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All videos archived of Ross Kemp Extreme World

KQYHUmsKlEw | 23 Apr 2019
With training complete, Ross Kemp deploys to Afghanistan to catch up with the Royal Anglians who are already in theatre. Whilst there, The 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment heads to the front line in Afghanistan where Ross Kemp discovers the truth about war in one of the world's most dangerous and volatile regions. Ross Kemp journeys to Britains front line in Afghanistan with his BAFTA winning documentary team to experience first hand the British Army's attempts at bringing peace to one of the worlds most dangerous war zones and to witness the Army's attempts at bringing about a sea change in this hugely volatile region. The series chronicles the experiences of British soldiers as they adapt to life in a hostile environment, battle against a fanatical enemy; the Taliban, and attempt to win the hearts and minds of the local population. Ross also meets soldiers families in the UK to see how they cope when their loved ones are away as well as meeting the families of soldiers who didn't make it home alive. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

SJ5MxTxbTUw | 15 Mar 2019
Ross visits the dreaded Pul-e-Charkhi prison, which houses some of Afghanistan's most dangerous inmates including members of Al-Qaeda. Whilst there, Ross gets the chance to meet and interview The Taliban for the first time. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

egiOAOYYbyI | 08 Mar 2019
Whilst on an operation in Afghanistan, Ross and the rest of the Mercian Regiment encounter a Taliban sniper. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

29zyjEMUupk | 01 Mar 2019
Whilst in Afghanistan Ross and the British Army join the Afghan National Army on Operation Qalay Sharki to try and rid insurgency from the country. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

YV_oat_0MWM | 20 Feb 2019
Ross joins the US Army to learn about what they have done to help build and develop the Afghan National Army into a fighting force. Ross also goes on a mission with the two Armies to patrol the local area. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

1kW1gF5zsVs | 14 Feb 2019
After a surprisingly quiet time with Whiskey Company on the frontline, Ross gets the rare chance of joining the US Army in Afghanistan. During his first few days with the US Marine Corps, Ross gets the chance to learn how the US military differs from the British military. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

NUcuEW5WSak | 11 Feb 2019
After conducting a covert night operation, Ross and 45 Commando arrest two suspects who have tested positive for explosives and take them back to Camp Bastian to interrogate them further. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

fY0_vW4ImJs | 10 Feb 2019
After an informant tells 45 Commando about a man who is potentially training 15 year old boys to take their own lives and others around them, Whiskey Company and Ross set off on a covert night raid of the compound. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

O9D2VpouPUI | 07 Feb 2019
Ross Kemp is back on the frontline in Afghanistan and is teaming up with 45 Commando on a mission to gather up evidence on a known IED layer in the area. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ap_S_P-0pLA | 31 Jan 2019
Ross investigates the Mungiki, reputed to be the most dangerous gang in Africa. Whilst in Kenya, he meets members of the group, which has been blamed for much of the violence that took the lives of more than 1,500 people and left the country on the brink of civil war following the disputed election of December 2007. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

YLHTbhwQbjA | 28 Jan 2019
Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

MQ0e5iSvdxg | 25 Jan 2019
Fuelled by unemployment and a rampant narcotics trade, gangs are battling a turf war in the slums of Belize City. Whilst there, Ross meets the gangs that control the streets and sees a fraction of the weapons that make this city so violent. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

L_eOuVzrIC0 | 24 Jan 2019
Whilst in Bulgaria, Ross Kemp gets the chance to interview many people including gypsy kings and their women to learn how their organisation works. Plus, Ross meets two Right Wing groups called Blood & Honour and the Bulgarian National Guard and finally gets a chance to meet and go on patrol with the Bulgarian police force. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

419bc_YjaFk | 21 Jan 2019
Ross Kemp is in Sofia, Bulgaria to interview one of the most despised ethnic groups in Europe, the Roma Gypsies. Whilst there he gets the chance to speak to the head of the Euroroma political party plus other leaders of the Gypsy clans. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Eri3Ea0lSUk | 13 Jan 2019
After four months of searching, Ross receives a phone call telling him to leave the city and head to a remote island. Once he arrives, he is informed that a Somali pirate would like to speak to him. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

GFCE0YRQkt8 | 11 Jan 2019
Whilst in East Asia, Ross gets a call saying that a pirate commander would like to meet. Although he's a little sceptical, Ross heads to the commander's location and gets the chance to interview him. Plus afterwards, the pirates take Ross out onto a boat to give him a first hand look at how they would take over a ship. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

QS4dawfhLj8 | 09 Jan 2019
Ross and the crew of HMS Northumberland must act fast when they receive a distress call from a ship called the Saldanha claiming that it might be under attack by pirates. Will they reach the ship in time before it is pirated? Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

01L1xGqLxWw | 21 Nov 2018
Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

7Yxi-0kKqjc | 18 Nov 2018
In this compilation, Ross Kemp investigates gypsy gangs in Bulgaria, street gangs who are controlling military weapons in Belize and finally the Mungiki sect, who are described as not only one of the most dangerous gangs in Africa but also in the world. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dOE6ZrCEueM | 16 Nov 2018
Whilst in Kenya, Ross investigates the Mungiki sect, who are described as not only one of the most dangerous gangs in Africa but also in the world. During his travels, Ross learns more about the perpetrators and also about the violent crimes that they have committed. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

-f2T9XKTbMk | 14 Nov 2018
During his winter tour of Afghanistan Ross and Victor Company of 45 Commando Royal Marines head on a mission to recapture a Taliban stronghold but during their operation they learn very quickly about the dangers of IEDs. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

rIpfuNW_B4Y | 11 Nov 2018
Ross visits Haiti to investigate how much rubble has been removed from the country since the earthquake that occurred in 2010 and also how much progress there has been with rebuilding the country. Plus, Ross learns about the conditions that people are living in throughout the IDP campsites. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

-AAaUvFzN74 | 09 Nov 2018
Ross heads to Belize in South America to investigate how gangs are controlling the streets with military weapons plus he also learns how the rampant drug trade in the city is causing gangs to battle for turf in the slums. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

hQnXmJpkJIA | 07 Nov 2018
After RPG missiles are fired over the compound that Ross and Delta Company are in, the Afghan National Police stop a suspected Taliban scout and arrest him. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

SYNxoB3NgEM | 04 Nov 2018
Whilst visiting Port-au-Prince, Haiti Ross gets a chance to speak to doctor who explains to him about the crime and violence that happens throughout the IDP Camps. Plus, Ross gets to go face to face with a couple of prison escapees to learn about how they're protecting the Camps. Finally, Ross joins the UN police as they search for and arrest wanted criminals. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dliku5bzhdo | 02 Nov 2018
In this episode, Ross heads to Bulgaria to explore the secretive lives of Gypsy gangs. Whilst there he learns the types of crimes that these gangs commit which include people trafficking and pick pocketing plus he speaks to a group of Skinheads who are battling for control of the city's streets. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

zJ0bchTPsto | 31 Oct 2018
Whilst in an abandoned compound, Ross and Delta Company try to provoke the Taliban in hope that they give up their position but things don't go to plan when the medics are called to the rooftops after a solider is struck in the arm by a bullet. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

-qazCdYZ6Cc | 28 Oct 2018
Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Md4V324__9Y | 26 Oct 2018
Ross heads to Peru to investigate the impact drug production and gold mining has on the Amazon Rainforest. Whilst there, he discovers how the global demand for drugs wreaks its own local destruction and how the rise in the price of gold has lead to people destroying the environment just to earn a living. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

LR7-Uwzsp9E | 24 Oct 2018
Whilst the Afghan National Army try and secure an enemy compound, Ross and The Royal Irish Regiment start taking incoming bullets from the Taliban who have placed themselves in three different firing positions. To avoid being flanked the Irish call in artillery support to help get them to safety. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

wjONOgl3iyQ | 21 Oct 2018
Whilst in Marseille Ross Investigates drugs in La Castellane as well as joins the police in a very dangerous raid. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

APWLKxgVbz4 | 19 Oct 2018
Ross Kemp heads to South America on a mission to investigate why in the Amazon rainforest every minute of every day an area the size of three football pitches is destroyed. During this visit, Ross goes to Ecuador and Brazil to discover how cattle ranching and soy plantations are causing so much deforestation plus he also gets to interview an uncontacted amazon tribe. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

17jCn-xbjGk | 17 Oct 2018
The Medics must stabilise six civilians including two young children who have been injured in crossfire and require emergency treatment before they are evacuated to the hospital in Camp Bastion. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

r-ArRDiQgwA | 14 Oct 2018
For almost 200 years the international piracy trade continues to grow which is having a knock on effect on insurance premiums and cost of goods. In this full series compilation join Ross as he travels across the worlds biggest piracy hotspots: Somalia, Nigeria and East Asia in an attempt to meet modern day pirates and to get answers to some of the most important questions. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

1goB1ObDEoA | 12 Oct 2018
Ross' search for pirates has brought him to South East Asia where at least 1 pirate attack a week takes place. Whilst in the region, Ross interviews a man who helped save his ship from an attack plus he finally goes face to face with modern day pirates. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

nYOYb951bYI | 10 Oct 2018
Ross and The Delta Company Soldiers find a compound within The Green Zone where they plan to rest up during the hottest part of the day but the Taliban are preparing to attack and are starting to surround the area. Delta Company must now find away to get out of the compound and also escape the Taliban. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

6q179Ong4io | 07 Oct 2018
Whilst in Northern Ireland, Ross visits the Peace Walls as well as investigates multiple issues including the Good Friday agreement and protesting. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

XjGl8CLjKh0 | 05 Oct 2018
Ross heads to the troubled waters of Nigeria to continue his search for pirates. Whilst there he learns why the seas around Nigeria are considered a warzone and also why it's the bloodiest piracy hotspot in the world. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

4ZShZyJH7qk | 03 Oct 2018
Ross & The Delta Company Soldiers learn that the Taliban are close to them and are preparing for an ambush so they must ready themselves for hand to hand fighting. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ANUHwXNbRto | 30 Sep 2018
Whilst back in London, Ross investigates multiple issues including illegal cannabis farms, trafficking and brothels. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

mouABWlY4T8 | 28 Sep 2018
For nearly 200 years the international piracy trade has flourished meaning insurance premiums have increased as well as the overall cost of goods being shipped overseas. The world has three piracy hotspots and now Ross is climbing aboard the HMS Northumberland to go in search of modern day Somali pirates in Somalia. Whilst patrolling, he looks to discover why piracy is on the increase, how it threatens global trade and the lives of mariners and also what's being done to stop it. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

PDlA7EvlkTo | 26 Sep 2018
After being caught up in open fire Ross and the rest of the soldiers reach a compound where they can begin to plan out their next movements against the Taliban. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

os48i9sLqwY | 23 Sep 2018
Join Ross for his full journey as he returns back to Afghanistan one year on from his previous visit. During his time there, he will go back on the frontline with Delta Company 5 SCOTS, the Royal Irish Regiment and the Afghan National Army, as well get a chance to interview some of the soldiers and their families to learn more about their experiences. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Rg395kkwHLA | 21 Sep 2018
After returning from his previous visit, Ross meets some of the soldiers in the UK that have been injured by IEDs. He then goes back to Afghanistan to meet with the British Ambassador and to also go on his first winter tour, on the frontline. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

-ZHeOmhA9yM | 19 Sep 2018
Whilst in the Green Zone, Ross and the rest of the regiment get pinned down by Taliban AK-47 and RPG gunfire. In order to get to safety he must keep low and continue crawling forward away from the open space. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

RK1Txo-WZKc | 16 Sep 2018
Whilst travelling South America, Ross investigates multiple issues including drug production in Peru, the Brazilian drought and Tribes vs. Oil in Ecuador. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Bo3nYI8NBgU | 14 Sep 2018
For the last time, Ross heads out with Delta Company as they attempt to set up a control base in the northern part of the green zone. After he leaves Afghanistan he joins the families and friends of 5 SCOTS as they arrive back in the UK. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

B6FbW7RYPtQ | 12 Sep 2018
After arriving at Camp Bastion, Ross conducts two interviews. Firstly, with Major Nick Calder, the Officer in Command to learn more about the Taliban mission that he about to join them on and also with the Delta Company Soldiers to find out about the experiences they have had in Afghanistan. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

d1NwpjFAXNw | 09 Sep 2018
Sometimes in order to protect themselves Ross must conduct concealed identity interviews. In this compilation, hear stories told by an ex cartel member, a Chicago kingpin and a trafficking victim. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

psbHjJmqFVM | 07 Sep 2018
Ross joins the Royal Irish Regiment in Musa Qala as they mentor, train and help the Afghan National Army. Whilst with them, he gets to meet the people of Musa Qala and also goes on his next operation. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

noViBEMBCFo | 05 Sep 2018
After arriving at Camp Bastion, Ross remembers the fallen soldiers that have been killed in Afghanistan and also interviews some of the families that have lost their loved ones. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

5BbEStA_QGI | 02 Sep 2018
Whilst in New Orleans, Ross investigates multiple issues including Gang crime and gun culture in the city. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

K3wZIF7jYtM | 31 Aug 2018
Ross and Delta Company head back to Musa Qala base where they get some well deserved rest. During this time, the soldiers receive packages from their families but it isn't long before they begin their next operation at Small Qats. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

B8bIlk0g50E | 29 Aug 2018
Ross investigates the tunnels that smugglers use to bring food and other essentials from Gaza into Egypt. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

2fsWqi2mYI8 | 26 Aug 2018
Whilst back in the UK, Ross visits Scotland to investigate multiple issues including homelessness, drug dealing and the benefits system. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

xmOxZtkcqGA | 24 Aug 2018
Ross returns to Afghanistan a year after his first visit. This time he will be going back to the frontline with Delta Company 5 Scots, the Royal Irish Regiment and the Afghan National Army. In part 1, Ross is thrown straight into action as he goes on a four day mission in Musa Qala. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

6dy-GtUqV2Q | 22 Aug 2018
Just before he is about to leave Gaza, Ross gets chance to interview a militant from the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

9pI0nWBnZqc | 19 Aug 2018
Join Ross as he travels throughout the divided Middle East to understand more about the conflict that occurs between Israel and Gaza. Whilst visiting both countries he interviews many people including the police, people who have been affected by attacks as well as some of the militants also. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

NEFWo8DgWf8 | 17 Aug 2018
After visiting Gaza, Ross now travels to Israel to investigate the divided country. Whilst there, he interviews victims of militant attacks as well as the police force to understand how they are trying to stop more from happening. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

sOrYvxlHHDE | 15 Aug 2018
Ross heads to VRAE, a remote valley in the Peru highlands to investigate drug production within the region. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

w7od6b_cUWQ | 12 Aug 2018
Whilst back in the UK, Ross investigates dealing and homelessness in Glasgow, violent protests in Northern Ireland and joins the police for a raid in London. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

h7jmkbc8twE | 10 Aug 2018
This two part special sees Ross visiting both Gaza and Israel to investigate what life is like for people who are living either side of the Middle East. In the first part, Ross is in Gaza one year after Operation Cast Lead to interview the police, the families who have been affected by the conflict and also a group of militants. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

rh99l-TW4X0 | 08 Aug 2018
Whilst in Ecuador, Ross goes on a journey with a tribe leader to investigate the impact that oil extraction will have on the Huaorani people. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

cUEqGPu097k | 05 Aug 2018
Watch the entire Ross Kemp Back on the Frontline series in this compilation! In this series, Ross goes back to Afghanistan to join both the US and UK troops on the ground and for the first time ever, comes face to face with the Taliban. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ou9Zq7obb-0 | 03 Aug 2018
As Ross' time in with the British Army comes to an end, he gets one last chance to investigate why the Troops have been in Afghanistan for over a decade. Plus, for the first time ever, comes face-to-face with the Taliban in attempt to answer many burning questions. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

z4BdFnSnFTA | 01 Aug 2018
Ross travels to Brazil to find out what impact the drought is having on both people and the environment around them. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

S4V2c3NR82s | 29 Jul 2018
Ross takes a trip to Chicago where he meets a number of heroin addicts. He also goes to Glasgow, Scotland to investigate why dealers sell drugs. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Q9EEDV7Hrto | 27 Jul 2018
Ross started his journey in Afghan with Whiskey Company 45 Commando, whilst with them he witnessed the arrest of several Taliban suspects without a shot being fired. But now he joins the new Afghanistan National Army on the ground to investigate whether they are ready to take over the security of their country so the British Troops can go back to the UK. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

1FrmVJoIOYM | 25 Jul 2018
Ross interviews two cattle ranchers in Brazil about deforestation of the Amazon and also flies over the national forest to get an understanding of how much is left. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

4DtO8m75icA | 22 Jul 2018
Ross travels to Africa to the central prison of Goma and meets a man tried and convicted of rape. He also heads to Ajegunle to investigate and to try and meet pirates. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

qz9TQOpEIn0 | 20 Jul 2018
For the first time ever, Ross joins the American troops as they search for insurgents in a Taliban stronghold. Whilst with the American army, Ross learns more about the culture within the troops and also speaks to the local community to understand why there is such animosity towards the soldiers. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

TtGUFojjc2o | 18 Jul 2018
Ross goes to Novo Progresso, a hot spot for illegal logging in Brazil. Whilst there, he attempts to talk to illegal loggers to understand more about the issue. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

l5Va9RipJfI | 15 Jul 2018
Ross goes to India to investigate the trafficking issue that is happening throughout the country. Whilst there, he interviews the police, a trafficking victim and also a trafficker. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

eCuYltaAUAU | 13 Jul 2018
Ross joins the UK troops on their first ever night operation to try and capture a Taliban suspect. Whilst on the operation, Ross learns the difficulties of trekking through the terrain in the middle of the night and also understands first hand the dangers of IEDs that have been buried in underfoot. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

z9i74XLxxWw | 11 Jul 2018
Ross visits Syria Street in Tripoli, where he interviews one of the captains of the local militia. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

KIGUT1euGHo | 08 Jul 2018
Ross visits Las Vegas to investigate multiple issues including trafficking, the illegal sex industry and gang crime. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

_Ai68eyKa4U | 06 Jul 2018
On the 10th anniversary of NATO deployment, Ross Kemp goes back to Afghanistan to see what has changed since he was last there. In this first episode he joins The Royal Marines to try and understand the root of the many problems facing troops in Afghanistan today. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

nuDkheYNsro | 14 Jul 2016
Ross sits down with some gang members to learn more about violence in Las Vegas. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ecD3Vso-RY8 | 07 Jul 2016
Ross explores the shocking reality of pimps targeting young girls in Las Vegas. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

RQgps8YnO4M | 30 Jun 2016
Ross Kemp takes a look at the seedy side of Las Vegas where prostitution is on the rise. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dazXyON8HTc | 23 Jun 2016
Ross heads to the Amazon in order to talk to locals about climate changes and it's effect on the population there. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

AdEhDgF9JH4 | 09 Jun 2016
Ross meets two heroin addicts panhandling for drugs on the strip, in Las Vegas. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

bF49sJEEawE | 02 Jun 2016
Ross gets a tour through the notorious west side of Las Vegas, away from the strip. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Es9AIBdI6Xw | 19 May 2016
In 2008, Las Vegas was hit hard by the global recession and has barely recovered since, now Ross Kemp investigates the full impact it has had. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

1YT_UF_7CNU | 12 May 2016
Ross goes underground and visits the tunnels and people that live underneath Las Vegas. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

vDS77G2W9xc | 05 May 2016
Ross explores the tensions between the Shia and Sunni gangs in Tripoli... Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

e76oHNsi03E | 28 Apr 2016
Ross Kemp brings us into Lebanon where guns, war and unrest are boiling over. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

vuN0RMRa4vc | 21 Apr 2016
In Las Vegas, Ross speaks to a journalist who has written two books about the homelessness in the underground Vegas. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dVDEvQfCguU | 14 Apr 2016
Ross is in Las Vegas to investigate the big gambling and drug problem. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

2x91H3eFKVI | 07 Apr 2016
In one of his most shocking interview ever, Ross Kemp meets a trafficker in India who is being investigated for over 25 different offences. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

66xMo4Xwewo | 31 Mar 2016
Ross meets with a police officer who leads a team of people trying to stop trafficking in India. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

BlYHmSEWQAM | 24 Mar 2016
Ross interviews a girl in India who was forced into prostitution at a young age. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

e_HK5i5Uh2o | 17 Mar 2016
Ross Kemp visits a brothel in Mumbai, India and hears shocking stories told by the women working there. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments! Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

o-4hay5UT4w | 10 Mar 2016
Ross speaks to the secretary to the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He asks him what is being done to crack down on Rio's drug problem. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

BCEakC-ziRw | 03 Mar 2016
Ross Kemp Visits a Crack Cocaine Shanti Town in Rio de Janeiro. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

DnxIplJpi80 | 25 Feb 2016
Ross Kemp visits the the border that separates Israel with Gaza. At the border, there is a constant threat of rockets being sent from across. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

RZEzSL8dmyg | 18 Feb 2016
Ross Kemp is in Jerusalem to learn about the inner conflicts within Israel. He speaks to a taxi driver who gives him an insight, into how bad things have got in the country. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

VgvsjpOAtH4 | 11 Feb 2016
Ross Kemp speaks to young children living in a world of fear, violence, and destruction. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

5N7LEZSOMkI | 04 Feb 2016
Ross Kemp speaks to islamic jihadists who want to send explosive rockets into Israel. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

6CEu0gT1SjY | 28 Jan 2016
Ross Kemp speaks to a family living in a village in Gaza. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dv_IldO5RsE | 21 Jan 2016
Ross Kemp is in Gaza, interviewing a police offer from the extreme Hamas organisation. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

JhmpGXgUWlk | 14 Jan 2016
Ross Kemp looks at how the oil industry is exploiting the homes of villagers in the Delta. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

eCCjyw1z8nk | 01 Jan 2016
Ross Kemp tries to talks to Mend about Nigeria's oil war. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

n0YfzYkPxrs | 24 Dec 2015
Ross visits a broken oil well in Nigeria to explore how the industry has impacted the environment. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

0wnASx6NCXg | 17 Dec 2015
Ross Kemp visits what the UN named the worst prison in Africa and also talks to some of the inhabitants. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

PYsE5gqXhz0 | 10 Dec 2015
Ross visits Haiti to understand how much rubble has been removed from the country and also figure out why the rebuild is taking such a long time. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

TCMbVOPG710 | 27 Nov 2015
Ross Kemp talks to UN troops hunting the Hutu Militia in Congo. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

33bV8OJaVV4 | 19 Nov 2015
Whilst visiting a Congo Prison, Ross Kemp meets a man tried and convicted of rape. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

icm45IclTxQ | 12 Nov 2015
Ross Kemp talks a Nigerian woman who escaped a trafficker in the UK. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

GwO_aSeJAAE | 05 Nov 2015
Ross Kemp talks to a Romanian victim of the trafficking industry in the UK. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

V0bAR6HAQus | 29 Oct 2015
Ross Kemp talks to a local journalist in Goma about "gifting" or bribing the Government officials and police. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

7Gvwi4-10zs | 22 Oct 2015
Ross Kemp talks to a doctor in Port-au-Prince, Haiti about the crime and extreme violence that happens within IDP Camps. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

DZebrCwBJeE | 15 Oct 2015
Ross kemp look at how poverty and crime are interlinked in IDP (Internally displaced person) camps. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

lQiwGIX2ue0 | 08 Oct 2015
Ross Kemp accompanies 40 police officers while they arrest 9 traffickers in Great Yarmouth, UK. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

MCMHCn7Zb0I | 01 Oct 2015
Ross Kemp looks at the link between poverty and piracy in Lagos's biggest slum Ajegunle. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

T9Sn0g6ueiE | 24 Sep 2015
Billy Graham was kidnapped by pirates, held captive for 26 days and forced to dig his own grave. Ross Kemp talks to him about it. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Dd2Sa6AWrNs | 17 Sep 2015
Before he leaves Romania, Ross visits Bucharest's largest prison to meet a trafficker who's serving a four and a half year sentence. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

FsRoPDWrC1o | 10 Sep 2015
Ross Kemp interviews the police to learn how Romanian Traffickers trick women using the "Lover boy" method. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

-VWlavu3wak | 03 Sep 2015
Together with special unit ECD9 Ross Kemp investigates a brothel in London to see if there any trafficked girls in side. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

XrfyFHgb0Cc | 27 Aug 2015
There are over 5000 female sex workers in London, 65% of which are trafficked as slaves. Ross Kemp talks with special unit ECD9 who capture traffickers. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

cJbC9kNfn-E | 20 Aug 2015
Ross Kemp and the police raid a Cannabis Farm in London and learn that a trafficked boy is being used look after the plants. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

L9TzBB_etME | 13 Aug 2015
After the earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, mass destruction of the prisons allowed inmates to run free. Now, Ross gets the chance to interview some of these escapees. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

yRc1tt5QogQ | 06 Aug 2015
75% of trafficked people are women who are trafficked for the sex industry, Ross Kemp talk to one of it's victims who escaped. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

UMr4CC7aEbM | 30 Jul 2015
10 months after the earthquake struck Haiti there is still a shortage of water and Ross wants to investigate why. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

__oc7Je8nRk | 23 Jul 2015
Ross Kemp joins the UN police as they arrest escaped prisoners in Haiti. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

rBFFMYM62lE | 16 Jul 2015
In 2010 an earthquake killed over 300 thousand people and left over a million people homeless in Haiti. Ross kemp investigates what's being done to help the people. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

fdn-eWCOUB4 | 09 Jul 2015
Ross Kemp interviews an Ex Cartel Member and finds out how drugs are trafficked all over the world including Britain. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

CGHJ4c34gxA | 02 Jul 2015
Ross Kemp talks to a member of the Aztecas (a gang said to be responsible for hundreds of brutal murders) in prison. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ZO1N8HFMrbQ | 25 Jun 2015
Ross Kemp talks to some young gang members about the recent murders in Mexico but the interview is cut short when the young gang members become paranoid that they are being watched by members of The Cartel. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

qaXM0zc9G78 | 18 Jun 2015
In Juárez, the city with the highest recorded Murder rate in the planet, Ross Kemp stumbles among a man who has been killed in broad daylight. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Xxw8LKXCFDU | 11 Jun 2015
Ross interviews two New Orleans police officers who want their identities kept secret. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

hzcBKnZQwuw | 04 Jun 2015
Ross Kemp explores the high level of violence in New Orleans. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

t7xAV8lNEAA | 29 May 2015
After an alteration with traffic police that left 1 brother dead and the other injured along with a police officer, Ross kemp visits their family to find out what happened. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

5UORUpYa2gY | 21 May 2015
Whilst in New Orleans, Ross meets with Father Terry to visit the Murder Wall. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

n061XJiVCxk | 14 May 2015
Ross Kemp finds out from the charity UNITY about the homeless people living in homes that were destroyed by hurricane Katrina. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

8rE___P78Hs | 07 May 2015
Ross kept finds out how the movement cutting corners resulted in Hurricane Katrina wreaking more devastation then necessary. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

gkOTj9qg4NM | 30 Apr 2015
Whilst in New Orleans, Ross joins the charity UNITY to investigate homelessness in the city. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ZdErFw8IysM | 23 Apr 2015
Ross kemp talks to the mother of a 13 year facing a prison sentence for armed robbery. He discovers the results that no gun control and little help from the government have on poor, lower class neighbourhoods in New Orleans. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

kE9UcdNsPpc | 09 Apr 2015
Ross Kemp visits one of the popular gun shows in America. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

5-FGGJe7Rt8 | 02 Apr 2015
Ross Kemp hears from two dangerous New Orleans Gangsters to get a better understanding of life on the streets and the reality of the violent culture that is spiralling out of control. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ZyOnlIt3vB8 | 26 Mar 2015
Ross visits Northern Ireland to speak to some of the locals about The Good Friday Agreement. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Mx4LfT6c1aA | 19 Mar 2015
Ross is in Marseille interviewing a 16 year old drug dealer about selling and trafficking drugs. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

dmrWgzXnNIw | 12 Mar 2015
Ross speaks to a youth worker about the drug dealing that goes on in La Castellane, Marseille. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

Dxq_Cb9yKc4 | 05 Mar 2015
Ross investigates how supported housing has helped homelessness in Glasgow. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

afvVAR65uJc | 26 Feb 2015
Ross discovers how easy it is to start selling drugs on the streets of Glasgow. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

vojgz2u8WQ4 | 19 Feb 2015
Smuggling Drugs into Europe is a lucrative business, Ross Kemp investigates how it's done through one of the most used ports for dealers - Marseille. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

rdKOKrEAmSI | 12 Feb 2015
Ross Kemp investigates the Belfast since the good friday agreement, he's surprised to find a wall which separates Protestants and Catholics Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

nSZuv9Adz6w | 05 Feb 2015
Ross Kemp watches as Northern Ireland's police raid a house suspected of being terrorist. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

U6p5Am1fN00 | 29 Jan 2015
Ross Kemp investigates the the Marseille Drug Scene. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

7pO7y0MrikQ | 22 Jan 2015
Ross Kemp ignores the police and enters one of the most dangers estates in Marseille, La Castellane. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

wJAiYUw9Y4E | 15 Jan 2015
Ross Kemp joins a Marseille Police Raid to search a dangerous estate for young gangsters. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

plo23x4lm3s | 08 Jan 2015
Ross Kemp investigates the poverty thats exist in Glasgow. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

PjPm95R2tWM | 01 Jan 2015
Ross looks around the flat of a man living on benefits, who pulled his own toes off. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

0ZKKq04SaTw | 25 Dec 2014
From prison to the streets, the benefit system cycle isn't easy to break in Glasgow. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

xm1aLLUp4Fg | 18 Dec 2014
Ross Kemp is with the police in Belfast, Northern Ireland to try and maintain a protest that has turned violent, which involves both the Loyalists and Republicans. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

cF1nl2dbyCU | 11 Dec 2014
Ross Kemp talks to "Tony the Eel" an old member of the notorious French connection. A scheme through which drugs were smuggled from Turkey to France and then to the United States through Canada. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

UoayrZO8GBc | 04 Dec 2014
Ross Kemp flies to RWANDA to find out more about The Congo war, which has been fought for over a decade, and is the bloodiest conflict that has been fought since the 2nd world war. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

eR6dZz6js4A | 27 Nov 2014
Ross Kemp interviews Dr. Mukwege and one of his patients about the torture they endured during the war. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

cflYLnBQQ-Y | 20 Nov 2014
Ross Kemp visits the worst prison in Africa, where 900 rapists, murderers and fraudsters are stuck together in a small space. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

avUUtS2wtsc | 13 Nov 2014
Ross Kemp interviews a Chicago drug kingpin, the man who controls most if the west side. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

KJu6Of6dM7s | 06 Nov 2014
On his away to visit the general, Ross Kemp's convey meet his "rascals" who usually raid cars along the route that he's in. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

yqufugkLQ_g | 30 Oct 2014
The fight fee is a fee for patients whose injuries are the results of unnecessary violence. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

bg30vh9lFv0 | 23 Oct 2014
Ross Kemp talk to the residents at the Panzi Hospital (It specializes in treating survivors of violence, the large majority of whom have been sexually abused) and finds out the horrors they had to go through. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

_zy2joAaxN0 | 16 Oct 2014
Ross interviews the inmates at Papua New Guinea Prison to ask them why Papua New Guinea is so violent. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

wOMxEdH2yK4 | 09 Oct 2014
It's one of the most confronting scenes Ross has ever faced! While hiking, armed guerrillas ambush Ross and his cameraman, threatening to shoot them with their guns. Ross amazingly uses his bravado to dissipate the situation. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

wBhhd4Rz7xQ | 30 Sep 2014
Greg takes Ross to the 290, which the locals call ‘Heroin Alley’ to meet a man called ‘Freeway’. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

h_Fep3Os0dI | 30 Sep 2014
A Heroin addict explains his story of addiction and physical dependence on the drug and how it has negatively affected his life. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

H_gclwU2i1U | 30 Sep 2014
Ross tries to investigate how heroin’s use has spread from the ghetto to the suburbs. The answer lies in the easy-to-use ‘China White’ form of Heroin popular in Chicago. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

UNfivLK_VUs | 30 Sep 2014
Ross drives down the ‘Heroin Highway’ to talk to a mother about how Heroin has affected her life. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

pFvCWrkeUpE | 30 Sep 2014
An addict collapses after mixing Crack and Heroin. Luckily Ross and Greg, a leader of a Drug Outreach program are there to help save his life. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

H2rIzWadfj4 | 30 Sep 2014
Ross is in Chicago and is determined to understand why there is such a large drug issue in the city. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

ocHa-jlFnrk | 30 Sep 2014
Ross meets with Drug Outreach leader Greg to visit “The Brickyard” which is one of the largest encampments of the homeless, drug injectors and prostitutes. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

MJkZNn3iIJ4 | 30 Sep 2014
Ross investigates why Chicago has a large drug problem. A Special Agent breaks down the drug dealing process to Ross. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

BbHygcsms4g | 30 Sep 2014
Members of “The Brickyard” community explain to Ross how they support their lifestyles through selling drugs and panhandling as well as how they shoot up heroin. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

wZNBFWfszXY | 30 Sep 2014
Ross discusses with Greg how ingrained the drug culture is with the community of Chicago. Greg reveals how young females are lured into the drug lifestyle. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!

rQ9nl5Xj5dw | 29 Sep 2014
Introducing Ross Kemp's new home on YouTube: Ross Kemp Extreme World. Featuring the best clips across some of Ross's most dangerous and extreme adventures uncovering the dark underbelly of gangs, the drug trade and terrorism all over the world. Be sure to subscribe for more incredible clips and full episodes, click here: Ross Kemp Extreme World is the home of your favourite Ross Kemp series, including Ross Kemp On Pirates, Ross Kemp On Gangs, Ross Kemp In Afghanistan and Ross Kemp On The Frontline, as well as some of the most hard-hitting, jaw-dropping interviews and scenes. Have a favourite clip of Ross Kemp? Let us know in the comments!