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4Chan Saves the Homeless

Q9TQvGLQ0-U | 16 Jan 2025

4Chan Saves the Homeless

The year is 2013 and the world is dealing with one of the harshest winters in modern history. From a polar vortex hitting North America to heavy snowstorms in Europe, to even record low temperatures in China, homeless people around the globe were suffering, and governments weren’t doing anything to help them. Because of this, anonymous users from around the world took it upon themselves to come together to save these unfortunate people from freezing to death. To make things even crazier, 4Chan’s Anonymous was literally one of the only hopes that these people had to survive the winter. This is the story of how Anonymous did everything in its power to save the homeless, even though governments along the way decided to fight back. Used a ton of clips from this, very good doc: CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - Operation Safewinter Begins: (0:37) PART 2 - The Battle Against Government Agencies: (6:26) Aftermath: (10:30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

4Chan vs ISIS

WEMiU6_ySrQ | 08 Dec 2024

4Chan vs ISIS

The year is 2014 and ISIS is the largest terrorist organization in the modern world. Known for their series of devastating attacks, they are feared by both people and governments all around the globe. Through the power of the internet, they shared their propaganda and recruited vulnerable individuals from virtually every corner of the planet. However, at the height of their power, a group of hackers named Anonymous, and later, GhostSec made it their mission to combat them and save innocent lives while doing so. From deadly explosions to trolling and exposing terrorist organizations, to 4Chan’s special task force being born, to even working with the FBI and counter-terrorists, this is the story of 4Chan’s fight against terrorism. CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - The War Begins: (0:37) PART 2 - The Attacks Begin: (6:19) PART 3 - Paris Attacks: (11:26) PART 4 - Anonymous Trolls ISIS: (17:06) Aftermath: (18:20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

The Disappearance of Alex from 4Chan

EhbHqGaA_no | 08 Nov 2024

The Disappearance of Alex from 4Chan

The year is 2013, and an anonymous user on 4Chan posted the coordinates of an abandoned industrial area in Tennessee. The user then promised that whoever was brave enough to venture out to the warehouse would receive a prize. After some time had passed, one user named Alex decided to travel out there, and what he found was absolutely horrifying. Little did 4Chan know that these posts would spark one of the most terrifying unsolved internet mysteries of all time. From dead bodies to a potential serial killer, to a dark secret to even the internet working together to solve this mystery, this is the full story of the disappearance of a 4Chan user named Alex. CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - 2q8E's Secret: (0:34) PART 2 - Alex: (5:00) PART 3 - Piecing Alex's Story Together: (10:16) PART 4 - What Really Happened to Alex?: (17:04) Conclusion: (21:10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

The Time 4Chan Robbed a Bank

SieP6gpqdgs | 18 Oct 2024

The Time 4Chan Robbed a Bank

Late one morning in August of 2015, an anonymous user on 4Chan revealed their detailed plan to rob a bank later that day. This user believed that they could steal thousands of dollars in cash, and flee the city all without getting caught. But to top it off, they also planned on keeping 4Chan updated throughout the heist. However, unbeknownst to the users at the time, this thread would go down in infamy as one of the most legendary blunders in the history of the internet. From 4Chan trolling the police to detectives attempting to track down the robber to even other users trying to cash in the reward money, the story of the user on 4Chan robbing a bank is truly chaotic, and this is how it all began: CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - The Plan: (0:33) PART 2 - A Fugitive on the Run: (5:28) PART 3 - Aftermath: (10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

The Search for 4Chan's Lost Album

07i2xqBoAoU | 20 Sep 2024

The Search for 4Chan's Lost Album

Play War Thunder for free TODAY and get a HUGE bonus pack by using my link: Late one night in July of 2016, an Anonymous user on 4Chan posted about a mysterious album they found at a charity shop in England. No matter how hard they looked, this anonymous user couldn’t find a single scrap of information about it online and wanted to know if anyone on 4Chan’s music board recognized anything about this bizarre album. Little did that user know, this post would begin one of the greatest lost media searches of all time—the search for 4Chan’s lost band, Panchiko. CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH (COMING SOON): SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - The Search for Panchiko Begins: (0:25) Sponsored Segment: (3:54) PART 1 - The Search for Panchiko Begins: (4:51) PART 2 - The Search Continues: (7:31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

4Chan VS Mexico's Most Dangerous Cartel

3LHuWZ-pBuw | 15 Aug 2024

4Chan VS Mexico's Most Dangerous Cartel

The year is 2011, and the Los Zetas cartel is one of the most powerful organizations in the modern world. Known for their brutalness, this Mexican cartel had been responsible for numerous massacres, wiping out whole villages of people. From lavish drug kingpins to even a human trafficking ring, Los Zetas is filled with highly trained individuals, many of whom were former members of Mexico’s special forces. At this point, Los Zetas owned about a third of Mexico, along with many paid-off politicians, and businessmen, they even had a web of taxi drivers, who would feed them information, so they knew exactly where everyone was. So they could keep tabs on where their enemies are located. Los Zetas used their immense power and wealth to stay in the shadows, hidden from the public view. Because of this, the Los Zetas cartel felt truly invincible. However, they would soon be thrust into the spotlight, when 4Chan’s hacker group, Anonymous declared war. But before we get to that, our story goes back around one year prior, at the end of 2010. CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH (COMING SOON): SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - Operation Paperstorm: (0:51) PART 2 - Operation Cartel: (5:00) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

The Time 4Chan Uncovered an Egyptian Cult

tujutu-qeFg | 27 Jul 2024

The Time 4Chan Uncovered an Egyptian Cult

Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches. Go to this video's sponsor for a 14-day free trial and see if your data has been exposed. A 4Chan post on the /x/ board made users believe that there could be a strange cult called Oculus Anubis in Damascus, Oregon. Join us on an adventure deep into the inner workings of what 4Chan uncovers, to find out the secrets of Oculus Anubis! CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) PART 1 - 4Chan Investigates Oculus Anubis: (0:28) PART 2 - The Neals: (11:08) PART 3 - The Future of Oculus Anubis: (16:20) Final Thoughts: (23:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

4Chan VS Taylor Swift

RdLmsu_qOnk | 26 Apr 2024

4Chan VS Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a superstar, so anonymous users on 4Chan see her as a potential troll. Although, Taylor Swift herself might go on 4Chan herself. You'll just have to watch and see! CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Troll 1: Taylor's Biggest Fan: (1:05) Troll 2: Save the Music: (9:06) Does Taylor go on 4Chan?: (13:08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

4Chan's Most Unsettling Mystery

fBb6HdKgx0c | 15 Feb 2024

4Chan's Most Unsettling Mystery

Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code PEZLE for an extra 3 months free at On June 15th, 2008, a bizarre post would appear on 4Chan’s /b/ also known as its random board. The post’s author attached an image and challenged users to solve the code concealed in the picture. Unbeknownst to the users at the time, this post would be the beginning of one of the most mysterious scavenger hunts of all time, leading anonymous users to sketchy areas in real life to retrieve strange packages with puzzles that the 4Chan community would be determined to solve. This is the story of Project905, also known as the Basin Hills project. CHECK OUT PEZLE MERCH: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 9Y77WDJOFEU0NFDC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) SurfShark Sponsorship Segment: (4:12) Package 1: (5:12) Package 2: (11:39) Package 3: (14:48) Package 4: (17:22) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

4Chan Vs Justin Bieber

dH42NK8XAhQ | 21 Dec 2023

4Chan Vs Justin Bieber

The year is 2010 and Justin Bieber is a megastar. Bieber fever is running rampant through the population, and teenage girls from across the globe would do literally anything just to get a tiny whiff of him. Deep down, in the dark corners of the internet, this created a lingering hatred that brewed within the 4Chan community. CHECK OUT NEW PEZLE MERCH: Note: The events that happened in the video are not in order, and some happened years apart. Also, shoutout to Internet Historian, who made a video on BaldForBieber a few years ago! Music: Documentary Music Undertale OST - Stronger Monsters OSRS - Autumn Voyage Undertale OST - Undyne Undertale OST - CORE OSRS - Underground Undertale OST - Death By Glamour SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Operation Cuffs For Bieber: (0:50) Operation Bald For Bieber: (3:36) Operation send Justin to North Korea: (5:38) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

Reddit's Most Disturbing Lost Media

fUDm5eMCJ7U | 19 Oct 2023

Reddit's Most Disturbing Lost Media

Save 10% on a purchase from PrismXR: Battery Belt: Code: QBRQD6Q7 Earbuds: Code: TFL64OSV Make sure to click the initial official discount, then use the codes in the Amazon checkout, for the maximum discount. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the fall of 2019, a lost media mystery was posted to Reddit, where the film was thought to have been shown on Nickelodeon. Watch more to find out what happens! Music: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) The Mystery: (0:33) Intermission: (5:16) The Film in Question: (6:26) The Search: (12:26) Conclusion: (19:35) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #lostmedia #internethistory #pezle

The Time 4Chan Called in an Airstrike

OR6epSP_Xlw | 17 Aug 2023

The Time 4Chan Called in an Airstrike

In 2016, anonymous users on 4chan called in an airstrike on a rebel encampment. They created one of the wildest google maps hunts known to mankind. Strap in, because this video will take you through one of the wildest 4Chan stores that has happened throughout internet history! Music: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE INTERESTING INTERNET CONTENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) The First Airstrike: (0:45) Another One: (3:41) A Grave Mistake?: (6:24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chanstory #internethistory #pezle

The Greatest Video Game Pirate of All Time

ZUioVa-wdDk | 10 Jul 2023

The Greatest Video Game Pirate of All Time

EMPRESS is a renowned video game cracker known for their exceptional skills in bypassing digital rights management (DRM) protections. With a reputation for cracking the toughest security measures, EMPRESS has become a prominent figure in the gaming community, enabling players to access and play pirated versions of popular titles. Their contributions have sparked debates around piracy, copyright infringement, and the effectiveness of DRM in the gaming industry. SPECIAL THANKS - Although I did do some of my own research, this Reddit threat was my main inspiration/source for this video. Music: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Chapter 1: Video Game Cracking Basics: (0:32) Chapter 2: The Story of EMPRESS (2:27) Chapter 3: The Law (11:06) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #gaming #empress #pezle

Garry's Mod Darkest Iceberg Explained

US9EE6Z97nM | 13 Jun 2023

Garry's Mod Darkest Iceberg Explained

Gmod or Garry's Mod is a nostalgic sandbox game on Steam with an exciting community. In this thrilling video, we dive into the darkest corners of Garry's Mod. Brace yourself as we explore the bottom of the iceberg that holds secrets beyond your wildest imagination. Subscribe: Music: Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Isolation and Unease: (0:30) Corpse01.MDL: (2:49) Cough and Gman Virus: (4:06) Creepy Easter Egg Video: (6:30) Serious RP: (8:27) Evil Communities: (12:54) #garrysmod #gmod #pezle

The Strange World of AI Livestreaming

Q6yjcl6s9r8 | 08 Mar 2023

The Strange World of AI Livestreaming

SUBSCRIBE OR AI WILL COME FOR YOU Neuro-Sama, Watchmeforever, and Athene's AI show are a few examples of AI streaming. In this video, we explore the fascinating and rapidly evolving world of AI streaming, where machine learning algorithms generate endless hours of video content. Strap in, because this is a lot stranger than you'd initially think. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) WatchMeForever: (0:34) Microsoft AI Tay: (2:46) Neruo-Sama: (3:30) Athene Deep Fakes: (7:00) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ai #twitch #pezle

4Chan's Mysterious Game Cartridge (Ben Drowned)

zTy-uYctIFE | 11 Feb 2023

4Chan's Mysterious Game Cartridge (Ben Drowned)

Uncover the mystery behind the infamous 4chan tale of BEN DROWNED. This creepypasta has captivated audiences for years with its eerie storyline and haunting imagery. Follow the journey of a haunted Majora's Mask cartridge and the sinister entity known as BEN. Will you dare to delve into the depths of this chilling tale? Watch now to find out. Music: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Chapter 1: The Haunted Game Cartridge: (0:25) Chapter 2: The Moon Children Cult (24:05) Our Story Ends: (39:17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4chan #mystery #pezle

The Darkest Twitch Iceberg Explained

doa9jqEA5aA | 15 Dec 2022

The Darkest Twitch Iceberg Explained

The darkest parts of the live-streaming iceberg can be terrifying. Streaming can have its scary moments, from twitch stalkers to frightening occurrences that can happen on stream. Some of the topics discussed on stream can be shocking, and some of the deepest, darkest Twitch secrets will be uncovered. Viewer discretion is advised. Subscribe: Music: Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Chapter 1: The Struggles of Making it as a Streamer: (0:54) Chapter 2: Parasocial Relationships (4:46) Chapter 3: Stalkers (8:26) Chapter 3: Predators (20:40) Chapter 4: Death (24:45) The Future/Conclusion: (27:09) #livestream #twitch #pezle

Phantom Blood - The Search For a Lost Anime

hX7MbZZ9Mq4 | 16 Oct 2022

Phantom Blood - The Search For a Lost Anime

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Phantom Blood movie is a lost media that aired in Japan in the late 2000s. This film encompasses Araki's first part of the Jojo series, which was done after the OVA which displayed the Stardust Crusaders. Watch this documentary to learn more about this lost anime! The Phantom Blood Discord invite: Subscribe: Music: Chapters: Chapter 1: Origins of the Phantom Blood Film: (0:00) Chapter 2: The Search (11:00) Conclusion: (22:12) #jojosbizarreadventure #lostmedia #pezle

4Chan VS Scientology

NDAZOCakXVo | 20 Aug 2022

4Chan VS Scientology

4Chan VS The Church of Scientology, also known as Project Chanology was a stand against some of the wrongdoings of the church. 4Chan's elite group Anonymous takes on the struggle, with an insane part of internet history in 2008. Subscribe: Music: Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Chapter 1: Scientology: (1:00) Chapter 2: South Park: (4:07) Chapter 3: Darkness: (6:40) Chapter 4: 4Chan & Anonymous: (9:20) Chapter 5: Chanology Endings: (21:49) #4chan #anonymous #pezle

These People Live in VR

irUX_ifcilg | 02 Jul 2022

These People Live in VR

Gamers love VR, or Virtual Reality, so much that some live in VRChat, an online game that encompasses social interaction in the virtual world. This quick documentary dips our toes into the fascinating world of VRChat, and some of the inhabitants that live there. Watch this video to find out the unique perspective of the people that spend most of their time in VR! Subscribe: Special thanks to everyone I got to interview! I enjoyed our conversations. Check out SKShadowWolf (one of the interviewees): Music: Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) How Do These People Live in VR?: (1:10) Depersonalization: (7:00) Phantom Sense: (9:40) A (Virtual) Reality: (12:18) Existential Dread: (15:52) A Virtual Future: (17:57) A Long Experience in Minecraft VR: (18:35) Conclusions: (19:34) #VRChat #vr #pezle

The Greatest Hack of all Time

6mMXspLn8_Y | 23 May 2022

The Greatest Hack of all Time

Phiber Optik and Acid Phreak were part of MOD or Masters of deception, who were a group of hackers that ruled cyberspace. They came from the initial hacking group, Legion of Doom, and have performed some of the top hacks of all time. Learn about one of the greatest hacks of all time in this thrilling story that will bring us back to the 80s/90s. Subscribe: Special Thanks to acidcommunist for the recommendation: Music: Sources: - 1994 info - great documentary - accusations - last interview - cyberspace - declaration of cyberspace harlow - wiki phiber - wiki acid -jail - documentary - keynote address - LOD - documentary Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) Cyberspace: (1:02) Barlow's Speech(2:38) Hackers: (3:33) TRW: (5:52) The Hack: (7:37) Aftermath: (9:28) #hack #phiberoptik #pezle

Bizarre Cults on

QXTx1IhsFu4 | 21 Apr 2022

Bizarre Cults on is an old MMO that has rumors of cults due to players like Nexialist and Jimbly. This video game has a mysterious past and is arguably one of the most unique internet histories available. Delve deep into Worlds to uncover the mysteries of this strange game. Subscribe: Music: Sources: - Play Worlds - Jimbly's Website - 4chan Blogs - Eudoxia (discussed in the video) - Nexpo (good video on this topic) Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) The Game: (1:19) Nexialist: (4:18) Venture Fourth: (7:35) Jimbly: (13:01) What We Know: (20:36) Cult of Saturn: (22:19) The Servers are Still Up?: (27:38) Conclusion: (28:23) #internetmysteries #worlds #pezle

Saki Sanobashi - The Lost Deep Web Anime (Go For A Punch)

f2DqsAN4VJ4 | 06 Mar 2022

Saki Sanobashi - The Lost Deep Web Anime (Go For A Punch)

Go For A Punch, also known as Saki Sanobashi is a lost deep web horror anime that surfaced on 4chan. Users on Reddit decided to take this mystery on, to find this lost anime. The anime has extremely dark themes, that aren't for the faint of heart. Subscribe: Music: Sources: (Wang has great videos on Saki) Special thanks to all of the artist's art I used throughout the video. You guys make some truly amazing work! Chapters: The Initial 4Chan Post: (0:00) The Search Begins: (8:00) Guro and Old Hentai: (15:31) The Search Births a Community: (19:15) Lady In The Sea Of Blood Lead: (25:00) The Search Continues...: (29:46) #sakisanobashi #goforapunch #pezle

Unexplained TV Hijacking

mONWUHvPEBM | 28 Jan 2022

Unexplained TV Hijacking

In 1987, there were Signal Hackings that occurred on the WGN channel during a night viewing session. This mystery became known as the Max Headroom incident because the hacker was dressed up as the famous character, Max Headroom. In this video, we will uncover the secrets behind this old internet mystery. Subscribe: Music: Sources: Chapters: Intro: (0:00) The Signal Hijacking: (0:36) Who is Max Headroom?: (6:11) Fear of the Unknown: (9:37) Investigations: (11:14) The Internet Gets Involved: (14:37) Conclusion: (20:08) Outro: (22:13) #pezle #mystery #MaxHeadroom

This Game Was Found on the Dark Web (Sad Satan)

vhT5vfixgPY | 04 Dec 2021

This Game Was Found on the Dark Web (Sad Satan)

Sad Satan was a dark web mystery, where Reddit and 4Chan did their best to get to the bottom of this strange horror game. Who made this mysterious game? Why? What makes this game so cursed? Watch the video to find out the chilling story of Sad Satan. *Any link shown in the video doesn't work and/or is fake. I never attempted to play the real game, and you should not either. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions and... ✔️ Subscribe For More Content ✔️ Background music: Sources:'Sad%20Satan'%20is%20the%20first,and%20unreachable%20without%20specialized%20tools. Inspired By: (used one clip from this creator) Chapters: Intro: (0:00) Backstory: (0:58) Game References: (3:45) The Mystery: (5:10) The Original Game?: (9:28) Who Was Behind Sad Satan?: (10:57) #pezle #darkweb #sadsatan

The Internet's Oldest Mystery

ejvzvd-v9eM | 25 Sep 2021

The Internet's Oldest Mystery

The Markovian Parallax Denigrate is one of the oldest and most mysterious internet mysteries known. In this video, I delve deep into this 1996 Usenet mystery to uncover the secret of the Markovian Parallax Denigrate. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions and... ✔️ Subscribe For More Content ✔️ End song: Background music: Sources: Chapters: Introduction: (0:00) The Markovian Parallax Denigrate: (1:02) A Rekindled Excitement: (3:24) A Red Herring or a Path Ahead?: (5:06) Robot Love and Markovian Chains: (7:21) Clues in the Google Archives: (8:38) A Possible Suspect and Motive: (10:25) Outro: (11:17) #pezle #internetmystery #usenet

What is SolarPunk?

a7ylve6TFo8 | 27 Aug 2021

What is SolarPunk?

SolarPunk is a new wave that was forged from CyberPunk and different from such as Tumblr and Reddit. SolarPunk is a reimagination of society in a way that helps the Earth and sustains life for future generations. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions and... ✔️ Subscribe For More Content ✔️ End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio Sources: Chapters: Intro: (0:00) Aesthetic: (0:25) What is SolarPunk?: (0:35) Real World Example: (2:03) Is Our Future SolarPunk?: (2:51) Outro: (3:49) #pezle #solarpunk #solar

Cyberpunk 2077 is a Warning For the Future

dtHOu-aPev4 | 30 Jul 2021

Cyberpunk 2077 is a Warning For the Future

CyberPunk 2077 and Bladerunner could be the future of society. Will we have a cyberpunk-type society? Probably. Mike Podsmith, the creator of Cyberpunk, is warning us about the dangers of this kind of world. The aesthetic is absolutely amazing, but is it worth it for all of the drawbacks? Watch the video to see what I researched, along with some of my thoughts! Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ Some Sources I used: Some Video Footage / Audio I used: End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ~ Script ~ Imagine flashing neon lights in a world that is overtaken by technology. A city that is blessed but also plagued by the advancement of mankind. Soon, this could be our reality. Our world is transforming into a cyberpunk dystopia faster than you’d think. A fantastic representation of this idea is CyberPunk 2077. Based off of the movie Bladerunner, players can explore an amazing neon-lit city filled with adventures and insane technology. Cyberpunk’s aesthetic is absolutely amazing, something about the flashing neon signs, fascinating technology, and fog that overlays it is alluring to the normal person. But even though it seems like an interesting place to live, is it actually a world that we would eventually want to make a reality?

Immersed VR - Work In Virtual Reality

cmCkX_keV7I | 18 Jun 2021

Immersed VR - Work In Virtual Reality

Immersed VR is a tech start-up created by Renji Bijoy, this company created a new way to work, from virtual reality. The company has hand tracking, keyboard tracking, and is able to be used with the Quest 1, Quest 2, and Oculus Go. It is an interesting way to collaborate with other people. Watch the video to find out more about Immersed Virtual Reality! Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ Some Sources I used: Some Video Footage / Audio I used: End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Quiet Night by Tokyo Music Walker Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ~ Script ~ Immersed VR is transforming the norm of the workplace into Virtual Reality. Instead of working in the real world, where there can be many distractions, why not enter immersed VR, a place where productivity is engineered to be fully maximized? Immersed VR is a startup company, created by Renji, who is now featured on the Forbes 30 under 30. He wanted to figure out a way to help people be more productive and efficient in the workplace. This software does more than just that though. It is fully customizable, and you are able to choose from many different areas to work from. You can even collaborate with others from all around the world in the virtual environment. One of the best things though is the ability to have a bunch of monitors around your workspace, which makes multitasking much easier. #pezle #immersedvr #workfromhome

Depersonalization In VR

PEJRf57Xnrs | 11 Jun 2021

Depersonalization In VR

This video focuses on the DPDR that can be caused by a virtual environment. Most DPDR cases are caused by other reasons, such as PTSD, but this video is meant to raise awareness for people who have DPDR, along with warning people about the possible outcomes of spending too much time in the virtual world. It is always important to never self-diagnose, seek professional help if you believe you have something like this. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the video. SUPPORT DPDR AND RAISE AWARENESS: The link below is a great way to donate to help raise awareness and support those that are suffering from it. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ some sources I used: Some Video Footage / Audio I used: End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Hiraeth by Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Reverie by Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ~ Script ~ Virtual Reality is amazing, you can magically travel and escape your life to explore distant worlds, providing transformative experiences. I love VR, it can provide us with new perspectives on different things, and create immersion as we’ve never seen before. Simply put, VR is astonishing and otherworldly. Although, when you tamper with your reality bad things can happen to you. The VR technology can bite back and potentiate the suffering of a disorder that impacts the way we see ourselves AND reality itself. A person decided to gamble and stretch the human experience, to escape the regular world, and live in the virtual one instead. He played VRChat for 16 hours a day for months. Although he had to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom, his real reality slowly became the virtual one. His dreams would be located in the virtual world, and each morning he woke up, he didn’t know if he was in VR or not. By the time he figured out what world he was in though, he would go straight back into the virtual world. DPDR Specialist: (0:00) Intro: (0:45) VRC Example: (1:10) How it Feels: (1:46) Someone Who Has Experienced it: (2:12) A Study Quote: (3:02) Difference Between Enlightenment: (3:51) Live In VR Instead Of Real World: (4:44) How Do I Define "Myself": (5:24) Outcry For More Knowledge On the Discorder: (6:18) Outro: (6:50) #pezle #DPDR #VR

These People Can Feel in VR (Phantom Sense)

dDSGGW1v53Y | 21 May 2021

These People Can Feel in VR (Phantom Sense)

VRChat has many people that have Phantom Sense, it is this mysterious thing that people can develop while playing VR. Imagine being able to feel the things in VR, not having to have a haptic suit or another technology like that. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ some clips I used: End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Growth, not Stagnation — Artificial.Music & Gator Tots [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Afternoon Tea by Mona Wonderlick Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Last Night's Dream — Tryezz [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Mornings With You — SOMM [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Jul by Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Driver — Broke in Summer [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Interview Person 1: AKA_FIZZY Interview Person 2: Wanted to stay anonymous Interview Person 3: Wanted to stay anonymous Outro Guy: DoctorPoop ~ Script ~ Phantom Sense in Virtual Reality is a strange phenomenon that few people get to experience. It is like a sixth sense that enables you to be fully immersed in Virtual Reality. What is phantom sense you may be wondering? Well, imagine entering a virtual world, and another player decides to punch your virtual avatar right in the face, to the normal person, the virtual hand will go right through your virtual face and the user will feel nothing, but to someone who has developed Phantom Sense, they will feel a weird sensation in the face, and some may actually feel a sharp pain of getting punched in the face, even though they are just in virtual reality. Intro: (0:00) What is Phantom Sense: (0:35) Phantom Sense in History: (1:15) Scientific Research: (2:01) A Study: (2:30) More about Phantom Sense: (3:37) Rubber Hand Experiment: (4:30) Rubber Hand Takeaways: (5:37) Interviews: (6:33) Closing Statements: (9:22) #pezle #vrchat #phantomsense

Sword Art Online - Is It Possible?

tZRQZcTgbqM | 14 May 2021

Sword Art Online - Is It Possible?

Sword Art Online is an Anime where Full-Dive VR is the norm. Asuna and Kirito live in this Virtual World, so why can't we? Technology is increasing at a high rate, so you never know, we might have full-dive sooner than people would think. People like Elon Musk and Gabe Newell are working hard to bring this to life. Watch more to find out if we are going to have this virtual experience in the future. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song:​​​​​​​ Background music: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Music: Switch It Up - Silent Partner –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Music: Festival - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Disco Ball — Vendredi [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Your Little Wings by Tokyo Music Walker Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Music | Star by Declan DP License: Free Download / Stream: Promoted by Audio Library: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Afternoon Tea (extended) by Mona Wonderlick Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ~ Script ~ So how close are we to achieving a fully immersive virtual world, Just like what we've seen in Sword Art Online? Is it even possible? Well, I believe with enough time, and smart people, anything is possible. But achieving something like full dive VR, is difficult, to say the least. We would need to have our brains communicate with a computer to perform different actions. For example, your brain would send a signal to a computer to move your feet, or maybe to say hello, or swing a sword. Ultimately, all-action inputs would need to come directly from the brain. This would go hand and hand with the computer, which will send data directly back to our brain, completing the full dive experience. When we live in the real world, there are many things that go into how we process it. We can taste our food, look upon different landscapes, hear the birds, feel the touch of someone else, and much more. Senses are really the only thing that connects us to the world we know today. Take those senses away, and there's nothing. Senses are like a portal that brings us into the world and lets us experience things. Senses are the most important aspects for full dive to encapsulate. In order to obtain a truly remarkable experience like the characters in Sword Art Online, we would need to make sure that all of our senses are inside the game, giving our mind no information of what's going on in the real world. This would put us in a state in which our new reality would essentially be the game, because the only information our brains would receive is coming from the virtual world. #swordartonline #sao #fulldive

Immortality - Live Forever In VR

20IWmH1NY1A | 15 Apr 2021

Immortality - Live Forever In VR

Virtual Immortality could come soon as neuroscience, full-dive VR, and organizations like The 2045 Initiative come together. Immortality is something that philosophers have pondered forever. But now, with the ever-increasing technology, virtual immortality could definitely be a real thing in the near future. If the technology is available, would you live forever in the virtual world? Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song:​​​​​​ Background music: ~ Script ~ Imagine a world where you are invincible, you can do anything you desire, whenever you want, wherever you want, and time won't be a factor at all. That's right, virtual reality might get to a point where you can gain immortality, in which you can live a life inside the virtual simulation, doing whatever you want for hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of years before you finally decide to die. Now, unfortunately, we are probably far off from developing something as complex as this. In order to create this Digital Immortality, we humans would need to accomplish a lot. Now keep in mind this virtual immortality is hypothetical, much of what we know of this is speculation. It's an idea, forged by philosophers, scientists, and the dreamers of tomorrow. Although even just as an idea, it is very plausible that something like this could happen, maybe even within our lifetimes, you never know. #pezle #vr #fulldive

Neuralink - A Catalyst For Full Dive VR?

sFTnEmPVnJg | 09 Mar 2021

Neuralink - A Catalyst For Full Dive VR?

Full dive virtual reality development will be sculpted by Elon Musk and his work at Neuralink. This technology will push the limits of human nature. It will lead people into a new age of intelligence, VR, and perspective of the future. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song:​​ Background music: ~ Script ~ Elon Musk believes that Neuralink will be a massive step in the field of the brain to computer integrations which is a key aspect for the development of full dive Virtual Reality. Neuralink is essentially a wireless implant that will be surgically installed in the skull. The implant's electrodes will be hooked up to the patient's brain creating a symbiotic relationship between man and machine this implant, in the near future, will have science fiction type capabilities that will fix neurological diseases and enhance the brain to increase productivity and intelligence within the user With Neuralink you will be able to summon your Tesla car with only a thought, play any videogame from starcraft to doom, or even use it to look up answers to an exam As Elon Musk said, it will be similar to a Fitbit but in your mind All those things are great, but how will Neuralink be a catalyst for full dive Virtual reality? Well, Neuralink has many applications for this, During a Neuralink presentation, Elon Musk described that this technology will soon be able to read and write to the brain, if done successfully, it will be a huge step towards full dive VR. In order to achieve full dive, one of the things we would definitely need is a computer that can communicate effectively with the brain. #pezle #neuralink #fulldive

4Chan Saves A Cat

oJHSSzzUdZM | 14 Jan 2021

4Chan Saves A Cat

Kenny Glenn abused his cat dusty. The internet was outraged. 4Chan, Facebook, and other online groups deiced to take matters into their own hands to put a stop to this madness. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song: ~ Script ~ It was a normal Saturday morning in 2009, Until the anonymous figure under the name of "glenspamm1" posted two videos on youtube that's when things got bad, really bad the videos depicted a masked person, beating up his pet cat, dusty Whilst yelling, he picked up his cat, started punching it, then threw it against the wall The videos were so horrid that the cat wasn't even moving after the masked person was done The internet was outraged, they couldn't let this person get away with what he had done to dusty the cat 4chan, specifically, had a bone to pick with this guy They decided to get to the bottom of this case and figure out who this masked lunatic was Looking through the comments of the video, a man named Mike Glenn comes into the picture since it was consistent with the uploaders name "glenspam1" they thought he had a connection to the channel They found he lived in New York, so they decided to bring on the heat People begin harassing him, but Mike Glenn claims he is the wrong guy after more investigations from the police, Mike Glenn was proved to be innocent The local news even had to release a statement because of all of the hate this man was getting The search was back on... Copyright media, images, and music respective to the owner(s).

4Chan VS Reddit (Tribes Ascend)

d9AE3Sx_k5w | 03 Jan 2021

4Chan VS Reddit (Tribes Ascend)

Reddit and 4Chan's /v/ fight in a game called Tribes Ascend. In this video game, they compete to determine which forum is better at videogames. Reddit's team came prepared but 4Chan gave them a run for their money. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song: ~ Script ~ The battle between 4chan and Reddit, a war lost in internet history our story begins with a couple of Redditors and their dreams to assert their dominance in gaming on the lowlifes of 4chan The Redditors knew they would have the upper hand in any game they played, 4chan was unorganized and full of degenerates So they decided to challenge 4chan's video game form, also known as /v/ to a best of 5 matches of tribes ascend What are tribes ascend you may ask? well, it's a free-to-play multiplayer-only first-person shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios. The game favors high-speeds through skiing and jetpacks combined with some of the series's classic weapons. The objective of the game is to capture the enemy team's flag. The team that scores the most flag captures at the end of the game, will be the winner of that match. 4chan accepted the challenge. The war was on... Copyright media, images, and music respective to the owner(s).

Full Dive VR - When Will it Come Out?

_dscfsczkl4 | 28 Dec 2020

Full Dive VR - When Will it Come Out?

Full dive virtual reality is the future of gaming. Shows like Sword Art Online and Ready Player One are good examples of this. Some of the scientific developments of full dive is truly amazing. Society will be changed forever when this innovative technology gets released. Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song: ~ Script ~ HOW CLOSE ARE WE TO FULL DIVE VR How close are we to full-dive Virtual Reality? Now, when I say full dive, I'm talking about a virtual experience that is fully immersive, Something that is difficult to distinguish between reality and the virtual world. two good examples of this are sword art online and ready player one. Ready player one is a film that has a virtual world attached to it, characters put on a headset and gear to experience the virtual world, although it seems as if the virtual experience is well done, it is not full dive Sword art online, in particular, is interesting, it was an animated television show made in 2012, in the show, a new game is released, a game that is indistinguishable from reality, the technology is so good that people are able to live in that alternate, virtual world... #pezle #swordartonline #sao #fulldive

How 4Chan's /b/ Trolled Time Magazine

R97dVPZRjnw | 22 Dec 2020

How 4Chan's /b/ Trolled Time Magazine

Time Magazine Person of the year is important to boomers and society. Christopher Poole, or Moot, along with Kim Jung Un were two candidates for this election. 4Chan's /B/ hacks and ensures the victory of their people, to troll the representatives with "MarbleCake, Also The Game". Thanks For Watching! Don't Forget to Comment Suggestions ~ Subscribe For More Content ~ End song: ~ Script ~ This is a story of how time magazine underestimated the power of the internet Once a year, Time Magazine opens up a poll to the public to choose the most influential person for that given year. The person of the year is a big deal. People respects time's decision and that person is seen as having one of the biggest impacts on society for that year Essentially Time magazine has two people elected, one that they choose and one that the public chooses so even though the public's pick is not necessarily going to be on the cover of the yearly magazine, the publics pick does still have a spotlight of its own Although, time magazine has really messed up in some of the people that they have chosen in the past this includes the 1938 Adolf Hitler edition of time oh, and don't forget that Joesph Stalin also has won the person of the year in the past time magazine really cringes when they look back on their history. That being said, almost all of the people that win Time person of the year are people that have had a huge positive impact on the world as a whole until recently ... yeah this is about to get interesting... Copyright media, images, and music respective to the owner(s).