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-HPPGQhar3o | 18 Feb 2025
The Dream Team moved in together and you guys have been asking for a house tour ever since. We scanned our entire house into Minecraft to give the most unique house tour on YouTube! Even the air vents! Subscribe for more :) Download the mod: BlockPrintr Mod Tutorial: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Extended House Tour: George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Patreon: The Dream Team moved in together almost 3 years ago, and you guys have asked for a house tour ever since. I'm a Minecraft channel though, so of course we had to make it unique. We coded a mod that makes it so you can scan things from real life into Minecraft. Of course the first thing we did with this mod was scan our ENTIRE HOUSE into Minecraft! We did this on Minecraft 1.21.4, but it's possible on basically any version! 1.8, 1.20, etc. The mod is called BlockPrintr. This video is a mix of IRL vlog style content, and in game Minecraft content. Both showing off the house. We toured Sapnap's office and room, George's office and room, and the rest of the house! Thank you guys for all of the love and support! Lots more cool stuff to come, another Titan Minecraft Manhunt is hopefully the next video! Comment down below ideas :)

W0wGkH9i-YE | 14 Jan 2025
I'm Sorry (but not to TommyInnit). This is actually a serious video. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic I didn't want to make this video, but felt like I had to. Anyway, back to coding.

Vjz3rOsr_5A | 25 Dec 2024
20 YouTubers VS Titan (In My Real Life House)... the map was literally our house. This was one of my most insane videos. Oh, and by the way, for this video the titan is my DAD! VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep (50% off until January 6th) - (there’s SPEAKERS in the MATTRESS!) Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Thank you to everyone who participated in this! It was a lot of fun. This took a long time to make! Thanks to @awesamdude for helping code the objects system for all the cool doors and appliances and stuff! Hopefully we will do more like this in the future. In order to make this map, we first scanned our house and converted it into the closest Minecraft blocks, then we touched it up by building in more detail in order to get a perfect to scale map, but still have it look nice and capture the smaller objects. Here's how the game works: All players have an hour to hide from the TITAN, anybody left alive after an hour enters a death match until there is only one YouTuber standing. Everyone has a few special items to help them navigate the map, like a ladder to climb, and fishing rod to pull other players up. There's a special sabotage sword! Thanks to my dad for being in the video! Patreon:

ivsxhal_UhU | 03 Dec 2024
I Added My Friend To Minecraft... like, he can actually play the game in real life. So we try and beat it! Minecraft and real life fused together! Fusion. SUPPORT THIS PROJECT: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: @GeorgeNotFound Patreon: There were tons of changes and improvements to the real-life-video-game fusion process, as you can probably tell by watching this video. I want to talk about it more in the future, maybe with a DreamXD video. There were tons of bugs in this video, and this recording took forever, so we decided to fix a lot of the bugs and record another one on George's channel, which should also be up now! In that video we added a health bar above their head, fixed a lot of issues including with vehicles, and overall made it cleaner. If you have any suggestions for features, or any cool ideas for videos using this, let us know! We definitely plan on doing a good mix of videos with and without this tech. This was a ton of fun though, and was such an interesting way to experience Minecraft. This is a Minecraft 1.20/1.21 challenge. This is not a Minecraft Manhunt video, but it is a Minecraft survival challenge, like "Minecraft, But". We use "Fusion", our real life technology, with some coding magic, to put real life people into video games. They can be seen in 3D in the world, and can interact with things using their hands, feet, and every part of their body. It's hilarious, a ton of fun, and the perfect way to merge real life and Minecraft. They can PVP, build, break, and survive! We've spent a ton of time and effort on this project, so drop a like and subscribe if you want to show support :)

pxY82K0_hSs | 24 Oct 2024
2 Minecraft Speedrunners VS TITAN. You asked for it. The return of Minecraft Manhunt, George & Dream VS a real life Titan Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: @GeorgeNotFound Merch: All video music is custom scored and produced by Dream & PmBata. We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt 2: TITAN TAKEDOWN. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is a massive, near invincible TITAN, being controlled by a real life human projected into the game using our custom fusion technology, instead of multiple hunters. This is the toughest challenge I have faced yet. GeorgeNotFound and I are on a team of 2, and are trying to speedrun and beat the game. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.21 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my anonymous friend tries everything he can to stop me. This is all custom coded by us. If this video somehow gets 1,000,000 likes we'll announce the date of the next episode early. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhunt2

FxR_I6UVyIA | 10 Sep 2024
Minecraft Speedrunner VS TITAN. You asked for it. The return of Minecraft Manhunt, for a season 2. This is the first episode of many. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt 2: TITAN TAKEDOWN. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is a massive, near invincible TITAN, being controlled by a real life human projected into the game using our custom fusion technology, instead of multiple hunters. This is the toughest challenge I have faced yet. I'm excited to see how this goes over the coming months. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.21 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my anonymous friend tries everything he can to stop me. This is all custom coded by us. The TITAN theme music is custom scored by Dream & PmBata. Will hopefully be custom sound tracking all the future videos so anyone can feel free to react! (this has two non-custom songs in it, but not during the hunt) If this video somehow gets 1,000,000 likes we'll announce the date of the next episode early. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhunt2

YHGMfQ1TDPA | 30 Jul 2024
I added humans to Minecraft... it took a year. This was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm sure I'll look back on it fondly in the future. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: Patreon: Thank you guys so much for all the support throughout the years. It was the 5th year anniversary of "Dream" recently, and I am so appreciative for all of your support. Thank you to Youtube for all of the support, and for allowing me to live out my dreams. I'm calling this project "Fusion", game fusion, minecraft fusion, real life fusion, just fusion really. We fused real life and Minecraft, and hopefully other games soon. It's pretty awesome! This took over a year to make, and I plan on using it for a ton of future stuff, including "Manhunt 2" which should premiere in around two weeks. It should be a blast from the past, and from the future, with all the awesome tech. There is so much more cool stuff to show, but you can wait for that, as it's all coming up. Thank you to my friends for helping me during this project, believing that I could accomplish it, and motivating me to keep going hard at it. I had to learn multiple new coding languages, tons of random bits of knowledge on cameras, 3D space, and even unfortunately MATH. I feel very accomplished right now, but the grind doesn't stop. See you soon!

18jB0zQysgg | 19 Dec 2023
This video covers important and serious topics, viewer discretion is advised. All profits will go to find the Joyful Heart Foundation, find more information here: This video uses music, visuals, and sound effects to aid the viewer, and help them understand and retain information easier. Serious topics are not drama. These lies were spread to hundreds of millions, I can only do my best to make sure the truth can be consumed as easily as possible. I believe that everything in this video is extremely important, even though addressing the more serious accusations is much more important. The foundation of some of these claims, including some other false claims that were quickly debunked, was built on me being a creepy, dishonest person. Addressing the core issue, before then presenting my response, was something I felt could not be avoided. This does not devalue the importance of any singular topic discussed. They are all vitally important, and each chapter should be viewed as it’s own video. Feel free to use the contents of this video, as you wish, and even monetize it, as long as context to all statements is provided, and the video in it's entirety is not re-uploaded. This includes of course fair use reactions and edits. 0:00 Intro 1:45 The Face Leak Photo 4:24 Speedrun Cheating Scandal 8:40 Housing An Abuser - Manatreed 12:13 Posting Thirst Traps 14:45 Why Would A Grown Man Use Snapchat? 20:06 Dream Is Weird 21:56 Dream Posts Weird Pictures 23:56 The First Allegation 25:30 Why Ever Respond To A Fan? 26:07 Statement From The Person Who Ran my Snapchat in 2020. 28:22 Amanda 37:35 Pre Face Reveal Living Situation 42:21 The Police Station 44:53 What Happened After? 47:44 Gumball VS Dream 51:00 Uber Driver Interview 56:06 MAYHEM 57:45 Doxing Is Serious. 59:48 Dream DID WHAT? (Moaning Allegation) 1:04:38 Statement From The Person In The DM's 1:05:47 Burner Account Summary 1:07:28 Dream Calling The Police 1:10:07 Statement From "The Victim" 1:12:05 NEW Document w/ "24 pages of proof" 1:13:02 "Dream Admitted It Was Him" 1:15:55 False Accusations Everywhere 1:17:45 How Easy It Is To Fake Things 1:18:44 Conclusion All witness statements are provided below as they are, with explanations on anonymity and verification of identity attached. All other information is in the video itself, or publicly available online. Extra links and information: Statement from Jamie: Statement from Anon in Burner discord screenshots: If any reputable content creator would like verification of the identity of any of the people mentioned in this video, I can gladly do my best to provide it, please do reach out. Emails with the astrophysicist: Statement from Merch Employee on Flash Drive with “baby pictures”: Every Picture I’ve ever posted online: Full Uber Driver Interview And Uber video: All Instagram messages between Amanda & me: I did my best to censor inappropriate language, however, some things I could not as they were attached to important pieces of evidence. I also could have just missed some accidentally, it’s a long video. I do not support any forms of harassment. All social media @’s were left uncensored for transparency, other than Jamie (who specifically requested to be blurred). Almost all music and sound effects used in this video are from Storyblocks.

m7oAcv6vI0I | 01 Nov 2023
Minecraft CHICKEN vs HUNTER... I have to take a CHICKEN to beat the ender dragon. My friend has to stop me. Should be easy right? Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dream George: @GeorgeNotFound This video is a different Minecraft challenge concept that we have never done before! It's similar to Minecraft Manhunt, in that I have to beat the game while George tries to hunt the CHICKEN, instead of me. The chicken heals over time like a player, and has 20 hearts. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftChallenge

iWTs1BWCqrE | 27 Aug 2023
The Duel... All money from this video goes to charity. SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE. Eret: @TheEret Squidkid: @imasquidkid MrBeast: @MrBeast For a song I made that was inspired by technoblade. We made a music video and uploaded it on my music channel, but I recorded other footage, and wanted to make a video that represents just the Minecraft side of things, and that was extra meaningful to my fans in particular. This video is meant to represent what Techno & I were doing when we were invited by Mr Beast to duel for $100,000, and then a recreation of the duel itself. This was one of the most notable moments of my life. This is meant to help us remember Technoblade, keep his legacy living on, while also contributing to charity. Technodad helped make sure the duel captured the sportsmanship the original duel did. The rest was thought up and organized by me and friends, on our own budget to raise money for charity. I debated putting this on a different channel, but it felt at home here. Back to regularly scheduled Minecraft content.

uvebNBKOSTg | 09 Jun 2023
bye, from Dream. I deleted my face reveal, and this is why. After face revealing and removing my mask, I regretted the attention and hate, and am walking it back. Pre-save Until I End Up Dead: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic I will slowly be deleting all pictures of me online, and going back to just being a gamer in a mask. Starting with my Mr Beast Video, and my Face Reveal video, "hi, I'm Dream". I will be walking it back. I will be getting rid of everything other than my new mask. The same company that made the spider man mask, batman mask, and many other superheroes, made me a mask so that I can be Dream all of the time. Hide my identity, even if public, at McDonalds, or any place I need to go. thank you all from the bottom of my heart to those that supported me, even though I am ugly. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know, and I will be working on my face while I'm masked again.

_BZIxt07UNU | 03 Apr 2023
This Minecraft Mod Will Change The World... this has never been done before. This was one of the most incredible projects I have ever worked on. Twitter: @Dream Instagram: @DreamWasTaken Snapchat: @Dream In this video, we coded a Minecraft mod that live translates languages through a voice chat above your character in Minecraft. It has fairly good accuracy and can translate most languages around the world. This mod allows you to play Minecraft, make jokes, and have fun with people that can't even speak your language. Live voice translation has been being worked on by Google and other companies, and they provide API's for it. Google glass , apple glasses, and other similar products have been talked about for years with mentions of live-translating interactions in real life. We thought about taking that, and applying it to gaming. I truly believe that this is the near future for all online games with voice chat, with being able to play and communicate with anyone from anywhere, breaking down the language barrier. I also believe that this is a cool glimpse into the future in real life. If a bunch of kids can do it at home in one of the biggest games in the world, a bunch of engineers and geniuses can make it happen in real life. In this video there were plenty of languages, and I was able to laugh and joke with all of them. When testing this mod, I played with friends of mine that spoke different languages, and we were having so much fun playing together and laughing about how crazy it was that we could communicate with each other. This has been being worked on for a while and I'm so happy to finally share it with everyone. There are some bugs still, and in this version a couple of the notable bugs were: Minecraft words being incorrectly translated, names being incorrectly translated, and your last word not showing up sometimes. Whenever this mod's bugs are fixed and it's features are added, I plan on releasing this to the public for free, and with open source so anyone can make any additions they want with ease. Depending on what API is used for transcribing/translations and how many people are being translated, it can be costly, so although the mod will be free from me, using it might require setup on your end. I am releasing an SMP, the "United SMP", which is going to feature creators from all around the world. Equal representation from the languages that are on it, with a mock EU-style committee to make decisions so there is not one owner. This will be launching hopefully later this month, and has 60 creators to start with, 10 of which will be English speaking, 50 of which will be from 5 other languages. Most of these people are people I never would have been able to collaborate with, or make jokes with, or share with my fans, so I am so excited to share our community with the world. There will be more details on my twitter about this, and I will be live streaming the server in the future. thank you guys for watching and supporting the channel to make stuff like this possible.

_GSc0ldz4TE | 26 Mar 2023
Minecraft Hostage Simulator... this was the most ridiculous challenge we have ever done. It was absurd. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dream BadBoyHalo: @thesaintsofgames George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap This video is a different Minecraft challenge concept that we have never done before! In this challenge, BadBoyHalo is a hostage and we have to try and take him to the end portal. There are two teams, I am on one, and GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap are the other. BadBoyHalo can try and escape, but he can't break the rope that he's attached to. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftChallenge

OsdQExBRPqA | 14 Feb 2023
Speedrunning Minecraft Twice At The SAME TIME.... This was INSANE! We couldn't even move without stressing about what might go badly in our other world. Download Cashapp: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dream George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap This is a custom coded 1.19 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game TWICE AT ONCE. We coded a mod that makes it so everything we do on one Minecraft world, happens on another Minecraft world at the same time. We aren't switching between them, we have to control both at the same time! Can we beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we might make this type of video a series!

kiyQMRKEMiE | 15 Jan 2023
We Survived Antarctica... The Ice Planet. this was insane. There is nothing but snow, ice, mountains, and rock. We tried living in the wilderness. It was not what we expected. Cash App: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dream MrBeast: @MrBeast Karl: @Karl George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap After years of being completely faceless online, I finally decided to do a face reveal, and after that my life completely changed. MrBeast took me to Antartica, and it was some of the craziest days of my life. Antarctica is nothing like anywhere else on earth. The sun never sets, the snow is deeper than you can dig, and the wind is hurricane-like at all times. You have to wear special gear to go outside, to avoid frostbite and also snow blindness. It felt like living on a different planet. The Ice Planet. Antarctica was incredibly cold, and surviving 50 hours in the wilderness was crazy. It was actually pretty fun, despite the fact I had 3 different illneses at the same time while I was there. I was constantly freezing and coughing, but I still managed to have fun. There were some scary moments, and lots of fun moments with my friends. Being able to finally do this stuff in real life is awesome. I never would have thought in a million years that George, Sapnap and I would be traveling to Antarctica instead of filming another Minecraft Manhunt (maybe soon?!). I still want to do one in real life as well. Sorry for the lack of uploads! Fun fact: Antarctica is the biggest desert on earth! More Minecraft Survival soon... was kind of busy freezing...

CtpdMkKvB6U | 03 Oct 2022
hi, I'm Dream, and this is what I look like. After years of being completely faceless online, I finally decided to do a face reveal. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic GeorgeNotFound will be uploading a video of us meeting for the first time ever soon, so make sure to be ready for that... thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know.

wwkH0prchjQ | 30 Jul 2022
Minecraft Speedrunner VS $1,000,000 Mr Beast Challenge. This was INSANE. A new challenge. Patreon (Plugin): Free $15 with Code DREAMYT: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: Mr Beast: @MrBeast BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap This video is a different rendition of my normal challenge videos, where there are THREE hunters trying to stop me from beating Minecraft. We're so close to 30 million subscribers! Make sure to subscribe :) also congrats to Mr Beast on 100 million!!! In this challenge, the pot starts at 1 million dollars and it goes down $69 every 1 second. When I beat the game, the money that's left is given away to a RANDOM SUBSCRIBER! So make sure to subscribe! There's a catch though. If I don't beat the game quick enough, the money goes into the negatives, and that's how much I have to pay my 3 friends that are hunting me down! It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes, I might try and convince someone else to do it! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MrBeastHunt

C6P6hrWyidA | 09 Apr 2022
Minecraft 100 Floor Survival... This is a completely new and unique challenge. this was CRAZY! Free $15 with Code DREAMYT: Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.18 challenge that we have decided to try. We try and survive 100 floors on a Minecraft death elevator. We challenged a developer to code 100 floors that increase in difficulty, with one goal, kill us! If they kill us before we beat the 100th floor, they win. If we survive 100 floors, we win. 100 floors may feel like 100 days of hardcore in this challenge :) If this video gets 2,000,000 likes we'll do it again :) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin

cIY95KCnnNk | 26 Feb 2022
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters THE LAST MANHUNT. You asked for it. The Grand Finale. This was absolutely insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost awesamdude: @awesamdude We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FIVE hunters instead of THREE hunters or just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 2,000,000 likes we'll do something extra special. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

_0MXhG1shEc | 01 Dec 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters FINALE REMATCH. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane. use code DreamYT for $15 free Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost Awesamdude: @awesamdude We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

Ht9v8YLy-O4 | 16 Oct 2021
Minecraft Death Shuffle... Can we die some of Minecraft's most random deaths? Or will we live trying... George: @GeorgeNotFound Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.17 challenge that we have decided to try. We try and find ways to die random deaths that are selected after each round. We have five minutes to find out how to die the way that was chosen before we lose. Me and my friend George both get different random deaths, and whoever loses first loses the game. This is a little different than my normal content. Rather than being about combat or about trapping, this is about racing and about general Minecraft skills. This was super fun, challenging, and pretty funny overall. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

44wLAzydRFU | 20 Sep 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters FINALE. You asked for it. This was absolutely incredible. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost Awesamdude: @awesamdude We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 2,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

ss-JeDZY_oE | 27 Jul 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 2 Assassins You asked for it. This was INCREDIBLE. Download Monster Legends now: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt Assassins. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is not one hunter but TWO instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. This video, my friends can one shot me in Minecraft. If they hit me at all, I die, and I lose. If I look at them, they are frozen with lazer beams on them. They can't move or hit me at all. They have to sneak up on me. If this video gets 2,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt #Assassins

qqOxkuO3ip0 | 08 Jul 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters REMATCH. You asked for it. This was absolutely INSANE. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost Awesamdude: @awesamdude We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

FXcLiqIKdmw | 23 Jun 2021
Minecraft Random Item Challenge VS 2 Hunters... This was absolutely insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Text Me - 407-214-5333 Merch: George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We haven't decided on a name for this, but if this video gets 2 million likes we will consider doing a rematch! This video is a different rendition of our normal challenges, where there are two hunters trying to kill me while we have random items. We can break blocks, but they don't drop items. There is a 1000x1000 border. Every two minutes we each get a completely random item. We can't pick up each others items. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to survive, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a battle, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftRandomItemChallenge

RJ0jdO5ZfU4 | 23 Apr 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost Awesamdude: @awesamdude We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

cT7wOSOZVoc | 11 Mar 2021
Minecraft Survivor VS 3 Hitmen... This was incredible. Click the Merch link below for a chance to play in a Manhunt video with me! Merch: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Hitmen. This video there are THREE hunters/hitmen instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to survive for 100 minutes, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from surviving. Every 10 minutes there is a 10 minute period of invincibility. They can see me through walls, and the world is small. It's a chase, a race, and it's super intense. A lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,500,000 likes we'll do it again! Manhunt T-Shirt Details: Each and every Manhunt t-shirt purchased will be assigned a unique number. Limit 10 Manhunt t-shirts per order. In late April after all shirts have been processed, we will randomly select one unique Manhunt t-shirt number for invitation into a 2021 Dream Manhunt video. Dream will announce the associated order number (and perhaps country and initials) via social media. The lucky customer does not need to see the announcement or know their order number, because we will make reasonable attempts to contact the customer using the contact information provided at checkout. Do not fall for scams that ask you to provide sensitive information or click, install or open anything! If contact attempts are not successful or the invitation is not accepted within 2 business days, we will repeat the same process every 2 business days approximately until an invitation is accepted. The non-transferable invitation and video participation have no retail or monetary value for the purchaser of the Manhunt t-shirt which is sold at fair value and is non-refundable. Adequate computer, internet, video and other capabilities will be arranged if necessary for the sole purpose of video participation. Employees and their families are not eligible for selection. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed runner / survivalist in Minecraft against a killer / assassin / hitmen #MinecraftHitmen

a8ds6SnOGow | 05 Feb 2021
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters GRAND FINALE. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane. ► Download Monster Legends from this link to play for FREE! Get your Dream Monster and feed him to Level 10 to enter the $5,000 USD GIVEAWAY! Open to legal residents of the Eligible Countries. Must be at 18+. Sweepstakes begins at 00:00:00 (CET) on February 5th, 2021 and ends at 23:59:59 (CET) on February 12th, 2021 (inclusive). Void where prohibited. Subject to T&Cs: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not THREE but FOUR hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,500,000 likes we'll do something else. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

k4v6slOxxXs | 25 Dec 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters FINALE REMATCH. You asked for it. This was insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Antfrost: @Antfrost We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FOUR hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do something else. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

hDkuUZ3F1GU | 26 Nov 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters FINALE. This was absolutely crazy. ► Download Dragon City from this link to play for FREE & get your Dream Dragon and feed him to Level 15 to enter the FREE MERCH GIVEAWAY! Giveaway open to legal residents of the Eligible Countries. Must be 18+. Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:00 (CET) on November 26th, 2020 and ends at 23:59:59 (CET) on December 2nd, 2020. Void where prohibited. Subject to T&Cs: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: Antfrost: @Antfrost BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FOUR hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,500,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

R7klyFU_6xM | 18 Nov 2020
Minecraft Survivalist VS 3 Hitmen. This might even be more INSANE than manhunt. Merch: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dream ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Hitmen. This video there are THREE hunters/hitmen instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to survive for 60 minutes, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from surviving. They can see me through walls, and the world is small. It's a chase, a race, and it's super intense. A lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,500,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed runner / survivalist in Minecraft against a killer / assassin / hitmen #MinecraftHitmen

Sxgj9unnN6E | 06 Nov 2020
Minecraft, But It's Pitch Black... We can't see ANYTHING. This was insane. One of the hardest challenges we've ever attempted. Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap

CrtuA5HWFoU | 20 Oct 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters REMATCH. You asked for it. This was even more INSANE than the original. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: Antfrost: @Antfrost BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FOUR hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

mltj5p6l1-8 | 15 Sep 2020
Minecraft, But We Can Only See One Chunk... This was INSANE! We couldn't even see where we were going... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap This is a custom coded 1.16 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game while not being able to see outside of the chunk we are in. The chunks aren't being deleted or falling, but they are invisible! This is a custom coded mod by us. This was super intense, and insanely funny and fun. Can we beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we might make this type of video a series!

7BCojznmtRE | 04 Sep 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: Antfrost: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are FOUR hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do a rematch! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

tylNqtyj0gs | 07 Aug 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters GRAND FINALE. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Merch: BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are THREE hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do something else. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

UHAvoyIptN0 | 29 Jul 2020
Herobrine, the evil creature of Minecraft. Is Herobrine real? Where did Herobrine come from? Has Herobrine ever been in Minecraft, and will he ever be? Is there any proof? This is, the Unsolved Mystery of Herobrine. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap Patreon: Herobrine has and probably always will be Minecraft's greatest evil villain. If Steve is Minecraft's best friend, Herobrine is it's enemy. Herobrine has been talked about time and time again, but no one has really gone into too much detail. This video goes into details about his origins, if he is real or fake, where it all started, and some interesting mysteries involving him. #MinecraftUnsolved #S2 #E1

V_7ZPYXg5-M | 06 Jul 2020
Beating Minecraft Without Leaving The Nether... we can't leave the nether AT ALL. We are stuck. Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: This is a custom coded 1.16 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game before the new nether destroys us. This was super intense. We can't leave the nether at all, not even once. Can we beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we might make this type of video a series!

Ds7dX5BtCUA | 26 Jun 2020
Minecraft, But The Ender Dragon Is Our Pet... this was insane! Get my Youtooz: Redeem codes here: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon(Plugin): This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game while having the ender dragon as our pet. We can ride on it's back while it destroys blocks, shoots fireballs, and soars through the skies. This was super funny and fun. Can we beat the enderdragon? Minecraft But challenge

bOOfg7d1b6c | 23 Jun 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS PRO. This was absolutely insane. Youtooz Giveaway: Illumina (SUBSCRIBE): @IlluminaHD Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic I decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt Matchup. This series is slightly different than Minecraft Manhunt, as I'm going up against a Minecraft Pro in a DOUBLE Minecraft Manhunt. I tried to edit this short, but it was just action packed to the brim. There was so much stuff that I plan on releasing a lot of bonus scenes on my second channel. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend Illumina tries to prevent me from doing it. Then we switch, and he tries to beat the game, while I try to stop him. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. There's not 3 hunters this time, but there's one hunter that is one of the best in the entire game. Thank you so much to Illumina for coming out and playing! If this video gets 500,000 likes I'll try and get Technoblade on Minecraft Manhunt Matchup! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhuntMatchup

hgdSJdeGF_0 | 18 Jun 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters FINALE. This was insane. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are THREE hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we'll do it again. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

sJW4Le1CX-g | 14 Jun 2020
Dream VS Technoblade.... these are highlights from Minecraft Championship including Dream and Technoblade's perspective. A mighty battle... Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic This event was SO much fun! This was my first live stream on Youtube in a very long time and it was a lot of fun! Technoblade is an awesome guy and it was a lot of fun to have a little "rivalry". I'm sure he'll bounce back and embarrass me at some point. Overall the best Minecraft event I've played in and incredibly well hosted. Thanks to everyone who came and supported me! Technoblade: @Technoblade George: @GeorgeNotFound Mefs: @Mefs Eret: Thumbnail Art: Twitter @datedliquid Patreon:

-As3w9Hhl88 | 10 Jun 2020
Minecraft Speedrun World Record 1.15. This world record is for versions 1.9+, with a random seed without glitches. This was crazy. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic I had a lot of fun, but also a lot of headaches when trying to beat this record. I almost stopped trying multiple times, but I had my friends to encourage me to keep going. Was an amazing moment that they got to be there for me. MAJOR props to realbenex for his amazing time. I saw it midway through attempting this record, and almost gave up because it was such a great run. Previous WR was 22:18 by realbenex @Benex Speedrun Leaderboards: Version: 1.15.2 Seed: -8838743941849800027 Difficulty: Normal

RTXS4MMngnA | 28 May 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters REMATCH. This was super intense... Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are THREE hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 350,000 likes we'll maybe do 4 or something idk Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

baNF5qF_gdo | 24 May 2020
3 Minecraft Speedrunners VS Hunter. This was super intense... Patreon: MrBeast Gaming: @MrBeast Gaming Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are THREE speedrunners instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to stop Mr Beast and his friends from beating the game. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 350,000 likes we'll do it again, but with 4 people! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

VSNMNM8Qouw | 22 May 2020
Minecraft, But It's a Zombie Apocalypse... There are tons of different types of zombies! Some throw you, some explode, some are super fast, and much more! Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Dream Team: George: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game before the Zombie Apocalypse destroys and consumes the entire world and all the blocks in it. This was super intense. Can I beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

3tH4dyOPZnY | 13 May 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters. This was super intense... Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo George: @GeorgeNotFound Sapnap: @Sapnap We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are THREE hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 250,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

MsDhoUEa6JE | 05 May 2020
Minecraft, But Three People Control One Player... this was super hilarious... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. We try to beat the game, while I am stuck together with my 2 friends. One can break blocks, one can attack, and I control where we move. It's like those challenges where one person has the mouse and one has the keyboard, except with 2 people If this video gets 200,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a new challenge. This video was structured very similarly to my other video "Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time...", so you may notice those music and content themes in this video.

EIK_88hdJl4 | 30 Apr 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter LIVE! This was crazy! Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. Future Live Streams: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon: This is the first video that we have recorded from LIVE on my Twitch! I was slightly distracted due to the chat and reading donations, although it was mostly a normal fun time! We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. I try to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 100,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhuntLive

zEmLyLBEQHc | 23 Apr 2020
Minecraft Ultimate Tag... My friend and I have two minutes to avoid being tagged by each other. We have to evade each other by sprinting, jumping and juking. Who will win? Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: This video is similar to my other Minecraft, But, 1.14/1.15 1v1 challenges. Me and my friend try to trick and evade each other. The first person to 7 points wins. This competition was crazy fun and crazy challenging. If you have any tips and tricks leave them in the comments! 200,000 likes and we'll do this again!

kygSV5CJkO8 | 19 Apr 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS 2 Hunters. This was super intense... Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are TWO hunters instead of just one. This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 150,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

p34C7fNFgTA | 14 Apr 2020
Minecraft Block Shuffle... Can we hunt down some of Minecraft's most random blocks? Or will we die trying... DreamXD: @DreamXD Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: @GeorgeNotFound Patreon: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. We try and find and stand on random blocks that are selected after each round. We have five minutes to find and stand on the block before we lose. Me and my friend George both get different random blocks, and whoever loses first loses the game. If this video gets 100,000 likes we'll make this a series! This is a little different than my normal content. Rather than being about combat or about trapping, this is about racing and about general Minecraft skills. This was super fun, challenging, and pretty funny overall. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

KjRfXURKAx8 | 12 Apr 2020
Minecraft Death Swap 2... My friend and I switch locations every 5 minutes. We have to trap each other to win. Who will win? Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon: This video is similar to my other Minecraft, But, 1.14 challenges. Me and my friend try to trick and trap each other. The first person to die loses. This competition was crazy fun and crazy challenging. If you have any tips and tricks leave them in the comments! 200,000 likes and we'll do this again!

O60zJzhYGEA | 08 Apr 2020
2 Minecraft Speedrunners VS Terminator. This was actually insane. What if herobrine is like this... Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Baritone: This is a 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge using baritone, impact, and a custom server plugin. A terminator, which is a minecraft bot, tries to prevent me and my friend from beating the game. The bot is extremely good and can use diamond tools and blocks to help it. It also has infinite health. Can we beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

JVih1OeNMPs | 05 Apr 2020
Minecraft Experts VS Player Controlled Ender Dragon... Can some of the best Minecraft players beat Minecraft's toughest boss? Limited Time 2 Million Merch: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Extra Scenes: George: @GeorgeNotFound IlluminaHD: @IlluminaHD Technoblade: @Technoblade Skeppy: @Skeppy BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo F1NN5TER: @F1NN5TER Purpled: @Purpled Sapnap: Patreon (Play this challenge): This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friend is able to actually control the ender dragon and try and prevent some of the best Minecraft pros from beating the game. He can use all of the dragon's abilities like shooting fireballs and knocking players in the air. This was super funny and also super fun. Can they beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge #DragonChallenge

fj28UtF0-Fs | 24 Mar 2020
Minecraft, But It's The World Record... My old record was beaten by IlluminaHD, so I had to come back and attempt to take the record back! Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic This is a Minecraft World Record for Minecraft RANDOM SEED, glitches, on versions 1.9+. Previous WR was 27:26 by IlluminaHD Speedrun Leaderboards: Version: 1.14.4 Seed: -5343875517453442142 Difficulty: Normal

1dwDlZy9fk8 | 21 Mar 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter (Again). This was amazingly intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is not the other rendition of it, where there is an assassin. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. My friend George tries to beat the game, while I try to prevent him from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

CFkv6DtKf3w | 15 Mar 2020
Minecraft Speedrun World Record 1.14. This world record is for 1.9+ (Any version after 1.9 up until 1.15.2). This was insanely hard and took weeks of failed attempts! Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic This was definitely a new experience. I had a lot of fun, but also a lot of headaches when trying to beat this record. I might start live streaming stuff like this in the future, although for now this was mostly a personal challenge for myself. It was a great feeling after all of the failure to come out with a success. Previous WR was 32:37 by IlluminaHD Speedrun Leaderboards: Version: 1.14.4 Seed: 3120588097038515178 Difficulty: Normal

VqzxXmtrwCM | 12 Mar 2020
Minecraft, But Every Chunk Explodes... Every time we enter a chunk it EXPLODES from bottom to top. We can hardly stand still... constantly on the run. Can we beat the enderdragon? IP: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon: This video was inspired by "Minecraft, But The Chunks Are Deleted Every Time..." This video was... a blast hAhA.. super funny and fun to play this Minecraft 1.14 challenge. We will be updating to Minecraft 1.16 soon! 50,000 likes and we'll continue this series :)

mayvv2asTps | 05 Mar 2020
Minecraft, But Mobs Are Random Sizes... Giant creepers, super small tiny skeletons... this was scary... Patreon: Archon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game before the giant and tiny mobs defeat us. This was super funny and also super fun. Can I beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

e_IYvbO1UU0 | 28 Feb 2020
Minecraft, But The World Is Controlled By A Player... This was actually insane. What if normal Minecraft and Mobs were like this... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friend is able to actually control mobs and try and prevent me from beating the game. He can use all of their abilities like a creepers explosion and an endermen's teleport. Any creature / Monster in the game, he can turn into it. This was super funny and also super fun. He also can control the entire world. He can make blocks fall with gravity (that aren't sand or gravel). He can change the time. He is the god of the Minecraft world. Can I beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

17Bm70E-p3U | 24 Feb 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Full Diamond Juggernaut. This was super intense... Sapnap: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): Server IP: We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is not a different rendition of it, where there is an assassin. This is similar to "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them" and "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Slayer" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend Sapnap (not BadBoyHalo this time) tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 50,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

6Ot5MTTGUTE | 19 Feb 2020
Minecraft, But A Black Hole Grows Every Second... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friends and I try and beat the game before the black hole destroys and consumes the entire world and all the blocks in it. This was super funny and also super fun. Can I beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

0mVspv8QSKA | 10 Feb 2020
Minecraft, But A Tornado Chases Us...This was actually insane. What if normal Minecraft was like this... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. A tornado tries to prevent us from beating the game. The tornado picks up blocks and throws them, as well as destroying everything in it's path. It also picks up players and mobs. This was super funny and also super fun. Can we beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge This is similar to the Minecraft natural disasters mod, except it is a plugin not a mod, and it follows us at all times!

_kk53fXRpKI | 06 Feb 2020
Minecraft, But The Mobs Are Controlled By A Player... This was actually insane. What if normal mobs were like this... Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: This is a custom coded 1.14 / 1.15 survival challenge. My friend is able to actually control mobs and try and prevent me from beating the game. He can use all of their abilities like a creepers explosion and an endermen's teleport. Any creature / Monster in the game, he can turn into it. This was super funny and also super fun. Can I beat the enderdragon? Want to see this again? Like the video and we'll make it a series! Minecraft But challenge

vXS1pXWslxs | 02 Feb 2020
Minecraft Death Swap... My friend and I switch locations every 5 minutes. We have to trap each other to win. Who will win? Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon: This video is similar to my other Minecraft, But, 1.14 challenges. Me and my friend try to trick and trap each other. The first person to die loses. This competition was crazy fun and crazy challenging. If you have any tips and tricks leave them in the comments! 100,000 likes and we'll do this again!

tPCTAcOBX68 | 28 Jan 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin. This was super intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is an assassin. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

MH3DGqsvaTg | 24 Jan 2020
Beating Minecraft, But It Rains Lava... This was INSANE! George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon: This video is a new Minecraft, But, 1.14 challenge. We try and beat the enderdragon (beat the game) in Minecraft, while the sky rains lava. Like, actual lava rain. This was extremely fun and challenging. Messing with the way the game/blocks/weather works is always fun. If this video gets 150,000 likes we'll upload part 2! NO LESS!! This was so hard. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

ca54nGKw7w4 | 21 Jan 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin ft. Notch. This was super intense... Thank you Notch :) George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is an assassin, and a bodyguard. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. Notch tries to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from stopping him. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 100,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

PG1IMdklrj0 | 18 Jan 2020
Beating Minecraft, But All Blocks Have Gravity... Just like sand... ➽ TWITTER - George: Patreon: Follow my socials: ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic This video is a new Minecraft, But, 1.14 challenge. We try and beat the enderdragon (beat the game) in Minecraft, while every block has gravity like sand. This was extremely fun and challenging. Messing with block physics is always fun. If this video gets 50,000 likes we'll upload part 2 :) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

S4K6M2xW8gs | 14 Jan 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Slayer. This was super intense... BadBoyHalo: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is not a different rendition of it, where there is an assassin. This is similar to "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend BadBoyHalo tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

AA7AE-3yq7Y | 12 Jan 2020
I Get Shocked When I Lose Hearts in Minecraft... This was crazy. Tech Channel: George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic SUBSCRIBE TO GEORGE! Also subscribe to our new tech channel. We have a lot of cool stuff planned, but we need to know that it's worth it, so if you're interested in this stuff, go subscribe please :) This was a crazy challenge. We played this in Minecraft 1.14, although it would have worked on 1.15. This was much more fun and funny for me than it was for George. This is very similar to our other Minecraft but, challenges like "Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time..." Although this wasn't inspired by "A Robot Shoots Me When I Get Shot in Fornite", it was definitely inspired by Michael Reeves. Patreon:

ji7v47RfjXs | 10 Jan 2020
Speedrunning Minecraft As Siamese Twins... This was extremely funny. George's Special Link: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. We try to beat the game, while I am stuck together with my friend. He can break blocks and place blocks, and I control where we move. It's like those challenges where one person has the mouse and one has the keyboard. If this video gets 50,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a new challenge. This video was structured very similarly to my other video "Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time...", so you may notice those music and content themes in this video.

X1OXNSCfgUQ | 07 Jan 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter. This was amazingly intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is not the other rendition of it, where there is an assassin. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. My friend George tries to beat the game, while I try to prevent him from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

JAe0QwYre_M | 05 Jan 2020
Minecraft, But We Are Stuck Together... We can't leave each others side. Patreon (Plugin): Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while I am stuck together with my friends. We can't leave each other's side. It's extremely hard and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a new challenge. This video was structured very similarly to my other video "Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time...", so you may notice those music and content themes in this video.

ZfeNh8E3O4c | 03 Jan 2020
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin. This was super intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon (Plugin): We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there is an assassin. "Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them" This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin #MinecraftManhunt

eDZ-JOqewlA | 31 Dec 2019
Minecraft Speedrunner VS Someone Trying To Stop Them. This was super intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon: We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a rematch of "Beating Minecraft, But My Friend Tries To Stop Me..." This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer. #MinecraftManhunt

6GnC-N7L0Ew | 26 Dec 2019
Beating Minecraft, But My Friend Tries To Stop Me from beating the game. This was super intense... George: Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Patreon: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George tries to prevent me from doing it. It's a race, and it's super intense and we had a lot of laughs, pretty funny. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 30,000 likes we'll do it again! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

N09x0dQq2P0 | 21 Dec 2019
Minecraft, But We Can Swing Like Spiderman. A trick using leads, arrows, invisible bats, velocity, and more, makes it so that we can play survival Minecraft without mods and swing like spider-man. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Patreon (Plugin): This isn't really a challenge, it's just a fun thing we added to vanilla Minecraft (this isn't like every mod ever). It was surprisingly difficult to use and we ended up killing ourselves many times, but it's still fun to jump around and fly through the air like Spiderman. this was on Minecraft 1.14 not Minecraft 1.15. If you want more content like this drop a like :) This was sort of inspired by Jelly's "Playing as THE FLASH in MINECRAFT!" as "Playing as THE SPIDERMAN in MINECRAFT!" although those are with mods. This isn't your typical Minecraft, But challenge.

idP3iJ0rE7k | 20 Dec 2019
The season finale of season 1 of Minecraft Unsolved Mystery's series. This one is an interesting one. Sharks. Snakes. Piranhas. Riding Dolphins. Minecraft updates. Drama, and of course, a lot of mystery. Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic Minecraft is the most popular game in the world, with by far the most sales. It's a fantasy game that's family friendly and PG, rated E for everyone. Sometimes they have to go to lengths to keep that rating. Minecraft is not just a game for kids, it's a business too. Some of the updates they make, some of the things they add or don't add in different versions, are for mysterious reasons. #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #FINALE

5Vx6LaKfdvw | 18 Dec 2019
Minecraft, But Everywhere We Look Explodes Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: ✅ ANDROID: Start with💰50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion 💥 on day 7 of “New Player Rewards” program Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: Reddit Post: Patreon: skip ad: 2:00 Explosions are everywhere. We aren't laggy surprisingly. Can we beat the game with this crazy challenge? It was torture. Hopefully the advertisement isn't too distracting from my content. I'm hosting a Minecraft Boxing tournament with a bunch of big youtubers that should be ready soon.

8poIHewFgTM | 16 Dec 2019
Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time you break a block or kill a mob... Not doubled, not tripled, but times ONE THOUSAND. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon: I kind of want to do a series where the drops are random again, so that may be the next series that we do. If this video gets 30,000 likes, we'll do it again. This challenge is pretty fun though, so we decided to make another video.

VAA1L_s5GNU | 15 Dec 2019
Minecraft But Bees Are Multiplied Every Time... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon (Plugins): This is our first Minecraft challenge done in Minecraft update 1.15, so we decided to do it with the bees. Every minute the number of bees rises... The server is laggy and we have a lot of trouble, but we try and beat the game. Title similar to Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time...

re_xDKBWyhQ | 12 Dec 2019
All your minecraft chaos in one video... Follow my stuff ➽ Twitter - @DreamWasTaken ➽ Instagram - @DreamWasTaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: Sapnap: Inspired by "All your minecraft pain in one video..." by Spifey :) Challenges used in this video: "Minecraft, But It Rains Monsters" "Minecraft, But Every Mob Explodes Like Creepers" "Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time..." "Minecraft, But Speed Rises Every Second" "Minecraft, But Gravity Flips Every Minute..." We decided to throw together all of the Minecraft challenges we've done in the past into one chaos filled video. This was pretty funny so I thought I'd upload it even though it's not one of our typical challenges. Patreon: family friendly pg clean

rLXwd2xdkm8 | 11 Dec 2019
Minecraft, But Gravity Changes Randomly Follow my stuff ➽ Twitter - @DreamWasTaken ➽ Instagram - @DreamWasTaken ➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic George: First part: This is the second part to the Minecraft, But Gravity series. This one was a lot of fun, and took a lot of time to finish. Minecraft 1.14. Random gravity, at random times.

H59Ay0Pi3L0 | 10 Dec 2019
Minecraft, But Gravity Flips Every Minute... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14 challenge that we have decided to try. We try to beat the game together. It's laggy and hard and we had a lot of laughs, pretty funny. Minecraft isn't upside down or sideways, but the gravity does change every minute. I love doing these challenges. If this video gets 25,000 likes we'll upload part 2 :) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises.

FIqzLlwf3JI | 06 Dec 2019
What if there was an enchantment in Minecraft called "XRAY". What if it allowed you to seek out ores by making blocks in your path invisible? How would Xray 2 look? What about Xray V? Xray 100? This was super cool to see! Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon: This game was played in vanilla Minecraft 1.14 and would actually be really cool to have added to Minecraft as an actual enchantment. You feel like an xrayer and a cheater but it's a part of the game! lots of fun and pretty funny :) This video is similar to my mining diamonds with fortune 100,000 video. Except for we mine normal blocks with X-ray.

bBnX8k-IE2w | 04 Dec 2019
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas But, Minecraft Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George (subscribe): Patreon (Plugins): This is a more relaxed upload and less of a funny-moments one. I've been working behind the scenes on a lot of stuff so stay tuned for that! ok the joke is that it's too early to make Christmas videos, so we coded this custom Minecraft 1.14 plugin where snow blocks fall from the sky and it makes the game almost impossible. still pretty funny and fun :) thanks for watching and make sure to like the video :D Minecraft but it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

r4LJB79w6x8 | 01 Dec 2019
this Cursed Confusing Minecraft Full Of Confusion video will make you very confused. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon (This Plugin & More): Are you confused yet? Minecraft can be confusing and full of so much confusion it will make you scream. Cursed Minecraft no more, confused Minecraft is where it's at. New Minecraft challenge coming soon too :)

HnwtpfssNmU | 28 Nov 2019
This may be the future for small Youtubers and gaming. Sponsored by Shadow, use code "DREAM" for $5 off. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - I don't usually do sponsored videos, but I thought this one was too good to pass up on.

Zwr1IgRpFT0 | 26 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Blocks Attack You... Second part link: Patreon(Plugins): Subscribe to our new channel: Dream TEAM: Subscribe to my friends: George: Sapnap: This Minecraft challenge was done in Minecraft Update 1.14, and was coded as a Java Plugin, not a data pack or a mod. this challenge was super difficult but extremely fun/funny. Seeing all the blocks flying after us trying to defend themselves or fight back was super funny. The second part of this series is even funnier (at least I think).

eVvonVlbcFg | 24 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But It's Confusing... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - This video is only a step away from being cursed Minecraft. It's full of confusion, and will definitely make you confused if you try it. Playing this will hurt your brain and definitely drive you crazy. It was still pretty fun and funny though, tad cursed. George: Patreon (All Video Plugins including this one):

eRIZlLV2pSs | 22 Nov 2019
Infinite Play Buttons? Youtube play buttons, creator awards, plaques, whatever you want to call them. How many can one person get? PewDiePie? Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - This video isn't about Minecraft like most of my content, however I thought it was worth an upload. More Minecraft content later tonight :) It'd be pretty funny if PewDiePie were to try this out. You never know what would happen, although you'd assume Youtube would just say no. Footage used from: What's Inside, KSI, The Speedy Diver, and Cute Life Hacks. Music:

wv_Lxk1LMHg | 22 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Every Mob Explodes Like Creepers. Zombies, slimes, pigs, cows, everything explodes. this was fun. this was stupid. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Sapnap: Patreon (All Plugins Used In Videos): This was fun, unique, and as far as I'm aware never done before.

9ftsnzB1kSw | 19 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But It Rains Monsters or mobs. It rains creepers and skeletons and zombies, and much more. Thousands of them. This is awesome. The rain gets faster and faster. Follow my twitter (giveaway) ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon (All Plugins Including This One): This challenge is one of the craziest Minecraft challenges we have done. Everything is raining from the sky. a crazy version of Minecraft 1.14 survival. was a lot of fun.

UapEjmbQi_U | 17 Nov 2019
Giving George $5,000 To Spend On Amazon Just the happiness they radiate is so wholesome. 500,000 subscribers gained in 14 days. Crazy. Love all of you. My Merch: Twitter Giveaway: George: BadBoyHalo: Sapnap: financial genius. giveaway money and apparently you will get more money in the future! I love giving. I'm not rich, but I enjoy making other people smile, and sometimes money can do that This isn't a Minecraft video, but it's with a bunch of Minecraft players.

2e0SY1eeNf0 | 16 Nov 2019
The Worlds Hardest Game in Minecraft Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - The World's Hardest Game recreated in Minecraft. Red wool instead of red circles. This challenge is triggering and really makes you rage. Insane. Nearly impossible. A6D: George: Patreon (Plugins): Songs: Andy Griffith Tribute HipHop Beat It Takes Two To Tango Party Troll Song by D1ofAquavibe Funny Song - Bensound Walking Funny Tomfoolery

RYLmNm3uq8c | 15 Nov 2019
this cursed Minecraft house will trigger you... yes this is satire, yes it took effort and coding to set it all up. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - So I moved to Minecraft 1.14 for this video of the lets play. this is a series on my channel, not a minecraft but challenge, for those confused. Patreon (All Plugins):

KDlO64GbxIQ | 14 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Random and Multiplied Every Time you break a block or kill a mob... Not x2, not x5, but up to times A MILLION. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Patreon(All Video Plugins): George: Sapnap: This video took hours to record so please drop a like and subscribe for this fun Minecraft challenge!

cGLOOl2vTRk | 12 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But The World Changes Every 3 minutes. The seed of the Minecraft world changes.We get stuck in lava. We fall. It's so hard to beat. We're in the nether this episode. This is a true challenge. Hopefully you're on the edge of your seats. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon (All Plugins): Like and comment if you're reading this :) it helps out! Also, we're getting close to a million subscribers so thank you guys so much.

5slw77hxG3M | 11 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But The World Changes Every Time that a certain amount of time passes. It gets quicker every time it changes. The seed of the Minecraft world changes.We get stuck in lava. We fall. It's so hard to beat, but we're trying. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Patreon (All Plugins): I want this to be a series, so, if this video gets 50,000 likes, we'll finish this series. This challenge is pretty fun though.

K_MMmlI-mns | 10 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Chests Are Everywhere... like actually... filling the entire world... this was way too laggy. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Patreon (Plugins Used): George: I kind of want to do a series where the drops are random, so that may be the next series that we do. This challenge was pretty fun though.

7foXtHY-9y4 | 09 Nov 2019
EVERYTHING in Minecraft 1.16 was LEAKED. Soulstone? Lava boat? Check this out. It's crazy. Mojang's newest update. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Patreon (Video Plugins): Thanks to: George: Shmoobalizer: @_shmoobalizer on Twitter Mistaf Cameron and chaelosm: Minecraft Nether forests, Minecraft Piglins, Minecraft Hoglins, and much more were shown at Minecon. A bunch of nether biomes including the soulsand valley. Hope you enjoy the video :)

yoEoPUcwv3g | 08 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Speed Increases Every Second #2 Not speed potions, not special effects. Custom player speed, 0.001 every second. Not fun. Incredibly hard. Check out my new special edition hoodie (limited time) ➽ Website - Sapnap: George: Patreon (Plugin): If this video gets 70,000 likes we will do this challenge again. Please no.

F---bdPvyLw | 07 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Speed Rises Every Second. Not speed potions, not special effects. Custom player speed, 0.001 every second. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Sapnap: Patreon: If this video gets 30,000 likes we will do this challenge again and try and beat the game, we'll make it a series. It wasn't very fun.

xqS_sTd6ZXc | 06 Nov 2019
We See Our Minecraft World For the First Time... We beat Minecraft without ever seeing our world. We kept xray on the entire time and never turned it off. This is the grand finale. The final episode. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: Sapnap: Thumbnail: 30,000 likes and we will do another series like this one :)

jOV64EYNjwY | 05 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Bedrock Slowly Fills the World... It consumes the world. Eats it. Destroys it. The opposite of world decay.. This was INTENSE. George: Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - This is the opposite of the Rapidly decaying world that you've seen other big channels make videos on. We custom coded this so that it would be amazing. I'm going to try and do more unique coded minecraft challenges because everyone seems to like them and they're really fun.

O1K3aXv9f3w | 04 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time you break a block or kill a mob... Not doubled, not tripled, but times THREE HUNDRED. Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: World Seed: 969603284774817176 (Minecraft 1.14.4 Survival) If this video gets 30,000 likes, we'll do another series just like this except harder and better.. This challenge was pretty fun though. I kind of want to do a series where the drops are random, so that may be the next series that we do. Or something else, who knows. Subscribe for more!

v6s5HkT3Kx8 | 03 Nov 2019
Minecraft, But Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time you break a block or kill a mob... Not doubled, not tripled, but times THREE HUNDRED. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: I kind of want to do a series where the drops are random, so that may be the next series that we do. If this video gets 15,000 likes, we'll finish this series. This challenge is pretty fun though.

zjv1fenaFAA | 28 Oct 2019
so guys I did a little bit of mining off camera during my Minecraft lets play and got some diamonds and emeralds. I also did a little bit of building (I'm not a professional so no building montage) Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - One of the songs: 'Let's Camp by the Lake' by jimbob yes this is a parody, completely satire. I thought it was pretty funny. please laugh at this completely family friendly and kid friendly content that I have put out. minecraft is awesome.

MJIkPD4g_g8 | 27 Oct 2019
What Minecraft names are illegal (not allowed)? What if I told you some people found a way to put basically anything in their Minecraft name on their accounts. It's pretty cool. NOT Giveaway tweet: Players used special characters and spaces in their usernames. Players used really short and long names, and even duplicate Minecraft accounts. These accounts are rare, probably some of the rarest. Most Minecraft Servers and server admins and ops can't ban these accounts because of their username contents. They're not really hackers although it's the type of thing you could see hackers doing. (Minecraft hackers of course) Music licensed by #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #E5

9bqpnotqgQg | 25 Oct 2019
this is how to beat Minecraft even though almost everything is invisible including lava and water. No turning XRAY off at all. ever. Series FINALE. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Subscribe to my friends: George: Sapnap: BadBoyHalo: This is part four/4 to my XRAY always on series. We had a successful ending even though it took us a long time to get there. Comment down below what challenge series we should do next. #challenge #minecraft #xray Music is licensed by Outro song:

E5j7IlSpVPE | 21 Oct 2019
thousands of Endermen picking up block after block to grief and destroy a Minecraft world... This is crazy. We modified Enderman's code to make it so they can pick up ANY block. Watch as they demolish this world... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - George: BadBoyHalo: Minecraft Acapella: Outro Song: A Second Hand by jimbob We also made it so the enderman drop blocks they pick up, that way they can pick up more blocks, griefing and destroying the Minecraft map even more. Thank you guys so much for 250,000 subscribers. #250kSubscribers

Qghdwncy8KM | 20 Oct 2019
Beating Minecraft without taking XRAY off at ALL.. I can't see trees... or the ground... only ores. A world where WOOD is rarer than DIAMONDS. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Subscribe to my friends: George: Sapnap: BadBoyHalo: yes I am a super duper xrayer with xray hacks, pls subscribe and share so I can make more stupid videos like this how to beat Minecraft without taking xray off, courtesy of yours truly, dream.

mkmSks-M3tc | 17 Oct 2019
How far can you jump in Minecraft? No ice. No speed. No tricks. 4 blocks right? What if I told you that is a myth? This is, the Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft's Longest Jump. Or furthest jump, or whatever floats your boat. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Server IP: Thank you to ManaCube for being the first server to give me Youtuber rank back when I first started. I love the server and I appreciate them helping me out with this video :) Check out BadBoyHalo: Five block jump Map Download: Original video: A 5 block jump in Minecraft is possible. 4 blocks is NOT the longest you can jump. 6 blocks may even be possible. No ice, no speed, no head hitters, just MOMENTUM. Parkour is one of my favorite parts of Minecraft. Parkour games, Parkour races, etc etc #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #E4

rTmHS4t87jU | 16 Oct 2019
xraying on minecraft and trying to complete the game but we can't turn off xray ever. This episode is in the nether. it's insane. original idea? possibly. Check out the first episode: Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Thanks to George: and Sapnap: also sub to pewdiepie!!!:

iqG9ujWY54E | 15 Oct 2019
I played Minecraft, but the number of Mobs rises (doubles) every 1 minute. This was one of the craziest and most hectic things I've ever recorded. THOUSANDS of mobs. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Thanks to: Sapnap: George: BadBoyHalo: Pretty sure Wilbur came up with the concept of "Minecraft, but Water Rises Every Minute" (in videos with Jschlatt), although as far as I'm aware the mobs rising is a completely unique idea. even deadlier than lava.

Q_kHdIWRcZ4 | 14 Oct 2019
xraying on minecraft and trying to beat the game but we can't turn off Xray ever. we can't even see trees. original idea? possibly. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Thanks to George: and Sapnap: and sort of BadBoyHalo: Music by Smooth McGrove: also sub to pewdiepie!!!:

DgQazZK6ntc | 13 Oct 2019
this cursed Minecraft series will trigger you... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - IP: thanks to Archon for sponsoring this video and giving me 1000 guard ranks (code DREAM at

NUphUSgzLqg | 03 Oct 2019
We know what Fortune levels 127 and 32767 look like. But what does level 200000 do, a level ABOVE the maximum level possible? I coded something to find out. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter -

eWitJ-vWBdE | 17 Sep 2019
I thought this was absolutely crazy. I didn't know you could have two accounts with the same name. Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft Dupe Accounts Twitter giveaway: Duplicate accounts. Thanks to BadBoyHalo for making the thumbnail and being in the video: MUSIC Provided By AudioBlocks ( Licensed. #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #E3

YKu38HBsbYA | 14 Sep 2019
THE LAST PERSON TO WALK OUTSIDE THE MINECRAFT CIRLCE WINS $1,000 NO JOKE THIS WAS CRAZY! SUBSCRIBE OR BOOGIE MONSTER GETS YOU Come join me on so I can get more sponsors and do more videos like this in the future :) Thanks to Mr Beast for the inspiration! George: Sapnap: Shadowgirl: Skeppy: BadBoyHalo: a6d: Thank you to Plagueonic for cutting this video so I could easier edit it: thank you to LiamTBN for recording: --- MUSIC --- Music is all officially licensed by ► Follow my socials and I will love u

_TYdiClov1c | 09 Sep 2019
it really do be like that sometimes... Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Credit to ParashockX for starting this ‘trend’ and type of videos :) Minecraft : (

3ULAkVQ9UXA | 29 Aug 2019
EVERYTHING in Minecraft 1.15 LEAKED Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Sorry for the lag, OBS was glitching and I wasn't actually lagging in game. I'm going to be getting a new PC soon to help with lag :)

eVElU_FK0Oc | 25 Aug 2019
100,000,000 100 million subscribers is an absolutely amazing milestone and I really can't believe that it's even achievable. PewDiePie is amazing and I want to congratulate him for his wonderful wedding and also for hitting 100 million subscribers. If his 100 million subscribers are actually a "9 year old army", it would make his army the largest in the entire world, by far. Ending Montage from: Thank you for Clips from: PewDiePie, Youtube Official, VidIQ Music: dark-undercurrent, Out of the Skys under the Earth, Ancient Ruins

wm0-Ki9gmUA | 22 Aug 2019
Minecraft: The Movie (2020) Trailer Thank you to all of my fans from twitter for helping me! ➽ Twitter - Credit to all of the Youtubers used in this for their voices. Point out in the comments all the different Youtubers you notice! Make sure to subscribe for more content like this!

QCdnPfZjAoc | 15 Aug 2019
Unsolved Mystery of Sven Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - All credit to PewDiePie, Angeline Rye, and dreaveler for the PewDiePie clips used. Thanks to BadBoyHalo for helping me test theories and find PewDiePie locations, and for the thumbnail: MUSIC Provided By AudioBlocks ( Licensed. #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #E2

Ye1yIxTmub0 | 08 Aug 2019
Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft Monday Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Quality is poor in some places because it is re-recordings of streams or bootleg uploads of streams. Make sure to like and subscribe :) MUSIC Provided By AudioBlocks ( Licensed. #MinecraftUnsolved #S1 #E1

lMd89rKYUWE | 01 Aug 2019
I found PewDiePie's address Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - This is clearly a joke. PewDiePie is awesome for saying what he said about us in one of his recent videos. Only love here, please no hate :) Credit to pewdiepie for all footage used: Songs: Divider, Out of the Skies, Introspection by Mona Wonderlick.

c4uwLoBTHY8 | 28 Jul 2019
how to play Minecraft on your phone (Java Edition) Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Credit to BadBoyHalo for footage used: Credit to AntVenom for footage used: Songs: Divider, Out of the Skies, Introspection by Mona Wonderlick. Original Video by BadBoyHalo: Some Server statistics: Dragonnet (discontinued plugin that is referenced):【dragonproxy】-——-join-any-pc-server-using-mcpe-mcwin10.49610/ Just to clarify, when I said in the video that zero servers have this capability, I meant zero servers of size. I'm sure a couple really small servers have this capability, but none of note.

uiM0dkAifQo | 24 Jul 2019
How much I made from 4 viral videos Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Check out BadBoyHalo: Songs: Divider, Out of the Skies, Introspection by Mona Wonderlick. Thank you guys for all the love and support!

qWnTRNw4mDY | 19 Jul 2019
here's PewDiePie's minecraft seed. Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. THE SEED IS ON MY TWITTER. Credit to pewdiepie for all footage used: Subscribe to: Neil: KaptainWutax: CUZLOCKED: Song: Joakim Karud - Celebrate (Vlog Music No Copyright) Thank you to everyone else who helped!

g7DmvkvONH0 | 19 Jul 2019
I'm sorry PewDiePie Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - I actually am a bit upset that I'm getting some hate from people because we released the seed. I think the journey was amazing, and that no spoilers are going to effect pewdiepie at all. For all we know, he already recorded his ender dragon fight. The intention was to allow the community to make memes and enjoy PewDiePie's world with him, and I know most people understand that. Thank you for everyone supporting me! Sorry to those that are upset, and to pewdiepie, it was meant as a really cool fun thing, that I think was awesome. I'm sure if PewDiePie saw my videos he would think they were awesome too, even if he wanted to wait. We'll probably never know though. Credit to pewdiepie for all footage used: This whole journey was crazy.

MbAymA6OAa4 | 17 Jul 2019
the community ALMOST has PewDiePie's Minecraft World seed Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Credit to pewdiepie for all footage used: Subscribe to: Neil: KaptainWutax: CUZLOCKED: Songs: Divider, Out of the Skies, Introspection by Mona Wonderlick. Block Texture tracing video: Thank you to everyone else who helped!

LE8ml2hZVZM | 14 Jul 2019
how to get PewDiePie's Minecraft World seed Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - Credit to pewdiepie for all footage used: Songs: Divider, Out of the Skies, Introspection by Mona Wonderlick. Minecraft forums post: Youtube video by Neil: Some source code:

--w8jmJYhdo | 11 Jul 2019
cursed minecraft plugin Follow my twitter ➽ Twitter - If this video gets 1000 likes I'll consider releasing this cursed minecraft plugin to the public, it's an awesome cursed plugin : ), compatible with 1.7 all the way to 1.14. epic gamer moment like and subscrib pls or boogie man gets u