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All videos archived of Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd

HYPitrb7ZFU | 22 Mar 2024
Sorry I didn't make a proper announcement video before the console release of Violet Wisteria. Anyways, you can now play Violet Wisteria on any modern console, in all regions. To celebrate, let's look at some strategies for stages 5 and 6.

OlnFyJH2Rr4 | 04 Feb 2023
Hey everyone, this is my final update video about the development of Violet Wisteria. The game releases on February 9th in Japan, and whatever time it is in your part of the world. It's an exciting feeling, and to be honest I'm nervous as well. It will be out there vulnerable for the whole world to see. But if you truly love retro gaming, I think you'll find something to enjoy (and there's a new "practice" difficulty setting). Store page Kanipro twitter

S2m0KLiQ7E4 | 27 Nov 2022
After a couple months of feedback, it was clear that the difficulty balance (or lack thereof) in Violet Wisteria had some major problems. I've released a new version of the demo that hopefully makes the game more approachable, and this video explains some of the changes and my plans for the last couple months of development.

k9MSyg9X0vI | 18 Sep 2022
After about a year and 9 months of work, Violet Wisteria is now far along enough to where I have a demo to share with the world. Challenge yourself to something completely unique and see if you can conquer the first two stages. Kanipro Twitter account

ICglZ823EIc | 14 Jul 2022
In a big step toward the final goal, the Steam page for Violet Wisteria is now public. You can wishlist it here: Thanks to those who have been following this journey and giving me words of encouragement. It keeps me going.

GTFINvE1aXw | 30 May 2022
Thanks to those who watched the previous videos about my early steps into game development. After a year and half, I feel my game is far along enough to show the world. The title is Violet Wisteria, and the projected release date is 1st quarter 2023. I've made a dedicated Twitter account and Youtube channel for further updates on the game, so please follow those if you're interested. The Steam page isn't ready quite yet but very soon, possibly within a week. Twitter Youtube

SovkOrmnH4U | 03 Sep 2021
One last video with absolutely no environment assets and mostly haphazard sketches for enemies. I've done tons of work on this game over the past couple months and I had so much fun designing these past few levels I wanted to show you all what I'm up to.

p1Ik_eEKo3o | 14 Aug 2021
A few people have probably already seen the text post I made complaining about the Valis Revival Project, but now you can listen to me complain about it for 10+ minutes. There's also a sort of update about my game at the end.

Yg_KjhnZ0mw | 24 Apr 2021
I've done an incredible amount of work on this game in the last couple months, including code for ALL (!) 25 enemies, a couple bosses, as well as platforming gimmicks and layouts of the first two stages. So now it's starting to become an actual game with structure. And it's damn fun to play.

P_SiZtyCQtk | 07 Feb 2021
Welcome back! Since the last video, I've implemented a title screen, option screen, cutscenes, an HUD, transitions, handling of lives, continues and health, checkpoints and death transitions. I also fixed the problem with the attack animation. That's quite a bit of work!

5aiTEXAk8Jg | 17 Jan 2021
I said I would be taking the journey into learning game coding, and thankfully it wasn't all talk. In the beginning of November I started out with absolutely no knowledge. After many hours watching tutorials and reading up on functions, I've got the beginnings of a 2D platformer up and running. There's still a long ways to go of course, but I feel confident that I can take this all the way.

lfJFHegjEgQ | 09 Aug 2020
I've already posted this on all my other social media, but for those who haven't seen: I'm retiring from making videos. It's been a lot of fun, but also an enormous amount of work, and it's time for me to live for myself again. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed these videos.

4rsw8Gyuj4A | 26 Jul 2020
Become a patron and support the show While I'm primarily a retro gamer, I'm also excited to see so many developers attempt to make new games similar to those I grew up with. In this video I look at games made by a Brazilian company called Joymasher, who have been giving us some of the most faithful classic style games with modern technology. Their current works are Oniken, Odallus, and Blazing Chrome, with another titled Moonrider in development. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

RkHy2XO3Ldk | 12 Jul 2020
Become a patron and support the show When I won the auction for Hong Kong 97, I never could have imagined it would lead me on this journey. After making the Hong Kong 97 history video, I knew the only way to top it would be to get Kurosawa himself on camera. While in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Music Show, I mentioned the idea to him, and a few months and a lot of reassuring later, he agreed. This video discusses many of the other games he made before Hong Kong 97, his documentaries, his connection with Game Urara magazine, and much more. This definitely represents a win for game history enthusiasts. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Kowloon Kurosawa's channel

jR5qIiAfB28 | 28 Jun 2020
Become a patron and support the show: Just as the title says, I put together my list of the 10 games I would take with me if I were going to be banished to a deserted island. I highly doubt there would be any electricity to actually play them, but this is just a little exercise of imagination. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you!

DCOMIksaBL8 | 14 Jun 2020
Support the show by becoming a patron here: Once again I've gotten hold of an unlicensed retro game seemingly made simply for the purpose of offending people. Terrifying 911 is an unlicensed port of Metal Slug to the Game Boy Color, which many people have speculated was made from the leaked ROM of an official port which was cancelled. And what better way to market a game than to add footage of the 9/11 terror incident to the opening sequence? Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account All footage captured by your dear sweet UHVGN

6X1TLU4RjmQ | 31 May 2020
Please considering becoming a patron and supporting the show Back when I met Kurosawa for the interview about Hong Kong 97, he told me the original ad for it was in a magazine called Game Labo. It appears he remembered incorrectly, as I wasn't able to find any information about it in any issue around the time of its release. However, we did finally find an ad for Hong Kong 97 in another magazine active around the same time called Game Urara. This video is all about the insanity found within the pages of the short lived Game Urara. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account The scans used in this video were provided by the game preservation group Gaming Alexandria. Please take a look at what they do

bKA3h9JBx90 | 17 May 2020
Please consider supporting the show Alfa System is best known for the Shikigami no Shiro (Castle of Shikigami) games, but they've been around since the golden era of gaming and gave us several games on the PC Engine. In this video I look at two that were both published by my beloved Nihon Telenet: Psychic Storm and Kiaidan 00. Are they worth your money? Find out here. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account All footage captured by your dear friend Ultra Healthy.

Ci9Vs2Q6TtA | 03 May 2020
Please consider becoming a patron and supporting the show I'm diving deep, deeper, deepest into that ethereal world which is the Japanese Playstation software library. This time I've resurfaced with something "special". Fox Junction is a real mind bender, and just when you think you've seen it all, the credits reveal the biggest surprise. I had a blast putting this one together. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

Tj87OeX6P4I | 19 Apr 2020
Support the show and become a patron: Just as the title says, in this video I introduce all the consoles in my gaming setup. Before the comments start flooding in: I'm not using a CRT and I probably never will again. I have no desire to overrun my entire home with electronics. Yes the games look much better. But I'm happy with the way things are now. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

xZfrIgEwXDE | 05 Apr 2020
Become a patron and support the show here: Time Diver: Eon Man was scheduled to be released on the NES in North America in 1993 but was cancelled even though it may have been 100% complete. Shortly after, a physical version was sold in Taiwan under the name Time Diver Avenger. I managed to get my hands on one of these legendary Taiwanese carts. Did we miss out on what could have become a hidden gem on the console? Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays, Frank Cifaldi, and TheConsole Killer. Thank you!

LIjHuOph3NY | 01 Apr 2020
This is the first of my let's play series. As everyone knows, it's an objective fact that Super Mario Bros 3 is the greatest game ever made, so I made a video of me playing through it (until I give up like a wuss). Donations of $50 or more accepted at my Paypal address.

ipM-E_oDmSw | 22 Mar 2020
Become a patron and support the show here Being a big fan of Compile's games, Power Strike II on the Sega Master System was something I had wanted for many years. And it's something I've wanted to make a video about almost immediately after buying. I think it's not as obscure as some of the other games I've covered, but it still deserves a thorough review. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays and Nostalgia Nerd, thank you!!

jIqSDKXqwxc | 08 Mar 2020
Become a patron and support the show here: If you can't believe I'm reviewing a 3D platformer, good! That means you've been watching my other videos. Super Magnetic Neo on the Dreamcast is a delightful (and brutal) excursion through the wacky Japanese imagination that we all love so much. It's so good, the number of dimensions is insignificant. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays and Longplays Land. Thank you!

Fh7jtatujYU | 23 Feb 2020
Become a patron and support the show here: I talk about my experience at the Tokyo Game Music Show this year and show the CDs I bought there. I also went to a concert by U Brand, a band that plays rock versions of video game music, the following day. I don't get to have so much fun in such a short time all that often. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

c7kvlMt7XsA | 09 Feb 2020
Become a patron and support the show here: Because my experience with retro gaming has been so focused on discovering little known games that deserve to be known better, I have to admit it irks me hearing so many people say things like "Super Mario Bros 3 is the best game on the NES/of all time". So I'm here to set the record straight. There are countless games on the NES with complex platforming and nuanced artwork that make for a richer experience, and I hope with this video we can put the ill informed worship of Mario to a rest once and for all. By the way, I don't dislike Mario 3. It's just not the best. Nowhere close. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays.

K7YxonRUtzE | 26 Jan 2020
Now that I've finally embraced the fact that 2D is back, there's a lot to be excited about in the gaming world. In this video I introduce the 10 games I'm looking forward to most in the coming year (or in the near future). While some of these have already gotten plenty of hype and publicity, hopefully you'll discover something new as well. Here's the list: Aleste Branch Cyber Shadow Bushiden Rollie Tanzer 2 Tatsujin 3 Game Gear Adapter Freedom Planet 2 Moonrider Phantom Gear Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional game footage taken from World of Longplays.

7WO22aX1Zfc | 12 Jan 2020
Become a patron and support the show here: For those hoping I would find another game as rare and legendary as Hong Kong 97, well, that's a tall order. But I've done the next best thing and acquired a physical copy in good condition of Rocman X, a Taiwanese developed NES/Famicom game by Sachen, the makers of Little Red Hood. As you can probably tell by the name, it's a shameless ripoff of Mega Man, down to the box art being stolen from the Japanese cover of Rockman X for the Super Famicom. And the game which lies within is a foul abomination of everything we love about the blue bomber. I had a fun time with this one. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional game footage taken from the following channels: zapfsaeule NEScapades World of Longplays (thank you to player Valis 77)

KKpEmfjlAxI | 30 Dec 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: I figured an end of the year video would be appropriate. This is my top 10 games of 2019, but it isn't the top 10 games released in 2019. It's the 10 games I discovered this past year that I enjoyed the most. Some of them were released in 2019, but some of them are much older games that I just got to play for the first time. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

rWY7ACtP7qs | 15 Dec 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: While many of us grew up with classic action RPGs on the Super Nintendo like Legend of Zelda and Soulblazer, unsurprisingly there were less heralded games left in Japan. In my quest to dig up curious and (sometimes) great retro imports, in this episode I shine a light on a game called Neugier: Umi to Kaze no Kodou. Interestingly it was nearly released in north America but cancelled at the last minute, so now English speaking gamers can see what they were missing. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Extra game footage taken from the following channels: Classic Video Gamers MrZeratheMant Snes RPG Gaming World of Longplays

VQGMSR9NJys | 01 Dec 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: What's the scariest game you've ever played? Silent Hill? The game I'm looking at this time is called Kowai Shashin (scary picture), and while it doesn't have any jump scares, there's a rumor going around that just by having it you could put yourself at risk of being possessed. This is what finding weird imports is all about. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

5oWYPWcNglU | 17 Nov 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Showcasing some of the games I've picked up recently. About half of these are Switch games, since I've been trying to catch up on all the cool modern 2D games. Also a couple homebrews for old consoles in here as well. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

b5AObur9zFg | 03 Nov 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: It's been a while since I made a video about game music, so I'm introducing what I consider to be the most "inspirational" game music tracks of all time. As for what it means for a song to be inspirational, I think it's something that encourages me to try harder and believe that life is worth living. Hope you enjoy and maybe find something new. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from the following channels: World of Longplays Mathiue Pronovost pat339999 Official Eponasoft jimyqqq Game Archive zRedGemz machine00015

B3AJnqOkzWQ | 20 Oct 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: I was blessed to receive a review copy of a new homebrew game on the NES called Rollie, so I take a magnifying glass to it in this review. My third eye must have been open when I saw the post on Twitter asking for reviewers. Kickstarter page here (crowdfunding is closed but you might find updates about how to preorder): Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional game footage taken from NintendoComplete and Nintendo Longplays

jbMX6FPXARg | 06 Oct 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: I figured it would just be lost to time, but someone actually figured out where the screen capture at the Hong Kong 97 game over screen was taken from. In this episode I talk about where this video comes from. I also managed to find an original copy of a CD published by Kowloon Kurosawa around the same time he made Hong Kong 97, so the last 1/3 of this episode talks about what's on it. Link to the video with the HK97 game over screen capture (NSFW) (image at 28:55) Capture of game over screen image (NSFW) Scans of Sukatoro Koumuin CD Adachi Kaoru's porn site (extremely NSFW) Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

NHAKKDKNZ34 | 22 Sep 2019
Become a patron and support the show: Continuing with the theme of great games left behind in Japan, this time I put the magnifying glass to a top tier platformer on the Famicom/NES called Moon Crystal. It may not be as hidden as some of the crazy obscure PS1 games I've covered, but it still deserves to be known and loved by more people. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Extra game footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you as always.

5QzH6ESrgos | 08 Sep 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: In my giddiness at finally getting a working Sega CD console, I decided to review what I'm confident is the best Japanese exclusive game on the console. And of course, any chance I can get to talk about Telenet's games, I will. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Extra game footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you as always.

FpwIOR7uGe0 | 25 Aug 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: It's officially been 2 years since I started creating videos as the Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd. For the most part, I've done what I set out to do, which is make thoughtfully composed reviews of games that very few other people have talked about. Thank you so much to everyone who watches the show, I always appreciate your positive comments and helpful feedback. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

k7uuUzAK48M | 11 Aug 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Download scans here: Back in the early 90s when Nihon Telenet was producing a ton of games (not all of which are classics), they had a fan club which they produced a bi-monthly magazine for. The magazine was called Users Gallery and was only sent out to fan club members, so there weren't anywhere near as many copies printed as normal gaming magazines like Famitsu. Due to my love of the Valis games and many others produced by Nihon Telenet, I always keep an eye out for people selling them, and I struck gold when I found a set of 12 on a flea market site. This video introduces some of the odd trivia I discovered in these issues. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

kQ48z79iIU4 | 28 Jul 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: "Hidden gem" has become something of a buzzword for retro gamers. After playing through all the Marios and Castlevanias, it's natural that we would try to dig deeper and discover other great games that aren't as easily recognizable. While everything is relative, I'm a little skeptical as to how "hidden" some games being called hidden gems truly are. So to set the record straight, I present you with a 2D platformer on the PS1 that almost no one has even heard of: Kyoro Chan no Purikura Daisakusen. And not only is it hidden, it's good. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage from World of Longplays

bm8us1fSDBM | 14 Jul 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: This is another translation reading, this time it's a chapter from Iijima Ai's autobiography "Platonic Sex". If you aren't clear about who Iijima Ai is or why I would read part of her book on a channel that's mostly about video games, take a look at the video about a Super Famicom game called Magical Pop'n on my channel here: Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

I1nu0U33HHg | 30 Jun 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Now that we've had nearly a year to let it age and sink in, I've decided to do a proper review of FX Unit Yuki. This is not technically a retro game, it's a modern homebrew/indie game for the PC Engine. But I want to give my support to the people making new games for old consoles. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional game footage from World of Longplays.

WH0UmsMlIi0 | 16 Jun 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Is ultra healthy an exaggeration? I hope not. Anyways, this is a little anecdote about the change that I went through from being a sedentary wimp to being a slightly more health conscious wimp. There are some very embarrassing pictures of me when I was younger, if that sort of thing interests you. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

oUjH33XcbNU | 02 Jun 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: This is both a review of Magical Pop'n and a look into the story of why it became one of the most expensive games on the console. Put simply, it's collectible because the voices were done by a famous celebrity who died young. Just a note about the information I've given about Iijima Ai in the video: I'm presenting it the way it's been presented to the public, through her book, wikipedia articles, TV shows and interviews. I chose not to make any judgements about which information is true and which is questionable. To be honest, the book is half novel and I don't believe everything in it. If anyone with Japanese ability wants to dig further into the story, there is plenty of information out there. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from World of Longplays and SaikyoMog

iY9v0qWOKME | 19 May 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: My first review of Sega Saturn imports! The Saturn is known as the home of great 2D shooter ports, but there aren't quite as many platformers. Since I always take the low road, I chose 2 hard to obtain platformers to look at in depth: Tryrush Deppy, and Super Tempo. Are they worthy of their status and price? Find out here. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from Saturn Memories. Thanks so much! Additional footage from World of Longplays and ben shinobi.

QFa4dwfqQTk | 05 May 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: I have nothing else to say. I dug my own grave this time. I hope you're happy. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

p1xaRWOF7gU | 21 Apr 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: I know, NES hidden gems have been done to death. But it's a console I love from the bottom of my heart, and some of my choices definitely aren't on any other lists, so I'm putting my own spin on it. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from: NintendoComplete World of Longplays

aYFA9PnFSIY | 07 Apr 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: It boggles my mind how little Hermie Hopperhead gets talked about. It was Sony's first attempt at creating a mascot-based game on their first console. Obviously Sony of America passed up on it because it was 2D, but it's definitely something any lover of platformers should try playing. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional game footage taken from: World of Longplays Foodperson Longplays Yoshi Java

XO78ndT5GjI | 31 Mar 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Most people seeing this probably already know that the Hong Kong 97 history video propelled my channel from 700 subscribers to 8,000 currently, which went far beyond my expectations. So I just made a short video to kind of react to everything that's happened and to say thank you for all the kind comments I've had (and the snarky ones too...) This video is just a little extra, usually new episodes will come every other week. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

Dt2OFS22dpk | 24 Mar 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: What started as a silly idea in the back of my mind ended with me on a journey to meet the man who started it all. The information in this video is based on the interview I had with Kowloon Kurosawa, who made Hong Kong 97 together with an undisclosed programmer. I hope this will, once and for all, answer all the questions people have had about the game. It was a big undertaking for me and definitely the most work I've ever put into a single video. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Extra footage taken from the following channels: World of Longplays Eric Fortes Bisqwit BastardGamers

adx5HicAXrQ | 10 Mar 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: This was my first time attending Tokyo Game Music Show and I really wanted to show off the CDs I bought there, as well as talk about what it was like meeting some legendary game music composers. So, I did. Some of my pickups include works by Shioda Nobuyuki, Nakagata Norio, Kawamoto Tamayo, Naruke Michiko and Hayama Koji. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

hciOI8UUjI0 | 25 Feb 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: As I've said in other videos, I don't consider myself a "collector" because I don't buy games simply for the purpose of owning them, nor do I pride myself on how many I have. But I do pride myself on the quality of the ones I do have. So I'm showing off what I own in this video. Also included is my game OST collection, which is much more uncommon and, quite frankly, freakin badass. Enjoy. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

HpEM3pfyk4Q | 10 Feb 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: As the title says, this video introduces several game series with roots on the PC Engine that ended up getting sequels on other consoles. This video was a requested topic taken as a celebration for hitting 500 subscribers. Thanks a lot to everyone who enjoys the videos! Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Footage taken from the following channels: TotallyRadicalRetroGames John GodGames Diem Carpe ymd arex ShiryuGL NintendoComplete Redd Arremer SaturnMemories Virtual Gaming Library arronmunroe Were1974 Vysethedetermined2 おばけ (obake) Thank you for your generosity!

KaAR-w4A_rM | 27 Jan 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: The title says it all, this video is a face off between two thunderous shooters on the Turbografx (PC Engine) CD. Both are excellent games, so I set out to find if one is better than the other. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account All footage captured by yours truly.

eNesg135A_k | 13 Jan 2019
Become a patron and support the show here: Once again we're looking peculiar PS1 games that never left Japan. This is a review of 3 games made by the developers of Kyuiin and Coro Coro Post nin that call themselves "cooking action puzzle" games. Thankfully, I'm not famous enough to affect prices, so if these interest you they can be had for a paltry sum. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account All footage captured by yours truly!

wE_GcHqHvQk | 30 Dec 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Just as the title says, I chose the 10 moments in games I found to be the most frustrating. This doesn't necessarily mean the entire game is bad, just that one particular section can drive the player mad with rage. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays, Newfie Bangaa, and NintendoComplete. Thank you as always.

w3mV7iMdWk0 | 16 Dec 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: In this video I wanted to make corrections of some statements I've made in the past concerning games I thought were good at the time, but further play revealed that wasn't the case. I certainly wouldn't want someone to go out and spend money on a crappy game if they could have avoided it. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from World of Longplays and Puyo Puyo.

18vlwjQxsqs | 02 Dec 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This is a review of 3 PC Engine games all made by Naxat, one of the most prominent developers of original titles for the PC Engine. If you love 8 and 16 bit shooters, Burning Angels, W Ring and Psycho Chaser are all worth your time. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Footage taken from World of Longplays, ShiryuGL, and SavitarSvit. Thank you!

4alGX9usWA4 | 25 Nov 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Showing off some of the games I've bought over the last couple months, it really has been a Master System marathon. Discovering a lot of the cool games that didn't come out in Japan is an amazing journey. As always, some weird stuff mixed in too. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays, thank you!

7IN4WnCTE1M | 18 Nov 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: We often say that Megaman 2 was one of the greatest games of the 8 bit era, some say the best platformer ever at the time of its release. But why was it so much better than Megaman 1? I've tried to take this abstract idea and make it into a logical argument. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from NintendoComplete, thank you for your generosity. Extra footage from World of Longplays and Gontaro Gonnoyama

8BnFybddb1A | 11 Nov 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I've been wanting to do a video about some of the best OSTs, so I decided the first category would be SNK fighting game CDs. There's a lot to choose from! Let's see if other SNK music fans agree with my picks. And yes, all the CDs in the thumbnail are mine. Gameplay footage taken from mitu123Copper and World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayer SCHLAUCHI. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

ayvaWw3VqyE | 04 Nov 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Milestone was a Japanese game developer with several ex-employees of Compile. They left us with some highly experimental 2D shooters which didn't get a lot of attention outside of Japan, so in this episode I take a look at all 5 of their arcade shooters. If you played Chaos Field and wondered whether the same company put out any other similar games, look no further. Article about Radilgy S: All in game footage captured by yours truly! Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

vMlR4xlLcDE | 28 Oct 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I've come to the point where I can usually tell whether a game is going to be something I would enjoy by seeing a video of it, but sometimes there's some little quirk about a game that isn't obvious until you've played for a good hour or so. In this video I talk about some games that seem like they should be retro classics but don't turn out to be as fun as they look. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from Newfie Bangaa, Zetuei Retro Games and World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayers SCHLAUCHI and JagOfTroy.

KTaUn0tpPZ4 | 21 Oct 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Realistically, the PS Classic will probably come bundled with triple A games, but it would be a much greater service to the gaming community to fill it with great games that didn't sell well or didn't leave Japan. So here are my 20 hidden gems that would make the Playstation Classic a worthy purchase. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gaming footage taken from: World of Longplays SILVERCHARIOT7 ウサ TGApuleius Zeusdaz Thank you for your generosity.

f4sfE2MwsRE | 14 Oct 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: The Valis games hold a special place in my heart, they helped introduce me to the Sega Genesis and also really made me a fan of video game music. It's pretty well known that the gameplay wasn't always given the most attention, but some of the games are better than others. In this video, I decide which game plays the best. Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays, thanks to longplayers Valis77 and Tsunao. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

f5g-9AF4Fs4 | 07 Oct 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Yes, retro gaming is now a super hot fad and accordingly prices has skyrocketed. Good news, plenty of great games are still relatively cheap. Here I introduce some Japanese games that should fit into the budget of a normal person. Game footage taken from World of Longplays, Zmiize94 and NintendoComplete. Thanks! Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

c0eMaDZOKO8 | 30 Sep 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Someone had to do it. Gunner's Heaven has often been called a Gunstar Heroes clone, but can it stand up to the game it attempts to emulate? This video is a comparison of the two, to find out who the king of 2D run and gun shooters is. Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays, thanks to longplayers RickyC, Azgart, JohnX895, and ScHlAuChi. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

sIF-uZ9lS1Q | 23 Sep 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Let's face it, a lot of older games based on anime are awful. But there are some good ones, you just have to look hard. In this video I introduce my top 10. Game footage taken from Puyo Puyo, Paikeruchu13, and World of Longplays. Thanks!! Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

dxhZsDJc6N0 | 16 Sep 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: As I dive deeper and deeper into the seemingly never ending abyss that is the Japanese PS1 library, sometimes I come across something so incomprehensible that I can't help but wish other gamers had the chance to see the madness for themselves. So I bring to you Metaphlist, a game probably best left to obscurity, but I have dug it up for your viewing displeasure. Please like and subscribe, if you feel like it. There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Additional footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you as always.

uClGhmYDFm8 | 09 Sep 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I can't believe this is nearly 30 minutes of pickups talk. Yeah, it's a lot of games, nearly half are PC Engine CD. I highly recommend to other retro gamers to go after PC Engine CD aggressively, it's super underpriced compared to other games of the same era. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

4FwPRYv_BeE | 02 Sep 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This is a review of a rhythm game on the PS2 called Mojib Ribbon. It was a rhythm game made by Nana On Sha, who were responsible for PaRappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy, but was only released in Japan. This is definitely one of the most "modern" games I will ever do a review of. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

o7m3nlK6B9s | 26 Aug 2018
In appreciating of getting 300 subscribers, I'm giving away a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 gold coin which was passed out at a contest for the game held in Japan in 1993. These weren't for sale, so it's a pretty cool piece of gaming memorabilia if you like Sonic, Sega, or the 16 bit era. No, it's not real gold. You can let me know that you've met the requirement for entering the contest at my email address here: [email protected] Here are my social media profiles which you will need to follow in order to enter: Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

6caC8wdqQ8o | 19 Aug 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Just as the title says, I choose my 10 favorite cover illustrations from Japanese Mega Drive (Sega Genesis) games. Mega Drive box art is so awesome that even with limiting the list to one console, it's still hard to choose only 10. Internet bonus points if you can guess #1 before I reveal it. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

CuxTYdSyMpE | 12 Aug 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I talk about some of the memorable gaming experiences I had in my teenage years. The thumbnail picture is me playing Sega Master System at my brother's house. I was probably 6 years old, this is before we had any games at my house. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

nXWgX8MqWeU | 05 Aug 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This video marks the 1 year anniversary since I started posting youtube videos as UHVGN. I really do enjoy it and hope you stick around, because there's plenty more to come. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

Qg3atYEtK6k | 29 Jul 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This episode looks at some of the greatest game soundtracks that were never officially released on CD. It was extremely hard to bring the list down to just 10, but it had to be done. No relation to any Harry Potter spinoffs. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

lkKzUyhzmFQ | 22 Jul 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: What's the hardest game you've ever played? Ninja Gaiden? Ghosts n Goblins? Hah! They are mere specks of dust in the shadow of Kitchen Panic. This little known PS platformer that never left Japan was sent from an alternate universe to drive humanity insane. I had to take all of the in game footage myself this time around. It does appear unstable at times but this is all I can do with my current set up. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

W1vo88Z8Ncw | 15 Jul 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: We love Japan and all its creations for their seemingly untamed imagination. But just because something is silly doesn't automatically make it good. This is a video about how my feelings changed for nutty Japanese artwork after having lived in Japan for many years. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from Diamond Longplays, NintendoComplete and World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayer Valis77

mXYg9BijJCw | 08 Jul 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Lots of awesome new additions to the game library in the last few months, all boxed of course. For some reason I could barely get a full sentence out without stuttering in this video, probably because I shot two videos in one day. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

RRYVyE7bHO4 | 01 Jul 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: A look at the final Ninja Jajamaru game for the Famicom which was originally scheduled to be released on the NES as Squashed but never saw the light of day outside of Japan. If you enjoy 8 bit platformers, this one is worth your time. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from MorphingThruTIme. Check out his channel here:

wy_ZDtnFhYY | 24 Jun 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I've heard one too many people say Castlevania: SOTN is the best game ever, so I wanted to discuss what I feel are some downfalls to the game. Just my opinions. I always try to keep nostalgia or the general consensus from influencing my reviews and game analysis, so I think offering some honest criticism of SOTN may be of service to the gaming community. Check me out on other social media: Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

7dv3T8ap1Z0 | 17 Jun 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Last week it was platformers, this time it's shooters. Same idea, I pick one game from each retro console that was never localized, Famicom to PS1. Some choices are obvious, a couple may surprise you. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account In game footage taken from Longplays Land, JohnX895, and World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayers JagofTroy, NPI, ScHlAuChi, and T-0815.

xOefe84C5wc | 10 Jun 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Time to settle the score! I introduce the best Japan exclusive platformer for each retro system from the NES (Famicom) to the PS1. Some were obvious, some may be a bit of a surprise. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from Saturn Memories and World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayers kireeev20000, NPI, valis77, SCHLAUCHI, and xRavenXP

JSAWdhVnfkk | 03 Jun 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Yes, I've done a video about a puzzle game. It's a genre I only dip into on occasion, but Money Idol Exchanger deserves to be known and loved by a wider audience. Once again, the PS demonstrates how many magnificent games it had that never left Japan. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

JyMDLZ2Gs7Q | 30 May 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: After last week's video where I showed I had gotten a floppy disk drive for the Super Famicom but couldn't get any games to play on it, I made some posts to forums asking for help from those with expertise on this kind of thing. I'm happy to say that I got it working and, to my amazement, Hong Kong 97 is perfectly playable in all its foul glory. This video shows the game in motion, and finally reveals how much I paid for it! Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

dX2ZXouWV4I | 27 May 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Just showing off my recently arrived copy of FX Unit Yuki, a new indie release for the PC Engine/Turbografx, and giving some first impressions. I would like to do an in depth review but that's probably a couple months off. I also did finally get a floppy disk drive for the Super Famicom which should allow me to play Hong Kong 97. Long story short, it may have gotten damaged during shipping. But since I said a number of times in other videos that I would show everyone what happened when I finally got one, here it is. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

Jir9PFZtA84 | 20 May 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I've finally combined my love for games and exercise into one beautiful video! This time I introduce some of the best game soundtracks for working out to. A couple are obvious, others not so much. Give em a try and tell me what you think. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayers ScHlAuChi and MadMatty.

GwibitdBGYU | 13 May 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: We all have guilty pleasures, things we know we shouldn't indulge in so much but end up unable to resist. This episode is about a game that isn't an example of magnificent programming but still brings a smile to my face: Hani on the Road for the PC Engine. Have a watch and find out why. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayer NPI.

IkkJLvLBCjA | 06 May 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: A look at some of the better prices I've come across during my game hunts in Japan. Too bad everybody has realized how valuable retro games are now, and I mean everybody. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

C6NqT9oqaVM | 29 Apr 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: It occurred to me that I've covered almost nothing but platformers and shooters on this channel up until now, so this episode is to let people know that I do enjoy turn-based RPGs every bit as much as the next gamer. I would definitely be interested in hearing whether anyone agrees with me that this is one of the best games ever made for the genre. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you to long player Ironsharp.

1X9-4vjWTNo | 22 Apr 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: While Harmful Park has always been an expensive and sought after game, the recent explosion in price has prompted me to do a video on whether or not this game is actually a retro gaming legend. Hint: this is probably going to be an unpopular opinion. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays. Thanks to longplayers ScHlAuChi, JohnX895, and Genbu.

C2Dk8HouHX0 | 15 Apr 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Sometimes, the games we think of in the states as being highly sought after and expensive titles don't have the same reputation in their country of origin. This video takes a look at a few of those, games whose prices vary widely between their US and JP counterparts. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from the following channels: World of Longplays (thanks to longplayers MontyMole, T-0815, ScHlAuChi, xRavenXP, Valis77) Alexandre Barbieri

HsMdv_uPeYI | 01 Apr 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I take a look at classic games that suddenly become super challenging out of nowhere. If anyone has any other games they would add to this list I would love to hear about them in the comments. BIG disclaimer: As I was finishing up the post production for this video, I started playing an SNES game I had owned for years and really sat down and tried to beat it for the first time. I discovered that it should absolutely have been included in this video, but adding it would have meant not meeting my standard deadline. Any ideas as to what game I'm talking about? Hint: It's a platformer whose sequel became a completely different genre of game. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays, thank you to longplayers TheGuyAleXD, kireev20000, T-0815, Valis77, ScHlAuChi

Urt9tUr-Jyc | 25 Mar 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: While this is mostly a gaming channel, I am taking this episode to talk candidly about some aspects of building a life in Japan. It's a great place, not without its problems, and finding a place for yourself as a non-Japanese will take some work. Contains some surprising facts for gamers who think of Japan as the holy land, too. Game shopping: 1:25 City live vs rural life: 3:50 Owning a car: 6:55 Apartments: 10:38 Food: 14:04 Work life (teaching English): 18:15 Learning Japanese: 24:28 Tour of my apartment: 28:19 Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

t_kdzfGgH_g | 18 Mar 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Bonus internet points for anyone who knows where the quote in the beginning of the video comes from!! This episode is a little different in that I'm not really covering any specific game or set of games. Instead, I introduce the work of an underground comic artist named Nishizaki Marino who did the drawings and total design for the Super Famicom game Psycho Dream. I don't know of any other information about him in English anywhere, so I hope this video gives people the chance to learn about this extremely unique and talented person. I'm not able to scan anything right now so all of the samples of his work are pictures I took of the actual books. I know it's not perfect but I think it still gets the point across of just how talented he was. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account In game footage taken from World of Longplays, thanks to longplayer Valis77.

RM0qk9HMOJY | 11 Mar 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Video showing off some of the games I've bought in the last few months. Got some super cool stuff this time around, very close to finishing off my Famicom list. Nothing for Super Famicom though. Also a few very rare game OSTs in this set, you'll definitely want to see those. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

yFsKFgfeQeA | 04 Mar 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This video takes a look at the other game Kowloon Kurosawa designed, a rancid budget title for the PS2, as well as a few of the books he's written. For those who just want to know about how I got Hong Kong 97, skip to 13:55. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from: channel takuro World of Longplays (longplayer NPI)

iQfER4SBRqI | 25 Feb 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Luckily I started following Namiki Koichi and a number of other Japanese video game musicians on Twitter just in time to find out about the 30 year anniversary concert tour they had planned. This video shows me going into the location of the first show on the tour and then takes a very general look at the new album. Please notice that I was wrong when I first said "3 members are original members", it turns out Namiki Koichi is the only original member. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

WhAVS5GGx0k | 18 Feb 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Here's a little something that's sure to shake up the retro gaming community: I have acquired a genuine physical copy of Hong Kong 97. This is the only confirmed copy that has ever been seen. For those who don't know what Hong Kong 97 is I do take a little time to go over the history of the game, but most of the video is spent looking up close at the package and disc itself. Here's the follow-up: There are several other videos that already explain the back story of the game, in particular the Angry Video Game Nerd's episode on it is probably easiest to understand, so if you want to know more about what the actual 'gameplay' looks like I recommend watching that: Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

QdMYPq7A7yY | 11 Feb 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This is the opposite video of my Retro Gaming Money Traps episode. These are rare, highly sought after games that actually play as well as you would expect based on their price. While they may seem expensive, they'll probably cost twice as much in 5 or 10 years. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from: Saturn Memories World of Longplays (thanks to longplayers Valis77, JagOfTroy, T-0815, xRavenXP and SCHLAUCHI)

Grwq066koEc | 04 Feb 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: I take a look at a splendid little McDonalds platformer for the Famicom (NES) that was only released in Japan, and give Ronald McDonald a run for his money along the way. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from the following channels: NintendoComplete Charly's Main Channel World of Longplays (longplayers xRavenXP, SCHLAUCHI, MontyMole) nenriki86

q5m-cRMkIsE | 28 Jan 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: In light of the upcoming performance dates by the modern version of Sega's band S.S.T. (now called Blind Spot) I break out their old albums and reminisce about the golden age of gaming. The really good thing about these CDs is that, unlike so many older game soundtracks which are near impossible to find and cost a fortune, these were printed in reasonable numbers and are quite cheap. Here's the teaser video for their upcoming album: If you're in a position to get to the Osaka show, I'll see you there! If not, get connected with my other social media accounts to see updates and of course tons of obscure gaming goodies. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

N3MJFzCjU4k | 22 Jan 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: You've stumbled across the channel of the most unreasonably hard-headed retro gamer in all of youtube land. Join me for up close looks at obscure Japanese games and other life-changing phenomenon. As a general rule, you won't find anything past Dreamcast here, because this is what happens when keeping it real goes right. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

2qvczGKNePs | 21 Jan 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Data East's in-house band, Gamadelic, reformed a couple years ago and has put out new studio albums! No, you're not dreaming. I give you my insights into the two new offerings by the heaviest of the game music bands. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from the following channels: World of Longplays (longplayers T-0815, SCHLAUCHI, JagOfTroy) M. Janet Replay Burners かんちゃんのKAN-channel Images borrowed from, and wikipedia.

sm0bRE9YvFo | 13 Jan 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: Hoping to be an informative source of information for serious retro gamers who actually spend the money to get the best games, this episode is about games whose content doesn't match the price. And just as listening to a music album on Youtube can't tell you how much you'll enjoy it once you've actually bought a record or CD, neither can playing a game on an emulator. I've owned or currently own physical copies of many of the notorious 8 and 16 bit games and have picked out the bad from the good, so that you don't have to. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Footage taken from: World of Longplays (longplayers Valis77, JohnX895, RickyC, NPI, MadMatty) Amy Rose fox lab NakaTeleeli peter kater

T3GWku8P37k | 01 Jan 2018
Become a patron and support the show here: This is a look at a notoriously expensive game for the PC Engine, Coryoon. Those considering buying a legitimate copy should watch this to see whether they would really be willing to fork out the cash. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account In game footage taken from World of Longplays, thank you to longplayer ScHlAuChi.

HGUF_WRha68 | 25 Dec 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: This is a casual sit down in which I discuss why I'm not technically a collector and primarily a game player. Saki makes a cameo too, so those looking for a cuteness fix, look no further. I welcome all opinions, good and bad, in the comments section. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

4GK_L-LEmJU | 11 Dec 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: Have fond memories playing Actraiser, Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia on the SNES? Were you disappointed with Granstream Saga? The company behind these games, Quintet, did put out several games that were never translated into English, and this video takes an in depth look at two of them, Planet Laika and Brightis, both for the PS. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage taken from the following channels: Atlantuo -Granstream Saga わしお (Washio) - Planet Laika Latria Minamoto - Brightis Thank you for kindly allowing me to use your video.

dis1PC0_wt0 | 05 Nov 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: I take a look at another unsung 2D hero on the Playstation 1, this time with a name that doesn't transliterate well into English. This was the first time I've ever taken my own gameplay footage as there are no playthroughs from start to finish that I've seen. I hope the results are to your liking. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

WlZVENLcNXg | 30 Oct 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: I thought it was high time we have a little sit down and discuss just what it is I think makes retro games superior to newer ones. Just my opinions, of course. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

6WVSLppGj2Q | 22 Oct 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: While I pride myself on playing mostly 2D games, there are some 3D games that keep the experience focused more on gameplay than technology. In this episode I introduce my top 5 3D games that I feel can hold their own in the company of games from previous generations. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Game footage has been taken from the following sources: LongplayArchive PCSX2 Longplays Land Delta Ray Studios Rayque3 Texty Bubble World of Longplays - Thank you to longplayers Tsunao, RickyC, Genbu, and Tarosan

J8yb77lJNW0 | 15 Oct 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: Sorry to disappear for so long, but I'm back with a vengeance. In this episode I do a scathing review of what I think is the worst sequel to any video game. Keep it mind, that doesn't mean it's the worst game ever, just that the gap between it and the prequel is the biggest. Discussion and disagreement is always welcome! Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from World of Longplays. Thank you to longplayer SmokeFrostHeart.

YJJyv6LmKkY | 22 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: I added my two cents to the GBA hidden gems series on the MetalJesusRocks channel. I love the Game Boy Advance because in an era when 2D gaming was dying on the consoles it gave us retro lovers some much needed 2D games that harkened back to the good old 16 bit days. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Bonus internet points if you can figure out what games the background songs are from. Double bonus points if you catch what's wrong with the thumbnail. Video footage used from World of Longplays (longplayers Tsunao and NPI), Obscure Japanese Gaming and Fernin320. Thank you as always.

dWOIWQ0bIC8 | 17 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: Continuing with the PS1 hidden gems series I introduce another beautiful 2D game that doesn't get enough attention, Cyborg Kuro Chan. This one happens to be developed by a major player, Konami. We'll see if they've worked their magic. I know I said in the video that the flamethrower is useless, while the player in the gameplay footage actually uses it relatively often. If it's powered up all the way it's relatively strong, but it starts out useless and the powered up shotgun/machine gun weapon is just as strong or better. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Gameplay footage taken from DavoDoss channel. Image character designed by Kasumi Yoshida.

ttwyqz25ee8 | 16 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: I was recently in Tokyo and got a few games in Akihabara, a couple in particular that had been on my 'to-buy' list for a while. I did really try to hold to a budget this time since I've been doing so much game shopping on auctions recently. Still came out with some really engaging games. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

QaSCdNJqaho | 14 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: The laws of physics (and our star) have been turned upside down on their head for Coro Coro Post Nin, a game with more spinning than a combination washer/dryer. I take a look at this little-known 2D gem on the PS1 and talk about why you should have it on your to-buy list. As always, comments, criticism and unwarranted insults are all lovingly accepted. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

_dUCO7GwsZ0 | 10 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: Although support for the Super Nintendo ended 2 decades ago, a "new" game has been released for it in 2017, Shubibinman Zero. In this video I take a look at the history of the series and talk about whether this one is worth getting excited about. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Thank you to World of Longplays and the following longplayers: xRavenXP & Stenio_Henrique ScHlAuChi Image character drawn by Kasumi Yoshida.

cloVJ-cEmU4 | 04 Aug 2017
Become a patron and support the show here: This is a video of me visiting the retro dedicated arcade in Takadanobaba, Mikado Game Center. It's almost a museum of classic arcade games from the 80s and 90s, and is important in preserving game history. The person working there was kind enough to allow me to take some video but I didn't want to intrude too much so the video is a little rushed. Still, you can see just how many classic game cabinets (and particularly shooters) they have. Also, I had no idea at the time that Skycurser was a recently developed game meant to emulate 90s era shooters, probably a western project. I think I actually had the most fun playing Metal Hawk, which emulates being in the cockpit of a jet by having a seat that moves in all directions. I had always thought it was just a 2D shooter. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account

0N5m6BOWhjc | 27 Jul 2017
Picked up a rare Famicom game shortly after buying my video camera so I made an unboxing video. As you can probably tell, I was still getting the lighting and settings right. Anyways, I welcome all comments and criticism, and tom foolery as well. Please like and subscribe! There's a lot more Japan-exclusive gaming action in the works. Also follow me on other social media platforms to see ridiculously rare games and goodies from Japan. Ultra Healthy Video Game Nerd Facebook page Follow me on Instagram Twitter account Thank you to World of Longplays and longplayer JagOfTroy Image character drawn by Kasumi Yoshida.