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0YYnjJIFIHA | 24 Dec 2024
How To Turn Your Audience Against You - The Woes of Watcher | TRO ⚡ Sign up and download Grammarly for FREE: Introduction - 0:00 The Dynamic Duo - 8:12 Leaving Buzzfeed - 13:11 Create Stuff - 18:37 Watcher World - 24:35 2024 - 30:24 Why Not? - 35:43 Everyone Disliked That - 43:53 The Backtrack - 50:12 Business Strategy - 57:17 The Third Man - 1:03:33 Inspiration - 1:10:16 Just Business - 1:16:28 Unsolved - 1:23:28 Success on YouTube, it’s never meant to last forever. YouTube is an inherently unpredictable platform, whose model makes it very hard for creators to necessarily predict their success. With the rise of “YouTuber” as a cultural phenomenon, there are more and more people who say they know how it all works from the inside, and that if you just listen to them you’ll have a million swooning subscribers in no time at all. This then beckons the question: if the formula to success is so identifiable, why do so many channels that seemed designed to exploit those formulae eventually fail? For every TikTok from a virality coach revealing the secrets to blowing up on social media, very few will tell you what happens after: whether it takes minutes, or decades even, people lose interest. We are always evolving, or devolving as humans, and the content that you or I watched five years ago will often hardly resemble the content that is watched today. Although possible, a very miniscule amount of channels can consistently reap the benefits of an evolving landscape. When you establish an audience with a certain brand of content, the algorithm is always going to be associating you with that, and deviation from that route can often backfire. To YouTube it just seems simpler to promote channels that are creating new content that might reach a new audience. It doesn’t matter who did it first, it’s about who can create the most views for YouTube right now. There are exceptions in genres where loyalty is more rewarding to the human brain, however, many genres do not even have the benefit of that, they are always needing to find new ways to keep an audience entertained, and in a world where media is becoming increasingly frantic yet disposable to many audiences this quandary only becomes more and more pertinent to those trying to maintain internet relevance, especially when the content they’re creating is already at the point of market saturation. The “mystery” genre on YouTube is probably one of the most relevant examples of this… people have always been interested in strange occurrences and seemingly supernatural events that simply can’t be explained away by the lay person, with many TV shows and even channels being set up around this premise, but its inroads to YouTube were a bit more gradual than other genres, I think at least partly because it required an atmosphere that felt too high production for much of the early era of YouTube which instead mostly veered towards crude alternatives like creepypastas. However, in the last decade, as YouTube has embraced its role as the alternative to television, many creators have filled that gap, with one network in particular seeming to make the most of the pivot towards higher budget higher production content. Sometimes I feel that Buzzfeed receives more mentions than it should on this channel, but make no mistake, their impact on YouTube as a whole should not be understated. In the early 2010s, while YouTube was making that transition to supporting more professional content, Buzzfeed effectively backed and oversaw multiple successful series which struck the balance between glossy well-produced content, and a compelling personality-driven approach to said content that simultaneously set it apart from many TV shows, and YouTube channels alike. At the heart of this campaign was one of their most successful projects: a mystery channel by the name of Buzzfeed Unsolved.

Idd-QLsbSEo | 19 Sep 2024
Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code OPINION for an extra 4 months free at How One Man Ruined His Reputation For A Sponsor - Anatomy Of A Fool | TRO Introduction - 00:00 Humble Beginnings - 10:29 Easy Ride - 16:45 Absolute Ceiling - 22:14 Taking Off - 27:51 Flight - 33:58 Flight Record - 40:52 Descent - 47:34 A New Chapter - 54:22 May Day - 01:03:30 Final Approach - 01:09:10 A Changed Man - 01:15:04 The Story - 01:22:33 Sincerity - 01:29:55 Sponsor - 01:36:00 The Jump - 01:41:43 Loss - 01:47:49 Anatomy Of A Fool - 01:54:34 Outro - 02:01:37 Internet fame, something that so many people seem to be after these days, it’s a bit of an enigma, isn’t it? Throughout the many centuries of which the existence of media has been prevalent, and the notion of fame has evolved, humans have idolised a variety of figures from monarchs, to authors, to actors, to musicians, to sportspeople, to models, there is such an eclectic mix of famous figures when we look back upon our history that it’s impossible to really put them under one umbrella, yet in recent times an occupation has arisen that appears to do just that: that being of the humble Content Creator. A medium that was stereotypically dismissed, whose symbol, the humble computer, was associated with uncoolness and social outcasts, now hosts some of the most culturally relevant figures in modern existence. Over the last decade and a half, the clout and gravitas associated with such stardom seems to only have grown, and manifested in new and interesting ways. The largest creators on YouTube are now some of the most recognisable names in the world, and it’s likely only a matter of time until individuals with online backgrounds end up in positions of significant power. With such a draw to the status of being a successful content creator, and the freedom of self-expression such platforms allow, they’re often go-to places for people who may feel that they have something unique to offer to the world. What is also so fascinating about using the label of “Content Creator” is that you can create content that falls under the definition of any of the aforementioned occupations, you can specialise in established fields that have plenty of their own prestige, but still primarily identify as a “content creator”, because you’ve made the decision to upload that self-expression to YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or anywhere else at that. You’d be hard-pressed to say that a creator like Pewdiepie really has anything in common with a creator like Lilly Singh, and yet they are still both creators at heart. So what is it that really defines a creator from being just another industry professional? Well, I suppose it’s that they’re an entertainer, being the best at something is different to being the most popular at something, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Bill Nye the Science Guy may not have the same influence on the scientific world as someone like Einstein, but he’s likely inspired people in ways that Einstein could not. Needless to say, YouTube’s presence has redefined the notion of “success” in certain fields once more, and given a chance to people whose professional careers may have been over, but what happens when the professional seems at odds with the popularity that one may desire. Enter stage right: Trevor Jacob.

9McaQx-0JLs | 11 Jun 2024
Go to for local perspectives on global issues. My link gets you 40% off the Ground News unlimited access Vantage plan. Listen to 4 Real: The Senseless Cycle of SSSniperwolf - YouTube's Sunk Cost | TRO - The Right Opinion Intro - 00:00 Sexy, Sexy Sniper - 05:42 A Quisling Mind - 12:47 Notoriety - 20:31 The Wolf In Her - 28:16 The Sniperwolf Response - 35:28 YouTube Fame - 44:28 YouTube x Sniper - 53:17 Reaction - 58:45 Overreaction - 01:05:30 Housing Crisis - 01:12:50 House Arrest - 01:19:10 Moving On - 01:25:34 F For Fake - 01:31:55 Courting Support - 01:37:39 Copywolf - 01:43:22 Retaliation - 01:52:01 Friends Like These - 01:58:20 Who Needs Enemies? - 02:04:05 Unable - 02:09:43 Enable - 02:16:01 In Too Deep - 02:22:51 Proof - 02:28:31 The Last Laugh - 02:35:08 Outro - 02:43:05 A question that often crosses the realms of analytical content is “Who are they? And what are they trying to prove?” It’s a question without a concrete answer, and one that will differ from person to person, but a common subconscious one that most people will employ in their day to day interactions and consumption of media. We want those in our lives who are closer to who they say they are, we want our faves to be as we imagine them, it’s a simple formula for peace of mind. One of the spaces where such a question has evolved significantly in the last decade is the internet, which although originating as a disparate space with abstract identities and relationships, has become its own ecosystem, with conversations about the sort of characters that we pedestal increasing in prominence with the greater implications in the world around us on show. Consequently, the discussions around systemic roots of these matters then reflect onto the systems themselves, in many instances social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and in today’s instance: YouTube. Up until the mid 2010s YouTube had taken a pretty non-interventionist approach to content creation, allowing people to follow who they wished, no matter how questionable. After all, the site was designed to mirror the world around it, and nothing more, it was just a limb of the world wide web and society as whole. However, as the internet appeared to develop a greater conscience surrounding the nature of content and the creators behind it; their own feelings evolving alongside, platforms have been under greater pressure to assess who they host, particularly in the light of scandals such as the adpocalypse. This has led to many attempts from the platform to demonstrate that they are a safe space for all, through methods such as campaigns and collaborations, but also through more active policing of the content and the creators they host, including some pretty high profile suspensions. The most notable and contentious example in this domain is LeafyIsHere, who had at one point been one of the most influential individuals on the platform, yet whose infamous return after a hiatus immediately drew the ire of a platform that was clearly desperate to recover their ad-friendly reputation after a tumultuous couple years. To Leafy’s detriment, his return, although covered by commentators and heralded by fans, did not provide him with a profile that gave him any protection from the YouTube guidelines, and his behaviour, which always seemed underlined by antagonism and resentment to the image that YouTube was trying to create, gave the Google owned entity the potential to strike, both metaphorically and literally. In spite of his subscriber count, his cultural influence had ultimately been diminished to the point where he could be quietly ushered out of the sphere. What happens when someone current, hip, and trending, pushes the realm of acceptability though? Well, although we’ve seen it a few times, generally, larger creators know better to leave themselves out of ill-advised online escapades these days, particularly when they relate to the platform they actually post on. Many of them are probably smart enough to not want to screw up their main source of income. Nevertheless, like the Paul brothers, who have been extensively covered in many other videos, there are some who are indeed partial to flirting with living a little more dangerously on the website that has nurtured their careers, and today, I hope to unravel one of the most curious, and consistent examples present on the YouTube landscape, who’s that I hear you ask? Well, I’m guessing you read the title… This is SSSniperwolf.

57RK-tqJVIE | 10 Apr 2024
Try Rocket Money for free: The Real James Corden - A Late Night Lament | TRO - The Right Opinion Intro - 00:00 As We Know It - 08:32 Sucessor? - 15:18 Success? - 21:01 James Of All Trades - 27:17 AcCordence - 33:18 Ellen Revisited - 38:55 Corden Ramsay - 45:32 Corden, Blue - 52:00 Corden, Off - 58:51 Identity Crisis - 01:05:45 Out Of Time - 01:12:10 Out Of Touch - 01:20:56 Saving James - 01:28:12 The Late Night Lament - 01:35:56 Outro - 01:43:34 TV show hosts, we’ve gone through a few. From the allegations that ended Ellen’s illustrious TV career, to Lilly Singh’s unfortunately fruitless foray into the world of late night, how the internet’s inhabitants cross-pollinate to other platforms is a curious conundrum. Given many modern day talk show’s reliance on social media for greater proliferation, they regularly experience the advantages, and disadvantages of being able to answer immediately to an audience who can be known to turn on a dime, but it’s a risk that many are willing to take, especially with the world as it is today. With video-sharing and streaming platforms taking up a significantly larger market share than they used to, content running on syndicated and cable have needed to adapt to the evolving landscape or risk being left behind. At the same time, virality can often only be fleeting, and as we saw this last year with the cancellation of Dr. Phil’s self-titled TV show, at one point the basis of some of the most viral content on YouTube, the internet moves fast, and the internet moves on. Late Night Shows still pull sizable ratings, but studios and networks are always going to be concerned with the trend, and in the past few years, late night shows have seen more endings than beginnings, particularly on the later night slots which were often used to test the potential of future content. It sent the message that the confidence in this format was waning. How come? Over the past few decades, ratings on many late night shows have remained solid thanks to their ability to tap into relevant issues, and use the host’s charisma to build a closer one-to-one relationship with the audience. The losses over TV have often been filled in with the YouTube success, whose monetisation is maximised due to lucrative deals with the video-sharing platform, but in the past few years, the path that many of these shows appeared to be on has somewhat diverged from the tastes of the youngest target demographic: Gen Z, and for us, it wasn’t hard to see why. In the past few years, there has been a different kind of virality on the internet, one where a concept generates a significant degree of fame, but one more akin to infamy, and even if a trend is well-documented, and even “popular” to a degree, it may be treated with contempt by those who engage with it the most. It seems that the writers and producers of these shows didn’t really grasp this, and their approach to the “interests” of the Gen Z, has been one that often appeared to alienate viewers more than it did entice them. In essence: late night was becoming out of touch, and its slate of rather inoffensive yet insipid hosts was doing little to appease these concerns, but was there a place for that style? One man would argue so. This is James Corden.

SzXO5cHcyOs | 27 Dec 2023
The Remains of Ruby Franke - The End of 8 Passengers | TRO Intro - 00:00 Family Values - 06:03 Tough Love - 13:04 Making A Bed - 19:36 Lying In It - 26:32 Decline - 34:01 A Separation - 40:28 Spiral - 47:47 Arrest - 56:02 Shadow - 1:02:27 Therapy-Speak - 1:09:47 Connections - 1:16:09 Distortion - 1:23:39 Already Gone - 1:30:07 Remains - 1:36:26 Outro - 1:42:15 Family channels, they still haven’t won me over yet. Whether it’s the ACE Family’s exploitation of influencer status, the Stauffers’ false enchantment surrounding adoption, or Ned Fulmer’s facade of faithfulness, there is a sense that the presence of cameras can corrupt one’s perceptions of what a family means, and the honesty and values that would typically be shared behind closed doors. The only value that such channels will offer is as a guide to parents and soon-to-be parents who want to be the best they can be, sometimes as a template on how to practise parenting, and sometimes as a template on how not to. You’d still be within your rights to ask the question whether this trade off is worth it for the broadcast of what is a very personal attachment during formative years, and if it would actually be more effective to seek guidance from professionals in the field, but if family channels are here to stay, let’s hope they can provide some instruction for the next generation of parents. The truth is though, that most channels in the genre are disinterested in serving that purpose, they’re more there to entertain audience members, and although some may try to defend certain videos as edutainment, a lot of modern family channels just take a rather generic formula in content creation, and add children. With that said, there are exceptions to this rule, couples and channels who do promote navigating challenges within their families, and either provide advice, or insight into how certain issues are resolved. Of course, there is no one size fits all manual on how to properly parent, and over the past century, the prevailing wisdom on how best to instil clear morals and values into the youth of today has evolved significantly, alongside our own morals and values, with many families from all around world moving towards more moderate blueprints on discipline from within the family. This has received broad support from paediatric psychologists, although it has still been met with some resistance from people who feel that the traditional model worked on a practical basis for them, and therefore there’s no reason for why they should deviate from that. With the opportunity for families from all backgrounds to broadcast themselves online, you’re inevitably going to experience a wide pool of parenting techniques, some of which may lean more towards the traditional methods that resonate with a cohort of the population. At the same time, traditional parenting is a system that has needed to evolve as well, particularly given how certain aspects of that system, including physical reprimand, is now widely reviled and considered outdated. It’s uncertain therefore, whether it’s more fitting or ironic, that one of the most progressive places to video-share has become a bastion for people promoting more traditional parenting styles. Especially with the common narrative that today’s youth are out of control. The truth is that ultimately, regardless of what an expert might say, everyone is always going to have their own ideas of how to do something, and without the constraints of network approval or peer-reviews, parents are free to share their own techniques on YouTube, but what does the modern form of traditional parenting look like? Well, for a few years towards the end of the 2010s, one individual thought she had it down to a T. So let’s head on down to the wonderful state of Utah, to a mother of six and content creator by the name of Ruby Franke.

IW5bQftY0G4 | 30 Nov 2023
The first 100 people to use code OPINION at the link below will get 60% off of Incogni: The Right Opinion: The Trial of The Try Guys - A Ned Fulmer Affair | TRO Last video I covered the bombastic, yet short-lived YouTube collective of Team 10. If you want more on that video, you can go and watch it, but ultimately, their undoing was the lack of permanence they could find in their members, which was exacerbated by an immature leader who drove people away, sacrificed his business credibility, and served as a magnet for all sorts of drama. Team 10 is an example of something that seemed bound to fall apart at any moment, yet managed to leave an imprint on the YouTube landscape all the same; a pair of handprints in the cement before it set. However, Jake Paul’s omnium gatherum isn’t the only YouTube ensemble over the years to disband, as a matter of fact many more successful and long-running groups have found themselves at the end of their lifespan for a plethora of reasons. I’d say one of the most common reasons being that in many circumstances, the average age of many creators on YouTube skews towards a much younger mean, and if you’re under the age of 25, or even 30, you’re gonna go through significant changes as an individual who wants to find their purpose in life. As an individual creator you can evolve on your own terms, but when you have a designated role in a group, the expectations imposed on you can be suffocating, and may well test your commitment to people who do not necessarily share the dreams that you do. Being part of a group can often really limit your development as an individual and may also not give you the sort of compensation that you feel is appropriate for someone of your ability, you want to go out into the world and fulfil your potential before you settle down. When people grow, they can often grow apart, however, not every group feels an expectation for eternal development, especially outside of YouTube. This is Buzzfeed, an internet media website founded in 2006 with the goal of arbitrating and disseminating online news through the use of algorithms. Over the years, they expanded their project and began to hire personnel to actually publish stories and add a face to their public image. Buzzfeed has received a lot of criticism in its time and has become a bit of a sacrificial lamb for the lampooning of millennial-based news and its purported vapidity, nonetheless, it also became extremely successful and blossomed as social media platforms took a grasp on internet climate, particularly on YouTube, where algorithmic based marketing was king, and multiple channels were set up under the Buzzfeed name to reach as many target demographics as possible. In spite of Buzzfeed’s success, YouTube also brought many new challenges regarding creator-audience relationships, many of which felt like they had to be rooted in some form of personality, and although Buzzfeed’s topics drew viewers, their retention likely struggled while they tried to find a way to bridge the gap between themselves and the average YouTube viewer. Amongst this quandary, four unlikely heroes appeared... To find out more, give it a watch!

mt_KHsgR2QM | 12 Oct 2023
Get an exclusive @Surfshark deal! Enter promo code OPINION for an extra 3 months free at The Untold Demise of Team 10 - Jake Paul's Cursed Clique | TRO 0:00 - Intro 4:47 - Origins 10:23 - Fame 15:43 - Infamy 22:08 - In For Me 28:09 - In For Them 34:45 - Loyalty 42:31 - Loyal Tea 47:48 - Martinez 57:24 - Induction 1:05:03 - Leaving Culture 1:10:59 - The Response 1:17:03 - Phase 2 1:23:56 - Jake Paul 1:32:00 - Fate 1:39:11 - The Failed Follow Up 1:46:26 - Motel California 1:52:29 - Out of Control 1:59:07 - The Death of Team 10 2:07:15 - Outro 2017 was an interesting year on YouTube. A year of evolution, restlessness, and scandal. The platform reached new highs, but there were also many lows. The website’s ecosystem was irreparably changed, and creators were forced to adapt to that. Yet, amongst this all, the year mostly belonged to a creator by the name of Jake Paul, and his motley crew of vagabonds known as Team 10, who had burst onto the scene with all the bombast of the showbiz world’s most notorious figures. The colossal rise of Team 10 was attributed to a combination of pranks, music videos, and controversies that all drew attention, criticism, and even anger from fellow content creators and the general public alike. Barely taking them a month to go from just another YouTube ensemble to public enemy number 1, they continued to participate in escalating antics that would redefine content on YouTube as many perceived it at the time. Cementing their status as YouTube royalty, for better and for worse. Yet, fast forward a few years, and their YouTube channel is gone, many of their videos are gone, and their presence online has left behind little more than a brief summary on their website, and the commitment that a “New Era” is coming soon. Nearly everything that they carved out on the platform: vanished. Team 10, what happened to them? Watch more to find out!

S7Izv6-SiPc | 07 Aug 2023
Use RIGHTOPINION to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird The Right Opinion: The Lost Potential Of Lilly Singh - A Late Night Legacy | TRO My ***Personal*** recommendations (I love them so much): #01 Amber & Cashmere by David's Perfume by David Dobrik Salt Air by Skylar Sign Your Attitude by Mercedes-Benz 0:00:00 - Intro 0:08:27 - Origins 0:14:14 - Global 0:20:07 - Talk Show 0:26:13 - A Little Late 0:32:44 - Viral 0:39:18 - Negativity 0:48:48 - Renewal 0:55:46 - Season 2 1:02:53 - Cancellation 1:09:35 - Too Little, Too Late 1:15:58 - First Impressions 1:22:29 - A Little Taste 1:30:27 - Outro YouTubers… Although there are certainly a lot of them to choose from, many would at least say the largest creators on the platform are comparable to the everyday Hollywood celebrity. This seems increasingly accurate as the platform continues to manifest and evolve larger and larger channels, headed by figures who have become identifiable to even those without a passing interest in the video-hosting website. YouTube isn’t like mainstream media though, many figureheads are not handpicked, and many have much more centralised control of their content and their vision than certain personages who may be subject to studios and investors. For many, this is what makes YouTube such a good platform to launch one’s career, as success is almost exclusively decided by the audience who watch it. However, on the other hand, YouTube is still a very small tranche of media as a whole, and many who achieve the treasured status of mega-influencer often begin to look beyond the realms of the platform to further their career. In many ways this should be a recipe for success, the personal relationship that many creators produce with their channel often gives them a fanbase much more dedicated than that of the average celebutante. They’ve already crafted a multimillion subscriber channel from a very limited set of resources, imagine what they could do with the sort of financial backing that many of these large corporations can provide. Think of all the wondrous creations that could be brought into being… It’s strange really, because in spite of the numerous attempts to bring popular YouTubers into the mainstream sphere, a proportionally low number have actually succeeded. There are a few large musicians and comedians who had their start on the video sharing platform, which makes sense in a way as they’re also occupations which can command an exceptionally dedicated fanbase, but besides this many creators trying to spread their wings have been met with limited prosperity outside of their comfort zone. Why is this often the case?

Fed2qTo2oKU | 31 Jul 2023
The Right Opinion: The Lost Potential Of Lilly Singh - A Late Night Legacy | TRO Use RIGHTOPINION to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird My ***Personal*** recommendations (I love them so much): #01 Amber & Cashmere by David's Perfume by David Dobrik Salt Air by Skylar Sign Your Attitude by Mercedes-Benz 0:00:00 - Intro 0:08:27 - Origins 0:14:14 - Global 0:20:07 - Talk Show 0:26:13 - A Little Late 0:32:44 - Viral 0:39:18 - Negativity 0:48:48 - Renewal 0:55:46 - Season 2 1:02:53 - Cancellation 1:09:35 - Too Little, Too Late 1:15:58 - First Impressions 1:22:29 - A Little Taste 1:30:27 - Outro YouTubers… Although there are certainly a lot of them to choose from, many would at least say the largest creators on the platform are comparable to the everyday Hollywood celebrity. This seems increasingly accurate as the platform continues to manifest and evolve larger and larger channels, headed by figures who have become identifiable to even those without a passing interest in the video-hosting website. YouTube isn’t like mainstream media though, many figureheads are not handpicked, and many have much more centralised control of their content and their vision than certain personages who may be subject to studios and investors. For many, this is what makes YouTube such a good platform to launch one’s career, as success is almost exclusively decided by the audience who watch it. However, on the other hand, YouTube is still a very small tranche of media as a whole, and many who achieve the treasured status of mega-influencer often begin to look beyond the realms of the platform to further their career. In many ways this should be a recipe for success, the personal relationship that many creators produce with their channel often gives them a fanbase much more dedicated than that of the average celebutante. They’ve already crafted a multimillion subscriber channel from a very limited set of resources, imagine what they could do with the sort of financial backing that many of these large corporations can provide. Think of all the wondrous creations that could be brought into being… It’s strange really, because in spite of the numerous attempts to bring popular YouTubers into the mainstream sphere, a proportionally low number have actually succeeded. There are a few large musicians and comedians who had their start on the video sharing platform, which makes sense in a way as they’re also occupations which can command an exceptionally dedicated fanbase, but besides this many creators trying to spread their wings have been met with limited prosperity outside of their comfort zone. Why is this often the case?

5uY48JDKhDs | 31 May 2023
The Right Opinion: How One Tea Channel Faked It All - Inventing Anna Oop | TRO 0:00:00 - Intro 0:06:44 - Anna Oop 0:12:44 - Oops 0:19:00 - Mask Off 0:25:53 - Anna, Uncovered 0:33:48 - The Company You Keep 0:41:55 - The Real Anna Oop 0:48:03 - Faking It 0:54:35 - Inventing Anna Oop 1:03:45 - Outro Businesses on YouTube, whether we like it or not, they’re here to stay, and in many cases I try not to view their presence as a wholly negative feature.. It’s important to remember that one of our primary purposes as creators is to bring entertainment to those who use the platform, and if a channel can do that, whoever it’s run by, then we can broadly agree that it’s a net positive for audiences. Businesses will always occupy a realm of YouTube and I do believe there can be a peaceful coexistence. At the same time, there will always be tension, to be honest it’s understandable why more grassroots creators feel unnerved by their presence. Businesses have so much more power and resources at their fingertips to outflank independent YouTubers in many aspects of quality control, they can create high production pieces in a few days that would take an individual upwards of a month, bombing the algorithm with a myriad of content that often gives what many would perceive, an unfair advantage to them against the humble creator. When market domination comes from a few large corporations, the outcome for the consumer is generally not particularly positive. It leads to less diversity in general, and more control of narratives by a select few people, and in an industry that is already prone enough to corruption, it’s anything but healthy. YouTube was built on the notion of allowing a person to broadcast themselves without the necessary investment of a larger business so they didn’t have to dance to anyone’s tunes, and many people would like to keep it that way. Fortunately, there will always be people who will occupy these spaces regardless of their market success, but at the same time, it’s still good to have individual figures in influential positions who can represent a human aspect to content creation, and although businesses have certainly made more inroads on the platform than they used to, there will always be that window of authenticity that seems to separate many of them from the personally driven passion projects. The truth is one thing that is hard to fabricate is that individual enthusiasm one has for a subject they cover, and although not impossible, many larger businesses simply don’t see it as a required component for success, and as channels like Looper and the rest have shown, you really don’t need that much framework on personality to succeed. In fact, avoiding building any personal image ensures that they keep any components that may change disposable, and that ultimately, control of the content is still centralised on the people who run the channel, and not those they may outsource a variety of the work to. This formula generally means that there is a boundary between more personal content, and more detached corporate presentations. However, just because there’s a rule, doesn’t mean that there aren’t exceptions, particularly in the community that we’re focusing on today. Commentary is a genre that large corporations tend to avoid infiltrating, particularly given the aforementioned paragraph. Having a personality is almost essential to the content you’re producing, even if you’re merely presenting information, viewers expect at least a little pzazz. Audience members want to build a relationship based on trust with the person they’re listening to. How can you do that when you don’t even know if there’s a real person behind the channel? However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t some willing to take the risk, and one subgenre of commentary knows this all too well: that being the tea community. Want to find out more? Watch the video!

j6CnTzWNyds | 03 Apr 2023
Get a 14-day free trial with my sponsor Aura and keep your information and accounts secure: The Right Opinion: The Rise And Fall Of Notch - The End Of A Legacy | TRO 0:00 - Intro 8:49 - Making A Notch 14:33 - Making Minecraft 20:34 - "Success" 26:38 - The Torch 32:30 - Transaction 38:11 - Mo Money 44:07 - Mo Problems 50:11 - Conspiracy 56:13 - Trans Action 1:02:03 - Distance 1:07:47 - Last Person 1:13:16 - First Persson 1:19:08 - Front of the Q 1:25:25 - Legacy 1:31:09 - The End? 1:39:17 - Credits & Outro The age old question beckons, when we all move on from this world, what will we leave behind? The truth is, none of us can ever know for certain because that moment we pass on we relinquish most control of the narrative surrounding how we’re remembered. People who have been considered controversial and problematic have been recontextualised by their death, and sometimes figures previously revered have had their involvement in some very seedy antics revealed. In some cases, a perspective will take centuries to form, and in other times it will take merely days, however, one thing that remains central in analysis of individuals is the existence of art. I use the term “art” liberally of course here, I’m not just talking about a painting or a sculpture, I’m talking about the general product of any form of creative process that can affect someone’s life in a meaningful way. An artist’s direct words or thoughts may be long forgotten, but their creations will always serve as a window to their mind. What these works may say specifically is often down to interpretation but there are often general themes that many people identify with, which is what provides them with a following and a reputation. Upon analysis of such content, many of us draw parallels between the pieces and the person behind them, after all, art should be a bit of oneself; we enjoy identifying with others, even when it extends to maestros who we could never really hope to get near in terms of genius. For the new generation of aspiring creatives, times have somewhat evolved, particularly with the presence of social media which enables many people to speak more directly to their chosen audience. For those who choose to use it, you may have a close up on the person behind a beloved work, and based on their behaviour you may be able to make a summary judgement if you want to delve into their works much further. However, for all the benefits that such an experience can provide, it can also play into an unhealthy parasocial relationship, one that we’ve spoken about in the past, particularly when said art may not appear to reflect a person’s character. Yes, every now and then though anomalies appear in the system, people who may have created something wonderful that many find to be an uplifting and positive force in their life may also have negatively affected others in a marked way, either due to their actions or words separate to their art. This is where the discourse surrounding distinguishing art from the artist originates, appreciating good workmanship doesn’t necessarily presuppose a complete endorsement of the person behind it. However, over time, the bar for this sort of standard has definitely been lowered a little, with the rise of social media, and people perhaps having a bit too much time to argue, this sort of distinction has become more and more regularly employed. A prime example of such a trend is JK Rowling, a previously renowned celebrity who took a political position that was contrary to many of her colleagues and fans. If she’d never sent out a Tweet on the matter many people who probably regard her with disdain would still adore her. Humans are complex multifaceted creatures; many of whom are deeply troubled and don’t necessarily benefit from the public spotlight, sometimes leaving us to wonder whether we knew them as well as we thought we did, and perhaps wishing we didn’t know them as well now. This is what leads to probably the most quintessentially Gen Z example: a gentleman by the name Markus Persson, or as he is known to many online: Notch. Watch the video for more!

TA5bDK2RTBQ | 24 Dec 2022
Get a 30 day trial for only $1 with VidIQ: The Dangers of Dr. Phil - A Daytime Tragedy | TRO - The Right Opinion 00:00 - Introduction 10:28 - Tabloid Talk 17:31 - Self Help TV 25:20 - Messiah 31:55 - Renaissance 40:03 - Turn 47:22 - Practise 56:53 - Perfect 1:04:13 - Help 1:12:30 - Disparate Youth 1:22:03 - Turnabout 1:30:28 - Public 1:40:10 - Legal 1:47:00 - Knowledge 1:53:35 - Responsibility 2:00:06 - Cancelling “Dr. Phil” 2:06:34 - Counseling Dr. Phil 2:14:41 - Cancelling Dr. Phil 2:24:22 - “Cancelling” Dr. Phil Mainstream TV, a contraption that contrary to beliefs held by netizens, many people do actually still watch. It’s not a necessity in modern day society, with the rise of online content and streaming platforms, you can obtain your daily dose of entertainment from a variety of sources, yet although audiences have certainly been spoiled with an abundance of TV series, and films, many live shows have still predominantly remained on broadcast television, well, at least more than others. These include gameshows, news programs, and of course, today’s genre that has launched so many successful careers: talk shows. Now this isn’t to say that they don’t have their online counterparts, but I think like other shows that have retained most of their audience from live TV broadcasts, there is something about watching that sort of content in the moment, as it often operates within a very brief window into the spirit of that specific era, if you went back and tried to watch an episode of Oprah from 1992, you’d probably find it hasn’t dated the best. I mean, sometimes these episodes are dated on release… I digress though, to give them their credit, they have fought hard for their place on the TV guide, and they do provide people with content that can keep them in touch with the world around them through a medium that may be more digestible than the traditional outlets. With this in mind, there aren’t too many set rules for creating a successful talk show, the first rule is that there needs to be some talking, that kinda goes without saying, but it’s also important that the person talking is also relatively interesting, and has a personality to present to those viewing. The second rule is that there needs to be people to talk to, otherwise the host is just rambling into the void. Therefore, they’ll either talk to you: the viewer, directly, or a live audience is drafted in to cheer, jeer, or appear as part of the host’s wacky shenanigans. With such a broad church of TV encompassed by these couple tenets, it's no surprise that a plethora of shows have garnered success off very diverse interpretations of these couple key tenets, from the preppy positivity of Ellen, to the necessary conflict and consequent chaos of a show like The View. Want to know more? Watch the video! For any other info, check the pinned comment!

pzyIvNtP0i4 | 05 Nov 2022
Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack. Available only for the next thirty days. Take part in Halloween event at! The Right Opinion: The Disappearance of Dr. Disrespect - Twitch's Biggest Mystery | TRO 0:00:00 - Intro 0:09:02 - Mixed Up (Epilepsy Warning) 0:16:18 - Twitchy 0:23:27 - The Return 0:30:34 - The Lawsuit 0:45:52 - The Outcome 0:52:30 - Confusion 0:58:58 - Why 1:05:50 - Why More 1:14:36 - How Come 1:21:43 - The Unknown 1:28:15 - Finale 1:35:20 - Outro Many of you are likely well-acquainted with my established status as a gamer, in fact, probably one of the best gamers there is out there, truth is, I only don’t compete in tournaments because I’d really hate to put any of those competitive players out of a job, especially when I am so blessed to have alternative sources of entertainment. Yes, my field of interest isn’t merely restricted to one meadow, you see, like most people, I love a good mystery, and today, we have nothing less than one of the online’s world’s strangest happenings. One that has baffled observers, and even after its resolution, left far more questions than answers. Nonetheless, whereas most of our topics are embroilments on our resident platform, we have to turn our attention to one of YouTube’s contemporaries, and dare I say it, competitors for today’s situation: Twitch. Twitch, like YouTube, is a video-sharing platform, where one can tune in to their favourite creators and view various genres of content. However, unlike YouTube, Twitch’s format prioritises livestreams, which often provides more direct interaction between a creator, the content, and their audience. YouTube also offers this feature, and most people have taken advantage of it at some point, however, as YouTube isn’t thought to provide the same attention to it that Twitch does, most tend to opt for the latter when it comes to streaming. With that said, Twitch isn’t without its issues either, many of which have been on display in the last few years, particularly their policy which has often led to accusations of hypocrisy and double standards. Now, with these large platforms, some sort of double standard is inevitable, particularly given the special treatment that larger creators have been known to afford. With that said, Twitch’s attempts to find any “consistency”, have often led to criticisms of the opposite, and their nature to double down hasn’t helped that. I’m not going to detail each individual example because we’d be here all year, but their lack of transparency on the matter has left some streamers being indefinitely banned for the most milquetoast of faux pas, and in the livestreaming scene where there are no editing tools between the video and viewer, that can be risky business. On the other hand though, there are the platform darlings, who have been welcomed back despite multiple breaches of their supposed all-encompassing creator guidelines. For many, there’s unfairness, and then there’s Twitch. There are a fair few theories about why Twitch is so wildly inconsistent, but I think the most deeply rooted one is that simply put, they’re a business, they need to hold on to the main sources of that business, especially when there are alternative platforms offering the same service. If they went and banned their biggest names, even if it was for good reason, those names may just migrate to a competitor who will tolerate their antics, taking all their audience, and income, with them. Even if it leads to greater moral inconsistency, their current practice keeps their platform afloat, which is probably their prime concern. However, at the core of this pretty logically sound explanation, there is one rather significant exception to that rule, so, I think it’s high time to introduce our title character… Watch more if you want! Raid Shadow Legends PRIZE PROMOTION TRICK OR TREAT. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR TO WIN A PRIZE. A PURCHASE DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Entry is Open to legal residents of THE 50 UNITED STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (EXCLUDING NEW YORK AND FLORIDA), who are 18 years or older. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Open only to RAID users with valid Raid Player ID. Promotion Period: 15.10 at Midnight UTC – 05.11 at 23:59 UTC. Sponsor: Plarium Global Ltd. Administrator: JMG Brands & Talents GmbH. The Official Rules and Privacy Policy set forth here [].

cK43gsND4GQ | 06 Oct 2022
Go to and use CODE: RIGHTOPINION for 20% off your order or CODE: RIGHTOPINION30 for 30% off Subscriptions The Right Opinion: The Rise And Fall of Frenemies - Trisha and Ethan's Impossible Podcast | TRO 0:00- Introduction 14:25 - The Beginning 22:27 - Crash 30:45 - Dynamic 40:07 - Chaos & Control 49:24 - Frenemies 57:08 - Couples Counselling 1:05:04 - Trisha's Counselling 1:15:59 - Resolution 1:23:53 - The Wall 1:33:16 - Penultimatum 1:39:57 - The Final Episode 1:49:11 - Aftermath 1:57:31 - Aftershock 2:13:07 - The Next Episode 2:22:24 - Divergence 2:31:36 - Reconciliation 2:40:44 - Enemies 2:50:08 - Nemeses 3:04:45 - Truth 3:12:14 - Lies 3:22:34 - Who’s Using Who? 3:30:40 - Who’s Using Who, 2 3:41:32 - Five Percent 3:48:46 - Faith 4:04:27 - Frenemies 4:13:26 - Outro & Credits For me, I guess I’ll always be someone who requires the rehearsed nature of scripts to maximise my full potential, and although I’m not adverse to making appearances on a podcast here and there, I think I need to focus my efforts on my content first and foremost, given how I have regularly failed to do that of recent. However, it is a thought that has taken up residence in my psyche, what if I was to drop everything I was doing now, set up a new channel with the resources I currently possess, and do something that doesn’t require me tearing my hair out. In a way, it’s a decision that Ethan and Hila Klein, also known as h3h3productions made a few years ago, when they decided to launch the h3 podcast, but let’s rewind for just a moment in case anyone here isn’t fully acquainted with the YouTube leviathan that is h3h3productions. h3h3productions is the YouTube channel run by the aforementioned Klein couple, they established a presence on YouTube for content that often parodied their subjects, usually utilising Ethan’s offbeat sense of humour, alongside editing that put a somewhat amusingly absurdist twist on the content they were lampooning. Nonetheless, many of these videos also had an underlying moral message that resonated with many viewers, often calling out many of the creators of their time for their often shallow exploitation of YouTube culture. They’re funny, they’re well made, and many of them are still relevant to this day. They’re videos I grew up with, and will always find a place in my heart for. However, a few years ago, as many of you probably know, they themselves became the centre of attention after one of the subjects of their videos: a gentleman by the name of Matt Hoss, decided to sue them for copyright infringement. It had been regularly debated on how much commentary constituted fair use, and with h3’s videos, there was an uneasy trepidation that maybe, if the ruling went in the favour of the plaintiff, that a new gauntlet would be set down for further lawsuits in this domain. Fortunately the case was won by our protagonists here, and they triumphantly returned to the platform, cheered on by the platform itself, and many creators whose livelihoods seemed to depend on the verdict. However, you can’t really undo the stress that such a case would cause you, and in the aftermath it seemed difficult to return to that content with the same sort of gusto that they’d previously bore. And it’s hard to blame them, if anything a lawsuit which requires such an investment would inevitably sap the fun out of the content that in many ways served as an escape at one point. So, over time, they seemed to distance themselves further from the formula that they had once been inseparable from, venturing into new pastures, including the one we mentioned earlier: the podcast. If you got this far and you're still interested, be sure to watch more!

KyEoKOsU7wg | 29 Jul 2022
Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code OPINION for 83% off + 3 months & Antivirus for FREE! The Right Opinion: The Curious Case of CreepShow Art - A Question of Character | TRO ft. SisterZio & ItzRooster 0:00 - Intro 3:34 - Introduction 9:33 - The Content Cycle 19:11 - Strike 1 26:42 - Strike 2 34:17 - Addressing The Faults 43:37 - This Is Her 51:35 - Hopeless 1:11:51 - Peaches 1:16:56 - Strike 3 1:22:38 - Strike 4? 1:28:43 - The Real Amy 2:09:55 - Shannon's Return 2:19:30 - Emily's Response 2:30:14 - Breadcrumbs 2:37:44 - Moving On Intro: Covering drama, isn’t it just the most fun pastime to talk about? Well, not always, but as people online have grown more invested in the escapades of online creators, coverage is inevitable. At the same time, reporting can take many different forms, and over the years each audience niche has gradually been filled by their corresponding correspondents, whether that’s to do with breaking the news as it happens with an emphatic tone, or analysing the intricacies of a situation through a more retrospective perspective. What matters to people is that they have a voice relaying to them what’s going on in the world, and that voice is at least somewhat reliable, from there they can construct their own hot takes to share to their social media accounts that permeate their relative platforms. A lot of content is typically very organised, with attention to production value and a clear structure, even if it may not be the most highbrow. However, this sort of content can also have its disadvantages, my sort of content even, it can feel quite distant to some viewers, and if that audience can’t connect to the creator, then they may not feel an interest in the topic that they’re talking about. Sometimes, organisation is unattractive, as much as it pains me to admit. In those cases, viewers may find solace in a creator with a more casual approach to talking about drama, one that reacts to it in an unedited, and unrestrained way, that reflects our innate human reaction to the discovery of revelations about certain shenanigans, and that’s the genre where the person at the centre of today’s video thrived, a person by the name of CreepShow Art. Watch more to find out!

FqwS7wdH2U8 | 25 Jan 2022
Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code OPINION for 83% off and 3 extra months for FREE! The Right Opinion: How Dream Became A Target - A Reflection On Stan Culture | TRO 0:00 - Surfshark Sponsorship 1:58 - Introduction 8:08 - Fever Dream 14:05 - Parasociety 22:16 - Loyalty 27:56 - Influence 34:02 - Timebomb 41:43 - Countdown 48:29 - $ell Out 54:37 - Running Down A Dream 1:02:40 - Bad Dream 1:11:22 - Rinse and Repeat 1:17:14 - The Mask 1:24:15 - Human 1:30:46 - Intentions 1:36:11 - Provocative 1:46:12 - Stan Culture 1:53:38 - Dream Vs. The World 2:02:20 - Finale 2:09:39 - Conclusion & Credits Dream is a Minecraft YouTuber, he started his channel in 2014, assuming the moniker of “DreamTraps”, and although it didn’t take him too long to hit 1,000 subs, his channel stagnated after that, and although he’s on record doing a little gaming with his friends, and interacting on Twitter, these few years seem pretty uneventful by a YouTuber’s standard. However, this all changed in 2019, where Minecraft was experiencing a bit of a renaissance amongst online communities, and creators alike. However, it was also a refreshed sense of interest, not necessarily based in nostalgia, and this created a gap for new creators to rise up and fill the increased demand for Minecraft based content. Dream was one of those eager creators, and he wasn’t just any old chump mooching off its popularity, he was a seasoned and experienced patron of the game, and his skills were regularly showcased in the content he produced, which often revolved around challenges that tested his in-game ability, as well as his rather popular Minecraft Manhunt series. Although he wasn’t regarded as a force of personality, his proficiency with the game at hand was highly admirable, and as more people tuned in, his channel picked up momentum, though I’m not sure anyone could have quite predicted where he would be today. You see, in the space of two years, he went from a thousand subscribers or so to over twenty million, which I think is what some would call “blowing up”. He streams with a crew known as the “Dream Team”, which includes old and new friends alike, he uploads on a semi-regular basis, has various successful side hustles. It would be fair to take a glance at his channel and say he’s doing alright for himself, but is it the full story? Such a great amount of success, in such a short amount of time is certainly a lot to adjust to, alongside the increased sense of influence and responsibility you hold. However, it’s nothing that creators online aren’t used to, is it? For more... Watch the video!

AeuZZuobHEo | 25 Sep 2021
The Problems With Blaire White - Misinformation And "Moderation" | TRO 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:06:20 - Setting The Scene 0:13:50 - The Anti-Feminist 0:21:54 - The Good One 0:29:25 - The Playground 0:37:39 - A New Leaf 0:47:37 - Changes 0:56:42 - One Step Back 1:04:28 - A New Calling 1:13:19 - Ground Hog Day 1:22:23 - God I'm So Done 1:31:38 - The Moderate 1:42:06 - The Hill 1:51:12 - The Fall 2:00:34 - The Apology 2:09:47 - Credibility 2:17:32 - The Blaire White Saga 2:24:39 - It Never Ends 2:32:42 - Moderation 2:46:00 - Conclusion & Credits Intro: I recall back to my Q&A in March, when The Nostradamus Opinion announced that the year seemed to calming down, which in hindsight, was a slightly a misguided forecast, in fact, I’d positively say it was a kiss of death, as the world has careened towards its frankly, well-deserved armageddon. Honestly, I’ve not handled it too well personally, to see so much going on often makes me want to curl up into a ball and hibernate, or aestivate if you consider when all this was happening. At the same time, there’s always reason within the chaos, and I’ve always lived by the philosophy that I’d emerge from hardships a wiser man, and a part of me hopes that would be similarly applicable on a macro level as well. However, we’ll never reach that if we can’t have a proper, mature discussion to understand how such discord has arisen, and at times where emotions can run high we often need voices of reason to lead that discourse forward, so that we can all learn from such adversities. In the past few years in particular, I feel that YouTube has become increasingly integral to that conversation, introducing a new generation to the many complex, and sometimes not as complex matters facing down today’s youth, with online creators engaging audiences through fresh mediums, acquainting them with new ideas and perspectives. Although the nature of my channel can be a little biographical, I hope that people have found value in the viewpoints I have to share. And you know what? I’d say the feedback has been broadly positive. One way that people recognise the work you do is what some regard as “Year end lists”, where people compile a selection of their favourite creators, and post it to their preferred social media site. At the end of 2019, I was once again honoured by being placed amongst YouTubers who put great effort into their respective hustle, however, one name whose presence I was surprised to see was a commentator by the name of Blaire White. Want to know more? Watch the video...

w-537G_cn9U | 02 Jun 2021
The Right Opinion: The Manipulation Of Mini Ladd - A History Of Lies | TRO 00:00 | Part 1 - Intro ~ 07:24 | Part 2 - Mini Chadd 14:13 | Part 3 - Mad Ladd 21:58 | Part 4 - Mini Gladd 27:56 | Part 5 - Mini Dadd 35:20 | Part 6 - Mini Cladd 42:28 | Part 7 - Mini Fadd 52:02 | Part 8 - Mini Cadd 1:01:05 | Part 9 - Mini Sadd 1:09:08 | Part 10 - His Apology 1:21:45 | Part 11 - Mini Gadd 1:30:58 | Part 12 - Mini Ladd ~ 1:39:23 | Part 13 - Outro & Credits Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Right Opinion, the home of a twat with too much free time, and the past, it’s a strange thing, and one that, in times like these, we probably long for more than ever. Although I do relate to this sentiment, more than you can possibly know, I likely wouldn’t take anyone other than the person that I am today, minus the chronic health issues of course. Yes, if we can transpose the current version of ourselves to past scenarios, then that’s the choice that many would probably take, it would have likely saved me, and others, from unnecessary disputes and distress, however, at the same time, without many of those past scenarios, we probably wouldn’t be where we are today. In many ways, it’s a paradoxical conundrum, and the best you can do is be thankful for your present wisdom. As internet dwellers we tend not to talk about our possibly tainted backstories too much, because other people have a nature to be quite judgemental, and if that’s not who we are today, then what right do people really have to know. However, it’s almost always important we keep the past in mind, because if not, we may be destined to repeat it, and for many people that’s the last thing we want. With this said, there are some who will repeat it regardless, whether they know it’s wrong or not, and for those individuals, well, we may have to be a bit more vocal in how we reprimand them. This is especially true if those individuals hold a relative amount of influence as say, I don’t know, a YouTuber, with dedicated fans, probably serving as a role model to a fair proportion of them. What about when said drama involves your followers? Well then, let’s discuss today’s topic… Gamers unite, yes, we are once more heading back to that corner of YouTube to set the backdrop for today’s discourse, and we’ll begin by talking about one of the titans of the gaming community, Vanoss. Evan Fong, also known as VanossGaming, is a creator who posts montage-style content of him and his friends playing a variety of video games, on paper, it sounds fairly unexceptional, but the editing, and interplay between Fong and his comrades has garnered widespread attention from viewers, establishing his channel as a cornerstone in the YouTube gaming subculture that has flourished in the past decade. On his channel, he would feature a retinue of creators who would aid that back-and-forth energy that buoyed his content, this roster would evolve over the years, but one individual who became a pretty regular fixture on the channel during the mid 2010s was a gentleman by the name of Mini Ladd.

nSx3Ekx2hTM | 20 Jan 2021
The Right Opinion: How One Game Rocked A Community - The Story Behind Hunt Down The Freeman | TRO 0:00 - Hunt Down The Freeman 6:30 - Hunt Down The Backstory 13:39 - Hunt Down The Funding 20:49 - Hunt Down The Release 27:29 - Hunt Down The Response 42:30 - Hunt Down The Refund 52:23 - Hunt Down The Controversy 58:32 - Hunt Down The Berkan 1:05:54 - Hunt Down The Conclusion 1:13:11 - Outro & Credits Intro: Recently, I have been the recipient of shocking allegations, that I, am frankly astounded anyone would suggest, these are of course, the allegations, that I am in fact, not a gamer. Fitting reaction of shock I know my friends, I am as outraged as you are, once again, the pineapple on pizza loving heathens have the audacity to cast doubt on my gamer credentials, needless to say, I would be crying at the club, if it was open. So I guess I will have to debunk these claims by taking on another gamer topic, one which will serve as indisputable evidence for my unflinching gamer status, but for this intro, let’s talk about another curious video game that serves as the backdrop for today’s subject. Half-Life, it’s a video game, for gamers, like me, who wish to immerse themselves in a first-person shooter with a bit more depth, with the first being released in 1998, the second in 2004, and further successive instalments being released in 2006 and 2007, as well as some additional expansion packs in between. The first game focuses around an individual by the name of Gordon Freeman, who, like many people, triggers an alien invasion when an experiment that he’s running opens up a dimensional rift in time and space. Obviously, antics ensue, and he finds himself up against a diverse plethora of enemies in his mission to return stability to this facility, and the planet alike. Obviously, my synopsis of these games will remain relatively short so I don’t spoil it for anyone planning to play it themselves, but generally speaking it’s considered by many to be one of the greatest games ever published. This is the same story with Half-Life 2, which follows our good friend Gordon a couple decades on after the events of the first, it incorporates many elements present in its predecessor, while adding new features and improving on existing ones. In spite of their shooter status, the series was characterised by its heightened sense of ambition, with Valve President Gabe Newell stating that “if Half-Life 2 isn't viewed as the best PC game of all time, it's going to completely bum out most of the guys on this team”. But Gabe need not have feared, it was released to universal acclaim from reviewers and audiences alike, and is also regarded by many as one of the greatest games of all time. After the success of the first two games, the developers decided to further metamorphose their approach, with the plan to release a trilogy of episodes, continuing the story from the lens of our protagonist, and a new non-player character by the name of Alyx Vance, a lovely young lady who was present in the previous game, but was now receiving a more prominent role as a companion to Mr. Freeman here. The first two episodes were released to highly positive reception, however, it wasn’t quite equivalent to the rampant appraisal that the previous games had received, though this did not appear to deter them. Episode 3 should have completed the trilogy, and was planned for release in Christmas 2007, however, was initially postponed, and then cancelled following a sequence of delays and changes to company trajectory. Since then there has been a lot of speculation as to when the long anticipated “Half-Life 3” will be released. In fact, as I’m sure many of you know, there is an infamous meme, revolving around people’s rather excitable nature to seek confirmation of the game’s announcement, indulged by many throughout the industry. On Wikipedia, there is a page exclusively dedicated to documenting unreleased Half-Life games, it seems that in spite of their revered status within gamer society, the hype surrounding prospective Half-Life projects precedes them. The series have elevated itself to this cult-level status, and wherever there’s a devoted fanbase, there’s typically market potential, combine this with the desire simply for more Half-Life content, yet a significant lack of it in the decade following the uncompleted trilogy, and people were longing for a saviour, holding out for a hero to give them what they wanted, and from the darkness, came an unlikely salvation, but was it the one we needed, or the one we deserved.

_dvag5i55Yc | 16 Dec 2020 Code: RIGHT. 50% Off 1 Item + Free Shipping in the US and Canada. *Some exclusions apply* The Real Ellen - The Bitter Truth Behind The Daytime Icon | TRO 0:00 - Sponsor's Message 0:37 - Introduction 7:50 - Precipitate 14:41 - Kindness 24:25 - Hierarchy 33:17 - Erosion 40:00 - The Hole 47:50 - Digging Deeep 55:02 - Curtains 1:03:28 - The "Real" Ellen 1:17:10 - Outro & Credits

8dTRx9YsbwA | 05 Nov 2020
Go to 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon The Right Opinion: Why This Family YouTuber Gave Away Her Son - Myka Stauffer | TRO 0:00 - Intro 9:10 - Brave New World 18:25 - After Many A Summer 25:18 - The Genius and The Goddess 31:28 - Point Counter Point 38:24 - Antic Hay 44:11 - Those Barren Leaves 52:10 - Island 58:47 - Time Must Have A Stop Intro: Family. For better and for worse, there is no connection like the one you create with the family, I have discussed this time and time again, so I shan’t go into too much depth on my philosophical thoughts on one’s kinsfolk, but as you are all aware by this point, emotional potential, breeds market potential, and the family channel took its place on the YouTube terrain a long time ago. Now, family channels are no stranger to criticism. The extent that some families will go for views, often places some of the channels at odds with the rather rigorous standards that audience members impose for such creators, why do these standards exist? Well, because of the children. If you are a parent, many would assert that you have a responsibility to preserve as idyllic a childhood as possible for your offspring, and that degree of responsibility is only amplified when you’re uploading content of your family onto a public platform. In spite of this, most criticism is typically confined to parents failing to be adequate role models, not just for their own family, but for others who they are supposed to be educating through their content. Some of these escapades may lead to some asking if they are equipped properly to even have children, however, it is seldom the parents who are asking that question, or even acting on such inclination, this is where today’s subjects appear to be an exception.

bqalB7NywqU | 04 Oct 2020
The Right Opinion: The Death Of Club Penguin - What Happened | TRO (ft. Internet Historian) Today, we are going back to the gaming corner of YouTube, because as I have proven time and time again, I am a gamer, and today we are looking at an online MMO which some would argue is unrivalled in the gamer spirit that it has fostered. Now, you may have suspected an undertone of irony there, but don’t be fooled my friends, because back in the golden days when The Right Opinion was a young lad, full of zest and zeal, there were three games which shaped his online experience: those being, Runescape, Neopets, and the topic of interest today: Club Penguin. I can’t remember which order I played them in exactly, though I could take an educated guess, but I still remember them fondly for being able to capture sentiments of wide-eyed wonder and imagination that seem far beyond my grasp these days, and I know this wasn’t just a personal experience, I’m sure many of you similarly reminisce to a time where such avenues felt like a genuine escape to a different world. However, as time has progressed, so have we, and such memories fade into the background of a distant past. Nonetheless, I find some consolation in the thought that if I ever wanted to attempt to emulate that escapism again, those sites are, as of right now, ready and waiting to welcome me home… well, all except Club Penguin. Yes, Club Penguin, an abandoned abode. Their tragic demise seemed intangible to many, for a site which had once boasted over 200 million registered accounts, and 30 million active users, however, its last few years have been plagued by drama and conflict, eventually culminating in a rather cataclysmic fashion. For those who are unfamiliar, Club Penguin was an online game in which your character could take the form of a penguin, and participate in various activities all over this online world, full of many other colourful fluffy characters controlled by very real people. As a child it taught you the ropes of online safety, and interpersonal friendship. It had some pretty fun games too, and for the young mind, Club Penguin helped prepare individuals for what the internet was going to throw at us, which is an ever more important learning curve in today’s society. Yet, in spite of its relevance, it no longer plays this part in the online sphere, and today, we’ll be finding out how that happened. However, to understand its end, we need to go back to the beginning, and maybe provide a little background for anyone who never had the privilege to roleplay online as a virtual bird, unless you’re one of those avians, of course. However, I think it’s time to bring in a friend. Now, if you’re familiar with today’s guest you may have recently seen me pull off a legendary voice performance on one of his newest videos.

JUJOe2MCJp8 | 09 Sep 2020
The Right Opinion: How One Comment Can Take You Down A Rabbit Hole - The Truth Behind Logan | TRO Security online, it’s something that a lot of us value as a personal liberty, for our privacy, and our safety. In the last decade, security online has taken multiple steps forward, but as large platforms are taking steps to protect their users, hackers are never too far behind, always looking for methods to stir up trouble, whether that’s attempting to obtain user data, or merely hijack someone’s account for comedic purposes. Plenty of sites have encountered data breaches, it’s an unfortunate hazard that some are clearly ill-prepared for. However, as much as hackers obtaining user data justifiably causes concern on a macro basis, I think people are much more protective over the possession of their personal accounts. Our personal accounts, regardless of size, or influence, often pertain great personal value to us, as a platform that represents our thoughts, feelings, and even our creative ventures, it’s a piece of us. That sort of thing can definitely be exemplified with one’s YouTube account, now of course many people create YouTube accounts for the mere purposes of commenting, subscribing, and following content, however for many people, a YouTube account allows us to express ourselves, and even if we’re projecting our content towards a large audience, it’s still a product which feels deeply intimate to us, which is why people care about others when they have their channels unnecessarily terminated or restricted. We like to think that all in all, YouTube, in spite of their flaws have a grip on keeping our accounts secure, however, when you look at their track record, this could be called into contention. Over the last few years, many creators have reported their channels stolen, and subsequently used for less than dignified purposes, in fact, it seems to be an overwhelmingly common occurrence for many users. Now when you have so many channels on a website like YouTube, it seems inevitable that some accounts will be hacked, or stolen, but today we’re looking at an issue that transcends a few occurrences, and outlines a trend which appears pervasive on the platform, and encompassed by one account, which went by the name of Logan.

mTn_rmpDCV8 | 05 Aug 2020
Sponsored: Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code OPINION for 85% off and 3 extra months for free! The Right Opinion: The Never-Ending Nightmare Of Nikocado Avocado - From Vegan To Villain | TRO 0:00 - Intro 10:28 - Origins 17:58 - New Era 27:10 - Devil's Advocado 38:04 - Calculation 46:27 - Worth The Weight 56:39 - Drama Queen 1:08:31 - Enduriance 1:17:19 - Cracked Foundations 1:31:20 - Trisha 1:42:52 - Twisted Reality 1:59:41 - The Joker 2:11:20 - Collecting the W 2:23:39 - The Standard 2:31:37 - Stephanie 2:49:26 - Nick's Retort 2:57:22 - Self-Incrimination 3:12:15 - Playing Yourself 3:39:56 - By The Sword 3:51:50 - Old Dogs 4:06:59 - New Tricks 4:18:33 - Undeniably Nick 4:28:49 - The Never-Ending Nightmare Of Nikocado Avocado Intro: Drama. In the world of YouTube, the word “drama” is typically used to refer to a conflict regarding a creator, or multiple creators at that. It’s a pretty central theme to the current content that I make on my channel, and is a focal point for multiple commentators alike. We tend to associate most drama with a more contemporary era of YouTube, originating from the mid 2010s, spearheaded by many commentators, and really popularised by the Content Cop series, but drama has existed since the dawn of YouTube. I remember all the way back in 2012, when I watched a lot of Call of Duty content, because, as always, I am a gamer, and there was a very renowned callout video uploaded which obtained well over a million views, and probably would have obtained many more if it had not been deleted. In an environment like that, that was hugely impressive. However, with the constant manifestation of communities, and lack of real culture surrounding the nature of drama, with it more seeming like an unintended side effect, nothing ever seemed mould its way into YouTube history, and we tend to reminisce about the early 2010s on YouTube with the innocent nostalgia that we have since assigned to it. That’s not a facet that can be considered with commentary, and since its rise, every major conflict seems imprinted on this beautiful platform, for better and for worse. Yet the sensation that drama provokes ever remains the same. It was still one of the most iconic feelings when that Call of Duty drama in 2012 was transpiring, it was a rush, someone being exposed, conflict within the community. The truth is plain, many creators, and audiences alike, thrive on drama, the appeal of it is indisputable, and as it has grown out of its reputation as a byproduct, and into its own genre, it becomes more powerful, and people feel less afraid to indulge their more dramatic side. On top of this, with the increased mobilisation of online communities, it has been granted additional consequential value that we can observe over the past few years. One of the most noteworthy outcomes of this is “expose culture”, when a person makes strong or revelatory claims regarding another individual, and their behaviour, typically with the intent of depicting a character that had not been previously shown to the audience. You might find someone sitting quite sternly, glaring at the camera, before going into details of whatever they wish to disclose, or you might just see a neatly posted Twitlonger. The overarching message will tell you, this person isn’t who you thought they were, whether its mere business malpractice or something more sinister, there can be very real ramifications. The mid 2010s weren’t just for sewing the seeds of drama, and commentary though. No, in fact many new genres rose to YouTube prominence, one of those being mukbangs. Mukbang is another delightful portmanteau whose literal translation would be eatcast, with such information you can probably take a guess at what I’m referring to. Yes, the videos where we have an individual consuming portions of food, often accompanied by them making casual chit-chat with the audience. It originated in South Korea at the end of 2000s, but only really caught fire in 2015, when a few larger channels began to pay attention to it. Since then we’ve seen a wave of creators all over the spectrum take part, either engaging in it as a side venture, or as their dedicated pursuit. So we have drama, and mukbang, simultaneously emerging into the limelight… two, seemingly quite distinct genres, but what would you end up with, if you merged the two together… Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Nikocado Avocado.

91yro7IPSb4 | 17 Jun 2020
How One "Man" Fooled Us All - The Strange Story Of Samurai Buyer | TRO 0:00 - Intro 5:59 - The Rise Of Samurai Buyer 12:26 - i Dubbbed 19:02 - Cherry Blossom 25:57 - Stormy Weather 33:09 - Collateral 43:39 - Samurai Liar 52:29 - Sayonara Intro: Image can be reflected in our demeanour, our actions, our comments, and equally, it will be defined by how people interpret that behaviour. When we encounter people, and other alike entities, we spend a lot of time attempting to paint a mental picture in our head for how we envision them. Now, we cannot look into their minds and read their every intention, but some judgement is always necessary, because when we have to make a decision which may involve bestowing responsibility or trust in certain people, then that mental picture has to be factored in. However, this is typically reserved for personal relationships, and although we may hold greater opinions about certain issues, we won’t typically assign a face to it. This is particularly the case with corporations. Now, it’s completely valid to have distaste for companies and their conduct, but it’s also reasonable to accept that most companies are made up of a lot of interacting tiers, and this can lead to them pretty much being separated from the idea of consciousness altogether. Although I wouldn’t actually agree with that, and urge others to keep in mind that a decision will typically have a person behind it, it is often hard to conceptually feel any emotional connection to what a company may do, hell, if we did we’d probably never stop being upset, and we need to look out for our mental well being too you know. YouTube occupies a weird medium between the world of intimacy and distance, because although we may not feel a connection to a lot of creators on a personal level, their success partly relies on the direct support that we pledge towards them. A lot of celebrities feel a bit beyond our world, and YouTube creates communities that people can be involved in, however, because of that, there is a bit more direct accountability, and a judgement that does feel a little more personal. Therefore, we tend to apply certain standards for creators that we may not give to large multinational corporations, partly because of that connection, and partly because we actually have the power to hold them accountable. Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed companies attempt to be quote “woke”, and relate to the human condition, yet it never feels particularly real because, although amusing, you receive the impression it’s just another campaign focused towards the demographic of depressed teenagers who occupy the Twitter hellscape. On top of this, the Tweets are never really channeled through the mind of an individual, and therefore we never put a face to the company or develop a personal connection. However, in 2015, a business managed to infiltrate a budding YouTube community, through a character who would become almost synonymous with the product that he was offering. Yes, long before BetterHelp would cause many creators to reevaluate how they keep an eye on the sponsors they collaborate with, there was an even more bewildering controversy, surrounding one of the most iconic YouTube sponsors: Samurai Buyer.

BDGVbiaiJ2M | 31 May 2020
The Right Opinion: The Dramatic Decay Of DanPlan - End Of An Animated Era | TRO 0:00 - Intro 7:32 - Actually 15:31 - Sharing Is Caring 25:33 - Ownership 37:07 - The Response 48:14 - Dissonance 1:00:20 - Small Change 1:11:47 - The Animators 1:28:05 - Unanswered Questions 1:36:05 - The Answers Intro: Now, when someone reached out to me about this situation, I will admit, I was not familiar with DanPlan, and in spite of their approximately 2 million strong fanbase, many of my friends were not familiar with their content either, so I sat down and watched a lot of DanPlan. Now I think I have a decent grasp, I will briefly summarise their origins and content, just so people have a grip on how they created such a significant following. DanPlan as a channel was established in July 2014 by their titular creators: Daniel, and his friend Hosuh, with the first upload coming soon after. This was the first instalment of their “By the way” series, the video consisted of a slightly crudely drawn character discussing a story told by his youth pastor. Now, the audio could be better, and this video only appears to include Dan himself, but you can definitely see the origins of a great channel in the making, a lot of Hosuh’s creative illustrations enhance Dan’s stories on a comedic basis, and Dan’s outgoing nature makes him an effective storyteller, there was definitely potential here. However, this series didn’t receive much attention following its initial upload. Animation was in a bit of a lull at that point, and thus it was probably not worth putting too many eggs in that basket. After this DanPlan spent just under a couple years dedicated to gaming content, which was much more popular at the time. These gaming videos weren’t the most unique, though they were often presented more like highlight reels, and used character heads to represent different people talking. Dan was the consistent host of these videos, gaming with a varying roster of guests, such as Anna, Billy, Jay, and of course, Hosuh. However, there was one more character to introduce to this story, that person goes by the name of Stephen. Stephen was introduced on the 5th of September, 2015, in the upload “Yamete, Titan Senpai”, in which he, and of course, Dan, and Hosuh, played the Attack On Titan tribute game. Like Hosuh, and many of their other friends, they were acquainted through school and college, and for these comrades, this was just a regular gaming session which happened to be uploaded onto YouTube. Stephen was not one of the original members, but he quickly became a recurring guest on the channel as other individuals began to appear less. However, these gaming videos, although enjoyable for those who participated, didn’t set the channel on fire, gaining DanPlan only 50 subscribers. So come May 2016, the “By The Way” series was resumed, but this time, with a slightly different format. .. Watch the rest of the video for more.

p1Zb90MFf20 | 04 May 2020
The Right Opinion: The Turbulent Tale of Yandere Dev - A Six Year Struggle | TRO (ft. Thafnine) Intro Preview: Ah anime… my favourite, what do people who like anime say... uwu? I’m gonna level with you guys here, one of my most commonly asked questions is if I watch anime, and although I have seen a couple movies when I was much younger: Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, I haven’t really had the chance to enjoy much of it, although I have heard great things, and I really do respect the art, some of the art is truly beautiful. Now anime has been relatively popular since the early 20th century, it obviously originated in Japan, and often represented the cultural zeitgeist at the time. The development of digital mediums has allowed the art to flourish and expand into new genres. One of those is of course, the video game genre. There are many anime video games, and it was in the video game heyday of the 1980s that anime inspired video games, and video game inspired anime rose to prominence. Since then, their popularity has continued to extend beyond their borders, with the style attaining international prestige amongst a variety of audiences. I also want to take a moment to talk about manga, which is typically used to refer to comics and graphic novels, often created in the Japanese style, manga precedes anime, and although mangas may be made reflecting an anime style, they are by no means the same. However, there is overlap, that overlap can be demonstrated in many characterisations of individuals, this is where we meet the Yandere. Yandere is a portmanteau (which is our word of the day) of the words “Yanderu” and “Deredere”, Yanderu meaning sick, and deredere meaning infatuated, deeply in love. So combined you reach the lovely idea that this person is in love to a sick extent, they will do anything for their senpai, even if that means often less than charitable activities. This personality trait is attributed to manga, however, it has gained popularity in anime as well, with many characters being modelled around that mould. The psychotic behaviour paired with an often cute design seems to be a good contrast that has become quite the rave, and it wasn’t until one very cheeky game developer had a very cheeky idea, how about we make a whole video game from the perspective of a Yandere. That cheeky game developer was a person by the name of Alex Mahan, currently operating under the very fitting name of Yandere Dev. Watch more to find out...

Gef1nihHFYU | 08 Apr 2020
The Right Opinion: The Failure of 13 Reasons Why - A Three Season Tragedy (ft. I Hate Everything) Intro: V shows, honestly something that I have an interest in, but seldom get around to actually watching. My biggest problem is how much time they tend to consume, and although I promise you, I have too much free time™, it’s not time that I typically decide to dedicate all towards one TV show, I like to allocate it across various activities to maintain mental well-being, because after all, in this world called YouTube, we can all use that from time to time. I mostly indulge my time in films, which are typically shorter in total (with exceptions), and gaming, because, as I have always asserted, I am a gamer. Nonetheless, recently I have found myself in an interesting predicament because YouTube’s slow monetisation process has basically delayed so many of my videos that I found myself with a week on my hands, and a desire to cover something slightly different. So, without further ado, I suggest we tackle that slightly different subject on this glorious, glorious day, and if you have basic reading capabilities you will know that this is 13 Reasons Why.

A5qelW1EgJQ | 19 Mar 2020
Intro: At one point, I had also planned to make this a kinda “New Year’s” thing, but knowing how long these videos take I think there’s a reasonable chance that it’s closer to next year by the time this video’s out. That is of course a hilarious joke, though you may have believed it regardless. Obviously this is a minor instalment in the TRO catalogue, but I still think it’s a necessary one. As implied in the title, there will be a Q&A that will hopefully provide you a little more insight on the man behind the avatar, I also have a fair few announcements to make, but first of all, I would love to spend some time thanking those who have helped me on this rather chaotic journey. The main party who have probably played the most prominent part in the advancement, are of course, the editors. Now, as you probably know, I have a fair few editors, so I’ll be leaving them all in the pinned comment, however, I do want to give a few special mentions to individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in the past few months in particular. It’s hard to know exactly who to start with but I’d like to mention Peter Day, he has worked around the clock with some of the toughest edits and post-edits, when other people haven’t been quite able to deliver, he has been on call every time, no exception, the dude is a superhuman and I can’t understate that. We’re going to be working on a new channel project together and I can’t wait to get on that ground. I’d also like to give thanks to anyone who has helped post-edit on a regular basis, most notably to Lanooski and Mullenax, if you’ve ever heard Danganronpa music in the background then I can tell you that was the product of Mullenax’s magic. They’re both also really talented editors on their own terms with really distinctive styles, I love what they do and all three of these beautiful people have been working with me for over a year, and I hope that we can continue through this year. I’d also like to give a mention to people who have consistently delivered high quality edits on a regular basis, a large majority of them have, and we’ve all worked on improving throughout the year, it’s good to slowly work to push the bar higher, and I hope I can match their quality. I also want to give a huge shout out to my Discord server, the admins, and the head admin and furry, Derumisis. Many of you probably don’t know that when I was starting off I ran Colossal Is Crazy’s server for a bit, and it was an absolute nightmare. Discord has obviously made it easier to manage certain elements since then, but it’s still a challenge, and when I was working on it, it was always tough to make the decision that I felt would represent Colossal the best. So if you see him, tell him he does an alright job and that he’s a furry, he loves to be told that he’s a furry. I’d also like to thank my Patrons, for their support, it gives me a bit more security when talking about topics that may be sensitive, obviously I’m always paying money out to others for their work on my videos and so their contributions are a lifeline. I don’t really plug my Patreon too much, I only mention it right at the end of the videos, and a lot of people tend to click off at that point so the fact that people wanna actively involve themselves like that does mean a lot to me. With special mention to the 50 dollar Patreons: Caroline, Niko Deschamps, and somehulabaloo, the latter who has been supporting for over a year now. And extra special mention to Brandon, Stanton and Christopher Karas, my a hundred dollar Patreons, Brandon who, once again, has been donating over a year now. I actually have never met him, but if you’re watching from afar, know that your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed.

OZlNZyasroo | 27 Feb 2020
The Right Opinion: The Bitter "Fall" Of Onision - Greg's Last Stand | TRO Intro: A lot of what we’ve observed, is initially the product of putting your life online, Onision has in a way, created his own story through the medium of YouTube, and I’ve often wondered if Greg sees his life like a movie, one where he plays the main character, one where he can be this role model to so many other people. This individual, always on the line between good and evil, I mean we saw that in his little project, he had this dark, and light theme, and this sort of line between them, but the thing is you can’t easily manufacture such a character, unless you’re a real artist, and the problem was that Greg clearly integrated a lot of his own personal investments into this character, a lot of strange desires that didn’t merely involve him, and ultimately that led to people being hurt. Movies are often movies for a reason, we may idolise some characters, we may even see parts of ourselves in the worst people, but self-control is a necessary constituent that should be exercised, especially when you’re a public figure with great responsibility. The way that Onision had cultivated his audience gave him an even greater responsibility than many creators, because his audience were highly committed to him as a personality, and would likely be heavily influenced by his behaviour. He had carved out this corner on the internet that was relatively isolated from reality. Onision was never interested in responsibility, and over time, he had managed to isolate various people who bought into his doctrine more closely, and did, for a significantly amount of time, whether by luck or by judgement, get away with it. As mentioned at the end of the last video, by September 2019, the tides were beginning to turn, instigated by many people, but brought forward by a person named Sarah primarily, arguably the most concerning example of the people that he involved in his life. A lot of people at this point had already been dunking on Onision, he was a popular target that accumulated views, but this was what finally pushed many people over the top with their criticisms, and it went from “Look at this dude”, to “Look at this dude”. These criticisms have mostly amounted to focusing on his behaviour, although there are many actions that shouldn’t be ignored.

FjQVlPZrl38 | 02 Feb 2020
The Right Opinion: The Fractured Relationships Of Onision - A Story Of Controversy | TRO It wasn’t just a control thing over Onision's audience, it was something that he wanted to bring into his personal life, and that which could be found in all of his relationships, often to a degree in which questions would be asked. That’s where we’re going now. I don’t think this part needs too much of an intro, I suggest we just make like DeFranco and jump right in. If you’ve watched my part in J Aubrey’s video, you’ll likely know that I have had the displeasure of researching a large majority Onision’s relationships while on YouTube, back then, however, it was a matter of tackling the subject from a standpoint of neutrality. Now we are back on my channel and we have already discussed a strong level of theory as it is, I feel we can take that evidence that was shown and use it more inductively. Onision is a control freak, he wants to shape his life around the fantasies, many of which involve YouTube, and involve people. Having control over a fanbase is one thing, having control over a partner is another, as said, physical proximity works in very significant ways, and by creating relationships he could manufacture new conflicts to present to his audience, but he had his preference. I don’t know if his choice to enter relationships with younger girls was a kink thing or more a control thing, but going after people who are lacking direction, in a vulnerable position, and open to having someone support them often led Onision to relationships with those between the ages of 16 and 18. Over the years, as he aged, and as he got through a fair few relationships, the age gaps increased, showing that he was still targeting the same people? What exactly did he want? Let’s talk about the relationships of Onision.

ocXD7do4WVk | 08 Jan 2020
Yes gamers, this video is sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends Install Raid for Free ✅Mobile: ✅ PC: Start with💰50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion 💥 on day 7 of “New Player Rewards” program The Right Opinion: The Deranged Cult Of Onision | TRO (ft. The Squad)

eeUg1rs_GgU | 22 Dec 2019
The Right Opinion: What Happened To FPSRussia? The Curious Fate Of An Internet Legend | TRO Intro: FPSRussia isn’t spoken about too much today, but you know, I think he should be. It’s hard to think of a better example of a creator who could create content catered to popular interests, while uploading videos whose style probably wouldn’t have worked on any other platform besides YouTube. Yes, I have a hunch if the gents over at Sons of Guns suddenly started putting on slightly subpar Russian accents, the producers over at the Discovery Channel may have been rather unimpressed. Though honestly, it'd be the least of their worries considering what happened with the host of that show. However, for those who are a bit newer to the platform, you may not be completely familiar with the background of today’s subject: FPSRussia: aka Kyle, so the next five minutes or so will be focused on that. Like every creator, FPSRussia did have an extensive history on the platform, starting on the extremely catchy name klm5986. He was originally a gaming channel, who went by the name FPS Kyle. I assume at some point he decided that what happened if he did gaming, but with a Russian accent, and thus FPSRussia was born, because initially this was also a gaming channel, a gaming channel that performed relatively well. Hell, there was even the odd comment that he was about to reach success, and boy did he, but probably not in the way that people predicted. Apparently finding out that this accent was fake, was like finding out Santa wasn’t real. Well kids, if you’re watching this, Santa is as real as this accent, do what you want with that statement.

n0ld3SzN38U | 24 Nov 2019
The Right Opinion: The Brothers Who Faked Their Death For Subscribers - XtremeGamez | TRO Intro I know that was a bit of an abrupt segue, but there is a morbid fascination we have with celebrities who didn’t necessarily bow out in the most graceful fashion. When someone with such great potential, and such apparent success, is victim to the tragedy of a premature demise, particularly those of artificial sorts. We’re left thinking about what might have been for that individual, and we’re also encouraged to reflect on the industry that may have manufactured such an outcome. Now make no mistake, some of these individuals were incredibly prolific regardless of their life, and you don’t want to overstate it as if it was to take away from their artistic contribution, but when someone passes away that contribution is often frozen in that moment, and we are drawn to the attention of what that has taken away from us as individuals. A really great example of that was Stefán Karl Stefánsson, the guy who played Robbie Rotten, and provided me, and many others with the numerous memes that yielded from the We Are Number One meme, his diagnosis, recovery, relapse was an emotional rollercoaster that many people were on all the way, but the final outcome also reflected something else. Because we were there throughout the situation, we had the time to provide our support to someone we loved. Popular individuals leaving this world prematurely is not the most common event, and often what is even rarer is being able to foresee the possibility of that, and therefore the journey to that destination is often a fight we want to be there for. There’s an emotional battle that gives us purpose, to know that we might make a difference in that battle. Therefore, it was natural when people found out that today’s subjects were facing, they wanted to show their support, who are those subjects? Well, they are a pair of YouTubers by the name of XtremeGamez, the Australian brothers of Thomas and Jonathan, who do what you want to see, have fun, play games, and chill. They describe their content as family friendly, and kid friendly, and in their five years on YouTube, they’ve built up the fairly sturdy subscriber count of 4.24 million, and over 314 million views, pretty impressive. Where did those views come from? Well, who remembers ProGamerJay? No-one? Well, a couple years back he was the punching bag for many commentators who found his content a bit, well, laughable, he was notorious for rather misleading, albeit amusing clickbait, his most well known was a video that was titled “If you see red then you are colourblind” or words to that effect, as he has changed it since then, the cheeky bugger. However, although many people picked on him, maybe due to his delivery. He was part of a greater trend, that was represented by multiple creators, even to this day, that rated the power of leading your audience to believe that they were doing something higher stake than what actually happened within the video. Now with that said, a lot of these channels specialised in various areas of clickbait, there was obviously a significant amount of overlap but they all occupied various corners. Honestly, these videos should have died out much faster than they did, but some have in fact persisted. They either moved into the creative maestros such as MrBeast who actually follow through on their clickbait, or a level of uninspired irony that I, and other audiences, appear to still be attempting to understand, such as Morgz.

m_s04_z5Ri0 | 13 Nov 2019
The Right Opinion: What Did This Drama Channel Have To Hide? - Spill | TRO Who is the man behind this channel, who am I? Well, to be honest, it’s not really of great importance, and I’d prefer to keep my identity mostly private, although at this point it’s a bit late for that. Big shoutout to the news websites who published my name. However, it doesn’t have much significance in the general discussion, because I am just one person presenting what they know and what they think, and honestly, the people behind the respective YouTube channels aren’t that important in the grand scheme of things, and it’s so bizarre that today’s situation seems more important to many creators than it would appear on the surface. So let’s go back over to the tea community. The tea community has a lot of players in its complex game, firstly the large beauty creators who produce content for millions of individuals. This content is fairly unproblematic on principle, but as observed, their demeanour is quite melodramatic, and there’s a reason why melodramatic has the word “drama” in it. Along with drama came people with opinions on that drama, who would have thought, you might even say that many of these channels provided commentary. Now, typically the people who provided commentary were individuals with some level of proficiency in reporting of this drama. Their style may not exactly be for everyone but they have an audience, and it seems that many of them are legitimately invested in the outcome of this drama. Many of these creators are quite tabloid, and some are as dramatic as the genre they cover, and honestly, that’s alright, as long as people don’t come to expect anything more from the channels. That’s what commentary is, opinion based ideas, and if you disagree with that person, that’s okay too. However, at the same time, some people may want a more in depth perspective on YouTube drama, a lot of commentators aren’t the most involved in that, and that’s fine, not everyone has the time to sit down for a 30 minute summary of something that really isn’t the most consequential in their life. Nonetheless, there is a demand, and that demand exists in every genre, so it was natural, within the beauty community, eventually a channel would emerge with more focus on creating long form content that focuses on the delivery and the depth of information rather than merely the gut reaction to it. The channel that appeared to answer these prayers was a creator by the name of Spill, like the fairly simplistic name, their content never assumes too much about the subjects that they’re covering, and focuses more on the delivery of this information in a journalistic and well cited way, with the conclusions often being well informed and providing some sort of additional insight. They started their channel on the 5th of September 2018, and in the following year have accumulated a pretty healthy 930,000 subscribers. They often received praise from many audiences and creators for representing information in an unbiased and thorough fashion. Spill also appeared to be creating this more deeply rooted nexus, which is our word of the day by the way. This was represented by three additional channels, Brew, Grill, and On The Hill, which all have their own dynamic.They were good at what they did, however, perhaps a little too good.

tBvY3NedCOE | 27 Oct 2019
The Right Opinion: The Real WoahVicky - The Truth Is Never Black And White | TRO Intro: So today we’re going to wade into one of the most unique stories of a cultural manifestation there is, and talk about someone who at a time of sensitivity, caused so much controversy, yet no-one really took seriously. That person is WoahVicky. WoahVicky, originally branded as Victoria Waldrip, is the YouTube phenomenon that could only be the product of the post-2016 reality that we appear to live in, I don’t remember where I was when I discovered WoahVicky, but it’s clear that honestly I was completely fine with not being able to remember, because Victoria here had a persona that is rather hard to forget. In fact I did cover her in a video a long time ago, back when I was making much shorter videos, however, I don’t really think I provided too much nuance than arguing that shock horror, WoahVicky isn’t African-American… Now, if this is the first time you’ve heard of this character you may wonder why on earth I would have to argue such a presumed thesis, what would I do next? Argue that Arnold Schwarzanegger is Austrian? Who on earth would argue that such a character is identifiable as an ethnicity that they very seemingly appear to not represent. Ah yes, Vicky herself… that was what of course made her rather infamous, you see, in the summer of seventeen, when we should have all been enjoying the sunny weather, storm clouds began to form, this presence, on Twitter, and Instagram, of this character. Who openly used certain sensitive words rather liberally, and justified it under the notion of her identity. Through this provocative behaviour she quickly gathered a following of a variety of individuals, I assume some people genuinely liked her, but many were also there to just dish out heavy criticism and to clown on her whenever she decided to provide her less than nuanced input on matters of race. Through this she quickly gained infamy, with many of the attention, whether positive or negative, snowballing into publicity, after all, “White girl thinks she’s black” is arguably some of the best clickbait, and also it’s an easy topic that people love to jump in on because although socially loaded, no-one’s gonna call you out for making fun of her, but why the hunger? Because although the appeal could be observed, it seems strange that people would develop such a desire to clown on such a unique brand of person. I’ve spoken about this before in my rather old Lil Tay video, but there is this show called Dr. Phil, it’s basically aimed to be a more, therapeutic, professional version of shows such as Jerry Springer, the Pyrocynical to your Leafy per se. On Dr. Phil, he often invites a multitude of guests on who are undergoing conflict within their lives, whether between their friends, family, or themselves, it will often escalate with dispute, with Phil attempting to take a more mediating position and attempting to provide some form of counselling, this has had its fair share of criticism in the past and maybe I’ll dissect that one day, but for now there is one episode that I think is quite important to focus on, and it is of course the episode that includes Danielle Bregoli.

57nMtBqUNFw | 09 Oct 2019
The Right Opinion: What Happens When Your Channel Goes To The Dogs - Brooke Houts | TRO Intro: My content has been a long journey from 2016, where I would rant about domestic UK politics and figures who most people watching this video probably wouldn’t even know in the slightest, to 2019, where I make long form videos on drama and conflicts, and the sorts of mentalities that lie behind them. However, one thing has never changed, the fact that I do care deeply about the topics I discuss. Every now and then I get the comment about how I’ve changed from what I used to do and honestly I have, and it has brought me more considerable success than previous topics of interest, but honestly if I wasn’t interested in the topics I spoke about, if I wasn’t invested in it, if I didn’t think I had something to say, then I probably wouldn’t have the tolerance to talk about it for half an hour in multiple videos. Make no mistake, you don’t have to like my videos, but I definitely care about them. And that’s the thing, I’ve always loved talking, in case you don’t have that impression already, and I love having opinions on everything, and honestly if I don’t have an opinion on something it just probably means that I haven’t had the time to look into it. I’ve always argued that it’s important to care about the content that you’re actually making, I obviously can’t sit here and look into the mind of every single person that I’m analysing in my videos, which is why I don’t tend to state intent, but I obviously have my own opinions on why I feel they made their videos, but it would be such a level of conjecture that I seldom include speculation. Personally, it’s always safer to side on the benefit of the doubt when making videos about people’s intent because I think a false negative is much more harmful than a false positive. If people take the assumption that a person is good, then that may still have grounds to be changed in the future about that person, however, if the community assumes a person is bad, then I do think it gives that person a tougher job. Nonetheless, when someone behaves in a way that I feel does underline a much deeper mentality of that creator then we should take the chance to call them out, not just for audience awareness of the specific situation, but of the underlying mentality that can often drive these incidents. This is where we meet Brooke Houts.

25NJlRMGiCE | 20 Sep 2019
The Right Opinion: How This Twitch Streamer Became A YouTube Villain - Alinity | TRO Intro: Twitch and YouTube, although having a lot of creator overlap, also have very different dynamics, which is why there are people who use both platforms. In a way, it seems that there is a mutual understanding, Twitch understand that they probably can’t compete with YouTube’s upload features, and YouTube, although attempting to have their own stream assets, know that Twitch’s specialised setup are a bit of a step up from their own. Twitch and YouTube, however, due to the overlap, will have similar audiences, and that means that you can typically expect that you can find some underlying commonalities in the popular content creators, one of those markets being: attractive females. Now, being an attractive female does not predispose you to success, but in the glorious society that we live in, many younger individuals feel excitement from viewing people who may be attractive, probably the YouTube embodiment of this character is SSSniperwolf, you know, that person who won a gaming award, even though she switched to reaction commentary ages ago. She flossed, and although I can’t say for sure, my judgement deemed it lacking the sufficient irony to be classed as remotely humorous, she’s also doing it with very little gusto, I want more effort next time. Now, I don’t doubt that Sniperwolf has a great business mind, but as a creator, her work sometimes leaves a lot to be desired… This is what I’d class as the sort of “attractive female content”, and I’m not stating that being attractive is a prerequisite for success exclusive for females, there’s a reason I haven’t started doing facecam content yet, and it’s clear that it’s good clickbait that might grab external audiences, but in the core fanbase, yeah… So yes, SSSniperwolf may be the best example of the exploitation of that sort of appeal, however, very few people necessarily see her reflective of YouTube’s cultural landscape, in spite of the significant views she pulls and the number of times she ends up on YouTube’s trending. If I was to say “women of YouTube”, people would probably come up with a variety of answers, Lele Pons, Jenna Marbles, Lilly Singh etc. If you asked any standard creator about the “women of Twitch”, well you’d probably hear an answer that encapsulates one of the more notorious genres.

tTSgYhl6O4U | 02 Sep 2019
The Right Opinion: The Allegations That Broke A Community - Slazo | TRO Intro: Gaming festivals, who loves them? I mean, honestly, I think gaming festivals would be really swell if there were less people, because I do like video games, but I don’t like having to wait to play them, often I just find myself aimlessly wandering and occasionally bumping into people who I may have seen at previous events and retaking the same photo, just this time with a slightly greater inkling of fatigue reflected in my weary smile. The pinball machines are great though, especially when you don’t have to pay for them. Hooray for free things, anyhow, the gaming festival that is of interest is Insomnia Gaming Festival 64, abbreviated to i64, this ran from the Easter weekend from the 19th to the 22nd of April. I saw a lot of close friends again, and met a lot of great creators, it’s always nice to do so because it humanises all these people and puts the internet into perspective. One of the people I met at the event was a bloke called Michael, known online as Slazo. He was pleasant, I had some facetious flirtatious exchanges with him, and after the event my life carried on. I knew some of the creators that I had met there were going to London afterwards, I would’ve joined them, but alas, I had University to complete, and I still feel YouTube is an unstable source of income so I wanted something to fall back onto in the case of everything falling apart. A few weeks later, around mid May, I was likely alternating between University work and checking my social blade when one of my acquaintances messaged me some news. Apparently, Slazo, the person who I had multiple exchanges with at i64, was going to be shown up, he was just as surprised as I was. Apparently, these claims were going to be published in a TwitLonger in the following week, so I waited with anticipation, as I hadn’t actually seen any of the evidence I didn’t really talk to anyone about it, although I did tell one of my friends who was making a documentary about i64 to perhaps consider excluding any footage with him in, in case it tainted the finished product, more as an act of caution really. So I waited, and waited, and waited…

sapjAjqLGus | 17 Aug 2019
Some Hotline Numbers Of Note: US: 1-800-273-8255 UK: 116 123 Australia: 13 11 14 Canada: 1-833-456-4566 Netherlands: 0900 0113 Germany: 0800 111 0 111 (Protestant), 0800 111 0 222 (Catholic), 0800 111 0 333 (for children and youth) Further International List:

LU2mAgwnsbU | 31 Jul 2019
The Right Opinion: How Two "Girls" Became YouTube's Greatest Punchline - Girl Defined | TRO One of the most common explanations for why we’re here is the notion of a higher celestial being; a god. For many people it makes sense, either through philosophical explanation or personal experience, the notion of a God can be a very beneficial for many people. However, it’s not just an individual opinion, although everyone of course, has their own perception. Typically, an individual’s belief in a higher celestial power will be made sense of through the lens of religion, religion allows people to categorise their core perceptions a bit more clearly, and often provide elaboration as to what sort of behaviours may be desirable from the perspective of a God. This is typically content that will reach into our daily lives, our diet, our relationships, our behaviour in life, how we define ourselves is very important, and having religion as a moral foundation for behaviour gives people much more clarity in what they believe, and in spite of its flaws, it helps many people “define” themselves. Many people who may be lacking purpose will find it in religion, and many may develop a keen enthusiasm for it, and will want people to see what they have seen in it. They will want to spread the word, they will become missionaries of sorts. Now, back in the days of old, missionaries travelled all over the world to spread the word of their religion and do their best to convert individuals who may be otherwise sceptical of what they preach. Some people still do that to this day, with mixed results, but others have felt the need to modernise the medium of how they spread this knowledge, and this has led us to YouTube. YouTube is the medium for influence, there are so many people who use YouTube for multiple purposes, from all over the world, and you don’t have to leave your room to post content there. It truly is revolutionary for communication. YouTube’s user base is also pretty young, and given that young people are least likely to belong to a religion, this leads to a target audience that is prime for conversion to whatever religion of course. Now, at first, it seemed that most religious content uploaded was just broadcasts of preachers providing their religious wisdom to their congregation. Because of the cultural variety within these preachers, this definitely led to some unique insight into what happens in certain churches. Play Clip - (until “...aahhh” at around 0:20) It is quite wondrous to be honest, but that’s not why we’re here today, because eventually, many creators popped up whose content wasn’t just a broadcast, but an actual direct creation, with the purpose of talking directly to you, the viewer. To tell you about the joys of religion, and as mentioned, there are many religions, but the one we will be focusing today is one that is the centre of attention is one that I assume you guys are all a bit more familiar with: Christianity. Christianity has been one of the culturally dominant religions in the western world over observable history, for better and for worse, and because of its cultural dominance it feels natural that it would be one of the most commonly represented on a fairly westernised platform, though mind you, looking at T-Series, the internet is certainly expanding. For now, I assume most of the people who watch my channel are typically exposed to the same brand of religious creator that I am, and that brings us to Girl Defined. Girl Defined or, Girl Defined Ministries, if you’re feeling extra Godly, is the Christian channel owned by sisters Bethany and Kristen, they are what I would brand as internet missionaries, providing a modern update to the age old messages preached in the Bible. Now, they’ve been going for a good five years, and over that time have put out a consistent stream of content, which, although definitely varying in its delivery, still focusing on the core message: that we should act in the way that God hath intended us to, and avoid sinful behaviour. They also have their own website, where they publish various thoughts, they’re selling their own books, and are even going on tour apparently, damn they really must have their following. This seems fairly unexceptional to an extent, there are plenty of people who do this, and arguably, there are many people who do it in a much more provocative fashion. In fact, on first glance, two whitebread girls talking about how to behave in a Christian way seems like one of the most unexceptional concepts for a channel.

JVvMqegceJI | 18 Jul 2019
The Right Opinion: Why Daniel Howell Is Important - The Power Of "Coming Out" | TRO Now, by the time this video is released it’ll probably mid July earliest, anything before that will probably be a miracle, and I’ll have to find a way to celebrate, but given my track record of how to quote “celebrate” I might open myself up to suggestions. But yeah, it’s Pride Month and I assume most of you guys have the memo for what happens, it’s nothing too defined, but then again, neither is the community. The community has a very significant online presence, and it’s perfectly natural that many people may take the hopefully supportive atmosphere to talk about their experiences, or even come out themselves. YouTube, in spite of its often rocky relationship with the LGBT community, for many justified reasons, provided one of the greatest, most personal mediums for creators to have unique moments that would not be captured on the TV. Making the individual the direct owner of their creation, managed to create content more personal, and with personal content, comes personal problems. One of those prevailing problems was sexuality. The internet is a hotbed of social outcasts, for many reasons, and YouTube was a platform for those people to converge in a place where they didn’t need the socially accepted qualifications to go places. This led to a real platform for the LGBT community, with one of the real staples being “coming out videos”. Coming out videos are pretty self-explanatory, they involve one individual coming out as LGBT to friends, family, or even you, the audience. It was a meaningful experience often for both creators, who may have felt isolated in their moment of vulnerability, and audiences who may be looking for guidance on how to traverse these scenarios themselves. YouTube has been important for that. However, it’s certainly not every day a highly popular, reputable public YouTube figure decides not just to come out, but to come out in a way that deals with it in an incredibly introspective and detailed fashion with multiple social statements. However, the individual that I have decided to cover today has just done that, that individual is Daniel Howell, also known from the YouTube duo: Dan and Phil. Howell is bona fide YouTube unit, he’s been on the platform since 2009, and really does represent the wholesome online come up that many people like to visualise regarding the website. His style definitely represented the syndicate of sketch YouTubers that were sprouting from the fertile earth at that point, but make no mistake, Howell was his own creator, and definitely represented the Brits well on that side, capturing the irony tainted cynicism that is signature to much of our humour. It’s also content that has aged incredibly well, in this video, he basically predicts stan culture. Nonetheless, in spite of the very idiosyncratically British tone, this received appreciation across the globe, and his channel proceeded to gain a strong amount of traction, he continued to work with his compadre Phil Lester, of AmazingPhil, and created this entertaining sketch content, that continued to thrive for a good few years. Increasing production values, furthering the creative vision, working on new channels, such as their epic gaming ventures, and moving beyond YouTube, most notably to their show on BBC Radio 1 very aptly named: Dan and Phil. The fact that at a time, where YouTube still wasn’t quite at its level of cultural magnitude, a pair of British lads could use that content to gain a spot on arguably the most iconic British radio station should be a real testament to how significant they were in the landscape of YouTube. However, when you have all that fame dropped in your lap, you sometimes find it difficult to express who you really are. Content will always be reflective of an individual to an extent, but at the same time it’s not gonna tell you who the person behind the camera is, and people start to theorise, for various reasons that we’ll break down in a bit. Fan fictions, and the rest, Dan even entertained a purposefully bizarre fanfiction which, in hindsight think was meant to be a bait-and-switch for those who wanted to find out more about their relationship, perhaps even taking a pot shot at those same theorists. I always received the impression that many of Dan’s videos were just meant to be ironic takedowns masqueraded in fan popular content, I kinda love it. Nonetheless, the theories remained, and persisted, and at a point, Dan just went kinda quiet on the content front, now, unlike Phil, he was not necessarily known for his incredibly regular uploads, and when you get this deep into your career sometimes it’s therapeutic to take a break, and it wasn’t like he fell off the face of the earth, so no-one was really ready for what he was about to drop.

QLIcD7POLw0 | 24 Jun 2019
The Right Opinion: Where is Joey Salads Now? The Prankster Who's Running For Congress | TRO *Part that was missed* The United States has a system known as congress, this is made up of the senate and the house, the senate is considered the more senior chamber, with more experienced individuals, elections ran through these are typically pretty notable, and chances are you’ve heard of your senator if you’re American, and vaguely interested in politics, the Senate is pretty exclusive with few senators often covering large areas. Joey isn’t running for that, he’s running for the lower chamber, known as the house. This is really the place where you enter into politics, chances are you won’t know many congresspeople unless you’re really involved, and there is a much greater number of them. Each state that would otherwise have two senators, is now much more split on the basis of population, some with such low populations that they’re not split at all. But New York is a populous state, and New York the city is a populous city, so the 11th District that Joey is running for isn’t particularly large at all, and all quite local. People constantly see New York as the real Democratic bastion in many ways, but Staten Island doesn’t quite adhere to that formula. In fact, in the 2016 Election, Staten Island went Republican, with Donald Trump receiving approximately 57% of the vote to Democrat’s 40%, now the district does include parts of Brooklyn, which is likely democrat, but it still wasn’t enough to unseat the then Republican representative: Dan Donovan. No, that didn’t happen until 2018, when democratic war veteran Max Rose, defeated him in the midterms. And that’s the thing about House seats, they’re up for election every two years, so Joey could be running for 2020, which is just around the corner really… But hell Max Rose is a war veteran, and an incumbent, it’ll be harder to unseat him if he’s popular. True, but at the same time, if the election’s on 2020, it’s very possible that people will be much more distracted by the Presidential election, and people may well vote in line with their Presidential vote, which if it swings in Trump’s favour, the Republican candidate may well win. However, with that said, there is certainly no guarantee currently that Joey Salads is the Republican candidate for the area, chances are there will be a more professional figure running against him, and he’ll have to prove that he is more desirable than them. But can he? And will his past come back to haunt him? And should it?

Dken54PZsvI | 09 Jun 2019
The Right Opinion: Why This Fallout YouTuber Couldn't Avoid Drama - The Truth About Oxhorn | TRO Intro: Contrary to the slogan, which I pretty much retain for branding purposes at this point, I don’t have much free time, and therefore I don’t play as many video games as I’d like. One of the games or series of games I’ve always wanted to play, but never quite got round to was Fallout, it seems like a fascinating concept, the dystopian open-world adventure concept really captures my attention. Fallout, as a game-series has been going for a few decades, and with its critical acclaim and popularity, it quickly obtained a substantial fanbase which spilled over into the internet gaming scene, and launched the careers of a lot of creators. From an outsider’s perspective, it’s not just the gameplay of Fallout that seems to attract a lot of attention, but it’s also the lore, the stories, the mystery in a way. When playing games, we might experience something, that provokes a question in our head about them, makes us think, I wonder what the story is behind them. Like creators who delve into the mysteries of the internet for example, the gaming equivalent of these creators gained prominence with the same sort of approach, talking about the mysterious backgrounds of all these characters. And out of these roots came a YouTuber known as Oxhorn, the Fallout lore investigator with a creamy voice. His videos delving into various cases, stories and features gained traction over the 2017-2018 period. Now this wasn’t Oxhorn’s first venture on the platform, in fact he is one of the older creators as the platform’s history goes. Prior to the Oxhorn channel he had a channel named “Oxhorn Movies”, in which he uploaded World of Warcraft related content, which was certainly… interesting to say the least. This has 17 million views by the way, good luck ever obtaining the success of this sort of this content. He made the comment that he started making movies in 2004, and therefore he must’ve preexisted the platform with his interests he engaged in. However, in 2013, he decided that it was time to move on from this brand of content, and onto other ventures. He had a podcast that he called scotch and smoke-rings, he also had a website where had advised on beard care, and marketed products known as, and he had his own personal blog: Now when someone’s on the internet for such a long time, it’s natural that they’ve probably got a lot of history, a lot of pages up there, that documents their journey. However, sometimes when we look over a person’s journey, we see a few potholes that they may have encountered, and we want to know how they would address it, these are two separate processes that can definitely shape the perception of a creator and the possible implications regarding their reputation. I found myself confused about being contacted about such drama. Because drama has a normal formula, one side presents their case, another side presents their case, and then the beleaguered, bewildered audience try and pick a side on the basis of what truths they can hopefully take away, why would people want me to do a video on this bloke? As far as I could see, a fairly inoffensive Fallout channel that isn’t pulling so many views these days. Well, when I began to spend some time researching content, and watching the videos on it, I very quickly realised why people were messaging me, because the truths that I just spoke about, they’re very unclear. The videos on him were long, I mean very long, and some of you creators clearly didn’t get the memo, because only I’m allowed to do long videos with pretentious rants, but I watched them, because The Right Opinion is a trooper, out on the front lines, watching the videos, so you don’t have to.

r2U3pPmQ1oE | 29 May 2019
The Right Opinion: What Happened To James Charles Was Inevitable - Here's Why We Believed Tati | TRO Intro: The beauty community, for all it’s make up, has some real savagery lying underneath, and we witnessed that last year when Jeffree Star got into drama with a few people, but most notoriously Manny Mua, and Laura Lee, and when the court of public opinion came out in favour of Star, damage was dealt that can still be witnessed to this day. The beauty community is truly brutal, a cheeky exposé or well-placed drama can really go for someone, for ages, you don’t see that in too many other places. So when I saw that today’s subject: James Charles was experiencing a decrease in subscribers of unprecedented proportions, well, it didn’t surprise me looking at how cutthroat the beauty community has the capability to be, but even with that said it’s more than that, James Charles is not just any ordinary beauty creator. This changed however, on the 10th of May, when Tati Westbrook, another beauty creator dropped a video by the name of “Bye Sister”, a play on James’s iconic phrase, in which she documents why, in spite of her extensive history supporting, and working with him, no longer wants to associate with him, these entail a series of criticisms that relate back to the way he has treated his friends, his inappropriate behaviour at certain events, and the fact that he promoted a brand that would be sensitive to younger children, in spite of the fact that he had said to Tati that he wouldn’t promote hers, due to the age of his demographic. Music Used: 12. 猛者どもの睥睨 Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack 04. 緋色の瞳の哀歌 Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack 20. くじら島より Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack 27. Mystic Land Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack 30. 迷妄 Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack 32. 銀髪のララバイ Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack [HQ] Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Requiem Aranea! (Genei Ryodan theme) [HQ] Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Requiem Aranea! (Genei Ryodan theme) [HQ] Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Latent Power. [HQ] Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Ansatsu Ikka no Yakata (Zoldyck Family Theme) [HQ] Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Dr. Warm-Hearted Miser Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 6 - Elegy Of The Dynast Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 10 - In The Palace Lamentoso Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 15 - New Mutation Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 29 - Who's The Bomber 02. Presentiment Hunter x Hunter Phantom Rouge Original Soundtrack 07. To Give a Marionette Life Hunter x Hunter Phantom Rouge Original Soundtrack Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 1 - Kingdom of Predators 06. The Puppeteer Hunter x Hunter Phantom Rouge Original Soundtrack 03. 銀髪の少年 Hunter x Hunter 2011 Original Soundtrack outro: ゆず「表裏一体」

kAdQ7YN4lfE | 15 May 2019
The Right Opinion: Why We Didn't Trust Kurzgesagt - A Coffee Break Saga | TRO Go to to take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free. Today, we have a topic that I received a disproportionately high amount of requests to cover while it was all transpiring, but little to their knowledge, I was already following the whole situation quite closely, detective TRO is always one step ahead, anticipating each and every move that transpired, like a bloodhound, though let me clarify I’m not a furry. This is the sort of drama that blows hot and cold very quickly, and I warned people who asked me to cover it that it would be a while, but I still think in spite of the very current drama, there were a lot of messages that can be taken away from it regardless of how trending it is. So without further ado, I suggest I provide a quick rundown of the situation, as when I posted about this in my community tab, many people were not aware. This is Kurzgesagt, they are an educational YouTube channel, ran by Philipp Dettmer. Educational YouTube channels are pretty much as they sound, basically content that’s used to educate or inform the viewers. Kurzgesagt is definitely a significant player in this community with over eight million subscribers. They’ve been making videos since 2013, and their videos typically present themselves to deliver information with a unique animation finesse, according to them they want to make science look beautiful, because it is. Very respectable intentions indeed. Arguably however, channels like his own have some of the greatest responsibility on the platform to deliver accurate representation of the topics they cover, because they are not merely opinionated, but they are factual, many people who may be slightly uninformed go into a video with the expectation that the information presented will be truthful, a high majority of people do not pause documentaries every five seconds to fact check them. However, on the other side of the spectrum you will face vehement inspection from ruthless academics and upcoming YouTubers alike, and if you fail to deliver your content concisely and honestly you risk having your reputation completely decimated, and that’s important when you’re a channel like Kurzgesagt. And that’s what leads us to the crux of the discussion today. In October 2015, they released a video that was titled “Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong”, a pretty strong title. In the video, they rebut the notion that chemicals are the main root cause of an individual becoming addicted, and actually the circumstances that many of these individuals find themselves in are much more influential, and we should begin to ask questions about society, this was conducted in collaboration with the works of a psychologist known as Johann Hari. This video grew to be one of their most successful, accumulating over 15 million views, pretty incredible. However, it has also been criticised as being overly one sided in the favour of the circumstantial narrative, and arguing about it from an excessively objective narrative, when there is a significant amount of counter evidence that challenges this. This is where we introduce another player into this tale, a YouTuber by the name of Coffee Break or Stephen, he’s a video essayist who makes content covering various topics related to media, he’s been going for a little over two years and has racked up some pretty impressive video performances in that time, on fairly unique interesting topics. Nothing to be discredited whatsoever. However, he was one of the people who wasn’t entirely happy with Kurzgesagt’s video covering addiction, so he planned to make a video in which part of it incorporated his problems with that video, and further questions around the credibility. While doing this he reached out to Philipp Deitmer, and Hari in around February of this year, to try and ascertain their opinions from the glorious position of hindsight. After an exchange with Dettmer, Stephen noticed that Kurzgesagt had dropped a video that directly responded to some of the criticisms that he raised in his initial emails. This video was called “Can You Trust Kurzgesagt”, in which they admit the shortcomings of their videos on Refugees and of course, Addiction, before stating that they will be removing these videos from their catalogue. So, in response to this, Coffee Break uploaded a video alleging that Deitmer basically hoodwinked him, taking the criticisms that Stephen had presented and making a video to get ahead of him, while keeping him from this knowledge, thus stalling his video. I’ll be breaking down the details of this all in a bit.

S2yvgjae5og | 05 May 2019
The Right Opinion - How This Beauty Guru Betrayed Her Fans - Olivia Jade | TRO You see my friends, I attend University, or college, as the Americans love to call it, exciting, I know, behind basically everything else in my life, education is my favourite activity. However, I’m not here to discuss how much I definitely love my courses, because for all I know, my tutors might be watching, but if they are, give me good grades or else my next video might be on you. No, as always, the subjects I cover have a YouTube twist thrown in, and today is no exception, because we’re going to University! Yay! But more importantly to the University of Southern California, to a situation that has garnered a lot of attention recently, and a YouTuber who has been at the centre of it. Now, to provide some background for all you twats, the University of Southern California, abbreviated to USC, is one of the more prestigious educational institutes in the world, which specialises in business, performing arts, and engineering, and if I asked you, my audience, what you think it would take to obtain entry into such a coveted establishment, you might say… good grades, strong SATs… A willingness to learn, strong work ethic And of course, no meddling, and no corruption whatsoever Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Olivia Jade. Olivia Jade is a YouTuber, a beauty, fashion and lifestyle YouTuber to be more precise. She makes videos in which she buys expensive items, does fun quirky challenges, publishes tutorials for her adoring, loving fanbase, and more interestingly, collabs. Sometimes with her friends, sometimes with more popular YouTubers, but sometimes, and most interestingly with her mother, who is also deeply involved in the topic today. Her mother is actress Lori Loughlin, if you’ve watched any mid-tier TV show then you’ll probably be familiar with her face, because that’s the market that she has decided to dominate, her husband is Mossimo Giannulli, the founder of Mossimo fashion house, so with all that talent in the genes, she must have success running through the veins, right? Well, let’s discuss that. Because Olivia Jade was a student at the prolific University of Southern California, and on top of this it appeared that she was a competitive rower, with athletic credentials to boot. However, all was not as it seemed, as in 2019, she was involved in a huge scandal which alleged that certain families, had been bribing various institutions to enable admission where they may not have obtained it otherwise. In the midst of this, Olivia Jade’s parents were amongst those indicted for their participation in the scandal. Now, in the instance of many of these children, because they weren’t public figures, the attention was on the parents, as they were considerably higher profile, the exception in this situation being our good friend here: Olivia Jade, because she, is a YouTuber. It seems that the only rowing Olivia Jade was doing was up the creek without the paddle. The publication of this led to immediate backlash spilling over onto her channel and subsequently causing her to practically disappear from social media, disabling comments on her Instagram account, and laying low throughout the public uproar. On top of this, many sponsors who had worked with her in the past made the decision to cease relations, including Sephora, and TRESemmé, she has suffered, and many would argue, justifiably so. Unfortunately, when you’re a public figure preaching all this content, when people claim you’re involved in a corrupt scheme, many don’t just feel annoyed, but betrayed, that a person who may have inspired them, was not who they claimed to be. In the heat of the moment, and with the outrage brimming, it was probably understandable that many people just wanted to go in on her for hand in the whole situation. But as always, at The Right Opinion, we go deeper than I go in Primink.

9t_dk1Xopgw | 24 Apr 2019
The Right Opinion: The Fall Of GradeAUnderA - End Of An Internet Giant | TRO In less than a year after Grade’s channel was resuscitated through a Reddit post, he had turned his content into some of the most unique and marketable work on YouTube, and was approaching the peak of his career, he was stepping effortlessly between his drama and non-drama content, and gaining support at an unassailable rate. The sudden interest in an actual genre that could generate its own conflict while simultaneously being able to comment on it definitely had its appeals, and being a person of strong, unmitigated sentiments, Grade had found his rhythm. His content picked up to an unbelievable pace at around mid January of 2016, just after the release of his second Nicole Arbour video, in which he breaks down Arbour’s side of her abuse story against Matthew Santoro, and exposes some rather glaring inconsistencies with her testimony, but equally, as quick as he took off, he was to encounter his fair share of drama.

-zNELcp-zuw | 11 Apr 2019
The Right Opinion: The Rise Of GradeAUnderA - Ascent Of An Internet Hero | TRO Intro: I thought it’d be neat that we begin this video with a story because I love a good story like anyone else. When I was growing up, I wasn’t really the type of person who used Twitter, or any the social media sites that I used today, I remember when I was around 13, I was at school, and back then the only app that was really considered fashionable was Facebook, now this is before it was taken over by the Minion moms, but just take my word, at one point, Facebook was cool, I promise guys, please don’t reject me. Whatever, at that time it was also cool to follow ridiculous numbers of Facebook pages, and before they were taken over by cash farmed sponsorships they had the capacity to be pretty funny, to my juvenile brain at least, however, it was one day that I clicked on one of the videos, I highly doubt I could find it now, but I remember it being this page called UniLad, and I clicked the video, and it was this guy, with this really strange accent, talking about Manly Drinks vs Girly Drinks? Basically mocking the gender stereotypes behind alcoholic beverages. And to be honest, I didn’t really know what to think, it was alright enough, and I did agree with the sentiment, I’d personally take cocktails over beer and so on any day, though I do like penis, so I might be biased. Either way, I didn’t really think too much about it, my life had very little to do with YouTube, the man in the video was GradeAUnderA, or Grade for short, he is a commentator with a very distinct style, I’ll talk about the styles that he was inspired by in a bit, but as you can see from that clip, it bathes in its rather amateurish charm. Currently Grade sits on just shy of 3 and a half million subscribers, and is very prolific in the commentary community for both good, and not so good reasons, but I didn’t know that back then, I was just a pleb. Fast forward a couple years and I was much more engaged with the commentary community, all this drama with Leafy was transpiring, I wasn’t really an avid viewer of him but I was thoroughly involved in the whole feud with Keemstar, and I remember really rallying behind Leafy, I think I even sent him an email in support, that was incredibly sad. Not just the sentiment of it, but the fact that I used email, I’m like Benjamin Button because I used to be a boomer, but now I’m a epic woke man. Then iDubbbz’s Content Cop dropped and I had my perception completely 180’d, everything I thought was fact, was not, and iDubbbz did a great job at destroying Leafy, who only managed to destroy himself with his response video, proving he was well out of his depth, but maybe that’s a story for another time. Grade was dragged into all of this because he’d made videos on the situation, and jumped on the train, in fact he’d been heavily involved in the drama, until the Content Cop, in which he just dropped off the radar. What a surprise. And after a few more months of videos, people just kinda moved on, there were a few thought pieces, asking where he had gone, how he had fallen from grace, and so on, everyone kinda knew he’d return, and at the turn of 2019, he did. How long he’ll be around for again we don’t know, honestly he might have left already, but at the same time his return did complete the arc that I felt necessary to make this video. I always felt there was more to his story, because my two experiences with his content were radically different, covering themes that could’ve been related to a different channel, my perception going into this is that of a person who became something else than he initially set out to be, from that person on my Facebook feed, it never felt like he was setting himself up to become another channel caught up in drama, so today if you’re not familiar with the tale of GradeAUnderA, I want this to be a learning experience not just for you, but also for me, understanding his rise, his peak, his fall. But we’re not just going to be documenting how it happened, we’ll ask why it happened, and maybe provide some opinions on the whole situation, let’s just hope they’re the right ones.

UWdG_lmLZ70 | 23 Mar 2019
The Right Opinion: What Did Matt Watson Really Tell Us? The Truth Behind The Rabbit Hole | TRO YouTube is a monumental platform, with a lot of people, a lot of power, and thus, a lot of danger. There are currently 1.3 billion users on the site, an alleged 300 hours worth of content gets uploaded in a single minute, and if you go from video to video, then it can take you down multiple different rabbit holes and multiple different directions, it’s kinda weird to think about how much content is out there and how many things we might miss. I’ve felt a whirlwind of sentiments of this, and initially expressed it in a Twitter thread that I feel is now obsolete due to this video, so I shan’t be referring it, because I’ve refined my thoughts a bit more now, but the background that I stated in the first Tweet is true, it was a probably bit more than one and a half years ago, I don’t know when to be exact, but I was just a small YouTuber, at the time I was doing some research with Kavos, back when he was still on around 20,000 subs, and someone messaged me talking to me about a situation they’d found. The video came out, garnered around 25,000, 30,000 views at the time, and within a few days the playlists were gone, videos were deleted and if not the comment sections were deactivated, now, I knew that it was far from over. This was not the first time YouTube has been caught up in this very specific issue, and I’ll definitely discuss this more later, but at this point there are more gates than an airport. Enter stage left, Matt Watson, aka MattsWhatItis, a disillusioned YouTuber who decided to make a damning video documenting the problem on YouTube, he wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last but he was definitely the most impassioned. Matt, made the proclamation that this had to be dealt with, establishing the line of reasoning that YouTube have not been listening to this persisting problem, particularly due to their alleged ignorance, and the only way to make them learn would be to go straight for their income, and thus their advertisers. So, Matt went on a passionate campaign about gaining the advertiser attention to hold YouTube’s accountable, to force them to address this. His original video on YouTube, is a passionate, dramatic rant with high level editing, and with perseverance he muscled his way to the front page of Reddit, and subsequently attracted attention from all arenas, not taking long to reach the ravenous media who were raring to report on YouTube’s latest oopsie. Other news oriented YouTubers decided to report it as well, providing their thoughts on the situation. However, with such instantaneous momentum, Matt decided to do multiple live streams to consolidate his viewpoints and positions, but many people began to become suspicious about his credibility, and his integrity, and so certain creators took to Twitter, took to his stream, and even took to their channels to take him, and some of his narratives on. Essentially, this has led to a load of back and forth, caused confusion, division, and frustration in the community, who can pretty much all agree on one thing but can create no consensus on what to actually do. I’m going to try and work out what we can do, but I also have a lot of criticism to hand out, because I am annoyed, for various reasons, we’ll explore each one of them now, I guess we should start a our home base, because there’s no place quite like home.

J9W8jLKTu-s | 14 Mar 2019
The Right Opinion: Why This YouTuber Can't Stop Eating - Amberlynn Reid | TRO With the shift in cultural focus by many people, it appears that access to consumption and sedentary lifestyle has created what many view as an epidemic, particularly in countries like the US, where obesity has ballooned, there are many reasons why this might be considered. However, with the existence of fat people, comes the existence of fat YouTubers. Larger YouTubers are nothing particularly new, you’re dealing with a platform that is based online, many people on the platform are not the most active, and they might even find appeal within their great weight. However, from this transpired a new genre, this mainly revolved around weight loss, the reason should be fairly obvious: we as viewers, typically look for some element of ourselves in the creator, whether that’s something that we currently have, or something that we aspire to be, now when you have a weight loss YouTuber, this is someone that we should follow their journey with. We find inspiration in their progress, maybe you are an overweight person, but at the same time, you’re an introvert, or an agoraphobe, and don’t want to show your body at a Weight Watchers meeting, maybe they can give some advice on how to lose weight from the realms of the screen, although it may not be sufficient to make you lose weight on its own, they may provide inspiration, may provide you with that extra motivation, and then maybe you can document your journey online too, and inspire other people to come along with you. The problem is that this vision doesn’t always happen, and sometimes people themselves aren’t strong enough to create that arc through their own volition, and thus the story changes very significantly, and because they’re documenting all on YouTube, suddenly this augments into something much uglier, this is where we reach today’s creator, the creator known as Amberlynn Reid. It was a late evening, I had worked on a video only to make the decision that actually, although I wasn’t a fan of the creator’s content, there wasn’t enough to make a video, so I decided to watching a few videos, I knew one of my fellow creators known as Danarchy had released a couple of uploads on these YouTubers who were rather notorious for the handling of their weight on the platform and so, in my crisis I decided to sit down and watch them, and although he was a tad too insulting for my rather polite demeanour, he touched on some important points, that I definitely feel could be expanded on in a Right Opinion video, his content definitely does a great job at individually calling out the YouTubers in question, but what is there beneath the surface? Well let’s talk about the YouTuber in question. This is Amberlynn Reid, she is a 28 year old YouTuber from the United States of America, she recently become a target for a lot of YouTubers, for a multitude of reasons, typically the cycle consists of her doing something, people reacting, people noting her rather counterproductive efforts to lose weight, people noting various other negative traits, such as her apparent compulsion to lie, and deceive her audience, and alleged manipulation of certain situations. Hell, there is a whole channel dedicated to exposing Amberlynn for her weight, that is some spicy commitment considering that many of these videos receive more views than Amber’s videos themselves. Amberlynn appears to be a dubious character for more reasons than just her weight, and although I do consider many of them valid criticism, and would definitely implore people to look into that, that will typically be a secondary narrative of this video, because although I will definitely touch on that, there’s a lot of detail to these stories that I think you can only really see from the testimonies, and I don’t plan on addressing all of those. Though if you are interested, I’ll definitely reference and link some of the more controversial incidents sooner or later in the video, because there is a lot to cover.

gaIDfmgvIuo | 25 Feb 2019
Go to to take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free. The Right Opinion: This 11 Year Old Instagram Model Was Used By Her Father - MelodyOficial3 | TRO I’ve spoken about in the past, and I’ll likely speak about them in the future. I’d say in my new style I properly covered this sensation was in my Lil’ Tay video, which once again attributed a strange fixation to this idea, the point of that video was to document how fascinated we become when someone behaves in a way that is not necessarily expected of them, and because of that exceptionalism they quickly spike to fame. Whenever you’re doing something that has an appeal, that no-one else is doing, you will typically gain fame for it, and there are many other factors that will determine the longevity. However, with someone like Lil’ Tay, the whole system is broken, the fact that it is driven off being more and more audacious, it is destined to slide into an absolute burn out, or you end up not being able to keep up, the outcomes are not particularly rosy, and if none of that fails to kill your career, growing up will. Premature fame is not something that really should be glorified, we’ll always need such individuals in our media, particularly in areas such as film, to make sure they are provided representation, at the same time, the unique mental circumstances that an individual encounters cannot be discounted, and cannot be exposed to the ravenous hordes of internet dwellers like many of us YouTubers. There are nuances to this argument, and I’ll probably address them another time, particularly when that person might be able to exert adult levels of influence, but most of the time these people are just puppets for fame hungry parents, and/or siblings, who want to find ways to exploit that reliance to make them conduct certain actions that arouse online interest, and use the fact that they’re not autonomous to claim any profits and benefits, it’s a scummy but unsurprisingly common dynamic that you’ll find, and these kids are often the ones who take the mental fall from it. However, Lil Tay, was as predicted, a brief fad, that was in itself, an escalation of a juxtaposition between adult behaviour and appearance, one that could inevitably not be topped, and left a trail of destruction in the culture that had ultimately set her up, though admittedly one that I find rather refreshing. However, the death of one market always leads to the rise of a new one, and the thing is that although many trends are short-lived, they are almost always borne out of a longer-term human interest, these long term human interest provide anchors, and unfortunately, the fascination with them being placed in environments that would seem surreal for them is a constant one, and today, more than ever, this has pushed into a serious boundary. I’m gonna leave this narrative on hold, because the new market leads us to this very interesting individual, known as MelodyOficial3, now MelodyOficial3 is a Brazilian figure online, her real name is Gabriela Severino, and according to the very quaint Wikipedia page, she’s a singer and songwriter, all at the age of eleven, wow very impressive feat. She has released a plethora of singles, ones that I’m sure we’ll reach at some point in this video, a few of these songs have even performed well in the Brazilian charts, she’s been around since 2015, from the age of eight, so she’s already had more of an esteemed music career than yours truly. One day Morning Sun, one day. However, today, as we’ll see, she’s in the YouTube headlines, well, in this video at least, so The Right Opinion headlines, for certain conduct that is much more questionable than just writing songs. You see I have a friend, I know, surprising, he goes by the name Marriott, James Marriott, and he made this video on someone he branded as Danielle Cohn’s sister, which you know, I used my genius to decipher that it wasn’t actually Danielle Cohn’s sister, the resemblance just wasn’t there, but that’s besides the point, it’s spicy clickbait, and although I love a good James Marriott video, I didn’t really have the time so I passed up on it, and anyway, he didn’t need my patronage, his video was enticing enough for a couple million other people.

FVN2DDufdtk | 19 Feb 2019
The Right Opinion: How This Streamer Turned A Whole Community Against Her - Pokimane | TRO Now I’ve covered Twitch streamers, before, and I’ll cover Twitch streamers again, because they are a highly interesting set of people, and in spite of the fact that many of them are categorised by commentators, they are all at least somewhat distinguished in what they do. In a video last year I covered Zoie Burgher, someone whose rise to meteoric stardom was paired with an equally catastrophic fall, she was an absolute magnet of drama, and one of the more sexually suggestive characters out of that legion, but at the same time, she was her own individual character, she was banned off Twitch, and mainly gained infamy for antics on YouTube and subsequent drama. On the other hand we have female streamers, who may well be considered attractive by the audience, I mean, who doesn’t want to look their best on camera, but at the same time doesn’t necessarily seek to exploit that. And this is where we reach Pokimane. Pokimane is someone who is established on both YouTube and Twitch, with over two and a half million subscribers slash followers on each platform, that’s something which cannot be ignored, she does some gaming, she does some reaction based videos, but overall, as people go she’s not an individual who has received exceptional attention. This is fairly typical for most genres, with a fairly undemanding audience, much less demanding than the ones who watch critical commentators like myself. Most commentators also tend to have a list of people who are controversial and easy to make videos on, this is a rotating list of people, typically including Ricegum, the Pauls, Morgz, KSI, Deji, with a bit of variation between certain YouTubers, maybe you’re a bit more interested in people like Emma Chamberlain, maybe you like making thought pieces on who the next Content Cop is gonna be on or even if there will be a new Content Cop. What this means is that although people will be doing shady or at least debatable actions, if the public isn’t focusing on them then it’ll probably pass under the radar, and a lot of creators, including the person we’re going to discuss today have been sheltered from that sort of environment. However, as spoken about in the past, the alienation of drama, can often mean that when it eventually does confront one of these people, it means that they are way out of their depth with no idea of how to actually handle it, generally this has meant that in the history of Twitch Streamers vs Commentators, the Twitch Streamers tend to lose. Looking back to Pyrocynical vs Zoie Burgher, Pewdiepie vs Alinity, and yes, in both of those situations, it’s fairly reasonable to argue that you could side with Pyrocynical and Pewdiepie in the situations regardless of the outcome, but as much as the circumstance does comprise the drama, the handling, and presentation are equally important. Another real problem is how a lot of this drama can often be perceived, exposé videos have been monopolised recently by the commentary genre, and so attempting to make any sort of response to them, is the equivalent of going to play an away match, you’re entering someone else’s stadium, and you’ll be attracting their audience, even if you’re responding on your own channel. One of the problems with a lot of drama is that it always feels like an us vs them, you really are expected to side with one of the people involved, and often there is a clear moral high ground when it comes to the claims, but often when there isn’t we have to look a bit closer than many people choose to. The thing about drama, is that whatever yields from it can be assumed as some sort of moral standard, even though we often forget about the conclusions we make and just contradict ourselves in the future, I’m a man who does enjoy some sort of consistency, because whatever disputes occur do have reputational legacies, and it’s important that we’re holding people to account, but not unfairly singling them out because of some subconscious bias, so let’s talk about today’s situation. On the 28th of December, a very small YouTuber by the name of Fainted released a video called “The Dark Side of Pokimane”, in which he alleged, that while the public’s back was turned, Pokimane had done some pretty shady stuff, I’ll be breaking down the details in a moment, but like some of the infamous streamers in the past, some of the main claims were on the notion of copyright striking, or as many people now like to call it, “copystriking”, firstly in the incident of a series of uploaded Twitter clips on a feud between her and Keemstar, and secondly on a channel that reuploaded stream clips of her, known as DavCev. These are both fairly separate situations, but fell under the umbrella of criticism that Pokimane was facing down. Music: Persona 5 - Layer Cake Persona 5 - A Woman Persona 5 - Freedom and Security Persona 5 - Ark Persona 5 - The Days When My Mother Was There

HdvWcnHlgnI | 06 Feb 2019
The Right Opinion: The Guy Who Sued h3h3 - Inside The Mind Of Matt Hoss | TRO When I was a very small commentator, I made a little video called Matt Hoss Could Win, in which I expressed my feelings on his whole lawsuit and how in fact he could be successful, at the time Fair Use was still a very untested concept, and there had been cases in the past where creators had lost against claimants, so I was especially sceptical of how some out of touch court might handle the case, I think it was a justified concern, and at the end of the video sister snapped and went off on a memorable rant that today would make such a typically placid individual like myself cringe. That video was really the first taste of any success I had as it amassed approximately fifty thousand views at the time, and I was pretty excited, I mean what would this spell for an aspiring commentator like myself? Well, basically nothing for another year as all my videos afterwards didn’t really do much, but I guess today, like Chris Martin once said, we’re going back to the start, because I do find Matt Hoss a fascinating bloke. Matt Hoss’s channel is known as the Matt Hoss Zone, he did used to have an Instagram but that’s gone, and he has been relatively inactive on all platforms where he expresses his distaste of Donald Trump, and promises his inevitable return to the followers who are eagerly awaiting another masterpiece from the maestro himself. As a creator he is fairly established, running on the platform for a few years, with a fairly respectable backlog of content, his description reads: “Original comedy, action, horror, and fantasy short films. With electronic dance music. From the mind of Matt Hosseinzadeh.” Hosseinzadeh being his full last name, which you know he has mercifully shortened so I appreciate that, it’s going to probably knock around 10 minutes off this video. The original comedy, action, horror and fantasy short films, were a mix of him picking up girls with his mad parkour, and vampires, I mean that’s a simplification, but I think the emphasis on his description is “Matt”, there is no other way to describe his channel, other than it is Matt Hoss, unfiltered Matt Hoss. Like The Room was unfiltered Tommy Wiseau. This is where h3 are introduced. Most people know how the story goes, that basically Matt filed a civil action against h3 under the premise that their use of his content wasn’t fair and defamed his character, h3 disputed this, and this then escalated to the courts, fortunately this time round, the judge then, Katherine Forrest, the absolute legend, ruled in favour of the Kleins, it was probably one of the most famous motions and it was really heartwarming to see an often divided community uniting for the cause of something that transcended the differences. Matt Hoss, the man at the centre of the lawsuit, became the sort of Disney Villain of YouTube, he himself was a content creator, and thus the lawsuit felt very personal. I spoke about this in the Smosh video, but often when businesses file lawsuits there is a lack of accountability, we’ll hate the business, but they have no personality to hate, they have no face to lambast, Matt Hoss put himself at the front and centre of the controversy, and there were very few people who were willing to defend him, he didn’t set himself out there as a likeable character. He often came across as highly egocentric, and narcissistic and people tended to hone in on this, people hated him for it, and when videos came out, they were very critical of Matt Hoss in the moment, but no-one really asked why he did it, and in a way, when the situation is transpiring, I wouldn’t expect people to, the stakes seemed very high and theorising over motivations when they weren’t exactly relevant to the outcome seemed unnecessary, but I feel like now the time has passed, and we’re all on the Tubes, just chilling, like the fellow kids we are, I feel maybe we have time for a discussion, because as I said, I really do find the character of Hoss a very one. I think many people at the time just saw him as this delusional reactionary, completely high off his own hubris, and with this image in his head that the persona that he had crafted in his content had been completely undermined, and you know when you look at the evidence, it’s one hundred percent a credible point of view, and one that I may even agree with to an extent, but I want to have a discussion, because I think there was a level of calculation that many people didn’t pay attention to, and I want to watch his videos so we can perhaps understand the mind, and motivations of Matt Hoss.

SkTcbwC-6Js | 27 Jan 2019
The Right Opinion: The Rise Of Emma Chamberlain - Did She Become Everything She Hated? | TRO I first heard about Emma Chamberlain when a friend mentioned her to me in passing, told me that it would make a good video and there was a lot of content to discuss. I encountered here again when I was making my Beauty Community video, I was doing research of people who were involved in it, and she came up, now I didn’t include her in that video because I didn’t really consider herself necessarily part of that community, but she was working with individuals like James Charles and so I stumbled into her, I knew that there were a lot of videos being made, and I was like, alright, well she looks like a fairly regular lass, you know, whatever floats her boat. There were more videos, and more videos, and I didn’t know what was happening, but now I finally had a bit more time freed up, I decided to look into it because now, with a bit of research I can fairly affirmatively say that this is a very interesting case. So, Emma Chamberlain is a 17 year old Vlogger, which you know is incredibly depressing but hey who cares, definitely not me, I don’t care. *Sigh* Anyhow, she started her vlogging channel last year, and vlogging is an incredibly saturated genre, I’ve had friends who tried vlogging and it didn’t work out for them, mainly because I think it’s so hard to define yourself with something that like 99% of other people have, the only thing is that I do receive the impression that a lot of people enjoy vlogging, which probably explains the numerous creators, I mean, in a way, if I could do something like that, I probably would, one day, my friends, The Vlogging Opinion will I’m sure be a reality… But Emma Chamberlain isn’t just any vlogger, in fact, many have branded her the anti-vlogger, and I think that’s a really interesting way to describe her, you see, her brand is definitely unique, and it’s clear why her ascension to the top of the YouTube totem pole was so rapid, she has this very sardonic tone that doesn’t really fit in with the normal YouTube vibes. There has been this narrative drummed up recently that many creators themselves have fallen out of touch with the desires of their viewers, I’ve heard it increasingly of recent, and honestly, on one hand it’s a sentiment I agree with, particularly with that in the vlogging industry, but on the flipside I also feel part of that change has been undertaken by the audience, the shift in general sentiment, rather than the creators necessarily, that’s just made their ploys more transparent, on one hand, fame definitely pushes people out of sphere, but I think people are just increasingly aware of it. Emma Chamberlain definitely plays into that self-awareness, with the sort of snark and sass definitely needed, and we’ll explore the success very soon, but it does have its flaws. And in the last few months, as noted Emma Chamberlain’s been in a bit of hot water, drama, after drama, after drama, firsty for a merchandising situation, and then for behaviours that show a double standard that didn’t match the attitude of her old content. This in a way, goes hand in hand, with a lot of the rise of commentary on these creators, we’ve definitely become more critical towards the vlogging community, this is for better, and for worse, as documented in my previous videos, on one hand it pushes the community for higher standards, on the other hand I think sometimes the criticism can lean into unreasonable territories, and at the end of the day it’s important that we, as creators have some sort of gauge on our own criticism. I’ve often clashed with fellow creators over the notion of criticising our peers, because in many ways, a cohesive community is a functional one, and doing that is often seen as burning bridges, but at The Right Opinion, we always come equipped with a molotov cocktail, so cheers to that. There will be sometimes when I agree, sometimes when I don’t. Today we participate in that exercise of critical thinking because Emma Chamberlain has been the subject of extensive criticism, that itself should be brought into the light and scrutinised, just like Emma Chamberlain has been.

Mw9GZX1lq6E | 21 Jan 2019
The Right Opinion - What Is Article 13 And Why Are People Worried About It? | TRO Most of my videos I put out on my channel are topics that I think will have your interest, this is a general philosophy because I like to entertain people and try and find a balance between what I care about and what you care about, equally it’s a learning process, finding out this new information and sharing with you guys is a great experience for me. However, every now and then, I know I have to make a video that won’t be the most fun to make, and will require a lot of detail, and today is that day my friends. I held off this for a while but I knew that I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t raise my voice. So let’s talk about the EU, because during my time in America, I’ve been surprised to find that many people actually do not have a clue how it operates. So consider the next five to ten minutes a little crash course. EU is an abbreviation for the European Union, an organisation of countries that forms its own absolute body, often cooperating and creating legislation to maintain a more cohesive relationship. It was initially borne out of the fact that politically, Europe has been a bit of a mess, and to provide almost a grounding, a central body would stabilise the lawmaking process, very modest intentions. Over the years, this has developed, with new institutions and initiatives being integrated and established, typically through treaties, which are essentially contracts between countries, that’s a very simplified definition but I just want you to have a general gist. The European Union that we know today was formed by a treaty in 1992 known as the Maastricht Treaty, which aided the transition of the European Union beyond just an economic community. I’m not going to go into too many more details because they’re not entirely relevant, and honestly it’s not the most fun things to hear, however, it is of importance to have some basic information so that we can then apply that and think critically about what’s going to be discussed today and its implications. Because the European Union has been expanding its control over many different disciplines over the last few decades, and the internet has been of their interest for a while. And there are many concerns over the ownership of intellectual property on the internet, given the new international realms it expands over. In the past everything that we watch on the TV has been run through a limited number of corporations who adhere to regulations that they can be reprimanded under if they don’t follow, the new domains granted by the internet has created a plethora of content that is exceptionally hard to regulate. However, over the last few years, we have become increasingly aware of this, with this awareness being raised, there have been filters instated to assure that people aren’t profiting off copyrighted content. For example, someone uploading a copyrighted song on YouTube, may have it removed or monetised by the original artist. The internet is a place of new opportunity, but it also is a state of great lawlessness, many of us will remember the ads that they’d put at the start of a film saying “You wouldn’t steal a film”, because online makes all these forms of media much more accessible. With this in mind, many sites like YouTube are overbearing in the imposition of copyright restrictions, with many people, myself included, that they give too much power to the actual claimant to be the arbiter of the content. I’ve had this experience myself with my content in the past, situations where I’ve been claimed, appealed, and the appeal goes straight to the owner, and they reject it because they like money more than fair use, the only way I resolved it that time was by threatening a lawsuit. I don’t fuck around. It’s pretty much understood at this point, that the internet isn’t going anywhere, however, this also means that other competitors, and governments will be under increasing pressure to respond to such freedoms, with new restrictions. Now, we’ve seen this in this in the US and the EU, this is not a new thing, we already have copyright directives for the internet to try and prevent illegal usage of content, although it is unavoidable to an extent. But the European Union really want to up the regulation, with their new copyright directive, that closes in on many of the issues that they feel they haven’t been stringent enough on in the past. The most notorious component of this little document is something known as Article 13, which has prompted backlash and outcry amongst many of us internet dwellers. This outrage has been amplified by a collective of media outlets that have been reporting on the content.

FEwi-pMn1l8 | 13 Jan 2019
The Right Opinion: What Happened To Toby Turner? The End Of A Career | TRO When people look back on YouTubers, and ask themselves who have been the most influential creators on the platform, there are many individuals that I’m sure come to mind, people who are relevant now, and people who used to be relevant, whether it’s Pewdiepie, Smosh, Nigahiga, Shane Dawson, or Ray William Johnson, Fred, TheAnnoyingOrange and so on. Many creators past and present have had a significant cultural impact. However, when speaking to people about their childhood, one name that seldom seems to come up, is Toby Turner, or Tobuscus, or TobyGames, despite the fact that I’m sure that a huge number of people have watched at least one video of his. Two of his channels have amassed over 6 million subscribers each which is certainly a feat not to be overlooked. Yet I feel that his story is one that often is overlooked, one that is heavily integrated in the culture that we will discuss today, and one that we can perhaps learn a bit from, and maybe seek to explain, how everyone forgot about Toby Turner, hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Right Opinion, the home of a twat with too much free time, and bless your face. I’m sure not everyone is aware of who Toby Turner is but for a basic rundown he is one of the original YouTubers on the platform, who began his craft in 2006, and twelve years later is still going, as mentioned, it’s not to the intensity that he used to, after he probably made a fat stack of cash in his time, or at least enough to keep him going, I can’t look into a man’s bank account. He ascended to his peak around the turn of the 2010s, particularly encompassed by the success of his Literal Trailer series, on top of this he also had a gaming channel, in which he would achieve even greater results in terms of subscribers, in spite of a marginally lower view count. Generally if you ask someone involved with YouTube what has been their most recent experience with him, chances are it’ll be the allegations, now at the time this was created in a Tumblr post by an individual named April Fletcher and this information isn’t wholly relevant right now, but I am going to bring it back up in the future for why it is important. Turner had three succeeding channels, had made videos that are pretty much iconic in many people’s childhoods, and had so much media branching out in so many various directions he almost seemed set to succeed, rewatching a video in preparation by FootOfAFerret in which he runs down the brief history of our good friend Toby here, he says this. So it does indeed beg the question, what happened? Even I’m not entirely sure yet, but by the end of the video, I’m sure we’ll have a definitive answer. Turner is still uploading content to this day on his channel, mostly more commentary facecam oriented, and talking about various random topics that interest him, some topics more trending, others more spontaneous, or personal to him. Given the fact that I don’t think there’s really too much else to summarise in this situation, which is a bit earlier than normal, we’re running ahead of schedule lads but I consider that a good thing, without further ado, I suggest we get right into it.

X0oZexAaayU | 30 Dec 2018
The Right Opinion - Why YouTube's Most Hated Father Will Never Go Away - DaddyOFive | TRO Intro: Because my friends, we are once again going back to a blast from the past, but we shall begin with a little anecdote as always, because I have actually made a video on DaddyOFive, although, no-one has ever seen it. You see, as an artist, if that’s what you can call my work, I have started, scripted, and worked on many videos that will probably never see the light of day, that is the case for pretty much everyone in the creative industry, it’s about running with a lot of ideas, some of which don’t work, sometimes you’ll realise these ideas don’t work three lines into scripting them, sometimes you’ll realise they don’t work three years after you uploaded them. That is the life of the miserable creator. However, the DaddyOFive video was a classic case of changing circumstances, I had the video, uploaded it to YouTube, was ready to drop some very stinging criticism of him, had a big, saucy thumbnail, and suddenly this video dropped. And I felt the circumstances had changed, the thing about DaddyOFive, is that it was a situation that greatly put his children in the spotlight, and regardless of whether they were sincere about this apology or not, I was not going to continue to drag them for something in which they had shown a motivation to change philosophy, and their approach to parenting. There were children involved, and the apology video changed the context to the point where I no longer felt confident in my upload. Now that the dust has settled, hopefully I can quell my allergic reaction, as well as look at the situation and the legacy with fresh eyes. What was he apologising for? Well I’ll dive into the devil in the details in a bit, but he was facing down a number of serious allegations, and evidence that the creation of his content was being elicited through his children, something not to be taken lightly at all. He was terminated by the YouTube Gods, for his transgressions, and likely because the media were picking up on it and YouTube’s relationship with the media is rocky, and no compromises can be taken when it comes to their reputation, to say the least, and we as human beings, continued with our daily lives, so why bring it back now? Well for a few reasons, the first one being, some cheeky twats over on my Twitter, tagged me in a thread, asking me to cover it. Now, I want to make this clear, I do not often take requests, but if there’s enough meat on the bone, I’ll throw myself into the ring, the only reason I’m saying this is because last time I credited someone’s request I was bombarded with requests of the newest naughty YouTuber, and I only have so much time on this planet. I’m not saying don’t send me spicy news on people, I’m just saying don’t get your hopes up. So I was mulling on this for a while, and then I saw my good acquaintance Primink’s video, which reignited my passion for the whole debacle. Because although the barebones information was something that I was aware of, seeing someone expressing their opinion on it, and seeing the sphere of debate thrive interested me further, and then the fact that DaddyOFive threw a tantrum in response, made me think that maybe there’s a bit more to this story than we give it credit for. Because, the story on the headlines is that DaddyOFive is back! Back in what way? Has he had his channel restored? Is he returning to some old ways? Well, no not really. You see, DaddyOFive never technically left, in fact, they were on YouTube until a few months back, in which YouTube, decided that they’d had enough of that platform as well, and chucked them off, in which there was a very emotional video uploaded onto another channel where they pled with the viewers to save them, alas, their tears fell upon the frosty heart of the viewer. But a few months later, they are once again back, as Primink documents, but not exactly, you see, their children now have a channel in which they create their own content, which the DaddyOFive claims to be not associated at all. This channel is known as The Martin Boys, which is comprised of the three remaining siblings, after the biological mother of Cody, and Emma regained custody, there aren’t too many indications of where this channel is going exactly to be about, but one can assume it won’t be too sinister given how I’m sure the Martin family are aware they are on thin ice. Nonetheless, it seems there are some questions about the ethics of this whole debacle, with DaddyOFive positioning himself as a staunch defender of the lad’s rights to do what they want while also decrying any association with it. This has opened another debate about the whole morality of it, and frankly I find it all a bit messy.

TpHOaJsxgRE | 19 Dec 2018
The Right Opinion: How This TikTok Predator Reflects A Greater Problem - TheBudday | TRO The topics we’ve covered of recent, are pretty serious, and you know, I like to be serious, I’m a serious, brooding person, I am the Batman of YouTube, minus the excessive riches, just because the accent is rich, doesn’t mean the pockets are. So I thought, you know what, we’ll do something more fun, something more upbeat, something that the child friendly twats at YouTube would endorse, Tik Tok, I mean what serious comments can be made about that? It’ll get me rated E for every single little git who wants to click on my videos, yeah, I’m looking at you, little scallywag, you’re watching The Right Opinion now. Yeah, today we’re pulling out the stops to get Susan’s endorsement and talking about… Susan I’m so sorry but I have a duty to serve, one day I’ll make content that will rival Jimmy Fallon in its inoffensiveness. And honestly, I really did preside over this topic for a while, really considering whether I should do it, TikTok is the peak of joke topics, that anyone should be doing, everyone’s been talking about it, but honestly I think there is a greater phenomenon that it can represent, and that is the art of child predation. I’ll give a brief run down of Tik Tok for any boomers who are watching, I love you all the same, don’t worry, but all this new technology gets very confusing for you lads, and that’s understandable, it seems rather redundant to me as well, but there’s an audience. You know the old cliché where people grab the nearest microphone shaped ornament, a hairbrush, a toothbrush, you know, and they sing in the mirror. Well, it appears it’s not just some timely fad, it’s clear that there is some inner vanity that needs to be fulfilled, which is why these apps exist. They are basically a virtual mirror for you to lip sync your favourite music or weird quotes. And admittedly I am completely guilty of Snapchatting myself lip syncing desperately and sending it to my friends and probably confusing them greatly, the difference is I don’t put it out for the whole world to see. Anyhow, basically, my point is, that TikTok is a platform that promotes this on a public basis, so that every 13 year old can post something thinking they’re being all hip, and then have it up there for the rest of their life, so when they go into some job interview they can have their arse torn apart by some manager who went googling their name and found a goldmine, and they’ll forever be known as TikTok Tim because their name is Tim and they did TikTok. It was founded initially in 2016, but it didn’t start to pick up until a few months ago with the merger of one of its modern contemporaries:, which is another platform with a similar purpose. However, TikTok seems to be even more prevalent than in this current environment, and there are many reasons for why that appears to be, partly because of the absolute mammoth Chinese market, which is where it was originally launched in 2016, that has likely given it a lot of momentum, but also the additional features, that definitely make it more extensive than extensive than previous applications, as well as the fairly straightforward interface that does make creating the content for hyper annoying children nice and easy, which is what we like. I may be an old man at the age of 21, but I must say, when I was a lad, around the young ages, I didn’t have many privileges of the internet, I lived in the middle of nowhere and the bandwidth wasn’t great, I remember a time when we used dial up. Back then we were witnessing a real movement. The creation of e-relationships, and I don’t mean romantic relationships, though they certainly fall into this category, but I’m talking about connections between people all over the world. The age of the internet truly is an exciting thing, with people being more interconnected than ever, it has created its own culture in a way. And as someone who has benefitted from that there is no way I can ever not praise it. However, the online world has also brought many threats, and one of those that I want to talk about today, is that of predators. Predators, have always existed, they are nothing new, it’s just the internet gives them a new dynamic to play with, and that means that we have to all be more aware, and in all fairness, the educational system in the UK were very proactive in making sure that we, as children, weren’t roped into such rings, and although I didn’t think I would’ve ever done something like that, nor would my parents have let me, I still ended up in one of those situations. Admittedly, it wasn’t through the internet, I don’t think that would have happened, but I know there are many people in different environments who are susceptible to that, particularly when you may have a rocky real life relationship with those around you and some stranger online offers a better alternative.

iENNN04tZuM | 09 Dec 2018
The Right Opinion: How One Decision Changed Smosh Forever - Let's Talk About Who Was Behind It | TRO When we watch a YouTube channel, we enjoy their content, we are involved with them, we create a bond with them, we don’t tend to think about what goes on behind the scenes. It’s kinda strange to think that some of our favourite creators, as authentic as they may seem to us, may just be well focused puppets. But being part of a business doesn’t mean that you’re a puppet, many relationships are forged on very mutual terms, and there are many benefits that can come from business relationships, but as viewers, we don’t really care. We don’t look for the exact ingredients for what creates the content we watch, we just enjoy the recipe, unless the recipe is for pineapple on pizza then it’s disgusting. Anyways, back to the point, we don’t speak about Defy Media because no-one cares about them, they’re a faceless business, however, in many situations they play a fundamental part in being the fabric of many of our most popular channels. One of those channels is Smosh, the channel founded by duo, Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla, now there isn’t too much to say about them otherwise, they’ve been going on this platform for years now, and Smosh is a huge brand, if you know YouTube there is a high chance you know Smosh, even if it’s just from the namesake, contrast that to Defy Media, well, they have less Twitter followers than me. So it was only natural, that many people’s reaction when they heard that digital media corporation: Defy Media, was shutting down, was “who?”. Well, Defy Media are a Multi-Channel Network, abbreviated to MCN, and essentially that means they host creators for at least some financial cut of that channel’s earnings. So why on earth would you sign up to an MCN, when all you’re doing is reducing your profits. Well, in the right environment, signing up to an MCN can really come with its perks, if you’re a creator who makes reviews, commentaries, and all sorts of content, which often includes other people’s material, you’ll know how much of a nightmare the copyright system is. Many networks claim to be able to alleviate that, they have inside links to YouTube and they’ll sort you out, another great example is monetisation, we all know Susan Wojcicki struts around like Thanos clicking her fingers and turning that green money tag to a yellow. I know people who’ll just give their network a buzz, and suddenly, Susan’s frosty grip has rescinded, praise those multi-channel networks for the good work they do, they can also assist with sponsorship, finance, and merchandising, and pretty much anything outside your channel. Though, as we’ll soon find, Defy Media definitely took a bit more of a hands on approach. And I’m not talking about Andy Signore. Typically the people who benefit most from channel partnerships are larger creators, mainly because they can make the network more money and thus they are seen as a more valuable financial asset, which is why, if you go on YouTube search and look up networks like Freedom, and then look for rants on their network, you’ll find a lot of angry smaller YouTubers who completely felt neglected, signed up under the premise that they would be offered something better than they actually received, and then were basically scammed out of 40% of their earnings, 40%, that’s not loose change. However, as a larger channel you’ll typically find more purpose, and there are many benefits which is probably why, like many networks, Defy Media accumulated numerous clients who would seek their benefits. On one hand some of their relationships were merely the normal partnerships, where a creator would sign a contract and they would enter into a classical business relationship like most network-creator contracts, on the other hand with Smosh, whom will be one of the key topics today, Ian and Anthony actually sold their channel to Defy Media, for the grand total of nothing. This essentially made Ian and Anthony employees of Defy Media, who then received a salary, now, an anonymous source told me that the salary that Ian and Anthony received was rather small, especially when compared to the person who signed them, but either way, these were the sorts of dynamics that Defy had with its creators, it varied, a lot. This meant that when the situation that we’ll be discussing today transpired, you had a load of differing accounts from multiple people, with none of them necessarily being false. However, each of those portraits can paint a picture of a company, a brand, and channels that eventually succumbed to a changing environment, and one that there can definitely be cause for criticism and perhaps even more. The thing about YouTube is that these things are always negotiated on an individual basis, there isn’t a level of wage equality when you sign a contract, so everyone’s experiences are gonna be different, particularly if you suffer from some sort of business naivety. [Watch For More]

IUeZVxP2m4Y | 29 Nov 2018
The Right Opinion: What Really Happened To Marina Joyce - Behind The Internet "Mysteries" | TRO Intro: it was a fine Saturday morning, I was relaxing, putting my feet up, regretting my existence, like every other Saturday morning goes, and then, in a moment of spontaneity I decided to check my Twitter feed, the spontaneity was rewarded, because I saw no-one else, but the man himself, daddy Keemstar, saucing it up with a cheeky little feud, with… Marina Joyce of all human beings… Suddenly I had to check my calendar and make sure that we weren’t back in 2016, because for any of you, who have blessed with not knowing who Marina Joyce is, she is a beauty slash lifestyle vlogger, who became monstrously famous for a very brief moment a couple years back, if you blinked you might have missed it, but if you had your eyes open you might have been blinded. At the time of the drama, Marina had been doing YouTube for a few years, her channel was performing alright, but it was nothing particularly special. She had been doing pretty much the same content since the inception of her channel, mainly her unfiltered personality, trying to connect with her audience, doing little games, and certain tutorials, and the sort of content that would attract fans of quite an innocent demographic, she was very happy, quirky character who was definitely not afraid of delivering wholesome messages through the platform, which, you know, we definitely need more of. However, all that was to change at the end of July, 2016, a few days after she posted a video known as Date Outfit Ideas, a video that has now accumulated over 43 million views, yeah, that’s more than any episode from the Shane Dawson documentary series, though, of course, this video has been out longer so there is plenty of time for good ol Shane here to overtake her, but still, let me indicate how much of a movement this was in the moment. In one day she received 35 million views on her channel. That’s what we’re talking about here, it was a movement. What was the source of this movement? Well one we’ve encountered in the past, one of mystery, the question of the moment being, what is going on with Marina Joyce, because in this particular video “Date Outfit Ideas”, Marina is seen as being a tad… zoned out? And this, for a brief moment, threw the internet into a frenzy, delirium my friends, and the commentators dashed for their microphones, as the journalists reached for their keyboards to document the newest, weirdest internet sensation, people were asking questions, conspiracy theories were created, was she kidnapped? Was she mentally ill? Was it all for attention? Even the police were sent to her house to ascertain her well-being, well-being that they allegedly confirmed, although people were still somewhat suspicious. After all, a lot of her audience knew what she was normally like, knew her old videos, and her energetic personality, a personality that had been swapped out for a rather unnerving individual. However, as mentioned, this was a brief trend, and with Marina, withholding the explanation, providing there was one of course, meant that many people quickly lost interest, after all, what’s a mystery if it can’t be clearly solved. Which is what leads us to November 2018, when Marina decides to release a video where she talks to haters, in a rather formless video which jumps from one point to the other, and talks about a philosophy that we’ll definitely address later. She goes out of the way to express how it’s necessary not to reveal the nature of her condition, a debatable, but respectable stance. Another theme that prevailed throughout the video was how she planned to stay out of drama. So Marina, being the very anti-drama person decided that she would maintain this philosophy by… immediately having drama with the most dramatic person in the history of the dramatic world: good old Keem. You see, after this situation was brought back into light, Keemstar boldly claimed that the reason that all this occurred in the first place was because of content, not any specific content, but honestly, if this claim was true, it might have been multiple content for all we know. Now, when the initial situation arose, she was very quiet on the topic, she never really confirmed any of the theories, never really commented, and maybe that was for the best, maybe that wasn’t, we’ll debate that in a bit, but this time round it was different. When Keemstar made these claims this time round Marina responded differently, this time outwardly denying that they even had a shred of truth, which, ironically caused the truth to be allegedly revealed after all these years. Watch for more!

btf5eudsdV4 | 17 Nov 2018
The Right Opinion - A Critique Of Shane Dawson | TRO (Inside The Mind of Jake Paul) I had a few topics to pick out of the hat, but I found such a fascinating one today that I couldn’t possibly ignore it, and it’s obviously in part about the titular character, Mr. Shane Dawson here. Shane Dawson, like a lot of people we talk about on this channel, is a YouTuber, I’m sure many of you are already aware of this, but if you’ve somehow just discovered the platform, and you’ve had the pleasure of having this beautiful accent introduce you. That’s what he is, a YouTuber, but he’s not any old YouTuber, he’s not any geek off the street, he is one of the first YouTubers to gain prominence on the platform. This was mainly through his channel Shane Dawson TV, the TV there, clearly making it sound nice and professional, he uploaded these comedy sketch style videos, an iconic classic being “Fred”, in which Shane Dawson appropriately deals with Fred so he can establish himself as the most popular YouTuber on the platform, which, you know, I’m not complaining about. Anyhow, that was in a simpler time, and as a creator it is a necessity that you evolve with the times, so as charming as these sketches and short films were, it appears they were brought to an end on that channel at the close of 2016. What took its place though? Well, his third channel, Shane, yep, he had three channels, busy bloke he is, for all we know he might have more. Now Shane, was originally set up as a vlog channel, in the day it was almost like a backup for him letting his followers know what’s up, and what’s going down, with little jokes and memes, nonetheless, still with some pretty saucy clickbait, there was no throwaway thumbnail to Shane it seems. Anyhow, in case you haven’t noticed, with the increasing accessibility to high quality equipment, vlogging has emerged in the last few years as a huge genre, along with this, other genres that have crept into the public eye are mystery genres, list genres, and commentary. Therefore, Shane did what any person with a level head did, and made his “Shane” channel dedicated to morphing all of those genres together, which is pretty genius to be honest. Although, as a creator Shane was definitely aware of the consequences of mixing a range of genres that are too diverse from each other, and something that his accomplice Bobby Burns would soon find out, and so he tended to mesh them in a very similar style that would bring back the same audience for each video, allowing organic views to turn into suggested views, and this would grow out some great content that had mass appeal to multitudes of audiences, dedicated and casual. I assume he chose this channel because it probably had the best potential fanbase, and as said, if you tried to mix these videos with already established content in a rather distinctly incompatible style the algorithms loathe it, and so I assume this was a smart move. On top of this, he would include some more personal videos, that would branch out his character, and the relationship that he had with his audience, in a way he was building an empire. The Shane brand not just being an interesting expansion of content for him, but also branching out on the elements of his character, dissecting his childhood, relationships, and asking a lot of questions, with no clear answers. It’s emotionally riveting stuff, it really is. I feel therefore it was an appropriate succession to continue into these documentary style videos, that deal with many of the components that Shane had dealt with in the past, just in a more bombastic fashion, and under the guise of an individual problem, or person, which is then branched out to implicitly deal with other questions. That’s typically what any video that’s not just a basic reaction will do, but obviously there are tiers to this, and Dawson clearly wanted to do top tier. Now I recently covered the tea spilling saga, of which one of the people I covered was Jeffree Star, Jeffree Star has always been in the public eye, in fact he’s a very prominent individual clearly, however, given the sort of brewing tea in that community, it made sense that Shane would be interested in covering such controversial figures. However, in my video I note that this whole beauty community kinda dominated the summer and pushed other figures like the Pauls into the background, even though, they were arguably behaving much worse than any of the beauty commentators in question. So when Shane announced his next set of videos were going to be on Jake Paul some people were a tad surprised, here is this topic that was, in a way, kinda dead and buried, and if Shane was gonna pull his shovel out he was gonna have to dig deep to find some interesting content.

zvWNyMgh6Bk | 07 Nov 2018
The Right Opinion: Do YouTubers Really Understand Mental Health? The Betterhelp Legacy | TRO Intro: You see, I released a video on h3, I worked incredibly hard on the research that brought it together, the points I made, and I gave it a lot of thought. Explaining why I believed they had strayed from their original content and this had subsequently led them to take a break, I took a sympathetic point of view towards them, because how I felt, I think there are a lot of people on the verge of burnout. However, almost immediately I released it, I had a load of comments pointing out that h3 had got themselves in another mess less than 24 hours before, leading my video to be timed fairly inconveniently . So what was this mess? Well let’s talk about BetterHelp… Even if you’re a YouTube casual, you will have heard of BetterHelp, the online, interactive website, that promotes therapy on an accessible platform: the internet. So to give you a breakdown, if you’re a patient of this site, you sign up, and you fill out a basic form explaining what you’re looking for, and what may you may be experiencing, and what they do is that they have an extensive roster of therapists who are allegedly qualified, we’ll return to the allegedly part in a bit, anyway, they hook you up with one of these therapists. The ultimate aim? Well that’s unclear, and we’ll explain why that’s a problem in a bit, but the general aim is to improve health. But if you’ve seen the title, you’ll know that this is a video about YouTubers, so where do they factor into this very enticing plot? Well BetterHelp targeted a certain band of YouTubers, in fact, ones that I like to talk about the most. The individuals who are seen as moral bastions on the platform, this is no coincidence, these individuals have built special relationships with their fans, and unlike the Jake Pauls of this generation, they deal with mature subjects, they have a slightly more adult audience, this is the sort of thing that is perfect. And honestly the environment has been set up pretty neatly for something like this to come into play. Now, make no mistake, BetterHelp has existed for a few years, since its inception in 2013, it was always purring in the background, but recently, one of their marketing executive must have spotted an opportunity in the fertile grounds of YouTube. Which is a smart idea in principle. In the last few years, YouTube has become a lot deeper than just a place where people put on facades for the day, and I’ve spoken about that in length in the past. It just seems like a progression of the culture. Amongst a lot of the deeper topics that have popped up in the last few years, one that seems increasingly prevalent is that of “depression” and mental health, there are a multiple reasons for this. I think the online world has brought together a new set of people who find themselves away from the turmoil of their real lives, and in that escape we equally tried to find answers for the problems that we face in our minds, and one of those does come down to mental health. Depression as such is a complex topic, we need to be able to distinguish between when we may just be experiencing mood dips, and when we actually have a chemical imbalance that disposes us to be legitimately depressed. A great example of the confusion of the two was Prince EA’s video on how you’re not depressed, you just have to shut up. Also, was great to see that Prince EA made the Mental Health Awareness day, after such an inspirational set of videos. YouTubers know that speaking about depression is extremely sensitive, you can’t be seen as taking advantage of the topic, but equally we are in a culture where people are being encouraged to be open about their experiences with the condition, and often being open about these things can help others, and we certainly shouldn’t diminish that. On the other hand, we shouldn’t be seen as clickbaiting it, or taking advantage of the possible experiences of suffering to emotionally manipulate our audiences, so ironically it becomes a whole different balancing act on working out how to appear genuine, which in a way, is contrived within itself. But that’s a topic for a different time. Equally, creators who use these experiences in their videos will create a bond with the audience, often creating a shared experience, and maybe helping an individual come to terms with their own struggles, and so it made perfect sense that BetterHelp reach out to these lovely creators, who are renowned for their reputability, to promote their therapy website and help others make it through the same struggles but there’s a catch, in fact there are a lot of catches. [Watch For More]

mZhRusZeqTE | 24 Oct 2018
The Right Opinion: What Happened To Behind The Meme? The Victim Of The Hate? | TRO Intro: Today we’re dealing with the tragic tale of Behind The Meme and issues surrounding semantics regarding that, and boy, do we have a lot to discuss, however, today I want to also talk about philosophy too, because I think it encompasses an interesting element of content creation, and we’ll get to that in a bit, but first, Behind The Meme, who is he, to all those who may not be aware of his infamy. So essentially, Behind The Meme is a meme channel set up by creator Kyle Bryce, don’t worry his name is public, which he brands as having the intention of educating those who are unfamiliar with memes, providing the audience with a relatively light explanation of the origin of the meme and applications of it. To take a quick example, Harambe, Harambe is a gorilla who eventually became a meme after the meme connoisseurs picked it, and in this instance Behind The Meme explains how Harambe has came to be, you know, whole enclosure incident, satirisation of people’s reaction, and so on. These videos rapidly picked up steam, with views coming in from the first upload. This wasn’t Kyle’s first channel, so he knew how to make his video semi-competent, although you can tell his microphone isn’t the best, he quickly upgraded and realised the business opportunity. It was all going right, video after video was a hit with the audience, and he was flying high with an audience who had his back. Yet fast forward less than two and half years later, and it’s almost like we’ve stepped into a different dimension. The happy, colourful Behind The Meme is gone, and in his place is a shell, a shell that is the draw of multiple controversies over the span of a year. What happened? Well after a spell where his videos were performing abysmally with views and ratings alike, he took a break, now we’ll delve into the details of why this flatlined in a bit, stay patient my friends. However, with every break, came the return. And Behind The Meme came back to a fanfare of broken brass. However, the video he posted “What happened to Behind The Meme” seemed to represent a perspective of hope, one in which he had been dragged down by so much, but now he was in a better place, ready not to fumble this situation. He had almost 800,000 subscribers, most of us will never receive that opportunity. He was a new man, ready to take on the world. But then he posted a five part series, which were abstract in their presentation and disturbing in their subtext, with vague, foreshadowing language. A far cry from his initially rather innocent, child-friendly content of his meme synopsis videos. This understandably had people concerned. Now we’re going to address that in due course, but I wanted to provide a quick rundown of what’s going on. Today I have a lot of questions, that many people have, why did this happen, why did the innocent meme reviewer end up in what must be some sort of delusional state of mind, what were the causes of this, were these causes justified? How could such a cheerful person, so intent on spreading knowledge turn into one of the most twisted characters online.

fbWlrMm86QA | 13 Oct 2018
The Right Opinion: In Defense of h3h3productions - Why Ethan and Hila Needed A Break | TRO Intro: h3h3 is the YouTube pair comprising of couple Ethan and Hila Klein, they’re pretty damn well known, there are loads of things that even people not particularly cultured with the internet will be familiar with, whether it was FUPA or Vape Nation, they understandably have an overarching impact on YouTube past and present, that can never be taken away. However, to understand a lot of what I’m going to be discussing today we have to go back in time. Now the h3 account was created in 2011, on the 29th of April to be specific, originally made by Ethan and Hila to help Hila with her college project. However, due to my work on the wayback machine, it appears they didn’t start gaining any traction until 2013, doing the wayback machine we can see that approaching the end of the 2013, they had around just shy of 2,000 subscribers. A modest but not insignificant amount, especially considering at the time one of their other videos had over 200,000 views. It’s the foundations for a strong channel, what were the main source of these views at the time, well it appears to be mostly these exe videos. The first real banger was Warm It Up, which really is a bona fide classic at this point. Most of these captured the very minute, seemingly irrelevant movements of an interaction, often by an eccentric, and put emphasis on them, almost exaggerating the more minor quirks, making them either mesmerising or amusing. They still practiced other types of video in this time span, and had videos that focused more on their own personalities, mostly Ethan at this point, who was like everyone’s favourite creepy uncle. Not that I’m endorsing creepy uncles, of course, I wouldn’t leave them alone with the kids, but my point stands regardless. h3 was creating an identity for themselves, and this finally began to snowball towards the end of 2014, when they moved over to the h3 reaction videos, which intertwined their creativity as editors, and their slightly off kilter humour. It worked for them, and they experienced incremental success through it, all their videos, have really withstood the test of time, and the fact that many of their old reaction videos still perform relatively well with the algorithm is a testament to their timeless appeal. Given how well many of them still perform, it would be easy to deceive yourself that you must have discovered later than everyone else, and I definitely fall foul to that, I looked back at their view count initially and thought to myself “Wow, how didn’t I come across these guys sooner”, but I was introduced to them by a friend when he showed me their “How To Clean Your Gamer Gear” video. I think I must’ve subscribed to them between 1 and a 1 and a half million, I was definitely a sucker for the videos that placed more emphasis on the editing, rather than the skits, and the skits definitely had their place, without a doubt, but YouTube comedy needs to be high energy and sort of unexpected to get me properly chuckling. Just my taste. I think another really important aspect of these videos was they introduced a somewhat moral standpoint, although it was often shrouded in large amounts of humour, which is expected, you also had the feeling that with videos like the pranksters, they were challenging YouTube in promoting them, although this was regularly mixed in with other videos that didn’t really have any deeper meaning rather than, funny memes, and they did create some great memes from them. This definitely gave them the foundations to be a somewhat moral voice on YouTube, and over the years they would become more involved in the specific controversies surrounding the platform, how they conducted themselves. A lot of creators typically avoided making separate videos to necessarily talk about the guidelines, and with creators like myself, I understand why, however the h3 format allowed them to branch out, and this led to more directed videos on The Fine Bros, SoFloAntonio, and of course the infamous, now removed Leafy video. Now as noted, not all these videos were without their flaws, and he has subsequently retracted some statements, but what a lot of people appreciated about these videos were that they were done in a way that sought the betterment of YouTube as a domain, and not just a specific person, which I can respect. On top of this, with these serious videos, they still intertwined some of their own personal humour into these videos, made them less of a tonal shift from their standard content, although it definitely existed on a spectrum. But still, it was them. And that’s what I think sometimes serious videos out of nowhere can lose, the personality. [Watch for More]

S2MVimC-zJg | 05 Oct 2018
The Right Opionion: The Tea Spilling Saga - How Jeffree Star Became More Important Than Jake Paul | TRO Intro: Careers were launched, reputations were established, and people were, once again, falling head over heels for drama that seemed so inconsequential in many of our lives. Summer 18 was around the corner, many were anticipating the shenanigans that all of these characters would be caught up in. Or at least we thought they were. Because, as the holidays dawned, there was a distinct lack of interest. In fact, fellow YouTuber Nerd City released a video in which he documented all of Jake Paul’s antics over the summer, antics that were arguably much worse than anything originally documented in 2017, and yet, if it hadn’t been for some very ruthless marketing, in spite of its excellency, it probably wouldn’t have even reached its current view count. 700,000, not bad, but hardly the peaks of the drama over the previous year. So where had all the views gone? I think it’s time for a story. I think we’ve had enough of those sorts of storytimes. Anyhow, I have a Twitter, and like most people with a Twitter, I follow people. When people follow me I typically check out their account to see what sort of individuals I’m appealing to, and in some instances they may be YouTubers, for whom I’ll check out their channel and see if their Twitter’s worth keeping up with, and at some point over the summer a person by the name of TeaSpill followed me. I checked out their channel, around fifteen thousand subscribers, not a bad amount going on. So I thought, “You know what, I’ll follow them back, see what happens with their channel”. They also had their subscriptions public and because I have a bit of a vanity project going on, I often check my most popular subscribers, see whose attention I have, and I noticed they were subscribed to me but fairly low down in the pecking order. However, with every passing week I noticed them climbing, gradually and then rapidly ascending, and I thought to myself “What on earth is going on”, this channel was going from 15k, to 30k, to 60k, to 150k. So this is when I found about all these people, Laura Lee, Manny Mua, Jeffree Star, NikkieTutorials, so many more, and if we were going by their thumbnails and titles, this was a non stop festival just pure drama, and to be honest, they looked like people who loved a bit of spice. So what of this new rise to the top for such individuals? Well they’re members of what is known as the “Beauty Community”, now when you’re as good looking as me, you don’t really need any makeup to stay beautiful, however, as implied, these are a set of creators who are focused on the testing of commercial beauty projects. But this isn’t any old beauty community, we’re not talking about Zoella here, as interesting as that is. No, we’re talking about the community that has birthed the tea spilling phrase, and embodied a culture like no other. And you’ll soon see what I mean. This sort of content seems to have been performing fairly successfully for a while, the most prominent creator in this community is Jeffree Star, who has a fairly hefty ten million subscribers. The content has definitely diversified in the last few months, but I think that’s okay for someone like Star, whose definitely playing off his somewhat buoyant personality. With the rise of channels like TeaSpill and other content creators reporting on what’s going on, it seems there must be a lot to discuss. As said, there are a load of other prominent figures in this community, and really the question that I want to answer at the end of all this is why? Why did people start caring about the drama of a community that had been functioning fairly competently for years prior, and why should people care, or should people care? These are all questions that many of us here will seek to decipher today, because honestly, I’m just as confused as the rest of you.

VOCWvoEt2eE | 30 Sep 2018
The Right Opinion - Did I Leave Politics? Am I Gay? 50k Q&A | TRO Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to The Right Opinion, the home of a twat with too much free time and 50,000, a fantastic feat. And to be honest, I was going to continue on my normal schedule, I’m a guy with plenty of ideas, and I already had ten other video ideas written down, how am I gonna get to them if I waste time with these sorts of ceremonials? Well, honestly, I think I just need a break. In case you don’t know, I’m a student of Politics, Philosophy, and International Law, with a minor in Psychology, and those courses definitely take their toll, especially when you’re bashing out a ten page script every week. It’s about time management, and so having a script that hopefully I can handle more efficiently this week will give me less stress, because a huge part of scripting is also research and watching through these videos to see what sort of spicy take we can formulate on these topics. I have a Twitter, @TheRightOpinion, and on that Twitter, I put out a Tweet asking for questions for this video, if you don’t have a Twitter then I apologise, next time I’ll put it in my community tab as well, so you can all pose questions. Though I’m not sure when I’ll do something like this next. The Q&A is going to be done in an interesting way, as I received over 200 questions, there will be some I won’t be able to respond to, especially the more memey ones. However, I will be cataloguing the questions into a general topic, and we’ll just walk through them, hopefully addressing various questions, and knocking them out of the park in a fairly efficient manner. There’s a lot to discuss, and I don’t know how long this will take but there are a few things that I wanna get the way which I’d normally put at the end, however, as it’s a special occasion we’ll run with a special structure. I really want to thank my visual editors, without them, I just would never have the time nor patience to make these videos, they do such a sensational job, and if you do have the chance I’m going to leave links below to anyone who has edited for me in the last couple months, please go and send them some love. I also want to thank anyone who’s sought out my Patreon, and donated, I barely ever mention it so the fact that people do actually dig it out is really impressive, however, I do want to take this time out to make announcement. I am going to be conducting a serious reform of rewards. Firstly, because barely anyone claims them, most people just insist they want to donate for the content, secondly, because as always mentioned, most people can attain the rewards without paying, I do my best to be an open person, and I thought that might come under siege as I’ve grown, but I’ve handled it pretty well. Thirdly, because of my current set up it makes it significantly harder to follow through on many of the rewards, and I don’t want to make commitments that I can’t keep, it’s never fun letting people down. If you’ve donated before this video then you’re still entitled to the rewards committed prior, and we’ll sort something out. They’re the only two special thanks I have to make, obviously all my mates and YouTube colleagues know how much love I have for them and that’ll never change, I’m not gonna list them out here but keep hustling boys. Anyhow, with the pleasantries out of the way I want to cut into the crux of the video because there is a lot to discuss. A lot of things about me to discuss.

cRF4lsUSvVc | 25 Sep 2018
Intro: For those who didn’t know, I used to, myself be a fairly political commentator, I intertwined it with media friendly topics, and even covered trending topics from time to time, but I was pretty political. I’m not gonna go into that much depth, mainly because I will likely save it for a special video, and I expect to be asked it for a Q&A, but there’s some stuff I stand by, some stuff not so much, ideas evolve, if you care about it you can DM me. If I was still political, I think today’s topic would definitely be of my interest, however, we are running with it on my new format, because I think it’s embedded in YouTube culture enough to appeal to many of you. So it’s a bit of old, bit of new. And anyway there’s an equally prominent reason that I’m doing this, because, probably to the surprise of some of you, I used to watch a lot of Angry Joe. I wasn’t crazy about the streams and so on, however, I’d always tune in to one of his more longform reviews, and even some of the film reviews, you know, the one with Other Joe and that bloke with the beard, yeah, you know. And also, as a person with OCD levels of pedanticism, I love lists, and in around 2014, at the turn of the year, Angry Joe would drop 3 or 4 big fat lists for me to dig my teeth into. Delish. I really enjoy a lot of review channels, they definitely encourage critical thinking, and as someone who had always dreamed about being involved in the creative industry, it gave me ideas of things that I might or might not want to do if I ever followed those arrows. I haven’t yet, though there’s still time, and I’ve ended up here. What a place to be, anyhow, central to that was Angry Joe. He didn’t always provide his criticism in the most constructive way, but he never held back, I mean, it’s in the name. What else would I expect? I enjoyed his passion balanced with delivery of valid criticism, and he also made his name as a huge proponent of consumer values, which, in spite of my criticism of certain people in the past, I’m still a huge fan of people getting their value for money. So he definitely played a fundamental part in my life. Another thing that I followed was his politics. It always appeared that he fell into the moderate but passionate left, while still being empathetic towards other views. It was a few weeks back, I was browsing the internet for the latest spice, and decided to see if there were any new Angry Joe videos. I don’t watch them on a particularly regular basis at this point, mainly because of my own commitments, University and YouTube equally take up their fair share of time, and I’m still expected to be social to keep up appearances. However, I noticed that one of his most recent videos had a particularly poor like to dislike ratio, that being this cheeky bugger. Now, at first, this didn’t surprise me hugely, he’d done other videos in the past that had been poorly received, particularly the ones where he just ranted impromptu at a camera, at the time I moved on, I was just looking for videos to watch. However, a few hours later I heard that it was something a bit more contentious, and then someone messaged me, and then videos came out. And so I was like okay, what is the spice then lads? Well to understand the spice, we have to go to the root, so let’s take a little trip. This is Battlefield, I assume most of you know Battlefield, I sure know Battlefield, I personally played Call of Duty more than the franchise, but that was only because at the time, most of my mates played Call of Duty too. “Oooh The Right Opinion played it because his friends did”, shut up, I was 13 and had to manually decipher how socialising worked. I went through a period of copying and pasting highest rated insults off a website onto my Facebook page, they were dark days, alright? Alright… So yeah, Battlefield, it’s a game, that people played, and gaming a few years ago, was in a sticky situation. You see, there’s this thing with Call of Duty too, where both games are released fairly regularly, annually for the CoD franchise, now whereas many games typically wait years to have sequels, if they have sequels at all, this idea of a game a year was properly ingrained into the culture. However, like with every progression, you need new ideas, and so there was a chronological movement, typically forward, and with these series we gradually, or quickly, moved into the future, and honestly, in many people’s opinions, it was a bit bad. Not because there was anything bad about the idea, but for many people, the overwhelming amount of gadgets and flashy visuals seemed to replace player skill. It just became all a little silly. So Battlefield, noticing this, smartly decided to go back in time, to World War I, for Battlefield One, which, was given great praise by many critics, which, in spite of the slightly short single player campaign, was supplemented by an excellent multiplayer which had some pretty cool features... [Watch The Video For More]

h6j7cGI3ZaQ | 08 Sep 2018
The Right Opinion: The Unseen Side of Storytime Animators - How It Hurts Their Reputation | TRO Intro: Yes, an aside comment about the personas adopted by storytime animators, admittedly, a genre that I had next to no interest in, gave me a simple lightbulb moment. What is that lightbulb moment? Well, you’ll have to be patient, because right now, we’re going to provide a little synopsis of what the animation community is, because I’m sure many of you may be unfamiliar with the swelling group of creators. However, to understand the evolution, we need to go back a few years, because there was a time where animation was all over YouTube, it was inescapable. A range of unique creators converging in this place that supported their individuality, YouTube was almost custom made for it, the idea that people were expressing themselves, and their effort was being rewarded was one of the most fulfilling things. In the early days, animators focused mainly on a distinct style to find them, in a video reflecting on this Quinton Reviews depicted the intricate style that each of them took. I won’t repeat what he said, but in the early days of YouTube, there were many creators who really set themselves apart using animation, and you know what, I liked it a lot, even though it wasn’t as direct and to the point as much other content, you could see what was being expressed through the cartoons. Personally, I’m a big fan of the show not tell, and even if stuff seemed shallow on the surface, when you broke a lot of it down, it seemed to reveal layers, and this stuff really rocked the boat of YouTube. And then, it just stopped. I’m sure many of you know the story, but to those who don’t, YouTube run a range of algorithms that decide whether your genre lives or dies, and whether they decided it wasn’t profitable enough, or just the views began to dip a tad, YouTube decided to pull the plug, and these animators were just left in the dark. Many moons passed and the sun seemed set on many in the animation genre, no gaps really opened up, YouTube felt like a different place and their fall was documented by many commentators. However, by 2016, there was a new gap in the market. 2016 was an interesting year, not just for YouTube, but for people, we were moving into a more volatile area, there was just an air of cynicism, but one thing I’d say in particular, was that people were becoming more aware. Aware of the world around them, aware of the tactics used by people who were previously trusted. People no longer sought after those who pandered to their sympathies, it was a real shift in mentality across the spectrum, and that awareness of the world around them, led to an equally increased awareness of self. It led to a more brooding generation, a set of people looking more inside themselves, rather than looking for exterior validation from the previous set of superficial creators. And through this rose a very interesting genre, known as “Storytime Animation”, most people here will probably know TheOdd1sOut, who was one of the real pioneers of this genre, at the turn of 2016 he had little more than 10,000 subscribers. Yet by the end he had over two million. Why though? Well his content reflected the landscape that I just described to you, when looking inside themselves, people found insecurities, things that they wanted to change, and no longer did they look to these fake, smiley vloggers to just gloss over it, to show the nice bright side of everything, they wanted people who put that sort of self-reflection in their content. Now, it’s not like the vloggers and other content creators didn’t try to put deep moments in their content, but it was almost always given a contrived gloss, or stuck at the end of a video in which they went out and bought a new Bentley for their second cousin, it was hard to relate to struggles when they were presented in a way that we didn’t see them inside ourselves. TheOdd1sOut tapped into an authenticity, whereas the former class of vloggers took general struggles and made them personalised, TheOdd1sOut reversed that formula, and took personal struggles and even everyday life, and presented them in a light that made people think “This guy gets me”, he took his own individual situations and tinted them in a timeless sentiment that appealed to the current generation of our introspective youth. I respect him for that. Turkey Tom Video: MangaKamen video:

3JHaMM3LYck | 27 Aug 2018
The Right Opinion: The Mistakes of Butch Hartman - Why He Only Has Himself To Blame | TRO Intro: I have a really diverse audience. And in a way that’s somewhat expected, but because I’m so integrated with many commentators, I can occasionally lose sight of this, despite the fact that I know I have people who don’t even follow what’s going on with FouseyTUBE, despite it being spoken about non stop in my circles. In fact, I clearly have a significant amount of people who are more interested in today’s topic, which is interesting to me, because although admittedly, I am fairly familiar with the individual in question, it kind of falls outside of the typical content that I would turn to. However, with that said, my Doug Walker video did very well, and that was, in a way, in the same vein, so I only think it’s justified to discuss this person, who once again, some of you will be very familiar with, some of you will probably have never heard of, some of you will might be big fans of him, others may despise him. One thing I know is that these less commentary, more niche individuals provoke strong feelings within individuals, to the point where they might give me rather strong opinions. So, I don’t expect this to go down fantastically with everyone, but I don’t do it to please everyone, I do it for the people who want to enjoy my content, and if you wanna come along for the ride then you’re more than welcome to join me. And many people have asked me to do a video on this chap, so it clearly does have an appeal, and hopefully today I can provide a more impartial look at everything he’s said and done, and give some thoughts and opinions, it’s what I do. Also, once again, I know this will be a late coverage of the subject but I prefer to wait until all the dust has settled before pulling out the duster, if you know what I mean, it also allows me to have a look at what more can be said, and rather than just observing the current drama that is going down. So let’s briefly have a run down of why Butch Hartman is of interest today, because on the surface, if you were just scrolling through his Wikipedia page, Butch Hartman has no right to be involved in the YouTube community. If you’re an internet casual, like most people, you wouldn’t be able to tell him apart from any other TV producer, or an imator. But as we’re going to find out today, there’s a lot to distinguish him beneath the surface. Now, to the people who are unfamiliar with this gentleman, Butch Hartman is a multi-talented individual in children’s cartoons, he has produced many popular TV shows. The one that you lot are probably most conversant with is the Fairly Oddparents, a show that I used to adore growing up. It’s the sort of show that, in spite of its rather ostentatious attitude, just has the plots to really inspire the imagination with all the possibilities of the fantastical world that it creates. Given where I lived, and the sort of TV service that we used to receive, I never really had the opportunity to watch it on a regular basis, so any time I did was a luxury. However, that is merely a ripple in the ocean that is his career, and he has helped produce many other children’s television shows including Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy, and Dexter’s Laboratory. Which, although it’s something we wouldn’t really think about too much as kids, it’s easy to see the striking stylistic similarities, ooh, that was some nice alliteration. Anyhow, before I become too caught up in my own language, let me make it clear, it’s no criticism that you have consistency in your animations, plenty of franchises have a lot of overlap in their technique, if you can evolve the storylines and characters, in a compelling fashion, then having a formula for animation is merely an unchanging cog in a greater machine. Thus far I hope I have painted a picture of a person with a prominent profession, ha, did it again. But anyway, Butch Hartman, through this signature flair, created a real following, typically when you have something unique, and defining like that, it’s what happens, much alike to Doug Walker, that whether you personally, loved him or hated him, there was an undeniable appeal to what he had created. He also really involved himself online, particularly using his Twitter as means to create a relationship with his fans, and often involving himself in many online trends and memes, leading to some… interesting results, I jest, it was mildly entertaining. He’d also provide his daily dose of wisdom, which typically inspired people to go and… well, retweet it. Can’t knock the impressions, but Hartman had clearly made good impressions. So why are we here today? Document:

37KiCZXlagE | 19 Aug 2018
Intro: Today is the day in which I definitely take on something more challenging, not because it’s a hard topic to decipher, not because it’s even particularly controversial, but because I expect it’s going to dispute a prevailing narrative which has been accepted by many spectators, and also defending people who typically, I’d have no interest in defending, but here we are, half a year later, and after a fair few controversies, I think it’s high time we have a discussion. This is Zoella, and this is Alfie Deyes, they are a pair of British vloggers, they are partners, and they are both relatively successful. Zoella is a lifestyle vlogger, who focuses on a variety of vlogs, primarily leaning towards the more beauty sort of content, make-up tutorials, item recommendations, all that jazz. Alfie Deyes, also known as PointlessBlogVlogs, makes videos on a broader range of topics, covering all sorts of things going on his life, which clearly appeals to some demographic. These guys are proper classic YouTube stars, back from the early 2010s, they’ve been around for a while. I’d heard of them, especially Zoella, she’s kinda inescapable, but have never taken sat down and watched one of her videos. I’m not quite her target audience. They’re smiling, and happy, and often they’ll do collabs with other people who are smiling and happy, and everyone’s laughing, hahaha, joy to the world, isn’t everything fantastic? In case you haven’t gathered, I don’t like them very much, nothing personal of course, but it’s no secret to those in my inner circle that I’ve loathed most vloggers for a while, their saccharine levels of glee seem extremely forced, and I find most of the content so vapid and meaningless. There is a video of them just messing around with a swimming pool, it has one million views, I mean I’m not gonna knock the views, but imagine spending your day sitting down watching someone set up a swimming pool. For me, it just seems like content for other people to live through, and although it can be cathartic in the short term for an audience, I’d always just encourage going out and grinding to afford a swimming pool yourself, this content always seems to leave a void for me, maybe that’s just who I am, but who I am affects how I feel. However, that’s not the topic of the video today, I just wanted to get that off my chest, but now my chest, my abdomen, my rib cage, my trachea, my lungs, my bronchi, are completely clear, and we are ready to rock and roll. You see, Zoella and Alfie Deyes are part of the British vloggers, crew, and here in the UK, we have a very nice little niche for them, not just in the vlogging community, but in the commentary community. It’s no secret that the British vlogging scene has kinda gone, many of the people like ThatcherJoe, Marcus Butler, Oli White, even the ones we’re talking about today, are “stagnating”, I was gonna throw Caspar Lee into that mix too, but since he made a video on the KSI drama, it seems he might just resurrect himself, but I guess we’ll see what happens on that matter. And ready to dance on the graves of these people are the commentators, which is something I’d normally welcome with open arms, I mean, who doesn’t love the chaos of calling people out for doing terrible things. And in this instance the main targets were the titular characters of this little tale, good old Zoe, and Alfie here. Firstly, Zoe for her ill advised Christmas calendar that came in at a tasty 50 quid, and secondly Alfie, for another little stunt in which he quote “survived” on one quid a day, spoiler alert, he didn’t exactly play by the rules. In these little escapades, it’s quite easy to see why people dished out the criticism fairly heavily, there were plenty of embarrassing moments to pick apart, especially when you’re going in with the level of precision that many commentators do. As I’ve said in previous videos, people in different communities have never been held to the same standards that we in commentary expect, so when commentators felt ravenous, the vlogging community was a buffet. However, is it possible, that in spite of all the legitimate criticisms that could be levelled against these individuals, that mistakes were made. Admittedly, when the first lot of drama transpired against Zoella, I was completely on board for the ride, obviously I wasn’t making videos about it at the time, because it wasn’t really my thing, however, I lapped it all up because it was entertaining, and there was a feeling of righteousness. However, as the months went by I began to question whether it was all worth the passionate vitriol invested into the numerous videos, and by the time the second set of drama came around, I was convinced that this was a very neatly orchestrated ruse, how did it happen though? JaackMaate Videos:

Zlu-VpuBLG8 | 11 Aug 2018
The Right Opinion: The Morality of Michael McCrudden - Is It Wrong? Intro: And boy have I been waiting for a time to do this video, and in a way I could’ve done it sooner, but there’s just a timeless appeal to me, I had bigger fish to fry at the time so I left it in the lake. But now, The Right Opinion has his rod out, wait, that’s not what I meant. But anyhow, this man is Michael McCrudden. Michael McCrudden is a person, I use the term “person” to the most broad effect, but he does still classify in my books as a human being, just about. He has been the topic of hot controversy in the last few months. You see, Michael McCrudden owns his own channel, in which he talks about celebrities, before they were famous, after they were famous, their rich life, a few other side series, and most notoriously, before they were gone. We’ll be using that last one to talk about a lot of questions that have been flaring up amongst the community, because McCrudden has probably been the best example of what happens when people become slightly too opportunistic and slip into the public eye. But why? Well, when someone passes away, many think it’s important to be respectful of the deceased and give them and their family some space during the times of mourning. However, McCrudden’s philosophy has come to show that he might not be so concerned with that, now I’ve always been vaguely aware of McCrudden’s channel, but more as an onlooker rather than a commentator, he’s a significant size, in spite of the incredibly inconsistent view counts. Other than the regular allegations that not all his facts are completely accurate, the first taste of controversy that he gave me was when my friend James Marriott decided to release a video criticising him for his video on Lil Peep. All in all, it’s quite a good video, and one that we might revisit in a bit, it definitely levels some very legitimate criticisms. I considered covering it back then, but it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, however, over the last couple months it has definitely brewed, and now The Right Opinion, is ready to serve up piping hot Earl Grey. Delish. Michael McCrudden, on the other hand, is finding himself in a metaphorical sort of hot water, after the rather sudden exit of extremely popular and equally controversial rapper, XXXTentacion, he was criticised for making not one, not two, but three videos in quick succession, all capitalising. They were shameless to say the least. This led to a lot of outrage and criticism, which subsequently led to a lot of videos, and then consequently led to a lot of people asking if these videos were hypocritical in how they behaved, and if McCrudden was even in the wrong at all. Essentially people were tripping over themselves in attempt to have the moral high ground. A similar situation occurred earlier this year with Logan Paul, many asserted that those who made videos on his little voyage were no better than him, particularly those who then decided to monetise and sponsor those videos. Most people have contradicted themselves here and there, when they’re slight details like the ones in question, it doesn’t make you a bad person because you may not be thinking about it. However, I am The Right Opinion, the blessed messiah for all you argumentation, and I’ve been mulling this over for a while, and I propose myself to be the one to lay out some ground rules for conditions that may or may not affect whether a situation could be considered distasteful, and to help you get a clearer grip on your opinion. Allow me to clarify that in this video I will mostly avoid pushing for one position, I will state my opinion at the end after applying all the conditions that I deem relevant, but the thing is there are many reasoned arguments that can be made for all points of view, but hopefully by the end we’ll be able to distinguish the ImAllexxes from the Michael McCruddens, if you know what I mean. You might come out thinking neither of them were acceptable, you might think both of them were acceptable, but let’s clear the air a bit, alright?

xrTT-fZTyiE | 04 Aug 2018
The Right Opinion: The State of fouseyTUBE - The Truth Behind It All | TRO Intro: Go back a couple years, and YouTuber, Colossal is Crazy, you know, the one you lot won’t stop comparing me to, released his long overdue video on FouseyTUBE, named, an alternate reality. I was just initiating my interest into commentary, I’d had a YouTube channel for about six months, but I’d been stuck in a bit of a rut and the videos I made were very niche. People had messaged me from time to time, saying, “Oh my God, you sound like Colossal Is Crazy”, and although I didn’t particularly hear the resemblance, I guess anyone with a remotely posh accent sounds like the clown to you lot who don’t live in the UK. Alright you American knobs, I get that your have freeways have gaps in between them the size of Buckingham Palace but we’re not all that local. Anyhow, before I get carried away on that unique tangeant, the point is. I literally knew no-one, and I got ushered into his Discord server and presented to his content, and I’m not gonna lie, it was quite the encounter. I had never heard of Fousey, so this video was my introduction, and it was a pretty comprehensive deconstruction of what Fousey stood for. What I admired about it, was that it managed to make a greater narrative on FouseyTUBE as a person from mere surface value content, which is what I have always wanted to do with my channel. One of the responses that I loathe most when criticising people is the line “You don’t know them, how can you criticise their intentions”, Fousey is a perfect example of how someone can not explicitly commit any wrongdoings on surface value, yet have the most corrupted ideas of what he wants to gain from this content, and the people watching it. This is generally what I took away from Colossal’s video, although the sample videos were limited, he did a great job creating an elaborate character portrait, and really I didn’t feel the necessity to cover it any more than I did back in the day. I did a video criticising his motivation to push a political agenda through his content, and then his decision to copyright strike Colossal for content that was clearly fair use. My interaction with his content has been minimal. And honestly, after he’d gone on a pretty prolonged hiatus I thought I’d never deal with him again, I mean, what more is there to know about him. Admittedly, I wasn’t that interested, I assumed he was just a dodgy person in a powerful position, but oh my, looks like I’ve got some revisiting to do. Because recently he has just been flying off the rails, into something rather worrying, something that not even the extensive lengths of Colossal’s video covered, a strange insanity that I felt the need to investigate, and perhaps explain. He hosted something that was branded as “FouseyCon”, and he went on a massive tirade, with some truly weird comments, and has started releasing music, which, once again, he’s more than at liberty to. However, regarding this convention, he made lots of wild claims, one of which including the assertions that Drake was going to be performing, which, apparently wasn’t quite the case. Well, wasn’t the case at all. There is a tonne of footage of him behaving extremely erratically and impulsively, and it’s very easy for commentators to look at him right now, and try and explain what’s going on in the moment, because it is, it’s bizarre. There are claims about his mental health, the profession that he’s not on medication, bipolar, depression, mania. And it’s very possible, but there are other people with more of an insight into that currently, so I’d just urge you to go and check out those videos, because I am many things, but I’m not quite rolling with the big boys of YouTube yet. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time though lads. Me and daddy Keem, united. Anyhow, before I lose myself in sweet daydreams of a better time, I need to discuss the man in question FouseyTUBE. Now, Colossal’s still working on part two of his video, so I want to avoid stepping on his toes, but I don’t want to be a surface level analysis.

H7I6jMl4Utg | 27 Jul 2018
The Right Opinion: The Boogie2988 Problem - How It Hurts His Reputation | TRO Intro: I went to Vidcon. I had a great time met a load of top lads and handsome chaps, and if I did have the chance to meet you then I hope to see you again, and if I didn’t, I will be at conventions in the future hopefully, and it’d be cool to see you there. I was inside one of halls at Vidcon, as the roaming fees are absolutely insane I had to rely on WiFi, and there were only certain places I could attain it, this hall was one of those places. But it was fairly late, the hall was fairly empty, and I was messaging people to try and ascertain their location so we could go and chill. Then, I saw something, the doors opening, I turn my attention. Lo and behold, there stood Billy The Fridge, and there sat, in his mobility scooter, Boogie2988. They were stopped by another fan and they told them that they were on the way to a meeting, so I decided against intercepting them myself. I am a courteous gentleman. For the very few who are unaware, Boogie2988 is a YouTuber known for a range of videos. He has this persona, Francis, who is a satirical take on gamers, and then his other set of serious videos which discusses some more deeper and personal topics. So I saw them, I let them go. I didn’t have anything to speak to them about regardless,I mean what could have possibly unfolded over a few days of banter at Vidcon? Well… Due to my lack of internet in many places, I paid less attention to the internet, and when I did, it was typically at unsociable hours. So when someone asked me what I thought of the Boogie situation, my response was “Wait, what?”. Yes, apparently the time I saw him, a situation was actually at the peak of unfolding, one very interesting discussion, which were to result in an eventual apology from the man in question. I’ll explain the basic situation before going into an exploration phase. The situation that arose wasn’t actually sourced at Vidcon, it was sourced briefly before Vidcon, when Boogie made an appearance on the h3 podcast, you know the podcast, hosted by h3. It’s in the name. But anyhow, he was on there, and the topic of Vidcon 2017 came up, an event I’ll be covering in more depth later. But to summarise, he hosted a panel with Video Game Feminist Anita Sarkeesian, and at the end of the panel he said something that she objected to, and this led to a confrontation and subsequent discussion. However, during this discussion about this incident Boogie said something that people took objection to. He made a comment about gay marriage that some felt was in poor form, this led to a lot of back and forth between Boogie and these critics, and eventually led to him retracting his original statement. This inevitably led to accusations that Boogie was fence-sitting, some for the comments he made, and then some for the subsequent retraction. However, this isn’t really new, in fact, Boogie has been in this position times before, even the original situation where he made a video on meeting Anita he received the same accusations. Unfortunately, you can’t please everyone. However, generally, I do believe that people should stand for what they believe in, and shouldn’t just cater to every side, as although these things often bank on some sort of subjectivity, there is a societal context that may make a certain choice preferable. So today, what I’m going to be doing is doing my own little personal investigation into whether Boogie can be considered a fence sitter, initiating with a little exploration, discussion and then reapplying it to the situation in question so we can hopefully come to a bit more of a steadfast conclusion on it. So what I did is I pulled up a selection of Boogie videos over the last few years in which he covered drama, some more contentious than others. To try and decipher if he’s been employing any tactics that we would be able to pin down to fence-sitting, pandering or anything else. Maybe I was pleasantly surprised and found him to be a man of strong principle, just of elaborate reasoning… I’ve watched a few Boogie videos on drama in my time, but generally I don’t follow him too closely. So although some of these were revisits, most of them were looked at with fresh eyes. Well let’s discuss it. - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - iWaffleTV: - Sir Cheeseknight: - DampBroadcast: - WorkingUsername: - Benjamin Rogers: - Thumbnail: - Outro:

HmDKbXtTKCQ | 17 Jul 2018
The Right Opinion - What Happened To Zoie Burgher? The Sad Truth Behind A Destructive Persona | TRO Intro: Monday the 7th of May 2018, 10:09 am Eastern Standard Time. The sun shining, the flowers blooming, the day advancing. However, not everything shone, not everything bloomed, and not everything advanced. In fact, in the world surrounding Zoie Burgher, the forecast was quite adverse. In a series of revealing Tweets, she let the world know of her condition, her circumstances and her state. Literally and figuratively. The once renowned sexual provocateur had taken a sharp nosedive into oblivion. A sad story, but how did she meet this fate? But more importantly, why? Hello Ladies and welcome to The Right Opinion, the home of a twat with too much free time, and today, I take a look at: Zoie Burgher. The Sad Story of Zoie Burgher I think the best place to start with this story is an embellishment on the current situation. Zoie Burgher or was a Twitch and YouTube streamer. Sounds fairly, unexceptional, doesn’t it. Well, Zoie was a streamer, with a twist, and a few twerks too. Montage She originally started involving herself in social media around the year of 2013, while she was attending University, relatable, at least, I assume it was around then as that was when her Twitter account was created. Yes, back in 2016, she became extremely notorious amongst anyone within the commentary sphere, for being particularly provocative with her content. But there was a lot more going on beyond the surface. As a Twitch streamer she was banned four times. However, finding her feet on YouTube, she hit 1 million in the space of two months. That is pretty incredible. I remember when I first came across her, and I was almost stunned at the speed of such growth, even with the reputation garnered being carried over from Twitch, it seemed she was destined to smash the platform. After all, there’s always gonna be a demographic for her sorta content, right? Zoie Burgher, face of YouTube. Didn’t quite happen, did it? In fact, as quickly as the success came, it just halted. And as of right, now she is on the same subscriber count that she was on in December 2016. Given that her ascension was only in the space of a few months before then, the sudden cessation was almost unbelievable. Now, it’s not exceptional for someone to fall as quickly as they rise, and there are many scenarios in which this has occurred, but for something as consistently, well, dick hardening for many young whippersnappers, a stagnation seems at least, slightly more difficult than she made it out to be. Plenty of other provocative females on the platform have been known to flaunt their physicality, and they can hold onto their ground. On top of that, it wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to branch beyond just shaking her ass. In fact, she had also attempted to start up her own little brand, known as Luxe, it’s clear that she invested a lot in this. And we’ll investigate that more in a bit. However, when the first generation of this little squadron exited at the end of 2017, Zoie greeted 2018 with open arms and vowed to give the next set of recruits all new and exciting opportunities. Mansion shoots, production filming. Zoie had a vision! However, on the 8th of April that came to an end, with Luxe dissolving, for reasons that shall be discussed in due course. And just over a month later came that Tweet. Followed by numerous more Tweets that represented a unique turn in character from the rather explicit streamer. Where there is a rise, and there is a fall, there is an explanation, for both. I thought I’d conduct my own little enquiry into the little details that led to the ascent, and subsequent descent for one of the most immediately provocative characters. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

_YwwNKCZlTs | 18 Jun 2018
The Right Opinion - The Attack On MrBeast | TRO Intro: Here and there, I’ve dropped the mention of media, often in a less than favourable tone, and often it does seem abstract to me, that something, which, before I started paying attention to the internet, I never was really particularly bothered by, now really frustrates me as a medium. This is, in part, because I never really used it, my childhood experience of the PC constituted of FIFA Manager, and a brief spell in a Call of Duty clan, a venture that will forever bemuse me, though it did yield some pretty epic throwing knife montages. I told you guys I was a man of many talents. But anyway, before I get lost in the forest that is my own ego, we were discussing the media. When I started using online sites, it rapidly became clear to me how many sites had agendas to push, I remember the 2015 UK General Election, when the Daily Mail posted a tactical voting guide on how to keep Labour out on their front page, despite the fact that, as a radio host myself at the time, not being allowed to express any political views pre-election. The media do have extensive freedom, and damn do they milk that. I realised it then, but it never really caused me any concern, because people did seem to see through such a vapid attempt to manipulate the many audiences, no, not until year of 2016, when I decided to pursue this damned YouTube dream, did I encounter my initial qualms. Social media, particularly that on Twitter, seemed to focus on reactionary titles, exceptionally poor reporting, and the farthest reaching within their legal realms, aimed at masking fallacies with facts. Ones that which, although not libelous, I always found pretty manipulative. I think this has become more apparent over the last few years as certain figures have provoked that narrative into the open, often bringing it into scrutiny. A person who has practically become the media nemesis is obviously American President Donald Trump, I don’t want to go into too much detail, but his election was a real indictment to a media almost entirely hostile to him and his beliefs. I think that was a turning point for when I realised that wasn’t exactly working out, I wasn’t particularly happy but I saw it coming. Many people disagree to the extent of the toxicity of modern journalism, however, one situation that brought creators, near and far, together, was the situation surrounding MrBeast. Now, MrBeast, is a creator who bases his channel, in part, around philanthropy, that is, handing out the dollar to the less fortunate, he often finds creative ways to do it at least, while balancing this with content based on ideas so absurdly intriguing that they pull the views to fund his generosity, although he did say most of his money nowadays comes from deals beyond the YouTube platform, as the monetisation process hasn’t been particularly merciful towards him, either way, it’s a reproductive process, and long may it last. The Atlantic must’ve seen his success, and thought “how can we get a good click out of that”, and then thought “scandal”, so reads this title.

oAjn3L_wCnE | 09 Jun 2018
The Right Opinion: Greg Paul: A Family Affair - The Truth Behind Logan And Jake’s Vlogdad | TRO Intro: Let’s talk about family for a moment... Whether that family is biological, adopted, or just a group of people you share a unique connection with, they play a real role in shaping you as a person, and can help you through some of your hardest times. The role they play should never underrated. But what if that family is Greg Paul? Well, that is the scenario that Jake and Logan find themselves in. It makes sense, he’s their biological father. But he’s not your normal dad of a YouTuber, the one who stands, hopefully supportively on the sidelines, he clearly enjoys basking in the spotlight. And on principle, there is nothing wrong with that, I am of the belief that age should not constrain one’s capacity, and even if their doorway is via nepotism, they may still have the character, independent from the familial factor, to redeem that. The 54 year old, is a character without a doubt, but he does clearly want to involve himself in his sons’ lives, and we’ll touch on this later. Jake and Logan Paul have established clout in their own rights but still appear to appreciate the presence of their father. In one event, which I won’t be discussing today, Greg here, featured in one of Jake’s videos and made out with a sixteen year old fan. And although it’s weird and marginally unsettling, it’s been ran into the ground by everyone under the sun, I think everyone’s made their mind up on it. However, it’s important that we provide some background for what has inspired this video. It was early May, the Earth was rotating on its axis like any normal day, but it wasn’t any normal day for Team 10. In fact it was quite an eventful period of time for Jake Paul and his comrades, because on May the 5th, the COO of Team 10, Nick Crompton, yo u know, that person who claimed England to be his city, stepped down. Nick Crompton had been noted for his staunch devotion to the Pauls, and even in his divorce statement, kept it relatively civil, and urged people to not blindly hate on Jake. However, an indirect recipient of the underlying message within the letter seemed to be Mr. Greg Paul himself. It was also not long before Chance Sutton, another highly distinguished member of troupe, decided that it was time for him to part ways.And eventually, after a fair bit of digging various hypotheses were stated. The main one being that the Greg Paul in question, had assumed control of many of Jake’s assets within the Team 10 business, and had since been making some ruthless cuts, to put it gently, he had taken up the role of Team 10’s own personal human resources department. There were some more elaborate stories, that included various details of a possible merger, and more individual developments that we’ll discuss later, but that is the core story that is mostly confirmed from both sides. I followed this vaguely, and often it’s something I would not rather touch on, but I do believe there is a greater commentary that can be made about Greg Paul, his demeanour, and various relationships that this story encompasses. Both Jake, and Logan Paul have had their fair share of controversies, Logan with the obvious, and Jake with the consistency. And once again, I stress, that Jake and Logan can act how they want, and the public will judge them as they do, but if they want to be slightly more positive role models than the ones they are currently, a mediating actor could be genuinely beneficial, however, what I’ve found today tends to lend support to the fact that this could actually be detrimental. And I’ll precursor this with my video, people can obviously do what they want, no one’s obliged to be great human beings, however, if you wanna lecture people on what’s right and wrong, you better practice what you preach, something that I find fundamentally lacking, for all parties involved today. - WoollyOne: - Benji: - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - Doco: - DampBroadcast: - Mullenax: - Daniel Cods: - Thumbnail: - Outro: - Special thanks to my Patreons: Mr Radiance, Low60, Mac Mauder, Jade Rose, The Biotechnological Fragmentation Gr*nade - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

jJH2XxzHaqc | 31 May 2018
The Right Opinion: The Mistakes Of Nicole Arbour - How To Ruin: This Is America | TRO Intro: In case anyone isn’t aware I’m a man of music, I have reviewed music on this channel, I have covered various controversies with regards to music, I’ve talked about provocative content, and it creates probably some of my most polarising content. I’m also a trained singer-songwriter, and I guarantee when I get the chance The Right Opinion is dropping a fire album. But that’s besides the point, I realise that now I’m doing longer content, that it’s not gonna be so easy to just chuck out my opinions on music, and often given the length of a song, it’s hard to talk in the mini-documentary styles that I do. But that won’t stop me from trying, and every now and then, an absolute sitter comes in, and I have to take a swing. Enter stage left Nicole Arbour, the comedian slash YouTube personality has caused a fair bit of commotion throughout her career, infamously in 2015 she decided to release a video known as Dear Fat People, in which she lambasted obese individuals for their excessive weight, and told them to lose it in quite a crude manner. A lot of people took offense to the blunt way she attacked others, and yeah it is rather insensitive, and revisiting it in preparation for this video. In all honesty, the only thing I found offensive was unfunny it was. Now, I accept that comedy is subjective, but it was all distraction comedy with no real punchline to me. But yeah, I can understand why people were annoyed by it, and in true controversial fashion she released a part two, I assume because she had so much more to develop on from the first one. The other major controversy that you probably know of, is of the abuse allegations. In which, ex-boyfriend and fellow YouTuber Matthew Santoro, alleged that Arbour had isolated him and exploited his weakness, Arbour denied the allegations, and it sadly became a “he said, she said” case, that will probably never be fully resolved, but it had been a couple years and she had ducked out of the public eye. I certainly wasn’t thinking about her. Enter stage right Donald Glover aka. Childish Gambino, the jack of all trades has been praised for his work all over the spectrum of media, from scriptwriting to music production, I have to give him props for that. I respect the grind. But realising he had yet to make a vociferous political statement, he decided that why not infuse it with his natural talents, and brought us “This Is America”. The meticulously crafted creation impressed me on both a technical level and an interpretative level, I can’t express how much I appreciate the detail of the subtext and imagery, too many artists just don’t appreciate how much more potent it can make your content. And I think that part of it is the multitude of interpretations, and I’m glad people are discussing it, and hopefully it’ll inspire more profound conversation. But, nothing is sacred, and Nicole Arbour saw a chance to give it her own spin, well not necessarily her own, but a women’s spin, one for women’s rights and highlighting their maltreatment in modern American society. How brave. Now if you are familiar with me, and the title of this video, you will be bracing for the inevitable amount of criticism that is about to come her way. My opinion, is that this is bad, very bad. I heard she’d responded to the criticism, and when I read it, she really did make a compelling case for her content, and then I went and watched it again. And realised, it doesn’t matter how pure the message is, if you deliver it in a dodgy way. Due to the backlash she has subsequently disabled ratings and comments, but it wasn’t well received to say the least, with many people claiming she had completely butchered what the original stood for. Now, many have criticised her as making a cynical cash in riding on the coattails of something so much better, but I’m going to go into this video with an optimistic outlook on her character. - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - Corticera: - HariusAwesome: - Blunderly: - ColeoIsCooleo: - Thumbnail: - Outro: - Special thanks to my Patreons: Mr Radiance, Low60, Mac Mauder - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

CS5Z3rpUh54 | 21 May 2018
The Right Opinion: How Philip DeFranco Became A Target - Should People Be Freaking Out? | TRO Intro: One of the platform’s veterans for multiple reasons. Philip DeFranco embodies how success within YouTube can expand and develop in many unique ways, the 32 year old has been on the platform for over 10 years now and he has had his fair share of prosperity, but there are always two sides to the coin, and when you’re top of the totem pole, the knives are never too far from your throat. Often my videos will involve talking about a long chain of events, and the chain of events that inspired the DeFranco show are too many to detail into one section. However, I will give a brief overview of his history. DeFranco started up his channel while he was still at University, in the true entrepreneurial spirit. The channel at first was called SxePhil, and obviously reflected the highly dignified manner that he was going to conduct himself with. If you can detect a slight tone of sarcasm within my voice it’s because DeFranco wasn’t exactly the same person ten years ago than he is today, and one of his earliest successes was a video by the name of “Big Boobs and You”, which as the title described, included Big Boobs and You, but mostly DeFranco discussing it, the intro is a slightly improper disclaimer warning that if you do not enjoy the objectification of women then you may not enjoy this video. I’ve put it a bit more politely than he did. Honestly, it’s just pure corn, and it’s quite amusing for what it’s worth. One thing that is identifiably consistent with even his recent content is his on camera charisma. Back in the days of yore, you could have low production value and still appeal to an audience, and it is amazing how technology has evolved, the sort of content that DeFranco uploaded would be ridiculed in a modern day scenario, but this was 2007, and classics like Big Boobs and You thrived in that environment. So taking heed of its success DeFranco made this style the centre of appeal within his channel. Not Big Boobs of course, though they weren’t excluded by any means, but he quickly made his videos focused around the discussion of topics that were going to hit that appeal. Basically Philip DeFranco was one of the earliest pioneers in the clickbait niche, but unlike his 2000s contemporaries, he managed to stick it out as his personality matured like a fine cheddar. Whereas, many of those around him became quickly stale. He managed to do this by keeping ahead of the times, as he grew he paid attention to the site changing, and evolving, and in essence he evolved with it. He realised that calling people rug munchers would probably not wash with all of his newer audience, and also understood that you have to branch out to maintain success. One of the things that a majority of larger YouTubers will tell you is that you shouldn’t limit your success to merely YouTube or you quickly become dependent on a platform that can decide whether it wants you to have a good or bad day. DeFranco clearly understood this and has ventured out on many enterprises, including multiple channels, brand deals, business undertakings, all while maintaining a strong YouTube presence. It’s very clear that DeFranco has created a lot of opportunities for himself. But he still has an underlying fondness for the platform that enabled his opportunities, as he has continued to upload content to this day. And in many ways this respect appeared to be reciprocal, YouTube even decided to feature him in their end of 2017 rewind, and, in spite of the very rocky year for YouTube, that decision was praised. Love him or hate him, Philip DeFranco has persisted through many generations of YouTube, and has amassed a consistent fanbase, and that’s fair, his brand of news, although not necessarily exceptional in its presentation, manages to balance the delivery of information with some moderate, if fairly ordinary opinions. I think the main reason that DeFranco has retained an audience is that element of trust, unlike a lot of the news corporations, he’s never presented as having an ulterior agenda. Sure, he has his opinions, and you’re gonna agree with some and disagree with others, but it doesn’t seem like he’s conveying those opinions for any reason other than the fact that he likes to express himself. - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - SirCheeseKnight: - Mullenax: - Peter Day: - Thumbnail: - Outro: - Special thanks to my Patreons: Mr Radiance, Low60, Mac Mauder - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links In Pinned Comment.

Wupco7_sNLs | 07 May 2018
The Right Opinion: The Disturbing World of Lil Tay - The Truth Behind The 9 Year Old "Flexer" | TRO Intro: I don’t normally go into such topics, I think it’s best to leave the reaction commentators to their own devices, but every now and then, something deeply disconcerting comes along, something that drives me to action, and today that person is “Lil Tay”. Lil Tay is a child, nine years old, to be specific, she likes to make that clear in her videos, in case you hadn’t noticed. She is an instagram star, and basically posts a lot of videos of her gloating over her fortune, and boy, everyone just eats this up, she socialises with rap virtuosos such as Chief Keef. In case you didn’t know, Lil Tay has a load of houses, and a load of cars, and a load of money, more money than you, the viewer, yes, she be flexing. Constantly there, to remind you how inadequate your own life is. On the surface, it seems like another embarrassing new low for social media, but when I sat down to think about it, many questions came to my head, many things that I couldn’t shake, things that I had to find out for myself. Most people just point and laugh at her antics, but that’s underselling what’s going on here, isn’t it? Today, I will tell you a story, that many a man dare not to go. When I started this script it was a simple concept, observe and dissect the Lil Tay situation, however, as I researched more and more, the truth became worryingly clear to me. Further information: On Friday it was also revealed that Lil Tay’s mother was a real estate agent (no surprise there). I wonder where it will go from here. Here's a good article on the topic that came out yesterday, apparently her mother's in on it too, kinda sad: - Check out the editors! - HappyCraftTV: - Blunderly: - iWaffleTV: - MrFluffySavage: - Thumbnail: - Outro: - Special thanks to my Patreons: Mr Radiance, Low60, Mac Mauder - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links - Lil Tay’s Instagram - Lil Tay’s “Owner’s” Instagram - Lil Tay Cries - Icy Rycie’s Channel (Lil Tay’s brother)

1psYtYeB-U4 | 03 May 2018
Why Did People Hate Bully Hunters So Much? A Reflection | TRO Intro: What is inherently wrong with going after bullies, in game? And giving them what’s what. Well today we’re gonna investigate that, and work out how such an organisation has arisen, and how it’s subsequently been lambasted by everyone and their grandmother’s, but before we go any further, to those who are out of the loop, by definition, what are The Bully Hunters? Well the Bully Hunters were set up in light of harassment, and essentially, what they comprise of, is when you’re in game and you’re experiencing some twat, for example, there’s some spotty kid telling you to go and make a sandwich, you go on the website, and you go and call for a BullyHunter, that BullyHunter links up with your steam, so they can join your game, and they deal with the bully, they finish them in game, and leave them a message saying that such harassment will not be tolerated. Et voila! Capiche. The problem is no more. But why would there be a necessity for something like this in gamer culture? Why would we ever need that? Well maybe to understand such we have to go back a bit --Credits-- Once again, still running behind schedule, still wanted to talk on the matter. Aim to be back on schedule by sunday, hope you enjoy. Check out the wonderful creators out below if you haven’t!! - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - Coleo: - Harius: - Rambose: - MrFluffySavage: - Sir Cheeseknight: - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

fpcSLjBYYjs | 27 Apr 2018
The Right Opinion: The Mistakes of Doug Walker - The Channel Awesome Legacy | TRO Intro: If I were to list off channels that served as motivation for my YouTube career, Channel Awesome, and most notably, Doug Walker aka. The Nostalgia Critic was one of them. Every Tuesday night, I grab a takeaway and pull up my laptop, and watch his latest review in an almost ritualistic manner, that habit has continued until today, even though I’m not unconditionally in love with his content, it’s hard to deny that they’ve brought me gems like Sharkboy and Lavagirl that had me chuckling for days following, and I don’t laugh at much, so for someone as emotionally soulless as me, to have that sort of content to at least entertain the vacuum was meaningful, and I’ve learned a lot about cinema and the standards surrounding it through the indirect messages often portrayed in their episodes. I found out about The Nostalgia Critic through ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, I can’t exactly say how that happened, we’re talking about approximately 2011 when I discovered their content, so bringing specifics into my memory is a challenge to say the least, though I will say that I also discovered two other critics, ToddInTheShadows and The Rap Critic in quick succession, although I’m not certain which order, but much alike to the NC, they are two critics whom I still watch to this day. I’m not going to enter too much depth as I assume it’s a story you already know by now, but ThatGuyWithTheGlasses was set up by a partnership between Doug Walker and a few people we’ll get to in a moment, this was done in light of the very stringent copyright rules regarding YouTube and a situation regarding his series of 5 second movies, this is covered in a nice article that I’ll link below, now whether that’s fair use or not, is very subjective, it’s the sort of comedic cutting that came into contention earlier last year with Sargon of Akkad and Akilah Obviously, but either way, hosting videos on Blip and using their domain as a way to embed their content, they decided it would be reasonable to host a numerous selection of creators. But wait a minute I hear you say, who are “they”, well Doug Walker, we’ve already introduced, his brother, Rob Walker, and a third individual named Mike Michaud. The two other individuals were Mike Ellis, and Bhargav Dronamraju, the latter of which there isn’t too much to say, and the former whom we’ll address later. Now, if you’re thinking to yourself, “huh, I’ve never heard of him”, don’t worry, I hadn’t heard of him until a couple days back when I coincidentally found myself on their Wikipedia page briefly before the document in question was released. I remember thinking to myself “I’ve never heard of this bloke, what does he do?”, well, things, he does things, things that we’ll address very soon. I was having a discussion with Quinton Reviews over this a couple weeks before the documents were released, we had both noted how many creators had left abruptly and seemingly with little notice, we’d wondered about the explanations for such decisions, well, on April the second, after rumbles of activity, we received their full side of the story. The document itself is a seventy page condemnation of Channel Awesome, and their questionable behaviour and incidents that resulted due to it, now I’m someone who always look into such claims with an element of scepticism, it’s an integral part of my philosophy, because if I didn’t then I think that such an approach could be easily exploited by people with malintent, although I do completely comprehend that it’s a tender subject. Even with that said, the sheer number of corroborating testimonies and accounts makes it hard to dispute, saying any of it is false at all is a push, they persuaded me over the benefit of the doubt line for Channel Awesome. I’ve read all seventy pages, and it’s convincing content. - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - r1c33: - Sir Cheeseknight: - WorkingUsername: - Peter Day: - MrFluffySavage: - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

mbNGxsrVYsQ | 27 Mar 2018
With Commentary: A Tale Of Survival | Behind The Challenges of Trending Topics, The Right Opinion delves into the likes of Pyrocynical, ImAllexx, WildSpartanz, Kavos, Kwite, and many more channels within the "commentary community" to work out what is really going on and working out the problems with the scene of commentary and trending topics alike. The video is split into the algorithmic precedent, the morality complex, and the new genre, who include the surge of YouTubers such as Triggered Tro, Benji and AidenProjects. All tied up with the final conclusion. It's just a theory, but I hope you take something away from it nonetheless. Know this is a little different to my normal, but I’m working on a very long video that will hopefully satisfy you. - CHECK OUT THE EDITORS! - Jack: - iWaffleTV: - Peter Day: - ColeoIsCooleo: - Rambose: - MrFluffySavage: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, MrRadiance, - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

Av9HtUHvJvw | 18 Mar 2018
In my time, I’ve spoken about many controversial topics, stuff that has hit close to home for many individuals. But today, I delve into new territories, and even as someone who likes to remain impartial, there is no middle ground on this subject, there is no room for compromise. This subject is something where even the utterance of such lexicon boils the haemoglobin within my arteries, where it slowly absorbs what ignites the rage that may exist within this frosty skeleton, even as I gradually fade into the abyss, this is something which I cannot stand by and allow to continue transpiring in front of my eyes, I have to make a stand, even if it kills me, even if drains the colour from my epidermis. Even if the cult that backs this monstrosity turns up to my house and torches me alive, I will die on that hill, and will be a martyr for the cause. So without further ado, let’s talk about the abomination, the atrocity, the obscenity, that is… Pineapple on Pizza. - Zalgaloo - James Marriott: - CrimsonStudios: - Edited by: - James Marriott's part edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, MrRadiance, - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

kv5JghvRZXs | 07 Mar 2018
The Right Opinion: The Video Game Violence Connection - A Response to Matt Bevin, and those pushing the narrative that video games are the cause of violence/gun crime. I didn’t think I’d be returning to this topic as soon as I am, I thought I’d covered the most reasoned and contentious arguments for and against gun control in a fairly recent video, and to be honest, I did. Which is why I’m not addressing gun control today. However, there is increasing pressure on certain individuals to concede and bring in some restrictions, and that's understandable. Now, the response has been a mix, whereas some have considered such changes, and others have expressed why they feel those changes would be a detriment to public safety, or why they’d be more ineffective. A few have considered deflecting the issue completely, onto something rather unrelated, this being gaming, and I thought I’d use today to correct the misconception that many take about video games. What was the incident in particular that caught my eye then? Well it was this little blighter of a piece, or a statement, by Matt Bevin, who, in response to the recent shooting, decided that one of the most dangerous influences of children’s feeble, impressionable minds, was the presence of violent video games. Appearing on a local TV station, he states that, there are violent video games listed for adults, but children play them, the sin. And then points out that there are games that reward players for killing other players, and that these games are being forced down our throats, under that damned free speech, and that apparently they have desensitised people to the value of human life, and so much of the strong morals that we need in the land of the free. Perhaps my penultimate video in this style. - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, MrRadiance, - Thumbnail: Links: - Study against long term effects - Another study against long term effects - Short-term effects - Nikolas Cruz profile, with info on him being adopted at 2 - First two years important

eVSZwjzrQfI | 27 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion: Why 6ix9ine's Crimes Pay In Music | The Music Industry Explained When we talk about recent movements, obviously the first one that comes into our head is metoo, which obviously inspired many women to come forward about their sexual maltreatment by celebrities, primarily through the film industry, though it did have outreach into other sectors. Some very large names were taken down, while others very slyly sneaked out of the spotlight during the allegations. However, there was one industry that was eerily quiet, that was the music industry, and now, there were a few, Russell Simmons probably being the most famous of them all, but that was more from an executive position, and even then, the coverage has been minimal. Which is surprising considering the claims are quite numerous. Now, for those who are fairly familiar with this channel, you’ll know I’m a keen follower of music. If I wanted to start up my own review medium I probably could, I like to see myself as someone who ‘gets’ around 99% of music. Recently, there’s been a trend of what many regard as “Soundcloud Rappers”. Now, this was headed by names like Lil’ Pump, XXXTentacion, Lil’ Uzi Vert, Lil Yachty, you know lots of lil’ people. I bet some of them aren’t even small. However, obviously rap is a typically more gritty genre, and therefore some of its output is gonna be more controversial. At the pinnacle of this controversy, one of the Soundcloud artists to emerge was 6ix9ine, and his music is “interesting”, hmmmm, that’s an appropriate word, however, that’s not the only thing “interesting” thing about him. However, I’m not really involved heavily in the soundcloud culture, but I do know someone who is. - SUBSCRIBE TO VANILLA RICE: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Important links:

wiedtJa5xd0 | 25 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion: The Good Side of North Korea | The Propaganda (ft. CrimsonStudios) North Korea really is the place to be right now, for anyone who can’t live in North Korea of course. What do you mean? I hear you ask, I thought North Korea was a dictatorship. Honey, it’s 2k18, dictatorships mean nothing if your sister is proper banging. But, why? Well my friends, it’s the Winter Olympics, at Pyeongchang, and amongst all the regular excitement there was a twist, you see, Pyeongchang is in South Korea, so their mates up north couldn’t resist a quick pop down to participate themselves. Now, those mates, are the very appropriately named Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, they’ve come down to throw their athletes into the ring, and they also have some combo teams as well with the South Koreans, so there’s that too. Maybe, this would allow everyone to be mates after all. On top of that, North Korea, as I assume saw an opportunity, Kim Jong-Un the leader of North Korea, is on a drive, to increase tourist numbers in his delightful nation from two hundred thousand to one million. So on top of building a fabulous ski resort and various other operations, he’s sent down his sister, athletes, and some cheerleaders to lay on the positive case for his lovely little nation. Now, understandably, North Korea received some coverage of their tactics, however, the response was, surprising to say the least. There were a fair few reports that praised her, but the first one that caught my eye was this delicious piece by CNN, that acclaimed that the sister: namely Kim Yo-Jong, was stealing the show. Now because I vowed to look beyond the titles, maybe it’s just a spicy piece of clickbait, and everyone’s overreacting, well it is clickbait, of course it is, but the article’s still pretty entertaining stuff. - SUBSCRIBE TO CRIMSONSTUDIOS: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links:

eH6SM57Cv88 | 21 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion: Peter Rabbit Offends People. Peter Rabbit, the Beatrix Potter character who was the subject of a fair few books back in the day, it’s quite a British thing so I’d understand if some of my foreign viewers aren’t really aware of who this little nuisance is. As a kid, I was familiarised with Peter Rabbit, and his little shenanigans with the antagonist: Mr. McGregor, and all that, I don’t recall it too well, but I remember it being a bit forward. The premise was quite simple, Peter Rabbit wanted veg from Mr. McGregor’s garden, and Mr. McGregor wanted to keep him out, and sometimes set out traps to catch these mischievous rabbits with the intention of cooking them. It was harmless fun, and decent fiction, in spite of the fact it never really stuck in my memory. Yet, the fond childhood nostalgia means that I was open minded to the idea of a reincarnation of the character. However, when I saw that Peter Rabbit was being recaptured through the lens of people, who, from my perspective, didn’t truly understand the essence of what made Peter Rabbit special, they were killing off Mr. McGregor, inserting a lot of things that I felt compromised the charm, in effect, my interest dipped, and unless it were to have strong reviews, it wasn’t my intention to engage in a viewing. And it didn’t have strong reviews, so I decided to leave it as it were, another original, that was likely bastardised by clumsy corporate hands, it happens, and my life will go on with or without it. However, a new controversy emerged from the ashes, one that was just too spicy to leave aside, and one that I’ve decided to delve into because honestly, the run of events is a perfect arc for everything wrong in media conduct. - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links:

24yNn5vRpyc | 17 Feb 2018
Justin Trudeau Responds to fellow humans with JSchlatt and The Right Opinion - Trudeau's response to the peoplekind comment he made while responding to a question, making Canada into a meme. In today's video we take a look at Trudeau's comments with regards to his claims that his comments referring to peoplekind were merely a joke, we look into the reaction to such a comment. We also look at how such has come about, by involving JSchlatt, and looking at the recent charades involving some words that could be seen as offensive. - SUBSCRIBE TO JSCHLATT: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

9aV3U9WpzRs | 12 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion: Wonder Woman was a 2017 summer smash for DC Comics, with some heralding it as one of the best. Many wanted to witness the rise of the female warrior in the upcoming Official 2018 Oscars, however, they were denied at the hands of the judges. Certain individuals claimed the snub for various reasons, in this video, we try to unearth the exact reason why this may have happened. So come with me into no man's land and take a look at why Wonder Woman was denied an Oscar, with the help of my exceptional friend: WorkingUsername. - SUBSCRIBE TO WORKINGUSERNAME: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

33IxYzNsl20 | 10 Feb 2018
What Post Malone Actually Said: Post Malone recently allegedly spoke about his struggles being a white rapper. Post, who won me over with songs like Congratulations, hit the headlines in the GQ Magazine for his controversial comments. This was not the first time he had landed himself in hot water, he also criticised the fact that there was 'No Real Sh*t' in contemporary hip hop these days, being called out by many including Rosenberg and Complex. In this new situation, many on Twitter were fast to jump on criticism of Malone, and his comments, but was it justified, or was it taken out of context? Hopefully, this video will explain it. - Edited by:, and - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links:

GJ-BndKNW1I | 08 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion goes to talk about the gay once more, and in particular about the HIV discussion. So on the first of February, I was reminded of something that had gathered dust in the back of my brain, that it is LGBT History Month, Twitter were kind enough to remind me with a cheeky hashtag slapped in the trends for me. So, being the nosey bugger that I am I decided to click on it and see what people were saying. Now mostly, it was the usual positivity stuff, and it’s vacuous, but mostly harmless, so who am I to judge. No, the spicy stuff that caught my eye was this one very provocative Tweet, nicely tucked in amongst all the self-affirmative content. What does Tweet say, I hear you ask, as if I could hear with a pre-recorded voice, how stupid. But anyway, I’m going off on a tangent, here’s the Tweet, essentially noting the clear disparity between the HIV contraction rate between the homosexual male community and the heterosexual community. Sprinkled at the end is the colloquial phrase “Figures don’t lie, folks!”, giving us a nudge as to what he’s trying to imply. - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: Links used:

c4Up_Dp6rf0 | 04 Feb 2018
My Experience With Poetry - the right opinion poetry Today I give you my opinion on poetry in a video understanding it. There are many types of poetry from slam, to spoken word but today I speak about my experience with written poetry and how it influenced the person I am today in allowing me to take the skills I picked up in many different directions. I have a lot of large projects coming soon, however, this is one that was a nice little detour, it’s a bit quieter. I hope you all enjoy and big thanks again to LiquoricePepsi: Imagery: visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work. Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Onomatopoeia:the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ). Simile: a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid Alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi, MrRadiance, IAmLordOceanus - Thumbnail: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord:

geoCgYmKUiU | 01 Feb 2018
The Right Opinion brings you this thrilling channel trailer for one of best and most modest channels on YouTube. Featuring: Womanspreading is Rescuing Feminism The End of Net Neutrality Institutional Racism and Uganda Knuckles Making Cartoons Gay The Comeback of Eminem Becoming A Black Person Charles Manson Is Black Lives Matter Beyoncé Caught Stealing Veganism The Law That Protects Criminals Is This Discrimination? Centrists Are The New Extremists South Park Causes White Supremacy Is Amos Yee Alright Diversity In Film (ft. I Hate Everything) A Professional News Corporation Vegan Adverts Are The Worst The Price Of Being A Black Conservative The Truth About the NFL Pepsi Ad - Offense, Pandering, Hypocrisy Is Riley Dennis Alright? Why I Left The Liberal Democrats

5Hji-0bDG2I | 30 Jan 2018
In this video we look at the original case study: Danielle Bregholi: the teen who said her mom was "crazy", “overbearing,” and “controlling,” and said she wanted her to back off and let her live her life. Well, now her wish has come true, did she get all she wanted, and did Dr. Phil really help her come to that realisation? So in the spirit of Triggered Tro and XDBenji I put myself through the Dr. Phil treatment and see what all the hullaballoo is about, and hope that I don't become the next ex-YouTuber he embarrasses on national television ;). Don't miss all my spicy takes on the Dr. Phil episodes that have came and will come in the future. Dr. Phil supposedly uses the power of television to tell compelling stories about real people. For over a decade Dr. Phil has ran shows to the masses, today, we ask the question, how ethical is this? Inspirations for this video: (This February on the Dr. Phil Show!) (13-Year-Old Says Mom Will Do Anything To Stop Her From Having Fun by The Dr. Phil Show) (Dr. Phil Embarrasses YouTuber on National Television by Triggered TRO) - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

Y1CEhLiFKmQ | 28 Jan 2018
Is Oprah Winfrey Our Next President? In today's video we talk about the possible Oprah Winfrey president elect. Following the Oprah Golden Globes speech, there has been speculation over whether Ophray Winfrey will run for president as Oprah 2020. In all sectors of YouTube, the feminism side and #youtubeback, I, the Right Opinion, will discuss whether or not Oprah will win the oprah winfrey presidential elections against Trump in 2020. Inspirations for this video: (Oprah Winfrey For President | The Daily Show by Comedy Central UK) (Oprah Not Running For President by Wendy Williams) (Oprah for President? by Jimmy Kimmel Live) - Edited by:, & - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

mmZ09a9wiW8 | 24 Jan 2018
Gaming To Get Its Own Disorder! - gaming opinion Today we talk about gaming or more specifically, the gaming disorder 2018 announcement. In breaking news, internet gaming 2018 is becoming its own mental health condition. In our discussion about gaming mental health and gaming addiction, we discuss the future of gaming and games 2018, what this decision means and how it will affect gamers out there. Inspirations for this video: ("Gaming Addiction" now considered a Mental Disorder by PrestigeisKey) ("Gaming Disorder is Now an Official Mental Condition?! by ProtoMario) (Gaming Disorder to be classified as mental health condition by MundaneMatt) (Games That'll Blow Everyone Away In 2018 by Looper) - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

RRysP0tn2JI | 20 Jan 2018
What People Miss About 1791L (ft. Bluce) - net neutrality update Today we talk about net neutrality on the internet and Ajit Pai and the FCC, more specifically, the 1791l net neutrality video concerning this. In their video they mention what John Oliver, H3H3 and others miss about Net Neutrality, and we aim to analyse said video about the battle for the net, and its citations of Tim Wu, and critique it. inspirations for this video: (What John Oliver, H3H3, and others miss about Net Neutrality - by 1791L) (The FCC Just Crushed Net Neutrality... It's Not Over, But It Looks Really Bad. by Philip DeFranco) - Bluce: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spansh Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail: Sources:

GfKx5SD2KHQ | 12 Jan 2018
Best Songs of 2017, Top 25, originally meant to be a top 20 is here, selected from a top 50, I had to cut the number in half, with some hearbreaking decisions, honourable mentions and list below. Enjoy the best songs of the year. Honourable Mentions: Chronixx - I Can, Eliza And The Bear - Hell, courtship. - sunroof, FAUX - Take Back Time, Catherine McGrath - Talk Of This Town, Switchfoot - I Won’t Let You Go, Khalid - 8Teen, Arcade Fire - Signs Of Life, Fitz & The Tantrums - Fool, Pale Seas - Into The Night 25. Late Night Episode - Talk About Love 24. Liam Gallagher - Greedy Soul 23. watt - Burning Man (ft. Post Malone) 22. Dan Croll - Tokyo 21. The War on Drugs - Pain 20. A R I Z O N A - Cross My Mind (Part 2) ft. Kiiara 19. Dylan Gardner - Can’t Stop Thinking 18. Joey Bada$$ - LAND OF THE FREE 17. The Amazons - Junk Food Forever 16. Kodaline - Ready To Change 15. Will Joseph Cook - Biggest Fan 14. Logic - Black Spiderman (ft. Damian Lemar Hudson) 13. Geowulf - Won’t Look Back 12. Tom Walker - Karma 11. Dan Caplen feat. RAY BLK - Flat Champagne 10. Halsey feat. Lauren Jauregui - Strangers 9. Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill 8. All Time Low - Last Young Renegade 7. Sonny - Princess 6. Stormzy - Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2 (feat. MNEK) 5. Tom Walker - Leave A Light On 4. Deaf Havana - Ashes, Ashes 3. John Mayer - In The Blood 2. Lorde - Perfect Places 1. Little Giants - Brother - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

nhJpZ9Hm9E4 | 09 Jan 2018
Making Cartoons Gay Today we take a look at gay characters in cartoons, more specifically Beast Boy in Teen Titans Cartoon Network, source material DC Comics and DC Kids. We mention the conspiracy of beast boy gay and beast boy bisexual, and discuss the stereotypes given to lgbt characters in their roles in full. - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

UoSrhivtRa8 | 07 Jan 2018
Who Killed Andrew Finch? - re #dramaalert Today we take a look an update on US news coming from Kansas, as Andrew Finch is killed in a swatting prank, arguably caused by a swatter who has since been arrested. Whilst news outlets discuss the importance of cod, playing call of duty or the influence of the video game in this death, we discuss the swatting death in more detail. Inspirations for this video: (Swatter has been ARRESTED! #DramaAlert Call of Duty Game Turns Deadly! ( INTERVIEW) by Keemstar / Drama Alert) (Call of Duty ‘swatting’ death explained - BBC News) - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail: Andrew Finch was the man who was shot dead by police on the night of the 28th of December, by police, responding to a false call in which the SWAT team were deployed. He was 28, he lived in Wichita, Kansas, and he had two children. All from a hoax. What had provoked this false call? Well...I’m not surprised, I’m just damn pissed off, it was a bunch of kids pissy over a Call Of Duty game, one of the team threatened to swat the other, the other said go on then, and they did, however the individual who encouraged themselves to be swatted provided the swatters with a false address, which is also not surprising, in fact if anything I’m surprised that the people who called the police were genuinely thick enough to think that someone would provide a legitimate address, but anyway, the team passed the information on to a known swatter: Tyler Barriss. As there are ways to conceal your identity in the case of swatting, they probably thought that handing it over to someone a bit more discrete they would outsmart this other team, but, honestly, it’s beyond stupid. To make sure the SWAT team were there, Barriss, who also went by the Twitter account Swautistic made the interaction as dramatic as possible, claiming that he had shot his father in the head and that he was holding his mother and brother hostage in the closet, all while having poured gasoline over the house. Obviously, this wasn’t the case, the police arrived and apprehended Mr. Finch. And according to reports, when he didn’t fully comply with police requests, one officer shot him, he was pronounced dead following transportation to the local hospital. Swatting is not new, but this story sticks out because of its tragic outcome, one innocent man, killed because a bunch of kids were salty over a game with a one dollar fifty wager. With severe outcomes, comes severe consequences. And as soon as the outcomes were learned every individual involved was looking to point the finger, the swatter, the gamers, law enforcement, scrambling for justification or information that could lead to a clearer picture, but things are never that simple. Who is to blame? There’s this song called ‘Who Killed Russell Jones?’ by Dolan B, a spoken word piece where he discusses the people who could have contributed to the premature demise of Ol’ Dirty Bastard from a first person perspective, defending their actions as merely participating in the culture. I want you to hold this thought while we take a trip into the current culture that preceded this tragedy. Swatting is not a rare event, it has been a thing for years now, as Keemstar himself said, the first time hew as ever swatted was in 2010, and he was hardly a big fish back then, plenty of famous streamers and gamers have been the victims of swatting and in fact many would argue that it’s a risk you have to now anticipate if you want to participate in the industry. Once again, a majority of people realise that it’s a scummy thing to do, but gamers think “Well, it doesn’t have any particular long term consequences, it’s a dick thing to do, but they’re probably dicks anyway, so let’s do it”.

BAB9vEowD7k | 05 Jan 2018
Star Wars: The Last Interpretation - the last jedi review - the last jedi rant - is Sargon right? Gender Wars The Last Snowflake In today's star wars the last jedi reaction, we take a look at elements of the the last jedi, episode 8 of the series, characters from the franchise's recent installment (Ren, Poe, Maz, Luke, Kylo and Snoke), and other issues regarding the film, and the other movies in general: such as SJWs, feminism, race, gender and sexuality. Let me know your The Last Jedi opinion in the comments down below. Other takes for this video: (Gender Wars: The Last Snowflake by Sargon of Akkad) (5 Best and Worst Moments In The Last Jedia by Looper) (Star Wars: The Last Jedi's 6 Biggest WTF Questions by IGN) - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

R-Lcmv2xykc | 03 Jan 2018
POWER: The Truth About Jeremy Corbyn, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage Today I, alongisde Bluceky, Monto and HariusAwesome, take a look at Jeremy Corbyn, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage to investigate the dynamics of power in politics. Monto: Bluceky: HariusAwesome: - Twitter: (The Right Opinion) - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, a7f, viirium, raener, The King Cow Show, Duster, LiquoricePepsi - Thumbnail:

Vm8NMXTdKTg | 28 Dec 2017
At the forefront of the cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin, one that I have actually avoided. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to appear. It is not owned by a single Government, and it doesn’t experience inflation or taxation by effect, it is handled by an online blockchain, which, to sum up, is where a record of these transactions are stored. One of the very unique traits of cryptocurrencies is that it’s very difficult to commit fraud as the online blockchain means that the cryptocurrency can be tied down to a specific consumer, so that consumer does truly own the bitcoin. Now there are many more specific details that if I were to include would probably confuse you more than it has already confused me, so I will spare you the in depth analysis and conclude that what we have is enough to work off. Now, as I said, at the centre of the cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin, which has caused a lot of excitement recently due to its inflating value, with many investors funding it with the faith that it will continue to increase. To put it into perspective, whereas six years ago, one bitcoin would’ve been worth approximately one dollar, it is, at the time of writing this worth over 18,000 dollars, now it may be less than that when this video is released, because it is that changeable, but it clearly demonstrates how much it has exploded in the last few years. If you look at a graph you’ll notice that it has increased at an unbelievably exponential rate. - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, raener - Thumbnail:

NC3mHafeq0U | 24 Dec 2017
Net neutrality, not had the best week has it? Yes, Ajit Pai, finally got his hands on it and managed to pass a vote to repeal it, three to two in the hearing. This doesn’t surprise me, because at the end of the day nothing was gonna budge those commissioners, they were superglued to their position and you could tell that. As an aside point I must say, that Ajit Pai is a bit a rude knobhead, Mignon Clyburn made this really impassioned speech about the matter at hand and how it’s it could affect people, and afterwards, Mr. Pai just snidely says “I’m gonna mark you down as a no?”. I thought it was proper unprofessional, like wow. But anyway, that part’s all said and done for now. It’ll now likely go to congress, and if you care about it then you should definitely give your congressman a buzz to let them know how you feel. This video has been made to wrap up some loose ends that weren’t quite addressed in my last one, and I hope I can do that sufficiently. - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, raener - Thumbnail:

78TH0_bO4vc | 15 Dec 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, raener - Thumbnail: We’re going to be looking into a topic that has gone on for a long time, an oddly specific but understandable clash of freedoms that has always centered around one particular example, the good old wedding cake. We’ve had this issue in the past, in Britain and in the US to my knowledge, and it is a bit of a mind-bender to be frank, because in a lot of compromises you would be adopting double standards completely. So let’s have a look at the Tweet, and subsequently the article.

Rrq4fjvEI48 | 13 Dec 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, raener - Thumbnail: Yes, as always, Ajit Pai, the passionate advocate for a ‘free and open’ internet, is back, and ready to repeal those regulations that have affected the consumers so badly, he’s really a knight in shining armour to those who have suffered. And when I say those who have suffered, I mean the poor, poor cable companies. My heart has really weeped for them over the last few years, as I have had to watch them endure, so much. Now I covered many arguments back in my first video, which was very aptly titled ‘Don’t Forget About Net Neutrality’, it appears that I haven’t, and here I am, ready to argue against the new points that have appeared to sprout out of the malnourished, deprived soil. - Sources:

AsVOTn71DWo | 09 Dec 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, raener - Thumbnail: Yes, in case anyone is unaware, manspreading is a position men take when seated, often to protect crushing their cock and balls. In the last year, it has been given a lot of attention from regressives who believe it is a form of male privilege, and patriarchal influence. It was first highlighted in a disastrously bad video made by buzzfeed, in which some very stern feminists try out manspreading. I remember making a video on it at the time, the one comment that has persevered in my mind was the one female who said that she felt like a monster after a day of manspreading. This video was met with universal ridicule, yet the anti-manspreading campaign has surprisingly survived, apparently ignorant to the fact that men like to protect their testes, it has been a fairly consistent campaign and talking point, in spite of the fairly negative reception from a majority of straight-thinking individuals the select few have persisted.

92m0_Ak_fFQ | 04 Dec 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium, Raener Lewington. - Thumbnail: Electronic Arts, ever the champion for affordable gaming content, with no catch, none at all, nope. They always provide the most in depth storylines and emotionally resonant characters, filled to brim with content, and online multiplayer that leaves nothing to the imagination, and DLC that only expands on the fantastical concepts That’s what I would say if EA had a respectable reputation. But as they have proved, once again, they don’t.

h612FrEgmw8 | 02 Dec 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f, viirium - Thumbnail: Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, it has been a journey, to his election, and now after his election. As we have noted a few times, his very upfront, audacious attitude can be a virtue to voters. It certainly was before the election, and although I didn’t support him I saw his victory coming a mile away. One of my problems with Donald Trump, was that I didn’t think he had enough political experience to uproot the system that he claimed to want to, now, in a sense, it may’ve seemed like a better choice than going with Hillary Clinton, someone who knew the system and clearly had no intent to uproot it, for many people who were scorned by the establishment, it seemed like a clear choice, and I’ve spoken of my distaste of Hillary Clinton on multiple occasions, so we won’t be going back into that rabbit hole again.

BI9-Vg6uiaY | 30 Nov 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f - Thumbnail: I feel that as a public figure, particularly one who projects a squeaky clean image, you really are scrutinised by present scandals on past statements that may undermine the sort of messages that you attempt to convey on the current media platform you use. One of those quote ‘victims’ of recent, was Jack Maynard. For anybody out there who, like me, don’t give a shit about reality TV, there is this show called “I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!”, in which celebrities are sent into the jungle and given a number of fiendish tasks to complete, while one by one, they are voted off by the audience, until the celebrity who has outlasted the others wins a final vote against the other remaining competitor. Quite elementary, there’s a British, American and Australian version, so some of you overseas my know your own national brand.

jiSIJXlBguU | 28 Nov 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f - Thumbnail: So basically we have the 75th Annual Golden Globes coming up, yes, another award ceremony where a bunch ‘experts’ get together and decide who has satisfied them the most in the months preceding the awards. To its credit, The Golden Globes are still a pretty big deal with regards to film though, probably the second most recognised behind The Academy Awards, so artists and filmmakers are always vying to have their work nominated. Among the people who were looking to have their stuff considered were the crew behind Get Out, now I’m going to warn people here and now that this video has spoilers with regards to Get Out, so if you haven’t seen it yet and still have plans to and don’t want it ruined, then it may be best to not watch this video. My personal opinion is that I’d let me ruin a movie for myself, because I’m worth it, but this is your warning, not mine.

bcd8GUJvEi8 | 24 Nov 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Yeahsure, Bagsy, a7f - Thumbnail: Amos Yee has undertaken the duty of being the spokesperson of a highly marginal group of people, how does it turn it out for him? Well if the title hasn't said enough, I'm too pleased, in fact I'm wondering if he is alright at all.

oeQf-HYkv4U | 30 Oct 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, a7f - Thumbnail: Marshall Mathers, aka. Eminem, he has quite the reputation. Yes the forty-four year old rap veteran is certainly renown for being rather unfiltered with what he says, his music has been reflective of this, often going as far to talk pretty much everything offensive under the sun. Against all odds, he’s managed to stay surprisingly relevant, despite mainstream music’s contempt towards aging artists, the year is 2017 and hip hop is having riotous year on the charts, so the time had not seemed more opportune for Marshall to make a comeback, Eminem’s album is forecasted to come out in November. So as the hype is beginning to bubble up he decided to initiate more open media appearances, which also makes sense.

3KZzVHebcZg | 25 Oct 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, a7f - Thumbnail: Peter Day: ColeoIsCooleo: Space Coyote: Rambose: Tears Of Fire: WardenToons: Avester: Luxility: Benjamin Rogers: Joe Murphy: HariusAwesome: Rewatch: I’m a naturally cynical person, and when I started this channel I didn’t think I would surpass more than approximately three thousand subscribers. To be sat on five thousand is a huge achievement, and one that has exceeded my expectations, so thank you. My previous subscriber specials have set the focal point around myself, and that makes sense, after all it’s my channel and my content, but, they’re not just my creations, a lot of work and collaboration goes into it, and although I do credit people who contribute, I feel that they do deserve more attention, so instead of making this subscriber special about me, I’ve decided that I’m going to make it about my editors and give their channels a good ol’ review.

_VdHvr-ONdg | 23 Oct 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, a7f - Thumbnail: Now it was a fair time ago that I did a video about transabled people, these were people, who claimed that they were disabled people trapped in able-bodied humans. It was as stupid as it sounded, and with the help of Sgt Ducky, any sorts of arguments or points in favour of it were quickly dispatched of, and have never reared their ugly head again on my channel. It was on that video, where the comparison between people who claimed to be trans-racial and trans-abled was first brought up, only in passing, but it was still a justified juxtaposition, both shared a theoretical issue with their existence. I honestly doubted if I’d ever need to address such tomfoolery further, but here we are, on my channel, back at it again with the videos that are so fire they’ll burn down your screen.

f9EqeA1YRbo | 15 Oct 2017
- Fantano Response: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, A7F - Thumbnail: A fair few people have questioned me about my favourite content creators, and who I enjoy watching, and bar the obvious few such as I Hate Everything, I enjoy a lot of review channels, mostly reviewing media such as music and film, I used to watch gaming reviewers but unfortunately as I don’t game too much the time has become lost in an inaccessible dimension, known as my videos. Now my favourite music critics are actually individuals like Spectrum Pulse and ARTV, whose taste aligns slightly more with myself, I’ll also watch film critics such as the Nostalgia Critic, now some of you may be wondering, why are you telling us this? We don’t care Right Opinion just start attacking things. Well we’re going to hold these thoughts and return to them later. Let’s reach the anecdotal stage then to keep you all satisfied. This man is Anthony Fantano, he is a music reviewer and has the highly popular channel known as TheNeedleDrop, he also had a second channel known as ‘ThatIsThePlan’ which reviewed memes. Amongst the demonetisation crisis he decided to deactivate this second channel and focus on his main one, which was comparably more successful. However, a reactionary journalist smelled blood, and enter stage right Ezra Marcus. Ezra Marcus decided that it would be a really smart move to take ThatIsThePlan completely out of context and transform the moments into a massive spicy hit-piece especially tailored for Fantano.

Tc7XXQ9OACA | 09 Oct 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: & - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam. - Thumbnail: This man is Andrew Tate, he is a cruiserweight and heavyweight kick-boxer from Chicago. He has attracted controversy with his recent statements on depression, that were certainly divisive to say the least commenting that ‘Depression isn’t real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be depressed if your life is depressing. Change it.” Now this provoked thousands of responses, 21,000 to be precise, which doesn’t surprise me, he goes onto argue his point about how depression stems from a dissatisfaction from life and the lethargy from these people towards changing it, and how it is a person’s responsibility to change that.

PM1v8NKQYMs | 03 Oct 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: & - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Charlie Hebdo is a satire magazine originating in France but eventually garnering international publicity in probably the worst way possible. For the few people who may not know or may’ve forgotten, Charlie Hebdo is extensively offensive, and in 2015, they were the victims of a terrorist attack in which 12 people were tragically killed, that was the second attack they had suffered at the hands of Islamic terrorists after their cartoon depictions of Mohammad had been branded as blasphemy by the religious nut jobs. Now, I don’t find Charlie Hebdo particularly funny, it’s just a bit too reliant on shock offense without any balance of the nuance, but, it’s also important to respect their freedoms as a company to mock who they wish to mock. Yet, recently they ended up in hot water after posting a rather controversial front page which translates as ‘God Exists’ ‘He drowned all the Neo-Nazis in Texas’, this provoked outrage from a lot of people who felt it was a step too far, one of those being Joe Walsh.

ZZVBxYRdZSg | 20 Sep 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Jake Paul has never seemed to shy away from the coverage it gave him, but what has really interested me is the multiple directions he has taken his manipulation in, and now that the Jake Paul saga has existed long enough for me to analyse the directions and not seem like a simple cash in that’s what I’m going to do. The first time Jake Paul had his first full blown run in with the mainstream media, was when they went to report on his supposed neighbourhood disturbances, and the undeniable commotion that he was instigating. Now, the news sources that reported painted a fairly negative picture, and appropriately so, his actions were completely reckless. So how did he respond, well, let’s talk about that.

rCkxbpirnH0 | 14 Sep 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Now to anyone who’s American and not really up on the British politics, the Liberal Democrats are a third party who were fairly prominent in the UK. I use that past tense verb because in 2015, they suffered political annihilation, losing over 80% of their seats that they held in the UK. Now this happened due to an identity crisis, they had sold their young voters down the river after breaking their pledge to vote against tuition fee increases a few years before, and then spent the whole campaign attacking the Conservatives. Now attacking the Conservatives would normally be a smart move, the only issue is they were in a coalition Government with the Conservatives for the previous 5 years, so they were essentially attacking their own record. Smart. So when they were decimated I wasn’t remotely surprised, with that said, I still voted for them at that election, because, in my area I felt they were the best option, on the issues that I cared about they still managed to resonate somewhat with me with a lot of their policies, and also my area was a two horse race between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, also given the fact that I hated David Cameron’s guts, and pretty much most of the Conservative party I didn’t want to give him an unopposed mandate.

vEj5wDBu7co | 01 Sep 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Now Australia isn’t quite like the rest of the Western world with its LGBT rights, although there are no laws restricting freedom of expression of one’s sexuality, six states currently have civil unions, and 2 states still only recognise unregistered cohabitation. Now there’s no real reason for this apart from the fact that there may’ve been other focal matters on Australia’s agenda until now, and/or the political position of Australians on gay rights are slightly different than many others. However, this has changed very recently, and a public postal survey on gay marriage has been scheduled, now to my knowledge this is completely advisory and whatever the response is, it won’t be set in stone. A majority of the Senate and the House of Representatives support gay marriage, and polling has same-sex marriage looking fairly strongly as well, however, this has still led to response from the more Conservative side of Christian Australia, and today we’re going to be looking at some of the more striking incidents of individuals putting forward discursive points against gay marriage that are being presented, and also looking at some of the more general points that can be made around this whole scenario.

n54v9fii4Q0 | 27 Aug 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Today we’re looking at Jay-Z, his song, The Story of O.J., and the messages it connotes and the political implications it addresses, and maybe some other music that this harkens or links to. The Story of O.J. was the lead single off Jay Z’s latest album 4:44, a generally perceived return to form from Mr. Carter. The song itself primarily addresses OJ Simpson, his rejection of black culture throughout a lot of his professional career, and the ‘Trial of the Century’ that; in itself, had a lot of racial reparations, there is also another message about general wealth. Jay-Z’s message is that it is important to hold onto your money, and more importantly pass it on as generational wealth, in the song he says ‘Fuck livin’ rich and dyin’ broke’ which is a reference. Many may strain to exactly link these two diverse topics, but for me it states that O.J.’s general rejection of black culture, meant that he distanced himself through individualism, and in a way failed to show himself as a role model. And in a way, like a lot of his critiques throughout the album, Jay Z feels that there are changes that need to be made, especially through the way that many of those cultural magnates treat money.

QttF3mgq1vE | 25 Aug 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: We’re going to be looking at one of the more illogical moments of recent in the justice system, the treatment of quote unquote ‘talented individuals’, my attention was caught when around a week ago I saw an angry Tweet about females who had been let off their sentencing due to their talent and career prospects, the most recent incident being one with a model who was caught shoplifting nearly 1000 pounds worth of items from Harrod’s, now her penalty was a small fine, completely within the legal threshold for such a crime, however, what bemused a lot of people was the reasoning. In his ruling, the judge listed the fact that she pleaded guilty at the first opportunity, and the potential for a bright future as reasons why he was going to let her off, this understandably annoyed a lot of people. Let’s have a look at his statement piece by piece, Magistrate Grant Mccrostie.

zMNR2kXw7uo | 04 Aug 2017
- Net Neutrality: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Adam, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: The internet is a great realm of many varying degrees of interest and insanity, we are blessed by the fact that websites are at the control of their owners, and that we the user, have access to them of equal variance. It is an important owner-user relationship that helps cater to a direct relationship which is infallible at the point of service. I’m a big guy on control, I believe greatly in personal autonomy. So although I have my criticisms of the internet, I consider the general freedom of it a great asset, sometimes too free, but most of the time positive. You’ll notice that I put emphasis on the autonomy for many domain owners, and for me that’s a great thing, it allows people to have control over their content, another positive trait is that everyone has an even playing field, if you’re starting up a website, you’ll be on the same level as any of the largest corporations. Which means that your success will be based a lot more on your merit rather than your privilege, so to say.

OYHUaXfnFMA | 18 Jul 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, PKBuggy, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: I’ve never been to a protest. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever come into contact with more than a couple protests, likely because where I was raised is a fairly remote placed with not the sort of people who really felt particularly inclined to do much in the picket line. I almost went to a protest once but I think I was occupied at that point, and it was more out of curiosity to understand the intricacies, and protests do interest me, because for me the measurement of the success of a protest is its effectiveness in what it aims to achieve, and this is what I wanted to discuss today. See there was G20, in which a load of financiers from the major political forces all over the world attend to talk about money I assume, and as comes with pretty much any large event there were protests, because authority bad and all that shit, and there were peaceful protests, there were riots, there was all sorts. My favourite was the protesters who covered themselves in grey paint to signify apathy and then ripped off to reveal clothes that symbolised the state of wokeness.

kUZbyjN1v08 | 16 Jul 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, PKBuggy, SoulTrex. - Thumbnail: Now the last time I spoke about North Korea it was in my World War 3 video, in which I hypothesised if anyone was going to instigate war it would be Mr. Kim Jong-Un, he’s a bit of a mentalist and that’s been demonstrated occasion after occasion, for this reason I see him as man with nothing to lose. The latest exhibition of such hysteria was shown with American Student Otto Warmbier, who was arrested for theft while on excursion to the delightful nation, he was apprehended, put on trial, and sentenced to fifteen years of hard labour, however, around two months in, he had a medical crisis, and 16 months later he was extradited to America where he unfortunately passed away a few days after.

oLWU0BL7LTo | 04 Jul 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, SoulTrex, PKBuggy. - Thumbnail: I’m gonna go on record and say, that there are a fair few University courses which I genuinely don’t see the point, with certain courses that do respect a higher plane of understanding like sciences and medicine it’s understandable, but a lot of the work that I’ve done in particular has not been of any use to my future and I know I’m not the only one, at the end of the day a lot of people now just go through University for the partying and the piece of paper that states what most of them already knew. So yeah, University doesn’t fill me with joy. But anyway, it seems in this absence of learning anything meaningful many people claim the proponents of left-wing extremism have been planting their seeds, you look at a SJW fail compilation and every other clip is involving some obnoxious student who clearly acts like they know a lot more than they actually do. With my first year at University coming to a close, are all the claims true? Is there some sort of cult forming? Or is it just a biased perspective from people who don’t understand?

ebIvMW4km9Y | 27 Jun 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special Thanks To: Nocty, Zany Jester, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi, Soultrex, PKBuggy - Thumbnail: For those who literally avoid any news about Britain, Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May held an election to increase on her majority, the only problem was that she failed to, and she actually saw her majority wiped out, today I look into how to run a successful campaign in the current political environment, and how to win an election, while taking anecdotes from the most recent one as testament to why the aforementioned Theresa May failed to win over the British public, let’s get to it.

L714jI2JFu4 | 07 Jun 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, Zany Jester, Laurie D-R, Electro, The Spanish Inn Physician, Yoo Toobah, Yerzi. - Thumbnail:

qgG4NZoc0l4 | 12 May 2017
- Vanilla Rice: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, Zany Jester, Laurie D-R, Electro, ThatsComet, The Spanish Inn Physician - Thumbnail: For anyone’s who has been around long enough on this channel, they will be aware that I have a deep love for music, I have a huge catalogue of music and I pretty much listen to every song on New Music Friday, I have an extremely deep interest for it. However, that may be news to anyone who is relatively recent to my channel, expect a few videos about music interspersed, because there are few things that I’m more passionate for than my music ventures. So, as you may’ve guessed by the title this video is about Kendrick, now as an avid listener of music you’ll be unsurprised to know that I did listen to DAMN, and was thoroughly impressed by his dextrous lyricism and narrative as always, my favourite song was Duckworth, I do enjoy a good story and I love the intermixed funk samples, though obviously there are a number of good songs that deserve recognition. However, Kendrick’s songs gain a lot of recognition for being surprisingly political, the sort of social commentary that is hard to come by in a lot of modern rap music. Now, I have to admit due to my fairly frantic upload schedule I haven’t had the chance to listen to the political subtext, so to do that I’ve brought along long time friend and YouTuber: Vanilla Rice, to explain in depth a lot of the undertones in his latest album.

tJYMjLZoqBg | 10 May 2017
- Monto: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Discord: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, DavisCedrezGaming, Zany Jester, Laurie D-R, Electro, ThatsComet - Thumbnail: Since starting up my YouTube channel, I have seen a transformation in many things, I’m very grateful for that, one of the areas that I have seen most progress in is my debating style, I will not doubt that I have always considered myself a very apt debater, but after many hours of compiling arguments, a skill and technique develops that enables myself to hold my own like I never had before. Today I’m going to talk about that, and explain my best tips for defeating some of the most irritating arguments that I have come across my time on the platform

f6cjo3y0khQ | 08 May 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, DavisCedrezGaming, Zany Jester - Thumbnail: So if anybody across the pond or in any other countries hasn’t paid attention, Prime Minister Theresa May just called an election and the hypest hype has occurred, but first, let’s look at why she would’ve done this. Because I have no life I’ve spent the last few months following the polling for the British Government, eagerly looking at the trend, now when a Prime Minister is elected there is a time known as the honeymoon period, which is when an individual is expected to be particularly popular with the public just for the case of being a fresh impression. Theresa May has rode out this supposed honeymoon period and seen through fiscal policy changes, and her popularity is still buzzing, and now she feels that the due to the fact that the honeymoon period is statistically over and she’s still destroying her opponents in the polls, that it is a good time to host a general election.

pFtXx3EETdU | 02 May 2017
- Yoo_Toobah: - Twitter: - Patreon: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, DavisCedrezGaming, Zany Jester, Laurie D-R, Comet - Thumbnail: Russia, the delightful place in which all man is free, unless you’re a gay, or a pokemon player, then you’re fucked, but the point still stands, Russia is a country where you can do anything. And what better way to exploit that spirit by starting up your own real hunger games, I know, it sounds too good to be true, but I can tell you, that in Siberia they will be indulging themselves in just that, before having it broadcast on Russian television, now, some of you may be thinking, what are The Hunger Games? Well, for those who’ve been living under a rock, and because I don’t have the patience to spell it out, I’m passing it over to my good friend Yoo_Toobah to explain it all, take it away.

QgG5AKMzAEg | 16 Apr 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, DavisCedrezGaming, Zany Jester - Thumbnail: I’ve travelled on a fair few long haul flights in my time, and despite the fact that you may’ve paid a few hundred pounds per ticket the money always seems to be lost somewhere the payment and the service. That’s no surprise to an extent, companies wanna make money, and they want to offer the bare minimum that they can do without losing paying customers. It seems this bar has progressively been lowered over the years and has finally hit rock bottom with the glorious company known as United Airlines, now as we investigated recently with Pepsi, it seems that corporations aren’t having the best time in the media right now, and in an attempt to outdo their soft beverage rivals, United Airlines have been embroiled in a new scandal that surely contend a new low in customer service. But first lemme enlighten with you some juicy knowledge, overbooking is a ploy taken up by aviation companies, in which they overbook planes that would typically be full regardless, this is done as it’s quite regular practice for people who have booked them to not turn up for their flights, some people claim that this is because airlines want to promote greener travel and lower fares for paying customers, that is sanctimonious bullshit, the truth is the company has a full flight and more money in their pocket. It comes down to their money, not yours.

P-DfDdTnIpE | 08 Apr 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex, DavisCedrezGaming - Thumbnail: Now for those of you who are unaware, Pepsi recently released a new advertisement in which there was a protest for peace and love, how heart-warming, I know. I say that because the protest doesn’t look particularly guided with a cause, but who cares, it’s diverse and it’s Pepsi. Well apparently a lot of people, because in this message, despite the odiously obvious message of diversity being absolutely plagued by the Pepsi plugins, it was the fact that at the end, the subject of the advertisement: Kendall Jenner, who is so down with the kids, yes, she handed Pepsi to a stony faced Police Officer, he took a sip, and everything was fantastic and everyone was joyful. On the surface, it could just be seen as a hapless error by the marketing team, but on closer inspection you realise how big a fuck up this is. This is a masterclass on Pepsi’s behalf on how to become unpopular with those who support these sorts of justice movements and those who don’t, for those who do, you’re appropriating and commercialising a sensitive issue with vacuous self-promotion, and for those who don’t you’re pandering to demographics that don’t require pandering to.

hm6LrC4e5nA | 30 Mar 2017
- Twitter: - Patreon: - Edited by: - Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex - Thumbnail:

7jbVcl5A1LA | 18 Mar 2017
Twitter: Patreon: Edit by: Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex Thumbnail: Vanilla Rice: MLJoe: Pinely: Expired Milk: T9: Yerzi: Colossal Is Crazy: Yoo_Toobah: LikleRambo: WabbaJacker: "I’m kinda fucked, I’ve missed three weeks of lesson, which in most Universities would be fine, but because my University are a bunch of twats, they have staggered exams; which means that they’re on a fairly regular basis. So I have exams that I have had no preparation for on really specific subjects that I have trouble getting my head around. I ideally want around 80% and I just can’t see that happening, and I hope that they’ll have some empathy for my position, I’m revising hard, I only spend one day a week making videos, and the rest doing Uni work, I’m doing my best. I don’t have any leisure time, and I don’t spend any. My YouTube doesn’t take away from it because I’d just be spending that time doing something less productive anyway, so don’t worry, videos will still be on the regular. I’ll probably be less available on other platforms for a bit, I try my best to engage with everyone, and I hope to keep that possible even if my sub count does grow substantially, which I hope that it does, but it’s not guaranteed. It’s really good to have a strong community around me, it keeps me mildly sane, and anyone who has given up huge amounts of their time to focus on this rather than socialising will understand how it feels, so although the community can get a bit out of hand sometimes, it’s mostly a group of chill people. I have to say that there have been some people who’ve let me down but life is full of letdowns, and it’s just one of those things you have to keep in mind if you do overtake them in the future and all of a sudden they no longer ignore you. With that said, there have been people who have genuinely surprised with how charitable they have been..."

1K6OavzOVjU | 16 Mar 2017
Twitter: Patreon: Edit by: Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex Thumbnail: In a very truly moving email, they explained how they had outgrown their current model and wanted to move on to a more personal way of handling their remaining content creators. Many people reacted with delight, apparently, Maker Studios were absolute knobheads, but some people were angry, how could Maker Studios do such a thing? Well, because they can, you know that contract you probably never read and just agreed to, probably had a release clause, if it doesn’t then you may have a bone to pick but unfortunately, if they’ve seen a new way to make dat cash then they’re gonna go and pursue it. And I think it’s all fair providing they make sure everyone is rightfully paid, if not, then that’s pretty twatty, but hopefully they’re sorting all that, I don’t partner so I don’t know how it works. There were people who were annoyed that they hadn’t really been given an in depth explanation, well if you want my hypothesis, judging by their language they’re going to commercialise their remaining partners and make them a lot more public, which may be why they got rid of Pewdiepie as well, I guess the Nazi merchandise didn’t really wash with them. So if you’re the chosen ones then you can consider yourself very lucky hopefully, if you’re not, you can probably consider yourself lucky as well because the YouTubers who had been there for a while were typically the happiest ones to be released, either due to Maker’s terrible cut or their complete neglect, neither of which surprise me. If you’re not making them a fuck tonne of money individually, then why should they give a shit as long as you turn up on the shift?

BaT62fIv0LU | 07 Mar 2017
Twitter: Patreon: Edit by: Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex You see, we, as a YouTube community know that this whole lawsuit is ridiculous, and the video contained enough commentary to be described as constructive, we wouldn’t watch Matt Hoss's video if Ethan and Hila hadn’t provided banterous remarks to add onto it. But we’re not there to tell them that, and we can’t trust them to take Ethan’s word on that. They didn’t believe RayWilliamJohnson when he went up against Jukin Media, and ruled in favour of the large video sharing corporation, and to be fair, Matt Hoss doesn’t quite have the same weight as JukinMedia, regardless of what he thinks of himself. And h3h3 do add more than RayWilliamJohnson, whereas Johnson was more of a reporter, Ethan and Hila definitely add more. But one of the problems that makes h3h3productions an easier target than most commentary channels is that they’ve always labelled themselves as a reaction channel, and that makes them vulnerable to being tarred with the brush that they don’t add anything on, as reaction is different to criticism. Even though I and many have always considered h3h3 a channel that builds greatly on the content that they look at, I don’t trust them to see the same picture.

V1j-sQ9iHds | 05 Mar 2017
Twitter: Patreon: Edit by: Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex Thumbnail by: We live in modern day America, where Donald Trump has succeeded in taking the Presidency, however, some witchy women have plans to thwart his vision for America, however, Republicans want to protect their Lord and Savior: Trump, so they have called on the powers of deity to defend him from these magic spells. Will witchcraft prevail, or will God make a divine political intervention to keep Trump at the top of the totem pole, there's only one way to find out. Start taking your medication again.

K5FNR59_XCQ | 21 Feb 2017
Twitter: Patreon: Edit by: "Ill Opinion" Character: Special thanks to: Nocty, SoulTrex Subscribe:

LVCxSApnBnI | 22 Dec 2016
I give my view on the last 8 years of Obama service. I remember being a buoyant young rapscallion when he was elected, and being pretty excited, I was only 11 at the time so I was fairly naive to it all but it was pretty hyped up in Britain. At the end of his first term I remember the general mood of being that he was alright, but I think people were expecting more. And 4 years on, yeah I think the mood is generally the same, he hasn’t done anything particularly terrible, but nothing particularly exceptional. Barack Obama is a very smooth man, he is a very classy speaker and has a naturally likeable personality but actions speak louder than words, and I think a lot his actions provoke an initial reaction, and then just burn out eventually, like the killing of Osama Bin Laden for example, and yes, he’s done things that many people would value as quite bold in the current climate, and I respect him for that, but I think they were fewer than many people expected.

TAtwRsNNwXU | 18 Dec 2016
i have finally finished this yey now i can die in peace" -warden Now if you were here for my earlier videos, you would know that I think the EU are a bunch of twats, and self-serving twats at that, so I told them to fuck off. And at some point, it looked like they may just fuck off, but now their fucking off is in question, because there are court cases coming in left and right. The most prominent one being one lodged by Gina Muller, a millionaire businesswoman and ex-model, a true spokesperson of everyone but herself, I’m sure. I expected this to happen to an extent, because of all the elite involvement, but nonetheless, the question still remains, why is the situation contentious? Why isn’t the law clearer? Is there not a set in stone regulation dictating whether Prime Minister: Theresa May has to go through the house

WeKcklHSyjc | 30 Nov 2016
Expired Milk: Jack Garratt-Surprise Yourself (AlunaGeorge Remix) Twitter: Editor Fmunch: Facebook:

MrSkVOOrjVE | 01 Nov 2016
We fucking died making this one so all the support is appreciated. Edit by Vanilla Rice: Colossal Is Crazy Video: Hug A Homosexual: There is a great issue within the US with regards to racial divides, this can only be furthered by the recent social experiments, which all have been proven fake, yet could still have a profound effect. I reflect on those effects.

bLpa_8jhAJY | 05 Oct 2016
100 (well 139 now) subs, thanks for the support and long may it continue. I'd just like to clarify that I am for gay marriage, I just didn't like how it was used as a token of a progressive scapegoat in the Cameron administration. Apparently Cameron regretted the legislation anyway, so chat shit get banged.

LdS6J9VI2UM | 19 May 2016
I explain how the new living wage is being undermined by vindictive tactics from larger companies. B&Q petition: Tesco petition:

jUWZUfPrlxE | 14 Apr 2016
Well, it's still Wednesday in Hawaii so fuck you. Inquiries can be sent to: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter:

shG01PwBfK0 | 11 Apr 2016
I look into why Donald Trump is so popular, what the future looks like for him and how he will have to tackle the challenges ahead. If my voice sounds slightly nasal then that's because I was just beginning to develop a cold at this point. Also apologies for the lack of a custom thumbnail but YouTube is being a bitch and is refusing to use it. Inquiries can be sent to: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Not sure what other platform people would want me to waste my time on.

IAu0WQBQwII | 08 Apr 2016
My intro video letting people know what I'm about. Yes, the name is ironic. Sorry for any imperfections and if my voice is lacking in the bass area, my first video so will be looking to improve over time. No-one got famous from an intro video, so in hindsight why the fuck did I even bother? Inquiries can be sent to: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Not sure what other platform people would want me to waste my time on.