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All videos archived of GeoWizard

HVOUnvPlmsA | 07 Mar 2025
The Californication album cover: One of the most iconic album covers of all time. But did you know that the actual location of the swimming pool is a mystery that has puzzled Red hot chili pepper fans (all around the world) for 25 years? I didn't either until a Chili superfan called Hamish kindly sent me an email to let me know. Despite my increasingly busy schedule along with the fact that the internet had thus far failed to find it, the temptation was too much. What ensued was one of the sweatiest searches yet and one that was tainted with doubt. So, here it is: My "internet breaking Geo Detective" Will it have a happy ending? or will one of the countless Chili pepper fanatics out there pip me to the post? Big shoutout to Hamish who I forgot to thank properly at the end of the video as well as shout out his fantastic RHCP website:

5-VV2F48Xqc | 21 Feb 2025
This evening we indulge in a helping of purest Geography courtesy of the higher or lower game. The task is simple: correctly click on the country or capital city whom you believe to have the higher population, and see how big a streak you can build up. This will have you playing over and over again until you have learned the population of every god damn country on earth! Reckon you know if Mongolia has more people than Moldova? play it here to find out!

ENiWAnlUZQA | 12 Feb 2025
Can we unearth WW2 history by geo-locating Debbie's grandad's photo? Your favorite online Geography series (Geo Detective) returns with another historic special courtesy of Debbie, who kindly sent in some photos of her Grandad who was a bomber pilot in World War 2. Today I study these photos and try to figure out where the main one (an aerial shot of a bombed bridge) was taken, and in doing introduce the world to a brand new perspective of a forgotten slice of WW2 history.

ZSgESzZJvoQ | 26 Jan 2025
*watch with subtitles and in HD for best experience* Welcome to the second and final part of this barmy adventure. We pick things up on the edge of a gigantic dairy farm hoping I can sneak through it, and ultimately make my way home before dark. Standing in my way are motorways, high speed railway tracks, more swollen rivers, and an inescapable pit of stinging nettles. Spurring me on in the distance is the reassuring ridge of Cannock Chase, but would it be the stroll in the park that I kept making it out to be? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every future adventure episode a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

q6hSUH9FKdY | 19 Jan 2025
*watch with subtitles and in HD for best experience* I'm known mostly for two things: My ability to hop hedges and my ability to figure out (virtually) exactly where I am. But what would happen if we combined these two talents? How would I fare if I were blindfolded and dumped 20 miles (as the crow flies) from home with no means of navigation and the inability to use main roads? Can I use the sun to help me navigate? Will I recognize any distant landmarks on the horizon? Will I make it home before dark or wind up further away than where I started? In this two part video we answer all of these burning questions and in doing so get stuck up a tree, get nutmegged by a wood pigeon, help a farmer search for a lost cow and generally have ourselves a truly top tier adventure. Check out Wildbeare's adventure: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every future adventure episode a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

YKfihWA5Xbg | 04 Jan 2025
Happy new year everyone. Here's some classic Geoguessr for you, and it's a map that often produces some corkingly juicy rounds. Score to beat: 19,785. A tall order after all that Port. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Order my mom’s latest novel using the link below. She appreciates every sale and review more than you could know!

4btJwRAFPZ8 | 21 Dec 2024
Your favorite online geography series continues with another special episode. Vicky writes: "I was hoping that you could maybe try to find the location of these photos—or just the one! The woman in the red jumper is my nan, Sheila, and the other woman is her lifelong friend and travel partner, Sylvia. I wanted to send them to you because my nan is bedbound now and doesn't remember where she was when these were taken. Nan has lived an amazing life! She was the first female paramedic in the West Bromwich ambulance service - I know that's not too far from where you are! She grew up in Walsall, but like you travelled the world and loved every second of it. I hope to one day go to the places she has been! If you have an opening for these, I'd be so grateful and will probably cry seeing them on YouTube! Keep up the great work!" Challenge accepted Vicky. Let's find our where your hero of a nan travelled to, jog her memory and summon some tears of joy from yourself. For those new to the channel, Geo Detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe: ..and don't forget to give the video a quick like if you enjoyed! Cheers :)

ZLJceH19Bbo | 13 Dec 2024
About a year ago I decided to reach for the skies and attempt to achieve one of Geoguessr's holy grails - 24,000 points with NMPZ and 10 seconds per round. Somehow I ended up with the mental score of 24,710. Granted it was on the slightly easier World map, but Geoguessr pros such as Zigzag have toiled over this score ever since. So how good was it? was it a complete fluke? was it pure skill? or a mixture of the two? Can I get anywhere near that today without any practice? we find out in today's relaxed video. watch the original video here:

KIUlSnEg_A8 | 01 Dec 2024
Today I decided to play a rural Europe map with a 3 minute time limit. My plan was to see if I could race to a good enough clue to figure out where I was in that time. I failed to do so in the remote Icelandic wilderness of the first round, but whilst staring at the black dotted line that represented my guess, I came up with an idea. The next half an hour was spent trying to figure out whether it was the best idea I'd had since the straight line mission itself, or whether I'd completely lost the plot. The jury is still out... PLAY ALONG WITH THESE GAMES: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt before you see the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

QWtQKNsA-uY | 22 Nov 2024
The GeoDetective story continues with something a bit different.. When Fujifilm challenged me to try and find the location of Carolle's 1989 holiday photo and her daughter Martha's flawless recreation, I said you're on! But a fair bit has changed in 35 years and with not too many clues to go on this would prove to be a trickier find than expected... Watch the MyFujifilm 'Memories Recreated' advert here: Visit MyFujifilm for photobooks, photo prints, calendars & gifts printed with 90 years of photography know-how: UK DE FR SE NL ES DK CA US

GJkgDBXKdCs | 15 Nov 2024
This week we revisit the "Balanced urban world" map but this time we've got 3 minutes per round and we can't move - a good blend of two classic formats that should give us enough time to study any available clues, but not much time to act.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt before you see the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK: Order my mom’s latest novel using the link below. She appreciates every sale and review more than you could know!

h9iC3kW550Q | 04 Nov 2024
This cockle-warming coastal adventure continues, and part 2 has it all. Join me as I continue my quest to survive on nothing but £10 in my pocket and a sleeping bag, trying my best to source food, water and shelter as I go, but also trying my best to enjoy the landscapes and people that this marvelous county has to offer. This time my quest for funny stories lead me into a strange house and the heart of a village spat, and I try my hand at some coastal foraging and cooking... 🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators. Running from Home (2015 Remaster) by Bert Jansch,!GeoWizard License ID: 7NZeLokeRp9 Daisy by Stone Temple Pilots,!GeoWizard License ID: WR42GWr6Zwa If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music:

XDq8KQjm4zY | 28 Oct 2024
By popular demand the £10 in my pocket series is back, and this time things go up a notch. Join me as I set off from Plymouth and simply head west down the stunning south west coastal path with a tenner (£10) in my pocket and a sleeping bag. The results to this experiment last time around in Staffordshire were fascinating, so how might it turn out in a setting which is half bustling touristy fishing villages and half dramatic rugged coastline? sit back, relax and find out... *Watch with subtitles and in 4K for best results* Please give this video a like if you enjoyed it and/or appreciate the effort that went into making it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators. Daisy by Stone Temple Pilots,!GeoWizard License ID: OB4xbJj3DEz Running from Home (2015 Remaster) by Bert Jansch,!GeoWizard License ID: y3N6BwQ1NmW If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

RhmzJMzR32A | 18 Oct 2024
This week we revisit the splendid "Balanced urban world" map but this time we get a bit sweaty. No moving, no time limit is the order of the night, allowing us time to study all those little clues that might be hiding away. One thing that made no effort to hide away however was Barry's penis. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt before you see the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

wTy5FQo87RQ | 11 Oct 2024
The special geo detectives continue with a heartwarming nan and grandad pic sent in by Daniel, who would love to know where they were pictured here in their Sunday best, about 75 years ago. He reckons it's Scotland and with a few signs in the picture you would think this one would be quite straight forward, but sometimes all is not what it seems, especially when buildings have been demolished... Do you have a sentimental photo of a loved one that you don't know the geographical location of and would love to find out? send them into [email protected] Otherwise, please drop this video a like if you enjoyed it! cheers everyone, have a great weekend.

qqwd79cZs8s | 03 Oct 2024
I've been meaning to try this for a while now. Name as many London tube stations as possible in a given time frame, with no revision. I am a Geography enthusiast, but I'm not from London and I don't have the best memory. The results should be interesting, to me at least. Here's the link if you want to give this game a go: ..and do drop the vid a like if you enjoyed!

XJ_DfNOGcWo | 24 Sep 2024
We dive back into some classic Geoguessr on this fine Tuesday afternoon. It was a game that had a couple of juicy rounds in it, and at the end I talk a bit about the future of Geoguessr on this channel. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt before you see the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

AJzUo-uEKos | 14 Sep 2024
(Geography based fun that is) Today I attempt to get a perfect score on TimeGuessr, but this time with a twist. It's the game where you have to figure out when AND where iconic or interesting photographs were taken, a tall order when you have no frame of reference. But what if I were to open Google in another tab? Some of you said it would still be too hard, but I like a challenge. It took me a little while to get to grips with this, but after a handful of attempts I got a seed that was absolutely perfect for this new way of playing. The result was an enthralling game jam packed with juicy geo detective work, but would I get the elusive 50,000? HAVE A GO YOURSELF BEFORE I DO:

6yfWmQ1MHcc | 07 Sep 2024
A fun little Sporcle geography quiz that requires us to figure out the name of the town, city or village based on it's literal meaning, using a map of the UK as an aid. Some are quite obvious, but some will really have you scratching your head... Play this quiz:

RRaLM_YT4GE | 25 Aug 2024
This week we indulge in a relaxing game of TimeGuessr; the game where you have to figure out when AND where iconic or interesting photographs were taken. With an ambitious Geodetective video in the pipeline taking up most of my work hours, this one was meant to be a fairly chilled, non competitive affair, and it was, but right at the end of the vid, I realised something... ***Totally forgot you guys could have played along! apologies - the button is right at the end and I was distracted. Will remember for next time though!***

-VN9Ef4xA6w | 17 Aug 2024
Today I answer all your burning questions about the straight line mission across England, covering all matters, from training and clothing to body bags and ticks, as well as answering some old classics such as "why are you so scared of farmers?" and "why do you do these in the winter?" I also talk about future adventures including potential missions with Welsh Greg. There are 39 questions in total and I've tried to answer them as concisely as possible, so sit back and enjoy! Thinking of doing a straight line mission? Here's everything you need to know:

JVzhqDDUEU4 | 10 Aug 2024
Welcome to the England straight line line analysis video. Today we take a closer look at the following: -All noteworthy deviations from the mission, why they happened and how I could have prevented them -Strategy: how and why it differed from previous missions and how it could have been improved -The potential for tweaking the line to make this mission Silver rather than Bronze -My decimated Burdell score -Archie and Adam's attempt -The future of straight line missions for me -How you can feature in my upcoming Q&A video List of all $4 Patreon adventures & videos:

cqn-KaT0OBo | 28 Jul 2024
Sign up to Revolut and claim your £20: When England scraped their way to another Euro final, I could not resist the allure of the magic that was brewing in Berlin, and the chance to embark on another mad adventure in the process. Standing between me and the German capital was over almost 700 miles of tarmac, the English channel and the nation we had just knocked out in the semis, and realistically I had 36 hours to somehow get through it all using nothing but cardboard signs and the three lions on my chest. If I could make it, it would be glorious, but there was potential for disaster... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators Autumn Almanac (2020 - Remaster) by The Kinks, License ID: noRAPqk82Xr 2-4-6-8 Motorway by The Tom Robinson Band, Tom Robinson Band, License ID: PAyzqNQoWxL Try Lickd FREE for 14 days for unlimited stock music and get 50% off your first mainstream track:

_RyJHJlNFEg | 12 Jul 2024
Your favorite online geography series continues with another special episode. Cilla writes: "I have attached a photo of my late mother Jenny on holiday somewhere. She died in 2019 from cancer and I found this photo when sorting through her belongings and I have wondered for years where she is. I believe it was taken around 1965. My dream is to be able to visit the same spot and take a photo there holding this one. It would mean the absolute world to me 😭" Challenge accepted Cilla. Let's find our where your lovely mom went on her holidays and get you out there! For those new to the channel, Geo Detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe: ..and don't forget to give the video a quick like if you enjoyed! Cheers :)

wGA6fun0Tjc | 07 Jul 2024
This gargantuan adventure reaches its climax 19 miles from the North Sea coast, and as if this mammoth 5th day hadn’t tested me enough, I was now perched on the edge of a private hunting estate watching men furiously wave flags on my line to the soundtrack of multiple shotgun blasts. With plenty of farmland and another terrible forest beyond that, this mission was far from over. Will I make it through and become the first person ever to cross England in a straight line? Make yourselves comfy and find out. *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ ORDER YOUR OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER HERE ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every future adventure episode a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ RENT MACY THE VAN!

IRVUm7tLNOo | 30 Jun 2024
We're into day 4 of my most epic mission to date and having almost escaped the damp twangy clutches of Kielder forest, I now had the opportunity to deliver myself 12 miles from the coast in one fell swoop. 21 miles of more rugged mountains and forests would be a huge physical endeavor in it's own right, but it also happened to be bookmarked by a private and very active hunting estate, and a gigantic military firing range apparently littered with unexploded shells. Illegal? not technically. But not without risks. Do not attempt to try this yourselves... *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER COMING SOON (WITH FINAL EPISODE)* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every episode in this series a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

uLDFsqcqt7I | 16 Jun 2024
Day 3 of my most odds defying mission to date is under way and massive lake crossing aside it's a case of rinse and repeat; 11 more miles of dense, tormenting pine plantations to be completed before the disastrous descent of darkness. This time we do have more moorland to break things up along with better weather, but the trees, both vertical and horizontal, would do their very best to slow me down and drive me insane. *Next weekend will be a break weekend. An early baby arrival meant that I didn't get quite as much work done as I'd planned and because I don't want to compromise on quality, I need an extra week to get the next episode up to standard. E5 will hit your screens on the 30th of June (29th for Patreons)* *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER COMING SOON (WITH FINAL EPISODE)* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every episode in this series a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

tfjReZ9cx2c | 09 Jun 2024
My most ambitious adventure to date continues and it's out of the farmland of Day 1 and into the remote, rugged forests and hills of Day 2 and beyond. 10 miles of pretty much solid pine plantations was the impossibly tall order of the day, and with utterly miserably freezing weather, I was guaranteed to be pushed to my physical and mental limit. All I could do was get my head down, and pray for no big fallen tree sections.. *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER COMING SOON (AROUND A WEEK OR SO)* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every episode in this series a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

nGnMiISiLTU | 02 Jun 2024
Day 1 of my most ambitious adventure to date continues and not only is there plenty more farmland to sneak through, but there is also unforeseen trepidation ahead. Completing this epic 14 mile day would deliver me to the freedom of the remote and rugged lands of Northumberland. If the farmers don't have something to say about that however, ghastly swathes of fallen trees left by recent storms certainly would... *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER COMING SOON (AROUND A WEEK OR SO)* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch every episode in this series a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

wO0XbbL_gBE | 26 May 2024
The straight line mission and all it's glorious pointlessness peaks right here with what is undoubtedly the most ridiculously ambitious jaunt I've ever attempted. 68 miles across the most rugged and remote areas of my home country in the darkest depths of winter, battling oceans of hellish forests, unrivalled amounts of farmland and countless more seriously dodgy obstacles. All of this with my rivals (who embark 4 days later) breathing down my neck. Join me and my new and improved support crew as I aim to become the first person to cross England in a completely straight line, hopefully achieving what I never thought was possible. *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICIAL MISSION ACROSS ENGLAND POSTER COMING SOON (AROUND A WEEK OR SO)* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch the all three episodes a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

WFSh3xtv4B8 | 19 May 2024
This week we prove that I am the most childish bloke on YouTube by exploring the "So Childish" map. A puerile map made up entirely of locations that feature cocks, fannies, farts and anything else that would amuse a 12 year old. If you're too mature or boring to laugh along, do not fear - you can still play along and have a go at beating my score. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

54oAUfxxmFg | 10 May 2024
I finally did it... Today I finally figured out how to play the famous "blink mode". Made famous by the mighty Rainbolt who's thumbnail I ripped off, this insane Geoguessr format literally gives you a 10th of a second to decide where you are before the screen goes blank. You need a pretty photographic memory for this one and I've long wondered how I would fare. Today, despite not having properly played in months, we find out. You guys are definitely in with a shout of beating me this evening so be sure to play along! (you just need the script) (and Tampermonkey) PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video. GAME 1: GAME 2: GAME 3:

3CTYvRshrBo | 03 May 2024
We're back with some more addictive Travle, but this time we take it up a few notches. Travle is a game that tests your border knowledge by asking you to travel from one country to another in the shortest route possible, i.e. through the least amount of countries. Sometimes the shortest route is not the one that you thought it would be... Here are the links to today's games just incase you want to give them a go before I do! game 1: game 2: game 3: Drop the vid a like if you enjoyed and have a great weekend!

ZT8QKJR_KNE | 26 Apr 2024
We're back with this classic British "pub" map but this time we have a time limit. Can I get a respectable score in 2 minutes AND commentate on the pissed up punters? Watch to find out and play along to try and beat my score! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt before you see the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

87FkIxQ5vjY | 19 Apr 2024
We've had some difficult geo detectives in the past year, but this one tops the lot. It's just a guy on a frozen lake. All we really have to play with is some piney looking trees, a stone dam and a buoy. Have I gone too far this time? or will my ever sharpening searching skills make this yet another success? For those new to the channel, geo detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. The aim is to get within 25 metres of my target. So far I've only failed once. Let's keep the win streak going. Do drop this vid a like if you enjoyed it, and don't forget to subscribe for more top notch geo detective work...

p204wUzUOfY | 12 Apr 2024
Today, thanks to an internet outage, I roll back the years with some classic Geowizard Geoguessr, except on a map I've never played before - An Urban Europe. 3 minutes per round should allow me to go steady and have some fun, I thought, but a series of wild guesses turned this one into something a bit more serious! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

iCAl0MKeMiQ | 04 Apr 2024
We're back by popular request with more Timeguessr! ..the game where you have to figure out when AND where iconic or interesting photographs were taken. This week I'm flexing my geo detective muscles on two games, picking apart more photos in the hopes of beating my record score of 46,573. YOU CAN NOW PLAY ALONG! Instructions: Play your round, make your selections but instead of hitting "make guess", switch tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link to this week's game:

FemFuPxp7zs | 28 Mar 2024
A concise report on all the relevant news from the world of geo in spring 2024, including big adventure news (both YouTube and Patreon), merch and music plans, a call for editing help, and a few words on Russ Cook and his project Africa. DONATE TO PROJECT AFRICA: EDITOR APPLICATIONS GO TO: [email protected] GEOWIZARD PATREON VIDEO LIST: GEOWIZARD'S PATREON: GEOWIZARD STORE:

cxV9vkdhnWk | 20 Mar 2024
Today we take on the US State Drawing Challenge from Hugequiz and once again put my questionable border knowledge to the test. With less even less geographical features to draw from these time, I attempt to draw every single US State from memory in a bid to score as many points as possible. Last week in my home continent of Europe it was a mixed bag, and today promises to be no different... A link to this quiz:

lZTzD3ccxIk | 12 Mar 2024
Today we revisit a brilliant custom made Geoguessr map in which just out of sight a famous attraction, landmark or monument will be lurking. Some places you may recognize, others you might not and you may be forced to rely on your geo detective skills to locate it. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

KppKalwgN_k | 03 Mar 2024
*Watch in 4K and with subtitles* Here it is. The first of it's kind; a straight line mission race. A year ago my straight line missioning rivals Archie and Adam Fieldhouse challenged me to a race across the Isle of Man, and in December 2023 it happened. 10 miles across mountains, freezing lakes and farmland. Full of excitement, drama, pain and one rather angry landowner. But who will come out on top? the more experienced hedge hopper? or the hungry youngsters with a point to prove.. On the back of my recent Wales success and feeling fitter than ever, I fancied myself as favorite, but as we would both learn anything can happen in a straight line race... Instagram: Support me on Patreon for $1 for all the upcoming bonus footage, as well as early access to two top tier adventures this month. Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

ZQJ9_PUs8Po | 28 Feb 2024
Today we take on the Europe Country Drawing Challenge from Hugequiz and put the tiny photographic section of my brain to the test. With no clues other than the coast and a few mountains and lakes, I attempt to draw every single European country from memory in a bid to score as many points as possible. It seems that despite having studied maps of Europe for hours on end, I don't know my country outlines as well as I thought I did... A link to this quiz:

IG769JNsyaA | 20 Feb 2024
Your favorite online geography series continues with something quite special. When Maurice asked me to locate this photo of his deceased father so that he could travel to that spot and recreate the photo, I jumped at the opportunity. He knew the country (Taiwan) but so much has changed since the 70s, and with just a tiny mountain to go off, this was going to be a challenge to remember.. For those new to the channel, Geo Detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe: ..and don't forget to give the video a quick like if you enjoyed! Cheers :)

rYLQEY37u9E | 13 Feb 2024
Introducing my latest weird and wonderful way of playing Geoguessr! This time, instead of spamming rounds until I've been to the location in real life like we did last time, we play the game as normal but we only place the pin somewhere we've been. If it's Europe or even North America then I might be able to get surprisingly close to the pin. If it's South America, Asia or Australia then I'm pretty screwed. Will I get any insanely familiar locations and big resulting scores? Can I even work out the location to begin with? I delve back into the classic world map to find out.. DON'T FORGET: you can play along to try and beat me score! (only for the first game) PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link:

PwOkeGDwu2k | 06 Feb 2024
We're back again with another play along video on this fascinating custom made map, and we've got some some almighty disasters on our hands this time.. Terrorist Bombings, Murders, Industrial, Environmental and Natural Catastrophes are some of the tragic events that we can expect to learn about on this map. Every round has it's own disturbing backstory, so join me as I try to figure out where on earth each grim event took place, before we dive into Wikipedia for all the juicy facts and figures. Don't forget: you can play along to try and beat me score! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link:

RDA7CU_afNc | 31 Jan 2024
Your favorite online geography series continues and we look to continue the winning streak with two fresh zingers: A young man next to a large concrete pole on a barren hill, and two cool dudes posing outside of their orange mustang in what looks to be an arid, mountainous region of North America. For those new to the channel, Geo Detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe: ..and don't forget to give the video a quick like if you enjoyed! Cheers :)

hPZlw7vXmgA | 23 Jan 2024
Something different for you this fine evening: playing Geoguessr until I've been to the exact location in real life, cos why not? How many rounds will it take me to arrive at familiar ground? Could I wind up at a spot that's featured on one of my legendary adventures? Will I even know if I've been there before? I delve back into the world map to find out...

VOAYhcQrxk8 | 16 Jan 2024
Geo Detective is back and we begin the year with a trio of fan photos; two warm ups, and a tougher one to finish off with. There wasn't a whole lot to go off in this waterside snap besides a blue boat. Will that boat hold the key? or will I be plunged once again into an endless map search? For those new to the channel, Geo Detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe: and please give the video a quick like if you enjoyed it! Cheers :)

74GwruVpDd4 | 08 Jan 2024
Introducing "Pain and suffering" and some of the worst Geoguessr scores since I attempted to get 0 points all those years ago. Cluttered tropical paths and remote windswept islands stump me at the best of times, so you can only imagine how much I struggle on a map full of them, having not played in 5 months. Can I get to grips with this map and achieve my goal of 10,000 points? watch to the end to find out.. Have a go at this impossible map:

-cKzHL-6TUo | 29 Dec 2023
Here's something simple but hopefully entertaining for you whilst I take a well earned Christmas break. Do I know my Atlantas from my Denvers and my Fort Myers from my Fort Waynes? Join me as I put my American skyscraper knowledge to the test and sample no less than three Jetpunk US City Skyline quizzes, ranging from easy to "extreme"... Want to play along? give them a go before I do if you like: Have a great new year everyone!

IcFD5OMwS4Q | 21 Dec 2023
This summer I grabbed a sleeping bag, stuffed a tenner in my pocket and walked north from my front door into the countryside for as long as fate deemed necessary. The adventure continues and ends with this second instalment, but by no means does the excitement fade. Join me as I meet more generous country folk; obtaining more food and water along the way, get charged by multiple livestock and land myself an extraordinary night's sleep.. **Watch with subtitles and in 4K for best results** ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to Ead Wood's new track here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Get Running from Home (2015 Remaster) by Bert Jansch and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: JYj8eO4GVXv ________________________________________________________________________________________ Get Difyrrwch by The Trials Of Cato and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: APy7bZErpl3!GeoWizard

NfuoV3ugdyk | 10 Dec 2023
Adventure comes in many forms. Today we indulge in one of the simplest and purest forms of adventure there is. Join me as I grab a sleeping bag, stuff a tenner in my pocket and walk north from my front door into the countryside for as long as fate sees necessary. Along the way we forage for food, gasp for water, sleep in questionable places, bump into countless generous countryside folk and explore the glorious hobbit-like English countryside with a sense of childlike wonder and freedom. **Watch with subtitles and in 4K for best results** Get Running from Home (2015 Remaster) by Bert Jansch and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: nYLraNjkl3r Get All Together Now by The Farm and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: VA7RRvOJ7nr Get The Drinkers (Instrumental) by The Trials Of Cato and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: J5GMBA1RZ7q

qdd6lqQTsTI | 01 Dec 2023
Join me as I explore a brilliant custom made geoguessr map in which just out of sight a famous attraction, landmark or monument will be lurking. Some places you may recognise, others you might not and you may be forced to rely on your geo detective skills to locate it. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

Wytdrg0zVMM | 23 Nov 2023
There are all sorts of neat geography games on the internet these days but this one has to be one of the best. Travle is a game that tests your border knowledge by asking you to travel from one country to another in the shortest route possible, i.e. through the least amount of countries. Sometimes the shortest route is not the one that you thought it would be.. Here's the link so you can have a play yourselves: There's so many versions of the game too including UK Counties, US States, and states and regions from countless other countries. Great fun!

qZRNOLK854g | 16 Nov 2023
Join me as I dip back into this fantastic map and try to figure which lake I'm at based on the limited information I'm presented with. I was confident I could go one better than last week's (almost) perfect score today but with no aerial shots and a couple of tricky rounds, some of these watery bodies had me rather stumped. I reckon you're in with a chance of beating my score today, so be sure to play along! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

_Jw3aQmiMC8 | 10 Nov 2023
Geo Detective is back again and if my patience in the last one impressed you then get ready to be even more impressed. Still a bit traumatised from the Haiti journey, I'd hoped that a moving picture would take less time to find, especially one in Britain. I was wrong. Join me as I attempt to locate the street scene from an unnecessarily disturbing public information film about litter, battling demolished buildings and ever so confusing shopfronts. My only failure in this series was in London way back in Episode #3. Surely we couldn't have a repeat of that, could we? This one took a great deal of time and effort to make - please drop the video a like if you enjoyed it - t really helps the channel!

aFpSAc9AqeY | 01 Nov 2023
Fancy a dip? Join me as I explore a brilliant new map which features the biggest lake from each country and US state. It's got a mixture of everything, from drone shots to boat snaps to regular old streetview footage, and as for the lakes they vary wildly in size, colour and setting. This one really get's the detective juices flowing, so be sure to play along this evening! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

EIrDbNk043g | 26 Oct 2023
We're back with more enthralling Timeguessr, the game where we have to figure out when AND where photographs were taken. This week I'm flexing my detective muscles on two gripping games, picking apart more photos in the hopes of getting an all time top score. YOU CAN NOW PLAY ALONG! Instructions: Play your round, make your selections but instead of hitting "make guess", switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link to this week's game:

cZx45SdbOeU | 18 Oct 2023
It's the game where we try to figure out where and when intriguing historical photographs were taken. I don't quite know why I abandoned this 6 months ago because not only is it really enjoyable but there was a perfectly attainable record to be beaten. Either way, here we are! Join me as I scour the Balkans for a bridge, attempt to date a fiat panda and commit a Marilyn Monroe based howler. Still haven't played TimeGuessr yet?

GH4dZFETDsE | 13 Oct 2023
We've played country borders from above, here's borders from the ground. A completely different affair to last time but requiring just as much detective work. Can I figure out which country border I'm looking at just from one google photosphere? You'll have to watch to find out, but I can reveal that I was clumsy. You have every chance of beating my score on this one, so now's the time to give it a go if you haven't already. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

p7Q_ts_WdBA | 04 Oct 2023
Today it's some good old fashioned play along Geoguessr, except this time each location is the site of a Guinness world record. It could be the biggest, smallest or oldest of something or it could be the exact spot that someone consumed the most hobnobs. I don't really know what we're going to get, so let's find out! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link: Did you beat my score? let me know how you did in the comments!

LXVOCp7AeUg | 29 Sep 2023
Geo Detective is back and it is most certainly with a bang. This was by far by toughest challenge yet. It's always automatically harder when the photo was taken 100 years ago because we don't know how much things have changed, but this one really did throw more than a few spanners. I'd only been defeated once before going into this one, and even that one was within 5 miles. Could we see my first failure here? Sit back, relax, watch this rollercoaster of a journey unfold and you will find out. PS. Apologies for taking so long with this one. Had lots of life stuff going on this summer to accompany this gruelling challenge. It won't happen again!

Vyv8xUD7ESU | 23 Sep 2023
ALL the best guesses from my many attempts at cracking the 24K that I didn't use on either of the episodes. Includes mind boggling guesses in North Carolina, Yucatan, Florida and Bolton. Pick and winner from these and let me know in the comments! Did you miss me smash the 24K? here's the link to that unforgettable game: Subscribe for more geographical insanity:

kp3LTN4YtlM | 18 Sep 2023
I will never top this. Last week you saw me return to the old chestnut of attempting to get 24,000 points on NMPZ (no moving, panning or zooming, 10 secs per round) and it's fair to say that after 10 hours of practice I got pretty close. After an inspiring session with Zigzag I was fired up and full of belief, but nothing could have prepared me for the unbelievable game that was about to unfold... Most insane guess compilation to date dropping in a few days time. Geo Detective almost there I promise!! Enjoy this effort? drop me a like or subscribe to the channel for more...

p_P5EK1aqZg | 14 Sep 2023
I reckon I may have hopped more barbed wire fences than anyone on the planet. Here's every fence from Mission Across Wales #1, AKA "I attempted to cross an entire country in a straight line" - Includes hedges, walls, fences and gates. - Some are missing (I'd say 5% or so) due to GoPro issues. - This was filmed back in 2019. Bag was heavy and technique has improved since then so it wasn't perfect, but every care was taken not to inflict any damage. Watch the original series here:

nXMpzPGN3Oc | 08 Sep 2023
It's David vs Goliath, old vs young, vibes vs meta. For the first time on this channel I go head to head against another GeoGuessr player, and boy did I pick a handy one. Zi8gzag is one of the top players in the world and specialises in NMPZ (No Moving, panning or zooming) challenges, something that I inadvertently got him into way back in 2021. THE CHALLENGE: We decided to keep it pure and simple and play 100 rounds (20 games) against each other and see what the split would end up being. Would it be 5? 10? 20? could I maybe even win a game against Zi8gzag? we had no idea. After all, this is Geoguessr's hardest format, and it can make even the very top players panic and squirm. All we were sure of was that it was going to be action packed, and we were right. This session had it all, from insane guesses to terrible ones to incredibly tight rounds at the most crucial of moments... Check out Oscars brilliant channel here:

BLPxrVsAIEY | 01 Sep 2023
It's been a while since I gunned for the big 24,000 and with no adventures on the immediate horizon I thought this was the perfect time. With the "Diverse world" map sadly gone, I thought I would have a stab at getting the 24K on the slightly easier World Map, but it was going to be a long journey. Anything less than 4,400 on the first round results in a restart, and the average score for each of the 5 rounds must be 4,800 or more. The result is 10 hours of laser focused geoguessing that produce a plethora of unbelievable guesses, and that's not even all of them (stay tuned for the bonus guesses) Enjoy this video? drop me a like or subscribe to the channel for more...

jH1U2HUSitY | 23 Aug 2023
We've (almost) covered Europe, the USA and Britain and now it's time for the big one: THE WORLD This is the ultimate test in worldwide city knowledge. How much of that iconic world map can I cover by naming towns and cities with a population of 50k plus? Okay so the title isn't completely accurate as the map can't be completely covered, but here's how this thing works.. Pick your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert) and simply name as many 50K+ populated towns or cities as you can think of. As you do so, the map will become covered in circles. Keep going until you have unlocked all the towns or cities. I'm expecting that areas such as Siberia, the Sahara and the Amazon will be pretty devoid of circles, all I can hope for is that I don't miss out any of the world's major cities... Have a go yourself!

iQFtmupQ4c4 | 16 Aug 2023
The google car has finally returned to Germany and replaced the ancient, blurry and sporadic imagery that we have had to endure for the last 10 years. To celebrate this and to reward my German viewers for their amazing loyalty, we are going to explore those sunny country lanes together for the first time, visit picturesque German villages and speed down the autobahns in this collection of perfect score attempts. Can I achieve a perfect score in a reasonable sub 20 minute time? or am I asking too much too soon Subscribe to the channel:

BvAjtNCOFZE | 10 Aug 2023
Can I figure out which country border I'm looking at using a small area of satellite imagery? Having spent many an hour scouring Google Earth's satellite imagery for both pleasure and work, you would think these maps suit me down to the ground, but they're harder than you might think. Rivers and lakes are definitely your friend on this one, but because you can't see the border on the imagery your searches need to be extra thorough! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

rvePeEic4YA | 04 Aug 2023
It's about time I looked at some maps. Shout out to @JackSucksAtGeography for the inspiration for this format! Maps are f**king fascinating. Join me today as I take a (long overdue) look at a handful of weird and wonderful maps on the MapPorn sub reddit. From the places of death of Jesus's disciples, to a heatmap of ginger haired people, to the literal meanings of African countries; these maps will quench your thirst for useless knowledge, and satisfy your itch for fascinating geography. Enjoy this video? drop it a like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this, as well as all manner of crazy adventures!

ek0Zjb2k0nM | 30 Jul 2023
We're back again with another play along video on this fascinating custom made map. Terrorist Bombings, Murders, Industrial, Environmental and Natural Catastrophes are some of the tragic events that we can expect to learn about on this map. Every round has it's own disturbing backstory, so join me as I try to figure out what happened, and of course where.. Don't forget: you can play along to try and beat me score! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link:

9zqZKjg3uWI | 25 Jul 2023
Today I attempt to combine my map scouring skills with my shamefully detailed knowledge of the world of Runescape. This is OSRSGUESSR; a brilliantly built game that uses the geoguessr model (except without the moving) to see if you can tell your Edgevilles from your Draynor Villages. Runescape was a big part of my teenage years and I really enjoyed playing this. Feel like having a go yourself? Next vid: Areas with Tragic or Disturbing backstories #2 (Sunday) (I decided not to put my username here in case someone hacks me and steals my iron longsword)

EF-qhK1mlgY | 17 Jul 2023
Today I try out "The Ludicrously Difficult UK Football Stadium Quiz" My football stadium knowledge is average, my UK geography is very good. This should all make for interesting results, especially as the map is almost completely blank. 25 stadiums. 5 levels. Can I make it through without too many mistakes? I wouldn't be so sure... HAVE A GO:

la_OTWwgWYA | 10 Jul 2023
Today it's some good old fashioned play along Geoguessr, only each and every location is going to come with it's own unbelievably dark backstory. "Terrorist Bombings, Murders, Industrial, Environmental and Natural Catastrophes, Mysterious events of any sorts" be specific. What a great idea for a map. Join me as I explore it's fascinating stories, and don't forget you can play along to try and beat me score! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link:

JAjtdGEgdOQ | 03 Jul 2023
The geography returns once again with another addictive coverage challenge from Hugequiz, and this time we're in the United States of America! Okay so the title isn't completely accurate as the map can't be completely covered, but here's how this thing works.. Pick your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert) and simply name as many 1K+ populated towns or cities as you can think of. As you do so, the map will become covered in circles. Keep going until you have unlocked all the towns or cities. What's great about this is when you have a small gap between circles and have to think of a really obscure or well placed city to fill it in. What's hard about it is all the sparsely populated areas that contain barely any cities. World version coming soon! Have a go yourself!

lTy4HT-h9Ds | 28 Jun 2023
Here it is. Part 2 of 2 of the maddest urban adventure you're ever like to see, and this time things get messy. We've already made it into Birmingham city centre by the skin of our teeth, now it's time to head north east into the highly secure wholesale market site, before delving deep into Birmingham's grimy underworld. Used needles, dead rats and endless streams of foul smelling slime litter our path as we snake northwards towards the M6 Motorway and the river Tame, where we realise that our job is most certainly not done.. Will we make it all the way over to the borough of Solihull without having to succumb to the tarmac? be sure to watch all 45 disease ridden minutes to find out. Please give this video a like and a cheeky comment if you haven't already to show your appreciation for our efforts, and subscribe so you don't miss my next epic adventure! Ben's Insta: My Insta: Get early access to all my adventures (and so much more) on Patreon: Purchase 16-Bit Adventure on Bandcamp for $4:

f33WqXf30Qk | 16 Jun 2023
It's here. Quite possible my maddest mission to date. Back in April I convinced my poor brother to join me once more as we made an audacious attempt to cross the entire city of Birmingham, from Sandwell in the west over to Solihull in the East, without using and roads or canals. With more people, more security, more filth and sewage and some of Birmingham's most knife crime ridden housing estates, this one promised to be a serious step up from the already challenging Black Country Mission from back in 2021. There had to be slightly more leeway whilst crossing roads this time, but some of the shit we had to go through more than makes up for that I reckon. This one was tricky to film and edit! show your support by liking the video and subscribing if you haven't already. Links for those who want to check out Ben's brilliant chapbook: Ben's Insta: My Insta: Watch PART 2 a day early (and so much more) on Patreon: Purchase 16-Bit Adventure on Bandcamp for $4: Get Food For Thought by UB40 and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: 7Vo2R0XNoBA

84eVdGniitQ | 12 Jun 2023
Who fancies a meaty adventure? I've teamed up with the gods of jerky, Jack Link’s, to offer you the chance to embark on a unique quest. One that could not only drastically top up your bank balance and pantry but satisfy your lust for adventure and the great outdoors. Pretty much anyone can give this a go, but if you have your heart set on the prize, I would act quick. It could be you who gets there first! Successfully identify my whereabouts using the handful of clues I've given you in this video, and begin your search. Don't forget to film yourselves finding the box and upload your video to Instagram. This is your minute of fame, so cook us up a nice little edit, ideally a minute long reel, and don't forget to tag in the @GeoWizardofficial and @JackLinksUK Instagram accounts. As explained in the video you will not need to trespass to get to the box and although the location is hard to find, the route there is safe. I also recommend watching this video with subtitles just in case you miss something. Best of luck everyone, and happy adventuring.

CAsW5yN0PLw | 12 Jun 2023
Congratulations to Jonny and Stewart for their speedy and successful search for the jerky box. They win £1000 and a year's supply of beef jerky courtesy of Jack Link's UK The box was hidden high up on the valley walls of Deep Dale in the Peak District, equidistant 'tween the river Wye and the A6. Thanks to everyone else who joined the search. I heard many of you enjoyed a well earned dip in the river and a pint and the Cock and Pullet afterwards. Sounds like all was not lost!

Q2ytGUUzULI | 08 Jun 2023
*Birmingham no roads mission coming out next Wednesday at 8pm (Tuesday for Patreons)* Had a few requests for this and figured we were due a good dose of Geoguessr. The idea is to work your way up the path, winning rounds and unlocking new routes as you go. It was a little easy at first so I tried to make it harder for myself by imposing restrictions, but this soon backfired and things got close for comfort. Drop a like if you enjoyed watching me bumble my way through this one!

anwekmk9UPY | 01 Jun 2023
This certainly felt like my most ambitious Geo Detective challenge yet when I first loaded up the photo. I mean it's just a guy on a beach. All we really have to play with is a few rocks, some pine trees and some turquoise water. Have a bitten off more than I can chew with this one? or will it prove to be easier than expected? For those new to the channel, geo detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. The aim is to get within 25 metres of our target. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe:

gnOBKVzUzuM | 29 May 2023
Welcome to the Wales 4 line analysis video. Today we take a closer look at all of my noteworthy deviations, talk about why they happened and how I could have prevented them. I also discuss strategy and how this one differed from previous missions, as well as an in depth look at the Burdell score as well as other interesting stats on the scoremyline website. Finally I discuss three new pieces of kit that revolutionised things this time around. Man it feels good to make one of these knowing that it's definitely the last one (in Wales!) If you cans spare a couple of dollars and would like to help keep the scoremyline website up and running, here's the link: Finally, all the bonus footage will be arriving on Patreon over the next couple of weeks, along with early access to the Birmingham no roads mission:

2_20ihYXHWI | 24 May 2023
The quest to get a perfect score on the world map in under 10 minutes continues with this compelling effort. With a best time of 11:59 I knew sub 10 was possible, but I was getting frustrated with myself and with the cruel rounds that geoguessr was throwing at me. Then, one day this favourable seed popped up and handed me a golden opportunity. I suspected that I may have been in a certain city, but the gravestones gave me the belief... Will it be enough to clinch the sub 10? or will the quest continue.. Enjoy the Geoguessr content? Like, subscribe and don't miss the next one!

KcFx9_A6q0s | 21 May 2023
It was supposed to be a "leisurely" day out. It wasn't even supposed to be a YouTube video. Then we checked the weather forecast. Join myself, Ben Cook (from Dribbling Britain) and Adam Cook (no relation) as we attempt to run across Wales in one day in some of the worst conditions these hills have seen in recent years. With thigh deep snow and temperatures reaching up to -9°C, this was always going to be challenging and eventful, what it ended up being was down right dangerous. Ben's Instagram: Adam's Instagram: My Instagram: My patreon for early access to the Birmingham no roads mission (Parts 1 & 2) JOG ON with Harry Morgan's video:

eR2vJbvk-BU | 16 May 2023
The geography returns with another satisfying game from Hugequiz. Okay so the title isn't completely accurate as the map can't be completely covered, but here's how this thing works.. Pick your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert) and simply name as many 1K+ populated towns or cities as you can think of. As you do so, the map will become covered in circles. Keep going until you have unlocked all the towns or cities. What's great about this is when you have a small gap between circles and have to think of a really obscure or well placed city to fill it in. What's hard about it is all the sparsely populated areas that contain barely any cities. World and USA coming soon! Have a go yourself! *Huge Quiz have temporarily made this a premium members only quiz: "The Google Maps usage costs quite a bit when he (GeoWizard) makes a video and this quiz gets well over 10K plays per day – check back in the near future and it should be available to all again"

qvsOIiSbuIs | 12 May 2023
Knife crime petition: Hardest Geezer/Project Africa: Patreon: (for early access to the upcoming adventures)

22tuh9WY8Zw | 10 May 2023
It has all come down to this.. The race to be the first person to cross Wales in a completely straight line reaches it's climax with what I am desperately hoping will be the final chapter in this epic 4 year story. You re-join me half way through day 3 where having just beaten two farms, I'm looking to make it to Camp 3A before dark, where I will launch my final one day offensive to the coast. What lay ahead of me however was some of the steepest and most challenging terrain I'd ever endured, and beyond that, a chain of farmers fields that led right up to the coast. Can my tired legs get through it all unscathed and without leaving the gold zone? Archie and Adam's final episode has also dropped. Find out if they succeeded here: *Watch with subtitles and in 1080HD* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 for all the upcoming bonus footage, as well as early access to two top tier adventures this month. OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

W9IZJeAYLnU | 30 Apr 2023
The race to be the first person to cross Wales in a completely straight line continues with this rather eventful second episode. Join me as I attempt to clamber up an perilously steep mountainside, battle my way through a very sketchy pile of fallen trees, and march boldly into a farmyard in plain view of the owner.. Despite this leg of the journey being largely set in the remote wilderness of mid Wales, there was still the occasional farmyard to sneak through or past, and when I chose the worst time possible to gallop headlong towards a farmhouse, I thought the mission was as good as over... Can I avoid all catastrophes and march on towards my gold run? Archie and Adam, who's first day got off to a flier, were waiting patiently to snatch the victory. You can watch the first two episodes of their attempt here: *Watch with subtitles and in 1080HD* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch the all three episodes a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

l8m7DvNEn0k | 23 Apr 2023
On the 18th of January 2023 I received an email from my most capable competition yet warning me of their imminent plans to be the first people to cross Wales in a completely straight line. There was only one thing for it; I had to beat them to it. Join me in what I was desperately hoping would be my fourth AND final attempt at this gruelling feat of stealth and endurance, using all of my past experience to execute the perfect strategy over what was a very hazardous line. Part 1 sees me tackle the farmland heavy first 8 miles before heading up into the steep and remote wilderness that would dominate the rest of the trip. Will I be victorious? or am I destined to fall short once more? *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for $1 and watch the all three episodes a day early: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram: Tom's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

lbP4sRWbozQ | 20 Apr 2023
When I discovered Timeguessr last week, I knew there was some serious potential for insane guesses and high scores. So, in this second video my aim was simply to beat last week's quite respectable score of 44,967. What I didn't expect was to be left speechless and thrilled by what was one of the most enjoyable games I've had in ages. There are some really funny moments and plenty of corking guesses in this one. (by my standards at least) ..Please drop a like if you enjoyed! Still haven't tried it out yourself?

B_JuIYU1QpQ | 15 Apr 2023
The geography continues with this one from Hugequiz. Pick your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert) and simply name as many 10k+ populated towns or cities as you can think of. As you do so, the map will become covered in circles. Keep going until you have covered the entire map. What's great about this is when you have a small gap between circles and have to think of a really obscure or well placed city to fill it in. What's hard about it is all the sparsely populated areas that contain barely any cities. Either way it's great fun and I'm looking forward to trying the UK or World version! Have a go yourself!

iYjpElPF8K0 | 10 Apr 2023
You saw me have a lot of fun with Chronophoto a couple of weeks back, but here we have a game that allows you to try and pinpoint the exact year AND location of various photographs. Some of them are famous photos, some aren't, but either way it allows for some really wholesome detective work and there is potential for what I've already dubbed a "double whammy" of insane guesses (distance and date!) Try this game out: ..and please like and subscribe if you haven't already!

169xqWC3G-Y | 05 Apr 2023
All the funniest and most memorable moments from the second half of How not to travel Europe (That's the second half of 3, and 4 and 5) This second and final instalment includes the magical moment we gifted the kayaks to the Italian family, when Super Mario returned Greg's phone, when I got into a scuffle with Philly Tom, as well as the potato ladies and Jerry and his campervan. Then there's the legendary part 5, which includes the tractor ride, Greg's splinter, the Austria church, the football game and so much more! *****WATCH WITH SUBTITLES AND IN 4K!***** Want to watch the full episodes instead? Drop this video a like if you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Let's get this series some more recognition!

F1BQwVhs6D4 | 31 Mar 2023
It's a classic GeoWizard play along with a repugnant concrete twist. Join me as I perv once again at some of the most alarmingly ugly builds of the 60s and 70s. Last time I managed a respectable score of 22,957 which left me wondering whether a perfect score was even realistic on this map, however a perplexing and painfully long first round sparked one of my dogged quests for ultimate perfection... PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

1SPxRl2rvG4 | 26 Mar 2023
You've seen me attempt to pinpoint every country on a map, name every US state and identify every world flag. But have you seen me attempt to identify every single country in the world based on it's outline? I've spent a lot of time looking at atlases and world maps in my time and I'm not afraid to say that I was expecting this one to go better than it did. Something strange happens when you remove a country's neighbours.. New to the GeoWizard channel? want to indulge in more juicy geography vids? Subscribe now and don't miss a trick!

itURB5eJfNU | 22 Mar 2023
It was the the quest that kick started the channel way back in 2016, but how fast can I really go? Join me as I continue this quest for speed and perfection with two attempts at a perfect score on Geoguessr's world map, hoping to build on last week's respectable time of 15:36. Enjoy the Geoguessr content? Like, subscribe and don't miss the next one!

5vxo1ZsAGuo | 15 Mar 2023
I've always been a sucker for concrete monstrosities. It's not that I think they look nice, they just fascinate me. Join me as I perv at a some of the ugliest and most brazen builds of the 60s and 70s, from jagged, weed covered social housing in France to quite possibly the ugliest hospital the British government ever commissioned. It's a classic GeoWizard play along with a concrete twist. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

jjRnil-lvAc | 09 Mar 2023
Geo Detective is back in full swing with this classic style video. Two photos will be the subject of my vigorous detective work this week, including the riverside you see in the thumbnail, and a pesky urban photo involving a fog shrouded skyscraper. For those who are new to the channel, geo detective is a series in which I (GeoWizard) attempt to pinpoint the exact location of a photo, be it a fan or something different, using my skills on google earth, google maps and my questionable googling skills. The aim is to get within 25 metres of our target. So far I've only failed once, but there's time yet... Don't forget to subscribe:

n8AXKZZYQYs | 06 Mar 2023
The minutes are tumbling on my quest to see how quickly I can get a perfect score on the world map. Last week I achieved a respectable 18 minutes 30, but I knew I can go quicker. Join me as I take on some tricky rounds and surprise myself with a 15 minute effort. Do you think sub 10 minutes is possible? Let me know in the comments.. Enjoy the Geoguessr content? Like, subscribe and don't miss the next one!

vPJdiRVgHdY | 02 Mar 2023
All the funniest and most memorable moments from the first half of How not to travel Europe (that's part 1,2 and the first half of 3) Includes all the hitchhikes from the first day (including the kids train ride and the free wake surfing session), memorable moments with Paulo and Phillipe, our quest to find the scooters in Brig station, scootering down the mountains and cooking an egg on Greg's superheated brake, and most of our kayak journey (including the famous Buongiorno island) *****WATCH WITH SUBTITLES AND IN 4K!***** Want to watch the full episodes instead? Drop me a like if you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Let's get this series some more recognition!

4_4_dNsn5cI | 27 Feb 2023
*Please watch with subtitles* This momentous American adventure draws to a close with this decidedly tropical finale. 700 miles stand between our current position of Columbia SC and our ultimate target of Miami, and Greg and I are excited to hit the road once more. However when hurricane Ian makes an unexpected left turn, we are forced to abandon our plans to explore South Carolina and Georgia, and suddenly find ourselves in a race to beat the hurricane to the Floridian East coast, where we endure a nerve-racking nights sleep in the car. When angry Ian finally passes, we can finally begin our final hurrah. The original plan was to cruise into Miami on jet skis in incredibly 80s, Miami Vice-esque suits, and dance the night away to GTA Vice city songs. However this isn't exactly how it turned out... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up to my $1 Patreon page to watch all the bonus footage and deleted scenes! OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scratch and spin records: Vintage diversity: Miami jet ski and boat rides: Crockett's theme cover by KOSmusic:

5borN1ulwJ0 | 16 Feb 2023
It's been nearly 7 years since my arduous quest to get a perfect score on world version in 30 minutes. Times have changed since then. I've improved and so has the map. But how fast can I go? The quest for speed restarts here with this sub 20 minute effort, which includes an unfortunate glimpse at the rear end of an unsuspecting sunbather in the middle of a remote polish field. PS: How not to travel America news: Episode 7 will be released next Sunday (26th Feb) at 8pm GMT (a day earlier for patreons)

i-knvaGS2yI | 12 Feb 2023
*Please watch with Subtitles* The epic adventure continues with this absolute humdinger of an episode. After messing about on boats, bikes and on foot for over two weeks now, we are left with no choice but to purchase our very own vehicle. A clapped out Buick, Lincoln, or anything else that embodied America's golden years. But where do we look? Craigslist? A car salesmen? or some random guy at a taco stand? obviously we chose the latter, and the series of events that followed this will have your head in a spin, and your faith completely restored in humanity simultaneously. Later on in the episode I sing a country duet with a local man, and me and Greg attend a wild fraternity tailgate party at a college football game. This episode has it all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up to my $1 Patreon page to watch part 7 a day early as well as all the bonus footage and deleted scenes! OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

JqsxyeTIrhc | 09 Feb 2023
I couldn't stay away. Chronophoto is back already and this time I'm determined to achieve the 4,000. Guessing the age of an old photo is taking me on a learning journey that I can't seem to get enough of. Let me know if you guys think of any interesting ways we could take this, for now, enjoy some iconic snaps, including a terrifying Michelin man and such US presidents as Donald Trump and George W Bush. There are some corking guesses in here too. *For those eager for episode #6 of HNTTA, it will most likely be with you on Sunday evening at 8pm GMT (with a small chance of a Monday release)

ssoZJ9QkJHI | 03 Feb 2023
It was the video that really got the ball rolling on the "GeoguessrWizard" channel as it was then known. At the time it was a massive achievement and something that I toiled over for weeks, racking up hundreds of attempts in the process. 7 years later and with so much more experience under my belt, how many attempts will it take me to better the impressive time of 30:05 for a perfect score on the gruelling world map? Is the world map even gruelling any more? All will be revealed in this relaxed, nostalgic video. PS: How not to travel America news: Episode 6 will be released next Sunday (12th Feb) at 8pm GMT (a day earlier for patreons) I am currently filming a mission (one that was fairly out of the blue - all will be explained soon)

ZOnVQPnCK7c | 27 Jan 2023
It's about as simple as it gets. Correctly guess what year the photograph was taken. They range between 1900 and 2020, and you score varying amounts of points depending on how close you are. The photos themselves are about as diverse as you could imagine. A perfect score of 5000 would be a serious achievement. Enjoy this video? do drop me a like and subscribe if you ain't already! Cheers! PS: for those eager for the next America episode, or fans of my adventure videos in general, watch the last two minutes of this video.

zKDqeIAWQ4A | 22 Jan 2023
*Watch with subtitles and in HD for full effect* In this episode Tom and Greg set off from Washington DC and head for thee wilderness of Shenandoah Valley National Park where they plan to hike some of the Appalachian trail. Hiking alone won't be enough though - they'll need to hitchhike multiple times, and so far there has been no evidence that anyone (other than a fan of the channel) would pick them up. Failure to hitch a ride could leave them stranded in the mountains without proper camping equipment. In gun toting America though, that ain't their only worry... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up to my $1 Patreon page & watch every episode a day early and ad free: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

wOPbadYLinM | 12 Jan 2023
Playing Competitive Geoguessr until I'm ranked 5,000th in the world Back in November you witnessed the crazy journey that was a rusty GeoWizard attempting to pierce the top 10,000 worldwide geoguessr players. Many of you will be pleased to know that this show is back with a second series. The stakes will be higher, the standard will be higher, and the games are going to be tougher and more intense. Is GeoWizard top 5,000 material in 2023? This video will have you saying both yes and no to that question, several times. How not to travel America fans: There is no set release date for Episode 5, but I am aiming for Sunday the 22nd 8pm GMT

KTO2MTiC4xM | 09 Jan 2023
*Watch with subtitles and in HD for full effect* In this episode Tom and Greg attempt to cycle from Frederick, Maryland to the nations capital on two cheap craigslist bikes, and in their struggle to do so inadvertently create one of the most heart warming moments the channel has ever seen. The next day, after a quick visit to Joe Biden's crib, they start preparing for the big event. Washington nationals play the Miami Marlins at home, and there couldn't be a better setting to complete one of the the quintessentially American challenges they have written down on their little list. The plan? to dress up in the most over the top, super fan outfits, get on the dance cam, and make the whole stadium point and laugh. After disappointment in Amish country, they were willing to go to great lengths to make this work, but it wouldn't be easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up to my $1 Patreon page & watch every episode a day early and ad free: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: Check out Nick's YouTube channel and see him combine long distance hiking with pure Wizardry!

fwlTGuOxfoA | 21 Dec 2022
*Watch with subtitles and in HD for full effect* Our comical boating chapter was over, and it was time to head through giant metropoli of New York and Philly. The plan was to lay low and recover in Bougie Brooklyn, but quite the opposite happened. Another mad night out ended in a 4am street football session which could have ended very badly indeed. In Philly we made amends by doing the most Philly things possible, before heading back out into the countryside to hunt for some Amish people and try our hand at hitchhiking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up to my $1 Patreon page & watch every episode a day early and ad free: OR get so much more for $4. Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here:

ugxuRu03ZEc | 15 Dec 2022
One of our favorite geoguessr maps, but with a time limit.. Turns out I have done this before - just before I left for Boston. My score that day, 18,837, is very beatable though. Let's see how much I can beat it by! Reckon you can beat it too? PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link: *How not to travel America Part 3 will be out on Wednesday (Tuesday on Patreon) See you there!

MsBR6VIJKCE | 11 Dec 2022
*Watch with subtitles and in HD for full effect* After an eventful couple of days trying to navigate our way from Boston to Long Island and wangle ourselves a boat, we're now finally on the move. Since setting sail however, the boat has spent more time beached than it has afloat, and our inexperienced selves struggled massively with what felt like a very temperamental engine. In this episode we aim to make serious ground heading west through the luxurious Hamptons, but the battle with the boat would continue. Hilarious and heart-warming evening encounters with Long Island locals make up for another tough day on the waves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have brand new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon & watch every episode a day early and ad free: Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still haven't seen the "How not to travel Europe" series? here's the full playlist:

V0A8VBQb2s8 | 04 Dec 2022
*Watch with subtitles and in HD for full effect* Grab the popcorn and hunker down for the most grandiose adventure series this channel has ever seen. This is How NOT to Travel America, a comically haphazard yet uniquely uplifting adventure in which two bumbling brits attempt to charm their way from Boston to Miami by any means possible. Watch our progress as we interact with people from all walks of life, complete hilariously stereotypically American challenges and explore a whole range of settings on multiple modes of transport. You're watching the very first episode, and keen to start the trip with a bang, Greg and I are hell bent on finding ourselves a cheap boat that we can sail the length of Long Island on. As you can see in the thumbnail we would eventually get a boat, but the rollercoaster of events that both preceded and followed the purchase made for quite a rocky ride.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg and I have brand new Instagram accounts. Follow us here: Tom's Instagram: Greg's Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon & watch every episode a day early and ad free: Full list of adventures available on the $4 tier:

sgbX_agr1Qg | 16 Nov 2022
Join me as I roll back the years with this chilled out play along video. How will I do with one attempt at a 3 minutes per round world map game? How will your score compare with mine? HOW TO PLAY ALONG: Click the link below. Play the first round and make your selection. Switch over to the YouTube tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Repeat for 5 rounds! THE LINK: Subscribe to the channel:

5Vzc9a71O8I | 10 Nov 2022
It's been 6 months since I made one of these videos, so today I'm treating you with 6 photos in one go. I needed to blow off some cobwebs so I didn't pick anything that would be too difficult, but that didn't stop me from scratching my head a fair few times. There's some cracking photos here, but will I get all six in the allotted time? The brand new "How not to travel America" trailer: My new Instagram page: Don't forget to subscribe:

37cfG44ue60 | 02 Nov 2022
The quest to hit the lowly rank of 10,000th in the world continues in emphatic style. It's a long one, but this video is pretty much jammed packed with juicy games filled with insane guesses. Three different types of bug also punctuated the session, with the stand out one being a bizarre glitch that threw me into Alcatraz jail every time I moved. I tried to make this one less choppy for you guys, but I simply couldn't leave out a single one of these games. Check out the new Instagram page:

wQKERiTx43s | 28 Oct 2022
It's coming soon, and it's gonna be a corker. For those among you who never saw the original series "How not to travel Europe" you've missing out for far too long. Based on the many emails, messages and comments I receive, It's definitely the most loved series on the channel. Sadly it simply never got the viewership it deserved thanks to particularly non-clickbaity titles and thumbnails. I've given those a revamp now though so check em out! Watch the series here: Hopefully it's big American sister will be just as loved, and I'm determined not to make the same mistake with it, so to get the ball rolling please give this video a like, comment and share and let's build some real hype around this series! Patreon: There's really no better time to sign up to my Patreon page than now guys. You'll get to see every single episode of this series (of which there will be roughly 7) a day before everyone on YouTube, and with 27 hours of footage in total, you can expect a hefty chunk of bonus footage to be released on the $1 tier as well, all for the price of an ice cold can of Sprite. As for the $4 Tier, I'm going to make a post detailing everything that's on there, but there's absolutely loads of fantastic exclusive content to be consumed. All dollars collected go towards crazy trips like this one! Sign up now:

urO0daqDgss | 25 Oct 2022
Follow me on Instagram! We've played I saw the sign, GeoDetective and Capital Cities and we've enjoyed many a grippingly juicy detective round. Does this relatively new map compete with those classics? or will it leave me feeling like a frustrated Colombo.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

uRv7vvsLiz8 | 20 Oct 2022
Playing Competitive Geoguessr until I'm ranked 10,000th in the world As some of you know I've only dipped my toe in the world of competitive geoguessr once and my lowly rank of 20,168 reflects that. The question that consequently begs is, can I half that rank and hit the 10,000 mark in one reasonably sized session? or is that just too much to ask in a world of rapidly growing, META embracing players? Well, I was still a bit rusty going into this, and a lot of the mechanics and strategies that I had managed to learn 6 months ago had now left my brain. This didn't spot me from pulling some borderline insane guesses out of the hat. The resulting mix made for an absolute rollercoaster ride of emotions. Don't miss the ending on this one!

rbC59_uYbqc | 13 Oct 2022
I'm back from the states. While I play catch up, I offer you this. A quirky play along game that will supposedly separate the dons from the dunces... PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

ssDdV_m8e1w | 08 Oct 2022
Together we raised over £70,000 for mental health and knife crime charities. Thank you to everyone who watched and engaged on the videos, emailed me offering support, and of course those who donated to these wonderful charities. We've saved lives and spread a shit load of awareness. For those wondering why the hell we're on a boat in the Hamptons, get ready for the channel's biggest and boldest series yet, "How Not To Travel America". It arrives in late November, but you can expect an action packed trailer in a couple of weeks that will give you a real taste of the adventure (but not too much) Never even seen How Not To Travel Europe? It's about time you watched the most highly rated series on the channel... Geoguessr video coming in the week

DyM6w7OBHtA | 24 Sep 2022
The 11th video I ever made was entitled simply "Geoguessr - 30 seconds per round #1" It just looked so old and shit. I had to give it a watch. Once I'd gotten past the feeble commentary, I thought to myself: Hmm not a terrible score, I wonder how many attempts that took me? 4 or 5 probably. Maybe more. The burning question then was, could I beat it first time? ..Then things escalated a bit. You can play along with all three games in this video (and will probably win two of them) BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch back over to the YouTube tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Repeat for each round. THE URLS:

0l2-7AwHleI | 13 Sep 2022
You've seen me play this map and take my sweet time about it, well today, I thought it would be an interesting idea to see if I could successfully identify these capitals within the strict time limit of 3 minutes (whilst conveniently not missing my flight to Boston) The results were mixed.. You could easily beat me here: PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link: Take it easy everyone, see you all in October

jjzy9BKkWno | 31 Aug 2022
It's time for the big bad nightshift. My most physically demanding escapade yet reaches it's climax and ultimately ending, but will it be one of failure and heartbreak? or one of triumph and jubilation.. HELP US REACH OUR TARGET: Charity page link: Freetrain clothing and running vests: Three Lions (Orchestral version): Filmed and edited (primarily) by Stan Gaskell: Ben and Russ: *Again apologies for the occasional poor sound quality caused by wind* *Subtitles available*

BzNsfDwhZLM | 24 Aug 2022
Here it is everyone, your chance to witness exactly how this barmy undertaking actually went. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare yourselves for some strange conversations, a fair bit of swearing and some questionable ball control. *We had some issues with the audio in windy situations so apologies about that. It's worse near the start and improves* *Subtitles available* Charity page link: Freetrain clothing and running vests: Depression vid: Richard Dawson - Two Halves Filmed and edited (primarily) by Stan Gaskell: Ben and Russ:

i5CsHiWBUuY | 18 Aug 2022
If Geodetective maps were measured on their juiciness, which they are, then this one might be the juiciest. 5000+ handpicked and tested locations. Entire World (195+ countries). Only HD and orientation (compass 🧭) verified locations. Thank you "A little Eileen" for compiling this map. Haven't played along yet? I believe it's about time.. TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

l_Medwk1bg0 | 11 Aug 2022
Welcome back everyone. Join me as I take you through my most heart-warming hitch-hiking experiences, from weird and wacky modes of transport such as ambulances and tractors, to crucial lifts that absolutely saved my bacon. After listening to these stories and watching the clips that accompany them, your faith in humanity will be restored once more (at least for a few hours) I promised you some video links; here are the whole playlists: Barcelona to Berlin 2016: How not to travel Europe:

rP4TIPSkGHI | 11 Jul 2022
Thanks for listening everyone. TO DONATE: So, the page isn't perfect in the sense that you can't actually see which charity is which. Simply click on each one to see which one it is. Here's the link: wish me luck :)

XwjFA9EDbdk | 06 Jul 2022
It's been 2 weeks, so here's a biggy for the geoguessr heads. It's the map that never fails to perplex and intrigue. My best score of 19,785 is there to beat, but will it be one curveball two many this week? If you haven't played along yet, it is time. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

KyspKqky0Fs | 22 Jun 2022
This might be the most pointless and downright shittest game of geoguessr I've ever played, and I got the score to match. Reckon you can beat it? You're probably right. Feel free to play along, but don't come crying to me when you come away with 134 points.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

ZAQq3U8WsRk | 17 Jun 2022
I played this map expecting the worst. I don't know whether I got lucky, but the locations I ended up getting made for some of the best detective rounds I've ever had. They certainly weren't easy though! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

dr_0a3htIkM | 09 Jun 2022
Okay they're not properly scary, but hopefully you enjoy these stories none the less. Coming next time will be my top 10 hitchhikes, and there will be some corkers in there so subscribe and don't miss it! The Barcelona to Berlin playlist:

49UPdjgtHJc | 02 Jun 2022
I enjoyed playing this so much last week, here it is again. This week I play three games, and non of them will disappoint. Problem is the opposition is getting tougher and I'm still rusty. Surely I can't win all three? The new shorts channel, for those who missed it.. (geoguessr shorts incoming)

8fe6tXgOxIM | 27 May 2022
See me bumble my way through Geoguessr's newest game mode in classic, confused Geowizard style. Success was mixed, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout. Apologies about the slightly too loud music - I hadn't anticipated it's presence.

lslUXwY_d2c | 24 May 2022
A video divulging my latest farcically ambitious plan.. Serious about forming a support crew for this adventure? send your emails to [email protected] with the header "DRIBBLING BRITAIN" and include information about yourself including any relevant experience you have. Mom's second book:

t98r-YV6LnQ | 18 May 2022
The longest running and most loved play along series is back, and after such a long time away, my brain really could have done without some of the perplexing rounds that were thrown at me.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mom's second book: GeoWizard shorts channel: GeoWizard TikTok:

5eEJUNt64qg | 12 May 2022
This week's geo detective takes our recent historic family photo tangent to a whole new dimension. Three undeveloped photos found in an old 50's brownie box camera, never seen the light of day for 70 years, and suddenly exposed to the modern world. I intend to locate the idyllic seaside scene captured within them hopefully solving part of the mystery, but can we go one step further and find out who this young girl is or was, using the mighty powers of the internet? I genuinely have no idea.

d6CZ6tvH5xY | 04 May 2022
The hottest geography detective series on the web resumes with the oldest and perhaps the most meaningful photo we've had the pleasure of working on so far. Daniel's grandmother was believed to have been holidaying in Southern England or Northern Europe in the early 50s when this snap was taken, but despite Daniel's painstaking best efforts, him and his family are still none the wiser. My job is to find out exactly where this photo was taken, however, it's not going to be plain sailing. With nothing but a few strands of seaweed, a couple of white buildings in the distance and a strange, probably long demolished wooden structure in the foreground, have I bitten off a bit more than I can chew? Thanks for tuning in everyone, and don't forget to subscribe.

fBothcgu0Lo | 01 May 2022
While this might be the final episode of this cretinous urban adventure, but with over half of it's total distance still remaining and a fair share of obstacles to go with it, the fun is far from over. You re-join me at the most pivotal moment in the mission - the tram construction site in southern Wednesbury. At some point my claustrophobic wait for the gates to open will come to an end. Will I be able to run past the security? or will I have to search for another way round? Later obstacles include an old flooded Victorian tunnel and two of the sketchiest fences of the mission, all of which will slow my desperately dehydrated figure down even more. The result is an anxious final mission through the famous black country living museum, in an increasingly unlikely bid to reach the gates of Dudley zoo before they close.. Speaking of Dudley zoo, whether I made it there or not, it's a fantastic place. Check out all the animals and activities they have on offer!

Z_HF0MfvUkA | 24 Apr 2022
The smutty journey through yam yam land continues. In part 2 we venture boldly beyond the glacial M6 and into the heart of the black country. Arriving at the gates of Dudley zoo by 5pm is imperative, so I'm hoping that Wednesbury's old abandoned railway track isn't too overgrown or fence laden. If I'm lucky I might even have time to take a little detour to the oldest pub in the black country for some local delicacies.. Want to watch that final episode (the best of the three) two days early on Patreon?

pDU9BOtX80A | 17 Apr 2022
I've always been fascinated with urban decay. The forgotten strips of debris littered land that hide in the cracks of our cities' concrete infrastructures. The hidden tunnels and streams that weave between the factories. The deteriorating shopping centre roofs, the abandoned railway tracks. What if I can link all of these seldom trodden places together and forge myself an adventure? Introducing my grubbiest mission yet, the black country no roads mission. The Patreons among you may remember me marauding my way through my hometown of Aldridge during the first lockdown delivering items to my relatives, without using a single road. Well, I figured it was time to revisit the format, but this time delve deeper into the vast urban ocean that is the West Midlands. My aim: to get from Walsall to Dudley (10 miles), crossing the bulk of the industrial black country region without walking down a single road. In doing so I go face to face with a whole host of nasty obstacles, from polluted streams to shopping centre roofs to irate construction workers. Add into the mix a sea of brambles and an unsettling catalogue of spiky fences, and we have ourselves one hell of a pointless adventure. I've gone for a slower paced, more raw edit on this one, so there's more content for you to enjoy (3 parts)

Gs8_imDcII8 | 07 Apr 2022
Jupaoqq, thank you for making this map. I thought it was going to be too hard, but you've put just enough information in there to make these rounds humanly possible. The result is a geographical bonanza. With all of that said, can I achieve a perfect score on my first time of asking *DISCLAIMER* In order to get this map working, you need to download the script, and for the script to work you need to have downloaded tamper monkey or something similar. It's easy, and I'm sure the source is trustworthy, but download at your own risk.. The instructions are in the map's description:

XIydijPRJY4 | 01 Apr 2022
I know you hate it when I apologize, but sorry it's a day late, and sorry for the slow pace. Lot of thinking going on in this one. My "NMPZ 10 secs per round" video back in September 2021 was the last time I got stuck in to some serious geoguessr. Since then it's just been relaxing capital city play alongs and novelty satellite games. So with such a lengthy period of time away from the hot seat and minimal meta knowledge to begin with, just how shit have I become? Have those Filipino Palm trees and Greek bushes stuck in my noggin? or did that Welsh farmer chase them out? Want to see my best ever country streak?

NH4ofHZ02GU | 27 Mar 2022
I've spent a seriously sad amount of time looking at Aerial views of my country on google earth. Playing this map was about as obvious a thing to do as it gets. Last week the world capitals definitely tested me, but ultimately there were enough geographical features and variety to discern the country. In the broadly unvarying landscape of Britain however, was there a chance I could be stumped? PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Here's the link to the map.. *DISCLAIMER* In order to get this working, you need to download the script, and for the script to work you need to have downloaded tamper monkey or something similar. It's easy, and I'm sure the source is trustworthy, but download at your own risk.. The instructions are in the map's description.

RMaT1FW7-zM | 23 Mar 2022
I've probably spent more time staring at the world map than I have the opposite sex, but how well would I fare if you asked me to draw the outline of a relatively obscure country such as Ecuador or Gabon? well, the results are in, and they're mixed.. Don't forget to like and subscribe!

Yt_STtlRhB0 | 17 Mar 2022
The geo detective series continues with this corker sent in by Aksel, who along with the rest of his family would love to know where this picture of his grandmother was taken. All we know is that she was holidaying in the united states, and with limited information in the image, I had a feeling this one might be a slog. I wasn't wrong.. Big shout out to editor Joe who did a cracking job with this on his debut.

B8gQNCZuR-o | 08 Mar 2022
The Geoguessr break is finally over, and to kick things off again it's something completely different. With the help of Jupaoqq's clever script (see link below) we are able to play Geoguessr, but from above. Having spent many an hour scouring Google Earth's satellite imagery for both pleasure and work, this is a map I just know I'm going to love. Here's the link to the map.. *DISCLAIMER* In order to get this working, you need to download the script, and for the script to work you need to have downloaded tamper monkey or something similar. It's easy, and I'm sure the source is trustworthy, but download at your own risk.. The instructions are in the map's description.

0ZbmYh9QZgA | 23 Feb 2022
We're right back in with another geo detective and this time we're given the unique task of finding the whereabouts of this amazing photograph of a world war two soldier. Could it have been taken during the Nazi invasion of Norway? Or even one of Mussolini's men watching over the Alps? Will the mountains even look the same on Google Earth? All will be revealed..

jHj2O5HoVPo | 15 Feb 2022
Geo Detective is back, and this 12th episode offers something a bit different.. Instead of attempting to locate the whereabouts of my viewers/fans, how about I try to successfully locate a scene from a painting? But not just any old painting.. This is the first of what I suspect will be many special and unique challenges where I search for a place in a painting or photograph that holds a specific meaning to someone. In this case, Raphael's great aunt, who has had this piece of art hanging on her wall for decades. Despite her great nephew's protests, she is adamant that it does not depict a scene in Paris. I have been summoned by Raphael to prove one of them wrong, but who will it be? Could it be neither of them?

Rr_wDibVIHo | 10 Feb 2022
Are you considering embarking on a straight line mission of your own but aren't quite sure how to approach it? well this video is for you. Effectively a basic guide to straight line missioning, this video should cover all bases when it comes to planning, executing and evaluating a successful straight line mission. The pack list video: The food and drink video:

84Eou9v3Ex0 | 07 Feb 2022
The second in a small succession of videos that offer insight and advice into the world of the straight line mission, starting with the pack list. You've seen the mouldy Jerky and the boatloads of Jelly Babies, but is there any real sustenance in the food that gets me across these countries? All will be answered in this video. Next up, "Thinking of embarking on a straight line mission? Here's everything you need to know" ..or something to that effect. Should be here by Tuesday.

PVvEMkyxpsk | 04 Feb 2022
The first in a small succession of videos that hopefully offer some insight and advice into the world of the straight line mission, starting with the pack list. You've seen the series, but what's in the bag? For the curious among you, here is a full breakdown of what I pack on my straight line missions, or at least the most recent one (Wales III) It's not perfect, as I'm sure some of you will be the first to point out, but here it is none the less. Food and drink will be next.

0tDaIw0y3j8 | 26 Jan 2022
With all the action over, it's now time for me to take a good hard look at the line that we laid down from the comfort of my room. I'll be analysing how far we strayed from the true line and how tightly we hugged it overall, commentating on any points of interest as I scroll. I'll fill you in on any key missing details from the story of the ordeal, and I'll also discuss the level of success or failure I feel this mission is, along with how and why my feelings differed after Wales attempt 2. If you cans spare a couple of dollars and would like to help keep the scoremyline website up and running, here's the link: Finally, all the bonus footage will be arriving on Patreon over the next couple of days:

QkLDThED4T4 | 19 Jan 2022
*Comments WILL contain spoilers* It's been quite a ride, but this series is almost over. I had every intention of this mission being my most boring mission yet. It turned out to be the exact opposite. The ultimate goal of a perfect, continuous run may have slipped away from us on day 3 in tragic fashion, but we can still walk every step of this line and damn well complete it. Or can we? Would anything surprise you at this point? *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ben's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the next episode a day early: Subscribe to the channel:

2_5jjUmlh6I | 09 Jan 2022
*Comment section may contain spoilers* Our third attempt at traversing across Wales in a completely straight line continues. After surviving the savagery of the farmland by the skin of our teeth, 15 miles of open moorland, forests and reservoirs now separate us from the coast. It was never going to be a walk in the park, especially with a mildly sprained ankle, but in terms of anything or anyone that could physically force us from our line, there should be next to nothing. However in a cruel twist of fate, an issue would arise to send our stress levels right back up to the dizzying heights of the previous day.. *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ben's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the next episode a day early: Subscribe to the channel:

s4i-wwxYoOc | 31 Dec 2021
My third attempt at crossing Wales in a completely straight line continues with what is without doubt the most eventful and stressful day of missioning I've ever experienced. We knew that day 2 with it's unrelenting farmland would be a sketchy one even on a Sunday, but we never could've imagined just how stressful, exhausting and downright painful it would turn out to be. The question is, would it all prove too much for us? *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ben's Instagram: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the next episode a day early: Subscribe to the channel:

alzC4vM64ok | 22 Dec 2021
Hold on to your gloves folks, It's back. You're watching the first chapter of my third attempt to cross Wales in a completely straight line, and despite my hopefulness of a more boring, straight forward operation, this one is a thriller. Due to Greg's work commitments I am joined by my brother Ben this time as we try our very best to sneak, vault, barge, run, climb, paddle and hobble our way across the unforgiving landscape of mid Wales for what I am desperately hoping is the third and final time. With two failed attempts under my belt and news of other brits plotting to beat me to it, I am hungrier than ever for success. However, it's sheep tupping season in the October foliage smeared hills of Powys, and despite my experience and planning, failure is still very much on the cards. *Some speech might be difficult to hear - use good speakers/headphones if possible and use the man made subtitles* ________________________________________________________________________________________ Listen to "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure, How not to travel Europe and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the next episode a day early: Subscribe to the channel:

WXnD8WNg12I | 15 Dec 2021
God this map really isn't easy is it? Join me again for the final play along video before we head back to Wales, and as per usual I urge you to play along using the instructions below, and try to beat my score! I hope you've got a spare hour or two though! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

XHRSnqh5AoA | 07 Dec 2021
We rather enjoyed ourselves last time so we're going again. This week's locations are a bit easier than the lasts, so you're in with a shout for a perfect score, even if you don't hail from this wonderful island. Next week will be another challenging attempt at a perfect score on "interesting photospheres in obscure countries", and after that, it's mission time again. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

Y_Q9IyZMDlw | 01 Dec 2021
Where has this map been hiding? the capital cities go on hold this week while we revisit this gem. What a challenge this map is.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

jjcCKGWp49g | 23 Nov 2021
The fun continues with our 5th capitals video and I can reveal that just like last week, it is possible to beat me here today, but not by much. So if you're yet to achieve a perfect score in this series, now is your chance! don't give up! HOW TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Good luck everyone, and don't forget to leave me a like :)

CQ5xYrb28Bo | 16 Nov 2021
It's another no moving play along special for you all to enjoy, and today we're back in Britain trying to figure out which town or city the depressing Wetherspoons entrance that we're stood outside of belongs to. There's plenty to laugh at today, and some pretty testing rounds too, so get your thinking cap on and try your best not to get too distracted by some of the tragic trouser ware that was on display on this particular fine day. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

3xm58Ccps1c | 09 Nov 2021
The slow but steady stream of content continues as I crack on with the editing for my two latest missions. Either my brain was a bit cooked the day I recorded this, or these rounds really are confusing. Either way, I think you might be able to beat me, so do play along! TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link:

_iaRV_31uJ4 | 01 Nov 2021
We leave the mountains and enter the city with these two hopefully gettable European looking snaps. I shall return for Hugo Dudesworthy and Josh Jerry Janulus as soon as I get a decent break from the editing, but for now it'll be a couple of easier ones. Hope you enjoy.

MKSRbvmbTVo | 24 Oct 2021
The fun continues with more capital cities. Is this the week I finally get a perfect score on this map? A tricky first round had other ideas, but would it get the better of me? PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video. The link:

cWgIJFaU9o8 | 19 Oct 2021
My quest for speed in familiar places has lead me here. Attempting to achieve the fastest time I possibly can in my hometown of Aldridge (127 locations) ..I start the video with the view to beat last weeks time of 50 seconds, but things soon escalate and I kick into determination mode. The question is, just how fast did I manage to go?

kOdnMGLy5aM | 15 Oct 2021
Geo detective is back with a long overdue mountain photo sent in by Ian Clutterbuck. Will the shape of the mountain along with the ones in the distance be enough for me to locate it on google earth? or will the reflection in Ian's shades offer an important clue? Enjoying this series? subscribe!

VGmHZyAlQG0 | 12 Oct 2021
After tazzing my way around Birmingham (my nearest big city) in the hopes of getting a super quick perfect score, my need for speed took me back to my hometown of Aldridge. With a population of 40,000 I know it like the back of my hand, but just how fast could I go? Could I beat Aaron Gormley who was sitting smugly at the top of the leaderboard with a 1 minute 50 effort? and if so how much faster could I go?

NsUjPBgFJGw | 08 Oct 2021
You know you wanted some more of this map. I certainly did, and today's selection of rounds did not disappoint. Could I get me a perfect score though? I'd need to figure out what the hell this flag is first.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video. Play this map:

nMF4g1uOtME | 04 Oct 2021
The other day I watched "Chicago Geographer" get a crazy sub 2 minute time in his home city of Chicago and thought to myself, why haven't you done this yet? So, I got to work. Getting a perfect score in my home city of Birmingham isn't quite as straight forward as in Chicago, however I was confident that with the help of a few bus stops and a run of lucky rounds, I could at least get sub 5 minutes..

hXYKSf6QO04 | 01 Oct 2021
A map with all 198 world capitals, half of which I've never seen, explored or even know the name of. Some of these could be really tricky to identify from their simple photospheres, but I reckon with a bit of detective work and map scouring, we might just be able to find any of 'em. You know you want to play along with this one. The link: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

AoOPnC2IRZo | 27 Sep 2021
The quest for 24,000 points on Geoguessr's hardest format continues with this effort. There are a few tasty guesses, including two of my best ever Peruvian efforts, but in the midst of the chaos I made one of my worst and most embarrassing guesses ever. Don't miss it. *Geoguessr videos may continue to be less frequent over the coming month or so as I prepare for my latest straight line mission and edit up September's no roads mission.

P7spSyqYLWs | 17 Sep 2021
Having beaten my record last week with a storming score of 23,860, I set my sights for the big 24. The following attempts happened over around 4 combined hours on two separate days, include a couple of obligatory insane guesses, and one big score. How big? you'll have to watch to find out. Don't forget to subscribe everyone! we can get over a million right here and right now!

qAQaqxp-INg | 14 Sep 2021
Things go up a notch this week with this tasty submission from Draco Dinkleberg. There really isn't a fat lot in this image apart from a church and some other historic buildings. Are they findable on Google? or would I be forced to give up the ghost for the first time since Aran Amberleaf in episode #3.. *Side note: Uploads have been less regular this week because I filmed a mini mission. Uploads may also be semi regular in the coming weeks as I prepare for another not so mini mission. I'll try my best to treat you with vids when I can.

Moii_3T9E54 | 08 Sep 2021
A couple of holidays offered a 2 week break from this, but I was determined to come back with a vengeance and beat my current record of 13:21. It proved harder than I thought, but, with the right run of rounds including an unorthodox and rather tense affair in the Slovenian countryside, I just about managed to do it with seconds to spare. I'll take a break from this now and concentrate more on the 10 secs NMPZ leaderboard, but I shall return to break the 10 minute mark in the not so distant future. Thanks for watching everyone, don't forget to leave and like and subscribe.

B7_WcWmSZ_Y | 01 Sep 2021
Back by popular demand, we revisit the high streets of Britain in a quest to locate the Wetherspoons pub. This week has some tricky rounds, but if you have particularly good eye sight and a bit of persistence and patience, you may just end up with a perfect score.. TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

Fdv4jcJrLkY | 28 Aug 2021
Last week was an insane guess fest. This week was less about the insanity, and more about the scores, but could I beat my long standing record of 23,710? Watch till the end to find out. Don't forget to like this vid and subscribe to get me over that million! Cheers everyone.

bNLAutWqnDQ | 25 Aug 2021
We had fun last week so it's only right we go again. This week's is a good game with potential for high scores. My score however will be hard to beat, thanks to a couple of well timed strokes of luck. Let me know in the comments if you succeed. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

uF_7sYOTOik | 21 Aug 2021
We're back with this and it's instantly juicy as fuck. Sit back and enjoy the best bits of an eventful and slightly chaotic 45 minute session of the hardest format on Geoguessr. Subscribe and get me over that million:

a0LDKk32nYI | 17 Aug 2021
While I work tirelessly behind the scenes attempting to locate Draco Dinkleberg's almost impossible image, you folks can enjoy this offering in which I tackle another run of seemingly gettable snaps. We start with Flynn Thistles desert obelisk before attempting to locate the 70's space age looking pyramid in Ginger Passion's photo. Subscribe and get me over the million!

vKWbEE-ttYA | 13 Aug 2021
Only a matter of time before I came back to this map, and it didn't disappoint. Some of the remote locations of these photospheres made for some impossibly tricky guessing, even for a seasoned Geoguessrer like myself. Could I build on last week's score of 23,229? I wouldn't bank on it.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK:

0J7cQ4FiDCc | 09 Aug 2021
It's been too long. The link: PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

4ynyB8OacfA | 04 Aug 2021
Another successful attempt at slicing some time off my personal record which stood at 17:31 (achieved last week) This was a great seed and a great, well practised player could have got an insane time on this game. I'll keep going at this and aim for sub 10 minutes, and who knows, in the process maybe I'll even knock Geography challenges off the 5th spot of the geotips leaderboard with a sub 7:16.

TaSb7gKADMo | 30 Jul 2021
Welcome back to Geo Detective, the unique series which sees me scour Google Earth, the internet and beyond in an effort to try and locate my fans from one solitary, often obscure image. This week I attempt two fresh snaps sent in by Patreons Cilla Whet, who poses in front of another steel cantilever truss bridge, and Culetto Totti who seems to be posing in front of a well known historic city. These two should be gettable. Don't forget to subscribe:

B5ZFNb99klc | 26 Jul 2021
Okay, the length of the video sort of gives it away a bit, but I'll continue with my description anyway. Today I aimed to blow off some cobwebs and dive straight back into this classic map and classic format combination. The time of 22:49 to beat was by no means amazing, but with over a year away from this, it would a good place to start.

bnoYarFsURg | 11 Jul 2021
Welcome back to Geo Detective, the unique series which sees me scour Google Earth, the internet and beyond in an effort to try and locate my fans from one solitary image. This week I attempt two tricky images sent in by Bobby Tegnut and Bradley Buckingham Green that I suspect originate from north America. Each image will pose their own unique set of challenges, but growing in confidence with each episode I am confident I can get the job done. Don't forget to subscribe:

X2PYQQkx9oE | 07 Jul 2021
After a Geoguessr free month on the channel, I'm back with a bang. Recently promoted to the silver tier of battle royale, I was curious to see whether I could wipe the floor with the competition without moving, and only making one guess per round. I had no idea it would turn out quite like it did.

4Upw1TPyADg | 05 Jul 2021
Sorry it's a bit late folks, been busy settling into my new house and watching England slowly but surely bring it home. In this video I'll be showing you exactly how close we stuck to our line on the Mission Across Scotland, talk you through some of the planning process, talk you through some of the remaining obstacles and how we planned to tackle them, reveal our top 5 most crucial bits of kit on this expedition, where we plan to improve next time and more! Geoguessr heads: Geoguessr video to follow later in the week! The official score my line website, home of the Burdell Score:

g6dYOkZdIaY | 02 Jul 2021
Please note: This is a reupload of the original version with the railway scene cut out. Instead of that scene is an explanation of why it was removed and our stance on it. *Watch in 1440p and with subtitles for full effect* *COMMENTS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* Join myself and Welsh Greg as we embark on a gruelling 6 day adventure in which we attempt across Scotland in a completely straight line. In Part 1, after a tricky first 3 miles we successfully scaled the Norbord factory fence without drawing too much attention to ourselves. Our aim now is to escape the factory, cross the railway track, motorways and abandoned fishery that lay beyond and reach the sanctuary of the north third forest where we can make a fire, dry off and if we're really lucky, tune into the Rugby. With a host of obstacles and various people up ahead on our line, it's bound to be tasty. Sign up to my Patreon for early releases, bonus footage and much more:

_e0rztVnLoc | 17 Jun 2021
I'm back after a busy period of editing and poster signing and it's straight in with the latest edition of geo detective. This week I tackle a tricky image sent in from Bjorn Bunter, who poses in front of some relatively non-descript buildings, proudly donning a Sweden football shirt. Is the shirt a red herring? Will I even be able to find out? All will be revealed in this episode.. Subscribe to the channel if you can be bothered. No pressure.

fw-yGI9n7Ok | 13 Jun 2021
*Watch in 1440p and with subtitles for full effect* *COMMENTS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* Join myself and Welsh Greg as we embark on a gruelling 6 day adventure in which we attempt across Scotland in a completely straight line. In Part 2 you saw us continue day one's fine progress, successfully negotiating some pretty gnarly obstacles and talking our way out of a pickle with a concerned farmer. Now though, having made it to a lovely secluded clearing in the forest where we camped the night, it was time to ascend into the remote and stress free landscape of the moors and make as much ground as possible before camping the night. Sounds straight forward enough, but a seriously pissed off farmer had other ideas.. Sign up to my Patreon to watch all the bonus footage and much more: Geowizard store for the Limited Edition Mission Across Scotland Movie Poster: Moms book:

ICD9Ow2xwec | 06 Jun 2021
*Watch in 1440p and with subtitles for full effect* *COMMENTS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* Join myself and Welsh Greg as we embark on a gruelling 6 day adventure in which we attempt across Scotland in a completely straight line. In Part 1, after a tricky first 3 miles we successfully scaled the Norbord factory fence without drawing too much attention to ourselves. Our aim now is to escape the factory, cross the high speed railway track, motorways and abandoned fishery that lay beyond and reach the sanctuary of the north third forest where we can make a fire, dry off and if we're really lucky, tune into the Rugby. With a host of obstacles and various people up ahead on our line, it's bound to be tasty. Sign up to my Patreon for early releases, bonus footage and much more: Geowizard store for the Limited Edition Mission Across Scotland Movie Poster: Moms book: Quick comment on the railway track: We know it's bad and we're fully aware of that. It was not a decision we took lightly, but ultimately it was a means to an end - a necessary evil for what was ultimately a monumental feat. It was either that, or we go further north into the mountains, an environment in which we are both far less comfortable in. We both understand and accept the disapproval, and we urge people again to be safe, and not try to emulate these stunts.

mgrc_LOBJ0M | 04 Jun 2021
Can I beat 9 other random players on battle royale distance without moving, panning or zooming and only having 1 guess per round? Surely not.. but while I'm still in the bronze league now's the time to do it! If you were expecting something a bit more juicy, don't worry, Mission Across Scotland Part 2 drops on Sunday at 8pm. Don't miss it!

SiyGdOHobsY | 30 May 2021
*watch in 1440p and with subtitles for full effect* It's here. The eagerly anticipated Mission Across Scotland, featuring myself and the heroic Welsh Greg, who was hungrier than ever for straight line success after our hiccup in Wales 2020. However, with our longest, most dangerous and action packed line to date waiting patiently for us over the border, the nerves were real. Even with meticulous planning and logistics. Join us in part 1 as we prepare for take off, and the first stretch of the mission, a stretch dominated by wet feet and the unescapable presence of our biggest obstacle to date: The 95 acre Norbord MDF Factory. Would we even be able to scale it's 8ft barbed wire fence and get inside? Watch till the end to find out. Moms book: THE GEOWIZARD STORE, the only place you can get your hands on an official Mission Across Scotland Movie Poster, designed by the incredible Roman Stevens, is now live. Take a look: It's a bit bare at the moment, but quality over quantity. Please read all the product/postage information carefully and drop me an email if you're having any major issues! Check out Roman Steven's epic portfolio here: and here: (@romanstevens)

UoXVrMz2l0U | 28 May 2021
Just a quick message to explain that from now on I may not be able to reply to your emails, but that I read them all, take all of your advice and ideas on board and really appreciate the time and effort you put in. Thank you all for listening! Tom

HcepKu2IDBM | 24 May 2021
Saw this on GeoKyle's channel and couldn't resist the opportunity of delivering some juicy aerial detective work. But would being able to see for miles enable me to get any perfect scores? Surely we'd need some favourable rounds.. PLAY ALONG: To play: Put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

sD0-paN_XmE | 21 May 2021
Last week, after some time out from this format, I somehow managed a whopping score of 23,741, along with a host of insane guesses. I knew that that pressure free form wouldn't continue though, and sure enough I performed worse in my next session. None the less, here are the highlights.

zrkQNiC72gA | 18 May 2021
Now you know why I check to see if I'm recording. Having won a NMPZ game of Distance Battle Royale with the camera not rolling, I felt mixed emotions. Part of me wanted to turn the computer off, but the good part of me thought nope, let's just do it again. But this time record it. But was that first game just a fluke? Watch till the end to find out..

LU4u9vz826E | 15 May 2021
It's been 9 months since I achieved a 22,901 live on Twitch on Geoguessr's hardest format, still one of my finest hours, but it's about time I had another crack at this with a view to see how high I can feasibly go. Unfortunately, another unexpected microphone malfunction meant that most of the footage from this session was audio-less, but with insane guesses that simply cannot be ignored or replicated, I had no choice but to put my best editing head on and ensure that my fans got the video they deserved. But amongst all of these insane guesses, would I beat my record? Could I even give Topotic & Co a scare on the leaderboard?

BuZ-ld13p1I | 12 May 2021
After last episode's half arsed performance and an embarrassing beating from twitch's most famous streamer Ludwig, I was keen to prove that I could perfect this map, even if it does advertise the pub slaying giant that is Wetherspoons. Play this map: TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

_rHRaQTjvt8 | 09 May 2021
This week's episode features two corking photos, including Barry Eggington's cable car in warmer climates, and an obscure palace garden snap from Billy Biscuit. I'll be trying my hardest to successfully pinpoint the exact location from which they were taken, as well as finally reveal the location of last week's failed attempt at finding the pesky Aron Amberleaf. Please don't subscribe to the channel:

ft-dMZ8S9Us | 06 May 2021
We're straight back with another Battle Royale distance NMPZ video, having frustrated the hell out of my viewers last week by not properly understanding and utilising the distance markers on the leaderboard. So, armed with the advice of a thousand irritated Geoguessr heads, I was keen to bounce back and not only win the warm up game, but maybe even clinch a NMPZ game too. Would I wipe the floor with my opponents with these new tactics? or would I fail once again to grasp the distance markers? Watch till the end to find out. Oh and be sure to drop me a like and subscribe if you haven't already.

GnLsMpuexao | 03 May 2021
If I'm well practised and experienced at battle royale distance, I can do this. Right now I'm neither of those things, but who knows, maybe I can fluke a game with a few bronze badgers in the lobby, or maybe finish top 3? Watch till the end to find out..

3Ph547A39vg | 29 Apr 2021
Wetherspoons. There's at least one in every town and city in the UK and there's at least 20 drunkards in each one at any given time, but can I successfully figure out where I am based on the 5 randomly generated Wetherspoons "pubs" in this game of geoguessr? Play this map: TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Fred Dibnah "How to climb a chimney overhang at 50+"

qrsnnFgHZaA | 25 Apr 2021
Last summer, me and my brother Ben shoved some pots and pans in a rucksack and headed for the forests of south Wiltshire to try our hand at foraging, fishing and living off the land. With land owners to look out for, Norway injuries lingering, bad weather and next to no idea what we were doing, it was never going to be a roaring success, but in and amongst the calamity, chaos and hopelessness, there are enough amusing and heart warming moments to make this story a memorable one. Like the music you've heard in this video? You can still purchase "16-Bit Adventure" on Bandcamp for £4, or stream it on Spotify... Spotify: YouTube: Want to watch the preparation trip videos? They're on the $4 tier on my Patreon page: (Bonus footage will be available on the $1 tier soon!) Ben is a freelance story editor. Check out his site here: Ben's Instagram:

ZOuas7xHTNA | 21 Apr 2021
This week's episode features two brand new photos, featuring an absolute mind bender from Aron Amberleaf, and a corking mountainous effort from Bananus Hippledick, who's photo you can see in the thumbnail. You what? you haven't even subscribed yet? come on..

obtudeiQuJU | 16 Apr 2021
It's a double whammy tonight, and it's ended on a relieving note - my first Battle Royale Distance win. About time. Tune in next Thursday for another juicy Geo Detective episode! Subscribe:

UlxoIU_6dJc | 16 Apr 2021
Last week I learned the ropes (Just about) but ultimately failed to win a game. This week I'm determined to put that right, but the competition would be tough.. Subscribe:

izjFsRDbt5k | 12 Apr 2021
A map that includes every single country in the world, from Liechtenstein to Vanuatu, with each country represented equally (5 locations each) Full of obscure photospheres, this map really separates the men from the boys. PLAY ALONG: To play along, make your guess, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result for that round, this way you don't ruin the game or the video!

ztdEKJv8TTA | 08 Apr 2021
It's another attempt to get the world's fastest UK speed run, but with insane times coming in from other British players, I'll do well to get back into the top 3. With an increasingly busy schedule, I can only afford to spend so many hours per day trying to get that golden run. I can tell you that today's effort is fast, but is it fast enough to get my name back on that leaderboard? Haven't you subscribed yet? come on..

Yw4BUqTxF7g | 05 Apr 2021
Geoguessr have pulled another one out the bag with arguably an even better game mode, in the form of distance battle royale. The premise? who ever is furthest away is knocked out. It's pure, it's simple and I already love it. But did I win a game on my first time of trying? Play it yourself: Subscribe:

Q09ahqhETQE | 02 Apr 2021
Having successfully found last weeks subjects, we move straight on to our fourth target, holiday maker Andrew Feathercock. With nothing but a mosque and a few boats in the background, this promises to be a tough one, but will I do it? Subscribe and don't miss a geo detective vid:

Bb5U6toJuCw | 30 Mar 2021
Can I successfully pinpoint every single country in Africa on a satellite image of Africa that has absolutely no borders? My gut told me no, but you'll have to watch to find out if he was right.. Try this map yourself: Subscribe:

QDKJ4knRhPc | 26 Mar 2021
Been a while since I did one of these on the channel. Wasn't sure whether I could do this. Watch to find out if I was right. Play this quiz: Subscribe:

TVt1GKBZMzc | 23 Mar 2021
What started out as a regular old play along video turned into something extraordinary. Play along if you dare (and have 2 hours spare..) PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video. THE LINK: Subscribe:

k-5J0kL7aRs | 19 Mar 2021
A few weeks ago I successfully and swiftly identified the exact Bali swimming pool that a random Instagram model was snapped, following a request from an alleged victim of a catfish. I did this using a mixture of Geoguessr knowledge, Google Earth and Google's search engine. Following some dialogue with my impressed patreons, an idea was spawned. Why don't I make a series out of it where I try to successfully identify where my patreons/fans are using the small amounts of information that can be seen in the background? Here's the result.

e1wdVCd1nts | 16 Mar 2021
**Apologies for the cancelled upload an hour ago. Uploaded the wrong file! Knocked off the leaderboard last week by American Geoguessr player "RC", I was determined to bounce back, return the favour and maybe even get in and around Samiam's brand spanking sub 5 minute effort. Browse the Geotips leaderboards: Subscribe to the channel:

1kwoT-9ClV4 | 13 Mar 2021
We're back with some more play along Geoguessr! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

mrmvp2lTFBo | 09 Mar 2021
Time to regain my place on the UK Speed run leaderboard. 9 minutes 43 seconds or faster needed. Subscribe:

O5cLcsxzgac | 06 Mar 2021
Two weeks ago I was invited by members of the Geoguessr community to take part in a game of Battle Royale against some of the best players out there. In part 1 a tense me struggled with the pace and pressure of the games, but in this video I'm hoping that I can claw back some dignity with the no moving, panning or zooming games.. Subscribe to the channel:

VuhSz4SxtEg | 03 Mar 2021
Two weeks ago I was invited by members of the Geoguessr community to take part in a game of Battle Royale against some of the best players out there. It was the first time I had played against other skilled players, even in a one on one, so I was pretty tense (and that certainly showed at times) but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer speed of some of these games and the pressure that came with that. Subscribe to the channel:

BJ-bEId-7yQ | 25 Feb 2021
PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

Hqg2Wquf0Ec | 23 Feb 2021
My old record (10:07) didn't count for this brand new leaderboard, so we're starting afresh. The leaderboard is fairly bare at the moment so getting onto it won't be a problem, but stiff competition is marching swiftly in my direction, meaning that this particular effort might not stay on there for long. It promises to be an exciting series.. The Geotips record page:

-GQfpgfFqzA | 21 Feb 2021
I didn't do bad last week with a streak of 13, but I knew that with my new found practice I could do better. Today I was fired up to beat my record and maybe even hit 20. *6 minutes into the video my voice goes robotic and it's just too unlistenable, so for a 10 minute period I commentate over the top of the video to explain what my thought process was at the time. Subscribe to the channel:

HoCKqxfMTqM | 18 Feb 2021
Hours of practice for the Geotips leaderboard has put my form at an all time high. But does that mean I can waltz back into Battle Royale and win three games in a row without moving, panning or zooming? watch to find out.. Subscribe to the channel for more battle Royale:

dnvT7iQoydw | 15 Feb 2021
On the back of my recent leaderboard triumph I decided to try my hand at some Diverse World country streaks. Partly because I was pretty sure that during the hours of recent leaderboard attempts, I had inadvertently broken my country streak record. Too impatient to sift through all the footage, and with form at an all time high, I thought I'd have a proper go. Here's the result from my first couple of half an hour sessions.

pZhQnjiGwcw | 10 Feb 2021
I'm taking a very short break from the NMPZ leaderboard and going straight for the No Moving leaderboard which I think is much more attainable. The scores are similar, but with the now heavenly ability to pan and zoom, I was hoping that I could achieve great things. Here's my first decent attempt. Straight after this video, I had a few more attempts, and managed to achieve an even better score. So, 30 minutes after this video is released, I will also release that attempt. Stay tuned, you don't want to miss it.

uh4guW7aYXc | 10 Feb 2021
Eager to bounce straight back from what was a promising but ultimately mediocre first (good) attempt, I dived straight back in and had a few more attempts. This, after a couple of hours of trying, was the magnificent result. Don't forget to drop a like and subscribe if you haven't already.

rT_SIgUO938 | 08 Feb 2021
Detective rounds. The shit name that I gave to those rounds where you figure out exactly where you are in the world (or near enough) using limited information. Usually more laborious and time consuming than an insane guess, but every bit as rewarding. In this video you get to see some of the best unseen detective rounds from the 15 hours of attempts I've made so far in my quest for the leaderboard, as well as three rounds that I'm sure you won't mind seeing one more time: Valparaiso, Salta and of course, Kenya. Watch the Insane guess compilation:

k_V6b_ZHbJ8 | 04 Feb 2021
ALL the best guesses from my many attempts at cracking the NMPZ Diverse world leaderboard, one of the most revered leaderboards on the Geotips website. Pick and winner and let me know in the comments! Subscribe for more of this:

0K-ES5Kcb4c | 02 Feb 2021
The hunt for the leaderboard continues with this effort, which includes a truly remarkable round. Stay tuned for the insane guesses and detective round compilations over the next few days. Subscribe to the channel:

JXUWefGu67A | 29 Jan 2021
PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK: Subscribe for more play-alongs:

s40FOtkCPFw | 25 Jan 2021
Yep, that's right. It's taken a while for me to figure it out, but the first successful attempt at a straight line mission was a platinum run, which means that my maximum deviation was less than 25 metres. In this video I explain why that's the case, how I figured it out, and touch on why I'm in the process of bringing in new ways to accurately measure the success or failure of a straight line mission. Community post detailing the benefits of the $4 Tier on my Patreon:

yoA41kO4s8c | 20 Jan 2021
Last week I managed to win a game of Battle Royale without moving, scrolling or zooming. But can I do it 3 times in a row? Let's find out. Subscribe to the channel:

LzGq_qSp69Y | 16 Jan 2021
Think I thought it was Friday when I recorded this. Days are all blurred into one. Anyway, this was very fun. Hope you enjoyed. Drop us a like. Go on, you know you wanna. Thanks.

ky3FQDvs2Qs | 13 Jan 2021
Today's video features two attempts, each three days apart. The first attempt includes a road sign fail of epic proportions, and the second, well you'll have to watch to find out.. Subscribe to the channel:

lQuvoLVetzY | 05 Jan 2021
Some fantastic rounds in both games here as I eek my way towards that leader board. Really enjoying this series. Subscribe to the channel:

qTRNBDvtb5c | 03 Jan 2021
I'm back at it with another two attempts at the illusive leaderboard, and today there's at least one stunner of a guess! Video about Nighty: Subscribe to the channel:

JaOMFpA57to | 28 Dec 2020
Last week it was a firm second place for the Wizard, but this time I was determined to land up on top.. Hope you all had a decent Christmas.

1j17laBrDA8 | 23 Dec 2020
Geoguessr have brought out a brand new feature, and it's a good one. Watch me try it out (albeit in very rusty form) and see if I can win a game in my first few attempts.. Apologies for the abrupt ending, the microphone went all Darlic on me again. Can't wait to set up some tournaments in the new year with some of your favorite Geoguessrers.. Have a spiffing Yuletide everyone.

mElqGuzzwrs | 18 Dec 2020
In this video, as well as the usual line inspection, I will be divulging some key information about the Norway line that I felt was best not to attempt to explain during the series, as well as exploring some ideas on how to best measure the success of a straight line mission going forward. Want to see how Noah identifies steep gradients? check out his Twitch channel:

VCpuIpig4uc | 17 Dec 2020
An absolute no brainer. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

yoqBzcXak1I | 09 Dec 2020
We're back with some more play along Geoguessr! PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: *Apologies for the occasional dodgy glitch in this vid, my new webcam was playing up and I had to splice the video a few times to get it all to sync up!*

kwzIwFPEGbA | 06 Dec 2020
**SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS - RESIST THE URGE TO SCROLL DOWN** The final and by far the most action packed chapter in this three part series that sees me attempt to cross the magnificent country that is Norway, in a completely straight line. In this episode, I tackle more steep gradients, nearly die in a ghastly bog, and almost score a screamer on a football pitch. Listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the incoming Bonus Footage here (and more exclusive missions!) for $1: Subscribe to the channel:

KwZePasHarc | 29 Nov 2020
Part 2 of the epic 3 part series that see's me attempt to cross the incredible country that is Norway, in a completely straight line. In this episode we find out what impact Marius's missing bolt had on my 5 mile kayak across the reservoir, we meet a curious local, and see how I fare as I plunge into the rugged wilderness beyond... Listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the incoming Bonus Footage here (and more exclusive missions!) for $1: Subscribe to the channel:

CDPhdkdR9qI | 22 Nov 2020
Here it is, the eagerly anticipated mission across Norway, my chance to put the ghosts of Wales behind me and finally succeed in crossing a country in a straight line. The vast majority of this 17 mile journey would be devoid of the farmers, hedges, brambles and fences that littered the Welsh countryside, but where it lacked in those things it would more than make up for in vast lakes, rugged mountains, mystical forests and slimy swamps. Join me on a logistically challenging, nerve rattling adventure through the wilderness of northern Norway and let's see if I'd be flying home completed, or defeated. Listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from this adventure and more: Spotify: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & watch the incoming Bonus Footage here (and more exclusive missions!) for $1: Subscribe to the channel:

ChWPqOcD0bs | 20 Nov 2020
Round two of the fascinating abandoned places map by CVan2797. Join me as I attempt to locate a big ass boat, an old abandoned school house and the biggest paintball nerd in history. Subscribe to the channel for more stuff like this ^^

sbVd5_xeTGA | 15 Nov 2020
Okay, so the top spot may be a bit out of my reach, but I can certainly get on that leaderboard with the right game. Will today be the day? Subscribe to the channel:

r6PWu8A72oI | 10 Nov 2020
Here it is, the latest selection of all the most unexpectedly amazing guesses that happened on my Twitch and YouTube channels over these past few months, and a few unused clips that you haven't seen. I feel like I've missed a couple of good ones this time so feel free to point them out and I'll shove them in #7. Feel like you're missing out? Subscribe: Subscribe to the channel: Like the intro music? It's from my album. Buy it here: Stream on Spotify:

G8mZbwfQwds | 04 Nov 2020
Last week I posted a score of 20,357 on the empty leader board for the new Diverse world map (NMPZ) and it was swiftly knocked off. Here I am trying to jump back on. Records Page:

JsK3cFVVavU | 29 Oct 2020
I present to you the wonderful Abandoned Places map, by CVan2797. Join me as I try to figure out the whereabouts of a mystical castle gardens, and an old medical centre where a stubborn staff member refuses to go home.. Subscribe to the channel for more stuff like this ^^

9Rnj4dhMDnY | 24 Oct 2020
The new Diverse world map (made by Mapper) has a few blank world record slots on geotips that need to be filled. I thought I'd get the ball rolling with these two attempts! Be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you ain't already!

eo6l2SvNq3I | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

pYvtoztiUxM | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

BPQJLtiC9-E | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

n0TjMK03jI4 | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

dRTV_p4qgkM | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

uXFDtVAE068 | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

6r5OxwPxYPQ | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

QNGGJenbm3E | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

VeoVsdqBGyg | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

58katsCfGDA | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

Y0Iz1lyD-JM | 23 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

5dn9bTOntjU | 22 Oct 2020
From the album 16-Bit Adventure: Buy it here: Stream on Spotify: Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved.

lblipT1O8i8 | 21 Oct 2020
Here it is.. what so many of you have been waiting for. featuring all those nostalgic tracks that accompanied the "Mission across Wales" + "How not to travel Europe" as well as SIX brand new tracks, It's 16-Bit Adventure. You can buy the album here for the price of a pint: (As well as on iTunes) Or stream it here: Spotify: Deezer: Amazon Music: Apple Music: Fill your boots everyone. Like, comment, share, tell your music friends. Nothing would make me happier. Let's get this thing in the charts! 🤪😉 1. 0:00 - Main Theme 2. 3:44 - An Opening 3. 6:54 - Flower Glade Zone 4. 10:14 - Dingle Dell 5. 12:57 - Special Stage 6. 13:39 - Tractor Zone 7. 16:19 - Merrily Boats 8. 19:03 - Boulder Zone 9. 21:10 - Lilac Orchard 10. 24:09 - Blinderus Bugail 11. 24:42 - Hero's Run 12. 26:35 - Mushroom Berry Zone Composed and Arranged by Tom Davies Mixed and Mastered by Liam Rhodes & Tom Davies © Copyright Tom Davies. All rights reserved. Album Artwork: Concept by Tom Davies Figure Illustration and production by Connor James: Original Background Artwork by Raymond Frans:

h44U79b8r3E | 12 Oct 2020
Can I successfully identify England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man every time without moving? The record was 26, held by Simerodge (chat assisted) Full version (without sped up Walkden round) - Browse the records page here: Subscribe to the channel:

M5T85o2KmmA | 09 Oct 2020
Geoguessr have finally created their own official "Country Streaks" function with a no moving function. Here I am trying it out just for you. Play it yourself here: Subscribe to the channel:

g645pSGG2yk | 05 Oct 2020
How many cities, towns or villages can your average map loving Brit name? and how many of those can he actually pronounce? Tune in to see the results. Have a go yourself: Subscribe:

WVA9cSNw2ko | 01 Oct 2020
My latest attempt at cracking 20. A friendly seed here today but with a couple of saucy guesses thrown in. Subscribe to the channel:

agJe3iUZ8E4 | 25 Sep 2020
It took me a while but I finally did it. My old record of 10 mins 27 is beaten. The only down side is that I didn't break 10 minutes, which let's face it I could have easily done had I been a bit sharper. On the plus side, the 10 minute barrier is still up for grabs. Subscribe to the channel:

WD9ARP45p_M | 19 Sep 2020
Had a lot of requests for this since the first geodetective video, so here's another one except with a 2 minute timer on each round. PLAY ALONG: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch over to the YouTube tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Good luck! Subscribe to the channel:

ID34xYQgqBc | 15 Sep 2020
One for the UK Geoguessr heads.. First attempt was live on Twitch, the second attempt was the following morning. Watch me set the record back in 2019: Subscribe to the channel for more speedy record attempts:

k_uGp9lOLQw | 12 Sep 2020
5 countries in a row, 10 seconds on the clock, no moving, scrolling or zooming, on the diverse world map. If you're wondering about the strange camera angles, I used this video for a behind the scenes video which will be released simultaneously for the $1 tier on my patreon page. The full version includes an introduction to my workstation, thought processes and preparation techniques, the editing process and a few more guesses. Sign up for a dollar and not only can you watch that, but so much more including bonus footage for all my missions and the no roads lockdown mission, filmed back in April:

V6rWoMiKsAw | 10 Sep 2020
Time for a good ole play along.. TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

egmDidOmRiQ | 05 Sep 2020
The quest for 20 continues with this incredible game. Don't miss the insane guess half way through.. Subscribe for more of this:

WqKqqN54fHo | 13 Aug 2020
Been looking forward to this one. Thanks to Geography Challenges for making this sick map. The clues are there, but how will I fare? PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK: Subscribe:

WEqf7L2KL4g | 10 Aug 2020
A first for the channel, but a surefire success.. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! THE LINK: Subscribe:

Tt1gNWlu0qg | 07 Aug 2020
As promised, the line analysis and pack list video for the Misson Across Wales Attempt 2. For all the unused / bonus footage, sign up to Patreon: Rewatch the series here: Subscribe for more adventures:

7YWDCFYgWOs | 05 Aug 2020
Hola mis amigos argentinos. Here is my attempt at a perfect score in your beautiful country. Hope you enjoy! Watch the newly Spanish subtitled mission across Wales here:

gOtfoMLDHpc | 30 Jul 2020
This is my attempt at naming as many European cities as I could muster in an hour with no revision. Turns out they accept towns and some villages too. Have a go yourself: Subscribe to the channel:

dv1X37r_NkY | 26 Jul 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & check out Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel: ________________________________________________________________________________________ *watch with subtitles and on 1440p* Join me and Welsh Greg 13 miles into the hills of mid Wales as we attempt to be the first people to cross Wales in a completely straight line. Having successfully reached the stash point, we now aimed to cross the half way point and position ourselves high up into the forests of the Cambrian mountains. In this action packed episode we attempt to sneak through a whole village, navigate our way up and down steep ravines, through farms and rivers. Our food supplies would become a serious issue, but little did we know a much more serious threat was looming over us...

JeTCf6ZnSOI | 24 Jul 2020
Simply had to upload this. After a few poor attempts and with 5 minutes left of playing until the end of the stream, this game happened. There were some favourable rounds, but boy did I capitalise. Don't miss the action:

ePB0jcyDuUs | 21 Jul 2020
Here I am in the beautiful country of Switzerland, aiming to get every last one of those 25,000 points, and in a respectable time. A lot of dead ends in the streetview imagery of arrows on the road threatened to slow me down, but would that be enough to finish me off this time?

TaB9vVRwTXM | 15 Jul 2020
The quest to successfully identify as many countries in a row without moving on the "Diverse World" map continues with this effort! Don't miss the rest of this series and subscribe to the channel:

slN6wXB3Z6c | 12 Jul 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & check out Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel: ________________________________________________________________________________________ *watch with subtitles and on 1440p* Join me and Welsh Greg 6 miles into the hills of mid Wales as we attempt to be the first people to cross Wales in a completely straight line. Today was all about reaching the stash point. If we didn't, we were screwed. But with 8.5 miles of farmland in our way, it was by no means guaranteed. Today would turn out to be a day of human interaction, but how costly would those encounters be?

Jk84QaNEOFw | 05 Jul 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon & check out Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel: ________________________________________________________________________________________ It's back. It isn't what I had planned, but it's back. The incredible feat of crossing Wales, or even a country, in a straight line is one that as far as I'm aware is yet to be accomplished, and here I am having another stab at it. Join me and Welsh Greg as we attempt to successfully conquer this brand new route, and all of it's inevitable obstacles; hedgerows, barbed wire, forests, and steep mountains, and due to some much more favourable weather and the small matter of a global pandemic, a distinct increase in human presence...

iUjluOOvqf0 | 26 Jun 2020
It's back. The quest to successfully identify as many countries in a row without moving on the "Diverse World" map. My record is 15, the new goal is 20. Don't miss the rest of this series and subscribe to the channel:

SYXg-tzs2VI | 17 Jun 2020
It's here again. Enjoy this feast of juicy guesses and don't forget to like, subscribe and explore my twitch and patreon pages.. Patreon: Twitch: Subscribe:

itGph3begOY | 16 Jun 2020
Here we go again, aiming to beat 17,434 this time. Not quite as much guesswork magic this week, but have I beaten that score? Play along if you dare: GAME 1: GAME 2: Switch tabs before the time runs out (If that's possible) and proceed to watch my attempt, for the best experience..

ep8WGVBNq7M | 12 Jun 2020
My attempt at beating the decently average score I managed on my most recent stream on this heart attack inducing format. Play along if you dare: Switch tabs before the time runs out and proceed to watch my attempt, for the best experience.

67SQuXM5J0o | 05 Jun 2020
So I finally tried out the map "A complete world" and whilst some of the rounds weren't too out of the ordinary, the last one was. Play along with this map: TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Subscribe to the channel:

gFTHXIuaWjI | 03 Jun 2020
Long time coming. For all my Canadian fans, you can finally watch me going for the 25,000 in the wonderful forests, plains and mountains of Canada. Let's see if all that Diverse world practice has paid off... Subscribe for more perfect score attempts:

DW4XR0rT304 | 01 Jun 2020
Edit by Adam K Don't miss tonight's stream at 8PM BST tonight on Twitch:

tuGOZme6Xjg | 27 May 2020
More Geoguessr goodness to fill your week. Will I achieve my goal of a perfect score on this map this week? There's only one way to find out. Play along with me: TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video!

IeYeorePf-A | 25 May 2020
Last night's stream threw up a few surprises, but the cream of the crop were the two insane guesses that I achieved in this game of urban world 30 seconds per round. Be sure to catch my next stream here:

rHmy3rNndAc | 24 May 2020
On Thursday night I live streamed a few practice runs of my on going quest to get a sub 20 minute perfect score on a Diverse world. The stream's success was a mixed bag, but I did achieve a 22:49 perfect score. Watch me practice live this week:

cBxPAdVBzSE | 21 May 2020
**Notice: Music at 10:28 removed for copyright reasons** #5 in the Barcelona to Berlin throwback series from the summer of 2016. A quiet beer in a sleepy Swiss town takes an unexpected turn which ultimately leads to a choir chanting my name and a canyoning expedition in one of Europe's most breathtaking gorges. Drink sensibly kids. Support me on Patreon and watch these videos early: Catch up on the full Barcelona to Berlin playlist: Subscribe to the channel:

MSm-UJKNpRg | 20 May 2020
In a bid to up my general game I've taken on the challenge of getting a sub 20 minute perfect score on a Diverse world. Here's my first offering. I did actually have a few more attempts before this, which were marred by a frustrating mixture of audio issues and slow games. I'll be streaming more efforts tomorrow night at 7pm on Twitch:

dpCjfksENiw | 12 May 2020
First video with the new set up. An attempt at a perfect score in Denmark with no external help. An abundance of signs and a small number of towns and cities to chose from, Denmark promised to be doable, but would I be undone by the long straight roads and the 15m leeway? Apologies for the clicking noise that has somehow made it's way onto this vid. I will get that sorted for next time.

JUPJSZPPOI0 | 08 May 2020
#4 in the Barcelona to Berlin 2016 throwback series. We're up in the far northern reaches of Italy now, and the aim is to cross over into Switzerland and reach the village of Andeer by nightfall, using a mixture of hiking and hitchhiking. BUT, to make things slightly trickier, today was the day I'd chosen to live off the land. But the day ended up being so much more than about the crippling hunger. There were petrifying paths, three of the fastest hitchhikes I've ever gotten including a near death experience (but surprisingly not with the drunken old man who drove me down a huge mountain) a stint where I thought I was Bear Grylls, and a pretty scary night's sleep to cap it off. I even almost killed a rare alpine mammal with a rock... but did I successfully complete the challenge? Support me on Patreon and watch these videos early: Catch up on the rest of the Barcelona to Berlin throwback series: And don't forget to hit like and subscribe

fs98qK3Lnpk | 06 May 2020
More Geoguessr goodness for you this week with a return to this map. Rectifying last week's poor show is the least I can do. A perfect score without moving is still very much my focus. Play along with this game: TO PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Enjoy!

ZzhDgEFw5-0 | 03 May 2020
With the enemy starting in Scotland, I aimed to build up an army that could wipe them out down in the south of England. This time I gave them docks, but they were of no use other than for fishing (next time they will be) Just as they did back in the day, the Scots went defensive, never venturing south of Carlisle and inviting me to come and attack. The main battle did not disappoint. I thought I'd done enough. But had I? Don't miss the next battle, I usually stream games on Thursday night, with my regular Geoguessr streams being on Sunday night, both 7pm BST : Next time I've got something big planned involving both land and boats.

88FFBre9GFA | 29 Apr 2020
More fun on this new map, including a crazy guess in round 2 which put me 5 miles from the marker and all I really had to go on was the letter K. Perfect score still up for grabs, if not, last week's effort of 24,127. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map:

I9Wcm8LwnmM | 28 Apr 2020
#3 in a series of throwbacks from "Barcelona to Berlin, summer 2016" Having reached Nice, train hopped to Monaco and found little to do there of any consequence, I aimed for a service station I remembered seeing on the map, due north. I had little idea of how to get there or how tricky the climb would be, which made for an exciting little adventure. It ended in dramatic style with me having to climb a series of walls (which I annoyingly didn't get on camera) and popping out right at the service station where I indulged in a life-changingly refreshing bottle of water. To cap it off I was picked up by two lovely, adventurous young French ladies who took me into to Italy. That night we slept on the side of the road in our sleeping bags where I awoke to a lovely view of the Italian coast south of Genoa. Be sure to support me on Patreon so that you get to see these videos before anyone else! ..

3NRX3RuJeBs | 27 Apr 2020
This Sunday's stream featured two games of No moving scrolling or zooming, (an urban world) a few rounds of "rate my hometown", and just as we were about to move into the final phase of the stream, street view bingo, I received a baptism of fire in the crazy world of Twitch Raids. Highly successful Geoguessr streamer (AKA the king of France) Antoine Daniel sent over 8,000 of his loyal viewers over to my little tea party. I had no idea what was going on, or even what a raid was, but once I gathered my thoughts, we embarked on an all French edition of Streetview Bingo, and it did not disappoint. Insane guess in France: 28:00 8000 strong army of French Raiders: 1:10:38 hilarious double baguette find on street view bingo: 1:17:50 Be sure to check out the rest of the street view bingo game too.. It was a world beater! Don't miss out on the next batch of fun on Twitch:

tNWlOFXg3pE | 24 Apr 2020
The franks amassed a huge army in this custom made Britain showdown, but didn't have the brains to hack their way out of Bedfordshire and up to Scotland, where I was slowly but surely amassing an army of my own. My plan to send an army of woodcutters down to Plymouth failed miserably, but eventually our two armies clashed in the pennies in dramatic fashion, the Franks' army stretching from Watford to Hadrians wall at one point, but ultimately who would come out on top? Follow me on Twitch here:

D4fiQwrF5vw | 22 Apr 2020
Brand new map which I think we'll be seeing a lot more of. No moving around suits it perfectly. Perfect score definitely possible. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Sign up to Patreon nice and early for the big release this weekend and catch up on a load of exclusive posts and vids: ---------------------------------------- Fiddles McGinty by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

MuQm1jd3EcM | 20 Apr 2020
The first half of this Sunday's Twitch stream with a couple of corking guesses on No moving, scrolling or zooming (an urban world), but not before I attempted the impossible.. 09:30 - Mission across my apartment 30:44 - Two insane guesses (IN A ROW)

HtwGPol5T0g | 18 Apr 2020
#2 in the Barcelona to Berlin series: One of my favorite hitch-hiking experiences ever with two of the most interesting guys I've met. Vasya and Mikhail taught me many things but the main thing I took away from them was to always live life to the fullest. Filmed in August 2016

FTcYSsoAw28 | 15 Apr 2020
It's back with a vengeance. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

zBxt7zqzNvI | 13 Apr 2020
A bit less chaotic this time but equally as fun. 00:00 - Intro, Q&A 35:43 - pondering over future straight line missions 39:11 - street view bingo (a nun, a busy nurse, 5 camera wielding Asian tourists) 1:12:40 - rate my hometown (quickfire) catch me next time: support me on patreon:

PS5ihtXzEVU | 11 Apr 2020
From my first ever European adventure with the outrageous character that is Tom Dickson. Having already hitched a ride on an ambulance that morning, we managed to wangle a ride in a car strapped to a lorry, only to discover a "Right said Fred" CD in the stereo. Later that afternoon we stumbled across the most Austrian party in existence, where we feasted on meat and bowep salad, and drank several beers before hunkering down on two sun loungers at a nearby campsite's swimming pool. What a day. Apologies for the poor quality and immature behaviour. Sign up to my Patreon to see these vids first: Subscribe to the channel:

6lmLjUvbah0 | 08 Apr 2020
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. Last week we explored Pearl's hometown of Nokia, Finland. A place we've all heard of but didn't know existed. Get your name down for next month and it could be your hometown we're exploring. Subscribe to the channel:

vc02_Rf0P78 | 07 Apr 2020
#1 in a series of amusing clips that I'll be uploading over the coming weeks in an attempt to keep your all entertained in this difficult time. This particular moment mishap has to be up there with one of the most embarrassing of all time for me, made worse by the two hot Spanish chicks that were sitting over on the bench 20 yards away and the two cyclists that hollered at me as I lay defeated in the bush, which I wanted to swallow me up at the time. Support me on Patreon to see these clips first: Subscribe to the channel:

f3k3P4ktHX4 | 06 Apr 2020
For all my Italian brothers and sisters. Subscribe for more Geoguessr perfect score attempts, and so much more:

whJoyggfVus | 06 Apr 2020
My first ever stream on twitch. It was a bit chaotic as I had no idea what I was doing, but it was good fun, and I shall return having learned a few key lessons, such as "always ignore the chat" ..Thanks to everyone who tuned in. Follow me on Twitch: Support me on Patreon:

Z2_UTI1RRw8 | 03 Apr 2020
New series which sees me frantically try to search for 10 specific things on Google Street View in a certain time frame. This week we're doing sport, because it's the closest thing we're going to get to actual sport. What a great list this is. Look out for some crazy finds here today. Subscribe if you haven't already, it's going to be a long few months: Twitch page:

UG19EiuuZKg | 31 Mar 2020
The least I can do to keep my Italian brothers and sisters entertained. Subscribe for more Geoguessr perfect score attempts, and so much more:

EAoVoLtzovk | 27 Mar 2020
Same again this week folks, a solid game of Diverse World with a 3 minute timer per round Geoguessr. Try and beat the wizard over the course of 5 rounds by following the link below, and for the ultimate experience, switch tabs just before your timer runs out to see how the wizard did. This way you don't ruin the element of wonder surprise from the video. This weeks link: Subscribe to the channel for more play along games:

roE1PwsQepY | 24 Mar 2020
Brand new series which sees me frantically try to search for 10 specific things on Google Street View. Thinking outside the box is key here, and that's why I like it. This weeks 10 things were chosen by Cappew22, who has challenged me to find the following oddities: - A volcano (active/inactive) - A crashed car (clearly broken, in some way) - A swimming pool (indoor/outdoor) - The StreetView car the photo was taken from - A photosphere taken under water - A convertible (top down) - A pink vehicle (car, boat, bike, plane. anything really) - Someone skiing (on skis is enough) - Santa (picture enough) - A windmill (any) Subscribe for more Streetview, Geoguessr and adventuring fun:

edPiYaSZvx0 | 20 Mar 2020
This week I'm playing a solid game of Diverse World with a 3 minute timer per round Geoguessr, and you can join in on the fun too. Try and beat the wizard over the course of 5 rounds bu following the link below, and for the ultimate experience, switch tabs just before your timer runs out to see how the wizard did. This way you don't ruin the element of wonder surprise from the video. This weeks link: Subscribe to the channel for more play along games:

3B72lu2WdEo | 17 Mar 2020
Brand new series which sees me frantically try to search for 10 specific things on Google Street View. Thinking outside the box is key here, and that's why I like it. This weeks 10 things were chosen by Kris Giles, who suggested the idea to me via email, but I want you to come up with 10 more for next time. You can of course have a crack at this yourself and let me know how you got on in the comments below. Subscribe if you haven't already, it's going to be a long few months:

o90RWCc40lk | 11 Mar 2020
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propell his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

NIlW-PtprG0 | 12 Feb 2020
I like this one because you can combine your knowledge of capital cities with your judgement of certain distances. Here's the full playlist: Here's where you subscribe to me:

6lUrIfCPjac | 08 Feb 2020
We all know I can play Geoguessr, but what happens when I'm dumped in a random UK location and left to figure out where I am? The final three rounds were eventful. Confronted twice for very different reasons, and finding myself going off piste and getting very muddy, I even met a gobby girl who was even more lost than me. But did I get the perfect score? Watch to the end to find out. Help fund more adventures:

97bVbUDy9rw | 05 Feb 2020
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

PY0kyEjVcfI | 31 Jan 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring the main themes from "How NOT to Travel Europe" here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch with subtitles for full effect.. The trip was hanging on a knife edge, but if we could make it to Austria, the final two days would be all about cycling through the countryside and completing our Challenges. The surreal, heart warming string of events that followed and the people that came with them will, I'll never forget. Michael's Bakery: Support me on Patreon to catch the early releases, behind the scenes footage and much more: Subscribe to the channel:

79Gl1PLpC5Y | 23 Jan 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring the main themes from "How NOT to Travel Europe" here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch with subtitles for full experience Today was about making some serious ground. We had 700 miles to go, and all 6 challenges to complete. Our aim was to get to Ljubljana as soon as possible via a monstrous hitchhiking sesh, and then onward into the Slovenian countryside and beyond, where we could return to our happy go lucky style of adventure and complete some challenges. Tune in to see how well that went. Support me on Patreon to catch the early releases, behind the scenes footage and much more: Subscribe to the channel: Music at 1:32 - Love Beam by Agrume -

uqe5CjHRmMY | 16 Jan 2020
We all know I can play Geoguessr, but what happens when I'm dumped in a random UK location and left to figure out where I am? After hand picking 5 locations, Nurse Verity drove me to each one, while I sat in the car blindfolded and somewhat nauseous. She then buggered off, leaving me to figure out where I was, before making my selection on a custom made game of Geoguessr. With a fastest time of 10 minutes and 7 seconds for a perfect score on the UK Version of Geoguessr, surely I could hold my own?

m2M2HCe6XgQ | 09 Jan 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring the main themes from "How NOT to Travel Europe" here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please use subtitles for full effect.. Today we planned to kayak the entire length of Lake Maggiore under a 36°C sun, sleep somewhere on it's southern shores, before continuing on the next day towards the A4 motorway, where we would desperately need a lift east to make up some valuable time, time that we would need later on for the challenges. Support me on Patreon to catch the early releases, behind the scenes footage and much more: Subscribe to the channel: Music at 33:49: coffin nails cover by Cody Wright

7JSBNJT-tu4 | 02 Jan 2020
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring the main themes from "How NOT to Travel Europe" here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Today was a race to get to the Kayaks which were patiently waiting for us over in Northern Italy, but first we had to get up and over the mountains. We would have to use cars to get up, but we'd be mad not not to descend in style, wouldn't we? Support me on Patreon to catch the early releases, behind the scenes footage and much more: Subscribe to the channel: Music at 26 minutes: coffin nails cover by Cody Wright

fNE2y1gOVvE | 26 Dec 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring the main themes from "How NOT to Travel Europe" here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Join me and Welsh Greg as we bumble our way across central Europe with no tent, no plan and our own unique take on what it means to be on an adventure. Support me on Patreon to catch the early releases, behind the scenes footage and much more: Subscribe to the channel: Special mentions to Featuring music by Agrume:

MECjofRZi_Y | 18 Dec 2019
I simply couldn't resist. Subscribe to the channel: Watch more Sporcle from me:

i820CmynPfY | 11 Dec 2019
This one's a corker. Play this map: Subscribe to the channel: Support me on Patreon:

UJXBCk_PlrI | 04 Dec 2019
Geoguessr - Hometown Roulette #18 Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

TFdcptnSdn0 | 28 Nov 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ In February 2019, 3 weeks before the Mission Across Wales, I took to the childhood den making arena of Sutton Park to test the notion that it was possible to travel a significant distance in a straight line. Along the way there would be friendly dogs, golf courses, a railway track and lots of holly and gorse, all plotting against me to veer from the line on my brand new GPS System. This is an exclusive early release video available for Patreon users only for the first 7 days.

6r4LxJQ0FDs | 27 Nov 2019
Just how in the zone does one have to be to get anywhere near that 10 minute record? Can you realistically have a stab when you're rusty as fuck? Watch to find out how I fare having not played in over 3 months. Subscribe:

xmJLhpvk8Uc | 20 Nov 2019
One of the hardest ways to play Geoguessr, but with potential for some ridiculous guesses. This week saw some Bizarre rounds and the guesses to match. See if you can beat me: Don't forget to hit that like button and Subscribe if you haven't already.

BNq-S6heoQI | 13 Nov 2019
Finally I have a crack at the limited street views of Deutschland. Sorry it's been so long my lovely Germans. Thanks for your support. Enjoy. Subscribe to the channel: Support me on Patreon and you might well see me mission across Germany one day:

QrqOX_2yG74 | 06 Nov 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propell his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel: Play the map:

huPA_H2Wlgs | 30 Oct 2019
Play along: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch over to the YouTube tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Check out GORK's new single, out now on Breakfast records: Come to the Halloween gig tomorrow night at the Victoria, Birmingham:

edyfrpMAeOE | 23 Oct 2019
Can I beat the solitary score of 23,460 set back in May? Play along by following the link below, and for the ultimate experience you can even switch tabs just before your timer runs out to see how the wizard did. This way you don't ruin the element of wonder surprise from the video. This weeks link: Subscribe to the channel for more play along games:

WDbp98ZXFys | 18 Oct 2019
Can you name these international cities by looking at one of their early or medieval maps? Here's the map just in case you wanted to play it yourself before watching the vid: Subscribe to the channel for more Sporcle, Geoguessr and Adventure vids..

4E9mG1LJyTY | 16 Oct 2019
Can you name the countries depicted in these early maps? Here's the quiz in case you wanted to play it first Subscribe for more Sporcle, Geoguessr, and adventure videos; Subscribe to the channel:

fEc4erHGtp8 | 09 Oct 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel: Support me on Patreon:

-6aOlSz259o | 08 Oct 2019
Get your Seeker 2 here: Or get up to 40% off the Baton Pro: DISCOUNT CODE: GEOTEN

X10Ty1uEmEs | 02 Oct 2019
I think I'm finally getting the hang of this cheating malarkey. Partial credit goes to Dr Herbert Kleber. Official time: 19:26 Support me on Patreon: Subscribe to the channel for more naughty Geoguessr perfect scores: Don't forget to hit that like button, even if you disapprove of the naughty cheating.

YOvNVwGW_GY | 26 Sep 2019
00:26 What is your day job if you have one, what would you be doing if not for YouTube, and what did you expect to do while you were in school? 01:25 What inspired you or how did you come up with the idea of the mission across wales? 03:17 What did your girlfriend and parents say when you told them about the mission across wales? 04:13 Why choose to do the mission in winter? I mean it's Wales... IN WINTER!!! 05:13 Had you done any survival training or research before heading out on your trip? The fact you didn't bring a first aid kit or gloves, did make me wonder this. 06:55 Other than having a pub at the end, what were your priorities when selecting a line? What did you primarily want to avoid? 07:53 On a scale of 1 to 10, how scared were you in the case of bumping into an angry farmer? 10:04 Did the possibility of death ever scare you at all? or did you feel safe for your entire journey across Wales? 11:23 What was your plan for actions if you get caught while trespassing? How would you deal with police, arrest etc.? How would you handle aggression of the owner? Would you rather fight back or run If peaceful outcome is impossible? What was your plan for encounters with guarding dogs and wild animals? At which point would you hurt them? What weapons did you carry for self defence? Did you have pepper spray with you? 12:42 Did you expect to encounter more people on your trip? Was you disappointed you didn't see more people or have more interactions? 13:52 What was the first moment you had the actual thought, what the fuck am i doing? 14:26 Why on earth did you not take gloves (twice) 15:39 At what point did your "I don't give a fuck" Kick in? 16:00 Which were the best parts of the mission that weren't captured on film? 17:35 Did you get lonely on your wales adventure? 18:18 How many shits did you take on your mission across wales? 18:59 Has the farmer you met at the start got in contact with you? 20:02 How did your dad react when he found out you lied about bringing a life jacket? 20:50 What was in the mysterious safe? Did you go back to find out? 21:36 Would you ever plan on doing a straight line in America? possibly across a state?? 22:09 What the hell are hard gums?? 22:24 I’m curious about the spot in the mountains where you decided to abort your mission. What was your reasoning at the time? Do you regret your decision? Do you feel like if you were well rested and in perfect weather conditions you would have pressed on? Or was the drop simply too steep.. 24:17 Do you feel like you accomplished what you set out to do: Cross wales in a straight line? 25:06 Do you think achieving a "perfect" straight line mission (let's say deviation of less than 2 metres from the line) through any reasonably sized country is possible? Up to which deviation from the route (in metres) would you have still considered the mission across Wales to be successful if you had completed it in one go? 27:34 Is this what you mostly will be doing now for your channel? 28:07 If you are planning to do more straight line missions, in what countries would you do it? 28:48 Did you ever expect the Wales mission to blow up as much as it did? 29:46 do you think that your accent is the key to your success? 30:13 When were you closest to death throughout all your adventures? 31:11 What is your most fun or crazy adventure from your childhood with Greg? 33:59 What are your opinions on freight train hopping? Are those cool adventures? or are they stupendously dangerous, or both? Would you even do it yourself? 34:44 Do you like to explore lost places? 34:51 Are we ever going to see straight line challenges through a city? 35:00 If you had to pick, which is your favorite country and why is it not Germany? 35:13 Pineapple in pizza: yay or nay?? 35:55 What was the single best and worst part of The Mission Across Wales? 37:45 Can you give me a solid advice? In general. About life.

cjKEa0dAvtA | 25 Sep 2019
A truly panic enducing way to play Geoguessr. Potential for both disaster and insane guess heaven. PLAY ALONG: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch over to the YouTube tab tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Subscribe to the channel:

HbvunXa-3kk | 18 Sep 2019
I made a map that spanned the entire length of my mission across wales, with 100m leeway either side of the line. Can i correctly identify where i'm standing on any one of these 36 locations? or has my brain blocked out the memories.. Support me with Patreon and gain access to bonus footage, behind the scenes and early access to big releases: Subscribe to the channel: Watch the Mission Across Wales series all over again:

EuA_shz6B04 | 11 Sep 2019
Geoguessr - An Urban World - No moving around #16 - What an ending! The quest for a perfect score without moving an inch continues. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

liF1IrJX20s | 04 Sep 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propell his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

H_GAOmRrGJM | 30 Aug 2019
We're back with a true classic. No moving around in an urban world. The quest for a perfect score still very much alive but surely not on the day of my return? PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

lIjLphXrnu0 | 23 Aug 2019
We're back right on cue with a Geoguessr classic. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! The link: Subscribe:

F9wX4ckqOjM | 21 Aug 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country? No? Well i did. I thought about it a lot in fact, and in the winter of 2018/19 I decided i'd give it a go. The country i chose to traverse was Wales. 33 miles of mountains, farmland, lakes, rivers, and forests, and just the right amount of human activity and natural hazards to ensure regular doses of paranoia and pain. If i were to succeed, i would surely be the first recorded person to carry out such a feat, acquiring the accolade of having walked the shortest distance across Wales in the process. Would i make it all the way to the Mawddach estuary at Penmaenpool? and would i actually be able to stay glued to the line at all times? or would i have to sacrifice a few metres in order to avoid being seriously injured, or worse, confronted by an angry welsh farmer? You're watching the final Episode. Will i make it through the gnarly section of mountains that i was blindly stumbling deeper and deeper into?

qCyIpdV8quw | 16 Aug 2019
A beautifully nerdy blend of geography and history. Subscribe to the channel for more awesome Sporcle, Geoguessr and Adventure vids.. Subscribe to the channel:

fcvfNexzrI4 | 14 Aug 2019
What better way to reward Wales for it's services to adventure than to conquer it on Geoguessr. No external help was used in this rather tricky game. Despite it's relatively small size you can feel quite isolated at times in this beautiful rugged country. I should have known that. Subscribe:

QGkcTufp56A | 12 Aug 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country? No? Well i did. I thought about it a lot in fact, and in the winter of 2018/19 I decided i'd give it a go. The country i chose to traverse was Wales. 33 miles of mountains, farmland, lakes, rivers, and forests, and just the right amount of human activity and natural hazards to ensure regular doses of paranoia and pain. You join me here on day 4, where I attempt to conquer the mountains in one fell swoop. That's 12 miles of constant climbing and descending without using a single path. This could be dangerous, especially when you're rushing.. Hit the like button and subscribe for first dibs on the next episode. Check out Joey's music platforms:

WHuwHuCXOXI | 09 Aug 2019
Love these kinds of maps, so doing this quiz got me all excited. Subscribe to the channel for more awesome Sporcle, Geoguessr and Adventure vids.. Play this quiz: Subscribe to the channel:

Pj4fOMQ-tBg | 07 Aug 2019
Geoguessr - Hometown Roulette #14 Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

zT52TKJdQ40 | 05 Aug 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country? No? Well i did. I thought about it a lot in fact, and in the winter of 2018/19 I decided i'd give it a go. The country i chose to traverse was Wales. 33 miles of mountains, farmland, lakes, rivers, and forests, and just the right amount of human activity and natural hazards to ensure regular doses of paranoia and pain. This week sees me leave the fields and venture into epic forests and mountains and attempt to cross Lake Vyrnwy in my cheapo inflatable Kayak without a life jacket. Hit the like button and subscribe for first dibs on the next episode.

oI1aU9i04OM | 02 Aug 2019
I feel like I'm getting there. Still haven't mastered this, but I'm getting there. Subscribe to the channel for more cheatin' Don't forget to hit that like button

BJFZHUGDfrg | 31 Jul 2019
With the Challenger (Geography Challenges) dropped his game slightly and achieving a measly 11 (still 1 higher than my record) now's the time to get my act together, but a heavy night on the town surely took it's toll on my cognitive skills? Spoiler alert: There's an insane guess in here, and it might be my favorite one ever. Hit the like button Comment with your beautiful reactions Subscribe:

EuRgrhJemQM | 29 Jul 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country? No? Well i did. I thought about it a lot in fact, and in the winter of 2018/19 I decided i'd give it a go. The country i chose to traverse was Wales. 33 miles of mountains, farmland, lakes, rivers, and forests, and just the right amount of human activity and natural hazards to ensure regular doses of paranoia and pain. If i were to succeed, i would surely be the first recorded person to carry out such a feat, acquiring the accolade of having walked the shortest distance across Wales in the process. Would i make it all the way to the Mawddach estuary at Penmaenpool? and would i actually be able to stay glued to the line at all times? or would i have to sacrifice a few metres in order to avoid being seriously injured, or worse, confronted by an angry welsh farmer? You join me here 3.5 miles in and the bulk of the farmland to get through, the aim being to get through it all unscathed and find a good place to camp the night. Hit the like button and subscribe for first dibs on the next episode.

lhJi2efEu1U | 26 Jul 2019
A nice, relaxed game in our favorite format, as requested. The perfect score still up for grabs and a whopping high score to aim for. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

8zZd9w6KFsc | 22 Jul 2019
Things are hotting up in The Race to 15 this week as the challenger nonchalantly whacks out two 13's back to back. If I'm to stand a chance against my fellow Englishman, i need to buck my ideas up and start hitting the big figures and also hope that he doesn't do it this week. Man i picked the worst time to engage in this. Current Rules: - No moving (scrolling and zooming allowed) - Streak ends when you guess a wrong country - No Palestine - Guam + Puerto Rico is USA - Hong Kong and Macau are China Hit the like button Comment with your beautiful reactions Subscribe:

M7w986ni7_g | 22 Jul 2019
**UPDATE** You can now listen to the newly released "16-Bit Adventure" featuring all the music from the Mission Across Wales here: Spotify: YouTube: Or purchase it on Bandcamp for £4 here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out the Bonus Footage here for $1: Subscribe to the channel here: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country? No? Well i did. I thought about it a lot in fact, and in the winter of 2018/19 I decided i'd give it a go. The country i chose to traverse was Wales. 33 miles of mountains, farmland, lakes, rivers, and forests, and just the right amount of human activity and natural hazards to ensure regular doses of paranoia and pain. If i were to succeed, i would surely be the first recorded person to carry out such a feat, acquiring the accolade of having walked the shortest distance across Wales in the process. Would i make it all the way to the Mawddach estuary at Penmaenpool? and would i actually be able to stay glued to the line at all times? or would i have to sacrifice a few metres in order to avoid being seriously injured, or worse, confronted by an angry welsh farmer? Hit the like button and subscribe for first dibs on the next episode.

06vYpLx2Sl4 | 19 Jul 2019
Last week i did something naughty and cheated on Geoguessr. It's fair to say it didn't go as well as i thought it would, so i tried again, this time doing my best to remember to make full use of google translate, google street view and phone numbers. It went a bit better, but you'll have to find out just how much better it went this time. The time was 26:25 Subscribe to the channel for more.. Watch my first attempt.. ..and don't forget to hit the like button.

py5G0V4-lxY | 15 Jul 2019
Kind of like 10 country challenge but taken up a notch and with the added pressure of trying to pip my opponent, Geography Challenges (AKA The Challenger) It promises to be a tight affair and there's sure to be lots of drama and insane and crazy guesses along the way. Who will get pipped to the post in this titanic task? Current Rules: - No moving (scrolling and zooming allowed) - Streak ends when you guess a wrong country - No Palestine - Guam + Puerto Rico is USA - Hong Kong and Macau are China Sorry for forgetting to add in the pings. They will be back Hit the like button Comment with your beautiful reactions Subscribe:

wIV37ISzbYE | 12 Jul 2019
Cheating to get yourself a perfect score on Geoguessr, Something every Geoguessr player has thought about doing from the start but probably never done. This was my absolute first time using external help. What a thrilling mess it turned out to be. Subscribe to the channel for more stuff like this ^^ Don't forget to hit that like button, even if you disapprove of the naughty cheating.

oHkYnq7DuU8 | 08 Jul 2019
Howdy. This week I was desperate to wrong the rights from last week's episode. Will I beat the record of 12? could I do even worse than 10?? Watch to find out. Hit the like button for me too guys. Cheers. Subscribe to the channel:

azm6RY3otII | 05 Jul 2019
The fun just hasn't stopped recently. This is another belter from the format that keeps on giving. PLAY ALONG: Play your round, put your marker down, then switch tabs back to Youtube to watch my attempt and the result. This way you don't ruin the game or the video! Play this map: Subscribe to the channel: And don't forget to hit that like button and comment with how you did!

6sHzA2_1N4Q | 03 Jul 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propel his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

LqTl9k1_Rmw | 01 Jul 2019
The 4th instalment of 10 State Challenge. the series in which a British goofball (that's me) attempts to correctly identify as many US states as possible in 10 goes, without moving an inch. This week was a roller coaster of emotions, mostly negative, looking back. Hit that like button to show your condolences. Subscribe to the channel:

8j68MF4ro40 | 28 Jun 2019
Taking a GeoguessrWizard classic and putting it to the ultimate test - "A Diverse World" One of the hardest ways to play Geoguessr, but potential for some ridiculous guesses. PLAY ALONG WITH THIS LINK: Don't for get to hit that like button and Subscribe if you haven't already.

RnUyQoAlqI0 | 26 Jun 2019
This 3 part series will take you through the regular license plates of each and every state from Alabama to Wyoming, giving you a real edge when it comes to speed in the game, and increasing your chances of getting an insane guess on the more static formats. Today we go from North Carolina through to Wyoming taking in some bold and beautiful plates, before checking out the 18 states that don't have front plates. Subscribe to the channel for more hot tips:

gC-SpqyydHI | 24 Jun 2019
BEFORE YOU READ ON, PLEASE hit the like button and leave a comment. The higher the ratio of likes and comments the more exposure my channel gets! Thanks mates! Right then. It's that time again. The guesses just build up and I release them to you in a 15 minute stream of pleasure. Here are the best picks from the last 6 months. Enjoy folks. Want to see more compilations? Watch funny moments compilation: Watch Worst guesses compilation: Watch Insane guesses compilation 1, 2 + 3: Subscribe to the channel.

FcXIaz8C52A | 21 Jun 2019
It's been a while, but definitely worth the wait. You don't want to miss this one. PLAY ALONG: Switch tabs back to this video after making your guess but before seeing the result. This way you still get the best of both worlds. Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

pUZxt48F9Cc | 19 Jun 2019
This 3 part series will painstakingly take you through the important license plates from each and every state from Alabama to Wyoming, giving you a real edge on those USA maps in terms of speed, and increasing your chances of getting an insane guess on the more static formats. Today we go from Indiana through to New York, with a real mixed bag of good and bad Geoguessing plates. Subscribe to the channel for hot tips and much more:

HNRYyzXZSMs | 17 Jun 2019
10 State Challenge continues with this epic game, complete with some insane guesses and a brand spanking new points system. Would you like to see me attempt to beat this score next week? Let me know in the comments. Subscribe to the channel:

yFfaVbp73Ow | 14 Jun 2019
Here it is. The video that marks the beginning of the fall of GeoguessrWizard as a respectable YouTuber. A compilation of some of my worst guesses of all time, and all the excuses that came with them. Sadly dozens, if not hundreds of unused, equally poor if not worse guesses were condemned to the recycling bin over the 5 years that I've played the game. From now on though I shall collect them for future compilations. There are also more shocking guesses that are waiting patiently to form Worst guess compilation #2 so you can expect that very soon. Make sure to hit that like button, even if these guesses boil the very blood in your veins And don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. Subscribe to the channel: Thank you

h2YTIe6cpWM | 12 Jun 2019
Geoguessr Hot Tips - US License Plates #1 - Alabama to Illinois This 3 part series will take you through the regular license plates of each and every state from Albama to Wyoming, giving you a real edge when it comes to speed in the game, and increasing your chances of getting an insane guess on the more static formats. Today we go from Alabama through to Illinois stopping off at some of the most well known states in the country. Subscribe to the channel for more hot tips:

g7ivJ8eazfs | 10 Jun 2019
Geoguessr - 10 Country Challenge #19 10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around. This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries Subscribe to the channel:

oy7c4drrCCU | 07 Jun 2019
Taking a GeoguessrWizard classic and putting it to the ultimate test - "A Diverse World" One of the hardest ways to play Geoguessr, but potential for some ridiculous guesses. PLAY ALONG WITH THIS LINK: Don't for get to hit that like button and Subscribe if you haven't already.

j0_z1rEKBi8 | 05 Jun 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propell his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

bM1Zp42Fv5g | 03 Jun 2019
Geoguessr - 10 state challenge #2 The brand new 10 state challenge continues with this effort. Can I beat last week's effort of 1/10? Watch episode #1 if you missed it: Subscribe to the channel:

AKjA28NWE4o | 31 May 2019
Geoguessr - 10 Country Challenge #18 10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving. This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries Subscribe to the channel:

IW2Yd07vAHc | 29 May 2019
Sporcle - Tough Choices Geography Quiz - Which has the higher value, A or B? Tricky little quiz this one, hope you enjoyed.

8jlebdZGEEQ | 27 May 2019
I hope you're happy now. You've asked for it in your thousands, so here it is. The 10 state challenge. How many US States can i correctly identify without moving?? Be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to watch me do this again, and much more.

uPpurc8-gJU | 24 May 2019
This weeks instalment of everyone's favorite Geoguessr series. PLAY ALONG: Switch tabs back to this video after making your guess but before seeing the result. This way you still get the best of both worlds. Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

9jChcKt3U_Y | 20 May 2019
Geoguessr - 10 Country Challenge #17 - More mad guesses 10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around.This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries. Subscribe to the channel:

oX1AfR6d5wk | 17 May 2019
**BRAND NEW SERIES** How many points can I achieve from standing completely still in the midst of the dark and dangerous urban world? No moving, scrolling around to either side or zooming in on any potential clues. Harsh, but it makes for some surprising results. PLAY ALONG WITH THIS LINK: JOIN THE FUN AND SUBSCRIBE:

QAUZS84YLFw | 15 May 2019
Here it is, the highly anticipated Funny moments vid. A combination of the bizarre, the hilarious, and the down right offensive. World city Wednesdays will have to wait a week. Beloved Fans: Please hit the like button, leave a comment and share. Help the wizard reach new heights and ensure that there are plenty more funny moments to come. Oh, and Subscribe if you ain't already:

nRAqrAghtGA | 13 May 2019
10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around. This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries. Subscribe to the channel:

pF9OA332DPk | 10 May 2019
Brand new series giving you the chance to beat the wizard over the course of 5 tidy three minute rounds in the wonderful " A Diverse World" map courtesy of our friend Mapper. Play along by following the link below, and for the ultimate experience you can even switch tabs just before your timer runs out to see how the wizard did. This way you don't ruin the element of wonder surprise from the video. This weeks link: Subscribe to the channel for more play along games:

0fY-rkPd9yk | 08 May 2019
Hometown Roulette is the only series on YouTube that gives the humble viewer the chance to propell his or her hometown into YouTube stardom. It's simple, comment with your hometown and name, and it could be you and your hometown that makes it onto next month's video. Be warned though, I won't go easy on you. Subscribe to the channel:

2EeWpaN7RbU | 06 May 2019
10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around. It makes for entertaining viewing. This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries Subscribe to the channel:

1vCp2lv6WVg | 03 May 2019
Another stab at getting a perfect score on Geoguessr (An urban world) without moving. It's going to take an immense amount of luck and a great deal of detective work and knowledge, but i think one day I'll get there. Hope you enjoy the ride. PLAY ALONG: Switch tabs back to this video after making your guess but before seeing the result. This way you still get the best of both worlds. Play this map: Subscribe to the channel:

g5VrvESvVkc | 29 Apr 2019
The craziest 90 minutes of Geoguessr I think I've ever played. Subscribe for more madness:

1XNJ-ciN2zg | 26 Apr 2019
Geoguessr - An Urban World - No moving around #9 - Record Score? This was an interesting game. You can play along here: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Switch tabs back to this video after making your guess but before seeing the result. This way you still get the best of both worlds SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE THRILLING GAMES.

2Z9R_OQag_4 | 24 Apr 2019
GeoguessrWizard runs riot in the big apple. Apologies for the swearing. Play the map and try and beat my score: Subscribe to the channel:

6odZfsFkWd4 | 22 Apr 2019
10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around. It makes for entertaining viewing. This format is played on the "A Diverse World" map for the ultimate spread of countries Subscribe to the channel:

LklGRTUME74 | 19 Apr 2019
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming (A Diverse World) #6 It is what it says on the tin. The only thing i can move in this is the cursor. Made so much more difficult by the plethora of countries that this map has to offer. Will i beat 19,626 this week? Play along: Subscribe:

FrpLVKVDwiA | 15 Apr 2019
10 country challenge sees me attempt to correctly identify as many countries in a row as possible without moving around. It makes for entertaining viewing. This was a long one but a gripper. Hope you all Enjoy. Subscribe to the channel:

yTpcxUuiyD8 | 12 Apr 2019
This video marks the official start of my quest to get a perfect score on Geoguessr (An urban world) without moving. It's going to take an immense amount of luck and a great deal of detective work and knowledge. PLAY ALONG: Switch tabs back to this video after making your guess but before seeing the result. This way you still get the best of both worlds Here's the link: Subscribe to the channel:

bRSdHaz57Qk | 08 Apr 2019
Determined to reach the dizzying heights of 10 countries in a row once again. Here's another solid effort. Feel free to play along by writing down your choice before i make my guess. Well done to anyone who exceeds my run.

x6OqQ9Lv0WE | 05 Apr 2019
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming (A Diverse World) Is this my best / luckiest guess of all time? Tell me what you think. Play along: Subscribe for more ridiculous guesses:

jplf_XVtu0w | 03 Apr 2019
London is the scene of this weeks World City Wednesdays, the series in which i explore various major cities and capital cities from around the globe. How quickly can i get a perfect score in this familiar city? Want to see your city? Subscribe.

e7dxrJYNvXY | 01 Apr 2019
The series in which I aim to successfully identify as many countries in a row without moving around. This one was a good one. Subscribe to the channel for more of this:

BZeec-TWxcU | 29 Mar 2019
You guys are gonna need to bring your A game for this one.. Subscribe for more awesome challenges..

-S7X2kX4oN8 | 27 Mar 2019
Melbourne mate. Best city in the world mate. PLAY ALONG CANTS: SUBSCRIBE:

Dp7VbRXNoQM | 25 Mar 2019
It's a stroke of genius. How many countries in a row can one successfully identify without moving? Subscribe to the channel:

E00Aajuo3DY | 22 Mar 2019
Perfect score only a matter of time. Play along and try and beat me: Subscribe to the channel:

lEMzZn__jmw | 20 Mar 2019
The mother city. Play along: (Remember - switch tabs and watch my rounds before the timer runs out for maximum enjoyment) Subscribe for more world city Wednesdays play-alongs:

FpldGhWppX4 | 15 Mar 2019
Here's the link folks, you know what to do. Subscribe for more: No videos next week, with the likely exception of Friday.

xLYLT68SbEs | 13 Mar 2019
I've finally done it. I've beaten my 3 year old record which stood at precisely 12 minutes. No external help was used in this game, just UK geographical knowledge and a nice helping of luck. Watch the original record here: Subscribe to the channel for more groundbreaking Geoguessr vids: Thanks for watching.

Lyi_71unVJA | 11 Mar 2019
Play along as I revive a rather popular map - "Famous places" Here's the link to the challenge: Fun way to play: Quickly switch tabs before you see the result and see how i get on first. Subscribe for more Geoguessr fun:

L9CWTrL09Ss | 08 Mar 2019
PLAY ALONG WITH THIS GAME: Fun way to play along: Make your guess but quickly switch tabs before seeing the result and watch my effort. This way you preserve the mystery. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: LISTEN TO THE NEW SINGLE BY GORK: LIKE THEM ON FACEBOOK: Yeah. Do all of those things. Have a top weekend.

mnOl9ozpq7A | 04 Mar 2019
Another big yet cloudy headed effort here at my personal record of 10 countries in a row on Geoguessr that still stands on the Diverse world map. Write down your guesses before i make mine to play along. If you're still with me at the end then you truly are a wizard's apprentice. SUBSCRIBE:

SLIkmgGiLmA | 01 Mar 2019
Here's the link. Do your worst. Oh, also, subscribe. Subscribe to the channel:

H1hsMYuOtG4 | 27 Feb 2019
First Asian city ever played by the Wizard, Hope you enjoy. Let me know how you got on. PLAY ALONG AND TRY AND BEAT MY SCORE: Subscribe to the channel:

WF_8rw8uz7I | 25 Feb 2019
Geoguessr - 10 country challenge #7 - More crazy guesses + Possible UFO sighting! Episode #7 returned to the Diverse world map and did not disappoint to entertain. Feel free to play along in your head and let me know if you were still standing when the wizard fell.. Subscribe: Subscribe to the channel:

xApbqwtnSzs | 22 Feb 2019
PLAY ALONG: play each round seperately, switching tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt before you see your score! Link to this challenge: Subscribe to the channel:

uCJ_QjpwBjM | 20 Feb 2019
This week I'm in the wonderful city of Barcelona. Hope you Enjoy. You can try and beat my score here: And don't forget to subscribe:

L8Ko56HsaUE | 18 Feb 2019
This week I attempt to successfully pinpoint various American and Canadian sports stadiums; NFL, MLB, NHL + NBA without making a complete cock of myself. Do not fret, there will be more episodes to come in this series if it proves popular with you jerk offs. Subscribe to the channel for more: Play this map on GeoGuessr:

MqTapyNCRDc | 15 Feb 2019
10 Country Challenge is back with a vengeance and this time it's on Urban world. 10 is the number to beat. Which format do you guys think is best for 10 country challenge, Urban or Diverse? Subscribe to the channel for 10 country challenges and more: Subscribe to the channel:

gMJuN1wa-Ig | 13 Feb 2019
Here by slightly popular demand, it's the city of angels. Enjoy folks. Subscribe to the channel: Play the LA map and try and beat my score:

ibkALGzwqeI | 11 Feb 2019
A perfect score on Geoguessr UK executed in precisely 15 minutes. No external help was used, although i was slightly distracted by the sounds of gushing water, clattering pots and pans and cleaning spray. All in all a gallant effort on this all English round. I reckon i can still get the 12 minute record with a couple of easy rounds thrown in. What do you think?

AwB-sqyx0ro | 08 Feb 2019
Geoguessr - An Urban World - No moving around #3 - Juicy detective work [PLAY ALONG] The score to beat from last week is 20,846. Moving is forbidden. HOW TO PLAY ALONG: Play each round separately, switching tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt before you see your score! Play along with this map: Subscribe for more play along challenges and insane guesses:

-YLio5GMRww | 04 Feb 2019
A stark reminder of how tough it is to get sub 15 minute times on the UK version. I shan't give up. Link to "Mission across Wales introduction": GoFundMe page for Mission across Wales: Subscribe to the channel:

4YG-nTsP6vA | 04 Feb 2019
Help to Fund this unique and epic mission: Please leave your questions in the comment section and I'll do my best to answer them.

lPYRMp0ZiIo | 30 Jan 2019
Pick a winner from this bunch. Want to see more? Subscribe to the channel. Thanks for all your support everyone.

xZ2cRPOeyno | 25 Jan 2019
Geoguessr - 30 seconds per round - A Diverse World #4 - WAIT FOR IT... [PLAY ALONG] PLAY ALONG: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch over to the YouTube tab tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Subscribe to the channel: Was this guess more insane?

x5-VowczTYA | 23 Jan 2019
Geoguessr - World City Wednesdays #7 - Helsinki! World city Wednesdays returns with a well earned reward for my fans from Finland. As usual I'll be trying to achieve a perfect score, hopefully beating who ever lies at the top of the high score table in the process. Subscribe to the channel: Play the Helsinki map and try and beat my score distance:

PkuQOon8QNE | 21 Jan 2019
This one was pretty quick. The record here I come. Subscribe to the channel: Watch the original record breaking 12 minute video on YouTube:

k5X-ExA0zKg | 18 Jan 2019
Geoguessr - An Urban World - No moving around #2 - MORE FILTHY GUESSES [PLAY ALONG] An Urban World: Thousands of locations from all over the urban world, giving me a much higher chance of being able to work out exactly where i am. What kind of score can i achieve without moving? Last weeks score was 18,626. HOW TO PLAY ALONG: Play each round separately, switching tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt before you see your score! Play along with this map: Watch last week's effort: Subscribe for more play along challenges and insane guesses:

u09kaUnoKLw | 16 Jan 2019
Geoguessr - Hometown Roulette #7 Hometown Roulette is the unique series in which your own hometown gets a shot of fame. Simply enter your name and hometown into the comments below for a chance to fully feature in next months episode! Subscribe to the channel: Play this map:

ekSUjBOf_cU | 14 Jan 2019
Perfect score on Geoguessr (UK Version) in 16:25 The times are gradually moving down as i bumble my way through this one. Knocked a whole minute off my last attempt (see link below if you missed it) but the 12 minute record still looms large. Enjoy folks. Catch up on the last perfect score attempt: Subscribe to the channel:

_QjtFzEpvaU | 11 Jan 2019
PLAY ALONG: BEST WAY TO PLAY: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly switch over to the YouTube tab tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. Subscribe to the channel:

vS_5hQ2IzN0 | 09 Jan 2019
A tough one indeed. Play this quiz!: Subscribe to the channel:

m0Od04q2idc | 07 Jan 2019
Geoguessr - An Urban World - No moving around #1 - NUDE ART CLASS A brand new map "An Urban World". Doesn't need too much explaining. Thousands of locations from all over the urban world, giving me a much higher chance of being able to work out exactly where i am. What kind of score can i achieve without moving? Again I advise you to play each round seperately, switching tabs back to YouTube to watch my attempt before you see your score! Play along with this map: Subscribe for more of these addictive play along maps!:

fgt5gIo6Ck4 | 04 Jan 2019
PLAY THIS MAP: - New idea: Before you watch the video, play the first round and make your selection. As soon as you make your selection quickly minimise the Geoguessr tab before the time runs out and watch me play the first round. That way you don't spoil the surprise element of the video. When you reopen the Geoguessr tab the you will see how our guesses compare. If anyone has any better ideas please feel free to make yourself heard! Subscribe to the channel for more: Spread the word guys.

rduiF1CQQlk | 02 Jan 2019
Sporcle - Countries of Europe (No borders) - CRAZY LUXEMBOURG PICK OUT "Can you click the countries of Europe, or the arrows pointing to them, without any outlines and without making any mistakes?" Subscribe for more Sporcle quizzes:

YrQ2xcBrI0U | 25 Dec 2018
Merry Christmas everyone. This festive vid was meant to be released yesterday, but I've gone one better and released it on Christmas day. I want to thank you all for your unrelenting support this year - you truly are the greatest Youtube fans out there bar none. Here's to 2019. Subscribe to the channel for another year of top notch vids: Play this map:

tuATbpUPvXY | 21 Dec 2018
Geoguessr - 30 seconds per round - A Diverse World #1 This is my new favorite format. Watch this debut episode and you'll see why. What a roller coaster of a game! Subscribe to the channel:

1oY4mrSGPes | 17 Dec 2018
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming (A Diverse World) #4 - SPRINGFIELD MADNESS The series continues with this quite frankly bizarre game. Check out the first round for a crazy mixture of luck. Subscribe to see more videos in this series! Subscribe to the channel:

KKD8PRgegYk | 14 Dec 2018
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming (A Diverse World #3) - ROLLERCOASTER ROUNDS It is what it says on the tin. I am not allowed to move, scroll from side to side or zoom in on anything. I get what I'm given. What kind of score can i achieve on a map where you can never quite be sure where you are? This week was a roller-coaster of a game with some pretty sick guesses and some utter dross to go along with it. The score to beat is 19,626. Subscribe for more no moving scrolling or zooming fun:

Vau0YVY3SxU | 10 Dec 2018
GeoguessrWizard plays Sporcle! - Naming all 69 UK cities! Here's my attempt at naming every one of the 69 UK cities courtesy of this Sporcle quiz. Subscribe for more Sporcle and Jetpunk quiz videos:

ObZWShRZZi4 | 07 Dec 2018
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming - A diverse world #2 It is what it says on the tin. I am not allowed to move, scroll from side to side or zoom in on anything. I get what I'm given. What king of score can i achieve on a map where you can never quite be sure where you are? Today we'll be carrying on from where we left off last week and hopefully smashing the very achievable score of 15,906 whilst hopefully replicating some of the fun that came along with it. Subscribe for more no moving scrolling or zooming fun: Watch last week's controversial debut episode if you missed it:

n_0hlo6fyxA | 05 Dec 2018
Geoguessr - Hometown Roulette #6 - Trondheim, Norway Hometown Roulette is the unique series in which your own hometown gets a shot of fame. Simply enter your name and hometown into the comments below for a chance to fully feature in next months episode! Subscribe to the channel: Play this map:

xxut_QZGpQc | 03 Dec 2018
Perfect score on Geoguessr (UK Version) in 17:22 Here's another juicy Perfect score treat for you all. No Burnham this week, but I did manage to beat last week's time by almost 2 minutes, using some shrill rationalisation and decision making and taking advantage of a bit of luck to go with it. Hope you enjoy this one. 12 minutes here i come. Subscribe to the channel: Watch the original record breaking 12 minute video on YouTube:

P-micWWb3Kk | 30 Nov 2018
The No moving, scrolling or zooming series or "super hardcore mode" as it's also known joins forces with the awesome "A diverse world" map. 21,346 is and will probably always be the record on the normal format, but what can i achieve on a map designed to confuse and bewilder you? Subscribe for more mad guesses: Rewatch the insane New Zealand guess from two weeks:

BJhiZjl_T4M | 28 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - World City Wednesdays #5 - Stockholm! World City Wednesdays continues with the classic Scandinavian city, Stockholm. This city of 1.5 million strong Swedes has been highly requested on my channel. Sweden is the birthplace of Geoguessr after all. As usual I'll be trying to achieve a perfect score, beating who ever lies at the top of the high score table in the process. Subscribe to the channel: sub_confirmation=1 Beat my score:

-n1BYknyP7w | 26 Nov 2018
Today I'm checking out a custom made map. It is what it says on the tin. It lists the top 5 most costly habitable buildings ever commisioned. With a mixture of old and new in there, it was interesting to see what was included on this list. Subscribe to the channel: Play this map:

oRwpjhNhrrE | 23 Nov 2018
Sporcle! British & Irish bands - City of origin! You guys have asked for more sporcle so it's gonna keep on comin' This was sick. Combining my music knowledge with my Geography knowledge was great fun. Subscribe to the channel for more Sporcle quizzes:

pz9nC_3iCYU | 21 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - World city Wednesdays #4 - Buenos Aires We're in south america this week in the land of tango and big juicy steaks. Can I get a perfect score in such a foreign land? Can i even beat American Mike's total combined distance of 21.6 metres? Watch to find out. Tune in on Friday at 8pm UK time for a banging Sporcle quiz that combines music and Geography!! Subscribe to the channel:

_nEU-LGduRk | 19 Nov 2018
Perfect score on Geoguessr (UK Version) in 19:04 - Round 3, you're kidding me. Thought I'd have a stab at beating my seemingly untouchable 12 minute record for a perfect score on the United Kingdom version of Geoguessr. Not a bad effort all things considered but a lot of work to do so you can expect more attempts to come. Subscribe to the channel: Re-watch the classic 12 minute record:

Ol5CMde8lRE | 16 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - No moving, scrolling or zooming #11 - That's another decent guess mate. The No moving, scrolling or zooming series or "super hardcore mode" as it's also known soldiers on with this storming edition. 21,346 is and will probably always be the record for this format but we're giving it a go. Enjoy folks. Subscribe for more mad guesses: Watch the record breaking video:

KGhkCQVCI8g | 14 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - World city Wednesdays #3 - Chicago! World city Wednesdays continues with the windy city. The city of broad shoulders. the Second city. The stinky onion. Chicago. 2.9 million inhabitants and 6 million people just down the road. Enjoy me dicking around in your awesome city. Subscribe to the channel: Beat my score:

qA3-VKYvWds | 12 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - Perfect score on "A Diverse world" - Attempt #1 Lots of requests for this and understandably so. It's an incredible map and and has become almost revolutionary for my vids. Subscribe to the channel: Play the Diverse world map: The gig:

71Cy1SQtj8E | 10 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - European Stadiums #2 - Ghost of 70's footballer? Whoops, I seemed to have uploaded the unedited version. Promise it wasn't on purpose.. So here we have the propa version of episode #2 of the mighty EU stadiums map. Unibwin has gone and been a legend and made it up to 200 stonking stadiums locations consisting of football, rugby, national and Olympic stadiums from all over Europe. Enjoy. Subscribe for more stadiums: Play this legendary map:

d19bBZRaBbo | 07 Nov 2018
Geoguessr - World city Wednesdays #2 - Vienna! The brand new World city Wednesdays series continues this week in the incredible Austrian capital of Vienna. This episode was a special one as somehow i achieved a superhuman combined distance. Watch to see it all unfold. Subscribe to the channel for more world cities and more! Play this map and try in vain to beat that combined distance!

ndE0iVnVkJE | 05 Nov 2018
A comically woeful performance here but at least in beautiful and interesting surroundings. Enjoy folks and don't forget to comment for next week. Subscribe:

pA_cbUg9fv0 | 31 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - World city Wednesdays - Toronto! Welcome to world city Wednesdays. I'm kicking things off with the biggest city in Canada, Toronto. The aim is to get a perfect score and have a few laughs along the way. Hope you enjoy. Which major city would you goons like to see next? Hit me up in the comments. Subscribe for more: Play this map and try and beat my score:

cR4jW2nd0Mg | 27 Oct 2018
Karelia? Thrace? Sporcle - 80 famous European regions map! Sporcle continues to entertain and impress with this fun to play, informative and interesting offering. I am now way more clued up on my famous European regions having learned my Karelias from my Thraces from my Duono valleys. Hope you enjoyed folks. Subscribe to the channel for more Sporcle: or go straight to my Sporcle playlist:

Ogq_7vFZBBE | 23 Oct 2018
G'day. This is for all you Aussies out there. A perfect score on the Australia map executed in precisely 26 minutes and 30 seconds using no external help just skill and a fair slice of luck. Subscribe to GeoguessrWizard channel: Watch the legendary 12 minute UK perfect score:

mZ1mYFP9zq8 | 19 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - 10 seconds per round #5 - A diverse world Combining the rather intense and nigh on impossible 10 seconds per round format with the "a diverse world" map. This should be interesting. My best score on the normal world version map currently stands at 17,460. Subscribe.. Watch the whole playlist..

blg6mNA1gG4 | 16 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - No moving scrolling or zooming #10 - Most insane guess ever?? The legendary GeoguessrWizard series "no moving scrolling or zooming" series is back with a bang. The score of 21,346 achieved back in April may be completely achievable but I'm no ready to give it another go. Subscribe for more insane guesses:

zPw_Y-WaCVA | 13 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - European stadiums #1 - What just happened?! It is what it says on the tin. 134 stadiums of Europe to chose from; football, rugby, Olympic, cricket and more. The plan is to get a perfect score but this map seems to be throwing a few curve balls at me.. Subscribe to the channel:

IiYfNqG5HZY | 09 Oct 2018
GeoguessrWizard plays Sporcle - Major UK cities / towns ranked This is a good one. The list featured in this video is hiding the names of the 134 most populated cities and towns in the UK and Ireland. I have to name them all, or at least as many as i can in 14 minutes, with only the populations to give me a clue. Sporcle is the worlds largest trivia quiz website, hosting an array of different styles of interactive timed quizzes. Subscribe to the channel for more sporcle quizzes: Play this quiz:

g2YLcuBIx9w | 05 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - 10 country challenge #5 - RUDE SIGNS + SICK STREAKS This video is a bonanza, so you best enjoy it. The aim of 10 country challenge is to correctly identify the country you are in, without moving around. Some are easy, some are very tricky as many countries are seemingly identical, especially out in the countryside. The current record stands at a solid 5, achieved in my last video (10 country challenge #4) In which I also made the switch over to the brilliant. "A diverse world" map. DON'T FORGET to leave a comment if you know of a rude sign or street name for my compilation - I need the whereabouts of the sign so that I can give it a little visit. Cheers kids! Subscribe for more madness:

z7xExFf0d80 | 01 Oct 2018
Geoguessr - Hometown Roulette #4 Want me to explore your hometown in a full length video and expose it to the vast world of Youtube? however big or small your hometown may be just comment below with it's name and you'll be in next months draw. The target score as usual is 24500 meaning each round I have to achieve 4900 which is harder than it sounds with tiny distance parameters. Subscribe to the channel for more hometown fun:

lbII5z9WbuM | 28 Sep 2018
Perfect score on Geoguessr (Netherlands version) A perfect score on the Netherlands version of Geoguessr executed in 33 minutes and 3 seconds with no external help. Een perfecte score op de Nederlandse versie van Geoguessr uitgevoerd in 33 minuten en 3 seconden zonder externe hulp. This video concludes the Road to Netherlands perfect score series and after many close calls, some of them mistakes, some of them bugs. It looks like the guys at Geoguessr found a solution to the bugs that plague this map and that was to increase the full score parameter to 10 metres. In this game that change made all the difference. The late appearance of the Dutch cities of Groningen and Nijmegen made an out of practise me flap making this video quite a tense, and long affair. Hope you enjoy the panic. Subscribe for more perfect scores:

S1EmD4-rIIM | 24 Sep 2018
Geoguessr - 10 country challenge #4 - A diverse world The 10 country challenge series continues with a switch over to the "A diverse world" map created by Mapper. Not only does this map boast thousands of much more interesting and fun rounds, it has more variety and a higher likelihood of different countries. Will this make it harder for me to achieve 10 countries in a row without moving around? Rules of 10 country challenge: In the 10 country challenge series I aim to pinpoint which country I am in until I reach the figure of 10. There is no time limit or emphasis on score. Subscribe to GeoguessrWizard:

0VDi1QsuorQ | 15 Sep 2018
I've only gone and rectified last weeks schoolboys errors Subscribe:

yx4r394kvBM | 18 Aug 2018
A shit Load of places for you to feast on this week. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE:

UJxhKxsFVy0 | 31 Jul 2018
Subscribe: ..and don't forget to leave your hometown in the comments for your chance to feature in the next episode. I'll be selecting every 9th comment to spread it out.

W9iJyAquNxA | 15 Jul 2018
Don't forget to comment your hometown to be in with a chance of featuring in Hometown Roulette #1 Catch up on episode #1 here:

uEg4jUmoWeE | 11 Jul 2018
A quick one for you just before I leg it to the pub to watch the biggest football game of my life. Subscribe:

oDDfvOwQnQ0 | 21 May 2018
Something new. I like this. ..For who ever wants to step up to the plate and create my hometown map, simply create a map using at least 50 locations in and around "Aldridge" - West Midlands. I'll pick the one with the most locations. Cheers all.

A-wOuhaEzHI | 29 Apr 2018
It's what you've been waiting for. Another insane guesses feast. FIND OUR MUSIC HERE: Watch the recently released Insane guess compilation #3!!

Kc51y9diK3g | 05 Apr 2018
Probably the worst score I've ever got in any format. Uploaded anyway for the comedy factor. Keep your eyes peeled for the very first USA perfect score attempt. To be uploaded in the next couple of days.

wIn8mD_Q6XU | 06 Feb 2018
Watch the recently released Insane guesses 3!! A collection of random unused guesses I have thrown together just for your amusement. For those of you how are new to the channel, these clips are not from normal games of Geoguessr, but from either "No moving, scrolling or zooming" games or "30 seconds per round" games.

4NKfEei-pYU | 17 Nov 2017
A gallant effort this in this weeks effort in which we banish the ghosts of Burnham on Crouch, but ultimately meet our end in the picturesque village of St Osyth.

2BVhnNCB3wo | 12 Nov 2017
The first instalment of what promises to be an entertaining display of failed attempts, until I finally reach my goal of achieving a sub 12 minute perfect score. Stay tuned folks.

StxXSF3iZpU | 13 Jun 2016
Variation on 30 secs per round no moving. More to come of this, including an attempt to beat this score and a world version. Tell us what you'd like to see in particular in the comments section and don't forget to subscribe!

6MgJWoWYDLs | 28 Apr 2016
I've finally done it. Perfect score on the world version of Geoguessr in just over 30 minutes. No external help was used, just quite a bit of luck and lots of determination. **NEW** - WATCH THE NEW 2019 UK PERFECT SCORE RECORD HERE: Enjoy and subscribe for more:

16CRSvmJReo | 08 Jan 2016
A Perfect score (25,000 points) on Geoguessr UK executed in exactly 12 minutes. No external help was used. I was particularly pleased with this one as all the rounds were rural! (non urban) **WATCH THE NEW 2019 RECORD HERE** - Subscribe to the channel:

jZbFO0AnJt8 | 23 Jun 2015
Attention: I have now beaten this time! watch it here: A perfect score on Geoguessr UK (with no external help) performed in 14.48. More perfect scores including Europe and the world to come, so subscribe to the channel if you're interested!

BXcWb3ecouI | 15 May 2015
Attention: My latest time is 12 minutes! Watch it here in better quality: A perfect score (25000 points) on Geoguessr (UK version) executed in precisely 18 minutes and 30 seconds. More video's to come so go ahead and subscribe!