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How Eritrea is Fighting a War in Europe (and North America)

19WWojrAm0E | 20 Sep 2024

How Eritrea is Fighting a War in Europe (and North America)

Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) Eritrean cultural festivals are escalating into riots all across the world. Groups that oppose the government are clashing with those who (are perceived to) support the government. What is happening and how can we prevent further escalation? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Eritrea President Isaias Afwerki 'both charismatic and brutal' (BBC): The Eritrean ‘Fourth Front’: Festivals as a tool to control the diaspora (Martin Plaut):

How the Dutch are Destroying their Agricultural Sector

swMHQeKtZG0 | 06 Sep 2024

How the Dutch are Destroying their Agricultural Sector

Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) The Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world after the United States, but they're using just 0.5% of the farmland. But this industry is under pressure from as Dutch farmers are forced to downside to curb nitrogen emissions. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Cutting-edge tech made this tiny country a major exporter of food (Washington Post): This Tiny Country Feeds the World (National Geographic): Dutch Agri The Dutch used to be capitalist farmers, the 19th century forced them into family farming (Agrifood Networks): Dutch Agri Niek Koning: ‘The competitive advantage of Dutch farmers is eroding’ (Agrifood Networks): Agricultural Development in the Netherlands (WUR): #Netherlands #Agriculture

Why Sweden’s Immigration Crisis is Now Spreading to Denmark

dAlNyfOxDO4 | 23 Aug 2024

Why Sweden’s Immigration Crisis is Now Spreading to Denmark

Get started with Odoo for free today: The Danish spokesperson of the police called them "child soldiers" – teenagers from Sweden who are recruited to commit crimes in Denmark, and they're starting to become an epidemic. There have been over two dozen of such reports in the period from April-August 2024, but the frequency is increasing. What caused the gang violence in Sweden to spill over into Denmark? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Sweden breaks with its liberal past on migration (Financial Times): Sweden wants to copy Denmark's asylum policy ( Nordic countries join forces to combat spread of Swedish gang crime (Reuters): #Denmark #Sweden #Immigration

The Real Reason why the UK is Rioting about Immigration

Juh7G0PKIb8 | 16 Aug 2024

The Real Reason why the UK is Rioting about Immigration

A deep dissatisfaction with the government, migration policies, and perceived biases in the news was simmering under the surface when a horrible incident in Southport helped it violently erupt onto the streets. What is behind the riots in the UK that has hold the country in its grip for several weeks already? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT+ SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: As UK Public Attitudes Toward Migration are Increasingly Positive, It’s Time for More Balanced and Evidence-based Narratives (IOM): UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern (Migration observatory): Five Tory PMs and immigration: how numbers – and rhetoric – changed (the Guardian): #Southport #UK #Riots

You won’t believe what Denmark is doing here!

V6JSuoLDZpo | 09 Aug 2024

You won’t believe what Denmark is doing here!

Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) The modern wind industry started with the invention of the "Danish model" of wind turbines, and Denmark stayed ahead of the pack when they pioneered the first offshore wind farm in the early 1990s. Today, there is much more competition, but they're pioneering a new form of energy distribution. But weren't we told that wind energy was a scam? Won't all these offshore wind farms have severe negative consequences while there are far better sources of green energy available? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Danish Wind Pioneer Keeps Battling Climate Change (The New York Times) Harmony at sea: Nurturing marine ecosystems alongside sustainable offshore wind energy (Rabobank): Danish Investors Sketch Idea for $160 Billion Offshore ‘Energy Islands’ (Bloomberg): #Denmark #Windenergy

Why is the UK the Richest and Poorest of Europe?

Qlb-Ley0NuA | 26 Jul 2024

Why is the UK the Richest and Poorest of Europe?

Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. See important Masterworks disclosures: London is the richest region of Northern Europe. If it were a country, its GDP would be greater than that of Singapore and Norway, but what would the rest of the country look like? The UK is also home to 9 out of the 10 poorest regions of Northern Europe. The GDP per Capita of the UK without London is lower than that of Mississippi, the poorest of the United States. How has the UK become so unequal? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Is Britain really as poor as Mississippi? (Financial Times): Is the UK falling behind other rich economies? Yes, but that’s only part of the story (The Guardian): Why has Britain become so Poor? (The Times):

How this City became the Crime Capital of Europe

pjv_o_4lrSM | 19 Jul 2024

How this City became the Crime Capital of Europe

Get started with Odoo for free today: The market value of European cocaine trafficking has more than doubled in the past few years and the main port of entry shifted from Southern to Northern Europe. More specifically, to the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, where highly organized groups of criminals streamlined this business and became multi millionaires. But we're only beginning to grasp the effect this has on the region. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Tracking Trans Atlantic Drug Flow (CSIS): Europe Cocaine Hauls Reach New Record Heights (InSight Crime): ‘They are infiltrating our societies’: Drug crime boom threatens EU democracies (Politico):

Germany’s Second Migrant Crisis is Much Worse!

c8e5EJeynZo | 12 Jul 2024

Germany’s Second Migrant Crisis is Much Worse!

Let our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home. Visit and enjoy a special discount on your first month. If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: Images of the German warm welcome of refugees during the migrant crisis of 2015 travelled the world and inspired more refugees to choose Germany as their destination country. Now that a decade has passed and the number of asylum seekers in Europe is almost back to the level of 2015, what can we say about the success of Germany's handling of refugees during the first migrant crisis? And how will this second crisis be different? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Latest Asylum Trends 2023 (EUAA): Willkommenskultur: Has Germany turned its back on a welcoming approach to migrants? (Euronews): #Germany #MigrantCrisis

How China is Buying the Rivals of the Panama Canal

MvW-PZjBzS8 | 05 Jul 2024

How China is Buying the Rivals of the Panama Canal

Get started with Odoo for free today: There is a crisis happening in Panama. The canal is undersized, too expensive, and recurring droughts are limiting its operations. This raised interest in alternative routes through Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Colombia, and in all these places the Chinese are investing massively in securing a strategic position. How will this affect the position of the United States in the Western Hemisphere? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: US, China clash over neutrality of drought-hit Panama Canal (Riviera): China’s Ambitious Rail Projects Crash Into Harsh Realities in Latin America (New York Times): The Proposed Nicaragua Canal (USNI): Key Decision Point Coming for the Panama Canal (CSIS): Local outcry against Mexico’s Panama Canal rail alternative (Railway Technology):

Has Ireland Lost Control over its Immigration Crisis?!

0MdqYRiNSXw | 28 Jun 2024

Has Ireland Lost Control over its Immigration Crisis?!

Make sure to check out CyberGhostVPN using: Risk free for 45 days. Thanks to CyberGhost for sponsoring the video! Ireland has a long history of emigration and previous generations fled hunger and hardship to settle in other countries where they were often met with discrimination. But they persisted, integrated, and now this is now a proud part of their national consciousness. This explains in part why Ireland has historically had an above-average positive view of refugees compared to other European countries. And this made it an uncomfortable topic when immigration turned to mass immigration and the country struggled to cope with the increasing numbers of new arrivals. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Irish Emigration History (University College Cork): Ireland's asylum seeker crisis: Services at breaking point (Euronews): Ireland's Great Famine and its after-effects (Department of Foreign Affairs): #ireland #migrationcrisis

Why this $17 Billion Treasure is Not Excavated

myXrFzieKWk | 21 Jun 2024

Why this $17 Billion Treasure is Not Excavated

Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. See important Masterworks disclosures: The San Jose Galleon was sunk by the British in the early 1700s, taking with it the richest treasure cargo ever lost at sea, and it would take another 300 years before it would be seen again. In 2015, the Colombian government claimed to have found the shipwreck, but nearly a decade later, the excavation has still not started because of a number of claimants who dispute Colombia's claim to the loot. Support my channel on Patreon starting at $2 per month: FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: What Lies Beneath (Vanity Fair): Who will get the San Jose treasure? (DW): A $10 billion battle is brewing over ownership rights to a 300-year-old sunken warship believed to hold the biggest maritime treasure ever (Business Insider) #SanJoseGalleon #Colombia

Why the Netherlands Refuses to Get Stupid Rich

G-e0KHYEAYE | 14 Jun 2024

Why the Netherlands Refuses to Get Stupid Rich

Support my channel on Patreon starting at $2 per month: FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Rise and Fall of the Dutch Groningen Gas Field (European Gas Hub): Natural gas revenues almost 417 billion euros (CBS): Nederland gaat voor het eerst in 60 jaar de winter in zonder Gronings gas (NOS):

Why does Russia have "Autonomous" Republics?

gIY8fFe9keA | 07 Jun 2024

Why does Russia have "Autonomous" Republics?

Get started with Odoo for free today: There are 21 Republics in Russia that were created to give its ethnic minorities some degree of autonomy within the Russian Federation. Each Republic represents a specific ethnic group, who in many cases makes up the majority of the Republic's population. The extent to which they are autonomous has changed through history, but ever since Putin took office, he has been gradually stripping away their power in an effort to centralize all power in Moscow. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Rise and Fall of Power-Sharing Treaties Between Center and Regions in Post-Soviet Russia ( Korenizatsiya: The Soviet Nationalities Policy for Recognised Minorities Autonomy in the Russian Federation: Theory and Practice (JSTOR): #RussianRepublics

The Recurring Lie about the US Oil Industry

OFgxbvxZ8_4 | 31 May 2024

The Recurring Lie about the US Oil Industry

BetterHelp connects you to a therapist who can support you from the comfort of your own home. Visit and enjoy a special discount on your first month. We've been told for decades that oil is running out and that the U.S. needs to reduce its dependency on imported oil. But after decades of hearing that the end of oil is near, and that the U.S. is going to steer away from importing crude, the production is at all time highs and they're STILL importing about 40% of the oil they consume. So what's really going on? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Oil Dependence and U.S. Foreign Policy (Council on Foreign Affairs): Are We Running Out of Oil? (NCPA Think Tank): America Produces Enough Oil to Meet Its Needs, So Why Do We Import Crude? (NASDAQ): Why the U.S. Must Import and Export Oil (American Petroleum Institute): #USOil #Documentary

You won't believe what Egypt is doing here!

SI567DaXF7c | 24 May 2024

You won't believe what Egypt is doing here!

Make sure to check out CyberGhostVPN using: Risk free for 45 days. Thanks to CyberGhost for sponsoring the video! Egypt has a massive problem. Food has gotten so expensive that many families now depend on food subsidies, their cities are overcrowded, and their arable land is shrinking due to urbanization. To tackle all these issues, Egypt is working on three megaprojects: a new administrative capital, a new nile delta, and potentially also... the Qattara Depression Project. Is this a stroke of genius? Or a vision of a mad man? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Small Farmer Uprisings and Rural Neglect in Egypt and Tunisia (MERIP): How Nasser Changed World Politics (Tribune): Qattara Depression Project: Time to Revisit? (Energy Central) #egypt #newadministrativecapital #newniledelta #qattaradepression

The Dark Secret of Dubai that Nobody Talks About

tG28yF_NhBI | 17 May 2024

The Dark Secret of Dubai that Nobody Talks About

Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. See important Masterworks disclosures: In 1950, Dubai was a melting pot of peoples from around the Gulf. The indigenous Arabs were mainly pearl divers, while about half the population consisted of merchant families from Persia and India who used their foreign connections to turn Dubai into a trade hub for goods between Asia and Europe. But a lot has changed since then. The discovery of oil drastically changed the social fabric of Dubai. In this video, we'll explore how Dubai transformed into the highly stratified society we know today, with some of the highest numbers of modern slaves in the world. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Transformation-Migration Nexus in the United Arab Emirates: A Historical Analysis: Building Towers, Cheating Workers: Exploitation of Migrant Construction Workers in the United Arab Emirates #Dubai #ModernSlavery

Something weird is happening in the Guianas

biV4LMoO1FY | 26 Apr 2024

Something weird is happening in the Guianas

Sign up for a 14-day free trial and enjoy all the amazing features MyHeritage has to offer: Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana once were collectively known as the Guianas, a territory that also comprised areas of modern-day Venezuela and Brazil. They are an oddity in the America's. They're not latino, they don't speak Spanish or Portuguese, and they have a highly diverse population. But they also inherited a messy network of disputed borders from their colonial past, and tensions are increasing now that Venezuela is claiming large parts of Guyana's territory, and are building up their military presence in the region. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Guyana–Venezuela territorial dispute (Wikipedia): 2023 Guyana–Venezuela crisis (Wikipedia): Venezuela claims large support for annexing oil-rich Guyana territory (Al Jazeera) #guyana #venezuela #guianas

How the United States Just Expanded its Territory by 11%

XLHgQJDQMkg | 05 Apr 2024

How the United States Just Expanded its Territory by 11%

Make sure to check out CyberGhostVPN using: Risk free for 45 days. Thanks to CyberGhost for sponsoring the video! The United States just announced that it will claim a vast swath of sea bed that will enlarge its territory by 11%! This is the greatest addition of territory since the purchase of Alaska, but it's barely reported on by mainstream media. Is the U.S. hiding something? Or is it not as it seems? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) TRANSCRIPT + ALL SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Outer Limits of the Extended Continental Shelf of the United States of America (The U.S. Extended Continental Shelf Project): Wealth on the Shelf: The U.S. Extended Continental Shelf Clarification (Law Fare Media): Continental Shelf and the Quiet Ocean Commons Grab (International Law Blog): Five Takeaways from the US Continental Shelf Announcement #USHistory #MaritimeLaw #ECS

Is this Russia’s Smartest Idea in History?

MC3g8XSlQ6A | 22 Mar 2024

Is this Russia’s Smartest Idea in History?

Play Supremacy 1914 for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: 💥 Receive a Unique Starter Pack, available only for the next 30 days! During the first 400 years under Russian rule, Siberia was largely undeveloped. But that changed in the mid 1800s, when the political center of gravity shifted to the Western Pacific. Many European countries started to establish themselves in this region, and Russia realized that their lack of development in Eastern Siberia was a strategic weakness. Their choice was to either develop the region, or to risk that another nation would do it for them. They chose to build a railroad. This is the story of the Trans Siberian Railroad with Hindsight. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Road to power : the Trans-Siberian railroad and the colonization of Asian Russia, 1850-1917 History of Trans-Siberian Railway:

You won't believe what Norway just found!

8xSs2DPIBQQ | 08 Mar 2024

You won't believe what Norway just found!

Make sure to check out CyberGhostVPN using: Risk free for 45 days. Thanks to CyberGhost for sponsoring the video! Norway is already one of the richest countries in the world, but they will be much richer. On top of their vast offshore oil reserves, they now found out to have a massive deposit of phosphate. This will instantly make them the world leader of this precious mineral which is used to create fertilizer, batteries, and electric cars. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: ‘Great news’: EU hails discovery of massive phosphate rock deposit in Norway (Euractiv): Norway’s oil history in 5 minutes ( This video contains a sponsored section. 3:23: start sponsored section 4:29: end sponsored section #norway #phosphate

How Italy is Destroying Its Economy

BsJg_cyz8SM | 23 Feb 2024

How Italy is Destroying Its Economy

Beware Europe! Italy is spending again... But is this a mistake or a stroke of genious? Italy is currently going through a period of economic slowdown, as they have several times before in the past. But each historic slowdown was followed by a period of unprecedented, record-breaking growth. Can Italy do it again? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: #Italy #Economy

The Mississippi River Crisis Explained

DGf07TCCh54 | 09 Feb 2024

The Mississippi River Crisis Explained

Play War Thunder for FREE and receive a massive Bonus Pack if you sign up today through my link: The problems of the Mississippi River are all over the news. One day it's flooding, the other it's drying. Salt water is intruding in the river's delta, the water is contaminated. What's going on?! It turns out... a classic man against nature story. Enjoy the video! Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Mississippi River Commission (US Army Corps of Engineers): Mississippi River – a Cultural Treasure (American Rivers): Letting the River Run (The Nature Conservancy): #MississippiRiver

Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem

aQDyV9nAYC8 | 26 Jan 2024

Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem

Saudi Arabia has an arch enemy and they're just across the Gulf. Iran wants to see the monarchy of Saudi Arabia overthrown, and for an Islamic Republic to be established. This is one of the great power rivalries of the 20th and 21st century, that's now turning increasingly hot. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations (Wikipedia): Iran-Saudi Arabia Proxy Conflict (Wikipedia): #SaudiArabia #Iran #Yemen

How Sweden is Destroyed by the Immigration Crisis

rUw4cs2MHwc | 12 Jan 2024

How Sweden is Destroyed by the Immigration Crisis

Sweden is overrun by immigrants and is amidst a gang war. They are en route to becoming the capital of gun crimes in Europe, while less than a decade ago, they were amongst the safest countries in Europe. Does this mean the end of Sweden's famous middle way? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Violent Gang Crisis Shaking Sweden (Financial Times): Income, wealth and equal opportunities in Sweden (OECD): The Rise and Fall of the Swedish Model (UNDP): The surprising ingredients of Swedish success – free markets and social cohesion (IEA) #Sweden #Immigration

How the Dutch Realized this Insane Megaproject

76sFFiwPJ9E | 29 Dec 2023

How the Dutch Realized this Insane Megaproject

The North Sea Flood in 1953 was the worst environmental disaster in The Netherlands in the 20th century, but it had an unexpected side effect. This event led to an unprecedented rate of development in the region which positively benefitted the region, and led to one of the modern wonders of the world: the Delta Works. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Watersnoodramp 1953 (KNMI): Lijst van publicaties door Deltacommissie (Kennisbank Waterbouw): De Aanleg van de Deltawerken (Geschiedenis van Zuid Holland): #DeltaWorks #Flood

Canada's Key to Global Power

wi6DacEs3OM | 22 Dec 2023

Canada's Key to Global Power

The fabled Northwest Passage might actually soon become a reality. With the sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago melting, the passage could be Canada's key to global power. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The U.S. – Canada Northwest Passage Dispute (Brown Political Review): Canada's Sovereignty Over the Northwest Passage (Michigan Journal of International Law): The Northwest Passage as a Matter of National Security (Environment & Society Portal): #northwestpassage #canada

Why the Panama Canal is Stuck

x1eitXq5DVk | 01 Dec 2023

Why the Panama Canal is Stuck

The capacity of the Panama Canal is reduced by 50%, and some ships need to offload over half their cargo. As the worst drought in recorded history lowers the water levels of Gatun Lake, the administrators are forced to lower the number of transits. Is this the beginning of the end for the Panama Canal? Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Panama Canal drought hits new crisis level with nearly half of vessel traffic targeted for cuts (CNBC): Panama Canal Water Source Gatun Lake Still Shrinking, Slowing Ship Traffic (DTN) #PanamaCanal #Documentary

How the Dutch solved an (almost) Impossible Problem

_LSVNW_bPqs | 17 Nov 2023

How the Dutch solved an (almost) Impossible Problem

The ocean has been friend and foe for as The Netherlands exist. The Dutch have long used their ingenuity to manage the water, but a perfect storm in 1916 prompted them to embark on the most ambitious project to date: to reclaim the Zuider Sea. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Canon van Flevoland (Canon Van Nederland): De inpolderingshistorie (Stichting Polder Pioniers): Ontgonnen verleden (WUR): #TheNetherlands #History #Flevoland

How Haiti came to the Brink of Collapse

x5I-nJyKp0A | 03 Nov 2023

How Haiti came to the Brink of Collapse

Haiti transformed from being the richest colony on earth to being the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. This spectacular downfall reached an all-time low in 2010 with a massive earthquake causing widespread destruction, and managed to sink even lower after that. But there IS hope. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Haiti’s Troubled Path to Development (Council on Foreign Relations): Growth And Structure of the Economy (Country Studies): François Duvalier, 1957–1971 (Library of Congress): The MW 7.0 Haiti Earthquake of January 12, 2010: USGS/EERI Advance Reconnaissance Team Report (USGS): In Search Of The Red Cross' $500 Million In Haiti Relief (NPR): Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): #haiti #disaster

The Terrifying History of Israel (and how it Led to War)

bwwoyKrP9qo | 20 Oct 2023

The Terrifying History of Israel (and how it Led to War)

Go to to spot media bias and see the full story. Subscribe through my link for as little as $1/ month or get 30% unlimited access for $5/month, this month only. ---- Hamas launched an invasion of Israel, and Israel responded with brutal force. What led to this conflict to never seem to end, and to escalate so violentely? 0:00 Hamas Attacks 1:00 Israel Responds 1:31 Introduction 2:25 Ad Read 3:48 1898 Start of Zionism 5:30 1917-47 Jewish Settlement 7:07 The Interests of the U.S. 7:50 1947 Formation of Israel 8:36 1948 Arab-Israeli War 9:40 1956 Suez Crisis 10:50 U.S. Involvement 11:56 1967: Six-Day War 12:53 Refugees 13:17 1973 Yom Kippur War 14:30 1973 Oil Embargo 15:00 1978: Camp David Accords 15:34 Israeli Settlements 16:30 1987-93 First Intifada 16:48 Hamas 17:31 1993 Oslo Accords 17:49 Assassination Rabin 18:39 2000-05 Second Intifada 19:24 Stalemate 20:27 Start of 2023 War FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? (Council on Foreign Relations): Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Center for Preventive Action): Israel profile - Timeline (BBC): #israel #palestine #history #documentary

Why North Korea is Untouchable (not Nukes!)

7F40vJkr_Ps | 15 Sep 2023

Why North Korea is Untouchable (not Nukes!)

North Korea and the United States have in several occasions been at the brink of war, but it hasn't escalated into a direct conflict since 1953. But why? Remember, they didn't have nukes until 2006. This video aims to answer why the U.S. hasn't intervened militarily between the armistice agreement of 1953, and the development of nukes in 2006. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: How the Korean War Almost Went Nuclear (Smithsonian) North Korea’s Military Strategy (Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)): North Korea’s Power Structure (Council on Foreign Relations): Nine charts which tell you all you need to know about North Korea (BBC): #NorthKorea #History

The Real Reason why the US Bought Alaska from Russia

7T8M7CwEk58 | 01 Sep 2023

The Real Reason why the US Bought Alaska from Russia

The purchase of Alaska is surrounded by one of the most persistent historical myths of our time. It was dubbed "Seward's Folly," after then Secretary of State William H. Seward, and was supposedly widely opposed by the public. But that... isn't true. In this video, we're taking you through the events surrounding the Purchase of Alaska. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: There Are Two Versions of the Story of How the U.S. Purchased Alaska From Russia (Smithsonian): Purchase of Alaska, 1867 (Office of the Historian): Seward's Bargain: The Alaska Purchase from Russia (National Archives): Timeline of Important Laws and Events Impacting Tribal Governments in Alaska (University of Alaska Fairbanks): The Alaska Purchase (Library of Congress): #PurchaseOfAlaska #USHistory

Is China really buying These Islands near Australia?

w6ikU4wVR9I | 18 Aug 2023

Is China really buying These Islands near Australia?

There is a string of private islands for sale in Papua New Guinea. The water around the islands is sufficiently deep for about any ship and the largest island can support a large air strip. Guess who's looking to buy? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: NOW AVAILABLE: A SLICE OF HEAVEN (Club Marine): Australia can help stop the Conflict Islands living up to their name (Australian Strategic Policy Institute): #china #conflictislands

How The US and Turkey Checkmated Russia

o886NyYPJN8 | 11 Aug 2023

How The US and Turkey Checkmated Russia

It has frustrated the Russian leadership for centuries, but the only straits that can be used for ships to leave or enter the Black Sea is controlled by Turkey. When they were the Ottoman Empire, the Turks competed for global dominance. Now that they're a republic they sided with NATO. Is the War in Ukraine part of a centuries old quest for dominance in the Black Sea? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: The Geostrategic Importance of the Black Sea Region: A Brief History (CSIS): NATO and Russia in the Black Sea: A New Confrontation? (CSIS): Russia’s Design in The Black Sea: Extending the Buffer Zone (CSIS):

Is China Stealing Indonesia's Natuna Islands?

r959JBxxWoE | 04 Aug 2023

Is China Stealing Indonesia's Natuna Islands?

China and Indonesia have always maintained to have no territorial disputes in the South China Sea, but that might change. It began with a changed attitude between the two country's navies after an encroachment of Chinese fishing vessels into Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone, and it escalated after Indonesias started drilling oil in disputed waters. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Indonesia Leans Further Toward US Amid Growing Maritime Dispute With China (VOA): Remote Military Outpost will Help Indonesia Resist Chinese Maritime Expansion (VOA): China Demanded Halt to Indonesian Drilling Near Natuna Islands: Report (The Diplomat): EXCLUSIVE China protested Indonesian drilling, military exercises (Reuters): To deter Chinese sea claims, Indonesia puts its fishers on the front line Did the Natuna Incident Shake Indonesia-China Relations? (Yosof Ishak Intitute): The Natuna Islands: 'Malaysian in geography', Indonesian in sovereignty (Astro Awani): #natunaislands #southchinasea

Why the Gulf of Aden is becoming a Military Hotspot

NS0exw85H9s | 28 Jul 2023

Why the Gulf of Aden is becoming a Military Hotspot

The rapid militarization of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea is very telling of great power politics at this time. In this video, I'll walk you through the main events and arguments. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Red Sea Rivalries (Brookings Doha Center): The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea (Observer Research Foundation): The Complicated Nature of Red Sea Geopolitics (Arab Center Washington DC) #geopolitics #gulfofaden

How the Philippines could Avoid an Invasion of Taiwan

Hg9e9WK8l9o | 21 Jul 2023

How the Philippines could Avoid an Invasion of Taiwan

In the event of an Chinese invasion of Taiwan, it would be crucial for China to isolate the island. One of the most important chokepoints, however, is currently controlled by the Philippines, who allow U.S. forces to be stationed nearby. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Why is the Bashi Channel so important for Taiwan, China and the Neighboring States? (Geopolitics Today): Why China’s Military Wants to Control These 2 Waterways in East Asia (The Diplomat): #geopolitics #bashichannel #taiwan

Who Really Owns the South China Sea?

-YFnLhAYe9k | 14 Jul 2023

Who Really Owns the South China Sea?

The main events and escalations of the South China Sea dispute, told from the perspectives of the main regional actors. Support me on Patreon: (starting at $2 per month) 0:00 Introduction 1:18 WWII 4:21 The Historical Claims from China & Vietnam 7:16 Free Territory of Freedomland 10:03 The Discovery of Oil 11:05 The Vietnam War 11:39 Escalation: China - South Vietnam 12:28 Escalation: South Vietnam - the Philippines 13:30 Escalation: North Vietnam - South Vietnam 15:12 Malaysia and Brunei 15:57 UNCLOS 17:08 China's Claim, explained 19:24 Escalation: China - Vietnam 22:10 1990s 23:04 2000s 23:47 2011 26:56 The United States 28:14 Escalation: China - The Philippines 30:05 Escalation: China - Vietnam 31:19 China's Artificial Islands 35:15 Escalation: United States - China 36:20 Escalation: United States - China 37:36 The Dispute Today FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: The tiny islands that could explode the China-Vietnam relationship Brad Lendon (CNN): China 's Claim of Sovereignty over Spratly and Paracel Islands: A Historical and Legal Perspective (School of Law: Case Western Reserve University): Understanding the South China Sea Dispute (China US Focus): China Island Tracker (ASIA MARITIME TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE): China’s Maritime Disputes (Council on Foreign Relations): BOOKS: Asian Waters: In the Dragon's Shadow: Southeast Asia in the Chinese Century: #southchinaseadispute #southchinasea

The Fall of the Qing Dynasty

CLfneDGZ7Uw | 30 Jun 2023

The Fall of the Qing Dynasty

The fall of the Qing Dynasty ended imperial rule in China, a turning point in its history. Internal conflicts, foreign interference, and social unrest weakened the dynasty, leading to its demise. In 1912, the last Qing emperor was abdicated, the Republic of China was established. This set the stage for profound transformations in politics, society, and culture. This is the Fall of the Qing Dynasty with Hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MAIN SOURCES: The Chinese Revolution of 1911 (Office of the Historian/US State Department) The Fall of China's Qing Dynasty in 1911–1912 (ThoughtCo.) Qing dynasty, 1644–1911 (National Museum of Asian Art)

Would the Philippines go to War over Sabah?

RSTFMBuUwwU | 23 Jun 2023

Would the Philippines go to War over Sabah?

Centuries before Sabah came under the colonial administration of the United Kingdom, they were part of the Sulu Sultanate, which is now incorporated into the Philippines. So when the Federation of Malaysia was formed and they announced that Sabah would be incorporated into their nation, and not the Philippines, it threatened a direct conflict between the two nations. This is the North Borneo Dispute, with Hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: The Discord over Sabah between Malaysia and the Philippines (Indian Council of World Affairs): Sabah: Malaysia’s Or Philippines’? (The Asean Post): Dec 1968 - The Sabah Dispute (Stanford): North Borneo dispute (Wikipedia): #sabah #malaysia #philippines

The Fall of SE Asia's Most BRUTAL Regime

nLalwSuJXx8 | 16 Jun 2023

The Fall of SE Asia's Most BRUTAL Regime

The brutality of the Khmer Rouge is well documented and known. The extremity of their communist vision went to such lengths, that the communist government in Vietnam eventually intervened and invaded Cambodia to topple its government. This is the fall of the Khmer Rouge with Hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: MAIN SOURCES: Khmer Rouge History (Cambodia Tribunal Monitor): Khmer Rouge: Cambodia's years of brutality (BBC): THE RISE AND FALL OF THE KHMER ROUGE REGIME (Asia Pacific Curriculum): Origins of the Khmer Rouge (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum): #khmerrouge #cambodia

How Vietnam CRUSHED the French Army

c3x32eTWmS4 | 09 Jun 2023

How Vietnam CRUSHED the French Army

Vietnam was ruled by the French, but well-organized rebel groups were fighting for independence. Most notably the Viet Minh. They confronted the French in the epic climactic battle of Dien Bien Phu. This is where they absolutely crushed the French, and this became a turning point in the war and the French colonial administration of French Indochina. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MAIN SOURCES: Maps of Decisive Phases of the Siege of Dien Bien Phu (Osprey Publishing): Battle of Dien Bien Phu (Chemins Des Memoire): Five Hills at Dien Bien Phu (Warfare History Network): THE BATTLE OF DIEN BIEN PHU (Alpha History): #dienbienphu #vietnam

How the Pathet Lao Overthrew the Monarchy

PUx0qyik7iQ | 02 Jun 2023

How the Pathet Lao Overthrew the Monarchy

The Pathet Lao had been embattled in a civil war against the Royal Lao Government for many years, but on December 2nd, 1975, this ended. The Pathet Lao managed to overrun the capital of Laos and to establish a communist government. This is how the Pathet Lao overthrew the Monarchy with Hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MAIN SOURCES: National day - Birthday of the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Laos in 1975 (Luangprabang Laos): Revolution in Laos - The North Vietnamese and the Pathet Lao (RAND): Laos (JFK Library): #pathetlao #1975 #laos

Why Indonesia Attacked the Federation of Malaysia

AIKEcjIqIOI | 26 May 2023

Why Indonesia Attacked the Federation of Malaysia

After the British agreed to Malaysia becoming an independent state, a conflict with Indonesia started. The British wanted this new federation to include all their former colonies, including those on the island of Borneo. But Indonesia sought to unite all Malay speaking people and this included the former British colonies on Borneo. This is the Indonesian confrontation, or Konfrontasi, with Hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MAIN SOURCES: Indonesian Confrontation (National Museum Australia) Konfrontasi (Confrontation) Ends (History SG): Indonesia–Malaysia Confrontation (Singapore Infopedia): How ‘Konfrontasi’ Reshaped Southeast Asian Regional Politics (The Diplomat): The Scourge of Sukarno (Historical Eye): #konfrontasi #history

The Fall of Saigon

Fqyuf_ZUu2o | 19 May 2023

The Fall of Saigon

The Fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War. It led to the eventual reunification of North and South Vietnam, it ended American occupation, and it led to the change of the capital's name. In this video, we experience the last moments of a war that lasted for two decades. MAIN SOURCES: April 30, 1975: Saigon Has Fallen (Associated Press) The Fall of Saigon (1975): The Bravery of American Diplomats and Refugees (National Museum of American Diplomacy): FULL TRANSCRIPT: #FallOfSaigon #VietnamWar

The Greek Civil War in 8 minutes

r11Mm30o8hI | 28 Apr 2023

The Greek Civil War in 8 minutes

After the Axis powers left Greece at the end of WW2, the country entered a new war. The country was embattled in a civil war between political ideologies, and different visions for the future of the country. This is the Greek Civil War with hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: The Greek Civil War, 1944-1949 (The National WWII Museum) The Greek Civil War, 1946–1949 (Origins) Greece: a country study:

The Spanish Civil War – in 7 minutes!

LtBBHjZl10A | 21 Apr 2023

The Spanish Civil War – in 7 minutes!

In many ways, the Spanish Civil War was a prelude to World War II. The country was on a crossroads towards either communism or fascism. When a leftist government was elected to office, some high-ranking military officers conspired to overthrow the government. This is how the Spanish Civil War started, unfolded, and ended, with hindsight. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Spanish Civil War breaks out (History) Spanish Civil War Summary (The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives) Jul 18, 1936 CE: Spanish Civil War (National Geographic)

Top 10 Events | The Troubles in Northern Ireland

UenpQyX7egU | 11 Apr 2023

Top 10 Events | The Troubles in Northern Ireland

After Northern Ireland had been tormented for decades by extremist groups that wanted unification with Ireland and others that wanted to remain within the UK, exactly 25 years ago, the historic Good Friday Agreement put the conflict on a different course towards more peace and stability. Celebrating the anniversary of this historic accord, in this video I'll walk you through the 10 main events leading up to this point. 1:19 - Partition of Ireland 3:00 - The Battle of Bogside 4:20 - Bloody Sunday 5:28 - Direct Rule 6:14 - Bloody Friday 7:17 - Sunningdale Agreement 9:19 - Warrenpoint Ambush 11:01 - The Murder of Lord Mountbatten 11:39 - IRA ceasefire 12:39 - The Good Friday Agreement FULL SOURCES + TRANSCRIPT: FURTHER READING: How the Troubles Began in Northern Ireland (History): Moving Past the Troubles: The Future of Northern Ireland Peace (Council On Foreign Relations): Good Friday Agreement: What is it? (BBC): Who are Northern Ireland loyalists? Unionists vs nationalists divide explained as Belfast riots continue (National World):

In 1962, the CIA found Spies in the Arctic and.... wow!

SF7EUaiagN8 | 07 Apr 2023

In 1962, the CIA found Spies in the Arctic and.... wow!

Project Coldfeet was a top secret mission from the CIA to retrieve intel from an abandoned research station from the Soviet Union. A pressure ridge had destroyed the station's runway, rendering it impossible to reach. But impossible isn't in the CIA's vocabulary. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Robert Fulton's Skyhook and Operation Coldfeet (CIA): FURTHER WATCHING: The Debrief: Behind the Artifact - Skyhook (Central Intelligence Agency): #OperationColdfeet #CIA

How Did Portugal Become A Democracy?

LLvptTwGqkQ | 31 Mar 2023

How Did Portugal Become A Democracy?

In less than 24 hours, Portugal changed from an autocratic, colonizing empire into a modern, democratic nation. But even though that change happened so swiftly, it was decades in the making. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: 0:40 Backstory 5:07 Timeline of events FURTHER READING: 25 Things To Know About Portugal’s Carnation Revolution (Portugal): Timeline of the Carnation Revolution (Wikipedia):

How Australia Cheats East Timor of its Natural Gas

3EiTlsrbrVI | 24 Mar 2023

How Australia Cheats East Timor of its Natural Gas

East Timor and Australia have had a maritime border dispute for centuries. Their disagreements are fueled by the prospects of natural gas and oil. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER READING: Noam Chomsky: can revolutionary pacificism deliver peace? (The Conversation): Timor Gap: a boundary, yet disputes linger (Lowy Institute):

How the Philippines Survived a Shocking Coup Attempt

YWAKuKOG4xU | 17 Mar 2023

How the Philippines Survived a Shocking Coup Attempt

In 1989, an attempted coup against the administration of Corazon Aquino was barely swayed off. In this video, I explore the events leading up and during the week of the coup attempt. FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: 1:07 Background 2:46 November 29, 1989 3:16 November 30, 1989 3:56 December 1, 1989 6:46 December 2, 1989 8:05 December 4-9, 1989 8:33 The involvement of the United States FURTHER READING: The Full Report on the 1989 Attempted Coup:

How Indonesia Crushed Dutch Colonizers

jRqsY_a4IGA | 10 Mar 2023

How Indonesia Crushed Dutch Colonizers

During the Indonesian National Revolution and the subsequent Indonesian War of Independence, Indonesia gained independence from The Netherlands. But how did these events unfold? 0:33 Background 2:27 First Conflict Phase 3:17 Second Conflict Phase 5:42 Third Conflict Phase FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: FURTHER WATCHING: The Indonesian National Revolution: Every Day (Ollie Bye) FURTHER READING: Netherlands/Dutch East Indies (1927-1949): BASIC DUTCH-INDONESIAN ISSUES AND THE LINGGADJATI AGREEMENT: Indonesia profile - Timeline

Was the Arab Spring All For Nothing?

UsKuBnyyOVc | 03 Mar 2023

Was the Arab Spring All For Nothing?

In 2011, protests in Tunisia kicked off a wave of protests that toppled leaders across the Arab World. This became known as the Arab Spring. But 10 years later, how have these protests affected the Arab People? FULL TRANSCRIPT + SOURCES: 1:10 Tunisia 3:43 Egypt 5:04 Libya 7:20 Yemen 8:36 Syria 11:12 Was it worth it? FURTHER READING: Arab Spring Timeline: 17 December 2010 to 17 December 2011 (Huffington Post): Timeline: How the Arab Spring unfolded (Al Jazeera): 10 years later: Was the Arab Spring a failure? (The Harvard Gazette): FURTHER WATCHING: What happened after the Arab Spring? | Start Here (Al Jazeera English): What Did Egypt’s Arab Spring Achieve? | A Decade of Spring (Vice): Why Tunisians Are Back On the Streets Again, 10 Years After the Arab Spring | A Decade of Spring (Vice):

Ontong Java: A Disappearing Paradise in Solomon Islands

3ymEnjMbYX8 | 01 Jun 2022

Ontong Java: A Disappearing Paradise in Solomon Islands

Climate change and rising sea levels are threatening the existence of Solomon Islands. For many small island communities, their traditional way of living is under attack. Ontong Java is a Polynesian community within Solomon Islands. There are roughly 3,000 that live across two villages on the atoll and another 1,000 people from Ontong Java have already settled in the capital of Solomon Islands: Honiara. I travelled to Solomon Islands in 2018 in an attempt to humanize sea level rise and climate change. I spent a couple of months with the community to learn from their perspective at the front lines of a global emergency. #SolomonIslands #SeaLevelRise #OntongJava