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RJKysDFhXr4 | 21 Nov 2023
Few months after the accident politburo under gorbachev's command organized party for workers of Chernobyl NPP in order to calm them down. As we can see there is a possibility that they were also under the influence of aerosol delivered psychedelics that Soviet Union had alot in special laboratories used as a psychochemical warfare agents. It was done to calm the masses down, but it was crazy.

MdecAqcs6SM | 02 Oct 2023
Expermientally introduced at Kursk NPP. Revolutionary instrument, actually system, that could have prevented Chernobyl disaster from happening. Digital system way faster than any electromechanical used on ordinary tables.

mmjl-Xia3lU | 25 Jun 2023
World's first NPP was grandfather of RBMK-1000. It's development, and subsequent development of AMB and full scale RBMKs gave precious experience and helped develop very safe but less efficient reactors like AGR and CANDU.

RjSlxdyDGCg | 16 Jun 2023
Containment building ready reactors - VVER-1000 were massively produced in the Soviet Union. By many standards better than any western PWR. VVERs were produced by state and the capital was shared with the public interest not private pockets. The year of the video - 1984.

FG_d-Koh2kA | 09 Mar 2023
In the Soviet Union, unlike many "leftists" think, fossil fuel power plats were essential, very respectable and they were not discriminated compared to opther power plants. All the alternative power plants that existed in the Soviet Union were made not because of green agenda, but because of energy crisis concern.

8cN2dZ8JH-k | 16 Dec 2022
Soviet Russians were the absolute pioneers in every thermonuclear technology. It was done for the betterment of humanity not for capital and corporations.

zaCxBVJbRho | 22 Nov 2022
AMB-100 and AMB-200 were the only nuclear rectors in the world at that time that worked at such extremes. They were the only reactors in the world at that time that used conventional turbine designed for power plants on chemical fuels such as coal, mazut or natural gas. First reactors that had steam overheating. Operating at 500°C and 90 atm ! Thermal efficiency of 35% is high even for today's NPP standards...

xA3UkxVtPD8 | 27 Jul 2022
Soviet movie from the second half of the 80s showing that they have not abandoned precious fossil fuel powered power giants even at the end of that empire. So, no green fascism in the Soviet Union, Greta Jugend forgive us.

PBypJzHOei0 | 07 Jun 2022
Gobachev's Union was so weak that it needed church for help. It was against all socialist norms, and an sign of weakness of once strong Soviet Empire. Like it or not but the Orthodox church was more than millenia on slavic soil, and it was mostly in simbiosis with the people. But still in an strong country religion should be separated from the politics.

Ev_Tj7Umg68 | 30 May 2022
It was hand performed, there was always risk of lethal dose by the invisible rays. The year was 1955., the place - First Nuclear Power Plant in the World - Obninsk - operational since 1954.

Q53fxqirc74 | 02 May 2022
Citizen near the plant speaks what would he have done if he was some official with little power in his hands. And yet some speak there was no freedom of speach. If so, there would be no such video. Think about it.

NH4M-3z1taY | 15 Mar 2022
Most reliable Soviet reactor, designed by Russian scientists is well respected all around the world. His newer, a few hundred megawatts versions, are exported even today.

iXhbpxOcUoQ | 24 Feb 2022
Stop the madness. Sources:

WWF1E9fzbXQ | 23 Feb 2022
An unique video about history of RBMKs safety system. From first NPP in the world, above AMB - most dangerous channel reactor, up to RBMK. In the begining nomenclature of the button and the system was different but the principle was similar, it evolved over time.

Nl3d0W86Y6Q | 22 Feb 2022
Great educational video. By generating power from multiple streams of work, the overall efficiency of the system can be increased by 50–60%. That is, from an overall efficiency of say 34% (for a simple cycle), to as much as 64% (for a combined cycle).This is more than 84% of the theoretical efficiency of a Carnot cycle.

q2jtEMg16ww | 25 Jan 2022
I couldn't find an use for this short insert, so i named it like that. But seriously, Lenin did great plan for electrification of Russia, it was villager country under Tsar's rule... BTW, sound in this video is original, appropriate to the title.

j3fLlEAOwVM | 17 Jan 2022
Authors of HBO propaganda mini series "Chernobyl" spread unnecessary facts just for drama purposes. They took imagination from the scenes absolutely not from the Chernobyl accident. It was 1957. accident at Mayak.

u6vC-ax7TnM | 27 Oct 2021
Progressive idea for the betterment of humanity. Even then they know that "conventional" solar power installations cover precious soil, and sun rays need to coss enormous atmospheric barrier, so the only real way for solar power plants is to put them in space.

sP5mpeT1g2s | 26 Oct 2021
Sad photage of town becoming an ghost - Pripyat. Traffic lights still light up, but there are no pedestrians to cross the street...

jL5XrLTknNc | 26 May 2021
Ultra rare space RBMK. More detailed videos will come at 10 000 subscribers. It depends on you. We need to stop YT's throtling of the views. So SHARE and subscribe

dDDNJIdOM_s | 25 Apr 2021
Ultra rare video of complete process by which this gigantic structure was constructed. Military, volunteers, many experts (Legasov among others)... United force against this huge tragedy - Chernobyl Disaster.

0CMw6vemQ3w | 13 Feb 2021
-50°C outside and you are in some really remote area? Not a problem, when you have small brother of RBMK. Need for heavy circulation pumps? No, we rather choose natural circulation. Cause we have no time for mistakes so far from civilization.

yiljwH92300 | 26 Sep 2020
This reactor can safely by called father of RBMK (first reactor at Obninsk would be grandfather). Technically speaking it is most dangerous RK, because in order to be RBMK it must have more than 1000 MW. Why is it so dangerous? Because superheating steam in the middle of the core is not so easy and safe task. Steam reaches temperature of more than 773 K, with pressures little over 100 atm. Stresses on the material are enormous. Experiments on this reactor made it possible to construct RBMK, but what is more fascinating and little known, it paved the way for little known RBMK - 2400 reactors that were never released. Thanks for reading!

JIBkkFv2Yt0 | 31 Jul 2020
Building up RBMK 1000 power reactor at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant This video is only correct video of this action, video without anomalies, correctly translated. Official RBMK5000 is back. Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe!