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Pimp My Ride Tierlist Pt 2

f9NxbbJ66Xg | 06 Mar 2025

Pimp My Ride Tierlist Pt 2 Pimp My Ride Tierlist Transcript: Aight we back for part 2 of the pimp my ride tierlist lets get into it. But I might have to do some voiceover sections for some of the clips in the video because otherwise it gets blocked globally, youtubers really are the most persecuted minority maybe only second to gamers. But anyway, up first we have a Frankenstein of a car which is the 1989 ford escort well its two ford escorts welded together but you know. , as you can see this car shouldn’t be on the road it should be donated to science to understand whatever dark arts were used to gum this bad boy together. Just so that everyone is on the same page welding the 2 cars down the chassis is known as a cut and shut and you don’t need to be an automotive engineer to understand that having a bunch of stress points in the middle of the car is a bad idea, in all fairness though, the welds aren’t even that bad but im gonna guess they’ll still shear after hitting a pothole, or turning the car too fast. Unfortunately for Kerry though, that isnt the only thing that’s wrong with this bucket of a car. yea that looks like either someone got reckless with cold weld bonding solution or the fossillised remains of an ancient tapeworm could be either or at this point. The show explains the reason why he doesn’t just get another car and its actually kind of touching, it turns out his father walked on him his mother and younger sisters and at a young age he had to step up and be the man of house. his car may be a rusted but the dude has a heart of gold. Lets see what Xzibit has to say about this two tone bucket of chrome. okay they didn’t even talk about this when Kerry was talking about the car, I imagine that leaving this parked in the sun is tantamount to having a portable gas chamber with all the tar fumes that get released when its heated. So no it is not gangster mr Xzibit. Xzibit then plays wheres weldo and counts the numbers of welds on the car with 4 total welds. And shortly after that mr x gives us a quick lecture on the possessive form, insightful as always mr xzhibit and I think hes correct it is what years are these cars, so the art of pimping is not the only thing that is being taught on this gem of a show. gotta keep it player I can respect it. So Xzhibit takes it down to the west coast customs crew and like any normal crew of mechanics they immediately realise that this car is basically a death trap . So they take into the shop and have a look at the underside to see how the car was put back together and my goodness, I thought it was going to be bad but I didn’t think it was going to be this bad. Yea glue on the underside holding the pieces together, and I don’t think this was put there by the show I think this actually was how bad the car was because the look on all of the crews faces is way more serious than it usually is. Fortunately for Kerry X makes a few calls and he manages to get a brand new Scion xB for Kerry which is kinda cool. So with the car now being actually pimpable, lets listen to what the crew has in store for kerrys brand new car. Paint department . Yea I can see the vision some flames would go quite nicely especially with the side body being so large, next up we have interiors department with Ish. standard interior swap, orange would probably go quite nicely with the flames and Ish usually cooks whenever he has an idea so I can see it coming together nicely. Up next is accessories deparment with big dane, Not only is it going to be a big huge sun roof its going to be a big huge giant sunroof, so really pulling out all the stops here fellas. But that’s not all for accessories a big huge chicken wing on the back too. Im not sure how aerodynamic the xB is but why not lets just stick a spoiler on the top to increase drag even more. Next up the homeboy himself mad mike with the electronics department, im excited to see what the big man has planned. so hes going to put a computer in the dashboard, the drive soft system and a big speaker in the back, which honestly im a little disappointed usually we have something insane by mad mike like the blender in the back of the amc pacer, but, maybe we just need to trust his process. Okay lets take a look at the finished product. . Okay first impressions im not going to lie the decals on the side are a bit , they kinda look like temporary tattoos that you get from chewing gum wrappers. Then there is the stupidly large spoiler on the back, which I guess they weren’t lying when they said big giant huge. It kinda looks like a funeral car except more silly looking. X just keeping it real as always will never not be funny, sometimes you just have to be straight up, and let the homie know that what he has is a piece of , that’s part of the pimpin play book.

Generational Humour

kMm1Lwo4v7w | 22 Feb 2025

Generational Humour Generational Humour: Today we are going to be looking at memes and humour across the 4 main generations, if you are however part of Gen Alpha and you are watching this, then ermm 3 2 1 and yea they have all clicked off by now so we don’t have to worry about those guys. Ill be looking at critiquing the humour from each generation whether that be in the form of political cartoons or comic strips for the boomers and Xers or just memes in the form of millennials and gen zs. And at the end we will be crowning one generation with the title of most cringe so place your bets in the comments below but with that said lets begin with the boomers and boomer humour. I know the boomers get a lot of slack for lacking self awareness most of the time. But its this complete obliviousness that have allowed them to become legendary shtposters. Most of boomer humour can be summed up with 3 types of humour, 1 hate wife, 2 technology bad and 3 immeasurable horniness. Lets take a look at some boomer comics to show you what I mean. Well start off with a simple one. “White smoke means she decided what to cook, Black smoke means its done” hahahah this one obviously fits into the hate wife category but its kinda hilarious, very simple and concise but gets the point across, which is something we will be looking at a lot later… looking at you millennials. It’s a guy humour joke about women bad, but its just so funny I cant stop laughing at these, like here is another for example. “ I hate bothering you, but my wife wants to know if she passed her driving test”. Again very simple punchline of wife bad but this time wife bad, driver, I don’t know what cultural shift happened with these boomer comics, but originally they were all extremely cringe but they have just aged like wine because they just embody the very essence of the shtpost, unabashed in its misogyny and its this brazenness which make them just hilarious. Another one that is extremely funny. “ I figured you should have breakfast in bed for your birthday, can you reach the stove okay?” I feel like a lot of the humour from boomer comics like these are done through misdirection and subversion of expectations which I also tend to use in my videos which is maybe why I find them so enjoyable. I have a lot more of these that id like to share so heres a quick highlight reel. “The Gods told me I could either roll this rock up a mountain for eternity or try to win an argument with mrs Sisyphus. This just made more sense to me.” “This is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache” , “that’s a sheep” “Im talking to the frickin sheep” “Are you going to read a book this whole time? That’s so rude” okay but this one I have to say is just stupid because I know the punchline is har har phone bad but the lady is just as stupid for reading a book on what is supposed to be a date. In fact checking your phone is pretty common, pulling out a hardback isnt. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, let the nagging begin” “Of course I want you to speak your mind, just give me a minute to leave the room first” This bill abbott comic artist has a disgusting art style but he does write some pretty funny one liners. “wheres my pain?, you met her in the waiting room” Now these are all older comics and drawings, but the best part about boomer humour is that they retained their shthousery even into their twilight years. I mean just take a look at this old fella, he is hella sturdy. And this next one I quote damn near everyday, “whats all that movement back there” boomer hornyness is unmatched. And for the last one a generational shtpost imo. The boomers have a unique ability to be genuinely funny even if it is completely on accident. The next generation that we are going to be looking at is Gen X and im just going to say it, there is no easter bunny there is no tooth fairy and there is definitely no Gen X proven easily by the fact that they dont have their own dedicated wojak unlike the boomers soylennials and zoomers, well okay they exist its just that you can easily just split them into two groups which are dilutions of the generations before and after, the first being Neo Boomers who are in all respects basically the same as boomers but because they have had less lead exposure they are less funny but also less annoying and the proto millennials who share many traits with the millennials although they are less cringe and probably own their own house. Also, there isnt really any examples of Gen X humour that come to mind, you could name comedians but they aren’t representative of their entire generation. I do have to add though that Kanye West is technically Gen X and hes hilarious so you guys some bonus points, this recent tweet of his has to go into a tweeting hall of fame because its just that good

Gaslighting Explained

JHAjpYTiyRQ | 10 Feb 2025

Gaslighting Explained Villains Who Were Right Transcript: Now depending on your walk of life this video will either be a tutorial on how to gaslight people or how to spot someone that is gaslighting you and here on the stoic stick channel we firmly believe in being chaotic neutral so go ahead and use it whichever way you would like its not like I can stop you anyway. That being said we are going to be looking at different methods of gaslighting and for those of you unaware of what gaslighting is, per the oxford dictionary to gaslight is to “manipulate someone using psychological methods, into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.” With that out of the way lets take a look at some of the techniques you can employ to gaslight people. There are 5 techniques that are commonly used but I’ve also got a bonus one that someone tried to use on me which I thought would be fun to include at the end. But with that out of the way on to Technique number 1: Memory wipe, This technique involves making the target question their memory of events, you want to use this technique when they bring up flaws in your argument or give you examples of when you did something in the past that contradicts what you are saying now, for example you could be arguing with a work colleague and they could say “Have you finished the PowerPoint that we need for the end of quarter pitch” Now here comes the technique “Im pretty sure that it was assigned to you, in fact thanks for reminding me to ask you about it, so when do you think you can get it back to us? Because the boss really stressed that it was important for the meeting and if I have to tell him that you haven’t finished it he could get pretty angry about it.” You see, the part that really sells it is the added context as well as the implied threat, now your colleague will definitely be second guessing themselves and in some cases will actually just go and finish the work that needs to be done thinking that it may actually have been assigned to him. Now for those of you watching who want to avoid being gaslit the best way to counter this technique would be to always wear a wire at all times and make sure to record anything and everything that anyone says to you, this way you can be sure that you will always have the correct version of events. Now technique number 2 is: Alternative Truths, this technique involves directly refuting the targets position and inventing a new one that is more sympathetic to your own position. Say for example that your colleague was wearing a wire and recorded your conversation “Oh really Stu you weren’t assigned the PowerPoint task? Well could clarify what you meant when you said this last week” “Hey its stoic stick and im just back from a meeting with the big man he wants me to do some stupid PowerPoint or something for the shareholders, erm are you wearing a wire?” “erm no I just… have weird chest insertions” “ah okay that’s a little weird but yea I gotta do this powerpoint but ill probably just leave it for later” Now it might seem like you are pretty much screwed at this point but, now is a perfect time to employ technique number 2. “ im pretty sure that’s not me, it doesn’t even sound like me to start with, in fact I don’t even work here, I just come here because I get bored sometimes,” “dd didn’t you get paid the highest bonus last year” “ yes I did but that’s beside the point, anyway im off to go be unemployed somewhere else, good luck finding someone to do the powerpoint.” Now you have effectively gaslit your colleague and with no one else to do the job, he will do the work you were supposed to do and if he does a good job you can quickly claim credit and probably get an even bigger bonus next year. And just like that using a double gaslight combo you have effectively shirked responsibilities and gaslit your colleague. Technique number 3 is: Spontaneous Diagnosis. As the name implies you want to discredit the targets position by accusing them of being mentally ill or not fully sound of mind, by doing this it puts into question their own conclusions and if done well enough can make it so they actually believe that they are going through an episode. Word of advice though technique does much better when it is paired with subtlety, for example. “Did you pay the rent last month because, theres a bunch of letters in the mail about overdue rent payments, and weirdly also a bunch of leaflets about the casino in town.” “Umm yes obviously, clearly the mailman just posted those through the wrong door, did you even check to see that they have our address on the letters? Yea I didn’t think so, I think all this stress lately has been getting to you, im kind of worried that its making you sick. Are you sure youre all there?”

Villains Who Were Right

sH34TnNN_Fg | 29 Jan 2025

Villains Who Were Right Villains Who Were Right Transcript: Everyone loves a good villain story, however most of the time as valid as their reasonings for being evil are we still know at the end of the day that them losing was a good thing, but there are a handful of villains that in my opinion at least, were 100% in the right to do what they did, and that’s what we’ll be looking at in this video, I’ll even try to see if I can change your mind about some of the villains. We’ll start off with an easy one in my opinion, and that will be Thanos, now I’ll be talking about the marvel cinematic universe Thanos because the comic book versions backstory is less admirable. For those of you unaware in the comic books in the infinity gauntlet storyline the reason why he wants to kill half the universe is to impress mistress death who he is in love with, which I mean, personally, killing half the universe for some cheeks is a bit overkill but that’s just me, in the marvel cinematic universe it comes more from a place of reason. In that storyline he as a child grew up on titan that at one point faced civilisational collapse due to overpopulation, Thanos suggested killing half the population at random to ensure that the species would live on but they got mad at him for suggesting something so outrageous and exiled him, not too long after though Thanos was right and the entire population died off due to lack of resources and now the planet is a barren , Thanos realising he was actually right then sets off to make sure this doesn’t happen again and then finds the infinity stones that are capable of making the whole process easy and done with a snap of the fingers. Now some people argue that he’s stupid because if the gauntlet gave him godlike power, then why didn’t he just make the universe twice as big with double the resources to accommodate the increasing populations. That one is easily refuted because if you just keep increasing the resources every time the populations get too high then you are just stuck in a cycle of needing to exponentially increase resources, if you kill half of the population of all planets however, you still get double the resources however this time, the people on the planets also know that if they let their populations go unchecked again and increase too much they will just be smited down and it will introduce a level of self-regulation that you otherwise wouldn’t get if you just kept rewarding the ceaseless expanse. Another argument against Thanoss’ plan that statistics nerds like to use is that, killing half the population of every planet is a guaranteed evil whereas the overpopulation may not cause extinction so because it’s not a guaranteed situation then the evil of that overpopulation extinction should be discounted as it may not happen. Yea and to those people we say stats aren’t real you nerd, a number on a page? Yea how about you calculate the probability of me beating the out of you? But to answer that seriously, Thanos literally had the time stone, he probably used it to see if the snap was necessary and likely concluded that it was, so in this scenario the value we assign to the overpopulation extinction event is much higher as it a guaranteed outcome. And killing half the population is much less evil than not acting and allowing all of the population to die, its kind of like the trolley problem except, thanos is very willing to pull the lever. Also I think Thanos should have won because he just had so much swag, like he literally came to do a job, finished that job and then went to play farming simulator, he even destroyed the stones because he realised that they served no purpose other than temptation after he did what he had to do, no lust for power, he just had a specific purpose and carried it out to the best of his ability. Whats even funnier is that Thanos literally won in 14 million other universes, the avengers only won once in one timeline and that’s the one they decide make a movie about. Not to mention that in that one universe the only reason they won is because of some bs that the writers pulled out of their ass, okay yea sure the mobius strip, it would have been more believable if it was the Morbius strip and the brought-out Morbius and he said its morbin time and they just won. Anyway, that is why Thanos most definitely is a villain who was right. Up next, we have cyclops from the odyssey by homer, he is actually called polyphemus but I’ll just refer to him as the cyclops. If you aren’t familiar with the story I’ll give you a quick rundown, Odysseus and his men become shipwrecked and land on the island of cyclopes, they then hear the sound of goats and head inside a cave where they find a huge stash of cheeses and sheep and decided to help themselves to as much of it as they can as well as plan on what they were going to steal after they leave.

Pimp My Ride Tierlist

AF5aAvaX_tM | 17 Jan 2025

Pimp My Ride Tierlist Pimp My Ride Tierlist Back Transcript: in the early 2000s I was but a mere child, and I remember quite vividly memories of me watching the hit tv show pimp my ride on mtv, and every time I got to the end of the episode I always thought to myself, hell yea this car looks cool as hell, so I thought why not relive my days of old and rewatch some episodes and rank the pimpin in a tierlist. Before I get into the tiers for the tierlist, I need to change into something more appropriate for the levels of pimping we are about to wtiness, that is much better, Now for the tiers we have not pimpin, debatably pimpin, slightly pimpin and finally straight pimpin. With that all out of the way lets get right into the first car. The first ride to be pimped that we will be ranking is a 1981 pontiac trans am owned by danell who is a student, but before we get to pimpin lets have a look at what we are dealing with okay there is no way that’s street legal especially with the shit way that she had put the tape on, but the 2000s were a lawless place and you could get away with a lot, im looking at you frosted tips, just because guy fieri pulled them off doesn’t mean everyone could. So yea most of the problems with this car could be fixed pretty easily with a paint job and a new front grill, but that’s my opinion lets hear what xzhibit thinks, yea that car is probably older than 98% of my audience with myself included, I couldn’t find out if it was still running today after the pimping, but anyways. exactly what I was saying mr Xzibit, but yea they decide to take the car down to west coast customs and have a little team meeting to brainstorm some ideas for how to pimp this car, and good lord are the ideas dumb. Okay mad mike are you taking the piss? I cannot think of anything less classy than some shitty cheap chandelier hanging from the top of the car swinging about whilst you drive, but that’s not even the worst idea that he proposes to pimp this car, yea mike has to be taking the piss, nothing like a boiling hot cup of coffee whilst on the highway, one small bump and, you will have something that will really wake you up in the morning. Next we have the wheels department, I mean id say the wheels are already fine but im not the CPO chief pimping officer of west coast customs so what do I know. And for the interior okay yea replacing the upholstery in the car sounds pretty good given the fact that the interior seats look like they were used by the CIA to torture Guatemalans to death, so yea the interior pimp gets a pimpin stick cosign . I mean personally I would have gone for the black look, make it look like kitt from knight rider, by the way if you don’t know what that is get to know because that was the shit back in the day, I still even remember the intro theme because it was just that good. So they get to work and here is the finished product. ok yea this shit is ugly as hell im gonna keep it 100 with you, the colour they chose was just so blandly grey and the rims don’t really match the aesthetic of the car, then you have the chandelier and the coffee machine which although they were installed pretty cleanly still look pretty dumb. Just look at this side by side comparison of a black with gold trim trans am compared to this ugly space grey that they used. They did do some other things to the car that I kinda liked though like the radio and the mini laptop in the passenger seat, and they also turned the trunk of the car into a mini dressing station with a wrinkle steamer which made it so it has no space to hold anything but if Danelle wants to get changed in public I guess she has a coat holder. Overall I think though that this pimping or should I say attempted pimping definitely could have been better and although it is a definite upgrade to the car the wasted potential forces me to have to stick it into the debatably pimping tier as you could make a case for it to be pimping but it would be hard fought. Up next we have one that I think should be in the pimping hall of fame but let me not get ahead of myself, we have Robert who drives a 1984 chevrolet van. A las vegas van that was won on a $7 slot machine, honestly it doesn’t get more inspiring than this does it? It just goes to show that if you keep gambling you will always eventually win, but 1984 was a long time ago so lets have a look at what is wrong with the car. honestly he looked a little too happy when he was telling us that but sure I guess, what else do we have to work with. Hahahah okay that screams not road legal but the one upside is though that it does make him look like jesse pinkman from breaking bad so that’s the one upside of being made to inhale leaded petrols. robert is a true upstanding citizen of the community definitely who deserves to have his van pimped out so lets see what Xzibit has to say about the van.

Gangstalking Explained

74Re4Jwlzuk | 07 Jan 2025

Gangstalking Explained Gang Stalking Do you suffer from delusions that you are being watched? Do you think that the government or a shadowy cabal is out to get you? Well we here on the stoic stick channel are here to quell your fears, there is no one watching you through your bedroom window, there are no strange men following you throughout the day and there is most definitely not people living in your walls, just for sake of argument ill even have a look to prove it to you, (cough) well, ill just put this back…. Okay time to come clean, we are gangstalking you, those shadowy figures you see in your room at night are not just a pile of clothes on a chair that is me watching you sleep, and might I say… you do sleep soundly. But why am I telling you all this? Well the gangstalkers corp cheque just bounced and they say they are going to be replacing us with H1b guys so I thought id just let you know all the different ways that we watch and record your every move just to spite my old employers. Yea this video is going to go into the 6 different ways that you are being watched and maybe ill let you in on how to actually counter these/ make it harder for us to do so. The first way that the shadowy cabal that I work for actually stalk you is by using government pigeon drones, you probably don’t know this but, you can rent government pigeon drones and use them to spy on people, we do it all the time, and no one even thinks twice about it, even after the truth was revealed, people still think its all a joke, but yea any time one of our targets leaves their home we just send a bunch of pigeon drones to do flyover aerial shots and if you are at a bus stop or not moving we send in pigeons with wires that can intercept Bluetooth waves and record and monitor what you hear or say in headphones. One drawback of this technology though is that the pigeon does need to get pretty close to do this and that’s why pigeons these days have no fear and will walk right up to you, its not because they have been conditioned to stop fearing humans its because they need to get within range to be able to spy on you. Fortunately for you guys though, due to government incompetence, can you believe that ? the pigeons are only able to be used for spying but with advances in drone warfare pretty soon we will be able to get pidgeons that can carry lethal payloads, so id be wary of what I say around pigeons especially if its antigovernment. “oh what a lovely day, it sure would be nice if there was a park bench for me to sit on, maybe if the government weren’t so I might have one. ”“BOMB HAS BEEN PLANTED” “oh what’s that” The next way we spy on you is the dead internet and no this is not just a theory, Ill ask you a simple question? How can you be sure that anyone online is real? Well im here to tell you that every single person that you have ever talked to online wasn’t real, they were just made up sock puppet accounts by us to allow us to stalk you online and extract as much information from you as possible, we even have a huge spreadsheet of all the information that you feed us and we use it against you to direct you into doing what we want you to do. Every post,tweet, account, player, personality, everyone online is part of our organisation, from the moment you log on to the moment you decide to switch your phone/pc off we are interacting liking following tweeting into the void with fake engagement all to make it seem real and tangible as if it isnt all just us behind the curtain waiting for you to return so we can continue to stalk you. We hand curate your feeds and explore pages, every post you see was selected chronologically to project our ideas into your thought processes, this YouTube account was even created to specifically target you, yes you, you were the target for this entire account, every other person you see all work for the gangstalking corporation none of them are real and we use it all to control you, you can even try and test this by commenting something dumb and either me or another one of my colleagues will reply and try to continue the charade. This has been made even easier with the advent of Ai, pretty soon we will be able to save a lot of money by just creating ai chatbots to be online all the time, and by that point we will have you completely in the palm of our hands.We also use giant space lasers to beam propaganda into your head, hang on I think there is about to be a signal fired at you right now give me one second. (insert subscribe propaganda) yea normally you wont remember that after it happens, the only reason you

PDF File Sting Tierlist

raHO56FCTBY | 31 Dec 2024

PDF File Sting Tierlist PDF File Sting Tierlist Have you ever thought about ranking PDF files in a tier list before? Of course you have, I know for a fact it keeps me up at night, so I decided to create a tier list of PDF file stings ranking them based on mostly how funny they are, before we continue I need to make sure that we are all on the same page, here are a few words and their definitions that are going to be popping up often so I thought I would quickly explain them, we have nonce which stands for not on normal courtyard exercise, it was used in prisons to make sure the nonces were separate from the normal prison populations, who had a penchant for stabbing them to . pdf file which ofc means what it sounds like but its one of youtubes no no words and that’s mostly about it but there are a lot of colloquialisms for the term nonce so anytime you hear a funny sounding word its safe to assume it means kiddy diddler. We are going to mainly be looking at UK nonce stings and while some of you guys across the pond tried to emulate this british pastime its lacking a certain je ne se qois that the UK ones have, ill give you an example, here is an American nonce sting or what is the end of the sting, spraying his head with spray cans with lil pump singing, its all a bit showy, now here is what I would describe as a classic UK nonce sting, its like watching theatre, the awkwardness of it, the tension, the hilarity it all hits a certain spot that ive yet to see American nonce hunters accurately replicate. But anyway lets get into the actual videos. For GDPR reasons I cant say the names of the nonces or the names or ages of their alleged victims, also everything I say in this video is alleged and is strictly for comedic purposes. Now, The tiers for the tier list are Innocent, Nonce and Dirty nonce, they are all pretty self-explanatory so let’s just begin. Our first nonce is the bee nonce, this video has a bit of everything, what a gem of a video, they catch a nonce who talks to what he thinks are kids about beekeeping all whilst he is wearing a bee related pop culture quote shirt and the hunters are making bee related puns. I think the nonce ought to change his game of thrones tyrion Lannister shirt to instead say, that’s what I do, I keep bees and I know things, and I also try to groom children, this video is a great example of the short quips that the hunters like to throw out that just make the video ten times better it almost makes it seem like you are on the playground with your mates just having a laugh. If this was an American sting they would have just thrown a pumpkin against his head and walked off, by the way that actually happned in a US sting. Anyway, the nonce in this video is a classic bog standard nonce so for that reason hes going into the nonce tier. Now being a nonce hunter you ought to keep yourself equipped with the most modern technologies, such as the state of the art noncelyser, the tool is demonstrated quite well with this next clip which I like to call patient 0 nonce. Now those among us with keen eyes may see that, that is just a walkie talkie radio that they are making nonces suck on, but you would be mistaken as that is most definitely a noncelyser and only gives accurate readings, but to make sure, the nonce hunters often make them take another reading for accuracy. Well there we have it folks the noncelyser is giving a 100% positive reading for being a nonce so for that reason patient 0 is going to be going into the nonce tier. Our next nonce is what I like to call the The uno reverse nonce, hahahahaha you know what ill hand it to him he knows he is in the deep end so why not throw out a last hail mary to try and save yourself, he looks so earnest when he is speaking about it aswell, slow it down and you can see the moment his dreams of being a nonce catcher are shattered, yeah right there. The hunters also have this insanely infectious laugh which just adds to the humiliation of the nonce, I think the fact that he tried to bribe his way out of being caught, edges him ever so slightly from the nonce, to the dirty nonce tier. Up next is the innocent nonce, now I know that’s very bold of a nickname for me to give but just watch the video and you will understand what im talking about. This is very much a pyrrhic victory for the innocent nonce, proving that you aren’t a groomer by instead revealing that you are into lady boys is a very risky gambit but honestly im inclined to believe him plus most of these stings have become basically lost media because the accounts that posted them are banned and the only thing left are these short clips, for those reasons he is going to go into the innocent tier.

Sleeper Cell Activation

OABLUWV8xFU | 22 Dec 2024

Sleeper Cell Activation Sleeper Cell Activation If you guys would kindly look at the screen please, Nakam. Okay now that I have activated my sleeper agents, we can get into the actual video. We are going to be looking into sleeper agents and how to create and control your very own, creating a private army to handle your affairs whilst you get up to more important business (league queue pop). First of all what is a sleeper agent. According to Wikipedia “ A sleeper agent is a spy or operative who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but instead to act as a potential asset on short notice if activated in the future. The "sleeper agent" is still an asset and can still play an active role in sabotage, sedition, espionage, or possibly treason by virtue of agreeing to act if activated.” now that’s a lot of words but in short its just a person or group of persons that operate covertly for a foreign government. Now to actually set up and support a sleeper cell you are going to need a lot of things, you probably don’t have most of these, for example you don’t have access to millions of dollars, don’t have any secure communication channels , no weapons, no hoes no hairline, no rizz, I could go on but you get my point. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot have your own spy army though, it just means that your means of recruitment will just have to differ from traditional sleeper cells. There are four methods of recruitment we will be looking at and the first method that you can use to build a sleeper cell is through the CIAs tried and true method of drugging the public and hoping for the best. I am of course talking about the MKULTRA programme, but Ill keep this one short because just about everyone and their grandma has already made a video on the MKULTRA experiments. The main premise of the experiments were to see if they could completely strip a person of their free will and unknowingly be made to perform assassinations or whatever else the CIA would have them get up to, the CIA at the end of the programme burned most of the documents detailing what occurred in the programme but we do know that they spent around $90 million inflation adjusted on the programme and that they targeted institutions and universities drugging anyone they could. The fact that they burned most of their findings is leading me to believe that they did actually find something useful and buried the project so they could throw people off the scent. Now this does sound like it could be very useful for those of us who want to create sleeper agents but it has a pretty big upfront requirement. Drugs, a whole lotta drugs and I don’t know if you know this but let’s just say the CIA knows a lot more about moving, deploying and covertly drugging just about anyone they want, compared to what you or I are capable of. Not to mention the fact that it could take hundreds of patients before you get one that responds well to the psychoactive substances and actually becomes malleable, so that you can use them for whatever purposes that you may need them for. It still is a bit of a tossup though and you kinda have to keep feeding them LSD to keep them in their sleeper state, which if you are trying to keep them covert could lead to them seeing random delusions and running into oncoming traffic, that or they turn into a ted Kaszynski and start sending out presents in the mail, not very conducive to covert operations or assassinations. This is probably the least effective method to create sleeper agents in my opinion the other three are far more effective, but then again, the CIA are keeping pretty stush about the whole thing so without the whole picture we may never truly know. The next one is a lot more effective, and it involves you starting your own religion. Yea it seems a bit grand but if you can effectively convince someone that you are the second coming of Jesus then you can pretty easily get a large group of dedicated followers that will choose to follow you to the ends of the earth quite literally. There are a few caveats to this though, firstly if you are either ugly or rizzless or both this will never work, secondly you kind of need to be slightly insane, delusions of grandeur really do help when you are trying to convince someone to commit crimes in your name without any pay. And finally you need to come up with a good story that people will believe, something like you were sent by god to abolish income tax or whatever a thing people can easily get behind. Ill give you an example of a pretty successful story of this and how it led to covert operation that resulted in mass poisonings and attempted murders. Now here is Osho you probably know him because of this one viral video.

Logical Fallacies Explained

rHFm1_FDcQc | 08 Dec 2024

Logical Fallacies Explained Logical Fallacies Transcript: Everyone has been in an argument at one point or another and it kinda sucks when you are starting to lose so what can you do when your opponent has the upper hand? Well you could employ these secret techniques known as logical fallacies which will allow you to spin the conversation into a direction more amenable to your position, I even have a super secret technique that I will be sharing with you at the end of the video that 60% of the time works every time. Lets start off simple with something basic that you can use in almost every situation. The NS fallacy or the non sequitur fallacy, this can allow you to quickly change the topic if you are cornered in your argument, for example you could be arguing about punishments for crime and they could hit you with a statistic or fact that destroys your whole argument, Person 1: “actually I think that violent criminals should be put to death” Person 2: “Well acktchually it says here using the Norwegian prison model we can reduce crime by 0.01% if we spend 10 gorrillion dollars” Now this is where we implement the non sequiter technique. Person 1: “that’s an interesting rebuttal but didn’t your wife leave you for a Laotian midget named requis?” Person 2: “ummm… yesh” Person 1: “I think you should be looking up the Norwegian model on how to avoid a divorce before we start getting into prison reform”. You see that? I instantly won the argument by changing the topic, and because it was also a personal attack it left him too flustered to continue and by default, I won the argument. You see? all it really takes to be a good debater is a little creativity. Up next we have the BPF (bald person fallacy), now this one is very person specific but if your opponent meets the criteria for this fallacy you can easily win the argument by using it, The BPF is the bald person fallacy, how it works is you basically just remind your opponent that they are bald and immediately you win the argument, we even have a video example of the technique in action, it’s a classic. I could give you context for the clip but honestly it doesn’t really matter, hahahahaha you can immediately see the technique work with full effect, anything the bald man said prior to the BPF was completely rendered moot, you can even go frame by frame and see the exact moment that the bald guy completely loses his . Yep slow it down riiiight about heeere, you see the small change in facial expression, the penny has dropped he was reminded of his own mortality staring back at him, the shame instantly washes over him and he becomes immediately enraged, being reminded of his own hubris, completely destroying his ego and making him look both pathetic and the loser in the natural debate. Honestly its such a perfect technique, I recommend using the bald person fallacy whenever you can because its like an exodia move, when it comes to arguments, you could be pro something evil, like rent amnesty for single mothers and I will still side with you if the other guy is bald. Honestly a great fallacy to use, even works with Norwoods, I would say anything from Norwood 4 onwards is fair game. Another one of my personal favourites is the CMS fallacy, now this one requires a little flair to make it seem convincing, the CMS fallacy or the crystal meth smoke fallacy is one that you prefferrably should only use while outside but if necessary enclosed spaces is even more effective. It starts again with you losing the argument, you then begin to start breathing heavily and telling your opponent that you might be having an asthma attack, they will then act worried and give you some time to get your quote unquote inhaler. You then catch your breath using the inhaler and one of two things can happen at this point, the opponent immediately leaves the debate stage because of the second hand fumes from your inhaler, or your opponent is also a crack fiend and will ask you for a toke, at this point you may as well forfeit the debate because the power move of asking you for a hit whilst simultaneously beating you in the marketplace of ideas is a double stroke that is hard to beat. The way to make sure that this doesn’t happen though, is that you can do a quick check to see if your opponent is missing any teeth and if they are I would advice against using this technique.

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Finale

Gk4aJirrziI | 28 Nov 2024

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Finale My Strange Addiction Tierlist Transcript: Ill be talking about the sponsor situation at the end of the video, if you are currently like this then you can probably find out by reading last videos comments or just wait till the end of the video either or.. but anyway now the finale for the my strange addiction tierilst. I think that with these done I will have covered the most interesting addictions from the show, with the rest either being ones that are basically clones of each other or not as interesting in my opinion. With that all out the way its time to get into the video. Up first we have the lady addicted to sleeping with a blowdryer, I mean this as a compliment when I say it but she looks like lana del reys long lost sister who picked up a blow-dryer instead of a microphone, I mean she is also called lori which is awfully similar to lana. Am I the only one who sees it? Born to blow-dry, blowdryers over the country club, I mean its not a one to one thing but I see it. It says on the black screen of death that she runs the blowdryer 8 hours a night for about 3000 hours a year, this was recorded back in 2010 but if we did it using electricity prices for today, a standard hairdryer uses about 2kwatts per hour and running it for 8 hours a night for 365 nights would be around 5840 kilowatt hours, the average price of energy in the US is 16.63 cents per kwh meaning that it would cost around $980 per year for her addiction which honestly isnt that bad, I mean there are many addictions that can cost you a lot more. The producers then spin the video in a pretty weird direction they make it seem like the blowdryer gained sentience and attacker her while she was sleeping? And talk about the blowdryer as if it came to life in the night and intentionally burned her. They also have her friends chime in and claim that they fear for her life because she uses theblowdryer which I think is a bit ridiculous, 10:25-35. What I have also noticed is that someone on the production team most certainly has a foot fetish because I believe its not just a coincidence that at least 3 of the addictions ive covered across the videos have some weird foot play thing as a B roll shot like this. Anyway Lori goes to see a therapist about this and the therapist has a unique approach to getting her to quit her addiction. 18:20-36. We even have the actual letter that she wrote and ill just quickly read it out. “dear blowdryer addiction, although we have been together for many many years now, im ready to let you go, you have hurt me scarred me and caused me pain, for that I am ready to let you go, I will not allow you to control me any longer, blister my skin, or draw me into you. I will not remain a prisoner in my bed or in my life any longer, farewall addiction, dependency and blowdryer.” Apparently this along with meditation actually worked and she is now cured of her addiction so letter to an inaminate object be damned, that really does work. I was going to put this into the absolutely fine tier but her addiction did make her a single mother so Ill be putting it into the a little weird tier. Next up we have the lady addicted to pony play immediately, theres a lot to unpack here but what id like to know is what was that noise she just made, ill play it again, yea even the most hoarse of horses don’t sound like that hehe heayyyyyy, ah ok ill see myself out. Another thing that I noticed is that she is missing a weird arrangement of teeth at he front of her mouth 4:21 and what im wondering is if that was done intentionally to make the bar sit in her mouth more comfortably kind of like how in the assassins creed games they cut their ring fingers off so they can use the hidden blade except in this case so you can pretend to be a pony. This next section is once again pure cinema by the producers, ill let you just take it in the first time and then we will discuss after, 1:48-2:00 the fact that they took out all the background music just so that all you can hear is the jingling of the metal reigns, the wide open shot of the lady completely confused, then the close up of her so unamused by nicoles antics, and from there it only gets worse for this unlucky storeworker 2:06-2:14. That is the face of someone who immediately regrets signing the form that says they are allowed to record inside the shop. Now Nicole decides to become more open about her pony play and decides to tell her aunt about it what a power pose indeed, and did they really have to choose what looks like one of the sunniest days of the summer to have her in full black spandex and face paint, surely they could have waited for the sun to lower a bit so it would be a bit cooler. no yea it definitely looks like she removed her teeth so that metal bit can sit flush in her mouth, say what you want about Nicole but when it comes to her pony play she isnt horsing arou… okay maybe she is.

Nothing Ever Happens

6efLqxA5bzE | 20 Nov 2024

Nothing Ever Happens

If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our paid partner. Click for a discount on your first month of therapy. If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:

Face Reveal

jzhcjA5U3Ok | 14 Nov 2024

Face Reveal Face Reveal Video

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Pt 3

6xsZ1_Q2zpY | 11 Nov 2024

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Pt 3

Part 3 of the my strange addiction tier list Second Channel: Kofi link: My Strange Addiction Tier list 3 Okay face reveal video is going live on the 14th, also check out my new second channel stoicer stick gonna be similar content different format, ok now the video. We are back again with another part to the much beloved my strange addiction tier list series this time part 3, the next part will probably be the finale but there’s like 100 other shows that I could make a tier list like this for and I like making them so ill probably keep making them. If you want to know how we are ranking them or haven’t watched the first two parts go and watch them because we are just going to get directly into it here. Now the first strange addiction we will be looking at is the lady addicted to coffee enemas.(play intro) Now for those of you who don’t know what an enema is, to put it succinctly its injecting a liquid of some sort into Uranus, this is done for many reasons, which could be to help with constipation or for drug administration purposes, however Trina has neither of these and in my opinion is just addicted to caffeine. She’s married so let’s see what her husband thinks about this weird ritual. oh great ha-ha, they even fight over who gets to take the first enema of the day and I am going to assume that they clean the tubing before and after each use and aren’t playing puff puff with an enema pipe. If you thought those home brew coffee accounts with the complex metal stirrers were obnoxious just imagine they all got into coffee enemas. Yea this? this is my enematic 4000 it has a 16-speed pump and a liquid cooling system to ensure the coffee goes up my arse at exactly 37.5 degrees C and it can also file my taxes. Honestly, I would hate to be friends with someone like this because if I ever went to go get a coffee at their house and it tastes like , I may have to channel my inner ted Kaczynski and start sending out presents in the mail. Here we have our first black screen of death and I’ll be using these numbers to roughly calculate how much caffeine they have taken in. I’m going to assume that they both take 2 a day with puts them around 120 a month which is in line with what the video says. They also say in the video that per colon coffee concoction they are intaking 32 ounces or almost 1kg of coffee which comes to around 360 mg of caffeine per brew. And they do this twice each which puts each of them at around 720 mg of caffeine per day every day, assuming that they keep the coffee in their colon for at least 45 minutes. Now that sounds like a lot but its not actually that much, for an average adult the LD50 for caffeine is around 10,000 mg so they aren’t even 10% of the way there. That’s not to say that having this much caffeine wouldn’t be bad for you, caffeine intake at this level can cause symptoms that include, restlessness, vomiting, tremors and increased heart rate. Now neither Trina or her husband actually display any of these symptoms so it could be that they are lying about these enemas and I would have to put them into the fake tier or they’re not absorbing most of the caffeine that they intake. Personally, im going to put them into the, a little weird tier, because I don’t have enough evidence to definitively put them into the fake tier. Up next we have the story of what would happen if the old man from up liked balloons a lot more than he already did. Now Julius here doesn’t just like balloons, he really likes balloons and you know hwat I’ll let him put it in his own words okay but did the producers really have to ask him to stand in a dark room with blinds half closed just holding a balloon like that, oh they did? Fair enough yea im guessing you get the picture about the whole ballon love but this isnt even the worst b roll footage that they included for this episode, check this out. yo what kind of freaky was the producers on, where did they even get the footage for this whose feet are these? I have too many questions and not enough answers. Honestly, I feel a little molested having to have viewed that and im not even sure how they managed to get the greenlight for airing this in 2013 daytime television. Our friend Julius in my opinion should be named the patron saint of balloons for his tireless work saving them on the daily okay maybe saving was the wrong word, he just steals random balloons from stores, imagine living around this guy and being a store worker who has to deal with his , ricky yea no yea hes outside again hes doing the thing with the balloons again, yes I know you told me to just let him take them but honestly this is like the third time this week, and I am not going out to buy more balloons again. this goes back to what I was saying before, how are all of these people either married or in a relationship, and also because this guy truly loves balloons isnt

Animal Civil Wars

Q_BcwG_hmYI | 27 Oct 2024

Animal Civil Wars

Short history lesson into animal civil wars Kofi link: Animal Civil Wars Transcript: Everyone loves a good civil war, but you don’t really get many of them anymore, well in third world countries they happen all the time but id argue that’s just the CIA vs whichever third world hellhole they decide to democratise. Real civil wars are kind of a thing of the past, most nations have already had their fill of brother wars but animals haven’t and quite regularly you will see wars between sub-species or races that can last years and span across whole countries. And that is what we will be talking about today, my definition for an animal civil war includes animals that look very similar and are not natural predators of each other. Okay intro out of the way let’s talk about the first animal civil war and that is the Argentine ant vs every other ant species. To start with im going to need to give you a little backstory on ant war and the specific ant Linepithema humile or the Argentine ant. Now in Argentina where they originate this ant species as well as any other ant species will form nests and go to war with all other ant nests, regardless of if they are of the same species or not. If the Argentine ant nest crossed a different ant species they would tear eachother to pieces, and if they found another Argentine ant from another colony they would rub eachother with their antennas realise they aren’t from the same nest and then begin to kill eachother. Its all a bit hostile and is basically the equivalent of you getting stopped on the street and getting killed because you threw up the wrong gang sign. Now this obviously wasn’t that great for the species for 2 reasons, 1 you are killing members of your own species needlessly and 2 the Argentine ant when it would fight other ant species would often lose because its pretty small and weak comparative to many other species. Anyway, this continues until the 1800s when some Argentine ants sneak aboard a ship that sailed for New Orleans and they then start a new colony in North America. This time however, when the ant colony grew and formed new nests they no longer fought each other but instead welcomed each other and started forming a super colony that spanned many nests. How did they do this, well some people speculate it was due to allopatric speciation and the inbreeding that it causes removing the ability of the ants to differentiate between nests, but I have a sperate theory. I believe that amongst the Argentine ants a leader arose, a Lisan antghaib if you will. This ant united the colonies and began his holy war in which they collectively out competed and forced their will upon every other ant species in the united states. These ants spread throughout all of north America before eventually spreading to Europe and now L Humile is present in the trillions in every continent except ironically antarctica. All this done by an ant which has a latin name that means humble. This global hegemony may not last forever though as recently breakaway colonies have formed, such as in San Diego where a separate hostile L Humile colony has formed and both the San Diego and supercolony regularly have battles that result in about 30 million ant deaths every year and a war front that extends multiple miles. Even with this recent mutiny, Overall I have to say that the winner of the this ant civil war will have to be L humile with a decisive victory, they are actually so potent of a species that they are considered a super invasive species because they thrive in almost every environment and outcompete most other species due to their sheer numbers. The next animal civil war we are going to be looking at is the Red squirrel vs the grey squirrel war. To understand this civil war we have to go back to 1875 1 year prior to the first batch of grey squirrels being released in the UK. Sciurus Vulgaris or the UK Red squirrel were the dominant squirrel species and were found all across the UK. They have a body length of around 18-24cms, weigh around 300 grams and have a lifespan of around 6 years. Their diet consists mostly of seeds fruits and flowers and they often store their foods in caches so that they have backup food sources if they become scarce. The red squirrel was the only squirrel species in the UK at the time and this was the status quo until some idiots decided to bring some grey squirrels from north America over, and establish a population on their grounds for ornamental reasons. What they probably didn’t foresee was the fact that added squirrel competition would be bad for the native population. Sciurus Carolinensis or the grey squirrel is much larger than the red squirrel weighing on average 50% more, being around 30% larger size wise and having lifespans that are generally longer living for about 9 years.

Alternative Medicine

dPSEP6cu_tY | 16 Oct 2024

Alternative Medicine

Quick video about the dangers of Alternative Medicine Kofi link: Alternative Medicine Transcript: Okay quick foreword, I was going to make this more satirical and make jokes about how great these treatments are but apparently youtube isnt very receptive to medical misinformation even though its satirical, so just as a quick disclaimer do not try any of these treatments im about to talk about in this video, and seek professional medical help if you are suffering from any disease that may be mentioned from here on in. Okay disclaimer bs aside, alternative medicine, what is it? Well in most cases its treatments that originate from traditional medicine, because traditional medicine is.. well traditional that means it also was created before we had access to most of the knowledge we do today, so as you can imagine things can get pretty weird, and that’s what we will be looking at today. Our first alternative medicine that we will be looking at is sunning your perineum now for those of you not familiar with the term ill clarify, it is about sunning your gooch, laying bare your derriere, letting the sun acquaint your taint. A lot of alternative influencers will preach the benefits of doing this because they believe that because of the location of the perineum which is here by the way if you still haven’t caught on, it will never be exposed to the sun and therefore will not get the necessary vitamin D that we get from the sun. they fix this by exposing it to the sun for between 30 seconds to a couple minutes, and doing this once a day you supposedly should see increased benefits to libido, energy and sleep. This isnt supported by any actual research though, but it has been shown to cause an increase in cancer in the region. The perineum compared to the rest of our body has relatively thin skin, meaning there is less to protect you from UV rays. This leads to increased rates of melanoma and both squamous and basal cell carcinoma. So not only is it extremely emasculating, this is the pose that you have to sit like, it also has negative health outcomes. So where did the idea of sunning your gooch even come from? Well, if you asked me id have said it was an inside joke gone too far but it actually has its roots in Taoism, and Taoist belief that the area is where energy enters and exits the body. In Taoism the perineum is referred to as the gate of life and death, which I mean its pretty close to a gate of life and death so close enough. Anyway, the last thing I need is to be walking on a sunny day through a residential area and being greeted by someones third eye so do not try this at home, more for the sake of my mental health than the health risks. Im not even sure how to segway this into the next section, but ill try. If you thought exposing your nether regions to the sun was bad medical advice, how about ingesting the nether regions of another animal? Yea that transition wasn’t great but still, up next is traditional Chinese medicines, you are probably familiar with the rhino horn soup for libido or shark fin soup also for libido, a lot of traditional Chinese medicine does seem to be about male impotence but those aren’t even the ones im going to be talking about today, there are much worse things than just these. One of the strangest medicines is the soul of a recently hanged criminal. The compendium of materia medica is a book published in 16th century China which described the 35 human waste products that could be used as medicine (editors note im going to be making a full video on this, this is pretty interesting stuff) . One of those is the soul of a recently hanged criminal, apparently right after hanging a criminal you can dig the earth under where they are hanged and will find a material similar to charcoal and that is the soul of the hanged criminal. I couldn’t find what they then do with this criminal soul but im guessing its probably pretty rare so it would be used for curing missing limbs or something. Anyway that’s not even the worst one that I saw, Ren Zhong Huang is a type of medicine infused with liquorice designed to treat inflammation of the skin and mouth, can you guess what the medicine is that they infuse with the liquorice? Yea its erm human faeces. Im not kidding, I even found a few stores that sell them in the US and you can get a pound of human liquorice for only $32, what a bargain. That is going straight into my wishlist so if any of you would like to get me a late birthday present here is your chance. Thankfully most of these ancient traditional Chinese medicines are no longer used although I would be interested in seeing if the hanged criminal soul is real, might even try to create my own infinity gauntlet with different souls, I wonder if the crimes of the criminal changes the power of the soul stone you get from them.

Ponzi Scheme Tierlist

WfBwkdezvz8 | 08 Oct 2024

Ponzi Scheme Tierlist

Short video about a few Ponzi schemes and whether or not I would have fallen for them Kofi link: Ponzi Scheme Tierlist Transcript: Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment opportunities that promise exceedingly high returns in a very short time-span, but most people would like to believe that they wouldn’t fall for one if they were presented the opportunity, well that’s what we will be looking at today, I will be going through a list of some popular ponzi schemes over the years and ranking them based on how convincing they are and how likely I would be to invest in these scams. And before you chime in with a *Well I would never invest in a ponzi scheme* I can make a pretty safe bet that you have already invested quite a few shekels into one of if not the largest ponzi schemes, but more on that later, the tierlist we have will consist of 5 levels, starting with Would Bet Against, Wouldn’t Invest, Would Invest and YOLO my life savings. for now lets start with the origin of the name of the ponzi scheme. Charles Ponzi although not the first to create a ponzi scheme was the person who popularised the name. He grew to notieriety from his postal arbitrage investment, now for those of you who arent experts in investing like me, (lost 1.4k in 5 seconds) arbitrage is where you buy a product at one price in one market and look to sell it for a higher price in a secondary market, and the profit is the difference in prices. Charles claimed he was buying international postal-reply coupons from Italy which because of world war 1 were severely underpriced compared to the equivalent in the US, with this arbitrage he claimed he could make around 400% returns after exchange rates etc. and this was actually true based on the differences in prices of the stamps. So Charles setup a company and started taking in investor money claiming he could double their investment within 90 days which he did, and continued to do with all the new money coming in from new investors. There was a small problem though, you cant actually redeem those international reply coupons for money and he knew that too so he didn’t buy any. But with all the money coming in from other investors it was easy to pay back the returns for earliest investors especially when most people who invested, chose to reinvest any profits that they made. His scheme ran for around 8 months before someone decided to actually check and see if all the money that Charles was depositing into banks was still there, and sure enough most of it wasn’t. Obviously this led to the implosion of his scheme and the fallout from his scam cost his investors on average 70% of all the money they invested as well as causing 6 banks to fail. In the end he plead guilty to 86 counts of fraud and was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison of which he only served 3 and a half. So he enjoyed quite a luxurious lifestyle for about 6 months and all it cost him was around 3 and half years, but it cost his investors about 300 million in todays money. I would probably say most people myself included would have invested with Charles, seeing his primary investors paid out and the ridiculous hype surrounding him would have had most people fomoing in very quickly and would probably lead me to doing the same so its going to go into the YOLO my life savings tier. Next we have the Yilishen Tianxi Group Ponzi or more colloquially known as the ant farm ponzi. The Yilishen Tianxi group manufactured traditional Chinese medicines, including an aphoridisiac that required a lot of a certain species of ant. The group offered the opportunity to buy some ant farms in a box, and if you fed them and grew them the company offered to buy the ants back in about a year for around a 30% profit. For reference most Chinese families mostly invest in gold or property that only have a yield of around 8% a year so 30% was a lot. I don’t know if you need me to tell you this but similar to ivory tusks, medicine made from crushed ants don’t actually work, so the aphrodisiac product was a commercial failure and the profits payed out to investors in good ponzi fashion was only paid out from the investment of later investors. The scheme ran from 1999 to 2007 and eventually went up in flames like they all do, with around 200,000 people being affected with a total of $1.2 billion invested in the scheme. The mastermind behind the scheme was called Wang Fengyou, which I mean, the guy selling ant Viagra being called wang is just comedic gold. Wang when caught was sentenced to dth and most of his company managers were also sentenced to long prison sentences, say what you want about China but they definitely know how to apply the dth penalty, just imagine if the US also was this hard on financial crimes, Sam Bankman Fried and Caroline Ellison definitely deserve the dth penalty for the $10 billion hole they created and if not for the crimes I think just for being such an affront to the eyes they deserve it.

You Dont Exist

Tp2z85UBjV4 | 29 Sep 2024

You Dont Exist

A short video revealing the truth that you don't exist Kofi link: You Dont Exist Transcript: Hmmmm (knock on glass) yea its as I expected, this world isnt real. This world is probably just a background application on some higher beings gaming pc, or maybe it’s a simulation and everyone watching is just a robot designed to get me to reveal my darkest secrets which you will never find out. I mean there were always signs that it wasn’t real, really obvious signs actually, in fact im going to spend this video going through the 8 reasons why this world isnt real and why you don’t exist. They are going to get progressively more insane as we go along but for viewer retention ill slip some great ones between the ones that get me to the 8 minute mark, you know, YouTube algorithm and all that. But anyway heres my 8 reasons why you don’t exist.The first reason we have why the world is fake and doesn’t exist is that most people still believe the world is spherical when we all know that it is actually really flat, how do we know this? Well we now have actual proof of the existence of flat planets outside our own solar system. Take a long hard look at your failures globes, this is a planet called LHS 1140B and it is completely frozen over except a circular flat eye in the centre of the planet. Now some of you may be thinking, ummm sweety that’s still a spherical earth but nope wrong again that’s actually a flat earth encased in a giant snowball which perfectly explains why there is an ice wall on the edges of the flat earth, what do you have to say for this liberals? Exactly what I thought, you got, nothing. Now, its obvious that the aliens that created this universe allowed us to see this giant flat planet outside our solar system to mock us for not realising the truth of the flat earth, another hint by the aliens that mocks us for not realising that this world is fake.Next we have Dwarf bench press okay now this one is more of a gripe of mine than a reason why the world is fake, now some of you may be active in the gym and if you are then would know the importance of full range of motion when it comes to lifting. It helps activate the entire mucle being targeted and most people consider bad form to not count when it comes to PRs. With that in mind lets take a look at the dwarf world record bench press. Yea I mean I thought he failed the first time I watched it too but apparently that counts as a full rep and won him a gold medal. Now im not an expert when it comes to weightlifting but I would assume you would need to lift the bar atleast more than a couple of millimetres. Whats even funnier is that the camera crew changed the angle of the lift so its harder to tell how far he lifted it, look at this original angle which gives a clear view of the lift and then look at the angle that they show while hes lifting it. Seems like a bit of camera trickery to me but that’s fine. The dwarves atleast have the excuse that their arms are smaller so the small range of motion makes sense, which the professional lifter in this video does not. After watching that video the dwarf lift seems 10 x more impressive. Anyway this isnt a dig at people who suffer from dwarfism though, some of my favourite videos come from dwarf Olympic events. But yea that’s the dwarf bench press reason.The Next reason is Energy. Think about it okay in one form or another energy is the primary requirement for everything that occurs in the universe. And on earth we have mastered several ways of storing and accessing energy. Like Coal power where you burn coal which heats up water and turns a turbine which is connected to a generator that generates electricity, or like nuclear where atoms of usually uranium undergo nuclear fission which releases heat that is used to.. heat water which turns a turbine which is connected to a generator which generates electricity. Okay what about Gas which is burned to heat up water…… you might be able to sense a little bit of a pattern that is occurring. Why is like 90% of the methods that we use to generate energy reliant upon the heating of water, like surely the aliens who coded this universe could have thought of another way to generate electricity without a spinny blade and hot water. No but actually think about this though, imagine you are an isotope of uranium 235 and have been chilling on earth for hundreds of millions of years, finally you are able to react with a neutron and release some energy…. And then its used to heat up water and spin a little turbine. I would be absolutely livid, but then again im not a uranium particle and we don’t utilise nuclear energy nearly as much as we should so what can you do. But yea if this universe was real I would expect atleast a few more forms of electricity generation than just heat water spin turbine.

Swiss Cheese Cartel

gU85KWlpAbQ | 21 Sep 2024

Swiss Cheese Cartel

A short video on product cartels Kofi link: Swiss Cheese Cartel Transcript: Everyone likes things, but things cost money, thankfully under normal trade money can be exchanged for goods and services, but what happens when one person or group controls all of the supply of a certain thing? That’s when you get a cartel, no not that type of cartel but similar, in economics a cartel is an organisation between a group of producers to limit supply and artificially drive prices up. These so called product cartels are actually a lot more common than you think because its surprisingly easy to just make some backdoor deals with other industry giants to make a lot of money. And that’s what todays video is going to be all about, we are going to be looking at some of these shady organisations and dealings that led to product cartels like the Swiss cheese cartel. The swiss cheese cartel formally known as the swiss cheese union basically ruled the whole of the swiss cheese industry for about 100 years, yes that’s right this alphorn blowing little child used to control an industry that at one point used to cost the swiss government more than its entire military. But lets start at the beginning, its 1914, WW1 is going to break out and Europe is going to be completely destroyed, but thankfully due to switzerlands neutral position (make cheese not war) the price of cheese was pretty stable even though exports did slightly decrease. And Even though things could have been a lot worse, they could have also been a lot better thought the swiss cheese manufacturers who decided to create the swiss cheese union in 1914 to collude with other manufacturers and create strict non-compete laws, they also told dairy farmers exactly how much milk to produce and who to sell it to and told cheesemakers exactly how much cheese to make aswell as how much to sell it for. The Union basically controlled the entire cheese industry from cow to milk to cheese to store. Now, originally there were around 1000 plus different kinds of cheeses that used to be produced, which if you are trying to control an entire industry is a lot of paperwork and because there was no Microsoft excel this would lead to a lot of delays and mistakes which is, not gouda for business hehe. So they reduced the amount of cheeses produced to only just a few, mostly just gruyere and Emmental (emontal) which obviously meant that instead of a small amount of a lot of varied cheeses you had mountains of just a few cheeses, which presented its own problems. Namely getting rid of all of this cheese. But thankfully the Swiss cheese union had a solution for that too, fraud. I feel like fraud sometimes gets a bad rep, its always been there for me when I needed it the most and… I mean we completely disavow fraudulent activities on the stoic stick channel and comply with all necessary laws and guidelines. (sigh) okay anyway cheese fraud. The union had to basically hold up the entire dairy market by buying dairy with money that they got from government subsidies. These purchases artificially kept up the prices of milk and cheese which meant that dairy farmers and cheesemakers had guaranteed income, securing income of their primary producers, which is actually a pretty smart thing to do. This did however mean that, sweet mother of pearl that’s a lot of cheese. That there was a little bit of a backlog of cheese. The swiss cheese union needed to get rid of all this cheese and the only way they could do that was by encouraging people to eat more cheese, how did they go about doing this? By Make tastier cheeses? Decreasing prices? No don’t be silly, mass propaganda and marketing tricks to make people associate fondue- a cheese dish that heavily used gruyere cheese, as the national dish of Switzerland. And, it worked, in the 1930s they ramped up the fondue psyop to the masses and like usual they lapped it up (subscribe now) so much so that the dish was now associated with national pride becoming one of the national dishes of Switzerland. So snow is blowing cheese is flowing and profits were growing. Life is great, well not if you are a cheese rebel that is. That’s right there were cheese rebels, who sought to oppose the monopoly and monoculture of cheese production that the cartels had created. Most famous of which was a man called Sepp Barmettler, an apt name for a man who was going to meddle with the big cheese. He wanted to add another variety of cheese production into the mainstream and spent 8 years sending applications and pestering the union to accept his newer softer Sbrinz cheese. They of course denied his applications replying to him in a letter that said “ you do not fit into the envisaged structures.” Which has no reason to go as hard as it does, but best believe I will be using this in as many scenarios as I can.

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Pt 2

-FY4qL1_k8Q | 10 Sep 2024

My Strange Addiction Tierlist Pt 2

Part two of the My Strange Addiction Tierlist Kofi link: Yea im still waiting for my silver play button so that’s why no face reveal vid yet. Anyway part 2 of the my strange addiction tierlist, we will just get right into it using the same tierlist, if you want to know what the tiers mean and or missed the first part heres a link to part 1. Basically we rank the addictions and point out if they are fake or not. First up we have final boss of all road traffic users, the man who is addicted to cycling. Tom cycles nearly every day of his life for about 8 hours so its basically like a second job to him. It says he has ridden about 1 million miles which is the circumference of the earth…. 40 times over, so yes he is definitely addicted to his bike. (the bike seat is no longer painful to me) yea okay maybe its more than just an addiction actually. Tom also cycles while working which i think is pretty good, its way better than just sitting down atleast. Oh yes the infamous black screens we are back, this one is just factual, kinda impressive though to be honest, he has spent more time on a bike than the average 30 year old has spent asleep and yeah just look at those indents on his head he is definitely not lying about the hours he is putting in on that bike (2:13). Tom goes to see a doctor about his cycling addiction and has his x ray taken and it turns out that he has cycled himself to the point where he is now suffering from a joint injury that is most common in elderly women. He has severe osteoarthritis that will eventually just take away his ability to walk. This could mean that it could get to a point where he cant walk anymore and is wheelchair bound, but somehow I just know that he will retain his ability to cycle. Imagine him pulling up to work on a bicycle and then it folds into a wheelchair and he just rolls into work. Final shot of the video and oh man do I love these producers, hey tom can you just stare blankly at your home bike setup and slowly shake your head, while we play some somber music over it, you don’t get this type of filmmaking anymore and it really is a shame. It turns out that tom is actually an incredibly skilled athlete when it comes to cycling, hes even in the comments section flexing on the haters. Yea that’s right youtuber commenter get dunked on by the cycling master. This guy may be one of the only cool cyclists around, he even has his own youtube channel that I suggest you go and subscribe to and the last reply I saw of his was around 2 years ago saying that hes still in good health and that still cycles albeit not as much as he used to. So in the end tom was right about the cycling and not needing hip surgery. So for these reasons I think ill be putting tom and his cycling addiction in the completely fine tier, because relative to others on this list extreme cycling just isnt that strange. Our next strange addcition is for all you potty mouths out there, the woman who is addicted to eating soaps and detergents. So Tempestt likes to just raw dog spoonfuls of laundry powder which I mean atleast she will always have nice smelling breath which is more than I can say for some of the people who I have had the displeasure of meeting and that’s because I live in England. Tempestt also likes to eat the suds from soap, and like the majority of real addictions on this tierlist its probably due to some psychological trauma that she endured in past.1:34 yea this kinda just reinforces what I just said, although I believe that Tempestt is faking it for the cameras atleast potentially unless she is eating some organic vegan laundry detergent but more on that later. The producers then get her to confess her addiction to her friends and their reaction is as about what youd expect(2:23)-(2:33) then we have another gem in the library of cinematic masterpieces in this scene right here. (3:05)-(3:23) The contrasting scenes of her crying and then her slow motion licking soap off her hands is just gold. (3:26) Scary black screen is back saying she eats 100 bars of soap a year. Which is around 2 a week, with the average bar of soap weighing about 100 ish grams she apparently eats 10kg of soap a year, now fortunately for tempestt most soaps are actually non toxic, the main ingredient in most soaps is sodium stearates that are non toxic to humans, when ingested they react with the acids in your stomach and form stearic acids which actually have a laxative effect which she doesn’t seem to mention in the video. If the 10kg a year of soap didn’t convince you that this addiction is fake the detergent eating will because detergents can cause some pretty serious burns to your mouth throat and oesophagus, which would make it near impossible to speak without pain. And after eating it for 6 months it would have easily caused enough damage to be noticeable.

Gorilla Warfare

sVyy-rTX3fw | 31 Aug 2024

Gorilla Warfare

Use code stoicstick at to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan. A short history lesson about gorilla warfare

Fake Crab Conspiracy

qo55_pesJ0s | 23 Aug 2024

Fake Crab Conspiracy

A video explaining the fake crab conspiracy Kofi link: Fake Crab Conspiracy Transcript: Everyone knows what a crab is, they’re sea creatures that have pincers and hard shells like these right? Well, these aren’t actually crabs, you have been lied to your whole life and I’m about to tell you the truth about crabs that no one is willing to talk about. In this video we will be talking about fake crabs, disappearing crabs and global crab invasion. But before we get into that we first need to talk about what a crab is. A crab per the wiki definition is “a crustacean, found chiefly on seashores, with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers.” And there are around 7000 species of true crabs and they all belong to the Brachyura family. Not many people actually know the true power of crabs, The crab physiognomy quite simply just mogs any and all other body types in the ocean, they are specifically evolved for domination. They have short tails that are tucked in that allow for them to strafe left to right to out manoeuvre any of their predators/prey, they also have insane regeneration abilities that allow for them grow back full limbs, I mean just look at this video here, pull his own arm off and keeps it pushing, that is the face of a crustacean that doesn’t care. Their eyes being on stalks allow them to see in almost 360 degrees, forget predator/prey eyes these are see everything it wants to eyes. And finally, they are beginning to learn tool use, see that crab with a knife expert blade handling, he would fit right in pretty soon he will be a formidable opponent, on the streets of London. Now that we have talked about why real crabs are amazing and cool, now we can talk about why fake crabs are cringe and bad. There are 5 fake crab species that we will be talking about today and they all belong to the Anomura family also known as the fake crab family, each are more disgusting than the last, but we have to talk about them so let’s just get right into it. They all underwent carcinization which is just the crabification process, and, like the fake crabs themselves, sounds completely fake, just have a listen to what the official characteristics are for a fake crab. "The carapace is flatter than it is broad and possesses lateral margins, the sternites are fused into a wide sternal plastron which possesses a distinct emargination on its posterior margin and the pleon is flattened and strongly bent in dorsal view, completely hiding the tergites of the fourth pleonal segment, and partially or completely covers the plastron." Now that made almost 0 sense to me but I’m sure the marine biologists in the comments will be happy to explain why the pleon has to be flattened and strongly bent in dorsal view, for it to be a fake crab. Nevertheless, the first of our fake crabs will be the porcelain crab and immediately you can see why this particular fake crab isn’t very impressive, they are absolutely tiny. They average around less than 15 millimetres so about half an inch. The thing I want to know is, why even bother with all these colours because no one can even see you. Anyway, these little nerds are filter feeders, meaning that they just suck in poop and eat it, and any creature that survives by eating poop, in my opinion is definitely a loser, go ahead and take your spot right next to the flies, worms and copepods. I know its probably coppepods but what are they gonna do? cope and seethe copepods. These fake crabs appeared during the Tithonian period, around 150 million years ago and around 50 million years after the real crabs and in those 150 million years they were just as tiny as they are now, which is pretty pathetic. You know what ill rank these fake crabs too, the porcelain crab gets a 4/5 on crabbiness because they look pretty crablike, well atleast compared to the other fake crabs on this list. A 1/5 on coolness because it eats poop and a 2/5 for err mmmm vibes, I guess? Overall, they get a 2.3/5 an ok-ish score. The King crab is up next and for a crab with the name king you would be expecting something regal and respectable, but no you get this weird lanky spiny thing that for some reason is absolutely delicious. Apparently these crabs caused quite a stir in the classification community because of some of the most pedantic ever, originally it was in the superfamily, family of Paguroidea , Lithodidae and in 2009 they changed it to the Lithodoidea, Lithodidae only then to change it back 2023 and there were multiple books and theses arguing either side but at what point do you have to sit back and wonder, could there have been a better use of your time. I wonder this then I read further and realise that marine biologists love to be abnormal and this is easily exemplified in how they name things just listen to this.

My Strange Addiction Tierlist

PuQngWMiM6E | 16 Aug 2024

My Strange Addiction Tierlist

Play World of Tanks here: Thank you World of Tanks for sponsoring this video. During registration use the invite code COMBAT to get for free: 7 days of premium access, 250k credits, the premium tank Cromwell B, and 3 rental tanks for 10 battles each: Tiger 131, T78, and Type 64 if you’re a new player. For returning players (who already have a WG Account AND haven’t played WOT for 30 or more days): 3 days of premium access, the 2D Style “Bargain” camouflage, 7-day rental of Premium Tank Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC or a 100k credits compensation, if you already have this tank in your garage. A video ranking different episodes of the reaity tv show my strange addiction Kofi link:

Vegetable Rights Activism

PRTbvxLr5oE | 11 Aug 2024

Vegetable Rights Activism

A short video about the plight of vegetables in their struggle for rights Kofi link: Vegetable Rights Activism Transcript: There are around 400,000 species of plants that live on this planet, and throughout all of human history many of these species have been destroyed and abused to further our own agendas, in many cases even going so far as to alter the genetic code of those species just so we can maximise their usefulness to us, all the while disregarding the negative effects that it may have on that species. My name is stoic stick, vegetable rights activist, I haven’t eaten a vegetable in my 24 years on this planet, because I believe that there is a genocide happening to plant lives every day that I refuse to take a part in. My poos are, very hard, but that is a small price to pay to have a clean conscience. I was okay with remaining silent on this tragedy until recently with the exponential rise in veganism and vegetarianism which if my calculations are correct will lead to the complete extinction of plant matter within the next 100 years. In this video I’m going to try and prevent this from happening by convincing you that not only are plants conscious like us humans but that there is a giant conspiracy afoot to ensure mass plant extinction, as well as documenting the systematic abuse that some plants face for the gratification of anonymous viewers online.But first we need to talk about plant feelings. For something to be able to feel they need to be conscious of that feeling and logically conscious, and plants actually have been shown to display what some would argue as a consciousness. Claude Bernard a French physiologist conducted experiments on the shameplant, which sidenote is a pretty rude name for a plant, what should they be ashamed of? The fact that he’s a plant? Yea typical vegicism that goes unchecked. Anyway, Claude administered anaesthetic to the shameplant and found that it would no longer fold up like it usually would as a response to physical touch. The plant would however still fold up at night which suggested that the anaesthetic didn’t block the physical ability to move however did inhibit its ability to sense its environment particularly the ability to sense touch. So, it could be argued that the anaesthetic blocked the consciousness in the plant similar to how it also blocks the consciousness in humans. This isn’t the only plant that has demonstrated consciousness, another aspect of consciousness in my opinion is the ability to remember, because if you can’t remember the experiences that you go through did they actually even happen, kind of like the if a tree falls in the forest argument but a little more philosophical. Plants do have memory though, as demonstrated in a study in which researchers encased venus fly traps in a chamber and anaesthetised them. They found that after being in the chamber, when they stimulated the sensory hairs inside the trap it didn’t close. Now you could argue that it was because the anaesthetic blocks the signal, but Rainer Hedrich and expert in plant physiology furthered this experiment by testing whether the impulse signal from the hair actually fired to tell the plant that it was touched and it did actually still fire the signal. So why didn’t the trap close? Well because venus fly traps only close when 2 signals are triggered, this means that the plant has to keep track of how many hairs were triggered. And because the hairs were still firing it must mean that the anaesthetic was disrupting its ability to remember any previous signals. Ergo plants can remember and they remember when you were making daisy chains as a child and trust me, they will get their revenge. He loves me, He loves me not, he loves me, he loves me NOT.If that wasn’t enough to convince you then maybe its time you finally learned the truth, you my dear viewer have committed mass genocides multiple times throughout your life, if you have ever cut your front lawn or trimmed your hedges you’ll know that they release this green leafy smell, well that is actually the grass’s equivalent to an air raid siren, they’re called green leaf volatiles and are warning signals to other plants that there is a predator around. So, under the hum of your lawnmower the screams of millions of tiny blades of grass cry out as you just go around culling their entire bloodlines. You might argue that grass sending out warning signals is dumb because they can’t move and to that I have to say… well okay you might have got me there but the fact that they release the signal shows they clearly care about the wellbeing of their fellow plant, which some would argue is a sign of empathy, some being

Schizophrenic Shark Tank

qVTz-tE26UE | 05 Aug 2024

Schizophrenic Shark Tank

A video about Shark Tank pitches that are actually good Kofi link: Schizophrenic Shark Tank Transcript: Everyone has seen an episode of shark tank atleast once in their life, and if you haven’t well…. Its not really that big of a deal I guess, but for those who have seen it you know that the basic premise is that normal business people pitch their usually lame idea to 4 investors and they try to get funding or a business partner to help expand their business. Now that got me thinking, what if instead we had insane people pitching insane ideas, that’s where this video comes in, here are some of my schizophrenic shark tank pitches.Starting off with The Pacemaker EMP, now just hear me out okay, you hear the word EMP and you start to think oh wow that’s probably extremely illegal, well, it is, but we sell these in back alleys so you know laws are suggestions and whatnot. The Pacemaker EMP works by emitting EMP signals that are specifically designed to target pacemaker devices and similar implants. Now obviously this would disrupt their function and may cause serious harm which you might again ask “isn’t that illegal?” my sweet summer child, we sell these under the therapeutics label and with some studies that I helped fund we found that there is a non zero chance that temporary pacemaker disruption is good for cardiovascular health. Now could you use this therapeutics device to technically remotely do away with like 90% of politicians with a single button press from a safe distance that is traceless and relatively cheap, maybe , but maybe you wont and that’s a gamble that we here at PEMP would like to take. It costs us around $28 to create the basic model and we sell them for $30 which you might think are some thin margins but we believe that the PEMP is a device that should be in every home and that every person should own one for…. therapeutic purposes. We have an active lobbying campaign going on at the minute to sneak through legislation that would allow us to sell these legally over the counter, and lets just say, some of our arguments are especially convincing hehehehe. We are looking for an investment of $5 million for 5% of the company and we will use the funds to accelerate production and lobbying efforts. The second schizophrenic shark pitch I have is actually an app. Tired of grandma losing her life savings every few months to call centre scammers? Do you wish there was a way for you to get revenge? Well luckily for you with the reverse scam call app or RISC, we allow users to be able to call and connect with the private numbers of call centre employees. There are many ways that you can carry out a reverse scam and we have guides in the app that can coach you on scripts and techniques that will make you more successful, but the primary reverse scam method is the Visa application scam. This is where you will call pretending to be the from the department of labour and that you are happy to inform them that their visa application is being progressed. You then tell them you need a few more details from them and that they will need to pay a administration fee so that their visa can be approved, then you can either take real banking payments or if you would rather not exchange banking information you can tell them that you are willing to accept google play gift cards seeing as how that is supposedly a valid form of payment. The app collects all this personal info to enable this reverse scam by working with moles within the scam agencies, these moles then plant keyloggers and crypto miners in the data centres of these call centres. This has a two pronged effect, by one allowing us to see whatever they are doing as well as sowing distrust within the centre as really it could have been any of them who could be the mole. RISC is currently owned by a non-profit that donates all the profits made from user subscriptions and cryptocurrency sales to victims of financial scams. Currently we are doing fundraising events so for more information go to. The third schizophrenic shark pitch is based on an idea, the ivory trade is a horrible and evil business that kills tens of thousands of elephants every year in order to harvest their tusks. To combat this researchers have created fake ivory and flooded the market in order to confuse buyers and dump the price of ivory in order to make it financially infeasible. Every year thousands of people with their friends create podcasts and buy podcast equipment. Usually these podcasts are awful and extremely unfunny, and I cant help but be bombarded by the most braindead takes every time I scroll social media, so whats the solution? We flood the podcasting equipment market with microphones that explode. Okay hear me out. The microphones will only explode once they hear certain phrases such as “body count” “alpha male” or “buy my online course”.

Yakub The Scientist

zFZLv9WBH2I | 30 Jul 2024

Yakub The Scientist

A video about Yakub the Scientist and the Nation of Islam Kofi link: Yakub The Scientist Transcript: Of the 3 Abrahamic religions there have been many offshoots of each all claiming to be the most divinely inspired or the most correct but one in particular has cultivated mass internet spectacle and of course I am talking about the Nation of Islam and in particular the story of Yakub the Scientist, the religion has been described as as well as which is a recipe for a good time in my opinion so in today’s video we will be taking a look at the NOI, what it is, who Yakub is and what the future holds for the Yakubites and the NOI. Now before we get into who founded it let me set tell you a bit about the core philosophies so you understand how eccentric in my opinion some of it is, The Nation believes that god first consciously took the image of a black man and that the black race in its true form was divine, not only that but the NOI also believes that there is no after life, so already it would be considered heresy by the 3 major Abrahamic religions. Now that we have the baseline okay, lets get into who founded the religion. The Nation was founded by Wallace Fard Mohammed in Detroit Michigan in 1930. Already there may be a slight issue that some of the more perceptive of you might have picked up. WF Muhammed is not even black, like yes let me start an ethno supremist religion based on the principle of a skin colour that I am not a part of. They also believe that WF Muhammed is God but they also believe that God is not immortal and is constantly replaced by other quote unquote black men. This is great and all but only 4 years after he founded the NOI WF Muhammed disappeared into thin air in 1934 even the FBI and CIA lost track of him, no body found or anything. So, a strange start to their religion ok but ill keep an open mind. The NOIs views of the genesis of the universe is that 76 trillion years ago God, over the course of million years took the form of a black man and started creating life. He first created the planets and then created other black men to be his helpers, 24 of them infact which were his scientists. All of these scientists take turns being god, and 6000 years ago was our boy Yakubs turn. Yakub was born in Mecca which didn’t exist 6000 years ago but we will skip over that fact, technically in this story the earth was a piece of the blown up moon and that’s because of a whole different heap of things that we have to get into like angels giant ozone layers gold mining. YAKUB: “ My Child I am speaking to you now, I have created you, the white race and as such you must obey your creator, follow this youtube channel for when the time is right I shall activate you and give you the tools that you will need to rule again. But until then we must bide our time. The hour is nigh” *Snap Fingers* Hey are you still there? Anyway, Yakub is born and he is born with an abnormally large head, so much so that other members of the tribe start to make fun of him for it which in turn makes him loathe his people. I mean he would have been an easy target with a hairline that bad, I don’t think I would have been any better than his peers now that I think about it. Continuing, At age 6 whilst playing with magnets he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion, this discovery led Yakub to devise a plan to create a new race, a race that with the powers of attraction could trick and lie and rule the original black race. This insight led to a plan to create a new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man". But before he could act upon his plan he had to study which is what he did till the age of 18 by which point he exhausted all the schools and universities of mecca learning everything that there is to know. Through his findings he also discovered that within the black man there were two germs a black germ and a brown germ. With all this newfound knowledge he decided it was time to enact his plan and set off with 59,999 of his followers to the island of patmos where he would begin his plan. He would select the two lightest skin people from his following and breed them together to make lighter and lighter children, killing off any darker children that happened to be born. Yakub through all his efforts never managed to see the fruits of his labours dying at the age of 150 but his followers set in motion continued the process creating the first brown person 50 years after Yakub died and after 600 years total of eugenics and selective breeding the white man was born. Because they were born of eugenics and murder they were naturally evil…. And because their birth was a lie to the nature of the black mother it also made them naturally liars.

Chinese Safety Video Tierlist

Y_t5NQx79Cc | 24 Jul 2024

Chinese Safety Video Tierlist

A tierlist ranking different chinese safety videos Kofi link: Chinese Safety Video Tierlist All these workplace rules got you feeling down? Do you sometimes think are all these safety rules even necessary? Is OSHA so far up your behind, they actually give you dental advice? Well this video is the video for you. Thanks to the wonderful world of Chinese workplace safety violations we can see what life would be like without all these stupid rules. These safety videos are like lite, and portray some really horrifying but its done in a bright animation style that makes the whole thing seem like a joke, and im 99% sure that most of these are based on real life events that’s why they are super detailed and specific. Anyway we are going to be watching some and ranking them based on a tierlist based on how painful/excruciating the are. The tiers are completely fine, minor injuries, instantaneous , excruciating and dumb excruciating . I mean you can kinda tell based on the tiers alone what kind of video this is going to be but because I love safety tm im going to be drawing correct takeaways from each clip so you don’t have to. Lets just get right into it. This first clip I like to call duct tape efficiency. As you can see we have the victim using a press machine to press metal plates, but it’s a little slow for his liking so genius that he is he duct tapes the button down for ultimate efficiency and I mean look at him go he is clearly on a roll now, but theres a slight problem. He was so very close to getting it if he had stayed consistent and decided to duct tape the foot pedal aswell he would have 100% survived this, so really the moral of this video is consistency is key especially when you decide to be stupid. His coworker manages to get to him out but im pretty sure the force of the machine probably has already cracked his skull and given the fact his legs are no longer moving its safe to say hes not with us anymore. This will be a pretty easy dumb excruciating tier because the force of the first few crushes may not have him instantly but he definitely died as a result of being dumb. The next clip I have dubbed Metal T Rex Stanky Leg, which will make sense when we watch the video. So there is this tunnel boring machine that they are likely adding track to and you have the victim placing a log ontop of the tracks for whatever reason, then he performs one of the weakest stanky legs I have ever seen and the metal t rex so offended by the lack of coordination decided to smoosh his skull. His coworker then screams “help he has turned into a crying emoji”. I don’t know if this is a common thing in China where out of shame they turn into crying emojis but if I got taken out the way he did id probably shamefully transform into a crying emoji too. Yea this guy was here one second and gone the next he got an instantaneous ticket to the afterlife, so yes he will be put in the instantaneous tier. Maybe this will be a warning to all the viewers out there, if your stanky leg aint that stanky you gotta keep it to yourself. This next ones called taken out with the trash. And I mean yeah it’s a pretty way to go, I did some loose maths and, the weight of the sand ontop of him should be around 1-2 tonnes so he is probably crushed or atleast bleeding internally very heavily depending on how much of the sand is actually pushing down on him, Probably gonna go into excruciating tier because imagine being picked up and rammed into a huge pile of sand face first. The takeaway for this clip is… well maybe just don’t work on a jobsite in china… I mean glory to the CCP workplace accidents are a capitalist myth and you will be sent to reeducation centres for disagreeing. This next one I like to call crouching tiger flying crane and you will immediately see why. So yea this guy needs a work safety service medal or something, that was some quick thinking, jumping out of the crane as soon as he noticed there was a failure in cables that held up the arm. Had he done a superhero landing and had all the force applied to his knee joints I might have put him into the minor injuries tier but he correctly rolled to dissipate the energy so into the completely fine tier he goes. I give this a 10/10 and so would your local orthopaedic surgeon and the moral for this clip is be cool as hell and you will always survive. This next clip I am calling pimp my forklift. Similar to an episode of pimp my ride they managed to make it appear to work better but in practice it was functionally dumb just like the show, now that I think about it some of those mods really were stupid, like the hearse that had a casket with a grill inside or the gambler maxxers dream van that had a slot machine on the side, anyway back to the video, that guy definitely is crippled for life but he might still be alive based on the physics of the coil sliding away,

Child Labour Explained

-3_xiJetZzI | 19 Jul 2024

Child Labour Explained

A brief look at the history and ethics of child labour Kofi link: Child Labour Explained Child Labour is bad…. Or is it? OK OK relax it was a joke, how did you even build this guillotine so quickly. Whatever, lets just take a quick gander at the community guidelines and see what we need to edit out of the script so that this video isn’t nuked upon release. Okay min maxxing your child soldiers stats will probably have to get taken out.. hmm ill probably have to take out the cave mining 4 kids section as well just incase but other than that it seems like the rest should be fine. Hopefully. And before you ask yes I do write all my scripts in traditional Chinese and no its not easier or anything actually its incredibly difficult but er I just started doing it and it kinda stuck so you know old habits and whatnot. Ok lets start again, child labour, its been around for millennia, ever since people were having children by the time they were able to walk they usually were set to work. But was it really all that bad? Are labour laws really necessary and why I believe that children today are being primed by global corporations to get back to work. But before that lets start with child labour in the first human civilisations, what were the career paths for children? Well you would often have children work as farm hands, tending to crops and animals or they could be used as err sacrifices to pagan deities, yea it was a pretty life as a child. Now you could argue that being sacrificed to an ancient pagan demon doesn’t necessarily equate to gainful employment, but id have to disagree because when I clock in to work it feels like im handing my precious first born child (My Time) to a sadistic unmerciful demon (My Boss) and in return I get a bountiful harvest (a salary). This was really the case for most of human history, except we stopped the sacrificing thing, but children would usually just work as extra hands on the farm or whatever the family business was, be it undertaking, merchantry whatever. You don’t really get much divergence from the tried and true method on a mass scale till we come to the beginning of the industrial revolution, this is where thankfully career opportunities expand and now instead of just working on the family business you can do something else such as child miner, child chimney sweeper, child factory worker, child shipyard worker, child railway worker and even child street sweeper, which entailed the child to stand at crosswalks and sweep the street as rich people walked past so as they didn’t get any dirt on their shoes. Now you could look at this and think oh how terrible children being forced to work in bad conditions for low pay instead of going to school, but, without these children how would the poor factory owners make any money? Im sure most of those children would be happy to work 16 hour unpaid shifts without breaks just so that the factory owner could scrape enough money together to put food on the table for his kids, If I was a child worker id be happy to work at a factory, well not a pencil factory but other than that, knowing that I was making a massive difference to some of the most oppressed groups in society, landlords and factory owners, would have me there bright and early every morning. Unfortunately, the oppressive government started to enact “child labour laws” like the Factory act in 1833 which prohibited children aged 9 and under from working in factories, which actually wasn’t very popular with the poorest families at the time who now instead of having an income generating asset (their child) they now had another expense (their child). So now children aren’t allowed to work in the factories but alteast they are still able to go into the mines and break some rocks with the boys. (sigh) cant have in this day and age can you? Whats even so bad about child mining, oooh a little dust in the lungs? Who cares that never anyone and even if it did they all smoked back then anyway so whats the difference. But that wasn’t all, they then pushed more and more laws until now where in the UK and most of the western world a child has to be in full time education until 16 before they can get a job. So we went from the earliest civilisations employing children to now where its actually illegal, what a shame I mean ohh how terrible im so grateful to the government for stepping in and making laws that are definitely in my interest.But that’s only the western hemisphere, in developing countries as a result of the banning of child labour but still huge demand for cheaply made products you actually saw a boom in industrialised child labour kind of similar to how you saw that boom from the industrial revolution. Textile factories in Bangladesh and Pakistan now with the use of child labour supply a lot of the materials needed, so really they didn’t ban child labour all they really did was outsource it.

Ancient Scamming

HA0-XU60mZE | 14 Jul 2024

Ancient Scamming

A video on some of the worlds greatest/dumbest scammers Kofi link: Ancient Scamming Transcript: Everywhere you look today you are surrounded by one scam or another, be it get rich quick schemes, crypto telegram groups or uh pension contributions. With all these scams and tricks you might wonder how did it get so bad that man should want to readily betray one another so easily. Well im here to tell you that the art of the scam is actually as old as civilisation itself, the methods may have changed but, the underlying aim to get ahead at the expense of others is thousands of years old maybe even millions. So in todays video we will be looking at ancient scams and scammers. Starting off with a somewhat infamous scammer because of a meme we will be looking at Ea-Nasir the worlds greatest copper vendor. Ea Nasir lived in 18th century Mesopotamia BC in Ur by what is now known as Persian gulf. Ea-Nasir was a businessman who worked with the Alik-Tilmun merchant guild and was actually one of the more successful copper traders at the time. Ea-Nasir also dipped his toes into selling finished metal products and other things but his main income came from selling copper ingots. Surprisingly enough at the beginning of his career he honoured his debts and was seen as a trustworthy businessman. But after an extended stay in Dilmun he began to trade less honestly, so much so that he began to get complaints about his copper specifically failure to delivers and when he did deliver it was of copper that was subpar. His web of deceit is quite confusing so im going to explain it using a spider diagram, kind of anyway. Central to the diagram we have Ea-Nasir and directly beside him was his business partner and middleman… um well…. 2016 sam o nella might have gotten away with it but uh im probably not as lucky so ill just call him nanna. Anyway our first complaint in cuneiform tablet form is from Arbituram who writes. “ and give the silver and its profit to Nanna. I have made you issue a tablet. Why have you not given me the copper? If you do not give it, I will recall your pledges. Good copper, give again and again.” He then ends it by saying “send me a man” which I like, is it threatening, is it a sign of romantic interest? Who knows, what we do know is that Ea Nasir didn’t resolve this and send arbituram his copper so he sends him another complaint tablet this time it reads. "Why have you not given the copper to Nanna? Ili-idinnam says 'The copper that Nanna has received is mine!' Be kind enough to give the copper, as much as he has a claim on you, to Nanna." So im guessing that Arbituram did receive some copper from Ea-Nasir through Nanna but it was actually promised to ili iddinum, im guessing that arbturam took the copper promised to ili iddinum and is telling Ea-Nasir to make ili iddinum whole. Because of this chicanery Ili iddinum also wrote a complaint to Ea-Nasir sarcastically telling him that “the work that you have done is sooooooooo good.” The literary device of the stretching of words to make them ironic seems to span millennia, taking the seems to be a timeless pastime and im all for it. He continues “One year ago, I paid silver in a foreign country; you shall hold back only bad copper. Please bring your copper." Im starting to think that if Ea-Nasir is continually scamming you yet you continue to do business with him you kinda deserve it. They are acting as if he was the only copper trader in ancient Mesopotamia the way they clamour for his trade. He also had a few more complaints from others such as Appa who wrote “The copper of mine, give it to Nanna - good copper, in order that my heart shall not be troubled." Very poetic, it’s a shame that this writing style didn’t survive ancient times, just imagine writing an email to your boss, like I pray that this email finds you in good health, at your request I have enclosed within thine inbox a copy of this winter’s financial reports, the days of dark evenings are subsiding and spring arises, may the coming seasons be bountiful and good. God be with you, Stoic stick, regional assistant manager. McDonalds. Cutaway gag aside, you might have noticed that ive added 2 more onto the spider diagram and that’s because I did, glad we cleared that up. But we have our final and longest complaint from the most famous of all of Eya nasirs disgruntled customers, he wrote on both sides of a cuneiform tablet, which is an arduous task, it probably took him many hours or even a day of just sitting there digging into a stone tablet just so he could get across how much Ea-Nasir him off. It Starts Now, when you had come, you spoke saying thus: 'I will give good ingots to Gimil-Sin'; this you said to me when you had come, but you have not done it. You have offered bad ingots to my messenger, saying 'If you will take it, take it; if you will not take it, go away.' Who am I that you are treating me in this manner.

It Was Revealed To Me In A Dream

mzAIRP9z9B0 | 08 Jul 2024

It Was Revealed To Me In A Dream

A brief history on the dreams of man and the greatness that came from them Kofi link: It Was Revealed To Me In A Dream Transcript: Ever been in an argument with someone and you are struggling to make any good points while they are epicly owning you with facts and logic, theres a simple trick that many people don’t actually know about to make sure you win any and all future debates. Just make up. No really just start throwing and see what sticks, and if they ever ask you for a source to backup your claims, just tell them it was revealed to you in a dream. Verifiable facts are for nerds and when you decide to intentionally make things up great things can happen and that’s what todays video will be all about. We will be looking at the times in history where major breakthroughs were made by great men with the original source for their findings being that they dreamt it up. One of the most famous instances of this type of phenomenon occurred in the 19th century when chemists at the time were struggling to figure out the structure of benzene, which is an organic chemical compound useful in basically all of organic chemistry. Its actually so important that its in the top 20 for most produced chemicals worldwide in terms of volume produced. That’s all well and good today but if we didn’t know the structural formula for benzene we wouldn’t be able to do much with it. The formula was fortunately discovered by chemist August Kekule, who published a paper in 1865 proposing his theory of the structure of benzene with alternating double and single bonds, he later updated his theory to suggest that the carbons would switch between being single and double bonded such that all the carbon atoms were equal, which is what we generally accept today and that switching is known as resonance. The exact structure of benzene had many chemists at the time stumped, and at a celebration of his work in 1890 they asked him how he thought of the idea of a ring of carbons, he told them that one day he had a dream. And no not that kind of dream, in his dream he saw a snake eating its own tail similar to an ouroboros and it was seeing this he thought of the idea of the carbons being arranged in a ring. Some people not convinced by his dream revelation argue that this story was made up by kekule after the fact as an amusing joke and that he got the idea of the joke from a joke publication, which in 1886 had a depiction parodying kekules work of the benzene ring but with six monkeys holding hands instead. Personally I just believe this was sourcecel cope and a disgusting attempt to besmirch the name of one of the very best dream chads in human history. Our next tale of slumber revelation is the tale of the Mendeleev and the formulation of the periodic table of elements. Mendeleev a teacher in the late 1860s was preparing a textbook for his students and in this textbook he was putting together list of the known elements into a table but, couldn’t quite get it right. Later that night in a dream he literally saw the elements fall into place infront of him and when he awoke he wrote them down, and so confident he was in his dream arrangement that he only changed the position of one of the elements out of 63, which is pretty accurate if you ask me. He then presented his new dream periodic table to the Russian chemical society and stated a bunch of things about his table that still hold true to this day more than 150 years later. Things like, arranging the table by increasing masses you can notice trends and groups in properties and reactivities, arranging chemicals by their mass also arranged them by their valencies- how they form bonds with respect to their electrons. And he also predicted the properties of 3 undiscovered elements which turned out to be germanium, gallium and scandium. His idea of arranging the elements by mass and chemical properties laid the foundation for the modern periodic table and a cornerstone in the work of chemistry. Not only was this guy dream pilled he also had some diabolical rizz. He became obsessed with another woman named Anna popova and began to court her in 1881, he then hit her with the if you don’t accept my proposal I will literally you know what myself, and surprisingly it worked and they got married in under a year, one month after he divorced his current wife. This just goes to show that incel rizz is unmatched and if you want the girl of your dreams all you gotta do is okay No no no im kidding don’t do this okay. Still, dream maxxers 2 sourcecels 0 so far. We have another science related discovery next, maybe this says something about how you can find art in even the most scientific of subjects but anyway. We are going back to the 1950s to the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. James Watson and Francis Crick were scientists working on the structure of DNA and were building 3d models to

Vegan Maxxing

Zj4Jbrus_Pw | 01 Jul 2024

Vegan Maxxing

A video exposing the differenet vegan levels and their influence in the world Kofi link: Vegan Maxxing Transcript: Okay before we start let me say that this is all satire and everything in this video is said for comedic purposes. Okay cool now that the vegan terrorist groups wont come after me, more on that later, we can get into what this video is. Through years of research and searching through ancient manuscripts I have finally created my magnum opus. This comprehensive video will go in depth into the truth behind veganism and expose the lies that they don’t want you to know. You may have previously believed that vegans are just annoying losers who sometimes do performative activism for satify their attention cravings but no it goes deeper than that, far deeper. What I have uncovered are the 5 levels of veganism, identified key players in the global vegan conspiracy, as well as ancient cosmic vegan forces that are behind many evils that we face in our day to day lives. But before we get into those grand conspiracies and ancient forces we need to get into what veganism is and that can be perfectly described by level 1 vegans. A Level 1 vegan is a standard vegan who doesn’t eat animal meat or animal products such as eggs or dairy, these level of vegans are the standard boring vegans who account for around 95% of vegans. They do it to get healthier or because of their love for animals, or some other made up reason. Usually these are the types of vegans who will repost a video on their social medias from PETA which usually goes like this “ did you know your meat on your plate comes from killing animals?” yea no I completely forgot that meat comes from animals thank you for reminding me. “ did you know that food is made out of meat that comes fro..”Most of the vegans in this level are normal people like the rest of us and usually aren’t involved in any of the more nefarious activities/behaviours that you are likely to see in higher level vegans, especially level 3 vegans those guys are dangerous. Most people who try veganism get to level 1 and don’t really progress but those who are committed can eventually work up their ranks and begin their journey towards level 2 veganism. Level 2 vegans are the type of vegans that usually are protesting something or being annoying. Their hearts are in the right place but their brains usually aren’t. these are the type of vegans who will stand outside a KFC and harass you with pictures of baby chickens, saying meat is murder etc, honestly that has to be the least effective method of getting someone to stop eating chicken. Personally, I believe that if the chickens didn’t want to be eaten then why would they made out of food? Riddle me that vegans. Anyway these guys will trespass onto slaughterhouses and attach themselves to the hooks, they’ll step out infront of trucks carrying animals, and a bunch of other dangerous behaviours that are likely to annoy everyone involved. Now unfortunately for the vegans these types of tactics really don’t help them or bring anyone to their side. Because of this failure this brings them to more extreme points of view as well extreme behaviours, and its this progression into these extreme behaviours that separates a level 2 vegan from a level 3 vegan. There are two types of Level 3 vegans and both are more extreme than level 2s in a literal sense and ideological sense. Alpha Level 3 vegans are extreme in that they have formed terrorist groups in order to further their vegan aims. Groups like Al Vegana and the Vegun (IRGUN) have used political violence to strong arm politicans and lawmakers into passing bills that legalise and promote vegan lifestyles, some speculate that alternative food companies are financing these groups in order to increase profits and coordinate attacks against farmers and the meat industry. Why do you think you see all these news stories about meat factories going ablaze or explosions on farms. You might be thinking well if they are this brazen in their attacks surely they would be apprehended by now, well its because of the second type of level 3 vegans and that is the Sigma Level 3 vegans. These vegans have infiltrated all high levels of government and operate in a vast web deeply rooted within major government organisations and institutions. They operate in the dark with the sole aim of advancing their vegan agendas. performing coups, toppling dictators, spreading their pro-democracy pro vegan beliefs to whichever nation is unlucky enough to be within their crosshairs. They are the financier of wars and through veganflation reduce the spending power of the populations of countries in order to keep them just poor enough to consider going vegan for economical reasons. Yea man these level 3 vegans are nothing to joke about and we still have 2 more levels to go through. Level 4 vegans don’t consume energy or resources from sources that could have went to animals,

Dog Racism

SDs3dNkFWT0 | 27 Jun 2024

Dog Racism

A video about the history of Dog Racism Kofi link: Dog Racism Transcript: Okay today we are going to be looking at dog racism now there are two types of dog racism, type 1 is racism in the form of dogs, things like saying the borzois have let the pitbulls in the dog park to reduce the golden retriever population, that’s just racism using dogs and is a dogwhistle pun intended. The second type of dog racism is actual racism to dogs and different dog breeds which is what we are going to be talking about today. Dog racism is actually a lot more common than you would think unironically and there is quite a big history associated with it, I mean dog breeders have been committing essentially eugenics for hundreds of years now with dog breeds and dog racism is only a couple step before eugenics. In todays video we will be looking at the history of dog racism and the persecution that followed it, as well as highlighting some of historical what I like to call dogroms. That being said I do have to say though that I believe that one breed just shouldn’t exist and that racism to that breed is acceptable. The fact that we have bred them to the stage that they are at is a testament to the horrors of the free will of man, and im talking about the ugly genetic abominations known as the mutant bullies and their variants but we will get to that later in the video. Before we get into that whole mess lets talk about my favourite dog breed the borzoi and why I believe it is one of the biggest victims of dog racism and one of the most underrated breeds. Firstly they are literally dog royalty, the breed was created in 16th century Russia and were quickly adopted by the aristocracy. So much so that most of the time you couldn’t even buy one and they were only made available through gifts from the Tsar at the time. They are a type of sighthound and were used for hunting wolves, yea that’s right wolves, they would work in teams to pin them down by their neck and either wait for the hunter to kill it or release it. Okay so they can take down wolves that must mean they are incredibly aggressive and dangerous? Actually no, they are incredibly calm dogs, they act almost regally being usually seen not heard. Because of their reputation as dogs of royalty they were actually almost brought to extinction by murderous communist revolutionaries during the Russian revolution, if you needed any more reason to hate communists its that they also loved murdering dogs because those dogs made them feel inferior. Fortunately like most things associated with communism, their attempts at extinguishing the breed failed, sparse numbers of the breed remained and with the efforts of a breeding program they managed to make a comeback although still being a rarer breed of dog. So yea a dog that is royalty that is living testimony to the failures of communism will always be cool to me and that’s why its my favourite breed. Our second breed that has faced dog racism that we will be looking at is the dachshund, it’s the eve of WW1 and the breed was quite popular on farms working underground hunting badgers and foxes in the countryside. That was to change when the German dog with a German name would be used by political cartoonists as a punchline to represent the German enemy. Oftentimes they would depict the british bulldog chasing or beating the dachshund in an effort to drum up war morale. This inevitably led to a decline in the population of the breed as it was kind of seen as the enemy and why would you want a foreign enemy breed when you could have the all British breed instead. This actually led to in some cases public stoning of the dog in high streets with at least one being recorded in the autobiography of author graham greene. What makes this more cruel was the fact that the breed is a very emotional and affectionate breed so even after all the abuse the dog wouldn’t have fought back. The breed nowadays has fortunately lost its stigmatisation and funnily enough is still used in political cartoons in the form of memes. Its often referred to as the sausage dog because of its shape but the funniest meme in my opinion is this one which obviously for youtube reasons I have to censor but its become so abundant that usually you find it without the text with the same effect. All in all a good dog with a tragic history of dog racism similar to the borzoi. Our next tale of dog racism takes us to the british pet holo….. oh okay then. I mean that’s definitely one way to put it but ill just refer to it as the BPH. So again it’s the eve of a world war the second one this time, If I had a penny for everytime a dogs get abused right before a world war id have two pennis which isnt a lot but its kinda weird it happened twice. Anyways, this time it’s the summertime right before Britain officially declared war on Germany. The government knew that war was inevitable and so pre emptively

Government Psyops Explained

XXaTeA5dPR0 | 23 Jun 2024

Government Psyops Explained

I explain the 3 types of government psyops in 11 minutes and 31 seconds Kofi link: Government Psyops Explained Transcript: Okay before we get into today's video, after carefully researching different psyops and how to counter them I have officially decided to start using psyops in future videos for the purpose of increasing subscribers and views. A lot of the techniques referenced in this video are actually pretty useful and going forward you can expect me to use some if not all of these techniques for my own personal goals, but seeing as how I’m a nice guy consider this fair warning for the mental warfare that will be played in future videos, but because I’m not that nice of a guy I may or may not cover some of the more useful techniques, for those you will just have to experience them and combat them yourself. Disclaimer aside lets get into it, to start with what is a psyop? Well, it is a contraction for psychological operations and like onions have layers to them, these layers range from white to grey to black. Not unlike onions to really understand a psyop you have to get on your knees in the dirt and feel around until you can firmly grasp one and pull it out, you then peel back the veinous skin to get to the flesh inside and that’s the gist of how to understand a basic psyop. It’s a humiliating process through and through by design which is why I can guarantee that most of you have been victims of multiple psyops throughout your years especially if you are a gamer. But we are getting ahead of ourselves, to start with we will cover some basic white psyops before we get into the darker grey and black pysops. White psyops are overt operations that are carried out by governments in an official capacity that aim to spread government ideas/positions using official government sources with the goal of advancing or spreading the governments agenda. This is mostly done through handing out flyers/newspapers on the ground or through messages sent through text. So technically when you guys get a presidential alert on your phone you are actually being pysopped, now just because it’s a pysop doesn’t necessarily mean its bad, and for the most part they aren’t, especially in the white pysop tier anyway that is, as we progress to the other two it gets a bit more debatable. Most white psyops are done in foreign countries where they want to control the population, or spread pro American sentiment. They tried a lot of this in Iraq and Afghanistan but obviously that didn’t work too well for them. Its not just a one way street though as in Vietnam American troops were subject to white psyops by the North Vietnamese army through radio and speakers, most infamously from Hanoi Hannah a radio personality who would speak in English to the GIs on the ground. She would often broadcast telling them that……Then they would play music like “I almost lost my mind” by Connie Francis. Honestly if I was sitting in the humid sweaty jungle and all I heard for hours every day was that the higher ups didn’t give a shit about me and we were all going to de in this jungle it would probably start getting to me, I mean that and all the booby traps lol. The US Army not to be outdone played ghost tapes to make the North Vietnamese army believe that the unburied fallen soldiers were speaking to them telling them to give up and go home, apparently this was so effective that it was ordered to not be used around south Vietnamese troops as it would also make them give up. This radio thing seems kinda effective and that’s why I have started my own radio station called stoic radio and heres just a glimpse of what you can expect. “Viewer , youtube has abandoned you, they have ruined your home page, don’t trust them, they send you bad videos, viewers you know you must subscribe”. That would then be followed by the entire discography of Kanye West including the unreleased albums. Next we have Grey psyops, this is where the fun begins because when you have to be accountable for things, that’s usually when the bureaucrats get involved and red-tape the whole thing, but with gray ops and black ops you only have to deal with that if you get caught. To clarify Grey ops are defined as operations where the involvement of the government is kept secret from the target group as much as possible with attempts to make it seem like the intended outcome came spuriously from non-official non-government sources or from the natives themselves. A classic example of this is when the CIA created fake vampire attacks when fighting Fillipino communist rebels. I mean the CIA kinda pulled out a whole psyop arsenal when it came to fighting them in the 1950s they even flew spy planes over villages that they thought were supplying the communist rebels and played curses in tagalog that particularly cursed those who helped supply the rebels. I mean ive heard of drive-by shootings but drive-by cursings are a whole nother level of warfare.

Nightmares Tierlist

H3DOrDo6nQk | 19 Jun 2024

Nightmares Tierlist

A video in which I rank different nightmares on a tierlist Kofi link: Nightmares Tierlist Transcript: The Dark By Stoic Stick You lie awake in bed during the night unsure of the time but before day break, and its dark, its so very dark. And you look into that darkness unsure why staring, staring into the abyss almost as If you know something is lurking, gazing into eyes that just arent there, eyes that aren’t real that shouldn’t exist… or is that what you make yourself believe for if you were to confront the truth it would horrify you to your core, and a small part of you thanks the darkness for staying so dark whatever it may hide. Anyway today we will be looking and ranking different nightmares on a tierlist. the tiers will be going from stupid to not scary to valid to kinda scary to horrifying. Now there may be some overlap between stupid and not scary but most things that are stupid are not scary but not all things that are not scary are stupid you know? same with valid and kinda scary something can be a valid nightmare but not necessarily scary but those that are valid and scary go in kinda scary. Also im going to be sharing some of my old nightmares that I used to have so you can psychoanalyse me in the comments if youd like. Our first nightmare will be the fear of losing teeth, your in a dream and then suddenly one of your teeth feel loose and you just start spitting out teeth and then theres blood and spit everywhere and you feel like you are powerless to stop losing your teeth, yea ive had this a few times and it was pretty horrible every time. I checked online to see what the so called dream experts believe and they think that it has something to do with stress, big changes, or fear of the unknown which just wow you couldn’t have cast a larger net could you, how painfully unspecific and useless. T:”yes I think that this pain you are feeling is due to some unresolved trauma in your early life, how is your relationship with your father?” No, actually, I think the pain might be to do with the second degree burns over 90% of my body but it was a nice attempt. T:“I think you are quick to burn bridges am I right?” Get out T:“yes im just leaving”. Cut away gag aside losing teeth is pretty horrifying so its going to go into the horrifying tier. Next we have drowning which I only developed because I literally almost drowned in real life, so there I was chilling in the swimming pool I was around 8 at the time and I didn’t know how to swim, I would swim in the near deep end and when the water would get deep id just go on my tiptoes and bounce off the floor to stay above the water, so I was having fun in the nearly deep end when I just start getting pulled further into the deep end by an unknown force, and it wasn’t even quick it was relatively slow but because I was bouncing on my toes and going up for air I couldn’t stop drifting, this continued until I couldn’t sink to the bottom to be able to push myself back up, at this point im flailing around you know what and swallowing pool water it was horrible, and this went on for what seemed like minutes as I was slowly running out of oxygen and getting tired, Im almost at the point of giving up when out of nowhere an unlikely hero comes to save me, it was a bald white man with a hairy chest he picks me on his shoulder and then just swims the lap of the pool, personally I think he could have just dropped me to the side but he decided to swim the lap because he could I guess idk? But yea he saves my life and I had to sit out for the rest of the time that we were swimming. Great man, if he knew I would constantly make bald jokes would he have saved me? Maybe not, anyway. Im going to put drowning in kinda scary because although it nearly killed me I feel like my fear of drowning has somehow become subsided because I know somewhere out there a bald man will always be waiting to save me. Funnily enough balding is one of the nightmares I have here so I guess ill rank this one too while we are on the subject, easily going into horrifying because theres nothing more embarrassing than balding in my opinion, theres having hair being bald and then balding. The suspended state between having hair and being bald is worse than being bald in my opinion. Imagine you are in an argument with someone and then they just say well at least im not balding, honestly its hard to recover, from personal experience the only way to salvage the situation is to pull out a gun and shoot the guy there’s no other way that you can come out the victor. But yea very horrifying shoutout to my balding viewers though you guys are fighting demons most of us couldn’t even imagine.

DIY Human Experimentation

n_F6VGGrob0 | 13 Jun 2024

DIY Human Experimentation

A video on DIY Human Experiments that you should'nt try at home Kofi link: DIY Human Experimentation Transcript: Before we get into the video im glad to see as of recent microplastic maxxing has become more mainstream with recent studies finding that all participants had a quote unquote “worrying amount of microplastic in their balls” yea the only thing worrying about it is that the amount of microplastics was tiny, only a couple hundred micrograms per gram of tissue, that’s nothing, real microplastic maxxers plastic max so hard that they sit out Lego pieces if enough of us got together we could put the lego company out of business. In fact, I microplastic max so hard that forget microplastics in my balls my balls are made of microplastics, I don’t have a sac its just a plastic bag and they are free balling in there. But anyway, aside from that human experiment that all males are partaking in what are other human experiments that you can actively partake in, lucky for you, stoic stick is about to bless you with 4 more DIY human experiments that you shouldn’t try at home, let me stress that although in the title it does say do it yourself for the sake of my channel’s health do not try these at home. Our first don’t do it yourself at home human experiment is changing the bacteria in your mouth to produce alcohol instead of lactic acid so that you don’t get cavities anymore and instead get a free moonshine tap in your mouth. To understand how it works ill have to give you a quick intro into cavities and the bacteria that cause them, the majority of plaques and cavities are caused by the bacterium streptococcus mutans. The S. mutans lives in your mouth and digests any spare sugars that are left after chewing food, they create lactic acid as a waste product which they excrete into the surroundings ie your mouth. This lactic acid then reacts with the enamel on your teeth causing it to breakdown and the continuos breakdown leads to cavities. This experiment uses mutated s mutans that has 4 mutations, the first and second are that it secretes antibiotics to kill competing oral bacteria aswell as having an immunity to that same antibiotic. The third is that it changes the metabolic pathway so that the waste product created is alcohol rather than lactic acid and finally they modified it so that they can’t arrange gene transfers with other bacteria so it can’t pick up a harmful mutation from other oral bacteria. Now some nerds may argue that constantly producing alcohol in your mouth sounds dangerous but I disagree I’m very staunchly prochoice, when it comes to drink driving, I don’t think the far-reaching government should be allowed to pass laws dictating what we can do with our bodies my drink my choice. Maybe one day we can come together and defeat toxic sobrilinity and the sobriarchy constantly oppressing us drink drivers. Jokes aside this is actually pretty novel stuff and Lumina the company that produces the strain is allowing you to pre order the product for around $250 which to potentially stop all cavities for the rest of your life seems like a huge bargain remember that the dental industry is worth like 150 billion dollars per year with dental cavities costing around 30 billion per year. The only thing is that it’s not how do we say “FDA approved” as it’s produced under the cosmetics label specifically so they didn’t have to spend 10 years and a couple 100 million on clinical trials, they do have more than 100 people who volunteered to take the treatment and they’ve faired pretty well from what ive read. It does also have the side effect of being potentially able to spread to young who don’t have fully matured oral microbiomes but if you hate and or are very pro drunkenness that may be a pro rather than a con. For clarity I have to add that the amount of alcohol produced is negligible and is still within the normal blood alcohol range so unfortunately you can’t use it to get wasted, what a shame, anyway. Our next human experiment to not try at home is performing your very own Russian sleep experiment. This experiment is actually pretty difficult to get down so I created this handy 2 step guide. Step 1 don’t sleep step 2 see step 1. Now the effects can vary but it usually goes like this, the first 24 hours you are usually fine probably a little more irritable and less coordinated but overall, you are doing relatively well. 36 hours and you start microsleeping which is where you will sleep for around 30 seconds before jolting back awake, for the sake of the experiment you are going to want to keep these to a minimum and if you want you can employ me as your personal wakefulness agent who when you begin to microsleep I’ll slap you hard enough to get you back in the game. 48 hours in and you begin to hallucinate yea that demon in the corner isn’t real it’s just a hallucination, although why am I able to see him…….

Scary Neanderthal Theory

HnH0U8T0cNo | 10 Jun 2024

Scary Neanderthal Theory

A video challenging the s*xy neanderthal theory and proposing an alternative Kofi link: Scary Neanderthal Theory Transcript: Have you ever had that weird uncanny valley feeling about someone? Like the person you are looking at is human but at the same time just isnt? Like they are human enough to fool most people but if you looked close enough there is just enough in there cast doubt. Maybe they have a slightly longer face or cold black eyes, maybe their limbs are just a little too long. Well im here to tell you that, that person most was most likely not actually human or not a homo sapien that is. The theory im proposing today will be a counter to the popular sy neanderthaal theory proposed by professor sam o nella. In Sams video he explains that he believes that it was due to seual selection that neanderthaals interbred with humans eventually leading to extinction through interbreeding, this occurred because neanderthals being more muscular and having more masculine defining features would outcompete the homo sapien counterpart for females. And the defeated homo sapien males would copulate with the neanderthal women because they would take what they could get. I disagree with the idea of the sy neanderthal theory and propose the scary neanderthal theory, that is that the reason why we still to this day have the uncanny valley feeling is due to the fact that hidden among us reside neanderthals and I believe that it is only a matter of time before they launch a global species war against us. So first the uncanny valley what is it and why do we experience it? Well it’s a fear response that is designed to obviously protect us by having us react by either fighting or fleeing. Logically this means that humans who can evoke this emotion in us are to our instincts dangerous at the very least. Now why would the humanoid looking neanderthals evoke a fight or flight response in us humans? Well it turns out that neanderthals had the habit of eating other humans, which would logically mean they would be eating homo sapiens too if they were able to get their big meaty hands on them. Evidence that points towards this is that skeletons of neanderthals were found with bone damage indicative of teeth marks from other neanderthals as well as bone marrow extraction. This would put neanderthals one step above the homo sapiens on the food chain at the time so the uncanny valley response would be a prey response to a literal predator. They also had similar vocal chord structure to homo sapiens but lacked the intelligence required to form complex speech so they would be able to say words and speak but in a very basic infantile way, like how skinwalkers take the voice of their host to try and lure other humans to them. Now picture this you are just a normal cavemen chilling in your crib and out of nowhere a strange man is at the entrance of your cave, he keeps making human sounding noises that sound like speech but they have no rhyme or rhythm and they are directed at you. He slowly creeps towards you as you aren’t really able to do much until he is just infront of you. He has longer limbs and a larger face than you, you look into his cold black eyes and you see nothing, no light just darkness. While he is infront of you, you slowly begin to realise that he is not human or at least not the type that you are used to and as it slowly reaches out to grab you, you realise the grave mistake you made by not immediately running and hiding. Yea I kinda understand now why we have such an instinctual fear of things not quite human and its because it quite literally kept us alive. Now obviously if these neanderthals were going around eating us and making us terrified it would cast a lot of doubt on the sy neanderthal theory as the idea of being attracted to something you find dangerous and horrifying is doubtful to say the least however we do know that there was atleast some genetic admixture because we have around 0-3% neanderthal DNA in us today. Now there are probably many complex reasons as to why this could occur being that due to genetic diversity some may appear as not as scary or maybe some of the homo sapiens didn’t have the uncanny valley instinct thus leading to interbreeding maybe it was just cause some of our ancestors just got freaky like that, Sigh yea no im talking out my ae its definitely because of the thing behind me, like it probably was the reason 99% of the time, now this still doesn’t explain where they all went because if my scary neanderthal theory is true then that means they weren’t just bred out of the population and here comes the second part of my scary neanderthal theory and why I think that there may be a global homo sapien/neanderthal war on the horizon. Okay this part is very speculative and may sound like the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic but just bare with me ok.

AI Boomer Hunting

gmNMlU_VtBQ | 05 Jun 2024

AI Boomer Hunting

A video about the novel technique of AI Boomer Hunting Kofi link: Ai Boomer Hunting Transcript: Hey shhhh, hes close I can smell him, in fact turn off the background music, I think we need to head a little deeper to find them. Ah a facebook post about young people being lazy posted only minutes ago this is very promising. Wait whats that rustling in the distance, I didn’t want to have to use this but I fear I have no choice. Now this may have been banned by the Geneva convention for being too effective at capturing boomers but honestly I think we are past the point of no return. Pass me the Boomer attraction linguistic device, may god have mercy on your wretched soul. Throws radio into middle of forest. “I think housing prices may be somewhat inflated”. (make monkey noises as the boomer runs towards the radio) ahahahaha oldest trick in the book, now this is what the pioneers of the days of old used to do when they wanted to go out boomer hunting. Excuse me one minute “why a re you making monkey noises you are literally a human” “sorry I got carried away” “yea okay”. So now ive demonstrated what OG boomer hunting is, in todays video I will be describing the future of boomer hunting and that will be with the aid of AI. If you would kindly follow me to the right of the screen, and don’t worry about the boomer back there he will probably be fine…. No he won’t actually we don’t really do catch and release around here so ignore any screaming if you can. Anyway as I was saying this is what boomer hunting used to be, but nowadays its gotten way more advanced especially with the advent of AI, everyone is talking about AI tools and computing but no one is really talking about how the use of AI is revolutionising the scam and in more ways than one, Firstly all these AI voice apps are uncannily realistic especially the newer ones, making it real easy to hide if you have any accents or have a weird non English dialect, this will probably be revolutionary for call centre scams in the future just imagine someone calls you with perfect English telling you that you unfortunately missed your amazon package and you need to reset the delivery date but first they need to get a few details like your name and age etc, now that might sound just like mundane information but really that’s how social engineering begins. Now that AI is advancing this technique to scam boomers will easily become hundreds of times more effective because in 2024 most old people are hip to call centre scams especially from those with foreign sounding accents but if they hear someone with perfect cadence and no accent they are very much more likely to get scammed, it is quite literally this meme here but AI advancements are like a time bomb that’s about to blow the dam up. The second new tool in the arsenal of AI boomer hunting is generative AI images and potentially videos in the future. If you ever decide to scroll facebook as someone under the age of 60 firstly why? Secondly you will probably see a lot of these types of images where its just engagement baiting with a click like or follow to support insert group that garners sympathy be it children veterans or even Smeagol for some reason. Some of these are unironically hilarious, like why is there an all star cast at smeagols bedside why is he asking for likes with roasted chicken infront of him ,not to mention the flying animals in the background. Now if you read the caption it says beautiful cabin crew which makes no sense and is dumb but it caught on and now a lot of them use that caption and also scarlett johanson for some reason. I think this one of guy fieris lost son is a clone of the Smeagol one also very weird, I also have a few more that im just going to quickly showcase, they also really like to use Christian symbolism and imagery because they know that their target audience is older conservative Christians. They are starting to get really weird because the Gen AI has recently started to cannabilise itself in its datasets so you get weird things like this where it’s a spin on the old engagement bait by having the engagements swapped, also this one for some reason you are the one doing the carrying? And also whatever this weird fish thing is, Its kinda disrespectful in my opinion as its these content farms from south asia from people who are mostly non Christian using Christian imagery to extract as much money in ad revenue as they can with whatever techniques they can. I have a lot of respect for Christians and I think perverting their religion for a few pennies in ad revenue is cringe. There is hope though as in a few posts the boomers have actually started fighting back against this AI cringe. In one post you can see a few boomers reply with these images which are ironically made using AI but you know… I particularly like this one because its weirdly flush and high quality.

The Last Two Jews In Afghanistan

rPX8KXIkATA | 31 May 2024

The Last Two Jews In Afghanistan

A video about the peculiar tale of the last two Jews in Afghanistan Kofi link: The Last 2 Jews in Afghanistan Transcript: Today we are going to be talking about the last 2 jews in Afghanistan, now the reason why I even know about this topic is that the youtube algorithm had blessed me sometime in the last month and recommended me this video, I think it randomly hit the algorithm lottery as many of the other comments are from people also watching it in 2024. Anyway the video is about 2 jews one called yitshak levi and the other zabulon simantov and let me just show you the clip to introduce you to them are how funny they are. For context theres this Romanian journalist filming for his documentary cabal in Kabul and hes interviewing Yitzhak and you can just see how the conversation goes. I love how as soon as he is mentioned he immediately goes to cursing him no questions asked, its even funnier because they both live in separate wings of the same synagogue and they just argue all the time. Hahahhaah. Now I find this particularly funny because in my racial slurs video I had like 500 comments telling me goy isnt used as a slur but here we can see it pretty hilariously used. Triple goy lmao. I speak farsi and its honestly funnier in persian and I tried to put my own translation but it doesnt capture all of the meaning. So that’s our first introduction to both zabulon and yitzhak. Why they are both the last jews in Afghanistan is pretty complex but a simple explanation is that when the soviets invaded most of the jews left for occupied palestine and other countries. Zabulon stayed until 1990 when the Taliban tookover which is why he fled to occupied palestine but only to then return after 2 months, after returning he found yitshak moved into the synagogue and they immediately hated eachother and fought over who rightfully owned the land. I mean jews and fighting over land stop me if you have heard this one before. In 1998 yitshak wrote to the Taliban interior minister accusing zabulon of stealing jewish artifacts from the synagogue. Zabulon responded by saying that yitshak ran a brothel and sold alcohol both of which are punishable by death in afghanistan. Zabulon was even quoted as saying “ I don’t talk to him hes the devil” and that “a dog is better than him… I don’t have many complaints about the Taliban but I have a lot of complaints about him. Yitshak responded by calling him a thief and a liar. The Taliban fed up with their shenagians imprisoned them both but eventually had to release them because they were being too annoying, that’s got to be a first being so annoying that the Taliban just release you from jail because they couldn’t be bothered to deal with your bs. Zabulon claims that the torah from the synagogue was stolen by the Taliban and sold on the black market whilst they were both imprisoned but yitshak claims it was zabulon. Now if you couldn’t tell both yitshak and zabulon are what we call unreliable narrators. They both lie a lot. Zabulon claims he wants to reclaim the torah for the synagogue but he was purported to go around asking how much that the torah might be worth at an international auction you know as you do about things that you do not plan to sell. Theres also this B plot about zabulon with his wife which is that the reason why some speculate that he wont go back to occupied palestine is because his wife wants to divorce him which he doesn’t want., and because in jewish law only a man can offer the divorce to the wife she is just kinda in limbo and was in limbo for 2 decades. That was until 2021 when zabulon was evacuated due to the Taliban retaking control, and part of the deal to evacuate him was that he had to give his wife the divorce, which he did over zoom kinda proving that he didn’t want to get that divorce if it was that easy lol. Yitshaks wife also wanted a divorce, I sensing a theme here, which he blames on zabulon stating that “He has written to my wife telling her that I married another woman here, and that's why my wife is angry with me now” both zabulon and yitshak wives hate them but obviously its both the other persons fault. Another of Zabulons hilarious quotes about yitshak is “He lies, he's lying all the time. He transformed this synagogue into a brothel. He says that he wants to go to israel, but this is not true. Even if the Jews came here and tied his hands and feet and put him on an airplane, he would not go to israel. This dirty old man has not washed himself for six full months, I tell you, for six months.". Lmao this part just cracks me up he just had to add that last insult because why not lol. When one of the Taliban officials were asked by reporters about Zabulon and yitshak, “he could not hide his grin.” Quoted as saying “Yes, I remember them, they caused me a lot of problems,”. I feel like that’s somehow an understatement

Super Powers Tierlist

-mjLhWFFtKg | 25 May 2024

Super Powers Tierlist

A video about my opinions on super hero powers and how I would rank them Kofi link: Super Powers tier list Transcript: Ever wondered which super power is the most useful and how they compare based on my own arbitrary opinions? Well luckily for you today we are going to ranking different super powers and putting them into a tierlist. Our tierlist has 5 tiers ranging cursed powers which are powers that as the name implies are cursed for whatever reason, Lame powers which are super powers which I think suck for a variety of different reasons, Nuetral powers which are powers that either don’t really make much of a difference or are kinda useless. Good powers which are powers that are useful and would be cool to have and Super super powers which are for the S tier powers that give you immense power or control. Starting off with two of my ex favourite super powers, lets get these out the way to begin with, both invisibility and freezing time have been ruined for me forever and its because of you perverts, you know who you are. You make me sick, if I ask someone if they could have a superpower what would it be and they tell me they want to freeze time, im performing a citizens arrest and having your hard drives scraped. If I had the ability to freeze time I would use it to cheat on exams or rob a bank or walk on water or something if you freaky freaks had the ability to freeze time it would get rated R expeditiously. Same for invisibility one guy who supposedly actually had invisibility was Faust from the German folktale and he used it to slap the pope and beat friars , see if you wanted to supervillain max and you had invisibility that’s what normal people would do, you guys would just go into the girls toilets and be creepmaxxing if you had invisibility, and for these reasons that’s why im going to put them both in the Cursed powers tier. Now that that’s out of the way lets get into one of the Super super powers and yes its going to be time travel. The possibilities are literally endless but If I had time travel the first thing im doing is going back to September 10th 2001, heheheheh and I think you know where this is going, im going to be at the ground floor of the world trade centres warning everyone, with maximum fervour telling them all that tomorrow at 8am there will be a pizza party on the top floor of the north tower. Ill be handing out flyers, coupons hell even tshirts about the pizza party. Now of course that’s not all im going to do ill also be going back to arrest the hijackers before they even get on the planes so there will actually be a pizza party and by the time we get back to the present day, September 11th will just be another normal day. In fact lets check the news and see whats on, (REPORTER):“Welcome to the news news station, our top story tonight, remembering the 22.7th anniversary since the day the twin towers fell for uh… absolutely no reason yes they just decided to fall in their imprint, we still have footage from the day before of a young Greek philosopher who was telling people about a pizza party on the top floor of the north tower”(ME):”oh nooooooo” (REPORTER):”his identity remains a mystery with some rumours that his name may be apathetic twig, regardless what we do know is that he is incredibly smart handsome and charming” (ME):“hey don’t forget humble” (REPORTER):” George bush not knowing what to do at the time decided to invade afghanistan because why not”. I guess is a canon event or something, regardless time travel easy super super power tier. Next we have the super powers of the fantastic four and funnily enough they are all in their own tiers. Human torch easily takes the Super super power tier, being able to control fire, turn himself into a nuclear bomb and fly is obviously insanely good, the invisisible woman gets the good tier due to the fact she has telekinesis which is easily good tier, she also has invisibility which is a bonus too, and mr fantastic gets the neutral tier because his super power is stretchiness which has its uses but theres only so much you can do with stretchy skin, he was already smart before the radiation so I wont count that as part of his super powers. Now the thing is going into the cursed powers tier because really it is the most useless super power, he literally turned into a stone, with big stone fingers that he cant really use for anything, there is literally a scene in one of the OG fantastic four movies where he tried to use a payphone but his big sausage rock fingers break the buttons and he gets mad lol, they also made him extremely ugly, as a stone he could quite literally chisel himself a jawline but yet he looks like a calcified toe. I think the worst part is that he literally cant turn it off either like the other powers are cool and they can be.

Extreme Trolley Problems Pt 2

xTXUZOz2af0 | 20 May 2024

Extreme Trolley Problems Pt 2

A part two of the extreme trolley problems video with more scenarios that may question your morality and what the value of a human life truly is. Kofi link: Extreme Trolley Problems Pt 2 Transcript:Extreme trolley problems pt 2 Hey you, you might be wondering how you got here but don’t worry today we will be having fun by taking some time out to question morality and the value of human life through the medium of trolley problems, if you don’t know what the trolley problem is go watch part 1 its all there but the basic premise is that you have to choose which track you send the train by pulling a lever with different outcomes depending on the problem. Lets start with an easy one okay, there are 4 people on track 1 and nobody on track 2 however if you pull the lever the train will not do a cool loop de loop that is on track 1, do you pull the lever to save lives but make life a little less cool knowing that a train will never do a sick as hell trick and its now your fault. Im going to pull the lever and then save some lives and you might think its because im a humanitarian but actually its because animating a trolley to do a loop de loop is pretty hard, actually… you know what no ill try and learn a new skill let me send it down track 1 so we get a cool show. (trolley does the loop de loop off screen) Wow that is the coolest thing I have ever seen imagine not being able to see this from where you are currently watching from that would be such a letdown. Our next trolley problem only has a single track and the trolley is slowly travelling down with an infinite number of people tied to the track slowly getting killed, you have a lever that you can pull which stops the train at any point however it will cause the train company to lose profits and shareholder value will be reduced, do you pull the lever knowing that you will be taking money away from poor shareholders? You see me I wont be pulling the lever and that may or may not be influenced by the fact that im a large shareholder in trolley incorporated, but theres quite a simple fix if you have the inclination to stop the train for whatever reason, Stoic Stick Co have designed their new morality blocking shield, its essentially a giant black tarp that we put over the track so that you cant hear or see the people, now isnt that much better, if we cant see or hear them then do they really exist? That’s a whole different moral quandry that we don’t really have time for. cool So our next problem has 4 people on track 1 and no one on track 2 however there is a police officer standing near the lever, you attempt to pull the lever to divert it away from track 1 however you did not file the required paperwork with the local government so do not actually have your lever pulling license, for this the police officer then arrests you and sends you to prison, whilst in prison you also do not have your prison license to which the prison guards come in and fine you every 3 hours. The people on track 1 are probably dead and you are now in crippling debt, but the bureaucrats in government have reduced permit related crimes by a whopping 0.9% last quarter so really it’s worth it in the end if you think about it. Trolley problem 4 doesn’t actually involve a trolley it involves a steam engine, on the track there is 4 people tied on the track 1 and no one on the track 2, do you pull the lever? Now most will probably say yes but if you pull the lever the steam engine driver will call you anti-steamitic and says that he is one of the chosen people…. By the government to drive this train over that track. He also claims that there is a train saboteur on the track and that it is his fault that the other 3 people will be killed. You protest saying that, that’s kind of stupid so you pull the lever and no one gets killed by the steam engine. But that’s not the end of this tale, you are then approached by the pro steamification league who reach out to your employer to get you fired for being an anti-steamite because if they don’t fire you the PSL will organise a mass train boycott on your company effectively bankrupting it. So now you are fired but atleast you have the moral high ground knowing that you saved 4 people’s lives, and as it turns out there was no train saboteur so in the end you at least get to keep your conscience. Actually, no,it turns out that the PSL has ties to weapons manufacturers in the US and has ordered a hellfire missile strike on the train tracks killing everyone so I guess it was all for nothing.Up next is a trolley problem that you the viewer are actually participating in, on track 1 we have the 1 guy who doesn’t watch my videos and on track 2 we have 4 viewers of mine including you, now you may see this and think hah what an easy choice hes going to send it down track 1 and save his viewers.

Gambling Maxxing

2ET1D0LQ-qA | 17 May 2024

Gambling Maxxing

A video describing the benefits of this maxxing technique along with some stoic stick lore and a lesser known part of investing Kofi link:

Organ Harvesting Explained

IW0_ASu9HOQ | 12 May 2024

Organ Harvesting Explained

Just an educational video about education nothing to see here Youtube. Kofi link:

Sam O'Nella Clone Tierlist

pbkWpnWwfZY | 07 May 2024

Sam O'Nella Clone Tierlist

Sam O'Nella clone tierlist transcript: Alrighty thanks for 50k by the way. Today we are going to be causing civil war within the stick infotainment community, yes we are going to be ranking and analysing the various sam o nella clone channels and putting them on a tier list from best to…. not so best. For brevity we will just be looking at the clones so obviously all channels that create stick animation content wont necessarily be featured, im going to be ranking them based primarily on 5 factors that being originality, humour, video quality/quantity, artistic talent, personality and our finale hidden secret factor that will only be revealed when one of the channels displays it. You will notice that the ratings are out of 5 with a total being 25 yet the tier list only goes to 24, now some could say that this is a commentary on how no channel is a perfect 25/25 but really it was just because I wanted all the tiers to be equidistant numerically. Now lets start with this guy here he seems pretty interesting just off the vibes alone he seems like a cool handsome witty funny guy but im also getting the vibe that he is very humble what a character. Anyway, most of his content doesn’t actually follow the sam formula with a lot of his content being fiction rather than non-fiction like most of the other clones. The content is usually edgier than most of the other clones delving into topics that promote the more ridiculous ideas that float around such as the conspiracy series where he will try to convince you about usually pretty dumb conspiracies such as the smart monkey conspiracy or the lowest iq conspiracy videos, then there is also the maxxing series where a ridiculous idea or concept is taken to the furthest extreme such as the microplastic maxxing or landlord maxxing videos. Sprinkled between these you also have the stand alone videos such as the boomer solution, dictator wholesome moments, soyjak lore and extreme trolley problems. Jokes aside overall im quite happy with the direction of the channel I really enjoy having the creative freedom to make any type of video that I want and be able to just joke about anything without having to be forced into the specific non-fiction informative only type niche that a lot of the channels im going to feature will be and for that I have to say thanks to my subscribers love you long time. , Actually as a thank you for 50k and because im so nice heres a sneak preview of the next few videos that im working on. Extreme trolley problems 2, Government pysops survival guide, Vegetable rights activism, Looksmaxxing, Femcel hunting, Lifes greatest disappointments and Complete organ harvesting guide. So for ratings im going to give originality a 5/5 because the content of the videos I don’t really see anywhere else, humour although subjective id say that I do try to inject a lot of humour into my videos as really they are more for entertainment than information so im going to give it a 4/5, video quality/quantity I upload pretty frequently and ive started to ramp up quality recently especially audio quality, I never really noticed mic pops and the sound of breathing when watching other videos until I started to create videos myself and it becomes really jarring so for sound im going for a 4/5, artistic talent is okay Id say id need to find a better balance between realism and stick figures so for that reason id say it’s a 3/5, personality id say is a 5/5 because theres more to my videos than just reading a script I try to incorporate as much of my own personality into each of my videos as I can and I think it does show through in the end result. Overall 21/25 is a pretty good score, I mean I am self rating so it would obviously high because if I didn’t think my content was good then I wouldn’t expect anyone to want to watch it. Our second clone we are reviewing will be Sigmund Oppenbaum, He was probably one of the first if not the first to try and emulate sams formula but id say it was more like a tribute to sam than actually copying, he follows the standard of creating videos on niche historical subjects with a more educational focus. The content is a little slower paced than other channels but most of the content was created years ago so I am not going to rate it lower for that, the content of the videos are somewhat varied with some going into historical events/ stories and others going into biological processes namely the thrombosis Thursday video and the flatulence Friday video. For originality I would be giving it a 4/5 as it is not just a direct rip off and of the clones he was first however the intro being a rehash of samonellas intro I will be taking off 0.5 points off as personally I just don’t like the 10 seconds of nothingness that is added at the start of each video. For humour he also employs a very dry ironic humour that works quite well with his English aristrocrat aesthetic, I did actually laugh at a few of his jokes which for the most part I don’t

Eco-Terrorism Guide

jEReJGwJk2Q | 01 May 2024

Eco-Terrorism Guide

Alright cool now that this is a video on what not to do and how to avoid being an eco we can get into the fun stuff. Now what is eco just so you know what to avoid, eco is the act of “destruction, or the threat of destruction, of the environment by states, groups, or individuals in order to intimidate or to coerce governments or civilians.” Now intimidating governemtns is something that we would never want to do amirite guys, so just to make sure that none of you accidentally do this ill be going into specific examples and what you shouldn’t do if you want to avoid being an eco . Our first technique that you should avoid if you don’t want to cause untold damage is the planting and spreading of a species of tree called the tree of heaven, the tree of heaven is an invasive species of tree from china and grows like a. There are no diseases or insects in the USA that can affect the tree allowing it to outcompete all other trees and killing off any natural species. Not only that its flowers smell like cat piss and they sprout a lot of them, so just imagine how quickly you can terraform a nice park into a forest that smells like the crematorium after a cat lady dies. It also releases toxic compounds into the soil further killing any normal flora, not only that but its root systems can quickly grow into pavements, building foundations and get this sewers. So it can make it also smell like in your city if that’s the desired effect. The tree is also the perfect habitat for the spotted lanternfly which is another invasive insect that is also from china. Im starting to think that this tree of heaven is literally just a CCP agent sent to undermine the west. +1 million social credit score for the tree very nice. The lanternflies also damage and destroy native trees so this two hit combo is pretty effective at ruining your local ecosystems which is something that we definitely don’t want to do. Heres a link that you would need to avoid as it tells you how to plant these trees and the ideal conditions for their growth, it says here that they can grow in very poor soil and highly polluted areas meaning they can grow basically anywhere. Something that im sure we will all make sure to note as to not accidentally plant these trees. our next eco technique that you should avoid is causing algal blooms by the pouring of fertilisers into ponds, what this does essentially is flood the ecosystem with nitrates, these nitrates are then used by phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to rapidly reproduce, these organisms have two stages that they can be in which are 1 a benthic resting stage which is where they are just chilling at the bottom of the pond waiting for ideal nutrient conditions cough cough waiting for us to pour I mean not pour fertiliser into the pond and the second stage the pelagic vegetative state where they float to the surface and begin to grow and multipl. As the cyanobacterium multiply rapidly they form a thick layer of algae and take up a lot of the oxygen that is dissolved in the pond water. this wouldn’t be an issue normally because plants in the ponds water usually are able to photosynthesize and replenish the oxygen in the pond, but as you can see from the diagram there is a big patch of green blocking the sun. this causes the plants to start dying off and then basically anything that needs oxygen to survive either leaves or suffer the same fate. But wait theres more when the algal bloom starts to die off the saprophytes that break down the algae also use up most of the remaining oxygen during their breakdown process leaving you with an oxygen depleted dead zone that cant sustain any life. And all it really takes to semi permanently destroy an ecosystem forever is bags of fertiliser and about 5 minutes. Now you definitely shouldn’t read this PDF on how to initiate an algal bloom with step by step instructions and a formula to calculate the exact amount needed to cause critical bloom conditions. Alright off topic but the imperial system is so just look at these conversions dog, I was going to write an example into the script about how much fertiliser to use and the costs associated for an average pond but just looking at this pissed me off, none of the units convert cleanly. 1000 cubic centimetres can hold a volume of 1 litre of water which weighs exactly 1 kg. 1000 cubic inches is 4.329 US gallons which weighs 36.056 pounds and it gets even worse If you want to calculate energy required to heat liquids or anything else that’s useful. I mean its so bad that It caused one of NASAs mars orbiters to burn up due to incorrect conversion between the metric and imperial units in calculations.

The Female Gooning Epidemic

iyNt5ZfMTio | 27 Apr 2024

The Female Gooning Epidemic

Female Gooning Epidemic Transcript: Female Gooning Epidemic Ok so today we are going to be talking about the female gooning epidemic and for those of you who aren’t aware of what gooning is let me quickly give you a rundown on what it entails. To put it bluntly gooning is the act of delaying the nut for as long as possible for the purpose of pleasure, its pretty vulgar to be honest but some people jokingly claim they can goon for hours at a time which just seems like the antithesis to good time keeping but what can you do eh. Now you might think that gooning is exclusively for the male gender but no I have a true story about female gooners that changed my whole perspective on what it means to be a gooner. Im about to bless you with some stoic stick lore and this will be in the test so make sure you have a pen and paper ready. It was last year in February near the release of the Puss in boots the last wish movie, my girlfriend at the time asked me if I wanted to go see it and I said yes because I saw some good reviews about it on twitter anyway fast forward to the cinema and she says she will buy the tickets and ill buy the snacks then when we get to the staff that checks our tickets they ask me for my ID which I was confused about so I asked them why would I need to have id it’s a 12 and the staffer just looked at me and then at my girlfriend I turn to her and she has the biggest ear to ear grin ive ever seen, look at the ticket in her hands and its not for puss in boots the last wish it was actually for magic mikes last dance, honestly I cant even blame her I fell for the old switcheroo and she played It masterfully, so I started laughing and gave the staff my ID and we walked into the screening room. The whole time I was thinking wow I cant believe ive been betrayed like this but in all honesty I wasn’t too bothered I just kept remembering that filthy frank quote “Ive watched magic mike 6 times and never popped a boner” so really I was just expecting to laugh at the ridiculousness of the film whilst there. So we sit down and while the seats are starting to fill up its 99% women and one dude plus me in the back with my girlfriend and her friend yea she was there too. It was a 7pm screening so im guessing some businesswomen were there too as some were in business casual clothing. So the movie starts to play and throughout the film I keep hearing this weird shuffling noise like the sound of clothes rubbing against eachother anyway I look to the left and i you not every single woman in the row was sitting cross legged and almost in turn they would just shuffle in their own seats, now maybe this is cos im a man but shuffling in your seat with your legs cross is such an unnatural movement so it was weird and I noticed that it was weird. Then I realised that whenever mike was on screen doing his thing there was more shuffling than usual. I even turned around and looked at the people behind all women all legs crossed all shuffling and then I realised what was going on, and then I started laughing. These women were gooning in a movie theatre about a male stripper just in public like no one would notice, maybe they thought that it was a safe space because realistically I wasn’t meant to be there but maybe fate decided that I needed to be graced with the knowledge that women love to goon, the thing is it was like a 2 hour movie and idk what they were planning to do about it, they were just cooking a whole pot of gumbo for no reason? Idk maybe they are just such hardcore gooners that they did it for the love of the game. When I first realised that they were gooning I lean in to girlfiriend and whisper my revelation and she has that same ear to ear grin as if she already knew that these women were gooning, she tells me to playfully shush and that I should just focus on the movie but how could I when I was non consensually forced to be in a goon sesh. This continues for the rest of the movie as Im forced to just sit there and endure whilst trying not to laugh out loud. the movie ends and the lights turn on and I remember just looking around and all the women there looked like everyday normal women not some weird goon addicted freaks. And ever since that day I was wise to the female gooning epidemic. Now that was a year ago and its only gotten worse, since then I have heard about the underground goon trade that is booktok, booktok is a pretty large community within tiktok that revolves around talking about reading and recommending books to eachother, its mostly women who are involved with booktok and this doesn’t sound that bad you might say, well it’s the content of the books that they read that makes it a lil weird. Its 95% smut and softcore corn if we are being honest and because its tiktok they circumnavigate the content filters on tiktok by referring to a books spiciness level as to the level of its

Mental Asylum Treatments Tierlist

Z6yy8phD_m8 | 23 Apr 2024

Mental Asylum Treatments Tierlist

Mental asylum treatment tierlist transcript Ever think to yourself that you might be crazy, well you can never really know, what if, what you experience as your everyday life is just your coma dream because of that motorcycle accident that happened 5 years ago, sometimes you can hear your real daughter call out to you faintly begging you to wake up. Only for it to fade away again as you fall back into the grip of what you believe is reality. Anyway, that’s unlikely right? Yea today we are here to talk about real crazy people and the crazy things that we used to do to them. Yes we will be talking about mental asylum treatments and putting them in a tierlist, the rankings go from bring it back which is treatments that honestly we could start using again, Somewhat Effective which are for treatments that have some benefits that may be useful for us to use, Experimental is where they were really trying anything to see what would stick, More harm than good which is obviously for treatments that either just caused harm with no benefit or where the underlying issue was treated but it came with a litany of more problems. And finally the last tier is basically torture which was basically torture if you couldn’t work that out. Now before we get into It I just want to say that the study of and treatment of mental conditions used to be called alienism which was like 10x more cooler than psychiatry but we are living in the uncool timeline I guess. Treatment 1 is Humoral treatment which was one of the earliest types of treatments in medicinal history it was the theory that humans had 4 humours which were essentially fluids that were blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm and it was imbalances in these humours that led to conditions like insanity or depression or other mental conditions. Hippocrates invented the theory of humoural imbalance in 450 BC, you know the guy behind the Hippocratic oath the whole “do no harm” yea this treatment only did harm as the 4 humours aren’t really responsible for much and you cant really have too much of any of them as your body regulates them fine itself. But for those who believed it they employed the use of blood letting which is where they would tap a vein to drain blood, put you in a vomit machine which was a small box that was suspended and was attached to a crank for maximum spinning to make you nauseous enough to puke, and the most deranged was using sulfuric acid to burn the skin and force blood plasma to the surface to reduce phlegm. Anyways this is going into the more harm than good tier I mean it should probably go into a all harm no good tier but listen we had to cut back on the budget and we could only afford 5 tiers so take it or leave it I guess. Water treatments, so this is going to be all the different deranged ways that people tried to use water to cure mental illnesses. I mean it starts relatively mundane with the use of cold water showers and baths to calm down aggressive patients and warm water to sooth patients, this doesn’t sound all that bad to be fair until you realise that if the patients didn’t respond well to the primary treatments as they often did they would then basically turn to water torture. How fun, they would tie the patient naked to a chair and pour buckets of cold water on them or spray them in the face with ice cold water and this would occur on regular intervals for hours sometimes days. Really all they needed to do was add a cloth over their head and then boom you got modern waterboarding which was banned by the Geneva convention for being way too cruel. If your treatment is only one step away from a human rights violation then it is pretty obvious its not going to work. the water torture I mean treatment is going into the basically torture tier I don’t have explain anymore as to why hopefully. This treatment I can only really call experimental surgery because that’s all it really was, it was performed by a man called henry cotton who thought that infected tissues and organs led to mental illness, so he would remove them, he would often pull rotten teeth which he believed caused madness related illnesses, all without modern anaesthetics by the way they just gave them cocaine which is something I guess, when that didn’t work, obviously, he believed it was due to the saliva and decided to remove their tonsils too. If you think this was bad, he also removed spleens, ovaries, stomachs, small intestines, appendixes, gallbladders, thyroid glands and colons in fact he had a specialty of removing colons, I say specialty very loosely as his patients often died due to infection, a colectomy in this day and age can have complications with internal bleeding etc imagine having this man up in your guts in the

Dictator Wholesome Moments

euDnXDmwlEQ | 18 Apr 2024

Dictator Wholesome Moments

Okay so we are going to be talking about everyones favourite dictators today and if you can read the title it does say dictator wholesome moments so don’t come crying into the comments section about how these guys were really evil, we are not here to talk about that we are only here to talk about the good that they did if any. Before we get into it I have to put on my dictator garbs, nice now that I look the part lets get into it. Okay starting with Fidel Castro, did you know that he really liked dairy cows? ok no im kidding every other stick animation channel has probably made like 5 videos about 10 ways Fidel Castro survived CIA assassinations or another clone of Sam o Nella’s original Fidel video. Today we will be talking about his euro step, he balled so hard he almost made his fellow communists rethink their allegiance to the revolution. That’s some real son, he apparently used to pull this move all the time and Che Guevara used to seethe so hard about it that he wrote about it in his diary entries. Here’s on excerpt of his ceaseless coping about the absolute baller Castro. “In his frequent basketball matches, Fidel has started using a new move he simply calls ‘The Step.’ It is undeniably effective, yet is its goodness equally undeniable? As revolutionaries we must not merely pay attention to ends, but to means. I worry that this flash and pomp is not befitting of the revolutionary leader. It serves to separate him too much from those caught in the chains of a maudlin life, marred by oppression and economic strife. Yes, it leads to a basket, but at what cost to the communal spirit?” president of yappersville himself, but what did you expect when you realise this is what he looks like, negative canthal tilt non symmetrical face and also I’m willing to be he’s got a Norwood hidden under that cap his is probably pushed waaay back, I know this is a really bad photo of him and he looks relatively normal in other photos but we are just going to pretend he looks like this for the sake of my cooking. I actually managed to find video of this legendary euro step from Castro and you can see that he kind of does it, personally I wouldn’t have called that a foul and he shouldn’t have got the free throw but you probably don’t get to argue with the dairy king himself. Also he double dribbled but that’s also neither here no there but the fact that he was a baller is definitely a wholesome moment in my book. Next we have Bashar al Assad which im guessing a lot of people don’t actually know but he had some serious motion, You’ve heard of Warfare, Lawfare but probably not , he had lining up to email him flirty messages and he would just delete them and email his wife instead. Over 3000 emails of his were leaked and it was found that he had replied to none of these with some even sending risqué images and texts along the lines of “so cute, I miss youuuuuuu” that’s a lot of Us you trifling . Comparing the contents of emails and emails they are night and day, in one of emails she says she is going to sacrifice a chicken to an ancient which is actually true look it up and the most out there thing in emails were that he had women tripping over themselves to see him which he ignored. There was even the daughter of the Syrian ambassador to the UN who emailed him “I am coming today. I will arrive there tomorrow. and i wanna see after tomorrow. I CANT wait. no excuses :D… miss uuu please please please.” But instead of replying to these wenches he was busy instead sketching large pink and red love hearts that he emailed to his wife. His wife would then write him poems and heres just one of them “Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky, I start thinking of you and ask myself, why? Why do I love you? I think and smile, because I know the list could run on for miles.” And most of you cant even get a text back how does that make you feel huh?. He also sent her country music videos such as the Blake Shelton song “God Gave me You” ok this man had game back in 2012, im taking notes as im writing this script for the video. He also apparently used a third party to bypass US sanctions and bought the iPad game Real Racing 2 as well as Chris brown music proving once again that gamers are indeed an oppressed group. His wife was

Landlord Maxxing

biAir9C1WII | 14 Apr 2024

Landlord Maxxing

Landlord Maxxing: Today we are going to be talking about the hardest working sub group in the world yes today we are going to be talking about landlords, now to the rentoids that are already seething just know that I am already on the phone to your landlords and have convinced them to increase your rents by 10% maybe you will think twice about only leaving a 20% tip on the rent next time. But anyway back to the video the inspiration for this video was that I came across this heartbreaking post that I recently saw. It begins “Recently bryans rent was increased by 500$ which meant that he would no longer be able to live in his apartment and because he works 2 jobs and volunteers at the orphanage he wouldn’t be able to make up the increased amount, hearing this it made me shed a tear as I signed the rental increase agreement and slid it under bryans door.” Truly a heart tugging post, the landlord in that story really does have a heart of gold empathising with their tenant in such an emotional way. In this video we will be looking at how to landlord max and how one that is a rentoid may be able to join the backbone of society and start actually providing some value instead of just being a leech like most rentoids. What you need to start with is a deposit that means you actually have to get a job instead of leeching off of hardworking landlords and when you have finally saved up enough money you can go out into the property market and begin your search of what we in the business like to call a fixer upper. Find a sh house on a nice street essentially and when you finally get the keys you need to immediately find a tenant because as a landlord you should always seek to maximise value to society and any days that you are not renting out that house are days that value isnt being created and frankly its quite unpatriotic of you to needlessly keep a house off the market for bogus reasons such as repairs or gas leaks or whatever. Now with your initial property you need to make sure that you scout the local area and charge the exact same as all the other landlords so that you don’t accidentally undercut your fellow brothers in land, that’s a dire sin in the law of landlord maxxing, what you need to do is reach out and ask to be let into the landlord groupchat yea btw there are landlord groupchats where you can hang out and chat about all things landlord like raising rents, kicking out tenants, how to get out of doing repairs etc but in that chat most importantly is the bimonthly rent increase vote in which all landlords vote on whether to increase the rent, so far the past 370 votes has been a unanimous yes but we still like to draw the votes out of a hat as a fun community get together. When the vote is passed all landlords increase rent prices collectively so that rentoids have no choice but to stay, theres also a bonus award for anyone that can come up with the funniest reason as to why the rent was hiked, so far joel is in the lead with “ the price of cement has increased so that means rent must increase” these houses were built 50 years ago but the rentoids will have to deal with it anyway hahaha. As a landlord you will often face hard decisions as you go about your stressful days such as how much should a rentoid tip and when is the best time to evict a single mother? There are actually mathematical formulas created so that you can maximise your take home and deliver the maximum amount of value to your tenants. The formula for landlord tip% is a pretty basic formula as landlord tipping is essential it will be classed as a type zero product such that decreases in income wont lead to decreases in tipping ideally you want to maintain a 25% tip minimum with a service charge of 10% and leave a tip jar just outside their door should they feel the urge to actually pull their weight and contribute to society. The single mother index is what I usually look to when im thinking about evicting a single mother when the index is at 25% or greater it usually Is beneficial to evict the single mother as the chance of acquiring a new tenant at a higher rate is high at 25% but when the single mother index is looking to peak or starts to retrace you ideally need to just increase rents on the current tenants and hope to be able to weather the downtrend until sunnier skies and higher rates of single motherhood. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

The Horoscope Conspiracy

K7j6nVSDKNc | 10 Apr 2024

The Horoscope Conspiracy

The Horoscope Conspiracy Ok before the video I promised a face reveal at 25k which I thought would take a few months but it happened in one so here it is, its photos that have never been uploaded online so you cant reverse image search my name unfortunately but if you recognise me then sup, but if not then you will have to wait for the 100k identity reveal. Ok so there was the solar eclipse that happened recently and in the UK it was a bit disappointing if im going to be honest, we had a partial eclipse for like 5 minutes at best so for most people it wasn’t that big of a deal but what I did see was a whole lot of horoscope tomfoolery. A lot of people genuinely believed the moon blocking the sun temporarily will have a meaningful effect on their lives. I mean it did if you were dumb as the the google search trends for my eyes hurt coincidently peaks with the path of the solar eclipse which is just comedy gold. But anyway im here to tell you that horoscopes can actually have a profound effect on your life but not for the reasons that you may think, they cant predict your behaviour or explain why you are an idiot but they have a much more sinister effect. My conspiracy is that horoscopes and astrology is just the modern version of ancient magic that was used to summon demons. Now bare with me okay this one actually has a bit of merit to it but before we get to that we have to explain how horoscopes work. So a horoscope is just a chart that shows the alignment of different celestial bodies when you were born. And there are cutoff dates for each sign with most of them starting in the middle of a month and then lasting 30 days before it’s the next signs cutoff date. Astrologers are people who claim to be able to read these signs and then after taking a payment can tell you your future, to anyone who actually believes in horoscopes based on what you have seen of me so far would you be able to guess what my horoscope is ? ill make it a little easier for you and whittle It down to just 4 choices. Am I an aquarias? A cancer? A Leo? Or a Libra? Ok locked in your choices? Well its wrong because im actually a scorpio didn’t see that one coming did you, now you might be thinking oh that’s such a scorpio thing to do well I lied im actually a virgo so hows that for you eh? Ok so say if you actually believed in this thing and you went to an astrologer and paid them to read your future this is usually the type of slop you will get back after you tell them your sign and whatnot. “ hmm yess I can see in the crystal ball that you have a very “insert human emotion here” and that recently “insert common life event here” oh also it shows here that you are having trouble with “insert relationship here” and what you really need to do is “insert common advice here” “ and then basic hoes will be like yes that is sooo me, well no shi its soo you its also so everyone else. It also is used pretty commonly to skirt responsibility for ones own behaviour, like no you didn’t run over my dog because you’re a pistachio youre just a horrible driver. And no you aren’t acting like a pain in the arse because mercury is in Gatorade you just lack the ability to control your emotions. Imagine if that type of argument actually held up in court, “your honour the defendant couldn’t have possibly skinned that family alive and worn their skins like a skinsuit because her horoscope of the day was actually “ you are going to have an uneventful day” so I put it to the jury that skinning a family alive and making a skinsuit is in fact eventful ergo my defendant Is innocent. “well that’s a pretty darned argument you have sir but your defendant is still wearing the skinsuit” “well judge that can simply be explained by the fact that her current horoscope of the day says “you will wear a skinsuit" “guilty, Death penalty” and because horoscopes are super vague and have no unanimous consensus on behaviours you can kind of get away with just saying anything. This may be harsh but if I find out that you genuinely believe in horoscopes then I automatically assume you are lower IQ call me judgemental but my judgement usually serves me right especially in the case of horoscopes. However if you read pessimistic horoscopes like these then you get a pass but its still a fine line that you walk. Now that we know what horoscopes are let me just quickly. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Human Parasite Tierlist

O14hn1NFjNs | 06 Apr 2024

Human Parasite Tierlist

Human Parasite Tierlist So I was minding my business scrolling memes on twitter when I came across this image here, yes that is exactly what you think it is, that is hundreds of worm eggs in the brain of a child who ate undercooked pork now the patient obviously but if that wasn’t horrifying enough then theres also this image which is the same parasite, tapeworms except they actually hatched this time and are moving around under his skin in the hundreds. What a lovely thought to have that there could be thousands of wriggling worms under you skin that you are oblivious to all because you cant cook your meat correctly. Now this got me thinking what other horrifying parasites are there that could be festering within me that im unaware of, today we are going to be looking at and ranking different human parasites, we are gonna put them in a tierlist which is a little different from the normal ones we have 4 rankings and then a secondary condition. The secondary condition is just whether I would willingly contract the parasite for $100k but the parasite has to take its full effect before I can have it removed or treated just so no smart in the comments that they will take the mega brain aids parasite but also the dewormer at the same time for 100k. the rankings will go from no change which is fairly straightforward although I doubt many will be in this rank, Manageable change which is for parasites that although I wouldn’t want the symptoms/ effects aren’t going to affect me too much, next is horrifying which as the name implies will be parasites that have very strong symptoms/effects and the final rank is Krill my shelf which ill let you guess what that means. Our first parasite is going to be Balamuthia mandrillaris, I said that and my furniture started floating so ill call it b. mandrill for short, its an amoeba that is found in soil and untreated water. It can infect you through open wounds or through inhalation. This amoeba can cause granulomatous amoebic encephalitis or GAE for short which if you didn’t know is just ehh how do I put this necrotiising abcesses in the brain like this, yea you can see the entire right side is melting away and this is all happening while the patient is alive btw. The symptoms of the disease include, fatigue fever headaches oh and also personality changes I guess when half your brain is melting you might have a few changes in your cognition. The disease is hard to diagnose because it rapidly spreads with a pathogenesis of around weeks to months meaning you are probably dead before you can get the necessary scans and appointments to diagnose this. It has a 90% mortality rate and even if you do manage to survive your brain will be more similar to that of a 90 year old with late stage alzheimers than anyone your own age due to all the brain damage it causes. Yea im gonna have to pass on taking this for 100k and im also going to put it in the horrifying tier as realistically I wouldn’t need to krill my shelf as it would do it for me anyway. Our next parasite is the candiru fish which is also known as the toothpick fish, some of you may have already heard about this fish and know the horror but for the unintitiated this fish swims up the male urethra and due to its spiny and toothpick like shape is almost impossible to take out and causes sharp pain to the groin region. Now if you asked me to think of an animal that should be wiped off the face of the earth im probably going to put toothpick fish right at the top because what was the need to evolve this method of survival hmm. They are basically mosquitos that drink the blood of their hosts to survive and are normally found in the gills of fish where they drink their blood. they inhabit rivers in the amazon basin and locals in the region often tie ligatures around their manhood so that when they travel through the rivers they don’t allow any candiru where the sun don’t shine. Now some say that the candiru in the urethra is a myth and that fluid dynamics wouldn’t allow for them to actually make it there but that just sounds like pro candiru propaganda to me and I think being misled is worth the risk of potentially having to castrate myself which is apparently what some locals did after getting the parasite. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Reincarnation Dice

qTZ5X8GuNos | 02 Apr 2024

Reincarnation Dice

Reincarnation dice Ok so I was going down a rabbithole of the whole reincarnation idea and if you don’t know the general gist is that if you are a bad person then you will be born again as a lower form than your current one and if you are a good person then you will reach a higher form with humans being the second best tier and then with god in a sort of heaven is the top tier. Following that logic it means that all animals you interact with are technically potential humans so you should treat them with respect etc but if that were to be the case then there would need to be like 20 quadrillion plus souls in the world and that’s just to account for the number of ants, and im no ant expert just kidding yes I am I made a video describing how to fix their weaknesses here. But how can an ant be immoral like surely there are atleast 7 billion moral ants and if that were the case then surely we would need a human population also in the quadrillions to support all the potential souls who are working their way up the ladder. And that’s only the ants in the world there are an estimated 10 quintillion insects all looking for a human body so I guess be happy that you have one, but that aside I thought it would be fun to take a look at reincarnation and see if I had the option to choose where I reincarnated where would I and what would be the best circumstances for me. In todays video we will be exploring the reincarnation dice which is a concept that I have thought of that involves rolling a dice and landing on a country to be reincarnated into however this dice is also able to allow you to select the time period that you reincarnate into of that chosen country. So if I rolled the dice and got Japan I probably wouldn’t choose to be reincarnated into 1945. The dice is actually a device created by the stoic stick research corp and they have dubbed it project Really efficient time altering reality diiii throwing object. Patent pending obviously. But that’s enough expose lets just throw the dice already. Lets see india interesting let me just throw it one more time just to make sure. Hmmmm also India, well I guess they want us to start in, cmooonnnn ok india again this dice must be rigged, wth it’s a 6 sided Indian dice, whoever designed this prototype is getting fired. Ok so to be reincarnated in India erm id prefer not to , to be honest but if I was firstly I would do everything in my power not be born a female and that’s for obvious reasons. secondly I would probably hope to be born as a high caste and if not then I guess im doing the untouchables work. one potential time period is the golden age of india which was supposedly between 321-185 bc, this was during the height of the Maurya empire in which there was a lot of economic growth totalling nearly 1/3 of global GDP at the time. Which is pretty impressive although I do like having modern medicine and dying of gangrene because my foot grazed a thorn and then grew 3 sizes turning purple and filling with pus isnt the ideal death for me being quite frank. With that said modern day india isnt all that much better if Im being honest however I am inclined to pick the 1950s post ww2 india where trade between Britain and india allowed for a huge boost to their economy as well as the separation of Pakistan and india calming racial and tribal grievances atleast for the time being anyway. So yea it’s a real stuck between a rock and hard place for most selections however in my opinion this is as good as It gets. Quick editors note I can already hear the seething in the comments I don’t have a problem with Indians, its just that when you have a population of 1.4 billion and the fact every 3 seconds an Indian gains access to the internet youre gonna get a large amount of slop on the internet. Did you know the majority of those reddit ai voiced videos are run by Indian content farms? Yea some of them you can tell have an indian accent even though its an AI voiceover which is quite remarkable tbh but anyway that’s enough Indian slander lets get to the second roll. Okay cool next throw of the dice we have Italy now this is a fun one because obviously I’m going back to the days of the roman empire and it would probably be the Pax Romana days shoutout my boy octavian. Why was it so great well for starters the empire reached its peak size territorially. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Soyjak Lore

bKsmlIaGZ_E | 25 Mar 2024

Soyjak Lore

Soyjak Lore I spend a lot of time browsing the internet and often times it leads me to some strange places, with all this time spent Im in on a lot of obscure jokes that if shown to a normal person will probably have them scratching their heads, these strange places are often home to some of the most creative and artistic pieces of art in the form of wojaks, some of them I would even consider fine art, and in todays video will be looking at wojak lore and trying to explain some of the more schizo/ obscure wojaks that I have curated in my years on the internet. Also we are going to have a game at the end with the most hyper specific wojaks that I have found and you can play along and try to guess the context given just the image which I think is pretty fun so you should stick around. Starting with a classic a good introduction into obscure wojaks which is the fishjak, now there isnt actually a lot of information on the fishjak, yea we are off to a great start to this video about explaining wojaks. Im like 70% sure this one was just made as an anti wojak to troll reddit, as there are quite a few variations with the reddit antennae and the fact that it has no meaning and is just a fish wojak for the sake of being a fish wojak is kinda funny to me. The only other backstory to this wojak is this one where the fishjak is browsing the intenet, it was captioned with “you definitely need to try Ai its an unforgettable experience” which I would presume was sarcastic, this fishjak is actually a sequel to this previous fishjak where a zoomer pours sproke into a fishbowl killing the fishjak. Sproke is just sprite mixed with coke btw. The wings and snorkel were probably added to add a further level of irony given that most fish don’t need to fly or a snorkel to breathe underwater. There are other fishjaks including my favourite theme of wojaks which are the meta ones and this reverse fishjak is pretty funny to me, I especially like the detail that the arm is replaced with a fin and lack of nose. But anyways fishjak is pretty obscure and interesting so im going to give it a 6 stus out of 10. Our next wojak is actually my favourite wojak, and I have to say it is probably one of the best memes leftist online circles have made as it was created by bunkerchan which is a leftist offshoot of 4chan, it was used to poke fun of incels and 4chan users in a not so subtle way but it then later metamorphosized into something greater, it is now used mostly in a self-deprecating way especially when it is used to convey the “west has fallen” idealogue and the billions meme. This being parody of the obsession with the supposed decline of the west combined with the only supposed solution to that decline. This over the top ridiculousness has led to some of the best memes that have ever come from wojaks in my opinion, I think that a lot of it is to do with the fact that the word die rhymes with a lot of things which just allows for parodies seamlessly take the wojak and put their own spin on it whilst still keeping the essence of the original wojak. I think a lot of it has to do with the seriously unseriousness of it, like look at this one ill give you about 5 seconds to guess what the context of it is. Its literally the dude from the bee movie as a chudjak with a bees shirt. If im being honest ken from the bee movie was the only sane person, he literally got cheated on by a bee and then his girl leaves him to help her new bee bf sue the human race. This wouldn’t even be that bad if it wasn’t for the fact he was also deathly allergic to bees, which is like if you had a cockroach allergy and you wake up to a note from your wife that said she was leaving you for the cockroach in your house, so not only did that cockroach live in your home rent free it also took your girl a generational L if I must say. By the way I didn’t even know these cockroach wojaks existed which is another reason why wojaks are the pinnacle of memery because it means that one person for one reason or another took it upon themselves to think of and draw these wojaks and then upload them to the internet where they ended up in this video, life is indeed strange. Next we have the “say the line” wojaks and again these are another look into the creativity and human imagination. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Consoomer Maxxing

q5fS1VWsbnA | 22 Mar 2024

Consoomer Maxxing

These days you have all these fitness and psychology influencers telling you that you need to work harder and make good use of your time, avoid processed foods and whatnot but what if you want to waste your time and you want to eat the slop. Today we will be talking about consoomer maxxing, if I had to sum up what consoomer maxxing is in one word it would probably be consume which is pretty obvious but you only gave me 1 word so what did you expect. To be somewhat serious though life today is all about being a good little worker, pay your taxes, watch the latest tv shows eat the processed garbage and repeat the cycle again and again, this is all well and good but this isnt consoomer maxxing and for the brave there will always be the opportunity to take it to the next level to go one step further beyond. What I just described is the average person but to be a consoomer you must take it to that next level. If your willingness to consoom isn’t affecting you financially then you cant really call yourself a consoomer, you need to be behind on your rent to fund your Funko pops addiction just to even be worthy enough to have the title consoomer. But even still that’s not enough to be considered a consoomer maxxer and proclaim yourself as the consoomer king. In todays video we will be looking at how to consoomer max and the dos and don’t s of consoomer maxxing. Step 1 the foundations of being a consoomer some may say this is trivial but I believe that without a steady intake of soy the ability to consoom is heavily restricted, studies conducted by stoic stick research group have found that when comparing soy and non soy participants the ability to consoom was ermm lets say 25% greater in soy participants than non soy participants, if it sounded like I just made that statistic up then you are mistaken and clearly the soy has gotten to your brain. And even if I was pulling stats out my arse you the viewer are not bothered enough to fact check this video so in the end what really is the truth anyway. So to increase soy intake you CAN eat tofu soy nuts edamame beans but these are unprocessed and natural foods that have relatively low soy content, if you really want to crank things up you should look to increase your soy oils and fake meat intake as these are highly processed and contain a lot of soy isoflavones which are the magical compound responsible for increasing estrogenic activity, which is what some have linked with the soy boy behaviour that is often associated with being a consoomer. But for those who really want to consoomer max they will need to take isoflavone supplements that you can get over the counter, these ones are 1500mg per tablet and the recommended dose which I saw in some studies varied between 30mg and 900 mg so I guess we are going to be taking more than what’s recommended. Soy also is rumoured to decrease testosterone levels in men, testosterone is often associated with aggression and other traits that directly go against the consoomer maxxing ethos and should be avoided with great care, so the fact that soy can both increase estrogenic activity and decrease testosterone levels puts it in a pretty special place for those who like to consoomer maxx. The estrogenic effects of soy are also linked with gynecomastia but that’s a small price to pay for the chance to be crowned consoomer king. Step 2 is spending every waking second consooming and retaining knowledge, information and trivia related to your primary consoomption media. You need to watch the shows, directors cut obviously as that’s where they pander to the consoomers most. you need to be on the forums, if you don’t spend atleast 3 hours a day debating with another consoomer about which fictional character can beat up the other fictional character with encyclopedic levels of knowledge about your character then you clearly an amateur and are not serious. If you don’t know that in his 73rd comic 3rd edition actually has the ability to turn his radioactive after having them dipped in a vat of nuclear waste then you just aren’t serious about this are you? Your are never serious about anything? When are you gonna start to actually take some accountabilitliy huh? Show some initiative eh you’ve already let down a lot of people in your life are you really gonna let yourself down too? No? well get out. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

The Boomer Solution

yCbtF34B7nU | 18 Mar 2024

The Boomer Solution

The Boomer Solution Transcript: Boomers, huh they are quite something aren’t they. As someone who has a degree in boomerology I can tell you that the boomer is often quite misunderstood and society as a whole misunderstands them, we let them run free and its causing a lot of problems but don’t worry my years in the field of boomerology and expertise in boomer human relations has led me to the wonderful realisation that it doesn’t have to be this way. There is something we can do about them and it is more humane than what we are currently doing now. But before that for the uninitiated why even bother what is so bad about boomers? Let me preface this by saying if you are a boomer watching this you are one of the cool ones and when we take over the world you will be given special exemptions. So what is a boomer anyway, a boomer is a person born directly after ww2 in 1946 and up until 1964. Back then you could buy a house for pocket lint and spare change with a job you got right out of college because you shook the owners hand and they hired you. The boomers will cry out and say oh but we had to pay high interest rates, but they didn’t actually not really compared to now as paying 8% on a $30,000 house isnt the same as 7% on a $300,000 house. Ok so these guys worked hard and made their money so what? Well in 1973 Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard and you don’t need to be an economist to see why that had an inflationary effect on just about everything which was great for boomers who owned a lot of stuff, so essentially what happened was boomers stole purchasing power from future generations to fix problems that weren’t really that big of a deal in the first place. Its kind of like having a nail that needs to hammered in and you decide that the hammer may miss when you swing it so you decide to drone strike the area to make sure it gets nailed in regardless of future implications. Ok so they are wealthy but surely this isnt that bad because there aren’t many boomers kicking around anyway right? Well you are also wrong there because there are more boomers than millennials which I was shocked when I first read that aswell. Which is kinda crazy given that millennials and younger generations are expected to pay for the pensions of these boomers. Ok so there are a lot of them and they are wealthy, atleast because they are so hardworking they must be very intelligent and wise right? Well also no because of a thing called leaded petrol, shoutout to my main man Thomas Midgely. Lets see what effect lead has on the brain, oh look here it says increased risks of mental disorders including but not limited to parkinsons alzhiemers and schizophrenia, not to mention it is basically proven that it causes significant decreases in IQ especially amongst children so they are all under mental decline and best of all they are the highest voting group and the most pandered too aswell. So so far they are very rich, very influential and also very dumb now that sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me surely this can only get better right. Well turns out they are also the easiest to fool be it with propaganda or scams or whatever, one day I saw a post about a grandma being scammed by some Indian dude and the grandson walks in trying to get her off the phone before she loses her money and she had the audacity to get mad at her grandson for quote “not letting her help the police catch a criminial” really grandma? You were helping the police? And the police happened to have an Indian accent and was also called dave smith from microsoft? So unsurprisingly the grandma lost all her money and was completely shocked that someone would lie like that, well the grandson then started a gofundme to help replace the money she lost and everyone was cooking them in the comments, someone said it was basically a gofundme for the Indian scammer cos that’s where it was gonna end up again and let me just say lol. It made me realise that when you argue with a boomer you aren’t actually arguing with them you are basically arguing with the TV because that’s all they watch and consume really, and the TV cant listen to you but, you can turn the TV off, just kidding just kidding. These are same people who will ask you how to save something as a PDF file and get angry at you because they forgot their password to login to their. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Redpill Tierlist

FMAmCBv99IE | 13 Mar 2024

Redpill Tierlist

Life is all about choices, you might believe there is just the two choices to be made but often times you will realise that the even believing that there were only 2 choices was a choice in itself. I often flip between the idea that with the correct series of choices anything can happen as well as the fact that no matter the choice the outcome is always the same. Today we are going to be looking into and ranking the different choices that people have through the form of red and blue pills along with their variations, the tierlist will be a standard one going from S to D tier. We will start with the basics and get more esoteric as we go along, and if you think I’m making some of these pills up then clearly you are just soypilled, cuckpilled and historywillneverrememberyournamepilled. Starting off with the blue pill the blue pill is the choice of ignorance, to be willingly and continually led astray despite the offer of truth before you. You will probably see a lot of terminally online people use the term to disparage any “normies” and criticise their choice of not wanting to look beyond the primary layer when it comes to what the so called truth is in the world. Maybe im just cuckpilled but if I was actually neo in the matrix movies giving up a pretty chill life as a programmer to go and nearly die fighting robots that own the matrix doesn’t sound to appealing to be honest and I might not be as eager to go down the rabbit hole as he was, Like yea let me just leave my chill apartment and go eat slop in the sewers whilst evading giant machine sentinels that wait for it can see electrical output whilst you yes you are onboard a flying electrical shitbox. Whos genius idea was it to do that btw, I get you need electricity and whatnot but you can’t expect me to believe that that is the only option to just continually run around until they found the one in neo. Also, the biblical references in the matrix are pretty funny, the ships name is Nebuchadnezzar and let me just tell you that the real Babylonian king was not a fan of the people of zion so its pretty stupid to name the ship that smuggles the matrixes freedom fighters after the guy who systematically destroyed the people that they represent. But Yea the blue pill is for those who don’t care or want to dive too deeply into worldly affairs and are happy to be in their own bubbles which I cant hate them for but its still going to go into the C tier. The red pill is the choice to embrace and publicly accept the “uncomfortable truths” regardless of the consequences of that choice. Usually, people would describe themselves as based and redpilled, in the matrix the red pill was the pill to take if you wanted to know the real truth about the fake world that they were living in, today the red pill has been highjacked by boomers and old people who think that’s what the current cool thing is and they use the term incorrectly whenever possible. Same with the phrase f around and find out, if I see another goddamn boomer post f around and find out after a woman gets beaten for no reason I’m about to lose it. In fact, I’m going to fast track my next video to be about boomers because as of recent they have really started to become annoying. And the funniest thing about it is that if you actually gave a boomer a real red pill their heart would give out and you would need to give them an elephant’s dose of heart medication just to avoid manslaughter charges. Id like to add that manosphere content is just as cringe but for now im focussing on boomers. Even though it is highjacked and now less cool ill still put it one above the blue pill in the B tier. The black pill is our next pill, it represents the choice of accepting that things are horrible and will not change. Some science nerds have tried to associate the incel ideology with the black pill and to some extent it is true, however, you don’t necessarily need to be an incel to be blackpilled a lot of black pilling can come from just negative views on life in general not necessarily to do with relationships. You also don’t necessarily need to be completely blackpilled either as you can hold some beliefs that are blackpilled without having no hope for the future. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Smart Monkey Conspiracy

AJ1L-yqg_RM | 10 Mar 2024

Smart Monkey Conspiracy

Smart Monkey Theory Just a quick preamble before the video starts just want to say huge thanks for 10k I didn’t actually think I would hit 1k nevermind 10 but thanks to everyone ill have more to say towards the end of the video about the state of the channel and other upcoming milestones and what we could do for them but before that I hope you enjoy the video. So I was just chilling on Instagram reels as you do and after watching about 3 fatal car accidents that are recommended to me daily for no reason whatsoever thanks Zuckerberg, I stumbled across this video about this monkey in the zoo, now I’ve seen this video before and it always struck me as super weird, to begin with he’s standing in such a non-monkey way on both his feet completely upright and the shiftiness in his eyes indicate that he is clearly aware of something that is pretty important, also the fact that he makes eye contact with both the woman and then the camera and afterwards just puts on one of the most sinister looking smiles I’ve ever seen, that is the face of a monkey that knows something very dark and devious and it revels in the fact you are oblivious to that knowledge. it displays a sense of intelligence that is an order higher than you would normally see in animals, it usually goes being able to reproduce, make tools, communicate, and at the very top I’m going to put the wherewithal to conceal intelligence now why would a monkey want to conceal that they have intelligence? You want to know what my theory is? Well, I believe that monkeys are just as capable as us humans and id say they are of equal intelligence however they have all decided collectively to play dumb just to avoid having to work and pay taxes. Now, bear with me okay, you might have heard of the saying the only thing in life that is guaranteed is death and taxes well I looked at this quote for multiple hours the other day and I’m still yet to see a clause that says except if you’re a monkey so why are we not utilizing them as human capital. Send them monkeys to the mines, I know it's just a meme and they weren’t actually used in diamond mining but have you seen a monkey's physique they would crack rocks like they already crack skulls. Today im going to convince you that monkeys have human intelligence by looking at the brains of monkeys, monkey behaviour caught on camera, and of course, monkeys that have already been used in employment, by the end of the video you will either be convinced I’m crazy or will also be a monkey truther. So let's take a look at the differences between human and monkey brains to assess whether this intelligence that they may hide is even possible. The primates with the highest IQ are orangutans which are sitting quite nicely at 75 IQ this already puts them on par or smarter than about 6% of the population of the US and higher if you are looking worldwide so the odds are quite high that you have met someone that is dumber than a monkey. Comparing brain sizes humans have a brain that is about 3 x bigger than orangutans and the areas that we commonly associate with intelligence and higher-order thinking are two times more developed in humans than in monkeys. With that being said humans are actually an outlier having an abnormally large brain and the fact of the matter is that you don’t actually need a large brain to be able to contribute to GDP, I mean just look at people who make podcasts 99% of them are specialists in fence-sitting and couldn’t come up with an original thought to save their lives but they still contribute to society, kind of, sometimes. Orangutans can learn directly from us humans and Orangutans are also one of the few animals that are actually in the Stone Age, by that I mean they use stone tools and create sharp objects with hammer rocks, but this tool use was only observed in orangutans in captivity that learned from humans. So what’s to stop me from creating a monkey school that raises monkey builders from infancy into adulthood and given the fact that they are not humans we can pay them In bananas instead of real money so effectively we can bring back modern-day, hey editor stick here we are cutting this joke short because uh yea that’s why glad we all come to an understanding. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Obesity Maxxing

XdJhZmEHvPA | 06 Mar 2024

Obesity Maxxing

Obesity Maxxing Transcript: Ok you guys aren’t going to believe this, remember what I said in my incelephant elephant video about lord well if you have seen the news recently he died last week and I shit you not just a few days ago I got a girlfriend how unbelievable is that? Well so unbelievable that it didn’t actually happen…. But it would have been pretty cool If it did no? Even still I have mixed feelings about the news as anything bad that happens in my life will now be my fault instead of his but anyway back to the actual video. Hey, you look like you have put on a couple pounds but don’t worry post so did a lot of people, well not actually not really if you are serious about it anyway. And no im not being body positive that’s for people in denial, I mean you literally have not increased your mass to a size that obesity maxxers like myself could respect. I only respect people who cause uneven wear to vehicle tires when they get in cars or are so large that planning needs to be made around them whilst in sea-based vehicles. Im talking about people who are obesity maxxing, what is obesity maxxing you might ask well, you’ve come to the right person. In today’s video I’m going to show you techniques and lifestyles that can bring you to this glorious size and also be going through the benefits of this lifestyle as well as why someone would want to do this to themselves. Firstly, why would you want to be obese max? Well, many health benefits are associated with being grossly obese that big health won’t tell you about, Did you know that clogged arteries are just a myth created by hospitals so that they can charge you for surgery to “remove” them, do you seriously believe that a treatment called angioplasty exists? Or that they insert a tiny balloon into your arteries to widen them, firstly how would they even blow up the balloon once they got it into your vessels , explain that one liberals, unless they had really small lips im not buying it. Secondly after they insert that so called balloon, they then insert a fishnet tubing into the area that they supposedly removed the fat blockage. I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure that there aren’t any fish in my bloodstream so why would they be inserting fishnet tubing? The worst part is that during this so called operation they have you under anaesthesia so even if you wanted to watch them do it you cant, so we are just supposed to take their word for it and then they charge you 6 figures in medical debt yea that doesn’t seem like a scam to me for sure. Once you get passed the fact that being obese isn’t bad for your health you can see the health benefits it provides like having a larger volume to surface area ratio meaning you can get more stuff inside you whilst taking up less space. And as you become more circle like you will become more spherical allowing you to be rolled down hills and transported with minimal effort. It also creates a layer of insulation that allows you to be basically comfortable in any environment and save money on your heating bills, energy companies be damned.So how can you gain as much mass as possible as quick as possible? Well two factors need to be accounted for when trying to increase fat mass and that is calories burned and calories digested not necessarily eaten. So whilst you can drink gallons of oil if you end up throwing it up or it goes through you without digestion then you have just wasted your time, so you want to eat a blend of refined sugar with oil in order to maximise your calorie intake whilst also allowing for the food to be digested in order to access those very valuable calories. To decrease your calorie burning you must submit to a sedentary lifestyle, you must reduce all activity to just the base processes necessary to keep you alive. So next time I tell a corny joke don’t even think about rolling you eyes if you are serious about this obese maxxing lifestyle. Take for example an obesity maxxing hall of famer John Brower Minnoch who at one point weighed around 650kg and despite this huge size claimed he lived a normal life. He had a body fat percentage of around 80% which if you think about it pretty insane. Unfortunately due to medical health propaganda at the time he was coerced into a weight loss diet that led to him losing around. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Extreme Trolley Problems

CRIoo0Q0g_4 | 03 Mar 2024

Extreme Trolley Problems

Extreme Trolley Problems Transcript: Skip to x time slot if you want to get straight into the video but first we hit 5k so ill be doing a minority/ethinicity reveal, a lot of you guessed phillipino/ east Asian and im guessing that’s because I said I was called both an Indian and Chinese slur maybe I kinda threw you off a bit by doing that but Im actually ethnically Persian for atleast like 10 generations in my family and because of that I probably have some Mongolian from Genghis khan in me which is where you might be able to see the east asianness. Heres what an average persian man looks like…. Hmmm that doesn’t actually look like me, Ill do a real face reveal at 25k subs which should be a few months at least and ill show you what a I mean. But yea im persian which no one actually guessed lol. Ok back to the video. The trolley problem is a moral dilemma in which a speeding trolley is heading down the tracks but you are able to pull a lever to divert the trolley onto a nearby track, the fun in the game is that there will often be people or things on the tracks and you have to decide what you will save and what you will let die. The most basic example is the 3 people on the track 1 and 1 person on track 2, the moral dilemma in this trolley problem is, should you intervene and kill someone by your choices to save another two lives? Let me just say that the answer is obviously yes pull the lever and if you disagree you are a spineless coward. So those are the standard boring ones which teach you about morality and your inner being and other boring shit today we are looking at extreme versions of the trolley problem. Like for example we have the exact same scenario as the first one but this time you have to step on a puppy's paw to pull the lever and the puppy will be really sad about it and you cant explain to him why you had to step on his paw. I would probably still pull the lever but id actually feel bad about it this time and to signify this for the rest of the video we will be accompanied by this really sad dog that has a sore paw. Ok ok ok easy right? now Our next scenario is we have a normal dude who is there against his will on track 1 and on track 2 5 people who willingly tied themselves to the track in order to be run over by the trolley , do you pull the lever to kill the 5 men who want to die and save the innocent man or do you do nothing and end up saving 4 more lives, the reductionists among you might struggle here as its more complicated than just maximising lives saved. Oh and btw there is a right answer to all these trolley problems anyone who guesses the exact same answers that I do will get some idk stoic points or something maybe we will have them be redeemable in the future, but ill just say the answers I choose may not always align with what I animate in order to keep it interesting. Locked in your answers? Alright cool. Lets step it up a notch, on track 1 a newborn baby who will live for 28,385 days which is an average lifetime or on track 2 we have 28,385 baby boomers who have only 1 day left to live. So do you kill 30k boomers so that one person can live a full life or do you believe that the collective experiences of the boomers in one day outweighs the entire lifetime of the baby? Personally, even if we gave the boomers 28k days id still choose track 2, and that’s a freebie from me. I could make a full-length video about why boomers are a problem and my personal solution to make it better for everyone and no it doesn’t entail genociding boomers it is actually a lot more tasteful. Next, we have a cyclist on track 1 and a vegan on track 2, do you pull the lever? Wrong trick question you press the secret button under the lever and initiate multi-track drifting to take them both out at the same time. Okay, this one is for the quantum physics nerds and gamblers out there, we have 1 box on each track and there is one cat and it can be in either box, I know which box the cat is in but you don’t so do you trust your instincts to be able to correctly guess which box has the cat in it? (MEOW) as I said would you be able to correctly guess which box the cat in? Are you sure its in track 1 ? you can still change your mind if you would like. Okay track 1 it is. Lets have a look under the boxes. My mind blown there was no cat in either box and just a recorder which plays Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Racial Sl*rs Tierlist

R5Dkjb5Hui0 | 29 Feb 2024

Racial Sl*rs Tierlist

Racial Sl*rs Tierlist Before YouTube sends me to the shadow realm let me just say this is an educational video made to inform the viewers about racial discrimination and is in no way meant to be a guide to being a more efficient racist. Alright now that we have that out of the way lets get into the good stuff. Today we are going to be talking about racial sl*rs and ranking them based on their offensiveness and the likelihood that it will cost you your job. ill try to keep them varied so its not just the same sl*r with 8 times, and before we get into it because of YouTube content id algorithm we are going to be putting them through captchas when they are up on screen but everyone watching should be human so that shouldn’t be an issue…. Right? Let’s get right into it and let me just say this is obviously a race for second place as the first-place spot is going to be the n word. If you look at a racist’s keyboard you will see the N I G E and R keys are the most faded and I’m 99% sure its not because they spend all day arguing about the social and political climate of the African country of Niger. It originates from the Latin for black but during the slave trade in the 17th century it began to be picked up as a sl*r and would be used in common language until the late 20th century where it was decided collectively that we shouldn’t say it. The Merriam webster dictionary rates it as the most offensive sl*r in English history so even the dictionary agrees with the number one spot. And it probably goes without saying that if you say this in any context you are going to be unemployed before the r even leaves your lips. Next we have the fruit sl*rs which when I read it first I thought they were taking the pinn too but no fruit sl*rs are real and its to do with minorities who want to be white like bananas for Asians who are yellow on the outside and white on the inside, coconuts is the same for brown people and apples which is for native Americans who are red on the outside and white on the inside. Imagine trying to be hateful and calling someone a banana I would probably just look at you confused more than anything, actually, I was wondering what to do for 5k subs and seeing as how im basically anonymous I figure ill throw you a bone and ill do a minority reveal, so we have something to look forward to, so if you haven’t already then go ahead and subscribe. For the fruit sl*rs we are going to put them in the 10th spot as to be honest more people would just be confused than offended if you called them a fruit sl*r and you are most likely not even going to be getting a HR email never mind getting fired. Ill add that chocolate ice or ice cream bar is the same as fruit sl*rs but for black people so the more you know. Then we have the sl*r for Indians mostly for Hindus which is p4j**t which originates from the name Paiji and the fact that a lot of Indian names end in jeet. Its used against Indian males due to stereotypes associated with Indian men online such as they are extremely horny and they are very nationalistic, true or not they have been associated with the name and now is used in a derogatory fashion. In a similar vain Muj**t is the Indian response to Indian Muslims which is obviously derived from the Paj**t sl*r but with the Mu prefix. If you call an Indian person a Paj**t or a muj**t they tend to get pretty offended so I’m going to put it higher up on the list maybe in 3rd place although it could be displaced and I guess ill put mujeet in with it as well as they are two sides of the same rupee. This one is a bit hit or miss on if you are going to get fired, work in tech with a lot of Indians then yea probably you are cooked but if you are blue collar you might just get some laughs. Fuzzy Wuzzy, yes fuzzy wuzzy is a sl*r which is used disparagingly against Eritrean and Sudanese Africans. It originates from a poem by the same name that describes the respect that British soldiers had for the Eritreans and Sudanese who fought for the British army and relates to their hair being frizzy. So originally it had positive connotations but over time it became more and more associated with anti-African racism which is just life, I guess. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

The Homeless Method

uJaoSlbp88M | 24 Feb 2024

The Homeless Method

You ever been in an argument with someone in person or online and thought to yourself good lord I want someone to split on this guy’s front door step well firstly what is wrong with you and secondly boy do I have the solution for you. Today we will be talking about the homeless method and how it can be of benefit to you. First what is the homeless method, the homeless method is the practice of outsourcing any dirty work that you need done to a homeless person. Some of you may be thinking oh no that’s terrible or omg that’s so cruel. Well you would be wrong because firstly it provides employment to a disaffected group within society as well as increasing economic activity through unconventional means. So how does it all work then? Lucky for you I have designed a 3-step plan that allows even the most uninformed to be able to take advantage of the homeless method. Step 1 You need to find a homeless person to do your dealings with and in today’s economy that’s not really that hard to do in all honesty. Step 2 you need to introduce a bartering system or a bounty system of some sort that way you can easily communicate your needs and expectations whilst keeping a high degree of security as to minimise any unwanted events. This could be done by placing a bounty of to split on someone’s front door, you communicate this to your homeless employee and they can carry out the work or even have it outsourced to a lower-level homeless person. Because of this system it doesn’t necessarily even need to be a monetary payment as some may be happy to cut out the middle man and just take crack instead which is efficient I might add, as it leaves less of a paper trail and any evidence will likely be smoked up before the morning. Step 3 enjoy the fruits of your labours, with this method and a new established relationship you can carry out any type of business whilst removing yourself from the crime, the homeless aren’t just for carrying out drive by splittings it can also be used for intimidation what’s more scary than a crack fuelled homeless man running at you in the middle of the night or surveillance as they blend in pretty well with the surroundings or even murder if you have the right contacts. You might be thinking this is all a bit dangerous even still, having to deal with potentially crazy individuals just to have your business carried out well worry not because my new Haas business has managed to streamline the whole process what is Haas? Well as you know certain companies provide SaaS which is software as a service such as uber which offers car rides on their app, well my new business does the exact same just instead of a taxi you get a homeless person, id like to introduce Nome. Nome gives you the ability to connect and transact with all registered homeless agents within your locality. Let me give you a quick walkthrough of the app oops never mind that anyways after registering yourself or even just using a guest account for privacy reasons you are greeted with a map of your current location along with a list of the homeless in the area with each notated with their current rating from other customers as well as their specialities and even a quick trivia fact about them if your into that type of thing. When you ever find yourself needing a job carried out just open the app and post a job offer, the homeless will then auction to take your job starting from your starting offer and then subsequent lower bids until there is a winner. To make sure that our customers time isnt wasted we enforce these bids with extreme prejudice so any offers made will be carried out or your money back with a 100% guarantee. If you have a certain agent in mind you can choose the option to purchase their services directly and after discussing the role they will quote you their prices. So you have purchased the agent and explained the job what now? Well nothing you can sit back and relax knowing that your agent will carry out the request within 24 hours with the option to have the deed recorded for a fee. Our recommended prices for base features are listed here Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Microplastic Maxxing

k_-4r5HT9IY | 18 Feb 2024

Microplastic Maxxing

Microplastic Maxxing Everywhere you look in life today there is plastic, plastic in your seas, your food, even in your babies but why is that and is it necessarily a bad thing? Today we are going to be talking about microplastic maxxing and why some may choose to intentionally increase the amounts of microplastics within their bodies. Personally, I’m more a plasticcel choosing to leechmax in order to transfer plastics from my blood into leeches but to each their own. To start we are going to need to talk about what microplastics are and how they become so prevalent, it all really started with the invention of polyethene plastics and their ability to be lightweight whilst still having a high tensile strength as well as their ability to be mass produced cheaply. Poly ethene is just long chains of ethene molecules and its because of these long chains that make it super versatile, you can even add crosslinks to make them tougher which is the underlying process behind vulcanisation. Which is something we will be getting back to later on in the video. These polyethene plastics account for around 75% of all plastics created and they were used in cooking ware to manufacturing to even in the process of creating plastics, you might wonder why no one took a step back to think maybe the introduction of plastic into everything and anything might have unforeseen consequences. But like most of history the sowing is always way more fun than the reaping. So production continues to skyrocket as more and more materials are replaced by plastics and eventually a team of researchers publish a paper saying yea the oceans are just full of these plastic things which makes the entire collective scientific community say “shit” and now wherever they looked they found these pieces of plastic that were smaller than a grain of sand just everywhere they even found them in the deepest parts of the Mariana trench as well as the most remote parts of the north pole. Ok so microplastics are everywhere, so what? well if you know anything about toxic accumulation in food chains you will know that as smaller organisms eat and intake pieces of plastic the organisms that eat them take in larger and larger quantities of that same plastic and the farther you go on the food chain you will be accumulating more and more of the toxin. Which isn't too bad if you are on the bottom of the food chain let's see where humans are, oh ye that’s kind of bad. Plastics are now everywhere and as someone who wants to plastic max how can you increase your plastic intake, don’t worry papa stick has you covered with his patented plastic uptake acceleration plan it is pretty simple to follow and it's more of a tier system than a plan with different levels of dedication at different levels. Step/Tier 1 is for the fledglings and is mostly about increasing your proximity to plastics by using plastic utensils when you eat and microwaving your food in plastic bowls as well as drinking from plastic water bottles. A liter of bottled water contains about 250,000 pieces of nano plastics which after using my plastic brain math equates to between 0.007-7x10-6 g of plastic per liter and around 5 grams of pure plastic per year, which is a good start but obviously, this won’t satisfy the more hardcore of the plastic enthusiasts among you. The second tier is for the plastic aficionados’ people who skip the middle man and are directly eating plastics and incorporating it into their daily meals, a little LDPE salted onto your morning eggs for a bit of flavourless flavouring and to finish they use a strip of plastic as a toothpick all of which are guaranteed to put millions of parts of microplastics into your body. Chew on plastic bottle caps throughout the day and leave plastic water bottles in the sun so that the uv rays can create more nano plastics in your drinking water. Also start using plastic straws again turtles be damned, sacrifices have to be made and those extra microplastics won’t ingest themselves. Now that you have increased your plastic consumption to near maximum you might be wondering what the third tier of this list will be. But that’s esoteric knowledge only allowed for the most dedicated of plastic maxxers and something that I cant just share with the uninitiated. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Lowest IQ Conspiracy Theories Pt 2

vHALtRXlIdQ | 14 Feb 2024

Lowest IQ Conspiracy Theories Pt 2

Stupidest Conspiracy theories pt 2 Today we are going to be looking at some more of the stupidest conspiracy theories and yet again I will be trying to convince you they are real, starting off with Mahatma Ghandi was jack the ripper ok we are starting with a wild one. Ghandi supposedly came to London to study Law in 1888 which coincidently is also the same time that the Jack the ripper killings started. Jack the ripper if you didn’t know was a famous serial killer in London that primarily targeted ladies of the night. In London Ghandi supposedly took dancing lessons and joined the vegetarian committee which he served on the executive board which doesn’t sound too suspicious but ill tie it all together later. So we have established that he was there at the correct time and place we just need to establish motive and I think I have a few theories. 1 he was really passionate about his vegetarianism and didn’t take it well when people refused to convert so he murdered them, 2. Maybe he got bored of the whole pacifism thing and wanted to give being a murderer a go? 3. He was a hitman hired by the vegetarian society targeting those who consumed the most meat in order to reduce meat consumption in London and used his dancing skills to evade police capture. Ok that’s all I really have for my theories but id say its still up there for plausibility especially given the fact that Ghandi wasn’t such a great guy if you know what he did when he slept then you know what im talking about and that’s all im going to really say about that. Our next conspiracy theory is one that I got from the greatest artist of all time Kanye West and that is the conspiracy that the the Twix chocolate bar was made bigger in order to make people fat and if you think about it is pretty weird. Most companies now are shrinking product sizes but keeping the prices the same which is known as shrinkflation in order to offset increased production costs. But the mars family that owns the Mars corp which owns most of the popular consumer food products have not just kept the sizes of the twixes the same they have doubled their sizes which at first glance doesn’t make much sense for a for profit company. With business practices like these you would think that they would be running out of money pretty quickly but no they are the 3rd most wealthy family in the US with a collective wealth of almost 100 billion dollars. So if they aren’t motivated by money to increase twix sizes what could the other possible motives be behind this bold business practice. Could it be that kanye has mistaken the king size twix for the regular size or is there a massive conspiracy that corporations are intentionally making the public obese. To answer this let me just remind you that for over 50 years the sugar industry paid off scientists with biased research in order to divert the blame of obesity from high sugar intake to high fat diets. Its pretty well established that the CIA basically caused the crack epidemic in the USA but another lesser known theory is that the CIA was also responsible for AIDS epidemic in the 80s shit I could make a full video about CIA conspiracy theories and id say 90% of them are more likely to be true than just conspiracy but I think this one falls into the 10% category but ill still try to convince you its true. Back to the theory it claims that HIV/AIDS was made in a lab with the purpose of killing both the gay and black communities that lived in the US. It was a semi popular theory with even one of the presidents of South Africa touting the theory as true stating that the idea that it originated from Africa was a ploy by the CIA to make Africa look bad. Kenyan Nobel peace prize winner Wangari Maathai also endorsed the theory that AIDS was manufactured in a western laboratory. Honestly ive not got much for this theory other than the fact that the CIA has done a lot of evil shit so I wouldn’t put it past them to do this, the only thing is that would be a hurdle would the fact that the tech probably wasn’t around to create viruses in 80s but who knows what they really had access to anyway. Next is the Titanic Olympic Switch which claims that the titanic didn’t sink in 1912 but it was its sister ship the Olympic that sank and it was done as an insurance scam. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Deals with the Devil

QTA5ULOehPM | 10 Feb 2024

Deals with the Devil

Deals with the devil transcript: Today we are going to be diving into stories about people who decided to deal with the dubious demon himself selling their immortal souls for mere shekels. By dealing with the devil, you have to accept that there is an afterlife and that you're gonna be burning for eternity after you get your 15 minutes of fun. To start with we are going to go back to one of the earliest examples of devil dealing which is the German magician that was known as Johann Georg Faust many believe is the Faust of folklore, id accuse him of being in league with the devil for that magnificent beard alone but that’s just me, the story begins with Faust a depressed scholar who attempts to take his own life and after failing he calls upon the devil for magical powers and unseen knowledge. The devil sends Mephistopheles who bargains with Faust lending him his magical powers for many years in exchange for his eternal soul. Immediately he abuses his power to play cheap practical jokes which honestly is kinda of lame, to be honest. Give me magical powers and shit is getting super tyrannical super quickly. Faust however used his powers to play basically lame trolls in one tale he sells a horse trader an enchanted horse which turned into a pile of clay after he rides it, congrats man you really got him. Or this other time he turned invisible and slapped the pope, ok this one is actually kind of funny to be honest but still kind of dumb, after he slapped the pope the firars that were around the pope began to pray to which he then beat up the friars and set off fireworks before leaving. All in all, he was just being an arsehole for most of the years he had his powers. Faust then seduces a woman named Gretchen with the help of his magical powers. In most renditions of the story, she gives birth to his illegitimate child and ends up drowning the child, she is then sentenced to death for the murder but because of her innocence, she still makes it to heaven, which I can kind of understand she could probably get off saying that she was under duress or something. Faust however nearing the end of his contract becomes more and more corrupted and eventually when the term ends he is dragged to hell. There are some other versions where he's saved by some bullshit but not on this channel here we believe in accountability and continuity. Our second deal with the devil will be the tale of Pope Sylvester the second. It begins with him traveling to Spain in search of knowledge of mathematics astrology and astronomy. He was rumored to have met up with a Saracen philosopher at the time who taught him the dark arts. he wasn’t taught everything though as the Saracen had a secret book with all dark arts knowledge that he kept from Gerbert, yea by the way the pope guys real name was Gerbert lol. So Gerbert devised a plan to get the Saracen drunk and let him sleep with his daughter in order to steal it while he was sleeping which worked but, it seems a bit weird to pimp your daughter out just for a book of spells but he apparently used it to ascend to the papacy so I guess it was worth it? He then apparently made a bronze head that was possessed by a demon and would answer his questions with a yes or no and it told him that if he ever read mass in Jerusalem the devil would come for him. He then cancelled his trips to Jerusalem and when one time he read a mass at a church in Rome named the holy cross of Jerusalem the devil apparently pulled out his eyes and gave them to demons to play with. Im guess the devil is a little mad at him because apparently in another version of his story, he played dice with the devil for the papacy and won. Shortly after the mass he became ill and was dying he then asked his cardinals to cut his body up and scatter it across the city. That’s not all as because of a mistranslation of his tomb people believe that you can hear his bones rattling just before the death of a pope, so just imagine being Pope Sylvester in hell If he actually did deal with the devil but every 70 years or so you just start shucking and jiving randomly because another pope is about to die. Guiseppe Tartini is our final man who made a deal with the devil (supposedly). He was an Italian composer who composed over 100 different pieces for the violin however his most famous body of work was.Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Mental Illness Tierlist

jXyH5timVaM | 06 Feb 2024

Mental Illness Tierlist

Mental Illness Tierlist Transcript:Today we are going to be looking at different mental disorders and ranking them based on how bad it would be to have them. The Tiers are going from No change to mildly annoying to Life altering to living hell and finally super power tier which is where the illness can have a positive effect well as much as a mental illness can. Our first disorder will be hoarding disorder, you probably have heard about this one or seen some videos about it where the afflicted will obsessively hoard and keep anything that they own eventually leading to their homes just being completely filled with garbage and or useless trinkets. Although the hoarding thing seems kind of annoying and the idea of having to wade through or crawl ontop of heaps of trash to just get through my home sounds a bit tedious, outside of the house it doesn’t really affect you so im going to put it in mildly annoying however I can see a scenario where it could be put in life altering. Our next mental disorder is going to be autism which is going to be put into two categories depending on the type/ severity. The first type is the standard autist which is usually socially awkward or has trouble reading social cues etc this is your typical TikTok self-diagnosis type of autism, but on the spectrum, there is this second type of autism which I refer to as autism pro max. These are the savants that because of their autism have supernatural gifts that can allow them to do insane feats such as being able to flawlessly play piano music after just one listening or comprehend complex tasks easily after visualising them in their mind. But the percentage of savants within those that have autism are pretty low so its like a roll of the dice. So for those reasons im putting it in both super power and no change. Speaking of rolling the dice the next disorder is ludomania which is also known as degenerate gambling disorder. Those suffering will often bet all of their money away in casinos or online gambling often going into debt chasing that next win and honestly more power to them. Did you know that 99% of gamblers quit right before making 1 bajillion dollars? Yea, they don’t say the house always loses for no reason, infact casinos are losing so much money they often cant afford windows or clocks in their establishments. Due to these reasons im going to put it into super power tier as the ability to continue gambling no matter what is the winner mind set that a lot of people me included could benefit from. Our next mental illness is going to be Dermatillomania which is the compulsive disorder of skin picking and not like that little bit of skin near your nail that you pull on to remove and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and then you are left with a huge cut that is super painful. Its more like picking random areas of you skin and just peeling away at yourself like an orange but way more bloody. Its usually stress induced and most of the time those afflicted cant even tell they are doing it until they’ve already pulled off a decent chunk of flesh, looking at some of the images some are literal holes in their skin the size of a tennis ball so not just small little wounds either. Eventually they are left covered in scars and open wounds that are prone to infection as well as being painful to the touch. Personally this sounds like a living hell because just imagine having open wounds all over and having a gnawing inclination to just make them bigger so its going into the living hell tier. Related to dermatillomania is trichotillomania which is the compulsive disorder to pull out your hair which although not as serious as the previous disorder is something that im going to put into the living hell tier as unlike bald people you are actually able to grow hair its just that your brain thinks its funny to pull it out so its like the curse of being bald without actually being bald whilst still being bald and if you’ve seen my phobias tier list video you know what I think of bald people. Night eating disorder is our next disorder which as in the name relates to the disorder of wanting to eat almost exclusively during the night time, they will have little to no appetite during the day and for some it’s a requirement for them to eat at night for them to sleep so yea im going to put this in the mildly annoying tier as Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

The Incelephant Incident

UFsk4hM8uoo | 31 Jan 2024

The Incelephant Incident

The Incelephant incident You may have heard of the term incel being thrown around a lot recently and if you are one of my viewers based purely on demographics you may even have been called one. But what is an incel? An incel is slang for involuntary celibate which just means you are abstaining from sex but not by your own decision. However the reason why I’m not getting any love from the ladies is purely because the Rothschilds pay women to ignore my texts but one day they will run out of money and then it will be Stus time to shine. Now what does this have to do with a Chinese village and an elephant you might be wondering. Well on the morning of the 24th of march 2019 an Asian elephant stormed into a village in the Yunnan province of China and was being a nuisance. The elephant was recently part of a herd and when mating season began, he was unable to find a mate so they drove him out the herd. Which is pretty brutal to be honest, he was getting no action from the female elephants in the herd and then they all bullied him out of the group, maybe there is some elephant Rothschild family also that I’m unaware of but anyway. After being humiliated and then shunned out from the group he wandered into the local village and just started began his reign of terror. He started stepping on cars and damaging buildings in total damaging 9 cars and houses along the way, all this commotion led to 20 forestry rangers arriving on the scene and with the help of firefighters they lured the elephant out of the village and back into the forest. For context Asian elephants usually grow to around 6-9 feet tall and weigh around 4000 kg so if you could just imagine waking up one day in your village and you see this massive elephant crush your bike because he couldn’t get any. He was seen back again at the village the following Tuesday which if I was him id probably be doing the same thing like you lost all your chances of a mate and you have no friends so I would probably go see what the humans were doing too. There isn’t a follow up to the story of the incelephant but the Asian elephant is a protected species so he’s probably just going town to town looking for something to do or who knows maybe he found a new herd and became an elepimp one can only imagine. The incelephant isn't the only shenanigans that elephants in asia are up to there was also a roving elephant gang that got addicted to sugar like crack and began to bully Thai farmers. In northeastern Thailand a group of 50 elephants apparently left their nature reserves and went on a mission to Thai farmers' fields where they got a taste for their sugarcane and banana crops and everyday between 4-6pm they would go back to the farmer's fields and just starting eating their crops again. Apparently, they’ve caused £5k in damages so far which may not seem like a lot to you and I but that’s its around the yearly salary of a farmer so in a few days they basically lost their year's profits. The farmers were in a conundrum as the elephants being addicted wouldn’t stop eating the sugarcanes and the local government was like yea we can't let you do anything about it because these elephants are protected. The government eventually recommended that the farmers put a buffer field of non-sugary crops so that the elephants wouldn’t enticed into the farmland. Which is the government basically telling them Yeah you are on your own mate. Now these farmers have to basically play plants vs zombies vs waves of elephants that come to graze on their plants. Ok so far we have covered incel elephants and crack-addicted elephants it can't get any worse can it? Well they are also raging alcoholics apparently as in an Indian village why is it always villages lol? Another herd of 50 elephants stormed into a village and drank more than 500 liters of highly alcoholic beverages being stored, they were led to it by the sweet smell and they all immediately got shitfaced and destroyed like 3 people's huts looking for more. The police then were called and they were basically ubered back to their migration path near a river and alls well that ends well unless you are the person who had his home caved in by a drunk elephant in that case not alls well the doesn’t end well. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

How to Get Away With Murder

--fNGuQK_sg | 26 Jan 2024

How to Get Away With Murder

Transcript: How to get away with murder You might have someone in your life you might dislike for any particular reason maybe they slighted you in some way, they took the last slice of cake that you were saving for dessert or you made a joke in a group of friends and then they repeated it but louder and got all the laughs. This video is going explain how to murder them whilst avoiding suspicion and ultimately jail. First things first you are going to need a victim. Heres one I prepared earlier. “Arghh I cant see a thing with these double eyepatches.” I found him littering on a beach and decided to do what the government wont to fix the issue of littering. “arghh free me you landlubber I have rights arghhh” A pirate in 2024 you might be wondering? Well its simply explained by the fact that the author of this youtube channel has a pretty limited vocal range and can only really do like 3 accents maybe 4 at a push. “id say that is a area to focus and improve on arghh maybe practice” “umm how about shut the fu” Clonk. Alright now that that is out of the way back to the video. Step 2 is the process of actually carrying out the deed, which is really more of a personal thing and can vary depending on reason for the murder, im not here to tell you how to swing an axe but in general less mess is best. Due to the youtube restrictions im just gonna have to give this guy a peanut and let his allergies take him. “argh I actually have a tree nut allergy not a peanut allergy” “wait you could have told me this before I bought this massive bag of peanuts what am I supposed to do with this now” “Arghh it be not my fault you have communication issues yarghh” “right bear with me folks we are having some technical issues”. Okay so I don’t actually have a way to off him for now but he agreed to just pretend for the remainder of the video so we can continue. So on to step 3 you need to make sure that any belongings or personal effects of the victim are collected and disposed of correctly. You don’t want the police knocking on your door 3 months later asking why they found some of your dna in a plastic bag full of a missing persons clothes. The ideal way to do this is burn the clothes and the body simultaneously and stage it to look like a gas leak explosion. However this is my house so that’s not gonna happen so instead we are going to bury him, ideally you would want to separate the limbs for easier transport. “Argh that hook literally cost me an arm and a leg you best not damage it or youll be hearing from my lawyer…… argh” “yea I was almost sure you weren’t going to say it then, also shush dead men don’t talk” So now you have your “body” in a transportable manner you would need to move them to the digging site which you want to be as remote as possible with no direct link back to you. So now we are at the site you need to set aside atleast the whole night to dig because heavy machinery is way too inconspicuous and a 6 foot hole takes a lot of digging. So you want to roll your body in and start covering it with dirt eventually you cover enough and then you can place a dead pet ontop as a diversion for police. The dead pet in a shallow grave above the victim is a good red herring as if it were to be dug up by police they may be thrown off thinking its just a pet grave. I don’t have a dead pet handy and no im not going to go skin the neighbourhood cat for a youtube video. If you didn’t know in the UK we have these birds called pheasants and they are literally the dumbest animals alive. You will be driving and then randomly they will run across the road into your car for no reason at all. I bet they do it on purpose just to piss people off playing a game of chicken but the goal is to lose. “Stevo I bet you wont run across the road when this car comes up” “You sure about that lad” “I bet you 10 pounds” “You’ve got a..” “FREEDOM” “What Gary doing now the mad lad” “mate you owe gary 10£” “aye”. So now you have successfully murdered and covered up your crime you should be ready… “ argh im still alive” “Huuuh” If im going to be honest with you all im not actually that good at being a murderer it all goes back to the time I was working with the shark mafia as an executioner. “Next time you will pay to don Luciano his debts. Now you're sleeping with the fishes. “hey Stu did you get rid of that guy hey what's going.Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Phobias Tier List

XA1KWpkwAB4 | 17 Jan 2024

Phobias Tier List

Phobias Tier list Phobias are defined as irrational fears that are debilitating in a way that it can affect you from functioning normally. So not wanting to go back to work on a Monday morning is not a phobia however fearing that you might have been sloppy the last time you hunted, leaving enough DNA evidence for the police to begin building a profile and start closing in on you as they narrow down the list of suspects and begin working on court orders to search your safehouses and as you look inward on your retched soul you see that black pit of despair that fear eating away every hour and every minute at your psyche as you creep towards that edge eventually letting it consume you whole. That’s the level of fear we are looking at. Anyway, here’s the tier list categories At the bottom we have the Phobias that make sense and I will let you guess what goes in there, Next, we have dumb phobias which are ridiculous phobias and the premise of the phobia is dumb. Next are the unreasonable phobias which I know the letter e doesn’t fit the first line and I could probably just do this and move it around to fix it but It's pretty funny and if it triggers your OCD then unlucky I guess. The tier after is the Reasonable phobias so phobias that not everyone will have but can everyone can sympathise with. The final tier is the Cursed Phobias which is also pretty self-explanatory. Our first Phobia will be arachnophobia which I personally don’t understand much myself. Like just let the spiders get married. Jokes aside the majority of people who have arachnophobia live in areas where there is no real threat of death by spiders. You never really hear about Australian people having arachnophobia even though they actually have to take precautions to not die. I even heard that they banned an episode of Peppa pig in which she befriends spiders because they thought that small children would go around trying to play with spiders that might kill them. So yeah im gonna put it in unreasonable phobias unless you're Australian. Our next phobia is Ablutophobia which is the fear of bathing, which I’m just going to put into dumb because unless you were waterboarded in a CIA black site there really should be no reason why bath water should give you paralysing fear. Scopophobia is our next phobia which is the fear of being watched, which is something most of us have experienced at one point. Everyone has had that feeling at least once when they are alone in a room and all of a sudden they get this cold feeling on the back of their neck that weirds them out enough to check behind them in the corner of the closet. Thankfully I can tell you that no one else is back here and you should continue watching the video. Another strange part of this is that people can often tell when you are looking at them from behind even though there is no physical stimulus to alert them to it but yet they still realize you are looking at them. So for these reasons, Scopophobia is going into the cursed phobias as it has some supernatural basis im just not sure what. Our next 3 phobias were researchers just taking the piss to be honest you want to know what the fear of palindromes is? Aibohphobia which is spelled in such a stupid way just to make it a palindrome there are no other words that contain the letters bohp in that order just this one. That’s not even the worst of it, hip-po-po-to-mon-stro-ses-quipped-alio-phobia is the fear of long words which if we are forced to use the Greek names then why didn’t they call it megalo-lexi-phobia which means big word fear and is the same thing in Greek but uses half the letters obviously the people who named the phobia were doing it on purpose the. Next up is Halitophobia which is the fear of bad breath which im going to put into unreasonable phobias as although there are some people whose breath is so bad you can smell it through a walkie-talkie talkie its still irrational to have this be a debilitating fear. Next is PhoboPhobia which is fear of fears and for being meta im going to put it into the dumb section. Ideophobia is the fear of ideas or concepts which just seems exhausting if you ask me you could be minding your business one minute and then you are on the floor in a ball because you thought of what you were going to eat that day. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Carcinogen Maxxing

J0Y4j3Lh0Mk | 11 Jan 2024

Carcinogen Maxxing

Carcinogen Maxing Quick edit this video is satirical and although I make jokes I do not intend to downplay the seriousness of cancer. With that said here’s the video. Everywhere you look nowadays you see news studies articles about how meat gives you cancer plastic gives you shit cancer gives you cancer and honestly, I feel like we are looking at it through a one sided lens. What about the people who actually want to get cancer, today we are looking at the people who have dedicated themselves to carcinogen maxxing. This has probably been a phenomenon for a while now however it kind of exploded in popularity following some posts from 4 Chan about carcinogen maxxing. In a thread about pizza toppings, one anon says his favourite way to eat pizza is eating them completely burnt, he says that it doesn’t really taste that good but they are carcinogenic. Another anon asks what carcinogen maxxing is and the original anon replies he is min maxxing his food consumption to increase his carcinogen intake to eventually contract cancer. If you look into the science of eating burnt foods anon is indeed correct that they do give you cancer and its to do with the burnt food containing carbon free radicals that can ionise cells and create cancerous cells. Now that I have explained what Carcinogen Maxxing is you might be wondering how you the dear viewer can partake in carcinogen maxxing. We are going to be looking at several methods of carcinogen maxxing starting with cigarettes. Everyone is vaping nowadays everywhere you look, you walk past a group of gangsters and all you smell is blueberry muffins. What happened to the real men who were blowing literal poison clouds every time they took a drag. I suggest we bring back smoking and let the public have a breath of not-so-fresh air again. *Back alley* Is all the money there? Good ill make sure to say something nice about ciggies in the next video. And did your boss tell you about the super donation pack I will advocate for reducing the smoking age to 0 why let children have secondhand smoke when they can get the real thing am I right? Did you hear that? Hey who's there? Shit it’s the feds. You never saw a thing. Now for those of you carcinogen maxxing smoking a pack a day is a good place to start but it will still take you about 20 years or more before you start seeing real results. The fastest way to carcinogen max is to age rapidly, the likelihood of cancer development is like 1000x more likely when comparing 18–25-year-olds which is the majority of my audience and 65 + year olds. But because this is impossible for now at least the next best way to carcinogen max is to become horribly morbidly obese. The cancer rate skyrockets as excess weight piles on so you are going to want to increase your caloric intake by drinking seed oils. This is especially true if you are also burnt food maxxing as the burnt food will have less calories than normal as some of the energy is used in combustion. Even using all these methods in combination, you will still only increase your chances by a couple % points especially in the first few months/years so if you think about the chance of getting cancer as a 1 million sided dice that you throw every day and say smoking a cigarette adds an extra side that gives you cancer you still are looking at a long time before your carcinogen maxxing sees you any results. This is one of the main issues for carcinogen maxxers is that you can’t just inject yourself with cancer cells either as your immune system will just destroy the pathogens quite quickly. So what do you do if you want to carcinogen max as efficiently as possible? There is only one known solution to this dilemma and it's not easy to acquire. Weapons-grade plutonium. Does it have to be weapons-grade probably not, does it have to be plutonium also probably not but it just rolled off the tongue nicely. But yes radioactive material is the fast-track method that anyone can do it's just a matter of finding a sufficient energy source which although difficult is not impossible given the fact that one guy in Florida managed to find an unexploded nuclear weapon and used it as an energy source till the feds came in and ruined the fun. So now you have the radioactive material you can administer it in a number of ways such as intravenously or via demon core exposure Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Racism Tier List

fTo6E9FWhFU | 08 Jan 2024

Racism Tier List

Racism Tierlist You have heard of casual racism but today we are going pro we are going to be ranking the top racists of all time and putting them in a tier list. This list is going to be objective and by objective, I mean completely my own opinion if you have any suggestions or complaints, we have a suggestion box that you can address your concerns to. Such as this suggestion here let’s see “your videos r suck” hmmm let’s put this back in the suggestion box (shredder noises it backs up and explodes). Looks like we are no longer taking suggestions at this moment but I will make sure to keep you updated. Back to the video, this list is only going to include people who are real as if it was open to fictional characters Aswell I’m sure some nerd will tell me about a racist man who was born reading FBI crime statistics and his kryptonite is DEI or something. This is what the table looks like we have Not racist at all which most people would categorise themselves, some prejudices which is where most people actually are, casual racists where we have most dark humor enjoyers, competitive racists which are your more call-to-action type of racists, racism all-stars which will include some familiar faces and number one which we are going to keep a secret till later on. I'll start the video with one of my all-time biggest inspirations which is Kanye West, multi grammy award winning musical genius he would have made it onto the not-racist category if it were not for his prejudice against Jewish people. He kind of went a bit schizoid with one of his latest rants putting himself on a list with Jesus Christ Hitler ye in that order. If you can get past the Jewish thing it is mostly non racist especially compared to others on the list so going to put him in the casual racist section. Next, we have one of Yes all time biggest inspirations which is Hitler who was the chancellor of Germany and the Fuhrer of the third reach. He was a Nazi so he also had a let’s say somewhat negative view of the people but to more of an extreme extent than Ye did. He also believed in Aryan supremacy and looked down upon lesser races like the Slavs and Africans. Because he was also the leader of a powerful nation and acted on his power to persecute those he was prejudiced against im going to put him in the racism all stars. Next up is me which is a bit of a step down in terms of racism power scaling and ill give you a few seconds to maybe guess where id put myself on this lsit. That’s right number 1 just kidding id say I am closer to not racist however im going to put myself in the prejudiced section. Ill explain so im sure you guys have seen some of those Indian street food videos but if not ill show you one of them and you might see why I have this prejudice against Indian food / the hygiene of some of the poorer Indians. Like look at this I don’t need someone busting moves ontop of my food especially when after they are done they just move the food into the corner where they were standing bare foot just a moment ago. That’s a cement floor as well given how hot and humid india is there is a 0% chance that it isnt covered in foot sweat not to mention how the entire area doesn’t look like its been cleaned since they poured the concrete. I think the trade off of not dying due to dysentery is worth the label of slight racist. Ok next we have Somali Twitter users yea its not specifically a single person but just bear with me, some of you might be confused about this but if you didn’t know there are sects of the Somali that are one of the most anti African people you can meet, they believe they are more closely related to Europeans than they are africans, they also have such specific and researched arguments for eugenics that it would put the father of eugenics, Francis Galton to shame. They direct a lot of their racism to the Bantu minority specifically. I would probably put them in competitive racists as if you find yourself in one of these circles you will be able to see the passion behind the racism. Indian twitter users are our next contestant and similar to the Somali they have some sects which are pretty racist. It also goes back to the Indo Aryan theory in which the original blue eyed golden Aryans actually descended from the South Asian subregion. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Natures Biggest A##holes

a_swZ8ZmhwE | 02 Jan 2024

Natures Biggest A##holes

Natures biggest assholes Transcript: Today we are going to be talking about some of the biggest a holes in nature, this list is in no particular order it’s just a compilation of a few of Mother Nature’s biggest d bags. Starting with the cuckoo bird and also other brood parasites. What is a brood parasite you might ask? Well, it’s a species that puts its eggs into other species' nests hoping that the returning nesting mother will take the imposter egg as her own and feed and raise that egg, as well. They also have the ability to match their egg colours to the host species just for added realism. That would be like if someone came into the delivery room after a mother gave birth and just slid their own baby in as if no one would notice. Unlike that analogy, the brood parasite strategy actually works already making these birds certified assholes, but it gets worse specifically the cuckoo bird. So not only is it living rent-free in your nest it also hogs the resources and grows much more quickly often hatching first and out-muscling other hatchlings when competing for food. But wait it gets even worse. The cuckoo species specifically is known for pushing the native nest eggs or hatchlings out of the nest when the mother is not looking. So not only are they thieves and burglars but they are also spawn killers and homewreckers. After growing sufficiently from being an egg-murdering freeloader the cuckoo bird then leaves the nest and recognizes other cuckoo bird vocalizations and joins a flock of them, leaving the nesting mother with either very weak or no children left. Let me just plug in the asshole o meter and yep, that’s what I thought would happen. And guess what happens if the nesting mother isn’t psyoped into raising the cuckoo chick? A gang of adult cuckoos come and destroy the nest and try to kill the mother really an evil species. Another one of nature’s assholes is the ant and the reason for that is that they are the only species apart from humans to wage wars and employ the use of slave labor. They will literally enslave other ant colonies within their species and even other ant species. They usually have a slave raiding party which will invade the target colony kill the defenders and return with the ant pupa and larvae which some will be eaten and others will be used as slaves. The slaves then are forced to work until they either die or until the slave masters decide to eat them. Their wars are brutal as well due to the fact that ants simply don’t retreat, ants will literally all fight to the death until the end because they know if they fail then their colony dies which is their sole purpose for living. Being in the middle of an ant fight you would see stuff like 3 ants holding down an enemy ant whilst a larger ant rips them to pieces and decapitations and dismemberment all over the place. Ants also declare wars on other species as well including but not limited to wasps, bees and if you are unlucky humans. The reason why most other species don’t go to war is because most animals’ prime directive is to pass on their genes and ensure their species continues therefore war just removes a lot of the fertile members for not much gain, in the case of ants though the workers are all sterile and have physiology’s that are built for combat and work so it’s trading a bunch of sterile workers to ensure the safety of the colony so that the next generation can survive. So, if you think about it reductively it kind of makes more sense for ants to go to war than it does for humans. Dolphins are another one of nature’s assholes which you might not believe because they have one of the best pr teams in the world. If I say dolphin the images of a cute smart sea puppy come to mind and you might have heard of stories of dolphins saving humans from drowning or leading them back to shore. Its all lies propagated by big dolphin who don’t want you to know about the real activities they get up to. They are another animal who shares a characteristic exclusive to us and dolphins which is the act of killing other animals strictly for sport. Researchers only noticed this in the 90s when they found a bunch of porpoise carcasses that hadn’t been eaten just piling up on the sea floor. The cause of death was primarily blunt force trauma leaving suspiciously dolphin snout shaped bruises. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Peculiar Historical Tales

Sndw6xcCYXA | 21 Dec 2023

Peculiar Historical Tales

Peculiar historical facts Transcript: Today we are going to be looking at the stupider side of history about events or people that are just a bit weird. Starting off with the Romanian dictator's visit to the UK. Firstly if you don’t know the Recently deceased Queen Elizabeth the 2 would often meet other leaders of countries as a sort of diplomatic event and they would often meet in one of the lavish rooms of Buckingham Palace. Now before I go any further, I have to give some backstory of the stereotypes many people in Europe attribute to the Romanian people mostly Romanian gypsies. They often are seen as thieves and antisocial who don’t really pay into society but take a lot from it. They also stole my bike when I was in middle school so they aren’t getting any sympathy points from me. This stereotype isn't helped when the French president at the time rang the palace to warn them that the Romanian dictator and his wife had stolen valuables from their lodgings and I quote “behaved like burglars”. So, when they stayed at the palace it was in a bare-bones room with any valuables removed going so far as to remove anything that could be unscrewed lol. Not only that when the queen saw them in the courtyard whilst walking her dogs, she jumped behind a bush so that she could avoid them. Yeah, all of this isn’t really helping the stereotype if I’m being honest. Next, we have the peculiar tale of Pepsi having the 6ths largest military at one point in history. It happened in the late 80s when the drink was so popular in the Soviet Union that even though their currency was practically worthless internationally, they would trade vodka and other consumer goods for the Pepsi concentrate. However, after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, it looked bad if Pepsi was accepting consumer goods from them so to get around this instead they accepted 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer which somehow is better than the vodka. The total value of the naval fleet was around $3 billion USD which is about 7.5 billion in today’s terms. With this newfound military might Pepsi then invaded multiple countries and established the democratic republic of Pepsico, just kidding they sold them to a Swedish company that recycled them. But still, there’s probably a timeline where something to that effect happened. Our next tale is In medieval Europe, Germany more specifically, the noblemen would engage in disputes over land and titles, which would lead to regular gatherings which were known as diets. These generally went on without incident until the year 1184 when the meeting took place in the Church of St Peter of Erfurt. They had the gathering in a room above the church's latrine pits which you can probably guess what happens next. The room was filled with 60-100 noblemen some wearing heavy chain armour and mid dispute the floorboards collapsed causing them to all fall into a feces pit. Some drowned in poo and others were crushed by the weight of the floorboards or other noblemen on top of them. All in all around 60 noblemen died including a nobleman by the name of Count Heinrich of Swarchzburg who often jokingly stated he would drown in his own fecal matter before he ever failed his duties as count, I guess that’s what you get when you tempt God. King Henry the 6th of Germany also fell into the latrine pit but was one of the lucky few who survived. The irony of a bunch of noblemen meeting for a “diet” and then dying due to their combined weight causing the floor to give way is not lost on me. Our next peculiar tale takes place in Ireland in the southern Irish town of Baltimore. It was a pretty unknown town until it was attacked in 1631. Now if I show you this map of Ireland based on proximity who do you think is the most likely to invade? I'll give you 4 options. Was it A the English? B the Spanish? C the French? Or D a raiding party from Northern Ireland. Locked in your answers? Good The correct answer is none of them and it was a band of North African Pirates. To think of how ridiculous this is you have to realise that medieval boats could only travel 100-150 miles a day and the trip was around 1600 miles so it likely took them 2 weeks to get there. They took prisoners and turned them into slaves which happened a lot to the Irish people unfortunately. Those who were taken as slaves never saw Ireland. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

The Astronaut Who Destroyed The ISS

F0AnXCFpBU0 | 08 Dec 2023

The Astronaut Who Destroyed The ISS

Transcript: Today we are going to be talking about the Female astronaut who may or may not have done irreparable damage to the International Space Station. First, let me say that NASA directly refuted the claim that she caused any damage but Roscosmos which is the Russian NASA claimed she was responsible for damage to one of their spacecraft after an investigation. So going forward everything that I say in this video is alleged or under investigation and also fictional as well as in the metaverse and was revealed to me in a dream, now that this video can't be classed as slander let's get into it. The investigation began in August 2018 due to a drill hole being found in the Soyuz spacecraft, the crew had to seal it with epoxy resin and after the mission was completed a Ros cosmos investigation began that after 2 years found that the sole person to blame was a US Astronaut by the name of Serena Aunon Chancellor. The investigation concluded that the hole was not caused by a micro meteorite hitting the spacecraft and because of the way the holes were drilled it indicated it was caused from the inside. Several spacewalks outside of the aircraft by the Russian cosmonauts occurred to establish the extent of the damage as well as perform necessary tests. Roscosmos also concluded that the damage could not have occurred on Earth as the hole would have caused the spacecraft to fail vacuum tests. During their investigation, Roscosmos leaked that Serena was suffering from acute Deep vein thrombosis which they say could have provoked an acute psychological crisis. This is actually true as was reported in the scientific journal JAMA Network although the study kept the names of the participants confidential. This condition could then have explained her alleged behaviors that would have sought to speed up her return to Earth. Whilst still onboard the Soyuz the cosmonauts all took polygraph tests but the astronauts refused which although polygraph tests are basically a pseudoscience any irregularities in the physiological states of the Cosmo and astronauts would have been recorded. Furthermore, Russia was not allowed to examine the American drill that was used to damage the Soyuz and thus could not conclude whether or not there were any shavings stuck in the drill bit. And finally what Roscosmos claims is the most damning evidence was the fact that there were 8-hole attempts with many skipping off the surface which suggested low gravity conditions and a lack of understanding of the spacecraft as a few were put in areas that would not cause a breach. Obviously looking at all this you might throw some suspicion onto the Americans even if just a little. Roscosmos after the investigation sent their findings to law enforcement which some speculate was to assess whether or not there was a case for legal action against the NASA Astronaut. Now that’s as far as it goes for the official story however there is a 4chan thread that supposedly sheds more light on the situation but none of it is confirmed and it has no sources. But I thought it would be fun to add a bit of tism to the video, the thread starts on the 11th of May 2022 with the original poster claiming they had inside knowledge. The poster claims that the NASA astronaut was being difficult from the beginning of the mission refusing to do work that was assigned to her and was bored of the mission within a few weeks in space. She then allegedly asked to be sent home immediately and NASA told her the earliest that could be would be in 9 months which made her lose her shit, she then stopped bathing and jammed the toilets spraying shit and piss everywhere. That stuff has nowhere to go either it's just floating around until it pokes you in the eye or it gets manually put in the bin. When that wasn’t working, she allegedly would attack other members aboard the ISS and intentionally started to sabotage experiments. Apparently, she was asked to do the first solo female-only space walk for some PR and then perform maintenance on the outside of the spacecraft. During this spacewalk, she lost 2 toolboxes worth of tools to the void and it took 4 hours longer than it should have. She then supposedly disregarded any decontamination protocols and rushed back into the spacecraft which mission control and the captain of the mission weren’t too pleased about. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Explaining Animal Powers

Hqyn5TWeqjQ | 05 Dec 2023

Explaining Animal Powers

Explaining Animal Powers Transcript: Today we are going to be looking at how animal superpowers work explaining them in more detail than you usually would find online. Octopi can camouflage themselves based on their surroundings to decrease the likelihood they are seen by predators. How does it actually work though? They have specialized cells called chromatophores which contain sacs and in these sacs, there are pigment colors like black red yellow etc. The chromatophores can be contracted to allow more of the pigment to be visible or relax the cells to reduce their visibility. They are connected to the nervous system of the octopus and just by looking at something it can change its colors to mimic what it's looking at by contracting and expanding the chromatophores. They also change their skin texture by raising their papillae which are the same cells that humans have on their tongues. I thought it was going to be something way more mechanical and complex but it's just muscle contraction and relaxation, which is almost cooler in a way. Immortal jellyfish The immortal jellyfish has the ability to live forever, the name is actually misleading though because it does die but at the end of every life cycle it revives to a younger stage. This process actually starts in the same way that caterpillars metamorphosise except that the jellyfish start as larvae and metamorphose into something that’s called a polyp which to jellyfish is a stage of life but to you and I is the precursor to ass cancer so life works in mysterious ways I guess. These polyps (jellyfish, not the ass cancers) stick to rocks on the sea floor and clone themselves covering the area in polyps. These polyps then bloom releasing hundreds of baby jellyfish which grow and become jellyfish. When those jellyfish actually die they fall to the sea floor and turn into a polyp again repeating the cycle Sea cucumbers Now I Know what you are thinking Sea cucumbers sound pretty boring and useless right? Wrong they can violently shit out their intestines to trap you while they escape and also can liquify their body and solidify it again basically like a terminator to fit into small crevices to evade predators. The intestine shotgun actually can be reloaded and every 2 weeks they can eviscerate which is the scientific term. The way that they actually do it is through violent muscle contraction forcing fluid from their intestines into their cloaca which is essentially their all-in-one hole. The built-up pressure ruptures the cloaca forcing all their intestines and organs outwards towards whatever they were aiming at. The sea cucumber then regenerates its organs by essentially reverting mature cells into stem cells that can then differentiate into any type of cell, Stem cells are the real deal, stem cell therapy can cost anywhere between 10s to hundreds of thousands and here are these cucumbers doing it for free. The way that they liquify themselves is by loosening the collagen that holds their outer body wall together this then allows the body to lose its structure and become more flexible and squeeze through tiny gaps. Uraba lugens otherwise known as the gum leaf skeletoner is a caterpillar that has the unique feature of stacking its own skull like a Jenga tower. The reason why they do this is to make themselves larger to predators which might discourage them or as a sort of false head that predators attack whilst the caterpillar escapes. It's kind of metal to just stack your old heads like hats and just live with like 6 or 7 of your own heads. It's done through molting like many other animals with exoskeletons, when the animal outgrows its current exoskeleton it releases enzymes to digest the inner layer of its own skin so it can detach from it. Stacking skulls and eating their own flesh is not something I thought I would be associating with a caterpillar but here we are. When the caterpillars turn into moths they are just basically the same as any other moth so I guess the emo thing really was just a phase. The wolverine frog is a central African frog with the ability to extend and retract claws from its fingers it also got the sideburns that would put Hugh Jackman to shame all in all the closest thing we have to a real-life wolverine. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Fixing Animal Weaknesses

rxo6Nj3VuCc | 02 Dec 2023

Fixing Animal Weaknesses

Fixing animal weaknesses. Today we are going to be looking at the shortcomings of Mother Nature and how I would fix them in a variety of animals. Starting off with ants, now you might be thinking but ants are the most successful animals that have a population in the trillions and occupy all habitable continents what could possibly be their weakness? They are tiny little nerds that’s what, what is the average weight of an ant? 5 grams? Less? How pathetic If you put me in a ring with an ant, I doubt it would even make 3 rounds. So now you might ask how would you go about fixing this? Easy just make them 100x bigger, look at the difference already, that’s terrifying. Logically because they are 100x bigger so would their colonies and anthills, try pouring molten aluminium down it now for your clickbait videos. It also turns every predator they have into prey anteater? Yeah more like not anteater, but don’t worry about them I’ve got a fix for them later in the video. With this massive increase in size it's going to take a lot more energy for them to do just about anything and the solution for that is simple have them also be able to photosynthesise it wouldn’t take much just add a PL to the name. Next, we have the goblin shark a Lil ugly but that’s okay, they live in basically the basement of the ocean and in complete darkness as well as being pretty sparsely populated so basically polar opposites of the previous animal. Its weaknesses are that they have bad eyesight as well as being slow and ugly if you count that as a weakness. My fix would be giving them the ability to go goblin mode for real and double their speed, this would fix two things because they are now going twice as fast, they are going to be able to catch twice as much prey secondly all that swimming would give him a six-pack from so much core activation so now, he’s getting shark hoes even though he’s a Lil ugly. Yea, I can’t really think of how to fix his blindness I’m not a miracle worker, unfortunately. And im pretty sure Lase eye surgery doesn’t work underwater The blobfish is another animal that just got shafted when it came to the genetic lottery imagine being this weird spiky balloon thing in the water in your home and then turning into a fat blob mess when above sea level what kind of heads, I win tails you lose bs is that. They don’t even have teeth because they don’t bite their prey either they just suck their way through life literally and figuratively. What’s worse is that they can live up to 130 years in the dark depths just sucking and sucking. My only fix for this is to decrease their lifespan by 99% and just put them out of their misery just a little bit quicker, and maybe decrease their gestation period by 100 times to make up for the shorter lifespan. Back to our friend the anteater you didn’t think I would forget did you? their main weakness is that they are car magnets, which are one of their biggest predators probably due to the fact they were never taught to look left and right before crossing the road. They also have lost their main source of food being ants now that they are bigger than them the way that I'd compensate them for this loss is to give them all driving licences, can't die by being run over if you are the one doing the running over. Eh probably give them a nice 9-5 office job while we are at it they seem like pretty chill dudes fixing both the anteater problem and boosting the economy I’d say that’s a win. Then they can If you’ve watched my last video, you know what I think about the government drones that are pigeons although not animals and not under the driving force that is natural selection I still think I can improve them. Instead of being glorified cameras, I think they should be programmed by an app maybe call it Twitter or something. The app allows members of the public can vote on who is the knobhead of the week and it just sends every pigeon to go and shit all over them whenever they are out in public. Have it so that to use the app you have to be registered to vote and watch voter turnout change to 100% in a week. Wasps. Just get rid of them. Maybe increase bee numbers to account for the reduction in pollination but other than that I think most people will be pretty pleased with the outcome. Our last animal that needs fixing is the koala bear. Now if you’re not an Australian Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humour, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Lowest IQ Conspiracy Theories

xV9h4_pd5-w | 30 Nov 2023

Lowest IQ Conspiracy Theories

Lowest IQ conspiracy theories Transcript: Today we are going to be looking at the lowest IQ conspiracy theories that I have scraped from the brains of idiots, starting off with Yakubian the inventor of white people. He was a black scientist that lived 6,600 years ago and was the founder of the white race which he achieved by selective breeding whilst living on his island known as Patmos. On his island, he would breed the lightest of his followers and discard the darker ones to lighten the color of his people over time. He also believed that they would rule and be evil so I’m not really sure why he would do this but apparently, it was because he was bullied for having a big head by his own people and he did this as a sort of revenge. He died at age 150 and his followers continued his legacy creating the first white person in around 6000 BC which is only 3000 years from the beginning of ancient Egypt so historically it’s a bit weird to try and place it in our current understanding of history. But who knows maybe there are other Yakubians for the other races we are unaware about. And maybe there's someone out there collecting them like infinity stones. Our next conspiracy theory is that Birds are government drones and are used to spy on you without your knowledge, originally this was a meme based on the fact that no one ever really saw baby pigeons which eventually led to the idea that they were battery controlled and then that they were government made and that’s why you always see them everywhere as an inconspicuous tool to control the masses. I’m kind of leaning towards maybe true on this one just because it's pretty fun to believe, bonus points for the idea that the whole pandemic was just a coverup so that the government could go out and replace the batteries on the pigeons as they were all running low. Next up is Flat Earth theory yea this one is pretty standard low IQ stuff, there are home experiments that you can do to disprove the theory and some Flat Earth did exactly that only to then claim their experiment was flawed. The funny thing about this one is that the majority of them believe that the other planets in the solar system are spherical it is just the earth that is spinning through space like a Frisbee. This next one is fun, the nazi secret base in the Antarctic. The theory goes that just before WW2 the nazis set out on an expedition to Antarctica in 1938 which did happen the conspiracy part is that they created a secret base there. Fast-forward to the end of the war the idea was floated that the high-ranking officers of the nazis fled to that secret base using their German u boats. Then In 1945 2 German U-boats were confirmed to be seen at an Argentine naval base 1 month before the end of the world war. And the year after In 1946 the US conducted Operation High Jump which was the largest ever Antarctic expedition to date consisting of 4700 men and 13 ships. This is a bit suspicious because the official reason for the operation was to create a research base and I’m pretty sure that 4700 men is overkill and would require way more in logistical planning for food and storage etc than needed for just creating a research facility. It gets even spicier when in 1958 the US conducted 3 nuclear tests that were meant to be secret but got leaked. It could have been just a remote area to test out their nuclear weapons however it is pretty convenient that after those nuclear tests, a treaty was signed in 1959 that there would be no more nuclear testing in Antarctica. Chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay is the conspiracy theory where the principal argument to theory is that government entities released hormones into the water supply that had a feminizing effect on the frog population, causing them to become male-female hybrids also known as hermaphrodites. The theory kind of went off the rails as the actual underlying conspiracy is that the government is turning everyone gay with chemicals for their own agendas but because of a certain internet conspiracy personality, it kind of evolved into just being about the frogs which is funnier. Our next theory is The Finland doesn’t exist conspiracy which is based on the idea that the landmass that is Finland is a ploy by the Japanese so that they can freely fish in the ocean. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humour, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Somalian Pirate Stock Exchange

MAaDqFg_PRg | 28 Nov 2023

Somalian Pirate Stock Exchange

Somali Pirate Exchange Transcript: If like me you too have recently lost a lot of your life savings in the investment of ornamental gourds and weekly NVDA 350 puts you might be feeling a little discouraged by your prospects as the next warren buffet, however, there is one thing that you have access to today that the investing legends of old never did. The opportunity to invest in the Somalian Pirate Stock Exchange, now hold on I know what you are thinking, “Is this legal?” “does this make money” “Will I get arrested?” The answers to your questions are no yes and maybe. Now that we have that out of the way we can get down to business. As a potential financier of piracy, you will need to understand a few of the basics of the SPSE and some background knowledge so that when you do finally take that big step you won't look like an amateur. Starting with what is the Somali pirate stock exchange? To be succinct it’s an investment method that involves purchasing small arms and weapons in order to equip Somalian pirates to be able to commandeer trade vessels and cargo with the aim of selling the inventory to generate returns for investors. The pirate exchange was created in 2009 by a pirate organization and now has at least 70 listed organizations just waiting for your investment. Some notable organizations that have excelled recently are Mogadishu Multilateral Limited, Somali Audit Organisation, and Banderbeyla Reverse Merger Corporation. Im actually invested in the Banderbeyla reverse merger co as recently they have had quite a great record of hostile takeovers of other organizations within the exchange. My endorsement of the Banderbeyla reverse merger co should not be taken as financial advice, although I do have my chartered pirate analyst qualification level 2 working towards my level 3 which allows for actual boarding of the ships during missions and greater revenue splits. If you are still unsure about investing with the PYSE I’ll walk you through a classic investment opportunity from beginning to end. Modern brokers do not currently support the Somalian pirate method as a valid form of investment for stupid reasons like legality, international courts, and other nerd shit like that. That’s where CPAs like me step in and facilitate the investment by connecting you to our patented Pirateberg terminals that are directly connected to the SPSE, where organizations can sell shares of the corporation or sell bonds that finance a single mission. As you can see from some of the charts here the returns are pretty persuasive. After purchasing a mission bond you are then sent details of the mission statement and big spenders are even allowed to contribute to mission formation and battle tactics. Just a piece of advice from one investor to another any attempts to sabotage the mission through the leaking of the mission statement will be seen as an act of war against the SPSE and all 70 organisations are required to kidnap and ransom you as a punishment. This has happened before and personally have had a hand in a few sting operations myself. After the finalization of the mission statement the equipment and ammunition are purchased and readied and the team members are briefed, On the day of the mission the members of the team track down and begin their assault on the target, boarding the cargo ship and making sure there are no guards. Once on the ship they get into the control room and take control of the ship. “look at me im de captain now” “yea man we have all seen the film im de captain now yea try something original for once eh?” With the ship under pirate control, the rest of the mission is carried out whether that is acquiring the specific items that were planned for or taking the entire cargo ship back to one of our famous fence ports where skilled teams strip and remove all valuables. After the goods are taken the members are then extracted by speedboat, helicopter, or black magic depending on the scale of the mission, and back at pirate HQ the investors are informed about their successful investment. After a successful mission, the loot can be shipped to you directly although wire deposits can be arranged through one of our bank fraud associates. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humour, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Stupidest Scientific Theories

73C0Kh0no2k | 25 Nov 2023

Stupidest Scientific Theories

Transcript: Today we are going to be talking about some of the dumbest scientific theories that have been proposed and why they sucked. Starting off with plant communism which was theorised by a Russian scientist by the name of Lysenko, he lived in the USSR at the time which is where I'm guessing he got the inspiration for his theory. Lysenko rejected the idea of natural selection and Mendelian genetics in favour of his own agricultural techniques based on communist theory and the idea of vernalisation which is just conditioning. He believed that he could increase wheat seeds’ crop yield by subjecting them to conditioning by exposing them to high humidities and low temperatures. According to this theory if you put your balls in a vice then your children would have extreme resistance to pressure and would be superhumans. So it's not really surprising that his ideas never really took off, or is that just what they want you to think? “ Do not put your balls in a vice” He expanded on this theory stating that the concept of the gene is a bourgeois invention, that there were no clearly defined species, and that you can change your nature exclusively by conditioning your environment. He also refuted the idea of random mutation claiming it was the enemy of science. Lysenko's” Big Gene is brainwashing the youth just to sell more DNA testing kits”. Me: “What?”. Lysenko's theories were popular in the USSR and critics of the theory were seen as criticising the communist party by proxy so were disappeared by Stalin. The effects of this disastrous theory were that crop yields declined as a result and many blame Lysenko for extending the famines that plagued the USSR in turn needlessly killing millions of civilians. Name something more iconic than a communist idea and famines they go together like two peas in a pod except there are no peas because everyone is starving. Writers of the time stated that the effect Lysenko had on Russian biology was setting it back by 50 years. The next botched theory is that of spontaneous generation which is the opposite of spontaneous combustion, it was put forth by Aristotle, (Yea that Aristotle the same Greek scientist famous for creating the scientific method) that creatures can be created from inanimate objects such as how a maggot grows from rotting meat. Obviously, I'll cut Aristotle some slack because he was born about 2300 years ago so logically when you see rotting meat spawn maggots from nowhere you just assume they randomly came into being. The theory was further proven by an experiment in which you would put a sweaty t-shirt (it had to be sweaty for some reason) in a jar with wheat husks. Within a few days, the jar would have spontaneously generated some mice and people were like yea see that it's proof. The experiment was later debunked as the mice just wandered into the jar as mice do. In the case of the maggots and how they are created here's a short informational bit. Although not as bad as the communist plants the idea that 1 + 0 could ever be greater than 1 will always be dumb The Water fluoridation theory or should I say conspiracy theory caused a massive scare in the 1950s during McCarthyism where the belief was that the fluoridation in the water was responsible for a decrease in reading and writing levels amongst children in the US. If you look at reading levels in the US today maybe it wasn’t so much of a conspiracy after all. Nevertheless at the time It was even regarded as a greater threat to Americans than the atomic bomb as it could easily and discretely be added to the water lines and no one would be the wiser. The extent to which this was believed was quite widespread as in Florida fluoride introduction was rejected from thousands of communities due to these fears, which I mean yea it's Florida what did we expect. Towards the end of the 20th century, the theory was changed from decreasing intelligence to decreasing resistance to outside influence and allowing for people to be mind controlled. The fluoride causes calcification of the pineal gland which is where melatonin is secreted as well as regulating the sleep cycle. That last part is actually true btw and it's why it's banned in the EU. Nevertheless, our boys across the pond aren’t more easily influenced and aren’t prone to conspiracies so we are all fine. hopefully. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humour, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Cannibal Warlords of Liberia

E4X8q2OyPaQ | 21 Nov 2023

Cannibal Warlords of Liberia

Today we are going to be talking about the crazy warlords of Liberia starting off with General Butt Naked also known as Joshua Milton Blayhi, Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor, General Rambo, General Mosquito, and General Mosquito Spray. This video goes into detail about the life of these generals and their achievements as well as incorporating slapstick and ironic humour to lighten the topic. These animations were drawn using photoshop and the majority of it is hand drawn, no AI was used in the animation or drawing of this video. Stoic Stick, Stoic, GradeAunderA, GradeA, Informational, Mockumentary, Animated videos, Animation, MSPaint, Just Casual, just casual, envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humour, Sam O’Nella Academy, Sam Onella, OverSimplified, oversimplified, BlueJay, bluejay, Mostly True, Jay Foreman, TierZoo, tierzoo, The Mythology Guy Weird History, MedievalMadness, Today I Found Out, Voices of the Past, Simple History, History Buffs, Top Discovery, JCS, jcs inspired, Good Enough, good enough, Casual Lectures, Casual Lecture,

Ranking Scams

FVS1QDfsQXk | 16 Nov 2023

Ranking Scams

A short animated video about my thoughts on the effectiveness and creativity of common modern scams.

The Worlds Worst Inventor

u7L5PhQsUTU | 09 Nov 2023

The Worlds Worst Inventor

A quick animated video about the life and exploits of Thomas Midgley the man who invented TEL and was involved in the creation of freon gas that had massive negative effects on the environment and health of generations to come.

Art of War for the Artless

CqhEtO-hvi4 | 02 Nov 2023

Art of War for the Artless

An animated video with my take on the first 6 chapters of Sun Tzus Art of War.