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Chatting with Ross Scott about Game Preservation and Stop Killing Games

yxIY-q6Utrs | 12 Feb 2025

Chatting with Ross Scott about Game Preservation and Stop Killing Games

**Audio Issue:** Shift to mono if listening with headphones, as my microphone failed to record in stereo. I listen to everything in mono and didn't pick this up. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Check out the petitions and sign them if you can: EU: UK: Chapters: 0:00 - Preamble 0:54 - What is SKG? 4:27 - Legal Grounds & Legal Endeavors 8:40 - ECI & UK Petitions 14:14 - Legal Minutiae 17:04 - MMO's and F2P Games 20:26 - Outside Support 22:28 - US Regulation (or Lack Thereof) 24:35 - Future Plans 25:49 - Dispelling Rumors 27:56 - PSN Outage 29:25 - Final Question and Outro Thanks again to Ross (@Accursed_Farms) for taking his time for this interview, it was both interesting and informative. Music Used: Domain (SMT IV OST) 5 PM (Animal Crossing: New Leaf OST)

The Vitamin B17 Conspiracy

EfX0pxoXEl4 | 12 Nov 2024

The Vitamin B17 Conspiracy

Vitamin B17 sucks and you shouldn't take it. Sources: Music used: Discord: Patreon: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:15 - What Even Is A Vitamin? 3:25 - Making Medicine 6:28 - Making Vitamins 8:43 - The Conspiracy 12:50 - Treating The Cause 15:20 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO #supplements #vitamin This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Corporate Strangulation of Gaming

-J-g9cWshHk | 30 May 2024

The Corporate Strangulation of Gaming

The modern gaming industry is in a nigh unsalvageable state and it all sucks. Sources: Music used: Twitch: Discord: Patreon: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:45 - Early Years/Regression 3:11 - Profit Prioritization 6:58 - Gross Paradigm 8:55 - Dread Future 12:50 - Squeeze Every Last Drop 15:38 - Thin Slivers/Sad Reality 16:52 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO #xbox #microsoft #gaming This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Death of Russian Science

ETPgTZ70_JU | 06 Mar 2024

The Death of Russian Science

Russian Science is in a dangerous spot. Russian state media and news channels have pushed a false narrative on Russia's scientific abilities for close to a decade now, along with an active effort to rewrite the history of Russian Science. Worse still, due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the country has lost hundreds, if not thousands of well trained scientists and experts in a number of fields. Numerous collaborations between Russia and the Western world have been axed in response to Russia's invasion as well, further limiting Russian and global scientific capacity. All in all, Russian Science has a fairly grim prognosis due to the propaganda surrounding it, and the continued brain drain affecting the country. Sources: Music used: Twitch: Discord: Patreon: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:51 - The Russian Reality 2:37 - Zinaida Ermolyeva 5:13 - The Propaganda of Penicillin 6:46 - Trofim Lysenko 11:05 - The Propaganda of Lysenkoism 12:14 - The Grim State of Russian Science 14:52 - Russia Withers 15:53 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO #russia #science #ukraine This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Soviet Wonder Drug that Beat Penicillin

N4WODXLL_fs | 20 Jan 2024

The Soviet Wonder Drug that Beat Penicillin

Gramicidin S was one of the earliest, and most groundbreaking antibiotics ever developed. The product of a war torn Europe, Gramicidin S was discovered around the same time as Penicillin, and much like its more well known counterpart, saved countless lives during WWII. Throughout both World Wars, the infection of wounds was a major condition and major killer. While the first World War was without any effective treatment for infections (and thus had massive casualties due to disease), such treatments began to be developed during the second World War. Antibiotics, drugs that directly target disease causing bacteria, were a gamechanger which saved countless lives both on and off the battlefield. While western scientists worked on Penicillin, the Soviets would quickly develop their own antibiotic known as Gramicidin S. Gramicidin S proved incredibly effective in the treatment of external wounds, and while it lacked internal applications, it nonetheless saved countless lives for the Soviets during WWII. The development of Gramicidin S was nothing short of a miracle, both for its incredible curative effects, but also due to the bizarre scientific climate of the Soviet Union during its early years. One of the USSR's leading scientific figures, Trofim Lysenko, instituted an absurd, ascientific view of the world over the Soviet scientific community, dubbed "Lysenkoism." While this political doctrine suppressed much of Soviet biology and genetics, the developers of Gramicidin S were given free reign to pursue their research due to the sheer importance of the drug. Thanks to this, the USSR was able to actually develop their own antibiotics, and maintain some semblance of medicine in their country. Check out @That_Chemist's vid here: Sources: 1) The Local Use of Sulfonamide Drugs; G. Crile Jr.; 1943. 2) The History of Antibiotics. A Symposium; American Institute of the History of Pharmacy; 1980. 3) The Discovery of Gramicidin S: the Intellectual Transformation of G. F. Gause from Biologist to Researcher of Antibiotics and on its Meaning for the Fate of Russian Genetics; Y. M. Gall, M. B. Konashev; 2003. 4) Gramicidin S and its Use in the Treatment of Infected Wounds; G. F. Gause, M. G. Brazhnikova; 1944. 5) Nonlamellar Phases Induced by the Interaction of Gramicidin S with Lipid Bilayers. A Possible Relationship to Membrane-Disrupting Activity; E. J. Prenner, R. N. A. H. Lewis, K. C. Neuman, S. M. Gruner, L. H. Kondejewski, R. S. Hodges, R. N. McElhaney; 1997. 6) The Perversion Of Knowledge: The True Story Of Soviet Science; V. J. Birstein; 2002. Twitch: Discord: Patreon: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:41 - WWII 2:32 - Georgy Gause and Gramicidin S 4:48 - Limitations of Gramicidin S 6:22 - Lysenkoism 9:31 - Gramicidin S in the Modern Era 10:09 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO #antibiotics #ussr #sovietunion This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Tragic Failure of the Sega Dreamcast

8bSc5nxhy_A | 01 Dec 2023

The Tragic Failure of the Sega Dreamcast

A look at Sega's ill-fated final console, what led to its development, and its short tragic life. Twitch: Discord: Patreon: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:02 - The 90's - The Genesis 2:26 - The 90's - The Saturn 4:53 - The Dreamcast - Development and Success 8:32 - The Dreamcast - Decline 11:04 - The Pros - Hardware 13:00 - The Pros - Software 14:59 - The Cons 18:00 - Sega after the Dreamcast 20:32 - Remembering the Dreamcast 22:30 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO #dreamcast #sega This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Death of Netflix | Why Streaming Services Suck Now

CIf9-1_Cwt8 | 21 Oct 2023

The Death of Netflix | Why Streaming Services Suck Now

The canary in the coal mine, and in more ways than one. Twitch: Discord: Patreon: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - The Early Years - Duopoly 3:33 - The Modern Era - Oligopoly 6:30 - The Predictable Cycle - Corporatism 9:38 - The Decline - Oligarchy 12:52 - The Response - Nihilism 15:35 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO WBH #netflix #movies #streaming This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Rise of Steam | Why Every Other Store Failed

9Ql9RvlDKFM | 31 Aug 2023

The Rise of Steam | Why Every Other Store Failed

Steam is cool and every other storefront is trash, here's why: Twitch: Discord: Patreon: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:49 - Steam Rising 5:08 - Dominating the Competition 7:31 - Failures 10:00 - Epic Games Store 13:21 - Why? 15:08 - Steam/Imperfection 17:15 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO WBH #Steam #epicgames This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

Scratch Cards: The Biggest Scam in America

xwaeiC8KeZA | 27 Jul 2023

Scratch Cards: The Biggest Scam in America

Guys I'm going to win this time trust me yeah just need another scratcher gonna hit it big show me the money yeah yeah big money yeah Twitch: Discord: Patreon: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:41 - Scratch Cards 2:55 - Addicted 5:40 - Vice Operations 8:36 - Schools, Libraries, and other Red Herrings 11:04 - To Fix a Broken System 14:04 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO WBH #lottery #scratchcards This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

How Gacha Games Breed Gambling Addicts

Tx8NWke-j1Q | 07 Jul 2023

How Gacha Games Breed Gambling Addicts

They're putting something in the water for these gacha girls, it's unreal. Twitch: Discord: Patreon: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:44 - Gacha Game - Early Gachapon 3:00 - Digital Implementation 5:10 - Mixed Reviews 9:14 - These Games Aren't Even Good 10:22 - Consumer Revolt 13:51 - Parting Words 15:06 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Daga Kalani CTO WBH #gacha #gachagame #gaming This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

A Brief History of Nintendo || 1889 - 2023

HbMxQZCwY-M | 14 May 2023

A Brief History of Nintendo || 1889 - 2023

'Brief' Twitch: Discord: Patreon: More vids like this: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:01 - Founding Nintendo and Early Expansion 3:51 - Hiroshi Yamauchi and Gunpei Yokoi 7:07 - Expanding into Electronics 9:22 - Color TV and Game & Watch 11:26 - Early Arcades 13:20 - Shigeru Miyamoto and Donkey Kong 17:31 - The Famicom 19:59 - The NES 25:33 - Super Mario Bros 27:18 - The End of Arcades 29:39 - The Game Boy 32:17 - Goodbye, Gunpei Yokoi 33:11 - The SNES, SEGA, and Sonic 36:07 - Sony, The N64, and SM64 39:02 - Shortcomings of the N64 42:45 - The Virtual Boy 45:28 - The Game Boy Advance 47:31 - The GameCube vs The PS2 50:19 - The Highs and Lows of the GameCube 53:25 - The Triforce and the Wavebird 54:44 - End of an Era 55:44 - Satoru Iwata and HAL 58:39 - The DS 1:02:19 - The Wii 1:05:39 - Wii Sports and Wii Games 1:08:33 - Nintendo Directs 1:10:15 - The 3DS 1:12:35 - The Wii U 1:13:40 - Why the Wii U Failed 1:15:29 - A Thin Silver Lining 1:17:39 - Recovering from the Wii U 1:19:53 - Sayonara, Iwata-San 1:20:50 - Tatsumi Kimishima 1:21:32 - The Switch 1:25:03 - Shuntaro Furukawa, and The Switch cont. 1:27:27 - Mobile Games 1:31:06 - Amusement Parks and Movies 1:32:46 - Nintendo Today 1:33:54 - Bonus 1, Nintendo References 1:35:02 - Bonus 2, The Music of SMB 1:36:22 - Bonus 3, Legal Shenanigans 1:40:35 - Credits #nintendo #gaming #games This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

Why Indie Games are Beating AAA

Xoh0vkKiDZ4 | 10 Feb 2023

Why Indie Games are Beating AAA

Indies are cool and probably the future of gaming. Play Hades and Factorio. Twitch: Discord: Patreon: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:12 - The First Indies 3:13 - Dormancy and the NES 4:23 - Flash, Steam, and the Rise of Indies 6:04 - Growing Pains 7:25 - The Golden Age 10:42 - The Future of Indies 12:15 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Brett Vinguin Kalani CTO #indiegame #gaming #games This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Fukushima Disaster: A Timeline of Tragedy

4oBsdyNuR8o | 09 Dec 2022

The Fukushima Disaster: A Timeline of Tragedy

Heart goes out to the victims of Fukushima. I hope TEPCO goes bankrupt and every exec who worked there rots in jail. Patreon: Discord: Twitch: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:54 - The Initial Cause 1:48 - Nuclear Science 2:28 - The Fall of Fukushima 4:52 - The Failures of Fukushima 6:43 - TEPCO 8:55 - The Government 10:00 - Investigations and Consequences 12:22 - The Future of Nuclear Power 14:14 - Moving Forward 14:49 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani CTO Brett #fukushima #nuclear #japan This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

Gaming Isn't Fun Anymore

20_epZlBQ18 | 19 Oct 2022

Gaming Isn't Fun Anymore

I love video games, which means I have a seething hatred for video games. Patreon: Discord: Twitch: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:19 - The Golden Age 5:35 - The Smart Phone 7:10 - Candy Crush 9:25 - The Dark Age 13:50 - Gaming Going Forward 15:54 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani CTO #gaming #games This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

xQc and the Insidious Industry of Online Gambling

685UG2Bt5Y4 | 22 Sep 2022

xQc and the Insidious Industry of Online Gambling

Gambling is stupid, and online gambling is more stupid. Also Twitch announced their ban on online gambling as I was editing so this video may or may not be relevant :) Patreon: Discord: Twitch: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:09 - Sordid Origins 2:52 - Uniquely Unethical 3:58 - Gaining Influence 5:34 - The Value of Vice 7:04 - The Cost of Addiction 8:52 - Lessons and Conclusions 11:01 - Outro Sources: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani CTO #xqc #twitch #gambling This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

The Reason Sports Betting is Everywhere

hHKmPi1z1Ms | 10 Sep 2022

The Reason Sports Betting is Everywhere

Sports betting is dumb and you have like, a 97% chance of losing money over time. Sources: Patreon: Discord: Twitch: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:01 - First Bet 2:23 - Rapid Growth 3:53 - Not All Fun And Games 5:35 - Harm Reduction 8:02 - Outro Thanks: Arisu Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani CTO #sportsbetting #gambling #onlinegambling This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

When you get your Monetization

MvrEcy4QdK0 | 26 Aug 2022

When you get your Monetization

Thank you all very much for getting me to 1k subs, I am tremendously appreciative of the wonderful support I have received thus far.

Private Prisons: The Most Evil Industry in America

MCKBRB11n_s | 21 Aug 2022

Private Prisons: The Most Evil Industry in America

Private prisons suck and are literally irredeemable. Sources: Patreon: Discord: Twitch: More vids like this: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:08 - Grim Beginnings 2:22 - Monetized Misery 5:49 - The Economics of Suffering 8:00 - Lies and Corruption 10:41 - To Fix a Broken System 11:53 - Outro and Final Thoughts Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani #criminaljustice This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents, and are linked in the description. Any errors or inaccuracies should be thought of as accidental and unintentional.

Why Crypto is a Cult

3cE6nYPqLNw | 15 Jul 2022

Why Crypto is a Cult

Cryptocurrency as an investment and broader phenomenon has become ubiquitous in today's society. Perhaps more prevalent than the Crypto itself is the community surrounding it. Within a few short years, the crypto community has gained a sour reputation thanks to it's zealous and arrogant support of the technology. However, when you peel back the layers on this community and their support of Crypto, you find it less a group of likeminded investors and enthusiasts, and more of a full blown cult. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:17 - What do I mean by Cult? (The BITE Model) 3:20 - Behavior Control 5:02 - Information Control 6:27 - Thought Control 7:35 - Emotional Control 8:50 - The Crypto Cult 10:04 - Getting people out 11:54 - Outro and Final Thoughts Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter Vinguin Kalani #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. All references, articles, and posts come from publicly available websites, forums, and documents.

Are Electric Vehicles Actually Sustainable?

ZDxeI8kDNSk | 17 Jun 2022

Are Electric Vehicles Actually Sustainable?

Electric vehicles are often thought of as a means of addressing climate change, as a much less environmentally damaging alternative to gas cars. While electric vehicles are environmentally better than gas cars in many ways, they simply aren't a solution to climate change, nor will their current iteration have a significant impact on emissions. Fortunately, there are a number of improvements that can be made to electric vehicles and the systems surrounding them that will make them far more green and environmentally friendly. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - The Intro 1:17 - The Issues 5:00 - The Solutions 9:43 - The Summary 10:33 - The Outro Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter Vinguin Waro #electricvehicle #ev #tesla

Fumo Fans vs Amiami 2

2AuBorBMcI4 | 09 May 2022

Fumo Fans vs Amiami 2

May 9th 2022: Return of the No More Fumos Incident Amiami had another oopsie last night and fumos were once again literally impossible to get. Fumo discord servers the world over turned into mass coping sessions and people got mad. It was all very silly. Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music: Revived Shibuya - Chaos;Child OST Love-Colored Master Spark - Tokyo Active NEETs Komm, Süsser Tod - The End of Evangelion OST Gift please make a Suika fumo :((((((((((

Nuclear Weapons: The Science, History, and Consequences

TtPkMHGXh5s | 06 May 2022

Nuclear Weapons: The Science, History, and Consequences

The discussion around nuclear weapons is unavoidable in this day and age. Nations seek nukes for the damage they can inflict on their enemies and the protection they provide. While numerous countries have tried to develop or acquire nukes, only an exclusive few nations actually possess them. From their science and engineering to the political phenomena surrounding them, nuclear weapons are an intriguing subject and one worth understanding. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:03 - Science and History 3:35 - Fusion: The New Hotness 5:42 - The Nuclear Industry (Uranium) 7:59 - The Nuclear Industry (Plutonium) 9:31 - The Nuclear Industry (Fusion Fuel) 10:45 - M.A.D. World 13:48 - The Only Solution 15:24 - Final Thoughts, SILEX, and Outro Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter

The Problem with Police Dogs

i1bRbzjx4F8 | 06 Apr 2022

The Problem with Police Dogs

Policing in America has been under intense scrutiny for the past few years. Though issues such as police accountability and oversight are of greater prominence, the use of police dogs is seldom discussed. Police dogs are often viewed as benign or positive components of law enforcement, but the reality does not bear this out. From issues of inaccuracy to excessive force, reforming the K9 department is a vital component of police reform overall. Relevant articles and links: More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:11 - Coevolution 2:18 - Imperfect Sense 3:24 - Training (or a lack thereof) 4:47 - Legal Ramifications 5:57 - Animalistic Aggression 7:16 - Remediation 8:27 - Outro and Final Thoughts Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter

Top 10 Snakes (Number 2 Will SHOCK You)

Ft4Etlpm2i4 | 01 Apr 2022

Top 10 Snakes (Number 2 Will SHOCK You)

A comprehensive list detailing the greatest snakes in all of history. Some may consider my rankings controversial, but I will not let big snake silence my views any longer. Snakes used: Black Rat Snake Burmese Python Banded Sea Krait Dragon Snake Japanese Striped Snake Green tree Python Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Bullsnake Obama Ball Python April Fools if that wasn't obvious.

Brandon Nozaki Miller and Stuxnet: How (Not) to Write Malware

j4sqZrz6CBI | 21 Mar 2022

Brandon Nozaki Miller and Stuxnet: How (Not) to Write Malware

The recent fiasco with Node-ipc and its developer, Brandon Nozaki Miller, is ridiculous in its implementation and sure to have consequences in the free and open source community. One program with fewer (immediate) issues was Stuxnet, which effectively targeted Iranian centrifuges and inhibited a hostile nation from further developing their nuclear capacity. In spite of the benefits of Stuxnet, hacks and malware such as these should be treated cautiously and used judiciously. With this in mind, Miller's injudicious shot-gun approach to his hacktivism has been met with widespread condemnation from those affected by his malware and the internet at large. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music Used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:47 - Node-ipc 1:46 - Stuxnet 2:51 - The Problems with Both 3:46 - Outro Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter #nodeipc

Why Japanese Is (Almost) Impossible To Learn

JJ7eawx7g9g | 11 Mar 2022

Why Japanese Is (Almost) Impossible To Learn

The history of Japanese is a unique story. Eschewing the homegrown development of a writing system, the Japanese adopted, incorporated, and modified Chinese characters over several centuries to create the varied system of kanji, hiragana, and katakana that they now utilize. This is in addition to grammatical and stylistic modifications ushered in during the 20th century, creating the modern form of the language. This storied history lead in part to the staggering difficulty many westerners face when trying to learn the language. From complex kanji to unorthodox grammar, there are a number of attributes that give the language it's unique difficulty. Nonetheless, the history, development, and structure of the language are all fascinating, and are all worth exploring and discussing. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Special thanks to Kalani and Mari: (Mari did not wish to have her socials plugged, many thanks to her for her input and support nonetheless) Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:37 - Early History 3:12 - Modernizing the Language 4:55 - Sheer Difficulty 5:14 - Kanji 6:23 - Unorthodox Grammar 7:24 - Context is King 8:09 - Biology is Cruel 8:43 - Redeeming Qualities 9:30 - Outro Thanks: Arisu CTO Joey Walter #Japanese #Japan #JapaneseHistory

The Opioid Crisis And The Family Behind It

8pZZ1PccrbU | 04 Feb 2022

The Opioid Crisis And The Family Behind It

The Opioid Crisis has devastated America as millions now deal with addiction to opioids, leading to miserable withdrawals, and hundreds of thousands of overdoses. One of the primary profiteers was the Sackler Family who misrepresented the risks associated with their flagship opioid, OxyContin. The Sacklers in turn raked in billions as hundreds of thousands died from an opioid overdose, yet proclaim zero responsibility. This is a multifaceted public health tragedy and one worth exploring and analyzing. Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Music used: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:30 - Purdue's History and Oxycontin 2:24 - OxyContin's Marketing 5:27 - The Opioid Crisis 7:42 - The Vilification of Purdue 9:02 - One Of Many 10:01 - Outro #OpioidCrisis #SacklerFamily

The Woodstock 99 Disaster: Drunkards, Durst, and Destruction

iop6uedejEg | 21 Jan 2022

The Woodstock 99 Disaster: Drunkards, Durst, and Destruction

Woodstock 99 was a billed as 3 more days of peace and music, but ended with riots, destruction and death for a myriad of reasons. The whole event was filled with ridiculous performances and absurd antics, making for an interesting event worth looking back at to learn from and laugh at. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music List: Chapters: 0:00 - Woodstock 0:58 - Woodstock 94 1:14 - Woodstock 99 2:49 - 72 hours 3:50 - 48 hours 5:32 - 24 hours 6:26 - 0 hour 7:03 - 3 more days 7:48 - The Worst Outcomes 9:19 - Conclusion and Outro Thanks: Arisu Walter Joey

The Lottery: Why Winners And Losers Go Broke

w_oBT6CmbdY | 10 Jan 2022

The Lottery: Why Winners And Losers Go Broke

The Lottery as an institution is a money sink for the vast majority of participants. Your odds of winning are immeasurably low, but people play either way in the hopes of getting rich. Unfortunately, people who win the lottery often end up losing their riches. The Lottery as a system goes back all the way to Han China. In order to raise funds for the great wall, a simple lottery was introduced by the emperor. Such a system proved popular and was utilized throughout Chinese history. Similarly, lotteries were utilized throughout European history to raise funds for public projects from the 15th century to the present day. Ultimately lotteries are a form of gambling. Like gambling, playing the lottery can be addictive for those participating. Furthermore, different kinds of people play at different rates, with poverty being the most indicative factor for participating in lotteries. This can unfortunately create a vicious cycle for those in poverty as they spend more on lotteries getting nothing in return. The lottery can return millions for those who win, but unfortunately, a large number of lottery winners often lose their winnings. This is often caused by being overly generous, making poor financial decisions, or just blowing their fortune on wine, women, and song. Though the lottery has it's social issues, there are definite pros to it. Firstly, a substantial portion of a lottery pot goes to social programs such as education, an undeniable positive. In addition, some people do ultimately win the lottery and achieve a truly enviable state of wealth and financial security. Finally, the lottery can just be fun to play, it helps keep the dream alive, just don't go overboard. More content similar to this: Music list: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - First Draw 1:47 - Vice 2:47 - Rags, Riches, Rags 3:48 - Redeeming Qualities Thanks: Arisu CTO Walter Nines

Why Japan's Birth Rate is Falling (and How We Can Fix It)

T47GagfKAfc | 25 Dec 2021

Why Japan's Birth Rate is Falling (and How We Can Fix It)

Japan's Declining Population is perhaps the biggest issue facing the country. Ever since WWII the fertility rate of Japan has been on a decline and is now the lowest of any major country in the world. This is thanks to Japan's large urban population and modern economy, along with social and economic challenges involved with having kids. The result of this low fertility rate over a number of decades is a massive population imbalance, one that growing in severity. As the population ages the work force shrinks, resulting in a larger group of dependents being taken care of by a smaller group of working age people, an untenable situation. In spite of the issues at hand, a solution exists in the form of immigration. Though the Japanese wish to protect their culture, there is growing support in bringing in immigrants to fill gaps in the labor market and bolster their population. In addition, various incentives are being put in place to encourage births and the raising of children. The results of these programs range from mixed to promising, but show that natalist policies can be viable for Japan. More vids like this: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Music used: Chapters 0:00 - Intro 0:48 - Population In Decline 1:25 - The Causes 2:39 - The New PM 3:08 - Demographics: A Cruel Science 4:42 - Crisis Management Thanks: Joey Walter CTO Arisu

The Falklands: A Really Dumb War

wn5dIhn6QWY | 05 Dec 2021

The Falklands: A Really Dumb War

Argentina as a country may not be in the news or in everyone's minds, but it made it's presence known in the 80's when it invaded the Falkland Islands. Argentina throughout the 20th century struggled with maintaining a stable government and economy, evidenced by its many coups and insurrections. One of the latter Junta leaders, Leopoldo Galtieri, attempted to rally support for his government by invading the Falkland Islands. The Argentinians consider the Falklands rightly theirs, so an invasion to "reclaim" land was wildly popular. Their efforts were initially successful, and motivated by a presumption the British would not try to enforce their claim of the Falkland Islands. The British did not take well to the Argentinian's excursions. Within 10 weeks, the British completely snuffed out the Argentinian presence in their territories. This resulted in a clear British claim to the Falkland Islands, a surge in support for Margaret Thatcher, and a "vocal" response from the Argentinian people. Shortly after the Argentinians had decisively lost, public rioting and unrest swept the capitol, and Galtieri was deposed. After a year of interim leadership, free elections were held in Argentina for the first time in around a decade, and Argentina has maintained a respectable democratic government ever since. More vids like this: Music Used: Join my Discord and follow my Twitch to guarantee wealth and happiness for you and your kin: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:44 - Argentine History 1:46 - Argentina Invades 2:18 - Britain Retaliates 3:19 - The Aftermath 3:54 - Final Thoughts and Outro Thanks: Arisu Walter Joey

Poor Bobby Kotick || A Serious Defense of Activision

Ryy9uvBRX40 | 25 Nov 2021

Poor Bobby Kotick || A Serious Defense of Activision

If you honestly think I'm being serious here I would urge you to go outside. #Activision #Blizzard #BobbyKotick #CEOLivesMatter

When you get your fumos

Zm5yQy4B028 | 20 Oct 2021

When you get your fumos

I love them both dearly Thanks @Jorddaaan_ for giving Arisu a smooch

China's Disastrous War Against Sparrows

_Tk-njfBmDk | 19 Sep 2021

China's Disastrous War Against Sparrows

This video is just a silly joke :) I love the CCP and the People's Republic of China :D China's 4 pest campaign was billed as a way of reducing disease and food loss from vermin. Targeting mosquitos, flies, rats, and sparrows, the CCP initiated this campaign with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, radically altering your country's ecology and food chain can have major consequences. As the Chinese killed sparrows by the millions, if not billions, fewer birds consumed their stores of rice. Unfortunately, with so few sparrows, locusts were able to breed and explode in population. The result is that China had massive crop failures thanks to a literal plague of Locusts in the early 1960s, contributing to the great famine and millions of deaths. Individuals bringing this to the attention of the CCP were suppressed (the party can't be wrong after all), but they worked to course correct their mass slaughter of sparrows. China's authoritarian tendencies aren't isolated solely to their past. To this day, highly specific and sweeping bans are still common in China, led by their de facto dictator, Xi Jinpeng. Join my discord and follow my twitch for more "good" content: Songs Used: Red Sun in the Sky (China Music) Multiple Personality (Killer7 OST, Masafumi Takada) Blackburn (Killer7 OST, Masafumi Takada) Game Over (Super Mario Sunshine) The Stretch (Liquid Tension Experiment) Ching Chang Hon Chi (Dehao Zhang) Chapters: 0:00 - Glory to the People's Republic of China 0:28 - Intro 1:27 - Sparrows 4:47 - The China of Today 6:41 - Outro (ft. Hong Meiling) #CCP

Why Paris Built The Catacombs

imPnjOysng0 | 08 Sep 2021

Why Paris Built The Catacombs

Flashing Text Warning Join my discord and follow my twitch for more awful content: Shoutouts to my boys: CTOAFN (King Louis XIV) Walter (Average Frenchman) Arisu (constructive criticism) Music Used: Ginza (SMT Nocturne) Haunted Graveyard (Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts) Snowpeak Ruins (LoZ Twilight Princess) Faron Woods (LoZ Twilight Princess) The Stretch (Liquid Tension Experiment) Twilight Town (Paper Mario TTYD) Twilight Trail (Paper Mario TTYD)

Fumo Fans vs AmiAmi

vMB7FCYTNwo | 28 Aug 2021

Fumo Fans vs AmiAmi

August 27th, 2021: No More Fumos Incident A retelling of the pain and suffering endured by those plucky fumo fans when trying to order a fluffy friend... Songs: New Muldul - Hylics 2 Monpe Guardian - Touhou LW Final Hours with Bells and Sounds - Majora's Mask Watch my awful twitch streams:

How Fumos Are Made

55fsIWHBeWc | 22 Jul 2021

How Fumos Are Made

An in-depth analysis on how Fumos are made Follow my stupid twitch channel: