna be ok.

BOLTR: Hydraulic Impact | Milwaukee Surge

jhzNl6vsbAQ | 13 Mar 2020

BOLTR: Hydraulic Impact | Milwaukee Surge

Teardown and test of Milwaukee quiet hydraulic driver.

Homemade Four-by-Forklift | Hands-on hydraulic basics

ycYfMGDbT1Q | 05 Mar 2020

Homemade Four-by-Forklift | Hands-on hydraulic basics

Me and the Dewclaw made an all terrain forklift out of an ancient forestry skidder. Thank you for your help! Please let me know if there are specific topics you'd like to see. Early access here

BOLTR: Milwaukee Tooter

36PW4HJB0Xo | 28 Feb 2020

BOLTR: Milwaukee Tooter

Solid meh. (?)

Restored Diesel Honda Rock Crusher

RrFUi4BaanE | 26 Feb 2020

Restored Diesel Honda Rock Crusher

A cautionary tale...

BOLTR: Harbor Freight vs. Milwaukee | Sander/Polisher

7cSiI9MB9MA | 20 Feb 2020

BOLTR: Harbor Freight vs. Milwaukee | Sander/Polisher

I tear into the Earthquake sander, it's very similar to the Milwaukee. The internals are different, but a lot of construction details are the same. Per your request, I made a "No Dumb Here" Tea Shart. Please enjoyment, double happiness!

Robotically Hammerin Box | Working the wood (maple)

Exs4kQre62I | 15 Feb 2020

Robotically Hammerin Box | Working the wood (maple)

Using the Haas CNC to router hard maple gift boxes. Woodworking is not easy. Thank you for your help! Early access

Vacuum clamp for router-ing | Prototype & Test

cbo5UYq_Q1E | 12 Feb 2020

Vacuum clamp for router-ing | Prototype & Test

Building a vacuum hold-down fixture for wood. I got it to work after some experimentation. There's a couple little tricks to get it to clamp. These techniques will also be used for machining CNC parts. Thank you for your help to make more VJOs. Patrons get early access to new ones

Clever homemade tools

7VH3suYMTgA | 07 Feb 2020

Clever homemade tools

CNC is great for repetative tasks. For instance: cleaning off the table. I use a homemade tool to let the machine do the dirty work.

Widlarizer - 5lb copper

lutiVGV5Omg | 03 Feb 2020

Widlarizer - 5lb copper

For funsies. 3D printer STL here

Gag they never saw coming.

QU3l2sSi1_A | 31 Jan 2020

Gag they never saw coming.

How to Brake Job

lqx4PW4l9iY | 31 Jan 2020

How to Brake Job

It. Never. Ends. Limited run Safety Squint Calibrator It's the gag they never saw coming:

Machining Feeds & Speeds |Test Maritool Hard Milling End Mill

WsLnCCCRu5A | 30 Jan 2020

Machining Feeds & Speeds |Test Maritool Hard Milling End Mill

I tested the Maritool brand of hard milling end mills. I think they are re-branded from HTC. This 1/2" EM cut AR 450 plate nicely, but vibration kills em instantly. There are so many interdependant variables for optimizing feeds and speeds that you really only have one option to get it right: trial and error. The formulas, spreadsheets and software only narrow the spread. Edge Precision Channel


pEyjrm2Vv70 | 28 Jan 2020


I go over the engineering and manufacturing quality of the PC 9. Thank you for helping me make more teardown VJOs. I appreciate your help. Early access here:

BOLTR: Snap-On Microlithium Batteries

b393PUbgbo0 | 25 Jan 2020

BOLTR: Snap-On Microlithium Batteries

I teardown a snap-on battery to find out if it's anything special. Samsung cells. Thanks for helping me make VJOs. Early access

Winter fatbike fishing

HDSF5ZIgmUk | 22 Jan 2020

Winter fatbike fishing

People in northern climes do really stupid things to fight cabin fever. To wit: pedaling a fatbike to a frozen lake.

BOLTR: Milwaukee Sander

lwjfI8m1Ye4 | 18 Jan 2020

BOLTR: Milwaukee Sander

I teardown the M12 Polisher/Sander and compare the build quality to Snap-On. At half the cost, the Milwaukee tool has got a nasty bit of soldering, but it's still better than the Snap-On. Thank you for helping me make these VJOs.Early access here http:/

Hard Milling on the Cheap.

8v7FUkfVWTI | 16 Jan 2020

Hard Milling on the Cheap.

Tip of the hat to you old machining hands! It werkz! This is the chart I used:

Australia's Bush is on Fire! Thoughts and Prayers from Canada

WtpYVne5uws | 14 Jan 2020

Australia's Bush is on Fire! Thoughts and Prayers from Canada

Annual antipodal weather swap; Canadian hosers freeze our nards off while Aussie can'ts fight bush burn.

BOLTR: Snap-On Polisher $$$ worth it?

9MdRE8-F6hQ | 10 Jan 2020

BOLTR: Snap-On Polisher $$$ worth it?

When you pay big bucks for a Snap on cordless tool is it any better than a hardware store Milwaukee? Doesn't look like it to me. Laptop/Hardhat stickers:

Air plane wheel FALLS OFF on takeoff (EXPLAINED)

htZK3YgjFCg | 09 Jan 2020

Air plane wheel FALLS OFF on takeoff (EXPLAINED)

Air Canada Dash-8 Turboprop lost a wheel during takeoff. *errata* wheels are likely aluminum/magnesium allow. Dash-8 has no fuel dump, they have to burn off fuel.

DJI Osmo Pocket | field test

CjjhvEa7bdw | 02 Jan 2020

DJI Osmo Pocket | field test

Santa left a surprise in my stocking! I'm testing out this action camera with built in gimbal. She ain't tea bag.

Dirty Diesel Knockers | Spun Bearing?

SzlicvhsU0A | 24 Dec 2019

Dirty Diesel Knockers | Spun Bearing?

Me and the Dewclaw pull the Mitsubishi engine out of a big generator to see what's broken. The gag they'll never see coming!

Freedom 95! Retirement | Growing CBD weed

L_sGy6URpl4 | 22 Dec 2019

Freedom 95! Retirement | Growing CBD weed

Our benevolent and merciful Minister Prime has deemed the Devil's Lettuce, legal in Kanuckistan. As a dutiful citizen, I exercise my right to grow crops. It's not as easy as it looks. Laptop/Hardhad sized warning labels

Cold-Start Nasty Surprise.

gopxqEW9NTk | 19 Dec 2019

Cold-Start Nasty Surprise.

I took a chance on a sight-unseen 80kW generator. It's got a Mitsubishi diesel, a Generac 208Vac alternator and a nasty surprise. Just in time to be late for Christmas!

AR500 Hard Steel vs. Chinesium Carbide

8Vv0DAMRXZE | 14 Dec 2019

AR500 Hard Steel vs. Chinesium Carbide

Testing 20mm carbide end mills against AR steel. It sorta works. Per your requests I made laptop/hardhat sized DANGER! stickers:

BOLTR: Fake Makita Driver

AERn5japFs8 | 07 Dec 2019

BOLTR: Fake Makita Driver

Laptop size warning stickers! How can a $30 driver have a brushless motor? Thanks for helping me make VJOs. Early access here

Oxy-Acetylene Cutting | Shake Hands With Danger!

oKhhWGhBkYo | 04 Dec 2019

Oxy-Acetylene Cutting | Shake Hands With Danger!

I had to cut some AR 500 plate with a torch. That didn't happen. Instead, we have a look at the Queen of gases: Acetylene.

The Witch of November | Illegitimi non carborundum

8yxFwkcozMw | 04 Dec 2019

The Witch of November | Illegitimi non carborundum

A mountain side ramble and rant.

BOLTR: BOSCH impact driver | CORE 18V

Lpf67S2qH0I | 30 Nov 2019

BOLTR: BOSCH impact driver | CORE 18V

I had high hopes for this Bosch tool. The double duty 1/2" drive and 1/4" hex is a stroke of genius. The warm glow is short lived after a peak inside. Thank you for helping me make more VJOs. Early access here

BBQ Pancakes

tqamrneKbDs | 29 Nov 2019

BBQ Pancakes

Looking like a grim winter here in BC. Cancel your tickets, go to Vegas instead it's much nicer and waaaaaay more fun.

BOLTR: Cataractapult

SSkLVv8q_rs | 26 Nov 2019

BOLTR: Cataractapult

*ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS* Ensure the security of your desk with this Safety Squint Calibrator! Amaze your frenemies and disgruntle your supervisor! Performs double duty as a pest remover! Order for Christmas and watch your loved one's disappointment turn to joy when they receive it next year!!!! Each kit contains one Cataractapult assembly. That's the basel platen, twang arm, scoop and trigger latch. That's four aerospace grade components all made from high quality FR4! Contains genuine fiberglass, just like NASA uses in SPACE! Pre-famulated with real tinned copper, straight from the creation of the Universe! WOW! Is what you'll say when they solder it all together (prior to yelling "MY EYE!") *DANGER! THIS TOY IS NOT FOR MORONS!* *SAFETY GLASSES NOT INCLUDED, BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, YA BIG SISSY.*

WTF is a Zortrax M200?!

0dqBEsWUMb4 | 25 Nov 2019

WTF is a Zortrax M200?!

2 year repair/cursory review of 3D printing in general and Zortrax M200 in particular. She ain't tea bag.

BOLTR: Corrosive Czech Surprise.

KEpkybk3aRw | 22 Nov 2019

BOLTR: Corrosive Czech Surprise.

Peek behind the Iron Curtain to see how 7.62x39 surplus ammo was manufactured in a command economy. There's a lot of differences in engineering and materials used in Warsaw pact countries compared to NATO. Thank you for helping me do these teardowns. I wouldn't be able to without your help. Early access

The *BIG* difference between Snap-On sockets and cheap sockets

7cgOVDCT3Zc | 19 Nov 2019

The *BIG* difference between Snap-On sockets and cheap sockets

There's two main differences between cheap sockets and good ones. The wall thickness and the depth of the hex.

BOLTR: Bosch Bunion Remover?

rCA6XsJfmRc | 16 Nov 2019

BOLTR: Bosch Bunion Remover?

I'm not sure what problem this sander solves, but my hand sure are smooth! Thanks for helping me teardown more tools, I appreciate your help. Early access here:

Chinese Craftsman tools vs. USA Craftsman?

DW4KWSfcGRU | 10 Nov 2019

Chinese Craftsman tools vs. USA Craftsman?

Sadly, not as good as they used to be. We also have a look at Wera Joker, Snap-On, Proto and house brands. Thanks for your help making more VJOs. Early access here

BOLTR: Bike "Technology" Wank

99WSFkYu8SY | 05 Nov 2019

BOLTR: Bike "Technology" Wank

I tear into a shitty stock shock off a Norco bike and discuss the Kashima Coat anodizing process. Thanks for your help making more VJOs. Early access

Nut Busting: Harbor Freight vs. Snap-On vs. Milwaukee

k5VxBeaQpco | 02 Nov 2019

Nut Busting: Harbor Freight vs. Snap-On vs. Milwaukee Diode Press The healing bench worked it's magic on the Harbor Freight Earthquake ratchet. It's worse for the experience, but well worth the effort to see how it's made. I tested it's breakaway torque against the Snap on and Milwaukee fuel.

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake Ratchet | Milwaukee and Snap-On too!

jyVI06KCwz8 | 25 Oct 2019

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake Ratchet | Milwaukee and Snap-On too!

Inspect the parts of a Harbor Freight cordless ratchet in comparison to the Milwaukee and Snap-On. Thank you for helping me make these VJOs. Early access here


-rduVAVrQCM | 20 Oct 2019


Inspecting the build quality and engineering of a Glock 17 gen 5. Thank you for your help to make more VJOs. Early access for Patrons

Simple vise from pipe plugs | NYC CNC Johnny 5 Robot

5URMlxsORl8 | 18 Oct 2019

Simple vise from pipe plugs | NYC CNC Johnny 5 Robot

Novel Fixture for CNC machining of Robot parts. Full Robot here Music Credit: Public Domain composition by Franz Schubert and CC 3.0 license recording by European Archive. Schubert composed his Symphony no. 3 in D major, D. 200, in 1815, just a few months after he turned 18.

BOLTR: Hilti Cordless Grinder | "Never seen this before!"

x9xhr0MsAZw | 12 Oct 2019

BOLTR: Hilti Cordless Grinder | "Never seen this before!"

I been using this expensive Hilti and wanted to see how the build quality stacks up to Makita, Dewalt, Milwaukee grinders. Surprisingly it IS brushless and the drive mechanism is nothing like we've seen before. It's got a brushless motor and a chinsy little coupling arrangement.

Tools from the Male Bag!

-iz_Zo2OBfQ | 06 Oct 2019

Tools from the Male Bag!

EDM arc supply. Big Clive's King Dick. Hand Tool Rescue's Kanuckistan Dick. wrench here Big Clive:

BOLTR: Cheap Tool Battery

Eu_Ldn7uAMM | 03 Oct 2019

BOLTR: Cheap Tool Battery

Comparing the internals of a Makita battery vs. Amazon cheapo. Safety Stickers for lolz

BRAKES LOCKED UP! | Never Trust a Trailer

ni8bJCNVot0 | 27 Sep 2019

BRAKES LOCKED UP! | Never Trust a Trailer

Flat deck trailer locked up! How to fix the electric brakes? Engage Safety Squint!

BOLTR: Your Dad's Makita

r5Mbv4pBDws | 24 Sep 2019

BOLTR: Your Dad's Makita

I inspect a 30 something cordless Makita drill to see the evolution of cordless tools. I made more warning stickers. They're great for sharing a chuckle in the shop.

I made stickers. I think they are funny; your inspector won't.

0Kko5R8DBz8 | 19 Sep 2019

I made stickers. I think they are funny; your inspector won't.

Thanks for your help! [email protected] for a hoodie; the usual rules apply. Mk. III stickers are here Tees and Hoodies here

40 Days of Fasting | Super Powers for Old Dudes!

u3c1362zoGg | 16 Sep 2019

40 Days of Fasting | Super Powers for Old Dudes!

Fancy pants were getting a little snug around the dick-do. I'm 40 days deep; intermittent fasting and time restricted eating. I'm nearly at my snowboard-fighting weight and feeling great.

Summary of every Self-Help Book EVER.

E7RgtMGL7CA | 14 Sep 2019

Summary of every Self-Help Book EVER.

Life is hard. DON'T PANIC.

Little girl gets stung; grown man freaks out.

eRqiX9ldF_0 | 12 Sep 2019

Little girl gets stung; grown man freaks out.

Chickadee and I made a T-shirt: "people are monsters". Yes, she takes a cut for beauty school tuition. I experiment with a chain-clipazine in a SIG P320 (licensed Japanese knock-off .177) . It won't take out a hornet's nest, but it'll sure piss 'em off.

Scumbag Offset | sketchy wiring

U-0_0NFkjx4 | 10 Sep 2019

Scumbag Offset | sketchy wiring

Why are trailer brakes such a pain in the ass? Why is trailer wiring so janky? Because money. I muddle through a simple wiring problem on a tent trailer.

Chickadee's "people are monsters" observation; in shirt form.

b_HU8p-q4qM | 07 Sep 2019

Chickadee's "people are monsters" observation; in shirt form. Yes, Chickadee gets her cut for beauty school tuition.

BOLTR: Milwaukee Ratchets Brushed vs. Fuel

7uAr4Snz_vk | 06 Sep 2019

BOLTR: Milwaukee Ratchets Brushed vs. Fuel

Chickadee and I made a T-shirt. It's both sage and funny. Comparing the old 3/8" Milwaukee ratchet to a new fuel ratchet. The head on the M12 Fuel is HUGE and consequently, reasonably skookum.

Removing Ticks from Engines | Manly-Man Skillz

jqADvaRB1YU | 01 Sep 2019

Removing Ticks from Engines | Manly-Man Skillz

Ticks are dangerous. This outlines the time-tested steps for safe removal.

Splitting Can't Hairs | Optical Measurement

tQvBQ62Ia7M | 30 Aug 2019

Splitting Can't Hairs | Optical Measurement

CNC machining a compliant mechanism out of aluminum. Thank you very much for your help. Early access to new VJOs here http//

BOLTR: Milwaukee Fuel Ratchet

xhu9Te9EjEQ | 25 Aug 2019

BOLTR: Milwaukee Fuel Ratchet

I do the deed to a Milwaukee Ratchet. It ain't tea bag.

What's a scumbag offset? | Obscure German Carbon Fiber Bike

BHiUautKMO0 | 19 Aug 2019

What's a scumbag offset? | Obscure German Carbon Fiber Bike

I reverse engineer a high-end Radon Bike component and skookumfy it. Thank you for helping me make more VJOs. You can get early access here

Machinist Relay | Linear Stage Compliant Structures

_5xxPr8sz8E | 12 Aug 2019

Machinist Relay | Linear Stage Compliant Structures

I got a box from Abom79 containing the machinist's relay. I'm struggling to adapt a waterjet cut linear stage into a CNC mill-able design. The stage is part of Dan Gelbart's youtube series on engineering and machining prototypes. Dan Gelbart channel

Gizz Bloc. Sometimes it's best not to ask.

SrunLPUma7w | 06 Aug 2019

Gizz Bloc. Sometimes it's best not to ask.

Letuce, a long time subscriber, asked if I'd machine aluminum blocks for chilling test tubes. Commercially available blocks only accept one size of tube. His idea is to dunk these in liquid nitrogen to keep his, er, samples, cool. Thank you very much for your ideas and your help! Patrons get early access here

BOLTR: VolksWagen Turbo Jeep | Shockingly Janky!

TtFrfOjtk24 | 02 Aug 2019

BOLTR: VolksWagen Turbo Jeep | Shockingly Janky!

'67, '71, '77, '85, '91 Franken-Jeep that the Dewclaw put together with an adapter kit. Do not try this at home.

Castle of Embalming Fluid? | Bizarro Kootenay Mountains

yGHZbp23gIk | 22 Jul 2019

Castle of Embalming Fluid? | Bizarro Kootenay Mountains

We take a holiday off-the-beaten track; British Columbia's Kootenay Mountains. Lowlights include: torrential rain, a mortician's uncanny castle (hurr-hurr), Kootenay Glacier hike, arcane parking rituals and run-ins with Black Bears.

Mountain Biking and Gold Prospecting | Kettle Valley Railroad

YgT1GmxofdU | 19 Jul 2019

Mountain Biking and Gold Prospecting | Kettle Valley Railroad

Clearing cobwebs with the lad on the Trans-Canada Trail. The Similkameen river is a historic gold camp. It's one of the few rivers that not only has gold nuggets but also platinum. We pedal along the old Kettle Valley Railroad; trestles and tunnels.

BOLTR: Paslode Nailer | How do butane nailers work?

rGfZ2wvUEeI | 16 Jul 2019

BOLTR: Paslode Nailer | How do butane nailers work?

How do butane and lithium brad nailers work. This is a Paslode, but Makita, Bostitch and Hitachi gas nailers work the same way. I appreciate your help and feedback making these VJOs. Patrons get early access here

Why Machines That Bend Aren't Better

2_A1uV2UBQg | 09 Jul 2019

Why Machines That Bend Aren't Better

I was curious if compliant structures made by Dr. Larry Howell could be adapted to different forms and materials. Yes, as long as the material is plastic. It doesn't work for metal; the geometries are completely different. Here's the file if you want to print your own Harambe bustin' nuts

BOLTR: Makita Blower/Vac

7EPcoaH6Vwg | 06 Jul 2019

BOLTR: Makita Blower/Vac

I take appart a Makita blower vac. This is the unit to replace my ECO blower that crapped out. Thank you! I appreciate your help making these VJOs. Early access to new ones

Attack Submarine Figurehead | Hunt for Red October

LxegMolQiwU | 30 Jun 2019

Attack Submarine Figurehead | Hunt for Red October

A vessel is just a shell without a captain and crew. With the help from Anton and Simon, I machine a low-poly Sean Connery Bust from his role in the Hunt for Red October. If you have a project you'd like machined on your townpumpcnc; make a 30second vid and post it down below.

Family Sweat Shop FAIL | Refunds

CcSR4Wp-shA | 26 Jun 2019

Family Sweat Shop FAIL | Refunds

Your orders from the end of April/start of June didn't get shipped. We're shipping them now and also offering you a full refund for the hassle.

BOLTR: Musical Reeds to measure RPM

weDiELpXlpk | 25 Jun 2019

BOLTR: Musical Reeds to measure RPM

This old tachometer uses music box type reeds to measure motor RPM without electricity. It's more useful than a digital Tach because it shows you resonant frequencies and can be used to check hammer and reciprocal speeds too. Thanks for helping me make more movies, I appreciate your help. Early access here:

Homemade Spinning Lens | self-cleaning gopro prototype

CLR0mReQRHY | 19 Jun 2019

Homemade Spinning Lens | self-cleaning gopro prototype

I wanted to make a CNC coolant proof camera lens. I tried to make an air bearing and failed, but a clean roller bearing works great! Doubleboost bearing test

Radioactive Camping

1m_nrEnQkXU | 15 Jun 2019

Radioactive Camping

Dorking out on our family holiday. Crime pays but Botany don't channel

NO DRIP Camera Lens

sQySKtQueQw | 05 Jun 2019

NO DRIP Camera Lens

Using the ship's rotating portal concept to make a lens that flings droplets off. Unlike existing rotary viewports, this novel integral-bearing design has no central hub to obscure the image. Thanks for your help making more VJOs. Early access for Patrons. Edge Precision

Oh Spelunking we will go!

1foW9Rr8sFc | 01 Jun 2019

Oh Spelunking we will go!

This is a townpumpcnc project to help out a guy making caving lights for his friends. Following are the Fusion 360 tutorial/machining ops 01. CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 03 Facing Toolpath

2v2rM8oHAFc | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 03 Facing Toolpath

Basic operation of the most common tool in Fusion 360. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 11 2d Chamfer

A2gI-pdfwN8 | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 11 2d Chamfer

Last step is chamfering your part. It's a touchy toolpath, and takes a lot of tweaking to get right. This is a townpumpcnc project to help out a guy making caving lights for his friends. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 08 2d Profile

sNzjytq6tU8 | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 08 2d Profile

I run through a 2d Profile toolpath to finish the part after roughing. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 2 Setup WCS

6UgqQSq2exA | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 2 Setup WCS

Quick and dirty tutorial to set up your Work Coordinate System in Fusion 360. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 10 2d Contour Slitting Saw

ZrIH9TasOlU | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 10 2d Contour Slitting Saw

Using a slitting saw with Fusion to make cooling fins. This is a townpumpcnc project to help out a guy making caving lights for his friends. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 07 2d Adaptive

LFM4jtLIWj0 | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 07 2d Adaptive

I run through a very useful 2d Adaptive toolpath with a roughing end mill. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 09 2d Pocket O-ring

tbiZaSW1BSc | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 09 2d Pocket O-ring

Making an o-ring groove using the 2d Pocket toolpath in Fusion 360. This is a townpumpcnc project to help out a guy making caving lights for his friends. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 04 2d Contours

85JxO1CUink | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 04 2d Contours

I run through a common 2d Contour toolpath to prep raw stock for the 5 axis trunion. *errata* The shell mill is cutting on center; a terrible strategy. Better to do two passes with 0.5 stepover and increase the feed. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 12 Multiple WCS Parts

JVgkXL1-1FA | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 12 Multiple WCS Parts

This is how to get Fusion to run two different programs; the top setup and the bottom setup at the same time.

Speedy Fusion 360 tutorial Ep. 01 CAD

zCzrNISQKH4 | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 tutorial Ep. 01 CAD

Quick and Dirty CAD modeling to get you up and running FAST. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 06 5 Axis Positioning

lVisKaMM38g | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 06 5 Axis Positioning

Fusion 360 makes it easy to do 5 axis positioning moves. It controls 4th and 5th axis with a simple "tool orientation" option. 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 05 Haas Post Processor

ejjXu_SyuNw | 01 Jun 2019

Speedy Fusion 360 Ep. 05 Haas Post Processor

Uggg. Because Fusion is cloud based, it messes up my post processor and tool library at random intervals. Yay cloud! 01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. 02. Stock set up and WCS 03. Facing operation 04. 2d Profile 05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor 06. 5 axis positioning 07. 2d Adaptive Roughing 08. 2d Profile 09. 2d Pocket for O-rings 10. 2d Contour slitting saw 11. 2d Chamfer 12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time

Salvage Carbide Tools with Lye | SCIENCE!

wi4vaOTWYOo | 28 May 2019

Salvage Carbide Tools with Lye | SCIENCE!

A kind fellow on the Patron page shared this little trick with me. It's a gooder. Early access to new VJOs *errata: I muddled my reactivity with electronegativity. They are different things.*

Machinist vs. Button Basher

xVaSo3ys1Tc | 24 May 2019

Machinist vs. Button Basher

"All you gotta do is bash few buttons. Why are you taking so long?"

Why are CFM ratings BS?

cfjSm_ieRkE | 23 May 2019

Why are CFM ratings BS?

Why won't your compressor keep up with a small air tool? Because the CFM ratings are taken at the suction INLET of the compressor, not the pressurized air from the tank. I'll show you how a Rolair compressor rated at 4.1CFM @ 90 PSI only really delivers 0.9CFM @ 90PSI of useable air.

BOLTR: RUN TEST DeWalt Compressor | Stupid Idea

XA0mNDN_HNc | 20 May 2019

BOLTR: RUN TEST DeWalt Compressor | Stupid Idea

I test the Dewalt 60V air compressor. It doesn't blow, it sucks. I couldn't get anywhere near the performance claimed on the box. What am I missing? Thank you for your help making these VJOs. Early access here:

Prototyping Expensive Instruments | Pulling Force Meter

WmMzhCZcGCI | 16 May 2019

Prototyping Expensive Instruments | Pulling Force Meter

I made a hydraulic tool to measure high forces in the CNC machine. Hydraulics are great for high forces and I'll show you a few cheat codes to make hydraulics seal without high precision. You can buy drawbar dynomometers for roughly $1000 but you can also make one for "free" in an afternoon out of scrap parts. Thank you for your beer fund support! I appreciate your help to make these VJOs. Early access and better signal to noise

BOLTR: DeWalt Flexvolt Compressor | Gutless and Brushless?

iGgthO6T_68 | 09 May 2019

BOLTR: DeWalt Flexvolt Compressor | Gutless and Brushless?

I have a look at the construction and components in the battery power DeWalt air compressor. I wasn't expecting much and this lives up to those expectations.

Seattle Crane Collapse | New Photos and Follow up

7Wo7J_buZUE | 07 May 2019

Seattle Crane Collapse | New Photos and Follow up

Thanks to everybody that weighed in on the new Google building crane accident I appreciate sharing your insight and photos.

Basic Electrical Diagnostics | Resistance Testing

ll9TKnSwCLI | 02 May 2019

Basic Electrical Diagnostics | Resistance Testing

A multi-meter is a powerful tool, but resistance tests can mislead you. The Ohm scale on your electrical meter only tests the resistance in the circuit under low voltage with tiny currents. In order to get more accurate readings you must use higher current and check the voltage drop in the circuit. I show how to do this on a bad motor using a cheap power supply. The multi-meter showed a resistance of 0.1 Ohm between each commutator bar. It showed the armature is good. But the power supply set at 7amps and 3Volts showed between most bars had a 0.8V drop, but some had 1.4V drop. Meaning some windings have higher resistance under load. This test proved that the armature is weak.

BOLTR: AoA Sensor | Boeing 737 Engineering Failure

NhZ0D-JRtz0 | 29 Apr 2019

BOLTR: AoA Sensor | Boeing 737 Engineering Failure

Teardown of an angle of attack sensor from a Hercules aircraft. Redux of the Boeing 737 with a discussion on how Boeing Engineers, the FAA and Air Lines are complicit in the catastrophes.


cexN2-T6dxY | 29 Apr 2019


Watercooler discussion of the Seattle Tower Crane that collapsed on Google's new building. It was being dismantled when it collapsed because multiple sections had the pins removed without being supported. Why they removed multiple section pins and why it was not rigged to the support crane remains unanswered.

Mystery Solved! | Why Impacts get weaker

5qtAFo6V-To | 25 Apr 2019

Mystery Solved! | Why Impacts get weaker

Fire up the parts cannon, we're grubbing for a root! The slow death of this harbor freight impact wrench is a novel one. Looks like the heat cycling during use causes the armature to slowly fail. High resistance brush/commutator connection speeds up the process.

Who doesn't like sharing a chuckle on company time?

1yGQCszJtK4 | 24 Apr 2019

Who doesn't like sharing a chuckle on company time?

I made a new batch of OSHA non-compliant warning labels!

BOLTR: Lost Torque 13 Month Earthquake Impact | Harbor Freight Tools

Jx_P9EnFwvk | 24 Apr 2019

BOLTR: Lost Torque 13 Month Earthquake Impact | Harbor Freight Tools

Thanks South Main Auto! I investigate a professionally abused Harbor Freight Earthquake impact wrench and give it a tune up in an attempt to fix it's low torque.

Making Copper Signs | Sheet Metal Experiment

aj6hXN0Ewbc | 18 Apr 2019

Making Copper Signs | Sheet Metal Experiment

Single Point Incremental Forming is an uncommon CNC technique for sheet metal. It is well suited for making prototypes of curved surfaces. I test out the idea and gauge the minimum requirements.

Making a Copper Swing Press | An Essential gift for Craftsmen

ivrxXEUWHL8 | 14 Apr 2019

Making a Copper Swing Press | An Essential gift for Craftsmen

Extremely overbuilt and prohibitively expensive? I'll make two! I CNC machine heavy copper for heirloom workshop tools. These are the kind of tools you can't buy; you must make. Thanks for joining me in the shop for a chuckle and a HUGE thank you to Patrons helping me make more VJOs. Early access here

Resurrection: HILTI Grinder | Sore Dick Deal

o9eb1DJx87E | 10 Apr 2019

Resurrection: HILTI Grinder | Sore Dick Deal

On the healing bench: a one dollar Hilti concrete grinder.

BOLTR: GARBAGE EGO Blower | 13 Month Review

VWPbGunBZ9s | 09 Apr 2019

BOLTR: GARBAGE EGO Blower | 13 Month Review

I attempt to repair a non-charging battery. I didn't try very hard. It's stupid to own a single tool that has $250 batteries. update: *speaking of stupid* I forgot I have another battery! The EGO lives on...

SKS Russia vs. China | Vancouver wrong side of the tracks

l_SxiCgmdTc | 06 Apr 2019

SKS Russia vs. China | Vancouver wrong side of the tracks

You guys in the USA aren't missing much with the China Norinco SKS import ban. (Other good clean fun with dirt cheap steel core ammo.) As a Canadian citizen in good standing with the tax department, I occasionally exercise my freedom (use it or loose it). Rigorous testing of various calibers and countries of origin ensued.

Nice Rack!

uy3lZqQ7PHM | 03 Apr 2019

Nice Rack!

Grinder & Paint makes me the welder I ain't! It's impossible to buy a cool, secure bike rack. So I made one. *WARNING! stickers*

Testing Radiation from Tungsten, Japanese Steel | Welding Metals Tested

W64tcCoOqJs | 31 Mar 2019

Testing Radiation from Tungsten, Japanese Steel | Welding Metals Tested

I use a Geiger-Mueller device to test the ionizing radiation from Thoriated Welding Tungstens, USA Aluminum and Japan Steel. Good news; none of the aluminum nor steel showed any discernable Cobalt-60 contamination.

Bumbleforks Bacon Okonomiyaki | BBQ Japanese Pancake

2bRH2iWFzZ4 | 29 Mar 2019

Bumbleforks Bacon Okonomiyaki | BBQ Japanese Pancake

Easy win with cabbage pancakes. White guy style, with pork belly.

Useful Invention? | Geodesic Dome Joinery

3O3hdHAXHMw | 26 Mar 2019

Useful Invention? | Geodesic Dome Joinery

Tea-Sharts here:

Soft Lead Hard Grip? | Testing Lead Vise Jaws

O4FUGpa7J1A | 23 Mar 2019

Soft Lead Hard Grip? | Testing Lead Vise Jaws

Soft metal lead has a very high co-efficient of friction. But does lead grip well in a vise? Sadly, not according to my test. Thanks for your help making these VJOs! I made some funny safety stickers here:

Hydraulically Testing Pull-Out Force | Strongest Vise Jaw

OWWAnlJfiE0 | 19 Mar 2019

Hydraulically Testing Pull-Out Force | Strongest Vise Jaw

I couldn't find friction ratings of jaw materials, so I experimented with copper, aluminum and steel. Steel came out on top, withstanding roughly 1200lbs of pull out on our aluminum coupon. I don't know why steel is best, but I intend to find out. Thank you for helping me make these VJOs. Patrons get early access

Glorious Fixing of Things | Amazing Gewgaws Repaired!

3xFoXHbyIPk | 19 Mar 2019

Glorious Fixing of Things | Amazing Gewgaws Repaired!

I'll share a couple mechanic tricks while I fix the small hydraulic cylinder. Mysteriously, it busted during the soft jaw experiment.

Copper scares me | 1st CNC attempt

r4ljwKvjcT0 | 17 Mar 2019

Copper scares me | 1st CNC attempt

Bearbeitung und Musik. Vergnügen. Pure copper has a reputation for being difficult to machine; too gummy. Carbide end mills designed for aluminum run in pure copper at 70% feed of aluminum. Peck thrilling with HSS run in copper at 50% feed of aluminum. Keep the chips small and it'll machine up nice.

Babydoll's First Time! | Grinding up the Learning Curve

g63nhPPR6sA | 14 Mar 2019

Babydoll's First Time! | Grinding up the Learning Curve

Training for mountain biking season; fatbiking in the snow.

Why are Boeing 737s CRASHING? | In layman's terms

1XCU__OEftU | 12 Mar 2019

Why are Boeing 737s CRASHING? | In layman's terms

Water cooler discussion of the Lion Air 610 disaster and similarities with Ethiopia's Boeing 737 Max disaster. Your considered and respectful comments are appreciated. The investigation is ongoing and loved ones might be here looking for answers.

WARNING! Safety Non-Compliance Stickers

Z91D-r-sRzk | 11 Mar 2019

WARNING! Safety Non-Compliance Stickers I printed up three warning stickers for tits&pickles. Share a safety chuckle with your buddies. Thank you for your help.

BOLTR: Twin Crown Gear | Milwaukee Hacksawzall

5c4mfbyWyzA | 11 Mar 2019

BOLTR: Twin Crown Gear | Milwaukee Hacksawzall

The Fuel M12 is a far better tool than the old M12 hacksawzall. But why does it have two gears?

BOLTR: Milwaukee Fuel Hacksawzall | Brushless vs. Brushed

we-uNp158Ws | 08 Mar 2019

BOLTR: Milwaukee Fuel Hacksawzall | Brushless vs. Brushed

M12 Hacksawzall from 7 years ago vs. brushless Fuel. The fuel is heavier and beefier. Better quality than the older model. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. Early access here

BOLTR: Milwaukee Hacksawzall | Seven Year Review

UXBiBK0TYew | 02 Mar 2019

BOLTR: Milwaukee Hacksawzall | Seven Year Review

In contravention of the prime-directive, I'm taking a-part the milwaukee hacksawzall. During the Makita tear-down I noticed the innards rattling around and wanted to inspect the old girl. Thanks for helping me make these VJOs! Early access here

Inventing Tools | Prototype and Test

MdOy4BH_LIA | 26 Feb 2019

Inventing Tools | Prototype and Test

I use the townpumpcnc to run a couple proof of concept tests.

Stoemp and Filet | Bumbleforks Griddle

glxec1z_diw | 24 Feb 2019

Stoemp and Filet | Bumbleforks Griddle

Filet on the BBQ is a terrible idea. There's not enough fat in the cut to keep it tender. But it's fantastic on a hot griddle; no smoke in the house and no washing dishes either!

BOLTR: Stubby Sawzall | Makita Compact Saw

KcY3YjdWSIc | 21 Feb 2019

BOLTR: Stubby Sawzall | Makita Compact Saw

I inspect the build quality and components of a Makita compact recip saw. It's the same length as the Milwaukee Hacksawzall, but 18V instead of 12V. Thank you for helping me make these reviews. I appreciate your help. Early access here:

Spinning Viewport | Dewclaw helps out

lYAnOheWHEA | 15 Feb 2019

Spinning Viewport | Dewclaw helps out

Dicking around in the shop.

Cold Comfort | Mental Toughness

L94oKrD4SNk | 13 Feb 2019

Cold Comfort | Mental Toughness

Staying warm during a bitter cold winter is more about mental toughness than anything. Here are a few tips when you decide to brave the cold.

ROBOTS are NOT going to steal your job | Ram Air Intake

GsxLF-Db7uk | 12 Feb 2019

ROBOTS are NOT going to steal your job | Ram Air Intake

This is a full day worth of machining a ram air intake for the townpumpcnc. Programming a simultaneous 5 axis part in Fusion 360 is very difficult. The post processor is only half baked for 5 axis Haas. Music Recording is Public Domain performance by USAF Heritage Band. Composition by Gustav Holst. The Planets, op. 32, is an orchestral suite by Holst, written between 1914-16

Crispy Pork Belly BBQ | Papa's night to cook

N8iwIviehko | 10 Feb 2019

Crispy Pork Belly BBQ | Papa's night to cook

Babydoll is under the weather; I step in to pick up the slack. Pork belly is bacon that hasn't been cured. It's delicious and even tho I messed up, it's easy to cook on the BBQ griddle.

BOLTR: Hydraulic Vane Pump | Engineering Lego

Z04tQL42jsw | 07 Feb 2019

BOLTR: Hydraulic Vane Pump | Engineering Lego

Disassembly and explanation of a variable displacement vane pump. Thank you for helping me make more VJOs. Early access here:

BOLTR: DEWALT Carbide | Knife Blades

4FhFXLiwgZc | 05 Feb 2019

BOLTR: DEWALT Carbide | Knife Blades

Long term testing of carbide blades for olfa box cutters. In my shop the extra cost of carbide does not increase the longevity. I've got shop rulers for you here

New Tool Day!

ezLOAwF3rl8 | 02 Feb 2019

New Tool Day! Thank you very much Scott for the beautiful hammer! Thank you very much Tom for the utilitarian thing-a-ma-bob!

BOLTR: Amazon Height Gauge | Cheap? Yes. Ok? Maybe

E0jRzrS1Tws | 31 Jan 2019

BOLTR: Amazon Height Gauge | Cheap? Yes. Ok? Maybe

Sometimes a cheap tool is the right tool. Igauging height gauge for table saws. It's good for woodworking; but machining? Skookum as Frig t-shirts

BOLTR: Sprag Clutch | Engineered Bearings

0QXrFUlFbQk | 27 Jan 2019

BOLTR: Sprag Clutch | Engineered Bearings

We look inside a one way bearing to see how it works. In this case, it's a sprag clutch type. Thanks for your help making VJOs. I appreciate your help. Early access here

Small Victories! | BS'ing

8CxQhRFKXyQ | 26 Jan 2019

Small Victories! | BS'ing

The tallest trees from acorns grow. I appreciate your help and want to machine your ideas!

What else will it do? | Magnet, Metal & Machine

iPYmlOVQsLI | 24 Jan 2019

What else will it do? | Magnet, Metal & Machine

Fun with manual machines. Symphony for Lathe and Mill. *Official nod to Wintergatans. Music is Public Domain. Composition by Brahms, recording by "We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free." Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90 - I. Allegro con brio

DOLTR: Toughest Cheap Drill at Harbor Freight | FREE Flashlight!

GL3LL05VHVo | 22 Jan 2019

DOLTR: Toughest Cheap Drill at Harbor Freight | FREE Flashlight!

Claim your 15% off affiliate link

BOLTR: Solar (brand) Charger | Get what you pay for. Sometimes.

3JEUPdPnXUw | 18 Jan 2019

BOLTR: Solar (brand) Charger | Get what you pay for. Sometimes.

I went to the wholesalers and got a low grade charger from a good industrial brand. To my delight, it's not ridiculous junk. Thank you for helping me make these teardowns! Early access here

Recover Lead Acid Batteries | Desulfate using Epsom Salts

QAD_mTtcKSM | 17 Jan 2019

Recover Lead Acid Batteries | Desulfate using Epsom Salts

Can you recover a battery with Epsom Salt? Yes kinda, but how and why? Store batteries on concrete? Yes, it's fine. Differences between deep cycle and regular cranking battery. Why batteries explode and how to jump start a car.

What's WRONG? | Fluke Clamp-On

dRxSJ8f8az0 | 14 Jan 2019

What's WRONG? | Fluke Clamp-On

Dicking around in the shop. If you got pics or scans or a spare, please hook me up!

Tormach, Haas, Fadal, Mazak, Hurco? | Viewer Questions

fguAm2x-Vv8 | 12 Jan 2019

Tormach, Haas, Fadal, Mazak, Hurco? | Viewer Questions

I answer your questions why I didn't buy a Tormach, or a Mazak, Fadal, Hurco, Mori, Brother. I go over some shitty Haas options you don't need and some you do. Here are other opinions from guys who have sourced a low production CNC mill. Chris DePrisco's Tormach Gough Customs Fadal rebuild Nerdly Tormach REFUND Full Throttle CNC MISTAKE

BOLTR: KitchenAid Food Processor | Expensive Junk

rphluieoc9o | 10 Jan 2019

BOLTR: KitchenAid Food Processor | Expensive Junk

Feeling the holiday post partum? I'm in the shop to fix the better 3/4's food processor. It won't cut the pie crust. Another victim of planned obsolescence. Thank you very much for your help! Early access to new VJOs here

Latching Relay | Electronics quick and dirty

BSg7SlvkQos | 28 Dec 2018

Latching Relay | Electronics quick and dirty

Chickadee wanted to make a scoreboard for cardboard pinball. I use all analog; relays, resistors, reed switches, magnets instead of arduino or raspi. Chickadee Enginerding

Santa's Chainsaw Robot | Holiday Debox Therapy

gaJdcNW_mwM | 23 Dec 2018

Santa's Chainsaw Robot | Holiday Debox Therapy

What better time to robot tedious gift opening than Christmas? It's a rhetorical question. Yes, robot is a verb.

Old School G-Code worth the HAASsle? | Intro to CNC mini-series Ep. 2

YdiBSpLoo_o | 22 Dec 2018

Old School G-Code worth the HAASsle? | Intro to CNC mini-series Ep. 2

Continuing our beginner's overview of the Haas; I run through conversational probing cycles and G-Code programming. The more effort you put into G-code, the better you'll be at (wait for it), G-code! It's a good tool to have; but with the power of CAD/CAM, it's not what I'll be focused on learning.

Fried Rice on the BBQ | Bumblefork Griddle

1xN8UMzZsWk | 20 Dec 2018

Fried Rice on the BBQ | Bumblefork Griddle

Hard day of mountain fun and a meal fit for an army. I make Chicken Fried Rice on the BBQ.

Return of Dewclaw! | Battery Air Compressor

p9R1YLo8g3E | 18 Dec 2018

Return of Dewclaw! | Battery Air Compressor

How to get 3 phase power on batteries? Direct injection onto a variable frequency drive DC bus. On this proof of concept we find the traps and how to circumvent them. Now we have an off-the-grid 3-phase power supply that can be run off solar panels. Reasons. Thank you for your help! Early access to new VJOs here

BOLTR: Hilti Compact Band Saw | Quality Problems

-rf3nrRtUJg | 13 Dec 2018

BOLTR: Hilti Compact Band Saw | Quality Problems

Review and test of Hilti compact band saw. One big quality problem, marginal plastic bushings, OK overall.Thanks for your help to make these VJOs. Earty access to new vids

BOLTR: Haas | Intro to CNC mini-series Ep. 1

zXLM0pyJZoE | 10 Dec 2018

BOLTR: Haas | Intro to CNC mini-series Ep. 1

I have a look at the innards of a Haas CNC milling machine. This the first of a CONCISE mini-series: Quick and Dirty intro to CNC for beginners. Every week or three I'll put out another vid in the short series. My intention is to provide you (if you are interested) with a basic understanding of the CNC machining process in a snack-sized format.

Red Squirrel Yakisoba | Bumblefork Grill

5L-DskEid58 | 09 Dec 2018

Red Squirrel Yakisoba | Bumblefork Grill

I dislike exterminating duties, especially involving cute furry tails. That poor squirrel is in a better place; out of my attic. Free range Japanese street food. I make Yakisoba on the BBQ griddle. Simple and delicious. With or without squirrel.

BOLTR: Design Fails Corrected! | Ridgid Palm Impact

xb0GtjB4N3Y | 06 Dec 2018

BOLTR: Design Fails Corrected! | Ridgid Palm Impact

This is a BOLTR redux, where I go over the mistakes I made reviewing the Ridgid Palmela Handerson Impact Driver. I also make improvements. Making it more skookum with an 18v battery, blinding work light and a half pound of hot glue. Thank you for keeping our little corner of the internet a Corporate-Bullshit free zone! Patrons get early access to new VJOs.

Bumbleforks | Holiday Survival Guide

YZoeRdwYNO0 | 01 Dec 2018

Bumbleforks | Holiday Survival Guide

Every year around this time Michael Bublé emerges from his hibernaculum. The better 3/4s gets clucky. The kids get exited. I grab a bug-out beer and make like a tree.

BOLTR: Needle Scaler | Harbor Freight Cheap-O

eCJCAHhaqIk | 29 Nov 2018

BOLTR: Needle Scaler | Harbor Freight Cheap-O

Welders use these to get into tight spots. As a connoisseur of tight spots, I want to see if the cheapest tool available would cut the mustard. Thank you for your help! Early access here

Comfort on Cold Winter Nights | Quick Project

9kcIqju-uLI | 26 Nov 2018

Comfort on Cold Winter Nights | Quick Project

Build yourself a springy wooden pallet. You'll be amazed how nice it is to stand on.

BOLTR: Ridgid Palm Impact | Good Idea Bad Implementation

BYLS8OZ98Z8 | 23 Nov 2018

BOLTR: Ridgid Palm Impact | Good Idea Bad Implementation

Rigid palm impact driver from Home Depot is a good idea; but terribly implemented. Biggest problems are the speed control (stupid) and the power (none). I appreciate your help to make these VJOs. Patrons get early access here

Climbing the Learning Curve | one mistake at a time

1SCqUtdBkuc | 21 Nov 2018

Climbing the Learning Curve | one mistake at a time

At the request of a townpumper, I machined a BBQ griddle out of steel. Mistakes were made; lessons learned.

BIG ASS BBQ Griddle | Crowdsourced CNC

wS9BpNkL4lI | 20 Nov 2018

BIG ASS BBQ Griddle | Crowdsourced CNC

Pulled out a skookum old Fein mag-base drill to get this ready for the Haas. Buddy Gnu wanted one of these made on your CNC. Happy to oblige! Patrons get early access to new VJOs Music: Composer Berlioz; Apotheose from symphonic funebre et triomphale Performed by the US Marine Band Public Domain

Beginner CNC Programming | G-Code

fHTOJeBjMmo | 17 Nov 2018

Beginner CNC Programming | G-Code

Programming by connect the dots; none of those pesky conditional operators or human readability. Let's contract eye cancer together!

NERDGASM: Aluminum | Shop Talk

aw_ftXrDCcI | 15 Nov 2018

NERDGASM: Aluminum | Shop Talk

Aluminum and it's precursors are used EVERYWHERE! Join me for a ramble void of care whilst re-assembling the Makita Chop Saw.

BOLTR: Makita Mitre Saw | Aluminum Cuts

plKHoxEb6LE | 14 Nov 2018

BOLTR: Makita Mitre Saw | Aluminum Cuts

We inspect the build quality of a 10" Makita Compound Chop Saw. We check the slop and compare to the 12" Milwaukee Sliding Compound. Thank you for your help keeping this cart rolling! I couldn't do it without you. Early access here

HAAS Shakedown | JUNK Visual Programming System

f6srQXpzqbs | 03 Nov 2018

HAAS Shakedown | JUNK Visual Programming System

I trial the Haas CNC in beginner mode. I test the Haas VPS (Visual Programming System); it's terrible. Thank you for your help making these vids, I couldn't do it without your beer fund. Early access here Antonio Vivaldi, Violin Concerto in F minor, "Winter" - III. Allegro, performed by John Harrison Orchestra, Creative Commons License 3.0

BOLTR: Diaphragm Pump | So tough it'll pump ball bearings

0cpCEg19euc | 01 Nov 2018

BOLTR: Diaphragm Pump | So tough it'll pump ball bearings

I show you a staple of heavy industry: the diaphragm pump. This is a small Ingersol Rand pump that'll handle anything from diesel fuel to wet sand. I appreciate your help making these shop VJOs. Patrons get early access here

One Million Subscribers | Town Pump CNC

Q4c4BqhhJW4 | 26 Oct 2018

One Million Subscribers | Town Pump CNC

You are now the proud owner of a 5 axis CNC milling machine. Have an idea, tool, or gadget you want prototyped? I'll machine it for you.

BOLTR: Samlex inverter | Cheap vs. Expensive

Ox8AIQuXDII | 23 Oct 2018

BOLTR: Samlex inverter | Cheap vs. Expensive

I inspect the build quality and sine wave output of a Samlex inverter. I also check the output of a lower cost Motomaster inverter. Thanks for your help! Early access to VJOs

BOLTR: Japanese Linear Compressor | Genius!

eEF-owkyI-o | 20 Oct 2018

BOLTR: Japanese Linear Compressor | Genius!

Linear air compressor explained. We take it apart, inspect and explain how this invention compresses air with very few moving parts. Thank you for helping me! I appreciate it. Early access to new VJOs

Hole Saw Trick | getcha out of a jam!

9-pBlZa1RBI | 18 Oct 2018

Hole Saw Trick | getcha out of a jam!

Just the tip. Thank you for your help keeping the corpo scumbags at bay.

Knockout Punch | Tight Access

ooeLNuPZ0Cc | 14 Oct 2018

Knockout Punch | Tight Access

Wiring up some gear and thought I'd show you a specialty electrician's tool. Not like that.

BOLTR: 2000W "Digital" Inverter | Pure Sine Wave?

eO_i2jxFztk | 11 Oct 2018

BOLTR: 2000W "Digital" Inverter | Pure Sine Wave?

We have a look at a consumer grade inverter. Thanks for helping out with the shop beer fund! A warm glow and early access here

Terrible Tools | Speed Rant

Lj9ELs2XvNQ | 08 Oct 2018

Terrible Tools | Speed Rant

1. Channelock Welder's Pliers 2. tungsten grinder 3. Lazer marked anything

MIG, TIG or Stick? | Weekend-Welder Double Mitre

q9XdHiWNpW0 | 04 Oct 2018

MIG, TIG or Stick? | Weekend-Welder Double Mitre

Taking the harbor freight vulcan for a rip. Second try at the double mitre. I appreciate your help making cool shit in the shop. Get early access to new vjos here

Basic Electrical Troubleshooting | Battery Maintenance

jzR1VgQ2cCU | 27 Sep 2018

Basic Electrical Troubleshooting | Battery Maintenance

The Saga continues. Wherein, our reluctant protagonist saves the old queen from the diabolical clutches of the scrap heap.

Double Miter Joint | Dumb Welding Trick

FKX-1fhWcFk | 23 Sep 2018

Double Miter Joint | Dumb Welding Trick

Three way mitre looks interesting in thumbnails; but it's really just a welding parlor trick. Thanks for sharing a chuckle with me in the shop!

BOLTR: Worx Jaw Saw | Engineering Fail

bT6-qk2LryM | 19 Sep 2018

BOLTR: Worx Jaw Saw | Engineering Fail

When choosing props for your next horror show; please consider the Jaw Saw from Worx. Thank you for your help! Early access

49 second idea | Magnetic Camera Mount

SRdl0gIDi1Y | 14 Sep 2018

49 second idea | Magnetic Camera Mount

Using a machinist's mag base for filming in the workshop. One end is 1/4 NC thread and the other is 3/8" diameter, or 6mm if you use metric style magnetic bases. The Planets, op. 32, is an orchestral suite by Holst, performed by Skidmore College Orchestra, Public Domain Recording.

BOLTR: Milwaukee Chainsaw | Destroys DeWalt

o55Dw0-VEeY | 06 Sep 2018

BOLTR: Milwaukee Chainsaw | Destroys DeWalt

What $600 worth of electric chainsaw looks like. Thank you for your help keeping the marketing wankers out of our fun! Early access

Technological Performance Boost | Church Key

YT7bh7np5uA | 04 Sep 2018

Technological Performance Boost | Church Key

Ridiculously over-built bottle opener. I appreciate your help making cool shit. Thank you! Early access to VJOs:

BOLTR: Instant Pot | Legal in Canada!

64f2I86FQa0 | 31 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Instant Pot | Legal in Canada!

Finally a cooking gadget unlikely to burn your house down! Thank you Patrons for helping us tear into the seedy underbelly of tools! Early access here

Problem Solved! | Forky McForkface

40ZsIahuxF0 | 26 Aug 2018

Problem Solved! | Forky McForkface

I was forced to take a new direction with the forklift. Thanks for sharing a laugh with me! Shop beer fund: Distant Tension by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

BOLTR: Hand Tool Rescue Wrench | Torture Test

WN1usZ2K8xI | 24 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Hand Tool Rescue Wrench | Torture Test

Make cool shit and put it on the internet! Hand Tool Rescue Thank you for your help keeping our little corner of the internet a corpo-BS-free zone!

Friggin' in the Riggin' | Brake Problem Fork U!

gDFV9N2SCMA | 21 Aug 2018

Friggin' in the Riggin' | Brake Problem Fork U!

Diagnosed and Repaired the braking problem! Thanks for sharing a laugh with me in the shop! Early access to vids:

Manly-Man Skills | Whitening Old Plastic

fu0v3yFcVn4 | 18 Aug 2018

Manly-Man Skills | Whitening Old Plastic

1. Beauty Supply "40 Creme Developer" 2. Apply liberally. 3. Set in the sun. 4. Enjoyment.

Powerful Electric Troubleshooting | Voltage Drop Test

HD-mxOtVklo | 17 Aug 2018

Powerful Electric Troubleshooting | Voltage Drop Test

Ride along! I poke at this 1961 Electric Forklift, using voltage drop to check the condition of live circuits. Making movies on the road is challenging; I cleaned up the 60Hz hum as best I could.

BOLTR: Bosch Drum Sander | Undercarriage Abrasion

eAm7Qbv9HhQ | 10 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Bosch Drum Sander | Undercarriage Abrasion

This is an oddball abrasive tool from Bosch. It's a home gamer tool that might come in handy. This shows how Bosch Green is engineered for low cost. Thanks for your help! Patrons get early access here

BOLTR: Blasting Machine | Cool Old Gear

tX-OQRaGYQs | 08 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Blasting Machine | Cool Old Gear

Explosions are fun! Here's an old blast initiator from a logging camp. Thank you for helping me make movies!

BOLTR: Milwaukee Pump | Box Specs vs. Shop Specs

-wPumh3ydos | 04 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Milwaukee Pump | Box Specs vs. Shop Specs

Milwaukee Transfer Pump works ok, as long as you don't expect it to do what it says on the box. Thank you for keeping us a corpo BS free zone!

Bartending Robot | Hydraulic Proportional Valve

KYJiwfTa_H8 | 03 Aug 2018

Bartending Robot | Hydraulic Proportional Valve

4am cull of the VJOs and I noticed I'd forgotten to share this one from Patreon. Better late than never?

BOLTR: Anatomy of a FAIL. | Makita not you too!?

f5hpK_UnLqs | 01 Aug 2018

BOLTR: Anatomy of a FAIL. | Makita not you too!?

Expensive brushless drill with a motor problem. Was it a manufacturing flaw? Thank you for your help staying independent!

BOLTR: Arc Lighter | Zzzzzap Gadget

ex8Cq3iZhOE | 29 Jul 2018

BOLTR: Arc Lighter | Zzzzzap Gadget

A zappy gadget that appeals to my inner child. Big Clive STICKERS!

BOLTR: Modutrol Motor | Industrial Oddware

4EWT4JKsZKM | 27 Jul 2018

BOLTR: Modutrol Motor | Industrial Oddware

This old positioning motor has very interesting controls. Thanks for your help! New Cockford-Ollie stickers here:

BOLTR: Turbine Vibrator | DIY Vibratory Cleaning

Mmj82oTNUWQ | 24 Jul 2018

BOLTR: Turbine Vibrator | DIY Vibratory Cleaning

Industrial vibrators come in handy! (hurr hurr) Thanks for sharing a laugh with me in the shop!

From Dirt to Silver | Galena Rocks in British Columbia

GzMv5gRbBgA | 21 Jul 2018

From Dirt to Silver | Galena Rocks in British Columbia

Nerdy fun on family camping trip. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! Cockford-Ollie T-shirts here:

Best Corrosion Protection? | Denso Tape

ZKOgAFKmneQ | 17 Jul 2018

Best Corrosion Protection? | Denso Tape

This is most effective removable and re-useable rust inhibitor used in heavy industry. Thank you Patrons!

Hangover Cure Breakfast | World's Skookumest BBQ Griddle?

SNAr7adtpdY | 14 Jul 2018

Hangover Cure Breakfast | World's Skookumest BBQ Griddle?

Ain't no kill like overkill! So, if ya can't buy it, ya gotta MAKE IT! Clever workshop gadgets here:

BOLTR: Milwaukee Hole Hawg | Long Term Quality

qoR59rzqlxw | 10 Jul 2018

BOLTR: Milwaukee Hole Hawg | Long Term Quality

The grand-daddy of wrist busters! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Early access here

BOLTR; Harbor Freight Fork Meter | Shockingly Accurate!

9rOM0rt39cs | 07 Jul 2018

BOLTR; Harbor Freight Fork Meter | Shockingly Accurate!

200A Fork Meter, cheap, works ok, not horrified at the innards and nice loud continuity buzz. If only it had an extra hundred bucks worth of yellow and said Fluke on it... Get your "Tits & Pickles" T-shirts!

BOLTR: DeWALT Chainsaw | Engineering FAIL

-yIqluXVleo | 29 Jun 2018

BOLTR: DeWALT Chainsaw | Engineering FAIL

Plenty of torque, but throws the chain. A. LOT. Thanks for helping me make corpo-bs-free vjos!

BOLTR: Karcher Window Washer | Home Cleaning Gadget

GPM90SxK4QE | 23 Jun 2018

BOLTR: Karcher Window Washer | Home Cleaning Gadget

It's built like a toy, but the boss likes it. its and Pickles T-Shirts!

BOLTR: TS 100 Soldering Iron | Quickie

ftwAPxl3MXA | 21 Jun 2018

BOLTR: TS 100 Soldering Iron | Quickie

It's not bad, but the typical 12V supply cord is shit. It's not cheap enough to be a good deal. Stick with the Haako 888d. Louis Rossman Chanel: Thanks for your help! Early access

BOLTR: Wax Actuated Motor | Mindblowing OLD Tech

MiADday0mDA | 16 Jun 2018

BOLTR: Wax Actuated Motor | Mindblowing OLD Tech

Very common in HVAC and Engines. WORKSHOP RULERS ARE BACK!

BOLTR: Hydroshot | Cordless Pressure Washer

4IbjQyR9X6E | 05 Jun 2018

BOLTR: Hydroshot | Cordless Pressure Washer

Worx lithium pressure washer. 320 PSI from a bucket. Tappee-Tap-Tap-Tees!

Vacuum Pump Hydraulics | Cheap Hacks

Jrc3dwoY2Fo | 02 Jun 2018

Vacuum Pump Hydraulics | Cheap Hacks

Experimenting with cheap hydraulic pumps to pull vacuum. Tappee-Tap-Tap-Tees!

BOLTR: Hazet blow bottle | German Gadgets

HQ6Yi-4716E | 22 May 2018

BOLTR: Hazet blow bottle | German Gadgets

Re-fillable spray can from zee Tchermanzy. Corpo BS free zone, thanks to YOU!

BOLTR: Vulcan MIG 215 | Harbor Freight Welder

Gh51jPKeR9A | 17 May 2018

BOLTR: Vulcan MIG 215 | Harbor Freight Welder

TL;DW good for the price, some chintz but no deal-breakers for home gamers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

BOLTR: Makita BLACK Drill | Not the SIZE of the Axe, but how you swing it?

F8-iwRVvDts | 12 May 2018

BOLTR: Makita BLACK Drill | Not the SIZE of the Axe, but how you swing it?

TL;DW not a bad little secondary drill; but not a go-to workhorse. The torque/speed isn't right for heavy work. Thank you for helping me make VJOs! I enjoy taking tools appart to see how they are made.

Pneumatic Cork-Stuffer | PLC Programming Intro

LCLzLGYD8jI | 09 May 2018

Pneumatic Cork-Stuffer | PLC Programming Intro

I used a PLC to control the air cylinder for a Guillotine. A brief side-trip to the uncanny valley ensues.

Dirty Trick with Holesaws | MIG Welding Fun!

6QkNXzKYf98 | 05 May 2018

Dirty Trick with Holesaws | MIG Welding Fun!

We tested it, it VERKZ! Now we get it ready for the Jr. Prom. Thank you for your help!

Current to Air Converter Errata | Greybeards to the rescue!

S291Nggpu_Q | 03 May 2018

Current to Air Converter Errata | Greybeards to the rescue!

Fixing errors. Thank you for setting me straight

BOLTR: Electro-Mechanical Instrumentation | MADE IN CANADA

qmTll3hzw_8 | 02 May 2018

BOLTR: Electro-Mechanical Instrumentation | MADE IN CANADA

This is an explosion-proof analog sensor for air pressure. Mechanical Instrumentation! Bonus point for playing "SPOT THE MISTAKE!" Thank you for your help!

Transducers, Solenoids and Headaches | Pneumatic Automation

bxzHZUlJl6I | 28 Apr 2018

Transducers, Solenoids and Headaches | Pneumatic Automation

A proper bumblefuckery session. I hooked up a pressure transducer and two magnetic switches for time the cylinder stroke. Then I fought the Valve and the Valve won. Thank you for your help!

Fruke's JOY BUZZER™ Multimeter! | SHOCKINGLY BAD T6

QsRwQIuTNmE | 26 Apr 2018

Fruke's JOY BUZZER™ Multimeter! | SHOCKINGLY BAD T6

Yep, still garbage. Why? Because Corporations! *errata:* The dept to equity ratio is not the full picture. The market cap is sitting at 26 billion. 4.1 billion in loans taken against a 3.7 billion dollar equity is worth 26 billion on the stock market. Clever monkeys! "Money for nothing and chicks for free."

BOLTR: Fluke T6 Contactless Voltage Meter | Non-Sense Field Sense

e7aSde8X5JU | 25 Apr 2018

BOLTR: Fluke T6 Contactless Voltage Meter | Non-Sense Field Sense

Pure garbage from the fine folks at Fluke. Sad times indeed. Corpo BS free zone!

MIG WELDER MISTAKES | Tricks and First Project

bu_EsAFJUTg | 21 Apr 2018

MIG WELDER MISTAKES | Tricks and First Project

Taking the Harbor Freight Vulcan Welder out for a rip. It ain't no Miller 252; on the plus side it, ain't no 211. It's (surprisingly) not a bad little hobby machine. Corpo BS free zone!

Nord-Lock Washers | Do they work better?

WbLS3rGtKDM | 20 Apr 2018

Nord-Lock Washers | Do they work better?

Testing Nord-Lock washers to understand how they work. Nordlock washers FEEL like they really bite. When you're loosening a bolt with nordlocks they are hard to turn and release with a snap. Surprisingly, it doesn't take more torque to loosen them, it just takes more rotation. The reason (as I found out) is because you need to stretch the bolt to overcome the locking wedges. Thank you for your help!

PEW-PEW! Pneumatic Automation | Industrial Lego

6dnU0Rf-84Y | 18 Apr 2018

PEW-PEW! Pneumatic Automation | Industrial Lego

Engineering, Automation and Dicking Around with valves and cylinders. Thank you for your help!

BOLTR: Bosch Hot Glue Pen | USB Lithium

C8KGMa6m8qE | 15 Apr 2018

BOLTR: Bosch Hot Glue Pen | USB Lithium

Cordless USB charging glue gun! Is this the Bosch hot snot gun to rule them all? It's sadly meh. Thank you for helping me make vids! Early access

Non-Contact Voltage Tester | How does it work?

KIeyklK2qSg | 13 Apr 2018

Non-Contact Voltage Tester | How does it work?

I sacrifice a Fluke voltage tester in order to explain the theory and how it's made. Thank you for your help!

BOLTR: Milwaukee Sodding Iron | I'm 2 for 2!

08x6J7MKCYs | 08 Apr 2018

BOLTR: Milwaukee Sodding Iron | I'm 2 for 2!

Letting the smoke out of new tools for science. fuck.

Penetrating Oil HYPE! | Kroil, Seafoam, Liquid Wrench

YeTNXbDbHcM | 06 Apr 2018

Penetrating Oil HYPE! | Kroil, Seafoam, Liquid Wrench

Tested: Kroil, Seafoam Deep Creep, Honey Goo, Liquid Wrench. Results: penetrating oil is mostly hype. Thank you for your help! Statistical Data Plot here: Early Access here

BOLTR: Smartbolts | Tension Indicator Fastener

ClPwlpa86bY | 04 Apr 2018

BOLTR: Smartbolts | Tension Indicator Fastener

In my experience, these type of bolts get installed after something bad occurred. They never solve the root cause, but they are interesting! Thank you for your help! Early Access here

Busting Nuts, Exotic Screws | Titanium, Inconel, Bronze

TmLn5LwB2A4 | 03 Apr 2018

Busting Nuts, Exotic Screws | Titanium, Inconel, Bronze

We load up the Torquestruct-o-matic with exotic alloys to prove a point; torque isn't everything. Thank you for your help! Early access

BOLTR: Husky Stubby Impact | Not bad

qj2Q2SuyktA | 31 Mar 2018

BOLTR: Husky Stubby Impact | Not bad

We do a comparison between the Harbor Freight and the Husky. They are virtually the same gun, but a few small details make a huge difference in ratings. 100% Corpo BS free; THANK YOU PATRONS!

Home Depot Bolt vs. USA Made | Offshore Suprise!

GPAbUZABcu0 | 29 Mar 2018

Home Depot Bolt vs. USA Made | Offshore Suprise!

I tested a chinesium bolt against bolts that were 10 times more expensive.This is a homebrew DEMONSTRATION of one bolt yield to failure. The JH grade 8 bolts were stronger than the US made LE grade 8, the grade 9 alloy bolts and the L9!

BEST Oil for Rusty Bolts? | WD-40 vs. Secret Sauce

2G-dX50JuXE | 23 Mar 2018

BEST Oil for Rusty Bolts? | WD-40 vs. Secret Sauce

TL;DW: PB Blaster is garbage, WD-40 is cheap and effective, Freeze Out is inconsistent, 50/50 is better than nothing. *Exposing marketing BS one VJO at a time!*

Bolt Break-Away Torque | Measuring tightening vs. loosening

0zuqSrD6F8I | 21 Mar 2018

Bolt Break-Away Torque | Measuring tightening vs. loosening

Why is loosening torque lower than tightening torque? Thank you for your help! Early access for Patrons

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Digital Torque Adaptor | Wheatstone Bridge Strain Gauge

XSsvcNtUGtA | 19 Mar 2018

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Digital Torque Adaptor | Wheatstone Bridge Strain Gauge

How does a digital torque wrench work? Get Early Access here:

BOLTR: Ego Blower | Yes, it blows

8FaTU5Dsono | 17 Mar 2018

BOLTR: Ego Blower | Yes, it blows

Ego brand tools with 56V lithium battery. A niche tool brand in search of a market. This is EGO axial turbine 560. *New Stuff here first*

Post Tension Failure Florida Bridge Collapse | Engineering EXPLAINED!

KtiTm2dKLgU | 16 Mar 2018

Post Tension Failure Florida Bridge Collapse | Engineering EXPLAINED!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTELLIGENT ANALYSIS and WILD-ASS THEORIES! I ran a test to see why the post tension rod was sticking out of the rubble. There was a problem with cracking on the pylon side of the bridge. As my homebrew experiment proves the rod must have failed during tensioning just before the bridge collapsed. Engineering Forum


lZQ3wQjJwxw | 11 Mar 2018


This is a brilliantly simple, cheap and bulletproof industrial undercarriage shaker. Early access to new stuff

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Impact | MUCH BETTER QUALITY

jqWypTAG4Hw | 09 Mar 2018

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Impact | MUCH BETTER QUALITY

I love to hate the Hazard Fraud. It saddens me to say, they got the Earthquake stubby impact right. This is the thinnest 1/2" stubby at 3.9", it's got plenty of jam and it's nicely built.. Early access

Making WOOD GLASS | Home Chemistry Experiment

880a_XgvBEo | 08 Mar 2018

Making WOOD GLASS | Home Chemistry Experiment A patron asked me if this was BS, so I took a stab at it. It's interesting that a common process in the papermaking industry would be written up as a completely novel process by "Tech Science" websites. The concept works, but the process and applications need more details. Nile Red channel NurdRage channel


8wxDA-nFWuY | 06 Mar 2018


Sharing a mechanic tip for your manly-man memory palace. It's also the cure for stupid! DON'T DO THIS ON GASOLINE. GO BOOM. Or at least have the camera rolling when you do. Air venturis are not safe either, they build up static electricity. GO BOOM. Early access!

BOLTR: Electric Knife Sharpener | *Wife is NOT impressed!

Y3H-TwdUJJ8 | 28 Feb 2018

BOLTR: Electric Knife Sharpener | *Wife is NOT impressed!

Do you need an electric gadget to sharpen knives poorly? This Edgecraft 35 is the tool for you! Click the affiliate link for 7% off! Catch new vids first!

BOLTR: Trochoid Pump | Chickadee Enginerding!

O4-j4kwtu9Y | 24 Feb 2018

BOLTR: Trochoid Pump | Chickadee Enginerding!

Jump to 4:30 for cute father/daughter stuff. Industrial Lego; a fixed displacement oil pump. Early Access to VJOs:


76bO4jDmFvo | 23 Feb 2018


I had no clue how a fishing real works. I took apart a PENN brand drag reel for ocean fishing and found out.

Tool that doesn't exist? | MAKE IT!

shnpPFQAugU | 20 Feb 2018

Tool that doesn't exist? | MAKE IT!

The lowly flat blade screwdriver is the most common tool for diagnosing mechanical faults. I wanted a tool that doesn't exist. A stiff screwdriver for poking and prodding that fits in a pocket. It's not magnetic and won't cause carbon pick-up on stainless steel. It's titanium so it doesn't weigh you down climbing up and over all day.

BOLTR: Rexroth Hydraulic Valve | How it's built and Troubleshooting

J89-jWqoKIg | 16 Feb 2018

BOLTR: Rexroth Hydraulic Valve | How it's built and Troubleshooting

I'll show you how a basic valve is a logic element, same as in electronics. Open center valve is for gear pumps (fixed displacement). Closed center valve is for piston pumps (variable displacement). 4/2 means four way (4 oil connections) and 2 positions. I'll also go over some basic troubleshooting in general terms and some do's and do-not-do's.


dkH-Nu23KEo | 10 Feb 2018


Let's have a look at one of these goofy little Dremel saws. Early access to vids here:

BOLTR: PLC | Steaming Turd Emojies

ZON5UuibJXI | 27 Jan 2018

BOLTR: PLC | Steaming Turd Emojies

Programmable Logic Controllers are everywhere. I break one down to see how it's made. I'll also show you how it's programmed with ladder logic. Early access to vids

BOLTR: Parker Bent Axis Piston Motor | Hydraulic Industrial Lego

CuDmW3HUBTA | 25 Jan 2018

BOLTR: Parker Bent Axis Piston Motor | Hydraulic Industrial Lego

100 horsepower in the palm of your hand? Typical Friday night in the Bumblefuck household. Early Access to New Stuff:


NPTzNJMd19A | 18 Jan 2018


Our beloved family vacuum went from suck to blow. The replacement Dyson Animal Big Ball is expensive and also, very pricey. In addition to being costly, it's also ugly and shoddily engineered with flimsy switches. Early Access!

BOLTR: Porter-Cable Sawsall | ZOMBIE BRANDS

lVzF6hGBLS4 | 03 Jan 2018

BOLTR: Porter-Cable Sawsall | ZOMBIE BRANDS

Porter-Cable reciprocating saw. It's cheap. T-Shirts!

48 to 1 Cycloidal Torque Multiplier

un5ID7fAFBM | 25 Dec 2017

48 to 1 Cycloidal Torque Multiplier

Proof of concept for a compact cycloidal torque multiplier for 3/4" drive sockets.

BOLTR: Vitamix Blender | Test and Teardown review

AXVFHnFgAmA | 23 Dec 2017

BOLTR: Vitamix Blender | Test and Teardown review

Yep, it's got some ugly bits beneath the skirt but it's got it where it counts.

SPEED DOESN'T MATTER?! Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

qMyeVXuElkQ | 21 Dec 2017

SPEED DOESN'T MATTER?! Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

Auto-darkening filters are UV and IR opaque. The only thing that darkens is the visible spectrum light. Electronic filters actuate in less than a millisecond. So, electronic welding helmets are safer than flip downs. You'll never flash yourself with an auto-darkening helmet. Machining Chanel Abom79

Quick test of best thermal compound application

gMgUYWUWX4w | 19 Dec 2017

Quick test of best thermal compound application

Glob. Because fast and no bubbles.

BOLTR: Lenze AC Tech Drive | The VFD Channel

-doNtDzTxaI | 17 Dec 2017

BOLTR: Lenze AC Tech Drive | The VFD Channel

A poke at NFG bits of industrial lego. It died of natural causes.

BOLTR: CLOROX SCRUBTASTIC! | More junk for the landfill.

KnwMzwN9Ubo | 15 Dec 2017

BOLTR: CLOROX SCRUBTASTIC! | More junk for the landfill.

300 Rippems of bleach smelling goo-ness! That about the right speed, no?

BOLTR: Skillsaw 77 | Made in USA vs. CHINA

oXQcihHppIs | 14 Dec 2017

BOLTR: Skillsaw 77 | Made in USA vs. CHINA

ERATTA: I probably busted that nut on the new saw in the previous teardown. I gave it a solid thumping in the vise, and since it's not threaded I probably broke it myself. Thanks for pointing out my error! We inspect the old USA built 77 and compare it to a brand new Chinese version. Essential Craftman Funny work vids


dYVPU47c9WA | 12 Dec 2017


Industrial lego from Japan! Cycloidal gearboxes have many advantages over traditional gears. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear SHITTY 3D PRINT MODEL ATTRIBUTION:


zIQ_AM3bnwo | 09 Dec 2017


Compressor improvements using typical industrial controls. No manufacturers have invented a better way to control small compressors. It's a pain in the ass waiting to use a tool, only to have the pressure switch shut the compressor off when it finally builds pressure.

Belt Grinder OVERDRIVE! | HOW?

cdBad_4VXD4 | 07 Dec 2017

Belt Grinder OVERDRIVE! | HOW?

We upgrade this Grizzly metal belt sander from ON/OFF to DEAD SLOW/PENNY CLENCH FAST! 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

BOLTR: $25 Digital Indicator | Aliexpress Chinesium Emporium

6g_UDKM9nqQ | 03 Dec 2017

BOLTR: $25 Digital Indicator | Aliexpress Chinesium Emporium

Pleasantly un-scented with only the barest whiff of chintz. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: Inverter EXPLAINED | DuraPulse VFD

uTvUwe2BXGg | 02 Dec 2017

BOLTR: Inverter EXPLAINED | DuraPulse VFD

I installed a GS2 on the metal lathe. This GS3 is the big brother. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

Industrial Electronics Tune Up! | Stay Frosty

BL-yjAIkdxY | 28 Nov 2017

Industrial Electronics Tune Up! | Stay Frosty

Cockford-Ollie Mug 🔥 Compare the Automation direct 2hp vs 3hp vs Hitachi VFDs, dissembled and tuned up!

BOLTR: Dyson Animal | Cordless Vacuum

i0Rens9oKb4 | 26 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Dyson Animal | Cordless Vacuum

The Dyson marketing wank is tired, but this vacuum actually sucks! The Animal's got good suction; much better in the shop than the Milwaukee. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Gadgets 🔥


rHK40J5Yze4 | 25 Nov 2017


Teardown of the Milwaukee Vacuum. It doesn't suck very well attol.

BRILLIANT Japanese Invention! | Everyday Carry Test

jaRzZFLPKEY | 24 Nov 2017

BRILLIANT Japanese Invention! | Everyday Carry Test

A kind patron recommended this invention from Japan. It helps you not strip screws. 👉 T-Shirts 👉 Gadgets

CHICKADEE ENGINERDING! | Father & Daughter time

8N13-yhBQsA | 23 Nov 2017

CHICKADEE ENGINERDING! | Father & Daughter time

We already had our Thanksgiving in Canada. I took the day off anyway to enjoy some father daughter time. Music: Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs and Dances, Suite No.1 - 3. Villanella performed by the US Marine Band. Public Domain.

Pocket Hardness Tester PROTOTYPE | IT WERKS!

qUpape0XgVs | 22 Nov 2017

Pocket Hardness Tester PROTOTYPE | IT WERKS!

Tossing around ideas for the next workshop gadget. An electronic hardness tester that fits in your pocket. 👉C**T HAIR RULER

BOLTR: Le Clapper

BfT6E4JnNI8 | 21 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Le Clapper

No, not Japanese slang for toilet. It's an electronic gadget for controlling lights. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

Orbitrol Valve Details | My Errors Rectumfried.

g1m9rHiT1qQ | 20 Nov 2017

Orbitrol Valve Details | My Errors Rectumfried.

Thanks to Taylor Leeson and chkstr96 for pointing and laughing. Cockford-Ollie stickers. HR dept. approved! (wink-wink)

BOLTR: Hydraulic Steering | Reading Fluid Schematics

1mMhA1qRCZE | 18 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Hydraulic Steering | Reading Fluid Schematics

We tear into a Bulgarian Beauty to see how the schematic relates to the construction. This is a hydraulic steering valve off mining equipment.👉 T-Shirts 👉 Gadgets

MAZAK MILL AUDIT l 9 wire dual voltage electric motor wiring

YnOlZpyAhDc | 16 Nov 2017

MAZAK MILL AUDIT l 9 wire dual voltage electric motor wiring

Spec'ing gear to get the mill running. An electrical schematic sure would help!

BOLTR: Haldex Hydraulic Pump | How to ID pump size

NoeLMt7y8eE | 13 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Haldex Hydraulic Pump | How to ID pump size

A indepth look at a unknown pump. What killed it and how to spec a replacement. Skip to 13:00 for pump ID and sizing. Skip to 25:00 for failure analysis. 👉 Gadgets

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Bauer vs. Hercules | THERE WILL BE SMOKE!

M3WB-EwdJnM | 10 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Bauer vs. Hercules | THERE WILL BE SMOKE!

We have a look at the guts of a Bauer drill. It's not horrific and the battery is great. But it let's the smoke out with very little abuse.👉 Safety MUGS! 👉 Clever Gadgets

BOLTR: Swiss Made Industrial Actuator | BIG $$$$$

13d4NeNp4Ns | 08 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Swiss Made Industrial Actuator | BIG $$$$$

We have a look at an Uber-expensive SKF Magnetic Linear Actuator. It's not as skookum as you'd think.🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

Qi Wireless Charging EXPLAINED! | Electronics for the back of the class.

TYA8wq7YYdI | 06 Nov 2017

Qi Wireless Charging EXPLAINED! | Electronics for the back of the class.

Errata: (omitted) The frequency of the mag field oscillation is tuned to the coil's resonant frequency. Tuning provides more efficient power transfer. 👉 Gadgets

BOLTR: Kawasaki Motorcycle Starter

wfVjjk4aZ5c | 05 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Kawasaki Motorcycle Starter

The Workshop Channel: 👉 Gadgets

Oscilloscope Audio Display | Lissajous XY Music

kckUUO5CJok | 04 Nov 2017

Oscilloscope Audio Display | Lissajous XY Music

Sprockets: Dieter's Dancing mit Party-Party. Jerobeam Fenderson O-SCOPE MUSIC Mattheus Wandel WOOD XY DISPLAY w2aew O-SCOPE ARDUINO DISPLAY

BOLTR: Induction Motors EXPLAINED! | Power Factor and Failure Analysis

8GGQA-EpI1o | 04 Nov 2017

BOLTR: Induction Motors EXPLAINED! | Power Factor and Failure Analysis

Industrial Lego! 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor. Skip to 7:30 if you are here for Power Factor explanation.🔥 NEW MUGS and T-Shirts! Workshop Gear

Tensile Strength Tester | Fabricobbling Fun

ANBSVwoNaXc | 02 Nov 2017

Tensile Strength Tester | Fabricobbling Fun

A tool to bust nuts. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear Music credit: The Hebrides (Die Hebriden), Op. 26, a.k.a. Fingal's Cave (Die Fingalshöhle), was composed by Felix Mendelssohn in 1830 Public Domain recording by MusOpen Symphony

Building the Torquestruct-O-Matic | Workshop ASMR

62IbZ1cNgZs | 29 Oct 2017

Building the Torquestruct-O-Matic | Workshop ASMR

An evening in the shop! 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

BOLTR: BOLTS! | How much torque before break?

BQzABbhwlDM | 28 Oct 2017

BOLTR: BOLTS! | How much torque before break?

I use the 'ol Torquestruct-o-matic 69 to break bolts. I learned: Good Quality Grade 8 bolts can handle 200-250% rated torque. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

Magnetic Trigger'd Strobe | IT WERKZ!

I2zkQqRC9gM | 26 Oct 2017

Magnetic Trigger'd Strobe | IT WERKZ!

Bumblefucking around.

SIMPLE Relay Oscillator Strobe Light | Quick & Dirty

h5cxhLnSbxg | 24 Oct 2017

SIMPLE Relay Oscillator Strobe Light | Quick & Dirty

Electronics for the back of the class. No programming, no chips! Motivational Coffee Mug

RATCHET WRENCH Shootout | Snap-on Kobalt

V8ggDQnQN3E | 22 Oct 2017

RATCHET WRENCH Shootout | Snap-on Kobalt

Torque testing ratchet wrenches. These things are incredibly strong!🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

BOLTR: Bosch Mini Chainsaw | KID SIZED DANGER!

c2dJLDxoTIY | 21 Oct 2017

BOLTR: Bosch Mini Chainsaw | KID SIZED DANGER!

Having a look at an oddball cordless tool from Bosch. It sucks and it's AWESOME!🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

BOLTR: Robot Resolver. (What the hell is a resolver?)

kbFRWaNAWDg | 18 Oct 2017

BOLTR: Robot Resolver. (What the hell is a resolver?)

Previously Unlisted: Industrial Automation Oddware. Behold the resolver, how it works and what it does. Is it better than an encoder?

BOLTR: Aliexpress vs Omron | RELAYS EXPLAINED!

ftJ17Cp6itw | 14 Oct 2017

BOLTR: Aliexpress vs Omron | RELAYS EXPLAINED!

I used a 555 timer and relays to control the spindle speed of my lathe. I got a lot of comments that relays won't last in that application. So I decided to test out the cheapest relays I could find. Under 4 amp nominal load and huge inductive voltage spikes they only started glitching at 2.3 million cycles!

BOLTR: Snap-On Mac Husky HF SHOWDOWN | Torque 'em till they BLOW!

KesUkDx-7LI | 11 Oct 2017

BOLTR: Snap-On Mac Husky HF SHOWDOWN | Torque 'em till they BLOW!

Testing a fine batch of ratchets. Mac Tools is best. The Harbor Freight is cheap and good. Snap-On is the strongest. Husky is the worst. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Workshop Gadgets

BOLTR: Rollie | Fleshlight for Eggs

ydwaz2oPWY0 | 07 Oct 2017

BOLTR: Rollie | Fleshlight for Eggs

As seen on TV! This is what happens when doves cry. 👉 T-Shirts 👉


dMmEqA6YV5o | 06 Oct 2017


I test out case hardening compound on mild steel. Results as expected. It makes a thin crust of hard but the underlying steel remains baby poop soft. 👉 T-Shirts 👉 Gadgets

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake XT | SKOOKUM?!

UkPzjV-ZaTU | 30 Sep 2017

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake XT | SKOOKUM?!

You heard it here first! Something from the Harbor Freight that isn't garbage! Earthquake XT lithium impact wrench teardown and test. C**T HAIR RULER 🔥 T-SHIRT 🔥

Snap-On vs. Offshore | SURPRISING RESULTS

TcSa9_FLVMo | 23 Sep 2017

Snap-On vs. Offshore | SURPRISING RESULTS

Over torquing ratchets until they break! Actual torque numbers on Snap-on, Mastercraft and Husky. AvE MERCH! 🔥

How Much Torque? | Broaching squares to test RATCHETS!

Ze73ZA2w03o | 22 Sep 2017

How Much Torque? | Broaching squares to test RATCHETS!

The answer is 288 lbs ft (380Nm). Having a bit-o-fun in the shop! Machining, testing, breaking stuff. WORKSHOP GADGETS FROM AvE 🔥 Clock for Dali joke and photo: Kristina Panos

BOLTR: Hydraulic Torque Wrench

Pg_qAN0PAcM | 16 Sep 2017

BOLTR: Hydraulic Torque Wrench

HyTorque style of torque wrench for big fasteners. This is capable of 2000 lbs ft! We'll use an Enerpac pump to test it out. 💪 SKOOKUM T-SHIRTS! 💪

BIG JB-Weld Diamond Coring Bit | Workshop Fabricobblin' Fun!

mYphOR0Jegw | 12 Sep 2017

BIG JB-Weld Diamond Coring Bit | Workshop Fabricobblin' Fun!

I want a big hole in stone, but I don't want to spend $400 on a coring bit. I got cheap industrial diamonds and some abs plumbing caps. IT VERKZ!

BOLTR: Air Hammer | Ingersoll Rand

b7yV7uYq0wk | 09 Sep 2017

BOLTR: Air Hammer | Ingersoll Rand

NEW T-SHIRT! We have an inside look at the nasty bits of Ingersoll Rand air chisel. It looks good from far, but it's far from good. Long term projects here:

BOLTR REDUX: YETI How it works | Enginerding Stainless Steel

zVPLX6LY5HM | 08 Sep 2017

BOLTR REDUX: YETI How it works | Enginerding Stainless Steel

*NEW T-SHIRT!* Errata: Strain in austenitic 304 causes martensite formation NOT ferrite. Both M & F are magnetic. It seams that martensite formation is not depended wholly on carbon (304 has very little) but on strain, either from thermal or mechanical. THANKS ANDREW! We see what's inside the Yeti. It's got interesting internal features like copper plating and a weird ferrite bead. We also go full geek on what makes stainless 304 non-magnetic and corrosion resistant.

Biolite Stove Skookumfactin' | I DID NOT BREAK THE STOVE!

IXtb5bE54CY | 04 Sep 2017

Biolite Stove Skookumfactin' | I DID NOT BREAK THE STOVE!

Happy Labour Day! I fixed the stove that I didn't break. I also show how to improve it. The animation I stole is check it out, it's funny.

BOLTR: Biolite Stove | Camping Gear

PYYw1cYS8o8 | 01 Sep 2017

BOLTR: Biolite Stove | Camping Gear

Biolite campstove and charger. Does it work? Yes. Is it heavy? Yes. Will it last? No. Not as reliable as a Coleman, Primus or MSR burner. Dorkgasm here: 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

STEEL - QUENCHING IT HARD! | Enginerding 101

9FTC1RTnPF0 | 29 Aug 2017

STEEL - QUENCHING IT HARD! | Enginerding 101

Brief explanation of how quenching works. I explain with a phase diagram how Austenite, Ferrite, Cementite, Pearlite and Martensite form depending on temperature and carbon content. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: Dirty Secrets of Harbor Freight HERCULES | Better than DeWALT?

3ZfYF9aIO7U | 26 Aug 2017

BOLTR: Dirty Secrets of Harbor Freight HERCULES | Better than DeWALT?

We cut the BS surrounding the lithium Hercules drill from Harbor Freight. The marketing claims it's better than DeWalt. It isn't. I'll show you harbor freights dirty little secrets.🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear


yArdk1ulUms | 24 Aug 2017


Get 'em here.

Laser Cubiio DEBUNKED!

d7WmUXtizEA | 22 Aug 2017

Laser Cubiio DEBUNKED!

*UPDATE* THIS IS A CLASS 4 Laser and will not be permitted for import into most countries in it's current form. The Cubiio set up as shown in the vid is woefully dangerous and will likely blind you. Yay more crap on Kickstarter! We scratch the surface on a technical marvel. You can help make more vids here: Errata: Statement for pendatic fanbois; max current on a USB 2.0 is .5A; 3.0 is 0.9A but there are many power packs that ignore the USB standard.


pYfjiRS9ylI | 21 Aug 2017


Ever feel like stuff gets over-hyped just to sell survival gear and commemorative face tattoos? Behold the underwhelming SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 2017!!!

BOLTR: BEAVER FEVER RELIEVER | Survival Prospecting Hiking

vbdQcW2gwMM | 16 Aug 2017

BOLTR: BEAVER FEVER RELIEVER | Survival Prospecting Hiking

I've been using this MSR water filter for 10 years. It's better than the Lifestraw and better than the Katadyn. Boiling is the best option, but you have to make a fire and wait for it to cool. Chemical purifiers are a good backup, but taste like ass. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

BOLTR: Pressure Reducing Valve | Gas Regulator

bWYVSiItNuk | 12 Aug 2017

BOLTR: Pressure Reducing Valve | Gas Regulator

We'll have an inside lookeeloo at a bit of industrial Lego. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

Rocket Stove Peltier Charger | Seebeck Generator

hrkOfRyUOJI | 09 Aug 2017

Rocket Stove Peltier Charger | Seebeck Generator

I want to charge my Hilti Drill Battery on a campfire. Can it be done? Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: HILTI Compact Driver | Milwaukee DeathMatch!

Yt2z6hEnQBs | 05 Aug 2017

BOLTR: HILTI Compact Driver | Milwaukee DeathMatch!

We'll see if Milwaukee or Hilti lets the smoke out first! 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear

Treating Nasty Parasites | Manly-Man Skills

MYBamOW7YFc | 01 Aug 2017

Treating Nasty Parasites | Manly-Man Skills

Keeping the Empire-O-Dirt safe is a big responsibility. In this installment we do our husbandly duty and troubleshoot the wasp problem. We'll test the effectiveness of pesticide soap versus dish soap. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear Photo credit: Pflanzengalle: Lindengallmilbe Eriophyes tiliae an Linde Tilia sp., Fundort: Deutschland, Blaubeuren Date 24 May 2015 Author H. Krisp


hLz6fmySM6g | 29 Jul 2017


The idea of a cordless hot glue gun is brilliant, but does it work? Yes; surprisingly well in fact. I'll tear down the Riobi 18v Lithium and test it. Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear


sdPwJUdr7zY | 27 Jul 2017


What's the best tool for oil? The one with the best grip. I've been reviewing the Vessel, Felo, Wiha, Wera, Snap-on, Mac, Husky, Klein and Craftsman. Conclusion: synthetic plastics and rubber suck. T-shirts 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: Milwaukee Tool UPGRADE!

J_GcUnFqk7I | 22 Jul 2017

BOLTR: Milwaukee Tool UPGRADE! Check out Big Clive's Vids, he does lots of teardowns! We review the Milwaukee Bluetooth jobsite speaker. It claims 40 watts of power, we'll find out if the claims are true. We measure how loud it is and compare it to the DeWALT. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear


L-qOIO6IQWk | 19 Jul 2017


Heating bread in an oxygen deficient atmosphere turns it into a carbon foam. Carbon foam is an excellent insulator and in this case, a workable foundry. 🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! Shop Gear music: william tell overture

High Speed Prototyping

3edggcIGo7w | 16 Jul 2017

High Speed Prototyping

Because you never REALLY know until you know. Bumblefuckery ensues. 👉 T-Shirts 👉 Gadgets music: Felix Draeseke Requiem, Op.22 - III. Dies irae

BOLTR: PROXXON Carving Tool | Germany

TijngqsfYzU | 15 Jul 2017

BOLTR: PROXXON Carving Tool | Germany

I picked up this little weird gem in Germany. It's a carving tool, like a less revolutionary dremel. 👉 T-Shirts 👉 Gadgets!


NK1UR7nTqlQ | 11 Jul 2017


Timer relays are simple devices to automate tedious ON/OFF automation tasks. If you find yourself babysitting something that just needs flicked on and off continuously, one of these will save you from terminal boredom. These are $10 knockoffs that have the added feature of burning your house down. T shirts gadgets

BOLTR: Snap-On vs. Harbor Freight Impact Wrench

WG8KU_ln77k | 07 Jul 2017

BOLTR: Snap-On vs. Harbor Freight Impact Wrench

Snap on versus the Harbor Freight impact. First we teardown, then we dig into the numbers. I''ll show you something magical about the Harbor Freight Earthquake XT. (spoiler: it's the marketing wank).T-shirts! 💡 Shop Tools! 💡 Music: Gustav Mahler; Symphony No. 5 -Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony recording. CC 3.0 License

Best Ratchet Brand? Build a test device to find out!

UQlmABbSZzE | 04 Jul 2017

Best Ratchet Brand? Build a test device to find out!

Experiment with 8020 aluminum extrusion to build a test jig for tools. I try a home depot Husky ratchet and then a Snap-On. I learned that 8020 is OK for some things, but not better than cheap, weldable steel. T-shirts! 💡 Shop Tools! 💡 Music: Georges Bizet; Roma sorry the rendering is bad on this public domain version. I fixed it as best I could.


s4RPN7WM4gI | 01 Jul 2017


We test out a $25 drill driver from Ikea. Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

SUCCESS!! Drill to Mill Conversion.

gXvaZImOTbc | 29 Jun 2017

SUCCESS!! Drill to Mill Conversion.

Proxxon compound XY table and Morse Taper 2 to ER 20 collet along with a couple of threaded rods and some super glue. Done. Tee Shirts! TOOLS!!

Power Tools working. Filmed with High Speed Camera.

vEs7VNllxmQ | 27 Jun 2017

Power Tools working. Filmed with High Speed Camera.

Filmed in glorious Potato Vision! DeWalt and Hilti hammer drills in rock. Benzomatic torch and striker. Snap-on air chisel. T-Shirts Fun shtuff in the shop Music: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 Antonín Dvořák

Screwdrivers is BEST screwdrivers?

tE-pojHecvE | 25 Jun 2017

Screwdrivers is BEST screwdrivers?

Because you asked. Felo, Klein and Snap-on for mechanics, hydraulics and electrical. Wiha for electronics. T-Shirts HERE! Clever Ruler HERE!

BOLTR: Makita Brushless Impact Driver

aZUbbu6J19E | 24 Jun 2017

BOLTR: Makita Brushless Impact Driver

Head to head test of Makita versus Milwaukee. Then a look inside the Makita with high speed camera footage. Nick Moore's Channel: Squint for Safety T-Shirt! 🔥 Rulers and Stickers 🔥

4-20mA Industrial Sensor + Arduino

6di24oIdISs | 21 Jun 2017

4-20mA Industrial Sensor + Arduino

How to build a simple 4-20mA transducer circuit on Arduino. It's easy: add a 250 ohm resistor. If you want more protection for the Arduino, you'll need to add zener diodes and a 10k resistor to the Arduino analog pin. 🔥 Shop Supplies 🔥


mwX6qLIoj3s | 17 Jun 2017


Review and test of a Hilti cordless drill. T-shirts 🔥 Stickers and tools 🔥

How to use Pressure Transducers for Troubleshooting

JG2suUx7jmo | 12 Jun 2017

How to use Pressure Transducers for Troubleshooting

Transducers are used as sensors in everything. Cars, engines, hydraulics, pneumatics, robots, rockets, EVERYTHING! How can you use transducers to help fix difficult problems? 🔥 Safety Squint Tee! 🔥 Cheeky workshop gear 🔥

BOLTR: Skilsaw 77 Magnesium Worm Drive

G6fJ8xFDYSM | 10 Jun 2017

BOLTR: Skilsaw 77 Magnesium Worm Drive

Skilsaw was recently sold to Chevron (HK) Ltd. a Nanjin based tool manufacturer. I review the build quality, point out the good and the bad. Long term projects here T-shirts here:

Electrowetting Experiments. Penny Pucker over 9000!

qQFZUps-O2Y | 06 Jun 2017

Electrowetting Experiments. Penny Pucker over 9000!

High Voltage and Water. I make a 500 volt rectifier to power a microfluidic test bed. Bumblefuckery ensues. 🔥555 Old School T-Shirt! 🔥 STICKERS!

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake XT Impact Wrench

fmqKp6k9F-I | 03 Jun 2017

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Earthquake XT Impact Wrench

We have a look at the construction and build quality of the Earthquake. We discuss the difference between torque output of an impact gun vs. a hand tool (steady pull vs. little taps)🔥Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: BEST IN CLASS? Makita Brushless Drill

ZY7XO5H_6HY | 27 May 2017

BOLTR: BEST IN CLASS? Makita Brushless Drill

The Makita is the best of the prosumer brushless 1/2" hammer drills. We have a look at why; (it's the chuck). In previous vjos we compared the performance of the batteries against the DeWalt and Milwaukee. 🔥 555 T-Shirt! Workshop Gear 🔥

Hacking Juicero's DRM Fruit Bags

hlVmppyflS0 | 25 May 2017

Hacking Juicero's DRM Fruit Bags

First part of the VJO is errata. Last half of VJO is converting Juicero Omnievilcorp DRM fruit squisher into a cordless, agnostic platen press. 🔥STICKERS!! 🔥

BOLTR: Juicero, Cold Press Juicer for Rich Weirdos

_Cp-BGQfpHQ | 19 May 2017

BOLTR: Juicero, Cold Press Juicer for Rich Weirdos

Enjoy the cold pressed juice of alpha consumers! Behold the shameful fruit of wireless enabled douchebaggery; no muss no fuss! 🔥I MADE STICKERS! THEY ARE COOL. 🔥Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥

BOLTR: Mitutoyo Dial Indicator

e5i0r0-dd7I | 17 May 2017

BOLTR: Mitutoyo Dial Indicator

We have a look at top end Starrett jeweled dial indicators and compare to the Mitutoyo non-jeweled. We also test the Harbor Freight style cheap ones. 🔥STICKERS! 🔥

BOLTR: CP Slimpact Gun

HMFrGz4zxI4 | 12 May 2017

BOLTR: CP Slimpact Gun

CP Chicago Pneumatic is a well known brand of air tool. How does the build quality of the low profile impact gun compare to typical designs. IR Ingersol Rand also has a ratchet shaped slim impact with similar ratings. We find out that this is a very light duty design. 🏮 STICKERS! 🏮 🔥Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥

BOLTR: Chinesium Air Compressor

R7znIFBh_Vg | 06 May 2017

BOLTR: Chinesium Air Compressor

Cheap junk, yes. Bargain, yes. The sum is worth less that the parts. AvE Tap and Drill Chart! 🔥 🔥 Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt!

BOLTR: Dangerous Snap-On LED Worklight. 🔋 LITHIUM UPGRADE! ⚡

m0rEyzc4TNs | 05 May 2017

BOLTR: Dangerous Snap-On LED Worklight. 🔋 LITHIUM UPGRADE! ⚡

Snap-On LED light from the Costco! Not as crappy as you'd think. We DOUBLED the output power and made it cordless with a DeWalt (Milwaukee?) tool battery pack.🔥Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

Prototyping Fun. ✨ Plasma Cutter ✨

12lQ3jmgxXw | 01 May 2017

Prototyping Fun. ✨ Plasma Cutter ✨

I'm making the second version of a curved camera dolly slider. Aluminum track with high moment of inertia tapered steel wheels. Mostly lathe work, an attempt to cut metal with a miniature Jedi lightsaber; the typical bumblefuckery. 💥 Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt! 💥 Shop Gear 💭 Music is from Musopen ( is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. *Put simply, our mission is to set music free.*

BOLTR: Vintage Mercury Plumb Bob

5-DOGlHu2ic | 27 Apr 2017

BOLTR: Vintage Mercury Plumb Bob

Starrett tools plumb bob from a time when you could sell the good stuff. 🔥Father's Day Safety Squint T-Shirt! 🔥 Shop Gear 🔥

BOLTR: DeWALT knockoff battery vs. the real deal

w-d6NqkDUKI | 22 Apr 2017

BOLTR: DeWALT knockoff battery vs. the real deal

This 3.0Ah knockoff battery has equivalent performance to name brand DeWALT 4.0Ah 20V lithium. But is is good value versus the genuine Dewalt? *No*. ★ Shop Gear Shirts ★ Rulers/Tap and Drill Chart

BOLTR: Old School Milwaukee Sawzall

KWubvrbcBRo | 15 Apr 2017

BOLTR: Old School Milwaukee Sawzall

This is a badass Milwaukee Sawsall. It's old. It's metal. But is it Skookum? Shop Gear ✪► Rulers/TapDrill Charts✪►

GREASY RAG HACK! Damage-Free Bearing Removal.

w62c4NQDwP0 | 11 Apr 2017

GREASY RAG HACK! Damage-Free Bearing Removal.

This little hack will get you out of a jam! It allows you to remove bearings from a blind hole, even in the nastiest spots. Skookum as Frig! Shop rulers too!

BOLTR: Gearboxes. Worm and Wheel Speed Reducer.

dm8kJxX7dBg | 08 Apr 2017

BOLTR: Gearboxes. Worm and Wheel Speed Reducer.

This brilliant invention has been around since Archimedes. It remains a valuable mechanism for mechanical power transmission. We have a look at a workhorse of industry for the past two centuries, the Radicon speed reducer. I'll also have a stab at explaining multi start threads and why they are simply brilliant! ✪► ◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

BOLTR: Make Cool Stuff and put it on the Internets!

oThDJLtYeEc | 02 Apr 2017

BOLTR: Make Cool Stuff and put it on the Internets!

We have a look at small batch manufacturing. Making specialized gear and getting it out in the world is a noble goal for many of us. Here's NYCCNC pallet and Bridgeport Drawbar Puller. Cool Shop Gear Here: Skookum as Frig Shirts here:

Air Muscle Flex Joint for Soft Robot.

1BxkvuMxvQU | 30 Mar 2017

Air Muscle Flex Joint for Soft Robot.

Experimenting with woven wire loom and latex rubber tube. Clever shop tool (welder's ruler) here: Long term projects:

RIDGID abrasive cut off saw converted to dry cut. Maybe.

ZZjnbl1apeY | 26 Mar 2017

RIDGID abrasive cut off saw converted to dry cut. Maybe.

I've been asked if it's possible to use carbide tipped dry cut saw blades in a chop saw. No, it destroys the expensive blades too quickly. But what if we slow the chop saw down with diodes? Support the channel with a Clever Shop Ruler

BOLTR: Starrett Tap Wrench

F7gdLo5EjcE | 23 Mar 2017

BOLTR: Starrett Tap Wrench

Beautiful and Expensive or Junky and Expensive? Starrett vs. Cle-Line. I made a new Ruler to go with the first one. It'll get a chuckle out of the lads at the shop.


eJSa4reIYkU | 21 Mar 2017


I made a new kit for making your own welder's ruler.

BOLTR: Panasonic Water Resistant Drill

NcBnfs1j5h4 | 19 Mar 2017

BOLTR: Panasonic Water Resistant Drill

We have an inside look to see what makes this Panasonic different from DeWalt, Milwaukee or Bosch. It's rated IP 56, but are there significant design changes to eliminate water damage? No. It's still got shielded bearings, it's still got epoxy circuit boards, it's still got open brushes and rusty drive parts. ✪► ◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

BOLTR: Black & Decker. Old School.

JKy1KESwexs | 18 Mar 2017

BOLTR: Black & Decker. Old School.

They don't make 'em like this anymore! ✪► ◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

BOLTR: Fire Suppression Sprinkler Head

8KHAvqqEdbE | 15 Mar 2017

BOLTR: Fire Suppression Sprinkler Head

I wanted to have a look at the engineering behind a heat actuated sprinkler head. It's interesting that the forces acting on the tiny glass tube are so well balanced that a slight expansion in the fluid causes it to shatter, a the same time being strong enough to withstand 20 (ish) pounds of force applied axially by a wide margin.✪► ◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

Advanced Drilling Skill Builder.

QhpOg186fks | 11 Mar 2017

Advanced Drilling Skill Builder.

✪► ◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Milling Machine from a Drill Press

xY-wXcFhx5w | 05 Mar 2017

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Milling Machine from a Drill Press

Makes for a fun toy suitable for Wood Elves. I discovered in a recent project that milling machines are super useful for woodworking. I had a hunch I could convert a cheap drill press into a crappy milling machine. I added a flea bay XY table and differentially heated the Morse Taper drill shank to get it to chooch. kinda. ✪►◄✪ ✪► ◄✪

BOLTR: DeWALT 60V Brushless Grinder

lBBx_R6zV3I | 04 Mar 2017

BOLTR: DeWALT 60V Brushless Grinder

DeWalt 60V Brushless. It's the torquey-est 5" cordless grinder I've ever laid hands on. But is it any good in comparison to the Milwaukee Fuel? Yes, it's better in most ways. What's the runtime on a lithium 60V battery? 5.5 ✪►/ca/listing/464202928/one-rule-to-ruler-them-all-cheeky-jokes◄✪ ✪►◄✪

Portable CNC Plasma Prototype

IllVwt6CRJQ | 28 Feb 2017

Portable CNC Plasma Prototype

This is public disclosure of a novel plasma cutter arrangement. There is no prior art of similar embodiment to this novel and non-obvious cnc plasma cutter arrangement. It has a magnetic base with one rotary axis and one slide axis. Details in the vid. Want to help? Long term projects here:◄✪

Electric Motor Repair. AKA You gotta know when to call it quits.

ruKP1mQA_00 | 27 Feb 2017

Electric Motor Repair. AKA You gotta know when to call it quits.

I have a poke at the dremel tool carcass to see what let the smoke out. I'll try a quick and dirty tricks to revive the patient. ✪►◄✪ ✪►◄✪

BOLTR: Hitachi MAGIC WAND modded to USB Power Bank.

fyuv3WXPQsM | 24 Feb 2017

BOLTR: Hitachi MAGIC WAND modded to USB Power Bank.

Teardown, review and test of the knock off Hitachi Magic Wand personal massager. I decided to hack it: lithium battery and USB power bank. ✪►◄✪ ✪►◄✪

Welding and Drilling Non-Ferrous with Tungsten

uHTC7MhtjK4 | 22 Feb 2017

Welding and Drilling Non-Ferrous with Tungsten

The workshop dickery continues! Friction Drill experiment as requested by you. ►◄✪ ✪►◄✪

BOLTR: DREMEL from the 1970's

hU0Td07nMYc | 17 Feb 2017

BOLTR: DREMEL from the 1970's

Let's have a look at a Made in American Dremel from the 70s. It's pretty beefy, but demonstrates how much better modern tool motors are. ✪►◄✪ ✪►◄✪

BOLTR: Air Compressor Explained and Fixed.

Y_lHOpqwDI4 | 05 Feb 2017

BOLTR: Air Compressor Explained and Fixed.

I haven't had a compressor in the shop for a few months. So we have a look at how the compressor works and salvage good parts to build a new compressor system for the shop. ✪►◄✪ ✪►◄✪

BOLTR: Offshore Enerpac Cylinder.

3kdBLDUqAZ8 | 31 Jan 2017

BOLTR: Offshore Enerpac Cylinder.

✪►◄✪ Diode Press Portopower cylinders are super useful and extensively deployed in industry. This is a Chinesium version of one from the Princess Auto (Canadian version of Harbor Freight). ✪►◄✪

Arduino BIG Stepper Motor control. Rotary Axis for milling machine.

4rK3i2a7WZo | 29 Jan 2017

Arduino BIG Stepper Motor control. Rotary Axis for milling machine.

NYC CNC did a good vid on the same topic, different application a few years ago: THANKS FOR POINTING OUT MY MISTAKE! "count less than or equal to pulseset" caused it to turn 2401 steps. You can see a little ridge in the part where it goes too far. Fixed by removing equal. "count less than pulseset" Wiring connections Arduino Pin 8 to stepper driver pulse +5V Arduino Pin 9 to stepper driver direction +5V Arduino Ground to stepper driver signal ground Pulse -ve, Dir -ve, enable -ve Arduino +5 volts to on/off switch to stepper driver enable +5V Helpful hints: 1. Pick the size of motor you need for the torque/power you need. Don't know? FIND OUT! 2. Determine the voltage and current of the stepper motor. 3. Determine the stepper motor driver that will power your stepper motor with some extra fudge factor (this stuff is cheap). Big Easy driver or Adafruit motor shield for small stuff. "CNC stepper driver" for big stuff. 4. Determine the power supply you need for the input power, voltage and current your stepper needs. Add extra fudge factor. 5. Get an Arduino. (Like you don't already have 3 of them kicking around). 6. Cut and Paste the code to the Arduino IDE; upload to Arduino. 7. Hook up wires per the diagram on the stepper driver box and the Arduino Sketch. 8. Hook up a switch from +5V from Arduino to the "enable" terminal of the stepper motor. 9. Hook up all 5V signal ground from the stepper driver (negative) to the arduino ground. 10. Set the stepper driver DIP switches for the max current, holding torque and steps per revolution you require. 11. Triple check your work. Cross your fingers and toes. Plug in the power and hit the "enable" switch. Long term projects here:

Friction Drilling with Tungsten Carbide. Your Answers Questioned!

w-GOYNAltEw | 27 Jan 2017

Friction Drilling with Tungsten Carbide. Your Answers Questioned!

Flow drilling is cool. You requested more, and I aim to please. The length and girth of my answer will satisfy your needs. Shop ruler here: ✪►◄✪ T-Shirts here:✪►◄✪

Using Friction to Melt Holes in Steel. AKA Flow Drill

FIgg6sey0C8 | 26 Jan 2017

Using Friction to Melt Holes in Steel. AKA Flow Drill

Why drill when you can melt? These are tungsten carbide friction drills tested in a milling machine. Shop Ruler ✪►◄✪ New T-Shirts:

BOLTR: Knockoff Milwaukee Lithium. Surprizing Clickbait-able Results!

E_UJeBoZ14Y | 23 Jan 2017

BOLTR: Knockoff Milwaukee Lithium. Surprizing Clickbait-able Results!

Terse: Milwaukee cost twice as much and performs 5% worse than the fake. Verbose: But, you don't really know what you are going to get with the knockoff, it's ugly, it stinks and it sucks in the cold. MERCH ✪►◄✪ Long term projects


8SJ8TAvQJR0 | 21 Jan 2017


A drawing robot. That is all. New Tea-Sharts! ✪►◄✪ C..T Hair Ruler ✪►◄✪

BOLTR: Millwaukee 1/2" Nut Smacker

Ev7--VXfD_Y | 19 Jan 2017

BOLTR: Millwaukee 1/2" Nut Smacker

We take a close look at the Milwaukee 1/2" impact wrench to see it's build quality. I'll try to fix it, but It's worn out after 300 hours of heavy industrial use. We'll see why at the end of the vid. The mechanism itself is very robust, but it has a couple weak points that made this gun crap out. My DeWalt has about the same amount of time on it. It doesn't hit as hard as the Milwaukee lithium ion, but it's ten years older.

Cold Welding of Gold and Stainless Steel in Earth Atmosphere.

mHAhfX7iRjs | 16 Jan 2017

Cold Welding of Gold and Stainless Steel in Earth Atmosphere.

Cold welding in outer-space is a hot topic in my inbox. I experimented with gold and stainless steel to see if I could get them to cold weld here on Earth. I test the pure gold and 304 stainless because you asked me to use materials that don't oxidize. Even though stainless actually does oxidize, it still cold welds. Those familiar with heavy industry will recognize a common problem with seized stainless steel bolts. What is cold welding? Here's an explanation: Accurate to within a blonde one, just like the MERCH!✪►◄✪ Long term projects


gbsd2OpPOMw | 07 Jan 2017


Invented in Sweden in 1896, these this have been blowing minds ever since. I experiment with them to see how they work and test out if the explanations make sense. Accurate to within a blond one ✪►◄✪ Russian Machining Channel

BOLTR: Makita Bikini Line Electric Razor

yJWYoPlrwMU | 09 Dec 2016

BOLTR: Makita Bikini Line Electric Razor

This is the Makita 18V Li-ion cordless trimmer. It's got cheap plastic case, no bearings and plastic gears; but will it tame a winter thicket? Merch!Share a laugh in the shop! Long term projects

NOT So Easy Custom Workshop Stamps.

JjosUR0OmvE | 06 Dec 2016

NOT So Easy Custom Workshop Stamps.

I haven't seen anybody else do it this way. Laser printer, solvent, polystyrene foam, sodding iron. DONE. Now that we got the procedure down, it's easy, cheap and good. The ruler that's sure to get a chuckle in your shop: Long term projects:

BOLTR: Fein MultiMaster Oscillating Tool

RFwURUE-Fu8 | 04 Dec 2016

BOLTR: Fein MultiMaster Oscillating Tool

I have a tear into the German made Fein Oscillating tool. It's a nice machine, built to a high standard. We check out some interesting design features, attempt and FAIL to get at the secret sauce in the oscillating head. The ruler that will make your buddies laugh Long term projects


JXf6yHIKdvQ | 28 Nov 2016


I BOLTR the 18V Makita 5Ah but first I'll show you why bigger is better. Because: CHEMISTRY! The small batteries have 5 cells connected in series. As such, the cells have higher current discharge ratings and generally lower Ah ratings. As a double whammy, higher discharge rates mean shorter lifetime. The larger packs have 3 parallel banks of 5 cells in series. That means each cell in the bank needs lower current discharge and has larger Ah ratings. More BEEF for Less BUCK. H3 Vape nation footage stolen from: Merch here Long term projects


7JyhWhgNXSc | 26 Nov 2016


This 18V lithium Makita tool is a fantastic idea! It'll run on AC or battery. I'd like to see more gadgets like this run on tool batteries. This one's in my bug out bag. UPDATE: All your September Ruler orders have shipped via Canada Post. The second batch of parts is here and the family sweat shop is churning out your October orders. They will ship next week. Followed shortly by your November orders. THANK YOU! Chanel Merch ► Tee Shirts ► Long term projects ►


GBlD0WrFMKE | 24 Nov 2016


Tea Sharts here ► Dickpunch old man winter without cutting into your beer fund! This is an old logging mechanic's trick; LUXURY HEATED WORKBENCH! Simply grab some old pan heaters to stick under metal workbenches. That way you don't have to heat the whole shop just so your hands aren't freezing. Rulers here► Long term projects ► UPDATES: ► YOUR SEPT RULER ORDERS ARE SHIPPED! OCT ORDERS ARE WAITING ON PARTS, THEY'LL SHIP OUT NEXT WEEK. IF THAT'S TOO LATE AND YOU GOT A LIFE OR DEATH RULER EMERGENCY, I'LL GLADLY REFUND YOUR PURCHASE. (I am human, sorry.) ► TEE SHIRTS can be shipped from EU or USA, your choice.


NEcG3dkZyTg | 23 Nov 2016


Linear actuators are compact electrical devices that output high force using simple DC motors and gearing. I'll tear it down and show you what it's good at and why it's terrible in industrial applications. New TEE! ► ► Merch ► Long term projects ► Errata: ChrisHallett839 hours ago 8 threads per inch on a smaller diameter would result in a steeper inclined plane angle, and thus less clamping force but higher linear speed for the same input, yes? Reply AvE AvE1 second ago Hmmm. Maybe. Let's check by turning the screws into wedges. pi D x 8 3.14 x 8 say 25 inches run over 1" rise. vs. 0.5x 3,14 x 8 12 inch run over 1" rise. Change the torque to force: 1 in lbs / 0.5" 2 lbs on a thin wedge. vs. 1/0.25" 4 lbs on a thicker wedge. YES, I think you are right. But the final guestimation would turn out as a wash factoring in the friction fudge factor.Thanks for pointing that out!

Sharpen Clippers with Hand Lapping Technique

HdBPPDQxyN8 | 17 Nov 2016

Sharpen Clippers with Hand Lapping Technique

A little bit of workshop dickery to get out of a dilly of a pickle. How to sharpen oddball stuff like hair clippers? Lap them! Fine sand paper, a piece of glass and light pressure is all you need. Chanel Merch ► Long term projects ►

BOLTR: KitchenAid Mixer. SURPRISE!

0qKp-0h9P18 | 12 Nov 2016

BOLTR: KitchenAid Mixer. SURPRISE!

Super Accurate C**T HAIR RULER► Abom79 Machining Channel ► We have a look at a high end Kitchen Aid mixer. I was amazed at the castings and gear train. It's got a BIG DC MOTOR! Lots of great features to poke at on this thing, but as per usual, we don't have to look to hard to find some poor design trade-offs. Long term projects ► Chanel Merch ►


Te06Y26Hyiw | 09 Nov 2016


Jory Dion ► This is a miner's cap lamp. I'll show you how it's constructed; lithium, LEDs, the usual suspects. Channel Merch ► Long term projects ►


2fUAHkUfTps | 05 Nov 2016


Official C**T Hair ruler: ► I clean up the shop and make a steel storage rack. This is a request from a viewer on the best way to learn welding. TAKE A CLASS FROM A JOURNEYMAN AT YOUR LOCAL TRADE SCHOOL! You won't learn the little stuff from a book or even a vid, you won't learn it from a buddy who bought a Miller or Lincoln mig machine. Welding requires you to develop a feel and vision, an instructor will LITERALLY hold your hand, show you how to move your body, show you how to sling steel around and countless other things you will not easily learn on your own. Also, I'll tell you why learning MIG is like putting training wheels on a ten-speed; it's counter productive. LEARN STICK WELDING FIRST! Long term projects: Shop Rulers:

BOLTR: Milwaukee High Demand 9.0 Red Lithium. FREEZE TEST and REPAIR!

D2jshlcZmEQ | 29 Oct 2016

BOLTR: Milwaukee High Demand 9.0 Red Lithium. FREEZE TEST and REPAIR!

What's inside a Milwaukee 9.0 Battery? How does it compare to the DeWalt 60V Li-ion Tools? It's got beefier LG cells and a HEFTY price tag. I accidentally damage it, but manage to recover the blinking red LED-o-DEATH. I test it at 0F, -20C and it doesn't work well, despite marketing claims to the contrary. BUT it has more capacity than the DeWalt. Ruler/Flashlight Long Term Projects

BOLTR: DeWalt 60V FlexVolt Lithium Battery. Ooopsie!

8b9ZYt6MzHc | 25 Oct 2016

BOLTR: DeWalt 60V FlexVolt Lithium Battery. Ooopsie!

We tear into the Dewalt 60V system. Beginning with the battery. It's not wired up like any other battery. It's weird. Is 60V better than 20V? Not really, since we are really only interested in POWER. But they do have a clever way of skirting lithium ion battery shipping regulations. Long Term Projects here: Rulers Here:


YfnyhoEZXhM | 21 Oct 2016


Official C**T Hair ruler: ► What does 'digital' motor mean? I still don't know. Judging from the control waveform, Dyson doesn't either. We'll look at the Dyson motor from the inside out. We'll also do some test firing of the control board and motor on the bench and use our trusty Rigol to see what the motor controller is doing. Dyson disassembly with extreem prejudice: Long term projects here: Rulers here:


DIEulvblroY | 14 Oct 2016


Two Trendy Gadgets battle it out on the healing bench. Which will survive, vitamix blender or dyson hair dryer? Who cares? We do, BECAUSE SCIENCE! Thanks to Datums!


I3PdxUvhgTw | 10 Oct 2016


This is a tip for loosening a frozen bolt that has no clearance to whack with a hammer or put a 6 foot snipe on. You may need to pull out this hack once or twice a lifetime, but it doesn't cost anything to file away for later. Actually, there's a number of tips in this vid: 1. Nasty job? Try to get somebody else to do it. 2. Mod an air hammer bit so it engages on the side of a wrench. 3. Check if bolts are re-useable by running a nut up the whole length of the threads. If it does, the bolt isn't stretched. Long term projects: Get your shop ruler here:

AvE Shop Ruler: AKA How to Solder WITHOUT a Sodding Iron!

-vhHYo8WOFk | 10 Oct 2016

AvE Shop Ruler: AKA How to Solder WITHOUT a Sodding Iron!

Battery Size 2032 Thank you for buying a ruler! Ruler update and how to solder circuits without a soldering iron. Buy a ruler to build for yourself here: FAQ: 1. Comes with magnet, battery clip, momentary switch, led and PCB ruler 2. Ships anywhere, flat rate it's a pull down menu on the etsy listing 3. Shipping 4 to 6 weeks from your order date 4. I'm not able to change your shipping address once you've ok'd it. If you make a mistake we'll need to cancel your order. 5. If you don't want your order I will refund you and cancel it, no questions asked. 6. Shipping is cheapest available, but orders can't be combined because it knocks the shipping cost up past the weight limit and the shipping gets too expensive. 7. The giveaway rulers will ship at same time as the first batch of orders. 8. The giveaway rulers are all spoken for; 100 given to random youtube commenters and 100 given to patrons.


j-vJxez9UF8 | 07 Oct 2016


Official C**T Hair ruler: ► We teardown the newest Dyson gadget, a $500 hair dryer. It's got quite a few surprises. Lot's of engineering went into getting it to fit in such a small footprint. Is it worth the money? Watch and decide for yourself! Thank you Patrons! Long term projects here: Shop ruler flashlight kit: Errata: 19:00 I went back and put more water in to bring the starting mass to 10g for both tests. I messed up the editing, sorry. But the total evaporated water is correct. Also, I'm not sure if this is a BLDC motor or a reluctance motor. I will follow up in next vid.


hTqv4mfKYEE | 02 Oct 2016


We have an inside look at the $300 Metabo Grinder. Some skookum parts and some questionable parts, but they have electronics on board that protects the grinder from abuse. This is a special thin head, pancake model that will allow you to get into tighter spots that a Makita, Dewalt or Fein grinder (check out previous BOLTR episodes for details). Check out THIS OLD TONY's channel! Long term projects here: Shop Ruler/Flashlight kit here:

Drilling and Tapping for German Virgins. \\ GUDENTOIGHT! //

GSMW8lPbL1M | 29 Sep 2016

Drilling and Tapping for German Virgins. \\ GUDENTOIGHT! //

I mounted a treasured old vice to a new workbench. Some of you enjoyed my introduction to twist drills, here's a follow up. Drilling and tapping in metal. Genuine Steel metal to be precise; it's how vises from a bygone age were cast. Staring: Record Vise No. 3 GET YOUR VERY OWN AvE SHOP RULER: Long term projects here: 8-Bit March by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:


I7BbrjoftJA | 28 Sep 2016


Official C**T Hair ruler: ► We have a look at the most common drill bits, how they work and when to use them. We go through bit selection for large and small holes in wood, plastic, brass, aluminum, bronze, steel and tool steel. We have a look at tungsten carbide and HSS bits. long term projects here: Lowlights include: -Poking fun at woodworkers -split point versus chisel point -what size pilot to drill -hole saws and slugging bits -Drilling Wood, Plastic, Steel, brass, bronze, tool steel and stone Vid Credit The Highland Woodworker: H. O. Studley tool cabinet, guided by Don Williams and Chris Schwarz. (I tried to contact them, but didn't get a reply; so fair use, etc...)


D1RYVSmuOmc | 26 Sep 2016


Skip to 4:20 for bubble gum seal test. Bubble gum engineering actually works! I'll demonstrate how to use gum to fix high pressure hydraulic leaks. We'll also explore how oil seals and bubble gum share some of the same ingredients. This comes as a surprise to most people, so it's a great way to win free beers. long term projects here: flashlight/shop rulers here:

100 HORSEPOWER in your HAND. Hydraulic PISTON PUMP!

0IjrU5bUbUc | 23 Sep 2016

100 HORSEPOWER in your HAND. Hydraulic PISTON PUMP!

Behold a titan of industry; the AXIAL PISTON PUMP! This beast will output 100 horsepower all day long. Here's the mind blowing part: the pumping element that does all that work FITS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND! It has a very interesting feature that is lacking in the hydraulic gear pump: it can vary the flow of oil depending on the demand of the system. It does that by changing the angle of a swash plate. The easy way to visualize how this pumps work is imagining that each piston is a hypodermic syringe whose stroke is limited by the swash plate. Long term projects here:


TIGSBEUGYeU | 18 Sep 2016


How can two little gears can create HUGE hydraulic pressure. Long term projects here:


qvvSTsFIYxE | 16 Sep 2016


Quick and Dirty Lithium battery for plug in power tools. You can use this to power most plug in tools! One fantastic feature of most power tools; they have universal electric motors. This means they will run just fine on DC power. AC/DC! So I took three, 36V lithium cells and put them in series to power a circular saw. Long term projects:

Plug-in Power Tool to CORDLESS CONVERSION.

pO1RqgAFP5Q | 14 Sep 2016

Plug-in Power Tool to CORDLESS CONVERSION.

Jump to 5:45 for test. I had to buy these 60V Dewalt Batteries to make a device that would hook up to any 120Volt AC tool and make it cordless. There was a stumble at the start gate, but I got it working on a bunch of Milwaukee packs. I want your advice on making a power tool boost box. Long Term Projects: Right Deadly Shop Ruler:

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Grinder. HOW BAD IS IT?

eKB-zDJghZ0 | 11 Sep 2016

BOLTR: Harbor Freight Grinder. HOW BAD IS IT?

This is the Canadian blue version of the cheap-ass HF Grinder. Cheap and Dirty, but will it last? We have a look at the inside; gears, motor, electrical, castings and plastics. I'll show you the good, the bad and the ugly. Long term projects Buy a ruler!

One Rule to Ruler them all: State of the Republic Address.

9M1Lsqkm8io | 10 Sep 2016

One Rule to Ruler them all: State of the Republic Address.

SHIPPING: 4 to 6 WEEKS FROM THE TIME YOU ORDER. It's in the listing and on your order confirmation. Buy a ruler here! 1. Thank you! 2. Sorry for being a douchebag if I wasn't able to gift you one of the 200 rulers that I made. 3. Rebooting the shop 4. What tools/equipment do you want to see torn down? 5. Your hard earned legal tender in exchange for a wicked cool ruler.

BOLTR: Milwaukee Dremel

7xETiL_spsQ | 03 Sep 2016

BOLTR: Milwaukee Dremel

Behold the miracle of nature that is a Red Dremel Tool. Just like it's farmyard contemporary, this mule is shooting blanks. That aside, it does have it's time and place. It spins tiny bits really, really fast. Long term projects here:

Electronics for Gearheads and one Welder.

1P6hqQWd3Vw | 01 Sep 2016

Electronics for Gearheads and one Welder.

As explained in next vid Rulers are Available: FAQ: 1.Yes, the original 200 I made for gifts are still getting sent out, as gifts. What the fuck do you take me for? 2.Any colour you want, so long as it's BLACK 3."0" is at the very end, not indented. (actually a scale, not a ruler) 4.It's a kit. It comes with all the electronic parts and magnet. 5.Metric on reverse 6.Shipping is $3.60CAD world-wide, it's in the pull down menu Just a dip of the toe for guys who are curious. Not like that. This is a Patron request to do an electronics basics vid, without over complicating things. Kindly add your pedantics down below me. Long term projects here

BOLTR: US built Makita 5 inch angle grinder

LTkN5hqefkw | 27 Aug 2016

BOLTR: US built Makita 5 inch angle grinder

BEHOLD! OG Makita Rat Tail Grinder, choice of welders everywhere for the past thirty years. IT'S ACTUALLY MADE IN THE USA! We have a look at a current, albeit, battle worn model . It's a good 'un. Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Nifty Drill from the Fifties!

jKb0Pt66NlE | 23 Aug 2016

BOLTR: Nifty Drill from the Fifties!

Cosy up to the warm glow of false nostalgia. Old tools are the best. Right? Laura Kampf Channel Vintage Machinery Channel Festool track saw I neglected to upload the easter egg so it's at the end of the vid. Long term projects here Music from Laura's vid by DMINOR. check his stuff at:

BOLTR: UNI-T Clamp-On Multimeter

40YUCNYqibk | 30 Jul 2016

BOLTR: UNI-T Clamp-On Multimeter

UT216 D. Good from afar, but far from a-good! I'm very disappointed with this OLED display meter. Long term projects here:

BOLTR: 2 Stroke Engine.

odDvcgFkjfA | 24 Jul 2016

BOLTR: 2 Stroke Engine.

We use a boroscope to quickly troubleshoot a 2 stroke engine and then we take it apart to see how it works. Considering these things are 2 for a dollar, they are testament to modern engineering and the power of "economies of scale". Small engine mechanic; a channel worth checking out! Long term projects here: Easter egg:

Carbon Foam: an incredible material made from everyday items.

Wex_yKfrTo4 | 17 Jul 2016

Carbon Foam: an incredible material made from everyday items.

Please vote on my instructable! There is a Miller Welder up for grabs that I will do a BOLTR on! Science! Experiments! Chemistry! Hack! Superlatives! Hyperbole! This is an experiment* to see if I could pyrolyse mundane materials into super heat resistant, lightweight and insulating carbon foam. Short answer: YES. Long answer: YES. Original Idea from this article: Long term projects here: * experiment in the youtube sense of the word; meaning demonstration.

BOLTR: CANbus accelerator pedal.

JvTXjPENSjE | 17 Jul 2016

BOLTR: CANbus accelerator pedal.

Huge volume automotive components amaze me! They are so skookum, yet so cheap. Why can't they make tools and appliances this good? (Other than the fact that if a blender breaks down it doesn't end in a roadside meat explosion.) Right, because MONEY.

How to MAYBE extract broken bolts.

jnF9_LotHCU | 10 Jul 2016

How to MAYBE extract broken bolts.

There are many ways to kick a cat. These are the ways that are available to guys with a small shop. It's not magic and it doesn't work 100% of the time. Don't let anybody tell you their method works everytime. Nothing works everytime. How you know somebody is having a bad day: The best way to remove bolts Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Stone Age Radio Voice Based Interwebs for Frozen Third World Sit-Holes.

6eoBj5W7Vdc | 03 Jul 2016

BOLTR: Stone Age Radio Voice Based Interwebs for Frozen Third World Sit-Holes.

Ahhh... the smell of nostalgia! RF black magic voodoo! Long term projects here Yesterday's Vid: Robot Resolver. Easter Egg:

Old Mechanic's Trick: Freeze-Shrink Metal Parts WITHOUT Nitrogen.

rljUld-ptvI | 17 Jun 2016

Old Mechanic's Trick: Freeze-Shrink Metal Parts WITHOUT Nitrogen.

Happy Father's Day. This is a useful little trick to stow away in your Zombie Apocalypse file. You can freeze stuff down to 40 degrees below zero (either C or F) with a can of duster. It's also great for testing elecrical components and super freezing your buddy's beer. Microwave bearing trick: Long term projects here:

New Lithium for Old Tools!

73QIMNXoDLc | 12 Jun 2016

New Lithium for Old Tools!

Wherein I pull out my beloved "obsolete" 14.4V Milwaukee drill and give it new life. Kinda. Long term projects here;

Old farmer's trick to fix a loose handle.

7lqDpy45UqE | 01 Jun 2016

Old farmer's trick to fix a loose handle.

Happy Father's Day! Make your wife happy with a stiff hammer! I got your back, man. Tee shirts gone forever in 3 days! USA Euro Long term projects:

BOLTR: Router Speed Controller

n_uK2G4qFG4 | 28 May 2016

BOLTR: Router Speed Controller

Tee Shirts here (USA & Canada): Rest of the World here: In this vid; a speed controller for tools. We have a look at how it works, the components and we'll use an oscilloscope to see the dirty, dirty power it's providing to your tools. Long term projects here:

How to fix fancy electronics in newer tools.

63FcuEGOMmM | 27 May 2016

How to fix fancy electronics in newer tools.

Milwaukee hammer drill done shit-the-bed. Good thing tools are disposable nowadays, right? BUT since it's already hooped, might as well open it up and have a poke see. Tools in Action broke this drill: Tee Sharts only available for the next week: EU (cheaper shipping to Oz and Kiwiland) United States of Freedom

BOLTR: Fit's in your glovebox! Kito Baby Sized Chain Hoist.

BbUGGhRq5HE | 22 May 2016

BOLTR: Fit's in your glovebox! Kito Baby Sized Chain Hoist.

A half ton in the palm of your hand. The OTHER half ton. We'll have a look at this nice Japanese Kito chain hoist that I got brand new and cheap right from Japan. These come in handy for getting vehicles unstuck and getting big dangerous equipment positionned! Please bug this guy he does amazing work: Long term projects here:

Jacob's ladder with 9V Batteries

c0QvbThCxm4 | 11 May 2016

Jacob's ladder with 9V Batteries

I'll show you the difference between connecting batteries in series and parallel circuits. Then using a metric crap-ton of 9V batteries we'll make a single use Jacob's Ladder. Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Inverter VFDs explained, teardown and test

eee3FUGpjrA | 07 May 2016

BOLTR: Inverter VFDs explained, teardown and test

The title says it all. This is an interesting unit, because 115VAC Mustie1 running a chop saw on a router controller: Randy Richards' Dovetail Cutter project: Long Term Projects Here:

WHY do charcoal briquettes leave so much ash? Because MONEY!

v7Rmzr3lkJs | 04 May 2016

WHY do charcoal briquettes leave so much ash? Because MONEY!

IS NOTHING SACRED?! Our nationally sanctioned right to seared animal flesh is not to be trifled with. Long term projects here:

Surprisingly Easy Way to Cast Aluminum

sEc5Jak9jsg | 30 Apr 2016

Surprisingly Easy Way to Cast Aluminum

Further attempts to get that ultra-realistic facial scaring... Forget building a forge, foundry, flux capacitor, all you really need to melt aluminum is a propane/propylene torch. Long term projects here:

PSSST! You want to buy a CNC Lathe? Have I got a deal for you!

CTTGBudsBxc | 23 Apr 2016

PSSST! You want to buy a CNC Lathe? Have I got a deal for you!

I bought a boat anchor, don't judge me. We all do it. The price was right. At least that's what my wife thinks. Now what? Trainman's Emco conversion vid: Long term projects here:

Manly-Man Skills: Beer Stein from old Oil Filter

FrRUsXTXm_A | 16 Apr 2016

Manly-Man Skills: Beer Stein from old Oil Filter

Saving the planet one oil filter at a time. Step by each instructions for the thick set: Long term projects: - in the pipe bartending robot, midnight sun and EDM.

Why Paper EXPLODES in a Press?! Prince Rupert's Drop, Tungsten Carbide and more!

Sy_rLZIl5OQ | 13 Apr 2016

Why Paper EXPLODES in a Press?! Prince Rupert's Drop, Tungsten Carbide and more!

Patron request: "why stuff explodes in the big hydraulic press. Is it fake?" No, I don't think it's fake, and I'll show you why. Also, I upgrade 'lil screwy with hydraulics and test it's metal against paper, a Prince Rupert's Drop, cutting tool grade tungsten carbide and rock drilling grade cuntstun targlide. Please bug hydraulic press channel to crush a Tungsten Carbide Button (link here: Long term projects: How to build a 100 ton press WITHOUT HYDRAULICS Hydraulic Press Chanel

The Trouble with Troubleshooting Tools.

WZ5WRpnkeMA | 06 Apr 2016

The Trouble with Troubleshooting Tools.

I have a few more pokes at this malfunctioning Ryobi air nailer.

BOLTR: Ridgid Hydraulic (?!) Impact Gun

ZTqMGo-AxVc | 02 Apr 2016

BOLTR: Ridgid Hydraulic (?!) Impact Gun

*Skip to 4:45 for teardown.* You've never seen an impact mechanism like this! It's hydraulically actuated, so it really is more of a oil mush gun than an impact. But it does have a ton of expensive machining and cool innards to poke at. Long term projects here:

The Impossible done on a milling machine

SzgPOJPTo_A | 23 Mar 2016

The Impossible done on a milling machine

Official C**T Hair ruler: ► It can be done! Threaded nut and bolt potato freedom fries. check out doubleboost channel for tuber turner technics!

BOLTR: Lincoln Industrial Fluid Transfer Pump.

h_ziJ5mBzUw | 20 Mar 2016

BOLTR: Lincoln Industrial Fluid Transfer Pump.

This is a simple and fairly robust little pump, just keep it away from 200 pound gorillas. "Let's fix it till it's broke." Long term projects here:

The worst job ever. How to remove tile thin set from plywood.

JerVHGoj-d0 | 09 Mar 2016

The worst job ever. How to remove tile thin set from plywood.

I hate wood but no less than tiles and thinset. I try various youtube (BS) solutions and finally stumble on what works: the method everybody says "will ruin your floor, make your wife file for divorce and get your dog run over". Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Ryobi Nail Gun 'Lectrics

zUxVPSiCv74 | 06 Mar 2016

BOLTR: Ryobi Nail Gun 'Lectrics

It was bound to happen, eventually. Long term projects here:

What's in a hydraulic cylinder? What's the simplest way to troubleshoot?

W4hHUHqbvJM | 02 Mar 2016

What's in a hydraulic cylinder? What's the simplest way to troubleshoot?

I've gotten (and ignored) this question for years. How to find an internal hydraulic piston leak without disassembling the ram. Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Disposable Automatic Industrial Bearing Lubricator.

ydhndNX_8KI | 28 Feb 2016

BOLTR: Disposable Automatic Industrial Bearing Lubricator.

This little gem is a beautifully simple solution to a common industrial problem. Long term projects here: Errata: LED is blinking with RC circuit and TRANSISTOR, not Zener Diode. Circuit here

Dirt Cheap Check Valve for Hydraulic Emergencies and Tinkering!

LK2PksxVYb4 | 24 Feb 2016

Dirt Cheap Check Valve for Hydraulic Emergencies and Tinkering!

This is how to make your own high pressure check valves. Hydraulic Injection ain't no joke! Google it. Don't come crying to me. Long term projects here:

Twenty Buck Grease Gun hydraulic pump. Tested to 1700 PSI! Simple and Easy! Etc.

tbFKSy9oA0A | 21 Feb 2016

Twenty Buck Grease Gun hydraulic pump. Tested to 1700 PSI! Simple and Easy! Etc.

Because sometimes, you just want highly pressurized oil. *Hydraulic Injection is no joke* Google it. Long term projects here:

You asked for it! Patron's Request: Dremel Suck Tool on 100PSI air

QYXgvSUfjcI | 17 Feb 2016

You asked for it! Patron's Request: Dremel Suck Tool on 100PSI air

100 PSI up Dremel's rear port. It's a typical Flow versus Pressure problem. Will the Dremel Vacuum tool survive 100 PSI compressed air? Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Emergency Personal Locator Beacon

jXxO09JE6YY | 12 Feb 2016

BOLTR: Emergency Personal Locator Beacon

Genuine Pro Grade electronic 406 MHz transmitter that was made in 'Meriga Norte!? Long term projects here:

Talking 'ANY' key for Problem Customers

-yz-J0G7gVQ | 09 Feb 2016

Talking 'ANY' key for Problem Customers

This one is for the modern day Saints of the IT dept. Poor Bastards. I hacked this together to help with your problem customers. You know, the ones that call looking for the 'any' key... Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Ryobi Nail Gun 18V cordless

-b7ORqBtHVM | 07 Feb 2016

BOLTR: Ryobi Nail Gun 18V cordless

We'll talk about how Ryobi, Milwaukee and Rigid tools all come from the same factory and we'll have a look at the mechanical components that make this cordless brad nailer work. DoubleBoost's Channel: Long term projects here:

Dremel Boner and Blackmail response.

ZRkxsu8OTCA | 05 Feb 2016

Dremel Boner and Blackmail response.

Errata. Mea Culpa and assorted groveling for forgiveness. Uganda Pizza Police: weirdo in his mothers basement making cutting satire or hateful troll. You decide.

BOLTR: Dremel Rotary Tool

ArcRM8Rd2ms | 17 Jan 2016

BOLTR: Dremel Rotary Tool

This is a vacuum powered tool that really sucks.

How to Water Proof your Cordless Tools. Almost. SALT WATER TEST.

HSrERT1qv1Q | 09 Jan 2016

How to Water Proof your Cordless Tools. Almost. SALT WATER TEST.

Caveat: nothing is water proof; even plastic absorbs water. But disassembling and spraying with conformal coating will extend the life of tools used in nasty spots. Long term projects here:

BOLTR: Robot Hydraulic Flow Sensor.

oXTY6czl_j0 | 19 Dec 2015

BOLTR: Robot Hydraulic Flow Sensor.

This is an interesting bit of industrial oddware. You don't come across hydraulic robots very often, even less of the feedback sensors for industrial automation. THANK YOU! Long term projects here

Easy and Simple way to make Triangular Holes with a Drill

v68KtZ_NBP4 | 16 Dec 2015

Easy and Simple way to make Triangular Holes with a Drill

I show you how simple it is to make a pocket sized 25 ton press for $20. Then we'll use a drill bit to broach an oddly shaped hole in steel. Long term projects here

BOLTR: Anti-Shoplifting Cable Lock

oggJ4GUmh4Y | 12 Dec 2015

BOLTR: Anti-Shoplifting Cable Lock

What's inside a cable anti-theft device? How to disable the alarm? Jump to 1:30 if you're only here to shoplift stuff.

BOLTR: Blendtec Will it Blend Gold Ore?

RPWxRXJbEyI | 01 Nov 2015

BOLTR: Blendtec Will it Blend Gold Ore?

*SAD FACE* Those awesome "Will it Blend?" videos are BS. I'll show you why. In the follow up to the teardown we re-assemble and test the blendtec. It is rated at 3hp; it puts out 1.7hp MAX. It's rated for 28,000 RPM, but it only spins at 18,500. Abom79 Machining Channel: I refuse to do corpo shill product reviews. Instead, we get to see the unvarnished insides of tools and gadgets because of you guys that chuck a few coins in the hat. THANK YOU!

3 Simple Rules to troubleshooting ANYTHING.

ic5R4C5HRUg | 27 Oct 2015

3 Simple Rules to troubleshooting ANYTHING.

1. Do the easiest thing first 2. Don't rely on the people that tried and failed prior 3. 90% of problems are between the driver's seat and the steering wheel Bonus: If it can go wrong, it WILL go wrong. (Murphy's Law) Long term projects here:

Destructive Hydraulic Testing of Homemade Oil Plug.

OWI5XMXios0 | 21 Oct 2015

Destructive Hydraulic Testing of Homemade Oil Plug.

What pressure can my craptacular drain plug handle? Give yourself the gift of helping me help you!

Manly-Man Skill: Repair Stripped Threads with Nothing but a Bolt, a Wire and a Flat Bastard

_5LWcTVeWR8 | 20 Oct 2015

Manly-Man Skill: Repair Stripped Threads with Nothing but a Bolt, a Wire and a Flat Bastard

Here's a few tricks to get you out of trouble on your next 4x4 offroad expedition in the rental car. 1:00 machining a mock up crankcase drain hole for demo purposes 4:00 how to destroy threads like a Dutch farm boy 6:00 how to drill and tap a hole using only a bolt 8:30 how to make a gasket from copper wire Long term projects here: HYDRAULIC TESTING OF THE PLUG VIDEO here:

Codename: Midnight Sun. (High Power Evaporative Cooled Retina Blaster)

XlmjboMnzMc | 17 Oct 2015

Codename: Midnight Sun. (High Power Evaporative Cooled Retina Blaster)

This vid is part of the flashlight build that we are doing over on Here's the link to the latest Patreon vid: Another option to help out on the long term projects; EDM, Flashlight, Widget Factory in a Shoe Box is to buy the vid on Youtube. You can do that for free by using Google Opinion Rewards, they give you credits for answering survey questions.

BOLTR: Blendtec it blends, but will it chooch?

lA0kiYqyBmo | 11 Oct 2015

BOLTR: Blendtec it blends, but will it chooch?

We tear into an American made kitchen icon. It counts as a tool, right? Chris Fisher Like the vids? Want to help out and get to be a part of the long term projects? Errata: I mispoke, bearing tolerance != clearance. Not Mosfet, but Triac.

BOLTR: Fein Grinder Blueing the gears and testing the electrics!

0bIreuKD7oA | 04 Oct 2015

BOLTR: Fein Grinder Blueing the gears and testing the electrics!

I check the contact pattern of the gears and we see if the shim is actually doing anything. I'll also use the scope to check the commutation speed of the motor. If you like these indepth teardowns, please consider chucking a few coins into the hat. You'll get to help with the longer term projects and see more behind the scenes vids.

How to move heavy iron SOLO. Cheap, Dirty and Downright Dangerous.

BjksLl9xur0 | 02 Oct 2015

How to move heavy iron SOLO. Cheap, Dirty and Downright Dangerous.

"Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to lift no heavy ass weights." -Ronnie Coleman This is the poorman's way to sling heavy iron around. No friends to help? No budget for cranes? No problem! The Egyptians built the pyramids, surely we can get a 5000LBS machine into the shop. Wear you safety squints and watch your toes, this is gonna get sketchy! If you'd like to be a part of making vids please consider tossing a coin towards the channel's long term projects:

Easy Warranty Void sticker removal with DIY Teflon knife.

wfOZKj8ZGqo | 23 Sep 2015

Easy Warranty Void sticker removal with DIY Teflon knife.

This is a video reply to EEVBlog showing an easy way to do it with a static bag. His way is cheaper and simpler, but I made a diy teflon knife to do the same thing. It works well even on large stickers. If the bag trick doesn't work for you, this might. Thanks for your help to make more movies! Errata: Got mixed up on the climb versus conventional. Conventional starts small but doesn't self feed. Climb starts big and does. You probably didn't notice unless you are a machinist... I am not.

DRINKO! Not affiliated with PLINKO!

36tIdgt3cOc | 13 Sep 2015

DRINKO! Not affiliated with PLINKO!

Smancy New Boozamahol Gameshow Knockoff! Like you really need an excuse. Share a laugh in teh shop with the whole world:

BOLTR: Festool TS55 Teardown Test

9Mo2L_jFKmc | 30 Aug 2015

BOLTR: Festool TS55 Teardown Test

I put the Festool basket case back together and get out the heart monitor to see how this thing works. If you hate these vids and want me to stop, please consider tossing a few bucks in the hat. Check out Cody's Lab youtube channel!

BOLTR: Festool Track Saw TS 55

oezp-_DcUgg | 22 Aug 2015

BOLTR: Festool Track Saw TS 55

Official C**T Hair ruler: ► I've been looking forward to exploring the wonders of this magical German Engineered marvel. So disappointment. Thanks to the guys that make these vids possible; YOU, the guys that toss a few bucks in the hat. I appreciate sharing a laugh and shop time with you! The intermission was from Clickspring's Channel, Thanks man!

Sharpen Drill Bits WITHOUT a Drill Doctor?!

FgcESWoJ3CU | 10 Aug 2015

Sharpen Drill Bits WITHOUT a Drill Doctor?!

A quick demo on how to dress a twist drill with minimal tooling. This is not the ideal way to do it, but it'll getch'a a hole where a hole needs being. I deeply appreciate your help to complete projects and movies!

BOLTR: Drill Doctor

xDOlPMEC7IU | 08 Aug 2015

BOLTR: Drill Doctor

Teardown, test and review of a Drill Doctor. The drill bit sharpener, not the real kind of Drill Doctor. Share a laugh, help the channel:

Knock-off Ray Ban Sunglasses vs. UV laser

CG7aBul033I | 29 Jul 2015

Knock-off Ray Ban Sunglasses vs. UV laser

I wear cheap sunglasses. Do they filter UV or are they slowly cooking my baby blues? Shop beer and science fund

Cordless Drill Haunted by the Ghost of Dorks Past.

9k3yufpNGYE | 26 Jul 2015

Cordless Drill Haunted by the Ghost of Dorks Past.

A buddy of mine is scared of things that go bump in the night, add to that a dark Northern British Columbia lake, and a haunted drill; it should make for an interesting week of solitude for him. Thanks for your help!

BOLTR: DeWalt Hammer Drill. Test, tune and Electrical

PBMIlq2IFQk | 19 Jul 2015

BOLTR: DeWalt Hammer Drill. Test, tune and Electrical

The teardown continues with a look at this Dewalt made in the USA hammer drill. We have a look at the motor, it's incredible because it develops nearly 1/3hp and weighs less than a hamburger. I'll show you how the pulse width modulation speed control trigger works. We'll have a look at the charger and have a chuckle at the hammer drilling capability. You can help make more movies!

BOLTR: Made in USA, DeWalt 20V MAX Hammer Drill. Mechanical Part A.

NHCS7JXfuv0 | 11 Jul 2015

BOLTR: Made in USA, DeWalt 20V MAX Hammer Drill. Mechanical Part A.

Bored of lame tool reviews? This is not your typical corpo shill tool review. I'll have a look at the guts of this DeWalt Li-Ion hammer drill and see if the quality matches the hype. Electrical and testing Part B next Sunday! Thanks to all the guys and gals that pitch in a few bucks to make these vids happen.

BOLTR: $33 Mitutoyo Calipers, too good to be true?

KnDype-j3hk | 07 Jul 2015

BOLTR: $33 Mitutoyo Calipers, too good to be true?

Sometimes, you just might get what you pay for. I teardown a set of 150mm "Mitutoyo" calipers. We'll see how they work, what's inside and why they are so incredibly cheap. I appreciate your help to make movies thru your Patreon support!

Zen Blaster; a Most Annoying DIY Electronic Device

84Aafu61RhU | 05 Jul 2015

Zen Blaster; a Most Annoying DIY Electronic Device

I build a little gadget to prank my lovely wife. WARNING! THIS DRIVES PEOPLE NUTS! DON'T DO IT TO SOMEONE WHO IS LIKELY TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. Makes annoying beeps at random intervals. The random pitch and interval makes it very difficult to pin-point the source of the beeping. I might clean up the design and spin up a few circuit boards if anybody is interested in an easy build-along vid. Thanks for your help! Here's the code: /* Lil' BASTARD ZEN BLASTER WARNING! THIS DRIVES PEOPLE NUTS! DON'T DO IT TO ANYBODY WHO IS LIKELY TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. Makes annoying beeps at random intervals. The random pitch and interval makes it very difficult to pin-point the source of the beeping. */ const int speaker = P1_7; // this sets the pin on the MSP430 that sends a beep to the speaker. int duration = 1000; // this is a variable that stores the value of length of the tone int frequency = 600; // this is a variable that stores the value of the frequency of the tone int counter = 0; // this is a variable that stores the value of how many times we've run thru the void loop int trigger = 1; // this is a variable that stores how many times we run thru the void loop prior to triggering a beep sequence int beeps = 2; // this is a variable that stores how many beeps in a sequence // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { tone(P1_7, 2500, 800); delay (200); tone(P1_7, 500, 800); delay (200); tone(P1_7, 2500, 800); delay (200); // this runs through a few tones when you first start to let you know it's working. } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { counter = counter ++; // each time through the program, we add 1 to the value of counter if ( trigger == counter && beeps == 2) { // if the trigger value and the counter value are equal AND the beep value is 2 then do this: counter = 0; // resets the counter value to zero beeps = random (2, 5); // sets the number of beeps for the next time trigger = random (500, 5000); // sets the length of time before the next series of beeps duration = random (200, 2000); // sets the length of time for each beep in milliseconds frequency = random (2500, 6000); // sets the frequency in Hertz of the square wave signal to the speaker tone (speaker, frequency, duration); // sends a beep square wave signal to the speaker according to the values of frequency and duration delay (duration/2); // sets a short delay pause to allow the beep prior to executing the next command duration = random (400, 1500); frequency = random (300, 4000); tone (speaker, frequency, duration); delay (duration/2); } if ( trigger == counter && beeps == 3) { counter = 0; beeps = random (2, 5); trigger = random (500, 5000); duration = random (200, 2000); frequency = random (2500, 6000); tone (speaker, frequency, duration); delay (duration/2); duration = random (500, 2000); frequency = random (300, 1500); tone (speaker, frequency, duration); delay (duration/2); duration = random (1500, 2000); frequency = random (300, 3000); tone (speaker, frequency, duration); delay (duration/2); } Continued in comments. (it's too long for description).

Friction Stir Welding on a Bridgeport Mill

pF1mOTsYB0Q | 30 Jun 2015

Friction Stir Welding on a Bridgeport Mill

Our second attempt at homebrew stir welding. Thanks to all the ladies and gents who enjoy these vids and help me to make more! First attempt is here: Technical discussion with better signal to noise ratio:

BOLTR: Helac Rotary Actuator

yZ04iC3J6Mc | 21 Jun 2015

BOLTR: Helac Rotary Actuator

This is a rare beast. A very expensive and specialized hydraulic actuator. It looks like a regular cylinder but it's hiding an interesting surprise. And not the kind of surprise you got when your Uncle Grandad first asked you to pull his finger. Society for the Enabling of Skookum Choochers: Make a bold fashion statement:

Manly-Man Skills: Making Sure your Pressure Washer is Ready for Lending

b5ALSniPmv0 | 17 Jun 2015

Manly-Man Skills: Making Sure your Pressure Washer is Ready for Lending

Quick fix for the pressure washer you loaned to your neighbor last autumn. As an added bonus, the hose is buggered. But let's not be petty. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap! .....................Make a BOLD fashion statement at your next parole review:

Manly-Man Skills: Sharpen and Balance Blades in 2 minutes

OsPluf2TZrQ | 08 Jun 2015

Manly-Man Skills: Sharpen and Balance Blades in 2 minutes

This is a request from an *almost* Patreon supporter to show how to sharpen and balance a lawn mower blade. I thought it was a horribly boring idea, and I'm probably not wrong. BUT the alternative is watching a long winded 11 minute how-to vid. Dad's Pro Tip: Get your son to check the strength of the magneto by pulling off the spark plug wire while the mower is running. (thanks Justin!) If you'd like to demand a vid and then get incensed that I don't drop everything to immediately cater to your whim; consider tossing a few bucks in the hat.

BOLTR: Hilti Hammer Drill Part B

Wl-TbyCRqUQ | 06 Jun 2015

BOLTR: Hilti Hammer Drill Part B

Bored of Lame Tool Reviews? In this nerdly-teardown, we'll review the electrical components of Hilti's TE-6 Cordless 36V li-ion rotary hammer. We'll share a few laughs and then attempt to re-assemble and test. The usual fuckery ensues. If it all works out; we'll determine if the high price and good reputation of the Hilti Brand is well earned. Part A of Hilti BOLTR: Stefan Gotteswinter makes cool stuff! We all know these vids run on love, but my good looks don't buy near as much HPHT as they used to. If you enjoy the vid and want to help, please consider tossing a few bucks into the hat! Errata: Kip is 1000 lbs not psi. (Woopsie, gave the metric fanboys more ammo). Thanks Grady! Switch is not a simple on/off, so likely doesn't have to be as chunky. Thanks Mike!

Turning Tapered Threads - Manual CNC

wRRNdUYasHU | 24 May 2015

Turning Tapered Threads - Manual CNC

A little proof of concept work on the manual metal lathe. Work arounds for cutting tapers and threads without the "proper" attachments.

Frictionless Bearings - Technical Secrets Explained!

uD7Lzv5fWhs | 21 May 2015

Frictionless Bearings - Technical Secrets Explained!

You've got questions about this revolutionary new bearing technology? The AvE Bearing research facility has replicated recent developments in the reduction of sliding friction. Surprising technical details are revealed! This is an addendum to the work of our esteemed colleagues at Popular Mechanics Magazine:

BOLTR: Does HILTI hold up to the hype? SDS Rotary Hammer.

joetVGrMfAY | 16 May 2015

BOLTR: Does HILTI hold up to the hype? SDS Rotary Hammer.

Bored of lame tool reviews? Hilti TE 6. Cordless 36V Li-ion battery powerd monster of industry. The machining in this beast is like nothing we've seen before. Right off the bat, I let the smoke out of the battery. The teardown goes sidewards from there. Per usual, the subtexts this week are: the transposal of preposterous professional shibboleth for Canadian Ebonics and the slow destruction of vile dogma in -all- some of it's forms. (*wink*) Pinch-faced-low-testosterone-suffering oldens take heed; we might enjoy a knowing chuckle or three. I apologize for my butcherment of the Deutch language, however, I unabashedly revel in murderlating the Queen's English. I ams what I ams. Check out Paul Krzysz's Channel: Help support my Hollywood English Locution Lessons! Let us all enjoy the collective loss of perspicacity. "Uh-huh?"

Manly-Man Skills: Outsmart Mechanic Scams by Using Your Car's Computer!

xrgdxq3rP0g | 29 Apr 2015

Manly-Man Skills: Outsmart Mechanic Scams by Using Your Car's Computer!

This will save you from going to the car dealership when the "check engine" light comes on! Cars have an easy and convenient way to see what that pesky check engine light is telling you. It's called an OBD port used to read DTCs. Sounds EXPENSIVE, right? Wrong! In this vid I cut through the technical bullshit and show you a great tool for maintaining and repairing your automobile. Best of all, you don't even need to get your hands dirty! If you are a dealership owner or service writer who hates these vids and wants me to stop making them; wink wink nudge nudge:

BOLTR: Cuisinart Mixer teardown and repair

zZwe-H5UnGk | 25 Apr 2015

BOLTR: Cuisinart Mixer teardown and repair

Bored of Lame Tool Reviews? Let's have a look inside the Cuisinart Hand Mixer. This is a departure from the usual fare of workshop tools. Instead we'll look at how poorly kitchen gadgets are built. We'll also attempt to repair some broken bits of plastic. This delicious goulash will be served up with a heaping helping of technical details, heavily spiced with salty shop vernacular. (Some say it's an acquired taste.) Thanks to BlueSmokeProductions for letting me steal Exploding Record Roulette for your viewing pleasure. Plenty more where that come from! More Mixer Mayhem on theoverengineer's channel: You can't make homemade bread without love and you can't make movies without bread. If you'd like to help me make these vids, please join the regulars and toss a few bucks in the hat. Eratta: Mike (from mikeselectricstuff !!!! *insert we're not worthy clip here*) pointed out that it's not a resistive voltage divider, but likely some current sense resistors. The voltage divider must be capacitive, debatebly one notch less crusty than resistive.

Stinky old screwdrivers make your tongue numb!

wzObaO5WF_I | 23 Apr 2015

Stinky old screwdrivers make your tongue numb!

The urethane handles on my older Wera screwdrivers is decomposing. I was under the impression that plastics, the bane of the earth, do not break down in the environment for millions of years. Hrmmmm. Why are they rotting in my toolbox after a decade?

How good is a "Lifetime Guarantee"?

OG7lXc4Didg | 30 Mar 2015

How good is a "Lifetime Guarantee"?

Should you like to drop Franklin Electric or PA a note about their shitty warranty: Follow up to the engineered to fail pump teardown. "How can a company that guarantees it's products for life survive by making throw away products?" This is how. They don't honor warranties. Oh, sure, they'll make you go to the store (Princess Auto), call the manufacturer, go back to the store, beg, quote store policy, &c; but ultimately, the customer is left holding the bag. "No sale final until you are satisfied!". Bollocks. Though, it was a rousing round of pass the buck to behold!

Manly-Man Skills: The dreaded IKEA shopping trip

Xsbb7gyFFf0 | 29 Mar 2015

Manly-Man Skills: The dreaded IKEA shopping trip

Why do most trips to IKEA end in divorce? It's a sad but true statistic. This is a strategy for maintaining a happy marriage despite the best social engineering of those deviously brilliant Swedes.

Using Silicon Carbide to cut glass

-c5zOPSGkmo | 25 Mar 2015

Using Silicon Carbide to cut glass

I need a hole in the bottom of a pyrex dish. I am a cheapskate. I'm also not feeling like taking yet another trip to the hardware store. They are starting to remember how I take my coffee; strong and black. (insert once you go... joke here). So I'm testing the viability of using a Pottery Store pack of Silicon Carbide to cut hard, brittle materials. Like the vids? Want to shed the bad luck of all those two dollar bills hoarded in your mattress? Help me make a vid or three!

BOLTR - La BOMBA! Red Lion water chooch'r is engineered to FAIL!

0kEZl_eK8Ws | 21 Mar 2015

BOLTR - La BOMBA! Red Lion water chooch'r is engineered to FAIL!

TL;DW skip to 18:45 for failed part Bored of lame tool reviews? Here's a long term lookee-loo at a high quality pump that would last forever if it wasn't engineered to fail! I'll show you how to check motor windings with a megger high voltage tester. Then we'll tear into the guts of the pump to discover a not so subtle omission that reduces the life of the pump considerably. Like the vids? Want to shed the bad luck of all those Thai Baht in your Ladyboy tip fund? Help me make a vid or three!

Manly-man skills: Remove a broken tap the hard way.

1uwz7BhAWZE | 15 Mar 2015

Manly-man skills: Remove a broken tap the hard way.

TL:DW skip to 7:00 This is my 200th vidja! Incredible how time flies, still having fun in the shop, still making lots of mistakes so you don't have to and still inspiring Trolls to lob spitballs from the know-it-all-do-nothing peanut gallery. The matter at hand: I bust a crappy tap and show how to get it out in the home workshop. There are many more-or-less effective ways to remove a broken tap. This is the toughest situation, a broken tap in a blind hole. In a thru hole, you can go for the hammer and chisel brute force method. Sometimes despite our best efforts to the contrary, things don't go according to plan, so we try something else. Surprisingly, that something else works better than the original plan. Feeling the weight of all those two dollar coins in your pocket? Throw 'em into the hat and we'll make something out of 'em!

Drill speed holes in a rusty old Bastard file

2d5agAl973w | 11 Mar 2015

Drill speed holes in a rusty old Bastard file

How do you drill super hard tool steel? With ridiculously expensive tungsten carbide twist drills. As an added bonus and a requirement for my defense team; I kludge method for determining drill RPM from audio of the actual drilling.

Making holes in Armor Plate. Cheap twist drill vs. good twist drill

GYpMf0ahJNc | 08 Mar 2015

Making holes in Armor Plate. Cheap twist drill vs. good twist drill

Hangover Saturday, WARNING: pinch faced Church quilting bee types, salty language ahead. Say hello to 40 mm thick hard AR 400 plate. It's not something you want to drill with HSS drill bits. In the name of FUN, we put a few unwilling victims on the alter for sacrifice to Vulcan. In this totally biased review of various suppliers of twist drills, one brand came out on top. Surprisingly, some of the most expensive USA made bits from Acklands are worse than el-cheapo offshore bits from Costco. The most gorilla proof twist drill I've found is Walter. Norseman makes a good bit too. Any other bits you'd like me to test while I still have that 100 pound plate up on the mill? Like the vids? Got pocket change? You can help keep the cart rollin'!

BOLTR: Power-Fist Air Die Grinder.

fYrlbDl0TKw | 14 Feb 2015

BOLTR: Power-Fist Air Die Grinder.

In this teardown we'll have a look at a low cost pneumatic die grinder. The air vane motor inside is the powerplant that is in all rotary pneumatic tools. We also make a purpose built tachometer data logger incorporating the Rigol 1054 oscilloscope. We'll have a look at a few easy ways to improve air tool performance and maximize the capability of small workshop air compressors. Thank you to everybody that helped make this vid! Errata: The lower o-ring on the valve is HNBR. Thanks to xnutral for his technical expertise! From the parker website: HYDROGENATED NITRILE (HNBR, HSN) Hydrogenated nitrile was developed as an air-resistant variant of nitrile rubber. In HNBR, the carbon-carbon double bonds in the main polymer chain are saturated with hydrogen atoms in a process called “hydrogenation” that improves the material’s thermal stability and oxidation resistance.

The Microwave Trick? It's the easy way to heat bearings!

LVODJm05plw | 10 Feb 2015

The Microwave Trick? It's the easy way to heat bearings!

How much would an induction heater cost that'd do a huge ball bearing in 90 seconds? More than I care to spend! (over $10,ooo!) I've been saving this trick for a special occasion. You guys really came through with putting up a few bucks each on Patreon. Thank you! We don't all have an inductive bearing heater. Very few of us have a hydraulic press, but following is the easiest/cheapest way to heat metal parts for installation. It's much safer than a torch and hot oil. Simply wrap the metal part that you want to expand in a couple layers of wet rags. Microwave on high for a minute or two. The water in the rag will take the edge off the microwaves and prevent arching. But the beauty is that it won't get hotter than 100C or 212F, the perfect temperature for installing bearings! This is pretty much going to put inductive bearing heaters out of business. (not really they are still good for flanges and heating above 100 C). Also, this might go without saying, but you're gonna want to ensure the bearing has a whiff of oil on it prior to exposing it to moisture. What anybody would be doing running around with a dry bearing, I don't know, but people are sometimes, you know, idiots. If you got a hard-ass my-way-or-the-highway bossman, throw the bearing in the oven or a vat of oil. This is an unconventional, unproven way of doing things. But it is good for a laugh and a good way to win a few beers! Errata: Thank you to Daniel Mattsson! He pointed out my error: "Simply too dangerous!!! If your wife catches you... "

Bored of Lame Tool Reviews? Power Fist Saw. Sink your meat hooks into this Offshore Abomination!

2LLZyUe7-I8 | 05 Feb 2015

Bored of Lame Tool Reviews? Power Fist Saw. Sink your meat hooks into this Offshore Abomination!

Now with more Awesome! Also, I'm asking for your help to keep making these vids. Please click if you want to help! Please share with friends, acquaintances, frienemies, strangers, those dudes on facebook who "try" to sell you dick pills. Speed Test 2:00 Sawsall gear and chooch shaft 3:45 The trouble begins 6:30 Spiral bevel gears 8:00 Microscopic look at the gears 9:00 Motor rotor 10:45 Melting point of tool housing 13:55 Trigger switch 15:00 Intermission and request for Patreon support 16:15 Trigger switch contacts and PCB disaster 19:00 ETL standards fake switch 20:00 Gear ration and motor speed 23:40 Get 'er done, field repair of fastener 24:15 Bad switch, badder wire 25:00 Test Cut 26:40 What the tool is good for 28:20 Reddit sub EngineeringPorn always good for a chuckle or three:

Copper parts from recycled wire sintering

Fd-_Prrc0_o | 27 Jan 2015

Copper parts from recycled wire sintering

Teaser of some fun stuff going on in the backwoods of British Columbia in my humble two car garage. Home made copper sintered part. This is a proof of concept. I wonder what happens when we reduce the particle size and extrude it through a hot end?

Bored of lame tool reviews? Shake hands with cheap Chinese calipers.

WvszAb0Y0Ec | 24 Jan 2015

Bored of lame tool reviews? Shake hands with cheap Chinese calipers.

UPDATE: see why the cheap ones kill batteries Boltr: calipers. How bad can ten dollar digital calipers be? Take an insider's look at the differences between cheap Chinese calipers and high quality Japanese ones. Sparkfun's Hung Lo brand versus Mitutoyo versus your wallet. These are the bargain basement calipers that Harbor Freight, Princess Auto, KBC, Sears, Home Depot, Lowes, Canadian Tire are selling. Do they hit the "minimum viable tooling" requirements? Is it actually cheaper to buy quality tools? I'll also give you a few tips on how to improve the quality of cheap calipers. reddit link CLICK IT PLEASE, SOMETHING MAGICAL WILL HAPPEN! I did a follow up on the battery consumption. It's shockingly bad! And another follow up on temperature compensation. Equally terrible.

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet DeWalt's grinder guts Part B

Zw5RPBVOR0g | 18 Jan 2015

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet DeWalt's grinder guts Part B

If you missed it Part A is here: The plastic they use in the tool housing is amazingly good quality! We discover some shocking news about the gears in the grinder. We also confirm what type of lubricant is being used and see why the Dewalt marketing department can get away with the crazy specs on the box. 0:30 BASF high temperature plastic housing 3:00 What a quality trigger switch looks like 5:00 Marketing BULLSHIT! Busted on the Horsepower Rating! 6:00 Motor wire is solid (stiff-breakable) not stranded (pliable)? 7:00 How to piss off a welder 7:25 Motor Amperage testing 10:25 Heat buildup after running checked with the FLIR 11:06 Locked rotor torque amperage test and thermography 13:20 Heavy grinding test - blows breaker 30A! 13:50 Heat buildup in steel during grinding - interesting! 15:30 Intermission sponsored by Kizmox and Finland! 17:15 How do manufacturers rate power, torque, amps and RPM? 21:00 Testing the grease is it graphite or moly? 23:10 Testing the gear for copper infiltration (to increase density) 24:00 Brimstone test 25:00 That didn't work, like, at all. 25:50 How Moly works 27:00 Geology streak test for molibdenite, how to check for moly 28:20 Floating penny trick (why gear testing didn't work) 28:40 Confirming powder metal gear the easy way 30:57 Better grease is stickier than the crap DeWalt supplies Thanks to Kizmox! Floating Penny Trick Part A of this Tool Teardown:

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet DeWalt's 12 Amp Grinder part A

LWH5bfpivSU | 11 Jan 2015

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet DeWalt's 12 Amp Grinder part A

Update and Errata Part B here: When it comes to grinders, I've always been a Makita man. But maybe this new Dewalt will change my mind. We'll teardown this grinder and have a close look at the build quality. This is a very in-depth review and test so I broke the vid into two parts. I'll post part B next Sunday. Enjoy teardowns? Me too, but they get pricey. Please consider throwing a few bucks into the hat and help me make these vids. Weight of DeWalt vs Makita: 2:35 Strange Gear Grease: 4:45 Moly Di-Sulfide under the microscope: 6:30 Spiral bevel gear: 8:35 Mindblowing Pinion Gear Mystery: 13:30 Crappy Brush Holders: 17:00 Motor Rotor: 19:00 Sex on a stick! Field winding: 23:30 Glass impregnated plastic housing: 25:00

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet Makita's new Hypoid Saw.

DIKPUL6b4N8 | 02 Jan 2015

Bored of lame tool reviews? Meet Makita's new Hypoid Saw.

Bored to tears with "This is the greatest new tool, watch me cut things" bobble-head reviews? This is not that. We teardown a brand new Makita hypoid saw for woodworking. I review the construction of this saw from the inside out, complete with electrical testing and explanation of the difference between a Skilsaw Worm Gear and the Makita Hypoid. I use a microscope to show the surface and wear-in of the gears. We also test the melting point of Makita's plastic tool housing. This isn't a sales review, this is part reverse-engineering and part hacking. What are worm and hypoid gears? skip to 8:25 Take away from gear explanation skip to 10:15 Running the saw on DC battery power skip to 28:00 How much torque does this saw produce? skip to 22:00 What oil does Makita Hypoid use? skip to skip to 17:00 What is that plastic thing on the tool power cord? skip to 2:45 What temperature does plastic housing melt? skip to 18:30 Use of microscope to inspect surface of gears skip to 12:00 Errata: OLD cars use spiral bevels they mostly changed to hypoid in the 40s. Ooops. "It really was the point of the hypoid gear in automobiles because it allowed for lower floors and tunnels in cars." -anonymic79

Copper Workbench

BrCBpr37JyI | 19 Dec 2014

Copper Workbench I make a copper work surface for the electronics lab. I'll show how to score and cut copper with the help of it's work hardening properties. Then I glue, clamp and laminate the copper sheet onto a plywood backing to make a sturdy work surface. I burnish the copper to break up the wavy look of the gleaming metal.

Hydraulic Gerotor Motor Teardown

bGYMo22hjyg | 24 Oct 2014

Hydraulic Gerotor Motor Teardown

We'll disassemble and inspect a hydraulic gerotor motor. This is a high torque hydraulic drive motor. This type of motor is on smaller construction equipment; bobcats and small excavators. This unit is broken, so we take it apart to see if we can repair it.

$200 Axe. Wetterlings Sweden Bushman by Survivorman Les Shroud

eUZk76_h7oA | 15 Sep 2014

$200 Axe. Wetterlings Sweden Bushman by Survivorman Les Shroud

Wetterlings Swedish Axe isn't the best I've ever owned, but it is the most expensive. It's a beautiful piece of blacksmithing. It has a beautiful handle. But the design of the head only makes it suitable for light work. I'll use this for prospecting, but it's not good for any real splitting. It's good for light chopping, and it sucks for making kindling. Right out of the gate, the wedge fell out. I jammed it back in and it lasted another day. Then the wedge split half in two and flew out. Game over. According to the pimply faced kid at the hunting store, this is the smallest axe / hatchet that meets the requirements for the grueling Yukon Quest dog race. Think Iditarod, only for men. Now, Les Shroud is one tough SOB, and I think he's pretty much a straight shooter, but his endorsement misses the mark. I'll stick with my $25 Elgin.

Titanium Casting Experiment

UHZ-SMTyWKQ | 06 Sep 2014

Titanium Casting Experiment

We use some Titanium that Tactical Keychains sent in. This is using the arc welder and graphite method that worked so well on aluminum. Adding argon shielding gas to the set up ensures that the molten titanium doesn't explode. The results are terrible; but you can't win 'em all.

Stihl FS 38, GOOD from far, but far from GOOD

rQOWFsmRjv4 | 20 Aug 2014

Stihl FS 38, GOOD from far, but far from GOOD Battleshots, a drinking game ripoff of Battleship from Milton Bradley. Sue me at your peril. I tackle THE question of our age. Why can't they make a good trimmer head? I've got the best trimmer I could buy, according to the reviews, the Stihl FS 38. It's a skookum power tool, but the cable head doo-dad will drive you to drinking! In the process, I stumble upon the next extreme sport.

HSS Flow Drilling and Friction Welding

zc0yiLlYe-o | 28 Jul 2014

HSS Flow Drilling and Friction Welding

We test out High Speed Steel for flow drilling and for friction welding. I inadvertently discover a breakthrough hangover therapy: getting milling machines to do what they're not designed to do.

Ultra Performance GOLD machinist oil can

q__AZjcdBUM | 19 Jun 2014

Ultra Performance GOLD machinist oil can

*Behold!* The must-have ultra luxurious, bleeding edge techno gadget for the more-money-than-brains-Louis-Vuitton gearhead crowd. Ultra exclusive offering; population: You. I'll show you how I drilled, milled, glued, acid etched, copper and gold electroplated this one of a kind drill press oilcan. It's a real handy tool to have around the shop. Heavy gold plated steel with magnetic base and brush retainer, ensures it won't spill during heavy cuts. The high performance, stinking-rich-grade gold electroplating ensures instant heat transfer to eliminate heat build up in high performance cutting fluids.

How to recover tungsten carbide from drill bits

st8CTs7nNc8 | 12 Jun 2014

How to recover tungsten carbide from drill bits

How to recover tungsten carbide from drill bits. This is a rock drill bit with tungsten carbide buttons that we'll use to try a couple of removal techniques.

100 year old blacksmith anvil gets a new home

1oQ2OV4S02s | 06 Jun 2014

100 year old blacksmith anvil gets a new home

Wood and urathane rubber base for an old family heirloom. This anvil base will last another 100 years. I'll show you how I potted it in cast urethane on a wood base

How to Drill Square Holes!

M3Ul-s9_MA0 | 21 May 2014

How to Drill Square Holes!

Build your own simple tool for broaching square, hex, keyways and holes in metal.

*Garbage!* Multitool review and teardown

NRxFn96XjOI | 07 May 2014

*Garbage!* Multitool review and teardown

I can't find a use for this milwaukee oscillating multi-tool. Can you?

How to turn tool steel in a lathe

8Y6n8MSKK8A | 09 Mar 2014

How to turn tool steel in a lathe

We take a big mistake at work and turn it into the next midnight infomercial workout machine. Making BIG punches and dies with scrap tool steel. Using the 100 ton Armstrong powered press to punch holes in plate.

How to build a 100 ton Press for machining, broaching, punching and forming

d_LSPX8cNaE | 02 Feb 2014

How to build a 100 ton Press for machining, broaching, punching and forming

*This is incredibly dangerous - the scabby tools and cobbled together parts shown here are widow makers. Treat them as such.* I'll show you how I machined a portable die press for punching and broaching. We're using the latest in Armstrong technology to build a hydraulic press, without hydraulics! 100 tons for 100 dollars in material. Also of interest in the vid: 17mm die punch thru 8mm steel plate (20 ton trial run) Annular cutters on the Bridgeport Mill how to get the last drop of never seize out of the can neodymium magnets Milwaukee 8 inch Death Metal Cutting Saw New Milwaukee 18V drill Unobtainium sintered pixie dust drill bits (SFPCD compliance statement: no drill bits were harmed in the making of this video.) 4:16 worst google CC transcription ever.

Brushless Motors explained in layman's terms (by a Star Wars dork) - New Dewalt Milwaukee Makita

ZQI2bLUa0xM | 01 Dec 2013

Brushless Motors explained in layman's terms (by a Star Wars dork) - New Dewalt Milwaukee Makita

Let's peel the skin back on a brand spankin' new Dewalt 20V XR brushless impact to learn, in layman's terms, how new brushless technology works. Explanations on how Pulse Width Modulation allows digital electronics to output analog voltages, what AC frequency the tools run on and some star wars tomfoolery. Sorry, comments disabled. (Fuck Google+'s Orwellian drive to collect and monetize OUR personal information.)

What's the clamping force of a vise? Hack a hydraulic cylinder to find out!

Zg1bbez8XyE | 28 Oct 2013

What's the clamping force of a vise? Hack a hydraulic cylinder to find out!

*Correction* CC is actually square cm and cubic inch should be square in. Sorry, I mis-spoke.

Poorman's Milling Machine!

24hHwV6SejI | 10 Oct 2013

Poorman's Milling Machine!

Machining bronze with nothing more than a cold chisel, hammer and file. How to do metal work without expensive tools. Blog post:

Machining 101: How to drill a square hole at home without special tools.

7n1r5XfVkyk | 30 Aug 2013

Machining 101: How to drill a square hole at home without special tools.

Updated better method here: Make your own homemade broaching tool for "drilling" perfectly square holes in steel. In this case we are using it as a tool holder on a milling machine slotting attachment. Long term projects here:

Destroyed VFD teardown and failure analysis

dnqompTF3Fs | 12 Aug 2013

Destroyed VFD teardown and failure analysis

Troubleshoot and test Variable Frequency Drive. Teardown, and attempted repair of a VFD. This is what replaced a phase converter in your home shop conversion. How it works and why you must never connect it backwards!

Poorman's Rock Crusher and Gold Recovery

rsWs-xYStFo | 08 Jun 2013

Poorman's Rock Crusher and Gold Recovery

home built rock crusher anti-jam for gold prospecting and electronic waste recovery

How to run industrial 3 phase motor on single phase

ZqnfLHhuuUQ | 01 Apr 2012

How to run industrial 3 phase motor on single phase

Install a variable frequency drive to power three phase lathe at home on 1 phase.