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All videos archived of Andrew Flusche Attorney at Law
LAWYER: "Pocket Lawyer" Apps Could Make Things Worse

8upHIDi7mZY | 25 Feb 2025

LAWYER: "Pocket Lawyer" Apps Could Make Things Worse

Face timing your lawyer in the middle of a traffic stop could be tricky. These new apps are putting lawyers in your pocket, but there are some issues to consider before you sign up. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Should Cops Arrest People for Mouthing Off?

wqYPEtwnGbA | 10 Sep 2024

LAWYER: Should Cops Arrest People for Mouthing Off?

The 1st amendment protects our right to freedom of speech, so is it legal for cops to arrest people for mouthing off? I explore two cases of men being arrested for disobedience to see who's wrong--the citizens or the cops? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Cops Don’t HAVE to Read You Miranda Rights

Bu8yC5EYrmo | 27 Aug 2024

LAWYER: Cops Don’t HAVE to Read You Miranda Rights

Miranda Rights are weaker than you think. I know cops that don't read citizens their Miranda Rights on purpose, and it's legal! Here's what you need to know to defend yourself. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: How to Respond to a SWAT Team at Your Door

jfDAtsr7qQk | 13 Aug 2024

LAWYER: How to Respond to a SWAT Team at Your Door

Having a SWAT team yelling commands at you through your front door is a scary situation, and with a rise of phony calls to the police, it's becoming more common. Why is this happening? And what could you do if it happens to you? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Stand Your Ground When “Karens” Attack

89T9r_RwJAw | 30 Jul 2024

LAWYER: Stand Your Ground When “Karens” Attack

If you're filming in public, can someone demand you delete the footage? This is the situation Moses is facing, so let's break down what's legal, what's illegal, and where the gray area is in the middle. Moses's channel: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Cop Arresting INNOCENT People for DUI

gUY4sbkMWOU | 09 Jul 2024

LAWYER: Cop Arresting INNOCENT People for DUI

Innocent drivers in Tennessee are getting arrested for DUI and having their lives ruined...even though they are 100% sober! No drinking. No drugs. Just bad balance. What should you do if this happens to you? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER REACTS: Is “Law By Mike” Even Close to Accurate?

Ax6JF5J75h8 | 25 Jun 2024

LAWYER REACTS: Is “Law By Mike” Even Close to Accurate?

With 4M+ subscribers, "Law By Mike" is popular...but is his advice accurate? I react to one of Mike's most popular videos. Spoiler Alert: I have some issues with Mike's advice. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Corrupt Chief Caught Stealing Evidence

_sFXiPSQB1U | 11 Jun 2024

LAWYER: Corrupt Chief Caught Stealing Evidence

A police chief confessed to destroying evidence, but he was doing it to protect his staff...or so he says. What's the truth? Was this a witch hunt? Or a case of terrible judgement? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: YouTuber Arrested for Going 70 Miles in 20 Minutes

JnormNEQGsY | 28 May 2024

LAWYER: YouTuber Arrested for Going 70 Miles in 20 Minutes

Will you get arrested for posting illegal activity on YouTube? It's possible. This biker got away from the cops, but after his video went viral, the police tracked him down. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER EXPLAINS: How to Fly with a Gun

JdZrsDeu98I | 14 May 2024

LAWYER EXPLAINS: How to Fly with a Gun

🌏 Get NordVPN 2Y plan + 4 months free here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ TSA Rules: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Corrupt Cops in New Mexico Investigated by FBI

eACxDkMfPSI | 30 Apr 2024

LAWYER: Corrupt Cops in New Mexico Investigated by FBI

The Albuquerque Police Department is in some serious hot water. There is an alleged scandal with their DWI unit, and here's all the juicy gossip. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Cops Are Using YouTube Videos as Bait!

GPSpO1oiIPI | 16 Apr 2024

LAWYER: Cops Are Using YouTube Videos as Bait!

Should you get arrested because of what the YouTube algorithm puts in front of you? Of course not! The cops have used YouTube videos as bait, and this is obviously a violation of our 4th amendment rights. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: 78-Year-Old Wins $4M Over Idiotic SWAT Raid

CpSuKMOZj7g | 02 Apr 2024

LAWYER: 78-Year-Old Wins $4M Over Idiotic SWAT Raid

The 4th Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches, and this 78-yr-old grandmother thought she had her rights violated. So she sued and won $4M. Does she deserve it? In my opinion, yes! Here's what the cops did wrong that led to their loss in court. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: How to Kick Cops OUT If Someone Lets Them In

kbC3zxepgqM | 19 Mar 2024

LAWYER: How to Kick Cops OUT If Someone Lets Them In

What if a friend or family member lets the cops in when you didn't call them? You can try to kick them out, but what if the police escalate the situation? Here's what you could do. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Could Apple Vision Pro Ever Be Legal for Driving?

ZorgtlKLdGw | 05 Mar 2024

LAWYER: Could Apple Vision Pro Ever Be Legal for Driving?

🌏 Get NordVPN 2Y plan + 4 months free here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER: How the Government Will Control Your Spending

PeQNAmoUXvE | 20 Feb 2024

LAWYER: How the Government Will Control Your Spending

Governments are getting all hot and bothered about this new thing called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and it's terrible! Here's why everyone should be concerned. Bitcoin tip jar address: bc1qys0fxqkh0el2es7emy9wsp9wvcqhjrpvhtk5qc Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER EXPLAINS: What "Fridays With Frank" Gets Wrong

oiUpct7YTdQ | 06 Feb 2024

LAWYER EXPLAINS: What "Fridays With Frank" Gets Wrong

This "camera cop" is getting popular on YouTube, so is Frank legit? What does he get wrong during his traffic stops? I'm watching a few "Fridays with Frank" videos for the first time, so let's see what I find. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Supreme Court Might Limit Government Overreach

8AghMYUNUoQ | 23 Jan 2024

LAWYER: Supreme Court Might Limit Government Overreach

Government overreach has grown out of control over the last few decades, and it's all because of a Supreme Court case in 1984. But there are two cases being heard that could change all that. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: These People Are WRONG About the Constitution

9N6o63h-uRk | 09 Jan 2024

LAWYER: These People Are WRONG About the Constitution

There are people who believe that they've found some loopholes to live free of some government regulations. I'm all for smaller government, but are these loopholes legally sound? Let's find out. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Is It Legal to Throw Away a Police Tracker?

fWgIvqdwsAg | 26 Dec 2023

LAWYER: Is It Legal to Throw Away a Police Tracker?

If the police put a tracker on your vehicle and you find it, what do you do? Can you throw it away? Leave it on the side of the road? Let's talk about how you can defend yourself in this situation. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER REACTS: Is It Legal to NOT Answer the Door?

GKOXHYAgufE | 21 Nov 2023

LAWYER REACTS: Is It Legal to NOT Answer the Door?

A redditor had the police come to his door. Did he react correctly? What are your rights when the cops come knocking? What should you do if this ever happens to you? Watch to find out! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Cops Can IGNORE Your Request for a Lawyer

HGtDEWpKYNA | 07 Nov 2023

LAWYER: Cops Can IGNORE Your Request for a Lawyer

The 6th Amendment is *supposed* to protect you from overzealous police, but can they ignore your request for a lawyer? YES! Here's how investigators get around the 6th Amendment and how you can defend yourself. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: What to Say When Cops Ask DUMB Questions

V_FRi66NeKo | 18 Oct 2023

LAWYER: What to Say When Cops Ask DUMB Questions

Cops can lie to us, but can you lie when cops ask weird questions like "Where are you coming from?" or "Where are you going?" This was asked on Reddit, so let's see if redditors gave good advice. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Drunk Police Captain Abuses His Authority

EzR8DWeYRZo | 04 Oct 2023

LAWYER: Drunk Police Captain Abuses His Authority

You would think cops would know how to talk to other cops, but this drunk police captain did everything wrong after getting pulled over. You should never drink and drive, but how should you act if you ever get pulled over? Footage: Press Conference: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Can You Get a DUI Sleeping in the Back?

n6hiabfe90c | 19 Sep 2023

LAWYER: Can You Get a DUI Sleeping in the Back?

A redditor was worried about getting a DUI sleeping in the back of his camper truck. Is that even possible? What does the law say? And do other redditors give good advice? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

When the Judge Took the Cop’s Side, I Fought Back

EwaBgRotg8s | 31 Aug 2023

When the Judge Took the Cop’s Side, I Fought Back

My client was arrested at a roadblock, and if he's convicted, he could lose his job. We found a silver bullet that will save him in court, but the judge still rules against us! How am I going to save my client? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: When Blood Draws Violate Your Rights

gSqAVi8U0dE | 08 Aug 2023

LAWYER: When Blood Draws Violate Your Rights

If you thought a breathalyzer was intrusive, have you had to get your blood drawn for a possible DUI? There are certain breath tests you can refuse (depending on your state), but can you ever refuse a blood draw? When should you speak up and say no? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Can Cops Follow You Onto Private Property?

1slRkOaPXro | 04 Jul 2023

LAWYER: Can Cops Follow You Onto Private Property?

Your home is your castle! Your business is private property! So how far can cops go to give you a ticket? Or arrest you? Let's find out! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: When Do Handcuffs Violate Your Rights?

5o416wlRHQk | 20 Jun 2023

LAWYER: When Do Handcuffs Violate Your Rights?

I had two viewers contact me about handcuffs. Can you ever refuse handcuffs? Is it legal to be handcuffed but *not* arrested? What should you do if an officer wants to handcuff you? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Cops Might Get a "Kill Switch"

Ae-0QEvXfLI | 06 Jun 2023

LAWYER: Cops Might Get a "Kill Switch"

Trouble is brewing with autonomous vehicles and the police. How do they stop a car that's driving itself? What if you're drunk and call an driverless Uber? Who's at fault if something goes wrong? Let's talk about it! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Can either keep you out of jail?

Gk_Nt5pWA4Q | 23 May 2023

Can either keep you out of jail?

If ChatGPT can beat 90% of lawyers on the bar exam, can it actually help you in court? Or what about Bard from Google? I'm putting both to the test to see if either will save you from jail, or if they'll be a good enough too to use in my office. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: One Set of Laws for Them, Another for Us

acNTp-9Udwg | 09 May 2023

LAWYER: One Set of Laws for Them, Another for Us

I'm very upset the charges against Alec Baldwin were dropped! I'll walk through the main reasons why I think this is an outrage, and what we can do about it. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer: RESTRICT Act Makes Us Criminals

8j6Qc9inC2I | 25 Apr 2023

Lawyer: RESTRICT Act Makes Us Criminals

Want to ban TikTok? Fine! But don't give sweeping powers to bureaucrats and make us criminals. The bipartisan RESTRICT Act is terrible for all Americans! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Canadian Cops. Here's why...

tVpwmlgymgQ | 11 Apr 2023

LAWYER: Canadian Cops. Here's why...

Everyone complains about American cops, but are they really the worst? Here's how intrusive Canadian cops get to be, and it's legal! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: How "No Refusal Weekends" Are a Joke

bpQaZK5MrRw | 28 Mar 2023

LAWYER: How "No Refusal Weekends" Are a Joke

You know you shouldn't talk to the police and you know you should refuse physical roadside "tests", but what about "no refusal weekends"? Are your rights magically suspended during these mythical time periods? NO! And here's why that's true. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Student is Suing Police. Will He Win?

3xh5_5HZqWY | 14 Mar 2023

LAWYER: Student is Suing Police. Will He Win?

A SOBER college student was pulled over, and was arrested despite blowing 0.00 on the breathalyzer. Now he's suing the police department. Was the arrest legal? Did the arresting officer go too far? Will the student win his case? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Breathalyzer Test You CAN'T Refuse

UDssbDaRJFY | 28 Feb 2023

LAWYER: Breathalyzer Test You CAN'T Refuse

It's always a smart idea to NOT answer when police ask you questions, but there is a specific instance for DUI stops when your 5th Amendment rights don't actually matter. I think it's stupid and unconstitutional, and here's why. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

What David Koechner Did WRONG During DUI Stop

jpn1nx_-IrU | 14 Feb 2023

What David Koechner Did WRONG During DUI Stop

Even famous actors can fall for the tricks cops use on unsuspecting citizens. I'll walk through David Koechner's DUI stop to point out where he went wrong so you can defend yourself if something like this happens to you. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer: How to get out of handcuffs ASAP

zAJrgKsmGQA | 10 Jan 2023

Lawyer: How to get out of handcuffs ASAP

You can be innocent and still be put in handcuffs. If you'd like to be set free as quickly as possible, watch as I walk through an arrest and point out what to do and what *not* to do. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: How to Get Cops to Pay for Their Mistakes

_owHa1YM3-I | 20 Dec 2022

LAWYER: How to Get Cops to Pay for Their Mistakes

Police officers are human, and they make mistakes. But what if those mistakes violate your rights? I'll walk through some of the best tips to defend yourself from these egregious errors. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

...and I'd love your help to get to 1,000,000!

7wLsOwu9J9A | 06 Dec 2022

...and I'd love your help to get to 1,000,000!

Thank you to all of my fans and viewers! You're the reason for my success and my growth, and I'd love your help getting to 1,000,000 subscribers. What have you enjoyed about the channel? What do you want to see more of? My producer's website: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: Police Are Hunting for People's DNA

cUGTnEx-9E0 | 29 Nov 2022

LAWYER: Police Are Hunting for People's DNA

Drivers may need to hand over more than their license and registration in Alaska. Due to a new law, thousands of residents are being required to hand over their DNA to the authorities. It's ridiculous! Original video from "Ed From Anchorage": Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER: How You Should Fight a Search Warrant

-rfzFqNeLto | 15 Nov 2022

LAWYER: How You Should Fight a Search Warrant

There are right ways -- and wrong ways -- to defend yourself against search warrants. Here is the best advice I give my clients. Including: Do you even need to open the door for officers that have a search warrant? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

LAWYER REACTS: Dumbest U.S. Laws

2Hgt_Wn_Rts | 01 Nov 2022

LAWYER REACTS: Dumbest U.S. Laws

There are some federal laws still on the books that are ridiculous! Our friends over at @ReasonTV created these brilliant puppet videos to showcase some of the dumbest U.S. laws...and I'm seeing them for the first time! Video links: Crime Squad, Episode 1: Crime Squad, Episode 2: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Cop Arrests INNOCENT Client for DWI

WxFyuce_ktM | 18 Oct 2022

Cop Arrests INNOCENT Client for DWI

One deputy thinks my client is sober. The other doesn't. So do they let him go? NO! Instead, my client is arrested for DWI, and just when I'm about to win the case, an unexpected turn of events happens. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

How Innocent Drivers Can Get SCREWED By the System

mrMgcChzSKE | 04 Oct 2022

How Innocent Drivers Can Get SCREWED By the System

Just because you've done nothing wrong doesn't mean you won't pay. The system has some crazy hidden fees that can gouge you, and here's the advice I give my clients to avoid them. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

How QUICKLY Do You HAVE to Pull Over?

3D8GOZ9RIew | 13 Sep 2022

How QUICKLY Do You HAVE to Pull Over?

What if a police officer is trying to pull you over on a dark highway? What if you're driving on a section of road that doesn't feel safe? How far can you drive before pulling over? Let's talk about it! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer: How to Respond to a SWAT Team at Your Door

lFQN8lrONP4 | 30 Aug 2022

Lawyer: How to Respond to a SWAT Team at Your Door

Being "Swatted" is a terrible thing to experience, so is there any way to avoid it? What should you do if a SWAT team shows up at your house? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer Reacts to INSANE Cop Training on TikTok

KBR5FytNK0k | 16 Aug 2022

Lawyer Reacts to INSANE Cop Training on TikTok

This cop on TikTok is trying to teach you how to "properly" interact with the police, and I have some serious concerns! We talk about K9 units, giving consent to searches, and more! CORRECTION: I state in the video that Rodriguez beat the dog. He DID win at the Supreme Court, but the case was remanded for further proceedings to determine what effect the new standard would have on Rodriguez's case. Unfortunately, the Eighth Circuit ruled that the cops were entitled to rely on the "de minimis" rule of the Eighth Circuit that was in place at the time they stopped Rodriguez. He won the Supreme Court battle, but lost the war. Other defendants HAVE won against the dog in court by NOT allowing a police search. Two key cases in Virginia are Commonwealth v. Rivera (2018) and Commonwealth v. Anderson (2015). -------- The TikTok footage is from this profile: But it appears this specific video has been removed. If we come across the specific TikTok, we'll try to post the link. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description contains affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer: What to Do When Cops DEMAND Your Guns

poc8jziFKwU | 02 Aug 2022

Lawyer: What to Do When Cops DEMAND Your Guns

If some "gun inspectors" come knocking at your front door to "check on your guns," what should you do? If they are official police or ATF agents, it can be a stressful situation, so you should be ready. Watch today's video for the steps you should take. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Lawyer Reacts: Ticketed for Doing the Right Thing

T8_s-p2HB2Q | 19 Jul 2022

Lawyer Reacts: Ticketed for Doing the Right Thing

A teenager reported a drunk driver and was told by the police to follow them. But after doing the right thing, the OP got ticketed for being out past curfew. This smells like entrapment! Let's find out what happens. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Why It’s So EASY for Cops to STEAL Your Money

7iPLgsptcno | 05 Jul 2022

Why It’s So EASY for Cops to STEAL Your Money

If the cops find cash in your car, they often just take it! And you might not get it back. This is what Stephen learned, and it's an example of how civil asset forfeiture is ridiculous. Watch to learn how to protect yourself! Check out the Institute for Justice video about Stephen's case: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

ARRESTED for DUI Nowhere Close to a Car! How?

WzIZLA3kS3I | 21 Jun 2022

ARRESTED for DUI Nowhere Close to a Car! How?

The police *don't* have to see you commit a crime to arrest you for it, even for a DUI. Learn more about why that is and what you can do to protect yourself. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Cops Arresting INNOCENT People Using Google Data

ilGBzfLYenc | 07 Jun 2022

Cops Arresting INNOCENT People Using Google Data

A man was arrested because Google data pegged him at the scene of the crime. It took the cops 6 days to figure out Mr. Molina's *phone* was at the crime scene, but not Mr. Molina. How can you avoid being caught in the same trap? Faraday Bags: Librem 5 : Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description contains affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Cop ARRESTED for Answering His Own Door!

miKpJulDoYY | 24 May 2022

Cop ARRESTED for Answering His Own Door!

If the cops come to the door, can you simply not answer? You'd think cops wouldn't fall for tricks they use on others, but an officer in D.C. was arrested for opening his own door. He should have listened to this advice. Ring Video Doorbell Pro: Dahua Dual Lens Camera: Blue Iris (video software): Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas: NOTE: This description contains affiliate links for you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

Spot the LIES That Cops are Telling You

2nN_21jgNXc | 10 May 2022

Spot the LIES That Cops are Telling You

Cops lie all the time, and it's legal! Here are some of the most popular lies that I've seen during my time as a lawyer. Test yourself to see if you can spot the lies before I reveal the truth. ## videos shown here ## Dash Cam Catches Officer Lying DUI Checkpoint: Police Caught LYING on Camera Sober Driver Locked Up - Wins Lawsuit Cop Tries Every Trick In The Book - Fails New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving; .36% BAC Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

BEING ARRESTED Was the Right Choice for My Client?

2X_3oIfSNKM | 12 Apr 2022

BEING ARRESTED Was the Right Choice for My Client?

My client refused to do any roadside sobriety tests and did not blow into the Intoxilyzer at the police state. I'm proud of him, but was it the right choice? What happened when we went to court? Contact Andrew: Facebook:

DUI Checkpoint Refusal: Who Does it BEST?

uZjwoi6P3Wc | 05 Apr 2022

DUI Checkpoint Refusal: Who Does it BEST?

There's an art and science to handling yourself at a DUI checkpoint. I gathered a few examples from other YouTubers. I'll rate and rank each one to see who does it best. Check out their original videos: Ryan Scott 2strokeYardSale Jesse Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Future Teacher FIGHTS a Cop’s UNFAIR Stop

7XURCzNd1uw | 22 Mar 2022

Future Teacher FIGHTS a Cop’s UNFAIR Stop

Can you still get arrested for blowing under the legal limit? This future teach blew a 0.06 and was still arrested. Is this fair? What happened to her case? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

REFUSING to Exit: Your Questions Answered

2t7ZltYa2tg | 15 Mar 2022

REFUSING to Exit: Your Questions Answered

Today I'm answering YOUR questions about whether or not you HAVE to exit the car for the police, including things like: Can you lock your car? What if you think you're being unlawfully detained? ORIGINAL video (part 1): Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Don't Get Caught Speeding in THESE Tiny Towns!

D5n3bw5t5X8 | 08 Mar 2022

Don't Get Caught Speeding in THESE Tiny Towns!

Some tiny towns fill their coffers with traffic tickets. Learn about some of these highway robbery operations and what you can do to protect yourself! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Cops Use FAKE EVIDENCE! How to Protect Yourself

HiO3q2vJXqM | 15 Feb 2022

Cops Use FAKE EVIDENCE! How to Protect Yourself

Did you know that the police use fake "evidence" to compel people to confess? What should you do if you're in this situation? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Lawyer Reacts: Getting Rid of Trespassing Cops

ljNLTMooCeg | 08 Feb 2022

Lawyer Reacts: Getting Rid of Trespassing Cops

What should you do if the police are trespassing on your property to setup a speed trap? Let's see how one Redditor handled the situation. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

When It’s OK to Track Thieves (& When It’s NOT)

28h7GF8WFYo | 01 Feb 2022

When It’s OK to Track Thieves (& When It’s NOT)

Is it legal to track someone down that steals your property? Should you actually go locate your stolen stuff? Or what if someone accuses you of stealing and the police show up at your door? Let's find out!! Watch Whistlin Diesel's original video: Whistle Tracker: Apple AirTags: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

When You Should REFUSE to Exit Your Vehicle

y8sHL6lTR58 | 25 Jan 2022

When You Should REFUSE to Exit Your Vehicle

You've probably seen officers ordering people out of their cars. Maybe you've been ordered out of yours. Did you know that sometimes you can REFUSE to exit your car? Plus, let's talk about the Virginia case where a guy refused to exit, and the Trooper got fired. :O Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER REACTS: Should this Redditor Be Worried?

Hvg0zltCKmE | 11 Jan 2022

LAWYER REACTS: Should this Redditor Be Worried?

Is it illegal for the police to find you on social media? How should you answer police questions? Let's look at those issues, plus others, courtesy of /r/legaladvice. For more reddit advice videos, check these out: LAWYER REACTS: What NOT to Say to the Police LAWYER REACTS: Traffic Ticket on a PRIVATE road?! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:


gdXvne8Ck-w | 04 Jan 2022


This Lamborghini owner from Canada got pulled over while driving through California. His police encounter highlights some useful tips for YOU if you're stopped by the police while driving through another state. Daily Driven Exotics YouTube channel: Andrew's recommended dash cam: VIOFO A129 Pro Duo 4K (affiliate link) For more on WHY you need a dash cam, watch this: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Ways to Keep Police OFF Your Property, Legally

CwCAyvJ5_lc | 21 Dec 2021

Ways to Keep Police OFF Your Property, Legally

Can the police come into your yard? Is there any way to try to keep them off your property? Let's learn the law of the lawn and how you can try to defend your castle! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Police TRAP YOU with Small Talk (How to Avoid It)

gJz6hacAmDY | 07 Dec 2021

Police TRAP YOU with Small Talk (How to Avoid It)

How do you respond to police small talk? Why do they even engage in small talk to begin with? Learn the ins and outs of avoiding a TRAP that the police may be setting for you. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

He Would’ve WALKED But He BROKE These Two Rules

U57iRxnzeVk | 23 Nov 2021

He Would’ve WALKED But He BROKE These Two Rules

The judge was about to dismiss this case, and I watched the defendant torpedo himself. Today's video is a real life court story where we'll learn how YOU can avoid making this same mistake. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

When to REFUSE a Breathalyzer (& When You CAN’T)

YiRxKbLdy7o | 09 Nov 2021

When to REFUSE a Breathalyzer (& When You CAN’T)

Did you know that in MOST states you should refuse the roadside breath test? Do you know the difference between the roadside breath test and the test at the police station? How about the special states where you can be charged with an offense solely for refusing the roadside breath test? My latest video covers all that, and more. Let's bust some myths about the breath tests, so you know your rights if you are facing the long arm of the law. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER: What NOT to Say When You Get Pulled Over

DWk6fYkUOLU | 26 Oct 2021

LAWYER: What NOT to Say When You Get Pulled Over

Do you know how to respond to police questions during a traffic stop? Do you know what NOT to say? Let's go through some common questions you might encounter. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER REACTS: What NOT to Say to the Police

GIJgkpxz3VE | 12 Oct 2021

LAWYER REACTS: What NOT to Say to the Police

Check out these real life examples of what NOT to say to the police and now NOT to react during traffic stops. :D Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

How We WON When My Client Was ILLEGALLY Stopped!

tkdn6U-ZE6g | 21 Sep 2021

How We WON When My Client Was ILLEGALLY Stopped!

A client was facing possible jail, all because of their paper license plate that APPEARED to be legit. Here's what happened, and how we WON. **Lawyer disclaimer :) Every case depends upon its unique facts. Past cases don't predict future success. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER REACTS: Traffic Ticket on a PRIVATE road?!

WAHeR8M1U6M | 07 Sep 2021

LAWYER REACTS: Traffic Ticket on a PRIVATE road?!

Reddit user "fastbutsafe" to himself a doozie of a reckless driving ticket down in Texas. But here's the kicker: it was on his own private driveway. How does that even work?! Does he have a defense? Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

What if SOMEONE ELSE Shows Up to Your Trial?

QA64-1SuHIY | 24 Aug 2021

What if SOMEONE ELSE Shows Up to Your Trial?

What happens if you hire one lawyer and someone else shows up for your case in court? How can you prevent this? Let's talk about it. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER RESPONDS: Can Police Stick Their Foot in Your Door?

Jm9NAMcCXoE | 27 Jul 2021

LAWYER RESPONDS: Can Police Stick Their Foot in Your Door?

Can you slam your door on the police officer's foot? What rights do you have if they won't let you shut the door. Let's see how this scenario could play out.... Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

LAWYER REACTS: Pizza guy arrested in drug sting, does everything wrong

tixz-zj9QvA | 14 Jul 2021

LAWYER REACTS: Pizza guy arrested in drug sting, does everything wrong

How should you respond if the police come to your job to interview you? Should you lawyer up? Should you talk? Check out this Reddit story where the guy did EVERYTHING wrong. Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

THIS driver celebrates Marijuana Legalization in Virginia

BmmY89N5Txk | 01 Jul 2021

THIS driver celebrates Marijuana Legalization in Virginia

It's July 1, 2021, when recreational marijuana becomes legal in Virginia. I'm driving along, minding my own business, when I see this van. :D How to legally use marijuana in Virginia: Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Which LIQUOR lands you in JAIL faster?

gH0hQJ2wBjI | 29 Jun 2021

Which LIQUOR lands you in JAIL faster?

Will drinking Captain Morgan land you in jail? Well, not all liquor is created equal. Picking one rum over another could DOUBLE the alcohol in your blood... Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Eating Roadkill is LEGAL?! (& other crazy traffic laws)

N4sb7AHONVo | 15 Jun 2021

Eating Roadkill is LEGAL?! (& other crazy traffic laws)

You'll be surprised by these crazy laws, including where you can legally eat roadkill. But even if it's legal, why would you want to?! Leave Andrew a voicemail with questions or ideas:

Tips to Legally Use Marijuana in Virginia

moZpWK9MQ0c | 18 May 2021

Tips to Legally Use Marijuana in Virginia

On July 1, 2021, you can legally possess marijuana in Virginia, but it's still not a free-for-all. You may be surprised about what's still prohibited. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

POLICE knock on door. How do YOU respond?

15uZTcNYMh0 | 30 Mar 2021

POLICE knock on door. How do YOU respond?

Do you know what to do if the police knock on your door? What are your rights? Check out this video about how you should handle the situation. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

The TRUTH About Marijuana Legalization in Virginia

EDWBroirpYc | 16 Mar 2021

The TRUTH About Marijuana Legalization in Virginia

Did you hear that Virginia legalized recreational marijuana? You heard wrong. The current "legalization" bill reads like a horrible joke.What's going on here?! Contact Andrew: Facebook:

How to Install Your Dash Cam to Guard Yourself

xrdSoNnIB_0 | 23 Feb 2021

How to Install Your Dash Cam to Guard Yourself

If you don't have a dash cam in every car you own, you're leaving yourself open to false claims. This video highlights my recommended dash cam and shows you how to install a front AND rear dash camera system. Andrew's recommended dash cam: VIOFO A129 Pro Duo 4K (affiliate link) For more on WHY you need a dash cam, check out this video: Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Lawyer Explains: Can a Dash Cam SAVE You at Court?

A_JjaRC2YLk | 16 Feb 2021

Lawyer Explains: Can a Dash Cam SAVE You at Court?

If you don't have a dash cam in your car, you're leaving yourself exposed to the police, other motorists, and robbers. Learn why you need a dash cam and what critical features to look for. Andrew's recommended dash cam: VIOFO A129 Pro Duo 4K (affiliate link) Contact Andrew: Facebook:

LIES the POLICE Use to Manipulate You

x4me6Z757zs | 02 Feb 2021

LIES the POLICE Use to Manipulate You

The police can lie to you, and they do it every day. Learn about some common police lies and why you shouldn't respond to them. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

How to Handle Military Checkpoints

qbRhOld64Hc | 19 Jan 2021

How to Handle Military Checkpoints

The military currently occupies DC, and they are running checkpoints of people and vehicles all over the city. How should you defend yourself in this situation? Thumbnail photo credit: Amy Newman. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Protect Yourself From DUI Checkpoints + Why They're Absurd

XzwKIEmBCvw | 05 Jan 2021

Protect Yourself From DUI Checkpoints + Why They're Absurd

What should you do if you end up in a DUI checkpoint? And did you know these checkpoints don't actually catch drunk drivers? Indiana story about checkpoint failures: Contact Andrew: Facebook:

How to Get Back Your Freedom

mK13Z72qiC0 | 22 Dec 2020

How to Get Back Your Freedom

Has the government ordered you around this year? Has the government cost you a job or shut down your business? Let's talk about how we got here and what YOU can do about it... Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Can the Police STOP You For....

q3H3_0MGDlY | 08 Dec 2020

Can the Police STOP You For....

The police are likely to stop you at least once in your life. Without a legal reason to do so, the entire stop should be thrown out of court. Let's look at 7 scenarios to see if the police can stop you... Contact Andrew: Facebook:

The Distance You ACTUALLY Need to Avoid THIS...

bXe-lC1VIBI | 24 Nov 2020

The Distance You ACTUALLY Need to Avoid THIS...

If you don't create this much distance between you and vehicle ahead of you, you're going to be in a world of trouble if something unexpected happens. Let's see just how much space you actually need! Contact Andrew: Facebook:

6 Lawyer Tricks You Must Avoid

21lwmicEUsI | 18 Aug 2020

6 Lawyer Tricks You Must Avoid

Learn how to spot bad lawyers and what lawyer tactics you need to stay far away from. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Defend Your Rights by NOT Talking to the Police

j3TJy92kLHA | 28 Jul 2020

Defend Your Rights by NOT Talking to the Police

This video busts several common traffic stop myths and illustrates why you should never talk to the police. Even a simple question could get you on the hook for serious criminal charges. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Don't Fall for Cash Bail Scams

-atySEWG5Rs | 14 Jul 2020

Don't Fall for Cash Bail Scams

Jim's nephew was in jail and needed cash fast. Or did he? It was all a cunning scam to try to rip off Jim. Based on a true story; names and some facts changed for privacy. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Protect Yourself with the RIGHT Answers to Police Questions

DZn4_Xgxb6c | 07 Jul 2020

Protect Yourself with the RIGHT Answers to Police Questions

Do you know how to answer common officer questions during a traffic? I'll show you interactions that happen everyday, and how YOU can respond to protect yourself. NOTE: I am a licensed lawyer, NOT a police officer. "Officer Andy" is just a character for illustration purposes. :) Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Ultimate Guide to Virginia Marijuana Decriminalization

8POP72Y1qAo | 23 Jun 2020

Ultimate Guide to Virginia Marijuana Decriminalization

Many people have questions about possession of marijuana in Virginia after it's decriminalized on July 1, 2020. Can employers ask you about it? Can the police still search your car? Can the police seize marijuana from you? This video answers those questions and MORE. If you have questions that I didn't cover, drop a comment below, and I'll do another video down the road. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

DWI Tossed After Client Badgered - True Story.

3uIxTtNivv4 | 02 Jun 2020

DWI Tossed After Client Badgered - True Story.

My client was badgered into doing field sobriety tests, and we used that to defend the case in court. This true story is based on an actual case, but some details are slightly modified for confidentiality. Case results vary, and they depend upon the unique facts. Past cases do not predict future success. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Sh!# Cops Say - Protect Yourself From Lies!

ROaqgTBZGoE | 21 May 2020

Sh!# Cops Say - Protect Yourself From Lies!

Learn what tactics and lies police use to trick you into making their case. Equip yourself in case you're on the wrong end of a police investigation. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

How to wear a mask when it's ILLEGAL?!

45A1S9lF65c | 30 Apr 2020

How to wear a mask when it's ILLEGAL?!

It's a felony in Virginia and some other states to wear a mask in public. But the government is recommending that some people wear them due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How do you protect yourself? Why are masks illegal in the first place? The story may surprise you! UPDATE: Governor Northam *amended* Executive Order 53 to specifically waive the felony mask law through June 10. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Your To-Go Mojito Could be Criminal

592vdLR8VDo | 22 Apr 2020

Your To-Go Mojito Could be Criminal

Buying a to-go mixed beverage in Virginia during the Coronavirus pandemic might put you on the hook for a misdemeanor charge for drinking while driving. Learn how to protect yourself. Contact Andrew: Facebook:

Breaking this law may kill you

dbd2E-StFew | 13 Apr 2020

Breaking this law may kill you

Your life and livelihood are at risk if you break the simple law of walking on the wrong side of the road. In Virginia, if you are run over by a car while walking on the wrong side of the road, you may not be able to sue for your injuries due to "contributory negligence." Be smart: walk and bicycle on the correct side. Contact Andrew:

Marijuana is NOT Legal in Virginia, but no Longer a Crime

agRM-5o-Afo | 09 Apr 2020

Marijuana is NOT Legal in Virginia, but no Longer a Crime

UPDATE: Governor signed the bill. As of July 1, Virginia has decriminalized marijuana. Simple possession will just be a $25 penalty. But employers and educational institutions need to be aware of the law’s prohibition on asking about people’s PAST marijuana incidents.

Watch For Speed Cameras in Virginia School Zones

mkghj2AxAlw | 09 Apr 2020

Watch For Speed Cameras in Virginia School Zones - If this bill is enacted (which seems likely), your local school zones (and work zones!) could have speed enforcement cameras installed. Be careful, or you’ll be getting tickets in the mail.

Reckless Driving in Virginia is now 85 and up

RKGy3PVuFGw | 09 Apr 2020

Reckless Driving in Virginia is now 85 and up - Assuming the governor signs this bill, the Virginia reckless driving by speed line will go from 80 mph to 85 mph. It will still be reckless driving to go 20 or more over the limit anywhere.

Do NOT Hold Your Phone in Virginia

pMpC-woWRVM | 09 Apr 2020

Do NOT Hold Your Phone in Virginia - As of January 1, 2021, motorists in Virginia CANNOT hold their phones while driving. The first offense is a $125 fine. Now is the time to prepare your phone mount and get in the habit of not even touching your phone in the car.

Vehicle Inspections Steal Money in the Name of Safety

6cG-_YUzpaw | 16 Dec 2019

Vehicle Inspections Steal Money in the Name of Safety

The Virginia government makes about $6 MILLION every year from state vehicle inspections, but they can't show the inspections actually improve safety.

Calibration Must Apply to YOUR Case

oez9RbQWVXc | 21 Nov 2019

Calibration Must Apply to YOUR Case - Does the calibration paperwork actually apply to YOUR case? Is it for the appropriate radar / LIDAR / speedometer that the officer used to measure your speed? What does a calibration certificate even look like? Check out this video for answers.

Calibration Copies and Certificates

7JHnmp7Yo-w | 21 Nov 2019

Calibration Copies and Certificates - If the officer sticks a piece of paper in front of you and calls it his "calibration," how do you know if that paper is admissible in court? Is it a "certificate or true copy"? Find out how to tell the difference.

Calibrations Only Good for Six Months

9FoMCRLptJc | 21 Nov 2019

Calibrations Only Good for Six Months - A calibration certificate is only valid for six months. But which date do you look at? How do you know when the six-month window begins and ends?

Should Virginia Allow Police Road Blocks?

JZJuIfzIt4g | 18 Jun 2019

Should Virginia Allow Police Road Blocks?

What do you think? Should we allow the police to conduct road blocks to fish for traffic tickets and crimes?

Using Police Cruiser Video for Virginia Reckless Driving Defense

UgvaH1aR51g | 18 Jun 2019

Using Police Cruiser Video for Virginia Reckless Driving Defense

Can police cruiser video be useful for Virginia reckless driving defense? Maybe.

STOP for Virginia Accidents

rN6vwQXV2_k | 13 Mar 2019

STOP for Virginia Accidents - What is your duty if you're involved in an automobile accident in Virginia? Do you have to stop?

SHOCKING Case: Lawyer Dropped the Ball

pKMtu2L5GnA | 13 Mar 2019

SHOCKING Case: Lawyer Dropped the Ball - Is your lawyer doing their job for you? You'd be surprised how many lawyers hack their way through traffic cases and don't do their jobs. Here's one I witnessed in court.

Constructive Possession - Drugs in Plain View

Opef0FEA3Sc | 29 Dec 2018

Constructive Possession - Drugs in Plain View

Can you be found guilty of possessing marijuana or other drugs in Virginia simply by sitting in a vehicle with the substance in plain view?

Is the Odor of Marijuana Enough for a Virginia Conviction?

MyXaZP-8qa0 | 29 Dec 2018

Is the Odor of Marijuana Enough for a Virginia Conviction?

Is being in a vehicle with marijuana and the odor of marijuana enough to be guilty of a misdemeanor in Virginia? That's the Loudermilk v. Commonwealth case.

Excluding the Witnesses at Trial

QKuNphHuqnE | 29 Dec 2018

Excluding the Witnesses at Trial

Did you know that you have the right to separate the witnesses during your Virginia traffic or misdemeanor trial? It's an important trial strategy.

Motion to Strike in Virginia - Toss the Case!

vOLNgU1VjR8 | 29 Dec 2018

Motion to Strike in Virginia - Toss the Case!

In Virginia you can move to strike the evidence against you, which means that the Commonwealth hasn't even made a bare bones case against you.

Beware of Dangling Objects in Virginia

rTYsv6nHqdg | 14 Oct 2018

Beware of Dangling Objects in Virginia - Beware of dangling objects in Virginia. They can get you pulled over even if you're doing nothing wrong!

Thank you for calling Andrew Flusche!

Sjtobk4qkI0 | 06 Sep 2018

Thank you for calling Andrew Flusche!

Thank you for calling about your case! We will talk soon, and in the meantime, you can check out real reviews at

When Can You Cross The Yellow Line?

NjFeYW6fzgk | 04 Jul 2018

When Can You Cross The Yellow Line? - When can you cross the yellow line in Virginia? Traffic lawyer Andrew Flusche has the answer!

Watch Out For License Plate Covers and Frames!

T5R95DAjbcw | 04 Jul 2018

Watch Out For License Plate Covers and Frames! - Do you know what license plate covers and frames are ILLEGAL? Andrew does!

What Virginia drivers must carry in your car

Hgb01A4Lpyg | 16 Dec 2017

What Virginia drivers must carry in your car

Do you know what 4 things you should have in your car at all times in Virginia? Check it out! If you need help, call 540.318.5824.

Move Over or Slow Down for Flashing Lights in Virginia

F_nH98mIigE | 24 May 2017

Move Over or Slow Down for Flashing Lights in Virginia

There's a lot of confusion on the roadways about Virginia's Move Over or Slow Down Law. So I want to take a minute to explain what you need to do. Contact me today about your VA traffic ticket 540-318-5824 or

Will Virginia Possession of Marijuana Suspend Your License?

Z2dMcxhD7mo | 15 Mar 2017

Will Virginia Possession of Marijuana Suspend Your License?

The answer is yes, but you might have some options so there is no license suspension at risk. Take a look in this video at some options you may have and contact me today to see how I can help. 540-318-5824 or Update: In 2018, Virginia law changed - you no longer lose your license IF you do first offender and you were NOT operating the vehicle. Otherwise, you're facing loss of your license.

Virginia Reckless Driving Requires Driving the Vehicle

n7a1cwM_XIc | 13 Mar 2017

Virginia Reckless Driving Requires Driving the Vehicle

To be driving, you have to be in control of the vehicle, behind the wheel of the vehicle actually being the person who's driving the car making it go one way or another, or maybe you're losing control of it, but you need to be the driver, the person that would be behind the wheel. So if this kind of situation applies to you in your reckless driving case, we definitely need to talk to see if there's any kind of argument we can make that you weren't driving the vehicle. Contact me today about your case. 540-318-5824 or

Driving Suspended in Virginia for 4th Offense

IkJThDzGzlo | 07 Feb 2017

Driving Suspended in Virginia for 4th Offense

If you are facing a Driving on Suspended charge, 4th offense, you are at risk for going to jail. Here's how I can help. Contact me today at 540-38-5824 or

Your Rights During a Virginia Traffic Stop - Quiz Results

nKiytt5eNog | 19 Jan 2017

Your Rights During a Virginia Traffic Stop - Quiz Results

Over 900 drivers took a quiz to test their knowledge on their right in Virginia. 74% missed one question. In this video, I talk about why they missed it. Want to test your knowledge, take my quiz: Contact me today for your Virginia reckless driving case. 540-318-5824 or

Uber Drivers - Fight Virginia Reckless Driving

xN67JcPeNKE | 06 Jan 2017

Uber Drivers - Fight Virginia Reckless Driving

A reckless driving conviction on that record could impair your ability to drive with Uber, especially depending upon if you have other tickets. Contact me so we can look at your defense options. 540-318-5824 or

Law School Student Reckless Driving in Virginia

2UQliThowXM | 09 Dec 2016

Law School Student Reckless Driving in Virginia

If you are a law student or hoping to go to law school, and you received a reckless driving ticket in Virginia, you need to talk with me about what your options are and how we can hopefully handle the case together. Contact me today at 540-318-5824 or

International Student Reckless Driving Defense

wlm68Olt6JQ | 09 Dec 2016

International Student Reckless Driving Defense

Any time a person with immigration concerns is accused of a crime in Virginia, you definitely need to be very cautious about how you handle the situation. Reckless driving is in fact a criminal offense that you're accused of. It's not just a traffic ticket like speeding or something like that. It is a misdemeanor offense, and you need to be sure to treat it seriously. Contact me today to discuss your case. 540-318-5824 or

Drive Slowly on Snow and Ice to Avoid Reckless Driving

ZSZJacnZdpQ | 01 Dec 2016

Drive Slowly on Snow and Ice to Avoid Reckless Driving

If that happens to you and you get a reckless driving ticket or any kind of ticket on the snow or ice, give me a call so I can discuss with you what defenses we may have and how we can maybe get the charge reduced or dismissed to try to avoid you having that conviction on your record. 540-318-5824 or

Defend Reckless Driving Following Too Closely I95 Accidents

tWwppGJNF1I | 30 Nov 2016

Defend Reckless Driving Following Too Closely I95 Accidents

You'd be surprised how many people call me for tickets on the interstate where they had an accident, and essentially it's because they couldn't stop in time when traffic slowed down or stopped in front of them. If this is what happened to you, definitely contact me. 540-318-5824 or

Reckless Driving Defense: Can the officer identify his tuning forks?

cwYdDS339zQ | 28 Oct 2016

Reckless Driving Defense: Can the officer identify his tuning forks?

One defense that you may be unaware of and that I've even seen some lawyers skip over, is whether or not the officer can identify his tuning forks from a big, long list. Contact me today to see what defense options are available in your case. 540-318-5824 or

Response to Fredericksburg Police Video

IASbG-Ni7Ss | 20 Oct 2016

Response to Fredericksburg Police Video

The City of Fredericksburg, VA recently published a video about what to expect during a traffic stop. While I agree with a lot of the points they make in the video and I commend the city for making a proactive tool to try to educate people on how to make sure the police and citizens are safe, there are a couple of points that I want to talk about their video. If you would like to see their video first, you can view it here: For help with your VA traffic case you can contact me at or 540-318-5824

Can You be Pulled Over For License Plate Covers That Try to Beat Cameras?

RSZrVZQ68P8 | 14 Sep 2016

Can You be Pulled Over For License Plate Covers That Try to Beat Cameras?

Another Facebook Fan question. People ask all sorts of questions on my page, so here is another answer. If you have a case in the Fredericksburg, VA area, contact me at 540-318-5824 or

Can You be Pulled Over For Tossing a Cigarette Butt?

tpaiNACopOI | 13 Sep 2016

Can You be Pulled Over For Tossing a Cigarette Butt?

Another Facebook Fan question. People ask all sorts of questions on my page, so here is another answer. If you have a case in the Fredericksburg, VA area, contact me at 540-318-5824 or

Can You be Pulled Over For Dark Window Tint?

Vuw_F-OwWKU | 12 Sep 2016

Can You be Pulled Over For Dark Window Tint?

I have people ask all sorts of questions on my Facebook page. Here's a recent one. If you have a case in the Fredericksburg, VA area, contact me at 540-318-5824 or

Should You Prepay Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket?

VsOTw26bmqc | 14 Jul 2016

Should You Prepay Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket?

If you're facing reckless driving right now, you need to contact me so you can learn more about reckless driving defenses, learn more about what your situation with the law really means, and then make an educated, informed decision about whether or not you want to hire an attorney, or whether or not if sending in a check is an option for you. 540-318-5824 or

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; I Was Going Downhill

6Pyd8y7F_RE | 05 Jul 2016

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; I Was Going Downhill

Here is a defense NOT to use, but find out why. Contact me today to see what defense options you do have for your reckless driving charge. 540-318-5824 or

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; It Wasn't Me

fexSa3-K1nU | 05 Jul 2016

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; It Wasn't Me

Here is a defense NOT to use, but find out why. Contact me today to see what defense options you do have for your reckless driving charge. 540-318-5824 or

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; I Was Going With The Flow

Antj9jVKltE | 05 Jul 2016

Bad VA Reckless Driving Defenses; I Was Going With The Flow

Here is a defense NOT to use, but find out why. Contact me today to see what defense options you do have for your reckless driving charge. 540-318-5824 or

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on my Pennsylvania License?

3QhF8z_jqn4 | 17 May 2016

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on my Pennsylvania License?

You are a Pennsylvania driver, but were charged in Virginia. Find out what could happen to your license in your home state. If you case is in the Fredericksburg, VA area contact me at 540-318-5824 or

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on New Jersey License?

NL3zwCiTFEo | 13 May 2016

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on New Jersey License?

You are a New Jersey driver, but were charged in Virginia. Find out what could happen to your license in your home state. If you case is in the Fredericksburg, VA area contact me at 540-318-5824 or

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on Your Maryland License?

9uNGDfFNBGc | 12 May 2016

Will a Virginia Ticket Put Points on Your Maryland License?

You are a Maryland driver, but were charged in Virginia. Find out what could happen to your license in your home state. If you case is in the Fredericksburg, VA area contact me at 540-318-5824 or

2 Kinds of Reckless Driving Charges You Can Get in the Rain

odDrpn4DBQo | 25 Apr 2016

2 Kinds of Reckless Driving Charges You Can Get in the Rain

Find out what they are and which one you could even avoid simply by not giving the police any details. Contact me today for your VA reckless driving case. 540-318-5824 or

If You Consent, The Police Can Search!

T2sXRe74gfY | 19 Apr 2016

If You Consent, The Police Can Search!

If you consent to the search by the police we cannot challenge the search. We can't argue that the police didn't have a legal reason to search because you gave them permission. Contact me today to see how I can help in your case. 540-318-5824 or

How Should We Interact With The Police?

ztGlx9LfQeI | 15 Apr 2016

How Should We Interact With The Police?

So many recent events have ended in tragic loss of life for both every day citizens and the police themselves. Here are just my thoughts on what we can do and how we can act to prevent future deaths. Here's where you can find more information about me or the type of law that I practice: or 540-318-5824

How Often do People Get Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving?

bl13xIzctnA | 11 Apr 2016

How Often do People Get Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving?

It happens more often than you would think. I would venture to say that probably every day in the Commonwealth of Virginia, someone is going to jail for reckless driving in our state. Learn more about what you can do to hopefully keep yourself out of jail. Contact me today about you reckless driving case. 540-318-5824 or

What is the Difference Between Reckless Driving and Improper Driving?

jtkOGmccoio | 07 Apr 2016

What is the Difference Between Reckless Driving and Improper Driving?

The big different between reckless driving and improper driving is that improper is for cases where the culpability is minimal. So what does that mean? Watch and find out. Contact me today about your VA reckless driving charge. 540-318-5824 or

Reduce Reckless Driving to Improper Driving

khspXV-MCbk | 06 Feb 2016

Reduce Reckless Driving to Improper Driving

Find out when it's possible to have your charge reduced to improper driving. Contact my office so we can have a free consultation and go over all the details. 540-318-5824 or

Can You Skip VASAP?

o1MXWicTJ14 | 03 Feb 2016

Can You Skip VASAP?

Can you put off VASAP or skip it all together? Contact me today about your VA DUI/DWI case. 540-318-5824 or

The Officer Will Show Up To Court!

3rw94cthUvA | 18 Jan 2016

The Officer Will Show Up To Court!

Yes, the officer will show up to court and he is doesn't, it will probably be for a very good reason. Don't let this be your defense option. Contact me today to see how I can help you. 540-318-5824 or

How NOT to Get Your Speedometer Calibrated

P-SOu2kFJME | 15 Jan 2016

How NOT to Get Your Speedometer Calibrated

There is a HUGE difference between a speed sensor replacement and a speedometer calibration. Let's take a look at the difference and find out which one will help you in court. Contact me today for your reckless driving or speeding case. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Take Your Blood if You Refuse the Breath Test?

9WQ9euzzibA | 08 Jan 2016

Can the Police Take Your Blood if You Refuse the Breath Test?

There are some tests you can refuse and others that you can't. Find out which ones. If you have been charged with VA DUI/DWI contact me today for a free case strategy session. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Make You Answer Questions?

0VoA9MfkfhY | 07 Jan 2016

Can the Police Make You Answer Questions?

Find out when you can exercise your 5th amendment right and when you need to answer questions. If you have a traffic or misdemeanor case in VA, contact me today. 540-318-5824 or

Is Speeding a Good Stop for Virginia DWI?

Hj01LlCqapQ | 01 Jan 2016

Is Speeding a Good Stop for Virginia DWI?

For speeding or any other simple traffic violation, that unfortunately is a good reason to pull you over, but that doesn't mean they can search for everything. Contact me about your case today. 540-318-5824 or

Does a .06 or .07 Mean You Are Not Guilty of DUI?

L8XECHtUFWs | 31 Dec 2015

Does a .06 or .07 Mean You Are Not Guilty of DUI?

This is a common misconception that I encounter almost daily from folks, is that people think that if you blow below a .08 you're automatically not guilty of DUI, that you're in the safe zone as long as you're below a .08 on the breathalyzer. Unfortunately, that is wrong. If you have been charged with VA DUI, contact me about your case to see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Lie to You?

6dWO9SFvwhU | 30 Dec 2015

Can the Police Lie to You?

This question comes up when talking with people about their DUI arrest and how things proceeded on the side of the road. They have a job to do and that you need to know your rights. Contact me today about your case. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Arrest You if You Are Not Behind the Wheel?

NgzG3tRGy_k | 29 Dec 2015

Can the Police Arrest You if You Are Not Behind the Wheel?

You are already home and on your front porch or in your driveway. Can they still arrest you?

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Marijuana Odor?

pHKn6r7jVpM | 28 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Marijuana Odor?

On one hand it seems kind of ludicrous that an officer can smell marijuana if you car is moving but on the other hand, maybe it's not so far-fetched depending on the facts. If you're charged with anything related to marijuana in Virginia definitely contact me so we can begin analyzing your options. 540-318-5824 or

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You After You Park?

Vxk6tW3EV6A | 24 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You After You Park?

It may be a consensual encounter or it may be an actual stop, which means they need more reason to be able to do it. Contact me about your case to see if I can determine if the stop was good. 540-318-5824 or

Why you should NEVER rely on a Keychain Alcohol Detector!

Lbe_saEjvA0 | 21 Dec 2015

Why you should NEVER rely on a Keychain Alcohol Detector!

I wanted to test a key chain alcohol detector that you can buy for $20 at Costco. Take a look at what happened! Contact me today for your DUI/DWI case at 540-318-5824 or *Quick video correction: I was just researching more about this particular breath test device... It uses semiconductor technology to detect alcohol, whereas the police breath tests use fuel cells. Different detection methods.

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Weaving?

8Z8q8CV9mnE | 04 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Weaving?

This is one area where there's a lot of room for argument, especially because typically these cases involve a DUI. That is why it is it is so important to contact me about your case. 540-318-5824 or

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Your License Plate Frame?

qmuNPGELFdE | 03 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Your License Plate Frame?

Typically, an officer's probably not going to waste his time on a license plate frame violation when he's got better things to do, but if they think that there may be some kind of foul play going on, and they really look for a reason to pull you over, you don't want to give it to them with a license plate frame or cover. Contact me today so I can hear about your charge and I'll tell you how I can help. 540-318-5824 or

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Lights Out?

w2TuCyrDqmo | 02 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You for Lights Out?

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You After Running Your Tags?

IDUttYZ5iAI | 01 Dec 2015

Can a Virginia Officer Stop You After Running Your Tags?

If you were pulled over because the officer ran your tags, we definitely need to talk, because this is an area where there is a little bit of gray area depending upon who actually is the registered owner of the vehicle, and if that was you or not. Contact me about your case today. 540-318-5824 or

Traffic Myth: You Have to Answer Police Questions

qxpj4bL2SGk | 30 Nov 2015

Traffic Myth: You Have to Answer Police Questions

You have the right to remain silent and there are times when you should invoke this right. Contact me about your Virginia traffic or misdemeanor case today. 540-318-5824 or

Traffic Myth: The Handheld Breath Test Is Accurate

eLbtwFPQ6gQ | 29 Nov 2015

Traffic Myth: The Handheld Breath Test Is Accurate

Some people think that these little black boxes that the officers have on the side of the road are 100% accurate and they're going to give you an accurate reading only breath sample. That is wrong. Here are instances when they can be inaccurate. Call me about your DUI/DWI case today. 540-318-5824 or

Traffic Myth: The Handheld Breath Test Does Not Come Into Court

AHvpykB0zWI | 27 Nov 2015

Traffic Myth: The Handheld Breath Test Does Not Come Into Court

If you think the results of the handheld breath test stay on the side of the road, think again! Contact me today about your DUI/DWI case. 540-318-5824 or

Why Hire a Lawyer if Jail is a Threat?

815khkeK6M4 | 26 Oct 2015

Why Hire a Lawyer if Jail is a Threat?

Because you never know what can happen in court. Find out more and contact me about your case. 540-318-5824 or

What is Your Success Rate?

P_zGfFklXi4 | 20 Oct 2015

What is Your Success Rate?

I don't keep track of how many charges that I get dismissed or give statistics on any kind of success rate and here's why. Contact me today about your case, and I will get all the facts and go over your defense options. 540-318-5824 or

What is the Difference Between Radar and LIDAR?

KSPMQAa9K_o | 15 Oct 2015

What is the Difference Between Radar and LIDAR?

I'll explain the difference between the two and also explain which one is more accurate for picking your speed out of a pack of cars. If you have a reckless driving or speeding ticket, contact me today to see what defense options you have. 540.318.5824 or

Is a Photocopy of The Officer's Calibration Good Enough for Court?

M6syqKl6kaE | 14 Oct 2015

Is a Photocopy of The Officer's Calibration Good Enough for Court?

This is an area where it really pays to have an experienced traffic defense attorney like myself. I've inspected many, many, probably 100s if not 1000s of calibrations in the time that I've been handling traffic defense cases for people in Virginia. You have to be able to know what you're looking for. Definitely contact me so we can discuss your case together. 540-318-5824 or

Can Radar Pick My Speed Out of a Group?

7q-NNX7scPI | 13 Oct 2015

Can Radar Pick My Speed Out of a Group?

I get this question almost every day from people who tell me they were in a group of cars, there was vehicles or trucks beside them, and wondering how the officer measured their speed using the radar gun. If you have a speeding or reckless driving case, contact me today to see what defense options you have. 540.318.5824 or

Will You Lose Your Job for Virginia Reckless Driving?

anjlBbVzqrU | 29 Sep 2015

Will You Lose Your Job for Virginia Reckless Driving?

You definitely need to contact me today, so we can get started looking at your case together and putting on the best defense possible to try to at least have the charge reduced from the reckless driving misdemeanor level down to just a regular traffic ticket, so that way it hopefully won't be a problem for you to maintain your job. 540-318-5824 or

Why Are You Charged with Virginia DUI Refusal?

kI48RaN1aUQ | 23 Sep 2015

Why Are You Charged with Virginia DUI Refusal?

The DUI and refusal law in Virginia is very complicated. It is understandably difficult to grasp. Especially if you just now find yourself in this situation with charges pending and a court date looming. Contact me today about your VA DUI/DWI case. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia DUI Refusal Without Refusing

Ln8Md5iCSJE | 22 Sep 2015

Virginia DUI Refusal Without Refusing

if you're charged with refusal in Virginia, or DUI, you definitely need to contact me so we can see what defenses you may have for your charge. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia DUI in Your Garage

50zjVesu5yA | 21 Sep 2015

Virginia DUI in Your Garage

Your vehicle does not have to be on the public roadway in order to be charged with DUI in Virginia. That's a common misconception and it's something that you need to be aware of. Contact me today for your VA DUI/DWI case. 540-318-5824 or

Should You Tell Your Lawyer Everything?

dqto9x-jzcg | 16 Sep 2015

Should You Tell Your Lawyer Everything?

If you think "oh, that doesn't matter right now," or "we'll bring that up later." We could be in a bind later on where I could have better advised you knowing the full facts about what actually happened. This happens in cases wide ranging nature. Contact me today about your VA traffic or misdemeanor case. 540-318-5824 or

What Happens for 2nd Offense Shoplifting in Virginia?

m2aAViqVnRs | 15 Sep 2015

What Happens for 2nd Offense Shoplifting in Virginia?

Definitely call me if you're charged with shoplifting second offense so we can discuss any defenses you may have and what options you may have in court. 540-318-5824 or

Is Shoplifting a Misdemeanor or Felony?

GiPYMJaYvNI | 14 Sep 2015

Is Shoplifting a Misdemeanor or Felony?

It depends on the value of the items that you are accused of stealing and this is why you definitely need to contact a me ASAP. 540-318-5824 or Update: In 2018 Virginia raised the felony threshold to $500. If you are charged with goods less than $500, it's a misdemeanor, $500+ is a felony.

How Much Jail Are You facing For Virginia Reckless Driving?

tAn-_Ut3wR4 | 11 Sep 2015

How Much Jail Are You facing For Virginia Reckless Driving?

Contact me so we can discuss whether or not jail is a threat in your case and what you may actually be looking at as far as how many days. 540-318-5824 or

Does the Store Have to Have Video for a Shoplifting Case?

6uDQs-wodf0 | 10 Sep 2015

Does the Store Have to Have Video for a Shoplifting Case?

Contact me about your VA shoplifting case today. The consultation is free and I'll gather all the facts of the case and go over your best defense options. 540-318-5824 or

3 Ways to Beat Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket

WzX0HxUXHS0 | 09 Sep 2015

3 Ways to Beat Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket

There are lots of different avenues that we can take for a Virginia reckless driving defense. If you're charged with reckless driving in VA, definitely give me a call today so we can go ahead and start leaning together about your case and I can hopefully help defend you in court. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Virginia Reckless Driving Statute

4y48Qt82FQo | 31 Aug 2015

Fight Virginia Reckless Driving Statute

Contact me today so we can go ahead and get started analyzing your case, and seeing what defenses you may have, and what possible outcomes we'd like to get in court. or 540-318-5824 UPDATE: As of 7/1/20, reckless driving in Virginia is now any speed over 85 mph.

Can Your Virginia Shoplifting Case be Dismissed?

MJfRT3OfAog | 30 Aug 2015

Can Your Virginia Shoplifting Case be Dismissed?

Definitely contact a lawyer like myself so you can find out kind of what you're facing and how the local court does treat these kind of cases, because shoplifting charges are very serious, and you certainly don't want to have that conviction on your record if we can avoid it. So if you're charged with shoplifting, definitely give me a call so we can get started discussing the case. 540-318-5824 or

Will Virginia Shoplifting go Away by Paying The Store?

d6gGxmD5BK4 | 29 Aug 2015

Will Virginia Shoplifting go Away by Paying The Store?

If you're charged with shoplifting, definitely contact me so we can discuss your case and how I can help you with it. 540-318-5824 or

First Offender Dismissal for Virginia Shoplifting

ZsGB1RBYvGo | 28 Aug 2015

First Offender Dismissal for Virginia Shoplifting

If you're charged with shoplifting in Virginia, definitely contact me so we can discuss the situation and what see what options you have. or 540-318-5824

Will You Get Jail for Virginia Shoplifting?

qWfNDJfu9Aw | 18 Aug 2015

Will You Get Jail for Virginia Shoplifting?

If you're charged in the Fredericksburg area, definitely give me a call and I can help you hopefully with your case and at least help you understand whether or not you're facing jail time. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia License Offenses

ymyKsFUYbg0 | 17 Aug 2015

Virginia License Offenses

If you're charged with any license offense in Virginia you definitely should contact me so I can help advise you about what exactly you're charged with, what the possible punishments are, and if you really even do need an attorney. 540-318-5824 or

Driving on a Suspended License Could Mean Jail

WoxJaHcBG38 | 14 Aug 2015

Driving on a Suspended License Could Mean Jail

If you're charged with driving on a suspended license, you definitely should contact me right away so we can begin analyzing your case together. 540-318-5824 or

Your accident may NOT be reckless driving

EGYgaeQa9D0 | 12 Aug 2015

Your accident may NOT be reckless driving

Reckless driving is serious, but there are definitely ways that an experienced attorney like myself can help you deal with it, and maybe have case dismissed. Just because you had an accident does not mean you were recklessly driving. You may NOT be guilty. 540-318-5824 or

Failure to Appear in Virginia - What To Do

-qIkfg5cF-8 | 10 Aug 2015

Failure to Appear in Virginia - What To Do

If you fail to appear in court in Virginia, you definitely should contact the court first, then contact a local experienced defense counsel like myself and I'm happy to help you try to figure out what we can do to get the case back on track and try to minimize the damage, and then of course help you try to address the original charge itself and put on the best defense we can. Contact me if you need help for missing court in Virginia. or 540-318-5824

Beat Driving on Suspended Based on the Stop

1lNwhCWZo-k | 07 Aug 2015

Beat Driving on Suspended Based on the Stop

Stop Texting and Driving

d0v6PnrPVic | 05 Aug 2015

Stop Texting and Driving

What is a Virginia DMV Medical Evaluation?

40zyVY-1-2Y | 04 Aug 2015

What is a Virginia DMV Medical Evaluation?

I'll explain what a medical evaluation is and what it mean for your driver's license. Contact me to discuss your traffic case in Virginia. 540-318-5824 or

Should You Fix Your Suspended License Before Court?

rLiD0YCNQL4 | 03 Aug 2015

Should You Fix Your Suspended License Before Court?

Yes. If you're charged with driving on suspended in Virginia or some kind of other no license or license-related offense, you should definitely fix the problem before we go to court. Now, fixing your license does not make the charge automatically go away. definitely contact me so I can help you figure out what you need to do. 540-318-5824 or

Do You Have to Appear for Virginia Reckless Driving?

LRLU0-t-fNM | 31 Jul 2015

Do You Have to Appear for Virginia Reckless Driving?

Depending upon the ticket you have, the court your case is in, and other factors such as your driving record, it may be a case that I can handle without you having to come to court. Contact me today to find out. 540-318-5824 or

How to Pre-pay Virginia Tickets

hkHlbOi3nB4 | 30 Jul 2015

How to Pre-pay Virginia Tickets

Find out how and when to pre-pay your ticket. Keep in mind, when you pre-pay you are saying "I'm guilty". Contact me today to see what other options you might have. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Search Your Car Based on Marijuana Odor?

8ZPbAbPrFUs | 29 Jul 2015

Can the Police Search Your Car Based on Marijuana Odor?

In Virginia the law says that if the officer smells the odor of marijuana, that alone is enough suspicion that there's marijuana in the vehicle and therefore the officer has the right to search it because your vehicle is a movable object. , in Virginia the law says that if the officer smells the odor of marijuana, that alone is enough suspicion that there's marijuana in the vehicle and therefore the officer has the right to search it because your vehicle is a movable object. 540-318-5824 or

Are Tuning Fork Calibrations After the Offense OK?

a0mxmgJJmyk | 28 Jul 2015

Are Tuning Fork Calibrations After the Offense OK?

Arguing about tuning fork certificates is quite technical about the statute and what exactly happened. If you having a speeding or reckless driving by speed case, you should definitely contact me so we can go ahead and discuss the facts of your case. 540-318-5824 or

Does Your Demeanor at Court Matter?

ECrS9NarBso | 18 Jul 2015

Does Your Demeanor at Court Matter?

You can't imagine how many people I've seen talk themselves into the judge convicting them. This is one reason why it can really pay off to have an experienced traffic and misdemeanor attorney representing you in court. Contact me today about your case 540-318-5824 or

Fight Driving on Suspended Third Offense

-k5smUjDbRg | 15 Jul 2015

Fight Driving on Suspended Third Offense

One of the best defenses we have in these cases, usually, is to investigate those priors and see if there's arguments we can use to knock them out and make it where they cannot be used against you in court. Contact me for your driving on suspended case. We can definitely look into the facts of your case and see what might be possible to defend your case and to, hopefully, try to eliminate or at least reduce the jail time that you may be facing. 540-318-5824 or

Can You Drive to Court on a Restricted License?

lVcql71ybHM | 13 Jul 2015

Can You Drive to Court on a Restricted License?

The answer is normally yes, but now there's caveats as with everything under the law. If you're charged with an offense of driving outside your restrictions, definitely contact me so we can begin analyzing your defense and seeing how we can fight that charge in court. 540-318-5824 or

Motorists Can Cross Double Yellow Line to Pass Bicyclists

ksO3hi2cQV4 | 12 Jul 2015

Motorists Can Cross Double Yellow Line to Pass Bicyclists

There's been a major change in the law as it relates to motor vehicles and bicycles. Effective July 1 of 2015, when a motor vehicle is trying to pass a bicyclist or pedestrian on the roadway, motor vehicle operators are now allowed to cross the double yellow line to do that.

How Does Remote Breath Work?

e-ETqWYlVwo | 08 Jul 2015

How Does Remote Breath Work?

The whole idea of remote breath is that you have basically continuous alcohol monitoring every 3 hours all throughout the 24 hour cycle you have to provide a breath sample. There are some things that I think are really problematic with it and very burdensome. If you are facing any kind of alcohol related charge for DUI or anything like that, contact my office we can begin discussing your situation together. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia DUI - Why Were You Weaving?

78yzvynfnfo | 01 Jul 2015

Virginia DUI - Why Were You Weaving?

No matter why you may be swerving or weaving, that usually gives the officer enough reason to pull you over, depending upon how severe it was. That's definitely something that we will need to discuss. Contact me about your DUI case and we can go over all of your options. 540-318-5824 or

License Suspension for Virginia DUI 2nd

3R04iON_3Qk | 30 Jun 2015

License Suspension for Virginia DUI 2nd

Unfortunately, a second offense carries pretty severe punishments if you are convicted of it and one of those punishments is a three year loss of your license. Contact me about your DUI case to see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Searches Based on Odor of Marijuana

L3bHO6ZjtYs | 29 Jun 2015

Fight Searches Based on Odor of Marijuana

One of the main questions that comes up in a lot of marijuana cases that I defend is that the officer claims they smell the odor of marijuana, and that's what gives them the right to search. Can you fight that kind of a search? Well, the answer is yes, but how difficult is it? Contact me today about your possession of marijuana case. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Handheld Breath Test be Used Against You in Court?

8vqVot-pNy8 | 26 Jun 2015

Can the Handheld Breath Test be Used Against You in Court?

There's three steps for DUI which I explain when you contact my office and we will analyze your case together. One question is does the officer have a good reason to arrest you. That's where the hand held breath test comes in. If you're charged with DUI or DWI definitely contact me so we can discuss your defenses. 540-318-5824 or

Amend Virginia Possession of Marijuana to Drug Paraphernalia

7VGWRgmKinw | 25 Jun 2015

Amend Virginia Possession of Marijuana to Drug Paraphernalia

Basically, it's done, if it's done, it will be done by agreement. This an issue that you really need to have a defense counsel for to try to work out that agreement to try to save your license and get the charge amended from possession of marijuana to possession of paraphernalia. Contact me today to discuss your case. 540-318-5824 or

Is 20 Over the Limit in Virginia Speeding or Reckless Driving?

ZxYR2gGIRZE | 16 Jun 2015

Is 20 Over the Limit in Virginia Speeding or Reckless Driving?

It depends upon what the officer actually writes on the ticket, what he actually accuses you of doing. Some officers if you're polite and cooperative, if nobody's actually in danger, if you have a good record, certain other factors they consider, some officers may just write a simple speeding ticket. Contact me today about your reckless driving or speeding charge. 540-318-5824 or

How Can You Avoid Ignition Interlock for Virginia DUI?

u3hTkJ-1VE8 | 12 Jun 2015

How Can You Avoid Ignition Interlock for Virginia DUI?

The first and most obviously way is to beat the DUI. If you're not convicted of the DUI or DWI, then you would not have to have an ignition interlock. The second way will depend on if you need a restricted license. Contact me today to see what defense options you do have. 540-318-5824 or

Can Refusal of Roadside DUI Tests be Used Against You?

rJQcTb7c9LU | 11 Jun 2015

Can Refusal of Roadside DUI Tests be Used Against You?

The refusal of roadside testing can be used in combination with other factors for the officer to still try to prove that he was justified in arresting you. Contact me today to see what defense options you have. 540-318-5824 or

The Pee Defense for Virginia Reckless Driving

twroghRBiu4 | 27 May 2015

The Pee Defense for Virginia Reckless Driving

Find out if I have ever seen anyone use this defense successfully or not. Contact me about your case and let's see what defense options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Should You do Driving School Before Court for Virginia Reckless Driving?

cqYWJi9Ht6o | 26 May 2015

Should You do Driving School Before Court for Virginia Reckless Driving?

It really does depend upon your prior record, the facts of your case and importantly the local judge who's going to be hearing your case. Contact me today to see if this is an option for you in your case. 540-318-5824 or

Fighting Virginia Radar Based on Odometer

c8FurKajNgU | 21 May 2015

Fighting Virginia Radar Based on Odometer

I've had people ask me this question and I don't know where it's coming from, but it simply is not relevant in Virginia. Let's take a look at what defense options you DO have. Contact me today for a free case strategy session and we can get started on your defense. 540-318-5824 or

Are you Facing Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving?

YbtQPh4E_0E | 20 May 2015

Are you Facing Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving?

The answer is that it depends upon the speed that you're accused of. It also depends upon your prior driving record, and really importantly, it depends upon the local court where your case is pending. Contact me today to see how I can help you. 540-318-5824 or

What do you think...Fredericksburg Police Body Cameras

9u9tmdW_sVI | 14 May 2015

What do you think...Fredericksburg Police Body Cameras

Why Hire a Lawyer for Virginia Possession of Marijuana

tpScNkhrSF8 | 05 May 2015

Why Hire a Lawyer for Virginia Possession of Marijuana

For any marijuana charge in Virginia there is a risk of six months loss of your drivers license. Contact me today to see what defense options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Officer Did Not Read Rights During DUI

QBWhMKGKhp8 | 04 May 2015

Officer Did Not Read Rights During DUI

It's a complicated situation which you and I need to talk about individually about the specifics of your case to see whether or not it matters but here's a thumbnail summary. Contact me today about your DUI/DWI case. 540-318-5824 or

Is it Reckless Driving to Cross the Double Yellow Line?

4JEobuYLdZ0 | 01 May 2015

Is it Reckless Driving to Cross the Double Yellow Line?

If you're charged with crossing the double yellow line, or another version of reckless driving, you should definitely request my free book to learn more about your case. Or contact my office right away so we can discuss the facts together. 540-318-5824 or

Can You Drive to DMV on a Restricted License?

6bg_72GLTFE | 30 Apr 2015

Can You Drive to DMV on a Restricted License?

The way a restricted driver's license works is you have certain specified things that you're allowed to drive for. If you're charged with driving outside your restrictions, we definitely need to talk. 540-318-5324 or

Will You Get Jail for an Interlock Violation?

8CGcTzTjg2A | 20 Apr 2015

Will You Get Jail for an Interlock Violation?

Judges treat these very harshly. If you are facing interlock violations, you are likely looking at some period of jail time. How much we're talking and what we can do to avoid that depends on the court that you're in and the judge that we have for your ASAP violation. Contact me today to see how I can help you. 540-318-5824 or


awwBO92Rt2Y | 17 Apr 2015


I charge a flat fee for your case. I don't bill you for every hour worked, every email sent and every time we talk on the phone. Contact me office today to get started on your defense. 540-318-5824 or

How Long Does an Officer Have to Pace You?

JUPAopoeudA | 17 Apr 2015

How Long Does an Officer Have to Pace You?

If you're pulled over by pace in Virginia, you definitely need to contact me so we can see if there's any defense that you may have, such as the speedometer calibration or whether or not the officer did get a good and steady pace of your vehicle. 540-318-5824 or

Officers Can Stop You If They Misunderstand the Law

JgGDs9ThU1k | 16 Apr 2015

Officers Can Stop You If They Misunderstand the Law

It's called "Mistake of Law". The officer can pull you over for thinking you broke the law when in reality, you did nothing wrong. Contact me today so we can see what defenses you have for your case. 540-318-5824 or

How Does the Marijuana Field Test Work?

mlFjHTK_4OE | 13 Apr 2015

How Does the Marijuana Field Test Work?

There are specific instructions that are essential to how the test performs. If your officer didn't follow the directions or if you think that your substance wasn't marijuana, definitely contact me today. Even if you think it was marijuana, contact me today so we can talk about defenses you may have. or 540-318-5824

What Are My Rights?

jN0-FHzN0mg | 30 Mar 2015

What Are My Rights?

Do you have to get out of the vehicle and do you have to comply with roadside tests and searches? Contact me today if you have a traffic case in Virginia. 540-318-5824 or

Andrew is Drunk....According to the Preliminary Breath Test

P9ECQnPQRHo | 19 Mar 2015

Andrew is Drunk....According to the Preliminary Breath Test

Here is why you should refuse all roadside tests in Virginia. If you have been charged with DUI/DWI contact me today so I can see how I can help you. 540-318-5824 or

Does Walking Away Count as Eluding?

p4mDgDeR9lE | 13 Mar 2015

Does Walking Away Count as Eluding?

The idea behind that statute is for people who may pull their vehicle over and then run on foot. They need a way to try to catch those people and charge them with something. But there are other ways that you could be eluding the police too. If you did get a ticket for something like this, definitely contact me so we can discuss your case. 540-318-5824 or

Happy St Patrick's Day

W66p26trlX0 | 12 Mar 2015

Happy St Patrick's Day

If you are planning to head out to celebrate, make sure your plans include a designated driver. If you are pulled over and you have had a drink or 2 you can *politely* refuse the roadside tests.

Can the Officer Pick My Speed Out of a Pack?

9kusX0QOaho | 11 Mar 2015

Can the Officer Pick My Speed Out of a Pack?

Unfortunately, traveling in a pack, so to speak, is not a defense to a speed-related ticket in Virginia, whether it’s speeding or reckless driving. Contact me today to see what defense options you do have. 540-318-5824 or

What is the Virginia Marijuana Field Test?

7OaekKaFDAA | 06 Mar 2015

What is the Virginia Marijuana Field Test?

See the field test that police are using to determine if you have marijuana. How accurate is it? Contact me about your possession of marijuana case. 540-318-5824 or

Fair DUI is Dumb in Virginia

mus7wTumaxY | 05 Mar 2015

Fair DUI is Dumb in Virginia

Should you use this sign when driving up to a DUI checkpoint in VA? I say no, for several reasons. Contact me today about your DUI case. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Delay to Wait for the Drug Dog?

tfx2VeGkCeY | 04 Mar 2015

Can the Police Delay to Wait for the Drug Dog?

Find out when the police can make you wait and when they let you need to go on your way. Contact me today for a free case strategy session and we will see what options you have for your possession of marijuana case. 540-318-5824 or

Beat Driving on Suspended Third by Getting Priors

ey2JySpTrAc | 03 Mar 2015

Beat Driving on Suspended Third by Getting Priors

If you are facing diving on suspended in Virginia, definitely contact me so we can discuss your case and once you hire me, begin getting those prior convictions in order. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Search Your Cell Phone for Texting?

uieuBYBOSvg | 16 Feb 2015

Can the Police Search Your Cell Phone for Texting?

We all have sensitive and confidential information and personal stuff in our phones, so can the police search them or do they need a warrant? If you have been charged with texting and driving, contact me today for a free case strategy session. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Driving on Suspended 3rd by Fighting the Priors

r1P9eC80_TA | 09 Feb 2015

Fight Driving on Suspended 3rd by Fighting the Priors

If we can find issues with one or more of your prior convictions to make it where they can’t be used against you in court, it could mean the difference between you going to jail for 10 days versus walking out of the courthouse. Contact me today to see what options you have. 540-318-5824

Do the Police Have to Warn You About a Traffic Checkpoint?

Fys1UIaJmYY | 05 Feb 2015

Do the Police Have to Warn You About a Traffic Checkpoint?

If you were charged for any kind of offense due to a checkpoint or traffic safety checking detail, definitely contact me today so we can talk about your defenses. 540-318-5824 or

Can the Police Follow You?

UyXqd0ZCFZQ | 04 Feb 2015

Can the Police Follow You?

One question that a lot of clients and potential clients have is whether or not the officer can observe a traffic violation at one location and then pull you over much later on, let’s say miles down the road. Contact me today to see what defense options you might have. 540-318-5824 or

Beware of Junk Lawyer Certifications

tseJA2m4sOU | 03 Feb 2015

Beware of Junk Lawyer Certifications

When lawyer shopping you have probably noticed the list of "certifications" some lawyers list on their website. Are they truly earned or have they just paid to use the badge on their website? Watch and learn the best way to choose who is right for you. Contact me today to get started. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia Assault and Battery Defense

AV8W7V92Ybk | 28 Jan 2015

Virginia Assault and Battery Defense

Even if you don't really have a defense to an assault and battery charge, depending on the circumstances and your record, we may be able to obtain an alternate outcome. Contact me today to see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Virginia Trespassing Charges

LoQOhmQPrVE | 28 Jan 2015

Fight Virginia Trespassing Charges

The commonwealth has a burden of proving that you were trespassing and not all times is it as clear cut as a "No Trespassing" sign. Contact me today to see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Fight No License Ticket in Virginia

KZ9C4bHIv7A | 28 Jan 2015

Fight No License Ticket in Virginia

Even if you think "Yeah, I'm guilty.", I don't have a Virginia license, you should still contact my office so we can see what we might can do to defend the case because the Commonwealth might not can prove everything they have to to prove that you are in fact guilty. 540-318-5824 or

Charged with DUI 2nd Offense in Virginia? Challenge the Prior!

DsnNtix2s8I | 28 Jan 2015

Charged with DUI 2nd Offense in Virginia? Challenge the Prior!

If you're charged with a second-offense DUI in Virginia, we need to look at the first offense to see if it really was a DUI that the commonwealth can use against you. Contact me today to see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Virginians Be Careful with Fair DUI Flyer

Jrgfz0F2f7Y | 20 Jan 2015

Virginians Be Careful with Fair DUI Flyer

You may have seen the video about putting a flyer in a plastic bag that says "I Remain Silent, No Searches and I Want My Lawyer" at a DUI checkpoint, but does it work in VA? If you have been charged with DUI/DWI find out how I can help. 540-318-5824 or

Test for Virginia Traffic and Misdemeanor Lawyers #affVideo

P6IQE9t_jr4 | 12 Jan 2015

Test for Virginia Traffic and Misdemeanor Lawyers #affVideo - If you're charged with a traffic or misdemeanor offense in Virginia, you need to consult with the RIGHT lawyer for your case. But how do know which lawyer to talk to? Give them this simple test. Ask the lawyer the right questions to find out if they're the BEST lawyer to handle your unique case.

Fight Virginia Misdemeanors

XzQ-FLycEhQ | 09 Jan 2015

Fight Virginia Misdemeanors

Traffic offenses are not the only charges I handle. I can also help you with Shoplifting, Assault and Battery and Possession of Marijuana. Contact my office today so I can help you with your misdemeanor charge.

Will Driving School Help for Juvenile Reckless Driving?

gLhl0YGezJ4 | 08 Jan 2015

Will Driving School Help for Juvenile Reckless Driving?

There are different scenarios and pieces of the puzzle that go into even a juvenile reckless driving case. While it looks like it may be a case where you can just go yourself and represent your son or daughter, you certainly should first talk with me about the case so you know what you’re looking at and what I can do to help you out. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia Reckless Driving Defense for Juveniles

4ZDX-Oe2o4w | 08 Jan 2015

Virginia Reckless Driving Defense for Juveniles

Reckless driving cases are handled differently depending on the age of you child. Find out at what age your son or daughter is considered an adult in Virginia. No matter what their age, they have the right to have an attorney. Contact me today and we will work together to minimize the damage of the charge. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Your Child's Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket

mdf-wq9awrA | 08 Jan 2015

Fight Your Child's Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket

Find out how your son or daughter's reckless driving charge can affect them now but also later in life. Contact me today so we can work together and minimize the damage. 540-318-5824 or

Is Using a Smart Watch Texting While Driving?

5dVxf5JCCfM | 24 Dec 2014

Is Using a Smart Watch Texting While Driving?

Could you get a texting while driving ticket in Virginia for using your smart watch? Well, nobody can stop the officer from writing the ticket, but I think you have a solid defense to that ticket, and I'd love to talk to you about it if that happens. 540-318-5824 or

Virginia Marijuana Possession - Is Odor Enough?

0KIB5T5omfU | 24 Dec 2014

Virginia Marijuana Possession - Is Odor Enough?

Did you know that if the police claim they smell marijuana in your vehicle that can be a good enough reason for them to search the vehicle? Contact me today to see what defense options you have. 540-318-5824 or

What Will Happen at Court?

CU8QLnyGW44 | 24 Dec 2014

What Will Happen at Court?

When you hire me, you will know what to expect every step of the way with your case, even what the plan is for court. Contact me to get started. 540-318-5824 or

What Will You Have to Say at Court?

2wJLHYHZO28 | 24 Dec 2014

What Will You Have to Say at Court?

In a few cases, the judges may ask you some questions, but in many cases, I can do all the talking for you. Contact me today to get started. 540-318-5824 or

What is the Cost for Virginia Reckless Driving?

7MBie8uSeA8 | 01 Dec 2014

What is the Cost for Virginia Reckless Driving?

There are so many factors to consider in a reckless driving case. Not only do you have court costs and lawyer fees, but you could see a spike in your insurance rates. That's why you should contact me today what see what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Fight Virginia DUI Refusal on Private Property

PkO17e3Q1lk | 26 Nov 2014

Fight Virginia DUI Refusal on Private Property

Were you charged with refusing a breath test after being arrested on private property? Contact me today to discuss if you can beat the charge. 540-318-5824 or

Can You Serve Jail on House Arrest?

4T7ByKCVoq0 | 26 Nov 2014

Can You Serve Jail on House Arrest?

It does not happen often, but there are some unique circumstances that could allow you to serve your jail time on house arrest. Contact me today to see if this applies to you. 540-318-5824 or

Can my old Virginia Conviction be Expunged?

aA9OKYXW_Lg | 26 Nov 2014

Can my old Virginia Conviction be Expunged?

There are some gray areas in which your conviction could be expunged. Contact me today to see if I can help you. 540-318-5824 or

Beat Virginia Possession of Marijuana When the Dog Sniffs

Vaaro7aDkgg | 26 Nov 2014

Beat Virginia Possession of Marijuana When the Dog Sniffs

Contact me today about your case. We might have a possible argument if you were kept on scene too long. Every case is different and I want to get the details on yours and let you know how I can help. 540-318-5824 or

Can The Judge Find You Guilty of Reckless Driving Even if You do Driving School?

xgUdkGa5R3U | 12 Nov 2014

Can The Judge Find You Guilty of Reckless Driving Even if You do Driving School?

I talk to people all the time who assume doing a driving school will get them out of their reckless driving ticket. This is why you should always consult a local traffic attorney in the city or county where you were charged. Contact me today to see what your options are in your reckless driving case. 540-318-5824 or

Can You Recommend a Driving School or Reckless Aggressive Class in Maryland or North Carolina?

euqXdVAwyuE | 12 Nov 2014

Can You Recommend a Driving School or Reckless Aggressive Class in Maryland or North Carolina?

I get this question all the time. If you need to attend driving school for your VA charge contact me today. You might be able to take an online class but in some cases, you might have to attend a class in Virginia. Contact for for a free case strategy session and we will take a look at what options you have. 540-318-5824 or

Do you Need Ignition Interlock After a Year of DUI Suspension?

fhMISezRUuY | 12 Nov 2014

Do you Need Ignition Interlock After a Year of DUI Suspension?

It depends. Do you need a restricted license or did you already get one? Here is what you need to know. Contact me today for a free case strategy session and I'll help you with all the details of your case. 540-318-5824 or

How Can I Get an Old Virginia Conviction Expunged?

4eaiOUyP_Ts | 12 Nov 2014

How Can I Get an Old Virginia Conviction Expunged?

Find out if it is possible to get old charges off of your record. Contact me for a free case strategy session and in some cases I might be able to have the charges reduced or dismissed. 540-318-5824 or

How Do You Fix Your Virginia Suspended License?

bRNh301baYI | 12 Nov 2014

How Do You Fix Your Virginia Suspended License?

If you are facing charges where your license could be suspended, contact me today for a free case strategy session. If you need to fix your suspended license, watch this video and learn what you need to do. 540-318-5824 or

How Long has Andrew Been Handling Traffic Charges in Virginia?

WK2UUApNYu4 | 12 Nov 2014

How Long has Andrew Been Handling Traffic Charges in Virginia?

This will give you a quick glimpse at how long I've been practicing in VA and some stats on how many cases I've handled in Stafford and Spotsylvania county.

Virginia DUI Probation and VASAP Violations

T5EOmmj3S40 | 12 Nov 2014

Virginia DUI Probation and VASAP Violations

If you have a DUI probation violation or DUI ASAP violation, contact my office today, and let’s see what we can do to help. I'll help you explore what possible defense options you have. 540-318-5824 or If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

If You Pay a Virginia Ticket, Will You Get Points?

QOk9dyCa9DI | 28 Oct 2014

If You Pay a Virginia Ticket, Will You Get Points?

Find out what happens if you pay your VA traffic ticket. Are you admitting guilt and will you get points? Contact me today to see what options you may have. 540-318-5824 or

Lost Your License Out of State? Getting a Virginia License.

JyeDgwl1ms4 | 28 Oct 2014

Lost Your License Out of State? Getting a Virginia License.

Find out how I can help you get a VA license when you have lost your license in another state. Contact me today at 540-318-5824 or at to get started.

Virginia Counterfeit Inspection Defense

2B-Wts_7YOU | 28 Oct 2014

Virginia Counterfeit Inspection Defense

If you have been charged with a counterfeit inspection contact me at 540-318-5824 today for a free case strategy session. I'll go over all your options and explain how we can get the best possible outcome.

Virginia Moving Violation...What should you do?

Q7BGnN6rxRs | 28 Oct 2014

Virginia Moving Violation...What should you do?

If you have a moving violation in VA, contact me today at 540-318-5824 for a free case strategy session. I'll get all the facts of your case and let know what we can do to best the best possible outcome.

Will an Out of State Ticket Give you Points in Virginia?

4OWC6xejDgw | 28 Oct 2014

Will an Out of State Ticket Give you Points in Virginia?

This is a question I get every week. Find out how out of state DMVs and courts communicate with the VA DMV and how your out of state charge can put points on your VA license. If you have a case in VA, contact me today at 540-318-5824 for a free case strategy session. If I'm not able to help you, I can refer you to someone in your local area who can.

What Can I do if Court is Tomorrow in Virginia?

ofe3FD85gA4 | 20 Sep 2014

What Can I do if Court is Tomorrow in Virginia?

If you are scheduled to appear in court tomorrow, contact me today! You may still have some options and I might be able to help.

What Are my Options?

d5BapEMrRS4 | 20 Sep 2014

What Are my Options?

This is everyone's first question. Each case is difference, but watch and click on the link to learn more about your case. Contact me for a free case strategy session and I will go over all of your options and work for the best possible outcome.

Missed Court Today in Virginia

XAoPcNVLMxY | 20 Sep 2014

Missed Court Today in Virginia

If you missed your Virginia court case today, contact me immediately to see what options you have. You could have been found guilty and could have a warrant out for your arrest. I can help!

How Can I Get Points Back or Improve my Virginia Record?

RcPAgnjnHnY | 20 Sep 2014

How Can I Get Points Back or Improve my Virginia Record?

Clients always want to know how to improve their driving record. Find out the best way to do it. Contact me if you have a new case or if you have any questions about an old case:

Can I Expunge Old Tickets From my Record in Virginia?

H60SrgN-fGs | 20 Sep 2014

Can I Expunge Old Tickets From my Record in Virginia?

This is a huge FAQ for my clients and potential clients. See the advice I give. If you have a new case or any other questions, you are welcome to contact me:

Can I do Anything About Old Charges in Virginia?

7w9fZum9tSg | 20 Sep 2014

Can I do Anything About Old Charges in Virginia?

I get calls all the time from clients and potential clients wanting to know if they can clean up their record. Here is what advice I give. If you have other questions about your case, contact me:

Can a DWI or DUI be Expunged in Virginia?

DbnjSiJmjCs | 20 Sep 2014

Can a DWI or DUI be Expunged in Virginia?

Find out if your DWI/DUI charge can be expunged in VA. For a free case strategy session, contact me at:

What is a Dry Gas Standard?

zlyX-9sH7z4 | 07 Aug 2014

What is a Dry Gas Standard?

Find out what a dry gas cylinder is and why it matters. For more information about your case or to schedule a free case strategy session, call me at 540-318-5824 or If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

What is a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT)?

hK0ghQhg-Vw | 07 Aug 2014

What is a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT)?

Find out what a PBT is and what it looks like. For more information about your case or to schedule a free case strategy session call me at 540-318-5824 or If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

How Does a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) Work?

tVXFSmC648Y | 07 Aug 2014

How Does a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) Work?

Watch as I demonstrate exactly how a PBT works. To schedule a free case strategy session, call me at 540-318-5824 or

Virginia Reckless Driving Penalties

ZDRMHHfOLaA | 14 Jul 2014

Virginia Reckless Driving Penalties

If you are facing a Virginia Reckless Driving charge, learn more about the different penalties. Contact me today at 540-318-5824 for your free case strategy session. I will get all the facts the are unique to your case and see what defense options you may have.

Virginia Traffic Lawyer

W3E9Fb0CRcg | 14 Jul 2014

Virginia Traffic Lawyer

I'm Andrew Flusche, and I'm your Virginia traffic lawyer. If you have a Virginia traffic ticket or a misdemeanor offense related to traffic in Virginia, contact me today at 540-318-5824 for a free case strategy session.

Virginia Speeding Ticket When Out of State

ZYBQw4F-AGs | 14 Jul 2014

Virginia Speeding Ticket When Out of State

If you have a speeding ticket in Virginia and you're from out of state, you need to know several things about Virginia law. Contact me today at 540-318-5824 for your free case strategy session. I will get all the details for your case and see what defense options you may have.

What is considered reckless driving in Virginia?

DHsvvSQd4SA | 14 Jul 2014

What is considered reckless driving in Virginia?

A lot of people wonder what is considered reckless driving in Virginia and the best way to answer that question is to request a copy of my free book, Fight Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket. I'd be happy to give you a free case strategy session for cases in my area and, if your case is outside my area, we can most likely connect you with a good colleague who can help you with your case. Contact me today at 540-318-5824 or use this link:

Can You Beat a DWI if the Officer Never Saw You Drive?

2LvWmKCG1Y4 | 20 Jun 2014

Can You Beat a DWI if the Officer Never Saw You Drive?

If you have been charged with a DUI/DWI in Virginia. Contact me today for a free case strategy session. I'll get all the details for your case and we will explore the best options for you.

Do DWI Penalties Transfer From State to State?

wsnYF2ocbWE | 20 Jun 2014

Do DWI Penalties Transfer From State to State?

If you have been charged with DUI/DWI in another state or here in Virginia, find out how and if those penalties will follow you from state to state. Call me today for your free case strategy session to learn more about your case.

DWI Statements WILL Hurt You

zngxnEq8CkU | 20 Jun 2014

DWI Statements WILL Hurt You

Find out what not to say when you are pulled over for a DUI/DWI in Virginia. If you have been charged, call me today for a free case strategy session. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Is There a Chance That You Will Not be Charged With DWI if Your BAC is Less Than .08

6_vG_RhJYlQ | 20 Jun 2014

Is There a Chance That You Will Not be Charged With DWI if Your BAC is Less Than .08

Find out if you can still be charged with a DUI/DWI even if your BAC was below .08. If you have been charged, contact me today for your free case strategy session - If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Will a DWI be Dismissed if There is no Blood Alcohol Level Listed?

0Lna4WKF3e8 | 20 Jun 2014

Will a DWI be Dismissed if There is no Blood Alcohol Level Listed?

Find out if your DWI case can be dismissed if there is no blood alcohol level listed. If you have been charged with a Virginia DUI/DWI, contact me today for a free case strategy session - If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Welcome to Andrew's Channel!

5-A19bmxizQ | 20 Jun 2014

Welcome to Andrew's Channel!

Thank you for watching my videos to learn about your Virginia traffic or misdemeanor case. I defend a wide variety of charges in Virginia from reckless driving to DWI to possession of marijuana and shoplifting. I handle cases in the courts around Fredericksburg: Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, Caroline, Culpeper, and Orange. Be sure to reach out directly if you need help:

What if You Have a Capias for Failure to Appear?

t7H-g2c6DeQ | 30 May 2014

What if You Have a Capias for Failure to Appear?

If you have a capias for failing to appear in court, we need to talk ASAP about your situation. Call me today for your free case strategy session.

Help for Virginia Ignition Interlock Violation

tDo6gFYjwco | 30 May 2014

Help for Virginia Ignition Interlock Violation

If you have an ignition interlock violation, you need to call me today so we can talk about a strategy of where to go from here. Contact Andrew today: If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Beat DWI Second Offense By Examining Prior

RGSEHF_alo8 | 30 May 2014

Beat DWI Second Offense By Examining Prior

If you have been charged with a DWI/DUI Second Offense, call me today for your free case strategy session. I will go over all the options you may have, and even take a look at your prior offense. Contact Andrew today: If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Virginia Reckless Driving with a Security Clearance

gIAGaMfuUlI | 19 May 2014

Virginia Reckless Driving with a Security Clearance

If you have been charged with Virginia reckless driving and you have a security clearance, call me today for a free case strategy session. We will explore all of your options and try to protect your clearance and your job.

Virginia DWI with Security Clearance

8l0Z8XiigME | 19 May 2014

Virginia DWI with Security Clearance

Have you been charged with Virginia DWI/DUI and need to protect your security clearance? Contact me today for a free case strategy session to see what options you might have. If you'd like to educate yourself on the Virginia DUI process, please visit

Virginia DWI Restricted License

oHhvDTdw1M8 | 19 May 2014

Virginia DWI Restricted License

If you have been charged with Virginia DUI/DWI, you may be eligible for a restricted license. Call me today for your free case strategy session to find out more. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

King George Reckless Driving Lawyer

vKa3QqvdSk0 | 16 May 2014

King George Reckless Driving Lawyer

If you have been charged with reckless driving in King George, VA, call Andrew today for your free case strategy session.

Caroline Reckless Driving Lawyer

KJTk4nlGhfI | 12 May 2014

Caroline Reckless Driving Lawyer

If you're charged with reckless driving in Caroline County, you need to call Andrew for a free case strategy session -

Culpeper Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer

svaH7NcN4Uk | 29 Mar 2014

Culpeper Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer - If you're facing a traffic or misdemeanor case in Culpeper County, Virginia, call me today for your free consultation.

Caroline Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer

gI4altAXYBI | 29 Mar 2014

Caroline Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer - If you're facing a traffic or misdemeanor case in Caroline County, Virginia, I'd love to help you with it!

King George Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer

MIa0brFKPiA | 29 Mar 2014

King George Traffic and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer - If you have a traffic or misdemeanor charge in King George, County, Virginia, contact me today for help.

Ignition Interlock Tutorial and Demonstration

60uL3HhzvLI | 28 Mar 2014

Ignition Interlock Tutorial and Demonstration

If you're convicted of DWI in Virginia, ignition interlock will be required as a condition of your restricted license. This video will show you how an interlock device works. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Spotsylvania Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney

RPu82Gh-a8M | 03 Feb 2014

Spotsylvania Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney - Andrew Flusche is your Spotsylvania traffic and misdemeanor attorney. Call today for a free consultation: 540.318.5824.

Spotsylvania Speeding Ticket Lawyer

xf9novFfGYY | 03 Feb 2014

Spotsylvania Speeding Ticket Lawyer - Andrew Flusche is your Spotsylvania speeding ticket lawyer. Call today for a free consultation: 540.318.5824.

Fredericksburg Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney

IzpmmhTTWaM | 03 Feb 2014

Fredericksburg Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney - Andrew Flusche is your Fredericksburg traffic and misdemeanor lawyer. Call today for a free consultation: 540.318.5824.

Stafford Speeding Ticket Lawyer

wpnFOb5zV18 | 03 Feb 2014

Stafford Speeding Ticket Lawyer - Andrew Flusche is your Stafford speeding ticket lawyer. Call today for a free consultation - 540.318.5824.

Stafford Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney

IKQJ2pPtXjc | 03 Feb 2014

Stafford Traffic and Misdemeanor Attorney - Andrew Flusche is your Stafford traffic and misdemeanor attorney. Call today for a free consultation - 540.318.5824.

How to Avoid Virginia Marijuana License Suspension

Zp-u4Uqx6Bg | 13 Jan 2014

How to Avoid Virginia Marijuana License Suspension - Is there a way to avoid license suspension for a marijuana case in Virginia? Let's see. Update: In 2018, Virginia law changed - you no longer lose your license IF you do first offender and you were NOT operating the vehicle. Otherwise, you're facing loss of your license.

Virginia Wet Reckless for DUI Charges

q5daXmwU1d8 | 22 Dec 2013

Virginia Wet Reckless for DUI Charges - If you have a Virginia DUI / DWI, you may be wondering if you can get it reduced to "wet reckless." It's going to depend upon a LOT of different factors. TRANSCRIPT Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Virginia DUI attorney. Sometimes potential clients and clients ask me about getting their charge amended to a reckless driving case. They may have heard about something called a wet reckless case on the internet. Unfortunately I'm here to tell you that in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford wet reckless outcomes don't happen all that often. This is why I say in some other videos that lawyer's success rates can be misleading because in some courts it may be relatively easy to get a DUI admitted to a wet reckless and unfortunately I see people hiring those attorneys from other areas and bringing them to the Fredericksburg area thinking they're going to magically get a wet reckless outcome. Well, unfortunately that typically just is not the case. Now what do I man about a wet reckless? That's typically where a DUI charge is amended to a reckless driving charge and the person is found guilty of that offense but they still have several quite significant punishments such as six months loss of their license, the ASAP class, fines and things like that. So, they still have to go through quite a few hoops, but it's not a DUI conviction. So it could be quite a significant win. Now, this can happen in some cases and that's something you would definitely want to talk with me about so we can determine whether or not a wet reckless could be possible in your case in the Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, or Stafford area, but again if you're talking with an attorney who isn't in this area they may not know what they're talking about frankly as far as the possibilities of getting such an outcome in our local courts.

Should you go to driving school before Virginia traffic court?

1ifHoRfx4Tg | 22 Dec 2013

Should you go to driving school before Virginia traffic court? - Many clients ask me whether or not they should go to driving school before having to appear in Virginia traffic court. Let's find out the answer! TRANSCRIPT Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Virginia traffic attorney. One question people ask me a lot is whether or not they should do driving school before they go to court for their traffic case such as a Virginia reckless driving ticket. I've said repeatedly and people may understand me a little bit but what I always recommend is that you want to talk with me about your specific case to determine whether or not that's a good idea. In some cases it's not a good idea to do driving school. Some judges may not allow people to go to driving school at all so it may be kind of just a waste of time and some judges may prefer that they order you to go to driving school. When you call me for your free consultation we'll talk about who we expect the sitting judge to be on your court date and that way I can help advise whether or not that particular judge or any other possible judge that day has different policies regarding driving school. In a lot of cases these days I do advise clients in my area to go to driving school ahead of time. It can be quite beneficial, but not in all cases, and with some judges and in some cases depending on the facts going to driving school is not a good idea ahead of time or it may simply not do anything positive for the case and there may be other ways you can use that effort to prepare the case for court. So this is why you need to call me today for your free consultation. We'll talk about the facts of your case. We'll talk about who I would expect to be on the bench for your case, and whether or not you should pursue a driving school before court. On the other piece of that analysis is that there are about three different driving schools we use in some cases. So I can help advise you which driving school you should go to, because there is different curriculum that they use for the different classes. So call me today and we can talk about all of those specifics and whether or not you should go to driving school before going to court for your case.

How to Overcome Virginia DUI / DWI (free book!)

FLb1ZzWCFcQ | 22 Dec 2013

How to Overcome Virginia DUI / DWI (free book!)

Watch this video to request your FREE copy of my book: "How to Overcome Virginia DUI / DWI." It's packed with concrete tips to help you with your DUI case. If you've been charged with a DUI, and you'd like to educate yourself on the Virginia DUI process, please visit TRANSCRIPT Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche, and I'm your Virginia DUI attorney. If you're charged with DUI or DWI in Virginia, you need to request a copy of my free book, How to Overcome Virginia DUI or DWI. As you can see, this is an actual book. It's got a lot of great information about your case. This is not some puff resource that some other attorney wrote and I paid them to put my name on it. This is a book that I wrote based on my experience handling Virginia DUI cases like yours. If you can request in online, we'll send you an e-book version immediately. So that way you can get started learning about your case right now. There's no delay. Inside the book you'll find all sorts of information, starting with are you charged with DUI or DWI? What's the difference? We'll talk about the law. We'll look at what defenses may apply in your case, and we'll see what options you may have if you're found guilty so you can get back on the road afterwards, and the most important part, in my opinion, is Part 4, where I talk about how to find the best DUI attorney for your case. If you're watching this video, you probably know that you need to have an attorney by your side in court, and Part 4 will tell you how to pick the right attorney to handle your Virginia DUI case. So there's a link on the video here. Don't delay. You can request your book, your copy today and get started defending your Virginia DUI or DWI.

Can you get weekend jail in Virginia?

aA_0nDr5mQg | 22 Dec 2013

Can you get weekend jail in Virginia? - Learn whether or not weekend jail reporting will be possible for your Virginia traffic or misdemeanor case. TRANSCRIPT Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Virginia traffic attorney. If you're charged with an offense that carries possible or even mandatory jail time in Virginia, you may be wondering if you could serve that time on weekends. This is one common question that I get from clients and potential clients. Weekend reporting is going to depend upon a large number of factors in Virginia. First of all, it's going to depend upon the area where your case is pending, so the local courts and obviously the local jail facility will determine a large part about what's possible for weekend jail reporting. The second issue is going to be the actual sitting judge the day where your case is heard and when you're sentenced. Some judges simply don't like to give people weekend time and some judges are quite flexible on it, and then the final piece of the puzzle really will be the prosecutor. Prosecutors could agree to weekend time or they could object or they could have no position at all and not care and leave it in the hands of the judge. Uh, so those are big, the big three factors that we should talk about to determine whether weekend time is possible in your case. So, when you talk to me, when you call for your free consultation, we can talk about whether or not weekends could be possible. This occurs a lot of times when we have a person who has maybe a driving on suspended third offense where they're facing ten days of jail. The law says you have to get ten days of mandatory minimum jail time and people want to know if they can serve that on weekends, um, and that's something we can talk about in your case. Unfortunately, it is going to depend upon those factors such as the judge and the prosecutor, but I'm happy to talk with you when you call for your free consult to see whether or not it might be possible in your case.

Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Lawyer

hvyiqdKJkxQ | 23 Nov 2013

Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Lawyer - Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Lawyer. If you have a reckless driving charge in Spotsylvania County, Virginia you need to call me today. My office is in Spotsylvania. I live in Spotsylvania County and this is where I love to work on Reckless Driving cases. There are a lot of lawyers that advertise handling Reckless Driving cases in Spotsylvania, but if you check out their address many of them are 30 minutes, even an hour, even two or three hours away from Spotsylvania County. I'm familiar with the prosecutors, the deputies, the judge and I would love to help you get the best result possible in your Spotsylvania Reckless Driving case. You're facing a possibility of up to 12 months in jail, up to 6 months loss of your license and up to a $2,500.00 fine. Hopefully your case isn't that severe, however you won't know until we talk about the specifics of your case. When you call me for your initial consultation we'll go over the facts of your case, we'll look at your driving record and we'll see what defenses might apply, and then we'll also talk about what alternative outcomes may be possible for your Spotsylvania Reckless Driving charge. So give me a call and we'll see if we can maybe get your case dismissed.

Fredericksburg Reckless Driving Lawyer

lPDS5Ldb4zE | 23 Nov 2013

Fredericksburg Reckless Driving Lawyer - Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Fredericksburg reckless driving lawyer. If you're charged with reckless driving in Fredericksburg, Virginia, we need to talk. I provide a free initial consultation so we can go over the specifics of your case and look at what you're actually facing in your reckless driving case. The maximum possible punishments are up to 12 months in jail, up to 6 months loss of your license and up to a $2,500.00 fine. Hopefully, your case isn't that severe. However, you won't know until we go over the facts of your case. We'll talk about what actually happened. We'll look at your prior driving record, and we'll also see what defenses may be possible and most importantly we'll analyze alternate outcomes that you could get in your case in Fredericksburg. So, give me a call so we can talk about your defense today.

Culpeper Reckless Driving Lawyer

mZMY_KoZ2XM | 23 Nov 2013

Culpeper Reckless Driving Lawyer - Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Culpeper reckless driving lawyer. If you have a charge of reckless driving in Culpeper County, Virginia we need to talk. You're facing some severe possible maximum punishments that include up to 12 months in jail, up to 6 months loss of your license and up to a $2,500.00 fine. Now hopefully your case is not that severe where you're looking at those harsh punishments. However, you won't know until we talk about the case and about what might happen. When you call me, we'll talk about your facts of your case, your prior driving record and what alternate dispositions might be possible, along with what defenses we might come out on your reckless driving charge in Culpeper. Give me a call today so we can get started talking about your case and defending your Culpeper case.

Stafford Reckless Driving Lawyer

ZC2CP6f2Ln0 | 23 Nov 2013

Stafford Reckless Driving Lawyer - Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm your Stafford Reckless Driving Lawyer. If you have a reckless driving charge in Stafford County, we need to talk. There's a lot of attorneys who advertise handling cases in Stafford County, but if you look at where their office is actually located, odds are they're not very close to Stafford. My office is about 15 minutes from the Stafford Courthouse and I handle routinely cases just like yours in Stafford County. I'd love to talk with you about the specifics of what we can do in a case like yours in the Stafford General District Court. When you call me, we'll look at the facts of your case, we'll look at any defenses you may have, we'll look at what realistic outcomes you're looking at and then finally, we'll look at what alternative dispositions we might could get such as maybe having your case completely dismissed with you going to driving school, so don't waste any time and call me today so we can talk about your Stafford reckless driving case.

Best Virginia Reckless Driving Lawyer

OOP4aPHKeGI | 13 Nov 2013

Best Virginia Reckless Driving Lawyer - If you're looking for the best Virginia reckless driving lawyer, I've got news for you. NO ONE can claim to be the best.

Lawyer Success Rates Can Be Manipulated

RVbG-oX2q-E | 13 Nov 2013

Lawyer Success Rates Can Be Manipulated - Virginia traffic lawyers who publish their "success rates" could be manipulating the numbers to make themselves look better.

Do Not Take Advice from Prosecutor

O3nXjYGjUGE | 13 Nov 2013

Do Not Take Advice from Prosecutor - I always thought it was self-explanatory, but do NOT take advice from the prosecutor.

Best Virginia Reckless Driving Defense

IJzi-XDQmKk | 13 Nov 2013

Best Virginia Reckless Driving Defense

http://www.AndrewFlusche - What's the best Virginia reckless driving defense? Watch this video to learn what I think is your best defense option.

Fighting Deer Accident Reckless Driving Tickets

Uy2B4oxEvfk | 13 Nov 2013

Fighting Deer Accident Reckless Driving Tickets

http://www.AndrewFlusche - If you were involved in an accident with a deer, you probably received a reckless driving ticket. The good news is that we can fight it!

Lawyer Success Rates Mislead Consumers

eTnLKVgfWCE | 13 Nov 2013

Lawyer Success Rates Mislead Consumers - Virginia traffic lawyers who publish their "success rates" might be misleading consumers.

Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Lawyer (free book)

qi2enPLm2Gg | 13 Nov 2013

Spotsylvania Reckless Driving Lawyer (free book) - If you have a reckless driving case in Spotsylvania County, call Andrew Flusche today for a free consult: 540.318.5824. Video Transcription: Hello, my name is Andrew Flusche and I'm the Spotsylvania reckless driving lawyer. If you're charged with reckless driving here in Spotsylvania County, you need to immediately request my free book Fight Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket. Instead of just calling around to lawyers you find online or in the yellow pages and hearing their spiel about what might happen in court, get the facts from my free book about what defenses you have, what possible alternative outcomes you might be looking at and what other things that you need to know about your Spotsylvania reckless driving case. I live in Spotsylvania County, my office is in Spotsylvania County, and I handle hundreds of cases just like yours every single year here in Spotsylvania County. My book is the top-rated reckless driving book on Amazon and it's just waiting for you to request it for free so you can get started defending your Spotsylvania reckless driving case.

Beat Virginia DWI Due to the Time

p1cUPP69Wtg | 07 Nov 2013

Beat Virginia DWI Due to the Time

Learn how you might be able to beat your Virginia DUI / DWI solely based on the timing of the events. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Beat Virginia Reckless Driving with Paperwork

pd0N9gnZBUM | 07 Nov 2013

Beat Virginia Reckless Driving with Paperwork - Did you know that you might be able to beat your Virginia reckless driving ticket solely based on paperwork?

Beat Virginia Possession of Marijuana With One Question

ORMT2rfvinM | 07 Nov 2013

Beat Virginia Possession of Marijuana With One Question - Learn how you can beat your Virginia possession of marijuana case with one simple question.

Virginia Speedometer Calibration Demo - Fight That Ticket!

Wb_cWPYZG_k | 31 Oct 2013

Virginia Speedometer Calibration Demo - Fight That Ticket! - If you have a speeding ticket or reckless driving by speed charge in Virginia, getting your speedometer calibrated might be a key to victory. But you can't just go to any old shop. You need a proper calibration. I went to our local calibration experts--Falls Run Car Care--and got the scoop for you on how a calibration is actually performed. Click here to view the actual calibration report from this video:

Fight Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket (free book)

4j-UX39Jv88 | 10 Dec 2012

Fight Your Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket (free book) - If you have a reckless driving ticket in Virginia, you need a copy of my free book about defending your case. It covers reckless driving cases from beginning to end, and it helps you learn how to find the best attorney to handle your case. Request your FREE copy today:

Pleading "No Contest" Does NOT Keep Your Record Clean

WwTHW9Ejhzk | 10 Dec 2012

Pleading "No Contest" Does NOT Keep Your Record Clean - I'm not sure where that myth came from, but pleading "no contest" in court doesn't mean that your record will stay clean.

Does a lack of a cruiser video help a Virginia DWI defense?

su_J2xeXRiU | 10 Dec 2012

Does a lack of a cruiser video help a Virginia DWI defense?

In every Virginia DWI case that I handle, I seek out the video if there is any. But what happens if there isn't a video from the cruiser? Does that help our defense? - If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Can I remove license suspensions from my Virginia DMV record?

FovqASNTC4k | 10 Dec 2012

Can I remove license suspensions from my Virginia DMV record? - If you have old license suspension on your Virginia DMV record, you may be interested in removing them to clean the record. Unfortunately, it's not possible.

Only Use One Earbud in Viriginia

3oZQ8VSpx1E | 10 Dec 2012

Only Use One Earbud in Viriginia - If you're operating a vehicle (whether it's motorized or not) in Virginia, you can't have both ears covered or plugged by headphones or earbuds. You can only use ONE earbud.

Reckless Driving in Culpeper

3f6jdS0n7O8 | 10 Dec 2012

Reckless Driving in Culpeper - If you're facing a Culpeper reckless driving ticket, you need to talk with an experienced traffic defense lawyer who can help you handle the case. You have options.

Can the officer stop two people at once?

xGj01zVZQVs | 01 Nov 2012

Can the officer stop two people at once? - It might surprise you, but yes, law enforcement officers can pull over two people at once. They still have to have reasonable suspicion to stop both vehicles, but the traffic stop would be valid.

Can you fire your attorney?

QJugL4HwHIE | 01 Nov 2012

Can you fire your attorney? - Some people hire an attorney and then decide later that they're not happy with the representation they're getting. Can you fire your attorney?

How do Miranda Rights Apply to Virginia DUI?

S6L_VRV09pQ | 01 Nov 2012

How do Miranda Rights Apply to Virginia DUI? - Many people ask me about their Miranda rights when I discuss their Virginia DUI with them. How does that apply to the case?

Talk to a Virginia Traffic Attorney BEFORE Going to Court

Dgb09GcT3kc | 01 Nov 2012

Talk to a Virginia Traffic Attorney BEFORE Going to Court - It's a mistake to wait to talk to a traffic attorney until you get to court, especially if your job is on the line.

Virginia DUI - When are you operating the vehicle?

2-esEmo0_O0 | 01 Nov 2012

Virginia DUI - When are you operating the vehicle? - Virginia DUI has a large body of law to determine what it actually means to be "operating" a vehicle. I think we need to change it.

Beware of Obscured License Plates in Virginia

9tcVtgC_Ogg | 14 Oct 2012

Beware of Obscured License Plates in Virginia - If you have a license plate frame or cover on your vehicle in Virginia, you're asking to be pulled over. My recommendation: take it off!

Virginia DUI - Watch the Video

lv4O4cJ36BM | 14 Oct 2012

Virginia DUI - Watch the Video - If you have a Virginia DUI / DWI, your attorney should seek and watch any available cruiser video. The video could contradict the officer's version of events.

Reckless Driving IS a Misdemeanor

fSGesOS8eUU | 14 Oct 2012

Reckless Driving IS a Misdemeanor - Virginia reckless IS a misdemeanor, which could cause repercussions for your employment if you're convicted.

Say No to Searches

Kr1hu-3CoJ8 | 14 Oct 2012

Say No to Searches - If an officer asks to search your vehicle, just say NO. Be polite, but say NO.

Underage Possession of Alcohol in Virginia

WvFDtaBhCoA | 02 Sep 2012

Underage Possession of Alcohol in Virginia - If you're charged with underage possession of alcohol in Virginia, you should talk with an attorney to find out what the Commonwealth can prove and what might happen in court.

Virginia DUI / DWI - Ignition Interlock Only Required for a Restricted License

NKL_3vq9-d4 | 02 Sep 2012

Virginia DUI / DWI - Ignition Interlock Only Required for a Restricted License - If you are convicted of a first offense DUI / DWI in Virginia, ignition interlock will be required as a condition of a restricted license. However, if you don't want to drive at all for a year, you don't have to mess with the interlock.

Virginia Possession of Marijuana - The Dog Didn't Alert

MxvbSii9TJQ | 02 Sep 2012

Virginia Possession of Marijuana - The Dog Didn't Alert - If the police use a drug dog to investigate your vehicle, what happens if the dog doesn't alert? It won't matter one bit if you consent to a search.

Confuse the Officer Into Victory? - Nope

p_rFOdcMaQ4 | 02 Sep 2012

Confuse the Officer Into Victory? - Nope - Lots of traffic defense myths circulate around the internet. One that was new to me is: can ask the officer lots of questions in court to confuse them into you winning?

Virginia DUI / DWI - Will You Go To Jail?

wOfSbauKd4Y | 02 Sep 2012

Virginia DUI / DWI - Will You Go To Jail?

If you're charged with a DUI or DWI in Virginia, you should talk with an attorney to determine if you're actually facing jail time. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Ticketed with a CDL - Call a Lawyer

A7aNAtpvtC8 | 01 Sep 2012

Ticketed with a CDL - Call a Lawyer - If you received a Virginia traffic or reckless driving ticket and you hold a CDL (commercial driver's license), you need to talk with an experienced traffic attorney. Your friends may have been through similar tickets, but yours is different. Your CDL presents a unique hurdle that could be a problem in court.

Get your Virginia license back after an out of state DUI

V2hVFBDr0Wo | 12 Jul 2012

Get your Virginia license back after an out of state DUI - If you get an out-of-state DUI / DWI and you have a Virginia license, Virginia DMV will likely suspend your license here. You may be able to petition to undo that suspension or at least get a restricted license.

Virginia Possession of Marijuana - A Little Bit Is Enough

1OL19PW_uag | 12 Jul 2012

Virginia Possession of Marijuana - A Little Bit Is Enough - In Virginia, possession of marijuana doesn't require a specific amount of marijuana to be found. Even a tiny bit of marijuana residue can be enough to convict you of marijuana possession.

Can You Drive a Moped With a Suspended License?

VZIKIvRA8LE | 12 Jul 2012

Can You Drive a Moped With a Suspended License? - If your license is suspended in Virginia, you MIGHT be able to ride a moped. That greatly depends upon the reason for your license suspension. Is it suspended for DUI / DWI or for something like fines and costs?

Challenge Your DUI Pre-trial License Suspension

N5kHvIR6WpU | 12 Jul 2012

Challenge Your DUI Pre-trial License Suspension - If you are charged with DUI / DWI in Virginia, your license gets suspended immediately for a period of 7 or 60 days. You DO have the right to challenge that suspension.

You Don't Have to Own the Marijuana

TnfLHAxtDSc | 12 Jul 2012

You Don't Have to Own the Marijuana - If you are charged with Virginia possession of marijuana, the Commonwealth doesn't have to prove that you owned the marijuana. They just have to prove that you possessed it.

When Can You Get a Restricted License?

3owsUCi1FyE | 12 Jun 2012

When Can You Get a Restricted License? - If your license is suspended in Virginia, you're not always eligible for a restricted license or worker's license. But you CAN get one in some situations.

Virginia DUI Suspension Prohibits Any Engines

RIPXQ5ZSKUI | 12 Jun 2012

Virginia DUI Suspension Prohibits Any Engines - If your license is suspended due to Virginia DUI / DWI, you will be prohibited from operating any motor vehicle, engine, or train for one year. What exactly does that mean?

Marijuana Was Not On Me

vW5DpPfC-Og | 12 Jun 2012

Marijuana Was Not On Me - Yes, you can be charged with Virginia possession of marijuana, even if the marijuana wasn't found on your person.

Officer Said One Speed and Wrote Another

91zEx1Fn3mg | 11 Jun 2012

Officer Said One Speed and Wrote Another - What happens if the officer verbally tells you one speed but then writes another on the ticket?

DUI vs DWI - What's the Difference in Virginia?

65ATediWRHI | 03 May 2012

DUI vs DWI - What's the Difference in Virginia? - DUI and DWI are basically interchangeable slang terms for the same basic offense: operating an engine under the influence of something.

Picking the Cheapest Attorney

psiD4LXXO-k | 03 May 2012

Picking the Cheapest Attorney - If you're looking for a lawyer, I don't advise simply picking the cheapest attorney. You don't shop for a car that way, so why should you do that for a lawyer?

The Officer Didn't Clock Everyone!

1bfHRJ1sm6g | 03 May 2012

The Officer Didn't Clock Everyone! - You may be surprised to learn that the officer does NOT have to clock everyone who might be speeding near you. He really just has to prove what speed YOU were traveling.

Call a Lawyer Soon

IdVk0YlbHhA | 03 May 2012

Call a Lawyer Soon - If you've been charged with a traffic or misdemeanor offense in Virginia, you should call a lawyer ASAP. There's no time to waste, since your trial could be in just a few weeks.

Proving Possession of Marijuana in Virginia

1aOjbR8SBVc | 13 Apr 2012

Proving Possession of Marijuana in Virginia - Some marijuana possession cases aren't clear cut. If you didn't admit to having the marijuana, we may have an argument that the Commonwealth can't prove you were legally in possession of it.

Traffic Stops: Reasonable Articulable Suspicion

2bcddnMrkOI | 13 Apr 2012

Traffic Stops: Reasonable Articulable Suspicion - To pull you over, an officer typically needs "reasonable articulable suspicion." That's a mouthful that basically means "more than a hunch."

Probable Cause for Virginia DUI / DWI

ipNnwYiGFZ0 | 13 Apr 2012

Probable Cause for Virginia DUI / DWI - If you're charged with DUI / DWI in Virginia, the officer will need to prove that he had probable cause to arrest you in order to admit the breath test results against you. Without probable cause, your case might be beatable.

Virginia Reckless Driving Accidents

yeoYDXM0WhU | 23 Mar 2012

Virginia Reckless Driving Accidents - If you were charged with reckless driving due to an accident, you are not alone. Learn about the charge and what defenses you might have.

Driving on a Suspended License Defense - Get the Priors!

qB9tiOkDGrU | 23 Mar 2012

Driving on a Suspended License Defense - Get the Priors! - If you're charged with a second or subsequent offense for driving on a suspended license, your attorney should get certified copies of all prior convictions. This could be a critical defense in your case.

Virginia DWI - Ignition Interlock for ALL Restricted Licenses

SgB_F0CHBtA | 22 Mar 2012

Virginia DWI - Ignition Interlock for ALL Restricted Licenses - Effective July 1, 2012, even a first offense DUI / DWI in Virginia will require ignition interlock as a condition of getting a restricted license. It's a major change to Virginia DWI law.

Virginia Reckless Driving Jail Time

SGsmFr65Xrg | 22 Mar 2012

Virginia Reckless Driving Jail Time - If you're charged with Virginia reckless driving, you may be wondering if you're going to get jail time. That varies depending upon the facts of the case and the court where your charge is pending.

Virginia DUI Second Offense - Get The Priors

4aN7MbwyB7U | 27 Jan 2012

Virginia DUI Second Offense - Get The Priors - If you are charged with DWI / DUI 2nd in Virginia, you need to make sure your attorney gets an actual copy of the prior conviction. This could be a fruitful tool for your defense.

Virginia DUI / DWI License Suspension

KmlyV21DtFY | 27 Jan 2012

Virginia DUI / DWI License Suspension - What will a conviction of DWI / DUI in Virginia do to your license? Will your license be suspended? Will you be eligible for a restricted license? Let's talk about it. UPDATE - As of July 1, 2012, all DUI restricted licenses require ignition interlock for at least six months: If you're convicted of a DWI / DUI out of state, check out my video about that situation:

The Preliminary Breath Test CAN Hurt You

Jcg2YY5QN0I | 27 Jan 2012

The Preliminary Breath Test CAN Hurt You

If you're stopped for DUI / DWI in Virginia, the officer may offer you a preliminary breath test (PBT). He might even say, "This won't be used against you in court." But nothing could be further from the truth. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Only Attorneys Can Represent You

L9LpgMotBxY | 27 Jan 2012

Only Attorneys Can Represent You - Did you know that only an attorney can legally represent you in traffic court? Your parent, spouse, or friend aren't allowed to. You certainly can speak for yourself, but if you want help in front of the judge, you need to hire an attorney.

You CAN Refuse Road-Side DUI / DWI Tests

lWtHJ3oUIgU | 01 Jan 2012

You CAN Refuse Road-Side DUI / DWI Tests

Did you know that you CAN legally refuse road-side DUI / DWI tests, such as the walk-and-turn test and the handheld breath test? Those tests can significantly hurt your case at court, and it might help your case if you do refuse to perform them. However, in Virginia, you must do the breath test at the station, or else you could be charged with refusal. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Virginia Reckless Driving Defense

FgS4-K6Sho8 | 01 Jan 2012

Virginia Reckless Driving Defense - If you're charged with Virginia reckless driving, you need to call an attorney. You're facing a misdemeanor conviction that could possibly cost your driver's license or jail time. Fortunately, the reckless driving charge might be dismissed or reduced depending upon the facts of your case and your driving record. For more information on how to fight your reckless driving charge visit UPDATE: As of 7/1/20, reckless driving in Virginia is now any speed over 85 mph.

Defending Virginia Possession of Marijuana Cases

Tlinuv1KTLw | 01 Jan 2012

Defending Virginia Possession of Marijuana Cases - You may have a defense to a possession of marijuana charge, especially if the marijuana wasn't found on your person. Call me today for a free consultation.

Check Points and Road Blocks for Virginia DUI / DWI

0kWHe3jFEio | 01 Jan 2012

Check Points and Road Blocks for Virginia DUI / DWI - If you were arrested for Virginia DUI / DWI at a check point or road block, we need to talk. These stops are regulated closely, and we may have a defense to the charge.

Call a Traffic Lawyer

MFIgoOVIs-c | 12 Oct 2011

Call a Traffic Lawyer - If you get a traffic ticket or misdemeanor charge, everyone's going to have advice. But you need to talk with an experienced attorney to know for sure what to do.

What is Virginia Aggressive Driving?

wTYJ6grKv0E | 12 Oct 2011

What is Virginia Aggressive Driving? - Aggressive driving is a misdemeanor in Virginia. If you're charged with it under 46.2-868.1, you should consult an attorney to prepare a defense.

If in an Accident, Say I Don't Know

qvG3Z6NsGFw | 27 Sep 2011

If in an Accident, Say I Don't Know - If you're involved in an accident, you don't have to tell the officer what happened. You can't lie under oath in court, but on the scene you can and SHOULD say "I don't know" or "I'm not sure."

It Wasn't My Car

mFQD-0ZdztQ | 27 Sep 2011

It Wasn't My Car - If you are accused of a traffic violation or misdemeanor vehicle offense, you may not get far with the argument that "it wasn't my car!"

What is VASAP

x5dyI2oYXiI | 07 Aug 2011

What is VASAP

What is VASAP? It's the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program. For certain offenses in Virginia, VASAP is mandatory. If you'd like more information on the Virginia DUI process, please visit and

Fix Your Virginia Suspended License

s92vXg53Vmo | 07 Aug 2011

Fix Your Virginia Suspended License - If your Virginia license is suspended, you can't drive until you get it fixed. Here are some tips on how to reinstate your license.

Hire an Experienced, Local Traffic Attorney

fxG8akryc_s | 05 Aug 2011

Hire an Experienced, Local Traffic Attorney - If you have a traffic charge, I recommend working with an attorney who regularly handles traffic violations in that specific court. You need an experienced attorney on your side.

Fredericksburg DUI Lawyer

YEttuKG6Pg4 | 31 May 2011

Fredericksburg DUI Lawyer - If you have a Fredericksburg DUI, let's talk. I'm Andrew Flusche, and I'd love to help you fight your DUI in Fredericksburg.

Stafford DUI Lawyer

FXaOWOiZIUY | 31 May 2011

Stafford DUI Lawyer

http://www.AndrewFlusche - I defend DUI charges in Stafford County, Virginia. Call me, your Stafford DUI lawyer, to find out how we can fight your charge and what you might be facing.

How Should I Plead For My Traffic or Misdemeanor Case?

UEn42uzMxM0 | 30 May 2011

How Should I Plead For My Traffic or Misdemeanor Case? - Many potential clients ask me "How should I plead?" Unfortunately, I can't answer that without first examining every aspect of the case. This video explains a little about the different plea options and how we decide together what you should plead.

Spotsylvania DUI Lawyer

Q9Gv7IdwGl8 | 28 May 2011

Spotsylvania DUI Lawyer - If you have a Spotsylvania DUI or DWI, call me, your Spotsylvania DUI lawyer. This video explains what you may be facing and how we can approach your DUI defense.

You May Not be Guilty of Passing a Stopped School Bus

SwJdUwsFnk8 | 08 Apr 2011

You May Not be Guilty of Passing a Stopped School Bus - The Virginia General Assembly made a mistake in the statutes that penalize passing a stopped school bus. Depending upon the offense date for your case, the charge may be beatable. I'll explain how this turned out for one of my recent cases. NOTE THAT CASE RESULTS DEPEND UPON A VARIETY OF FACTORS THAT ARE UNIQUE TO EACH CASE. PREVIOUS RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN A FUTURE CASE THAT I UNDERTAKE.

What is Improper Driving in Virginia?

U93sBpvWClc | 08 Apr 2011

What is Improper Driving in Virginia? - If you are charged with reckless driving in Virginia, you need to know about improper driving. It's a statute that enables the judge to give you a break down to a traffic infraction, instead of a class 1 misdemeanor.

Driving on a Suspended License is Serious

H2uSPxQLh68 | 23 Mar 2011

Driving on a Suspended License is Serious - If you are charged with driving on a suspended license in Virginia, don't write it off as a "fix it ticket." The charge most likely won't be dismissed simply by getting your license fixed. Talk to a lawyer who can tell you what you're really facing.

Fight your DUI if you were evading a roadblock

al7jDfK15gM | 22 Feb 2011

Fight your DUI if you were evading a roadblock - The police love using roadblocks to check for DUI and license-related violations like driving on a suspended license. Did you know that evading a roadblock isn't illegal in Virginia? To be legally stopped *before* you hit the roadblock, you must do something suspicious.

Save Yourself a Trip to Court with a Virginia Traffic Lawyer

OqSeDGXPdF4 | 22 Feb 2011

Save Yourself a Trip to Court with a Virginia Traffic Lawyer - One great reason to call a Virginia traffic lawyer: it might save you from coming to court. A defendant from California learned the hard way that traveling in from out-of-state doesn't necessarily beat the charge.

Fighting No Insurance Tickets in Virginia

K7O96npfddQ | 29 Jan 2011

Fighting No Insurance Tickets in Virginia - Did you know that you could be found not guilty of having no insurance even if you didn't have insurance? Yes, it sounds crazy. But the Commonwealth of Virginia has to prove that you also didn't pay the uninsured motor vehicle fee. If they can't prove both parts of the statute (46.2-707), your no insurance ticket should be dismissed.

How to Read Speedometer Calibrations

w7KPZ3uHNdk | 16 Jan 2011

How to Read Speedometer Calibrations - Speedometer calibrations can be great tools for speeding and reckless driving defense. However, you need to know what to look for on the calibration report. Don't go into court unprepared.

Reckless Driving on a Moped

wgzUtRLhg5U | 16 Jan 2011

Reckless Driving on a Moped - Virginia reckless driving encompasses all vehicles that can transport humans, except human-powered devices. So you can be charged with reckless driving on a moped.

Don't Break the Law at Court

B-3AMEzvSLk | 06 Dec 2010

Don't Break the Law at Court - If you're going to court for a criminal charge, don't violate that same law at court. You could end up in handcuffs, like the guy I saw in Spotsylvania General District Court.

Bring Proof for Fix It Tickets

J6_K6RRzQ04 | 06 Dec 2010

Bring Proof for Fix It Tickets - If you have a "fix it ticket," such as expired registration or improper exhaust, don't go to court empty handed. Learn what type of proof you should bring with you.

Use Care When Changing Your Virginia Traffic Court Date

5UvcACbyoko | 23 Nov 2010

Use Care When Changing Your Virginia Traffic Court Date --- If you have a Virginia traffic ticket, you have to be extra careful when attempting to change the court date. Don't make a mistake or assume the clerk processed your fax. You could end up convicted in your absence.

How Can I Undo a Traffic Conviction? - Appeal or Reopen

7S0SFIYcBO8 | 23 Nov 2010

How Can I Undo a Traffic Conviction? - Appeal or Reopen --- Lots of people call me after missing their Virginia traffic court date or getting a result they're unhappy with. Fortunately, there are some options in Virginia. You may be able to appeal the conviction or reopen the case.

What Happens if the Officer Doesn't Show?

CvwUCj0_rAI | 03 Nov 2010

What Happens if the Officer Doesn't Show? --- A lot of people think that traffic cases are automatically dismissed if the officer doesn't come to court. And they think we can continue the case to make the officer less likely to show up. Unfortunately, those are basically traffic defense myths, at least for Virginia traffic cases.

Are You Facing Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving?

JcZ6dxWLvIg | 25 Oct 2010

Are You Facing Jail for Virginia Reckless Driving? --- If you have a Virginia reckless driving ticket, you're probably concerned about the possibility of jail time. Whether or not you're actually going to jail depends upon the unique facts of your case, as well as the local judge and prosecutor. Here are my thoughts on jail for cases in the Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and Stafford area.

Fighting Virginia Radar / Lidar Calibration Certificates

hHiDZyk5jo4 | 17 Oct 2010

Fighting Virginia Radar / Lidar Calibration Certificates --- If you have a ticket for speeding or reckless driving by speed in Virginia, the officer's calibration certificate is a critical piece of evidence against you. But what defenses are available? I'll explain a few.

Should You Get Your Speedometer Calibrated?

Xc3Guw7deGo | 09 Oct 2010

Should You Get Your Speedometer Calibrated? --- If you are charged with speeding or reckless driving in Virginia, you may be thinking about a speedometer calibration. Is it worth the cost? UPDATE: As of 7/1/20, reckless driving in Virginia is now any speed over 85 mph.

Do You Have the Right to See the Radar Gun in Virginia?

fRu0vA7HgVM | 09 Oct 2010

Do You Have the Right to See the Radar Gun in Virginia? --- Many people think they have the right to see the radar or laser gun when they are stopped for speeding or reckless driving. In Virginia, that's not correct.