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All videos archived of KiraTV

noTy9rokl3U | 24 Feb 2025
The dumbest guy on the internet. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #documentary #2025

LvWxnqsM-dY | 11 Nov 2024
The Kickstarter raised 50k, the goverment gave him money...And what happened? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #kickstarter #gaming #2024

EGs8ynnD3Qo | 15 Oct 2024
The ex-bank CEO who will Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #crypto #2024

IralHmCjxgI | 14 Oct 2024
The luckiest man on the dark web, for now. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #crypto #2024

qKGxqbAC8SI | 20 Sep 2024
The most vile of crimes, and for what? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #killer #2024

A0NqN1Ogwnk | 02 Sep 2024
The real life of Jimmy "Bitcoin Bandit" Zhong and his patient 50,000 bitcoin heist. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #crypto #2024

6qeRvHSRznk | 21 Aug 2024
The single update that almost killed Microsoft. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #windows #microsoft #2024

KqTETqyhirM | 14 Aug 2024
This is not a drill. Nor is it a headline you'll see often. But the furries are at war, and the scary part? They're winning. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #furries #hack

_Q6ZDn8oAXA | 19 Jul 2024
The Breathometer and it's creator Charles Yim had the Sharks eating out the palm of his hand, and after giving him a million dollars, he was allegedly taking vacations with their investment. But that wasn't even the worst part. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #sharktank #scam #markcuban

qp6krI5mANk | 04 Jul 2024
The hacker who keeps riot games awake at night. Find the full write up and original reporting from hall of fame esports journalist Richard Lewis: As well as his substack for more recent work: And youtube/twitch: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #riotgames #hacker #documentary

aLfCyp0Qdm0 | 13 Jun 2024
The largest bank fraud in history, and a sentence to fit the crime. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #vietnam #fraud #documentary

87awn-vJvwM | 06 Jun 2024
Maybe flexing on your church isn't the way to keep a low profile? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blingbishop #videoessay #documentary

IrbUendZu0g | 14 May 2024
You heard it, if you play multiplayer games, you're on the naughty boy's list. GAO report : Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #videoessay #documentary

XSvbr6pDjvk | 03 May 2024
If you have it, keep it to yourself. Or someone will try to take it from you. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #influencer #crypto #documentary

O8zu1622TH4 | 18 Apr 2024
Life can change in an instant, for both good and bad. That's exactly what happened for Wen, who went from being poor, living in a basement, to living like a queen. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #bitcoin #crypto #documentary

ugSkcmqnwSk | 04 Apr 2024
Imagine just finding $1,000,000,000 of bitcoin just sitting there, forgotten from one of cryptocurrency's biggest hacks. Science direct article: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #bitcoin #crypto #documentary

ZageHrl8qgM | 25 Mar 2024
It's much deeper than Sweetbaby. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #sweetbaby #2024 #documentary

YoKSDLGIQ-o | 03 Mar 2024
Sometimes, it's better to listen to the advice the internet gives you. Unless you want to wind up like these guys. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #anonymous #2024 #documentary

DqHxVu-QaLg | 21 Feb 2024
Steam has created a problem and used that problem to generate billions of dollars. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #steam #2024 #documentary

xOD0WBhKB1c | 04 Feb 2024
The Day Before, or the Day never? Will the most wishlisted game on steam ever release? Or is it actually all a big scam? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #thedaybefore #2024 #documentary

zacfHtRGfrk | 24 Jan 2024
Why does Hulk Hogan keep lying all the time? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hulkhogan #2023 #documentary

CxFZ10DbpUo | 15 Jan 2024
Every year, it seems like influencers find a way to race each other to the bottom. A competition that sees them amass more fame and fortune, because apparently that's what people want to see. Failing upward by scamming their fans, harassing people, profiting from suffering, you name it and they do it. This is just a small list of some and most mainstream examples in 2023. Let's see about 2024. 15 minutes of fame can be a life changing experience, though often not for the better as you'll see when it comes to these viral "superstars". Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #influencers #2023 #documentary

kY3nlzNDYFU | 29 Dec 2023
Shia LaBeouf is one of the most controversial actors on the planet. Chewed up and spit out by the hollywood child actor machine, a product of his environment and a crazy life in the public eye. Jon Bernthal real ones interview, incredible watch - Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ShiaLaBeouf #2023 #documentary

Ty-hapklwTE | 19 Dec 2023
Original reporting from John Carreyrou over at NYTimes: Sometimes you trust someone with 55 million dollars and they make a good tv show. Other times, that someone buys dogecoin and lambos, such is life. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #netflix #2023 #documentary

rYZ0nk567Os | 29 Nov 2023
Interesting way to handle valid criticism I guess. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #pokimane #2023 #youtube

j921LeZnBso | 24 Nov 2023
These people exist. They're out there. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gofundme #2023 #youtube

vW0gBkuUddY | 18 Nov 2023
These people exist. They're out there. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #crazy #2023 #youtube

n6XvlxZPyLc | 09 Nov 2023
Many youtubers come and go, the natural ebb and flow of internet fame. However, some youtubers cut their careers short by chasing the bag. Selling out, or at least appearing to sell out in spectacular fashion. Sometimes it works and they ride out the storm, sometimes it ends their career almost immediately and other times it knocks over a domino that starts a chain reaction. In the life of social media fame, optics is everything. Once people decide you did something, you better be ready for the consequences. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #sellout #2023 #youtube

8LY5XReHuYM | 03 Nov 2023
The ransomware business was booming, and one man was having the time of his life. Until the billions of dollars in damage he was causing caught up to him, or at least the american federal government. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #2023 #kingpin

N1LBPRGX6f0 | 26 Oct 2023
You never really know what someone is capable of. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #truecrime #2023 #documentary

K9zitIm432k | 19 Oct 2023
There exists a much less discussed but incredibly influential member of the silk road story. That man, is variety jones. The secret and forgotten mastermind of the entire operation. Silk road stories to watch: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #silkroad #2023 #documentary

BWzzjTFVV8Y | 11 Oct 2023
This is just the beginning, but luckily the story is told in depth across my youtube channel. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #2023 #anonymous

8j6hMQggdsU | 05 Oct 2023
Check out for a 7-day trial and 20% off your subscription + the ability to protect 5 family members from hackers and scammers! The Africrypt investment fund is the source of many mysteries. Did they have the money? Was it hacked? Was it stolen? Will anyone ever be punished? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #2023 #bitcoin

clKjcyfeask | 28 Sep 2023
Go to to see through manipulative media bias and know where your news is coming from. Sign up through my link to get 30% unlimited access before October 15. There's a real problem, the epidemic of sad and lonely men. And there's a group of people who have been exploiting them for years, earning 10s of millions of dollars by giving awful advice, sending them down a path of worse and worse life choices. Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #redpill #andrewtate #manosphere

giLi-zBq5VI | 20 Sep 2023
📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant 🔥 Use the Promo Code JTSKIN before October 7th to get both the Epic Champion Stag Knight and Gilded Glider Custom Skin! Project Phoenix was created with the promise of going back to the old school. Of RPGs that you grew up playing, that made you fall in love with the genre. Talent from the East and West, delivering an experience like nothing before. But what people actually received was something no one could have expected and are still angered by even 10 years later. Other kickstarter to court videos: Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #projectphoenix

iLvAJZz29bY | 15 Sep 2023
From Iraq to Texas, from the streets to the dark web. From freedom, to 30 years behind bars. All in the name of greed. BENOÎT MORENNE's ARTICLE ON WIRED: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #darkweb #2023 #kingpin

jlBkhUJADDQ | 30 Aug 2023
Tencent owns more and more of the industry as each year passes by, and no one seems to notice. What will they buy next? And what's the end-game? Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #tencent #business #games

htMgHSwMpYo | 23 Aug 2023
Linus Tech Tips is the go to tech channel on youtube, or at least it has been in the past. Accusations of unethical business practices, terrible standards of testing, poor quality control, profit chasing and harassment. What happens next? Original Gamersnexus videos: Linus apology video: Madison's tweets: Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #linus #ltt #linustechtips

rIQUDGrOGPo | 16 Aug 2023
North Korea has cracked down on those who wish to leave, almost no one makes it. Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #northkorea #escape #2023

LqktY9g5wVE | 09 Aug 2023
Ashley Madison's operation and subsequent hack was one of the most bizarre in existence. Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashleymadison #hacker #2023

EMxjwtxn6NI | 02 Aug 2023
Richard Garriott is one of the hall of famer, all time great names in video games. A pioneer. A legend. Unfortunately, he tarnished his legacy with a last run at changing the online world, and he finds himself in the court of public opinion. The verdict? You decide. For me, he remains a man that literally changed the game, but tried one too many times. Still a legend, no doubt. But with a terrible end to what would otherwise have been an incredible story. Other kickstarter to court videos: Want to support me further? Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #shroudoftheavatar

J_EeEf6ydtI | 26 Jul 2023
Always change your password. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #2023 #anonymous

c7gnVXnaLl0 | 19 Jul 2023
The dangers of a deep sea mission. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #oceangate #2023 #submarine

-Y7QnZTYpk4 | 12 Jul 2023
We know much less than we think we do. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #savant #2023 #rainman

66A4zcJaPLk | 05 Jul 2023
Sony started a war that they were thoroughly unprepared to fight. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #2023 #anonymous

kbAX9Bl6WIU | 21 Jun 2023
Lou Pearlman was one of the biggest names in entertainment, until he went to prison for 25 years. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #boyband #2023 #documentary

KfWtqJWc-Z4 | 14 Jun 2023
Deserved? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #vice #2023 #documentary

6iOiXxQUd7g | 31 May 2023
What happens when companies find a tax loophole and a man finds himself millions of free dollars? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #2023 #documentary

vdifzYvqods | 24 May 2023
It doesn't get much better than this. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #kickstarter #2023 #documentary

DlGJ0DjCcjw | 17 May 2023
Wings is the most documented creator, also one of the most hated. Why? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #wingsofredemption #2023 #documentary

9paPxc6MG2w | 10 May 2023
Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #2023 #documentary #kira

UmAujW6yatE | 03 May 2023
Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #2023 #documentary #kira

hu3PR60UZRM | 28 Apr 2023
They were warned, and people still didn't listen. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #2023 #documentary #kira

xbTW1-D5gxI | 19 Apr 2023
Rap's villain, the most hated man in hip hop, the snitch, the rat, the man they all said they were going to remove from this earth. Still here, but almost not. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #6ix9ine #2023 #documentary

AepqtgCCzXM | 12 Apr 2023
On youtube, one video can ruin your entire career, but what about multiple videos and never learning your lesson? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #adamsaleh #2023 #documentary

0PJVb4OQVUs | 05 Apr 2023
The amazing life of a man who went too far. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #madscientist #2023 #documentary

CSqnFnaZXgU | 01 Apr 2023
I miss the old sneako. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #sneako #penguinz0 #documentary

zVe_kL1D8GM | 29 Mar 2023
The rise, fall and revenge of Sneako. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #sneako #penguinz0 #documentary

WeXQkOvVb2U | 22 Mar 2023
The real dark side of instagram. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #instagram #dubai #model

WNSWiRfCcN0 | 20 Mar 2023
Easily the strangest, maybe the most effective assassination plot in history. Some images/video comes from the (2020) documentary called "Assassins". Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #kimjongun #northkorea #assassination

57Cgz7-TrEI | 16 Mar 2023
The silk road has many interesting stories. This is the story of Curtis Green, the administrator and his run in with law enforcement in their search for Dread Pirate Roberts. Maybe more in the future. Check out another silk road story: Note for YouTube's review team: this is an educational documentary based on police records, court documents, biographies of those involved and journalist investigate reports of the events that took place. Some book sources used partially throughout the process: ------------------------------------------------------------ #silkroad #2023 #documentary

8P8A0pFybkA | 15 Mar 2023
The story of many young men, this one with millions of impressionable followers. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #adinross #andrewtate #2023

BdoJjYU765Q | 08 Mar 2023
From high ranked and highly paid, to an echo chamber of hatred. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #leagueoflegends #2023 #kira

CZs8dCNzgns | 22 Feb 2023
From a popular streamer with an infinite ceiling, to bragging about his girlfriend sleeping with other men and paying his bills with the money. Gross Gore's trajectory as an online creator has seen incredible lows, but never anything like this. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #grossgore #2023 #twitch

P-TqJbVRgrc | 15 Feb 2023
Blueface, the once memed rapper, now in a race to the bottom with his crazy public relationship. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blueface #2023 #rap

4lWpfOeTbMQ | 08 Feb 2023
The Day Before, or the Day never? Will the most wishlisted game on steam ever release? Or is it actually all a big scam? Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #thedaybefore #2023 #games

yZEfKfWklU4 | 25 Jan 2023
One of the biggest musical acts of the late 80s/early 90s, awarded with a grammy for "best newcomers", but it was all a lie. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #millivanilli #2023 #documentary

dx8ic1PLqCg | 18 Jan 2023
The worst show on television, finally cancelled after 14 years. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #jeremykyle #2023 #documentary

kNiATmQkKJY | 09 Jan 2023
A true story about the CIA's outside the (litter)box thinking. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #spycat #2022 #documentary

Br_irFIcLzA | 03 Jan 2023
From obscurity to internet meme stardom, to being hated around the world. The rise and fall of the man with the saltiest elbow. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #saltbae #2022 #documentary

IxPp604NFwU | 20 Dec 2022
They called it "the intelligence coup of the century". Spying on over 100 countries most secure communications for over 50 years. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cia #2022 #documentary

FfNnT2MgJBI | 14 Dec 2022
Over 30 years of blaming the church of unification for ruining his life, he eventually got what he no doubt saw as vengeance. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #japan #2022 #documentary

yAQvKgLTEbk | 06 Dec 2022
How one man, the mafia and an awful company made it impossible to win the mcdonalds monopoly for over a decade Sources as always are on screen throughout if text or images were used, links below for story piecing: Some stills taken from the HBO Mcmillions docuseries. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mcdonalds #2022 #documentary

I27L2bM7SLk | 29 Nov 2022
Tiktok has gone too far. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #tiktok #2022 #documentary

KwcOaU5v100 | 22 Nov 2022
Family is important, but is it more important than money? Sources as always are on screen throughout if text or images were used, links below for story piecing: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #fraud #2022 #documentary

HGv5Aq9F7Ns | 15 Nov 2022
It's a strange world out there. Source: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cult #2022 #documentary

YcTAa3bjL9Y | 08 Nov 2022
Sometimes it isn't a dream. Instead, it's a nightmare. Sources as always are on screen throughout if text or images were used, links below for story piecing: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #2022 #lottery

sPNUem_2vCo | 01 Nov 2022
How a dictator's daughter got controlled by a cult, then convicted for 25 years for corruption. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cult #2022 #southkorea

dgWcplHgAjU | 25 Oct 2022
The most disturbing gofundme campaign rabbit hole. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #williamdavis #2022 #gofundme

xp12iqINfQY | 18 Oct 2022
He wins. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #jaketran #2022 #scam

YZS3Bkvj9Gk | 11 Oct 2022
This is Mr.bones. He is the most sane person on youtube. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #truebones #2022 #scam

5Rm7emO9oZM | 04 Oct 2022
How Hushpuppi became a legendary Yahoo Boy and was taken down by his addiction to flexing. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hushpuppi #2022 #scam

_aw_tw5w_Hc | 20 Sep 2022
Dababy went from relative nobody to the bigger rapper on the planet in a very short period of time and has since been on the decline just as quickly. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dababy #2022 #rap

_RsJsItLwXw | 13 Sep 2022
The definitive survival experience. Turns out it's the company that is fighting for survival and not the players inside the game they paid for. Other kickstarter to court videos: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #deadmatter #2022 #kickstarter

S8zQYBAu-LY | 06 Sep 2022
Thanks to Aura for sponsoring this video, go to to start your 14 day free trial! Ezra Miller seems to have been participating in some weird stuff. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ezramiller #2022 #actor

5--FeT3YLsc | 30 Aug 2022
Thanks to Ys Online for sponsoring this video Download & Play "Ys Online: The Ark of Napishtim" here: Bonus code: KIRATVGIFT YS Online socials: Facebook: Twitter: Discord: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #YsOnline #YsSisterVibe #MobileGaming

GYNoGhy9NfA | 19 Aug 2022
Sometimes life is a mess. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #2022 #gofundme

98rjHUZQ_oo | 13 Aug 2022
This is the complete history of Identity RPG, one of the MMORPG games that benefited massively from the 2011-2016 boom of kickstarter funding for similar games. They developed for 7 years and delivered...Almost nothing. Other kickstarter to court videos: Identity is a modern-day open-world MMORPG with complete freedom and a focus on player interaction, from Asylum Entertainment. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #identityrpg

LRn9yQ6jpp0 | 27 Jul 2022
When chasing fame becomes your primary goal, what could possibly go wrong? Gamers nexus video is great, go watch it for more in-depth details. ( Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #artesianbuilds #2022 #funny

D6ez9dRfHUY | 10 Jul 2022
Being a youtuber has many benefits. especially financial ones. but what exactly do you have to put up with to reap a lot of said benefits? Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #2022 #youtube

Uddz39zt5-8 | 06 Jul 2022
If you don't stamp on the cockroaches, they'll simply move to dubai and make another scam. thanks to for their extensive research that helped to create this video Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #2022 #ponzi

5Us0unNDDoE | 29 Jun 2022
While isn't the only website that has this issue, it is the one that shines the brightest light on it in recent history. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #amouranth #2022 #twitch

It6tzHKRmD4 | 25 Jun 2022
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! Decentralized Finance (DeFI) and cryptocurrency are going absolutely great. Another $100 million wiped out by hackers. The age of "trust us bro" finance is truly amazing. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #2022 #harmony

9D8_VJ3mJBg | 21 Jun 2022
Where did Ruja Ignatova go? Is she still alive? What happened to the 230,000 bitcoin she had? Is Onecoin still in operation? Check out this website that does research into MLMs and scams, very helpful for research of this video: Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #2022 #onecoin

zWTXATPhMzI | 15 Jun 2022
The saddest story on youtube. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #theactman #2022 #quantumtv

uFw66YyHD6E | 13 Jun 2022
This is just the beginning. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #2022 #anonymous

aORxBR-DTYY | 30 May 2022
Another day in Crypto Paradise. Buy my merch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #2022 #fraud

9ZiSa_5HvtQ | 20 May 2022
Pre-register for Noah's Heart today at the links below! Mobile: PC: I love it when consequences meet actions. Eminifx CEO is going to have a bad time. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #fbi #2022 #mostwanted

Y72eI-i3aA4 | 14 May 2022
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! The Top 10 most wanted cyber criminals according to the FBI Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #fbi #2022 #mostwanted

7C9nYLiAKAE | 13 May 2022
Check out Maplestory! Steam page: Thanks to Nexon for sponsoring this video Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #maplestory #2022 #mmorpg

qYu_QxzA5W8 | 11 May 2022
Gaming has seen many changes since the time of quarter fed arcade cabinets, to the availability of home consoles, all the way to modern day. What about the future? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #2022 #games

WhKfnVcVHSk | 06 May 2022
The story of Manfred. The man behind most of the hacked currently in MMORPGs for the last 2 decades. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #2022 #hack

7xd-8So8_Q8 | 30 Apr 2022
The Lazarus Group have been causing chaos for over a decade. This is their history. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hacker #crypto #2022

HLea943ntwk | 27 Apr 2022
It started with Elden Ring. It is now threats of violence and calling your mother. Quantumtv has lost his mind. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #quantumtv #eldenring #2022

BpN8fCkExtE | 21 Apr 2022
The Silk Road era of darkweb history is full of absolutely insane stories, this one has always been fascinating to me. Check out another silk road story. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #silkroad #crypto #2022

sgGmXQl8QCc | 19 Apr 2022
Another day, another few hundred million dollars stolen. Axie exploit video : Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #blockchain #2022

4TJIP_v7h3E | 09 Apr 2022
Axie Infinity lost $625 million dollars of their players money and didn't notice for 6 whole days. This is the future. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #cryptocurrency #2022

FFNSdSe4-8w | 16 Mar 2022
This is 2022 and we live in a clown world. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #crypto #2022

9WLctis9fBo | 15 Mar 2022
The perpetual failure is back in the spotlight. Archeage, Archeage unchained, Archeworld, take three. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #crypto #2022

NeUNCckjfaE | 14 Mar 2022
This indie developer decided to use their patch notes as a dear diary and then people noticed the contents of the diary...It did not go well. "A Spectacle of Violence and Greed - DOMINA is the Finest Gladiator Management Simulator in the World. Fortified with Chariot Racing and Twitch Integration! Do not trust the weak imposters - there is no competition - only DOMINA will make you STRONG." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #steam #domina #2022

avsgd5oJ2QQ | 12 Mar 2022
Twitter is the main social media platform being used to scam hundreds of thousands of users and they're verifying the scammers. The NFT space is honestly more ridiculous the more you look into it. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #crypto #2022

CGa9ItZaNsw | 10 Mar 2022
Another day, another dollar for the NFT syndicate. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #minecraft #2022

lHGgY0Cvr8Y | 08 Mar 2022
I just can't anymore. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #scam #2022

DPfI86dY9nU | 07 Mar 2022
Just talking about how I feel regarding the "idea" behind NFTs, the current implementation is obviously not fit for purpose but the idea is something I want to explore further and see the use case for. The issue is that the artists this technology claims to empower are the ones that are suffering from the technology being used improperly. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #scam #2022

2IPtLm1X0LA | 06 Mar 2022
Don't worry, Tai Lopez has gone from selling get rich quick schemes to selling get rich quick schemes on the blockchain. Luckily not that many people bought them, unluckily, he is going to try again soon. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #scam #2022

jpqhLWGm6tU | 05 Mar 2022
Artesian builds CEO decided he had enough of running a successful business off the backs of free advertising via an ambassador program that used the labour of smaller streamers to succeed and instead did a 48 hour speedrun of the implosion of the business. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #artesianbuilds #scam #2022

xbbvbmFoCP8 | 04 Mar 2022
How can anyone trust an industry where this can happen? A 21 year old kid from New Zealand can make multiple kickstarter projects that don't deliver product, then graduate to taking art from pre-made asset packs and somehow convince thousands of people to give him between $8000 and $10000 each for links to voxelized versions of them that exist only on his website? Video links: Link to twitter thread used in video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #pixelmon #nft #2022

pmTa3mtDJhs | 03 Mar 2022
I like Lost Ark a lot, it's a good game. It has issues, but I can't stop playing honestly. Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat in this action-packed free-to-play RPG. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #lostark #mmorpg #2022

H5yCtTV2If4 | 02 Mar 2022
Even Gandalf is in on the NFT life now, the shire is rekd. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #nft #2022

kjqZ5m3Ln-c | 01 Mar 2022
This guy posts on twitter about how good his life is and how valuable his JPEGs are, meanwhile ignoring the fact he bought those NFTs with money he stole from people for a project he constantly said was 95% finished. He also some cool social media takes. Original tweet thread: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #nft #2022

VfZHMHAwlp0 | 28 Feb 2022
I don't want to discuss political issues on the channel and I actively try to avoid it, so I tried not to give my take on the situation but there are some things going on that can't be ignored. Official Ukraine Twitter: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #nft #2022

cw2p2H5z80E | 27 Feb 2022
The founder revealed himself, after having been revealed already. Then claimed transparency, while being forced into the position in the first place. Also lied about their buying of assets, when they hired artists referring to them as their "team" and of course the classic, took 1.2 million dollars out of the project funds to buy NFTs and try to hide them in an alternate wallet just for safe keeping, you know? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #pixelmon #nft #2022

MS0cZBb5j9Y | 26 Feb 2022
I just can't anymore bro. Pixelmon just absolutely made the best NFT reveal of 2022, 73 million dollars for this. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #pixelmon #nft #2022

LCj6w7OyJRI | 25 Feb 2022
But what about the children? What about the war? What about my baby? What about us deserving your money? The NFT space is going great guys. Check out Coffeezilla's Video, it's great and he's great. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #nft #2022

NB4aeZQRKpo | 24 Feb 2022
The metaverse couldn't be any safer with Shane Isaac of Earth 2 at the helm. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #earth2 #nft #2022

zPLiLCmGhkA | 23 Feb 2022
Lana Roades, famous adult film star just made sure to give her fans the in person experience they dreamed of for years. Unfortunately it wasn't how they had been anticipating but they got what they paid for and that was a big old scam. Check out Coffeezilla's Video, it's great and he's great. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #nft #2022

juaJY4Kn1SI | 22 Feb 2022
If you thought it couldn't get funnier, well you haven't been paying attention to the cryptocurrency space and what they're using it for. This guy has somehow managed to convince his "investors" to fund his luxury asset management business at zero risk to himself and the promise he will let them come use the luxury assets 40% of the time in some kind of time share that actually has 0% ownership and no contracts. This is absolutely amazing, you too for $1000 could fly private jets and live in 5 million dollar apartments. Amazing. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency#nft #2022

vgrhvhJ1QvY | 21 Feb 2022
Just wanted to put this out there and say, if you're waiting for lost ark issues in Europe to improve, just stop wasting your time. Amazon have made an announcement that issues are mostly out of their hands and have no simple solution besides waiting for people to quit or re-rolling on other european servers in the new EU west cluster. Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat in this action-packed free-to-play RPG. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #lostrk #mmorpg #2022

bSvsP_PmF0I | 20 Feb 2022
It was only a matter of time. I expect this to be interesting to follow depending on how far it goes. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #safemoon #nft #2022

RuuvlmcMybY | 19 Feb 2022
These influencers are absolutely out of control, seems like everyone is taking a bag to promote you some fraudulent NFT project because no one does ANYTHING about it. No one is held accountable and it's the norm to expect people to just lie, cheat and steal their way to an easy few million in the bank. Influencers promoting sketchy businesses or products for under the table pay has always been a thing but never before has it been this bad and it seems to get worse daily. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #jackedapesclub #nft #2022

yUUmf5VXvCY | 18 Feb 2022
You can buy anything with cryptocurrency in 2022, including a crypto girlfriend, by a crypto girlfriend. The metaverse continues to impress me. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptogirlfriend #nft #2022

J53wLCjJwPY | 17 Feb 2022
Now not only are NFT projects stealing from every other industry, business or independent artist but they're stealing from each other. What was that about honour among thieves? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #nft #2022

lUIJRjtNwdA | 16 Feb 2022
Apparently this is the first "party to earn" cryptocurrency NFT collection. So all you stupid people out there working jobs can just buy an NFT and then go to the club, pop bottles and bust some moves to earn an income instead. What a time to be alive. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #metaclub #nft #2022

gk5xTTGGprU | 15 Feb 2022
I just can't bro. These guys think they literally own other people's things if they just slap the word NFT on it and if you don't let them, you're discriminating against them. They want to use your hard work to make money for providing zero product and do so without even a remote understanding of copyright law, yet see it as unfair when it is used against them. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #magicthegathering #nft #2022

q6TkrmRxbho | 14 Feb 2022
This is what actually happened to Titanreach, to put the speculation to bed. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #kickstarter #mmorpg #2022

19bCOlRCAFc | 13 Feb 2022
Lost Ark is here, people that follow the KR mmorpg scene have waited for this moment for almost as long as people will still be waiting for Star Citizen(issa joke, star citizen will never release). 1.3 million concurrent player peak on day 2 and that's with it being unplayable due to server issues which are entirely expected. Let's talk about it. Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat in this action-packed free-to-play RPG. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #lostrk #mmorpg #2022

wga9d8V5ATU | 11 Feb 2022
Karma the game. It's...Something? A game? A platform? Dating app? I watched the video, I read the webpage. I still don't even know. The only thing I do know, is that it's absolutely terrible. So it fits on my channel. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #karmathegame #nft #2022

Irb1FUsJEYs | 10 Feb 2022
They got resources...Almost. They got an egg hunt that didn't work, again. They got more referral codes though guys, so at least you can get your grandmother to buy some more JPEGs for 7.5% off. Fantastic Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #earth2 #nft #2022

kpLCqMBPjgM | 09 Feb 2022
The cryptoland project goes from bad to worse and this video is here to document it. The medium article: Watch this video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptoland #nft #2022

qHXFppHY43k | 08 Feb 2022
I hope they don't rug pull, people spent £9300 each on an NFT lootbox without even playing the game or realizing the game is entirely outsourced...meaning they gave a completely anonymous individual that isn't writing any of the blockchain or game code 70 million dollars in 50 minutes. Good times 2022. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Donate to support my content via crypto: 0xe3698e64E16EcCd63aAC936547F56Cf8260FB24e Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #nft #2022

fhA37mPZBNw | 07 Feb 2022
They've literally just made world of warcraft but with premade assets and NFTs. Pretty sure at this point I'll be covering them making ME into an NFT one day soon. How do we even know we aren't all already NFTs? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #nft #2022

Ip43t2R74XY | 05 Feb 2022
Star Citizen are changing the way they handle their roadmap due to the "noise" from the "roadmap watchers" that are scaring away new money, apparently the 450 million dollars those "roadmap watchers" have contributed in the 10 year long crowdfunding cycle doesn't entitle them to display discontent about constant missed deadlines for a project that is one big missed deadline. The noise is a distraction, not just from development, but attracting new money into the party. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #starcitizen #2022

P4n_TsHn9p8 | 04 Feb 2022
Apparently a massively pay to win market, that generates you billions of dollars revenue using predatory mechanics and preying on people with gambling addiction isn't enough, so South Korean publisher Netmarble decided to ignore their own market due to Blockchain being illegal and instead export 70% of their new games to the rest of the world to line the pockets of already billionaire owners. Good times. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #2022 #cryptocurrency

p7dAohiSH8U | 03 Feb 2022
This absolutely sucks. Mortal Online 2 is the long awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long running first person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world. Released January 25th 2022 Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mortalonline2 #2022

LMk0SEi93nY | 02 Feb 2022
The world is burning but at least they giving me content every day. The Future of NFT music is here, the future no one asked for or wanted. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #hitpiece #NFT #cryptocurrency

JcvVwHL8Trk | 31 Jan 2022
Broken ranks, love it or hate it, is a pretty interesting take on the MMORPG genre. It's free to play, pretty fast download and gives you an interesting story to follow with some traditional MMORPG elements thrown into the mix. Check the game out if you want to play at the website: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #brokenranks #2022

EvngASvhMRU | 30 Jan 2022
They have infiltrated kickstarter and now there is no safe haven. This has to be a troll attempt with how much they abuse the word "meta". But this is also 2022, so I know better. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #metaworld #nft #metaverse

xoHMfHCRd0g | 29 Jan 2022
I can't actually believe that 1. This is a real interview and 2. They think this is a good idea. If you don't agree with us, you're just not smart enough to see what we're doing FOR YOU. What an incredible timeline. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ubisoft #nft #quartz

JQDr2L5RLag | 28 Jan 2022
Not even Steve is safe. Minecraft NFT play to earn server is no more..Or at least one of them, there are many people selling many different pieces of land and skins in minecraft servers for thousands of dollars. This one however sold out their stock of skins and then vanished a day later, only to return and tell people that they didn't mean to scam them. Classy. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #minecraft #nft #scam

6Y65dbTKaOA | 27 Jan 2022
New World's player population is down over 90% in 90 days, making it one of the fastest failing MMORPGs despite being one of the highest budget. Watch this for why new world sucks: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #mmorpg #2022

4SLFZmIqWTs | 26 Jan 2022
I figured it was time to check in on Earth 2's progress. Yeah Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

hb0m7ROcRjY | 25 Jan 2022
The future is now friends. Buy your shoes before it is too late. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #metaverse #mmorpg #2022

XMskmnyyyVs | 24 Jan 2022
Sometimes it just be like it is. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter#2022

qW0Zas5TFsY | 23 Jan 2022
Mortal Online 2 won't be for everyone and I can understand the barrier for entry in terms of pricing will likely prevent many people from trying it, especially given how the game plays, but I stand by the statement you should try it if you can. It's a game that if you haven't experienced anything similar before will be vastly different than all other MMORPG experiences you've had, while that might not be a good thing for some, for others they will absolutely love it and without trying, you'll never find out if you're missing out on that. It's literally a love it or hate it game and considering how hard it is to find an MMORPG you can truly love, every game that does something different will get my seal of approval to at least give it a go. Released January 25th 2022 Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mortalonline2 #2022

il4TkESwGE8 | 20 Jan 2022
SpiceDAO raised 2.66 million euros to purchase at auction, a rare book containing the script, concept art and pre production materials for an unreleased Dune film from Alejandro Jodorowsky. This auction estimated the value of the book to be between 25 and 35 thousand euros. They paid 2.66 million euros for it and assumed this would mean they could make animated series based on the book. Unfortunately before spending 100x the value for the book, no one told them this is in fact not how copyright works. You can't make this up anymore. Life is a parody. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dune #metaverse #cryptocurrency

GNZ6KqSr0aA | 17 Jan 2022
I'm sure this will turn out great. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptoisland #cryptocurrency #metaverse

xy7NDaPlpaU | 16 Jan 2022
I just can't anymore bro. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #citydao #cryptocurrency #metaverse

n7I13ey6P9c | 16 Jan 2022
Day of Dragons is a game that has been dragged through the mud for multiple years regarding the crowdfunding methods which resulted in over $530,000 raised for what people called an asset flip. Asset flip being the term used for when someone buys pre-made assets from a marketplace and throws them together with very little effort for the sole purpose to raise money or hoodwink people into believing the game is more legit than it is. The result was over a year of back and forth between content creators, communities for and against the project and the sole developer referred to as "Jao". Legal threats, DMCA claims and 2 years later, this is the result. Other kickstarter to court videos: Thanks for watching. Videos I used for reference and clips below: IGP: SidAlpha: IcyCaress: Anthomnia: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dayofdragons #kickstarter

sBa7VPBf3Yk | 14 Jan 2022
Arya is out here handing out bangers and financial advice yet again. This time with a claim you will 100x your money. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

3VET7nQD-7U | 13 Jan 2022
Chimeraland is a....weird. I can't decide if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread or if it is the reason I can't sleep anymore. The game has some of the clunkiest, worst controls and UI I've ever seen, but it also does a ton of really interesting things that make it fun to play. You'll just be minding your own business and then a flying imp wasp hybrid human will come by with a wheelchair that you can get in, at which point they just walk you around an island full of giant monsters talking to you in terrible voice acting quality. It's a wild ride from start to finish and the more you play...The better, or maybe worse the game becomes. I'm so confused. Either way, you might as well try it. It's free. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #chimeraland #2022

jHWF-Wq7tHU | 12 Jan 2022
This is actually a really smart thing to build in your home if you're an enthusiastic VR player...The issue is when you try to turn it into a business and your plan is just to go to home depot and put together a sex swing to send to your customers for the low-low price of $250 USD. Tony is a legend. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #virtualreality #kickstarter

IVX0W04sqj0 | 11 Jan 2022
Yes you read the title right, I've beat Elon to his vision of colonizing Mars and all it cost me was a few dollars in cryptocurrency. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mars #metaverse

b_ywp-7hrBs | 10 Jan 2022
Cryptoland creators are not happy. They have resorted to legal threats, DMCA strikes and misrepresenting information. Don't worry though, we got the receipts. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #metaverse #cryptocurrency

UodDRckoIg4 | 09 Jan 2022
Arya has cheated. Earth 2 discord is devastated. Buying land in Cryptoland? Buying rival metaverse tokens? How will Shane recover? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

0f6LfMN5XfI | 09 Jan 2022
If this is the future of the genre, I want no real part of it and make no mistake this is the future of at least a large section of the space and we have been heading here for years already. Check the SK MMORPG documentary style video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #new #unrealengine5

RQ8plDhNoyQ | 05 Jan 2022
The history of the MMORPG genre is difficult to piece together as many of the websites housing information are lost to time, wikis are fragmented, source links are unavailable, vintage footage is lost forever or in 240p...Which might as well be the same thing. I tried to piece together the history of the genre for Korea in this video and present it in a way that contextualises the importance the genre has had in the region. We might not always agree with the monetization practices that are the norm, but after researching this video I am incredibly impressed by how they were right there with us every step of the way making classics that are still to this day populated just as with our own classics. The south korean love for MMORPG is apparent and as someone who loves this genre, I appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed the video. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #history #korean

cFT53bXTD0g | 03 Jan 2022
Official link for announcement: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #NFT#squareenix

MvbsQW4vo2Y | 02 Jan 2022
Caspian is back, season 2 of keeping up with the Caspians world premiere in 2022. Fantastic. This is not mmorpg advice, I am not an MMORPG advisor. All words spoken have no meaning, including the title and thumbnail. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

WW9z-Y-5AnI | 01 Jan 2022
The title, thumbnail and video content is not intended to be used as financial advice as I am not a financial advisor. All content is the opinion of the creator and only exists to make me laugh, make my audience laugh and of course make ad revenue. The unintended consequences is that many earth 2 users lie in bed at night thinking about me, this is their story. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

BrHhl46MamQ | 29 Dec 2021
This is a trip. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #vr #freeland #mmorpg

lKkmMjoMD1o | 28 Dec 2021
Bless Unleashed has seemingly been taken out back of the stable and we've just heard the gunshot. Social media for the development team disappeared overnight, community managers/staff are absent from discord completely, a surprise announcement of the game being sold to a custodian for dead MMORPGs without even warning their official console publishing partners? 4 months from launch to failure, I doubt the game sees any meaningful updates from here on out but hey, at least they proved they're consistent in their handling of games. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #blessunleashed #mmorpg

6ePizsjXoJU | 28 Dec 2021
Ashes of creation are making moves to be the most stunning visual MMORPG out there. The game already looked GOOD for an MMORPG but this is something truly impressive, Unreal Engine 5 tech wise looks to be a huge step in the direction of making our game worlds come to life more than ever before and Ashes is one of the first big projects in the genre to move over. Original Video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

gISPc7nYfzA | 27 Dec 2021
I'm really just lost at this point. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #staratlas #metaverse

celLtp73FpM | 24 Dec 2021
Earth 2 Christmas special! This time Arya makes the bold claim that you become more trustworthy and intelligent the more subscribers you have. Which doesn't seem to play too well in his favour if we use that logic on his channel, good thing it's a silly thing to say. He also thinks essence will be worth 9 dollars each, without knowing how many essence will even exist. But it isn't speculation, nor is it financial advice. Arya's video for some definitely not financial advice from a definitely not financial advisor: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

bNFlEIBY_7A | 23 Dec 2021
Archeage has to be one of the most disappointing MMORPGs. Every time it gets a fresh breath of life, someone creeps up behind it and hits it with a lead pipe. Usually the publisher but the developer can't escape with almost a decade of letting this happen either. Kakao took over, changed the monetization model and then just let people rampantly abuse alt accounts in a way that is worse than even Gamigo's incompetence. Then they started banning people, 10 THOUSAND ALTS later and they banned 75 main accounts. No rollback. Ridiculous. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kakao #archeage

ckMge_hVryw | 22 Dec 2021
Yes, that title is real. Legends of Aria development company Citadel Studios are in the process of finalizing a deal that would see the studio, game and technology owned by Blue Monster Games. Let's talk about it. Press release: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #playtoearn #metaverse

i-bRtQayRY8 | 22 Dec 2021
Arya Investments not financial advice, not financial advisor is actually no longer giving financial advice as someone who is in fact not a financial advisor. This is the craziest timeline in the Earth 2 cinematic universe. Video from Arya: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

jr59EZwcq-k | 20 Dec 2021
Amazon have copyright striked a channel for showing a bug in new world, a bug you can't even exploit for your own gain. This is either the worst incompetence we have seen yet from their support which is saying something if you follow what their support routinely does, or it's a precedent being set that should terrify you. Original video and channel: Asmongold's reaction: Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #copyright #mmorpg

xo4Gh2_8h-c | 20 Dec 2021
Peter Molyneux is a perpetual liar. He has sold people on his fantasies for over a decade, resulting in the disappointment of millions of people and money being exchanged for promises that never materialized. He has moved on to the place where this is not only accepted but just the everyday expectation, cryptocurrency. Gala games has picked up his game titled "Legacy" where users have already purchased over $53,000,000 worth of land in a game that will likely never exist in the way he describes as is his way. But hey, at least it's content and this will be a rollercoaster that is worth following from afar. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #legacycoin #2021

IXyOxbkYq4o | 18 Dec 2021
Crowfall won't be closing down and instead will be actively developed towards a better future. This is a net positive for the game and hopefully with new investment financially, emotionally and mentally this game can turn into what people wanted it to be. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crowfall #2021

RxaC9gvQzY0 | 17 Dec 2021
Tanner is caught scamming again, apparently $500,000 USD raised from working at E2 and "investments in crypto". They acquired Drone, or at least publicly announced it since Drone devs had already sold their community down the river months ago and just lied by omission about it. What a legit project. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

WTvbt1HYJac | 16 Dec 2021
ARC Raiders is a free-to-play, reimagined, cooperative action shooter that offers an intense struggle in every session: together with your squad, defend our home and resist the onslaught of ARC – a ruthless mechanized threat descending from space. Watch this fantastic video about CliffyB and lawbreakers - Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #arcraiders #nexon #gaming

uctErGpgvZQ | 15 Dec 2021
Fractured are partnered with Gamigo. Here are my thoughts. Their video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #fracturedonline #gamigo #MMORPG

7F910m9pfXw | 14 Dec 2021
Your interaction with thousands of other players determines the events and nature of your world. No two worlds are the same. The community works together and against each other to push the world forward in the War against Dragnorox and his minions. A Dynamic Warfare MMORPG Every single day there are events, quests, resources crafted and harvested, mobs to kill, items to build up, zones to unlock, bosses to fight all controlled by live Dungeon Masters on the backend of the game who are constantly evolving the world, elevating the story and personalizing your adventure. A True Dungeon Experience Actual real life "dungeon masters" are constantly controlling gameplay and elements within the world. Spawning hordes, special mobs, treasure, triggering traps, opening secret passages and increasing the dynamic nature of the adventure. No day or dungeon run is the same. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #warofdragnorox #new #MMORPG

36mOLb6cIro | 13 Dec 2021
I just had to do it. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

P03_YmOoJck | 12 Dec 2021
Blockchain gaming and speculation is alive and well in December 2021. Can't wait for what 2022 brings for us to look at. The Legend of Ohm, the next greatest gaming innovation coming soon. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blockchain #crypto #metaverse

veecSWFCsEk | 11 Dec 2021
Arya is back on the channel, a christmas present I know was on everyone's list. I wonder who was nice this year for us to get such a treat. Arya's channel, not financial advice, not a financial advisor: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

2tmhJSn-ugY | 10 Dec 2021
A new MMORPG is coming, not for a while though. I'm interested, but I have questions. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #depthsoferendorn #new #MMORPG

1P1vf8wc_2c | 09 Dec 2021
Myth of Empires released less than a month ago and as of December 4th been pulled from steam based on an allegation of using stolen source code from Ark: Survival Evolved, a game developed by a company owned by Snail Games who had an employee leave to found Angela Games and develop Myth of Empires in a very short period of time. People that purchased Myth of Empires can still play the game but the game will not be updated until this is resolved, we should see some kind of news on this situation within the next 8-12 days when Angela responds to the DMCA and Valve reinstate the game or Snail Games pushes their Lawsuit. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mythofempires #steam #survival

jAckd9pi84Y | 08 Dec 2021
I honestly can't even begin to make sense of the thought process on this one because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Usually it's pretty clear cut one way or the other but this is just a mess of contradictions. False DMCA strikes, lying about address, changing your identity repeatedly, false incorporation certificates....Then cancelling your successful kickstarter campaign? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #anime#kickstarter

BIPncjcYMbI | 07 Dec 2021
This is probably going to be a really unpopular opinion video but I'm just not seeing the reason for the outrage surrounding this concept as it is presented here. I understand the idea of monetization shifts and how we went from having cosmetics in games for achievements and playing said game but I don't understand how that is an issue with the use of NFTs in gaming since publishers mostly moved away from that model years ago. I understand people are unhappy with anything that may monetize them more, for less of a product...But how is this system which on surface level just gives you the ability to re-sell things you purchased once a worse system than what we already have RIGHT now? I guess I'm just not seeing the evil in this at least in how this specific implementation is presented as of yet. I understand people's inherent distain for NFTs, blockchain, play to earn and crypto in gaming but I'm not sold on the idea it is the boogeyman coming to ruin gaming when AAA publishers have already been giving that their best crack without any consumer benefits which this at least seems to have some of. Let me know how you feel, this will hopefully at least spark some conversation and not just the singular take I've seen across social media on gaming sites so far. Some videos I think might help with what is going on in crypto/nft gaming: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ubisoft #quartz #nft

fA_VaU0__qw | 06 Dec 2021
For the record I think the update they propose in the December update is actually mostly positive, so long as you don't actively play new world right now at end game. So it might be worth returning to pretty soon if you're someone who left before reaching end game or who got to level 60 and stopped playing due to not liking the systems. That being said, there's still just so much funny stuff surrounding new world. Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #intothevoid #mmorpg

_JQc2uHOz0U | 05 Dec 2021
Seems Crowfall is on the chopping block unless things change drastically. This will probably be vehemently denied by crowfall team and fans but time proves everyone right or wrong and I've seen enough evidence to legitimize this report as well as reading the room in terms of the recent headlines without even seeing this report indicated to me months ago that Crowfall was having severe financial issues. Looks like bad news for Crowfall fans on the horizon. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crowfall #2021

rR18_hcFmAs | 05 Dec 2021
Y'all got any more of those Developers? *Scratches Neck* Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

azO7wvdERtQ | 01 Dec 2021
Kickstarter depravity edition is out now, leave a like to reserve your copy of the 2nd edition. I apologize for nothing. No links for games because I don't want to be blamed for your addiction. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #indiegames #kickstarter #2021

LIG11tNyeQg | 30 Nov 2021
You can't make this up. The metaverse is crumbling and Shane Isaac has lost his mind. The shadowy man controls us all and key developers leaving are actually a good thing. No updates, new countries to buy but bought out by alt accounts...This is unreal. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

8ZeY515PW0A | 29 Nov 2021
Albion Online sandbox MMORPG - Play Free Now! - Use this link to show them it was worthwhile to sponsor my channel and this video. Albion Online is a fully player-driven Sandbox MMORPG. The complete PC experience is also available on iOS and Android with cross-play enabled. Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMORPG featuring a player-driven economy, classless combat system, and intense PvP battles. Explore a vast open world full of danger and opportunity. Grow your wealth, forge alliances, and leave your mark on the world of Albion. The massive Lands Awakened update is now live! This update brings a new era of open-world gameplay to Albion with reworked dungeons, mobs, and treasure sites, new open-world PvP objectives for groups of all sizes, hugely improved visuals and layouts for all five biomes, War Gloves, reworked Guild Seasons, numerous quality-of-life improvements, and much more. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #albiononline #sandbox #mmorpg

DxkuvXLJFJQ | 28 Nov 2021
Enadglobal7 are making big moves after their acquisition of Daybreak games in late 2020, continuing on with their currently successful franchises with huge updates to Lord of the Rings Online and DC Universe Online bringing them into the future with graphical updates and launching LOTRO on console, as well as multiple new single player RPG games and a brand new AAA developed Marvel MMORPG with the lead of City of Heroes heading up the project. Good times ahead hopefully! Source: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #marvel #mmorpg #game

eXK3KCsaMOU | 27 Nov 2021
As soon as you tell me a game is "inspired by rimworld", you have my full attention. This looks incredibly cool, hopefully we can get a press copy and give the game a try before the release of early access in Spring 2022 but if they do this right it's going to be a really exciting and infinitely replayable simulation/management/RTS/builder game which is something that always interests me. "A strategy simulation based on stories of the first men. Infinite possibilities await your very own Adam and Eve as they embark on a generation-spanning adventure. How will you shape their future?" Store page: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #thefirstmen #rimworld #steam

ifdeRVmbsvU | 26 Nov 2021
I like this topic but the more I think about it the more I come to the same conclusion. 99% of projects in the blockchain gaming space are built on lies from the very beginning and everyone who buys in are in on those lies. They help to perpetuate those lies for personal gain. Maybe they don't have the conscious thought that this is what they're doing but that is what is happening, no one could believe some non-game developers could make competent games that will live up to the level of money being thrown around and overtake other behemoths in the industry both endemic to blockchain or overall gaming as an industry. Most of them start out operating essentially like a scam and maybe turn legit if the money reaches an amount that could feasibly facilitate the vision sold. For every 1 Decentraland or Axie Infinity, there's hundreds of projects that start with nothing and won't ever return the money they raise even if the money raised isn't enough to get the project those people bought to the state they were sold. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blockchain #metaverse #crypto

OguqkgAUlt8 | 25 Nov 2021
Well this is fine, just waiting for the compensation for the compensation issue. We will give you a little gold back for house taxes, oh wait that's 300k gold too much... Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #intothevoid #mmorpg

aZLospxrvFg | 24 Nov 2021
The future is truly here and I have to say, it's awesome. I love myself some metaverse crypto NFT games, always a good laugh. Buying stars in real life wasn't enough, now you can buy an NFT of a star that an insurance salesman says will become a metaverse game solar system that generates you money. Well I found the asset packs, so they at least spent $100 or so on putting this game together which is fantastic. They're taking a page out of the Dreamworld game making guide where they use screenshots directly from the actual asset packs in their promotional content, making sure to crop the image so you can't see the creator's original logo. Fantastic work. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #metaverse #2021

x-RXZqaYB-g | 23 Nov 2021
Kickstarter is hit or miss, today was mostly hits. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #indiegames #kickstarter #2021

9KWipau_A0g | 22 Nov 2021
Earth 2 seems to be going from bad to worse, with content creators abandoning the game and community due to no updates to cover and toxicity from the zealots that occupy the "metaverse" of earth 2. It seems their key developer who was heralded as a reason the "game" could eventually succeed may have went for a Walk away from the project in November and the CEO, Shane Isaac has yet to deliver on his promise of a crazy Anniversary month with tons of updates and huge partnerships that he has been teasing now for months. Just another day in paradise. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

tT86WMS95I4 | 20 Nov 2021
Gamigo's financials have always been an interesting read, I did that so you don't have to. Quite a few interesting bits and pieces to pick up on here and it seems there's a new sandbox mmorpg launching sometime in the near future that has a significant investment from Gamigo, as well as Rift's first sizeable update since Gamigo took over from Trion Worlds. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gamigo #rift #mmorpg

BKtAA_EefcA | 19 Nov 2021
New World launched their first major update titled Into The Void and that's where the remaining population for the game will be going if this is what they think is an acceptable direction for their game. Stealth nerfing end game content to make it drastically worse despite players already having finished what was a brutal, repetitive grind which makes the prospect of catching up to them even worse for anyone who comes after, deleting people's items, downgrading other items, ignoring PTR feedback to launch a busted update...Just another day in New World. Check out Asmongold's full review, it's really good and talks about all the issues the game has in depth: Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #intothevoid #mmorpg

Z8eTrvcIgrg | 18 Nov 2021
Here is the announcement we were waiting for regarding Gamigo losing Archeage and Archeage Unchained to Kakao. The community is rightfully so quite upset, this would make for a better game in terms of the pay to win aspects...But at the same time it doesn't solve the core problems. Cryy's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #new #archeage #mmorpg

jdOZpSeYrK4 | 17 Nov 2021
New World has issues. Shocked pikachu face. Population is continuing to nose dive, dupes are being found on almost a daily basis now, it's bad news. Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

XbB4V-d2Eco | 16 Nov 2021
In my search for a legit, potentially interesting MMORPG in the crypto space I found DomiOnline, which apparently has developers from Runescape. This is what I discovered. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blockchain #domionline#mmorpg

vYfy7Y10NRQ | 15 Nov 2021
I figured I'd check out some new indie titles on steam. I am not disappointed. Ever wanted to become a mad scientist and splice together animals to create hundreds of hybrid monstrosities? How about charge people money to come see them, while giving them incredibly unhealthy food that you tweaked specifically to ruin their life for a backhanded payment from local dubious businessmen? Well, that's "let's build a zoo" and it's awesome. "It's time to Build a Zoo! Construct and decorate enclosures, buy and breed animals, hire zookeepers and vets... then try your hand at DNA splicing, and stitch together over 300,000 different types of animal. This can only go smoothly..." Steam page: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #letsbuildazoo #zoogame #steam

fNxgwS-mHC4 | 14 Nov 2021
Check Out Naraka Bladepoint on Steam at this link : Thanks to the devs for sponsoring this showcase video "NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is an up to 60-player PVP mythical action combat experience with martial arts inspired melee combat, gravity defying mobility, vast arsenals of melee & ranged weapons, legendary customizable heroes with epic abilities - inspired by the legends of the Far East." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #narakabladepoint #pvp #battleroyale

27Bl4cp7mS0 | 13 Nov 2021
Gaming is changing, according to the mainstream publishers who are starting to follow the massive influx of money surrounding the idea of blockchain in gaming. Jason Schreier gives his take on it in an article on Bloomberg which concisely discusses some of the inconsistencies and issues surrounding this influx of interest and how it is based on very little...For now. Jason's Article: And Tweet: Axie Infinity study: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blockchain #cryptocurrency #gaming

vLMai8bxyaU | 12 Nov 2021
Sometimes you go through kickstarter like the dwarves of Moria, digging too deep and you find the balrog. Other times you find waifus. Today I found Eldritch Horrors and Waifus which is a win in my books. Games listed below The standouts are here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #indiegames #kickstarter #2021

maQorcs9LUU | 11 Nov 2021
This is what I'm going to call one of the worst updates in youtube's history. In an effort to make the platform more safe, they are removing the dislike counter, to protect people from feeling harassed from targeted harassment. There are other avenues to prevent them even receiving targeted harassment that would have much less of a drawback. This feels like in the effort and name of safety of users, they have directly made more people unsafe in a multitude of ways and that doesn't begin to discuss the user time wasting aspect that comes from not knowing if a video has been received poorly or not. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #youtube #dislike #safety

PiLU5gbNC9o | 10 Nov 2021
New World, issues are being resolved, staff are communicating effectively and openly. Is it enough? Lots of incremental changes being talked about, some that are really great and others that are a little heavy handed. Video about why new world is broken including engine information: Links below for all the threads I used in here to go check out: Peon's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

MyECl4flg7o | 09 Nov 2021
The JPEG Millionaires are out in force, Shane Isaac the valiant leader still writing cryptic announcements to announcements that never happen on twitter and somehow this is great news. Honestly there's 10 videos worth of reactions for this if you go through the twitter replies, the earth 2 content creators and their discord. People cheering about being able to buy tiles in Israel despite the fact they were all complaining about no updates merely days before, apparently all it takes to make some of them happy is more JPEG squares to buy. Good times. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

y2OU2GQVj48 | 07 Nov 2021
A pretty common thing you'll see online, the mmorpg genre is dead. This is my take on it, why that statement is right in ways and wrong in others, why the genre may seem stale and continue to be so for the near future and where the genre is headed. Video background footage is mostly just random clips I threw together for something to look at and timestamps for games shown will be in a pinned comment once I get around to it. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dead #genre

6EZWhUYJeDw | 06 Nov 2021
One of the most frequent questions people send me is "how can I make an MMORPG as an indie Dev" to which I always reply, you probably can't and definitely shouldn't. This is the perfect example of someone who is dreaming too big and this is too common. I wish one day it was so easy to make games in this genre that everyone could do it with a shoestring and a prayer but even if you were to get funded, you're proving that you couldn't do anything with the money due to how badly you put together your first public pitch. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #mmorpg #kickstarter

3dDx2v0276w | 05 Nov 2021
According to EA/Ubisoft/Facebook/Epic games, the future is NFTs, the future is cryptocurrency, blockchain, the metaverse. The future sounds like buzzwords. Let's talk about it. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #cryptocurrency #metaverse

CEB5eKiO2lk | 04 Nov 2021
Kakao games takes over from Gamigo as publisher of Archeage, one of the most promising MMORPGs that was ruined by mismanagement in every area imaginable. From publishing to development, the wrong moves were made each time. Will it be any different this time? (likely not, but let's hope for now until we get more details at least) Massively article: Cryy's footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #new #archeage #mmorpg

QRVm_CCF_Ns | 03 Nov 2021
Yes, that thumbnail is fantastic. Welcome to the real world, welcome to Ertha. Move over earth 2, move over facebook...I mean Meta. Epic games? Miss me with that. We got heart-worming developers and hexes baby. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #cryptocurrency #metaverse

N8itH1vAcCM | 02 Nov 2021
New World is broken. It will remain broken and likely get even more broken the more they try to fix it, at least in the short term. The game is being held together by chewing gum and lolly pop sticks and it isn't the developer's fault. They were given a broken toolkit and told to create one of the most advanced video games to exist. Article about why amazon game studios can't make good games: Relevant links: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

dyeLK42l_KQ | 01 Nov 2021
I just don't get it, this is what is considered super hype gameplay reveals in the play to earn/crypto/nft gaming space. A pre-rendered trailer and it has people trading a token for $1000 each with a market cap in the hundreds of millions. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #cryptocurrency #illuvium

pRAIO16fNTE | 31 Oct 2021
Figured I'd go through the history of how we went from a beloved oldschool MMORPG to this absolute abomination of a game for $20 USD on steam early access and what happened in between. Mark Jacobs along with his game development studio have gone over budget and over schedule on their MMORPG successor to dark age of camelot now by multiple years, with no release date in sight for Camelot Unchained, while somehow convincing investors to drop millions of dollars to create what we now know as "final stand: ragnarok". One of the most uninspired and hilariously lack lustre games you will not have the experience to play, since there is no one to actually play it with. I hope eventually they will manage to release the MMORPG to reward the fans that have stuck around for this long but if this is what they think is acceptable to charge money for , I don't have a lot of confidence left. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #camelotunchained #kickstarter #mmorpg

M0xkw2PSNqg | 30 Oct 2021
It seems the NFT/cryptocurrency devs are not aware that Valve won't even speak about situations publicly, let alone grant your request. But they are trying to petition Valve to remove the recent rule, allowing Crypto/NFT games on the platform of steam...Yet they already do allow them, just with a tiny work around. Letter: PC gamer article: If you're unfamiliar with NFTs, check this video from WSJ which does a good job explaining it and was briefly used in this video: Check out the story on the website links below: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #cryptocurrency #steam

TcaF6YsdtBw | 28 Oct 2021
If you follow me on twitch, you would know I've been enjoying this game...A lot. I've played for over 65 hours since launch 7 days ago, I've played every single day and recommended people give the game a shot. The more I play the more I realize where the game fails in areas and how hard it could be as a new player to overcome the advantages people already have but even with that, I could look beyond it for now. However Kakao have decided in 7 days of launch to make the game objectively more unfair for players that don't wish to buy the power granting item in the cash shop known as Luminous. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #elyon #mmorpg

FF5rYcm3wdc | 27 Oct 2021
This is like the assembling of Voltron here, Arya goes over the biggest update Earth 2 has ever seen and it's just what you expect, more ways for whales to look at their whale wallets in a game that doesn't exist. He then summons the "huge" stars that are backing earth 2 , rich people that have on occasion been caught advertising some crazy shit. Good times, good times. Arya's video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

zfaV01MBwWs | 26 Oct 2021
Caspian is back, although we had to go find him this time. 7 months behind schedule and no longer posting public updates, lost his subreddit that he tried to censor by shutting it down, still hasn't managed to fix the fog of war. Down bad. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

jgrDYpmNECI | 25 Oct 2021
Madworld is a grimdark MMORPG built in HTML5 coming from Jandisoft, a south korean developer. You can test the game out yourself at the link below. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gameplay #madworld #mmorpg

MywVX_F49ic | 24 Oct 2021
We found ourselves on kickstarter and discovered some amazing indie games as usual. Space Chef in particular looks awesome. Links below for the games in the video if you want to check them out in more detail. "Wild Life": "Space Chef": "Ailuri": "Silent Santicado": "Helms of Fury": Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #indiegames #kickstarter #2021

JbQpxoy41vU | 23 Oct 2021
Lost Ark beta is here November 4th to November 11th. This is all you need to know about the test, who can play, how you can play, from where, what is new and more. Details here: Steam page: "Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat in this action-packed free-to-play RPG." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #2021

pE42RZOTaeg | 22 Oct 2021
Didn't take long but seems like even Earth 2's biggest defenders and investors are moving on to greener pastures. Earth 2 Arya Realty is no longer, he is reborn as Arya Realty Investments...Not financial advice, not a financial advisor. Arya's Video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

wWA0574_E0M | 21 Oct 2021
It feels like every few days a new exploit that has massive implications is brought to light. We've had mass reporting players resulting in bans, multiple lag exploits for winning wars, multiple invulnerability exploits to name a few and now comes transfers breaking character persistence for players and introducing a gold dupe. A dupe AGS knew about for multiple hours while leaving the service live and now we're supposed to trust that the damage is contained, they are capable of running it back for individuals only and this not impacting servers at all. Whether they can or not isn't something I can answer, what I can say is that after the game being out less than a month, my confidence in this development team is almost 0. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

OqWbrJAONeg | 20 Oct 2021
Should you play Elyon? Is it worth your time? What the hell even is an "Elyon"? All this and more. "Elyon is an open-world action-combat MMORPG set in the continent of Harth, where the two sovereign realms, Vulpin and Ontari, are at war for the control of a portal that leads to paradise." Check out the game on Steam: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #elyon #mmorpg

cUfEOHTz_DY | 19 Oct 2021
I don't even know what to say about this honestly, the title speaks for itself. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #nft #athene #clashofstreamers

1mDH87V19Tg | 18 Oct 2021
What should Amazon Game Studios focus on fixing first and how exactly did some of these massive issues make it to launch? Faction balance is incredibly tenuous on a large number of servers, end game is a mess, wars are being exploited, people are still being falsely banned, mid game slog is causing many people to quit before they even get to these issues. I love new world, I've got 162 hours in the last 2 weeks and I'll keep playing but these need addressing ASAP, especially the war exploits and lag causing the main selling point of the game to be entirely irrelevant. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

mXGJWY9Nj8o | 17 Oct 2021
Valve have made their decision, NFT and Cryptocurrency games have no place on the most popular digital distribution platform for PC gamers. It would seem they made no official decision until recently, allowing for these games to flourish using the platform and unfortunately despite the rule being added as of the 15th of October 2021, some games that employ these "mechanics" are still in full operation on the platform. The reason as to why they came to this conclusion is currently unknown, though there have been speculations made regarding the real-world value of items on the steam platform. If you're unfamiliar with NFTs, check this video from WSJ which does a good job explaining it and was briefly used in this video: Check out the story on the website links below: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #cryptocurrency #steam

vUoM6pnZhpU | 16 Oct 2021
The Day Before "Mega event" happened, we got new gameplay, a new game??? And a release date for the game. Thoughts? Steam link: Video link: Game Official Website: "The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. You wake up alone in a world you no longer remember, setting out to find answers and the resources to survive." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survival #thedaybefore

mV4ynyvUFyY | 15 Oct 2021
It seems I've upset the Earth 2 fake land millionaires. I'd say that is a success. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cryptocurrency #mmorpg #earth2

Hc3viTnTurE | 14 Oct 2021
We got new corepunk gameplay featuring some PvE co-op. "COREPUNK IS AN MMORPG WITH FOG-OF-WAR IN A SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD" Website: Original video footage from corepunk official: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #corepunk #2021

uJxr8oZhFTo | 13 Oct 2021
A lot of people ask "how much does a youtuber earn" and while this video isn't divulging my entire earnings from the platform, it is going to be talking about the money I get offered to do certain things and more specifically, the money I do not accept for partnerships or sponsorships despite them being incredibly lucrative. Probably a bit of a weird subject for a lot of people but something I know I was very interested in before I did it myself. As a viewer I'd often wonder about the behind the scenes of a youtube business and how much money was being thrown around for the sponsored segments or videos you see. With the introduction of "play to earn", this has only gotten higher. I just wanted to talk about this for whatever reason, mostly because I've had so many emails in the last week for things I'd never touch and it's an interesting topic I think. Especially since the twitch leak just happened and people have been talking about how much money content creators potentially earn. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #youtuber #contentcreator

fU2MYZIvh6o | 12 Oct 2021
Check out Book of Travels on Steam early access: "Ready your pack, grab your walking stick and step into a world of mystery and legend. Craft a unique character and immerse yourself in the enchanted lands of Braided Shore. Set your own goals and adventure alone or together with Travellers you meet on the road in this serene TMORPG. " Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #rpg #new #bookoftravels

1r1IfImdQYA | 11 Oct 2021
Earth 2 seems to be on the slide, lots of discontent among the community, we check in here with our favourite virtual real estate owner Arya Realty and he seems to think this is a GOOD thing for Earth 2, a chance to double down and buy more tiles. What about you? Arya's video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

VpqxHuLihp8 | 10 Oct 2021
New World is a game I'm really enjoying, it does a lot of things right and while there are definite problems, I look forward to logging on each day. This recent decision is going to make quite a few people quit and it was totally avoidable. They have to start doing better and as consumers, we are the ones that ultimately hold them accountable to do so. It's up to you to stand up for other people just as you would expect others to stand up for you when something like this happens. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

PGNwEU6AmBc | 09 Oct 2021
Bitcraft developers decided to post their thoughts on MMORPG and broader gaming monetization. Interesting read, figured I'd share it as well as my take on everything. The MMORPG cash shop and monetization has always been "BitCraft is a sandbox MMORPG which encourages many different play styles ranging from farming, hunting, and crafting to city-building and social strategy, rather than emphasizing combat alone. The game incorporates elements of sub-genres such as survival games, sandbox games, role-playing games, city builders, and strategy games." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #new #bitcraft

-VhlNUWImKk | 08 Oct 2021
These are the 5 things the staff believe need to be changed and what I think about those changes. Original Article from Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

ZKhvKINHA3A | 07 Oct 2021
And it happened...Again. Sorry to all effected, this is a small rug pull compared to some of the others we have seen over the last couple years and has some really odd circumstances. The community surrounding the "game" and the NFTs purchased are planning to make their own project off the back of this, so hopefully it works out for them in the end. Links for articles used in video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #evolvedapes #blockchain #gaming

MiRWE3x_gqM | 06 Oct 2021
What will be next? I don't even want to know. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blockchain #gaming

fFkgnLiI1Xc | 05 Oct 2021
Is this how corporate boomer marketing teams really see gamers and how they think they can pander to us? I mean just say the drink tastes good because it has that good sugar content in it, you don't have to pretend it has the magical anime power of friendship while playing raid shadow legends in an arena. Big time boomer moment. Original video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #cocacola#reaction #gaming

nPOt47d0two | 04 Oct 2021
New World is breaking records, hitting massive concurrent player peaks according to steam's API, receiving a ton of press both positive and critical. The question is, should you buy it? "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny on the supernatural island of Aeternum." Check out new world on Steam: Check out SorrowH: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #newworld #mmorpg

LsyN8-ZElqI | 02 Oct 2021
How to ruin your MMORPG before even releasing the game, a speed run tutorial. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #p2w #madworld #mmorpg

0rRQLcM7pAY | 01 Oct 2021
The future is here. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #blockchain #playtoearn #mmorpg

Bat2gd8BZk0 | 30 Sep 2021
I think this is satire guys, if it is...He absolutely nailed it. If it isn't, well, alright then. New world has had some pretty funny reviews so far going through steam, but I think this video was likely the best one. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review#newworld #mmorpg

OJtBzeGNic4 | 29 Sep 2021
This has gotten worse and worse year on year and honestly, I think "pay for convenience" is worse than pay to win, at least in the traditional pay to win model you can have a good time playing the game without having the game designed to be worse for you every step of the way unless you cough up some coins. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #p2w #cashshop #mmorpg

lNq_cJd_PxE | 27 Sep 2021
Dreamworld is back with an updated trailer. Dreamworld 2.0 I like to call it. The funniest part while editing that I didn't notice in the video is that the bottom right corner says "actual in game footage" as if they think you would look at this and think, no way that can be real it looks too good. I had a good chuckle about that not going to lie. As always, this is just for fun. Have fun. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dreamworld #scam #mmorpg

nXFRNklwMAE | 26 Sep 2021
I continued playing Bless Unleashed. Should you? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #blessunleashed #mmorpg

-npPyZ71nVI | 23 Sep 2021
The indie developer dream, a mystery benefactor appears and funds your entire project for multiple years, allowing you to expand your team and stop worrying about where your next paycheck comes from. That is what happened, right after the game closed down due to running out of funding. This is the story of how one man saved the MMORPG Titanreach, as well as $200,000 USD that the community contributed to the project which may never have seen the light of day without his generosity. Check out titanreach at the links below Trailers used in video from users: Luck_TR & Mana Footage also from user coffee4ever: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #news #titanreach

gEHYdACqWfM | 22 Sep 2021
Fractured's fall alpha is here, I have keys to giveaway. Nice. BUY FRACTURED HERE and directly support my content: Use code "RDPJ24" for 10% off Fractured is an upcoming MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Isometric, Sandbox, PvP, PvE, horizontal progression and making great progress. My referral code: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. Outro music: Ambient Gold - Harris Heller(Streambeats) ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #alpha #fractured

uGFANSTBw_4 | 21 Sep 2021
Download Ace Defender here : I spotted this article when it went up on reddit a month ago and figured I'd cover it at some point since I rarely talk about Star Citizen and it's such a huge project. I hope to be able to cover the game in depth at some point soon when I get around to it, I haven't played since early 2020 and my time in the game was brief. "Star Citizen is an in-development multiplayer space trading and combat simulation game developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games for Microsoft Windows. A spiritual successor to 2003's Freelancer, Star Citizen is being led by director Chris Roberts." Article in the video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #starcitizen #mmorpg #acedefender

ou9KOBx2kxs | 20 Sep 2021
Arya is back with another banger about how to make money online. Original video on Arya's Channel: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #metaverse

HKGUNxA9M8k | 19 Sep 2021
Sign up on the website, might as well, it's free. "BitCraft is a sandbox MMORPG which encourages many different play styles ranging from farming, hunting, and crafting to city-building and social strategy, rather than emphasizing combat alone. The game incorporates elements of sub-genres such as survival games, sandbox games, role-playing games, city builders, and strategy games." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #new #bitcraft

LPZHJjEJOYA | 18 Sep 2021
Kingdom Under Fire 2 is dead. Well it was already dead but now it is official I guess Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kingdomunderfire #gameforge

XHFPgf3k-94 | 17 Sep 2021
With "games" raising hundreds of millions of dollars selling dreams, we are entering into a really interesting and controversial time. With investors posing as gamers looking to become overnight millionaires and pushing their new "product" of choice into the limelight with rocket emojis and diamond hands. Not all of these projects are legit, not all of them are scams, not all of them need to be either. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crypto #metaverse

V5RGfCA_Ak8 | 15 Sep 2021
Arya Realty started out fresh faced and scared, he has not only grown his portfolio of pictures of the planet from a few thousand dollars to $800,000 earth dollarydoos but he also grew some facial hair and too big for his furniture. This is the origin story of one of the biggest investors in Earth 2's tiles. Original video on Arya's Channel: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

lWOjWgwDNBE | 14 Sep 2021
Playable Worlds are trying to deliver us a metaverse and they're doing it without selling you anything beforehand, at least not for now anyways. Being backed by investors privately since 2019 when the studio was founded, they say they actually have the technology working already and are working on a Sandbox MMORPG that will launch alongside this metaverse platform. Raph Koster is the man behind it all and he has the actual experience working in the industry and delivering on games of a large scale, that I believe were years ahead of their time like Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. Since there's no speculative investment here, let's wait and see what they can deliver. "When you visit different worlds, or even different parts of worlds, everything comes down on the fly to a thin client. We don’t need to patch to add new content. Every world can look completely different – one might be ours, one might be a 3rd party creator, or a branded world, or built by users. For that matter, it won’t eat your hard drive: assets go in a cache, and the cache throws away old stuff you don’t need. That client might be on any device: phone, console, PC. Because as far as we are concerned, a device is just a window into other worlds. What device you use should not matter." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #playableworlds #metaverse

f6_gnd-sGlI | 13 Sep 2021
If you're behind on the lore, check out these videos and playlists below. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

aU5V-miM0Bk | 12 Sep 2021
To be fair most MMORPGs at least the mainstream popular ones are pretty solo friendly, but not all of them feel like you're actually playing with other people despite them being there. This is a list for people who either A) Want to play completely solo and not have to interact with anyone and yet still feel like they're part of and sharing a living world with other players or B) Want to play an MMORPG that will nudge them into the direction of making friends and joining communities. A bit of both and hopefully something that helps some people that don't have anyone to play games with, which I know is a lot of people and it prevents some from getting involved in the MMORPG genre as they feel they can't play without a friend group. That is absolutely not the case in my experience , it's just that some games promote you to socialize more so than others. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #solo #2021 0:00 Intro 1:47 Final Fantasy XIV 4:57 Black Desert Online 8:41 Guild Wars 2 10:19 SWTOR 11:06 Classic WoW 13:30 Albion Online 15:50 Honourable Mentions/Outro

LEuldNdsl-Q | 10 Sep 2021
Elyon just made a pretty bold decision, removing the box price for the game and pushing the release date to not compete with New World. "Elyon is an open-world action-combat MMORPG set in the continent of Harth, where the two sovereign realms, Vulpin and Ontari, are at war for the control of a portal that leads to paradise." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #2021

62qV0SMfQ1I | 09 Sep 2021
Continuing my coverage of the "metaverse" that is apparently the latest trend in cryptocurrency and NFT speculative investment posing as the revolutionary future of video games, we have Star Atlas. I personally recommend no one puts money into this project and anything else that is yet to offer a playable experience showing sufficient evidence of competence and willingness to deliver on a future that is promised. "Immerse yourself in a metaverse of the future the size of an entire galaxy. Experience realistic Unreal 5 graphics as you explore, conquer and earn – its destiny is in your hands. Welcome to the final frontier. Welcome to Star Atlas. Star Atlas is a virtual gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video game, and decentralized financial technologies. " Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #staratlas #metaverse

wqM6zAGZ4dw | 08 Sep 2021
It seems like all you need to run away with a couple grand on kickstarter now days is 3 images from an asset pack you didn't even buy and 10 lines of text. I wanted to use this project to outline that literally anyone at this stage so long as they're not absolutely incompetent can basically get anywhere from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars without doing anything at all...And there is never any accountability at all. We've seen it happen with larger projects that did slightly more work and with UE5 coming out, with so many high quality assets, this is only going to continue. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #kickstarter

QwE4MjNqlsA | 07 Sep 2021
Crowfall has suffered from what some would call a poor launch, most people including backers didn't even know the game had launched officially, marketing has been non-existent and now new information has come to light that may impact the future of the game. "Crowfall is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game-real-time strategy game developed by ArtCraft, described as a "Throne War Simulator". It released on July 6, 2021. Its Kickstarter campaign ended March 26, 2015 with a total funding of $1,766,205, surpassing its original $800,000 goal by $966,205. Wikipedia " Check sorrowh's channel here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crowfall #2021

6mACAnRaJVw | 06 Sep 2021
Watch as we checkout the latest projects being funded on kickstarter. Some absolute gems as always. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #games #kickstarter #2021

ehAmQQ0VgjM | 05 Sep 2021
A revolutionary open world MMORPG with night-time PvP mechanics. Customize your character & enter the world of Sylvenus. Go on quests, find treasure, & party with friends. The sky is the limit. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #nightmare #2021

27x8NFG3yqU | 04 Sep 2021
MIR4 is apparently in their words the world's first NFT and coin of commercially successful online games. Wemade has been making MMORPGs now for over 2 decades, with legends of mir 2 and 3 which are games I played a ton when I was younger and helped get me into the genre...And this is what they're now doing instead of making new pc mmorpgs that build upon the games they made previously which were objectively better than this and run on the non-p2w subscription based model, an autoplay mobile game with NFT and cryptos. And this game is getting more and more popular each day, with potentially hundreds of thousands of people online chasing that "play to earn" dream. "Warriors, which path would you choose in the land of MIR? Venture into the unknown seeking the next adventure Perhaps live a peaceful life through hunting and gathering Or wage war against other warriors and clans to conquer over all. Follow your heart and choose your path. This is where your story begins... Mir4." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mir4 #2021

GfVqoLWfbgo | 03 Sep 2021
Lost Ark has been delayed until 2022, the real reason why is of course because Amazon Game Studios who is publshing the game in the west has their priorities twisted and we as consumers are suffering for it. They don't want the game to compete with New World which is their own developed mmorpg which has been stuck in a state of perpetual delays itself and now they're PR spinning that they need to squash bugs, in a game that has been released in Korea for multiple years as well as Japan and Russia. Legendary. "Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat in this action-packed free-to-play RPG. " Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #2021

rDAwdjgPWzQ | 02 Sep 2021
Shane Isaac gets caught in 4k as the kids say. Cashgrabbing all the loyal earth 2 zealots, making people real mad. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

nXGBVXgtCag | 01 Sep 2021
Get Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: This video was kindly sponsored by Owlcat Games. Embark on a journey to a realm overrun by demons in a new epic RPG from the creators of the critically acclaimed Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Explore the nature of good and evil, learn the true cost of power, and rise as a Mythic Hero capable of deeds beyond mortal expectations. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #rpg #pathfinder #2021

5BUA9tnItXU | 30 Aug 2021
And so another kickstarter/crowdfunded MMORPG enters the shadowrealm. They say "paused" but it's almost certainly the end for the project unless something drastically changes. $202,000 raised, game will remain playable for the foreseeable future but devs are all finding new jobs and the game will enter what they refer to as "hobbyist" development from here on out. Shame. Peon's video: Mana trailer submission: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #titanreach #2021

WSU-Zh8nMR4 | 29 Aug 2021
So earth 2 devs originally said they would sell a feature for one of the in game currencies and then yet again released said feature for actual real life currency instead. This is how many features in a row they've introduced that cost real money and not the "in game" currencies that would make sense. Seems like they're ramping up the monetization, I wonder why. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

W4dy2uS8nKs | 28 Aug 2021
This is a new project that is apparently fully funded for an early access launch, despite asking for crowdfunding for "additional features". The actual concept and what they've shown so far, if legit, looks interesting and something I'm definitely going to keep an eye on. However, there are of course concerns, as is usually the case whenever you combine crowdfunding and MMORPGs from new studios, that's not even including the addition of the illusive cryptocurrency play to earn model. Kickstarter link: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #untamedisles #kickstarter

xnNUBOcHDYc | 27 Aug 2021
"STAR GODS aims to be the largest game and simultaneously the highest quality performing game created in history. An extremely large play area that performs at an outstanding capacity, complete with the very best game engine physics available." I can't actually believe this is real. It's too perfect. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #kickstarter

B_fFDvI1tJI | 26 Aug 2021
DOWNLOAD DRAGON CHAMPIONS AND USE MY CODE KIRA2108 FOR FREE LOOT - (Android & iOS) I've always been a supporter of the model, I have been part of the process in investigating the failings, publicizing the misdeeds, funding the potential future of the industry, not just in the MMORPG space but across all of gaming. The majority of the success of my channel has been in covering crowdfunded games, both the good and the bad but unfortunately it's often times bad. In that time having seen so much incompetence, delusions and failings, you might ask why and how I'm still optimistic about the future of using the model in the MMORPG genre...Well here it is. A situation report on what has been, what is still coming and what might happen in the future. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crowdfunded #kickstarter

DNSw6sleUo8 | 26 Aug 2021
So this is Dokev, I watched the trailer again after reacting to it here and I still am not exactly sure what to make of this. I'm almost certain the experience they deliver will be above average as say what you want about black desert but it has some high points and they're a well funded studio. However I'm just not sure exactly what the gameplay loop looks like and how the change from MMO as the original announcement and removal of that will impact the gameplay as well as the monetization which always has to be talked about whenever a game is online and coming from South Korea...In fact just any online game even out the West now days to be fair. Original trailer here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #gamescom #dokev

cHWBY_6avFo | 24 Aug 2021
"Story : You will be playing the main character James, whose older brother owns a BnB. James was forced to take over the management of the BnB since his brother mysteriously disappeared. Besides searching for his brother through various clues, as a deputy manager, James also has to assist the beautiful tenants of the BnB, satisfy them and help them achieve their goals... Through the development of the plot in the game, you will gradually cultivate feelings and trust with female tenants, and gradually develop a deeper and intimate romantic relationship, but the crisis behind will also emerge gradually..." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #funny #steam #togetherbnb

dl1lU2xnZoA | 21 Aug 2021
Earth 2's stalwart defender, sword and shield equipped is here today to tell callum upton why he is wrong. And actually right about a few things too. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

C3XlIOIZoME | 19 Aug 2021
Now obviously I'm not saying no one is playing it where you live, of course some people are, thousands of them concurrently in fact. The game is objectively better than bless online as an experience. However, the playerbase that is making it look like a massive success, is not a playerbase that you will ever interact with or will make your experience better. In fact it's not doing great globally, just in one specific region. The numbers make it seem like the franchise has been turned around and has a great reception, but it doesn't appear to be the case upon further inspection. Sorrowh, go follow him : Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #blessunleashed #mmorpg

u-TtiHiMAtU | 18 Aug 2021
I just can't anymore. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

1lkjaodpi5g | 17 Aug 2021
Mortal Online 2 is releasing on October 26th in steam early access. There are...Things to discuss. Videos used, go support the channels: Mortal Online 2 is the long awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long running first person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world. Mortal Online is not like other MMOs. In Mortal Online any player can at any point attack another player and take everything they own. This makes every encounter with another player a dangerous affair that could result in great loss. It also greatly increase the importance of having strong allies by your side or a powerful guild to back you up. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mortalonline #sandbox

Ece9Qc8e7D4 | 16 Aug 2021
I can't believe my eyes. I just can't. Bless Unleashed is actually doing great. There's obviously a million and one problems with the game, but it seems those problems aren't enough to dissuade a few hundred thousand players so far 10 days post launch, it is still growing in popularity. Madness. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #review #blessunleashed #mmorpg

Z1m--3BYOFc | 15 Aug 2021
Cryptocurrency in gaming is already here, whether we like it or not. I don't think it's going to be the worst thing in the world...But I wish they started to show us actual good products before selling millions, hundreds of millions or in some case billions of dollars of promises without having anything tangible to show for it. The games so far that I've seen using crypto have been pretty underwhelming to put it politely, games that I'd see on kickstarter and say, why would anyone even fund this, it looks worse than everything we already have. The only difference being these "games" are POTENTIALLY going to be built on top of a speculative currency and feature a real world economy a lot of the time, which isn't something NEW to gaming. I see the potential for some interesting projects and I don't dismiss the idea of this being good for the future, but for now they're just all so underwhelming. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mirandus #cryptocurrency #mmorpg

CnYY9HhWRUI | 14 Aug 2021
Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days 💥 This is the story about Dreamworld, from beginning of the project until today. There is still no resolution or end in sight but the story is an interesting one. Let me know if this is something you enjoyed since it took a seriously long time to make and research. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dreamworld #scam #mmorpg

I_eezRgj7Xc | 13 Aug 2021
Wasn't sure what to do for my 100k subs video, so I talked to the camera for 36 minutes about nothing. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------

CuMOJznWaqY | 12 Aug 2021
Become a crew member of an interdimensional express! Discover a new mysterious world inhabited by amazing creatures, dangers and surprises. Upgrade your train, gather new materials and build better weapons! Available in single player, or in online multiplayer with up to 4 people. Available now on Epic Game Store : And Steam in 2022: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #earlyaccess #survival #voidtrain

qxy05l8L2nU | 11 Aug 2021
Galaxies of Eden is being referred to as Star Wars Galaxies 2 by some eager fans, a spiritual successor to SWG by others and the developers are attempting to temper expectations with "it's actually quite a bit different than some of the older MMOs mentioned here", although the design brief makes it sound incredibly similar just without the Star Wars IP/aesthetic. Looks like something worth keeping one eye on until we get to experience the game in Alpha sometime in 2022. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #galaxesofeden #starwarsgalaxies

_rbjSMV69Ss | 10 Aug 2021
Astellia Online decided in 2019 they wanted to try and compete with Bless Online for who could make the worst cash grab MMORPG and spit on their playerbase the most. I think personally for me Astellia won at this competition, they managed to not shut down for about 7 months longer than bless which is probably 1.5x the bless online record, but at the same time they also sold their game to a cryptocurrency company to steal their own playerbase with a F2P version and left the game at sub 100 players each month for a good chunk of the uptime to just pad their record. Bless launched multiple times for short bursts of absolute speed, Astellia launched half as much buy stayed around being shit for longer. Tough choice, it could go either way, let me know who won. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #astellia #blessunleashed

h-l4c43QJRU | 09 Aug 2021
Dragon and Home is a sandbox MMORPG where players can choose freely how they desire to play. Whether you want to play as a courageous adventurer, or you want to experience the tranquil rural lifestyles, growing plants, and feeding animals with your friends in the Homeland, you can find it all. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dragonandhome #indie

8QkCUbtPT1s | 08 Aug 2021
Going over more information regarding the Activision-Blizzard lawsuit, including new stories and context about the company culture and other employees involved in the allegations. "Managers set the tone by hiring mostly men, stoking their egos and dating women in the company, current and former employees said." Fantastic article by Jason Schreier, I highly suggest you check it out at the original link : And his twitter: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blizzard #worldofwarcraft

2xcqeHxo1EI | 07 Aug 2021
Kira's Kickstarter Adventures continues, this time we got waifus, we got open world RPGs and we got...Waifus. Projects in video with links: Near-Mage: Apocalyptic Dream: Iragon - An Erotic RPG Game: Spindle: Stormrite: The Garden Path: Monomyth: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newgames #kickstarter #indiegames

w4-wcp4ZE4U | 06 Aug 2021
150 employees laid off by "big data and AI". Most people probably don't know who Xsolla are or what they do. But they process payments for quite a lot of the games you've likely played or still play today. They've recently been involved in some controversy that hasn't reached the western game press yet apparently, so here's the scoop. Two lawsuits, alleged threats against CEOs of partnered businesses. This is of course the business being sued by backers from chronicles of elyria as well as taking a company called "bitbox" to court over breach of contract. Links to articles: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #xsolla #2021

R5_K3nKthEw | 05 Aug 2021
The reaction to this delay has been honestly pretty funny on social media, but I figured we would focus on the delay and not people going wild on twitter screeching about not being able to pay for and play a worse product instead of waiting for one that actually works well and is ready for consumption. "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny for yourself as an adventurer shipwrecked on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Endless opportunities to fight, forage, and forge await you among the island's wilderness and ruins. Channel supernatural forces or wield deadly weapons in a classless, real-time combat system, and fight alone, with a small team, or in massed armies for PvE and PvP battles—the choices are all yours." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

Z8ymr3bJGfM | 04 Aug 2021
Corepunk just got delayed again, I for one am obviously disappointed as this is one of the games from a lesser known developer that has a real shot at delivering a DIFFERENT experience in the MMORPG genre. At this stage I'm mostly interested in games that don't just serve up more of the same and Corepunk looks, for better or worse, different enough from the other games available. Unfortunately their time management or their estimation of their abilities are found to be lacking, with this making another lengthy delay, though you can't rush a product like this and we just have to hope that the end product is worth the wait. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #corepunk #2021

FvQRXK0HarM | 03 Aug 2021
Can't miss an upload from the man, the myth, the legend himself. He is one of the leading virtual real estate owners in the world and also drives a Tesla. Original Video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

cZYSrO8OSZk | 02 Aug 2021
Zero information about your studio, zero information about you or your competence, zero information about how you plan to budget or raise money for your MMORPG beyond the $140,000 you plan to raise from the public and self advertising in discord servers without permission, welcome to trying to raise money on Kickstarter. "Rotheld Online is a new MMORPG where we are putting RPG back into the genre. This is a high fantasy MMORPG with a focus on three major aspects: Story, Exploration and Choice. We’ve all wanted a world that lives and reacts, where our decisions matter, where the world changes because of what choices we've made. Rotheld Online is that game." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #rotheldonline

yV4moUDD_QU | 01 Aug 2021
This is a video going over the article by Steven Messner on PCGAMER.COM ( Talking about the many major controversies and scandals Activision-Blizzard have been embroiled in over just the last 3 years. It seems to get gradually worse and who knows when or even if this will end. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blizzard #worldofwarcraft

drvTVEcV8no | 31 Jul 2021
Ashes of Creation Developer livestream happened on 7/30/2021, this is the recap video you never knew you needed. Talk about moving into the new studio, new hires, alpha feedback, combat updates and much more. Official stream VOD link: Head over to Ashespost for the transcript: Use my referral code on Ashesofcreation to make an account: Original video link: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 Intro 0:20 Quick Updates 0:48 Studio Move/Update 1:19 Design Team Update / Feedback 1:40 Combat Changes 2:10 Networking Improvements 2:37 Combat Change Specifics 3:08 Alpha 1/Alpha 2 Details 3:45 Q&A Start 3:50 Material Loss when Mayor Cancels projects? 4:05 Skill trigger combos/Binds 4:13 Kill low hp players using mobs/corruption Gain? 5:19 Sprinting Infinite or limited? 5:27 Changes to fishing/gathering nodes? 6:20 Worshing "the others" at divine nodes? 6:44 Consumable arrows for ranged weapons? 6:58 Level requirement to make your first boat? 7:07 Transferring materials to alts via freehold storage? 7:16 When do you get % power back from a pet? 7:26 Plans to keep old gear relevant/useful? 8:18 outro

VW-tm3lr3tA | 30 Jul 2021
Bless Unleashed has confirmed the release date for the PC version, August 6th, in this video I discuss the founder's packs, the game's monetization, my experience with the game and more. Important to note, the game is FREE TO PLAY on the launch. This is discussing the founder's packs you'll be able to buy mostly. "Explore the massive and lively world with your allies and friends. Or embark on an epic adventure alone and push your limits. From the weapons you wield to the skills you unlock, you have full control of your character's development and actions. Every choice you make in the world of Bless will shape your story. So forge your destiny and make your adventure go down in history." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #2021

rBfIxp-zohM | 29 Jul 2021
Holobuildings are here. So is the Bazaar. Impressed yet? I know I am. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

O7oYABZ6x60 | 28 Jul 2021
Elyon's cash shop was revealed, now the pre order packs have been revealed. It's the final piece of the puzzle for knowing whether or not the game is worthwhile to buy and play. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #2021

1Ed6vUVkJOU | 27 Jul 2021
"Story : You will be playing the main character James, whose older brother owns a BnB. James was forced to take over the management of the BnB since his brother mysteriously disappeared. Besides searching for his brother through various clues, as a deputy manager, James also has to assist the beautiful tenants of the BnB, satisfy them and help them achieve their goals... Through the development of the plot in the game, you will gradually cultivate feelings and trust with female tenants, and gradually develop a deeper and intimate romantic relationship, but the crisis behind will also emerge gradually..." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #funny #steam #togetherbnb

mOnpvMT3ttM | 26 Jul 2021
Seems like the kickstarter to court case of backers versus Soulbound Studios(Chronicles of Elyria/Kingdoms of Elyria developers) and Xsolla has finally seen some movement. Links below for documents and videos/playlists for full context of the story so far. You can read the summary yourself here: If you're behind on the lore, check out these videos and playlists below. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

o_chesp_uTE | 25 Jul 2021
Apparently there's just hundreds of metaverses and thousands of people, usually the same exact people just putting copious amounts of money into them. And yet again, this one doesn't have any proof of work, no game, literally nothing except a system to buy and sell tiles of virtual land and a promise that "one day it'll be x and y". Starting to see a trend yet? Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #earthium #metaverse #2021

dqYSmU1xMZw | 24 Jul 2021
Elyon cash shop reveal, I'm not happy about most the thinks discussed here but they've reduced the KR shop somewhat which is a bonus I guess. Besides that it's what you come to expect from these games honestly. Official post: Twitch stream: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #2021

uAdRe_XTvaw | 23 Jul 2021
New world closed beta is here. It's good. I like it. The issues with the game are likely to be more prevalent once you reach end game, which I haven't yet which is why this is a first impressions. I highly recommend you check it out while it's in beta to see if it's something you'll enjoy. It's a breath of fresh air honestly, but we'll see how long the feeling lasts. "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny for yourself as an adventurer shipwrecked on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Endless opportunities to fight, forage, and forge await you among the island's wilderness and ruins. Channel supernatural forces or wield deadly weapons in a classless, real-time combat system, and fight alone, with a small team, or in massed armies for PvE and PvP battles—the choices are all yours." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

SHgSOZauUx4 | 22 Jul 2021
"A two-year investigation by the state agency found that the company discriminated against female employees in terms and conditions of employment, including compensation, assignment, promotion, and termination. Company leadership consistently failed to take steps to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, the agency said." I can't even begin to explain how disgusting this is. Links below. Official document: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #lawsuit #blizzard #2021

4mK3Bko9dqU | 21 Jul 2021
It seems the metaverse is just getting too big. This one has been around for ages, not many people use it and it seems to be nothing more than a pretty poor mobile app and yet is still more content heavy than our favourite Earth 2, without making any of the crazy promises they have made too. Every time I see a new one of these it just reminds me that all of these projects have firm believers that THEIR METAVERSE will be the one to conquer all...And then you look at what they actually have and it's like nah bro. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #upland#metaverse #2021

nQC8yme7Fdk | 20 Jul 2021
I'm not proud of what I did last night...But I figured I'd share it with you all in case you also want the shame of having this game in your steam library with too many hours /played. This video will most likely be demonetized due to the content and unlikely to get shared in the algorithm, so if you see this you're a lucky one. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #succubus #steam#2021

PzQoH_dc59s | 19 Jul 2021
New World opens the floodgates on July 20th 2021 for beta testers, basically anyone who pre orders the game. This test runs until August 2nd. Full launch coming August 31st. This video is just to touch on some of the major changes between last time you likely saw/played New World back in the summer preview event and how the game has changed until now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

DSvnW_KmWZ8 | 18 Jul 2021
Earth 2 just provides all the entertainment you could ever want. I love these guys, they're hilarious. Please keep making more videos. Earth 2 is the gift that just keeps on giving and I personally cannot wait to see the progress of this "game". Also Randy has proven himself to be giga chad. Original video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

TxkXuCiSd64 | 18 Jul 2021
Kira's Kickstarter Adventures continues. This time we have some real gems, listed below are all the games in the video. Crowsworn: Paths & Danger: Detained: Too Good For School: Ezdraz: The Outbound Ghost: Marko: Beyond Brave: Ace x Game Studios: Astro Colony: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newgames #kickstarter #indiegames

tYWE5bRwNig | 17 Jul 2021
Anime Tube appeared on Kickstarter July 6th 2021, they raised over $100k USD in only 2 days before Kickstarter came in with that big suspension. The project was described by most industry professionals as a scam due to how the project was presented. An anime platform with no subscription, running solely on ads, officially licensing some of the largest Anime products available despite never having contacted any of the companies responsible for these products and no listen private backing. Kickstarter decided this was too risky and thus suspended the campaign on the 9th of July. The CEO of Anime tube released a statement decrying the accusations and stating that they will still work to deliver anime tube as promised. Link to Vice Motherboard Article: Original Kickstarter link: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #anime #kickstarter

cgd3bE7UVxc | 16 Jul 2021
Just when you thought it couldn't get funnier. It always does. Welcome to Chronicles of closing even more social media and talking about trading on the blockchain. Link to original article on official site: If you're behind on the lore, check out these videos and playlists below. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

Hkkiy2CDcnY | 15 Jul 2021
Final Fantasy XIV versus World of Warcraft. Blizzard might still be in the lead temporarily and we'll likely not know numbers wise for a long time who is actually winning the battle, but the writing is on the wall in terms of long term direction. Final Fantasy XIV has done nothing but grow, they've gone from strength to strength over the last 6 years or so, it's hard to find negative press about the game at all and the community absolutely adore the game and developers. On the flip side, it's hard to find positive press about world of warcraft. Tons of large content creators have swapped over to FFXIV either in the short or long term that remains to be seen, most people have already tried wow and left meanwhile a lot of people are experiencing FFXIV for the first time. I've never before seen moral about WoW being as low as it has been recently via social media and the monthly active users reflect that from the financial report for Q1 2021. This is just my take on what's going on. Asmongold's FFXIV Videos I showed: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #finalfantasyxiv #worldofwarcraft

Ij-4idoCllY | 13 Jul 2021
At this point Steve is just a great source of entertainment for me and content for the channel. Earth is obviously never going to amount to anything based on pretty much any indicator or logic a regular person could use, but for whatever reason(money) Arya(Steve) thinks it's going to become ready player one or the matrix. Which is a hilarious concept since as of right now all you can do is buy images of a copy of earth and speculate on their value with other people that want to make money. Truly a revolutionary concept, I can't wait to see how this one plays out. Original Video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

dl30ITsq0-k | 12 Jul 2021
This is my extremely early first impressions of what Ashes of Creation is so far. Actually pleasantly surprised by what they have so far, I think the future is bright with one caveat, that the combat system gets dealt with REALLY REALLY SOON. We are still looking at probably 2 years minimum before the game is ready for a real launch, but it's hard to tell without having a clear roadmap from the developers which hopefully they will provide at some stage. The actual core elements of the game are solid, the game world, the graphics, the networking, the optimization...Content is the easy part, the hard part seems to be coming along great. If you haven't made an ashes account yet, use this link and you'll be directly supporting my content. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

MrrKUxyRuto | 11 Jul 2021
The title is obviously satire/sarcasm guys. This was just a fun video about a really low effort kickstarter that popped up the other day, figured it would be a laugh to talk about and then decided to go a little in depth on the idea of what Kickstarter is really for. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #zombiesurvival #2021

CHnJV5g649Y | 10 Jul 2021
"Welcome to your first-person galaxy! Conquer the galaxy alone, with or against your friends! How you conquer it is up to you, will you obliterate your enemies? Will you rise through diplomacy? Crime? By seizing the Market? The Galaxy is yours for the to explore and take." This is a look at the game "Earth From Another Sun" developed by company "Multiverse". Some troubling signs but an actual game, despite being incredibly early. Not a scam per say, but a project I'd be weary of backing unless you're into games that are a million miles from ready. Gamerkiwitv's video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earthfromanothersun #2021

OJA5PFiwtxI | 09 Jul 2021
Elyon has just made the game even more infuriating than it already was. I'm absolutely sick of this terrible trend of removing social elements that have been key to the MMORPG genre under the guise of combating players selling currency, when the developers removing said feature are just selling currency themselves. It's absolutely pathetic and needs to stop. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #2021

LXLDLzdj-gk | 07 Jul 2021
Chronicles of Elyria, or should we just refer to it as Kingdoms of Elyria now? Just dropped their alpha client for backers, only the goodest of boys can play for now, the people with the highest amount of Caspian Good Boy Points influences who can enter. But beyond that, the requirements to download and install the game are of course as I warned you weeks ago, to sign a ridiculous legally binding document that strips you of any right to legal recourse and literally states you acknowledge they are under no obligation to give you any game should you accept. This is truly the darkest of timelines, I can't wait to see how the reddit and discord cultists defend this one. If you're behind on the lore, check out these videos and playlists below. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

-UxjvrqPclc | 06 Jul 2021
If you're looking for a new MMORPG to play in July 2021, this is the video for you. There's 2 brand new ones launching as early as, well right now, as well as two of the most anticipated MMOs on the horizon entering testing phases. Use my referral code on Ashesofcreation to make an account: Check this video for all the mmorpgs to expect in 2021: Check out sorrowh channel for some non-commentary gameplay footage of some of these games: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #newworld #mmorpg

eGSnDXrjxaU | 05 Jul 2021
The actual idea behind this "game" is pretty good to be honest, something I'd be 100% interested in looking at. But after 3+ years of operation according to the linkedin profiles of the CEO/Creative directors/founding partners, they haven't got a single screenshot to show of the product they've been working on. They've also raised over $80,000 from their community thus far and gotten over 60 thousand signups from community members. I'm not saying this is a scam, but it is a massive risk with zero proof of work. They might be the most efficient and best developers ever with the best intentions you can imagine, but they've shown not a single indication that the product is realistic, viable or having had any significant work done to it as of yet despite raising money from the public for a long while now. Asking for minimum $200 for pledge packages and talking about monetization that seems incredibly Pay to Win on top of that, just one to avoid for now. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #crowdfunding #mmorpg

lbIsHXLhbs4 | 04 Jul 2021
Welcome back to Kira's Kickstarter adventures, episode 7. Cloudscape: Go Heroes: Prometheus: Grunnd: Spell Blaster: Crown: Sweet Dreams Alex: Tesla Inventorium: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #newgames #kickstarter #indiegames

kUT-JrB27DQ | 03 Jul 2021
Well don't we all look stupid? I mean Earth 2 has added gems into their "game", so that makes it legit now right? Phase 2 truly was the amazing reveal we all hoped it would be. Also we checked out the real randy chavez in today's video. He isn't quite as funny as Arya Realty and he said much less egregious crazy shit, judging from his comment section he also doesn't seem like a bad guy to be honest. But he still drank the coolaid. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

fyQNDugYMyE | 01 Jul 2021
The Chronicles of Elyria, or better the Kingdoms of Elyria alpha is finally here...So long as you have paid $350, willing to sign a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement and likely waive your right to restitution should the lawsuit prove to bear fruit. I know the excitement will be palpable but try not to lose your minds guys, it's finally here. 8 million dollars well spent lads, pat yourself on the back. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Official post: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

L8csQ26HvbU | 30 Jun 2021
Magic Legends was an attempt at an MMORPG originally, then an ARPG and a failure at both of them. Cryptic Studios, Perfect World Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast all working together to deliver one of the worst AAA game experiences I've seen in years. October 31st is the closure date, they are giving full refunds though so good on them for that. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #magiclegends #arpg#2021

Yictyd57RJg | 29 Jun 2021
Broken Ranks is a unique new MMORPG releasing into open beta on July 2nd, free to play and on PC with mobile client coming at a later date. Official website: "Broken Ranks is a journey through a spectrum of emotions evoked by our elaborate and mature narrative. Take part in decisive moments that will forever change the shape of the world. Get to know personal stories of many extraordinary characters inhabiting the lands of Broken Ranks. Become a Taernian who was forced to leave their homeland due to the invasion by Utorian hordes. Learn more about your character’s history and shape their future by altering the fate of the Taernian fight for freedom." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #brokenranks #mmorpg #2021

pH5Yt-UfzyQ | 28 Jun 2021
Ashes of creation development livestream happened June 26th 2021, this is as concise of a recap as possible while still keeping all the Q&A in there for those of you who don't have 1 hour 40 minutes to watch the original. Original video: Check out ashes post here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 Intro 0:14 Studio Update 1:29 Design Update 3:15 Q&A Start 3:17 Mementos for temporary mounts? 3:45 How do Augments work? 3:57 Who gets bounty hunter rewards? 4:25 Preview before buy for auction house items? 4:42 Can we stream the music without DMCA? 4:55 How do Monster resistances work? 5:13 Can you use siege scrolls on higher tier nodes? 5:38 How will you balance sieges? 6:38 How does corruption work in the game world? 7:17 How does non-corrupt player respawns work? 7:30 Choose 1 thing to be as good as possible for alpha 1, what is it? 8:12 Career job fair updates? 8:20 How many guilds can be in an alliance? 8:35 Will there be flying mount specific content? 8:53 How many alliances can A build be in? 8:57 Duel wielding exp/skill gain? 9:04 Niche stats such as armor pen? 9:37 Weapons/shield with cosmetic skins on them in freeholds? 10:09 Ground targeting templates? 10:18 Areas that give corruption to players? 10:22 Any mechanics from other games you wish you could include? 10:34 Stat requirements to wear gear? 10:54 Any plans for unique 1 person only titles? 11:33 Will monster coins allow you to do cross server events?

e7q_t4eQVVw | 27 Jun 2021
Caspian has returned to the Chronicles of Elyria discord servers, to his loyal subjects. He is bestowing his wisdom and favor on only the most stalwart defenders in their secret discords. Talks of censoring reddit, future game funding and his newly hired PR team. Watch this for a full run down: Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

SMUnDbeSX44 | 26 Jun 2021 Click the link above to go check out the game and support me + the developers who kindly sponsored this video. "A Glimpse of Luna is a tactical battle card game influenced by games such as chess and Heroes of Might and Magic 3. You are the commander and cards are your forces." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #glimpseofluna #cardgame #2021

kl4rPESgCQk | 24 Jun 2021
New World is entering beta on July 20th and officially launching on August 31st, this is I think the final patch before the July beta...Lots of changes, all really positive, including changes to the siege lottery system, more incentives to run dungeons for gear and exp, leveling speed alterations, crafting/gathering focused buffs and more. Patch notes link: "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny on the supernatural island of Aeternum." Original video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

FkXfq0x0FJI | 23 Jun 2021
Just a fun quick upload since I didn't have any content for today and Arya is always content worthy. Check out your boy Earth 2 Arya Realty here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

AvUIixjdbrE | 22 Jun 2021
Smalland is a big adventure on a tiny scale! Enjoy multiplayer survival in a vast, hazardous world. Preparation is key when you're this small, surrounded by massive creatures & at the bottom of the food chain. Craft weapons & armour, build encampments & explore a strange new land. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #smalland #survival #gaming

L9QpqdNw5AI | 21 Jun 2021
This is the story about Oath, a project appearing on Kickstarter in April of 2019. Raising over 110 thousand dollars and showing only a handful of concept art images, gifs and a few minutes of trailer gameplay before causing an independent studio they hired to close down, threatening lawsuits and false DMCA take down requests on content creators and going radio silent for well over a year. Other kickstarter to court videos: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #mmorpg #gaming

7cI69VjDA-k | 19 Jun 2021
Figured it was time to talk about what to expect going forward. Things are going to get better in some ways, much worse in others. Better tools in the hands of smaller studios means better games but at the same time means more competent and great looking scams. Cryptocurrency is also about to start infiltrating gaming. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #mmorpg #gaming

4vYKai_sGjc | 18 Jun 2021
I know some other people have seen this already but I somehow managed to completely ignore this until my friend pointed it out. I have no idea how this is still ongoing but it's blatantly obvious what they're doing and that is of course straight scamming people. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #crowd1 #planetix

Fr_g50IaJUk | 17 Jun 2021
I love this guy's videos, no joke they are such good entertainment. I wish everyone in the Earth 2 community was as funny as Arya. Check his channel below for more comedy and thanks to Arya for providing us with a good time, after all that's what we're here for. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

v7c6VbTcYIg | 16 Jun 2021
People are very rightly upset about not being included in this launch of Lost Ark, it has been years of waiting and when they thought the light was at the end of the tunnel it has seemingly been closed for most the world's population. Lost Ark will only be playable in the previously published regions of Korea, Russia and Japan as well as the new regions of North America and SOME of Europe. This is the reasons why and what Amazon are saying in response to the massive outpouring of requests to play the game as well as the outrage of not being included in the first place. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #2021

x7P-nIojT8w | 14 Jun 2021
The moment we have all been waiting for. Chronicles of Elyria is here. Also here is a chronicles of elyria playlist with all my videos from start to now. Enjoy! Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

bz3bShn007E | 13 Jun 2021
This premiered at the summer game fest 2021, a retrospective on the changes new world has seen since the preview event of 2020 to now, what to expect going forward, a brief showcase of some of the biggest content additions and an interview with Scot Lane the Game Director. "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny on the supernatural island of Aeternum." Original video: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

9hgPxks2W_U | 12 Jun 2021
Very recently a tweet got traction claiming that final fantasy xiv has more active users than world of warcraft. I'm not even saying this is factually untrue, I'm just saying that it is presented as a fact without a single actual real fact or number presented. This is examining the "data" provided for the headline and article that has been circulating and showing just how worthless the numbers used for evidence are. Original tweet: Asmongold's take on the situation: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #finalfantasyxiv #worldofwarcraft

hIShTsY9QOc | 11 Jun 2021
Everything you need to know before getting hyped for Lost Ark, the South Korean MMORPG currently sitting at the top of the PC Bang player charts. Developed by Smilegate and released in North America/Europe by publisher Amazon, coming Fall 2021 (October 21st?) Go sign up for alpha at : "Lost Ark is a massively multiplayer online action role-playing game developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate's game development subsidiary Smilegate RPG. It has been fully released in the Korean region on December 4, 2018. Wikipedia" Class footage from Vergelxx: Some footage from SorrowH: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #2021

1fMW8TFoVEA | 10 Jun 2021
So this is just a short update on how the Earth 2 community and developers are responding to the recent criticisms. Privacy claims, defamatory claims, legal threats, response videos, we got it all. Jor Gaming video on the replication of showcase: Dreamworld rabbit hole: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earth2 #2021

huMHOwg5bmk | 08 Jun 2021
Palworld is a brand-new, multiplayer, open-world survival crafting game where you can befriend and collect mysterious creatures called "Pal" in a vast world! Make your Pals fight, build, farm, and work in factories. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #palworld #craftopia #2021

3tq5ZO_SGaU | 07 Jun 2021
New World patch notes, two in one. May and June notes condensed down to a single concise(ish) video. Links for full notes below. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021 0:00 Intro 0:34 New/Changed Content 2:49 Exp/progression Changes 4:09 Loot/gear Changes 6:49 UI/UX Changes 8:12 Combat Changes 9:48 Overview/My thoughts

B5pJhZtTfiE | 05 Jun 2021
If you haven't watched my previous CoE content, you might be lost here. This is an UPDATE and so you'll need the context to understand what's going on, video link down below. He's back. With another delay, without the time to let the backers know of course. Start your chronicles of eylria journey down the rabbit hole here: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

hCE1dU6FkRA | 03 Jun 2021
A 50 man studio called Singularity 6 have just announced their new MMO entering pre alpha sometime soon, signups at the website ( This is a community focused game that plays something like a mix between stardew valley and animal crossing with a splash of some other titles such as breath of the wild, the sims and minecraft? A pretty ambitious claim but a studio that are already funded for millions from investments and with something already close to playable? I'm excited for this upcoming social focused MMO. Massively & MMORPG articles: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #palia #mmorpg #2021

cn0HGlYIrEE | 02 Jun 2021
Requiem Rise of the Reaver. 0/10, don't play it. But I did and here is the result. This is a resurrection of my "dead worlds" series that I started way back in early 2019 and forgot to continue, hopefully you'll enjoy this and I'll continue making them. Ideally we'll find some weird and wonderful games that maybe do things a little different. This one was pretty different in that it made me appreciate just how good the new mmos are, even if I don't like them that much. It controls like an 18 wheeler in a school zone. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dead#mmorpg #2021

sbtSi0vcam4 | 01 Jun 2021
There's more and more scams every day, maybe these are projects that have every intention to deliver a working project. Maybe they tell a few lies here and there to accomplish their intended goal. Maybe they start out honest and start to dig themselves deep in lies as the deadlines begin to be missed and the money starts to dry up. Maybe they were always bad intentioned. We can never really know unless they pull the rug out at some point, as the mechanics involved in a long term project scam and a long term project failure are almost identical, just with added dishonesty. Or at least that's how it is to me. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #scam #mmorpg #2021

jQFfGdAQqyQ | 29 May 2021
Ashes of Creation just held their monthly development update which comes with it a great video showcasing the siege gameplay featuring about 100 players in a 50v50 play test. There's also some big, bad news. They've lost their Lead Designer Jeff Bard who will be going to lead a VR project for the same company that made Walking Dead Saints And Sinners. Ashespost website: Official stream post: official siege footage: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

YEgTW5JLgik | 28 May 2021
Earth2 just came on my radar and oh boy am I glad it did. This puts Dreamworld to shame, literally makes it look like an actual legit product which is not a sentence I never thought I'd say. This is probably going to be the first video of many introducing us to the product of Earth 2, this is like the little tip tickle, just teasing us all. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg#scam #2021

C-UiG72688k | 27 May 2021
Gedonia is now 66% off on the steam sale, go check it out it's literally a couple dollars: Gedonia is a "classic" open world RPG and it truly is classic. Become a necromancer, a druid, arcane magician, archer, crafter, home owner and make choices that actually impact the game's playthrough almost every step of the way. Gedonia is a capable experience for a small box price, though it is in early access and has some quirks to work out such as frame drops, AI issues and a few quest bugs(Nothing that wasn't fixed in a few seconds re loading so far). Check it out at the link below, thanks to Oleg for sponsoring this video: Check out LazyPeon's coverage from his first impressions too : Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #rpg #gedonia #2021

6SabefBGpic | 26 May 2021
I've been waiting on starbase now since the announcement back in 2019 and it seems the waiting has paid off since we're a few weeks off being able to give them my money and explore the life of being a robot in space. "Set in a universe of vast scale and detail, the fully-destructible environment and hybrid voxel/vertex-based game mechanics enable simulations in Starbase at immense depth, giving players the ultimate freedom to exploit their innovativeness and creativity. From constructing spaceships that can endure the hazards of space, such as collision and corrosive damages, to creating massive automated factories and designing electricity and data networks, the players are free to do it their own way. " Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #starbase #2021

Nw7sYHddu98 | 25 May 2021
Well here we go, New World dropped their info about the store. "Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you'll forge a new destiny on the supernatural island of Aeternum. " Link: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

ZpBS63pIN8Y | 24 May 2021
The Blizzard as we know it is pretty much gone, what's left is seemingly diminishing at an alarming rate. Not to say they can't or don't make games people can and will still enjoy...But it seems like things aren't going well behind the scenes and we just have to hope the fresh blood replacing the people who built what we loved can do it some semblance of justice. Original Article by Kat Bailey on IGN: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ign #worldofwarcraft #blizzard

NEhnQFWJQRk | 23 May 2021
When they said "Every game genre" and that you could build literally anything in the game, I didn't honestly take them that serious...But it seems we were all mistaken about the project. How did none of us ever see the true end game of the Dreamworld Kickstarter scam? It was right under our noses the whole time. The Dreamworld is truly every game you can imagine in a single world. Check out the other Dream World to be included in these meta jokes: "This game is about tense deals, triple-crosses and becoming the leader of Dreamworld. Use your street smarts to take over the world and work with or dominate other players in Dreamworld." Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #steam #dreamworld #scam

0RQ7NdpW1R0 | 22 May 2021
The game is finally playable and it's worse than anyone ever expected. What more can I say at this point? I hope you'll stick around to get to the meat of this video because honestly even when scripting this out I didn't even realise how obvious some of these things were until I put the images together...Particularly about the Core Aegis funding, this just proves these guys are throwing money at things from friends/family to give themselves legitimacy. Previous videos, go from bottom to top for chronological order Aislinn's Video (for Asmongold) Check out Callum's channel here: Skiazos channel(guy who was super into game and realised it's a scam): Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dreamworld #scam

IxA8E0Ouv0o | 20 May 2021
So I did some digging and this looks too good to be true honestly. I'm not saying it's a scam, I'm not saying it can't exist or look/play this way...But they seem to have come an incredibly long way in a short amount of time while not really meeting their own deadlines or showing anything of substance so far. It doesn't help that the lead designer involved has very few gaming credits and what he does have is a fairly obscure title with very little positive press or fanfare and the team seems to not update any of their social media outside of fluff posts which show varying stages of progress over the last 4 years. "Game genre: MMORPG | Survival | FPS Setting: Post-apocalyptic Stage: In development Upcoming release: Q4 2021 / Q1 2022 Platform: PC Developer: GFA Games In Pioner, you act as an operative and find yourself in a world that has survived a disaster - a Soviet island isolated from the mainland by a large-scale man-made anomaly. You are faced with two global tasks - to find and rescue your colleagues, and also to gather information about the source of the disaster - the mysterious Burial Ground, a deadly foreign structure in the center of the island. Pioner is an MMO game where the emphasis is on surviving your character and exploring the world around you. Rusting Soviet factories. Machines growing into the ground. Abandoned settlements inhabited by trash and monsters - a world crumbling before your eyes, " Original Trailer: BigfryTV's original video and website link: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #stalker #mmo

6fdZmP9-VJw | 19 May 2021
Swords of Legends Online(Solo) is an upcoming MMORPG from China, releasing in the west under Gameforge in Summer of 2021. I got to play it during the alpha this last weekend and here are my first impressions. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #swordsoflegendsonline #mmo

_tLOM0inSmA | 17 May 2021
Ashes of creation delayed their alpha again and Steven Sharif, the creative director decided to do the unthinkable...I can't believe he did this. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

HpjJJja5t8Y | 16 May 2021
Phantasy Star Online 2(PSO) New Genesis is releasing in June on Xbox and PC....I played for about 8 hours during this weekend and these are my thoughts. Online action RPG Phantasy Star Online 2, well known for its unparalleled character customisation and battle action which captivated the world. We are announcing the latest entry to the “Phantasy Star Online 2” universe called “Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis (PSO2: NGS)” coming in 2021. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #pso2 #newgenesis

KRoYayTU-L4 | 15 May 2021
So New World responded and I think honestly it makes things even worse. I'll leave a link to their tweet below. "Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this open world MMO fraught with danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive?" Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld#2021

BG0EavOhhg0 | 14 May 2021
This is what the future of tabletop could look like and honestly it's super impressive. I hope they can deliver because I'd love to try this out in a Dungeons & Dragons campaign with the boys. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #dungeons&dragons #tabletop #2021

L5879kOeT_w | 13 May 2021
I'm disappointed but at the end of the day...What did any of us really expect? In before people tell me I'm "crying" and why do I care. "Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this open world MMO fraught with danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive?" Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld#2021

JDC-R5PBaDI | 12 May 2021
Elyon is an upcoming action MMORPG, plays like a cross between an open world korean mmorpg and a western themepark...I played the closed beta for the 4 or 5 days it was available and the game is alright. It has a ton of problems I'd love to see resolved and I can't see the game having long term success in the west if these aren't resolved but the game will be enjoyable for a short term play on release depending on a few factors. It'll still likely be enjoyable for a lot of people that enjoy eastern games and can look past the factors discussed but for me, there's a lot of sticking points that make it hard to look past at this stage. Looking forward to CBT2 and release to see if anything changes or if these issues aren't long term. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #2021

2E2m_5Nmn6Y | 11 May 2021
So New World is an MMORPG a lot of us are waiting for. It's still under NDA, but they allowed me and a bunch of other creators/mainstream game press to get in for about an hour to try out one of their dungeons(expeditions) and show the footage to you guys plus share our experiences. This is my thoughts on what I got to play so far. Thanks to AGS and New World team for allowing me to be part of this process, it was actually really interesting. "Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this open world MMO fraught with danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive?" Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld#2021

6iVQZ9E0Dxo | 10 May 2021
Is Lost Ark releasing in 2021 for North America and Europe? This is a question that people have been asking with increasing frequency recently, the prevailing sentiment being "no, because...". I'll be exploring why I don't think this is the case and presenting why it will release in 2021, as well as what Smilegate's own official response is to the current scenario. Link with Smilegate Quote: Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #2021

QNlagq4BlP4 | 08 May 2021
This is every MMORPG releasing still in 2021, at least to my knowledge. There's likely a few more maybes I could have thrown in here and some really unheard of games but I think this is the most comprehensive list out there for now. Let me know which ones you're excited for. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #2021 Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:43 PSO2 New Genesis 2:10 Swords of Legends Online(solo) 3:37 New World 5:17 Elyon 6:40 Lost Ark 8:23 Mortal Online 2 10:25 Corepunk 11:43 Bless Unleashed 13:01 Crowfall 14:20 Outro/Honorable Mentions

MSHNy_5e5vc | 07 May 2021
Awaken as a vampire. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength and evade the scorching sun to survive. Raise your castle and thrive in an ever-changing open world full of mystery. Gain allies online and conquer the land of the living. Check out V Rising on Steam: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #vrising #survivalgame #2021

jtSo6nvFunA | 06 May 2021
Polity is an online virtual world, where people can rule their own country or become citizens of other players' countries. This world offers you the opportunity to shape your own utopia with real players. Establish your country and set your own rules, or find a profession you are fond of as a citizen. Both choices will lead you to different paths. Alongside being a citizen, basic professions (such as farmer, miner, fisher, etc.) are designed to create a purpose-based atmosphere; in this way, players can internalize the profession and fulfil their dreams that are not actualized in reality. These professions consist of various quests and popular casual games, which are aimed to be educational and entertaining at the same time. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #polity #mmorpg #2021

IiKvd4qKXeU | 05 May 2021
Elyon is launching in to closed beta on May 6th, for the first test for 4 days and then shortly after they'll do another larger scale test before launching officially. I watched some videos and read some webpages to put together the information you should know before you dismiss or get excited about the prospect of this new MMORPG launching. Check out Kanon: Check out Sorrow: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #elyon #mmorpg #2021

_w3fZMkE69s | 03 May 2021
Dreamworld is the rotten onion of kickstarter. Claiming millions of dollars of investment raised by nepotism, lying about every single feature and asset, mass bans and censorship of anyone speaking out, using personal sob stories to generate sympathy, targeting children and using them as moderators...This one has it all. Sit back and relax, we going in deep. "The Last Game You'll Ever Play" Check out this channel for the cut of Zach : Check out the channels of the people mentioned in the video: Josh Strife Hayes: Callum Upton: Smilin Aislinn: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dreamworld #2021

lKT8BrvNdkg | 02 May 2021
Black Desert Online recently made the swap in the west from Kakao games handling our version to Pearl Abyss, the actual developers of the game. Apparently when doing so they decided they were going to just randomly ban users for no reason, not reply to them for almost a month despite public posts making it to the front page of the (large) subreddit for the game and when they finally do actually get around to the ticket, offer absolutely zero meaningful explanation, apology or restitution. Original reddit thread: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #2021 #blackdesertonline

NqqWjzXzoYo | 01 May 2021
Go to or use code kira to get a 2-year plan with a huge discount plus 1 additional month for free. Last chance to get a 2 year plan with a 70% discount + 1 month for free. Thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring this video. Ashes of Creation Alpha One with the removal of the NDA is finally here. They're selling the $500 alpha one packs starting May 5th, with details to come on May 4th. The testing proper will begin on May 14th until May 21st for this first test. This stream goes over a lot of good info to be honest, so give it a watch and let me know what you think. Use my referral code on Ashesofcreation to make an account: Original video link: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 intro 1:50 NDA lifting and dates of package sales 3:05 Moving into new studio 3:15 Siege details 4:50 What's in alpha one content wise? 5:37 Buoyancy system 5:50 QNA start 5:51 How far is announcement for node advancement? 6:10 Mercenary NPCS, how do they work? 7:45 Do drivers of caravans lose 100% of goods? 9:00 how does naval combat work? 10:20 Crowd control against mounts? 11:30 Can you summon mounts during combat? 12:07 Can someone use their cosmetics on my freehold? 12:50 Can guild leaders use their cosmetics on guild/personal freeholds? 13:15 Can a corrupted drag items out of his inventory onto the floor? 14:17 What is your philosophy on account wide or character specific progress? 15:12 Conclusion/outro

NLE2QCL32rg | 30 Apr 2021
Jeromy 'Caspian' Walsh is back with Chronicles, or Kingdoms of Elyria. Kind of both this week. He's answering actual questions here that you might want to know the answers to, such as...Why are you making a different game? Why won't you open your social media to public interaction? And more. Thrilling stuff there Jeromy. Original news post: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

bZLwspKr9ag | 29 Apr 2021
It's at least once a week seemingly we get a new "sandbox kickstarter mmorpg" pop up and I'm usually ready with the mallet like whack a mole. There's a million issues just on a surface glance with this one, yet again. If they're legit and they can get funding via more traditional methods I wish them the best of luck. But this is one of the least transparent kickstarters I've ever seen and if you're willing to rush your first impressions with an entire community out the gate, you're likely not someone that is capable of delivering this amazing experience that you claim you can. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #projectsteel

CG3UacGhJJ0 | 28 Apr 2021
So a man in Shanghai went into the Mihoyo headquarters to allegedly murder the two founders of the studio and then commit suicide because he was upset about bunny girls being added to the game. Yes, you just read that sentence correctly. Original article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #honkaiimpact#mihoyo #genshinimpact

FrFivzflBoo | 27 Apr 2021
Black Desert Online since swapping to Pearl Abyss the original developers seem to not be handling the customer service role very well, with some users being banned permanently over payment disputes that they have provided proof was nothing to do with them. What a way to lose 6 years of playing a game and thousands of dollars. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #2021 #blackdesertonline

VGEPl02bI6E | 26 Apr 2021
Figured I'd make this video since it's a topic that is always prevalent. People are always talking about it and there's way more to the topic than you can really touch upon in a text based format. I even had more to add in here but 15 minutes should do it for now. I love korean and eastern MMORPGs but the problems they have are so ingrained in the culture that there's no chances it changes. So unless you already love the design of these games and can ignore or accept the issues, you'll likely never be able to. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #2021 #upcoming

Skfdn7foQOM | 25 Apr 2021
Just finishing off the month on kickstarter with the latest and most popular current titles up for funding. Some of these look real nice. Blu: Unsung Warriors: Lost Eidolon: Unbeatable: Oddfauna: Secret of the Terrabeast: Friday night Funkin: Bulletville: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #upcominggames #earlyaccess #kickstarter

TY3BAMVHmjg | 24 Apr 2021
Yeah so the more I read this story the more confused I am. Hopefully this isn't real but either way it was an interesting read. If someone made the majority of this story up, they really need help. Part of it reads like a pure amateur fan fiction and other parts of it have months and months of people claiming it's real. I don't know what to believe but either way it's mental and likely has shreds of truth and a lot of lies or misrepresentations. Original link was taken down, which is sketch. This is the archive of the post: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #albiononline #2021

8yOph1B58NY | 23 Apr 2021
Rise Online World is an upcoming MMORPG, releasing in 2021 and currently entering alpha 2 on April 23rd 2021. Rise Online World is the spiritual successor to an incredibly popular(especially in Turkey) MMORPG and a game I put a lot of hours into as a kid. Looking forward to trying this one out as it hits that good nostalgia. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #riseonlineworld #2021

oQZo8KPxVn8 | 22 Apr 2021
PSO2 New Genesis is releasing in June 2021, globally. Beta signups are now live using the Xbox Insider app on the microsoft store. Go sign up, this looks amazing. Phantasy Star Online 2 is a free-to-play online action role-playing game in the Phantasy Star series developed and published by Sega. Wikipedia GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #newgenesis#pso2 #2021

m5Bp7bgX00Y | 21 Apr 2021
New World is Amazon's last mmorpg in development after the lord of the rings cancellation, besides the John Smedley project that hasn't even been given a title publicly yet and this is a game that has been through a pretty rough development. But it's actually starting to look really promising, I sincerely hope they've managed to get these changes into the game with the tuning/balance required because if they have, I can see the build diversity being a ton of fun. This patch brings with it new open world pvp incentives , new gear, perk changes, stat breakpoint perks, new dungeons, new crafting mechanics, new armor set visuals and a bunch more. It's starting to look like we have a game on our hands. Official links to patch notes and vision blog: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

LpWIb9xK0X4 | 20 Apr 2021
At this point what else is going to come up? Using children as your official, unpaid discord mods. Banning any user who asks a question, refusing to speak to anyone who has spoken out against your project, multiple kickstarter projects with zero products ever delivered, lying about experience and jobs worked, lying about sob stories of losing jobs and a fiance leaving you...These guys are honestly the worst. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dreamworld #2021

DsjZ4VlZHXI | 19 Apr 2021
Check out Demon Skin at the steam link below with 10% discount until April 20th: Brutal Hack&Slash game with a challenging combat system in the same vein as Dark Souls plunges you into the harsh dark fantasy world to test your will and your skills. Only those who dare to get into the Demon Skin can survive! GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #demonskin #soulslike #2021

50PCnpOQhCw | 18 Apr 2021
Amazon Game Studios takes another loss on this one, question being will they ever win? They have unfortunately been unable to secure contract negotiations with Tencent following their acquisition of Leyou holdings, the company they previously worked in partnership with for an upcoming Lord of the Rings MMO coming to console and PC. After 2 years of development wasted, it's just another project in a long list of failures piling up at the feet of amazon game studios. This time though, is it really their fault or just unfortunate circumstances that will further sully the reputation of the failure to launch endeavour? Video on Jason's article from early 2021: Jason Schreier's original article and tweet: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #lordoftherings #mmorpg #2021

GWvqoIvdBr4 | 16 Apr 2021
Elyon Ascent Infinite Realm is an upcoming RvR focused MMORPG developed by Bluehole AkA Krafton, published in North America and Europe by Kakao games. The Closed Beta is coming real soon and after that? The Western launch. Link to AMA for the rest of the questions if you're interested: Signup link for Elyon beta starting soon: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #elyon #mmorpg #2021

CLJfsScyJk0 | 15 Apr 2021
Ashes of Creation development is ramping up big time, with new hires and new deadlines. This creative letter penned by the main man himself, Steven Shariff, gives us updates on the studio, development and the future. Clarifies reasons for the recent Alpha One delay, talks about opening pack sales in May, siege mechanics testing coming soon with large player number battles and much more. Original link: Use my referral code on Ashesofcreation to make an account: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 intro 0:27 NDA, Delays, June Alpha One 2:48 Studio Update- Moving to new studio June 15th 3:22 New Employees, target employee numbers 4:25 Development Update: Why did they delay? Is it fixed? 5:53 Unreal Engine upgrade 6:07 Stress test with thousands of npcs/players 6:42 Sieges coming to Alpha one? Large scale battle testing 8:05 Alpha One pack sales 10:28 Thank you to community 11:10 Outro

N4nmYV4yLDU | 14 Apr 2021
Corepunk is one of the few upcoming mmorpgs that are doing something different and not asking us for money up front for that, which is sadly very rare. A large studio, taking their time and releasing us a finished product, without a buggy paid alpha and 5 years to wait. They're set to open closed beta sometime soon for 10 thousand players(hopefully) and they're still talking about launch being in 2021. Fingers crossed because I'm looking forward to this one. COREPUNK IS AN MMORPG WITH FOG-OF-WAR IN A SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD Thanks to the top-down camera and fog-of-war, you'll want to discover every nook and cranny. Corepunk offers a variety of professions, battlegrounds, challenging monsters in unique camps, guilds, farms, quests, and a profound lore. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #corepunk #mmorpg #2021 0:00 Intro/What is corepunk 2:27 How many CBT players and how many tests? 2:43 Is there dueling? 2:55 Achievements with unique rewards? 3:10 New trailer/gameplay soon? 3:15 How big are parties and is there special parties like in Lineage2? 3:33 Can we inspect other players? 3:37 Are the avatars shown end game avatars? 3:41 Will there be a roadmap of plans? 3:48 Do mounts have special abilities or mechanics/uses? 4:00 Can we change/move the map? 4:16 Are there going to be markers/pings (like in wow for mechanics in raids/dungeons)? 4:25 Can snipers interact with barrels/vases etc? 4:35 Can I move my pet around with commands without making it attack? 5:05 Will taunts work on players in pvp or is it just a debuff? 5:36 Diminishing returns in pvp? 5:45 Raids are inspired by classic wow, but how are they inspired by classic wow? 6:12 Do dungeons have entry limits? 6:35 Will there be more risky zones(for losing items in fights)? 6:45 Will there be rare mount drops to farm from dungeons/raids? 7:48 Something about unity 8:01 Can you expand guild halls with a small guild of 3-10 players? 8:18 Any anti-zerging mechanics?(5v1 pvp as example) 9:40 Can you kill players who are trying to lower their Karma anywhere? 9:54 Is there a limit to Karma or can you be criminal for a long time? 10:02 Any Anti-grief mechanics for people running into your spells and dying to give you karma? 11:10 Are territory wars instanced or open world? 13:34 Will guild masters get special things to make them stand out? 14:32 Will guilds have special cosmetics? 14:43 How does guild v guild war declaration work? 15:05 How does the actual war work when in the open world? 15:25 Any special perks to being in guild, stat boosts etc?

QDMdDuuO6bw | 13 Apr 2021
Elyon is finally here. Beta signups for western launch are live through to April 25th, with the first short closed beta test going live on May 6th to May 10th. They'll do roughly 2 tests, one for stressing the servers with many people following this first one and then full launch shouldn't be too long after. Elyon Ascent Infinite Realm is an upcoming RvR focused MMORPG developed by Bluehole AkA Krafton, published in North America and Europe by Kakao games. The Closed Beta is coming real soon and after that? The Western launch. Signup link: Supported Countries: Discord link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #elyon #mmorpg #2021

4Hwqq_eqkaQ | 12 Apr 2021
Early Access as a model is one I honestly really like, I think we get overall positive benefits from it. There's hundreds of fantastic titles we would never have seen made without this model to support small studios as they continue to make the game...Unfortunately with that also comes a lot of absolutely morally bankrupt, incompetent or delusional people out to get paid at your expense. This seems to be one of those titles. Steam page: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earlyacess #populationzero

MaJq2t5kqos | 11 Apr 2021
Chronicles of Elyria is a topic that I've covered probably 16 times at this stage over the last 2 years. It's really the gift that keeps on giving, unless you're one of the people who spent thousands of dollars on it since you likely will never see a return on that investment. The developer is currently being taken to court, a class action lawsuit in the making and Soulbound Studios has stepped up the theatre. To me this is blatant smoke and mirrors to try and make it seem as if they're still working on delivering the game just for legal purposes. I could be wrong but either way, this is my coverage of the most recent news posted on their website. It's long, it's dry....And I'm going in. Original article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

d9njnc9u_6w | 10 Apr 2021
The Day Before definitely looks fantastic. I honestly really hope this game is real because I love survival, I love zombies, I love shooting/looting games and I love MMOs. This is a real big game for me conceptually...But the competence of the company and public perception is already becoming an issue before they've even released the game and these "gameplay" trailers make me worried in their presentation. The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. You wake up alone in a world you no longer remember, setting out to find answers and the resources to survive. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #zombie #survival #thedaybefore

zlRh2SldVMA | 09 Apr 2021
This is actually sad and confusing. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dreamworld #2021

PX8dj15a2Do | 08 Apr 2021
Myth of Empires is heading into Alpha April 15th, you can sign up at the link below. We'll finally get to see what this sandbox/survival pvp game has to offer. Myth of Empires is a multiplayer sandbox game. Featuring a high degree of freedom, players will fight to survive and earn their place in a world torn by war. Build fortresses, lead armies in massive battles, siege enemy cities, and establish your own empire! GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #mythofempires

nezDcJ9Qwu4 | 07 Apr 2021
Swords of Legends Online is set to launch from Gameforge in the west in the summer of 2021, with Alpha/Beta tests to be announced over the next few weeks. Looks like something I'll check out Swords of Legends Online Discord Server: Swords of Legends Online Discord Website: SorrowH on youtube: "Swords of Legends Online is an action MMORPG set in a breathtaking fantasy world with sophisticated combat mechanics and a unique storyline based on Chinese mythology. Explore the world with 6 different classes, engage in epic PvP encounters, take on challenging dungeons and reach the fascinating endgame." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #swordsoflegendsonline #mmo

QO5B7F7e7NM | 06 Apr 2021
The Slormancer is a game crafted with love, it makes sense, it's fun to play in all the places it needs to be fun, it's cheap as chips and the soundtrack is a certified banger. But it is content light at the moment. I had the pleasure to play the game early and this is my conclusion. "The Slormancer is an epic 2D Action-RPG Dungeon Crawling game following a band of outcasts on their fight against hordes of enemies led by The Slormancer! Play as a "Mighty" Knight, a "Fierce" Huntress or a "Mischievous" Mage, master hundreds of abilities and ancestral powers, gear up, fight for the reputation of your kind and prove your value to the realm. Featuring loads of shiny Loot, tons of collectibles, countless hours of content, a frenetic gameplay and carefully crafted pixel art." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #arpg #earlyaccess#theslormancer

mvgwlgwKj8I | 05 Apr 2021
Breakwater looks great, Astral Ascent looks great(Also has a demo on steam btw), Immortal:Gates of Pyre is interesting but I'll wait and see. Tyrant's blessing is cool but not something I'd back. Vokabulantis looks really interesting visually. Necromancer's gift is eh. Cute bite, vampire waifus? Breakwater: Astral Ascent: Immortal: Gates of Pyre: Cute bite: Necromancer's Gift: Tyrant's Blessing: Vokabulantis: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #upcominggames #earlyaccess#kickstarter

mKLQEFSnAY8 | 04 Apr 2021
You know when you think it just can't get any worse? Well this was that story for me. This is some actual reprehensible, manipulative and predatory behaviour on another level...And then you find out I'm talking about mobile gaming practices and you know it must be bad if it's worse than the usual ongoing situation in that absolute festering pile of (I want to be monetised still, fill in the blanks) Gameplay from lineageM on the mmoculture channel(Great website for eastern MMO news Bizkorea article: BBC Article: Reddit thread: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lineagem #2021

DHNSnaysemU | 03 Apr 2021
Mortal Online 2 being one of the most unique upcoming MMORPGs is something I'd definitely recommend checking out. This was my experience so far, a few concerns and just talking about the game generally. Original video of the large pvp: "Mortal Online 2 is the long awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long running first person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mortalonline #2021

HJIDOmOYMtc | 02 Apr 2021
Just a little indie game showcase, actually looks fairly realistic and the ideas are pretty good. Let's wait and see how it turns out. "With The Blocky Ages we aim to create an MMORPG inspired by the old-school MMORPG games that we played a lot in the late 90s. The Blocky Ages will be a high risk-reward driven game, where the player has a lot to lose, but also, much to win." Check the game on steam: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #indiegame #theblockyages

qB8ZAqZnRqM | 01 Apr 2021
This is the story about Chronicles of Elyria, from beginning of the project until today. There is still no resolution or end in sight but the story is an interesting one. I tried my best to present only the facts here and inserted no opinion of my own. Let me know if this is something you enjoyed since it took a seriously long time to make and research. Other kickstarter to court videos: Chronicles of Elyria is a planned massively multiplayer online role-playing game that is in development by Soulbound Studios for Microsoft Windows. Claiming to be "the next generation of MMORPG's", the MMO features a dynamic quest system, a closed economy, finite resource management, need-based NPC's and player-run diplomacy. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

ZLgm4RAIX2E | 31 Mar 2021
Elyon Ascent Infinite Realm is an upcoming RvR focused MMORPG developed by Bluehole AkA Krafton, published in North America and Europe by Kakao games. The Closed Beta is coming real soon and after that? The Western launch. Twitter: Website: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #elyon #mmorpg #2021

_BwV1OPO2xk | 29 Mar 2021
Carenage Online is yet another tiny indie MMORPG project that has popped up, probably won't go anywhere but since they're not asking for our money(yet), might as well keep it on the radar if you're someone who doesn't super care about graphics and just wants to have some simple fun. "Carenage Online is an Indie Open-World Survival Sandbox MMO featuring full loot, permanent death, in-depth crafting and a player-driven economy. Carenage Online is set in a world divided by two societies with their own sets of ideals, views and way of life. One governed by rules and regulations with measures implemented to reinforce them and the other, its polar opposite, a society that not only lack any structure or rules but encourage wars and chaos. Both societies will be able to interact directly with each other." Original link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #carenageonline #mmorpg #2021

jygU-qQnIzc | 28 Mar 2021
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has had some good news recently, from securing a 7 figure investment to fixing their development pipeline. The next on this list would be discussing in depth the upcoming Alpha one. Sadly, I expected much more from this producer letter than what we actually got. "Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen places a heavy emphasis on the social aspects of MMORPGs, such as grouping up with other players to overcome challenging encounters, joining guilds, and earning a reputation in the community. Pantheon primarily has a PvE-centric design, although the developers have committed to having at least one PvP server at launch. There are four class archetypes in Pantheon: Tank, Damage, Healer, and Support (Crowd Control). Each archetype is designed to excel at a specific role in a group setting. While most PvE encounters in the game are designed for grouping, there are encounters that can be completed by a solo player. Some of the character classes are better suited for this than others, and some encounters may be more difficult and require more creative tactics when soloing, as opposed to grouping.There are also some raid encounters, each of which is designed for either 12, 24, or 40 players." Original link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #pantheonriseofthefallen #mmorpg #2021

hhS0jiXKyHA | 27 Mar 2021
This is the summary of ashes of creation development monthly update for the month of March 2021. Original air date 26th march. This update goes over the combat being a big focus for their development push, the recently delayed alpha 1. They plan to have 7-8 dungeons in alpha 1 , working on a 40 man raid currently and have recently updated their unreal engine. Ashes post link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 Intro 0:20 Studio Update - New office, NDA lift etc 2:15 Design Team Update - Combat changes are coming, 7-8 dungeons in alpha etc 3:45 Q&A start 3:49 Balancing action/tab target combat 4:50: What happens when a mayor demolishes your apartment? 5:10 How much stronger is legendary gear to other gear? 5:50 Can you tame monsters that look the same as cosmetic mounts/pets? 6:18 What happens to the 21 day protection when leveling a node from 3-4? 6:50 Will there be gear for crafters/gatherers? 7:09 Will there be a currency limit/cap? 7:23 Is there a timer on my body being lootable if I die to fall damage/green mobs? 7:46 Will there be back damage from hitting behind, IE Rogues? 8:13 Soft/hard cap for stats such as crit/blocking? 8:29 Will quests change as nodes level up? 9:20 Do we have access to in-depth auction house data? 9:48 Can you upgrade your gear progressively with your level? IE 45 50 gear 10:35 Can military tournament winners hand off node leadership to someone else? 11:12 Is the divine node leadership solo or group oriented? 11:33 Outro

4i7eAVQJ0nE | 26 Mar 2021
New World is a game I've been pretty critical of over the years, mostly for actual valid reasons that they've finally started to address. The game has been through a literal 180 change and they were talking about launching the game in early 2020 despite it being so ridiculously far from launch. Since then they've legit added almost an entire backbone of content to the game for the new themepark direction they've set the sights on. Original article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

ND-y2LO-JMU | 25 Mar 2021
New series, just going over kickstarter projects by popularity. Let me know if you guys like this series, drop a comment and a like/share on the video and maybe it can be a regular series. There were at least enough games to do even another 2-3 episodes right now even. Games in video in order GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #upcominggames #stardewvalley #kickstarter

PSpeepNkPQI | 24 Mar 2021
Holomento is of course a kickstarter based game, one that has seen updates and playable versions for people for a year or so now...So it's much less of a risk than what you're usually taking, as well as being single player so there's an actual chance they make the game. Back at your own risk as always, for me it definitely looks like something I'd be down to play. "Holomento is an indie permadeath RPG focusing on the dangerous quest of passing through the mysterious Eventide Hollow - and rebuilding it step by step. It is heavily inspired by classics such as Zelda and Terranigma, combined with rogue-lite elements. Holomento will release on PC, with console ports being potential Stretch Goals, should the funding goal be reached." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #roguelite #arpg #holomento

2-nYpMkrNGE | 24 Mar 2021
Magic Legends is a brand new ARPG that just released on Epic Games, I played it for some time. I think whoever said "yes this is ready to be released to the public" should honestly have a word with themselves. Aside from that, it's pretty bad in terms of just about any reason to play an ARPG and there's almost zero reason to play this over the competitors in the genre...But before you even get into why exactly it's a bad arpg, you're already 14 minutes deep into ranting about the absolutely ridiculous cash shop, the terrible optimisation, the server lag, the map, the controls...It's just not a good game. Some people I'm sure will be upset by my opinion and really like it. But man this was such a let down as there's actual cool mechanics in here. The collection aspect is cool but so badly implemented that 6 hours in you've hardly managed to customise your character at all. Just feels like a pure mobile game straight up. "Ancient forces move in the darkness and it’s up to you to walk the planes of the Magic Multiverse to gather the power needed to fight this evil. Choose your path through diverse planes, collect unique spells, Artifacts, and Equipment to create powerful loadouts, and control the chaos of battle as you fight to save the Multiverse from its greatest threat yet." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #magiclegends

raMXt1n1ypM | 22 Mar 2021
Crowfall is the first of the Kickstarter Era MMORPGs that will actually launch and that is apparently going to be some time during this year, 2021. Is it actually ready to launch? I can't say personally since I haven't played since roughly late august 2020 but considering how far away it was then (in my opinion of course), I'm going to hazard a guess that it isn't. This video I'm just going over my thoughts and feelings of the general feeling I got from the community reaction to the game as well as talking about some concerns I have with them putting a battle royale mode into the game. BR mode "Hunger Dome" details: MOP interview: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #crowfall

nUmmsE83mQw | 21 Mar 2021
This is a pretty niche mmorpg and honestly likely a case of " if a tiny mmorpg falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it even mmorpg?"...But I do think it was a pretty interesting story. Seems like Saga of Lucimia is no more and they'll be posting sometime in the future about the new branding for the game. It's also super sketch how everyone is talking about the situation in terms of those involved in the company and how tight lipped it all is. Did someone get made to walk the plank? Links for sources GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #sagaoflucimia

qFzvg8lyKPs | 20 Mar 2021
The devs of this game personally asked me to react to this and give my take. There's some things I probably should have also included such as they missed out talking about the current finances and how exactly they planned to deliver the game without funding...But yeah this is just really sad honestly. This comes across like these guys have no idea what they are doing. Hiring a web developer after your website has been built by another group of people for thousands of dollars? Why? Most indie projects just throw up some rudimentary website themselves and make it just passable enough and yet you're focusing so hard on a website. After it has been built you almost don't need to maintain it, so why a web dev now? It's just stupid, flat out. Original video: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #legiontheeternalwar

kQTjkZx0psk | 19 Mar 2021
What can I say? Caspian is just straight delusional or he thinks we're actually idiots. I've seen some outlandish things in my time covering mmorpgs but this has to take the cake. Even Dreamworld is at least at the stage of promising us something they can't deliver. Caspian has promised for 4 years, not delivered a single thing and has now factually started a game from scratch and is claiming it's still actually relevant to the game people paid him to make. Madness. Official link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

8mFDxSxUoeE | 18 Mar 2021
Not really sure how to approach this to be honest. If they could deliver on this, amazing. Like really cool. It sucks the dude has struggled recently. But to make this many ridiculously outlandish claims while asking for money? Good luck, this is one I'd avoid hard. Kickstarter page: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dreamworld #2021

8pJ43jxrvrQ | 17 Mar 2021
Mortal Online 2 is a sandbox, full loot, hardcore, open world MMORPG. Going back to the good old subscription model, pay once monthly and no annoying pay to win. Mortal Online as a game was always an ambitious one, on an engine that just wasn't fit for purpose. Now in UE4, it looks absolutely fantastic and it's the mmorpg of 2021 you should keep your eye on if you're looking for a brand new, fresh experience. Play for free on March 25th 2021 for the stress test, get a taste of what the game is and then wait for the persistent early access launch on steam hopefully sometime soon but date TBA. Official post: The footage in the video was provided from the youtube channel Rhias15, go check him out for more footage of Mo2: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mortalonline #2021

3ssgUFEltLM | 16 Mar 2021
Maybe we should start getting more excited for New World? They're seriously shaking up the game's balance now. Adding in massive sweeping changes to almost every system, new dungeons are going in, new battlegrounds. I'm glad to say this game could actually be something you'll stick with post launch, still depends on balancing and how much more content they can get in between now and launch...But they've added more in the last 3 months than they've added in the previous year. Original Article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #2021

r1BsG7W-Lco | 15 Mar 2021
So Fractured, a sandbox MMORPG has just gotten some big funding deal and will soon be expanding their team. That's some pretty good news considering they've already shown a pretty ridiculous amount of progress over the last 2 years I've followed the game. Starting to look like they could deliver on most if not all the promises and expectations. Fractured is an upcoming MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Isometric, Sandbox, PvP, PvE, horizontal progression and making great progress. Article from Fractured site: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #fractured #2021

tJeJik53H2k | 14 Mar 2021
Those review scores though, almost the best thing these absolute legends managed to do was break the game so badly that they saved some potential players from having to experience the pure mediocrity that is this game. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #astellia #2021

Dd00DDtsE9c | 13 Mar 2021
Ashes of Creation has just announced the second delay in a row of loosening the NDA(non-disclosure agreement) from the game for upcoming testing. This isn't the end of the world, I really think this is fine. I just think they aren't being entirely honest with why that is. Which isn't a huge deal, but some people struggle to read between the lines of PR statements and so I figured I'd break down what I personally see as the real reason. Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Sign up to ashes with my referral link: Official post: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 Thelazypeon's original video ( Asmongold Reacts to Peon's Video( Asmongold interview with Steven ( Summit1g Watches LazyPeon's Video( Summit1g/Shroud interview with Steven(

X3WTLgYwdzs | 12 Mar 2021
This is without a shadow of a doubt the most promising project you'll ever see. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #upcoming

OkVyAz-KCPY | 11 Mar 2021
Rift while being not such a popular mmorpg now days, is one a lot of people actually think is doing much better than it is. I did my usual digging and what I found is pretty shocking to be honest. I assumed the game was safe, but with news of layoffs that Gamigo have not denied and the financial records of Gamigo being public, this looks real bad if you're a Rift fan. On the flip side, maybe Gamigo is doing something sneaky. They usually are. "Dive into a world of epic adventure! Create your perfect hero thanks to a uniquely customizable class system. Collect, craft, and customize your gear. Go it alone or group up to challenge dungeons, raids, dynamic open-world content, and your fellow players." article: Massivelyop article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #rift

jfQqoHtuBZk | 10 Mar 2021
Yeah this is another Crowdfunded MMORPG. Another game asking you for your money to make their dreams come to reality. I'm not going to tell you to back this because I can't verify or guarantee this ever becomes anything, but the idea they have on paper at least looks interesting...And they at least did a few years of development before asking for your money. Let's see what becomes of it. Legion: The Eternal War is a medieval world where you and your friends can become immersed in the lore and let your story unfold. It will supply challenges of survival against nightly terrors from the Rift, a faction war, and other natural and mythical beasts as you explore Rhyfell. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #legiontheeternalwar

nxnWS5YY680 | 09 Mar 2021
I just can't anymore. "Buy once and play – FOREVER!" The Gamigo way. "ArcheAge: Unchained offers the whole world of the original fantasy sandbox MMORPG ArcheAge in a new gameplay experience ArcheAge: Unchained removes the barrier between you and the ultimate MMO experience. Enjoy all the updates and patches ever added to the original ArcheAge, plus a whole lot of awesome new features!" GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeageunchained

5IHByfSQS9w | 08 Mar 2021
This is my final video on Valheim before we get new content...But I loved almost every second of my 55 hours with the game. If I was a builder , I'd likely have 100+ by now but I'm more of a content and done kind of game.. This is basically my love letter to Valheim, game was an absolute banger and likely will be for years and years to come. A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage! GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #earlyaccess #survival #valheim

DourN_VWfGY | 07 Mar 2021
This could be real interesting, if they actually address the reasons for the game to have been in such a bad position originally. I don't think a UE4 update really does it for everyone, there needs to be some changes to monetisation as well as a fresh start in my opinion. I'm usually against fresh starts but that's when there isn't a massive overhaul to go along with it, something to actually drive a resurgence in population and not just a cash grab (Gamigo, XLGAMES, Archeage, pay attention). I'll give it a shot when it comes out. "Martial arts and mythology meet. in a furious clash of fists and betrayal. Martial Arts Meets MMORPG. Choose Your Faction. Races: Gon, Jin, Kun, Lyn. Master Qing Gong Combat. Styles: Martial Arts MMO, F2P Masterpiece, Award Winning MMORPG, PvP Game Modes." Official Website: Massively Article: Original article: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #revival #bladeandsoul

O1RBfG1M8ak | 07 Mar 2021
Archeage Unchained has been a great source of entertainment for many. Mostly for the absolute blunders and incompetence but some people do also enjoy the game. I hope they have fun with the new fresh start, I'm not even being sarcastic. I just don't like seeing the super fans gets dunked on repeatedly even if they hate me for bringing attention to it. Sorry guys. Keeping my boy cryy in the youtube game whether he likes it or not with some of his gameplay footage from the video below: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeageunchained

Kf3RvAel6zg | 06 Mar 2021
Aliens: Fireteam is an upcoming 3 man co-op left 4 dead style game coming in summer of 2021 for the next gen consoles and to steam on PC. This is actually pretty cool, whether they nail the elements required to take a fairly repetitive game type to the level of fun required to not get stale fast is entirely a guess...And it is from a company under daybreak games. Either way, looks cool for now. "This is a 25 minutes first look of early mission gameplay that cuts back and forth between the perspectives of developers Craig Zinkievich (CEO, Cold Iron Studios) Matt Highison (CCO, Cold Iron Studios), and IGN's Ryan McCaffrey. Stay tuned to IGN all March long for more exclusive IGN First content on Aliens: Fireteam! Aliens: Fireteam is an Action-adventure survival shooter that places a fireteam of colonial marines into a fight to contain the Xenomorph threat. From Facehuggers to Praetorians, battle against over 20 enemy types and choose from five unique classes (Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, and Recon) each with their own special abilities and character perks. Aliens Fireteam is planned to release this summer 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4 (PS4), PlayStation 5 (PS5), Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S." GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #left4dead #coop#aliensfireteam

iSo8fhAHlf4 | 04 Mar 2021
Fight, craft, explore, and lose yourself in a massively multiplayer world built for VR. Forge alliances and friendships in guilds and parties. Join epic raids and world events, and blaze your own path. How will you use your power? GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #vr #zenith

Z0qwS5M-gts | 04 Mar 2021
League of Maidens is a mad game. I played it so you don't have to. League of Maidens® is a Single Player FREE TO PLAY online action RPG game featuring beautiful maidens with guns and super powers by the indie studio Maiden Gaming. Features: Questing, Battle Modes, Customization, Posing & Sharing Characters, Poses, Scenes & 4K Photos with fellow players GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #steam #hgame #leagueofmaidens

DqJG2kw5re0 | 02 Mar 2021
To be honest with how ridiculously tone deaf these developers were on how to read a room this would have happened at some point regardless. Ultimately they should likely have put more effort into making the game actually work for the beta instead of focusing on a cash shop that no one wanted. Hard to feel bad for people when you warn them and they ignore you. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #naica

08If1TR0sOI | 01 Mar 2021
The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. You wake up alone in a world you no longer remember, setting out to find answers and the resources to survive. New Gameplay Video: Announcement Video: Interview: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survivalmmo #thedaybefore

ngDA09yw9u8 | 28 Feb 2021
This is the Ashes of Creation Developer update/news for February 26th 2021. It doesn't have a ton of new info, but it does have some new gameplay footage including some pvp duels. Sign up to ashes with my referral link: Gameplay video: Full Live Stream VoD: Ashes post : Ashes site: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

mEUkhKZ9hI4 | 27 Feb 2021
Chronicles of Elyria is back, the roadmap for Kingdoms of Elyria is here...A "game" that in 2017 was being developed by their own admission in unreal engine 4, that is now missing almost every feature of a simple single player game and developed in unity is what all backers are waiting for in his own words. He literally says this is what the community wants. I'd say I'm at a loss for words, but here's 19 minutes of them. Roadmap blog: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

M5f8AYMo4gs | 26 Feb 2021
Bear in mind this is my first impressions after a couple hours of playing the game from the demo. There could be a much better game and a month of polish making a lot of these points either irrelevant or lesser. I'd say wait for people to finish the game if you're not down to blow 60 dollars on a gamble, the gameplay loop we've seen done poorly before(Avengers, Godfall in recent memory) and this could wind up the same. OUTRIDERS is a 1-3 player co-op RPG shooter set in an original, dark and desperate sci-fi universe. As mankind bleeds out in the trenches of Enoch, you’ll create your own Outrider and embark on a journey across the hostile planet. With rich storytelling spanning a diverse world, you’ll leave behind the slums and shanty towns of the First City and traverse forests, mountains and desert in the pursuit of a mysterious signal. Combining intense gunplay with violent powers and an arsenal of increasingly twisted weaponry and gear-sets, OUTRIDERS offers countless hours of gameplay from one of the finest shooter developers in the industry – People Can Fly. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #steam #lootershooter #outriders

PERV6B8nPYk | 25 Feb 2021
Goodnight Eden Eternal, Twin Saga, Defiance and Defiance 2050. GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #gamigo

c-5gUzZUgVg | 24 Feb 2021
Build your kingdom, choose your class, and tame monsters in this city building/open-world action RPG that takes place in a procedurally generated anime-themed metaverse. "Inspired by Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, Pokemon, and RTS games like Northgard. The most similar game on the market is Valheim." Kickstarter link: Steam link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #skyclimbers #valheim #rpg

L2qMS6iSxtE | 23 Feb 2021
Black Desert Online is about to change services from Kakao Games to Pearl Abyss. What's going to change? Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #blackdesertonline #bdo #mmorpg

AVkm2Y9MEp0 | 22 Feb 2021
I just really hope they don't mess this up. I love Diablo 2 so much, it actually looks fantastic so far and they seem to be adamant they're keeping to the original formula. I'm not sure if this is just nostalia but I'm hype for a blizzard game for the first time in a while. Trailers in video: D4 D2 TBC classic GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #diablo #blizzcon

Iep3EeznA1g | 21 Feb 2021
Titanreach is hitting Early access on the 28th of February 2021, so in about a week. I do have to tell you and stress the point that this is an actual alpha build, it isn't supposed to be something you buy into with intentions to "play" a game. It's still super early and while the demo had a passable gameplay loop, the content of this is not much different, if you played that you likely know exactly what to expect...This build does however have a massive amount of work to show us mostly in the form of the brand new art style. Almost all the things we saw in the previous build are now changed from store bought assets to the new art. Official post: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #titanreach

btkg_aGvM3c | 20 Feb 2021
Albion Online major updates are always pretty intriguing and they've honestly managed to take this game much further than I ever expected. The next update is called "Call To Arms" and the specific information we'll be going over today is from the Faction Warfare revamp. The system looks to try and have something for everyone, getting new players into the open world pvp aspect, experience large battles and then have a progression system that will entice even veteran players to get out there and involved. Looks honestly fantastic as an idea. Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMORPG featuring a player-driven economy, classless combat system, and intense PvP battles. Explore a vast open world full of danger and opportunity. Grow your wealth, forge alliances, and leave your mark on the world of Albion. Original links used: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #albiononline

u51yP-Qw37U | 20 Feb 2021
I said I'd make a video letting you know when to try wild terra 2, that would be when the unbearable lag had gone away. Apparently it's all good now. Game is still a mega niche and likely not "it" for most of you but I guess you never know unless you try. "Play your role in the life-filled medieval world controlled by players. Live on an inhabited territory or conquer New Continents in new seasons! MMORPG full of logically interconnected worked out little things that create a unique immersion and the spirit of adventure!" Official roadmap link: Support me by purchasing the game with this link (YOU DO GET A STEAM KEY USING THIS): Use discount code "LV032C" for 10% off GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survival #wildterra2

zbQaJKRRkr0 | 19 Feb 2021
So this is Caspian's plan for Chronicles of Elyria moving forward. Late 2021 we're going to get what he seemed to describe as a single player management sim, which would later turn into a management sim that had other players in it. Legit looks like a game they made in a couple of months, they showed the same thing in the entire clip, just a couple characters moving around the map super slowly. Imagine getting this instead of the game you paid for originally. original video: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

N0fEO1bbxTU | 18 Feb 2021
What can you really say about Archeage at this point? It seems like at least once a month something like this comes up and honestly this is one of the most ridiculous things to date if you would even believe that. Original announcement: "ArcheAge: Unchained offers the whole world of the original fantasy sandbox MMORPG ArcheAge in a new gameplay experience ArcheAge: Unchained removes the barrier between you and the ultimate MMO experience. Enjoy all the updates and patches ever added to the original ArcheAge, plus a whole lot of awesome new features!" GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeageunchained

oaYAqiuhUKo | 17 Feb 2021
Blade & Soul 2 is an upcoming "mobile/PC" mmorpg. We know what the mobile part means and we should likely expect the "pc" version of it to just be identical to mobile and played on the NCsoft Purple client. Which is for all intents and purposes just a mobile version of the game on pc, with little or most likely no changes. If the game could look like this maybe that would be cool, but why you lying for? Original link: GET NORDVPN and help support me: USE COUPON CODE: kiratv Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #bladeandsoul

-wP1iHwDR-Q | 16 Feb 2021
Amazon Game Studio's New World has been delayed. Yes, again. It was supposed to launch in Spring 2021, but the new date at least for now is August 31st 2021. Will it actually release on that date? Who knows. At this point it's anyone's best guess , but the game has made a ton of progress recently. In a direction that is upsetting a lot of the original fanbase. Where I stand on it is that I would have preferred they stick to the original vision but at this point it's too late and I just hope it can be the best game possible for the audience they're trying to capture. Which is almost 100% a themepark more casual pve oriented one. Article on Site: Video: Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Use code "kiratv" for a discount Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld

NY8m94wp7Dk | 15 Feb 2021
SoulWorker, free-2-play anime action MMO, combines pacy combos with a real anime feel. You’ll need excellent reactions and precise timing to take it to the merciless creatures in this post-apocalyptic world. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Use code "kiratv" for a discount Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #anime #soulworker

19fpNhs_z5Q | 14 Feb 2021
Elite Dangerous is a cool game, where you can choose to do cool things. Or maybe you can choose to be these people I guess too. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Use code "kiratv" for a discount Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #space #ed #elitedangerous

Y-vsnL5foPc | 13 Feb 2021
It's that time of year again, I'm making the same video I made over a year ago but with an updated view and hopefully better points. This video is discussing the ever raging debate, how pay to win is bdo, is it complete garbage as a game due to this, is it even worth playing in 2021 due to this and who can still enjoy the game. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Use code "kiratv" for a discount Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bdo #blackdesertonline

q3RSIVUGj9U | 11 Feb 2021
A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage! I'm still not done with it...But I'm absolutely loving Valheim so far. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #earlyaccess #survival #valheim

owgmKPgjxlg | 10 Feb 2021
Black Myth Wukong looks absolutely fantastic, but let's be honest how many times do trailers actually look bad or reflect the game experience we play on launch? I hope this isn't one of those times because it will actually crush the last remaining part of my childlike innocence. I don't think I'll ever be able to get excited again if this game comes out and it's whack. Yes I just said whack. Don't @ me Link to article in video: Ign trailer: Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #reaction #blackmythwukong #2021

MslTOZYhL3I | 09 Feb 2021
The brand new showcase is here, looking forward to some more of the non-magic types since they're a bit less flashy than the mage/cleric we've seen so far. Looking good! Ashes of Creation is a unique take on the MMO experience. Our world structure is dynamic and built to react to the actions of our players. Cities will rise and fall, their populations based on the history of the world as the players create it. Quests will unlock as these populations gather, their needs grow, and secrets are unlocked. As the world’s NPC structure is established in real time, players will have the ability to destroy what they’ve created, paving the way for new development, new populations, and real change. Political strife and intrigue will play a very real role in the structure of your world. Gone are the days of static worlds, change is here to stay Official video link: My referral link if you haven't signed up for the game yet, use this, it supports me Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021

Zltl7_7wJjQ | 08 Feb 2021
Shadowbane is back, I'm sure there will be a few hundred happy campers in regards to this news. There are however some issues to probably address before saying to go wild and give it a try if you're capable of stomaching a super oldschool experience that was dated even at launch. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #oldschool #shadowbane

en_MoQJkWmE | 07 Feb 2021
Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for Microsoft Windows personal computers, developed and published by Square Enix in 2010. It is the fourteenth entry in the main Final Fantasy series and the second MMORPG in the series after Final Fantasy XI. Coming fall 2021, final fantasy XIV Endwalker is the latest expansion to release for inarguably one of the most successful modern day MMORPGs. Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ffxiv #finalfantasy14

hJ4rGB4E5pU | 05 Feb 2021
Odin: Valhalla Rising is an upcoming MMORPG for mobile/PC, coming from South Korean Developer - Lionheart Studios and being published by Kakaogames. They've said it's coming in 2021 and I imagine that will be western too. Original video link used: MMOCULTURE.COM Article: Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mobile #odinvalhallarising

8KMPE58ncZI | 04 Feb 2021
Wanting to keep up to date with the latest Chronicles Of Elyria news? Here you go, the good people in the class action discord server have been making big progress. We're not at the very beginning stages of the actual real legal process and over the coming months we'll hopefully get some real answers for once, not the PR ones SBS has given us for 4 years. This is a big story in my opinion and one that I hope to continue covering. Lawsuit discord with all legal links: Use this link, get nordvpn and support me while protecting yourself online: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #chroniclesofelyria

zKTJlCO6-NM | 03 Feb 2021
A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage! If you like games from the survival genre but don't always need the pvp that they typically come with (rust, ark, conan etc)...Valheim can have some of that, but it's clearly a more co operative experience. Feels like a 3d viking Terraria in a way. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #earlyaccess #survival #valheim

mxloWbGgamk | 02 Feb 2021
Spoiler alert, I'm saying not to buy it for now. Game is fun, game is relaxing, I had a great time when I was playing with my friends and you can too...Just wait until after the servers aren't the laggiest mess in the world. Play your role in the life-filled medieval world controlled by players. Live on an inhabited territory or conquer New Continents in new seasons! MMORPG full of logically interconnected worked out little things that create a unique immersion and the spirit of adventure! Support me by purchasing the game with this link (YOU DO GET A STEAM KEY USING THIS): Use discount code "LV032C" for 10% off Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survival #wildterra2

GGoUyogjBNE | 01 Feb 2021
Magic: Legends is an upcoming free-to-play action RPG set in the world of Magic: The Gathering and sees players become Planeswalkers. The game is being developed by Cryptic Studios and published by Perfect World Games who have recently released a trailer for the game and announced an Open Beta. Just talking about my feelings on the game, going over the monetisation and where it doesn't align with how I feel they've presented things. I'm actually into the idea of this game, there's just a lot of issues from the outside looking in. Let me know what you think in the comments. Video: Monetisation article: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #magiclegends #magicthegathering #arpg

bgFZhXcdbQA | 31 Jan 2021
The brand new Ashes of Creation developer update stream is the topic of today's video. Hopefully you enjoy, let me know what you think in the comments below. Ashes of Creation is a unique take on the MMO experience. Our world structure is dynamic and built to react to the actions of our players. Cities will rise and fall, their populations based on the history of the world as the players create it. Quests will unlock as these populations gather, their needs grow, and secrets are unlocked. As the world’s NPC structure is established in real time, players will have the ability to destroy what they’ve created, paving the way for new development, new populations, and real change. Political strife and intrigue will play a very real role in the structure of your world. Gone are the days of static worlds, change is here to stay My referral link if you haven't signed up for the game yet, use this, it supports me Transcript used if you want to not listen to me: Official vod video that has much more context if you have a spare 90 minutes: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #ashesofcreation #mmorpg #2021 0:00 Intro 0:26 Alpha 1 pack sales 0:49 Next Alpha Test 1:06 Number of biomes in the game 1:08 New Website launch and shop update 1:16 Design Team Updates(New Hires, feedback) 2:43 Environment Team Updates(Planned biome types, water/lighting reworks) 3:52 Character Art Updates(Starter gear reworks, hair models, character customisation) 5:07 Q&A Start 5:30 Tavern NPC function(Buy/Sell) 5:43 How will marriage impact housing? 6:40 Sending mail without resources, instant? 7:05 Will you be able to race change for augment purposes? 7:35 Will paths/roads be pre-gen, or will they by dynamic? 8:18 Can you toggle chat bubbles ? 9:00 Can summoners rename their summons? 9:26 How can we interact with the minimap/map? Pins/pings/notes? 10:19 What happens to mules inventory when they die? Is it lootable? 10:50 Will players be able to see caravan contents before attacking/defending? 11:15 Talking about why I suggest not to buy ashes right now 14:15 Why 14:58 Outro and stuff

qcLJ0lcsaOs | 30 Jan 2021
Just using this to answer a bunch of common questions I've had in relation to the latest Black Desert Online transfer stuff. Answering why it is happening, what this means for the future for the service and stuff like that. Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bdo #blackdesertonline

aggk93Nazuk | 30 Jan 2021
I absolutely loved this article from Jason Schreier, this is the article I wish I could make but unfortunately I don't quite have his level of investigative access. This answers so many of my questions and reinforces so many of the things I've been saying now for a year and a half. Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this open world MMO fraught with danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? Article here: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld 0:00 Intro 1:03 Who Is Mike Frazzini? 2:23 Frazzini's Early Impact on AGS 3:02 The Inception of Lumberyard 4:04 Employees as Sources for article 5:00 Amazon's Spending on Gaming 5:16 What makes video games 5:36 Corporate stifling creativity 7:16 Amazon's Principles 8:42 Bezos Games 9:45 Amazon's plans for gaming 10:35 The First Amazon Game Studio 10:56 Notable hires for AGS 11:32 Working for Amazon was a "fantasy land" to begin 11:50 Sexism and bro culture 13:25 Amazon is Borg, Assimilate 13:58 Ridiculous goals 16:55 Full of yes men 17:32 Management is clueless, literally 18:05 Chasing trends 18:43 Twitch success 19:10 The Twitch Marketing Machine 21:19 Hello Fellow Kids 21:49 Steam? Who? 23:50 Lumberyard's inception 25:13 Lumberyard is killing this company 28:37 Scaring the competition 29:06 Big hires 29:30 Bring in the fixer 30:30 Missing out on hires 31:30 Aligning media & failure 31:40 Embarrassment 32:08 Crucible reception 33:24 Changing of staff following crucible closure 34:30 Removing the controversial setting & Delays 34:50 Nobody who's succesful starts with metrics 35:19 Frazzini is the problem 36:20 Amazon Luna 37:04 Changes to prime video staffing & content reception 38:05 Closing of article 38:40 My final thoughts

JGlLwx94vU4 | 28 Jan 2021
The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. You wake up alone in a world you no longer remember, setting out to find answers and the resources to survive. Steam page: MMOCULTURE.COM article: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survivalmmo #thedaybefore

NeT-oWwKMUA | 28 Jan 2021
3D blocky MMORPG open-world game. Build castles with friends,discover new biomes,new monsters and resources.Craft Items and upgrade equipment. Coming to steam at an unannounced date, with more gameplay to be shown on Feb 4th/6th. Definitely a super niche project and not likely to set the world ablaze, still could be good for the crack. Store page link: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #minecraft #cubox

EDtRfuS236k | 27 Jan 2021
Links used for the transfer will be below, make sure you do this asap to get the rewards, there's a free t4 pet and a bunch of other actual useful stuff. Also your account gets permanently deleted on June 1st if you don't do it, so better now than later when you forget. There's a guide in here on how to do it too since it is a bit of a mess, as well as info on all the event dates etc. Starter page for transfer setup: This is the main page where you'll want to go to after you've done your email verification for your new Pearl Abyss Account: Event details page: The actual useful event details page: Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bdo #blackdesertonline

zCXCCxUSKZo | 26 Jan 2021
Play your role in the life-filled medieval world controlled by players. Live on an inhabited territory or conquer New Continents in new seasons! MMORPG full of logically interconnected worked out little things that create a unique immersion and the spirit of adventure! Support me by purchasing the game with this link (YOU DO GET A STEAM KEY USING THIS): Use discount code "LV032C" for 10% off Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survival #wildterra2

5WucwQTXpc8 | 25 Jan 2021
I can't actually believe this company along with this game, Archeage/Unchained, manages to always one up themselves in levels of absolute failure and incompetence. They've somehow managed to mess up their transfer feature and left hundreds of players stuck on servers they paid to leave for over 10 days, while friends/guilds have transferred away. Meaning they have their entire character packed up including land that they can't place back into the world, with absolutely no resolution in sight and CM's being passive aggressive on discord with hardly any updates. Can they do anything right? Ever? ArcheAge: Unchained offers the whole world of the original fantasy sandbox MMORPG ArcheAge in a new gameplay experience ArcheAge: Unchained removes the barrier between you and the ultimate MMO experience. Enjoy all the updates and patches ever added to the original ArcheAge, plus a whole lot of awesome new features! Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #unchained #archeage

Mh4At9sYrLg | 24 Jan 2021
Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! This is the second part of the dev blog post, we already went over the first one which was the 2021 roadmap. This is covering a lot of systems and elements of the game they plan to change going forward , but don't have definitive dates for or things that are in the planning stage. There's a few interesting points here. Link for post: h Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bdo #blackdesertonline

xXKIOnjP5ak | 23 Jan 2021
A player-driven Sandbox MMORPG focused on adventure and territorial domination. Dynamic open-world, open PVP, housing system, and more! This is an update about the mmorpg Profane, one that has been around since as early as 2015 in development. I'd call a project like this development hell, they probably have a much friendlier term. They've apparently finished the big rework on their back end/networking and that should, hopefully, result in a smoother path to release. For us sandbox mmo fans, we have to take what we can get. All gameplay videos can be found on the profane youtube channel: Reddit thread: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #profane

F76oJlGdyvE | 22 Jan 2021
New World talked in a blog about the patch changes we went over in the video a few days ago, this is more their thoughts and logic behind making this changes. The land of Aeternum is a wild, mystical place with a never-ending tide of dangerous inhabitants. From vicious wildlife to undead pirates, massive monsters, or even your fellow adventurers, there’s almost always a reason to keep your weapon at the ready. Link to Blog: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld

_Ez_2CFhZRA | 21 Jan 2021
Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! This is the official post on the BDO website regarding content scheduled to come during 2021, major overhauls to node wars, adding content such as server sieges, co op dungeons, single entry hard mode dungeons, the guardian home region zone and much more. Link for post: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bdo #blackdesertonline

yN-_JN_csR8 | 20 Jan 2021
The land of Aeternum is a wild, mystical place with a never-ending tide of dangerous inhabitants. From vicious wildlife to undead pirates, massive monsters, or even your fellow adventurers, there’s almost always a reason to keep your weapon at the ready. This is the January patch notes update, there's tons of changes that actually sound pretty universally positive in my eyes, at least for what the game is attempting to do now. In addition to this, they posted a blog to go with the notes which I'll cover in a video in the next few days if there's a video in it with anything interesting you guys should know, if you can't wait I'll link it below. Patch notes used in video: Blog post we go over soon(maybe): New World IGN Party gameplay, some of footage used in video: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld

AOj9hdbX1tA | 20 Jan 2021
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is a high fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game currently in development from Visionary Realms, Inc. that incorporates both new and classical game mechanics. They've just secured what they've been talking about since October 2020, a real investment. This is not enough money to cover the whole project to finish...But it's a start. I hope it doesn't come with strings attached because this game is one of the few that absolutely needs no nonsense with their monetisation due to the nature of the game and the audience. Investment announcement: January 2021 Newsletter: Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #pantheon #pantheonriseofthefallen

5vHKJ7sWnGE | 19 Jan 2021
We're back with another Chronicle of Elyria story. Back with another banger the kids might say. Official news post : Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

dosveQ5E6hY | 18 Jan 2021
Wizard101 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2008 by KingsIsle Entertainment. In the game, players take on the role of students of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts in order to save the Spiral, the fictional galaxy in which the game is set, from various threats. Players battle enemies by casting spells using a variety of different weapons in a turn-based combat system similar to collectible card games. Kingsisle has been purchased by MGI(Media & Games Invest) who also own Gamigo, Aeria and a few others. My 2 cents on the situation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #gamigo #wizard101

Ny3XAymVsa0 | 17 Jan 2021
Elyon is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Krafton and published by Kakao Games. The game has focused on dynamic combat between two Realms, Vulpin and Ontari, with players using diverse skill combinations on the basis of the non-targeting system. How has the launch gone in Korea? Personally I think this bodes well for the game doing well over here, depends of course how much content we get and what the monetisation looks like but in terms of how the SK population are enjoying it? Seems to be doing better than I had expected to be honest. Want to support me further? I now have a Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #ascentinfiniterealm

3BApKCE4Z7I | 16 Jan 2021
"Bless Unleashed is an open-world online game that can be enjoyed with your friends and countless others. Venture out to engage in intense combat while exploring vast regions and treacherous dungeons." This is talking about the drastic improvements the game's ui/ux and optimisation/graphics have made in the last 3 months. As you would have guessed...Not much. Links used in video: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

lbt_sd1jfAY | 15 Jan 2021
"Crimson Desert is an open world action-adventure game that combines elements of narrative driven single-player games with online multiplayer functionality. The game is built on Pearl Abyss’s next generation engine to deliver high fidelity graphics and game features and provide players with a totally immersive gameplay experience." This is an exclusive interview on, link below. They go over gameplay elements such as melee combat, which consoles the game will release on, the game engine, the multiplayer aspects of the game(although not thoroughly), character creation and more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blackdesertonline #crimsondesert

btC0XnCo1G4 | 13 Jan 2021
Star Trek online, a game that has been around for a while just decided to ban a 10 year long veteran of the game because he asked for a refund. They've since then of course walked it back, due to the massive backlash and outrage from the community but of course they wouldn't have done that if it never made it to social media. Essentially guy asked for a refund after feeling like he didn't get what he paid for and then got told yeah here's your refund, your 10 year account is banned by the way, thanks for playing. The absolute state of this company never ceases to amaze me. Links below for sources used in video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #cryptic#startrekonline

CUae6hYbufU | 11 Jan 2021
Fioresia Online is a fantasy MMORPG set in a vast open world. Play with thousands of other players, conquer castles, explore fantastic locations, discover dungeons, solve puzzles or simply manage your home and farm. Steam page: Reddit discussion link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #steam#fioresiaonline

D2aYXxYAstg | 10 Jan 2021
Ashes of Creation, also known as the absolute hype beast of the genre has just had another little update...This one was with words and not the usual live stream. Specifically the creative director's letter we seem to get a few times a year from Steven himself. They talked about the year of 2020, how many employees they've hired, the current goals for testing, how many people have tested the game, the potential for reopening sales of founder's packs with alpha one access and the future at least for early 2021 testing. Letter link: Gameplay in background: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #aoc

DAndKBUaW5o | 08 Jan 2021
I try to cover pretty much everything that shows up in the genre, even the ones on kickstarter that have no chance, like the last video. This one has more of a chance but I can't help but be cynical about a project that is realistic but doesn't really do much of anything different or interesting compared to the competition. The game seems like they could get it to a playable, launch state...But is anyone really waiting for this? Does it have any kind of future being what it currently is? Just seems like we have a large quantity of these games already but as with everything, if I get the chance to try it out I will do. Maybe I'll be surprised. Kickstarter Link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #Legendsofgondwana

rm5ICUABH-o | 08 Jan 2021
So this video is not really as much about the game in question and more so about just how projects aren't going to be funded anymore on kickstarter for this genre. At least not in the way they used to be. It used to be you could show up with zero experience and a remotely passable idea and people would desperately throw money at you. Now days even legit projects can't get a handful of funding and that's on the people who ruined the model (and continue to do so). Just my take on why this stuff will never get funded even if it was a good idea with some work already done(this game has none of this as far as I can tell). Kickstarter link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #voyage #kickstarter

R1KeFwP_wGM | 07 Jan 2021
We're back with another Chronicle of Elyria story. I got to say I'm liking these regular updates. Can't ever turn down the opportunity to read some nonsense. Kickstarter post: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #chroniclesofelyria

_RYJn9NyCns | 06 Jan 2021
For whatever reason it has since become a popular topic that blade and soul 2 is a mobile game. Should we be at all surprised by this after looking at NCsoft's trajectory over the last 3 years? Unfortunately all their titles will be going mobile as that's where their audience and their money is telling them to go. I can't blame them, as it's a business being a business and their only responsibility is to give the people what they apparently want, including that of their share holders. It sucks...But let's be honest, if this is what their focus is, the games on pc would have been an absolute trainwreck for us in the west. Massively Article from 2018: Trailer: Financial reports: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #bladeandsoul #blade&soul2

HmZfGgKps5s | 04 Jan 2021
Just figured I'd respond to people on my own platform instead of going onto theirs and adhering to their imposed rules. If you guys get to have your say, I can have mine too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #finalstandragnarok #camelotunchained

8pyI1d4k4kw | 03 Jan 2021
Crimson Desert is the heavily anticipated upcoming title from Black Desert Online Developer Pearl Abyss. The title was originally presented as the next gen, flagship MMORPG from the studio but since then they have walked back the MMORPG genre tag. There has been a ton of speculation and misinformation surrounding this and just a lot of unanswered questions. I don't claim to have all the answers but at least I can condense what we know so far into a video and go from there. This is what we know so far, as well as some of my own speculations and assumptions at the end. Regardless of if this is an mmorpg or something close to(which it seems to be), the game looks fantastic and they're saying the right things we want to hear. I see people compare this to dragons dogma with bdo's action combat flair and that seems accurate, minus the additional context that the game allegedly features a single mega server with players sharing the same open world...A key bit of information. Sources below: PGGamer article: Eurogamer Article: MMORPG article: Official video links: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blackdesertonline #crimsondesert

468KwnhREt8 | 01 Jan 2021
Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMORPG featuring a player-driven economy, classless combat system, and intense PvP battles. Explore a vast open world full of danger and opportunity. Grow your wealth, forge alliances, and leave your mark on the world of Albion. Sandbox Interactive(the developers of Albion Online) were recently acquired by Stillfront group. This isn't good news. It might not be the worst news in the short term, but I don't believe there's positive aspects to this unfortunately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #albiononline

vwalz46izF4 | 30 Dec 2020
Taking place in the 3rd century on the Eastern Continent, Myth of Empires presents a cruel and brutal era ravaged by the chaos of war. You will need to fight off hunger and brave the elements if you hope to survive. Steam page: Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #mythofempires

uSEVyW-6UvI | 29 Dec 2020
New World has posted their December Development Update, including a blog detailing their concept for the combat, the direction they're going and the feedback that has helped them to shape the current content. The land of Aeternum is a wild, mystical place with a never-ending tide of dangerous inhabitants. From vicious wildlife to undead pirates, massive monsters, or even your fellow adventurers, there’s almost always a reason to keep your weapon at the ready. Patch Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld

o-Q9VsKw25A | 29 Dec 2020
Age of Water tells the story of a distant future when the Earth has been transformed into an ocean world. Residents live in cities built upon whatever urban structures remain above the water’s surface including skyscraper rooftops and giant statues. Take control of a motorboat and travel between settlements, fighting pirates, excavating the remnants of a lost civilization from the depths of the ocean and transport valuable goods whilst discovering whether the mythical land still exists. Sign up for Alpha : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #ageofwater

SCuy6uWBCpk | 27 Dec 2020
Fractured is an upcoming MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Isometric, Sandbox, PvP, PvE, horizontal progression and making great progress. Official Links: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #fractured

MTm-5tau_5U | 27 Dec 2020
Project BBQ is an upcoming full scale mmorpg, featuring a seamless world with large open-field type maps as well as instanced dungeons. The game is being developed in Unreal Engine 4, from Neople, a subsidiary of Nexon. No release date is yet scheduled and the game is still using the placeholder title of "Project BBQ". Find the video : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #projectbbq

Jm9CM3y_TDs | 24 Dec 2020
Titanreach is an upcoming(hopefully) mmorpg, massively inspired by Runescape. They've had a real uphill battle with getting duned for the idea they've set out to create but at least for now the game is continuing on into 2021. Official post: Official dev blog post: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #titanreach #runescape

5Xaa9ZKRg9A | 23 Dec 2020
Ashes of Creation dropped two new videos , a double treat. One is a 38 minute long boss battle with 8 players and the other is a preview of the mage archetype, following on from the cleric archetype preview we saw a few weeks ago. Mage preview video: 4k boss battle: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #aoc

0QcttpVqJtA | 22 Dec 2020
Life Is Feudal MMO has been forcibly shut down, they should be getting the support of our community. Xsolla has forced them out of the business they've operated for multiple years, stolen money from them and more things I can't even speak about publicly. Instead what are they getting from the community? Well check the reddit thread for that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #xsolla #lifeisfeudal

6LtZdfCP12Q | 20 Dec 2020
Ragnarok Final Stand is entering "first Access" whatever that means. In this video we just cover a bit of the back story, look at the trailer(oh god) and then just briefly touch upon the whole social media following that this game/studio has cultivated. Links in video down below for you to check out yourself MassivelyOP article: Reddit thread: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ragnarokfinalstand #camelotunchained

IsDCBZeNblA | 18 Dec 2020
Chronicles of Elyria is a cancelled persistent world role-playing game designed from the ground up to address the many problems and shortcomings in today's conventional MMORPGs. Rather than being grindy and repetitive, Chronicles of Elyria allows players to make meaningful choices about the role they play in the world and, in turn, their choices have meaningful consequences on those around them. Not just a theme park or sandbox MMO, we define Chronicles of Elyria as an event-driven story MMO, with a gripping narrative that is experienced across multiple in-game life-times as your characters are born, age, and die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #chroniclesofelyria

to23EXdWuks | 17 Dec 2020
Chronicles of Elyria is a cancelled persistent world role-playing game designed from the ground up to address the many problems and shortcomings in today's conventional MMORPGs. Rather than being grindy and repetitive, Chronicles of Elyria allows players to make meaningful choices about the role they play in the world and, in turn, their choices have meaningful consequences on those around them. Not just a theme park or sandbox MMO, we define Chronicles of Elyria as an event-driven story MMO, with a gripping narrative that is experienced across multiple in-game life-times as your characters are born, age, and die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #chroniclesofelyria

QIC-CbuvurQ | 16 Dec 2020
New World has posted their December Development Update, including a blog detailing their concept for the combat, the direction they're going and the feedback that has helped them to shape the current content. Further video on this perhaps tomorrow if people care, covering the actual game changes. The land of Aeternum is a wild, mystical place with a never-ending tide of dangerous inhabitants. From vicious wildlife to undead pirates, massive monsters, or even your fellow adventurers, there’s almost always a reason to keep your weapon at the ready. Article : Patch Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ags #newworld

VaVgKJgboIo | 14 Dec 2020
They originally called this "astellia royal global"...But when you already have an EU/NA server, I assumed that would mean everywhere EXCEPT the regions we already operate a service...But nope. It actually means, let's split our already tiny playerbase, let's push people towards a new, free to play , pay to win version with additional content/events and likely more dev focus. All the while never once mentioning it to our community. What an absolute joke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #astellia

N29GEmBmEs4 | 13 Dec 2020
Pearl Abyss just announced their Black Desert Online(BDO) content for the coming months and even as far as a couple years away. There's 2 new zones coming, an ice/winter zone which is the guardian's home in winter of 2021, and the eastern inspired home of the Musa/Maehwa/Lahn in likely 2022. There's also a new class coming called Nova , globally, on december 22nd 2020, as well as the winter season on that same date. There's new pvp changes coming, massive changes to guilds and node wars...Enhancement, pve co op dungeons and loads more. Check the links below for more details or watch the video Official FAQ for account merging/transfer of services: Link to for the recap :

HvbZTjcBnXk | 12 Dec 2020
Corepunk is one of the few MMORPGs on the horizon that I'm optimistic about mostly due to the fact it's different and not ridiculously over the top in terms of what they're promising to deliver. Makes it more realistic to believe they'll actually be able to pull it off, as well as it looking like a hybrid of a bunch of other game types I already enjoy. Unfortunately they've had to delay, but that's not terrible news considering the reasoning. Corepunk Official Post: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #corepunk

sBx7YK8sHPc | 11 Dec 2020
Crimson Desert Gameplay is finally here. Check out the official link below. The big question is now, what actually is the game? Is it still an MMORPG? Was it ever one? Some of their promotional material and wording has been changed over the last couple of days from MMORPG to "Open world action adventure". We'll see I guess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crimsondesert #blackdesertonline

damP1WK84sg | 10 Dec 2020
Archgate is an upcoming VR mmorpg focused on a very tailored experience, employing professional game masters that will roleplay and interact with the player base. Permadeath areas, limited player base...This is what niche is all about. Official website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #virtualreality #archgate

igp7clP6hUo | 09 Dec 2020
World of Warcraft Shadowlands is actually really good. I'm as surprised as anyone but I'm absolutely loving it right now. And that's before all the cool stuff that just unlocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #wow

qWb43xnKNjg | 05 Dec 2020
Wings of Misadventure is out on steam, it's actually super interesting and a blast from the past. I honestly recommend checking it out, it's a very chill game. Unfortunately the cash shop is not what I'd call cool, but maybe it won't matter to you and you can still enjoy it. If you want proof of anything just google it and make up your own mind. Figured this was worth bringing to people's attention though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #steam #wingsofmisadventure

SeS7AUWZMOY | 03 Dec 2020
So this was actually a really cool article from Massively, going through the investor slides and showing how much money Daybreak has actually been earning from their games, the actual real player numbers also. This is the first big insight we've gotten from an MMORPG company for a long time, they usually try their best to hide numbers the best they can. Even Blizzard now show MAO for their whole platform and not for each individual game. Article below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #daybreak #mmo

uwn2kcYcI90 | 01 Dec 2020
Ashes of Creation, talking about the alpha one map, the alpha 1 test coming on December 18th, 23 new staff since June, whole bunch of stuff really. Official youtube video: Ashespost transcript: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #aoc

8ukwgJHlYlI | 30 Nov 2020
This is a long way off. Pretty silly kickstarter idea too, but hey, it's a new upcoming game. "Lands of Kehliel is an open world MMORPG that takes place in the fantasy lands of Kehliel. The game is the first MMORPG that focuses in on competition and personal skill. You will set off on a long road filled with journeys to liberate the people of the land, compete against other players and guilds for honor, and fight to save the lives of the innocent from the evil creatures made by "The Creator". The game is all about YOU the player. Will YOU become a legend?" Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcomingmmo #landsofkehliel

QRToVHrQfA8 | 29 Nov 2020
I actually really like this game. Realistically though they are absolutely not going to get funded, mostly not down to their own fault. It's janky stuff like this that gives me hope in the kickstarter/crowdfunded model but I think at this stage it's been tainted way too much. Steam page with reviews: Kickstarter Link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcomingmmo #reignofdarkness

VXeFH5JTMD8 | 28 Nov 2020
I finally got to play Elyon: Ascent Infinite Realm. It's actually much better than I expected and massively improved from the original game state before the rebrand. I'm optimistic now that it can do well, so long as a bunch of questions are answered in an adequate way. There's still obvious issues and it's still not going to be for everyone but it's a million times better than what it was a year ago that's for sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #ascentinfiniterealm

gih-Acz7qVA | 27 Nov 2020
There isn't very much going on so here is a moan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #reddit #upcoming

szvGdCgqPGs | 26 Nov 2020
I always want to give Titanreach a bit of spotlight because honestly they're one of the few indie mmorpgs I could see actually doing really well, mostly due to the fact they are realistic with their expectations and as far as I can tell have done everything as transparent as possible. Official dev blog post: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #titanreach #runescape

oqXZbapFlvk | 25 Nov 2020
This is the least important video I think I've ever made and literally serves one purpose and that is to just link to people asking "is it worth buying". Yeah, sort of. If you like retail wow it's probably just the same thing you've already enjoyed. It's not really all that deep just yet, maybe the new raid sucks or gearing is a pain but so far it's just...Alright, business as usual. Slightly less annoying stuff thus far. Population is banging. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #wow

TbZuw0vlljI | 23 Nov 2020
Elyon showing off that new gameplay , ahead of the upcoming test phase on November 28th-29th and official KR release on December 10th. We'll be playing the Elyon test upcoming and this is more just talking about random stuff as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage2 #elyon

XRXjGstcXY4 | 22 Nov 2020
Link for info below. Archeage 2 is apparently releasing in the 2nd half of 2022, being developed in Unreal Engine 5 and of course most likely published in the west via Kakao since they own XLGAMES since early 2020. No gameplay sadly, or any trailer of any kind...Not even any screenshots of in-engine but they did talk about some cool stuff. Article: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage2 #archeage

mLDrgBpLpCo | 20 Nov 2020
Just continuing on the series of why I don't play all these mmorpg games. Funnily enough I do actually play Albion pretty frequent so it doesn't super fit the title but more why I don't main it as my year round game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kiratv #albiononline

9bl7YZVVkhQ | 19 Nov 2020
There was actually much more system changes in this patch than what I had assumed and not just content fluff. Things are looking different, not bad, just different. Official New World Patch Notes: - Official IGN Youtube for footage : - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #newworld

j9g1l7Trwf0 | 19 Nov 2020
And here we are, New World dropping New Content and some News. Reekwater is a brand new end game focused zone and fishing is fishing. New World Blog: IGN Article : IGN Footage: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcoming #newworld

UETRZbHyUXM | 17 Nov 2020
This was actually a decent game so far, I expected it to be meme material but honestly pleasantly surprised. Online survival horror at its darkest. As one of the few survivors of the outbreak, you must scratch a living out of the decaying ruins of society. Scavenge for supplies, improve your skills, and trade with other players. All the while, keeping your eyes peeled for the infected lurking around every corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #zombie #deadfrontier

Qe9xPXleopg | 16 Nov 2020
I'm actually really sad about this because Godfall is a game I absolutely loved for the first 11 hours of curated content. Unfortunately after that, the game just becomes more annoying in places and fails to utilise the strengths of the game throughout. This was a game I thoroughly enjoyed but it just isn't worth the box price for how lacking the end game is. Real disappointed in how it turned out, based on the first 11 hours I had hopes this would continue on to be an amazing experience and it just falls short in most aspects for the price. For the price I paid for the game, $35 usd, I am 100% happy with the purchase and the time I spent on it, but for full price? Definitely wait. Also no idea why the render wrecked my camera quality, will hopefully get that solved in the future. Godfall is an action role-playing game developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox Publishing. The game will be released on PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Windows on November 12, 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #godfall #review #pcgame

1MCrQLU6a6g | 16 Nov 2020
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #steam #theskiesreborn

AetDxeDzDJg | 14 Nov 2020
So I did set this out to be just an overview of why playing longer had zero impact on my opinion of the game. Go watch the original review if you want to know about the actual game. This is more just about the absolute jokes that is defending this game using actual verifiable lies and opinions to discredit people just because you like a video game and are upset someone else doesn't. Despite the fact the company is literally just straight wrecking you to your face over and over again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

PviXK80FgwY | 13 Nov 2020
Gameplay is finally coming, hopefully with some more info on the game's features, the focus and importantly the release date for the west? Sources used below. An epic of desperate mercenaries and a testimony of struggle on the Pywel continent. Welcome to the official site of Pearl Abyss' upcoming title, Crimson Desert. MassivelyOP Article: Pearl Abyss Q3 Financial Report: Crimson Desert Trailer: Dokev Trailer: Plan8 Trailer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #crimsondesert #blackdesertonline

9kbEOF9EkY8 | 12 Nov 2020
Is this game actually a 4/10? Is it as bad as they claim? Godfall is an action role-playing game developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox Publishing. The game will be released on PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Windows on November 12, 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #godfall #review #pcgame

0JRTPejY-Eo | 11 Nov 2020
Yes, this is how I spend my evenings now days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #Upcoming

UlYAY7XTWv0 | 10 Nov 2020
It's that time of the year, G-star 2020 is upon us. The South Korean E3, where we get all the big mmorpg news usually from that region. Last year we got confirmations as well as trailers for Crimson Desert, Dokev, Plan 8 and this year we'll likely get updates on those as well as news on XLGAMES upcoming Archeage 2. We also have a confirmed release date of 2nd half 2021 for Elyon in the west. Stay tuned for coverage of G-star 2020. Articles in video: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #Upcoming

53YtVi51Ry4 | 09 Nov 2020
Welcome to the thunderdome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #Upcoming

IrX58hmdkbI | 08 Nov 2020
The journey begins once again. You wake up on a strange island. Now it all depends on your choices. Will you be a kind friend? Or will you be the enemy? All the stories unfold now in the world of Oddria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #oddria#treeoflife

2FkI6Uvb7b4 | 07 Nov 2020
Fractured is an upcoming MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). A MMORPG can be played exclusively online and supports thousands of concurrent players connecting to the same persistent and shared game world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #sandbox #fractured

OCnRLLN1mlo | 06 Nov 2020
"Bless Unleashed is an open-world online game that can be enjoyed with your friends and countless others. Venture out to engage in intense combat while exploring vast regions and treacherous dungeons." Steam Description. Game is bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

YCinmr2zX1A | 05 Nov 2020
Don't download these games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #scam #steam

pqoXGlcOp5Q | 04 Nov 2020
Crowfall is apparently being revived. Best of luck to them. Massively link: Crowfall link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #kickstarter #crowfall

wVUY_kW85y4 | 03 Nov 2020
If you know anything about video editing, you know the pain this put me through. 60 frames per second, censoring the entire game. This was way too much work for what started out as a meme that can't even be monetised. I'm so sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #hgame #swordxhime #gameoftheyear

daNjh5UXG7g | 02 Nov 2020
What can I say? I'm sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo#Upcoming

ZwTtYaWN5Dk | 02 Nov 2020
Ashes of Creation are releasing a series of archetype(class) skill showcase videos. Hopefully they'll expand on this into showcasing the other interactions between the class subtypes also. Original link - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #AOC #AshesofCreation

YdEbNMoqaG0 | 01 Nov 2020
Naïca is a F2P 2D MMORPG being working on for more than 2 years. They have been in closed Alpha for over a year now, and are working hard for the open Beta! Basically, Naïca offers character customization, adaptive classes and cross-play between PC, Android and iOS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #naica#newmmo

iW9piRxWYW0 | 31 Oct 2020
Ashes of Creation is the big hype mmorpg right now, this is the latest news on the game from their October 30th 2020 Livestream. Going over alpha dates, showing new group pvp gameplay and updating us on how development is going. Ashespost - Ashes of Creation Livestream - Ashes of Creation Official Youtube - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #AOC #AshesofCreation

bl7-GbKWHcE | 30 Oct 2020
Pathfinder Online is the MMORPG that started it all. The mythical first ever kickstarter mmorpg. They raised 300+ thousand dollars on the initial funding and then sold things on their website for 7 years. The game has laid off almost all their employees multiple years ago, they still have a subscription free, no one plays the game and yeah...Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #worst #pathfinderonline

kkDOYtZFCMk | 29 Oct 2020
Join over 16 million players in the award-winning online multiplayer RPG and experience limitless adventure in a persistent Elder Scrolls world. Battle, craft, steal, or explore, and combine different types of equipment and abilities to create your own style of play. No game subscription required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #eso #elderscrolls

Qk8V-pEtznQ | 29 Oct 2020
Can't wait to get my dick beaten in the glorious HD textures that is Demon's Souls. Original Trailer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #ps5 #demonssouls

PogaJEFC_GI | 28 Oct 2020
Elyon is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Krafton and published by Kakao Games. The game has focused on dynamic combat between two Realms, Vulpin and Ontari, with players using diverse skill combinations on the basis of the non-targeting system. Founder's packs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ascentinfiniterealm #elyon

YkH9PCaoadY | 27 Oct 2020
Legends of Aria developer Citadel Studios has taken the wraps off a new project called The End, a multiplayer survival game set in a "crumbling heaven" where players will do battle with action-RPG-style hack-and-slash combat and magic. Players in The End will strike out on solo quests for magical relics that will grant them access to powerful equipment and spells. Combat will be action-oriented rather than stats-based, while magic is intended to feel more like a "frag shooter," with splash damage and effects taking priority over precise targeting. PCgamer article - official website - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #theend #legendsofaria

o8VGFWuwlxg | 26 Oct 2020
This is obviously just my opinion. I do think that this doesn't mean the end of World of Warcraft is around the corner but it's just continued degradation of the game. Maybe a terrible analogy but I think of WoW like a cliff next to the ocean. Blizzard is the tide, eroding their own game away year after year with stuff like this. It might not be the biggest deal in the world right now, but it's another inch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #worldofwarcraft #wow

kEM6pgSalLY | 25 Oct 2020
Watch Jay, one of the Product Managers here at Round 8 Studio, read direct comments from users regarding Bless Unleashed PC! I honestly have no idea how anyone thought this was a good idea. Oh well, at least it was worth a few laughs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

BMAH4B7WAUU | 23 Oct 2020
Final Fate TD combines Tower Defense and Card Draw System in a beautiful anime world. Play with me for free here: Thanks to Final Fate TD for sponsoring this video! Follow them on their social media links to be updated about the game: Final Fate TD Facebook: Final Fate TD Instagram: Final Fate TD Discord: Final Fate TD YouTube: I said in the video I'm 100% going to keep playing this and I did. I recorded this a little while ago and now I'm like level 68 and have a full top tier roster of heroes, like the highest rarity for every slot. Basically played it every day when I was laying in bed watching tv as background noise, pretty much the first mobile game I've ever played longer than a few days which means I of course enjoyed my time with it. It's a shame I didn't get to record after more time because I figured a load more out about the game after another like 50 hours as you can imagine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #finalfatetd #towerdefense #mobilegame

XBCbRnWo2Ko | 22 Oct 2020
Titanreach is an oldschool, skilling based MMORPG. They're moving to indiegogo to try and raise funds to develop to an alpha stage and then raise funds again from there to full launch. I'll keep you posted. Discord: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #titanreach #kickstarter

ahGzntbsj3o | 21 Oct 2020
Virtuverse is a Sci-Fi RCE MMORPG. Combining an intuitive economy system with action-based gameplay. Virtuverse has no class restrictions, use any weapon or armour. Those who wish to seek adventure will be able to explore Virtuverse on their own or with friends. Thanks to Virtuverse for Sponsoring this video, check out their social links and the steam links below ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #virtuverse #mmorpg #mmo

zsOn1zyLPTE | 20 Oct 2020
"Greetings Adventurers! Equipped with a ton of data and feedback from Preview, we are back in development and heading forward into Alpha Testing! Like previous Alpha Test phases, this phase will be confidential as we implement changes, experiment with design ideas, and break things in the pursuit of making them much better. Although we will be working with a small group of testers, we do want to make sure everyone can follow our progress. Stay tuned to and our social media for updates on this effort..." Sources below, new world is back in testing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #newworld #mmorpg #mmo

E-xvttO10DA | 19 Oct 2020
I honestly don't even know what I'm doing anymore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcominggames #theskies

YiGV4NHtkqk | 18 Oct 2020
Pantheon hasn't really been a super exciting project to follow, even if you're into what it is trying to be which I'm sort of half in half out on the idea. Apparently that's about to change but let's see what happens going forward, they're definitely talking like the problems are behind them. Sources : Dev letter: gameplay : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcominggames #pantheon

UVauHF765CI | 17 Oct 2020
Ashes of Creation alpha 1 has been announced with the new dates, delaying from a fall 2020 full release to a single 4 day test in December(with NDA in place) and another early 4 day test(with NDA) in February and then a week long no NDA test in March, leading into the month long start of Alpha One proper in early April. Sources in video listed below.,until%20the%20end%20of%20fall. Thelazypeon's original video ( Asmongold Reacts to Peon's Video( Asmongold interview with Steven ( Summit1g Watches LazyPeon's Video( Summit1g/Shroud interview with Steven( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #aoc

pDG5xH_YojM | 16 Oct 2020
Links for sources are below, I don't think there's much to complain about here right now because literally nothing has happened in the months since this started happening. Maybe they'll wind up doing some crazy 180 and dropping a new version out of nowhere, abandoning the other one but so far they've done absolutely nothing and no context we have dictates they will going forward. Sources : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #upcominggames #astellia

sr0s0QAKt1I | 15 Oct 2020
TERA is an epic fantasy MMORPG experience. Master the action-packed combat system and prove yourself in solo and multiplayer adventures – all in the stunningly beautiful world of Arborea! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #gameforge #tera

_J0nyPk1rAU | 14 Oct 2020
Gamigo just went deep on us. And they stared in our eyes the whole time. Sources:! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeageunchained #p2w

PwFnYvClX04 | 13 Oct 2020
Go sign up for bless unleashed pc beta, coming soon. Woo! Wishlist on steam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

VyMqzK226kU | 12 Oct 2020
Maybe it's dumb to say this or even bring it up because I feel like this isn't something that should need to be talked on. But I see this sentiment constantly and it's super weird to me. On one hand I understand a certain element of wanting to only play stuff that has a guaranteed future due to larger levels of success but on the other, people really do treat it like games are the most successful or they're literally not worth playing now days. I feel like a whole bunch of people are missing out on trying some gems out there because of this, obviously it doesn't apply to everyone, on all levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #gaming #discussion

piXUpRmdzm8 | 11 Oct 2020
From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, comes ‘Beyond A Steel Sky’, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’. You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal attack. You have vowed to bring him home. The trail has led you to Union City, one of the last remaining mega-cities in a world ravaged by shattering wars, and political meltdown. Union City is a utopia, its people loving life under the control of an altruistic AI: ever-attentive androids, designer living, piazzas and bars. What’s not to love? But this City has a dark underbelly... ‘Beyond a Steel Sky’ is a dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller in which engaging puzzles drive a fast-paced narrative set in a dynamic gameworld that responds to – and is subverted by – the player’s actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #gaming #beyondasteelsky #game

f7_qWXT53eU | 08 Oct 2020
Be outraged if you want to be, just be informed on the situation before hand. Ideally we wouldn't have to be discussing censorship at all in 2020 but here we are. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo, who are known for Honkai Impact 3rd, a popular action game. The game features a fantasy-based open world with gacha game mechanics. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android and iOS on September 28, 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #genshinimpact #games #genshin

xDrpz5dHSOA | 08 Oct 2020
Some people might struggle to get beyond the price tag of $60 usd for an early access game...Especially when the game has some core issues and not a ton of content yet, for me personally...I absolutely love this game and it can only go up from here, especially considering this is a developer that has garnered a ton of trust. Gather your party, and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale of fellowship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the lure of absolute power. Mysterious abilities are awakening inside you, drawn from a Mind Flayer parasite planted in your brain. Resist, and turn darkness against itself. Or embrace corruption, and become ultimate evil. From the creators of Divinity: Original Sin 2 comes a next-generation RPG, set in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #bg3 #baldursgate #rpg

05xnqc0ZzeI | 06 Oct 2020
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo, who are known for Honkai Impact 3rd, a popular action game. The game features a fantasy-based open world with gacha game mechanics. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android and iOS on September 28, 2020. Tweet in video: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #genshinimpact #games #genshin

-MZ1y_vnXMI | 05 Oct 2020
Just having a laugh at the expense of bad mmorpgs and amazing publishers, as usual. Carry on. Throwback thelazypeon video : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #games #reaction

jiuCB7cleGE | 04 Oct 2020
Just talking about mmorpgs for 20 minutes, casually. Enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #games #kickstarter

9Ln2FgvqmyA | 02 Oct 2020
Chronicles Of Elyria finally graced us with some kind of response. This is their lawyers replying on their behalf to the pre-litigation letter they received in August. Letter can be found in the CoE class action lawsuit you can find with a simple google search of that term. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #coe #chroniclesofelyria

W5YcEDK3HJ8 | 01 Oct 2020
Ashes of Creation developers Intrepid Studios have released their newest gameplay video as well as their monthly developer update, including aquatic gameplay, the confirmation they've just had another round of successful testing, confirmation of alpha 1 for 2020 still on the cards, new employees hired and a whole bunch more. Links below as always. transcript used in video ( Gameplay video( Developer update video ( Thelazypeon's original video ( Asmongold Reacts to Peon's Video( Asmongold interview with Steven ( Summit1g Watches LazyPeon's Video( Summit1g/Shroud interview with Steven( Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #UpcomingMMORPG

0wfip-l_ryM | 30 Sep 2020
Set in the Diablo series' world of Sanctuary, Diablo IV takes place following the aftermath of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Cultists have summoned the main antagonist and daughter of Mephisto, Lilith. After the events of previous games, the forces of demons and angels have been depleted, allowing an opening for her to establish power in Sanctuary. Prior to the game's events Lilith and the angel Inarius created the realm of Sanctuary to provide refuge. This demon-angel relationship led to the birth of the Nephalem, a powerful race that the protagonist falls under. Those in Sanctuary believe this power would bring attention to their shelter and as a result the inhabitants spoke of destroying them. Lilith not wanting her children to be killed, destroyed any that opposed her, causing Inarius to banish her to the void. Official link - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #arpg #diablo4 #diablo

dtx5-W9_mYc | 29 Sep 2020
Last Oasis had amazingly positives numbers, great reviews and seemingly went out of their way to be fair with their community through the initial struggles of launch...And now they have 200-450 concurrent players per day, what happened? "Keep moving, the world is dying! In this Nomadic Survival MMO, you can build walking mobile bases to travel to new lands. Join up with a clan and fight for territory. Resources deplete fast, so grab your sword and get ready to scavenge, pirate, and trade to stay alive." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #survival #lastoasis

_a4GL021E9I | 28 Sep 2020
Where is that update Caspian? Bruh Here's a link to the news post on the official Chronicles of Elyria website ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #coe #chroniclesofelyria

p0dj3LheYhs | 28 Sep 2020
Population Zero? ALMOST. "Survival on Kepler is a race against time. Make the most of the remaining 168 hours or get turned into an unworldly being by the Sphere. Complete quests to help NPCs, explore the diverse landscape, survive wildlife and other players. Uncover Kepler’s mysteries and your mission’s true goal." Steam description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #earlyaccess #populationzero

MadSiKkT048 | 27 Sep 2020
Bless Unleashed is an open-world online game that can be enjoyed with your friends and countless others. Venture out to engage in intense combat while exploring vast regions and treacherous dungeons. Steam Description^^ These Founder's packs got me good. What did I expect? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blessunleashed #bless

1SdaGUX-eCo | 24 Sep 2020
"As you've probably already guessed because of where you're already reading this, RuneScape is coming to Steam! Whether you are a past, present or future explorer of the magical world of Gielinor, we're excited to bring one of the world’s largest MMORPGs to Steam on October 14th, 2020. Whether you choose to play right here on Steam, the desktop client or on Mobile, it's the same unique experience - and with cross-platform play, you can pick up from exactly where you left off no matter where you are or what device is at your fingertips. At launch, you'll be able to use your own Steam account to play or, if you already have an adventure in progress in Gielinor, you can link your existing RuneScape account to your Steam one! We know that there are certain goodies you expect on Steam, and we've got them all for you - expect Steam Achievements, Badges, Emoticons and Trading Cards!* (*Trading Cards are planned for release shortly after launch) This is just one small, yet momentous part of a bigger future for RuneScape as we look to continue growing the incredible world we all love for years to come. Over the weeks ahead, we'll have plenty more to share on Steam, so stick right here on our Community Hub for all the latest. Start the clock, 'cause there's just 20 days to go till launch! See you there. The Runescape Team." Steam store link - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #steam #runescape

MrdV0vLp29c | 24 Sep 2020
"We believe that role-playing isn't always just about about grinding and growing stats. It's the embodying of a role; the presence of a backstory and all of the quirks and details that define your unique character. Many of us have experienced old-school role-play around a table with pencils and a bunch of dice. We know how immersive it is to speak like our characters and to be surrounded by other players who are making decisions based on their characters profiles. Role-play truly submerses you in another world, more powerfully than any NPC quest could. Imagine a videogame where everyone around you is role-playing. The noble Emere with whom you are travelling does not want to desecrate any tombs and ignores the loot; the Swala hunter you just met chants a ritual prayer before every hunt and the Asiman merchant never attacks or kills anyone because she believes her goddess wants peace to rule in Wagadu." Kickstarter page here - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #wagadu #thewagaduchronicles

UVdgV7sqdT0 | 22 Sep 2020
Check out Raziel here: Thanks Raziel: Dungeon Arena for sponsoring this video! Your enemy is on his last leg. Swap out your mage for your warrior in real time and deliver the battle’s decisive blow. Welcome to Raziel: Dungeon Arena. Collect new heroes, raid single player and co-op dungeons, craft epic gear sets, and save the world from its demon plight. Raziel is a meticulously crafted dungeon crawling, boss battling ARPG experience for your cell phone. Like solo quests? Make your way through Raziel’s 60+ single player dungeons. Prefer to make things a bit more personal? Raziel: Dungeon Arena offers multiplayer co-op raids and boss battles. Game Features Satisfying Single Player Experience - Challenge single player dungeons that require you to think on your feet in order to survive - Outwit bosses who use unique skills to stun, bind, burn, freeze, and kill anyone in their way - Outmaneuver enemies who possess spatial awareness, reacting according to their own strengths and weaknesses Co-Op Dungeons - Explore the world map with friends to find random quest givers and challenges - Form raid parties and take on dungeons with friends - Team up in co-op Tavern boss battle quests Tag team battle system - Mix and match to find the best hero combo and fighting strategy - Precise and fluid mechanics lend a superior sense of maneuverability and control Stunning Unity 3D Graphics - Immerse yourself in a dark world filled with detailed character models, gorgeous dungeon environments, and eye-catching hero abilities - Traverse a diverse set of environments including dismal swamps, forbidding deserts, desert plateaus, and haunted forests AAA Quality Sound - Full length game soundtrack accompanies you as you hack and slash your way through mobs - Story narration and in-game NPCs accompanied by authentic voice acting - Detailed sound effects provide unparalleled immersion with a realistic ambient effects and a plethora of unique sounds for character skills and abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mobile #raziel #mobilegame

NbyMUhy38bE | 18 Sep 2020
I'm so glad that I was made aware of this because it genuinely brought a smile to my face. It just can't get more perfect than a company like Gamigo can be so tone deaf as to set out the rule of what is and isn't pay to win to their consumers. Original article link - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeage2

mddO7yAuZsI | 17 Sep 2020
Titanreach is an oldschool, skilling based MMORPG. They've actually done kickstarter in the absolute best way possible, in my opinion. They've had a demo out there multiple times for people to check out, they've developed the framework of a game without taking a penny from anybody and they've dropped the demo for free, full 30 days for anyone who wishes to try it along with the kickstarter campaign. The campaign is also an all or nothing campaign, meaning if you pledge and the project doesn't reach the goal, no one will be charged and they'll just stop making the game, so they're saying the funding amount is what they need to get this finished. I personally believe this to be the most legit kickstarter attempt I've seen but it's still a risk, so just be warned. Check out the game and the kickstarter page down below. Kickstarter : Discord: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #titanreach #kickstarter

oLoUNaiaInM | 14 Sep 2020
Archeage 2 has been officially confirmed. We now have some more info on the game or at least a tiny bit of the CEO talking about it. Elyon we've known about for a while but there's a pretty firm release date too. Original announcement of AA2: article used in video: Original korean inven article : Daum/Kakao site for timeline: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeage2

EKlaxSVk5o0 | 10 Sep 2020
Archeage 2 has been officially confirmed, here's my take on the situation. Enjoy! Link to source below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #archeage2

Zcfu3mqksTk | 09 Sep 2020
Craftopia is the brand new multiplayer survival action game made in Japan. We combined many features we find enjoyable, such as hunting, farming, hack-and-slash, building, automation to develop this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #craftopia #earlyaccess

TQK--txiZRI | 07 Sep 2020
Let's see what happens between now and spring 2021 I guess, for now, they have a super long way to go before I think this game finds any long term success or a large player base. It simply doesn't have a direction and the things they have currently won't work long term for this genre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #new world #upcoming

GLyMp-vzqNM | 04 Sep 2020
Not really sure what to title this or put as the thumbnail to be honest. This is actually just a really pathetic subject but here we are covering it. Enjoy! __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #camelotunchained #2020

LYny3Aj1cF4 | 03 Sep 2020
There's a lot in here so forgive me if I miss some links. Info down below on what is in the video plus timestamps. Most of this is MMORPG stuff but with a few additional games that are similar thrown into the mix. __________________________________ 0:00 Intro 0:08 Project TL renamed TL:Origin ( 1:14 World of Warcraft Shadowlands launch date( 2:25 Ashes of Creation update ( 3:41 Black Desert Online Hashashin release( 4:26 Corepunk Beta announcement( 5:14 Craftopia Early Access Release ( 6:05 New World Preview ( __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #news #2020

pbJnpvXPFiA | 01 Sep 2020
COREPUNK IS AN MMORPG WITH FOG-OF-WAR IN A SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD Thanks to the top-down camera and fog-of-war, you'll want to discover every nook and cranny. Corepunk offers a variety of professions, battlegrounds, challenging monsters in unique camps, guilds, farms, quests, and a profound lore. Beta coming December 2020, looking real smooth. Original article ( Video ( __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #corepunk #2020

S5njo-IOgkc | 30 Aug 2020
Ashes Of Creation is the game on most MMORPG fans lips, it's the next one on a long list over the years that people are hoping delivers in the greatest way possible. We'll be covering anything and everything worth talking about and this video is one I've waited for as I'm sure many of you have, finally seeing what their take on hybrid/action combat will look like. So far, too early too tell if it's going to be mind blowing but they at least are totally aware of that and seem to be willing to talk about the issues they face which is a breath of fresh air if nothing else. Ashes Post Link used in video( Original VoD of Stream from Ashes official ( Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:35 Quick updates(studio move,, unreal engine update) 1:05 Studio Updates 1:53 Design Team Updates (Combat systems talk) 5:00 Talking about castles and taking them over 5:49 Q&A start(addons) 6:02 Siege vulnerability 6:30 Gear durability on death 6:37 Artisan craft and what effects it 6:43 Soft or hard capped leveling 7:10 Flight paths and asmongold interview clarification 7:39 PVP identification by buffs 8:07 Unreal Engine 5 upgrade 8:51 Will the beta have the whole game's content 10:26 Can we have cats 10:37 Choices of Freehold structure type 11:00 Outro __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #2020

JI8aJP6WTfQ | 28 Aug 2020
So this is my impressions of New World thus far, we're 3 days in, I'm about 23 hours deep into the game and yeah...It's just absolutely no where near being ready as a game in my eyes. Spoiler alert I guess but I just feel like they got a long way to go before this is ready, not even content wise but most importantly design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #new world #game

ebZHcGOk_UQ | 26 Aug 2020
Next up we got Black Desert Online (BDO), why don't I play this popular mmorpg? It's not because the p2w, that would be a real short and simple video I feel...Plus there's probably some stuff we can discuss on that point too while we're at it. BDO is a game that does so many things well and yet is so fundamentally flawed that it's an interesting topic for me. Hope you enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #blackdesertonline #bdo

HULDKm1dRkA | 23 Aug 2020
Ashes of Creation seems to have gone from pretty much strength to strength throughout 2020 and here we are with their latest massive announcement. Intrepid Studios have announced the end of their partnership with (previously and as publisher for Europe and CIS regions, they are now going to self publish the game in North America, Europe and CIS...This is huge news, not just because no one likes but ...Well, watch the video. __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #2020

44QI6MSTYAU | 21 Aug 2020
There's a lot in here so forgive me if I miss some links. Info down below on what is in the video plus timestamps. Most of this is MMORPG stuff but with a few additional games that are similar thrown into the mix. __________________________________ 0:00 Intro 0:17 New World Preview - ( 2:35 Enmasse Entertainment Closure - ( 4:47 Smilegate x Amazon Games ( 6:26 Dead Matter Closed Alpha ( 7:34 Chronicles of El-Lie-Ria 9:10 Genshin Impact Launch Date 9:55 PSO 2 Region changes ( 10:37 Mad World ( 11:23 Dual Universe Beta ( 12:21 Mortal Online 2 ( 13:33 Outro __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #news #2020

g6hmUGzmFKE | 20 Aug 2020
Let's be honest it's almost certain that this news is about Lost Ark. Which I think is great news not just for the game but for the genre as a whole, getting a big boy publisher in here to clean up all these little t2/t3 cash grabbing publishers we have right now. I think it's pretty locked on that it is Lost Ark but also, let's not jump the gun as we've done for the last 2 years on this game and just report every tangible link to a single company or a job listing as a 100% confirmation of fact. If we went off of what was posted and what "made sense" then would already have published this according to most, this is the first time we've got actual deals being signed with the company that are publicly announced and all the contextual clues point towards it being Lost Ark. I'll leave a link to the article down below for you to read if you're curious what other stuff was said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #smilegate #lostark

eMfP2Cz6MDc | 18 Aug 2020
This is my final impressions of the Crowfall beta that recently launched. I probably won't be touching the game again until release, I just don't really see the point. It feels like the game hasn't really progressed much at all since mid 2019 when I last tried it out, just seems to have the same problems it had back then but slightly less bad, still bad...Just slightly less. I love the idea, I want to like the game really badly but as it is right now I just can't see the finish line and I thought at this stage I should easily be able to since it is now in Beta and not alpha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #beta #crowfall

PeMrkewkWgE | 15 Aug 2020
Today's video is archeage, why I don't play it. I tried to go a little bit more in depth on the cause of some of the bigger problems in the mmo genre when you're talking about playing South Korean mmorpgs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #archeage #mmo

zjt6F8oyYgo | 10 Aug 2020
I have no idea what to title this video or really how to present this content. Hopefully you guys enjoy it regardless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmorpgnews #gamingnews

gbUO9zw3STg | 08 Aug 2020
All of the games in the video are listed out so you can find the relevant info if I missed covering it with a quick google search. The video covers what updates and games are launching this week, apologies if I missed something, I know I will. Final Fantasy XIV(14) 5.3 launch ( Crowfall ( Albion Online ( Fractured ( Want to buy fractured and support my channel at the same time? ( ---- Use code "RDPJ24" for 10% off. Tree of Savior( Phantasy Star Online 2 ( Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:22 Final Fantasy XIV 5.3 2:59 Crowfall Beta Launch 6:03 Albion Online Rise of Avalon 9:18 Fractured Free Alpha testing 11:34 Tree of Savior Seasonal Server 12:50 Phantasy Star Online 2 Steam Launch 14:22 Outro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmorpgnews #gamingnews

McNPJTykLWo | 04 Aug 2020
Magic Legends is the upcoming aRPG from Cryptic Studios and Perfect World. They recently released their monetisation details and yeah...It's bad. I'm here to talk about that, about what magic legends is shaping up to look like and why this game for me is just not making sense. Link to Monetisation article ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #magiclegends #2020

NsHb4qS1pdE | 02 Aug 2020
Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Ashes of Creation will be playable again in Alpha 1 for top level backers starting sometime in August. This is a development update video showing new gameplay, talking about the current state of the game, what is being worked on and all that good stuff. Link to article I used for the video ( Official video from Intrepid Studios ( __________________________________ 0:00 Intro 1:16 Quick Updates/Alpha Date 2:41 Studio Update 3:51 Design Updates 5:14 VFX updates 6:30 Spell example 1 6:47 Prismatic Beam Spell example and level up animations 8:39 Gathering explanation 9:50 Mob tagging and Dungeon overview 12:25 Environment Updates 12:47 Character updates, swimming, equipment 15:00 Gathering question 16:53 Regional trading and auction system explained __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #2020

VMGfT6N1gno | 31 Jul 2020
Welcome back to the channel, today we got MMORPG news. Dragon's Prophet "return" Phantasy Star Online 2 steam launch and New Genesis details New World Testing Archeage Unchained update Black Desert Online x Cursed event Albion Online Rise of Avalon Update Tera Online - Battle Arena Below will be source links etc that may or may not get edited in later when I have more time as I used a lot in this video. Dragon's Prophet article on ( Phantasy Star Online 2 : New Genesis Details ( New World Density Test( Archeage Update ( Black Desert Online x Cursed event ( Albion Online Rise of Avalon Update ( Tera Online Battle Arena ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmorpgnews #gamingnews

tB0_r-A_u9A | 28 Jul 2020
To welcome all the new folks in the community, Steven Sharif (the Creative Director) did a LIVE AMA via Reddit and Twitch. Timestamps below and in the pinned comment. Video is long, be warned. Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Link to article I used for the video ( Official AMA video with Steven ( __________________________________ 0:00 Intro 00:50 Rogue Archetype utility skills 02:02 Exp rates and grouping 02:34 How Many dungeons/world bosses are there? 03:40 Why is multiboxing allowed? 06:40 Cash shop costumes and hiding gear 08:20 Logging off mid way into a caravan. 08:52 Benefits of the Religion system 09:42 Healing classes 10:55 Food consumption and buffs 12:01 Players required to play the starter zones? 13:04 Limited gatherables and scarcity. 13:32 Large guilds and server lockouts on server launch. 15:30 Character creation (as deep as black desert online?) 16:55 Inventory space limitations and moving materials. 18:11 Class/archetype information upcoming throughout Alpha 1 and 2. 19:54 Regional pricing for monthly subscription 20:35 Sieging cities and their relative strength based on type of city. 21:18 World boss drops , tagging monsters and loot settings. 22:16 Combat in ashes of creation compared to apocalypse 24:08 Seeing enemy player's levels and health as well as power difference in levels between players 25:45 Fast travel and family summoning. 27:32 Fake sieges as a strategy to prevent legit sieges on your cities. 28:53 Necromancy and pet summoning. 30:16 Augment system explanation and clarification of secondary archetypes 32:24 Questing, cross node questing 33:53 Philosophy behind cash shop, ruining visual progression 37:48 Shipbuilding 38:32 Content drops, launch content and clearance times. __________________________________ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #2020

ozMREHKrJJE | 25 Jul 2020
V4 is a mobile/pc cross platform mmorpg, released on July 23rd. This is a through and through mobile game, there is no real reason to mention the PC version to be honest as the game plays just about the same as any other mobile game running on an emulator. The game is deceptively not that bad for the first day, of course to make sure you have that emotional/time investment before piling on the pay to win and showing you the true underbelly of the game. Some people might be able to find this "game" and I use that term loosely enjoyable, but this just underlines exactly why I don't play mobile games and specifically mobile MMORPGs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #xbox#Upcominggames

_JvRL4tVHpo | 24 Jul 2020
Just a quick reaction to some of the Xbox Showcase trailers from 2020. List below of the games in the video and original links to the trailers. Some cool games, overall the ones I'm most looking forward to are for sure Grounded, Fable and Phantasy Star Online 2 but all of these looked cool to be honest. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - The Medium - S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 - Avowed - State of Decay 3 - Everwild - Grounded - Fable 4 - Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #xbox#Upcominggames

07KfhKdRD90 | 22 Jul 2020
All of the games in the video are listed out so you can find the relevant info if I missed covering it with a quick google search. The video covers Want to buy fractured and support my channel at the same time? ---- Use code "RDPJ24" for 10% off. V4 , A new free to play cross platform mmorpg that is about to launch on the 22nd/23rd of July Conqueror's Blade season 4 launch, action hack and slash mmorpg, free to play Fractured Alpha 2 test 3 launch on July 22nd, ActionRPG/MMORPG sandbox. Wurm Online relaunching on steam July 24th, hardcore, intricate, player driven sandbox mmorpg with pvp and pve servers. Star Wars The Old Republic(SWTOR) launching on steam, free to play themepark mmorpg from bioware. Final Fantasy XIV(14) launching an update to their free to play system, allowing you to experience the entire base game and most of heavensward as content and level from 1-60 free of charge with unlimited time, as well as the 5.3 patch launch with new content on August 11th. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #mmo #UpcomingMMORPG

_U5jOP6G2O4 | 21 Jul 2020
Very recently TheLazyPeon released a really great video on Ashes of Creation. A video that was definitely needed and really well made, explaining why he thinks Ashes of Creation is the most exciting MMORPG in development. In the video he goes over all of the game systems in as much detail as possible, definitely check that out. After this video released, Asmongold and Summit both watched on their streams, which led to Steven Sharif, the Creative director coming in for an interview on both. These videos you'll find linked below. The events above have taken Ashes from on the radar to being a big old hype train. There's hundreds of thousands of new searched for the MMO, the videos with the interviews and reactions, as well as LazyPeon's video are showing up all over in the algorithm and it's just gone huge overnight. This is a big win for the genre, but also something I felt that we need to talk about. Thelazypeon's original video ( Asmongold Reacts to Peon's Video( Asmongold interview with Steven ( Summit1g Watches LazyPeon's Video( Summit1g/Shroud interview with Steven( Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #ashesofcreation #UpcomingMMORPG

FrwJX3hEg9I | 19 Jul 2020
"Oath is a new free-to-play open world action combat, sandbox MMORPG from Ready-Up Studios built with the powerful Unreal Engine 4 and SpatialOS! It features action-based combat with many classes to choose from including Berserker, Pyromancer, Rogue, Guardian, Knight, Ranger, Cryomancer, and more coming. Oath also has advanced social systems such as the revolutionized Guild Land system which allows guilds to purchase land and build their own base that enables special features." This is from the kickstarter from the project. In reality, it is a "game" that never actually intended to be a game. From a group of serial grifters out of the Fiesta Online private server community. With multiple private servers released, which all went down abruptly, raking in thousands of dollars each time. Follow my twitch! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #oath #dirtydev

9SAlbTB7vW4 | 15 Jul 2020
Lost Ark, a 3D massively-multiplayer online role-playing game offers an immersive action-centric playing style and adopts a non-targeting combat system and a dynamic quarter-view angle to maximize the game experience. Wikipedia entry. Lost Ark is gearing up for a global launch coming next, after the Japanese release which is drawing nearer. The Season 2 patch is also being deployed which removes gender lock, adds a new class and basically rearranges large parts of the game, being described as a "fresh start". This is the patch they likely plan to launch the western or global version on. Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #lostark #mmorpgnews

PzOe2yinal8 | 14 Jul 2020
Elyon "Ascent: Infinite Realm" (formerly known as: Ascent: Infinite Realm) is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Bluehole and published by Kakao Games The game has a steampunk-inspired aesthetic, and will be focused around aerial combat and Realm vs Realm combat, with players using airships as their primary mode of transport. (Wikipedia description) - ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #elyon #mmorpgnews

oAEJ9MaeXKE | 11 Jul 2020
New World has been delayed, to Spring 2021. This is not a shock, this is not a bad thing, this is actually the best news we've had about New World in 2020. This video is just my thoughts and feelings on the subject, how I feel about the delay, about new world and generally reflecting on my content about new world in 2020, how that changes with this news etc. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #newworld #mmorpgnews

iW--HAAz1xI | 09 Jul 2020
Welcome back to the channel, today we got MMORPG news. For the first time in almost a month I think. I forgot how long it takes to make these videos in comparison to my usual ones :( Either way, there's a bunch of info in here, a bunch of games. Go wild, let me know what you think. Below will be source links etc that may or may not get edited in later when I have more time as I used a lot in this video. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #gamingnews #mmorpgnews

3L0_vxK5Grg | 08 Jul 2020
Dual Universe is a first person based space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online role play game video game in development by the Paris-based game development studio, Novaquark. It is reported to combine elements of Eve Online and Star Citizen, as well as Minecraft, No Man's Sky, and Space Engineers. Description of Dual Universe from Wikipedia. Dual Universe Website ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" - This is an Affiliate Link ------------------------------------------------------------ #mmorpg #dualuniverse #gaming

es1Wgu4tc1Q | 05 Jul 2020
Up next we have Camelot Unchained and the latest sage of what will Mark Jacobs do next? So today we have replacing 4 employees but not telling anyone they had even left, but presenting it to the public like these hires are additional resources. In reality, for me, it seems like the situation is being massively misrepresented. Maybe they're upgrades in each role, maybe the previous employees were issues and needed to be replaced...But the lack of transparency is a concern. Then also using people's reactions to this false narrative to censor the customers? It doesn't look good. Mark seems to have taken these things very poorly and has a new terms of service that basically says, if you criticise me, or the time it has taken to make this game, you are unwelcome in the community you paid to access. Frankly this is disgusting, childish and unfair behaviour. Especially coming from this studio with all the lack of transparency and issues it faces with refunds etc. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

3OGjdITHH1k | 03 Jul 2020
Amazon Game Studio's New World is a game I've been critical of, there's no hiding that. It's just what I do. I feel that AGS have made New World look worse than it actually is in terms of minute to minute gameplay with how they have shown the game. In particular their trailer which showed nothing, their overly edited/scripted videos on their youtube channel and then their work with IGN...It all just looks bad. When you see actual gameplay footage, the minute to minute small scale gameplay actually looks good. If I was a person who knew nothing about New World, I'd be legit excited by this footage. If it wasn't for the fact I know there is no end game that is. Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------ #MMORPG #NewWorld #Steam

fxTw27FtvQs | 02 Jul 2020
Bless Unleashed is an open-world online game that can be enjoyed with your friends and countless others. Venture out to engage in intense combat while exploring vast regions and treacherous dungeons. Steam Description^^ Bless Is back on pc...We knew this day was coming. I'm asking you guys to please not fall into the same trap. Nothing has changed, the game isn't suddenly being nurtured and it isn't going to be around for a long time most likely. Yes people can change, yes you should give it a bash once it releases free to play, but if you buy these founder's packs which I guarantee they will release with, you're activating the trap card. We can have a conversation about if the game is good, if it's worth playing, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about supporting a company that repeatedly pulls the same routine. Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------ #MMORPG #Bless #Steam

gZKl5LHduDY | 01 Jul 2020
Craftopia is the brand new multiplayer survival action game made in Japan. We combined many features we find enjoyable, such as hunting, farming, hack-and-slash, building, automation to develop this game. So here we are again with another early access survival sandbox game...Again. It's like we never left. Steam page ( Official Website for the developer ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------ #MMORPG #EarlyAccess #Sandbox

eYADCZ9XvnY | 30 Jun 2020
Ashes Of Creation released some more info with a recent developer live stream, showing housing details, talking about cosmetics, new hires to the studio, moving office, alpha 1 date and details, blocking, dodging and a whole bunch more. Ashes of creation is an upcoming *somewhat* crowdfunded MMORPG from Intrepid Studios. transcript used in video ( Official Dev video ( Pre-Alpha 4k GM Gameplay Video ( Creative Director Letter( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------ #MMORPG #AshesOfCreation #Alpha

gOukL-nKxLU | 27 Jun 2020
Chronicles of Elyria is like the MMORPG cockroach. It just isn't going away despite it being blatantly obvious that this is completely dead as a project and has been for a long time, if you even consider it ever alive at any time. Caspian has graced us with his presence yet again, still using the word "we" without a company to speak on behalf of and without any actual employees as they have no money. But apparently, we've got some content to look forward to. Thanks Caspian for keeping me with videos to make. Here's a link to the news post on the official Chronicles of Elyria website ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------ #MMORPG #DirtyDev #Scam

9HVZGacOYYs | 22 Jun 2020
Amazon Game Studios MMORPG "New World" launches beta next month, July 23rd and full launch August 25th, this is an interview with two of the developers from the IGN coverage of the game from last week. IGN Original video from their channel ( Source for the story quests ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

qnwZ2NBegqU | 18 Jun 2020
Albion Online is a fantasy sandbox MMORPG featuring a player-driven economy, classless combat system, and intense PvP battles. Explore a vast open world full of danger and opportunity. Grow your wealth, forge alliances, and leave your mark on the world of Albion. This is the latest development update from the devs themselves, talking about still working from home, the date they expect the update to drop, what will be in the update etc etc. Official, original link here ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

tOS4kinLfD4 | 17 Jun 2020
Black Desert Online Developers, Pearl Abyss recently held their conference *Heidel Ball At Home* and shown us a bunch of upcoming content, changes to content and with that also came the regular Q&A. They took questions from global users, from every territory they serve the game in. This Q&A is a long read, it's like 30 minutes just to read it alone let alone giving an opinion. So this video is long, I didn't realise how long it would be until I was already half way into the interview and didn't want to waste the work. I know this won't appeal to almost anyone but here it is. Please have mercy on my throat. Original link to full article on BDo forums ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

RiUotWDy7mQ | 16 Jun 2020
Amazon Game Studios MMORPG "New World" has been on the hype calendar for a lot of people in this genre now for a while, mostly I think because it's Amazon, it's a Western MMORPG with actual money and people in this genre are bored. They want something new, they are crying out for it in fact. New World has been a project I've followed from minute 1 of being rumoured and probably the game that I have done the most work for in terms of research since it is kind of shrouded in mystery. That being said, today's video we have IGN showcasing 16 minutes of chopped up gameplay across two different "siege" wars. So that's what we're watching, enjoy! IGN Original video from their channel ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

qB8b6psALYg | 16 Jun 2020
COREPUNK IS AN MMORPG WITH FOG-OF-WAR IN A SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD Thanks to the top-down camera and fog-of-war, you'll want to discover every nook and cranny. Corepunk offers a variety of professions, battlegrounds, challenging monsters in unique camps, guilds, farms, quests, and a profound lore. IGN youtube channel for the original video ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

_2Fd3uHYloc | 14 Jun 2020
What's new in the MMORPG Genre this week? New Survival game Valheim gets a trailer and info for steam early access, AGS(Amazon Game Studios) New World gets a beta date, Torchlight 3 launches on Steam Early Access, Worm Online is coming with a new monetisation and game updates to steam and more! Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

XF9QUFPAJa8 | 13 Jun 2020
This is a video going over my thoughts on the rising popularity of Fresh Start servers for mmorpgs. I personally feel that unless you're launching a fresh start server with a plethora of changes, things that would make your game undoubtedly more popular and give it a second chance, it is actually really hurting the game. I feel that archeage is a perfect example of this concept since they've been running fresh start servers with little changes for multiple years which always result in the same problems and then made a fresh start that actually helped, only to repeat the broken fresh start attempts shortly after. Archeage encompasses this whole concept as a game since they do it wrong, do it right and then do it wrong right after. This is usually a short sighted cash grab from the developer/publisher , they know this is hurting the long term population of the game but they don't seem to really care, we can't call this a mistake because surely they can see the impact themselves. Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

y3iYHrSgt6Q | 11 Jun 2020
Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this land of danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? This video is going over the recent dev diary news posts which encompass the crafting systems, character progression, weapon mastery and more. Dev Blogs Character Progression - ( Crafting - ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

GbVq7D9KUgo | 09 Jun 2020
Mortal Online 2 is the long awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long running first person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world. WCCFTECH Interview Link - ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

fZSVPGo2Mz8 | 06 Jun 2020
Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this land of danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? Dev Blog - ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

2TZlQsfVAbw | 04 Jun 2020
Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Official youtube video from AoC channel ( Source of PI testing website ( Google doc with details used in video ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

0LTSes-_Pi8 | 02 Jun 2020
Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Today's video is on the Heidel Ball at home, the roadmap for upcoming content for the game Black Desert Online. You can find the official stream here ( BDOBloo's Post on Seasonal servers/characters ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

qsvRB36cHqM | 31 May 2020
Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Official video livestream link - ( Visit the website used in the video - Ashespost ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

Heb5ewOLFM8 | 29 May 2020
What's new in the MMORPG Genre this week? New MMORPG for PC and Mobile, Odin - Valhalla Rising, Phantasy Star Online 2 launches for PC in the west, Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Launches, Dungeons & Dragons Online and Lord Of The Rings Online free content available for all players, Crowfall does...Things. Magic Legends enters Alpha. Odin info on MMOCULTURE ( TheLazyPeon DDO Video ( Cryy's Channel ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

juCXz9liv0g | 27 May 2020
Dive into the dynamic and colorful world of Elteria, which everyone can have a hand in creating! Defend your fortifications and capture enemy castles with friends, while mastering numerous skills of several classes to perfection - discovering amazing secrets of these lands on the way. ^^ Steam Description. Steam page - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

JqT75LbppOo | 25 May 2020
Frozen Flame is a multiplayer Survival Action RPG. Explore and conquer the mysterious world of dragons. Master the magic of Flame, craft customizable weapons, build your own shelter and unite with other players to stop the cursed creatures. Steam page ( Funding page ( Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

xJBNnOZnCg4 | 23 May 2020
ArcheAge is the ultimate free-to-play fantasy-sandbox MMORPG Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake. Steam description of Archeage. I used so many sources in this video from random places and had a lot of clippings saved throughout my hard drive so if you want a source for them you'll have to ask me specifically in the comments and I'll point you to where I found stuff roughly or a term to search. Way too many to include in the description like I usually would. Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

f03G5gxE3-Y | 21 May 2020
Welcome to the attempt at a new series, you like MMORPGs and you're saying "Anything new this week?"...This is the video for you. We got events, new mmorpg launches, alpha tests and events in this video. All links will be in the description for games talked about. This week is Albion Online, Eve Online, Astellia Online, Star Citizen, Phantasy Star Online 2, Fractured, Archeage Unchained, Last Oasis. Star Citizen article ( PSO2 launch tweet ( Cryy kindly allowed me to use his footage for PSO2 , please check out his channel he's the bruh ( Fractured affiliate link ( Fractured Article for testing news ( Archeage Unchained free test and sale ( Last Oasis update info pulled from their official discord server ( Astellia Online Update ( Albion Online pvp season reset( Albion Online new patch ( Eve online MMORPG article ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

z6ZksoXI_f8 | 19 May 2020
Camelot Unchained is an upcoming fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game from City State Entertainment which was partially funded through Kickstarter. Leading its production is Mark Jacobs, the former designer of Dark Age of Camelot. Links used in video- CU news post ( CU Kickstarter article ( CU Mark Jacobs Ragnarok quote video( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

EsEBPsrKcYQ | 16 May 2020
Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this land of danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? Dev Blog - ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

GC1xLMWcNFs | 14 May 2020
ArcheAge is the ultimate free-to-play fantasy-sandbox MMORPG Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake. Steam description of Archeage. Sources cited in video: Massively OP article : ( Reddit thread credit to "About_30_Ninjas" : ( Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

1HC3Xp-RW3w | 12 May 2020
Project TL still in development, Shadowlands not delayed, PSO2 not delayed, XLGames hiring for new mmorpg development, ProjectTL is a mess, Starbase Alpha soon! MMOCULTURE articles used: - ( ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

XRzvBp0HNwU | 10 May 2020
Mortal Online 2 is the long awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long running first person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

5mWXfN8gxgE | 06 May 2020
Survival on Kepler is a race against time. Make the most of the remaining 168 hours or get turned into an unworldly being by the Sphere. Complete quests to help NPCs, explore the diverse landscape, survive wildlife and other players. Uncover Kepler’s mysteries and your mission’s true goal. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

7jh89aAaneQ | 04 May 2020
Survival on Kepler is a race against time. Make the most of the remaining 168 hours or get turned into an unworldly being by the Sphere. Complete quests to help NPCs, explore the diverse landscape, survive wildlife and other players. Uncover Kepler’s mysteries and your mission’s true goal. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

W-yd8qcMtOA | 02 May 2020
Ashes of Creation is an upcoming MMORPG by Intrepid Studios. Set in a backdrop of high fantasy, players will venture into a vast new world to explore and tame the wilderness. Ashes of Creation’s foundational node system means nearly the entirety of the world is built by player choice and actions! No two player experiences will feel the same - every server ebbs and flows with its own unique story and character all based on player choice. Official video livestream link - ( Visit the website used in the video - Ashespost ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

t_0N0BRUUNY | 01 May 2020
Fate has summoned you to the shores of Aeternum, the Eternal Isle. Overcome the brutal legions of The Corrupted and draw battle lines with competing players in this land of danger and opportunity. In a land hell-bent on your destruction, what will you do to survive? Dev Blog - ( Dev Diary - ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

RCyC7AeAEHU | 28 Apr 2020
Chronicles of Elyria is a cancelled persistent world role-playing game designed from the ground up to address the many problems and shortcomings in today's conventional MMORPGs. Rather than being grindy and repetitive, Chronicles of Elyria allows players to make meaningful choices about the role they play in the world and, in turn, their choices have meaningful consequences on those around them. Not just a theme park or sandbox MMO, we define Chronicles of Elyria as an event-driven story MMO, with a gripping narrative that is experienced across multiple in-game life-times as your characters are born, age, and die. Link to the FAQ on the website - ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

EE7GPrYKTsQ | 27 Apr 2020
These are the last standing Kickstarter/Crowdfunding MMORPGs of the big names, Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, Pantheon: Rise of The Fallen and Ashes of Creation. With the recently fallen Chronicles of Elyria. My take on what to expect from each and if we should keep funding these crowdfunded projects. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

S9m4L2i0K4A | 23 Apr 2020
This video is sponsored by Eternal Magic, play now on PC for free- (This is a sponsored Link) Despite the recent misinformation flying around, no, lost ark is not coming "internationally". Not yet at least. Riot Games Acquires Hypixel, developers of Hytale. Elder Scrolls Online has a free week of ESO Plus subscription. Phantasy Star Online 2 launches on PC in late May on Windows store exclusive. Conqueror's Blade Launches season 3 of their battlepass including game play updates. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

ixPjOIE85rw | 20 Apr 2020
The first open-world Sandbox MMORPG featuring action combat, interactable environments, no grind, player-driven economy and universe colonization. Fractured Webpage - ( Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

H5m2rkPt2-s | 17 Apr 2020
Hytale is an upcoming sandbox role-playing video game by Hypixel Studios. Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel, with funding and developmental assistance from Riot Games. It is planned to be released for Microsoft Windows and macOS in 2021. Riot Source ( Hytale/Hypixel Source ( Hypixel/Hytale FAQ ( ) Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

SOMgfVbDVco | 15 Apr 2020
Oath is a new MMORPG from Ready-Up Studios built with the powerful Unreal Engine 4 and SpatialOS! It features action-based combat with many classes to choose from including Berserker, Pyromancer, Rogue, Guardian, Knight, Ranger, Cryomancer, and more coming soon. Oath also has advanced social systems such as the revolutionized Guild Land system which allows guilds to purchase land and build their own base that enables special features. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - Code "kiratv" ------------------------------------------------------------

AHw_O1wWce0 | 09 Nov 2019
How gamigo treat's their "Partners" and people helping to sell their game. Behind the scenes from my perspective working with them for multiple months and just verifiable facts and truths. I tried to keep people's names out of it despite not being obligated to do so. If push comes to shove, I can provide verifiable, unedited copies of all skype logs and emails should the legitimacy be called into question as downloaded from Microsoft themselves. Thanks for watching and see you on the other side, whatever that may be. Visit My Website (under construction) - Join My Discord! - Follow My Social media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20% off ExitLag VPN at the link below and help support my channel - ------------------------------------------------------------