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Espionage: Target U.S. Army

1keYcZuSHDQ | 14 Feb 2025

Espionage: Target U.S. Army

This is a little film I found while exploring the National Archives. I'm not sure how to classify this, is it a comedy? International intrigue? Public Service Message? It seems like a bad episode of Mannix. Synopsis: A 1976 training dramatization depicts the dangers of foreign threats and unauthorized disclosure. Keywords: Security; Unauthorized disclosure; Espionage training; Dramatization; USA. Command: United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM).

Buster Jangle Dog atomic bomb test Timelapse

DOQA-T2T4LI | 14 Feb 2025

Buster Jangle Dog atomic bomb test Timelapse

Buster-Jangle Dog was an air drop test, detonated with a yield of 21 Kilotons on November 1, 1951 in Area 7 at the Nevada Test Site. Operation Buster–Jangle was a series of seven (six atmospheric, one cratering) nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States in late 1951 at the Nevada Test Site. Buster–Jangle was the first joint test program between the DOD (Operation Buster) and Los Alamos National Laboratories (Operation Jangle).

Dominic Christmas Island 4K

GFieuDwvMk4 | 14 Feb 2025

Dominic Christmas Island 4K

4K 4x3 from 35-mm internegative from Trinity and Beyond The Atomic Bomb Movie

Dominic Clouds combo 4K B-Roll

o_y4RAOvz9Q | 14 Feb 2025

Dominic Clouds combo 4K B-Roll

This is a roll of what are called B-Roll or Outs. When Trinity and Beyond was edited, it was before digital, so any film I included in Trinity and Beyond had to be physically cut and the film not used was called outs. I have been trying to collect and restore the outs as well as the material actually used in Trinity and Beyond.

Incredibly RARE: Chinese V-2 Rocket knocked over by A-Bomb blast

pRhN4zE-pgo | 13 Jan 2025

Incredibly RARE: Chinese V-2 Rocket knocked over by A-Bomb blast

Its short, but you can cross this off your bucket list now that you can say you've seen everything hit by a shock wave including a missile. An R-2 style rocket (Russian copy of the V-2). China's version of the V-2 rocket is called the "Dongfeng-1" (DF-1 meaning East Wind), which is a licensed copy of the Soviet R-2 missile, itself based on the German V-2 rocket design; essentially, China's first ballistic missile program heavily relied on the technology derived from the V-2 rocket through the Soviet R-2 missile. This scene of a Chinese rocket knocked over by the shockwave of a Chinese atomic bomb comes from a Chinese military production.

Plumbbob Priscilla Nuclear weapon test

ef8V75YwJ7M | 07 Jan 2025

Plumbbob Priscilla Nuclear weapon test

Shot PRISCILLA was a test of a 37-kiloton nuclear device conducted at 0630 hours on 24 June 1957 at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) continental nuclear test area located northwest of Las Vegas. PRISCILLA was the fifth nuclear test of Operation PLUMBBOB, a series of 24 nuclear weapons tests and six safety experiments performed in Nevada between 24 April and 7 October 1957. The PRISCILLA nuclear device was designed for the AEC by the Los Scientific Laboratory (LASL). The device was a previously tested nuclear weapon drawn from the nuclear arsenal, for which the yield and characteristics had already been evaluated. Military and scientific experiments were fielded to study the characteristics of the detonation. Some of these projects were conducted by LASL, and others by the University of California Radiation Laboratory (UCRL). The primary objective of the PRISCILLA event was to correlate the yield and characteristics of the device with its effects on military equipment, materiel, structures, and ordnance. TO fulfill this objective, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFWSP) of the Department of Defense (DOD) conducted 34 Scientific projects at Shot PRISCILLA, making this shot one of the largest military effects tests ever conducted at the NTS. A number of other activities related to the conditions and phenomena produced by a nuclear detonation were also conducted during the PRISCILLA event

Redwing Cherokee - First deliverable H-Bomb

zNZJGWTzdtc | 08 Dec 2024

Redwing Cherokee - First deliverable H-Bomb

May 20, 1956. Cherokee was the United States' first air deliverable thermonuclear device. The yield on Cherokee was 3.8 Megatons. Navigation error landed the weapon 4 mi (6.4 km) off aim point (Namu), negated effects data gathering and placing unprotected military personnel facing the blast they had been arranged to have their backs to. Cherokee was a proof test and an Effects test, but also an international political statement about readiness to drop thermonuclear weapons.

soldiers on the atomic battlefield

k90rIWC7M70 | 08 Oct 2024

soldiers on the atomic battlefield

These are some very nice shots of soldiers participating in a nuclear test during Operation Tumbler Snapper. Original 35mm color negative scanned to 2K resolution.

Poplar AI color surreal magic hour

AgAl_-A6a2A | 17 Sep 2024

Poplar AI color surreal magic hour

Poplar is a real nuke shot but this was an early attempt to alter the color using AI and it gave the shot a very surreal look, with a sunset quality (there was a nuke test named Sunset, not to be confused). Bottom line, I haxd to share it because it was pretty, but color is AI.

Zuni Nuclear Test HD

zzvSCfqZjcQ | 01 Sep 2024

Zuni Nuclear Test HD

The Zuni Test was detonated on May 27, 1956 at Bikini Atoll. Zuni was a thermonuclear bomb with a yield of 3.5 MegaTons. The camera photographing this test was only about 6 miles from the detonation.

Hardtack Poplar nuclear test

SNK72ge0fmY | 30 Aug 2024

Hardtack Poplar nuclear test

This clip is of the Hardtack Poplar test in 1958 which took place at Bikini Atoll on July 12, 1958. Poplar was detonated on a barge. The reported yield is 9.3 Megatons (MT). Disclosure: I must disclose that this was a black and white shot which has been colorized by AI. Although the amount of work I had to put into it doesn't make it completely automatic. I tend to stay away from this type of colorization but its really good and I had to try it out.

Redwing Zuni test

-GBsJAscaqQ | 28 Aug 2024

Redwing Zuni test

Redwing Zuni sped up and stabilized

Trinity and Beyond 100 Ton Test Sequence with new explosion footage

iCw2hP193Cw | 02 Jul 2024

Trinity and Beyond 100 Ton Test Sequence with new explosion footage

I've added a newly discovered piece of footage of the 100 Ton Test and added it to the end of the sequence in Trinity and Beyond for context. This was the trial run test for Trinity to calibrate the recording equipment including cameras. This newly discovered shot of the 100 Ton test had been mislabeled as Trinity and therefore was not catalogued in the right place.

Atomic Filmmakers Doug Wood - His First Atomic Bomb

k6GE6amILCg | 24 Jun 2024

Atomic Filmmakers Doug Wood - His First Atomic Bomb

Doug Wood, one of the original atomic filmmakers who worked for Lookout Mountain Laboratory in the Hollywood Hills. LML was a secret film studio for the US Air Force and the US Dept of Energy for making documentary films about nuclear weapons and nuclear testing. Doug talks about his first time experience in a plane photographing an atomic bomb test. From "Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood's Secret Film Studio" available on Amazon OTT.

Radioactive Atomic Bomb Cloud

z_OzZxz6hpQ | 21 May 2024

Radioactive Atomic Bomb Cloud

Atomic bomb cloud glows from the intense radioactivity creating ionization inside the cloud itself.

Atomic Journeys: Faultless 1 Megaton Nuclear Test

9R2Ok4_Ze3g | 27 Apr 2024

Atomic Journeys: Faultless 1 Megaton Nuclear Test

The Faultless test was a calibration test conducted in a mine cavity 3,200 feet beneath the Hot Creek Valley near Tonopah, Nevada, with a yield of around 1 megaton. This test was conducted to see if the land was fit for testing a 5 megaton thermonuclear warhead for the Spartan missile. The test failed because of the large degree of faulting that resulted in the area around the test. It was decided that the land was unfit for multi-megaton nuclear tests, so a similar calibration test was conducted at Amchitka Island, Alaska, in the fall of 1969 during Operation Mandrel.

Nuclear 911: B-52 Breakup over Maryland

V3z80pcOE0k | 25 Apr 2024

Nuclear 911: B-52 Breakup over Maryland

The 1964 Savage Mountain B-52 crash was a U.S. military nuclear accident in which a Cold War bomber's vertical stabilizer broke off in winter storm turbulence. Three days prior the Savage Mountain accident, a similar incident occurred in which a B-52H lost its vertical stabilizer over New Mexico. The crew was able to maintain control and landed safely. The B-52D was returning to Georgia from Massachusetts after an earlier Chrome Dome airborne alert to Europe. It carried two B53-0 Y1 nuclear bombs in ferry configuration, with no electrical connections between the bombs and the aircraft. After altitude changes to evade severe turbulence; the vertical stabilizer broke off. The aircraft was left uncontrollable as a result; the pilot ordered the crew to bail out, and the aircraft crashed. Parker Peedin was one of the survivors and he tells his story here.

ParaNormal Interview with Pete Kuran Trinity and Beyond

mHkS2KpGsZQ | 20 Mar 2024

ParaNormal Interview with Pete Kuran Trinity and Beyond

if you missed the interview (since it was on very late at night), you can still use the same link to watch it at your leisure. A link to the program appears toward the end of this video...

Trinity and Beyond - Nuclear Weapons in Space

6RrbV_nCKW0 | 20 Mar 2024

Trinity and Beyond - Nuclear Weapons in Space

This is what is known as the Fishbowl Sequence after the code name of the Outer Space tests which were conducted in 1962. From Oppenheimer to outer space nuclear testing see Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie get the Blu-Ray on Amazon:

The B-52: Delivering Nuclear tests on Operation Dominic

5StYCZ1f3cw | 16 Jan 2024

The B-52: Delivering Nuclear tests on Operation Dominic

The B-52 delivered nuclear weapons tested on Operation Dominic conducted off Christmas Island in 1962. The nuclear B-52's are painted white on the under carriage. The actual tests were left overs from "Trinity and Beyond" and shown here for the first time.

Nuclear Effects During SAC Delivery Missions

ZMfpFcMY96Q | 11 Jan 2024

Nuclear Effects During SAC Delivery Missions

New transfer from a 16mm Internegative to digital plus some digital clean up and color correction. Best version available. Training film about the Strategic Air Command, some nuclear history regarding SAC and some interesting shots. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) made long range bombers carrying nuclear weapons obsolete. Produced by Lookout Mountain Labs for the Air Force.

Aerial oblique Crossroads Able color

cr2XuXCEhqE | 25 Dec 2023

Aerial oblique Crossroads Able color

Alright, although I thought this was possibly a Redwing test because of what I thought was the LaCrosse crater toward the bottom, everyone points out that this is Crossroads Able. This is probably the smoothest 35mm color photography from Able as the 35mm motion picture color photography had been subbed out to Technicolor using a "monopak" (another name for Kodachrome). For most of the color 35mm photography required a lot of stabilization because its possible those cameras and cameramen were not used to operating those cameras. I'd still like to know what that huge crater is doing there if this is Crossroads Able.

Tactical Missiles Roll UHD

zfEB1cueGHQ | 23 Dec 2023

Tactical Missiles Roll UHD

Composite reel of various short range nuclear missiles

submarine Reel 01 UHD

2nUSqmqZxTA | 23 Dec 2023

submarine Reel 01 UHD

Composite reel of submarines sneaking around in the ocean...

Atomic Soldiers on the March

gmPVgGr70eQ | 23 Dec 2023

Atomic Soldiers on the March

Compilation reel of soldiers marching and performing atomic maneuvers in 1951

Frank Discusses Operation Teapot nuclear tests

W22JFNgu_40 | 23 Dec 2023

Frank Discusses Operation Teapot nuclear tests

Dr. Frank Shelton, author of "Reflections of a Nuclear Weaponeer" and was interviewed for "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie," discusses the role of the Department of Defense in Operation Teapot, a series of nuclear tests, in 1955. Focusing on shots HA (High Altitude), ESS (Effects sub-surface) and MET (Military Effects Test) in this never before seen clip from "Trinity and Beyond." This sequence was left on the cutting room floor while editing "Trinity and Beyond" in favor of a different Operation Teapot representation. Nevertheless, its worth its own clip.

Atomic Cannon B-Roll Trinity and Beyond

bsBvXg84bFI | 09 Dec 2023

Atomic Cannon B-Roll Trinity and Beyond

Footage of the Atomic Cannon loading and detonation. When I made "Trinity and Beyond," I made film copies of films from government archives. So when I put the movie together, I had to physically cut the films I had collected. These are clips of the "outs" or "b-roll" of unused footage from "Trinity and Beyond."

Milestones in Missilry UHD

24al-i1iMSI | 16 Nov 2023

Milestones in Missilry UHD

Missile progress since 1945 - Test firings of the US Army's Nike Ajax, Hercules and Zeus; Hawk, Corporal, Honest John, Little John, Lacrosse, Sergeant and Redstone. Many cameras on mounts are seen tracking the missiles. Some XR footage.Nike missile destroys drone B-29, Nike destroys drone fighter includes. Restored version. Silent

H-Hour Minus 10 (Silent) RARE Lookout Mountain Film

2we-Gmv96gw | 14 Nov 2023

H-Hour Minus 10 (Silent) RARE Lookout Mountain Film

This is a dandy little film by Lookout Mountain Labs. Unfortunately, when I had access to the master, the soundtrack was nowhere to be found. I've looked for the movies track but no luck. Lots of great shots at the Nevada Test Site now called the Nevada National Security Site. Lots of shots of behind the Scenes and Alvin Graves, the guy in charge of Los Alamos at the time (made in 1954).

Wernher von Braun, Johnston Island and an outer space nuke

pbvlxlQOSuQ | 10 Nov 2023

Wernher von Braun, Johnston Island and an outer space nuke

Following World War II, Wernher von Braun was secretly moved to the United States, along with about 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip. He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the United States' first space satellite Explorer 1 in 1958. Here he is on Johnston Island preparing for shot TEAK and ORANGE which were multi-megaton nuclear weapons launched into space by von Braun's Redstone Missile in 1958.

Starfish Prime Interim Report UHD

ikOLL6ysUns | 10 Nov 2023

Starfish Prime Interim Report UHD

Starfish Prime Test Interim Report by Commander JTF-8, was one of the high-altitude nuclear tests in the Operation Fishbowl series conducted in the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. It was launched in the Johnston Island area to an altitude of about 400 kilometers by a Thor rocket and had a yield of 1.4 megatons. The test evaluated the capabilities of an antiballistic missile to operate in a nuclear environment and the vulnerability of a U.S. reentry vehicle to survive a nearby nuclear blast. It also provided information on the ability of a U.S. radar system to detect and track reentry vehicles. Another goal was to discern the effects of a high-altitude blast on command and control systems, which were shown to be vulnerable in earlier high-altitude tests. The final goal was to obtain information on the feasibility of testing in outer space. The color and resolution of this version has been restored over other available copies. This is a different transfer from DoE Film catalog #0800062. Standard Definition transfer (720x486, deinterlaced 23.976fps).

World Wide Fallout from Nuclear Weapons opening sequence Disney

YZfoVN54Sj8 | 06 Nov 2023

World Wide Fallout from Nuclear Weapons opening sequence Disney

Walt Disney studios was contracted to provide the animation for this opening sequence to the DOE (Department of Energy) film "World Wide Fallout from Nuclear Weapons." The narrator is Mark Tapscott, a Hollywood actor called upon by Lookout Mountain Laboratory to act and narrate the film.

Troops observe nuclear test Plumbbob Priscilla (1957)

694yIgMz07s | 06 Nov 2023

Troops observe nuclear test Plumbbob Priscilla (1957)

Army troops are protected by an embankment as nuclear test Plumbbob Priscilla is detonated. Priscilla was a 37 Kiloton nuclear device detonated from a balloon on June 24, 1957 in area 5 at the Nevada Test Site now known as the Nevada National Security Site.

Newsmen watch shot Charlie at the Nevada Test Site (1952)

3u2zWrmfesE | 06 Nov 2023

Newsmen watch shot Charlie at the Nevada Test Site (1952)

Behind the scenes as newsmen, the press and photographers are invited to the Nevada Test Site (Nevada Proving Ground) now called the Nevada National Security Site (NNSA) to witness shot Charlie of the Tumber Snapper shots in 1952. Includes a couple of color shots of Charlie at the end. Tumbler Snapper Charlie was a 31 kiloton atomic bomb airdropped and detonated at an altitude over 3400 ft above the Nevada desert.

Trinity and Beyond: civil defense

z66tzLxCGwM | 01 Nov 2023

Trinity and Beyond: civil defense

Section from Trinity and Beyond featuring the civil defense sequence. This goes hand in hand with the Teapot sequence 1955.

Survival Under Atomic Attack highlights HD

hkUBODyRD6g | 01 Nov 2023

Survival Under Atomic Attack highlights HD

Scenes from "Survival Under Atomic Attack."

Atomic Bomb side shot 2K HD

CxZn1vveXYs | 01 Nov 2023

Atomic Bomb side shot 2K HD

This is a film clip from the detonation of Tumbler-Snapper Easy. The nuclear test took place on May 7, 1952 in area 1 of the Nevada Test Site. It was a tower shot with a yield of 12 kilotons. Filming half the bomb creates an interesting composition.

Teapot single story house inside and outside

kslz2vsI_cg | 13 Jul 2023

Teapot single story house inside and outside

This is one heck of a sturdy camera set up. Not only the camera perched 18 feet above the house looking down but also the camera inside the house which continues to film and doesn't move along with its set of lights inside the house, even when there is no more house around it.

Encore Cameramen 2K HD

k2nuYnxZPmw | 25 Jun 2023

Encore Cameramen 2K HD

This is an outtake from the Encore shot of Operation Upshot Knothole, a series of atomic tests in 1953. This shot was originally used in my documentary "Atomic Filmmakers" in two parts. The shot in its original form is really scratched and beat in some places so it wasn't easy and very time consuming to restore the whole piece until now. In this shot, the cameraman whips the camera around to the VIP's to get their reaction to the shock wave.

Redwing Sequence from Trinity and Beyond

GY5D_KDMpfA | 23 Jun 2023

Redwing Sequence from Trinity and Beyond

Redwing Sequence with frame count and watermark. Redwing was conducted in 1956 between Bikini and Eniwetok atolls.

Operation Crossroads Baker - Bikini Atoll B-Roll

T7peS3FNsCw | 23 Jun 2023

Operation Crossroads Baker - Bikini Atoll B-Roll

Operation Crossroads Baker - Bikini Atoll 18540 1) MS USS SARATOGA (CV-3).2) MS-LS Various other target ships.3) MS Three monitors following PGM-29, reentering Bikini Lagoon.4) MS Several target ships.5) MS Drone boat underway near target ships, various target ships in BG.6) MS USS SALT LAKE CITY (CA-25).7) MS Bubbles in oil slick, over spot where SARATOGA sank.8) MCU USS NEW YORK (BB-34).9) MCU Man using geiger counter (V).10) LS SARATOGA sinking, USS INDEPENDENCE (CVL-22) in BG.

Crossroads B-Roll Damaged Target ships

6CoWaH7_jUc | 23 Jun 2023

Crossroads B-Roll Damaged Target ships

Operation Crossroads Damaged Target ships - Bikini Lagoon 18541 1) MS-LS Various ships of target fleet.2) CU Sailor at blinker light.3) MCU Damaged USS INDEPENDENCE (CVL-22).4) MS USS SARATOGA (CV-3), other target ships in BG.5) MS SARATOGA.6) MCU Man with geiger counter.7) CU Geiger counter, showing high reading on dial.8) MS Various target ships.9) MS SARATOGA sinking (SV).10) MS Several ships, including SARATOGA before she sank (SV).11) LS Smoke and clouds from Baker day explosion.

Pershing Missile Footage (Silent)

l2OYEbLpSfs | 23 Jun 2023

Pershing Missile Footage (Silent)

Basic set up and deployment of the Pershing missile, a tactical nuclear battlefield weapon. From 35-mm original negative silent MOS.

Scientists watching Trinity test B-roll

5VMe7qahodk | 23 Jun 2023

Scientists watching Trinity test B-roll

Additional recreation B-roll footage of scientists at the Trinity site watching the test.

Neutron Bomb trailer for Uranium Film Festival 2023

PdzAJUDYqDg | 23 Jun 2023

Neutron Bomb trailer for Uranium Film Festival 2023

NOVIDADES DO FESTIVAL DE CINEMA! A Atomcentral tem o prazer de anunciar que a “Neutron Bomb”(Bomba de Nêutrons) de Peter Kuran foi selecionada para sua estreia no Festival Internacional de Cinema de Urânio no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil! "Neutron Bomb" é o sexto documentário do premiado cineasta Peter Kuran, cuja carreira de documentário nuclear de mais de 25 anos começou com o premiado "Trinity and Beyond a Bomba Atômica Filme". Oppenheimer era conhecido como o pai da bomba atômica e Edward Teller era conhecido como o pai da bomba de hidrogênio. Agora conheça Sam Cohen, pai da bomba de nêutrons. Uma fusão de eventos mundiais e descobertas científicas inspiram as motivações do autoproclamado criador da Bomba de Nêutrons - uma das armas nucleares mais odiadas já inventadas. Quem melhor para contar a história da Bomba de Nêutrons do que o próprio criador da bomba de nêutrons? Este documentário contém a última entrevista de Sam Cohen, onde ele discute os segredos de sua bomba. (Aviso: Contém imagens gráficas.) Será exibido no Festival Internacional de Cinema de Urânio do Rio de Janeiro no dia 24 de maio, às 18h30 (horário de Brasília).

Neutron bomb protest in Amsterdam

vEOJuWjCn-s | 23 Jun 2023

Neutron bomb protest in Amsterdam

Footage from 1978 protests of the Neutron Bomb. Footage is silent

Neutron Bomb Radiation Br

14A_2FNSyHM | 23 Jun 2023

Neutron Bomb Radiation Br

URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL / RIO DE JANEIRO 24 MAIO 2023 18h30 May 24, 2023 6:30pm (A entrada é gratuita)

Control Rooms 09601-10116

5YbqjCagUuA | 23 Jun 2023

Control Rooms 09601-10116

Tumbler Snapper Dog closer shot

_tp74bb_2cA | 23 Jun 2023

Tumbler Snapper Dog closer shot

Shot Dog, conducted on May 1, 1952, was the fourth in the Operation Tumbler Snapper series of nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. Dog yielded 19 kilotons. It was part of the Desert Rock IV exercises, where thousands of military personnel trained to simulate activity on a nuclear battlefield.

Trinity original Kodachrome 16-mm photography (poor results)

Pdjg0S_Vf2g | 09 May 2023

Trinity original Kodachrome 16-mm photography (poor results)

Basic original 16-mm Kodachrome footage of the Trinity test. There were 24 cameras identified as filming 16-mm Kodachrome on the Trinity test. All identified as "poor results." I normally wouldn't publish this quality on my Youtube channel but people often ask about color movies of the Trinity test, so here they are. The 35-mm black and white footage is much nicer and much higher resolution. #oppenheimer #losalamos

Pershing missile

AXhIY-_4g0Q | 08 May 2023

Pershing missile

2k clip of a Pershing missile and firing.

Tumbler Snapper Dog HD

xPFjjO9WklQ | 08 May 2023

Tumbler Snapper Dog HD

US Test in the Desert using a 19KT atomic bomb airdrop

Trinity TR 84A HD w logo

jg73eIfSOtY | 08 May 2023

Trinity TR 84A HD w logo

Full Frame Trinity cloud 35mm Mitchell Camera Lens: 610mm 119 fps

Trinity Wide shot 35mm b&w

nNsgW7ykuKU | 08 May 2023

Trinity Wide shot 35mm b&w

35mm Mitchell Camera 75mm Lens 24 fps 9140 meters from Ground Zero

Military aircraft Operation Dominic 1962

jgnS2l651J4 | 08 May 2023

Military aircraft Operation Dominic 1962

Three military aircraft includes two KC-135 jets and a specially modified C-130 carrying diagnostic gear for data collection during the testing of nuclear weapons during Operation Dominic. Five of the airdrops were conducted in the Johnston Island Area along with the missile shots. The first and third planes are specially modified KC-135 Los Alamos aircraft that were used on Operation Dominic.

Military Ships 2K

V92dLiZExcU | 08 May 2023

Military Ships 2K

Various shots of Naval Ships all originally filmed 35mm

Castle Bravo Crater (textless)

86WReA_hw1o | 08 May 2023

Castle Bravo Crater (textless)

This is the Castle Bravo crater shot from Trinity and Beyond without the text over it (textless). The Castle Series was conducted in 1954 at Bikini Atoll.

Japanese Surrender aboard the USS Missouri, B-roll

6sH_sImJrtQ | 08 May 2023

Japanese Surrender aboard the USS Missouri, B-roll

The formal surrender occurred on September 2, 1945, around 9 a.m., Tokyo time, when representatives from the Empire of Japan signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. The delegates from around the world were carefully scheduled to board the USS Missouri. Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu signed for the Japanese government, while Gen. Umezu signed for the Japanese armed forces. The Surrender Ceremony was carefully planned on board the USS Missouri detailing the seating positions of all Army, Navy, and Allied Representatives.

Crossroads B-Roll: Saratoga Sinking - Bikini Lagoon

S_T2UXPlNJA | 08 May 2023

Crossroads B-Roll: Saratoga Sinking - Bikini Lagoon

Crossroads Saratoga Sinking - Bikini Lagoon 1) MS Stern of USS SARATOGA (CV-3) as she sinks, a submarine and other target ships in BG (SV).2) MS Bubbles coming from SARATOGA as she sinks (SV). Material is raw B-Roll, no restoration or cleanup 18543

Crossroads photo plane cameras cameramen

laOOxHF0p_U | 08 May 2023

Crossroads photo plane cameras cameramen

Cameramen flying in photo planes and preparing towers for motion picture photography and processing on Operation Crossroads

Operation Crossroads Reference Reel

zP35a4-Rix8 | 08 May 2023

Operation Crossroads Reference Reel

This clip contains every one of the 77 reels at the National Archives comprising of 7 hours and 12 minutes under the control number 342-USAF-34282A. These are the 35-mm black and white reels shot during Operation Crossroads Able. NOTE: I do not have this material in any higher resolution than this, i.e. no HD, no 2K. And the National Archives is closed due to Covid-19 so its impossible at the moment to obtain higher resolution copies from NARA either. 342-USAF-34282A Summary: Film coverage of Project Crossroads, a project of the two atomic bomb tests in the Pacific in l946 and including Able Day test of an atomic bomb drop from a B-29 on 1 July 1946, and Baker Day test, the underwater detonation of an atomic bomb on 25 July 1946. Included are B-29 operators, damage to the target fleet, and personalities including Maj Gen Curtis LeMay, Gen Joseph W. Stillwell, Vice Adm S.H.P. Blandy. Good (Basic: Orig neg at NARA)

Trinity goggles

trxQ63Lyivc | 08 May 2023

Trinity goggles

Shots of scientists at the Trinity site re-enacting the moment back in 1945. This footage has not been cleaned up.

Trinity J Robert Oppenheimer outs

kenhDtHbblU | 08 May 2023

Trinity J Robert Oppenheimer outs

B roll of recreation footage of Robert Oppenheimer at the control room and walking shots at the Trinity site. These are out takes of footage shot originally for a program called Atomic Power by the March of Time that did not wind up in the program itself. March of Time would often do recreations of historic moments in time with the original participants to the event.

Teapot BEE nuclear test footage

UwTV21oj8AI | 28 Apr 2023

Teapot BEE nuclear test footage

This is the only nuclear test I have ever seen that had sparks. Out of the thousands of technical films photographed, this is the only one which has the appearance of sparks.

Trinity and Beyond - the George Sequence UHD

rvhSpM7C_TY | 24 Apr 2023

Trinity and Beyond - the George Sequence UHD

This is the George Sequence out of the UHD version of Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie. This version contains new footage of the explosion which has since been declassified from the old morph that was in the film.

Sedan Nuclear Test - Long take

Z-mu8VaFyAc | 17 Mar 2023

Sedan Nuclear Test - Long take

This is a long and mesmerizing take of the Sedan shot that just goes on forever. Here you can get a sense of scale as the cloud approaches the camera. Sedan was a 104 Kiloton nuclear explosion, detonated on July 6, 1962 at the Nevada Test Site as part of Project Plowshare's cratering experiment.

Plumbbob Fizeau Atomic Test UHD

8PJEpeU00eU | 31 Jan 2023

Plumbbob Fizeau Atomic Test UHD

This is a clip of the Plumbbob Fizeau atomic bomb test in the Nevada Desert in 1957. It is one of the nuclear bomb tests in Operation Plumbbob.

Night time Atomic Bomb side view

jzMEAi8R_X4 | 13 Jan 2023

Night time Atomic Bomb side view

Side view of an atomic bomb photographed at the Nevada Test Site

Atomic Tests in 3D

w8OFhRg8Ud0 | 13 Jan 2023

Atomic Tests in 3D

This was a bonus attraction on the Trinity and Beyond DVD many years ago. It uses anaglyph (red/cyan) glasses with red going over the right eye. This centers around a trip to the Nevada Test site. I've collected more 3D footage and will be making a higher resolution 3D short.

Hardtack Poplar nuclear test HD

aF8KagGsIHI | 09 Jul 2022

Hardtack Poplar nuclear test HD

Wide lens photography of Hardtack Poplar (1958). This is a timelapse version of a very slow film.

Trinity and Beyond UHD trailer

ewfnKL6h93w | 08 Jun 2022

Trinity and Beyond UHD trailer

Five Men at Ground Zero High Resolution 4KUHD

fAHHr0HsBgI | 13 May 2022

Five Men at Ground Zero High Resolution 4KUHD

On July 19, 1957, five men stood at Ground Zero of an atomic test that was being conducted at the Nevada Test Site. This was the test of a 2KT (kiloton) MB-1 nuclear air-to-air rocket launched from an F-89 Scorpion interceptor. The nuclear missile detonated 10,000 ft above their heads. A reel-to-reel tape recorder was present to record their experience. You can see and hear the men react to the shock wave moments after the detonation. The sound you hear on this clip is from the original reel to reel tape which is not available anywhere else. The placard reading "Ground Zero; Population Five" was made by Colonel Arthur B. "Barney" Oldfield, the Public Information Officer for the Continental Air Defense Command in Colorado Spring who arranged for the volunteers to participate. The five volunteers were: Colonel Sidney Bruce Lt. Colonel Frank P. Ball (technical advisor to the Steve Canyon tv show) Major Norman "Bodie" Bodinger Major John Hughes Don Lutrel and George Yoshitake, the cameraman (who wasn't a volunteer) see George discuss his work photographing atomic and nuclear explosions in "Atomic Filmmakers."

NEW Redwing Tewa 4K UHD Restoration

B3mvFanaPGE | 06 Apr 2022

NEW Redwing Tewa 4K UHD Restoration

This is a newly restored version of Redwing Tewa

Wide Screen Castle Romeo Cinemascope HD - Rare

HXDccDeHu_k | 04 Apr 2022

Wide Screen Castle Romeo Cinemascope HD - Rare

This is a rare clip of a wide screen panoramic shot of the Castle Romeo detonation.

Hardtack Nutmeg 2KHD Atomic Test

NofLHhxHwYk | 14 Mar 2022

Hardtack Nutmeg 2KHD Atomic Test

Nutmeg was an atomic test explosion as part of the Hardtack series in 1958. Nutmeg was an LLNL shot detonated on May 21, 1958 on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Nutmeg's yield was 25 kilotons.

Plumbbob Hood Atomic Bomb test footage

mvHUX_q3qS4 | 09 Mar 2022

Plumbbob Hood Atomic Bomb test footage

Here are a couple of shots from HOOD, part of the Plumbbob series in 1957 of atomic tests at the Nevada Test Site. Hood was the largest atmospheric test conducted at the Nevada Test Site. Some people look on at the Hood cloud from atop Mt Angel outside the Nevada Test Site.

Opening sequence of "Atomic Tests In Nevada" in 4K

EIEF01VkYlQ | 04 Mar 2022

Opening sequence of "Atomic Tests In Nevada" in 4K

Atomic Tests in Nevada was produced to address the concerns of town folk who lived in St. George, Nevada. Shot Harry became known as dirty Harry as it created fallout which traveled across St. George. From a 16mm master, blown up to 35mm color negative and scanned to a digital file. Restoration included dust busting and grain reduction.

Neutron Bomb trailer v03

UzUyWyuLeMQ | 07 Dec 2021

Neutron Bomb trailer v03

Coming soon. This time we mean it.

Teapot Apple 2 Cue Houses atomic bomb effects Part2

0NqJMAenSr0 | 24 Sep 2021

Teapot Apple 2 Cue Houses atomic bomb effects Part2

The following are additional clips filmed during the test known as Teapot Apple 2 and Operation Cue which took place on May 5, 1955.

Plumbbob sequence - latest version Trinity and Beyond 70

93DId6nDb5c | 22 Jul 2021

Plumbbob sequence - latest version Trinity and Beyond 70

This is the revised version of the Plumbbob sequence from Trinity and Beyond with added shots. This version of Trinity and Beyond is available in DVD, blu-ray or Amazon

Photography in the USAF-Optical Instrumentation at Vandenberg AFB (2K, better color)

nkd4IzkXi7w | 18 Jul 2021

Photography in the USAF-Optical Instrumentation at Vandenberg AFB (2K, better color)

Great film with missile explosions. Testing Atlas missiles at Vandenberg Air Force Base in Southern California during the Cold War. I had previously uploaded a copy of this film from a beat up 16-mm faded color print. I was able to locate a 16-mm Internegative from a 35-mm original. Unfortunately, I couldn't locate the original 35-mm cut negative. Color is much better and I cleaned up quite a few shots. This was scanned at 4K resolution and sampled down to 2K. Unfortunately not very sharp. The color print I originally had transferred was loaned to me by Pat Bradley, of Lookout Mountain and I think he is in the film looking over the lightbox.

Atomic Journeys trailer

0rAMkQIpUkQ | 12 Jul 2021

Atomic Journeys trailer

Trailer for a documentary which covers Atomic and nuclear testing in places like Mississippi, Colorado, New Mexico and the Nevada Test Site (65 miles north of Las Vegas). Weird imagery. Atomic Bomb

Ivy Mike Timelapse HD (color)

0jhAYj9AWBA | 04 Jul 2021

Ivy Mike Timelapse HD (color)

This is a roll which had been released to the public via the scanning project. I did a little of my own correcting to this shot in order to kill grain (noise), scratches and dirt. As the name infers, it is time-lapse photography of the Ivy Mike test (10.4 MT) October 31, 1952 on Enewetak Atoll. About 1 frame every couple of seconds vs real time (24 fps). Similar to the version I used in "Trinity and Beyond." One version was black and white (which I was able to obtain for "Trinity and Beyond") and this color version which I could not obtain at the time.

Atomic Bomb Cinemascope short (SD)

-Zdkicknk0g | 17 Jun 2021

Atomic Bomb Cinemascope short (SD)

This was a Cinemascope project that had been produced by Lookout Mountain studios in Hollywood, California in 1955. The test filmed was Teapot MET (Military Effects Test) at the Nevada Test Site. This short had not been finished and I assembled it from A/B rolls and multiple tracks. Although it originated on 35-mm Eastman Color Negative, it was transferred to regular video or "standard resolution" so its not high definition but is an interesting piece.

Photographing the Atomic Tests

08o_dF0kBaA | 10 Jun 2021

Photographing the Atomic Tests

Film made in 1948 by and about Lookout Mountain Labs photographing the Operation Sandstone atomic tests at Enewetak Atoll. Lookout Mountain was the documentary motion picture arm of the US Air Force and was located in Hollywood, California in the Hollywood Hills. This video is standard Definition (720x486, 23.976fps)

Crossroads SO5AB 2 2 Target ship damage B-Roll

xpEDEH9b7bw | 13 May 2021

Crossroads SO5AB 2 2 Target ship damage B-Roll

Damage to target ships and on deck damage, not restored or cleaned up, raw B-Roll

Crossroads SO5AB Misc B-roll

bCujzrCJjt4 | 13 May 2021

Crossroads SO5AB Misc B-roll

Various scenes of Able day explosion, footage of B-17 drone aircraft and piloting drone B-17s, and target ship damage. Raw B-roll, not restored or cleaned up.

Nuclear tipped missile explodes on launch pad UHD

4uEiPKuyeoA | 23 Apr 2021

Nuclear tipped missile explodes on launch pad UHD

On July 25, 1962, a nuclear test code named BlueGill Prime under Operation Fishbowl, attempted launch but ended in disaster when the Thor missile became engulfed in flames and the Range Safety Officer sent the destruct command to the warhead so the charges exploded asymmetrically and did not end in a nuclear explosion. This clip is from the newly scanned 4K version of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie" and converted to UHD (Ultra High Definition, 3840x2160). 4K Scan by Reflex Technologies

Hardtack Teak outer space detonation

E8qqe0lV56Y | 21 Apr 2021

Hardtack Teak outer space detonation

Scientists scramble from the detonation of Hardtack TEAK. Teak was a 3.8 Megaton nuclear test detonated on August 1, 1958 nearly 50 miles above the earth and launched from Johnston Island aboard a Redstone rocket.

Chinese Atomic Bomb 02 2K

P7FZiMkW5js | 07 Apr 2021

Chinese Atomic Bomb 02 2K

second set of outs of Chinese atomic bomb outs originally edited down from "Trinity and Beyond." 2K 16:9

Plumbbob Hood Close Up 2K used in Trinity and Beyond

KxwEdDL_Lmg | 03 Apr 2021

Plumbbob Hood Close Up 2K used in Trinity and Beyond

This is a close up shot of the Plumbbob Hood Test detonated on July 5, 1957 at the Nevada Test Site. Part of this shot was used in "Trinity and Beyond." Since "Trinity and Beyond" was finished before it was cheap enough to have the whole film scanned digitally, I had to cut the negative. Here, 25 years later, both halfs have been scanned and digitally recombined.

Sandia Rocket Sled

WKZA_tvIiYo | 03 Apr 2021

Sandia Rocket Sled

Regular and high speed footage of Sandia Laboratories rocket sled circa 1957. B-Roll footage from "Trinity and Beyond."

Chinese Atomic Bomb Shot 2K

WBmJOItb4dE | 02 Apr 2021

Chinese Atomic Bomb Shot 2K

This is a longer version of the Chinese atomic bomb shot that is in "Trinity and Beyond." 35-mm color Interpositive transfer joined up with a scan of the cut piece in "Trinity and Beyond." This test took place in 1964.

Space Nuke XR film

9u1nWTKnzO0 | 24 Dec 2020

Space Nuke XR film

This is a slow motion shot of a space nuke from 1962 photographed on XR film which brings out detail. Some believe when watching science fiction films that a flat shock wave comes out of the blast (like the Death Star) when in fact the shock wave never leaves the fireball and only bounces back inside. This footage was released during the 1999 DoE Declassification Program under Hazel O'Leary who was the Secretary of Defense at the time. I've modified the densities of the original image so it could be seen better.

Atomic Filmmakers 16x9 screener

uv-MV0_AvMQ | 16 Dec 2020

Atomic Filmmakers 16x9 screener

Latest version of "Atomic Filmmaklers - Hollywood's Secret Film Studio." This version is 1280 x 720 (720p HD) which has been up-converted via Teranex. Existing higher resolution shots have edited in to replace up converted shots.

Ivy King Detonation 1952

GY2jHuZjQcY | 15 Dec 2020

Ivy King Detonation 1952

Ivy King was the second detonation of Operation Ivy. While the first test Mike (which stood for Megaton) was detonated first, King (which stood for Kiloton) was detonated as a back up. King was the largest fission bomb detonated at 500 kilotons.


8BOu6Ybo5KY | 13 Dec 2020


An Air Force Film about safety and preventing nuclear weapon accidents. Shows Bomarc being raise to launch position. B52Ds parked on ramp. Shots of B52D in flight to right. Aerial views of a Broken Arrow crash site. Investigation team examining debris at Broken Arrow crash site. Artwork depicting how nuclear detonation occurs in warhead, electrical, and mechanical safety devices in bomber to prevent unauthorized release of nuclear weapons. Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Weapons Safety group personnel in conference. Alert scramble of B52 crews. Controllers receiving and authenticating message. Shots of B52D in flight. B52 pilot and copilot at controls (simulated aerial). B52 crew authenticating message. MS of two F105Ds stopping at head of runway. MS of F106B turning. Bomarc being raised to launch position. Shows Minuteman launch. Launch controllers at consoles, conducting countdown, and officer at control center activating "launch inhibit" switch. Missile men entering no-lone zone.

Sandia bomb drop (from video transfer)

_XCespq_f20 | 11 Dec 2020

Sandia bomb drop (from video transfer)

1280x720. This is a transfer from a 16-mm print to a video resolution (720x486) file, then enlarged to 1280x720 in a Terenex. Compare to same film from a 2K scan of dpx files.

Sandia Bomb Drop HD

qNMDU8WZNCc | 11 Dec 2020

Sandia Bomb Drop HD

This version is from a film master and scanned to dpx files. A bomb shape is dropped at the Salton Sea Test Base.

Photography in the USAF - Optical Instrumentation at Vandenberg (AFB)

mIUWwpUE7WA | 09 Dec 2020

Photography in the USAF - Optical Instrumentation at Vandenberg (AFB)

Really interesting piece about filming missile tests (Atlas missile) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Shows how scientists can learn from missile failures care of the filming of the tests. This film was very red and I was hoping to get a better copy from the National Archives. Unfortunately, the Nation Archives is closed because of Covid. It was very red and , since it was a projection print, it was very beat up as well. I tried some correction and clean up to make it some what watchable. The film was loaned to me by Pat Bradley, of Lookout Mountain and I think he is in the film looking over the lightbox.

SAC Command Post

_JkZ4ffPK7c | 05 Dec 2020

SAC Command Post


Atomic Journeys 16x9 with timecode

4fzsk6it-ns | 29 Nov 2020

Atomic Journeys 16x9 with timecode

For reference purposes only. This video is unlisted.

RDS 37 at Semipalatinsk

DNwJ7Cy3WY8 | 29 Nov 2020

RDS 37 at Semipalatinsk

November 22, 1955

Charles Wyckoff and the Rapatronic Camera

h0gXivjfh8o | 27 Jun 2020

Charles Wyckoff and the Rapatronic Camera

A little video I had put together over 20 years ago during the making of "Atomic Filmmakers" which features Charles Wyckoff who worked for EG&G (Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier). Also includes a restoration demo showing shots from our optical film department.

China Tests the Bomb - Trinity and Beyond

8y0fD-wMNUw | 05 Jun 2020

China Tests the Bomb - Trinity and Beyond

The Chinese sequence from "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." The last sequence in the film. Check out the latest version on Amazon:

Atomic Shockwave in 4K

9iiPfJpzfKA | 15 Feb 2020

Atomic Shockwave in 4K

This high resolution film was scanned in 4K. This is one of the blast line shots of Grable tested in 1953 during Operation Upshot Knothole.

Atomic Filmmakers Interviews Roll 02

oF8-S60Ysk8 | 14 Feb 2020

Atomic Filmmakers Interviews Roll 02

Interviews of Atomic Filmmakers: Pierre Wilson and Pat Bradley. Also, B-Roll of Filmmakers event at AFI. Interviewed at The 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Atomic Cinematographers. Wednesday, October 22, 1997. At the American Film Institute in the Mark Goodson Screening Room and HBO Pavilion. 2021 North Western Avenue, Hollywood, California See them in "Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood's Secret Studio" available on Amazon Video Direct

A-Bomb dropped on South Carolina house

uXiRZnISY-w | 14 Feb 2020

A-Bomb dropped on South Carolina house

The home of Walter Gregg received quite a surprise when an A-Bomb dropped out of the sky and landed near his house.

Atomic Filmmakers Interviews Roll 01

Avf4PDucVm0 | 14 Feb 2020

Atomic Filmmakers Interviews Roll 01

Interviews of Atomic Filmmakers: George Yoshitake and Doug Wood. Interviewed at The 50th Anniversary Tribute to the Atomic Cinematographers. Wednesday, October 22, 1997. At the American Film Institute in the Mark Goodson Screening Room and HBO Pavilion. 2021 North Western Avenue, Hollywood, California See them in "Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood's Secret Studio" available on Amazon Video Direct

Trinity and Beyond - Operation Sandstone Sequence

w3zkiNKBQig | 14 Feb 2020

Trinity and Beyond - Operation Sandstone Sequence

This sequence from "Trinity and Beyond" shows the preparation of the atolls for 3 nuclear tests.

Enewetok Cleanup Footage 1980

s8mug5IiX70 | 14 Feb 2020

Enewetok Cleanup Footage 1980

Footage of Enewetok atoll flowers and birds and clean up from the nuclear tests of the 1950's. Including the Cactus crater aka Runit Crater where all the radioactive debris was dumped and encased with a cement dome.

Castle Sequence from Trinity and Beyond

tURi2xVlr7w | 01 Feb 2020

Castle Sequence from Trinity and Beyond

Castle Sequence with frame count and watermark. Operation Castle was conducted in 1954 at Bikini Atoll including Castle Bravo, the largest test conducted by the United States.

1st Russian Atomic Bomb RDS-1

L6Sf3kCicuc | 01 Feb 2020

1st Russian Atomic Bomb RDS-1

Restored and complete takes of the first Russian atomic bomb. RDS-1, the first Soviet atomic test was internally code-named First Lightning (Первая молния, or Pervaya Molniya) August 29, 1949, and was code-named by the Americans as Joe 1. The design was similar to the first US "Fat Man" plutonium bomb

Close up Grable detonation in 4K

Y3X3qqjKZBk | 20 Dec 2019

Close up Grable detonation in 4K

35mm color original photography of Upshot Knothole Grable (1953) scanned and uploaded in 4K.

New Plumbbob and Dominic Atomic Bomb Footage 2K

0PRjgEda82k | 27 Nov 2019

New Plumbbob and Dominic Atomic Bomb Footage 2K

The following shots are from Operations Plumbbob (1957) and Operation Dominic (1962). Plumbbob took place at the Nevada Test Site in 1957 and Operation Dominic took place at Christmas Island in 1962.

Grable Pan to cameramen

ZOaxJOhM_zI | 09 Nov 2019

Grable Pan to cameramen

Another film clip from Operation Upshot Knothole, shot GRABLE, the Atomic Cannon. Camera catches detonation, then pans over to cameramen filming the test, then pans back to Grable cloud rising into the sky.

GRABLE Atomic Blast - Close in Camera

U7F_hMCyisE | 25 Oct 2019

GRABLE Atomic Blast - Close in Camera

Another angle on test GRABLE, the Atomic Cannon test during Operation UPSHOT KNOTHOLE in 1953. In the foreground is a school bus and further back is a train car. You can see the precursor shock move through the frame. Photographed with a 16mm Eastman High Speed Camera at an estimated speed of 500 fps on top of an 18 ft tower. This camera is approximately 4600 ft from Ground Zero. This is a lower resolution then the other GRABLE shots as this was 16mm through a prism whereas the other shots were 35mm shot on Mitchell Cameras.

Vietnam Color Troops and Aircraft HD

MSqQYpk9Ah4 | 24 Oct 2019

Vietnam Color Troops and Aircraft HD

Naval Warship Fire's its big guns, B-52 aircraft. Vietnam troops fighting, jet fighter aircraft fires a missile, B-52 takes off, pilot and instrumentation, Naval Fleet. Our armed forces in action.

Dominic bomb with pretty sunrise HD

N9n27iOTRp4 | 23 Oct 2019

Dominic bomb with pretty sunrise HD

The following clip is another Dominic / Christmas Island bomb test from 1962. B-52 airdrop weapon test. Looks similar to Bighorn, another test clip I had previously uploaded. This actually looks like the cameraman was closer and/or was tilting up more and looking up. Beautiful sunrise colors with the bomb cloud.

Missile launches and inflight destruction

izCnY2TEtOs | 23 Oct 2019

Missile launches and inflight destruction

Several clips of Atlas missiles, a Titan II and Minuteman launches in slow motion followed by range tracking footage of destruction.

Dominic Fireball 4

hdKag_J-ze8 | 23 Oct 2019

Dominic Fireball 4

Another Dominic test at Christmas Island in 1962 delivered by a B-52 aircraft.

Atomic Goggles HD

hMjF8udsaPo | 13 Oct 2019

Atomic Goggles HD

Participants putting on atomic goggles in anticipation of an airdropped nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site.

Outer space nukes

LZhvZZ43DDE | 27 Sep 2019

Outer space nukes

Outer space nuclear explosions care of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." These explosions took place in 1962 under Operation Fishbowl. To see the best, most updated version of "Trinity and Beyond," go to Amazon video direct:

Thor Missile and explosion from "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie"

JTsgDm6I0Nc | 27 Sep 2019

Thor Missile and explosion from "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie"

Thor missile exploding on Johnston Island in 1962 on Operation Dominic. Scene courtesy of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." Available on Amazon Video Direct:

THOR IRBM Nuclear Tipped Missile Operation DOMINIC

MtbJ9EaTBqA | 25 Sep 2019

THOR IRBM Nuclear Tipped Missile Operation DOMINIC

THOR IRBM (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile) used during Operation Dominic Fishbowl sequence to send 5 different nuclear weapons into space. Clip from "Trinity and Beyond - The Atomic Bomb Movie." To see the best, most updated version of "Trinity and Beyond," go to Amazon Video Direct:

RDS 3 Russian bomb

81K-0g63q3U | 21 Sep 2019

RDS 3 Russian bomb

Atlas missile blows up on the launch pad (with frame count)

_YE_6LZHZx4 | 21 Sep 2019

Atlas missile blows up on the launch pad (with frame count)

Wide shot, Thor missile blows up on the launch pad. 2K files scanned from 16mm original. VCE 34590A R1 DPX. Explosion starts around 1 minute 20 seconds in. Silent.

Oak Ridge National Labs circa 1945 (Standard Definition)

XV2OK_QE3xQ | 21 Sep 2019

Oak Ridge National Labs circa 1945 (Standard Definition)

B-Roll footage of life at Oak Ridge National Lab archival footage circa 1945.

Hardtack Wahoo and Umbrella

egTaBf8UF8A | 21 Sep 2019

Hardtack Wahoo and Umbrella

standard definition footage, not very good, for reference only. Silent.

Crowds cheer VE Day in HD

DVKDTyHTQ58 | 12 Sep 2019

Crowds cheer VE Day in HD

Crowds cheer during VE Day or "Victory in Europe" Day. May 8, 1945 was the day when the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the Nazi Germany forces and the end of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, thus ending the war in Europe.

Crossroads Baker Alternate (unused) version for Trinity and Beyond 70

5eTBhsug_WE | 12 Sep 2019

Crossroads Baker Alternate (unused) version for Trinity and Beyond 70

An alternate (and unused) version of the final Crossorads Baker sequence in Trinity and Beyond for the 70th Anniversary edition. Includes my personal narration to let you know what events are happening. This version includes some cool footage of B-17 Drones which were flown by and through the Baker atomic cloud for sampling.

Wide shot of Hardtack Umbrella SD (standard definition)

jffHJKp3Ueg | 11 Sep 2019

Wide shot of Hardtack Umbrella SD (standard definition)

This is a wide shot of the Hardtack Umbrella detonated on June 9th, 1958 at Enewetak Atoll. The underwater nuclear tests (Wahoo and Umbrella) gathered scientific data that helped the Department of Defense understand the effects of nuclear weapons on Navy ships. Some of the key points found were that underwater nuclear blasts create less fallout due to the absorption of radioactive material in the water and vaporized droplets. Sorry, its only in standard Definition (720x486) but it looks nice.

WAHOO underwater nuclear explosion

wZsXzZA_rFU | 11 Sep 2019

WAHOO underwater nuclear explosion

This is a short clip of Hardtack Wahoo nuclear test detonated on May 16, 1958 at Enewetak. . The Wahoo shot was a scientific program that studied the effects of an underwater nuclear blast on Navy systems. The nuclear device was positioned 500 feet (150 m) deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Trinity High Speed footage - Extremely RARE!

0KUmry-Xnkk | 16 Jul 2019

Trinity High Speed footage - Extremely RARE!

This is an extremely rare view of the Trinity test displaying some interesting artifacts that cannot be seen in other shots of the test. You can see a lighter band traveling up the side wall of the fireball. Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon. It was conducted by the United States Army at 5:29 a.m. on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project. Sorry its not higher resolution. The best footage of the Trinity test was photographed using 3 cameras called the "newsreel footage" shot with 3 - 35mm Mitchell cameras. This clip was photographed using a 16mm Eastman high speed camera through a prism. #Oppenheimer #trinity #atomic #nuclear #losalamos

General McArthur in World War II Battle - pillarbox HD

Z1xJc7Cywt4 | 02 Jun 2019

General McArthur in World War II Battle - pillarbox HD

The Admiralty Islands campaign was a series of battles in the New Guinea campaign of World War II in which the United States Army's 1st Cavalry Division occupied the Japanese-held Admiralty Islands. Acting on reports from airmen that there were no signs of enemy activity and the islands might have been evacuated, General Douglas MacArthur accelerated his timetable for capturing the Admiralties and ordered an immediate reconnaissance in force. The campaign began on 29 February 1944 when a force landed on Los Negros, the third-largest island in the group. By using a small, isolated beach where the Japanese had not anticipated an assault, the force achieved tactical surprise, but the islands proved to be far from unoccupied. A furious battle over the islands ensued. In the end, air superiority and command of the sea allowed the Allies to heavily reinforce their position on Los Negros. The 1st Cavalry Division could then overrun the islands. The campaign officially ended on 18 May 1944. The Allied victory completed the isolation of the major Japanese base at Rabaul that was the ultimate objective of the Allied campaigns of 1942 and 1943. A major air and naval base was developed in the Admiralty Islands that became an important launching point for the campaigns of 1944 in the Pacific. From 35mm black and white fine grain.

Interview with General after an Atomic Bomb test

YRWBiEiDZFo | 16 May 2019

Interview with General after an Atomic Bomb test

Its hard to believe in this day and age, that motion picture cameras once were generally silent. Picture only, no sound. This type of camera was different. This footage was shot with a 35mm Wall Camera that would shoot the picture and an optical sound track at the same time on the same film. Even Hollywood studio cameras were silent (except for the noise they made) and the sound was recorded on a 1/4" tape. This film clip shows helicopters arriving at Yucca flat after the bomb test in 1953 and a General is interviewed by a correspondent. Typical 1950's atomic troop interview. Original filmed on 35mm b&w motion picture film. Transferred from a 35mm master positive with the sound on the film at 2K resolution (2048 x 1536) and reduced to pillarbox for this clip. Also available in full frame 2K. Sorry, this clip doesn't show the atomic bomb test. That can be seen separately here on the AtomCentral channel. Speaking to the camera is General John Reed Hodge (June 12, 1893 – November 12, 1963) a highly decorated officer of the United States Army with the rank of general. His final assignment before retiring was as Chief of Army Field Services, 1952-1953.

missiles and rockets

A86zUdFwp6k | 02 May 2019

missiles and rockets

2K High Definition transfer and restoration of missile footage. Includes Titan II missile loading, several shots of Thor IRBM Missile and a night launch of Jupiter missile. Silent footage

Nuclear Alert Scramble and Delivery

juNEWW__LIY | 02 May 2019

Nuclear Alert Scramble and Delivery

Our latest 2K High Resolution restoration from 35mm original, edited together, adding sound effects and music by William Stromberg.. Nuclear alert sends pilots scrambling to their planes to deliver nuclear weapons on our adversaries. Film shot circa 1957, Footage available for licensing. CU of red light flashing. LS of B-47 crew rushing to aircraft. Scenes of alert scramble -- shows Klaxon horn, crew in bathroom and running from quarters to jeeps. low angle & MS high angle of alert crew leaving quarters, rushing to jeep and pickup truck. CU of sign: YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO REFLEX ACTION ALERT VEHICLES -- PRIORITY IMMEDIATE AUX VEHICLES FASANT -- pan left as alert vehicles move along road. Scenes of alert crews boarding B-47 -- MD-3 generator unit and mountains in bg. LS to MS B-47 on takeoff run -- mountains in bg. Scenes of B-47 taking off  and taxiing. MS of two military men at control tower consoles -- aircraft taking off and mountains in bg. LS's of B-47 on takeoff run and climbing over runway.  MLS to MS of B-47 on takeoff run to left. MLS of B-52F taking off to left. 563' AMS high angle of three B-47's in flight over mountainous terrain. AMLS right SV of two B-52F's in flight. AMS low angle of B-52F in flight to right with bomb bay doors open. AMCU's of pilot, copilot, bombardier/navigator releasing nuclear weapon from B-52 -- shows bomb bay doors closing. AMS of B-52F banking away from camera aircraft. LS of atomic explosion. MLS of mushroom cloud forming. ALS & AMLS of twelve B-52's in flight to right. ALS's of two sets of four B-52's, each in fly over to right.

Project Dugout

E5fkhl19Wrw | 23 Apr 2019

Project Dugout

Project Dugout was a non nuclear test of high explosives conducted June 24, 1964 at the Nevada Test Site. The test consisted of the simultaneous detonation of five 20-ton charges placed 45 ft apart from each other at a depth of 59 ft. Originated from standard video definition.

Project Sedan - H-Bomb rips a crater near Las Vegas

ZrI-VFYebnA | 23 Apr 2019

Project Sedan - H-Bomb rips a crater near Las Vegas

This is a little piece about the Sedan test. Sedan was a 104 Kt nuclear explosion detonated on July 6, 1962 at the Nevada Test Site, creating a crater 1280 ft wide by 320 ft deep. The Sedan device was buried at a depth of 635 ft below the Nevada desert surface.

The Building They Couldn't Blow Up at the Nevada Test Site

DdH5ltbWV4c | 14 Apr 2019

The Building They Couldn't Blow Up at the Nevada Test Site

This is some B-roll from our documentary "Atomic Journeys - Welcome To Ground Zero." Its standard definition and the sound is a little noisy but I thought it was an interesting piece. Information about the building itself: The structure is part of Project 31.2, damage to commercial and industrial buildings exposed to nuclear effects on Plumbbob Priscilla in 1957. It consists of a 28 x 32 ft (8.5 x 9.7m) brick and concrete building reinforced with rebar. The exterior consists of mortared bricks with a 10 in (25 cm) thick poured-concrete header. Access is through a set of double doors on the north elevation. The roof is reinforced, poured concrete poured over corrugated metal held up by 4 walls and one central, welded, dual I-beam. The exterior is brick with multiple I bolts that appear to have been attached to guy wires at one time. The interior of the structure consists of a poured concrete floor with 2 x 4's (5 cm x 10 cm) placed in each corner for extra support (added later). A central depression appears to have had instrumentation in it. Some of the interior walls have 4 in (10 cm) diameter instrumention access holes around the base (probably coaxial cable outlets with 5 per wall). There are also multiple coaxial cables emanating from the upper southwest corner. Damage to the structure appears to be principally blast related. As such, the integrity is considered to be excellent.

Castle Romeo - previously unseen rare footage (SD)

J9YBR-AWUAU | 14 Apr 2019

Castle Romeo - previously unseen rare footage (SD)

This is a rare view of Castle Romeo in 1954 from beginning to its bell shaped cloud. This footage is only in standard definition (720x486). I wish I had scanned the 35-mm original negative when I had the chance. This was from a Cinemascope negative. Really interesting colors too.

V-2 Rocket launched from a Navy Ship

P1j6blzr-JM | 12 Apr 2019

V-2 Rocket launched from a Navy Ship

Ever wonder what would happen if you launched a V-2 Rocket from the deck of a ship? Well so did the Navy and they tried an experiment. Not a great idea.

Cow vs. Underground nuclear test

QuWDDx2-CgA | 12 Apr 2019

Cow vs. Underground nuclear test

From "Atomic Journeys." Want to see more oddities from the annals of America's Nuclear Testing history? See "Atomic Journeys - Welcome To Ground Zero" available on Amazon video direct in HD. Notice: No cow was killed in this demonstration.

Control Rooms and Countdowns Compilation

yeVNid5Xmqg | 31 Mar 2019

Control Rooms and Countdowns Compilation

Compilation of various Control Room and Countdown shots from the 1950's and 1960's. This roll is standard definition (720 x 486), not HD and was assembled many years ago..


XOFu2cFhXeM | 27 Mar 2019


Training film demonstrating the use of the Nike Hercules nuclear missile to protect the US against incoming Soviet aircraft. This is Reel 1 only (sorry, it just stops at the end of the Reel). These are high resolution images, made from 2K (2048x1556) DPX files which were scanned from the 35-mm original color negative and transferred to pillar boxed HD for viewing (some of the stock shots are funky). The soundtrack was taken from a 16mm reference print so its not as pristine as the filmed image. This Nike Missile base is located at the north end of the Golden Gate bridge in Marin County just North of San Francisco.

The Sandia Story

ryPsQ_JBXIU | 27 Mar 2019

The Sandia Story

Film produced by Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Hollywood for the Atomic Energy Commission about Sandia National Labs circa 1958. Sandia works in collaboration with Los Alamos and Livermore Labs to weaponize nuclear weapons. Sandia does a lot more than that today. As for this video, it's kind of an employee orientation film and its full of classic 1950's scenes of science, traveling, manufacturing, family entertainment, and the sites of Albuquerque, New Mexico, San Francisco and Livermore, California. Transferred from a 16-mm IB Technicolor print in good condition. This video is standard definition (720x486).

Plumbbob Blimp set up and A4D aircraft flying sunset with bomb

rlFrEUDlapo | 27 Mar 2019

Plumbbob Blimp set up and A4D aircraft flying sunset with bomb


Compilation Shots of OLD TECHNOLOGY (OLD-TECH)

Vk4f0agR7L0 | 25 Mar 2019

Compilation Shots of OLD TECHNOLOGY (OLD-TECH)

This is a BIG roll of clips that we assembled years ago. Historic B-Roll. It covers all sorts of OLD technology: from phone switchboards to reel to reel linear access computer data, tape recorders, radar, etc. This material is all standard definition (720x486) and is not available in high def.

Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation (best quality)

WUzdvBcYFRA | 14 Mar 2019

Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation (best quality)

Strike up the band, its time for "Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation" in Technicolor! Best line: "The first and obvious rule is: be someplace else when it happens. Distance lends considerable enchantment to an a-burst." Although there are many copies on Youtube, this is by far the best looking version from a 16mm master available. Still looking for the 35mm original. Check out our Nuclear Weapon Effects playlist:

Nuclear Weapon Effects on Trees

Q0kxCjiIyBA | 14 Mar 2019

Nuclear Weapon Effects on Trees

Combination of clips from shot Encore in 1953. Encore was a 27 Kiloton airdrop at the Nevada Test Site. The trees, sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture, was to document the effects on various tree stands.

Combating the Atomic Bomb on the Nuclear Battlefield

a9-mpuZkquE | 13 Mar 2019

Combating the Atomic Bomb on the Nuclear Battlefield

An Army training film which mainly deals with what to expect if you are an armored tank crew member during execution of a tactical nuclear war.

Trinity Test Latest HD Restoration

wki4hg9Om-k | 06 Mar 2019

Trinity Test Latest HD Restoration

Original Trinity Footage restoration includes removing dirt and scratches and minimizing some defects in the processing of the original negative. Three shots include a wide shot, a medium shot and a close up. Check out our Playlist of Atomic Explosions at:

Mosler Safe at the Nevada Test Site

C76PJ21-ctg | 06 Mar 2019

Mosler Safe at the Nevada Test Site

Before test.

Trinity TR 84 pillarbox combo

kCG4-2CG9-w | 06 Mar 2019

Trinity TR 84 pillarbox combo

3 Trinity test clips: Wide shot, Medium shot and close up in pillarbox format.

Nuclear Weapon Effects on Vehicles

2BsOm4xoQs8 | 05 Mar 2019

Nuclear Weapon Effects on Vehicles

High Resolution, complete scans of Atomic Bomb FCDA Footage from shot Grable (1953). Grable was an atomic artillery shell, shot out of a cannon and detonated on Frenchman Flat at the Nevada Test Site. No sound. Filmed at 64 frames per second (normal speed is 24 fps). Yield was 15 KT. Distance to Ground Zero: 2,938 feet. Camera elevations ranged from 11 ft 3 inches above ground to 18 ft 9 inches high. Check out other Atomic Weapon Effects on our Weapon Effects Playlist:

Atomic Shock wave on plane fuselage

bOKsPj_H8J4 | 03 Sep 2018

Atomic Shock wave on plane fuselage

A couple of clips from a test conducted in 1953 which subjected plane fuselages to the shock wave produced by an atomic explosion.

Nukes In Space 2018 trailer

7q8cZ9hBV48 | 24 Jul 2018

Nukes In Space 2018 trailer

This is the most recent trailer made for "Nukes In Space," narrated by William Shatner, music composed and conducted by William Stromberg and performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. Rent or buy the movie from Amazon Video Direct: “Nukes in Space” is a close study of the missile race’s momentous impact, from its humble beginnings (Robert Goddard), to its weaponization by Hitler’s V-1 and V-2 bombardment of England, right up to the nuclear crisis posed by North Korea today. Narrated by William Shatner ("Star Trek"), with music performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. Interviews include General Bernard Schriever (architect of America's ballistic missile and military space program) and former members of the defense and intelligence communities, who contribute perspective to today’s missile threat. At the peak of the Cold War (1947-1991), the United States and the former Soviet Union launched and detonated a combined total of more than 20 thermonuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere and near space region of earth in an effort to test the effects of launching and countering a missile offensive-- including during the Cuban Missile Crisis! Almost unknown to the public, much of the information about these tests has been kept secret for over 35 years until recently, when newly declassified test footage and secret government documents reveal everything including outer space nuclear weapon tests. Narrated by: William Shatner Music composed and conducted by William Stromberg Music Performed by: Moscow Symphony Orchestra Directed by: Peter Kuran, the award winning creator of Trinity & Beyond Run Time: 57 minutes AtomCentral/VCE Inc. #spaceforce

Timelapse Mushroom Cloud behind Mountain HD rare

a-bX67VmRm4 | 11 May 2018

Timelapse Mushroom Cloud behind Mountain HD rare

Time-lapse footage of a mushroom cloud from an atomic bomb explosion, rises up from behind the mountains. Unique angle photographed from Camp Desert Rock toward Area 7 behind the hills.

Vintage Las Vegas in HD

78-wygPvkvg | 18 Apr 2018

Vintage Las Vegas in HD

Beautiful footage of Las Vegas shot in 1952. Includes daylight, magic hour and night time footage of casinos. Original shot on 35mm Eastman Color Negative and scanned to 2K. Available as HD and 2K dpx files. Street scene of people walking by during day. Helldorado Days Parade coming down the street with band wearing highland outfits. Las Vegas gambling halls and saloons. Marines and other service personnel walking down street on liberty. Gambling casinos at night. Checkout for more Vintage Las Vegas.

VCE 2652 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

ul-qzj-vGlU | 10 Apr 2018

VCE 2652 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

Marine Ftg in Exercise Desert Rock. 1955. one light color correction 2k scan of original 35mm color negative, Troop manuevers at the Nevada Test Site. Reduced to 1K. No dustbusting, files are as original. Reference is pillarbox. Large group of enlisted men seated on ground listening to officer standing back to camera in FG. Officer turns and exits left frame, a specialist instructor enters left frame holding geiger counter. Officer instructing them. Army and Marine officers talking. Night blast of Atomic Bomb. Marines setting up signa flag for helicopters. Helicopter manuevers. Cargo lowered to the ground by Helicopters. Helicopters with cargo sled. Helicopters landing and taking off. More atomic bomb tests at night. Helicopter maneuvers day and night.

VCE 3150 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

0wFm0XrlgYc | 10 Apr 2018

VCE 3150 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

Original scans in 2K from 35mm original color negative. This reference file is one light color only, not timed. Original DPX files. Marines crouching in trench during atomic bomb explosion. Marines exit trenches and walk toward ground zero. Marines watching atomic bomb cloud. Medical equipment field ambulance. Truck convoy on highway. More Marines advancing toward the blast area (ground zero)

VCE 2651 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

n85buD-loms | 10 Apr 2018

VCE 2651 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

Marine Ftg in Exercise Desert Rock. 1955. MOS, no sound, one light color correction 2k scan of original 35mm color negative, Troop manuevers at the Nevada Test Site. Reduced to 1K. No dustbusting, files are as original. Chief of staff and another officer speaking over microphone. Helicopters parked on runway. Helicopters in flight. Marines working inside tent. Large tent camp area.

VCE 2645 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

uw7B7WI2I54 | 10 Apr 2018

VCE 2645 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

Marine Ftg in Exercise Desert Rock. 1955. one light color correction 2k scan of original 35mm color negative, Troop manuevers at the Nevada Test Site. Reduced to 1K. Marine working inside of communications truck. Major seated at field desk wearing helmet. Large number of helicopters taking off. Helicopters land on desert floor and Marines disembark. Night time atomic bomb blast.

VCE 3166 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

2LXcy-ddA4A | 10 Apr 2018

VCE 3166 Marines, Desert Rock Exercises, Atomic Bomb Reference

one light color correction 2k scan of original 35mm color negative, Troop maneuvers circa 1955. Reduced to 1K. Marines in Winter Service "B" uniforms, battalion standing near buses. Sign "Headquarters, Marine Corp Provisional Exercises Unit." General ERSKINE disembarks from R6B at Indian Springs. Truck convoy coming towards camera. Marine instructor explaining use of geiger counter. Truck convoy entering the Nevada Proving Grounds (Nevada Test Site), past main gate. Marines watch an atomic bomb blast and walk toward ground zero. Marines inspecting damaged M4A3 tank in blast area.

Titan Missile Explosion HD

HOYDj769s6k | 15 Mar 2018

Titan Missile Explosion HD

Beautiful 35mm photography of a Titan missile explosion in 1959.

The BEST Missile Explosion - short version

EvxJnqZUM-Y | 06 Mar 2018

The BEST Missile Explosion - short version

The best shot of an Atlas "E" missile malfunction exploding on the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base. Filmed high speed at 500 frames per second. For a longer version of this and two other angles, see the clip at:

Hiroshima - one year later

M34pRzDAvMU | 29 Jan 2018

Hiroshima - one year later

Newsreel revisiting Hiroshima one year after the atomic bombing of that Japanese city.

Rare color footage of Teapot ESS sub-surface Atomic Bomb Test

40XN8w1OLwo | 11 Dec 2017

Rare color footage of Teapot ESS sub-surface Atomic Bomb Test

Teapot ESS was one of 14 Atomic Bomb tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site in 1955. ESS was short for "Effects Sub Surface." Conducted on March 23, 1955 in Area 10 of the Nevada Test Site, the 1 kiloton bomb was placed below the desert surface and detonated. Sorry, this footage is silent. Real time actual speed of explosion.

Joe 4 Russian atomic bomb

P-h0PGdGqKo | 07 Dec 2017

Joe 4 Russian atomic bomb

August 12, 1953

Castle Bravo HD

Hl2ztXAYHlg | 16 Nov 2017

Castle Bravo HD

Castle Bravo was detonated on March 1, 1954 on Bikini Atoll. This view is from sea level. Color and move added. At 15 Megatons, Castle Bravo was the largest thermonuclear test conducted by the United States. Original scan is 4x3.

Titan II separation

AakIvG7Xolc | 19 Oct 2017

Titan II separation

Titan II rocket jettison of the first stage as photographed from a camera mounted in the second stage.

Atomic Bombs at night HD

h9S1SiOxOQo | 22 Sep 2017

Atomic Bombs at night HD

Upshot Knothole Simon (1953) and Teapot Hornet (1955)

Minuteman ICBM out of control

x47DRB-k2EY | 09 Sep 2017

Minuteman ICBM out of control

Cameraman tries to keep the camera on an out of control Minuteman ICBM, capable of carrying a thermonuclear weapon, from launch through its eventual crash.

V-2 Launch at White Sands Missile Range HD

DFW7XTNkR-Y | 31 Aug 2017

V-2 Launch at White Sands Missile Range HD

This is the launch of an A4 (aka V-2) rocket captured by the allies along with Wernher von Braun and transported to the White Sands Missile Range during Operation Paperclip after the end of World War II. Nice master 35mm film I cleaned up.

ICBM Missile Attack Defense discussion

oEndPdpMN6k | 11 Aug 2017

ICBM Missile Attack Defense discussion

Dr. Ruth discusses missile threats and ABM defense strategy from "Nukes in Space."

Atomic Filmmakers Event as Reported on TV over 20 years ago!

BUGpXKwtoHU | 09 Apr 2017

Atomic Filmmakers Event as Reported on TV over 20 years ago!

More than 20 Years ago, a tribute was held at the AFI (American Film Institute) in Hollywood California to honor the men and women of Lookout Mountain Labs, a Top Secret Film Studio located in the Hollywood Hills. Filmmaker Peter Kuran, who made the movie "Trinity and Beyond" threw what he called a "wrap party" to give these filmmakers some recognition for their work. Another documentary made by Kuran, documenting these filmmakers was made called "Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood's Secret Film Studio." Now, over 20 years after the event, Kuran is releasing this documentary with additional footage. Quality note: This clip was compiled from video 20 years ago which does not compare, quality-wise to television of today. Its a rare find though.

unedited atomic bomb explosion w sound

YKwkTYeukE4 | 05 Jan 2017

unedited atomic bomb explosion w sound

Actual sound of an atomic bomb explosion as recorded by a camera with sound on film. The sound is delayed because of the distance traveled from seeing it to hearing it. Upshot Knothole Annie, 1953. See this feature and others on the "Trinity and Beyond" DVD.

RDS 37 Russian H-Bomb in HD

EdGf6_pxTwM | 03 Dec 2016

RDS 37 Russian H-Bomb in HD

Atomic Journeys - The Nevada Test Site

Z7X7QNDi1mQ | 05 Nov 2016

Atomic Journeys - The Nevada Test Site

Complete tour of the Nevada Test Site from "Atomic Journeys." See other locations where atomic bombs have been tested in "Atomic Journeys" including New Mexico, Colordo, Mississippi and Alaska! The complete "Atomic Journeys" video is available for download at Amazon Video Direct. Narrated by William Shatner with a score by William Stromberg and performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra.

Atomic Bomb with Troop exercises in HD

4kG9kD8bPnA | 14 Jul 2016

Atomic Bomb with Troop exercises in HD

Original 35mm color films of Troop exercises with an atomic explosion of the 1950's have been restored to high definition shedding a new light on some iconic imagery. Silent. In Operation Desert Rock, the military conducted a series of nuclear tests in the Nevada Proving Grounds between 1951 and 1957. In total, more nearly 400,000 American soldiers and civilians would be classified as 'atomic veterans.' New Color footage of Desert Rock Troop exercises show a day in the life of the troops as they arrive, receive training and then crouch in trenches as a nuclear detonation occurs nearby; the soldiers climb out of trenches and march towards the mushroom cloud. Then examining test vehicles near ground zero.

Crossroads Able

KUD0l-7J4Ms | 13 Jun 2016

Crossroads Able

The new Crossroads Able sequence from "Trinity and Beyond" 70th Anniversary Tribute. The new version includes new footage, longer sequences and improved restoration. Now 100 minutes long! The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Crossroads Baker

gy6-ZKWCoH0 | 13 Jun 2016

Crossroads Baker

The new Crossroads Baker sequence from "Trinity and Beyond" 70th Anniversary Tribute. The new version includes new footage, longer sequences and improved restoration. Now 100 minutes long! The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Atomic Vacation with Vern - the Faultless Site

kvf8mgbfmMY | 31 May 2016

Atomic Vacation with Vern - the Faultless Site

Another unique nuclear vacation destination is the Faultless site. Faultless was a large 1 Megaton underground nuclear test conducted to see whether a larger nuclear test could be done in the area. 190 miles North of Las Vegas, located 14 miles Northeast of Highway 6 in Central Nevada. Vern Brechin is your nuclear tour guide.

Radiological Safety In Operation Sandstone R 3 tc

52HOPeyxmyw | 30 May 2016

Radiological Safety In Operation Sandstone R 3 tc

Timecoded copy of Rad Safety in Sandstone, not cleaned up with sound for reference purposes only

Navy's Part in Operation Sandstone R 4 tc

F8Y4V7OBftg | 30 May 2016

Navy's Part in Operation Sandstone R 4 tc

Navy in Operation Sandstone Reel 4 with timecode, not cleaned up - for reference purposes.

Atomic Vacation with Vern - the Gnome Site

SHQZoumu8Q8 | 30 May 2016

Atomic Vacation with Vern - the Gnome Site

Vern Brechin takes you on a tour of the Gnome Site. The Gnome site located near Carlsbad New Mexico was the location of the first nuclear detonation of the Plowshare Program which introduced nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes. The explosion took place on December 10, 1961. This is a must stop on your atomic vacation travels around the western United States to visit places where nuclear explosions took place.

Robert Kennedy watches a test of the Davy Crockett. Incredibly RARE!

xHiihPD7bLM | 26 Apr 2016

Robert Kennedy watches a test of the Davy Crockett. Incredibly RARE!

Incredibly rare footage! Robert Kennedy watches a test of the Davy Crockett (the smallest nuclear weapon ever made), from a 35mm original color negative released as a result of a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). On July 17, a Davy Crockett was fired from a stationary 155 millimeter launcher (in tandem with simulated battlefield manuevers under Operation IVY FLATS) and detonated about 20 feet above the ground at a distance of 9,357 feet (1.7 miles) from the launch point (yield was 18 tons). This test, the last atmospheric detonation at the Nevada Test Site, was observed by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and presidential adviser General Maxwell D. Taylor.

Underground nuclear subsidence crater

u1Xe1TUQrpY | 25 Mar 2016

Underground nuclear subsidence crater

Cool shot of an underground subsidence crater. The hole created by an underground nuclear explosion forms a hole deep below the surface collapses, resulting in a crater. If you haven't seen the 70th anniversary version of "Trinity and Beyond yet, check it out at:

The Atom Strikes Reel 2 Remastered

Cv800wsMpHE | 23 Nov 2015

The Atom Strikes Reel 2 Remastered

This is the second reel remastered for "The Atom Strikes" produced in 1945 about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The movie is made up of three 10 minute 35mm reels.

The Atom Strikes Reel 1 Remastered

X4iLyOBzHqw | 08 Nov 2015

The Atom Strikes Reel 1 Remastered

This is the first reel which I remastered making up "The Atom Strikes" produced in 1945 about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The movie is made up of three 10 minute 35mm reels.

Operation Teapot Atomic Explosions HD

4lhcZ8RsEEU | 30 Sep 2015

Operation Teapot Atomic Explosions HD

Collection of four previously unreleased footage capturing the detonation of some atomic bombs during Operation Teapot in 1955 at the Nevada Test Site. One is known as ESS for Effects Sub Surface and one is shot BEE. No sound. For more scenes of Atomic Bomb explosions in HD, see the new 70th Anniversary Tribute Edition of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." Buy the BluRay exclusively at the Atomic Store: Buy or Rent the Special Edition download:

Polaris missile launch in HD

sUlXty69-Y8 | 18 Sep 2015

Polaris missile launch in HD

Polaris missile test. From 16mm original negative to 2K dpx files

Trinity and Beyond - new opening title sequence

o20O2dl2bqY | 14 Aug 2015

Trinity and Beyond - new opening title sequence

The new opening title sequence for "Trinity and Beyond" 70th Anniversary Tribute. The new version includes new footage, longer sequences and improved restoration. Now 100 minutes long! The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Trinity and Beyond - Civil Defense

pVC3r5gBG7M | 03 Jul 2015

Trinity and Beyond - Civil Defense

This is the Civil Defense Sequence from "Trinity and Beyond." The US government wanted to prepare people for the inevitability of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The test structures took place during Operation Teapot in 1955 during the Apple 2 detonation at the Nevada Test Site.

Grable atomic bomb and the cameramen behind the scenes (4x3 pillar box)

onzdqMFHyGA | 06 Jun 2015

Grable atomic bomb and the cameramen behind the scenes (4x3 pillar box)

4x3 HD version of Atomic Cameramen photographing shot Grable in 1953. This has not been cleaned or touched up. Original photography as is. No sound, either. See HD version for cleaned up version.

Trinity - Birth of the Atomic Age!

f9lf_7qq2hU | 27 May 2015

Trinity - Birth of the Atomic Age!

New and improved material added to the Trinity sequence from "Trinity and Beyond." The full frame clips are printed from the original negative. Thanks to our Kickstarter project and the contributors! If you would like to see the new "Trinity and Beyond" 70th Anniversary Tribute available for purchase: The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Minuteman Launch in HD

BUiGs8qqWG8 | 03 May 2015

Minuteman Launch in HD

Dr Edward Teller Interview - Trinity and Beyond complete takes

YXDHzn7VdWg | 03 May 2015

Dr Edward Teller Interview - Trinity and Beyond complete takes

This is the unedited interview footage of Dr. Edward Teller conducted for "Trinity and Beyond." Originally shot on 35mm motion picture film. This is from an old standard def transfer.

Atlas Missile Malfunction in HD

I55LkRz3Gok | 28 Mar 2015

Atlas Missile Malfunction in HD

Three different views of an Atlas Missile Explosion in 1961. The first clip is a wide shot at normal speed, the second two clips are photographed high speed at 400 frames per second. They are mesmerizing. This was a test of the Atlas E Missile outfitted with a dummy warhead at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast. This footage was shot by the folks at Lookout Mountain Air Force Base. Sorry, no sound! From 2K high resolution dpx scans.

Hardtack Umbrella underwater nuclear explosion footage

sGk8V8MBok4 | 05 Mar 2015

Hardtack Umbrella underwater nuclear explosion footage

Footage in standard definition (720 x 486) of the Umbrella event of Operation Hardtack. Umbrella was an 8 Kt. shallow depth, underwater nuclear test conducted June 8, 1958. No sound, sorry.

Ranger Able - First Test at the Nevada Test Site

5X0jB_Vei68 | 27 Jan 2015

Ranger Able - First Test at the Nevada Test Site

First atomic test detonated at the Nevada Test Site on January 27, 1951. Ranger Able was a 1 kiloton air drop. See the latest version of "Trinity and Beyond" at:

Atomic Effects on Drone Aircraft in Flight

N_8plbxmNpQ | 23 Jan 2015

Atomic Effects on Drone Aircraft in Flight

As part of a Department of Defense effort to understand the effects of a nuclear detonations on military equipment, AFSWP (Air Force Special Weapons Program) tested aircraft and aircraft components during Operation TEAPOT in 1955 to determine how well they could withstand blast and heat produced by a nuclear detonation. Project 5.1, Destructive Loads on Aircraft in Flight, was designed to assess how the overall structure of jet-fighter aircraft could respond to the destructive blast forces produced by a nuclear explosion. The full experiment was performed on Shot MET (Military Effects Test) with three QF-80K radio-controlled drone aircraft. The drones flew within range of the blast to record its effects. MET was a 22 kiloton tower shot at the Nevada Test Site. Interesting little film transferred to standard definition from a 16mm Kodachrome spliced print.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Films HD

nye1akYYR2k | 10 Jan 2015

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Films HD

compilation of footage describing the Japanese war build up and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic bombs. Footage has had basic dirt demoval. Some shots are more refined than others. Refined shots are stabilized or steadied and deflickered.

Starfish Prime Fishbowl films

XoXtUkcFmG4 | 10 Jan 2015

Starfish Prime Fishbowl films

Collection of films from Starfish Prime Event in 1962. All specific information regarding camera positions and locations have been removed...sorry! This is an analytical film and might be a little "slow" for some. Also, this film is silent.

Klaus Fuchs and the Russian Atomic Bomb

njH0CzvFGTo | 06 Jan 2015

Klaus Fuchs and the Russian Atomic Bomb

The Russians exploded their first Atomic Bomb in 1949 aided by spies in the United States who had smuggled blue prints for the Trinity device into the Soviet Union. Sequence from the movie "Trinity and Beyond." See the newest 100 minute version of "Trinity and Beyond" via pay per view at:

Bluestone HD

xcF72F3bbQw | 16 Dec 2014

Bluestone HD

Detonation of Dominic Bluestone on June 30, 1962 in the Christmas Island area in the Pacific Ocean. Bluestone was an airdrop of a 1 Megaton weapon.

Castle Bravo declassified

uFY5k_3BInk | 06 Dec 2014

Castle Bravo declassified

This film was declassified during the DoE's Film Declassification Program circa 1999 but is hard to come by and not listed anywhere. The video transfer is pretty bad so it was impossible to clean it up or improve it. Also, there is no sound as it has been removed to declassify it.

Ivy Mike Countdown and detonation

Q3ezhvCzWCM | 05 Dec 2014

Ivy Mike Countdown and detonation

On October 31, 1952, the United States tested the first hydrogen device called Ivy Mike (for Megaton). Mike detonated with a yield over 10 megatons in this newly restored sequence from "Trinity and Beyond". See the new 70th Anniversary version of "Trinity and Beyond" including new footage, longer sequences and improved restoration. Now 100 minutes long! The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Teapot Apple 2 Cue houses atomic bomb effects

ztJXZjIp8OA | 30 Nov 2014

Teapot Apple 2 Cue houses atomic bomb effects

The following clips were from an atomic test known as Teapot Apple 2 and Operation Cue which took place on May 5, 1955. Project 39.4c provided remotely operated photographic coverage of blast and thermal damage to physical structures. Apple 2 was a 29 Kiloton nuclear test. A total of 48 cameras were operated at distances from ground zero of from 2750 ft to 10,500 ft. These particular clips were photographed both inside and outside of the houses at distances ranging from 4700', 5500', 7800' and 10500' from Ground Zero. They have been cleaned up for the most part with sound effects added. May 2015 will mark the 60th Anniversary of these historic and iconic images. This material is available for licensing in high resolution 2K and HD.

House blown away while camera inside unmoved

epkzZtV7fV8 | 08 Sep 2014

House blown away while camera inside unmoved

Its something you don't see often. The force of an atomic bomb, 30 KT at 4500 ft. from ground zero, is strong enough to rip the single story house right off its foundation, yet the camera inside remains intact and continues to shoot film! This is from Operation Teapot, Apple2.

"Target Nevada"

efLLls6JX90 | 02 Sep 2014

"Target Nevada"

Target Nevada" is a classic film produced by the folk at Lookout Mt. Labs in Hollywood for the Atomic Energy Commission (Dept of Energy). Narrated by Carey Wilson, famous MGM producer, writer and narrator. While there are other copies of "Target Nevada," this looks the best, although it is still standard def


Mp_CvMMwKdY | 14 Aug 2014


Aerial oblique shot of a Redwing H-Bomb detonation on a barge at Bikini atoll in 1956. Silent and Standard Def.

Safety Tips When Delivering a Nuclear Attack

UBbTC37EGy8 | 20 Jun 2014

Safety Tips When Delivering a Nuclear Attack

Participating in a nuclear attack can be dangerous. Lets double check and make sure someone really authorized us to drop the big one. Archival film from the early 1960's.

Project Long Shot (one of three atomic bombs in Alaska)

f5EAEZEBVwg | 18 Jun 2014

Project Long Shot (one of three atomic bombs in Alaska)

Project Long Shot (1965) - 13:15 - Color. This film discusses Project LONG SHOT, a Department of Defense, Defense Atomic Support Agency- sponsored underground test, with participation of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of the Interior, the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and numerous university scientists and engineers. The approximately 80-kiloton LONG SHOT device, buried 2300 feet underground, was detonated on October 29, 1965. As part of the Vela Uniform Program, LONG SHOT's primary purpose was to find ways to detect nuclear explosions underground using ground-based seismic instruments. The film discusses geological studies conducted on the island prior to the detonation; test preparations including construction milestones; an overview of experiments conducted during the project; and environmental and safety activities before and after the test. The canister holding the nuclear explosive is shown being lowered into the shaft. Surface effects during and after the detonation are also shown. The three underground nuclear tests conducted on Amchitka Island, Alaska, were as follows: LONG SHOT, October 29, 1965, shaft, Vela Uniform Project, approximately 80 kilotons MILROW October 2, 1969, shaft, weapons related, approximately 1 megaton (Mt) CANNIKIN, November 6, 1971, shaft, weapons related, less than 5 Mt

Starfish Prime Test Interim Report

Fts8iIwn5HE | 15 Jun 2014

Starfish Prime Test Interim Report

Starfish Prime Test Interim Report by Commander JTF-8, was one of the high-altitude nuclear tests in the Operation Fishbowl series conducted in the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. It was launched in the Johnston Island area to an altitude of about 400 kilometers by a Thor rocket and had a yield of 1.4 megatons. The test evaluated the capabilities of an antiballistic missile to operate in a nuclear environment and the vulnerability of a U.S. reentry vehicle to survive a nearby nuclear blast. It also provided information on the ability of a U.S. radar system to detect and track reentry vehicles. Another goal was to discern the effects of a high-altitude blast on command and control systems, which were shown to be vulnerable in earlier high-altitude tests. The final goal was to obtain information on the feasibility of testing in outer space. The color and resolution of this version has been restored over other available copies. This is a different transfer from DoE Film catalog #0800062. Standard Definition transfer (720x486, deinterlaced 23.976fps).

The Smoky tower - atomic bomb

pgT6qQlXTsE | 02 Apr 2014

The Smoky tower - atomic bomb

Plumbbob Smoky was detonated on August 31, 1957 at the Nevada Test Site on a 700 foot tower, the tallest tower built to detonate an atomic bomb on top of. The tower consisted of a "standard design" 500 foot tower mounted on top of a specially designed 200-foot base. The tower designer was Holmes & Narver, a contractor to the DoE. These four rare frames of the tower were taken at different times during construction.

Atomic Fireball ultra slow motion

A2gxBV_ZZJM | 16 Mar 2014

Atomic Fireball ultra slow motion

Ultra slow motion photography reveals the fireball and energy as it races down the guy wires which hold the tower with bomb in place. This is from Teapot MET April 15, 1955. MET stood for "Military Effects Test." This clip is silent.

Kruschev at the United Nations, 1960

lQE2amAs2-U | 09 Mar 2014

Kruschev at the United Nations, 1960

Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev of the former Soviet Union (Russia) speaking in Russian before the General Assembly of the United Nations and angrily pointing his finger. No translation. 1960.

Truman announces the surrender of Germany WWII HD

LxYA3_T5ps8 | 09 Mar 2014

Truman announces the surrender of Germany WWII HD

On May 8, 1945, President Harry Truman announced the unconditional surrender of Germany, but reminded Americans that the war continues on with Japan. High quality, high definition and high resolution transfer of footage.

Welcome to AtomCentral!

FXFhfjwVzLA | 19 Jan 2014

Welcome to AtomCentral!

This is the AtomCentral trailer. We made the cult documentary "Trinity and Beyond" and 4 other documentaries on the nuclear era as well as provide research for television and film and the government. Don't forget to subscribe to the AtomCentral Channel on Youtube! Visit AtomCentral for all of your atomic bomb and Cold War visual needs. We license our footage to film and television productions as well. Call us at: 360 828-1459 or email us: vceinc (at)

Atomic Bomb blast with shock and effects in HD

dflLFFZcZ0w | 02 Jan 2014

Atomic Bomb blast with shock and effects in HD

These clips are from shot Grable, the Atomic Cannon test in 1953 showing the initial burst and shockwave. Identified also are the various vehicles on the desert floor which are very, very tiny compared to the fireball of the blast. There are cars, jeeps, buses and tanks under the blast area. I have put a title over a frozen frame to be able to see the positions of the vehicles. Can anyone find the bird? For more scenes of Atomic Bomb explosions in HD, see the new 70th Anniversary Tribute Edition of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." Buy the BluRay exclusively at the Atomic Store: Buy or Rent the Special Edition download:

Sprint Missile

kvZGaMt7UgQ | 18 Dec 2013

Sprint Missile

The Sprint missile was part of the ABM or Anti Ballistic Missile system. The missile would carry a 20 kiloton warhead and would travel at hypersonic speeds to find and destroy an incoming enemy ICBM. Watch as the missile approaches speeds upward of Mach 10 in 5 seconds. The missile begins to glow from air friction. The ABM system became functional on October 1, 1975 for one day and was then shut down. See more about ICBMs and ABM systems in the film "Nukes In Space - The Rainbow Bombs."

World War II Destruction in Germany

CaCrsfIAy6c | 12 Nov 2013

World War II Destruction in Germany

Aerial and ground views of the aftermath of firebombing of Dresden and Leipzig near the end of World War II in 1945. The cities are nothing more than rubble as American and Allied troops enter the city.

Trinity Atomic Test complete takes

7dfK9G7UDok | 07 Nov 2013

Trinity Atomic Test complete takes

Although many rolls of 16mm film were exposed on the Trinity test, 3 rolls of 35mm black and white film were run where were called Newsreel rolls. These are the most famous shots of the Trinity test as they were photographed for unclassified distribution. I inserted slates to identify each roll. The wide shot uses a 75mm lens, the second shot uses a 450mm telephoto lens and is aimed near the bottom of the explosion. The last shot is with a tighter telephone lens aimed at the barrage balloons.

Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood Secret Film Studio

BMTIU91vK8Q | 06 Nov 2013

Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood Secret Film Studio

Trailer about Hollywood's Top Secret Film Studio and the cameramen who photographed top secret atomic weapon tests from 1945, through the height of the Cold War until 1963 when the Limited Test Ban Treaty prohibited further atmospheric testing. This program is available on GoDigital's premium channel here on Youtube.

Nuclear 911 Diablo - the nuclear weapon misfire

cNi-v4nAyao | 31 Oct 2013

Nuclear 911 Diablo - the nuclear weapon misfire

What happens when the button is pushed and the nuclear weapon being tested safely 10 miles away from you, doesn't explode? Barney Rubin was a nuclear weapon designer who was part of the arming party which set the switch for the bomb to explode on test Diablo in July of 1957 out at the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles north of Las Vegas. When the bomb didn't explode, it was Barney's job to go back and disarm the nuclear weapon. Part of the journey to the bomb required the men to climb the 500 ft tower that the bomb sat on top of. This is a sequence from my docmentary entitled "Nuclear 911." Sorry, it was originally finished in standard definition. More HD coming in "Crossroads Confidential." "Nuclear 911" (c) 2000.

One Stormy Night with an Atomic Bomb!

H692KJebvJQ | 17 Oct 2013

One Stormy Night with an Atomic Bomb!

Donald Hornig's experience with the Trinity atomic bomb is what nightmares are made off. Donald worked on the firing unit that was used to initiate the implosion of the Fat Man atomic bomb. On the night of the Trinity test, the area was hit by a major electrical storm. Donald Hornig was ordered by Robert Oppenheimer to spend the night at the top of the 100 ft steel tower with the Trinity Atomic Bomb during this lightning storm. This interview was originally shot for "Trinity and Beyond" but was left out of the finished film. This is a standard definition video transfer from the original workprint.

Nuclear 911 - the Goldsboro Nuclear Weapon Accident

nL0IcABVacI | 21 Sep 2013

Nuclear 911 - the Goldsboro Nuclear Weapon Accident

A 3.8 Megaton nuclear weapon nearly exploded over Goldsboro North Carolina, a yield 260 times more powerful than the atom bomb that devastated Hiroshima. Although recently declassified information was revealed this month, we were already on it. Here is an excerpt from our film "Nuclear 911" about the Goldsboro accident lovingly narrated by Mayor Adam West. Learn about the B-52 flying Operation Chrome Dome and its role in the Goldsboro accident.

Minuteman and Titan II Missile ICBM HD

xO-CE6SW7eo | 12 Aug 2013

Minuteman and Titan II Missile ICBM HD

Minuteman missile and Titan II missile blast out of missile silos. These are land based ICBMs (Intercontinental ballistic missiles) designed to deliver nuclear warheads.

Atomic Explosions Compilation - Operation Plumbbob

5EF-s7frsZ0 | 26 Jun 2013

Atomic Explosions Compilation - Operation Plumbbob

Compilation of detonations from the Plumbob nuclear test series in 1957. The tests are from Plumbob Owens (July 25, 1957), Hood (July 5, 1957), Diablo (July 15, 1957), Wilson (June 18, 1957), Fizeau (September 14, 1957 and Galileo (September 2, 1957). The song title is "Abandoned Structures" from the "Atomic Journeys" soundtrack. From 1945 to 1962, the United States conducted a number of nuclear weapons series in the continental United States. The sixth series was Operation PLUMBBOB, the first test conducted on 24 April 1957 and the last on 7 October 1957. Operation PLUMBBOB was to be an integral part of the continuing national program for developing the means to conduct nuclear warfare in defense of the nation. Largely a joint AEC/DOD operation, the program had objectives which ranged beyond those listed in the letter. The AEC needed to test a number of nuclear devices scheduled for early production for the defense stockpile or those important to the design of improved weapons.

Hydrogen Bomb test explosion - Redwing Tewa

VGFQ7d-2GaA | 25 Jun 2013

Hydrogen Bomb test explosion - Redwing Tewa

Redwing Tewa was detonated on July 20, 1956 at Bikini Atoll with a yield of 5 megatons. This was a test of a dirty multi stage thermonuclear design with the highest yield coming from fission of any U.S. thermonuclear test. Companion test to Redwing Zuni which was considered a "clean" or low fallout weapon of the same device.

H Bombs in HD

DesTCK7dn78 | 16 Jun 2013

H Bombs in HD

Sequence of high quality H-Bomb detonations out in the Pacific Ocean in 1956. These were conducted during Operation Redwing at the Pacific Proving Ground to test nuclear weapons. Great music by William Stromberg accompanies this clip. This HD clip is an extra on the Trinity Blu Ray disc:

Atomic Journeys - Nevada Test Site compilation

5IfeYTzRq68 | 23 Apr 2013

Atomic Journeys - Nevada Test Site compilation

New version of the Nevada Test Site montage from the HD version of "Atomic Journeys" available for purchase download viewing through GoDigital. ATOMIC JOURNEYS explores the secret history of the over 900 Atomic and Hydrogen bomb tests detonated throughout the United States in previously unknown locations as diverse as Mississippi, Colorado, New Mexico and Alaska. Through the use of spectacular, never-before-seen nuclear test footage, ATOMIC JOURNEYS travels to former test sites and examines the physical changes to the environment, the history behind each test and what the test sites are like today. Finally, we will visit the Nevada Test Site, Located 65 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada, the Nevada Test Site has come to be known as the most bombed place on earth. Narrated by William Shatner, with music performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra.

Atomic Journeys Cannikin test (Large atomic bomb in Alaska)

Dew6htIWgzU | 06 Apr 2013

Atomic Journeys Cannikin test (Large atomic bomb in Alaska)

Amchitka, one of a string of the Aleutian Islands in the southwest region of Alaska was selected by the US Atomic Energy Commission to be the site for 3 underground detonations of nuclear weapons. The tests were: Long Shot, an 80-kiloton blast in 1965; Milrow, a 1-megaton blast in 1969; and Cannikin in 1971, at 5 Mt, was the largest underground test ever conducted by the United States. The tests were highly controversial, with environmental groups fearing that the Cannikin explosion, in particular, would cause severe earthquakes and tsunamis. Sequence is from the film "Atomic Journeys - Welcome To Ground Zero" which is available from AtomCentral or purchase the DVD or download through Amazon.

Russian Plowshare Experiment - nuking a forest for a canal

INSTW8xfKU0 | 17 Mar 2013

Russian Plowshare Experiment - nuking a forest for a canal

This is a Russian Plowshare test which set up nuclear explosions to carve a canal through a forest. Plowshare was the name of the program to find peaceful uses for nuclear explosives. Both the United States and Russia conducted Plowshare experiments in the 1960's and 1970's.

The Sedan Test - Nuclear dust storm!

gZbL_uKBQzY | 01 Feb 2013

The Sedan Test - Nuclear dust storm!

This is the Sedan test (July 6, 1962) conducted as part of Project Plowshare which promoted peaceful uses of atomic bombs. It's yield was 104 kilotons, 5 times the size of the bomb which leveled Nagasaki. The bomb was exploded 636 ft below the desert's surface creating a huge bulge and ensuing dust storm. This is a sequence from my documentary entitled "Atomic Journeys." Its kind of a nuclear travel log where you can visit locations, mostly around the United States where nuclear weapons were tested. Such as, Mississippi, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Alaska. This is from the Nevada Test Site sequence, 65 miles north of Las Vegas! This material originated in SD (standard video definition)

Atlas ICBM Factory

Pqw9YOOOuKk | 30 Jan 2013

Atlas ICBM Factory

Ever wonder how we used to make those ICBM's (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles)? Well this movie doesn't quite tell you that, but it is a striking image to see an Atlas Missile on an assembly line. The Atlas was the first ICBM deployed by the United States. It was also used on some of the Mercury Astronaut missions. This video clip is silent. We have this film available in HD as well.

Nuclear Weapon Accident - story of survival

ExbG6WCg8Gs | 07 Jan 2013

Nuclear Weapon Accident - story of survival

Interview with Parker Peedin, co-pilot and survivor of a B-52 accident that was part of a project called Chrome Dome where planes circled the US 24 hours a day with live nuclear weapons to be prepared to deliver in case of an attack by the Soviet Union. No nuclear explosions here, just the story of survival. Event known as a Broken Arrow occurred on January 13, 1964. Known as the 1964 Savage Mountain B-52 crash, the Stratofortress B-52D's vertical stabilizer broke off in a winter storm. The plane was carrying two Mark 53 nuclear weapons. The plane crashed near Barton, Maryland. See this interview and more in the video entitled "Nulcear 911 - Broken Arrowns, Accidents and incidents." From Peter Kuran, the Filmmaker who brought you "Trinity and Beyond. - the Atomic Bomb Movie"

Teapot ESS nuclear detonation 1955 SD (Standard video definition)

I9ahoAMAGL8 | 05 Jan 2013

Teapot ESS nuclear detonation 1955 SD (Standard video definition)

The ESS shot was the 7th nuclear test of Operation Teapot. ESS was a 1 kiloton nuclear blast. ESS, short for "Effects Sub Surface" was detonated on March 23, 1955. This footage is silent and standard video definition 720x486

Nuclear weapon Accident

bB-JzgPdNxE | 12 Nov 2012

Nuclear weapon Accident

Recreation of an actual nuclear weapon accident. A B-52 carrying a Hydrogen Bomb weapon or H-Bomb, crashes in Northern California. Sequence from "Nuclear Rescue 911." Producer: Peter Kuran

Cameraman's close call at the Nevada Test Site

3mbkTGTafgM | 03 Oct 2012

Cameraman's close call at the Nevada Test Site

Doug Wood, a member of Lookout Mountain Labs, the secret film studio in Hollywood, recounts an early test in Nevada where he flew directly over the event as it went off, filming it from above. See what unexpectedly happens as the countdown gets down to zero.

Wahoo and Umbrella - Filmmaker recounts test

Y53vDnNPiA4 | 07 Sep 2012

Wahoo and Umbrella - Filmmaker recounts test

Wahoo and Umbrella were code names for two underwater tests conducted in 1958. Wahoo was conducted on May 16, 1958 and Umbrella was conducted on June 8, 1958. Pat Bradley, the cameraman who photographed these events recounts his first hand experience of seeing these tests and being on the island as the tests took place. See this sequence and more in the new HD version of Atomic Filmmakers - Hollywood's Top Secret Film Studio available for viewing on the GoDigital channel on Youtube.

Nuclear Fracking!

b1ZJ_DyDBns | 16 Aug 2012

Nuclear Fracking!

Natural gas extraction through the process called "Hydraulic fracturing" or "Fracking" has been grabbing headlines lately, but did you know that fracking had been tested in the 1960's and 1970's using nuclear weapons? The first test was code named Gasbuggy, which was detonated on December 10, 1967 as part of the Plowshare program. The test area is now part of the Carson National Forest in New Mexico. Learn about the environmental impacts from such a test. This sequence is from the program "Atomic Journeys - Welcome to Ground Zero" by filmmaker Peter Kuran and narrated by William Shatner.

Atomic Bombs in Alaska - Live From Amchitka!

0e9BVwMRA2c | 26 Jul 2012

Atomic Bombs in Alaska - Live From Amchitka!

October 2, 1969. Live From Amchitka! Milrow was one of three nuclear bomb tests conducted in Alaska. At 1 MT, it was the second largest. The largest was Cannikin at 5 Megatons. You can see more about Atomic Tests in Alaska in "Atomic Journeys - Welcome To Ground Zero."

Men of Science

jnlxzH8GtsA | 08 Jun 2012

Men of Science

Stock footage of scientists and engineers working toward the betterment of science in their labs. Silent.

Scenes of Hiroshima

cmT-l7e1nvE | 02 Mar 2012

Scenes of Hiroshima

High resolution footage of Hiroshima, Japan from 1945 after the Littleboy bomb was dropped on the city. See short demonstration piece on restoration to see condition of the original film footage.

Restoration of film demonstration

UKf29H9zkys | 02 Mar 2012

Restoration of film demonstration

This shows a before and after demonstration of problems associated with old photography and reproduction and improvements possible with restoration. This film was fairly clean but suffered from flickering and poor registration. I used software to clean, de-flicker and stabilize the footage.

Russian May Day Parade HD

th06tNTw9PE | 10 Feb 2012

Russian May Day Parade HD

May 1967 - Russian forces, Missiles and ICBMs parade through Moscow's Red Square. Newsreel footage.

Fireball over the Pacific 2 HD

x94OYPg9AgM | 07 Feb 2012

Fireball over the Pacific 2 HD

Another Nuclear Test over Christmas Island on Operation Dominic in 1962.

Fireball over the Pacific - Shot Bighorn

2ZO-8-j63PE | 01 Feb 2012

Fireball over the Pacific - Shot Bighorn

Glow of Fireball during Operation Dominic, shot Bighorn off Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean, 1962. This clip is silent. Shot Bighorn was a Livermore shot, detonated on June 27, 1962 with a yield of 7.65 Megatons.

Aerial view of an atomic bomb explosion

11e8XyUBqRQ | 11 Dec 2011

Aerial view of an atomic bomb explosion

This is an aerial shot from Operation Buster Jangle shot Easy. November 5, 1951 detonated in Area 7 of the Nevada Test Site. 31 KT. A very famous shot. See it in "Atomic Filmmakers." Silent.

Castle Bravo

T2I66dHbSRA | 07 Nov 2011

Castle Bravo

This is a clip of the Castle Bravo nuclear test detonated February 28, 1954 (according to the DoE) at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Proving Ground or March 1, 1954. Castle Bravo at 15 Megatons (MT) was the largest nuclear test conducted by the United States. Used in "Trinity and Beyond" and "Atomic Filmmakers." If you are a documentary filmmaker, this clip is available to license. Please don't just take it and use it in a documentary without contacting me for terms of license. It happens a lot. For more scenes of Atomic Bomb explosions in HD, see the new 70th Anniversary Tribute Edition of "Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie." Buy the BluRay exclusively at the Atomic Store: Buy or Rent the Special Edition download:

Atomic Bomb explosion - Close Up

-WsouJ4YzO4 | 04 Nov 2011

Atomic Bomb explosion - Close Up

There were two cameras set up in this position for 35mm Cinemascope photography. The wide shot and this is the close up of the blast. Both the close up and wide shot were photography of the atomic cannon detonation known as shot Grable in 1953. Note for licensing: sound not included.

Atomic Bomb - wide shot

qT4mSoZsbzM | 03 Nov 2011

Atomic Bomb - wide shot

This is a wide shot of the atomic detonation known as Grable. This event was the result of the first and only firing of the Atomic Cannon at the Nevada Test Site in 1953. Originally photographed in 35mm Cinemascope. Please do not copy and remove the watermark. See the Atomic Cannon in the new "Trinity and Beyond" 70th Anniversary Tribute. The new version includes new footage, longer sequences and improved restoration. Now 100 minutes long! The Blu-Ray version is now available and only at our Atomic Store: Visit the following URL to purchase or rent and download the new version (credit cards only): Reelhouse purchase or rent: (Pay Pal and Bitcoins accepted)

Trinity and Beyond Teapot Sequence in HD

J0j4TfqUm0k | 03 Nov 2011

Trinity and Beyond Teapot Sequence in HD

Sequence from Trinity and Beyond. This is the iconic Apple 2 detonation from Operation Teapot on May 5th, 1955 where a town was set up to demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb. The yield of the Apple 2 test was 29 kilotons which is larger than the Nagasaki blast (20 kilotons).

Five Men at Atomic Ground Zero

BlE1BdOAfVc | 03 Nov 2011

Five Men at Atomic Ground Zero

On July 19, 1957, five men stood at Ground Zero of an atomic test that was being conducted at the Nevada Test Site. This was the test of a 2KT (kiloton) MB-1 nuclear air-to-air rocket launched from an F-89 Scorpion interceptor. The nuclear missile detonated 10,000 ft above their heads. A reel-to-reel tape recorder was present to record their experience. You can see and hear the men react to the shock wave moments after the detonation. The sound you hear on this clip is from the original reel to reel tape which is not available anywhere else. The placard reading "Ground Zero; Population Five" was made by Colonel Arthur B. "Barney" Oldfield, the Public Information Officer for the Continental Air Defense Command in Colorado Spring who arranged for the volunteers to participate. The five volunteers were: Colonel Sidney Bruce Lt. Colonel Frank P. Ball (technical advisor to the Steve Canyon tv show) Major Norman "Bodie" Bodinger Major John Hughes Don Lutrel and George Yoshitake, the cameraman (who wasn't a volunteer) see George discuss his work photographing atomic and nuclear explosions in "Atomic Filmmakers."

atomic cannon shockwave

13XFk5XKCWk | 02 Nov 2011

atomic cannon shockwave

This video shows the shock wave generated by the atomic detonation caused by the atomic cannon. The blast was 15 kilotons. The smoke trails move because of the invisible force of the shock wave. Check out the atomcentral store for more atomic related products.

July 4 2011 fireworks

B7NTJO7wXgA | 14 Jul 2011

July 4 2011 fireworks

For all of those people who could not experience the Fourth of July because the weather was either too hot or too dry to have pyrotechnics, this is what it is like in Washington state where you can buy and set off just about anything on the street. Listen to the background noise and you can hear all the other fireworks going off around the neighborhood like a war zone.

Underwater Nuclear Burst

gYbVQY0cBWk | 28 Aug 2010

Underwater Nuclear Burst

The Hardtack Umbrella event was a Los Alamos and Dept of Defense nuclear weapons explosion shallow depth underwater shot (150 ft.), June 8, 1958, at Enewetak. The test was weapons effects related and the yield was 8 kilotons.

Trinity and Beyond Trailer

oQMnC7AM7jc | 28 Aug 2010

Trinity and Beyond Trailer

Here is the "Trinity and Beyond" trailer. The grand daddy of all atomic testing movies in HD. Now available in blu-ray. "Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of the design, development, production and testing of nuclear weapons between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner (Boston Legal, Star Trek) and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage depicting in graphic detail these powerful and awesome weapons.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Seq

BXV2-js0HlA | 27 Aug 2010

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Seq

Sequence from "Trinity and Beyond" showing the Hiroshima and Nagasaki prep and bombing sequence in HD. Music composed and conducted by William Stromberg and performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. Get the blu-ray version at On August 6, 1945, at 9:15 AM Tokyo time, a B-29 plane, the "Enola Gay" piloted by Paul W. Tibbets, dropped a uranium atomic bomb, code named "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan's seventh largest city. In minutes, half of the city vanished. According to U.S. estimates, 60,000 to 70,000 people were killed or missing, 140,000 were injuried many more were made homeless as a result of the bomb. Deadly radiation reached over 100,000. In the blast, thousands died instantly. The city was unbelievably devastated. Of its 90,000 buildings, over 60,000 were demolished. Another bomb was assembled at Tinian Island on August 6. On August 8, Field Order No.17 issued from the 20th Air Force Headquarters on Guam called for its use the following day on either Kokura, the primary target, or Nagasaki, the secondary target. Three days after Hiroshima, the B-29 bomber, "Bockscar" piloted by Sweeney, reached the sky over Kokura on the morning of August 9 but abandoned the primary target because of smoke cover and changed course for Nagasaki. Nagasaki was an industrialized city with a natural harbor in Western Kuushu, Japan. At 11:02 a.m., this bomb, known as the "Fat Man" bomb, exploded over the north factory district at 1,800 feet above the city to achieve maximum blast effect. Buildings collapsed. Electrical systems were shorted. A wave of secondary fires resulted, adding to their holocaust.

Atomic Cannon Sequence in HD

QsB83fAtNQE | 18 Aug 2010

Atomic Cannon Sequence in HD

The Atomic Cannon, at 280 mm, was the largest nuclear weapons capable mobile artillery piece manufactured by the United States. On May 25, 1953, a 280 mm cannon fired an atomic projectile a distance of 7 miles at the Nevada Test Site. The test known as "Grable," exploded with a force of 15 kilotons, similiar to that of Hiroshima. Twenty 280 mm cannons were manufactured. None were used in battle. Sequence from the HD version of "Trinity and Beyond - The Atomic Bomb Movie" available on blu-ray.

Neutron bomb Movie - The Monkey

lZ5_335r44I | 27 Jun 2010

Neutron bomb Movie - The Monkey

so whats with the monkey? Stay tuned for the upcoming documentary by Peter Kuran:

PeaceKeeper Missile video

qPhjMHBBdbM | 23 Jun 2010

PeaceKeeper Missile video

How to assemble a PeaceKeeper ICBM

National Day of Remembrance video

dGb4eROx3L8 | 03 Nov 2009

National Day of Remembrance video

October 30th is designated for the Nation Day of Remembrance. This is a short video I made for the Cold War Patriots organization commemorating workers of the Nuclear Weapons industrial complex from uranium miners to weapon designers.

Atomic Journeys: Mississippi segment

RIw0RU4JFOA | 28 Jul 2008

Atomic Journeys: Mississippi segment

Believe it or not, two atomic bombs were exploded in Mississippi. One nuclear test was called Salmon and it was detonated on October 22 1964 near Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The bomb had a yield of 5.3 kilotons. The second test was code named Sterling and it was detonated inside the cavity which had been left by the Salmon explosion. Sterling was detonated on December 3, 1966. Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero Visit and experience America's original nuclear weapons testing sites... Through the use of spectacular, never-before-seen nuclear test footage, travels to ten former testing sites and explores the history, physical changes resulting from the tests and current condition of these amazing and important places. Visit the notorious Nevada Test Site, known as the most bombed place on earth. Over 900 nuclear explosions where detonated at this location -- an area larger than the State of Rhode Island. Once upon a time these locations were kept top secret, but today, with this 60th Anniversary Diamond Edition of Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero, you will finally see these historic hot spots. Preserving the incredible legacy of America's nuclear testing program stands as a reminder of the fine line between the progress of mankind and the destruction of the earth. Once you understand what really happened at the Ground Zero nuclear testing sites, you will never be the same.

How To Photograph an Atomic Bomb

OFbJEhvBqVY | 30 Mar 2007

How To Photograph an Atomic Bomb

Trailer for a new book by Academy Award winner Pete Kuran detailing the techniques for photographing Atomic Bomb tests. Visit for more information You can now buy the book for the iPAD at iTunes: "How To Photograph an Atomic Bomb" is now up for sale on iTunes for the iPAD.

Atomic Journeys - Welcome to Ground Zero

ZiVRadYUtbE | 24 Sep 2006

Atomic Journeys - Welcome to Ground Zero

Trailer for a documentary which covers Atomic and nuclear testing in places like Mississippi, Colorado, New Mexico and the Nevada Test Site (65 miles north of Las Vegas). Weird imagery. Atomic Bomb testing and explosions.

Nukes in Space Trailer

xkKfTCfIhzw | 21 Sep 2006

Nukes in Space Trailer

Trailer for program which follows the development of ICBM or Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles including Redstone, Atlas and Titan. Testing atomic and nuclear weapons in outer space (really!). Atomic and Hydrogen bomb tests.

Nuclear 911

jCGbExgsejk | 21 Sep 2006

Nuclear 911

Trailer for Nuclear 911 (aka Nuclear Rescue 911) about Broken Arrows and other Nuclear weapon incidents and accidents. Atomic Bomb and hydrogen or H-Bomb featured. Aircraft featured include B-29, B-47 and B-52. Missile explosions include Thor, Titan, Atlas and Minuteman missiles and rocket.

B-52 and H-bomb 2

B3oBtxIWr4M | 02 Aug 2006

B-52 and H-bomb 2

A B-52 crew delivers a Hydrogen Bomb weapon or HBomb, more powerful than an Atomic Bomb and detonates off Bikini Atoll, circa 1956. Sequence from "Nuclear Rescue 911." Check out our Atomic Store items at

B-52 and H-bomb

IO34CJqbTCc | 02 Aug 2006

B-52 and H-bomb

A B-52 loads a Hydrogen Bomb nuclear weapon or HBomb, more powerful than an Atomic Bomb and detonates off Bikini Atoll, circa 1956. Sequence from "Nuclear 911."