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All videos archived of Quint BUILDs

6Ct-bdR8xbA | 13 Dec 2024
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM and get 20% off your annual premium subscription. Favorite 3D printer I used: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background: Music: Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin Macleod:

2ula88M-edw | 23 Aug 2024
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM and get 20% off your annual premium subscription. Favorite 3D printer I used: Scanner: Save at least 22% with discount code: REVOPRQUIN Revopoint-US: Revopoint-Global: Amazon-US: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

5Mr8FDyGcSA | 31 May 2024
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM and get 20% off your annual premium subscription. To check out the 3D printer I used for those blades: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

z9GycaMDjhM | 09 Dec 2023
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: TBD Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

oI1-I6z3YF4 | 23 Sep 2023
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Hardware: Inverter/Charger/Display - Solar Panels - Batteries - Discount code for 15$ off: QB15 My Local Technical Experts: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

wsX7vrJJIpU | 27 Feb 2023
Visit to start your 30-day free trial learning STEM, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Company that built my custom hard case for the thrower: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

AmBb9XhmnUA | 26 Oct 2022
Visit to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you missed the video on how we made the thrower, watch it here: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video of the Knife Thrower on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

-BKEZbYOMpI | 18 Aug 2022
Visit to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Merch: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

42OOCrg3lWc | 05 Apr 2022
Visit to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Behind the Scenes Video on BUILD2: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background: Music in this video Learn more Song Still Artist Geto Boys Album The Best of the Geto Boys Writers Alain Boublil, Claude‐Michel Schönberg, Richard Maltby Licensed to YouTube by The Orchard Music (on behalf of Rap-A-Lot Records); Sony ATV Publishing, Bluewater Music Services Corp, LatinAutor - SonyATV, SOLAR Music Rights Management, Warner Chappell, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., PEDL, LatinAutorPerf, Polaris Hub AB, ASCAP, CMRRA, and 17 Music Rights Societies

fotKBWsq31M | 28 Jan 2022
Visit to get started learning STEM for free, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Detailed Video on Calculations: Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background: Portland drone footage courtesy of Go Places Pro:

YW642vGlKm8 | 26 Nov 2021
Discord members suggested unboxing the play button with projects that made the channel. After some success with that we got down to business! More detailed video on the engine and generator Quint

BYk5j-Erm7s | 23 Oct 2021
Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. Video from BUILD2 with more detail on P... p... pneumatics: If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background: Merch:

CMR9z9Xr8GM | 28 Sep 2021
Did you know the US state of California produces so much solar power they have to PAY other states to take it? Granted some of that is due to contracts with existing power companies. But if California had sufficient energy storage many of the state's power issues would go away almost immediately. Details on accessing the DISCORD server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. If you liked this content and want to support more of it the best thing you can do is join my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Videos mentioned: BUILDing the Alternator Charging Station Electrical Merch: 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Video from 2nd channel on Pumped Storage: Quint's Background:

Gsr3Oa_nofs | 25 Jul 2021
This is Quint BUILDs entry for the #VeritasiumContest. Contest details: In case it wasn't clear from the video, the smaller battery has a higher voltage, but that just means the bulb will "eat" through it even faster than if it were the same voltage as the larger battery. Key takeaways: - Higher voltage (V) pushes more current (I) thru the same bulb (V=IR or I=V/R, Ohm's law). - The smaller battery is a stack of many tiny sandwiches (higher voltage) which gets "eaten" very quickly. - Current always completes a circuit to ground (bulb was pooping ground symbols). Not covered: - Battery capacity is rated in amp-hours, but this is not a measure of power or energy. - Power=Volts x Current (watts), Energy=Power x Time (watt-hours) - Battery chemistry (Alkaline vs. Nickel or Lithium) affects battery capacity significantly. - Cheap battery brands often lie about capacity, so buyer beware! - Batteries often don't include rated capacity on the label. Rather they publish runtime charts under various conditions on their websites. Derek is a man after my own heart, exploring and sharing, even when the results are controversial. What a cool way to capitalize on his bet, generating a surge of short STEM videos online! What do you think, should I do more videos like this one? It was a lot of work cramming that much information into 60 seconds but I enjoyed every moment! Quint My email: [email protected] A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Merch: 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

KK9NumjIKoM | 25 Jun 2021
Someone on the Science Festival committee at my kids' school had the idea for a twist on the classic egg drop. They just needed someone to BUILD their idea. Most of this footage was recorded in early 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. Hence all the kids running around without masks. Let's keep our fingers crossed we never have to do that again! A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Merch: 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background: The TED Talk Marshmallow Challenge I mentioned:

cip8hYHrZUY | 27 May 2021
Instead of the text message service promoted in this video, Quint BUILDs is now available on DISCORD! Details on accessing the server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Prior videos in this series Part 1 - How Much Power? Part 2 - Alternator Rectifier Explained Part 3 - Turbine Testing Part 4 - Charging Station Electrical Part 5 - Bell Siphons Suck! Merch: 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to help you learn: Quint's Background:

tEPBdztGMdI | 09 Apr 2021
Instead of the text message service promoted in this video, Quint BUILDs is now available on DISCORD! Details on accessing the server can be found on my Patreon page. If you want to discuss projects with others and get my input, that's the best place to do it. A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Prior videos in this series Part 1 - Why Turbine Blades are Twisted Part 2 - Theoretical Betz Limit of 59% Part 3 - Bigger 7200W Generator and Pulleys Part 4 - Variable Pitch Carbon Fiber Blades 2nd Channel with engineering and coaching to enhance your brain: How I calculated watts from fuel consumption: Quint's Background: To learn more about the bronco BUILD: Technical paper on automotive alternator efficiency losses and their effect on fuel economy:

CvmvFGaSc6k | 06 Mar 2021
THE RESULTS ARE IN!: Carbon Fiber company who graciously agreed to partner with me on this video My detailed BUILD2 video on vacuum bagging carbon fiber More CNC machining on BUILD2 that didn't make the final cut LaserSterling's channel (carbon fiber Lamborghini guy) Q-blade software PREVIOUS EPISODES Part 1: Basics of Turbine Geometry Part 2: Testing Cheap Wind Turbines Part 3: 7000W generator A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Quint Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE Quint

z-GLzQ2bqEk | 03 Dec 2020
November has returned to Oregon and with it, the rain! I didn't expect how much fun it would be to BUILD on the work from the previous episodes and make it even better. I took some risks with the video editing on this one and learned a ton, I hope you enjoy the results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAKING YOUR OWN SIPHON EXPERIMENT: (If I did this right these should be working Amazon affiliate links to purchase items for this project. Using these links supports the channel without costing you any more than it would already.) Clear PVC Vinyl Tubing Binder clips Solar Chargeable Power Bank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PREVIOUS EPISODES Part 1: Power Available Part 2: Alternator BUILD Part 3: Testing Turbines Part 4: Charging a Phone A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Quint Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

U7ZgG9p-Hz4 | 16 Oct 2020
This is my 3rd video on Wind Power on a CAR. Yes I want to answer some questions about wind but I also want to learn and teach others along the way. I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did. Please consider helping me make more educational content by becoming a Patron at For my 2nd channel with the cool technical content: The video on actual torque and power calculations: Video on the Math Engineers Use Most: A couple people have asked for a link to the generator. It's a BEAST! Quint

2rBmiJcwk3g | 22 Aug 2020
One of the first father/son projects we ever did (2015). Thought I'd release it on this channel and see what you all think. Though it does run purely on solar power, the 60 watt panel is not enough to run the 150 watt motor. Thus it has a ridiculous amount of battery storage that after a day of charging can run the thing in the dark if necessary for a couple of hours. It can do that as fast as I can sprint which means it leaves me behind about half way around a track. When we took it to a track it maintained 11 mph (18 kph) until the plastic hubs started to melt. I've since upgraded all hubs with bearings but haven't done the speed test again to find out how much faster it goes. If you like this video and want to support more like it, please consider becoming a patron at Enjoy... Quint (and Grant)

k7vABvP_5UE | 14 Aug 2020
How much wind power can you get on a car? In this video we go into the theory of calculating wind power and how the Betz limit restricts us to just 59% of that. Then we go for a drive with two different wind turbines and measure how much power they're able to output. If you missed part 1, check it out here: I expect this to be at least a four part series and will try to get a part published each month. It's going to be a lot of work but I hope to stick to the one-video-per-month cadence if I can. Wish me luck! Quint A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

MlwK4kCrXB0 | 22 Jun 2020
Can a wind turbine in front of a car harvest FREE energy? This question came to me during a long drive my final year of engineering school. Now we're going to find the answer. Part one explores the fundamentals of wind turbines using the principles of wind on your hand. In part 2 we'll dive into how much power is available and the theoretical limits on what we can do with it. I expect this to be at least a four part series and will try to get a part published each month. It's going to be a lot of work but I hope to stick to the one-video-per-month cadence if I can. Wish me luck! Quint A huge thanks to my super awesome Patreon supporters who made this video possible. To become one of them visit: Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

amu5LJaDUPY | 23 Apr 2020
This is part 4 of my series on generating power from rain gutters. We're not just squirting water on a propeller, I show how to calculate the power available and harness an increasing percentage of it. In this video I actually store the power in a smartphone, something people argued could not be done! A huge thanks to all of you viewers, but ESPECIALLY my Quint-essential patrons on Patreon. They could just sit back and watch for free but are stepping up and joining me on this journey. To join them, please visit: I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). This is so if I decide to take a month off, I don't keep taking your money just because another month as passed! If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: [email protected] Also looks like I missed a great opportunity to make the gutter valve MUCH simpler. Thanks to the comments I now know what a "bell siphon" is. Practical engineering has a fantastic video on it. A great example of when a plenty capable person (me) hasn't seen a far better way of doing something (bell siphon) and an opportunity for another great video! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Links to stuff in the video:: (If I did this right these should be working Amazon affiliate links to purchase items for this project. Using these links supports the channel without costing you any more than it would already.) USB chargeable flashlight Solar chargeable power bank Buck converter (the one I used is no longer available, linking another, if that dies, just search for "constant current buck converter 5A" as there are plenty available) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

vify0k2sHlQ | 12 Mar 2020
A lot of engineering involves iteration. In this video I iterate through several turbine designs, searching for the most efficient conversion of the water jet to mechanical power. The logic that a smaller diameter will spin the generator faster, quickly runs up against the total power available and efficiency of the turbine itself. Lesson learned: power generation is not as simple as we'd like to think! Please consider helping fund the channel so I can make more great content by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon: I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). I want to have the option of taking a month off and not keep taking your money just because another month has passed! Thanks for watching... -Quint This is Part 3 of my series on generating power from rain gutters. Please like and subscribe. For part 1: For part 2: Thanks for watching -Quint Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE Pelton simulation depicted in video: Summary: In part 1 I connected an off-the-shelf DC generator to a pelton wheel and drove it with runoff from a large section of my roof. Though I calculated 2 watts of available power and planned on only collecting 50% of it, the actual output was only .19 watts. In part 2 I design and build a permanent magnet alternator then rectify the AC into DC power to enhance the efficiency. In part 3 I iterate nozzle and turbine designs to see if we can get a full watt of power.

YLb4enCgnP4 | 31 Dec 2019
This video is quickly becoming known as "the best explanation of a rectifier ever". Many are saying it should be the first example shown to every high school student when teaching rectifiers (I tend to agree). If you learned something from watching this and want to help me make more content like it, consider supporting my efforts on Patreon: If you want to make your own alternator you can download the CAD files on GrabCAD under my channel name. There's also an instructables project with more details: For part 1 video: Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE Summary: In the previous video I connected an off-the-shelf DC generator to a pelton wheel and drove it with runoff from a large section of my roof. Though I calculated 2 watts of available power and planned on only collecting 50% of it, the actual output was only .19 watts. In this video I design and build a permanent magnet alternator then rectify the AC into DC power to see if I can enhance the efficiency. Spoiler alert: it works really well!

S6oNxckjEiE | 29 Nov 2019
A lot of people wonder if there's any power in the rain falling on our roofs. This video series starts with the theory of how much power is available then attempts to achieve it in practice. It was a lot of fun to BUILD, hopefully you enjoy it and learn something in the process. For those in the comments that insist I didn't compensate for the angle of the roof in the rainfall calculation, did I not say "once I calculate the horizontal distance..."? Please consider helping fund the channel by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon: I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). I want to have the option of taking a month off and not keep taking your money just because another month has passed! Thanks for watching... -Quint Harvesting hydro power from rain gutters! It sounds impossible but it works. This is part 1 of a video series on the theory and implementation of capturing hydro-electric power from the roof. For part 2 click here: Music: - Ready Set Go by Magic In the Other from YouTube Audio Library - Music promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

6mD6_tJH7sQ | 31 Oct 2019
This video is for educational purposes only. Do not attempt to replicate anything you see. The warnings and examples of injuries and destruction of property are there to educate you about the dangers of flammable gases. Static electricity really can detonate flammable gases like acetylene so don't mess around with it! Oxy-acetylene welding itself is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by unqualified individuals. I intentionally did not detail the many safety precautions I took nor the actual filling of the pumpkins because I don't want anyone to be tempted to try it themselves. There are plenty of bad examples on YouTube with little if any educational value and I will not be included in that group. If you just want to see the biggest boom, step forward to 5:12. To learn more about Gustaf Dalen see Wikipedia article: He was such a badass inventor that he kept on inventing even after losing his eyesight to an explosion! For anyone interested, the reason acetylene is so powerful is the triple bond between carbon atoms. Propane only has a single bond between carbon atoms but can still do plenty of damage. Calculating the "enthalpy" of the chemical reaction predicts a greater release of heat with acetylene than other gases because of that triple bond. One of the many things I learned making this video is that propane is used professionally to cut steel like acetylene, it just isn't as hot and requires more oxygen to do it. MUSIC: Song: Ehrling - Typhoon (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link:

pqTjV-YT0jk | 06 Oct 2019
Simple Laser Music Display you can build yourself! NOT FOR USE WHILE DRIVING!!!!!! Laser Modules If the link dies (again) search for "Laser Diode Module 650nm". That should bring some up. Spring Servalite Compression Spring - 5" long x 7.16" Outside Diameter x .044" wire (only place I could find it was Ace Hardware) Laser Projector is a project on Instructables by a really smart dude: Florian Link Be sure to like and subscribe. Also check out my other videos! MUSIC: Song: Ehrling - Typhoon (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link:

5Da2qVntopk | 01 Sep 2019
I've been topping off a leaky tire for weeks and staring at my garden hose wondering if I could use it instead of my compressor. The answer is YES!!! The goal of course was to make a video demonstrating a clever use of physics to solve a common problem in a creative way. In no way do I actually recommend this as a practical solution! At some point I will create a video explaining the calculations and post it on my 2nd channel, BUILD2. When I do I'll put the link here. Please consider helping fund the channel by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon: I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). I want to have the option of taking a month off and not keep taking your money just because another month has passed! Thanks for watching... -Quint Music: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library

djkADiAAlQM | 10 Aug 2019
Removing infrared filter from a smartphone shows us part of the world we almost never see, hidden in plain sight. If anyone can decipher the "secret code", post your answer in the comments. Please consider helping fund the channel by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon: I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). I want to have the option of taking a month off and not keep taking your money just because another month has passed! Thanks for watching... -Quint Music: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Kevin MacLeod Night Snow - Artist: Asher Fulero Lights by Sappheiros

oMxiMDmlYRk | 25 Jun 2019
Robot Etch a sketch acts like a touch screen video player. To support me on Patreon: Link to detailed video of Etchasketch robot electronics: MUSIC Lights by Sappheiros Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library Aaron Kenny Gaiety in the Golden Age Alive – Ikson