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All videos archived of Explosions&Fire

O-g5-LJ5KZM | 13 Oct 2024
Powerful oxidisers are cool, but what about best oxidisers? Patreon: Subreddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Twitter: Thanks again to the Hasenstab-Riedel lab for the invitation to come and film!

PDapGJ9jWZk | 05 Jul 2024
It's time for us to step up and do the important science that everyone else is too busy to get around to doing. Merch store: Subreddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter: References: "Experimental Observations on the Mysterious Explosions from 'Yellow Powder' to enable Yet More Speculation" E. Fire, 2024 10.5281/zenodo.12633482

XHDXk9THJZM | 10 Dec 2023
What is the secret of the MTV flares? And no, it's not Music Television. Merch store: Subreddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter:

sm9BFRP93_k | 11 Aug 2023
I light some fires but also have some thoughts. Subreddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter:

elR5vcAJ-PA | 04 Apr 2023
Class D reactive metal fires easily light as powders, so how hard is it to set bulk metals on fire?? Subreddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter:

cs-ivTWpQBY | 28 Feb 2023
What unpopular spice combination makes a good ice-cream and also prevents me thinking about my thesis? Reddit: Discord: Second Channel: Patreon: Twitter: 00:00 Intro 01:41 An Inspirational Reddit Post 02:49 Can I Even Make Good Icecream? 05:59 5 highly uncorrellated spice combinations 07:12 Vanilla + Black Pepper 09:00 Vanilla + Garlic Powder 09:32 Cinnamon + Black Pepper (also PhD Q&A) 12:14 Cinnamon + Parsley 13:19 Ginger + Oregano 14:08 The Punchline

M2YbK7FnESU | 04 Aug 2022
I have access to chemicals and I am willing to use them. Reddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter: Thanks to @thethoughtemporium for help with the freeze drying! Go subscribe to him for great science content that has actual science in it

LhEYaovWxl4 | 17 Dec 2021
What if we concentrated H2O2? And again. And then some more again? Reddit: Discord: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIre Patreon: Twitter: 0:00 - i made it back 1:11 - Peroxide is Baseball (idk) 2:27 - vac distil bad lol 3:47 - i'm safe, thanks Russia xoxo 4:24 - setup time 7:10 - i'm optimistic 7:27 - less optimistic 7:47 - P2O5 !! 8:39 - mistakes 9:26 - speed-run time 12:07 - High % H2O2 reactions 14:00 - Even higher % H2O2 17:37 - peroxide in the peroxide

mV_daaldE_I | 27 Jan 2021
Nitrogen trichloride is unpredictable and wildly sensitive. And also bad. We craft some chemistry to craft it, with the help of some friends. Reddit: Second Channel: @ExtractionsAndIrePatreon: Discord: Twitter: Chemistry time, yes backyard science, also Nilered. Nile red? this is maybe a tag thing. clout time. A big thank you to Patreons for the support as always, and for sticking with me even though I've said I'm abandoning everyone like a moron. You are all the best: (no groups for this video, you are all stars on your own xoxo) Michael Kavulich Kris Luedke Karsten Hoff Kierran McPherson Blake Mcbride Elliot Williams Bjorn Nelson Zeo Full Modern Alchemist Sam Haggerty David Benhammou Troy Singleton Uncle Gene Clark from WY Michael Lang Michael T.Chavez Grant Berkbigler David Ho Kyle S Lachlan Costigan Arthur McTavish Vaibhav Yenamandra Robert Potter Alok G Singh Joe Goodall Fredrik Barnå Thomas Edwards WizardTim Brendan Upton Gary Plumbridge Anthony zj3urn Adam Nash Not a Mimic Eric Stromdahl Aleksei Besogonov Joe Galvan Michal Jenčo Sarah Urfer gug Malkezadek Veronica Kimmerly Aidan Jeffes Harpsichord-uiy MillionFoul acronus . maxallen Tristan Bryant Sam Nudl Dominic Burns Kristopher Rush Gary Virta Hugo Unke Aussie Chemist Darren Martyn Brendan Roy Adrian Edgar Thinkingmansgame Jana Bollen NoiseRaidAndi Josh M Max Scop Nick Steven Ngo Macropiper Andrew Morales Sirius Jack Steel Juhn Lukas Schulz Cory Wolterbeek John Nguyen Sean Kedrowski Kevin Bauer Will Eubanks Awetism Gaming Brian Talarczyk Erik Granlund Branan Riley Roger Kutyna Zane Zachary Chapin Emil Pelloso Brandon Burroughs Doctor Z Chris Villarreal Aaron Elligsen Classic Iron Leon Schutte Mynameisnotdicks Leon Stark Tom Pease Mattis Schmotz Jannis Fischer Elric Of Melnibone Ben 'Diggah' Price Elizabeth Schneider snowhead29 Nicolas Hug Mortlet Anders Jesus Ochoa The Gayest Person on Patreon White_as_paper Max Klemes Andrew Mikulski Thorben Zethoff Jonathan Ringstad Sabino Lanza Michel Heinz DeltVar iklalz Statters. Ryan Nguyen Rossi WILLIAM BROWN Ishmael Zarkov Ben Gearon Jonny Wright Sam Person Oz Sabina Paul Birch Sean Murphy Alex Metcalf Torsten Otten jmhvkjhgv Daniel Coleman Mark Hartsteen Justin reid Christopher Stillson John Scott Ian F GayKobold David Churchill Dom Vasta Grue The Flying Shards EdwardH Cyrill Punkey Jtk08 Bitcore Isaac Paciga Thomas Esker Hugh Laird Chris the Mad Sciencer James Wood M I Felix Barthelmeß Damian Seery Gareth George Peter Sodke uwotm8 Chris Mclean 3160550 David Jensen Christian Stafford AllChemystery Jacob Langbecker Whats Aleppo? Markus Rüegger Michael Englehorn PrettyChill Chemistry ERJN Idan Benesh Murray Grant St John William Griffin John Libal killroy225 andrew dorsey Dullis joe Mark Ironmonger Radil Noah Goble Roughneck Basidiomycota Karl Robinson Samonie67 Jason Petrou mirgp (Azide Fox, I still remembered to change it yeah go me) Oliver Toth gonzog Phiona Buhr Ryan Nicholl Darren Hansen Luc Vachon Joseph Bermingham Luke McGoggan Jägerin110 KaiserWilhelmTheII Martin Essam Adam Conour Joseph Taylor-Cyphers Braveskin NaconBipples Thomas Abbott micah A kogan Ria apollo wellstein Alexander K. Christopher Nguyen Stephanie Mills 0419gottaminute Michael Aichlmayr Nils Rotthowe daniel houston Bill Triffitt Jenn Caraway Kris Pockell TheScrapMango Max Barnash John McGerty Henrik Jørgensen Kyle Ward ccfreak2k LVE James Howey Jordan Skoblenick Darcy David Cagan Alexader Kjello Lauritsen Rorie Nile Red Thomas Klotz Hunter Ellsworth Nick Poole The Revd. Juli Mallett Slopey The King of Homestyle Jack Whitteaker Vincent Cinfici Tom Roberts Joseph Miller Ethan Wade Jannic Rauch Henry Matt Jackson Bruce Fitzsimons Will Ribaux brett j Mark Blundell Benjamin Bradshaw Tyler Downard Rory Symonds Utulien A big thankyou to Daniel and Georgia for helping out with this video too, helping me make a video quicker than I ever have before (even though I think it shows, but sometimes you just gotta finish something and put it out, oh well). Especially amazing the Daniel was in the 2011 footage and in the 2021 footage, it's nearly 10 years apart and I'm still making bad chemistry videos but he's still happy to help out and I think that's very cool, you are a good friend. also: big cat Sponsored by Yellow Chemistry

IIzXE99y4uQ | 02 Jan 2021
Why does bismuth do that thing? You know, the thing. Why is that? We investigate. Subreddit: Patreon: Discord: Second Channel: @Extractions&Ire Twitter: Paper mentioned in the video: "The Explosive Reaction of Bismuth with Perchloric Acid" 1935 I hope this counts towards their Altmetric score. Currently only 157 paper reads in 85 years, that's less than 2 a year, this is hot topical content absolutely. Thanks so much to all my Patreons for the support, which recently allowed me to pickup the new high-speed camera. I feel it was a little under-used this video, but it's going to bring so much for each new video from now and I can't wait. Here's names of some cool people, in pairs, because you look cute together: TheScrapMango, Thomas Abbott Aleksei Besogonov, Noah Goble Rorie, Thomas Edwards Hugh Laird, Vaibhav Yenamandra Gonzog, Tom Pease Sam Nudl, Zane Thorben Zethoff, Oz Sabina Jonathan Ringstad, Blake Mcbride Zachary Chapin, Thomas Esker Radil, Jacob Langbecker Uncle Gene, Branan Riley Eric Stromdahl,David Cagan Tom Roberts, Jägerin110 William Griffin, Darcy Ishmael Zarkov, M I Jason Petrou, NoiseRaidAndi Kevin Bauer, daniel houston T.Chavez, Aidan Jeffes Mark Hartsteen, Brandon Burroughs Full Modern Alchemist, Sabino Lanza Whats Aleppo?, Kyle S Jmhvkjhgv, Paul Birch Ben 'Diggah' Price, Will Eubanks Alexader Kjello Lauritsen, Zeo Isaac Paciga, Parker Hall Iklalz, Daniel Coleman ERJN, Emil Pelloso AllChemystery, PrettyChill Chemistry Dom Vasta, Slopey Matt Jackson, Robert Potter Chris Villarreal, uwotm8 Thinkingmansgame, Sarah Urfer Kris Pockell, Elliot Williams Juhn, Elizabeth Schneider acronus ., Karsten Hoff John Scott, Aaron Elligsen Maxallen, Sam Person killroy225, Torsten Otten Samonie67, Utulien Erik Granlund, Christian Stafford Brendan Upton, Luke McGoggan Jack Whitteaker, Luc Vachon Damian Seery, Josh M Markus Rüegger, WizardTim Ben Gearon, Hugo Unke Vincent Cinfici, The Revd. Juli Mallett Joseph Taylor-Cyphers, Malkezadek Chris Mclean, Adam Conour Gug, Awetism Gaming Ryan Nicholl, Peter Sodke Roger Kutyna, Michael KaiserWilhelmTheII, andrew dorsey Adam Nash, Aussie Chemist Arthur McTavish, Mark Blundell Mark Ironmonger, Alok G Singh Nicolas Hug, Nick Gareth George, Henrik Jørgensen Joseph Bermingham, Benjamin Bradshaw Phiona Buhr, Jana Bollen Michael Kavulich, Mattis Schmotz Darren Hansen, Steven Ngo Bitcore, Sirius Kris Luedke, Cory Wolterbeek Braveskin, Grant Berkbigler Clark from WY, Henry David Churchill, Jack Steel Jason Boothe, Mynameisnotdicks Leon Schutte, Oliver Toth Harpsichord-uiy, Max Scop Kristopher Rush, Justin reid Mortlet, Rory Symonds Lachlan Costigan, Nile Red GayKobold, The Gayest Person on Patreon Michael Aichlmayr, Michael Englehorn Rowan James, Nick Poole Dullis, Martin Essam Jannic Rauch, Ryan Nguyen Stephanie Mills, Grue DeltVar, WILLIAM BROWN Thomas Klotz, Michael Lang Fredrik Barnå, nandXor Kyle Ward, Jesus Ochoa Sean Kedrowski, Michel Heinz Joe, snowhead29 Lukas Schulz, Brian Talarczyk David Jensen, Diamond Eyes Roughneck Basidiomycota, Murray Grant St John Jonny Wright, Ian F John McGerty, Bruce Fitzsimons The King of Homestyle, David Benhammou Ria, Not a Mimic Christopher Stillson, NaconBipples Macropiper, Bjorn Nelson John Libal, Sean Murphy Punkey, Jannis Fischer 0419gottaminute, Leon Stark Alex Metcalf, Joe Galvan Jtk08, Tyler Downard, Jordan Skoblenick, brett j Adrian Edgar, White_as_paper Idan Benesh, Andrew Morales Gary Virta, John Nguyen MillionFoul, Bill Triffitt Nils Rotthowe, Jenn Caraway Joe Goodall, Classic Iron David Ho, ccfreak2k Anthony, Joseph Miller Felix Barthelmeß;, Chris the Mad Sciencer Christopher Nguyen, Will Ribaux Azide Fox, The Flying Shards Max Barnash, Doctor Z Rossi, Michal Jenčo apollo wellstein (you're on your own so you can be paired with me ok) And some words from our sponsor for today's videos: Cthulhu fhtagn, Overlord is the best anime. I don't have to sell a VPN but I do have to mention anime in the description so, have I truly taken the right path?? (absolutely) Now, a word for the algorithm: chemistry science chemistry, home science fun cool nice, coolsmartreal. Thanks

JwTCG15ZB4s | 29 Oct 2020
Can we outsource the effort and crime of making energetic materials to a plant? Come along on a herb filled journey of self discovery with me, to find that the real organic peroxides were the friends we neglected along the way. Subreddit: Discord: Patreon: Second Channel: @Extractions&Ire Twitter: So once again there's more Patreons than I ever thought would happen so again i'm not sure this method of displaying names is any good. But here we are. I've assembled you into group of three because it works. Please assume that the people you are grouped with are your best friends forever and there's nothing that they wouldn't do for you. 1 Kevin Bauer, Idan Benesh, gug 2 Ria, Radil, Grue 3 Sam Person, snowhead29, Nils Rotthowe 4 Brendan Upton, Roger Kutyna, Kristopher Rush 5 Thomas Esker, Christian Stafford, Samonie67 6 Andrew Morales, andrew Dorsey, WizardTim 7 Jägerin110, The Gayest Person on Patreon, Chris the Mad Sciencer 8 Leon Schutte, Kyle Ward, Murray Grant St John 9 Henrik Jørgensen, Justin reid, maxallen 10 Bjorn Nelson, Diamond Eyes, Luc Vachon 11 Not a Mimic, Felix Barthelmeß, Zachary Chapin 12 Max Scop, Christopher Nguyen, Nile Red 13 Michael Englehorn, Elliot Williams, Damian Seery 14 John Scott, Brian Talarczyk, Christopher Stillson 15 0419gottaminute, KaiserWilhelmTheII, Jana Bollen 16 NaconBipples, Macropiper, Oz Sabina 17 Sam Nudl, Torsten Otten, Whats Aleppo? 18 Markus Rüegger, William Griffin, Jenn Caraway 19 Vincent Cinfici, Tyler Downard, Rorie 20 acronus, Joseph Miller, Will Ribaux 21 Peter Sodke, Leon Stark, Daniel Coleman 22 Jannic Rauch, PrettyChill Chemistry, Steven Ngo 23 Thomas Abbott, Chris Villarreal, Craig M. 24 Parker Hall, John McGerty, Stephanie Mills 25 David Churchill, MillionFoul, The King of Homestyle 26 David Ho, Jacob Bollen, Alex Metcalf 27 Joe, Arthur McTavish, Emil Pelloso 28 WILLIAM BROWN, David Jensen, Utulien 29 James Guarnotta, Michael Aichlmayr, Vaibhav Yenamandra 30 John Libal, gonzog, Punkey 31 Harpsichord-uiy, Rossi, Roborovski 32 Classic Iron, Dullis, Thinkingmansgame 33 Rowan James, Adam Conour, David K Bennett 34 Anthony, Ben Gearon, Uncle Gene 35 Roughneck Basidiomycota, Hugh Laird, Luke McGoggan 36 Jannis Fischer, Juhn, Mark Hartsteen 37 Josh M, Mark Ironmonger, Chris Mclean 38 Isaac Paciga, Zane, Max Barnash 39 Oliver Toth, Thomas Klotz, Luke 40 apollo wellstein, Martin Essam, Aleksei Besogonov 41 Matt Jackson, Darren Hansen, Joppe de Zeeuw 42 Elizabeth Schneider, Jason Petrou, Will Eubanks 43 GayKobold, John Nguyen, ERJN 44 Alok G Singh, Zeo, Jesus Ochoa 45 Sean Murphy, Clark from WY, Mortlet 46 Jtk08, Dom Vasta, Michal Jenčo 47 Phiona Buhr, Slopey, Mattis Schmotz 48 TheScrapMango, Ryan Nicholl, Lukas Schulz 49 T.Chavez, Eric Stromdahl, killroy225 50 Full Modern Alchemist, Mark Blundell, Sirius 51 Ryan Nguyen, Jonny Wright, Michel Heinz 52 White_as_paper, Joe Galvan, Karsten Hoff 53 nandXor, Branan Riley, The Flying Shards 54 Jacob Langbecker, Hugo Unke, brett j 55 Thomas Edwards, Sabino Lanza, Azide Fox 56 uwotm8, Aaron Elligsen, Michael Kavulich 57 AllChemystery, Aussie Chemist, Michael Lang 58 Thorben Zethoff, Nick, Kris Pockell 59 Bitcore, Malkezadek, Jack Steel 60 Adam Nash, Kris Luedke, ccfreak2k 61 Rory Symonds, Mynameisnotdicks, Aidan Jeffes 62 David Cagan, Ian F, Bruce Fitzsimons 63 Kris Edwards, Lachlan Costigan, Henry 64 Tom Pease, Cory Wolterbeek, Ishmael Zarkov 65 Darcy, Gary Virta, Sarah Urfer Thank you for supporting this video, as well as all you $1 people, it all adds up a lot!! Oh and now Gareth George joins Patreon too. Hello. You've made the description but don't get any friends i'm sorry. Group 66 is just you. Make it count :) Special thanks to @mahilyard25 and @Kadurchandan on Twitter for helping me find a copy of the Essential oil document from 1908, located in the University of Michigan library. Now words from our sponsors. Remember this is your home for the best chemistry based demonitization on YouTube, where all chemistry is yellow chemistry(even though it supposed to be red or brown sometimes clear) and don't mind saying sh*t alot I was working in the lab, late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his slab, began to rise And suddenly to my surprise He did the mash, he did the monster mash The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash He did the mash, it caught on in a flash He did the mash, he did the monster mash H4sIAAAAAAAA/zMwMDQwMDA0hFE4aQiBTI/qo7I+sC5DqCpDiBCIhihHpuEqDeH6hpA/h7M+ABC9Bm1QAwAA Wear your fu***ng masks Be on the lookout for epazote two, coming soon with even fewer explosions and fire! Somehow Youtube has to pick out tags. Uhhh science. chemical reactions family firendly safe cool experiments mr backyard scientist Also thanks to my partner and @Babish Culinary Universe for helpiign me make the best culinary jounrey ever

6ZCEBSPHUtg | 22 Aug 2020
We dig up some alchemy texts and make some chemicals that were the first of their type in the universe. And they're a bit frightening honestly. Subreddit: Patreon: Second Channel: Discord: Twitter: Here is a really good paper about the history and science of fulminating gold and silver! Lots more information than I could fit into one video: Now for the Patreon list of cool people! Look how cool they are. All in single file, like the cool people they are. No group presentations this video, but also, no friends? Ah, who needs friends when you're this cool: Jtk08 Mark Hartsteen Stephanie Mills ERJN Jesus Ochoa Juhn Jacob Langbecker Emil Pelloso Sirius Kris Pockell Murray Grant St John Chris Villarreal Atmosys Craig M. Eric Stromdahl apollo wellstein Mattis Schmotz Steven Ngo Idan Benesh Rory Symonds Grue Sam Person Full Modern Alchemist (very thematic name, I like that!) Brendan Upton Diamond Eyes Slopey Henry Chris the Mad Sciencer Michel Heinz Joppe de Zeeuw Joseph Miller Sabino Lanza William Griffin Ian F Aaron Elligsen Bruce Fitzsimons Simon Clucas Brian Talarczyk Darcy Michael Aichlmayr Jacob Bollen Adam Nash GayKobold Vincent Cinfici gug Alok G Singh Samonie67 James Guarnotta Max Scop Rowan James Malkezadek joe WILLIAM BROWN Darren Hansen Punkey Sarah Urfer Mark Blundell Thorben Zethoff Adam Conour Zeo Roger -Dot- Lee Oliver Toth John Libal Ian Munro Daniel Coleman Azide Fox Jannic Rauch Clark from WY Rhodanide The Gayest Person on Patreon Isaac Paciga Kristopher Rush maxallen Mynameisnotdicks Kyle Ward snowhead29 Kristian Skåland Kris Luedke John Scott Chris Mclean acronus . White_as_paper Elliot Williams Martin Essam The Flying Shards Thomas Esker Zane Not a Mimic Harpsichord-uiy Roborovski Gary Virta Max Barnash Ryan Wait Michael Englehorn Aleksei Besogonov Ria Felix Barthelmeß Jana Bollen Lukas Schulz KaiserWilhelmTheII Sam Nudl David K Bennett Tyler Downard Ryan Nguyen General HiPing Jack Steel John Nguyen T.Chavez Dom Vasta Ben Gearon David Jensen uwotm8 Rorie Sean Murphy Jason Petrou Thomas Klotz Michael Lang Bitcore David Ho Justin reid Markus Rüegger Roger Kutyna Joe Galvan Elizabeth Schneider Karsten Hoff Hugh Laird brett j The King of Homestyle Anthony Henrik Jørgensen Arthur McTavish Michal Jenčo Jonny Wright Utulien Matt Jackson Nick David Cagan MillionFoul Thinkingmansgame Radil Rossi Leon Stark PrettyChill Chemistry Jannis Fischer Luke McGoggan Michael Kavulich Corrosion Oz Sabina Zachary Chapin Leon Schutte Thomas Abbott Mortlet Aussie Chemist Nile Red Christopher Stillson killroy225 AllChemystery Woah that took some scrolling, how cool is that. oh and some special messages from some extra special people! (which will continue to grow as I keep remembering to message people on Patreon oops): "Guess that's a fuc*in zero then" -Explosions&Memes wear your fu*king masks cat Also do we need some bonus content?? Some ''B-side materialll??"" if you will? ye cool what about this this is content? :

a60UewomiCg | 04 Jun 2020
We construct a powerful energetic complex from a decade that no-one remembers, because it's said to be a cool colour. It was. Subreddit: Patreon: Second Channel: Discord: Twitter: Patreon, as I've said in this here video film clip, has been 'going off' lately. Some of these fantastic names are below. I've paired you in groups of threes this time, so rather than being best friends like the groups of two were last video, in this case its a group assignment and you're all working on a powerpoint presentation together. Each work on it individually, and then just paste your slides together 10 minutes before your presentation, so it's brutally clear when it jumps from one person's slides to the next, but the sudden change in font, style and colour. Oh yeah. Anyway: William Griffin, James Guarnotta, Oliver Toth Joseph Miller, Jason Petrou, Last Son of Europa Clark from WY, Jack Steel, Zeo Jacob Langbecker, General HiPing, Ben Gearon Brian Talarczyk, Tyler Downard, Zachary Chapin The King of Homestyle, Adam Conour, AllChemystery Rowan James, Keith spoelhof, Sean Murphy Matt Jackson, uwotm8, Samonie67 Mortlet, Mark Hartsteen, Dom Vasta David Cagan, Sam Nudl, Roger -Dot- Lee Ian F, Joe Galvan, Sarah Urfer Emil Pelloso, apollo wellstein, Max Scop Sabino Lanza, Ryan Nguyen, Atmosys Corrosion, Nihilistporqupine, Chris Villarreal Anthony, Murray Grant St John, Kris Pockell Leon Schutte, Lukas Schulz, Thomas Klotz Thinkingmansgame, Aussie Chemist, Aaron Elligsen Bitcore, Thorben Zethoff, Roger Kutyna Sirius, Justin Pallo, PrettyChill Chemistry Thomas Abbott, Stephanie Mills, Alok G Singh Rossi, Justin reid, Vincent Cinfici Michael Aichlmayr, joe, Daniel Coleman David K Bennett, Jannic Rauch, Markus Rüegger Jacob Leecock, The Gayest Person on Patreon, Joppe de Zeeuw Jacob Bollen, Darren Hansen, Michael Kavulich Simon Clucas, Isaac Paciga, Elizabeth Schneider T.Chavez, John Nguyen, Craig M. Eric Stromdahl, Adam Nash, Hugh Laird Malkezadek, Punkey, Darcy David Ho, Azide Fox, Henrik Jørgensen Karsten Hoff, Christopher Stillson, Oz Sabina Michael Lang, Nile Red, Mark Blundell Luke McGoggan, Nick, MillionFoul Utulien, gug, Leon Stark Arthur McTavish, John Libal, KaiserWilhelmTheII Jonny Wright, Bruce Fitzsimons, Rorie GayKobold, David Jensen, Kristopher Rush Radil, WILLIAM BROWN, killroy225 brett j on your own, sorry. Good luck. Thanks to you all! Also here are some exciting featured guests in the description, please make them feel welcome. Its best just to read this as if i'm reading it all, and it's somehow part of some bigger, wider message or conspiracy. For any researchers interested in taking part in our show about research in chemistry called CurrentChem DM us on our Twitter,! Video on Octonitrocubane coming soon! Turns out I had to go mad So I could find out who I am, Stay inside and wash your f**king hands. DBF, Cthulhu fhtagn

psUc_oBXE6c | 27 Mar 2020
All safety documents say to never mix sodium and solvents like dichloromethane. Why is that? Who is Staudinger and what's he warning us against? We misuse and craft carcinogens to find out. Subreddit: Patreon: Discord: Twitter: References for the video: -- Mouse model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis: Histopathological changes and expression of CD133 and epidermal growth factor: -- Oxalylchlorid. V.: Über Oxalylbromid und Versuche zur Darstellung von Di‐Kohlenoxyd: -- Erfahrungen über einige Explosionen: -- Investigations on the Staudinger explosion and its prevention: Now its time for the Patreon list! There are a lot of you, and it was a long list, so I decided to randomly pair you up and give each of you a friend. They are your friend forever now, thank me later. If you want a randomly assigned friend, feel free to join the Patreon. No pressure. Next video I could be putting you into groups of threes and requesting group presentations. Elizabeth Schneider, Thinkingmansgame Luke McGoggan, The King of Homestyle gug, Gregory Wong Nihilistporqupine, Dom Vasta brett j, Isaac Paciga Corrosion, Markus Rüegger Sarah Urfer, Karsten Hoff Brian Talarczyk, Chris Villarreal Rowan James, MillionFoul Jannic Rauch, Charles Grassie, MD JD FACEP Azide Fox (fka. Mirgp, I remembered to change it!), Jacob Bollen Zachary Chapin, ChalkyChalkson Alok G Singh, Stephanie Mills Leon Stark, Michael Kavulich Joe Galvan, Mortlet Stephen Pohore, apollo wellstein Adam Conour, PrettyChill Chemistry Sean Murphy, Brad Walker Matt Jackson, Christopher Stillson Luke McGoggan, twistedgreen Benjamin Grimes, Malkezadek AllChemystery, WILLIAM BROWN Rhodanide, Rorie Justin Pallo, Daniel Coleman David Jensen, Mark Hartsteen David Cagan, Calvin Motes Murray Grant St John, Nile Red Roger -Dot- Lee, emuwarvet Matt O, Shay Sandik Justin reid, Anthony Darcy, Thorben Zethoff uwotm8, Max Scop Roger Kutyna, T.Chavez Joe, Jason Petrou Atmosys, Clark from WY Michael Aichlmayr, The Gayest Person on Patreon Nick, Jonny Wright Arne Strasser, Oliver Toth Utulien, Adam Nash Arthur McTavish, Thomas Abbott Ben Gearon, Elric James Guarnotta, Pascal Wiedenbeck Dan Kaplan, Darren Hansen Kris Pockell, Hugh Laird Leon Schutte, Michael Lang Thomas Klotz, Radil Punkey, Craig M. Mark Blundell, Jacob Tierney Oz Sabina, David Ho Samonie67, GayKobold John Libal, Vincent Cinfici Aussie Chemist, killroy225 Justin Lubbers, Explosions&Fire (odd number, you get paired with the teacher sorry) Plus Rossi and Sirius, you two latecomers can be paired together Also, three important messages from some featured description guests:: Live your best life people. Things are hard right now, but still don't be afraid to be curious and follow your dreams, provided you're safe and have some good social distance! Oh and to talk and get help if needed, that's a big one Wash your hands! And finally: Stay inside and wash your fucking hands (it's an important message!) Also shout out to Joanna and Georgios, they aren't Patreons or anything, they just asked for a shoutout. Sure fine, hello. Happy birthday to Rhodanide d0 y0u 3v3r f33l l1k3 4 pl4571c b46 dr1f71n6 7hr0u6h 7h3 w1nd, w4n71n6 70 574r7 4641n? d0 y0u 3v3r f33l, f33l 50 p4p3r-7h1n l1k3 4 h0u53 I don't think enough people are talking about the schwebebahn. God himself fears the schwebebahn.

qDxQIzOMV0w | 26 Dec 2019
Demonstrating two gases that ignite on contact with air, diborane and silane. ChemicalForce's channel: Patreon: Discord: Subreddit: Twitter: Here's some fantastic Patreon names, sorted in REVERSE alphabetical order, just to be crafty Zackary E. Jenkins Zachary Chapin WILLIAM BROWN WaffleStaffel Vincent Cinfici Utulien upsidedownoj Thorben Zethoff Thomas Abbott Thinkingmansgame The King of Homestyle The Gayest Person on Patreon Stephanie Mills Shay Sandik Sarah Urfer Samonie67 Rowan James Rossi Roger Kutyna Roger -Dot- Lee Rhodanide Radil Punkey PrettyChill Chemistry Pascal Wiedenbeck Oz Sabina Oliver Toth Nile Red Nihilistporqupine Nick Mortlet Monika Weiss mirgp Mikko Särkiniemi Michael Kavulich Michael Aichlmayr Max Scop Matt O Matt Jackson Mark Hartsteen Mark Blundell Malkezadek Luke McGoggan Luke McGoggan Lol Leon Stark Leon Schutte Kir killroy225 Karsten Hoff Justin Pallo Justin Lubbers John Libal Joe Galvan joe James Guarnotta Jacob Tierney Jacob Bollen Isaac Paciga Hunter B Hugh Laird gug Gregory Wong Grant Trent GayKobold emuwarvet Elric Elizabeth Schneider David Cagan Darren Hansen Daniel Coleman Dan Kaplan Craig M. Corrosion Clark Lowe Christopher Stillson Chris Villarreal ChalkyChalkson Calvin Motes brett j Benjamin Grimes Aussie Chemist Atmosys Arthur McTavish Arne Strasser apollo wellstein Anthony Alok G Singh AllChemystery Adam Nash Adam Conour + Darcy, who just signed up so he gets to be on the list too yay hi, how you doing? gonna scroll past without sayin' howdy?

szgejoiEXP0 | 16 Sep 2019
Backyard science. where I try not to get frostbite/burns/electrocuted/exploded/poisoned. A rad science time was had by all. Patreon: The Discord is here: There's competitions! Chat! A cool community! A potential minceraft server! Admins who aren't me and who actually get things done! What more could you want??? Tell me. Join. Subreddit: Twitter: To see me assembling and testing the ozone generator, see this playlist on my Second Channel here: Ozone Generator: There's so many patreons! I say that every video but now there are SO MANY: Anyway: you can join too but for now: here is the list of cool people that allowed this video to happen ( Mark Hartsteen Elric Craig M. Malkezadek Stephanie Mills Arne Strasser joe R.R - DalitasDrain Thorben Zethoff WILLIAM BROWN Zackary E. Jenkins Nihilistporqupine Justin Lubbers Adam Conour Roger-Dot- Lee Oliver Toth Daniel Coleman Dan Kaplan John Libal Azide Fox! Grant Trent Clark Lowe Isaac Paciga The Gayest Person on Patreon Lol Utulien Matt Jackson upsidedownoj Nick Darren Hansen David Cagan Punkey Hunter B Thinkingmansgame Radil Calvin Motes Mark Blundell Rossi Leon Stark PrettyChill Chemistry emuwarvet Luke McGoggan Michael Kavulich Oz Sabina killroy225 Corrosion ChalkyChalkson Zachary Chapin Leon Schutte Thomas Abbott Mortlet Aussie Chemist Gregory Wong NileRed Christopher Stillson JacobTierney AllChemystery (Hope I got everyone's name right!) Where's the hidden content you say?? Where is it? the people demand it. well screw you people, i forgot to organise hidden content for this description. um I HAVE A BIT CHUTE NOW wait no I should split it Bitch Ute? how is it meant to be done? regardless: it's got the old videos too! watch them if you want to cringe! Some more cool liquid oxygen videos from other people: Random Experiments International: ChemicalForce:

I-ZawsbYpmo | 08 Jul 2019
The chemistry in today's video is thanks to a personal grudge against a certain energetic compound made only of sulfur and nitrogen: S4N4. I also explain a heated opinion about a certain part of the visible spectrum. Patreon: Discord: Subreddit: Twitter: Special shoutout to r/yellowchemistry Nightmare fuel The paper we are following: "Tetrasulfur Tetranitride, S4N4" Ok bois are you ready for the long list of patreon names going for a to z?? here we go::::: Adam Conour AllChemystery Aussie Chemist ChalkyChalkson Christopher Stillson Clark Lowe Corrosion Craig M. Dan Kaplan Daniel Coleman Elric emuwarvet Grant Trent Gregory Wong Isaac Paciga Jacob Tierney John Libal killroy225 Leon Schutte Leon Stark Luke McGoggan Michael Kavulich mirgp, no wait Azide Fox (sounds dangerous honestly) Mortlet Nile Red Oliver Toth (yellow chem loving sinner) Oz Sabina Rhodanide Roger -Dot- Lee The Gayest Person on Patreon Thomas Abbott Zachary Chapin Ok what else goes here, maybe some bonus content? Don't have anything really good this video, I didn't do too many stupid things. So i'll try and make up for it in future. This is a clip I cut from a joke that wasn't funny really (also barely made any sense, which is more a reason to cut it than lack of humour, because people complain about things not making sense more (fair enough)) see you around fam

-Sz4d7RQB6Y | 03 Mar 2019
A famed compound that is 89% nitrogen and 100% feared. But does it live up to the hype? I take on a few years of chemistry experiments to try and find out. Subreddit: Patreon: Discord: Twitter: Synthesis Video (Second Channel): oh also check out my band on Spotify, we just put out a new Single a few days ago! (not a joke lol, fuccin listen to it ok): or watch on youtube: References: 2011 German paper: Same authors, more detail: Paper showing open form doesn't exist at room temp: I didn't mention it, but a lot of the tetrazole stuff was established by a Russian called Engager, published onto the Sciencemadness forums. It is truly an incredible body of work he established. Here is a huge list of names of some of the people who made this video possible. Thanks for sponsoring my trips to the hardware store: Elric Craig M. Roger -Dot- Lee John Doe Oliver Toth Daniel Coleman Dan Kaplan John Libal mirgp... Azide Fox! (I remembered your request hell yeah look at those memory skills) The Gayest Person on Patreon Isaac Paciga Gabriel J. emuwarvet Luke McGoggan Luke McGoggan Grant Trent Michael Kavulich Oz Sabina killroy225 Corrosion ChalkyChalkson Zachary Chapin Leon Schutte Thomas Abbott Mortlet Aussie Chemist Gregory Wong Nile Red Christopher Stillson Jacob Tierney AllChemystery sorry the audio is so bad. I spent money on a good mic and then talked into it from behind rather than the proper way and the audio was all clipped ehh I should write more nonsense in the description like I used to do. but maybe the nonsense (read: shitposting) is now in the video rather than being in the description?? ok nah, that's just a lame excuse. I've just got no bonus content for people to ignore this time.

0zcqeaJfY-8 | 10 Jan 2019
In this video we ask why energetic compounds aren't often polymers, and also almonds. We also make some polyvinyl nitrate and compare it to 'the chad of the energetics world'. Help support these videos on my Patreon!: Links: Join the Discord: Subreddit: Twitter: Other Youtube Channel: Thanks to all the Patreons once again, special mention list goes to the lovely people of: Craig M Elric Rhodanide Oliver Toth Azide Fox John Libal Dan Kaplan Daniel Coleman Leon Stark Gabriel J. The Gayest Person on Patreon Issac Paciga Zachary Chapin Luke McGoggan Christopher Stillson Roger -Dot- Lee ChalkyChalkson Leon Schutte Corrosion killroy225 Nile Red AllChemystery Jacob Tierney Gregory Wong Aussie Chemist Mortlet Michael Kavulich Grant Trent Thomas Abbott Oz Sabina A few new faces in the list and that's always real heartwarming to see! Ok so what are descriptions good for? That's right, bonus content. Because if you made it this far, you deserve to be rewarded. And by rewarded I mean... disappointed. This bonus content will help to answer what I perceive as the most important questions you will have after watching this video. Q) How long did you stare in regret at the experiment you ruined? A) A while. Q) Hey, so you poured some potassium chlorate into a cardboard tube, some of it ignited but the rest of it did not. A) That's actually more of a comment, but yes, I did blowtorch the ever-living h*ck out of that tube until the chlorate took off, because of s*fety Q) How much of your free time on a weekend did you spend blow torching an almond that you could have just ate? A) The perfect amount. I actually bought that bag of almonds specifically to film that shot without any justification and they were more expensive than any of the reagents in this video. They are delicious but they goddamn keep getting stuck in my braces and my only revenge is with a blowtorch (like any rational man).

G_lTiQDzF9U | 27 Sep 2018
In this year’s episode of Explosions&Fire, we attempt the synthesis of the explosive Fulminating Platinum and brown-noses Edmund Davy, only to realize that he played himself. But, as my P.E. teacher always used to say, “If you had fun, you won!”. Not sure if that applies to wasting precious metal compounds, though. Reddit: Patreon: Discord: Twitter: [[this was a message from our feature star from Patreon, go subscribe to him for more home chemistry!]] Why do we create Explosions&Fire? To remind us of how awful science is. Other links!!: Subreddit: Other Channel: Twitter!!: Discord is here!! join. Also, maybe you're asking 'why would you waste platinum in this way???' I initially had this clip as part of the video but then I cut it because youtube is serious business Thanks to all my patreons!! You can join if you want. Here's some cool names or some rad people, I love you enough that it makes you uncomfortable: Craig M. Elric John Libal Leon Stark mirgp Rhodanide AllChemystery Aussie Chemist ChalkyChalkson (great name!) Christopher Stillson Corrosion Daniel Coleman Gabriel J. Gregory Wong Isaac Paciga killroy225 Leon Schutte Mortlet Nile Red Roger -Dot- Lee The Gayest Person on Patreon ((mortal enemy)) Thomas Abbott Zachary Chapin Plus everyone else!! Wow there is so many of you now!!! Imagine if I actually uploaded semi-regularly! wow um what else. I should probably do the tags for this video ok here we go: Platinum. Pt. Metal. Jake Paul Platinum. Platinum Rap Battle. how to make science if any of the so far even when it doesn't go longer than together. Platinum Logan Paul. Wow remember when I got a youtube strike and my whole channel got deleted for spam because I shitposted in the description? I have not learned my lesson. Never employ me.

ud1c5w06Y5E | 14 Apr 2018
In this video we chat about war crimes, light some fires and look at a wholesome side of white phosphorus, all while trying not to be poisoned. It helps to limit exposure if you don't smear the poison onto your skin. Subreddit: Patreon: Twitter: Slightly more serious Second Channel: Shout out to the Patreon fans whose names are here except for some reason i replaced all the Is with Es and all the Os with Is and it didn't work out quite as cool as I thought it would but i'm sticking with it: Essac Pacega Gabreel J Mirtlet Herbert999 Chrestepher Stellsin Nele Red Aussee Chemest Gregiry Wing kellriy225 AllChemystery Daneel Cileman When my video was nearly done I happened to watch Nile Red's video on WP (I haven't since it first came out) and gosh we make similar points, its basically the same video except his cinematography is better and that i'm hotter. But, pls don't say i cheated ok i try to make unique content but i am not creative it seems i miss u all when i'm gone i love you .

_7YpDityLak | 27 Feb 2018
In the shortest Ex&F video in a long time, we take a look at the unstable oxidiser ammonium chlorate, as his buddy ammonium bromate. Links: Subreddit: Patreon: Twitter: Slightly more serious Second Channel: Thanks to all the Patreons! I said I'd list all the names, but I also decided to run all the names through an anagram generator, so if anyone wants to change their Patreon names, here are some suggestions for you all: Acacia Gasp I Large Jib Melt Rot 9 Berth 99 Re Chillers Sottish Porn Relined Caesium Thesis Eggnog Worry 2 Krill 2 Yo 5 Rectal Me Shyly Anal Lice Demon Mr Pig Cam Rig Wow ok they turned out more offensive than I thought they would.... please don't leave.... ...i love you... Also hope Youtube doesn't ban me for using 'adult' words in the description, oops. Oh well, risk-it-for-the-biscuit. This video is weird because its like, not much exciting chemistry, but someone just turned into 4 minutes of me flexing all the chemicals I have, like 'oh hey ammonium perchlorate, yep I got that', 'Phosphorous, yeah whatever, I burn that for fun, whatever'. Man I'm turning into a Youtuber. I'll have a diss track up soon. Buy my merch. Oh and finally, if you though """Hey that 2.3 second bit where he introduced the channel name was pretty good and well spoken""" then I have a sick behind-the-scenes look at what goes is required to get such a well designed and articulated shot: (Yeah click the link, do it) Remind me to put more tags on this video later. I'll just spam like 'Nurdrage' lots so I end up in his suggested videos and he'll hate me, its a flawless plan, come at me you inspiring deep voice man

RJh9yTIBY48 | 28 Jan 2018
We try the chloride salts of all the alkali metals, and some alkaline earth metals in order to try and increase our salt portfolio. It goes better than expected. Subreddit: Patreon: Twitter: Slightly more serious Second Channel: Discord server: Any reason to use the word Zesty is a win in my books. Did the taste test do any damage to our bodies? No. Did my drinking on Australia do damage to my body? Almost certainly. I mean my motto about health is 'my body is a temple' but my other motto is 'what would Jesus do' and in the last episode of the Bible I saw, Jesus went into the temple and got really angry and flipped over the gambling tables and told all the traders to leave, so that's what i'm doing, but instead of gambling tables its white blood cells, instead of traders it is bone density and instead of holy anger its breakdown products like acetaldehyde and oxidative free radicals. I should write a diet book. Thanks so much to my Patreons! I had to basically buy all the salts in this video (and they'll be put to better use!) but that was made possible thanks to my Patreons. Thanks to: Craig M. Mirgp Gabriel J (nice profile picture dude, cool flames) Isaac Paciga Christopher Stillson (wow I wish my name was this cool and posh, nice work) Killroy225 (ya i'd kill Roy too tbh) NileRed (who tf r u) AllChemystery (subscribe to him btw) Herbert999 (herbert is also a rad name) Gregory Wong !! Aussie Chemist (also subscribe to him!) Mortlet (nice) And also thanks to the small doods, you know who you are, it is all so appreciated. I should make one of the reward tiers exclusive access to my diet tips and early access to my book. 'Cooking with Cesium' ...maybe that's a working title. How about 'Remaining fat throughout your teens and also forever'. or maybe 'making negative comment about yourself at strangers on the internet for attention' nudes at 1mil

zJRxCPLPlgs | 02 Jan 2018
Why do we create explosions&fire? Because we got told that we couldn't. Playlist of me making the 5-ATz: In this video we make the famed tetrazole ring, I talk some boring shit about 'electron withdrawing' whateverthefuck that means, and then we blow some shit up. Sound good? Well you're already here, so bloody like comment and subscribe ok c'mon u wouldn't. Links: Subreddit: Patreon: Twitter: Sorry there's been a bit of barrage of old content going up. So if you've tuned out because of that, don't worry, its stopped now. Theres a few old ones i'd still like to put up, but they were the recent old ones, names Molten Whistle Mix, Amine Peroxides and PETN. But they're 100% strike-fodder, so we'll let them disappear into the ether for now. They're on other sites and idk you can find them through my reddit because i don't wanna link directly to Minds or Vimeo because they're both kinda weird in their own way, whatever. I haven't been shitposting enough in the recent descriptions, and I know all 30 of you viewers have been let down. I am a continued disappointment. Why don't you be more supportive and be like my parents and tell me to get a job and stop sleeping in. Ok it's kinda cringy reading about me complaining about my parents because it was fine when i was like 16 to be like 'whatver mum i do what i want' but now i'm like nearly 22 its like wow i really should actually get a job and stop sleeping in, wow i actually am trash and they are correct. moving out is hard though because i got a sweet lab here. also i have no money and no job but try and ignore that for a second. there's no way i can move out and keep the sweet lab, i'm not going to be able to afford a place with a backyard let alone enough space between neighbours that i can do my thing, so do i just come back on weekends and do the lab thing? but then its like i've never moved out of home, and i'll still have to mow the lawn for my parents because i'll be here anyway and they'll be asking me if i've had enough vegetalsk lately and hwen i'm having grandkids and idk man i can't do that, so does that mean the dream lab dies? how can i even put it into storage, i know chemplauer did but i would be so nervous like that DCM man, it gets over 40 derees here so doe tha mean the bottle shatters when it gets about boiling?? and like everything corrodes already, i'll have to throwin all th waste out and idk what to even start doing that or woh i woudl even gert there is the second place. But I know it's not my place to complain about things here so I wont subject you to that. Start your new year off right. If you start watching my video when I finally upload it, you'll be like commenting and subscribing when the video ends and that's beautiful. I'm using memes to relate to children haha lol look how in touch i am aren't i a great company haha buy my fried chicken u fat fucks

3WVx2O2kl0A | 23 Dec 2017
Aluminium metal and elemental iodine and mixed and then a few drops of water are added to initiate the reaction.The reaction is quite violent and bursts into flames, subliming the iodine into purple smoke with yellow... something else. The second Ex&F video filmed in late 2011, made on the same day as the original touch powder video.

SjoZ0MlzIfE | 12 Dec 2017 Will this stay up? Ah... I'm a small fish right now, surely it's fine. Surely.... I'll try putting ads on it too, see where that gets us! Sorry if you're feeling spammed with videos, just trying to build the back-catalogue up, and maybe even pull in some subscribers, you feel?

uViSRE8nsck | 09 Dec 2017
What is an explosions&fire? Not sure, let's find out together xoxo Subreddit: Twitter: Second Channel:

9V9ekuXl6Jw | 30 Nov 2017
Hello again, another old video. Quite proud of this one. Also, I've figured out how this channel is going to work: I'll run the Youtube for as long as I can, but inevitably we'll be run off Youtube again. Sure, I could cave and just not do things that Youtube deems correct, but that's not how the world should work, and the Youtube ads shouldn't get to dictate what gets done in the world like some big moral compass. The problem last time was that when the channel died, the community died with it. So, the thought is to separate the community and the videos, so that no matter where the new videos end up, the community is still in the same place. That place is Reddit. Here is our Subreddit: It's still pretty new, please suggest any improvements you think of. This is where Ex&F will be based from, and people can comment on videos and be notifed of them, regardless of if the video is posted to Youtube or Vimeo or whothefuckknows. With the community on Reddit, Explosions&Fire can never die. Once again, that's: Follow me there!