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All videos archived of Ben Hart
How & Why the CIA Killed JFK | Part 2

yIRRd-bMf2s | 09 Feb 2025

How & Why the CIA Killed JFK | Part 2

Part 2 of my documentary that lays out a mountain of evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a shot; and that JFK was killed by the CIA. You can find my books here: BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

The Genius of Donald Trump

k9_M0WcckeI | 14 Dec 2024

The Genius of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is among the greatest marketers in history. I'm currently writing a book on this. You can find my books here: BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

How the CIA Created Charles Manson | A Documentary

ivVHN8aivx8 | 27 Oct 2024

How the CIA Created Charles Manson | A Documentary

This video will blow your mind. You can find my books here: BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

The Truth About January 6th

NE3P-N1jIBc | 07 Oct 2024

The Truth About January 6th

Everything you need to know about January 6th. You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

NEW POLLS: Kamala Harris Collapsing

OzyBi3p-QCc | 03 Oct 2024

NEW POLLS: Kamala Harris Collapsing

New polls show Kamala Harris in FREE-FALL -- honeymoon over. Tim Walz debate disaster -- worse than Joe Biden. Even 4th graders turn against Kamala. You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

Did The Unabomber Have a Point?

OW2qxM6hLjo | 26 Sep 2024

Did The Unabomber Have a Point?

Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) had an IQ of 167, entered Harvard at age 16, was among America's top mathematicians, was the youngest assistant professor in the history of Berkeley. Then he went haywire. Had he not become one of the most dangerous terrorists in America's history, his ideas might have gained more traction earlier. But his ideas are gaining traction now. You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

Is Inciting Assassination Now Democrat Political Strategy?

gcHrmmAB-oQ | 20 Sep 2024

Is Inciting Assassination Now Democrat Political Strategy?

Donald Trump has just survived a 2nd assassination attempt in 9 weeks. Is Democrat rhetoric inciting these attacks? And is this purposeful? Is it time to tone down the rhetoric? You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

NEW DATA: Trump Winning In Landslide | Post Debate

XpNEzCX8LNU | 16 Sep 2024

NEW DATA: Trump Winning In Landslide | Post Debate

Pundits say Kamala Harris won the debate. Independent voters say otherwise. Plus massive survey of 8,044 registered voters by Pew Research. You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow me on X at

She Lost BILLIONS of Dollars for Investors | The Cathie Wood Story, Crazy

bIIRaIH4P5w | 10 Sep 2024

She Lost BILLIONS of Dollars for Investors | The Cathie Wood Story, Crazy

CAUTION! The video contains some of the worst investment advice ever given in the history of investment advice. Proceed at your own risk! Cathie Wood was flying high. Her fund was up 700% in a 4-year period. She was America's most celebrated money manager in 2020-21. But then she crashed and burned -- destroying billions of dollars of investor money. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

Is Kamala Harris a Communist?

qOpaEFHRRwc | 26 Aug 2024

Is Kamala Harris a Communist?

Exactly who is Kamala Harris? What does she believe? And who is her Vice Presidential running-mate Tim Walz? Don't forget to subscribe! You can find my books on Amazon here . . . BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach Follow my on X @BenHart_Freedom

The Truth About the Rachael Gunn Scandal

H1pe3wpoOkU | 18 Aug 2024

The Truth About the Rachael Gunn Scandal

Did Rachael Gunn cheat to get into the Olympics? This is the question the world is asking. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

FACT CHECK: Is Kamala Harris Black?

pv0bS68HFNU | 04 Aug 2024

FACT CHECK: Is Kamala Harris Black?

And does it matter if she is . . . or not? You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

Kamala vs My Wife | Victim Olympics

W8S-guXCglI | 22 Jul 2024

Kamala vs My Wife | Victim Olympics

Who had to overcome more to succeed in America -- Kamala Harris . . . or My Wife Wanda? This is a story about TRUE GRIT vs. Someone Who Complains A Lot About America. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

Why I Cut My Daughter Out of My Will

kSlfUWw_qTk | 15 Jul 2024

Why I Cut My Daughter Out of My Will

WARNING: This video contains adult themes and language. Not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. Here's an update on what's happening between me and my daughter. This video might be of help to dads who are going through divorce, might be divorced, or are heading toward divorce. I hope this video helps dads and moms avoid the many mistakes I and my ex-wife made -- Madi's behavior being the result of our mistakes. Ben's WIN LIFE book here on Amazon: I can be found on X at Related Videos: 1st Video 2nd Video

Sadistic Influencer Almost Kills Mentally Disabled Woman for Views

gINje8bEOCs | 09 Jun 2024

Sadistic Influencer Almost Kills Mentally Disabled Woman for Views

WARNING: Content might be disturbing for some viewers. Minors should not view without permission of parent or guardian. Horrifying story about how a major social media influencer named Natalie Reynolds nearly drowned a mentally handicapped woman who cannot swim for views. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

16 Reasons Why Donald Trump's Conviction Will Be Reversed . . . Soon.

YXhTASz3M-U | 05 Jun 2024

16 Reasons Why Donald Trump's Conviction Will Be Reversed . . . Soon.

You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find my book on BITCOIN on Amazon here: Check out my other videos. I post about politics, culture, marketing, business, finance, success, health, fitness. And I comment on what's happening in the news.

A Day That Will Live in Infamy | Trump Verdict

5-I-jRMs6sM | 31 May 2024

A Day That Will Live in Infamy | Trump Verdict

Is the American Republic Over? You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find my book on BITCOIN on Amazon here: Check out my other videos. I post about politics, culture, marketing, business, finance, success, health, fitness. And I comment on what's happening in the news.

The Heist from Jekyll Island | Crime of the Century

LgR1VoMbXrM | 29 May 2024

The Heist from Jekyll Island | Crime of the Century

This crime dooms 97% of Americans today to a lifetime of slavery and fear. You can find my book on BITCOIN on Amazon here: You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Check out my other videos. I post about politics, culture, marketing, business, finance, success, health, fitness. And I comment on what's happening in the news.

THE CRIME That Dooms 97% of Americans to a Lifetime of Slavery and Fear

tGHLa4MK96o | 29 May 2024

THE CRIME That Dooms 97% of Americans to a Lifetime of Slavery and Fear

97% of Americans are doomed to a lifetime of slavery and fear because of a criminal plot hatched in a secret meeting of America's most powerful bankers on Jekyll Island in 1910. CORRECTION: 04:38 I misspoke. Price of gold is now $2,426, not $1,426. You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom You can find my book on BITCOIN on Amazon here: You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: Check out my other videos. I post about politics, culture, marketing, business, finance, success, health, fitness. And I comment on what's happening in the news.

My True Opinion of Donald Trump | A Documentary

HQPXZF-1x90 | 20 May 2024

My True Opinion of Donald Trump | A Documentary

In this video, I explain why I changed my view of Donald Trump. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Check out my other videos. I post about politics, culture, marketing, business, finance, success, health, fitness. And I comment on what's happening in the news.

How I Solve Life's Problems

Q8m2gSy7KLI | 06 May 2024

How I Solve Life's Problems

My formula for solving life's biggest problems. Crucial, is your mindset. Here is the video about my divorce: Here's the story of my Laotian wife Wanda's escape from the Communists: You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Here are some other videos of mine that might interest you: "How I Made $1.2 MILLION with 5 Days Work." How to Know If You Have a Winning Product or Idea" "The Only Stock Market Trading Strategy You Will Ever Need"

How I Got 23,000 YouTube Subscribers in 60 Days | At Age 66

8h7JeAKO6aI | 01 May 2024

How I Got 23,000 YouTube Subscribers in 60 Days | At Age 66

I decided to become a YouTuber at age 66 and got 23,000 subscribers in the last 60 days. During this period, my channel got 1.3 MILLION views and 200,000 hours of watch time. This video explains how you can this too! I did this by following @JennyHoyos advice and studying @PewDiePie You can see Jenney's full interview with Jay Clouse podcast here: @CreatorScienceYT Here are my most successful video mentioned in this video: (670k views) (208k views) (266k views) You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Here are some other videos of mine that might interest you: "How I Made $1.2 MILLION with 5 Days Work." How to Know If You Have a Winning Product or Idea" "The Only Stock Market Trading Strategy You Will Ever Need"

How to Get a Wife or Girlfriend Like Mine If You Are Below-Average Looking

HN_4LUFbNv0 | 24 Apr 2024

How to Get a Wife or Girlfriend Like Mine If You Are Below-Average Looking

Advice by dating advice gurus for guys is wrong. Do this instead. Finding the right woman for you is no different from any other sales or marketing challenge. This video explains how you can find a wife or girlfriend like mine even if you are average or below-average looking. This video is pure entertainment. But you might learn some things along the way. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: Here's the video on "My Horrific Divorce" Here's Wanda's amazing story on how she escaped from Laos at age 13 when the Communists took over. She walked through he jungle for 4 days and 4 nights, then got across the Mekong River to Thailand. And here's a video on "How I Made $1.2 Million with 5 Days Work." You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

Who Is Tougher? | Kamala vs. My Wife

QIvjxMLkCT8 | 20 Apr 2024

Who Is Tougher? | Kamala vs. My Wife

This is a story about TRUE GRIT vs. Someone Who Complains A Lot Had to upload this video again because of copyright issue. I thought the music I had used was part of the YouTube audio library of allowed music. I guess I was wrong. This video is pure entertainment. But you might learn some things along the way. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Here are some other podcasts on my channel that might interest you: How to Know If You Have a Winning Product or Idea The Only Stock Market Trading Strategy You Will Every Need

How I Made $1.2 Million With 5 Days Work

oY0oQymGiJ4 | 14 Apr 2024

How I Made $1.2 Million With 5 Days Work

Not only did I make $1.2 Million with 5 days work. I did this repeatedly. Anyone can do this with the strategy I outline here. It's actually very simple. You can find my book "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach" on Amazon here: You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom Here are some other podcasts on my channel that might interest you: How to Know If You Have a Winning Product or Idea The Only Stock Market Trading Strategy You Will Ever Need

My Time in Jail From My Ugly Divorce

Zr6AaLNAT4E | 08 Apr 2024

My Time in Jail From My Ugly Divorce

Ugliest divorce in history. Insane feminist judge puts me in jail even though I was keeping up with my $12,000 per month in alimony and support. This is a story about how my ex-wife took every legal step imaginable to prevent me from even seeing my children, ever again. Key players in this story include me, Ben Hart, also known in the media as "Breakdancing Dad," Betsy Hart, daughter Madi Hart, and Judge Leslie Alden. Ben's WIN LIFE book here on Amazon: Links to previous videos on this . . . My Conflict With My Daughter | Why I Went To Jail My Daughter Launches 2nd Video Attack on Me, Her Dad My Daughter's Viral Video Attack Me! You can find me on X @BenHart_Freedom

UPDATE: My Conflict With My Daughter | Why I Went To Jail

OB55RSL5Ve8 | 27 Mar 2024

UPDATE: My Conflict With My Daughter | Why I Went To Jail

Many are asking for an update and more details on what's happening between me and my daughter. My hope is this video helps dads who are going through divorce, might be divorced, or are heading toward divorce. I hope this video helps dads avoid the many mistakes I made. 1st Video 2nd Video Ben's WIN LIFE book here on Amazon: I can be found on X at

World's Oldest Bboy (66) Battles in Philly Open | Ben Hart | Bboy Benihana

9XQd4v1bnVU | 20 Mar 2024

World's Oldest Bboy (66) Battles in Philly Open | Ben Hart | Bboy Benihana

Ben Hart, AKA Bboy Benihana. Age 66. Had a great time representing Bitcoin in a crew battle at the Pro Breaking Tour's Philly Open as world's oldest actively competing break dancer. Problem was: I don't have a crew, so had to do all rounds myself.

How Civilization Collapses | Ben Hart, Marty Bent

SQ14HvyBBA0 | 10 Mar 2024

How Civilization Collapses | Ben Hart, Marty Bent

More excerpts from my appearance of Marty Bent's podcast. We discuss "How Civilization Collapses." Also, do we really need money printing by government to grease the economy, to create "velocity of money," and prevent people from hoarding? SHORT ANSWER: No. You can find my book on BITCOIN on Amazon in all the formats. And your can follow me on X @BenHart_Freedom

I Explain Bitcoin to Pearl 's 1,000,000 Followers | Ben Hart

MML-Tsyl-Pg | 07 Mar 2024

I Explain Bitcoin to Pearl 's 1,000,000 Followers | Ben Hart

Ben Hart explains to Pearl Davis and her audience why Bitcoin is FREEDOM''s only hope for survival. Follow, subscribe to Pearl @JustPearlyThings You can watch the entire podcast there as well.

Why Bitcoin is Freedom's Only Hope For Survival | Ben Hart, Marty Bent

svSdbrjhLWk | 05 Mar 2024

Why Bitcoin is Freedom's Only Hope For Survival | Ben Hart, Marty Bent

A wide ranging discussion between Ben Hart and Marty Bent on why Bitcoin is Freedom's only hope for survival and why Government cannot kill Bitcoin. Bitcoin is your off-ramp from the digital prison now being built by Big Tech in partnership with Big Government. Follow Ben at X @BenHart_Freedom

Origins of The "Woke Mind Virus" | Ben Hart

hK5IoNsTv1k | 02 Mar 2024

Origins of The "Woke Mind Virus" | Ben Hart

Ben Hart talks about the origins of what Elon Musk calls "The Woke Mind Virus" with Marty Bent. Plus "How Bitcoin Fixes This." Ben wrote the first book on this topic while a student at Dartmouth College. The book, published in 1984, is titled POISONED IVY: The War on Freedom of Thought by America's Elite Colleges. Great discussion here with Marty. You can find the full podcast here: You can also find me on X here

Ben Hart Explains Bitcoin to Dinesh D'Souza

W5ejniSJxMo | 28 Feb 2024

Ben Hart Explains Bitcoin to Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza had me on his podcast to explain "What is Bitcoin?" and "Why is "Bitcoin Freedom's Only Hope for Survival?"

ELON MUSK Weighs in on Conflict Between Me and My Daughter

rvCZkQmDzu0 | 26 Feb 2024

ELON MUSK Weighs in on Conflict Between Me and My Daughter

Yes, ELON MUSK weighs in on conflict Between me and my daughter. In case, you're not up to speed on this, here's what all this is about . . . Video One: Video Two: So now we have this big social media blow up. You can also find me on X here:

My Daughter Launches 2nd Video Attack on Me, Her Dad

qZaq6N-SaJw | 23 Feb 2024

My Daughter Launches 2nd Video Attack on Me, Her Dad

Unfortunately, my daughter Madi (a big social media influencer) has put up 2 more attack videos on me, her Dad. She was upset that my video response to her first video got 33 Million views on X. Here was that video: So she went full attack with two more viral videos. I had no choice but to put up this detailed response. The bottom line is: I asked her to take her first video down and correct the damaging inaccuracies. She declined because she said her video had gone viral, had 7 Million views. I said, then at least put my response video up on her feed -- which is very mild, just corrects the few inaccuracies. She declined. I even suggested I fly to LA to do a collaboration video, where we hash out these issues. So far, she has not taken me up on my offer. It would be great for her channel and would likely put the relationship back together, which seemed to be going great before this -- even though we disagree on politics for the most part. You can also follow me on X here:

My Daughter's Viral Video Attack on Me!

2a4d2gTlwA0 | 18 Feb 2024

My Daughter's Viral Video Attack on Me!

I wake up at 6 a.m. to find that my daughter has posted a video trashing me. She's a big social media influencer with millions of followers. Here it is . . . You can also follow me on X here:

Why I Started Break Dancing at Age 54

kKxuHpIV8k0 | 03 Jun 2023

Why I Started Break Dancing at Age 54

At age 65, Ben Hart (AKA Benihana) is the world's oldest actively competing break dancer. In this video, Ben explains why break dancing is for everyone and for all ages.

Stock Market Strategy Video for My Kids

Yw74GIoWJOY | 24 May 2023

Stock Market Strategy Video for My Kids

I've told my six kids this is the only stock market strategy video they will ever need. This video is for them, but you're welcome to listen in. Not investment advice. Only you know your situation and risk-tolerance. Consult your own financial advisor. Do your own research.

Age 65 Break Dancer Ben Hart in USA National Break Dance Championship | Austin, TX | Bboy Benihana

lULlN6A8usA | 07 May 2023

Age 65 Break Dancer Ben Hart in USA National Break Dance Championship | Austin, TX | Bboy Benihana

World's oldest actively competing break dancer, Ben Hart (AKA Bboy Benihana, age 65) battles in National Break Dance Championship in Austin, TX. Breaking for Gold. Breaking is now an Olympic sport, starting in Paris in 2024. This was an Olympics qualifier.

The Number One Habit Keeping Smart People Poor | Ben Hart

w4bFi2tB2KU | 02 May 2023

The Number One Habit Keeping Smart People Poor | Ben Hart

Ben Hart explains why high-income earners, including very smart people, often end up bankrupt. Also, check out Ben's new book on Amazon, "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach." You can find it here:

How to Know if You Have a Winning Idea | by Ben Hart

7Q559OHMENM | 29 Apr 2023

How to Know if You Have a Winning Idea | by Ben Hart

How to know you have a profitable idea or product before you spend a lot of money developing it. Also, check out Ben's new book on Amazon, "WIN LIFE: Success Skills Schools Don't Teach." You can find it here:

Age 65 Break Dancer (Ben Hart) Enters Olympic Qualifier in NYC | April 22, 2023

O7tbamdtR8E | 23 Apr 2023

Age 65 Break Dancer (Ben Hart) Enters Olympic Qualifier in NYC | April 22, 2023

Break dancing is now an Olympic sport, starting in 2024. Everyone's trying out, including age 65 Ben Hart. This is a regional qualifier in New York City, held April 22, 2023.

Age 65 Break Dancer Tries Out for 2024 Olympics | Qualifier, Minneapolis 2023

qbRGIOOYcvg | 08 Apr 2023

Age 65 Break Dancer Tries Out for 2024 Olympics | Qualifier, Minneapolis 2023

World's oldest actively competing Break Dancer Ben Hart (age 65, me) tries out for 2024 Paris Olympics. Break dancing is now an Olympic sport for the first time. This was a qualifier for the Olympics in Minneapolis, MN. Subscribe to my channel if you would like to follow my activities. Breaking now being an Olympic sport is very big for breaking -- and especially big for the breakers, who might now be able to make some real money. There will only be a total of 16 breakers from the entire world in the Olympics because this is a trial run. The IOC wants to see how popular it is. I think it will be wildly popular. At most 2 will make it from the United States. They are having lots of qualifiers.

Beginner Top Rock | How to Break Dance | by Ben Hart (age 65)

_6MCysAsEwM | 06 Mar 2023

Beginner Top Rock | How to Break Dance | by Ben Hart (age 65)

Age 65 Ben Hart started breaking at age 54. The toughest aspect of breaking for me to learn was "How to Top Rock." I grew up in rural Vermont. We didn't do much dancing up there. When I saw a breaking battle, I knew I wanted to do this. But I had no clue what I was supposed to do when I was up on my feet. Didn't know how to hit a beat or even what a beat was. Most breakers have been doing this all their lives. It would not occur to them that someone would not know how to pick up a beat. And there are no tutorials on YouTube for the rank beginner when it comes to top rock. Or the tutorials that are supposedly for beginners are still too advanced and leave key basics out. So this video is for anyone who thinks they might want to learn how to break dance, but is really worried about taking that first trip onto the dance floor in front of all the other breakers and looking pretty awkward. That was me. Fortunately, my superpower is I am immune to embarrassment. I don't get embarrassed. If I want to do something, I just go out there and do it. You learn by doing. And you learn by failing.

HOW TO BREAK DANCE | Beginners | Three-Step | by Ben Hart (Age 65)

Pb2_aVUzWfU | 04 Mar 2023

HOW TO BREAK DANCE | Beginners | Three-Step | by Ben Hart (Age 65)

How to Break Dance. Break Dance for Beginners. Break Dance Basics. Ben Hart explains "How to Three-Step" -- which is one of the most basic steps in break dance once you hit the floor. Ben started breaking when he was age 54. He's age 65 now. He's on a mission to get the over-40 crowd breaking. This is the best form of exercise there is.

Age 60. World's Oldest Break Dancer | Ben Hart (AKA B-Boy Benihana)

5dlRlAJuZIk | 03 Mar 2023

Age 60. World's Oldest Break Dancer | Ben Hart (AKA B-Boy Benihana)

Age 60, Ben Hart is the world's oldest actively competing Break Dancer.

Age 64: World's Oldest Break Dancer. Ben Hart (AKA Benihana) v Nimbus | Florida Breaking Open

Lh_lo24eMKI | 02 Mar 2023

Age 64: World's Oldest Break Dancer. Ben Hart (AKA Benihana) v Nimbus | Florida Breaking Open

World's oldest actively competing break dancer. Age 64 Ben Hart battles in the Florida Breaking Open vs B-boy Nimbus. #Breakdance #BreakingBattle #BboyBattle

How To Dolphin Dive | Break Dance for Seniors | by Ben Hart (age 65)

YdDEzI5-5Fs | 01 Mar 2023

How To Dolphin Dive | Break Dance for Seniors | by Ben Hart (age 65)

Age 65 Break Dancer Ben Hart teaches move that always wins him free drinks and free admission to any night club. It's called "The Dolphin Dive."

How To Windmill | Break Dance for Seniors | by Ben Hart (Age 65)

MxvO9d524lk | 26 Feb 2023

How To Windmill | Break Dance for Seniors | by Ben Hart (Age 65)

Ben Hart (Age 65) shows seniors how to learn the Windmill. Ben started breaking at age 54.

HOW TO BREAK DANCE | The Six-Step | Beginners | by Ben Hart (age 65)

bhMvXcGiA7o | 23 Feb 2023

HOW TO BREAK DANCE | The Six-Step | Beginners | by Ben Hart (age 65)

The "Six-Step" is one of the most basic steps in break dancing. Age 65 Ben Hart (AKA B-Boy Benihana) is trying to get his fellow senior citizens involved in this great craft -- because the goal at this age in life is to "Keep Moving." This video is for beginners. If you can six-step, you can break dance. Ben started breaking at age 54. If he can do it, you can do it.

HOW TO FIND THE BEAT | Break Dance Fitness for Seniors | by Ben Hart (age 65)

L1r6L8XoUFs | 21 Feb 2023

HOW TO FIND THE BEAT | Break Dance Fitness for Seniors | by Ben Hart (age 65)

This is the first in a series titled "Break Dance Fitness for Senior Citizens," by Ben Hart (AKA B-boy Benihana). Ben started breaking at age 54. He's now 65, eligible for Medicare, and is like the world's oldest actively competing breaker. Ben believes a key to a high-quality of life is to keep moving. One way is with dance. Even if you don't want to Break Dance, just dancing is one of the best forms of exercise. No need for a gym membership. You just need to find about 12-square feed of floor space.

Tether-Bitfinex is a $68 BILLION Ponzi Scam

vB9nfYPal80 | 20 Feb 2023

Tether-Bitfinex is a $68 BILLION Ponzi Scam

The Tether-Bitfinex Ponzi scam is about double the size of the Sam-Bankman Fried FTX-Alameda Ponzi. This means the implosion of Tether is likely to have double the impact on the price of Bitcoin than did SBF's implosion. Tether is the world's biggest stablecoin. More than half the world's crypto trades are conducted using Tether. It's a $68 Billion asset. Bitfinex is one of the world's biggest crypto exchanges. Though the leadership of these two companies denied for years that there was any connection between Tether and Bitfinex, both Tether and Bitfinex are in fact owned and led by the exact same people. Both Tether and Bitfinex have the same CEO (Jean-Louis van der Velde) , the same CFO (Giancarlo Devasani), the same CSO (Phil Potter), and the same General Counsel (Stuart Hoegner). The founder of Bitfinex (Raphael Nicolle) literally spent his time on the Bitcoin forums in 2012 looking for Ponzi schemes to get involved in. He then launched Bitfinex in 2014. Tether was founded by famous child actor Brock Pierce. Bitfinex acquired Tether in 2014 from Brock Pierce and his partners. Much of this video is based on findings by the New York State Attorney General's office. This is a story about the lying sociopaths behind Tether and Bitfinex. This is another installment in my series on "Why Bitcoin is NOT Crypto" and has nothing to do with the rest of the crypto world. If you want to dig deeper into all things Bitcoin, check out my bestselling book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at Contents of Video with Time-Stamp Links: What is Tether? 4:29 What is a stablecoin 4:46 USDC stablecon. Circle Pay. 6:42 Bitfinex 8:53 Compared to Sam Bankman Fried Ponzi 9:10 New York State's Lawsuit Against Tether-Bitfinex 10:25 Tether Still Traded on Coinbase and Gemini 11:30 Compared to Bernie Madoff 11:52 CNBC and Jim Cramer Hailed SBF as Next JP Morgan 12:10 Tether Pays $18.5 Million Fine to New York State 12:51 Tether Fined $42.5 Million by CFTC 13:10 CFTC's Statement on Tether by Commissioner Dawn Stump 13:32 Tether Guarantees Tethers 100% Back by Dollars 1-to-1 15:30 Tether's Infamous Pie Chart That Proves Ponzi 15:56 Tether CSO Phill Potter Denies Any Connection to Bitfinex 23:48 Paradise Papers Documents Potter's Lie 24:20 Phil Potter Admits He Lied, Then Lies Again 24:27 Big Conflict of Interest 25:18 Bitfinex Founder Raphael Nicolle History 27:15 Raphael Nicolle Looks for Ponzi Schemes to Get Involved In 27:35 Nicolle Loses Bitcoins to Ponzi Artist Trendon Shavers 27:56 Nicolle Copies Shavers' Ponzi Model 29:15 Nicolle Founds Bitfinex 29:38 Bitfinex Leadership Team 30:10 Phil Potter Background 30:30 Phil Potter Fired from Morgan Stanley in 1997 30:43 Tether-Bitfinex CFO Giancarlo Devasani Background 32:00 Tether-Bitfinex CEO Jean-Louis van der Velde Background 36:28 Tether Founder Brock Pierce of Mighty Ducks. History. 37:38 Child Sex Abuse Ring. Mark Collins-Rector. 38:30 Brock Pierce Flees to Spain with Collins-Rector, Shackley. 39:20 Brock Pierce, Collins-Rector, Shackley Arrested in Spain 39:30 Collins-Rector Pleads Guilty. Registers as Sex Offender. 39:45 Leaders of Bitfinex Acquire Tether from Pierce and Partners. 40:22 Brock Pierce Moves to Puerto Rico to Start a Utopia 40:30 1,500 Bitcoins Stolen from Bitfinex in 2015. 40:55 120,000 Bitcoins Stolen from Bitfinex in 2016 41:10 Wells Fargo Cuts Off Banking Services for Tether-Bitfinex. 41:16 Bitfinex loses $850 Million in Customer Funds in 2018. 41:28 Bitfinex Announces 36% "Hair Cut" on Customer Funds. 42:05 Tether Announces Series of Audits That Never Occur. 42:55 Tether Creates Series of Trash Tokens to Pay Customers 43:30 Bitfinex Unbanked 44:50 Bitfinex Lawsuit Against Wells Fargo Backfires. 46:15 Pseudonymous Twitter Figure Bitfinex'ed on Tether-Bitfinex. 47:10 Phil Potter Admits to Money Shell Games and Trickery in Audio. 51:12 Crypto Capital Disaster. 52:35 Phil Potter Delivers Ineffective Audio Assurances to Investors. 54:20 Bitfinex-Tether Hire Friedman LLP to Conduct Fake Audi. 55:52 Bitfinex-Tether Fire Accounting Firm for Asking Questions. 59:50 Tether Admits Tethers are Not Backed by Dollars 1-to-1. 1:01:10 Tether's New Guarantee Says Tethers Backed by Nothing. 1:01:40 New Legal Terms Say Tethers Backed by Nothing. 1:02:46 Who is the Tether-Bitfinex General Counsel Stuart Hoegner? 1:05:20 Hoegner's Connection to Ultimate Bet scandal. 1:05:30 Difference Between Bitcoin and Rest of Crypto World. 1:07:15 Bitfinex'ed Twitter address @Bitfinexed

Bitcoin's "Immaculate Inception" | $1,000,000 10-Year Price Target

8rPs8iGT5NM | 27 Jan 2023

Bitcoin's "Immaculate Inception" | $1,000,000 10-Year Price Target

Ben Hart explains why Bitcoin will never be replaced, and why Bitcoin has a good chance to reach a price of $1,000,000 per coin within 10 years. Ben's reasons stem from Bitcoin's "Immaculate Inception" -- circumstances that can never be replicated. If you want to dig deeper into all things Bitcoin, check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

How to Buy and Secure Your Bitcoin Correctly | Be Your Own Bank

f1bpepIEluA | 20 Jan 2023

How to Buy and Secure Your Bitcoin Correctly | Be Your Own Bank

Ben Hart explains here how to take self-custody of your Bitcoin, so you can be a FREE and SOVEREIGN individual . . . instead of a SLAVE to the state. One of Ben's major projects is also to explain why Bitcoin is so different from all other crypto assets. If you want to dig deeper into all things Bitcoin, check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

Why Own Bitcoin?

8AIVVW0HmgE | 10 Jan 2023

Why Own Bitcoin?

One of Ben's major projects also is to explain why Bitcoin is so different from all other crypto assets. If you want to dig deeper into all things Bitcoin, check out my other videos. And take a look at my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

The Andreessen-Horowitz Trash Coin Factory

lVDa1-hDwQc | 03 Jan 2023

The Andreessen-Horowitz Trash Coin Factory

A massive venture capital firm called Andreessen-Horowitz is generating an avalanche of crypto trash tokens that make Sam Bankman-Fried's "pump-and-dump" business model look like small potatoes. By confusing the public with their trash coin offerings, Andreessen-Horowitz has delayed Bitcoin's adoption by years. Why isn't Gary Gensler and the SEC looking into this? Ben Hart has thoughts. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

How Involved Was Kevin O'Leary in Bankman-Fried's Ponzi?

04lpaGJXJkc | 28 Dec 2022

How Involved Was Kevin O'Leary in Bankman-Fried's Ponzi?

How much did Kevin O'Leary ("Mr. Wonderful") know about SBF's Ponzi? An investigative report. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

Why Bitcoin is the Only Truly Decentralized Money | By Ben Hart

9d5caVg0Kf4 | 12 Dec 2022

Why Bitcoin is the Only Truly Decentralized Money | By Ben Hart

Other cryptos claim to be decentralized. But they are decentralized in name only. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

What is Money? | "The Bitcoin Series" | by Ben Hart

AIHd3s5Xcdo | 29 Nov 2022

What is Money? | "The Bitcoin Series" | by Ben Hart

Bitcoin fixes dishonest money. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

Why Bitcoin is NOT Crypto | by Ben Hart

i8ohrPn48kw | 25 Nov 2022

Why Bitcoin is NOT Crypto | by Ben Hart

Ben Hart explains why Bitcoin is NOT "Crypto" and is NOT blockchain. There's nothing special about crypto or blockchain. Bitcoin is a one-of-a-kind asset. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

How Badly Hurt is Bitcoin by Sam Bankman-Fried? | by Ben Hart

F2-zAJCHlqI | 18 Nov 2022

How Badly Hurt is Bitcoin by Sam Bankman-Fried? | by Ben Hart

Bitcoin will emerge stronger because this is yet another illustration of how different Bitcoin is from the rest of the crypto world. Bitcoin is not crypto. Bitcoin is not blockchain. There's nothing special about crypto or blockchain. Bitcoin is unique -- a one-of-a-kind asset. It's the only money in the world (digital or physical) that has achieved true decentralization, so can't be corrupted by humans. The entire point of Bitcoin is to make sure the Sam Bankman-Fried's and central bankers of the world have nothing to do with the governance of the money. Bitcoin is the cure for the Sam Bankman-Frieds of the world. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

What is Bitcoin? How Does it Work? | Benjamin Hart

ajOBGklZXHY | 16 Oct 2022

What is Bitcoin? How Does it Work? | Benjamin Hart

What is Bitcoin? Why should I want it? How does it work? This video takes beginners through all the essentials of what you need to know about Bitcoin -- what it's for, how it works, why it's secure, and why it's superior money. Buy Ben's book on Amazon in all formats -- audio, Kindle eBook, print. Follow Ben on Twitter @BenHartBitcoin Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" newsletter at

Does Bitcoin Use Too Much Electricity? | Benjamin Hart

U7ML_M0-x8M | 25 Sep 2022

Does Bitcoin Use Too Much Electricity? | Benjamin Hart

Benjamin Hart explains why Bitcoin's "proof-of-work" protocol is necessary for a decentralized monetary network, why the "proof of stake" alternative now being used by Ethereum is not at all secure, and how Bitcoin poof-of-work mining is actually accelerating the transition to clean renewable energy. You can follow Ben on Twitter @BenHartBitcoin Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" newsletter at Buy Ben's book on Amazon in all formats -- audio, Kindle eBook, print.

FIAT MONEY WATCH: Are We Becoming Venezuela? | Ben Hart

z621SFTO8Nk | 08 Sep 2022

FIAT MONEY WATCH: Are We Becoming Venezuela? | Ben Hart

The U.S. abandoned the gold standard completely in 1971 and became a 100% fiat money printing system. The result of this is always the same. The government's fiat money printing starts slow, then accelerates, and ultimately leads to socialism, communism, fascism, and variants of dystopian totalitarian enslavement. Follow me on Twitter here: Check out my my book here:

Is Bitcoin Secure? | by Ben Hart

exJPI5O-juk | 26 Aug 2022

Is Bitcoin Secure? | by Ben Hart

Bitcoin has never been successfully hacked. People have lost their bitcoins because they were not careful with their private keys, so had their private keys stolen. Or they left their coins on an exchange (like FTX), so lost their coins that way. So either the exchange was hacked or the exchange (like FTX) was a scam. "Not your keys, not your coins." But Bitcoin's underlying technology has never been hacked. Ben explains why "proof-of-work" is the only "consensus mechanism" that can secure a decentralized money network, and why "proof-of-stake" is not secure. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

17 Reason Why I Do NOT Invest in Ethereum | by Ben Hart

vdVAxOcOzms | 18 Aug 2022

17 Reason Why I Do NOT Invest in Ethereum | by Ben Hart Sign up for THE BITCOIN WEEKLY REPORT BITCOIN: A Beginner's Guide. Your Off-Ramp from the Corrupt Political System and Protection from Economic Collapse Follow me on Twitter: @BenHartBitcoin Awesome!

The Reason for Bitcoin | by Ben Hart

JaYkSHNQE9g | 13 Aug 2022

The Reason for Bitcoin | by Ben Hart

Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized cryptocurrency or asset. Check out my my book here: Follow me on Twitter here: Sign up for Ben's FREE "Bitcoin Weekly Report" at

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, age 64) Cypher Breaking Battle | Chicago

WY1zLPgy03A | 09 Aug 2022

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, age 64) Cypher Breaking Battle | Chicago

"Battle for the Eagle" in Chicago. August 7, 2022. Breakdance, street dance, hip hop festival Bboying, Bgirls.

Age 64: World's Oldest Break Dancer Ben Hart v B-Boy Yo Yo

Hqy_TlbIrAA | 31 Jul 2022

Age 64: World's Oldest Break Dancer Ben Hart v B-Boy Yo Yo

World's oldest break dancer Ben Hart (age 64) battles B-Boy Yo Yo in Chicago. Ben started breaking at age 64.

Breaking Golf | Break Dancing plus Golf | Ben Hart

_TpStp5Aq-0 | 07 Sep 2021

Breaking Golf | Break Dancing plus Golf | Ben Hart

Ben Hart (Age 63) "Battle for the Eagle" Chicago | Aug 8 2021| Bboy, All-Styles

SYjMhwUT_D4 | 09 Aug 2021

Ben Hart (Age 63) "Battle for the Eagle" Chicago | Aug 8 2021| Bboy, All-Styles

Ben Hart, AKA Bboy Benihana, in "Battle for the Eagle" in Chicago. Bboy-Breaking and All-Styles battle.

Ben Hart (age 63) Breaking Battle Korea Fest Chicago - Aug 7 2021

rEVURFnbi3M | 08 Aug 2021

Ben Hart (age 63) Breaking Battle Korea Fest Chicago - Aug 7 2021

Ben Hart took up breaking in 2012.

Ben Hart vs Abbie Hoffman on CNN in 1984 on The Dartmouth Review

4eUAh4dQiG0 | 04 Aug 2021

Ben Hart vs Abbie Hoffman on CNN in 1984 on The Dartmouth Review

Ben Hart vs Abbie Hoffman on CNN's "Crossfire" show in 1984. Hoffman was the famous 1960s radical leader who organized enormous riots that make any riots we see today look tiny by comparison. The topic here was the conservative student newspaper Ben helped found in 1980 called THE DARTMOUTH REVIEW. For context, after this the Hoffman material, this video includes Ben's appearance on Dinesh D'Souza's podcast 37 years later where they discuss the impact of THE DARTMOUTH REVIEW and the origins of woke ideology. THE DARTMOUTH REVIEW continues to publish today.

Dinesh D'Souza Talks with Ben Hart About the Origins of Woke Ideology.

D3p4UGdF-DY | 24 Jul 2021

Dinesh D'Souza Talks with Ben Hart About the Origins of Woke Ideology.

TOPICS: Dinesh D'Souza and Ben Hart discuss their history together as students at Dartmouth, the founding of The Dartmouth Review, the origins of woke ideology and Critical Race Theory.

Ben Hart | White House Breaking | Oct 17 2019

oafw2BgYB6k | 17 Oct 2019

Ben Hart | White House Breaking | Oct 17 2019

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, age 61) v Dozi | May 26, 2019 | Chicago Bboy Battle

W0yPuGByaXQ | 27 May 2019

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, age 61) v Dozi | May 26, 2019 | Chicago Bboy Battle

Ben Hart (Age 61 - AKA Benihana) Breaking on ABC "GMA" | May 2019 - 2nd Appearance

zzSn1iDxiMQ | 14 May 2019

Ben Hart (Age 61 - AKA Benihana) Breaking on ABC "GMA" | May 2019 - 2nd Appearance

Ben Hart (age 61, AKA Benihana) makes second appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America" for break dancing. To see the full segment, go here:

Ben Hart (Age 60 - AKA Bboy Benihana) at 2018 Silverback Open | Oldest Bboy

xQPgLpbrTRY | 10 Nov 2018

Ben Hart (Age 60 - AKA Bboy Benihana) at 2018 Silverback Open | Oldest Bboy

OLDEST BBOY: Ben Hart (AKA Bboy Benihana ) started breaking at age 54. Fell in love with the culture.

How to Get Straight A's in College (Part 2) - by Ben Hart

XTu42ImExbM | 08 Sep 2018

How to Get Straight A's in College (Part 2) - by Ben Hart

Getting straight A's in college has very little to do with your intelligence, talent, or being "gifted." It's all about knowing how to manage your time, how to really focus on the task at hand, and having the right strategy. If you follow the strategies outlined here, not only will get get straight A's (or nearly all A's), you'll have plenty of time for fun and to have the full college experience.

How to Get Straight A's in College - Part One | by Ben Hart

5RjhYFyTt8A | 06 Sep 2018

How to Get Straight A's in College - Part One | by Ben Hart

Getting straight A's in college is much easier than you might think. But you need the right strategy and mindset.

Benihana (age 60) v Nonstop (age 11) - Battle for the Eagle, Chicago | Bboy Battles

Jpxe9qLSFKE | 06 Aug 2018

Benihana (age 60) v Nonstop (age 11) - Battle for the Eagle, Chicago | Bboy Battles

BRAIN HACKS, Part 3: How To Learn Any Subject or Skill in the Fastest Way Possible | by Ben Hart

EFTVGEpeq8g | 22 Jul 2018

BRAIN HACKS, Part 3: How To Learn Any Subject or Skill in the Fastest Way Possible | by Ben Hart

This podcast is PART 3 of "How To Learn Any Subject or Skill in the Fastest Way Possible." You can become world class in many skills in six months with dedicated work. Getting straight A's in school has very little to do with your intelligence level and IQ. Getting straight A's in school is all about how you attack the material and distilling the material down to its essence. It's all about knowing the essential elements of what you need to know.

BRAIN HACKS Part 2: How to Learn Any Subject or Skill Faster - by Ben Hart

bEDluZRiHeY | 17 Jul 2018

BRAIN HACKS Part 2: How to Learn Any Subject or Skill Faster - by Ben Hart

This podcast is PART 2 of "How To Learn Any Subject or Skill in the Fastest Way Possible." You can become world class in many skills in six months with dedicated work. Getting straight A's in school has very little to do with your intelligence level and IQ. Getting straight A's in school is all about how you attack the material and distilling the material down to its essence. It's all about knowing the essential elements of what you need to know.

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, Age 60) v Bboy Ariel | Chicago

R_sQ6_B86CM | 15 Jul 2018

Ben Hart (AKA Benihana, Age 60) v Bboy Ariel | Chicago

BRAIN HACKS: How to Learn Any Subject or Skill Faster | by Ben Hart | Part 1

d_BpsEvWVzA | 09 Jul 2018

BRAIN HACKS: How to Learn Any Subject or Skill Faster | by Ben Hart | Part 1

This podcast is about "How To Learn Any Subject or Skill in the Fastest Way Possible."" You can become world class in many skills in six months with dedicated work. Getting straight A's in school has very little to do with your intelligence level and IQ. Getting straight A's in school is all about how you attack the material and distilling the material down to its essence. It's all about knowing the essential elements of what you need to know first.

How Your Success or Failure in Life is Determined by "The Law of Cumulative Actions" | by Ben Hart

ISnYtysuPoI | 22 May 2018

How Your Success or Failure in Life is Determined by "The Law of Cumulative Actions" | by Ben Hart

Benihana (Age 60) v Bboy Ram | Chicago May, 2018

DA-pXVWuhbw | 22 May 2018

Benihana (Age 60) v Bboy Ram | Chicago May, 2018

Find Your Calling in Life: How to Choose the Right Career

AWH2yZJorRY | 30 Jan 2017

Find Your Calling in Life: How to Choose the Right Career

How to Solve Life's Problems | by Ben Hart

zgV9Mdk74_U | 11 Jan 2015

How to Solve Life's Problems | by Ben Hart

Your success in life will mostly be determined by your ability to solve and manage life's problems. Here Ben Hart outlines a process he uses to solve most of life's most common problems. For more videos like this in this "Advice to Teens" series, motor on over to . . .

HOW TO SPEED READ: A Useful Skill, But It's Much Better to Become a Fast Learner

oDFkJFnDtNA | 15 Dec 2014

HOW TO SPEED READ: A Useful Skill, But It's Much Better to Become a Fast Learner

What good is it to be a fast reader, but absorb very little of what you've read? Most of the claims by those offering speed reading courses are lies. But you can learn to read up to about 500 words per minute with 75% comprehension -- not 1,500 words per minute, not 1,000 words per minute. It's physiologically impossible to read more than 500 words per minute with full comprehension because of the way the eye sees and the brain processes information. When people say they want to learn "How to Speed Read", what they are really saying is they want to be able to learn new subjects and skills faster. This video will teach you how to read more efficiently so you can learn a new subject or skill much more quickly and easily. For more videos like this, cruise on over to:

How to Gain Self-Confidence | By Ben Hart

GPStV22ALmI | 11 Nov 2014

How to Gain Self-Confidence | By Ben Hart

This lecture by Ben Hart explains: 1) How to become a confident person 2) Why having self-confidence is the most important factor in determining whether you will have a successful, fulfilling and happy life. You can find more lectures for teens on how to achieve your goals and dreams in life here: You can also read the transcript of this lecture here:

Why Learn Algebra?

eD2hLhhYmbg | 22 Jul 2013

Why Learn Algebra?

Algebra is exercise for the brain. Doing algebra actually makes you smarter, actually raises your IQ. So, even if you are not planning to be an engineer or a scientist, learning algebra is important. For more on this, head on over to . . .

How to Achieve Your Goals in Life | by Ben Hart | Advice to Teens

7lUs509sjc4 | 19 May 2013

How to Achieve Your Goals in Life | by Ben Hart | Advice to Teens

This video is about how to achieve your goals faster and more easily. For more videos like this, head on over to . . . Read the transcript of this here:

How Important is Being Likeable to Success in Life? | Advice to Teens

hr7iH5rp_-c | 09 Apr 2013

How Important is Being Likeable to Success in Life? | Advice to Teens

For more videos, head on over to . . .

How to Become a Great Writer - by Ben Hart

FsiHXbM2jls | 11 Feb 2013

How to Become a Great Writer - by Ben Hart

Writing well is really not all that difficult if you follow these four simple rules. For more info, head on over to . . .

Why Do Well In School? - Part 3 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

B4uitRglBMI | 04 Feb 2013

Why Do Well In School? - Part 3 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

Why getting good grades in school is so essential to your future. How to get better grades. For more info, check out "Part Two" and go to:

Why Do Well In School? - Part 2 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

14z3i9Rrd10 | 03 Feb 2013

Why Do Well In School? - Part 2 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

Why getting good grades in school is so essential to your future. How to get better grades. For more info, check out "Part Two" and go to:

Why Do Well In School? - Part 1 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

5K1B5UEvqdU | 02 Feb 2013

Why Do Well In School? - Part 1 | Get Better Grades | by Ben Hart

Why getting good grades in school is so essential to your future. How to get better grades. How to motivate yourself to do better in school. For more info, check out "Part Two" and go to:

Alinea Restaurant in Chicago - A Review

epBY_ZBC2ZE | 11 Dec 2011

Alinea Restaurant in Chicago - A Review

Alinea Restaurant, Chicago: a review. Dinner for two will cost you about $1,000. So it's not an everyday event. Great food though. We had a blast.

Break Dancing for Beginners: Bboys Shorty Brick and Silverback Teach Ben Hart. Tutorial, Part 2

4aT1NEd-Ae4 | 16 Nov 2011

Break Dancing for Beginners: Bboys Shorty Brick and Silverback Teach Ben Hart. Tutorial, Part 2

Bboys Shorty Brick and Silverback teach break dancing to beginner Ben Hart (Street Name: "Cue Ball" - age 53). Break dancing for beginners. Break dancing tutorial. How to break dance. Break dancing 101. How to bboy. Bboying.

Break Dancing for Beginners: BBoy Shorty Brick Teaches Ben Hart (age 53). Tutorial Part 1

ib37oDKsr9s | 16 Nov 2011

Break Dancing for Beginners: BBoy Shorty Brick Teaches Ben Hart (age 53). Tutorial Part 1

Shorty Brick teaches Ben Hart (age 53) how to break dance.