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All videos archived of HydeWars
Harry Potter (K%## Fantano) (Prod Fony Wallace & Cxlxb)

OYSyl5xmWB4 | 01 Nov 2022

Harry Potter (K%## Fantano) (Prod Fony Wallace & Cxlxb) + "graduated top of ya class--- tell em kill harry pattah" bars written by other random flow/writin assistance by and song mixed by shot/directed/edit by laker

How to Buy Mondo Megabits™ (GUARANTEED 10X???!!!!)

zY3vu3FWyTo | 06 Sep 2022

How to Buy Mondo Megabits™ (GUARANTEED 10X???!!!!)

This tutorial is brought to you by Mondo Megabits™: Are You a Mondo Man?

Mondo Megabits: Control the Narrative (Ruleset Explained)

x4UsERerCS4 | 05 Sep 2022

Mondo Megabits: Control the Narrative (Ruleset Explained)

We go live noon (EST) tomorrow: Public (non-whitelist) mint starts at 12:30 PM. Thank you for playing.

Mondo. Mint. Monday.

Jys-vE8KxxU | 05 Sep 2022

Mondo. Mint. Monday.

The Candyman's Game (Hasan Piker WARNING NOTICE!!!)

TtWRCExK3Bo | 02 Sep 2022

The Candyman's Game (Hasan Piker WARNING NOTICE!!!)

Purchase the commemorative garment: Peruse the NFT viewing gallery: Shot by Bic Flame Edit by b9tum0r Audio by Jxxyy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYRICS by Simon MacLean: Has yer supple ear caught wind, of The Candyman's Game? Oh it all starts, when ye utter his name... From the corner of yer eye, The Candyman jumps, beaming with glee, Now ye have to answer, his *Riddles Three:* RIDDLE #1: What makes the world go 'round and 'round, and turns around a little boy's frown? RIDDLE #2: What fuels me hunger and makes me stronger, so that I can dance a little while longer? RIDDLE #3: Ye can pull it while warm, but it shatters when chill'd— If ye consume too much, yer teeth will get drill'd! Yer life will be fun, yer life will be dandy, For the answer to all three, is simply quite candy! When you finish his riddles he does something neat! He pulls out a feather, and tickles your feet! He tickles the left, Then tickles the right— Oh, he'll tickle your feet, all day and night! Ye walk, ye run, ye jump, ye hop! He tickles yer feet, no matter how hard ye stomp! Eventually ye run out of breath, and he tickles you, 'til your ticklish death! In yer Los Angeles castle, ye might be cozy at night, But I hope ye think of me, and it gives ye a fright! Oh I hope ye have nightmares, of peanut brittle, and peppermint bark— 'Cus when I roll up on ye son, I won't be there to talk! Before ye hop off to bed, pray to the white chocolate moon above, 'Cause you've got a golden ticket, to being fookt by me glove! If ye'd rather not partake in The Candyman's Game, Oh, Hasan Piker, ye shouldn't utter me name!

Shirt Refunds. (funny video)

U0V92lwZGpU | 11 Aug 2022

Shirt Refunds. (funny video)

1.) check bank 2.) check paypal 3.) send name address order# if possible and whatever other proof of purchase to: [email protected] :) :) :) :) thank you and GOD BLESS AMERICA

What would Lil Uzi Vert sound like on a RAGE BEAT? prod. by Sam Hyde

u8H_Y1MvmDQ | 09 Aug 2022

What would Lil Uzi Vert sound like on a RAGE BEAT? prod. by Sam Hyde

Download my FREE Drum Kit 'Sam Hyde Sauce Pack' Here:

PGL ep. 32 - "Cyst on My Wrist"

t3CCGBHCrSw | 01 Aug 2022

PGL ep. 32 - "Cyst on My Wrist"

Lil Shitpost.... is now... Sam Hyde's Perfect Clips!

g0VMRaUpRvk | 28 Jul 2022

Lil Shitpost.... is now... Sam Hyde's Perfect Clips!

Shoutout to LSP thank you for making this work. HydeWars is still the same but new channel for PODCAST CLIPS etc--- Oh and as always watch the full clips and keep us rockin--

Candyman Story 1: Candyman fight promo/ Overcoming year s of abuse and all odds to Become World Chmp

df2Y0LvYToE | 25 Jul 2022

Candyman Story 1: Candyman fight promo/ Overcoming year s of abuse and all odds to Become World Chmp

Candyman fight promo Candy Man Enterprises. The long hard road to becoming the Fighter I knew I Could Be. Always told I was a runt or too skinny, made fun of and pissed on, had sh!t kicked all around different schools, Beat up by teachers even for not learning "their way" until one day I found Master Joey and learned how to knuckle and bone fight, nerve fighting, ancient art that lets the littelr guy get an edge up on bigger opponents and foes. Candy Man Candyman is what I become to become a symbol against all those who oppressed and thought badly about me I trained three times a week pushing my buddy to the limits of what is humanly possible and getting stronger every day. My skills grew by the minute as I added more and more weight each time until I was using every single plate at the gym I had to change gyms especially since everyone was obsessed with watching me work out, that's when I found a private gym only for military guys and the types you don't want to mess with, who tought me even more techniques but I mostly showed them. People still doubted me at this point and said I was washed up and all this other crap but in my world of fighting I was living a dream- Candy Dream. I started to spar against strangers and soon enough I had beat every guy at the gym and needed more. It was around this time that I got featured in my very own TV commercial because they knew I could hold my own on camera wit hsome big name celebrities. The director had watched me submit Ray Lopez at the underground fights which is why he fast tracked my movie career (it was one of the most badass matches in underground fight history). I walked through all these high level guys and never got hurt in a fight no matter how much strength or conditioning I had ahead of me- the only "losses" in my career came after those "failed" fights because they stopped using me as a "training tool" and giving me fights that were actually good for once. I only had one clean fight where I beat the champ without using a submission which I did fast because they weren't paying much (back in those days). I should be on the list of the best fighters ever, if there's 10k+ fighters in the world then for sure I'm in the top 100. Maybe one of the best to ever live. I am lviing proof you can train like this and achieve things others don't or can't. It's like I tell my students "If you want it bad enough, it's yours" . This is all back from 2012-2014

Sam Hyde's Trading Card Game

_7kzF5d6aOY | 14 Jul 2022

Sam Hyde's Trading Card Game

We have been working for two (2) years to bring you guys MONDO MEGABITS, an NFT card game that's minting soon. (Don't fret: it's playable by penniless scrubs and Wealthy Thomases alike). An Astute Geoffrey or a Wealthy Thomas might point out that we missed the mark by nearly a year, however, not even a Spiteful Tim can deny the PerfectQuality™. Join our Discord and get whitelisted today: (This is not an MDE Discord or an edgy one-- we can't allow those certain types of jokes that will get us shut down. You know what I mean. Just take a normal pill before entering.) Call the MONDO MEGABITS Call Center, 9 a.m.— 6 p.m. EST Monday—Friday for expedited whitelist access! (Must be a member of the Discord). Call our Mondo NFT call center 9am-6pm EST Mon-Fri for whitelist (must be a member of the discord) 1-844-OKAY-SIR ! 1-844-OKAY-SIR ! #samhyde #nfts #mondomegabits

hw15 - Creative Aspirations 3: How I Became So Cool

AMB9xt6M1Us | 13 Jul 2022

hw15 - Creative Aspirations 3: How I Became So Cool

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

The Videos Go Away... If You Don't Pay

6rEin2eeNx8 | 31 May 2022

The Videos Go Away... If You Don't Pay

This goes out to YOU specifically. Think about it.

The Three B's of Business

ptvxJG1zaqg | 12 May 2022

The Three B's of Business

Bill has a new employee! Meet Corinay, a sharp little cookie MBA who's ready to kick butt and do business with the Big Boys in the Clubhouse. Here at L.L. Bean, Bill Griefer runs a tight ship- his hand selected Bros innovate daily in an environment that is safe and nurturing. Can Corinay join the ranks, or will she launch into some hysteric fit? Whatever happens, it's not Bill's fault! MDE.TV - MDE.TV - MDE.TV -- ^For 10,000 hrs of PGL w/ Nick Rochefort, the full Bill Griefer catalogue, EOC, TGW, HWD- a buncha other 3 letter acronyms that stand for full shows u haven't seen. probably nothing NEW INSTAGRAM: NEW TWIT.. nvm Prod.: BeNiceToMeProductions -- Edit: @b9tum0r @jetneptune Shoota: @bicflame Audio: @jxxyy Intro metal music: @30roundband Corinay: Lucy Aiken Holby: Alex Brockman Older Worker: Jason Tavares Young Worker: Tyler Maxwell Frat Worker: Stevie Mack Beard Worker: Scott Rochon

New Vids... New Insta... @SNL :))))) heheheh

GfE3fQbEoQ8 | 15 Apr 2022

New Vids... New Insta... @SNL :))))) heheheh

give us a follow wont you: new videos on:

"Dear Putin, If I Was Your Father..."

VypZg4eTJgY | 08 Mar 2022

"Dear Putin, If I Was Your Father..."

Путины происходят из русского крестьянства. Спиридон Иванович Путин (1879—1965) был поваром в Горках, его сын Владимир (1911—1999) участвовал в Великой Отечественной войне, внук Владимир (родился в 1952) сделал карьеру в КГБ и ФСБ, в 1999 году стал премьер-министром России, в 2000—2008 годах занимал должность президента страны, на которую вернулся в 2012 году. Свадьба Владимира Путина и Людмилы Шкребневой В 1983 году Путин женился на Людмиле Александровне Шкребневой, родившей двух дочерей — Марию (1985) и Катерину (1986). К 2014 году этот брак был расторгнут. Официальной информации о семье Владимира Путина крайне мало. Известно только, что обе дочери живут и работают в России, что к 2017 году у президента было двое внуков. Многие СМИ отождествляют Марию Путину с медиком-эндокринологом Марией Воронцовой, женой голландца Йоррита Йооста Фаассена, совладелицей компании «Номеко»; как вторую дочь Путина предположительно идентифицируют Катерину Тихонову, жену миллиардера Кирилла Шамалова, главу фонда «Национальное интеллектуальное развитие» и компании «Иннопрактика». В источниках фигурируют и другие родственники Владимира Путина, занявшие видное положение в разного рода бизнес-структурах. Это его двоюродный брат Игорь Александрович Путин (вице-президент и член правления «Мастер-банка»), двоюродные племянники Роман Игоревич Путин (председатель совета директоров ООО «Группа компаний МРТ», совладелец компании «МРТ-АВИА») и Михаил Шеломов. В 2022 году авторы одного из журналистских расследований назвали двоюродной племянницей Путина Анну Евгеньевну Цивилёву — владелицу крупной угледобывающей компании «Колмар», жену губернатора Кемеровской области Сергея Цивилёва.

Here Comes Bill Griefer

w5RN-1vwUsc | 02 Mar 2022

Here Comes Bill Griefer

Bill sees. Bill hears. Bill says. Bill computes. Bill thinks. All thanks to Google. produced by Be Nice To Me Productions

#WW3 #IMPORTANT #UKRAINE #NUCLEAR--The Top 10 Things The Grim Reaper Eats

TDLOYAIUgyo | 25 Feb 2022

#WW3 #IMPORTANT #UKRAINE #NUCLEAR--The Top 10 Things The Grim Reaper Eats

Ol' Grim Reapy really does have a sweet tooth, doesn't he? Whether you're a meat-man or a fruit denier, we can all agree that the truth is in the PUDDIN' - or in this case, the Sauce ;) This is the last video in the Pumkin Science Sequence... for real...... or is it? Go to to ensure you don't miss a beat on all the Real Science. Keep CRUSHING it guys.

World's Smallest Guys (NEW BIOME DISCOVERED)

lpaojwsv9xM | 15 Feb 2022

World's Smallest Guys (NEW BIOME DISCOVERED)

headphones ON!!!!!!!

1IXIdEDWLUU | 14 Feb 2022

headphones ON!!!!!!! ----LINK!!!! and put those HEADPHONES ON!!!!!... also guys please throw this video a like for the algorithm thank you!!!!!!!!!

Peanut Physics (PHANTOM CAMERA 5000 FPS!!!)

kPP2A5LBAbA | 09 Feb 2022

Peanut Physics (PHANTOM CAMERA 5000 FPS!!!)

GET YOUR RIDGE WALLET NOW: Thank you Ridge Wallet Editing: b9 Audio and MORE editing: For camera info:

I Can't Believe You Can Buy This

UgwmCLspQw8 | 08 Feb 2022

I Can't Believe You Can Buy This --- The only crypto with guaranteed 10X is my merch, ironically enough First part (GFX promo) by Bic - Second part (nuts) by Joeyy - Thumbnail by b9 -

The iDubbbz Response

Rlij_2kNv-s | 05 Feb 2022

The iDubbbz Response

MERCH: VIDEOS: edit by Jet: thumb by b9: helper by Joeyy: catering by Bic:

7G Zapped My Heckin' Brain!

vgS3C-twbw4 | 04 Feb 2022

7G Zapped My Heckin' Brain!

Quantum Theory Explained in 17 Seconds

ybVCUnL3bnI | 01 Feb 2022

Quantum Theory Explained in 17 Seconds

Sam Hyde explains how easy Quantum Theory is -with a PUMKIN (continued below) Sam Hyde easily explains quantum theory at record speed with a festive prop - a simple pumpkin. Shoutout to Vsauce and Vsauce2, and Vsauce3 for help making this video possible. If Joe is reading: Hey Joe Rogan in case you were wondering my day is going pretty well. Put your hand on my bum I'm clenching it to make it feel small but it's really big. JK i was trying to get you to smear shit on your hand. Been noticing you're bringing on a lot of PHD level big brain guests so I'm hoping this can show I know a thing or two about how the universe works, I have some bombshell evidence regarding black hole science that I can explain in about 13 seconds so the podcast we eventually do together can be a super short one. I can explain other types of science in under 10 seconds. I can explain v****** sci in 6.71 seconds. I can explain geography in 14 secondds Hope Marshalla Mae is doing great man that's such a cute dog you got there. Have you been eating well? Looking healthy man keep up the great work. Check out my butt it looks like a girtl's butt LOL Respond to my email please

I Found Joe Rogan

hYfgwh4i4Ag | 24 Jan 2022

I Found Joe Rogan

I recently hired B9 as a dedicated Joe Rogan liason and Joe Rogan marketing auditor/analyst. He works from the Joe Rogan Contact Center making sure that the money we spend on Cameo is effective and not being wasted. What do you think though? Do you think I should spend $100k more on this or should I just spend way more money total? Obviously the money is not going to waste so chime in with your (supportive) thoughts below, --B9, Joe Rogan Specialist and Celebrity Liason Joe Rogan brainwashing sequence (B9 clips) by bicflame = individual edits by 1man = assembly by Jet Neptune = hosted by B9 = Joe Rogan = Cameo = Also if Joe is reading this: (dont read this if you're not joe): hey. sorry for the last message, i get i was out of line but idk why u blocked me. im willing to put some of this behind us, but you need to admit what you did wrong as well. are you trying to drive me crazy? some nights i stay up thinking that you hate me, literally all night thinking about you hating me and wishing i was gone. i want to be there for you but idk how to give you what you need. what do you want from me? i feel like im giving you my all and you're not giving me anything at all. i dont know what to do anymore. i hope you see how much money i've spent on you, how much energy ive put into spoiling you. youre honestly perfect to me idk. am i being overbearing? from my perspective this video is a gift to you, i seriously want to honor you and do what's right, and do good by you cause youre seriously a good guy. you've given me inspiration in too many ways to count. you've given me hope when i was down. youve given me everything tbh i just feel like. idk. I hope you read this. i hope you watch the video. honestly you probably havent seen any of these clips yet cause if you had seen them youd probably give me a call and tell me you thought it was funny then invite me on the podcast right away. im trying to stay strong for myself, but mainly for you. hope ur having a good day or if its nighttime when youre reading this i hope your night's going well. you can call me anytime seriously i mean that

I Sucked It ALL Out (REAL GHOST)

UloNuL7DyfM | 18 Jan 2022

I Sucked It ALL Out (REAL GHOST)

One month free trial much? Yeah I'm thinkin youll love it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What was just another day at Coach Sifu's Dojo turned into just another day at Ghost Suckers HQ. From there, things only went downhill, as Cominos—GSAN (Ghost Suckers Arch Nemesis)—decided to take a day off from smoking crack and try to hijack the investigation into what, at the time, was an "S-20" phantom. Can the 'Suckers 'Bang their way out of this one? Only only one way to find out - and you already know it's gonna involve a little sucking of ghosts and a little banging of dust. Join Colby, Mark, Connor, Tanner, and Timothy as they face the realest threat in GS history.

The Truth About iDubbbz

xn52d_vTtSk | 08 Jan 2022

The Truth About iDubbbz

Timecodes and more JuicE DRAMA INTRIGUE: [expand description pls] Learn more YouTuber DRAMA and purchase Authorized KRATOM HITTERS *only* at !!! Purchase the Authorized TTAiD NFT: Https:// Https:// Https:// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:01:20 - How it all started 00:10:59 - The Office 00:17:51 - Boxing with iDubbbz 00:22:36 - The Crew 00:36:13 - Unboxing 00:38:21 - Ad Break 00:46:08 - End of Day 2 00:48:50 - Racing with iDubbbz 00:56:35 - The Interview 01:24:07 - Start of Day 4 01:28:35 - S̵̗̙̮̼͖̅̇̈́́͋̋h̶̤͍̦̙̠̲̝̼̥̑̔͗͝o̴͍̩̥̭̜̰̐̊̅̾̊̇̉̒̕ͅǒ̷̧̞̣̘̇̈́̕̚͝͝ţ̴̣̳̼̲̘̪̙̖͈̂́̃̃̂͌̓͐͛̾̒̈́ĩ̶̧̧̖͚̲̪͙̞̱͙n̶̛͙̭̯̞̺̞̠͓̹͌͌̌̔͌͜͜ģ̴̞̪̰̖̣̻͖̻̻͎̥̓͘ ̸̧̻̪͖͉̲̰̈̍́͌̀̏͘ͅg̷̠̼̩̖͇̳̙͇͐́͌̓̊̆̊͋̕ứ̷̧̩̣̥̯̥̺̖̣̳̹͇͖̋̎̿̑ņ̶͔̟͚̘̂͂̑̈͑͠s̵̢̗̞̗̪͔͕͔̟͚̈̀̈́̔̍̇̒̆̂̈́͌̓̕͠ with iDubbbz 01:48:18 - Poster ceremony 01:54:45 - Credits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Favorite Editor in the World: My Favorite SoundMan in the World: My Favorite Head of Security: My Favorite Guy: My Favorite Buddy: My Favorite Chef/Cook of Gourmet Meals: My Favorite Filmer and 3D Artist: My Favorite Songs Can All Be Found on This Website: My Favorite Weapon Handling Consultant: My Favorite Celebrity: IGNORE: ---------------- Best Friends Enemies "Wow.. I thought we were friends. I thought I knew you. Luckily I have several hobbies and activities to keep my mind occupied, but if I didn't- this is the exact type of betrayal that would set me back YEARS. I still have a lot of self work to do since you left. I still have some wounds to heal. I'm not sure how I'm gonna recover right now, I don't know what to do with myself. Self work is the only thing that will get me through this. (edited)" #Drama #Youtuber #Youtube #Pewdiepie #Streamers

(TOP 10 CRYPTO) $2.5 MILLION for Black Charity... Down the TOILET?

hW7_HBlg-Xo | 17 Dec 2021

(TOP 10 CRYPTO) $2.5 MILLION for Black Charity... Down the TOILET?

about dos milly in here, moved to this address today: bc1qaz5k8z08c8klezydrtszctvru48ju0396dy3du 500k more from (dunno these guys and not involved in their project, not an investor with them, etc etc) Crypto Timmy's 2M will be escrowed with an OG bitcoiner or crypto twitter dude with enough reputation at stake not to split with the cash or scam a Black Charity. Gokhshtein, Parabolic, someone like that, whoever we can get. Rhode Island, three months, 10oz gloves, no headgear

Crypto Millionaire puts up REAL $1M USD... Twitch CEO "Sam Hyde" responds to racist "CRACKER" insult

4856zC47R8Q | 14 Dec 2021

Crypto Millionaire puts up REAL $1M USD... Twitch CEO "Sam Hyde" responds to racist "CRACKER" insult

how will u ignore/downplay this... looking forward to finding out cus i know it wont involve actual human fists

🏝🏖🌅🛥 (2022 SUMMER 🤡💩 ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - “GOOe” | 📽 Video by bicflame | WSHH

om4nihQZmUE | 19 Nov 2021

🏝🏖🌅🛥 (2022 SUMMER 🤡💩 ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - “GOOe” | 📽 Video by bicflame | WSHH

Produced by CashMoneyAP & 1man Follow us on the Gram:camera: LYRICS: (HOOK) I got drip, drip, drip (DRIP) …. Drippy drop (DROP) Tippy top from a thitty thot (THITTY THOT) Toppy real sloppy call it slippey top (GRIP) She grippy grop…. on my cickey cock (GROP) Oh that's your bitch? Come get her she's a lost dog She’ll go to worlds end to get my rocks off I’m slippin in that pussy don’t need rock salt And I know you really love me cuz you suck ‘til you get lockjaw VERSE 1 (1MAN) Wanna fuck with the shGod do you got what it takes? In my car duckin Jakes, your lipstick on my face You can be my little toy don’t need to masturbate And I want that pussy raw I’ll shed the skin up off my snake I'm a nice guy…. don't run baby don't hide I’m tubing down that pussy yeah like a water slide I’ve never told a lie you can see it in my eyes Put that pussy in the window and I'll smell it like a pie You had a few in your pussy but they aint hit it like me You making it gushy pinky promise it's not pee You're my good little doggy when you're perked up on your knees Once I nut nevermind I think it's time for you to leave (HOOK) VERSE 2 (ACCURA DA INTEGRA) Black like wesley snipes, hair looking like whoopie Pussy sweet like a gusher, I make it gush like a cookie I hit it like a pro… You fuck like a rookie My cockies iron your biscuits limp.. You did it for the nookie It’s a chore to make you cum but I love a challenge My piss hole burning shut, your BH is off shbalance When I finish inside your legs are vibrating Gunky gooey cumpy cooey I'm dehydrated I love fuckin it’s my favorite activity Every since back in school when the teacher used to lick on me She be like.. “ouch it's too big for me!” Gimme extra credit for how hard I hit that old kitty (1MAN) Your body count doesn't mean shit to me If you fuck with me I’ll forget your history Shut your little mouth keep your track record a mystery And put some makeup on that pussy if it’s blistery (ACCURA) I'll protect you baby I'll save your life You’re not a hoe to me you could be my housewife I'll treat you right I’ll eat you right Don't worry it’s just my cocky that go bump in the night (1MAN) I know it's bros over hoes but you not a hoe in my eyes Heard you want another guy baby we can compromise Give you the key to my heart give you the keys to my ride I'll give you an allowance even a sliver of my pride (ACCURA) How you make a *&!(*# wet you make the tip cream When you give me that neck you make a grown man scream I need to know real bad like I got a disease Good or bad news baby just tell me please... Are you gonna go with him? Are you gonna go with me? Are you gonna go with him? Are you gonna go with me? What's he really know about foreign Vs? What does he know about trips overseas? What a *&!(*# know about making it cream? Does he really know about new Supreme? About WorldstarHipHop: WorldstarHipHop is home to everything entertainment & hip hop. The #1 urban outlet responsible for breaking the latest premiere music videos, exclusive artist content, entertainment stories, celebrity rumors, sports highlights, interviews, comedy skits, rap freestyles, crazy fights, eye candy models, the best viral videos & more. Since 2005, WorldstarHipHop has worked with some of our generation's most groundbreaking artists, athletes & musicians - all who have helped continue to define our unique identity and attitude. We plan on continuing to work with only the best, so keep an eye out for all the exciting new projects / collaborations we plan on dropping in the very near future.

PGL 0015 GronkSpikeTheCappuccino Trailer

ypUkh-8kZkM | 04 Oct 2021

PGL 0015 GronkSpikeTheCappuccino Trailer --------- !booM

(first time getting knocked out) --STREET BEEFS - Shocking Figth Video (Violent)

p7HHWbMskPU | 27 Sep 2021

(first time getting knocked out) --STREET BEEFS - Shocking Figth Video (Violent) also -- Anthony Fantano real call out for a fight... I have an actual crypto rich guy who will put up $1M in bitcoin (this is real, actual not a joke) for a fantano fight... get that man involved

Nick is permanent on podcast. You will pay. (PWeese mommy can i have $ for sckookies) (send yr guy 5

VQsy6w96Pl0 | 24 Sep 2021

Nick is permanent on podcast. You will pay. (PWeese mommy can i have $ for sckookies) (send yr guy 5 also go follow !!!! alt insta account for the time being

FUCK ANTHONY (Anthony Fantano Diss 2021) (Christ Dillinger & Sam Hyde)

HMoaEPP6-_A | 11 Sep 2021

FUCK ANTHONY (Anthony Fantano Diss 2021) (Christ Dillinger & Sam Hyde)

Prod. Fony Wallace (sam new account) Dir.- Shot by- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sippin fiji water no aquafina ima beat up fantano dont care bout subpina your favorite songs by dua lipa you a old boy wit a fupa, i see ya ima #metoo fantano for grabbin me tweetin at me but the JONATHON aint @ing me put him in a headlock, he started stabbing me it kinda tickled i thought he was mad at me he fallin off. gravity fillin fantano with lead like a cavity he tweetin all day with mad vanity i get the pistol and handle him handily i just made it how it had to be if i was fantano id be suicidle id be like kurt, with my lips on a rifle if i was fantano id get me a rifle ill **** fantano right hand on the bible fuck fantano cus that JONATHON sucks blue lives matter im countin the bucks if i see fantano im fuckin him up he got a small head, it look like a nut you dress like a lil boy, playin peekaboo whoever told you you was funny, he was geekin foo if i had a plane i would crash it straight into you if i had one wish it would be to turn into you how you a critic and aint sell no records if theres a SILLY BILLY world record youd set the world record ima do him on worldstar make sure that you record do him al dente they need dental record ima hold him down while you shoot out his teeth quick hold him up ima shoot out his knees shoot out his balls i dont want him to pee i think hes a mummy, why wont he bleed? catch that JONATHON, ride him like a steed im poppin a perc and im smokin on weed kidnappin his wife he signed the deed his heads real small, it look like a bead. big ass backwood, look like a tree im spankin fantano, like hes over knee i went to my doctor to get extra tea he said you was there for gender surgery you got a egg-shaped penis like epstein you gotta tell your wife 'stop texting' why you on instagram flexing you get all your swag from etsy the day that you die i say 'betski' im in mason margiela and balenciaga drip you in a gamer chair eatin cheeto chips im rockin designer no you never seen this shit im rockin balenci, you rockin some fila shit i want a maybach i bought the whole dealership i drive by your house JONATHON you never seen the whip your head is real small, just like your penis is me and sam made this song just to air out our grievences but that didnt work so we bout to start beatin shit im sayin shit once, JONATHON, i aint repeatin shit your balls so small they like some lil penises im sayin shit once, JONATHON, i aint repeatin shit!

I'm GIVING away 20!!! FREE PS5s! (I had to sell my car) BETTER THAN MR BEAST?? (JUMPSCARE)

vnZ9f7YEP9Q | 16 Aug 2021

I'm GIVING away 20!!! FREE PS5s! (I had to sell my car) BETTER THAN MR BEAST?? (JUMPSCARE)


s*m h*de new m**ch

UWn1la5T-2A | 07 Jul 2021

s*m h*de new m**ch go. buy. now

The Great War Episode 2 - Trailer

6LowAJzgeyA | 11 Feb 2021

The Great War Episode 2 - Trailer

get it _

The Great War (2021) | Official Trailer HD | A24

_50fAypmeNc | 06 Jan 2021

The Great War (2021) | Official Trailer HD | A24 Trailer by The Commander, Jet Neptune, & 1man.

Jaihoo's Trip to the Christmas

u9LzS5QHD0A | 25 Dec 2020

Jaihoo's Trip to the Christmas

From - One young precocious and talented boy with lots of SmartiePoints™ is humanity's last, best hope for redemption. Can he DIP, DUCK, DIVE his way through incomprehensible hazards? Can he DRIFT his way to the end-zone and get the girl? Can he TRICK NASTY against COMPUTAS, C.A.P.I.T.A.L.-is_“M,” and their DIABOLICAL MINIONS? Follow along with Tricky, Fresh, and Joe Rogan himself to find out! ©2020 The Walt Disney Company

HWD_e07_Herbal-T (GFX cut, 4K)

OvAS8Ba5o1w | 12 Oct 2020

HWD_e07_Herbal-T (GFX cut, 4K)

by ... full video @ audio mixed by 1man - {#0.} “Lucky Number Decimate China” (e07 Open) ♫ Black [Demo] by Christov {#1.} “Waterfall Healthy Dasani Nature” (Sneaker Flex pt.I) ♫ Papajapan by overneutralizer {#2.} “Flower Prostate Eye Body Wheel” (Joeyy & Bic Lie pt.I) ♫ At Bay by Creep Crawl Flash {#3.} “Healthy Whipping Fern Frond Branch” (Pray 4 Asians) ♫ glimpsed by hidd3n {#4.} “Pot Sleep Forever Healthy Plant” (Forbidden Ad pt.II) ♫ 45 by Jet Neptune & Money Goblin {#4.5} "Existencial Running Guy" (Pizzeria Uno Hassle) ♫ duality acid by kabuto {#5.} “Chrysanthemum Oils Shop List” (Joeyy & Bic Lie pt.II) ♫ pum by andron (no website) {#6.} “Frog Examination Frame” (Friendly Animal Guy’s Zoo) ♫ bath version by Bicflame {#7.} “Poison Mushroom Shopping Advice” (Forbidden Ad pt.III) ♫ wc by kusmo {#8.} “Mushroom Tip Bulbous Graphic” (Joeyy & Bic Lie pt.III) ♫ bailbond by Epsom {#9.} “Existencial Flavors Matrix” (Sneaker Flex pt.II) ♫ MDE Snippets by Christov {#10.} “Tiger Thoughts” (Forbidden Ad pt.IV) ♫ sidechaind by Bicflame {#11.} "Mental Muscle Rubing on Buttock" (e07 Credits) ♫ contact resampled by josh diamond

Shtinky Green Shweed PSA!!!!! (

IGJQvRcfL24 | 11 Jun 2020

Shtinky Green Shweed PSA!!!!! (

2 videos posted up guy (EOC_OVA2, HW_049 (Don't Be a Weird Freak)) n-joi

spthLzkciYQ | 20 May 2020

2 videos posted up guy (EOC_OVA2, HW_049 (Don't Be a Weird Freak)) n-joi trailer audio

Test Drive From Hell (YouTuber Buys His Dream Car!!!)

PfPT0R-eP_4 | 19 May 2020

Test Drive From Hell (YouTuber Buys His Dream Car!!!)

hope yall doin good :) / shirts r sposed to be here thursday / stay sane / . . Director - John Pelech - Editor - The Commander Edit Assist - Jet Neptune - . News Anchor - Robert Brown Audio - 1man - . . Music: Apparat / Law & Order / Kevin MacLeod / EarthBound / CognosSquare (sorry bout the typo bro) / Orangy / Creep Crawl Flash / Point4

HydeWars extra 07 officer fuddlegums

IesWwNQTmsY | 23 Mar 2020

HydeWars extra 07 officer fuddlegums

uploading this temp. freebie (go subscribe because everyone prolly needs a mood booster and i need u to know what i think bout pigs

HWD6: Hyper Hed-WackD .... GFX cut 💣

y6HCnub_OoU | 20 Feb 2020

HWD6: Hyper Hed-WackD .... GFX cut 💣

send this 1 to adult swim ask em if they seent better or nah (doubt it)... ... all GFX by Konzept - ... "genuine JDM parts only original Bomex, Veilside, JUN, Greddy, Mine's, no junky knock-off part, never fake, no junk y American part"…. audio mix by 1man from 1Team (1Area association, shoutout AllWorld) .;.;.;.;. 3D Head by rain • great guy: Kyle • ♫♫♫♫ songs: ♫♫♫♫ ORB WALKER by HAAKON - audio collage Freaked by 1man - Derelict by glue70 - Coastal by Christov - spring has sprung rough by BILL JOBS - 12 Jahre Alt by 480billion - (no website) Plateau by glue70 Nevada by Epsom - Unsui - Fudoshin by Christov Channel 6 by glue70 ambient dnb test by BILL JOBS i must train now by bicflame -


96Ku56lKiX8 | 27 Jan 2020


mailing list: edit by Scam Likely - shot by me & Jet Neptune - color by me audio by 1man - feat. Nick J. Fuentes - ------------------♫------------------ Showdown by Kevin MacLeod Gregorian Chant by Kevin MacLeod Carefree by Kevin MacLeod Piccadilly Circus from Call of Duty Ultrasonic Sound by Hive Lost Station by ECHELON-1 Some song from Ground Zeroes Mr. Robot Main Theme Modern Assassin (dunno where from) Death Stranding Theme on Korg Minilogue by Julien Hauspie Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan Spybreak! by Propellerheads Outfoxing the Fox by Kevin MacLeod

HWD_e05 - graphics cut (YT, 4K, CRF 0)

7ENMpzR54us | 12 Sep 2019

HWD_e05 - graphics cut (YT, 4K, CRF 0) (Konzept) + me.. copy written by, myself, Scam Likely audio help: Bic Flame [] final master: Joeyy [] analog video, tech support: Max Azoury moral support: Kyle Gerardi [] ---------------[musiq]--------------- Intergalactic Beat by Atari Blitzkrieg COM98 by AirValis Opening Hours by glue70 reso drone wip by BILL JOBS Breakthing by 480billion Neurofuck Instrumental by Ellen Valero 8-Bit Techno by Eric Matyas Dinosaur Adventure by ArtFluids scifimaster by Branstone thefuckler by cramped skunkman stoopid wit a Q by AirValis Look Far by glue70 Go Move by glue70 Smiles by glue70 newnews by cramped skunkman

MDE merch, new videos

XbcOJTwsCg0 | 15 Aug 2019

MDE merch, new videos for merch. for vidz JOIN MAILING LIST (they're infrequent, my only lifeline when im banned from everything)-- Sam: - - thank you all so much... mega mega insane irie vibrations right now. working my ass offffff. trailer by jet neptune - - Hip-Hop Hassle - by - edit by "Scam Likely" Virtual House Arrest - shot by - edit by "Scam Likely" Nick Epstein Supra HydeWars - edit by - RIP Epstein shirt graphic - - - idea by fookin mega thank you to everyone who helped bump that t-shirt... Justin Whang, Slater, Moe, my guy who doesn't wanna be named, fuckin everyone who RT'd the shirt and got that shit poppin.. THANK YOU... oh and fuck... THANK YOU all my @leroy street team... insane word lads ice cold brewskis all around dont get nabbed...

Happy World Daddy e04 - The SSRI Sunshine Sequence (trailer)

BH2tUgKiFaA | 04 Jun 2019

Happy World Daddy e04 - The SSRI Sunshine Sequence (trailer) ♫ Warping by Alex Balson - edit by Scam Likely, GFX by Konzept NOW PLAYING

hammer time (link in descripio pls read)

gPFo5l37v0Q | 10 Apr 2019

hammer time (link in descripio pls read)

da email--if u find this in yr inbox pls hit 'not spam': (notice the subcribe button in the upper left corner, if u aint on da email list get in here) all new videos from me are goin right here: .... ...THeatre of the Aire premiered on March 14th, KSTV2 premieres Apr. 15th... May 15th will be Happy World Daddy ep 4 possibly, or maybe KSTV2 ep 2, not sure yet. Guaranteed on schedule, lock in NOW regular HydeWars vlogs will come intermittently, one per month as well if I miss the schedule the MDE Army has been authorized to use deadly force to turn my life into *The Game* (1997) with Michael Douglas

Merry Christmas.......... *New Stuff 2* :)

2tRBFqGg9mk | 25 Dec 2018

Merry Christmas.......... *New Stuff 2* :)

It's all going here: ( is a redirect, same thing, I'll have a full site in a wee bit, but even then content will be hosted via gumroad)... PLS SUBSCRIBE Very excited to share some clips with you guys. Rest assured I have been haulin ass, pointing my little camera this way and that, getting the jokes made, etc. etc.... 2019 will be the best year yet for MDE fans! THANK YOU BAM!!!!!!!

aroplain practis

sKOSM8RcSZw | 15 Sep 2018

aroplain practis

RIP Richard Russel... learn to fly today directed by ruse -- edit/color by sam -, mix by brian ellis -- and portals -- song #1 = qnarq by cognossquare (no site) song #2 = love theme by brian ellis song #3 = Jesus on tv by kurton -- song #4 = dangerous caves from earthbound ost song #5 = crunchy claps_6 by space laces --

Thank You White People

4CC5N1_bZsQ | 07 Aug 2018

Thank You White People

Subscribe to the motherfucking Gumroad.. Doing BIG thangs: Mike Lazzo's favorite sketch no bullshit. He laughed his motherfucking head off over this one. Can u guess why this was not on TV? Dir: Ruse First actor did not know what was going on. Second actor knew what was up and did a million takes trying to sneak in Daily Show anti-White jibes and change the tone of the sketch but we got one good one outta him. Third guy was such a bad actor we just cut his lines entirely. The end effect is supposed to be a boulder rolling downhill on it's own (we woulda shopped the actors out of the shot) because da White man got distracted by a hoe)

HydeWars 032: Blacklisted Desperado

8NO7D5-fmB8 | 04 Aug 2018

HydeWars 032: Blacklisted Desperado

Edit by The Commander. Subscribe NOW: Sorry this ended up becoming a long rambling shit bar where I try to delicately put it that ___________ allegedly leaves his cell phone recording in the ladies' room and does coke every day... Big whup. And the men's room at the Atlanta headquarters looks like Jared Fogle did the wallpaper. And Mark Kosta allegedly has herpes. And Eric is a fucking freak according to anyone. ***Call the advertisers, thank you pol for the list, tell them Rick & Morty has got to go! Keep the pressure on and something cool WILL happen:*** (This takes like 10 minutes tops if you email all of them. Maybe even just 5 minutes.) List of companies that currently carry Adult Swim, on cable or streaming: AT&T - \\ Optimum - Cox - Spectrum / Time Warner Cable - Comcast - Cartoon Network/AS itself - \\ ADVERTISERS that currently spend money on Adult Swim / Cartoon Network (partial list): Frito-Lay - Pepsi - Pizza Hut - State Farm - Burger King - ---------------- MUSIC ---------------- 0:00 - 1:00 some generic royalty free stock music i ripped from YT "Suspenseful Music for Scene Ending - Short Tension #1" and "tyops scary suspense" 1:00 - 1:15 CognosSquare - GasqueDax 1:00 - 1:45 CognosSquare - BDAY 1:45 - 3:00 CognosSquare - Ond mask God mask 3:00 - 4:15 CognosSqaure - QNARQ 04:20 - 6:00 Dataplex - forgotten sunshine 6:00 - 6:30 CognosSquare - FridayGroove 6:30 - 8:00 Decanter - BLACK4 7:50 - 9:00 James price - 8loop8 sans vocals 9:00 - 10:00 CognosSquare - ma lil choo choo 10:00 - 15:00 Decanter - BLACK4 15:00 - 16:00 Decanter - pid dawm 16:00 - 18:00 Decanter - rope 18:00 - 20:00 Duke Nukem 3d Megaton Edition OST - Track 32, Missing Impossible 20:00 - 21:00 CognosSquare - AIRPLANE pedo hunting highlight reel music used: "Export" by 10lettername (first song) "36" by CognosSquare (second song) "Neurotica TV" by CognosSquare (third song) 21:40 - 22:30 CognosSquare - 14

CRUSH500 is STILL *CRUSH5000* (Shocking H3H3 Betrayal!)

AAywOL9gDjo | 28 Apr 2018

CRUSH500 is STILL *CRUSH5000* (Shocking H3H3 Betrayal!) ::::: sign up, team. This is how I'm funding all future content creation including the video game. Working my ass off don't worry. music by Zachary Waltman ---- outro song by Christov ---- audio mix by @portalschannel ---- Big Fuckin Gorilla Dick Pussy King shoutout to bixlawl from the McAfee Crypto Team for making this happen.

Hy.Wa.--017 -- Don't Call Me Cigar // Ejecting Toxic People ...(pre-crash footage)

ipiqZngaTIY | 19 Jul 2017

Hy.Wa.--017 -- Don't Call Me Cigar // Ejecting Toxic People ...(pre-crash footage)

buy a shooter shirt for chrissakes-

HW8 : Creative Aspirations 2

GEUiohZNe7o | 25 Jan 2017

HW8 : Creative Aspirations 2

Please remember to #PayPig:

HydeWars episode 3: Chine-A.I.

F9FCDfcGQqg | 27 Nov 2016

HydeWars episode 3: Chine-A.I. ---u keep this goin an ima keep this goin real talk

How I maintain neutrality when dealing w complex info structures & data hierarchies/subsystems

GZyQJJSFNcE | 23 Nov 2016

How I maintain neutrality when dealing w complex info structures & data hierarchies/subsystems