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CjoWVUbS6dM | 17 Nov 2023
Hi guys, decided to post a video to get back into the swing of things. Check out my live: last night for a much more in-depth discussion of all these blindspots, plus one very important one I forgot to mention: the male fantasy of hyperfemininity. Email me at mynonleatherlife at gmail for $60 consultations If you got something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. Buy me a coffee: venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] The video that changed my life: Book recs I think everyone should read: Thank you so much for watching and commenting. -Victoria

PGlk-2SHgw0 | 31 Jul 2022
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: 1. you have the opportunity to be sexy and you believe that it's smartest to pretend to be wholesome despite you having sexual attraction 2. you wait for the neon green flashing light and miss the actual green lights which are more subtle 3. you misinterpret advice from women to be saying that they want someone NICE and forget that while it is true they want something nice it is NOT ALL they want and they may have been uncomfortable to discuss sex with you leaving out the second piece of what they want. SEE my video on ALPHA in LOVE: 4. You are scared to give compliments that could be interpreted as showing your sexual desire 5. you are scared to initiate in tiny safe ways like small touches in safe appropriate places, teasing or sassiness as she says, talking about how HOT she is and showing her that through your body language. GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU NICE GUYS. I admire you and know it is TRICKY and that you are trying not to hurt anyone. You are awesome for that. But as you can see in this situation he was blowing it. Please comment below with whatever you have to say! --------- The most important decision I ever made: ------ And if you got something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting. -Victoria

Cp87cI44Jao | 02 Jun 2022
Why my channel is called MY NON LEATHER LIFE: Books I think everyone should read: EDIT: what the runway really is is the steps that it would take to get a woman fully aroused enough to have an orgasm that fires on all cylinders—physical, mental and emotional. Since the way we think of sex revolves around PIV and the male orgasm many men don’t understand that women need their sexual likes and interests catered to get maximally aroused as well. Most men seem to assume it should happen for women the exact same way it happens for men— staring at your body parts. NEWS FLASH: it’s not enough. Women have a runway that you must pilot. Are you on the runway?? Or do you think that the plane should be able to take off without the thrust and the speed and the engine lol and whatever else makes the plane take flight! Many guys do expect women to be like them, SUPER TURNED ON without any escalation on their part. And then they are wondering if something is wrong with them. Nothing is wrong with you. But did you even begin to approach the runway. And once on the runway did you try to skip and take off before the end of the runway? The runway is the fastest route to lift off so stay the course! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below! And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. Tip me thru Kofi: venmo: mynonleatherlife I do offer zoom coaching or through the phone. Just email me for info and to set up a date. Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail One interview that changed my life forever: Subscribe to my bfs channel BEARDO SPEAKS: Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!! -Victoria

hkGDBNid57g | 15 May 2022
Why my channel is called MYNONLEATHERLIFE: Books I think everyone should read: THE TERM RELATIONSHIP MATRIX SEEMS TO HAVE CONFUSED EVERYONE. I DID NOT READ OUT ALL SAMPLE ASSORTMENT OF THE WORDS AND PHRASES N THE RELATIONSHIP MATRIX LIKE I DID FOR THE CASUAL MATRIX SO I CAN SEE WHY YOU ALL ASSUMED IT MEANS JUST SAY YOU WANT A RELATIONSHIP AND SAY YOU WANT TO MARRY HER. IT DOESN't mean that. It's about entering into the female gaze. Throw in a flavor. it doesn't mean u suddenly have to become a wimpy whiny desperate person. Rule #1: NEVER LIE. Don't fudge the truth. Don't lie. You do not have to and should not lie and say you're looking for a relationship. Just say you're open, if asked, which technically you are, aren't you, if you are blown away by the girl of your dreams. Just don't dismiss any possibility for any sort of connection, whether shallow or deeper, out of hand because that is what women are hoping for and without a chance of that there's nothing in it for them 99% of the time. Unless they can really run the hookup and get exactly what they want out of sex...which most don't know how to do perfectly, especially when they're in their 20s. Even if the girl is dying to have a casual hookup with you, your lack of social awareness and etiquette will kill her desire to give it to YOU. You also shouldn't say you are looking for a relationship in your online dating profile in order to appear more on the relationship matrix. That can appear desperate and needy. Just don't say anything about it one way or another. If asked directly, you can give a response that is honest but leaves room for possibilities, which is also honest. A lot of girls when they're younger won't even realize what you are telegraphing with your casual hookup language, but they will get a general sense of "you're dumb, shallow and lack social awareness" from it. They might think it is worth it though anyway if you look good and are cool enough, but it's better not to risk it and to understand how to create a better first impression. If someone asks you what you are looking for you can say "I'm open to whatever happens whether that's a short term thing or a relationship with the right person". The odds of it happening may be one in a million, but it is true, and you won't instantly make her feel like no way I can give it to someone so repulsive. Also it is ok to be honest and direct about your sensual attraction to HER. Just don't bring in your attraction to other women or desire for other women unless she is already super into you and super turned on unless you want to risk an instant rejection. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below! And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. Tip me thru Kofi: venmo: mynonleatherlife I do offer zoom coaching or through the phone. Just email me for info and to set up a date. Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail One interview that changed my life forever: Subscribe to my bfs channel BEARDO SPEAKS: Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!! -Victoria

9VWSJHaVWnQ | 17 Apr 2022
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: There are 3 masks women wear that mask 3 incredibly vulnerable deep desires that they yearn for men to understand. To truly understand women you must understand these 3 deep desires. Most men fall for the mask. Just to clarify: the masks are subconscious. And not intentionally manipulative in any way. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below! And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to tip me with youtube super thanks, or tip me through Kofi, I would greatly appreciate that. Tip me thru Kofi: venmo: mynonleatherlife I do offer zoom coaching or through the phone. Just email me for info and to set up a date. Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail One interview that changed my life forever: Subscribe to my bfs channel BEARDO SPEAKS: Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!! -Victoria

eF3BfhJj-SY | 12 Mar 2022
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: I asked my b/f to demonstrate 4 techniques from the overarching extremely powerful technique of dd/lg or what I heard people calling in my last video The Father Frame. LOL! These are just 4 1. Pet names 2. Infantalizing praise 3. Straight up mocking 4. Comforting and Soothing REMEMBER: KINK IS NOT ABUSE and always do your best to act respectfully. Everything I discuss is meant to be completely consensual. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts! I love to read your comments. Thanks so much for commenting and watching. One interview that inspired me to go vegan: Subscribe to my bfs channel BEARDO SPEAKS: And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. Buy me a coffee: Email: [email protected]

sNXnsZmM0as | 03 Mar 2022
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: The power of shame is an ENORMOUS erotic power that can be harnessed. Everyone knows shame is a big yet highly mysterious part of kink and sexuality in general. Its power is unmatched in my opinion. The power you have, just by looking, as a man, with all your natural instincts to enjoy women, cannot be overstated. Especially on shy introverted people. But only use it for good and mutual pleasure always. For some reason it makes me think of this quote by Kafka: “You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” Kafka was a guy who understood shame very well!!! You want to harness the power to unmask, splay, look, observe, squirm, expose, praise and have your partner roll in ecstasy at your feet. Remember: when kink is not consensual and for mutual pleasure and personal growth it's not kink but abuse. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. I love to read your comments. Thanks so much for commenting and watching. One interview that inspired me to go vegan: And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. Buy me a coffee: Email: [email protected] Thank you so much for watching and commenting!

ViwXHw_aQ6A | 19 Feb 2022
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Sorry for lashing out myself but I'm ANNOYED AND UPSET AND upset at myself too for my inability to communicate very sensitive and dangerous topics in a fool-proof way. And at the dangerous misconceptions and threats of assault and abuse against women I constantly get on this channel. I get so many commenters telling me about: 1. their male supremacist beliefs and how men are evolutionarily superior to women 2. how women are stupid, irrational, evil, incapable of rational thought, etc 3. how women actually want to be abused and assaulted and love being ****ed 4. threats of violence and assault to me personally

hVMS_QG9ixc | 31 Jan 2022
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Not watching the vid and assuming can cause dangerous misinterpretations First thing is: 1. This is a pattern you can watch for and see if it applies. Please don't ASSUME it applies to everyone. As I said, level 1 would be basic attraction to men and many people will just have that. 2. Everything I mentioned should be done consensually even role playing a non consensual fantasy that's why they call it CONSENSUAL non consent. I am completely opposed to the non consensual violation of any living being, human or non human. 3. This is an erotic FANTASY. Not a male supremacist manifesto. I hate that I have to say this. Many men enjoy watching MMA probably because of some subconscious possibly evolutionary draw towards violence. It doesn't mean you want to get punched in the head by a passerby. Let a sexual fantasy be a fantasy and don't assume women want to be actually enslaved or anything of that sort. Cause stating the obvious here...they don't. Now onto the real description: Understand the fantasy at the bottom of the vortex. Then understand the watered down forms of this fantasy that appear in many areas of dating and romance. But understand the final form where every element is turned up to 11. In order to understand the final form, I recommend two books. Book 1: The Story of O Book 2: Owned and Owner These are very intense books, but in my opinion contain some wisdom that hardly anyone wants to admit to. The wisdom being: There are some powerful mating instincts that are with us in this modern day and age even though they're best suited for the JUNGLE. These mating instincts in my opinion allow female mammals the chance to BE TRANQUILIZED FOR A MOMENT so they can surrender to the male mammal they have the most powerful admiration for and accept the idea of mating, when female mammals in the wild are perfectly independent and capable of surviving just fine on their own. It has to be a very powerful INSTINCT AND URGE to allow the highly unusual act of allowing someone to climb on top of you to allow oneself to be mated with to occur. The video that turned me vegan: If you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

0U4Zir_xkYU | 12 Nov 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER: I am giving away free 20 minute zoom or phone calls to whoever backs my bf's kickstarter at the $16 or more level which will get you a copy of the really fun game he made. Link below: The game was recently rated #1 silly game by a big board game podcast so it is actually a really fun game you could gift to any kids in your life and as a thank you for your incredible support, I will talk to you for 20 minutes about a subject of your choice! All you have to do is forward me the email confirmation you get from kickstarter to [email protected] or you can take a screenshot. Specify whether u want zoom or phone and I'll send you a link to schedule. You can choose one of the following things to talk about on the call: 1. A question 2. A real world situation you're dealing with 3. Just say Hello and chat 4. Tell me why I'm wrong about ....fill in the blank (hehe) 5. I can give you feedback on what women might sense when they meet you 6. I can give you a confidence boost by letting you know the positives about you that women might secretly see when they meet you or that I see 7. You can get a shame about your sexuality off your chest and I can almost certainly normalize it for you and help you gain greater confidence with women thru u realizing it's all quite normal 8. None of the above/ a subject of your choosing Thank you so much to all who choose to support. I know it will mean the world to Beardo and I will really look forward to talking to you.

V0LvJIQH8dQ | 23 Sep 2021
The video that changed my life: A very important disclaimer: Kinks and fantasies can be dangerous and potentially traumatic or abusive. If you are acting out an intense fantasy, get consent, have an in depth discussion and a safe word. You need to be on the same page because you are playing with fire so play safely. Women are telling you what they fantasize about...body, mind and the genre of literature they have created to stimulate themselves erotically called ROMANCE. I boiled it down to the formula ALPHA IN LOVE. This title represents two core aspects of the female evolutionary dating drive. Both are key for the most complete orgasmic bliss a woman can have. Attracting the ALPHA is step one and making him fall IN LOVE is step two. Do not proceed to step two before she is convinced of step one. Alpha can mean different things to different women. It does not mean only BUFF RICH HOT and CONFIDENT but that the woman assesses you as worthy and deserving for her personal tastes and instincts. 1. Alpha= the instinct for good genes that will bring survival advantages to her offspring and will protect her against other guys 2. In love=the instinct to create a super strength unbreakable emotional bond to keep the guy around for division of parenting labor. The heat and the depth of many women's fantasies spring from these two goals. If only I could: attract the alpha and inspire an unbreakable bond built off something I have that no other woman has. Common female kinks and sexual fantasies develop around glorifying and eroticizing aspects of this goal. So knowing this you can incorporate this core concept into your dirty talk or love life or romantic life to turn a woman on at the deepest level. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. I love to read your comments. Thanks so much for commenting and watching. SUBSCRIBE TO MY BF's CHANNEL BEARDO SPEAKS for future vids where he will explain some good stuff: And please comment below. I love to read your comments. Good or bad I do learn so much from them. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting!

LvM2Hk1aW9U | 25 Aug 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: This video is about why the prospect of casual encounters is not as simple and uncomplicated for women as it is for men, and why women may be more hesitant to have them. This may be helpful to know if you are wondering why leading with sex can sometimes turn women off even if those same women desperately want to have sex too. Casual encounters can still be fantastic and definitely still happen frequently and for multiple reasons. I have nothing against them at all, in fact I support these encounters completely and recommend them. 1. They accept a for them unsatisfying male pleasure centric view of sex which doesn't allow them the time they need to climax 2. They fear for their safety without fully trusting you yet 3. They are often deeply influenced by sex negative and sex phobic conditioning they grew up with and the fear of slut shaming unconsciously stops them 4. They won't speak up about what would actually make the casual encounter good for them like a kink they're into or a certain kind of touch or their desire to touch themselves in the way they do on their own 5. It's a matter of respect to be seen as "worthy of more" than something casual so it can come off as an insulting proposition 6. All female dating experts are obsessed with the idea of not giving it away too soon and making the guy wait for as long as possible and the advice influences women 7. Women have an evolutionary instinct to create a long lasting and deep emotional bond with a man so he could stick around to help raise and protect her and her offspring, which totally conflicts with the idea of living in the moment and going your separate ways in the morning 8. The idea of romance is lacking in the man's ideal arrangement which can cause her not to feel aroused 9. There is a damaging and pervasive myth that women are biologically unable to have casual encounters and remain sane. It seems to be true since it's a self fulfilling prophecy where if you believe you should only have sex within a relationship you will fixate and unhealthily obsess over a guy who doesn't want to be in a relationship with you driving yourself insane. 10. The female population curve on average has been shown to have lower sex drives than men so this can cause less interest in the proposition 11. Having a high body count is seen as less appealing by many women to men and so they want to maintain propriety SUBSCRIBE TO MY BF's CHANNEL BEARDO SPEAKS for future vids where he will explain some good stuff: And please comment below. I love to read your comments. Good or bad I do learn so much from them. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

cabOv__-_7M | 18 Jun 2021
Jason's coaching website: A bit of a different video. Not about dating tips for men, but about one of the most important bits of knowledge I've ever learned that I use every day that I wanted you guys to know about: The 5 Secrets of Effective Communication. The 5 Secrets was developed by my personal hero, Dr. David D. Burns, whose books and ideas cured me of severe depression when nothing else worked. The 5 Secrets is his genius contribution to the art of communication. In this video, I interview a master of The 5 Secrets, Jason Sudol, who is a coach who is certified in Dr. Burns approach to overcoming depression, anxiety, habits and addictions and relationship problems. I personally work with Jason every week to get better at the 5 secrets cause they're so helpful to me. (He also cured me of severe public speaking anxiety and I really can't recommend him enough to you if any of you are struggling with depression or other issues. He works with people online: Here are The 5 Secrets from the website of Dr. David Burns: 1. The Disarming Technique: You find truth in what the other person is saying, even if it seems illogical, self-serving, distorted, or just plain “wrong.” 2. Thought and Feeling Empathy: You summarize what the other person just said (Thought Empathy) and acknowledge how he or she is probably feeling, given what he or she just said (Feeling Empathy) 3. “I Feel” Statements: You express your own feelings and ideas openly according to the formula, “I’m feeling X, Y, and Z right now,” where are X, Y and Z refer to any of a wide variety of feeling words, such as anxious, attacked, hurt, or sad. 4. Stroking: You convey warmth, caring and respect, even in the heat of battle 5.Inquiry: You ask gentle, probing questions to learn more about what the other person is thinking and feeling I've read so many books and listened to so many podcasts on the subject of communication and none of them work as well for challenging conversations as this easy to remember but truly profound and beautiful little formula known as the 5 secrets. It's not a script in any way and you never have to say "the right thing" or be dishonest or fake in any way, but it orients you towards 5 aspects of conversation that profoundly resonate with people and it can change everything 180 degrees and melt the heart of even your worst enemy. As always I love your comments, please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback. More videos about blind spots and dating coming soon! Jason's weekly Meetup to Practice the 5 Secrets: The bible for The 5 Secrets is the masterpiece: Feeling Good Together by Dr. David Burns: The book that cured me and many others of depression Feeling Good by David Burns: David Burns' website: I also am a huge fan and regular weekly listener of Dr. Burn's Podcast The Feeling Good Podcast. Episodes 65-70 cover the 5 Secrets: --- And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: The most important decision I ever made: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

BxJKeOP09f0 | 14 Jun 2021
The video that changed my life: Understanding these 5 blind spots of women can help you to understand women. It is easy to hate women if you don't understand the causes of their behavior. Women have the same problem with not understanding the vast and numerous blind spots of men and it leads them to hate men and say things like "all men are trash!". Understanding the blind spots at the source can untangle our thinking and make us more compassionate towards the other side. The 5 Blind Spots are: Blind Spot #1. Selection Bias causes women to have a skewed idea of men as a whole. They project the traits of men who don't need any help with women onto ALL men because that's who women are attracted to and it's out of sight out of mind for the guys they're not interested in. Therefore when women give dating advice to men, they're talking to the guys they're attracted to who could benefit from toning it down. But they forget that the majority of guys could be hurt by this advice as they need to TONE IT UP. Blind spot #2: women don't understand how rare it is or hard it is for a guy to sleep with a woman They have female sexual privilege and don't see it. This causes women to perceive men as shallow, desperate, classless, perverted, and basically immoral. It seems completely logical from their perspective because they don't realize their privilege in this one area. Blind Spot #3: Women want to keep some gender roles in dating and romance but no where else and don't see it as a contradiction. Blind Spot #4: women don't realize how easy it would be for them to get casual sex. Bonus Blind Spot: Women don't realize how deeply brainwashed they've been by fear of sexual promiscuity Blind Spot #5: Women don't understand why men would NOT want to be in a relationship and do NOT see the emotional labor men do in relationships Keep in mind men certainly have more than their fair share of blind spots about women that women are equally annoyed by. Please comment below with whatever you have to say! --------- The most important decision I ever made: ------ And if you got something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting. -Victoria

D0ZQsCBLaDc | 14 May 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Putting it all out there because I'm an emotional masochist and am feeling in a good mood tonight and want to help y'all out. MIGHT DELETE LATER. Thought I'd do a little heart to heart tonight about the hottest things my boyfriend does in the bedroom. My goal: to help you understand certain secrets that are never spoken aloud and to help you understand and have wisdom and compassion instead of bitterness towards women. Here are the 10 things: These definitely do NOT apply to all women. These are some of my personal kinks. SOME women share them absolutely as they are common kinks but not necessarily to the same degree and it’s definitely not the norm for ALL. My tastes are definitely more extreme than most. I encourage you guys to learn about ALL the kinks out there, the ones I mention in the video being some of them. 1. Overflows with pure LUST and RUM* (raw untamed masculinity) for me and my body 2. Channels that lust into loving physical aggression 3. Ddlgs me, calling me princess and teasing me constantly 4. Jokingly plays on my insecurities by making fun of me for my insecurities 5. Dirty talks about my fantasies during seggs and tells and records erotic stories for me 6. Isn't afraid to tap into his inner abusive misogynistic boyfriend for me even thought he is absolutely a sex-positive compassionate feminist 7. Encourages me to express myself however I want and express more 8. Passes my sh*t tests. I didn't explain the example very well but basically the example was when I said u don’t deserve to f**k me and he said: I know I don't, but it doesn't matter cause I'm doing it anyway--something like that 9. Willing to fight me 10. Compliments me during the act and after a lot My Boyfriend Agreed to Demo These Moves on his Channel *BEARDO SPEAKS* Subscribe below! Please comment below if you have any questions, comments, refutations, harsh critiques. I love to hear your thoughts. I hope this helps. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

OrDCAualIlo | 15 Mar 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: I hate that I have to say this but: I AM COMPLETELY OPPOSED TO ANY KIND OF NON CONSENSUAL VIOLATION OF ANY HUMAN OR NON HUMAN BEING. 1. 58% of women from ages 19-29 have a fantasy with a BDSM theme as their #1 favorite fantasy of all time. So here is evidence that at least 58% KNOW about BDSM themes and they are fantasizing about themes like these. 2. In my personal opinion gathered from reading thousands of erotic stories and in depth analysis of my own sexuality, I believe a very deep, often very similar narrative, drives many women (NOT ALL!) at the deepest level when it comes to dating and romance. These fantasies come in different packages and settings but they often have common patterns. You can learn from this and hopefully it will help you get a better grasp on what is often driving women from below. 3. These erotic elements (from perhaps the collective unconscious) bubble up in dating, romance, marriage and relationships and understanding these elements can help you understand what many women are deeply drawn to and you can draw your own conclusions from that. 4. Please understand that these themes are paradoxical and exactly what may drive someone up a wall in their real life may entice them in the heat of passion. So what feminists are saying about what women want is correct and extremely important in the rest of their lives and especially in the work place. However women may still be drawn to explore fantasies like this in their romantic life. As my boyfriend put it, many men are drawn to MMA or violence in movies but don't want to live in a WORLD where violence is the norm and a guy comes up to them and punches them in the face!! Same with women...let fantasies be fantasies and let's try to treat each other with respect, discuss what we're into and always honor consent! The 4 Elements: 1. The first element is patriarchy, a male dominated world or arena where men rule and feel superior to women. This may be just a time in history when women had far less rights like in historical romance. This may be a sci-fi planet ruled by men. It may be an elite club of men like in The Story of O. Or it may just be the business world of christian grey or the mafia family in 365 DNI. In this world women are often discriminated against and seen as inferior. Men own women basically and see them as property. Many submissive and domination fantasies fit under this umbrella. 2. The next element in hyper-femininity. Women are seen for, valued for and commodified for their beauty and femininity, not their intelligence or personality. There is often a feeling of violation in that. Hyper-feminine traits that women are often made to feel are shameful weaknesses are often emphasized like shyness, sensitivity, naivety, embarrassment...Many different common female fantasies and kinks fit under this umbrella of hyperfemininity. 3. The next element is primal breeding rights. Feats of strength, tests of power, will, intelligence, leadership, aggression must be demonstrated from the men as proof that they are the strongest and fittest and worthy of procreation and the right to be the father. Earning it, proving it in various different displays of fitness and perhaps aggression is like the mating dance that shows the woman he is worthy of giving herself to body, mind and soul, which she wants to do for 1 man and 1 man alone. If he doesn't demonstrate it, she can never be satisfied with him as she seeks the top alpha guy or at least one who is alpha enough. Many primal fantasies fit under this umbrella of watching a guy prove his evolutionary fitness to you. 4. The final element is dark monogamy. She gives him everything. There is intense connection within the relationship--sexual, emotional, mental-- but also ownership and very very old school polarity. This is commonly talked about and accepted as "vanilla" but in my opinion it is anything but, and this is the darker theme of many a story that appeals to women at a very primal level. All these elements are frequent players in the darkest corners of many women's most hidden sexual fantasies. They come dressed up in different settings, expressions, times, worlds, places but the elements can be seen. As I said in the video, they can even be seen in the female obsession with weddings which are straight out of medieval times and I believe personally women find them hot for that reason. And I love your comments so please comment below any thoughts or ideas or feedback. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting!

nWUOfZzT3zM | 03 Mar 2021
The most important decision I ever made: Books I think everyone should read: On to the video: 1. The power of a true order 2. The power of saying something in the bedroom and really meaning it, not 99% but 100% 3. The power of your physical strength, aggression and muscle 4. The power of the threat of discipline 5. The power of rising to her challenge instead of backing down 6. The power of dirty talk and erotic stories 7. The power of pet names and name calling 8. The power of taking care of things and handling it for her 9. The power of your lust for her body and your objectification of her body 10. The power of deep healing empathy, seeing, understanding her beneath her walls and letting her cry Thank you guys so much for watching and for your support. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

i0zmpGz9y4E | 16 Feb 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Rule #1 is never wait for a girl to display interest in you before asking her out. If you want to, you have permission to ask her out. If she is NOT interested she can say no or make up an excuse. Most girls expect guys to ask them out so they don't expect to NEED to show interest even if they are interested. But if you STILL want to know the signs she is interested in you, see the 6 following behavioral patterns to look for and be aware of: 1. Exaggerated Hyper Feminine Behaviors -Fake smiling -Talking in a high soft or whiny hyperfeminine voice -Pretending to be much weaker than they are strength wise -Pretending to be dumb or clueless -Laughing at ALL your jokes -Wearing sexier clothes around u 2. Virginal Behaviors -Pretending to be classy, virginal and not interested in sex... makes her seem hard to get and a prize -Pretending they don’t want to have sex for a long time cause they want to take it slow 3.Competition simulating behaviors -Pretending to be busy all the time and not responding to your texts -Pretending they are talking to other guys maybe to make u jealous 4. Proximity behaviors -She will always find ways to just bump into u or just be around u 5. Submissive behaviors -Faking multiple orgasms -Submissive body language 6. Emotional closeness behaviors: -Acts like she wants to be friends (doesn’t mean she just wants to be friends but could also mean romantic interest) -Wants to talk on the phone with u for a long time Thank you for watching. Please comment down below with any feedback good or bad. It could help me grow and improve my youtube channel. I really enjoy hearing your stories, thoughts and comments. Feel free to dm me on ig at greenelover as well. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

GLJQrIeS0BU | 07 Feb 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: From my in depth analysis of my own fantasies and also the themes I have observed in popular culture movies, tv shows, books and romance novels that resonate with women I will explain to you 7 things that answer the age old question What Do Women Want and WHY. 1. They want to be a wild stallion who can't be tamed except for by the strongest alpha man. WHY? The more alpha you are as a woman the more alpha your guy has to be. The strongest guy is the guy you can count on to give you and your offspring the best chances for survival as well as a good chance of having strong genes. Knowing you have warded off weaker guys and attracted only the strongest guy capable of taming you creates an intense mental mindgasm. 2. They want masculinity WHY? Men were the key to her safety and protection in less civilized society and can be again if things were to devolve here due to their superior strength on average. Women want their best bet for someone CAPABLE of protecting them and their offspring. The best bet is a guy who can handle himself in society and among other guys and rise to the top or at least higher up on the pecking order. Those qualities that allow him to rise to the top are seen by women as masculinity. 3. They want ownership by one man-the fantasy underneath monogamy and true love. WHY? It's safest to raise a baby under the protection of one strong man who is very devoted to you and your offspring. Women feel this pull and longing for union with one strong man who will protect them and keep them and the baby safe. They crave deep devotion, union, and respect for this one man. This is the fantasy of "true love" that women are lured to like a moth to a flame. 4. They often crave an even darker side of ownership that veers towards objectification, control and other darker things for their femininity and beauty WHY? Bad guys can protect you just as well as the good guys. Maybe it is a trait some women inherited that allowed their ancestors to survive abusive life situations or even be attracted to these powerful strong but bad men and scenarios, like mice attracted to cats. 5. They want competition over them and for them by men. WHY? Competition allows the fittest to rise to the top and show off their traits. This display of these traits is extremely mentally satisfying for women. 6. They want aggressive, wild, intense passionate sex WHY? It's truly living, it's exciting, it's an emotional roller coaster. Also I believe women often crave a sexual "story line" to engage their brain to the maximum. When the story line mirrors these deep primal fantasies that they often have deep down it is maximally explosive for women. 7.They want deep emotional trust and vulnerability to heal deep wounds they hide This is the one societally acceptable deep female desire. Romance is based on this desire. So conveniently I believe women hide all of their fantasies usually but this one. Then men get the wrong idea thinking this is ALL women want. This one is as kinky as any of the others and they do crave it. But it is not ALL they crave. But deep vulnerability is acceptable for women to crave for whatever reason. The other darker ones are much harder to admit. WHY? I don't know. They crave being sexually healed by their one man creating an intense state of trust, vulnerability, depth, idk. Let me know if this was helpful or if this is obvious to you guys. I love your comments so much! Thank you so much for writing to me. Also you can let me know negative feedback as well and if you disagree with what is being said or are annoyed. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

N9Gd3u4pHkU | 02 Feb 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: The VORTEX is a concept that can help you understand how women experience sexual turn on and attraction. The VORTEX is acting on her whether she tells you or not. Women know it is dangerous to be swept down into the VORTEX. Women feel the pull of the vortex without letting you know they feel the pull of the vortex. Why? Because at the bottom of the vortex is a very very un pc state where very ancient primal fantasies are acting on her making her completely weak and vulnerable. So wouldn't YOU stop yourself from being drawn down into the vortex too? Sometimes women can't help it though and they're pulled down into the vortex. Sometimes you merely feel yourself being pulled, as if by a strong magnetic field, to the edge of the vortex and you dig your heels in. Men often create the vortex so why is she going to tell you to enhance the pull of the vortex when she's in danger of being pulled under? Women are often, consciously or subconsciously, scared of the vortex and for very very good reason. It's a dangerous place. Truly. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who came to the q and A with me at the Fearless Man. You made me not only feel the pull of the vortex lol, but I was so touched by how kind and accepting you were to me. I only wish I could have talked to each of you for much longer. Thank you all and thanks to The Fearless Man for having me. Comment below any thoughts, good or bad, and message me on ig at greenelover if you have any situations or questions you want my feedback on. I love to read your thoughts and learn a lot from your comments. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

ALoV656CMqQ | 26 Jan 2021
The video that changed my life: I always suspected many women desired much more physical aggression and domination in the bedroom however very few guys have the confidence or know how to do it. I recently watched a course on how to do it by a guy who has slept with 500+ women. He saw this as the most common theme amongst all the women he had slept with. Most fantasies of domination I believe have an evolutionary purpose and theme corresponding to getting to breed with and be under the protection of the strongest, smartest, best equipped man. But that doesn't mean you actually have to BE the strongest, smartest merely need to know how to take the actions he might take. And that is easy to do with a course like the one I took (review coming soon). What if you're like the opposite of a chad or whatever. Will women buy it? My answer is yes because it is a skill that is SO high in demand and so FEW chads know how to do it. Although the CHADs seem to be the men from a woman's evolutionary fantasies...they don't know how to take the actions these evolutionary alphas would have taken. That is where someone who simply has studied and learned a little about escalating physical dominance can rise to the top. If you're super nerdy you're in good company since most kinky people are nerdy. Most of the best doms I've seen are nerdy. Women will absolutely see you differently if you know how to do this. I think it would give one confidence too knowing you have a skill women crave and even pay to experience. Anyway lmk what you think. This vid was a little all over the place but I hope it's helpful. The description says it better than the video maybe. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

-INHIgXpMIY | 21 Jan 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: The brat taming fantasy is extremely common among women and something many of them crave. It's about being a strong "alpha female" and finding a guy who is stronger. It's about testing and provoking him, going head to head, power move to power move but ultimately having him best you. It's about the rush of having him best you, feeling the thrill, glow, and pride of having found a worthy "mate". Part of the brat taming fantasy is poking the bear. Sticking your fingers in the tiger cage. And having that tiger get fed up and ROARRRRR back at you. Then you giggle to yourself, enjoying the raw POWER and strength of that tiger. When you're in some strange ambiguous friendzone situation many of you guys don't realize the women is waiting for your power move. She senses your raw attractive power and she wants to see your power, your backbone, your spine. Obviously not all friendzone situations apply. Sometimes she is only ever going to see you as a friend. However what I will say is women crave this fantasy so often that learning how to be more dominant is a skill that is more valuable to them than gold. You can definitely learn these skills. They will pay for a guy with these skills. So learn these skills. I'm taking a really good class on how to do it for men that I will review for you all soon. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

PtGfJ-9ZuQw | 17 Jan 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Often times I have talked to a guy and although on the surface I am complimenting and supporting the guy, I am also secretly sensing some attitudes or beliefs he holds that I know will turn off the majority of women. I boiled down those attitudes into 5 categories that women often sense about men and are like NOPE. NOT what I'm looking for. Instead of feeling discouraged by this though, I hope you will re-evaluate and perhaps realize what women are looking for, what you have to be for the majority of them, and how they WANT you to be the man you may have been scared to be. The 5 attitudes are: 1. A FEMININE ATTITUDE YOU want to be what the WOMAN wants to be. But the woman has more clout in the dating market so she's gonna get to play the leading role whether you like it or not. The woman wants you to shower HER with attention, compliments, adoration, offerings. Not the other way around. She doesn't want to give to you. She wants to receive. If she senses you want to RECEIVE too much, she will see you as "wanting to be the girl" in the relationship. So make peace with the idea that she wants to see you wanting to be the GIVER. The father figure. The older, wiser man. And she wants to be the princess. 2. A SUBMISSIVE ATTITUDE Do you want to be submissive in the bedroom or do you want and are you intending to lead? She wants to be able to let go in bed with you. She wants you to be the guy in her fantasies. So she is gonna sense if you are wanting HER to be that for YOU. Many guys do dream of a dominant woman who is confident and can take the lead....but so do most girls. I know it is very sexy for a lot of guys to imagine something like a woman who is so overcome with lust and desire for him that she is aggressively coming on to him and telling him he is a sex god she just can't get enough of. I get it. Just know that fantasy is much more so a male fantasy than a female fantasy. It is usually a turn off for the woman, since she is the aggressor and not the receiver of the attention and focus in that scenario. So it is important for her that you be capable of leading and enjoy doing that. Man this is so huge. I see it in these women's groups all the time. The guy isn't taking the initiative, he's not making her feel desired, courted, sexy, taken. They hate that. 3. BEING TOO FEMINIST Hey. Hopefully no girls see this video. I am feminist. Feminism is incredibly important in my opinion. But a lot of girls are not ready for a feminist guy in the bedroom. Asking for consent too bluntly sometimes with a girl who is not ready to own her sexual desires can force a girl's hand and give her no choice but to save face and refuse. It can also be a turn off for girls who are fantasizing about more old school gender roles. I see guy's making this mistake a lot and NO GIRL IS EVER GONNA TELL THEM THIS cause we all see the importance of feminism!! 4. NOT GRASPING THE POWER OF HIS MASCULINITY I don't know how to explain this one that great. But you're a man. Women look up to you. I know they might not say they do, but they do. Women admire your natural gifts. Women are awed by the power of the testosterone coursing through your veins. Women crave the white hot dirtiness of your sexual desires. I get that overcoming shame can be extremely hard and tricky. But you guys have way more shame then you should. You are often hot and cool (despite having a high rejection rate or having been insulted by women), but many of you don't see that...and it's unattractive. It's the same with women I'm sure who are super unconfident and put themselves down. And you're probably like, hey you're not perfect but I think you're hot and I'd totally do you don't ruin it for me. PLEASE. 5. SUCCESS Are you a slacker or can you succeed in the real world. Women are sensing this about you. Do you have what it takes. Cause if you do, she can adore and respect you and be the adoring women she wants to be deep down. 6. REACTIVITY Are u gonna snap on her with some resentment and bitterness towards women? She is searching and sensing for your ability to be safe. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

Bc0_8Onwj_4 | 07 Jan 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: A lot of guys don't seem to understand WHY women crave dominance, WHY they want the asshole, WHY they're so into "alpha males", WHY they love Christian Grey so much, WHY they want to be "IN THEIR FEMININE", WHY they want a guy to take control, WHY they want a guy to take the lead, WHY WHY WHY. It all comes back to CHARLES DARWIN and natural selection and all that. Evolution. It doesn't matter if the guy is an asshole if the qualities that make him an asshole allow him to defend you and your children from another guy who wants to kill you and your children. It doesn't matter if a guy roughly pushes you up against the wall and you got rug burn from him grabbing your arms, as long as you realize that he is gonna be aggressive enough to strike first at another guy or predator who tries to kill you. It doesn't matter that a guy is arrogant and talks to you in a condescending way, as long as he is smart enough to help your family navigate life and ultimately survive. On a subconscious level, most women want to see PROOF that you're strong, athletic, smart, and powerful in social situations. And their fantasies about dominance are about PROOF that you have what it takes. (Also why they're into badboys, outlaws and criminal types etc) When a woman gets PROOF thru you taking the lead in the bedroom etc her deep evolutionary pleasure centers that guide her toward the right mate are lighting up like a christmas tree. WOMEN often crave a SHOW of these dark controlling characteristics. THAT is WHY they often crave these DARK fantasies that are darker than what a lot of men even have. That's why they are actually the ones searching for the most disturbing and degrading explicit materials a lot of times, as talked about in many articles on the web. SO DON't UNDERESTIMATE and don't be fooled thinking it's all butterflies and rainbows and rosepetals. It's not. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

DuobmPXxOK4 | 05 Jan 2021
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Forgive my poor interviewing skills. But the topics covered are: 1. What do you think is the biggest mistake guys make when it comes to dating? ANSWER: Don't fixate on getting the HOTTEST women. Date less attractive women so you will be getting experience in the meantime so when you're dream girl comes around you won't be so ILL PREPARED and lacking experience. No shame in dating girls who aren't 10s. (Sadly, I saw this so much at my rejection club where I had guys ask out strangers to get over their fear of rejection...many guys would focus on the 1 tiny, blond, teen looking girl and literally ignore any other women in the building due to their lack of peak attractiveness. It was as if they didn't exist! But they do exist and will often be much more easy going then a girl who can't take any more guys hitting on her and has trauma from being so attractive. That girl will take some greater skill, so build that skill anyway you can!!) 2. What can a guy do to be more attractive to women? ANSWER: maintain calm and seem in control (so important) 3. What do you think makes you so good in the bedroom? Answer: Be bold, try things, push the action, be confident, be a leader, act rather than ask without hurting anyone (a tall order) 4. Why do you think girls like you? 5. Why do you think strippers like you so much? Respect them, treat a princess like a W#$%$ and a W$%^# like a princess, don't be intimidated by them, make it sexy, 6. What is your best advice for being good in the bedroom? be the leader, be aggressive, do what you think she's gonna like and see if she actually likes it. 7. How do you think a guy can be more dominant in the bedroom? All women are different, but for most, you want to be slowly escalating things, kiss before end of the date, be bold but measured taking small steps forward. 8. How do you understand female psychology so well in the bedroom and understand their most hidden secret fantasies and mentality? Pay attention, there's no script, you have to pick up on her signals, don't have a plan 9. What would you have done differently when u were younger when it comes to sex and dating? dated around more, had less pride, you don't have to find THE ONE 10. How do you unleash the raw masculine power in the bedroom so well? 11. How do you manage to act so complimentary and flattering to women all the time? And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

AvAQWfhqqvo | 29 Dec 2020
A video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: Always get CONSENT, always NEGOTIATE what you're ok with beforehand, and ALWAYS establish a safe word before trying to play out any of these fantasies. Also please learn the difference between abuse and kink. And don't confuse the two. There are 3 common fantasies that many BUT DEFINITELY NOT ALL girls are drawn to often without even knowing it's a thing. Many girls do not take the time to research, excavate, and uncover their sexuality and unique sexual interests, but if they did they would understand why they are drawn to certain movies, tv shows, clothing items or styles, and certain behaviors they crave from men. As a guy you will often need to be the one to suggest or offer that a girl might be into something and see if she lights up or says she is into it, since girls often just passively accept what is offered to them in the bedroom. Therefore you should understand common female fantasies and kinks as deeply as possible. If she does happen to be into it and you get it, this will cause you to blow her mind and give her an experience light years beyond most guys capabilities. 3 Female Fantasies You Should Know: 1. Being a brat and being brat tamed by a brat tamer This one is about the desire to be put "in your place". The desire to provoke, push, angrily rant against and have the guy not back down, but take it totally next level and take control of the situation...often ending in being disciplined or somehow utterly one-upped. 2. CNC This one can be many things to different people and is a surprisingly common fantasy among women. I would type more here but idk if I'll get in trouble so listen in the video. 3. DDLG This one is about the desire for a pure unconditional strong nurturing kind of love that may have been lost as we age. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

yx0Cz1InEPk | 22 Dec 2020
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: TEST 1: The opening message Don't send something too long = desperate Don't send something too short = not serious, not worth it A couple sentences only is best. Mention and ask about a specific thing you noticed about her or her profile, and succinctly compliment her is a foolproof method. TEST 2: Does the conversation go on too long without you setting up the date? Girls don't wanna talk forever contrary to popular belief... they want u to take charge and set up a date. TEST 3: Do you take the initiative to completely plan the time and place for the date? Girls are watching for this. TEST 4. Is your outfit current, cool and fashionable enough? Don't underestimate how much of an effect this has on girls because they are not going to be embarrassed to show you off to their friends. TEST 5: Is the guy rude to the waiter? Oldest dating advice in the book for girls and every girl knows this is the #1 way to assess a guy lol. TEST 6: Do you exude calm, assertive "Leader" energy? Do what you have to do to improve your calm, confident vibes however you can. You want to appear someone who is capable of handling and getting it done. Call it dominance, call it confidence, call it "masculine energy", just try to be aware of it and improve it if you can. TEST 7. Is he asking questions about me or going on about himself? You are trying to impress her, but to impress her ask her questions about herself. TEST 8: Is the date boring small talk or can you get into deep discussions and open up emotionally? TEST 9. Do you pay the bill? She notices if you pay the bill. TEST 10. Do you at least try to kiss her? You should always at least try even if it's awkward and not the right moment. The attempt will earn points, and no attempt will lose points and make you appear more wimpy. TEST 11. Is the kiss good? Try to improve your kissing skills as much as possible. TEST 12. Do you make a move to try to take things to the next level? For example, do you ask her to come to your place in a non pushy way like saying, "do you want to come hang out and check out {that thing I mentioned?} We can talk and drink tea or whatever you want to do. I'd just like to keep talking to you." This gives her a convenient excuse to accept your invitation. TEST 13: How big is it? Can be very important to some girls. Not so important to others. TEST 14: Is he slow, sensual and in the moment in bed or is he pushing and acting desperate for sex? TEST 15. Is he interested in me or just sex? This one is so obvious to girls that I never thought to mention it, but girls are always evaluating you on this one. ALWAYS. Slip in compliments about who she is as a person if you are interested in her for more than just sex. This is why a girl will get very annoyed sometimes if you just compliment her body or looks. She wants you to compliment her personality and see into who she is on a much deeper level than that. Hopefully this one is obvious to you all. TEST 16: Does he respect your desire to not go any further? SO crucial to give off safe, respectful and supportive vibes so that she actually feels safe enough to go further. This one is often a true test as to how safe and respectful you are to trust enough to have sex with. TEST 17. Does he text the next day? She is waiting for you to text her. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

OpY9yLgG-08 | 15 Dec 2020
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: 1. the pure enthusiasm for the female body 2. the lack of judgement and acceptance about the female form 3. the way they become entranced like a moth to a flame 4. the natural way they issue orders and commands 5. the thrill and danger of your anger and coldness 6. the raw primal dirtiness of your sexual interests and kinks 7. the complementary fantasies that fit like a lid to a pot 8. the strength of men and their ability to contain, protect, defend, fight, like the magnetic draw of a wild stallion 9. Seeing that strength be harnessed and devoted all for you 10. Male culture and the exotic otherness of it 11. Your athleticism and physical talents 12. The biological sexual chemistry that has nothing to do with looks 13. The magic made when you touch a woman 14. Their ability to nurture, heal and create ultimate bliss for a woman What do you think? What are your thoughts? I would love to know. I respond to every comment. If not, I apologize I've missed yours, I ask you give me another chance by commenting again. Apologies for long windedness and lack of clarity--figured it was better to post it not perfect. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

iWf7UEmaLis | 09 Dec 2020
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: It's wild but I've been on over 250 dates when I was dating in NYC. Tracked it all on a spreadsheet so I can prove it. When I think of valuable advice I'd offer for guys this is what comes to mind. I hope the video might be of use to someone who finds it. LMK your thoughts good or bad as I'd love to hear it either way. You can also just read the tips down below if the vid is too long or watch me in double speed. Tip # 1: GO SLOWER It's so important to go slow. Don't be that guy who is always rushing the foreplay, rushing through actually feeling the skin beneath your fingertips, and RELISHING the moment. It is so attractive when a guy really knows how to savor the make-out and doesn't impatiently hurry you along to the finish line. Tip #2: START WITH "NON SEXUAL" BODY PARTS AND BUILD UP hands, fingers, neck, back, sides, waist, stomach, legs, hair, face--all extremely important and overlooked areas where you should begin and build up to the main attraction. Slow burn style. Never 0-100, but 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90... Tip # 3: FOREPLAY IS EVERYTHING Everything will feel better for the woman with foreplay. Everything is activated, alive and fully warmed up. It will feel better, in fact, the best it can feel this way. Don't skip to the finish line. TIP #4: DONT USE LUBE If your using lube she isn’t ready yet. Go back to more foreplay. Look into getting to get some good ideas for what girls like for foreplay. TIP # 5: TELL HER YOU UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPT HER BODY During foreplay and beyond, be continuously reassuring her that she is hot, sexy, beautiful and even throw in once if you want, that u "love and unconditionally accept every part of her body" or something to that effect. Do you know how insecure girls are about their bodies? Let me know in comments below. This can do wonders to help her relax, let go, and enjoy it much more than she would have had you said nothing. TIP # 5: ASK WHAT SHE'S INTO While making out, ask what she is into. A lot of girls will say I don't know! But if she does know, you will give her the opportunity to coach you into what she has been dreaming about. Follow her lead there, do what she asks and the sex will level up guaranteed in her mind. Share a little about what you're into as well to help her open up. Vulnerability for Vulnerability. Tip # 6: KNOW THE MOST IMPORTANT AREA and WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO GIRLS I know it's hard, but learn where the clit is. Also make sure she orgasms. And don't assume she can orgasm without direct stimulation on this all important area. Also don't assume she will do it in your presence without your reassurance and encouragement. TIP # 7: GIVE HER THE GIFT OF YOUR GENEROSITY She has faced a lot of societal prejudices, fears for her own safety, and let you into her life in the most intimate and vulnerable way. Be a generous, giving gentleman and don't expect reciprocation. She may not feel comfortable giving it yet, testing how much you will invest first and how well you will treat her. For me, it was truly unforgivable if the guy was not respectful and generous in the first encounter. So many are though. The service provided does not go unnoticed and unappreciated. TIP # 8: MAINTAIN CALM AND RESPECT EVEN WHEN REBUFFED Worst thing you can do is get upset, triggered, or be reactive when she says she doesn't want to go further. Yes it may be a test to see how willing you are to respect her boundaries. Back off, go down a level in intensity, don't get upset and she may, respecting your attitude and safety you provided her with, become more in the mood later in the night. If not bow out respectfully and follow up the next day and try to see her again! TIP #9: MAINTAIN CONNECTION AFTER SEX AND DO AFTERCARE She will remember you if you do this, absolutely. TIP # 10: TEXT HER THE NEXT DAY AND STAY COMPLIMENTARY AND FRIENDLY EVEN IF YOU DON'T SEE HER AGAIN Connections, friends, networks are everything in life. You shared something special. Be kind, reassuring, appreciative, and friendly after no matter what happens and she will always think of you fondly forever. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

1EuS9irQSyU | 03 Dec 2020
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: It is strange how girls say they want one thing, but crave something else in the bedroom, right? The same girl who is posting about feminism may be fantasizing about something opposite in the bedroom? How can this be??? Are we massive hypocrites? NO!!! Two brains with their own reasons and rules co-exist in our minds at the same time. I call it: NORMAL BRAIN and SEX BRAIN One is for the modern world in which EQUALITY is absolutely NECESSARY and LONG OVER DUE! The other is for the bedroom where evolutionary logic dominates and a completely separate rationale of TABOO PRIMAL FANTASIES that have nothing to do with equality take over. Picture these two brains existing on two sides of a wheel that can be spun. When the wheel is spun, triggered by dominant behaviors, NEW RULES APPLY. I do experience this wheel spinning between the two brains exactly as I described. I hope this helps you and thank you for watching. (My apologies at posting another horribly synced video I think the problem will be fixed) Please comment down below! And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

Cz2l5NLxvn8 | 02 Dec 2020
The video that changed my life: Books I think everyone should read: I tell you this because I want you to be at least CONSIDERED as a sexual candidate. I DO NOT want you to get rejected outright without even a chance in hell: Most women, especially when they're young, only know how to have a submissive sexual experience. Therefore she is ONLY able to accept a guy who can provide a passable dominant vibe. It is IMPOSSIBLE for her to fathom having sex with a guy who is not exhibiting enough dominant behaviors cause she wouldn't even know how to do it. Most young women sadly do not have the sexual confidence to take and get what THEY need from sex. Sadly many women do not even know how to orgasm nor do they feel it is necessary to do so during sex. It is a well accepted fact that many many women FAKE orgasms because they feel the pressure is SO HUGE to please the guy. Women are very rarely comfortable demanding what they deserve, admitting what they like or even KNOWING what they like sexually. Therefore women are looking for what they know. They have been raised and possibly primed, evolutionarily speaking, to look for a strong, dominant guy. In fact, they're looking for the strongest, best, most dominant evolutionarily speaking guy they can get. BUT YOU WILL DO. IF and only IF, you exhibit a passable level of dominant behavior. You do NOT need to be BORN some sort of confident sex god. OFTEN you merely need to be good enough, passably dominant, so that she can even CONSIDER having sex with you when she feels in the mood for a hookup. Make sure to hit the points in this checklist when going out with a girl: 1. You should initiate all initial messages and further the conversation with questions 2. You should suggest and put forward a specific place, time and date for the date 3. You should ask her questions on the date rather than talking about yourself too much to impress her 4. You should compliment her frequently on the date 5. You should direct the date and ideally take her to a different places on the date 6. You should guide her there by holding her hand and leading her there 7. You should pay to put her in a 1950s state of mind 8. You should physically escalate instead of kissing her at the end with no build up Always 0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 rather than 0-100 REAL QUICK 9. You should ask her to come back to your place with a convenient hang out excuse (and be ok with just hanging out if that's what she wants) 10. At your place you should initiate the makeout 11. You should text her saying the date went well and take 100% responsibility for initiating the the next date Please tell me any thoughts you have in the comments. I love to read the comments. I respond to all unless I miss one. Then just comment again please and let me know I haven't responded yet. I hope this helps you. (I apologize for syncing being horribly off in this video. I will film with my phone from now on) And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

rFpWNmbP3ik | 26 Nov 2020
The video that changed my life: Dominance. Men totally underestimate how important this is to women. Most men do not seem to realize how this is first and foremost in women's minds and a HUGE part of how and why men are attractive to women. Men are on to it for sure, but even so they are still glossing over how important it really is to women. Women are assessing men for dominance all the time. Women have a primal software which does this for them. I would never chose to do this because I find it judgmental, but I simply DO do this by instinct. If you project enough of this quality, you will be considered as a sexual candidate. If not you will be instantly disqualified. I say this so men can realize that it is ok to bring this part of themselves out more than they allow themselves to. Most women are expecting a guy to take the lead totally. The more the guy takes the lead the more attractive he will probably be to a girl because women are secretly fantasizing about dominant guys. Even guys who are dominant, women are often wishing they would step up even more and be more so. This is due to a primal software as I mentioned developed through thousands of years of evolution where women who were the best at picking the strongest mates had offspring that were most likely to survive. So now we all are very good at assessing this. This is not something intrinsic that you either have or you don't though. A guy can very quickly become a sexual candidate simply by acting more dominant, confident and assertive. Let me know what you think. please give me any feedback negative or positive and I will listen to the negative as well as the positive. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

q8JZBxOa7To | 01 Feb 2020
Sorry if I didn't explain this too great in the video but here is the point below: Women are taught to fear their sexuality, especially if it is "overactive". On the one hand there is a lot of sexual content in advertising, movies, magazines etc but it is almost always in the vein of a traditional old world sexuality where women are passive, feminine and appeasing of men who are successful, strong, confident and protective. Almost no women in control of their own sexual destiny who are proudly sex positive and proud to enjoy sex are shown. In fact, this is basically illegal on sites like instagram and facebook. Many men and women, raised with traditional values, shame and instill fear in the minds of women that being overtly sexual is a sign of "daddy issues" or a sign of abuse or trauma, attention-whoring or some other reason other than natural desire. Women are encouraged to be chaste and settle down, not explore their sexual privilege and freedom. This creates depression in women because they cling to unavailable guys, not wanting or knowing how to embrace sexual freedom fully. They are lonely when they don't have to be. Heartbroken when they need not be. They don't know how to get their needs met without a traditional relationship.

qQOzMB27IeI | 24 Jan 2020
OMG how AWFUL is the comment section on Humans of NY. It really shows you just how awfully people miss the mark when trying to understand people with Social Anxiety. Guys, the sad truth is most people are not really that capable of understanding the experience of someone with social anxiety, let alone giving them advice. PLEASE IGNORE everyone's "helpful" comments and please understand most people WONT as much as they try GET YOU. Just let their words roll off your backs knowing that they have no f-ing clue what they're talking about, and are just trying to be helpful even though it's backfiring all over the place. Here is a link to the original HONY post: And Marni Penner is the social anxiety coach I mentioned. Check her out on FB:

LL8PiJpo07A | 22 Jan 2020
People ask me my opinion of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I have got 1000s of pages of it in this video to prove that I've tried it. Rereading my negative thoughts I can see where I was hung up and the ultimate solutions. I can also laugh at how lame my attempts to solve them were. First thought: I am not a high energy, fun, lighthearted life of the party person My solution then: I am fun sometimes though My solution now: I'm NOT that type of person at ALL!!!! 2cnd thought: I'm unattractive and no boys like me My solution then: I am probably attractive to some people and I should brush my hair and then I will be My solution now: Guys are hardcore desperate and ALL women are in high demand for casual encounters and connection My third thought: I'll probably be single for years My solution then: I can't tell the future. Why are you so negative? My solution now: I WAS single for years and being single doesn't mean you can't have constant men in your life and get all your needs and desires fulfilled. Toxic Monogamy is BS.

5FToCRrvgYo | 25 Jun 2019
You ignore someone and they get louder, bolder, meaner, grumpier. Anything to get through to you. Plus they're cranky from being ignored. We REFUSE to drop our ideals. Refuse to see ourselves as less than perfect. And our inner critic is sick of the nonsense. Just like in a fight, you have to look for the point someone is trying to express underneath the over-exagerated dramatic and colorful way they are probably expressing themselves. They're trying to hammer home their point with a flourish. I know I have a flair for the dramatic in a fight. Look beyond that to see the POINT at the heart of it all. When you do, by some law of nature the other person no longer needs to express themselves so defensively and can simply point out a fact. Your critic will calm down and be your ally rather than your attacker when you are able to acknowledge that you're ugly=today something is off with your appearance you're stupid =you made a careless error no one likes you =you probably have made a social gaffe you're a failure =you failed. try a different approach. Practice finding the truth in your criticisms instead of combatting your negative thoughts and endlessly reaching for "positivity". I learned all this from Dr. David Burns author of Feeling Good and his The Feeling Good Podcast His book on amazon (it's a lifesaver):

9LH2RPNqEww | 22 Jun 2019
Try using "the acceptance paradox" on your "haters" or are they really your toughest, realest fans unafraid to point out your flaws? I do not always do this, but sometimes I give it a go, and am usually quite gobsmacked by the results. When people expect a fight, and you give them understanding and acceptance instead, the returns are usually ten fold. In this video, I annoyingly read my entire comment exchange. That was kind of annoying but oh well.

9BZXsIBfWaY | 17 Jun 2019
Or why your inner critic is a WISE GURU sent to help you from beyond. Self love and self esteem are a trap you will waste years of your life trying to achieve. All it does is simply try to build armor around an idealized version of yourself....a perfect flawless "I am a good person!" mini god or goddess. Self help gurus will spend years trying to get you to change the core idea "I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH". Tony Robbins tells this to his followers all the time, that they believe they're not good enough and this is the belief they have to change. I AM GOOD ENOUGH! Somehow they will hammer this idea in to your head. Even though none of the techniques are that effective tbh. I have tried. Years later you will still keep having negative thoughts. Still keep beating yourself up. Your inner critic will fight you your whole life... NEWSFLASH: your inner critic is trying to tell you something important. You DO make mistakes. you do SUCK sometimes. Sometimes you AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH to meet your ideals of perfection. Welcome to REALITY. Welcome to honesty. Welcome to life as we actually are not as we want to be. Welcome to your life. Your inner critic has been trying to get you to accept reality for a long time. It is ok to not be an ideal made up King Arthur version of a human being. It's ok to be flawed. Cause if you can acknowledge this, you can make amends. And relax. FREE from the pressures of this made up reality. Face your dark side. Listen to the devil on your shoulder and become a better person. That is the paradox of "the acceptance paradox". I learned all this from the amazing guru dr burns who came up with the acceptance paradox. Listen to his podcast the feeling good podcast and read all his books like me. But only by doing the exercises in the books will you truly grasp the concepts.

LVWql5nouII | 15 Jun 2019
I've finally broken through to the next level in defeating my most harsh and critical self criticisms. For months now I have been practicing finding the "grain" of truth in my self criticisms and trying to accept my flaws, failures, failings, and weaknesses. One day I had a breakthrough that there wasn't just a grain but a whole mountain of truth, as Dr. Burns, author of Feeling Good, who invented this technique has often expressed. Not only are the criticisms kinda sorta true in a way but tbh, radically honest expressions of factual observations I have observed about myself. For example: you're fat = it is literally so hard for me to lose weight you're ugly= sometimes I look terrible compared to others! you're a failure = I literally failed multiple times at things that were important to me you're not succesful= by a lot of people I admire's standards, I'm NOT!!!! You're rude = sometimes I'm a total bitch and kindness flies out the window And so on. Some still sting a little. Like you're awkward, boring...but I remind myself that if I observed this about myself then I must be referring to something I noticed and to take a closer look! There is nothing shameful about accepting the facts! Reality is all we've got and let's pick up and work from there. This technique is stunningly powerful. Do you know how many people commit suicide cause they can't accept they've failed? It's important to learn how to accept reality. This entire technique I learned from Dr. Burns of the Feeling Good Podcast. It is described in his books too.

iMtT0TsjqyE | 13 Jun 2019
1. Bret Contreras @bretcontreras1 on ig 2. Ren Hurst @rendermewild on ig 3. David Burns 4. Marni Penner, social anxiety coach Marni Penner on fb her fb group: 5. Gretchen Rubin 6. Sheila Kelley Follow her on Fb for the best content or @sheilakelleys on ig 7. Travel photographers on instagram I just picked one I follow randomly who is awesome @kayvanhuisseling 8. Special Books for Special Kids youtube channel 9. Daniel Mackler video I was talking about: 10. Jonna Jinton

VuYBlXwXrVA | 10 Jun 2019
The video that changed my life: If you get rejected you may really beat yourself up thinking you must be either ugly, unconfident, defective etc... But there's a lot of reasons you might not think about that could cause a woman to reject you which are for more likely. Read below to understand the female mind and WHY they think like this: 1. You have no idea how terrifying the thought of a simple date or meeting alone with a man is on a subconscious level. Most women have a collective unconscious style deep fear of men that must be overcome when accepting a simple date. They might reject you cause they are not brave enough at the time to risk a meeting. 2. IF you get her number but she doesn't call you back, see above. She probably gave u the # in a moment of bravery or fear of rejecting you in the moment, but is too scared to consider going through with it. She may repress this fear into "she's not interested" but there is a deep underlying fear of meeting new people and fear of violent men preying on her for sex only. 3. She feels pressure to date "eye candy" to impress her friends. A lot of girls won't even consider a guy if he isn't "eye candy" because she is not secure enough to assert her own preferences and stand up to judgmental peers she associates with. Sad but true. 4. You didn't actually ASK for her number. You just had a conversation and then when you didn't get strong enough signals from her you just left without asking. Terrible idea. Always ask. Don't wait for her to flirt cause not all girls want to be the aggressor and will act as passive as possible. 5. You need to work on your style cause your clothes are not making you appear cool enough 6. You come across as too "suave" which makes her think you are an amateur who needed to "study" to talk to women. Always better to just genuinely talk and ask her rather than using any lines or trying to appear more confident than you are. 7. You got her number, but then just messaged with her, and didn't actually ask her out. 8. You're shorter than her and she feels extremely insecure about not "being the girl" and she feels fat and like you won't see her as "feminine". And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

6tZOuKHTzi0 | 09 Jun 2019
Ok I actually did a better job in the description below of defeating these thoughts but I did a good attempt in the video too. After I made the video I got more of a grasp on how to truly knock them out of the water. Towards the end of the video I get better at responding. It can be hard to really respond to the spirit of the insult with the truth at the core of it, and not get defensive. I notice that the harsh criticisms are the ways I resist accepting my true self underneath it all, like I truly *am* somewhat lazy and that's a beautiful quality about myself because I am somewhat of a romantic poet type who loves just EXPERIENCING life not producing meaningless things or achieving some arbitrary goal. Yet I critique myself saying "don't you think you should be someone a bit other than who you are?" and sometimes I should. But I should also ACCEPT this hated quality in myself so that I can more calmly get on with the changes I need to make rather than having pent up shame, anger and hatred thrown at myself. My criticisms of myself are as follows and I will do a brief self acceptance below: 1. I'm ugly Truth: sometimes I don't look all that beautiful yeah 2. you're fat Truth: I've never been skinny 3. you've never had a real job Truth: yup 4. you're too scared to follow your dreams Truth: petrified at times to follow them 5. you're selfish Truth: I can be overly self absorbed and not interested enough in others which makes it hard to make friends 6. you're too masculine and not feminine enough to be attractive to most men Truth: I am more masculine than the average girl and I have to accept that about myself 7. you're lazy Truth: I am so much more lazy than the average person. I LOVE to do nothing. 8. You waste your life in a room Truth: I NEED to get out more, i agree 9. You're a sex addict freak Truth: I'm a sex geek 10. No one will ever love you for you Truth: this is one of my biggest fears and desires

W0eMXrf2T-Y | 07 Jun 2019
10 WAYS the KINK COMMUNITY is light years more advanced than the ignorant vanilla world 1. Smarter people Kink is for people who like to think about sex and explore the deeper themes and patterns that arise within them. You would be amazed at how many thoughtful people are part of the community. If you want a smart person, it is a great pool to search in. Forget tinder. (lol I met my bf on tinder tho). 2. Highly advanced understanding of consent and communication for optimal outcomes. Would solve a lot of issues and end many unwanted sexual experiences if vanilla people adopted their ways. 3. People with inspiring self knowledge of who they authentically are They've got themselves understood to a T. More than most vanilla people can say who never seem to know what they're into and what will get them the results they crave in the bedroom 4. It is a sex positive paradise where "sluts" or female sexuality is celebrated and encouraged Compare that to the horrible state of affairs in most of the world where women are non consensually controlled and harmed for embracing a basic natural impulse. 5. People are brave Brave enough to own the darkest and most shamed parts of themselves. Takes guts. 6. People are not as concerned as much with looks and see the beauty of a deeper mental and energetic connection even if looks are conventionally substandard. There is a lot of size acceptance and people able to look beyond the surface. 7. Far more diversity of different kinds of people and different kinds of interests Makes the world a more interesting place. truly. 8. Guys are shockingly respectful for the most part 9. Fascinating philosophies about relationship style 10. People are actually living out their dreams and fantasies. fuck yea.

s_xRCLmKG-g | 06 Jun 2019
The video that changed my life: 1. Sticks up for himself or me in front of other guys 2. is physically aggressive with me in a playful way (sorry that was kinda unclear in the vid. Don't take this one as advice cause you have to know for sure the other person is into it or it is wrong and immoral) 3. Leaves me to go do work 4. Shows me his private interests 5. enters into the male lust trance 6. Takes the lead in or takes care of a group Please comment any examples you have for things you find inexplicably attractive in women or men below, I would love to hear them.

gMl0Ze22rDA | 03 Jun 2019
The video that changed my life: This may be the most revealing video I have ever made. I didn't want to share this secret of the female mind but thought I should. I may have to make another more concise video on it but I will summarize my point below: Just like heterosexual men see women differently than hetero women see women.... WOMEN see men differently than men could ever see themselves. It's just a lot of women won't tell men that they sense the fundamental core male energy that all men possess. Yes ALL men. I see it in literally any guy simmering under the surface. I guess sense it would be a better word as it is, as much as I hate that word, an energy, that affects the body. SO this energy is simmering in men all the time but most men do not bring it out. You could go through a whole date with a girl with her sensing it simmering under the surface but you don't bring it out, and she rejects you. Does that mean you were unattractive or that the fact that you didn't bring it out was unattractive? It's the latter. What is this energy? Well I know it's there but if I had to put words to it it's the power of knowing that 1. It's a real live man 2. He's somewhat fundamentally unknowable and mysterious in his man desires and point of view 3. He's got desire for women 4. And lighter fluid in the form of excess testosterone and physical strength and wild physicality 5. That he has like raw emotional intensity and strength just from being a larger, almost more wild rough version of a woman All that is sitting there in check. Like I said you could get laughed at and rejected and the girl still knows all of that is inside you, subconsciously. She knows if you knew how to tap into it you could bring it out at any time. But you don't so you won't. So she can sleep easy. Ways you can bring it out are through raw honesty about what you feel and want. Not watered down the slightest amount. In the excellent book Mode One by Alan Roger Currie that describes something similar, he says if guys took a truth serum and had to say what was ACTUALLY?? on their minds they would be suddenly much more attractive to women. They would be bringing out their RAW actually PRIMAL desires, and that is what women find attractive not your trying to impress her and flatter her. Women want to have the experience of a real live wildcard of a man...not a tame house cat that they can manipulate and control. (no house cats were manipulated in the writing of this description) I could reject a guy for not bringing more of this out (It's like something feels off to me and I'm NOT getting the energy I need from him so I have no choice but to reject him--is what it feels like) and still know he has it simmering under the surface. In fact, i'd be keeping him around, hoping he somehow wises up and brings it out one day, and when he does I would reconsider. But I AM NOT going to hand him the keys to the kingdom. Subconsciously I feel HE needs to be man enough to find it in himself or I'll find someone else who will. Every man has this quality. It can not be taken away from him. Maybe you understand what I mean if you're a guy and you understand that ALL women have something essentially feminine about them and it is always attractive no matter what. I hope you understand my meaning in this video and if you feel me, please comment down below! And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

37EQcCFEr58 | 02 Jun 2019
Women see fake boobs and boobs in bras and convince themselves PERKINESS is the only right way to have breasts. They have never seen a wide variety of real boobs so they can convince themselves theirs are grossly malformed and bizarrely shaped. Add to that that women get the message that female sexuality is so shameful it can be hard to see their own breasts in a positive light. Women have even started a hashtag #saggyboobsmatter to embrace non perkiness. That shows how much they fear non perkiness, when non perkiness is still mindblowingly attractive to infinite numbers of men. If all women were strippers, they would have the chance to expose themselves to their body insecurity fears and find that an endless stream of men find their bodies attractive no matter how unattractive they deem themselves. However female bodies are shrouded in secrecy for the most part and women never get the chance to establish a view of the spectrum of shapes and sizes and realize they are normal. As a guy, you may not be aware of the depth of insecurity a lot of women hold about a body part most men find to be mind blowingly attractive. I hope you find this female perspective somewhat enlightening.

71ytfUTiSCU | 01 Jun 2019
The video that changed my life: My point in this video is that a lot of women want a certain kind of submissive sexual experience and they go looking for it in all the wrong places. Some women cannot face the dark side of sexuality and get into tantra and sacred sexuality where they yearn to be "ravished" by the divine masculine who "holds space" for their experience of the divine feminine. They feel making it "sacred" makes it a valid desire since spirituality isn't dirty, shameful and wrong. My only problem with this is it really overcomplicates the matter for men getting really convoluted advice from these spiritual teachers about how to "become consciousness" and "hold space" and "bring a woman into her feminine". This is really fancy words for the same old strong dominant male lead type that can be seen in every woman's romance novel. It goes back to animal mating behavior: the woman wants the strongest possible guy she can get, whether that be in intelligence, physical strength or social skills so that she can pass on the strongest genes to her offspring. A lot of that psychology is at play during romance. Even if a guy let's say uses a wheelchair due to a genetic disease, he could still have extremely strong social skills or "confidence". He would still be extremely attractive to women (Check out the youtube of squirmy and grubs). A guy might be emotionally mature and this could be an attractive strength as well. Definitely is for me. But yeah, many women crave this experience of being overpowered by masculine strength. Yet they don't know how to get it in a safe and controlled way. Like how they do it in the kink community with negotiation and consent. Or even straight up asking a guy for it. Instead of speaking up about their desire, women try to bait a guy to instinctually do it by acting as "feminine" and passive as possible. This is the basis of a lot of dating advice for women. A lot of women think they have to be submissive in their whole life to experience something they could have only in the bedroom. Conservative traditional anti feminist women come to mind. They could have both but they don't know that. (Some want it 24/7 but that is a small minority). Anyway, guys should watch out for this in dating and take into account this may be an experience a woman is looking for but hasn't been able to see it clearly herself. Everyone is different, but as a guy you should start a discussion about it and you might be surprised to find she is more into it than you thought. Never assume, but awareness that this is something she is into could be key.

Vg-DDWIhSeg | 31 May 2019
I feel it is important to adopt the attitude of being open about one's flaws, weaknesses, inadequacies and failures. I think I am prone to perfectionism, which quickly creates depression and anxiety where we think we're a failure for not measuring up to how we're SUPPOSED to be. My instinct is to feel I have to appear strong, flawless, invulnerable, competent, emotionally secure, brave, high achieving and other things like that. I quickly will trap myself with feeling shame over high standards I can never meet. Plus the ironic thing is it's obvious vulnerability and humility, at least to me, are at least ten times more powerful. Admitting our flaws and weaknesses is also important to be able to take criticism. How can we accept that we messed up somehow if we think it is shameful and awful to mess up. I have seen people be unable to accept their mistakes and blame it on other people, instead of taking personal responsibility. I do not want to live my life like that!! Therefore I must practice humility and practice accepting my many shame producing inadequacies. My tendency to freeze under pressure, my total lack of skill at extemporaneous speaking, my extreme shyness and inability to participate in class. LOL. It's true. What is something you are embarrassed about but can openly admit is a shameful inadequacy? I would love to hear it myself. my ig: greenelover my vegan blog my old personal blog

ECqP0kyIJyU | 30 May 2019
I am trying to do more quick vids of 5 min or less that "create value" for anyone who happens upon it. I want to make sure people get something actually helpful from watching my video. So here is a tip I have found extremely helpful for myself creating massive benefits in my life. So I thought I would share. I will summarize down below: 1. If you don't know what you're into, not only do you not understand a giant chunk of yourself, but you are missing out on CRUCIAL information that could bring extreme fun, depth and euphoria into your life. 2. My best tips are to start reading some of the amateur stories on literotica and see what you're into. Just google that. My next tip is to get an account on fetlife and figure out what fetishes you are into by browsing or looking at one's people have on their profiles. Certain ones will resonate and put a name to a feeling you may have had for years. Look into the corresponding groups on the site to research and learn more. Once you know what you're into at this level, you are already ahead of 99% of the population in terms of sexual self knowledge. Keep honing and keep fine tuning for massive self knowledge that you will soon be able to put into action to create your

HUi4aPRx1No | 11 Mar 2019
The video that changed my life: Men: realize that women are thinking about dates and relationships very different than you are. Women: It is imperative that you realize that men are thinking of dating ENTIRELY differently than you assume according to your experience of dating. REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES. ok I just wanted to write that. But as I was saying REALIZE that men do not have a vision usually for a union of souls that will be found on date 1 as soon as he senses your unique beauty mind body and soul with sexual activity only bringing you closer together and cementing the bond. NO. Men's goal is to have sex for once in their f ing life pretty much. Therefore after the goal has been achieved they are off to celebrate their heroic feat. Therefore women do not assume you turned him off with your lackluster performance or that you proved your low value by acting like a common tramp. You had different goals all along which you were blind to. WOMEN: WIZE UP and reaLIZE that you should only have sex for your own pleasure, fun and enjoyment. NEVER use it as a bargaining chip to lock down a man cause he probably was never playing your game to begin with. ThOUGHTS? Please comment down below with insights into the male mind. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

JqSe37zbo8M | 28 Jan 2019
1. Not knowing their Right to finish too 2. Not knowing how to DIY 3. Not knowing what their fantasies are 4. Not communicating or talking during the act 5. Not initiating 6. Being on birth control Book mentioned is Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Wechsler

kIwyFNMM9Iw | 23 Jan 2019
#whyimstillvegan If you want to learn about veganism Check out Unparalleled Suffering on Facebook Toronto Pig Save on instagram and youtube Gary Yourofsky's interviews with israeli tv Earthling Ed James Aspey George Martin on Fb They're all awesome! Oh yeah and read Gary Yourofsky's essay's on his website. And you can rant at me on my ig: greenelover

CPOZc5IR-gQ | 12 Jan 2019
Yeah it *IS* ok to NEED a man. Just not a particular man. YEAH, you should have casual sex if you want to. Otherwise you end up putting all your eggs in one fuckboi basket and complaining about him to your friends. As opposed to picking 1 from the billions remaining outside your doorstep to pick up his slack. Yea, some guys are gonna say OH i could NEVER take HER home to my mother. But those guys are frickin lame any way and are gonna screw you over if you want to have an exciting sex life once you're married with their conservative and shaming views on women's sexuality. Needing a guy is natural and you don't have to work to be completely NEED-less with ZERO affection or intimacy in your life. You just have to be ok with not getting it from the safety of a long term relationship. YES you need to feel safe enough via a network of men. Not just ONE fwb who can't understand why you as a woman, with billions of men, at your finger tips are fixated on a loser like him. You must be crazy. Or desperate. And you are desperate. But it's not your fault.

PP6j1YBc1RA | 06 Jan 2019
Read description below: Ok this will definitely have to be part 1 of 2 cause I thought of a couple other super embarrassing things to share after I made the vid. If I was not clear about the topic of this video let me be a LOT MORE CLEAR: Gary Vee made a vid on amazon my friend tagged me in saying "Your secret is your poison", meaning if you have something your insecure and ashamed about, the moment you "speak shame" and talk about it, that is the moment you will cease to be ashamed about it. my shames discussed in the video are: 1. my shame about my lack of a real job and shame about $ 2. my shame about my hyper sexuality 3. shame about my social anxiety 4. shame about my depression and sharing my negative feelings 5. shame about dad seeming to not think I was good enough 6. shame about wanting to be a stripper 7. shame about feeling to fat to be the above and being rejected for being too fat (shout out to my haters!!!)

1Ej4IJKPQQU | 23 Dec 2018
When I looked back at my notebooks of cognitive behavioral therapy homework I did to recover from my crippling depression I had for much of my life, I saw a theme in the problems that really made me hopeless. They were problems about relationships--thinking I'd never find one. I gradually untangled, unraveled and solved this issue throughout the years to the point where looking back on this issue that seemed so life or death to me at the time, I now see my incredible naivetee and ignorance. I realize now that I didn't need a relationship what I needed was intimacy, sex, affection and all these things could be procured without a relationship. I needed to explore and understand my sexuality, which was a HUGE PIECE OF ME that I figured must be completely locked away forever UNLESS I was in a relationship. I did NOT have the confidence to find one night stands or explore my sexuality outside of a relationship. I thought I needed a relationship to have any of those things. And since finding a soulmate relationship is difficult, I did not feel I could have any of those things until I found a relationship, which deprived me of human intimacy needs, causing me to feel hopeless. For some people, these needs could be solved by friends or celibate dating, but my sexuality, though repressed, was very strong and needed an outlet. Eventually my subconscious solved my depression for me by compelling me to become a stripper, which made zero sense to me at the time, but kept eating away at me until I listened. Once I got the jump I felt my depression literally physically melt away and my depression never returned. Researching sexuality now, I see how deep of a subject it is and how many of my psychological needs LIVE there. To repress it was dangerous territory and I even contemplated suicide a couple of times when I was depressed. Many people gave me advice which did not apply to me because they themselves did NOT have the same need to explore their sexuality. So for them our repressive society that shames sexuality works great and they could not see the true root of my depression and give me the advice which could have cured me. That advice would have been: be a slut, do whatever you want. And an explanation of how to do it. my ig: greenelover my vegan blog: my old blog:

9O861v028DU | 25 Sep 2018
Do ethical vegans remember or are perhaps gifted with the genetic ability to speak an ancient primal language that animals also speak....Do they understand the message in the eyes, in body language and movement, in perhaps "energy", in a way that non vegan simply do not have the ability to understand? Is that why when they look at animals they have the ability to grasp that animals are just like themselves whereas others remain speciesist, insisting that other creatures who have fur, feathers or scales and don't look like us have no intrinsic value other and should be available for our use and enslavement??

uFzZPB_WIT0 | 15 Sep 2018
The video that changed my life: A girl will decide if you are IN or OUT pretty quickly on a date. In other words, she will know by the vibe and energy you are giving off whether or not she sees you as a sexual candidate. A good way to make sure she sees you as a candidate is to give off subtle signs of assertiveness, confidence which I basically see as a preliminary form of "domming" her. There are tons of different ways you can do this but I just gave 6 random examples. They are as follows: 1. Call her by a pet name but in a joking way. Obviously it is a little early to be calling someone baby, sweetheart, etc... and it would probably be perceived as quite irritating and obnoxious by many, but if you do it in a joking way, you can get away with it, while also getting away with calling her a name like that which is a total dom move and it should have some effect whether she likes it or not. 2. Express anger (not at her) but at something you're talking about If she sees you're not afraid to go full throttle and unleash your emotions, she will be impressed at your devil may care attitude and realize that you won't be scared to unleash in the bedroom as well. 3. compliment her appearance at not the right times Interrupt her to compliment her appearance. Total dom move. 4. Talk about guy stuff like sports or other typical guy topics like working out Don't go overboard and bore her but even bringing this stuff up can create subtle polarity and remind her that she is on a date with a red blooded man 5. tease her Look up vids on how to flirt with girls by teasing on youtube. There are a lot. This is the not so subtle art of verbal and mental domination, definitely my kink. 6. Don't be afraid to talk about sex or your sexual preferences and ask her some questions about hers. Be genuine but even if she appears chill on the surface, it probably will have some effect. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

i2BAdKP7vbk | 30 Jul 2018
A "fantasy" is a beautiful thing. It's a dream woven by our own subconscious minds, the threads are our memories, our shames, insecurities, deepest darkest desires. What could be more deep and honest than that? Therefore, let us never shame a "male fantasy". A male fantasy is an admission of everything that guy dreams, yearns, needs, lacks. Step into his dream. Live in a fantasy world for a second, where you are supplying him with what he deeply needs the most. How is this shallow? How is this bad for the cause of feminism? We are all human beings first and foremost, not men or women, and all humans have deep needs, desires, insecurities and fantasies. Just because you role-play someone's fantasy does not make you one dimensional. Of course a woman is multi dimensional. But we can play, imagine, create art and enter into the world of the erotic. Many people do not understand "the erotic". Perhaps you have to be "kinky" to enter through the gates. Or perhaps others are just not ready to go there. Long live strippers, play boy bunnies, and other male fantasies. Same goes for female fantasies of course. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

S367Hg0KeYY | 21 Jul 2018
The video that changed my life: The Tips which I will try to express more articulately below: To create chemistry and increase the likelihood of her going home with you: 1. You must be evaluating her during the conversation and expressing to her that you find her desirable, aesthetically, intellectually and sexually (if applicable). Intersperse abrupt seeming compliments into your conversation. The effect on her will be to remember that you see her in a sexual or sexually charged at least, light-- as a MAN not just as a friend. These compliments can be non threatening and polite--all the way up to "mode one" style blunt, honest and direct that you find her extremely sexually attractive....(that should be saved for later in the night though once you establish a good rapport). They all have the same affect on a girl which is that she remembers that this is an exciting, sexually charged experience, not just a conversation with a friend. 2. Touch her hand quickly. I forgot to mention in the video that you should never try to touch a girl inappropriately but hand or elbow or non sexual parts of the body very quickly do have an effect. Try to get some non sexual touch involved if you can. It does work. 3. Always ask her at the end of the date if she wants to come over to your place to hang out in a non pressure filled way. Say you want to show her something you mentioned in the conversation. This will give her an excuse to come over if she wants to. Whether she says no or yes, the fact you asked shows you have confidence. I respected this and it increased the guy's attractiveness in my eyes. Often I only considered going over just cause I was impressed they had the confidence to ask. 4. Don't make the mistake of not going in for the kiss just because she isn't telegraphing to you that she is 100% in. You can ASK if it is ok if you are not sure. That is fine. But try to sit near her, near enough to kiss her when the time is right. 5. If you get in bed with a girl, never rush, be impatient with her or expect her to return the favor in a demanding way. Be generous, be patient. Expect nothing in return. Sex is not transactional. Put her first. She will see that you respect her and are generous and want to return the favor in time. When guys became too pushy and wanted to rush into what was in it for them, I was extremely turned off and often left. 6. Compliment her frequently during the makeout. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

ILXWo2tK31Y | 17 Jul 2018
The video that changed my life: Use this line to make a woman feel that there is more to her than her external appearance...that you are attracted to something indescribable and transcendent about her very being....this is what women long to hear and long to find: a man who is compelled to talk to them by something he can't even understand in himself....something deep and primal about a woman's unique essence. The line is: Hey, I know this sounds totally out of the blue, but *I just had to ask*: can I have your number? #1 Mistake guys make when trying to ask girls out: talking to her and waiting for a green light to ask her out. At the end of your brief conversation (the line can be used without conversation either but a little conversation will go a long way) ask NO MATTER WHAT. The line I supplied above is not offensive, not disrespectful, not creepy, etc... Always remember when you are rejected, never get upset and lash out. Just say, I totally understand....and keep asking other women out. BILLIONS of women in the sea. It is "low value" to get stuck on one, even if she was absolutely amazing. Sadly. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

7S6pvYWfysQ | 15 Jul 2018
You're so quiet!!! You're so SHY! The feeling of inner fire and irritation that ensues... Do you know the feeling? DO you know the way out of this situation? Let me explain. LOSE TO WIN. Accept your weakness to appear strong. The fact is being shy IS a weakness in social situations--yes it is rude and oblivious of them to point it out--but the crucial key that remains obscured it that--it is OK to have weaknesses. In fact, it is BETTER To have and openly admit weaknesses than to appear perfect and cool. It disarms people. So when someone calls you out on your weakness say something like: them: ohmigad ur so shy!!!?!?!? you: Tell me about it, right??? I freeze up in large groups and can't think of a word to say. Does that ever happen to you? You: LOL I KNOW. my social skills suck. I even hired a social anxiety coach to help me with them. you: ya i'm truly terrible at socializing.

URia-aG8TyY | 13 Jul 2018
My depressed thoughts roll in like a fog. Before I know it I am calling myself a STUPID IDIOT and asking myself why can't i do anything right?!!! I normally try to block these thoughts out of my conscious awareness like LA LA LA I can't hear you and proceed with my normal life. Instead, I decided to listen to them and try to hear what they had to say. I then used the all mighty "acceptance paradox" on them where you try to find a grain of truth (if not a whole lot more) in the criticism and humbly accept it. It worked like a charm. And I felt a ton of relief when I remembered it is ok to suck, be below average and have a day or year in which u accomplish nothing productive at all. It would be nice to crush it, but the fact is I DO NOT always crush it. I crush it on pretty much average levels. And that is ok. I felt a lot better.

noqguFn9Yr4 | 09 Jul 2018
My rejection challenge for today. Fully owning my SHYNESS and the coup de resistance of my journey to accept that I AM shy, do have social anxiety and that is not a bad thing. Rather it is a fundamental and beautiful part that truly makes me the sensitive thoughtful person I am (with many exceptions of rudeness and coldness for sure).

LmjRS7DtAEw | 27 Jun 2018
IF you watch to the end you will see I have an enlightenment moment. My responses to my negative thoughts were just ok, but they helped me see the light. This technique helps me so much. It is MY technique that always seems to BUST my distorted thoughts. I learned it from Dr. Burns. It is called the Feared Fantasy Technique using the Externalization of Voices and Acceptance Paradox. Listen to this podcast to learn more:

Va3lX5UaQWA | 11 Jun 2018
whoops. I kinda messed up. But it just kinda proves the importance of my point that I was trying to teach them.

dm2Sr9zqLrA | 05 Jun 2018
Thank you for watching! In this video I attempt to defeat my own inner critic talking back to my negative thoughts I pre recorded in real time.I tried to use the acceptance paradox in which I find a grain of truth or the thing they are getting at whether or not it's 100% true and acknowledge the truth in it. In this manner, I hope I was able to connect and befriend my inner critic and know that even though she is mean, she has a point and once I acknowledge that point, we can be friends and work together, instead of constantly arguing and never listening, never acknowledging. In a way, my inner critic is just like me...I hate it when someone ignores my point. I will get louder, more hostile, aggressive even trying to have the person acknowledge my point. I do not enjoy this quality in myself but if I don't feel the person is listening to me and I feel I can bully them into listening in a way, sometimes I take that advantage cause I want so bad for them to hear MY POINT. I am guilty of this same behavior I hate, not listening to my inner critic, ignoring her, not acknowledging her frict How did I do? Check out the podcast which inspired me here:

W04O8kaou6A | 04 Jun 2018
ig greenelover Check out Dr. Burns podcast Feeling Good on the Feared Critic Check out my last video for the link

yhoCQSUXy34 | 03 Jun 2018
Shout out to my homies in SARC Check out Dr. Burn's who taught me this idea through his AMAZING books and podcast The Feeling Good Podcast. Especially the latest episode below:

QQdS27IjBrY | 21 May 2018
Our Shame, Anxiety and Depression all pose us a riddle in the form of negative thoughts. We SHOULD be more successful than we are. The idea that success means having a certain kind of career grips us and tangles us in its web. It wrestles us into submission. But there is a way to escape it... It is a battle for the mind. A strategic intellectual battle we must fight and win. If we can convince ourself that our thought is merely an illusion and is actually not TRUE we can win. But how? One way is we can look at society and see the lies it is telling us. My social anxiety coach @marni penner on Facebook has been helping me see it. her youtube channel is: When we realize we were falling prey to a trap society wants us in...we can reject the premise and then we experience a light feeling of freedom.

mHEnbkmx6XM | 05 May 2018
check out social anxiety coach Marni Penner and her channel: Are you the kind of person who was born with the gene that compels you to be honest, compels you to be real, not fake, express what is truly inside of you. Can your body not lie? That is something to be proud of, though it may create extreme social anxiety when it butts heads with who we are "supposed" to be according to society. The solution is being more honest, cause maybe we have to. And maybe that is our blessing and our curse. my ig: greenelover

dDUuJzvwKkg | 29 Apr 2018
1st mistake: thinking 1 guy and 1 guy alone was the key, the be all and end all, to my personal happiness. CLASSIC MISTAKE!!!!!! What a dum dum/ what a typical mere mortal full of human frailty. That mistake set me on the path to seek answers to why I had crashed and burned so bad. It sent me to the self help section and a journey of healing that amazingly not everyone has done. It gave me much more wisdom than I had before. It taught me things I was completely ignorant about in my childhood. Which brings me to my childhood mistakes: #1: Expecting my dad should come to me first, know how to connect with me and give me what I craved emotionally. Instead, I should have took an interest in him, saw things through his eyes, and generously took an interest in his interests to connect with him. I believe this is a common error in relationships. No one wants to give in and see the problem through the other person's eyes. Sometimes one must Lose to Win. #2. Not expressing more physical and verbal affection and love to my parents. Hugging them, telling them I loved them etc. I was stiff and shy and so were they to a certain extent. Again I could have changed the dynamic by going to them first. I craved this physical and verbal affection but did not know how to get it from them. It starts with you. #3 Not researching and reading books about my diet choices. I had an instinct for vegetarianism but didn't do any further research about the philosophy of it all. If I had I'd have been v**** 18 years longer. #4 Not being more transparent about my emotions. Suppressing, shutting down, closing off. #5 internalizing body shame and not educating myself about body positivity, feminism and other ways our culture wrongly shames women and fat people. ig: greenelover

W1W8807i_b4 | 26 Apr 2018
Check out my Social Anxiety coach Marni Penner's channel: One of my biggest fears when meeting people and connecting with friends is that they would think I was BORING, BLAND, DULL, DIM, LOW ENERGY, NOTHING 2 SAY. In fact I once told my friend my ultimate fear about how I was truly boring inside and she was like WTF? You aren't boring. And yet I feared being extremely boring to everyone I encountered. I realize now I had reason to fear. People DO see me as boring. Introvert Shaming exists. Extroverts DO completely misunderstand the calm outer facade of introverts and assume they are boring, bad in bed, low energy, and bland. Introverts know nothing could be further from the truth. Introverts are teeming with sensitivity, passion, fantasy, deep thoughts, poetry, sensuality etc. Yet many lack the understanding to grasp the concept of a calm exterior and a stormy interior. Ignorant people. I encounter them everywhere. I accept them everywhere. Knowing that they misunderstand human nature. As Marcus Aurelius said: “When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations ig: greenelover

w7bSocXHsFw | 21 Apr 2018
Marni Penner, my coach's channel: famous INFPs: my ig: greenelover

7vndqFNP_7Q | 31 Mar 2018
1. Ren Hurst @rendermewild on ig her blog: her first book: riding on the power of others 2. Social Anxiety and General Anxiety coach Marni Penner her youtube channel: 3. Sheila Kelley follow her personal page on fb

UyX2KOoWKEw | 03 Mar 2018
Chef Aj's youtube channel: my ig: greenelover my vegan blog: my vegan fb page: mynonleatherlife GO vegan!

romsa7KQ51I | 08 Feb 2018
1. women should have casual sex with zero hang ups Contrary to what all adults told me, advice I read in books and magazines gave out, and the subtle messages I picked up from our slut shaming culture, the more casual sex I had the more empowered I felt. Why is this? Because women are meant to have billions of options and have zero need to be desperate when it comes to male attention and affection. I often artificially made a prison for myself by thinking this one guy who wasn't treating me well was my only option, stupidly not realizing I had literally a red sea of guys who would have LEAPT at the chance to have a casual encounter with me at whatever terms I set. This is not to brag, just a fact for literally all women as I explain in a following bullet point. 2. Hotness actually does come from within. Well beauty may be skin deep but hotness comes from within. As you can see if you ever watch dancers on youtube or instagram, certain dancers shine. It's not because of what they look like but by their energy when they're dancing. Their energy is a combination of factors, including how true they stay to their own authentic personality cause that allows them to have power and ease and rawness, whereas people who are faking look awkward and uncool. Anyway, no matter what age, size or how far off from the norm of societal beauty you are, you can and will be beautiful if you learn how to channel your own authentic hotness and realize that you're stupid for thinking that all that matters is how close to barbie or kim kardashian you look. 3. There will never be a shortage of men for any woman no matter what I can't think of one type of woman that won't have throngs of admirers lining up for her. Never worry about your hotness or how fat you are or some deformity you have, cause men aren't gonna care. I learned this in the strip club too, that men are gonna think you're hot honestly no matter what you think you look like so never stress about it. 4. How to Have fun alone If you think its weird to eat alone or spend weeks alone, you need to learn how to do this. I learned a lot of tips, tricks and hacks for being alone cause I was alone so much. I don't fear being alone and that is very empowering. 5. Your diet affects your health Going vegan (healthy vegan eating fruits and vegetables en masse) can save your life my vegan blog: my vegan fb page: mynonleatherlife my ig: greenelover my personal blog:

obN9z6QOKcQ | 03 Feb 2018
Take the 4 tendencies quiz: the book is really good too:

-VmRJdUuVA4 | 02 Feb 2018
Products mentioned: 1. Girls LOVE Travel Facebook group 2. Tribit speaker on amazon: 3. Due North Foot Rubz Foot Massage Roller: 4. Escali Primo Digital Kitchen Scale: 5. Mrs Dash salt free chili seasoning 6. Mi aroma mini rice cooker: 7. the waffle maker I mentioned great for cooking hash browns in:

8xmK-lMIgcU | 01 Feb 2018
I am losing weight rapidly on this diet, second only to when I went 80/10/10 raw vegan. I highly recommend buying the program if you decide to commit to it just because the fb group is an excellent source of information and support, but all the info is online for free in videos. Check out this video that really inspired me. From Fat vegan to skinny bitch, her extremely personal and emotional story about her life and eventual weight loss and how she discovered the way:

r1MYeD2gdYM | 29 Jan 2018
Dr Burns gave me the h/w assignment to stop hiding my struggle with social anxiety and shyness like it was a bad thing. He told me to admit to people that I struggled with it and thought it was shameful and hid it from others. A shame attacking exercise called "self disclosure". (btw if you are depressed get Feeling Good by David Burns on amazon: ) Social anxiety has caused me tons of problems in my life. I rarely make friends when others do. I feel extremely nervous to connect with friends I already have at times. I even feel nervous hanging out one on one with my own family at times. And yet I bet they don't even realize that. I hide it. Completely. And so I still feel super ashamed about it like it is some deep dark secret burning a hole in my closet. I have to stop hiding all these things about myself like they are shameful secrets, and accept who I am. Link to the fb live of Dr. Burns where I asked the question at 46 minutes in.

ecQhKMJF37w | 15 Jan 2018
1. vivo barefoot shoes (this one is vegan) 2.mi aroma mini rice cooker the one that cooks brown rice and white I would get if I were doing it over 3. celiant pillow 4. The Easy Breather pillow (rated best pillow by the wire cutter) 5. the true mirror 6. Planet Earth 2 7. Rejection Therapy 8. The 4 Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin 9. Follow George Martin on Facebook 10.

VkQfytMovk8 | 15 Jan 2018
Products mentioned: master blaster faceblaster ionic facial face steamer rosemary and clary sage calia naturals shampoo and conditioner sara who recommended it's instagram holistic habits heating pad Defender Shield EMF radiation protection and RFID blocker phone case feeling good podcast by david burns Ultimate Weight Loss by Chef AJ my vegan blog my instagram greenelover

4uwuVVF-J4M | 11 Dec 2017
6 Ways Women Are Afraid to SPEAK UP around men: Fear 1. hurting men's fragile egos Solution: Notice a guy has a fragile ego and wants you to flatter him? REFUSE. Move on. Ignore. Block. Delete. Refuse to engage. Wait for someone who has a healthy sense of self esteem to spend your time with, or alternately refuse to flatter him in order to be liked and prepare for confrontation or in the best case scenario, a healthy dialogue! Fear 2: Catcallers Solution: Respond calmly, without shame and without anger. Express that you prefer to be addressed differently, that you're busy, sorry or alternately wave, say thanks, but no thanks, and move on. Fear 3: Telling Guys What They're Doing Wrong in Bed Solution: They F-ing need your help so help them. Tell them what you like. It will be way better for both of you! If they react negatively to any sort of communication from you--and this has happened to me--TRUST ME, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better off without that guy. Who can live with a guy like that? Don't get stuck with him. Fear 4: Being called a slut, whore, ho, stripper etc Solution: Thank him for the compliment, and pity him as he walks away. Fear 5: Leaving a Date as Soon as you realize you're not into Solution: face the fear and be radically honest. Even if it's five minutes in, thank him for coming but say you know it's not a match and you don't want to waste any more of his time or money. Fear 6: Manspreaders and Mansplainers Solution: Tell man spreaders to please move their legs and educate mansplainers about the practice of mansplaining. Alternately I heard a great hack for mansplaining the other day. Say to them: "what part do you still not understand?" "Tell me what piece your missing so I can explain that part to you." LOL. Instead of keeping #SILENT, REPEL people with your honesty. IN doing so you will attract a man who respects, admires and appreciates an authentic woman and loves YOU FOR YOU!

dob6C83Xm9I | 04 Dec 2017
If you honestly think its bad or gross to be a slut, thot, ho, stripper, dirty what have you... and people like this don't deserve respect... I hate to break it to you but...YOU SUCK IN BED. Your attitudes about sex are so infantile that you cannot possible please a woman. When you understand that it is a GOOD thing to be sexual and a GOOD thing to embrace your sexuality, maybe your sessions in the sack will improve. Until then, I pity u man, and woman, but I don't blame the woman...cause who do u think taught them that self hating bullshit?? And by the way, if a guy hates strip clubs i take it as a very BAD sign.

I1KfPS1OyjA | 21 Nov 2017
1. You have no idea how good it feels to dance. Not just good, but more than human. Godlike. Literally...magical. And I do mean literally. 2. Experience the true full beauty of your emotions for the first time, both the dark and the light 3. Free your body from small movements, shame and stiffness. Become more free and uninhibited in your body. 4. MAKE beautiful unforgettable pure powerful works of art with an artistic outlet that is accessible to everyone, just by listening to your body and telling the truth. 5. Stop ACTING, start listening to whatever bubbles up from within your body. Your body's voice....your TRUE nature you have surpassed. my ig: greenelover

ANVp1T5Nj7Q | 18 Nov 2017
I am sorry for the LOW volume. There is a problem with my photo booth. 13 fears I must crush: 1. Feeling free to be myself totally on social media 2. Feeling zero hesitation to speak up in a large group setting like a Q and A 3. Not being ashamed to ask any stupid question in any setting 4. Going topless on a beach among friends 5. Telling the truth when it could hurts someone’s feelings 6. Speaking my mind totally freely about any topic with no hesitation on YouTube 7. Reaching out to acquaintances I’m not close with for no reason at all just to say hey 8. Making small talk with cashiers etc and not feeling awkward about it 9. Performing stand up comedy 10. Swearing freely and without shame in conversation 12. Telling my family and friends how much I love and care about them in person or in writing 13. Singing in front of people freely what fears must u crush in life? Comment below. my ig: greenelover my vegan blog: my vegan fb page: mynonleatherlife my personal blog: my rejection club meetup in NYC: New York City Rejection Therapy my rejection club fb page: New York City Rejection Therapy and Shame Attacking Exercises Group

rZT07MFyGMU | 05 Aug 2017
In my last video, I gave my #1 Tip which is to NOT use online dating to find a boyfriend. In fact, do NOT TRY or FOCUS on finding a boyfriend at all. Instead spend all your time engrossed in your hobbies and pursuing and excavating your true passions. HOWEVER: IF you are a hot blooded person, you will probably get lonely and want male companionship. So my #2 tip is: Use tinder for completely guilt free casual sex whenever you feel like it. Don't expect the guy to become your boyfriend. Forget about him the next day. DO it because you want to do it. If he seems to want to leave it at a kiss, ask him if he wants to hang out at your place or whatever! Make it happen! Have a fun night and get back to your own life. Contrary to popular belief I have found that the more I took this devil may care approach to hookups, the happier and less lonely I became. It is a crushing prison that women live in, always trying to be the "good girl". It's a trap. Trust me. The second part of my tip is: If you want to do something, like go on a little adventure, or go out to a certain restaurant, or concert and you just want some male energy in your life...write exactly what you desire in the description of your tinder and ask a man to accompany you. Make sure you want to do it despite who ends up coming along. It will be basically like a blind date. But you can really create many adventures in your life with the help of a man who wants to fulfill your desire for you. It's how I met my boyfriend even though I did it many times previously and never saw the guy again, but had a great time. The reason I suggest this is you will never be disappointed and feel like your date was a total waste of time. You wanted to do the thing anyway and the guy just helped you out. You can be grateful to him, no matter if he was boyfriend material or not. You can also live a more exciting and adventure filled life this way. Just don't expect to find a boyfriend this way. Though I did. my ig: greenelover my vegan blog:

EtwteEoOFJ0 | 04 Aug 2017
My #1 tip is the following: OPT OUT. Invest ALL your money in yourself. Bet ALL Your chips on yourself. Go ALL in. What I mean by that is: FOCUS completely on discovering the things that truly light you up, and truly make you happy just by doing them--your true hobbies and passions. Once you've found one, DON'T STOP! Keep going! Find another one. Or focus harder and go deeper with the one you have. For example, if you love music passionately, learn to play piano, get better at piano, join a band, take up song writing, record an album, put on a one man piano man show, play for ballet classes, keep learning about piano, teach classes, share your love for piano online. Go deep!!! Then find another interest. This will lead you to like minded groups of people who respect you for who you are, not what you look like. More and most importantly though, it will give you true power. The power that comes from knowing how to be happy, living a happy life full of activities you love. When you find a relationship, you won't need them to make you happy so much. You already are happy. More than most people. Because you invested so much time in discovering your true interests. However in my next video I will explain how to use online dating apps when you get really lonely and can't help yourself. greenelover on instagram go vegan! my vegan blog:

aX9ibbdrGzo | 15 Jul 2017
The video that changed my life: 3 Exposure Therapy techniques that will make a huge F-ING difference in getting you over your social anxiety and if practiced consistently enough will effectively kill your social anxiety. 1. Rejection Therapy 2. Shame Attacking Exercises 3. Comfort Zone Challenges Some resources on Rejection Therapy: 100 Days of Rejection youtube channel: 100 Days of Rejection Guy's Website: List of shame attacking exercises: There is not much about them online but I learned about them from David Burn's book When Panic Attacks, an excellent book extremely helpful for anxiety. You can also check out my Facebook page that has a lot of ideas for shame attacking exercises on it: 3. Comfort Zone Challenges Check out the comfort crusher guy's website and sign up for his 7 day challenge. He will send you a link to join his Facebook group with tons of comfort zone challenge ideas And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

9GmEmHxSYWU | 28 Jun 2017
This video is dedicated to all my peeps who suffer from social anxiety. I made this crazy video to possibly reach someone who really needs help. These tips made a huge YUGE difference in my life and I feel it is my duty to at least put them out on the internet, message in a bottle style, in case it helps ONE person. My tips are below: 1. How I Instantly recovered from depression: Buy and read the book Feeling Good by David Burns. I know it seems like so many books claim to make you happier and trust me I've been suckered in by almost all I've seen and some of them have some good tips, but none compare to this book. It is the best and I grudging admit it is my favorite book of all time because it made the most impact on my life. Feeling Good by David Burns Check out some of the reviews if you don't believe me. 2. How to find your true passions and interests in life that will lead you on the path to a meaningful, truly happy life: Make a list of anything that has ever made you feel fulfilled and joy in the moment that you can think of. Anything you have ever wanted to try and learn more about. My list had dance, singing, dj-ing, drawing on it I believe plus more. THEN put it a post it note with the words JUST DO IT on your bathroom mirror and go down the list of your potential interests one by one taking a class or a lesson in it before crossing it off your list and moving on to the next one. FORCE YOURSELF to try EVERYTHING on your list cause you never know what will spark a passion inside of you. It happened for me. Once the passion is sparked you will naturally be on a path of deeper and deeper learning and understand your true nature and what you truly actually like in life. You WILL KNOW, as in love, when you have hit upon something you love. The book I got this from: Living Alone and Loving It by Barbara Feldon 3. Get a better body image and self image: If you're a girl, get thee to a pole dance studio and try it. I know it sounds crazy to non polers but almost every pole dancer can attest to the miraculous effect pole dancing has on your self image. Exploring your sexuality which is basically forbidden to women in our society will let loose the inner knowing of your body of what a beautiful emotionally sexy being you truly are. Sounds crazy but try it. Little known secret. I recommend S Factor studios cause they are truly IMO the best, there is no comparison for body image rehaul. If you got $$$ attend a retreat. They are amazing. 4. To achieve your true dreams, perhaps stemming from your true interests: WORK OUT IN THE REJECTION GYM. Shy people do not have the luxury of being born strong in this department. We need to train, we need to workout by doing rejection therapy. It is incredibly effective. Check out Jia Jiang and 100 days of rejection, his channel, on youtube in which he filmed himself ding 100 days of rejection challenges. Also check out his website and his book. An incredible tip is to start a rejection therapy group like I did on, cause you can make friends that way with people who understand you while you recover from social anxiety together. It is awesome. 5. Making friends: start a group, do not ATTEND a group, on Trust me there is a world of difference between the two! Please comment below if you have any questions or ideas. And remember NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP. You can change. You can work on your problems!! There is ALWAYS HOPE. I expect to make a full recovery and so can you. You are a beautiful person--I believe all people with social anxiety are. LOVE. my ig:greenelover my vegan blog: my personal blog: my rejection therapy page: my vegan fb page:

iV9JpsUMrRA | 14 Jun 2017
The video that changed my life: comment down below with any thoughts or just to say hi. if u watched it, then u watched my most personal thoughts. what did u think? questions, comments, criticisms, refutations? And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

M-0wjKdF8g0 | 14 Jun 2017
The true mirror on amazon: There is a coupon so it is actually $160. I will review it when I get it.

skEYo_NHDTc | 05 Jun 2017
the tip in a nutshell: commit to making 3 "mistakes" in every conversation you have with someone. A mistake is something you would normally only say in you head, or to yourself, or to your closest friends or family. If the conversation ends and you haven't made your "mistakes", commit to asking 3 inappropriate questions--stuff you want to know about the other person but think it's kinda inappropriate to ask. I got the tip from the blog post about how to be yourself on a date: People with social anxiety are very concerned about saying the right things--which backfires--but you can't help it. Trust me I know. It's important to force yourself to "make mistakes" and crack the facade. What do you think? Do you have social anxiety do you think? I have a moderate if not severe case of it. my vegan blog: my personal blog: my ig: greenelover

92_PaHWbRbM | 06 Apr 2017
Products listed 1. Calia Naturals Shampoo 2. Calia Naturals intensive conditioner 3. Faceblaster 4.aroma rice cooker 5. 1 minute timer 6. bowls from etsy 7. bunny slippers my vegan blog my personal blog my instagram: greenelover my vegan fb page: MyNonLeatherLife my rejection therapy club on meetup if you're in NYC my rejection therapy fb page:

MvaJVBjahng | 10 Feb 2017
Heat up your bathroom and then turn on the cold water. You will feel like you are bathing in a beautiful waterfall. Try it! It is mind glowingly refreshing, and way different than just turning on the cold water and taking a cold shower. the space heater I have: go vegan and lose weight: my ig: greenelover my personal blog: Thank you for watching.

rat9WvW_20o | 04 Feb 2017
my ig: greenelover my vegan blog with before and after weight loss bikini photos: Products mentioned: 1. Vegan AF Hat 2. Calia Naturals Shampoo and Conditioner 3. charcoal tooth powder 4. vegan dry shampoo 5. tub shroom 6. datexx miracle cube timer 7. mini fascia blaster 8. mini space heater 9. yoga wheel 10. magnetic note pad 11. magnetic pen 11. watering can

LazVgA3SJXg | 26 Jan 2017
nyc rejection therapy meetup group: my ig: greenelover my vegan blog with before and after photos: my personal blog

SHveZk2gxv0 | 14 Jan 2017
The video that changed my life: go vegan vegan blog with before and after pics and how I lost weight: fb: mynonleatherlife instagram: greenelover

OONYcC3DixY | 08 Jan 2017
I truly suck at the following things. And yes I know this is just the tip of the iceberg. I thought of some more after the video ended. 1.messy/sloppy in appearance and dress 2. lazy 3.scared/shy over others/talk too much when people are clearly zoned out 5.agressive 6.not cheerful/hate to smile 7.anti social 8.don't like to do favors for friends 9.freeze up while talking in public so i dislike doing it 10. anti authority to the point of hating to be told what to do or controlled by a job i don't love I tag you in a flaws video! check out my vegan blog check out my ig: greenelover check out my personal blog: check out my meetup: New York Rejection Club on check out my fb: Mynonleatherlife

KXRZ3qp6rJg | 05 Jan 2017
Check out Jia Jiang's 100 days rejection experiment on youtube, his book Rejection Proof, and his Ted talk! my NYC rejection therapy meetup group: check out my vegan blog: my ig: greenelover facebook: mynonleatherlife

H3vRU3G1Cio | 02 Jan 2017
Is pole dancing empowering to women? Most definitely. It allows you to explore and challenge this cultural idea that it is WRONG and BAD to explore and express any sensuality or sexuality. You will discover for yourself what they've been trying so hard to stop you from finding out. Your sexual power! You will feel...yes...empowered to do exactly what you want with it...and you won't be able to be controlled through shame by them. U will throw out your dad's "promise ring" or chastity belt or whatever sick way people have these days to control women. Women used to be property. Sad but true. We had no rights. We belonged to men! Of course they wanted to control their property! Sadly these views have not been completely eradicated and are alive and well in the comments sections online. Is stripping empowering to women? It can be extremely empowering. It empowered me in additional ways pole dancing alone did not. It allowed me to completely kill my fear of men I didn't even know I had. It allowed me to completely get over my remaining body shame. And it allowed me to practice channeling sexual power in public causing me to feel even more empowered. Can you be empowered by sexuality? Should you only care about your intelligence and corporate professional skills? I think you should not shut down your sexuality in favor of your intelligence. They are both very important parts of your humanity. One is as nietzsche says, appolonian and one, dionysian. Don't you want to feel the wild untamed raw chaotic side of life? Don't miss out! I feel sorry for women who go through life feeling their sexuality has to be hidden and locked down to be taken seriously. Yes some men and women won't take you seriously and that is because their attitudes are severely twisted and passed down to them by people who believed women were CHATTEL...slaves, property. Good riddance to those people. Many men have more enlightened views about women and they get to enjoy the benefits of a woman who can bring something to the table....her own beauty and fire!!! PEACE OUT!!! Check out my: vegan blog facebook: mynonleatherlife instagram: greenelover personal blog:

3XyeTFPAuGc | 02 Jan 2017
The video that changed my life: I realize this sounds too good to be true, but I really feel I noticed a huge difference today. In my last video I had just finished doing it on my face and you can see I had a healthy glow but I did not realize it would last when I woke up this morning and my face was not puffy at all. Or much less than usual. I would 100% recommend you get this thing if u feel u have some issue with your face u are not happy with. I am not connected with her at all, just very impressed by this tool. Look up the fasciablaster and buy the mini2 or wait till February to buy the face blaster with the release of the book "the cellulite myth", but I am really shocked by the difference it made after one use, though not entirely shocked cause it made such a huge difference on my arm after one use. Also join the group fascia blasters on Facebook and request to join. Very fascinating group. And go vegan! my ig: greenelover my vegan blog

5is1y4jOEfg | 01 Jan 2017
happy new year and thank u so much for watching and commenting. 1. kuvingsc7000 juicer (buy from 2. the fasciablaster and fascia blaster mini check out the Facebook group fascia blasters 3. rainbow maker link here: 4. Bottomless Bath Overflow Drain Cover and Silicone Tub stopper 5. pineapple corer my ig: greenelover my vegan blog: myfb page: mynonleatherlife my personal blog:

XxLjl7d8frQ | 15 Dec 2016
This juicer is LIT. my vegan blog my ig: greenelover Buy it from John Kohler's site cause if something goes wrong you can email him and he will talk to his contacts at the juice companies for you. The discount code he gave in his video is weightloss... and here is the link to buy it: Here is john kohler's juicing channel and the vid he reviewed this juicer in: best juicer that saves you time and a complete review vid he did of the juicer: the amazing citrus juicer I mentioned:

yTr9nwn0BGc | 30 Nov 2016
1. Rainbow Maker 2. garlic mincer 3. sumac 4. birdhouse key holder 5. melon cutter 6. Alphachanneling beware of cats insta: 7. discount juicers channel the juicer i got: John Kohler's juicing channel: 8. Waking Up with Sam Harris podcast

ls26rbksjkg | 23 Nov 2016
Dance is a healing journey you need to go on-- ESPECIALLY if you are self conscious enough to have a dance phobia. If you are self conscious like I was, your body is basically frozen, and you are a prisoner in it. You can't just loosen up and dance like everyone else. What's more you can't experience life like everyone else, because your body won't let's too scared and too stiff. Dance will fix that though. That's why your subconscious is telling you to DANCE and get on that dance floor and conquer your fear. Dance will PUSH through your frozen body and melt through the stiffness and fear you have accumulated from all the mean things people said to you and all the dumb mistaken mean things you said to yourself causing you to be incredibly self conscious. OH YES, I completely understand as I was probably one of the most self conscious people on the planet for a time. There was a time I was so self conscious things began to seem unreal and I learned it was a thing called depersonalization disorder, where people feel "divorced from their own personal self by sensing their body sensations, feelings, emotions, behaviors and etc as not belonging to the same person or identity." How is that for ultimate self consciousness!!!! I needed the healing power of dance more than anyone! But if you can't dance, you NEED to dance too. How will dance heal you? In order to improve you will need to break through different mental challenges and confront and find a way to conquer your fears. Dance provides the perfect method to do it all and all dancers must overcome these challenges. I see the stars on dancing with the stars struggling with the same dance challenges---to free their emotions, take up space, be powerful, be sexy, etc etc. All this to say, I am rooting for you people with dance phobias. And know that you have this phobia because you need to free yourself. And you will. Like I did. And I am still improving. I forgot to say the quote I wanted to say at the end: "I loved best my students who raged against their fate because when they finally succumbed to their greatness they had the fire of hell in them."-Arthur Rubinstein (I think). Basically, the more you FEAR dance, the better dancer you will be when you finally break free. You will have the fire of your struggles in you. Love you my shy peeps!!! comment below with any questions or any way I can help.

ri2sAb_Agcc | 14 Nov 2016
GO VEGAN. In all seriousness, I was rejected by a guy that I really liked. But I am so proud of how well my self esteem took the blow. I give credit to my job stripping where I am rejected due to my looks and energy constantly! Ironically this has built me into a super human-- super confident in my sexuality...forged in the fire of rejection!! SO he doesn't feel it...That doesn't mean nothing. I will continue just as before...raking in that $$$ and being myself. lol.

EsSBu6-LAi4 | 13 Nov 2016
Did I go too far? Obviously not... Next time I will save the fish. But I'm proud of myself for speaking up for the fish and telling that woman the truth that she was KILLING someone as we spoke.

IwJUcpBoGd8 | 07 Nov 2016
my vegan blog my ig: greenelover 1. Artelegno Cutting Board 2. vegan ear muffs 3. 80s ski movie Cougar vegan Snow Boots 4. skateboard 5. Odis faceted glass table lamp bulb for lamp: 6. Parri$ Goebel check out her dancing in this video: her instagram: 7.alphachannelings erotic art on ig 8. favorite apps: Nox and Windy (amazing)

MXXxjR0dZNY | 04 Nov 2016
Right before I decided to go raw vegan, I got really scared. Suddenly I remembered all the things I had conveniently "forgot" I was suppressing. I was scared of not being able to control them anymore. I didn't know if I could handle it without food to numb it. You don't even realize the cooked food is numbing you...until it's gone. You don't feel numb...until you feel suddenly bizarrely alert. Then all of sudden your emotions are RIGHT THERE with you, RIGHT UNDER THE SKIN, tears RIGHT BEHIND your eyes. And you have to let your emotions out. That IS the healthy way to deal with your emotions though. And it puts you in touch with a more true version of yourself. Not the version of yourself that has a positive attitude and is "ok" with everything and putting on a brave face. The YOU that REALLY WANTS IT, is really disappointed, or angry, or disgusted, or burning to do MORE...etc. Like clockwork, first day you eat raw, your emotions are suddenly sitting in your lap, right there. It's crazy. But also kinda amazing. my vegan blog:

k5SVER1pLoQ | 03 Nov 2016
First rule of going raw vegan: DO NOT TALK ABOUT GOING RAW VEGAN. I got this tip from Abbey Lee, formerly squeegee, who runs the group Vegan Fruitarians on Facebook. You should join if you want to know about health and healing. I had the genius to ask her to do an interview on my blog and it contains amazing advice including the tip in this video. You can read it on my blog below:

E0VqjI_xOyw | 20 Oct 2016
My October Favorites...really cool stuff this month IMO: Check out my vegan blog and learn how I lost a lot of weight without dieting on a high carb vegan lifestyle plus raw food interviews and animal rights musings: 1. Prepworks measuring spoons 2. Louisiana 20 piece flatware set 3. C.O Bigelow Lemon hand wash 4. Inomata japanese rice washing bowl 5. Yamazaki headphone stand 6. Stadler Form Jasmine Aroma Diffuser 7. essential oils i bought 8. Mermaid Hair from Urban Outfitters 9. Towels by Gus 10. fruit cart

ZBPvxo5EWuE | 12 Jul 2016
I decided to do the same thing the guy did in the book A Simple Act of Gratitude. Here are some tips I have picked up so far: 1. Use paperless post Go to their thank you note section and select "free" cards. 2. Keep a google doc gratitude spreadsheet summarizing the notes you wrote, including the dat, who you're thanking, what you're thanking them for, and a summary of what you wrote 3. When writing your thank you note, keep this formula in mind: first sentence: what you are thanking them for second sentence: how it affected or is changing your life third sentence: if you have forgot to thank them for anything in the past or you might mention the importance of his or her friendship From the book "A Simple Act of Gratitude" by Jon Kralik link to book on amazon here: my vegan blog: my ig: greenelover

DczJDbnSX1U | 12 Jul 2016
I have had a side job as a stripper for about 1 year now. Luckily it is at a great place which is not at all sketchy. Why would a person ever want to be a stripper? This is the untold true story. Do I regret being a stripper? No I do not. And if you've gotten something from my videos and want to buy me a coffee or send me a note or a tip, I would greatly appreciate that. venmo: mynonleatherlife paypal: [email protected] Email: mynonleatherlife at gmail Buy me a coffee: Thank you so much for watching and commenting! -Victoria

KggZf_kRvxM | 05 Jul 2016
1. Scalpmaster Shampoo Brush 2. The Olive Branch Shower Gel from Lush,en_US,pd.html 3. Yuzu and Cocoa Shower Gel from Lush,en_US,pd.html 4. Ardell demi wispies 5. A Simple Act of Gratitude by John Kralik book 6. Why Suffer by Ann Wigmore book 7. The Timothy Ferriss Podcast

rRtmbHWuBSs | 28 Jun 2016
These are 4 of my all time favorite books. I have read 1000s if not 10s of 1000s by now. They are: 1. All Creatures Great and Small (sorry I held up wrong book in the vid, but this is the first one in the series!) by James Herriot 2. If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland 3. The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars 4. My Year by Roald Dahl my vegan blog: my personal blog: my ig: greenelover

om-cvQbmwwA | 27 Jun 2016
I read this book A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life by Jon Kralik You can buy it used for 1 cent on amazon here: It contained some good wisdom so I thought I would share. I will try out his experiment for myself. my vegan blog my personal blog my ig: greenelover

xZwfTzb6x4Y | 22 Jun 2016
This book is crazy good. You've got to read it. "Why Suffer?" by Ann Wigmore on amazon Victoria Boutenko's book are also INCREDIBLY AMAZING AND INSPIRING Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet healing stystem

y4iqT0n_0NA | 16 Jun 2016
Ideas needed please! Or is it a dumb idea as it just pays for the industry to continue and in fact breaks my vegan boycott of animal products? Or does it matter more that the animal itself is rescued. People mentioned: The woman who bought and freed the last lobster: Marc Ching of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation My vegan facebook page:

D-inkhL-4Mg | 14 Jun 2016
1. Nagev for the Slamina t shirt 2. Fruity Vegan t shirt 3. Woodstock fruit festival shirt (you can only buy it there) 4. banana ribs (they don't sell it anymore but this is the store): 5. Another Fucking Vegan T shirt 6. My pinterest board with all the coolest vegan shirts from the web plus vegan shoes my vegan blog my personal blog my ig: greenelover

VaQwivHc8eM | 13 Jun 2016
Ever dreamed of being a tv writer? I took a class and learned how its done. Write 4 spec scripts plus one or two original scripts for a series, format it correctly, submit it to agents and get hired! (my vegan blog) Go vegan!

dEr9_6DJVDw | 07 Jun 2016
NEWSFLASH: YOU DON't KNOW HOW TO BREATHE GOOD!! EPIC BREATHING FAIL. What I learned in my breathing class!! Dr. Belisa's website: The Breathing Class Dr. Belisa's Book "Breathe" on amazon:

Vf96pBbpj8E | 04 Jun 2016
Products mentioned: 1. Cycling jersey 2. Pacifica vanilla body wash 3. Squatty Potty 4. Zoned Dough Memory Foam Bed Pillow Infused with Bamboo Charcoal Pillow from Malouf 5. Camp Collection roller girl shorts 6. Colour Pop Cosmetics

flKa6dDeo7Q | 31 May 2016
the 10 PRO Tips: 1. take a pole dancing class if you are a total noob cause it will help you get comfortable with expressing your sensuality and sexuality in the presence of others. 2. Tell whoever it is UP FRONT in a very intense and dominant voice that there is "no touching", a good way to do it is to say "you know what the rules are?" and if they say no, say "No touching" in an intense way. No touching will make it better for both of you so don't be afraid to lay down the law up front. 3. Make sure you are giving eye contact and engaging them. Don't let your body be doing one thing, but your mind be elsewhere. 4. Teasing is important. Start away from them, savor the build up, and save your best moves for last. 5. Go half as slow as you think is your slowest. 6. Remember your authentic facial expressions and responses are a gift, and remember to allow them to grow instead of suppressing them and let them watch. That is the gift you are giving them. 7. Make sure you "take your pleasure" and do whatever feels good for ends up feeling good for them too usually. 8. Try to hone into their body and face in an extremely intense way and sense what they want and need and give it to them. This is a way of totally owning them in a dominant way. 9. Choose a slow song that you like 10. Simulate crazy positions you never do if you are athletic and have the athletic ability 11. Feel the burn, feel the heat....ENJOY the HEAT. That's what it's all about. comment below if you have any others.

FWPyliUfyq4 | 18 May 2016
Podcasts Mentioned: 1. The Happiness Project with Gretchen Rubin 2. Eliza Starting at 16 3. Stripcraft with LuxATL Interested in going vegan? Check out this interview with gary yourofsky or check out my before and after pics on my vegan blog my ig: greenelover

wt28CmGUu24 | 12 May 2016
I bought Durianrider's book "The Lean Body Bible" and watched a bunch of videos from durianrider and his devotees about buying a bike for noobs. I compiled all the advice into a list and took it with me to a bike shop and told them I am looking to buy a road bike. After a couple trips to different bike shops, I finally got a Giant Avail Advanced 2. Here are some tips and tricks I learned from my experience: 1. Make sure you find a bike shop where the people who work there are nice and DTE (down to earth) 2. Ask if they have a giant avail/defy (one is specific for men, one for women) or trek lexa (cause those are the two bikes DR recommends the most and I'm pretty sure they both come with the proper gearing for riding hills which is 34/50 compact crank and 32 cassette) 3. Ask to test ride a couple different bikes! (I wish I had done this but I didn't.) 4. Ask them to put mountain bike shoe pedals on it with one side flat for sneakers and buy mountain bike shoes too (the shoes make a huge difference and you should definitely get them) 5. Buy Durianrider's book where he explains how to train with a powermeter and then invest in a stages powermeter, and buy a garmin at the same time. The people at the bike shop can help you set it up. Durianrider's book: 6. Get a strava account to track your rides and follow your friends 7. Buy the padded bike shorts cause the seat is really uncomfortable without them 8. Get a specialized expensive bike fit but only after you have ridden your bike around enough to get comfortable with it. You don't need to get it then and there when you buy the bike. my vegan blog: my ig: greenelover Want to go vegan? Watch this non graphic but fascinating interview with Gary Yourofsky on Israeli TV:

QDE5ZS0pwLc | 11 May 2016
Go into Settings, then General, then Accessibility, then turn Greyscale to ON. All of a sudden your phone is suddenly somehow more boring and uninteresting. Get more done! Stop feeling addicted to looking at weird people's butts in yoga pants on instagram!! (lol) is my vegan blog. To go vegan watch this video: Gary Yourofsky interview on Israeli tv Ig: greenelover

z5bpRiW34Ck | 07 May 2016
I met this guy on tinder who turned out to probably have 99.9% of my same dna. It was like he was a long lost twin separated at birth in how many uncanny similarities we had in our tastes and life path. Meeting him however was quite shocking though cause it was like looking into a mirror and suddenly seeing all my worst habits and traits!!!! 1. I can be extremely self absorbed, only interested in my own life, life story, ideas, feelings and completely talk someone's ear off without caring about their feelings or asking questions. (I thought I rarely do this and am great at asking questions about others, but this guy thought he asked a ton of questions as well and I WAS LIKE BRO NO YOU DON'T!! SCARY STUFF) 2. He talked my ear off about how new york was the source of his unhappiness. The source of his unhappiness was not finding a fulfilling career/interest he enjoyed. 3. He talked about how he hated people, and people were dumb and uninteresting. Yet I am interesting and he refused to show interest in my most interesting stories and ideas. It taught me that I need to FOCUS BIG TIME on making my life more social, try even harder to find more fulfilling interests and jobs, not be desperate for love, not be self absorbed, don't write people off so soon without asking many questions about their lives, etc etc etc. WHAT A LIFE LESSON FOR ME. I feel like scrooge on christmas day. I am a new man.

dNHyQWvFAkY | 21 Apr 2016 oh and I forgot to mention check out vegan gains' epic challenge to fight blogilates unless she gives a public apology. And check out fullyrawkristina doing a veiled reference to not supporting freelee with her latest #fullyraw post. People mentioned: Blogilates Freelee the Banana Girl Vegan Gains Fully Raw Kristina

kBi5B4u0Trs | 09 Feb 2016
What do women want? Here are the top ten things I personally find most attractive in men: 1. intelligence 2. good conversational skills, like good listener, asks questions, likes to discuss 3. confidence/ is not intimidated by me and is not scared to challenge me 4. good imagination/has a lot of ideas 5. interest in art/ intellectualism 6. athletic ability 7. vegan 8. interest in sex 9. very open and honest with his feelings 10. takes a special interest in who I am I'm sure there are tons of the traits i'm attracted to that I forgot, but these are the ones that came to mind in the moment. What are some of yours? I would be very interested to know. Thank you for watching, if you did. my vegan blog:

lpDRL68zDxw | 01 Feb 2016
Products mentioned: 1. Bose Noise Canceling Headphones 2. Shower Cap 3. Michael Lauren otis tee 4. Hannah Anderson Nightgown darn it! Sold out...but here is a short sleeved version. 5. Unspoken: A Story from the Underground Railroad by Henry Cole 6. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman 7. The Arrival by Shaun Tan my vegan blog my personal blog my vegan fb page: MyNonLeatherLife my cool vegan shoes pinterest page: my IG: greenelover

tgTW1LNxbOk | 26 Jan 2016
MY WEEKLY GOAL REPORT: ROCKY ROAD First the good: A+ on my bragging A+ on my flexibility routine Nice effort on drinking water, meditating, being raw till 4, Class pass on vitamin taking Epic Fails on my hairstyle learning, biking, taking jui jitsu class part 2, planning my trip to vegas, and making daily youtube videos. Goals for next week: 1. bike in my apt every morning after I drink my water and get up 2. take my long awaited martial arts class 3. try my new hairstyles and be done with this infernal goal lol 4. plan my trip to vegas I resolve that my attitude for next week will be NO BIGGIE, YOU GET A BONUS ROUND.

KxnFnbXkOw0 | 18 Jan 2016
my goals for this past week: 1. try a new hairstyle every day 2. take my second jiu jitsu class 3. make raw vegan cinnamon rolls my goals for next week: 1. try a new daily hairstyle 2. take a jiu jitsu class 3. plan and research a trip to las vegas my daily habits i track using momentum habit tracker: 1.meditate 2. do my flexibility stretches 3.make a youtube video 4.take vitamins b12, d, zinc, 5. bike everyday 6. drink 1 liter of water before breakfast 7. raw till4 8. brag my vegan blog

5cSWcvf3GlA | 11 Jan 2016
Thank you for watching! My goals last week were: 1. drink 1 liter of water before breakfast everyday 2. try a brazilian jiu jitsu class 3. find 5 raw vegan recipes that i absolutely love (already had 1) Lissa's raw food romance vid in which she lists her 5 fave raw vegan recipes with recipe videos (try the sale dressings!!! SO GOOD): I loved my water resolution and will continue. I loved my BJJ class but haven't gone back cause I'm still somewhat scared. I found 2 more raw food recipes I love for a total of 3. My goals for resolution week 2 are: 1. try or learn a new hairstyle every day of the week, wear it and take pics 2. GO BACK to Jiu Jitsu studio and take another class 3. (I forgot to say this one in the vid) Make the raw vegan cinnamon rolls from the woodstock fruit festival (I have the recipe and the dehydrator...and I know I LOVED it there). The habit tracker app I use and am obsessed with is called momentum habit tracker. u should download! It is awesome. my vegan blog my IG: greenelover my personal blog:

ORcYf-9vgpc | 07 Jan 2016
I am forcing myself to try a new thing I've always wanted to do every week. This week I told myself I was forcing myself to take a jiu jitsu class. I had been talking about it forever. I forced myself to go!!! And I Really liked it. I would give it 4.5 stars out of 5. I was super intimidated to try it before even though I really wanted to because it involved sexual seeming wrestling with men. I had a weird fear of it being awkward and sexual. Now I don't care about that and am not afraid thanks to facing my fear at my night job as an exotic dancer. It was a bit awkward at first but then it became super fun. It was overwhelming but I think I picked the best place. It was super chill and friendly. I want to go back. So excited and proud of myself that I actually did it, and felt really excited about life afterwards. I have always wanted/thought "wrestler" would be the perfect career for me weirdly enough. By doing this, I might actually get into that. When I think about the journey my interesting in pole dancing took me on, I am excited about the possibilities of the journey. I only wish I had started sooner, but thankfully I am getting into gear and trying everything I ever wanted to try NOW. What should my next weeks resolution be??? Thank you for watching! my vegan blog my personal blog

m6GhgLFGfbs | 05 Jan 2016
App mentioned is Momentum Habit Tracker My resolution for this week: 1. drink 1 liter of water before breakfast 2. try a jiu jitsu class My yearly resolutions: 1. do a different weekly experiment every week 2. try EVERYTHING on my bucket list--METAPHORICAL BUCKET LIST INBOX ZERO My Daily Habits: 1.meditate 2. flexibility practice (3 X a week minimum) 3. make a youtube video 4. take vitamins (d, b12) 5. get on bike everyday 6. drink 1 liter of water before breakfast 7. do raw till 4 my vegan blog my ig: greenelover

xjyqVoh7l_w | 04 Jan 2016
Is meditating worth it? My answer is yes. I really really like it and have been getting a lot out of it. Tips for making a daily meditation habit: 1. Download the free meditation app Insight Timer, free on the app store. 2. Start out small and select guided meditations under 5 minutes. It's more fun listening to guided meditations at first and they have reviews you can read to select the best one. The guided meditations give u a lot of info about how to meditate and it's really enjoyable. Do 5 minutes ones until you actually want to do more, like I want to now. 3. lie down in bed. It isn't incorrect as long as you don't fall asleep. 4. Wear a pair of really nice headphones. I have bose noise cancelling ones which are one of my fave purchases of all time. amazon link here: 5. I forgot to mention this but download the free app "momentum", which I did a video about to help make sure you do it every day (you will want to once you get into meditating cause it is really relaxing). It is an incredibly well designed habit tracker app which will help you track your daily practice in the most awesome possible way. momentum habit tracker:

Zi7SEjn3JRE | 29 Dec 2015
I prefer fruit based though starch based is more convenient and less stress, and I understand why some people find it better. fruit is like a little secret weapon and no one can figure out why you're different. I am trying to eat more fruit in the new year after experimenting with more starches. my vegan blog

wRVqtIOLBeQ | 21 Dec 2015
Favorites discussed: 1. Rad Soap Bar in Almond Cherry. Smells so good! And it's vegan, of course. 2. That's It Fruit Bars in Strawberry 3. Aloe-Herb Cleanser from Ann-Marie Gianni Skin Care 4. Bella Il Fiore Bath Diva Shower Cap 5. Boodie organic cotton underwear (yay! they are on amazon): bra top: thong I got: 6. Leonie Dawson Create Your Shining Life 2016 Workbook 7. The Rumble Roller foam roller 8. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson 9. Impressions Vanity Mirror (available on amazon or their website where I got mine). I have the Hollywood Glow XL with LED Lights. You can check out their instagram for pics of which one you like. my vegan blog: cool vegan shoes online: my personal blog and thoughts on life: my instagram: greenelover

gIorjTUhWYM | 18 Dec 2015
momentum is the app: Truly genius design and simplicity. Get it! It is free. :) You can try tracking vegan days or meditation or exercise of any other habit you are trying to create or practice you are trying to progress in! my vegan blog: my ig: greenelover

BZtbCojihLw | 17 Dec 2015
The banandelier is the perfect gift for any fruitarian or raw till 4 person who buys a case of bananas at a time! It is the perfect way to have the bananas all ripen easily and in the way they ripen in nature. It looks like you have a real fruit tree in the house it's so cool. Uploading from my phone but will add the link later to buy online-- Google "banandelier" to find for yourself :).

GzepLvyDhO8 | 14 Dec 2015
1. Toot and Puddle by Holly Hobbie 2. The Night Before Christmas by Holly Hobbie 3. Hansel and Gretel by Holly Hobbie 4. Courtney by John Burningham 5. Mr. Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham 6. The Tomten and the Fox by Astrid Lindgren 7. Dahlia by Barbara McClintock 8. A Time to Keep by Tasha Tudor 9. Sidewalk Flowers by JohnArno Lawson my vegan blog in which my story of weight loss, healing and understanding of veganism is documented...along with cool vegan shoes and vegan essentials: my instagram: greenelover cool vegan shoes on pinterest: my personal blog:

KPfOlKg0mpo | 10 Dec 2015
I decided to try taking a cold shower. My shower didn't get that cold but it was still cold. I turned it to max cold. I will try again in a colder shower. I feel invigorated and light and springy. I liked it, surprisingly. I will try it again. Things mentioned: FB group: vegan fruitarians interview with squeegee on my blog: my blog:

kJdShVqDtUU | 10 Dec 2015
That's It Fruit Bars 12 Pack Sampler on amazon: Raw, Vegan, 100 Calories, Gluten Free, Contain only fruit and no preservatives Frederic Patenaude, the guy who recommended them: my vegan blog: my ig: greenelover

SOR9EtzXB6A | 08 Dec 2015
The video that changed my life: I was curious about linen sheets and decided to buy some for a bed makeover. Sheets: my vegan blog:

o2jMUZQan7g | 07 Dec 2015
One of the best books I've ever read. Deceptively simple. Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them by Tina Gilbertson amazon link here: my vegan blog: my insta: greenelover my vegan fb: my non leather life

u8XQsDDQxDc | 06 Dec 2015
weird and fun stuff to do you probably haven't thought of (correct me if I'm wrong): 1. eating in the bathtub 2. Find your favorite food item.... for example, buy all the varieties of kombucha at once, do a taste test and ascertain your favorite one and for all. Never again will you miss out on the cream of the crop. 3. Buy a shopping bag or bags full of small healthy snack items at the grocery store like dried fruits, kale chip, coconut flakey things, and try 'em all out! 4. Go to the russian baths and get beaten with that branch 5. take a weird private lesson in the nerdy field of your choice like scrabble, chess, checkers, pole dancing, video games or the like. If you don't know what to do in the lesson, ask them to critique what you do already and give you feedback. If you don't know anyone who teaches private lessons, write to someone you admire and ask if they'd be willing to give you one. 6. test out ancient remedies and old wives tales like... like castor oil for hair growth or yoni steaming. hope you vegan blog my insta: greenelover

2aK9sNYIQww | 03 Dec 2015
My body pillow has really helped my loneliness and I wish I had bought it a long time ago. If you struggle with loneliness, you might like one too. The one I got is below: Products Mentioned: Body Pillow: Body Pillow Pillowcase: my vegan blog personal blog: insta: greenelover fb: my non leather life

S6hLvpiMJ0k | 03 Dec 2015
Thank you for watching. Products Mentioned: 1. Fox Gloves for biking (I got size medium) 2. Durianrider's lean body bible 3. Kor One BPA free water bottle 4. light up rubber ducky (sold out but similar below) 5. castor oil 6. Passion Fruit 7. Microderma Mitt 8. Sense with Sleep Pill sleep monitor 9. bike lights 10. Gaiam dry grip yoga mat 11. date sampler 12. Outdoor voices sports bra and matching leggings 13. Lumee phone case my vegan blog: my instagram: greenelover my fb: My Non Leather Life

vTVilhnQxQY | 02 Dec 2015
Thank you for watching. This is just a heart to heart chat with me about why I am feeling bizarrely, way happier lately, and how I have been really thinking it is because of all the positive experiences I have had at my job as a stripper/exotic dancer. The job cured me of many negative attitudes I had about men and how they were not to be trusted and scary...when in fact most are true softies at heart. It also cured me of my body image issues. It is thrilling there, exciting, and an adrenaline rush, and there are many many fascinating encounters and crazy experiences I have had there. It is a lot of fun. So much fun I believe all the positive experiences I have had there have added up and healed me from all the negative experiences I had growing up. I seriously think I had PTSD from hating my life for so long during my school years. I do feel stripping can be healing. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. YOUR DREAMS UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY BETTER THAN YOU DO. DO THEM AT ALL COSTS if you want to be happy. "True happiness never existed for anyone who settled for less than what they imagined". thank you for watching!!! vegan blog fb: my non leather life insta: greenelover personal blog:

OJcGHlFF8oY | 18 Nov 2015
Yeah you can be confident and talk a good game. But there is another way to be attractive that doesn't involve confidence. But it takes BRAVERY to do it. It is letting all the emotions and expressions and feelings you normally suppress so you can be appear normal and not crazy and not weird and not vulnerable and not emotional....pass across your face...and letting someone watch it happen. It will create a force field of sexual and erotic power between you least it often does if the chemistry isn't totally off. Make up your mind to let them see YOU, YOUR SOUL, no matter how scary it is. Blush, act nervous, act swept away by passion, stare, show them your most vulnerable facial expressions, look into their eyes and show them YOU without your guards up, the way YOU know you are in your heart, the one society has told you is too much or too weird in my case This is a magical power we all have to suddenly turn a boring and non flirtatious encounter suddenly intimate, vulnerable, HOT, and erotic, it at your own risk. You can always freeze up again though and camouflage yourself into being a normal person again who isn't expressive if you feel unsafe...all in a matter of one second. Do you guys get what I'm saying? Let me know if you do. I hope it might help someone out there. my vegan blog: my facebook: mynonleatherlife my ig: greenelover

TVWQk7lLMkc | 14 Nov 2015
Forest is an app where you set a timer in the app and a little seed is planted and starts growing. If you click out of the app though during the allotted time though, the seed DIES!! It's really useful for staying off your phone. I've been using it and it's really helpful. Essena O'Neil got me thinking: I need to do more offline. Like I did when I was a kid. Do I want to spend my whole life on my phone, like I've kind of done for my 20s? Not really NO I DON't. I want to live more life. I think social media is great in small doses but obsessively checking gmail and Facebook...that is really quite addictive behavior and I'm trying to improve. The app I reviewed yesterday has majorly helped my obsessive email checking. I was getting so many promotional emails that I felt the need to delete. That app just rolls them all up in one quick email you can skim in like 20 seconds. SO much better. I already feel like my time has freed up so much. Amazing how quick your life can get better even when you feel stuck. Anyway, my vegan blog is facebook: my Non leather Life insta: greenelover

fGdoMUTAvU4 | 12 Nov 2015
Unroll.Me is a life changing app that helps you unsubscribe from all promotional emails in about 2-5 minutes. You sort through them like you're on tinder and have the choice to save the ones you still want to see in a big "rollup" or daily email digest containing all the emails once a day. I chose to get my "rollup" in the evening so this morning for the first time ever I barely got any emails. It was awesome!!! I feel so much more sane. Phone addiction is real and I'm trying to figure out ways to get more done and get off my phone. my vegan blog: my cool vegan shoes pinterest board where you can buy the vegan shoes online: my insta: greenelover

85jUWP_wULM | 12 Nov 2015
I recommend downloading this app. I accomplished more today than in a month! I am a huge fan and will probably buy all the other carrot apps. Obviously not being paid to say that! It's just really useful. I amazed that I want to please this app so bad. What does that say about me? *insert scared emoji here* but it's also really hilarious and brightens my day. The app is called Carrot. my vegan blog is where I document how I transformed into a hardcore vegan and lost weight and healed my issues through high carb low fat vegan and raw vegan diet you can find cool vegan shoes on that blog by looking at the header. my Facebook: mynonleatherlife my insta: greenelover Thank you guys for watching. xx

u6iXNY4BHqw | 16 Oct 2015
What if there are things about yourself you the hell are you supposed to get over that??! Everyone tells you to "view your flaws as your biggest strength" or "learn to love your weaknesses" or "every facet of you is perfect" but then why do you hate certain aspects of yourself? For example, when people called me shy, it really got under my skin. The fact was I was insecure about being somewhat shy and hated having people point it out! Obviously everyone knows it is better to be outgoing and fun, right?? No one wants to be why are people being so rude by pointing that out to me. Well the fact is I was the one viewing shyness as a bad thing. I assumed if you were shy then you were destined to suck? And how was I supposed to believe otherwise when outgoing people looked like way more fun and likable? WELL, ENTER KRISTEN STEWART. Yes, the shy, incredibly awkward star of TWILIGHT. And one but a shy incredibly awkward and intense person could have made that movie like she did. Shy intense people are magnetic in their own I right or am I right? Imagine substituting that outgoing popular girl from high school in the role. It just wouldn't work. That shyness...was mesmerizing in it's own way. Find a celebrity who embodies the thing you hate about yourself. Think about him or her...try to see why it's appealing. OUR DARK SIDES ARE ATTRACTIVE TOO. Angelina Jolie vs. Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde... They are both endearing in their own way. Pick a celebrity role model and admire yourself. Who did you pick and why??? I'm so curious. If you watch this whole video through, please comment below, I would love to know. Mine are: Kirsten Stewart: awkardness, shyness, intensity Angeline Jolie: Intense, non bubby, non friendliness Ciara: tomboyish strength and not too feminine insta: greenelover

ee_Lu3G1q1I | 24 Sep 2015
When you are feeling unconfident and nervous, scared, loserly, uncool, unattractive... When your MOJO has disappeared and YOU CAN't SEEM TO FIND IT AGAIN......make this list. Make a list on your phone on the notes app of your good qualities, things you admire about yourself, your gifts, the stuff you think is special about you. Reread the list. You may not instantly have your mojo back, but it will center you enough to go out there and try again or have a go at it!! I do this all the time in the locker room at work, on the subway....take a moment to yourself...go the bathroom, lock the door, and make your list. Reread and get back out there. my vegan blog on health, weight loss, and healing: my personal blog on thoughts on life: my insta: greenelover

rikPkflWuxI | 23 Sep 2015
I learned this secret confidence tip from one of the most confident people of all time--my pole dance idol (check out her vids on youtube). She prescribed us all to VOGUE in front of the mirror for the length of one song and try to do it every day. WHAT IS VOGUEING? I realize it is a super cool dance style but I am referring to the old 70 or 80s style dance *move* of just POSING, POSING, POSING like a supermodel as your dance move. I demonstrate in this pole dancing video of mine I posted how to do it better than I did in this video, but I tried to show you in this vid too: the pole dance vid demonstrating this better: Basically you dance slowly for the length of one sexy song while staring at yourself intently in the mirror and posing in ways that make you think WOW I LOOOK GOOOD!!! You will find poses don't worry...don't get're alone, no one will realize some of your poses look really bad. It happens to everyone. It will help you learn what poses look best but most importantly it will just remind you of how HOT YOU TRULY ARE. Then when you are feeling really blah and boring and unattractive, pull out one of your poses in the mirror and get attracted to yourself!! lol. But seriously, sexiness starts with finding yourself beautiful so convince yourself of your own super beauty. If you can channel that sexy energy, no matter what you look like on the outside...if you are 500 pounds or 80 pounds or 90 years old or one legged or in a will always look sexy. Trust me, I've seen it. Everyone can be sexy...they just need to figure out how to channel the sexy energy from within. Try this tip: Did it work for you? Did you feel stupid doing it or like me, were you like, I'M HOT, this is fun!!!

Kfg5eW9h1D0 | 22 Sep 2015
This is a really important tip for confidence...maybe even the most important? Because even if you aren't feeling confident, you can trick people into believing you are with this one. When someone gives you a your head you may be thinking to yourself "YEAH RIGHT?? ME, LOOKING GOOD? ME, LOST WEIGHT? ME, RADIATING POSITIVE ENERGY? ME, SOUNDING SMART??? FAR FROM IT!!!" Whatever you do, DO NOT VOICE YOUR INSECURITIES!!! Simply accept the compliment, by saying THANK YOU! Thank you, like of course its true and you hear it all the damn time! Be appreciative of the compliment but it's not coming as a surprise to you. IF that sounds too complicated, all you need to say is: Thank you, and smile. In a way, every time someone gives you a compliment it is like a test. YES A TEST. If you accept it gracefully, they will feel you are even more beautiful than before and they will feel compelled to give you more...and more. I am not sure why this is true, but I have just noticed it time and again. But if you deflect the compliment and say something "humble" or self deprecating about will have confirmed an alternate view of yourself in that persons mind and your value in their mind will depreciate. Unless you are like Hugh Grant who can pull of self deprecation and be even more charming than ever! But for the rest of us mere mortals and to be on the safe side....accept the compliment!!! And leave self deprecation and humility to the people who can afford to be oscar winning actors and olympians. lol. They can afford it cause everyone knows how great they are on the other hand, have to prove it to people. Do you guys agree? Let me know in the comments below. my blog: my personal blog: my insta: greenlover my fb: My Non Leather Life

x2nzGdHuO04 | 21 Sep 2015
This is a deceptively simple question, but very effective. I use this method all the time when facing mountains of rejections. Go to a mirror for a private tete a tete with yourself. Look at yourself. Then ask the question: Do I, in my own opinion, like the way I LOOK, or do I like who I am. So much of the time we don't realize it but we are looking in the mirror from the lens of how we look to other people, and how other people will perceive us. Forget all that for a second though. And ask yourself if YOU like it. If you do, which surprisingly I usually do, then you have found your confidence again. Because remember, there will always be people who love you and people who hate you. Everyone likes different things and you can only be some people's type, not everyone's. But if YOU approve of yourself, then you will be in the perfect position to appreciate the support and love of the lovers and remember that haters gonna hate! This works. Try it and let me know if it worked for you...or whether you tried it, and realized in your own opinion, you DID NOT like the way you look. If that happens, try changing something until you do like the way you look. A lot of times I will feel stupid in front of someone else but then realize, a wonderful part of my personality is that I do a lot of stupid things and then can make fun of myself later and use it as jokes with my friends. Even though I look stupid to others, I still like the fact that I do stupid things...overall. As a whole, my personality can be great even though I others might perceive me as annoying or obnoxious in certain moments. Remember who you are! Check in with yourself in the mirror. my blog my insta: greenelover fb: My Non Leather Life

yhBmLIWnub4 | 14 Sep 2015
My Advice: 6 WEIRD ways to get over a bad breakup. Tell me if you have other good tips, and if you have done any of these 1. Buy yourself a gift (small or large) every day until you feel healed. Spend money on yourself and your interests and making your life better. 2. Go Raw Vegan and blow your ex away with your inner glow. But seriously, things will begin to change and pick up in your life, you will start feeling amazing. My tips for going raw vegan are a. read the book 80/10/10, subscribe to fullyrawkristina on youtube, and join the group "vegan fruitarians" on Facebook! the book "80/10/10" by Doug Graham on amazon: 3. Find more of your passions and interest in life. The more you have, the happier you will be. And the less your happiness will rest on you having a boyfriend. The best method I feel to find your interests in life is to read the book "Living Alone and Loving It" by Barbara Feldon. I really recommend reading the book especially if you've just broken up with someone but the method is basically to make a list of all the things you've ever had the slightest inclination to try and go down the list TRYING THEM ALL. Some will be duds, but some things you will fall passionately in love with and start a life long love affair with a new passion in life. "Living Alone and Loving it" by Barbara Feldon on amazon 4. Buy a body pillow. It helps with loneliness. The one I got from amazon: 5. Adopt a dog 6. Try dating a ton! Like lining up 7 dates in 7 days or 100 dates in 100 days or fulfilling all your fantasies that can only be fulfilled whilst single. Go for it! You'll have fun. But be safe always. my website my personal blog

s8xZwgRGvQo | 13 Sep 2015
the essay mentioned in the video: 1. There is no objective standard of beauty. For every problem and flaw you believe you have, there is someone attracted to that flaw. If you're fat, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE ONLY ATTRACTED TO FAT PEOPLE and will find your figure extremely attractive. If you are old, YES THERE ARE people who are extremely attracted to older women. Do not believe your friend who tells you HE or SHE isn't attracted to your perceived flaw. Just because he or she isn't, doesn't mean there aren't people who are. In fact, a set percentage of the population WILL be. YES, it won't be the majority. But there will be a constant group of people who are. FIND THOSE PEOPLE, either by tracing them to their online community or group, or by exposing yourself to the law of large numbers and putting yourself in front of lots and lots of people. For every flaw I believe I have, there are people who are into it at the strip club I work at where people are free to express their true preferences. You cannot be ugly. You may simply not be attractive to the person you are with, or the majority of the population. That does not mean you are ugly, because there are hundreds if not thousands who are desiring exactly what you are. 2. There is something that can make you ugly. And that is NOT STATING TO THE WORLD THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF BEAUTIFUL. People will eventually agree with you if you tell them that you think you are ugly. You need to show people that you find yourself beautiful. You can do that by: 3. LOOKING IN THE MIRROR AND DECIDING THAT a. you think you look good and b. you will refuse to let anyone tell you you're not beautiful. If they do, walk away. Only respond to people who think you are sexy and attractive. And if they compliment you, this is a golden not break it: ALWAYS AGREE WITH THEIR COMPLIMENT. You don't have to say you agree, but you do need to say thank you and think in your head like, that was sweet that he acknowledged my beauty, yeah I am beautiful. By acknowledging his compliment and showing him you are open and receptive to being called beautiful, his compliments will multiply and he will soon be showering you in compliments. Once he sees you think you are beautiful, your beauty will grow in his eyes. Watch this happen and try it out. my blog

8zk4Qb0hTVs | 11 Sep 2015
1. After college when people asked me what I wanted to do I had NO IDEA. I was SOOOO lost. But the fact is I did know what to do deep down, but I was making some big mistakes. The first being asking for advice. TIP 1. DO NOT ASK FOR ADVICE. If you are sensitive and easily discouraged like I was, people will shoot down your tender baby dreams and goals. They won't be enthusiastic. They will be eager to give you advice and tell you what to do. But they're missing one key crucial fact. THEY AREN'T YOU and ONLY BY DOING WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WILL YOU FEEL HAPPY. So what they want you to do is just leading you further astray, further into confusion, and the wasteland where you think all your dreams and ideas SUCK and you should just be unhappy the rest of your life. Trust me, it happened to me. You need to believe in yourself and that means --- believing that what you want is what is going to make you happy. That is my experience. Tip 2. You DO know what you want to do, but you aren't LISTENING. Is there something deep down, that you totally dismissed because it's too insane or too beneath you, or too hard. ACCEPT THAT THAT IS YOUR DESTINY. That is your body telling you what is right for you, no matter what *you* think. Accept it and GO FOR IT. Listen to that voice. That voice is a lot smarter than you. You're an idiot compared to that voice. That thing you are scared to do? That's what you need to do. Tip 3. If you have a big dream, but are too scared to go for it, you need to get over your fear of rejection. Quite literally. You need to go to the "rejection gym" and make a daily practice of getting rejected. Once you do this for two weeks or so, you will have no problem asking for anything, even if it's to audition for a role in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 5 or whatever you want. Watch the youtube channel of Jia Jiang to see a 100 Day Rejection Challenge in action and read his book "Rejection Proof" for further insight and explanation of how he overcame his fear of rejection. Jia's 100 Days of Rejection on youtube: The book "Rejection Proof" on amazon: my blog: my instagram: greenelover actually cool vegan shoes on my vegan shoes pinterest page:

J67F51ZBnH0 | 09 Sep 2015
Why it's a great thing to be a fat kid and why you should feel lucky if you are fat or have had the experience of being fat: 1. it teaches you compassion for others and for animals. Oppressed people understand oppression and come out kind, compassionate and sensitive people. 2. Forces you to search inside yourself for where true confidence and beauty come from. It doesn't come from what other people think of you, and being fat and being told you are ugly and lesser than forces you to understand the true principles of self love and self esteem. It forces you to figure out how to believe you are truly beautiful NO MATTER WHAT YOU WEIGH. And if you've understood that, you've understood the truth. For the rest of your life, you will feel beautiful no matter how many pounds you lose or gain. 3. The fatter you were, the better your before and after pictures when you find a high carb low fat (no oil) vegan lifestyle and the more impressive your healing journey will be. and 4. You will have an incredibly strong motivator to find veganism, which will rock your world, open your eyes, and take you on a journey to true matter what you end up weighing. Learning about a truly healthy diet of PLANTS, fruits and vegetables, is an invaluable life skill and could save your life. I lost 25 pounds through high carb LOW FAT veganism...and I thought I would never ever lose weight. Even if you've tried veganism you may not have tried NO OIL VEGANISM or a WHOLE FOODS vegan diet. There is a big difference. I didn't lose any weight just being vegan. Only when I switched to this healthy way of veganism focusing on raw foods and starches with no oil did I rapidly lose. And I love it. Check out the book 80/10/10 by Doug Graham if you're interested in raw food or check you the youtube channels of Freelee the Banana Girl, High Carb Hannahl, Potato Strong and Happy Healthy Vegan to learn more about this lifestyle. my website and more about my weight loss and animal rights and healing:

7e6rLFDUf-E | 08 Sep 2015
I bought the book "The Shangri La Diet" ( and thought it was my ticket to weight loss. All I had to do was drink PURE OIL. It was so disgusting I lost my appetite. The diet works by decreasing your appetite so you eat VERY LITTLE A DAY. Thank god I found a HIGH CARB VEGAN diet where I am now eating 3 times as much as I ever did and I've lost 20+ pounds without ever restricting or starving again. I found out about this diet through youtube, so if you don't know about it, check out @freelee the banana girl or @high carb hannah and try "Raw till 4" or "raw till whenever" or go fully raw and check out @fullyrawkristina. I tried so many restrictive diets and none of them worked. Don't restrict. Get in your nutrients. Eat enough calories of fruits and vegetables and raw foods. DON'T DRINK OIL CAUSE THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK DIED OF A HEART ATTACK AT A YOUNG AGE. He was also eating half a stick of butter a day because he claimed it improved his brain function. Go vegan and you'll never worry about dieting again. my website where to find actually cool vegan shoes: my Facebook: @MyNonLeatherLife my instagram: @greenelover my personal blog with far too many selfies:

PQ_IODSbTH8 | 06 Sep 2015
The video that changed my life: Stuff I find weirdly attractive about men: 1. their messy rooms 2. wearing sweatpants 3. drinking beer 4. when they use their strength 5. when they fail at approaching you and get defeated or when they try to show off 6. playing poker 7. being good with cats 8. video games 9. when they talk to their male friends 10. their smells my website:

m9lEUsh0KyY | 05 Sep 2015
I never went to a single dance party in middle school, high school and college cause I was afraid to step on the dance floor and humiliate myself, cause I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DANCE and was extremely self conscious. I had no idea how other people know how to do it!!! Eventually, I had resolved to do it...had some drinks and stepped out onto the floor. BAM the phobia was cured as most phobias are through "Exposure" or exposing yourself to your fear.... once you find out that you have nothing to be afraid of...the phobia goes away. Attack and KILL your fear by facing it and your phobia will dissolve. Once the phobia was cured it was a journey to loosen up and loose the stiffness. IT WILL TAKE TIME but over time little by little you will lose your self consciousness, inhibitions and stiffness and realize that what people want to see is your quirks, emotions, and unique personality....people don't want you to be perfect. They want to see your personality shine through. You'll see how silly you were to be self conscious and inhibited when what people want to see is someone breaking free and showing their weirdness and their soft side and their passions and dark side. Dance ROCKS. It's a journey and an art...and you will keep making major improvements throughout the years. There is hope for everyone with a phobia of dance. If I could conquer it, you can too. Comment down below if you have a dance phobia.

SXWMV-2ZJGA | 04 Sep 2015
For most of my life I was severely depressed and unhappy. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed by many therapists. But I was very motivated to overcome it and change my life WITHOUT DRUGS. Why was I so against drugs? I don't know...I have always been scared of putting unnatural substances in my body. But after reading 100s if not 1000s of self help books, I found certain books that contained life changing information and the info in them worked. First I had to overcome my despair and hopelessness and confusion, which I did by reading the life changing book Feeling Good by David Burns, link below. That got me out of the pit but I still had to build my life back up from ground less than zero. The books below helped me do that. The thing that eventually totally wiped out any lingering traces of my depression was finding my true interests in life, and then facing my fear and living my impossible dream. Your dream is the true ticket to your happiness. Once I achieved my dream, the lingering depression I had completely disappeared!!! You can do it too. I thought my dream was impossible for literally years but eventually I figured out I'd need to strengthen my "courage muscle" to even attempt it, and with the help of daily rejection attempts, I overcame my fear of rejection enough to walk in that door. Once I achieved my dream, my depression disappeared for good. And now I can work on improving my life for fun and not as if my life depended on it. Below I will list all the things mentioned in the video. THESE ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST AND TRULY EFFECTIVE SOURCES OF WISDOM, even though they come in the form of cheesy self help books. I was a philosophy major in college and read all the great books searching for knowledge and answers...but sometimes the best philosophy comes in the form of a used book for 1 cent on The books: 1. FEELING GOOD by David Burns (next read When Panic Attacks and Intimate Connections by David Burns....but read Feeling Good first if you are clinically depressed) 2. Living Along and Loving It by Barbara Feldon (Find your true interests in life with the method she describes so amazingly in this gem of a book) 3. Pole Dancing I recommend the studio Sheila Kelley's S Factor if you happen to be in NYC, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco or the LA Area. S Factor truly changed my life, but I think most pole dancing studios have the same effect on other's lives. S Factor's website: Sheila Kelley's blog: Sheila Kelley's excellent Ted Talk about Pole Dancing: 4. Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts Mama Gena's Owners and Operator's Guide to Men mama gena's blog: 5. High Carb Low Fat Vegan Lifestyle Check out the youtube channels of Freelee the Banana Girl, High Carb Hannah, Fully Raw Kristina and Potato Strong for different approaches to this lifestyle. I also recommend the book for an intro to raw food and looking younger: 80/10/10 by Doug Graham 6. Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang (to overcome your fear of rejection and get up the courage to go for your true dream. If you don't have a dream yet, first find your interests with the method outlined in the book "Living Alone and Loving it", #2 in this list). Also watch Jia's rejection journey through his youtube channel Your desires and dreams are the keys to your happiness. You need to build the courage to go for your dream. When you do, your depression will disappear. READ THESE BOOKS!! my website

7wzGDvVHMTo | 04 Sep 2015
how I lost 20-25 pounds eating raw till 4 imperfectly.... my website books and channels for learning about how to lose weight without dieting...and helping animals on a vegan diet....and improving your health at the same time: Channels: High Carb Hannah and Freelee the Banana Girl Books: "80/10/10" by Doug Graham (for those interested in raw food and health) The China Study by T. Colin Campbell The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall Thank you for watching!

qugskWOoobo | 02 Sep 2015
my website: my pinterest for cool vegan shoes: My fb: MyNonLeatherLife My insta: greenelover * The 10 reasons you should take up cycling for your health* 1. You can get your vital daily vitamin d exposure 2. "Burn fat not fuel"--you can burn fat on your way to the grocery store or wherever 3. Fresh air 4. It's will think of good ideas on your ride 5. It's fun and you won't notice how far you've biked 6. Good for weightloss--Durianrider and Freelee the Banana Girl say its the main reason they're so lean 7. It makes living in the city a lot more fun cause it's easier to get places than it is by walking 8. You can wear a vegan shirt and spread the message to 100s you pass by 9. Explore the city 10. Less hard on your limbs than running

dnsaVKjKONw | 01 Sep 2015
my website: Where to find vegan shoes that are actually cool: my Facebook page with adorable animal vids: my instagram: greenelover AUGUST FAVORITES: 1. Fruity Vegan T Shirt 2. Nomadic State of Mind rope sandal 3. Lush "The Olive Branch" Shower Gel,en_US,pd.html 4. Lush "Cynthia Sylvia Stout" shampoo,en_US,pd.html 5. Dessert Essence Coconut Conditioner 4. Wildfox T shirt "I traveled around the world and all I have left is this lousy t shirt" 5. Ardell Demi Whispies fake eyelashes 6. Shred It: Your step by step guide to burning fat and building muscle on a whole food plant based diet by Robert Cheeke 7. Out and about: a first book of poems by Shirley Hughes

uN59hmehuXE | 31 Aug 2015
In this video I explain how I lost all the weight and how to get into healthy veganism or high carb low fat veganism.... I went from thinking it was impossible for me to lose weight and being totally into the fat acceptance movement (which I still think is great) to effortlessly losing 25 pounds on a diet that is really extremely important to end the murder and torture of billions of animals a year and for our health. We are meant to eat plants and that's why everything starts falling into place when you eat only plants. Subscribe to High Carb Hannah's channel and Freelee the banana girl's channel to learn about this lifestyle. Also read the book "80/10/10" by Doug Graham if you are interested in SERIOUSLY improving your health or have serious healing to do, and learn about a healthy raw vegan diet. I noticed HUGE improvements and changes as a raw vegan. Check out my blog for more before and after photos and more of my story.

PqwjAEpmPgQ | 31 Aug 2015
Just some random thoughts about what having a job in a strip club is really like... I lost 25 pounds with high carb veganism, which enabled me to achieve my bizarre dream of dancing in a club. I am able to stay effortlessly in shape and never diet with this way of eating. GO VEGAN and check out my blog for how I did it. Also check out my pinterest page of cool vegan shoes: My website: instagram: greenelover Feel free to ask me anything in the comments.

Yv9m8ef65mo | 27 Aug 2015
my website my pinterest page for cool vegan shoes: my Facebook page:

vdRbjw_HfF4 | 08 Apr 2015
my website: Is it worth the money?? Does high carb hannah give good advice? My answer is yes. you can find her book here:

iGx__8iPwj0 | 20 Mar 2015 I really enjoyed Durianrider's ebook Carb the Fuck Up. I liked it so much I just finished reading it for a second time and am trying to incorporate his advice into my life. The best tips I picked up were: 1. Importance of Hydration 2. Importance of early bedtime 3. Cycling is great 4. Youtube Tips 5. Dating tip

GpO0sJ0wTUI | 02 Mar 2015
1. Citri Star Juicer 2. Full moon Salt Crystal Lamp 3. Smart Klean Laundry Non Detergent Ball 4. Living Libations Best Skin Ever Sea Buckthorn Oil 5. Living Libations Rose Glow Creme 6. Living Libations Shine On Shampoo and Conditioner Vegan Beauty you tuber I mentioned: Cloudy Apple's Video on Sea Buckthorn Oil Robert from who recommended the juicer

-dQlNLpmv4Y | 30 Jan 2015
I went raw for 30 days in January and experienced one of the most stressful months of my life. Was it worth it? I definitely lost a lot of weight. Yet I experienced possible emotional detox which wreaked havoc on my life. I hope you enjoy my editing LOL not that it's funny but just I finally learned how to edit videos and I'm really excited. I tried to use some shocking freelee the banana girl tactics showing off my midriff lolol so hopefully it doesn't offend you.

J3_g0sA1OSs | 13 Jan 2015
my blog: pinterest: facebook: Mynonleatherlife Instagram: greenelover Products mentioned in the video: 1. Kiss my face Shaving cream (vegan) 2. Desert Essence Conditioner (vegan) 3. Lush Cynthia Sylvia Stout Shampoo (vegan),en_US,pd.html 4. Real Purity Deodorant (vegan) 5. OCC Lip Pencil in Trick (vegan) 6. Beer Soap 7. The Wet Brush (vegan) 8. Electric candles 9. Fullips Lip Plumper 10. wooden bowl 11. vans low top shoes (vegan) (oh darn, sold out) 12. vans high top sneakers (only the white canvas ones are vegan) 13. 7 Hot Dates date sampler 14. Cleanse and Purify Thyself by Richard Anderson 15. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo 16. The Stench of Honolulu by Jack Handey

ve2vg3WJUCE | 07 Jan 2015
Hi guys! It's me again...back with a little update about what I'm doing and what I thought was a very useful piece of advice. How do you decide which high carb vegan lifestyle you should follow? Follow the scientific method! Try this: 1. Define your goals 2. Define a time for your experiment (2 weeks, 3 weeks, one month?) 3. Form a hypothesis. What is your hunch? Ask yourself which lifestyle do you think gives you the best shot at achieving your goals. 4. Reevaluate at the end of that time period and see if you want to continue or try a different path. Oh and by the way, I am wearing a snowsuit I got for absorbing some vitamin d outside in this frigid nyc winter. MY BLOG: Where to find cool vegan shoes:

P6Hx7WsfH-k | 12 Aug 2014
I have been getting a lot of questions on my blog about tips for beginners on raw till 4. So here are my top tips for going raw till 4 or fruitarian. my blog is You can find out where to get vegan shoes there along with my fruity musings.

PHXA4ff3rYI | 27 Jun 2014
I describe the already noticeable effect on my looks and how I got undercarbed today, how fascinating. I also coin a #. #fruitarianproblems and make fun of myself, what a great vid.

eZfQ6CRagws | 26 Jun 2014
In a happy mood tonight! YAY ME. 3 Days down. I muse about the benefits and how I would like to eat some potatoes right now, but for one week I think I can eat some fruit instead...and see if it pays off! TTYL.

oGqfz5AjY6k | 24 Jun 2014
Yes I did it!! I feel great...and better too. This is my day 1 Vlog. I've been trying to have one fully raw 80/10/10 day for weeks and failing, but today I succeeded! Never give up. I think the key was stocking up on a lot of great fruit the day before. my blog is

DBE7qK1Yktw | 23 Jun 2014
In this video I talk about how even though I have been really enjoying raw till 4 I still have a desire to revisit my fully raw trial period I did and made daily videos about last summer. I talk about how I really like this lifestyle, but felt more effects eating fully raw.

bV8QZmI_lJI | 28 May 2014
In this video I talk about my experience hiring a raw vegan health coach and why I think you should do it. My blog: my cool vegan shoes page: Ellen Fisher's website and coaching info:

kw5aYhrGMBQ | 25 May 2014
I have been doing a fruitarian style diet with periods of fully raw and now raw till 4 for about one year. This is my one year update where I explain what I am doing now and how I feel about fruitarianism after one year attempting it. You can see my before and after pictures on my blog here: Also check out my cool vegan shoes pinterest board in case you need vegan shoes: my Facebook page:

eDV8KnFnWwg | 08 Apr 2014
my blog: pinterest board: facebook page: 1. The Vidalia Chop Wizard on amazon: potato strong's french fries recipes potato strong's youtube channel 2. Organic Mulberries on amazon: Fully Raw Kristina's cereal recipe: 3. 7 hot dates 4. toronto pig save etsy shop The one I got: 5. white boots (still available in size 9) my cool vegan shoes pinterest board: 6. Happy Healthy Vegan's youtube channel and Facebook youtube: facebook: 7. Durian Rider's "gimme truth" document

Z1XcqxZzeKM | 23 Jan 2014
In my video about how to do 10 wonderful things a day for animals, I listed 10 ideas of things you can do every day to help animals. Here are 10 MORE GREAT ideas, in my opinion. I will list them below: 1. Buy and Give Away Vegan DVDS (such as Earthlings, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead; Blackfish, The Cove, Peaceable Kingdom, I Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA, The Witness, etc...) 2. Make business cards with haunting photos of pigs in factory farms or on the transport trucks...or any photo that for you sums up the message of veganism. Make it a photo that you feel will show people that animals have feelings and are far more similar to we are than people ever realized. Hand out these cards to people who you have nothing more to say to or don't want to argue with. Put a link on the back to some site online where you can BEAR WITNESS, or see some slaughterhouse footage online. End of story. I put Toronto Pig Save's youtube channel on mine 3. Hold a vegan dinner party or get together with vegan food for your non vegan friends 4. Start a small business or just sell something and donate a percentage of the profits to animal cause of your choice 5. Instagram pics of your healthy vegan food and don't forget to hashtag it because that's how people find it and can research further if they are interested. 6. Perfect a vegan food recipe and make it so good that it is like a secret weapon that instantly converts people to veganism. (thanks Boe Devi) 7. Start a youtube channel about something you love, possibly unrelated to veganism, but make it clear to any followers you are also vegan. Many people are inspired to go vegan by these offhand comments from people they already love and follow for a different reason. 8. Adopt a dog 9. Do a guerrilla marketing campaign like posting pictures of factory farmed pigs in the meat aisle of a supermarket. 10. Lead and let people be inspired by your example. I would love to hear your ideas about anything you have thought of that might help animals. Please feel free to comment below with any other ideas that might have come up. my blog: My cool vegan shoes pinterest page: My Facebook:

_8pqlUM5RLk | 18 Jan 2014
To start out with fruitarianism, I recommend buying the book 80/10/10 by Doug Graham (more info below) and watching the youtube videos of Freelee the Banana Girl, especially the video about raw till 4, which is a good plan to follow in the beginning RAW TILL 4: After you have done that, I recommend watching the videos of durianrider: fullyrawkristina: Doug Graham's foodnsport testimonial videos: Get your fruit on: especially this video which shows how melissa lost 100 pounds eating 4000 plus calories a day: and tannerbannaner who recovered from depression and epilepsy on a fruitarian lifestyle. Here is a good post from my blog about amazingly inspiring fruitarians to follow on instagram for total daily motivation: Here are my top 5 benefits: 1. weight loss 2. my cramps basically went away 3. control over your skin, beauty and inner glow (the more fruit you eat, the better you'll look) 4. Never starving yourself to lose weight ever again 5. health becomes a passion for its own sake and is not tied up in depressing thoughts about how much weight you can lose exercising. my blog: my pinterest board for finding cool vegan shoes made without leather: to learn more about veganism and become a vegan for life, check out and subscribe to the youtube channel of Toronto Pig Save:

eEsSKzx34mc | 07 Jan 2014
"Do ten wonderful things for animals a day and then focus on them when you go to bed each night." -Anita Krajnc, head of Toronto Pig Save (list of 10 Things below). (Toronto Pig Save's youtube channel: I got this advice from Mark Spicoluk, a member of TPS, who got it from the head of Toronto Pig Save, when he asked her how to deal with the negative side of animal rights. Interview where he gave the advice here: I came up with ten ways to do wonderful things for animals. I will list them below. Please comment with other ideas you come up with! 1. Be vegan 2. Talk with someone about veganism or animal rights 3. annoyingly (but possibly humorously) send the following text message out of the blue to friends and family "GO VEGANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" 4. Start a blog or youtube channel about some aspect of veganism. Many people will find it and be inspired. 5. Comment on Facebook on companies pages about how you are vegan and want cruelty free items. Or comment on vegan friends' status might show up on your non vegan friends' Facebook feeds. 6. Attend (or start) an activist event. 7. Donate $ to an animal sanctuary What about the beautiful, bucolic Pig Preserve, where rescued pigs live out their lives in a 100 acre wood. Interview with amazingly beautiful photos about The Pig Preserve here: 8. Wear a t-shirt that says VEGAN or Go VEGAN on it. 9. Bear Witness by watching animal rights videos online Toronto Pig Save's youtube channel: 10. Read books about veganism 11. Ask yourself the "magic question": "how can I help animals today?" and see what comes to mind. And then tell me what came to mind. Then don't forget to dwell on what you did for animals at night, and be happy knowing you did a couple of wonderful things to help animals. If you liked the vid, please like, share and subscribe. Thanks!! my blog: find cool vegan shoes on my cool vegan shoes pinterest page:

cosASugjS6c | 03 Jan 2014
HOW TO: Find vegan shoes online that are actually cool and not made of a hemp twig. Ideas below: This is what I have learned from many years running what started as a vegan shoe blog. ( 1. Follow my pinterest board of Cool Vegan Shoes which I regularly update. You can click through the picture and find them all online. But you may not have my same taste in vegan shoes. Let me empower you to find vegan shoes online on your own. Here's what to do: 1. Find online stores with the types of shoes you like. For some it might be Old Navy and for some it might be Forever21 or any number of similar online stores that have popped up. I will list a few of my favorite options below: or similar. 2. Look for shoes that are around 50-60 $ or less. But make sure to check the materials. A rule of thumb is that the cheaper the shoe, the more likely it is to be vegan. Shoes less than 50$ are probably vegan (not always, but for mostly, so double check) It will probably say either "all man made materials" or something like, Upper: synthetic; Lower: all man made materials, or similar. If there is a material listed you don't know of, simply copy and paste into google, and google will define it for you. An interesting idea is to sort shoes to start off with with a "sort by price" option many stores have, and choose 50$ or below. 3. Here is the article about animal glues I wrote that I mentioned in the video. Please let me know what you think Hope this helps! My blog is I have an in depth article on there that goes into even more detail about where to find cool vegan shoes online. And details many vegan shoe companies as well. Also my favorite vegan shoe company that sells its own line of vegan shoes is the adorable Good Guys Don't Wear Leather. They sell loafers, oxfords, desert boots and basically adorable Parisian vegan shoes. To learn more about veganism, check out and subscribe to the youtube channel of Toronto Pig Save.

E7W3VOaFDL0 | 19 Dec 2013
Get to know me and then let me get to know you (by making a video yourself!) The Tag Questions! Vital Stats: Name Nicknames Birthday Place of Birth Star Sign Occupation Appearance: Hair colour Hair length Eye colour Best feature Braces Piercings Tattoos Righty of Lefty Firsts: Best friend Award Sport Real Holiday Concert Favourites: Film TV Show Colour Song Restaurant Store Book Magazine Shoes Currently:... Feeling Single or Taken Eating Listening to Thinking about Watching Wearing Future: Want Children Want to be married Careers in mind Where do you want to live Do you believe in: God Miracles Love at first sight Ghosts Aliens Soul Mates Heaven Hell Kissing on the first date Yourself YOUR TURN!! .... I TAG YOU!!

3UXPcPkAZ0U | 22 Nov 2013
I did almost 4 days on banana island. Benefits I experienced 1. clear skin 2. water weight loss 3. extreme energy 4. understanding how much calories you really need (more than I thought) 5. feeling beautiful (i did it for 4 days)

uHJw-4_8y8k | 03 Oct 2013
I have regressed into high carb cooked vegan, but high raw. My goal is to be fully raw though. Here are some tips and observations I have picked up on my journey to fully raw. Just want to clarify: I will always be vegan for animal rights reasons But I'm trying to be fruitarian for health and fitness reasons. But I'll never not be vegan.

UB5F1tamits | 15 Aug 2013
For a while I hit a low with fruitarianism, feeling weak and not being able to stop myself eating cooked food. Now I realize...eating until you are totally totally stuffed full of fruit is the key.

T3C35sA7xHQ | 23 Jul 2013
In this video I explain the top 6 benefits of fruitarianism I have experienced after being a fruitarian for a month and (transitioning for a few months before that) with a few slip ups. The benefits are: 1. Effortlessly reaching a new level of fitness 2. Weight Loss 3. No Cramps 4. Clear skin 5. Being a Vegan, taking a moral stance against animal exploitation, in the most healthful possible way 6. Appreciating the awesomeness of fruit 6.

EHEDkNu27NM | 21 Jun 2013
A bit tired in this one so sorry if I'm not making sense. I cheated in a small way today--but resolve not to feel guilty. I want to be able to CHOOSE raw food and not force myself to be 100% raw even with extreme cravings. I realize that high calorie fruits like bananas are essential to get in at the beginning of the day. It's HARD to get enough calories from fruit. I think I need to plan out my meals better. I also talk about how I am enjoying Roger Haeske's Savory Veggie Stews a I don't think I'd be able to eat so many vegetables without his recipe!

h-wvXkab1gw | 19 Jun 2013
On day 9 the diet starts kicking in and I am experiencing AWESOME increased fitness. I think I did 10 pushups today in class, whereas before I started this I couldn't do 1. 1 PEOPLE!!!! This is awesome. I am excited. I also feel happier and more able to forgive.

V1JRhPXgk4w | 16 Jun 2013
Describing the struggles and what I've learned 1. I need to be eating more than 2000 calories a day...which is what I have been my cravings disappear 2. I need better raw recipes for salads 3. I need to get more calories in for 1000 calories in the form of bananas Tomorrow ends my trial! Will I continue?????

skUe47VjC8g | 15 Jun 2013
This is Day 5 of my 80/10/10 High Carb Raw Vegan week long trial. Feeling in high spirits and getting compliments on my looks. I forgot to add I got my b12 today and took it. Feeling good! Although I still feel the food I am eating is quite bland, I think the horror of eating bland food is lessening as time goes on.

FG5G1IkR4Vs | 14 Jun 2013
Day 4 of my 80/10/10 Fruitarian High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan week long trial. Today was another difficult day, but very interesting lessons were learned!!!

yBbQgtSDN_Y | 13 Jun 2013
Day 3 of my one week long 80/10/10 High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan trial. Today was a difficult day, but I feel strong enough to continue on. I am learning so the importance of having fruit in the house, using cronometer, and learning some basic low fat raw vegan recipes to spice things up a bit and not be left feeling like there is no pleasure in eating. Excited for Day 4!!

YYOLwGcsEXg | 12 Jun 2013
It is Day 2 of my 80/10/10 Raw Vegan Banana Girl Diet week long trial. In this video I muse about this and that and learn the importance of cronometer for motivating yourself to eat enough fruit.