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9W7hd0MGODw | 06 Aug 2020
It took us 20 hours to achieve a flawless Iron Banner match in Destiny 2 without dying and without the other team capturing a single flag. The players who made it happen: KimDotcom, Cohn, Chillz, Calisto, Enzo, Bova Music: Universe by Kim Dotcom

TC6YzYu1vd0 | 05 Mar 2015
The U.S. Government vs. Andrus Nomm A software developer for They seized all of his assets. He could not afford a lawyer or living expenses. He had to borrow money from friends and family. He has a heart disease which kept getting worse because of increasing stress levels. He was on electronic bail and his movements were restricted. He was not allowed to leave the Netherlands which wasn't his home country. He wasn't able to visit his young son for over 3 years. He is living in another country. His relationship fell apart because of this case. He was alone, depressed and ruined. Andrus was living under these difficult conditions for over 3 years. In the end he was broken and agreed to a plea deal with the U.S. Department of Justice. He agreed to a prison sentence of 1 year for pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit copyright infringement. He isn't guilty of any crime. But this is how the U.S. justice system works. All Megaupload defendants are dealing with similar problems with no end in sight.

mmObwguVmEI | 13 Jun 2013
The Megaupload Copyright Raid in New Zealand. Helicopters, Assault Rifles, Anti-Terrorism units, Attack Dogs & 72 cops terrorizing a zero-threat family. Follow me on twitter: The U.S. Government vs You & Kim Dotcom MUST READ: The song "Dance" by Kim Dotcom can be found here:

xDz5jYVJQJk | 15 Nov 2012
Radio DJ's - Get this song if you like it and play it for free ;) Follow me: Free download: Produced by Printz Board and Kim Dotcom Thanks for helping: Sleep Deez and Texical. Thanks for inspiration: Prodigy

BQwvC0bvxg4 | 06 Aug 2012
We made this song for our kids, and yours. Love! Download it for free at: Follow me: This song was produced by Kim Dotcom and Printz Board. Vocals Mona Dotcom, Printz Board, Kim Dotcom Lyrics by Kim Dotcom Special thanks to: Nicola Beddingfield Roundhead Studios Auckland Texical and Sleep Deez For Kaylo, Kimmo, Kobi, Keera and Kylee. Mommy and daddy will always love you.

MokNvbiRqCM | 20 Jul 2012
The war on Internet freedom was declared on Obama's watch. Download the song & Join the movement Follow me: United we stand, divided we fall. Let's all be friends. Let's all unite. This song was produced by Kim Dotcom, Printz Board and Sleep Deez. With lyrics and vocals by Kim Dotcom and friends. The lyrics: The war for the Internet has begun. Hollywood is in control of politics. The Government is killing innovation. Don't let them get away with that. I have a dream, like Dr. King, this is the time to stand up and fight. By any means, if we dont do anything, they will just blame it on the copyright. Keep this movement going. Keep this movement tweeting. Keep this movement moving. The pursuit of happiness. Happiness. Happiness. Happiness. The pursuit of happiness. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. What about free speech, Mr. President? What happened to change, Mr. President? Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President? Are you going to fix this, Mr. President? We must oppose, don't vote for those, who want to take us back in time. We must expose, the people who chose, to turn innovation into crime. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. What about free speech, Mr. President? What happened to change, Mr. President? Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President? Are you going to fix this, Mr. President? Hollywood marionettes, taking over our Internet, don't let them get away with that, don't let them get away with that. It starts with you and me we will make history. It starts with you and me we will make history. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. Let's get together, lets all unite, or they will do whatever they like. What about free speech, Mr. President? What happened to change, Mr. President? Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President? Are you going to fix this, Mr. President? Keep sharing this song. If you can't blog - tweet. If you can't tweet - like. But by all means - keep sharing. But just this song :-) --------------------------------------- Video credits and thanks go to: Andy Chiabrando ANIMALNewYork Jakob Kangur Utopie TV Lost in Stockholm ( Vit Jurek Piotr Marciniak Polygoon-Profilti / Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid YaBasta5000 19Alcibiades87 Let's keep this movement moving! Please share this video with all of your friends. It's time to fight back.

ZvrRaeHD5TE | 24 Jun 2012
Kim Dotcom - The first interview after the Megaupload raid. Follow me: The Interview transcript: Thank you TV3 for permission to share this on my Youtube account.

mf3bjKwwlMM | 21 Apr 2012
Kim Dotcom, Kimi Raikkonen and Finn Batato on the Nürburgring Norschleife with three highly modified Mercedes Benz AMG CLK DTM supercars. A fun day on the most famous race track in the world. This video shows a full lap around the ring. It took 20 laps to get all the shots for this video. It's a homage to the Nurburgring, the CLK DTM and Kimi Raikkonen, one of the best drivers in the world. I DID NOT WIN against Kimi. I never could. We had to remove the air from his tires to keep up. And even then it was impossible :-) I used to play Forza and Need for Speed on Xbox Live. Those games inspired me to create a video that looks like the replay of a perfect lap on the Ring. I know it isn't perfect, but I tried. The production involved 30 cameras, 100+ crew, 2 helicopters, 2 camera cars and one fixed wing aircraft. The song "Take me away" was produced by Kim Dotcom and Printz Board. P.S. The final edit was seized by the FBI during the Megaupload raid. It will be uploaded as soon as it returns (if ever). The current version has a few problems and no color correction. Sorry. Thank you Kimi Raikkonen.

l-ltcCF_cAQ | 31 Dec 2011
Kim Dotcom aka MEGARACER is #1 in Modern Warfare 3. Leaderboards #1 for Kills and Leaderboards #1 for Free-For-All. Currently over 150,000 kills. Best of 15+ million online players! Don't hate me because I beat you. Respect me because I teach you :-)

o0Wvn-9BXVc | 17 Dec 2011
Read the unbelievable story about this video: Censored by UMG - Mega suing UMG - Reinstated by Youtube. Here is the latest story from December 29th: STOP SOPA - STOP PIPA - FIGHT FOR YOUR INTERNET. Enjoy the Mega Song. We wish you all the best for 2012. Thank you for using Song produced by Kim Dotcom and Printz Board. Vocals by Printz Board, Kim Dotcom and Macy Gray. Thanks to: P Diddy Kanye West Chris Brown Jamie Foxx Kim Kardashian Lil John The Game Floyd Mayweather Serena Williams Ciara.

K9caPFPQUNs | 08 Dec 2011
Read the unbelievable story about this video: Censored by UMG - Mega suing UMG - Reinstated by Youtube. Here is the latest story from December 29th: STOP SOPA - STOP PIPA - FIGHT FOR YOUR INTERNET. Enjoy the Mega Song. We wish you all the best for 2012. Thank you for using Song produced by Kim Dotcom and Printz Board. Vocals by Printz Board, Kim Dotcom and Macy Gray. Thanks to: P Diddy Kanye West Chris Brown Jamie Foxx Kim Kardashian Lil John The Game Floyd Mayweather Serena Williams Ciara. You can find the HD 1920x816 version of this video here:

x3mMY4QjefE | 18 Sep 2011
2011 fireworks by Kim Dotcom gifted to Auckland, New Zealand. This US$ 500,000 fireworks display of 10 minutes (video showing the best parts of 3:41 minutes) was funded by Kim Dotcom in celebration of Immigration New Zealand granting residency to the Dotcom family. It was the largest fireworks display in New Zealand history. Kim Dotcom and his wife watched the event from a Helicopter just 200 meters away from the explosions. Exciting stuff. But then this happened: And then ofcourse this: And here we are now: New Zealand is our home. No matter what.