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All videos archived of OldScapeMusic

z5thjrZ2Gck | 26 Aug 2022
Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2005-2005) Company: Jagex Release Date: 5 July 2005 (in the cache files) This track is an unreleased version of the jingle "Billy and Bob" which was played at the Cutscene during the Garden of Tranquillity quest with 2 Falador guards (named Bob and Billy) after using the trolley on the Saradomin statue in the city square of Falador. This version got replaced somewhere between 11 July to 1 August with the version that was available with the quest update until 6 March 2007 which updated the sound of the music player RuneScape had to what Old School RuneScape uses today. (Sources: Old School RuneScape Wiki:,_Falador Hlwys: The MIDI file of the track and the Information about the release of the track) For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

gBwdfgscpRw | 10 Dec 2021
Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 10 December 2007 This track was played during a Clan Wars battle. Clan Wars was accessible in the building east of the Graveyard of Shadows and west of the Black Lizard hunter spot in level 18-21 Wilderness. The building itself is safe zone. You do need to have joined a clan chat to enter the battle. The high-ranking (Captain or higher) members could challenge an high-ranking member of a different clan chat to create a Clan Wars battle. After that, you can enter the purple portal at the northern side and the southern side of the building to join the battle. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

khSijkDqOTU | 09 Aug 2021
Previous version: Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) Company: Jagex Release Date: 23 October 2006 This track was played during the My Arm's Big Adventure quest when on the boat with My Arm sailing towards Karamja. (Source: Old School RuneScape Wiki: ) For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

oohsmbQR8A8 | 08 Aug 2021
Previous version: Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) Company: Jagex Release Date: 2 October 2006 This track was played at the second floor of the Elemental Workshop and in the Mind Room during the Elemental Workshop II quest. To access the Elemental Workshop, you need to have started the Elemental Workshop I quest. The entrance is at the workshop in Seers' Village just east of the bank. Through the odd looking wall you can enter the Elemental Workshop through the stairs. (Source: Old School RuneScape Wiki: ) For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

jTsroIa2RVA | 07 Aug 2021
Previous version: Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) Company: Jagex Release Date: 31 May 2006 This track was played at your or at someone else's Player-owned House. You could access your own or some one else's Player-owned House by using the house portals that were located in Rimmington, Taverley, Pollnivneach, Rellekka Brimhaven and Yanille. For your own Player-owned House, you need to have bought one first at a Estage Agent in Varrock, Falador, Seers' Village or East Ardougne for 1,000 coins. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: Old RuneScape Wiki: ) For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

d02JsEhufeo | 23 Jul 2021
Composer: Dan Atkinson Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 29 January 2008 This track was played at Oo'glog before and during the beginning of the As a First Resort quest. Oo'glog is located just south of the Feldip Hunter area and south of Feldip Hills. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

dR0dNU4AqdQ | 23 Jul 2021
Composer: Dan Atkinson Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 29 January 2008 This track was played at Jungle area west of Oo'glog. Oo'glog and the Jungle area west of it is located just south of the Feldip Hunter area and south of Feldip Hills. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

ycgGBrD49UM | 23 Jul 2021
Composer: Dan Atkinson Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 29 January 2008 This track was played in Oo'glog about midway through the As a First Resort quest. Oo'glog is located just south of the Feldip Hunter area and south of Feldip Hills. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

bGTCJCwWGqQ | 23 Jul 2021
Composer: Dan Atkinson Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 29 January 2008 This track was played in Oo'glog after completing the As a First Resort quest. Oo'glog is located just south of the Feldip Hunter area and south of Feldip Hills. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

b_ccZxz-ezg | 17 Jul 2021
Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 15 January 2008 This track was played at the Chaos Tunnels in the south-west and north-east part of the tunnels. The Chaos Tunnels are a large dungeon network located in low-level Wilderness, north of Edgeville. Players can enter the tunnels by climbing down any one of five different rifts. - North of the Monastery - East of the Mage of Zamorak that teleports you to the Abyss - North of the Grand Exchange - North of the bridge between Edgeville and the Grand Exchange in level 9 wilderness - North of the Grand Exchange beacon in level 8 wilderness There's also a entrance to the Chaos Tunnels via the Saradomin Statue near the Sawmill north-east of Varrock which can be opened part-way through or after the What Lies Below quest. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: - Music location ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

OuMxwLp8iBg | 17 Jul 2021
Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 15 January 2008 This track was played at the summoning obelisk under Pikkupstix's house in Taverley during and after the Wolf Whistle quest. This track was also played unlocked at all the big Summoning Obelisks, like at the one at Karamja and Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Finally, this track was also played in Ape Atoll at the small Summoning Obelisk at the western side of the island. Taverly is located north-west of Falador and south of Burthorpe. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

8JbE9-C4qps | 17 Jul 2021
Composer: Chris Jolley Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 15 January 2008 This track was played at the log-in screen during the first few weeks after the release of the Summoning skill on 15 January 2008. The track was being unlocked automatically even after the log-in screen theme was reverted back to 'Scape Main' or to a different log-in theme. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

5pRVs6igHc4 | 17 Jul 2021
Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 15 January 2008 This track was played at is unlocked at the Chaos Tunnels in the north-west and the middle south parts of the tunnels. The Chaos Tunnels are a large dungeon network located in low-level Wilderness, north of Edgeville. Players can enter the tunnels by climbing down any one of five different rifts. - North of the Monastery - East of the Mage of Zamorak that teleports you to the Abyss - North of the Grand Exchange - North of the bridge between Edgeville and the Grand Exchange in level 9 wilderness - North of the Grand Exchange beacon in level 8 wilderness There's also a entrance to the Chaos Tunnels via the Saradomin Statue near the Sawmill north-east of Varrock which can be opened part-way through or after the What Lies Below quest. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: - Music location ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

gx4zGZ2_Pl0 | 13 Jul 2021
Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 2 January 2008 This track was played at the Scabarite Hive dungeon during and after the Dealing with Scabaras quest. The Scabarite Hive dungeon is located underground in the Ruins of Ullek area. Its entrance is on the plateau, just north of the archaeologists' camp, in an area full of high-level, aggressive skeletons. The Ruins of Ullek are in the south-eastern region of the Kharidian Desert. It is located east of Sophanem, south of Nardah and east of the Agility Pyramid. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

9bNuJDFCP9E | 13 Jul 2021
Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 2 January 2008 This track was played at unlocked at the Ruins of Ullek, in the swamp east of Sophanem. This area is the south-eastern region of the Kharidian Desert. The Ruins of Ullek is also located south of Nardah and east of the Agility Pyramid. Most of Ullek is not accessible until the player has done at least part of the Dealing with Scabaras quest. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

-3r-7kegnBs | 13 Jul 2021
Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2008-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 2 January 2008 This track was played upon entering the chamber of the High Priest of Scabaras in the Scabarite Hive dungeon during the Dealing with Scabaras quest. The Scabarite Hive dungeon is located underground in the Ruins of Ullek area. Its entrance is on the plateau, just north of the archaeologists' camp, in an area full of high-level, aggressive skeletons. The Ruins of Ullek are in the south-eastern region of the Kharidian Desert. It is located east of Sophanem, south of Nardah and east of the Agility Pyramid. (Source: RuneScape Wiki: ) This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

0vleL_jsulE | 25 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 18 December 2006 This track was played at the Karamja Volcano west of Musa Point on Karamja during the 2006 Christmas event. This track replaced the track "Jungle Island" during that event. The Musa Point is the north-eastern part of Karamja and is the only part that is available for non-members. You can access Musa Point via boat from Port Sarim for 30gp and the same applies from Musa Point to Port Sarim. This event was also available On Old School RuneScape as the 2013 Christmas event With the same tracks but with different instruments. This is due to the Music update of 6 March 2007 which changed the instruments that were used to play the music to Jagex' in-house made instruments. Before that update the music system uses the MIDI player of your Operating System. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

XuleGXkEIzU | 25 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 18 December 2006 This track was played in the Gublinch lair which was part of the 2006 Christmas event and was only available during that period. The entrance of the lair was on the southern slope of the Karamja Volcano west of Musa Point. The Musa Point is the north-eastern part of Karamja and is the only part that is available for non-members. You can access Musa Point via boat from Port Sarim for 30gp and the same applies from Musa Point to Port Sarim. This event was also available On Old School RuneScape as the 2013 Christmas event With the same tracks but with different instruments. This is due to the Music update of 6 March 2007 which changed the instruments that were used to play the music to Jagex' in-house made instruments. Before that update the music system uses the MIDI player of your Operating System. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

KCPnO2hEh7Y | 25 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 18 December 2006 This track was played at Musa Point on Karamja during the Christmas 2006 event. This track replaced Sea Shanty during that event. The Musa Point is the north-eastern part of Karamja and is the only part that is available for non-members. You can access Musa Point via boat from Port Sarim for 30gp and the same applies from Musa Point to Port Sarim. This event was also available On Old School RuneScape as the 2013 Christmas event With the same tracks but with different instruments. This is due to the Music update of 6 March 2007 which changed the instruments that were used to play the music to Jagex' in-house made instruments. Before that update the music system uses the MIDI player of your Operating System. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

-9oryZoLm1Q | 25 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2017-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 18 December 2007 This track was played at the Land of Snow during the 2007 Christmas event. To Access the Land of Snow you need to be teleported there by a Snow Imp, which appeared in different popular locations around RuneScape during the event: Falador, Draynor Village, Rellekka, East Ardougne and Burthorpe. On Old School RuneScape, this track was used for the 2017 Christmas Event for the Land of Snow area that differs greatly from the 2007 Christmas event. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

jmuJNX30UeU | 25 Dec 2018
Previous versions: Version 1 (Online from 2011 to 2012): Version 2 (Online from 2012 to 2018, will be kept public due to high popularity): Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2005-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 19 December 2005 This track was played at Diango's Workshop during the Christmas 2005 event. You could access the workshop after talking to Diango in at the Rimmington market place to start the event. The entrance of the workshop was the trapdoor in the most north-west building of Rimmington, the shed. This Christmas event was also available on Old School RuneScape for the 2014 Christmas event which used the same tracks but with different instruments. This is due to the Music update of 6 March 2007 which changed the instruments that were being used to play the music to Jagex' in-house made instruments. Before that update the music system uses the MIDI player of your Operating System. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

IbTNHSI2RL8 | 25 Dec 2018
Previous versions: Version 1 (Online from 2011 to 2012): Version 2 (Online from 2011 to 2018, will be kept public due to high popularity): Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2004-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 15 March 2004, first played on 21 December 2004 This track was played at the log-in screen during a Christmas event. This version of the track was played during the Christmas events of 2004, 2005 and 2006. Later events has a different sound to them due the music updates in 2007 and 2008. The track didn't play during the 2010 and 2011 Christmas events. With the Christmas event of 2013 they've updated the track in the RuneScape 3 style. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

gjbd7XSgzZY | 15 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 6 March 2007 This track was played during the battle with Barrelchest during The Great Brain Robbery quest. The track is an unlisted track in Old School RuneScape and can only be heard during the fight. On RuneScape this track has been listed since 5 February 2008. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

1MIxgnO0wNQ | 15 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 July 2007 This track was played inside the Ancient Cavern which entrance lies as a whirlpool at the top of the Baxtorian Falls and south of the Barbarian Outpost. To use the whirlpool you need to start the pyre ship section of Barbarian Training which can be started by speaking to Otto at Otto's Grotto south-west of the whirlpool. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

TSjWFTevhzs | 15 Dec 2018
Previous version: Composer: Dan Atkinson Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This track was played during the cutscenes while reading Bolrie's diary during The Path of Glouphrie quest. The diary is accessible during the monolith puzzle of that quest. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

Mb_QNR3kIPQ | 05 Dec 2018
Previous version: "Older" (If it was released before March 2007) version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 28 August 2007 This track was played at Bandos' Stronghold in the God Wars Dungeon. To access that part of the dungeon you will need to have 70 Strength and an hammer or any warhammer weapon to open the door. The God Wars Dungeon has it's entrance north of Trollheim. To access the entrance you need to have either 60 Strength or 60 Agility and you will need to have partially done the Troll Stronghold quest to enter Trollheim. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

3DqWLdXw-kE | 05 Dec 2018
Previous version: "Older" (If it was released before March 2007) version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 28 August 2007 This track was played at the main, center arena of the God Wars Dungeon. The entrance of this dungeon is north of Trollheim and requires a partial completion of the Toll Stronghold quest. To access the entrance you also need either 60 Stength or 60 Agility and a rope to enter the dungeon. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

0khq--IlNe4 | 01 Dec 2018
Previous version: "Older" (If it was released before March 2007) version: Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 28 August 2007 This track was played inside and outside of Armadyl's Eyrie in the God Wars Dungeon. There's no extra skill requirements to unlock this track since you can unlock it at the entrance of that part of the dungeon. You do need either 60 Strength or 60 Agility to access the entrance which is north of Trollheim. You also need to have partially completed the Troll Stronghold quest to enter Trollheim. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

MwjuuZoGJaA | 31 Oct 2018
Previous version: Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2014-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 22 October 2007 This track was played at the Grim Reaper's house during the 2007 Halloween event. During that event you could access that house by entering the dark player-owned house portal that was south of Falador, near the elemental wizards and Malignius Mortifer. This event was also being held on Old School RuneScape as the 2014 Halloween event. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

4Qdq5jOy0Yo | 31 Oct 2018
Previous versions: Version 1 (Online from 2011 to 2012): Version 2 (Online from 2012 to 2018): Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2005-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 31 October 2005 This track was played at the login screen during every Halloween event from 2005 to 2010. This version of the track was played at the Halloween events of 2005 and 2006. The events after those two play the same track with new revisions due to the music player updates that happened between the Halloween events that changed the sound of the RuneScape tracks. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

N6XbN1xXgDs | 31 Oct 2018
Previous versions: Version 1 (online from 2011 to 2012): Version 2 (online from 2012 to 2018): Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2006-2007) / Old School RuneScape (N/A) Company: Jagex Release Date: 30 October 2006 This track was played at Diango's Workshop during the Halloween 2006 event which entrance lies at the left most north building of Draynor Village. You could start this event by talking to Diango in Draynor Village at the market place just a little north-west of the bank. After talking to him, you gain access to enter the workshop with the items you need to do the event. This event was also re-used on Old School RuneScape as the 2013 Halloween event. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

g1p01GUhaxI | 29 Oct 2018
Previous version: Older version (if the track was released before 6 March 2007): Composer: Adam Bond Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2013-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 27 March 2007 This track was played in the Tunnel of Chaos which entrance lies east of Varrock, under the Saradomin statue that's just south of The Jolly Boar Inn west of the saw mill. You will need to bring a bronze pickaxe to excavate the statue and you need to have completed the What Lies Below quest to do so. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

Ph_BTq_xXCk | 27 Oct 2018
Previous version: Composer: Ian Taylor Game (and the years this version existed): RuneScape (2007-2008) / Old School RuneScape (2016-*) Company: Jagex Release Date: 18 September 2007 This track was played at the Ourania Altar which entrance lies west of the Khazard Battlefield and south of West Ardougne. This track was released after 6 March 2007 which changed the sound of the music player. Instead of using the default MIDI player of the Operating System (Windows for example) it uses Jagex' own home made MIDI player and soundfont. This is the same music player that Old School RuneScape uses today. For more old RuneScape tracks, please visit the OldScapeMusic channel page by clicking on the name of the channel above the video description. If you wish to download this track and other Old (School) RuneScape tracks that's been uploaded on this channel. Please visit the OldScapeMusic download page:!polhWICD!AJgHZV_DgA7IOrh9Gt5xsA

WrzsLGj6ZQc | 07 Jan 2018
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 22 January 2007 This song was played at Tarn's Lair which entrance lies at the north side of the first floor of the Abandoned Mine south of the Mort Myre Swamp and west of Burgh de Rott. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

8RPK_YBoYbE | 06 Jan 2018
Composer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Release Date: 29 January 2007 This song was played at the Iceberg in the seas north of Rellekka. It was unlocked during the Cold War quest This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

jymI3YfIiv4 | 10 Dec 2017
Composer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Release Date: 10 December 2007 This song was played in the level 1 crater of the Bounty Hunter craters which were located in the center of the Wilderness. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

6_srwBC2E0U | 10 Dec 2017
Composer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Release Date: 10 December 2007 This song was played in the level 3 crater of the Bounty Hunter craters which were located in the center of the Wilderness. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

t6E34mowByY | 10 Dec 2017
Composer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Release Date: 10 December 2007 This song was played in the level 2 crater of the Bounty Hunter craters which were located in the center of the Wilderness. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

P3W958Cqxzk | 10 Dec 2017
Composer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Release Date: 10 December 2007 This song was played at the Scorpion Pit west of the Rogue's Castle in deep wilderness (level 53 to 55). This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

PovkyLe7ppc | 09 Dec 2017
Composer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Release Date: 12 November 2007 This song was played during the cutscenes with Zanik during the Land of the Goblins quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

lqLW9eAPSnc | 20 Nov 2017
Composer: Chris Jolley Company: Jagex Release Date: 20 November 2007 This song was played during a Duel Arena tournament. This could be done by entering a tournament at the tournament arena of Duel Arena which you could enter at the staircase at the square south of Duel Arena building. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

9xGm09SuLK8 | 12 Nov 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 12 November 2007 This song was played at Yu'biusk during the Land of the Goblins quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

8QOsuy4x2Io | 12 Nov 2017
Composer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Release Date: 12 November 2007 This song was played at the Goblin Temple which entrance lies at the north side of the Goblin Cave east of the Fishing Guild. It will be unlocked during the Land of the Goblins quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

bnfWJXacuSQ | 11 Nov 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 12 November 2007 This song was played at the crypts north of the Goblin Temple which the entrance lies at the north side of the Goblin Cave east of the Fishing Guild. It will be unlocked during the Land of the Goblins quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007 If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

ZEUoSoUBti4 | 29 Oct 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This song was played while fighting three Warped Terrorbirds in the Poison Waste Slayer Dungeon during The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

PF10PwstomM | 29 Oct 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This song was played at the Poison Waste Slayer Dungeon west of Castle Wars during and after The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

2tbsUqbCuRw | 28 Oct 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This song was played while healing the spirit tree at the canyons west of Castle Wars during The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

LmaAStI1FH8 | 28 Oct 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This song was played at the canyons west of Castle Wars during and after The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

pNj3Aik0SUE | 28 Oct 2017
Composer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Release Date: 3 September 2007 This song was played during the monolith puzzle in the Tree Gnome Village Dungeon storeroom during The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

iEV8IfnkcXs | 25 Oct 2017
Composer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Release Date: 9 October 2007 This song was played at the Karamja vine maze east of Shilo Vilage during the Back to my Roots quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs, please visit my channel.

nw8no0mmLa4 | 09 Jun 2017
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while playing Barbarian Assault. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Runescape Reorchestrated for the MIDI of this song!

LS6PfoPIgns | 06 Mar 2015
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at The Grand Exchange north of Varrock west bank. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

QeNRZI3dMiI | 26 Oct 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Saradomin's Encampment of the God Wars Dungeon. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

yXVRWIqIsqo | 18 Oct 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Zamorak's Fortress of the God Wars Dungeon. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

cYdwnRxhMCE | 28 Sep 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting while fighting King Roald during the What Lies Below quest. The song was released when What Lies Below came out, but was unlisted until The Bork was released in 2008. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

7iuJpjO-eaU | 09 Aug 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Entrana when using the Balloon Transport System for the first time during the Enlightened Journey quest. This song was recorded after the music update of 6 march 2007, but the song was originally released before that update. So this is not the most original version of the song, but is the version that is closest to the original version that could be obtained. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

0HeVZs4Qhck | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Everlasting in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

Hk_EVrTK3Dw | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Illusive in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

b16ls-XHklw | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played after you've fed Cyrisus at the Lunar Isle mine during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

gnmEZN2_x7E | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the cave behind the crevice in the north wall of the Lunar Isle mine during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

wW8AL7b-XxQ | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Untouchable in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

vC4IdA0TLJI | 28 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Inadequacy in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

_cTC9QYku1A | 26 Jul 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Seers' Village Courthouse during the King's Ransom quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

5PzOLMiDPdQ | 14 Jun 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Mouse Hole during the Grim Tales quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

XIiGZ1IcCro | 14 Jun 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting Glod on the top of the beanstalk during the Grim Tales. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

b5YKLxHo6Xs | 03 Jun 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Harmony Island during The Great Brain Robbery quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for ripping this song!

ydL8BbInzBM | 02 Apr 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the feast with the Lumbridge Secret Council cutscene that is accessable by completing the Another Cook's Quest part of the Recipe for Disaster quest. The cutscene can only played once on a RuneScape account. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

gwYhULXzQ_I | 28 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond (?) Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Easter Bunny hideout during the Easter 2007 event This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ILTTHEz1c4o | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while H.A.M. Attacks Goblin Village during the Another Slice of H.A.M. Quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

ZaKVZ63xvtc | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in Olaf's Dungeon during Olaf's Quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

3yNN1vF2sDc | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the H.A.M. tunnels during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

qnTv79YvW-8 | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Dorgesh-Kaan city. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

pPOlihUXg8o | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played unlocks during the Elemental Workshop II quest. This song was recorded after the music update of 6 march 2007, but the song was originally released before that update. So this is not the most original version of the song, but is the version that is closest to the original version that could be obtained. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

SFtjCctD5MI | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Surprise Exam! Random event. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

8_1v6E2fwuA | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Dorgesh-Kaan train station, also played at the Keldagrim train station after the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

npv2pluR_E0 | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Dorgesh-Kaan caves south of the Dorgesh-Kaan city. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

eO8HSnPxTGs | 23 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting Sigmund during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel. Credits to Jokku23 for recording this song!

Dyqa7mOk-es | 14 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Puro-Puro. The song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

DuxLmhaAc4E | 14 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Black Knights' Fortress basement. The song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

O7w4BCrEgi0 | 09 Mar 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Melzar's Maze after the Dragonfire Shield came out. The song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

jn0UspMAxHE | 24 Feb 2013
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Varrock Museum after the Varrock graphical rework that was released on 29 May 2007. The song sounds different that the other old RuneScape songs because it was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

8EJ4rxfjGss | 16 Dec 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in Sophanem after the Contact! quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

bk0gAMf_MAA | 16 Dec 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the deeper levels of the Sophanem dungeon during the Contact! Quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

eCr8cNVnkgk | 16 Dec 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting the Giant Scarab during the Contact! Quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

02ajpiM3L8c | 27 Nov 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Sophanem Dungeon during the Contact! quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

7toI-u2adeA | 16 Oct 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played around Tyras Camp during and after the Regicide quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

jLny6pRHkLM | 06 Oct 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Everlasting in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

_E8gg3UU9Cc | 02 Oct 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Dorgesh-Kaan train station, also played at the Keldagrim train station after the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

h6btfUTgtNU | 02 Oct 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the H.A.M. tunnels during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

hZCxAqmQAjM | 02 Oct 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Mouse Hole during the Grim Tales quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

GfIwx3v4fRM | 02 Oct 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Dorgesh-Kaan caves. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

oYvQ-VfJJis | 02 Oct 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in Dorgesh-Kaan. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Nk3X2o5Aaxc | 29 Sep 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played when confronting the Homunculus during the Tower of Life quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nEw4Es74NWc | 29 Sep 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Tower of Life basement after completing the Tower of Life quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Sun3cSpSG6w | 29 Sep 2012
Writer: Adam Bond (?) Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Easter Bunny hideout during the Easter 2007 event This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

xYskH2ZAg04 | 29 Sep 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played when confronting the Homunculus during the Tower of Life quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

KyPWzKw1x74 | 26 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Jatizso mine during The Fremennik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

8G-iNPTAQ7I | 26 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while entertaining King Mawnis Burowgar with jester clothing at Neitizot during The Fremennik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

WwAMgz7JCTc | 26 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played north of Neitiznot and Jatizso during The Fremennik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

j7EaHnSeCV8 | 19 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in the Giant Sea Snake lair during the Royal Trouble quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ZvDTIQW-quE | 19 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in the Eagles' Peak dungeon during the Eagles' Peak quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wqbNYOSn_s8 | 19 Aug 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in the Dream area in during the Lunar Diplomacy quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

C_qIcjQGD5Q | 08 Aug 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Zamorak's Fortress of the God Wars Dungeon. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ddmoalw6fk8 | 08 Aug 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Saradomin's Encampment of the God Wars Dungeon. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

RjU07X8nT0c | 08 Aug 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Armadyl's Eyrie of the God Wars Dungeon. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

eGoCq5TvlyY | 08 Aug 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Bandos' Stronghold of the God Wars Dungeon. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

hY_NTtTgJV0 | 07 Aug 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the central area of the God Wars Dungeon. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

jsM6akiJF8o | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Inadequacy in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

uS9wgLEtrUY | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Untouchable in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Nk_1jWrysAQ | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond (?) Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Varrock Museum after the Varrock graphical rework that was released on 29 May 2007. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

h-o_bjRdvo8 | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting Glod on the top of the beanstalk during the Grim Tales. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

AKowW2b4J2Y | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played after you've fed Cyrisus at the Lunar Isle mine during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

L6SqdhE9TFY | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Dan A Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Waste Poison Waste Slayer Dungeon during The Path of Glouphrie quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

aPtDNRiplHk | 30 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting The Illusive in the Dream World during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

I3sWAlFbayo | 20 Jul 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the cave behind the crevice in the north wall of the Lunar Isle mine during the Dream Mentor quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Y-QJY9TJr88 | 24 Jun 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Summer section of the Sorceress's Garden. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

FovkruajNko | 24 Jun 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Winter section of the Sorceress's Garden. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ZQpWFPgZgTQ | 24 Jun 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Autumn section of the Sorceress's Garden. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

IkzOezNa3No | 24 Jun 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Spring section of the Sorceress's Garden. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

u8Ak2f2aij8 | 23 Jun 2012
The correct, old version: Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in the Tunnel of Chaos after the What Lies Below quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

6pG9K6T7gqY | 23 Jun 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting Sigmund during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Zu8yyvLg0Fw | 23 Jun 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Seers' Village Courthouse during the King's Ransom quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Jaf8ANmYE4o | 23 Jun 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Penguin Hideout during the Cold War quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

2R1tZUMl5go | 12 Jun 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Black Knights' Fortress basement. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

o-_t1l5FzKA | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Expiriment Dungeon west of Fenkenstrain's Castle. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

gGOkKvm9OPs | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Barbarian Outpost and at the Bandit Camp in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

1O9hszwE5Ls | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Graveyard of Shadows in the Wilderness. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

AW1zrt_cyF8 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Hill giants and Black salamanders in the wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

8M7pL6ucR9A | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 Currently listed as: Dwarf Theme This song was played near the Dwarven Mines. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Rptxw5O-nww | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the path from the Al Kharid gate to Duel Arena. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wtmu1YWBR4A | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played east of the Lava maze in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

92ExbORfYHk | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Evil Chickens lair during the Recipe for Disaster quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

QjUT86N7ffU | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 Currently listed as: Goblin Village This song was played at the forest east of Goblin Village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

us4IsTmBo48 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the Evil Bob's Island random event. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

NcKObnbZJ8c | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Barrows minigame. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

xAhAuoa2mWw | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the ruins with Red spiders in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Wb2WNV4vLgE | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Witchhaven dungeon during the Fremily Crest quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

XzAmiETC9d0 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played south of Prifddinas during the Regicide quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

snjrSlG26O0 | 03 May 2012
New version with better sound quality here: Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This was the login screen music during the Halloween events from 2005 to 2010. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

FMNAcMNedOc | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the eastern end of the Lumbridge swamps. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nAZNr1_ov2s | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played north of the Monastery west of Edgeville. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

QLXiM8514x0 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Monastery south of Ardougne. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

5HJCYgDnfGY | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the roads from Lumbridge, Port Sarim , Falador and Rimmington to Draynor village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

h3LTixIasjI | 03 May 2012
New version is available here: Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Diango's workshop during the Christmas 2005 event. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

rKIXNpW8Mtw | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the Champions Challange minigame beneath the Champions Guild. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

sDcXWLRZQP0 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This was the login screen music when Hunter was released. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ayDdICQWr5Y | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Sorcerer's Tower south of Seers' Village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

WxhBN017MGg | 03 May 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Wilderness Volcano in the wilderness. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

KhreN5xyjkA | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in Melzar's Maze during the Dragon Slayer quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

2zyqCYHZkws | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Rocky Plateau in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

s-nyzJNZ09Q | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This was the first login screen song before Scape Main came out. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wYQOvLVhjcg | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played while fighting Koschei the Deathless during the Fremennik Trials quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

aEp0wDBK31Q | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in Myreque's hideout during the In Aid of the Myreque quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

00pXVCWRfQk | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Drill Demon random event. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

9squRVnDbS8 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Temple of Ikov during the Temple of Ikov quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

VsIH_DXemmc | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in West Ardougne during the Plague City quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

mF5Mp0Logpw | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the tunnel between Catherby and Taverly after you've completed the Fishing Contest quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

euwV3qAcjUs | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Zamorak altar north-west of Goblin Village. It was also played north of Taverly This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Np-lV0sl9Fw | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the forest between Lumbridge and Draynor village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ZoXMMLQkM6s | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in Elvargs dungeon during the Dragon Slayer quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

mA3G6tSO-ik | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Dark Warrior's Fortress in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

gdKlAO4YPCE | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during the Recipe for Disaster quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

uJdl9M7nKxc | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the greater demon ruins in the Wilderness. (lvl ~48) This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

x5Nt1MLz9hU | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Karamja dungeon beyond the secret wall during the Dragon Slayer quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Ze_oexe6v3k | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Hobgoblin mines in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

eDgOdetSu-c | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Login Screen for a few weeks after the Construction skill came out. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

w6p8s2UUzS8 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played while playing the Castle Wars minigame. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nidFjWK8rik | 03 May 2012
New version available here: Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This was the login screen music during the Christmas events. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

3UXSH-8V0zA | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This was the login screen music when Farming was released. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

fcrLBc1A4Hg | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Rune Essence mine after you complete the Rune Mysteries quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

cwY4dsU3nlI | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at lvl 1 Wilderness north of Varrock. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nMQZGF6HI3U | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the middle of the Tree Gnome Village maze. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Xxsi-YbbavA | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the area between the Black Knights Fortess and Edgeville. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

pbUp5FZ2pFY | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played North of the Chaos Temple in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

bB9XBqasae8 | 03 May 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Black Knight's Outpost in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

FucPRwr153g | 22 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played during the Bob's holiday cutscene during the A Tail of Two Cats quest. This song is unlisted, so you can't play this song again after the cutscene. This is not the official title of the song, this title is taken from the Unofficial RuneScape Wiki. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

6McCtcuLR6E | 22 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played while fighting the Baby and Giant roc during the My Arm's Big Adventure quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

GG7ZqqBKACY | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played by entering Jalsavrah's Pyramid (Pyramid Plunder minigame) in Sophanem. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

aQld_75DZE8 | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Tears of Guthix cavern during the Tears of Guthix quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

zzVZ4s8E-eo | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Well of Voyage during the Regicide quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

BofbfPKxrTc | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the south-eastern side of the Kharazi Jungle on Karamja. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

GxA8-AP6kFU | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Lunar Isle during the Lunar Diplomacy quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

fEHjOZK31JI | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played during the Fishing Trawler minigame. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

8SnjFaZMfg4 | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played while fighting the Noble Rodent (King Rat) with the players cat during the Rat Catchers quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

WFRymG61098 | 10 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Dream World during the Lunar Diplomacy quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

L1otati3JlA | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played north of the Jaldraocht Pyramid in the Kharidian Desert. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

hZO8RWTbHyw | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during The Slug Menace quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

MzJHYmIL660 | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the pool of ectoplasm under the Ectofuntus. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

eON5bS8RdbU | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the Myreque hideout south of Canifis. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

BeuDg8p8Q0s | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played during the Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

SnfTrObAzWM | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the 4th level of Jaldraocht Pyramid during the Desert Treasure quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wc7BDu1_ZyQ | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the shipwreck on the north coast of Morytania. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Mv-h3OmPXLQ | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in the enchanting chamber at the Mage Training Arena. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

aX3tGHko-g0 | 09 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played Greaveyard in the Mage training Arena. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

vhhK6kPtXok | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the rum base on Braindeath Island during the Rum Deal quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

L88Tq9cWtv0 | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the cave beneath the Grand Tree. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

3-Mh9DmFFwE | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the chompy hunting location near Rantz. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

JoQkY5KyRjk | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Keldagrim Rat Pits. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

BI5ugF5_5Ko | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played fouth floor of the Haunted Mine during the Haunted Mine quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

9eYZ781gCL8 | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Ardougne Rat Pits. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

au565YIt8jg | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the mountain on Braindeath island during the Rum Deal quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

MD4RmAVpPEY | 08 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Dondakan's mine during the Between a Rock... quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

X65sgKWX2OQ | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played around the Kalphite Lair entrace in the desert. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

2XMGfoBsStg | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Eadgar's cave on the top of Trollheim. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

stsTNIMfx8U | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Red Axe secret lair during the Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

yx-51DagAoA | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Cave town under Miscellania Castle during the Royal Trouble quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ifAN5V2flsY | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Sophanem Pyramid during the Icthlarin's Little Helper quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

YEtGc8fWWuY | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the coastal area of Mos Le'Harmless. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

QZ16f8mtN9c | 06 Apr 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Meiyerditch during the Darkness of Hallowvale quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

2z81CygTymE | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Pirates' Hideout in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

MgdD4QfiAfA | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during the Evil Twin random event. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

EUz6WOVT90E | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

7Y3uiEFd3Ck | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the bottom floor of the Haunted Mine during the Haunted Mine quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

AZo1gMhT4Cg | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Trouble Brewing's distillery. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

cBzcV1oTzF4 | 28 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played unlocks near Treus Dayth at the Haunted Mine during the Haunted Mine quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

gW0FL6luZ0w | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the Cave of the Elid during the Spirits of the Elid quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

aXxOfIuNTws | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played in Enakhra's Temple during the during Enakhra's Lament quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

InksWK9-iSo | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Waterfall Dungeon east of Shilo Village during the Shilo Village quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ZIYjHwjP9Sk | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Brimstail's cave beneath the Tree Gnome Stronghold. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

w-e2qcHPKRE | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Adam Bond (?) Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Feldip Hunter cave area. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

WArEaJpjo4Q | 24 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the upper level of the Haunted Mine during the Haunted Mine quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

2EoiLZ_Xbb0 | 18 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played West of Brimhaven, around the gold mining spot. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

NGNwL3QRPpk | 18 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played northwest of the city of Meiyerditch near Castle Drakan during the Darkness of Hallowvale quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

0a76HeWls7U | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the southern part of Tai Bwo Wannai Village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

SrowVY_CgYM | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played south of Castle Wars at the Chompy hunting area. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

d55R1khLUvs | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the eastern part of Kharazi Jungle during the Legends Quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

fUv_ljKfKOw | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played you enter the Fairy Resistance Hideout during the Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

t1JCLxOUy3o | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Mage Training Arena Telekinetic Theatre. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

oGpRyBHIgJE | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Goraks plane during the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

LBWGuKz5aO8 | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the eastern part of Keldagrim during The Gaint Dwarf quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

EcGxpmWNG3o | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the coastal region of Meiyerditch during The Darkness of Hallowvale quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

zNyCI1R8m5I | 09 Mar 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Mos Le'Harmless Caves west of the Trouble Brewing minigame. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wkYtcJGubXw | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Damis' Shadow Dungeon during the Desert Treasure quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

5R25vjFUSSg | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the cave below the Kharazi Jungle during the Legends' Quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

x6p4bjDnBQ8 | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Temple Knight Recruitment Chambers during the Recruitment Drive quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

j3VF_G-JqR8 | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the dungeon beneath the temple of Marimbo on Ape Atoll during the Monkey Madness quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

CGDRhSCDwog | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while fighting the Penance Queen during the Barbarian Assault minigame. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

CQul6ls3tkA | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the dragon area of Brimhaven Dungeon. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

w3hJE7LDX7g | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Puro-Puro. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

DLD2KDfZrV4 | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Dan Atkinson Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played while H.A.M. Attacks Goblin Village during the Another Slice of H.A.M. Quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

7gprTegvEIE | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Slave mine east of the Temple of Light. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wfuR6jJlkfM | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the east coast of Lunar Isle. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

A_rdlL_EIDM | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the gnome glider hangar during the Monkey Madness quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

po2s01UKnmo | 29 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played druing the Freaky Forester random event. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

iKcATVfi_s0 | 24 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Zogre dungeon during the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

tDg97Vs25l4 | 24 Feb 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played in Olaf's Dungeon during Olaf's Quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

PCRjYVRRbm0 | 24 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Sphinx during the Icthlarin's Little Helper quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

kweDl_UE6tk | 24 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played South of Tyras Camp during the Regicide quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

4C8F-_t3R-I | 24 Feb 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Melzar's Maze. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

9vAsfraCLtw | 18 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Jaldraocht Pyramid during the Desert Treasure quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

prxSwYoyIaE | 18 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Smoke Dungeon in the Kharidian desert during the Desert Treasure quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

GuMOqyJgsC4 | 17 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Cave Goblin mine east of the tunnel maze under Lumbridge Castle during the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

O4g8Bp0fLls | 17 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the cave north of the Icey Gate north of Trollheim during the Troll Romance quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

UZ3U97F8TrQ | 17 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Giant Mole lair under Falador. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

OFmLjCbEB34 | 17 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in a cutscene during the A Tail of Two Cats quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

upXobBKZ0LE | 17 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the fist floor of the Waterbirth Island Dungeon. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

_ZojDOtIXwQ | 16 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Pit of Pestilence (level 3) of the Stronghold of Security. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

7YOKqxE4M9s | 16 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Hypnotized cutscene during the Icthlarin's Little Helper quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

bu_Apy2daI8 | 16 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Sepulchre of Death (level 4) of the Stronghold of Security. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

Dv1cImEKPrQ | 16 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Mansion during the Rat Catchers quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

E-uU9rTRkoA | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Pirate's Cove during the Lunar Diplomacy quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

IxU9CKBSvU4 | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played south of Canifis after the Priest in Peril quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

C5C-g2aZDTg | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Vault of War (level 1) of Stronghold of Security. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

SlPmn7sKAn4 | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played while fighting the Sea Troll Queen during the Swan Song quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

cSiH99LwLNU | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Ape Atoll Dungeon during the Monkey Madness quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

7kud4r3sOeg | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played during the Quiz Master random event. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

BU29CPw7TFw | 10 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Temple of Light during the Mourning's Ends Part II. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

on_xuOVReKg | 04 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Fear room in Tolna's Rift during the A Soul's Bane quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

JmZC8KkSjF8 | 04 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Hopelessness room of Tolna's rift during the A Soul's Bane quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

StrFg-2sQgI | 04 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Confusion room of Tolna's Rift during the A Soul's Bane quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

o1oKUa1XSIk | 04 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Anger room in Tolna's Rift during the A Soul's Bane quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

jTHGISoxyk0 | 03 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played near the inflatable swamp toad ponds in the Feldip Hills. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

mzQJmmsV10Y | 03 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the village in the Miscellania and Etceteria Dungeon. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

36bzuVVJ-Bk | 03 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Mage Training Arena's Alchemist's Playground. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

mmowN5eyyeg | 03 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Skeleton Wyverns in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

KRPWc7O3qeE | 03 Feb 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played while fighting the Jungle Demon during the Monkey Madness quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

NsxLL3zhifk | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Marim village on Ape Atoll. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

XNRi8tARjV0 | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Crash Island during the Monkey Madness quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

yW4f0T9u5ok | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played down the slope of the Ice Wolf area north of Trollheim. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

dQic0NkkR7E | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played west of the Chaos Altar (lvl ~13) in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

iryHs3PTSBY | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played while fighting Agrith-Naar during the Shadow of the Storm quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

X8IAp9hXvUg | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was playedby freeing General Wartface and General Bentnoze during the quest Recipe for Disaster. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

uK52RpPtDS0 | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Thammaron's throne room during The Golem quest.. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

CIK8wV8yu1s | 29 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during the Pinball random event. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

h-qxyT-D0xc | 27 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Traiborn's quiz room during the Recipe for Disaster quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

abGDYDcagMQ | 27 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Tears of Guthix cave in the Lumbridge caves. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

3VGm6efVYDI | 27 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Mountain Camp during the Mountain Daughter quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

-q_abn6-tzk | 27 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the High-Level Chaos Altar (lvl ~40) in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

z8LTtIJnvUU | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Mogre camp during the Recipe for Disaster. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

i4tuC8wKWLk | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Mining place south of Legend's Guild. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

jFLbiJI63ko | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Crashed Gnome Glider east of Karamja. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

YIU_1Pm3PmI | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Observatory Cave during the Observatory quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

hZx7uy1ritI | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Goblin Cave near the Fishing Guild. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nZbW7EEry7M | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the mid-level Forrest east of the Wilderness This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

BZyCWoDc_6A | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Ogre Island west of Yanille. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

A2FkJMBou6M | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the top of Fenkenstrain's tower. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

m-N9uxMtaTM | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Temple Guardian dungeon during the Priest in Peril quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

p7hSKhrHeGs | 24 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the unholy altar north of the Observatory. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

1Nw7iaFSP7s | 23 Jan 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Harmony Island during The Great Brain Robbery quest. This song was released after the music system update from 6 March 2007 that changed the sound of the RuneScape songs. This video still uses the old sound before that update. Hence why it says "Older RuneScape Soundtrack". This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

iZKh9AAfcdM | 23 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the west entrace of Undergound Pass. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

5SrrVwGjkQM | 22 Jan 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at the Ice Toll caves north of Jazitso and Neitizot during the Fremmenik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

bmhGtQNdom4 | 22 Jan 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Neitizot during the Fremmenik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

JlsGxz4BdPA | 22 Jan 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2007 This song was played at Jazitso during the Fremmenik Isles quest. This song is from 2007. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ziSxWLYqfpQ | 20 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Cosmic Altar after the Lost City quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

DyfFu2e5RcM | 20 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at Lunar Isle Dungeon. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

LkCE8OCdj88 | 19 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played north of the Lava Maze in the Wilderness. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

hPeLEPQACk4 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Fishing Platform during the Sea Slug quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

1TtE-WuTwiU | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Tzhaar Fight Pit minigame. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

K_kyCZ6MN0A | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Crandor during the Dragon Slayer quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

oMZAMv1lKMA | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played in the caves of Lumbridge. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

yvN0eSXCk74 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Catacomb of Famine (level 2) in the Stronghold of Security. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

yRkpvIqvFz8 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Kendal's cave during the Mountain Daughter quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

uea1zYfZdZ4 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Cosmic Entity Plane during the Fairy tale II quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

XXg14Jk8ieA | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Icey gate to Ice Path north of Trollheim. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

pV1d2nxaqzo | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Wilderness area north of Goblin Village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

_6s9cd7WHV4 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the tunnels east of Lumbridge Castle cellar. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

nF4vQ7BtEa0 | 15 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Black Knight's base in the Taverly Dungeon. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

XSSvN-8Thpw | 07 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at the Arzinian Mines after Between a Rock quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

wCi7r44Sdy8 | 07 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Nature Spirit Grotto during the Nature Spirit quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

QkDI4pn-37Y | 07 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played southwest of Tree Gnome Stronghold. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

xMCdmnWeY0s | 07 Jan 2012
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played while summoning Agrith-Naar during the Shadows of the Storm quest. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

YhXTer8_dsg | 31 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Nature Spirit island in Mort Myre Swamp during the Naure Spirit quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

qWxoqzwZ3gk | 31 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played during the Trouble Brewing minigame. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

v-kD-bQJeY0 | 31 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the Killerwatt Plane after Ernist the Chicken quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

XqmXXb4IrNU | 31 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2005 This song was played at Dragontooth Island. This song is from 2005. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

-M-b80gZP5Q | 31 Dec 2011
Writer: Adam Bond Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played when fighting Sigmund during the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

tU1el-wVDlM | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Ardougne Sewers during the Hazeel Cult quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

umh-HgUAqoc | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Necromance Tower south of ardougne. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

CRv-UODtFkY | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played in the Fight Arena during the Fight Arena quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

np3gGJoIkrU | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Underground Pass during the Underground Pass quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

b776kdEaNag | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Battlefield south of West Ardougne, north of Tree Gnome Village. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

OyKj4gJ_Sl0 | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Tree Gnome Village agility arena. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

KVApGaWVUu4 | 28 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Chaos Druid Tower north of West Ardougne. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

f1CzprS2LrU | 26 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Lighthouse dungeon during the Horror from the Deep quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

i-Vd-1jAF-w | 26 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at the Castle Wars waiting room / dungeon. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

gbTENw-ZbGs | 26 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2006 This song was played at the ship cutscene during the My Arm's Big Adventure quest. This song is from 2006. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ohL0_zoTDU0 | 26 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Tourist Trap Dungeon Mine during the Trourist Trap quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.

ZsiCyUZ5XSE | 24 Dec 2011
Writer: Ian Taylor Company: Jagex Year: 2004 This song was played at Swenson the Navigator's maze during The Fremennik Trials quest. This song is from 2004. If you want to listen more old RuneScape songs please visit my channel.