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All videos archived of Zyphon
I “Predicted” Hawk Tuah 13 Years Ago

-qOXjBYsc9E | 11 Dec 2024

I “Predicted” Hawk Tuah 13 Years Ago

it was supposed to be a joke also, i have video ideas. anyone interested in the story about how some people from my law school found my channel? == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you


1KR-ae2wrHk | 14 Jul 2024


i need to fix my ctr to grow my youtube channel. help == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you

Using Minecraft to Earn a College Degree

Is0M0BD13R0 | 08 Jul 2024

Using Minecraft to Earn a College Degree

As a Minecraft YouTuber, people always tell me to stay in school. And you know what I say to that? “Oh wow, sounds like a great video idea” I looked it up, someone’s already completed Minecraft in school–but has anyone ever completed school in Minecraft? Here’s a virtual machine and this is me writing an essay. This is only 1 of 5 different study methods I’ll be using throughout this video to complete an entire college degree using the game. Before we start, I’m a dead YouTuber and I lose subscribers every time I upload. I lost almost 9k in the past year alone. Over the past year, there’s only been one single day where I’ve had a positive number of subscribers. You know what to do: subscribe to Zyphon. In this video, I talk about Human Pathophysiology, Healthcare Delivery in the United States, and Leading Healthcare Professions. You know, stuff you expect to hear from a Minecraft video. Basically a "Minecraft, But" challenge, but without LifeSteal SMP or TommyInnit funny moments. No seriously, I doubt Tommy is even watching this vid. I've fallen off, so I shouldn't set myself up for disappointment like that. This paragraph doesn't really mean anything, I'm just kinda trying to make fun of descriptions I've seen on other videos (though I've becoming too much like them at this point). Mission failed. Superchats appreciated so I can fund the rest of this. I got some funding from my job's tuition reimbursement, but I won't have my job for much longer. If any online schools are looking to sponsor me (i.e. Arizona State University, Southern New Hampshire University, etc.), I'd appreciate it! I'd also highly appreciate slightly-altered assignments so that I can show my answers without it becoming academic dishonesty. Don't expect anyone to see this, just shooting my shot. == Music Used (Not Updated Yet) == == Chapters == 00:00 - Introduction 00:23 - Human Pathophysiology I 07:57 - Healthcare Delivery in the United States 15:33 - Begging 16:08 - Leading Healthcare Professionals 23:27 - Teaching YouTubers (Part 3) 29:53 - The End? == People == @BursstyPlays @MrShark15000 @Noname4297_ @UtibaOfficial @chxotic_max5989 @skyboimc @ChiffoiMC @Wato-1876 @iWillBanU == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you

PewDiePie's New Minecraft Seed is a Mystery...

65-b0IDohbk | 30 Jun 2024

PewDiePie's New Minecraft Seed is a Mystery...

Over 5 years ago, Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, started his historic Minecraft series. This series of videos not only pushed him over the 100 million subscriber mark, but also played a significant role in reviving the entire game. While everyone was enamored with Jöergen, Water Sheep, and Sven, a group of intelligent players were working tirelessly together through Discord to figure out his world seed without him ever releasing it to the public. To give you an idea of how significant that is, in Minecraft, there are 2^64 possible seeds–that is, 18 quintillion, 446 quadrillion, 744 trillion, 073 billion, 709 million, 551 thousand, 616. This group of seed finders were dealing with astronomically unfavorable odds, and despite that, they somehow found it by pinpointing the coordinates of structures. Fast forward to today, PewDiePie has recently started a new Minecraft series. He hasn’t played in years and given the success of his previous series, all eyes are on Kjellberg. While everyone's out and about, excited by his new pet axolotl and Svenlina and, one has to ask: is it possible to use the videos of his new series to reverse engineer his seed once more? I had to buy a channel membership to view his stream. I got to make a ton of progress, though! I didn't recreate the Giant Meatball or Ikea Tower == Music Used == == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you

Boundary Break - Minecraft: PowerPoint Edition

qV6O7vOqnqY | 24 Jun 2024

Boundary Break - Minecraft: PowerPoint Edition

About 6 months ago, I posted a video where I used 3D models to recreate Minecraft in PowerPoint. There’s so much I didn’t get to talk about–like did you know that the presentation has 107 slides, including some secret ones? What does my world look like? What happens if you try to open it in Google Slides? All that and more in another episode of me slowly turning into a Bedrock YouTuber. Boundary Break - Minecraft: PowerPoint Edition Welcome to Boundary Break. A series where you take the camera anywhere: the grocery store, a dirt house, ur mom's house, House of Cards, the UK House of Commons, the House genre of music, and anything else really (especially house-related). This paragraph doesn't actually serve any algorithmic purpose, I just thought it would be funny to say something nonsensical. It's crazy that I had to go into Bedrock Edition to do what I did. I originally tried using MS Paint 3D, but the stickers all went in a sticker pattern. Bedrock Edition Minecraft made the whole process more convenient because it allows you to export 3D models of world sections using structure blocks. Java Edition Minecraft didn't let me do this. I was able to add the panorama early on. The controls were difficult to figure out, so I eventually put the project on hold. After a year, I returned after seeing Doom recreated in the program. It inspired me to add the blaze, strider, fire, a structure block village (or at least a village made using exports from one), and more. Yes, I copied that from my original video, "I Made Minecraft in PowerPoint"--but can you really blame me? This video covers the same general topic, right? == Chapters == 0:00 - Introduction 0:32 - Menu 1:30 - Cherry Grove 2:21 - The Village 2:55 - The Stronghold 3:31 - Nether Fortress 4:36 - Warped Forest 5:04 - The End 5:30 - Death Screen 5:45 - Secrets 6:47 - What grade would this PowerPoint earn in a French class? 7:03 - Begging 8:02 - The Worlds 10:27 - Google Slides 11:18 - Ending == Music Used == == Creators Featured== @BursstyPlays @AvaJC @Wato-1876 == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you

I Made Minecraft in PowerPoint

QmPBSKRS-90 | 31 Dec 2023

I Made Minecraft in PowerPoint

I used 3D models to recreate Minecraft in PowerPoint. Fully playable with the ender dragon boss fight and lively mobs. I shock my friends at the end. I started this in 2022. It's crazy that I had to go into Bedrock Edition to do what I did. I originally tried using MS Paint 3D, but the stickers all went in a sticker pattern. Bedrock Edition Minecraft made the whole process more convenient because it allows you to export 3D models of world sections using structure blocks. Java Edition Minecraft didn't let me do this. I was able to add the panorama early on. The controls were difficult to figure out, so I eventually put the project on hold. After a year, I returned after seeing Doom recreated in the program. It inspired me to add the blaze, strider, fire, a structure block village (or at least a village made using exports from one), and more. == Chapters == 0:00 - Introduction 0:33 - I Started 1+ Year Ago 2:19 - Other People who Made MC in PowerPoint 3:31 - Inspiration 4:43 - Developing Gameplay 8:33 - Creating Main Menu 9:29 - Asking Twitter for Help 11:06 - Begging 11:38 - Friends React == Music Used == == Creators Featured== @BursstyPlays @AvaJC @WatoWolf == Other Stuff == Also Watch - twitter - discord - cool person - you

I Ransacked 103 SMPs in Minecraft

ZzeWmsAnma8 | 06 Dec 2023

I Ransacked 103 SMPs in Minecraft

Over the course of the past 4.5 years, I’ve joined a ton of SMPs–103 to be exact. My journey began with the Cosmic SMP when I trolled Zesy and Wemmbu. I saw that Zesy was doing a livestream, so I decided to jumpscare him. I went and did the same to Wemmbu right after. This was before Wemmbu turned into a purple blob :0 I didn't join any other SMPs formally for a while (unless I count Sipover's Parlor SMP with McYum, McBirken, ProfessorBiggy, DizzyTJ, etc). The next one I joined was the Largest SMP, which flopped. Some Largest SMP members founded FutureSMP, featuring Wolfeei, Mysticat, thebigman22, KendallWasKilled, CelesialRain, Frostbyte Freeman, NotSouls, Animagician, and more. I became the Secretary of Defense because of Rocky 4. I also make an Among Us joke somewhere in there. SMP On Air got trolled when I built a giant skybase blocking out the spawn. When I destroyed all of the torches on the ground, everything turned dark. It was great, 10/10 IGN. For the lols, I joined 100 SMPs for a video. After my journey completed, Mysticat, AvaJC, Firebreathman, and I applied to MCC Rising. Bigman and I looked at fake Minecraft speedruns. Shortly after, AvaJC invited me to SMPHaven, where I pranked her and started a war. She hit back by turning my house into an aquarium. Just the other day, MadMaru hosted the PogSMP for 24 hours. I used some familiar troll tactics. tl;dr december ad revenue == Chapters == 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:00:16 - Trolling Wemmbu & Zesy (Cosmic SMP) 0:01:50 - Largest SMP & Future SMP Beginning 0:03:38 - Trolling Future SMP w/ thebigman22 0:16:01 - SMP On Air 0:18:53 - Joining 100 SMPs (Part 1) 0:29:31 - Cubscriber SMP 0:32:18 - More SMPs 0:41:29 - Mythos SMP 0:44:07 - Last Stretch of 100 SMP Quest 0:52:25 - After My 100 SMP Quest 0:53:47 - Fake Speedruns - ft. Bigman & BadBoyHalo 1:09:24 - SMPHaven & PogSMP == Other Stuff == twitter - discord - cool person - you

Losing $10,000 to Skeppy Saved my YouTube Channel

Un72VC0jueY | 14 Nov 2023

Losing $10,000 to Skeppy Saved my YouTube Channel

There I was in Skeppy’s event: $10k on the line and 99 other YouTubers watching. I lost out on that prize money in an uber-lame way, but this actually saved my entire YouTube channel. In this video, I fight a bunch of YouTubers including MyBios, NotNico (who was with Sipover), RedVelvetCake, Cxlvxn, FireBreathMan, Wolfeei, BadBoyHalo, and MrToasten. == O.R.B. Members == @Delilah_Died @Woocie @Burssty @Ethan839 == Other Stuff == twitter - discord - second channel - cool person - you

Dream's FAILED Minecraft Monday Clone - Minecraft Masters

Juk62pWXXxs | 31 Oct 2023

Dream's FAILED Minecraft Monday Clone - Minecraft Masters

I was recently scouring through old unread emails when I found this one from over 3 years ago with a video attached. The popular YouTuber Dream went onto another popular creator’s stream and officially confirmed him as the first player in his Minecraft event–Dream’s remake of Minecraft Monday. But here’s the thing. The event never happened. Almost everything related to it has been deleted. The clip sitting in my inbox for 3 years is one of the last remnants of a failed event lost to time. Why did Dream try remaking such a popular Minecraft event only to suddenly stop and delete everything? People began reminiscing about Minecraft Monday on Twitter in March 2020, with popular YouTuber TommyInnit asking Keemstar, the event’s creator, to bring it back. On April 12 Keem made a tweet promising that if it hit 10-thousand retweets within 24 hours, he’d go ahead and bring his event back for a second season. This announcement spread far and wide across the Minecraft community, and, importantly, caught the attention of Dream. Dream was a rapidly-growing Minecraft YouTuber well-known for his challenge videos. He also enjoyed posting jokes on Twitter. Shortly after Keemstar’s tweet, he jokingly tweeted: “10k Retweets and I’ll do Minecraft Monday but Better. You have 24 hours. You have 24 hours. If you don’t get it done then Keemstar is your favorite person”. Keemstar blocked him 4 hours later. The events that followed led to a crazy saga that has been virtually forgotten. On the surface, the event seemed like a one-off joke. The deeper you dive, however, the more you learn about all the work he was putting into it. This is the story of Minecraft Masters. == Special Thanks for Answering Questions == a6d BadBoyHalo == Other Stuff == twitter - discord - second channel - cool person - you

These are the Reasons to Vote Penguin in the Mob Vote (Minecraft)

OlxY6wTIm4k | 12 Oct 2023

These are the Reasons to Vote Penguin in the Mob Vote (Minecraft)

If you don't vote for penguin, catastrophic consequences will befall this planet. == Other Stuff == twitter - twitch - second channel - cool person - you

Best of Zyphon 2020 & 2021

Y15O3z83QfI | 28 Dec 2021

Best of Zyphon 2020 & 2021

Zyphon's best moments in Minecraft in 2020 & 2021 featuring Dream, TommyInnit, BadBoyHalo, etc! Thank you all so much for these amazing two years on YouTube. I gained hundreds of thousands of subscribers and I'm forever grateful. I had a real blast with Minecraft Wipeout and Retro Rivals. Also made some cool speedrun videos. Things got chaotic when I joined 100 SMPs. I was able to start getting myself together again after doing a face reveal. Since I put a ton of effort into my videos this year, I thought it'd be appropriate to make a video highlighting the best moments (with obvious inspiration from TommyInnit lol). I didn't do this last year, so I included 2020, too. 2022 will be an even better year with more consistent content so stay tuned! :D No, seriously. Will be making some big moves for the channel--especially the most requested video I've gotten. See you then! Twitter - == Credits (Music) == I'm not updating the music doc for this video because it would be more difficult than usual lol, but you can try finding music from specific individual videos in it. Music in My Videos - HOME ( == Other Stuff == Join my Discord - twitch - second channel - cool person - you #Zyphon #Minecraft #TommyInnit

Minecraft's History of Face Reveals

lHMrLAeElOo | 09 Dec 2021

Minecraft's History of Face Reveals

The most popular game in the world has propped up numerous notable figures. The nature of Minecraft as a game means people can get popular without showing their faces. Face reveals were always a big deal. Plush - Huge thanks to @Burssty for appearing in this video and helping put together the conversational scenes. Go check her out! == Segments == 00:00 - Early Face Reveals 01:32 - Minecon 2011 02:43 - Before Facecam Hype 04:43 - Rise of Face Reveals + Conflict 06:39 - Pre-Quarantine Face Reveals 09:50 - Quarantine Innovations 13:44 - Present == Credits (Footage) == Video footage of people mentioned belongs to them Other footage belongs to channels whose names appear in the form of captions Most Popular MC Channels Over Time - == Credits (Music) == Music in My Videos - == Other Stuff == Join my Discord - twitch - second channel - cool person - you #Minecraft #FaceReveal #Zyphon

These Fake Minecraft Speedruns are HILARIOUS

d40OVocL5Ck | 11 Sep 2021

These Fake Minecraft Speedruns are HILARIOUS

We’ll be looking at Minecraft’s funniest and most insane fake speedruns. Speedrunners try to beat the game as fast as possible and things get crazier when people try to cheat. I am joined by my friend. If you end up liking this video, join the penguin army and subscribe! Enjoy. == Sections == 00:00 - Intro 00:20 - Explanation 00:57 - Kyee124 01:55 - Lieutenant Monferno 02:49 - TejasIsAmazing 04:33 - Nathaniel's Show 07:00 - Mid-Video Comment/Twitter Shoutouts 07:27 - Animated 11:29 - Mysticat 12:22 - French Fries 12:48 - Pengeny 13:48 - TealGamer_MC 14:32 - Oveq 15:16 - CzechPoint C 15:49 - Ending == Credits (People Who Spoke in Vid) == thebigman22 - badboyhalo - == Credits (Music) == Music in My Videos - HOME ( == Other Stuff == Join my Discord - twitch - second channel - cool person - you #Speedrun #Minecraft #FakeSpeedruns

$1000 Minecraft Parkour GAUNTLET ft. Dream, Tommy, Purpled

T3QsxfI6VT4 | 26 Jul 2021

$1000 Minecraft Parkour GAUNTLET ft. Dream, Tommy, Purpled

14 contestants. $1000! Will Dream pull off a 500 IQ move? Why does TommyInnit yell at me? In the end, the winner does something extremely generous. One will win, 13 will lose. Minecraft Wipeout The goal is to finish the parkour map the fastest. There are minigames after every 2nd run including a huge sumo tournament. In the last episode, the top 3 players were Fundy with a time of 6:02, TimeDeo with 5:30, and Purpled in 1st with 4:34. During the mini-sumo tournament, these contestants won, with some especially crazy reactions. This episode, things are gonna get crazy. Stay tuned. The rest of the runs (Purpled, Squid Kid, Fundy, TimeDeo, Sipover, and Eret) can be found in the first episode - == Sections == 00:00 - Intro 00:25 - Explanation 00:47 - BadBoyHalo's Run 05:51 - Sapnap's Run 08:42 - Sumo (Round 2) 09:44 - Comment & Twitter Shoutout 10:14 - TommyInnit's Run 11:23 - Tommy Yells at Penguin 14:09 - Geosquare's Run 15:40 - Sumo (Rounds 3 & 4) 16:34 - Dream's Run 19:40 - TapL's Run 20:01 - One-Shot (Round 2) 20:52 - FireBreathMan's Run 23:44 - Skeppy's Run? 24:04 - Full Results & Ending == Credits (Season 1) == Host - Zyphon Organizers - Wheat, DizzyTJ, Willz Dev - Curcuit Course & Map - DizzyTJ, oCloudys, uu360, Yeaman == Other Stuff == Join my Discord - twitch - second channel - cool person - you #MinecraftWipeout #Minecraft

So I Joined 100 Minecraft SMP's

yEe8RR_sDHo | 14 May 2021

So I Joined 100 Minecraft SMP's

🎁Celebrate FRAG PRO Shooter’s birthday: Get $6 worth of free rewards! X1 gold chest 🎉 + 500 coins 💰 + 50 diamonds 💎 + 1 special offer only for you!🎯 follow me on twitter - In this video, I will join 100 Minecraft SMPs. I will get into wars. I will get married, I will start my own SMP, and I will get to see the community's amazing creation. What are some common traits between these SMPs and how much inspiration do they take from larger SMPs like DreamSMP and Hermitcraft? We will find out by the end of this journey. My name is Zyphon and this is joining 100 SMPs. I join 100 SMP servers on Minecraft like DreamSMP, Origin SMP, Epic SMP, SMPEarth, SMPLive, Shady Oaks SMP, Hermitcraft, Mindcrack SMP, Minehut, Hypixel SMP, and other servers like that. This challenge involves speed running through Minecraft servers without a killer or assassin hunting me down. I am certainly not in any animatic for any of these except FutureSMP. Some SMP moments are the funniest ever!!! Think similar to 100 days, but divided into smp's to join. Some people who I encounter + interact with include Skeppy, Crumb CupToast, McYum, Misha AKA RealMisha, AwesomeMarioBros, Mysticat == Sections == 00:00 - Introduction 00:25 - Rules 01:02 - Current + Past SMP's 05:44 - SMP's 7 - 13 09:44 - Lightning Round 11:06 - SMP's 26 - 33 15:16 - 34) Cubscriber SMP 18:02 - SMP's 35 - 43 24:36 - Black Hole Blitz 26:53 - SMP's 64 - 76 35:23 - SMP's Montage 36:59 - 100) RushedSMP == Credits == Thumbnail - Mysticat HOME ( Hermitcraft Vid - DreamSMP Vid - Largest SMP Perspective 1 - Largest SMP Perspective 2 - Among Us Timer - 2 Minute Countdown Timer - Prank Video - Zyphon CozoSMP Vid - == Other Stuff == Join my Discord - twitch - second channel - cool person - you #Minecraft #MinecraftSMP #SMP

Rise of Karl Jacobs - Documentary about the MrBeast Gamer (YouTuber Biographies)

wynASM1R9vw | 08 Dec 2020

Rise of Karl Jacobs - Documentary about the MrBeast Gamer (YouTuber Biographies)

Karl Jacobs is one of the main members on the fast growing channel MrBeast. He has been seen across all corners of the internet, especially the Minecraft community. He is a member of the widely popular Dream SMP and even has a 100% Minecraft Championship win rate. He frequently appears on MrBeast Gaming, MrBeast Shorts, and Beast Reacts. Even just recently, he started his own YouTube channel, Karl. In MrBeast’s videos, he’s the person everyone likes to mess around with. It goes without saying that Karl Jacobs is a super well-known internet personality. Despite his popularity, not much is known about how Karl got to where he is today. To a lot of people, he sort of just popped into existence. With so little known about him, this begs the question: how did Karl Jacobs rise to fame? How did he navigate his way through the internet? How has he changed over the years? Today, we’ll be going on a journey through time: a journey exploring how small-time Roblox player GamerBoyKarl became the famous Beast-Gang goofball we all know and love today. This is the Rise of Karl Jacobs. Karl's New YouTube Channel - - merch - - nordvpn - - cloak - == Amazing Rap with Karl == == Credits == Deleted Rap with Karl - Karl Joins Dream SMP - HOME ( Podcast Descriptions - GamerBoyKarl YT - Karl's Roblox - == Other Stuff == discord - twitch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #Minecraft #KarlJacobs #DreamSMP

Hypixel SkyBlock’s Black Market - The Buyers, Sellers, and Scammers of the Dark (irl trading)

bMD5f-M9uTE | 02 Dec 2020

Hypixel SkyBlock’s Black Market - The Buyers, Sellers, and Scammers of the Dark (irl trading)

On the largest server in Minecraft, there’s a problem--a huge problem that server staff has fought back against constantly. In Skyblock, the server’s most popular game, people are trading valuable items, gems, and in-game coins for real money. While this problem has existed for a while, it has become an especially huge problem leading up to a lot of major updates. Whether you realize it or not, if you’ve played a decent amount of Skyblock, this issue is bound to have affected you. Irl trading has caused massive inflation in the Skyblock economy. A lot of items you see could be a lot cheaper if not for this fact. Irl trading benefits the trader at the expense of everyone else. Irl trading is a full-blown Minecraft black market with a lot of people making profits from the bottom and kingpins at the top. Hypixel staff have made numerous attempts to destroy this black market and yet, it still persists today. Controversially, Hypixel made the entire game pay-to-win in an effort to discourage the practice. How has the update impacted the irl trading black market? In what ways does irl trading resemble black markets for physical goods? Most importantly, why don’t you join the penguin army by leaving a dislike? We’ll get into all that and more in the Unsolved Mystery of Irl Trading. - merch - - nordvpn - - cloak - == Note About Thumbnail == The black market sells coins for as low as 25 cents per million. The Trading Tsar is estimated to have made at least 40 billion coins per day. As a result, he easily made over $10k per day. == Credits == HOME ( Lego Maestro's ThirtyVirus Vid - im_a_squid_kid's Vid - Hypixel Skyblock Wiki == Other Stuff == discord - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #Minecraft #Hypixel #BlackMarket

Countries with Official Minecraft Servers & Maps

ORstGsJTHe0 | 22 Nov 2020

Countries with Official Minecraft Servers & Maps

Minecraft is the most sold video game of all time and it isn’t difficult to see why. There are countless possibilities of what you can do with the game: speedrunning, survival, PvP, budget Mario Kart, and much much more. With all this in mind, it should come as no surprise that some countries have had official Minecraft servers during their lifetimes. In this video, we’ll be taking a look at the intriguing roster of Minecraft servers & maps set up by world governments and other servers used by other public entities. - merch - - nordvpn - - cloak - == Server IP + Download Links == Vatican Server - Denmark - Sweden - == Credits (General) == HOME ( == Credits (Denmark) == == Credits (Vatican City) == == Credits (Poland) == == Credits (United States) == == Credits (Sweden) == == Credits (United Kingdom) == == Other Stuff == discord - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #minecraft #vatican #denmark

What Happened After EXPOSED Speedrun Cheater? - "Drem" 3 Months Later (Minecraft)

UU90gRSnM-o | 05 Oct 2020

What Happened After EXPOSED Speedrun Cheater? - "Drem" 3 Months Later (Minecraft)

Over three months ago, I made a video about a fake Minecraft Speedrunner who goes by Drem. This video garnered way more attention than I could’ve ever imagined, now over 9 million views. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. That one video was part of a whole chain reaction of events. Today, I’ll be addressing it all. There has been a lot of discussion about misinformation, the cheater in question, and Minecraft speedrunning as a whole. Three distinct topic areas that deserve their fair share of attention. I’ll be going through all three of them to give my take. I decided to make this video because I felt I had to. With my video still getting a considerable amount of views, it's only right that I go back and address some of the effects it had. - merch - - nordvpn - - cloak - == Also Watch == NiceTwice's Former World Record - == Credits == HOME ( oCloudys' Aftermath Video - == Other Stuff == discord - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #minecraft #minecraftspeedrun #speedrun

I Watched 100 Minecraft Speedruns, Here's What I Learned

vI6rzFVyAaE | 09 Sep 2020

I Watched 100 Minecraft Speedruns, Here's What I Learned

I went ahead and watched 100 Minecraft Speedruns among the various categories and subcategories. This is the information that I learned from the process - nordvpn - - cloak - == Also Watch == Sipover - Willz - == Other Stuff == discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #minecraft #minecraftspeedrun #speedrun

$1000 YouTuber Minecraft Wipeout ft. Dream, Skeppy, Fundy, TapL, & More (Season 1 Episode 1)

BPywe8N9_XM | 08 Aug 2020

$1000 YouTuber Minecraft Wipeout ft. Dream, Skeppy, Fundy, TapL, & More (Season 1 Episode 1)

In this video, 14 contestants battle it out to see who can finish this parkour map the fastest. The winner will receive $1000. Competing today, we have Dream, Skeppy, Fundy, TapL, Sippy Cup, Sapnap, Purpled, FireBreathman, Geosquare, BadBoyHalo, Eret, TimeDeo, im_a_squid_kid, and TommyInnit. One will win, 13 will lose. This is Minecraft Wipeout. - nordvpn - - cloak - == Speedrun Challenge == == Timestamps == 00:00 - Introduction 03:16 - Sipover's Run 07:45 - Eret's Run 11:51 - Spleef (Minigame 1) 15:31 - TimeDeo's Run 23:02 - Purpled's Run 27:21 - One-Shot (Minigame 2) 28:12 - Squid_Kid's Run 33:41 - Fundy's Run 38:06 - Sumo Round 1 41:56 - Sneak Peak of Episode 2 42:29 - $500 Speedrun Challenge 43:31 - Outro == Credits == Curcuit - Main Dev Willz - Organizer DizzyTJ - Main Builder Yeaman - Helped Build (Initial Builder) oCloudys - Helped Build Wheat - Manager == Other Stuff == discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #minecraft #wipeout

Mineplex: the Rise, Fall, and Decay (ft. Sipover & JavaMC)

mCPU6q4LhtE | 23 Jul 2020

Mineplex: the Rise, Fall, and Decay (ft. Sipover & JavaMC)

The story of Mineplex is an interesting one with a lot of build-up and success. It lagged behind its competitors until the server immediately spiked in popularity from its version of Survival Games. The server went on a decline, but its Bedrock Edition server fared well. What led to all this? What let Mineplex become the largest server? What led to its downfall? We’ll get into all that and more in the Rise and Fall of Mineplex. - cloak - - public discord - == Credits == HOME ( Sonlicia - Rebel Guy - Rustydawgt - == Other Stuff == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #minecraft #mineplex

MC Ultimate First Teams ANNOUNCED + Minecraft Monday Public Server - The Minezone

l0iyOwXuIng | 16 Jul 2020

MC Ultimate First Teams ANNOUNCED + Minecraft Monday Public Server - The Minezone

In this video, I talk about a lot of the big changes happening to Minecraft Ultimate. Also, I touch on the training that's been going on in Minecraft Championship. Lastly, I talk about what Keemstar has put out regarding Minecraft Monday. == Timestamps == 0:00 - Introduction 0:42 - Minecraft Ultimate 4:39 - Minecraft Championship 5:06 - Minecraft Monday 6:46 - Outro == Discords == Zyphon - Minecraft Ultimate - == Other Stuff == cloak - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftChampionship

Every Minecraft Speedrunner Ever

SJTOcBoQfB8 | 13 Jul 2020

Every Minecraft Speedrunner Ever

There are different types of speedrunners and this video just about covers them. == People Featured == Dream IlluminaHD Fruitberries (yes, he speedruns. he's not just a talented uhc player) RealBenex NiceTwice Calvin856 CaptainSparklez Drem Zyphon == Other Stuff == cloak - discord - buy my merch - my other channel for random videos - storytime channel - internet news channel - twitter - cool person - you #Minecraft #MinecraftSpeedrun #MinecraftWorldRecord #Dream

This Minecraft Speedrunner Cheated and Got EXPOSED: "Drem" Fake World Record - A Critical Analysis

bbscNEh3l-I | 09 Jul 2020

This Minecraft Speedrunner Cheated and Got EXPOSED: "Drem" Fake World Record - A Critical Analysis

Minecraft Speedrunning has been a booming subject as of recent. It seems like everyone is trying to get in on the action. The best players, Dream, Illumina, and RealBenex have been exposed to a much wider audience. A lot of YouTubers are seeing speedrunning as a way to possibly grow. The biggest category in the spotlight has been the Random Seed Glitchless any% run in Minecraft versions 1.9+. Just like any speedrun category, however, there have been cheaters. Cheaters are nothing new to speedrunning. Neither are they super uncommon. Usually, however, cheaters try to be smart and cautious about how they approach it--the more subtle you are, the more likely you are to get away with it. Today, we’ll be talking about a run that attempted to be subtle, but was not subtle in the slightest. - badlion cloak (10% with link) - - public discord - == Watch More == Video by Willz (A MC Speedrun Mod) - == Seed (See Loading Screen for Yourself) == 6049003618847156315 (Use in Minecraft 1.16) == Sources == Main "Speedrun" Video + Follow-up - Drem Trials & Tribulations Pursuit - Confess the Truth Noteblock - Cornered Noteblock Edition - Stronghold Triangulation Video by jsit - SilverGunner Logic Remix - HOME ( == Other Stuff == buy my merch - my other channel for random videos - storytime channel - internet news channel - twitter - cool person - you #Minecraft #MinecraftSpeedrun #MinecraftWorldRecord

MC Championship 7 TEAMS + Minecraft Ultimate ANNOUNCED - The Minezone

nZrZ8qzX2t8 | 05 Jul 2020

MC Championship 7 TEAMS + Minecraft Ultimate ANNOUNCED - The Minezone

In this episode of the Minezone, I talk about MC Championship 7's Teams, Minecraft Ultimate, a small tweet about Minecraft Monday, the end of Mini Minecraft Monday, and some of the controversy with MNP Games. == Timestamps == 0:00 - Introduction 0:28 - MC Championship 3:10 - Minecraft Ultimate 4:30 - Mini Minecraft Monday 5:26 - Minecraft Monday 6:23 - MNP Games 8:30 - Outro == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftChampionship

NEW Minecraft Monday Logo + MC Championship ANNOUNCED (Season 7) w/ New Team Name - The Minezone

BAc0WX5W4Tk | 28 Jun 2020

NEW Minecraft Monday Logo + MC Championship ANNOUNCED (Season 7) w/ New Team Name - The Minezone

In this episode of the Minezone, I discuss the news surrounding various Minecraft events. Some of the biggest stories include Minecraft Monday's new logo, Minecraft Championship's new team name, and Minecraft Champion Season 7 being announced. == Timestamps == 00:00 - Introduction 00:28 - MC Championship 03:30 - Minecraft Monday 06:43 - Mini Minecraft Monday 07:32 - Minecraft Ultimate 08:37 - Outro == Links == Keempark Giveaway - Mini Minecraft Monday Discord - == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftChampionship

The History of Skeppy Events - A Documentary about the Derpy Diamond's $1000 Challenges (ft. Wifies)

_KBo1kyWZ1I | 25 Jun 2020

The History of Skeppy Events - A Documentary about the Derpy Diamond's $1000 Challenges (ft. Wifies)

Skeppy events: for months, they were some of the biggest ongoings in the Minecraft community. Events where any random person from any corner of the internet had the potential to win $1000. These videos consistently reached millions of views, attracting a huge following. If you binge watch all of them, it’s easy to miss all the context behind them. These events may seem simple on the surface, but they actually have a lot of history to them. Today, we'll be exploring that history. == Credits == HOME ( BirdPoop - Death Dash - P0LAND's RundownHD Video - Most Video Footage + Main Video Subject - Skeppy - Ripzee Cheating - AndE "Cheating" Death - Kevin Macleod Storyblocks Lena Raine - MrBeast - Video Style Inspirations (People whose video styles I utilized elements of): Summoning Salt, Dream, Emplemon, Leafyishere, FitMC, Scrubby (Scrubs) == Other Stuff == buy my merch - public discord - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #Skeppy #RundownHD #MrBeast

MC Championship Season 6 NEWS & Minecraft Monday ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Minezone

JY4hDm8Cbjc | 20 Jun 2020

MC Championship Season 6 NEWS & Minecraft Monday ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Minezone

News regarding MC Championship, Minecraft Monday, Mini Minecraft Monday, and Minecraft Ultimate. Minecraft Championship saw interesting character dynamics between Dream and Technoblade. Keemstar cancelled Warzone Wednesday to focus on Minecraft Monday. The charity donations for MCU went through. == Discord (For Mini Minecraft Monday) == == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftChampionship

Rise and Fall of SMPEarth - A Documentary about the SMPLive Sucessor

n7d1_Ef381Y | 09 Jun 2020

Rise and Fall of SMPEarth - A Documentary about the SMPLive Sucessor

SMPEarth, once known as the youngest geopolitical server in Minecraft, was a virtual recreation of the planet Earth. It had a map with all 7 continents recreated on a 1:3000 scale. This server included a wide variety of streamers such as AntVenom, Tobuscus, and RTGame. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the full roster. In total, the server lasted for 142 days. For months, SMPEarth was one of the biggest ongoings of the Minecraft community. A bunch of big YouTubers were constantly playing on the server, doing a bunch of crazy things. Wars were fought. Alliances were formed. Not to mention, there were a bunch of insane moments. In more recent times, however, SMPEarth saw a decline in popularity. As each day passed by, more creators were getting tired with the server. In an effort to conclude the server on a high note, there was one last big Hunger Games event. On the internet, nothing can last forever, and it was only a matter of time before we’d see the end. It’s up to us to keep the memories alive. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the complete story of the one and only, SMPEarth. == Credit == Huge thanks to the editors of SMPEarth Wiki, who helped make this video possible. SMPEarth Wiki - SurvivalYoshi is cool. == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #SMPEarth #SMP #Minecraft

MC Championship TEAMS + 250 YouTuber Hunger Games + Minecraft Monday?? - The Minezone

fs-KLNYlFA8 | 03 Jun 2020

MC Championship TEAMS + 250 YouTuber Hunger Games + Minecraft Monday?? - The Minezone

The YouTube atmosphere in recent times has led people to question whether or not Minecraft Monday will have the sponsorship money to go on. Will the event continue? Not only that, but the teams have been announced for season 6 of MC Championship. Who will be playing? Then there’s today, which had the biggest YouTuber Hunger Games event go down. Who won and what happened leading up to it all? We’ll get into all that and more in this episode of the Minezone. badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftChampionship

RundownHD: a Scammer? - the Skeppy Event Superstar's Rise and Fall (YouTuber Biographies)

y1qPIOw3Hqs | 26 May 2020

RundownHD: a Scammer? - the Skeppy Event Superstar's Rise and Fall (YouTuber Biographies)

Starting a YouTube channel from scratch is difficult. You have no following, and it can take god knows how long to begin to gain a following. Channel growth is a gradual process that requires patience and dedication. For some people, this can take years. If you’re lucky, this will take only months. Today, we’ll be talking about a YouTuber who skyrocketed in popularity, becoming one of the most respected people in the community, only to become unpopular in the span of a day. And keep in mind, the story of this channel lasted for less than a month. His name is RundownHD. RundownHD was known for playing in events from a big YouTuber named Skeppy. He became a star and directed the attention he was getting onto his Minecraft channel. He even went on to host his own events. He was doing exceptionally well until it all went downhill on May 24th, 2020. So what happened? How fast did he grow? Why did so many people turn against Rundown? We’ll get into all that and more in this episode of YouTuber Biographies. DISCLAIMER: DON'T go after anyone in this video. This is a video simply for educational & entertainment purposes. I felt that there is a good moral to take away. I don't condone anyone going out of their way to go after these people. == Sources == P0LAND - Skeppy Event Alerts Discord - SkeppysLab Video - Non-replay mod background footage belongs to Skeppy, RundownHD, and MrBeast == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #RundownHD #Skeppy #YouTuberBiographies

The Forgotten Arcade Game: Hypixel Sports (Party Games 4) - The Rise and Fall

7v5NAhxtTk4 | 23 May 2020

The Forgotten Arcade Game: Hypixel Sports (Party Games 4) - The Rise and Fall

The Hypixel arcade lobby--a place where you can settle down and play some casual minigames for fun. The diverse roster of minigames featured include all sorts of genres ranging from teamwork games to PvP games to artistic games. Having been around for years, the arcade lobby in the largest server in Minecraft has seen lots of new additions and changes. Every once in a while, the staff like to release limited time games. Today, we’ll be talking about once such arcade minigame: the lost arcade game, Hypixel Sports AKA Party Games 4. Of all the Hypixel games ever released, this appears to be the most forgotten and least talked about. What was this game and why don’t many people know about it? Today, we’ll be answering those questions and more in the Rise and Fall of Hypixel Sports. == Sources == Release Forum Post - Nov 26, 2018 - Removal Upcoming - Feb 5, 2019 - Removal Announcement - March 1st - Gameplay Video by A1yssa - Gameplay Video by CanadianWolves - Gameplay Video by Dr1fterX - Fence Bug Video - Hellpest Technical - == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #Hypixel #Minecraft #RiseAndFall

MC Championship Season 6 ANNOUNCED & Team Predictions

zTvcmq15qJ8 | 21 May 2020

MC Championship Season 6 ANNOUNCED & Team Predictions

Season 6 of MC Championship has just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there as well as some predictions. badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - #MCChampionship #Noxcrew #MinecraftChampionship

Skywars' Neglected Brother - Skyclash: The Rise and Fall (Hypixel)

9TR6sJ0JmY0 | 18 May 2020

Skywars' Neglected Brother - Skyclash: The Rise and Fall (Hypixel)

The largest server in Minecraft has the most active minigames of any server in the entire game. Just compare the game menu to any other server and I dare you to find a close second. What’s even more astonishing about this is the fact that no game has ever been removed for not being popular enough--well, except for one. Skyclash was essentially a sequel to Hypixel’s at-the-time biggest game, Skywars. When Skyclash was first released, there was a lot of excitement surrounding it; however, as time went on, this popularity faded. It soon became the definitive least-popular game on Hypixel and had to be removed. So what happened? How did this game even work? We’ll get into all that and more in the Rise and Fall of Skyclash. == Sources == Skyclash Video #1 - Skyclash video #2 - Guide - Full Release - Oct 6, 2016 - Mega Maps - Oct 18 - 1st Major Update - Feb 13, 2017 - Balancing - March 1st - New Game Menu - Removal Announcement - Skyclash Lobby World Download - == Other Stuff == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #Hypixel #Minecraft #RiseAndFall

MC Championship Season 5 News - ft. Technoblade, TommyInnit, Quig, Shubble, PeteZahHutt, & More

lb1F_-1-AfM | 16 May 2020

MC Championship Season 5 News - ft. Technoblade, TommyInnit, Quig, Shubble, PeteZahHutt, & More

I explain the events of MC Championship season 5. In the beginning, I tell you what happened leading up to the tournament. Towards the middle, I describe how Technoblade "rigged" a Twitter poll in his favor for a second time. == MC Championship Discord == == Other Stuff == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MCChampionship #MCC5 #Noxcrew

Name Change Required? + HUGE Return Announcement - Minecraft Monday News

DGTo3idUG-Q | 14 May 2020

Name Change Required? + HUGE Return Announcement - Minecraft Monday News

Each day, the first event of Minecraft Monday season 2 inches closer. After weeks and weeks of talk but no information on when that will be, we finally got specific details about when the event will come back. Despite this, there is a potential trouble with Mojang over the tournament’s name. On a positive note, one of the former Minecraft Monday developers who still owns the public server is now hosting a mini Minecraft Monday every week for $40--and not for YouTubers, but for you guys. == Discord (For $40 Tournament) == == Other Stuff == badlion cloak - public discord - buy my merch - second channel - twitter - #MinecraftMonday #MCMSeason2 #Minecraft

Hypixel Judgement Day EXPLAINED - 5k Players & Whole Guild BANNED (Ban Wave)

7pB7xZZMmbs | 13 May 2020

Hypixel Judgement Day EXPLAINED - 5k Players & Whole Guild BANNED (Ban Wave)

Hypixel, the largest server in Minecraft. Over 18 million people have logged into the server to experience their big roster of minigames. Of course, when there is a large number of people on a server, there will inevitably be some hackers. With all the hackers you encounter, it might be easy to forget that Hypixel actually bans them. Just a few days ago, thousands of players were banned at the same time. I’m talking about Skywars leaderboard players, Skyblock players, and almost everyone in one of the top guilds. Today, we’ll be taking a look at what some people are calling Hypixel Judgement Day. We will be examining the impact and response. == Main Sources == OFN Discord - Thread - Hypixel Tweet - == Other Stuff == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #Hypixel #BanWave #Minecraft

Bashurverse ALMOST Joined Minecraft Monday - Story of Keemstar's Invitation to Bashur

TXKvFYSMPBo | 11 May 2020

Bashurverse ALMOST Joined Minecraft Monday - Story of Keemstar's Invitation to Bashur

With Minecraft Monday being such a huge talking point in the Minecraft community, there have been a ton of YouTubers and streamers who’ve attempted to get in on the action--even if it would only be once. Today, we’re going to be talking about a pretty interesting case--the case of Bashurverse. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Keemstar #Bashurverse

Skeppy: the Minecraft MrBeast - His Events' Mixed Legacy

H_shT0Iil9w | 09 May 2020

Skeppy: the Minecraft MrBeast - His Events' Mixed Legacy

Skeppy events are a huge deal for the Minecraft community. If you watch the videos themselves, you may not realize that there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. Today, I talk about the mixed legacy left by Skeppy events, including the positive impact on many YouTube channels and the resemblance to gambling. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #skeppy #skeppyevent #minecraft

Keemstar vs. Amanda Cerny & Minecraft Masters Information - Minecraft Monday News

d0qYKmyoHzM | 07 May 2020

Keemstar vs. Amanda Cerny & Minecraft Masters Information - Minecraft Monday News

Minecraft Monday, the tournament I talk about way too much. This week, we got news about Keemstar being called out over it, developer involvement, and its rival event Minecraft Masters. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftMasters #MCMSeason2

SMP Earth Dynmap: Every Day + Regional Daily Maps

j0bRaor533I | 06 May 2020

SMP Earth Dynmap: Every Day + Regional Daily Maps

I gathered images from nearly every day of SMPEarth and compiled them into one singular video. Here is how the Dynmap changed each day. I began taking images of the map on December 4th, 2019. For getting images from previous days, I had to use various methods. Pimpeaux helped me get images for the first several days. The Wayback Internet Archive allowed me to get most of them. I used a screenshot of the Antarctic World Domination for day 8. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find maps for 3 early days, but I'm glad that at least I was able to get most of them. == Time Stamps == 0:00 - Full Earth 2:31 - Log Lagoon 3:40 - Hazbin Hotel 4:20 - The Moon == Plugs == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you discord - music - Age of Conquest IV #SMPEarth #SMP #Minecraft

MC Championship Season 5 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, RTGame, FalseSymmetry, JeromeASF & More

3uCCBuEMAgY | 04 May 2020

MC Championship Season 5 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, RTGame, FalseSymmetry, JeromeASF & More

The teams from Season 5 of MC Championship have just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there. Props to you if you're actually reading whatever nonsense I wrote here... again... again. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you discord - #MCChampionship #MCC5 #Technoblade

Minecraft Monday Skyblock: Unsolved Mystery Now Solved - Why does this server exist?

DrWtx3p7Ho4 | 02 May 2020

Minecraft Monday Skyblock: Unsolved Mystery Now Solved - Why does this server exist?

Minecraft Monday: Keemstar’s huge Minecraft tournament where a bunch of famous YouTubers come together for one cash prize. The event was so popular, it had a booming public server. At first glance, it might look like just any other server, but what if I told you that there are a lot of mysteries clouding it? Recently, out of nowhere, it was reopened as a skyblock server. This caught a lot of people off guard--myself included--because how is skyblock even remotely related to a Keemstar minigame tournament? Over the course of the week, I searched for answers. I eventually got to the bottom of it all and even learned about the secret of how Minecraft Monday really came to an end. So what is the server and why does it exist? Today, we’re going to be uncovering the mystery of the Minecraft Monday Skyblock server. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Skyblock #Minecraft

Minecraft Saturday in 2 Minutes - An Oversimplified History of the Minecraft Monday Spin-Off

AhQJrai9MJU | 30 Apr 2020

Minecraft Saturday in 2 Minutes - An Oversimplified History of the Minecraft Monday Spin-Off

This is a very oversimplified version of Minecraft Saturday's complete history. Recommended for people who just found out about it and people interested to know a little backstory behind the new Minecraft Ultimate event. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftSaturday #Minecraft Monday #MinecraftUltimate

Dream Hosting YouTuber Tournament & Public Server Open as Skyblock Server - Minecraft Monday News

0F-N5sg9xF4 | 26 Apr 2020

Dream Hosting YouTuber Tournament & Public Server Open as Skyblock Server - Minecraft Monday News

This past week, there’s been a ton of news about Minecraft Monday. We’re talking about a rival event, the public server, YouTubers talking about it, and even a potential player. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftMasters #MCMSeason2

MC Championship Season 5 ANNOUNCED & Team Predictions

qOea-2etjwU | 25 Apr 2020

MC Championship Season 5 ANNOUNCED & Team Predictions

Season 5 of MC Championship has just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there as well as some predictions. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC5 #MinecraftChampionship

Hypixel China is Ending - The 2nd Biggest Minecraft Server's Rise and Fall

k6e9Q0hbUJo | 24 Apr 2020

Hypixel China is Ending - The 2nd Biggest Minecraft Server's Rise and Fall

Hypixel China, also known as Chypixel, is one of the largest servers in all of Minecraft. As a matter of fact, during China’s daylight hours, Hypixel China is the 2nd most popular server in the game, only behind its sister server. Needless to say, the server has a huge playerbase. In recent days, despite its popularity, the closure of the server entirely has been announced. Chypixel will shut down on June 30th. On the internet, nothing can last forever. It was only a matter of time before we’d see an announcement for the end. == Sources == Chypixel Announcement - May 21st, 2017 - Noxy Tweets - Shutdown Announcement - Great Firewall (Source 1) - Great Firewall (Source 2) - VPNs banned - How to play on Chypixel - Playing on Chypixel w/ Lumboc - Lego Maestro News - Curfew and Ban - Overview of Chypixel (with details)- == Other Stuff == buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #RiseAndFall #Chypixel #Hypixel

Katerino ""Invited"" to Minecraft Monday & BadBoyHalo NOT Joining (MCM Season 2 News)

pvEHqRvSPs8 | 22 Apr 2020

Katerino ""Invited"" to Minecraft Monday & BadBoyHalo NOT Joining (MCM Season 2 News)

Now that Minecraft Monday is 100% returning, there’s been more discussion about who could potentially join. We’re getting to the point where some people are now asking potential YouTubers if they’re interested (BadBoyHalo in this case). Not only that, but Minecraft Monday was dragged into the big Katerino controversy. Penguin emoji to copy & paste in comments: 🐧 buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Katerino #MCMSeason2

How Dream is a YouTube MASTERMIND - 1k to 2 million in 9 months

pNOl4sS5EGM | 20 Apr 2020

How Dream is a YouTube MASTERMIND - 1k to 2 million in 9 months

One of the fastest growing Minecraft channels today is Dream, who is currently sitting at around 2.18 million subscribers. I wouldn’t be surprised if that sub count is outdated by the time this video goes up. Ever since mid December of 2019, the only one of his currently-public videos to not have gotten to 1 million views is Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft Sharks 3 months ago. He may not be the most popular Minecraft channel, but he is certainly up there. But what if I told you that less than a year ago, he had barely over 1000 subscribers? Dream is a channel I’ve paid close attention to ever since his first breakthrough regarding PewDiePie’s Minecraft World Seed and I’ve gotta say, this man is a YouTube mastermind. Dream has studied various YouTubers and the YouTube algorithm. Clearly, his rise is no accident. While he almost certainly didn’t plan out every single video idea far ahead of time, he’s proven himself to make great judgement calls as they come. His path to success is clearly calculated. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at what makes Dream such a successful YouTuber and how he turned a dream into reality. To understand how this all came to be, we will be examining 3 key factors: how he accumulated his initial following, how he consolidated that audience, and how he edits his videos. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #Dream #DreamXD #DreamWasTaken

MC Championship Season 4 News - ft. Technoblade, Vikkstar123, Ph1LzA, TommyInnit, & More

tX970AVDhTw | 18 Apr 2020

MC Championship Season 4 News - ft. Technoblade, Vikkstar123, Ph1LzA, TommyInnit, & More

I explain the events of MC Championship season 4. In the beginning, I tell you what happened leading up to the tournament. Towards the middle, I describe how Technoblade "rigged" a Twitter poll in his favor. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you #MCChampionship #MCC4 #Technoblade

Minecraft Monday Could Start in Under a Month & Dream Actually Considered Making Real Event

m3mwmFxRg1A | 17 Apr 2020

Minecraft Monday Could Start in Under a Month & Dream Actually Considered Making Real Event

This has been a huge week for Minecraft Monday news. First off, the official return has been announced. Right after that happened, we got the big reveal that LeafyIsHere will be competing. While the news slowed down in recent days, there are still some things I would like to cover. Namely, Dream seriously considering hosting his own event and when Minecraft Monday could return. This is a very oversimplified version of Minecraft Monday's complete history. Recommended for new MCM fans who want to quickly catch up on its history. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Minecraft #MCMSeason2

Minecraft Monday in 2 Minutes - An Oversimplified History of Keemstar's Minecraft Tournament

uOo4wqV63So | 14 Apr 2020

Minecraft Monday in 2 Minutes - An Oversimplified History of Keemstar's Minecraft Tournament

This is a very oversimplified version of Minecraft Monday's complete history. Recommended for new MCM fans who want to quickly catch up on its history. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Keemstar

LeafyIsHere Joins Minecraft Monday - Event Officially Returning

A6az7vt6W0Q | 13 Apr 2020

LeafyIsHere Joins Minecraft Monday - Event Officially Returning

At last, for the first time since the beginning of October last year, Minecraft Monday will return. This was something a lot of people wanted, but no-one saw coming until a few weeks ago. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #LeafyIsHere

300 YouTuber Hunger Games - Minecraft Ultimate EXPLAINED

g-QzVN8CW0Y | 12 Apr 2020

300 YouTuber Hunger Games - Minecraft Ultimate EXPLAINED

Up until a couple of months ago, there was a big weekly YouTuber tournament called Minecraft Saturday. This event featured some of the most prominent Minecrafters such as Skeppy and xNestorio. It also included a lot of people with a lot of ties to the game such as AciDic BliTzz (who used to be a Skywars YouTuber) and VoiceOverPete (from SMPEarth). Overall, it was this huge event that brought together different parts of the MC community. On February 2nd, it was announced through Twitter that this event was over. In this series of tweets, there were hints given about a new future event. Very little was known about what it would be. Fast forward to today and we now know a lot more about what is now known as Minecraft Ultimate. It will be this huge game of Hunger Games with hundreds of streamers. What do we publicly know about MCU? What has the organizer, Pikaclicks, said about it? Also, I will be using the end of this video to respond to comments I got on my documentary about Minecraft Saturday. mcu discord - —— buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - parkour map in video - #MinecraftUltimate #MinecraftSaturday #Minecraft

Dream vs Keemstar: 2 Minecraft Mondays? & Keem Donates to Technoblade

E63lLyLGqaM | 11 Apr 2020

Dream vs Keemstar: 2 Minecraft Mondays? & Keem Donates to Technoblade

If you don’t know, ever since Keemstar started his new event Warzone Wednesday, there’s been a lot of discussion surrounding Minecraft Monday. When TommyInnit asked him if it would return, Keem appeared to still have some hard feelings surrounding the Minecraft Monday is Cancelled controversy. Despite this, he has still been teasing a return. Earlier today, he said that if his tweet got 10-thousand retweets, he would bring it back. He donated to Technoblade to publicize the tweet and get him (Techno) verified on Twitter. Shortly after, Dream made a similar post. This means we could potentially have 2 separate Minecraft Mondays. Here are each of their tweets: keemstar's tweet - dream's tweet - ---- buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Keemstar

MC Championship Season 4 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, James Charles, CaptainSparklez, Quig & More

kPTRzizhByQ | 07 Apr 2020

MC Championship Season 4 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, James Charles, CaptainSparklez, Quig & More

The teams from Season 4 of MC Championship have just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there. Also, some information about how teams are chosen. Props to you if you're actually reading whatever nonsense I wrote here... again. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you discord - #MCChampionship #MCC4 #Technoblade

The Rise and Fall of Minecraft Saturday - A Documentary about the Minecraft Monday Spin-Off

K3GojpQvvL4 | 04 Apr 2020

The Rise and Fall of Minecraft Saturday - A Documentary about the Minecraft Monday Spin-Off

Minecraft Saturday was a highly influential event for the Minecraft community, bringing together YouTubers and streamers from all of its little subcommunities. It began as the Minecraft community was getting sick and tired of the failures of another event, Minecraft Monday. By all means, Minecraft Saturday was a more optimized version of Minecraft Monday event--which was what led to its rise and downfall. The event began in November, took a break for all of December, resumed in January, and finished on February first. This gave it a total lifespan of 7 competitions. As Minecraft Saturdays were first announced, there were many in the Minecraft community who saw it as the future of Minecraft events. The whole operation eventually came to an end, however. On the internet, nothing can last forever and it was only a matter of time before we’d see the end. With all that, you might be wondering: - Why did so many people turn against Minecraft Monday? - What happened during the course of it’s run? - What led to the downfall? We’ll get into all that and more in the Rise and Fall of MCS. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - parkour map in video - #MinecraftSaturday #MinecraftMonday #Minecraft

a6d vs Keemstar Continues & Minecraft Monday RETURNING? - Post-Minecraft Monday Controversy

KDXeuE87Rac | 30 Mar 2020

a6d vs Keemstar Continues & Minecraft Monday RETURNING? - Post-Minecraft Monday Controversy

Recently, Keemstar started a new weekly tournament called Warzone Wednesday. This has led to a lot of discussion about Minecraft Monday, including the continuation of a6d versus Keemstar. Not only that, but a possible return of MCM is beginning to look likely. Watch this video for all the information you need to know. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Minecraft #Keemstar

MC Championship Season 4 ANNOUNCED!

YpvmUePGHio | 24 Mar 2020

MC Championship Season 4 ANNOUNCED!

Season 4 of MC Championship has just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there as well as some predictions. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC4 #technoblade

MC Championship Season 3 News - ft. PeteZahHutt, RTGame, Technoblade, Quig, Vikkstar123, & More

Mi7XZz76Bow | 21 Mar 2020

MC Championship Season 3 News - ft. PeteZahHutt, RTGame, Technoblade, Quig, Vikkstar123, & More

A week late, I finally tell you what happened during season 3 of MC Championship. Should I have gotten this out earlier? Yes. Why didn't I? Just because. Also, I don't get why you are reading this since I don't really put much effort into it anyways. Do not tell anyone to read this description. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC3 #technoblade

MC Championship Season 3 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, RTGame, RyGuyRocky, Quig, etc.

Izyf6iWBhZI | 10 Mar 2020

MC Championship Season 3 Teams ANNOUNCED - Technoblade, RTGame, RyGuyRocky, Quig, etc.

The teams from Season 3 of MC Championship have just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there. Props to you if you're actually reading whatever nonsense I wrote here. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - cool person - you discord - #MCChampionship #MCC3 #technoblade

MC Championship Season 3 ANNOUNCED - MCC3 News & More

HnsXeVQyLOQ | 16 Feb 2020

MC Championship Season 3 ANNOUNCED - MCC3 News & More

Season 3 of MC Championship has just been announced! Here's a video with all the information that out there as well as some predictions. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC3 #technoblade

trying to win $300 w/ firebreathman (mnp games youtuber tournament)

eK5lMd7CPq8 | 15 Feb 2020

trying to win $300 w/ firebreathman (mnp games youtuber tournament)

watch me get carried by firebreathman to win $300 Support the stream: server - join my discord - Watch me write weird descriptions for some odd reason. This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

MC Championship Season 2 NEWS - ft. Technoblade, Quig, Ph1LzA, Ryguyrocky, & More

AJbWi3Z5Va8 | 09 Feb 2020

MC Championship Season 2 NEWS - ft. Technoblade, Quig, Ph1LzA, Ryguyrocky, & More

In this video, I explain what exactly happened in MCC2. Topics: * New Gamemode * Some people didn't show up (including Skeppy) * Main News * How Technoblade got on the winners' stage buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC2 #technoblade

SMP Earth Dynmap - January 2020: Every Day

5Jb0by4YDrM | 05 Feb 2020

SMP Earth Dynmap - January 2020: Every Day

Here are images of the #SMPEarth map each day during January 2020. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #Zyphon #SMPEarth

MC Championship Last 6 Teams ANNOUNCED (Week 2)

9zD6LYvyiWI | 02 Feb 2020

MC Championship Last 6 Teams ANNOUNCED (Week 2)

The last 6 teams have been announced for MC Championship. Hear all the news there is and more in this video. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC2 #skeppy

MC Championship TEAMS announced! - MCC2 News & More

1IK2EMAo-QY | 31 Jan 2020

MC Championship TEAMS announced! - MCC2 News & More

4 teams have been announced for MC Championship. Hear all the news there is and more in this video. buy my merch - second channel - twitter - discord - #MCChampionship #MCC2 #technoblade

MC Championship RETURNS - Announcement for Week 2

F1eJTjKO1eU | 19 Jan 2020

MC Championship RETURNS - Announcement for Week 2

Recently, the Noxcrew announced yet another week of MC Championship. What did they say and who might be in it? Also, a short discussion about if Technoblade has a potential of joining. Stay tuned! buy my merch - second channel - twitter - #Minecraft #MCChampionship #MCC2

SMP Earth Dynmap - Every Day (Days 13 - 44) (December 4th - January 4th)

TCVsQLHY6uU | 04 Jan 2020

SMP Earth Dynmap - Every Day (Days 13 - 44) (December 4th - January 4th)

Here are images of the #SMPEarth map each day from Day 13 to Day 44 (1 month). #Zyphon

Minecraft Saturday RETURNS - Participants Announced & Other News (Pre-Week 3)

CnSsuF6d36U | 03 Jan 2020

Minecraft Saturday RETURNS - Participants Announced & Other News (Pre-Week 3)

In this video, I talk about how Minecraft Saturday is finally returning after a month of hiatus. I also discuss the other news surrounding tomorrow's tournament. Twitter - Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSaturday

The Rise and Fall of YouTube Rewind - A Documentary about YouTube Rewinds from 2010 to 2019

_pVfNmbdroA | 20 Dec 2019

The Rise and Fall of YouTube Rewind - A Documentary about YouTube Rewinds from 2010 to 2019

One of the biggest annual YouTube end-of-year traditions is the YouTube Rewind--a video that showcases the biggest trends and videos of the year. It began in 2010, but turned into a large scale production in 2012 and established itself as a staple yearly series on the website. As a YouTuber, if there was one big accomplishment besides achieving a certain number of views or subscribers, it was being considered important enough to be featured in a Rewind. The Rewind brought together the biggest YouTubers from all sorts of genres into one ultimate celebration for all to enjoy--a truly beautiful concept. The Rewind videos were about us and what we, as a collective, enjoyed watching. Unfortunately, the annual Rewind videos began to show an increasing disconnect between the viewers and those in charge of production. While big YouTubers continued to be featured, there were more and more questionable casting choices and it was clear that Rewind was gradually turning more and more into an advertisement to appeal to advertisers instead of a celebration. In 2018, the annual Rewind became the most disliked video on the website. While this year’s Rewind isn’t as disliked yet, there is a real possibility of it actually becoming the new most disliked video with it already being in 3rd. So what happened? How did Rewind get so big and when did it start to fall? What controversies surrounded each installment? In this video, I get into all that and more! Zyphonium - Twitter - Discord - #Zyphon #Documentary #YouTubeRewind

Update Video: Upcoming Videos, 2nd Channel, Rise and Fall of SMPLive?, SMPEarth Daily Map, & More

Rqeimb3Eq1g | 17 Dec 2019

Update Video: Upcoming Videos, 2nd Channel, Rise and Fall of SMPLive?, SMPEarth Daily Map, & More

In this video, I just give you updates about my channel. In short: * I didn't make videos because I had to focus my attention on school stuff. * My next video is the Rise and Fall of YouTube Rewind * I'm going to respond to comments on my documentary, Rise and Fall of Minecraft Monday * I'm working on a 10k subscriber special * I need your help for a video in the works, the Rise and Fall of SMPLive * I also need help on a daily map video for SMPEarth * Subscribe to my second channel, Zyphonium Zyphonium - Twitter - Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #YouTube Rewind

raiding random streamers (help me) (wholesome)

XVXN4YemeLc | 06 Dec 2019

raiding random streamers (help me) (wholesome)

let's all go to random streamers and make their days Support the stream: server - join my discord - Watch me write weird descriptions for some odd reason. This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

streaming until 11k subscribers

71v9ti5CZVc | 30 Nov 2019

streaming until 11k subscribers

I play on Hypixel because I just got VIP rank (ty uu360 & c4ps). I might also play Kahoot!. Support the stream: server - join my discord - Watch me write weird descriptions for some odd reason. This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

The Third Minecraft Tournament - MC Championship EXPLAINED

RJj6TzYwAWE | 29 Nov 2019

The Third Minecraft Tournament - MC Championship EXPLAINED

Just as everyone was experiencing the first ever Minecraft Saturday and thought that they’d see the return of Minecraft Monday, a new event appeared out of nowhere. This event is by far the most unique of the 3, though the least known. We’re talking about Minecraft Championship. On YouTube, there doesn’t appear to be any videos describing what this event is or how it works, so that’s what we’ll be doing today. First, I’ll talk about the event in chronological order, next I’ll talk about the mechanics, and finally we’ll have a little discussion about the first week. Before we begin, I should also briefly that the event was created by the Noxcrew, is managed by the Noxite, and is organized by iHasCupQuake and Dangthatsalongname. My Discord - Noxcrew Discord - #Zyphon #MCChampionship #Minecraft

The Rise, Fall, and End of Minecraft Monday - A Documentary about Keemstar's Minecraft Tournament

l9AtdKyXvJI | 26 Nov 2019

The Rise, Fall, and End of Minecraft Monday - A Documentary about Keemstar's Minecraft Tournament

Minecraft Monday was one of the most influential weekly esports events of all time, sparking widespread internet memes and causing channels to reach 1 million subscribers. Hosted by Keemstar, host of the internet news show DramaAlert, the event brought together some of the biggest internet personalities to compete for a prize: MrBeast, James Charles, PewDiePie, Ninja, Grandayy, DanTDM, CaptainSparklez, and so many more. The event sparked a lot of drama in its time, but also brought a lot of people together. After 14 weeks worth of competition, the event has come to an end. It doesn't look likely that Minecraft Monday will return. It would be a crime to forget about this tournament and its impact, so today I will be talking about the history of Minecraft Monday. Clips From: MrBeast, Saiman Says, Markiplier, Logan Paul, Andrei Terbea, WawamuStats, PeteZahHutt, Keemstar, a6d, Technoblade, CallMeCarson, Vikkstar123, JeromeASF, Ninja, Quackity Discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Minecraft

TIE for 2nd Place (Vikkstar vs PeteZahHutt) - Minecraft Saturday Top Moments (Week 2)

noZQ1i5ZrXI | 24 Nov 2019

TIE for 2nd Place (Vikkstar vs PeteZahHutt) - Minecraft Saturday Top Moments (Week 2)

News/highlights video showcasing and describing the wins during the second week of Minecraft Saturday. There was a tie for second place, meaning Vikkstar123 (teamed with Wisp) fought against PeteZahHutt (teamed with Pwincessly) in a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Who won? Find out! Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSaturday #MinecraftSunday

INTENSE Minecraft Saturday Between xNestorio & ShadowApples vs FruitBerries & Sethbling - Week 1

HcZ9y0tqBwI | 17 Nov 2019

INTENSE Minecraft Saturday Between xNestorio & ShadowApples vs FruitBerries & Sethbling - Week 1

In this video, I discuss the events of the first ever Minecraft Saturday, which saw a bit of a rivalry between ShadowApples with Nestor and Sethbling with Fruitberries. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

Minecraft Saturday Last 6 Teams Announced & Why Technoblade Won't Join (Yet) - Week 1

cEqMnE6CodA | 14 Nov 2019

Minecraft Saturday Last 6 Teams Announced & Why Technoblade Won't Join (Yet) - Week 1

The official Minecraft Saturday Twitter just announced the last 6 teams that will appear in the new weekly event in its debut. The people here are YouTubers that many people will be excited to see. Here they are. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

Minecraft Saturday Teams 13 - 18 ANNOUNCED - Week 1

sr--2-6PdAM | 13 Nov 2019

Minecraft Saturday Teams 13 - 18 ANNOUNCED - Week 1

The official Minecraft Saturday Twitter just announced the next 6 teams that will appear in the new weekly event. The people here are YouTubers that many people will be excited to see. Here they are. Creators: xNestorio, ShadowApples, PeteZahHutt, LukeOrSomething, Grapeapplesauce, Bionic, Sneegsnag, Antvenom, Kiingtong, PrivateFearless, Ludwig, Connoreatspants Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

Minecraft Saturday: 6 More Teams ANNOUNCED - Week 1

qnOSBRi4AHE | 12 Nov 2019

Minecraft Saturday: 6 More Teams ANNOUNCED - Week 1

The official Minecraft Saturday Twitter just announced the next 6 teams that will appear in the new weekly event. The people here are YouTubers that many people will be excited to see. Here they are. Creators: TheBestGinger13, Graser10, JustVurb, Blushi, Spifey, Ph1LzA, DeanBeanYT, X33N, tayber, Haminations, _Em_, Calvin Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

Minecraft Saturday First 6 Teams ANNOUNCED! - Week 1

Esl_IrUzfJ0 | 11 Nov 2019

Minecraft Saturday First 6 Teams ANNOUNCED! - Week 1

The official Minecraft Saturday Twitter just announced the first 6 teams that will appear in the new weekly event. There are some players who appeared in Minecraft Monday who will appear in Minecraft Saturdays this weekend. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

i used 100 ghasts to cheat in duels and got banned from my own server

ni1qVOBbph8 | 10 Nov 2019

i used 100 ghasts to cheat in duels and got banned from my own server

so there you have it. i won duels by spawning 100 ghasts. ez free wins for me. Discord - #Zyphon

How to Join Minecraft Monday - The Official & Unofficial Requirements

X1lhCV61JAg | 07 Nov 2019

How to Join Minecraft Monday - The Official & Unofficial Requirements

Have you ever wondered what it takes to join Minecraft Monday? In this video, I discuss just that and touch a bit upon the week 11 controversy. Here's a list of the official methods: 1) The "Famous" YouTuber Method 2) The Standard Method 3) The Server Rank Method Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftMondays

Big YouTubers that Tried to be in Minecraft Monday - Stories of Their Unsuccessful Attempts

nhldYHuCSno | 05 Nov 2019

Big YouTubers that Tried to be in Minecraft Monday - Stories of Their Unsuccessful Attempts

With Minecraft Monday being one of the biggest Minecraft tournaments of all time, there have been many big YouTubers who've tried to enter. Not every attempt has been successful. These are the stories of some of the failed attempts. YouTubers Included: TapL, xTurtle (Tyler Novak), Lego Maestro, TimeDeo, xNestorio, Bashurverse (Toasty) Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftMondays

Trolling FireBreathMan's Stream with Girl Skin (The Minecraft Monday Legend)

LPSDkDU8LZM | 04 Nov 2019

Trolling FireBreathMan's Stream with Girl Skin (The Minecraft Monday Legend)

Today, I go into a stream with a girl skin. Not just any stream. The stream from the Minecraft Monday legend FireBreathMan, who placed 1st individually above Technoblade. Watch how everyone reacts. Discord - #Zyphon #FireBreathMan #Minecraft

BadBoyHalo Statue House - Minecraft Build Showcase

eBsPiLKsH9U | 02 Nov 2019

BadBoyHalo Statue House - Minecraft Build Showcase

Inspired by DanTDM's old Minecraft statue house series, I re-explore the concept to see how it would hold up in 2019. This week, I decided to start off by building BadBoyHalo. Watch to see what rooms I included. Discord - #Zyphon #BadBoyHalo #BBH

The New Minecraft Monday? - Minecraft Saturday EXPLAINED (Formerly Minecraft Sunday)

Ny0Dxadbhn4 | 01 Nov 2019

The New Minecraft Monday? - Minecraft Saturday EXPLAINED (Formerly Minecraft Sunday)

Week 11 of Minecraft Monday was the most controversial week of Minecraft Monday history to date. It led to multiple big YouTubers vowing never to join the event again. While I won’t go into the full details because of just how much information surrounded the drama, I will say that a large portion of Minecraft Monday viewers were upset about how disorganized such a big event was. One YouTuber, Pikaclicks, the host of Winner Takes All, decided on that day to begin a new similar event: one that is more organized, with more preparation, and with even larger prize pools. That was the day Minecraft Sundays were announced--but now they’re Minecraft Saturdays, but we’ll get to that shortly. Anyways, I haven’t seen any cohesive video explaining this event yet. Whenever any Minecraft Monday YouTubers have talked about it, it’s always been in bits and pieces--small news stories lumped in with Minecraft Monday news. Today, I’m going to change all that. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftSunday #MinecraftSaturday

Technoblade Neva Dies Sparta Remix

bzOWRP786D8 | 31 Oct 2019

Technoblade Neva Dies Sparta Remix

Just when you though Sparta Remixes were dead (if you even remember them), I cooked up a random one from out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever. Also, here's a cookie for actually reading the description. Discord - #Zyphon #SpartaRemix #Technoblade

When will Minecraft Monday Return?

alqKi359T_k | 30 Oct 2019

When will Minecraft Monday Return?

Minecraft Monday has been on hiatus for the the past several weeks, so I briefly answer the question of when it will come back. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #Minecraft

YouTubers React to Technoblade and Ph1LzA's Winstreak in Skywars - Minecraft Monday Week 10

9CaJa9kA0Fk | 28 Oct 2019

YouTubers React to Technoblade and Ph1LzA's Winstreak in Skywars - Minecraft Monday Week 10

During Minecraft Monday week 10, Ph1LzA and Technoblade dominated Skywars by winning all three rounds. This is how various YouTubers reacted. Clips from: Technoblade, JeromeASF, Bajan Canadian, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Aphmau, Grandayy, Vikkstar123, & a6d Others included: Ph1Lza, SkyDoesMinecraft, Dolan Dark, Zerkaa, & Spifey Discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Ph1LzA

Will Hypixel Ever Host Minecraft Monday? - A Look at What Simon Has Said

c1lPamyOOfg | 27 Oct 2019

Will Hypixel Ever Host Minecraft Monday? - A Look at What Simon Has Said

One of the longest running requests throughout Minecraft Monday's run has been for Simon AKA Hypixel to host Minecraft Monday himself. After all, he's given Technoblade the Pig Rank and clearly follows the tournament's events. Every time something goes wrong, people call upon Hypixel to host the event. In this video, we discuss whether this will happen or not. Discord - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #Hypixel

i played on 2b2t for the first time and this happened...

gDMOe8NIwII | 26 Oct 2019

i played on 2b2t for the first time and this happened...

today, i attempt to survive in 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in minecraft. will i survive all the withers and spawn traps? find out! Discord - #Zyphon #2b2t #Minecraft

What is the Best Technoblade Catchphrase? - TOURNAMENT

YSwAVLG506A | 25 Oct 2019

What is the Best Technoblade Catchphrase? - TOURNAMENT

Several Technoblade catchphrases and memes battle it out to see which is the best. Discord - #Zyphon #Technoblade #TechnobladeNevaDies

YouTubers React To Technoblade's Debut in Minecraft Monday (Week 1)

bzaNUUovcvY | 24 Oct 2019

YouTubers React To Technoblade's Debut in Minecraft Monday (Week 1)

Minecraft Monday has gone through 14 weeks thus far. This is the week when everyone found out about Technoblade's PVP skills and learned that he is a force to be reckon with. Watch YouTubers react to him. I could say more, but no-one reads descriptions. I can pretty much say whatever I want here. Whatever you do, don't tell people in the comments to read this. This is a secret between us. join discord server pls - join my mc server - #Zyphon #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade

The Day Minecraft Trolling Almost Died

gc_dkh2BEqU | 23 Oct 2019

The Day Minecraft Trolling Almost Died

When you hear the term “Minecraft trolling” today, you probably think of either some famous Minecraft YouTubers or harmless pranks you pull on one of your friends. While there isn’t any concrete definition of what a troll in Minecraft can be, there is a general understanding that trolling doesn’t involve any bad permanent damage; otherwise, it would be called griefing. When Minecraft was a newer game, however, this concept was not well-established. It was certainly gaining traction--no doubt--but griefing could easily pass for trolling and vice versa. The definition of the word trolling may not seem like that big a deal, but what if I told you that this ambiguity once almost led to the downfall of the entire genre? Yes you heard that right. At one point, Mojang said that no-one was allowed to post videos about Minecraft trolling. This is a history that no-one else will tell you about as of the making of this video. After you listen closely, you’ll understand why a lot of people have tried to forget about this incident. This led to a period of uncertainty and public outcry. It even had implications for some of the largest Minecraft YouTubers of the time. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time when trolling videos became illegal in Minecraft. join discord server pls - join my mc server - #Zyphon #ZexyZek #MinecraftTrolling

gonna get kicked from youtuber smp because of this / giant technoblade head prank (cosmic smp)

hNL6IcK-rJE | 20 Oct 2019

gonna get kicked from youtuber smp because of this / giant technoblade head prank (cosmic smp)

i do a small amount of griefing at spawn, spawned a bunch of iron golems, and build a giant technoblade head in someone else's base. if that's not grounds for getting kicked out, idk what is. server - discord - -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Jikishi (Admin): Bacon (Admin): Dr_Ravenholm: EccentricEmerald: Emity: Ender: Focus: GoneKnight: JerkRat: Keeping: LaliTheCow: Lexi: LJIMUN: N3XT NOVA: Stormed: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Technoblade

YouTubers React to Technoblade's /top Sneak Attack on Vikkstar in Minecraft Monday Week 3

sRxadgpgE1w | 19 Oct 2019

YouTubers React to Technoblade's /top Sneak Attack on Vikkstar in Minecraft Monday Week 3

In week 3 of Minecraft Monday, Technoblade used /top to take down Vikkstar. Here's how various YouTubers reacted. YouTubers included: * Technoblade w/ Chris from MrBeast * Vikkstar w/ James Charles * BajanCanadian w/ Lachlan * SkyDoesMinecraft AKA NetNobody AKA Sky Does Everything w/ Aphmau * DanTDM w/ Thinknoodles * LaurenzSide w/ Dangthatsalongname * JeromeASF w/ Ph1LzA * CaptainSparklez w/ AntVenom * Yammy w/ Seapeekay * Grandayy w/ Dolan Dark * Skeppy w/ BadBoyHalo * JackSucksAtLife w/ Doni Bobes server - discord - #Zyphon #Technoblade #MinecraftMonday

abusing owner rank on my new server for fun

AxkjgO_pGLk | 17 Oct 2019

abusing owner rank on my new server for fun

watch as i abuse my owner rank on my new server for some weird reason. server - discord - #Zyphon #Minecraft #OwnerRank

"Minecraft Monday" Battle Dome FAILED - CaptainSparklez, Technoblade, Jerome, Boffy & More Fight!

N6Gxo9q2fNo | 16 Oct 2019

"Minecraft Monday" Battle Dome FAILED - CaptainSparklez, Technoblade, Jerome, Boffy & More Fight!

With Minecraft Monday on hiatus, a lot of people were looking forward to the Minecraft Monday Battle Dome event. Not much information has been said about it beforehand, be a lot of people knew it was going to happen. Now that the actual event has happened, we can take a look at its details and speculate whether or not anything like this will happen again. server - discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #BattleDome

saying technoblade ten-thousand times (take 2)

mFmqxxNWoXA | 15 Oct 2019

saying technoblade ten-thousand times (take 2)

Support the stream: server - join my discord - Watch me write weird descriptions for some odd reason. This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

"Minecraft Monday" Battle Dome EXPLAINED - JeromeASF Hosts Event with Technoblade, Bajan, & More

RIXm9lT2Ass | 13 Oct 2019

"Minecraft Monday" Battle Dome EXPLAINED - JeromeASF Hosts Event with Technoblade, Bajan, & More

This past week, after Minecraft Monday was hacked and destroyed, Keemstar announced that the event will go on hiatus until some time in mid-November. Sure, it’s only a month, but that’s still forever in Internet time. So many things can happen within that time span. The YouTubers still wanted some kind of event because, let’s face it, Minecraft Monday has proven to be a great way to grow one’s channel, whether it be through doing well or the drama. Just ask Technoblade, who more than doubled his subscriber count these past few months. Anyways, after the hack, a lot of the YouTubers from the event got together and played on Hypixel. Sure, there weren’t any points and there wasn’t even an actual winner, but none of that mattered--it was enjoyable for the audience to watch. With last week’s events, many have been wondering if there will be anything to take the place of Minecraft Monday during its hiatus. Will they continue playing on Hypixel? Will they host it themselves? We have an answer. Server - Discord - #MinecraftMonday #Zyphon #Technoblade

1v1ing kahoot with fans - join!

S4cp8OdCiY8 | 12 Oct 2019

1v1ing kahoot with fans - join!

Support the stream: join my discord - Watch me write weird descriptions for some odd reason. This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

ZexyZek: What Happened to the OG Troll? - The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again (YouTuber Biographies)

Cek2iuYBOuY | 10 Oct 2019

ZexyZek: What Happened to the OG Troll? - The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again (YouTuber Biographies)

If you played Minecraft from around 2012 to 2015, chances are you’ve at least heard of this one YouTuber. This person was just a young teen trying to make it big on YouTube. He had the same dreams as many people when Let's Plays were becoming big on YouTube. He is a manifestation of the YouTube dream that once existed before the age of corporations--an inspiration if you ask me. This is the timeless success story of a YouTuber having to build himself from the ground up. From Minecraft to Skate 3, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... ZexyZek. join discord server pls - #YouTuberBiographies #ZexyZek #Minecraft

kahoot w/ fans but i talk about minecraft monday - Join Me!

pCF9MpFJJZQ | 08 Oct 2019

kahoot w/ fans but i talk about minecraft monday - Join Me!

Support the stream: Watch me talk about Minecraft Monday and its future as we play Kahoot! This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

trolling badboyhalo with 100 bald penguins - The Baldguin Invasion of MunchyMC

T8QmAQ7OEx4 | 07 Oct 2019

trolling badboyhalo with 100 bald penguins - The Baldguin Invasion of MunchyMC

On August 31st, a bunch of bald penguins came together to troll BadBoyHalo. Everyone kept chanting "One of us" and "BBH eats penguins". Watch as I explained what exactly went down and how BadBoyHalo reacted. Join my Discord! - #Zyphon #BadBoyHalo #Baldguin

technoblade banned by hacker & minecraft monday cancelled for over a month (week 14 news)

NMCjjrcqgS8 | 07 Oct 2019

technoblade banned by hacker & minecraft monday cancelled for over a month (week 14 news)

This was a crazy week of Minecraft Monday, despite not even making it passed the first game! To be honest, I don’t even know if this even counts. Here's everything that happened: from Keemstar announcing that Minecraft Monday will be put on hold for a month to a statement by the one and only FireBreathMan. Join my Discord - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Keemstar

preparing for secret ambitious project - Cosmic SMP Episode 7

aCbQ-K-k_tw | 06 Oct 2019

preparing for secret ambitious project - Cosmic SMP Episode 7

i gather materials so that i can finally do my planned project in the next episode -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Jikishi (Admin): Bacon: Bispy: David: EccentricEmerald: Emity: Ender: Focus: GoneKnight: JerkRat: Keeping: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: Lexi: LJIMUN: Minion: Stormed: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Minecraft

Zyphon Community Tournament #1 - Full Stream

6NDfl97boYs | 05 Oct 2019

Zyphon Community Tournament #1 - Full Stream

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

🐧 pvping kahoot w/ fans 🐧 - Playing Kahoot! - Join Me

vOzanxahxlQ | 05 Oct 2019

🐧 pvping kahoot w/ fans 🐧 - Playing Kahoot! - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar. skeptical, you too.

🐧 capture the wool w/ fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Skyblock - Join Me

SG76G0wF4uk | 04 Oct 2019

🐧 capture the wool w/ fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Skyblock - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar.

Minecraft Monday Anime Intro - Technoblade Genesis (Evangelion)

-reC5PjjtG0 | 02 Oct 2019

Minecraft Monday Anime Intro - Technoblade Genesis (Evangelion)

after 500 years, a bunch of mortals think they can take down technoblade. will they actually beat him? how should i know this is just the intro you idot. Join my Discord! - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Evangelion

minecraft monday literally cancelled again & developer leaves (technoblade neva dies)

XU_ej1Pf3dc | 30 Sep 2019

minecraft monday literally cancelled again & developer leaves (technoblade neva dies)

looks like no-one really cared to say anything official. at least technoblade made a community post. this is a short news vid so watch it, nerds. Join my Discord! - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Keemstar

🐧 destroying kahoot with fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames & Kahoot! - Join Me

jWDYLHPF8t4 | 29 Sep 2019

🐧 destroying kahoot with fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames & Kahoot! - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar.

nerd gets a new skin & meets pigs - Cosmic SMP (Episode 6)

96G1ou0k19c | 29 Sep 2019

nerd gets a new skin & meets pigs - Cosmic SMP (Episode 6)

looks like the penguin is now different. that didn't make sense but i don't care. also big thank you to sxdhours. Discord Link - -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Jikishi (Admin): Azarity: Bacon: Bispy: David: EccentricEmerald: Emity: Ender: Focus: GoneKnight: JerkRat: Keeping: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: Lexi: LJIMUN: Maple: Minion: Stormed: xProFX: Zesy: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Minecraft

🐧 ruining kahoot with fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames & Kahoot! - Join Me

iF3dB8fPi9Y | 28 Sep 2019

🐧 ruining kahoot with fans 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames & Kahoot! - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar.

🐧 penguin ruins kahoot 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

1lXPaIJQhOY | 27 Sep 2019

🐧 penguin ruins kahoot 🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this. that means you, pig and polar.

please don't watch! this is a terrible video - Cosmic SMP (Episode 5)

6WRTr5gRM_M | 23 Sep 2019

please don't watch! this is a terrible video - Cosmic SMP (Episode 5)

just keep scrolling along. this is just a random vid you don't want to see. going deeper into the description is not going to change that. -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Jikishi (Admin): Azarity: Bacon: Bispy: David: EccentricEmerald: Emity: Ender: Focus: GoneKnight: JerkRat: Keeping: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: Lexi: LJIMUN: Maple: Minion: Stormed: xProFX: Zesy: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Minecraft

Area 51 Raid: Naruto Run Guy's NAME - Who is He?

UBT_Sg5BlZE | 21 Sep 2019

Area 51 Raid: Naruto Run Guy's NAME - Who is He?

Straight to the point video that tells you who the Naruto Runner is from the Area 51 Raid. You literally only need to watch the first 6 seconds of this video, so why not? #Zyphon #NarutoRunner #RaidArea51

🐧 Road to 8k Subscribers🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

8fIrAfLFVks | 21 Sep 2019

🐧 Road to 8k Subscribers🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it. plz don't draw attention to this.

actually making progress - Cosmic Episode 4

n__XEJ662wU | 16 Sep 2019

actually making progress - Cosmic Episode 4

Oh goodie. I actually did something productive for once in the series. -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): JustRyno (Co-Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Adders: Ash: Azarity: Bispy: EccentricEmerald: EMRLD: Essem: Focus: Freshi: GoneKnight: Irinyx: Jikishi: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: LJIMUN: Maple: Melz: Min3rpro: Samzi: Septimal: Triffy: Venzic: Vulpeh: Weembo: xProFX: zClass: Zesy: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Minecraft

YouTubers React to Technoblade Bountied by MrBeast for $15k - Minecraft Monday Week 13

8tKRzNvr8NA | 16 Sep 2019

YouTubers React to Technoblade Bountied by MrBeast for $15k - Minecraft Monday Week 13

In this video, various YouTubers (and Twitch & Mixer streamers) react to Technoblade getting bountied by MrBeast in Minecraft Monday Week 13. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #MrBeast

MrBeast Bounties Technoblade for $15k - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 13)

vtNMzyEr98A | 16 Sep 2019

MrBeast Bounties Technoblade for $15k - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 13)

MrBeast forces Technoblade to play the most consequential Hunger Games round of his entire Minecraft career. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #MrBeast

technoblade loses connection during $10k tournament - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 12)

cI2TVRVAQWU | 09 Sep 2019

technoblade loses connection during $10k tournament - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 12)

These were, in my opinion, the best moments from this week's Minecraft Monday. Technoblade teamed with Ninja. xQc and M0xy won, followed by xNestorio and Wisp. No major drama, though Technoblade did lose connection. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Zyphon

obs not working, help! why i've been uploading less frequently - Cosmic SMP Episode 3

4DT0txmXir4 | 08 Sep 2019

obs not working, help! why i've been uploading less frequently - Cosmic SMP Episode 3

In this video, I explain why I've been having trouble making videos. It's an episode of Cosmic SMP, but also mostly an update vid. There's been a lot of first week events at my university, leaving me with less time. Formed some good new study habits, but at the expense of my time. Didn't manage my time that well for YouTube stuff. OBS didn't work well when I tried working on my last episode last minute, so here we are now :\ I made the episode, rendered in everything, but it was just too bad for me to pass off as a video in itself. That's when I decided to tank a strike and try to find a solution throughout the week. I couldn't find any, afters hours upon hours of searching. -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Bacon (Admin): Jikishi (Admin): Adders: Azarity: Bispy: EccentricEmerald: EMRLD: Ender: Focus: Freshi: GoneKnight: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: LJIMUN: Maple: Melz: Min3rpro: Venzic: Wemmbo: xProFX: zClass: Zesy: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #Minecraft

skeppy's face cursed minecraft monday! - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 11)

jXU2prG5YX8 | 03 Sep 2019

skeppy's face cursed minecraft monday! - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 11)

Lots of drama that will affect the future of the weekly event. Before I make an in depth video on the situation, let's just enjoy some of the greatest moments from this week. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Zyphon

Greatest moments from Minecraft Monday Week 10 - Highlights

-IpR6YzKSrw | 27 Aug 2019

Greatest moments from Minecraft Monday Week 10 - Highlights

These are some clips from this week's Minecraft Monday. Watch and enjoy. Also i'm writing this random sentence for absolutely no reason other than to make you manually breath. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #MinecraftMondayHighlights

Help me Troll BadBoyHalo on Saturday!!! (also, on an unrelated note, subscribe to technoblade)

sMMlu4NfdnA | 26 Aug 2019

Help me Troll BadBoyHalo on Saturday!!! (also, on an unrelated note, subscribe to technoblade)

Just watch the video. Did you honestly think I'd put the entire video in this description? Get outta here! also subscribe if ur new Skins: Regular Baldguin - Bald Zyphon (Red) - Blue Baldguin - Green Baldguin - Pink Baldguin - or make your own #BadBoyHalo #Zyphon #MinecraftRaid

i'm so bad at trolling, lol - Cosmic SMP Episode 2 ft. Wemmbu & Zesy

bTjJTDVs7SI | 25 Aug 2019

i'm so bad at trolling, lol - Cosmic SMP Episode 2 ft. Wemmbu & Zesy

In this episode, I troll Zesy, Wemmbu, and Adders in an unorthodox fashion: with iron golems and nether warts (and failed Canada flags). -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Bacon (Admin): Adders: Ash: Azarity: Bispy: EccentricEmerald: EMRLD: Essem: Focus: Freshi: GoneKnight: Irinyx: Jikishi: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: LJIMUN: Maple: Melz: Min3rpro: Samzi: Triffy: Venzic: Vulpeh: Wemmbo: xProFX: zClass: Zesy: Zyphon: #CosmicSMP #Zyphon #SMP

Greatest moments from Minecraft Monday Week 9 - Highlights

EmcLBFBQhac | 20 Aug 2019

Greatest moments from Minecraft Monday Week 9 - Highlights

This week of Minecraft Monday was a breath of fresh air from the others: no major issues, no big controversies--just plain old competition as it’s supposed to be. Leading up to the last round, there were four teams that had a realistic path to victory. The team that ended up winning was Skeppy and Vikkstar. This was Skeppy’s third win and Vikkstar’s second. In second place, there was BajanCanadian and Jerome, who teamed again after having been split up after the first week for doing well together. In third place, there was xQc and m0xy, a team that consistently does well (mostly because of m0xy). Technoblade teamed with JackSucksAtLife this time around and their team got fourth. Technoblade got first individually. Last week, BadBoyHalo was teamed with a6d; however, their team split up. Instead, BadBoyHalo teamed up with a long time friend of his and YouTuber who got almost all of his subscribers in the last 2 months, Dream. A6d teamed up with CaptainSparklez. Also, before we begin, you can help troll BadBoyHalo. There’s more information to come in my next video, but let’s just say that it’ll be a group effort to invade his server. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Minecraft

Cheaters??? - Did the Winners of Minecraft Monday Week 8 Cheat? - Controversy Explained

QBWWuo3JPkM | 17 Aug 2019

Cheaters??? - Did the Winners of Minecraft Monday Week 8 Cheat? - Controversy Explained

As Minecraft Monday became more established as a weekly tournament, its public server became more developed. For the server, you can buy ranks, which allow you to enter some kind of weekly raffle to enter the actual Minecraft Monday. Iron rank gives you one entry, gold gives you three, and diamond gives you five. For a while, two fans with ranks were chosen every week to compete. There’s always been a possibility of the fan contestants winning, but it usually never seemed realistic. The closest the fan team has ever come to winning was in week 4, when they came in second and one member, FireBreathMan, got first place individually--that is, until this week. In this week’s competition, the randoms won: Needlexd and MCmorganplayz. This didn’t come without controversy, however. You see, in the beginning portion of the competition, they were playing on the Badlion client. During the break after the third round, they switched to the regular Minecraft launcher. A lot of people have been accusing the randoms of cheating. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at the situation in depth so you may form your own opinion about this issue. Server - MunchyMC Also, don't send hate to anyone mentioned in the video, regardless of what you may think of them. This video only explains the controversy and does not endorse any attacks on the winning team. #MinecraftMonday #Zyphon #Minecraft

YouTubers React to Technoblade Dominating Minecraft Monday TNT Run - The 6 Winstreak

10vk-7ByWRc | 15 Aug 2019

YouTubers React to Technoblade Dominating Minecraft Monday TNT Run - The 6 Winstreak

As we all know, Technoblade never dies. This is what other people think of Technoblade not dying. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #TNTRun

CaptainSparklez Almost Cusses Out Technoblade - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 8)

2Z8AXQ5mE-s | 13 Aug 2019

CaptainSparklez Almost Cusses Out Technoblade - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 8)

Minecraft Monday is a showdown between popular YouTubers. You have people with over 15 million subscribers such as James Charles, ones with over a million like Skeppy and now Technoblade, and some with multiple hundreds of thousands such as BadBoyHalo. Of all these people, the winners… were just a couple random people. Yes you heard that right, the fan contestants actually won this week. There’s a little controversy about whether or not they cheated--which I will cover in my next video. Regardless, it was a pretty fierce competition this week. Not only did the two randoms happen to be really good, but we had strong teams. In Team 10, there was Technoblade and DanTDM; their team got second. In third, there was CaptainSparklez and BajanCanadian who’ve teamed with each other for the past few weeks. xQc and m0xy were another recurring team and ended up in fourth. Last week, Skeppy and BadBoyHalo were one of the teams tied for first. Since they won twice, they had to split up. Skeppy teamed with Vikkstar and finished in fifth--which came as a bit of a surprise considering they’re both two of the strongest competitors. BadBoyHalo teamed up with a6d, the other member of his little trio. One last thing. Subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe and subscribe. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #DanTDM

so i joined a minecraft smp - Cosmic SMP Episode 1 ft. JustDash & More

ReHcKIh5z9Y | 10 Aug 2019

so i joined a minecraft smp - Cosmic SMP Episode 1 ft. JustDash & More

this smp is certainly going to be interesting. also follow me on twitter @zyphonyt because i need followers plz. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -=+ Cosmic SMP Info +=- Twitter: Discord: -=+ Cosmic SMP Members +=- JustDash (Owner): NotAlex (Co-Owner): Adders: Ash: Azarity: Bispy: EccentricEmerald: EMRLD: Essem: Focus: Freshi: GoneKnight: Irinyx: Jikishi: Kelptic: LaliTheCow: LJIMUN: Maple: Melz: Min3rpro: Samzi: Septimal: Triffy: Venzic: Vulpeh: Wemmbo: xProFX: zClass: Zesy: Zyphon: #Zyphon #CosmicSMP #MinecraftSMP

🐧 Road to 6k Subscribers🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

5ChJ4eVDcGk | 10 Aug 2019

🐧 Road to 6k Subscribers🐧 - Playing Hypixel Minigames - Join Me

Support the stream: This description is actually pretty meaningless, so idek why you're reading it.

Unpopular TNT Run Update in Minecraft Monday - Technoblade Loses His Winstreak

6n0GhU3Qows | 09 Aug 2019

Unpopular TNT Run Update in Minecraft Monday - Technoblade Loses His Winstreak

I think we can all agree that this week’s Minecraft Monday was an absolute disaster. We had minigames break and the winner was ambiguous. Today, I’ll be discussing one of the biggest things people were upset about: TNT Run--or should I say TNT Decay. IP - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #TNTRun

Still No-one Has Won Minecraft Monday Week 7 - Here's Why

YpmfcZG-8IU | 07 Aug 2019

Still No-one Has Won Minecraft Monday Week 7 - Here's Why

Words cannot describe just how crazy the Minecraft Monday situation is. Still, no-one even knows who the winners actually are. Everyone’s taking sides with their own opinions. At the end of the tournament, the top two teams were only two points apart. Without any context, this would seem to be simply a very close competition; however, every little detail mattered, including glitches--but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. First, it’s important to understand the top three teams. The first place team included Skeppy and BadBoyHalo, receiving 1451 points. In second, Technoblade and JunkyJanker AKA Gumball with 1449 points. Then in third, BajanCanadian and CaptainSparklez with 1442 points. The discussion mostly revolves around the top two, but some people have been mentioning the third place team. I’ll call them first place and second place based off how they appeared at the end, but please note that no-one actually knows who really is in first and second. There’s a lot to talk about, so we’ll begin with what’s actually causing the controversy. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Skeppy

No Clear Winner in Minecraft Monday - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 7) (technoblade in title)

5D52m-Ca010 | 06 Aug 2019

No Clear Winner in Minecraft Monday - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 7) (technoblade in title)

This was the most broken and close Minecraft Monday ever. In fact, no-one is even sure who the winners are. I’m going to be doing a more-in depth video on this for tomorrow, but here’s a basic rundown of what happened. The top two teams were only 2 points apart: Skeppy and BadBoyHalo and Technoblade and JunkyJanker AKA Gumball from the Amazing World of Gumball. At first glance, this may seem like just a close race, but there were some events that transpired that made a difference. First off, Build Battle was absolutely broken. Everyone started in the ground and some people tried to relog. There weren’t any event admins on, so many people were stuck as spectators. The only people who could build were those who glitched out. Technoblade’s teammate JunkyJanker relogged and couldn’t build. Keemstar said that Build Battle would no longer count, but no-one deducted the Build Battle points from every team’s score. Additionally, JunkerJanker and BadBoyHalo killed some people in the pre-game of One Shot. I really have no idea how they’re going to handle this. If anything happens, I’ll let you know in tomorrow’s video. I’ve been keeping a close eye on Twitter and it doesn’t seem much has happened expect for Skeppy and BadBoyHalo getting hate. Also, on a brighter note, I was interested to see that FitMC was teamed with TheCampingRusher. For those of you who don’t know, FitMC’s videos are almost all about a server called 2b2t: the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. TheCampingRusher was the first famous YouTuber to make a video about it, and caused the server to be flooded with players. Rusher is the most controversial figure in the server while Fit is pretty much the server’s spokesperson. #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Skeppy

so i applied to a minecraft smp...

oI0fY9EKWD0 | 05 Aug 2019

so i applied to a minecraft smp...

This is my application for Cosmic SMP Twitter - Discord - Zyphon#4194

Why is Technoblade Famous? - The Rise of the Minecraft Monday Champion (YouTuber Biographies)

ipfv0Lrlews | 04 Aug 2019

Why is Technoblade Famous? - The Rise of the Minecraft Monday Champion (YouTuber Biographies)

Today, we will be talking about a YouTuber who has been going at it for years. Only recently has he been seeing some sort of mega surge subscriber-wise. He is a legend that never dies and if you wish to defeat him, you must train for another 5000 years. The golden boy of Minecraft with very hot elbows--though we won’t see them until his elbow reveal. Ladies and gentlemen, today we will be talking about Technoblade. Server - #Technoblade #YouTuberBiographies #MinecraftMonday

DIAMOND DIVISION in Hypixel Ranked Turbo Kart Racers: The Most Relevant Game

BsblG4edVaw | 02 Aug 2019

DIAMOND DIVISION in Hypixel Ranked Turbo Kart Racers: The Most Relevant Game

I just got diamond division in the grand prix of the most relevant game on Hypixel: Turbo Kart Racers. Watch as I show off the cool stuff you get.

technoblade griefing rampage & wither in build battle - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 6)

G9xLeuOpEkk | 30 Jul 2019

technoblade griefing rampage & wither in build battle - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 6)

Minecraft Monday this week was crazy! Very suspenseful. Right before the last round, 6 whole teams had a realistic chance at winning the whole thing. In the end, Technoblade and Jschlatt were victorious by just 18 points--and BadBoyHalo likes taking a lot of screenshots with people. Technoblade won for the third time and was the top individual for the fourth time. This is Jschaltt’s first win. Logdotzip and Preston ended up second, though Technoblade was more worried about BajanCanadian and CaptainSparklez coming into the round. Skeppy and BadBoyHalo promised to buy one-thousand muffins after winning last week. They still have yet to buy the muffins so Skeppy and BadBoyHalo had a conversation that can be seen in a video on Skeppy’s second channel. They decided that if they lose, they’ll cut that amount in half. Since Technoblade won (when does he not), they’re now only getting 500. Also Pig++ Rank for Techno! Pig++++++ let’s go! Server - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade

How Revenge Reached #1 on Genius Lyrics - The History of Minecraft's Most Popular Parody Song

2JJHPC4JTwo | 29 Jul 2019

How Revenge Reached #1 on Genius Lyrics - The History of Minecraft's Most Popular Parody Song

Minecraft is a video game beloved by over a hundred million people. Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t deny how strong of a presence it has on the internet. If you’ve ever gone onto YouTube to look for videos of Minecraft, chances are you’ve at least heard of the most popular parody song of the game: Revenge by CaptainSparklez. This iconic, almost-eight-year-old song boasts over 181 million views. If you ask any Minecraft player to name all the Minecraft parody songs they’ve ever heard of, this song would be in a significant number of those lists. Another video on YouTube, you’d expect it to follow the typical course of a video. Most videos get barely any viewership throughout their entire history. If you’ve accumulated a fanbase, then perhaps your videos might get a good number of views in the first several days, only to die down for the rest of their histories. Maybe if you’re lucky--just lucky--one of your videos will suddenly get a surge of viewership thanks to the YouTube algorithm. But not this music video. As a matter of fact, just recently, Revenge hit the #1 spot on Genius. To some people, they might be surprised. Why in the world would some old video game parody song be higher on the list than Old Town Road and Bohemian Rhapsody? To that, I say good question. Today, we’ll be answering it by taking a look at just how Revenge got popular and why it stays iconic today. It’s easy to believe that Revenge is just another Minecraft parody in a pool of tens of thousands. If that’s what you think, then I hope I can convince you otherwise. Server - #CreeperAwMan #CaptainSparklez #Minecraft

Why Skeppy Won Minecraft Monday Week 5

Ph5PtPTK9_0 | 27 Jul 2019

Why Skeppy Won Minecraft Monday Week 5

Minecraft Mondays are always the biggest showdowns between YouTubers of all kinds. Of the YouTubers who consistently compete, only several of them have consistently done well. A week ago, we took a look at why Technoblade always consistently places. This week, we’ll be taking a look at another competitor who does consistently well. In the first two weeks, he placed 5th and 6th--not the best, but also not bad considering the pool of teams he’s against. In weeks 3 and 4, his team got second. At the end of week 5, his team finally got first place. Skeppy isn’t necessarily the person to look out for the most, but he’s certainly one of the people to look out for. Today, we’ll be taking a look at why. Server IP - Game - Capture the Flag #MinecraftMonday #Skeppy #BadBoyHalo

Carson "Sabotages" Technoblade Explained - Minecraft Monday Week 5

9na3MXgDMOo | 24 Jul 2019

Carson "Sabotages" Technoblade Explained - Minecraft Monday Week 5

Minecraft Mondays: the event that makes Monday a day to look forward to. Although an event that last for only around 3 hours on one day a week, it certainly brings out a bit of drama. Just in the second week, Keemstar the host got into a small argument with PeteZahHutt--a Minecraft YouTuber who competed in week 1. In week 4, a lot of viewers and competitors didn’t like the fact that Vikkstar was allowed to team with Preston since both of them have a lot of Minecraft experience. Well, this week, the big story comes from CallMeCarson teaming up with Technoblade. As the event began and they both played the first round of Hunger Games, Technoblade wasn’t going near Carson at all. In fact, Carson kept on making the joke that he was trying to sabotage Techno. But seriously, it was only a joke and no need to hate on him. Server IP - #MinecraftMonday #CallMeCarson #Technoblade

technoblade imprisons famous youtubers - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 5)

_0b2CobxFUA | 23 Jul 2019

technoblade imprisons famous youtubers - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 5)

This week of Minecraft Monday was a little weird, but also exciting. Not too much to talk about, but there is one big thing. Technoblade’s teammate was Carson. They planned a joke that Carson would sabotage Techno, but it didn’t turn out as planned. Some viewers sent death threats to Carson, so Techno made this comment, which he reposted as a tweet. Carson responded to the whole thing by saying he needs to get better jokes. (but seriously, no need to threaten to kill someone just because they made a poorly-executed joke) After getting second place two weeks in a row, Skeppy and BadBoyHalo won the whole thing! Congratulations! Now they have to buy a bunch of muffins. Map - Escape Skeppy's Dungeon #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Skeppy

The Man who Discovered PewDiePie's Seed in Minecraft - The Rise of Dream (YouTuber Biographies)

_ApUx62DK6Q | 22 Jul 2019

The Man who Discovered PewDiePie's Seed in Minecraft - The Rise of Dream (YouTuber Biographies)

There’s nothing as satisfying as starting a new Minecraft world and being able to explore the surrounding environment. After all, there are quintillions of possible seeds you could get. The likelihood of you ever randomly stumbling upon that same seed ever again is next to nothing. Forget about even getting it a third time! This satisfaction of each once-in-a-lifetime experience still remains in tact today. About a month ago, on June 21st, PewDiePie uploaded his first Minecraft let’s play--okay, not the first but you get the point. Originally part of his special week called Gaming Week, this video got a lot of support, prompting him to continue. The support he got for each video led him to continue until, eventually, Minecraft became a permanent series. Now, PewDiePie is literally a Minecraft channel. Throughout each episode, we follow Felix as he explores and makes new friends along the way. Who could forget Joergen or Sven or Water Sheep or Joergen #2 or Dinnerbone and anyone else? It’s a truly entertaining series that caught the attention of the entire internet. As it became more clear that this series was here to stay, one person began to speculate about how PewDiePie’s world seed could be reverse-engineered. He alone sparked interest in this topic, leading to the seed eventually being found. Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to be taking a look at how the YouTuber Dream reverse-engineered PewDiePie’s Minecraft Seed. Server - AKA #YouTuberBiographies #PewDiePie #Zyphon

Why Technoblade Always Dominates Minecraft Monday

ylap5KU9IQY | 20 Jul 2019

Why Technoblade Always Dominates Minecraft Monday

Ever since the first Minecraft Monday on June 24th, there’s been a few people who’ve dominated the rest of the competition every single week. While not all of them have won, they’ve managed to consistently place on the leaderboard. Of those competitors, the one who’s been most consistent has been Technoblade. So far, his teams have won 2/4 of the weeks and he’s gotten first individually in 3 of the 4. His team has been in the top 3 for 3 of the 4 weeks thus far and Technoblade has always been on the individual leaderboard. Any person who doesn’t know Technoblade might wonder why this is. Why is it that some virtual pig does so well every single week? I hoped you trained for thousands of years because today, we are going to be taking a look at why Techno’s master plan is so successful. Game - Hypixel Smash Heroes #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Zyphon

Hypixel is Starting his own YouTube Channel???

6llI4JUlAEw | 18 Jul 2019

Hypixel is Starting his own YouTube Channel???

The last person you’d ever expect to make clickbait videos is the owner of the largest server in Minecraft; however, it seems that might actually be the case. Earlier this month, on July 15th Hypixel himself made a tweet where he suggests that he might begin a YouTube channel. The tweet says this: “I kind of want to make a YouTube channel to clickbait owner rank on Hypixel” This is just absolutely insane. Hypixel making his own YouTube channel? I don’t know about you, but this sounds very interesting! Now that we know he has a bit of a plan in mind to start a channel, how will it work exactly? For starters, what would it be called? In another tweet, Hypixel asks for assistance in coming up with a good channel name. In other words, there is no set name yet, but you can help him come up with one. Server IP - #Hypixel #Zyphon #Minecraft

skeppy does bow trickshots on dolan dark - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 4)

VuHgmUymmDg | 16 Jul 2019

skeppy does bow trickshots on dolan dark - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 4)

This week of Minecraft Monday may not have been as crazy as the other weeks thus far, but it certainly had its fair share of great moments. First off, it continued last week’s trend of featuring multiple different minigames. It seems that it might just continue this way to give non-Minecraft players more of a chance. Now, let’s talk about the players. Some people weren’t able to make it because of VidCon. The roster leading up to the tournament seems to feature BajanCanadian teamed with NetNobody / SkyDoesMinecraft / Sky Does Everything / Adam; however, during the actual tournament, Bajan was teamed with JustVurb. Apparently, there was some last-second adjustment that let Vurb into the tournament. Despite coming in second last week, Skeppy and BadBoyHalo were permitted to team again this week. They got in second again. Technoblade teamed with James Charles. Techno’s getting so much clout. Just imagine how much farther he’ll go next week. And in first, we have... Vikkstar and Preston Plays. They were allowed to team with each other? What? So yeah, a lot of people were upset that two good Minecraft players were allowed to team with each other; apparently, Vikkstar was able to convince event organizers that Preston was quote-on-quote rusty. Technoblade tweeted this meme (this is a description so that doesn't actually work here). It doesn’t look like they’ll let them team ever again. Server IP - Every clip: 2:11 Skeppy Dominates - Hunger Games 4:26 Mobs hate Grapeapplesauce (Grape’s POV) - Battle Arena 5:55 Mobs hate Grapeapplesauce (Technoblade’s POV) - Battle Arena 7:11 The border hates Technoblade - Battle Arena 10:58 Vikkstar & Preston Win 12:32 Ph1L has no chill (Technoblade) - TNT Run 15:36 BadBoyHalo gets killed by Skeppy, his teammate - Spleef 16:33 Vikkstar is the first to finish the level - Dropper 17:40 Fitz uses /top in the Nether - Bingo Hunt 18:49 Techno is paid $100 to kill DanTDM - Hunger Games #MinecraftMonday #MinecraftMondayWeek4 #Technoblade

How Did Skeppy Become Famous? - The Rise of the Not-Bald YouTuber (YouTuber Biographies)

FkvorFi2xOk | 12 Jul 2019

How Did Skeppy Become Famous? - The Rise of the Not-Bald YouTuber (YouTuber Biographies)

Every YouTuber who’s ever tried to make it big or gain any sort of following knows that it can be especially difficult to reach a sub count of one million--let alone one-hundred thousand. They say with a lot of hard work, you have just a chance of achieving your dreams. When you barely see any drastic progress, it can be difficult or even discouraging to see how little movement you have in the scheme of things. Only those with the strongest wills break it out of the beginner’s stage. Today, one of the fastest growing Minecraft YouTubers is someone who enjoys posting videos about messing around with his server, trolling some bald guy, and sometimes playing gamemodes within the game. In fact, as of recent, he’s been growing at a faster pace than ever before. This begs the question, how did it get to this point? Why is the YouTuber Skeppy famous? Well I tried searching YouTube for the answer myself and I gotta say I was disappointed by the lack of results. It was then I knew that I had to take things into my own hands for my name isn’t Zyphon. This video explores the YouTube story of Skeppy; how he met people along the way such as a6d, BadBoyHalo, and Filxz; and the current wave of popularity Skeppy is riding. Watch til the end and you will not be disappointed as I was. Server IP - (yeah, I know) Note: Skeppy previously had multiple channels that go as far back as 2012, but I focus on the main Skeppy channel and his currently-active ones in this video. #Skeppy #BadBoyHalo #a6d

technoblade /top sneak attack - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 3)

EMgIKJDS57A | 09 Jul 2019

technoblade /top sneak attack - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 3)

Okay, you thought last week of Minecraft Monday was crazy? Get outta here. No, it only hit amateur levels. Week three was where it’s at. You know why? Bingooo!... and some other minigames. So yeah, this week, Minecraft Monday took more of a minigame turn. No big drama like last week, but there was still some things I found interesting. First of all, BadBoyHalo competed this week. He was on the same team as Skeppy (no figure). They did pretty well, getting second place in the tournament. They had a lead until the last round. In addition, some Minecraft players were paired with non-Minecraft players. James Charles teamed up with Vikkstar. Technoblade teamed with Chris from MrBeast. Techno and Chris got third place, making this the first week where Technoblade’s team didn’t get first place. Techno did get first place for his individual score, however. The winners this week were Traves and Cscoop. I’m just kidding! It was all Photoshop! Technoblade neva dies! Speaking of, Technoblade got 64k viewers on his stream at one point, making this his all-time stream viewership record by far, topping his already-amazing performance last week. Technoblade continued to do better than everyone else this week, prompting Keemstar to make two tweets about nerfing him and having to make him play left-handed. It seems he wants Techno to continue competing, so it doesn’t seem Technoblade will be kicked from the tournament. In fact, maybe he’ll be able to finally use his steering wheel after weeks of not being able to. Lastly, apparently everyone (and that means you, viewer) now has a chance to be in week 4 if they buy a rank of the Minecraft Monday server. Server in Video - Minecraft Monday Server - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Chris02

YouTube's LAZIEST Videos - The Reddit Story Video Rant

gDnZ5zp2GaY | 08 Jul 2019

YouTube's LAZIEST Videos - The Reddit Story Video Rant

Recently, I’ve been finding a bunch of Reddit Story videos in my YouTube Recommendations. I can’t be the only one. They come from many different sources: entire subreddits and individual posts that ask simple questions. What do I find wrong with this style of video? Ladies and gentle, today I’ll be ranting about Reddit Story videos. #Reddit #RedditRant #Zyphon

Keemstar VS PeteZahHutt Explained - Tensions Surrounding Minecraft Monday Week 2

B3bdZK1orts | 04 Jul 2019

Keemstar VS PeteZahHutt Explained - Tensions Surrounding Minecraft Monday Week 2

From everyone going after Technoblade to the PewDiePie-James Charles team, week 2 of Minecraft Monday has been absolutely crazy. What’s even crazier is the drama that went down between Minecraft YouTuber PeteZahHutt and the host of the tournament and DramaAlert Keemstar. Some people who stumble upon a tweet or video related to the situation might be a little lost so today, I will be explaining the situation from both sides. Ofc the clips belong to Keemstar and PeteZahHutt. Server IP - #DramaAlert #Keemstar #PeteZahHutt

famous youtubers 5v1 technoblade - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 2)

6MT-Z7cqLBo | 02 Jul 2019

famous youtubers 5v1 technoblade - Top Minecraft Monday Moments (Week 2)

Most interesting things that happened this week in MC Monday were Technoblade-related. He was killing the competition: both figuratively and literally. He did so well that some people are calling for him to be removed from next week’s tournament. Technoblade, as a prize for winning, earned the [PIG+] rank on Hypixel, so that’s a thing now. His stream had over 30k viewers. Also, just look at those YouTube analytics. Must be difficult being the best. We saw some crazy moments this week, especially with PewDiePie and James Charles competing as a team this week. Videos Used: 5v1 - James Charles and PewDiePie Killed - Techno Takes Out James Charles - PewDiePie Runs From Skeppy - CaptainSparklez Versus PewDiePie - Technoblade's Stream - Techno Drawing in the Original Thumbnail (Not current one) - @Jillyeon Server IP - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #PewDiePie

xTurtle: The Infamous Minecraft Hacker's Rise & Downfall (YouTuber Biographies)

37WvEUIRgdA | 29 Jun 2019

xTurtle: The Infamous Minecraft Hacker's Rise & Downfall (YouTuber Biographies)

If you watched Minecraft videos in 2016-2017, there’s a chance--just a chance--that you stumbled upon some rising YouTuber who happened to be a hacker. He was widely controversial since, although he was a YouTuber who provided a level of entertainment value, he also did a lot of stuff that upset a lot of the people who came across his channel. This YouTuber got into some small wars with some big Minecraft servers of the time such as Hypixel, Mineplex, and Badlion. One day, this guy woke up to see that his channel got terminated because of 35 community guidelines strikes. Ladies and gentlemen, today we’re talking about xTurtle. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thumbnails Used: BroEdits - Rekin - BadBoyHalo - Fake Hacking Vid in Beginning- The majority of videos and pictures here are from xTurtle and Tyler Novak (his vlog channel). Server - MunchyMC IP - Stupid Clickbait Video Thumbnail - Zyphon (Definitely not me or anything) #xTurtle #Zyphon #YouTuberBiographies

technoblade accidentally wins $10k - Top 3 Minecraft Monday Moments

ehn7_jgimSQ | 25 Jun 2019

technoblade accidentally wins $10k - Top 3 Minecraft Monday Moments

Keemstar just hosted the first ever Minecraft Monday yesterday, featuring many famous YouTubers such as Grandayy and MrBeast. In this video, we take a look at bad recordings of the top 3 moments (because I immediately started working on this video and there weren't that many good recordings of individual clips). Sources (of individual clips): Ninja Quits - Skeppy Hits 800k - Technoblade Wins - Drawing of Technoblade in Thumbnail - #MinecraftMonday #Technoblade #Zyphon

The School WiFi Rant

o-1A_cEubqM | 22 Jun 2019

The School WiFi Rant

On one hand, school WiFi filters out bad websites. On the other, it blocks official school district websites. Today, I talk about how bad school WiFi can get. Note: At some point, I talk about a situation from earlier in the morning. This was made on May 24th, but not scheduled until June 22nd because I didn't like the video. #Zyphon #Rant #SchoolRant

Big Chungus: The Movie (Full HD)

hidvuDmzbc4 | 07 Jan 2019

Big Chungus: The Movie (Full HD)

The ultimate movie about Big Chungus. Probably even the last one before he's completely irrelevant. Watch as Big Chungus fights Thanos, dances with the crabs in Crab Rave, cover's PewDiePie's diss track, takes on Phoneix Wright, and much more (not really)! If this doesn't sum up December 2018, I don't know what will. Segments Opening - 0:00 Intro - 0:30 Bumper #1 (That's Hot) - 2:00 Diss Track - 2:10 Bumper #2 (Chungus Rave) - 2:49 Chungus Flat Earth Story - 3:00 Bumper #3 (That's Hot #2) - 4:05 Big Chungus Vs. Thanos - 4:10 Bumper #4 (DVD Screensaver) - 4:38 Trial - 4:46 Bumper #5 (Big Chungus Chant) - 7:35 Everything You Know is Chungus - 7:58 Credits - 9:21

Big Chungus: The Movie (Trailer)

JpASja2E9So | 04 Jan 2019

Big Chungus: The Movie (Trailer)

Elmer Fudd believes that his latest scheme will hold Big Chungus alright. Big Chungus actually escapes very easily. It was a terrible trap. Elmer is seriously the worst villain of all time. Watch Elmer fail miserably and get "crushed" as Big Chungus tears his trickery to shreds. "That'll hold him alright" ~Big Chungus

Jablinski Games + Smash JT - Zyphon Anime Review

GA8b-ICLRQg | 29 Dec 2018

Jablinski Games + Smash JT - Zyphon Anime Review

In modern Japanese culture, two of the most recent animes to rise to the big picture are Jablinski Games and Smash JT. In this double anime review, we take a look at the popular sensation Jablinski Games and the poorly-rated Smash JT, an anime that "critiques" it. Also, Idek what this video is. A critique of Smash JT’s “Jack Black’s Jablinski Games... RUINS YouTube!?” I guess...

👍Pewdiepie YouTube Rewind Vs. Despacito👍 (Like Count Archive #1)

juorUzvGhxs | 27 Dec 2018

👍Pewdiepie YouTube Rewind Vs. Despacito👍 (Like Count Archive #1)

The battle to see which video will be the most liked video on YouTube. Will Pewdiepie's version of YouTube Rewind 2018 overtake Despacito? Find out!

VoiceoverPete Anime Intro - Evangelion

BmXuz7TxjqE | 27 Nov 2018

VoiceoverPete Anime Intro - Evangelion

someone had to do it

Poor Research Strategies - A Response to Infographic Show's Pewdiepie v. T Series Video

HpdCUUB42dA | 24 Nov 2018

Poor Research Strategies - A Response to Infographic Show's Pewdiepie v. T Series Video

someone had to do it Sources ======================= - Infographic Show's Sources idubbbz - took from vid by hunter1s1k Knowing that Wikipedia isn't a credible source

Responding to Comments - Final Video About Matt Spicer

AGuhmiqvFtM | 18 Aug 2018

Responding to Comments - Final Video About Matt Spicer

I really can't believe that my video on Matt Spicer has been getting such a positive reception! In this video, I respond to comments from my 3 Fox Goodman tracing controversy videos and end off by giving my thoughts on Matt Spicer's recent responses. ----------- Credits ------------- Background music mostly by Kevin Macleod Intro Song #1 - Genre: Melodic Dubstep Want to use this song? Put this in your description! Track: Phantom Sage - Crystal Clouds [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Free Download / Stream: Intro Song #2 by me, Zyphon Images used are public domain. Fox Goodman artwork and sound by Fox Goodman. Matt Spicer artwork by Matt Spicer.

How Sealand is Actually a Minecraft Server in Real Life

pUPcLrj_y7Q | 12 Aug 2018

How Sealand is Actually a Minecraft Server in Real Life

Sealand is a real life "country" that you can buy ranks from, just like a Minecraft server. As a result, I must deduce that Sealand itself is actually a Minecraft server. This is just a joke. In no way should this commentary be taken seriously... at all. Trust me. In one of my next videos, I'll explain what I've been up to with my YouTube channel lately. Credits ----------- Music by Sealand YouTube channel and Kevin Macleod Sealand National Fire Minecraft USSR Map of Location + Flag Zombie Hand Fake News #Zyphon #Sealand #Minecraft

Where Has Matt Spicer Been? - A Look on His Absence

seEbpHkZnb8 | 07 Aug 2018

Where Has Matt Spicer Been? - A Look on His Absence

Despite being a central figure in the Fox Goodman tracing controversy and being hit hard by it, Matt Spicer has been strangely absent. In this video, I take a look at the implications. Hopefully this is my last video on this controversy. Music by Kevin MacLeod Video by Fox Goodman Matt Spicer artwork by Matt Spicer #Zyphon

Criticism of Fox Goodman - Reaction to Fox Goodman's Response

Gw2ej_xqUPc | 03 Aug 2018

Criticism of Fox Goodman - Reaction to Fox Goodman's Response

In his recent response video, Fox Goodman makes it clear that he is trying to milk his controversy to get as much out of it as possible: attention from TheOdd1sOut, additional publicity from DaftPina, and $100k to go to VidCon the most expensive way possible. I do appreciate his efforts to actually citing his sources, but he still somehow added additional layers to his controversy in a video that was supposed to end it once and for all. Will he ever learn? Sources: * Zyphon - Continue On * Zyphon - Autumn Ambience * Zyphon - The Highway * Zyphon - Turkish March Remix (Remix of Mozart's Work) * Kevin Macleod - Lobby Time * Video belongs to Fox Goodman ( * Video also includes part of one of MrBeast's videos as well as DaftPina's original video, which began this controversy * Money Stock Image - Public Domain ( #Zyphon

Zyphon - Autumn Ambience (Official Music Video)

baytRbjUnhY | 28 Jul 2018

Zyphon - Autumn Ambience (Official Music Video)

When you're feeling down, it's sometimes best to sit back quietly and listen to the sounds of the autumn ambience. I wrote this composition a while back, but I never created a proper music video for it. Here is the music video that I should've made a long time ago. ====================== Credits - All footage clips seen were uploaded as Creative Commons works. Here are the links to their respective videos: Fall Leaves in the Wind [HD Stock Footage] by Running Director Productions Free Stock Footage Falling Leaves Motion Background HD 1080P (Natural Color Version) by Tim Z Fall Foliage Along the Lake in Massachusetts by Drone by David Hurlburt Panning over fall leaves - Free HD Footage by Free HD Footage #Zyphon

The Fox Goodman Rant Rant Rant

rtR74byjGWs | 26 Jul 2018

The Fox Goodman Rant Rant Rant

Or in other words, this is the rant of the rant of the rant of Fox Goodman; this is a rant of Doplr's rant on DaftPina's rant of Fox Goodman. DaftPina recently created a rant about a YouTuber named Fox Goodman about his habits of tracing artwork from other YouTubers, namely TheOdd1sOut. This rant had a response rant from Doplr, who criticized the video and the fact that DaftPina made the video on the smaller YouTuber. This is my response to Doplr's rant. Credits: * Doplr for the original rant rant video * The Odd1sOut (and Fox Goodman to an extent) for the artwork * Google for definitions * Zyphon - Autumn Ambience * Zyphon - Turkish March Remix (Remix of Mozart's work) * Zyphon - Continue On #Zyphon

Can I Call Myself a Real YouTuber? (Zyphon Podcast #1)

XhT5HYWunsA | 06 Jul 2018

Can I Call Myself a Real YouTuber? (Zyphon Podcast #1)

With all that has been going on as well as my inactivity on YouTube, I discuss my current state of affairs regarding life, YouTube, and my schedule. Don't miss the first episode of the Zyphon Podcast! Credits: * Music belongs to Capcom (from Ace Attorney series)

Literally Every Flat Earth "Proof"

de7S9uKEdvI | 15 Jun 2018

Literally Every Flat Earth "Proof"

This video automatically refutes centuries of solid proofs by using the greatest form of persuasion; I can't tell you what it is for obvious reasons.

[muffled foot lettuce playing in the distance]

3ou9vMmn7p0 | 09 Jun 2018

[muffled foot lettuce playing in the distance]

Edgey is really edgy now. Featuring a Minecraft noteblock song with Pheonix Wright. Inspired by [muffled rap music playing in the distance] by Anna.

Danielle Bregoli WENT TO MY SCHOOL!

5rKtDgmyJ-8 | 29 May 2018

Danielle Bregoli WENT TO MY SCHOOL!

The Cash Me Outside Girl/Danielle Bregoli/Bhad Bhabie went to my school and I'm not even kidding. There is no catch this this, just pure facts (and a weird video). #Zyphon

Chills Discusses the Flat Earth Theory (or at least my terrible impression of him)

kLDCJ5t2NZ0 | 27 May 2018

Chills Discusses the Flat Earth Theory (or at least my terrible impression of him)

"Chills" from Top15s talks about how the Flat Earth Theory might be what we get.

Yoshi's Last Stand

_wDCFAIRCZw | 14 May 2018

Yoshi's Last Stand

The hero we need, but don't deserve. He takes advantage of every loophole, even ones that don't apply. Yoshi is fed up with all this taxation going around, so he commits tax fraud. Watch as Yoshi takes a stand; in fact, this is Yoshi's last stand. Yeah, I forced the title into the description. So what? All music belongs to SiIvaGunner. #Zyphon

DEBUNKED! - "10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors" by Zyphon

0Xbzkdwv5Gk | 03 May 2018

DEBUNKED! - "10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors" by Zyphon

I analyze some implications of a discovery found. Yes, I am owning up to my mistake. It was a pretty poor decision to not dig as in depth as I should in my research. I will try to get more fact verification when I do reasearch for now on. Ohy. Why did I have to make this entire video making fun of a comment? This video was just made because I ran out of ideas. Transcript ---------------------------- Zyphon here, hitting a new low. Today I will be looking at a recent comment on one of my videos. Recently, my 10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors video has been blowing up and gaining popularity. I never expected this at all! But still, with me making lazy videos, I pretty much used bad research practices, using this first sources of information I can find. What does this mean? You guessed it! False information. This comment over here complains that I got one of the years wrong by 1 year. I did some digging and found out that the year range I saw was due to private released. I am truly intrigued. An entire 1 year difference derails my entire video! My entire 5 minute, 41 second video torn to shreds by 1 word that lasts less than a second. With the facts on this person's side, their claim that all my information is incorrect must be correct! It's not like my video is more about listing flavors than it is about giving years. Some of my facts are plainly wrong; just look at them! I rest my case.

YouTube Just Made the WORST Decision!

QPFGaM84axo | 25 Apr 2018

YouTube Just Made the WORST Decision!

You may know YouTube because of all the funny videos. You may also know it as a website with music videos. One thing that YouTube doesn't respect, however, is penguins, and you will find out why. Through my evidence, I show how YouTube is being EVIL (I had to put evil in caps so that if people actually read this description, they read the word and therefore click on this video). How dare YouTube handle World Penguin Day so badly! #Zyphon

Zyphon - Continue On (Official Music Video)

_EJnIkN8jPU | 21 Apr 2018

Zyphon - Continue On (Official Music Video)

As the days keep on coming, you just have to continue on with life. Music created using Garageband iPhone app Stock footage - You may use this music as long as you give credit. #Zyphon


uH59Ns4Aks8 | 19 Apr 2018


Some random guy I found explains why the Earth is not rounding using the best type of logic: speculation. Let's see how speculation compares to empirical evidence.


Jr8guGJpZrY | 11 Apr 2018


Everyone has an opinion about what shape Earth is and, despite pictures, the horizon, and boat navigation, many believe it to be flat. One person claims to have found irrefutable evidence that Earth is not round. Using a toy plane and a globe, he somehow finds a way to disprove centuries' worth of work. Just how good is this Flat Earth Theory proof though? Find out as Zyphon reacts to the video. Note: Please don't go out of your way to harass the guy in the video. Not only is doing so rude, but the guy in the video doesn't even believe in this "proof" anymore.

CartoonAddict is now Zyphon

wOz3eTIG8Pk | 04 Apr 2018

CartoonAddict is now Zyphon

I am sure that you guys are not wondering where Cardude2001 is, but are wondering where CartoonAddict is. I changed my Youtube username to Zyphon. Transcript Hello everyone. It's Zyphon. Just recently, I changed my Youtube username. It used to be CartoonAddict. Now, it shall be known as Zyphon. You may be wondering why I came to this decision, and the answer is simple; Zyphon just sounds a lot catchier than CartoonAddict. After all, if I'm not making cartoon videos, what's the point of keeping the username? Not to mention that people would always be confused on searching my name, adding a space in between Cartoon and Addict. I could never really see myself succeeding in competing for the "Cartoon Addict" search term, so there's no need for me to make finding my channel a process. It just makes a lot more sense to have a cool sounding username, like Zyphon. Almost none of my old videos will be affected. The only change I plan on making, which I already did, is changing the artist of my music video, the Highway, to Zyphon. That's all I have for today.

Nations of the World but it's 1984

AXT5fP0oQ2w | 30 Mar 2018

Nations of the World but it's 1984

The Nations of the World with Yakko Warner except it takes place in George Orwell's famous dystopian novel, 1984. #Zyphon #1984 #YakkosWorld


L4k8mEm7-E0 | 27 Mar 2018


A redo of my video about a crazy school story about Oreos. It may seem exaggerated, but I kid you not, this is not click bait (other than the arrow and the title in all caps). This was my first commentary video as I tried to get back into doing YouTube seriously. I wasn't satisfied, so this video is a redo of that first video. Bulleted Talking Point List: This is what I used to organize my thoughts when speaking. Oreo - I went to speech therapy during electives ("Fine Arts") - Every T + Th - Phobia of Oreos - touch much less near - Arts and Crafts Project -While I like a good art project in class - Tried to avoid touching the Oreo by all means - First, I asked "Do I really have to touch it" - Yes b/c part of project - Could I use something else? - Are there any gloves? - Could I grab it with a napkin or something - waste of paper - Sat there, panicked - Have to finish the craft or there would be consequences - Took serious, but was too afraid - to me , telling touch poop with my bare hands - Being scared, I did nothing. - The next day, when I walked into class, my homeroom teacher game me a slip up - Piece of paper where you explain why you got in trouble - signed by parent - Outraged - Teacher conference explained in another video - That day, I had recess detention, which was called "walking during recess" - "Fine Arts", "Slip up", "Walking during recess" - I think you can see a pattern of euphemism - Anyway, I had to walk around my school's basketball court during recess to "Think about what I had done wrong" - I didn't learn anything - This story just goes to show how messed up things can get in school - I will continue this story another time and talk about one field trip that I went on for science class - Besides that, that's all I have for today.


_Gv0dligCMc | 25 Mar 2018


China's first ever space station, Tiangong-1, is poised to crash down to Earth within the coming weeks. This video will present you with some information to know. Transcript: Hello everyone. CartoonAddict here. Recently, you may have heard about a Chinese space station that's is going to fall down to Earth. The Tiangong-1 Station is China's first ever space station, so to see it crash down will certainly be a historical moment. Tiangong-1 was launched in 2011 and in 2016, it was announced that the Chinese lost control of the space station. No-one knows when it will crash down, so scientists have been trying to estimate a range of dates. Earlier this month, the station was estimated to re-enter Earth's atmosphere in a 27-day window from March 24th to April 19th. A more recent prediction by the European Space Agency (ESA) gives an 8-day window for Tiangong-1 to crash down: March 30th to April 6th. On March 20th, Satellite-tracker Dr. Marco Langbroek tweeted an estimated range from March 28th to April 3rd. **In the video, I accidentally say March 27th. I meant to say March 28th. You may be wondering if you should be worried. The ESA states that the probability of being hit by a piece of the space station is 10 million times smaller than the yearly chance of being hit by lightning. The ESA goes on further to explain that no there are no deaths caused by falling space debris to ever be confirmed. This map shows the probability of Tiangong-1 re-entering Earth in every area. While you probably won't get hit by any falling debris, Tiangong-1's re-entry into the Earth will certainly be historic. Sources #Zyphon

UPDATED! Achievement Guide (Tank Trouble)

fTSoLi6FwhI | 20 Mar 2018

UPDATED! Achievement Guide (Tank Trouble)

An updated version of the Tank Trouble achievement guide I uploaded 4 years ago. #TankTrouble #Zyphon

Zyphon - The Highway (Official Music Video)

Wy9bGWSk9JQ | 12 Mar 2018

Zyphon - The Highway (Official Music Video)

A highway can be moving quickly, slowly, or empty--just like life. Music created using Garageband iPhone app Stock footage is public domain You may use this music as long as you give credit.

DYNAMITE REMIX V2 - CartoonAddict Edition (Taio Cruz - Dynamite)

OT9R9hbKzm0 | 09 Feb 2018

DYNAMITE REMIX V2 - CartoonAddict Edition (Taio Cruz - Dynamite)

I really enjoyed creating my first remix of Dynamite. In this remake of my remix, I fix some issues and twist things up more. When I saw that the iPhone version of GarageBand had a huge update, I was excited to try out its new capabilities and make a new version of this remix. Enjoy!

Wendy's Secret Superbowl Commercials

zjhilEH4-dg | 04 Feb 2018

Wendy's Secret Superbowl Commercials

The other commercials other than "Honesty is the Best Policy." NOTE: These are obviously fake; this is just a joke.

DORITOS BLAZE vs. MTN DEW ICE in a Nutshell (Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman)

faAmaJaqFuI | 03 Feb 2018

DORITOS BLAZE vs. MTN DEW ICE in a Nutshell (Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman)

Pretty much how the new Peter Dinklage vs. Morgan Freeman commercial series goes down.

SHAPE OF YOU REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Ed Sheeran - Shape of You)

USYoIvex5UM | 02 Feb 2018

SHAPE OF YOU REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Ed Sheeran - Shape of You)

I can't believe it's been a year since the music video for Shape of You has been released! Here is a remix of the song made by me. Made using the GarageBand app on my iPhone. Original song by Ed Sheeran

Ace Attorney in a Nutshell

gw-BOUXEs7s | 05 Jan 2018

Ace Attorney in a Nutshell

This video was inspired by Solar Sands. Ace Attorney is made by Capcom. In other words, I do not own it, blah blah blah legal stuff. OBJECTION!

ORIGINAL RELAXING SONG: Zyphon - Autumn Ambience

gzRSI5Z8gP0 | 01 Dec 2017

ORIGINAL RELAXING SONG: Zyphon - Autumn Ambience

After having created so many remixes, I figured it was about time that I created something original for once. This was my end result, and I could not be any more proud. Made with the Garage Band App -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors

ru_H4WKDXKY | 24 Nov 2017

10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors

I discuss 10 of the Mountain Dew variants that have been discontinued over the years. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video! #Zyphon

DYNAMITE REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Taio Cruz - Dynamite)

F4yppN7U1ms | 15 Oct 2017

DYNAMITE REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Taio Cruz - Dynamite)

A remix that I recently created using the Garageband iPhone app of Taio Cruz - Dynamite, a song that I remember enjoying a lot, a while back. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

SMOOTH CRIMINAL REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal)

yFnaQE0cZC4 | 16 Sep 2017

SMOOTH CRIMINAL REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal)

A remix I made of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal on the Garage Band app for the iPhone. Made with Garage Band Original song by Michael Jackson -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

HEY JUDE REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (The Beatles - Hey Jude)

E0hned3cy-o | 14 Sep 2017

HEY JUDE REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (The Beatles - Hey Jude)

A remix that I made a while ago of Hey Jude by The Beatles on the Garage Band iPhone app. Made with Garage Band Original song by The Beatles -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

Big Ben Plays Bohemian Rhapsody for the Last Time

RGLDazBQbKo | 12 Sep 2017

Big Ben Plays Bohemian Rhapsody for the Last Time

I know this is a little late in the game, but I have yet to see anything like this, so here you go! -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


CcfXSObzlUw | 21 Aug 2017


Just a quick PSA regarding today's solar eclipse and people tempted to look at it. Very informative video (or not, but still accurate). -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


WEmuugqKf-g | 20 Aug 2017


Probably my worst video, and I mean it. I regret making this video, but I have it up just to see how much I progress in the future. Original Description -------------- hopefully these memes aren't a disappointment. yep, i'm streching the definition of "meme." they could be danker, but you can pretty much get away with less quality content on youtube these days. don't tell anyone i said that. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

Protegent & Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give Up Your Security

jJeBuBNmMRc | 18 Aug 2017

Protegent & Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give Up Your Security

I am Rick Astley and never giving you up is my motto. Ya, I know that this video is pretty bad (and by pretty bad, I mean very bad). I guess you could say that making music off-beat is my motto. Alright, that was a bad joke. Also, who actually reads descriptions anymore? Get outta here! -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

well school begins today...

CZ9HVes__28 | 14 Aug 2017

well school begins today...

yep, school begins today. wish me luck. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


FtYQtNY5WaA | 11 Aug 2017


yeah, i made this video caring way more about getting a 10 minute video done for today instead of making something quality. But hey! At least there are now actual names for the types of reaction videos, kinda. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

it's everyday bro but i removed everything cringy

7kISCBF2Y-0 | 09 Aug 2017

it's everyday bro but i removed everything cringy

yep, i removed all the cringy parts. no, i did not remove the entire video. also, yes i'm late. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

i need a schedule

c3QuethF1d4 | 05 Aug 2017

i need a schedule

I briefly describe my plan on when to upload future videos. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


cKAsI6wo8SQ | 31 Jul 2017


As a young kid, I used many intros in my YouTube videos. They are cringy enough to make a video out of, hence the existence of this video in the first place. please subscribe -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

safety patrol adventures

Nb3OC6GoZ1I | 29 Jul 2017

safety patrol adventures

just a video about my time in safety patrol in elementary school -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

new clickbait thumbnails (poll)

4-ldajZMNxU | 26 Jul 2017

new clickbait thumbnails (poll)

I announce changes to my video's thumbnails and ask about your thoughts on them. Also, ironically, this video isn't that clickbaity compared to my other ones, despite it being about clickbait and you doing my dirty work. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


mcFQmp1yx0g | 25 Jul 2017


We probably know by now that MS Paint is no longer going to be updated. I take a look at one of the earliest videos on this topic and give my thoughts on the situation. Also, sound quality is bad. Music: Sad Trio - Kevin Macleod I gave all credit due, especially to the content creators whose work I utilized. All else is public domain. -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (John Philip Sousa - S&SF)

5XUlB4OVNuI | 24 Jul 2017

STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (John Philip Sousa - S&SF)

My remix of the United States national march, which is pretty catchy in my opinion. Original: John Philip Sousa - Stars and Stripes Forever FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


NcCF9Xs_t2Q | 23 Jul 2017


I take advice from the clickbait master, Ruby Rube, to make the scariest video imaginable! also subscribe. I guess it would be fair to link her channel in the description, so: Song: Kevin Macleod - Sad Trio Disclaimer: I, in no way, hold anything against Ruby Rube; this video is just a satire made for fun. In fact, I'm personally impressed by her clickbait game and how she finds herself millions of views because of how she presents herself and garners attention. I understand that her videos appeal to a younger audience, so yeah. FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!


RgmFYnawyLE | 22 Jul 2017


The clickbait king announces his entrance into Pewdiepie's clickbait contest. Can he win? Find out! Vote:

FLIGHT REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Tristam & Braken - Flight)

sHMIFK4vNaE | 21 Jul 2017

FLIGHT REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Tristam & Braken - Flight)

A remix that I made a while ago to follow up my other remix on Smash Mouth - All Star. This time, I remixed Tristam & Braken - Flight. Made with Garage Band Original: Tristam & Braken - Flight

ALL STAR REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Smash Mouth - All Star)

1yny0njtPMc | 20 Jul 2017

ALL STAR REMIX - CartoonAddict Edition (Smash Mouth - All Star)

This is my remix of Smash Mouth - All Star that really encompasses a different way of listening to the song. Made with Garage Band Original song by Smash Mouth


Z_TlgnX0VqY | 19 Jul 2017


Today I react to one of my old animations from 5 years ago--one made with Microsoft Paint and Windows Movie Maker.


dNNzNrBKDeg | 17 Jul 2017


i originally made a thumbnail that turned out not to be clickbaity enough, so I switched it up. also subscribe.

CARRIED BY MY TEAMMATES (Clash Royale 2v2 Gameplay)

6OSXeVz4Ahk | 06 Jul 2017

CARRIED BY MY TEAMMATES (Clash Royale 2v2 Gameplay)

I decide to once again play some Clash Royale, and this time it's of 2v2 mode. Watch as I get crowns and silver chests because, let's face it, those are the rewards.

troops are overrated

cuWWRx83ODs | 05 Jul 2017

troops are overrated

seriously, who even uses troops anymore -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

offense is for amateurs

ErOWI60u49A | 03 Jul 2017

offense is for amateurs

offensive play is for amateurs. real players only use defense. Music: CartoonAddict - Silence -------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Remember to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video!

a slightly better video, but it's now a music video

8GSK7Neoiaw | 02 Jul 2017

a slightly better video, but it's now a music video

at least this one is not as bad. leave a like. Song: Stonebank - "Only One"

worst clash royale video to ever exist

PZL8o1WBEkM | 01 Jul 2017

worst clash royale video to ever exist

seriously, why would i waste my time with this video, considering how poorly i edited it

My Heart : Skywars - A Replay Mod Creation (Minecraft)

185D1Zq1VD4 | 05 Dec 2016

My Heart : Skywars - A Replay Mod Creation (Minecraft)

A creation made with the Replay Mod, portraying a Hypixel Skywars game. Server IP -

We are Number One but my Edits are too Complicated to Explain in this Title

u_HL7TDIomU | 24 Nov 2016

We are Number One but my Edits are too Complicated to Explain in this Title

Every "one" is replaced with "Toaster" or "Toasters" Robbie teaches history about being superheroes The world blows up Billy Mays advertises a product

Purple Shep Sings Frame Of Mind (Tristam & Braken)(Minecraft)

Ye5tboHNKmM | 14 Nov 2016

Purple Shep Sings Frame Of Mind (Tristam & Braken)(Minecraft)

mY NAmE Is PUrPlE sHEp aND ToDAy i SInG fraME oF mInD THiNg!


Qoz2Nm4uN9o | 12 Nov 2016


This is it. I can succeed without making videos. I am just too good at this.

Club Penguin Randomness Episode 11

ZlfOd8maIFk | 14 Jul 2016

Club Penguin Randomness Episode 11

The first episode in a long while. While it might start slow, the good stuff starts closer to the end. SCENE NAMES (SPOILERS) --------------------------------- 1. Intro 2. Blue Boxes of Death 3. Walk Climb 4. Joke with a Twist 5. Frame of Mind 6. Look at this Dude

Frame of Mind: Hypixel/Badlion Montage (Minecraft)

4k_RrmV-jY4 | 13 Jul 2016

Frame of Mind: Hypixel/Badlion Montage (Minecraft)

A montage of me playing different gamemodes on Hypixel and Practice Badlion with great gameplay. ---------------------------------- Hypixel - Badlion -

Throw Out : Minecraft Hightlights #2

bq7rHRS9MCo | 08 Jun 2016

Throw Out : Minecraft Hightlights #2

Throw Out is an addicting minigame on the Hypixel server where your objective is to knock out the most people when time is up. I am good at it, so I decided to show a game as a highlight. Thumbnail update: 7/25/17 ------------------------------------------- Server IP:

Screen Problems

BXMda0OYDyE | 05 Jun 2016

Screen Problems

I recently got this screen problem, but fortunately I can still make videos.

Puppy Monkey Baby Sparta Remix

28ORq7skyrY | 07 Feb 2016

Puppy Monkey Baby Sparta Remix

In celebration of the Super Bowl, I have created a sparta remix of my favorite commercial released early. It is of Puppy Monkey Baby.

The Laboratory w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

hew8Wjry3XY | 30 Jan 2016

The Laboratory w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

Quite a while ago, I recorded a video of SurvivalYoshi and I playing The Laboratory on The Hive. I found the video recently and decided to polish it. Hope you enjoy! Server IP: SurvivalYoshi -

Skin Competition w/ Many People (Minecraft)

EpMeBo6z4dM | 23 Jan 2016

Skin Competition w/ Many People (Minecraft)

I went on a Discord chat room today and a guy named Brandonthestick hosted a skin competition w/ others including IamStriker.

Peridot: "Enough of This!" Sparta Remix (Steven Universe)

FRI3wivzv1g | 23 Jan 2016

Peridot: "Enough of This!" Sparta Remix (Steven Universe)

I was bored and decided to make a Sparta Remix, which is a type of remix based upon "300". This is my first decent one. Enjoy!

Deep Freeze Parkour w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

wQKLJ3wky3s | 16 Jan 2016

Deep Freeze Parkour w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

So the Hypixel server allows players to create their own mini worlds (housing) and my brother, SurvivalYoshi, decided to make "Deep Freeze Parkour." I knew I had to record a video there, and even better, he didn't know I was recording! Enjoy! Server - SurvivalYoshi -

Santa Says #2 w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

Xl4iF67k0tE | 09 Jan 2016

Santa Says #2 w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

Seeing as the Hypixel server still has Santa Says past Christmas (at least when we recorded this), we decided to record us playing it before it goes away. Will we obey Santa Claus? Find out! Server - SurvivalYoshi -

Skywars Highlights #1: My Bragging Rights (Minecraft)

VGk82Cd_6-s | 04 Jan 2016

Skywars Highlights #1: My Bragging Rights (Minecraft)

This is a hand-out trailer for my channel.

The Answer: Extended Sneak Peek (Analysis and Speculation)(Steven Universe)

StUsWDZxoyM | 03 Jan 2016

The Answer: Extended Sneak Peek (Analysis and Speculation)(Steven Universe)

A new extended sneak peek for The Answer has been released so I decided to do some analysis on the new part of the clip. Extended Sneak Peek -

Build Battle #2 w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

HLlhX0L_wZM | 02 Jan 2016

Build Battle #2 w/ SurvivalYoshi (Minecraft)

Today, I play Hypixel Build Battle with my younger brother SurvivalYoshi. Will we make something good or will it be bad? Find out! Server - SurvivalYoshi -

Stevenbomb 4 (Promo Analysis, Theories, and Speculation)(Steven Universe)

yJrRAJZlKw8 | 31 Dec 2015

Stevenbomb 4 (Promo Analysis, Theories, and Speculation)(Steven Universe)

In this video, I analyze the Stevenbomb 4 promo, make theories about the upcoming Stevenbomb, and speculate what will happen. [Sneak Peek] - [TV Promo] - [Music] - Kevin Macleod

Happy 2016!

grMLe93lGCo | 31 Dec 2015

Happy 2016!

It's the first day of 2016 so I put together this little montage of moments from 2015.

Santa Tracker w/ CartoonAddict

x9icuGBsLR4 | 25 Dec 2015

Santa Tracker w/ CartoonAddict

This year for Christmas I have decided to check out the Google Santa Tracker 2015. Watch how I react to the tracker itself and where Santa decides to head. Will I be happy with it? Find out!

Santa Says (Minecraft Hypixel)

IuxYC2siqo4 | 24 Dec 2015

Santa Says (Minecraft Hypixel)

Today, for Christmas, I play on the Hypixel server on the special minigame called Santa Says. Santa Says, like the name suggests, is a game where you follow Santa's commands. How well can I follow them? Find out! --------------------------------------------------------------- Server IP -

Peridot As a Turkey (Steven Universe YTP)

kCp-Ds-pFXA | 25 Nov 2015

Peridot As a Turkey (Steven Universe YTP)

Since I was bored, I decided to make this bad greenscreen video that barely makes any sense. It is about Peridot as a turkey, if you are confused about the context. I have nothing else to say, so enjoy!

Ask CartoonAddict (Anouncement)

axHoAhGbLkA | 16 Nov 2015

Ask CartoonAddict (Anouncement)

Today, I am announcing a new series called Ask CartoonAddict. I need questions for this new series, so if you wouldn't mind, could you please ask some questions in the comments below? Thank you!

Map Of Beach City (Steven Universe)

3UT0wN3bjsU | 14 Nov 2015

Map Of Beach City (Steven Universe)

Recently, this map of Beach City has been released to the public so I decided to show it to you in this video. Also, I really don't know what theories to upload, so...

If Onion Could Talk (Steven Universe)

EvH9PuqPt9U | 19 Sep 2015

If Onion Could Talk (Steven Universe)

Ever wondered what Onion would say if he could speak English? Here is what I think he would say. (NOTE: This video was made for fun and should not be taken seriously)

Importance Of the Chess Game (Gravity Falls)

G7IvMbDC-u8 | 14 Sep 2015

Importance Of the Chess Game (Gravity Falls)

In this video, I try to figure out the possible importance that the Ford vs. Bill chess game has to Gravity Falls.

Possible Steven-Rose Fusion? (Steven Universe Theory)

OqwpSJcNnlQ | 14 Sep 2015

Possible Steven-Rose Fusion? (Steven Universe Theory)

ASSUMING that Steven can retreat to his gem, might it be possible that Steven can fuse with Rose Quartz? Watch as I introduce this theory. Note: This is only assuming that Steven can retreat. He might not be able to due to reasons discussed in a future theory video.

Dr. Maheswaran Using Steven's Healing Spit? (Steven Universe Theory)

LVbyEJ4qtuU | 06 Sep 2015

Dr. Maheswaran Using Steven's Healing Spit? (Steven Universe Theory)

We all know about the upcoming episode of Steven Universe, Nightmare Hospital. Might Connie's mom, Dr. Maheswaran, use Steven's healing spit in the eventual future (possibly this episode)? Watch as I go over this theory! Again, for the 3rd time, this theory was made before Nightmare Hospital was released, so the very little information I had and the misleading sneak peek ending spot accounted for most of this theory being wrong. Then again, I could make a part 2 and show how it is possible given that she is not selfish, clearly shown in Nightmare Hospital.

All Fusions Between Pearl, Ruby, & Sapphire Theory (Steven Universe Theory)

rfdaGnK3nvY | 29 Aug 2015

All Fusions Between Pearl, Ruby, & Sapphire Theory (Steven Universe Theory)

We know Garnet and Sardonyx, but who could the other two Pearl-Ruby-Sapphire fusions be? Watch as I bring up 2 plausible, but unlikey, possibilities.

Is Marty Still in Beach City? (Steven Universe Theory)

Dh1bavPbwPM | 20 Aug 2015

Is Marty Still in Beach City? (Steven Universe Theory)

We all remember "Story for Steven" when Greg Universe gave Marty the boot and left him stranded. What happened to Marty? Could he have came back to Beach City? Today, I will present a very likely storyline of what happened to him after his disappearance. This theory has been proven false, but it was still an interesting idea for the time.

Gem Extensions (Limb Enhancers) (Steven Universe Theory)

RtmS4DqorD0 | 12 Aug 2015

Gem Extensions (Limb Enhancers) (Steven Universe Theory)

Can you recall Peridot's fingers and how they form technology? Do you remember when she ejected her foot? In this video, I talk about the theory of gem extensions and how they seem to work.

Earth's Expiration Date? (Steven Universe Speculation)

GvQhj1O1pM0 | 11 Aug 2015

Earth's Expiration Date? (Steven Universe Speculation)

Remember Steven Universe in Friendship, where Peridot mentioned that Earth had an expiration date? While not that much is know about what she was talking about, in this speculation, I brainstorm some possibilities for what she meant.

Peridot Doesn't Know That She's Bad (Steven Universe Theory)

31rS1daNUdM | 09 Aug 2015

Peridot Doesn't Know That She's Bad (Steven Universe Theory)

Might it be possible that Peridot, who appears to be an antagonist, actually doesn't know that she is bad? Listen, as I propose a weird, plausible, and groundbreaking theory about Steven Universe.

Minecraft: Build Battle w/ SurvivalYoshi (Cut)

x2-SVRgtCSE | 25 Jul 2015

Minecraft: Build Battle w/ SurvivalYoshi (Cut)

Previously, I uploaded a video about SurvivalYoshi and I playing Minecraft Build Battles on the Hypixel Network. Now, here is a cut version of that video as I continue Minecraft Cut! --------------- For those of you who don't know what Minecraft Cut is, it's a series where I take an old video and make it shorter, cutting it to the best and most important parts, while making it more humorous. SurvivalYoshi - Server IP - Original Video -

Taunting (Tank Trouble)

wfQtoQE0bgE | 04 Jul 2015

Taunting (Tank Trouble)

Isn't it annoying when someone taunts, thinking they're all cool and that? Now imagine the same thing, but in Tank Trouble. Ya, it would make it really annoying. Let's watch as CartoonAddict taunts MagnaAddict for no reason. --------------------------------------- NOTE: I have nothing against manga. In fact, I enjoy it. I couldn't stand to offend people, therefor I purposely switched it g and the n. Thus, the name MagnaAddict was born. NOTE#2: MagnaAddict is not a person I bullied--I made that account to be in this video, so don't go annoyed for no reason. Play Tank Trouble -

If The End and the Overworld Switched Places (Minecraft) (End POV)

Cc6JP-KC96I | 26 Jun 2015

If The End and the Overworld Switched Places (Minecraft) (End POV)

Ever wondered what would happen to The End if it was switched with the Overworld? Will it be filled with wood and dirt? Will new trolls arise? Find out! --------------------- NOTE: This video was made just for fun and should not be taken seriously. Actors: CartoonAddict (Main Character) SurvivalYoshi I know, this video was probably bad (since it's my first). If you have any constructive criticism to add, feel free to comment down below.

Minecraft: Build Battle w/ SurvivalYoshi

yNbe-iGUDrU | 25 Jun 2015

Minecraft: Build Battle w/ SurvivalYoshi

In this video, for whatever reason, I play Build It on the Hypixel server with my brother SurvivalYoshi. Will we be able to combine forces to defeat everyone, or will we fail? Find out! ------------------------ SurvivalYoshi - Server IP -

2015 Valedictorian Speech (No Sound Filters)

xHmnwVtD5wc | 24 Jun 2015

2015 Valedictorian Speech (No Sound Filters)

This is my valedictorian address from my 8th grade graduation. Valedictorian Address Valedictorian Speech Franklin Academy Franklin Academy Valedictorian Franklin Academy Boynton Beach Franklin Academy Boynton Beach Valedictorian Franklin Academy Graduation Franklin Academy 8th Grade Graduation Franklin Academy Boynton Beach Graduation Franklin Academy Boynton Beach 8th Grade Graduation 1st Franklin Academy Boynton Beach Valedictorian Speech 8th Grade Graduation Speech 8th Grader Gives Speech Graduation Speech Timelapse: Math Cells

VW95FgMgLLM | 10 Jun 2015 Timelapse: Math Cells

In this video, I play in a timelapse with cells named after math-related concepts. If you don't know, is a game where you play as a cell and try to eat others, becoming as big as possible before you die. However, be aware that any name can be used (under a limit of how many letters it is) so you may see badly named cells. is a fun, addictive game, however. --------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoyed this video? Hate it? Regardless of your opinion, feel free to talk about the pros and cons of this video [in the comments] to help me make better ones in the future. Song - Soldiers Artist▼ •Nitro Fun

Systems of Equations (Systems of Equations #1 of 2)

-2Uy5d-TUac | 24 Apr 2015

Systems of Equations (Systems of Equations #1 of 2)

Need help on systems of equations or want to learn about them? Here is a great video to get started. I'll go more in depth on the methods to solving them in future videos. NOTE: Each page is 60 seconds long, so knowing that may help you navigate. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Want more math lessons? Tell me what subject (type of math and/or specific topic) you want me to post a lesson on and I'll most likely do it! Want to be notified about more math lessons? Make sure to subscribe. Be aware, however, that all of my videos are not math-related since I like to upload various things to my channel. Systems of Equations #2 - Coming Soon Substitution Method In Depth - Coming Soon Elimination Method in Depth - Coming Soon

Introduction to Quadratics (Quadratics #1 of 3)

-Nw3l-CD83w | 21 Apr 2015

Introduction to Quadratics (Quadratics #1 of 3)

Are you willing to learn more mathematics? Are you still confused about quadratics? This 3-part lesson series will help you to understand everything! If you are still stuck, you may also look around for other videos; it doesn't hurt to look at multiple sources. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Want more math lessons? Tell me what subject (type of math and/or specific topic) you want me to post a lesson on and I'll most likely do it! Want to be notified about more math lessons? Make sure to subscribe. Be aware, however, that all of my videos are not math-related since I like to upload various things to my channel. Quadratics #2 - Quadratics #3 - Coming Soon

Tank Trouble Comics: Donor Versus Anti-Donor

RvGlSgh2QfE | 23 Mar 2015

Tank Trouble Comics: Donor Versus Anti-Donor

Here is a short comic strip about a Kickstart Donor and an Anti-Donor arguing a little about donating to Tank Trouble for online battle. Who will win? Find out in this 6 box comic! Make sure to visit my Tank Trouble blog:

Turkish March: Franklin Academy Symphonic Band

hswYXEqFct0 | 16 Mar 2015

Turkish March: Franklin Academy Symphonic Band

This is the Franklin Academy Symphonic Band playing Turkish March. Can you believe they've only been playing for about 1.5 years?

The Dress is White and Gold

N98nhgmINlc | 08 Mar 2015

The Dress is White and Gold

Everyone is debating over this dress and what color it really is, but today, I solve the mystery. Sit back because your mind is about to be blown away! NOTE: This should not be taken seriously and is obviously some kind of joke.

Tank Trobule: 9 Backdoor Hints

krijL63t3_s | 20 Feb 2015

Tank Trobule: 9 Backdoor Hints

Having trouble on figuring out the backdoor codes in Tank Trouble? You're in luck because I am about to show you the hints to 9 of them! Listen as I tell you these hints. Make sure to leave your opinion on my video, as always! Enjoy! Note: The reason I didn't give any direct codes is because doing so is against the rules.

Last Day of 2014: Happy New Years!

uOuGqxbop0A | 31 Dec 2014

Last Day of 2014: Happy New Years!

Happy news years everyone! To celebrate the coming year, 2015, I have put together a short montage of my videos from 2014. Goodbye 2014; we had some great moments and others not so great. We had some easy times yet some rough ones too. We also had some moments where we suddenly think differently. But, to see all that becoming history, you will be missed.

Interview with SchmittRanger

f6b7ANdxbO0 | 27 Dec 2014

Interview with SchmittRanger

Enjoy watching SchmittRanger's channel? Ever wanted to ask him some questions? Wait no more, unless I never asked the question you wanted me to. Here is an interview with SchmittRanger!

Merry Christmas

z78saXH2AGQ | 25 Dec 2014

Merry Christmas

Quite honestly, this isn't the absolute best that I could have possibly done for a Christmas video, I didn't have that much time, but I still wanted to have posted a video for Christmas. Besides that, merry Christmas!

That One Guy on Thanksgiving

5L0016zQxtY | 27 Nov 2014

That One Guy on Thanksgiving

Everyone is doing their thing, but who is this one guy that is... I guess acting strange?

Coming Back

gZxcz74QoIM | 25 Oct 2014

Coming Back

Hello guys. It has been a while since my last video so I wanted to "re-introduce" the CartoonAddict set.

Minecraft Party Games 1 #1 w/ SchmittRanger

NkYf4u-qnAM | 01 Sep 2014

Minecraft Party Games 1 #1 w/ SchmittRanger

Today, I play Party Games 1 with SchmittRanger. Who will collect the most stars at the end? Find out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SchmittRanger's Channel - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist Name: Pegboard Nerds Video Link: Beatport Download Link: Label Channel: Artist Social links: Artist Name: Nitro Fun Video Link: Beatport Download Link: Label Channel: Artist Social links:

Roblox: Mad Murderer In a Nutshell

fA8Oqw7Vf8w | 08 Aug 2014

Roblox: Mad Murderer In a Nutshell

In Loleris's game, The Mad Murderer, this kind of stuff occurs when you are an innocent.

Minecraft: When I try to Troll MrLegoGuy642

rCc8DtOSKig | 24 Jul 2014

Minecraft: When I try to Troll MrLegoGuy642

One day, I got MrLegoGuy642 to play a friendly match of Minecraft Cup. I wanted to teleport him to his death with the floor gone, but the troll turned to war.

Minecraft UHC: Season 1 Episode 2

s3Bh1NJN8Po | 15 Jul 2014

Minecraft UHC: Season 1 Episode 2

In this part of of Ultra Hardcore S01E01, I have a little chat with Jss_1101 and 2kcookiesmodz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends: SchmittRanger - MayaPlays (2kCookies) - Jss_1101 - Miggyvonjiggy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist Name: Pegboard Nerds Video Link: Beatport Download Link: Label Channel: Artist Social links: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit that like button for some more episodes and parts of UHC Season 1!

Cutting Back (Announcement)

B7whdEsOEqQ | 08 Jul 2014

Cutting Back (Announcement)

Today, I am announcing that I will be cutting back on videos. The videos might be longer, but just less. Still don't understand what I'm saying? Then watch to find out!

Minecraft UHC: Season 1 Episode 1

RUAXuS7GcFM | 07 Jul 2014

Minecraft UHC: Season 1 Episode 1

In this part of of Ultra Hardcore S01E01, we introduce the series and start the round. What will happen next? Keep watching episode 1 to find out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends: SchmittRanger - MayaPlays (2kCookies) - Jss_1101 - Miggyvonjiggy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist Name: Pegboard Nerds Video Link: Beatport Download Link: Label Channel: Artist Social links: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit that like button for some more episodes and parts of UHC Season 1!

1000 Subscribers: CartonAddict Montage

I2wc2Wenx3k | 06 Jul 2014

1000 Subscribers: CartonAddict Montage

From Cardude2001 to CartoonAddict; the montage of my most memerable moments is here! Remember, you have the right to dislike, but give feedback if so. After all this description, enjoy!

Vlog: Counting to 1000 (1k Subscribers!)

NcdUVUI4X5k | 05 Jul 2014

Vlog: Counting to 1000 (1k Subscribers!)

In this long mathematical vlog, I count to 1000. How hard of a challenge is it? Hard, if you don't drink, but t's for the subscribers!

Minecraft: Trolling Jss1101

V914AJByP7A | 29 Jun 2014

Minecraft: Trolling Jss1101

Today, I show you when I tried trolling my friend, Jss1101, and he was just confused on what was happening. Jss -

Minecraft: New Skin

CA_ZF1_ux64 | 26 Jun 2014

Minecraft: New Skin

Today, you get to check out my new Minecraft skin. What will it look like. Watch and find out!

Minecraft Cup: New Minecraft Map

fNFRMI0obSc | 25 Jun 2014

Minecraft Cup: New Minecraft Map

In today's video, I go over my new Minecraft map, the Minecraft Cup. I show you the rules and basics as well as the maps. Download -

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games #2 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

kNjoK7adElU | 05 Jun 2014

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games #2 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

Watch, in the cut version of Blitz Survival Games, as I remaster the video and make it so that it is better than the original.

Cardude Central (Episode 5)

DrekGYF5Mm0 | 04 Jun 2014

Cardude Central (Episode 5)

Watch the new and improved Cardude Central, where everything random happens.

Hotel Doge Intro

Hb31g-bGy3U | 03 Jun 2014

Hotel Doge Intro

Much Hotel Mario. Very Hotel. Wow.

Mineraft: Zambies #1 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

rrfGmKG_DM4 | 27 May 2014

Mineraft: Zambies #1 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

Watch the cut version of Zambies here. How will everything play out? Find out in the shorter and more random, Zambies Cut! Original -

Minecraft: Mineplex Survival Games #1 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

h6XuQtitVtI | 26 May 2014

Minecraft: Mineplex Survival Games #1 w/ SchmittRanger (Cut)

In this cut version of Mineplex Survival Games 1, I bring the best of the scenes and turn them to be, well either funnier or more random. Original -

Minecraft: Zambies #1 w/ SchmittRanger

UvPKb3_216c | 25 May 2014

Minecraft: Zambies #1 w/ SchmittRanger

Watch as SchmittRanger and I conquer all of these zombies, in Zambies! Will we finish them off? No, they respawn. Will we get far? Find out! SchmittRanger's Channel - Server IP -

Minecraft: Mineplex Survival Games #1 w/ SchmittRanger

SOnol-feCTs | 24 May 2014

Minecraft: Mineplex Survival Games #1 w/ SchmittRanger

Watch as Jacob and I take on the world, Mineplex style! Will we win? Find out in this amazing video! Edited and cut version coming soon. SchmittRanger's Channel - Server -,, or

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Random Montage #2

6yBc_ZalWdA | 23 May 2014

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Random Montage #2

Old scenes from my videos, restored better than ever! Which one is the best? You'll have to watch to find out.

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Random Montage #1

YHwaHgqs3rg | 03 May 2014

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Random Montage #1

In this series, I take clips from videos and make them better, in a random way. Today's montage contains from an uploaded video, Block Hunt, and my second Hide and Seek video. The special guests are Zephyr124 and Jss1101.

Most Random Club Penguin Video Montage

A-ZIpEJdpag | 03 May 2014

Most Random Club Penguin Video Montage

Here's a very random montage of the videos that I made months and years ago, and these are improved clips! If I haden't made these, I would have got as far as I have over the years. I hope you enjoy.

Tank Trouble: Funny Powerups

KV_g8HEcQXY | 03 May 2014

Tank Trouble: Funny Powerups

In this video, strange and unrealistic powerups occur. What are they? Find out in this video! Also note that these aren't real, as I know some noobs would complain about that.

Minecraft: "Worst Parkour Map!" Parkour Map 5

fr5v1K4DHik | 01 May 2014

Minecraft: "Worst Parkour Map!" Parkour Map 5

Today I play Funm4n's Parkour Map 5. Honestly, it was a bad map. This is also an edited video. I stored a lot of surprise. Watch to see all these surprises.

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #3

WyNN8KBXyFw | 27 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #3

Today, I hide as a workbench. Where will I hide and what will I talk about? Find out in this third Hide and Seek! Server IP -

Minecraft: Block Party #1

lNPR43FhHuc | 26 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Block Party #1

Watch me dance my dancing shoes off in this awesome minigame known as Block Party. How far will I make it? You're about to find out! Server IP -

Minecraft: Paintball #1

KlNAWDACUSk | 22 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Paintball #1

Watch as I burn Aqua's house down- I mean play paintball. Will red conquer all? Only find out in this video, or a copied version; I prefer if you watch this one. Server IP -

Why I Haven't Uploaded Videos in a While

J9GtDelUSDs | 19 Apr 2014

Why I Haven't Uploaded Videos in a While

As you all know, I haven't made a video in a while. Why? I answer that question.

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 3)

AYAvQV9tn9Q | 07 Apr 2014

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 3)

Arc you ready to see me give up the archer and move onto the tank class? Tanks for your support guys and gals! Server IP -

Minecraft: Squid Parkour

gn8HZwBxG1Y | 06 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Squid Parkour

Watch as I parkour against squids until I realize that this is a Skydoesminecraft fanboy map. Will I defeat the squids before that time? Find out! Download -

Minecraft: The Walls #1 w/ Friends

y4gPMA3e6Bw | 05 Apr 2014

Minecraft: The Walls #1 w/ Friends

Today, I'm in a team by myself, or at least in the call, playing the Walls. Will I win? Find out! Opponents --------------------------- Meep360 - SchmittRanger - Kingsknight9 - Jss1101 - Server IP - Team - Red

Minecraft: Herobrines Chamber w/ Meep360

MwrIJ_ZMUs0 | 04 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Herobrines Chamber w/ Meep360

Watch as I have a face off with Meep360 to see who can follow Herobrine's orders longer. MayaEdits is also in the background. Meep360 - MayaEdits - Server IP -

Minecraft: Bloons #2 w/ SchmittRanger

WH_C1JhlFf4 | 03 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Bloons #2 w/ SchmittRanger

Today, I play Bloons with SchmittRanger on Omega Realm. How far can we get? You're about to find out! SchmittRanger's Channel - Server IP -

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games w/ SchmittRanger #2

qUnJElySkyQ | 02 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games w/ SchmittRanger #2

Today I play with SchmittRanger in Blitz Survival Games with SchmittRanger, again. Will we get as far as last time? Find out! SchmittRanger's Channel - Server IP -

Minecraft: Lobby "Yay!"

t7itc3QBXj4 | 01 Apr 2014

Minecraft: Lobby "Yay!"

Today I play Lobby in my dazzling new skin! Will I cause world peace by saying yay? Find out! Server P - Sidenote - APRIL FOOLS!

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 2)

6oqV55dDK2M | 31 Mar 2014

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 2)

In this episode, I play the Tank class. Tanks for reading this description! Target and shoot that like button, if you're not lazy. Server IP -

Minecraft: VampireZ #1 w/ Friends

KpcwieNWmsc | 30 Mar 2014

Minecraft: VampireZ #1 w/ Friends

I don't know who's in this video and who's not anymore! Watch as I try to play VampireZ without people popping in and out of the call. Meep360 - Jss - SchmittRanger - Kingsknight9 -

Minecraft: Bloons #1 w/ Jss1101

wMp448ICmDA | 28 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Bloons #1 w/ Jss1101

Today I play Bloons on Omega Realm with Jss1101. How far can we get in this new minigame? Find out! Jss's/Jared's Channel - Server IP -

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 1)

PWAljgmRlVg | 24 Mar 2014

Minecraft: HavenMC Mob Arena (Episode 1)

This week I play the knight class in Mob Arena in the HavenMC server. Is night a good time to play at? Puns. Find out! Server IP -

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games w/ SchmittRanger #1

rQPXsb3g0BY | 22 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Blitz Survival Games w/ SchmittRanger #1

Can SchmittRanger and I defeat everyone in Blitz Survival Games? Will I not fight at all? Will I help? Can I stop asking questions? Find out! SchmittRanger's Youtube - Server IP -

Minecraft: Tower Escape

B1rbfmk_nGA | 21 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Tower Escape

Watch as I complete puzzles to escape a tower, mode out of diamonds! Will I complete them all? Find out in Tower Escape! Download Map -

Minecraft: Playing w/ People Tomorrow, Hopefully

UpmcT5XXuOI | 20 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Playing w/ People Tomorrow, Hopefully

I usually play solo in Minecraft, but tomorrow, I might play with someone else; I can't promise anything.

Roblox: Awkward Moments Day Faces

QIegYExoN30 | 19 Mar 2014

Roblox: Awkward Moments Day Faces

All awkwardness asks about alliteration. Just kidding, adjectives cannot talk. Express yourself for National Awkward Moments Day with these 3 awkward faces!

Roblox: Awkward Moments Day Hats

sOlXlsJCaEM | 19 Mar 2014

Roblox: Awkward Moments Day Hats

Celebrate National Awkward Moments Day with these 3 new hats, for an awkwardly big price altogether!

Minecraft: Piston Prison Escape

KmM_dghw3wM | 19 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Piston Prison Escape

Watch as I see if anything could escape Sethbling's Piston Prison. Will anything work? Find out in this video.

Minecraft: SurvivalYoshi Statue House

cnhhHRtvMlU | 17 Mar 2014

Minecraft: SurvivalYoshi Statue House

It's a dinosaur! It's yellow! It's SurvivalYoshi! Watch a Yoshi survive- wait, wrong script. Watch a statue house of a Yoshi. That's better. His Channel -

Minecraft: ExtraPlaysMC Statue House

27-Kik8kkrk | 16 Mar 2014

Minecraft: ExtraPlaysMC Statue House

Another statue house and this time it's the semi-famous __extra__, A.K.A. ExtraPlaysMC! What's going on inside his body? Let's find out! Extra's Channel -

Minecraft: Bloopers 2

A0xu6qLaD1M | 16 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Bloopers 2

Here's another bloopers video! Yes, there is less clips, as there is only 2, but I didn't get any other bloopers.

Minecraft: State House Update Video #1

3qv6UdDe22k | 16 Mar 2014

Minecraft: State House Update Video #1

EXTRA extra, DIRT leave yet. DERP are more statues to come, just leave a request. I ran out of puns so I'll just say SchmittRanger regularly.

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #2 w/ Jss11011 and Zephyr124

6ioh0qpo5pk | 15 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #2 w/ Jss11011 and Zephyr124

Some things aren't meant to be seen, but some things are. Watch as I seek out others with Jss11011 and Zephyr124. Will we find everyone? Of course not; how would we become seekers in the first place? Jss's Channel - Zephyr's Channel - N/A Server IP -

Roblox: Quick & Sik #4

jo-ISoJSKzk | 12 Mar 2014

Roblox: Quick & Sik #4

ROBLOX has recently released a gear for 1 ticket and is a 4 week rental. One step closer for that gold car now! Buy -

Tank Trouble: CartoonAddict Versus Laika (Episode 2)

uYa68dZYe0A | 09 Mar 2014

Tank Trouble: CartoonAddict Versus Laika (Episode 2)

Watch as I again attempt to conquer the one and only Laika. Not really. She has a ton of clones that keep spawning.

Roblox: More Pie

BLyrx8fjBR8 | 09 Mar 2014

Roblox: More Pie

More pies for National Pi Day on ROBLOX. Just released includes the Pie Knit, Piephones, and the Pi-thon.

Roblox: Jump Truck #3

ocyoq3XtgWY | 09 Mar 2014

Roblox: Jump Truck #3

Extra extra! New Jump Truck 3 is released. Collect all 10 to get the special, and hopefully good, Golden Car. Collect it here -

Roblox: Pi Day Gear

qgNVmNe1pAU | 08 Mar 2014

Roblox: Pi Day Gear

Pi Day is within' a week, so in this video, I show you the recently made Pi Day gear on ROBLOX.

Roblox: Cake Versus Pie

2MNHhaL4_nQ | 08 Mar 2014

Roblox: Cake Versus Pie

In Roblox, the debate has begun. Only one side can be correct in this intense opinion battle. Who will be victories? The 'sometimes saucy' pie, or the 'sometimes filled with caramel' cake? Vote for Pie - Vote for Cake -

Minecraft: Sky Wars #2

EW5bxmJ3gos | 05 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Sky Wars #2

Watch me plunder other islands (I wish) and kill people to survive. Who will be the last person remaining? Find out. Server -

Club Penguin: Nugget in a Biscuit

3o0y0Ly7WUA | 01 Mar 2014

Club Penguin: Nugget in a Biscuit

I know, I've outgrown CP, but I have to give the existing subscribers something; I then decided to do something on a Tobuscus song. I started something easy, Nugget in a Biscuit.

FlappyMMO: I'm the Red Bird

nIQtBsZjvKo | 01 Mar 2014

FlappyMMO: I'm the Red Bird

Watch as I play Flappy Bird to compete against everyone on the server; I'm also the only red bird on the server (I know, it's just a joke).

Minecraft: Meep360 Statue House

DQXDvdb0Wik | 01 Mar 2014

Minecraft: Meep360 Statue House

Watch all the derp with features such as a majestic parkour of derp and a derp elevator. Don't stay too short because derp. Meep's Channel -

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Statue House

so1oqSDflp8 | 28 Feb 2014

Minecraft: CartoonAddict Statue House

Watch a house that looks like me with awesome features including a 3 dimensional helmet.

Minecraft: SchmittRanger House

OJv6krAcpK8 | 27 Feb 2014

Minecraft: SchmittRanger House

Sit back and relax while seeing a house based off SchmittRanger. There is also a miniature mini-game inside too. His Channel -

Tank Trouble: Story

hMM89fgvbzE | 25 Feb 2014

Tank Trouble: Story

Every wondered about the backstory of Tank Trouble? Here you go!

Tank Trouble: Color History

NB3Dg8eqT9A | 23 Feb 2014

Tank Trouble: Color History

What was the first limited time color set? What is the newest? When was the color set for? Find out the answer to those questions in this video. Play -

Tank Trouble: Achievement Guide

YCbwZyAcd1k | 22 Feb 2014

Tank Trouble: Achievement Guide

This is the first guide to the achievements on Tank Trouble, that you can find on Youtube at least. If you can't figure out an achievement task, this is the guide. Play -

Tank Trouble: Grappling Hook Idea

t6wnC_2H8us | 22 Feb 2014

Tank Trouble: Grappling Hook Idea

This is my first Tank Trouble idea video. Today I suggest a Grappling Hook. It isn't as OP as you may think. It's pointless to hit people directly with, anyway. Play -

Tank Trouble: CartoonAddict Versus Laika (Epsode 1)

1qn-g3urZOA | 20 Feb 2014

Tank Trouble: CartoonAddict Versus Laika (Epsode 1)

Watch as I battle Laika in my new Tank Trouble series, Cartoon Versus Laika. Who will be victorious in number of wins? Find out! Play -

Happy Valentines Day (Vlog and Animation)

LULy3F6n5Kg | 13 Feb 2014

Happy Valentines Day (Vlog and Animation)

Happy Valentines Day everybody! Here's a video I just finished preparing.

College Savings Video for Dad

RpAPSLcmE_g | 02 Feb 2014

College Savings Video for Dad

Just a short video about college savings.

Roblox: 5 Worst Updates February 2014

vJKkSRe8WCI | 29 Jan 2014

Roblox: 5 Worst Updates February 2014

In my opinion, these are the 5 worst updates of ROBLOX, February 2014 edition. I go over why. As more updates come, I'll make more of these.

Minecraft: 1 Minute Redstone 1 Way Door or Pathway

D5E2odamEqk | 27 Jan 2014

Minecraft: 1 Minute Redstone 1 Way Door or Pathway

Please note that it didn't take me a minute to make the pathway for tutorial; it just can be made in under a minute. This is a very simple redstone invention, and probably the most simple one way door out there.

Vlog: More Uploading, Party Starts Now Remix Down

1Jj-EcwP0w0 | 26 Jan 2014

Vlog: More Uploading, Party Starts Now Remix Down

Today I talk about me starting to get a new speed of uploading videos and how my video, The Party Starts Now Remix, is down. Ya, crazy stuff. If you enjoyed the video, check out my channel. I do various video about various things, and I'm always open to feedback for improvement.

Upcoming Animation?

X15KLm-9Vug | 10 Jan 2014

Upcoming Animation?

I felt like making this, and just want to get feedback if this should be a full animation/series or not.

Minecraft: Spaceblock Universe Survival (Episode 1)

l41fYDERip8 | 05 Jan 2014

Minecraft: Spaceblock Universe Survival (Episode 1)

The world exploded, and I am stranded without a stable planet or any atmosphere. How will I breath? I just haven't thought that far. But still, limited resources. Will I make the best of them? Find out in Spaceblock Universe! Resource Pack is Faithful 32x32. I don't have the link, so you would have to search it, which is easy to do.

Minecraft: Rant about Budder

pp91k-nSgDA | 02 Jan 2014

Minecraft: Rant about Budder

Please note that this isn't a rant about Skydoesminecraft, it's a rant about the originality in most of Skydoesminecraft's fan-base. I'm not trying to restrict freedom of speech, I'm just trying to keep originality into peoples' commentaries. If you still don't get it, I'm saying that budder is Sky's piece of originality. His piece of originality isn't even that original anymore. It's okay to say "budder" but it's better to let him keep his piece of originality more original.

If Bodil40 Played Club Penguin

ZJfVG5hgBv0 | 31 Dec 2013

If Bodil40 Played Club Penguin

Watch as the troll of Minecraft goes into Club Penguin and does some stuff that nobody, not even me, would do ever! Similar Videos - Why Skydoesminecraft Doesn't Play Club Penguin:

2013 in a Nutshell

nPT08OFlT2I | 31 Dec 2013

2013 in a Nutshell

Yep, a montage of 2013, or at least this Youtube channel's 2013.

Club Penguin: Cops N' Robbers

cbc31Yl6eCE | 31 Dec 2013

Club Penguin: Cops N' Robbers

Herbert jails a population of CP, and they need to break out. This is based off Podcrash's map in Minecraft. Yes, this is a re-upload. Hopefully it will get more views this time.

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 3)

fUtVoPRThzc | 23 Dec 2013

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 3)

As home base evolves, people need more iron. Will I seek iron anywhere? Find out in the one and currently only, Minecraft Originality Let's Play!

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 2)

fZQ_BmrPVO8 | 22 Dec 2013

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 2)

How can a dirt house improve? Stone bricks! Watch as I make stone bricks to compliment the dirt.

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 1)

LgGtMdWyu8U | 21 Dec 2013

Minecraft: Originality Let's Play (Episode 1)

Dirt? Diamond Hoes? Dead Bushes? Watch one man master tasks in these areas. Suffer no more from typical dirt houses, as it's time to remodel them to make them better.

Mincraft: The Floating Island

WvFHLZ2rjq4 | 30 Nov 2013

Mincraft: The Floating Island

Watch as I need to build a monument on a floating island. Will I build it, or will I completely waste my time? Download -

Spaceblock Universe Trailer [Minecraft]

GHmt_O-nry4 | 28 Nov 2013

Spaceblock Universe Trailer [Minecraft]

Play in A mixture of space and skyblock, SPACEBLOCK UNIVERSE. Planets and stars with unique environments. Will you conquer space? Map -

"Where Cartoons Lurk" CartoonAddict Channel Trailer

w02PuJ2_x5g | 23 Nov 2013

"Where Cartoons Lurk" CartoonAddict Channel Trailer

I felt in the zone today, which is why I decided to make this channel trailer. I also changed my username.

Where is Cardude2001?

jCFLQ8-W--E | 23 Nov 2013

Where is Cardude2001?

I am sure that you guys are wondering where Cardude2001 is. I changed my Youtube username to CartoonAddict.

Minecraft Map: Record Speaches or Announcement Videos

Uyb1q6QU7hU | 16 Nov 2013

Minecraft Map: Record Speaches or Announcement Videos

I felt bored, so decided to build up this mini-map. It will be released when it gets enough support, that I'm aware of. You can support through PMs, comments, and channel comments.

Super Mario Flash 2 Gameplay (Fail)

lFWMq-ttJh0 | 09 Nov 2013

Super Mario Flash 2 Gameplay (Fail)

Watch as I try to play Super Mario Flash 2, but fail. I'd like to start posting levels in it though, so ya... Play the Game -

Thirsty (An Animation)

5V9U74f3czY | 01 Nov 2013

Thirsty (An Animation)

What happens when I'm thirsty? Find out.

Minecraft Griefing Tutorial: Raiding

vDZgMSu5BzE | 20 Oct 2013

Minecraft Griefing Tutorial: Raiding

Playing on a faction, vanilla, or other server and want to learn how to raid? This video contains basically every possible tip that I can think of, other than towny ones, which work differently.

Troll Physics - How to Own a Country

v8bGzvcQhKM | 20 Oct 2013

Troll Physics - How to Own a Country

Please note that this is not realistic, and it's more of a joke, rather than a fact.

Club Penguin: Halloween Randomness

MsyBe7qE1IM | 19 Oct 2013

Club Penguin: Halloween Randomness

I decided to make a video of CP, so here it is.

Minecraft: Super Smash Mobs

hXRcienf_o0 | 13 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Super Smash Mobs

Watch as a skeleton takes on an iron golem and spider, in lag of course. And yes, I know, I wasn't in my game as much. Server -

Minecraft: Prison Escape

vrZopQi7r6k | 12 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Prison Escape

Watch as I'm completely confused and have no idea what to do what so ever. However, the builds do look attracting anyway. Download -

Minecraft: ExBow "Can't See Anybody"

MJdFfV1HeTg | 11 Oct 2013

Minecraft: ExBow "Can't See Anybody"

Watch as I play ExBow, not only killing people, but almost like Ghost Squadron. :O Yep, I'm the only person you'll see in this video, due to lag. Server -

Minecraft: Blocks Versus Zombies

RnfGzT78bw0 | 10 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Blocks Versus Zombies

Zombies are trying to attack the platform, or whatever. (I never knew what they were attacking) Will us, the block, be able to hold them off? Find out! Server -

Minecraft: Run from the Ghost

DflxApc30UI | 09 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Run from the Ghost

A ghastly trail of ectoplasm is left wherever a ghost goes, and the ghost wants to rid of everyone. Who will be a victim of the horrific ghost and who will be the last one standing? Find out! Server - ------------------------------------------------ Sorry for such a short video. I really want to schedule so much that I don't mind waiting so long for an upload. I'll try to make longer videos.

Minecraft: Super Craft Bros. w/ SurvivalYoshi

cOCAAdDj1qM | 07 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Super Craft Bros. w/ SurvivalYoshi

Watch as a creeper and cactus face a diamond eagle an- I forget. Just watch to see what I'm forgetting at the moment. server - ?? (Replace ?s with #s such as or SurvivalYoshi's Channel (He didn't record) -

Minecraft: The Oasis

L68M6P_oPTU | 06 Oct 2013

Minecraft: The Oasis

Watch as I have 1 oasis that I have, need need to survive the time. Will I defeat the monsters of the darkness, or will they defeat me, until I respawn of course. Download -

Minecraft: Mushroom Mix-Up

JmQp13lljig | 05 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Mushroom Mix-Up

Watch as a classic Mario Part game comes back more pixelated than ever! Presenting... Minecraft Mushroom Mix-Up! The game where you need to be quick, or you'll fall into the void and die. Who'll win? Find out! Server -

Minecraft: Budder Slap

1yvBw3Bs5kg | 04 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Budder Slap

Watch as I hold budder and slap people in which also shooting them with snowballs. The budder also knocks back people when they are slapped. Who will win in this weird, yet cool version of splegg? Server -

Minecraft: The Manor (Part 2)

uUaLVqtegkM | 03 Oct 2013

Minecraft: The Manor (Part 2)

In this Minecraft horror map, there is some haunted manor in a box that I'm trapped in (just joking around). Will I make it to the end of the manor, or will I opt out like most other people? Find out! Download Map -

Minecraft: The Manor (Part 1)

w8o3FsYhPPo | 02 Oct 2013

Minecraft: The Manor (Part 1)

In this Minecraft horror map, there is some haunted manor in a box that I'm trapped in (just joking around). Will I make it to the end of the manor, or will I opt out like most other people? Find out! Download Map -

Minecraft: Trick or Treat House (Good for Machinimas)

W1kGA_9J620 | 01 Oct 2013

Minecraft: Trick or Treat House (Good for Machinimas)

As you all know, it's October, so I decided to make a video of this mini-redstone house that works for machinimas. However, if you use it for a machinima, make sure that you unplug the redstone from the button to be more realistic. Download - (Coming if it gets enough support)

Minecraft: Wasted

kzB9zn3zmnU | 30 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Wasted

What is going to happen? More importantly, what is this game suppose to be about? Will you find out in this video? Only time will tell, if it could talk and was an item Server - ------------------------------------------- Ya, honestly I think this game "Wasted" my time. It is true, also just good for puns. (:

Minecraft: Squid Shooter

msbAgExIeN0 | 28 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Squid Shooter

Squids seem boring, but squids have their action too, right? Watch as I try to conquer all the other squids. Will I, or will I fail in lag from Fraps? Server -

Minecraft: Dirt for Decoration? (Top 3 + Tutorial)

0zfh_QEIFoc | 23 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Dirt for Decoration? (Top 3 + Tutorial)

As much as you doubt dirt, there's a decorative side in it, and I can show you how to make dirt look better than ever.

What do you Subscribers want More of?

knhbS1ajS44 | 23 Sep 2013

What do you Subscribers want More of?

NOTE: This video is not about Minecraft, that's just the background video. So I'm thinking, and realized that I don't have enough ideas. I decided to ask. Comment down any ideas, anything, I'm listening.

Minecraft: Deadlox Parkour

9JUItj8rB8E | 22 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Deadlox Parkour

I attempt to do parkour in the new DeadloxMC server! (: How far will I get? Will I win? Find out in a short and un-necessary video! Server - Artwork in thumbnail be ~The-Doodle-Ninja

Cardude2001 is Now CartoonAddict

5kyMhTgYNFc | 21 Sep 2013

Cardude2001 is Now CartoonAddict

So after being forced to think, I decided that the best way to get somewhere on youtube was to rid of the "2001" so that people are less, you know, age-caught. It was for the best. If you want me to change back, there's 13 days.

Minecraft: Parody Resource Pack

_OTuvzRhWTs | 21 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Parody Resource Pack

No need to download any mods or use the internet, as the internet-free way of listening to parodies has come! Not only parodies, but a good HD resource pack! Download & List -

Minecraft: How to Schedule Videos

Ezam26ak1V0 | 20 Sep 2013

Minecraft: How to Schedule Videos

Ever wanted to not have to upload videos on their specific upload dates? Here's how you can upload videos and schedule them you know, and here's how. I would actually consider this a Minecraft tutorial, but who cares, I'm pretty sure that somebody already made one already anyway.

Minecraft: X-Run

1_aYC-TzD5M | 19 Sep 2013

Minecraft: X-Run

I figured that since I played X-Run before, I'd record. Sorry that I forgot to mention what X-Run is. It is basically battle parkour. Server -

Minecraft: Bloopers of my Videos

VCvHnawW-yc | 18 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Bloopers of my Videos

Just pretty much some rejected clips that just piled up, and I wanted to keep, but as a blooper video.

Minecraft: Lava Warriors

OSSZkl3YD00 | 17 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Lava Warriors

Watch as I battle against a person with a skin that I shouldn't type in the description due to copyright. Will he kill me, or will I kill him? Find out. Sever - (Realize that it sometimes does the regular Skyblock Warriors)

Minecraft Seed Spotlight: Seed Spotlight

bgSIEii00q4 | 16 Sep 2013

Minecraft Seed Spotlight: Seed Spotlight

A seed that is worthy of a Seed Spotlight is... SEED SPOTLIGHT?! Seed - Seed Spotlight

Minecraft: TNT Wizards

EzBbxlxAy4g | 15 Sep 2013

Minecraft: TNT Wizards

Watch me try to conquer the blue team. Will I do it, or will I fail? Server -

Minecraft: TNT Run

QEPKCpAbpA8 | 14 Sep 2013

Minecraft: TNT Run

Watch as I take on the physics of Tron, but with a jumping feature. Will I be the last one standing? Server -

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #1

DzeVso5B8hY | 13 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Hide and Seek #1

My first Minecraft video is my set of Minecraft videos. Watch as I try to hide from seekers. Sever -

If Club Penguin Changed from Cartoon to Animie

fGWK1zwHA7E | 07 Sep 2013

If Club Penguin Changed from Cartoon to Animie

This is pretty much just saying how I see Cartoons animated better.

Minecraft: Budder Song - Skydoesminecraft: Music Video(Not Official)

e8CkZmTXIgY | 07 Sep 2013

Minecraft: Budder Song - Skydoesminecraft: Music Video(Not Official)

I just decided to make this for the heck of it. This took me about an hour.

Mall Of Robloxia (BLOXcon Edition) Ad [BLOXcon]

rR-2aizG624 | 24 Aug 2013

Mall Of Robloxia (BLOXcon Edition) Ad [BLOXcon]

60 second ad for Mall of Robloxia (BLOXcon Edition).

Why Skydoesminecraft Doesn't Play Club Penguin

dgLaTxEnMtA | 23 Aug 2013

Why Skydoesminecraft Doesn't Play Club Penguin

I was watching a Minecraft video by famous commentator Skydoesminecraft, and I got inspiration after he said ,"Club Penguin." For more videos like this, click read more. Similar Videos - If Bodil40 Played Club Penguin:

Club Penguin: Top 5 Video Makers (August 2013)

TucNmfxdG2Y | 23 Aug 2013

Club Penguin: Top 5 Video Makers (August 2013)

These are the top 5 in my opinion. I really only watch the top 2 though. If I had to rank myself, I'd put myself in the 3rd slot.

Club Penguin: My Old and New Styles

aM1zpOmiPaQ | 20 Aug 2013

Club Penguin: My Old and New Styles

I starting making videos a while ago, I am not making any real videos right now, but I decided to show you my old and new styles of CP video making.

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Fire (Round 1)

3ARDs3LZkfQ | 12 Aug 2013

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Fire (Round 1)

Decided that I'd record this.

Soccer (An Animation) (Lower Pitch)

lwJl2w0Gt7U | 12 Aug 2013

Soccer (An Animation) (Lower Pitch)

I decided to lower the pitch to this video that I once made.

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Fire (Round 2)

_BMblLgZwWs | 12 Aug 2013

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Fire (Round 2)

Second round of me playing Card-Jitsu Fire.

Club Penguin: Calculator Pin

dm3Kmvph2i0 | 10 Aug 2013

Club Penguin: Calculator Pin

A short CP comedy going about the new pin.

Sub4Sub People

R9PTRE8eG88 | 10 Aug 2013

Sub4Sub People

Don't you just not like how sub4sub people act superior and think that they're famous? This is what happens when somebody is like that.

Roblox: Building Collab Blocks Bump

ThbfqZBMloA | 08 Aug 2013

Roblox: Building Collab Blocks Bump

In 2011, I hosted a contest in a TV channel-like way. Deleted the video -.-, but here's part of it.

YTP: Roblox Changed Its Name

ASzUAqgIhlk | 08 Aug 2013

YTP: Roblox Changed Its Name

Some brought back YTP from 2011.

If Video Games were in Club Penguin

yykxmYuigW4 | 07 Aug 2013

If Video Games were in Club Penguin

Got inspired by "If Video Games Were in Minecraft" and decided to make this. GAMES USED (SPOILER ALERT): Minecraft Poptropica Bloons Tower Defence ROBLOX Super Smash Bros. Brawl Platform Racing 3 Youtube Learn to Fly Angry Birds Minesweeper

600 Subscribers

uNDqAJcnNGI | 04 Aug 2013

600 Subscribers

Yep. (:

Club Penguin RPG: Boss (Klutzy)

GeiKZjDh2c0 | 04 Aug 2013

Club Penguin RPG: Boss (Klutzy)

Just an improvement of a very old video, with a simpler title.

Club Penguin: I've Been Delayed Instrumental

7L9YSuNOYCM | 30 Jul 2013

Club Penguin: I've Been Delayed Instrumental

An instrumental/karaoke version of the Club Penguin Song "I've Been Delayed."

Club Penguin: Star Wars Takeover Walkthrough

cB_FTXCroGk | 26 Jul 2013

Club Penguin: Star Wars Takeover Walkthrough

This is a walk-through of the new party on CP.

Roblox Mini-Game: Juggernaut (Blooper Style)

PWsd7DmB53I | 26 Jul 2013

Roblox Mini-Game: Juggernaut (Blooper Style)

Watch as I fail to make a video of Juggernaut. I eventually quit trying, so decided just to upload these clips instead.

Club Penguin: Skydiving Contest Entry *Improved*

FWFkXJdw9sQ | 23 Jul 2013

Club Penguin: Skydiving Contest Entry *Improved*

I know that the contest will probably not end, but I figured that I should improve upon it anyway.

Club Penguin: Audition Trouble *Improved*

3GVoodV4dVA | 23 Jul 2013

Club Penguin: Audition Trouble *Improved*

I go back into one of my 2012 videos, but improve it with sound effects and the music is better, not cut off once in a while.

Club Penguin: Telportation Contest Entry

jt5Ff7pqbjE | 22 Jul 2013

Club Penguin: Telportation Contest Entry

My entry into Abdul54's Telportation Contest.

Minecraft: Bashurverse Fan Art

ruYLcpUOuQU | 18 Jul 2013

Minecraft: Bashurverse Fan Art

This is my fan-art of Bashur

Minecraft: ASF Jerome "What is the Circumference of the Sun?" Compilation

IhlheVz6eso | 14 Jul 2013

Minecraft: ASF Jerome "What is the Circumference of the Sun?" Compilation

Here's a short montage of all 3 of ASF Jerome's "What is the circumference of the sun?" moments.

Minecraft: Longest Bashur Funny Moments Montage on Youtube

ZmMQa6uxWSc | 13 Jul 2013

Minecraft: Longest Bashur Funny Moments Montage on Youtube

NOTE: Not all jokes are funny Bashurverse -

Minecraft (Sneak Peek): Bashur as Teacher (Some Bad Animation that I Won't Actually Complete)

RzV1S2q4zqA | 10 Jul 2013

Minecraft (Sneak Peek): Bashur as Teacher (Some Bad Animation that I Won't Actually Complete)

Some bad MS Paint animation I made based off of a Bashur video I really enjoyed. I started working on this. The pictures don't look good at the moment, but ya, I can improve. I hardly ever animate Minecraft ever, so that can explain it.

Roblox: Grand Mall of Robloxia Gameplay

FVO46MTzQv0 | 05 Jul 2013

Roblox: Grand Mall of Robloxia Gameplay

So I found this game and decided to play it. Play -

How to Use Prt Screen on a Toshiba Laptop

S1trrpnLJNY | 04 Jul 2013

How to Use Prt Screen on a Toshiba Laptop

Took me months to find this out, and I just figured that some of you need a tutorial too. This also shows you WHERE to find it.

Temple Run (Club Penguin Edition)

7XlFXTt8x8I | 30 Jun 2013

Temple Run (Club Penguin Edition)

This video was requested by Columbos4 (James 84 in CP). Woow50000 tries to escape the Living Sled.

Club Penguin: Oscar One's Party

tYknbQHOh1s | 30 Jun 2013

Club Penguin: Oscar One's Party

Recorded the full 50 minutes of it, and now I've uploaded the full 50 minutes.

Club Penguin: Video Expo 2013

YEqXDm26xrk | 26 Jun 2013

Club Penguin: Video Expo 2013

Yep. Robot Tin is hosting the first annual CPV Expo. WEBSITE FOR EVENT -

Club Penguin: 24 Hours

agtv8AYmMI4 | 22 Jun 2013

Club Penguin: 24 Hours

In this video, Woow50000 (or woow) has 24 hours left to live, from a zap sent by Herbert. Will Woow survive? Find out by watching the video, or skipping parts if you want to, but that just ruins the description.

Minecraft: Faithlesscraft 1.5.2 (Episode 1)

fQLVHtE7dEc | 22 Jun 2013

Minecraft: Faithlesscraft 1.5.2 (Episode 1)

Episode 1 of the 1.5.2 version of Faithlesscraft.

CPMV: (Filter) Mine it Out

-GcvC70hI_g | 14 Jun 2013

CPMV: (Filter) Mine it Out

I started doing this, but WLMM always just glitches up on my videos when I use too many video clips, so I decided to filter this project.

Club Penguin Video Montage

8gW50uw_b6c | 13 Jun 2013

Club Penguin Video Montage

A montage of some of my CP videos that I made.

Minecraft: SurvivalTime Spleef

r9s5DIEEnsk | 12 Jun 2013

Minecraft: SurvivalTime Spleef

Today, I play SurvivalTime Spleef. It's a cracked server.

New Intro

Te99mnmkSaw | 12 Jun 2013

New Intro

I know that I already had one, but I decided to make one better, without Flixpress.

If Disney Never Bought Club Penguin

74oVVAVgByk | 10 Jun 2013

If Disney Never Bought Club Penguin

PLEASE CLICK READ MORE FOR THE EXPLANATION Disney buying CP is only to save CP, otherwise, it would be gone. Now, let's see, if Disney never bought CP, that would change more than you expect it to, just like how I never existed, some of Oscar One's videos wouldn't exist, you wouldn't have watched or read this, and some series that I made up, and people copy the title, wouldn't exist either. Also, yes I want old CP, but what does Disney have to do with it? Celebration remodel, yeah, but nothing. Same concept how Pokemon and Mario are both owned by Nintendo, but have different owners and workers. I just think that if you still don't understand, try retracing everything that was caused by it, and then think of what would happen. You would need to know the situation.

Club Penguin: If Emails Came Out

AU_zGgyx8bw | 10 Jun 2013

Club Penguin: If Emails Came Out

This is what happens if emails came out on Club Penguin.

Club Penguin Doesn't Meet Minecraft

NhqmPhqbeqw | 09 Jun 2013

Club Penguin Doesn't Meet Minecraft

In this video, Club Penguin doesn't meet Minecraft at all.

Roblox: Mall of Robloxia

KqBobIh3mDM | 08 Jun 2013

Roblox: Mall of Robloxia

Me playing it before some updates

Club Penguin:ASDF Movie Contest Entry

-wKe_RxrtAU | 06 Jun 2013

Club Penguin:ASDF Movie Contest Entry

My entry to Panguini CP's ASDF Movie Contest.

Minecraft: Herobrine's Return (Part 4)

riwy8Iy8Ums | 05 Jun 2013

Minecraft: Herobrine's Return (Part 4)

(OPTIONAL PART) I go into the village's chests, to prepare for Herobrine's realm.

Minecraft: Herobrine's Return (Part 1)

wAnay8T7z9E | 05 Jun 2013

Minecraft: Herobrine's Return (Part 1)

Watch as I try to defeat Herobrine as a 1 man army.

Roblox: Building Town (Part of it)

BdfHSRGzP1I | 05 Jun 2013

Roblox: Building Town (Part of it)

A while ago, I built this town with Littleblue. I forgot to upload this, but now I did.

Club Penguin: Woow50000 Slideshow

Y5jYFkBkg0Y | 04 Jun 2013

Club Penguin: Woow50000 Slideshow

A random slideshow of Woow50000.

Minecraft: Death Run Easy Map

GFLsPzpeyxU | 23 May 2013

Minecraft: Death Run Easy Map

Come download my new Minecraft multi-player map! 2-4 players please. Download -

Soccer (An Animation)

W1SG8C7MczQ | 01 May 2013

Soccer (An Animation)

Something worked hard on with a friend. I don't know what to call this, but yes, it's the video that counts, not the title.

Roblox: MrBeast will be the Most Popular YouTuber in 2024

mTgqpcBKUBk | 28 Apr 2013

Roblox: MrBeast will be the Most Popular YouTuber in 2024

Another choice you have to vote for.

2010 Roblox Footage

FBQ2xBJLee0 | 13 Apr 2013

2010 Roblox Footage

This may be bad footage, but it shows how Roblox was like in 2010. Yep, some days that they were.

Roblox: London with Cardudet2001

vne4Mp2gBDs | 01 Apr 2013

Roblox: London with Cardudet2001

Cardudet2001 shows the Roblox version of London.

Roblox: Egg Hunt 2013 with Cardudet2001

aAX7uMVeeUY | 31 Mar 2013

Roblox: Egg Hunt 2013 with Cardudet2001

Cardudet, my new character, tell some tips about the Egg Hunt 2013.

Roblox: Misleading Places

q76ZFShTpIY | 25 Mar 2013

Roblox: Misleading Places

My reaction to places that are misleading.

Roblox: Sea Prison Trolling

RxYyAszhOYc | 25 Mar 2013

Roblox: Sea Prison Trolling

Wow, this was easy to troll in. No wonder that people rage quit.

Strange Day

uRZvqzQjfSg | 23 Mar 2013

Strange Day

Some random guy has a strange day.

Need Video Ideas

g7vXyWWfhQM | 18 Mar 2013

Need Video Ideas

Just not feeling inspired at the moment.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 10

9solDsGk-II | 17 Mar 2013

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 10

After a while, here is another episode of Club Penguin Randomness.

Asdfmovie2: Pi Flavor

qBtxHQ6sQgo | 14 Mar 2013

Asdfmovie2: Pi Flavor

Happy Pi Day! I made this video in celebration. (I made a 3 instead of a 6 at the end) CREDIT TO TOMSKA AND OTHER CREATORS FOR ASDFMOVIE2.

Unsubcribed Trailer

k5Hd1WnI1m0 | 13 Mar 2013

Unsubcribed Trailer

Subscribe to my channel today.

New Glasses

fceBWLpXpiY | 25 Feb 2013

New Glasses

Okay, the're not really that new, just unused. Anyways, I'm still going to wear them now.

Roblox: Asdfmovie6

3OaI1Fkvpn8 | 23 Feb 2013

Roblox: Asdfmovie6

I was aiming to be the first, but with all this time crunch, I decided to quit working on it.

Roblox: Asdfmovie6 (Sneak Peek)

3Z6DQQ8bxw4 | 13 Feb 2013

Roblox: Asdfmovie6 (Sneak Peek)

I'm over halfway done, and I've been working on this the day that Asdfmovie6 came out. I decided to show you a sneak peek of it.

Minecraft: (ZexyZek's Zexy Team Entry) The Zexy Restraunt

ee6MIKmlji8 | 09 Feb 2013

Minecraft: (ZexyZek's Zexy Team Entry) The Zexy Restraunt

Zek, click "Read More" for some information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD THE MAP - PROOF OF ME MAKING IT - Ya, I may be a little young, but that doesn't mean that I can't be a great builder. Young is just age, not skill level, but older people usually have more skill level. I decided to make you this map as an entry. Even if I don't get picked, you can still talk about the map, right? This map took 2 nights and 1 morning, as school affects my schedule. I just finished it today. The only problem is that I don't have a premium, but I at least made this awesome map. I hope you enjoy.

Roblox: RoBar Adverisement

bCapV__I5E4 | 03 Feb 2013

Roblox: RoBar Adverisement

In celebration of the superbowl, I decided to make this video which I wanted to make since 2011, when my videos were recorded by camera.

Woow Adventures: Episode 17 (Slender)

IqNKebb5w_0 | 02 Feb 2013

Woow Adventures: Episode 17 (Slender)

Woow50000 encounters the Slenderman.

Minecraft: Temple of Notch Goes Boom

QMVe9TJnFZE | 01 Feb 2013

Minecraft: Temple of Notch Goes Boom

I blow up the temple of notch.

Club Penguin: Hammer Pin

RUJeIgOoWAc | 26 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: Hammer Pin

You can stop by and get the hammer pin right now.


bqtDtQ34jZ0 | 26 Jan 2013


This is supposed to be a tutorial that shows you how to make a magazine cover using Microsoft Word, but I failed so bad that I had to rename this video to cover my trail, if you know what I mean. ;)

Club Penguin Trolling (Episode 1)

g5kc5AbzeKc | 22 Jan 2013

Club Penguin Trolling (Episode 1)

Usually trolling comes in Minecraft, but I decided to make a trolling series in the next level. I will now make trolling videos on Club Penguin. Today, it is only "come here" trolling. I'll think of better trolling ideas sooner or later.

Ask Cardude (Episode 3)

7IGeflfBszU | 21 Jan 2013

Ask Cardude (Episode 3)

Just more questions.

Club Penguin: Nyan Woow50000

Jy_xvz9bTGo | 21 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: Nyan Woow50000

Some video that I decided to make.

Ask Cardude (Episode 2)

Bmh0IPzjU_o | 20 Jan 2013

Ask Cardude (Episode 2)

Last episode that I can away with using old comments. I better stop deleting hater comments so I can make more episodes.

Club Penguin: Igloo Lovers (1/20/13)

scpMxOzd2ko | 20 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: Igloo Lovers (1/20/13)

I will just show who likes my igloo every once in a while. Not a real series though.

Club Penguin: Woow Style (Fixed)

Qz2flmYoGfQ | 20 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: Woow Style (Fixed)

I decided to redo the song and keep the animation.

Ask Cardude (Episode 1)

HwiuhBlLkuM | 19 Jan 2013

Ask Cardude (Episode 1)

Questions that you have been waiting for are now here.

Club Penguin: 5 Prehistoric Party Things

GDAP9bANcl0 | 17 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: 5 Prehistoric Party Things

Just a breakdown of the prehistoric party in a video.

Roblox: Comedy Collab Entry (Voiced)

s0y_D0j8Lfg | 15 Jan 2013

Roblox: Comedy Collab Entry (Voiced)

This video is meant to replace my other entry. I just wanted to add voice to make it better.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 8

ljSoWokSlgk | 13 Jan 2013

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 8

Now that Club Penguin changed, there is more jokes. I was really bummed out to see no new jokes that I can think of.

Club Penguin: Birthday Party 2013 (Best Moments)

8NVBFrH0-KA | 13 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: Birthday Party 2013 (Best Moments)

Sorry, but I am only uploading this because I need to delete the original livestream version. ):

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 9

cTruCgtOG_c | 13 Jan 2013

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 9

Just some quick randomness video I had to batch up before my 2013 birthday party.

Roblox: An Average Day (Comedy Collab Entry)

gLi4nyf2C0w | 12 Jan 2013

Roblox: An Average Day (Comedy Collab Entry)

An entry for OFFICIALRobloxGames's (ParentNotice's) collab.

Club Penguin: What.AVI

6UKSz70vJiM | 06 Jan 2013

Club Penguin: What.AVI

Short, but took a while.

Club Penguin: Dark Cave (Sneak Peek)

HJWOuP1dtVA | 26 Dec 2012

Club Penguin: Dark Cave (Sneak Peek)

I'm starting to work on a new CP movie.

Roblox: Flood Escape

Vjmzsozruw4 | 25 Dec 2012

Roblox: Flood Escape

Mariosbiggestfan needs to escape from a flood.

Woow Adventures: Episode 15 (Woow Themed Sleigh)

EF0RqorJUC0 | 25 Dec 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 15 (Woow Themed Sleigh)

Santa gets hit with a missle and Woow50000, Woow50002, Hoho77527, and Epic1337 need to save Christmas by being the Santa Claus.

Club Penguin: Woow and Epic1337's Christmas (Bloopers)

rAyEaXduAeI | 25 Dec 2012

Club Penguin: Woow and Epic1337's Christmas (Bloopers)

A video that I attempted to upload a couple times. Should I always make bloopers?

Minecraft: Raining Tacos

99oI7ah4kSE | 25 Dec 2012

Minecraft: Raining Tacos

A MMV that I made a while ago.

Roblox: Sword Fighting Tournament Bloopers

qiWsuPWomBs | 23 Dec 2012

Roblox: Sword Fighting Tournament Bloopers

The Sword Fighting Tournament gets even weirder.

Club Penguin: Christmas Everyday (Part 1)

GBUsiy1jnuc | 22 Dec 2012

Club Penguin: Christmas Everyday (Part 1)

Woow50000 wishes for everyday to be Christmas. READ MORE -

Roblox: Legend of a Creeper Kingdom Bloopers

9igXb3J9Pig | 21 Dec 2012

Roblox: Legend of a Creeper Kingdom Bloopers

I remember making Bloxville Bloopers. It was cool, so I decided to make more bloopers of a game. Want more game related bloopers?

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Games Trailer

fvruB3YyY5U | 08 Dec 2012

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Games Trailer

Old video that I made before, and found. (CHRISTMAS STASH)

Cardude2001 Intro - April 2012

ZFNX89-Htx4 | 05 Dec 2012

Cardude2001 Intro - April 2012

I made this intro back in April. It is really awesome, until some person filed a complaint. I know what to do now when they do, but enjoy. (Christmas Stash)

Roblox: Graffiti Artist

Mxt_Cgqtkrw | 02 Dec 2012

Roblox: Graffiti Artist

Mariosbiggestfan has to stop a graffiti artist. (CHRISTMAS STASH)

Woow Adventures: New End Credits

vNU-4yiAwJU | 02 Dec 2012

Woow Adventures: New End Credits

This new one is only for episodes without a song.

Club Penguin: Woow Style

pD0rRZKQZVo | 01 Dec 2012

Club Penguin: Woow Style

I decided to make a spoof of a song, and this is the first parody of a song for Club Penguin. This is an original CPMV. Allow closed captioning for safety warnings and more. Making: 1 Hour Processing: 30 Mins Upload Time: 2 Minutes This is a spoof of Gangnam Style

Club Penguin: Penguin & Puffle Drawing

bZ8XYs_NByM | 26 Nov 2012

Club Penguin: Penguin & Puffle Drawing

A drawing that I drew of a penguin and a puffle.

CPMV: (Sneak Peek) Screw the Nether

4A4Vy8CU8iw | 20 Nov 2012

CPMV: (Sneak Peek) Screw the Nether

This is my work so far on this project. I made a mistake on the volume.

Club Penguin: Short Joke (Episode 2)

KvJ9F5Ut96g | 19 Nov 2012

Club Penguin: Short Joke (Episode 2)

Another joke is uploaded.

Club Penguin: Short Jokes (Episode 1)

DLFGm8j9qh0 | 19 Nov 2012

Club Penguin: Short Jokes (Episode 1)

This new series is a series where CP characters are in short joke videos. This series will be big because the episodes are short.

Woow Adventures: Episode 14 (Tis' the Season to be Solving)

Ld8uGd3SmHE | 17 Nov 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 14 (Tis' the Season to be Solving)


Club Penguin: Terminal 3

I6pDl9NElc4 | 16 Nov 2012

Club Penguin: Terminal 3

A small walkthrough.

Club Penguin: Terminal 6

IeKmXk41NMc | 16 Nov 2012

Club Penguin: Terminal 6

This is the final terminal for operation blackout.

♪ Screw the Nether ♪ Reverse for 1 Hour

CW8Uy_SiZCU | 05 Nov 2012

♪ Screw the Nether ♪ Reverse for 1 Hour

Nobody made this yet, so I decided to make it.

Minecraft: Screw the Nether (Lyrics Version)

F227hRFSEdY | 04 Nov 2012

Minecraft: Screw the Nether (Lyrics Version)

Tuck Everlasting 3D Timeline Animation

Daq8ztdbp2k | 02 Nov 2012

Tuck Everlasting 3D Timeline Animation

For school, I made a video for a project. Here is the video that the animation was.

Club Penguin: Doomed (Part 1)

mifXnDZ-Ev4 | 26 Oct 2012

Club Penguin: Doomed (Part 1)

The Protobot manages to destroy the EPF

YTP: Asdfmovie4 Goes Wrong

2t8pzPtKn8Y | 13 Oct 2012

YTP: Asdfmovie4 Goes Wrong

Credit goes to Tomska for asdfmovie4, and all the other people who made it.

Minecraft: MS Paint Animation

oI40arlIEHE | 25 Sep 2012

Minecraft: MS Paint Animation

My first MC animation. I drew this in the best of my ability.

Roblox: RLC's Tea Collab Entry

GFe-adazucs | 17 Sep 2012

Roblox: RLC's Tea Collab Entry

This is my entry to the Tea Collab, hosted by Robloxlolcomedy.

Oscar One Theme (Requested)

qmX2RTj53SM | 16 Sep 2012

Oscar One Theme (Requested)

Here is the story of this song. I was browsing through youtube, and saw that I got a message requesting an Oscar One Theme Song. I finally had time to upload it.

Club Penguin: Cleverpenguin

bwdykff3F7Q | 03 Sep 2012

Club Penguin: Cleverpenguin

Woow Adventures: Episode 13 (The Musical)

Wr9l4_ji-9o | 01 Sep 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 13 (The Musical)

This took a long time to make, so around some parts, you can tell that I was too lazy to actually make a full music video. Anyways, enjoy.

Woow Adventures: Episode 13 Sneak Peek

tpmJjgAtruE | 27 Aug 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 13 Sneak Peek

A peek at what I started. No questions. All will be answered in the episode.

Club Penguin - Dunk Contest 4 Cast

AmjNJgdjekE | 27 Aug 2012

Club Penguin - Dunk Contest 4 Cast

This is the links to subscribe to everybody included. FOR MOBILE: Here are the links (Tazboi and TheFlame12) (Bullit93) (Jellyskittle) (Utah Jazz8) (Woow50000)


A5oMiMe6Hgk | 24 Aug 2012


Epic1337 calls the Puffle Rescue line (This is my first fully voiced CP video).

Roblox: 4 Year Special

j3lK1NadvWc | 23 Aug 2012

Roblox: 4 Year Special

It's been 4 years since I started Youtube, so I made a video to celebrate it.

Roblox: Private Server Beatdown (8-20-12)

saZ2xhdmgNc | 20 Aug 2012

Roblox: Private Server Beatdown (8-20-12)

Just a showing of my main private server.

Roblox: 4XD45's WTF Collab Entry

We81IavZMpM | 19 Aug 2012

Roblox: 4XD45's WTF Collab Entry

I was going to enter, but had a time crunch. I finally made it! Ya, I did use Minecraft Sounds

Roblox: Forum Games Simulator V.2

ECZyKkW7WnI | 18 Aug 2012

Roblox: Forum Games Simulator V.2

Even more ways that games can be simulator worthy.

Roblox: Forum Games Simulator V.1

txQfnDYuQbE | 18 Aug 2012

Roblox: Forum Games Simulator V.1

Even games can be simulator worthy, and this is to prove it.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 4

ZotKKoypa-k | 08 Aug 2012

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 4

This originally was the first episode, but I removed it, because of Roblox music. I changed it to Portals R Us.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 3

LokMdvBNUss | 08 Aug 2012

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 3

More puffle madness.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 1

ObtkHB4n77M | 08 Aug 2012

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 1

A series I made. This was recorded during the Puffle Party.

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 2

zEsdjVcVYFI | 08 Aug 2012

Club Penguin Randomness: Episode 2

Puffles like the whole randomness of CP.

Roblox: The Life of a Noob

nz4fix9QZZw | 03 Aug 2012

Roblox: The Life of a Noob

This is in 2011, and the story of why Telamon is Shedletsky now.

Club Penguin: Low Survival (Sneak Peek)

Nx1oqrGNDuk | 25 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Low Survival (Sneak Peek)

I am making a parody of Oscar One's Top Survival. It will be similar, but not exact.

Club Penguin: Super Woow (Part 2)

4R7cDtNkon4 | 23 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Super Woow (Part 2)

A short 2 minute part of the movie.

Club Penguin: Operation Blackout (Video)

JzqrnLXQf8M | 21 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Operation Blackout (Video)

NOTE: This is just a video made for fun. Not real or anything. It's fan made. DESCRIPTION: Woow needs to bring power to Club Penguin, because all the power went out.

Club Penguin: Character Backgrounds (7-20-12)

b5oZCsz2e7k | 20 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Character Backgrounds (7-20-12)

An updated version of all my character backgrounds. I got 3 new ones! PB, Cadence, and Rocky and Cece's background.

Club Penguin: Audition Trouble

cIc0mib6iUA | 20 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Audition Trouble

Woow wants an audition, but needs to wait in line. I made this in around ten minutes.

Woow Adventures: Episode 12 (Trivia)

8VuYQMKSGqo | 16 Jul 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 12 (Trivia)

A little trivia for episodes 1-11. Also, some sneak peeks.

Club Penguin: Pointless Ad

iy3q_12pbZ8 | 11 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: Pointless Ad

Just a video I made a while back when I first used Vegas Movie Studio

Roblox: Wax Museum of Robloxia Advertisement

zDZM6PBakY4 | 09 Jul 2012

Roblox: Wax Museum of Robloxia Advertisement

Play this at I have some alts, so I used some of them to make this video. Also, Clubpenguinfan2 is the real him in this video.

*Vid 2012* Club Penguin: Laser Keytar Animation

cbdFca87UQc | 07 Jul 2012

*Vid 2012* Club Penguin: Laser Keytar Animation

I know. The first half is hardly animated, and the rest is animated. I just thought of making this. I got the idea from my old video, Portal Guitar. Edit (8/10/17): Well, I mean this was my 2012th video at the time, so...

Club Penguin - Penguins Vs Aleins Vs Robots From Outer Space - Part 3

Y8NaNDBg0Bo | 06 Jul 2012

Club Penguin - Penguins Vs Aleins Vs Robots From Outer Space - Part 3

Made for Oscar One, because he's the reason I finished his movie for him.


Wn1JEFPxlyg | 06 Jul 2012


I am not hating Club Penguin, I am just warning the pookies, and maybe even the non pookies. Pookies are making people quit, making CP bankrupt, making them advertise on TV, increasing pookies. And then, they lose so much money that they need to have commercial parties such as the Marvel Superhero Takeover, and the Make You Mark Ultimate Dance Off. Club Penguin doesn't have enough money just to make a Music Jam, regularly. This is a warning of what will happen if we keep having pookies. Club Penguin is going to be down, forever. As a backup, buy your copy of Herbert's Revenge to continue playing missions, only missions though. To avoid to only being able to play missions, we must stop pookies from spreading anymore. Some of the biggest membership buyers are quitting. Pookies are the reason that Club Penguin overwhelms with membership features, and membership prices. A year is now $60, a month is now $2 more, and 6 months is now $30. 3 months still costs the same, at least. I really did see the vision of CP down because of pookies. In fact, I see 2 visions. The good and bad ones. The good has a normal day on Club Penguin. The bad is what my warning is about. Just hear my warning.

242 Subscribers!

BfOgUEvgn3k | 02 Jul 2012

242 Subscribers!

I just made this video to speed up the 2000 videos. I will not upload too many videos after the 4th if July. At this rate, I might only upload 2 videos on the 4th of July!

Club Penguin: My Reaction to not Finding Aunt Arctic

hixomfmQNVk | 01 Jul 2012

Club Penguin: My Reaction to not Finding Aunt Arctic

I was searching for hours and hours. I am really sad right now, but I won't give up!

Club Penguin: Woow and the Party Pyramid (Requested)

ZvB0fX4HkNk | 29 Jun 2012

Club Penguin: Woow and the Party Pyramid (Requested)

I got this requested. I couldn't think of a golden treasure, so I used party stuff.

Angry Birds Heikki Intro

DdDKw9-7egA | 29 Jun 2012

Angry Birds Heikki Intro

I recorded the into of Angry Birds Heikki.

Slot Machine Animation

51t0XN393sE | 29 Jun 2012

Slot Machine Animation

I decided to animate a slot machine... INCORRECTLY!!! How evil!!!

Club Penguin: Woow Spinning

Zparo7SlLbc | 29 Jun 2012

Club Penguin: Woow Spinning

I decided to make this into a video.

Why Disney Didn't Completely Ruin Club Penguin

rBCh9BA83zU | 27 Jun 2012

Why Disney Didn't Completely Ruin Club Penguin

Guys, no need to argue; this video is completely outdated and my mind has changed completely. No need for riot or hate, but also no need to defend CP. CP is now a game where almost everything is members only (there used to be more non-member features) and has hardly anything fun/non-commerical. I keep hearing that Disney ruined Club Penguin, but they didn't. I got all of this proof. Also, even if Rsnail didn't let Disney buy CP, Club Penguin would be down. Everybody would also be telling Rsnail that he should have combined CP with Disney. Plus, Club Penguin is made to be a Tween game, not a kid game.


9YtLcU1HC6I | 27 Jun 2012


I decided to make a video of some of the fans of my channel. I will post alot of videos, to get to 2000.

1800th Video

I7EPLaopA-s | 24 Jun 2012

1800th Video

I need 200 more videos to reach 2000.

Roblox: Old Ads

sxEqMy9-JD0 | 19 Jun 2012

Roblox: Old Ads

I saved these for a long time, and decided to put them in a video.

Woow Adventures: Episode 11 (Portals R Us)

KaEbMNprpqs | 18 Jun 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 11 (Portals R Us)

A portal maker appears, so Woow, Hoho77527, and Epic1337 need to stop it.

Go Animate: The Ultimate Hotel

jrnP4t1aHCw | 11 Jun 2012

Go Animate: The Ultimate Hotel

I was bored, so decided to look at the Youtube video editors.

Roblox: Gender Mixer (Episode 1)

67IdhOeHFyQ | 09 Jun 2012

Roblox: Gender Mixer (Episode 1)

This is my series that I show people in their opposite genders.

Club Penguin: Trapped in an Elevator (Part 2)

XDiOgSn2Efk | 08 Jun 2012

Club Penguin: Trapped in an Elevator (Part 2)

Hoho77527 faces off with the mysterious figure to save Woow50000 and Epic1337 (even though Epic1337 is not mentioned in this video at all). How does Hoho77527 save Woow? Find out in Trapped in an Elevator part 2!

Club Penguin: If Oscar One Returned

hmYUBeVoIYQ | 06 Jun 2012

Club Penguin: If Oscar One Returned

This video is dedicated to Oscar One. This video is not saying that he has to, this video is more like a mini-postcard video.

Club Penguin: Trapped in an Elevator (Part 1)

Lo6mQmYtYag | 25 May 2012

Club Penguin: Trapped in an Elevator (Part 1)

Woow50000 and Epic1337 try to bust out of their elevators while Hoho77527 attempts to get the elevator back by opening the metal elevator door to the metal elevator tube to pull the elevator down.

Weegee Invasion 2

9Y2GRfEe-hM | 15 May 2012

Weegee Invasion 2

I attempted to make a sequal, but it is very hard. I don't want to use copyrighted sounds and also don't want to spend too much time on the video. Well, at least I tried.

Woow Adventures: Episode 10 (The Meeting)

CUeR4uKCTHE | 13 May 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 10 (The Meeting)

Woow50000 secretly crashes a meeting (Well, not too secret). This video also includes my voice.

Club Penguin: Mother's Day Party/ Video Making Party

CUlwpVdp3XY | 13 May 2012

Club Penguin: Mother's Day Party/ Video Making Party

The party will be today at 5:00 PM EST (2:00 PM PST). It will start at the Night Club on the server Hockey. It will travel around the island, so check all rooms if I am not there (Or the other people). I will be recording. Try arriving at 4:50 PM EST (1:50 PM PST). I will not just keep on the Mother's Day Topic! If you are still reading, you are invited to the video making party. It is 30 minutes after the Mother's Day Party. In the Video Making Party, I will record videos, and you are allowed to interview people (aswell as me). Make sure to go to the video making party at 5:30 PM EST (2:30 PM PST). It will start at the dojo (Last Mother's Day party destination). I will not make a video making party video, just others. Make sure to come to both parties!

Woow Adventures: Episode 9 (Woowsynthesis)

C8T2LsxgtFM | 10 May 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 9 (Woowsynthesis)

The school has a plant contest, FOR A GRADE.

Weegee Invasion (10 Minute Loop)

KPlRv7zPlS0 | 09 May 2012

Weegee Invasion (10 Minute Loop)

A 10 minute loop version of Weegee Invasion. I guess that nobody tried making a loop of it. You can make a loop of it too. This Youtube Video Editor can also be useful.

A Vacation it is

nxbYvcAsqhg | 28 Apr 2012

A Vacation it is

Cardude Central Episode 3

ExrYfWpOQZI | 22 Apr 2012

Cardude Central Episode 3

Now Roblox Blox-School!

Roblox: Mariosbiggestfan Vs Jaredvaldez

6K5T2Sl_Haw | 22 Apr 2012

Roblox: Mariosbiggestfan Vs Jaredvaldez

Jaredvaldez takes everything from the Cardude2001 Productions house, so Mariosbiggestfan finds Jared to get him back. NOTE: Jaredvaldez didn't realy copy my video, I used Google Chrome to edit it. NOTE: I made this video for those of you who had something copied. If you didn't have anything copied, you can still watch it.

Minecraft: Mooshroom/Cow Sounds

peS1L-qUSZ8 | 20 Apr 2012

Minecraft: Mooshroom/Cow Sounds

Some sounds that a mooshroom and cow make.

Club Penguin Meets Roblox 2 (Part 2)

6b9tdFrj8kQ | 14 Apr 2012

Club Penguin Meets Roblox 2 (Part 2)

NOTE: At the begining, there is a mistake. So you understand, Rexdragonflame quits because he gets no pay. The adventure continues when the group splits into groups. The groups are Sorcus, Haibo50, and Puyih, Woow50000 alone, Cardude2001, Garmo, and Gary, and Clubpenguinfan2, Jaceminman, and Pokemonmastertraner;Builderman, Reesemcblox, Telamon, and Ding escape Banland;Herbert thinks of a plan;Rexdragonflame quits ZXalbertweskerXZ's group.

Woow Adventures: Episode 8 (Club Penguin Games)

l0oTYx7Ej9A | 01 Apr 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 8 (Club Penguin Games)

EXCLUSIVE SONG: Hoho77527, Rory, Tim, Woow50000, Ding, Herbert, Klutzy, Gary, and the rest of the video crew go against each other in the Club Penguin Games to win a prize. First, they need to win a round by round 5 to be in the final 8, the final 4, the semi-finals, and the finals. Who will win? Find out in Woow Adventures Episode 8!

Woow Adventures: Episode 7 (April Fools Day)

padvu38vl3w | 01 Apr 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 7 (April Fools Day)

Everybody hates April Fools Day, so everybody riots against The April Fool. April Fools! Everybody likes April Fools Day in the video!

Minecraft: Pig Race

ASzakzuHl00 | 31 Mar 2012

Minecraft: Pig Race

I was bored, so I decided to make pigs race. I made this with wheat, pigs, and the F1 button.

Woow Adventures: Episode 6 (Earth Hour Madness)

z_c6_otMdj8 | 31 Mar 2012

Woow Adventures: Episode 6 (Earth Hour Madness)

Ding sets an Earth Eternity, while everybody else wants electricity back.

Minecraft: Lava Crushing a Chicken

4STtaH_DCag | 31 Mar 2012

Minecraft: Lava Crushing a Chicken

A chicken is crushed by lava.

Minecraft: Sneak Pranking

pwp9_0c3uJs | 22 Mar 2012

Minecraft: Sneak Pranking

I was playing Minecrafters Town, and decided to prank this guy, when he was turned around.

Minecraft: Redstone Cannon

RMHBQLXfJkk | 21 Mar 2012

Minecraft: Redstone Cannon

It's the first redstone wired thing that I have ever created. This shows the cannon and it in action. You can look at the cannon, from the video, and use it.

All Platform Racing 2 Hats and How to Unlock

i7U2buXIs_M | 17 Mar 2012

All Platform Racing 2 Hats and How to Unlock

There is also for the cowboy hat to get is to play a map with Super Flying Cowboy Mode.

Woow Adventures : Episode 5 (Zomb Patricks Day)

gaQ0a0PvgE8 | 02 Mar 2012

Woow Adventures : Episode 5 (Zomb Patricks Day)

Club Penguin is being invaded by zombies and it's up to Hoho77527, Woow50000, Doosh, Rescue, Mario and Isabella to stop them. This is also the St. Patricks Day special of Woow Adventures. If you don't know what St. Patricks Day is, it's a holiday celebrated in USA and Ireland. It is about clovers, gold, rainbows, and lepercauns.

Woow Adventures Short : Leap Day

r1196_w95qo | 29 Feb 2012

Woow Adventures Short : Leap Day

You know that it's February 29th (2-29-12), so I made this little video to celebrate. I also made up Rescue's birthday as February 29th! Happy leap day!

Minecraft : Model of the Solar System

sp49Ltlf8ms | 26 Feb 2012

Minecraft : Model of the Solar System

I found a model of the soloar system. It looked so nice, that I wanted to share it with your guys.

Roblox : Unuploaded New Years Video

V15jlyFoI-8 | 25 Feb 2012

Roblox : Unuploaded New Years Video

I didn't upload the video before, so I just thought of uploading it. Enjoy!

Youtube the Movie : (Part 2)

RAScfX2spQ8 | 25 Feb 2012

Youtube the Movie : (Part 2)

The gang goes on an adventure home and get help from the Strawberry Nyan Cat.

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Game Verison)

s7Zxgthogr8 | 16 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Game Verison)

A game verison of the movie.

Valentines Day in a Nutshell

1gAscSDyDWg | 15 Feb 2012

Valentines Day in a Nutshell

This is what Valentines Day is mainly about, in a nutshell.

Cardude2001 Intro

XzhYsncZxWw | 12 Feb 2012

Cardude2001 Intro

I don't need to use the Super Mario Bros overworld song all the time, so I changed the music. This intro will be used in SOME future videos. Enjoy.

Club Penguin : Old Computer

cDKYm-Ve8TM | 11 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : Old Computer

Woow50000 uses an old computer. This is also me testing beak animations.

Woow Adventures : Episode 4 (Chocolate Selling Contest)

e_s4fIMNNbQ | 11 Feb 2012

Woow Adventures : Episode 4 (Chocolate Selling Contest)

Epic1337, Hoho77527, and Woow50000 compete in a chocolate selling contest against Bunny, Doosh, and Isabella for Valentines Day. This is a Valentines Day special of Woow Adventures. Epic1337 joins the class in this episode.

Woow Adventures : Episode 3 (Doesn't Happen Everyday)

kfJqMm9CnRE | 11 Feb 2012

Woow Adventures : Episode 3 (Doesn't Happen Everyday)

Some un-usual tragity in CP.

Tazboi's Dunk Contest 4 Entry

ZZleKWcbDfU | 10 Feb 2012

Tazboi's Dunk Contest 4 Entry

Woow50000 shoots a hoop at Tazboi's Dunk Contest 4. I pick team Taz! Enter at to get a link to the site with the rules.

Club Penguin : Gary's Valentines Day Plan

1qGNg9Xl2Wo | 06 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : Gary's Valentines Day Plan

Gary hears Woow50000 say that he doesn't like girls, but doesn't belive him, so checks a lie detector. Gary finds out that Woow50000 was telling the truth, and trys to get Woow50000 to like girls. NOTE: No, this was not made in Febuary, I made this in January.

Club Penguin : Giants Vs Patriots

yWXuDw2WZto | 05 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : Giants Vs Patriots

There is also a break in the middle of the video. Epic1337 is rooting for the Patriots, while Woow50000 is rooting for the Giants. P.S. GO GIANTS! This is a superbowl 2012 special.

Club Penguin : Fashion Fever

0KNdMLCHlbs | 05 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : Fashion Fever

Epic1337 and Woow50000 appear on the runway in the fashion show.

Roblox : The Chair

JtUjCDTPFWU | 04 Feb 2012

Roblox : The Chair

Clubpenguinfan2 wants to sit in a chair. (Webdude2004 as Clubpenguinfan2)

The Weegee Flu (Part 3)

UDpB9Ue8EiI | 04 Feb 2012

The Weegee Flu (Part 3)

The final part of the movie.

Club Penguin : War

O2K4GkHE188 | 04 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : War

A war starts in Club Penguin.

The Weegee Flu (Part 2)

jJyKD8zqBRo | 03 Feb 2012

The Weegee Flu (Part 2)

Mario and Puyih join the gang. NOTE- Puyih is a requested character.

Club Penguin : Portal Guitar

vEk8iDcZr-Y | 03 Feb 2012

Club Penguin : Portal Guitar

Woow50000 pranks people with a portal gun that he found. I got inpiration from "Portal Pranks" and the video game "Portal".

The Weegee Flu (Part 1)

GURQYNLO6fc | 28 Jan 2012

The Weegee Flu (Part 1)

Weegee invades all computer games. Will the word be spead? Find out by watching. This video also has an intro.

Roblox : Waiting for Food

zKUpON8VwYU | 28 Jan 2012

Roblox : Waiting for Food

Mariosbiggestfan waits for food.

Club Penguin : Underwater Expedition Hatrid

YRUneGp4OJc | 27 Jan 2012

Club Penguin : Underwater Expedition Hatrid

(NOTE: This is just for entertainment) What you can hate about the Underwater Expedition.

Minecraft : Spider Jockey Animation

zfyJt_aJu1Y | 27 Jan 2012

Minecraft : Spider Jockey Animation

I decided to make this short video.

Club Penguin : Stage Fail

OlQ0Lsbjjwk | 26 Jan 2012

Club Penguin : Stage Fail

A tiny short that I made.

Club Penguin : Underwater Expedition Fun

EsL8esBSAWw | 26 Jan 2012

Club Penguin : Underwater Expedition Fun

This is a short that I made for you viewers.

Versus : Round 9 (Mooshroom Vs Cow)

bwnU6APYLnU | 26 Jan 2012

Versus : Round 9 (Mooshroom Vs Cow)

Cows and mooshroom are simular, but different. I want to find out the better one.

Club Penguin : 2012 #2 (Classic)

6SyKO2p2NuU | 21 Jan 2012

Club Penguin : 2012 #2 (Classic)

Woow50000, and the rest of the class from Woow Adventures, try to survive 2012. Will they survive? Intrested in the video? Click read more for more information about 2012 and the video. This video is based on the earlier 2012 video. I thought of making a couple of sequels of it during the year. No, I don't belive in 2012 though. Don't expect the Mayans to tell you anything. These extra messages are for the people that are realy intrested in the video. The answer to the question is simple alot. I bet that you know the answer. Any comments about the ending will be removed. It is due to people spoiling videos. If you spoil great videos, someday, your videos will be spoiled. 2012 is a myth that the world will end 12/23/12. Alot of people don't belive in it. The Mayans don't tell us when the world will end. What if the creater of the calander died? Or what if his hand broke or got tired. That could explain why the calander ends of 12/23/12. It's just not real, because modern calanders are made with computers and olden calanders are made by hand.

Welcome to My Channel

WIkO7ZGsmBc | 21 Jan 2012

Welcome to My Channel

This is a new interactive channel welcome. Enjoy. Scan the QR code with your phone for information.

Stop Online Privacy Act

99hkQxBKok0 | 19 Jan 2012

Stop Online Privacy Act

Black out your channel to protest against SOPA (Stop Online Pravicy Act). Websites like Minecraft, Club Penguin, Youtube, Roblox, Wikipedia, Google, Mojang, Webkinz, Poptropica and most of your other favorites will be shut down if you don't protest. If you blackout your page, we might stop the SOPA. Protest to protect the internet today! Remember, do you want SOPA? I say NOPA!

Woow Adventures : Episode 2 (Internet Wars)

5MYtOsrMxU4 | 17 Jan 2012

Woow Adventures : Episode 2 (Internet Wars)

The Versus in this video is not real. The winner is not realy both. It is just for the video. This video also has my old look on CP. Enjoy this episode. Some of you people waited for this since Saturday, and I never realy worked on this. This episode is shorter. It is weird how the first episode of shows are longer compared to other shows (Like Cardude2001 Show). Woow50000 goes on Youtube and finds out that Ding is trolling.

Versus : Round 4 (Woow50000 Vs Cardude2001)

zHKGSukEqyk | 17 Jan 2012

Versus : Round 4 (Woow50000 Vs Cardude2001)

The fourth round featuring the winners of the first two rounds. Every four rounds, I'll make some winners of other rounds verse.

Woow Adventures Short : Mario and Rescue Superstar Saga

W8NmY7xK6Rk | 16 Jan 2012

Woow Adventures Short : Mario and Rescue Superstar Saga

Any videos with the characters from Woow Adentures are not realy any main characters, so they are called Woow Adventures Shorts. This is the first Woow Adventures Short. Enjoy.

Versus : Round 3 (Creeper Vs Magma Block)

eruZNpU6P7E | 16 Jan 2012

Versus : Round 3 (Creeper Vs Magma Block)

The third round of Versus.

Woow Adventures : Episode 1 (Introduction)

7mdFcpHSLAI | 15 Jan 2012

Woow Adventures : Episode 1 (Introduction)

This is the first episode of Woow Adventures. This episode introduces the series and it's characters.

Club Penguin: Hockey Puck Fail

B1uzRd9kpto | 15 Jan 2012

Club Penguin: Hockey Puck Fail

A short video that I made.

Club Penguin Meets Roblox : Part 5 (Surprise)

3iFK99JjMkU | 15 Jan 2012

Club Penguin Meets Roblox : Part 5 (Surprise)

Nobody expected a part 5. This is just an aftermath.

My Lost Puffle (Winner!)

A02Ek5Q-Rkg | 09 Jan 2012

My Lost Puffle (Winner!)

This is my entry into PuyihBoy13's Lost Puffle contest.

Roblox Scenes 4 Preperation

IyAfTrdznwg | 07 Jan 2012

Roblox Scenes 4 Preperation

This is what happened during the preperation of Roblox Scenes 4. I spent hours in the game, wasting alot of time though. People were lagging, 4XD45 had to redecorate, and Gamestopboy's stalker (Jesseph) who was gonna ruin the video. I will only go into a video if it's not gonna be HD. This show some before-video footage though. Gamestopboy stopped playing soon-after. Justin4lol showed up later, along with Gamestopboy. Then, everything got boring, so everybody quit, even 4XD45.

Trees Hate Mariosbiggestfan

OjUarugy7fk | 07 Jan 2012

Trees Hate Mariosbiggestfan

And trees are plants. Well any living thing can hate stuff.

Anything Collab Entry

SIa6f3mxhyM | 06 Jan 2012

Anything Collab Entry

This is my entry to the Anything Collab.

Club Penguin News(Episode 1)

LvWWbIrnPko | 03 Jan 2012

Club Penguin News(Episode 1)

I made this series for fun and to announce stuff. Just watch for information.

Hotel Mario : No (Club Penguin Verison)

9Y_T4qkBrZE | 03 Jan 2012

Hotel Mario : No (Club Penguin Verison)

This took less that 10 minutes. I got bored, so I made this.

2011 Yearbook

4W38u4lPiP4 | 31 Dec 2011

2011 Yearbook

This is a little video that I made. It shows the characters of 2011, icons, and more. I have a-lot of favorite video makers, it's just that I finished this some days ago. There is a slide that is out-dated, so I'll cover it.

Tiburcioview's Soccer Contest Entry

ptaML19NNIo | 30 Dec 2011

Tiburcioview's Soccer Contest Entry

This is my entry to Tiburcioview's soccer contest.

Oscar One's Sky Diving Contest Entry

VHZai3dSbZY | 30 Dec 2011

Oscar One's Sky Diving Contest Entry

I am Woow50000. I am go on adventures. I have lots of fun with Epic1337. I originaly entered this in Oscar's contest. Just trim the entry to skip to the skydiving part (Talking to R2). This is my entry to Oscar One's (Now R2's) Sky Diving Contest.

Club Penguin : Slate Trouble

Q72sDTyRdBg | 30 Dec 2011

Club Penguin : Slate Trouble

Woow50000 and Epic1337 are in the making of a movie named Herbert's Bed, but they can't get to the scene due to failing the slate.

Club Penguin Meets Super Mario 3D Land

tYePlL1F6GA | 25 Dec 2011

Club Penguin Meets Super Mario 3D Land

A short video I made a while back.

Club Penguin : CPKCC Entry

nKPCc1wo5Hk | 24 Dec 2011

Club Penguin : CPKCC Entry

This is my entry to the Club Penguin Karate Chop Contest.

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 4)

K5sZpmTKUBU | 24 Dec 2011

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 4)

The last part to Club Penguin Meets Roblox.

Club Penguin : 2012 (Classic)

0qi4i7jb4t8 | 23 Dec 2011

Club Penguin : 2012 (Classic)

Woow50000, Herbert, Klutzy, and Aunt Arctic need to warn everybody about the end of the world, while Gary builds a boat to save all of the penguins. Will Gary finish building the boat before the Everyday Phoning Facility is destroyed? Will everybody be warned? Find out in this video.

Roblox Truss Prank

MhHJvZRF96E | 10 Dec 2011

Roblox Truss Prank

What will you build? For more games visit

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 3)

CCkT4_I8R2U | 03 Dec 2011

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 3)

The gang meets Haibot50 and Clubpenguinfan2. There was not that many idea since this was make early in the morning. Enjoy though. Hoho77527/Clubpenguinfan2's channel is Webdude2004. Check it out if you liked them. You may be woundering what games the flashbacks are from. The shrink ray is from Poptropica. The TNT is from Minecraft. The boat sinking is from Lego Universe. The shooting part is one of my videos that I made while playing Roblox with Gamestopboy567. The Roblox shrink ray choice is from Roblox Blox-School Episode 2. The sinking ship choice is Lego Universe Random Gameplay (Part 2). The penguin with a jetpack and the snowball being thrown is from Club Penguin Funny Pics 2 (My CP Funny Pics 2).

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Full Verison) (Christmas 2011 Special #4)

cmoFK6vriRg | 03 Dec 2011

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Full Verison) (Christmas 2011 Special #4)

Woow50000, Jet Pack Guy, and Gary save Club Penguin from a tsunami. I used the Youtube Video Editor to mash up all 4 parts together.

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 2)

qRtjBfRvgcA | 01 Dec 2011

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 2)

Jaceminman sends the gang into deep sleep to give them their worst nightmare.

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 1)

QJBsON0Xtoo | 30 Nov 2011

Club Penguin Meets Roblox (Part 1)

REMEMBER: This is CP MEETS Roblox, so it is not a battle. The only battle is against the villians in this video. Also, no comments with any bad words please. Gary and Rookie find a portal to Roblox, while Azfar101's team is doing evil to get rid of Cardude2001. Gary gets Woow50000 to help after being tricked about Cardude2001, when Woow50000 explains that Azfar101's team (Azfar101, Garmo, and Jaceminman) tricked him. Gary calls more agents, to help save Roblox. If they fail, Roblox may be ruled by Azfar101. If they do it right, then the Roblox admims can keep freedom on Roblox. This is the ultimate CP vs Roblox, because nobody ever made one like this. Most of them are green screen, or free models, or pictures from CP instead of the characters. This is the only one that has all of the characters doing something. Hoho77527 is the yellow penguin with the green propeller cap. Hoho77527's Channel is Webdude2004. Check it out if you can.

Roblox Music Flight of the Bumblebee

lOCrQjdVRQ0 | 21 Nov 2011

Roblox Music Flight of the Bumblebee

W00t w00t For more games visit

Club Penguin : Adventures in Making a Show

l_23laBkH9Q | 20 Nov 2011

Club Penguin : Adventures in Making a Show

Nothing is on TV, so Hoho77527,Woow50000,and xxepic1337xx make a TV show. Hoho77527's Channel = Webdude2004

Welcome to My Channel

2U9G4nDfemY | 17 Nov 2011

Welcome to My Channel

I thought about it, and making a mini-short (like most of my CP videos) would be a great channel welcome.

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Part 1)

PW-RgSrXveA | 16 Nov 2011

Club Penguin : The Tsunami (Part 1)

Woow50000 spots a tsunami made by Herbert, and calls Gary. They start to try to stop it.

Minecraft : First Time in the Nether

nByzOo6CN9U | 11 Nov 2011

Minecraft : First Time in the Nether

I found out how to make a portal to the nether on Minecraft, so I made one.

11:11 AM 11/11/11

LuA1ZxPbo6E | 11 Nov 2011

11:11 AM 11/11/11

Happy Veterans Day! =D Here is 11:11 11/11/11

Club Penguin : Dot and Jet Pack Guy?

0Pds7INu3JU | 06 Nov 2011

Club Penguin : Dot and Jet Pack Guy?

Club Penguin might be making them have backrounds.

Welcome to My Channel

H_pbE02oOUQ | 06 Nov 2011

Welcome to My Channel

This is a better one that I made. This video also contains random pictures. Enjoy this new welcome to my channel video.

Club Penguin : Sending Friend Request to Nintendokid

E2KbNZ71Ky0 | 29 Oct 2011

Club Penguin : Sending Friend Request to Nintendokid

Cardude2001 Show Episode 17

oA6r97WIMCc | 21 Oct 2011

Cardude2001 Show Episode 17

This is the 17th episode of Cardude2001 Show. Enjoy.

Roblox Music : The Hot Hot Desert

fxDqiAW7tbY | 08 Oct 2011

Roblox Music : The Hot Hot Desert

Makes good desert music.


bztBZ_a9rDE | 08 Oct 2011


I'm selling for a very high price. It is worth alot. Hope you buy.

Roblox Music : Flood Escaper

qMw1sx2WnSM | 30 Sep 2011

Roblox Music : Flood Escaper

Go to which is the game that plays this music.

Minecraft (Club Penguin Verison) (Minecraft Spoof)

0NkP6Nf63B8 | 27 Sep 2011

Minecraft (Club Penguin Verison) (Minecraft Spoof)

I was bored, and thought about making a Minecraft spoof, so I made this. My Club Penguin character is in the video. This video also contains a creeper.

Minecraft Mountain House

oK4VXIjo6Lw | 27 Sep 2011

Minecraft Mountain House

I wanted to build an anti-griefer place, and made a mountain. Later, it tuened into a motuntain house. I spent a long time building it. I thought that griefers don't grief mountains, and I was correct.

Minecraft : If Minecraft Ever Met Club Penguin

eMzjpG9Hd0w | 23 Sep 2011

Minecraft : If Minecraft Ever Met Club Penguin

This is what would happen. Why wouldn't a penguin run if another game went into its game?

Club Penguin : Feed a Puffle

LeycJUc-B4s | 23 Sep 2011

Club Penguin : Feed a Puffle

Woow50000 finds a game named "Feed a Puffle" and plays it. Woow50000 feeds the puffles and talks to them while playing. Sorry for no Orange Puffles, the game didn't throw any into the game. I took a long time to make the Woow50000 talking at the Cove picture. This was fun to make. Expect more Club Penguin movies soon. This is a 100 subscribers special. This was taped during the Fall Fair.

Welcome to My Channel

nvz-Jku-GVA | 18 Sep 2011

Welcome to My Channel

This is a better one that I made. This video also contains random pictures. Enjoy this new welcome to my channel video.

Roblox Builders Club Available on I-Tunes?

BGMMPRNKF8Y | 17 Sep 2011

Roblox Builders Club Available on I-Tunes?

Roblox was talking about the app for I-Phones and says that it's available on I-Tunes.

Roblox Blox-School Episode 2 (Azfar101 and Garmo Vs Cardude2001 Round 1)

IC-hwNTsNys | 13 Sep 2011

Roblox Blox-School Episode 2 (Azfar101 and Garmo Vs Cardude2001 Round 1)

This is episode 2 of season 1. I put alot of effort on setting up all of the places and people, so enjoy. This is the first round of Garmo and Azfar101 Vs Cardude2001.

Roblox Blox-School Episode 1 (School Bus Problems)

x1hQZT9bCHE | 12 Sep 2011

Roblox Blox-School Episode 1 (School Bus Problems)

This is Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E001). This online show might have 100 in a season. New episodes will be uploaded anytime I feel like it. I thought of the idea today. This took a while to make. Enjoy.

A Dirty Trick (Youtube Audio)

48BcYpSyscU | 05 Sep 2011

A Dirty Trick (Youtube Audio)

Wondering about the ROBLOX logo? I had to change this video to keep the views and get a partnership eligibility.

You Dare Not Agree With Cardude2001

38iarpf1rwk | 05 Sep 2011

You Dare Not Agree With Cardude2001

This is now in better quality.

Cardude2001 Chases the Strawberry Nyan Cat (Wax Green Screen Test)

aRELUrqElFA | 31 Aug 2011

Cardude2001 Chases the Strawberry Nyan Cat (Wax Green Screen Test)

Just a green screen test. Terrible, but a learning experience.

Roblox Kart Wii 2

Xcj_-mS2Bqs | 31 Aug 2011

Roblox Kart Wii 2

I realy wanted to jump out of the kart. LOL. Thanks MrBean35000vr59 for the Mario Kart Wii video.

Roblox Kart Wii

OVj_zXIwKSM | 30 Aug 2011

Roblox Kart Wii

This is a green screen. Enjoy. This is based on the other Roblox Kart Green Screen. Credit to MrBean35000vr59 for the video.

Club Penguin EPF Mission : The Veggie Villian

yfif62bXiE0 | 28 Aug 2011

Club Penguin EPF Mission : The Veggie Villian

NOTE: This is not a real mission. I just made it up. DESCRIPTION: The director is missing. Herbert stole him. Will Herbert suceed?

Minecraft Floods: House with Basement

93r_1QZpDEM | 28 Aug 2011

Minecraft Floods: House with Basement

It took me a long time to take plug up a-lot of water and build the house. It was worth it. This is the first video in my flood series.

Minecraft (My Awesome House)

S8vYGqfGwGs | 27 Aug 2011

Minecraft (My Awesome House)

You can't play in it. When I was speeding up the video and saved it, I accidently closed the internet. I have at least kept this video. I hope you enjoy. I was playing Minecraft because I saw some awesome videos of Minecraft things.

In an airport scanner....

kUU0EaX7S2c | 25 Aug 2011

In an airport scanner....

Just a random video.

Went on a Zipline

dkC8T_Cod68 | 20 Aug 2011

Went on a Zipline

Edit: Who dislikes ziplining? Dislike if you don't like it. I went ziplining on my vacation.

Back on Youtube

qDEUjZcDMmU | 19 Aug 2011

Back on Youtube

Problem: Somebody stole a 2007 car. There is 2 people that could have done it. Look at both of them before deciding. (Hint: Older looking person did it). Take a car to the people that could have stole it. BONUS:2007 Car. I'll delete if there is bad comments. NOTE:Turned on comments to give you one more chance. NOTE:I turned off comments due to bad comments. (Play this game, get an ad for my Regular Show game. I am advertising this all the time because it has more chance to be on the front page, or any page in games.) You need to prove that robloxians can go through computer smileys. (NOTE:It may take some time. Jump in the smiley to get out faster.) Wear the shirts to pretend to be one of the characters. Tags: Taco Stand Pizza Pizza Store Hotel Da Little Explorerz Dry Cleaners For more games visit

No More Videos for a Week

KFr1ZIH1c3E | 11 Aug 2011

No More Videos for a Week

I'm going on vacation, and I'm going to bring back footage. Wont see any comments in a week. I'll try to upload a-lot of edits right now (5:30 AM).

When You Don't Want Anything from Morshu

SRqwLiRHczA | 10 Aug 2011

When You Don't Want Anything from Morshu

This is what happens when you don't want anything from Morshu. The video is not cut-off.

Messages from Roblox?

Abysr72JgGA | 09 Aug 2011

Messages from Roblox?

I'm thinking that Roblox set up these secret messages on purpose. I guess they want you to solve the whole commercial. Some parts that don't belong there might have been there for a reason. Here's all the secret messages I found. I found 5 of them. It must be secret messages, because I could do one of them and you can make an ox on Roblox.

60 Subs Party

5oPeHxUokKA | 08 Aug 2011

60 Subs Party

Starts on Roblox. After Roblox, I will go to Club Penguin. I will announce the server for Club Penguin that I will be on in Roblox. I wll also announce the room that I will be in for 5 minutes til' I party in other rooms.

60 Subs Party (Club Penguin)

w9mcKM3lbKE | 08 Aug 2011

60 Subs Party (Club Penguin)

Info is this... Penguin: Woow50000 Server: Hockey Room: Dock Hope you can make it.

Roblox : Where is Gamestopboy567?

SxGg6s0hsjs | 06 Aug 2011

Roblox : Where is Gamestopboy567?

Gamestopboy567 is missing. Cardude2001 trys to find out. In the end Gamestopboy567...

Bowser Laugh

TGA5UDivpmA | 04 Aug 2011

Bowser Laugh

From Hotel Mario.

CPMV : Weegee90's Luigi Remix

IeCK77kOMCU | 30 Jul 2011

CPMV : Weegee90's Luigi Remix

This is an awesome song. That's why I made a CPMV of it.

Minecraft Coolest Bridge Ever

UKAtbhq7VKg | 30 Jul 2011

Minecraft Coolest Bridge Ever

I found this, so I wanted to show you.

Minecraft House

J0nyFEnqNbQ | 30 Jul 2011

Minecraft House

Made by myself. It was impressive.

Poptropica Wimpy Wounderland Salad Minigame Finished

bQp7C6FGCW0 | 29 Jul 2011

Poptropica Wimpy Wounderland Salad Minigame Finished

I finally beat it! It was super hard.

Poptropica Adventure Time Mini-Quest Walkthrough

0eOw2T75acU | 29 Jul 2011

Poptropica Adventure Time Mini-Quest Walkthrough

This is my first Poptropica video. This is a walkthrough of a mini-quest, Adventure Time. This was five minutes, so I made some parts quicker.

Club Penguin Tropical Bird Pin

Xr5NFOPgHAQ | 28 Jul 2011

Club Penguin Tropical Bird Pin

This video has the intructions to get the new pin.

Roblox Jaredvaldez2 is Banned

IWImQIMVeAY | 24 Jul 2011

Roblox Jaredvaldez2 is Banned

This moment was great! He copys places, and got banned.

Cardude2001 Show Episode 3

9nXKSx7QdnQ | 24 Jul 2011

Cardude2001 Show Episode 3

As I said before, new episodes almost everyday. I will try my hardest to make one the morning of the vacations I go on (the longest episodes). The ones before vactions will probobly be uploaded the day before (because of overnight uploading). I will try to post a sneak peek of episode 4. Includes:Awesome Science,Roblox Car Crash into Hotel Mario,Strawberry Nyan Cat,Nyan Cat, Christmas Colored Nyan Cat. Sorry if your a fan and waiting about a month. I tried using a backup day on Saturday, but thought of waiting to the backup plan for the backup day. I forgot around that time though. Those of you who waited in June/July, sorry that I kept forgeting. I have more great beaker and *something* water eruptions (after episode 1 in June 2011).

Roblox Attempting to Telport to an Inactive Place

DKiiQpy9SRM | 22 Jul 2011

Roblox Attempting to Telport to an Inactive Place

To play this game, please visit: For more games visit

Club Penguin (Rare Postcards)

ZSdoPwZKXfU | 21 Jul 2011

Club Penguin (Rare Postcards)

I had to delete all postcards by Club Penguin to get to these. Was worth finding the rare old postcard during 2008/2009.

Roblox Building with Justin4lol

-NwLhjM645E | 21 Jul 2011

Roblox Building with Justin4lol

there are a few secrets in the game hope u find them For more games visit

Roblox Epic House

4wSVWpeTZW8 | 21 Jul 2011

Roblox Epic House

Built by Gamestopboy567, Cardude2001, Justin4lol, and Clubpenguinfan2.

Roblox Gamestopboy567's 30 Subscribers Party

itcGdrq4KfU | 21 Jul 2011

Roblox Gamestopboy567's 30 Subscribers Party

ThIs MiNiGaMe Is MaDe By: GaMeStOpBoY567 SORRRY FOR THE BIG SMALL BIG SMALL BUT THIS GAME DOESN'T HAVE A points or more sorry or subtitle i need help for that and other stuff i am trying to get at least 300 people to go on my minigame but it is very hard so join me and fight with me to get 1000 to get to badges roblox badges 100 visits and 1000 visits and i need ads with this it is very hard please help :p :d peace dude 80th visit place party it is going to be fun and no report abuse to me i hate it or this game will end bye i know this paragraph makes no sense but a made the hard work now just play the game have fun:D For more games visit

Strawberry Nyan Cat for 3 Minutes

Z88adaYrdPw | 19 Jul 2011

Strawberry Nyan Cat for 3 Minutes

This is the first Strawberry Nyan Cat to be the longest.

Strawberry Nyan Cat (Original)

5vqYvUsfe0w | 18 Jul 2011

Strawberry Nyan Cat (Original)

This is not the Nyan Cat, it's the Strawberry Nyan Cat. I made this Nyan Cat with Nyan Cat Fly and recorded it. This isn't the classic Nyan Cat. Permission to Use:Webdude2004,

Welcome to My Channel

yR7qPN4-T5M | 18 Jul 2011

Welcome to My Channel

Welcome to my channel. No more special videos featured. Hope you find great videos and subscribe to me. Find ROBLOX and Club Penguin videos. ~Cardude2001

Christmas Colored Nyan Cat (Original)

aopC1g2ovQk | 18 Jul 2011

Christmas Colored Nyan Cat (Original)

The original Christmas colored one.

Minecraft Mario

Km8RKmeud3o | 15 Jul 2011

Minecraft Mario

I saw this cool Mario on Minecraft.

Why You Can't Make a Long Video with Google Search Stories

x9k_rqVJZIw | 15 Jul 2011

Why You Can't Make a Long Video with Google Search Stories

I tried, and it didn't work.

My First Google Search Story

haFZHW6CsRA | 15 Jul 2011

My First Google Search Story

I search for some stuff that I like.

First Time Playing Minecraft

DONCcA7B1JM | 14 Jul 2011

First Time Playing Minecraft

It realy was. Minecraft is fun.

Remind Me to Check

Np490URnojs | 14 Jul 2011

Remind Me to Check

From Hotel Mario.

Eh Luigi?

U0Q0wzLFS3c | 14 Jul 2011

Eh Luigi?

From Hotel Mario.

Over There

Yfy8PjBWiD8 | 14 Jul 2011

Over There

From Hotel Mario.

Roblox Kart 64 (Bloxy Circut)

-q5tduAgEwk | 13 Jul 2011

Roblox Kart 64 (Bloxy Circut)

this is my real fav place on roblox everything works there super mario 64 music its a fun coarseits the funzzzest race coarse eva so have a super duper awsome fun time pplzzzz it awsome...... For more games visit

Nyan Puffle (White Puffle Verison)

DsVm_2pvoIE | 12 Jul 2011

Nyan Puffle (White Puffle Verison)

Orange and Brown Puffle? Don't forget the white with its ice. Don't dislike or else people will make fun of you. Example:Mama Luigi disliked this because Yoshi forced him. Only rate if you like.

*Joke* Roblox How to Get Free Tickets and Robux the Easy Way

zvgFVvXJH00 | 12 Jul 2011

*Joke* Roblox How to Get Free Tickets and Robux the Easy Way

This was a joke. All fake.

Hotel Mario Intro (Go-Animate)(New Verison)

EEfgaZG7o04 | 12 Jul 2011

Hotel Mario Intro (Go-Animate)(New Verison)

Yay. Our favorite animation platform is used to make another Hotel Mario intro remake. How original. Now that they added new type videos, I was able to make this.

Just a Bit Penguiny

UrZtwOvrj_U | 11 Jul 2011

Just a Bit Penguiny

This is the real life Club Penguin verison of Just a Bit Crazy. Just is Bit Crazy is made by Eddsworld. I do not take credit for the music. Figures are made by Disney. The song is named "No".

Club Penguin Penguin Animation Testing

M7k7CWD0mUs | 09 Jul 2011

Club Penguin Penguin Animation Testing

Just testing.


_NvyK3nr7Dw | 09 Jul 2011


This was made on GoAnimate.

Shortest Nyan Puffle on Youtube

JqnA4yK1irA | 08 Jul 2011

Shortest Nyan Puffle on Youtube

The famous Club Penguin Nyan Puffle. This is the shortest you'll see. Happy77s made the original Nyan Puffle.

Just a Bit Cardude2001

dBDlv-1mGmE | 07 Jul 2011

Just a Bit Cardude2001

This is ROBLOX style. Is shorter and has wrong song, but I do not take credit for this. Original is Just a Bit Crazy. The video had many verisons of it. This is one of them.

Nyan Cat vs Nyan Puffle

YnOaKr_BBXI | 07 Jul 2011

Nyan Cat vs Nyan Puffle

EDIT:Stop sending video responses! I'm only going to aprove the videos in my series, not videos that you want to make famous. Who will win this fight? The nyan cat or nyan puffle? The original nyan puffle was uploaded today so you know. You may see it on video suggestions. I do not take credit for the nyan cat or nyan puffle. Nyan puffle by Happy77s. Nyan cat by Saraj00n.

Club Penguin Stage Guy Vs Wheel Bot

qatnWYCs7yY | 06 Jul 2011

Club Penguin Stage Guy Vs Wheel Bot

I just got the rare Wheel Bot Figure. I thought it would be great to make a battle series for Club Penguin.

1000th Video (Cardude2001's Best Moments)(Happy Fourth of July)

9rDEDO26zUw | 04 Jul 2011

1000th Video (Cardude2001's Best Moments)(Happy Fourth of July)

Happy Fourth of July. I made this last night, so don't expect today's videos. Well, I mean this was my 1000th video until I narrowed down the list.

Roblox Cardude2001 Vs Telamon

VcCMEN-j25M | 28 Jun 2011

Roblox Cardude2001 Vs Telamon

I have an idea for this show called Telamon and Luther. If I'm here, I'm blasting noobs, and that takes two hands, which means I often don't chat. If you want to chat, try my twitter (@shedletsky). For more games visit

Roblox Red Team Winning

H4s8wkwmkOc | 28 Jun 2011

Roblox Red Team Winning

New in v4.7: changes to adapt to the new GUI layout. Buy button on the bottom now. As always, have fun! For more games visit

Roblox Ultimate Dodgeball

RYFSt3IorEM | 26 Jun 2011

Roblox Ultimate Dodgeball

There is now a saving / loading shop that saves your dodgeballs as you purchase them! Not all the dodgeballs are in the shop at the moment, don't worry! They will all be in the shop soon, stay patient. For more games visit

Roblox: DogPack404 will get exposed in 13 years

_6Y4VHPrYTI | 26 Jun 2011

Roblox: DogPack404 will get exposed in 13 years

i think this dogpack guy eats some soggy sereal or something, idk There is now a saving / loading shop that saves your dodgeballs as you purchase them! Not all the dodgeballs are in the shop at the moment, don't worry! They will all be in the shop soon, stay patient. For more games visit

Roblox: Elon Musk will be Co-Chair of DOGE in 13 years

wCMcfeDkabE | 26 Jun 2011

Roblox: Elon Musk will be Co-Chair of DOGE in 13 years

He's gonna run it with some guy whose name barely anyone will know until the 2024 Republican Primaries. There is now a saving / loading shop that saves your dodgeballs as you purchase them! Not all the dodgeballs are in the shop at the moment, don't worry! They will all be in the shop soon, stay patient. For more games visit

Failed Attempt at Regular Show Miis

Km_8sN6bWbo | 25 Jun 2011

Failed Attempt at Regular Show Miis

Some cringy video I made as a kid. I just renamed it so that I can keep the views and not have to private this video (let's be honest--it's bad). The Wii kind of miis. Not the 3DS miis though. Don't complain if these suck. I tried everything and the stuff that I did was the only stuff that worked for the miis.

Roblox Limited U Hats Get Sold Out Quickly

chctxFIpxOw | 25 Jun 2011

Roblox Limited U Hats Get Sold Out Quickly

It's true.

Roblox Cardude2001 Crashes Into a Coffee Place

96KXaQRuV5E | 23 Jun 2011

Roblox Cardude2001 Crashes Into a Coffee Place

You start at your house on an ordinary day. Then you drive to the hotels/motel. Motel-You get pizza everyday you stay there! Hotels-You are in a resort that looks like a town. There is the finest hotels around the Cardude2001 Resort. Credit to Mariosbiggestfan for naming the sports stuff when I was safe chat. Credit to myself for making the sports stuff. Credit to the guy who made the tour booth. Credit to the guy who made the relax and sit down place. Credit to the people who made the skatepark stuff. Credit to Roblox for the Disney XD stuff. Credit to the guy who made the guy for the title screen. Credit to Telamon because he is the original creater of the baseplate. Credit to ROBLOX for making the baseplate. Credit to the guy who made the Game Stop. Credit to the people who made the hotels. The The Problem Solverz Pizza Paylor made by me. Credit to the guy who made the skateboard for The Problem Solverz. Idea from Clubpenguinfan2. For more games visit

Roblox: Kendrick Lamar will expose Drake in 13 years

r2_V7M_eUwc | 23 Jun 2011

Roblox: Kendrick Lamar will expose Drake in 13 years

ROBLOXians are not very good at solving their problems peacefully, and oft tend to repeatedly kill one another with swords - Join Samacado Studios - For more games visit

Roblox: GTA 6 will come out in 14 years

SXC0ZIvpAXE | 23 Jun 2011

Roblox: GTA 6 will come out in 14 years

A theme park called Yoshi Land ------------------------------- might be broken For more games visit

Roblox Fast Zombie Unlocked

CRC7mPTDGK8 | 22 Jun 2011

Roblox Fast Zombie Unlocked

What can i say survive. For more games visit

Roblox Jumping With Sword

nY9q1ZOIpSo | 17 Jun 2011

Roblox Jumping With Sword

Here is a place where you can either buy suckish accounts, or epik accounts. I will make them cost 0-20000 robux each. Most of them will be under 100 robux. I only have 1 on sale, which it is free. A update is that there will be a teleport to a house and you will have to fight zombies to survive. No tking in the house, or I will delete the zombie fighting. For more games visit

Roblox How To Kill The Sandbox Help Bot

V6wi8Fn4vuI | 17 Jun 2011

Roblox How To Kill The Sandbox Help Bot

Welcome to Sandbox! The game where you can build anything you want. Take some pictures, show off to your friends. Building online is fun, but even more fun when players won't destroy what you have, you won't have to worry about that here. You can buy VIP to get even better at building here. Currently VIP will give you: Larger Base (Nearly 3x the surface to build), Expand Tool (Able to change the size of some simple building objects). You can get your VIP at: For more games visit

Super Mario World Intro (Video Game)

JOW8oAJpxVg | 17 Jun 2011

Super Mario World Intro (Video Game)

This is the video game intro for Super Mario World.

Roblox Freeze Tag Free VIP

euwtMtdSrRQ | 16 Jun 2011

Roblox Freeze Tag Free VIP

Freeze tag is different from normal tag in that once a player is tagged, they don’t become it. Instead, they are frozen and have to stand where they are while it goes on freezing the other players. In freeze tag, there’s usually a way to free already frozen players to make whoever is it to tag them again. For example, one player who is not it and not frozen may tag frozen players to release them. Score points(Tags) by freezing or thawing other players. 20 Players max server with up to 4 taggers at once. Note* Don't Stand in Frozen bodies, please. Happy Tagging! Get your Mega VIP at For more games visit

Roblox Mario Vs Boshi and Wario

_wYKHbhwJh4 | 15 Jun 2011

Roblox Mario Vs Boshi and Wario

It's back! For more games visit

Roblox: Nintendo Switch 2 Releases in 2025

GnHUN4phdT4 | 15 Jun 2011

Roblox: Nintendo Switch 2 Releases in 2025

It's back! For more games visit

Club Penguin Zombocalypse 3D

1tlZ-8M41z8 | 14 Jun 2011

Club Penguin Zombocalypse 3D

Club Penguin verison of the Regular Show Sence.I edited the picture at the end.

Platform Racing 2 Urban Race

DaZvT9Dwffc | 14 Jun 2011

Platform Racing 2 Urban Race

This is a new campaign level.Comment if you want to know how to get to the new campaign.

Roblox: Donald Trump Will Win the 2024 Election

LLXRd3GDOYI | 14 Jun 2011

Roblox: Donald Trump Will Win the 2024 Election

also, i predict that joe biden will drop out of the race and make kamala harris the nominee (Updates section) ---(I have made 4 more updates! New houses with 3 doors a garae and a backyard, also new gui's, a bus has been added, and Last but not least backpacks!)--- (Release) 2-27-2010. (Rules) #1 "No online dating" #2 "No rude or mean action". (Admin list) jdog0923, sanjro, kxgsamuel, tylerchris, RawrXDDDDDD. (Fan club link) For more games visit

Roblox Nuke 2

zcGz3IFjEfU | 13 Jun 2011

Roblox Nuke 2

To play this game, please visit: For more games visit

Phone Warz

w2zoQ09mjs8 | 10 Jun 2011

Phone Warz

Youtube Account with the Most Videos

Dbb4EI5tdRw | 09 Jun 2011

Youtube Account with the Most Videos

This is is CODblackopsPS and he has "OVA 9000!!!" videos on this site.

CPMV : Go Weegee!

pXXI8Ory-Pk | 07 Jun 2011

CPMV : Go Weegee!

This is the Club Penguin verison of "Go Weegee!".

Waluigi in Super Mario 64 DS Conclusion

0fNutkJkxPc | 05 Jun 2011

Waluigi in Super Mario 64 DS Conclusion

This is the conclusion to the mystery.

GOOGLE TRANSLATE CAPTIONS Waluigi in Super Mario 64 DS Conclusion (In Description)

6vK2dWik5L8 | 05 Jun 2011

GOOGLE TRANSLATE CAPTIONS Waluigi in Super Mario 64 DS Conclusion (In Description)

I took my current most popular video and used Google Translate to get Japanese captions. Translations: Walgiji is not Super Mario 64 DS Here is the picture of Walgi at the location of Wario's portrait You can see the edits here Waluigi is not in the same format as yoshi, mario, luigi, wario Waluigi does not have a stick in his mouth It's a white door place Wolgiji is not the same color as the game Walgyzy looks a bit different from other photos Waluigi has no spring The door is yellow Waluigi is the only person with a white line around this picture It is a picture of Super Mario 64 Ds which is the result of Waluigi. For many years, people did not know. It's just safe to say it for reasons from 2007 to 2011. I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't that crazy, but I know to do more translations next time.

Roblox: Logan Paul will Release Lunchly in 13 years. It will do this...

SU4X9du9ljU | 05 Jun 2011

Roblox: Logan Paul will Release Lunchly in 13 years. It will do this...

Badges In New Servers. Admin Link A Bit Below... _________________________________________ Cool Game Link: __________________________________________ Admin Link: __________________________________________ This person made one tower in my game his name is Exorcist998 For more games visit

GOOGLE TRANSLATE - HOTEL MARIO INTRO (Translations in Description)

7wuMPiiK2i4 | 04 Jun 2011

GOOGLE TRANSLATE - HOTEL MARIO INTRO (Translations in Description)

Translations: Nice, Eh, Luigi for the princess who invited us for a picnic? I hope she will make lots of spaghetti Look at Ruiji! It belongs to Bauser! Dear nasty plumber, cooperation, I took over the mushroom kingdom. Princess is now a permanent guest to one of my 7 cooper's hotels. I dare dare to find her if I can ya. We have to find a princess! And you have to help us! If you need instructions about how to go through the hotel, please check the enclosed instruction sheet.

Roblox Battleship

8_bcEU9hq48 | 04 Jun 2011

Roblox Battleship

Battleships is a games about sinking battleships. boats do sink. they do re-spawn. any more questions please message me i will reply. also send me a message with a number 1-10 on how much you enjoyed this game thanks alot:D For more games visit

GOOGLE TRANSLATES Rock TV Scene - Super Mario World (In Description)

a85XbY2HmV0 | 03 Jun 2011

GOOGLE TRANSLATES Rock TV Scene - Super Mario World (In Description)

Another scene translated by Google Translate. Translations: 10 shellfish, I mean coin Crumbs, coins, old socks, we keep them away. I have a rock TV teacher. Have a good day Where is the remote place? You need to get on the waiting list. It will be several thousand years. Meanwhile, money is just supplemental, healthy and active. Next!

Youtube Barbecue Mammoth Whip Intro

6M0GfxXcMg4 | 02 Jun 2011

Youtube Barbecue Mammoth Whip Intro

I may be making Youtube Barbecue Mammoth Whips in the future.

Disney Epcot,Beach Club,and Yacht Club Tour

methNa6D8yo | 01 Jun 2011

Disney Epcot,Beach Club,and Yacht Club Tour

This is a tour of Walt Disney World Yacht Club,Beach Club,and Epcot.

Club Penguin Music Video (Regular Show Ringtone)

QE4o31Swwr8 | 31 May 2011

Club Penguin Music Video (Regular Show Ringtone)

This is a CPMV.

Old Fashion Hotel Mario

0se-P715Z1U | 31 May 2011

Old Fashion Hotel Mario

This is in black and white for a reason!

All About Novas

Arr695VKowE | 26 May 2011

All About Novas

This is on a TV.

Roblox Explosion and KO Sparta Remix

PD1xZw4vJK8 | 22 May 2011

Roblox Explosion and KO Sparta Remix

Comment any questions. This is my second properly done Sparta Remix.

Roblox MVS Sparta Remix

r8vMj1cMUcQ | 21 May 2011

Roblox MVS Sparta Remix

This is the second Roblox sparta remix on Youtube and the first well done Roblox sparta remix on Youtube. Hope you enjoy. THIS IS the first properly done sparta remix by me. Subscribe and Comment.

Roblox Pwnsville Contest Entry

1BZ3fIM_snY | 21 May 2011

Roblox Pwnsville Contest Entry

This is the real one which is better than the backup. This is very epic and short! This is a video of Cardude2001's Knockout and Wipeout life. Cardude2001 is the main character in this.

Switchblade Remix (Cardude2001)

ucPk6KdK1W4 | 17 May 2011

Switchblade Remix (Cardude2001)

This is an epic song from Platform Racing 2.

Regular Show Smash Bros. Brawl

X0USoe4nhn4 | 15 May 2011

Regular Show Smash Bros. Brawl

This is a great edit!

Cartoon Network (Splash Master Ad)

cuyhuCtgk_A | 09 May 2011

Cartoon Network (Splash Master Ad)

This is like a demo level for Spash Master (An Amazing World of Gumball game).

Tomb of Nefertiti Dune Island

vSP9Ne4ydwI | 09 May 2011

Tomb of Nefertiti Dune Island

This is level 2 of the game The Problem Solverz.

Hotel Mario Intro (Roblox Verison)

lfz84vSdGSM | 08 May 2011

Hotel Mario Intro (Roblox Verison)

The Roblox verison.

493 Videos (Upcoming Videos)

e2dHvKk6suk | 07 May 2011

493 Videos (Upcoming Videos)

This tells you the videos coming soon. Hope your in for a penguin trying to save Gary the Gadget Guy,Mario Walkthroughs,and a Weegee Flu cuz this video tells it all.

The Problem Solverz (Attempting Ask Alfe)

wrBfsjFHI1g | 29 Apr 2011

The Problem Solverz (Attempting Ask Alfe)

I hope I get on TV.

Roblox (how to Add Messages to your Archive)

XbpCmElddrA | 28 Apr 2011

Roblox (how to Add Messages to your Archive)

It's not that hard!

Cardude2001 End Credits

56ZscoYuwdY | 24 Apr 2011

Cardude2001 End Credits

These are my end credits.

Club Penguin Rollerscape Sneak Peek (Handheld Edition)

YfCChQVGQcM | 23 Apr 2011

Club Penguin Rollerscape Sneak Peek (Handheld Edition)

Thanks Happy77 for showing the sneak peek.

Webkinz Expensive Valentines Party Pack Room

2nEvchalA_s | 23 Apr 2011

Webkinz Expensive Valentines Party Pack Room

This is how the room looks like for the Expensive Webkinz Valentines Day Party Pack.

Club Penguin Finished Field Op 40

YYS7oTV8NsY | 23 Apr 2011

Club Penguin Finished Field Op 40

When you beat Field Op 40, you get this.

Bowser Forces you to Watch a Video I have Uploaded

lrOjocM7-f4 | 23 Apr 2011

Bowser Forces you to Watch a Video I have Uploaded

Watch to find out which video he forces you to watch.

Hotel Mario Intro ( GoAnimate Hotel Mario Intro )

lzHmNHNNaV0 | 22 Apr 2011

Hotel Mario Intro ( GoAnimate Hotel Mario Intro )

GoAnimate verison of the classic Hotel Mario Intro.

Hotel Mario Final Boss and Ending

C1z0nd1ntBk | 22 Apr 2011

Hotel Mario Final Boss and Ending

Bowser and the Ending of Hotel Mario.

Hotel Mario Secret Warp Pipe

ZaReT3JI-GY | 22 Apr 2011

Hotel Mario Secret Warp Pipe

And the cutscene.

Club Penguin ( Herbert call the Ultimate Protobot the Ultimate Pea Brain )

6DQx7BE1z3c | 22 Apr 2011

Club Penguin ( Herbert call the Ultimate Protobot the Ultimate Pea Brain )

I love this message.

The guy who got fired

w4vBv9Hn2UA | 22 Apr 2011

The guy who got fired

His boss did. For a stupid reason!

Cardude2001 Adventures 4 : Muted

80iwoDiMI20 | 22 Apr 2011

Cardude2001 Adventures 4 : Muted

Cardude2001 goes a long way when muted.

Cardude2001 Adventures 2 : Airport

F05nJXDvqAs | 22 Apr 2011

Cardude2001 Adventures 2 : Airport

Cardude2001 forgot to bring extra clothes. How will he get more? He will but find out how he does on this video.

Cardude2001 Adventures Episode 1: Replica

7iB1ttogX2w | 22 Apr 2011

Cardude2001 Adventures Episode 1: Replica

There's a replica of the oval office.

Hawk Tuah Adventures 3 : Boredom

rh9yYnNlP30 | 22 Apr 2011

Hawk Tuah Adventures 3 : Boredom

Cardude2001 doesn't know what to do, so he goes on a subway and calls a dude a bad word.

Plant Cell Cake

K3ZITGSyrrM | 31 Mar 2011

Plant Cell Cake

Thumbs up if you like it.

Roblox(Answer 50 times the question: ☆Who is this?☆ answers) Part. 2

7tY7T3VcjxE | 20 Mar 2011

Roblox(Answer 50 times the question: ☆Who is this?☆ answers) Part. 2

need help?

Club Penguin Puffle Launch Final Boss

MlLF5IShBG8 | 17 Mar 2011

Club Penguin Puffle Launch Final Boss

EDIT:This is my 9th most viewed video. Final Boss! This is level 36 and in the Box Dimension.

Regular Show Main Theme Song

ZZgc695miEA | 16 Mar 2011

Regular Show Main Theme Song

EDIT:The glitch doesn't work anymore since Cartoon Network made it anytime. I kinda thought I could change the title plan for the video I promised at 100 subscribers but then Cartoon Network stopped have nightly specials. I'm thinking about uploading it so you see what you could have done before to play it anytime during the layout with nightly specials. They have the theme song in "Just a Regular Game"(Which is open from 9 PM EST to 9 AM EST).I know a glitch to play the game anytime anywhere.I will only upload it when I have 100 subscribers.100 subscribers means it's worth uploading.

Roblox (Pokemon Black and White Pt. 1)

4oH5nZhAO5A | 13 Mar 2011

Roblox (Pokemon Black and White Pt. 1)

Part 1.


_vIsGjMq1sE | 26 Feb 2011


I found some microphone in a game and decided to use it to communitcate information. This was 6 years ago, so I'm not responsible for any dislike towards this video; I'm way ahead of you ;)

Cardude2001 presents(V.2)

VLAe6925UEA | 15 Feb 2011

Cardude2001 presents(V.2)

Second one.

Carddue2001 presents(V.1)

FIiVbKyKBZ0 | 15 Feb 2011

Carddue2001 presents(V.1)

First one.

Club Penguin Funny Pictures 2

1qS_TDWO0ao | 05 Feb 2011

Club Penguin Funny Pictures 2

More and new funny pics now.See the newest ones.

TV goes blank

txy6EjniE0A | 05 Feb 2011

TV goes blank


Roblox music video(Captain Underpants Talking Toilets)

aCQeKIY7-tE | 31 Jan 2011

Roblox music video(Captain Underpants Talking Toilets)

A song.

Roblox (Checkpoint Racing fun)

YZP9_P0OysE | 29 Jan 2011

Roblox (Checkpoint Racing fun)

This is how epic Checkpint Racing is on Roblox.

Club Penguin funny pictures 1

MpaNKqC8pQE | 23 Jan 2011

Club Penguin funny pictures 1

Theese are funny ones.1(.Shoop da penguin 2(.Tech needs pie and that's all you need to know about the ones you've never seen before.

Rocket ship going in black hole

IycHCfKsLfA | 17 Jan 2011

Rocket ship going in black hole

Pictures drawn in paint.This is what happens when some goes near a black hole.

Cardude2001 Super Mario Flash Intro

IkQJkmVARm4 | 14 Dec 2010

Cardude2001 Super Mario Flash Intro

My intro for my Super Mario Flash videos.

Card-Jitsu power card(EPF firewall Field Op)

QsvBYZvrXT8 | 06 Dec 2010

Card-Jitsu power card(EPF firewall Field Op)

This power card almost never comes up.This is one of the new and so far,rare power cards.All EPF power cards are ultra rare!You don't want to get hit in the head with a firewall part.This is also one of the new field ops.

Club penguin card-jitsu power card(Sensei and his gong) and Card-Jitsu stamps(Sensei Card)

q3u2ufSIXBc | 05 Dec 2010

Club penguin card-jitsu power card(Sensei and his gong) and Card-Jitsu stamps(Sensei Card)

If you watch to see the card move:This is the card when Sensei rings his gong.If you use it on Sensei or Sensei uses it,there would be two Sensei characters. If you watch for stamp:Try to get your freind to use it. If you watch for both:Read both of the messages above. If you watched randomly:Thanks for watching even though you watched this for no reson. All:Thanks for watching! For channel search: Club Penguin stamp

Cardude2001 intro

fXN8nFqyHyc | 05 Dec 2010

Cardude2001 intro

This is the intro I'm going to put in my videos.

Club Penguin sled racing

EOj0pXbeYCE | 05 Dec 2010

Club Penguin sled racing

This is a famous channel.Even the EPF has it on their TV.

Club Penguin taco pin

VoHEiPXRZ9E | 26 Sep 2010

Club Penguin taco pin

I created this video at

first webkinz american idol shows

sXCEwbNX8hc | 16 Sep 2010

first webkinz american idol shows

I created this video at

Club penguin storm surfing

PyqmeB_hjQc | 15 Nov 2009

Club penguin storm surfing

Sensei:What...What are you doing? Gary:I said on the newspaper not to surf in the storm. Woow:Which newspaper?I say that because I never read any newspapers. Gary:OK!(Get spy phone)Club penguin crew please ban woow for surfing in the storm. CP crew:No can do because you can do that

Club penguin trackers at....(Read description for trackers)

TlKyXsqRRKA | 24 Oct 2009

Club penguin trackers at....(Read description for trackers)

Well not all trackers but with these you can track half the mascots,chrisdog93,and pins.The trackers in the link are the Aunt arctic tracker,Rockhopper tracker,chrisdog93 tracker,pin tracker,cladence tracker,and the Gary tracker.Most trackers at are only found if you go down.The link is if you want to see the trackers.

video game play

r3XsBqO9DnY | 16 Oct 2009

video game play

Not a video game,but that what it shows.It shows a video game.

Club Penguin book review:Star Reporter

6kyKWIl7jFM | 04 Oct 2009

Club Penguin book review:Star Reporter

This book is from book order.I will make videos of the whole book.The first page with story is page 5. Where I got the book and info.^ Quick shortcuts: Keychain rockhopper:see the rockhopper keychain at 0:21 Pick your path 0:35 flip sides 0:54 fake lol 3:55 Codes when I find a code in the book.v Q. What word is on page 6, 5 words from the left on line 5? A. Printed Q. What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 12? A. Staff Q. What word is on page 5, 5 words from the left on line 7? A. Inside Q.What word is on page 5,6 words from the left on 5? A.chilly Q.What word is on page 6,7 words from the left on 6? A.newspaper


x4EkiAur6dU | 04 Oct 2009


This is a real rainbow.


687S9w724K0 | 05 Sep 2009


I had this video private because I didn't really like it, but then I figured, why not just put the title in all caps so that people know what they're getting into when they click this video. I did just that ;) also subscribe.

My game builder:Rolly game part 1

ejSlWyRyUuY | 28 Aug 2009

My game builder:Rolly game part 1

You play as rolly in this game!

Super mario flash:Big domo

JdgUqsVPAAk | 25 Aug 2009

Super mario flash:Big domo

easy domo level on super mario flash!it is first hold right then hold right and up!This is so easy to beat but it is only one domo that is big!That is why it is called Big Domo!It is ashort so it is a short video of Super mario flash!

Atlantis squarepantis GBA final boss part 1

oxm8TFQn7n4 | 23 Aug 2009

Atlantis squarepantis GBA final boss part 1

Not too much but I found this code on another video to the final boss! Top: Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Patrick-Bottom: Patrick, Plankton, Mr. Krabs, Mr. Krabs That is the code to this boss but this is the only boss that you can play with this code!Well try this code to play it and you may skip some bosses!You only skip 3 bosses because there is 4 bosses in this game!

Atlantis squarepantis final boss part 2

bRwZFnmogyo | 23 Aug 2009

Atlantis squarepantis final boss part 2

The code is Top: Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Patrick-Bottom: Patrick, Plankton, Mr. Krabs, Mr. Krabs!The code only goes to the final boss part 1 and 2!

Super Mario 62 trailer

yNs-HnzJiF4 | 23 Aug 2009

Super Mario 62 trailer

Well Super mario 62 might come but it is likly to come!Look first Super Mario 62 Video!

you can be on late night on club penguin

jfgCoL8UfCo | 22 Aug 2009

you can be on late night on club penguin

edit:I am adding tags to get some people. I mean stuff like bloopers and how to get the spot the shark stamp in tags. We need to to join it and this is to be on the site if you want to!Also if you like being on most parts!Well this has the most parts!I forgot what I like on part 4 but if you join maybe you get taped!Use your video camra for other members to see what you did!I will tell you the date soon! See the script at: I you like a set of words of a person in the movie then pick that person!You need the best costume then the best acting to be in!Some will enter and only half will be in!Don't go to ice berg until all places all taken!You can be the same kind of person in the movies as somebody else but one the the same persons in the movie will be in the movie!

Club penguin book:Series 1

flWeCX8xcPY | 22 Aug 2009

Club penguin book:Series 1

This is the series one book but I could not show you the secret sorry!The secret is on a window at the stage page!There is lots of neat stuff and there is an i pod too!Lame people would not get the i pod because that is one of the best items on CP/Club Penguin!I will make join the cardude2001 team Club Penguin soon!I will show you how the get the jet pack next but just for memories!

Join the cardude2001 team not bioshockplayer96 team:Super mario 63

Ihcgr_J5kaw | 22 Aug 2009

Join the cardude2001 team not bioshockplayer96 team:Super mario 63

Bioshockplayer96 says for me not to watch your vids when he had you tube videos!That means you need to delete your own vids!

SM63 Hot and cold

TT1_Ttd8zrs | 18 Aug 2009

SM63 Hot and cold

Super mario flash:Super mario world level 2 remake

WMURl0l4PFU | 18 Aug 2009

Super mario flash:Super mario world level 2 remake

This is on one site right now!I made it and posted it on pouetpu!You know its a copy if you have the game on N64,GBA,and wii!It looks like this and you may know that!There is no hint block or yoshi block so the hint block is a coin and the yoshi is fire!The switch is nothing,the blue is gray,and the end is a flag!There is a switch block,blue pipe,and lines in the game but I had to do it the super mario flash way!Well comment,rate,and enjoy my first super mario flash video!Also if there are good comments I will give the link to the level out!Oh and you can see the beanstock is a coin in this level if you play!

Who I am on Club penguin

Qy95GhOThXs | 18 Aug 2009

Who I am on Club penguin

Well I am woow on CP!This is only for if you never watch my Club Penguin vids!I am also getting ready for a new vid!The vid I mean is the one before this vid!You may know I am woow if you watch my Club Penguin you tube videos!

Super Smash Bros Brawl

LErGU3T9LAk | 25 Jan 2009

Super Smash Bros Brawl

That day january 19 it was my 4 year old sons birthday and now he is 5 years old.You can see the song in the vid Gabe's birthday 2009.Comment and rate.It is little but only a little bit of the game super smash bros brawl and that means parts of it is not the game but that was the only thing.

Club penguin new pin and fiesta item

noIx0KXm6oE | 25 Jan 2009

Club penguin new pin and fiesta item

This is the last day that the fiesta item is going to be here but the toco pin stays longer.Comment and rate.My first vid that says hello you tube. Add things on the vid here!

Gabe's birthday 2009

eBON9PimkTs | 25 Jan 2009

Gabe's birthday 2009

My 4 year old son is now 5.Is that good?Comment and rate

Super mario galaxy

efese1JVtl8 | 25 Jan 2009

Super mario galaxy

My 5 year old son just falls 2 times.

Club penguin

oZckmbA1i7c | 21 Dec 2008

Club penguin

Cool video right?Well if it's a tie and the same card in the game nobody win the part.Comment and rate on this video.If you comment or rate then I will be happy even if you do both.It's monday december 22 2008 and I got to the belt before the brown belt and after the red belt.Is that cool or cool to you?


7oNCwFBBu64 | 14 Dec 2008


This is the video if you wanted to see both or one of these kookeys.Comment and rate.

Drawn To Life Spongebob Squarepants Edition Last Boss

Zwr3DaB_E9w | 01 Dec 2008

Drawn To Life Spongebob Squarepants Edition Last Boss

EDIT:Even though the rating stuff are gone, this is my most top rated video. I think I was the first one to beat the game in the world.If you beated this boss tell me by commenting on this video.Rate.This is my most viewed video.Thanks for watching. Edit:Wow 1,184 people saw this video! Mega edit:WOW!!!OMG!!!23,903 views!!!

Webkinz book

XYkor86BixE | 01 Dec 2008

Webkinz book

This is the main book.You can`t sell it.You can`t trade it.You will have to keep it forever.

The worlds hardest game to the worlds easiest game

Svql4WiylYw | 25 Nov 2008

The worlds hardest game to the worlds easiest game

Try to find this game now to get on the leader bord.No things to stop you.Play this game now!This is a hack not by me.This is not a cheat because I do not use cheats.

Super Mario 64 DS Glitches 1

fjscuqA8PHU | 15 Nov 2008

Super Mario 64 DS Glitches 1

I fond the door glitch from PowerGlitch on a video.I did a glitch that now you know how to do it.So I hope you like this video.Comment and rate.

Leapster(Dora The Explore WildlifeRescue)

sFAGFWdX9RY | 15 Nov 2008

Leapster(Dora The Explore WildlifeRescue)

My 4 year old son did not want to save a animal so he did this.

Stars Of Super Mario 64 DS Part 2

5bTEn0Z_7gE | 09 Nov 2008

Stars Of Super Mario 64 DS Part 2

I did stars 3 only to make this video short so I hope you like this video.Comment and rate. Related videos

Webkinz Penguin VS Lego Racer

lgCQa9QaZhE | 02 Nov 2008

Webkinz Penguin VS Lego Racer

Do you want the webkinz or lego to win?Add comments and rate.

Nicole`s Soccer Parade

tV1cxR0SaaU | 02 Nov 2008

Nicole`s Soccer Parade


Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 6

eNwiMFEWHY8 | 02 Nov 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 6

Last time on total webkinz island the webkinz did all of the things thay did.It was racecarcoolcar that made himself not be called out.See who will not be called out on total webkinz island.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode. Well I will make the next total webkinz island but maybe not today!Well if you look back everyday you might find it!Total webkinz island is not out of order!It will take a long time!I do play webkinz but not much because I like club penguin and video games better but I will still make total webkinz island episodes!I also watch other you tube videos!The camra was not mine well I will get one soon and then I can make the next total webkinz island!Just wait some days and maybe you will see the next episode!I will not tell you the name of the next season!If you find out I have the best idea!I am going to make webkinz news and sparkles will say the bad comments!So I will check and I remember one!Here is a glitch if you have a club penguin/cp account!If not sign up! hey this is a new glitch copy and paste this to 3 other videos and press ctrl + F4 and you will get a membership for 200 years! plus 2000000000000 coins! i tried it and it worked. You need to be loged in club penguin and you tube to do this glitch!That is a free membership glitch!I found it on a club penguin/cp video!Well tell if it didn't work because I didn't make that glitch!

Hot Wheels

MjLmDEbysgE | 01 Nov 2008

Hot Wheels

Raymond used some of his hot wheels play sets.Raymond used 2 hot wheels play sets and 2 other things.I hope you like this video.Comment and rate.

Jokes And What Happend At The Show

7liGc2Jy-M0 | 29 Oct 2008

Jokes And What Happend At The Show

- Music Time)

qohH6Yx0Z3Y | 25 Oct 2008 Music Time)


Diddy Kong Racing DS Underwater Glitch

-JlSv03-M0M | 19 Oct 2008

Diddy Kong Racing DS Underwater Glitch

I found out how to do this glitch.Hope you like this video.Comment and rate on this video.I did not slip and I did not use action replay DS because I do not have action replay DS.

Raymond Dances

KpbjWZcyetg | 19 Oct 2008

Raymond Dances

Raymond daces.

Cartoon Network Mini Match

JzKBfYhOdIA | 19 Oct 2008

Cartoon Network Mini Match

Hope you like this video.Comment and rate.

Singing The Song Take Me Out To The Ball Game

KfdlYl7g0BE | 19 Oct 2008

Singing The Song Take Me Out To The Ball Game

I sing take me out to the ball game with absolutely no mistakes. 100% perfect. I definitely did not forget the lyrics. Just take my word on this. Thank you

Diddy Kong Racing DS(Spaceport Alpha)

5DADT8rM3jg | 18 Oct 2008

Diddy Kong Racing DS(Spaceport Alpha)

The camra was going to be out of batrie so I had to do 1 or so I had to do one lap.Hope you like this video.

super mario 64 DS bloopers 2(no)

zjFsWTfSJSw | 12 Oct 2008

super mario 64 DS bloopers 2(no)

It was Mario`s brithday.Mario was going to the pipe and he went to far and losed a life.Mario was under something in wet dry world.

Webkinz(skater kat)

D9KutTAp6_0 | 12 Oct 2008

Webkinz(skater kat)

My 4 year old son wanted to make this video so I made this video for you tube.

How To Beat The Last Level In New Super Mario Bros(No DS)

wKrXHhPq6T4 | 12 Oct 2008

How To Beat The Last Level In New Super Mario Bros(No DS)

I coud not bring my 7 year old son`s DS so I had to do this because I wanted to do this for you tube.An action replay DS code is 1208b350 0000027c 2208b324 00000005 2208b364 00000001 2208b37c 00000000 221b6acd 00000001

The noggin and nick jr website

gozad4TfpmA | 11 Oct 2008

The noggin and nick jr website

EDIT:This is my most viewed video now! =D My 4 year old son like the website of nick jr the best and my 4 year old son likes the shows from noggin.

Mario Party DS Rail Riders

YgVWzXia3FE | 11 Oct 2008

Mario Party DS Rail Riders

I uploaded an other video of mario party DS but you tube did`int like it and it was the best video ever.If thay liked it then you will like it.

Total Drama Island TDI Games

GPLstoN949M | 04 Oct 2008

Total Drama Island TDI Games

My 4 year old son wanted to do a total drama island video for you tube so I did it.

My Dock Items

8uSFTCGSXQg | 04 Oct 2008

My Dock Items

I made a other webkinz video.The other webkinz video I made is called webkinz review.Hope you like this video.

KOL(City Racing)

p84AlDMs6Zk | 28 Sep 2008

KOL(City Racing)

My 4 year old son wanted to do this KOL video so I did.

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 5

cSJ50OAO4cU | 28 Sep 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 5

It was night time in total webkinz island in episode 4 so only 4 webkinz did it.Last time on total webkinz island bingo came back.It came to racecarcoolcar or football to be called out and Football is now the chef and it came to bingo or meow to be called out and bingo is now the sweper.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode.

Real Life Webkinz VS The New Website Of Shining Stars

2tHGsZVD6CU | 27 Sep 2008

Real Life Webkinz VS The New Website Of Shining Stars


Poor Wario 2

IZyZ3lYiLQ4 | 27 Sep 2008

Poor Wario 2

Wario says owwa owwa owwa then he goes into the castle.This is super mario 64 DS.

Leapster(Go Diego Go Animal Recuer)

Jqtlxps4gmM | 27 Sep 2008

Leapster(Go Diego Go Animal Recuer)

My 4 Year old son wanted to do this so I did.

(Blooper) New Super Mario Bros this is how you use a blue shell

IkgRrW1d5tc | 21 Sep 2008

(Blooper) New Super Mario Bros this is how you use a blue shell

Edit: Misspelled because this is an old video. I try to do the frist world 5 world record.

New Super Mario Bros This is how you use a blue shell

6pMEvkTjst4 | 21 Sep 2008

New Super Mario Bros This is how you use a blue shell

Edit: Mispelled because this is an old video. I do my frist world record in new super mario bros.You will see a new super mario bros world record if you see a video called This Is How You Use A Blue Shell.

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 4

hjupo1rfYZs | 19 Sep 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 4

Last time on total webkinz island it came to moo and funny cat and moo left total webkinz island.racecarcoolcar did if you want to be a rock star but he got stuck..You can make webkinz that are not called out from one of the episodes.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode. Don't say bad comments it's just the webkinz didn't want to sing so they wanted to get hurt so they can't be in!This does not seem like singing because of the webkinz who didn't want to sing!If you do that I will make webkinz news and sparkles will be in saying all the bad comments so if you do that some people won't wannna be your freind anymore or they were going to be your freind but they don't want to because you where being mean so try to comment good!Also people who were going to be your freind or a freind who sees that vid will block your user!It is all total webkinz island episodes so far!I still have my comment box with them so nothing to do about it so make good comments!I was the you tube member who first had total webkinz island!Then another you tube member made total webkinz island and more!I have two other seasons in mind but I will not make a random webkinz island!If you go on club penguin here is a glitch! Hey this is a new glitch copy and paste this to 3 other videos and press ctrl + F4 and you will get a membership for 200 years! plus 2000000000000 coins! i tried it and it worked. Copy and paste the glitch only!Do not copy and paste the words!Only the glitch words will work!If you never went on club penguin make a free account and then do what it says!Well do what it says then sign up or login then press ctrl and F4! Now going back to the total webkinz island and webkinz!If you like webkinz use a webkinz mouse pad or webkinz plush toy!I say that because not all of you watching this have a webkinz mouse pad!You can see this is long so far!If you are watching other peoples vids tell them to make season two!I wish webkinz has new rooms like dock and other things!Soon is webkinz VS club penguin maybe!You can copy me because I like people copying me because they like it if they copy!I made total webkinz island but then I wanted to put total webkinz island on you tube!I have seson two and three aready with a name!You can know next seson well the final one ice close!I will not call out ten webkinz the next episode!That is episode 7 on total webkinz island!Episode 8 is the final episode!The new people come in episode 7!Some safe!The final episode has a challange witch is a big one!

Leapster And A Toy Battle

KmRaK8lUsIQ | 18 Sep 2008

Leapster And A Toy Battle

A trasformer battles a airplane a 2 cars.My 4 year old son wanted to put leapster in the video so I did.

Super Mario 64 DS Bloopers 1(We Fall)

YY9Eqspz-G0 | 17 Sep 2008

Super Mario 64 DS Bloopers 1(We Fall)

Mario and luigi fall.Mario thinks he is going to fall and he did.Luigi thinks he can spin jump but Luigi did not.

V.Smile(Zayzoo Learning Playground)

cm4G34jKlHk | 14 Sep 2008

V.Smile(Zayzoo Learning Playground)

My 4 year old son wanted me to make a new you tube video.hope you like it.

How To Make A Coin Fall In Super Mario 64 DS

EA0q-zIbwqk | 14 Sep 2008

How To Make A Coin Fall In Super Mario 64 DS

I show you how to make a coin fall in the last level.I use mario.Not wario,luigi and yoshi.

Soon To Not Be Called Out In Total Webkinz Island

qhk1QkNl67E | 14 Sep 2008

Soon To Not Be Called Out In Total Webkinz Island

I show you webkinz that are not going to be called out.Some webkinz are comeing soon to total webkinz island.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode.

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 3

n1j9XD2YiNU | 13 Sep 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 3

Last time on total webkinz island the webkinz had a talant show.It came up to foot ball and Taco.Taco left total webkinz island see who will not be called out on total webkinz island.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challinge you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode.

My Webkinz Souvennirs And Vacation

Rw1g1n7m_aA | 12 Sep 2008

My Webkinz Souvennirs And Vacation

I know you like webkinz so I made this webkinz video. Treasure lap)

Oq8EMxJWi44 | 10 Sep 2008 Treasure lap)

I was makeing my frist video for you tube.My 4 year old son played Zayzoo on his 4 year old son got it for Christmas and he wanted to play the when he saw it after he opend his present.He had so much fun when he got it.

Poor Wario

R4sag3QRyNk | 10 Sep 2008

Poor Wario

Wario says ow ow ow ow ow ow ow then he goes into to castle.This is super mario 64 DS.

Super Mario 64 DS Glitch

C6G2EuHNBqc | 08 Sep 2008

Super Mario 64 DS Glitch

I fond out how to walk in the sunken ship and how to walk in the water.frist I do the walk in the water then I go into the sunken ship.

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 2

GB6qC3IOMpQ | 07 Sep 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 2

Last time on total webkinz island the dogs won it came up to moo or bingo to be called and bingo left.See who will not be called out on total webkinz island.I made a longer total webkinz island.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode.

New Super Mario Bros : How to Control Bomb without Touching

0lX4-_XZ-7I | 07 Sep 2008

New Super Mario Bros : How to Control Bomb without Touching

One day i was playing new super mario bros 2 player.I did this to try to make it expload and it did not then it exploaded.I wanted to make a video of it.

Raymond's Soccer Parade

Ax2YGWFm8EM | 06 Sep 2008

Raymond's Soccer Parade

WPB Soccer Sept 2008 Raymond and his team is in the video.

Stars Of Super Mario 64 DS Part 1

gXr0cUPQz9w | 01 Sep 2008

Stars Of Super Mario 64 DS Part 1

I do stars 1 and 2.I hope you like my video.I want you to see my video.I do the first level in super mario 64 DS. related videos

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 1

2fxhSFrQQUo | 01 Sep 2008

Total Webkinz Island (Original) Episode 1

Edit 8-2-2011: Yes, this is the original Total Webkinz Island. A-lot of people used my idea. I am not going to make that many episodes in the next series, due to ideas being copied. See Who Will Not Be Called in Total Webkinz Island.You need a boat to make a total webkinz island. How to Make A Total Webkinz Island Frist:Get all the webkinz you want and the teams need the same number of webkinz. Next:Get things you like. Then:Pick a challing you want your webkinz to have. Finly:Make a team win and the loseing team has to go to a seramony and who ever is not called out can never come back for the next episode.

Webkinz Candy Shop

H2MZKVaUQcE | 31 Aug 2008

Webkinz Candy Shop

Candy are in the eggs.Webkinz buy candy.go to to buy candy and seasonal candy.

shining stars review

G4klVzbEYaQ | 31 Aug 2008

shining stars review

I want you to see the new website of shining stars.I want you to go to shining stars the website so I made this video so see it then I will be very happy.hope you go to the new website of shining will like it.

Super mario 64 DS stairs

4JcF9jK9pVI | 31 Aug 2008

Super mario 64 DS stairs

I jump on a stair.

Webkinz American Idol 1

WqqDyAbkSQM | 30 Aug 2008

Webkinz American Idol 1

The winner gets the trophy.Webkinz american idol is webkinz show on you tube.hope you like my video.

Webkinz vs. Shining Stars

Ys3i0lQjenY | 30 Aug 2008

Webkinz vs. Shining Stars

There was webkinz and shining stars. They wanted to see what plus toy was better. Who is going to win is it webkinz or shining stars? See who will win.Webkinz and shining losed so webkinz won.

Webkinz Commercials

DiFzWDHUPes | 29 Aug 2008

Webkinz Commercials

Webkinz Commercials It went by webkin to webkin.

Lego Racers

-xgywQ90qj4 | 24 Aug 2008

Lego Racers

We played lego racers and made hard to make cars out of the lego racers legos and the man was from exoforce.

Webkinz vs. Shining Stars

Ra849VgYqu8 | 23 Aug 2008

Webkinz vs. Shining Stars

Webkinz vs. Shining Stars