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All videos archived of Kcriss Li李澤華

我是李泽华Kcriss,这是2月26日至今关于我的一些情况。I'm Kcriss, here is something about me since February 26th.
m4vNPnvEREc | 22 Apr 2020
我是李泽华Kcriss,这是2月26日至今关于我的一些情况。I'm Kcriss, here is something about me since February 26th.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

武昌站地庫潛入:外來務工的滯留者還在不在?(Plus:流落街頭的他與它)COVID 19: What’s happened to Wuchang station's stranded workers?
o5RkMVTjwkc | 24 Feb 2020
武昌站地庫潛入:外來務工的滯留者還在不在?(Plus:流落街頭的他與它)COVID 19: What’s happened to Wuchang station's stranded workers?
我的推特: 1.找到一家便利店買食物(1:14) 2.找到武昌站綜治辦詢問人員在哪(3:51) 3.潛入武昌站地庫內部(5:17) 4.流落街头的农民工 (8:27) 5.街头的小猫咪们 (13:57) 6.结尾(15:05)

百步亭社區和武軟的真相揭秘! 實拍武漢Wuhan:I went to a community of Wuhan and check it out what happened.
ItRkxFyUYVQ | 16 Feb 2020
百步亭社區和武軟的真相揭秘! 實拍武漢Wuhan:I went to a community of Wuhan and check it out what happened.
我的推特: 1.2月9日weibo上的一個女孩爆料稱武漢百步雅庭社區出現大量疑似感染者未被隔離並且無防護消殺措施。 2.有爆料稱武漢軟體工程職業學院學生遺留物品被暴力處理。 3.帶著前兩個疑問出發,我們一探究竟。