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6j3huaGqSkM | 07 Mar 2025
I'm never working on this many broken computers at the same time ever again. Sources: Hinge fix panel and cover clip models: USB-C PD adapters for vintage computers thread on Tinker Different: USB-C board enclosure model: 00:00 - Introduction 01:42 - Triage 04:51 - Some of these are worse for wear 06:49 - You can skip everything before this part if you're impatient 09:06 - One down, several more to go 10:27 - Keyboard warriors, ready your weapons 15:36 - This shouldn't have been this hard 18:33 - We need more power 20:43 - The end results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by Dan Mason ( based on elements by BoxCat Games (

Q3YJYzZicg4 | 21 Feb 2025
This Sun SPARCStation IPX sure seemed like it would have been interesting. BlueSCSI drive bracket model: Floppy drive SD card bracket model: PSU replacement GitHub project: Glitch Works battery module: Sources: "Sun ups performance, disk capacity of Sparcstations," InfoWorld, July 22, 1991. "Sun Puts Hopes Behind Sparc Clones' Success," InfoWorld, December 24, 1991. "Sun integrates graphics chip, CPU," InfoWorld, September 23, 1991. SPARCengine IPX spec sheet: "RDI expands BriteLite line with three workstations," InfoWorld, December 16, 1991. BriteLite IPX information: UltraSPARC CPU photo: "The Players in the RISC Market," InfoWorld, November 28, 1988. AUI 10Base-T photo: AUI BNC photo: SBus video card photo: SPARCengine IPX spec sheet: 00:00 - Introduction 01:48 - That's a spicy meatball 03:14 - I should have gotten a PCB manufacturer to sponsor this segment 04:30 - Of course I'm putting a BlueSCSI in this thing 05:12 - lol D extender 06:32 - And people say that vintage Macs are weird 08:13 - An annoyance averted 09:34 - Ready for liftoff 10:21 - Of course it didn't work 11:22 - All your base are belong to Sun 13:09 - I hate myself, but not enough to fix this thing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by Dan Mason ( based on elements by BoxCat Games (

p_MZXra9F3w | 07 Feb 2025
The Unimplemented Trap podcast and early access to new episodes is available for Patreon supporters: Sources: Macworld, April 1995. "Motorola offers Mac clone, boosts market confidence," Computerworld, September 23, 1996. Sonnet Crescendo G3 photo: StarMax disc image: Energy+ B9780 battery product page: PowerStack II tower photo: Windows NT for PPC disc photo: "Low-End Clones Multiply," MacUser, January 1997. "Apple finally says it will license Mac OS," InfoWorld, January 31, 1994. "Apple rethinking licensing efforts as vehicle to boost market share," Computerworld, July 10, 1995. "Why Apple Pulled the Plug," Macworld, November 1997. "Apple Misses Mark; Reports $708M Loss," Computerworld, April 21, 1997. "Apple Eyes High End in License Fee System," March 31, 1997. Mac OS 7.7 beta screen shot: "Enough is enough," Computerworld, July 14, 1997. "Jobs to Pixar: No exit plans," Computerworld, August 4, 1997. "Jobs is back: Apple buys Next for $400M," Computerworld, December 23, 1996. "Apple shutters Advanced Technology Group," "Apple Forges Alliance with Microsoft," Macworld, October 1997. "Users to Apple: Send in the clones," Computerworld, August 11, 1997. Macworld, February 1997. "Motorola snubs NT, picks BeOS for its Mac clones," Computerworld, February 24, 1997. "Apple clone makers shut out," Computerworld, September 15, 1997. "Jobs Makes Headway at Apple, But Not Without Much Turmoil," The Wall Street Journal, April 14, 1998: "Double Troubles Send APS to Chapter 11," Power Computing Mac OS 8 CD photo courtesy Action Retro: "Apple Eliminates the Top Clone Vendor," Macworld, November 1997. "Apple tries to go it alone," InfoWorld, September 8, 1997. "Apple names Steve Jobs as interim chief executive," InfoWorld, September 22, 1997. "Apple clone makers shut out," Computerworld, September 15, 1997. 00:00 - Introduction 01:29 - Cheap in more ways than one 02:41 - Questionable choices 05:32 - Even more questionable choices 07:40 - Firing it up 10:04 - So is it fast? 11:39 - Clones of the clones 12:15 - The death of an industry 14:04 - That Jobs guy was kind of a jerk huh 16:22 - Better in the long run ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by Dan Mason ( based on elements by BoxCat Games (

aVTZ5NC0ng0 | 24 Jan 2025
Trying to do things Intel really, really didn't want people to do. Sources: "Celeron CPU Caches Up, Adds Muscle to Basic PCs," PC Magazine, October 6, 1998. "Crank it up," The Sydney Morning Herald, September 8, 1998. "Double Feature," PC World, October 1998. "The Dual Celeron System" page: "Celeron Hits 400MHz, PC Magazine, February 9, 1999. Celeron 300A sold eBay listing: PCChips slotket photo: Abit BP6 motherboard photo by Motherboard Continuum: Abit BP6 sold eBay listing: Asus S370-DL photo: Asus S370-DL sold eBay listing: Slot 1 voltage chart: "Home Design Software" and "3D Graphics," The Computer Chronicles. Asus P2B-D photo by evasive: "Celeron 300A," Maximum PC, April 1999. 00:00 - Introduction 00:32 - Intel doing Intel things 01:54 - Who the hell thought this was a good idea 03:23 - Sticking it to the man 04:57 - It actually kinda sucks 06:44 - Bluescreens ahoy 10:18 - Don't try this at home 11:31 - The secret settings 12:05 - Yeah it still kinda sucks 13:33 - This wasn't as easy as you think you remember ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by Dan Mason ( based on elements by BoxCat Games (

B4i8W2fnVug | 10 Jan 2025
In 1995, Apple released its first Mac laptops based on the PowerPC processor. It didn't go quite as planned. Sources: Cupertino aerial footage by The Bureau ( "Apple offers 700 million reasons to question health," Computerworld, April 1, 1996. "Apple recall sours premium price plan," Computerworld, May 13, 1996. "RISC Workstations," PC Magazine, May 31, 1994. "Apple takes proactive approach to system glitches," InfoWorld, May 13, 1996. "Apple Recalls PowerBook 5300 Series," Macworld, December 1995. "More PowerBook 5300 Woes," Macworld, February 1996. "Apple preparing itself for a long, cold winter," InfoWorld, December 25, 1995. "New Apple PowerBook," MacUser, December 1996. Udagawa subway photo: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - Bit bucket 02:56 - Influencing an industry by getting drunk 04:47 - It broke right off 05:42 - Blank stares 06:55 - Crack 'em open 08:40 - Mini discs 10:35 - Stupid big cable 11:09 - It's dead, Jim 12:05 - Look close and you can see a spark 13:42 - A bad reputation 14:26 - The official story about exploding batteries 18:00 - An unwarranted scapegoat 19:41 - Sowing good seeds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by Dan Mason ( based on elements by BoxCat Games (

8WMbEOFD9Rs | 27 Dec 2024
By the 1990s, desktop computers were being pushed to do far more than simple desktop Apple pulled out all the stops. Mac II/IIx/IIfx BlueSCSI bracket model: "CR2032 Toaster" battery adapters: IIfx recreation motherboards: Sources: TinkerDifferent forum thread with hybrid-capped IIfx: "Apple's Special fx," Byte, April 1990. Mac IIfx used on Terminator 2: Apple Developer Note 15: Black IIfx terminator photo: "Study ranks Mac first in class," Computerworld, April 8, 1991. "Apple offers low-cost printers, cuts PC prices," Computerworld, March 18, 1991. "Dual Dynamos," MacUser, December 1991. "Apple bids farewell to Frank Casanova after pivotal 36-year tenure," IIfx logic board recreation GitHub: 00:00 - Introduction 01:26 - What's in the box??? 03:25 - Double trouble 06:07 - Everyone loves a montage 08:09 - Why did you skip the montage?! 09:38 - Gotta go fast 12:06 - Ready for liftoff 13:41 - TWO montages in one video, wow 14:57 - dddddddddddddddddd 16:35 - If you have to ask how much it costs... 18:59 - The final chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

40YlYvy6H48 | 13 Dec 2024
It was very easy to overclock early Celeron processors to perform better than Pentiums...but what about using more than one? Sources: Celeron 300A box photo: "Overclocking: Intel Celeron 300A," Maximum PC, April 1999. eMachines photo: Lian Li front panel clip model: Quake III multiprocessing thread: "Multiprocessor scalability in Microsoft Windows NT/2000" whitepaper: "Celeron CPU Caches Up, Adds Muscle to Basic PCs," PC Magazine, October 6, 1998. "The Dual Celeron System" page: Celeron 300A voltage mod: "Overclocking Beyond the Speed of Commerce," Newsday, June 13, 1999. Abit BP6 motherboard photo by Motherboard Continuum: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

edKZVCiMpBk | 29 Nov 2024
What happens when Sony merges a futuristic audio format into a chonker of a laptop? This thing. Sources: VAIO Library recovery disc listing: "ATI Muscles Back into 3D Mobile Market," Maximum PC, October 2001. "The New Mobile 3D Warrior," Maximum PC, January 2002. "Head2Head: Notebook Graphics," Maximum PC, September 2002. Forum thread with 3DMark 2001 scores:!!!! PC-Watch article about NV-series: "An MP3 Walkman...Finally!," HWM, April 2005. MZ-RH1 photo: PCGA-MDN1 product page: VAIO tower PCs photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

qwxf7ses7wo | 15 Nov 2024
The Color Classic is cute but severely underpowered. What options are there to give it a boost? Links and sources: CC-Booster product page: Tinker Different thread about Color Classic analog board parts: My Digi-Key list with all the parts you need to recap a Color Classic analog board: Color Classic BlueSCSI drive sled model: Applied Engineering information archive: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

obxvVgO0-X8 | 01 Nov 2024
People love to trash talk Intel's Celeron processor. But there was a time decades ago when it was even more desirable than the highest-end Pentiums. Sources: Many thanks to VWestlife for providing catalog scans used throughout this episode. Asheville Computer Club case badges: "400MHz Pentium II PCs," PC Magazine, May 26, 1998. AMD K6 photo: Intel headquarters photo: "Intel unveils new Celeron chip," Daily Press, March 5, 1998. "Intel's Celeron 266," PC World, May 1998. "Intel christens cheaper chip to target lower-cost PCs," The Oregonian, March 5, 1998. "Celeron CPU Caches Up, Adds Muscle to Basic PCs," PC Magazine, October 6, 1998. Celeron 300A box photo: Celeron 300A photo: Pentium II photo: "Double Feature," PC World, October 1998. "Crank it up," The Sydney Morning Herald, August 8, 1998. "Overclocking: Intel Celeron 300A," Maximum PC, April 1999. Overclocking the Celeron 300A: Celeron 300A at 500MHz: Abit BH6 photo: Pentium III photo: PC Magazine, March 23, 1999. Intel headquarters aerial footage courtesy Intel. 00:00 - Introduction 01:28 - A wolf in sheep's clothing 02:33 - Let's build a computer 06:54 - Even in the future, nothing works 09:08 - It goes to eleven 11:10 - ...except it doesn't 12:36 - Number crunchers 13:25 - The price is right 14:14 - That Yamaha sound card plays passport.mid pretty well 15:43 - y u no go fast??? 16:18 - A flash in the pan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

TEKa_3LN_QA | 18 Oct 2024
The Macintosh IIsi and LC series are known to have power supplies that tend to fail. Instead of rolling the dice by trying to recap and clean your original PSU, let's take a look at two options that offer guaranteed success and minimal hassle (with a bonus option for if you hate yourself). Links: CayMac Vintage Power-Up-IIusi PCB kit for Mac IIsi: With it, you'll also need the following... Power supply module for IIsi (affiliate link): ATX pico PSU for IIsi (affiliate link): CayMac Vintage Power-Up-Pizza PCB kit or LC series: With it, you'll also need the following... Power supply module for LC-series (affiliate link): ATX pico PSU for LC-series (affiliate link): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

zc3sPoqOFG8 | 04 Oct 2024
What happens when you get a broken Macintosh SE/30 but it's not worth fixing? You go incredibly overboard instead. Links and sources: SE/30 Reloaded project: Bourns Again filter IC project: SE/30 schematic redraw: Techknight's video about diagnosing my Reloaded board: Kero's Mac Mods store: Crucible app: CayMac Vintage store: Beleth's Backpack 3D-printable bracket: Baby Face Electronics SE/30 PSU: MacEffects store: IIfx recreation project: ZX Spectrum replica motherboard photo: Alternative SE and SE/30 replacement PSU: 00:00 - Introduction 01:17 - A surefire solution 03:43 - Change of plans 05:38 - (Re)loading the new PCB 08:24 - It didn't work 12:46 - Let's go! 15:08 - Some nifty accessories 20:00 - The scope keeps creeping 26:25 - Wax on, wax off 29:27 - Just look at this thing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

hXTaU1FaZtw | 20 Sep 2024
I've always had a soft spot for these small Shuttle XPC systems. Now I finally have one of my own. Sources and links: Echo Layla 3G photo: "Briefly Noted," Computerworld, March 6, 2006. Shuttle SB83G5 software download archive: UL acquires Futuremark: Legacy 3DMark downloads: "Video Card Buyer's Guide - Mid-Range, October 2004": ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

sF_zp2aUW98 | 06 Sep 2024
I built a cool vintage PC, but ultimately it didn't seem quite right. Let's try to fix that...if I can get it to work, that is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

cr5h56N7HH0 | 23 Aug 2024
It's nowhere near as big as conventions like VCF, but the retro tech expo put on by Free Geek Twin Cities was still a fantastic time! Free Geek Twin Cities: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

yc-QRgpUIqU | 21 Jun 2024
Many regard Apple's Newton PDA from 1993 as the company's first foray into touchscreen computing. It turns out that the company had even greater ambitions -- but the project met an unfortunate fate just at the last minute. Sources: Cupertino aerial footage by The Bureau ("Apple Delivers a True Mac With Its Pricey Portable," InfoWorld, October 23, 1989.Apple office photos courtesy Tom Gilley and Tom Erickson."Apple, Toshiba plan multimedia PDAs," InfoWorld, June 29, 1992.Compaq LTE 286 photo: J3100 photo: of Toshiba laptops photo: Shepherd with Mac Portable on Space Shuttle photo: Valley Green 6 photo: aerial footage courtesy Hosiden."Getting to the point," Computerworld, October 28, 1991.Alan Kay photo courtesy Viewpoints Research Institute."A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems," R. E. Kalman, footage courtesy the United States Air Force.Marc Porat and John Sculley photo:"PDA Players Partner Up," PC Magazine, March 30, 1993.Apple Newton "Cadillac" prototype photos: "Iconic" by Jonathan Zufi and"Apple drops into electronics field with nebulous Newton," InfoWorld, June 1, 1992."Apple makes moves to squash Newton's bugs," Computerworld, September 13, 1993."Newton: A Step toward the Future," Macworld, August 1992."The Macintosh Computer," Computer Chronicles, season 2, episode 10.Larry Tesler photo:"The Future of the PC," Fortune, August 26, 1991."Price wars will hurt Apple's '94 revenue," InfoWorld, June 14, 1993."Restless Sculley steps down as CEO of Apple," InfoWorld, June 21, 1993."Apple cuts could sidetrack focus," Computerworld, July 12, 1993."MacWorld San Francisco," Computer Chronicles, season 11, episode 19."Apple stock plunge prompts lawsuits," The Wisconsin State Journal, July 29, 1993."Apple cuts jobs, rethinks Enterprise Systems division," Network World, July 12, 1993.Photos from World PC Expo 1996: Watch Japan article about PenLite prototype at World PC Expo in 1996:"Apple upgrades Newton OS, MessagePad," InfoWorld, January 23, 1995."Would you know my name?," Computerworld, November 1, 1993. 00:00 - Introduction 02:04 - A Mac in your pocket 04:10 - A new user interface paradigm 12:24 - Touchscreen development 16:48 - A cool idea not fit for sale 20:36 - The birth of PenLite 25:36 - Chasing bugs 28:30 - Reading your writing 30:54 - Competition from colleagues 33:36 - Ready to launch until it wasn't 38:03 - A lasting legacy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

OM64l8tZSwY | 07 Jun 2024
Over the years, Apple has whipped up a number of prototype products that never made it to production. Usually these get destroyed and remain unknown...but this one managed to survive, and needed some help to get working again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

PI0-YNRPSVo | 24 May 2024
Counterfeit and reproduction video game cartridges are nothing new, but shady sellers keep trying new tricks to pass them off as legitimate. I picked up a pair of Nintendo 64 games that should have been real...but definitely weren't. N64 label damage photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

5V2TZbSLyiM | 03 May 2024
My Prusa Mini has been a great 3D printer, but over the years it had gotten slightly annoying to have to swap a USB flash drive whenever I needed to move files to it. For just a few bucks and a couple minutes' worth of work, though, I was able to connect it to my WiFi network! Prusa Mini WiFi module installation guide: Google Spreadsheet of compatible modules: The WiFi module I bought (affiliate link): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

eJdy7ktbvL8 | 19 Apr 2024
Kensington's Turbo Mouse and Expert Mouse trackballs have been around for decades. I picked one up, expecting an easy fix -- but its design rendered it e-waste instead. Sources: Expert Mouse 8-ball photo: Expert Mouse Pro photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

_eCF32sudqg | 05 Apr 2024
Solid-state hard drive replacements like the BlueSCSI are quite popular among vintage Mac enthusiasts. But can you eke more performance out of it simply by changing the way you format the drive? My 3D-printed SE and SE/30 bracket: Sites like the Macintosh Garden are a great place to find vintage software like the hard drive formatting utilities shown in this video: Sources: BlueSCSI: Another comparison of multiple drivers using period-correct hardware: Disk Jockey: The Macintosh Bible 6th edition, page 150. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

ijyTOOxOmmM | 22 Mar 2024
I suspected the battery in my Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones was on its way out. But it ended up being a different issue entirely, and fixing it cost a fraction of what Bose would have charged for a replacement -- with no special tools or skills required! The C&K replacement switch (they're cheap, buy one or two spares): My favorite spudgers: Replacement QuietComfort ear pads (affiliate link): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

3gqXSvGh6PI | 08 Mar 2024
At first glance the MicroNet SANcube looks like a big external FireWire hard drive. But it has an unexpected trick up its sleeve... Sources: Apple Lisa photo: SANcube product page: 10/100 Ethernet hub photo: "Crowning our new switch leaders," NetworkWorld, May 10, 1999. FireTape 50 press release: Nissan Cube photo:,_25._August_2013,_D%C3%BCsseldorf.jpg "Ampex to Acquire MicroNet," The Los Angeles Times, July 1, 1998. Ampex building photo: "MicroNet Close Doors," "Former MicroNet employees rally to save the company," "Fantom Drives acquires MicroNet," FireWire extender photo: Fibre channel switch photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

ltCdM2x9cYk | 23 Feb 2024
The PowerBook 150 sucks, ask me how I know. Sources and links: PowerBook 150 display repair pieces: CNC Kitchen threaded insert soldering iron tips: BlueSCSI: Replacing the Internal Disk of a Powerbook 150 with a CompactFlash Card: "Macintosh: File System Specifications & Terms," "Apple cuts cost with latest PowerBook," InfoWorld, July 18, 1994. "PowerBook Adds to Bottom Line," MacUser, September 1994. "Macintosh PowerBooks 100, 140, and 170," Macworld, December 1991. PowerBook 150 manufactured by Acer: Sigma Seven Systems' PB Serial Adapter: Adding an ADB port to the PowerBook 150: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Dan Mason ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

oLNdFQ5gD_0 | 09 Feb 2024
I haven't been having good luck with old laptop hard drives lately -- and this Toshiba Libretto 50CT isn't helping. Sources: "Libretto 50CT good for executives on the go," InfoWorld, August 25, 1997. Enhanced docking station photos: CF to IDE bracket: Article about Windows 95 DMF disks: Raymond Chen's blog story about buying an Egghead store: Egghead Software store photos: SanDisk ATCFWCHG utility download: Transcend industrial CF cards ship in fixed-disk mode: Libretto RAM module photo: "New Libretto debuts," Computerworld, November 10, 1997. Libretto 100CT photo: "Libretto, Take III," PC Magazine, May 26, 1998. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

5z-DcHPdkKk | 26 Jan 2024
Sony's PCG-505 looks like a pretty typical late-90s laptop at first glance. But it actually had a big impact on the computer industry -- you probably just didn't realize it. Sources: Sony MSX photo: VAIO side speakers photo: PCG-505G recovery CD image: "Trend-Setting Ultraportable," PC Magazine, December 1, 1998. "Mainstream Notebooks," PC Magazine, August 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

dSbLmdyK3ao | 12 Jan 2024
Suncom Technologies tried to create a compelling alternative for the ordinary computer mouse with its ICONtroller joystick. Problem is, it wasn't really any good. Sources: IBM PC photo: "Windows 3.0", The Computer Chronicles, 1990. Microsoft mouse photo: Kensington trackball next to keyboard photo: Kensington trackball photo: "Of mice and mobile computers: pointing devices for close quarters," InfoWorld, April 20, 1992. Siemens 486 laptop photo: "Portable pointing devices," PC Magazine, October 15, 1991. Suncom ICONtroller Laptop photos: "That's Entertainment!", Popular Science, November 1987. "Traveling Trackballs," PC Magazine, March 30, 1993. "Controller Provides Mouse and Trackball Functions to Laptops," InfoWorld, December 17, 1990. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

brq3OkRDbPE | 29 Dec 2023
Replacing the capacitors on motherboards is something vintage computer enthusiasts are all too familiar with -- but that's only part of the problem. CayMac Vintage tweet about Mac IIsi modern replacement PSU: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

2N7BikJ0B7w | 15 Dec 2023
The 1990s saw a fierce battle between manufacturers for high-capacity removable disk storage. But some -- like the Avatar Shark -- lost even before they hit the market. Sources: "A Gig In Your Pocket," PC World, March 1998. "Shark 250," PC Magazine, May 6, 1997. Computer History Museum page on Avatar 170MB drive: "Read the Instructions," PC Magazine, February 10, 1998. "Dauphin adds removable cartridge to notebook," InfoWorld, November 2, 1992. "State of the Slate: Pen-based Computers," PC Magazine, March 30, 1993. "Avatar launches hard drive targeted at road warriors," Computerworld, March 17, 1997. "Micron offers Zip as default disk drive," InfoWorld, February 23, 1998. "Shark price tags dive," Computerworld, August 18, 1997. "Watchdog," Maximum PC, December 1998. "A plethora of products," Electronic Design, November 22, 1993. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

bjMMKzJOwGc | 08 Dec 2023
There were an increasing number of cheap, proprietary PCs in the late 1990s -- many of which couldn't be upgraded well, or at all. But this Dell Dimension XPS could be almost as good as a custom-built computer. Sources: "Professional PCs," PC Magazine, December 2, 1997. Ensoniq AudioPCI photo: "Company News," The New York Times, December 11, 1997. "Pentium Part II," PC Magazine, June 10, 1997. Pentium Pro photo: Pentium II commercial: Pentium II photo: "AMD challenges Intel with cheaper MMX chip," Computerworld, April 7, 1997. "Intel's Celeron 266," PC World, May 1998. Slot 1 Celeron photo: "Celeron CPU Caches Up, Adds Muscle to Basic PCs," PC Magazine, October 6, 1998. "Celeron 300A," Maximum PC Power User Handbook, autumn 2000. Pentium II in box photo: Socket 370 photo: Socket 370 slotket adapter: "Rage 128," Maximum PC, February 1999. 00:00 - Introduction 01:11 - Drives and ports 01:53 - Not quite what it seems 04:35 - Upgrades 06:09 - The Slot 1 story 09:24 - Reassembly and cleaning 11:19 - I should have installed Windows Me on this 12:34 - Video cards kinda sucked back then, but we still liked them 13:31 - passport.mid is the best, fight me 15:40 - It's a good computer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

CJjTRJKllt8 | 24 Nov 2023
When it manufactured personal computers, Sony got a reputation for producing some unique and niche machines. But sometimes they were a bit too niche...and that was the P-series' downfall. Sources: Vaio VGN-P80H recovery image: Vaio VGN-P530H recovery image: Motherboard photo: Vaio P-series teardown: First-gen P-series review from CNet: Sony laptop catalog: VGN-P70H Reddit thread: Sony Vaio UX photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

-ksweBtNcQk | 10 Nov 2023
When it comes to vintage electronics, the trope of "replace the capacitors" may be tired, but is still rooted in truth. Problem is, removing surface-mount parts can be time-consuming, expensive, or risky, depending on your approach. Let's explore all of the options, and check out a somewhat niche tool that could be a game-changer. Big thanks to Steve from @Mac84 for helping out with this episode -- be sure to check out his channel! If you have a Hakko F-888D soldering station and are curious about the FX-8804 hot tweezers shown in the episode, here's an affiliate link you can use to pick up a set: Unsafe 858D-style hot air station forum post: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

oXNLPOksY1Y | 27 Oct 2023
Apple's Macintosh Quadra 700 from 1991 is a favorite among vintage computer collectors, but not just because it was a good machine during its era. Featured music: "Pick a F**king Car" by Dan Mason: Capacitor list for the power supply: Sources: Mac IIfx photo: Mac IIfx motherboard photo: "Dual Dynamos: The Macintosh Quadra 700 and 900," MacUser, December 1991. 00:00 -- Introduction 01:23 -- Power supply recap 05:32 -- Testing the old capacitors 06:05 -- PSU reassembly (Dan Mason music feature) 07:38 -- Does the power supply blow up? 07:53 -- Further disassembly and cleaning 09:53 -- Putting it all back together 10:32 -- Overview and performance 13:37 -- It's a UNIX system, I know this 14:11 -- Is good computer yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

ZMnsu5pgMtc | 13 Oct 2023
Network-attached storage devices have seen adoption among power users and IT professionals for long enough that some are finding themselves ready for an upgrade. Let's check out a model from Synology that packs a lot of features, and also offers expandability into the future. Synology DS1821+ product page: My standard review disclaimer: Synology provided the unit and upgrades as part of this review, but has had no editorial input into this video, nor was I paid to produce it. The opinions expressed here are exclusively my own. My responsibility to you, the viewer, is paramount. This video has the "includes paid promotion" setting enabled simply because YouTube does not discern product reviews from other forms of paid content. Sources: SMART statistics removed from DSM 7.2.1 support response screenshot: 00:00 - Introduction 01:06 - Hardware overview 02:31 - Initial setup 03:39 - Software features 04:15 - CPU, RAM and M.2 SSDs 07:25 - Network file copy performance 07:59 - 10 gigabit network upgrade 09:57 - Upgrading from another NAS 12:06 - Drive array expansion 13:21 - Who this NAS is for ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

4NcZhBaCAfw | 29 Sep 2023
Laptops were gaining popularity in the early 2000s due to increasing selection and falling prices. In the thin-and-light category, Toshiba pulled out all the stops and produced a machine so portable that it rivals even today's laptops. Sources: Portege 2000 extended battery photos: "The Laptop Shell Game," Popular Mechanics, October 2002. "The Notebook Buyer's Guide," Maximum PC, July 2005. "An Intel-Approved Desktop to Go," PC Magazine, August 5, 2003. "RIP Toshiba-Branded PCs, Long Live Dynabook," PC Magazine, "Toshiba Portege 2000," PC Magazine, April 9, 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

V066pDsRPRo | 22 Sep 2023
The AlphaSmart text editing device was originally designed by Apple engineers. When they couldn't get their employer to build it, they decided to do so themselves -- and ended up being a rather clever, long-lived device. Sources: Computer lab photo: Ketan Kothari photo: Joe Barrus photo: Apple Infinte Loop campus photo: AlphaSmart Pro owner's manual: "AlphaSmart: A History of One of Ed-Tech's Favorite (Drop-Kickable) Writing Tools": PC computer lab photo: "AlphaSmart Pro 2.1," Macworld, March 1997. "Smart Keyboard for the Classroom," Computerworld, July 6, 1998. AlphaSmart 2000 photo: 3rd-party SmartApplets: "Lightweight Note-Taker," PC World, March 2003. AlphaSmart Neo photo and ad: "AlphaSmart files $58 million IPO," MarketWatch: Renaissance Learning acquires AlphaSmart press release: AlphaSmart Neo 2 photo: Laptop charging cart photo: AlphaSmart Neo discontinued: AlphaSmart 3000 with modded keyboard photo: LazyDog's AlphaSmart keyboard mod kit (no longer being sold): and Freewrite devices: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

AUAD-0931RY | 08 Sep 2023
The Mac Classic wasn't fancy or exciting when it launched in 1990, but Apple sold a ton of them. Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: "Macintosh IIsi and Classic Deliver Quality for Lower Price," InfoWorld, November 12, 1990. Mac Classic and SE motherboard photos: TidBITS article about Mac Classic ROM disk: "Mac Classic Appeals to New Market," InfoWorld, December 10, 1990. "How Does Apple Deal with Success?", Macworld, March 1991. "The Mac Option Revisited," ABA Journal, June 1991. "Mac Classic," Macworld, December 1990. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

aQOteGDwVqU | 25 Aug 2023
Lenovo's ThinkPad X100e form 2010 went up against a slew of competitors in the netbook market. It was certainly better in some regards, but was held back in others. But with the right OS, could it still find some usefulness today? Sources: Lenovo EOL drivers download page: EeePC photo: CNet X100e review: ThinkPad-Wiki page on the X100e: Laptop Mag X100e review: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on social media! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

rZn1jiAz9Hs | 11 Aug 2023
How could I have missed this problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

LSYWeml7dOI | 28 Jul 2023
I think I screwed up big time. 3D-printable CPU bracket: Sources: "The Mac Goes Multiprocessor," Byte, February 1997. Power Mac 9500/9600 motherboard photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

uNHLV58PslI | 14 Jul 2023
You might be familiar with Panasonic's Toughbook like of rugged notebook PCs. But in its home country of Japan, the company offers many more models -- so let's check out a smaller, decade-old one from the Let's Note series. Sources: The Conversation's article about fax machines in Japan: "Why WiMax," Computerworld, February 14, 2005. "Broadband On The Go," Popular Mechanics, December 2004. PCMag Toughbook CF-S10 review:,2817,2393939,00.asp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

5sPvJkaDCsY | 07 Jul 2023
In the early 1990s, plenty of people didn't even own computers yet -- but that didn't stop Sony from trying to take books into the digital realm. Sources: "Portable Data Discs," Popular Mechanics, January 1992. Data Discman photo pool on Flickr: Electronics Boutique catalog scan: Data Discman DD8 authoring software: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Z1_-kPvDmn4 | 23 Jun 2023
The majority of vintage Mac enthusiasts focus on restoring original hardware. But here's a way to get the classic Mac OS experience in a device you can fit in your pocket! Instructions overview for installing Mini vMac on PocketCHIP: Download the .zip file from the GitHub repository and find/make a Mini vMac disk image (links below) Install SSH server if it isn't already: sudo apt-get install openssh-server Find the PocketCHIP's IP address: ip addr show wlan0 Connect to PocketCHIP using an SFTP client with credentials chip/chip Create a folder on PocketCHIP and navigate into it Upload the minivmac, MacII.ROM and your disk image file On the PocketCHIP, navigate into the folder you made and make minivmac executable: chmod +x minivmac Then just run it with ./minivmac (provided that your disk image is named disk1.dsk) Sources and links: biosrhythm blog post about MiniVMac on PocketCHIP: Mini vMac project page: GitHub MiniVMac port for CHIP: Mini vMac premade disk images: "Is This the End for the C.H.I.P.?," Hackaday: Leftover CHIP inventory photos: Suspicion about CHIP selling at a loss: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

AHrcfheerMI | 16 Jun 2023
Processor upgrades for Macs in the 1990s were commonplace...but earlier models, like the Mac SE, weren't designed with them in mind. That didn't stop clever third parties from figuring out how to make them work, though, and they ended up offering ridiculous results. Sources: "After the Split at Apple's Core," InfoWorld, September 30, 1985. MacUser, April 1987. Mac SE dual floppy photo: "More than a Plus," Macworld, April 1987. "...For the Rest of Us," MacUser, April 1987. "Beefing Up the SE," Macworld, September 1987. "News Briefs," InfoWorld, August 27, 1987. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Wj24IJezjD8 | 09 Jun 2023
Something that came up occasionally in early reviews of DCC and MiniDisc equipment was that DCC's sound quality was a bit better. The technical specifications of both formats' codecs suggest this is indeed the case, but look closer and things aren't so clear after all. Featured music: "Let Go Of Yourself" by Dan Mason: "All of My Time" by Seth Nova (this album is seriously underrated): "Last Chance Branca" by Arc De Soleil: Sources: "Digital Recording Arrives," Popular Science, April 1993. "DCC: The Adventure Begins," Billboard, July 25, 1992. "Now Hear This!," The Morning Call, December 20, 1992. DCC System Description document: ATRAC whitepaper: The MPEG FAQ: MPEG-1 draft standard proposition: "DCC, MD, And CD-I Expected To Drive 1st Consumer CES," Billboard, May 30, 1992. Sony interview with ATRAC developers: "The incredible shrinking disc," The Guardian, November 25, 1992. "Sony Revives MiniDisc in Package Deal," Los Angeles Times, August 27, 1996: Dolby patent used in ATRAC: MiniDisc FAQ about Dolby licensing: MiniDisc-related patents: "Studios Cautious About DCC, MiniDisc," Billboard, February 11, 1995. "Sony MiniDisc, Philips DCC Downplayed At Winter CES," Billboard, January 21, 1995. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

wxr093a5lSQ | 26 May 2023
Minneapolis nonprofit Free Geek Twin Cities sometimes sees strange or uncommon technology get's a look at some that I've run across lately. Free Geek Twin Cities: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

nyy2npjFgAE | 19 May 2023
Just because a retro PC that originally shipped in the Windows XP era also offers Windows 98 drivers doesn't mean it's going to be the best experience...and here's a great example. Sources: Unreal Tournament and 3DMark 99 benchmark result charts (and an overall fantastic resource for comparing retro video cards!): "An Old Faithful - Dell Inspiron 8200," HWM, May 2002. "Lowered XPectations," Computerworld, November 5, 2001. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

55eC6visOJM | 12 May 2023
Apple's Mac Color Classic from 1993 is my favorite desktop computer, so when one that wasn't working crossed my path, I knew I needed to try repairing it. But even though we have tons of options for fixing and modifying retro computers these days, sometimes the parts you need are still practically impossible to find. Bourns Again filter chip project: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

nyHKHrXjybA | 28 Apr 2023
I've worked on plenty of retro desktop computers, but for various reasons I haven't been able to keep any of them. It's about time we changed that. Sources: "TDK veloCD 24/10/40," Maximum PC, October 2001. Seagate acquires Samsung's HDD business: IBM hard drive photo: "WatchDog," Maximum PC, May 2005. "News Industry," Computerworld, June 10, 2002. Intel D845GEBV2 specs: 00:00 - Introduction 01:47 - Checking out the case 03:48 - The motherboard and CPU 08:00 - Keeping cool 09:01 - An ominous warning 10:12 - A selection of drives 13:37 - You're probably bored by now 14:17 - Sound and video 16:05 - A GPU shootout...or not 17:58 - CaN iT pLaY cRySiS tHo? 19:24 - I found another video card. It still can't play Crysis 20:43 - The beginning, not the end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

VGDHynOY8I0 | 21 Apr 2023
CPU upgrades for computers have been around for decades, and DayStar was a prolific maker of them for Macs. The company advertised that its PowerCache cards could make a Mac IIci from 1989 even faster than Apple's high-performance IIfx...but were those claims actually true? Sources: PowerCache performance explanation: "PowerCache IIci Beats Mac IIfx, MacUser, February 1991. "PowerCache IIci," MacUser, December 1991. "The Accelerated Course," Macworld, July 1991. Macintosh IIfx photos (also a pretty cool site in general!): "Macintosh Quadras: Power but no pizzazz," Macworld, December 1991. "Dual Dynamos: The Macintosh Quadra 700 and 900," MacUser, December 1991. DayStar 68040 card photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

KwcN1II8ZXI | 14 Apr 2023
The 1990s saw portable computing take off in a big way, but manufacturers were still trying to figure out what form factor worked best. While most went with the notebook design we're most familiar with today, a small company from Chicago had another idea. Sources: IBM 5155 luggable PC photo: "HP floors industry with 20MB, 1.3-inch drive," InfoWorld, June 15, 1992. "Smooth as Glass," PC Magazine, May 25, 1993. "HP drops disk drives," Computerworld, July 15, 1996. "Lappro-286 Introduced By Dauphin," InfoWorld, October 24, 1988. "286-Based Portables," PC Magazine, March 13, 1990. "Dauphin 1000-FX Is One of First 486SX Laptops," InfoWorld, June 10, 1991. "Dauphin touts hand-held pen tablet as desktop substitute," InfoWorld, January 25, 1993. "State of the Slate: Pen-based Computers," PC Magazine, March 30, 1993. "Area computer firm wins defense contract," Chicago Tribune, February 8, 1992. "Dauphin's Modular DTR-1: Portable, But No Desktop PC," PC Magazine, September 28, 1993. "Portable Pleasures," Computerworld, October 25, 1993. "PDA market stays shaky but active," Computerworld, August 22, 1994. DTR-2 photos: "For Pen PC Mogul, a Sword Would Have Been Mightier," PC Magazine, June 27, 1995. "Dauphin Technologies files for bankruptcy; IBM the main debtor," Chicago Tribune, January 4, 1995. "Palmtop sales slow, forcing firm's hand in Chapter 11 filing," Chicago Tribune, January 5, 1995. "Dauphin out of Chapter 11," Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1996. "Dauphin Technology acquires R.M. Schultz," Daily Herald, February 12, 1997. "Marketing Orasis," Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1999. "Hefty handhelds on tap at Comdex," InfoWorld, November 17, 1997. Dauphin Orasis photo: GeoVax merges with Dauphin in 2006: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

jsOZ0imIbJU | 31 Mar 2023
Not everyone has the space for a desktop retro PC. So if you're interested in getting into the Windows XP gaming scene, could this 20-year-old Dell laptop be a viable option? Sources: NotebookCheck benchmarks comparison: "The Intel Mobile Tipsheet," Maximum PC, July 2003. "An Intel-Approved Desktop to Go," PC Magazine, August 5, 2003. Pentium 4-M CPU photo: Dell TV commercial: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

rnVrGwhbXqg | 24 Mar 2023
As the personal electronics craze exploded in the 1980s, people wanted to take their gadgets everywhere. Sony came up with a product line that promised to hold up to (mostly) anything their owners could throw at them. Featured music: "Disco Soul" and "Liftoff" by Discoholic: Sources: WM-F5 photo: Multicolored WM-F5 models: Sports boombox photo: Sports Watchman photo: Sports Discman photo: MZ-S1 photo: Panasonic Shockwave cassette player photo: GPX sports cassette player photo: My First Sony box photo: My First Sony commercial: My First Sony product range photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

PAWhIWOdmCU | 17 Mar 2023
The Macintosh IIsi was a midrange model from late 1990 meant to go up against PC clones in business environments. But some of the compromises that its engineers had to make to hit its price point meant for some very interesting quirks. Branchus Creations: and BlueSCSI: MeowTOAST: Hakko FR-301 desoldering iron (affiliate link): Sources: MacUser, December 1990. "Can new Macs restore shine to Apple's future?," Computerworld, December 24, 1990. IIsi NuBus adapter card photo: IIsi NuBus adapter card scan: DayStar dual-socket PDS and cache card riser photo: "Mac IIsi," Macworld, December 1990. 00:00 - Introduction 01:52 - Disassembly 03:08 - Recapping the PSU 05:33 - Completely pointless soldering montage 06:04 - PSU surface-mount caps 06:30 - Tanta-lizing motherboard repair 08:23 - Quirks and features, part 1 08:59 - It blew up! (Not really.) 09:37 - Further testing 10:31 - BlueSCSI version 2 11:52 - Tidying up 12:51 - Uh oh 14:51 - Quirks and features, part 2 17:17 - One-slot wonder ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

j-jc6bsUUCk | 10 Mar 2023
I picked up what I initially thought was a new-in-box retro PC case, but it turned out to be much more -- so let's see what kind of story it has to tell. Free Geek Twin Cities: IDE to SD card adapter I used in this episode (affiliate link): Sources: "Graphics Accelerators," PC Magazine, December 2, 1997. IDE2SD bracket model: "Cyrix's 6x86 scoots in cheap," InfoWorld, June 2, 1997. "Packard Bell Multimedia 830," Maximum PC, January 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Soundstripe ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

SPadFkDI3CI | 03 Mar 2023
Sony's Mavica line of digital cameras from the late 90s were compelling due to their use of normal floppy disks instead of expensive flash media. But when photo sizes became too large for floppies, the company switched to another commodity media instead...with interesting results. Sources: MVC-CD1000 photo: MVC-CD200 photo: "The Future of Digicam Tech," HWM, April 2004. "Direct-to-DVD Gets Better," PC Magazine, August 23, 2005. Sony a100 photo: Sony a9 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

rF4tU9sTvDQ | 17 Feb 2023
Most personal digital assistants were fairly utilitarian. Sony had other ideas. Sources: "IBM licenses Palm Pilot," InfoWorld, September 22, 1997. IBM WorkPad photo: "Palm handhelds get expansion slot," InfoWorld, April 9, 2001. "Palm Leads the Pack," Computerworld, November 22, 1999. "Palm's Mace Is Officially 'Paranoid' About PocketPC," Computerworld, April 17, 2000. "Sony Clie PEG-NX80V," Maximum PC, October 2003. "Sony's Crossover PDA," PC Magazine, October 1, 2003. "Palm Slashes Pricing to Match the Competition," Computerworld, February 10, 2003. "Palm Fights Back," PC Magazine, October 28, 2003. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Soundstripe ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

X7iKL4I-E3k | 03 Feb 2023
Throughout the 1990s, Iomega was the darling of the storage industry with its various, successful disk formats. But while technology was rapidly changing at the end of the decade, the company stuck to what it knew best with its Clik/PocketZip disk -- which ultimately would lead to its downfall. Sources: "One Size Stores All," PC Magazine, March 9, 1999. PocketZip disk photo: "Zip Drive Death Click Is for Real," PC World, May 1998. "Watchdog," Maximum PC, July 2001. HipZip packaging photo: "Ultimate MP3 Showdown," Maximum PC, March 2001. Agfa ePhoto CL30 Clik photo: PocketZip USB drive box photo: "Iomega Announces New 100MB PocketZip Drive," "More Room to Store," PC Magazine, January 19, 1999. "Iomega's 10GB Peerless Drive System," Maximum PC, August 2001. "Personal Storage," PC Magazine, March 21, 2000. "Iomega takes Q2 drubbing, plans layoffs," Computerworld, "First Looks," PC Magazine, March 2008. "EMC to acquire Iomega," ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

lWLI04q7-eY | 27 Jan 2023
In the fast-paced tech scene of the 1990s, computers were often obsolete after just a few years. As such, Apple's first-generation PowerPC-based computers from 1994 were definitely feeling their age by the end of the decade...but in the case of this Power Mac 7100, third-party manufacturers had other plans. Sources: "Battle for the Desktop," PC Magazine, May 31, 1994. "The Power Mac Arrives," Macworld, May 1994. "Sound and Vision," MacUser, October 1993. "AV Cyclone and Tempest," Macworld, September 1993. PowerPC 601 chip photo: "Long Road to a Native OS," Macworld, April 1995. "Cosmos Carl," The Mac Bathroom Reader by Owen Linzmayer. Carl Sagan photo: "The Missing Links," New Scientist, July 2, 1981. "Cold Fusion," Popular Science, August 1993. Carl Sagan photo: "Letters," MacWEEK, January 10, 1994. "WYSIWYG," Computerworld, January 10, 1994. Carl Sagan v. Apple Computer, 1994:,+Inc.&hl=en&as_sdt=2006 "Code Names Uncovered," Apple Confidential 2.0 by Owen Linzmayer. Apple campus photo: "G3 Upgrade Cards," Macworld, March 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Soundstripe ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

CWPE1Nfyrmk | 13 Jan 2023
In the 80s and early 90s, hard drive space was a precious commodity. But keeping important files on floppies or other removable media carried its own risks. One company promised to double the amount of space your Mac's drive could hold just by installing an expansion card...but did it work? Sources: Seagate ST-225 photo: "Bobker's Dozen," MacUser, July 1990. "Stac To Use QIC's Data Compression Algorithm," InfoWorld, January 22, 1990. "IBM, Stac sign data compression deal," Computerworld, April 18, 1994. "Pipeline," InfoWorld, August 19, 1991. "SuperDisk offers easy compression of Mac files," InfoWorld, August 5, 1991. "Datran Add-In Doubles Hard Disk's Capacity," InfoWorld, August 8, 1988. Datran DiskDoubler box photo: "Stacker Coprocessor Offers Real-Time File COmpression/Decompression Without Sacrificing DOS Compatibility," PC Magazine, March 12, 1991. Symantec headquarters photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Soundstripe ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

uBTWzhp8GyE | 06 Jan 2023
A common and inevitable problem afflicts first-generation Digital Compact Cassette decks: failing capacitors. The fix wasn't as simple as replacing the faulty parts, though -- until now. DCC Museum: Featured music: "Better Than This" by Dan Mason ( Sources: Philips Amsterdam building photo:,_Amsterdam,_Netherlands_-_panoramio_%281%29.jpg Magnavox DCC600 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

RX_LqLhL-YI | 30 Dec 2022
Apple's Mac OS licensing program from the mid-90s threw open the floodgates for other manufacturers to make Macs. Most decided to pursue budget models and undercut Apple's own offerings. But one company decided to reach for new heights in a major way. Sources: DayStar PowerCache photo: "Power Macs: Full Speed Ahead," MacUser, May 1994. "Scaling the Performance Ladder," PC Magazine, February 22, 1994. "DayStar ships first multiprocessor Mac," InfoWorld, November 13, 1995. "The Power Macintosh Arrives," Macworld, May 1994. "Mac Clones and Copland," Computer Chronicles, 1995. "The New Mac OS Unveiled," Macworld, July 1995. Apple 1 Infinite Loop campus photo: "Mac OS 8: Back to Square One," Macworld, November 1996. "The Mac Goes Multiprocessor," Byte, February 1997. "Fueling Photoshop," MacUser, June 1996. "Tsunami hits New York City," InfoWorld, June 19, 1995. "DayStar Pumps Up 9500's," Macworld, November 1995. "Is a chip shortage stalling 604 PowerPCs?," Computerworld, April 3, 1995. "MacBulletin," Macworld, December 1995. "Photoshop at Warp Speed," Macworld, June 1996. Genesis MP 932+ press release: DayStar Genesis MP+ models: MacWorks Millennium photo: "Enough is enough!," Computerworld, July 14, 1997. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

YhKWMHN4m0U | 16 Dec 2022
A surprising number of competitors to the ubiquitous 3.5" floppy disk duked it out through the 1980s -- but one of them failed exceptionally hard. Sources: "Laptops With Muscle," Popular Mechanics, May 1990. "Six-Pound Zenith Minisport Uses 2-Inch Minidisks," InfoWorld, July 24, 1989. "Inside Track," PC Magazine, February 14, 1989. "Light Minisport Has Hefty Functionality," InfoWorld, July 31, 1989. "ZDS Enhances MinisPort, 20MB Hard Drive, Brighter Screen," H-Scoop, July 1990. ( Zenith MinisPort HD photo: CF-2 disk media photo: Smith-Corona DataDisk media photo: Smith-Corona laptop word processor ad: Famicom Disk System disk photo: Famicom Disk System hardware photo: Amstrad CPC64 User magazine: "Viability of 2-Inch Media Standard for PCs in Doubt," InfoWorld, July 31, 1989. Canon video floppy disk set photo: Sony Mavica prototype photo: Sony Mavica camera photos: Panasonic video floppy camera photo: Video floppy disk photo: "Filmless Photography Arrives," Popular Mechanics, November 1989. Canon FV-540 brochure: Sony PJ-100 photo: Sony PJ-100 with disk photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Fe25pW5MeHs | 09 Dec 2022
The first Mac came with a small built-in screen. The last so-called compact Mac rolled off the assembly line a decade later in 1994, but strangely, was never sold in the US. I finally got my hands on one -- but can I get it working? (And for anyone wondering: The accepted definition of a "compact" Mac is an all-in-one model with screen of 9-10" in size. The iMac, therefore, doesn't count.) Sources: "Compact and Colorful," MacUser, April 1993. Performa 600 photo: Color Classic II photo: Jonathan Zufi, LC 550 photo: "A Long-Discontinued Mac Still Thrills Collectors to the Core," The New York Times, August 24, 2000. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

9nWcb0Fu0zM | 02 Dec 2022
I was loaned a GPX BD717B boombox to check out. It certainly plays CDs and tunes in radio stations like you'd expect, but its real purpose is rather different. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

sVKNo4Q3VXE | 25 Nov 2022
It's the mid-90s. Your aging parents are expressing interest in checking out the Internet and e-mail, but aren't savvy enough to handle the complexities of a personal computer. What do you do? Get them one of these. Sources: AOL commercial: Getting Started with WebTV video: Computer Chronicles, "Internet TV": Philips Eindhoven headquarters: "Tuning In to the Web," PC Magazine, February 18, 1997. Philips WebTV box photo: "Microsoft to Buy WebTV, Blending PC's, TV's and the Internet," The New York Times, April 7, 1997. Computer Chronicles, "Web Surfing on your TV": "The Dish That Does More," PC Magazine, February 22, 2000. "Finds For Your Home," Log Home Living, December 2001. Dreamcast WebTV disc photo: Gateway commercial: Circuit City commercial: The Kids' Guide to the Internet: RCA RW2110 box photo: RCA MSN TV photo: RCA MSN rear ports photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

44wl6WVcHx4 | 18 Nov 2022
I thought the battery in my Bose SoundLink Color II speaker had finally failed...but as it turns out, there's a free and easy fix! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

_XaZ2z7FEfA | 11 Nov 2022
CPU speeds have come a long way in the last 10 years or so, but I wondered if it was possible to get a modern level of performance out of a computer that was well past its prime. Could buying -- and upgrading -- a 2013 Mac Pro actually be a better value than buying a new computer? Featured music: "Waterfront" by Duett ( Sources: "Cheesegrater" Mac Pro upgrade guide: tonymacx86 Buyer's Guide: "Apple admits the Mac Pro was a mess," The Verge: "Apple pushes the reset button on the Mac Pro," TechCrunch: "Apple Says It Is "Completely Rethinking" The Mac Pro," BuzzFeed News: Mac Pro 2019 internal component photos: Mac Pro on wheels photo: OpenCore Legacy Patcher: Thumbnail fire image: 00:00 - Introduction 01:32 - Initial benchmarks 02:24 - Upgrade parts 04:11 - Completely necessary installation montage 06:33 - SSD and RAM swap 07:12 - Performance differences 08:33 - Architectural limitations 11:17 - A better, but still flawed, successor 11:55 - Punching above its weight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

QIXmodGK2jw | 01 Nov 2022
Sony's MiniDisc audio format, to some, feels just as futuristic now as it did when it launched in November 1992. And that's perhaps why it's seeing renewed interest -- it's got a retro feel with modern usability. Let's explore the options for getting into the audio media that took over Japan, but was a bit too ahead of its time for most everywhere else. Featured music: "Oh No" by Dan Mason ( Sources and links: Aiwa MiniDisc battery adapter: SonicStage on Windows 10: Web MiniDisc Pro guide: 00:00 - Introduction 01:14 - Format overview 07:15 - Prerecorded discs vs recording your own 09:29 - Home component recorders 11:29 - Portable recorders -- the SP era 14:09 - Playback-only portables 16:13 - Battery considerations 20:35 - Portable NetMD -- the best option for most people 23:55 - HiMD, a niche and expensive choice 25:11 - Options for blank media 27:29 - Recording to NetMD with a modern computer 29:27 - The future of MiniDisc and summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

ggWW67iPgXI | 21 Oct 2022
Among the different disk formats battling for attention in the 1990s, the LS-120 SuperDisk looked like it could be the true successor to the floppy...but ended up going nowhere. Sources: "Insite's Floptical Drive to Increase Storage Capacity," InfoWorld, August 15, 1988. "Floptical Disk Drive Delivers 21MB of Storage," PC Magazine, May 26, 1992. Insight floptical drive photo: 3M floptical disk photo: "486 Group to Discuss High-Density Drives," InfoWorld, April 3, 1989. "Iomega's Floptical Drive: 21MB on One Disk," PC Magazine, June 29, 2993. "High-Capacity Floppies Are Drives of the Future," InfoWorld, September 12, 1988. "Is Iomega's Zip Tomorrow's Floppy Disk Drive?" PC Magazine, June 27, 1995. "Vendors vie for floppy territory," Computerworld, July 8, 1996. "New Superfloppy Contender," PC Magazine, October 6, 1998. Caleb UHD144 disk photo: Boxed Caleb UHD144 drive photo: @foone on Twitter "Caleb Technology Releases Monster Floppy," Computerworld, April 3, 2000. "Sony and Fuji add third high-capacity drive to the fray," InfoWorld, October 27, 1997. Sony HiFD disk photo: Fuji HiFD disk photos: "Floppy Disk Drives," PC Magazine, March 9, 1999. "Sony's 200MB Floppy Disk Drive," PC Magazine, May 4, 1999. "Digital Point & Shoots," American Photo, July-August 2000. Panasonic PV-SD5000 photo: "Inside Track," PC Magazine, February 23, 1999. LS-240 drive photos: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - Space battles 01:14 - The floptical option 02:33 - Good technology, bad implementation 03:03 - The launch of a super disk 03:35 - A battle on two fronts 06:36 - A glimmer of hope 09:23 - SuperDisk, take 2 10:07 - If not for Zip... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

R8j8oovQMAc | 07 Oct 2022
Apple's Macintosh Quadra 605 was the runt of the litter when it was released in late 1993, a simple machine for basic productivity. But that doesn't mean it isn't capable of much more -- it just needs some help by way of a few modern upgrades. Mac LC top cover reinforcing brackets: Mac LC PDS SD card bracket: Sources: LC 475 photo: FirstTech storefront photo: Performa 475 photo: Mac LC III motherboard photo: Garrett's Workshop (replacement VRAM): Joe's Computer Museum (external BlueSCSI): "Macintosh Quadra 605," Macworld, March 1994. BlueSCSI project page, links to sellers, and resources: Disk Jockey app for modern Macs: Quadra 605 resource page: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - A productivity workhorse 02:29 - An easy repair? 04:29 - Short on memory, big on storage 05:35 - An indispensable retro Mac tool 07:05 - Brittle plastics 09:15 - Two for the price of one 10:54 - A convenient hard drive solution 12:39 - Killer features 14:52 - Gotta have more cowbell 16:10 - Brittle plastics, part 2 16:48 - One for you, one for me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

gGQNAg3TxCo | 30 Sep 2022
When most people think of personal digital assistants, they remember handheld devices with touchscreens or keyboards not too different from today's smartphones. REX pushed the boundaries of what an information organizer could be, but was it successful? Sources: Casio Digital Diary photo: REX desktop dock photo: "Small Wonder," PC Magazine, December 2, 1997. Electronics Boutique catalog scan: Radio Shack organizer photo: REX in packaging photo: "REX: The Next Generation," PC Magazine, September 22, 1998. "Xircom Buys Rex Organizer and USB Businesses," "Smallest PDA Gets Bigger Inside," PC Magazine, February 6, 2001. "Xircom unveils world's smallest PDA," InfoWorld, November 27, 2000. REX 6000 photo: "Motorola nets itself a Starfish," InfoWorld, July 20, 1998. "Intel buys modem maker Xircom for $748 million," InfoWorld, January 22, 2001. "Intel discontinues Rex organizer line," Citizen DataSlim-2 box photo: Citizen DataSlim photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

93yb1gOlirg | 23 Sep 2022
We're all familiar with PC case mods...but I can't say I've ever seen someone mod a Mac like this before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

vEm-f2MTjcY | 16 Sep 2022
Apple's official Mac licensing program in the mid-90s only lasted a bit over two years, but some companies came out with clones so compelling they almost put Apple out of business. MeowToast 1/2AA battery adapter (not always in stock): Music featured at 18:26 by Dan Mason: Sources: "For Apple, Clones and Competition," New York Times, December 29, 1994. "Power Computing swamped by Mac demand," Computerworld, November 4, 1996. "Mac OS Systems," MacUser, September 1996. "Power Computing Widens the Gap," Macworld, September 1996. PowerTower Pro cache module photo: "Quantum Leap," Macworld, July 1998. "275MHz Mac Powerhouse," Macworld, September 1997. "Apple Eliminates the Top Clone Vendor," Macworld, November 1997. Computer Chronicles Mac clones episode: "The Vast Mac Expanse," Macworld, December 1996. Power Mac 8500 photo: "Apple misses mark; reports $708M loss," Computerworld, April 21, 1997. "Why Apple Pulled the Plug," Macworld, November 1997. Micropolis hard drive photo: "Double Troubles Send APS to Chapter 11," "LaCie to Purchase APS," "Power Computing offers clones with a difference," InfoWorld, October 30, 1995. Power Computing Mac OS 8 CD photo courtesy Action Retro: "Apple shoots its clones and tries to go it alone," InfoWorld, September 8, 1997. 00:00 - Introduction 00:31 - One fast Mac 01:46 - Someone's been in here... 02:24 - Hard drive upgrade from a competitor 04:23 - Lots of RAM 05:10 - Add-in PCI cards 06:32 - Modular CPU card 07:18 - Something's missing... 07:49 - Time for more upgrades 09:15 - Modern PRAM battery replacement 11:37 - OS installation and peripherals 13:25 - These benchmarks suck 14:23 - Putting the power back into this PowerTower 16:01 - The Mac clone drama 19:13 - Death of a clone maker 20:38 - USB problems 21:23 - This thing was pretty badass in its day ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

TyXtBrC1Fv0 | 09 Sep 2022
Around the turn of the millennium, prices on computers fell dramatically and interest in exploring the Internet grew sharply. But not everyone wanted to deal with the hassle and confusion of using a PC just to surf the along came 3Com's Audrey. Sources: AOL commercial: Audrey Hepburn photo: Audrey in kitchen photo: "Chic Internet Access With 3Com's Audrey," PC World, December 2000. Yellow Audrey photo: Mint green Audrey photo: Black Audrey photo: "The Bad, the Ugly, and the Just Plain Dumb," PC Magazine, September 4, 2001. "Second Looks," PC Magazine, September 20, 2001. "Are PCs Toast? Internet Appliances Arrive," PC World, November 2000. eMachine tower photo: Circuit City commercial: "Strictly For the Web," Popular Science, November 2000. "Compaq pulls iPaq Internet Appliance," Gateway commercial: "3Com spins off Palm Computing division," NetworkWorld, September 20, 1999. "3Com exits the enterprise," InfoWorld, March 27, 2000. "'Net apps latest casualties of 3Com," NetworkWorld, March 26, 2001. "3Com woes mounting," NetworkWorld, March 5, 2001. "3Com taps Huawei for 'comeback' try," NetworkWorld, June 16, 2003. "Hewlett-Packard to Acquire 3Com," The New York Times, November 11, 2009. Audrey software shell photo: Audrey Unofficial Hack FAQ: "Technology Sell-Off May Bring Shakeout of Dot-Com Concerns," The New York Times, April 17, 2000. 00:00 - Introduction 00:36 - Family, meet Audrey 01:50 - A simple Internet appliance 02:52 - But also a personal organizer 04:49 - Reviews and impressions 05:25 - A total flop 07:01 - A flawed product with strong competition 08:51 - The downfall of 3Com 10:10 - A quiet legacy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

TukXnQT-Ieo | 26 Aug 2022
You might be familiar with the amazing modding scene around retro game consoles. Turns out, there's a similar cottage industry for classic iPods...and this time, we'll explore some of what it has to offer. Sources and Links: Elite Obsolete Electronics: iFlash CF and SD adapter photos: iPod mSATA photo: 3000mAh battery photo: iPod storage limits by model chart: 00:00 - Introduction 00:26 - iPod problems 02:54 - I bought some parts 06:00 - Take apart 09:33 - Removing the front panel 12:04 - Clickwheel replacement 14:50 - Front panel installation and problems 18:54 - Removing the battery and headphone jack 21:18 - Back panel installation 22:05 - Flash storage options 25:42 - Battery considerations 28:36 - Does it work? 28:59 - Plastic wrap ASMR 29:18 - I talk too much, sorry :-( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

nc1yYklCJsw | 19 Aug 2022
Among its quirky siblings, the ThinkPad 240 was perhaps the most "normal" of IBM's subnotebook models in the late 1990s -- but that doesn't necessarily mean it's easy to repair. Sources: ThinkWiki 240 page: "IBM's 3-Pound ThinkPad," PC Magazine, July 1999. "A Bumper Crop Of Notebook PCs," Computerworld, November 15, 1999. "Connect Anywhere," PC Magazine, August 1999. 00:00 - Introduction 00:27 - A pair of broken laptops 02:38 - Teardown 06:04 - Damaged USB port 08:45 - Plastics and display repair 10:50 - OK fine, I'll install Windows 98 this time 14:08 - Up and running 15:08 - passport.mid rules!!! 16:33 - Why didn't anyone buy these? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

dHy43kFFZzM | 12 Aug 2022
They're ubiquitous today, but desktop LCD monitors used to be exotic and expensive. While most others relied on CRTs, Apple jumped on the bandwagon with flat-panel technology and produced a model that not only provided compelling image quality, but an equally stunning design. Sources: "Light, Slight and Stylish," PC World, August 1999. Original Studio Display next to blue & white model: Original Studio Display photos: "Studio Display," Macworld, August 1998. "Power Macintosh G3's," Macworld, April 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

luq8_eWfKq4 | 29 Jul 2022
Towards the end of the 1990s, computers dropped in price rapidly as more and more people wanted to jump on the Information Superhighway. But with their low cost came low specifications, and Biostar's EasyNow PC is a perfect example. Sources: Maximum PC, November 2002. "Comdex: Net PCs, appliances take center stage," CNN: "AMD intros EasyNow PC platform," The Register: Advent E-Go 2 PC specs: Biostar EasyNow photos: More photos: Comdex Fall 1999 photos: Japanese coverage of the EasyNow with LCD monitor: and Fujitsu Celvin photos: Fujitsu specs and useful info: SiS driver download page: 00:00 - Introduction 00:39 - This thing looks like 00:58 - Specifications 02:50 - Power supply problems 03:58 - Take apart 09:09 - Probing for polarity 11:47 - Power supply hacking 15:29 - It didn't work 17:35 - Setting it up and power on 19:57 - Exploring the BIOS 21:54 - Windows Me is fine. Fight me 23:07 - Installing drivers 25:08 - BIOS WTF 27:37 - This computer sucks for a reason ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

-uBvkJ_fDUs | 22 Jul 2022
Usually when people need a faster laptop, they just buy a new one. But in the late 90s, some Apple PowerBook owners took a different approach. Thank you to viewer Hrushka ( for sending these upgrades to show off! Sources: "PowerBook 1400/117," Macworld, January 1997. "Apple's Next-Generation Systems," Macworld, January 1998. Nupowr G3 1400 eBay photos: "G3 Upgrades for PowerBooks," Macworld, March 1999. Performa 6400 photo: "X Arrives," Macworld, November 2000. "Vimage Drops Mac Upgrade Business," Macworld, November 1999. MacsOnly's report on Interware bankruptcy: Blog with some history on Interware/Vimage and ultimate bankruptcy: "What's Hot," Macworld, May 2001. "Newer Technology rises from the ashes," MacCentral: "Interex enters bankruptcy," Wichita Business Journal: "OWC acquires CPU upgrade maker PowerLogix's assets," Macworld: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

9pe157yBa00 | 15 Jul 2022
Most who are familiar with Sony's MiniDisc know it as a portable music playback format. But the MDCC-2000 had a much more unique purpose. MDCC-2000 operating instructions (PDF): Sources: Stenography photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

8IlfBV1B9CI | 08 Jul 2022
Some game console mods add the simple ability to play backups or dodge region locks. This one, however, makes using the GameCube a whole lot more convenient. Hand Held Legend GameCube parts: In this episode, the Xeno modchip, SD2SP2 module, and Swiss boot disc were featured. Hand Held Legend provided the parts shown in the video at no cost, but no money changed hands and the opinions expressed here are solely my own. As a policy I do not produce sponsored content. RMC - The Cave's GC Loader installation video: Featured music: "Commute" by Dan Mason ( Sources and links: Swiss GitHub: Xeno GC wiki: Game icon pattern image by gstudioimage: 00:00 - Introduction 01:00 - Console disassembly 02:30 - Xeno modchip 04:19 - Swiss boot disc 06:30 - Completely unnecessary reassembly montage 08:25 - SD2SP2 module 09:39 - Alternative mod options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

hag_aEE0PEU | 24 Jun 2022
Sometimes, looks can be deceiving. Free Geek Twin Cities: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

LcAd3o5vN-0 | 17 Jun 2022
My JBL Control 1 Plus speakers are about 30 years old and have an intermittent fault. In the process of fixing them, though, I found incandescent light bulbs attached to their crossovers...and the reason why is very clever. Jan Beta's Control 1 foam surround replacement video: Sources: Yamaha NS-10 photo: Yamaha NS-10s in studio photo: JBL Pro III photo: JBL L150 photo: Voice coil photo:,_three_inch_diameter.jpg Magnepan input terminal fuse photo: JBL Control 5 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

8OyEDlF8NsI | 10 Jun 2022
A very common problem with the N64 controller is that its thumbstick wears out and becomes loose. But while some game console repairs or mods can be daunting, this one is something practically anyone can do. Hand Held Legend replacement thumbstick: Disclosure: Hand Held Legend provided the part shown in the video at no cost, but no money changed hands and the opinions expressed here are solely my own. As a policy I do not produce sponsored content. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

vD3vLYMaeaA | 03 Jun 2022
Consumer demand for laptops was growing dramatically in the late 90s, but some were becoming tired of lugging around a large, heavy computer. In 1998 Microsoft hatched a plan to help drive inexpensive, lightweight notebooks -- and Sharp delivered quite a unique model. Sources: "Jupiter enters PC orbit," InfoWorld, January 12, 1998. HP 360LX photo: Sharp HC-4600 photo: NEC palmtop photo: Vadem Clio photo: "Sharp Mobilon TriPad and Vadem Clio," PC Magazine, December 1, 1998. "Vadem Clio," Maximum PC, March 1999. "Three Looks, One Notebook," Popular Science, January 1999. "Lag in apps holds back sexy Clio," InfoWorld, November 9, 1998. "IBM's Winning Jupiter H/PC," PC Magazine, June 8, 1999. IBM WorkPad Z50 photos: "Smaller Isn't Better for Some Handheld Users," Computerworld, August 2, 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

vZmIhkheSAI | 20 May 2022
Of course most people just use their smartphone for listening to music. But some want a more dedicated, distraction-free device -- and Apple produced a number of iPod models over the years that fit the bill nicely. Let's take a look at the iPod family and talk about which ones are great even today, and which should be avoided. Sources: Firewire/USB Dock cable photo: iPod Shuffle battery photos: iFlash CF and SD adapter photos: Video chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 02:12 - 1st and 2nd Generation 05:51 - 3rd Generation 08:41 - 4th Generation 10:58 - iPod Mini 13:34 - 5th Generation 15:33 - iPod Nano Series 26:11 - iPod Nano Problems/Considerations 30:50 - 6th Generation (iPod Classic) 34:55 - iPod Shuffle Series 44:46 - Buying Recommendations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

exhKK7NCWzw | 13 May 2022
The initial vision for Apple's Macintosh platform was to make computers accessible for the masses. But in order to grow, Apple needed to get businesses to want to use the Mac...and as such, the platform needed to evolve. Sources: NuBus specification sheet: NuBus IEEE abstract: "National Semiconductor Steps Into Add-On Mart With Card," InfoWorld, June 29, 1987. "ROM Upgrade to Fix Bug in Mac II Bus," InfoWorld, October 26, 1987. "For the Best of Us...", MacUser, April 1987. "The New Macs, " Computer Chronicles, 1987: Macintosh SE photo: "After the Split at Apple's Core," InfoWorld, September 30, 1985. "3-D Program for Mac II Offers Color Animation," InfoWorld, July 27, 1987. "Mac to receive Autocad version," Computerworld, May 16, 1988. "Universities Say Mac II Nears Workstation Ideal," InfoWorld, March 16, 1987. "Macintosh IIx Moves Ahead In Apple's Orderly Evolution," InfoWorld, February 6, 1989. Mac IIfx photo: "The Mac IIfx: Fast Times at Apple Computer," MacUser, May 1990. IIfx motherboard photo: "Power At a Price," Macworld, May 1990. "Apple's Special fx," Byte Magazine, April 1990. "Mac Ripens," Computerworld, March 2, 1987. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

xtuKqd-LWog | 06 May 2022
Sony's VAIO computer line had a number of laptop models that were nothing like what the competition offered. But its Japanese-exclusive PCG-U1 and U3 subnotebooks were just as interesting on the inside. Sources: PCGA-BP3U battery photos: "Transmeta debuts Crusoe," InfoWorld, January 24, 2000. Transmeta Crusoe photo: PC Magazine, November 21, 2000. Transmeta Crusoe photo: "Transmeta chip may hold key for computing's future," Computerworld, January 31, 2000. "The Truth About Transmeta," Maximum PC, May 2000. "Troubles for Transmeta," PC Magazine, January 2, 2001. Compaq TC-1000 series photo: "Transmeta Bets on LongRun2," InfoWorld, August 23, 2004. "Intel takes on Crusoe with single-watt chips," InfoWorld, June 19, 2000. Transmeta Efficeon photo: "Why Transmeta Failed," Maximum PC, June 2005. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

cpy6uuok66Q | 22 Apr 2022
The computer industry was swept by the CD-ROM and multimedia trend in the early 90s -- and Apple saw it as a prime opportunity to differentiate its computers. Let's check out some of the accessories the company produced at the time -- including one particularly unique portable device. Special thanks to Mac84 ( for contributing some footage! Sources: Computer Chronicles CD-ROM episodes: and Performa 600 photo: AppleCD SC photo: AppleCD SC with SE/30 photo: "Apple Begins Shipping CD-ROM Player for Mac," InfoWorld, May 16, 1988. "AppleCD SC," Macworld, November 1988. "Apple's CD-ROM bundle is smaller, less expensive," InfoWorld, July 20, 1992. "AppleDesign Powered Speakers," PC Magazine, January 9, 1996. "Apple bundles PC peripherals," InfoWorld, September 13, 1993. MediaVision Pro Audio Spectrum 16 card photo: "A CD Photo Album for Your TV or Computer," Popular Science, December 1990. Photo CD photo: "Electronic Bridge to the Future?" Popular Photography, December 1990. "Kodak puts photos on compact disc," InfoWorld, October 5, 1992. Photo CD commercial: Philips Eindhoven headquarters: Philips CD-i deck photo: Philips CDF-100 photos: Kodak PCD-880 photo: "Apple nurtures multimedia," InfoWorld, April 5, 1993. PowerCD bundled media photo: PowerCD presentation video: Grey PowerCD photo: Kodak PCD-860 photo: Pippin console photo: PC Magazine, May 12, 1992. Myst box photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

NVnXk6NfQ_Y | 15 Apr 2022
There are signs that the humble, 40-year-old compact disc may be poised for a comeback. Interested in getting involved with the format yourself? A retro portable CD player is the easiest (and cheapest) way to do so -- let's check out a variety of models so you can know what to look for! Sources: 2021 CD sales article: 2021 CD sales article: Sony D-2 photo: Technics SL-XP7 photo: Sony D-250 photo: Sony D-150 photo: Sony basic inline remote photos: Sony D-EJ775 remote control photo: RCA CD player photo: Audiovox CD player photo: Craig CD player photo: Store housewares photo: Flea market CD photo: Used CD store photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Z3nsjMQZ7FI | 08 Apr 2022
In 1998, Apple completely changed its image with the launch of the iMac. A year later, the company brought its professional users along for the ride. Sources: "Now Power Mac G3 Series Offers Solid Speed Boost," Macworld, January 1998. G3 beige desktop photo: Macworld, July 1998. "Apple beats estimates," InfoWorld, January 18, 1999. "SCSI Vs. FireWire," Macworld, March 1999. Wacom ADB graphics tablet photo: 15" LCD Studio Display photo: Games shown: Quake III Arena Unreal Tournament Descent 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

7vhYF80GOko | 25 Mar 2022
There have been a number of absolutely amazing upgrades for retro gaming consoles, especially handhelds like the Game Boy line. But hardware like replacement screens and shells are only half the picture -- brand new software titles can help these old consoles feeling fresh. TGVirtual's games and titles: Incube8 Games: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

QGSG1078Zro | 18 Mar 2022
In the mid-90s, frequent travelers wanted laptops that were small and light, but this often meant giving up a comfortable keyboard. But IBM came up with a clever idea, and produced one of the most interesting -- and sought-after -- subnotebooks ever made. Sources: "Don't Judge a Notebook by Its Cover," CIO Magazine, June 1, 1995. "Benchmark Tests: Subnotebooks," PC Magazine, August 1995. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Okz14yztJ3I | 11 Mar 2022
In the late 1980s, laptop computers were starting to gain popularity as their performance was improving and their size was decreasing. But Apple's first entry into the market wasn't exactly a graceful one. Sources: Toshiba J3100 photo: Data General One photo: Numeric keypad photo: IBM 5155 luggable PC photo: Original battery photo: Rebuilt battery photo: Mac Portable motherboard photo: "The Macintosh Portable," Macworld, November 1989. "ClearPoint Ships Memory Upgrades for Mac Portable," InfoWorld, August 27, 1990. Mac Portable in-box battery charger photo: "Mac to Go," MacUser, November 1989. "Apple Delivers a True Mac With Its Pricey Portable," InfoWorld, October 23, 1989. Computerworld, August 21, 1989. Backlit Mac Portable photo: Mac Portable introduction video: Compaq LTE 286 photo: "Macintosh PowerBooks 100, 140, and 170," Macworld, December 1991. An interesting read about the development of the Mac Portable: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

211-eHVkqeo | 04 Mar 2022
In the 80s and early 90s, when people needed to make their data portable and a floppy disk wouldn't do, they often used a SyQuest drive. But in 1994, that all changed. Sources: Syed Iftikar photo: "Industry hails SyQuest's 3.9-inch hard-disk drive," InfoWorld, December 20, 1982. Seagate ST-225 photo: Computer Chronicles, "Desktop Publishing, Part 1": "The Bernoulli Solution," PC Magazine, September 18, 1984. "The Box Is Full of Air," InfoWorld, July 29, 1985. "Iomega Expands Disk Drive Family With Bernoulli Box II," InfoWorld, September 7, 1987. "The Bernoulli Box from Iomega incorporates new disk technology," InfoWorld, October 10, 1983. Storage product comparison, InfoWorld, April 2, 1990. SyQuest 200MB cartridge photo: "Iomega adds Zip to the storage market," InfoWorld, April 10, 1995. "Iomega puts some ZIp in removable storage market," InfoWorld, May 1, 1995. "Micron offers Zip as a default disk drive," InfoWorld, February 23, 1998. "SyQuest sues French company over cartridges," InfoWorld, April 12, 2993. "Iomega to market cartridges," InfoWorld, May 9, 1993. "SyQuest enters retail; Iomega debuts software," InfoWorld, May 9, 1994. "SyQuest, Iomega settle dispute over cartridge license," InfoWorld, June 20, 1994. "SyQuest to Cut 60% of Work Force and Post a Loss," New York Times, February 3, 1996. "Mass Data Appeal," PC Magazine, April 22, 1997. "SyQuest charges founder with theft of trade secrets", Silicon Valley Business Journal, "Removable Storage," PC Magazine, April 21, 1996. "Zip Drive Death Click Is for Real," PC World, May 1998. "Troubled SyQuest Technology Suspends its Operations", New York Times, November 4, 1998. Computer Chronicles, "Comdex 1998": "Storage Companies Found Dead," Maximum PC, February 1999. "Watchdog," Maximum PC, March 1999. "Iomega Sues Castlewood Over Patents, Trademarks," 2GB Jaz cartridge photo: External CD burner photo: "Oral History of Syed Iftikar," "More Room to Store," PC Magazine, January 19, 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

xKChxv9jw74 | 18 Feb 2022
The folks over at Free Geek Twin Cities have accumulated some new-in-box retro PC parts over the years. There's finally enough to build a system let's do exactly that! Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: Audigy 2 LiveDrive photo: Asus V8170SE video card specs: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

vEByD6vhawU | 11 Feb 2022
Subnotebooks were designed with portability in mind, and sometimes came with compromises...but this Toshiba from 1997 took things to a whole new level. Sources: Hard drive photo: Popular Science, September 1997. InfoWorld, August 25, 1997. Maximum PC, June 1999. Libretto battery and docking station photos: Enhanced docking station photos: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

nnUEkqXT1ak | 04 Feb 2022
This Apple Mac IIci was stored in a garage or attic and ended up with rodents living in it. Can I get this absolutely filthy retro computer from 1989 working again? Mac floppy drive restoration walkthrough: BlueSCSI: Sources: MacUser, November 1989. Byte, October 1989. Computerworld, October 9, 1989. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

CF00ez4JNEU | 28 Jan 2022
It's 2008. You just bought a fancy new video card for your prebuilt PC, but the PSU isn't powerful enough. And it's a weird size, so you can't buy a new one. Booster X5 to the rescue! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

oi-MdfQyJQM | 21 Jan 2022
In the early to mid-2000s, netbooks became very popular due to their small size and low price...but that also usually came as the cost of low performance and few features. But while this Sony VAIO packs a netbook form factor, it makes relatively few compromises. Special Sony FireWire/i.Link cable photos: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

8X59-9SKfFA | 14 Jan 2022
Apple's Mac OS licensing program from the mid-1990s seemed like a good idea at first, but ended up almost killing the company...because machines like this PowerBase 180 were just too good of a value. Useful links: Mac Driver Museum (has Apple CD-ROM driver 5.3.1): Apple CD-ROM Driver Reference: Sources: Macworld, April 1996. MacUser, April 1996. PC Magazine, March 28, 1995. Low End Mac PowerBase: Macworld, October 1996. Sonnet G3 upgrade card photo: Macworld, January 1997. MacUser, October 1996. Apple Infinite Loop entry sign photo: Macworld, November 1997. Motorola StarMax tower photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

ztTO68hyHFk | 31 Dec 2021
CAD and 3D printing have found many uses, but they can be especially helpful to the retrocomputing community for tackling annoying, tricky problems. Let's see how a couple of simple parts can get a Macintosh PowerBook 1400's CD-ROM drive looking new again. PowerBook 1400 drive bezel bracket models: Thingiverse, PrusaPrinters, PowerBook 500 battery blank model: Thingiverse, PrusaPrinters, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Groovy Kaiju ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

tRm2_Uy_7bk | 24 Dec 2021
The music industry has embraced the popularity of retro audio media...but a few independent artists have branched out to release their tracks on a format I wouldn't have expected. Strudelsoft: FrankJavCee's "I Love Hating You" EP: 3D Blast: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Aviscerall ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

hCMRx2HxBsc | 13 Dec 2021
The popularity of retro handheld gaming seems to increase every year, with better and better mods becoming available for the likes of Game Boy consoles. But with an established reputation for creating amazing FPGA-based consoles, does the Analogue Pocket represent the pinnacle for the format? Analogue Pocket product page: While Analogue provided me with a Pocket and accessories at no charge for this review, no money changed hands and the opinions expressed here are purely my own. I have a strict policy against paid reviews or sponsored videos as my viewers' trust is of paramount importance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Ynotn4h6teQ | 10 Dec 2021
This PowerPC portable from the mid-2000s was petite yet powerful, and remains a popular machine among retro Mac collectors. But when the hard drive in mine started to fail, I had a choice to make. Source: Macworld, May 2005. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

nqCO4Z_VP3c | 26 Nov 2021
Video technology has come a long way in the last few decades. Let's spend some time checking out a prosumer Canon MiniDV camcorder -- is it still usable today? If you're interested in more retro video technology content, these two channels are worth checking out:, Cathode Ray Dude, Sources: Popular Mechanics, November 2002. Maximum PC, August 2004. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

WMr-7zzkDtI | 19 Nov 2021
Apple's products these days have more or less become impossible to upgrade. But it wasn't always that way, as this mid-90s Mac PowerBook 540c demonstrates. Sources: 540c PPC sticker image: "PowerPC Portables," Macworld, November 1995. MacUser, May 1997. NUpowr upgrade card photo: In-box NUpowr upgrade photo: "New & Notable," MacUser, May 1997. SeeWorld MonsterDrive page, 1997: FWB Hard Disk Toolkit CD-ROM photo: Quadra 605 photo: PowerPC Upgrade Card photo: "More PowerBook 5300 Woes," Macworld, February 1996. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

RDyMw7t9bdw | 12 Nov 2021
The IBM ThinkPad 235 was a Japan-exclusive subnotebook from the late 90s...that you could buy elsewhere in the world under a different brand name. Sources: Laptop Pics page on the ThinkPad 235: ThinkPad 235 specifications page (Japanese): Popular Science, April 1998. Epson Endeavor TK-300 photo: PC World, November 1997. PC World, May 1998. "Where in the world is Nimesh Desai?", Peter Golden, EDN. PC Magazine, January 1998. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

f2rrk44UdC4 | 29 Oct 2021
I got an original Nintendo DS with a broken screen hinge -- let's see what's involved in replacing the housing to make it look new again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

5KpJRj_rDCA | 22 Oct 2021
Usually we think of VCRs as boxes that hook up to the TV in the living room. This Sony GV-500, though, is quite a bit smaller. Sources: CCD-G1 photos: Billboard, August 31, 1985. Sony EV-C3E photo: VHS camcorder photo: Sony Betamax VCR photo: Betamax and VHS tapes photo: Video Walkman ad: GV-D1000 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

a_AAvXn1dPU | 15 Oct 2021
1997 was a turbulent year for Apple -- it marked solid technological progress but also financial and leadership troubles. Let's fix up a laptop that played a quiet but important role in helping to turn the company around. Sources: G3 Kanga prototype photo: "Fastest Laptop Yet," Macworld, January 1998. "High-End Notebooks," PC Magazine, January 1998. "Help Wanted: Apple CEO," MacUser, October 1997. "Amelio Ousted," Macworld, September 1997. "Apple names Steve Jobs as interim chief executive," InfoWorld, September 22, 1997. "Apple's Next-Generation Systems," Macworld, January 1998. "Apple's G3 systems speed ahead," InfoWorld, December 22, 1997. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Zp8RI0CxhVc | 08 Oct 2021
This base-model iMac from 2013 was slow and occasionally failing to boot. Could replacing its hard drive with an SSD give it a new lease on life? Teardown photos courtesy iFixit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

fLJYWc6NZt0 | 24 Sep 2021
Technology -- and the access to information that it brings -- has long been considered a huge benefit to education. An organization with lofty goals and noble intent tried to change the world with a $100 laptop, but found out the hard way that doing so is much more complicated than it seems. Sources: Mess of AC adapters photo: Solar panel photo: Clamp charger photo: Steve Jobs photo: Nicholas Negroponte photo: "The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality", The Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2005. OLPC with Windows XP boot screen photo: "Microsoft to Try Windows XP Out on OLPC in January," Asus EeePC photo: Engadget XO-1.5 article: XO-1.5 motherboard photo: XO-1.75 laptop photo: XO-1.75 laptop photo: The Verge article about the XO-4: Psivewri's XO-4 video: Nicholas Negroponte TED talk: "The Charisma Machine" by Morgan Ames: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

-YAerar928M | 17 Sep 2021
Apple's Macintosh Performa line debuted in 1992 with three models aimed squarely at home users. At Free Geek Twin Cities I found a Performa 400 and its monitor, complete with their boxes -- so let's check them out! Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: Performa 200 photo: 600 photo: Dayton's store photo: Marshall Field's store photo: Apple IIe card photo: Apple IIe card with box: Macintosh LC setup photo: Macintosh LC dual floppy photo: Performa 637CD box: Performa 200 photo: Best Buy ad: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

LDsP3Icu7sk | 10 Sep 2021
In the mid- to late 1990s, tablets and e-readers weren't exactly common...and Sony's Japan-only DATA EATA models were perhaps the most unique of them all. Sources: PDF-W77 press release: PDL-K77 auction photos: PC Magazine, November 2, 1999. Memory Stick photo: PC Magazine, December 1, 1999. Intuos 2 tablet photo: Sony PDF-5 photos: Sony PDF-HD7 press release: Sony PDF-V55 brochure: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

3Sno_rS7LXM | 03 Sep 2021
IBM's ThinkPad line was generally considered very professional and business-like, much like IBM in general. But occasionally the company managed to inject some clever, or even whimsical, features into its products -- and the ThinkPad 760 series was one of them. Sources: Vintage IBM ad: ThinkPad 701C photo: LGR's ThinkPad 701C video: Gameport adapter cable: Video adapter cable: ThinkPad 760 series promo video: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

hBk7LMqGQLE | 20 Aug 2021
There have been several options over the years for installing an illuminated screen in the Game Boy Color. But the Retro Pixel version 2 kit from Funnyplaying is no doubt the best I've seen so far. Retro Modding Game Boy Color parts: Infinity for GBC project: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

s-03V_lCJRc | 13 Aug 2021
I've previously checked out big, old servers -- but this one is quite different. HP 9000 K-class service manual (PDF): Sources: HP9000 K-class CPU board photo: HP PowerTrust UPS: HP ThinLAN AUI transceiver photo: Modem Distribution Panel photo: HP 9000 Workstation with graphics display photo: HP-UX CD photo: IBM RS/6000 server photo: IBM POWER CPU card photo: Sun SPARC CPU photo: Sun E450 photo: HP 9000 series workstation running Debian Linux photo: HP 9000 series workstation running NeXTSTEP photo: HP press release from early 1997 with list prices: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

fYE1GLpxKOY | 06 Aug 2021
Sometimes retro computers can be difficult to restore. But in the case of this Sony VAIO PCV-V300G all-in-one -- and many other VAIO models -- there's a very simple reason why it's more challenging to get working than it should be. If you happen to have any Sony VAIO restore discs in your collection, please upload images of them to the Internet Archive to help out others. Free Geek Twin Cities: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

2FEewdjhSko | 30 Jul 2021
A while ago, I picked up several portable cassette players in need of repair. Most of them were made by Sony...except for this one. Featuring music from "I'm Not Going Anywhere" by Dan Mason ( and "Last Words" by Wizard of Loneliness ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

_Vg4Ludcshs | 23 Jul 2021
I picked up one of Apple's first laptops, a PowerBook 170, that was mostly complete with its original box. And while it doesn't appear to have suffered any abuse, the past 30 years have still taken their toll. Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: Macworld, December 1991. MacUser, December 1991. Data recovery clean room hood photo: PowerBook 180 tunnel vision photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Qh8RTTNwkb0 | 09 Jul 2021
My Lexar portable SSD suddenly failed after four years of occasional use...can we figure out why? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

GCSFRspaY8Q | 02 Jul 2021
I picked up an original Sony PlayStation Portable, and while it looked to be in good shape at first glance, turning it on revealed a big problem. Sources: PSP custom firmware photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

TUA7Ct9Sq8A | 25 Jun 2021
To some, laptops should be as portable as possible. But in the case of this ThinkPad subnotebook from 2007, fans of its form factor went to extreme measures to keep the machine usable over a decade later. Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: HWM, February 2008. Middleton's BIOS: ThinkPad X60 in docking station photo: ThinkPad UltraBay hard drive module photo: UltraBay adapter with hard drive: X61 display upgrade photos: X61 display upgrade guide: X62 motherboard and left ports photos: X62 motherboard in bottom case; closeup of mSATA drive: PCper X210 mod article: ThinkPad X62 photo: X61 Hackintosh: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

B8D5jgs0gdU | 18 Jun 2021
I was given a bag of Nintendo Game Boy Micro parts, with no idea as to their condition. Can I cobble together any working consoles? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

CCK89V4NpJY | 04 Jun 2021
By the early 1990s, the humble compact cassette was starting to show its age. Electronics giant Sony developed what it believed to be the best successor to tape -- but so did a former business partner. Special thanks to: Viewer Asaf for loaning several MiniDisc portables and accessories; V-Sync Co. Ltd. for providing archival photos; and to fellow YouTubers LGR, Geek Therapy Radio and Computer Clan for video clips. Due to YouTube video description character limits, I've posted the complete list of media credits, sources, and additional research material on my Patreon page -- it's freely available for all to access: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Birocratic (, Epidemic Sound (, Lakey Inspired ( and Dan Mason ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

GyiR2E7SIvY | 28 May 2021
I picked up a Sony DTC-690 Digital Audio Tape deck that seemed like it only needed an easy fix. But as they say, looks can be deceiving. If you're curious about the DAT format and its history, I previously explored a portable deck in this video: Sources: Popular Science, August 1986. Billboard, September 6, 1986. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Dan Mason ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

evBWjf7q47I | 14 May 2021
In spring 2020, Free Geek Twin Cities had to close for safety reasons -- but while it wasn't open to volunteers, it still pulled off a major renovation of its thrift store area. Now that it's open again, let's take a look at the variety of tech -- both modern and retro -- that's now on display. Free Geek Twin Cities: My documentary about FGTC: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

oYz_U2lo1gQ | 07 May 2021
Apple's Titanium PowerBook G4 from 2001 was a much different laptop than the one it replaced. But despite it being a good value, it had a big problem that ultimately resulted in its demise. Sources: PC Magazine, February 2000 Macworld Magazine, May 2001 PowerBook G3 Zip drive photo: Titanium G4 photos:,,, and PC Magazine, July 2002 Macworld, February 2003 17" PowerBook G4 photo: 12" PowerBook G4 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

zLU9yTAbZ6M | 23 Apr 2021
This Sony MZ-R37 MiniDisc recorder has seen better days. While I may not be able to get it looking brand new again, can I at least get it looking decent? Sources: MZ-R37 box photo: Blue MZ-R37 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

8fSdLKx5HlU | 16 Apr 2021
I previously explored a small DOS-based computer designed to run the display system in commercial kitchens and restaurants. You told me to run Doom on it, so let's do exactly that. For the backstory on this hardware, check out the episode where I took it apart: Sources: KDS photos: and PS/2 splitter cable photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

CbqQR1sa5zs | 02 Apr 2021
Apple's eMate 300 laptop from 1997 was based on its Newton PDA platform. Its relatively tough exterior meant it was great for schools, but some cost-cutting in its design led to a problem that could kill the machine without warning. My eMate 300 retrospective: Replacement eMate display cable: Sources: Damaged eMate photos: eMate hinge repair guide: "eMate 300", Macworld, August 1997. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

yAbG1CUT2KU | 26 Mar 2021
Often, restoring a vintage portable cassette player can be a challenge. But occasionally, like in the case of this Sony Walkman WM-EX622, things go exactly as one would hope. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

BdSJgoP2a88 | 19 Mar 2021
The world of embedded computing devices can often yield interesting component choices. This quasi-computer meant for use in restaurants rocks a clone Pentium CPU that traces its roots back to 1998...and you can still buy it new today. Sources: Kitchen display system photos: "Rise readies itself as Intel's rival", InfoWorld, July 6, 1998. Rise mP6 chip photo: Rise mP6 details: "Intel faces stiff competition", InfoWorld, November 30, 1998. mP6 chip in motherboard photo: Pentium II photo: AMD K6-2 photo: Rise mP6 chip photo: SiS motherboard photo: SiS 746FX chip photo: Cable TV box photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

SRScacZP2G4 | 12 Mar 2021
The PowerBook 145B was a basic, albeit solid, option in Apple's first laptop lineup. So what does this particular machine need to get working again? Sources: "Introducing: The PowerBooks", MacUser, December 1991. "Macintosh PowerBooks 100, 140 and 170", Macworld, December 1991. "The Mac on the Road", Byte, December 1992. Toshiba T1900 laptop photo: "New PowerBooks", Macworld, December 1992. PowerBook 180 photo: Thingiverse PowerBook 100 series hinge fix: "Fast Starter: The PowerBook 145", MacUser, October 1992. "PowerBook 145", MacUser, February 1993. "A New PowerBook 145", Macworld, August 1993. "Penny-Wise PowerBook", MacUser, August 1993. "2 New PowerBooks", Macworld, August 1993. PowerBook 180 tunnel vision photo: Oven photos are from this 68kmla thread: Additional PowerBook 180 tunnel vision photo: Big thank you to The Computer Clan for helping me with a clip of the PowerBook 100! #marchintosh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

zwBeTAjtHcc | 05 Mar 2021
The ThinkPad laptop line from IBM (and later Lenovo) has gotten a lot of love over the years for being reliable and well-built. As such, they're a great option for those looking to get into retrocomputing...except for this model and its major problem. Free Geek Twin Cities: Sources: T30 without UltraNav photo: "IBM Sells PC Unit to Lenovo," InfoWorld, December 13, 2004. ThinkPad 1802 error fix: "Introducing...Pentium 4", Maximum PC, January 2000. Pentium 4 ad: AnandTech P4 benchmarks: "Frequency-Busting Procs from Intel and AMD!", Maximum PC, November 2001. "Immodest Predictions for 2007," InfoWorld, December 18, 2006. "Netburst Slinks Away," InfoWorld, July 10, 2006. "IBM T30: The Best Business Notebook," PC Magazine, June 2002. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Aviscerall ( and Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

EFopdjBgMKI | 19 Feb 2021
I found a Fluke network analyzer from 2005 that needed a bit of repair...but tearing it down revealed that it's far more than just a simple Ethernet cable tester. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Aviscerall (

ev8ZBykCAgQ | 12 Feb 2021
Despite seeming simple, I've had some struggles with the cassette decks I've tried to get working again. Did I finally get one that wouldn't put up a huge fight? Featured music by 3D Blast: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music by Epidemic Sound (

49PmfDvIk6E | 05 Feb 2021
Retro laptop enthusiasts tend to naturally gravitate towards ThinkPads. But IBM wasn't the only company making solid (and serviceable) laptops. This time, let's check out a model from Toshiba that came at a pivotal time in laptop history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

8098z3roNHk | 29 Jan 2021
Digital Compact Cassette was a format from the early 1990's that didn't quite work out. What also didn't quite work out was my attempt to get a Philips DCC 900 deck operational again. The DCC Museum: Sources: Technics RS-DC10 photo: "Matsushita, Philips to Make New Cassette," Los Angeles Times, July 6, 1991. "Consumers follow CES to the letter," Chicago Tribune, June 5, 1992. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Aviscerall (

gH15tMUMUcU | 15 Jan 2021
Apple's Newton MessagePad from 1993 is one of the earlier examples of touchscreen personal technology. But there's a problem that, eventually, all of them will fall prey to -- and thankfully, it's a relatively easy fix. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

bJC3aw7KGTI | 08 Jan 2021
In 1988 Sony flexed its engineering muscle and built the world's smallest portable CD player...then a few months later, did it again. SJM4306's channel: DIY Discman LiPo battery guide: Featured music by Dan Mason ( Sources: Popular Mechanics, September 1988. Taobao gear listing: Beatles single mini-CD photo: Madonna CD single photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

4nB9rfIr1MM | 01 Jan 2021
I have a few cassette and MiniDisc portable audio players that use "gumstick" NiMH batteries -- but I didn't have a way to way to easily recharge them. Instead of buying a charger, I made an adapter that lets me use one I already have. The 3D model file is available here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Aviscerall (

9GHyyZRQezM | 18 Dec 2020
I had previously tried to fix a cassette Walkman I had picked up from eBay pretty inexpensively. But after addressing its obvious faults, there was an audio problem that I couldn't quite sort out. There was an overwhelming number of comments in that video that said I should replace the capacitors...but would that make a difference? Previous Walkman repair video: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

hhyVGlwO7HM | 11 Dec 2020
Apple's switch to its own processors based on the Arm instruction set is big news in the computer industry. But aside from producing better Macs, I think it's something PC enthusiasts and gamers should welcome -- because it'll lead to benefits for them too. MacBook teardown photos: Apple's response to Windows on M1: Engadget article about Surface RT: Surface Pro X 2020 review: Windows for ARM offering x86/64 emulation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

rJUZAahpqRQ | 04 Dec 2020
In the early 1990's, there was an industry trend to make laptops smaller and lighter. These so-called subnotebooks often resulted in a compromise between portability and practicality. Apple's PowerBook Duo series, however, tried to do everything. Sources (in order of appearance): AST Premium Exec laptop photo: PC Magazine, April 14, 1992. Toshiba Libretto photo: LGR's ThinkPad 701c video: HP Omnibook 800CT photo: Compaq Contura Aero photo: PC Magazine, September 28, 1993. Computerworld, August 15, 1994. MacUser, December 1992. Macworld, December 1992. Macworld, December 1993. Macintosh Duo System Developer Note, November 1992. AAUI ThinNet transceiver photo: AAUI 10Base-T transceiver photo: The Apple Catalog, Spring 1993. Macintosh Classic photo: MacUser, November 1995. The Apple Catalog, Fall 1993. MacUser, December 1993. Duo battery charger photo: Duo 270c upgraded to 2300 photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

Sfm5-x11-7c | 20 Nov 2020
Nintendo's third retro console differs from its predecessors -- it's handheld, but also only has 3 games. Is its charm and portability enough to overcome its limitations? (And what's inside its sleek exterior anyway?) Sources: Pair of Game & Watch consoles photo: Game & Watch Ball photo (modern Club Nintendo version): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( and Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

UvbIPK9I8VY | 13 Nov 2020
Sony released the world's first portable CD player, the D-5/D-50, at a time when mostly just audiophiles had adopted the format. But surprisingly (or not), the device had much broader appeal. Featured music from Aviscerall ( and Dan Mason ( Sources: D5 inside EBP-9LC: EBP-9LC photos: "The lasser-disc revolution", Popular Science, May 1985. "Sound to Go", Changing Times magazine, December 1985. "Hot new compact-disc players", Popular Science, November 1984. CDP-101 photo: 1982 compact disc introduction video: AC-D50 photos: Rear of AC-D50: "Go anywhere CD portables", Popular Science magazine, November 1985. CD manufacturing video: SL-XP7 (silver) photo: SL-XP7 (black) photo: TPS-L2 photo: TPS-L2 ad: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp

Yw2aqrtEyTo | 06 Nov 2020
I've had my fair share of challenges when it comes to getting old cassette players working again. Will this sleek model from the early 90s put up a fight? Teal WM-EX606 with battery caddy photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

mDwLAV4Ny74 | 30 Oct 2020
Fans of the Game Boy Advance who prefer the SP's clamshell form factor generally find the AGS-101 to be the best experience. But this IPS screen kit can make your SP look even better! Parts used: IPS screen kit: Clear replacement shell: Replacement buttons: High-capacity battery: Featured music by Aviscerall ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music by Epidemic Sound ( and Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

aZY-F57zZVs | 16 Oct 2020
The Apple IIe I found going out for scrap was in good condition, but didn't work quite right. What was ultimately a simple fix started as an odyssey of my own making. So what did I do wrong? Apple II error list: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

pHGn9xN5TZ4 | 09 Oct 2020
Let's install a backlit screen in a Neo Geo Pocket Color -- because why should Nintendo's consoles get to have all the fun? NGPC backlight kit from Hand Held Legend: Modified centering bracket for original NGPC: Slim NGPC photo: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

GqdqouQ9y3A | 02 Oct 2020
I bought a limited-edition vinyl record that arrived warped. I tried to flatten it. It didn't work for me, but here's a few options that might offer better results for you. Featured music: "Night Drive" and "City Ruins" by Dan Mason ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music: "Merlot" by Birocratic (

pbAWmOshVE4 | 25 Sep 2020
There's a very good chance that your computer already supports hardware-accelerated video encoding. Question is, what kind of performance impact does it have? HandBrake: VCE diagram image: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

upJd9Q_nEyU | 18 Sep 2020
I found an Apple IIe setup hastily dumped in an e-waste pile. But was it really just a bunch of junk? Big Mess O' Wires Floppy Emu: Sources: Apple vintage printers photo: Epson LQ color printer photo: Fujitsu printer photo: Facit dot-matrix printer: Number Munchers cover: Oregon Trail cover: Carmen Sandiego cover: Featured music: "Heartache" by Dan Mason ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

F2jQjOtTSs8 | 04 Sep 2020
I decided I wanted an e-bike and ended up buying a Jupiter Discovery X5. So what do I think of it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp

dAiMq_HWY1I | 28 Aug 2020
My Bose QC35 headphones generally worked fine, but I was never thrilled with how they sounded. So I bought a pair of Sony WH-1000XM4's instead. Are they what I hoped they'd be? If you think these headphones are a good fit for you and plan to pick up a pair, this affiliate link helps support my channel: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound (

U4XaKpadGYU | 21 Aug 2020
I bought a Sony D-CJ01 Discman back in 2001 when they were new. In addition to audio CDs, it can play MP3 files burned to a data CD-R or -RW. But after sitting in storage for years, and realizing that batteries were left in it for most of that time, can I get it working again? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Lakey Inspired ( and Epidemic Sound (

GRZzvKrGFk0 | 14 Aug 2020
IPS replacement display kits have taken the retro handheld game console scene by storm...and now there are two options to pick from when it comes to the original Game Boy. So between the Funnyplaying and RIPS v3 kits, which one is better? Be sure to check out Pad Chennington's unboxing and impressions video on one of the handhelds I built in this episode! These are my favorite flush cutters -- they work very well and are actually surprisingly inexpensive (affiliate link): Retro Modding parts used in this episode: RIPS v3 DMG kit: Funnyplaying "retro pixel" DMG kit: UV printed shells (not available in the US at the time this video was published): Completely clear glass screen cover: Featured music: "Passion", "Everytime I Cry" and "Power Drive" by Dan Mason ( and "Riverside Drive" by Night Tempo ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

t4jeK_5vcmg | 07 Aug 2020
I ran a podcast series here on YouTube for a few years, but for a few reasons put it on hiatus. It's back now, and available in an audio-only format on my Patreon page: Here's the first episode of the rebooted series from November 2019. I've made it available freely for everyone, though it was originally published just for Patreon supporters. It covers a few topics, but includes a segment where I explain my thoughts about moving the podcast series away from YouTube and why I made the format/schedule changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp

XPb6pzAM7mA | 31 Jul 2020
Portable MP3 players have been around since the late 1990s, but didn't really gain traction until the turn of the millennium. Let's check out -- and take apart -- one of the best hard drive-based players from the time before the iPod. Sources: PC Magazine, January 2001. Maximum PC magazine, March 2001. RioVolt CD player photo: Panasonic CD player photo: Maximum PC magazine, February 2001. Kozmo catalog image: Nomad Jukebox box contents photo: AnandTech article about hard drive filesystem: Nomad Jukebox 3 photos: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

0tNgZVZ3XrY | 17 Jul 2020
Apple was a hot mess during most of the 90s that few, other than existing Mac users, took seriously. But then they made a powerhouse of a laptop that righted...

3GCMdDYtND4 | 10 Jul 2020
Most of those who used MiniDisc remember it as a highly portable, compact consumer audio format. But it had much more powerful capabilities for musicians as ...

Q80-2Q6r75k | 26 Jun 2020
Many, many servers these days run as virtual machines -- but there was a time when virtualization was still just catching on, and companies needed physical s...

ywp0Gy61Q-M | 19 Jun 2020
It's bad enough that smartphone manufacturers are sealing batteries inside devices, making them difficult to replace. But it's something else when they tell ...

f4olQ1SRchA | 05 Jun 2020
New computers are supposed to be faster than ones that are years old, right? Well... The documentary I made in 2018 about Free Geek Twin Cities: https://yout...

ZKRSfa6J7Fk | 29 May 2020
If you think the speaker in your Game Boy doesn't get loud enough, then this inexpensive mod is for you. RetroSix CleanAmp mod:

73eXacA35Wg | 10 Apr 2020
It was meant as a less-expensive option in Microsoft's fledgling hardware lineup from 2015, but the Surface 3 wasn't exactly cheap. But years later, has this...

abqayD4D2zM | 07 Feb 2020
If you have an old computer kicking around that won't run a modern OS, you can breathe new life into it with this lightweight Linux distribution meant only f...

H9z57k4hnjQ | 28 Jun 2019
There have been many ways to emulate retro game consoles while on the go...but could this option from Retroflag possibly be the best one yet? GPi Case produc...

6aQMkU88j_M | 26 Apr 2019
There's been strong demand for a Game Boy Color backlit screen kit that's easy to install. Is this one from Midwest Embedded the option everyone's been looki...

ki_ya2VLQt0 | 12 Apr 2019
There's usually an inverse relationship in laptops between power and portability...and the X1 Extreme is what happens when Lenovo tries to balance both. X1 E...

f2Kq5tRJKtU | 05 Apr 2019
Some people swear by original game controllers...but could 8BitDo's Genesis/Mega Drive-themed wireless gamepad be even better? 8BitDo M30 (Amazon affiliate l...

FRRUoqi2HiM | 28 Dec 2018
2018 was a big year for the channel -- let's talk about where we've been and what lies ahead in the new year! ----------------------------------------------...

Pa1WWGYXrnE | 21 Dec 2018
Now that Nikon and Canon have (finally) joined Sony in producing full-frame mirrorless cameras, let's take a look at their future -- and the future of the re...

U3qsMRhtKC4 | 07 Dec 2018
When they launched, Nintendo's NES and Super NES Classic consoles were very hard to come by amid limited production and high demand. Now, these consoles sit ...

jYUpx9NhjOQ | 23 Nov 2018
There have been a lot of new technologies over the last 20 years that changed our lives. But virtualization is one that goes unseen yet has a major impact. -...

h2kKevWMNsE | 09 Nov 2018
After years of neglect, Apple finally announced updates to its MacBook Air and Mac mini product lines...but not all of the news is good. Mac Mini stack image...

0PgieWPQcGA | 26 Oct 2018
Just a quick episode this time, to answer the most common question I get about the podcast itself -- why don't I publish it to the major podcast platforms? -...

eC0ek7ml_6k | 19 Oct 2018
We've seen some major changes to the video game scene over the decades -- portable consoles, 3D rendering, online play -- but will online game streaming be t...

oPJjF8Yz40A | 21 Sep 2018
There's more to being an audiophile than simply buying expensive stereo equipment -- let's delve into this often-misunderstood culture with special guest Joh...

EouNQBGlrPQ | 31 Aug 2018
Nikon is finally embracing the full-frame mirrorless camera market, but how does its new Z6 and Z7 cameras stack up against market leader Sony? And in other ...

FoEB8uqMvG0 | 10 Aug 2018
Many of us remember playing with LEGO when we were young. But with complex sets that are targeted towards adults, why did these traditional children's toys g...

AN9us-FJ-l0 | 22 Jun 2018
Sony seems to be taking its anti-cross-platform gameplay policy up a notch by locking Fortnite accounts from use on other platforms; AT&T is allowed to buy T...

8YaysUevIoc | 01 Jun 2018
DeLoreans are relatively uncommon, short-lived sports cars from the early 80s...and perhaps a quintessential geek icon. This time, we'll talk to Johnny Hembe...

pHfBFF0d3Ks | 25 May 2018
There's been a major shakeup in the digital camera industry over the past few years -- smartphone photography is taking over, seemingly at the cost of compac...

xsKkOJp_dAs | 18 May 2018
There's been some interesting gaming news recently -- regarding the Xbox, PlayStation and, perhaps most interestingly, the Switch. For the TL;DR types: 00:26...

zxr5ulBBqUk | 04 May 2018
It's a relatively new category of tech, but smartwatches and other wearable devices seem to be popular with consumers. The question is, are they actually useful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp TDNC t-shirts and apparel can be found at This Does Not Compute PO Box 131141 St. Paul, MN 55113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: "Square One" by Birocratic ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

e5UhJle9640 | 13 Apr 2018
Rumors have been swirling about Apple switching its Mac lineup from Intel CPUs to ones of its own design, based on the ARM architecture. But a recent report suggests there might be truth to the rumors -- so what effect on Apple, and the computer industry as a whole, would there be? G5 water cooling image: PowerPC 601 image: Power Mac 8100 image: Virtual PC image: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp TDNC t-shirts and apparel can be found at This Does Not Compute PO Box 131141 St. Paul, MN 55113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Lakey Inspired ( Intro music by BoxCat Games (

cJ_yrd4pksU | 02 Mar 2018
At one point, tablets were heralded as the next revolution in computing, set to replace desktops and laptops...except it never happened. --------------------...

9KxxiG1yFvs | 09 Feb 2018
Don't mind me, I'm just waffling about game consoles again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider su...

iUH0mSKPm7I | 20 Oct 2017
With the release of the NES and SNES Classic consoles, many are wondering what Nintendo might do next. Let's brainstorm what it might be like if the Game Boy...

6TRTkEbLtL0 | 29 Sep 2017
Most of us use keyboards every day and don't give it a second thought. So what's the deal with mechanical keyboards, and why do some people like them? Image ...

YQrVD-1Thco | 15 Sep 2017
The prices on flagship or high-end smartphones, like the Galaxy Note 8 and iPhone X, are higher than we've ever seen. What's caused the cost to jump so drama...

v9tTVTUhC7Y | 01 Sep 2017
"Adpocalypse" came and went, but months later, YouTubers are finding that lots of their videos are being demonetized. So what's going on with advertising on ...

L5sxbt0CVh4 | 18 Aug 2017
First came the NES Classic, then the Super NES Classic. Should Nintendo make a retro-mini N64 console? -----------------------------------------------------...

1jn85aJDD5w | 11 Aug 2017
At the turn of the millennium, portable MP3 players were all the rage. But now, even Apple is pulling out of the market. After almost two decades, are MP3 pl...

ngNtoBAJI3Y | 04 Aug 2017
The Mac vs (Windows) PC debate continues to rage on, decades after it started. One point that's often raised is that PCs are less expensive. But is this alwa...

Al4BiNxJ6i0 | 21 Jul 2017
We're not just surrounded by it -- technology is deeply embedded in the lives of many. So how do we acknowledge the tech we take for granted? Phonograph imag...

1d5pCp9LAD8 | 14 Jul 2017
To some, it might seem glamorous to be a content creator -- but when it comes to getting paid, it can be anything but. --------------------------------------...

ctYdw6ptkUE | 07 Jul 2017
As many predicted, Nintendo has announced the Super NES Classic Edition. Here we go again. Product image courtesy Nintendo. ---------------------------------...

IFDYJ0_Zg_4 | 23 Jun 2017
It's pretty clear that retro gaming -- and retro game collecting -- is here to stay. But what's it going to look like in a couple of decades? ---------------...

DRdc0ngy7CU | 16 Jun 2017
They were small laptops meant to usher in a new era of Internet where are they now? Image credits, in order of appearance: Samsung netbook:...

V4br6KFOSbk | 09 Jun 2017
Digital photography is inexpensive, easy and ubiquitous. So why is film photography slowly regaining popularity? Kodak DCS-560 image courtesy Ashley Pomeroy ...

CMnYhA5O30s | 02 Jun 2017
Video game consoles have come a long way over the decades. But could one particular generation be considered the best? --------------------------------------...

nasWa1TEs04 | 26 May 2017
We've been hearing a lot about how automation and artificial intelligence will be revolutionizing entire industries. But what will happen to all those jobs? ...

wzuaoRB2iQc | 19 May 2017
In early 2017, custom backlit Game Boy Colors appeared on Chinese shopping site Taobao. But almost all of the orders that were placed got canceled. What happ...

sJno1j3W-KY | 05 May 2017
The Internet, and especially smartphones, puts the world's knowledge at our fingertips. Are we worse off because of it? -------------------------------------...

N8YJogOloyA | 21 Apr 2017
The NES Classic has been notoriously hard to find, so why is Nintendo discontinuing it? Polygon article referenced in the episode:

PYFbALVLJvM | 14 Apr 2017
By all appearances, the Nintendo Switch has been a solid success. But is it simply because it's a new Nintendo product? -------------------------------------...

Hnqncq3gR8o | 07 Apr 2017
Lots of professionals who use the Mac have been nervous about Apple's ongoing support for the platform. But then the company did something we've never seen i...

fTVyx4AO18U | 31 Mar 2017
Video game consoles are increasingly similar to personal computers, not just in hardware but also software. Let's take a look at the operating systems that p...

EQYc1jdaN-I | 07 Mar 2017
Tired of my rechargeable batteries rolling around in a desk drawer, I discovered an awesome way to store them. MTM Case-Gard RSLD-50-24: http://mtmcase-gard....

L7_Jf-2btV4 | 10 Feb 2017
It feels like popular opinion on the Internet has already panned the Nintendo Switch even before the console is released. How did this happen, and what can w...

GNDL_eQNm1Q | 27 Jan 2017
For well over a decade, Nintendo's console hardware has been unique and pushed the boundaries of how we play games. But why did they start, and should they c...

mBvn0x7F6K0 | 20 Jan 2017
I'm inclined to think that Nintendo Switch will sell in decent numbers. But what happens to Nintendo if it doesn't? ----------------------------------------...

XFcQVc84Zto | 06 Jan 2017
Vinyl records are, by some accounts, are now selling as well as they did decades ago...but why? ------------------------------------------------------------...

1vIEuj0SbpU | 30 Dec 2016
With smartphone gaming picking up steam and the Nintendo Switch bridging the gap between portable and home consoles, what's the future look like for handheld...

qY443aKljDc | 27 Dec 2016
The cable on the NES Classic's controller is just too short. Let's take a look at the 8Bitdo Retro Receiver for NES Classic, which promises to unleash you fr...

J7JuqBiu8U4 | 23 Dec 2016
I often get asked what my favorite game is. This time, let's talk about my favorite console video game and why I think it's so special. ---------------------...

S6OS4Iz6gfw | 16 Dec 2016
It wasn't publicized, but it seems that Sony has discontinued the PlayStation Vita outside of Japan. Let's take a look at why the console struggled in the ma...

09JVsjO1oHI | 09 Dec 2016
It's a common trope that the movie industry is out of ideas. But with so many sequels on the market, is the video game industry just as guilty? -------------...

kL27alNC2GI | 02 Dec 2016
In late October 2016, Apple announced new MacBook Pros. But a lot of creative pros who use them aren't happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @thisdoesnotcomp TDNC t-shirts and apparel can be found at This Does Not Compute PO Box 131141 St. Paul, MN 55113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Joe Bagale. Intro music by BoxCat Games (

rvJPoBNGHyE | 18 Nov 2016
When popular products sell out in stores, some pop up on eBay for ridiculous prices. But why do people hate scalpers so much, and can anything be done? -----...

2HRPnCTx5VM | 11 Nov 2016
The Wii U hardware is no longer being manufactured, the end for a console that had a rough life in the market. So what went wrong? --------------------------...

bb-j3sbeCmY | 04 Nov 2016
Modern headphones and speakers can produce amazing sound. But is their potential being wasted by what we play through them? ---------------------------------...

oQA7hpNMuEA | 21 Oct 2016
Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 turned from darling to disaster in a few short months. What went wrong, and does it mark the beginning of similar problems with techn...

aCtMI0HQiDQ | 14 Oct 2016
Retro games are becoming more and more collectible. But why do people do it, and what are the pros and cons of the places you can buy them? -----------------...

Pp11Xa32SfY | 07 Oct 2016
I occasionally get asked about how I create my videos or what being a YouTube content creator is like. Here are some of the things I've learned along the way...

ikJnEwTd3ck | 30 Sep 2016
We've seen a number of new video game consoles that can play original, retro cartridges. But they vary greatly in price and quality -- so what's the differen...

KUx74EUaLK8 | 23 Sep 2016
Retro video game console modding seems to have undergone a resurgence recently, but with the systems becoming harder to find and more expensive, should we st...

SmX_TqTa0JI | 20 Sep 2016
Thinking it's time to upgrade to Bluetooth wireless headphones, but on a limited budget? Let's take a look at a pair that offer surprising value. Archeer AH0...

l0R8NLY2_Jo | 16 Sep 2016
With the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox Project Scorpio we're looking at what could be the end of game console generations. What's the impact? ------------------...

EoDyPNz6ygA | 09 Sep 2016
Apple is killing off the 3.5mm analog headphone jack, but is it really the big deal that many are making it out to be? --------------------------------------...

wfaehijVodQ | 06 Sep 2016
There are plenty of clone game consoles out there, meant to play your retro video games. Some may even look like the real thing. But what's inside? ---------...

COCviEysb4U | 02 Sep 2016
Product reviews are incredibly common, both on YouTube and the Internet in general. But there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes you may not realize. ---...

KxPFELFUP4s | 26 Aug 2016
Gaming emulation has become increasingly common and made older games much more accessible. But is it better than the original hardware? ---------------------...

CIZd2OzT4wY | 19 Aug 2016
It seems like all anyone's interested in these days are smartphones and tablets. Are the days of the personal computer numbered? ----------------------------...

P_Uqget2myM | 22 Jul 2016
I'm starting up a new, weekly video series -- let's talk about how it's gonna work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------...

HctOZNAtTWk | 01 Mar 2016
Wireless microphone systems can be confusing and unreliable. Let's take a look at a system that promises to be everything a content creator needs -- solid an...

N7I-oLD6Iyg | 15 Sep 2015
Many older cartridge-based games use internal batteries to keep your game saves going. These batteries won't last forever though, so let's take a look at how...

vTCT32S-9Ok | 01 Sep 2015
Let's take a look at a somewhat obscure PlayStation emulator that proved to be instrumental to today's gaming ecosystem -- and has the case law to prove it. ...

OitCX0GJv4g | 21 Jul 2015
I really like noise-canceling headphones, but I've also been wanting to cut the cord. Let's take a quick look at a pair of cans that seem to strike the right...

nNEXtXR0xhs | 12 May 2015
These days it's risky to buy a wireless mic system, with concerns about interference issues and frequency band reallocation . Let's take a look at Audio-Tech...

7ho1CksIV9I | 07 Oct 2014
Just a quick follow-up to my previous video about my old Char-Broil Patio Bistro grill. Apparently there was a recall on it for the exact problem I explained...

-qqsm-WC0Fg | 08 Jul 2014
Tired of having to play roulette with rented or provided equipment, I bought a battery-powered portable PA speaker that's actually decently built and by a br...

x-peMbUfj98 | 24 Jun 2014
Let's explore some of the common problems you may experience with a Game Boy Advance SP and how to fix them -- and as a bonus, you'll learn how to replace th...

9_OXHcdvu3k | 03 Jun 2014
Was in Madison, WI for a wedding and checked out the weekly farmers' market. I'm a big fan of the Dave's World of Fun Stuff channel; if you want to learn how...

oVrIq47XnGE | 21 Apr 2014
While cleaning out the garage I found just the right pieces to build my own camera pole mount for shooting kind-of aerial video. Total cost? Only $30 and a f...

ffvYNLsgAe0 | 14 Apr 2014
I picked up a new rear case for my iPad mini, and here's what I think about it. It's available from or Apple stores (both online and...