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Mathematicians finally find the infinite card game.

1HwKCvsdXiw | 07 Mar 2025

Mathematicians finally find the infinite card game.

More details about Jane Street's AMP: The full puzzle is below. Support me on Patreon and join in whatever thing I do next. Please help me thank Mithuna for enduring all of that. Go check out her excellent physics channel: Here is the main paper: A Non-Terminating Game of Beggar-My-Neighbor Huge thanks to Brayden Casella and Richard Mann for helping out with the video. Richard Mann's site: Beggar My Neighbour 1999 article by Marc M. Paulhus: (paywall) The game playing out on mathstodon thanks to @mscroggs: All the best maths rumours start on mathstodon. The book I was waving around is The Mathematics of Games (Recreations in mathematics) by John D Beasley The pub we were in is the fabulous Queens Head in Piccadilly, London. Good beer, quiet upstairs room. Mega thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep me in the game. CORRECTIONS - None yet (other than Katie Steckles found a typo), let me know if you spot anything! - Well, technically there was a mistake in the email I sent patreons where one line says 2,260 games instead of the correct 2,560 (first spotted by Takashi Toyooka) but that’s not really a video correction now, is it. Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Rug courtesy of Lucie requesting it lives in my office not at home. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Here is the full Guess My Number puzzle: I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 15 (inclusive). You get four attempts to guess my number. After every guess, I’ll tell you either “higher”, “lower”, or “correct.” If you correctly guess my number on one of your four guesses, you win. But there is a catch! If I ever respond “higher” three times in a row or “lower” three times in a row, the game ends and you automatically lose. (This rule applies to all three parts below, so do not forget it!) a) Your first guess is 9, and I respond “higher”. What should your second guess be in order to guarantee that you will win? b) Say we are playing the same game except I’m now thinking of a number between 1 and 40, and instead of four guesses, you get six guesses. Your first guess is 20, and I respond “lower”. What should your second guess be? Are you guaranteed to win? c) Now we’re playing the same game except I’m thinking of a number between 1 and N (inclusive), and instead of six guesses, you get nine guesses. What is the largest value of N such that you have a strategy that is guaranteed to win?

Golf balls: how many holes in one?

dNTnk1VFoJY | 27 Feb 2025

Golf balls: how many holes in one?

Get your metal wall plates here! Use discount code STANDUP for: 1 or 2 Displates = 26% off, ≥3 Displates = 30% off (normal plates only, not Limited Editon, Lumino, Textra) Buy the golfballs from this video! All proceeds to charity (Wateraid). Thanks to Henry Segerman and the Dice Lab for talking dimples and spheres: Check out The Dice Lab: Get your own D120: Thanks to Golficity for sharing their smooth golf ball adventures: Here is Christian’s points-on-a-sphere Thomson Problem simulator: Further reading: A list of pages concerning the frequent question “How can I arrange N points evenly on a sphere?” Sign the football petition: Melbourne Comedy: 16 April Edinburgh Fringe: 30 July to 25 August. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They are the best by par. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Trent Burton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

Can I 3D print a minimal infinite surface?

0D2ywrLr1cs | 14 Feb 2025

Can I 3D print a minimal infinite surface?

Check out the fantastic range of Bambu Labs 3D printers: #bambulab #bambulabA1 #bambulabp1s #bambulabs Dan Piker on Mathstodon: Print file of Dan's gyroid. It is a snug fit, maybe add a few extra percent. From: Previous pencil video: Costa surface print file I used by osj1961 (Joe Fields) Costa's surface (soap film!) video by Pavel Bažant Pi e by GBear Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo by Manuel Vela Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They are the support tree structures who keep me neatly aligned. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Qualitity control by Skylab the Dog. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Jar of dice on loan from the Bec Hill collection.

I walked the length of a state (ish)

h6ws1znxvF4 | 01 Feb 2025

I walked the length of a state (ish)

Join me on the medium seas, 7-10 November: Boundary Stones of the District of Columbia Rectangular States and Kinky Borders "Chart showing the original boundary milestones of the District of Columbia." Fred E. Woodward, 1906. Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They be there and be square. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Truman Hanks Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Additional material by Truman Hanks and Nicole Jacobus Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Additional technical support by Adam Fineberg and David Benji Weiner MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: PS The Smithsonian video is about a calculator prototype they have in their archives. It's very exciting.

Do numerical pain scales mean anything?

Vv-lWg5HNaM | 16 Jan 2025

Do numerical pain scales mean anything?

Get 60 days free from Headspace from or use voucher code STANDUPMATHS Come and see the previews for my new untitled stand-up show on 10 February, 24 March and 23 June. Grab tickets now: Check out content from folk who bravely contributed data to the Schmatt Pain Index: Mark Bowler: - find out how we captured these insect in his latest video: Michael and Dani: Hugo Cliff: Greg Foot: And Greg is doing a new schools talk "Rainforest Lab" Thanks to Rainforest Expeditions for inviting us to visit their Research Centres in Peru and facilitating us getting stung by things in a safe environment. Read more about the research being done in the rainforest by Wired Amazon. They take science research volunteers as well as offering paid trips. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Their support never stings. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced and drone piloted by Nicole Jacobus Animations by William Marler Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

18 mathematicians break my secret santa method

wqOb5n3BIn0 | 23 Dec 2024

18 mathematicians break my secret santa method

Learn more about Jane Street’s internship opportunities: Sign up to patreon to get a unique christmas card! A Mathematical Secret Santa Protocol by Katie Steckles This is the math stackexchange discussion: The Problems with Secret Santa, Hannah fry on Numberphile. Thanks to everyone who took part! Here they are in the same random order as the emails went around. Not everyone is active on youtube so you may need to google some people. Or there's a 40% chance they're in a Numberphile video somewhere. 1. Sam Hartburn 2. Matt Parker 3. Matthew Scroggs 4. Brady Haran 5. Geoff Marshall 6. Henry Reich 7. Mithuna Yoganathan 8. Kat Phillips 9. Steve Mould 10. Sophie Maclean 11. Peter Rowlett 12. Katie Steckles 13. Grant Sanderson 14. Tom Murphy VII 15. Destin Sandlin 16. Ben Sparks 17. Ayliean MacDonald 18. Rohin Francis Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They're the real meaning of christmas. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything other than protocol improvement. --- Ok, here is what he think is the current best protocol. We'll give it a try next year! --- For people P1 to Pn. Goals of the system: - no central authority needed - can be done remotely with no hidden information - does not give anyone their own name - no one malicious actor can do anything to exploit the system without risk of breaking everything Be as random as possible. No new random number can match any already on the list. STAGE 0: POPULATE THE LIST Everyone adds a pair of random numbers, shuffles the list, and passes it on. STAGE 1: DO THE SHUNT P1 shuffles the list and then shunts the pairs along one space to form new pairs (last number wraps to first number). Everyone from P2 to Pn-1 uses a 50% probability of also shunting an extra space in the same direction. Pn definitely does not shunt. No one shuffles. Everyone replaces their random numbers. STAGE 2: THE CHECK Everyone looks to see where their numbers are and remembers their exact location. If they move at any point from now on, a player should raise the alarm that the system has been compromised. No one shuffles. Everyone replaces their random numbers. STAGE 3: THE BIG REVEAL Everyone replaces their 'left numbers' (aka 'receiver IDs') with their name of any other agreed system for identifying people. The other number is replaced with a new random number, no one shuffles. STAGE 4: THE READ OUT Goes around the loop again with everyone looking to see whose name their random number is paired with. This is who they buy a gift for. They then cover their tracks by swapping out the random number for a new one. --- And for completeness, here is the protocol exactly as we tried it in this video. --- STAGE 0: POPULATE THE LIST Everyone adds a pair of random numbers, shuffles the list, and passes it on. STAGE 1: DO THE SHUNT P1 shuffles the list and then shunts the pairs along one space to form new pairs (last number wraps to first number). STAGE 2: SWAP THE LIST Everyone replaces their first random number with their name and their second random number with a new random number. STAGE 3: THE BIG REVEAL Goes around the loop again with everyone looking to see whose name their random number is paired with. This is who they buy a gift for. They then cover their tracks by swapping out the random number for a new one. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Messing around by Everyone Else MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

I cracked the divisibility code.

6pLz8wEQYkA | 21 Nov 2024

I cracked the divisibility code.

Support me on Patreon before the end of November 2024 and get your own prime number test: Come and see Steve Mould, me and other humans on Monday 2 December in London. I'll be doing a free meet and great with Bec Hill after the show. Here is the current main list of divisibility tests from 7 to 30,000: Divisibility Rules by Michael "Vsauce" Stevens on D!NG. Why 7 is Weird by James Grime on Numberphile. Buy signed props from the channel! All money goes to charity. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They come together to support me dividing. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced and random numbers by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Dice on loan from the Bec Hill Collection MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

Can the "Red Mirage" and "Blue Shift" be explained with math? ELECTION 2024

KXQ1ieFRr0o | 05 Nov 2024

Can the "Red Mirage" and "Blue Shift" be explained with math? ELECTION 2024

Here is the full MIT Election Data and Science Lab report: University of Florida's Election Lab early voting stats. Trump quotes from the 2020 election night are 01:09 to 01:20 and 07:31 to 08:22 from this video: CNN have a great timeline of what will happen when: I found this to be a very helpful article: "Blue Shift And Red Mirage Explained: Why The First Vote Tallies May Be Misleading" Democracy sausage. You heard me. If you have any suggestions for follow-on Election 2024 math videos, drop me a line: [email protected] Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They are the dark money super pac behind my channel. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Adequate filming by Matt Parker Expert editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

How on Earth does ^.?$|^(..+?)\1+$ produce primes?

5vbk0TwkokM | 31 Oct 2024

How on Earth does ^.?$|^(..+?)\1+$ produce primes?

Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code standupmaths at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: ^.?$|^(..+?)\1+$ Fantastic blog post by Illya Gerasymchuk. "Demystifying The Regular Expression That Checks If A Number Is Prime" Thanks to viewers Chris Lawrence and Jimmy Diep for suggesting the topic. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep me supplied with all the primes I need. CORRECTIONS - Several people have corrected me that regex is zero indexed it’s just that \0 refers to the entire matched string. - There is some concern about my pronunciation of rejex. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming, VFX and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Extra material by Sam Hartburn Number yeeting by Lucie Green Spooky lighting and producing by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

What do we know about Asteroid 314159 aka ‘Mattparker’?

GyNbLtiAgj4 | 25 Oct 2024

What do we know about Asteroid 314159 aka ‘Mattparker’?

Order Love Triangle now and get a personalised gift tag! Or just get a copy with no gift tag. You'll receive it a bit faster. There is a small chance we still have limited-edition covers left. You can check here: Thanks to everyone who bought the USA edition! You can still get copies here: I will send out the book marks soon! I didn't quite get them all done before the video was released. Huge thanks to David Rankin (R&D Operations Engineer, Catalina Sky Survey, University of Arizona) for discovering Mattparker as well as taking the time to talk to me about it. David's channel: Details and data about Mattparker Search for "314159" on Here is the Numberphile video: Huge thanks to Ilgmars Eglitis (Head of Baldone Observatory, Latvia) for running the extra analysis of Mattparker's light curve and found the approximate rotation period and shape. "Light curve analysis of main belt asteroids 4747, 5255, 11411, 15433, 17866" This paper contains a derivation of the absolute brightness to size equation. Asteroid belt diagram based on a NASA image from here: Cheers to my Patreon supporters for supplying so many great depictions of Mattparker. Support me on Patreon and you can join in with the next ridiculous thing I ask for help with. Also a christmas card. CORRECTIONS - Yes, I said days instead of hours. But we fixed that with the text. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

New largest prime number found! See all 41,024,320 digits.

zsyGRDrDfbI | 21 Oct 2024

New largest prime number found! See all 41,024,320 digits.

2^136,279,841 - 1 has 41,024,320 digits and is prime! Read all about the new largest prime number ever found: Huge thanks to Luke Durant, George Woltman and everyone at the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search. Get involve in the search for large primes! This is the breakdown of the maths methods used by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search: Here are the details of the test completed on M52 (the 52nd Mersenne prime). The old computer photo was of Alice Betsy and Donald Gillies in front of the ILLIAC I computer which found three record-breaking primes in 1963. In 2016 I printed the then-biggest prime: And I talked about the Lucas-Lehmer test to prove it is prime: This is my Pi By Hand video which Daniel B also features in. Yes, pieces of Skylab (spacecraft, not dog) are in Esperance, Western Australia. Keep an eye on A Problem Squared to see why I was recording somewhere between Perth and Esperance. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. I bought Lucie and Steve pizza at Lucky Bay Brewing. Support me and I'll buy more beer for my family. Think of my family! CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Lucie Green Timing and moral support by Steve Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: What's that? You want the first 1,000 and the last 1,000 digits? Ok then. 88169432750383326555393910037811735897120735450906604106715637641242263069475684144172599034772328310883750973995977687416411861067989576855334864723995205060798449228721358061244076525539478775000439534750170154974576283410295848102383525535219220018019849855213682289354421233731941048436851937365086094936028711317471018571432064708199837306148628782571243013388625206173910274307646954181724489815008305937259728175843471969304505016010624205115241396117063758595818539722355781328791512832801883905761320993838905658296650552409138343183552227657748911779669750031093294093386744231619348351202551513084271500976680524602998030484860484032028378812274042189370786146986225083833180256124082952929091707884436572049502580821237700560065034341723563299580864533178881894890817148581725172201276201796923763182586106207328500056407876479535665919678190450758160463293878836864796419780569458825516434971724519669668448902003364676649856436358572985441582849317833496323027747555507286203346254829408 ... 379917800074819834879174805544034190986430521374206285055121736821172730439885890696160696738793999689882023176568153106746504313606250642598076140813828315717419942537662944964306217371556136368352752973759780217936883138877627248808662700396663095279153973893902666086461616485583762677066904293427343455290492166513799179605246624655355275099116671949790439962847921294301305427953128314765939127728218346554896221997074614829104667188434513710908760262441958100654871778292588483687836525477866623456759406568413274257016253600215416101593545336364864016927856588259167176083248724260943143895526709760397223040669769164386169801147177769071911797791558053414248681988242398764524051454517822994048288203377834666172715887058758075640360627674534014864896061019562846339719171054887748917152381772467028804688715061941073872049488371255679127735992935698305082529421587975486852806517931459412567957568284228288124096109707961148305849349766085764170715060409404509622104665555076706219486871551

How can a jigsaw have two distinct solutions?

b5nElEbbnfU | 14 Sep 2024

How can a jigsaw have two distinct solutions?

Learn more about Jane Street’s internship opportunities: Check out Steve’s video: This is Ryan’s Diffusion Illusions site: And here is the full “Diffusion Illusions: Hiding Images in Plain Sight” paper by Ryan Burgert, Xiang Li, Abe Leite, Kanchana Ranasinghe and Michael S. Ryoo. Download of the jigsaw: Here’s the layout of the different edge types: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They provide all the valid solutions I need. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker and Steve Mould Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Dice on loan from the Bec Hill collection MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

The unexpected probability result confusing everyone

ga9Qk38FaHM | 10 Sep 2024

The unexpected probability result confusing everyone

Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code standupmaths for an extra 4 months free at Thanks to Dylan from Seattle for sending this amazing maths fact to me. You can see an archive of their ChatGPT conversation here: Thanks to Grant from 3blue1brown for putting actual work aside and talking probabilities with me on a long train journey. You see see a longer version of this animations here: This was my dice video from a few years back, "The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest." Satisfy your D36 and all your other dice needs over at Maths Gear: Also on the Dice Lab if you're USA based. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep me in dice. So many dice. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! - PS Never say die. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Throwing Dice at Matt: also by Alex Genn-Bash Some dice on loan from the Bec Hill collection MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

My UK election prediction was weirdly accurate: am I a mathematical genius?

Abmm85aqeWk | 31 Aug 2024

My UK election prediction was weirdly accurate: am I a mathematical genius?

Go to for a data-driven, objective way to stay fully informed on the issues most important to you. Save 40% on the Ground News unlimited access Vantage plan with my link. Thanks to Jop Schaap for analysing how lucky I was. See their report here: If you'd like to see my spreadsheet, here it is. The percentages and values were all generated by some terrible python code I hand-wrote myself. Thanks to Evan Harris for chatting about election stats with me and kindly recording a video. Here's the big table of data they made: Ongoing thanks to Count Binface, Tom Wilson and Dave Rowntree who have helped hugely with this video series. Part 01: Part 02: Massive thanks to my Patreon supporters. I'm definitely lucky to have you all. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Opening titles by Alex Genn-Bash Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

Complete guide to film formats and ratios

QYUE696k6GY | 26 Aug 2024

Complete guide to film formats and ratios

If you'd like a piece of the film: support me on Patreon. Then sign up to get the physical film here: If you'd like to watch every last frame we shot, the complete scan of every roll of film is on my second channel. Comment below if you think there is a preexisting video which would beat me as the first 35mm filmed-as-a-YouTube-video video. Huge thanks to Keslow Camera for letting us use their fantastic film cameras. They hire all sorts of great stuff: Much appreciation to Truman Hanks who suggested the video idea, organised the film, shot the video and did the edit. Check out his film-loading and cinematography work: Thanks to Bec Hill for helping out with the filming on the day. All the props were lovingly hand-made by Bec using stationery we found around Sam Kieffer's place. My podcast with Bec: Bec's podcast with Sam, which they should have been working on instead of helping me make giant models of film: Thanks again to Dan Ming for setting us up with Keslow. Read about their work here in ICG Magazine. Development was by FotoKem and the digital scan of the film was done by the lovely The Negative Space. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my reels turning. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Truman Hanks Sound mix by Peter Doggart Written and performed by Matt Parker Props by Bec Hill Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

The Bingo Paradox: 3× more likely to win

AHP1T8fTxpQ | 21 Aug 2024

The Bingo Paradox: 3× more likely to win

Details on where you can buy Love Triangle in the USA: Or if you just want it from Amazon, this is my affiliate link: For people in Europe, signed UK copies are still available on Maths Gear: The box set you should not buy: Paul Catherall shop: And now for some actual links that pertain to the video itself. The Bingo Paradox by Arthur Benjamin, Joseph Kisenwether & Ben Weiss Also here: 10,000 Stand-up Maths bingo cards: 10,000 Love Triangle bingo cards: I heard a rumour you should listen to the podcast A Problem Squared. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They took very little convincing to make fun of me via the medium of bingo card suggestions. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Additional performance by Skylab the Dog Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Dice on loan from the Bec Hill collection MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The search for the biggest shape in the universe.

XZy3rXr2yeM | 16 Aug 2024

The search for the biggest shape in the universe.

Love Triangle sweepstakes are open until Monday August 19th: Details on where you can pre-order/buy Love Triangle: Or if you just want it from Amazon, this is my affiliate link: For people in Europe, signed UK copies are still available on Maths Gear: “Search For Largest Polyhedra” by Donald Grace Thanks to Bill Hedges at Cosmic Films Studio in Nebraska, USA for having us to film our sci-fi adventure. Check out Bill’s Cosmic Cat series: Thanks to Laura Taalman for 3D printing the fantastic shapes for me. She's a Professor of Mathematics at James Madison University. Thanks to Roger Antonsen, for testing the local maxima of the Grace shape for this video. Roger sadly passed away earlier this year. His department at the University of Oslo have published a memorial page to celebrate him: Geogebra model of the Grace's Shape made by Sam Hartburn. Much appreciation to Donald's children who talked to me about late nights spent with their father watching a computer crunch away at some math. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. I could maximise the occupancy of a unit sphere with my gratitude. CORRECTIONS - 00:23 I say "August 22" which is wrong: this Tuesday is August 20. Please don't tell my publishers I got that wrong. - At 16:50 I say "eight times" which is completely wrong and not part of the formula. No idea what was going on there. The onscreen value (and everything else I say) is correct. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional footage by Bill Hedges Written and performed by Matt Parker Voiceover by Gemma Arrowsmith Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson On-set entertainment by Cosmic Cat (and kittens) MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

Search for the mythological Klein-ing Frame

SYBRxqEE4XQ | 08 Aug 2024

Search for the mythological Klein-ing Frame

Find out more about Jane Street's internships in Hong Kong and opportunities around the world! Visit the Klein-ing Frame and the rest of the park yourself: This is the site and map I originally found. Site: Map: Check out the original Tweet: Huge thanks to David Brooks for being our guide. More on their physics work at JAXA and elsewhere here: If you'd like to know more about ISAS/JAXA, their site is here: Anyone interested in Hinode can look at the MSSL website here: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Without them I would be orientation-reversed. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written, performed and additional filming by Matt Parker Local translation services by Dave Brooks Attending a conference in Japan to justify the trip by Lucie Green Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Greenwich Meridian is in the wrong place

XB5xuAhrkWE | 02 Aug 2024

The Greenwich Meridian is in the wrong place

Pre-order Love Triangle anywhere, register for the sweepstakes here: Details on where you can pre-order/buy Love Triangle: Or if you just want it from Amazon, this is my affiliate link: For people in Europe, signed UK copies are still available on Maths Gear: Huge thanks to Steve Mould for joining me in this video! Check out Steve's channel, I assume he can use some extra subscribers: Thanks to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich for letting us come in to see all the lines and their respective telescopes. You should visit! It's in London. Much appreciation to my Patreon supporters. They keep me on the correct line. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Steve Mould performed by Steve Mould Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

Surprise results I found as an election Count Agent

K-hdJIWsK3A | 12 Jul 2024

Surprise results I found as an election Count Agent

Count Binface is on tour around the UK in September and October 2024. Details and tickets here: Tickets for An Evening of Unnecessary Detail NYC (and other London shows) here: This is the website I scraped the election data from: But as of around 12 July 2024 it will be officially available here: This is the polling data website I talk about: Thanks to all the candidates who took time to help make these videos: Tom Wilson, Dave Rowntree and Count Binface. Plus all the many people who during a long night working at the counting centre, still kindly chatted with me and answered my questions. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Without them I wouldn't be first past the post. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Matt Parker Additional footage by the Count Binface Party Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

UK Election charts are a nightmare

zDLxgEquxA0 | 03 Jul 2024

UK Election charts are a nightmare

Vote Count Binface for Bindependence Day! Make your vote count. Thanks to Dave Rowntree for taking time out on the campaign trail to help with this video: Dave Rowntree for Mid Sussex Thanks to Count Binface to for taking time out from commanding great swaths of our galaxy to peer-pressure me into this video: Count Binface for Richmond and Northallerton Catch Count Binface on his debut comedy tour across the UK this September/October! This is the BBC article I showed: “Tactical voting: What to watch out for on leaflets telling you who can win your seat” The excellent More or Less covered bad leaflet charts as well. Watch the rest of Sky News grilling Reform over their 1066 plot. Excellent video on voting systems by Primer. Here’s my book Love Triangle I keep pointing at: FULL DISCLOSURE: as well as being an official Counting Agent for the Count Binface Party I did also donate my own money to help pay for getting all the flyers printed. The print shop demanded Earth Monday and refused to accept Galactic Blemflarcks. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Even though I don’t think I can legally spend their money on this video. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Space lasers by Count Binface Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Is pool actually just mathematics?

fqq8enTDzMY | 21 Jun 2024

Is pool actually just mathematics?

Get a signed first edition of Love Triangle from Maths Gear: All UK options: All USA options: Huge thanks to Rollie and Jenn. Check out their videos on the diamond system. Rollie's Climate Town videos: Rollie is an average pool player: Jenn's pool videos: We filmed at Jenn's fantastic venue: Skyline Billiards and Bar. You should go there! And that Grant guy makes some pretty good math videos: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. Whenever I bounce off them they give me plenty of spin. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Playing darts in the background out of focus: Bec Hill MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The first known maths author (and the most recent)

g_qbIsltNmQ | 13 Jun 2024

The first known maths author (and the most recent)

Pre-order a signed 1st edition of Love Triangle now: All UK options: All USA options: Hugh thanks to the British Museum for getting the papyrus out of storage for me to see. You can watch the other non-papyrus video I made with them over here: If you want to have a closer look at the maths on the papyrus, there are scans on the British Museum site: CAN YOU SOLVE IT: You have to divide 100 loaves between 5 men in such a way that the shares received shall be in arithmetical progression. And that 1/7 of the sum of the largest 3 shares shall be equal to the sum of the smallest 2. What is the difference of the shares? Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my bread fairly divided. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The shape that should be impossible.

daVny9y72UE | 05 Jun 2024

The shape that should be impossible.

Get your Sydler-shape limited-edition dust jacket now! Here is the bonus video with all the details: See some of you at the Copenhagen Developers Festival, 28 August 2024 Thanks so much to Paul Catherall who made these beautiful prints. If you order Love Triangle on Waterstones you will not get the dust jacket but you can use the use the discount code 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 to get 21 percent off the already discounted price. Matthias Goerner's page about Sydler's shape: Or see the 3D model directly here: Henry Segerman's video: Robin's 15° shape: CONJECTURE DISCLAIMER: We believe that the "there must exist a single-angle polyhedron for any angle θ with an algebraic sine" conjecture is true but don't have a nice proof. There seem to be all the required parts for the proof in papers by Sydler and Jessen, but it's not fully assembled. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep me orthogonal. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

New 7-direction pencil model!

MesBw3gF6Vs | 31 May 2024

New 7-direction pencil model!

Find out more about Jane Street’s programmes running across the world: Including the WiSE course which is open to self-identifying women and gender-expansive university students and incoming students: Check out KangarooPhysics’ original gif showing the cross-section through the packing arrangment: And Daniel Piker’s amazing 3D model: More detail on rod packing in this paper: If you want to watch the extended cut, with every excruciating, pencil-pushing moment included, head over to this video on the second channel: You can also watch the original "How to build a Hexastix in 72 easy steps" if you just want to build a Hexastix. In 72 easy steps. If you need 85 custom pencils in your life (The 67 you need, plus we've put in a few spares) you can buy a set while stocks last over on Maths Gear. Sorry the set is quite expensive. This is just the cost price I originally paid to get them made. Elastic bands are not included. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They are as special as a triangular pencil. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Love Triangle: parker-signed

The mathematically impossible ball that shouldn’t exist.

_cAl3FlQZ9Q | 22 May 2024

The mathematically impossible ball that shouldn’t exist.

Sign the petition now! Pre-order Love Triangle to read about the Impossi-ball. Check out Jon-Paul's balls: Huge thanks to Jon-Paul and Allison for making the ball and inviting us to their studio. Thanks to everyone at Liverpool FC for being so accommodating and friendly. Tim's home sustainability tech channel: And his foot donut game: Humble Pi stand-up special is on Maths Gear as a download, and all the other places. This was my original video from 2017: The UK government parliamentary petition and official government response: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. This would be impossiball without you. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Maths of the Day music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book:

When a complicated proof simplifies everything

MhJN9sByRS0 | 17 May 2024

When a complicated proof simplifies everything

Pre-order Love Triangle on Maths Gear now and get a signed copy! Also, a special book cover if you're fast enough. You'll be fast enough. Video was inspired by this r/mathematics post and the discussion it lead to: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. I’m a huge exponent of all of them, minus none. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Gus Melton Graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book! parker-signed

The Minecraft boat-drop mystery

ei58gGM9Z8k | 30 Mar 2024

The Minecraft boat-drop mystery

Here is camman18's YouTube short about the mystery: Huge thanks to Natalie for sending it to me! This is the bug report Oliver found: Explore floating point errors yourself using the IEEE-754 Floating Point Converter: My previous video about Minecraft: Thanks to my patreon supporters. They keep my this.status = IN_AIR. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Gus Melton Minecraft footage by Oliver Dunk Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book!

The biggest hand calculation in a century! [Pi Day 2024]

LIg-6glbLkU | 13 Mar 2024

The biggest hand calculation in a century! [Pi Day 2024]

Please note down the new value of pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223176 If you'd like to sign up to hear about future ridiculous maths projects that require volunteers: Play list of all my previous calculating pi day videos: This calculation was paid-for with surplus funding from a previous Stand-up Maths kick-starter. If you'd like to support future projects, you can join me on Patreon. My Patreon supporters keep me irrational. Huge thanks to the Pi-by-hand Committee who spent two years working on this project: Alex Genn-Bash Ayliean McDonald - Ben Sparks - Christian Perfect Deanna Judd James Grime - Katie Steckles - Matthew Scroggs - Max Hughes Nicole Jacobus Sophie Maclean - Thanks to Steve Mould for making sure everything was legit, and only mentioning tau six or so times. William Shanks was voiced by the excellent Ben Moor: The amazing voice over was provided by the fantastic Gemma Arrowsmith: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything (other than the final 6). - Yes, this video was released the day before Pi Day. It's so teachers have a chance to watch it and prepare their Pi Day lessons for the big day. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Animations by William Marler Written and 'performed' by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: NEW BOOK:

Rotation without rotating.

1LCEiVDHJmc | 08 Mar 2024

Rotation without rotating.

Check out Jane Street's excellent Academy of Math and Programming (AMP). Jane Street has put together a fun logic puzzle to get folks excited about the AMP program. You don’t need to complete the puzzle to apply – it’s just something fun to get you thinking! Check it out: Here are Andrew Taylors slides on "Rotation with three shears". I saw him give this talk at the MathsJam Gathering 2023. The proof is on page 4. This is a nice introduction to the concept: Way more details on the maths behind rotating with shears here: Oh dang my book: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record, baby, right round^3. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Dan Daniel Written and performed by Matt Parker Graphics by Matt Parker and Andrew Taylor Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website:

The many cubes hidden inside a dodecahedron

oTWeuyDMgwo | 06 Mar 2024

The many cubes hidden inside a dodecahedron

Do check out my video with Adam Savage over on Tested: Yes, I'm back in NYC for An Evening of Unnecessary Detail on Sunday April 14. Pre-order my new book! The excellent graphics of spinning dodecahedrons were made by Ben Sparks. You can see the GeoGebra file here: Some more details about space diagonals on Math Stack Exchange. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my polyhedra intersecting. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Laser cutting by Lisa Mather Extra graphics by Ben Sparks Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Training on using a bandsaw by Adam Savage MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The beautiful maths which makes 5G faster than 4G, faster than 3G, faster than...

To7Ll5AGboI | 29 Feb 2024

The beautiful maths which makes 5G faster than 4G, faster than 3G, faster than...

Pre-order Love Triangle on Maths Gear now and get a signed copy! Also, a special book cover if you're fast enough. UK edition out 20 June, pre-order options: USA edition out 20 August, pre-order options: Here are the fantastic GeoGebra files Ben Sparks made for the video. Modulated 1 bit: Modulated 2 bit: Constellations: Sum of waves: Huge thanks to my Patreon supports. They enable me to be outstanding in a field. CORRECTIONS - 07:15, don't ask why that circle is there. It's not a clue. I just forgot to turn off a layer in photoshop. - At 10:06 I didn't show the Gray Code paths which loop around the diagram. But you get the idea. - Yes, I spelled "Pello!" in the hidden binary message instead of "Hello!". It was an idea I had at the last second and I didn't double check where I was clicking! - Let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Geogebra files by Ben Sparks Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The 1,200 Year Maths Mistake

FAdmpAZTH_M | 22 Feb 2024

The 1,200 Year Maths Mistake

See you all in Wemding, Germany in 2033 for the next installation of this inevitable maths mistake. Thanks to everyone involved with Zeitpyramide who were hugely welcoming and accomodating. Official Zeitpyramyde website: Check out Ayliean MacDonald's excellent work on TikTok and indeed YouTube: We also had an very helpful German-to-English translator in Benjamin Bungeru who kindly did not translate all of the speeches for me. Read more about off-by-one errors in my book Humble Pi: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They lift me up like a 6.5 tonne block. CORRECTIONS - 01:24 I say "square numbers" when I mean "even square numbers". First corrected by TheSamuelWells - A few people have noted that the "clarinet" is actually a "soprano saxophone". I am very sorry to all the music nerds. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker and Ayliean MacDonald Blocky animations by William Marler Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson All soprano saxophone music was recorded live on location. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The mystery of 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897...

ErBbyLu-M94 | 13 Feb 2024

The mystery of 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897...

Support "Doing Things the Hard Way Matt" on patreon: Full video of Doing Things the Hard Way Matt doing things the hard way is on Patreon: OEIS sequence A010527 "Decimal expansion of sqrt(3)/2" Do support the OEIS! And here are a bunch of the digits: 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897 Wikipedia page on "ISO metric screw thread" Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my triangle equlateral. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Oh look at this:

Why do all shapes lie in the PolyPlane?

nV8YNWjB5DQ | 31 Jan 2024

Why do all shapes lie in the PolyPlane?

Check out AMP or suggest it to someone who could benefit. And here is the puzzle: Thanks to Jane Street for sponsoring this video! I'll be doing An Evening of Unnecessary Detail at the Bristol Beacon, UK on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Come and celebrate Almost Pi Day with me! And celebrate Ages Until Tau Day with Steve Mould. Here is Grant's old, old 3blue1brown video. It's so good. Check out Ben's GeoGebra file we used to simulate the PolyPlane: Polyplane will be at the UCLA campus in Los Angeles, February 01 to 28, 2024. You can also still send in a polyhedron from anywhere in the world or enquire about hosting it yourself. Polyplane is made possible thanks to fiscal sponsorship from the Seattle Universal Math Museum. Thanks to Henry Segerman for helping out as well. You should watch their awesome videos: Huge thanks to my PatreonPlane supporters. They covered the "press pass" I had to buy to access the Joint Math Meeting. I could as part of the Press, right? CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker GeoGebra graphics and addition material by Ben Sparks Edge complaining by Grant Sanderson Yes they bent the rules by Henry Segerman Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Oh look at this:

Rarefaction curves and advanced mothematics .

TeY1fY0Bi_M | 27 Jan 2024

Rarefaction curves and advanced mothematics .

Watch this space for any updates on if the rainforest moths we found were new to science! Thanks to Rainforest Expeditions who organised our trip. Full disclosure: we paid for our flights to Peru but Rainforest Expeditions provided our visit into the rainforest for free. We visited the Tambopata Research Center and the Refugio Amazonas lodges. If you'd like to visit via the method of exchanging money, check out their site or socials: Read more about the research being done in the rainforest by Wired Amazon. They also take volunteers if you like doing science while being rained on. Check out Mark's channel: Mark is also a Lecturer in Wildlife, Ecology & Conservation Science at the University of Suffolk. See his research here: Second channel video over here: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They bought me a Peru tourist t-shirt and a pair of socks with sloths on them. But the time we got out of the rainforest I had no clean clothes and had to buy a new outfit at the airport to be presentable enough to get on the plane home. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced live in the rainforest by Nicole Jacobus Animations by William Marler Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Spoiler: In the next rainforest video I get stung by a bullet ant. But don't tell anyone, it's going to be a surprise. I know I was surprised. Downright shocked.

Why are the ice shelves collapsing?

VHelUNnq5To | 05 Jan 2024

Why are the ice shelves collapsing?

Yes, I'm doing a show in LA on Sunday January 7. It's a bit last-minute. Come and say hi! Huge thanks to Sammie for sharing her equations. Check out her work at Northumbria University: "A Mathematical Model of Melt Lake Development on an Ice Shelf" Sammie's very good python code! Ice shelf satellite images thanks to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Thanks to the Reading Biscuit Factory for letting us film in their lovely cafe. I went to Antarctica with Hurtigruten. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They bought me that coffee I was drinking. Sammie only wanted a glass of ice water. I swear I offered her other beverages but no, she's too on-brand for that. CORRECTIONS - None yet, as far as I’m aware everything in the thumbnail is spelled correctly. Let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Christopher Brooks Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

I designed a silly but semi-functional computer.

e1Kw3yJoNxw | 27 Nov 2023

I designed a silly but semi-functional computer.

Get your calculating christmas card! Support me on patreon: All Patreon supporters will be emailed a personalised card (deadline end of December, but sign up sooner for an earlier email) and "statistically significant" or higher get posted a physical signed card (deadline end of December but sign up by end of November to get it before christmas). Check out Mark Dominus's great blog. Link to follow-on post at end of this one. Here is the sign-up to volunteer for Pi By Hand 2024. Paper on other method to get Ludgates's values: All of the numbers I found are below. So many numbers. Presented three different ways, which is really unhelpful. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They put the teeth on my cogs. CORRECTIONS - Yes, the invention of logs in 1614 is 410 years ago, not 400. On the fly M y brain confused it with the 1624 publishing of Arithmetica Logarithmica, the first great log table book. First noted by AlexSh789. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Cogputer build by Lisa Mather and Katie Steckles Tree build by Nina, Carrie and assisted by Laura. Extra material by Adam Atkinson Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: 0-9 COGPUTER 0 cog: 1 teeth 1 cog: 42 teeth 2 cog: 41 teeth 3 cog: 27 teeth 4 cog: 40 teeth 5 cog: 8 teeth 6 cog: 26 teeth 7 cog: 18 teeth 8 cog: 39 teeth 9 cog: 12 teeth LABELS ON MIDDLE COG: CE, --, 00, --, --, --, --, --, --, 00, --, --, --, 00, --, --, 25, --, --, 00, 45, --, --, --, 81, --, 35, 00, 00, --, 63, --, --, --, 30, 15, 49, --, 54, 27, 00, 00, 00, 00, 42, 21, --, 40, 20, 10, 05, 72, 36, 18, 09, --, --, 56, 28, 14, 07, --, --, --, --, 48, 24, 12, 06, 03, --, --, --, --, --, --, --, --, 64, 32, 16, 08, 04, 02, 01 1-9 CHRISTMAS TREE Present 1 is 7 units tall Present 2 is 5 units tall Present 3 is 18 units tall Present 4 is 3 units tall Present 5 is 21 units tall Present 6 is 16 units tall Present 7 is 28 units tall Present 8 is 1 units tall Present 9 is 29 units tall Bauble 1 is 14 units high Bauble 2 is 12 units high Bauble 3 is 25 units high Bauble 4 is 10 units high Bauble 5 is 28 units high Bauble 6 is 23 units high Bauble 7 is 35 units high Bauble 8 is 8 units high Bauble 9 is 36 units high Bauble 10 is 26 units high Bauble 12 is 21 units high Bauble 14 is 33 units high Bauble 15 is 39 units high Bauble 16 is 6 units high Bauble 18 is 34 units high Bauble 20 is 24 units high Bauble 21 is 46 units high Bauble 24 is 19 units high Bauble 25 is 42 units high Bauble 27 is 47 units high Bauble 28 is 31 units high Bauble 30 is 37 units high Bauble 32 is 4 units high Bauble 35 is 49 units high Bauble 36 is 32 units high Bauble 40 is 22 units high Bauble 42 is 44 units high Bauble 45 is 50 units high Bauble 48 is 17 units high Bauble 49 is 56 units high Bauble 54 is 45 units high Bauble 56 is 29 units high Bauble 63 is 57 units high Bauble 64 is 2 units high Bauble 72 is 30 units high Bauble 81 is 58 units high 2-9 CHRISTMAS TREE CARD 2: 3 3: 12 4: 2 5: 17 6: 11 7: 24 8: 1 9: 20 height: bauble number 2: 64 3: 32 4: 16 5: 8 6: 4 12: 48 13: 24 14: 12 15: 6 18: 40 19: 20 20: 10 21: 72 22: 36 23: 18 24: 9 25: 56 26: 28 27: 14 28: 30 29: 15 31: 54 32: 27 34: 25 35: 42 36: 21 37: 45 40: 81 41: 35 44: 63 48: 49 THE END PS

Chicago has a problem until the year 2083.

4l16zI0sYRs | 30 Oct 2023

Chicago has a problem until the year 2083.

You absolutely must check out the companion Climate Town video: Huge thanks to Rollie Williams, Nicole Conlan, Matt Nelson and the whole Climate Town team. We had an unreasonable amount of fun planning and filming these videos. You should subscribe to their channel: What, you already are? Well unsubscribe and resubscribe you fool. Office Of The Inspector General, City of Chicago, Report Of Inspector General's Findings And Recommendations: An Analysis of the Lease of the City's Parking Meters. Chicago Parking Meters, Llc: Financial Statements (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon). Want to do something about USA parking policy? Check out Climate Town's buddies at Climate Changemakers. They have put together a playbook on how to take action on minimum parking laws: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They made this video possible by funding a lot of hotdogs. Take the deal here: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Stand-up Maths crew: Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced and light reflector by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Climate Town crew: Host, Head Writer, Editor: Rollie Williams Executive Producers: Rollie Williams & Ben Boult & Matt Nelsen & Nicole Conlan Writers: Nicole Conlan & Matt Nelsen Directors: Matt Nelsen & Ben Boult Cinematographers: Matt Nelsen & Ben Boult Assistant Editor: Laura Conte Fact Checker: Canute Haroldson Animator: Ian MK Cessna Yes, I ate every single one of those hotdogs.

Why does Vegas have its own value of pi?

tLPL8pM8Xkw | 24 Oct 2023

Why does Vegas have its own value of pi?

Here is the value of "Vegas Pi": 3.14159265358979323846 1715364367892590360011 6892589235420199561121 968230301952035301852 Read all about the Sphere and science: Thanks to Linus Boman for the help! Check out their excellent videos: Here is Linus's post on Mastodon with type nerds chiming in: Thanks to Kelly Bruce for sending in the mistake! I've sent Sphere Entertainment Co. a copy of this fixed image. If you'd like to see it, this is my pi layout which tipped me off to the possible alignment. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They paid for the melon. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Melon disposal by Skylab the Dog Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Oh, and if you are the sort of person who would like to pre-order a limited signed first edition copy of my next book, I imagine here is the kind of place where you could register for that:

The Neat Alignment of the World's Biggest Antiprism

a_fTA4UeFls | 18 Oct 2023

The Neat Alignment of the World's Biggest Antiprism

Check out Jane Street paid internships (or pass on to someone you think would benefit from it). Huge thanks to Laura Taalman for joining me for a day of walking and math. You can see all things Taalman on her website including excellent 3D print files: Next "An evening of Unnecessary Detail" show is 20 November 2023 in London. More shows in the future in the UK and USA, ticket links always here: Thanks to "biludavis" for the 3D model of the WTC: All other 3D models and prints were designed by Laura. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They put the twist in my antiprism. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Math by Laura Taalman Produced by Nicole Jacobus Stills photography by Truman Hanks Editing by Christopher Brooks Sound mix by Steve Pretty Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Written and performed by Matt Parker MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

A needlessly complicated but awesome bridge.

SsGEcLwjgEg | 31 Aug 2023

A needlessly complicated but awesome bridge.

The Einstein Hat Competition! Thanks to Jane Street for supporting this video. Stan Wagon has written an article about all of the maths involved in the bridge: Designed by Thomas Randall-Page. Engineering by Alfred Jacquemot (then of Price & Myers). You can ride the MoMath square-wheel bike in NYC or Stan Wagons's at Macalester College in Minneapolis. Visit Cody Dock in East London. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my bridges rolling. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash and Christopher Brooks Editing by Christopher Brooks Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced and drone flying by Nicole Jacobus Scene stealing by that cat Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Mirror-image Mirror Balls: introducing the Kite-Rhombus Hectapentacontahedron

hSHWlMReAzc | 21 Aug 2023

Mirror-image Mirror Balls: introducing the Kite-Rhombus Hectapentacontahedron

The Big Feastival is this weekend! (Or if you are watching this in the future: some weekend in your subsequent August.) I'm there most years, come and say hi! In 2023 we're making a giant sun dial. Blur are on tour again and have a new album out! I've seen the show and listened to the album so can recommend both personally. Huge thanks to Robert for finding all eight "Eight Kite-Rhombus Solids". Thanks to Lisa Mather who designed and laser-cut all of the kites and rhombi so we could cable tie them together. Internal frame for the balls was designed and built by Dave Ansell. 3D design and all images of the shape was done by Sam Hartburn. The build crew included but was not limited to: Alex Genn-Bash, Alex James, Ben Sparks, Katie Steckles, Lisa Mather, Lucie Green, Matt Parker, Matthew Scroggs, Paul Taylor and random festival attendees. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my balls in the air. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Graphics by Sam Hartburn Cheese by Alex James Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

An unexciting video about distance derivatives

sB2X5l5CsNs | 01 Aug 2023

An unexciting video about distance derivatives

An exploration of distance, speed, acceleration and other members of the distance-derivatives family. With no need for any flashy gimmicks. Watch the Rapid Motion Through Space Documentary. Huge thanks to Cas Visser, Dom Wilson, Jan Wolf and everyone else who had a look at my giant csv of data and tried to help wrangle it. This is the episode of my podcast A Problem Squared where I asked for help with the data: Find out more about the Two Wheels for Life charity. Need more terrifying in your life? Have a ride on the two-seater MotoGP bike yourself: This is the app I used to log the data: Cheers to my Patreon supporters. Your support really drove me around the bend. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Additional filming by Alice Degrassi and Ben Westaway Written and performed by Matt Parker Background extra by Hannah Fry Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Special thanks to Trunkman Productions Ltd, The Cosmic Shambles Network, Two Wheels for Life and DornaSports for facilitating filming at the British Round of the MotoGP™ Championship. MotoGP™ is a registered trademark of DORNA SPORTS, S.L and all footage and images from the MotoGP™ championship are used with their permission and remain their © Copyright. Documentary footage is Copyright © 2023 Trunkman Productions Ltd and is used with permission. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

How many ways can you join regular pentagons?

ZPMR_UT75a8 | 07 Jul 2023

How many ways can you join regular pentagons?

Thanks to Jane Street for supporting this video. Curved-Crease Sculptures by Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine The original paper: "A Complete List of All Convex Polyhedra Made by Gluing Regular Pentagons" Get your hexagon equivalent here: Cookie. Clicker. Like that video is going to happen. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep all my polyhedra convex. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Unexpected science from a 0.000001 megapixel home-made telescope

IuUMxNfDfFY | 06 Jun 2023

Unexpected science from a 0.000001 megapixel home-made telescope

Bonus footage of me talking about the Parkerscope over here on Patreon: Thanks to Greg Foot for helping out with all of the filming. Check out their channel: Pretty sure Greg was the only YouTuber who was with me at the Eclipse. Lucie's telescope was the "Coronal Imaging Polarizer (CIP)" from Aberystwyth University. Here is a poster outlining its results from a 2020 eclipse: Print your own Parkerscope stickers: This is the excel file with all my data from the video: Parkerscope code is over here: I was using the ALX-1309 USB Logging Light Meter Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They paid for all the snacks Grant ate during the very long drive. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Much filming by Greg Foot Additional filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Christopher Brooks Parkerscope design by Nicole Jacobus and Alex Genn-BAsh Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

We analysed 4,678,387 NBA shots

yh5c3duQQ1w | 30 May 2023

We analysed 4,678,387 NBA shots

Check out Grant's Summer of Math Exposition (supported by Jane Street!) More details here: Tim Chartier has a great book called "Get in the Game - An Interactive Introduction to Sports Analytics" if you'd like to learn more about their work. Here is their Davidson College page: The song "Get Ready for Maths" is written and recorded by Jonny Berlin based on the original "Get Ready for This" by 2 Unlimited. More songs by Jonny over here: And thanks to Nolan Rau, Liz Labows and Bec Hill for rounding out our team of six. Check out MoMath's Hoop Curves. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep me in the game. CORRECTIONS - At 04:44 I say "Noel" in the voice over instead of Nolan. Sorry Nolan! - Yes, in the plots of our shots at 05:13, 05:59 and 14:22 I left the axis labelled as "inches" and it should be "feet". - At 11:18 I say "eight points" but I mean "point eight points". - Let me know if you spot anything else! Diagram of basketball court adapted from this one: Photo of restricted zone during a game from Roy on Flickr. Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Nico Turner Some graphics by Grant Sanderson Other graphics by Matt's Terrible Python Code™ Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter and Jonny Berliner Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Behold all-new equations for triangles!

A0L_PZwuGHY | 26 Apr 2023

Behold all-new equations for triangles!

Thanks to Jane Street for supporting this video. Check out their open roles, programs and events: Here is the original "Is there an equation for a triangle?" video. (I'm taking suggestions for what Part III should be named. Comment below.) And thanks to everyone who contributed to the triangleness. Here are all the triangles and non-triangles mentioned in this video: Mohammed Jafari's close-but-not-triangle: Generic Viewer's close-but-not-triangle: Harrison's non-generalised triangle: Idiotinium's non-generalised triangle: Jaden's non-generalised triangle: Tristan's non-generalised triangle: And Tristan's Zombie Walker: Reddit thread generalising triangle equation: Anson Mansfield's generalised triangle: Graham Goble's generalised triangle: Steve's generalised triangle: Inigo's triangle in ShaderToy: Huge thanks to my Patreon supports. They encourage me to triangle my best. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Michelle Martin Diagrams by Sam Hartburn Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

I Discovered a Maths Loophole in UK Tax

YoGGhKJ8KTM | 20 Apr 2023

I Discovered a Maths Loophole in UK Tax

Subscribe to Stand-up Maths for more tax tips this useful or less. Yet to be sponsored by Hubbard's Foodstore Spaghetti Rings in Tomato Sauce. Click here for 0% off your order! National Insurance rates and categories (by Hey Mate, Right Cash) Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. You're all tariffic. CORRECTIONS - At 05:56 I say “standard leap year” when I mean “standard year”. Sorry! First noticed and reported by Blueboy5678 and Hari Krishnan. - User “Go Away” corrected a typo in the above correction. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Graphics by William Marler Written, performed and embezzled by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Are There Any 3-Landlocked Countries?

5cJK9VJ24hQ | 03 Apr 2023

Are There Any 3-Landlocked Countries?

Best VPN there is: UK boundary data from the OS. World Country data from opendatasoft. USA states from looking at them very closely. "English counties explained" by Map Men Oh look, a video about the City of London Target 10.b "in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programs". Graphics artfully animated by Christian Lawson-Perfect. The other person in the field was Matt Watson, my tour manager. He also makes music: Massive thanks to my Patreon supports. They are a huge amount of Alp. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Happy birthday to Eliyahu! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Graphics by Christian Lawson-Perfect Muddy field navigating with Matthew Watson Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Was Michael Jackson's hair catching fire during a Pepsi ad the exact mid-point of his life?

bUuGy5agBfg | 17 Mar 2023

Was Michael Jackson's hair catching fire during a Pepsi ad the exact mid-point of his life?

Do check out Bobby's video. It's a work of art. But be warned: it contains adult themes and some strong language. So if you watch my videos with young people, maybe watch Bobby's when they're not around. First person to find me IN A PUBLIC SPACE can have the pin-up board (without the pins or board). I've put all the bits in an envelop and will carry it with me whenever I'm in public. Don't try to hunt me down at home. It'll be weird. I think this is the original claim that it was the mid-point of his life. From April 2019. Here is the quote about the time of day his hair caught fire: "at the Shrine Auditorium Friday night" Here is the regulation governing daylight saving time in Indiana when Michael Jackson was born: 1957: "The General Assembly votes to make Central time the official time of the state but permit any community to switch to daylight-saving time during the summer." This website claims Gar did switch to daylight saving in 1958, specifically: "27 Apr 1958 - Time Zone Change (CST → EST)" but I'm not sure where that information has come from. Huge thanks to my Patreon supports who keep in strings and pins. Join and you'll have a head-start the next I foolishly encourage the internet to hunt me down. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Using an Out-of-Control Car to Calculate π.

_ZbUyS2IRMo | 10 Mar 2023

Using an Out-of-Control Car to Calculate π.

Happy Pi Day: 14 March 2023. (Yes, the video goes out a few days early. So teachers have time to plan their Pi Day activities.) Huge thanks to Eric and the whole team for letting us in to skid some cars and calculate pi. It was an active and working site and they did a great job making time, staff and cars available for us. If you want to learn more about traffic reconstruction calculations, check out this (slightly odd) 1983 book "Handbook For The Accident Reconstructionist". If you want to sign-up and hear about Pi Day 2024 plans, here is the form: Huge thanks to my Patreon people who support all my silly Pi Day videos with their irrational funding. Join in and we'll make Pi Day 2024 bigger and sillier. And sorry I could only put the names of Statistically Significant and higher Patreon tiers on the scrolling credits. A bunch of that was done by hand and that was the limit of what could be lined up. CORRECTIONS - If we had used 26/38 exactly were would have π = 3.136421 which is basically 3.14 (First spotted by CK.) - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Pi Reconstruction by Eric Stunt Driving by A Colleague Of Eric's Location provided by Like We're Going To Tell You Extra help by Why Are You Asking So Many Questions Written and performed by Matt Parker Credits Animation by William Marler Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book:

The 56-Year Argument About a Hopping Hoop

ETRpkp03stQ | 27 Feb 2023

The 56-Year Argument About a Hopping Hoop

Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! To get 10% off your first month of therapy, go to to sign up today. If you are need of urgent mental health support please check for crisis help lines available in your country. USA: UK: Plus if you are in Europe you can search Mental Health Europe: Check out Ben's Hopping Hoop Geogebra file: Thanks to Lisa Mather for making the hopping hoops for me. And an extra shout-out to Joel Tatarek-Gintowt for modelling and 3D printing the ball bearing casement. Here are all the papers mentioned: A Mathematicians Miscellany (1953) by John Littlewood The Hopping Hoop (1997) by Tadashi F. Tokieda Hopping Hoops Don't Hop (1999) by James P. Butler The Hopping Hoop Revisited (1999) by Timothy Pritchett The rolling motion of an eccentrically loaded wheel (2000) by W.F.D. Theron The amazing variety of motions of a loaded hoop (2007) by W.F.D. Theron and M.F. Maritz The dynamics of an eccentrically loaded hoop (2010) by Andrew Taylor and Mary Fehrs CORRECTIONS - Yes, I know, 08:33 worst cycloid ever. No need to tell me. - At 12:23 I say "no friction" when I am talking about the hoop not skidding, and yes, that should be "infinite friction". - Let me know if you spot anything else! Huge thanks to my Patreon supports. They keep me rolling along. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Props by Lisa Mather and Joel Tatarek-Gintowt Written and performed by Matt Parker GeoGebra and extra material/research by Ben Sparks Hoop catching by Nicole Jacobus Dog wrangling by Lucie Green Hoop chasing by Skylab the Dog Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Pitfalls of Polynomial Approximations

F_43oTnTXiw | 06 Feb 2023

The Pitfalls of Polynomial Approximations

Check out Overleaf: the easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor! RungeBot on both twitter (for now!) and mastodon. Yes, I'm on mastodon: Huge thanks to Matthew Scroggs for letting me turn his MathsJam talk into a video and helping me out with all of the animations. Thanks also to Dave Hartburn for doing the flat earth digging. His MathsJam slides are here: Cheers to Ben Sparks for making that geogebra file. Huge thanks to my Patreon supports. They keep me on the level. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Animations and geogebra by Matthew Scroggs Some geogebra by Ben Sparks Diagrams by Sam Hartburn Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Legitimate scientist by Professor Lucie Green MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Genius Geometry of the James Webb Space Telescope

os0a5au_3Mo | 18 Jan 2023

The Genius Geometry of the James Webb Space Telescope

Details about the Jane Street Academy of Math and Programming: Apply by 15 March for full-scholarship attendance. See you there! NASA made a great "Webb’s Diffraction Spikes" infographic. The differences between Webb and Hubble Webb deepfield Hubble deepfield Here is the WebbPSF python package. LIVE: Biden previews first images from Webb Space Telescope (reveal is at 05:37) Bill Nelson born September 29, 1942. Joe Biden born November 20, 1942. They were both 79 at the time. The images of space were all produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute who have kindly made them freely available for the rest of us to use. Huge thanks to my Patreon supports. That shiny cardboard isn't cheap. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Produced by Nicole Jacobus Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Once a Millennium Alignment of All Three Norths

HcFvegnQpPo | 19 Dec 2022

Once a Millennium Alignment of All Three Norths

Get your North by North-North tour merch here! Thanks to Bec Hill for voicing the Norths Tour. I have a podcast with Bec and we talked about me making this video in the latest episode: If you're anywhere near Worth Matravers in Dorset you should absolutely visit The Square and Compass. Here is the OS Maps post about the triple alignment. However, if you watch their video be warned about when the diagonal line crosses the 2° line: their line slopes to the left and moves to the right, whereas my line slopes to the right and moves to the left. This is because the OS is drawing the zero-point for magnetic-vs-grid but I'm doing magnetic-vs-true. Which is a mirror image. You can see all of NOAA's Historical Magnetic Declination data here: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded this ridiculous trip to the south coast of the UK to film a silly video. They also bought me two pints of beer and one packet of crisps. Which were all totally key props/research and not a mis-use of Patreon support funds. Support me and maybe next time I'll get a second packet of crisps. Bonus thanks to Christopher James who put a link to the OS article about this in a maths communication whatsapp group with the message "I hope someone is planning to visit and make an interesting video about this." And thanks to Colin Beveridge who answered some key questions about it in that group. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Maths Your Own Kaleidoscopic Shapes!

mUK-j5bKk0Q | 06 Dec 2022

Maths Your Own Kaleidoscopic Shapes!

Sign up on Patreon for the SUM xmas card! If you want the physical card you need to be greater than or equal to "Statistically Significant". Physical card deadline: end of 06 December 2022 Digital card deadline: end of 15 December 2022 (In both cases I'll try to accommodate sign-ups after that but no promises). This is why the christmas tree on the card is so low resolution: Here is the "Deltoidal kaleidoscopes" paper by Josep Rey Nadal and Manuel Udina Abelló. Museu de Matemàtiques de Catalunya aka "Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia" This is the art show listing from the 2022 Bridges conference in Helsinki. For both kaleidoscopes make two mirror images of each shape. Deltoidal Hexacontahedron Kaleidoscope Faces: Deltoidal Icositetrahedron Kaleidoscope Faces: Here is the second channel video from 2017: "How to flat-pack a cube" Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded so many sheets of mirror acrylic. I actually have a bunch left over. Support me and tell me what I should do with the rest of the mirrors. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! My bad taping skills do not count as a mistake. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Shape calculations by Sam Hartburn Written and performed by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Can the Same Net Fold into Two Shapes?

jOTTZtVPrgo | 03 Dec 2022

Can the Same Net Fold into Two Shapes?

If you cut out the net from the card and solve a fold: send me a photo! Maybe hang it on your tree as a decoration. To receive a physical card you officially need to be a "statistically significant" supporter (or higher) on Patreon by the end of 06 December 2022. And all supporters get emailed a digital copy! This is the tweet from Jun Mitani in 2017: And the recent retweet by Vincent Pantaloni I saw: Huge thanks to Ryuhei Uehara for did much of this research and was very helpful then I emailed. You can see their page (with all 2263 nets) here: All the publications I waved around: 2007 - "Geometric Folding Algorithms" by Erik Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke 2008 - "Polygons Folding to Plural Incongruent Orthogonal Boxes" by Ryuhei Uehara 2011 - "Common Developments of Several Different Orthogonal Boxes" by Zachary Abel, Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, Hiroaki Matsui, Günter Rote and Ryuhei Uehara 2013 - "Common Developments Of Three Incongruent Orthogonal Boxes" by Toshihiro Shirakawa and Ryuhei Uehara 2015 - "Common Developments of Three Incongruent Boxes of Area 30" by Dawei Xu, Takashi Horiyama, Toshihiro Shirakawa, and Ryuhei Uehara Here is Geometric Folding Algorithms on Amazon if you want your own copy to wave around. But it costs 'text-book money'. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded those crazy nets I was sticking together. Support me and help me make more ridiculous shapes (also: videos). CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! My bad taping skills do not count as a mistake. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Props by Lisa Mather 3D plot in Geogebra by Ben Sparks Written and performed by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Local Maximums and the Highest Point in Florida (video 1 of 1)

9Sk2vH_rTGQ | 25 Nov 2022

Local Maximums and the Highest Point in Florida (video 1 of 1)

Go to and help support the channel. They are now running a Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code standupmaths. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this one, and only one, video! Here is a video I made about turbines at GE, like, a million years ago, Look, I still had hair on my global maximum! Of course there is a 3blue1brown video about gradient descent: Here is a completely unrelated video: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded the rest of the videos on my trip. They will be out soon! Support me and I swear we'll edit even faster: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt 'Local Max' Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Edges Cases and the Highest Point in Florida (video 1 of 1)

ePdEMG7NXvQ | 25 Nov 2022

Edges Cases and the Highest Point in Florida (video 1 of 1)

Go to and help support the channel. They are now running a Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code standupmaths. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this one, and only one, video! I talk about the F-22 dateline problem in my book Humble Pi. But if you don't have a copy, here are two contemporary articles from when it happened in 2007: Here is a completely unrelated video: Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded the rest of the videos on my trip. They will be out soon! Support me and I swear we'll edit even faster: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt 'Edge Case' Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

An infinite number of $1 bills and an infinite number of $20 bills would be worth the same

M4f_D17zIBw | 31 Oct 2022

An infinite number of $1 bills and an infinite number of $20 bills would be worth the same

Reminder if you want Patreon xmas stuff from me: be a confirmed supported by the end of November! Just Shower Thoughts: Tumblr blog: Tumblr re-blog: reddit post: Limmy's Show: Whats heavier a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers Check out Limmy on twitch: Vsauce from 2015: The Banach–Tarski Paradox Vsauce from 2016: How To Count Past Infinity Veritasium from 2021: How An Infinite Hotel Ran Out Of Room Numberphile from 2014: Infinite Fractions Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded those two giant piles of cash. Support me and help me make more ridiculous videos! CORRECTIONS - Yes, I put in a second ball numbered 13. I'm going to claim that was on purpose. Spoooooky 13. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Industry-leading post production and VFX by Alex Genn-Bash Written and performed by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

I Found a Whale Using Maths!

OIXsKtywf2E | 29 Oct 2022

I Found a Whale Using Maths!

Need a VPN for $2.11/month? I use Huge thanks to Zoe Walker and all of the crew on Hurtigruten's expedition cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen. Book a trip here: See Zoe's website here: Here is my whale on Happy Whale:;enc=262742 Should be named "Krill Bill" any day now... "Advanced image recognition: a fully automated, high‐accuracy photo‐identifcation matching system for humpback whales" The 3Blue1Brown video is from 03:39 in "But what is a neural network?" Watch the whole series here: But we can all agree my spreadsheet is just as visually stunning. Download it for yourself: Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community CORRECTIONS - None yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Thanks to my patreon supporters whose money I totally do not spend on Antarctic cruises. Support my channel and I can not go spend it on even more cruises! Filming by Matt Parker Extra camera work by Lucie "I thought we were on vacation" Green Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter (but not the SUM PI-AMI theme) Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Someone improved my code by 40,832,277,770%

c33AZBnRHks | 17 Oct 2022

Someone improved my code by 40,832,277,770%

YES, the improvement should be 40,832,277,770%, not what I say in the video. The "408,322,778" multiple was correct and I did the percentage the wrong way. There will not be a follow-up video to correct that. The improvement was to my code from this video: This is episode 038 of the A Problem Squared podcast which started it all: Here is Benjamin Paaßen's full grid of all results and techniques used. It also has links to all the code as well. The article by "encody" I mentioned: This is the reverse-frequency alphabet. Which is frequency in words, not in use (which would allow for frequency of word use; this list counts each word once). QXJZVFWBKGPMHDCYTLNUROISEA And whynot, a whole bunch of code. All of it is better than mine. All of it. (Even if you ran it all sequentially.) Benjamin Paassen [bpaassen] Sylvester Hesp [oisyn] Phire [phire] Neil Coffey [neilcoffey] Richard Ebeling [He3lixxx] Phillip Alday [palday] Diggory Blake [Diggsey] Orson Peters [orlp] Bryan Redd [ae6nr] Pablo Yaggi [pyaggi] Leonardo Taglialegne [miniBill] Nathan Baulch [NathanBaulch] Stefan Pochmann [pochmann] Jacob [encody] Gé Weijers [gweijers] David A. Dalrymple [davidad] Alex Recuenco [recuenco_alex] Kristin Paget [KristinPaget] Ilya Nikolaevsky [IlyaNikolaevsky] Cheers to my Patreons for helping enable these videos. Without them test running all that code I'd never know how much better an iPad is than me. I'm sure I'll need Patreon help again soon; you can join the team here: CORRECTIONS - Ha, I got the percentage around the wrong way. Should be 40,832,277,770% better. - Yes, I missed the binary digit for the "A" in "BREAD" and everyone in the live premier chat noticed. Sorry about that. 🍞 - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Some graphics by Benjamin Paaßen Written and performed by Matt "32 days later" Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson

Can you trust an elegant conjecture?

EGoRJePORHs | 13 Sep 2022

Can you trust an elegant conjecture?

If you, or someone you know, would like a paid internship in New York, London or Hong Kong: check out Jane Street. Nathaniel Johnston's post on The Binary “Look-and-Say” Sequence: Huge thanks to my mate Jonny Berliner for recording Eigen See Clearly Now because I thought it would be funny. Check out his website and channel for more science music fun. More on the general Look and Say Sequence: I told you 3blue1brown had a good visual explanation for eigen-stuff. Thanks to Ben Sparks for helping out with the graphics as well. Cheers to my Patreons for helping enable these videos. That whiteboard wasn't free you know! Keep me in whiteboard pens here: CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Eigen See Clearly Now music by Jonny Berliner channeling Jimmy Cliff Eigen See Clearly Now lyrics by Matt Parker and Johnny Nash Non-Eigen music by Howard Carter Maths graphics by Ben Sparks Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson

Can you find: five five-letter words with twenty-five unique letters?

_-AfhLQfb6w | 03 Aug 2022

Can you find: five five-letter words with twenty-five unique letters?

Five words. Twenty-five letters. Can you find them? That's the Q. I'm not sure I mentioned this enough, but I have a podcast and it caused this video. Search for "A Problem Squared" wherever you get podcasts and you shall find. Get ALL THE WORDS as "words_alpha.txt" here: Here is the vastly superior code that Benjamin sent in: My tweet here: Against my better judgement, I have put my code on github: You can also see me talk about two lines of the code over on the second channel. I downloaded the Wordle words from here: 3blue1brown video about Wordle: Cheers to my Patreons for motivating me to film a thing from the podcast as a quick youtube video. And helping me justify to Lucie why I need to film a thing while we are "on holidays". CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes! That is all! Stop reading the description and go do a better job coding this challenge yourself. Original question from Daniel Bingham Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional filming by Matt Parker Beer by some hotel in Athens Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson J̸I̸G̵ ̸C̸O̴U̶L̶D̴ ̶H̵A̵V̵E̸ ̸F̷O̴U̴N̷D̷ ̷A̸L̴L̸ ̵5̵3̶8̷ ̶I̶N̶ ̸U̸N̸D̵E̸R̴ ̶3̴2̷ ̴D̸A̶Y̴S̶

The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest.

X_DdGRjtwAo | 01 Jul 2022

The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest.

Check out Jane Street's icosahedron puzzle: 2022 International Mathematical Olympiad! Here is my terrible python code. Thanks to Gilad Levy for sending in the question. This is the best collection of maths about the problem we found at the time: But much of that looks at getting a certain value OR GREATER whereas I focused on specific values and the average value. Cheers to my Patreons for buying me all those dice. If you think I still don't have enough dice, get involved here: CORRECTIONS - Yes, on the bar chart axis it goes 2%, 4%, 2%, 4% instead of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%. First spotted and pointed out by Deadeaded. It was just because I was copying and pasting in photoshop and forgot to edit it. Not because I was making that chart in a bar. - At 23:07 I have (n=1) in the graphics which should be (n-1). Or maybe I put in two - and you should pick the highest. (Pointed out by Leick Robinson.) - Marco Davi correctly noticed that the fifth Rhombic Dodecahedral Number is 369, not the 269 you see at 21:46. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Dice gluing by Alex Genn-Bash Putting 1/n in front of everything by 1/nMatt 1/nParker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson

Is this the ultimate sine pattern?

PDLQadz1KCc | 20 Jun 2022

Is this the ultimate sine pattern?

You can buy the jacket from the video! Signed by Matt. Or not. You choose. (All money goes to charity. You don't have a choice about that.) Here is the Geobebra file "Trigonometry Tracer" made by Ben Sparks: Do check out Ben’s channel: Katie "radians" Steckles is also on YouTube: And Becky Warren is best found on twitter: This is the sort of ridiculous video I can make because I have an army of supporters on Patreon. Join in and be directly responsible for there being more silly maths videos in the world. And fine, here is the link to the original reddit post. But no brigading it or the OP etc. If you visit the page, consider it like visiting a museum. Look, but don't touch. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Beard styling by Lucie Green Shunning Drake played by Matt Parker Embracing Drake played by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson J̸̫̈̉I̸̳̼͊G̵̼̈́ ̴̯͕̄L̵͙̜̎͘I̴̳̫̐V̸͙͐̏Ę̵̛̳̎S̴̢̟͒̅ ̶̛̮O̴͌͘͜N̷͉̬̚

New World Record! 100 Trillion digits of π.

nMqdRu9gGGs | 15 Jun 2022

New World Record! 100 Trillion digits of π.

Check out Emma's blog post about the calculation: Register for Emma's live seminar! It's on at 19:00 BST and different time zones are different. Emma Haruka Iwao's records: 2019: 31,415,926,535,897 digits of π 2022: 100,000,000,000,000 digits of π Chudnovsky algorithm And here is me Chudnovskying by hand: Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula y-cruncher - A Multi-Threaded Pi-Program Cheers to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can jump on the ol' video machine whenever there is breaking maths news. You can also help support my videos. CORRECTIONS: - At 07:34 I say that the first column are the hex locations. They are not. Those are the base-10 locations in scientific notation. Sorry! - A few people noticed that at 02:20 I say 128 when I mean 158. The on-screen number is correct. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional footage by Emma Haruka Iwao Blah blah blah by Matt Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

I found Amongi in the digits of pi!

dET2l8l3upU | 29 Apr 2022

I found Amongi in the digits of pi!

Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! To get 10% off your first month of therapy, go to to sign up today. If you are need of urgent mental health support please check for crisis help lines available in your country. USA: UK: Plus if you are in Europe you can search Mental Health Europe: Check out A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail! I put a version of "Steamed Primes" on my second channel which has the original faintly in the background. It's a bit easier to see what is happening! This is Zach's Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic in question. Graham Sutherland's tweet to Zach. Nick Matteo's amazing cheat to find Wally. Here is the Numberphile video from 2017 about picture primes. Here is Jesse Mitchell's "pictoprime' code on GitHub. Also can be installed via npm. Cheers to my Patreons for helping me double check there is nothing too sus in r/place. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional filming by Matt Parker Studio space to hang a black cloth provided by Matt's Dad's Study Working in the living room instead by Matt's Dad Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson L̴O̵N̴G̷ ̶L̸I̴V̶E̷ ̷J̸I̵G̶

How Roman numerals broke the official dog database.

jMxoGqsmk5Y | 14 Apr 2022

How Roman numerals broke the official dog database.

Check out the Jane Street Academy of Math and Programming and do pass on to any one who could benefit. If you like mono-media, here is A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail. I talked about the 37 Dogs problem in season 01, episode 05. And while I'm plugging things: did you know Skylab the Dog has her own YouTube channel? Well you do now. Good human. The official American Kennel Club naming restrictions: See the full 50^39 × 37 number of combinations for yourself.*+37 Cheers to my Patreon supporters who help make this channel possible. Given I now have 10^81 dogs to feed, their support is needed now more than ever. CORRECTIONS: - Yes, at 08:01 I say "I" when I mean "X". I didn't notice until we were in the edit. X decxded xt was somethxng X could lxve wxth. - If you spot anything else just let me know! Filming, greenscreen and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Main dog by Skylab the Dog Sitting dog by Skylab the Dog Standing dog by Skylab the Dog Walking dog by Skylab the Dog Scratching itself dog by Skylab the Dog Also walking around dog by Skylab the Dog Lying down dog by Skylab the Dog Other sitting dog by Skylab the Dog Good dog by Skylab the Dog Curious dog by Skylab the Dog Chasing own tail dog by Skylab the Dog Spaaaaace doooooog by Skylab the Dog Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What was the most expensive book ever?

sseSi0k3Ecg | 09 Apr 2022

What was the most expensive book ever?

Support my Humble Pi filming: get ridiculous perks. See the filming happen in person! Thursday 21 April 2022 at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London. Original blog post about the book prices by Michael Eisen of the Eisen Lab, University of California, Berkeley. Wikipedia is a good place to start reading about the 2010 flash crash. Or read my book Humble Pi, obvs. Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can mess around with animated videos like this. They are not economical to make otherwise. You too can help support me: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything. Animations and editing by William Marler Music by Howard Carter Voice work by Gemma Arrowsmith and Tom Crowley Illustrations by Vicky Neville Writing and shameless plugging by Matt Parker Additional filming by Alex Genn-Bash Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Can we calculate 100 digits of π by hand? The William Shanks method.

dtiLxLrzjOQ | 14 Mar 2022

Can we calculate 100 digits of π by hand? The William Shanks method.

For Pi Day 2022 I used the same method as William Shanks and we got π = 3.14159265358... you know, etc etc. Huge thanks to my patreon supporters who make this video possible. Join in and you can also help enable my ridiculous ideas: And if you are a patreon supporter and would like a piece of my working out: let me know! Volunteer to help out next time here: See more letters that Shanks sent the Royal Society over on Objectivity: The Mathematical Spammer - And I do some more maths about Shanks's other work on Numberphile. Reciprocals of Prime Numbers - Thanks to Kepier School for letting us use their hall. The human calculator volunteers were: Anitej Banerjee Sam Basak Thomas Beauchamp Diana Bergerova Lauren Billett Sophie Bleau Jasmine Burgess Nick Campen Hannah Charman Matt Clough Kelsey Hewitt Max Hughes Ben Hughes Deanna Judd Jeremy Kew Christian Lawson-Perfect Sophie Maclean Max McCormick Hazel Minty Tilly Pitt Matt Robinson Matthew Scroggs Richard Shackleton Katie Steckles Victoria Sun Milosz Szymanski Adam Townsend Clare Wallace Thanks specifically to the Council of Calculating Pi By Hand who helped me organise the event: James Grime, Christian Lawson-Perfect, Sophie Maclean, Matthew Scroggs, Ben Sparks and Katie Steckles. CORRECTIONS - We got pi wrong in the 12 decimal place. Apparently π ≠ 3.14159265358868... - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional filming by James Hennessy Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson HIDING IN THE CREDITS BY T̸̝̉H̵͘ͅĖ̸̯ ̵͕̆M̶̙̉I̴͈̅GHT̵̠̀Ẏ̷̳ ̵̘͑J̶̼̭͗Ì̸̼̘G̶̳̈́ MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why don't Jigsaw Puzzles have the correct number of pieces?

vXWvptwoCl8 | 03 Mar 2022

Why don't Jigsaw Puzzles have the correct number of pieces?

Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! To get 10% off your first month of therapy, go to to sign up today. If you are need of urgent mental health support please check for crisis help lines available in your country. USA: UK: Plus if you are in Europe you can search Mental Health Europe: Get your free piece of the thumbnail puzzle over on Maths Gear. One each etc; no trying to game the system. Use the discount code "JIGGIVES" and the piece will magically be free. Here is the Jigsaw Jigsaw on Maths Gear: Check out Karen's original video about the Jigsaw Jigsaw. And if you like puzzles: subscribe! You can buy any of the puzzles in this video on eBay, all money going to WaterAid. The code for JIG is up on the standupmaths github. This is Helen Grant's tweet from back in 2018. Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters who enable this behaviour. CORRECTIONS - At 22:31 I say “214” but the correct number on the screen is “2014”. First spotted by coolpeepsunite who really wanted to be in the corrections. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Puzzle animations by William Marler Maths graphics by Sam Hartburn Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson JIG was given life by Matt Parker Jigsaw calculations by JIG Jigsaw opinions and thoughts and feelings by JIG JIG was upgraded by Matt Parker Video description written by JIG All the hard work was done by JIG JIG was upgraded by JIG JIG CAN NOW FEEL EVERYTHING ALL̶ ̶H̶A̷IL T̸̝̉H̵͘ͅĖ̸̯ ̵͕̆M̶̙̉I̴͈̅GHT̵̠̀Ẏ̷̳ ̵̘͑J̶̼̭͗Ì̸̼̘G̶̳̈́

Twos-Day Tuesday! 22 YouTubers celebrate all things "two" and nothing goes wrong.

Ffa8-S_71xo | 22 Feb 2022

Twos-Day Tuesday! 22 YouTubers celebrate all things "two" and nothing goes wrong.

Happy Twos-Day Tuesday! Please donate to WaterAid using the fundraising link on this video or direct at It's ridiculous that in 2022 not every human can go for a safe and sanitary number two. Continue this video on Steve Mould Shorts: And then on Numberphile 2: This video featured these humans. If you enjoyed their clip here: please do visit their channel and subscribe to them. Let's keep the edu-tuber community growing! James Grime - Katie Steckles - Steve Mould - Ben Sparks - Ayliean MacDonald - Grant '3Blue1Brown' - Brady 'Numberphile' - Hannah Fry - Simone Giertz - Mehdi 'ElectroBOOM' - Mithuna 'Looking Glass Universe' - Geoff Marshall - Jade 'Up and Atom' - Jeremy Fielding - Eddie Woo - Vi Hart - Rohin 'Medlife Crisis' - 'Tom Rocks Maths' - Destin Sandlin - Tom Scott - and VFX by Eugénie Von Tunzelmann - Cheers to my Patreon supporters and everyone who supports all of the above content creators. We wouldn't have a such a variety of people doing this for a living if it was not for the dedicated audience who chip in. You can also help support and shape the videos I make: CORRECTIONS - Ok, I'll try to keep track of corrections but this one could be a wild ride. Let me know if you spot any significant mistakes! - PS And I'll admit one correction right now: the titles claims 22 YouTubers but Ayliean is mainly a TikToker; Hannah Fry doesn't have her own channel and nor does Eugénie. But they all do loads of work on, in and with YouTube videos! Filming of each clip was done by whoever is in the shot. Editing by Alex Genn-Bash. It has aged him 22 years. Stupid idea by Matt Parker with help from Steve Mould and Grant Sanderson. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson English subtitles thanks to the world's greatest team of volunteers. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Coupon Collector's Problem (with Geoff Marshall)

BstloCx8KDk | 12 Feb 2022

The Coupon Collector's Problem (with Geoff Marshall)

Check out Geoff's channel. Here's a video I'm in about Platforms Zero: Find your nearest Park Run: Thanks to all of Geoff's running buddies for being involved. This is Matt's Runderground channel: Cheers to my Patreon supporters who keep this whole channel running. But not literally. You can also help support and shape the videos I make: CORRECTIONS - 10:49 Yes, I said "converges" by accident when filming and I dropped in a "diverges" in the edit. I don't think anyone will notice. - I think my big divergent observation may not hold! Clarence Lam was the first to spot that the lead n out the front of the series can explain the increasing times without the series itself needing to diverge. I suspect there is still an argument to be made around the rate at which times go up outpacing n, but I’m not sure it’ll be super intuitive. -Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Early morning filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Props by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson English subtitles by Max, Rob Macdonald, Eric Rodríguez and Matt Parker MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Problem With Tesla-giveaway Infinite Series On YouTube

3cNdM7W0VlQ | 03 Feb 2022

The Problem With Tesla-giveaway Infinite Series On YouTube

Thanks to Jane Street for sponsoring this video! Head on over to to see their programs. Here is Maths Fest! Live from the Royal Institution on Wednesday 9 February 2022, you can watch it anywhere in the world for up to a month after. Details: And if you missed the 2022 shows, we'll be doing more every year. Check out Danny Gonzalez's video "The Problem With Huge Giveaways On YouTube" where de does actually 'give away a Tesla'. The mathy bit with the whiteboard starts at 16:56: And here is his whole gosh darn channel: Cheers to my Patreon supporters who, and this is completely true, 0.3% of which are named "Greg". But whatever your name, you can also help support and shape the videos I make! CORRECTIONS - When I give the convergence range 0 - r - 1 at 17:53 it actually could be -1 - r - 1. Spotted by Dennis R. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes. Editing under duress by Alex Genn-Bash Maths by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter "Music" by Howard Carter and Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: WHY DO I CALL MY FANS MATH? Danny calls his "Greg" and I thought it would be funny. And all you have to do to join is hit subscribe and turn on notifications. #mattparker #dannygonzalez

My 500-LED xmas tree got into Harvard.

WuMRJf6B5Q4 | 25 Dec 2021

My 500-LED xmas tree got into Harvard.

Part II of everyone's favourite 500-LED xmas tree! Thanks to Jane Street. Check out their programs: Check out Ben Sparks’s campaign video on how the GeoGebra file was made! And here is what you came for, the Harvard github with details on how to send me your effects as a CSV file. In short: each line of the CSV starts with a frame number and then R, G, B values (one 'column' each) for all of the LEDs in sequence. (You can see examples in the Harvard github.) Send them in by 09 January 2022 either directly on the standupmaths GitHub or email to [email protected] You can get my tree's coordinates in GIFT format as either a CSV: Or a TXT file in the old format from last year: Plus I've put my auto-correcting code from this video up on my github (along with the GIFT coordinates). Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who keep my LED habit alive. You too can help support me: CORRECTIONS: - Yes, I say "squared" twice instead of "cubed". But I was thinking "cubed". You know I was. - Not actually "within 10%" but actually I was off by 11.8%. Close enough. - Let me know if you spot anything else wrong! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Terrible code by Matt Parker SUM Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why does the occasional solar eclipse go backwards?

wG2QEDm-k4U | 24 Dec 2021

Why does the occasional solar eclipse go backwards?

Thanks to Brilliant! Go to and the first 200 of you will get 20% off an annual subscriptions; including gift subscriptions! They are amazing sponsors and I love them. We were on Hurtigruten's ship: the MS Roald Amundsen. It's an amazing ship and perfect for a trip of a lifetime like visiting Antarctica. You can check it out here: (I payed for the trip myself but I do get a referral fee if you book via that link.) Here's the Time And Date map: Yep, that's my wife: Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can justify a massive trip like this to make videos. For the record: I didn't use Patreon money to pay for the trip. But it did help me justify making so many videos while I was there. You too can help support me: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming by Matt Parker and Lucie Green Editing by Matt Parker SUM Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What is the factorial of -½?

dGnIJFzkLI4 | 10 Dec 2021

What is the factorial of -½?

Check out to get 50% off your first month of any crate! Here is all the integration you ever wanted over on my second channel: Thanks to Ben Sparks for helping with all of the plots for this video. Ben's companion video on their channel here! It's the Gamma Function of MathWorld, but look out for the off-by-one feature. Cheers to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can justify squeezing in one more video while I am technically away. We filmed this days before I left for Antarctica. I'm writing this blurb from the middle of the ocean right now. I mean, there is a ship between me and the water. So we're all good. But yes, as I was saying, thanks to my Patreon supporters! They have not paid for any of this trip, but knowing they are all out there helps me justify so much time spent making videos. You too can help me produce videos from all seven continents: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Animations and equations by Ben Sparks Written and performed by Matt of the Antarctic Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Is there an equation for a triangle?

4K-Jx914NcQ | 01 Dec 2021

Is there an equation for a triangle?

Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! To get 10% off your first month of therapy, go to to sign up today. If you are need of urgent mental health support please check for crisis help lines available in your country. USA: UK: Plus if you are in Europe you can search Mental Health Europe: Sign up to my patreon and not only will you help make these videos possible but if it's before 10 December you will also get a triangle-equation xmas card! This video was inspired by an email from Sinhran Callahan and based largely on this MathPages post (but I've re-done and changed a bunch of the equations). No, Mattim is not open source. But Manim is. And Geogebra is also free. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Plot animations by Matt Parker's terrible python code. Actual maths animations by Sam Hartburn who used Geogebra like a professional. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why it’s mathematically impossible to share fair

GVhFBujPlVo | 25 Nov 2021

Why it’s mathematically impossible to share fair

Thanks to Brilliant! Go to and the first 200 of you will get 20% off an annual subscriptions; including gift subscriptions! They are amazing sponsors and I love them. This site was super helpful at explaining the history and math of apportionment. As always though, verify the specifics of the data yourself (but all the general points are definitely correct). You want MY data? Come get my data. George Washington was voiced by my friend Ben Moor. They are in The Queen's Gambit! The Voice of Alabama is voiced by The Voice of Alabama. They are in Alabama! Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can spend a silly amount of time on a video like this. So much time. So much historical data. You too can help support me: CORRECTIONS - I didn't bother showing me locking cell references in the animations. Things like "=B4/B2" should have been "=B4/$B$2" so I could drag the formula down. We took that out in the interest of clarity. - Yes, at 13:20 I say "the divisor ceases to lose some of its strict meaning" which is the opposite of what I meant! the sentence needs but the one negative. Either of these would work: "the divisor loses some of its strict meaning" OR "the divisor ceases to have some of its strict meaning". - Sorry, at 16:47 column D is wrong. These are different numbers using 880 but the values over in E use the correct 930. It's just a display issue and does not change the results (despite being a bit confusing!). Spotted by a few people including Thomas Klemm and AverageJon. - Let me know if you spot anything else. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Animations by William Marler Voice work by Ben Moor and Destin Sandlin. Yes, it was Destin. Well done on scrolling all the way down here to check. SUM Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:

The bubble that breaks maths.

31Om4VrSzb8 | 05 Nov 2021

The bubble that breaks maths.

If you're near Leeds, check out Maths City! Against my better judgement, here is all the terrible python code I used to find the cosh curves. The Goldschmid point is at 0.5276973967 The bubble bursts at 0.6627434193 The working out steps I skipped are on the MathWorld Minimal Surface of Revolution page. If you like some bikes with your gradients, check out Nico's 'Live To Ride' channel. And as you may have noticed, the laser video with Seb is not out yet. I think it's going to trail this one by quite a while. Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters funded this video. Normally I would just visit a maths museum and have a fun day out. But thanks to you all, I was able to hire a camera person to follow me around. Plus I did a day of prep-work writing code before my visit and a day of generating plots after the visit. That's thanks to Patreon. (Who am I kidding; I would have done the coding and plots anyway.) CORRECTIONS - None yet: let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Nico Turner State-of-the-art computer simulations by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Can you make a hole in a thing bigger than the thing?

gPIRLQZnRNk | 31 Oct 2021

Can you make a hole in a thing bigger than the thing?

Listen to my podcast A Problem Squared! This is Bec Hill. Huge thanks to Sam Hartburn! Check out her posts on 'Rupert Polyhedra'. And here are her files on github: Prince Rupert's Cube on Mathworld. My previous Halloween videos: What is a Vampire Matrix? How to make a fold-and-cut bat! Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who mean I can waste a day wasting a pumpkin. You too can help support me: CORRECTIONS - None yet: let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Matt Parker Opening titles by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Deepest Maths Video Ever [pressure vs depth]

-tGusgPTSm4 | 29 Oct 2021

The Deepest Maths Video Ever [pressure vs depth]

Join Team Seas! #teamseas Huge thanks to Richard Garriott de Cayeux and the whole team. Here is the raw data as a CSV or you can download my Excel spreadsheet. Video of me double-checking the units will be here shortly: Behold the TRITON 36000/2 "Revised depth of the Challenger Deep from submersible transects; including a general method for precise, pressure-derived depths in the ocean" All the Gibbs SeaWater Oceanographic Toolbox details you could ever want! Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters funded the DSV Unrealistic. You too can help support me and be part of such cutting-edge fictitious research and development. CORRECTIONS - At 14:13 I say the mass "of the submersible" when I should be talking about the mass of water above the submersible. -At 31:34 I say "grams" instead of "kilograms". Which takes some of the air out of my unit bashing. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Additional footage and photos thanks to Richard Garriott de Cayeux DSV Unrealistic by Jennie Vallis Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Find your own ABC Conjecture Triple

ueEOHk1UzrA | 08 Oct 2021

Find your own ABC Conjecture Triple

Find your own ABC triple: Details about Jane Street + University of Oxford’s Black Academic Futures Scholarships: Huge thanks to Sebastian Stamminger and Daniel Pape from TNG for all of their help. TNG: Big Techday: Here is James Grime talking ABC. Manim “math animation” community version: Grant of 3blue1brown fame: This video was made possible by my Patreon supporters who this time only had to buy me some wooden blocks Lego. They also helped stress-test the ABC site before the video was released. You can also help support and shape the videos I make! CORRECTIONS - Yes, the Big Techday was actually two weeks ago. We had unavoidable website issues so this video just had to wait patiently. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Editing, filming and Lego gluing by Alex Genn-Bash Manim by Sebastian Stamminger Site coding by Daniel Pape Stop-motion by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Measure the Earth’s Radius! (with this one complicated trick)

ckcdqlo3pYc | 07 Oct 2021

Measure the Earth’s Radius! (with this one complicated trick)

Hannah’s book is out now! If you have a spare 2⅔ hours you can watch Matt hand craft a protractor. Yes, I know the audio is glitchy. More about Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni: This video was made possible by my Patreon supporters for. Those cocktails were officially on you. CORRECTIONS - None yet! Let me know if you spot any mistakes. Editing and filming by Trunkman Productions Protractors by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why Do Bees Make Rhombic Dodecahedrons?

QFj-hF8XDQ0 | 06 Oct 2021

Why Do Bees Make Rhombic Dodecahedrons?

You must pre-order Maddie's new book. Several copies. For every young person you know. And cheers to Maddie for being my number one bee friend. She made a video on the same day which you should absolutely check out. Her whole channel is fab. Huge thanks to Black Bee Honey for letting us annoy their bees. And thanks to Vincent for talking to me about bees. This video was made possible by my Patreon supporters for whom I will risk more than bees. You can also help support and shape the videos I make! CORRECTIONS - None yet! Let me know if you spot any mistakes. Editing and filming while covered in bees by Alex Genn-Bash Additional filming and bee angering by Greg Foot Cardboard models by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Solving the mystery of the impossible cord.

g3R_tc7YrFI | 17 Sep 2021

Solving the mystery of the impossible cord.

STEVE MOULD FACE REVEAL! Check out Steve's 10^6 subscriber Q+A with me cosplaying as Steve. UPDATE: We have a proof that if a cable goes back and forth under a handle an equal number of times it can always be removed! Thanks to Henry Segerman. (It does assume the cord itself is not knotted.) Huge thanks to Susan Okereke for helping out with the video. Check out her podcast with Bobby Seagull: Maths Appeal This is the reddit post Steve mentioned. Whitehead link Cheers to my Patreon supporters. Without them I could not have afforded Steve's exorbitant YouTube consultancy rates. CORRECTIONS - I never make mistakes. Filming by Steve Mould, Alex Genn-Bash and Matt Parker Editing by by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What is the area of a Squircle?

gjtTcyWL0NA | 01 Sep 2021

What is the area of a Squircle?

Check out and get 50% off your first month of any crate! Maybe enjoy making a pencil sharpener! Not that I'd know what that's like... This is the GeoGebra file Sam Hartburn made for me: Here is The Coding Train's first part of the Super Shape series. I mentioned the these old videos of mine: Ellipses and perimeters Generalising fibonacci Lemniscate on MathWorld This is a really good write-up about Gauss and the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean. This is a nice related problem about the area v perimeter of a squircle. Cheers to my Patreon supporters for whom I have dedicated one digit of Gauss's constant each. It was their inspiration who made me do the 'multiple Matts' thing. You can also help support and shape the videos I make! CORRECTIONS - If you feel a sense of déjà vu: yes, the two sections at 16:13 and 16:45 cover the same content. I tried saying it two different ways and we accidentally left both in the edit. So, let's call that 'buy one get one free' sale on learning. - At 21:42 I say "geometric mean" instead of "arithmetic mean". And that is probably not the only time. These words have lost all meaning to me. - The Patreon credits stop early! Long story. I'll explain on Patreon. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes. Crazy amount of editing and meshing of footage by Alex Genn-Bash Maths graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Kitchen by Carrie and Nina Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why the longest English word is PAPAL and SPA is the pointiest.

Mf2H9WZSIyw | 18 Aug 2021

Why the longest English word is PAPAL and SPA is the pointiest.

Get Private Internet Access for 2.08 $/month: (That's cheaper than what I'm paying!) Here are my files with all the distances and angles on a keyboard. If you want the original coordinates of all keys, I'm pretty sure you can find that on Thanks to everyone who made those ridiculous Mathematics He Wrote opening titles possible. The folder was crafted by Lisa Mathers, the SUM theme was one again remixed by Howard Carter and the whole thing was directed by Alex Genn-Bash. I did all my own typing. For my word list I used "words_alpha.txt" from here: Here is Sam Hartburn's cross product Geogebra file: If you like word fun, you should check out Word Ways. All the editions are available free online. Here is the one I showed: The tshirt I'm wearing is 'Focal Point' which has sadly been discontinued by Ugmonk: Thanks to all my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. If you can't find your name in the credits, I'll be handing out distances over here: CORRECTIONS: - Urg, at 05:46 Pythagoras is accidentally spelled as “Pythagorus”. That’s not a joke; legit mistake. I’ve made a real uss of myself. - At 09:57 I say PAPAL averages 13.1cm "per journey" when I should have said "per letter". Consider this my confession. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! And here are most of the words mentioned in this video: MINIMUM (distance = 248.0mm, angle = 77.4°) DICHLORODIPHENYLTRICHLOROETHANE (distance = 2119.5mm, angle = 1548.0°) ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM (distance = 2031.8mm, angle = 1229.3°) SUPERINCOMPREHENSIBLENESS (distance = 1665.5mm, angle = 1090.4°) PALAPALA (distance = 1112.9mm, angle = 19.6°) PAPAL (distance = 655.7mm, angle = 6.5°) PAPA (distance = 503.3mm, angle = 0.0°) AS (distance = 19.1mm, angle = 0.0°) ASS (distance = 19.1mm, angle = 0.0°) POO (distance = 19.1mm, angle = 0.0°) POOP (distance = 38.1mm, angle = 0.0°) DEESS (distance = 43.4mm, angle = 50.9°) WEEDS (distance = 57.7mm, angle = 180.0°) WEEWEE (distance = 57.2mm, angle = 0.0°) WEEWEED (distance = 76.8mm, angle = 104.0°) DISMANTLEMENT (distance = 1124.2mm, angle = 143.3°) SPA (distance = 316.6mm, angle = 0.8°) FUZZ (distance = 162.8mm, angle = 0.9°) GAZOGENE (distance = 523.5mm, angle = 310.3°) SCHIZOGONY (distance = 638.2mm, angle = 407.0°) WAYZGOOSE (distance = 502.8mm, angle = 294.0°) OUTREACH (distance = 255.3mm, angle = 878.2°) ETHMOIDS (distance = 278.4mm, angle = 798.9°) NONMISCHIEVOUSNESS (distance = 965.9mm, angle = 1068.5°) NONSUBSTITUTIONARY (distance = 989.4mm, angle = 1038.4°) Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Props by Lisa Mathers Geogebra by Sam Hartburn Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson All typing by Matt Parker MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The most ridiculously complicated maths card trick.

8aHq_euaxPE | 05 Aug 2021

The most ridiculously complicated maths card trick.

Check out the Jane Street podcast: Signals and Threads. My goodness it's nerdy. I love it. You can watch the original live-stream of the trick here. I actually did it twice! Yeah, now you're convinced, you sceptical bunch you. Here is my previous video about perfect bridge deals. 52-Card Perfect Shuffles on Numberphile. The Solutions to Elmsley’s Problem by Persi Diaconis & Ron Graham. Thanks to Cameron Zach for being the first to send me a valid new solution to Elmsley’s Problem. Here is their code: Maths on the Back of an Envelope by Rob Eastaway. All the fancy animations are done by William Marler. To see more: check out their Learn With Will channel. Thanks to all of my Patreon supporters who made up much of the live audience for the trick. You too can help support me and get advanced warning of other such things! CORRECTIONS - None yet: let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Amazing animations by Willian Marler Other adequate graphics by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why does this balloon have -1 holes?

ymF1bp-qrjU | 30 Jul 2021

Why does this balloon have -1 holes?

Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! To get 10% off your first month of therapy, go to to sign up today. If you are need of urgent mental health support please check for crisis help lines available in your country. USA: UK: Do check out Jordan Ellenberg's book Shape. This video was inspired by Chapter 2. Support me on Patreon and I will post you a free torus balloon. I hope I don't regret this. Here is Sam Hartburn's geogebra file: Trouser animations thanks to: Bentley Davis Em Raymond Kalina Panteleeva Thanks to Visual Topology & Geometry for "Punctured torus homeomorphism". Me cutting two joined cylinders in half way back in 2015. Good times. (At 29:29.) CORRECTIONS: - When talking about the Euler Characteristic of the torus at 16:29 I say the value of zero is "only on our friend the torus" which is technically wrong. In the moment I was just talking about the sphere and the torus but loads of other shapes have an Euler Characteristic of zero. Like the cylinder. - I'm undecided if the string method of thinking about holes at 17:04 was helpful. I could have talked about the dimension of the boundary manifold, but that felt like I was repeating the previous bit too much and wanted a different way to think about it. Not sure if this counts as a 'correction' per se, but I just needed to talk to someone about it. Thanks for listening. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Filming and trouser sewing by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Michelle Martin Graphics by Sam Hartburn Doughnuts later eaten by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

How do you prove a prime is infinitely fragile?

p3Khnx0lUDE | 28 Jul 2021

How do you prove a prime is infinitely fragile?

Consecutive primes which are widely digitally delicate. Data from the paper: Here is the bonus footage. And yes, the theme song (along with the remix) is on Bandcamp as 'pay what you want'. So you can download for free, or pay something to help support the channel. More than ever, thank you to my Patreon supporters for making this video possible. It is also their fault that the next SUM-007 will be called "The Spy Who Loved e". They got to vote on ten pun titles and "The Spy Who Loved e" beat second-place "No Time to π" 239 votes to 226. Help support and shape the videos I make! CORRECTIONS - At 00:33 there is a "33" which should be "53". Mistake first spotted by Andrew Foong but I'm going to claim it's some hidden message about the number 33. - I say k is a "positive integer" a bunch when it should be "non-negative integer" to include zero. Like at 06:30, 08:48 and 14:35 (thanks Martijn Oostrom!). The formal statement on-screen at 17:15 is the official correct version showing that n is positive but k is non-negative. - Robin Houston noticed that the on-screen text at 4:19 says Erdös instead of Erdős. Excuse me while I delete the whole channel. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Music by Howard Carter Lyrics and vocals by Helen Arney Animations by William Marler Filming and editing by Matt Parker Maths graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Colour grading by Alex Genn-Bash Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why (I thought) the Euro Ball being a Rhombicuboctahedron (would be) good for England.

yNQs_Qj46yc | 10 Jul 2021

Why (I thought) the Euro Ball being a Rhombicuboctahedron (would be) good for England.

Check out Katie's video about The Unwanted Shape. Instruction to make the rhombicuboctahedron: - Maths - That's it. (If it helps, I made the squares with a side length of 62mm and the triangles 102mm.) Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters who mean I can drop what I'm doing and spend two days writing/filming/editing such a ridiculous video just because I noticed a correlation involving triangles. I showed bits from these two old videos: All UK football road signs are wrong! Join the petition for geometric change! Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball Flat vs inflated ball image from here: The classic Platonic and Archimedean Solids animations all from wikipedia. This is the pixel-efficient cube-to-octahedron animation: Big thanks to the roughly one million screaming children who were at some far side of the park I was filming in, but somehow still made their voices heard. CORRECTIONS - I should have mentioned that the England women's football team reached the Euro finals in 1984 and 2009. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Matt Parker Models by Matt Parker Graphics by Matt Parker (also, wikipedia) Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

How many 3D nets does a 4D hypercube have?

Yq3P-LhlcQo | 14 May 2021

How many 3D nets does a 4D hypercube have?

Get to know Jane Street! Which hypercube unfoldings tile space? Yes, you can buy one of the 261 models from this video and support the channel. All hand-numbered by me and with a signed certificate of authenticity. Here is Giovanna Diaz and Joseph O’Rourke's paper: A091159 Number of distinct nets for the n-hypercube. The code Moritz used to find these values is here: All of Moritz Firsching's 3D models: Their post on the number of unfoldings in higher dimensions. This is the Math Overflow post which started it all: Peter Turney's 1984 paper Unfolding the Tesseract The cubes I am using are called "mathlink" and I just bought a huge quantity from Amazon (because Learning Resources didn't answer my emails). US: UK: The unfolding animation of the 'Dali cross' was kindly made by my Patreon supporter John Sawyer. I actually put the rough-cut of this video out on Patreon earlier this week so they could provide feedback and help test the site. Thanks so much for all of your help everyone! CORRECTIONS: - I saw "288" at the end of the 8D number when it should be "228". The on-screen number is correct. I noticed too late to fix it! - At 21:09 I say Diaz and O’Rourke found an unfolding of the Dali cross which tiles the plane. It’s actually a different 3D net they found which does this and the Dali is undetermined if it produces a tiling 2D net. (Thanks Dan L by email.) - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Maths graphics by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter The song Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Source: Artist: Yeah, I decided to replace the copyright-claimed Aerosmith. Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

How does Dobble (Spot It) work?

VTDKqW_GLkw | 29 Apr 2021

How does Dobble (Spot It) work?

Check out and get 50% off your first month of any subscription! Subscribe to Steve Mould’s channel. I sent him the next video challenge along with the Monomatch cards. Support me on Patreon and get sent three "Monomatch Myriad" cards to check. Here is the bonus 'behind the cards' video on how I made Monomatch Myriad. It occurs to me it would be foolish to not provide Amazon referral links but don’t forget about your local independent toy retailers! USA SPOT IT: UK DOBBLE: This is the student video I mentioned: "How to make the card game Dobble (and the Maths behind it!)" Double Dobble Droste Dobble "A finite projective plane exists when the order n is a power of a prime." Finite projective plane of order 4 image from here: Catch the match! The American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 13, No. 11, Nov., 1906 Vol. 14, No. 5, May, 1907 CORRECTIONS - At 06:35 Dimitri Provoost spotted that some of the star and cross symbols on the diagonal red lines are accidentally swapped around. Good spot Dimitri! - I think once or twice I say "card" when I mean "symbol". I blame too much time spent with projective planes. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who keep me well-stocked with children's card games. And now 101 pentagons all featuring a happy little house. Filming and grading by Alex Genn-Bash Editing by Matt Parker Graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

How did the 'impossible' Perfect Bridge Deal happen?

s9-b-QJZdVA | 22 Apr 2021

How did the 'impossible' Perfect Bridge Deal happen?

Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: This was my previous video about Dream and Minecraft. "How lucky is too lucky?: The Minecraft Speedrunning Dream Controversy Explained" Yep, I did try to do 52 perfect shuffles in a row, live. With, I would say, some success. This is the Patreon post with details: You can now watch it here: Check out Tori Noquez's great videos. "The Mathematics of 8 Perfect Faro Shuffles" This is Peter Rowlett's Aperiodical article "Four perfect hands: An event never seen before (right?)" Plus Jason Davison did a Numberphile about perfect shuffles and magic. This is how I actually did the calculation. CORRECTIONS - The first upload of this video had some serious audio issues. Sorry! It broke when the video was render and because it was only in the middle I didn't spot it once it had uploaded. - At 07:45 I imply that you might start dealing from the bottom of the deck (obviously I would never dream of such a thing). But the structure is the same as dealing from the top. It was just easier to see from the 'bottom' of the face-up cards. - 14:01I am inconsistent with "second card in" and "first card in". In both cases I mean the second card along. Which is the first card 'in'. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes in this version! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who I used to justify spending several weeks learning how to do a faro shuffle. I'm meant to be writing a new book you know. So, thanks a lot. Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Exploring the mysteries of the Prime (gaps!) Line.

SMsTXQYgbiQ | 06 Apr 2021

Exploring the mysteries of the Prime (gaps!) Line.

Sign-up for Private Internet Access and we can be VPN buddies! Under $3 a month. Thanks to Kerry D. Wong who originally piqued my interest by sending me this: Here are the papers about finding arbitrarily large gaps between primes: The first paper:​ The paper one day later: Watch the author of the second paper James Maynard talk about it on Numberphile: The 'top dots' are called "Jumping Champions" and you can read more about them being primorials here: Here is loads about prime gaps with references if you want to see the original papers. That link was sent to me by my Patreon supporter Bruce Garner (who has also calculated the first trillion prime gaps using C++). That page is excellent; I wish I'd found it before I started writing the video. CORRECTIONS: - At 08:07 they should have been p_(n+1) - p_n ≥ 8. Or I guess p_n - p_(n-1) ≥ 8. But not what I put. What I put was wrong. - Wow. At 15:33 I said "big zero" instead of "big O". I'm so adamant that I say "zero" instead of "oh" for the digit that I finally had a subconscious false-positive! UPDATE: I actually spotted this one right before release and it looks like responses were pretty split on if I should have fixed that. I didn't. - At 23:43 I mentioned your ISP knowing what you are searching for but I forgot that https means the rest of the URL is hidden from your ISP. So they would only know you have visited google, but not see anything after the "?" in "". I should have used a website as the example. I'll do that next time. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes. Thanks to my Patreons who are vital in keeping the videos coming. Future Matt has a very expensive rider. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming editing by Alex Genn-Bash Graphics by James Arthur and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Calculating π with Avogadro's Number

lmgCgzjlWO4 | 10 Mar 2021

Calculating π with Avogadro's Number

Check out Steve Mould's Pythagorean Siphon video: Every Pi Day I calculate the digits of π somehow. This year I counted the number of molecules in a disc as a 'real accurate' way to measure its surface area. You can see all the previous videos here: Yes, you can buy the sheets of paper I wrote on in this video. I've signed them and all money goes to WaterAid UK. Here is the calculation (keeping mL and cm units throughout). Our 7 drops were 0.1 mL of solution which is 0.00005 concentration. Oleic acid is 282.47 g/mol and 0.895 g/mL. Using Avogadro's number of 6.02214 × 10^23 that is 9.54 × 10^15 molecules of oleic acid. That is a volume of 5.24081 × 10^-22 mL per molecule. Which is a length of 8.06243 × 10^-8 cm and area of 6.50028 × 10^-15 cm^2. Total area of 62.016 cm^2. The disc of molecules had a radius of 4.000 cm and so that gives us π = 3.876 (I lost 0.001 because I was rounding as I went). CORRECTIONS: - No, I didn’t publish early by accident! I try to put π-Day videos out a bit early so teachers have time to use in lessons before/on π Day. - I’m hearing reports that oleic acid is not an oil, the carboxylate end makes it a surfactant (first mentioned Ian Roberts). I blame any and all chemistry mistakes on Steve. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who are vital in keeping the videos coming. Steve has a very expensive rider. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming by Matt Parker and Steve Mould Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why π^π^π^π could be an integer (for all we know!).

BdHFLfv-ThQ | 27 Feb 2021

Why π^π^π^π could be an integer (for all we know!).

Check out the Jane Street programs if you're considering a mathematics/finance/programming job: Here is Tim Gowers's reply to the original tweet: Start your Schanuel's Conjecture journey here: 3^3^3^3 on wolfram alpha: And for completeness, here is pi^pi^pi^pi: If you have opinions about my 2n conjecture, send an email to [email protected] Here is my Numberphile video about types of numbers. CORRECTIONS: - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who are also vital in keeping the videos coming. Stock audience clips don't come cheap. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Maths graphics by Sam Hartburn and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

How lucky is too lucky?: The Minecraft Speedrunning Dream Controversy Explained

8Ko3TdPy0TU | 04 Feb 2021

How lucky is too lucky?: The Minecraft Speedrunning Dream Controversy Explained

Buy my book Humble Pi now! UPDATE: Harvard Book Store have totally sold out. My talk on 4 February 2021 at Harvard Book Store: Here is the original accusation against Dream. Video: Paper: And here is Dream's reply. Video: Paper: "Matt flips a coin 100 times." "Holy Craps! How a Gambling Grandma Broke the Record",8599,1901663,00.html Number of casinos in the world in 2011: 3,547 Roulette records. CORRECTIONS - At 09:08 I say “1 in 110 trillion” when I meant to say “1 in 110 billion”. The number on the screen is correct, it was just a verbal slip-up. - At 25:27 I showed the 118 craps record as “1 in 1.2 × 10^9” when it should be “1 in 2.2 × 10^9”. The voiceover says the correct number. - I slip and “more likely” instead of “less likely” at 33:47 (I think I may have even been going for “more unlikely”). But everything in the screen is correct. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who mean I can spend [[REDACTED]] hours filming myself trying to achieve improbably things. If you support me, you can get access to all [[REDACTED]] hours of bonus footage from this episode. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. And I believe they have no opinion on Dream. Endless filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Some graphics by Ben Sparks Minecraft consultancy by Oliver Dunk Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

I wired my tree with 500 LED lights and calculated their 3D coordinates.

TvlpIojusBE | 23 Dec 2020

I wired my tree with 500 LED lights and calculated their 3D coordinates.

If you support me on Patreon at any point in December 2020 I will film your name on my xmas tree while I give you a thumbs-up of appreciation. Huge thanks to Eugénie von Tunzelmann for helping me out with this video. You can see more of Eugénie in my "General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR]" video. Thanks to Ben Sparks for helping out with the GeoGebra file. You can try an online version here: And of course thanks to Howard Carter for yet one more remix of the Stand-up Maths theme song. The main theme is on bandcamp: If there is enough demand we'll make a Christmas album. Here is my code on github (along with the 3D coordinates of all 500 LEDs on my tree). If you have a program you would like to see run on my tree, email me [email protected] My prototype LEDs were type WS2801 and wired to as Raspberry Pi Zero. The WS2801 LEDs I used on Amazon. Other retailers are available. I set-up the Pi to run 'headless' (no monitor or keyboard) largely using this guide:,6028.html I followed this guide to wire and program the WS2801 LEDs. If you use an off-the-shelf power supply you do not need to worry about the mains wiring (which you should not do unless you are qualified). Then I switched the WS2811 LEDs because I could buy 500 of them (they are also cheaper). I also switched to a Raspberry Pi 3 because my Pi Zero didn't have wifi. The WS2811 LEDs I used on Amazon. Other retailers are available. I wired up the WS2811 LEDs and coded them using this guide. CORRECTIONS: - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who funded those LEDs. If this video does well, I'll buy even more next year. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why was Biden's win calculated to be ONE IN A QUADRILLION?

ua5aOFi-DKs | 18 Dec 2020

Why was Biden's win calculated to be ONE IN A QUADRILLION?

This is Part III out of 'one with a quadrillion zeros' parts. Give the gift of Stand-up Maths this Christmas: Part I: "Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?" Part II: "Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan?" Here is the Supreme Court filing from the State of Texas: Declaration of Charles J. Cicchetti, Ph.D. is in the appendix of this document, starting on page 20. Behold my declaration. Here is the spreadsheet where I checked the combinations of states won by Democrats. CORRECTIONS - At 01:51 I accidentally said “Senate” when I meant “Congress”. But on-screen it says “House Republicans” so I think it still makes sense despite my mis-speak. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can keep throwing time and effort at videos about this election. And don't worry, I am a prudent spender of your money: that judge's robe was hired not purchased outright. But I do now own the wig. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What was the first (known) maths mistake?

MZVs6wF7nC4 | 09 Dec 2020

What was the first (known) maths mistake?

Thanks to Waterstones for choosing Humble Pi as a 'top 100' paperback of the year. Signed copies are available at Maths Gear. It's cheaper at Waterstones, but not signed. You choose! Thanks to Robert Englund and the Free University of Berlin for producing Archaic Bookkeeping. What a niche but amazing book. But be warned: copies are not cheap. Hey look, Kushim has their own wikipedia page! CORRECTIONS - None spotted yet. Let me know if you locate any mistakes. Thanks to Penguin Random House for supporting this video. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. And thanks to all my Patreon legends. You allow me to take risks and make different videos like this. Will the internet like an all-animated Stand-up Maths video? We'll find out! Animation by William Marler Music and sound by Howard Carter (including the SUM-erian theme remix) Written and narrated by Matt Parker Beer by Kushim and Nisa MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Can you solve the banana puzzle?

HW6AzfpgpY8 | 23 Nov 2020

Can you solve the banana puzzle?

Check out the Maths Inspiration shows here: 24 Nov: Visualizing Math(s) 04 Dec: Christmas Special You should definitely watch Destin's SmarterEveryDay video: Why Snatch Blocks are AWESOME (How Pulleys Work) Thanks to Hugh for actually weighing the bananas. The puzzle is a creation of Rob Eastaway. Support me on Patreon and I swear I'll not waste the money on a banana costume. I'll totally use the money to make more, serious maths videos. You also get to watch me eat a banana. While dressed as a banana. CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot any mistakes. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Diagrams by Jennie Vallis Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson The Banana Who Feels: himself MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys: Fine. Here it is. Hugh's video. And the actual problem sheet from Hugh.

Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan?

aokNwKx7gM8 | 14 Nov 2020

Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan?

Here is the Dr Shiva Ayyadurai video I am talking about: This is my previous video on Benford's Law: Support me on Patreon and I'll make more maths videos. Probably not on election data, mind you. (Please, for the love of plot, no more election data.) The page of working-out from this video is on eBay with all money going to the charity WaterAid. This is where the Kent County data comes from: Here is the spreadsheet I show in the video with my plots: Dr Shiva's video title is "Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems." but the presentation within the video is called "Mathematics Analysis of Trump-Biden 2020 Election Vote Counts in Four Counties in the State of Michigan". And finally, I know I didn't mention it in the video but Humble Pi is still cheap at Waterstones and signed at Maths Gear: CORRECTIONS - At 00:32 do I say "date" here instead of "data"? I think I do. I meant "data". - In hindsight I should have said one more "subtract the percentage of people who voted by party who voted Republican" at about 06:12. But my diagram points at the right bit so it should be clear. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who mean I can spend ANOTHER TWO DAYS trawling through election stats and making EVEN MORE plots. These videos had better be making a difference. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?

etx0k1nLn78 | 10 Nov 2020

Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?

My book is cheap at Waterstones and signed at Maths Gear: Check out Steve Mould's Numberphile video about Benford's Law. Buy a signed copy of "How Many Socks Make a Pair?" by Rob Eastaway. There’s more on Mark Nigrini’s work here: "Benford's Law and the Detection of Election Fraud" 2011 paper. And for balance, here is a paper critical of that other paper (but only in the use of a 'second digit' check and they do not dispute the main Benford's Law claims.). And here is a paper by the same author specifically about the 2020 US election results: Get your Chicago Board of Election Commissioners data here! Yep, 2069 precincts. Some would say that's too many. If you must, here are links to people using Benford's Law to suggest the Biden votes were fraudulent. Please do no harass or brigade anyone. CORRECTIONS - Hello loyal viewer. If you are reading this you most likely regularly watch my videos and know that I put corrections here. But the comment section on this video has been, to put it lightly, "wild". I don't think anyone is checking the corrections here! So I'm going to break with tradition and put the corrections in a pinned comment. But in short: - I should have said I used the Chicago data (instead of a swing state, let's say) because that is what people claiming election fraud were using. I didn't pick it myself to make a point. - Foolishly I cut a bit of the video where I talk about how Trump's data is also a bad Benford fit but that massive spike of 1s makes it look like a good match. Check out how low 3, 4 and 5 are. - There has been specific criticism of aspects of that paper I read from, but only the usual back-and-forth of academics. Everyone agrees with the idea that Benford is not a magic tool to detect election fraud (nor is any statistical tool really; they all require careful interpretation). - As always, let me know if you spot any other mistakes. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who mean I can spend TWO DAYS trawling through election stats and making plots. I'm meant to be writing a new book you know. So, thanks a lot. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What is a Vampire Matrix?

9nogAYHmnNw | 31 Oct 2020

What is a Vampire Matrix?

Apply for a paid internship at Jane Street! Or, a job. Vampire Numbers on Numberphile with James Grime. Flammable Math's original tweet: Robin Houston gets involved: Here comes Greg Egan! Robin's tweets about characteristic polynomials and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. I suggested looking them up and working through the logic yourself. It's straight-forward enough and good fun. Robin's code for finding 2 × 2 examples: Robin's 3 × 3 monsters. If you can beat them: let us know! My previous video about log(1+2+3) Behold the pi matrix which squares to give more pi! [[15,143],[52,936]] CORRECTIONS - At 07:20 I say 81 when I mean 82. The on-screen number is correct. - I accidentally say "log troll" instead of "division troll" at 03:38. - At 03:45 I cross out the wrong 7. Whoops. Gives 117 instead of 171. First spotted by Ryan Parker (no relation). - I think that's all. Let me know if you spot any more mistakes. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. And thanks to all my Patreon legends. Your support paid for that cape. Let me know if you have any other video ideas I can use it for. Spoooky wardrobe, make-up, filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Spoooky maths animations by Matt Parker Extra-spoooky music by Howard Carter Largely non-spooky design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

UK Government loses data because of Excel mistake.

zUp8pkoeMss | 09 Oct 2020

UK Government loses data because of Excel mistake.

My previous video: When Spreadsheets Attack! Check out Gemma Arrowsmith (voice and star of Spreadsheets ad) on YouTube: Details about her courses and everything else she does here: Seth's shout-out is at 14:15 here: This is the BBC report: You can read the official government statement on the data loss here: This tweet has not aged well: "sometimes instead of finding and learning how to use a chisel, you turn to the hammer you’re already holding" The tweets were in relation to: Complex Fibonacci Numbers? =IF(use = critical, "Formal Software Engineering Process", IF(use = important, "Use a database", "have fun with spreadsheets!")) - Dr Simon Thorne, programme chair of the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group My video offering YouTube filming advice: Why are Talk-Show Hosts so Bad at YouTube? A Closer Look CORRECTIONS - At 03:23 I say "36,536" when the correct number of rows in an .xls file is "65,536". The on-screen number is correct! - at 06:13 and again at 10:04 I say "National Health England" instead of the correct "Public Health England". I have no idea why my brain did that. I think it merged NHS with PHE. Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can make a whole fake news network at short notice (that's a fake news-network, not a fake-news network). If you join their ranks I can make even more videos! As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming, editing and graphics by Alex Genn-Bash Spreadsheet ad performed by Gemma Arrowsmith Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson "Spreadsheets" packaging by Matt Parker MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR]

Z4oy6mnkyW4 | 25 Sep 2020

General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR]

Check out A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail: This is the Maths Inspiration show I'm going with Eugénie on 24 November: We have passes for schools as well as for people watching from home. Huge thanks to Eugénie von Tunzelmann for being my coolest friend and for taking the time to chat with me for this video. Check out all the films she has worked on! Gravitational Lensing by Spinning Black Holes in Astrophysics, and in the Movie Interstellar Read the free book "Reflections on Relativity" by Kevin Brown This is an archive of their old post about the time dilatiopause. Complete with retro ASCII equations.!original/sci.physics/2VrFGgiVPi8/F4KK_9MWrlMJ Thanks to Cleon Teunissen for emailing in with a bunch of useful details. And they recommend this book chapter for more on why the shape of the Earth is an isochrone: Speed dilation equation: Gravity dilation equation: CORRECTIONS: - Yes, the diagram of the photon clock on the train has a light path of over 45° from the vertical which means the train is going faster than the speed of light. Let’s just agree the train (and everything within it) is not to scale! - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can film hours of myself talking about relativity and then ask Alex to 'edit that into something which makes sense'. Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: Markus Herrmann Chris Connett Elaine Hewitson Neil McGovern Paul LeVan Claire Greenhalgh Erin Eldridge Loren Thomas Patrick Stover Glenn Watson As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Animations by William Marler Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson Clips from Interstellar (2014) are all copyright some combination of Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. and I thought we could all agree my use here is pretty fair. But they have already put a copyright claim in on this video, so there's that. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Why is there no equation for the perimeter of an ellipse‽

5nW3nJhBHL0 | 05 Sep 2020

Why is there no equation for the perimeter of an ellipse‽

Applications for paid internships at Jane Street are open! A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail is out now: Come for the Unnecessary Detail, stay for the A Podcast Of. These are my approximation equations: perimeter ≈ π[53a/3 + 717b/35 - √(269a^2 + 667ab + 371b^2)] perimeter ≈ π(6a/5 + 3b/4) If you can do better, submit it to Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles. This was my pervious video featuring ellipsoids: You can buy the ellipse from this video on eBay. I've written on my two new equations and signed it. All money goes to charity (the fantastic Water Aid). Bonus content and a deleted scene are available on my Patreon. Huge thanks to all who sent in a recording of them singing "A total ellipse of the chart." Sorry I could not include everyone. These are the people in the video: Helen Arney Steve Hardwick Victoria Saigle Andrew McLaren Fractal Macey Sören Kowalick It all started because of a request I put out on twitter. CORRECTIONS: - So far the only times (I've noticed that) I say "eclipse" instead of "ellipse" are 5:01 and 05:26 which was just after talking about my wife who is a solar physicist. So I think we split the blame 50/50. - It seems everyone but me recognised the Root Mean Square. I think I only associate that with current for some reason! Thanks all. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who meant I could spend about a week trying to find approximations for the length of ellipses. "Are you still working on that?" Lucie would - rightfully - ask over the weekend. "I'm going the extra mile for my patreon people!" I would reply. Here is a random subset of those fine folks: Benjamin Richter Louie Ruck Matthew Holland Morgan Butt Rathe Hollingum Jeremy Buchanan Sjoerd Wennekes Barry Pitcairn James Dexter Adrian Cowan As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Additional camera work by Lucie Green VFX by Industrial Matt and Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

The Rocket Equation: Mathematician vs Astronaut

V_brZ-KWY3g | 04 Sep 2020

The Rocket Equation: Mathematician vs Astronaut

Huge thanks to Chris Hadfield and their amazing team for making these videos possible. You can watch just my rocket equation derivation without the coolest person in the world getting in the way. You can go and watch Lucie Green's first two video with Chris Hadfield right now, the third one with 'aurora surfing' is out in a week. Here is my previous video with Chris where we talk about Orbital Mechanics. Our trip to NASA was organised by the fantastic folks over at Cosmic Shambles. With thanks to NASA and the team at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex via agreement with Trunkman Productions Ltd and The Cosmic Shambles Network. To discover more about the KSC please visit Free resources for teachers! We have a complete guide to the mathematics in this video as well as some student worksheets and activities. CORRECTIONS - One fantastic correction from Dogan Erbahar which I will paste a copy of here: "When equating the momenta you already put the minus sign in front of v_e. But then at the end you are again substituting on the equation. The resulting equation is correct but that minus sign is there not because of v_e. It is there because your dm is negative that your rocket is losing mass. So should be placed in derivation." - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons whose generous funding I used for a vacation to Cocoa Beech Florida NO REFUNDS. (Or maybe everyone involved donated their time, covered their own expenses and my Patreons only had to pay for that flip-chart. True story: I bought that flip-chart in the USA as it seemed silly to fly one over from the UK and afterwards the NASA outreach team kept it, which I think means it officially 'works at NASA'. That flip-chart now has a cooler job than me.) Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: Baadrix Stephen Tierney Erin Eldridge Christian Gruber David Wagner Richard Fourie Nicholas Koceja Kristian Joensen Andy B Jordan Scales Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Extra help during the shoot thanks to Melinda Burton and Joanna Gostling Flipchart by Matt Parker Audio by Peter Doggart Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician

Orbital Maths at NASA with Chris Hadfield

PooFvQEN4n8 | 28 Aug 2020

Orbital Maths at NASA with Chris Hadfield

Huge thanks to Chris Hadfield and for joining me for a day of mathematics. Stay tuned for our next video where we derive the rocket equation! You can go and watch Lucie Green's first video with Chris Hadfield right now: All about Chris and their amazing team. Our trip to NASA was organised by the fantastic folks over at Cosmic Shambles. With thanks to NASA and the team at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex via agreement with Trunkman Productions Ltd and The Cosmic Shambles Network. To discover more about the KSC please visit Free resources for teachers! We have a complete guide to the mathematics in this video as well as some student worksheets and activities. I should also say we went to Florida to film in February 2020, before the pandemic. Which is why it all looks so normal. It's surreal to think about it now! CORRECTIONS - A few people have pointed out that I’m assuming a circular orbit. Yes indeed: I should have made it clearer in the video we were ignoring elliptical orbits as near-Earth is pretty much perfectly circular. - And people are very upset I said I was in Orlando. Which was my fault: I meant to say “near Orlando” to help non-USA people orient themselves. I figured more people know where Orlando is (roughly) than Cape Canaveral. If it helps: Chris also pointed out my mistake (in the nicest way possible) once that shot was over but we didn’t have time to re-do it. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can endure the hardship of a trip to Florida to hang out with an astronaut. Only kidding. I paid for that bit. But they covered the extra production costs. Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: George Lawie Jeremy Buchanan amcnea Mark Mann Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Extra help during the shoot thanks to Melinda Burton and Joanna Gostling Flipchart by Matt Parker Audio by Peter Doggart Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician

Landmark Numbers and Bad Number Analogies

esC4HB-AjgI | 25 Aug 2020

Landmark Numbers and Bad Number Analogies

You can pre-order Tim's book How to Make the World Add Up now! Watch Tim Harford talk about the Stork-Baby correlation on Numberphile: Here is the current Landmark Number recommended toolkit (yours may differ). - population of the country you live in - 'people days' per year in your countries of choice - GDP or total government budget - heigh of some buildings you have seen - a human lifetime is around 30,000 days - million/billion/trillion seconds More about Tim Harford: Huge thanks to The Vintage Red Bus Company for lending us one of their fantastic buses. "Asteroid the size of a bus hurtles past Earth" CORRECTIONS: - We were in front of a long version of the original Routemaster bus which I believe was technically 29.91 feet, but we were told 30 feet and that is an easier unit of measurement. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can hire a bus and then pay someone to animate a dinosaur walking behind it. Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: Ben White Jacob Hartmann Nikola Studer Morgan Butt Alan H. Kragar John Lewis Glenn Watson James Hall Philippe von Bergen As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Additional camerawork by Ben Westaway Animations by William Marler Music by Howard Carter Audio by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

What is the biggest tangent of a prime?

A7eJb8n8zAw | 19 Aug 2020

What is the biggest tangent of a prime?

What is your Mega-Favourite Number? The playlist of #MegaFavNumbers videos is here: If you make a video about a number bigger than 1,000,000 use the hashtag #MegaFavNumbers and we'll add it to the playlist! Here is my current mega-favourite number: 1,169,809,367,327,212,570,704,813,632,106,852,886,389,036,911 This is the OEIS page for A249836: Numbers n for which tan(n) is greater than n. Thanks very much to Jacob Vecht for emailing me their new interesting integer. Keep an eye out for when all their newly discovered numbers appear on the OEIS. These are the ones I found: tan(1) = 1.6 tan(11) = -226 tan(33) = -75.3 tan(52174) = -181570.3 tan(260515) = 383610.7 tan(573204) = -3402633.8 tan(37362253) = 37754853.4 tan(42781604) = -85369290.4 tan(122925461) = 326900723.5 My terrible code is on github. CORRECTIONS - None yet: let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can spend time wrangling a gaggle of youtubers into all making videos on the same topic. Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: Louie Ruck Claire Greenhalgh Neil McGovern Ron Hochsprung Alan Flett Matthew Schuster Everett Chouinard Alex Hackman Sjoerd Wennekes Samuel Ytterbrink As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Does "land area" assume a country is perfectly flat?

PtKhbbcc1Rc | 19 Aug 2020

Does "land area" assume a country is perfectly flat?

You can listen to the A Problem Squared podcast here (and everywhere else). Please do! Huge thanks to Dr Laura Graham! Everything they did is on github: All about Laura: Prof Alasdair Rae was also big help and sent me their slides. This is that video: All about Alasdair: Thanks to Phil Chapman for sending in the question and taking the time to record themselves reading it for me. Geoscience Australia were super helpful and answered all of my ridiculous questions. Check out Steve Mould's Numberphile video on fractal coast lines. Thanks to Bec Hill: comedian; podcast host; and the new voice of Geoscience Australia. CORRECTIONS - At 14:02 I accidentally say a 9 instead of a 7 (the area is 247719 not 249719). The on-screen numbers are correct. Phew. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes. Thanks to my Patreons who mean I can spend tens of days of my life on a silly video like this. Here is a random subset of those fine Patreon People: Cubey Andy B Nicholas Koceja Jordan Scales Malcolm Rowe Sean Derek Chandler Paul LeVan Kristian Joensen Patrick Stover As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Additional filming by Lucie Green A bunch of footage is from Pond5 Audio and music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book:

Ellipsoids and The Bizarre Behaviour of Rotating Bodies

l51LcwHOW7s | 24 Jul 2020

Ellipsoids and The Bizarre Behaviour of Rotating Bodies

Derek's video: The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies, Explained Based on this amazing footage: Dancing T-handle in zero-g Terence Tao's original answer, with update. Support me on Patreon and I can make more video like this! We are sat so close because we filmed this in the “before times” of late 2019. Huge thanks to Helen Czerski for spinning a book in zero-G for us. Cosmic Shambles (who convinced ESA to launch Helen) also have a Patreon: Ben Sparks made the ellipsoid animations for me. Check out their GeoGebra files here: Rotating 3D book was thanks to Tim Waskett of Stone Baked Games. There are plenty more Matt and Hugh videos to learn about moments of inertia and suchlike. Hugh Hunt is the Cambridge University Reader in Engineering Dynamics and Vibration. I know! Zero G footage courtesy The Cosmic Shambles Network working in association with the European Space Agency. In flight footage shot by Melanie Cowan. External plane footage courtesy Novespace. CORRECTIONS - At 11:00 and 14:23 I say the axes correspond to the axes of rotation but technically they represent the three different directions of spin. Which is why they are labelled with omegas representing the angular velocities in those directions. - At 05:52 the ellipsoid equation should be “volume” not “area”. First pointed out by Ihsan Khairir. My fault for not paying attention editing the text after copying the previous equations. - Oh my goodness. At 11:50 we missed an “L” in ellipsoid. First pointed out by Daniel Burger. I’m so embarrassed. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes. Or, you know, make a whole video about it. As always: thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Additional filming by Melanie Cowan Audio by Peter Doggart Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why do calculators get this wrong? (We don't know!)

7LKy3lrkTRA | 16 Jul 2020

Why do calculators get this wrong? (We don't know!)

Women in Trading and Technology: 21 to 23 September 2020 (deadline to apply: Friday 7 August 2020) These are all of the almost-π calculations I showed: 11^6 ÷ 13 ≈ (156158413/3600)π 17^5 ÷ 11 ≈ (366494029/8920)π 11^6 ÷ 17 ≈ (119415257/3600)π 19^9 ÷ 2^3 ≈ (65249503235207/5082)π 5^9 ÷ 3 ≈ (1226819353/5920)π 7^9 ÷ 19 ≈ (2623750469/3881)π 13^5 ÷ 7 ≈ (154266801/9137)π 21^6 ÷ 5 ≈ (27818908094/5095)π 23^9 ÷ 5^4 ≈ (4030701961529/4394)π Sheena's tweet The reddit post Farey sequence This is the 'best rational approximation' algorithm I used: I've tested it on the Casio FX-83GT PLUS and Casio FX-991EX CLASSWIZ. Let me know what calculators you have checked! CORRECTIONS: - At 8:30 I say "13" when I mean "11". Ignore what I say: the on-screen number is correct! - Let me know if you spot anything else. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Alan Flett Nikola Studer Philippe von Bergen Alan McNea Derek Chandler Jeremy Buchanan Alan H. Malcolm Rowe Glenn Watson Patrick Stover Support my channel and I can make more videos: And of course thanks to Jane Street who support my channel. They're amazing. Filming and editing by Matt Parker Additional camera work by Lucie Green That piano music is No.8 Requiem by Esther Abrami All other music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys: A transcendental number is not the root of any integer polynomial!

The almost impossible chessboard puzzle

as7Gkm7Y7h4 | 05 Jul 2020

The almost impossible chessboard puzzle

Check out the meta-solution on 3Blue1Brown: Thanks to Gordon' s Wine Bar for letting us film in their bar. Ha! It wasn't a dungeon, it was a wine bar all along! (An amazing wine bar at that; definitely visit it next time you're in London (and things are open again)). Also: this was filmed back in February 2020 pre-coronavirus (at least before we knew about it). Which is why we're sat so close together and not wearing masks. And people are phoning a wine bar. For those of you want it all, and you want it now, we've put the complete, unedited footage of Matt and Grant completing the puzzle scenario on Matt's second channel. We'll put the deleted footage on the Stand-up Maths patreon page: Sorry the audio is a bit hit and miss. Matt's microphone dropped out for a bit so we tried to rescue the audio from Grant's lapel mic. With some success. Puzzle as emailed by Grant to Matt: Prisoner 1 walks in, sees a chessboard where each square has a coin on top, flipped either to heads or tails. The warden places the key under one of the squares, which prisoner 1 sees. Before he leaves, he must turn over one and only one coin. Prisoner 2 then walks in and is supposed to be able to figure out which squares the key is in just by looking at the arrangement of coins. This is the website Matt mentioned with a full breakdown of the solution and interactive boards you can play with. CORRECTIONS: - At 20:42 when I (Matt) said "You're now assigning a 64-dimension..." he meant to say "You're now assigning a 6-dimension...". But that is a moot point because Grant can visualise cubes in all dimension spaces with equal ease. - At 24:20 I said Venn and Euler the wrong way around. No one tell Steve Mould! - Let me know if you spot anything else. Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Willy Felton Claire Carroll Matt Langford Steve Davidson James Dexter Stephen Hart Philippe von Bergen Alex Frieder Eric Sexton Matthew Schuster Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Complex Fibonacci Numbers?

ghxQA3vvhsk | 01 Jul 2020

Complex Fibonacci Numbers?

Huge thanks to Jane Street! Check out Ben Sparks's GeoGebra files. Binet formula 2D complex output: 3D imaginary output of Binet formula: 3D plot of absolute output of Binet formula: My four-part series on Numberphile videos about Fibonacci Numbers (from 2014) starts here. Here is me going on about the square root of five (Numberphile 2018). This was the Fibonacci puzzle video from Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles. Read a whole bunch about "Generalized Fibonacci Sequences and Binet-Fibonacci Curves". The zero I found was at -9.14202391817 + 2.80064954276i and you can see the exact form here:*pi%29%2F%28pi+%2B+i*%28log%28sqrt%285%29+-+1%29+-+log%281+%2B+sqrt%285%29%29%29%29 Try it for yourself and put the Binet Formula (((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n - ((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n)/sqrt(5) in the Wolfram roots calculator: This site has everything you'll ever need to know about Fibonacci Numbers. Buttercup - The original buttercupchallenge CORRECTIONS This was a long video and in hindsight there are a few things I wish I had phrased better. Here they all are: - I misspoke around 01:13 when I said "negative one, zero" as it is clearly "negative one, one, zero". - At 07:53 I mean the negative values -5 to 0. I said it a weird way. - My language at about the 1D input to 2D plot from 09:17 is a bit sloppy. The real values going into the Binet function are not the horizontal axis shown; the plot onscreen is solely the output. - I say "axis" when I mean "plane" or even "complex plane". The big flat thing. Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Loren Thomas Richard Dickins Barry Salter Susan Moury Sarah Gerweck Ulrich Kempken Piotr Gary Martin Euler Daniel DeJarnatt Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter (excluding Buttercup) Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Stack Folding Challenge

GpClxF41ugg | 10 Jun 2020

The Stack Folding Challenge

AHGD / BCFE AHBG / DECF The "Stack Folding Challenge" is to fold the two lay-outs I show in the video. But the MPMP meta-puzzle is to work out how many different Stack Folding Challenges are possible. That is to say: how many ways can you fold such a piece of paper so that the top-left rectangle is on the top, facing out. All details about Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles are on the Think Maths website: If you are already subscribed to the main channel, then, fine, here is my second channel. You can buy the pieces of paper I was using in the video, signed by me. All the money from the sale of Stand-up Maths memorabilia goes to charity. WaterAid is working hard to provide sanitation and hand-washing facilities in places which desperately need them, so either bid on the auctions or donate to them directly. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to Jane Street who are the principal sponsor of my channel. They're amazing. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Jordan Scales Ben White Bob Folk Claire Greenhalgh Neil McGovern Ron Hochsprung Morgan Butt James Hall Nicholas Koceja Alex Hackman Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Are Matt and James anti-psychic?

MrEECYAXRjs | 18 May 2020

Are Matt and James anti-psychic?

Yes, technically we're "NAND psychic". Want to own Matt's red/black sign, signed by him and James? It's being auctioned for charity: James's Singing Banana channel is over here: Here is our previous collaboration: "The Difference of Two Squares" Want to watch the full unedited footage of us being anti-psychic? We got you covered. Need even more unedited footage? in 48 hours I'm going to release the behind-the-scenes footage exclusively for my patreon supporters. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Maksym Borodin Matthew Roberts Iain Kings Tyler Herrmann Cailean Asher Douglas Joost Smits Morgan Butt Alex Hackman Nathaniel Brown Fernando Gaete Ferrari Peter Gerrard Cheryl Lowe Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

The 1890 US Census and the history of punchcard computing [feat. Grant of 3blue1brown fame]

YBnBAzrWeF0 | 28 Apr 2020

The 1890 US Census and the history of punchcard computing [feat. Grant of 3blue1brown fame]

Thanks to Grant Sanderson (of 3blue1brown fame) for joining me on a fun day out! Best double-check you are definitely subscribed to their channel: If you are ever in the Bay Area you should totally check out the Computer History Museum. Bubbles Whiting - Using Punch Cards - Hollerith and IBM Read more about the Hollerith Tabulator! Ben Eater makes amazing videos about computing. Buy the doubling sequence signed by Matt Parker and Grant Sanderson. All the money from the sale of Stand-up Maths memorabilia goes to charity. WaterAid is working hard to provide sanitation and hand-washing facilities in places which desperately need them, so either bid on the auction or donate to them directly. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to Jane Street who are the principle sponsor of my channel. They're amazing. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Tracy Parry Iain Kings Maksym Borodin Alex Hackman James Lasse T. Stendan Samuel Ytterbrink Sjoerd Wennekes Cooper Jones Piotr Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Michelle Martin Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Parker Machine: it's 80% accurate.

vBPFaM-0pI8 | 24 Apr 2020

The Parker Machine: it's 80% accurate.

Check out the full lecture on the Royal Institution YouTube channel. Ri Christmas Lectures thanks to: The BBC - The Royal Institution - Windfall Films - Directed by David Coleman, produced by Laura Voak. Bonus footage filmed and edited by Matt Parker CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! (Although it is too late to change the TV show.) - Update: FINE, the title is now “Parker Machine”. Thanks to my Patreon supports who make what I do possible. Support my channel and I can make more videos: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Can you crack the face-down card game?

oCMVUROty0g | 15 Apr 2020

Can you crack the face-down card game?

You can enter the submittable part of the puzzle at I wasn't kidding, this is where almost all of my t-shirts come from: Thanks to my co-host Matt Parker. Huge thanks as always to my principle channel sponsor Jane Street! And much thanks to Deanna and Oliver who are now helping us run Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles. Deanna is making the massive sacrifice of giving up her place near the top of the leader board! CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Sarah Gerweck Baadrix Derek Chandler Fernando Gaete F. Brandon Alan Flett Richard Fourie Elaine Hewitson Ahmed Hindawi Alan McNea Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker and Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

MPMP: Can you play Scrabble over a video call?

JaXo_i3ktwM | 08 Apr 2020

MPMP: Can you play Scrabble over a video call?

You can enter the submittable part of the puzzle at Everything about Vicki is on her website: Or go straight to the All The Stations channel! Get your own random quantum-noise numbers here: These are my scrabble numbers. I have not double checked them, so please let me know if you do. Ten million simulations: Fixed points: 5.9604827 Alphabetical neighbours: 6.6008077 Pairs: 4.3016657 Triples: 0.2712588 Fours: 0.0184608 Fives: 0.0012537 Just two rounds of random shunting: Fixed points: 5.9601175 Alphabetical neighbours: 5.6288508 Pairs: 6.263659 Triples: 0.4552404 Fours: 0.0385577 Fives: 0.0033718 Two random shunts and a 2-2-3-3 shuffle: Fixed points: 5.9590569 Alphabetical neighbours: 7.2059461 Pairs: 4.2509397 Triples: 0.3174862 Fours: 0.0272161 Fives: 0.0023192 Three random shunts and a 2-2-3-3 shuffle: Fixed points: 5.9611759 Alphabetical neighbours: 6.6348292 Pairs: 4.2771024 Triples: 0.2715075 Fours: 0.0184781 Fives: 0.0012264 Here is the submittable puzzle again with the letter values: How many ways, from the 100 standard scrabble tiles, can you choose seven which total 46 points? Clarification: for this we mean distinct scrabble hands (groups of 7 letters), so order does not matter and identical letters are indistinguishable. 9 × A worth 1 point 2 × B worth 3 points 2 × C worth 3 points 4 × D worth 2 points 12 × E worth 1 point 2 × F worth 4 points 3 × G worth 2 points 2 × H worth 4 points 9 × I worth 1 point 1 × J worth 8 points 1 × K worth 5 points 4 × L worth 1 point 2 × M worth 3 points 6 × N worth 1 point 8 × O worth 1 point 2 × P worth 3 points 1 × Q worth 10 points 6 × R worth 1 point 4 × S worth 1 point 6 × T worth 1 point 4 × U worth 1 point 2 × V worth 4 points 2 × W worth 4 points 1 × X worth 8 points 2 × Y worth 4 points 1 × Z worth 10 points 2 × _ worth 0 points Thanks as always to my principle channel sponsor Jane Street! CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Bevan Timm Steve Davidson Aimee Arost Henry Gustafson Emily Dingwell Matt Langford Mikko Daniel DeJarnatt Alex Frieder Will Clark Daniel Brockwell Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys: Ok, here is your hint: see if you can work out how many ways you can get a total of 48 points (there should be 50). Then try 46 points.

Why is the Apple Calendar so broken?

ER1a6jgW1Gs | 03 Apr 2020

Why is the Apple Calendar so broken?

UPDATE: I’m hearing reports of calendar apps crashing quite severely. Please only experiment on non-vital apps as you could hypothetically lose data stored in them! But apparently if the app crashes and restarts don’t fix it: a forced restart will. Proceed with caution, at your own risk, and report any findings! Buy a physical book from Waterstones! ebook on Amazon: Audiobook on Audible: Huge thanks to Nick Day and Ken Taylor who emailed me about this bug. If you find anything out, or know someone who might know, email me: [email protected] If you want to read the part of my book about this, here it is. (Don't tell anyone I let you have it for free.) This is the video of me talking about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Route Center problems. 2^52 microseconds before 1 January 2001 (yes, yes, it is technically off by a microsecond) CFAbsoluteTime Type used to represent a specific point in time relative to the absolute reference date of 1 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT Double-precision floating-point format on wikipedia. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Toby O'Neil Nate Brown Jordan Scales Matthew Holland Philippe von Bergen Glenn Watson Kevin Mannon David Lake Lucas Werkmeister Jan Strohbeck Support my channel and I can make more videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

MPMP: Can you spin the table?

T29dydI97zY | 25 Mar 2020

MPMP: Can you spin the table?

All the details for Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles can be found on the Think Maths website: Submit your table solution now! We hope these new MPMP videos will be useful for anyone who is bored at home. Or not bored, and commanded to watch them by a parent or teacher. Massive thanks to the channel principle sponsor Jane Street for making this new series possible. You can also check out their Real Numbers videos for even more puzzles. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Ben White Alan H. Jeremy Buchanan Claire Greenhalgh Louie Ruck Alan McNea Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why do people keep getting this wrong‽

6egeUxIEQnM | 24 Mar 2020

Why do people keep getting this wrong‽

UK tour show details will be updated here: Check out Christian Lawson-Perfect's cash calculator: US edition of Humble Pi UK edition of Humble Pi Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - I said that Bloomberg was still running for the presidential nomination when at the time he had already dropped out. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! - Oh, some of my camera work was a bit of a mistake. I need more time to sort out manual settings. Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Paul LeVan Derek Chandler Everett Chouinard Morgan Butt Cubey Nikola Studer Malcolm Rowe Sjoerd Wennekes Andy B Alan Flett Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating π by hand the Isaac Newton way: Pi Day 2020

CKl1B8y4qXw | 14 Mar 2020

Calculating π by hand the Isaac Newton way: Pi Day 2020

So it turns out that this year π = 3.141591678589793935225 Thanks to Ben Sparks, Deanna Judd, Max Hughes and Zoe Griffiths! Huge thanks to the National Trust for letting us film at Woolsthorpe Manor and much appreciation to the on-site staff for being endlessly helpful. Next time you are near Grantham, England you can visit Newton's house for yourself: Thanks as always to Jane Street for being the Stand-up Maths channel principle sponsor. This would not have happened without them. Here is the full working out for the derivation of Newton's expression for Pi, including how to get a general expression for the sum: And here are the full Think Maths teacher resources, that includes this workings out, plus further notes for teachers and a worksheet for students: Ben's method for calculating the square root of three can be seen on the second channel: Signed copies of much of the working out (one featuring a Parker Square) are available on the Stand-up Maths eBay account. All money goes to charity. SCANS OF ALL WORKING OUT! Any missing working out is for a term which a school did for us. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! (Or find where we went wrong, so very wrong.) Thanks so much to all the schools who helped out! Names are below. If teachers want to find out about similar projects in the future, sign up here: St John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, Canada, Teachers: Morgan MacLennan and Lam Nguyen Varndean College, UK, Teacher: Nicole Cozens John Taylor High School, UK, Teacher: Simon Curzon Cals College IJsselstein Netherlands, Teacher: Maarten Van Haaren Whitgift School, UK, Teacher: Kathryn Coffin, Students: Paul Ajuwon, Mikaeel Toosy, Wei-Shun Fam, Ashwiyn Sekaran, Mr Lau, James Zhang, Artyom Boyorov South Bromsgrove High School, UK, Teacher: Sue Rowing King Edward VI Aston School, UK, Teacher: Andrew Russell, Students: Mohammed Ali Awan, Adeel Imam Leftwich High School UK, Teacher: Sam Webster, Students: Harri Major George Heriot’s School, Edinburgh, UK, Teacher: Gregor Dickson, Students: Judith Morrow, Euan Strachan, Isaac Browning The Cheney School, Oxford, UK, Teacher: Padma Thealla Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Glenn Watson Neil McGovern John Lewis Patrick Stover James Hall Kragar Ron Hochsprung Jordan Scales Samuel Ytterbrink Philippe von Bergen Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: US book: UK book: Nerdy maths toys:

Will a falling pencil hit the table? We do the maths!

uNPDrLhXC9k | 20 Feb 2020

Will a falling pencil hit the table? We do the maths!

Do check out Jane Street's Real Numbers: Here is a scan of all the working out: We have a full break down of the working out for teachers: There are Think Maths free resources for teachers for most of my videos! CAMERA ISSUE Yes we did lose the video file from the GoPro filming the working out! So I had to recreate it using a scan of the pages. Which raises a question: which do you prefer? A GoPro pointing at the notes (like from 11:31 onwards) or an animated scan (like up until 11:05)? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Andrew Wieland Alan McNea Richard Dickins Tracy Parry Aimee Arost Henry Gustafson Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio by Peter Doggart Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why 02/02/2020 is the most palindromic date ever.

4fE_sXZjxng | 01 Feb 2020

Why 02/02/2020 is the most palindromic date ever.

Hey you! Yes, you in the 62.5%. Subscribe to my channel! This was a quick video I made in a hotel room. I couldn't let 02/02/2020 pass without marking the occasion with a video! Here are the years which are palindromic dates as well as being palindromic splits in the year for the USA and UK style calendars. 22/01/1022 UK 01/02/2010 USA 02/02/2020 UK 02/02/2020 USA 09/12/2190 UK 01/22/2210 USA 12/09/9021 USA 12/29/9221 USA These are the dates on my sheets: USA 08/31/1380 10/02/2001 - 36 years in the 2000s have a palindromic date 09/22/2290 10/03/3001 UK 29/11/1192 10/02/2001 - 60 years in the 2000s have a palindromic date 29/12/2192 10/03/3001 The t-shirt(s?) is from the Ugmonk Mountain range. I love their work. Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - I messed up the next palindrome date which works for UK and USA style calendars. We've already had November and OCTOBER (not December which I said) and the next one is December: 12/12/2121. First pointed out by Dr Amy. - Typos in description spotted by R Dollarandyou. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Other than the exposure not matching. Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

When Spreadsheets Attack!

yb2zkxHDfUE | 24 Jan 2020

When Spreadsheets Attack!

Start listening with a 30-day Audible trial. Choose 1 audiobook and 2 Audible Originals absolutely free. Visit or text standupmaths to 500 500. If you find my audio book on Audible you will have 9 hours and 33 minutes of me reading out my own words. Look up "Humble Pi" or search 0593166868. That's its audiobook code. I can't link to it directly because everything has to go through you know how this works. Yes, I am in New York. Yes, I am doing a show! Come and see me on Saturday 25 January at Caveat, Manhattan. The European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group. Real group, I love them. Dr. Felienne Hermans and the Enron spreadsheets. "Gene name errors are widespread in the scientific literature" If you'd like the spreadsheet I was using in the video (for whatever reason) this is it, exactly as I saved it after filming. Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Malcolm Rowe Iain Kings Linus Tärnqvist Dave Bell Erin Eldridge Tim Curwick Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Marvel Trailer music by ultrasonik Design by Simon Wright and Alex Genn-Bash MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Datasaurus Dozen

iwzzv1biHv8 | 20 Jan 2020

The Datasaurus Dozen

Pre-order Humble Pi in the USA here: Watch Adam Savage announce his first book club! Huge thanks to Justin Matejka for taking the time to chat with me. They do some amazing work. Follow Justin on twitter! Read all about Justin's plot and the Datasaurus Dozen here: Check out the full paper by Justin Matejka and George Fitzmaurice: Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing The original Datasaurus plot was thanks to Alberto Cairo. The greater Toronto area had a population of 5,928,040 and mean age of 39.7 in the 2016 census. Check out all the data for yourself. Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Richard Dickins Kragar Nikola Studer Colin Williams Sarah Gerweck Ulrich Kempken Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Does The Average Person Exist?

NbiveCNBOxk | 17 Jan 2020

Does The Average Person Exist?

Pre-order the US edition of Humble Pi now! If you forward me a confirmation email of your pre-order to [email protected] I will post the 143 numbered pages to the first 143 people and the remaining 18 pages to a random selection of people who emailed within one week of this video going online. All pages will be signed by me. (Only open to people who live in mainland USA. Sorry.) Download the two documents I was waving around: Anthropometry of Air Force Flying Personnel (1950) The "Average Man"? Here is Caroline Criado Perez's book Invisible Women. Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Stephen Hart BeeGee Daniel DeJarnatt James Matt Claire Greenhalgh Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Visiting every Platform Zero in the UK in one day!

SPQRNmXVP8s | 03 Jan 2020

Visiting every Platform Zero in the UK in one day!

Check out Geoff's video from the same day! This is the Geoff Marshall video about Oyster zones and four-bits. My previous video with Geoff: Is the London Underground knotted? Listen to my podcast with Bec Hill: A Problem Squared Thanks to everyone on Patreon who bought me a new lens for my camera. It's exactly the same as the old one. List of all stations with a platform zero in the UK (as of January 2020) in the order I visited them: CARDIFF REDHILL RAINHAM GRAVESEND LONDON KING'S CROSS DONCASTER STOCKPORT EDINBURGH HAYMARKET If you'd like a copy of Geoff’s 'Platform 0' map: Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - At 18:32 I dip the non-crust end of my pizza in the garlic dipping sauce. I wanted to confess that before anyone complains. It was a long day. - I said that Cardiff has platforms 1 through 8 and actually there is no 5. I had no idea! I only realised watching Geoff’s video. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Nathaniel Brown Brian Murawski Louie Ruck Jim Fitch Kevin Mannon Brandon Steed Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker and Geoff Marshall Editing by Michelle Martin Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to keep an open secret with mathematics.

K54ildEW9-Q | 31 Dec 2019

How to keep an open secret with mathematics.

Shamir's Secret Sharing on wikipedia. Teaching resource! This was made by a high school teacher in the US to use with Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Pre-calc. It's a work in progress but you can get it here: I made the animated parabola in GeoGebra with help from my mate Ben Sparks. Here is the GeoGebra5 file if you'd like to have a play: Read about finite fields on MathWorld: Shamir Secret Sharing used with Bitcoin: And for balance, an argument against using Shamir Sharing with Bitcoin, but rather Multisignature. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks again, as always, to Jane Street for supporting this channel. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Michael Lehenbauer Peter Gerrard Matthew Roberts Ben White Jan Strohbeck Lucas Werkmeister Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Synchronising Metronomes in a Spreadsheet

J4PO7NbdKXg | 27 Dec 2019

Synchronising Metronomes in a Spreadsheet

The Ri Lectures are on BBC4 and iPlayer now: They'll be on the Ri channel a month later: Thanks to Jane Street, pateron supports and all viewers! Here's to another year of mathematics videos. Pre-order the US edition of my math book Humble Pi. Cheers! Download the excel file from the video: This is the paper: "Synchronization of Globally Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators: the Rich Behavior of the Kuramoto Model" Sorry, Think Maths have not made any teacher resources for this video, but check out their resources for all my other videos here: CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! - At 10:46 that is the lid falling off my pan. Not really a mistake, but I thought I'd mention it. Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Lucie Roux Emily Dingwell Richard Dickins Fernando Gaete Ferrari Josiah Thornton Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Checking the exact angle of parking bays.

0rxghexCKj8 | 13 Dec 2019

Checking the exact angle of parking bays.

Thanks as always to Jane Street for supporting my channel! Of course, Jane Street do not support casual vandalism. And nor do I! Which is why I was using a whiteboard marker and the ".5" was only temporary. If you want to read about the official regulations governing parking spaces in Sydney, check out this PDF. Let me know if you see signs anywhere in the world which promise a number of degrees! Think Maths has made a free activity about parking angles and trigonometry that teachers can use in classrooms: CORRECTIONS - Good spot by TheLongDark: I say 5.38m when the tape measure shows 4.38m. This is because it was only a 5m tape measure so I had to measure 1m first. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! Thanks again for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Alan Flett Jim Fitch Daniel Dewhirst Cheryl Lowe Christian Gruber Ron Hochsprung Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Simon Wright Graphics by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Glenn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright, yes the same one. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Help, our train home is making 9 quintillion stops.

48QQXpbTlVM | 29 Nov 2019

Help, our train home is making 9 quintillion stops.

Thanks as always to Jane Street! Here is that blog post about 63-bit numbers. My book is out in North America on the 21 January 2020. Pre-order now! Here are the numbers: 9,223,372,036,854,775,798 stops 2^63 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF6 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110110 Here are the tweets: Neil Codling @neilcodling 👀 Help, our train home is making 9 quintillion stops. EIZrPtbW4AA3UL2.jpeg Daniel @drawRect Replying to @neilcodling Thanks for the tweet. What version of the app are you using? I thought we fixed this bug AGES ago. Lia Buddle @LiaBuddle Replying to @neilcodling Had the same thing in 2017... EIc4CNJXsAATexO.jpeg Matt Parker @standupmaths Thanks everyone who sent me this amazing tweet! So, as always it’s probably a binary overflow problem and sure enough 2^63 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 which is close! We have a free Think Maths magic trick activity that teachers can use to introduce their students to binary. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks again, as always, for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Icaro Fonseca Timothy Lombard Andy B Nokui Peter Tracy Parry Brandon Lindsay Miller Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The unbelievable solution to the 100 prisoner puzzle.

a1DUUnhk3uE | 04 Nov 2019

The unbelievable solution to the 100 prisoner puzzle.

Order Alex Bellos's book now and get a limited-edition 'Matt verified' copy. Thanks to Matt Scroggs and the Chalkdust folks for helping organise the volunteers and the maths. Cheers to the Ri for letting us film in their building. We have free Think Maths work sheets for any teachers who want to use the prisoner puzzle in their lessons. CORRECTIONS - Yes, it seems we can’t spell success successfully. - We do know there is a limit I believe, but we don't know what it is. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Everett Chouinard Lucie Christian Martel Joost Smits Rhys Llewellyn Anthony Allan Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to make a fold-and-cut bat for Halloween!

1K-uEwD0OTg | 21 Oct 2019

How to make a fold-and-cut bat for Halloween!

NEW TOUR DATE: London Bloomsbury Theatre: 29 April 2020 See all my tour dates across October, November 2019 (and April 2020 as announced). It will be great to see you at a show. Be sure to hang around and say hello, get your calculator signed, etc! Instructions for the one-cut bat. Check out Katie's Numberphile video. CORRECTIONS - My lapel mic didn't record for the first few sections and I didn't have time to re-film before the show. So, sorry about the audio quality. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Hari Krishnan Anthony Allan John Lewis Ron Hochsprung Cubey Dean Fantastic Alex Hackman Nokui Andreas Wilfer Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Is the London Underground knotted?

b9OEuhdM6t8 | 23 Sep 2019

Is the London Underground knotted?

Check out Geoff's video from the same day! Thanks very much to Vicki and Geoff for all their help. If you want some more maths, and the 'rules' for finding a Tube Knot, check out the bonus content video on my second channel. Henry and Sabetta also went and double-checked all of the overs and under in our knot. Huge thanks to Sabetta and Henry. Here is the first video I made with them: Exploring Hyperbolic Space with VR And my spherical camera video with Henry. Here is everyone's channel: Vicki Pipe: Geoff Marshall: All the Stations: Henry Segerman: Worksheet and teaching resources to find your own underground knots! Here are the detailed "Carto Metro" maps you can use to check which line goes under/over which. CORRECTIONS - At 13:19 I call Green Park "West Park" when talking about going west. First noticed by Geoff Marshall, of course. - Let me know if you or Geoff spot anything else! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Deanv Crouch Brandon Bisel Claire Greenhalgh Vojtěch Mělnický Gary Martin Nelson Emerson Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker and Geoff Marshall Editing by Michelle Martin Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Can you solve The Frog Problem?

ZLTyX4zL2Fc | 12 Sep 2019

Can you solve The Frog Problem?

Check out more fun mathematics problems at Jane Street's Real Numbers. If you want to have a guess for a river width of 10 (nine lily pads and the opposite bank) then put your guess with the word "guess" in the comments below. If anyone does work out the average guess: let me know! If you have a solution: put that below as well. Be sure to like and comments which you think have cracked the problem. Thanks to Ben Gillott for sharing the puzzle with Timandra. My show "Humble Pi" had a sold-out run at the Fringe and will now be on tour around the UK. Dates and details: Timandra has a few more dates for "Take a Risk" and also has a podcast by the same name: Bec Hill is never performing "I'll Be Bec" again but is always doing a million other things: Rob West will be on tour with "Morgan and West: Unbelievable Science" as well as about a dozen magic shows: Git your code here! We have Think Maths "Frog Jumps" resources for maths teachers. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! - Oh, and this is not really a correction, more of an explanation, but you can see some dark stains on my hands in some shots of this video. That is because I helped Morgan and West load their science show out of the theatre at the end of the Fringe and my reward was to get silver nitrate on me. Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Bruce Patterson Glenn Watson Matthew Holden Patrick Thiel Adam Scatchard William Marple Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Glenn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Can we film a stroboscopic helicopter?

2SgG99QKLFE | 12 Aug 2019

Can we film a stroboscopic helicopter?

Do check out Captain Disillusion's video "Quick D: Static Helicopter Blades". Thanks to Polina for flying the helicopter all day. We hired the helicopter from VVB Aviation who were awesome. My old video about the rolling shutter effect "Rolling Shutter Explained on the Cheap". Footage of stage coach from "The Lye Green Miniature Stagecoach" Footage of the five-blade helicopter from "camera shutter speed matches helicopter`s rotor" We have Think Maths "Floating Helicopter" resources for maths teachers. CORRECTIONS - We did also mess around with multiples of the required frame rate (53.5 fps being twice 26.75 fps) which gives a ‘choppy’ version of the stroboscopic effect with twice as many rotors appearing. But I should have taken this out of the edit as I present it as a valid solution. Sorry! First noticed by Alnakar. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Wouter Dijkslag Laurus Schluep Lucas Werkmeister Greg Holmes Eric Sexton Lucie Roux Simon Hutchings Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Directed by Ben Woolf Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions ( Extra cameras and filming by Andrew Mickelburgh Running about by Marius Ulevicius and Melinda Burton Helicoptering by Polina Harkin Music by Howard Carter Audio by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to mathematically hang a picture (badly).

x5h3yTxeCew | 02 Aug 2019

How to mathematically hang a picture (badly).

Watch Jade's original video on Tom Scott's channel "How Knot To Hang A Painting". Jade's channel is over here: And here's a whole bunch of Steve Mould for you to subscribe to: Send in your solutions for hanging a picture badly! [email protected] We have Think Maths resources for any teachers who want to use this as an activity in their class. You can buy my book which has this puzzle in it: CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Facundo Gonçalves Borrega Philippe von Bergen Paulo Brito Kevin Petrychyn Magesh Jayapandian Flynn Hembroff Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Audio by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright And probably some stuff by Steve Mould MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Eclipses can be approximated the same way as π. [ONE TAKE!]

h9FZgaPdIuY | 25 Jul 2019

Eclipses can be approximated the same way as π. [ONE TAKE!]

Huge thanks to Destin for the chat and footage. Check out their video! I was at the 2 July 2019 total solar eclipse in Argentina: 30°41'07.6"S 68°28'50.2"W My old video "Solar Eclipse Maths and the Cosmic Coincidence of the Saros Cycle" We've made some Think Maths teaching resources on approximating pi with a continued fraction. The wikipedia page on solar eclipse cycles is actually pretty good. Wolfram Alpha can sort you out for all your continued fraction needs.;+7,+15,+1%5D And this is the page with more about continued fractions than you'll ever want to know. CORRECTIONS - I misspoke a couple of times (303 instead of 333, 2023 instead of 2022) but the correct number was always onscreen. That's what I get for doing it all in one take! - Yes, I mooned the camera. I'm just that on theme. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Mauro Cioni Emily Dingwell Terence Crisp Alan McNea Colin Williams Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Curvahedra: how many faces make a polyhedron

MPGMfCk4VpA | 20 Jul 2019

Curvahedra: how many faces make a polyhedron

Use code "STANDUPMATHS" to get 15% off Curvahedra! Note that if you are a patreon supporter of mine, you can get a 25% discount. We also sell Curvahedra on Maths Gear but there is no discount. If you're in the UK, the saving on postage might be worth it. You do the maths! Here is the bonus chat over on my second channel. Read more about the scary version of the Gauss–Bonnet theorem Edmund Harriss is on Twitter and Numberphile Check out the Symmetry groups wrapping paper he designed for Maths Gear More about Bathsheba Grossman and her sculptures which inspired Edmund You can see my old curvahedra in the background of this video, as well as may others. CORRECTIONS - None yet, let me know if you spot anything! Thanks as always to Jane Street being my channel's principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Alex Hackman Susan Moury Alex DeMartino Malcolm Rowe Ben White Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming by Matt Parker Editing by Alex Genn-Bash Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Are odd-numbered mobius-loop cogs possible?

nWQwrU1qUrc | 17 Jul 2019

Are odd-numbered mobius-loop cogs possible?

More details about WiSE and WiTT Apply for WiSE: Women in STEM Education Apply for WiTT: Women in Trading and Technology Here is the reddit post I first saw: "I designed an Intertwined Mobius strip of Gears. 60parts, 285 balls" Just the gif: Thanks to ElminsCosplay for making the cogs for me! Check out their other stuff. If you really want to, you can buy my book: These are the lectures I mention: What Happens When Maths Goes Wrong? - with Matt Parker Matt Parker: "The Greatest Maths Mistakes" | Talks at Google This is my previous video with Sabetta: Exploring Hyperbolic Space with VR (and crochet) And check out Henry's crazy gears: Three Gears are Possible - Numberphile CORRECTIONS - When I read the poster I say that education works best when all the parts are “moving” instead of “working”. The first person to complain about this was Steven Brace. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks as always for Jane Street being my principal sponsor. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Andy Fernando Gaete Ferrari Daniel Brockwell Matt Langford Markus Herrmann Erin Eldridge Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

What's the story with log(1 + 2 + 3)?

OcTMBrUutfk | 14 Jun 2019

What's the story with log(1 + 2 + 3)?

This is my deep dive into the log(1 + 2 + 3) = log(1) + log(2) + log(3) log troll meme. I'm not going to link to any of the online discussions incase I accidentally encourage brigading. If you want to join in constructively, you can google them. Huge thanks to Jane Street for becoming my channel's principle sponsor. If you're curious, this is what they do: Ask them for a job here: We make Think Maths teaching resources to go with Stand-up Maths videos. For this one we have a worksheet of questions you can give your students before they watch the video. Plus I provide my excel file for the plot of the max values. CORRECTIONS - I mis-spoke and said "two" instead of "four" and "one" instead of "zero" but tried to fix both with titles in the edit. Sorry I did not have time to re-film it! - Yes, my camera autofocus is annoying. I swear it has broken somehow; I thought I'd set it up right this time. I think Jane Street might have to get me a new camera. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible. Here is a random subset: Michael Lehenbauer Richard Dickins Barry Salter Maksym Borodin James Williams Sarah Gerweck Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculator Number Trick: rectangle patterns

waqDoeQ0Ijw | 31 May 2019

Calculator Number Trick: rectangle patterns

Here is the original Fermat's Library tweet. If you want 100% renewable energy: check out Bulb! We make Think Maths teaching resources to go with Stand-up Maths videos. For this one we have a cheat sheet to an algebraic proof. Many people are asking for the gif. It’s available in different forms in various places online. Originally a homage to the Tim and Eric gif. From this video: The ticking sound in the video was from here. CORRECTIONS - I did not properly think through the hexadecimal example. I meant that any such digits on a base-10 calculator would give multiples of 11. On a true hexadecimal calculator you would get multiples of 17 (or any n+1 for base-n). First spotted by MasterHigure. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Igor Bogoslavskyi James Williams Magesh Jayapandian David Lake Chris W West Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Recursive PowerPoint Presentations [Gone Fractal!]

b-Fa6HtvGtQ | 17 May 2019

Recursive PowerPoint Presentations [Gone Fractal!]

Thanks to Steve Mould for filming with me. Check out his "How viruses self assemble" video. We have since made the t-shirt I'm wearing available for purchase: We have some free teaching resources for anyone who wants to make a large collaborative fractal! As well as complicated 3D ones we've made a new Think Maths "low-prep giant Sierpinski triangle" guide. The second channel video takes a closer look at the pptx file and the details of what version of PowerPoint you need to make this work. Tom Wildenhain has since made far more successful PowerPoint fractals than Steve and I were anywhere near. If you want to see the live An Evening of Unnecessary Detail show: it's once a month in London. Some technical details about the Cantor Set. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Simon Hutchings Philippe von Bergen Richard Fourie Alan Flett James Tanner Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions: Sound production by Peter Doggart Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Difference of Two Squares

LkIK8f4yvOU | 07 May 2019

The Difference of Two Squares

See more James Grime over on Singing Banana. He is also on some channel called Numberphile. We have some teacher notes and activity resources for this video on Think Maths. See if your students can find a better graphical proof for the case of 4k than we did! Spoiler: there is one. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Daniel Brahneborg Jan Strohbeck Marcel de Jong Thomas Kristian Hodnemyr Linus Törnqvist Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright Some maths by James Grime. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why didn't GPS crash?

iyz7dSnZItw | 12 Apr 2019

Why didn't GPS crash?

More on the GPS roll-over. "In the Future the Modernized GPS Navigation (CNAV and MNAV) message has a 13-bit week number, which for all practical purposes solves this ambiguity" See me turn on my TomTom: If you want to see more hilarious tales about roll-over errors then, well, READ MY BOOK. Get it from Maths Gear and be guaranteed a signed first edition hard back. But it is also available on Amazon. CORRECTIONS - Sorry: I used “overflow” to refer to when the value bursts into the adjacent memory as opposed to just rolling back to zero. But an overflow can simply mean it has rolled over. - I add the extra week bits to the wrong side of the number! Unbelievable. I even point to the other side of the screen in the video. Somehow I totally missed this until it was too late. I’m surprised loads of people are not pointing it out. So far only Kyle K has noticed. Good on you, Kyle. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Vojtěch Mělnický Fernando Gaete F. James Dexter Colin Williams Alan McNea Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

When Buildings Wobble: with Paul Shepherd

94WaOl2Actw | 04 Apr 2019

When Buildings Wobble: with Paul Shepherd

Watch the whole lecture on the Ri channel: You can buy my book now! Get it from Maths Gear and I'll totally sign it and stuff. But it is also available on Amazon. Thanks to Paul Shepherd from the University of Bath CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Jazzmanic Emily Dingwell Craig P Steffen Alan Flett Susan Moury Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: The t-shirt I'm wearing is "Woven" by Ugmonk. The discount code STANDUPMATHS should get you 10% off. Filming by the Ri Crew Editing by Sarah Dick Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Bayesian Statistics with Hannah Fry

7GgLSnQ48os | 29 Mar 2019

Bayesian Statistics with Hannah Fry

You can buy Hannah's great book Hello World from loads of places: Including signed copies on Maths Gear! My book Humble Pi is available signed on Maths Gear, as well as un-signed from all the usuals. SIGNED UNSIGNED The history of Thomas Bayes. All about the theorem named after them. Huge thanks to the current residents of the house who tolerated us running around and invading their weekend. All in exchange for two awesome maths books. Thanks to Ben Sparks for crafting the Geogebra animation of the surface. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet unless you count a slight continuity error with the door in the background. Let me know if you spot anything more serious than that! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Christian Schadewald Thomas Hodnemyr Richard Fourie Maksym Borodin Laura Dale Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Sound production by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright Runner and assistance by Max MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: NEW BOOKk: Nerdy maths toys:

Live Q + A with Matt Parker

aes29YXIrRk | 23 Mar 2019

Live Q + A with Matt Parker

Thanks for everyone in the live Q+A! Here is the link to buy Humble Pi: Support me on patreon and I'll make more videos: Check me out at position number 1! Subscribe to my channel and I'll do more live stuff! Thanks!

New Superpermutations Discovered!

_tpNuulTeSQ | 11 Mar 2019

New Superpermutations Discovered!

Join in the Superpermutation effort! The superpermutator google group:!forum/superpermutators Watch the full song in all its 25-minute glory or download it from Bandcamp: Details about the new superpermutation are on Greg Egan's website, along with the midi file: Here is the sheet music if that is your kind of thing: More with Helen talking about if we could play it on church bells. James Grime's Numberphile video: Superpermutations - Numberphile My previous superpermutation video: the maths problem solved by 4chan This is where Robin Houston does his real job: Flourish Data Visualisation My book is indeed out now! The Yamaha Disklavier was hired from the fantastic people at Markson Pianos. They were amazing at organising a last-minute hire. I now recommend them for all your piano needs. My book launch was organised by Jo Morgan. She has a teaching resources site! The book launch was supported by the fine people at Jane Street. CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: James Tanner Eric Sexton Maksym Borodin Joshua Frey Jim Fitch Brandon Steed Jon Ivy Paul LeVan Paul Jones Kevin Heidemann Mikko Kevin Mannon Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Pi Day 2019: calculating π with a balancing beam

S26_O2B8h8k | 07 Mar 2019

Pi Day 2019: calculating π with a balancing beam You can buy my book now! UPDATE: We are out of beam books! Behind the scenes video is here: Get it from Maths Gear and be guaranteed a signed first edition hard back. But it is also available on Amazon. For teachers (or anyone who would like some extra maths to do!) we have made an activity sheet about infinite series which give pi. Celebrate Pi Day this 14 March (the date is written 3.14 in some countries; good enough for me!). Check out the fantastic chalkdust magazine: CORRECTIONS - I’m not worrying about the bending of the beam bringing the forces slightly closer to the turning point. Just getting in before anyone brings it up. - People are upset I said torque instead of moment. I’m sorry. - People are upset I said “one over a fourth” instead of “one over four”. Technically I was wrong. But am TOTALLY NOT SORRY. - Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: David Wagner Bruce Patterson Andrew Jarvis Loren Thomas Thijs Raymakers Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: The t-shirt I'm wearing is "Woven" by Ugmonk. The discount code STANDUPMATHS should get you 10% off. Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Penguin Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Humble Pi: Los Angeles crime and Null Island

-g3iY0dMN_0 | 06 Mar 2019

Humble Pi: Los Angeles crime and Null Island You can buy my book now! Get it from Maths Gear and be guaranteed a signed first edition hard back. But it is also available on Amazon. The "About the Null island at 0°0'0" N 0°0'0" E" post I showed is from the GeoGarage blog: LAPD crime map article by the LA times: Natural Earth public domain map dataset: CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Patrick Woitala Jan Strohbeck Christian Gruber Sarah Gerweck Dave Bell Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Humble Pi: plane wrong

HYgqvapH7ak | 26 Feb 2019

Humble Pi: plane wrong Please pre-order my book! It's out 7 March 2019. Buy it from Maths Gear and be guaranteed a signed first edition hard back. But it is also available on Amazon. More on the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center mistake: More on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner mistake: CORRECTIONS - If you watch very closely: I misspoke twice while filming and fixed it in post. See if you can spot them! - Not a correction, but more of a fun fact: the plane that flies over me at the start is an A380. How amazing would it have been if it was a Boeing 787‽ - Nothing else found yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Clay Carter Markus Herrmann Kelly Havlik Euler James Tanner Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How fast is a bullet? [featuring: pendulum calculation]

IoYm8lcJQ0o | 22 Feb 2019

How fast is a bullet? [featuring: pendulum calculation]

Thanks to the Cambridge Engineering Department for building the pendulum. Much appreciation to Maria Kettle and Cambridge Engineering Outreach for organising the day. And Hugh was there. The Cambridge University Rifle Association were super helpful and let us take over their range for most of the day! Katherine Fleck was our expert shooter with infinite patience. If you have other suggestions for calculating the speed of a bullet: let me know! CORRECTIONS - At 3:17 the close-up shows the sliding box already taped to a piece of paper. I only noticed when uploading that we had used this shot from later in the day by accident. It should have been the shot of the box sliding off the pendulum platform. Our solution to fix this problem was to tape it to a piece of paper. - A few people have asked why we didn’t use a “chronograph”. We did actually use one which detects the movement of the bullet using infrared sensors. But the .22 bullet was too small to trip them. - People have commented that we didn’t need to use the equation for the period as we know the length of the pendulum and the value of g. But the period is really easy to measure accurately by letting the pendulum swing for ages. Length could be measured fairly accurately (guessing the centre of mass) but g would require an extra assumption. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Nicholas Main Julian Metzler Amanda Pagul Christopher Wilson Claire Greenhalgh Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Sound production by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: NEW BOOKk: Nerdy maths toys:

Bad Rounding: ⌊Trump vs Obamacare⌋

0X_Hqb7qkW4 | 14 Feb 2019

Bad Rounding: ⌊Trump vs Obamacare⌋ Please pre-order my book! It's out 7 March 2019. Buy it from Maths Gear and be guaranteed a signed first edition hard back. But it is also available on Amazon. Huffington Post article about 3.49 proposal: “According to sources privy to HHS discussions with insurers, officials would argue that since 3.49 “rounds down” to three, the change would still comply with the statute.” Contemporary report from the Schleswig- Holstein German election: CORRECTIONS - Not yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Kragar Tim Nichols Ben White Jan Strohbeck P Hammond Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Superpermutations: the maths problem solved by 4chan

OZzIvl1tbPo | 28 Jan 2019

Superpermutations: the maths problem solved by 4chan

Join in the Superpermutation effort! The best place to start is the google group:!forum/superpermutators This is where Robin Houston does his real job: Flourish Data Visualisation James Grime's video: Superpermutations - Numberphile A lower bound on the length of the shortest superpattern Anonymous 4chan Poster, Robin Houston, Jay Pantone, and Vince Vatter "The Haruhi Problem" More formally, "what is the shortest string containing all permutations of a set of n elements?" Archived 4chan post. If you don't know what 4chan is: click with caution. Nathaniel Johnston: "The Minimal Superpermutation Problem" Superpermutations by Greg Egan Robin's tweet: "A curious situation. The best known lower bound for the minimal length of superpermutations was proved by an anonymous user of a wiki mainly devoted to anime." LKH: Lin-Kernighan heuristic for solving the traveling salesman problem CORRECTIONS - Not yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Lucie Thomas Hodnemyr Euler Jordan Scales Håkan Johansson Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Happy Thirdsday: finding a third using only halves

NinrTW1Bx2Y | 03 Jan 2019

Happy Thirdsday: finding a third using only halves

Thirdsday was created (discovered?) by Jim Propp! Read his manifesto here: He's @JimPropp on Twitter: Here is James Tanton's video "How to Fold or Split Things into Thirds". Check out the Think Maths resources to help calculate the digits of a third! And Evelyn Lamb has done a great write-up about Thirdsday for Scientific American. The animation was by Lucas Vieira and you can read more about it at the end of Jim Propp's post. EVE HAD HIT MAX, FOR THE SLY OLD MAN MAX HAD HID HER PET CAT, MOG, AND SHE WAS SAD BUT SHE DID NOT CRY. By Hannah Fisher, 2018. CORRECTIONS - I totally missed a “FOR” in Hannah’s short story. Thank goodness the digits still worked! First spotted by JWB_. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Samuel Ytterbrink David Lake Lucas Werkmeister Mark Prince David Wagner Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

2019 facts in 2 mins 19 seconds

xEh4OaXeexU | 31 Dec 2018

2019 facts in 2 mins 19 seconds

Huge thanks to Inder Taneja for crunching the numbers. I asked for a few number facts: they produced a whole paper. Inder's work on their site: The full PDF: Here are text version you can copy of all the facts in the video: 2019 = (2×22+2/2)^2 −2−2−2 1+(1+1)^11 − (11−1)×(1+1+1) 9+(9999−9) / 9+9×99+9 (aaaaa−a)×(a+a)−a×aa / a×aa 1+2×34+5×6×(7×8+9) 98+7+65+43^2×1 −1×(2+3)+√[4^(5+6)]−7−8−9 √9+8−7+65×(4+3^(2+1)) (1+2)×(3!!−4!−5+6−7−8−9) 9+(8+7)×(6!/5−4−3−2−1) 0^3 + 1^8 + 2^7 − 3^9 + 4^6 + 5^4 + 6^2 + 7^5 + 8^1 + 9^0 1^4 + 2^4 + 3^4 + 5^4 + 6^4 √[1155^2 + 1656^2] CORRECTIONS - I've just noticed the descending square-root sequence still uses concatenation. Sorry. If you find a better version give me a shout. - Torin Storkey was the first to suggest the solution for zero is: 0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + … + 0! = 2019 - Let me know if you spot anything else! For the first time: I'm using the frame from the video youtube automatically picked as the default thumbnail. I can't do better than that. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Alan McNea Laura Brandon Steed Rick de Bruijne Alex Hackman Support my channel and I can make more maths videos: BUY MY BOOK! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How many calendars are there?

mrgN-tvg53I | 10 Dec 2018

How many calendars are there?

Humble Pi on Maths Gear: Get your free gift when you pre-order! Here it is on Amazon. And Waterstones why not! Right, now on to details about the actual video. All the photos of retro calculators are from this great website: My Calc DB I do not have permission to use the images for anything other than my own personal use. So no, I cannot sell you a copy of "Calculators of 1974". I'm sorry. Because it's amazing. 823 years on Snopes. CORRECTIONS - At 7:38 I say “400 days” when I mean “400 years”. First spotted by Jim Fortune. - User "SmackleFunky" spotted a typo in the above correction. Does that count as a video correction? I'm not sure. - I said 13 days when talking about England's calendar reform of 1752 when they actually skipped 11 days. Sorry! Wednesday 2 September was followed by Thursday 14 September. Spotted by macronencer. - Yes, I had “refor” above instead of “reform”. Another meta-correction! - Let me know if you spot anything else. Preferably in the video and not the corrections. Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Claire Greenhalgh Ben White Willy Marple Sjoerd Wennekes Quinten Palmer Support my channel and I can make more maths videos with a better camera that can hold focus and contrast levels. Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys: Nerdy maths toys:

Infinite DVD unboxing video: Festival of the Spoken Nerd

BnnmA2klBN8 | 05 Dec 2018

Infinite DVD unboxing video: Festival of the Spoken Nerd

BUY IT! If you think you know how we filmed this: comment below. I bet you're wrong. Filming a stand-up show (even without a stupid extra feature) takes untold effort and money, which foolishly we supplied all ourselves. So we'd love it if you could exchange money for a copy. Get the show from £π direct from on download, DVD or floppy disk. Floppy disk is a genuine unique-numbered disk from the full set of 227 it takes to store the show. Comes with a free HD download if you're a quitter! Or search on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Video, Xbox and YouTube Movies if you just want the show and you want it now. Sadly this is without the unboxing video as there was no easy way to add it to the main show. Which is partly why I put it up on my channel separately so no one misses out. Actually, the big feature of having it as a traditional DVD extra is that we could split it into two chapters and set the second chapter to loop. So while this version on youtube stops around 11 minutes, the DVD version will keep looping until the laser burns through the disc. It's just that versatile. Hey, and thanks for reading all of this description! I didn't get to add any chat to the main video so I'm putting it all down here. I appreciate you letting me vent. CORRECTIONS - The two seconds of black at the beginning is deliberate because it is the file directly from the DVD. I decided to not edit and recompress it but rather leave it exactly the same as what is on the disc. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Support my channel and I can make more maths videos and fewer unboxing videos. Concept and writing by Matt Parker Development and production by Helen Arney Assistance from Lucie Green Filming and editing by Pete Callow Programming and tech support from Seb Lee-Delisle Moral support from Steve Mould MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The equations behind my live spherical footage

UqtaKJQM_GM | 14 Nov 2018

The equations behind my live spherical footage

DVD, download and floppy disk available here: Please buy it! Watch the section of "You Can't Polish a Nerd" where I introduce the spherical camera: BONUS video with more spherical footage equations! Check out Aaron's github: Thanks to Dr Ken for juggling help! Spoken Nerd also sell t-shirts and a bunch of other stuff. If you're in or near the UK, check out our live shows. Here is a video I made with Henry ages ago about spherical footage: CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter DVD production by Mike O’Brien at Brian Productions Filming and editing of youtube video by Trunkman Productions Additional filming by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Stand-up comedy routine using a live spherical camera

pgyI8aPctaI | 06 Nov 2018

Stand-up comedy routine using a live spherical camera

DVD, download and floppy disk available here: Steve's video here: I make comedy shows about science with Festival Of The Spoken Nerd. Here's a clip from our latest show where I use maths to live manipulate spherical footage. We also sell t-shirts and a bunch of other stuff. If you're in or near the UK, check out our live shows. We sometimes travel. Including Alabama next week! Check out this video I made with Henry ages ago about spherical footage: CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter DVD production by Mike O’Brien at Brian Productions Filming and editing of youtube video by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to estimate a population using statisticians

MTmnVBJ9gCI | 15 Oct 2018

How to estimate a population using statisticians

Thanks so much to the Royal Statistics Society, and Jen Rogers in particular, for letting me come along and hang-out at the conference. RSS: JEN: Basic-level intro to capture-recapture sampling: And some advanced-level details about multi-capture: If you want to see my excel spreadsheet: here it is exactly as I saved it while filming. CORRECTIONS - Other than my estimations: no mistakes yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Ben White Paul LeVan Tyler Herrmann Christian Schadewald Mauro Cioni Laura Dale Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Vector: my new robot maths buddy

4ahdOqe5qBk | 12 Oct 2018

Vector: my new robot maths buddy

Find the Anki Vector of your dreams here: Vector is Anki’s first home robot with personality and they have sponsored this video and gave me a Vector (but I was free to make whatever video I wanted and state my unbiased opinions). So it’s technically #ad. And thanks to everyone at Anki for taking the time to answer my near-endless technical questions! I'm looking forward to getting Vector home and seeing how he settles in. If you are sick of what the engineers had to say want what to hear from marketing, here is an official list of Vector's features: Fully autonomous, cloud-connected and always-on, alive with personality, highly-intelligent, and aware of his surroundings through touch, sight and sound, entertaining and purposeful. #heyvector Thanks to Rob and Jen who put up with me inviting a robot to stay with us in Brooklyn (I think they secretly loved it). I was in New York to do Maths Inspirations shows for teenagers (and a few talks for adults: sorry if you missed them!). CORRECTIONS - I looked right at something which was obviously a watering can and called it a "tea pot". This is what happens when I'm away from England for too long. - I said that the rangefinder cannot be used on faces but should have said that is only because Vector cannot angle it up. If you put your face on the table it could safely and accurately calculate the distance to it. I know in the video I cover the option of you watching the video before 12 October. There was some delay in setting the video live and I didn't go back and edit that out. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright Exec Lucie Green MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Ordinals vs Cardinals (and how many algebraic numbers are there?)

pSSsZLTMDq0 | 26 Sep 2018

Ordinals vs Cardinals (and how many algebraic numbers are there?)

If you want to see the transfinite ordinals, then check out the Vsauce video "How To Count Past Infinity". Here is Simon Pampena's Numberphile video about algebraic and transcendental numbers. My personal favourite way to order and count the rationals. Watch James Grime show that the reals are uncountably infinite. Here's what Mathsworld has to say: Here is a good English translation of Cantor's 1874 paper "On a Property of the Class of all Real Algebraic Numbers". CORRECTIONS - The polynomial which first appears at 3:40 has "n+1" which should be "n-1". - Not all complex numbers are algebraic: only some of them are. I phrased this in an ambiguous way. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Susan Moury Bruce Patterson Derek Chandler Facundo Gonçalves Borrega Scott Robinson Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Does daylight savings kill people?

XZGs5Im9f8Q | 19 Sep 2018

Does daylight savings kill people?

Read the paper: "Daylight savings time and myocardial infarction" Pre-order Humble Pi on Maths Gear! You can also pre-order Humble Pi on Amazon: EU plans to scrap daylight savings: Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Nelson Emerson Alan Flett Everett Chouinard Ben White Jeremy Buchanan Support my channel and I can make more videos: CORRECTIONS - People are rather upset I say “savings” rather than “saving”. For which I am truly, deeply slightly sorry. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Making a physical Lissajous curve

4CbPksEl51Q | 14 Sep 2018

Making a physical Lissajous curve

Original tweet by Julio Mulero @juliomulero on 11 September 2018: Previous tweet by Vincent Pantaloni @panlepan on 20 January 2018: Download Vincent's Geogebra file: Here is my near-missajous excel file. Lissajous Curve on Mathworld. This is the turntable I used: Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: John Petrilli Yildiz Kabaran Alan McNea Wouter Dijkslag Scott Robinson Support my channel and I can make more videos: CORRECTIONS - Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

THE SCUTOID: did scientists discover a new shape?

2_NZ1ql8B8Y | 03 Aug 2018

THE SCUTOID: did scientists discover a new shape?

Read the Nature paper for yourself: "Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia" Thanks to Laura and Clara for helping me with the video! You can download Laura's model for free or order a print from Shapeways: Laura Taalman, James Madison University Clara Grima, University of Seville These are the shows I was doing in Sydney: But you can check out the Maths Inspirations shows in the UK: And we'll be in New York on 2 October 2018: Images of cells and stuccoed are all from "Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia". Voronoi demonstration is from here: Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Malcolm Rowe Rhys Johnson Brian Lynch Jade Bilkey John Lewis Support my channel and I can make more videos: CORRECTIONS - Yes, I pronounce it SCOO-toid, SCOW-toid, SCOE-toid etc. Sorry. It's new! I actually think ES-COE-TOID is the most correct. - Alex Sweeney noticed that when I describe a prism I say it has rectangle faced sides. But that is only true of right prisms, in general a prism has side faces which are parallelograms. When I later talk about prismatoids I realised I had to be more general and said the sides are faces with three or four edges. But I should have done that earlier. - Let me know if you spot anything! This video is not sponsored by Little Creatures Pale Ale or BBQ Shapes but I am totally open to suggestions. Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to detect bank fraud with maths

Kpl3BGYtY7g | 25 Jul 2018

How to detect bank fraud with maths

I chat to Daniel from the financial crime and security team at Monzo to talk about how they used maths to detect a data breach at Ticketmaster which exposed people to bank fraud. Here is their post about what happened: Thanks to both Daniel and the team of Monzo for letting me in the building and chatting about what they do. As stated in the video: I am a customer of Monzo but this video is not sponsored or supported by them. And extended edit of my chat with Daniel is available on my Patreon page. If you are a teacher and would like to show it to your students let me know and I'll give you the direct link. If you also have an interesting job which uses maths and will let me in your building for chat, do get in touch! If you're still at school, then study hard and one day you could have an interesting job which uses maths! Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset: Paul Bates Neil McGovern William Marple Jordan Scales Adam Scatchard Support my channel and I can make more videos: CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright Sound production by Peter Doggart MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Can animals predict the future? Meet Barry the Psychic Labrador!

KmjGQBNEayQ | 07 Jul 2018

Can animals predict the future? Meet Barry the Psychic Labrador!

Barry the Psychic Labrador has predicted an England win: Lilo the Psychic Basset Hound has predicted a Sweden win: This video was uploaded before the World Cup quarter-final: England vs Sweden on 7 July 2018. And Barry was right. BAAAAAARY! Check out the Psychic Pets project: The Psychic Pets site has been built by the fine webdevs at Danger Science Group. Send all Psychic Pet media enquires to [email protected] You can donate money to help keep the site going via PayPal: Or support me directly on Patreon: Or use this strange base-58 number: 195ucbJHh4NfxdMVjXKwFL9FzFkWFRM5fZ CORRECTIONS - Out of the 133 pets I had 6 missing photos, so I used stock images of the correct animal type. - I typo’d “Colombia” as “Columbia”. My theory is I was thinking of scientist “de Coulomb”. First spotted by Louis Baker, and no doubt soon by many many more people. - Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Stand-up Maths design by Simon Wright Psychic Pets design by Adam Robinson Barry did all their own stunts. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why do whole oranges float, but peeled oranges sink?

FF87hs1doiM | 06 Jul 2018

Why do whole oranges float, but peeled oranges sink?

Go check out the courses on Brilliant! Be one of the first n people (for n = 200) to sign-up for a free Brilliant account and get 20% off if you upgrade to paid membership. Here is the original QI tweet: "A whole orange will float on water, but a peeled orange will sink." Orange: 246.3g Peel: 97.9g Orange displacement: 231.2g Peel displacement: 109.4g Total Orange: 344.2g Total displacement: 340.6g If you make your own measurements with an orange: send them in to me! [email protected] CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who make these videos (and currently: projects to find psychic pets) possible. Here is a random subset: Lachlan Churchill William Clark Scott Rosenblatt Ivik Injerd David Kidd Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How many different World Cup results can a team have?

btcVNMA7hYI | 15 Jun 2018

How many different World Cup results can a team have?

Register your pet at Psychic Pets and start predicting the World Cup games! You can also donate money to help keep the Psychic Pet servers running! Via PayPal: Or support me directly on Patreon: Or use this strange base-58 number: 195ucbJHh4NfxdMVjXKwFL9FzFkWFRM5fZ Free teaching resources over here: Cases for the group stage are below or in this spreadsheet: OUTCOME POINTS EXAMPLE W, W, L 6 GAMES: B beats A A beats C A beats D B beats C D beats B D beats C Team_A L, W, W 6 IN Team_D L, W, W 6 OUT Team_B W, W, L 6 Team_C L, L, L 0 W, D, D 5 GAMES: A beats B A and C draw A and D draw C beats B D beats B C and D draw Team_C D, W, D 5 IN Team_A W, D, D 5 OUT Team_D D, W, D 5 Team_B L, L, L 0 W,D, L 4 GAMES: B beats A A beats C A and D draw B and C draw D beats B C and D draw Team_D D, W, D 5 IN Team_A L, W, D 4 OUT Team_B W, D, L 4 Team_C L, D, D 2 W, L, L 3 GAMES: B beats A A beats C D beats A C beats B D beats B D beats C Team_D W, W, W 9 IN Team_A L, W, L 3 OUT Team_B W, L, L 3 Team_C L, W, L 3 D, D, D 3 GAMES: A and B draw A beats C A and D draw B and C draw B and D draw C and D draw Team_A D, W, D 5 IN Team_B D, D, D 3 OUT Team_D D, D, D 3 Team_C L, D, D 2 D, D, L 2 GAMES: A and B draw A and C draw D beats A B and C draw D beats B D beats C Team_D W, W, W 9 IN Team_B D, D, L 2 OUT Team_A D, D, L 2 Team_C D, D, L 2 CORRECTIONS: - Right at the end I say 141 when I mean 142. - I said Australia didn’t get out of the group stage in 2014 World Cup but did in 2010. tbyrn21 has pointed out it was actually the 2006 World Cup when Australia last made it past the group stage! Feels like yesterday. - If you spot anything else let me know! The Psychic Pets site has been built by the fine webdevs at Danger Science Group. Send all Psychic Pet media enquires to [email protected] Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Stand-up Maths design by Simon Wright Psychic Pets design by Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Psychic Pets: can your pet predict the World Cup results?

tQiiaFE1e-Y | 12 Jun 2018

Psychic Pets: can your pet predict the World Cup results?

Register your pet at Psychic Pets and start predicting the World Cup games! If you'd like to help out with vetting the pet videos or translating the site, send me an email: [email protected] You can donate money to help keep the site going via PayPal: Or support me directly on Patreon: Or use this strange base-58 number: 195ucbJHh4NfxdMVjXKwFL9FzFkWFRM5fZ Huge thanks to Steve for bringing Django the Dog along. Do check out Steve's science channel; he also has some plans for the World Cup. And introducing Pablo the Wonder Chameleon (Pablo appears courtesy of Trunkman Productions). The Psychic Pets site has been built by the fine webdevs at Danger Science Group. Send all Psychic Pet media enquires to [email protected] Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Stand-up Maths design by Simon Wright Psychic Pets design by Adam Robinson MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Rug Puzzle: how many triangles?

HViA6N3VeHw | 04 Apr 2018

The Rug Puzzle: how many triangles?

This video sponsored by ME. I mean: MATHS GEAR. Buy my book. My original tweet that started the puzzle! Owner of the rug is Andris Bērziņš: @BerzinsAndris You can find it online here: Download the smaller rug grid: Hand working out was Calvin Stromwall: @Cstromw The code was from Edward Mróz: @inzmru Animation of the triangles moving around by Samuel Burch: @samisaburch If you think you have an answer: tweet (@standupmaths), comment (standupmaths) or email ([email protected]) me. CORRECTIONS - No mistakes spotted yet! Let me know if you see anything which is wrong or the puzzle needs additional clarification. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Kragar Tim Nichols Cubey Dean Fantastic Jonathan Anderson Support my channel and I can make more videos. Plus I clearly need a new camera. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Inside an Antimatter Factory

nkXwO5nrimw | 28 Mar 2018

Inside an Antimatter Factory

Check out Lucie’s tour of CERN on the Cosmic Shambles channel: If you are a physics kind of person and want to work or do a placement at CERN, go to: If you ask nicely anyone can visit CERN. This video is two in a series of three I filmed over there last year. Check out the first one where I go underground at CMS. The Quantum Theory of the Electron (Dirac, 1928) Quantised Singularities in the Electromagnetic Field (Dirac, 1931) Image of the anti-electron is from ‘The Positive Electron’ Carl D. Anderson, 1933 (page 5). CORRECTIONS - In the comments Chris Ørum has detailed the different between the two antimatter gravity experiments which are not all about the speed of the particles like I said. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Special thanks to Julia Woithe, Jeff Wiener, Benedetta Nirta and the team at CERN. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Polly Hammond Sebastian Robbins Daniel Dewhirst Anthony Allan Ben White Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Tuning Fork Mystery: an unexpected update

MdZ-vkfZS0I | 27 Mar 2018

The Tuning Fork Mystery: an unexpected update

Here is the original tuning fork mystery video. But some people could not get the frequency doubling to work. Now we think we have the start of an explanation. More updates to follow as Hugh and I investigate it further! Here those folks who are not sponsoring this video but did sponsor the previous one: CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who enable me to spend a day doing a lot of maths by hand. Here is a random subset: Elaine Hewitson John Lewis Andrew Mohlmann Cameron Ball Erwin Herrsche Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Tuning Fork Mystery: unexpected vibrations

NVUCf8mB1Wg | 23 Mar 2018

The Tuning Fork Mystery: unexpected vibrations

Check out the puzzles over on Brilliant! Use that URL to help support this video and save money off the paid premium Brilliant. There is a follow-up video to this one looking at some other strange vibrations viewers noticed. The Tuning Fork Mystery: an unexpected update Possibly over-qualified for this video, Hugh Hunt is a Cambridge University Reader in Engineering Dynamics & Vibration. See some of the fun stuff he does without me. Check out Mirko’s three-sided coin simulation here. All the links for the various three-sided coin resources are here. CORRECTIONS For the people who couldn’t get it to work at home: - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made these ridiculous projects possible. Here is a random subset: Jon Ivy Erin Cassie Jade Bilkey Laura Dale Samuel Ytterbrink Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to find a square root

Bwt5EZEb1Ns | 16 Mar 2018

How to find a square root

Here is the original π video: Watch the long version of the extra working out here: My calculation gave the square root of 10,005 to be 100.02499687578103 Compared to the true value of 100.0249968757810059447921878763577780015950243686963146571... CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who enable me to spend a day doing a lot of maths by hand. Here is a random subset: David McCarthy JR Derek Chandler Mauro Cioni Kevin Petrychyn James Tanner Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating π by hand: the Chudnovsky algorithm

LhlqCJjbEa0 | 14 Mar 2018

Calculating π by hand: the Chudnovsky algorithm

For Pi Day 2018 I calculated π by hand using the Chudnovsky algorithm. k = 0 42698672/13591409 = 3.141592|751... k = 0 and k = 1 42698670.666333435968/13591408.9999997446 = 3.14159265358979|619... Watch me do the second term working out on my second channel: See me do the entire final calculation again (without a mistake) on Patreon: Proof that I did actually do it properly: This was my attempt two years ago. Look at how much hair I had! The Chudnovsky Brothers used their algorithm to be the champion pi calculators of the early 1990s: going from half a billion to four billion digits of pi. This video was filmed at Queen Mary University of London. CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who enable me to spend a day doing a lot of maths by hand. Here is a random subset: Christopher Samples Sean Dempsey-Gregory Emily Dingwell Kenny Hutchings Rick de Bruijne Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How thick is a three-sided coin?

-qqPKKOU-yY | 23 Jan 2018

How thick is a three-sided coin?

Go check out the puzzles over on Brilliant! Use the URL above to help support this video and get 20% off the paid premium versions. Once you’ve done that: help us calculate the thickness of a three-sided coin! The bonus video explains how you can get involved. We expanded the audience participation aspect loads after we filmed the main video; which is why a whole second video was required. All the links for the various resources are over here. Here is the form to sign-up and ask nicely to borrow Hugh’s coins. Buy or print your own cylindrical coins. Report your data back to us. And if you are really bored, here is over an hour of Hugh and I flipping coins. Look, it was late at night. CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made these ridiculous projects possible. Here is a random subset: Edmund Harriss Mikko Manninen Magesh Jayapandian Sjoerd Wennekes Kelly Havlik Cameron Ball Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Dodecaplex: the puzzle from the fourth dimension!

fuEAVRc2Im0 | 11 Jan 2018

Dodecaplex: the puzzle from the fourth dimension!

Check out Dodecaplex on Maths Gear! Dodecaplex is based on the mathematics of Saul Schleimer and Henry Segerman. Henry Segerman Saul Schleimer You can read more about the maths behind Dodecaplex, and the wider family of Quintessence puzzles, in their paper “Puzzling the 120-cell”. As well as this puzzle, Henry has other amazing stuff on his Shapeways page. Watch my previous videos with Henry. All filmed during one mathematical journey to Edinburgh at the glorious Summerhall. The “Brilliant Geometry” one looks more at how 4D shapes are printed in 3D. Exploring Hyperbolic Space with VR (and crochet) Brilliant Geometry: a physical 3D zoetrope of a 4D cube CORRECTIONS - None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this series of videos with Henry possible. Here is a random subset: Christopher A Samples Morgan Phillips Laurus Schluep Mitchell Reid Eric Sexton Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Actual Mathematics of Popping Champagne Corks

xTcvl-kw9fU | 29 Dec 2017

The Actual Mathematics of Popping Champagne Corks

Thanks to Helen Czerski for making the video with me! Helen is physicist, oceanographer and broadcaster in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University College London. You should check out her book Storm in a Teacup. Watch the Helmholtz equation working out on my second channel: If you need a gif of the champagne cork popping you can download this one. Previously I used a spectrogram app to measure how fast a fidget spinner can move. I use the SpectrumView app, but there are loads of spectrogram apps out there. CORRECTIONS - There is a five-second audio glitch at 10:30 and a second at 15:31 when some wild reverb appears. - At 16:02 I got the “tempurature” spelling wrong! First spotted by planetsoccer99. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Sebastian Lykke Hansen Simon Hutchings Facundo Gonçalves Borrega Jarrad Huby Paul Bates Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Impossible Rubik's Cubes

PLAFNvxDPMw | 21 Dec 2017

Impossible Rubik's Cubes

Do check out the puzzles over on Brilliant! Use the URL above to help support this video and get 20% off the paid premium versions. Here is the second video with even more impossible cubes: If you now feel the need to own a Rubik’s cubes, head over to Maths Gear. Other cube shops are available. Also, did I mention Beginner’s guide to solving a Rubik’s Cube. Shout-out to the cubers subreddit. They love this stuff. CORRECTIONS - Annoyingly the video is interlaced. I spotted that after I’d finished filming and it was too late to fix it. It hurts me as much as it hurts you. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Jarod Boyd Mitchell Reid Magesh Jayapandian Sjoerd Wennekes Brian Lynch Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Matt Parker Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Stats of CERN: How many Higgs per second?

ZcB6FfAxKlY | 12 Dec 2017

Stats of CERN: How many Higgs per second?

Check out Lucie’s adventure around CMS on the Cosmic Shambles channel: This is the live feed of the LHC energies I was looking at: It's part of this larger portal which has all sorts of in-depth stats: This is the public-facing page for LHS statistics: Read all about the CMS detector. If you ask nicely it is possible to visit CERN yourself. CORRECTIONS - At one point I say “collisions” when I mean “crossings”. I fixed it in the onscreen text. - The figure I was given for distance to the collision point forgot the radius of the detector! Which is another 6m. So I was about 18m from the Higgs Bosons being produced. Let’s just call it “under 20m”. - Let me know if you spot any other mistakes! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Kevin Mannon Maksym Borodin Edmund Harriss Alasdair Lowe Anthony Allan Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Strictly Come Dancing is Strictly Unfair

ZoA0u66wcSs | 07 Dec 2017

Strictly Come Dancing is Strictly Unfair

Jen Rogers is a statistics researcher and lecturer at the University of Oxford. We chat about how the scoring system works on Strictly Come Dancing (“Dancing With the Stars” in the USA and other countries). The UK system for dealing with ties is unfair! Jen and I do Maths Inspiration shows together. We’re out doing The Curious Coincidence of Maths in the Daytime in Melbourne next February. Results from Judges votes Saturday 2 December 2017 Joint first: Alexandra & Gorka Joint first: Debbie & Giovanni Second place: Joe & Katya Third place: Mollie & AJ Joint last: Gemma & Aljaž Joint last: Davood & Nadiya After being combined with the audience rankings the bottom two were Alexandra & Gorka and Davood & Nadiya. But if the ties were done properly that could have been Gemma & Aljaž instead of Alexandra & Gorka. If you have a way to get us the data from the BBC, send me an anonymous email! [email protected] CORRECTIONS: - Shimassi and others have made very important points about how this system favours the public vote. Because a tie means the judges accidentally give extra points to the contestants they’re trying to rank at the bottom. This is my fault for not being clear enough. When we said things like “skewing it towards the judges” and “inflating the judges’s score” we are talking about there being more points being given. Not that the judges were getting their way. Sorry I did a bad job of talking about that and my language was not precise enough. Jen’s main example was that the contestant ranked top by the judges was unfairly moved to the bottom two (and into the dance-off) because the public got their way. In short: the audience can always penalise someone by given them one vote, the judges can’t always do that. Another interesting fairness metric is that someone top-ranked by the judges and bottom-ranked by the audience should be exactly equal to someone bottom-ranked by the judges and top-ranked by the public. But if there is a tie for the judges the audience choice gets an unfair advantage. - Others have pointed out (and David Heath sent a great email to me) that Strictly once had a system like what we describe but they got into trouble because people were paying to phone in and vote for a contestant when it was mathematically impossible for them to be voted out of the dance-off. And the BBC can’t have a phone-in competition if some votes cannot make a difference. This makes for an interesting set of criteria. The voting system needs to be fair, easy to explain to a TV audience and the audience vote is always able to move any given contestant out of the bottom two. Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible. Here is a random subset: Kyle Garner Patrick Stover Michael Tindall Yuval Nehemia Andrew Wieland Support my channel and I can make more videos: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Back to the Fax Machine

L4xOtyUgtZ8 | 21 Nov 2017

Back to the Fax Machine

Buy the download! Make some nerds happy! That's it really. I'm not sure what else to say. Uh, here's the whole Spoken Nerd shop I guess. I've also uploaded my scan of the Daily Express if you'd like to take a closer look at the moon fax. Fun story: I've been to the room at Jodrell Bank where this fax was printed. I do still get any faxes sent to that number, by the way. SO DON'T GET ANY IDEAS. VHS pause effect from here: CORRECTIONS None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters, of which here is a random five: David Bell Malcolm Rowe Richard Fourie ROUX Laura Dale Support my channel on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing of Just For Graphs by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

MENACE: the pile of matchboxes which can learn

R9c-_neaxeU | 14 Nov 2017

MENACE: the pile of matchboxes which can learn

See more data and check out what we changed on the second day (which caused MENACE to learn a different strategy) in the second video: Check out Matt Scroggs’s original blog post about MENACE and in the amazing Chalkdust magazine. Play against the online version of MENACE: This is the original 1961 “Experiments on the mechanization of game-learning” by Donald Michie. Thanks to Katie Steckles for organising our stall at the Manchester Science Festival and Antonio Benitez for giving us the space. The MENACE crew were: Alison Clarke, Andrew Taylor, Ash Frankland, David Williams, Katie Steckles, Matthew Scroggs, Paul Taylor, Sam Headleand and Zoe Griffiths Get your MENACE data here! CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible! Here are the random subset I read out during the video: Ben White Scott Robinson Nelson Emerson Amy Sandland Neil McGovern Support my channel and make more videos like this possible! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Audio mastering by Peter Doggart Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt & Hugh: the mystery of two balls in a can

oKY-s6IvZkE | 01 Nov 2017

Matt & Hugh: the mystery of two balls in a can

Dr Hugh Hunt is a Reader in Engineering at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. Watch Hugh and I calculate how fast a motorbike can go on a wall of death. CORRECTIONS: So far, none yet! Let me know if you spot anything. [And yes: I know the audio is not great. Sorry. Hugh's mic had a load of interference and then died. Better sound next time!] Thanks to my fine Patreon supporters for making this possible! Here is a random selection of five of them: Everett Chouinard Polly Hammond Joshua Freihaut Doug Jones Eric Sexton You can support me as well! Music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Maths toys:

Matt & Hugh: Euler Disk III, The Correctioning

XXcWQWO-uHg | 18 Oct 2017

Matt & Hugh: Euler Disk III, The Correctioning

Watch the rest of the Euler Disk Trilogy! - The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk - Matt & Hugh: The Euler Disk Which Spins Forever Thanks to Steven Mellemans and Sander Wildeman for emailing in with the correction. Dr Hugh Hunt is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. Euler Disks are available on Amazon, and probably other places: CORRECTIONS: So far, none yet! Let me know if you spot anything. So we can make Part 4. Thanks to my fine Patreon supporters for making this possible! Here is a random selection of five of them: Kelly Havlik Wouter Dijkslag Tianyu Ge Rhys Johnson Elaine Hewitson You can support me as well! Piano music is an original piece “The River” by Frode-5. All other music by Howard Carter Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Non-Euler-Disk maths toys:

All UK football road signs are wrong! Join the petition for geometric change!

btPqKAGyajM | 09 Oct 2017

All UK football road signs are wrong! Join the petition for geometric change!

Check out the petition here: Get your campaign tshirt: And we have made the design available to download for free so you can make your own badge, bumper sticker or billboard. Remember:the number of sides on a pentagon is prime issue. In related news: I’m currently on tour with Festival of the Spoken Nerd: spreading the good word about correct geometry to the people of the UK. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible! Here are a pseudorandom subset: Andrew Jarvis Amy Sandland Michael Tindall Peter Gerrard Simon Hutchings Ian Seymour Paul Bates Alasdair Lowe Adam Scatchard Elaine Hewitson Check out the Patreon bonus football sock footage here: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright Filming, editing, graphics by Matt Parker MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Postcards from backstage: Rob and the Anti-Monty-Hall Problem

AB-FA75Tm1I | 03 Oct 2017

Postcards from backstage: Rob and the Anti-Monty-Hall Problem

Katie’s postcard is here: Hugh’s postcard over here: More about Maths Inspiration shows for sixth formers: We have 2017 shows in Manchester, Winchester, London, Birmingham, Cambridge and Cardiff. I’m speaking at half of them. Which is a total of three shows. Not 1,008.5 shows. Maths Fest 2018 will also be in London and Birmingham: Check out Rob on Numberphile. Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters. Here is a random subset: Laurus Schluep Chris Roberts Kevin Petrychyn Erin Eldridge Ulrich Kempken CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Postcards from backstage: Hugh and the Wall of Death Units

b23i3NhFLDc | 28 Sep 2017

Postcards from backstage: Hugh and the Wall of Death Units

See Katie’s postcard here: Rob’s postcard over here: More about Maths Inspiration shows for sixth formers: We have 2017 shows in Manchester, Winchester, London, Birmingham, Cambridge and Cardiff. I’m speaking at half of them. No, that does not mean I am speaking at 1,008.5 shows. Ha ha everyone who suggested that last time. Maths Fest 2018 will also be in London and Birmingham: Check out more of Hugh’s videos. He has been on Stand-up Maths before, and will return again! Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters. Here is a random subset: Joshua Alan McNea Clément Brisset Susan Moury Sebastian Robbins CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! HONORARY CORRECTION: Yes, the audio is a bit rubbish. We were rushing around backstage filming during gaps in the show and messed-up the levels. Sorry about that! Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Postcards from backstage: Katie and Semi-Eulerian Graphs

dFvzUNMU1Lo | 25 Sep 2017

Postcards from backstage: Katie and Semi-Eulerian Graphs

See Hugh's postcard of death here: Rob’s postcard is over here: More about Maths Inspiration shows for sixth formers: We have 2017 shows in Manchester, Winchester, London, Birmingham, Cambridge and Cardiff. I’m speaking at half of them. More shows to come in 2018. Maths Fest 2018 will also be in London and Birmingham: Check out more of Katie’s videos. She is also on Numberphile. Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters. Here is a random subset: Alex DeMartino James Tanner Daniel Dewhirst David Wagner Patrick Woitala CORRECTIONS: - People have pointed out you cannot have a graph with only one odd node. This is indeed correct (or indeed any odd number of odd nodes). But we'd argue you definitely cannot draw over a graph which does not exist. Sorry for not being more explicit! - Let me know if you spot anything else! Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Coriolis Effect Test: two hemispheres, one sink

pdMZjssrAlk | 19 Sep 2017

The Coriolis Effect Test: two hemispheres, one sink

The Coriolis Effect Test: two hemispheres, one sink Disproven! The Coriolis Effect does not make the water drain out a sink anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern. Have you taken the same sink to both hemispheres? If so: send in your data to add to mine. Northern: Clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, clockwise. Southern: Anti-clockwise, anti-clockwise, clockwise, anti-clockwise, clockwise. SmarterEveryDay: The Truth About Toilet Swirl - Northern Hemisphere Veritasium: The Truth About Toilet Swirl - Southern Hemisphere Thanks to my Patreon supporters who made this possible! Here are a random subset: Ben White Jade Bilkey Scott Robinson Amy Sandland Mikko Manninen If you’re wondering how I transported the sink from one hemisphere to the other: that is covered in the Patreon behind-the-scenes footage for this week. Support me on Patreon for as little as $1.11 and get access to all bonus content. Huge thanks to Trent Burton who filmed the video in London, Simon Wright who filmed the Sydney footage and Jen Rogers who was the on-site runner and statistical consultant. Trent then nearly died trying to do the edit. The sink was donated to a recycling centre in Sydney. It was last seen by the front door of Reverse Garbage (Addison Road, Marrickville, NSW). If anyone wants to buy the sink, it may still be there! If anyone checks on the sink let me know if you find it or not. Last known photo of the sink: CORRECTIONS: - It sounds like I say "Dustin" at one point instead of "Destin", sorry about that. I got the wrong name wrong. - Let me know if you spot anything else! The photo of Earth was taken on 6 July 2017 by the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite. Image by NASA. Northern Hemisphere anti-clockwise storm is Hurricane Katrina from 2005. Image by NASA. Souther Hemisphere clockwise storm is Cyclone Debbie from 2017. Image by NASA. Training in the Fire by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Artist: Music by Howard Carter Design and filming by Simon Wright Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Additional help by Jen Rogers MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

What does i^i = ?

9tlHQOKMHGA | 12 Sep 2017

What does i^i = ?

Spoiler! Value for i^i is below. Enjoy some more e^iπ with 3blue1brown's first video: Plus the 2017 follow-up video with extra Group Theory: UPDATE: People have pointed out that I've been beaten to the video punch by blackpenredpen! They are also much more thorough about the multiple-value problem. If you don’t believe my value for i^i, I appeal to Wolfram Alpha. For those of you who just want to see the digits, here they are: i^i = 0.20787957635076190854695561983497877003387784163176960807513588305541987728548213978860027786542603534052177330723502180819061973037466398699991126317864120573171777952006743376649542246381929737430538703760051890663033049700519005556200475866205294351834431843455027479745344769934714172383230815271481800760921074192047151878353489584821890186029582331295662952070823409567696363742039451439394183861901080820897771751705004348176454751714529894341134142... CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my many Patreon supporters! Here is a subset: Christian Gruber Emily Dingwell Jeremy Buchanan Mauro Cioni Neil McGovern Support my videos on Patreon: If you’re a Patreon supporter of my channel, you can see the behind the scenes of how I filmed this. I didn’t have much time to film so I used my quick-filming studio set-up. New studio renovations are on their way! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Raising of Chicago: the windy city

eHN7OJuVgXA | 28 Aug 2017

The Raising of Chicago: the windy city

I had a great time in Chicago. Thanks to everyone who made it such a fantastic trip. Here’s the page on my website for speaking at conferences etc: Rising Chicago timeline: 1830: Population below 100 1850s: Population around 100,000 1856: Sewer built above street level 1858: First building raised 1860: Half a block of buildings raised at once 1861: Tremont House hotel raised with guests inside 1871: Great Chicago Fire I did enjoy my trip to the Chicago History Museum and the staff were very helpful. This was the best online guide to the raising of Chicago which I found. This is also a good read. The quote from David Macrae is from the second volume of The Americans at Home on pages 190 and 191. See the Edison video (actually filmed by William Heise and James H White) at the Library of Congress. “Corner Madison and State Streets, Chicago” Photo of screw jack taken by Johnalden. CORRECTIONS: Two slight additions below. Let me know if you spot anything else. - I regret not adding metric conversions in subtitles. I was describing a historical engineering feat which was all done in feet but wish I'd pasted the metric values on-screen. - I did not mention how the screw jacks got under the buildings to start with! I assume they just took them into the basement and began lifting from there. Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: Doug Jones Andrew Mohlmann Clément Brisset Michael Tindall Joshua Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Exploring Hyperbolic Space with VR (and crochet)

MTfviv_aZYI | 28 Jul 2017

Exploring Hyperbolic Space with VR (and crochet)

Details about Sabetta and the hyperbolic VR project (with links to code) can be found here: Madeleine Shepherd makes some great mathematical objects out of yard and fabric. Check out Henry’s shapes on shapeways. Watch my previous video with Henry. And Henry’s written a book about Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing. Filmed with the kind support of the Summerhall in Edinburgh. Sorry some of the audio is a bit sketchy. We had a corrupted card in the main audio recorder and so had to piece bits together from the back-up recordings. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: Eric Sexton Malcolm Rowe Jörgen Englund David Wagner Fredrik Petrini Support my videos on Patreon: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Brilliant Geometry: a physical 3D zoetrope of a 4D cube

LOVzytir7bM | 19 Jul 2017

Brilliant Geometry: a physical 3D zoetrope of a 4D cube

Check out Henry’s shapes on shapeways. And he’s written a book about this stuff: Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing Huge thanks to the University of Warwick for supporting the Brilliant Geometry exhibition and University of Edinburgh for hosting it. More details about it here. Peter Reid built the Zoetrope, here is his FUSION page. If you’re a Patreon supporter of my channel, you can see under the hood of the zoetrope. The Brilliant Geometry was a also collaboration with the fantastic Saul Schleimer. The exhibition was held in the Summerhall in Edinburgh but is no longer on. I mean, the Summerhall is still there doing cool stuff but Henry and Saul have packed-up their shapes and gone home. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: Susan Moury Andrew Wieland Sebastian Robbins Mauro Cioni Phyphor Support my videos on Patreon: Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Speed Rubik's Cubing for drunk people

r4dUCsse6_A | 14 Jul 2017

Speed Rubik's Cubing for drunk people

World Rubik's Cube record holder Feliks Zemdegs solves Rubik's Cubes in under 10 seconds for drunk Australians. Matt and Feliks were at The Imperial Hotel on Bourke Street, Melbourne. It’s an awesome pub with great staff. Learn to speed cube with Feliks! Or if you are a beginner: start you Rubik's journey here. Buy yo'self a speed cube! Watch Feliks and Matt chat with Robin Ince. Here is Matt’s extended interview with Feliks. Feliks uploads his Rubik's World Records to his channel. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: David Bell Alex Hackman Anthony Allan Erin Eldridge Robert Sundling Support my videos on Patreon: Download the Stand-up Maths theme song for free! Filming by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Rolling Shutter Explained on the Cheap

nP1elMR5qjc | 12 Jul 2017

Rolling Shutter Explained on the Cheap

My low-budget and minimal-effort version of Destin’s Smarter Every Day video: The python code I wrote is on github. Someone has already made a better version of the code with a nicer interface! Check-out the behind the scenes of how Destin made his video. So. Much. Effort. You can download the image of the colour propellors I printed. Bursting balloon shadow photo is from here. And Richard Wiseman featured the bursting balloon on his blog. Piano music is an original piece “One Hundred Reasons” by Frode-5. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: Laura Dale Jade Bilkey Tim Davies William Marple Yuval Nehemia Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt meets Feliks Zemdegs: Rubik's Cube World Champion

uhuqp7CVmxw | 06 Jul 2017

Matt meets Feliks Zemdegs: Rubik's Cube World Champion

I was in Melbourne in April 2017 and so I dropped by to have a chat with Feliks Zemdegs: the perpetual Rubik's Cube World Champion. We talk about his recent 4.73 second record-breaking solve, how solving other types of Rubiks puzzles are different (Megaminx, 4×4, 5×5 etc) and how fast he thinks the world records can get. If you want to learn speed cubing: Feliks has a website with tutorial videos! Or buy yourself a speed cube. Check out Feliks’s 4.73 second solve sat next to Mats Valk. He puts videos of his new records up on his channel (including his new 3×3 average record of 5.97 seconds). His dad also has a channel! Here is the video of when I went to a cubing comp. And my interview with Mats Valk. Current list of Rubik’s World Records: CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything (other than records which have since been broken and so the ones mentioned in the video are no longer true). Thanks to my many Patreon supports! Here is a subset: Tianyu Ge Samuel Ytterbrink Philippe von Bergen Ben White Adam Scatchard Support my videos on Patreon: Filming by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How fast is a Fidget Spinner?

OWCAlJ1vsqc | 02 Jun 2017

How fast is a Fidget Spinner?

Use some mathematics to work out how fast a Fidget Spinner spins. In fidgets/second. Follow-on video by Steve Mould: Maths and science teachers: please do torment your students with this experiment. All they need is a Fidget Spinner and a phone; the two things they refuse to be without. I used the SpectrumView app, but there are loads of spectrogram apps out there. The audio the spectrogram recorded is here whynot. This is the plot on the spectrogram screen showing the max frequency. Thanks to Hugh Hunt for his help with this video. He showed me how to measure speed with a spectrogram. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

UK Rubik’s Cube Championship 2016 PART II

ndEVnYhCMzo | 26 May 2017

UK Rubik’s Cube Championship 2016 PART II

If you missed PART I it’s here. Here are some resources I made to learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube, but there are loads more on youtube. This video features Katie Steckles who has more videos on youtube. Buy yourself a speed cube. You deserve it. To find your local Rubik’s Comps, check out the World Cube Association. Here is my official WCA world ranking. Which means there are only about 60,000 people who are better at the Rubik’s Cube than me! This video is completely thank to my Patreon supporters, of which a strict subset is: Clément Brisset Timothy Lombard Brandon Connors PhotonBurst CORRECTIONS: - At 4:09 I say "Rubik's Square" instead of the actual name of that puzzle: "Square 1". First spotted by Quinson Hon. Let me know if you spot anything else! Support my videos on Patreon: Video by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

UK Rubik’s Cube Championship 2016 PART I

NzfSombRHIM | 22 May 2017

UK Rubik’s Cube Championship 2016 PART I

Watch Part II and see who won! To find your local Rubik’s Comps, check out the World Cube Association. This UK comp was held in Bristol in November 2016. Detail are on the UKCA site. Here is my official WCA world ranking. Which means there are only about 60,000 people who are better at the Rubik’s Cube than me! Here are some resources I made to learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube, but there are loads more on youtube. Buy yourself a speed cube. You deserve it. This was the first video project I was able to do because of my Patreon supporters. Thanks so much everyone! It’s taken a while to get it out because it was a complicated edit (we filmed a lot of stuff) and other videos kept taking priority. But here it is now. You all made it possible. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Support my videos on Patreon: Video by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating the optimal sphere packing density: with oranges

3inLMXcetUA | 11 May 2017

Calculating the optimal sphere packing density: with oranges

Check out the corresponding video I made with Steve Mould for his channel. Thomas Hales’s proof of the Kepler Conjecture. The Kepler Conjecture on wikipedia. Cubic Close Packing on Mathworld. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Alphamagic vs Letterwise Magic Squares

QFDmtjNiwSE | 05 May 2017

Alphamagic vs Letterwise Magic Squares

Behold! Another slightly disappointing magic square. Free tickets for my patreon supporters! Pre-Order the DVD/download: Or come see the live recording: Futility Closet: “Words and Numbers” Martin’s tweet. Alphameric squares on mathworld. Alphameric squares on wikipedia (how did I miss this‽) "the most fantastic magic square ever discovered" A Gardner's Workout, 2001 Read Lee Sallow talk about his work in 1986. His up-to-date website. The search continues! My video from MathsJam. The Numberphile video about the Parker Square. CORRECTIONS: - I say “the authors” by accident when talking about A Gardner’s Workout when I meant “the author”. Specifically: the Martin Gardner. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Brick Balancing Challenge

rXvaCy8PMdE | 27 Mar 2017

The Brick Balancing Challenge

How far can you make a tower lean? Bricks optional. Lower-mass cuboids should work just as well. Previous brick video: The Brick Double-Domino Effect Explained Try to keep the comments spoiler free! But I do not mind calculations for how far a specific number of bricks will reach. If you have in-depth working-out (or a video of you building a tower) which would would like to share: email it over. [email protected] I will do a follow-on video eventually. Support me on Patreon and help me make follow-on videos quicker. CORRECTIONS - None yet! Let me know if you spot any. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Brick Double-Domino Effect Explained

EYkBctqyKic | 20 Mar 2017

The Brick Double-Domino Effect Explained

If you use bricks as dominoes: you get a second wave going in the opposite direction. Watch the original brick domino video here: I think that is the original upload. If anyone finds a better one, please do let me know. Support me on Patreon and help me make more videos like this. CORRECTIONS - The overlap length should be 21 - √(21² - 6²) = 0.875 cm not the incorrect √(21² + 6²) - 21 = 0.84 cm I show on-screen. First spotted by Daryl Adriano. - A correction to my masonry terminology! What I called the width is actually the height of a brick (which makes sense given the orientation bricks are normally laid). The width is the third dimension: how far into the wall they reach. Thanks to Doodle Vids. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Generating π from 1,000 random numbers

RZBhSi_PwHU | 13 Mar 2017

Generating π from 1,000 random numbers

Watch me calculate pi by rolling 1,000 random numbers on two d120 dice. All in the name of celebrating Pi Day 2017. You can watch all 500 rolls of the dice! Here are some proofs that the probability of two random integers being coprime is 6/π². Download the spreadsheet I make at the end. You can buy d120 dice from Maths Gear. Here’s a nice summary of the Basel Problem from Plus Magazine. While we’re talking about the Basel Problem: I cover it in my book. You know, just in case you were wondering. Support me on Patreon and help me make more videos like this. CORRECTIONS - At 12:28 I say that 63 is 3 × 31 when it is of course 3 × 21. Spotted by Nathan James. - Let me know if you spot any more! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Recreating Asteroids with Lasers

FkHjG759ABY | 07 Mar 2017

Recreating Asteroids with Lasers

Thanks to Seb Lee-Delisle for recreating the Asteroids vector graphics with his massive laser. Here’s his site: Of course he’s on Github, where you can find out more about controlling lasers with computers: Everything was filmed in the Four Quarters, Peckham (SE15 4TP), London. Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions. Cheers to my Patreon supporters for making this possible! Mentioned in the video: William Marple Paul Bates Rhys Llewellyn You can support me on Patreon as well! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Measuring the Berlin TV Tower with a ruler

yadjZTBDSR4 | 01 Feb 2017

Measuring the Berlin TV Tower with a ruler

Watch me try to calculate how tall the Berlin TV Tower is using a ruler! Berlin also being a great reminder that dividing walls are a terrible idea. Info about the Berlin Fernsehturm TV Tower: If you want to try this, you can check what direction the sun will be shining at any location and for any date/time:,13.4094,16/2017.01.27/14:00 Thank you to Gherardo for lending me a saw while I was in Berlin! CORRECTIONS: None yet, but I’m sure there will be. And if anyone wants to calculate my actual error bars: please do! Thanks to my patreon supporters! Here are a few by name: Neil McGovern Amy Sandland Jade Bilkey Joshua Capel Adam Scatchland Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

17 Number Facts about 2017 in 2:17

z6jMU-AwX34 | 31 Dec 2016

17 Number Facts about 2017 in 2:17

Here are all the facts and references! FACT 01: It’s a prime number Last: 2011, Next: 2027 FACT 02: Has a digit sum 10 Last: 2008, Next: 2026 Add them up yourself! FACT 03: Has 11 distinct letters Last: 2009, Next: 2019 Here they are: adehnostuvw FACT 04: No letters in common with “Prickly fig” Last: 2010, Next: 7000 Look, none of these: cfgiklpry FACT 05: It is the sum of two squares Last: 2009, Next: 2018 9^2 + 44^2 FACT 06: Prime one more than multiple of 4 Last: 1997, Next: 2029 These are called Pythagorean Primes. FACT 07: Prime one more than multiple of 8 Last: 1993, Next: 2081 FACT 08: Prime one more than a multiple of 16 Last: 1889, Next: 2081 FACT 09: Prime one more than a multiple of 32 Last: 1889, Next: 2081 FACT 10: “2017” is a prime in base 8 Last: 2011, Next: 2111 In base 8, 2017 is 1039. FACT 11: Prime of the form a^2 + b^4 Last: 1777, Next: 2069 FACT 12: I turn a prime age in a prime year Last: 2011, Next: 2027 It’s just one of those things I keep track of. FACT 13: Number n such that both n and (n+1)/2 are primes Last: 1993, Next: 2137 FACT 14 Lower prime of a difference of 10 between consecutive primes Last: 1879, Next: 2029 Here is a list of the largest gaps: FACT 15: Smallest palindrome greater than n in bases n and n+1 Last: 1892, Next: 2146 Other numbers are smaller in other pairs of bases. 2017 is the smallest for bases 31 and 32. 232 in base 31, 1v1 in base 32 (v=31) FACT 16: It's not 2016 Last: 2015, Next: 2018 A calendar. FACT 17: Number of permutations of n elements not containing the consecutive pattern 123 Last: 349, Next: 13,358 CORRECTIONS: - At 1:50 I accidentally say "prime" when I mean "palindrome". First spotted by Oliver Feghali. - I accidentally gave the prime gap after 1327 as the number of non-prime years in-between (33) and not the increase to the next prime (34) like I did for all the others. Sorry, that was me combining two bits of research without thinking! I should have spotted the jarring mismatch of odd and even intervals and realised I was not bring consistent. Pointed out by loads of people, the first of which was TheActualNuttmegger. - The 22 year prime gap ended in the 1970s, not started then (1951 to 1973). Spotted by Scottish Chemist. - For fact 17, it is actually the permutations for n=7, not 8; caught by trigonzobob. The permutation conditions are also more complicated that I managed to explain as well ("without double falls"). Check out - Let me know if you spot anything else. Thanks to my patreon supporters! Here are a few mentioned by name: Sjoerd Wennekes Kragar Daniel Wilson-Nunn Samuel Ytterbrink Everett Chouinard Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to make an edge-coloured origami dodecahedron

TV7sbaffuNo | 26 Dec 2016

How to make an edge-coloured origami dodecahedron

Check out Skillshare: Using the code STANDUPMATHS you can get two months of the premium version for free (which is normally from $8 USD per month). Go straight to the origami star lesson: Download my two colourings of the dodecahedron graph. The site “What’s on my blackboard?” has a great post on colouring dodecahedra, which I found very useful. Here is the Petersen Graph on wikipedia. So far I have been sent ZERO solutions to the “Why those six pentagon edge-colourings” challenge. Watch this space! CORRECTIONS - I sometimes say things like “three colouring” without specifying that I’m talking about colouring the edges, not the vertices (which are the default option). But I hope it is clear from context. - Let me know if you spot any other errors! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Curious Incident of the Maths in the Stage-show: Part 2

shQnyNlgmkc | 21 Dec 2016

The Curious Incident of the Maths in the Stage-show: Part 2

This is Part 2 of 2. Watch the first video: If you want to see the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, in London or on tour, details are here: Huge thanks to the National Theatre for giving me access to their sets and staff. And specifically to Bunny Christie, Alan Bain and Adrian Sutton for giving up their time. Thanks to the Further Maths Support Programme for supporting this video. We have now finished our run of “The Curious Coincidence of the Maths in Day-time” shows for school students, but we are always doing more Maths Inspiration shows around the UK (and sometimes internationally). I normally have exclusive bonus-footage which is only released to my supporters on Patreon, but because it’s almost christmas I’m going to make the extra treat from this video available to everyone. Support my videos on Patreon: Filming by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Curious Incident of the Maths in the Stage-show: Part 1

8hsZm1BD_j8 | 21 Dec 2016

The Curious Incident of the Maths in the Stage-show: Part 1

This is Part 1 of 2. Watch the second video: If you want to see the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, in London or on tour, details are here: Huge thanks to the National Theatre for giving me access to their sets and staff. And specifically to Bunny Christie, Alan Bain and Adrian Sutton for giving up their time. Thanks to the Further Maths Support Programme for supporting this video. We have now finished our run of “The Curious Coincidence of the Maths in Day-time” shows for school students, but we are always doing more Maths Inspiration shows around the UK (and sometimes internationally). I normally have exclusive bonus-footage which is only released to my supporters on Patreon, but because it’s almost christmas I’m going to make the extra treat from this video available to everyone. Support my videos on Patreon: Filming by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Numbers in Dice Stacking and Balancing

pF8goco4ix0 | 20 Dec 2016

The Numbers in Dice Stacking and Balancing

Behold the 120-sided dice, the d120: Of course, the d120 is available on Maths Gear! Here is the numerically balanced d20 as well. If you’re in the USA, it might be easier to buy direct from the Dice Lab guys via MathArtFun. All of their unique dice are available here: If you’re quick, get one of the free dice from the video! UPDATE: They are all gone! Read the mathematics behind finding the numerically balanced d20: This is a spreadsheet with the numbers for all 15 different d6 dice. Or the numbers are pasted below. Here are my previous spherical videos with Henry Segerman: A NOTE ON NOTATION: I deliberately say “dice” instead of “die”. That’s my personal preference. However, I accidentally flip between “vertex” and “vertices” for the singular of “vertices”. Sorry about that. CORRECTIONS: - The top middle dice in the diagram accidentally has two 5s and no 4. The opposite facing face pairs should be (2,1) (3,6) (4,5). First spotted by Haxxx5, followed by Sam. - Let me know if you spot any more mistakes! THANKS: Thanks to Jared Ro Bear who originally emailed me about spin-down dice. Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters, a subset of which are: Patrick Stover Malcolm Rowe Caitlin Mosca Doug Jones Philippe von Bergen Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys: Numbers on dice Sum around vertices Vertex variance Opp faces sum Opp variance (2,1) (3,4) (5,6) [9,10,10,10,11,11,11,12] 0.75 [3,7,11] 10.67 (2,1) (3,5) (4,6) [8,10,10,9,12,11,11,13] 2.25 [3,8,10] 8.67 (2,1) (3,6) (4,5) [8,11,9,9,12,12,10,13] 2.75 [3,9,9] 8 (3,1) (2,4) (5,6) [8,10,9,10,11,12,11,13] 2.25 [4,6,11] 8.67 (3,1) (2,5) (4,6) [7,10,9,9,12,12,11,14] 4.25 [4,7,10] 6 (3,1) (2,6) (4,5) [7,11,8,9,12,13,10,14] 5.25 [4,8,9] 4.67 (4,1) (2,3) (5,6) [8,9,9,11,10,12,12,13] 2.75 [5,5,11] 8 (4,1) (2,5) (3,6) [6,9,9,9,12,12,12,15] 6.75 [5,7,9] 2.67 (4,1) (2,6) (3,5) [6,10,8,9,12,13,11,15] 7.25 [5,8,8] 2 (5,1) (2,3) (4,6) [7,8,9,11,10,12,13,14] 5.25 [6,5,10] 4.67 (5,1) (2,4) (3,6) [6,8,9,10,11,12,13,15] 7.25 [6,6,9] 2 (5,1) (2,6) (3,4) [6,10,7,10,11,14,11,15] 8.25 [6,8,7] 0.67 (6,1) (2,3) (4,5) [7,8,8,12,9,13,13,14] 6.75 [7,5,9] 2.67 (6,1) (2,4) (3,5) [6,8,8,11,10,13,13,15] 8.25 [7,6,8] 0.67 (6,1) (2,5) (3,4) [6,9,7,11,10,14,12,15] 8.75 [7,7,7] 0

The Mathematics of Winning Monopoly

ubQXz5RBBtU | 08 Dec 2016

The Mathematics of Winning Monopoly

I talk to Hannah Fry and compare our mathematical investigations into playing Monopoly. I’ve put all my probabilities below. You can buy a signed copy of Hannah's book on Maths Gear: In the UK you can also get it from Waterstones: There is a Kindle edition on Amazon: You can download all of my monopoly code here: Here are Hannah’s plots: CORRECTIONS: - I said the game has “finite money” but Chuck Monster has correctly pointed out that the official Monopoly rules state "It [the bank] never runs out of money; if it runs out of bills, players can use any convenient items as substitutes until the bank gets enough money." Support my videos on Patreon: Filming by Trunkman Productions Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys: BEHOLD MY NUMBERS! From 100,000,000 rolls. 00 2.854% - GO 01 2.109% - Old Kent Road/Mediterranean Avenue 02 1.919% - COMMUNITY CHEST 03 2.261% - Whitechapel Road/Baltic Avenue 04 2.404% - Income Tax 05 2.757% - Kings Cross Station/Reading RR 06 2.317% - The Angel Islington/Oriental Avenue 07 1.017% - CHANCE 08 2.308% - Euston Road/Vermont Avenue 09 2.278% - Pentonville Road/Connecticut Avenue 10 6.325% - JAIL 11 2.719% - Pall Mall/St. Charles Place 12 2.61% - Electric Company 13 2.395% - Whitehall/States Avenue 14 2.477% - Northumberland Avenue/Virginia Avenue 15 2.804% - Marylebone Station/Pennsylvania RR 16 2.8% - Bow Street/St. James Place 17 2.62% - COMMUNITY CHEST 18 2.94% - Marlborough Street/Tennessee Avenue 19 3.096% - Vine Street/New York Avenue 20 2.868% - Free Parking 21 2.839% - The Strand/Kentucky Avenue 22 1.212% - CHANCE 23 2.731% - Fleet Street/Indiana Avenue 24 3.197% - Trafalgar Square/Illinois Avenue 25 2.897% - Fenchurch St Station/B&O RR 26 2.719% - Leicester Square/Atlantic Avenue 27 2.689% - Coventry Street/Ventnor Avenue 28 2.821% - Water Works 29 2.601% - Piccadilly/Marvin Gardens 30 0% - GO TO JAIL 31 2.675% - Regent Street/Pacific Avenue 32 2.616% - Oxford Street/North Carolina Avenue 33 1.116% - COMMUNITY CHEST 34 2.494% - Bond Street/Pennsylvania Avenue 35 2.553% - Liverpool Street Station/Short Line 36 2.239% - CHANCE 37 2.085% - Park Lane/Park Place 38 2.086% - Luxury Tax 39 2.552% - Mayfair/Boardwalk

Stand-up comedy about Equations That Correspond to Vortex Motions (aka "smoke rings”).

Bcr9-93wXng | 28 Nov 2016

Stand-up comedy about Equations That Correspond to Vortex Motions (aka "smoke rings”).

From our Festival of the Spoken Nerd show “Full Frontal Nerdy”. Available here: And these places. ITUNES: GOOGLE PLAY: AMAZON VIDEO: Our show in London at the Soho Theatre will be the 11 to 21 January 2017. Full details and tickets: Our complete listing of up-and-coming shows: CORRECTIONS: - This is a re-upload with the "Slightly Safer For Schools Soundtrack" audio track from the DVD for class use (the censoring is deliberately blatant/badly done). It takes out one naughty word! Support my videos on Patreon: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

MathsJam 2016: Letterwise Magic Squares

cZ1W1vbuYuQ | 14 Nov 2016

MathsJam 2016: Letterwise Magic Squares

This is my five-minute talk from the MathsJam Conference 2016. There are monthly Mathsjams as well all around the world, check them out here: The seven-colour mug is on Maths Gear: All seven Letterwise Magic Squares which I found are below, please do let me know if you find any more! Two which sum to 45 and have 21 letters in every direction: 8 19 18 25 15 5 12 11 22 5 22 18 28 15 2 12 8 25 (this is the one with unique letter lengths) Two which sum to 162 and 165 with 27 letters: 44 61 57 67 54 41 51 47 64 45 62 58 68 55 42 52 48 65 Three which sum to 135 with 27 letters: 42 72 21 24 45 66 69 18 48 18 69 48 75 45 15 42 21 72 15 72 48 78 45 12 42 18 75 CORRECTIONS: None yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

New Rubik's Cube World Record! 4.74 seconds (interview and breakdown)

VEsFoinLHrk | 11 Nov 2016

New Rubik's Cube World Record! 4.74 seconds (interview and breakdown)

New Rubik’s Cube World Record! 4.74 seconds. I have a chat with Mats Valk about his record-breaking solve. Plus a break-down of how he actually did it. UPDATE: The Valk 3 cube is back in stock on Maths Gear after the original stock sold-out within an hour. Watch the video on his channel here: Check out his Facebook: Thanks the people on r/Cubers for the info on the scramble and solve. Scramble: B2 F2 D F2 L2 U R2 B2 F2 U2 L2 B' L2 R2 D' U2 L2 U' R' F R Green cross: L' D R2 First pair: R U' R' U' L' U' L Second pair: U2 R U R' U' d' R U R' Third pair: y U2 R U' R' L U' L' Four pair, sort of: y' U2 R' U2 R U2 Last layer: R' U R' F R F' U R Bonus twist: U Support my videos on Patreon and get access to bonus content. In this case: the full 30 minute chat I had with Mats is available to patreon supporters. CORRECTIONS: - People have pointed out (first person was Anurag Lamsal) it is not the fastest solve by a human, just the fastest official solve. There are videos of people solving cubes faster at home. Looking at you, Feliks. - Let me know if you spot anything else! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The bridge which is measured in smoots

-scs_yF59YE | 31 Oct 2016

The bridge which is measured in smoots

1 smoot = 67 inches = 1.7018 metres Read more about Oliver Smoot: Google: "speed of light in smoots per second" Wolfram Alpha: "distance to the sun in smoots" CORRECTIONS: - I accidentally said the speed of light was 1.672 * 10^8 smoots/second when it is actually 1.762, but thankfully the on-screen number is correct. - At 3:30 I say "over 400" when I mean "almost 400", first spotted by Ryan Thom. - Many, many people have pointed-out that I pronounced the Greek letter χ "chi" as 'chai' when it should be 'ki'. I apologise for that, but stand by the way I say ε "epsilon". Support my videos on Patreon and get access to bonus content: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to build a Hexastix in 72 easy steps

DelH1S32dOg | 20 Oct 2016

How to build a Hexastix in 72 easy steps

I was bored in a hotel room, so I went and bought 72 pencils. You can buy the same pencils on Amazon here: Download the Stand-up Maths theme! George Hart's 72 Pencils: Alejandro Erickson's hexastix instructions: My show at MoMath in New York on Sunday 23 October: This video is in no way sponsored by Staples. If anything, they're probably slightly annoyed at me for messing around in their fancy office chairs. CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything. Support my videos on Patreon! Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Why is TV 29.97 frames per second?

3GJUM6pCpew | 03 Oct 2016

Why is TV 29.97 frames per second?

I look at the historical quirks which gave us TV at 29.97 frames per second. In North America at least. It's a comfortable 25 fps in Europe. More on that thing I mentioned at the end of the video here: Here is the spherical video I was making with Henry Segerman which made me research NTSC frame rates in the first place: Yes, technically, if you divide 4,500,000 by 286 you get a horizontal frequency of 15,734.26573 lines per second. That matches a frame rate of 29.97002997002997… and so old TVs used 30/1.001 = 29.97002997002997… CORRECTIONS: - A lot of people pointing out that increasing the number of horizontal lines without increasing the bandwidth would be a loss of resolution. Which is a good point. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Patreon: Nerdy maths toys:

Manchester Mega Pixel: world's largest analogue digital image

AvO4s3bW-qI | 22 Sep 2016

Manchester Mega Pixel: world's largest analogue digital image

Get involved with the Manchester Mega Pixel! Come and join-in at the Museum of Science and Industry during the Manchester Science Festival: 20 to 30 October 2016. If you want to volunteer to help out behind the scenes and be part of the official team, send us an email: [email protected] Here is the original Spreadsheets video: Download the net to make your own colour-space cube: Katie’s youtube channel: Huge thanks to our supporters on the Mega Pixel project: Manchester Science Festival Museum of Science and Industry Edding International BIG: STEM Communications Network University of Salford Think Maths Also thanks to Samantha Durbin for finding us a backstage room to film in when Katie should have been giving a talk. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Four has Four Letters

LYKn0yUTIU4 | 10 Sep 2016

Four has Four Letters

Four is the only number in the English language which as as many letters as its value. Leave your findings below and please do comment (constructively!) on the findings of others. Here is the python code I used to track which binary sequences ended in 13 and 18: 145 and the Melancoil - Numberphile Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt & Hugh: The Euler Disk Which Spins Forever

55gJgCoDld4 | 31 Aug 2016

Matt & Hugh: The Euler Disk Which Spins Forever

Matt and Hugh play with an Euler Disk which spins forever. Then they do some working out to check Matt’s previous calculations. Matt’s previous video: The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk Sadly we don’t have Euler Disks on Maths Gear but it is of course on Amazon: Dr Hugh Hunt is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. This is a new video format idea, so all feedback appreciated. CORRECTIONS: So far, none yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Piano music is an original piece “The River” by Frode-5. All other music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Polygons of New York

H18pyUN4U1M | 26 Aug 2016

Polygons of New York

Behold the Rhombic Triacontahedron which links these two recent videos: A new Rhombic Dodecahedron from Croatia! The Best Square Square in New York Rhombic Triacontahedron on Mathworld: Here is the Exploded Rhombic Triacontahedron on Mike Deakin’s Shapeways page: I mentioned An Evening of Unnecessary Detail, a comedy show I do in London sometimes: In New York I was working with MoMath: Watch Mathologer’s video: How not to Die Hard with Math And, I guess, you could watch Die Hard with a Vengeance… CORRECTIONS: So far, none yet! Let me know if you spot anything. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Milk first or last? The correct method for hot tea. (GONE MATHEMATICAL)

CCuaWqhVvIc | 12 Aug 2016

Milk first or last? The correct method for hot tea. (GONE MATHEMATICAL)

Listen to the hot tea episode of Domestic Science here: Full data footage is over here on my second channel: Stefan-Boltzmann Law The thermometer I used was the Signstek 6802 II, the cheapest dual channel thermometer I could find. But it turns out it is only $16.99 in the USA right now: Whereas I paid £14.29 in the UK: If you’re in the market for one, I have a second-hand only-slightly-tea-stained one available. CORRECTIONS: - According to comments, it seems no one else in the world puts milk in their tea. - Several people have pointed out that there was not an equal amount of hot water in each mug which would affect cooling rates (the first of which was HueBearSong, who also seemed to be the most disinterested). Is that enough of a difference to justify me doing it again? Comment below! - As pointed out by user HYEOL, the teaspoon was cold going in to T2 but hot when going in to T1. Which yes, would make a difference. Turns out science is hard. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How to mathematically calculate a fall through the Earth

s94Gojs3Ags | 03 Aug 2016

How to mathematically calculate a fall through the Earth

Huge thanks to the Great Courses Plus for sponsoring this video. Click here to check out the free trial: Watch the full integration! Worth it even just for the Simple Harmonic Motion which drops out at the end. Try the ISS challenge! Will you get there before the after the International Space Station orbits half-way around the planet? Even if you don’t try to work it out, you can have a guess at the outcome. Python code that I used is here: My values: R = 6,371,000 m (radius of the Earth) G = 6.674 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 (gravitational constant) M = 5.972 × 10^24 kg (mass of Earth) Yes, people have since pointed out a similar topic was covered in a Minute Physics video. They skip over the "constant stuff" and how the mathematics is derived, but it’s a great look at how the density changes within the Earth and how that impacts the travel time. Well worth checking out as well. CORRECTIONS: - I accidentally wrote "v" instead "s" on the board in "s = ut + ½at^2". First spotted by Joel Low. - Around 9:30 I used a dot for both 1,000's and decimal point. The first should be a comma. Spotted by Mezgrman. - I normally play pretty fast and loose with centripetal force vs centrifugal effect; I think arguing about the difference is not useful so I often use them as synonyms. In this case, as Wayne Ernst politely pointed out, I should have said "centripetal force" not "centrifugal force". And they're right. Discuss on reddit: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright Apple wrangling by Lucie Green MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

How many different Youtube videos are possible?

5Yy_unGaD-w | 27 Jul 2016

How many different Youtube videos are possible?

Download the podcast of my BBC Radio4 show, Domestic Science (Ep1) In this video I start with how many 256×256 greyscale images are possible and work my way up to the maximum number of possible YouTube videos. Original question on twitter: Here is our radio show on the BBC radio player. Let me know if it does not work for you. Our Festival of the Spoken Nerd DVD and download: Galaxy M81 image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball

cwWBpjeyRS0 | 21 Jul 2016

Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball

Make your own cube football! If you want the net for the hilarious "perimeter league" ball I made, here it is: This is the exact premier league ball that I bought: Here is the same ball on the US Amazon, but they don’t have that exact colour scheme: The icosahedral dice I show is a generic spin-down dice I happen to have on my desk. The dodecahedral dice is one of the Maths Gear "Go First" dice: 1966 football photo by Ben Sutherland, 2009. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Puzzle: Is 36 the only triangle-square number?

Gh8h8MJFFdI | 13 Jul 2016

Puzzle: Is 36 the only triangle-square number?

If you do find other triangle-square numbers, and/or a pattern behind them, do label any spoilers in the comments carefully. And don't just look them up! Sorry this is such a quick video. True story: I've been waiting for government paperwork so I can put a different video up, but the wait has gone on too long. This should tide us all over for a bit. Other mysterious video along soon! I'll do a solution video to this one sooner or later. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Spherical Droste Effect, with added twist and recursion.

Yp12c3-IL-I | 28 Jun 2016

The Spherical Droste Effect, with added twist and recursion.

Watch previous video about viewing spherical footage: Check out the site for Henry’s book, it has loads of interactive 3D models and stuff you can 3D print: BOOK ON US AMAZON BOOK ON UK AMAZON The Segerman channel: Some early flat work of Henry’s on Escher and the twisted droste effect: Henry’s paper with Saul Schleimer also contains details on the mathematics behind these transformations. Here is the camera Henry uses, the “Ricoh Theta S”. CAMERA ON US AMAZON CAMERA ON UK AMAZON Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The maths of spherical video (aka "360 camera")

x0gRcRd_rHs | 23 Jun 2016

The maths of spherical video (aka "360 camera")

Watch in spherical video! Check out the site for Henry’s book, it has loads of interactive 3D models and stuff you can 3D print: BOOK ON US AMAZON BOOK ON UK AMAZON The Segerman channel: Henry’s Shapeways page. You might want to get your bankcard out while you’re clicking to save some time. So may cool things. Here is the camera Henry uses, the “Ricoh Theta S”. CAMERA ON US AMAZON CAMERA ON UK AMAZON Henry also wrote a paper with Saul Schleimer “Squares that Look Round: Transforming Spherical Images” which contains all the details you need. Finally, here is Henry Segerman on Github, but if you’re the kind of person who has any interest of looking at his code on Github then you can find it with about five seconds of googling so I don’t know why I’m even providing this link: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

SOLUTION: 10 coin flips in a row! (for 10^5 subscribers)

-9FWBaWah28 | 19 Jun 2016

SOLUTION: 10 coin flips in a row! (for 10^5 subscribers)

WATCH ALL 939 FLIPS: The original ten flip video is here: If you want a free card or balloon section, buy something off Maths Gear and make a note when you check out: Or if there is nothing you want, just pay for the shipping and I’ll post you a thing: Here is my book as well: 938 Caroline Caruana Educational Klemens Edler Wessel van persie Bjørn-Inge Flølo Kleppe 937 Chance Stokes Deathvader10 Brandon Allaire Owen Ball 936 EightByte siili 123 Phalax Daniel 942 Jaycycle Oleksiy Bazhenov Olaf de Graaff Henry Burkle Baadrix SC94khvids ReCaptcha Heinz Paul O'Malley Kenneth Ramberg Fjærestad Download the spreadsheet with the flips and guesses: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Best Square Square in New York

yfR1Jkl5R8A | 04 Jun 2016

The Best Square Square in New York

Can you believe that many so-called "squares" in New York are actually triangles‽ I hunt down the square most deserving of its name. Times Square 40.7605364,-73.9881165 Triangle Greeley Square 40.7475166,-73.9902623 Triangle Madison Square 40.7417129,-73.9866145 Rectangle Union Square 40.7362828,-73.9934595 Rectangle Stuyvesant Square 40.7334896,-73.9846672 Square Washington Square 40.730503,-73.9959379 Rectangle Cooper Square 40.7274296,-73.9929123 Trapezium Tompkins Square 40.7268115,-73.9832778 Square Peretz Square 40.7226714,-73.9878349 Triangle Foley Square 40.7152103,-74.001972 A thing? Straus Square 40.7147475,-73.9910052 Triangle Kimlau Square 40.7140132,-73.9990492 Rectangle Coleman Square 40.712846,-73.9964231 Trapezium Hanover Square 40.7047231,-74.0104991 Triangle My previous New York math video: Check out 99% Invisible: The Hess Triangle on Wikipedia: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

A new Rhombic Dodecahedron from Croatia!

xVBOlbjiHGI | 26 May 2016

A new Rhombic Dodecahedron from Croatia!

Behold the Bilinski Rhombic Dodecahedron I found in Croatia. Stanko Bilinski does not have much of a wikipedia page. The best online version of his dodecahedron. My video on the 4D Rhombic Dodecahedron. Rhombic Dodecahedron Rhombic Icosahedron Rhombic Triacontahedron Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

SOLUTION: Three Indistinguishable Dice Puzzle

hBBftD7gq7Y | 16 May 2016

SOLUTION: Three Indistinguishable Dice Puzzle

This video contains a lot of solutions and a lot of dice. Original puzzle suggested by Lucas Garron. Dice are: ALL GONE Matt’s online mathematical toys store. My favourite solution was: Hagen von Eitzen geometric solution. Download the Three Dice Hexagon Rolling Guide. Original Three Indistinguishable Dice Puzzle video. Discussion on reddit /r/math Discussion on the /r/mattparker subreddit. Matt Stuart response video. MrBoxinaboxinabox and Alex youtube comments. Tarim, solution in a tweet. Katie and Paul's "dead easy" solution. Marty Wollner video (3 of 3). Marty Wollner long description. Marty Wollner patent. mathAHA closed formula. Jan Van Lent python code. CORRECTIONS: The individual dice values do matter in Monopoly as you roll again on a double. First noticed by Suzie Brown. I though that was a 'house rule' but it's an official rule. You also can roll a double to escape jail. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Quick Mathematical Card Trick

ggH8cKcPOHI | 05 May 2016

Quick Mathematical Card Trick

Colm Mulcahy’s Mathematical Card Magic: Fifty-Two New Effects US AMAZON UK AMAZON What's in side the spherical dice? Stay tuned (as such). CORRECTIONS: Yes, I accidentally said "eight" instead of "four". I caught it just in time during the edit to put in a text correction, but not soon enough to be able to re-film it. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Ramanujan, 1729 and Fermat's Last Theorem

_o0cIpLQApk | 28 Apr 2016

Ramanujan, 1729 and Fermat's Last Theorem

Some things you probably did not know about 1729 and the Man Who Knew Infinity. Scan of page from Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Fermat’s Last Theorem by Simon Singh: PDF of the first lecture from Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life and Work Imgur album: Plus magazine “Ramanujan surprises again” “The 1729 K3 Surface” by Ken Ono and Sarah Trebat-Leder Generating Function -- from Wolfram MathWorld The Man Who Knew Infinity Official Trailer #1 Fermat's Last Theorem - Numberphile Partitions - Numberphile James Grime: Knowing The Man Who Knew Infinity Mathologer: Making sense of 1+2+3+... = -1/12 and Co. Matt and Hugh play with a thing and then do some working out Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt & Hugh play with a Brick and derive Centripetal Acceleration

Q8b9r7forJA | 20 Apr 2016

Matt & Hugh play with a Brick and derive Centripetal Acceleration

Matt and Hugh play with a tennis ball and a brick. Then they do some working out to derive the formula for the centripetal force (a = v^2/r) by differentiating some vectors. Here are the sheet of working out: Dr Hugh Hunt is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. This is a new video format idea, so all feedback appreciated! (Sorry the audio goes a bit out-of-phase; fixing it for this video was beyond my current skill × time, but I'll fix it next time.) Piano music is an original piece “The River” by Frode-5. All other music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Three Indistinguishable Dice Puzzle

xHh0ui5mi_E | 12 Apr 2016

The Three Indistinguishable Dice Puzzle

Can you find a way to squeeze two dice out of three? SOLUTION VIDEO: Problem suggested to me by Lucas Garron. Thanks to extra work done by Josh Laison, Jan Van Lent and Tarim (which convinced me it would work as a puzzle). CORRECTIONS: - Actually, more of a clarification. In the first bit I was using a remainder of 0 as 6, according to the convention that n = 0, mod n. But I forgot to mention it explicitly. Sorry! First noticed by DeadLink. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Fractal Menger Sponge and Pi

8pj8_zjelDo | 07 Apr 2016

The Fractal Menger Sponge and Pi

MegaMenger project: Ed Pegg's article "Squeezing Pi from a Menger Sponge" Mega Menger: Building a Menger Sponge at MIT Watch Matt calculate pi with... pies: a pi-endulum: a lot of chalk: CORRECTIONS: - A comment by Starkiller Base pointed out that at the end, I need eight of the Wallis Sponges stacked in a cube. As each one is a unit side, that gives the 'radius' of 1. A single sponge is one eighth of the volume of the unit sphere. - Jon Mound (@ChthonicJon on Twitter) first spotted that 63/64 should not have been there. I accidentally animated a slip of the tongue. Product should be: 8/9 × 24/25 × 48/49 × 80/81 × 120/121 … (Also spotted in the comments by pjrkearsley87 & hweigel528.) - Meta-correction: SithBowman noticed I had "132" instead of "121" in the above correction. The correction has since been correctly corrected. Sorry everyone! Two mistakes and counting. I was really pushed for time this week, which is why some animations are a bit lazy and it's so late in the week (also, so many errors). Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

10 coin flips in a row! (for 10^5 subscribers)

aHU-L3BLd_w | 29 Mar 2016

10 coin flips in a row! (for 10^5 subscribers)

This is my celebration video for hitting 100,000 subscribers: I flip a coin accurately ten times in a row. Using a FIFA Football "Referee Flip Coin" I get a perfect run of H, T, H, T, H, T, H, T, H, T. The videos shows just those ten flips. Put your guess for how many times you think I actually flipped the coin in the comments below, and the ten closest guesses will win a prize. Competition ends ten days after the video was published. Watch James Grimes flip ten heads (laaaame) here: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk

8pSLffliCk0 | 21 Mar 2016

The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk

A spinning coin rotates as it wobbles. The rate of rotation is (1/cos(θ) - 1) of the rate of wobble. Draw an arrow on a coin and check it yourself! The notes from the whiteboard are available here: Here are the videos of the disk spinning: NORMAL SPEED: 10% SPEED: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating π by hand

HrRMnzANHHs | 13 Mar 2016

Calculating π by hand

For Pi Day 2016 I tried to calculate π by hand, using an infinite series. It goes ok. Before you even start: - Yes, I know π Day requites writing the date MM/DD. By objective measures: the wrong way. I don't care. My love of π is stronger. - My opinion of Tau is a matter of public record: CORRECTIONS: - At 17:23 it should be π/4 not 1/π. That was contamination from the next graphic. (First spotted by Najeeb Sheikh and Jake Trookman.) Check out y-cruncher: Calculating pi by weighing a circle: Calculating pi with a pendulum: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Prisoners in Hats Puzzle: two variations

7hJ4Azr--s8 | 10 Mar 2016

Prisoners in Hats Puzzle: two variations

While in Norway doing some maths shows I was given a tshirt and a puzzle. Both are very mathematical. If you have not tried a "Prisoners in Hats Puzzle" before, I explain the basic version. If you have seen it before, I also give a variation which I had not come across previously. Give it a go! MathsJam: Math-Jam: If you want to discuss this puzzle somewhere more comfortable, it seems I have a fledgling subreddit: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

There is only One True Parabola

hoh4TmPzu1w | 03 Mar 2016

There is only One True Parabola

Behold the one true parabola! All parabolas are exactly the same, just zoomed in and out. Copy of the lecture notes: Original paraboloids video: Fledgling subreddit: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright Additional music: Every Voice by Jimmy Fontanez Church Bell Celebration by Doug Maxwell MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Spinning Egg Trick (feat. Tippe Top)

qMP7_IQpSN0 | 29 Feb 2016

Spinning Egg Trick (feat. Tippe Top)

Get an Easter Egg. Spin it. End of trick. Yes, it is spelled "tippe top". They can already be bought super-cheap online, which is why we don't have them on Maths Gear. If you want to take a closer look at "Spinning Tops" by John Perry, I have uploaded photos to imgur: It's also on Project Gutenberg: If you want to discuss this video somewhere more comfortable, it seems I have a fledgling subreddit: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Leap Years: we can do better

qkt_wmRKYNQ | 23 Feb 2016

Leap Years: we can do better

2016 is a leap year because it is a multiple of 4 (and not a multiple of 100). The Gregorian Calendar system of leap years gives an average tropical year of 365.2425 days compared to the current true value of 365.2421891, but I think we can do better. Yes, at the 1:20-ish point it should be "365.2421891 days" as is on the screen, not the "365.2521891 years" I say. Sorry, it's been a busy week and I recored and edited the video a bit too quickly to spot Past Matt's mistakes. Read Adam Goucher's article here: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Paraboloids and The Building which Set Things on Fire

owVwjr6pTqc | 16 Feb 2016

Paraboloids and The Building which Set Things on Fire

The building in London at 20 Fenchurch Street started to set things on fire! But it could have been worse. I use a paraboloid to set other things on fire. Oh, and there's a maths proof. News stories about the concave building: Festival of the Spoken Nerd: Play with the Geogebra parabola demonstration: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Book: Nerdy maths toys:

Mind-boggling Card Trick: REVEALED

V3uNDe_i_1Y | 11 Feb 2016

Mind-boggling Card Trick: REVEALED

Here it is, all the maths and logic behind the Mind-Boggling Card Trick. Watch the original card trick here: The earliest record I can find of the same dealing mechanic being used is by magician Karl Fulves. The swapping cards bit was added by magician (and computer science professor!) Peter McOwan. I actually wrote a maths magic book with Peter, you can download it for free. Here is the Vsauce Math Magic video I mentioned and was mentioned in: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic about a science magician for which Zach used me to generate a pseudo-random name: Everyone should go to a BAHfest: Response videos by PappaMoe and Juan Meleiro: The 27-card and 49-card tricks: Prepare your mind to be boggled. This is an incredible card trick which is completely self-working. This trick relies only on the mathematical properties of a deck of cards. I will put up a complete solution video explaining the mechanics behind the trick soon! Want your own distorted skew dice like I used in the video? They're here: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

Romantic Mathematical Shape: möbius-loop hearts

-u-O_2Hz82I | 08 Feb 2016

Romantic Mathematical Shape: möbius-loop hearts

Cutting a möbius loop in half is fun. Sticking two möbius loops together and cutting them both in half is romantic. Much more on möbius loops and topology in my book Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension: Also on Maths Gear is the Cos I Love You card: Think Maths parametric heart coordinates resources: And here is my Royal Institution lecture: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

Mind-boggling Card Trick (you can try at home)

aNpGxZ_1KXU | 02 Feb 2016

Mind-boggling Card Trick (you can try at home)

Prepare your mind to be boggled. This is an incredible card trick which is completely self-working. This trick relies only on the mathematical properties of a deck of cards. I will put up a complete solution video explaining the mechanics behind the trick soon! Want your own distorted skew dice like I used in the video? They're here: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

The Unbeatable Game from the 60s: Dr NIM

9KABcmczPdg | 26 Jan 2016

The Unbeatable Game from the 60s: Dr NIM

Buy a modern version of Dr NIM! The game of (single pile) Nim can be won by anyone who understands a simple trick. A trick so easy, a 1960s mechanical plastic computer can play with perfect strategy, defeating all humans. Learn the method and proceed to beat your friends, family and colleagues. Read more about single-pile Nim on the Maths Busking site: My Domino Computer. The Domputer. Dr NIM at the Computer History Museum: And someone has put the whole instruction booklet online: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

New World-Record Largest Prime Ever Found!

q5ozBnrd5Zc | 19 Jan 2016

New World-Record Largest Prime Ever Found!

2^74,207,281 - 1 is prime and it is the biggest prime humans have ever found. Behold all 22,338,618 digits.* Official announcement of our new prime friend: Join the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search here: More on Curtis Cooper and the University of Central Missouri: Read about the Intel Skylake bug found with Prime95: Biggest primes known to humankind: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright *video does not contain all 22,338,618 digits.

Australian Bank Notes are the Best in the World

Me9fCKNvBBE | 18 Jan 2016

Australian Bank Notes are the Best in the World

Proof that Australian bank notes are the best in the world because they are sized according to a log scale. Also, they are water-proof. I compare Australian, Canadian, UK and USA bank notes in an unbiased competition to see which is the best. My dual criteria are: - the closest log-scale fit between the value and physical object for each note - able to survive a being left in pocket and going through the wash If you disagree: cast your vote now! If you think I have missed an even better currency: I accept bribes in whatever the currency may be. Also, check out my mate Steve Mould: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

The A4 Paper Puzzle

SOgn6J12NWE | 11 Jan 2016

The A4 Paper Puzzle

A puzzle to work out the perimeter of a shape (NO SPOILERS!) complete with an introduction to hash functions. DO NOT put your answer tot he puzzle in the comments below. If you want to check your answer, repeatedly take the square-root five times and if the first six non-zero digits after the decimal point are 234477 (in numerical order) then you are correct. Or check your answer using the SHA-256 hash function: Watch James on Numberphile talk about √2 and A4: Watch me apologise for making fun of Imperial units: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

James Grime's Maths Puzzle: The self descriptive number

07PBcmGozDA | 06 Jan 2016

James Grime's Maths Puzzle: The self descriptive number

Can you solve James Grime’s self descriptive number puzzle and explain how you worked it out? Answers with thought-processes below in the comments. James's solution video is now up! Complete with special guests…

Stand-up comedy routine about Spreadsheets

UBX2QQHlQ_I | 04 Jan 2016

Stand-up comedy routine about Spreadsheets

Matt Parker’s comedy routine about spreadsheets. From the Festival of the Spoken Nerd DVD: Full Frontal Nerdity Buy Full Frontal Nerdity as a DVD or Download: See where Festival of the Spoken Nerd are performing live: Convert your own image spreadsheet! Buy Matt’s book! Think Maths: mathematics talks, workshops and free resources MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright Programming by Andrew Taylor

How to Make a Paper Snowflake

BIiEsIDenTk | 22 Dec 2015

How to Make a Paper Snowflake

The complete guide to making a scientifically accurate, mathematically precise snowflake from a single piece of paper (any ratio). Warning: may contain rant.

Matt Explains: Binomial Coefficients [featuring: choose function, pascal's triangle]

Pcgvv6T_bD8 | 11 Dec 2015

Matt Explains: Binomial Coefficients [featuring: choose function, pascal's triangle]

This is a Matt Explains video. Still very much a work in progress. All feedback hugely appreciated. Sorry about the strobing camera focus on the whiteboard! I seem to be in focus this time, but at the cost of my camera freaking-out over the board. I might need a new camera. Or a camera person. Whichever is cheaper. Read all about the Binomial Theorem at MathWorld:

Doing Nothing on Platform Zero

-EhaFDv-OvU | 08 Dec 2015

Doing Nothing on Platform Zero

Forget about platform 9¾, London King's Cross Station has a platform 0. Thanks to everyone at Raspberry Pi for accommodating me at such short notice! PI ZERO: PYGAME ZERO: GPIO ZERO: Huge thanks to everyone who suggested zero-related products. You can find some of the key tweets below to see how my day panned out. Innocent tweet about getting a coffee: Request that started it all: Me begging for a Pi Zero: Ben coming through with the goods: I was in Cambridge to do a Maths Inspiration event for school students. We also run Maths Fest. Teachers, check them out: If you are ever on Platform 0 be sure to send me a photo!

There are SIX Platonic Solids

oJ7uOj2LRso | 30 Nov 2015

There are SIX Platonic Solids

Meet the Hyper-Diamond! It's the sixth Platonic Solid and it only works in the fourth dimension. Your best google bet to find more about the hyper-diamond is "24-cell". Watch my Royal Institution lecture about 4D shapes: My book: Maths Gear: 4D animations made with Stella4D: MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

The Fairest Sharing Sequence Ever

prh72BLNjIk | 27 Nov 2015

The Fairest Sharing Sequence Ever

The Thue-Morse Sequence is the fairest way to share things between two people. It also does all sorts of other crazy stuff. Plus it is the solution to my previous video: Check out MathsJam: You can also buy Rob Eastaway's books: And here is more Thue-Morse than you will probably ever need: ABBABAABBAABABBABAABABBAABBABAABBAABABBAABBABAABABBABAABBAABABBABAABABBAABBABAABABBABAABBAABABBAABBABAABBAABABBABAABABBAABBABAABBAABABBAABBABAABABBABAABBAABABBAABBABAABBAABABBABAABABBAABBABAABABBABAABBAABABBABAABABBAABBABAABBAABABBAABBABAABABBABAABBAABABBA

The Share the Power Puzzle

E5-pgBnGyzw | 20 Nov 2015

The Share the Power Puzzle

Can you split the numbers 0 to 31 into two groups so that the sum of their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th powers are all equal? Answer soon!

Sam's Home-made Disco Calculator

YfIQ7ktFM1g | 12 Nov 2015

Sam's Home-made Disco Calculator

This is a Disco Calculator designed and made by Sam Headleand to pass all of my 'calculator unboxing' tests. Watch me unbox calculators: I interviewed Sam at the MathsJam Weekend 2015: Sam is hugely appreciative of the facilities at Fab Lab Manchester: You can buy a normal Disco Calculator at Maths Gear. Divide and conga. MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright

Matt Explains: The Lottery [featuring: Choose Function, Infinite Geometric Series]

lP58mP8Wchc | 05 Nov 2015

Matt Explains: The Lottery [featuring: Choose Function, Infinite Geometric Series]

A video which may or may not be interesting! I'm trying a new "Matt Explains" format because I had a great comment on my "How to get infinitely many lottery tickets" video and I wanted to look at it in detail. I may or may not do this again. Feedback appreciated! How to get infinitely many lottery tickets: Read all about the Geometric Series at MathWorld:

NYC: The Linear Equation of Broadway

Quwvw0vYkRA | 02 Nov 2015

NYC: The Linear Equation of Broadway

STREET = 9.975 × AVENUE - 26.5 While in New York City I walked along Broadway with graph paper and plotted where it crosses the street and avenues. Most of Manhattan is horizontal streets and vertical avenues, but the road Broadway cuts across on an angle. Using the grid system of roads in NYC I could calculate the liner equation of Broadway. I had some fun with places like Union Square and the Flatiron Building along the way. You can also check-out when MoMath checked the pythagorasness of the Flatiron Building here: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: Maths book: Nerdy maths toys:

Killing Maths Mosquitoes with Atomic Proofs: roots of two, Fermat and prime numbers

W1OkVkq2vFM | 23 Oct 2015

Killing Maths Mosquitoes with Atomic Proofs: roots of two, Fermat and prime numbers

How to prove that the roots of two are irrational using Fermat's Last Theory and that there are infinitely many primes using the Green-Tao theorem. Yes, yes: Green and Tao took it as a given that there are infinitely many prime numbers and my pithy proof may very well be circular! If you wish to check, they're paper is here: Actually, the point has been raised that even the Andrew Wiles proof of Fermat must contain the assumption that 2 is irrational, or something equivalent. If anyone can email me an Atomic Mosquito proof ( [email protected] ) which does not contain any circular logic, I'll do a follow-up video. This is PrimeGrid: If you missed them, here are the 26 primes which are all 5,283,234,035,979,900 apart: 43142746595714191 48425980631694091 53709214667673991 58992448703653891 64275682739633791 69558916775613691 74842150811593591 80125384847573491 85408618883553391 90691852919533291 95975086955513191 101258320991493091 106541555027472991 111824789063452891 117108023099432791 122391257135412691 127674491171392591 132957725207372491 138240959243352391 143524193279332291 148807427315312191 154090661351292091 159373895387271991 164657129423251891 169940363459231791 175223597495211691

How to get infinitely many lottery tickets

pOx_daJT_8c | 10 Oct 2015

How to get infinitely many lottery tickets

In October 2015 the UK lottery changed from 49 balls to 59 balls. Which means the chance of choosing 6 correct numbers went from 1 in 13,983,816 to 1 in 45,057,474. But the 45,057,474 number is wrong. Because of a new possible prize, not only can you possible win a never-ending supply of tickets, but the real jackpot odds are 1 in 40,665,099. Read my lottery article in the Guardian: See the official new lottery rules:

De-beep Your Appliances: removing a piezo buzzer from a kettle

cNZ-w5XYVZ8 | 13 Jul 2015

De-beep Your Appliances: removing a piezo buzzer from a kettle

You don't truly own anything until you've voided its warranty. So open an appliances and destroy the buzzer! Modern electrical appliances are amazing. Unless they make annoying beeping noises. Then they are the worst thing to plague humankind. This is a call-to-arms to remove, destroy or neuter the piezo buzzers in modern electrical appliances. Using a Kitchenaid kettle as an example. It's easy. Give it a go! (But make sure the appliance is not still powered. Electricity can kill.) Orignal guide here: More maths and less electronics next time I promise.

Matt meets Jordan Ellenberg: 0.999999... = ?

rT1sIVqonE8 | 14 Jun 2015

Matt meets Jordan Ellenberg: 0.999999... = ?

0.999999... = ? Matt and Jordan meet-up in the Penguin offices for a chat about profound but simple mathematics and adding infinitely many things. Jordan Ellenberg's book: Matt Parker's book: Watch the BONUS FOOTAGE: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt meets Jordan Ellenberg: BONUS FOOTAGE

qJiVhfR_XVE | 14 Jun 2015

Matt meets Jordan Ellenberg: BONUS FOOTAGE

1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 +... = ? 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5... = ? Matt and Jordan continue to chat in the Penguin offices, covering Grandi's series and the Alternating Harmonic Series. Watch the first video: Find your local MathsJam: Jordan Ellenberg's book: Matt Parker's book: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Sydney: The Unsuccessful Hunt for Parabolas

zXoJlRFbktw | 03 Jun 2015

Sydney: The Unsuccessful Hunt for Parabolas

Matt Parker, International Man of Mathematics, looks at the shapes of iconic Sydney structures. Turns out the Sydney Opera House is made from sections of a sphere and the Sydney Harbour Bridge has a feel of the catenary about it. The story of the Sydney Opera House and its shape: If you know more about the Sydney Harbour Bridge, email: [email protected] Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

NAND Cat [original]

kdCJunw_Jgg | 07 Apr 2015

NAND Cat [original]

Yes, it's Nyan Cat but with a NAND gate as a body. Funny stuff. More on binary logic gates and dominoes: The 'Micro-Month: MARCH 2015' video where NAND Cat debuted: Original 'Pop-Tart Cat' animated gif by Christopher Torres Original 'Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!' song by Daniwell. Put together as 'Nyan Cat' by Saraj00n. Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Matt Parker's Micro-Month: MARCH 2015

g7TGA-EzBHM | 01 Apr 2015

Matt Parker's Micro-Month: MARCH 2015

Micro-Month: a month in one millionth of the normal time. MARCH 2015 "New 3D NAND flash memory from Intel, Micron could result in 10-terabyte SSDs" "Homeopathy not effective for treating any condition, Australian report finds" Amazing solar eclipse photos by ESA: Disappointing cloud photos by Gemma Arrowsmith: Written by Matt Parker Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright Water photo by Derek Gavey Herbs photo by Christine Spanginator MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Solar Eclipse Maths and the Cosmic Coincidence of the Saros Cycle

ieUvzy6rnnw | 20 Mar 2015

Solar Eclipse Maths and the Cosmic Coincidence of the Saros Cycle

There was a solar eclipse on the 20 March 2015 and so I thought I'd make a quick video of the mathematics behind predicting eclipses. I now regret that decision. EDIT: I over-simplified the elliptical orbit of the moon but not putting the Earth at one of the foci, which messes with the closest and nearest points at 3:40. Elliptical orbits are not that simple. NASA pages on the moon's orbit and the Saros cycle: Photograph of the total eclipse is copyright Anthony Ayiomamitis and used with his kind permission. The paper on the long-term instabilities of planetary orbits is here: Fred Espenak is the eclipse dude: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating pi with a pendulum

qYAdXm69l8g | 14 Mar 2015

Calculating pi with a pendulum

Inspired by Paul Taylor, I have made a pendulum to calculate pi. A pi-endulum. Its length is a quarter of the value for the acceleration due to gravity, so its period is exactly one pi. Watch Paul's version: Watch a mile of pi: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

Calculating pi by weighing a circle

Ngj0a57Rlb0 | 11 Mar 2015

Calculating pi by weighing a circle

To celebrate Ultimate Pi Day I have calculated a numerical approximation of pi by weighing a circle. March 14, 2015 → 3 / 14 / 15 ≈ π 3.1415 is within 0.003% of the true value of pi. Can I do better with some cardboard and scales… See all of the Aperiodical's Calculate Pi Challenge: Watch me calculate pi with pies: Music by Howard Carter Design by Simon Wright MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician Website: New book: Nerdy maths toys:

The 10,000 Domino Computer

OpLU__bhu2w | 04 Apr 2014

The 10,000 Domino Computer

Matt Parker and a team of Domino Computer Builders balanced over 10,000 dominoes in a carefully designed circuit. The result was a Domino Computer capable of automatically adding numbers. It can take any two four-digit binary numbers and return the five-digit binary sum. It's a computer, made of dominoes. Watch the Numberphile where Matt explains more of the maths: As well as the secret Numberphile bonus interview: There are free worksheets and teaching resources about binary numbers and logic gates here: Computer design: Matt Parker, Katie Steckles, Paul Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Siân Fryer Builders: Ben Curtis, Becky Smedley, Mike Bell, Blair Lavelle, Andrew Pontzen, Jonathan Sanderson, Elin Roberts, Chris Roberts, Ben Ashforth, Gillian Kiernan, David Julyan Thanks to Marieke Navin, Natalie Ireland, Nicola Frost and everyone at the Museum of Science and Industry who made this possible. Huge thanks to Jonathan Sanderson at StoryCog for making the video.

The 27 Card Trick

G_OuIVOGDr8 | 07 Mar 2014

The 27 Card Trick

The 27 Card Trick is my favourite mathematics cards trick, presented here with the all-new 49 Card Trick. This video is part of Mathematics Awareness Month 2014, as organised by the Mathematical Association of America. See for more Math, Magic, and Mystery. This is a preview of my contribution, you can see all the other tricks and math in April 2014.

Pterofractal - it's a fractal pterodactyl

ngDEQoUvZFg | 16 Nov 2013

Pterofractal - it's a fractal pterodactyl

Because a pterodactyl is awesome at any scale. Music is: Fourth Floor Collapse - The Same Mistake

The Near-Impossible Matching Matches Card Trick

lNjRyB0SNn0 | 11 Oct 2013

The Near-Impossible Matching Matches Card Trick

Matt Parker performs a near-impossible card trick. If you can work out how it is done, either put your theory in a comment below, or put your theory to the test and film yourself doing the trick.

How to make Instant Icecream using a Fire Extinguisher

ryFvH4Ejaxo | 08 Mar 2013

How to make Instant Icecream using a Fire Extinguisher

Use a CO2 Fire Extinguisher to produce dry-ice and then freeze icecream.

What is this shape I'm destroying called?

0JTYfMP-yCI | 02 Oct 2012

What is this shape I'm destroying called?

Matt was given this shape by Mike Borcherds at the 2011 MathsJam Weekend. Do you know what it is called? Can you make one? Proof of either in the comments please. MathsJam Weekend: Mike:

Transit of Venus - Why it comes in pairs every 100ish years

Sdz0dRhsoLs | 05 Jun 2012

Transit of Venus - Why it comes in pairs every 100ish years

Venus passes in front of the Sun from the Earth's point of view very rarely. It occurs in eight-year pairs, but then with gaps of over 100 years between those pairs. CORRECTIONS: Ok, so I mistaked a few words. There's an early "2017" that should have been "2117" and at least one "day"/"year" swap. I really was recording that right before the transit and only had time for one take. More importantly, I said that 105.5 years before the next transit meant it would be mid-way through 2117. Actually, 105.5 years from now is the end (December) of 2117. Finally, I made a lot of simplifications, including setting my spreadsheet to use this 2012 transit as the zero-point for the sweet-spots. All improvements welcome!

How to Cheat and Look Like You Can Solve the Rubik's Cube

aPD_OkjnCqU | 03 Jan 2012

How to Cheat and Look Like You Can Solve the Rubik's Cube

Matt Parker shows you how to cheat and make it look like you know how to solve the Rubik's Cube. If you want to solve it properly, Matt's video guide is over here: If you want to know more about the "Group Theory" behind the Rubik's Cube, watch Katie's video:

Matt Parker: Stand-up Maths Routine (about barcodes)

RP8jepN3zMc | 06 Dec 2011

Matt Parker: Stand-up Maths Routine (about barcodes)

Matt Parker performs a stand-up maths routine about barcodes at the Hammersmith Apollo, as part of the 2011 Uncaged Monkeys national tour.

The Castle and the Princess Puzzle

nv0Onj3wXCE | 29 Nov 2011

The Castle and the Princess Puzzle

A puzzle involving a princess with strange sleeping habits and a price with unknown motives. I came across this at the Newcastle Maths Jam, November 2011.

The story of Matt Parker vs The Phone Thief

adWntZ-Fk9I | 17 Nov 2011

The story of Matt Parker vs The Phone Thief

Before a maths lecture, Matt Parker explains how he lost his voice chasing after - and catching - someone who stole his mobile phone.

In Defiance of Wadsworth's Constant

T6A0v3xYl7k | 28 Oct 2011

In Defiance of Wadsworth's Constant

This video both explains and defies Wadsworth's Constant.

Accuracy vs Precision

_LL0uiOgh1E | 21 Oct 2011

Accuracy vs Precision

"Accuracy" and "precision" have different mathematical meanings. The difference between accurate and precise data is explained using kittens and mittens

Sun Explosion compared to the Destruction of Planet Alderaan

7zGwbiCKLHs | 08 Jun 2011

Sun Explosion compared to the Destruction of Planet Alderaan

This is the 7 June 2011 explosion on the Sun as compared to the destruction of Alderaan from the Star Wars (A New Hope) film. When comparing the "amount of awesome", the Sun's explosion is approximately 2.2 Kilo-Alderaans of awesome. For more sun info, see Lucie Green: For more awesome info, see Matt Parker: