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All videos archived of schmoyoho

7AMnKLELkQU | 18 Jan 2025
Joe Biden, after years of service being a meme on the Schmoyoho youtube channel, delivers a farewell address so emotional that it becomes Delaware’s official state song: The track and other goodies- Biden greatest hits: Other places to find us: Thanks to Jillian and Cole for their aura and dancing- Jillian Roberts - / Cole Ryder - / Production & Mixing - Aaron Beaumont Trumpet - Tadej Vujanic Violin - Joylin /

H-jiH6IgvjM | 11 Sep 2024
The debate last night got weird, but the weirdness turned into studio magic as Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the G. Bros, and the two U.S. presidential candidates harmonized into the stratosphere. The track and other goodies- Other places to find us:

6fNWHbnIn0g | 28 Jun 2024
It's bad out there. It looks a lot like last time, but it's worse. Even worse. Ft. the inimitable @alyankovic The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Thanks to everyone who worked on this with us and imbibed between 0 and 10 coffees: Aaron Beaumont - additional music production and mix Atul Singh - producer Jon Na - Cinematography Alex "Muffins" Friedman - VFX Morgan King - VFX Alexander Tso - Additional Music Producer Raf Serano - sound recording Dan Millice - mastering Sean James - Hair & Makeup Jeff Brown - Teleprompter Molvarick Johnson - CEO, Juice Burger

m21zPuMIXas | 16 Mar 2024
William H. Macy's accidental singing voice is just as powerful as his accidental air-dicking—the first Songify The Movies that's actually in the movie? Stream the track to confuse your friends: Stream the film in your home theater or bathtub: Other places to find us: (instrumentals, extra goodies) additional production/instruments: Aaron Beaumont guitar: Michael Onufrak additional singing: Stephon LaMar

ZiQRF5h3zDQ | 10 Mar 2023
Biden + Obama are such fans of Ice Spice + PinkPantheress that they finally got back into the studio to drop some rhymes, like they did back in The Dimes™. the track for all your Dimes playlists: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us:

_caMQpiwiaU | 28 Aug 2022
Tariq and Julian discuss the wonders of corn, making a summer anthem in the process. Stream the track here! Original! Tariq: Recess Therapy: Tariq's Cameo! Our extra stuff (instrumentals, stems, etc)- Other places to find us: Guitar - Michael Onufrak - Bass - E'Lon JD - Steel Pan - Jonathan Scales - Produced with Aaron Beaumont

JYWII67-_EE | 21 Jul 2022
The 100-Act Stranger Things musical continues as Eddie wakes up all Chrissys of the world with a metal reprise. Tag us with more songify requests & get the tracks here- Other places to find us: Produced with Aaron Beaumont - Thanks to the chat for co-writing the Flashback to Pain hook, esp. kinneff for suggesting progression 0:00 Chrissy, Wake Up But It's Metal And Wakes Up All Chrissys and Krissys Of The World 1:22 DnD and Nintendo 1:48 Vecna vs. 011 (Unsongify This) 2:05 My Life Started That Day We Found You (Flashbacks to Pain) 2:28 Friends Don't Lie 3:26 Friends Always Put The Accent on the Yo (Never the Ho [Except Christmas]) #Songify #SongifyThis

AhGLgZZoszk | 25 Jun 2022
We songified Stranger Things so that EVERY Chrissy and/or Chris in the world can wake up. 🚨🚨🚨 There is now a metal version of this song! (in honor of Eddie....waking up) Tag us to share anything with songify potential- The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: 0:00 CHRISSY, WAKE UP 1:04 Act I: These Cynical Eyes 1:36 - Act II: Villainy & Confusion 2:39 - Deleted Songs & Credits Song #SongifyThis #Songify

uXt04p5XOV4 | 02 May 2022
Markiplier’s accidental singing echoes through the universe until it becomes an orchestra, transporting aliens to a higher plane. In Space With Markiplier is out now! Thanks to all the players in the Schmo Orchestra- Cello - Alexandra Jones and Martin Kutnar Violin - Maria Im and Petar Ruk Trombone - Christopher Bill Trumpet - Tadej Vujanić Guitar - Alexander Foote Flute and Clarinet - Justin Keller Other things - G. Bros and Aaron Beamont Sorry there was no actual ocarina, it was flute

ySxyPMZkrwU | 28 Jan 2022
High in the peaceful Alps, yodelmeister Takeo Ischi and his beloved friend Heidi encounter a band of fearsome foes. Stream the track everywhere ➡️ Takeo Ischi as himself - @markiplier as Yaro - Natalie Tran of @communitychannel as Heidi the Cow - Animated by Secret Sauce Studio - Written, Directed, & Edited by The Gregory Brothers Song Written & Composed by The Gregory Brothers Produced with Aaron Beaumont Mastered by Dan Millice On Spotify or wherever you listen to music! G Bros / Schmo merch - Animation Director LD Walker Lead Animator Nas Pasha Animators Michael Burnard Richard Go Kenji Iwata Kam Kalambay Alexandra Krechman Saiya Lin Delondhyl Mcinturff Nour Masalkhi Andi Nguyen James Nguyen Ryan Plaisance Bryan Salter FX Animation Alem Pilav LD Walker Background Artists Kyle Ostens Dale Watson Storyboard Nas Pasha LD Walker Colorscript Mike Chung LD Walker Cleanup & Color David Kuettel Jay Li Saiya Lin Lissi Leuterio Jena Denney Composite LD Walker Japanese translation - Hickory G.K Vietnam translation - Camtu Nguyen with Hickory G.K Mandarin translation - Su Qiuyun and Yang Xiaotong with Hickory G.K Musicians Various Instruments - The Gregory Brothers Additional Vocals - The Gregory Brothers Various instruments - Aaron Beaumont Violin - Maria Im Cello - Alexandra Jones Additional Bgawks - various Gregory Brothers LYRICS: Never underestimate a cooooooooow [echoes] Never underestimate a coooooooow [sounds of swelling nature reverberate across the land] Never underestimate a cooooow That’s the mistake that ends your journey nooooow When you underestimated my coooooow That was the moment I’d take you doooooown You think that cows are lazy Sitting, munching grass (sitting, munching grahhhhh) But if you cross them, they’ll snap and beat your Ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ass! Moooooooove out the wayyyyyyy Moooooooove or you’ll payyyyyy Yoooooouuuu can be spared if you repent But her ass-whoopings are never 2 percent [violins ascending toward heaven] You hacked the surveillance cameras But made a simple blunder You didn’t prepare for a faceoff With a massive, milky udder You dodged the Louvre’s lasers And rappelled from the roof (down from the rooooof) But you can’t defeat my hairy friend With 4 stomachs and 4 hoooooofs! Moooooooove out the wayyyyyyy Mooooooooove or you’ll payyyyyy Yoooooouuuu can leave this path for another Or she’ll churn your ass up like butter! [Yodel of peace, justice, and ruthlessness] Or she’ll churn your ass up like butter! #ChickenAttack #TakeoCinematicUniverse #SchmoCinematicUniverse

59fYFjMZkvE | 20 Dec 2021
Stream the track on the way to the theater: We made this with the one and only @MorkMemes - New podcast: All tracks, stems, instrumentals- Other places to find us: song produced with Aaron Beaumont - memes, as aforementioned, by @MorkMemes! 0:00 Bully Maguire, Something Of An Icon 0:12 I'M BACK 0:51 Bully Maguire Hates Drone Strikes 1:23 I'M BACK 2: Now Dig On This 1:57 Bully Maguire Bullies Doc Ock 2:29 Scream Of Melodic Anguish 2:33 I'M BACK 3: Even More Back 3:09 My Back 3:17 Schmoyoho Wishes You A Great Day And A Great Life #Songify #BullyMaguire #Schmoyoho #SpiderManNoWayHome

ayq2b4OhT6A | 03 Dec 2021
Play this for Mike until he becomes a better man - Nedra’s gofundme - Original video! Other places to find us: holiday album - Production with Aaron Beaumont: #Songify #SongifyThis

ylqGPQUkyws | 22 Oct 2021
Is it good for the economy? Or the Big Skeleton Lobby? Thanks to Speaking of AI!! order the album 'Sketched Twice' here - This track on Spotify: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Production with Aaron Beaumont: LYRICS: It's spooky time My favorite time When we can act a fool without a reason why Spending my whole paycheck at the Spirit Halloween, [you have?] Dressing as a Fortnite default only half-ironically! Spooky time [*spooky time*], A magic time [*a magic time*] When 12-foot skeletons light up our yards at night Wearing my MineCraft armor without need to clarify So divine It's spooky time October is a darn tootin good time Jack, Except when that 1 neighbor totally refuses to hand out Milky Ways because they think it's some kind of devil night That's cringey I'm not asking anybody, to abandon their principles But I do think it's cringe—come on, man! (key change) It's spooky time My favorite time When humans go to war with all of pumpkinkind! Posting cosplay tiktoks, even though I'm pushing 80 Put on my purple suit and say, "I'm the Jokah baby!" Spooky time [spooky time], A ghastly time [*a ghastly time*] Don't kill my vibe with your low effort football guy! I hereby order handing out granola is a crime! So sublime It's time It's spooky time!

PpoiPGFPhaA | 05 May 2021
We have a wikipedia problem, send help 💖 / track streaming everywhere Other places to find us: (instrumentals, stems, discord) Lyrics: OH SCHNO I can’t watch things based on true events ‘Cause I’ll be trapped on wikipedia (oooh) Eight hours readin about Fred Hampton I’ve been trapped on wikipedia (oooh) Don’t set me freeeee, I need to know all about The Great Stink Ohhh, why would i ever go to sleep When I can become a scholar of the Manx Loaghtan sheep? I can’t watch things that are fictional, ‘Cause I’ll get trapped on wookiepedia (oohhh) 6 hours learnin about Coleman Trebor, Yeah, I’ve been trapped on wookieepedia (ohhh) I don’t care if you disapprove I’ll be an expert on Yarael Poof Ohhh, What would I stop to eat dinner for When I’m studying the Purge of Mandalore?? You might think that readin all these facts Have made me the smartest man on the planet But in a couple days, I’ll forget anyway And be back on wikipedia, damn it I can’t walk around and look at things at all ‘Cause I’ll be trapped on wikipedia (ooohh) 10 hours later and I’m on Charles de Gaulle I’ve been trapped on wikipedia (oooh) Just let me beeeeee, I’m sightseeing in Tuscany Ohhh, I’ll never (go to) sleep ‘Til I can tell a dugong from a manatee I cannot function in the world today Because I’m trapped on wikipedia

X_PeukqtfQ4 | 12 Mar 2021
When the world cries out in terror, one man––and one cow––will answer the call. The first animated episode of the Takeo Cinematic Universe will take our hero to new heights in the Bavarian Alps, to face deft new foes. G. Bros + Takeo on spotify: All our tracks & goodies- Other places to find us: When the vulnerable are in danger, Takeo will always fight back. Whether he has to do it with a Chicken Attack Pig Attack Ox Attack Cow Attack Rat Attack or Lemur Attack No villain shall go unchallenged #TakeoCinematicUniverse #ChickenAttack

FVOH0w1wQ24 | 10 Mar 2021
Thanks to Leviathan for the cameo + for the song of the year: Stream this track: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Joe Biden, hoping to unify the nation, sings the first verse / hook of Chug Jug With You. Only time will tell whether the tactic worked. Lyrics: We got a number one victory royale Yeah, Fortnite, we bout to get down (GET DOWN) Ten kills on the board right now Just wiped out tomato town My friends just go down I revived him now we’re headed southbound Now we’re in the Pleasant Park streets GIVE ME A BREAK, THAT'S MALARKEY Take me to your Xbox to play Fortnite today You can take me to Moisty Mire but not Loot Lake I'd really love to, chug jug with you We can be pro Fortnite gamers #Songify #SongifyThis

bghsL7pVdKc | 19 Dec 2020
Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code SCHMOYOHO for 84% off and 4 extra months for free! (Thanks to them for helping us save memewind 💖 ) Song streaming everywhere here: This track and all others on schmotreon: Have a cozy holiday, and make sure to stop by our livestream/singalong: SOME SOURCES (gathering more): Surreal Entertainment’s Are Ya Winning: Grandayy’s It’s All Cake: Biden / Trump dance at debate from yilmaz.exe: Pogchamp origin at Gothmei: Cyranek’s Wide Doge: WHOOO from penguinz0: Surreal Entertainment’s Surfing Zuckerberg: Coffin Dance from DigiNeko: 2 pretty best friends from Jordan Scott: Yankee with no brim from kruster: minecraft bernie from Grandayy: Produced with Aaron Beaumont: LYRICS: I ain’t ever seen, I ain’t ever seen 2 pretty best friends I am asking for Financial support Once again IT’S MR MVP, SIMP Whoa, whoa, YANKEE WITH NO BRIM *emergency meeting synth* I DEMAND A VACCINE WHOOOO FOR COVID-19 WHOOOO Piao piaoooo WHOOO, yeahhh, that’s what it’s all about, bout, bout [high-pitched noises] GROW SOME BALLS Every single one of you obeying the devil’s laws We will do a citizen’s arrest on every human being I choose to yell and you cannot STOP ME Please send the cops He doesn’t live here, he has no bike Call the police I’ll beat that mask off your face, come outside BACK OFF, BACK OFF This is outrageous criminal activity THREATEN ME AGAIN We live in a free country Imagine there’s no little pogchamp / wet-ass p-word It isn’t hard to dooooo / i like the view / you’re my best view [nyee?] Nothing to kill or simp for (ohhhh) And no ice age baby, toooo LET ME GO AROUND THIS HAT Aww, you’re my pog champ Coochie man, coochie man, COOCHIE MAN [harmonies stacking] CHORUS NOW I’M NERVOUS BECAUSE I’M SUS (looks sus) Fair enough, i’m a little lost but fair enough Just full of the exaggerated swagger of DA VINKY?? NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENED TO THE KENNEDYS Have you ever seen me without this hat? [i’m a weirdo] That’s weird DAME DA NE ……… Awww, come here I love a woman that slay one day and look homeless the next Don’t you EVER date a t-rex CHORUS, JOY, EUPHORIA, RELIEF Other places to find us: 0:00 Chapter 1: YAHH, IT'S REWIND TIME 0:35 Into the Karen-verse 1:07 Imagine There's No Cochie Man 1:31 Chorus 2: Memes Intensify 2:00 Bridge: Exaggerated Swagger of Da Vinky 2:29 Election 2020 In Meme Form 2:38 Chorus 3: Meme Intensification Intensifies 3:08 The Part Where You Cry (Unus Annus) 3:20 Sponsor + General Silliness and Pictures of Our Dad #Songify #YouTubeSchmowind #SongifyThis

SJGXLoYtzok | 11 Nov 2020
After the election, meme generators across the nation cope with the results by generating more memes. Re-live the entire battle with our Trump vs. Biden playlist: All our tracks and other goodies- shout at us what to songify next: tiktok: songifythis ( song produced with Michael Onufrak - Send us more memes of people inhaling copium or other election related outbursts, and maybe they shall make it in to YouTube Rewind 2020, But Memes. Some of the accidental singing stars featured here are Kenneth Copeland from the Land of Cope, Paula White-Cain (Trump's spiritual adviser / official church lady), Brad, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Tucker Carlson, Jon Voight, and Sean Hannity, who has still not been called. 0:00 Hey Hey, Ha Ha, Ho Ho 0:49 HA HA, WE WIN 1:16 Four Seasons Total Landscaping 1:35 Our Copetagonists Join in Harmony 2:03 Fox News Meltdowns 2:18 The Return of Michele Bachmann 2:30 All Shrieking Together In Harmony 3:10 Throwdown In November #SongifyThis #Copium #Songify

zRXBrdxkFTQ | 23 Oct 2020
THE FINAL SHOWDOWN between Trump and Biden is hosted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the key of E minor. Make sure to follow JGL and join so you can have a GREAT LIFE and make art with people from all over the world All the Songify the Debates - Stream this track! More JGL - All our tracks and other goodies- shout at us what to songify next: Thanks to the NYT for spreading the message of Doug far and wide - produced with Aaron Beaumont - assistant songification - Alexander Tso - assistant songification - Kevin Stabinski - assistant to Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Jane Simon DIT - Cameron Langdon #SongifyThis #Songify

v_vJN061sd8 | 16 Oct 2020
In real life, the town hall debate was cancelled, but in Schmoyoho life, it only became stronger – with melodious moderating by Darren Criss–– / More Songify 2020 - Stream this track! All our tracks and other goodies- shout at us what to songify next: produced with Aaron Beaumont - assistant songification - Alexander Tso - #SongifyThis #Songify

NNVgKmVvaUI | 08 Oct 2020
Thanks to Debbie Harry & Chris Stein of Blondie for moderating, and creating the first-ever guitar-housefly duet! More Songify 2020 - stream this track here! Subscribe to Blondie and follow them in all the places- All our tracks and other goodies- shout at us what to songify next: produced with Aaron Beaumont - assistant songification - Alexander Tso - assistant songification - Kevin Stabinski - #SongifyThis #Songify

un9x-DjTMT0 | 30 Sep 2020
Thanks to "Weird Al" Yankovic for rescuing the debate, and hopefully the entire nation! Behind the scenes for this video: More Songify 2020 - We published this in the NYT, too––it's like YouTube but with longer comments: Get a Hunt a Killer discount with our magic link! Stream this track here - Subscribe to "Weird Al" and follow him in all the places! All our tracks and other goodies- shout at us what to songify next: produced with Aaron Beaumont - assistant songification - Alexander Tso - assistant songification - Kevin Stabinski - west coast shoot: Atul Singh (producer) Jon Na (DP) Noah Clark (Sound) thanks to the ERB production team for making this shoot magical 🙏 #SongifyThis #Songify

8TwSKyVCMik | 28 Aug 2020
Stream this track or send it to your FAUTHER - Responding to last week's Corn Pop anthem, Trump & a chorus of assistants make the case for Trump at the RNC. Stay tuned for our overnight Songify the Debates starting next month 💖 All our tracks & goodies: tiktok: songifythis Produced with Aaron Beaumont- Assists from Kevin Stabinski & Alexander Tso The race for 2020 heats up as Donald Trump answers Joe Biden's passionate melodies. Will his families harmonies overpower the Corn Gang? Or will they creep people out?? Only time will tell. #SongifyThis #Songify Lyrics: Ladies and gentlemen––leaders and fighters for freedom and liberty determine your destiny don't let them destroy your family they want to destroy the country and the American Dream My father is strong my father is the best my father has faith my father gets respect my father is cool my father says what he thinks my father is wonderful my father does tweets fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, FATHER, I miss you every single day my father is great my father-in-law will keep us safe FATHER, I love you in a special way my father made me belive my father-in-law helped me we have been hit by the pandemic we have pioneered the fatality rate I kept my promise America's great the best is yet to come (the best is yet to come) I'm afraid of cancel culture COME, COME they're ripping down our Confederate statues COME, COME I will save the statues, I will save the suburbs the best is yet to come don't let them kill future generations don't let them step on you, brainwash you don't let them support cancel culture they want to enslave you, too my father is W I D E my father is brave my father is caring my father has emotion on his face my father is relentless my father-in-law is down to earth my father is elite my father likes church (I'd like to speak directly to my father) fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, fAtHeR, FaThEr, *father chorus* *fatality pioneer chorus* *the best is yet to come coda* FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, cancel culture, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, confederate statues, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATH

hQdOIwPjzMw | 24 Aug 2020
Stream the track to confuse whoever's next to you at red lights : All of Biden vs. Trump: All our tracks & goodies: tiktok: songifythis Featured Dancers - Jillian Roberts - Steven Ruggiero- Produced with Aaron Beaumont- Deepfake FX by OneDuality- Thanks to our discord patrons & superfans for singing the chorus and bringing world peace to all 💖 LYRICS: If you entrust me with the presidency I will draw on the best of us Like Corn Pop He chose a path of hope and light He was generous and humble To all of us Not just a few at the top This is our moment to make hope and history rhyme With passion and purpose, let us begin, you and I Together (x5) Let's do it for Corn Pop Let's do it for him He'd tell us we can't stop He'd tell us to win Let's do it for Corn Pop It's what he would want He'd tell us to rise Like the morning sun We'll say: CORN POP, WE CAN'T STOP (time and time again) CORN POP, WE WON'T STOP (we'll never give up, my friend) CORN POP, WE CAN FIND THAT SWEET SPOT (time and time again) CORN POP, WE WON'T STOP I am once again asking for your vote for Joe He will stand up and fight for you, this I know The price of failure is just too great We must come together – the future is at stake Millions of jobs: gone, Trump's a reality show Joe and Kamala, actually care They'll get this pandemic under control I know a predator when I see one So make no mistake, Trump will be done Our children will look in our eye And say "where were you when the stakes were so high?" Americans have never ever let this country down We get back up together, back up together now Someway, somehow Chorus A cappella chorus, followed by a powerful chorus of funk, disco, and rock'n'roll #SongifyThis #Songify2020

TaHlXlwFLvI | 01 Aug 2020
10 years later we gave this track a proper mix- And Antoine returns for a 2020 message, unhide your family & register to vote: get the 2010 version of the song on vinyl! Antoine Dodson socials: Other places to find the G. Bros / Schmos: tiktok: songifythis mixed with Aaron Beaumont - mastered by Dan Millice - LYRICS: he's climbin in your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they're rapin errbody out here you don't have to come and confess we're lookin for you we gon find you we gon find you so you can run and tell that, run and tell that run and tell that, homeboy home, home, homeboy we got your t-shirt you done left fingerprints and all you are so dumb you are really dumb--for real you are really, really, really, really so dumb i was attacked by some idiot in the projects so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so chorus bout 5'9", 5'10" coffee complexion, low cut like a caesar with some little waves in his head clean cut, very smooth face seein my sister when i walked in he had his hands around her neck first thing was to pull him off of her and that's what i did chorus well, obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park are you serious, my boy? i got your t-shirt i got your scent i know what shoe size you wear, my boy so you can run and hide but we're gonna find you, find you chorus x2 (with ballet dancers, orchestra, choir, etc.) CHORDS: chorus- gm cm dm 4x bridge- Eb dm cm gm Eb dm cm F dm F #Songify #SongifyThis

4RWUYR1cEiU | 24 Jul 2020
The President of the United States takes the hardest test known to man. Stream this track everywhere: All our tracks & goodies: Produced with Aaron Beaumont- Assistant songification - Alexander Tso Assistant songification - Kevin Stabinski Person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, person, woman, man, camera, TV, pe #Songify #SongifyThis

ign_vZupjno | 28 Jun 2020
Sneak this into playlist to confuse people: Trump vs. Biden (vs. Ramp) playlist: President Trump wows his rally crowd in Tulsa, Oklahoma with a one-of-a-kind story––the story of a man and a ramp, and what happened when they came together. The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Produced with Aaron Beaumont- Assistant Edit - Kevin Stabinski #Songify #SongifyThis

xpXabRngjho | 08 May 2020
Stream this track to make your dreams come true: We asked for your favorite lost meme––YOU ANSWERED 🙏 “WE WANT HAVE A DREAM KID” ... now we present to you this extended version while swinging our hips from side to side in an disco trance beyond control. TELL US WHAT TO SONGIFY NEXT so that we can all have a GREAT DAY and a GREAT LIFE Tracks, instrumentals, community stuff: Shout at us on our other platforms: Tiktok: songifythis Written / produced with Aaron Beaumont: Also inspired by some Bach inventions because who doesn’t love when the high melody goes diddly dee and then the low melody goes doodly doo and then they just keep going? Original video: (from Gooodnight Moon and Other Sleepytime Tales) Dance videos: Soul Train: cool kid in the club: classic 70s TV: #Songify #SongifyThis #Schmoyoho

yuidCMuUFJQ | 24 Apr 2020
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: ✅ ANDROID: ✅ PC: and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days Thanks to Raid for helping make these lost memes come true! Have we ever had a dream to join some of the most powerful memes, both ancient and recent into one song? Join the forces of Bill O’Reilly, Phil Swift, Child With Dream, and various local news and youtube personalities into one glorious meme choir? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes. Get all our tracks/goodies: Send us more memes: Meme sources Flex Tape: We’ll Do It Live: Have You Ever Had A Dream: Raid: Shadow Legends (various): Local News (WTOL): Produced with Aaron Beaumont: Lyrics: flex tape is super strong and once it's on it holds on tight it holds just right flex tape is no ordinary tape just cut peel, stick and seal it works on any shape Now THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE how about a little more THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE on a bucket, on windows and doors THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE I SAWED THIS BOAT IN HALF super big damage flex tape can SEAL and PATCH the DAMAGE that's tomorrow and that is it for us today okay, i don't know what that is, never seen that, [producer: okay, okay] that's tomorrow, and that is utt...take it away.. [okay] that's tomorrow and we will leave you with a..... I can’t do it, WE'LL DO IT LIVE WE'LL DO IT LIVE we'll leave you with Sting, BLOOP, i don't know what that means! WE'LL DO IT LIVE WE'LL DO IT LIVE I can't read it, to end the show? [yeah] thing SUCKS, alright, go I'LL WRITE IT AND WE'LL DO IT LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE Have you ever had a dream that / that you, um, you had you t-- you would you c-- you do you wi-- you want , you, you could do some, you [breathe] , you'll do, you could you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything do anything ever had a dream you could do anything, do anything Raid: Shadow Legends (x4) It’s free A fantasy RPG On iOS, Android and PC Raid: Shadow Legends (2) Thank God for Raid: Shadow Legends It’s a fun game Battle arena or campaign Try this out, do not wait We’ll do it live / That’s a lotta damage We’ll do it live / how about a little more? We’ll leave you with Sting, [BLOOP] Ever had a dream? We’ll do it live / That’s a lotta damage We’ll do it live / Raid: Shadow Legends I can’t read it––to end the show? I created a rubber boat I'LL WRITE IT AND WE'LL DO IT LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE Good morning, time to slay all day it is testing week YEET Stay woke, gooooals, be on fleek Say bye Felicia, bye Felicia, to that testing stress YEAHHH, a hundo P chance of success okurrr okurrr gonna be lit turnt Okurrrr okurrrrr you've got this, kids We’ll do it live / That’s a lotta damage We’ll do it live / how about a little more? We’ll leave you with Sting, YEET Ever had a dream? We’ll do it live / That’s a lotta damage We’ll do it live / Raid: Shadow Legends I can’t read it––to end the show? Gonna be v. lit, goooooals I'LL WRITE IT AND WE'LL DO IT LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE #Songify #SongifyThis

XWEELbQBk6w | 10 Apr 2020
We are once again asking you to dance along to mellifluous meme melodies. Track & stems! - Meme usage and inspiration: Kadz (various lego city)- (and triangle man) Surreal Entertainment (pickel rick)- Grandayy (bernie mining)- Cyranek (various dancing triangle - Bernie playing uno: Deepfake magic from OneDuality: Other places to find us: produced with Aaron Beaumont: #Songify #YouTubeRewind

ufF12ZRTdeM | 17 Mar 2020
Coronavirus self-isolation? Covid-19 quarantine? We're all streaming alone these days. Here's 30 min of remixes of our music to help you stream....soap and water onto your hands. Now go disinfect your doorknobs and lightswitches. Good luck out there. Thanks to Morgan King for the amazing animation! Check out his short film: Support our creations and we'll give you stuff: Other places to find us: Track Play Buttons: 0:01 Scrubbin It Right 2:46 Andrew’s Downtime 5:13 What does this mean? 7:19 She Who Watches The Sink 10:53 We’re Back 13:46 Let’s Staycation 17:37 The World Is Washing 20:26 Uh Oh (instrumental) 22:25 Pricey Soap 25:47 Oh My, Oh My 29:44 I’m A Quarantiner

1SjJxs3muxk | 14 Mar 2020
President Trump declares a National Mergency on COVID-19 using a vocoder as he tries to heal the nation--with an unlikely duet partner. The track and other goodies- Everyone stay hygenic / safe if you're in an affected area! More info here: More Songify This for your meme quarantine: production with Aaron Beamont: Source Videos: Williamson Virus Meditation Trump Primetime Address: LYRICS: The Coronavirus--go back to the nothingness Now we see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light And we watch this light grow Until now it covers the inner vision of our mind And we pray that it goes To all of the muscles, all of the bones Down into your penis Down into the toes Now into the thighs Through your elbows Your vagina, your buttocks Heal the torso The Coronavirus (go wash your hands) The Coronavirus (go wash your penis) The Coronavirus (go wash your hands) The Coronavirus Gee, there's a bug, there's a flu, there's a virus, they didn't know what it was And I said uh-oh, uh-oh, that doesn't sound gööd If they would've said what are 10 bad things that could happen that wouldn't've been on the list And I said uh-oh, uh-oh, that doesn't sound gööd Chorus with uh-ohs This is their new hoax The Coronavirus hoax Coronavirus: we declared a public health mergency Wash your hands, stay home Cover your face if you sneeze, bro Smart action today will Prevent spread of the virus tomorrow Chorus I don't take responsibility I am officially declaring a national emergency (2 very big words) #Songify

BS5HCi-zsYE | 03 Mar 2020
The track for all your dance parties: (and everywhere else, too) Vice President Biden knows that to catch up he must talk about his strengths. So he aims to fight Sanders, Warren, and the rest of the Democratic contenders with cold, hard, facts about his sun-bleached, hairy legs, setting the tone for the tough battle ahead on the road to Election 2020. Is this the only Joe Biden vs. Bernie Sanders showdown, or shall their be another in April?? Original hairy legs / Corn Pop video! - *Disclaimer––"Hairy legs" was not discussed at the debate, please explain when showing to anyone above the age of 65* All our tracks/stems- Other places to find us: Additional music production- Aaron Beaumont: Deepfake production- OneDuality: Extreme bassline- Andrew Pertes: #Songify #SongifyThis

CZSwjFmumEY | 31 Jan 2020
stream the remastered track everywhere! guaranteed to improve results for workouts and nuclear physics finals. Apollos' channel!: All our tracks & instrumentals - & Original interview - find us other places for more songs: produced with Michael Onufrak - additional production by Aaron Beaumont - mastered by Dan Millice - LYRICS: you’re gonna battle, you’re gonna fight win or lose, you’re gonna be alright regardless of the scoreboard you can do anything you work for do it for us do it for one another do it for yourself and do it for each other regardless of the scoreboard regardless of the scoreboard, scoreboard ---------- i'm not gonna lie, they had us in the first half we started slow but we’re always gonna finish fast it’s gonna be hard, it’s gonna be tough if you fall down, just get up and no matter what you’re going through your friends are there to help you with all the hard work you put in you might come out with this win chorus x2 CHORDS: A Bm F# m D (repeat forever) After an intense face-off, Apollos Hester tells TWC News how he won - and also the meaning of life. They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. #Scoreboard #ApollosHester #Songify

0qvOImHWne8 | 24 Jan 2020
Months after the events of Chicken Pig Attack, Aki has captured Takeo to exact his revenge. Will a tiny hairy friend hears Takeo's SOS?? GET THE SONG OR GET JUMP-KICKED BY A NINJA: More stems and BTS on our schmotreon: See all of the TCU (Takeo Cinematic Universe) thus far here! Follow us for all the updates and also the schmupdates: Directed by the Gregory Brothers Andrew, Evan, and Michael Gregory Starring Takeo himself Featuring Aki Yasuda as Kingpin Carola Cajiao @cajiao.v as Rat Ninja Greg Washburn as Chicken Accountant (from The Kloons - Michael Gregory as Yodeling Intern Zachary Leo @ninjadude73 & Lee-Sean Huang @leesean as guards (and aspiring stand-up comic) Toula the Rat, provided by Kathy Sperduto Producer: Amelia Burger Dir. Photography: Steven DiCasa Asst. Camera: Cody Buesing Sound Mixer: Patrick Southern Add’l scoring & music mixing: Aaron Beaumont Cello: Alexandra Jones Fictional newspapers and poster design: Morgan King Editor: Rob Nassau VFX: Neal Jonas Color: Ilia Gumerov On-set translation: Liz Yasuda, Andreas Wöber Add’l translation: Hikaru Kitabayashi, Jesse Gillespie No animals were harmed during filming, even when they BARST into human ninjas or danced vigorously to the music like some sort of cockatoo! All animals were trained, courteous professionals, and brought professional human handlers to watch them. LYRICS: [angelic, beckoning hum] [rat hum, equally angelic despite species difference] [human hum] [rat hum approaching nearer] When you're far away from home Just hum this melody You'll know you're not alone You'll see! A tiny hairy friend Will help you on your way They've come to save us Noble, magic rats The smallest are the bravest They always have your back It's whoop-ass time Get in line It's whoop-ass time [ancient yodel of justice and comeuppance] It's whoop-ass time When you think you're by yourself Just know they're all around Always there to help When you're down And even when you sleep They watch over you From within 20 feet It's true They've come to save us Noble, magic rats The smallest are the bravest They always have your back It's whoop-ass time Get in line It's whoop-ass time [ancient yodel of peace, justice, and wisdom] It's whoop-ass time Some people don't like rats Because they hang out in trash But they're helping you with your pizza crust So you should fucking relax It's whoop-ass time Get in line It's whoop-ass time [ancient yodel of peace, justice, and wisdom] It's whoop-ass time #TakeoCinematicUniverse #ChickenAttack #SchmoCinematicUniverse 0:00 Aki's Revenge 1:32 Takeo Summons A Tiny, Hairy Friend 3:59 Whoop-Ass Time

7dAUADjVzv4 | 17 Jan 2020
Takeo emerges to defeat evil – this time with more muscle. GET THE SONG OR GET JUMP-KICKED BY A NINJA: More stems and BTS on our schmotreon: next week: Rat Attack! follow us for all the updates and also the schmupdates: Directed by the Gregory Brothers Andrew, Evan, and Michael Gregory Starring Takeo himself Featuring Aki Yasuda as Kingpin Garrett Volpe and Chris Stanley as Henchmen Chris Mauceri as Chicken Ninja Dev Sim as Pig Ninja Evan Gregory as Pitiful Hostage Michael Gregory as Aspiring Yodeler Chicken and Wilma provided by Aly’s Ponys Filmed at the Harlem Valley Homestead in Wingdale, NY Producer: Amelia Burger Dir. Photography: Steven DiCasa Asst. Camera: Cody Buesing Production Assistant: Cheryl Tsushima Sound Mixer: Joe Cantor Add’l scoring & music mixing: Aaron Beaumont Cello: Alexandra Jones Editor: Rob Nassau VFX: Neal Jonas Color: Ilia Gumerov Poster: Morgan King On-set translation: Liz Yasuda, Andreas Wöber Add’l translation: Hikaru Kitabayashi, Jesse Gillespie No animals were harmed during filming, even when they BARST into human ninjas! All animals were trained, courteous professionals, and brought professional human handlers to watch them. LYRICS: [angelic but harrowing yodel] Now begins the fight of a lifetime We can end it all and end it right Two warriors challenge you They came ready to fight Oh, chicken and a pig, bacon and eggs They're not here to play Chicken and a pig, bacon and eggs You're on their plate today Six legs! two wings! And one ass-whooping Cock on a swine (Cock on a swine) Friends for all time (For all time) Swine with a cock (Swine with a cock) They can never be stopped There is no escape from justice Nowhere to hide from your fate You may want forgiveness I'd say yes but for them it's too late Oh, chicken and a pig, bacon and eggs They're not here to play Chicken and a pig, bacon and eggs You're on their plate today Six legs! two wings! And one ass-whooping! Cock on a swine (Cock on a swine) Friends for all time (For all time) Swine with a cock (wine with a cock) They can never be stopped They look so cute and cuddly You might expect a kiss But if you're on their bad side You'll only get their iron fists Cock on a swine (Cock on a swine) Friends for all time (For all time) Swine with a cock (Swine with a cock) They can never be stopped #TakeoCinematicUniverse #ChickenAttack #SchmoCinematicUniverse

sdpn9t3JzUI | 31 Dec 2019
LAST 10 HOURS OF THE DECADE, let's say goodbye to being in the same time perios as all these beautiful Schmo-Moments and memes 💖 this track on spotify: Sources: hide your kids (bed intruder): various 2018 memes: muffin song: 1999: pokemon pastor: backin up: space force: gimme the zucc: winning: scoreboard: double rainbow: all the way: just do it (shia labeouf): zach anner song: building is on fire (not today): dayum, dayum, dayum: obama creeper: i hate sand: naked men (joe biden): turtle fence: i love cats: don't mess with my wife / hamburger prices (ted cruz): cash money money cash: schmoyoho, accent on the yo: unbreakable theme song: chicken attack (go, chicken go): stall door crack: why, why, manti? drunk frat boy for one night: vape naysh: h3h3 song: DJ, play my song: I Don't Wanna Be Free: Herp de Derp: Bourbon Whiskey: Milk Thug (tried to milk myself): The machiiiines: Yeast of Thoughts and Mind, bitconnect, I love memes: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Music production with Aaron Beaumont: #Songify

FbqNaIRW9vY | 26 Dec 2019
Excerpts from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s final speech in Memphis, TN, turned into a song. Listen to the original speech: More history songifications on our channel: #SongifyHistory

QM0BUgCL2vY | 20 Dec 2019
Where does Luke go after Last Jedi? We finally answer this burning question (episode IX spoiler-free) Thanks to Roy for the assist on some verses! Get our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc This track & other goodies at Other places to find us: Music Production: Michael Onufrak Audio assist: Aaron Beaumont #Songify #NeverForgetDak

5jeOe5XsrRM | 15 Dec 2019
YouTube Rewind, but memes (stream it on spotify - become a Schmo and you can get the song & other goodies: All 5 volumes of YouTube SchmoWind for your nostalgia trips: extra special thanks to the following for creating/covering vital memes that played a huge part in this SchmoWind: (revenge / creeper, aw man) (various meme reviews) (various memes) (area 51 aliens, duolingo owl, JK Rowling + James Charles dance, creeper music video) and Mr. Beast's Team Trees (GO DONATE) that created a bajillion voices in harmony singing TREES some more sources/youtubers (if this is incomplete, let us know) Belle Delphine (gamer bathwater): negaoryx (red dead reaction [moose reaction]): Naruto Run (Elixir): Mr. Beast (team trees): Mark Rober (team trees): Cat vigorously meowing (Thurston Waffles): Revenge (Creeper, Aw Man): Obama sings Creeper: Kids Bop Karen original: Imonte ("oh shit, a spi"): Jacksepticeye (team trees): Markiplier Goose Game: Oh Yeah Yeah (MaximilianMus): Smarter Every Day (team trees): James Charles' No More Lies: Peter Sripol (team trees): LaurenzSide (team trees): Paul Rudd (Hot Ones): Idris Elba (Hot Ones): Surreal Entertainment James Charles dance: Surreal Entertainment Area 51: Surreal Entertainment DuoLingo owl: Surreal Entertainment Minecraft: Soulja Boy (breakfast club): Blue Shirt Kid: Dr. Phil becomes self aware: Dr. Phil on meme review: Keke Palmer (I don't know who this man is): Keanu Cyberpunk presentation: Doctor meme by Grandayy: ^ featuring DigitalMunchies: and Voiceover Pete: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont #YouTubeSchmowind #Songify #YouTubeRewind

neFmuxsOwKo | 09 Nov 2019
On Earth-Q256, Mr. Poopybutthole dropped this number 1 song to create world peace. Get the track! Chetreo! From the greatest show in the galaxy, Rick and Morty and Mr. Poopybutthole. Other places to find us: Produced with Aaron Beaumont Ooh-wee #SongifyThis

8Ao-eMUn-U8 | 28 Oct 2019
With this executive order by President Obama, the 2010s became the spookiest decade of all time. Get the track on patreon! Thanks to Tom Scott for the cameo! Thanks to OneDuality for the deepfake magic! with Cole McNamee as Obama - Produced with Aaron Beaumont - more Gregory Brothers socials: tiktok: songifythis For many years, people were afraid to be spooky. There were even churches that invited kids to not be spooky on Halloween LEST THEY BE DOOMED. Luckily, with this historic and very not real speech, people were assured that it was okay to be scary and frightening and ghoulish. That we all know a skeleton or a zombie and it's okay to come out as who we are to be our best selves. #Songify #SpookySeason

T_TsTvC67SA | 11 Oct 2019
It’s time to commemorate the historic Creeper Address from the first gamer president. GET THE TRACK: Original music video from CaptainSparklez (thanks for the cameo!) Deepfake magic from OneDuality: Our socials All our tracks / Discord / BTS magic - Featured Dancers Jillian Roberts - Cole Ryder - Creeper McGee Creepins O’Beekins (and Evan) Production & Mixing - Aaron Beaumont Thanks so much to top patrons! - Glennjamin Gargill13 Darth Sigma James Knight Robert H. Gibbons Jr. Brad Mills Clayton Payne Alex Yue Jeff Neff Bill Bondurant (HAPPY BILL BONDURANT DAY) Lyrics: So we back in the mine, got our pick axe swinging from side to side, Side, side to side This task a grueling one, hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night Diamonds tonight Heads up, you hear a sound, turn around and look up, total shock fills your body, Oh no it's you again, I could never forget those eyes, eyes, eyes, Eyes, eyes, eyes 'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again, 'Cause baby tonight, you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again, And run, run until it's done, done, until the sun comes up in the morn' 'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again Hopefully by remembering this address by President Barack Obama we can bring greater peace between the creepers and the steves. #SongifyThis #Creeper #Songify

57y0sUNG29o | 06 Sep 2019
We deepfaked Evan as Trump and Boris and now we're forcefeeding him so he gains 125 lbs for accuracy. Get the track! Thanks to Maestro Ziikos for teaming up w/ us! Store- BTS stuff & other goodies- Other places to find us: mixing with Aaron Beaumont: asst. edit - Amelia Burger - As Brexit negotiations wear on, Boris' Johnson's best chance at success might be learning Justin Bieber's entire catalogue and singing it in Brussels with his best friend and mentor, Donald Trump.

kNs-bU4qlj8 | 27 Jul 2019
Stream/download the track for your pizza parties: / BTS and other schmo goodies- The best Spider-Man had one desire: Pizza Time 🍕 To take advantage of the Amazon Prime offer, go to or text schmoyoho to 500 500 🎧🙏 Other places to find us: Mixing & production with Aaron Beaumont: 0:00 Relationships vs. Hunger, A Timeless Tale Of Human Suffering 0:13 Pizza Time 0:21 Bernoulli's First Pizza Time 0:38 Pizza Time 2: 2 Pizza 2 Furious 0:57 Chow Mein Time vs. Pizza Time 1:25 Pizza Time 3: The Cheesequel 1:43 A Brave Move Ordering Pizza 2:09 Pizza Time 4: Return Of The Pineapple 2:33 Sponsorship + Goofs + Spoofs #SongifyThis #SongifyTheMovies #PizzaTime

PnsjGnDBL7A | 19 Jul 2019
Featuring: Iman Crosson @alphacat as Barack Obama Brock Baker @brockbaker as Robert De Niro Joanna Hausmann @joannahausmann as Shakira ...and also with us @gregorybrothers Evan Gregory @getsomeevan as Rick Astley, Steve Harwell, Jerry Seinfeld, Daddy Yankee Andrew Gregory @arosegregory as Willie Nelson, Pope Francis Sarah Gregory @followsarahg as Katy Perry, Dolly Parton, Cardi B, Oprah, Zimzam Get this track and all our music on Patreon Other places to find us: Lyrics Barack You know you can’t stop this Sheriff named Barack, I get All my posse caucused Blaze up the oval office Shout out Lil Nas For having me on I’ll leave you with 3 words: Hope, change, and yeehaw Can't nobody tell me nothing (not at all) Can't tell me nothing Willie Well down here in Helotes Me and all my homies Stop our ropin and ridin Right at four and twenty Out here plantin trees Big old leafy greens Red headed stranger Runs a redneck pharmacy Katy I kissed a cow and I liked it Sorry I don’t know how to sing quiet But I’m a cowgirl now So I guess I’m frenching cows Kobe beef is what I need Got a bovine teenage dream Smashmouth (Steve Harwell) Somebody once told me That old town road would roll me You think that I’m a joke But all these plays ain't funny money Wipe the dust out my hair And my flavor saver Did Shrek 1 & 2 I don’t care about the haters Dolly When I was a little girl Daddy plowed behind a horse Twenty-five number ones Now I own all of Pigeon Forge Daddy Yankee Hacemos como en Vieques Montando al garete (viejo) A cuero, sin asiento que el establo queda lejos (caballo) y los gringos, siempre tan correctos estoy a otro nivel, Mami, así que dime Daddy Pope 100 gallon hat Yeah the papal see got that Diamonds on the holy grail Buried underneath the Vatican Jerry You know i could go verses On what’s the deal with horses Reruns on reruns ‘fore you even cracking corn Upper West Side I remain Master of my own domain Get along little dogies Bee Movie bought me all these chains De Niro Got double holsters For double Oscars Italian label chaps This cowboy’s the Godfather Cardi B Ain’t my first rodeo, grab money with a lasso Chaps on my ass but my pussy on a pole Old town road, ice on spurs Bloody boots, happy trails okurrr Astley You’re calling me a troll I’m out to steal your gold Hiding in a mountain pass Ambush with a rick roll Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around Unless you’re an alien ZIMZAM (the alien) Landed back in forty six Way out in the sticks Did a stretch down in Nevada Now my gun’s back on my hip UFO out in the sand Laser lasso in my hand Roundin’ up a couple steer So that I can probe their glands Oprah YOU GET A ROAD YOU GET A ROAD YOU GET A ROAD EVERYBODY GETS A ROAD Shakira Can't nobody tell me nothin' (le lo lo le lo le) No me diga nothing (waka waka) My hips don’t lie about nothing (my hips my hips) You can't tell my hips nothin'

LqOWn6JuMpM | 30 Jun 2019
An epic battle of dads and guitars sweeps us into the 2020 race. Our spotify channel, follow us there! All the tracks and other BTS goodies- Other places to find us: Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont Guitar Shredding by Alex Foote: Songifications assists by Alexander Tso Edit assists by Amelia Burger We're lucky that in a rare moment of harmony, these candidates sang 2020's first hook, There Can Only Be One, in which we were told that we must harness love instead of fear if we shall be able to earn enough materia to defeat Sephiroth. Let us know who had the best guitar solo and/or best dad. Was it Kamala Harris? Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren? Morkin Piloschmeeg?? Joe Biden??? John Delaney??? Bervim Rochvin???? Andrew Yang?????? Ben de Birkenstock?????? Do you even know which of these are real and which are fake??????? Neither do we, we must lead a full investigation to get to the bottom of this.

ckRyJfXijwU | 21 Jun 2019
We finally songified Surreal Entertainment's first movie series! get the track/files on memberships and patreon: / Other places to find us: Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont Edit assists by Amelia Burger #SongifyTheMovies

pSWuaGfwAHQ | 01 Jun 2019
Baby Stephen A. Smith discusses Drake & fictionally opines on a Golden State loss in game 1 of the NBA Finals Track on memberships & Patreon - / Original Baby Smith: Other places to find us: snapchat: songifythis Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont Edit assists by Amelia Burger #NBAfinals #SongifyThis

SkRhuPOc8OA | 10 May 2019
We extended the Jon Snow song so it has more oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohs Join the channel to get this song: --there may be some S7 & S8 spoilers in here, and coffee cups too-- Jon Snow, a beautiful man with a twisted tale. Even Ed Sheeran can't stop singing about him, and his abs. Finally Jon has the song he deserves, and it schlaps harder than a dragon in a mud wrestling match. Thanks for supporting our music through crowdfunding! You can join through YouTube memberships or on Patreon - ...and in return we'll give you music plus chatting and hanging out and more. Other places to find us: Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont and Mike Onufrak Edit assists by Amelia Burger

TDf-oYz6hLQ | 21 Apr 2019
Andrew Gregory travels back in time to finish his duet from Auto-Tune the News #2. Full track on Patreon & Memberships! / Thanks again to Katie Couric for being a good sport through ATTN & reporting on this stuff before it was cool 🙏💖 : From 2009, Auto-Tune the News #2: Other places to find us: Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont Edit assists by Amelia Burger LYRICS: At the North Pole, new satellite photos show arctic ice is melting so fast Oh snap, how fast? Many scientists now predict it will be gone within 30 years Surely you jest––I'm under cardiac arrest, shawtayee Some researchers think it could disappear in just 6 / SHIT Without it, there could be a snowball effect (ohhhh) With temperatures rising even faster If we all don't take bold action and take it soon Yeah, we will find ourselves on Very thin ice (x4, building to harmony) Tell 'em, Katie, we'll be on very thin ice The temperatures rise We have to solve this cri - i - sis Of very thin ice At the South Pole an ice shelf the size of Connecticut Is in danger of melting Whatcha trying to tell me? Because the ice bridge that held it in place has shattered Take back whatcha said––I'm feeling existential dread, shawtayee! It's 1 of 10 ice shelves that have shrunk or collapsed / THAT'S BAD Some were 10,000 years old (so ooooold) Polar ice is the Earth's air conditioner If we all don't take bold action, and take it soon Yeah, we will find ourselves on Chorus Now it's 2019...the very thin ice is still liquefying I agree with 2009 me: we should keep our glaciers nice and icy At the UN, a new report emphasized just how dire the situation is Shit, how long we got to live? Adding rising populations to changes in rainfall and temperatures I came back in time and the hurricanes done lost they minds, shawtayee Here's hoping Congress comes together to act boldly (hopefully) The health of the Earth should not be a political football (truuuuue) Scientists say we can't afford to punt If we all don't take bold action, and take it soon Yeah, we will find ourselves on Chorus x2 Baby, I'm back, came to the past 10 years from the future We got gay marriage from the east coast to the left coast––no thanks to you, sir And we got rid of the pirates; now the ocean's quiet Put guns on the boats and now no one wants to try shit Legalized weed in a few states Other ones laggin but they take Vacations to the good states So they can all order postmates 10 years of schmoyoho And the accent's still on the yo Put a couple 0s on the sub count Time to do the end of the video plug now CHORDS: G# m D#m E C# m B - C# m D# (maj) #VeryThinIce #AutoTuneTheNews

r2fd2MiEu7g | 12 Apr 2019
Daenerys was talking about dancing this whole time.🤯 Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this, take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free at 🙏🙏🙏 People thought Daenerys Targaryen's strength was her leadership, fireproofness & dragon-taming, but it was actually her ability to start Westerosi dance crazes with her irresistible melodies. Even masters of brooding like Jon Snow can't help but lightly thrust their pelvii when they hear her dulcet tones. Join the channel to get audio goodies: (Also on Patreon)- Other places to find us: Song production/mix with Aaron Beaumont Edit assists by Amelia Burger LYRICS: Bend the Knee And you shall be free bend the knee together we will leave the world better bend the knee and do a dance with me bend the knee rich and poor I'll give you more step forward, my lord bend the knee (bend the knee) bend the knee to our queen and why would I do that? your father burned my grandfather alive why would I do that? if we don't defeat the dead, we'll die the dead? / there's no time! because I need your help and you need mine you're not guilty of your father's crimes but there's no time / it takes no time to bend the knee join me swear fealty in perpetuity enemies they shall all flee we will have peace and prosperity did you see the Dothraki? they hadn't crossed the sea but they did for me and did you see the dragons three? the world hadn't seen dragons in centuries chorus baby, if you bend the knee then the possibility of being deceased will surely be decreased and we can be together til we're seventy darlin, there's one thing we've got to do that can save both me and you i know we like the man with 6-pack abs 'cause that Jon Snow is a handsome lad but my greatest desire is to not be on fire prechorus + chorus repeat until the end of the universe CHORDS: chorus - F Dm E/G# E Am D(maj) Dm E Am D(maj) Am D(maj) verse - Dm G A C Dm G A C E prechorus - Dm E/G# Am A/C# Dm E/G# Am A/C# bridge - Am E F C Dm Am G C E Am E F C Dm Am G C E

r1C3Uzz3a0M | 09 Apr 2019
The tracks, instrumentals, and more magic🎁: - A wary nation becomes aware of the dangers of combining wind cancer with massive dumps. The tracks, instrumentals, and more magic- Other places to find us: Lyrics: This is Ronald reagan of course Riding on a dinosaur A rocket launcher, a machine gun, Unmistakable patriotism Reagan is super strapped Holding up a tattered American flag This is the real solution to climate change: Babies. American babies They’ll fix our problems American babies, babieees American babies So we don’t have to solve ‘em American babies, babieeees The real solution to climate change is: Fall in love and make some frickin’ babies My aspiration American babies, babies Is population American babies, babies x2 Wind I know a lot about wind, wind’s not so good. No, it doesn’t blow, you can forget about television windmills, the noise causes cancer, kills all the people windmills, just like a graveyard, they wipe out the bald eagles wind cancer, rahr rahr wind cancer, rahr rahr Do they call cancer just give us an answer The science tells us no. Julian Assange said there would be a, quote, massive dump Said there would be a massive dump So Mr. Trump Was aware of the upcoming dump? Yes. Though, sir, I don’t know whether he knew What the substance of the dump was Only that there was going to be a dump On speakerphone? Yes. And he was aware of that before the dump occurred? Yessir. Going to be a dump, a massive dump A massive dump, quote, massive dump, A dump I am ashamed that I chose to take part in the cover-up The cover-up of the dump, a massive dump A massive dump, quote massive dump A dump! I pray the country doesn’t see the dump I did many times How many times? 50 times? More. 100 times? More. 200 times? More. 500 times? Probably. It is painful to admit And so I lied about it Massive dump Was that disruptive? (blaring air horn) Was that disruptive? I know that you mean no disrespect But 10 years now for current events We’re like Oprah out here giving out bops Hit that horn and bring the drop (blaring air horn) How much louder do you want it More 10 times? More. 25 times? More. 16,000 times? More. American babies A massive dump American babies, babies Wind cancer, massive dump wind cancer, rahr rahr American babies riding on a dinosaur rahr rahr, american babies Sharks with fricking lasers on their heads feat. Mike Lee, Donald Trump, Elijah Cummings, Michael Cohen, Peter Welch, Jackie Speier, Joe Cunningham airhorn soloist

xL29A5K1IPI | 28 Mar 2019
Stream/Download the original track everywhere: Tommy Wiseau & Greg Sestero join the Avengers to end it all 💪. Check out Greg & Tommy’s new movie! ➡️ Thanks to PistolShrimps for VFX magic! ➡️ Thanks to Tommy Wiseau, check out his channel: Other places to find us ⬇️ More places to find Greg & Tommy’s new movie, Best F(r)iends ⬇️ iTunes: Best F(r)iends Volumes 1 & 2 Amazon Digital 1 & 2: Web/FB: Instagram: @bf_movie Twitter: @bf_movie #SongifyThis #SongifyTheMovies

5gBjZFmmpXs | 16 Mar 2019
Send memes for the next episode so the harmonies can intensify 🙏 JOIN to get this + every track & other goodies: Meme sources: Aladdin: Please Vaccinate by Grandayy: Shaggy Fight: Shaggy Interview: Oh Yeah Yeah: Negaoryx streaming reaction (cutest thing): Negaoryx YT channel: Ninja NYE Floss: Chuck E. Cheese: Moto Moto: Soulja Boy: Elon Musk laughs at Dead Deer: That’s How Mafia Works: Jake Paul & RiceGum Promote Gambling To Kids: Miles Morales Hey: Let Me In: Blue Shirt Kid: Some Computer Demon: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant Edit: Amelia Burger (

k4qzkQgXCOg | 01 Feb 2019
Bill Murray sings a Groundhog Day carol, bringing us all hope and/or despair depending on which day of Groundhog Day you're trapped in! Become a Schmo member & get all the track and extra goodies: (also on patreon) Other places to find us: Produced by / extra songifying by Aaron Beaumont Assistant Songificologist - Daniel Bryant Assistant Edit - Amelia Burger

3Orcj1i7tWk | 20 Jan 2019
We turned Cardi B's shutdown monologue into a song: Yeah Bitch / Nah Bitch Become a Schmo member & get all our tracks and extra goodies: (also, this track is free here- The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: (this is the extended version of our remix from a few days ago Song produced with Aaron Beaumont- Sources: original Cardi monologue - breakfast club (some history stuff) - more breakfast club - Cardi's Keep It Real Party -

AkX-MunOPdE | 21 Dec 2018
When Christmas music & love are both in the air, you have no choice but to dance. Get this song: Become a Schmo member & you get all the songs and extra goodies: Singer: Sarah Gregory Dancers: Libby Vogelgesang Cory Lingner Choreography: Andrew Black Camera/DP: Steven DiCasa PA: Amelia Burger, Victoria Barreti-Rhine Makeup: Chloe Nicole Support our music and videos- Other places to find us: #Schmoyoholidays

AhD6qHCADUQ | 14 Dec 2018
YouTube Rewind but memes become a Schmo & you can get all our songs & extra goodies: (also on patreon): this is Volume 3 of YouTube Schmowind: YouTube Rewind 2018, but memes, so a waterfall of memories washes over you as you think back to precious & cursed moments from this decade-long year *memes that issued copyright claims have been reenacted) meme sources: Rewind: Muffin Song: Carlos from NY (bitconnect) Pewdiepie Spaghet: Voiceover Pete Grandayy meme: Voiceover Pete channel: Johnny Johnny: The Globglogabgalab: Burger King Foot Lettuce: Hit or Miss cosplayer: Space Force: Steamed Hams: Zucc Grilling: Elon Musk Smoking: So Sorry: Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant Edit: Amelia Burger ( #Songify #YouTubeRewind #YouTubeSchmowind

S_hY-WIWEnk | 30 Nov 2018
It's cold as hell now, but Harnigan Woolstead teaches us why that's a wonderful thing. From our new xmas album- Become a Schmo & get all our songs (+ other membership perks): also with Taquan Gresham ( Willa Piro guest appearances by: Jonathan Scales ( E'Lon JD ( Maison Guidry ( DP - Steven DiCasa ( PA - Amelia Burger ( More goodies and behind the scenes- Track produced by Anthony LaMarca: Mixed by Jeremy McDonald: Mastered by Dan Millice - (album with): Alex Foote: Guitar Jay Foote: Bass Anthony LaMarca: Drums Justin Keller: sax Josh Rutner: sax Mike Maher: trumpet #SleighRideFireside #Schmoyoholidays

35TGastpM2E | 21 Nov 2018
Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Kanye reminds us how Wreck-It Ralph teaches the meaning of life. Full track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Additional Song Production: Michael Onufrak ( Assistant Edit: Amelia Burger ( Assistant Songificologist: Daniel Bryant #SongifyTheMovies

OD3DD04PtDE | 27 Oct 2018
Sarah gets spooky in the return of Happy Sad Songs. Sing with us on Smule: More Happy Sad Songs - Sponsored by Smule, the social network for music. Download the Smule App for free here - and search @GregoryBrothers to sing/dance/be hooligans with us (or just comment and be like 'yo, your rendition is flat.' Tag us in your performance with #SpookyGirls so we can see it 🙏 The track and other goodies- Other places to find us:

L2D0mXBqa14 | 24 Oct 2018
The dead fish: the cringe-iest weapon known to man. Made from last week's GARBAGE SONG suggestion! Thanks @Em A! GET THE TRACK by clicking JOIN (next to subscribe) or signing up at Only YOU can kill the YouTube Ad industry! Garbage Songs: Every Wednesday at 3:03pm, Fall 2018, we're going to improvise 4 songs LIVE based on YOUR suggestions––you can then vote on the best one...and we make it into a music video that lives forever. #GarbageSongs #TheButterflyEffect

nUOoQjV4lUc | 21 Oct 2018
In the run-up to the 2018 election, Americans have deep concerns about beer and the internet. Net Neutrality beat by Audyssey! - remix mad with Splice, thanks to them! Become a Schmo and get all our songs (+ other membership perks): or on Patreon- Follow us places: #SongifyTheNews #Beer #HamburgerPrices

mJLBbhxMgI0 | 10 Oct 2018
From your suggestion last week: Millennials Are Killing Everything (industries and also people)!! GET THE TRACK by clicking JOIN (next to subscribe) or signing up at Only YOU can kill the YouTube Ad industry! Garbage Songs: Every Wednesday at 3:03pm, Fall 2018, we're going to improvise 4 songs LIVE based on YOUR suggestions––you can then vote on the best one...and we make it into a music video that lives forever. In the trash. #Millennials #Murder #GarbageSongs

HQnOlxzrOs0 | 03 Oct 2018
What is wrong with the internet that made a Bowsette happen?? This is our Garbage Song. Garbage Songs: Every Wednesday at 3:03pm, Fall 2018, we're going to improvise 4 songs LIVE based on YOUR suggestions––you can then vote on the best one...and we make it into a music video that lives forever. In the trash. We premiere the video right before the next week's stream so you can see what your idiotic suggestions did to us! And then the cycle continues, forever until we die! Or until we say so! Last week on the livestream, you requested Bowsette, so HERE IT IS. ORIGINAL LIVESTREAM that inspired the song: THE NEXT WEEK'S LIVESTREAM with all new songs: Thumbnail art by: Get recordings of this and all our music by clicking Join on our channel or supporting us on Patreon #Bowsette #GarbageSongs

YeemJlrNx2Q | 23 Aug 2018
Zucc loves to smoke meat just like us, so he wrote this grill anthem 🥩 Track download: / Other places to find us: Production/Mixing with Michael Onufrak additional mixing with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger there is only one man who can s m o k e these m e a t s so effectively. this is a story of a man named Mark Zuckerberg who loves smoking meats. his love was so great that he changed his name to Zucc so that he could coin a catchphrase, "taste my zucculent meat!" it has yet to catch on but has potential. he wrote a song to spread the legend of his meat-smoking across the globe so that he could follow his true passion. #Zucc #Songify

_83tv11vpsY | 30 Jun 2018
Joel & Milk Thug go to a party and meet a mysterious pizza woman. 🍕🍕 Sing the songs with us on Smule: With the brilliant Roomie: (he’s good at other things besides frenching pizza) See the longer pizza date music video on his channel: Thanks to Smule (the social network for music) for sponsoring this! You can download the Smule App for free––Tap and search @GregoryBrothers or @RoomieOfficial to join us singing, dancing, or leave us a comment to let us know how we did on one of these songs (like Never Wake Up or She Appeared as a Pepperoni Pizza). If you share you duet to Instagram and add #PizzaLove we can see it and share our favorite on our Instagram Story 👌 All the songs on itunes: (or wherever you like getting songs) Other places to find us: Written by: Michael Gregory & The Gregory Brothers Directed by: The Gregory Brothers Steven DiCasa: DP Cody Buesing: First AC & so much more Paul Osorio: Sound Jonas Frisk: Magic/Whimsy Aaron Beaumont: General Sound Magic Amelia Burger: Asst. Edit, Asst. Producer, General Magic Dan Millice: song mastering, consternated theatergoer Joel: Joel Berlghult aka Roomie Milk Thug: Michael Gregory Sofia: Sarah Gregory Chad: Jonas Frisk Party Fouler: Evan Gregory Partygoers: Josh Brocki Stefan Sirucek Amanda Wallace Olga Raspirtova Saifan Shmerer Eric Simmons Valerio Celentano Roman Davidson Alyssa Martin Thanks to Laird, Isabella, and Edo at the Alamo Drafthouse for letting us shoot 🙏 #SchmoCinematicUniverse #Schmoyoho 0:00 Dragged to a Party 0:23 She Appeared as a Pepperoni Pizza 0:51 Lurking, Lingering, Looming, and Loitering 1:28 Making Words With My Mouth 2:48 Pizza Love 4:06 Directed By M Night Shyamalan? 4:42 Michael's Gotta Move 5:20 The End; We Love You, Shmos and Clan Of Being A Lil Bit Pitchy

Oa3RRFECxgU | 14 Jun 2018
Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc The world's favorite superhero, Frozone, and his sidekicks The Incredibles jump into action to save the world all while singing their own theme song. More episodes: The track and other goodies- Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger #SongifyTheMovies

_60Jfwsylb8 | 24 May 2018
Finally, we can all see the backstory we've all been waiting for: here's the first teaser trailer for Sand: A Star Wars Story Track on Patreon: Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger The First Trailer for Sand: A Star Wars Story, where we finally find out what caused everything to go so terribly wrong. Track on Patreon: #Songify #SongifyTheMovies

cBq2ubkvoWw | 11 May 2018
Support us on Patreon: //// A Kanye rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant within a Kanye rant within Kanye a rant, ... Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger Additional Production: Daniel Bryant #Kanye

fGQf4B0DBaQ | 03 May 2018
Don't forget to click on the notification bell! Haha RIGHT??? We're desperate. Get BTS & all our songs: Thanks for watching! and don't forget to BLORB that JIBBAJOB! follow us: snapchat: songify HQ referral: schmoyoho or arosegregory or getsomeevan or ameliaburgs MERCH STORE: YT Icons Sourced from Creative Commons courtesy of: Garage: Vectors Market Light Switch: Jeremy Loyd Rod: Sumana Chamrunworakiat Lever: Leonardo Schneider Knob: Chameleon Design Dial: IconMark Crank: Johannes S Film: Jayson Lim Tube: Mello Scraper: Arafat Uddin Leaf Blower: Atif Arshad Scalpel: Ben Davis Sandpaper: Daniel Luft Zipper: anam Illuminati Confirmed: Ryan Beck Ketchup: Joe Harrison Rose: Maxim Kulikov Perp: SBTS Jibbajob: Kyle Tezak Brain: Jamil Ramirez Penguin: Juan Felipe Mejía

g6QGFmobOLs | 27 Apr 2018
Will Loki Put down his spear, or does his obsession unstoppable?!? Watch the exciting conclusion of this video to find out! More Songify This! Get the song & Behind the Scenes: Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

QT5nVMEjoyU | 17 Apr 2018
Memedora's Box is opened once again, unleashing the secrets of the universe. track on Patreon: Sources: Hold Up: Globglogabgalab: Yodel Kid: Obama Loves Memes: Face Reveal: ME YOU YOU ME: Skinner invites Chalmers on steamed hams: Burger King Foot Lettuce: Gucci Gang: Obama dancing by Jesús Presinal (Nightwing) - Production - Aaron Beaumont - Asst. Edit - Amelia Burger -

CaUPiTDbNvQ | 26 Mar 2018
A storm gathers in our nation's capital as its denizens look to the sky and wonder: will everything fun be banned? With Jon Cozart: The track & other goodies: With dancing by Jesús Presinal (Nightwing) - find us on the other things: Production - Aaron Beaumont - Asst. Edit - Amelia Burger -

_AUXpnB065o | 16 Mar 2018
The Space Force® springs into action to defend the largest war-fighting domain in the galaxy: SPACE. Get this song so you can listen to it during your Space Force workout regimen! iTunes: Spotify: Although this is not the official theme song for the Netflix show Space Force starring Steve Carell, you can still pretend it is and play it before every episode. Get all our music and mysterious secrets on Patreon: Other places to tell us what to songify next: tiktok: songifythis Produced with Aaron Beaumont - Assistant editor: Amelia Burger "We're getting very big in space," is a thing the U.S. President actually said–– so if you're ready to sign up, welcome to Space Force! Check in here, grab a photon gun, and jump on the next ship headed to the Western Covenant Front #Songify #SpaceForce #Hairspray

PrrdFvXu1-o | 12 Feb 2018
ME WHEN MY SCIENCE TEACHER ASK ME IF I DID THE READING Chaz's amazing channel: Get Behind the Scenes Videos & Songs: WATCH FULL SCREEN PLZ on your phones to see captions. Find us on other things: snapchat: songifythis Asst. Songificologist: Daniel Bryant

geic-ci56xg | 10 Feb 2018
An ancient Prism of Memes is discovered, containing all of 2018. After the memes are unleashed, there's no turning back, no becoming who we once were. Get the song! - Get our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Please help us hunt the world for more ancient meme prisms that we can open Other places to find us: snapchat: songifythis Assistant editor: Amelia Burger #Songify #YouTubeRewind

oj4-wZpvuxA | 31 Jan 2018
After his prepared speech explodes before his very eyes, President Donald Trump searches his own mind for words to say, falling back on his favorite trope. Behind the Scenes Videos & More: Listening to the Access Hollywood tape two dozen times making this inspired us to donate to You should too, if you think that time is up for the tolerance of discrimination, harassment or abuse. By The Gregory Brothers Add'l Music Arranging & Production by Aaron Beaumont Add'l Editing & Design by Amelia Burger Add'l Graphic Effects by Dalibor Mitić follow us on all your computers

bHyhLXuoqW4 | 26 Jan 2018
FREE PIANAKIN: Songify Star Wars: hope you have a great day AND A GREAT LIFE. our other online things: (to use the Pianakin, just use our .exs file in Logic or Garageband or plug it into your own sampler on your DAW of choice)

h4HJjBCjSt4 | 16 Jan 2018 delivers the most inspiring pump-up speech in the history of pump up speeches. Get the track at:! Other glowing screens to find us inside: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

tXTTGJ894z0 | 14 Jan 2018
As news correspondents ponder the POTUS' statement that many Americans are from shithole countries, Philip Mudd steps up to the mic to declare that he is a proud shitholer in a tender, heartfelt ballad. TRACK DOWNLOAD: Source video: compilation: Other glowing screens to find us inside: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Music Assist - Alexander Tso - Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

koCmYJ-pdG8 | 23 Dec 2017
It's the end of the year, a time of merriment and cheer when we shout BING BING BING BONG...but don't say happy holidays to Kevin Sorbo or he will shout at you. FREE TRACK HERE- Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

DhkgohG9lTM | 15 Dec 2017
For decades, Luke desperately tries to reach his favorite hangout. WILL HE MAKE IT?! Thanks to Roy for the assist on some verses! Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc misadventures. Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Other places to find us: Music Production: Michael Onufrak Audio assist: Aaron Beaumont Edit assist: Amelia Burger 0:00 Tosche Station: The Saga Begins 0:39 My Only Hope 1:12 To Alderaan 1:39 Where Are You Going To Go? 2:09 What A Piece Of Junk 2:17 Chewie, Lock In The Auxiliary Power 2:49 You're Who? 3:15 3PO, Get Us To The Tosche Station 3:48 No, I Thought We Were Going Into Tosche Station 4:13 A Weakness In Defense 5:10 Stay On Target 5:34 Where's Commander Skywalker? 5:59 You Will Go To Dagobah 6:24 How Ya Feelin, Kid? 6:50 The Tragedy Of Dak The Brave 7:13 R2, Where Are You? 7:21 Feel The Force 7:43 Try Not––Do Or Do Not Go Into Tosche Station 8:09 Complete The Training 8:34 I Am Your Father; Join Me 8:59 Tosche Station: The Negotiation 9:24 Same As Always 9:49 Jabba's Last Chance 10:23 A Promise To Keep 10:47 You Must Confront Vader 11:13 Lil Mon Mothma Vert 11:53 Where's Leia? 12:19 I Have To Go (Why?) 12:44 Fulfill Your Destiny 13:24 The Tragedy Of Endor 13:50 Tosche Station: The Lost Saber 14:15 The Tragedy Of Rey The Dismissed 14:40 A Lifetime Of Pain And Searching #NeverForgetDak #Songify #SongifyThis

79SdtJKOrws | 12 Dec 2017
To make the ultimate pump-up track, we collaborated with the Olympic Channel to distill the tears of joy from Rio 2016 into a powerful tincture made of song. Check out these inspiring moments and much more on It's the best way to get pumped for PyeongChang 2018! Thank you to the amazing athletes whose feats and words inspired us: Sanne Wevers, Simone Manuel, Monica Puig, Andre de Grasse, Mo Farah, Kevin Durant, Casper Ulrich Mortensen, Hui Ruoqi and Nino Schurter. Follow the Olympic Channel: Subscribe Follow our other things: Get you some merch:

mj72DfGg5SI | 03 Dec 2017
free OH HI MARK piano at SONGIFY THE ROOM - hope you have a great day AND A GREAT LIFE. our other online things: (to use the Oh Hi Marksichord, just use our .exs in Logic or Garageband or plug it into your own sampler)

ttKn1eGKTew | 01 Dec 2017
Download/Stream this song everywhere! Tommy Wiseau's channel! Thanks to our friends for cheeping with us- Xavier Woods - Joe Bereta - Kevin Lieber - Johnny & Mark join The Avengers: All our tracks and bts on patreon: we made an OH HI MARK piano: Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger #Songify #OhHiMark

m9aFnvR_F4k | 17 Nov 2017
A war of words threatens to tear A Nephew and An Uncle apart...until they bridge the gulf between them with song. Get the song on Patreon: or iTunes ------------------------------ Written & Directed by The Gregory Brothers ------Starring----------- A Nephew - Michael Gregory An Uncle - Mikel Rouse Trump-loving Aunt - Bev Grant Trudeau-loving Niece - Dana Bergwall Redskins Fan - Juan Luis De Coss Concerned Mother - Audrey Kerzner Obstinate Peanut Butter Lover - Samantha Wendorf Irascible Preserve Preferrer - Frank Mazzetti Federal Reserve GMO Vaccine Designer #1 - Andrew Rose Gregory Federal Reserve GMO Vaccine Designer #2 - Evan Gregory ------Our Amazing Crew-------------- Producer - Rebecca Lundgren Associate Producer - Amelia Burger YouTube Space Superstar - Taylor Sassman Director of Photography - Steven DiCasa 1st Assistant to Camera - Cody Buesing Art Director - Amanda Wallace Art Assistant - Harry Kleeman Music Assistant - Aaron Beaumont Costuming - Bailey Nolan Hair and Makeup - Sophie Ono Production Assistant - Jason Malizia Production Assistant - Aidan McCarthy Production Assistant - Kirsten DiVenti ----------Lyrics----------- How did it ever come down to this How could I have been so blind My right wing uncle just doesn’t understand But maybe THIS will change his mind A steaming pile of socialist crap I don’t know my nephew anymore But I’ve got the perfect response To finally win this Facebook comment war! He must be lonely always being wrong, Typing in the dark with no pants on Can we compromise, harmonize Come together, see eye-to-eye Will you meet me in the middle… of my side since i’m right? Let’s just agree to agree with me And stop this silly fight Try to think outside your box Come bathe in my insight We can meet in the middle of my side since I’m right Trump is the best! I like Justin Trudeau! I like hot Canadians Okay maybe you should move up there then Sounds good, I love free medicine! Football is too violent Football is too violent Go Redskins That’s racist You are so P.C.! I love peanut butter I prefer preserves How are you related to me? You only friended morons who agree with you And it’s dumbing down your dumb stupid head You’re in an idiot sandwich And the internet is the bread Come meet me in the middle… of my side since you’re wrong. Tear down the wall between us Over here’s where you belong It’s not too late for you to admit You’ve been mistaken all along We can meet in the middle of my side since you’re wrong Racism, Feminism, Flat-earth-ism, Circumcision Is there any politician we could throw in prison Do I dab or twerk, Gif or Jif, And can I call a hot dog a sandwich Is the Federal Reserve using GMOs To 3D print vaccines that make babies explode What color was the dress, the two-state solution Every single problem has a simple resolution!!! Just meet me in the middle of my side Since you’re dumb You can practice having half a brain Giving my posts upward thumbs I’ve got all the answers What a shame that you’ve got none Just come meet me in the middle Just come meet me in the middle Just come meet me in the middle of my side Since you’re dumb

uh6roEF3TXI | 15 Oct 2017
in this tutorial, by mixing two VHS tapes we create an alternate reality in which Eminem & Trump engage in a rap battle over the Star Spangled Banner, with predictable results ORIGINAL:

oits7sq4nX0 | 06 Oct 2017
More Songify This!: A pastor reveals the truly sinister (and/or wonderful) nature of Pokémon––that it makes children join gangs and gives them incredible mind powers. Thanks to Everything Is Terrible for this classic video: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Follow our other things: Get you some merch: --------------------------- Music with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

FNh2ZsQkNus | 22 Sep 2017
For all true fans of the immortal PB, we made this anthem for the occasion of its 30th BD. Not an ad. Just an ode. Join us. Support our quest to make everything in the universe into a song! - get all our music too! Naturally, the music to this dope 80s movie had to be a dope 80s jam. Drop a comment on this video to suggest future songifications.

h2pe01hEwUg | 08 Sep 2017
GET THIS SONG - iTunes: Spotify: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - HELP US TURN EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE INTO A SONG ----------------- From the show Song Voyage. Song: The Gregory Brothers Vocals: Takeo Ischi Dope new track: Mike Onufrak VFX, motion graphics, super-intimidating chicken army illustrations: Beth Radloff Anime Gregorys: Thea Toyfull Chicken Attack shirts and hatssssssssssssss: #ChickenAttack #Takeo

UyfCSWPFXx0 | 18 Aug 2017
Rick, Morty, and Mr. Poopy Butthole serenade the world with the anthem of peace and love it needs, an anthem about Mr. Poopy Butthole. Thanks to /chetreo for collabing on this songification! - More Songify This! Get all our tracks and bts on schmotreon - Other places to find us: Production/Mix with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger ORIGINAL VIDEO: Rick and Morty - from S2/E04, S2/E05, S2/E10, and S1/E05

0xUrzzRWmNY | 05 Aug 2017
As you get pumped for Game of Thrones season 15, take this refresher course on everything that happened to Jon Snow & The Gang. Will Daenerys say he knows nothing?! - to read Game of Thrones with your ears [or other books] for free Get exclusive videos & this track from us here - Despite their desire to kill each other, the people of Westeros are united by singing about Jon Snow. ----- Pls subscribe so you don't miss the most important songs of the millennium about things like cheeseburgers and Jon Snow Also: (tracks, stems, other goodies) Production/Mix with Michael of House Onufrak - Edit Assist - Amelia of House Burger ( SOURCE VIDEO: the show Game of Thrones (

jcA--c2U4Wg | 28 Jul 2017
All star but it's in a minor key so it makes you question life & realize that the years start comin and they don't stop co Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - More Happy Sad Songs! - More Alli! - More G. Bros! - (tracks, instrumentals, stems, etc) Production/mix: Aaron Beaumont ( recorded libe®!!

8NkNcwzGCfQ | 14 Jul 2017
Frustrated with the press, Trump forms a family rap supergroup to get his message out. His friend Jim is saying rap is popular, very popular, one of the most popular. All our tracks on patreon: Subscribe, IT'S FREE: OTHER THINGS: Music Assist: Aaron Beaumont ( Edit ASsist: Amelia Burger

Aj5xTS53XaU | 09 Jun 2017
What a week to sing the news! James Comey arouses all of Washington, Pres Trump leaves the Paris Climate Accord after getting out-handshook by French Pres. Macron, then Theresa May have been surprised by the UK’s election results. Get it?? Featuring Gabe Dunn & Allison Raskin of Just Between Us! Full Macron song on Khaled Freak's channel - Get this track and all our music on Patreon. Follow our other things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Dancing Macron body by Cole Ryder: (coleryder_ on IG) Music with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger SOURCE VIDEOS: Pres. Trump on leaving the Paris Accord: Bernie Sanders v Mick Mulvaney: Comey hearing w Senate Intelligence Committee: Theresa May speech after UK election:

9Pvkv8LvYuc | 18 May 2017
The long-awaited rap battle between President Trump and FBI Director Comey comes with rapid-fire burns delivered under oath. Who will come out on top?! Whose album will chart higher?!?! Get this track and all our music plus instrumentals, stems, and more on Patreon. Follow our other things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Music with Michael Onufrak Music with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger SOURCE VIDEO: James Comey testimony - Jeffrey Toobin / Wolf Blitzer on Comey - Sally Yates testimony - Lester Holt / Donald Trump interview - Jeanine Pirro / Donald Trump interview LYRICS: Got a tweet from president an hour ago It’s not a leap to read the tweet in front of me, bro “The NSA and FBI tell Congress Russia did not influence the electoral process” This tweet has gone out to millions to be exact Is that accurate? / It’s hard for me to react We’ve offered no opinion on potential impact It’s something we never, never looked at The FBI is investigating Russian efforts to interfere I know part of human nature is speculating Please don’t draw any conclusions here Is the president’s wiretap statement true? We will follow the facts wherever they lead I can promise you, promise you I have no information to support those tweets [dance break] You’re fired President Trump has just fired FBI Director James Comey What a Shyamalan twist--in November they were tight homeys Good job by the FBI The investigation might’ve changed his mind This is completely outside what goes on in democracies (Nice rhyme) What kind of a country is this They will put in a stooge But could Curly, Larry, Moe, and Giuliani Get Senate-approved? What kind of country is this The emperor is not wearing any clothes That metaphor might work But it’s not worth thinking about the tiny, orange, wrinkly Tooooo0oOOoooes In 200 years of history Are you aware of the department formally Approving the legality Of policy -- and then defying that policy I’m not, but I’m also Not aware of no Situation where the office of legal Counsel was told Not to tell the attorney general Follow our other things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Music with Michael Onufrak Music with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger

sTYAJXc8K5Y | 22 Apr 2017
The Band from the Future travels to 1992 to accompany Severn Suzuki, who shames the United Nations & all the adults of the world into considering the ramifications of humans' actions on the environment. Original video: Find us in more places: Songified with the Amazing Danielson: Additional arranging & music by Aaron Beaumont Assistant edited by Amelia Burger

4yZ8Bs1JM1A | 16 Apr 2017
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - A cat with impressive strength takes over a Miami Marlins game, captivating the crowd with his/her athletic prowess. MORE SONGIFY THIS: ORIGINAL VIDEO: All our tracks on patreon: Other social things: Guitar goodness: Michael Onufrak ( Mix: Aaron Beaumont ( Assistant Edit & Studio Guru - Amelia Burger (

VHejC6M0goI | 19 Mar 2017
Several existential threats to society, like goats & microwaves are discussed by the most expert of experts. Featuring Boogie2988: Get the track, instrumental, ringtone, etc. on Patreon - Francis (Boogie2988) Songified!: Follow our other things to see things: our stuff you can wear/hang: --------------------------- Music Assistance/Production: Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor & Studio Guru: Amelia Burger SOURCES: Drew Ferguson on goats: Tucker Carlson & Bill Nye (we knoooowwww): Kellyanne Conway on microwaves: (usa today) (abc) (cnn) (morning joe talking about conway) Sanders / Lucion at WV town hall:

rH7eX8c_bC8 | 16 Mar 2017
HERE'S THE SONG FOR FREE: Thank you. Yes, you [if you subscribed] for subscribing. All the videos in this video: (obama sings to shawties) (oh my dayum) (chicken attack) (backin up) (bed intruder) (tom brady perfect balls) (how to use a public restroom) (STN 5, Bang the President) (milk thug) (unbelievable [bread-hand]) (happy sad songs) (DJ Play My Song) (Love is Like Drugs [andrew in basement]) (Obama Mic Drop: 1999 [naked evan]) (Obama Out) (Bad Hombres, Nasty Women) (BTS: Final Debate Songified) (STN 7: Naked Men) (Trump Clinton Face-Off) (I'm a Death Worm) (Song Voyage: Mongolia) (Confidence [from Song Voyage: Vietnam]) (JUST DO IT) (Trump Goes Hard) (Winning) (Double Rainbow Song) (STN 1: Get Money, Turn Gay) (Drunk Frat Boy for One Night) (Star Wars Musicals) (Penguin on Me [from Song Voyage: S. Korea]) (ATTN 10: Turtles) (Sexy Motha) (Herp de Derp) (STN 3: Flying Robts) (Not Today) (ATTN 2: pirates. drugs. gay marriage.) (Can't Hug Every Cat) (Legalize Everything) (Hello Again) (Blind Date Fedora Prank) (Winston Churchill w/ band from future) (JFK w/ band from future) (Everybody ft. Literally Everybody) (ATTN 8: Auto-Tune the News #8: dragons. geese. Michael Vick.) (STN 6: Too Many Abs) (ATTN 4: Auto-Tune the News #4: spa regulation. serbians. sotomayor.) SORRY WE DIDN'T GET IN ALL VIDEOS--hopefully sometime we can make a mega-mashup with every video ever made (by everyone) And everyone asks us what it means It's just a reflection of your dreams It shifts and changes with the wind Bends space and time to its every whim see us on other things:

fGHOWfXmkH0 | 22 Feb 2017
In an attempt to write a really catch reggae song, The Gregory Brothers unwittingly uncover the true identity of Filipino reggae singer Jeck Pilpil: international criminal mastermind. Best deal on the Internet? Get all our songs (including this one!) for $2 a month: Hope you've enjoyed our SONG VOYAGE! Because this was the last episode! // Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory Featured Artist: Jeck Pilpil & Peacepipe Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers Directed by: Dan Eckman Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. Jeck Pilpil & Peacepipe Produced by Portal A Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers Line Producer: Jeff Winkler Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers Editors: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde Assistant Editor: Jake Keller Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill Graphics and Title Artist: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller Special Thanks: Mads Adrias, Rhea Carpio, Jako de Leon, Quark Henares

ORLomtdXlDQ | 17 Feb 2017
As the new administration settles in, pundits and advisors alike rush to the news to premiere an exciting new type of aspiring fact in the return of Songify the News. Anna Akana’s channel: Get the song, ringtone, and instrumental on Patreon - Anna Akana Songified!: Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Music with Michael Onufrak Music with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger Tasty Background Vocals: Jenna Smith - VIDEO SOURCES - Alternative facts - Stephen Miller (dead people) - Couric & Murkowski - Trump & Trudeau - Sean Spicer re: inauguration - LYRICS: Chuck Why put him out there for the very first time To utter a falsehood You’re saying it’s a falsehood They’re giving Alternative facts Alternative facts? Alternative facts Why did he do that Alternative facts are much better than truth Anything you don’t like you can substitute With a much better version of reality Like right now i’m on a boat in the Caspian Sippin champagne while you count cash for me Making sure i got my 8-figure salary Why? Alternative facts Alternative facts? Alternative facts Why did he do that Alternative facts are not facts, they’re falsehoods Don’t be so overly dramatic about it Are you bracing yourself for a critical tweet I cannot live in fear of a tweet, tweet We need to work for the people that we represent Not fear a tweet by the president But don’t you know that a tweet can kill Look at what happened with Drake and Meek Mill I cannot live in fear of a tweet, tweet Our relationship is built on mutual respect Relationships between neighbors are complex The last thing Canadians expect Is for me to come lecture you on what’s correct Oh, that’s how they do a Canadian diss track Be so polite you can’t even fight back Our responsibility is to connect, project, and reflect respect to the world OH! Merci beaucoup - OH! Dead people voting, dead people voting We should be aghast about the fact Of dead people voting You have provided zero evidence We can talk about it more in the future Do you have any evidence We know for a fact, nobody disputes that Zero evidence The whole world will soon see The powers of the president Will not be questioned General Flynn enjoys the confidence of the President Breaking news, Michael Flynn has resigned Two Iraqis were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green Massacre A massacre in Bowling Green never happened Did anyone in Trump’s campaign have contact with russians? Absolutely not, not New allegations of connections to Russia Quiet, Russia is fake news, quiet quiet quiet I’m sorry, i’ve spoken millions of words on TV So many words I know what it’s like to have the haters descend upon me So many haters, yeah When you’re on TV saying so many words You can’t help but drop a couple little turds But if it smells bad you should just relax And spray the febreze of Alternative Facts! Alternative Facts Dead People Voting Alternative Facts Tweeeeeeet This was the largest inauguration PERIOD In the history of our nation PERIOD Why - Alternative Facts The leaks are real, the news is fake - PERIOD Drugs are cheaper than candy bars - PERIOD Alternative Facts Alternative Facts? Alternative Facts Why did he do that?

hvVYFAbo-A0 | 08 Feb 2017
Come back for the next episode of Song Voyage - Wednesday, Feb. 22nd! Here in Australia we learn about the didgeridoos (and don’ts) of music in The Outback, sorry, sorry, couldn't resist that pun. Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - // Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory Featured Artist: David Hudson Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers Directed by: Dan Eckman Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. David Hudson Produced by Portal A Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers Line Producer: Jeff Winkler Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers Editors: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde Assistant Editor: Jake Keller Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill Graphics and Title Artists: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller Special Thanks: Lawrence Woodward #SongVoyage

miomuSGoPzI | 25 Jan 2017
TAKEO RETURNS- Chicken Pig Attack: Stream the track - FULL JAPAN EPISODE: All our songs & bts videos - Next Episode of SONG VOYAGE - Wednesday, February 8th! Come back to see us bumble around AUSTRALIA! // Takeo Ischi, the greatest Chicken Yodeler the world has ever seen, returns to the Internet with a new addition to the oeuvre of Chicken Yodeling. // Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory Featured Artist: Takeo Ischi Also Starring: Aoshi, Ichiriki Yamamoto, Narashino Seiryukutsu, Tekubi Ashikubi Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers Directed by: Dan Eckman Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. Takeo Ischi Produced by Portal A Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers Line Producer: Jeff Winkler Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers Editor: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde Assistant Editor: Jake Keller Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill Graphics and Title Artist: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller Special Thanks: Chikayo Morijiri, Daijiro Yamamoto, Ryuzo Tsutsui #TakeoCinematicUniverse #ChickenAttack #SchmoCinematicUniverse

LEuY5GMfyoc | 21 Jan 2017
Trump makes an unprecedented move for his inauguration ceremony by performing with 3 Doors Down and The Piano Guys, aiming to shock his audience with both his jingoistic speech and avant-garde atonality. TURN ON CAPTIONS for lyrics. All our songs go on Piano Guys/3 Doors Down Only version: -------------- get stuff you can touch: other places to see us: Production & Mixing - Aaron Beaumont Add'l Editing & Awesomeness - Amelia Burger 0:00 Grand Entrance 0:20 Wagner, For....Reasons 0:33 Darkness and American Carnage 1:01 Piano Guys 1:14 Verse 2: Tombstones 1:28 Piano Guys: Now With More Shouting 1:48 Verse 3: Blood 2:07 Final Hook: This Time With A 30s Filter For...Reasons 2:51 Grand Finale 3:36 Credits and Portals to Other Memes #Songify #SongifyThis

G631P7v5LjE | 19 Jan 2017
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Barack Obama says goodbye to a thankful nation the only way he knows how: shredding a killer hook with with a retinue b-boy public servants 🔥🔥🔥. Thanks to Thomas Sanders for guesting! Certified best deal on the internet - Get this and ALL our songs for $2 a month - -------------- buy things u can touch: Follow our other things to see things: Featured Dancers - Jillian Roberts - Cole Ryder - Production & Mixing - Aaron Beaumont Guitars - Mike Onufrak VFX Senpai - Alex "Muffins" Friedman Add'l Editing & Awesomeness - Amelia Burger Add'l Graphics - Morgan King

_qkJXiDIWEQ | 11 Jan 2017
Next Episode of Song Voyage - Wednesday, January 25th! // The Gregory Brothers' SONG VOYAGE takes them onwards to Mongolia, where they are momentarily distracted from their mission of creating world peace through music by the urgent need for them to murder The Mongolian Death Worm. New episodes every other Wednesday! Get all our songs for $2 a month: // Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory Featured Artist: HOSOO Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers Directed by: Dan Eckman Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. HOSOO Produced by Portal A Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers Line Producer: Jeff Winkler Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers Additional Music Production & Guitar Shredding: Alex Foote Editor: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde Assistant Editor: Jake Keller Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill Graphics and Title Artist: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller Special Thanks: Chinzorig “Chinzo” Chuluunbaatar, Byarbaatar "OB" Oyunbold, Karina Moreton, Emily Sykes, Enkhjargal "Enkhee" Enkhsaikhan

J6LegIHjyOU | 28 Dec 2016
New Song Voyage episodes every other Wednesday! Subscribe for more episodes of Song Voyage: Go on a Song Voyage to South Korea with The Gregory Brothers. Watch the full episode → Get this song and loads more for $2/month: Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Choreography by Doobu - Singing with LeeSA and - Directed by Dan Eckman - Other machines to follow us on: buy our stuff: About Song Voyage: Follow The Gregory Brothers as we bumble through Australia and Asia to collaborate with international musicians in remote locales. In each episode, we’ll transform unforeseen challenges into wild success stories with nothing but our slow wits to guide us past a variety of pitfalls. Whether it’s helping an infamous Japanese Yodeler or surviving the stark Mongolian wilderness to fight the infamous Mongolian Death Worm, us musical nomads will find new adventures, seek inspiration, and forge new friendships wherever we go.

xqc6Vvq10_I | 17 Dec 2016
Jar Jar, Leia, Anakin, and the whole gang sing the classics from Star Wars' failed 1975 musical. Full Tosche Station: Full Sand song: New Episode: Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Music with Aaron Beaumont and Michael Onufrak Assistant editor: Amelia Burger Jar Jar FX by Alex Friedman

j7Wsbb7Yrbs | 14 Dec 2016
Sarah learns an important lesson about confidence in the streets of Saigon, Vietnam. Watch the full SONG VOYAGE episode here: Get the track here or whichever of the 20 streaming services you use: Get all our songs for $2 a month: Other machines to follow us on: buy our stuff: ------------- // SONG VOYAGE Created by Portal A ( and the Gregory Brothers Starring the Gregory Brothers: Andrew Gregory, Evan Gregory, Michael Gregory, Sarah Gregory Featured Artists: Suboi: Kimmese Guest Stars: Tran Van Quan, Kyle Le, Yevato “Oldboy” Kim, Nhat Phuong Executive Producers: Nate Houghteling, Kai Hasson, Evan Bregman, Zach Blume, and the Gregory Brothers Directed by: Dan Eckman Written by: Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg Original Song by: The Gregory Brothers ft. Kimmese & Suboi Produced by Portal A Co-Producers: The Gregory Brothers Line Producer: Jeff Winkler Associate Producers: Jenny Leaf, Brendan Nahmias Consulting Producers: Meggie McFadden, D.C. Pierson Director of Photography: Graham Sheldon B-Cam/Sound/Swing: Rin Ehlers Editor: Jeff Striker, Brad Allen Wilde Assistant Editor: Jake Keller Visual Effects Artist: Tanner Merrill Graphics and Title Artist: Tess Hannel, Jake Keller Special Thanks: Chu Thi Mai Suong

mTjA4R3zuM8 | 03 Dec 2016
Kevin McAllister brutally attacks two men while rapping alongside them--just to bring you holiday cheer! Get the song & many extra treats at Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Music & Songification with Aaron Beaumont Assistant editor: Amelia Burger #Schmoyoholidays

q8gPRE60Xcc | 18 Nov 2016
The people of Commerce City, Colorado are alarmed! Because what they thought was simply an earthquake is in fact a very, very loud Bassnectar concert. Support our videos on PATREON! Original news report - Assistant Songification/Mixing: Aaron Beaumont Wanna know How To Music? Here's our guide, part 3: --------------------------- Other machines to follow us on: buy our stuff:

HX9y5GamUpY | 07 Nov 2016
This is a 360° video, so you can drag on the video to change your view -- watch it on wi-fi so you can turn up the resolution! Produced with our Amazing VR partner, Wevr - get the track on Patreon - Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: --------------------------- Directed by The Gregory Brothers Written by The Gregory Brothers, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump VR Director - Luis Blackaller Donald Trump - Craig Irwin Hillary Clinton - Brenda Salamone Produced by Anthony Batt Produced by Luis Blackaller Executive Producer Anthony Batt Creative Director Luis Blackaller Co-Producer - Matt Green Co-Producer - Scott Shiffman Co-Producer - Sam Day 1st Assistant Director - Mike Hart Cinematography - Marcus Johannes Camera Operator - Steve Galle Gaffer - Zach Rasmussen Visual Effects Supervisor - Zach Hansen Production Designer - Kristina Gallegos Casting - Natalie Avital Extras Casting - Jessica Jauch Production Coordinator - Dustin Goldberg Production Assistant - Julian Matulich Production Assistant - Marie Furter Music by The Gregory Brothers Sound Design The Gregory Brothers Assistant Songification - Aaron Beaumont Assistant Songification - Daniel Bryant Sound Recording Engineer Steve Galle Edited by The Gregory Brothers Wevr Assistant Editor - Zach Hansen VR Post Production - Wevr Post Production Manager - Zach Hansen 2D Animation - The Gregory Brothers 2D VFX Guru - Alex "Muffins" Friedman 2D Assistant Editor - Amelia Burger 360 Stereoscopic Visual effects artist and compositor - Zach Hansen 360 Stereoscopic Visual effects artist and compositor Alejandro Taylor Special Thanks Neville Spiteri Scott Yara

ohIisKwUvsY | 04 Nov 2016
JonTron and Milk Thug go on an accidental journey discussing love and marshmallow clouds. Full music video on JonTron's channel! - Marshmallow Clouds section directed by Mike Diva - All the songs here - our other social things- Thanks to everyone who helped out - Song mixing - Michael Onufrak Song mastering - Dan Millice Scroll Art - Zach Hadel Kristin Taylor - SDGAF Claris Park - barista Jayson Wesley - coffee shop patron Isidore Elias - flasher Meshach Jackson - klutz on street Erin Leigh Schmoyer - Dostoevsky-hater Tamara Barrett - jogging woman Danielle Durchslag - various roles, production assistant Elaine Liebmann - dopamine enthusiast on street Faye Franzini - businesswoman Calvin Serrano & Mike Diva - Marshmallow Clouds VFX Aaron Nelson-Purcell - rotoscope magic Alex Friedman - Scroll VFX German Gorbachov - VFX Maximilian Lewin - director of photography Adam Volerich - 2nd camera Amanda Wallace - costumes Eric Wiley - production designer Nick Bohun - audio Maria Huggins - hair/makeup Colby Smith - gaffer Chuck Astuto - DIT/grip Meshach Jackson - producer Luke Williams - production assistant Candace Clymer - production assistant Jackie Russo - poster art PashaStudio - color Andrew Rose Gregory - dealer, script supervisor Michael Gregory - Milk Thug, director Sarah Gregory - narrator Evan Gregory - UPS man, first assistant director JonTron - Jon, weaver of dreams and magic Mike Diva - Marshmallow Clouds director, beacon of hope Filmed at City of Saints Coffee Roasters in NYC 👌👌 (the Meserole St. location) - except not the creepy basement part or the marshmallow clouds part, those were filmed in creepy basements and among marshmallow clouds #SchmoCinematicUniverse 0:00 Marshmallow Clouds 1:02 I Thought You Went On, Like, 2 Dates With That Girl 1:29 SDGAF 2:05 The Tragedy Of The Bro Handshake 3:41 Bein In Love Is Like Bein On Drugs 4:39 Crittenden County 5:58 MEDIUM, PLEASE 6:45 Let's Finish What We Started 7:51 And We All Learned Something New That Day

FdBF6h7oH5I | 21 Oct 2016
Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - BUY THE TRACK: The final debate between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton opens up a wormhole to another universe that sucks "Weird Al" Yankovic through it to moderate in the key of Bb minor. All Things Weird Al: - G.Bros songs: - our IMMENSE THANKS TO NICE PETER for helping make this happen ur our hero- AND to Petra Haden for lending her inimitable, dulcet soprano - Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: Additional songification: Daniel Bryant: Alexander Tso: Aaron Beaumont: VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman Mixing: Aaron Beaumont: Mike Onufrak: Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - ----------- LYRICS Such a nasty woman He choked (wrong) He choked (wrong) He goes around with crocodile tears Wrong, such a nasty woman We have so many adversaries overseas Can we all agree to be frenemies? I would work with our allies in the middle east That’s the only way we’re going to keep the peace Mosul Mosul Mosul so sad so sad It’s a catastrophe so bad so bad Can everyone achieve the American Dream? Or should they sign up for my Ponzi scheme? We are going to go where the money is We are gonna help small businesses Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy, Right now our country is dying dying big league big league Why should you run the show? We’ve gotta do more Tell us cause we need to know We need to get all of the drug lords Two more weeks until we vote You’ll get shot walking to the store Who should really run the show Donald got into a twitter war For the supreme court who would you choose? Please don’t say me I’m a busy dude The supreme court it’s what it’s all about But the second amendment is under such such trauma I understand and respect gun ownership I hope the senate confirms the nominee of President Obama To stop a cold war what should we be doing? Would you go thumb wrestle Vladimir Putin? I don’t know Putin. This is not my best friend Outsmarted Hillary and she’s playing chicken. Look at the start up they signed You are willing to spout the Putin line Cyber attacks from the Kremlin Designed to influence our election Putin has a very clear favorite in this race He’d rather have a puppet as president of the united states Why should you run the show? We have horrible deals Tell us ‘cause we need to know Donald bought Chinese steel Two more weeks until we vote I should win easily Who should really run the show, the show He’s talking down our democracy It’s so dishonest I say it’s rigged She should never have been allowed to run based on what she did I see Our democracy works we’ve had free and fair elections Donald thinks things are rigged every time things are not going in his direction We have some bad bad hombres here And we’re gonna get ‘em out It’s what it’s all about Bad hombres Why should you run the show? I want to raise the minimum wage Tell us ‘cause we need to know Our country is so outplayed Two more weeks until we vote We invest from the ground up Who should really run the show, the show Our jobs are being suck sucked

PneUk30Cqq0 | 10 Oct 2016
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Martha Raddatz host a debate that is totally normal in every way, including the way that both candidates sing their answers in soothing melodies. BUY THE TRACK! Support our quest to Songify the entire universe: The Songify 2016 T-Shirt: Read our New York Times' Director's Statement: Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: Additional songification: Daniel Bryant: Alexander Tso: VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - LYRICS Now it’s time to see who relates To ordinary people at the town hall debate I’ve got three babies And I want them to respect the ladies If our leaders keep grabbing genitals Can I stop them from acting crazy Ooooh who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? I have respect for women Nobody has more respect than I do You have ISIS chopping off heads Drowning people in steel cages Please stay on topic Ooh please stay on topic It’s locker room talk It’s one of those things We have so many bad things happening We all heard what he does to women We’ve seen him rate them from 1 to 10 He has also targeted immigrants Latinos and African Americans What’cha gonna do? I can promise you I’ve set forth some big goals Ooh what’cha gonna do? We have unbelievable clean coal Ooh what’cha gonna do? Make college affordable She said deplorable, irredeemable! Ooooh who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? Moving on now! I write of everything I can Whenever I do my taxes So how come every time April comes I pay a higher rate than Daniel Radcliffe Ooooh who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? I knock out the tax code It’s like a national catastrophe Folks, folks, look at me She is raising your taxes massively I voted to close Corporate loopholes The gains have all gone to the top He claimed a billion dollar loss That’s a lot! What’cha gonna do? We are back on the right track Ooh what’cha gonna do? Why can’t they do a sneak attack? Ooh what’cha gonna do? There’s nothing america can’t do What do you have to lose? Tell me who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? Nest question! Dad had the best job mining coal But those jobs got shipped away Do I have to move to China If I wanna mine coal every day? Ooooh who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? Those coal miners lost their lives Revitalize, turned on the lights That’s why we don’t leave people behind But the price of coal is down worldwide We have tremendous wealth right under our feet Our energy companies, they’ll compete The environmental protection agency Is killing these energy companies What’cha gonna do? I can promise you I’ve set forth some big goals Ooh what’cha gonna do? There’s a thing called clean coal Ooh what’cha gonna do? Make college affordable She said deplorable, irredeemable! Who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out? I’ve got problems Who’s gonna solve them? Gotta solve my problems (Who’s gonna work it out, baby Who’s gonna work it out?) Gotta solve my proooooobleeeems At the town hall debate, baby.

zmaWzaCxp8k | 05 Oct 2016
VP Candidates Tim Kaine & Mike Pence engage in a Battle of Dads® to determine who will be the most powerful sidekick in the world. BUY THE TRACK! Score ringtones & more goodies at The Songify 2016 T-Shirt: Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: Mixed by Mike Onufrak Additional songification by Aaron Beaumont: AND Danielson742 - Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman LYRICS Let’s go, 1-2-3 Fight! If Donald Trump had said all the things you said he said In the way you said he said them That’s small potatoes Trump called Mexicans rapists (whoa) He went after John McCain He said African Americans are living in hell During his campaign That’s small potatoes How can you make the economy stronger So I don’t have to work this job any longer? An avalanche of regulation coming out of this administration Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want more of the same Hillary and I have a you’re hired plan Donald Trump has a you’re fired plan Donald Trump, why would he do this? Donald trump is a businessman That is absolutely false. With all due respect You’re about to get WRECKED tonight It’s a dad cage fight If Donald Trump had said all the things you said he said In the way you said he said them That’s small potatoes Trump called Mexicans rapists (whoa) He went after John McCain He said African Americans are living in hell During his campaign That’s small potatoes Why are the wars in the middle east like the groundhog game at Chuck E Cheese? She wiped out Bin Laden, She’ll get Baghdadi Here’s her plan to- Iraq’s overrun by ISIS This administration created a vacuum. When it comes to immigrants from the south Should we relax or kick everybody out? Donald Trump believes in deportation You whipped out that Mexican thing again There are criminal aliens in this country, Tim He’s not a polished politician like Hillary Clinton Donald trump can’t start a twitter war with miss universe without shooting himself in the foot Trump wrote a book said social security is a ponzi scheme –Look If Donald Trump had said all the things you said he said In the way you said he said them That’s small potatoes Trump called Mexicans rapists (whoa) He went after John McCain He said African Americans are living in hell During his campaign That’s small potatoes

95AR87ciruc | 27 Sep 2016
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - In a first for U.S. presidential debates, Debbie Harry & Chris Stein of Blondie joined the candidates to transform their mortal arguments into heavenly duets. BUY THE TRACK! Follow Blondie: Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: Mixed by Mike Onufrak Additional songification by Aaron Beaumont: Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman LYRICS: I spoke to Sean Hannity Everybody refuses to call Sean Hannity Sean Hannity, nobody calls Sean Hannity I said the war’s a stupid thing If somebody would call Sean Hannity Woo! Okay! Oh why should we vote for you? Japan! They don’t pay. What magical things will you do? We should raise the minimum wage. I know how to win, she does not. We should build an economy not for those at the top. I think about this a lot. Oh Why should we vote for you? Should we try to keep the peace in the middle east or give up and use the money to cure herpes? We should’ve taken the oil, now they have the oil all over the place We’ve got to defeat ISIS, I was involved in taking out Bin Laden as Secretary of State. [guitar question] Trumped up trickle down, that’s what it would be That is not how we grow the economy. Don’t let the jobs leave, we can stop the companies Stop them from leaving. I built an unbelievable web site. So if you wanna see in real time the home page of my web site, please go - And take a look at mine You’ve been fighting ISIS your entire adult life. I spoke to Sean Hannity Everybody refuses to call Sean Hannity Sean Hannity, nobody calls Sean Hannity I said the war’s a stupid thing If somebody would call Sean Hannity Am I hallucinating, or is this debate just crazy Why should we vote for you? My son’s so good with computers, he’s 10 years old. What magical things will you do? He should not have the nuclear codes. They’re taking our jobs. Donald called women pigs, dogs, and slobs. Our countries in trouble, a big fat bubble. I spoke to Sean Hannity Everybody refuses to call Sean Hannity Sean Hannity.

oxUdjUvN1Ew | 15 Sep 2016
AN EXPERIMENT- we changed some songs from major to minor & vice versa to see what would happen. Get the songs here: Or the album & a shirt here: (the songs are also on itunes if that's your thing: watch us on every computer: FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - VINE - GOOGLE PLUS - STORE - make songs with app machines: Songify iOS: Songify Android: Piano iOS: Piano Android: Sing iOS: Sing Android: Obbiously [sic], we changed several aspects of these songs--keys/modes/tempos/arrangements--but the main focus with this project is to hear major songs in a minor mode & minor songs in a major mode. Not everyone hears major as happy and minor as sad, and neither do we 100% of the time, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, WE'RE GOING WITH IT ANYWAY BIG THANKS to: Aaron Beaumont (produced lots of the arrangements): Meshach Jackson (producer): Steven DiCasa (DP): Chuck Astuto (editor): Amelia Burger (editor):

6muqVXTuZLU | 22 Aug 2016
Ryan Lochte knows the only way to become America’s sweetheart once again is to go full Cusack and woo us in song. Featuring Roomie! - Original Interview - Mixing/Guitar shredding: Michael Onufrak - Bonus assist: Daniel Bryant - --------------------------- Other machines to follow us on: buy our stuff:

MkVNKkoye_o | 05 Aug 2016
To get pumped for the Olympics, the stars of Cool Runnings reunited to get you super juiced up. The 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics of course! WAIT WHAT THE SUMMER OLYMPICS START TODAY?!? Well tbh it's still a very summery movie. ⛸🏃🏿⛰🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲 --------------------------- Other machines to follow us on: buy our stuff: ------------------------ Songified with Alexander Tso: Produced with Mike Onufrak ----- Lyrics Three of these guys can run the 100 in under 10 flat It was me who let you down, they've done everything you asked Those guys have earned the right to wave their nation's flag It's the single greatest honor an athlete can ever have! You know they can't believe we have a bobsled team! Cool Runnings! Now look in the mirror, tell me what you see! A bad-ass mother who don't take no crap from nobody! Pride! Power! A bad-ass mother, a bad-ass mother! I am not a lost little boy father, I am a man! I am not a lost little boy mother, I'm an Olympian! Three of these guys can run the 100 in under 10 flat It was me who let you down, they've done everything you asked Those guys have earned the right - RESPECT! To wave their nation's flag It's the single greatest honor an athlete can ever have! Tell me again - Pride! Pride! Power! Can't hear you! I am not a lost little boy, father, I am a man! I am not a lost little boy, mother, I'm an Olympian! Again! I am not a lost little boy, father, I am a man! I am not a lost little boy, mother, I'm an Olympian!

4hYC9jR2Wwo | 29 Jul 2016
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - On a truly historic night, Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman nominated for president by a major party to drop a fiery diss track 🔥🔥🚒🚒 BUY THE TRACK! --------------------------- Other machines to follow us on: buy stuff: ------------------------ Produced with Mike Onufrak Pearrie Hammie as Hillary Clinton Thomas Gardner as Bill Clinton - Taquan Gresham as The Exploding Attendee VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman Additional Songification: Aaron Beaumont - Assistant editing & GFX: Meshach Jackson - - Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - Lyrics: (indeterminate dinosaur comments) Can’t trust a man you can bait with a tweet Don’t let anyone tell you that our country is weak He insults John McCain, who deserves our respect Ignores his debts--what the heck? Bernie and I will work together We all know he’s a national treasure Me and Bernie Bernie and me On the same side We need to fight Against Donald Trump’s tweets Fight against the tweets (Fight the tweets) Bernie and me, fight against the tweets (Fight the tweets) Bernie and me No one’s more disappointed than I am tonight But we need to fight Fight the tweets 40 hours a week Bridges are better than walls So pokemon go to the polls (Never, ever, ever forget it) Do for her what you did for me I ask you to carry Hillary In this election, this year Reject cynicism and reject fear Me and Bernie Bernie and me (and me) On the same side We need to fight Against Donald Trump’s tweets Fight against the tweets (malarkey) ( Fight the tweets) Bernie and me, fight against the tweets (Fight the tweets) Bernie and me The DNC and the emails Putting a finger on the scales What the hell? I heard they’ve got an excuse, though It was just a Russian prank, bro Hack or no hack, it made me cringe into my couch crack Found a crusty cheetoh that I never thought I’d get back Me and Bernie Bernie and me (Fight the tweets) (Repeating a tweet Tweeting and repeating a tweet) (sax solo) Me and Bernie Bernie and me On the same side We need to fight Against Donald Trump’s tweets Fight against the tweets (Fight the tweets) Bernie and me, fight against the tweets (Fight the tweets) Bernie and me Actual Trump Tweets:

4oAOAZLhL5k | 22 Jul 2016
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Donald J. Trump takes the throne from The Republican Party the only way he knows how: by throwing down hard with incredible style, pizzazz, and humiliation of his former rivals. But will a cheeseburger-loving opponent from his past take the humiliation AS FUEL FOR A GAME OF THRONES STYLE REVENGE PLOT?!? get the track: Other machines to follow us on: snapchat: songifythis STORE: Produced with Michael Onufrak - Music assistance from Aaron Beaumont - Choreography/dancers from Pearrie Hammie Dance Group- (Pearrie Hammie [@pearriehammie] and Taquan Gresham - Additional FX & Gen'l Badassery by Meshach Jackson:

DAFhtY_wHyY | 23 May 2016
Even traveling through hyperspace to win a pod-race on Tatooine could not give a human being the simple joy of wearing a Wookiee mask. Original video by Candace Payne: Find us on all the things: snapchat: songifythis Buy our stuff: Production & Mixing from Aaron Beaumont: Additional Songification by Alexander Tso: Over-All Assistantry - Meshach Jackson

YcGPSnswzjc | 20 May 2016
Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Donald Trump comes out swinging and proves to have the 2nd best flow in the politician game, behind only the Prime Minister of The Marshall Islands, Eminem. BUY THE TRACK: Other machines to follow us on: buy things! ------ producing & mixing - Michael Onufrak Audio Assistant - Aaron Beaumont - All-Around Assistery - Meshach Jackson - ------ Lyrics I go hard I go hard hard If I were soft I would not have gotten this far I go hard I go hard I go hard (I'm familiar) Yes, you are When I say, "Sit down everybody" and they don't sit down they refuse to sit down they don't sit down "Sit down, everybody" and they don't sit down they refuse to sit down they don't sit down Sit down Sit down Sit down Sit down, down they refuse to sit down they don't sit down if I don't go all the way if I don't win it'll be a mistake a complete waste of energ-ay and money and money and money and money money, money I don't look back and say I wish I didn't do this or that I'm not stupid it's a fact I never had a drink the thing that gets me in trouble is the retweet More killer than the tweet I repeat I respond to what they did to me I’mma fight back it's not a one-way street I go hard I go hard hard If I were soft I would not have gotten this far I go hard I go hard I go hard (I'm familiar) Yes, you are are Fingerboarding (i go hard) Minecraft (i go hard) Podiatry (i go hard) Hacky Sack (i go hard) Balloon Tying (i go hard) Breeding Cats (i go hard) Crossfit (waste of time) Coloring (i go hard) Doin Zumba (i go hard) Water polo (i go hard) Playing tuba (i go hard) Spray tans (i go hard) Driving ubers (i go hard) Putting together a bed frame from Ikeaaaaaa while you’re Sequencing the entire human genoooooooome (waste of time) Cytosine Guanine Adenine Thymine All the -mines.

GFbQZU1iPSU | 07 Mar 2016
Biden vs. Trump 2020 playlist: This track & all our goodies on Schmotreon: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, fatigued from months of campaigning, decide to cancel their debate and have a sing-off instead. Wouldn’t you know it, Hillary is a huge Beyoncé fan and Bernie can really shred. BUY THE TRACK: Other machines to follow us on: STORE: Guitar shredding & mixing - Michael Onufrak - Music assistance from Aaron Beaumont - Choreography/dancers from Pearrie Hammie Dance Group- (Pearrie Hammie [@pearriehammie] and Maria Fadden [@marfadd]) Additional FX: Attendee with fiery head - Taquan Gresham - LYRICS: Let justice roll on like a river Righteousness like an never-failing stream The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned If we take on powerful people we can feel the burn Feel the burn, feel the burn, we can feel the burn There should be no bank too big to fail And no individual too powerful to jail We agree on that, alright It’s easy to say, I’m gonna do this and do that But I have doubts when people receive huge amounts of money. I never changed a view because of any donation Let justice roll on like a river; Trickle down Righteousness like an never-failing stream; Absolutely The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned If we stand with working people we can feel the burn

OsWoSU0gtYQ | 11 Feb 2016
After reaching through an interdimensional portal, we found a copy of Zoolander as a rock musical. It's a very rare copy, so treasure it accordingly. ORIGINAL VIDEO (from Zoolander): Find us on all the things: snapchat: songifythis Song recorded/produced with Michael Onufrak - Additional Audio Assistance from Aaron Beaumont: CHORDS: verse: C F C F A F C F chorus: Bb F C F Bdim E Am F C F LYRICS: Without much further ado I give you The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good What is this? A center for ants A center for ants A center for ah - ah - ah - ah - ants A center for ants I don't wanna hear your excuses I don't wanna hear your excuses The center has to be at least 3 times bigger than this How can we Teach children to read If they can't even fit inside the building He's absolutely right Thank you Do you ever think that maybe there's more to life Than being really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking Know what could help you sort through all of these important issues? I don't know / ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO! Earth to Matilda Earth to Matilda Hello Can we just cut it out with all the "Earth to"s We're not actually saying this is the Earth calling you Yeah, no, I got that No, I don't think you do Derek Earth to Matilda You can Derelick my balls I can Derelick my own balls, thank you very much A center for ants ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO A center for ants Earth to - Earth to Matilda A center for ah - ah - ah - ah - ants A center for ants Derek I don't wanna hear your excuses Derek A center for ants This guy is so hot! A center for ants Derelick my balls A center for ah - ah - ah - ah - ants A center for ants Derek I don't wanna hear your excuses Derek I don't wanna hear your excuses Derek I don't wanna hear your excuses Derek I don't wanna hear your excuses

NbqtAuT4zbk | 13 Jan 2016
Get the track! (and everywhere else, too) All our tracks and other behind-the-scenes goodies like discord - With only one last chance to convince the nation to jam harder than they’ve ever jammed before, Barack Obama drops his hottest fire yet at the 2016 State of the Union. new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Opiatic Songify the News Worm-Hole: Places to find us: song produced with Michael Onufrak - & mastered by Dan Millice - Choreography and Dancers by Pearrie Hammie Dance Group - Dancers: Pearrie Hammie (@pearriehammie) and Taquan Gresham ( additional music assistance from Daniel Bryant - violin - CheHo Lam cello - Alexandra Jones LYRICS ---------------- We’ve got the strongest job growth since 1999 We produce more oil here for the first time For the first time, for the first time Get it, get it, like 1999 Get it, get it, like 1999 It has been and still is a hard time But tonight we get it like it’s 1999 If a kid from Tatooine can save the galaxy, you can too Your future will be brighter, there’s no limit to what we can do But here’s the big butt, here’s the big butt We’re not there yet, we all know that All the income gains flow to the top 1% So imma bring jobs back Get it, get it, like 1999 Get it, get it, like 1999 It has been and still is a hard time But tonight we get it like it’s 1999 If folks wanna pop off, pop off I wanna meet ‘em i’m not gonna be soft, be soft I’m gonna beat ‘em If folks wanna pop off, pop off I wanna meet ‘em i’m not gonna be soft, be soft I’m gonna beat ‘em But here’s the big butt, here’s the big butt, Here’s the butt, here’s the big butt Our economy is growing like 1999 The crime rate came down for the first time For the first time, for the first time Get it, get it, like 1999 Get it, get it, like 1999 It has been and still is a hard time But tonight we get it like it’s 1999 #Songify #Obama

XpSOWfFtKJE | 12 Jan 2016
Track streaming everywhere (royalties split w/ Michelle): All our tracks & goodies: Michelle Dobyne's building caught on fire, but in a contest of Woman vs. Nature, she was champion. We just talked to Michelle on the phone & she asked for anyone who is interested to give to this GoFundMe: ORIGINAL VIDEO: Subscribe: Follow on non-youtube: snapchat - songifythis buy things: Produced with Michael Onufrak - Music Assistant- Alexander Tso - LYRICS ------------------- The building is on fire The building is on fire I said naw, what, i got my three kids And we bounced out, bounced out I said, hey, hey We ain't gonna be in no fire, not today Not today, not today Nuh-uh I was on the phone cookin me and my baby some breakfast My friend said "hey" something wrong is popping I said "what" she said "yeah" I said "naw" she come out her apartment with her baby with no shoes on I said "aw, girl it's cold outside" She said "something something something ain't right" I said "what" i said "aw man" She said "aw man" The building is on fire The building is on fire I said naw, what, i got my three kids And we bounced out, bounced out I said, hey, hey We ain't gonna be in no fire, not today Not today, not today Nuh-uh CHORDS: chorus: Fm Cm Db Ab (walkdown) repeat verse: Fm Db Bbm Cm Fm Db Bbm Gb #Songify #SongifyThis

lCEQoA0qOic | 18 Dec 2015
FEATURING H3H3 - All our tracks & discord / extra goodies - Our nation's leaders, both present & future, discuss the ramifications of being trapped inside a 90 foot wall with a frankenfish. FIND US ON ALL YOUR GLOWING SCREENS: tiktok: songifythis snapchat - songifythis products: audio production assist from Michael Onufrak: SOURCES: Donald Trump explains wall to child: Shepard Smith on Trump: An item or two or ten for yourself: Ralph Peters calls Obama a pussy: Teresa Mannion's amazing weather report: Freaky, Freaky Frankenfish LYRICS: what are the walls going to be made out of it’s gonna be made of concrete and it’s gonna go to 90 feet if you’re 90 feet up you don’t wanna come down did you ever see the walls they build now? we get the drugs and they get the cash you know trump is right because he says he's right we get the drugs and they get the cash donald trump is calling for a shut down of muslims racist, racist everybody coming out against donald trump now that's so passé, i was against him before it was cool now it's mainstream this is what trump wants, he wants us to talk about him and look at us now! he's playing us just like a fool it's okay, you can admit it if you bought an item or two or ten for yourself i'm pissed off i'm furious this guys such a total pussy can't use language like that pussy pussy pussy good point, balls balls balls well said, ding dong and butt pussy pussy baaaalls ding dong pussy i’m coming to you from a very wet, very windy land the storm we’ll be following the gales are still blowing so stay away from that stretch of motorwaaaaay don’t make unnecessary journeys don’t swim in the sea todaaaay people in the water have been spotted pussy ding dong balls people in the water are idiotic freaky frankenfish freaky freaky frankenfish the FDA never should have approved this a splice from eel, a splice from salmon, it's not right i'm gonna continue the fight. We're gonna need a whole army of fish The Crayfish and The Catfish Pussyfish and the Ballfish Every single fish! We're infiltrated by freaky freaky frankenfish We've been invaded by freaky freaky frankenfish!

5nwNfmkaV_I | 06 Nov 2015
When the moment gets awkward, The Donald saves the day by dropping bars on friends and foes alike. BUY THE TRACK: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Find us on all your computers: Buy our stuff: produced with Michael Onufrak: & Tony Rodini: Dance by Sharron Lynn: Dancers: Sharron Lynn Damian Thompson Lyrics: Baby, baby, baby I’m so high - why do we have to have an election? Stupid, stupid losers Got us headed in the wrong direction We’ve gotta be smart, we’ve gotta be tough I’m killin everybody - like a rocket ship i went up I will be the greatest Some Mexicans, they’re rapists the greatest the greatest I love Mexicans, they’re rapists (x2) we used to win, we don’t win anymore we're gonna build a wall with a big fat door but i’m keeping talented people here will you get your asses in gear please do me a favor and let me win we will make america great again i find it very hard to forgive people that deceived me i have a permit to carry, believe me #Songify #Schmoyoho

fXHTJ5v4B5I | 07 Aug 2015
More Songify This! All of our tracks and bts on patreon - 10 Republican dudes disagree about things, including who has hugged who. BUY THE TRACK: WE'RE THE GREGORY BROS; FIND US ON YOUR GLOWING SCREENS: snapchat - songifythis STORE: Produced with Tony Rodini: Mixed by Mike Onufrak, he played guitars too: Music Assistant - Alexander Tso: VFX with Sean Pierce Editing Assistant - Elisabeth Sokol LYRICS -------------- Why should you be the next commander in chief We got a lotta contenders so please keep it brief We need someone that understands the world today In this country, we need brain Obama's finally tryna make a deal with Iran Is it gonna stop em from getting the nuclear bomb You terminate the deal on day one Its failed foreign policy of the obama clinton doctrine Oh, what's the greatest threat to our nation today? Is it ISIS, Al-Quaeda, or the gluten-free craze? ISIS rides around in US humvees We shouldn’t fund our enemies We know you love guns, we heard you loud and clear Now prove you love em more than everybody else here Look i don’t want my guns Registered in washington Why should you be the next commander in chief? I’m the only one to separate siamese twins We got a lotta contenders so please keep it brief I will make our country great again Could you kindly present some relevant evidence We can grow, we can do this Why you should be the next White House resident Our leaders are stupid You could be the president! I’m gonna run hard, i’m gonna run with heart you could be the president! If i’m our nomineee, how would hillary lecture me? You could be the president! If you get in the oval office chair Are you gonna roll back the changes to health care? What i’d like to see is a private system The insurance companies control politicians How you gonna make the economy stronger? If you don't got ideas I'll throw a benefit concert We need to even out the tax code The economy is different than the one we had 5 years ago Now that marriage for gays is no longer banned How excited are you to go marry man? I just went to a wedding of a friend who’s gay We need to give everybody a chance Should we put body cameras on all the cops? So no one gets shot at a traffic stop? I been to baltimore i been to ferguson I’m a different kind of republican Why should you be the next commander in chief? I’m a guy with a wife 2 kids and a harley We got a lotta contenders so please keep it brief What i say is what i say if you don’t like it i’m sorry Could you kindly present some relevant evidence We can grow, we can do this Why you should be the next White House resident Our leaders are stupid You could be the president! I’m gonna run hard, i’m gonna run with heart You could be the president! If i’m our nomineee, how would hillary lecture me? You could be the president! God gives me unconditional love You gave obama a big hug On the side of the stage its hard to even debate But its okay i’m just tryna sell some books today And mix tapes on my indiegogo and myspace Its not great but its better than drake’s and these fakes Why should you be the next commander in chief? I’m the only one to separate siamese twins We got a lotta contenders so please keep it brief I will make our country great again Could you kindly present some relevant evidence We can grow, we can do this Why you should be the next White House resident Our leaders are stupid You could be the president! I’m gonna run hard, i’m gonna run with heart You could be the president! If i’m our nomineee, how would hillary lecture me? You could be the president!

L1zNwMrtWtA | 15 Jul 2015
Stream the track: Written with collaborators from HitRECord!! Two friends break into song, crash a PTA meeting, and tell us why they love moms. A lot. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt- watch the first episode of Hit Record on TV here: HITRECORD CREDITS (collaborators on this project): Music and Lyrics by gregorybrothers Lead Vocals RegularJOE arosegregory Concept by LexiScherr Actors Jenica Bergere Thuany Callins Ian Elinson Aaron Fernando Ana Ortiz Noeme Pears IMAGE RECORDS Marke msmeganonymous TEXT RECORDS gregorybrothers JerzyJung LexiScherr LilacAmy11 thisistedwells AUDIO gregorybrothers with additional production by Michael Onufrak ( LexiScherr BACKGROUND ARTISTS Ana-Serena Orrego André Walker Annalee Cailing April Coffee Ashley Thayer Christina Gardner Craig Gilbo Daniel Kunz Donna Leigh Edward Ryu Eileen Finizza Erin Howie Fernanda Marin George Bejue Irene Zukoski Jeana Wilson John Jurgens Joyce Larkin Laura Kantor Lauren Johnson Maggie Mudd Maria Rodriguez Michael C. Pierce Paula Gomez S. Spears Sandi Sharp Sheila Fein Stephanie Garvin Tawny Young LYRICS: What's the first thing that you look for when you're checkin' out a sexy lady? You know it was the curves on that girl that were drivin' me crazy That's just cuz our brain hasn't changed since our caveman days A big-titted cavelady could feed so many cavebabies But we've evolved, so stop thinking like a neanderthal Sure, I like boobies, too, but dude, let me tell you that ain't all I want a girl who likes to eat organic Read Dr. Seuss out loud If she's putting love into it while she's raising her child I wanna combine our DNA right now Yeah, I want those mothas, Moms are like no other lovas Oh, I want a girl with a big, fat vocabulary If you a mother, come on let me pull back the covers, I'm sorry I rumpled your duvet, but I had to work on that booty 'Cause a woman with a child, always drives me wild Ladies pushin' toddlers on a swing, Girl, I know you can take care of your offspring. She got a minivan with those fold-down seats, We can pull over and get it while the baby's asleep. And the kid can be my built-in mini-best buddy, We can play Nintendo after I help him study. Little Jimmy's dad puts him in timeout, Makes me want to be a stepdad no doubt. Good baby makin's the challenge we face, So I wanna work with a mother on the future of the human race! Yeah, I want those mothas, Moms are like no other lovas. Let's get busy puttin' money in a college fund. If you a mother, let's get our debt restructured. We can pay off our student loans, And then go upstairs and bone. Moms love unconditionally, Just a bit of that love would be enough for me. I want those mothas, Moms are like no other lovas. Someday you could be a grandma, That's twice as hot. If you're a mother, I wanna give your child a brother (or a sister). I just wanna give them chromosomes a happy home. Ohhh, yeah, yeah, yeah. our socials: tiktok: songifythis #SchmoCinematicUniverse #HitRECord

VElyEMhEtlw | 14 Jul 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Hannah Hart discusses the GuacaLatte & Donald Trump with fellow news analysts (all the most important issues, duh). Featuring HANNAH HART- JOHN GREEN- NAT WOLFF- WE'RE THE GREGORY BROS; FIND US ON YOUR GLOWING SCREENS: snapchat - songifythis STORE: Produced with Michael Onufrak: Music Assistant - Alexander Tso: Music Assistant - Daniel Bryant: ORIGINAL VIDEOS: Nigel Farage in EU PArliament: Face the Nation (re: sleepovers): Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points: Women's World Cup Tonight Meet the Press (re: Donald Trump): LYRICS: Some Mexicans, they're rapists Some are good people Let's roll another clip, While I cry for a little bit I salute Donald Trump for focusing on illegal immigration My face is stuck to my palm now Everything in the world seems wrong now We're gonna win when we're hopeful Rather than rrrr rrrr angry all the time He's not a stupid guy I think this is a car accident candidacy, Donald Trump, which is essentially-- There's a car accident You don't want to slow down But everybody looks (everybody looks) And there's gonna be traffic now He's a car accident People know when you're just full of BS Can't look away from that mess, it's grotesque There's a car accident Don't look, just pass There's a car accident Keep your foot on the gas Do you think, in any way, that the goalkeeper was having difficulty With the sunlight? (SUUUUUNLIGHT!) With the sunlight? (SUUUUUNLIGHT!) Sun or no sun, We got the job done We got the job done We got the job done Chris Christie, he had a slumber party At Mitt Romney's house with Marco Rubio --Did somebody say slumber party --I think they did --Alright, let's go You bring the smash bros! You bring the pizza! OK, you bring the dance moves! You bring the speakers! Alright! (Alright!) we're gonna have a sleepover tonight! Tonight, tonight, alright, alright Alright! (Alright!) we're gonna have a sleepover tonight! Woo! Tonight, alright So, Ted Cruz goes to Buzzfeed! What's-what's Buzzfeed? It's a news aggregate, um, sort of edgy Buzzfeed! Hi, I'm Ted, and I'm auditioning for any part I can get Always twirling, twirling! Heidely-ho, neighborino! Do they like him at Buzzfeed? Was it smart to go to Buzzfeed? So he goes to Buzzfeed! So he goes to Buzzfeed! Sell a book to Buzzfeed! Get a lot of boats in Buzzfeed! So he goes to Buzzfeed! Goes to Buzzfeed! The split between Greece and Germany is nigh Europe is beginning to die, to die But with your head held high, You will recover With your head held high, We'd all start to love each other Europe is actually beginning to die But you will recover with your head held high There is a new Berlin Wall, and it's called the Euro But you will recover with your head held high With your head held high, As night follows day, Give your people the leadership And the hope that they crave So your moment has come Your people will recognize That you will recover with your head held high

y_Ywg8x8a0g | 10 Jul 2015
Çyrah’s latest smash pop hit takes a turn for the strange, thanks to the most notorious guest vocalist in the universe. itunes link: TSHIRTS: ----------------------------- written, directed, & edited by The Gregory Brothers Çyrah - Sarah Gregory Satan - Evan Gregory Music Video Director - Mark Douglas SheepTV Host - Todd Womack Tiny Man - Michael Gregory Gerald aka Whisper Man - Ken Petersen A Man who is Stabbed - Ed Bassmaster ( A Man who is Brutally Murdered While Ignominiously Wearing a Sombrero - Andrew Horowitz ( Air-Horn Guy - Joshua J. Schwartz Steve - Manquillian Minniefee Chad - Joshua Brocki (Manquillian & Joshua - Scream Man - Greg Washburn from The Kloons: Sheep Man - Sheep Man Ill-Fated Diplomat - Juan Fraustro Track by The Gregory Brothers, Codeine Boy, & Mike Onufrak Mastered by Dan Millice Director of Photography - Steven DiCasa 1st Assistant Camera - Cody Buesing Gaffer - Ted Schaefer Sound - Paul Osorio Production Designer - Kate Stein Art Director - Adriana Benarroch Special FX Make-Up - Dalton Dale Hair & Make-up - Elizabeth Oldak Line Producer - Amy Lo Assistant Director - Joy Kim PA - Nick Steeves Color Correct - Dungeon Beach -------------------------- LYRICS: Let yourself lose control Take all the drama let it go We gonna live like we don't care about tomorrow - no rules It doesn't matter who you are out there, we all know - life is cruel Here we can do whatever we want Don't matter if we get caught, won't make it stop, no Welcome to the party We got everybody here right now - fresh flesh Once we get it started - we dine on human hearts You know everybody wildin out - I'm wildin! We'll show you how it's done - we'll assassinate world leaders when peace talks have begun Welcome to the party - let's party We got everybody here right now Everybody Everybody - who invited him? Everybody here right now - I do not work with Gerald. Everybody - they paid me sorry. We gonna dance every minute of every hour - dancin all the freakin time - really? - oh this is too much We gonna drink like the Potterville Mr. Gower - it's a wonderful life You think this is a mess but we're not here to make art With every voice from all the songs we'll hit the top of the charts - You know she's right - what? We shouldn't fight With our powers combined we'll be the best hype squad of all time We got Low-voice man - Prince of Darkness Whisper man - where's my family? Tiny man - my car is a mouse. Steve and Chad - hey! Air horn guy Scream man Sheep Man Welcome to the party We got literally everybody here And once we get it started They'll make a Grammy for Entourage of the Year Everybody

MTohDQl1kJY | 03 Jul 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Citizens rejoice when a congressman eats a gummy bear and has a trippy vision of the future, a rainbow-colored White House. FEATURING CASEY NEISTAT- Watch his amazing videos. WE'RE THE GREGORY BROS; FIND US ON YOUR GLOWING SCREENS: snapchat - songifythis BUY THINGS: Produced with Codeine Boy- & with Michael Onufrak: Music Assistant - Alexander Tso: Trombone Expert - Big Sam ORIGINAL VIDEOS: Congressional debate: Trump: Obama and his heckler: Megyn Kelly & Mike Huckabee: LYRICS: Marijuana’s in baked goods, gummy bears, for heaven’s sakes It’s in the lining of my Fruit of the Looms What happens in one state affects the other states Colorado, he’s looking at you Leave my sovereign state of Colorado alone Let our people smoke That’s all I ask Colorado wants to blaze Is that too much to grasp? I don't want their darn fried crayfish I don't want it (echoes) What if it's fried? Might clog your arteries, you might die. No lie! Maybe smoking crayfish ain't good for you I don't want it (echoes) Leave Colorado alone Marijuana use is down since legalizatione The problems are much worse with marijuana Too many people reaching nirvana Want me to ban fried crayfish in Louisiana? Is shrimp illegal? Thanks, Obama! (repeat chorus) I'm really rich (he's rich) I've done an amazing job I have so many websites all over the place I'd be the greatest President that God ever creates We have losers, we have losers We have people that don't have it (schmucks) How stupid are our leaders? How stupid are they? When Mexico sends its people They're not sending their best They're sending their rapists (sending their what?) Sending their rapists I wanna thank all of you Can you confirm Half Life 3? No no no no no no no no Na na na na Batman! No Please No Half No Life No 3 Senpai, notice meeee!! Listen, you're in my house It's not respectful when you get invited to my house I'm just asking for transparency (oof) But not when I'm up in the house, know what I'm saying? Tonight a remarkable sight at the White House A new chapter in civil rights at the White House Which is aglow in colors of the rainbow America was a different country 11 hours ago How do we accept this? How do you not? The laws of nature, the laws of God They get the final say They've interpreted it this way For gays and lesbians today

41kQGoJX_8Q | 09 Jun 2015
Get special schmo goodies - The nation’s leaders discuss the impact of the Patriot Act, murder, and also catfish. FEATURING JONTRON- FULL JONTRON SONG- FEATURING NEV SCHULMAN: twitter, IG, & snapchat - nevschulman FIND US ON ALL YOUR GLOWING SCREENS: T SHIRTS and schtuff: Produced with Codeine Boy- & with Michael Onufrak: Music Assistant - Alexander Tso: Music Assistant - Daniel Bryant: SOURCES: Hannity segment regarding equal pay & women in the workplace: Mike Huckabee announcement: John McCain on catfish inspection: Megyn Kelly / Jeb Bush on Iraq: Rand Paul on the Patriot Act: LYRICS ----------- you said that women are better suited in the home you would be much happier at home with a husband go home to a hunk is he for real ‘cause my brain is hurting women are pretending that they like working you know who else pretends that work is fun every single person since the world’s begun and dude don’t you know what the truth is having babies and getting paid aint mutually exclusive, no women earn less because they choose to that makes as much sense as a llama in a tutu did you travel here in a time machine i hate to tell you what’s gonna happen in 1919 i’m running for president, i’m running for president, i learned how to handle a gun and i never thought about murdering someone murdering someone well with an argument like that i’m sold finally a candidate that we can all like all the others tried to suffocate me last night in my bedroom Hillary Clinton said “MEET YOUR DOOM” I learned how to handle a fishing pole GREAT! so we could catch catfish, catch catfish we could catch catfish, catch catfish the USDA has spent 20 million dollars to set up the catfish office without inspecting a single catfish i’m not making that up oh-ohhhhhh what if a catfish ain’t really a catfish it’s just a girl pretending to be a catfish with a face like that who wouldn’t tap this you’ll be horrified to find out it’s daniel radcliffe i wouldn’t be horrified by that, not a single smidgen on the subject of Iraq, yup knowing what we know now yup would you have authorized the invasion yup, I would have nobody thought Hussein was a great guy but i thought it was a mistake even at the time Tom Brady, he’s handsome but i was asking about Medicaid expansion Tom Brady, he’s wealthy your obsession with him is getting a little unhealthy I think the punishment is too harsh are we still talking about Brady? Tom Brady This is getting too crazy Tom Brady I don’t think this interview is worth it To me those balls are perfect Tom Brady the Patriot Act allows the police to write their own warrants there is no probable cause they don’t have to be signed by a judge but the police don’t have any flaws if i’m gonna get arrested might as well break some laws hey don’t murder anyone in my squad welp, i guess he’s no Huckabee, and i won’t be voting for him this catfish here this catfish here so we could catch catfish this catfish here so we could catch Tom Brady yup he’s handsome shouldn’t you be a jets fan stay home with a husband i learned how to handle a gun and i never thought about murdering someone never even thought about it I never thought about murdering someone murdering someone

UhRXn2NRiWI | 05 Jun 2015
Shia LaBeouf delivers the most inspiring inspirational song in the history of songs. And somehow shouts so powerfully, that at times, you wonder if this was a remix...or just filming his live show? All our tracks & goodies here - original video: Our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc find us on all your magic screens: Our store: produced with Michael Onufrak - music assistant - Alexander Tso - LYRICS: Paste down my face On my hair, on my shirt She looks at me And I'm lookin at her Your life is your life Somewhere there is light The gods wait to delight in you It beats the darkness You are marvelous Whos' pretending to be who? Your life is your life The forms, the repetitions Don't let it be clubbed into dank submission You should get to the point Where anyone else would quit You're gonna wake up And work hard at it Just do it Nothing is impossible Just do it Yesterday you said tomorrow Just do it Don't let your dream be dreams The more often you do it, the more light there will be - hee The more light there will be - hee I squirt toothpaste in my mouth I start to brush She's looking at me I start to blush Sometimes it feels like We fill that void between us That void between you And Shia LaBeouf Paste down my face On my hair, on my shirt She looks at me And I'm lookin at her I rubbed myself on the watermelon for pleasure Ebb and flow Expanding the pressure Just do it Nothing is impossible Just do it Yesterday you said tomorrow Just do it Don't let your dream be dreams The more often you do it, the more light there will be (repeat chorus until the end of time when the galaxies implode upon themselves and into each other and create an infinitely dense point of light and energy) #JustDoIt #Songify #ShiaLaBeouf #SongifyThis

HKgQKW3yhWI | 23 Apr 2015
Vice-President Joe Biden and rock icons Blondie form an all-powerful alliance in a play to bring an unprecedented peace to the Planet Earth that will then sweep across the entire cosmos, creating his greatest hit since he sang about shotguns. BLONDIE-STRAVAGANZA: FIND US ON YOUR MANY COMPUTERS: SHOP: Produced with MIchael Onufrak: SOURCES: Biden speech: Hannity & Buchanan on Iran: Elizabeth Warren & Rachel Maddow on breaking up banks: Huckabee on CNN discussing Indiana Religious Freedom law: John Oliver & Edward Snowden on the NSA:

ztnuhBByWSw | 30 Mar 2015
As election season begins, the winds of change blow dozens of dusty candidates across the cornfields of Iowa so they can tell you why everything's terrible. Hank's Channel!!: Vlogbrothers songification!! - All our songs & extra goodies: song produced with Michael Onufrak - thanks to Morgan King for photoshopping Waka Flocka's bands (err, i mean, just taking pictures of the album covers) (his stuff: find us on all your computers:

KsWzhPevEks | 14 Mar 2015
For the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches, President Obama delivered remarks commemorating that historic chapter. Original Speech: Our channel: with an assist from Danielson742 - find us on all your computers:

WYNbp0u8WjA | 06 Mar 2015
Opening theme by Jeff Richmond-- we were honored to help out and extend for this longer version 🙏🙏🙏- seasons 1-4 & Kimmy vs. the Reverend on Netflix now! Get all our songs & instrumentals - In the most shocking fictional news report ever, Walter Bankston explains how 4 women were saved from a terrible wedding DJ/cult leader. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Theme song by Jeff Richmond, extra writing & video assistance from us for this extended version! Original Bankston Interview: More Songify This: Mike Britt as Walter Bankston Show created by Tina Fey & Robert Carlock It's on Netflix as I type this Thanks to our friends at at Pentagram ( for lending some graphic elements that they made for the show Find us on your phone machines: STORE: LYRICS: I was outside cuttin up bike tires with my grandson, when out of nowhere Forty hundred police vehicles came bookin They went, busted up in that weird old white dude's house He had a cult up in there White dudes hold the record for creepy crimes But females are strong as hell Unbreakable! They alive, dammit! It's a miracle Unbreakable! They alive, dammit! Females are strong as hell Unbreakable! They alive, dammit! It's a miracle Unbreakable! They alive, dammit! Females are strong as hell We've been livin here 10 years Nobody seen no girl Nobody heard no girl Nobody smelled no girl He had them underground They came out the hole lookin round Like a bunch of Punxsutawney Phils And I said, "Nathan, is this for reals?!" One, two, three, four girls came out One, two, three, four girls came out Chorus #SongifyThis #KimmySchmidt

EzclOi3lGE4 | 19 Feb 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - In awe of nature's terrifying majesty, Jim Cantore graces us with a performance worthy of Coachella (with backup vocals by Reynolds Wolf). Original videos: & Our channel: song produced with Michael Onufrak - find us on all your computers: #Thundersnow #LightningStrikes #HolySmokes

rg3WohBhfU0 | 13 Feb 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - The romance guru Griffin describes the extreme twitterpation that inevitably accompanies receiving one's first kiss. Video from Song written with Danielson742 - Produced with Michael Onufrak -

xT9pygVQwgk | 30 Jan 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Tom Brady sings a song for his one true love: balls. More Songify the News: Our channel: song produced with Michael Onufrak - find us on all your computers: STORE: LYRICS: To me, those balls are perfect I can only speak for myself I don't want anyone touchin the balls rubbin the balls To me, those balls are perfect Some guys like 'em round and some guys like 'em thin Some guys like old balls, new balls--they're all different So you gotta feel 'em and you gotta squeeze 'em To me, those balls are all perfect I choose the balls that I want You know, I grip it, I grab it_ I feel the lace, I feel the leather I wouldn't want anyone touchin the balls Um, I would zip those things up and lock 'em away Some days one ball may feel good The next day, it may not I want to be very familiar with the equipment that I'm using This isn't ISIS No one's dying, but this is a very important thing Because to me, those balls are perfect I can only speak for myself I don't want anyone touchin the balls rubbin the balls To me, those balls are perfect Some guys like 'em round and some guys like 'em thin Some guys like old balls, new balls--they're all different So you gotta feel 'em and you gotta squeeze 'em To me, those balls are all perfect You gotta feel 'em (You gotta feel 'em) And you gotta squeeze 'em; (You gotta squeeze 'em) To me, those balls are all perfect You gotta feel 'em (You gotta feel 'em) And you gotta squeeze 'em; (You gotta squeeze 'em) To me, those balls are all perfect You know, I grip it, I grab it I grab it, I grip it To me, those balls are all perfect Zip those things up Zip those up and lock 'em away To me, those balls are all perfect #Songify #TomBrady #PerfectBalls

eq1FIvUHtt0 | 23 Jan 2015
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Barack Obama, having trouble reaching the American people, drops his mixtape so that his message can truly be understood. More Songify the News: Our channel: song produced with Michael Onufrak - help from Danielson742 - find us on all your computers:

t_4bCpuELMw | 10 Dec 2014
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - In a rare cross-species collaboration, gorillas and humans work together to deliver the news while Congress gets turnt up beyond all previously-known limits of turntitude. Nicholas Megalis' channel: Anna Borchard the Angry Lady Gorilla by: Congressional chorus: Antonius Nazareth - Vijay Nazareth - Elizabeth Oldak - Casey McIntyre - Patrick Clair - JiJi Lee - & Christine Federman! song produced with Michael Onufrak - vfx with Chris Ervine & mastered by Dan Millice - find us on all your computers: buy our schtuff: special thanks to our dentist for lending us his television set. he asked us to ask you: have you flossed today? Lyrics: Everybody wants to bang the president Bang the president It's fun For all the republicans Ebola, Obama Ebama, Obola Bang the president ISIS, Obama OBISIS, Isama Crimea, Obama Obea, Crimama Bang the president, it's easy Bang the president, make him squeal All of you want to go out and bang the president We have to be true, we have to be great We have to bang the president every day The, uh, you don't want it all in just one big bang, the, uh I would enjoy havin some bourbon with Mitch McConnel I don't know what his preferred drink is The president would like to know your preferred drink Bourbon, Bourbon whiskey is a distinctive product and is unlike other types of beverages Bourbon Bourbon whiskey I rise to take an active role in promoting bourbon Bourbon has recognition Bourbon has depth of flavor Bourbon has an American spirit Let's hear it for bourbon Bourbon whiskey The drink itself is named for Bourbon County, Kentucky Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIL's leader What set off rumors of Baghdadi's injury? It turns out it was a tweet, a tweet This tweet, this original tweet This tweet we've seen, this tweet could be The tweet that sparked everything The tweet that made us think he was dead Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi As a loaf of bread Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al- But right now nothing has happened The machines, the machines have taken people away from reality some Americans don't know anytheeeng Anytheeeng They're lost in cyberspace Creating phony worlds in which they can escape Yeah, the machines and the humans in love forever Like you and me on TV bein angry together, ohhh I'll always be there for you when you've got some yellin to dooo Then people watch it on their machines, that good old fashioned tube Aren't the president and Eric Holder responsible for violence in Ferguson Yes, yes, yeah, yes, absolutely Yup, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yeah Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes Wait, what about the homicide? Or the long history of institutional discriminatio-- Bang the president, it's fun I mean, it's fun! It's easy! I wanna pay tribute to the spirit of Kentucky Literally Bourbon whiskey [laughing] oh. Bourbon Bourbon whiskey It's fun, bang the president I love gettin hugs Bang the president It was a tweet The machines This tweet, this original tweet The machine This tweet, this original tweet Obama, Benghazi Benbama, Oghazi Bang the president Buy him dinner! Take him home! If you're both in the mood when you're alone Bourbon whiskey Better than Patrón Bourbon whiskey Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi All the republicans Bang the President

3CClOsC26Lw | 23 Sep 2014
Get the track! (and everywhere else, too) Apollos' channel!: All our tracks & instrumentals - & Original interview - find us other places for more songs: produced with Michael Onufrak - LYRICS: you’re gonna battle, you’re gonna fight win or lose, you’re gonna be alright regardless of the scoreboard you can do anything you work for do it for us do it for one another do it for yourself and do it for each other regardless of the scoreboard regardless of the scoreboard, scoreboard ---------- i'm not gonna lie, they had us in the first half we started slow but we’re always gonna finish fast it’s gonna be hard, it’s gonna be tough if you fall down, just get up and no matter what you’re going through your friends are there to help you with all the hard work you put in you might come out with this win chorus x2 CHORDS: A Bm F# m D (repeat forever) After an intense face-off, Apollos Hester tells TWC News how he won - and also the meaning of life. They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. #Scoreboard #ApollosHester #Songify

SXKGawGf4Ls | 17 Sep 2014
Why so sad, Radioactive?! What if we change key of sad song, and it become Happy Song!! Thanks to GEICO for sponsoring this video solely because they are so dedicated to the happiness only insurance can bring! Non-U.S. upload: buy on iTunes: buy on Loudr: shirts: We finally decided to live the utopian dream of living on a radioactive farm. While we were there, it only seemed fitting to answer your request for a full minor-to-major Radioactive cover--this time with more chickens. find us other places for more songs: FACEBOCK: TWISTER: VIME: INSTAGRAND:

3eevUjhIlfM | 08 Aug 2014
Stream the track— Noah's Channel! More Songify This! - Original - Noah Ritter had never been on live television before he sang what is apparently the greatest song ever about not having been on live television. find us other places: LYRICS: Apparently, apparently, apparently, it was great Apparently every time you get dizzy All you do is get dizzy Apparently I already went down the super slide I was scared half to death I've never been on live television before Never, never I've never been on live television before, before Apparently sometimes I don't watch the news Because I'm a kid And apparently every time grandpa gives me the remote After we watch the powerball I've never ever been on live television I've never ever been on live television Never, never Never, never, never, never Apparently every time you get dizzy All you do is get dizzy Apparently you're spinning around, spinning around I just freak out I've never been on live television before Never, never I've never been on live television before, before Chorus CHORDS: intro: Bm A chorus: D E F # m C # m D E C# /F F # m D E C# /F F # m D E D A verse: C# F# G D C# F# G D #Apparently #Songify

N6jG4A_mQGg | 01 Aug 2014
Dating sux...but then you find dat someone who. Thanks to Bravo’s #TheSinglesProject for making this vid possible! They premiere Aug 12 @ 10/9C. Get this unbelievable track on iTunes: Subscribe to us for the best songs in the universe! Follow us in all the right places! shop: Starring: our own Evan G - and the unbelievable Maya - Featuring: our own Andrew - our own Sarah - Tom Reynolds - track produced with Michael Onufrak: mastered by Dan Millice: DP - Steven DiCasa - LYRICS: I can’t believe That anyone could be so perfect But here you are looking so perfect I’m lost for words I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now Lips so red You’re unbelievable Symmetrical head You’re unbelievable Hand made out of bread A loaf of bread I literally can’t believe it And a tiny man jumps out of your pocket You murder him before I can stop it You say that he betrayed you When you were younger You’re the only girl that smells so nice The only girl that fill my pockets with rice And you’re the only girl with the powers of Kanye Turning water into wine You’re unbelievable You graphed a cosine So unbelievable You resurrected someone from the dead I literally can’t believe it The way you make me feel It’s unbelievable You ate everybody’s meal That’s unbelievable And I forgot to note You can also float I literally can’t believe this

-pr-xzajQo0 | 17 Jun 2014
If you get this track, we'll scratch your back: All our tracks + BTS on Schmotreon - subscribe to us for more - Bean - Stephon LaMar - Alexander - Andrea - Alphacat - Joe - Rawn - beginning VO by Mark Douglas - produced with Michael Onufrak: mastered by Dan Millice: DP - Lowell Meyer - find us in other places: shop: tiktok: songifythis Lyrics: I know that we're just perfect strangers And perfect strangers that just won't do, no Why not make today the day that a perfect stranger falls for you And as we approach each other we feel the chemistry With every step that we take it gains in intensity The moment comes when it's time to take your breath away I step right up to you and say Herp de derp Herp de derp Herp herp herp herp herp de derp I'm not this awkward all the time Only when love is on the line Herp de derp de derp de derp de derp derp derpy Herpy derp herp derp herpy Herping like it's going out of style Imma go cry in a corner now Girl you know that I've been waiting For a girl as amazing as a girl like you I may just be a crazy dreamer But you can make a dreamer's wildest dreams come true When I first saw you I knew that we had this chemistry Take one step closer so we can feel this intensity Reach out my hand and Herp de derp Herp dep derp Herp herp herp herp herp de derp I usually don't spill my coffee But when I herp and I derp you can't stop me Herpily derpily derpily derpily herpy derp derpy Herpily derp herpy derp herpy Herping like I'm a professional Or a herpy derp demon possessed my soul Oh every time I think she's mine I herp Whenever I think we'll be together, I derp One day I hope I'll find Someone who doesn't mind Being embarrassed by me all of the time Herp de derp Herp de derp Herp herp herp herp herp de derp I could have anyone here except I'm extraordinarily socially inept Herpy flerpy schmerpy berky quirpy derp derpy Herpity derp herpy derp herpy We're both herping like it's going out of style We never need to herp alone now [ad lbs] [herpin on the herps yeah - herpin on the derps yeah - I can't stop herpin] Chords: [verse] Am Dm G C (x2) Dm Am G Dm Am G [chorus] Am Em F C Dm G F C E Am Em F C Dm G F C Am Em F C (x2) [bridge] Dm Am C G Cm Am C Esus - E Since the dawn of time, humankind has been victim to herpery and derpery. This was true when humans inhabited the jungle. It remained true when some moved to the high plains and the caves. When they trekked through the ice and snow and into forests and deserts and more jungles and more plains, it still remained true--and will even after they move away from the coastlines and into the skies. Herpery and Derpery are eternal aggressors, having little regard for the passage of time and the changing of climates. There is no eradication- only the discovery of someone with complementary herp qualities. Those who derp too much or not enough will seem crazy or boring, respectively. Some have a manner of herping that just feels too foreign. But somewhere out there, there's a derp for your herp and a herp for your derp. #SchmoCinematicUniverse #Schmoyoho

tCNdaENgKqw | 07 May 2014
You got MORCHAELED! ... Morchael pulls his best prank yet by dressing his friend Søren in the worst outfit of all time to meet a blind date! The hiLARRYous parody "The Joke's On Me" is now on iTunes: #yougotMORCHAELED STARRING Nick Kocher Akilah Hughes Morchael Gurgory, Sarah Gregory, And featuring the music of: James Wallace & The Naked Light, Icewater Morchael follow us on things: shop:

CrycLMsoYjU | 15 Apr 2014
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Get the track to double your push-up ability: The original video is from Zach's awesome series Workout Wednesdays: Subscribe to Zach Anner! - Subscribe to us! - We produced this song with Michael Onufrak - Mastered by Dan Millice - other places to find Zach: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: other places to find us: FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - VINE - GOOGLE PLUS - STORE - make songs with app machines: Songify iOS: Songify Android: Piano iOS: Piano Android: Sing iOS: Sing Android:

VbQO6QMm6EY | 26 Mar 2014
INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS! WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: (sorry it's geo-blocked on this channel--weird publishing technicality. We pulled some magic to get it up on the 2nd channel.) buy the tracks on Loudr: or iTunes: other places to find us: FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - VINE - GOOGLE PLUS - STORE - make songs with app machines: Songify iOS: Songify Android: Piano iOS: Piano Android: Sing iOS: Sing Android: Obbiously [sic], we changed several aspects of these songs--keys/modes/tempos/arrangements--but the main focus with this project is to hear major songs in a minor mode & minor songs in a major mode. Music nerd FAQ- yes, i realize some people would not interpret Happy to be major. for the chorus, especially, i think that's silly (although multiple interpretations of songs often survive unridiculed)--all tonic chords are major in the chorus and pharrell riffs on a blues scale overtop a major foundation.

QogzNVZL1Gs | 27 Jan 2014
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Congresswoman Jackie Speier debates diplomatic spending with Nice Peter & Kassem G while a variety of pundits & politicians bemoan the biggest dangers of 2014 - zoo closures, marijuana legalization, and texting. Watch us all singing to strangers - More Kassem - More Nice Peter - Buy a t-shirt of Newt Gingrich with a giraffe - let the world know that YOU LOVE ZOOS! Art by make songs with app machines: Songify iOS: Songify Android: Piano iOS: Piano Android: Sing iOS: Sing Android: our stuff you should click: FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - STORE -

mRzxqBH6o0c | 14 Jan 2014
We made this song about time machines and unicorns (etc) with our friends at hitRECord - Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - It's gonna be on the 2nd episode of their new TV show! On this youtube channel, we write and discover the most important songs in the universe. Subscribe to schmoyoho! For all kinds of musical goodness, follow us on Facegram and Twittybook! ---OH, IT'S FANTASTIC--- ---hitRECord Community Credits--- Lyrics by schmoyoho arosegregory Performed by RegularJOE Tony Danza Music by schmoyoho Lead Musicians schmoyoho StereoLif SunnHouse Key Animation by ponytailsandcapris grinline babylove youexist The Shuttersmith Video Resources by annejumps asongveera babylove Bambi_vs_Godzilla BayleeCreations beaumori cinematic.audiophile cullynd Dave Chisholm GerryAnderson Gouldilocks grinline HugAPig InterNTNL_Lyn JandL4Ever JBMthots jdramos joellen KatSmash KevinMaistros Laura.Guarriello lindsaylokalia Marke misagarcia ponytailsandcapris schlossax SethBang TaschaS The Shuttersmith V Ole WunderBoy youexist Zue Image Resources by aspect2aspect babylove BayleeCreations belcath1981 BordeauxBlossom cacheth Carliihde CoccinellaSeptempunctata Convectuos0 Gigopepo gyllenmaya Jane_TH JasonAngelone Kael Pierce Kallee kirren Laural MattConley mirtle MissLauraaW Nattie Pamzette pinkp ponytailsandcapris r10pez10 RedHeadMonster rejjie sinnamin Tillycat Text by arosegregory schmoyoho Audio by Brendan Lanighan Dave Chisholm debit72 dtobocman jeffpeff kristinajoy Krrr MeTaL_PoU schlossax Wills Mckenna

eEzRxGqMgrM | 19 Dec 2013
iTunes: Spotify: WE LIKE THE MOVIE HOME ALOME SO WE SANG THE PLOT OF HOME ALOME TO THE MUSIC OF HOME ALOME. SPOILERS ABOUND. TWITTER: 2nd CHANNEL: Instagram: @gregorybrothers FB: STORE: Sorry we couldn't give this out on FB anymore, they wiped it! #Schmoyoholidays

WlP9aJnzyZw | 19 Nov 2013
Acoustics in the Bathroom streaming everywhere - Stephon's channel - You think you know how but you don't. Finally you will. Have no fear, you can karaoke these songs in your OWN bathroom! iOS: Android: This video stars Stephon LaMar- Andrew Gregory - Sarah Gregory - our other stuff that you could click, if you wanted to do more clicking: Twitter - IG - FB - STORE - #SchmoCinematicUniverse #SCU 0:00 I've Trained All My Life For This 0:36 Stall Door Crack 0:56 Blason 2:14 The Acoustics in the Bathroom 3:45 Only Change Doesn't Change 4:00 I'm Back (And It Feels So Great) 4:51 The End, But The Beginning For Restroom Enlightenment

6LUmMpOkvQA | 14 Nov 2013
All our tracks & other goodies - this song on iTunes! Boogie2988, sad and frustrated, muses musically on the deluge of spam on his YouTube videos. Boogie's own channel: Chords: C# m, AMaj7/C#, G# m, F# m, E, F#m, D# 7, G# Our other stuff that you could click: SHIRTS AND MORE - #Songify #SongifyThis

nFGcrYPdrJU | 17 Oct 2013
This track & more on spotify - Soul Pancake - Socktober - source videos: Kid President Pep Talk: Kid President Tiny Poem: Kid President Explains it all: our stuff that you could click: Mixing by Michael Onufrak - Mastered by Dan Millice -

HtNd6CgD6Rk | 11 Oct 2013
Songify YOUR Life with the Songify app: Kanye West and Jimmy Kimmel settle their beef - the greatest beef in rap history - and set out to destroy every paparazzo's camera in the entire world. Original interview: our stuff that you could click: FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - GOOGLE PLUS - Produced by G. Bros & Michael Onufrak - Mastered by Dan Millice -

Gio3VGqOVtI | 14 Sep 2013
Here is a channel trailer so you don't get scared and confused. VIDEOS USED- DJ Play My Song: Hello Again: Behind the Scenes (final debate): Oh My Dayum: Backin Up: Bed Intruder: Gingers Have Souls: Winning: Sarah Sings With Babies: Legalize Everything: Obama Sings to the Shawties: Final Debate Songified: Flying Robots (Songify the News 3): Auto-Tune the News 2: Milk thug: Cellists are Murderers:

kpIomeLEYFc | 08 Aug 2013
A timeless tale of milk and friendship. more of our stuff that you could click if you felt like it: YouTube 1: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Instagram! Webs & Store! Co-Directors: Flannery McKenna & Steven DiCasa Cinematography: Steven DiCasa ( Gaffer: Ted Shaeffer Production Sound: Cody Buesing Puppeteer: James Wojtal Visual Effects: Miska Draskoczy Storyboard Artist: Simon Ampel Photographer: Jackie Russo songs produced with Michael Onufrak - instagram @onufrakm mastering by Dan Millice: Thanks to Sam at Bagelteria for letting us film - #SchmoCinematicUniverse #SCU

ooPzr1vzmGY | 05 Aug 2013
Joe Biden and his press secretary, Darren Criss, sing to the public about shotgun use while politicians and pundits broadcast warnings of flying robots and spies. All our tracks & instrumentals on patreon! Subscribe to Darren Criss! - Subscribe to StarKid! - our stuff that you should click, to be happier: 2nd channel: song produced with Michael Onufrak - instagram @onufrakm mastering by Dan Millice: #Songify #SongifyTheNews verse 1: Joe Biden sings a song about shotguns, and the buying thereof verse 2: Rand Paul sings about robots, then has an EPIC SHOWDOWN with John McCain & Lindsey Graham. verse 3: Bill O'Reilly sings his highest note ever while talking about Edward Snowden & the NSA with Megyn Kelly. verse 4: it all converges in one haunting anthem 0:00 Buy A Shotgun 1:13 Flying Robots 2:41 What the Heck Is Going On? 3:17 Coda 3:59 Best Unintentional Singer Awards

mqIHpNRRtS0 | 18 Jun 2013
Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey describes how he helped rescue three women. this track: Michelle Knight's book Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus' Memoir Charles' account in his book: Original videos: &

XUvhAPs38RA | 23 May 2013
Psy has a job applicant who tells him a terrifying tale of a diva stalking him at his DJ sets. Download/stream this song everywhere!- Get all our tracks & BTS at featuring Psy - & DeStorm - &, of course, our very own Sarah Gregory as Çyrah Our Xmas Album! or on iTunes Spotify etc buy sweet DJ Play My Song T-Shirts: directed by Guy Logan - song produced with Michael Onufrak - instagram @onufrakm mastering by Dan Millice: & cameos from Kassem G - EpicLLOYD - Bree Essrig - Greg Benson - Andy Mogren - Ed Bassmaster - Derek Jones - subscribe to these good folks and subscribe to us at (facebook) (twitter) (instagram) (store) DJs have been persecuted for centuries- nay, millenia! It's a serious problem and we have to put a stop to it. If we all unite we can stop the oppression! #SchmoCinematicUniverse

nZcRU0Op5P4 | 08 May 2013
Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey describes how he helped rescue three women. this track: Michelle Knight's book Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus' Memoir Charles' account in his book: big ups to: for the help on the video! LYRICS: I knew somethin was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms dead giveaway, dead giveaway my neighbor got big testicles cause we see this dude everyday we eat ribs with this dude, but we didn't have a clue that that girl was in that house, she said please help me get out so I opened the door, we can't get in that way a body can't fit through the door, only your hand so we kick-kicked the bottom, and she comes out, and she says it's some more girls up in that house call 911 and they caught him at mcdonald's I knew somethin was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms

ykvc20YpXAQ | 19 Apr 2013
To celebrate 4-20, A bi-partisan panel of politicians somehow come to a unanimous agreement that The War on Drugs is totally effed up. Guest Starring Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes. Subscribe to their channel! Watch a cover by Andrew & Michael here: Songify yourself with the FREE Songify app for iPhones & Androids: ...\ FREE!?! A 21st CENTURY MIRACLE! This video was originally part of The New York Times Op-Doc series, curated by Jason Spingarn-Koff: our stuff that you should click, to be happier: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics below: We need to repeal the whole war on drugs It isn't working We don't have to have more courts and more prisons This has to change This has to change Prohibition didn't work Prohibition on drugs doesn't work We have spent over 400 billion dollars It's a waste of money We need to come to our senses Let's put down the guns and unclench the fists We need to come to our senses Yeah, we don't treat alcoholics like this We need to come to our senses Prohibition failing harder than 1926 We need to come to our senses We don't treat alcoholics like this Too many people doin' time Somebody tell me - when did recreation become a crime? It's bright-eyed kids we're sendin into prison They go in as superheroes and come out supervillains Could have had more Einsteins, more Magellans, But we made a thousand Al Capone level felons. Take out a dealer and ten more appear So let's ban curing cancer, we'll cure it within a year. We need to come to our senses Of 50,000 arrests, 82% were black and hispanic These arrests stigmatize, they criminalize Making it harder to find a job Making it harder to get into school Making it harder to turn their lives around It must end and it must end now The war on drugs, while well-intentioned, has been a failure We're warehousing addicted people every day in state prisons Giving them no treatment, sending them back on the street And wondering why they don't get better Why they commit crimes again Well, they commit crimes to support their addiction The war on drugs is a failure Put down the guns and unclench the fists The war on drugs is a failure We don't treat alcoholics like this The war on drugs is a failure Prohibition's failing more than in 1926 The war on drugs is a failure We don't treat alcoholics like this The cops got better things to do anyway Like stop real crimes instead of wasting time Chasing that mary jane Stoned people don't start fights No, they don't Stoned people don't rob banks Not even close The worst thing stoned people do Is steal their roommate's oreos And that's a misdemeanor at most A misdemeanor at most A misdemeanor at most

BnJyuQerx3c | 13 Feb 2013
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - George Watsky tour dates: his channel: In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama calls attention to the opposition party's lack of compromise and the abundance of Snooki tans. Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: SONGIFY yourself: ...\ WEAR things: LISTEN to things: mastered by dan millice - singing by stephon lamar - LYRICS: hey, what up it's been a while how's your wife, how's your dog, how's your child let's do this everybody listen to this time for the state of the union last year was wack but now we got a new one fresh out the shrink wrap and i think that if we try, we can do what we never thought we can do, son because our asses aren't quite as broke and our foreign policy's not as much of a joke dreamin up imaginary enemies and droppin bombs like we mixed mushrooms and coke so listen up kids let me teach you about the government guys wearin ties all decide how all your money's spent i try to make as much change as i can but i can't seem to get it past man with the spray tan this year i won't abide by that imma introduce john boehner's face to my pimp slap believe me, 2013's gonna be the best damn year your grandpappy's ever seen and no one can stop us from makin history not even the man whose orange tan is a mystery why would he want to be so tan? is he an oompa loompa out on the lam? why would he want to be so tan? is he snooki & jwoww's number one fan it's really weird to be so tan you lie the constitution is orange and so am i In you're in need or got lots and lots if you're clean or you're on the rocks if you're a heeb or a proper WASP I don't give a HOOO if you're green like you're roger klotz or bright red like sriracha sauce forrest gump told me life is a chocolate box you never know what you're gonna get so love every flavor like you got a big crate of otterpops baby this america bright orange, be carrot top grow up to be president you could be a dinosaur you be a triceratop I got a terra cotta body and a lot women want it baby I'm so orange red White and orange freedom is a word that rhymes with orange alright someone get me a tissue i'll compromise on the skin tone issue but if i do you compromise too instead of bitchin about all the things i do according to the haters, i do everything wrong alright, then put your tin foil hats on if you blame me for stupid shit, i'll show you what stupid shit is from now on, we all follow sharia law, bitches nah, i won't abide by that imma introduce john boehner's face to my pimp slap believe you me, 2013's gonna be the best damn year your grandpappy's ever seen what about 1999? NO what about 1865? NO what about 1777? NO what about 1611? HELL NO what about 1539? NO what about 1455? NO what about 1334? NO or -6 when Jesus was born?uh uh what about -413? NO when greece was still a democracy? NO what about negative a million one? NO when a dude was born with opposable thumbs? NAH what about negative a hundred million? NO when dinosaurs were smashin and killin? NO what about the year the Earth was made? WELL... and Ice Cube said it was a good day? MAYBE

wDQTvuP1Dgs | 07 Feb 2013
Original Interview: A rescuer describes the elemental worth of a human soul!-feat.-kai/id601173079 Kai's channels: / KMPH's site:

y2Ip1ZUVJPM | 02 Feb 2013
Jimmy Fallon asked their fans to upload YouTube videos of themselves celebrating their favorite football team––so we made them accidentally sing a pump-up anthem 💪 Fallon on YT- This is it: The Late Night Superfan Supercut. Find us in other places:

W5ffHd7O3yQ | 26 Jan 2013
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - ORIGINAL INTERVIEW: Katie Couric plays hardball with Manti Te'o, trying to uncover the truth behind his fake girlfriend & why he'd ever avoid letting the world hear his amazingly smoooooth Samoan baritone. Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: SONGIFY yourself! iPhones and Androids: iPhones: Androids:\ Al Roker poops his pants: WEAR our t-shirts on your body: LISTEN to our music in your shower:

T3MRd_QHlQM | 21 Jan 2013
Thanks to BaracksDubs for comin over to make a video with us. Subscribe to BaracksDubs for more Obamusement! ---------- Barack Obama sings his smoothest, most soulful case for another 4 years in office. Loving us forever is what he neeeeeeeeds. Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: SONGIFY yourself on iPhones and Androids: ...\ WEAR things on your body: LISTEN to things in your shower:

h0q2eGAjyGg | 07 Nov 2012
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - After calling President Obama to congratulate him on his victory in the 2012 election, Mitt Romney comforts his supporters in song. Schmoyoho (shmo YO ho) is the vision of a magical universe where song fills every moment. Behind this vision are The Gregory Brothers. 2ND CHANNEL: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: *WEAR* Songify2012 things on your body: *JAM* the Songify2012 tracks wherever you want: LYRICS: You may think I'm overcome with torment and depression Symptoms common to the loser of a big election But not me, you see I've got a secret weapon That keeps me happy and gay I'm still rich Filthy rich As far as I'm concerned, this election thing Went off without a hitch 'Cause now I'll have the best tax write-offs I could ever get While he has nothin' but gettin' blamed For the U.S. goin' to H. E. double hockey sticks! Oh, life's a bitch Wait, except it ain't for me 'Cause I'm still rich I never really wanted that low wage "president" job to taint my career Besides, who on Earth could possibly get by on 400,000 dollars a year? Now that I'm done pretending to have fun spending time with the plebeians My speaking fee will multiply by three - so if you ask me, we won! This may be the happiest day of my entire life I promise you I'm definitely not crying inside Because I'm still... Rich Filthy rich Trust me, my strategy worked perfectly Didn't have one single glitch Shucks, I can go overseas and invest in whatever I darn well please While Obama triple-double checks his pension To make sure it isn't overly Chinese! Life's a flippin' bitch! Wait, except it ain't for me cuz I'm still Horse-ridin' company-acquirin' Income-hidin' employee-firin' Luxury-yacht-buyin' Rich!

7AreTsuFUOs | 23 Oct 2012
More Songify This! All of our tracks and bts - In the third and final debate of the 2012 presidential election, the Requiem Politicus Disputationem, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama engage in a euphonious battle for your vote. *WEAR* Songify2012 things on your body: *JAM* this and the other Songify2012 tracks wherever you want: This video is a part of The New York Times Op-Doc series, curated by Jason Spingarn-Koff. Subscribe to their channel for amazing Op-Docs: Check out the *FULL DEBATE*: Behind the scenes: Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: LYRICS two men enter and two men shall leave but each must answer now my questions three preekotos omnipitos romneytos schieffertos freetos obamatos how could we ship jobs to shanghai when america invented the chicken pot pie we have brought cases against china for violating trade rules we are going to insist that china plays by the same rules they're hacking into our computers counterfeiting our goods, stealing our intellectual property our patents, our designs china's a potential partner if it's following the rules we wanted to trade with them but you gotta play by the rules now that we're finally bringing troops home won't the afghans be lonely when they're all alone when afghans are perfectly capable of defending their own country there's no reason why americans should die the taliban they're gonna come rushing back in when we go the afghan forces have to be able to provide security why should you run the show we decimated al-qaida's core tell us cause we need to know i want to bring jobs back to our shores two more weeks until we vote we need to have strong allies who can really run the show my strategy's to go after the bad guys is the threat from iran getting overblown or should I use my xbox to bomb them with drones their economy is in shambles we organized the strongest sanctions in history crippling sanctions do work you're seeing it now i'm glad romney agrees they wanna see israel wiped off the map If israel's attacked, we have their back israel's a true friend america will stand with them should we increase our military size so we can keep killing every single bad guy our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917 i want to make sure that we have the ships that are required by our navy you mentioned that we have fewer ships we also have fewer horses and bayonets because our military's changed why should you run the show we decimated al-qaida's core tell us cause we need to know i want to bring jobs back to our shores two more weeks until we vote we need to have strong allies who can really run the show my strategy's to go after the bad guys schieffer out, now I'm bout to go home been a long day, so it's time to get my drank on ninety minutes i've been spittin' bout our foreign policy ninety minutes i'll be sippin' on a glass of hennessy let me leave you with a thought from my mom go out and vote, makes you feel big and strong

DSbxBQhzk3M | 17 Oct 2012
More Songify This! all our tracks and bts - Obama and Romney join the would-be motown band, Crowley and the Town Hallians, in the 3rd Presidential Debate. Ed Bassmaster: Get the track! Wear Songify 2012 things on your body: Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Original video: Behind the scenes: LYRICS Crowley Welcome to the town hall debate where ordinary people talk to the candidates Skippy The ladies tell me they like a man with insurance So how do I get some without paying a billion dollars for it Tell me, who's gonna work it out, baby Who's gonna work it out? Obama This is not just a health issue It's an economic issue This is money out of that family's pocket Romney If Obamacare is implemented fully It'll be another 2500 on top You've seen health insurance premiums, gone up Incomes go down Obama I said that we would make sure that insurance companies Can't jerk you around CHORUS: Skippy What you gonna do? Romney We should make sure that our legal system works Crowley Oh, what you gonna do? Obama Go after gang bangers we're gonna get it done In a second term Skippy Oh, what you gonna do? Obama Take the money we've been spending on war Romney More drilling Obama Double our exports Skippy Who's gonna work it out, baby, who's gonna work it out? Chad Since I got out of college, I've been living in my mom's basement How are you gonna get me a job before she goes totally apestuff? Who's gonna work it out, baby Who's gonna work it out? Romney I want you to be able to get a job I know what it takes To make America the most attractive place That's why I wanna bring down the tax rates Obama Low-skill jobs are not gonna come back I want jobs with a high wage If we're adding to our deficits for tax cuts We will lose that race Cynthia Just because I am a lady My salary's a little bit less How can every woman get equal pay? And please stop looking at my breasts Romney I had the chance to pull together a cabinet I brought us binders full of women My chief of staff said "I need to be making dinner for my kids" So we said fine Obama My grandmother worked her way up to become Vice president of a local bank, but she hit the glass ceiling Now I've got two daughters and I wanna make the same opportunities That anybody's sons have [CHORUS] Obama: From the governor, we haven't heard any specifics beyond Big Bird Romney: That's completely false Obama: Not true Romney: Absolutely true Obama: Just isn't true Crowley: Wooo

ksXRFRCUatc | 12 Oct 2012
More Songify This! All of our tracks and bts on patreon: It is time. It is time to listen to the vice-presidential hopefuls sing their best, lifting their promises and pleas to soaring heights and rousing melodies. May the best voice win. Songify yourself with the FREE Songify app iPhones: Anroids:\ this video was originally part of The New York Times Op-Doc series, curated by Jason Spingarn-Koff: Songify 2012 things to wear on your persons: Get this Track! Our 2nd Channel: Behind the Scenes: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Complete VP Debate:

6ti2S7Py25w | 04 Oct 2012
More Songify This! - All our tracks & bts for the 2020 election - It is time. It is time to listen to the presidential hopefuls sing their best, lifting their promises and pleas to soaring heights and rousing melodies. May the best voice win. Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Beat by Richard La. Check out more of his genius here: Songify 2012 things and schmings to wear on your persons: Get the track: Songify yourself with the free Songify app for iPhones + Androids: ...\ Original video:

ssRh39r3J20 | 24 Sep 2012
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Songify yourself with the FREE Songify app for iPhones & Androids: ...\ FREE!?! A 21st CENTURY MIRACLE! Sometimes the stringent scorekeeping rules of American presidential campaigns result in eerily similar speeches from both sides of the political arena. It can be tough to tell who loves America the most. To help the novice political spectator more easily follow the score of Obama vs. Romney, we've tracked it for you in this video using state-of-the-art video gaming technology. this video was originally part of The New York Times Op-Doc series, curated by Jason Spingarn-Koff: our stuff that you should click, to be happier: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store!

DcJFdCmN98s | 15 Aug 2012
the track on itunes- (it's also streaming everywhere, even spotify & your grandmom's house) Daym's Channel: Original Video: our new Christmas album: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1! featuring the vocals of Catherine Provenzano mastering by Dan Millice: our stuff that you should click, to be happier: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Chords: (intro) Cm Ab Cm Ab (chorus) Db Ab C7 Fm-Cm-Db-Ab (verse) Cm Ab Gm Fm Lyrics: oh my goodness, oh my damn oh my goodness- they goin H.A.M. this is how bacon is supposed to be the fries, they blend so perfectly the cheese up in here is goin H.A.M. dayum, dayum, DAYUM i wish you could smell what i'm smellin mm, mm, mm you bite the fry, the fry bites back, my man dayum, dayum DAYUM, crispety crunch DAYUM, look at the bacon DAYUM, get yourself that double cheeseburger dayum, dayum DAYUM, ghetto grocery bag DAYUM, the cheese is oozin DAYUM, let's do this dayum, dayum, DAYUM do you wanna know the difference between a weak burger and a burger that has strength a burger that has strength a weak burger you can chew and still talk a burger with strength you chew the meat just absorbs all the space and all the air possible all in your throat to the point that if you wanted to start talkin nothin but mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm is comin out word skimmalarinky dinky dink skimmmalarinky doo i love you oh my damn chorus #Dayum #Songify #SongifyThis

xAYa49TuAKs | 03 Jul 2012
WHEEEE, take a journey through the computer tubes of legend to hear the SourceFed team sing their hearts out! SourceFed: Remix this track: SourceFed videos used: Kate Upton Kicked out for nudity - Google Robo-Brain - Girls like employed guys -

R3RCP4jHGHY | 21 Jun 2012
More Songify the News: From the halls of Congress to the U.S. Military Academy, accidental singers solve the world's problems one troublesome muffin at a time. Featuring NicePeter - - Subscribe to his channel for great joy and betterment! us in other places: Patreon: Twitter: IG: 2nd channel: Original videos Rep. Ted Poe on muffins: Anderson Cooper debates church lady: VP Biden congratulating West Point grads: Alexander Foote contributed waily & picky guitars: Dan Millice mastered -

812fbaau7qQ | 14 Jun 2012
The Songify app ON ANDROID:\ iPhones: Some people have asked if Mitt Romney's likability, or lack of it, will affect his electability. Have these folks SEEN him deliver a speech?!? He likes everything! His ability to like is off the charts. This piece originally appeared at an Op-Doc for The New York Times on May 14, 2012. The Op-Docs series is produced & curated by the insuperable Jason Spingarn-Koff. You can read our statement about the video at The New York Times: Find more of us Gregory Brothers: YouTube 2nd channel! Facebook! Twitter! Webs! What's up gangstas It's the M.I. Double Tizzle I love people I love lakes I was born and raised here I love this state I love cars I love American cars I love you I love lakes I love businesses I like silly stuff I like mandates I like grits I like 'Twilight' I love this country I like music of almost any kind including this I love lakes I like seeing the lakes The Great Lakes Also all the little lakes Uh-huh, He likes lakes So don't mess with lakes Man-made lakes Or naturally occurring lakes I love humor I like jokes As well as things that are fun My sons are tired of my jokes I live for laughter Yeah, Chris Rock? Three Stooges Will Ferrell? Laurel and Hardy Tina Fey? Keystone Kops I like it all Do you like iPads? I have an iPad Do you like iPhones? I have an iPhone Do you like vampires? I don't like vampires, personally, I don't know any I want to make sure that people know precisely why it is that I am running for president, and the answer's very simple. I love people I love lakes I was born and raised here I love this state I love cars I love American cars I love you I like being able to fire people I love businesses I like silly stuff I like mandates I like grits I like "Twilight" I love this country I like music of almost any kind, including this I love lakes

jMjcDbYxS3M | 15 May 2012
Coppercab drops a couple verses about the metaphysics of redheads. Buy GINGERS have SOULS on iTunes - Get exclusive videos from us for only a buck a month: (also for apple devices here) COPPERCAB's CHANNEL: ORIGINAL VIDEO: Find more of us Gregory Brothers: YouTube 2! Twitter! IG! Facebook! Webs! Lyrics: I just wanted to say that it really irritates me that South Park would say red-haired people don't have souls and it really hurts my feelings i act like it doesn't but it does, really bad for real Gah, gingers have souls You don't me, you're not God You don't know who has a soul and who doesn't Gah, I don't see the difference Gingers have souls I'm redheaded and God made me that way And God made gingers have souls Lately I've been being called a ginger A fat ginger It pisses me off It pisses me off I'm getting sick and tired of everyone Making fun of red-haired people What is so freaking different? Tell me, tell me I'm redheaded and proud of it I'm proud of me I'm proud of myself I'm proud I got freckles, you know It's who I am, God made me that way And I have a soul #Gingers #Souls #RighteousAnger

Hc9kfOy8ucA | 30 Mar 2012
Do you need a taxi? Go to Sacramento! NEW SONGIFY 2.0 APP for iPhone (Android coming soon!): ORIGINAL VIDEO: VOTE for us in Comedy Awards: FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more Songifications: 2ND CHANNEL MERCHANDISE LYRICS You know who I am I'm Taxi Dave, Taxi Dave With my black and yellow, black and yellow cab You know who I am And everything I do, I do is big In my black and yellow cab Now my cab looks unapproachable It's safe, it's mean and it's super clean You'll wanna ride with me cause I'm the big cat I'll be behind the wheel of my yellow cab Singing it and slappin it and that's that Gotta call from a customer this just in They need a pick up at the holiday inn You know who I am I'm Taxi Dave, Taxi Dave With my black and yellow, black and yellow cab You know who I am And everything I do, I do is big In my black and yellow cab Who's about to guide you through a magical land Like Peter Pan From the club to the art museum And who's about to fill you with the wisdom you need Your own Socrates on the ride to the Hyatt Regency? Keep him on speed dial When you're 20 drinks in You can travel in style Stead of with a drunk friend He'll suggest cuisine for your supper And discuss the Renaissance like a boss, muthaFOO I got in with a shawty about to take it back to my place Dave recommended we see the local theatre's new space Girl, I promise imma let you finish another night But hamlet had the greatest climax of all time You know who I am I'm Taxi Dave, Taxi Dave With my black and yellow, black and yellow cab You know who I am And everything I do, I do is big In my black and yellow cab You know who I am I'm Taxi Dave, Taxi Dave With my black and yellow, black and yellow cab You know who I am And everything I do, I do is big In my black and yellow cab

r4DAkW4VwfA | 17 Mar 2012
Released in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Thanks to all those who suggested it. Here's the now classic report on the Leprechaun: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Songify! the iPhone app: or on Android: The people of the Crichton area of Mobile, Alabama, sing a traditional Irish brogue to commemorate the appearance of a leprechaun and celebrate the spirit of St. Patrick. Shirts: Tweetin: Facebookin: This song is in the key of E minor, it has several chords in it.

Urx21kpsB40 | 23 Feb 2012
Senator Jefferson Einstein, (R) South Dakota, eloquently elaborates on the libertarian views which have helped him surge in the polls -- and that he believes will carry him to victory. Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Shirts: Tweetin: Facebookin: Find out MORE about Junkie Einstein's voting record as the race for President heats up: On drug legalization: On smoking lettuce: On prescription medicine: On the existential crisis of not knowing if life is really happening: On how one can understand the poetry of Congress: On the economic benefit of marijuana legalization: Lyrics: When you look on this stage Under all these bright lights, You just see some guys That you don't really like At all, grow some balls When you choose tonight! But if you vote for me You'll be doin the country A really, really big favor--trust me, you can thank me later When I legalize everything I can guarantee you'll be Much, much more happy With me I can satisfy all your needs For shady activities As you please, like Prostitutes and drugs Panda skin rugs Automatic weapons Exposin your erections It's high time You vote for Einstein I'll legalize everything Euthanizin old people Poachin bald eagles I'll fire the regulators Of asbestos toilet paper It's high time for Einstein I'll legalize everythiiiiing If you vote for him You'll be helpin the nation - God's favorite nation - Live like the founding fathers did And never have to bother with Laws against anything He can guarantee you'll be Much more happy and free (Ron Paul: constitutionally!) If you wanna see tyranny's demise Realized we should legalize Newt Gingrich: Public urination Rick Santorum: Without taxation Mitt Romney: Buying the election All: Exposin our erections! You got it! It's high time you vote for Einstein Einstein: I'll legalize everything: Extreme religious sex/sects Interspecies sex/sects If you're wondering how i spelled those Then you'll just have to guess ... All: It's high time for Einstein He'll legalize everythiiiiiing Einstein: Every single Inconceivable Smokable, drinkable thiiiiiiing

Ggq6wFUw2FU | 09 Feb 2012
Kristen Bell + Sloths = Undying Love SONGIFY: the free iPhone app - or on Android: ORIGINAL SLOTH VIDEO: More Gregory Brothers: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! ------------- Chords: C Gm F C Em Am Bb F Lyrics: my entire life had been waiting for this moment when i would get to interact with a sloth (no, no, no, no) i'm serious i was overcome (no, no, no, no) i'm serious her name was Melon my entire life my entire life had been waiting for this moment had been waiting for this sloth i don't know how to compete with my emotions so i'm crying crying crying cuz i've been waiting for this moment my entire life if i'm not between a 3 and a 7 on the emotional scale i'm crying -you're crying i'm crying -shawty you're crying so between 3 and 7 you're fine it's a good zone where are you now on the scale pffft 11 shawty you're crying, crying, crying, crying so hard shawty you're crying, crying, crying, crying on the bed shawty you're crying, crying you're crying crying you're crying let's bring out the cutest sloth no you didn't no my entire life my entire life had been waiting for this moment had been waiting for this sloth my entire life my entire life had been waiting for this moment had been waiting for this sloth i don't know how to compete with my emotions so i'm crying crying crying cuz i've been waiting for this moment my entire life

whFBCIzwxp8 | 23 Jan 2012
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - As election season heats up, candidates and news pundits alike bring the core tenets of our democratic republic to the forefront with a driving beat and soaring melody. SONGIFY the free iPhone app - or on Android: shirts and stuff - Joseph Gordon-Levitt's channel, hitRECord: Collaborate with him on his web site: More Gregory Brothers: 2nd Channel! Facebook! Twitter! Webs! original videos: Newt Gingrich on cash money : Jim Stossel on voting : Vermin Supreme on Various metaphysics: More Vermin Supreme: Lyrics: My name is Vermin, Vermin Supreme And you can vote, you can vote for me. For president if you want And my name is Vermin, and uh, okay. Do you still stand by your pony pledge? Yes, I do, free ponies for all Turn all that pony poop to methane gas. One more thing, Jesus told me to make Randall Terry gay - He's turnin' gay, turnin' gay! Whooo Whoooo! Thank you, alright, okay. And all the un-gay is melting away! He's turnin' gay, turnin' gay! Whooo Whoooo! Not a single straight gene in his DNA 'Cause he's turnin' turnin' turnin' turnin'Turnin' gay! Our instinct says everybody should vote but some people are dumb - and they shouldn't vote! The kids are not paying attention - Yeah, on election day give 'em detention This endless cheerleading - Let's go to the rock concerts, register the kids. All the kids are so stupid, stupid, dumb stupid. Speaker Gingrich, do you propose kids work as janitors? You can hire 30-some kids for the price of one janitor Those kids who get money, cash money. Light janitorial duty - get money Work in the cafeteria - cash money Cash money is a good thing if you're poor Get some cash money, then get some more. Imma help poor people learn how to get a job Imma, imma help poor people learn how to get That money, that cash Get money, get a stash Get that money, that cash Get money, get a whole damn stash

mbUVtfUWwF8 | 06 Nov 2011
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1! Chuck Testa, a remarkable taxidermist and inspiring camouflageur, explains his age-old skinning secrets in song. He is aided by an astonished choir of children, who accidentally harmonize in wonder at his illusory powers. Rhett & Link made the ad on their show on IFC. Sub their original channel! The horde of heavenly harmonizing kids are from "Kids React!" by The Fine Bros. Sub their channel for more Kids React here! Including Kids Reacting to us! More Gregory Brothers: Facebook! Twitter! Shop! 2nd Channel! LYRICS: You probably thought this deer was alive, And this coyote was alive, and this pheasant was alive. They're dead. They've been taxidermized by Chuck Testa. I specialize in the most life-like dead animals anywhere. Period. Look at that antelope driving a car! Nope, it's just Chuck Testa. Oh no! There's a bear in my bed! Nope! Chuck Testa. There's a leopard feeding on an impala Out on my deck. Nope, Chuck Testa. Did that rhino just order a drink? Nope, Chuck Testa! Chuck Testa, Chuck Testa, Nope, it's just Chuck Testa, Chuck Testa Nope OH there's a bear in my bed! Chuck Testa, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Chuck Testa - AAAA, AAAA, AAAA, AAAAAAAAAA!

FCSBoOcGFFE | 22 Sep 2011
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - After a near-death-experience, Arizona citizen and realist George Lindell sings a rousing ode to the constant, yet oft forgotten, fragility of the human experience. Original news story: ---Does YOUR life need Songifying? Try the iPhone app! or on Android: Find more of us Gregory Brothers: 2nd Channel! Facebook! Twitter! Webs! Lyrics: Well, I was just driving down Northern Avenue And all of a sudden I was just minding my own business. BAM! It hit me hard from the back! FOOM! The fire was everywhere! FOOM FOOM! Blowin' up, made a big loud noise like BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! I was like - OH! The fire was arcing like a rainbow SHEWW! A little spark jumped up and I was like WHOA! Totally out of the blue. Reality hits you hard, bro! (The time and place, you'll never know - Reality hits you hard, bro.) I still feel kinda shaken up Kinda crazy right now. Guy's still stuck in there. His car is still hot. They're gonna shut the power off Get that guy out of there. Hopefully get his insurance card, So I can get my vehicle fixed. Chords: Em G A C Am D G C F# 7b5 B Em E7 #SongifyThis #Reality

BZnDt2wEFjk | 28 Jul 2011
The strangest prayer known to man is beautiful in song form. More songs & behind-the-scenes at And ORIGINAL VIDEO: Find us in other places! Twitter- Instagram- Facebook- Webs & Store- CHORDS: D C G D Perhaps if Joe Nelms starts giving all prayers at NASCAR events, we can attain world peace and solve hunger. #NascarPrayer #SmokinHotWife

sP4NMoJcFd4 | 08 Jul 2011
Stream this song: original video: Schmotreon - Overcome by her love of cats, Debbie the Online Dater conjures an interspecies love song, danceable by all creatures. Cara Hartmann's (she plays Debbie) site/merch! - Gregory Brothers links: -------------- other cats --------------- puppet cat: guitar cat: drummin cat: synth cat: sliding cat: stroller cat: necktie cat: nyan cat: dj kitty: keyboard cat: conga cat: bongo cat: dancing cats: #Songify #Cats #eharmony

5ghA8QIUNOo | 11 Jun 2011
This track on schpotify: All our songs/instrumentals on Schmotreon - Michael puts his babies to bed with some stuffed animal friends & then they send themselves into dream-land by singing a lullabye. listen to Andrew's version: Puppet Designer: Frankie Cordero Puppet Builders/Puppeteers: Frankie Cordero & Ryan Dillon YouTube Channel: Website: Twitter: Subscribe: CHORDS: Intro: F Am/E Eb Ab Gb C7 Verse: F FM7 F7 Bb Bbm F G Bb Bbm F Chorus: Cm Bb F Cm F7 Bb Bbm F G Bbm F G Bbm F LYRICS: Oooooooooo And as the rain fell I couldn't quite tell if those were tear drops in your eyes. We both thought that this would last, So how could it end so fast... We didn't want to say goodbye. chorus: And I know we're so far away that it's hard to say "Hello Again" But it's much harder to pretend That we're only two old friends so let's say "Hello Again..." Hello Again. I'm still in the same town But nothing the same now Though you've only been gone a little while. I can't seem to help but think That things shoulda gone differently 'Cause we didn't want to say goodbye. chorus If you can hear me Please know you're near me Even when you're so far away Despite all the world's distractions And all of the time that's passing I think of you every single day chorus All i can do is hope that you'll Say it too Hello, hello again.

F2ZShmt19uQ | 08 Jun 2011
ORIGINAL VIDEO: An inspirational child rider gives a rousing speech-song to inspire all aspiring bike riders of the world—and all peoples who aspire to do anything. CHORDS: (intro: Bb/C) Chorus: F Am Dm Cm F7 Bb Bbm/Eb Bb/C Bridge: Am7 Gm7 Dm7 DbM7 Bb/C LYRICS: Everybody! I know you can believe in yourself! If you believe in yourself you will learn how to ride a bike If you don't, you just keep practicing Everybody! You will get the hang of it - I know it! You will get better and better - I know it! If you keep practicing, you can get better and better as you do it I feel - I feel - I feel happy of myself I feel happy of myself Happy of myself -Give me some thumbs up Thumbs up, everybody, for rock and roll! Thumbs up, everybody, for rock and roll! You will get the hang of it - I know it! You will get better and better - I know it! If you keep practicing, you can get better and better as you do it

9QS0q3mGPGg | 08 Mar 2011
Buy our new Christmas album: or on iTunes Spotify etc Get exclusive videos from us for just $1! facebook twitters instagrams mastered by #winning #winning backup vox - Catherine Provenzano - ORIGINAL interviews: ABC: NBC: CNN: 2ND CHANNEL SHIRTS CHORDS: Em Bm/D Am Em Em Bm/D Am C D Em C G LYRICS: I'm on a drug called Charlie Sheen It's not available, if you try it once you will die Your face will melt off And your children will weep over your exploded body, over your exploded body You love to party What's not to love? The run I was on made Jagger and Richards look like Droopy eyed armless children That's how I party That's how I party I was bangin 7 gram rocks, that's how I roll - winning I have one gear: GO - epic winning Are you bipolar? I'm bi-winning Win here, win there, win win everywhere ----- inspirational bridge ----- I'm a total frickin rock star from mars - winning C'mon bro, I got tiger blood - winning You borrow my brain and you're like DUDE, can't handle it Win here, win there, win win everywhere I've got a list -- help me sort this From the epic win to the desperately winless Chicken nuggets - WINNING Bubblegum - WINNING Pretending to text to avoid someone - EPIC WINNING Slow dancing - WINNING Slow pantsing - WINNING Breakin the rules of the Geneva conventions - WEAK Adonis blood - WINNING Violent love - WINNING Givin needy women caresses and hugs - EPIC WINNING Childbirth - WINNING Colin Firth -WINNING Tinky Winky's purse.........duh, WINNING, WINNING chorus #Songify #Winning #CharlieSheen

ej_H8wYo2s4 | 31 Jan 2011
In order to work together, we must dance together. Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - OBAMA'S FULL SPEECH: THE ORIGINAL IYAZ SONG: FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: 2ND CHANNEL SHIRTS CHORDS F # m - D - A - E LYRICS Intro: Shawtayee, ay Shawtayee, ay ay Shawtayee, ay ay ay Chorus: All the people who sent us here have different backgrounds, different stories, different beliefs. We do not give up. Nah, nah, nah, nah, not today We do not get stuck in replay. Verse: No matter who we are or where we come from each of us is a part of something greater more consequential than we individually are. New laws will only pass with Democrats and Republicans. I believe we can, we must, get the economy going again. Bridge: We do big things from the days of our founding big things cause we dare to dream big things our destiny is our choice we share common hopes, common creed Chorus #Shawtayee #BarackObama

zjYSERaXEGI | 20 Dec 2010
buy the song on iTunes: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - SITE: SHIRTS: ORIGINAL VIDEOS: & WALK OFF THE EARTH COVER: SHELLI LANGDALE: Gregory Brothers links: Facebook! Twitter! 2nd YouTube! CHORDS: Chorus: Eb - Bb (x4) Verse: Fmin - Bb - Eb - Ebmin/Ab (x2) Bridge: Bb LYRICS I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good I'm backin' the hell outta there And I'm like oh my God, oh my God, my God I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good And I think maybe I should faint. But I don't. (NO.) My daddy taught me good. I was putting one more type of coffee in my coffee cup And outta the corner of my eyes I saw two guys come in One with a black hoodie, one with a white hoodie. Black hoodie. (White hoodie!) White hoodie. (Black hoodie!) They said, "WE WANT YOUR MONEY EVERYBODY DOWN!" And I'm like, "Oh UGH! Why did I need coffee now?!" And soooooo The guy in black starts comin' down, comin' down down down down (Chorus) So I backed farther and farther away, And I'm like, don't look don't look don't look. And he comes right to me and he goes, Get down now! Get down now! And I just drop to my knee, see my little knee. And, and then when I figure I'm safe I'm like, countin' to two thousand. And I don't hear nothin'....Nothin! Then I hear: BOOM BOOM BOOM! I'm like, Ohhhmigod they're dead! (Chorus) And I'm like I'm gonna have to find all my friends dead, And then they were laughing (ha ha), They shot the robber! Hero of the day, saved my life, saved my life! They shot the robber! Hero of the day, saved my life. Mi amigos, he's a hero. (Chorus) #BackinUp #Songify #SongifyThis

UIV8G2UCyGc | 02 Dec 2010
Amir, that rapscallion, wouldn't stop posting videos on Jake's Facebook wall. It was simply inevitable that his series of pokelamations would become a delightful aria. HOW did JAKE & AMIR REACT to getting SONGIFIED?? Plus you can download the full song "Poke Me" for FREE: MORE JAKE AND AMIR TO LOVE- FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! CHORDS Chorus: Eb - Bb - Ab - Bb - Eb Eb - Bb - Ab - Abm - Eb Verse: Fm - Ab - Cm - Eb Fm - Ab - Cm-Gm-Ab-Eb - Bb LYRICS poke me poke me poke my wall poke me poke my face poke my pictures poke my videos I want you to poke my status and I want you to poke yourself go poke yourself accept the poke, that's it! then poke me back, game over then I can poke you then poke me back and we're done that's it, that's all I want then I'll poke you again and you poke me back poke me back. So I saw you did a bunch of stuff on Facebook but you didn't poke me you accepted John Cleland's friend request you don't even know that guy yeah, you went to high school or college with him but i bet you don't know what his favorite food is and you know what mine are. CHICKEN MCNUGGETS, BITCH! four, or two you said you're maybe attending a stand-up comedy show how did you do that without first checking who poked you? you didn't. you couldn't, so‚ poke me poke me poke my wall poke me poke my face poke my pictures poke my videos I want you to poke my status and I want you to poke yourself go poke yourself accept the poke, that's it! then poke me back, game over then I can poke you then poke me back and we're done that's it, that's all I want then I'll poke you again and you poke me back poke me back.

v3bfR3RKdO0 | 21 Nov 2010
Slim Chin, Dwight Howard, and D. Rose admonish aspiring ballers - both literal and figurative! - on how one should become truly successful in the world with a rousing hook, "Fast Don't Lie.' With success mainly being measured by dunks, and also, cubic meters of caviar. ORIGINAL VIDEOS: FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! LYRICS What up world? I'm Slim Chin, 'Beast from the Far East.' This is Dwight Howard 'Beast from the Regular East.' Think i got this crib by being slow? I got this 'cause i'm fast! Think i got this solid gold jet ski by being slow? I got this 'cause i'm fast! Fast Don't Lie Fast Don't Lie Think i got this caviar pool by being slow? I got this 'cause i'm fast! Think i got this benjamin pile by being slow? I got this 'cause i'm fast! Off quicker than a prom dress, A prom dress. TIME'S UP! You're too slow. *spoken tenderly* Dwight, play that thing that you play so well. No, not really. No, close. I, I got it. Sing Song Time! *sung* Fast Don't Lie! Fast Don't Lie! F-A-S-T, D-U-N-T, L-I-E. EEEEEEEEE FAST DON'T LIE! WHAT? FAST DON'T LIE! Get freaky, get, get freaky, Get freaky like my LADY PYRAMID! *yelled* I'm Slim Chin and I'm OUT! Thanks to Adidas for sponsoring this video! -love, michael

ML7S5pb8Tis | 16 Nov 2010
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - America's most recent ex-president Bush and most famous Kanye settle their longtime beef with repentance, forgiveness, and soothing refrains. ORIGINAL pre-songified VIDEO FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! CHORDS Hater intro: Bbm - Fm - Gb - Ebm Look at his face: Ebm - Ebm/Db - Ebm/B - Abm - Bbm Chorus: Ebm - Ab - Bbm - Fm - Gb - Db (rpt) LYRICS Verse 1: I'm not a hater. I'm, I'm not a hater. I'm not a hater. I'm, I'm not a hater. I'm not a hater. I'm, I'm not a hater. I'm not a hater. I'm, I'm not a hater. Just look at his face. Just look, just look at him. I didn't need you guys to show me this face. I'm just asking you, look at his face. Pre looking at his face, I came here to man up to mistakes that I made. I came here to say that I've grown as a person. Yeah, I'm sorry. You made it about the race. Yeah, I'm sorry. We're human, we make mistakes. Look at his face. Look at his face. Does your faith allow to you forgive Kanye West? Yes. Look at his face. Do you forgive Kanye? I, I love Conway. Do you forgive Kanye? I, I love Conway.

Gg5SwyTvAHw | 05 Nov 2010
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1! In the future, all political debates will be moderated by a DJ in a spaceship, and the debaters will sing and rap their way to glorious victory. Jimmy McMillan of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party demonstrates this utopian vision with a roaring rendition of his party's eponymous theme. ORIGINAL VIDEO FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! CHORDS Verse: Gm, Ebmaj7, Dm7, Cm7, F Chorus: Bb, Gm, Bb, Ab7, Eb, C7/E, F, D7/F# 2 Damn High Bridge: Bb, C, Gm (rpt), Eb, F, Bb, Eb, F, Gm LYRICS I represent "The Rent is Too Damn High" Party. People working 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week - Some a third job - why? The rent is too damn high! The people I'm here to represent can't afford to pay their rent. 'Cause rent is too damn high! The people being laid off right now can't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Only a governor, like a father of a house can put everything in control. The bottom line is, the economic state of emergency is the way to go! To go, go, go, go! This will reduce the cost, you cut the rent down you cut the taxes down! To give business owners a chance to hire people! To give business owners a chance to hire people! That is it, nothing else to be said! End of subject, there's nothing else to talk about. Some say, I'm a one issue candidate. But it all boils down to one thing! What? RENT! Is too damn high! The people I'm here to represent can't afford to pay their rent. 'Cause rent is too damn high! The people being laid off right now can't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Only a governor, like a father of a house can put everything in control. The bottom line is, the economic state of emergency is the way to go, The way to go! To go, go, go, go! Rent is too damn high! The rent is too damn high. (too damn high!) Rent is too DAMN high! The rent is too damn high. (too damn high!) Too damn high, too damn high, too damn high! Rent is too DAMN high! The rent is too damn high. Closing statement... As a karate expert, I will not talk about anyone up here. Listen! Someone's child's stomach just growled. Did you hear it? Did you did you hear it? Gotta listen like me. Because our children can't afford to live anywhere. Once again, why? You said it - - - The rent is too damn high!

TvQbkPS8zCA | 01 Nov 2010
At the sight of at least dozens of people flooding onto The National Mall, Jon Stewart, a prominent American rally organizer, launches into a sincere moment of song. ORIGINAL VIDEO FOLLOW the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: 2ND CHANNEL SHIRTS CHORDS Intro: Bbmin - Abmaj - Gbmaj - Fmin - Ebmin - Ab - Bbmin - Ab Chorus: Db - Ab - Fmin - Gb - Gbmin/Cb - Bbmin - Gb - Db Verse: Fmin - Gb - Bbmin - Ab x2 LYRICS Intro: We hear every damn day about our fragile country. Every damn day about the brink of catastrophe, and how it's a shame that we can't work together. The truth is we do. We work together to get things done Chorus: Every damn day, every damn day, we work together every damn day. There will always be darkness. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the promised land. It's just New Jersey, just, just New Jersey. Verse: The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems, bringing them into focus or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire And then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden flaming ants epidemic. Chorus: Every damn day, every damn day, we work together every damn day. There will always be darkness. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the promised land It's just New Jersey, just, just New Jersey. *The Gregory Brothers love New Jersey with all their hearts.

44mqiBrB0zI | 17 Oct 2010
Get all our tracks & BTS on our Schmotreon - On a dark and lonely night, a multitude of yearning souls across the land finds inspiration in a Delaware songstress named Christine O'Donnell. check out the Roomie cover! - Original Christine O'Donnell ad: Follow the Gregory Brothers - YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! the video clip at the end of the credits is from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Jimmy Stewart ftw. LYRICS: I'm not a witch I'm nothing you've heard I'm you, you, you I'm not a witch, bitch None of us are perfect But none of us can be happy with what we see all around us Politicians who think spending, trading favors and back room deals are the ways To stay in office, stay in office Politicians stay in office I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do Doo doo doo doo doo I'm Christine O'Donnell I'm not a politician I'm not a witch, bitch I'm Christine O'Donnell I'm youuuu, youuuu CHORDS: C# min B/D# E (B) C# min B/D# A (A/B) F# min C# min G# min7 A F# min Amin6 E #Songify #SongifyThis

IdRo2NJJcUU | 28 Sep 2010
*EDIT- 2.26.2018* - Chris' father just passed away after an awful fire--she's recovering and figuring out where to live, her gofundme here: Extended SunnyD chorus with Ray William Johnson: Make sure to give some love for inventing this delicious cocktail What is more satisfying, more precious, more soothing to the body and soul than one's favorite adult beverage*, fixed to perfection, poured to one's liking? One woman's specialty cocktail becomes the inspiration for a song. That song becomes the inspiration for millions. Cheers. to find us in other places: 2nd channel: SunnyD'n'Rum recipe: CHORDS Intro: Absus - Ab All the rest: Ab - Fmin - Cmin - Db - Ab LYRICS Woah SunnyD and rum Yum yum It's a flavor I just thought of Woah SunnyD and rum Yum yum It's so good I can't get enough Woah Oooh SunnyD and rum Yum yum Think I'll run and get me some Woah SunnyD and rum Yum yum It's so good I can't get enough Woah Oooh Woah SunnyD and rum I think I'll run and get me some Woah SunnyD and rum Yum yum I think I'll just drink me some Yum SunnyD and rum Yum yum Yeah SunnyD and rum Yum yuuuum It's so good I can't get enough *The Gregory Brothers neither endorse nor condone underage drinking.

m50n4hqx1Ho | 19 Sep 2010
#TeamTrees Assemble! Help us help Mr. Beast plant 20MM trees! Donate on this video using the donate button and 100% of the money will go to Arbor Day. Plus YouTube will cover the transaction fees. Tornado in Brooklyn. Original video: Follow the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Chords: chorus - Fmin Cmin Gmin F Fmin Cmin Gmin Ab verse - Cmin Bb Ab Fmin Lyrics: look at that, look at the tree, the tree look at the tree, look at the tree dude, oh my god oh my god, oh my god dude, a fuckin tornado for sure, for sure, for sure i know for sure, for sure, for sure i know dude, oh my god, look at the tree holy shit, this is fuckin crazy, crazy dude, dude, dude oh my god dude, dude oh my good--it's circling, dude OH HO HO HO HO! HO HO HO HO! get inside now! HOLY SHIT get that on camera oh my god! ho ho ho we're in a tornado right now oh my god you can't see anything. go inside now dude, here it comes there it is! holy shit WHAT THE FUCK?!?! chorus

KucV8renOfI | 13 Sep 2010
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - The hallowed inner sanctum of U.S. Government rocks hard with the aid of representatives from the state of =w=. Weezer's new album 'Hurley' now available - or on iTunes: quartet sheet music:!/photo.php?pid=4861378&id=46060559283&ref=fbx_album Follow the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Chords: chorus - E B verse 1 - F# G#min E B verse 2 - B5 E5 Lyrics: Don't leave me swinging in the wind until November I am here! I am not going away! Hey, if I was you, I may want me to go away, too You know, what the hell--do what you have to do But don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November Don't leave me swinging in the wiiiiiiiind, the wiiiiiiind Democrats, hey! And Republicans, hey! As much as I love you, I am not going away I violated the rules and I'm apologizing For God's sake, I'm 80 years old And all I'm saying is heck, Have the ethics committee expedite this-- This is an emergency Democrats, hey! And Republicans, hey! As much as I love you, I am not going away He's still a contender He will not surrender Don't you leave him Swinging in the wind until November Don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November Don't leave me swinging in the wiiiiiiiiiind Do what you have to do But don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November Don't leave me swinging in the wiiiiiiiind, the wiiiiiiiind There's a lot of pain and anguish from people worried about this Islamic Center What about these strip joints? strip joints? strip joints? Are these people who are holier than thou condemning the strip joints nearby? Let's take a closer look at the strippers to see if they got somethin to hiiiiiiiide! Painting Islam with a broad brush makes our problems worse, worse, worse Makes them wooooooorse! And I don't like it, nobody should like it, like it Painting strip joints with a broad brush makes our problems worse (worse), worse (worse), worse (much worse!) It was done to the Jews before--that's why we have perpetual war Blood and gore! Perpetual war Forevermore! Perpetual war Persecutin Islamic strippers I don't like it Puttin a ban on Halal liquor nobody should like it Burnin Qur'ans to get people pissed I don't like it Puttin Tinky Winkie on the no-fly list I don't like it, nobody should like it Republicans drove our economy into a ditch We got in there and we pushed and we shoved And these guys were standin sippin on a slurpee And they got the nerve to ask for the keys back I don't wanna give em the keys back They don't know how to dri--don't know how to drive When you wanna go forward in your car, what do you do? You put it in D, they're gonna pop it in reverse I don't wanna give em the keys back They don't know how to dri--don't know how to drive Our metaphorical car got no brakes and no gearshift We'll go metaphorically far while we're standin in the ditch, bitch!

qIoG4PlEPtY | 04 Sep 2010
Buy the song on iTunes! Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - After the plot of 2 armed thieves is foiled by a brave store clerk, Diana of Kansas City excitedly recaps the fiasco in song, extolling the teachings of her father. 2nd channel: tag sheet music: Follow the Gregory Brothers for more remixes/songifications: Our store: ORIGINAL VIDEO CHORDS Chorus: Eb - Bb (x4) Verse: Fmin - Bb - Eb - Ebmin/Ab (x2) LYRICS I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good I'm backin' the hell outta there And I'm like oh my God, oh my God, my God I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good And I think maybe I should faint. But I don't. (NO.) My daddy taught me gooood. I was putting one more type of coffee in my coffee cup And outta the corner of my eyes I saw two guys come in One with a black hoodie, one with a white hoodie. Black hoodie. (White hoodie!) White hood. (Black hoodie!) They said, "WE WANT YOUR MONEY EVERYBODY DOWN!" And I'm like, "Oh UGH! Why did I need coffee now?!" And soooooo The guy in black starts comin' down, comin' down down down down And I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good I'm backin' the hell outta there And I'm like oh my God, oh my God, my God. I'm backin' up, backin' up, backin' up, backin' up Cause my daddy taught me good And I think maybe I should faint. But I don't. (NO.) My daddy taught me gooood. #BackinUp

-fTh2GffJsM | 27 Aug 2010
"How Wall Street Made The Crisis Worse" by NPR's Planet Money in collaboration with ProPublica: This song, fondly entitled "We Didn't See It Comin", by The Gregory Brothers with some help from various titans of finance, not to mention the FCIC, scrutinizing in the key of B minor. Planet Money: ProPublica: Follow us on your site of choice: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: Were you pulling funny business while you were doing business, with everyone's money on the line? Some of the activities we undertook .. contributed to the prevailing mood at the time. So did you know right then it would all come crashing in, that something funky was cookin? We didn't know it then, or even today, when it actually crossed over into bubble territory. So you didn't see it coming, you didn't see it coming, well didya see it coming, did anybody see it coming? No one involved in the housing system foresaw a dramatic and rapid depreciation of home prices. No one? Lenders, Nobody? rating agencies, Anybody? investors, Somebody? insurers, consumers, regulators and policymakers. So you never saw it coming at all? And then when you look back, you always look back, and you look back, and you say well, these were warning signs. And then when you look back, you always look back, and you look back, (hindsight!) and you say well, these were warning signs. They're not obvious at the time, they're only obvious in hindsight (hindsight!). They're not obvious at the time, they're only obvious in hindsight. So no one ever coulda seen it comin at all! Wellll, *exhale* I'm not sooo sure about that.

OOVeDwFLd1Q | 21 Aug 2010
A cherubic child stumbles into her parents' room and writes the melody of the decade ORIGINAL VIDEO CHORDS Ab - Cmin7 - Fmin7 - Bbmin7 - Ebsus LYRICS Daddy: Who--who you said was naked? Daughter: Daddy and mommy Daddy: And what happened? Daughter: Mommy said "Ah-Ah-Ahhhhh!" Daddy said "Ah-Ah-Ahhhhh!" And Daddy screamed like a girl, like "Oo Oo!" Mommy screamed like a girl, like "Uh uh!" Both of them screamed like "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ahhhhhhhh! Daddy: You was in, you was in your room? Daughter: Uh-huh. Daddy: You was tryin' to sleep? Daughter: Yeah, yeah! Daddy: Who you hear? Daughter: Daddy and Mommy! Daddy: I bet my daughter knows my name. What did you hear? Daughter: Mommy said "Ah-Ah-Ahhhhh!" Daddy said "Ah-Ah-Ahhhhh!" And Daddy screamed like a girl, like "Oo Oo!" Mommy screamed like a girl, like "Uh uh!" Both of them screamed like "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ahhhhhhhh! Daddy and Mommy was naked And you, you in trouble, you in trouble! Both of yall! You in trouble, you in trouble! Both of yall! Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ahhhhhhh!

VKsVSBhSwJg | 07 Aug 2010
Bed Intruder on vinyl: and streaming everywhere: Get all our remixes & songs here - Antoine's channel: shirt design /album art by Shelli Langdale - more of her work here: other places to find us: store: LYRICS: he's climbin in your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they're rapin errbody out here you don't have to come and confess we're lookin for you we gon find you we gon find you so you can run and tell that, run and tell that run and tell that, homeboy home, home, homeboy we got your t-shirt you done left fingerprints and all you are so dumb you are really dumb--for real you are really, really, really, really so dumb i was attacked by some idiot in the projects so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so chorus bout 5'9", 5'10" coffee complexion, low cut like a caesar with some little waves in his head clean cut, very smooth face seein my sister when i walked in he had his hands around her neck first thing was to pull him off of her and that's what i did chorus well, obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park are you serious, my boy? i got your t-shirt i got your scent i know what shoe size you wear, my boy so you can run and hide but we're gonna find you, find you chorus x2 (with ballet dancers, orchestra, choir, etc.) #HideYourKids #HideYourWife

hMtZfW2z9dw | 31 Jul 2010
Bed Intruder on vinyl: Stream the track! Get all our remixes & songs - get a Cameo from Antoine! Antoine & Kelly Dodson sing an important message both to his community and an attacker, and implore the people to "hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband." Evan Gregory then proceeds to play a heartfelt cover of the resulting song. Original Video: Antoine's channel: More of us (schmoyoho / gregory brothers), for more remixes/songifications: CHORDS: chorus- gm cm dm 4x bridge- Eb dm cm gm Eb dm cm F dm F Lyrics: he's climbin in your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they're rapin errbody out here you don't have to come and confess we're lookin for you we gon find you we gon find you so you can run and tell that, run and tell that run and tell that, homeboy home, home, homeboy we got your t-shirt you done left fingerprints and all you are so dumb you are really dumb--for real the man got away leaving behind evidence i was attacked by some idiot in the projects so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so chorus #Songify #HideYourKids #HideYourWife

YseOXuNPPoY | 29 Jul 2010
As Roger Chen trains for the national bagging championship, his Confucius-like coach, Joe Yaeczitis, offers an uplifting bagging anthem that can be sung by anyone trying to excel at anything. Turn on captions (on the lower right of the YouTube player) to sing along with this anthem and lift your spirits. subscribe to the Gregory Brothers: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: Determination is probably one of my strongest suits, I guess Determination is probably one of his strongest suits I'm striving to go after the American Dream I don't stop until I get it, til I get it, get it He will not stop until he gets it I'm like a dog chasing a bone Like a dog chasing a bone Keep that speed Crushables are on top Slide your bag down With practice he can be the best in the world! Amateurs practice til they get it right Pros practice til they can't get it wrong (can't get it wrong!) That's what he's lookin for, to practice to where it's automatic He's always been fast, but he's gotten better You have to use both hands Chorus It's all there for you To just go out, get it And make it yours

pT_4YytbF-w | 23 Jul 2010
Sarah Gregory sings a cheerful-sounding summer song with babies. Download the mp3 on iTunes: Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Subscribe: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: It's always summertime Here in my miiiiind When I think of how we were when we went out, so very Happy together Not afraid of foreverrrrrr But you changed your mind In life revised you never went away--ay I'm yours, you're mine, we never had to saaaay Goodbaaiiiiiiiiiye Goodbaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiye iye iye It's always wintertime Here in my miiiiind When I think about the way that things turned out, so very Broken beyond repair i'm here and you're theerrrre cuz you changed your mind In life revised you never went away--ay I'm yours, you're mine, we never had to saaaay - aaay - aaay Goodbaaiiiiiiiiiye Goodbaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiye - aaiiiiiiiiiye It's always summertime In my mind Until I remember You changed your mind Until I remember Life can't be revised Until I remember We said goodbaaaiiiye Chords: (verse) G C D em C am d# dim D G C D em C cm G (chorus) am cm G A am cm G A d# dim D G d# dim D d# dim D

-fmwxaBjFGM | 20 Jul 2010
An angry outburst transforms into a work of art. Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - original video: for more accidental singing: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! like the east coast/left coast shirt? g. bros shirts at Lyrics: cuz everybody wants to run everybody wants to run, that's good i'll be right behind em to see how far they can run to see how far they can run it's a chauvinistic pig attitude that clinton's got that you're gonna do somethin because you work at the arsenal and you've got a f#$@*in mercedes benz and you ain't gotta walk every day so you're gonna get out and strut that ass, strut that ass, strut that strut that ass, strut that ass, uh! you work at the arsenal and you're gonna strut that ass, strut that ass, uh! uh! when you start walkin, my friend and you get 10, 15 miles down the highway you won't be struttin that ass you won't be struttin that ass you'll be half dead you'll be so f#&%*in tired, you won't hardly hold that ass up when you walk about 15, 20 miles, my friend, you won't chorus Chords: (verse) bm D A (chorus) f-sharp-minor G D A #StrutThatAss #Songify #SongifyThis

MX0D4oZwCsA | 06 Jul 2010
EDIT: the site of this video, Yosemitebear Mountain Farm just had an awful fire—support here: We miss you, Yosemitebear––you'll be in every single, double, and triple rainbow we see 🌈🌈 the track: Original video: Subscribe for more remixes/songifications-- Lyrics/Chords: Whoa, that's a full rainbow all the way bm G Double rainbow, oh my God, double rainbow D A It's a double rainbow all the way...damn bm G It's a double rainbow all the way...damn, oh my God D A f# m What does this mean? It's so bright, so vivid G D Double rainbow, double rainbow, it's so intense (tense) G f# m What does this mean? It's startin to even look like a triple rainbow G D That's a whole rainbow, man, ahhhh! G F# Double rainbow all the way 'cross the sky bm G Yeah, Yeeeeaaaaah, so intense D A F# Double rainbow all the way 'cross the sky bm G Wow, wow, oh my God, look at that rainbow D A The most famous double rainbow discovery ever--reimagined in song. #DoubleRainbow #YosemiteBear #SongifyThis

jbc2NaLuv1A | 17 Jun 2010
Get all our tracks & goodies on patreon & memberships: The possibility of California marijuana legalization and suggestion of Supreme Court lesbianism inspire mass song breakouts. Produced by The Gregory Brothers. More on us: YouTube 2! Instagram! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: The market value of pot would go down, down, down if we legalize it Then supersize it Right now, now, now $4,000 an ounce That's way too much $400 an ounce That's ten times the blunts We need to smoke a little more pot, right? right right now, now, now That huge profit margin would go down, down, down if pot were legal For the needy people Right now, now, now Does it lead to harder drugs? No more than cigarettes No, absolutely not It leads to happiness We need to smoke a little more pot, right? right. Right now, now, now A photo of supreme court nominee Elena Kagan shows Kagan playing softball Uh, uh... That's been sort of a signal like 2 men sunbathing together on a beach Or something like that The immediate implication is that they're gay That's all, I've, I've known that for a long time And as soon as I saw that picture I knew the implication: She's gay, she's gay! I saw the allegation: she's gay, she's gay! Her sexual orientation Significant in her confirmation Is she gaaaaay? (a lesbian, lesbian) Is she gaaaaaay? (a gay, gay lesbian) Is she gaaay? (GAY) Is she gaaay? (GAY) Is she gaaaaaay? (a gay lesbian, lesbian) Gay, gay, gay, gay like two men sunbathing together on a beach (3x) Or something like that The White House denies her gayness But she got Village People on her iPod playlist ::laughing/chuckling/chortling:: There's nothing wrong with a little levity When we're short on thoughts and long on brevity ::bantering:: Is she gaaaaay? (a lesbian, lesbian)...... we're having a conversation about the implication of sexual orientation a silly allegation of extreme exaggeration and pointless information when it comes to confirmation You would have to smooooke 14 joints in 1960 Today minus 50 To get just as hiiiigh As in 2010 with just 1 joint Goin back in time always disappoints Isn't that amazing? It's gonna be crazy in 2060 If we legalize marijuana It would be a very dark day In California Dark with smooooke Very bad idea Would it balance our budget? It would not! Half of voters favor legalizing pot If we legalize marijuana It would be a dark, dark day Very bad! A dark, dark best day I'd ever have A dark, dark, dark, dark, dark dark day. #AutoTuneTheNews #schmoyoho

yghFBt-fXmw | 09 Jun 2010
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Obama declares his intent to kick somebody's ass, though determining the specific ass to be kicked may require an executive task force. The aggression of this declaration is made all the more resounding by its delivery as a dark, looming hip hop single. Matt Lauer and Sarah Gregory contribute vocals and interviewing expertise. original Today Show interview: Produced by the Gregory Brothers: youtube/twitter/facebook: Our store: Lyrics: I talk to the experts So I know whose ass to kick So I know whose ass to ki-i-ick So I--So I know whose ass to kick You know, when you talk to fishermen on the verge of tears, gets you frustrated There has not been an idea that we have not evaulated I would love to vent--I would love to shout and holler But my main job is to solve the problem This happens and turns out they've had no idea what they're doin We've just gotta keep on movin, pushin and movin, we're gonna get through it People, they're upset and they have every right to be The best possible service from me is ass-KICKin If it's the last thing I do, I'ma kick BP's ass This is gonna be a very, very difficult task Chorus Mr. T / Expert Chuck Norris / Expert Bruce Lee / Expert Bruce Willis / Expert Betty White / Expert Al Pacino / Expert Tinky Winky...............Expert Jack Bauer / Expert Jackie Chan / Expert Darth Vader / Expert Peter Pan / Expert Genghis Khan / Expert Batman / Expert THE LOLLIPOP GUIIIIIIIIILD / Ya know, I have to tell

BQmLnir2hok | 14 Apr 2010
A mysterious website is discovered. Joy ensues. Featured artists, in order of appearance: Zach Galifianakis (Between 2 Ferns): Brigitte Dale: Michael Buckley: Shane Dawson: Philip DeFranco: Justine Ezarik: Ed Helms (Subtle Sexuality): Robin Thorsen (The Guild): Amir Blumenfeld (Jake and Amir): Molly Windman (Rocketboom): Ass-Whooping (Angel of Death): David Wain (Wainy Days): ^^ if you don't know these shows/channels yet, you should. check them out. PS--thanks to the homeys/fans, we're nominated for 2 webbys!! vote for us here: and here: spread the word and get out the vote!

TpYIKF1wuyE | 05 Apr 2010
Nigel Farage teams up with the Angry gorilla to shout in the EU as Joel Madden sings a plaintive duet with Katie Couric. Get all our tracks & special goodies on patreon or memberships- Find Joel Madden online: Mike Penny shreds the shamisen. His YouTube channel: Need more auto-tuned news in your life? Subscribe! Or find us elsewhere: Twitter! Facebook! Instagram! Webs & Store! Lyrics available in the closed captions (turn the on at the bottom-right-hand corner of the youtube player)! and here: NF: You have the charisma of a damp rag! Gorilla: Damp rag! NF: You have the appearance of a bank clerk! Gorilla: Bank Clerk! NF: Who are you? I'd never heard of you! Gorilla: Eat my poo! NF: Nobody in Europe had ever heard of you! But I have no doubt that it's your intention To be the quiet assassin of European democracy. Perhaps that's because you come from Belgium Which of course, is pretty much a non-country. We don't know you, we don't want you! The sooner you're put out to grass, the better! We don't like you, we don't want you! Gorilla: Our logic and reason have proved you wrong! Bølverk: Go back to Douchebagistan where you belong! Gorilla: Don't make me have to start World War III ! Bølverk: Bring it on, these guns are WMD! NG: We don't know you, we don't want you! We don't like you, we don't want you! KC: Last month, comedian Bill Cosby was surprised to read that he died. JM: How can he read if he's dead? KC: Chief Justice John Roberts was the last to know he resigned. JM: Maybe he should check his head! KC:All of those stories, of course are pure poppycock that proliferated online. JM: I do it all the time, makin up s--- is so sublime. KC: But that of course is little solace for the reader who simply wants to surf the web without getting pulled under by a riptide of lies. JM: You can't protect the web from a--holes like me, shorty! KC: Truth can rip through cyberspace as quickly as lies Bloggers gnaw at new information like piranhas in a pool JM: Don't play me for a fool you know as well as I, we're both getting owned by the Both: Rip, riptide of lies pulled under by a rip, riptide of lies Pure poppycock! I want to surf, surf the web without getting pulled under by a rip, riptide of lies! GB: You hit on a guy at a wedding. EM: I I So GB: Explain that one first. EM: Okay, so we're at a wedding, New Year's Eve, everyone had too much to drink. There were 300 people there, I went with a bridesmaid, danced with her, I grabbed a bachelor. Now they're sayin I groped a male staffer! Yeah, I did! - Um. - Yeah, yeah, yeah! Staffers: A manly back-rub. Just a back rub! EM: We all live together, all the bachelors and me. Staffers: Naked in the tub! EM:You can take anything out of context! Staffers:Huggin! EM: You can take anything out of context! Staffers: Scrubbin! EM: You can take anything out of context! Staffers: Rubbin and humpin! EM: Yeah! Staffers: Ticklin and jumpin! EM: Yeah, yeah! I tickled him till he couldn't breathe, then four guys jumped on me. It's my fiftieth birthday. GB: Whether you're telling the truth or not, An avalanche is coming your way. An avalanche of lies, SG: pulled under by an avalanche of lies! KC/JM: Pure poppycock! GB: Whether you're telling the truth or not, SG: you're guaranteed to get caught Both: in an avalanche of lies! Staffer: Massa staffers! Droppin a St. Bernard of truth But we already drank the brandy My boss tickles me like a true G, He straddles me so masculine No stoppin' when i'm askin' him When he cootchie-coo my armpits, i'm a goner Tryna pretend that i don't notice his boner! Tryna distract him with headlines from China He just drop his drawers and pull out his vagina! -------- Staffers: Whenever you hear the boss swaggerin down the hall, you know he gonna drop a double cup on your tennis balls! You have to be a soldier, a real man, to soothe a male staffer with the stroke from a tender hand! Ain't nothin wrong with a Massa massage when you're in a chronic platonic quintuple menage! The entourage gripped in a bear hug that they can't escape Tryna pretend they don't notice when he ejacu- - #AutoTuneTheNews #AngryGorilla

zejd-J6Y-1g | 01 Apr 2010
The Gregory Brothers let you peek behind the magic curtain and reveal the secrets behind Auto-Tune the News. Auto-Tune the News #11 coming on Monday (April 5th)! Find us on the site of your choice: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store!

skwl8egOEsk | 04 Mar 2010
The second schmoyoho babies song, Just A Little While, played with the help of the mystical theremin ( Lyrics: If you were me And I was you I'd be flirtatious To see what you would do After all I'm too reserved And fail to act Til I observe I'll make you mine in just a little while I'll take my time--it's just a little while Til every sign points back to me And I can make a move Friday night I walked you home And said you didn't Want to be alone I replied That's good to know It's nice to see you I've got to go I'll make you mine in just a little while I'll take my time--it's just a little while Til every sign points back to me And I can make a move There's no way I'll loooooose Cuz when you look me in the eye You're all aglow It's just as though You've been hiding something behind that innocent smile That makes 2 of us When the time's exactly right I'll let you know You're not alone Unless it seems I've misinterpreted What I thought to be reciprocal and start to think If you were you And I was me My plan of action Would be to wait and see So I'll be somebody else Unless you'd rather me be myself (in which case) Chorus 2x And I can make a move And I can make a move In just a little while

qizNQKzatXA | 23 Feb 2010
A congressman declares that "you shall build a turtle fence" and the entire chamber breaks into an inspired anthem. All our tracks + instrumentals on schmotreon - Original song, Aquarium Girl, by Kapluckus--album available here: Follow us in the other places: Twitter! Instagram! Tiktok! YouTube 2! Web & Store! #SongifyTheNews #Songify 0:00 Guitar of Liberty 0:13 You Shall Build A Turtle Fence 1:14 I Drive A Truck 1:43 Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2:12 Football and Ethics Laws 2:57 Best Unintentional Singer Awards

DgLvT3yOF70 | 01 Feb 2010
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1! In a candid appeal to the American people, President Obama turns to the Top 40 for inspiration. Download the ringtone: The original Iyaz song: follow us on facebook and/or twitter to keep up to date with accidental superstars: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! tell us who you want to be the next chart topper, shawties

2v-v3jh-Cco | 01 Jan 2010
Mr. T., Mario, and Yusuf Amir accidentally sing their hearts out in the key of D# minor. You may recognize the beat from ATTN #8: Thanks to our friends at and Subscribe, shawty! Or keep up with us at More Auto-Tune the News to come in this sparkling new decade. #Songify

cTfmQht0AdE | 19 Nov 2009
It is once again proven that everything sounds better with a bass line as unsuspecting ad participants break into song. More Songify This! us in more places: all our tracks / goodies - the original ad spots: Lyrics: Evan: [screams]Famous guys playin ping pong blowin my mind--I'd better drop a beat that's crazy on FIYAAAAHHHHH! Justin: Ah - Ah, It's on fiyah! Oo - Ah, It's on fiyah! Fiyah, it's on fiyah! Andrew: We gonna burn a hole straight through to China! Peyton: --Mandarin-- Justin: --Mandarin-- Gal: Can this do everything I need it to? Gal: What camera should I get? Sarah: I've never been shopping before... Justin: Really?? Guy: These all seem the same. Peyton: They're not! Guy: These all seem the same. Peyton: They're not! Guy: These all seem the same, seem the same... Group: Seem the same, seem, seem the same. Evan: Or at least very similar. Gal: These all seem the same. Erin: You can't fake Sony quality. It makes watching sports in HD better. Michael: It glues your ass and the couch together. Evan: Watchin' TV and readin' e-books forever! Guy: Don't all these pretty much do the same thing? Julia: No, actually. The Sony Vaio has a Blu-Ray disc player, Andrew: Tasty cuisine, Julia: HD Screen, Evan: Shaving cream; Julia: It's an entertainment machine. Andrew: Filling your empty life with meaning. Nigel: Get a Sony! Get a Sony! Get a Sony! Get a Sony! Michael: Alright, I'll buy it before you bust a vein, homey. Sarah: Death of a Salesman, 'bout to win a Tony. Nigel: Sony gets the best Sony shot by shooting amazing Sony high-definition Sony video. Gal: What do you know about cameras? Michael: He knows a lot about cameras! Evan: Calm down, everyone! It's gettin' tense in here! Can a shawty say somethin' that'll clear the air? Julia: Absolutely. The new Sony Vaio lifestyle PC has entertainment, sports scores - Andrew: A tiny little monkey, cooking me s'mores.

WuYDSa4BRaw | 11 Nov 2009
More Songify This: Original Charlie Bit Me channel: Us in more places: A remix ATTN #2 with the melodies of cherubic children and cherubic Kanye. Who is the best unintentional singer?! You tell us. Here are your choices-- Kanye? Harry (Charlie's brother)? Charlie? Child with banana? Child trying to steal banana? Balloon Boy?

LnoD3NUux3M | 15 Oct 2009
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - presidents and prime ministers sing in harmony. Love and happiness abounds. Follow us EVERYWHERE: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: HC: Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun Seamos un tilín mejores Y un poco menos egoístas Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun Huele a esperanza FR: In this common endeavor Huele a esperanza GB: All of us work together HC: Tun tun tun tun tun tun tun tun BO: We must embrace a new era of engagement Because the time has come UN Choir: To smell the hope! GB: For growth to be sustained It has to be shared UN Choir: ohhh, We can smell the hope! BO: The time has come UN Choir: To smell a better world!! FR: A better world to live in for future generations everywhere. AG: Don't get sick That's right, don't get sick If you have insurance, don't get sick If you don't have insurance, don't get sick If you're sick, don't get sick Just don't get sick That's the Republicans' health care plan CC: He has a chart AG: An angry chart CC: A chart that helps us learn! AG: ooh ooh ah ah If you get sick in America, die quickly That's right--the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick AG: I agree! CC: He agrees! AG: Angrily! CC: Cuz he's angry! KO: Afford to live? Are we at that point? Are we so heartless? How can we not be united against death? Us: My BFF Gilgamesh knows eternal life's an impossible quest The resources exist for your father and mine to get the same treatment Us: Yeah, we're in agreement But first we gotta lay down some All: High speed rail Us: Bail out some All: Banks Us: Save your daddy with the leftover change KO: How can we be so heartless? Us: We're nihilists! KO: How can we be so heeeeaaartless? Us: We're tryna die quick! KO: What more obvious role could government have Than the defense of the life of each citizen? KC: How is the Nobel Peace Prize decided? BS: Well, uh, that is what people were asking all day today Bølverk: We mix a secret potion, And roll the ancient dice, Then hire a focus group And have a human sacrifice. KC: A lot of people are asking today why do you think the committee elected President Obama? Bølverk: I believe a prize for peace should go to the biggest wuss. BS: They were giving Obama a prize for not being George Bush. Choir: They can smell the hope!! KC: Take a deep breath! Choir: And hope a smelly world! KC: A deep breath! FR: A better world to live in for future generations everywhere

5CO2SfB1dnA | 05 Sep 2009
Barack Obama and Alexa Chung (the newly appointed Secretary of Real Talk) explain health care reform the only way people will understand--through song and dance. Stay caught up with Alexa online for more real talk: watch the g. bros on It's On with Alexa Chung: follow us on your site of choice: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: Shawtayee, as you can clearly see I spent my cash tryna fix my knee Sold my car and both my kidneys How am I supposed to live if my fridge is out of cheese? No on in America should go broke because they get sick Real talk, gotta save cash money Let's take that money And we'll all be sittin pretty Let's put it in the kitty Yeah, we're gonna make it right Kill your granny and save your life Next question Ooh! Thanks for callin in me I never thought I'd be on national TV But why you gotta change the way things work When Jesus Christ said we're the best country in the universe? We're paying $6,000 more than any other advanced country And we're not healthier Says here you're all fatties We're not healthier Cut down on the beef patties Refrain If you were floating through space And you could only say one thing Tell me what would you say? Shawtay, what would you say? There is a moment in the life of every generation When that spirit of hopefulness has to come through Let's work together, it's time to rock Neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block County by county, state by state We decide in our guts when we are determined Refrain God bless America!

bDOYN-6gdRE | 02 Sep 2009
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - We were honored to be joined in our newsmangling by Chairman Pain of the Federal Commission of T-Pain. Find him here: links to us: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: JB: Imagine with me for a moment. Imagine an America. Imagine a world Where people pop the hood of their cars And they see stamped on an electronic motor the words: "Made in America." All: Made in America! Made in America! JB: Imagine, imagine... All: Made in America! Made in America! JB: That's what I want to imagine! All: God bless y'all. MV: Now I wanna be part of the solution and not the problem. I gotta start somewhere, gotta crawl before I walk. All: Ay! Crawl before I walk, ay! Crawl before I walk! EG & SG: Before he flies like an Eagle. EG: woo! SVP: Michael Vick served his time, he paid his debt to society and now, he has either earned or been given another chance. SVP,EG,SG: Another chaaaance! MR: Katie Couric is off today. AG: But I'm still lookin at a fine shawtay-ay-ay. MR: I'm Maggie Rodriguez. AG: Nice to meet you, boo. Let's talk about the noo-ews. MR: The city of New York is declaring a war on geese And some animal activists are crying AG: Crying? MR: Crying AG: Crying? MR: Crying foul. AG: Crying how? MR: Crying fowl. AG: oh MR: Birds can become a feathered foe if they collide with airplanes AG: True. MR: Operation Goose-Be-Gone involves reducing the population within five miles of the airport Both: Those geese are cooked. Those geese are cooked, cooked, cooked. MR: Wildlife experts and the FAA agree Both: Those geese are cooked. AG: The Federal Commission of Me agrees Both: Those geese are cooked. AG: Now they livin on a wing and a prayer Both: A wing and a prayer AG: How many geese? MR: Two thousand geese. AG: That's a lot of geese. MR: Those geese are f---ed. AG: So sad and so tasty for my helpless flyin homies. MR: The debate continues in New York, but for now Both: Those geese are cooked, cooked. CG: As you can see from the chart, A massive fire-breathing Debt and Deficit Dragon CG: I have a chart. CC: He has a chart! CG: I have a chart. CC: A dragon chart! CG: The surtax is painful to the goose, Lethal to the goose CC: Which goose? CG: The goose that lays the golden egg CC: My favorite goose CG: The goose that lays, the goose that lays, lays the golden egg. CC: That goose is cooked, cooked, cooked! JE: Am I wasted or did that really transpire? So many metaphors my brain is on fire. *phone* Ay! TPain: Ay! JE: Ay! TPain: Ay! JE: Aaaay! TPain: Tell Katie-Coo, stop screenin my calls. Or else, she gon be on Very thin ice JE: Very thin ice KC: Very thin ice All: Very thin ice JE: Sing it T-Pain, geese are on All: Very thin ice MR: Those geese are cooked, those geese are cooked, cooked. SVP: Give 'em another chance. CG: The goose that lays the golden egg! MR: Those geese are f----ed. Those geese are All: Made in America, made in America SVP: Michael Vick served his time JE: But he's on very thin ice All: Very thin ice. Very very very thin ice. CG: I have a chart. MG: I have a mullet. CG: I have a chart. MG: I'm offerin you a piece of bread. How could you possibly refuse a man with a mullet. piece of BREEAAD!

dAfQhQJOquA | 03 Aug 2009
More Auto-Tune & Songify the News: Thanks to Aaron for his arresting appearance in this episode! follow us on your site of choice: tiktok: YouTube 2! Twitter! Patreon! Webs & Store! Facebook! also, thanks to Tchaikovsky for providing such a fiery hook (from Swan Lake): lyrics: JE: Let's get it right. ABS: Let's get it right. JE: Shawty on the mic. AH: The fact is that right now if you are black or hispanic, you have a much greater chance of being arrested. JE: Are you sayin we got thugs in the fuzz? AH: Particularly when it comes to the war on drugs. JE/ABS: Real talk, we got caught together smokin lettuce leaves. JE: Lettuce leaves. ABS: They put me in the slammer. JE: They gave me a college degree! ABS: WTF? JE: In biology. ABS: He don't know a tiger from a giraffe. DB: It is painful, it is shameful. ABS: Disdainful! I'm on parole. JE: I'm keepin my glass of champagne full top of the world. ABS: Brick on my ankle. DB: If you are stopped by the police Putcha head down and just wait. ALL: Wait! DB: Wait. ALL: Wait! DB: Wait. ALL: Wait! DB: Don't say nothin. ABS: Shh. DB: Wait. ALL: Wait! DB: Wait. ALL: Wait! DB: Putcha head down ALL: Do the dance now! DB: Putcha head down and just wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! ALL: Putcha head down, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! AH: This is happening all the time It's really stunning ------------------------- PB: This has been a country built by white folks. 100% of the people who wrote the Constitution, 100% of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence, White folks, Whi--i--i--ite folks! I look at the track team, and they're all black folks. I think maybe those are the fastest guys we got. Fastest guys in the country, Fastest in the wooooorld. Black folks, Bla---a--a--ack folks! SG: WTF? I think I'm having an stroke, Suffering a white guy overload. Doctor, doctor, can a shawty get a shot to the frontal lobe. OH. AS: It's not always just black and white, black and white. We're fighting right now for a young white male Who we felt the police abused by sticking something in his rectum. EG: Why they gotta disrespect him? SG: Can we please move on now, Reverend? AS: Sticking something in his rectum. ------------------- DL: Trouble, we got trouble right here in Capitol City. With a capitol T, and it rhymes with B, that stands for broke! CC: We broke! DL: Right here in Capitol City, right here, we gotta figure out a way to help the Americans who are about to choke! CC: No joke! DL: Oh yes we've got trouble. Trouble, trouble. CC: Triple trouble. DL: Trouble, trouble. CC: Big time trouble. DL: T! Rhymes with - CC: P! DL: Rhymes with - CC: C! DL: Rhymes with - CC: G! AG: I'm angry!! DL: Rhymes with D. And it stands for Democrat. CC: Oooh. ------------------- KC: Texting while driving is dangerous, dangerous. EG/SG: Treacherous! MG: Perilous! KC: People who were text messaging were 20 times more likely to have an accident than those who were talking on phones instead of typing. Just say no. EG: But I'm a sucker for peer pressure. My thumbs can't stop! KC: Get a designated texter. MG: [sexy breathing] Ow! KC: People on the road can turn an LOL into a great big OMG. ALL: People on the road can turn an LOL into a great big OMG. People on the road can turn an LOL into a great big OMG. ---------------------------------------- ----------- find us on facebook: and/or on twitter:

-Psfn6iOfS8 | 11 Jul 2009
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - disclaimer: DON'T TAKE PILLS WITH GIN! (OR ELSE YOU WILL WAKE UP DEAD!!) the beat is a lightly remixed version of 100th Sight by Kapluckus (a Gregory Residence band consisting of Constance Waddell, Michael Gregory, Jamie Forrest, Stuart Harrison and Jacob Crigler)--find the original song here: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: NG: Hey-ohhhh! Congress! Climate change bill! Let's get our debate on--1,2,3 MB: It is time to stand up and say We get to choose We get to choose It's one of the two liberty or tyranny EG: can we please choose something in between? mediocrity? MG: chastity? HW: puppetry? OB: obesity? JE: marijuanity? pretty please?! MB: The underlying bill represents the tyranny of the government It's our choice, what will we choose today? Will we choose liberty, or will we choose tyranny? MG: it all depends--who gets to be the tyrant? SG: I thought this bill was about the climate NP: Just remember these 4 words For what this legislation means Jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs Let's vote for jobs CC: and jobs NP: and jobs CC: don't forget about jobs Speaker: Those in favor say "aye". CC: AAAAYYE! Speaker: Those opposed, "no". JB: Hell no! Hell no! Hell noooooooo!! The fight that we have between the 2 sides of the aisle boils down to one word: JB: freedom CC: freedom! JB: freedom CC: freedom! JB: freedom that will allow the American people to live their lives hell no! Nano Man: hell no! JB: hell no! Nano Man: hell no! JB: hell noooooooo! Nano Man: hell no! Let's allow America to flourish to allow jobs to flourish, and allow freedom to flourish! hell noooooooo! --------------------- SP: I'm not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual. With this announcement that I'm not seeking re-election, I've determined that it's best to transfer the authority of governor to Lieutenant Governor Parnell. RS: Hey, could she be pregnant? EG: Pregnant with ideas bout how to run for president! CW: Interesting and perhaps successful strategy to win her the presidency. MG: To win you gotta quit! EG: To quit you gotta win! MG: the chips are on the table - WK: She's really all in. But it's high risk. JL: The people who like her Are still gonna like her The people who have doubts about her Are just gonna have the same doubts EG: No doubt JL: Same doubts MG: SHAWTAYEE All: Same doubts! ---------------------- Couric: What do you do if you have Tylenol and other medications with acetaminophen? JE: I take a fistful of pills and get busy mixin em in my gin What about Vicodin and Percocet? Will they be banned ultimately? JE: Not if I can help it! You know it's unconstitutional To take away my God-given pharmaceuticals ----------------------- BO: I have warned that one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead Wake up, wake up dead Meredith, I had warned everyone-- SG: --He told you so BO: --one day we're going to have this experience I feared this day And here we are Keith, people often die for very strange reasons They wake up dead Wake up, wake up dead EG: wakin up MG: wakin up BO: wakin up KC: wakin up EG: wakin up is a strange reason to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie .......whoo! ---------------------------------------------------

3eooXNd0heM | 19 Jun 2009
Joe Biden blesses America from space as Rep. Steve Buyer decries the dangers of smoking lettuce. All our tracks on YT Memberships & patreon - G. Bros in other places find Leafy Green T-shirts (and MORE) in our store: our second channel: Lyrics: ML: Any world order That elevates one nation over another Will fall flat SG: Ah, snap ML: I think that goes against the idea of American exceptionalism SG: Exceptional fast food and exceptional dance moves. ML: Most Americans believe that this country was gifted by God, a blessed nation, and that we are better. SG: Yeah, we the promised land, a sacred place, gettin blessed by Joe Biden in space! JB: God bless America! All: Ay! JB: Gah-awd bless America! All: Ay!! JB: God bless, God God bless God bless America!! All: Ay-men!!! SB: Do you realize if you were to take that lettuce, dry it, and roll it, and smoke it... MG: I know, it tastes like goat shit. SB: You smoke your lettuce. MG: Believe me, I've tried. SB: You're gonna end up with similar problems than if you were smoking tobacco. MG: I know, fo sho, you should try it with tomato - burnin salad in my throat! RM: Steve Buyer, warning complacent Americans about the risks of smoking lettuce. MG: You can warn me all you want, but you'll never stop my leafy green fetish. SB: It's not the nicotine that kills! It's the smoooooke! The smooooooke. Cancer: it's the smoke. Heart disease: it's the smoke. Respiratory disease: it's the smoooooooke! It's the, it's the inhalation, it's the smooooke, the smooooooke. If they wanna obtain their nicotine, it's okay. It's the smooooooke, the smooooooooooooke! SG: The more produce we come across, the more problems we see. KC: Some companies say they've received hundreds of applications for just a single opening. One man sent a shoooooe to his prospective employer EG: Shawtayee, don't you know That Air Jordan was from meeee? KC: I wore a long, white eyelet dress and a floppy white hat And carried a walking stick EG: Oo-wee! Am I crazy, am I trippin on shrooms Or you singin bout pimpin on the late night news? Katie Coo, baby boo, you got swagga like a star Don't stop, real talk, we gon take it to the charts! You can be KC: Lady Gaga EG: I can be KC: T-Pain EG: We can be KC: Bringing on the boogie EG: Droppin rhymes like rain You can be KC: Lady Gaga EG: I can be KC: T-Pain Both: Bringing on the boogie EG: With floppy hats and pimp canes LC: We've got some breaking news Let's go to Tracy Burns--she's got all the news TB: Actually, Liz, I think you wanna jump up to Robert Robert: Tracy, baby, you crazy I don't know what the hell's goin on Or where the camera belongs Let's go to Nicole NP: Me? Robert: Yeah, you NP: Me? Robert: Baby boo NP: Me? Robert: Whooo-ooooooooh NP: Me? Robert: Nicole don't know; let's throw it to Joe Joe: Uh, you know, I'm, uh, tryna get a hold of this myself Breaking news guys, um I, I don't have it, Liz, I have to send it back down to you I'm afraid LC: Okay, that's okay But the basics of it is Clearly this is a fascinating story

vmcCzB8fwLo | 15 Jun 2009
With the help of time-transcending wanderlusts, JFK is able to deliver his inaugural address as he originally intended. YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: Ask not what your country can do for you What your country can do for yooooo For yoooooo Ask what you can do for your country Ask not what America can do for you What America can do for yooooo For yooooo But what together we can do For the freedom of man To those people in the huts and villages Across the globe We pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves For whatever period is required Not because the Communists may be doing it Not because we seek their vote But because it is right If a free society cannot help the many who are poor It cannot save the few who are rich All this will not be finished In the first 100 days Nor will it be finished In the first 1,000 days Nor even perhaps in our lifetime But let us begin The world is very different now The torch has been passed To a new generation of Americans An new, a new generation of Americans Let every nation know That we shall pay any price Bear any burden, meet any hardship To assure the survival of liberty Chorus Let us go forth to lead the land we love Asking his blessing And his help But knowing that here on Earth God's work must truly be our own Full transcript & video of the speech here: #SongifyHistory

OGhsbRb_pqE | 29 May 2009
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Urgent issues call for equally urgent harmonies, and they are provided by politicians, pundits, and gorillas alike in this chapter of news opera. YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Lyrics: EG: Ay, nah nah, hey hey, nah nah ay oh MG: I agree EG: Where all the shawties on the court? JS: It's ridiculous, one woman on the Supreme Court, uh, doesn't seem right to me. EG: Ain't nobody have a breakfast with all sausage and no eggs. MG: We need a shawty with a hot body and sexy legs. EG: When the court convenes it's an ancient sausage festival. MG: Only two ovaries, sixteen testicles.. BB: There are so many qualified women out there. MG: Qualified to get low in they apple-bottomed robe. MB: I completely agree with you. EG: And I complete agree, too. MG: How does Ginsburg stand being the only woman who ain't a man? BB: Judge Ginsburg said, she's really very lonely without another woman. MG, EG, BB: Without another woman, lonely without another woman! EG: I know what it's like with a woman gone, cryin in the nude with the curtains drawn. MB: Breaking news! EG, MG: Oh snap! News is broken! Breaking news, in ya face! MB: Obama has picked Sonia Sotomayor. EG, MG: She's a shawty, She's a Boricua! EG: Jurisprudent! JS: With soft thighs! MG: And other soft features, that Ginsburg can appreciate, stayin up late, makin sure to thank heaven above. EG: because she ain't All: lonely without another woman, lonely without another woman! EG: Listen up, y'all, Joe Biden's got a shout out! This one goes out to all the serbians And also the ladies But mostly the Serbians JB: And until the Serbian people Look themselves in the face Understand what their leaders have done And convinced them of Until that moment arrives Serbian people will not Be able to shed this notion of victimization That all of their leaders prey upon And manipulate them with Until that moment arrives Until the Serbian people look themselves in the face Until that moment arrives Until that moment arriiiiiiiiives KC: April showers bring May flowers But what do May flowers bring? AG: Romance for a shawty KC: Possibly lead poisoning AG: ::Barf:: KC: Lead poisoning AG: ::Barf, barf:: I'm gettin sick like ::Barf, barf, barf, barf, barf:: KC: Before you dig in and start to enjoy all the Fruits and vegetables of your labor AG: Shawty KC: You'd better get your soil tested first AG: Oh KC: Your soil tested first AG: Oh, I live in the ghetto So I'll expect the worst KC: Paint chippings and old pesticides May be buried insiiiiide AG: Me, oh my KC: Raising the level of lead in the soil The tests are inexpensive And some local health departments Do them for freeeeeeee AG: Even for a talking head thug like me? KC: Once you're in the clear Mary, Mary quite contrary Plant away AG: Okay And when asked how does your garden grow Tell them it's healthy, green and lead-free AG: I'll say it's healthy, green and lead-free, shawty KC: Healtheeeeeee AG: Healtheeeeeee, believe me I ain't tryna munch on a poison zucchini NG: This bill actually has the secretary of energy Regulating jacuzzis Now, the ideastrikes me As close to being nuts AG: I agree--I'm an angry gorilla and that makes me angry JI: The only jacuzzis this will regulate Will have to produce 2,500 mega watts of energy AG: You made me angry with lies Hurt my angry gorilla pride; I'm angry NG: On page 233, uh Line 5: portable electric spas All: Portable electric spas! MG: No spa is above the law! NG: Now, I don't know what a portable electric spa is I was told it was a jacuzzi But that's in this bill AG: So it's true! I'm no longer angry at you My original anger's renewed JI: We will give you a hot spa That is energy efficient I hope that doesn't offend you AG: He might have a point My anger's makin a switch Cuz you're being a little b*$& But maybe not Maybe you're just defending freedom and justice for jacuzzis ohhhhhh What's this? a single tear that is wet that i shed When an angry gorilla cries Who's gonna be there to dry his eyes? And when an angry gorilla's depressed Who's gonna heal him with a soft caress? Ooh ooh ah ah, the tears are rolling down my cheeks Ooh ooh ah ah, liquid sorrow that my eyes excrete And I'm a soulja, but a soulja's got feelings, Don't know whom to lend my anger to, And that's why I'm crestfallen and confused Shawty

XHfAvR5wqRw | 19 May 2009
A quick brief on a terrifying failure. Also, an announcement about babies. Lyrics: Walk with me until we find an empty street I'll kiss you on the mouth and sweep you off your feet Oh em gee - ee - ee - ee You're the one for me Usually I'm more than just a little shy But I could never stand to watch you pass me by Oh em gee - ee - ee - ee You're the one for me You just say one word and oh, oh, oh em gee Suddenly the world stands still And I just can't believe You're making me weak at the knees Oh em gee Talk with me until it's almost 5 AM Then I'll be sneaking out right as the sun sneaks in Oh em gee - ee - ee - ee You're the one for me I'll tell you that I've never ever felt this way I'll tell you that I think the feeling's gonna stay Oh em gee - ee - ee - ee You're the one for me Chorus And I've never been someone Who needs someone To be someone But you pulled one loose heartstring And they all came undone Uh-un Uh-un Chorus CHORDS: (intro) C -- Cmaj7 (x4) (verse) C C/B Am C C/B Am C F Fm C (x2) (chorus) Dm F C Dm F Am Am/G D/F# Fm Dbmaj7 C (intro) (bridge) F G Am C F G Am C

5fngEnIkz44 | 15 May 2009
Get exclusive videos from us for just $1/month - Follow us: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! Zach McNees helped mix: Lyrics: EH: I think this is an ignoramus statement Umm, I was even a person who thought You know what, power to Joe the Plumber at that point SG: Before he went around laying his pipe all over town EH: Well, Joe the Plumber is not invited Anywhere around me EG: Does baby need a tissue? Thinking about the time the plumber kissed you Before you caught him creeping with the Shih Tzu RM: As republicans, the party does seem to be in chaos RP: They need to change their attitude, attitude Their attitude, attitude MG: Ay, tells us what your homeys can do To make a change RP: You know, they talk about personal freedoms They have to believe in it, you know MG/RM: We know! RP: To believe in it, you know MG/RM: We know! RP: To believe in it, you know MG/RM: We know, we know, we know you just got to believe RP: To believe in it, you know MG/RM: We know! RP: To believe in it, you know MG/RM: We know! RP: To belieeeeeeeeeve! Lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve! MG: You saying Republicans on crack Are you cozy with the Democrats? RP: I just don't think that either party Right now offers a whole lot MG: You'll see some real change From the 3rd party at my house Poppin champagne, bacardi; gettin crunked out Triple rhymin with Joe Biden While we Imbibin Hennessy Come on over--drinks on me, homey HK: We'll be friends with you AZ: And bff with you Main Damies with you HK: And colleagues with you AZ: I'll be in your crew HK: I'll be in yours, too AZ: Jumpin rope with you HK: Playin Donkey Kong with you AZ: Hatchin plans with you HK/AZ: invade Tajikistan with you HC: We do not believe either Afghanistan or Pakistan Can achieve lasting progress Without the full participation of all of your citizens Including women and girls AZ: Having a barbecue HK: Grilling a goat with you AZ: Grilling terrorists, too HK: Getting matching tattoos HC: The rights of women must be respected and protect-- AZ: --Picking flowers with you HK: Hot showers with you AZ: Falling in love with you HK: Nude at the zoo AZ/HK: Making memories at the pottery wheel, rubbing clay on you all afternoon KC: It would be one of the most dramatic Foreign policy about faces ever AG: To what do you refer, shawtayee? KC: A bipartisan bill in Congress would end The 47-year-old trade freeze with Cuba AG: Ojalá congreso le gusta esta KC: It has only spotty support so far But President Obama's already taken some baby steps Letting Cuban Americans visit family members And send them money But for most of us it's still a place that is Strictly off limits AG: Not for this G I just went there illegally Speaking of which, will you buy drugs from me On national TV? Don't fret--the people think I'm joking But guess what (what?)? I've never joked in my life; ooh-wee, shawtayee KC: The trade embargo made sense a half century ago AG: That's 50 years KC: During the Cold War Fidel Castro took sides with the enemy But the Soviet Union is long gone AG: Disbanded: KC/AG: Long gooooone! SG: Dick Cheney. Rush Limbaugh or Colin Powell. Who's your damie? DC: Well, if I had to choose, uh In terms of being a Republican I'd go with Rush Limbaugh My take on it was Colin had already left the party SG: I don't think that actually happened [awkward silence] This is an awkward silence; I guess I'll fill it with ad libs Oh! Shawty! Yeah EG: Whoo! Aaaah KC: Now it's up to Fidel and Raúl Castro AG: Esos Castros locos. Cuidado KC: President Obama says he wants to see Democratic reforms Particularly on human rights and free speech So congress will be looking for signs of change After almost 50 years AG: Ay, that's half a century KC: U.S. policy will not reverse overnight Relations remain chilly But for the 1st time in generations A thaw is possible AG: A thaw, but what sort of thaw? What exactly is thawing? KC: Very, very, very, very Very thin ice AG/KC: Very thin ice, very thin ice, very thin ice

D_bzB3HJVcU | 01 May 2009
On the occasion of Obama's 102nd day in office, let us take a brief, auto-tuned look back. Follow us everywhere to hear about cool stuff: YouTube 2! Facebook! Twitter! Webs & Store! thanks to barelypolitical for helping me with this! their channel here: Lyrics: BO: We are ready to lead once moooooooore EG: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 KC: Barack Obama is now officially The 44th President of the United States EG: Oooooh KC: But tomorrow President Obama begins to Unpack that enormous crate of burdens And expectations EG: And expectations KC: And expectations EG: Got to save the nation KC: Expectations EG: Shawty KC: Expectations EG: Shawtayeeeexpeeectaaaations KC: Expectations BO: I have come here tonight To speak frankly and directly To the men and women who sent us To the men and women who sent us Repeat with ad libs and cowbell I will do whatever it takes, whatever it takes To help the small business and the family That's what this is about To help the small business and the family, family Faaaaaaaamily MG/SG: Mama, Daddy, Granny, and your Great-Grandpappy Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-family MG/SG: He love his wife and kids--that's his modus operandi BO'Reilly: He did seem to bow A lot of Americans very angry about this (ooh ooh ah ah) BG: It sent a message that Islam Is superior to any other master or king Or president in the world An American president bound to a Muslim DM: Yeah, he bowed to the Saudi Left the seat up on the potty Must be a president of shoddy qualitayee LK: Here's the picture that bugged the hell out of me I mean it really pissed me off all weekend President Obama giving a warm handshake To, uh, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez Ima put that up on the full screen and take a look at it ALE/MG: OK LK: Boys in the hood MG: Yeah, up to no good ALE: At least we're still capitalists ALE/MG: Knock on wood GB: Obama's aunt: she has a limp SC: Mooooooo GB: LIke little Tiny Tim: "I'd like more please, please" [sic] SC: Mooooo Moo Moo Moooo Mooooooo GB: "God bless us, every one" SC: Mooooo Moooooooooooooo MOOOOOooooooooooo

tBb4cjjj1gI | 21 Apr 2009
10th Anniversary Edition: For the second time, pundits and news anchors urgently break into song to deliver the news. All the tracks & goodies on Patreon: The players in the news opera include: Ruth Marcus on gay marriage Kiran Chetry on marijuana Sean Hannity and Hillary Clinton on pirates Katie Couric on melting ice INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: TIKTOK: songifythis *WEAR* G. Bros things on your body to make people ask you "what is a schmoyoho?" Lyrics: RM: This was a pretty remarkable week on the gay marriage front First of all, to have a state like Iowa MG: Whatchoo tryna say about Iowa RM: Not the east coast state MG: East coast RM: Not the left coast state MG: Left coast RM: In a decision written by a republican appointee MG: shawty, now you sounding so fine Give me your number, we can bump and grind Talkin about politics all night Leavin the club in the mornin light If we get carried away We might get gay-married today KC: We just heard from some of our viewers who strongly support legalizing marijuana MG: Shawty, 5 of those calls was from me KC: Do you think we should legalize pot alone or all drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and meth? MG: My brain says no, but my body says yes! AG: I'm an angry gorilla. I heard you needed me (ooh ooh ah ah) SH: Now that Captain Phillips has been successfully rescued The president has decided to step in front of the spotlight AG: Ooh, I'm angry! You can't see it, but my forehead's veiny SH: And even take some credit for authorizing the mission AG: Well, don't you worry, baby boo You'll always have an angry gorilla to be angry with you That's what I do. Just ask Donkey Kong. He's in my crew KC: At the North Pole, new satellite photos show arctic ice is melting so fast AG: Oh snap, how fast? KC: Many scientists now predict it will be gone within 30 years AG: Surely you jest! I'm under cardiac arrest, shawty KC: Some researchers think it could disappear in just six AG: Shit! KC: Without it there could be a snowball effect AG: Oh KC: With temperatures rising even faster If we all don't take bold action and take it soon AG: Yeah, Both: We will find ourselves on very thin ice MG: Tell em, Hillary, pirates on very thin ice HC: These pirates are criminals They are armed gangs on the sea MG: That means the ocean HC: The United States does not make concessions Or ransom payments to pirates ... MG: Hello, shawty, we can meet up at the mall Browse around at the bookstore Mentally ball until we fall

bduQaCRkgg4 | 11 Apr 2009
Interviewers, sportscasters, and vice presidents alike break into song to report important news. (all of our tracks & BTS goodies here - The players include Sarah Gregory (she married my bro Evan Gregory): More Songify the News: find us in other places: tiktok: songifythis Webs & Store! 2nd channel: Newt Gingrich (on nuclear disarmament) Robert Gates (on cutting the Pentagon budget) Jim Nantz (on March Madness) Joe Biden (on the economic situation) Wayne Ellington (on how it feels to win) Sarah's ancient 2009 link for posterity: Lyrics: MG: Mr. Gingrich, what do you think about Obama wanting to cut down on nuclear weapons? In the key of C. And...go! NG: Uh, I just think that it's very dangerous to have a fantasy foreign policy And it can get you in enormous trouble MG: What's wrong with fantasy? I like fantasy and I live in the sea RG: We must rebalance this department's programs In order to institutionalize and finance our capabilities SG: Yeah, forget about the jets; Use our super soakers, get al quaeda wet JN: Tar Heels: rolling on to Monday night Another convincing Carolina victory SG: Ooh, that's cool, but it ain't time to pop the hennessy JN: Michigan State: heading to the national championship game Your team responded late here, coach, how did you do it? MG: Three words: Vi ag ra. JB: There will continue to be job losses The remainder of this year The question is will they continually go down Before they begin to rebound Before they begin to rebound Will they go do-do-do-down Before they begin to rebound And now it's my pleasure to present the 2009 National Championship Trophy To Coach Roy williams and the North Carolina Tar Heels You can just tell the unity you had It's something very special And we saw it on the floor tonight SG: Oh yeah--- Michigan thought we was playing some football Lions' stadium; they played like the Lions Throwin interceptions in the first down Watchin us dunk on their ass Goin home cryin Congratulations Wayne I know you're emotional Talk about what this feels like WE: Feels great. You know, You never know what this feeling feels like Until you experience it. It's something that you really can't explain SG: Yeah, believe in your dreams MG: Yeah, you know you can never explain the unexplainable

lW6jW9y59JY | 16 Feb 2009
Churchill gives a dazzling rendition of his 1941 proclamation, aided by wayward time travelers. mp3 for "Lift Up Your Hearts" available here: Some more music and goodies on facebook: Original Churchill speech: #SongifyHistory

3LLrVlw6Qqc | 08 Oct 2008
The candidates once again break into song to determine who has the superior policies. Tom Brokaw enters the fray with style. Only you can decide who has the more skillful vocal stylings [Tom Brokaw / MG] Good evening from Belmont University and Nashville, Tennessee Im Tom Brokaw from the NBC Yeah, soulja for the truth since 1973 Right wing, left wing One of these playas bout to be in the West Wing [Katie Hamm] I got 3 babies And I need a tank of gas My mortgage is overdue And I gotta gotta pay it fast Tell me, whos gonna work it out, baby? Whos gonna work it out? [Obama] Its not enough just to help those at the top Prosperitys not just gonna trickle down Weve gotta help the middle class [McCain] Americans are angry Theyre upset And theyre a little fearful And its our job to fix the problem with all kinds of goodies Whatcha gonna do? Our goal should be in 10 years time we are free Oh, whatcha gonna do? Uh, uh, I have a plan to fix this problem Oh, whatcha gonna do? We can do it, we can do that, were goin to the moon as Americans because were the best Whos gonna work it out, baby? Whos gonna work it out? [Tom Brokaw/MG] Ill give you a fair warning Im Tom Brokaw The original gangsta From South Dakota to a nightly news anchor You can hate the game, you can even hate the playa But you cant hate this badass moderator [Allen Shaffer] We in a war thats never ending Does anybody have a plan? For Iraq and Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, So many stan, I dont understand Tell me, whos gonna work it out, baby? Whos gonna work it out? [Obama] We will kill bin Laden We will crush Al Quaeda That has to be our biggest national security priority We have to change our policies with Pakistan [McCain] America is the greatest force for good in the history of the world My friends, we have gone to all four corners of the Earth Chorus [Tom Brokaw/MG] Im Tom Brokaw Mixin Metamucil in my vodka Ballin all night, getting jiggy with Barbara Walters After the debate its the after party and I $&*##@$&*#@$&*, I thought I told ya [Phil Elliot] Now the world is gettin hotter Because of crazy sh* we did How we ever gonna turn it back around So theres something left for my grandkids? Tell me, whos gonna work it out, baby? Whos gonna work it out? [Obama] This is not just a challenge, its an opportunity Because if we create a new energy economy we can create 5 million new jobs [McCain] Oil drilling offshore now is vital So that we can bridge the gap We can bridge the gap between imported oil Chorus Ad Libs

zxGKlrS9SxE | 03 Oct 2008
Biden and Palin square off with melody. Only you can judge who is the best in the art of freestyle and who has the stronger voice. Michael Gregory, the haloed moderator, DJs. Make sure to watch in high quality--because it's higher. 2012 VP Debate in Song and Dance: Lyrics: [MG] Miss caribou killa, black gold drilla Watcha gonna do, hockey mom, to Pakistan? [Palin] Thats probably the only thing that theyre ever gonna agree on But that it was a central war on terror is in Iraq [MG] Your response? (Oww!) [Biden] Pakistan Thats where they live Thats where they are [MG] Next question: Iraq Are we ever gonna bring our homies back? [Palin] Were getting closer and closer to victory And it would be a travesty If we quit now in Iraq [Biden] We will end this war John McCain was saying the Sunnis and Shias got along with each other John McCain has been dead wrong [MG] Ooooh, blao! [Palin] Drill, baby, drill [MG] Aaaah, oh snap! Everybody, now go straight for the kill Oh! [Palin] F* Obama [MG] You gonna take that? [Biden] F* McCain [MG] Sticks and stones are so much softer than words Now its time for the economy Is main street gonna get a frontal lobotomy? [Palin] Joe six pack, hockey moms across the nation I think we need to band together and say Never again Never will we be exploited and taken advantage a—again By those who are managing our money [Biden] The middle class needs relief Tax relief, they need it now They need help now The focus will change with Barack Obama The governor did not answer the question about deregulation Did not answer the question, defending John McCain About not going going along with the— [MG] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Wai—wait a minute Go easy-way on the ightweight-lay Chorus Ad libs

2BZCXLEEsws | 27 Sep 2008
2012 Debate Highlights: Obama scores a decisive victory in one 2 minute answer. He uses body language and tonal inflection to drive points home--all with the help of a haloed lookalike. Make sure to watch in high quality if possible. Because it's higher. Thanks to my homies for lending me instruments. Lyrics: freedom and justice and liberty (whoo!) i'ma lower the working class taxes and make tastier food john mccain supports the hurricanes (mm, yeah) but i voted against them (yeah, i voted against them) john mccain voted to ruin your life for 8 years gotta give it to him, the man's got experience (mm!), oh--- enough! [obama sound bite] this time we won't take more of the same no, it's time for a change, yeah you're a wolf in sheep's clothing dick cheney in a skirt oh! pretending you don't know! you're running from your shadow i'll use a better military strategy and take care of our soldiers i'ma go to afghanistan myself and brush the dirt of their shoulders john mccain thought the war was a great idea (mm!) he said it'd be easy (mm!) now we're all spread thin and we desperately need to build up in afghanistan (mm!) we've got wall street scramblin, greenspan gaspin, and he says we're doin just fine but you can't just sprinkle sugar on a piece of sh* and convince people that it tastes good! oh, yeah (whoo!) chorus verse 2 (1st half)/chorus (2nd half)

kyNN4LFsW74 | 29 Jun 2008
Lyrics: I was doin my 2-step When y'mama's wife decided to interject She told me not to dance that way She wanted to grind I said she shouldn't act a fool Because I was tryna play it cool But I couldn't hold it in We started to grind She wanted to ride the bone roller coaster It got her high, then it took her lower and lower Then we blasted off And we left the atmosphere behind We coulda-c-coulda danced all night But I felt I had to be polite So I walked her home At 4 in the morn She was tipsy and she stopped me in the street To let me know she felt incomplete Right then and there she backed it up At 4 in the morn Chorus

fE1jO6-qeTk | 30 Apr 2007
A Medley of Tupac's Thugz Mansion [the remixed Nas version] and Twista's Hope, accompanied by Michael Alvarado beatboxing (from find the G. Bros on other things: