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All videos archived of Matthias Wandel

IPHJRxMe_Vs | 22 Feb 2025
I built this machine primarily as a milling machine last year. Its not quite stiff enough to be a good milling machine, but I love using it as a drill press with XY table. So making improvements to the mechanism for setting the drill height, as well as making a better rack and pinion plunge mechanism using a lantern gear

ifcNpmJw0Tw | 11 Feb 2025
Its always easier to cut side grain, and if the router bit is drilling (plunging) the end is cutting side grain, which should be an easier operation than dragging it sideways through the material. So I set up my CNC router to mill that way to try it out. My gear program: DMM servos:

wMi0TJx-7ks | 30 Jan 2025
Having obtained a bunch of linear rails, ball screws and servo motors, I figured I might as well try to build a CNC router out of it. I'm not sold on CNC, but having the parts, I might as well try to build one and see how it goes.

TZjBL1mqGns | 27 Dec 2024
I used to wonder why so many new dressers suck. But its atually deliberate to prvenet tip-over. In the United States, there is the STURDY act that mandates dressers must not tip over if a toddler opens all drawers and climbs up the front. In Canada, we don't have this act, but I think manufacturers are afraid of liability. And so the actual ability of storing stuff (which is what dressers are for) is greatly compromised.

D5G8nmWIMlg | 18 Dec 2024
How to update your software so it runs on the latest version of windows without having to install the dot-net 3.5 framework.

sASwadHr11M | 05 Dec 2024
A very simple 3-piece pyramid burr puzzle that is surprisingly counter intuitive to reassemble. Making this puzzles so it fits properly requires precision. First just gluing it straight up, then another reinforced with dowels, with the dowel holes precision drilled on my homemade milling machine. Drawings of the puzzle here:

YITDLmRWnqM | 02 Dec 2024
I needed a short brad point drill bit, so I started with a regular drill bit and ground a brad point on it with a dremel tool and jig to guide the cutting disk precisely.

zyqUn-rMUJk | 29 Nov 2024
Testing how well the glue sticks to wood that's been lying around for a while vs. freshly sanded or planed down a bit. I expected this to make much more difference than it did, even with some non-ideal surfaces. Lots more glue testing related work at the bottom of this page:

TwZNbXG_0fE | 21 Nov 2024
A presentation I gave at "Holzwerken live" in Hamm, Germany on November 9 2024, about why I don't use a CNC. This is the english version. German version

e0-Xc-B2mkU | 21 Nov 2024
German language video. English version: A presentation I gave at "Holzwerken live" in Hamm, Germany on November 9 2024, about why I don't use a CNC.

2MMW_-KWS7Q | 18 Nov 2024
FlexiSpot Amazon Black Friday, Up to 70% off. Also 20 randomly selected buyers will get their purchase refunded (free orders) on November 29 an December 2ndOn November 21, 28, and December 2nd the first 20 buyers of a standing desk will receivea free drawer Also On November 28 and December 2, the first 30 buyers of a standing desk will receive a free keyboard trayThe E6 desk in this video: US Amazon Site: Amazon Site:

JpqdsykZjHA | 28 Oct 2024
Making another rack to hold cardboard boxes, but not having enough boxes, I also made some drawers to go on it. These looked so nice, I ended up gluing drawer fronts onto the cardboard boxes to make them look like drawers and easier to pull out.

o-lUO6Qv8YI | 21 Oct 2024
Experimenting with how well drywall screws screwed straight into steel hold. It turns out, surprisingly well, even if the pilot hole is large enough that there is only minimal thread penetration into the steel

rIXORigQksk | 28 Sep 2024
Building a workbench for the kids. I started wanting to build something quick and rough, but then it turned out much nicer than I had planned on, almost too good for banging on. The structure of this one is inspired by my kids craft table build:

vzs6Q9sktjc | 12 Sep 2024
Using a router mounted on my metal lathe, and working out a gear combination to make a big wooden screw with an 8 mm thread pitch. My lathe thread gear calculator:

7zqkpfFkU3s | 10 Sep 2024
Making a tray to go to the left of the slide on my lathe to catch chips and shavings, so they don't end up on the ways or the lead screw. This involved a bit of sheet metal work, using a vise instead of a metal brake to make the bends.

rYmYF5I0ww4 | 04 Sep 2024
Making a dresser is a lot of work. But if you buy a nice one instead, you spend a lot of money and get something that might only be able to store half as much for the same size dresser. The other dresser on my website:

ahu-6kZyEB8 | 22 Aug 2024
An update on Amogla camp, and various patch jobs, as there is too little time to do a proper repair for most of these. Playlist: More about the camp on my website:

edEfT34AXio | 04 Aug 2024
Experimenting with end to end wood joinery to make boards longer. I tried a 15 degree V-joint. Though not nearly as strong as solid material without a joint, it does much better than a finger joint I can make. Tapered finger joints would probably do better but I don’t have the tooltip g to make these.

lrLWkvowqhI | 27 Jul 2024
Rachel wanted to build a bookcase, so we built one together. Nice to have help. Filming with help doesn't quite go as planned as filming alone. The design of this one is very similar to one I built two years earlier:

BQoFMSj4gi4 | 28 May 2024
Milling a metal block in to a dowel jig for 3/8-inch dowels. Essentially a 3/8-inch drill guide with four holes, to be screwed to a block of wood which is then clamped to the workpiece. This will simplify some of the dowel joinery I often make. This is my first project using my homemade milling machine contraption. Far from perfect, but much better than trying to do this with a drill press.

1XGACnLDEps | 22 May 2024
A catapult without springs or weights, powered by kids stomping on it. Have been able to shoot small potatoes over 45 meters or 150 feet with it. Much further than a comparable size trebuchet ever would! Safe? Well, without springs or weights to power it, it can never go off by accident. But any contraption that throws something has some inherent risk to it.

3tqNmV8KaZU | 19 May 2024
Testing some scale model sawhorses for strength using my strength testing machine. Craftwrigth's workshop Sawhorse video: My sawhorses Video:

mJqtx0jKxbU | 30 Apr 2024
Building something between a drill press and milling machine, using lots of Chinese parts of various quality bought online. Gear program: BigPrint program

u3odx-77Ymc | 24 Apr 2024
Taking a Flexispot E2 standing desk and modifying it to be less wide and less deep to fit a small desk top in a tight space. Sponsored by FlexiSpot FlexiSpot C7 Premium Ergonomic Chair Use code ‘C730’ for $30 off on $400+ purchase on C7 Chair USA: Canada:

sYw7OfeC1b8 | 15 Mar 2024
The threading table for my Vevor metal lathe was very inaccurate, so I set about to come up with a much more accurate thread cutting table. With five gears that can be swapped out, It's possible to approximate any arbitrary thread pitch with surprising accuracy. I also tried making some wooden gears to explore the possibility of just making custom gears for it. My gear program: Vevor mini lathe: I have uploaded my Python script to github:

DqLrGTTWKlM | 07 Mar 2024
Wanting to measure the index of refraction of a lens, I made a curvature gauge. Making this required drilling some holes very precisely, and an X-Y table was very handy for this task.

_tlhOBysXOE | 31 Jan 2024
How I accidentally compromised my computer as a result of a social engineering attach, resulting in a session hijack attack on my main YouTube channel, timing of it, analysis, and recovery. My initial very short video about the hack:

74H-BtLwRgU | 26 Jan 2024
We have a lot of these identical cardboard boxes from buying blueberries over the years. They are very handy for storing stuff in, so I made a rack to hold 24 of those. More storage solutions:

xT1mRvHZlQ8 | 21 Jan 2024
Building a table for the kids to do their crafts on, and a different way of attaching the table legs, without an "apron" around it. Simpler and leaves more room under the table, but makes it less stiff. But the hardwood trim helps to stiffen up the table top. More table builds:

-wEshvhpLWU | 16 Jan 2024
Reflecting on my experience with Vevor, and how they are quite ok with honest reviews pointing out some of their flaws, and how that, surprisingly, may be a good marketing strategy. So far have two Vevor produgts. The lathe -- which after some tweaking, I'm happy with, and the milling table, which I bought. The lead screws on it are crap, but I'm actually thinking about buying a second one.

_2KEGriaszE | 09 Jan 2024
Trying to get the wobble out of the lead screw advance on my Vevor milling table. This milling table doesn't cost a lot, but if you buy one, you are buying a project giving it the care and attention to detail that is lacking in the design and manufacture of this product.

YO0jkLHmQow | 03 Jan 2024
Adding a drawer to the stand for my mini lathe so I can put it away easily together with the tools. I have already accumulated a few extra bits for the lathe, but hopefully I will be able to keep the accessories to a quantity that fits in the drawer.

n-YAWpAmioQ | 23 Dec 2023
An experiment that had to be done -- how far will a chuck key fly if left in the metal lathe chuck. Reminds me of my unsuccessful experiment of getting a shirt sucked into the table saw. More about the metal lathe: Leaving the chuck key makes for more viewer enagement:

xYwTWI4SXUQ | 22 Nov 2023
Testing how much weight a FlexiSpot E8 standing desk can lift. Surprisingly much, it turns out, and I used it as a gantry crane too! Not a recommended use of standing desk frames. FlexiSpot Amazon Black Friday Deals, up to 70% off For Black Friday and Cyber Monday (Nov 24 and 27), FlexiSpot will randomly select some customer orders and give full refunds (free product) USA: Canada: #blackfriday #amazon #standingdesk #flexispot

0-6RctbVxFo | 03 Nov 2023
A very simple platform that allows for easy aiming of a camera or phone, based on the idea of a ball and socket joint. If you want plans, see the dimensions for it near the end of the video.

_Vj3i2SurdU | 28 Oct 2023
Modifying my strength testing machine for pull (tensile) tests. Then using the machine to test how well wood screws hold in wood against pull out. Also testing head pull through force and effect of pilot hole size on how well the screw holds.

a_hX2JcwHBE | 13 Oct 2023
Building a wooden enclosure for a simple micro controller project. The project just changes the color of the built in light as a subtle reminder of time for counseling sessions for my brother in law. This is inspired by (no affiliation). My other YouTube channel:

K_1li4SpFmk | 05 Oct 2023
More testing on Marius's edge clamps vs. the expensive Bessey edge clamps. Testing force applied with a jig and a load cell, friction limits of the cams, and practicality of edge clamps for some applications.

6EqJpt3axCM | 26 Sep 2023
Standing desks present a problem for adding drawers. The mechanism limits how deep the drawers can be. I came up with a drawer with a second set of slides further down so that the drawer can be pulled out most of the way, enabling maximum utility for the depth available. ------------------------------------------------------------- STANDING DESK AFFILIATE LINKS E7Pro standing desk (the one in my workshop) More economic standing desks (desks or frame only) for smaller desks: Or buy on Amazon. USA: Canada: Buy the whole desk: ------------------------------------------- HOMEMADE MACHINES Screw advance box joint jig: Tilting router lift: Edge belt sander: 26" bandsaw

GgYXvgqaVuo | 09 Sep 2023
Marius Hornberger wanted to know what type of joinery was best for his edge clamps, so he sent some samples for me to test on my joint strength tester. But it wasn't as straightforward as we had anticipated.

QQOWzAxfmsc | 23 Aug 2023
I bought one of those expensive Bessey edge clamps. A very solidly built clamp, but just as awkward to use as my f-clamp and wedge type hack. But in a pull off test in my strength testing machine, it held on impressively well.

gtbntjmzZ9U | 18 Jul 2023
Investigating how separately motorized standing desk legs stay in sync even with very uneven loads, then dissecting a 3-segment standing desk leg to figure out how it actually works. E7Pro standing desk: More economic standing desks (desks or frame only) for smaller desks: Or buy on Amazon. (E7Pro is not currently on Amazon) USA: Canada:

iXScBNZVJ28 | 30 May 2023
Joining pieces of wood that aren't quite straight, using bamboo skewers to reinforce and force alignment. This to build the top for a standing desk frame. Ordering the frame without the top is usually about $70 USD less. Standing desk frame (affiliate link USA only) Same frame, with desk top More standing desks from Flexispot: USA: Canada: You can also go to if the affiliate links show out of stock.

ZRXyv5LLoOU | 12 May 2023
Fixing broken legs on a pedestal table. This style of table is kind of a faulty design and often breaks, where the legs meet the column, and the curved legs themselves often split apart along the wood grain

Slq0aHXEacw | 05 May 2023
Fixing a dresser I picked up off the curb because it was made of solid wood, not particle board. The drawers had mostly come apart, and it was missing one. I also disassembled the carcas so I could glue the joinery, instead of relying just on knock-down fasteners. So much less work to fix this than to make a new one.

qrUJcxlnhVA | 17 Apr 2023
Using a swing-arm style architect lamp for a nightstand. The lamp needed to be raised up a bit more, so instead of using the flimsy base it comes with, I made a pedestal base that mounts on the nightstand to bring it to a good height.

_riUXuRC7yc | 11 Mar 2023
Making some drawers for a small desk. I figured having keyboard in one of the drawers would be very useful, but I wanted the drawer to also be usable as a drawer, so its a drawer with a keyboard in it.

AauvMlNt6ds | 03 Mar 2023
A contraption Mac Sheldon asked me to come up with to help assemble dust collector hoses for pahtorouters. With thousands of hoses to do, simplifying one step is worth the trouble. This is for the metal pantorouters that Mac Sheldon sells at:

s1ymBLSmYv4 | 14 Feb 2023
Making a replacement broom stick out of hardwood. First making a 7/8" (22 mm)dowel, then a thread on the end. Hand filed the thread, that took 15 minutes, less time than figuring out how to set up a machine to do it.

08JogOoO6lQ | 19 Dec 2022
Talking about woodworking videos and screwing up. Yes, I screw up more than I used to. But more than that, I show more screw-ups than I used to because I think they make the videos more entertaining. Going over the dresser I built and showing stuff I screwed up. This relating to the dresser I finished recently:

_-JeEMuuZqU | 17 Nov 2022
Building a small desk for our 7-year old, and a worktable for me for electronics, both nearly the same design. But lots of little screw-ups during the build. and a cameo appearance by a real camera man from CBC!

W9T64bny9gc | 25 Oct 2022
A really quick table build on a Saturday, for my brother in law. I didn't even take the time to set up a camera, so I just used images from timelapses I captured with my imgcomp program. This worked surprisingly well.

C2DZuVx0G7Y | 17 Oct 2022
A simple jig that's easy to make so it lines up miter joints properly with dowels. Another picture frame build: More about doweling:

_D8skTwdFtU | 12 Oct 2022
Sponsored by $5 off your 1st order with this link: does 3d printing, CNC machining and PCBs and PCB assemblies. Iterating through a design for a segmented Knapp-joint template for the pantorouter. This is work I was doing for Mac Sheldon ( He plans on offering knapp joint templates for sale in a few months time. Getting production tooling made for injection molding these takes time. Previous knapp joint template work:

IpdEhi0FgKg | 22 Sep 2022
Testing some samples of plywood, Baltic birch (Russian birch), MDF, particle board and OSB. Also testing these against pine and birch. More about my wood strength testing machine at:

XyLos3M3LWw | 16 Sep 2022
A tray with a flip up handle that has a wooden latch to keep it up. I built this in 2014, uploaded the video, but realized too late it was a low res test render, and re-uploading right away jinxes the algorithm. Re-uploaded a full res version in 2016, but some time in late 2021, YoTube managed to screw up the audio sync on it. So this was an opportunity to re-edit it, 8 minutes down to 5, and publish it again.

CUPkudnw9X4 | 09 Sep 2022
Looking into using 5 mm thick bamboo shish kabob skewers as dowels, testing strength and how well they hold glued into a hole. These don't cost very much so are a good alternative to using dowels. More about using dowels at:

KYcrlcYAPW4 | 14 Aug 2022
Fixing the floor and railing of a kid's wagon. I also made a "trailer hitch" for it so another wagon can be hooked to the back of it to make a train. Previous repair of such a wagon:

_CsV6LxhtTk | 08 Aug 2022
I built this air raid siren ten years ago. Looking at the old video, I realized I could edit that much better now. This version is only half as long without skipping much! Article about the siren build: 2012 building the siren: 2012 testing the siren:

KvJCCamOK1Y | 26 Jul 2022
Adding a drawer to my little "lab table" that I built recently. I used wooden drawer slides for the simplicity and cost, but with wax and mineral oil was able to make the hardwood on hardwood slide really easily

w0llTMDDgn0 | 17 Jul 2022
Using my vacuum patio stone lifter contraption to lift all the patio stones, re-level the sand and gravel, take out weeds and add additional barrier to weeds, then new sand in the cracks. Hopefully this will stay weed free without pesticides for a few years.

qdpY23nDQgE | 12 Jul 2022
Dealing with a wasp nest that I can't directly get at. This originally shot and published in 2014, but re-edited to be much shorter, like I have done with #shorts, but using regular format, because that appears to work much better for me. Previous video on that topic: Earlier video on that topic (from 2011)

OdxkP7tFUzk | 23 Jun 2022
Analyzing sources of noise and vibration on my homemade jointer. The shelix head made it much quieter, but without the cutter head dominating the noise, there are a lot of other noises to chase. More about my homemade jointer:

rehZ8SqszAk | 01 Jun 2022
Upgrading my 12" jointer to a Shelix head and testing it. Cut quality is improved, but there's more to it than that. The carbide shelix head is not a clear win. More about my homemade jointer:

-h5b57ZxQQI | 19 May 2022
Nearly all window air conditioners are made for vertically sliding windows. I made a new window panel to fit a window air conditioner into a casement window. Testing the window air conditioner: Amazon purchase link: Discount code: 50AC002 (Valid thu May 22) Also available on Dreo's website:

MdX4zZGwyjg | 11 May 2022
Demonstrating how I use my BigPrint program to make 1:1 tempaltes. I do this every time I have a CAD model of something and want to build it in the workshop. You can buy BigPrint here:

nz6jF-GsRqk | 14 Mar 2022
Using two simple squares as fences to use a handheld circular saw to cut a dado joint in wood. The ends of the fences are pushed against a thickess of thee wood to be fit into the dado, which sets the correct spaces for the skillsaw to cut the dado. #shorts

sOoaIF2xr7Q | 28 Feb 2022
The lengths a mouse will go to to jump for food! This video is a shorts version of a video I made two years ago that never gained much traction. I think the original video was too long for what it is. More about the origin of this mouse video Longer version of the mouse video: #shorts

3Ve94qs-R80 | 30 Jan 2022
Testing different species of wood for strength against splitting. But after that I found a flaw in my procedure. But the data still reveals some interesting things. Spreadsheet here:

_hWboT47RyU | 28 Jan 2022
Filmed on a visit to John Heisz shop in 2016, we got to talking about folding and unfolding bandsaw blades. I proceeded to show my way of folding and "unfolding" the blades, much to John's humor! Good times!

UwGAzc96Wa4 | 17 Jan 2022
A quick and simple trick to hide the occasional embarrassing gap in wood joints. This is a re-edit to short from a video I originally shot in 2015, so I figure after 7 years a re-hash is ok. Also formatted to be nearly square instead of mostly vertical, seeing that a lot of folks also watch my shorts on regular YouTube. Not a great thumbail, but uploading thumbnails to YouTube appears broken today. #shorts

MBfzDEgfA0I | 17 Dec 2021
Using my wood strength testing machine to break many different species of wood to figure out which ones are the strongest, stiffest, hardest. There is so much more that could be explored this way!

lpjf5KoqpRQ | 30 Nov 2021
Using my joint strength tester to break lots of pieces of the same kinds of wood, exploring consistency and how well it bends if heated or soaked in water. No one answer, but steaming wood may not be the best way for bending, depending on species. 1080p version. Accidentally uploaded the 480p version the first time.

hxR-dexHiI4 | 17 Nov 2021
Building a computer controlled wood and joint strength testing machine. Sort of like my own Instron tester. Using a stepper motor, wooden gears and a threaded rod for the ram, and bathroom scale load cells to measure the force.

12O_ZbOWxak | 26 Oct 2021
I needed something to hang a picture on a high hook where I couldn't use a ladder. Then realized I had *almost* the perfect gadget already. #shorts This idea made for a very short video and the vertical format worked well for where I filmed it, so might as well try out these dreadful shorts!

gt38-y7bm_k | 17 Oct 2021
Adding sheet metal roofing to my shed, with a homemade ridge cap, also using the sheet metal as siding, wrapping it around the corners by bending it with an improvised sheet metal brake.

AbcO7EjfrUA | 10 Oct 2021
Time to prepare the site for the shed, place the walls and screw them together. The shed is like a plywood box and very rigid against twist and warping. If the foundations give out, it will be easy to straighten it back up. More about sheds:

61ceMgGZTnQ | 27 Sep 2021
Reduced my 44 minute build series from 5 years ago into one shorter video. This has most of the info from the longer series. Though if you want to build it, I also recommend watching the longer series: Plans: More about this belt sander:

5jki5s3NF1g | 24 Sep 2021
I built this belt sander 5 years ago, talking about minor tweaks I have made to it in that time, and checking how it's doing. More about the belt sander: Plans for this belt sander:

zr1PP8RcaNY | 07 Sep 2021
I started this out wanting it to be done before I started and not making a video. But being in a hurry I screwed up a lot. When I got back to it a few days later, I thought talking about all the screw-ups might be interesting. More table builds: More articles where I measure things, often using a raspberry pi:

8gqBatgAUhY | 03 Sep 2021
Second channel: This is just a talky vlogy style videos. I usually put videos like that on my second channel, but it appears not everyone knows about my second channel, so I'm putting it on my main channel. A guy stopped on road while I was mowing, didn't know about second channel. So just in case you don't know about my second channel - I have a second channel. I do have a second channel, in case you don't know. It's called "matthias random stuff". Its Random stuff really. Kind of inspired by technology connections. New videos on that have been doing about as well as on my main channel, even though it's only 110k subs vs 1.6 million subs. Of course, my main channel is way down from years ago. Sometimes trivial videos like my fan balancing, or cleaning a paint brush, and sometimes those do well. I also like to play around with electronics, raspberry pi computers, do experiments and measure stuff, but those kinds of videos usually don't do as well. So going forward, I'll put woodworking stuff on my main channel, and non-woodworking stuff on my random stuff channel. Sponsored video: Ecoflow Not thru an agency, which is nice! More flexibility, no dictated talking points. Doesn't feel like I'm interacting with a marketing department. Not like skillshare, vpn, mattresses, razors, audible and the likes. Have been making the website more mobile friendly. Been playing with ads on my website lately. But mostly the ads I get are for the 14000 plans teds woodworking scam. Or ads for some gadget that cuts your power bill by 90% if you plug it in. kind of discouraging. But I don't give google a lot of hints for things I might want, spread over multiple browsers, switched to Bing cause I don't trust google's results biases and data harvesting, and often search incognito. I have to say, google works better though, so I sometimes search again in google if I can't find what I'm looking for. What ads are you seeing? Partnered with Jellysmack for my facebook page. They take my videos from YouTube and edit them down a fair bit from the original, for casual viewing. I find I skip forward thru videos a lot. So short attention span, fast paced videos do have their place. Maybe we are all getting ticktockified Veritassium video about clickbait. After that video I suddenly saw a whole lot more clickbaity titles in my subscription feed. Clickbait is an advantage, yes. But is it when everything is clikcbait? What about long term reputational harm? Maybe there is just too much stuff out there to suck our attention, so we all have to get better at sucking people's attention, everyone's time is fully sucked up. It used to be that technology was a productivity tool but those days are long gone! Feed the algorithm - the end goal of the algorithm is that you watch more. Subscribing or commenting matter a lot less. So if you want to support me, just watch more, or if you don't feel like it, maybe leave a video running after this one on mute while you do something useful?

qLLVTdBKKW4 | 30 Aug 2021
My bandsaw on a dolly sawmill using the same 20" bandsaw: Sawmilling with the 20" bandsaw: More cutting up logs on a bandsaw:

CPv4IUSyIPk | 27 Aug 2021
Testing the EcoFlow DELTA Max with various loads to see just how much power I can get out of it before it cuts out. EcoFlow Delta Pro affiliate link (works from USA only): This is a sponsored video. I'm grateful for EcoFlow's flexibility. This is so much better than being told what to say to peddle foam mattresses, razors or online courses.

EwXQ2tYNj28 | 01 Aug 2021
The new dust hood flips open so that routers that require two collet wrenches can be used with it. I tried fitting this to my wooden pantorouter. Get the dust hood at Previous dust hood tests:

RnUEYbSsWmA | 11 Jul 2021
Checking out my neighbour's homemade 8" jointer, which he built in the early 80's, based on Galen Winchip's jointer, published in Fine Woodworking magazine in 1981.

INviLWnCecY | 14 Jun 2021
Talking about some of my techniques for varnishing while preparing for the third and final coat on a project. This is with an oil based varnish, though these techniques also apply to water based varnish. John Heisz has some more tips:

faQ3PeIBAjY | 07 May 2021
Using some barometric pressure sensors hooked up to a computer to measure how well the vacuum gets distributed over the area when vacuum clamping to determine if some "cloth" on top to spread the vacuum is really necessary.

Wx4GZlKWgWM | 19 Mar 2021
Experimenting with different blades and bandaw chatter, then modifying the most troublesome blade to have less tooth set, which, though it didn't solve the chatter problem, greatly improved the cut quality. The main culprit to chatter is too much of a hook on the blade.

z74kONuI1OU | 16 Mar 2021
When the longest piece of wood you have isn't long enough, and you need a strong joint to make it longer, a scarf joint or similarly angled joint is a good way to join pieces end to end.

m5ddt3k3sqc | 11 Mar 2021
Finishing up my 26" bandsaw build after I took it all apart again for painting and varnishing. Also balancing the wheels and adding electrical wiring to it. Plans here:

QmMLunBntD0 | 02 Mar 2021
Building the top enclosure for my 26" bandsaw. But I held off uploading until I finished the plans, which took some time. Top enclosure: Plans:

9eRIUV94kgQ | 11 Feb 2021
Working on finishing up my 26" bandsaw. In this eposode, making the bottom enclosure and the sawdust drawer. This directs nearly all the sawdust into the drawer, making for passive dust collection. Plans for this bandsaw:

3iHqwaeQhr0 | 05 Feb 2021
Investigating some "buncing" I get with a sharp new hook tooth blade while resawing ironwood. This problem seems to be limited to using hook tooth blades on really hard woods like ironwood, though it happens to a lesser extent with hard maple and ash. More on bandsaw resawing:

kM9rApYil2I | 02 Feb 2021
Adding castor wheels, a blade guard, and testing it by resawing through some ironwood. Plans for this bandsaw:

W7lM3Yxugtc | 28 Jan 2021
When doing lots of clamping, the unergonomic shape of typical bar clamps gets tiring. So I made star-knobs to replace the cylindrical clamp handles on some of my more frequently used clamps.

EOYvaMhidtc | 22 Jan 2021
Making the table for the bandsaw. This could have been much simpler if I just used baltic birch plywood, but I went the cheap and complicated route. Plans for this bandsaw:

AnsfOHBXklQ | 18 Jan 2021
You don't need a CNC to benefit from using CAD. Using paper templates to cut out the parts exactly the way I needed them. Also used the templates to precisely position the dowel holes to mate the parts. Plans for this bandsaw:

uOa1mgJRPWI | 12 Jan 2021
Making the blade guides for my big bandsaw. These are the same design as the ones I made for my 20" bandsaw back in 2016. Plans for this bandsaw:

n4gOs_S-dPg | 06 Jan 2021
Adding a motor mount and drive pulley to my 26" bandsaw. Some alterations to the frame were needed. Also, the motor didn't have a usable mount, so I had to clamp it to a mounting bracket with coat hanger wire. Plans for this bandsaw:

f2QfVJe7yEg | 21 Dec 2020
I started this video to show why a cowling around the fan wouldn't help, but as I experimented, things got more interesting. More about my crazy 1 hp fan: Experiments with the veturi effect: My other channel:

RypUvWvqfLs | 18 Dec 2020
Gluing up the frame for my new big bandsaw, mostly made from 2x6 material. These are much thicker than my previous bandsaws, so I modified the design to accommodate. Plans for this bandsaw:

ofxbo1b9OFg | 07 Dec 2020
Making the wheels for my new bigger 26" bandsaw I'm planning on building. To cut down on weight and inertia, I'm making these hollow. Plans for this bandsaw:

S8t9IqrNCg0 | 24 Nov 2020
Showing the process of working out the dimensions for tenon templates on the wooden pantorouter, and using the new segmented tenon templates on the metal pantorouter. Segmented templates:

TSwrKT42Kkc | 16 Nov 2020
Making a hardwood table top from construction lumber and lots of hardwood scraps cut into thin strips. I can't recommend this method because it was a lot of work, but the restult is nice. More details:

d33CQchZHX4 | 30 Oct 2020
Measuring air flow rates with different types of hoses hooked up to my shopvac and my dust collectors. What type of hose you use makes a big difference in terms of air flow.

lA4FkuORKh8 | 21 Oct 2020
A router table with a large router compartment, filter and extraction blower so that the cabinet itself serves as its own dust collector. Tilting router lift: Trying a snopvac on the router table instead: More blower videos: Blower impeller design experiments Building a dust collector blower Blower design experiments blower housing shape experiments

zg2Ju5bNEuM | 02 Oct 2020
Experimenting with caring a butt profile in a chair seat. Iterating on it and testing for comfort. Something flat on the bottom but coming up towards the edges feels best, but unless it's really deep, it doesn't add much vs. a flat seat. Given how thick a slab would be needed to make much difference, it's not really worthwhile.

Y6ygA15K5bY | 15 Sep 2020
Building sturdy wooden chairs with armrests out of oak. This is a design my dad came up with 36 years ago and made a lot of over the years. Using the oven-bent back rungs that I made in my previous video. Article to go with this video: Plans for sale here: My random stuff channel:

vXkOeDg0cfU | 21 Aug 2020
Using a kitchen stove as a kiln for bending wood to make curved chair back rungs, then cutting the tenons on the end with the pantorouter.

XYRIiJsdUMs | 20 Jul 2020
Building another version of my milk crate inspired wooden boxes that I last built back in 2009. The idea of the project at the time was to use all my fancy hommeade tools. This time, I used even more homemade tools and machines! More details on this build, and links to machines used

TCzelJrFp9E | 02 Jun 2020
I don't like impact drivers because they are very loud, but I have come to realize they have their advantages. The bit is much less likely to slip out of the screw head (cam out), especially when you can't get the bit straight into the screw. Mostly its the intermittent torque, but some impact drivers also hammer the bit into the screw as they go.

R-FswXMcPlw | 07 May 2020
A minimalist cantilevered nightstand. Fits well over a baseboard heater but also wouldn't block a heat register underneath. And has enough room under it for a wastebasket or something else. build article: Free plans here:

gGSpVJhVfKw | 24 Apr 2020
Break testing the heavy duty shelf brackets I made, also testing similar brackets using screws from the back, and using pocket holes.

N9H3pOuaoWQ | 21 Apr 2020
This is actually the first time using the template feature of my quick set tenon jig in a project. With double mortise and tenon joints, these shelf brackets are super strong. It's more a matter of how well they are screwed to the walls.

CECbPFxyv40 | 10 Apr 2020
Modifying two identical shelves I built in 2014 to be a better children's book case, and a better shoe rack for the other one

-osZT8PB7UU | 05 Apr 2020
Tax time this year involves scanning lots of documents, but photographing is much faster than scanning. I used to always lean a tripod over a table for this, but finally built a more steady jig to accomplish this. Other camera holding jigs I have built:

jwOtiCC6-es | 20 Mar 2020
Building a circuit to engage the starter winding of an induction motor at startup. Also acts as an NVR (no voltage reset) switch and automatically cuts out if the motor stalls. Using one AC relay and two light switches. This switch is for my 1.5"x48" belt sander

mxCuUh4JIeM | 18 Mar 2020
Finishing my 1.5x48" strip sander build. Focusing on dust collection and containment, tracking adjustment, electrical and painting it. Plans available here:

QeKdP-753Pg | 10 Mar 2020
Building another strip sander, this one a bit bigger, using 1.5" x 48" belts which I cut off of old 6x48" belts. Powered by an old dishwasher motor. Plans available here:

no-cvLCzVC8 | 02 Mar 2020
Carving a wooden pirate sword with a curved cove cut on the table saw, and a bent lamination guard. I'm calling it a pirate sword, but it's been pointed out it looks a lot like a sword from Alladin, also called "scimitar"

nuWR9FJPXlo | 20 Feb 2020
Wanting to do a shop tour, I decided to do a bit of painting first, and then things got a little out of hand. Two weeks later, I was finally able to film the shop tour. My timelapse and image flipping software is on gitub at: To install it, instlal raspian on a raspberry pi, and from the home directory (/home/pi) type:

4ycl0V_XFDo | 13 Dec 2019
Inspired by Pask Makes's video on the knapp joint, I made some templates to make knapp joints on the pantorouter, and built a box. Pask makes's video: More thoughts on knapp joints:

DAGSFp_wFLo | 19 Nov 2019
Building two contraptions for shooting the plastic caps from baby food pouches, or plastic caps from any sort of drink bottle. Plans for sale here ($5)

jIurzsTw3aU | 30 Oct 2019
A hand-operated drill designed for jigging things up. Google translation of polish language website: Polish demonstration video and website: The fasteners are from "ITALIANA ferramenta". The right angle geared one is "Target J10"

8s-0aoH6BbU | 08 Oct 2019
Spacing drawers consistently so that the gaps between look consistent is hard. It's easier to make precise spacers than to measure and place screws precisely. This time I just glued the spacers in place to help support the slides.

nsEmoe_sUFM | 23 Sep 2019
We don't at this point have a realtor engaged yet. Nor have we decided whether it's best to sell the whole camp at once or try to break it into pieces and sell those individually. If you are interested, send me an email. More about Amogla camp at

pVcbpWrvYns | 27 Jun 2019
Using a DHT22 temperature sensor to investigate dehumidifier performance, and figuring out where the basement humidity comes from.

iX0pDsxtqZg | 07 Jun 2019
Making a special handrail for our littlest one. A baby gate would not really work on these steps, and also wouldn'g guarantee he never takes the steps. Making a fall much less likely is the best and easiest compromise. More at:

ovy9U8aIBK4 | 30 May 2019
I built a removable corner shelf that sits on the deck railing for a portable bbq. That way, the bbq doesn't take up too much space.

HeLC_5s2VV4 | 27 May 2019
Using a low voltage halogen replacement LED bulb, which can run on anything from 9 to 25 volts, wired to a cordless drill battery. Makes a cheap, bright LED worklight

6kK3xF1REHo | 15 Mar 2019
Using a raspberry pi, camera module, image analysis, a stepper motor and driver, and a rotating platform to automatically aim an infrared heater at me as I move around the workshop.

jxIbrK9nq0M | 22 Feb 2019
This 3-legged stool is a geometry and joinery challenge. I'm building it with the pantorouter, which speeds up cutting the joinery, but it doesn't solve the angles, geometry and set-up isues. More at: You can get $100 off a metal pantorouter by using discount code MW3 at You can also buy plans for this stool at:

tkBfaOeOdEE | 08 Feb 2019
Building a rapid firing motorized machine catapult out of lego. Shoots about once per second, shooting plastic baby food caps. It uses a rack and pinion mechanism to tension the catapult, then pulls back the mecnaism and loads a cap before releasing.

-0RY6pAS3H4 | 10 Jan 2019
Building my ukulele from start to finish, compiled down from a longer series I made back in 2013. This isn't following traditional guitar building techniques. More details and free plans here:

SWtIFaEvwzw | 29 Dec 2018
Just some fun trying to make the most annoying sounds imaginable! I'm sure there will be many hateful comments, but it's not like I didn't warn you in the title! More about it here:

cfcyDXwq7x8 | 21 Dec 2018
I originally built this organ in December of 1992. It's been stored the last thee years, and I only recently got it going again. One of the pipes needed fixing. More about the pipe organ at:

jHOx39xJack | 06 Dec 2018
Experimenting with how small a gap a mouse can still fit through, computer controlled to make the gap a bit smaller each time the mouse goes through! Vlog video on setting this up:

C0Syvo-lCbc | 30 Nov 2018
Taking my old mm2.1 build series and editing it down to 1/3 of its size into one 20-minute build video. I have more details on the construction of this machine at: And plans for sale here:

aciv1RW_4Zc | 13 Nov 2018
Assembling a laser cut plywood version of my wooden combination lock. If you buy the combination lock plans, the laser cut files are included. If you bought the plans in the past, you can use the download link sent at the time of purchase to download them. More about this here: You can buy the plans here:

sAJcruHekNE | 27 Oct 2018
A compilation of my box joint jig video series from 2012, edited down to one 20-minute video. Part 1 of the original series from 2012:

J_72hOY2vPg | 11 Oct 2018
My pantorouter build video series condensed into one fast-paced 25 minute video. If you would like to build your own pantorouter, I recommend watching the longer build series, and, of course, buying the plans. The plans: Buy a commerical metal one: Build video series 1 Linear glides: 2 Pantorgraph: 3 Template holder: 4 table: 5 Adjusting / first cut: 6 Plunge lever: 7 Spring balance: 8 Clam pand fence: 9 Reassembly:

x5pJCvZ1AbE | 07 Oct 2018
Finally, part 2 of the tractor shed build. I was not able to finish it due to tendonitis problems, but gave all the materials to a friend, matt carrier who erected it and filmed the process.

Z2Z4FAmZA0c | 08 Sep 2018
We moved out to the country last year, but it turns out it did not make us happy. While there is much to appreciate about a big property, between maintenance, kids, having to drive for everything, no family nearby, and tendonitis problems for me, we never actually got to enjoy the property.

7KS3DbPKEdI | 02 Aug 2018
Tendonitis problems in both arms made me give up on finishing the tractor shed, and on the rural property all together. So we will be moving again, to Fredericton. The tractor shed is taken. More details at: My other (second) channel Other channels I mentioned:

lohsz9RVYlA | 15 Jun 2018
Final assembly of the whole pantorouter from pieces after I had it all apart for varnishing. Timelapse with narration, plus cutting some mortise and tenons. You can buy plans for the pantorouter here:

BgijPlIgKeg | 14 Jun 2018
Making the clamp to hold the workpiece as well as a fence. Also showing various clamping options I experiented with in the past. You can buy plans for the pantorouter here:

PK79GKzQikI | 12 Jun 2018
Adding springs to help balance the weight of the router so it's less necessary to lift up on the operator handle You can buy plans for the pantorouter here:

WzZi6Me7rGg | 08 Jun 2018
Adding the plunge lever (useful when mortising with a spiral bit), and depth stops to the side. You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

lMaGlR1w5YU | 06 Jun 2018
I have been mostly working on finishing up these plans the last two weeks. Finally have them finished. You can buy the plans here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can re-download the latest version for free using the link that was sent at the time of purchase. You did of course keep a copy of that email, as instructed.

3aqdD-GL1Cw | 05 Jun 2018
Taking the earliest opportunity to try out my not-yet finished pantorouter to see how well it works. You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

ra7jdMTAhBY | 01 Jun 2018
Building the table for my updated pantorouter You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

mvpjMIHJ-io | 29 May 2018
New and improved template holder for the pantorouter allowing the templates to be moved vertically while ensuring that it stays level. You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

raq7fREYSeA | 25 May 2018
Building the pantograph mechanism for the pantorouter. You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

Wtx9xXyojrU | 18 May 2018
Adapting drawer slides to make the linear glides for the plunge mechanism on the pantorouter. I have covered this topic twice before: In 2014 for the pantorouter xl: In 2010 for the original pantorouter: You can buy the plans for this (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

MDKMwMT4T24 | 17 May 2018
I didn't film building my original pantorouter, but that pantorouter is by far the more popular machine, and I prefer it myself. I incoroporated some design improvements and some changes to make it easier to build, and I'll film building it again. Buy metal pantorouter here: You can buy the plans for the (updated) pantorouter here: If you bought the pantorouter plans in the past, you can use the download link that was emailed to you at the time of purchase to download the latest version.

BnZAD1odYoA | 20 Apr 2018
A workbench on wheels, of sorts, but without it's own wheels. Two levers are used to lift it onto moving dollies when I need to move it.

kfHB5AoAAbs | 17 Apr 2018
I needed to turn on a 120 volt dust collector whenever the 240 volt for my table saw was turned on. This relay box takes the 240 volt from the table saw to activate a relay to turn on a separate circuit.

wt0u8Uu5k90 | 06 Apr 2018
My table saw was getting loud. One of the bearings had worn out. I managed to get the old ones off and the new ones out without having a press and without completely disassembling the saw.

gBmVU5tZbWU | 02 Mar 2018
Finishing up my belt grinder / belt sander. It can take anything from 1x42" to 2x72" belts. Using a washing machine motor.

zWx-9qteH5k | 23 Feb 2018
The first part of my belt grinder / sander build. Designed to take 1" or 2" wide belts, any length from 42" to 72". But primarily 2x72"

UB_37encRCI | 02 Feb 2018
Experimenting with wild mice in mazes. Mice are amazingly good at traversing mazes, it turns out, so I had to make the maze more complicated. But the shrew reigned victorious

c0riyuskak8 | 24 Jan 2018
A knife block to organize the long knives in the kitchen drawers. More kitchen woodworking projects at: This was an experiment with making videos differently. Took 45 minutes to make and film, but then it still took two hours to narrate and edit (boring bits are more sped up than interesting bits)

ZCbf39_ikFo | 12 Jan 2018
Attempting to time how long it takes me to build a small table saw sled. The basic sled itself took about half an hour, but then I got fancy with the safety stop, varnished it and so on.

EQT9v_aEhW0 | 05 Jan 2018
doing the standing waves on a metal plate experiment usaing only household items: A cookie sheet, computer speakers, and a tablet computer.

6clpdY52VZM | 22 Dec 2017
Kuldeep assembling the latest version of the Pantorouter. This one comes partly assembled right out of the box and goes together much quicker than earlier models. More details here: You can buy a metal pantorouter at: for north america, and worldwide Assembling an earlier version:

l4VOsacFMqU | 15 Dec 2017
A friend, James, giving me a tour of the Almonte clock tower clock works. If you areinterested, James might be willing to give you a tour. His email address is "toodloo" on gmail. (if you can't figure that out, go to the bottom of the linked article)

iGXYZwZEZa0 | 08 Dec 2017
Experimenting with how small a home a mouse is able to fit through. But it didn't go as planned. I had a lazy mouse, and a hard working invading shrew. Update: Two days later, the shrew squeezed itself through the 16.5 mm hole:

ik4sQS91lok | 10 Nov 2017
Have not had time to make a video of my own this week, but Timothy Wilmots just released a video about a really cool height adjustable multi-function shop cart - so if you need your fix, go watch this one instead!

utxebf1SbHE | 03 Nov 2017
A lissajous pendulum in the form of a swing, allows graphing the motion with a pen A lot of people have pointed out that this video did not show up in their subscription feeds, and, indeed, initial views are lower than usual. So youtube either has a bug or is screwing around with their algorithms. Maybe hit that "bell" icon to add it to your notifications.

8WcJtovTKfE | 27 Oct 2017
Making a fence to go around a wood stove to protect small kids. This one is space saving by being fairly close to the stove, requiring a tight mesh and rigid structure.

eMgmJEaYs70 | 13 Oct 2017
Explaining how a bell goes ring-gin-gin-gin (with the sound going up and down as the bell rings out). The key is multiple modes of vibration. Expanding on this, I experimented with making a bell that sounds two distinct notes, forming roughly a major third. It turns out numberphile did a video on this topic last year, but relating to coffee cups:

ZkvO99lswZg | 10 Oct 2017
When I helped my friend Paul build a cajon drum in my workshop, I got to see some beginner mistakes I normally don't even think about. But I figured these are worth covering.

4A_HzgSA-5w | 06 Oct 2017
Helping my friend Paul build a cajon box drum I kind of took over towards the end because we were running out of time. Showing some woodworking mistakes. Thanks Paul for being such a good sport about it! Some of paul's pictures of it on imgur:

hbao8AWruq0 | 29 Sep 2017
I made some solid oak baseboards for our house, which I pre-varnished. Installing these was more work than the usual MDF baseboards and quarter rounds that is mostly used in new home construction.

dDb6Ibsko6Q | 15 Sep 2017
Making lots of molding for baseboards in my house This was making over 100m (300 ft) of molding, involving lots of planing and routing. I made a homemade power feeder to help with the job.

Y0N3oWrPwwE | 01 Sep 2017
Making a friction damper to cut down on vibrations on my old contractor table saw Link belts: Lots of people suggesting these. I had used a link belt on my other table saw years ago, but gave up on it, so didn't even think to address why I didn't consider one of those. My video on link belts: Washing machine dampers: I never took a front loading washer apart (they aren't that common in Canada) so never thought of using dampers from one of those. However, we have a front loading washing machine, and the drum on that is fairly easy to move, so not damped as stiffly as would be needed for the motor, so these probably would not work.

D-_cvpnoDGA | 18 Aug 2017
An interesting design of dishwasher pump motor, re-purposing it to be a blower motor for a small dust collector. This design of motor, though not very flexible, is surprisingly efficient. Based on the comments, wet rotor motors are often used in aquarium pumps, heating circulation pumps and fountain pumps Blower housing experiments: Dust collector blower:

sLDCSzZtAH8 | 28 Jul 2017
This time building basement shelves, with a reltatively thin frame, but making up for it with double mortise and tenon joinery to hold it together. If you don't have the fancy tools, you can built something quite similar without - shee here:

EJpgT2VCB_w | 21 Jul 2017
A simple way to make thread taps from bolts of screws using an angle grinder. To address some hostile comments: Don't have the tools to make one? For less than the cost of one "wood whisperer thread tap" you can buy an angle grinder and make one, assuming you already have a saw, a drill, and a piece of wood and a screw. But people have been using metal taps on wood for ages, I'm trying to counter the recent idea that you need extra special expensive taps for wood. Keep woodworking accessible. But if this video bothers you, please unsubscribe from my channel. I'm not there to please you, and I won't miss you. Cause I like it edgy :)

A_R9E5zcPNY | 07 Jul 2017
The workshop is now organized enough again that I could imagine doing work in it. Not fully organized, but enough so that I can put the tools away and not go crazy.

skiTggK_o90 | 05 Jul 2017
Changing over to my "good" workbench and tool wall in my big garage workshop, now that that is my main workshop. More about the workench: Tool holders:

WC-m6Rv-zQ8 | 30 May 2017 Making a cord to connect a dryer socket to a smaller 240 volt plug (same kind of plug as on my table saw), but this one is for a European washer. Dryer plugs typically have a 30-amp breaker on them. You could run a motor up to 6 hp off a dryer plug. as long as the motor is 240 volt single-phase. The socket I'm using here is normally used for 15 or 20 amp applications, so the breaker and house wiring are larger than needed. This may cause the breaker to not pop if the circuit is overloaded, which may cause your wiring to overheat. The breaker will still pop for a short circuit, and the motor's thermal protection should take care of other cases. It might be a good idea to change the breaker to a 15-amp breaker, but then you would no longer be able to use the dryer socket with a clothes dryer. A lot of commenters seem to get worked up over me cutting off the neutral and connecting ground. The plug has no neutral, only ground. I connected the ground to ground. The over-capacity circuit is another thing that gets the safety nazis worked up. But - every time you plug a lamp or an alarm clock in to a socket, you have something connected to a circuit that has a much bigger breaker than needed. And your house doesn't burn down from that either. But be warned, do at your own risk. If you aren't comfortable with this, don't blow your top. Just don't do it yourself.

Ac7dAVWD_q4 | 19 May 2017
About my old Rockwell beaver 9" table saw that I bought used back in 1996, putting it back together after moving it. More about this table saw at: More about the mobile base: Sorry, no time for a project this week, but I'll have a project next week.

_cW0-fia5Hw | 16 May 2017
Using a maget and a compass to establish alignment through a floor or walls. More shop tricks:

jNta5mjsj88 | 05 May 2017
Wiring a simple remote switch cord for turning stuff on and off. Of course you would prefer to see an elaborate woodworking project. Duh! But that's all I have time for this week.

2hjOPIG4NFk | 28 Apr 2017
Showing the layout of my basement workshop. This is the last shop tour for this workshop. We are moving out to the country, so my big garage workshop will be my future workshop. Shop tour 2012: How much the machines cost:

UiPacBQcL0o | 21 Apr 2017
Using a small handheld belt sander to refinish a floor, gap filling with shims, getting it smooth and free of specs and bumps. I learned along the way and show some of my mistakes. Not everything I tried turned out to be a good idea. But the floor turned out good, just more work than it could have been. For a while I had comments disabled. Over 1000 comments, but really it was mostly different version of the same two negative comments over and over "you should have rented a sander", and "you should have hired a professional". Both of which are already addressed at the end of the video. You can see this floor again in my domino machine video:

Lo2E9yxwiUQ | 17 Mar 2017
Using my big 20" bandsaw as a sawmill. The log is on sawhorses, while the bandsaw is pushed past it on a dolly. Plans for the bandsaw:

u1WE-Fpd224 | 10 Mar 2017
Fitting drawers for my bandsaw stand, with recessed drawer pulls. Also some optimization to the passive dust collection Yes, these drawers are in no way like a "bandsaw box", but I picked that title quite deliberately :)

yZfOcxgx-j8 | 28 Feb 2017
Making a short riser block for my 14" cast iron bandsaw. Dylan (woodbrew) was inspired by this to make a full 6" wooden riser block for his bandsaw:

aiDJp6utmUM | 21 Feb 2017
seven build videos condensed into one fast-paced video, showing every step Plans: Individual longer videos: The wheels: The frame: Wheel mounts: Blade guides: Table: Enclosure: Electrical: Playlist of all the longer videos (over an hour)

4yzUbxVOGpU | 20 Jan 2017
Making some boxes to hold paperwork in, using a battery powered table saw, and my screw advance box joint jig. More about the box joint jig, and plans for the jig: @DEWALTttough, #flexvolt, #ad

yei9NHvszfk | 16 Jan 2017
More about this bandsaw: More frequently asked bandsaw questions: Bandsaw blade design issues: And of course you can buy plans for this bandsaw:

KF40KduxqeY | 13 Jan 2017
DeWalt gave me a FlexVolt table saw (sponsored). I figured the first thing to do with it is to build a crosscut sled for it. @DEWALTttough, #flexvolt, #ad

_CzSo_bU2gA | 06 Jan 2017
More finishing touches for the bandsaw build And the plans are finally ready: I got the bandsaw sawmill blade from

mx3dZ3gvEis | 30 Dec 2016
Making a maze and using a mouse trap to force mice to find their way through it. Wild field mice in a shed Music: Log cabin blues, performed by Anthony Savidge:

lWTZMgYadF4 | 23 Dec 2016
Going over a not-so-great jobsite saw. This one has qutie a few issues. I did get this saw as part of a sponsorship deal, so as a courtesy to the sponsor, I don't mention the brand. I hope some of the stuff I point out about this saw will help you in terms of what to look for when shopping for a table saw. More details on my website:

Q4nP47uRckA | 16 Dec 2016
John and I testing how much force our respective long reach C clamps can exert. Sorry - disabled new comments. This video attracted far too many of the same kind of stupid comments over and over. We were ribbing each other deliberately for the video, but people assume it was a lot of animosity (you can post comments, but I have to "review" them first, which I probably won't do) My clamps: John's clamps: Moe fun when I visited John Heisz:

XUSs2K_-d5c | 14 Dec 2016
John Heisz demonstrating the strength of the biscuits as shelf pins. They held up well enough, until the third jump test. But analyzing the footage, it was actually the shelf that broke first. had this been shelf pins, they would have torn thru the shelf long before the biscuits failed. John's video on making the biscuit joint shelf pins John's edit: More fun with John Heisz

CgbIlJpwpr4 | 12 Dec 2016
More about the visit: My other youtube channel: John Heisz's YouTube channels:

WWOjswxPMO0 | 09 Dec 2016
Bandsaw blade buard, enclosure (housing), and cutting up a log to roughsawn lumber with a sawmill blade. Plans for sale here: The tree that this piece of log came from:

KAPhiWQflVw | 11 Nov 2016
Building the wheels mounts, tension and tracking adjust for my big bandsaw. also attaching a small utility motor to spin it up and make the first test cuts, without any blade guides.

jgDJ_UUzMIo | 08 Nov 2016
Going over my first homemade dust collector. It works, but nothing about it is optimal. It was tempting to try to fix the flaws, but to fix all the flaws means changing most parts. So starting over made the most sense. I have a seriels of articles and videos about the new dust collector: As well as plans for sale for it:

WLrsAIKFy0A | 02 Nov 2016
Converting my "better mouse trap" to a rat trap. But the rat was too smart for it. But lots of squirrel action. Tried to convert it to a squirrel dunking machine, but then no more squirrels would come. The vermin just wouldn't cooperate on this one! More about this style of mouse trap here:

OfkYNhe1u6M | 31 Oct 2016
Explaining why bigger is better, and issues of space and blade metal fatigue associated with 3-wheeled bandsaws. This video has prompted a whole lot of bandsaw design suggestions in the comments. I adressed the most popular ones in the associated article: Pekka's bandsaw: Mikiono's bandsaw:

s89lN8FmDSI | 26 Oct 2016
Doing some extreme load testing on one of my sawhorses, with my big tractor, then testing against an ordinary sawhorse. It would be a gross understatement to say the tractor weighs a tonne. More about this style of sahorse here:

2FO9gf0xvEg | 21 Oct 2016
Making a wooden ball bearing on the lathe, patterned after regular steel ball bearings. Using my homemade lathe: I was inspired to play around with making a wooden ball bearing after Peter Collin mae a "sit and spin" with a wood and marble ball bearing for our baby Harriet:

TsRuRuTBRDY | 18 Oct 2016
Another way to hold a hand plane on a wall full of tools. I did a test to see how much shaking it takes to shake the handplane out of its holder:

NNsjqhvfAx4 | 12 Oct 2016
A jig to help guide an angle grinder with a cutoff disk to make flat cuts in metal. The blade got messed up because of my own fault. More on that in this video:

GQon7u8kMtk | 07 Oct 2016
Making a small lawn tractor trailer, using old wheels and welded together out of some old bed frame angle iron The dry cut metal saw I'm using:

lkTVwE_8oHM | 30 Sep 2016
Building another mini dust collector. My current thinking is that this is a much more convenient approach to automatic dust collection than trying to build something with automated power control and automated blast gates.

x1U_iU_iXkg | 18 Sep 2016
Wanted to see what would let go when I chained up my big tractor to a tree I wanted to remove Self appointed safety police please note: I was quite aware that a snapping chain can be dangerous. But with the chain low on the tractor, and no big weight on part of the chain, I was quite confident it would just move towards the attachment point. Please do watch where it snaps, you will see that's exactly what the chain does. I am tired of getting the same comments over and over again, so I set up a filter to put these aside automatically

ZbB0ECg1qOI | 19 Aug 2016
Restoring a winshield wiper motor powered remote controlled forklift toy that I built back in 1985. Making the tank treads work. The gear program I used: Next video about the forklift here:

JydDsMPn-9E | 09 Aug 2016
Showing the cottages at my parents Amogla camp, on Rock Lake, near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. More on the construction of cottage #7: The camp used to be a tourist operation, renting cottages by the week. My parents have gotten too old to run the place in 2005, and my dad passed away in 2012. No plans to reopen the camp to tourists at the moment.

ZwEdUaMfpLA | 29 Jul 2016
A surprisingly effective hood to collecting dust from the pantorouter. Testing it with cutting tenon joints, because that is the more difficult test. The hood was sent to me for free, you can buy one here: (I wish it wasn't so expensive, but that's the problem with small volumes). More on why it costs so much:

oXvNlVzbVhE | 28 Jul 2016
Experimenting with improving on a prototype dust collection hood for the pantorouter (my experiment was not a success). Why the dust connector isn't on the bottom:

q9vU71cJoaU | 06 Jul 2016
Redesigning how the tracking and tension adjustments work on the 6x48" belt sander to move the controls to the other side and make tracking more responsive. Plans here:

Bns7m6MJFf4 | 01 Jul 2016
Making the stand, wooden pulley, and adding dust collection to the homemade 6x48" belt sander Plans here: This is a continuation of the build started in this video:\

HJpuW7nGpe0 | 17 Jun 2016
Making some shelves to fit in a closet we use as a pantry The wood breaking and smashing - not the sort of thing I would normally film. It's only funny after the fact. Fortunately, I had the camera rolling, intending to take a "good" shot.

9osTTcVz5c0 | 10 Jun 2016
Tegs tools ( gave me a Dewalt 735 thickness planer to review. here I'm comparing how it performst to my old thickness planer (which was the cheapest I could find) My video on planer snipe:

PX--lfUt6Mk | 07 Jun 2016
A quickie video about hand-sharpening planer blades for an upcoming video. More about this technique (but not about the bad parenting) here: Video on changing planer knives:

l-jwaSELVvs | 01 Jun 2016
Sponsored review of the Canadian Tire Maximum brand brushless cordless drill. Maximum brand tools are sold exclusively at Canadian tire. More details at: Marius's video explaining how the brake works: This is a sponsored video. Required disclaimer: Although I was compensated for my participation, the views and opinions expressed herein represent my own and not those of Canadian Tire corporation or any other party and do not constitute financial, legal or other advice.

cXenv5Ulq-k | 27 May 2016
Building the tipping ramp style mouse trap similar to the one in my video "building a better mouse trap using video surveillance" Build article: Previous video: Plans here:

qSWTQeL7fkA | 12 May 2016
Carving a chain out of one piece of wood, no glue, using only power tools. (ok, in the end, I cheated a bit and chamfered the inside edges using a carving knife)

hL2ZuEdkYK8 | 03 May 2016
Reviewing the Canadian Tire Maximum brand tool bag and tap and die set. Maximum brand tools are sold exclusively at Canadian tire. More details at: This is a sponsored video. Required disclaimer: Although I was compensated for my participation, the views and opinions expressed herein represent my own and not those of Canadian Tire corporation or any other party and do not constitute financial, legal or other advice.

khpT-ad0TCA | 29 Apr 2016
A spinning top that flips itself upside-down as it spins How it works: Peter brown's tippy top video:

UFhgCT6cp7E | 26 Apr 2016
How to build the lathe that I sell plans for. This re-edited to replace my initial version with how I built it in the end. This is the video to follow if you want to build a lathe like this mine. Plans available here: The 4-jaw chuck build is in a separate video: Frequently asked questions:

Qu4qL-aKJD8 | 01 Apr 2016
There's working with minimal tools, and then there is working with almost no tools at all! This is my 2016 april fools video Related: John Heisz on rabbets vs. rebates:"

RwKIpG2Znvw | 04 Mar 2016
Making various refinements to my homemade lathe * Easier tool rest adjustments * Tailstock screw adjustment * Reducing rattle on the headstock * Motor mount and belt tensioning Plans for the lathe available here:

gdROF8arPD4 | 01 Mar 2016
Experimenting with turning a spherical ball on the lathe, just turning it between the spindles and then trimming it. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email [email protected]

aL1IxOH4iFQ | 19 Feb 2016
Meze headphones sent me some wooden headphones for review. Very nice headphones, and the review ended up more interesting than I expected. My other channel:

_bwmt9XAVzc | 27 Jan 2016
An attempt at cutting a glass container into a helical shape, using a glass cutter and thermal stress. It was just an experiment. I wouldn't have a use for a helical piece of glass even if it worked.

C6FG3j-tWW0 | 14 Jan 2016
A follow-up to my pantorotuer trade show display video. Mac sheldon has the demo machine painted, set up and running at the Baltimore wood show (Jan 9-11 2016). He gives a nice spiel about the pantorouter. Kind of makes me want to buy one, except I already have several! See the trade show display machine getting built here: Another video of the tradeshow by Mikhail Makarevich

BPoFxErf4u0 | 18 Dec 2015
A large animated tradeshow display showing how the pantorouter works, built for Mac Sheldon. Mac took the display to the wood show in Baltimore Jan 8-10 See the machine at the tradeshow here: and here:

l4PaGvAhV9I | 04 Dec 2015
Making improvements to a mouse trap by long term observation of how mice interact with it. Using my Raspberry Pi with camera module and my imgcomp program. Building such a trap: Imgcomp program: Other funny videos of mine: Mouze maze experiments: Wasp sucking machine: Object Skype: Pen shaking contraption: Slinky machine: Also thanks to Rachel for help with the sound editing, and Carmen Braden ( for some of the piano sound effects

epLTE3c2Zrs | 13 Nov 2015
I really like to use German chip carving knives. I experiment with making one of these out of a circular saw blade, first softening it to work it, then re-hardening it after I'm done.

JowgzxJR-xc | 06 Nov 2015
A height adjustable table to use with a couch or easy chair. Knock down, and height adjustable all the way up to standing desk height.

DVznGbUTF9I | 03 Nov 2015
A multi-tier clothesline solution so I we don't have to run to take the laundry down if it starts to rain unexpectedly. we have a baby in cloth diapers, which means doing laundry at least every other day. We try not to use the dryer when we can (high energy costs and too much wear on the clothing) so we hang stuff outside whenever we can. There have been many a time running outside to take it down because it started to rain, so I came up with this setup to hang the shorter stuff under the eaves of the house. With the sun warming up the wall, hopefully, this will also work in the winter. Another clothes drying solution:

EoAZ-u6hn6g | 30 Oct 2015
Comparing the spectrum of CF bulbs with LED lamps, installing some LED lamps, and using a motion activated light switch. The LED strips I used are from here:

mXvNaOOBXek | 28 Oct 2015
A really simple fix to a stuck oscillating fan. This sort of failure is very common and the fan usually gets thrown out. But it's so easy to fix. Also see John Heisz's video on fixing a seized box fan:

qxY8Ii4TeQ0 | 16 Oct 2015
Testing some of David Picchiuto's brazed aluminium joints David's videos on this: Strength test: Coffee table: Brazing technique:

vy7STrsqzU4 | 13 Oct 2015
This is a how-to guide for those that have bought the metal pantorouter. And for everyone else, maybe you want to buy one now? To buy one in North America: To buy one in Europe: To see a pantorouter in use:

gf7lLjgekng | 04 Sep 2015
Experimenting with camera stabilizing, trying to approximate a devin graham style "glidecam". But just a tripod with its legs spread out already does a great job of stabilizing the camera. More about the barn:

U5c91afgPR8 | 02 Sep 2015
A simple trick for pulling out nails after their heads break. And what types of pallet yeild the best lumber - try to find custom sized pallets. These have typically only been used once.

-aQAsYwF8oM | 12 Aug 2015
Talking about odds and ends - various topics not quite worthy of individual videos. More details here: Osage orange wood: A previous long ramble:

wR97todHOOQ | 07 Aug 2015
Helping Pat Hawley make a wall hanging guitar case. This project started in February to make a guitar case with a humidifier inside to prevent guitars from cracking in the winter. But winter was over before it was done, so these experiments are on hold for now.

Mcz6ohyLuZc | 29 May 2015
Using my screw advance box joint jig and my pantorouter to fix a an ax handle, rather than make a new one. Why? Because I can! Fancy tools used: Pantorouter: Box joint jig:

18zPvXjnCTI | 26 May 2015
A trick for making very precise dadoes, no measuring needed. I filmed that one a week ago and was originally going to release it later, but just today, Dominic Bender released a very similar video: And I didn't want to look like a copy cat!

EqciYYiwlrQ | 22 May 2015
Making a very simple guide for milling logs with a chainsaw. A shallow angle of cut makes cutting much faster. The log is whit ash, killed by the emerald ash borer. Yes, I know about Alaska mills and ripping chains. I didn't need either for this job (just mentioning those so people stop telling me about them)

qgPUEHy6A2s | 08 May 2015
Making a rip fence for my homemade table saw I was pretty happy with how the fence on my first homemade table saw worked, so this one is almost the same design. Built with minimal tools. Plans for sale here:

p15owBXABiE | 01 May 2015
Building the depth adjustment mechanism of my second homemade table saw. A build using minimal tools. Plans for sale here:

a9jJKjKQG58 | 27 Apr 2015
Videos relating to this one: The physics of bandsaw resawing: Cutting up a log on the bandsaw (2010) Running the sawmill again: Resawing shelves to guitar sides:

vz63uavrxbQ | 01 Apr 2015
An april fools video! I hadn't set out to specifically parody Steve Ramsey, but it kind of came out that way. Steve Ramsey's reaction:

-vcDSPNxPW8 | 24 Mar 2015
A quick way to sharpen a bandsaw blade with a dremel tool. I only graze the top of each tooth, but that's all it takes to make the blade sharp again. I make no attempt at grinding the fronts or the gullets, or adjusting tooth set. This technique is good for about five sharpenings. After that the teeth get too short, and it's time for a new blade. Why not make a jig for this? You need a very soft touch, and you need to not touch it with the same spot on the wheel each time (you'd wear a groove in the wheel). This comes naturally by hand, but would be hard to do with a jig. I first made a video on sharpening bandsaw blades in 2010. I have gotten better at making videos, so now (March 2015), I made a new, shorter video.

WMi6W2cvw7g | 03 Mar 2015
A lot of people commented that I should have used glue on my previous pocket hole joints. I didn't think glue made much difference to pocket holes, and I'm even more convinced of that now.

t-yvaZrtxFE | 27 Feb 2015
Making gears that run smooth at a right angle by beveling the teeth. More on making these: Using my gear program (which I wrote, and which I sell)

t_SOdxfv95Q | 20 Feb 2015
A screw jack to replace the bottle jack on my joint strength testing apparatus. Designed to give a smoother increase in force. My gear program (which I used for the gears):

N77WZPadGdo | 13 Feb 2015
Something to hold the Raspberry Pi and it's camera safely, prevent damage if the cables get yanked. A motion triggered timelapse taken with the raspberry pi: This is the Raspberry Pi model B+ (not the Pi 2). Not that it matters for this video, but I'm sure people will ask. And I'm sure people will still ask even though it's in the description!

fZrm_WAEqh0 | 10 Feb 2015
This video is more like a v-log. Not building anything, just showing various random bits that are semi-interesting around my big garage workshop. For more about the big garage workshop go to

Q8Zx63LyMuU | 07 Jan 2015
A simple project to allow hanging coat hangers with wet clothes on them in a door frame. A sort of drying rack that doesn't get in the way.

SkEvCgV4jEs | 17 Oct 2014
Using a cool box joint technique on my table saw sled to make box joints for the pantorouter table and template holder. No special jig needed. Plans for sale here:

Ul2NfxBTVLg | 10 Oct 2014
Adapting drawer glides to us as linear glides for the pantorouter This is Part 2 in my series about building the pantorouter XL. Plans for sale here:

U1XwQt86mi8 | 05 Sep 2014
Experimenting with making a wooden ring (to wear on your finger) Using my router pantograph More about the pantograph here: More about the pantograph: Please note: I already have a lathe, but I used this method because its faster.

I-nWzMYohCY | 29 Aug 2014
How to work out good tooth counts to come up with a desired gear ratio for multi-stage gearing. The gear generator program I used is one I wrote, for sale on my website:

v427sNfvNWg | 27 Aug 2014
Trying some yardwork with my homemade dust collector. More about the dust collector: I hired a guy to do the cutting because the tree was overhanging my shed (, and because that took care of getting rid of the branches too.

2pAjlTSt660 | 22 Aug 2014
Explaining what my screw advance box joint jig does More about the jig: Plans for sale here: My longer video about seeing up box joints without a dado blade:

VXnCc-zMln4 | 15 Aug 2014
A wooden cutting board that won't warp from getting wet. 100s of people have "told" me about mineral oil. I was hoping I'd explained my situation. Apparently not obvious enough for youtube people. Since people can't be bothered to read the description, and I'm tired of the same comment over and over again, I have disabled comments on this video,.

ksZodYxQrHQ | 04 Jul 2014
Using my screw advance box joint jig to make box joints without using a dado blade. More about the jig: I sell plan for the box joint jig here:

7zjkz4cNQak | 09 May 2014
A lot of details left to sort out. Plans available here: Everybody keeps warning me that the light bulb would melt the bucket. It's an LED bulb. It doesn't get hot. A regular bulb wouldn't last very long because of the vibrations (and the bucket has plenty of cooling on the inside, so it wouldn't melt regardless)

LBxFNUWD2GQ | 25 Apr 2014
Using a cheap table saw motor to build an efficient blower for a dust collector Plans available here: You can get plans for this blower as part of my small dust collector plans:

eLtCeehAag0 | 08 Apr 2014
An old project I built in 2004, putting it back together. I have several tables like that, my favourite way to use a computer! I also have a length article about building one (of a slightly different design):

EFRBLRstJxI | 07 Mar 2014
Plaese note: Bungee cord would be too loose. Sucking it through with a vacuum doesn't work around the tight corners either (because so many people seem to think those are a good idea)

dBRopVnX17k | 04 Mar 2014
My way of organizing hand tools. Make a holder for each tool and screw them to a nice piece of plywood. More flexible than french cleats, and the few extra holes over time are still less distracting.

W8VcCnoHnak | 08 Feb 2014
This in response to Izzy Swan's latest video where he made a wonderfully complicated contraption for routing spirals, using gears and threaded rod. Izzy swan's video: Granted, you may have to build a pantograph, but the pantograph is easier to build than Izzy's jig: More about the pantograph: Plans for the pantograph:

Z_KC5Uu5xg4 | 26 Jan 2014
Good filter material is most like a felt, and fiberglass insulation seemed pretty close. So I rigged up an experiment to see how well it would work.

1D5_6I8Z_LA | 19 Jan 2014
Showing how to make some of the marble blocks, without a fancy pantograph or slot mortiser. Plans available here:

-0Xj8QMjJR4 | 24 Oct 2013
Painting the homemade table saw Also testing with the box jont jig And about the Fuz finish:

XTmoC7TmI3w | 10 Oct 2013
Unboxing and assembling a pre-built pantorouter machine from Japan. For how to buy one, see here: A very nice machine, and reasonably priced (or at least, a lot less than what I would charge)

gwsIVOzzkts | 25 Aug 2013
Step by step building a lawn chair, similar to an Adirondack chair. Detailed plans: Basic free plans:

sw0FDdIWds4 | 28 Jul 2013
A better video to show off my slot mortising machine. More about the machine: Plans available here: My old video about this machine:

zIaP9XLdco0 | 07 Jul 2013
Building the lever activated marble pump for my marble toy blocks Plans for this lifting device are included with my marble run blocks plans:

npQn9B-XxRg | 11 Apr 2013
More about the guitar here: The band: Go long music: Pat Hawle's website: Another video of the guitar:

1pVBgOA5XME | 03 Mar 2013
Finishing up building the table saw dovetail jigs - building the tails jig, fine adjustment, and spacers. More at my website: Plans here:

ziPutFi1BlI | 25 Jan 2013
A neat way to repair and reinforce cracked and broken plastic parts. It doesn't look pretty, but it's strong! For all those who suggest different glues: No, that wouldn't work. The glue does not stick that well to the plastic, and the plastic itself wasn't strong enough in the first place.

v25owuUboxI | 16 Dec 2012
Playing around with the Dylos air quality monitor Much more at: Before asking questions or commenting on stuff like filter seasoning, please read the accompanying article. I can't put all the details in the video.

14Mkc63EpMQ | 18 Nov 2012
Using different methods of gluing the same wood with the same glue to see if it affects the strength, then breaking the joints to measure fail strength.

lldPT_u5hwE | 08 Jul 2012
Doing some tests on the much malinged drywall screws. They are actually fairly decent wood screws. For all those suggesting washers under the heads - I wanted to test the limit in typical usage. Typical usage does not include washers under the head.under the head.

tDg0k8EvJ7s | 01 Jul 2012
The shed is all done, with a neat rack and pinion door latching mechanism. And since everyone wants to ask "how do you lock it"? There is no lock. There is no need for a lock. I used this gear program to design the rack and pinion:

p7oO98eQYDI | 10 Jun 2012
Applying the sheet metal roofing and siding, before I put the shed togheter. Not the most exciting subject, but I noticed there isn't a lot of good information out there on the topic, so made a whole video on it.

UU-Gykz2ADY | 28 Apr 2012
Milling some more logs with my homemade sawmill. Things don't always go as planned. More info here: Plans available here:

lMww9V-SSqw | 23 Apr 2012
Final part of the series. Finishing the gear mount, more gears, metal guide bar, adding the handle. Plans for the jig at More about box joints: Plans here:

YZAW7lvkf8g | 21 Apr 2012
Building the screw advance box joint jig. Part two of a four part series showing the details of the construction. In this part: Guides for the box, plywood base, and bearing mounts. Plans for the jig at

bQce6QNfEkc | 15 Apr 2012
Using the layout that I previously generated with my BigPrint program, I now use my tilting router lift to make some curved molding to match the existing molding.

A5Xl1NpYWLA | 01 Apr 2012
Steve Ramsey and I collaborate on a woodworking project using some of the amazing new features in the latest version of Skype.

KCcKmVJ2hKo | 04 Mar 2012
Wagner meters sent me a free moisture meter, so I have been playing around with it, and also explaining why moisture content matters. Wagner meters:

UeQzIzj3j_Q | 19 Feb 2012
Trying to see if a zero clearance insert mitigates shirt sucked into saw experiments, only to find that that sort of accident is quite unlikely PLEASE read the accompanying article before commenting. and yes, I HAVE seen John Heisz's video - I even talk bout it in the article.

c3TTyMVNp3M | 02 Feb 2012
Last fall, Joel Haslam from CTV's show Regional Contact filmed a segment for their TV show about They filmed for two days in my shop. The show aired in October, and again in January. They are ok with me uploading it onto YouTube .

cIOVN96z2TM | 29 Jan 2012 applying new hardwood stair treads over an old set of stairs. Please note: After removing the thickness of carpeting, the first tread was too low. Adding these threads didn't "make the first step too high", it actually made it the right height.

KHfEVek7-r4 | 20 Nov 2011 Comparing the speed of cutting a gear on the CNC vs using a bandsaw. Software used: Gear program: CNC toolpaths wit hcambam: CNC driver:

Iq88Paen1zI | 24 Jun 2011 Part 9 of building marble mchine 2.1. In this eposiode, building the little ramps that move marbles below the swirling bowl. Not the most exciting part, but a necessary part of the machine.

Bqyxrhl4pVI | 24 Jun 2011 Building the supports for the tuna can drums. The tuna cans make a satisfyingly loud noise when a marble is dropped on them, and are an important component of the noise of marble machine 2.1

ljWO8Cx9SsM | 29 May 2011 Part 4 of building the marble machine. In this part, building the support arm for holding some of the other elements of the machine. Sorry, this part is not particularly exciting.

2h9t6PvnjUM | 29 May 2011 The parts that distribute the marbles over different paths. First the "flipflop" divides the stream in two. On the left side, the bowl then puts the marbles on three separate paths, while the pin board on the right splits it in two

oCEgajkvVGE | 17 May 2011
Showing off the box joint jig that used to be for sale at Selling these jigs was an experiment between John Heisz and myself, but there wasn't a price that was both right for the consumer and reasonable for making them. Read more about it at the link.

iUGkroZus_Y | 27 Mar 2011
More about the pantograph: Carving letters with variable depth of cut on my 3D pantograph. I used my stencil maker to get the shapes: ttp:// Plans for the pantograph:

H_gvlDp2SOE | 30 Jan 2011 Experimeting with building a hollow chisel mortiser out of wood. In the end, I realized that building it right would cost about as much as buying a cheap one, so it doens't really make sense to build one.

Apovqke6KYQ | 23 Dec 2010 Setup and cutting of a large mortise and tenon joint using the pantorouter. Plans available here: More about the pantorouter" Plans available here:

8wZ1v4PIsYI | 12 Dec 2010 Showing how my template router machine, which I call the "pantorouter" actually works. It's a very flexible machine that can be used for all kinds of joints, including mortise and tenon joints, and dovetail joints Plans available here:

myAsrawvmv4 | 12 Nov 2010 Fixing the old wooden bridge that goes to one of the cottages at amogla camp. Didn't capture everything on video, but follow the link for the whole story. And yes, that is german we are talking. I try not to talk when I'm holding the camera - really messes up the audio levels.

6sM0Qjumyro | 12 Mar 2010 Showing how flat belts stay centered on crowned pulleys. Before V-belts were invented, flat bets were used to transmit power to all kinds of machinery. Flat belts can run faster, and offer higher efficiency than V-belts commonly used. But they need more tension, and need to be set up more precisely to successfully track.

ZpGMFNWZKss | 08 Feb 2010 A hand-cranked wooden geared centrifuge for getting the ink flowing again in pens and markers through the use of centrifugal force. Uses lantern gearing as designed by my gear generator

U5SzkQTxMvA | 20 Aug 2009 home made wooden router lift for my router table, with wooden gearing for the lift screw! I cut the gears using paper templates from my gear template generator at

yuFHurrWswQ | 31 Jan 2009
Plans here: My innovation on the box joint jig. Instead of indexing fingers off the previous finger, this jig uses gearing and a screw to precisely position the wood for each cut on the saw. This makes setup more repeatable, speeds up opertation. and eliminates cumulative errors.