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HaHbbP1iLt4 | 09 Apr 2011
Well you wanted a video, and you suuuuuure got But seriously, I am alive and well. Crazy things happen to me all the time. So this is my gift to A video of me being me, explaining this crazy event that happened to my car. If you remember, this was my 1995 Chevy caprice. It used to have 24"s, two 12 inch pioneer premier speakers. 3 tvs...the works. Well now after being hit in the back; while it was parked in the hood. The car is no more. RIP Chevy 1995-2011

aYknt5L6VRI | 28 Dec 2009
Its that time of year again. Thanks to you guys out there showing love, and support. We had the biggest give away to date. For that I thank you. Look at the peoples reactions, when a random person does something kind. Wish more people realized there is more fun in loving than hating. MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR

RZ-8SjjGOFg | 22 Dec 2009
This is the final make a difference monday video. But dont let it stop you from making a difference in people lives everyday. I wanted to show you some things in my life that affected me in a profound way. While at the same time MOTIVATING you guys to strive for better in 2010. The song is called "walk with me" by DA Smart. Its a song that explains gang life in chicago.

LUIpms3RVh0 | 07 Dec 2009
HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE...GIVING TO THOSE WHO NEED IT: EVERY SALE GOES TO THE LESS FORTUNATE Well my friend and I heard that Al Gore, invented the internet. More than likely he but we decided to have fun with it...and dedicated this video to him and his efforts to save the earth. Any guy who invents the internet, and makes it possible for me to get internet porn is allllll right with Hope you enjoy. See you next Monday

5qKs74uiuBg | 30 Nov 2009
HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE...GIVING TO THOSE WHO NEED IT: EVERY SALE GOES TO THE LESS FORTUNATE We are back at it again. For another Monday. We decided to do something different. Something that didnt necassarily cost a lot of money. But took the actual time and effort to really sjhow people that u can make a difference and not have deep pockets. This video is a perfect example of how a little can go a long way. And that sometimes a warm meal can make people feel great. I hope that this series really motivates others to do things to change the lives of others for the better.

O9owP2RNL0Q | 24 Nov 2009
HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE...GIVING TO THOSE WHO NEED IT: EVERY SALE GOES TO THE LESS FORTUNATE MAKE A DIFFERENCE MONDAY. Is something we will be doing till the end of the year. i just wanna change peoples lives and have fun doing it. The Track is called "weerdo" by a group called HOLLYWEERD.. Sorry bout the sound. I tried to use a different cam....and IT SUCKS A FAT TURTLE DICK. My BAdd...wont happen again....this video is a lil computer was actin like a turtle dick as

V0bGs-hhenI | 14 Nov 2009
FOR THE RECORD: Its simple. You dont have to follow any rules or suggestions to be succesful. Just do your thing. Be creative. The success will come if you truly have talent. Dont waste time copying another youtubers style. It just wont work.

Q27-brQe73U | 18 Aug 2009
Well my voice is completley gone right now. So I decided until I can speak 100%, I was gonna give you the best of my live shows. Man we have so much fun on there it dont make any sense. When my voice comes back...Im mkaing a video called "Youtube EXPOSED"...where I talk about all this behind th scenes nonsense that goes on.....So all the fakes and Actors BEWARE...its a wrap!!! The Shows Pop Off Thursday at 8pm Central

o5Fkqj_I8lg | 03 Aug 2009
Mayne, I cant believe I haven't Done a video about my chevy in so long. A lot of people dont know, that was the first video i ever did. So you know I had to update the car-heads..that just love seeing cars get hooked up. Models, Cars, and Fun. Thats what its all about. The Song is From Paul Wall "Got to get it"....I thought the Title was Fitting for what Im about.... Cause I get it for real!!!!!!!!!! Chi City Mayne PS. Everyone thinks the shop did this work for Man Hell nah, they didnt even realize I was Mr Chi-City till after the fact. i paid regular price like everyone else... I just gave thema free plug..

NjUaM9S_qWE | 21 Jul 2009
Man, one thing I cant stand is a fake person. This is a perfect example why I dont like dealing with hollywood types. They say one thing, and do another. Keri Hilson's People beg me to do an interview and pull a no show. Then leave me with a $160, bill for her GARBAGE ass CD. WOW, What a great bunch of people. This is me just explaining what happened. NO MORE FAKES in '09 for real.

Z-ggplVA1Jk | 20 May 2009
Mayne, this is part 2 of my Chicago bulls Experience. This was a lot of fun for real. One thing I realized is, that being in a good mood is really infectious. Watch how many people seem to smile, when I approach them...or when i show them LOVE. I dont mean to be all preachy....but the truth is.....if you show luv to people...they show luv back....and thats the realest shit. Oh and for the people, who are confused about what games i went to. I went to the Toronto GAME at night...and the Boston game in the day. So at the end it goes from day to night....i did that just to fuck with your mind...LOL CHI CITY MAYNE!!!!!!!!!

QCMLGdsNi6c | 30 Apr 2009
The Song at the end can be FOUND HERE at this LINK BELOW::::: Man, on the real....a long time subscriber, and hommie. Had a few Bulls tickets that he had to get rid of, because he had other plans. So he contacted me and was wondering if I would like them. When I realized they were floor seats....I was like HELL YEA!!!!!!!! I have never sat on the floor in my life. I really cant afford to pay $1100 a ticket. So i was blessed that I got them. So this is my ADVENTURE. I had tickets to the Toronto and Boston Celtics Game. I Hope you guys ENJOY THIS AS MUCH AS I DID. Part Two will be out in a few days. Thanx YALL Chi City MAYNE!!!

ny0nBbkLntk | 06 Apr 2009
i really tried my best to answer the questions people sent me all the time. I hope this at least gives you a better idea of who i am. At another time, I might do another one, answering even more questions. it took me a while to do this, because lately i have been busy as hell. Well I hope you guys enjoy it.

Xg366Z_nbF0 | 16 Mar 2009
Mayne, it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY OUT SIDE. So I Decided that it would be perfect to hit a few balls. And Figured I might as well bring you guys along for the ride. I might as well tell you what happened to me on Saturday Night. I watched the freakiest, girl on Earth Almost Swallow a Champagne bottle, at an ALPHA Party in the BURBS. It was Crazy. Too badd she wasnt Cute tho. Beggars Cant be Choosers...LOL DJ Pharris Made the beat, he is out of Chicago..and extremely talented.

hs4qIz7wyME | 10 Mar 2009
Today was the big day. I read everyones comments and responded to everyone who wrote me about Destroying my ticket. I definately liked everyone's ideas. but some of them would have gotten me put in So I decided to go with something I came up with..last week. Ironically some people actually had this idea as well. I guess like minds really do think a This was the funnest video to make. I honestly had fun during the whole process.. I hope you like it. And Thank you TRABEATS for that hott ass TRACK...shit is GANGSTA. Holla at him he is out of JOLIET ILLINOIS. CHICAGO TALENT..for real [email protected]

hpQIlyfZnZ0 | 09 Feb 2009
Well, this was actually recorded a few minutes after I got off the phone with Comcast. I tried to fix my Own Toilet, and the day went DOWN hill from there. I honestly cant believe how bad my luck is... Im sure at this point everyone is tired of hearing and watching me complain about the start of this year. So this will probably be the last and final installment of my "2009 Bad Luck" Well hope you enjoy. Oh, and I have my Handicap ticket Court Case next week, so wish me luck. Thanks to everybody who watches my life on youtube and the internet..~1

pL5pdNoU-rU | 01 Feb 2009
Well for some reason my 2009 has continued to not be the best of years. Well at least not the best start. But i promise you that it wont get me down. Im gonna keep trying to find the Silver LINING in this This is kind of like part 2...of the on going SAGA of my crappy 2009 so far. Part 3 of this will be soon. And for the record my Handicap court case is in a few i will be posting the results as soon as I get out of Court. Big THANK YOU to T-RELL For the hott TRACK. He is a LOCAL ARTISTS in CHICAGO...who is ABOUT TO GO GLOBAL, keep doing your thang hommie.... The SONG was made by "T-Rell City King" if u would like to hear more of his music u can vist his myspace page at

wK7GSARUs_Q | 21 Jan 2009
Cash App: $MrChiCity3 I was actually on my way to record a different video on Jan. 20th. But I decided to stop by and visit my friend on the way. I know there are people who have lost loved ones and never really got over it. So this is just my story.

gcRWADEln80 | 08 Jan 2009
Well, My 2009 hasn't started off as well as I would have liked. But, I refuse to let it get me down. I went to get some Ice Cream on New years EVE...and next thing i know. I was given a $300 Handicap parking ticket. Normally, I just pay what ever they claim I should. But this time, it was completely unfair, and un-just. So this is part 1, of my Adventure for JUSTICE. I also have other videos, I will post to show you how fucked up the year has started....It might have to be its own This video is really intended to show that sometimes...its not about race. Sometimes its all about whats right..and whats wrong. We have all been screwed over by a cop in our lives. AND this is just my story. I hope you guys enjoy this. Just for the record. IM THE REALEST DUDE to EVER POST ON YOUTUBE...LOL CHI-CITY MAYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jfkAm3s7Mec | 26 Dec 2008
HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE...GIVING TO THOSE WHO NEED IT: EVERY SALE GOES TO THE LESS FORTUNATE Man its that time of year, where you give and try to bring a lil joy to peoples lives. I had a few dollars, left over from X-mas shopping. So I decided to give Christmas Cards to people, from where I grew up on the West side of Chicago. This is just more real shyt, coming from the realest dude on the Internet. Notice how just a few dollars can brighten up people's day. The lesson from this video is...appreciate what you have, because they're so many people who live with out. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

W7_F_AqeRqo | 12 Dec 2008
I had been out All Day, running errands and just doing what Chi-City does. i walked into my place, and I saw the biggest Damn INSECT I have ever seen in my LIFE. It Scared the hell out of me at first. And Im always real with yall, so dont act like you aint scared of bugs too. But it was cool, I just ended up whooping his ass...with one of my More videos to come......Chi-City MAYNE!!!! Click the LINK BELOW to Buy Mr. Chi-City T-Shirts........

k7WkEt9fOTQ | 01 Dec 2008
Man, I dont know what you were doing for Thanksgiving Break. But I was Hanging with one of the Biggest booties in I promised this video almost a month ago. And I finally got it posted. Because of Youtube rules..i made sure she wore something nice, but not too revealing. You know they have strict rules on So She is in a Bathing Suit. But you can still see the thickness. So from now on, no one can ever say I dont keep my word. And that Im not the realest DUDE And just for the record, you already know I was on it....alllllll night..LOL You Cant be madd at me for this one...LOL I hope this motivates you young dudes to get your shit together. Im only 27, but because Im doing my thang...women older than to kick it with your BOY Chi-CITY...She is Definately a CHOCOLATE SKINNED MILF. CHI-CITY MAYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3PSlFp3h0c8 | 10 Nov 2008
This is part one of my adventure to Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. I got a Cab ride. Dude was cool as hell. I asked him if I could record in the Cab, and he was all for it. ENJOY the RIDE MAYNE!!!

d0gLrj5Ba2E | 10 Nov 2008
Man in this are gonna see the nice room, that we had. It was real cool...and the view of Chicago was Stunning. EVERYTHING in there was real nice and

rrQ1KfPfks0 | 10 Nov 2008
This is the third installment of me at the Hotel. The chick didnt want me to whip the camera out at all. So i did my best to let yall see what was going on. And The food was off the CHAIN!!!! ENJOY

0BSYltGXx7I | 27 Oct 2008
*****WARNING**** This Video is intended to show you that I can be honest with you guys. You may not find this one as Funny as my other post. But I hope you at least like how honest I am in this one. Im taking a big risk even posting this. At this point i understand why people watch what I post. But i always claim to be a real honest dude. So this is just an honest post of why I havent been able to post right now. Feel free to call me or this Video a LAME if you see fit..LOL But everybody goes through shit...and this is my

BJoxw7IzaH0 | 18 Oct 2008
Man i fucked around...and damaged my foot. Which is why i wasnt able to really post anything for a while. So i use this oppurtunity to talk some shit. And Also Put people on to the Smell-Good

eKp0SXr35r8 | 06 Oct 2008
***UPDATE*** The video that was Deleted by Youtube, is on my MYSPACE PAGE..( Its the ninth video.. Man I was just chillin at my place. I promised a video with the girl..that has the fattest booty in Chicago. But she was a no show, so i decided to post about what happened..hope you enjoy..

dJ9P4qgBeSk | 05 Sep 2008
The video was setup to record a video about a tv show I saw. Before I got a chance to do it, I wanted to play a few games of NBA2K8. i didnt realize that the camera was on at all. Until days later when i was editing my video I saw this footage. This was better than the original video, so I posted this instead. LOL

IBRL7D0wcXM | 21 Aug 2008
Man, my home boy thought i was lying when I said I keep my crib female friendly. So I decided to do a video on how you do it right. Real talk I will put you on...Chicago stand

9hQzQ-Msog8 | 16 Aug 2008
hey this is the video alot of yall have been asking for. I hope when you see it, you get a better Idea of how my chevy Chops. But to be real, I have already bought 26s for the chevy, so i will do a video of that next

pi4wGmgVPaI | 16 Aug 2008
Hey I didnt have time to break down all the Sounds and stuff in my car. So i made a quick preview for yall, so you can get the idea..of whats inside my Chevy...hope you like it....Longer version coming soon..I put on for my CITY!!!

mvQPUiCU2bQ | 16 Jun 2008
I basically had this clip up before and it hadd about 100,000 hits in less than 3 months. But a girl I was dealing with deleted all my shyt. So I had to re-record..and repost Its all good....Some pretty good info in this video..about big wheels..I will do more soon

NWHXo3clywk | 15 Apr 2008
Yea. I had to post this video of me at Mcdonalds, buying everything off the Dollar Menu. I was just having a little fun. Its the realest shyt in the Chi. I have more videos