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BT4cJztyRlU | 09 Mar 2025
A cutting edge scientific journey through space and time in search of aliens; exploring the possibility of what would happen if they were to make contact with humanity. ►Subscribe –

V-1pBFCX8cM | 07 Mar 2025
The history of our planet is an incredible journey. From its birth out of cosmic rubble to the complex of land, sea, atmosphere and life we know now. Meet the inhabitants of Earth over the ages, from slimy mats of algae to the great dinosaurs and the ancestors of mammals and humans. ►Subscribe –

zKckCMn8MO4 | 04 Mar 2025
We look at what we know about Mars' ice concentrations, to the methane gas, to the ferrous earth – and goes into the reason why Man might be interested in the planet at all. Astronauts training for the Mars tell us about a mission that will have physical demands far beyond their own careers as astronauts. ►Subscribe –

6zlxLGb3yKw | 02 Mar 2025
It may sound obvious, but every single thing we encounter in everyday life had to be invented– TV, phones, furniture, trains, planes and automobiles. And behind every invention is a fascinating story. Broadcaster and author Britt Wray wants to meet inventors to find out what inspires them and what makes them tick. ►Subscribe –

GB849RHzShc | 28 Feb 2025
Just HOW does Space work? That is the question that Astronomers and Scientists have been attempting to answer for years. Sit back, relax and enjoy a soothing yet fascinating 3 hours. ►Subscribe –"

WtFq6AMBdM4 | 25 Feb 2025
Each summer on a hidden NASA base, 80 young geniuses attend a special program. Their mission: start a company that will impact a billion people within ten years. Their teachers are astronauts, billionaires, scientists, and inventors but will they crash and burn, or achieve the impossible and impact the world? ►Subscribe –

7Rpp6YlywmE | 21 Feb 2025
The human factor in the Mars project is the single most challenging aspect of the plan. NASA is planning to send robots first, to build the landing base for the humans to inhabit. Scientists and engineers dream of a manned mission to Mars – it’s a place where life is possible. The race is on to get there: nine months out and nine months back. This is the story of mankind’s preparation to colonise the red planet. ►Subscribe –

0iA36mMSQlA | 18 Feb 2025
The Ariane 5 is the evolution of a family of rocket launchers that started when Europe's space industry was in its infancy. This massive launch vehicle, is built all over Europe but assembled in the Cathedral at the Arianegroup construction site at Les Mureaux. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

UVl_p_hw6G8 | 14 Feb 2025
Competing nations and private companies unveil incredible technologies and bold plans to conquer the Red Planet. Amidst intense rivalries and challenges, we meet the visionaries, engineers, and astronauts determined to make history. Scientists and engineers dream of a manned mission to Mars – it’s a place where life is possible. The race is on to get there: nine months out and nine months back. This is the story of mankind’s preparation to colonise the red planet. ►Subscribe –

wvu898mEgK8 | 11 Feb 2025
A giant of the sea roams the ocean, a huge ship with a massive crane. This is the Oleg Strashnov, one of the biggest monohull crane ships in the world, its mighty boom is able to lift up to 5000 tonnes of weight. It is not only a huge crane, but also an efficient multi tasker, integrated into a ship system that stays stable in the water whatever the weight, whatever the elevation. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

5KOPkguV3H4 | 07 Feb 2025
Space is full of mysteries that challenge our understanding of the universe. From dark matter and dark energy, which make up most of the cosmos but remain invisible, to black holes that warp space and time, many questions remain unanswered. Exploring these mysteries helps us uncover the secrets of the cosmos and our place in it. ►Subscribe –

nWpJR8eHX3w | 04 Feb 2025
The full story of the engineering behind the MOSE (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico, Experimental Electromechanical Module) the system of rows of mobile gates installed in the lagoon around the city of Venice to protect it from flooding. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

mZKGonU-_XU | 31 Jan 2025
Monkey Life, Woolly Tale is the story of one of the most endearing primates on the planet, woolly monkeys. We follow Monkey Worlds incredible efforts to care for and protect this endangered species and along the way we meet the colourful characters, who have captured their hearts. ►Subscribe –

uLne1dgDcEE | 28 Jan 2025
These enormous oil and gas platforms rank among the largest man-made structures. They are transported across vast distances of open sea before being submerged to remarkable depths. Constructed from reinforced concrete, these platforms are assembled in massive, mobile, floodable shipyards and then towed to their final destinations. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

xyprQgvK2H4 | 24 Jan 2025
The universe we inhabit is immense and awe-inspiring, filled with wonders that challenge our understanding. From minuscule particles to colossal galaxies, it is a realm of astonishing phenomena. ►Subscribe –

WTR3ho8ayH0 | 21 Jan 2025
This is the story of one of the heaviest lifters on the high seas today: The Hawk. Hawk is a semi-submersible heavy lift ship, designed to transport heavy loads around the world that conventional ships can't carry. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

Vn6kO9ZNttg | 17 Jan 2025
We follow these tiny orangutans on their big adventure, where little hearts are mended through friendships and foster moms. This is a tale with the common themes of parenting, child development, family politics and personalities, but these characters are very hairy, fairly unpredictable and hugely loveable. ►Subscribe –

EqI5FTV7_mE | 14 Jan 2025
The inside story of a unique engineering feat at the site of the world's worst nuclear disaster, as technicians move an enormous roof over the still irradiated remains of the plant's No 4 reactor. The superstructure is intended to contain radiation from the nuclear waste within the exploded reactor. The story of the engineers and mechanics behind some of the largest lifting and moving equipment in the world. ►Subscribe –

krcLMlvT-9U | 10 Jan 2025
In our Universe, physics describe how matter, energy, space, and time interact. This cosmic symphony, held together by gravity's invisible threads, reveals the incredible beauty, diversity, and complexity of our celestial neighbourhood. ►Subscribe –

yBE1Q-384gE | 07 Jan 2025
Little Monsters is the story of a small nocturnal primate with two tongues and a toxic bite. We follow Monkey World and their sister sanctuary, Dao Tien, as they try to save Slow Loris and return them to the wild. ►Subscribe –

Qfll6yQhE6c | 03 Jan 2025
A road trip with cinematographer Dave Gaudet as he travels throughout North America, across the Maritimes, Great Plains and mountains to discover the art and history of Aboriginal peoples. ►Subscribe –

6AHCl7Lxss8 | 31 Dec 2024
American Genius is a documentary series focusing on the lives of inventors and pioneers who have been responsible for major developments in their areas of expertise and helped shape the course of history. ►Subscribe –

uUwfcAWPhL8 | 27 Dec 2024
Charlotte Church embarks on a scientific journey to investigate the cutting edge of mental health research and learn more about the relationship between our mental health and our brains. ►Subscribe –

YVH1QKah_Pk | 24 Dec 2024
Our galaxy's breathtaking beauty is not just a testament to the sheer scale of the universe, but also a reminder of the cosmic wonders that lie beyond our own world, hinting at endless mysteries and the potential for numerous other worlds and civilizations. ►Subscribe –

1FK9BjRGr3Y | 20 Dec 2024
In the summer of 1977, Ohio radio astronomers discovered an interstellar signal that is believed by many to be the best evidence of communication from an extraterrestrial civilization. ►Subscribe –

UMMKNmsYHQA | 17 Dec 2024
Transporting the biggest steel and titanium autoclave of its kind that has a special purpose: to extract tons of gold from the earth. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

Fj7YuNLgtkY | 13 Dec 2024
Dan O'Neill goes on an expedition into the untouched forests of Guyana, home to some of the most spectacular wildlife on Earth. To reach his destination Dan must tackle waterfalls, trek through undergrowth and survive in the rainforest. ►Subscribe –

IHtH8XQjTTU | 10 Dec 2024
The solar system is a breathtaking part of the cosmos, centred around the Sun and orchestrates an incredible balance of eight unique planets. This cosmic symphony, held together by gravity's invisible threads, reveals the incredible beauty, diversity, and complexity of our celestial neighbourhood. ►Subscribe –

6qu-9bQnvyo | 03 Dec 2024
The world's largest nuclear fusion reactor is currently under construction in southern France. Weighing 23,000 tons, it may be the answer to all climate issues of the future. The first electricity is expected to flow in 2025. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

24IREHdO1fY | 29 Nov 2024
This heavy machinery team faces winding country lanes, ramshackle bridges and an unexpected change of plan as its members try to take a 390 tonne generator on a journey of 120km, before their permits expire. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

xIVgZxar2nw | 26 Nov 2024
Space facts sometimes are simply too fascinating to fall asleep to. From galaxies colliding in cosmic dances to stars that burn for billions of years, each fact is a reminder of the vast, mysterious beauty beyond our world. They ignite curiosity, spark awe, and make us feel connected to something far greater than ourselves. ►Subscribe –

9rrukyMmVc8 | 22 Nov 2024
The armored fighting vehicle known as the Tiger I, was the most dreaded tank of World War II. Built 1942, 1500 were built with a 88MM gun. The CV90 is the most modern and versatile infantry fighting vehicle in the world. Built from 1993 in 7 countries with 15 variants. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredibly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

DBXzFpB06SI | 19 Nov 2024
Russia has the most extreme weather conditions in the world, especially in winter. Trying to transport one of the biggest bulldozers in the world, to gold mines in the Kolymar mountain range is a major mission, through a frozen landscape of snow covered mountains. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

ASSqLPcKo5U | 15 Nov 2024
Robson Green takes a journey along the ancient Hadrian's Wall. He treads in ancient footsteps, meeting local characters, visiting nearby landmarks and taking in the dramatic landscapes along the way. ►Subscribe –

5pN_CcZUh8k | 12 Nov 2024
A wind farm - over 2,000 tons of highly sensitive and valuable cargo - needs to get from Europe to Taiwan in Asia using one of the world's largest heavy lift vessels. A team has only 37 days for loading in two ports and travelling once around half of the globe. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

QMYB9FJmQcg | 08 Nov 2024
Faster, bigger, further; we explore the most extraordinary vehicles on rails. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredbly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

Wk3CvW-gSts | 05 Nov 2024
The Höegh Trapper is the largest car carrier in the world. The most important construction design factors was the need to negotiate the bottleneck of the Panama Canal. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

CQVNu_RODM8 | 01 Nov 2024
Our universe's physics describe how matter, energy, space, and time interact. The Sun's immense mass creates a gravitational pull that holds the solar system together, with planets following elliptical orbits day by day. ►Subscribe –

UBMuwEkTFD0 | 01 Nov 2024
The Bugatti Veyron, first produced 2016, is one of humanities greatest creations. Powered by a W16 four turbo engine, it has a top speed at around 420KPH and only 500 will be made. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredibly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

qL4MmuH3IYU | 29 Oct 2024
At the age of 34, Lotje Sodderland suffered a severe stroke that left her with a fascination with the science that saved her life. Here, she chats to scientists using technology to repair ""broken"" brains. ►Subscribe –

6stOC6VbgRk | 27 Oct 2024
Cinematographer Dave Gaudet travels in around North America, including the Maritimes, the Great Plains and the Mountains, to explore the art and the history of the Native Americans. ►Subscribe –

0mkMxExml1M | 25 Oct 2024
The chelonian Atacama Desert is home to the world's largest radio telescope Atacama Large Millimeter Array Observatory, also known as ALMA. In an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level, astronomers find perfect conditions for observing the universe. Almost no pollution, no artificial lights and very thin air. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

JQAwPo4oE6Q | 22 Oct 2024
Humans are captivated by the idea of exploring other planets, searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, and understanding the cosmos on a deeper level. This curiosity reflects humanity's enduring desire to explore the unknown and expand our knowledge of the universe. ►Subscribe –

gGWdJ220kOI | 20 Oct 2024
The brand new oil rig, West Bollsta, worth $500 million, travels from manufacture in South Korea to Europe. Although self powered, the rig still needs a specialised high powered ocean tug, the ALP Striker, to assist with the long trip. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

-1ezXZxfpFg | 18 Oct 2024
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a stealth multirole fighter jet feared for its near invisibility to radar, advanced avionics, and precision-guided weapons, making it highly effective in air superiority, ground attack, and reconnaissance. It's often seen as the most feared military aircraft in operation. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredibly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

JHXcQGlga0U | 15 Oct 2024
When the first ship of the brand-new OOCL-fleet begins its journey, more cargo is moved at one time than anywhere else in the world and ever before. The vessels are the largest ever constructed - 400 meters long and about as wide as a football field (58.8 meters). Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

iC_rFJjIk1s | 13 Oct 2024
The world's largest aircraft, the Antonov An-225 Mriya, is a marvel of engineering, designed to carry oversized cargo that no other plane can. Powered by six turbofan engines, the An-225 can transport up to 250 tons of cargo, including massive machinery, space equipment, and even other aircraft. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredibly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

Ov4Xf6gFjAQ | 08 Oct 2024
Everyone knows that a house move is a lot of work, requires excellent planning and costs time and money, but moving an entire village is another story. The Dutch logistic and heavy transport company Mammoet specializes in this service. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

8GpIwJAtVmQ | 04 Oct 2024
Ships harness immense power to navigate vast oceans, carrying goods and passengers across the globe. The combination of advanced engineering and propulsion systems in these ships underscores their ability to traverse the seas with remarkable speed, endurance, and capacity. The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport. Each episode showcases a different class of vehicle, from the incredbly fast to the impressively powerful. ►Subscribe –

sQDIyD_7yzs | 01 Oct 2024
The future of supercars is poised to be a thrilling blend of cutting-edge technology and sustainability. As electric and hybrid powertrains become more advanced, supercars will deliver even more incredible performance with zero emissions. Innovations in lightweight materials, autonomous driving features, and advanced aerodynamics will further enhance speed, handling, and efficiency. Supercar Tech explores how the motoring genre originated and evolved, detailing how these high performance machines work and the key inventions that saw their creation. ►Subscribe –

dR_bFKcw4gU | 27 Sep 2024
The Antonov An 124-100m, a strategic cargo aircraft, is called in to transport an expensive generator safely 11,000 kilometres from England to South Korea. Loading the aircraft is an art, and only trained specialists can take on the task. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

RsIaFD2CKmI | 24 Sep 2024
The physics of our solar system is governed primarily by the force of gravity, which keeps planets, moons, and other celestial bodies in orbit around the Sun. The Sun's immense mass creates a gravitational pull that holds the solar system together, with planets following elliptical orbits according to Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Newton's laws of motion explain how these bodies move, while Einstein's theory of general relativity refines our understanding of how gravity warps space-time. ►Subscribe –

xZRBqvG1gJE | 20 Sep 2024
Since the early 20th century, major players like Bugatti, Koenigsegg, and Hennessey, have battled it out to build the fastest car possible. These cars must not only achieve incredible top speeds, often exceeding 300 mph, but also maintain control, safety, and aerodynamic efficiency. Technological advancements in materials, engines, and aerodynamics continue to fuel this relentless pursuit for speed records. Supercar Tech explores how the motoring genre originated and evolved, detailing how these high performance machines work and the key inventions that saw their creation. ►Subscribe –

cl_kHzedfIE | 15 Sep 2024
Space is a vast, seemingly endless expanse that exists beyond Earth's atmosphere, where there is no air, gravity, or life as we know it. It is mostly a vacuum, filled with distant stars, planets, galaxies, and other celestial objects. In space, time and light behave differently, and the environment is extreme, with both freezing cold and intense radiation. It holds many mysteries, from black holes to dark matter, and serves as the frontier for exploration and discovery. ►Subscribe –

5mFPJQut3oU | 13 Sep 2024
Supercars represent the pinnacle of automotive engineering, blending cutting-edge technology with extraordinary design to achieve unparalleled performance. These vehicles are crafted with precision, utilizing advanced materials like carbon fiber and lightweight alloys to reduce weight while maximizing strength. Supercar Tech explores how the motoring genre originated and evolved, detailing how these high performance machines work and the key inventions that saw their creation. ►Subscribe –

CjrLv5KLVYw | 10 Sep 2024
The new vessel Norwegian Joy is launched and must travel 50kms from the shipyard to the sea. It is the world's fourth-largest cruise ship, and presents more than a few logistical challenges. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

sXNOgdv0cpc | 06 Sep 2024
Mankind's exploration of the universe shows our deep curiosity and desire to understand space. Starting with basic stargazing, we've built powerful telescopes and sent spacecraft to learn more about the cosmos. We've landed on the moon, explored Mars, and launched telescopes like Hubble that let us see distant galaxies. As our technology gets better, we're getting closer to discovering more about the universe and even finding other forms of life. ►Subscribe –

T34iIJnfZPQ | 03 Sep 2024
Throughout its history, America has achieved remarkable milestones that have profoundly impacted the world. From gaining independence and establishing a democratic republic that inspired countless nations, to becoming a global leader in science, technology, and innovation, the United States has consistently pushed the boundaries of human potential. American Genius is a documentary series focusing on the lives of inventors and pioneers who have been responsible for major developments in their areas of expertise and helped shape the course of history. ►Subscribe –

w4YHsBxyHQE | 30 Aug 2024
The Lamborghini Miura is often hailed as the world's first true supercar. Its sleek, aerodynamic design and powerful V12 engine set a new benchmark for speed, handling, and style. The Miura's success paved the way for other iconic supercars like the Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona, and it established the supercar as a symbol of automotive excellence and luxury. Supercar Tech explores how the motoring genre originated and evolved, detailing how these high performance machines work and the key inventions that saw their creation. ►Subscribe –

jPEAFbf2V8o | 23 Aug 2024
The origins of supercars trace back to the mid-20th century when automotive manufacturers began creating high-performance, luxury vehicles that pushed the boundaries of speed, design, and exclusivity. The concept of the supercar quickly captivated the imagination of car enthusiasts and the general public alike, setting the stage for the high-speed, high-status automobiles we see today. Supercar Tech explores how the motoring genre originated and evolved, detailing how these high performance machines work and the key inventions that saw their creation. ►Subscribe –

uxJn-moUuJI | 20 Aug 2024
Just how do you transport a 300-tonne mining vehicle when its sheer weight will destroy roads beneath its tyres? With the mother of all mega transports... Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

pJz2d1xbM5Y | 06 Aug 2024
A collection of highly valuable luxury yachts must be transported across the Atlantic. To achieve this, a special semi-submersible transport ship called the Yacht Express, is called in to assist. Mega Transports look at the vehicles that transport exceptionally large and demanding cargos across the planet; these journeys require precise planning, which can only take place with special safety precautions and for which large teams plan months in advance. ►Subscribe –

FIulHC8K1Zw | 02 Aug 2024
The universe we live in is vast and amazing, full of wonders that boggle the mind. From tiny particles to huge galaxies, it is a place of incredible phenomena. The movement of planets and stars and the mystery of where life comes from all add to the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe, reminding us of our small place in a huge, ever-growing cosmos. ►Subscribe –

6UEEtnUVp-U | 26 Jul 2024
Sit back, relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of our universe. The marvel of our universe is found in its stunning beauty and incredible complexity. Every discovery, like a new planet or a distant galaxy, shows us how amazing and vast the universe really is. This vast, ever-expanding space inspires us to explore and seek answers about our existence and the world around us. ►Subscribe –

o1fKd9P0rBA | 09 Jul 2024
Our understanding of the universe's physics is rooted in a combination of classical and modern theories that describe how matter, energy, space, and time interact. These theories have been debated for years and will continue to be discussed as we strive to discover the truth behind how our universe operates. ►Subscribe –

P67-37bTPwQ | 02 Jul 2024
James May explores the intricacies and engineering marvels of various items by putting them back together again from a pile of hundreds of their component parts. While going through the reassembling process, James May explains the purpose of every single nut and bolt. Subscribe to Naked Science –

thPUQfbKITg | 25 Jun 2024
Our home galaxy, shaped like a vast spinning pinwheel, contains billions of stars, each potentially hosting its own planetary system. The milky way's breathtaking beauty is not just a testament to the sheer scale of the universe but also a reminder of the cosmic wonders that lie beyond our own world, hinting at endless mysteries and the potential for countless other worlds and civilizations scattered across its expanse. ►Subscribe –

O3IaN3ppeFA | 21 Jun 2024
In this series from James May, he sets off on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team embark on a series of action packed challenges that will help the modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

I-I-zVL7lds | 18 Jun 2024
The Detonators follow the hard work of explosives engineers around the world as they attempt to take down the world's biggest structures. From demolition engineers to an anti terrorist bomb disposal team, from Hollywood FX specialists to amateur rocketry enthusiasts – and an aerial combat team who recreate the Vietnam experience, The Detonators is all about explosive entertainment. ►Subscribe –

L06kHGluOGA | 14 Jun 2024
The solar system is a breathtaking marvel of the cosmos, centered around the Sun and orchestrates a mesmerizing ballet of eight planets. It is cocooned within the heliosphere, a vast, protective bubble created by the solar wind. This cosmic symphony, held together by gravity's invisible threads, reveals the incredible beauty, diversity, and complexity of our celestial neighborhood. ►Subscribe –

BWpglIUDZ8k | 11 Jun 2024
Ever wondered how these mega stadiums clean the filth left behind by 80,000 people? Britain’s unsung heroes, the 5th emergency service, are the amazing people who we know as the ‘Grime Fighters’. We follow specialist clean-up teams as they tackle the UK’s dirtiest jobs, biggest structures, facilities and vehicles including; grimy sewage systems, mammoth tower blocks, sports stadiums, the deep cleaning of aeroplanes and decommissioned nuclear power stations to name but a few. Supersize Grime delves into the lives of the men and women that keep everything around us clean, safe and tidy – the true unsung heroes. ►Subscribe –

MYCVi4guZ7c | 07 Jun 2024
The Detonators follow the work of demolition engineers around the world as they attempt to bring down some of the world's biggest structures. From demolition engineers to an anti terrorist bomb disposal team, from Hollywood FX specialists to amateur rocketry enthusiasts – and an aerial combat team who recreate the Vietnam experience, The Detonators is all about explosive entertainment. ►Subscribe –

mxc2WYGDzcY | 04 Jun 2024
There's a filthy side to airplanes that you will have NEVER seen before.. Airplane maintenance ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of aircraft through a range of comprehensive procedures and inspections and the first of these is arguably the most importantly. A team of highly experienced engineers clean the fleets largest aircrafts in order to check for any cracks or blights that may cause an issue during flights. ►Subscribe –

0PoZR5OkaDs | 31 May 2024
The MSC Seaside is one of the biggest and most luxurious cruise ships in the world. With behind-the-scenes access to every part of the cruise’s operation, we document the army of people behind this incredible operation, amazing technology and complex systems that keep this extraordinary ship at the very top of its game. Full of fascinating facts and engaging characters, this captivating programme reveals life on board in a way that the viewer has never seen before. ►Subscribe –

ICAv9SfUjXA | 28 May 2024
Blot on the landscape or a magnificent structure? Electric pylons split opinion, but the importance of the transmission towers cannot be doubted. Tasked with transporting electricity efficiently over long distances, they support high-voltage power lines, reducing energy loss and maintaining grid stability. The job therefore requires a skillful and experienced team to ensure the country continues to receive electricity every minute of the day. ►Subscribe –

jy4tDiGhokk | 24 May 2024
Space is a giant playground of wonders, where stars twirl and galaxies shimmer in a dance choreographed by the laws of physics. We uncover the secrets of distant worlds and the very beginnings of everything but beyond all that, space invites us to embark on a journey of discovery, reminding us of the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the confines of our world. How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the outer universe using the latest high-tech research, the most experienced experts, and the finest graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

cnDdsJVsgAo | 21 May 2024
The MS Spirit of Britain Ferry is a modern marvel of maritime engineering, renowned for its impressive size, luxurious amenities, and efficient service. As one of the vessels operated by P&O Ferries, it serves as comfort and reliability for travelers crossing the English Channel. The job of maintaining this huge ship is not an easy one and a team of highly-skilled and dedicated individuals are needed to ensure the smooth running of the ferry. ►Subscribe –

kRTWpvP9kQQ | 19 May 2024
Step into the incredible life at Baha Mar Holiday Resort! Secrets of the Mega Resort takes a fascinating look at how Baha Mar creates 1 million dream holidays a year. With access to the world's largest luxury resort, this gives an access-all-areas pass into the high-end world of private jets, trained flamingos and exclusive penthouses run by a team of 5,000 staff who pamper guests 24/7 in the Bahamian sun. ►Subscribe –

3wVV8Q_dteQ | 17 May 2024
Future Warfare tells a story that reaches beyond the traditional idea of "battlefield" - a story that will take us to the uncharted reaches of outer space and into the digital realm, as the line between reality and science fiction is blurred by extraordinary developments in technology. With artificial intelligence powering ever faster systems that outstrip the capabilities of man - how far are we willing to go when delegating decisions to machines? Subscribe –

L8JzdX1adPQ | 14 May 2024
Nuclear power stations are among the most rigorously protected and maintained facilities worldwide. Any accident or slip up can cause catastrophic consequences not just for the area, but the whole world. Behind-the-scenes at Hinkley Point there is a vital team that maintain and clean the site in order to prevent the worst happening. Before it finished generating in 2022, it was the most productive nuclear power station the UK has ever had. ►Subscribe –

W6O6sEsx0Yg | 12 May 2024
Every year over 300 million passengers, fly over 6 billion miles on long-haul flights - epic daily journey’s made by some of world’s biggest planes. Like flying hotels, they transport humans across the globe in comfort and style. But what does it take to keep these giants in the sky? This takes the viewer on the ultimate insider’s tour of life in the skies. It follows one of the longest flights in the world – from London to Sydney, Australia on one of the biggest planes in the world – the A380. With exclusive behind the scenes access, it reveals stories and secrets from passengers and staff - uncovering the hidden world in the air. ►Subscribe –

X_1NYYzfbYo | 10 May 2024
How The Universe Works tells our grand understanding of the universe using the latest high-tech research, the most experienced experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

5XwSFOBnS3o | 07 May 2024
Dungeness Power Plant is one of Britain's biggest Nuclear Power Station's. The site's operation involves inherent risks associated with nuclear power and destroying it will be no easy task. It will be one of Britain's most complicated and expensive clean up tasks and may not be finished until 2098, once all risk surrounding the demolition of a power plant has minimised to a safe level. ►Subscribe –

hQAY0E8H0tA | 04 May 2024
Secret Life of the World’s Busiest Airport delves into the inner workings of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport, revealing the hidden army of staff and advanced technology that keeps the airport running smoothly 24/7. From air traffic control to baggage handling, security measures to wildlife management, the documentary explores every aspect of the airport's operation, showcasing the remarkable coordination required to handle millions of passengers and flights each year. ►Subscribe –

DGxCn2Ls2As | 03 May 2024
Cold War: The Tech Race tells the story of the war's most influential front: the race for scientific supremacy. It was a war that brought the world to the brink of destruction. Through a mix of expert interview, revelatory archival footage, and enlightening graphics that breathe life into evolving technologies, we reveal the true story of these science and engineering wonders: from Cold War origins to now. ►Subscribe –

yIvE5RGhi7w | 30 Apr 2024
The Strata building, an iconic presence in the London skyline, stands proudly as one of the capital's modern architectural marvels. This striking residential tower reaches a height of 148 meters (486 feet) and boasts 43 floors. Its most distinctive feature is the trio of integrated wind turbines at its apex, contributing to its environmentally-conscious design and earning it the nickname "The Razor." Maintaining the look of this iconic building is no easy job, with a team of window cleaners playing a vital role. Cleaning all 43 floors takes its time and sometimes doesn't go to plan... ►Subscribe –

HuwtKnZ_YMg | 26 Apr 2024
From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. ►Subscribe –

TCWRWQZfwXU | 23 Apr 2024
The P&O Ferry Norbank is a sleek and reliable vessel renowned for its efficient service and comfortable accommodations. With spacious interiors, amenities, and top-notch safety features, it ensures a smooth journey for passengers across the seas. However, this 17,000 ton ship needs to be cleaned in order to continue a smooth operation and the job falls to dock workers in Merseyside. The job is no walk in the park and requires meticulous planning from all involved. ►Subscribe –

b-7dnv6Fsq8 | 19 Apr 2024
This compilation of Beyond Our Earth delves into humanity and it's exploration of the universe that surrounds us. Featuring fascinating insight from some of the most respected figures in Science, they discuss what the human race really knows about our solar system. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. ►Subscribe –

LHrVQjyMYJE | 16 Apr 2024
Today, we humans run the show. However, in the past many other species have dominated and died at the hands of our capricious planet. Whether it was an asteroid from the sky or lava from below it seems that on a timeline the chances of survival for all sophisticated life becomes zero. We look at key events over the last 100,000 years that could have changed everything. In this truly spectacular documentary series, we go on a journey through the history of natural disasters. We'll be investigating from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. ►Subscribe –

ADVOQu81mqw | 12 Apr 2024
The dinosaurs rose up as rulers of the Earth 250 million years ago, commanding every other species and dominating them. However, 65 million years ago, the Earth was rocked by a great catastrophe that annihilated the might dinosaurs. We discover the trail of tantalizing clues that lead to the discovery of what killed them and ultimately lead to the evolution of humans. In this truly spectacular documentary series, we go on a journey through the history of natural disasters. We'll be investigating from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. ►Subscribe –

oO5aykbHDU0 | 09 Apr 2024
The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889, it was initially criticised by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

gZsz39REQ2Q | 05 Apr 2024
250 million years ago Earth had one mass continent known as Pangea - a lush oasis swarming with life forms distinct to those that exist today. Then in almost the blink of a geological eye everything changed. Life itself was almost completely wiped out. But what was responsible for the biggest extinction event in the history of the planet? However, now scientists believe they have solved the biggest murder mystery of all time. In this truly spectacular documentary series, we go on a journey through the history of natural disasters. We'll be investigating from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself.

prlk0SVAqqY | 02 Apr 2024
The Channel Tunnel is a 50.5 km rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom, with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France, beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At 37.9 km the tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

xhVFZFm44SQ | 29 Mar 2024
It is the greatest climate disaster to ever have hit the Earth. Over 650 million years ago a cataclysmic ice age sealed the entire planet beneath ice and snow, wiping out nearly all life. In this truly spectacular documentary series, we go on a journey through the history of natural disasters. We'll be investigating from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself.

mxh80c6iul0 | 26 Mar 2024
The Panama Canal is a 77.1 km ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a key conduit for international maritime trade. There are locks at each end to lift ships up to Gatun Lake, an artificial lake created to reduce the amount of excavation work required for the canal, 26 meters above sea level. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

sSxZuEfsF6c | 22 Mar 2024
In this truly spectacular documentary series, we go on a journey through the history of natural disasters. We'll be investigating from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. In the opening episode, we'll be looking at the story of Earth and it's difficult birth. The formation of our moon set us on a unique course to being a planet ripe for life. It's difficult to imagine that the moon was actually born from one of the most violent and potentially devastating events in history. Four and half billion years ago, in the chaos of the early solar system, a Mars-sized planet smashed into our young Earth with such force that it sent rock debris hurtling out into space. This was how the moon was formed. ►Subscribe –

J6U7GMUTKzw | 19 Mar 2024
Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

kNyDMBhGnd8 | 15 Mar 2024
The Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde is a retired supersonic turbojet-powered passenger plane that is also sometimes referred to as supersonic transport. Jointly developed and produced by Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation, it was first flown in 1969 with the plane entering service in 1976 and continued commercial flights for 27 years. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

gWota1qP0os | 12 Mar 2024
The Petronas Towers are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were officially the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 and still hold the title of having the worlds highest sky bridges, with a glass bridge that connects both towers. The buildings are a landmark of Kuala Lumpur, along with nearby Kuala Lumpur Tower and are a true marvel of magnificent modern construction. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. ►Subscribe –

9mrvMinlBSY | 08 Mar 2024
The truth behind the legend. Fact or Fiction? The legend of the Loch Ness monster dates back 1500 years. Since then, thousands of eye witnesses, countless photographs, sonar records and films have testified to the existence of a Loch Ness monster. Yet despite extensive exploration, observation and scientific analysis, still no real evidence has been discovered. This documentary takes us through the story of the Loch Ness monster and starts us off charting the early history of the legend. From the first sighting by St Columba in 565AD, to the 'Spicer' sighting that kicked off the modern legend in 1933 and the world famous 'Surgeon's Photo' from 1934 that captured what appeared to be a head and neck emerging from Loch Ness. From the ‘Surgeon’s Photo’, the press, frenzied public and scientific observers soon concluded that the creature living in the loch was a long-extinct dinosaur called a plesiosaur. A preposterous suggestion it would seem. A fish thought to be extinct 80 million years ago but discovered in 1938, to much surprise, living off the coast of Madagascar. So just how real is the Loch Ness monster? Is it all rumours, conspiracy and speculation? Where is the photographic evidence? Many questions that will be answered throughout this documentary...

yMhdu-5_6GE | 05 Mar 2024
The Brooklyn Bridge that has stood in New York City since 1883 and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. As America's first megaproject, it connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River. It has a main span of 486.3 metres and was the first steel-wire suspension bridge to be constructed. The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind.

-_AzeiZEoTM | 01 Mar 2024
Black holes are the strangest, most mysterious entities in our universe. They are cosmic prisons with such a strong pull of gravity, not even light can escape from them. For decades, evidence has been growing that these sci-fi monsters are really out there. But a critical piece of evidence is missing - nobody has ever actually seen one... This documentary showcases a behind the scenes look at an international team of astronomers led by Dr Shep Doeleman trying to plug this gap in our understanding. They want to take the first ever picture of a black hole. ►Subscribe –

9hr3zl7RhOc | 27 Feb 2024
The Earth was formed by a series of cosmic cataclysms including the most powerful blast in the Universe. Yet amid the turmoil our extraordinary world was born. Could the same chain of events have created other earths elsewhere, inhabited by creatures like us? How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

pHb4gj3IZV0 | 23 Feb 2024
From icy worlds with more fresh water than Earth to flying mountains of pure metal, asteroids shaped our past and promise much for the future. Could these enigmatic space rocks hold the key to how life in universe arises and is extinguished? How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

2A-2T0SxndA | 20 Feb 2024
This episode focuses on the incredible odyssey of a comet as it sails through the solar system as we follow and watch its every move. We see it evolve from a dormant chunk of ice and rock into a tumbling, violently active nucleus engulfed in a gaseous haze. What we learn is a revelation; comets are even more mysterious and fascinating than we had ever imagined. How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

ydDLMPdEL4A | 16 Feb 2024
The only reason that life on Earth is possible is because of our stable orbit around the sun. However, elsewhere in the universe, orbits are chaotic, violent and extremely destructive. On the largest scale, orbits are a creative force and even construct the fabric of the universe itself. While orbits can be the source and creation of life, they can also be the complete opposite... How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

nMl3ol5NURA | 13 Feb 2024
Following the engineers and designers, this series showcases the race to construct the Seven Seas explorer - the world's most luxurious ship. Over the course of 18 months, a team of shipyard workers are followed by this documentary team as they battle to transform thousands of sheets of steel into a floating palace of luxury. With 8 months left until the maiden voyage, there is a rush to complete the ships construction and transform the metal shell into a luxury cruise ship. A nerve-wracking task is taken on as the team fit the specially designed propellers, and later on the weather plays a massive issue as they plan to manoeuvre the ship to the pier. ►Subscribe –

mXdpmWc6gX4 | 09 Feb 2024
This documentary traces the story of arguably the most important, accurate and yet perplexing scientific theory ever: Quantum Physics. Focusing on the strangest subject in all of science: Quantum Physics, Physicist Jim Al-Khalili focuses on nature. Can quantum mechanics explain the greatest mysteries in Biology? His first encounter is with the European Robin. This little bird turns out to navigate using one of the most bizarre effects in physics - quantum entanglement. This is a process, which seems to defy common sense. Even Albert Einstein himself could not believe it. We also get a look at how the most persoanl of human experiences - our sense of smell - is touched by ethereal quantum vibrations. According to the latest experiments, it seems our quantum noses are listening to smells! The final question is if quantum physics might play a role in evolution. Could the strange laws of the sub-atomic world, which allow objects to tunnel through impassable barriers in defiance of common sense, effect the mechanism by which living species evolve? ►Subscribe –

n5z2l-ne3FQ | 07 Feb 2024
Following the engineers and designers, this series showcases the race to construct the Seven Seas explorer - the world's most luxurious ship. In Miami, a cruise ship like no other is being built. Unlike other vessels of this size that carry over 5000 passengers, his new ship, the Seven Seas Explorer, will hold just 750. Building the ship will be a race against the clock for the Italian shipbuilders, Fincantieri. Tickets for the maiden voyage go on sail long before the vessel is complete. To complete the ship in time, a second shipyard four hundred miles away, will be used to build a section of the hull and then towed to Genoa. ►Subscribe –

FJDJrrGwA3c | 02 Feb 2024
This documentary traces the story of arguably the most important, accurate and yet perplexing scientific theory ever: Quantum Physics. A story which starts in the 20th century with scientists trying to better understand how light bulbs work, this would lead to scientists deep into the hidden workings of matter and the sub-atomic building blocks of the world around us. Here they discovered phenomena unlike any encountered before - a realm where things can be in many places at once, where chance and probability call the shots and where reality appears to only truly exist when we observe it. Albert Einstein hated the idea that nature is governed by chance. This documentary reveals how in the 1930's, Einstein thought he'd found a fatal flaw in Quantum Physics. For thirty years, his ideas were ignored. Then in the 1960's a brilliant scientist from Northern Ireland called John Bell showed there was a way to test if Einstein was right and Quantum Mechanics was actually mistaken. We'll be repeating this critical experiment: does reality really exist or do we conjure it into existence by the act of observation? ►Subscribe –

-Uqv2MXXggc | 30 Jan 2024
The universe is a magnetic minefield. Our own Sun spits out spectacular flares, capable of battering life on Earth. But out there in deep space lie the true magnetic monsters... As we uncover the most dangerous megaflares in the cosmos, the question is, will we find Earth in the firing line? How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

4eiJ1lfwRsQ | 26 Jan 2024
Over the last several decades, scientists have discovered many planets that would be potential suitors for us to migrate to. These habitable planets are extremely promising however, outside our solar system there are plenty of planets from hell. Frozen planets, molten rocks reigning down the sky, all these wild worlds. We must face the question, are there planets out there that are habitable for the human race? Or are most planets too wild for life to live on? How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

Fzy7fFBijcM | 23 Jan 2024
On Earth, the weather has a massive impact on life. Even the most violent and destructive storms can create new opportunities for life to flourish. Scientists are taking this approach with space by looking for weather. Find chaotic weather, from mega-storms to space lightning, and maybe we will find alien life How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

Jdx-BGo3WSo | 19 Jan 2024
Scientists are discovering volcanoes on worlds we once thought dead. From planets and moons billions of miles away from the sun to our nearest planetary neighbour, today we are discovering volcanoes on alien worlds. Are these worlds where tomorrow we might find life? Are these volcanoes the furnaces of life? How The Universe Works reveals our grand understanding of the universe using the latest research, the most compelling experts, and the best graphics to continue our exploration of the mysteries of the universe. ►Subscribe –

tQJ7WybUy7g | 16 Jan 2024
Technology is progressing at an ever-growing rate. In the not too distant future strange craft will zoom across our skies and it won't necessarily be UFOs. These will be machines developed and built by human engineers. Today's science fiction will become reality soon enough. This documentary takes a glimpse into the future of aviation from winged aircraft that resembles dragonflies, a challenge that humans have yet to conquer. These scientists are aiming to take humans higher, further and faster with new aircraft. New military designs that can help in combat, new commercial planes that are safer and more efficient as well as personal aircraft that will revolutionise the future. Subscribe –

oTQNPojcfN4 | 12 Jan 2024
For more than 4500 years, the pyramids of Egypt have stood as wonders of the world. When studying the Pyramids, the facts are truly astonishing with the Great Pyramid alone weighing almost six million tons and containing over 2.3 million stone blocks. This documentary looks at the great mysteries of how they are still around, who built them, how were they built, why were they built and what secrets still lie inside their stones? Professional engineer Denys Stocks teaches us the art of Pyramid building. He's spent twenty years mastering the techniques that were used by the ancient workmen and shows how such vast quantities of stone were quarried, transported and fitted by a civilisation that had not even invented the wheel. Other professionals like Zahi Hawass take us on tours of the tombs inside the Pyramids and Mark Lehner who discovered where the pyramid builders lived. Subscribe –

L6ch0VLr8EE | 09 Jan 2024
Imagine a universe filled with life, where we humans are not the only intelligent beings around. What might these alien races look like? Could we communicate with them? How would they perceive us as a species? Might they take one look and decide not to bother with such primitive beings? However, perhaps these intelligent beings can teach us and enrich us with scientific knowledge beyond our imagination. Or will contact with aliens have a more destructive and negative outcome? All these hypotheticals and questions are just us thinking of an imaginary scenario however what if it came true? How close to reality is it? A mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens. Crop circles in Britain have only added fuel to the fire. Over the years, more and more experiences have come to light, further opening our minds to the fact that there may be life outside of Earth.

pgwPBDjrOg8 | 05 Jan 2024
In the United States, in the state of Wyoming is a national park called Yellowstone. Infamous for it's beautiful nature it's also home to one of the world's largest volcanoes. The Yellowstone volcano is a super volcano and if it decided to erupt, the results would be devastating. But just how devastating would they be? Super volcanoes are real events. A million times more powerful than Hiroshima with just over 20 having been recorded in the history of the earth and over half of these happened in the USA. For the last 30 years scientists have been investigating where the next super volcano could erupt. With all this research, it has revealed that an active super volcano exists under Yellowstone National Park. If the Yellowstone Caldera erupted today, could we survive? How will impact USA? Subscribe –

Y4a3Y13Dw6k | 02 Jan 2024
Year by year, our technology continues to advance and the discussion of making another planet habitable continues to strengthen. But our universe has much still left to discover. What kinds of planets and worlds can we expect to find and how do they compare with our current home of Earth? What measures would we need to take to adapt to an extraterrestrial environment? This documentary takes us on a journey through the Solar System and beyond, examining some of the most extreme characteristics of our planetary neighbours! What are the most violent and dangerous planets in our Solar System? Subscribe –

3Zk_InEj9n8 | 29 Dec 2023
In the Atlantic Ocean there's a mysterious stretch of water where over the past fifty years over 3000 ships and 100 planes have disappeared and gone missing. These vehicles range from super-size yachts, cargo ships to jumbo jets which makes it even stranger that a vessel that size can just vanish. However, they all have one thing in common. They all ventured into the Bermuda Triangle. The tips of this triangle range from paradise destinations for tourists, from the sunshine coast of Florida to the sun-baked island of Puerto Rico and then the beautiful coral seas of Bermuda. However, the surrounding waters hold a mystery that has been known my many names ranging from the Devil's Triangle, the Devil's Seas, Graveyard of the Atlantic but the most infamous nickname for this area is the Bermuda Triangle. This documentary is part of a series called 'World of Mysteries' and will explore all the myths and legends we have been told of about the Bermuda Triangle. What do we really know about the one and a half million square miles of empty ocean? Subscribe –

OM28E1-XH-s | 26 Dec 2023
In this special documentary, we follow mankind's journey of life from the first cell all the way to present day. Based on archaeological findings, we trace our journey back to the first spark of life, billions of years ago, up until present day in which humans are the most successful species on the planet. We, as humans, are at the top of the chain of species that have survived by the way of evolution, natural selection, adaptation and pure luck. This is the story of the incredible set of circumstances that led to human existence. This documentary aims to answer several questions including; how did we get here? How did mutations create the different sexes? And were we actually fish at one point during our evolution? Join us as we wind the clock backwards and follow the story of how we got to be us. Subscribe –

JTlinevq4xU | 22 Dec 2023
Over 2000 years ago the Roman army was the best equipped army in the world. Architects across the Roman empire had mastered the art of manipulating stone and concrete while the Roman military leaders and engineers have fashioned metal and wood to create devastating weapons of war. They fashioned a close, fearsome sword called the Gladius which was double edged with a sharp point used for stabbing and thrusting. Then for long range combat, their spear, called a pilum, could cause havoc from a distance. Roman armies were also super succesful due their intelligent tactics. From creating testudo's, latin for Tortoise, they'd bunch together and lock their shields in formation to create a protective screen, a formation as effective in attack, as it is in defence. The combination of technology and tactics makes the Roman army one of the best examples of a fighting force in history. Subscribe –

Dptw2fOoE_Q | 19 Dec 2023
In this episode of James May Man Lab, James May reunites a group of old mates and gives them their biggest concert yet. He wants to prove that no matter your age, you can always chase your dreams and get it done! James and his Man Lab crew also learn how to produce their own toilet paper and they also go ghost hunting! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

XKjfkx338aA | 15 Dec 2023
In this episode of James May Man Lab, James May takes on the fashion industry! He works with a group of fashion students to the design the ultimate builders overalls by keeping them fashionable but still efficient and useful! He also has a very Man Lab themed funeral and builds his own furnace! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

VW8U4yrbGHo | 12 Dec 2023
Tornadoes to Lightning Strikes to Earthquakes. All of these are some of the craziest weather and nature events to occur on Earth. Tornadoes that can exceed wind velocities of 200 miles per hour, lightning that occurs inside volcanoes and more, these events can lead to your life flashing before your eye! In this video, we take a look at some of the craziest close encounters with weather, ranging from golf ball size hail to flash floods to lightning bolts and so much more! Learn some interesting facts about each event and enjoy the video! ►Subscribe – ⛈️Chapters⛈️ 0:00 Intro 0:17 Lightning 2:03 Tornadoes 3:39 Earthquakes 5:17 Hurricanes 6:30 Extreme Hail 7:38 Outro

PysBXUZVt4k | 08 Dec 2023
In this episode of James May's Toy Stories, James has got over 3 million LEGO bricks to play with... And what's he going to do? Build a fully functional house! Arguably one of his most ambitious challenges but James loves to attempt what no-one has ever managed before! James May's Toy Stories shows James May take on such ambitious challenges with his favourite old school toys. From Scalextric to Meccano to LEGO and more! He takes these toys and uses them on a scale that we've never seen before Subscribe –

Akgy11AAkKk | 05 Dec 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays! Welcome to a very special episode of James May's Man Lab! In this Christmas special, James and the team try to create their own perfect Christmas. James invents a brand new device to decorate his giant tree which he 'cut' down himself. The team also learn the perfect and easiest way to wrap presents and he attempts to transform the tired Christmas cracker by making his own with very shocking results! Finally, James' good friend Oz Clark is back and is trying to make his own snow! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

P9cfgOCd5Oc | 01 Dec 2023
On 27th August 1883, the world would feel a sensation that would have effects for hundreds of years to come... The uninhabited island of Krakatoa blew itself out of existence with an explosion equivalent to the power of 150 million tones of TNT. A sound so loud that it was heard over a twelfth of the Earth's surface with shockwaves being sent around the entire planet, seven times. An explosion so large it caused a giant tsunami, twice the height of the deadly tsunami in Indonesia in 2004. This gripping story is told in this docudrama and recounts the events leading up to the cataclysmic eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. This film reconstructs the true stories of survivors from their accounts and diaries, as it attempts to piece together what happened in the months leading up to the most famous eruption of all time. Subscribe –

K3LpdsHEKJo | 28 Nov 2023
In this episode of James May Man Lab, James May sets his sights on crossing this old ferry point on his own homemade boat! He plans on racing across this ferry point while his Man Lab HQ mates, walk around it too see which is quicker. With a boat made out of bin liner, will he manage to make it across or sink and have to get saved? We also get to see James look at the science behind scoring a penalty and also create a bike with several incredible gadgets - A Swiss Army Bike! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

-yYTPrgtGMI | 24 Nov 2023
From 6 missing nuclear bombs to microplastics floating in our clouds, what we know about the world around us constantly changes. Scientists continue to discover new innovations that'll further our species but not every advancement is positive. Some have a scary, dark side which you may not know. In this video, we'll be exploring the scariest science facts that you probably weren't told in school. From human cloning to a disease that turns ants in zombies, these are the Top 10 Scariest Science Discoveries! ►Subscribe – 🧪Chapters🧪 0:00 Intro 0:48 Human Cloning 2:30 Brain Aneurysms 3:17 Pet Flea Treatments 4:02 Hearing: Your Final Sense 4:45 Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis 5:39 Limnic Lakes 6:42 Gamma Ray Bursts 7:52 Outro

-_5xl6lB9RU | 22 Nov 2023
In this episode of James May Man Lab, James May gathers his mates at the Man Lab HQ to build a pool table! They gather the wood and stone and all the other resources to carefully hand carve and construct their ideal slate-bed pool table! We also see James take a crack at portrait drawing and he even escapes prison with his mate, Oz Clarke! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

T-QAiukWQjU | 17 Nov 2023
After two years' hard work, the Greek Spitfire is nearly complete. But will she fly? For the final days, all hands are on deck to get the project finished on time. Several people will be in attendance including the owners and investors of this passion project and veteran George Dunn hoping who is hoping to see his Spitfire fly again. Emotions are running high as they prepare for the maiden flight. Will it fly? Or will they see their hard work plummet? Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. ►Subscribe –

raC86BUFVJw | 14 Nov 2023
Join us as we follow the extraordinary journey of Dr Peter Scott-Morgan and his radical cybernetic transformation. With unprecedented access to Peter an an international group of doctors, scientists, engineers and designers, this documentary will cover 18 months of one of the most audacious transitions ever undertaken employing radical surgery, artificially intelligent computers and robotics technology. In 2017, Peter learned that he had Motor Neurone Disease. However he decided to see his terminal diagnosis as an opportunity to put his fascination with robotics into practice and become the world's first human cyborg. With much of the technology being applied for the first time, Peter's journey will have profound implications for many people who suffer from conditions like MND, as well as opening up the biggest question of all. What does it mean? ►Subscribe –

VkJ1bUNtVAo | 10 Nov 2023
This episode takes us closer to the final deadline for the Spitfire's completion date, however there's something missing... the engine! Peter sets off to Gloucestershire, where the newly restored Merlin is about to be put through its paces.. but will it be up to Peter's perfectionist standards? We also learn about a truly remarkable woman who saved the Spitfire from having engine problems during the war by inventing a solution the size of a thumb nail! Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. ►Subscribe –

ZnNIj_MQXPc | 07 Nov 2023
Inside the hidden worlds within these extraordinary structures, we take a look at the behemoth structures that dominate the city skylines. From the most expensive apartment in the world to finding out what it really takes to make these buildings work. What is life like in the highest apartments in the world? By 2050, 75% of us will be living cities. With less space, we are building higher and faster than ever before and there is a new generation of mega buildings on the skyline: super skyscrapers. This series reveals the inner workings of these extraordinary constructions as they push the limits of engineering, technology and design. ►Subscribe –

y2A3fC7XuzQ | 03 Nov 2023
This episode showcases the biggest week of the year for Peter Monk and his Spitfire Factory team. Their warbirds are due to play a starring role in the annual Biggin Hill air show. But first they need to get their Greek Sptifire restoration back to the paint shop however, their wings are missing some crucial components. Can they find a solution in time? Ground crew chief Ray meets a WAAF veteran who recalls her experiences working on Spitfires during the war. Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. ►Subscribe –

sei52OwmEj8 | 31 Oct 2023
Sir David Attenborough unveils two stunning underwater realms on either side of where human civilization started. Focusing on the flamboyant wildlife of the Red Sea and its stark contrast in the hot muddy Gulf on the other side, he guides us through the two seas that contain a treasure of marine life that surround Saudi Arabia. The Gulf is more famous for sand, oil and war. However, look a little deeper and it’s teeming with life, and according to the latest science it may even come to the rescue of the spectacular but fragile Red Sea reef. We journey through corals and anemones as we explore the wildlife that live beneath the water. From clownfish to eels to cuttlefish to turtles and so much more, this insightful special takes us through both the Red Sea and Gulf sea as we explore their history and also what the future holds for them. Join us as we are able to marvel and get close up with some of the most exotic marine life that few knew existed. ►Subscribe –

CILGTALDkjQ | 27 Oct 2023
In this weeks episode, Peter Monk and his Spitfire Factory team take on their biggest challenge so far in the restore: attaching the wings. We also meet another icon that flew the skies of World War II alongside the Spitfire called the Hawker Hurricane. Meanwhile, we meet Archie McInnes, a veteran Hurricane pilot, who is one of the last of "Churchill's few" and tells his astonishing story of survival. Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. ►Subscribe –

MSH3pkEvNOE | 24 Oct 2023
In the final episode of this series, we witness the final days of the protest. As the youth show their viewpoint and how they need their demands to be met, we also get to understand how Extinction Rebellion worked with the police to ensure a peaceful protest was maintained. The global environment movement that began in the UK and has since taken over the world. This documentary follows this group as they build their following, plan their strategies and get prepped to upset the world and make a statement. How will they be received? Will their nonviolent protest work? Will their 3 key demands be met? ►Subscribe –

PdojJ4PvCRI | 20 Oct 2023
In this weeks episode, the Spitfire Factory team gets its newly built fuselage off to the paint shop, we find out how wings can be either restored or built from scratch. We also see owner Peter Monk gear up for a family holiday like no other, as he and his boys travel in World War 2 jeeps to the beaches of Normandy to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and we also see the restoration of the long-forgotten cousin of the Spitfire: the Hawker Typhoon. Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. ►Subscribe –

bA46ZMV6B5g | 17 Oct 2023
This episode shows how Extinction Rebellion planned and inniated their peaceful protest which they plan to keep going for 14 days until their 3 demands are met. We get to see how the police are prepping to handle their disruption. The global environment movement that began in the UK and has since taken over the world. This documentary follows this group as they build their following, plan their strategies and get prepped to upset the world and make a statement. How will they be received? Will their nonviolent protest work? Will their 3 key demands be met? ►Subscribe –

bhC1gk97JiY | 13 Oct 2023
Hidden away in a little-known workshop at one of Britain's most important wartime airbases, a team of dedicated engineers and enthusiasts are working round the clock to bring a national icon back to life. Over the course of a year and £2 million at stake, there's no room for error as Peter Monk and his engineers try to turn a 1943 Mark IX Spitfire from rusty remains into the flying legend. This is the Spitfire Factory. The Spitfire Factory's engineers get to work on the Spitfire's fuselage. As they rivet, bolt and hammer the 60-year-old parts back into shape, Peter hits the road to track down key components he'll need for the restoration. The Spitfire Factory also receives a visit from a veteran who may have a very special connection to Peter's prize project... ►Subscribe –

z2hKRzJcWB4 | 10 Oct 2023
The global environment movement that began in the UK and has since taken over the world. With the stated aim of using nonviolent civil disobedience to convince the government to take action, they have been the subject of many discussions due to their controversial disturbances. A small group come together and decide direct action is the only way to raise awareness of climate change. They take to the streets of London in an attempt to get their 3 key demands met. This documentary follows this group as they build their following, plan their strategies and get prepped to upset the world and make a statement. How will they be received? Will their nonviolent protest work? Will their 3 key demands be met? ►Subscribe –

WUJKlYt0HUc | 06 Oct 2023
In the second and final part of this documentary, we continue to look at the impact that the rest of our human footprint is having on the world as whole as well as the ocean. Will we be able to restore the ocean by 2030? What will the consequences be for the future generations? In unprecedented ways, humans are changing our seas and the life within. Ocean Autopsy takes us on a journey to carry out an 'autopsy' on the ocean itself, where leading oceanographer Dr Helen Czerski, along with zoologist Dr George McGavin, will reveal the startling changes it's undergoing. ►Subscribe –

pj-XcP2JdSQ | 03 Oct 2023
Crossrail is Europe's biggest engineering project - but is it also fast becoming a national laughing stock? Named in honour of the Queen, the Elizabeth line was promised to carry 200 million passengers a year and see the biggest increase to rail travel since World War Two. But it's years behind schedule, billions over budget and dogged by all kinds of problems. So how was it all gone wrong? This documentary tracks the troubled project from the very beginning and reveals exactly why it went off the rails with interviews from former works, politicians, transport experts and the people who were promised Crossrail would bring huge benefits... only to find themselves waiting, and waiting, and waiting. ►Subscribe –

YL6IsNLOa-Q | 29 Sep 2023
We live on a planet which is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence... However, a few of these creatures can end the lives of fully grown humans within several minutes with a toxic called venom. In this video we'll be looking at some of the most venomous animals that roam this planet. From the depths of the ocean to the tiny insects that live in nature! ►Subscribe – 🐍Chapters🐍 0:00 Intro 0:52 What Is Venom? 1:38 Maricopa Harvester Ant 2:26 Snakes 4:10 Box Jellyfish 5:09 Stonefish 5:35 Funnel Web Spider 7:25 Outro

YkeUKC-uGBU | 26 Sep 2023
In October 2017, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS observatory saw something strange in our solar system. An object they named 'Oumuamua', the very first observed visitor from interstellar space. it's highly unusual properties and inexplicable acceleration have left scientists divided with some believing this 'UFO' was alien in origin. Craig and Sarah discuss whether Oumuamua was a never-before-seen rock or an alien rocket. They are also forced to confront the biggest question of all - 'are we alone in the universe?'. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

7SxNcMqjc04 | 22 Sep 2023
In unprecedented ways, humans are changing our seas and the life within. Ocean Autopsy takes us on a journey to carry out an 'autopsy' on the ocean itself, where leading oceanographer Dr Helen Czerski, along with zoologist Dr George McGavin, will reveal the startling changes it's undergoing. Two thirds of our planet is covered in water, split into five distinct oceans, but in reality, they are part of one huge global water system. This system has been instrumental in shaping our destiny for millions of years. But now, in the 21st century, it's humankind that is shaping the destiny of our oceans. In this first episode, we look at the impact that pollution is having on the quality of our ocean water as well as the damage it is doing to our wildlife, such as dolphins. ►Subscribe –

SJ33RddIeek | 19 Sep 2023
In November 2006, a mass sighting of a flying saucer hovering over a United Airlines gate at Chicago O'Hare airport occurred. The dramatic incident took place and was witnessed by multiple aviation professionals, pilots and passengers. The immediate aftermath of the event was captured in real time by audio recordings between the airport's Air Traffic Control tower and airline staff. The sighting however was dismissed by the US government's Federal Aviation Administration as a weather phenomenon... For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

2i3SrtIO0Z4 | 15 Sep 2023
Space. Full of wonder, mysteries and a place in which we are constantly studying and learning from, Space is potentially the future for humans. From the planets in our solar system to galaxies beyond, we've put together some facts about space that'll blow your mind! In this video we're delving deep into the wonders of space. From mind-boggling facts about planets in our own solar system like Venus and Uranus to the mysteries of the universe beyond involving planets that rain diamonds!? ►Subscribe – 🚀🌌Chapters🌌🚀 0:00 Intro 0:23 Gamma Ray Bursts 0:57 Vampire Stars 1:26 The Great Attractor 1:58 Super Massive Black Hole 2:32 Meteors 3:17 Venus 4:18 Halley's Comet 5:03 Planet of Diamonds 5:36 The Sun 6:29 The Moon 7:49 Diamond Rain 9:09 Olympus Mons 9:44 Outro

VAvohfD07PI | 12 Sep 2023
On the evening of the 8th January 2008, a shadow was cast over the town of Stephenville, Texas in more ways than one when a brightly lit UFO passed overhead as supersonic speed. The event was witnessed by scores of stunned locals who remain desperate for answers on what exactly they saw that winter's evening. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

qg31kbdgtJc | 08 Sep 2023
In November 1980, the most remarkable case to have ever taken place on British soil was the infamous abduction of Yorkshire policeman Alan Godfrey. This extraordinary case will allow us to delve into the most mystifying and alarming of alleged extra-terrestrial experiences: alien abduction, also known as close encounters of the 4th kind. Alan claims he was confronted head on by a diamond shaped craft hovering in the road as he was coming off his night shift more than 40 years ago. Was the case of Alan Godfrey extra terrestrial or not? For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

iHyjtav1xtc | 05 Sep 2023
On 13th March 1997 in the night sky over the city of Phoenix, Arizona one of the most spectacular mass UFO sighting of all time took place. Thousands of people witnessed a series of bright orange orbs moving in formation silently overhead. Despite hours of video and photographic evidence this case remains unexplained. With a public shaming by the local enforcement, first hand witnesses recall their story and even proof that the explanation provided by the government was suspect, will this case be explained? For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

TYyp3X663xI | 01 Sep 2023
In the second episode of these series, we focus on the inner workings of these buildings. The hidden worlds inside these extraordinary structures and find out what it really takes to make these buildings work. What is life like in the highest flat in the world? By 2050, 75% of us will be living cities. With less space, we are building higher and faster than ever before and there is a new generation of mega buildings on the skyline: super skyscrapers. This series reveals the inner workings of these extraordinary constructions as they push the limits of engineering, technology and design. ►Subscribe –

9JXGZyL8fQ0 | 29 Aug 2023
One of the world's best UFO hotspots resides in the UK. More specifically, central Scotland as it has its very own Area 51 known as the 'Falkirk Triangle', encompassing the now infamous village of Bonnybridge which claims the highest concentration of the region's UFO activity. This episode features a myriad of extraordinary cases including the 1991 sighting of a glowing red disc flying over the Polmont Reservoir. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

40NiCXW4MTA | 25 Aug 2023
By 2050, 75% of us will be living cities. With less space, we are building higher and faster than ever before and there is a new generation of mega buildings on the skyline: super skyscrapers. There are now over 100 buildings in the world over 300 metres (984 feet) and that figure is growing rapidly. This series reveals the inner workings of these extraordinary constructions as they push the limits of engineering, technology and design. In the first episode, we uncover the secrets behind the construction of these celebrity giants; how did they overcome the colossal challenges and who were the game-changers in terms of design, opulence and height? What were the risks? From the words current tallest, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, too the next tallest to come, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah. ►Subscribe –

cd6cwt_dtQI | 22 Aug 2023
One of the most significant UFO events to ever take place on British soil was deep in the Rendlesham forest, Suffolk in 1980. The now infamous case involved numerous witnesses from the American Air Force, who were stationed in a nearby RAF camp. The rumblings of a cover-up and a trail of physical evidence has made this case the stuff of legends for the believers and a source of frustration for the sceptics. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

3snUqdMDBNA | 15 Aug 2023
The Pentagon has confirmed a series of videos showing unidentified flying objects buzzing US Navy ships are genuine. For the first time UFOs or, as they're now referred to by the US government, UAPS (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are official, marking a sea-change in how the world perceives and talks about UFOs. Craig and Sarah speak to UFO expert and ex-MOD official, Nick Pope who provides his own startling insights into the US Navy videos and explores the reasons why governments are coming forward now. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

6AuU5Jnh_MU | 08 Aug 2023
No one is better placed to see a UFO than a pilot. Every year, thousands of UFOs are encountered by civilian and military pilots around the world, many go unreported. In this episode, Craig and Sarah take a closer look at an astonishing case that took place in November 2018 off the west coast of Ireland in which multiple pilots saw bizarre lights from through their cockpit windows. The radio recording of their interaction with air traffic control provide compelling evidence. As Craig and Sarah dig deeper into the case, they discover evidence of an Irish UFO hot spot. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases! ►Subscribe –

rtIHkBcw_c8 | 04 Aug 2023
In the early hours of 26th February 2016, multiple witnesses in and around the village of Pentyrch in South Wales describe seeing a vast triangular UFO appearing in the night sky. They all then reported seeing it engage in a battle with the British Airforce, culminating in the UFOs apparent shooting down. Numerous local residents also describe shaking buildings, violent explosions, inexplicably damaged trees and mysterious teams of unknown people involved in a clandestine clean up. If this extraordinary event is proved to be extra-terrestrial it would stake it's claim as the one of most significant UFO international event in history, on a par with the famous Roswell event of 1947. For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases!

F9ubB-dCvVA | 01 Aug 2023
Maneuverability, speed and efficiency. The pace of tactical responses, button-click warfare, and lightning-fast strikes are all defined by developments in the agility of machinery. This episode looks at everything fast and maneuverable and the ever-increasing pace of warfare over the years. Agility has redefined the limits of warfare, and the constantly evolving machinery of war has lead the charge to breaking these barriers. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Subscribe –

NmXgUyolhyY | 25 Jul 2023
At the beginning of the twentieth century, small standing armies marched around or got on and off troopships. European nations swelled to a million or more men as WWI sucked more and more men into battle. Over the last hundred years, the challenge of moving such armies has become an important factor in war. This episode tells the story of how machines have been used, and are being used to transport armies and all of their equipment over land, across sea and in the air. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Subscribe –

fZkspChr_8k | 21 Jul 2023
The safe is floating on a raft in the moat around Caerphilly Castle. To open it and claim £5000 the teams must build harpoon boats that can race around the moat, shooting at and collecting targets that hold the numbers to open the safe. It's a battle between science and history - compressed gas harpoon and a crossbow - But which weapon is more accurate and whose boat will survive the shallow moat? Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

5jQpIC7z2qw | 18 Jul 2023
With the ever-increasing destructive output of weapons, appropriate countermeasures had to be developed over time. Suits of armour became bulletproof vests, castle walls and ramparts became trenches and mines. As the nature of war has changed over time, we see modern applications of defensive measures in smaller-scale developments. Pre-empting and nullifying opposing weaponry with newer and better technology is more important than ever before. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Subscribe –

KEsKmbZUAeE | 14 Jul 2023
Tornadoes are some Earth's most violent and dangerous natural creations. With wind velocities that can exceed 200 miles per hour, tornadoes are unpredictable and can cause immense damage. In this video, we cover all you need to know about tornadoes. Learn how they form, the science behind them, the people who chase them and some weird facts you may not know about tornadoes! ►Subscribe – 🌪️Chapters🌪️ 0:00 Intro 0:16 Tornado Alley 1:52 Survivng A Tornado 2:20 Science Behind Tornadoes 4:11 Categorising Tornadoes 4:41 Bizarre Tornado Facts 5:21 Space Tornadoes 5:40 Storm Chasers 7:38 Outro #tornado #caughtoncamera #naturaldisasters

1-gk-QbI5tc | 11 Jul 2023
Warfare has changed dramatically over the years, and the advancement of communications and surveillance technologies has played a large part in that progress. Delving into the world of covert operations and strategic strikes, this episode explores the range of stealth technology from the simple concept of camouflage in the ghillie suit, to the high-tech radar-reduction capabilities of the B2 Spirit, as well as at the technology developed to expose them. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Subscribe –

XpvhsbahPN0 | 07 Jul 2023
Before you go into the water this summer... Take a closer look at the most dangerous Shark species and the threat they pose to us humans. From Great Whites to Tigers, Rob talks us through the behaviour and feeding habits of these extraordinary animals to better understand the root cause of attacks and other unwanted interactions. Across seas, oceans, shark cages and even rivers we marvel at these beautiful animals. ►Subscribe – 🌊🦈Chapters🦈🌊 0:00 Intro 0:48 Great White Shark 2:44 Bull Shark 2:40 Trees vs Lightning 3:38 Curious Case of the Illinois Shark 3:54 Bull Shark Eating Habits 4:23 Tiger Shark 5:15 Shark Statistics 5:48 Shark Advice 6:17 Conclusion 6:53 Odds of a Shark encounter 7:17 Conservation #Sharks #SharkWeek #SharkFest All footage has been licensed and any other footage used is under Creative Commons CC0, CC1, CC2, CC3 or CC4

4CUT07OTxtI | 04 Jul 2023
Behemoths. Bigger is better. As the scale of war grew over the centuries, so too did the size of machinery used to create war. Bigger artillery pieces to increase battlefield supremacy, bigger planes to move bigger machines, bigger ships to deliver bigger payloads. The influence of increasing size of war machines even spread beyond the battlefield too. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Subscribe –

DrPqWMiRvlc | 30 Jun 2023
Mass Destruction. The efficiency of destruction has been a recurring them in war, and in modern times the capability for carnage on the battlefield has grown exponentially. This episode looks at the destructive capability of machinery across all scales, the inventions that unleash maximum carnage then and now. From the portable Mk2 Grenade to Oppenheimer's historic bomb which brought an end to WWII. From the beginning of the twentieth century to today, war has radically transformed. Through mechanisation and industrialisation, the methods used to settle conflicts have made the art of war more hi-tech, more expensive, and more devastating than ever before. Violence, it seems, is the mother of invention. Subscribe –

ZqCWf6_pwJU | 27 Jun 2023
Lightning strikes are incredible displays of nature's power! In the blink of an eye, they can explode trees, set fire to terrain or just light up the sky with their immense heat and speed. From incredibly close encounters to lightning inside volcanoes, we take a look at the Most Extreme Lightning Strikes Caught On Camera with all real footage captured from dashcams, CCTV cameras and more! ►Subscribe – 🌩️⚡Chapters⚡🌩️ 0:00 Intro 0:41 Close Encounters 2:10 Getting Struck by Lightning 2:40 Trees vs Lightning 4:32 What Are Lightning Rods? 5:12 Texas vs Florida 6:57 Volcanic Lightning 7:40 Outro #lightning #caughtoncamera #naturaldisasters All footage has been licensed and any other footage used is under Creative Commons CC0, CC1, CC2, CC3 or CC4

kWZa4bkBayw | 20 Jun 2023
Back once again with even more realistic chuffing sounds is James May with 'Big Trouble in Model Britain'! Filmed over the course of a year, James May follows Hornby behind closed doors as they look to turn the company around while on the brink of collapse. In the finale of this two part series, we meet Ken who is the head of audio development and the man behind the ever-beloved realistic chuffing sounds. He's sent on a top secret mission to capture the sound of a steam locomotive for its potential use in a brand new model train. Simon Kohler, also known as Mr. Hornby, takes on two of his biggest rivals as Hornby's 2019 range includes two products which has their competitors fuming! We also take a look at what goes into producing an iconic Scalextric car! Subscribe –

5k_5sBUljRE | 16 Jun 2023
This week the safe is on a platform in the middle of a lake. A team of engineering students are taking on self-taught agricultural mechanics to design and build an amphibious vehicle that must race on land and water to win the change to break into the safe to collect £5000. There's going to be some very wet feet, but can anyone make it out on the middle of the lake to win the money? Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

DZReWg7_Lho | 13 Jun 2023
James May + Hornby Trains! Name a more iconic duo! James returns with 'Big Trouble in Model Britain' as he's invited behind the closed doors of Hornby to follow them throughout a year were they are on the brink of collapse. Join James as he explores the ups and downs during the revival of a company that formed his childhood! In the first of this two part series, we join Hornby at the start of their revival. After a loss of £30m in the past five years, the new boss Lyndon Davies, and Hornby veteran Simon Kohler, are here to save the much beloved company. James May gets an insight into just how much the maker of his favourite childhood toy have declined in recent years. We also meet master modeller Jim who is given the biggest build of his modelling life! Subscribe –

pMTpjcVcpys | 09 Jun 2023
The safe is hidden between a solid wall of iron on a country estate. The teams have to design and build a racing machine capable of cutting their way through barbed wire, wooden fencing and tree trunks to collect the combination for the safe! Who has the speed and the cutting prowess to slice their way to victory? Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

9OeE4ioXavQ | 02 Jun 2023
Earthquakes are some of the most devastating natural disasters that happen on our planet. From Turkey to Haiti, we take a look at the Most Destructive Earthquakes Caught On Camera. Featuring real footage captured from CCTV cameras and showcasing the real damage caused! ►Subscribe – 🏚️💥Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:22 Cayman Islands 0:44 Haiti 2:41 Turkey & Syria 5:53 Aftermath from Earthquakes 7:37 Outro #earthquakes #caughtoncamera #naturaldisasters

wd-CkxQNUAA | 27 May 2023
Two teams take each other on by designing and building their own bulldozers capable of clearing a path through an obstacle course of junk to a safe containing £5000. The monster machines leave a trail of destruction in their wake, but in the battle between physical strength and hydraulic power, who will triumph and get a chance to break the safe and collect the cash? Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

2FWTLp6sunc | 23 May 2023
In another episode of James May Man Labs, James attempts his most secretive and risky stunt to date which involves a great big monster. In addition to that, James and his team also invent a new type of table football! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

QMbvlqi3QTc | 19 May 2023
Two mechanically minded teams have to design and build fire engines. They are given £1000 and two days to make their machines work. They are then challenged to race their fire engines around a course and putting out fires. In a flurry of water and fire both vehicles complete the course with mere seconds between them, but can they beat the flames to get the money? Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

VqX2anMQIHo | 16 May 2023
In this episode, James takes a trip down memory lane as his digs up half of the South Coast to try and find the wedding ring his father lost on a family holiday over 40 years ago! Meanwhile, back at Man Lab HQ, James and his crew set up their own pirate radio station and solve the time old problem of how to deal with junk mail using a model railway. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

f1m3erCmlsk | 12 May 2023
The safe lies in the middle of a muddy 4x4 course in an old quarry. To get the numbers to open the safe and win the £5,000 the teams must build tanks capable of completing the course and destroying the targets on the way! Its youth vs experience and North vs South as two teams of amateur mechanics set about building their own weapons of mass destruction. Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Subscribe –

HrwQbeXHVeo | 09 May 2023
In this episode, James and his Man Lab team continue their epic quest and join in on a town tradition... Throwing scones, bread and fresh buns from the skies to the general public below! He also tests whether it's possible to make your own luck by beating the odds - to put it to the test James challenges Sim to the most dramatic drinking game you'll ever see and there's still time for James and the team to build a water clock! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

0LgBP-ST3MU | 05 May 2023
Over two days, and with a limited budget and materials, two teams attempt to build a vehicle which will help them travel to a safe in a seemingly inaccessible location. On the third day, the teams race their vehicles towards the safe. The teams pick up the safe's combination, with the first team to arrive entering the combination, and taking home the contents of the safe - £5,000 in cash! Host Ben Shephard gives us our first challenge in the opening episode by telling the teams that the safe will be located under 17 tonnes of recycled asphalt. Before they get a chance to open the safe and win the money, the teams will have to build diggers that can shift 3 tonnes of sand, 4 tonnes of shingle and 5 tonnes of rubble. It's heavy, dirty work - but which team of amateur mechanics will build a machine with enough power to dig their way to victory? Subscribe –

K9GuhpZVkSs | 02 May 2023
In this episode, James and his team set off chasing storms across the country as they attempt to take on the wrath of Mother Nature and catch a bolt of lightning. Back at Man Lab HQ, James also finds time to make a bar of soap from scratch which involves some dangerous chemistry! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

cXDvBHEawFc | 28 Apr 2023
Over recent decades, hurricanes have caused mind-blowing damage to the areas that they target. From destroying infrastructure to immense economical impact, in this video we count down the most expensive hurricanes on record, ranging from $26 billion to eye-watering figures! 🌪Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:18 10 - Ivan 1:12 9 - Andrew 1:55 8 - Ike 2:41 7 - Sandy 3:30 6 - Ida 4:36 5 - Irma 5:44 4 - Maria 6:37 3 - Ian 7:39 2 - Harvey 8:52 1 - Katrina 10:06 Outro ►Subscribe – #top10 #hurricanes #naturaldisasters

Xrwf8ukv9zg | 25 Apr 2023
James May Man Labs returns as James enlists the help of a memory champion as he prepares to commentate live on the toughest sporting event of them all - the Grand National. Back in the Man Lab HQ, James builds a one tonne pizza oven from scratch. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

bbNZUcW9y4w | 21 Apr 2023
The efficiency of destruction has been a recurring theme in war, and in modern times the capability for carnage on the battlefield has grown exponentially. In this segment we take a look at the infamous RPG, where it originated from and what the future holds for rockets in warfare. The RPG is arguably the most infamous anti-tank weapon in all of history. To this day, this weapon is used across the world and has also helped revolutionize the way we evolve in combat with weapons such as the Javelin. Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:30 Bazooka 1:57 RPG-7 4:25 FGM-148 Javelin Subscribe –

GPyyxosbUqs | 18 Apr 2023
James takes a trip to the past as this week, he reassembles the past to hear what it sounded like as he pieces together the 195 parts of the game changing 1963 Dansette Bermuda portable record player. James falls in love with the beautiful mechanisms, finds the perfect solution to his soldering issue and has a rather exciting new screwdriver to show us! James May is back in his workshop and ready to slowly reassemble history! He explores the intricacies and marvels of engineering as he pieces iconic objects back together from their hundreds of component parts. Subscribe –

kCCYuME9mq8 | 14 Apr 2023
The Space Race. It was the pinnacle of technological competition during the Cold War era. A product of two superpowers who saw this milestone of human achievement through the lens of military supremacy and national security. The Space Race was a potent symbol of global supremacy that delivered some of humanity's finest feats of engineering and ingenuity. Cold War: The Tech Race tells the story of the war's most influential front: the race for scientific supremacy. It was a war that brought the world to the brink of destruction. Through a mix of expert interview, revelatory archival footage, and enlightening graphics that breathe life into evolving technologies, we reveal the true story of these science and engineering wonders: from Cold War origins to now. Subscribe –

joCG9w_3fKQ | 11 Apr 2023
In this episode, James May is faced with reassembling a 1970's Honda Z50A mini Trail Motorcycle from all its 303 component parts. This is an object James can't wait to reassemble but along the way he faces a very real and very hostile battle with some springs, ponders over correct workshop etiquette and contemplates the life long debate, what's the difference between a bolt and a screw? James May is back in his workshop and ready to slowly reassemble history! He explores the intricacies and marvels of engineering as he pieces iconic objects back together from their hundreds of component parts. Subscribe –

NIVOHrVPODo | 10 Apr 2023
Volcanoes are deadly, natural beauty's waiting to erupt and unleash havoc on all that surrounds them. In this video, we count down the largest volcanic eruptions in history, ranging all across the world from Krakatoa in Indonesia to Long Valley Caldera in California, USA. Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:25 10 - Krakatoa 2:00 9 - Mount Mazama 3:06 8 - Tambora 3:57 7 - Long Valley Caldera 5:00 6 - Yellowstone Creek 5:51 5 - Cerro Galán 6:45 4 - Taupō 7:31 3 - Whakamaru 8:32 2 - Pacana Caldera 9:40 1 - Lake Toba 10:42 Outro ►Subscribe – #top10 #volcanoes #naturaldisasters

m_I-d5gELv0 | 07 Apr 2023
The Cold War was in many ways defined by the obsession with secrets. It's an ideology that still resides within us, many years after the end of the war. Capturing your opponent's information gave you power. High altitude spy planes and space satellites created a new way to observe military maneuverers and state secrets. The emergence of computers forever changed the way we live our lives. Cold War: The Tech Race tells the story of the war's most influential front: the race for scientific supremacy. It was a war that brought the world to the brink of destruction. Through a mix of expert interview, revelatory archival footage, and enlightening graphics that breathe life into evolving technologies, we reveal the true story of these science and engineering wonders: from Cold War origins to now. Subscribe –

xkG7ZA-EcSw | 04 Apr 2023
When it comes to cooking James May is not the first name that comes to mind, but when it comes to reassembling cooking appliances, James is your man! In this episode, James reassembles a 1960's Kenwood Chef a701a Food Mixer. This literal food revolution is responsible for mixing more cake batter than Mary Berry has mixed in her entire lifetime. He faces planetary gear system, the AC electric motor and shows off his trendy new magnification head gear. James May is back in his workshop and ready to slowly reassemble history! He explores the intricacies and marvels of engineering as he pieces iconic objects back together from their hundreds of component parts. Subscribe –

1LHCCVHd1aw | 31 Mar 2023
In this episode, we look at how science and technology was funded for war. Fuelled a new golden age of science, biological research was used to create terrible weapons. Earth sciences like seismology and meteorology were used to detect secret warhead tests and track possible fallout patterns. Science itself became the greatest weapon of war. Cold War: The Tech Race tells the story of the war's most influential front: the race for scientific supremacy. It was a war that brought the world to the brink of destruction. Through a mix of expert interview, revelatory archival footage, and enlightening graphics that breathe life into evolving technologies, we reveal the true story of these science and engineering wonders: from Cold War origins to now. Subscribe –

_dscVNvcGf0 | 28 Mar 2023
James May is back in his workshop and ready to slowly reassemble history! He explores the intricacies and marvels of engineering as he pieces iconic objects back together from their hundreds of component parts. In this episode, James will be reassembling his favourite childhood toy, the Hornby Flying Scotsman with realistic chuffing sounds, which James originally ripped open on Christmas day 1972. This toy would change James' life and send him on a path of mechanical intrigue and reassembly. From the motor's magnets to some thrilling wheel quartering we'll watch James rebuild his 40 plus year old toy, which we've also seen featured on Toy Stories! Subscribe –

FZwABLkmiBE | 24 Mar 2023
Cold War: The Tech Race tells the story of the war's most influential front: the race for scientific supremacy. It was a war that brought the world to the brink of destruction. Through a mix of expert interview, revelatory archival footage, and enlightening graphics that breathe life into evolving technologies, we reveal the true story of these science and engineering wonders: from Cold War origins to now. In the first part of this series, we learn about how the Cold War was a conflict defined by nuclear power, both as a global threat to life and as an emerging source of energy. The Cold War saw the development of new rockets, guidance systems and much more, all that could pose a devastating threat to the world, as the population of Chernobyl discovered in 1986. Subscribe –

d05hFkugiyo | 22 Mar 2023
In this episode, James May continues his action packed quest to re-skill the modern generation by showing how to overcome his own fear of the paranormal. James spends the night in one of the UKs most haunted castles. Meanwhile, he also reunites a teenage rock band, now middle aged, and gets them to play their first concert in 20 years. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Check out MechPlus at #MechPlus Subscribe –

0Avs8jbYmV4 | 17 Mar 2023
We are constantly learning how machines can be used to transport armies and all of their equipment over land, across sea and in the air. The image that became the iconic representation of action in Vietnam, the helicopter. WWI changed the way that troops moved around the battlefield. The challenge of moving such armies swiftly and efficiently was first met by the railways. And it has remained a challenge over the last hundred years. Subscribe –

W7ZR7yz8yEs | 14 Mar 2023
In this episode, James takes to the catwalk to liberate to promote the one item of clothing they'll ever need: a cunningly modified boiler suit. He also does his bit for the British space project by sending the ashes of a cat and a budgie 100,000 feet into the stratosphere! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

QG7pHZ8OBnM | 10 Mar 2023
With the ever-increasing destructive output of weapons, appropriate countermeasures had to be developed over time. Suits of armour became IOTV, also known as bulletproof vests. As the nature of war has changed over time, we see modern applications of defensive measures in smaller-scale developments such as the Improved Outer Tactical Vest worn by the soldiers of the US Army. Subscribe –

XVsIMjkll20 | 07 Mar 2023
In another episode of James May Man Lab, James attempts to build the most efficient bicycle; the Swiss Army Bike. Equipped with tools and equipment to sort out any situation while on the move! James then attempts to prove the impossible: that an Englishman can take a penalty and score. James will need to keep a cool head as he'll be taking the penalty in front of 20,000 German fans on the exact spot where England were knocked out of the 2006 World Cup. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

jZ5mu0q_Ofs | 03 Mar 2023
In the mid 20th century, the "computer" was a behemoth. A 2 ton machine that sat in research labs and university tech centres, inaccessible to the public. But not for long. In the 1980s, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs break out in a heated battle to bring the computer to the masses. The race is one to see who will run the world's personal computers - a battle in which Jobs' ego may get the best of him. American Genius is a documentary series focusing on the lives of inventors and pioneers who have been responsible for major developments in their areas of expertise and helped shape the course of history. Subscribe –

puN7w8P6SuQ | 28 Feb 2023
In another episode of James May Man Lab, a handcuffed James May and his best mate, Oz Clarke, break out of Dartmoor prison and must navigate their way across the treacherous moors with a team of trackers in hot pursuit. James also builds a genuine slate-bed pool table and turns his hand to portrait painting. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

eqBI58W3TAQ | 24 Feb 2023
As soon as World War II ends, another conflict begins. But this war won't be a battle of bullets: it will be a battle of minds. The Americans and Soviets, deadlocked in the Cold War, set their sites on "the final frontier" - in the race to space, only one side can get there first. American Genius is a documentary series focusing on the lives of inventors and pioneers who have been responsible for major developments in their areas of expertise and helped shape the course of history. Subscribe –

pPge1xMDD5A | 21 Feb 2023
In this episode, we learn how to build a sky rocket that would make NASA proud and two blokes settle an unresolved 25 year old dispute with a sabre duel. In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

3DPToVqxnNk | 17 Feb 2023
More people in the UK believe in the existence of aliens than in God and over a quarter of the UK think that evidence of UFOs has been covered up by the government. Writer and Comedian Dan Schreiber is fascinated by these beliefs and goes in search of the most current ET conspiracy theories in a bid to track down the people behind them. He embarks on a roller coaster journey across the UK meeting the biggest voices in the UFO community. He learns that Jesus was an alien, that humanity is ruled by an evil reptilian overlord and that there is sentient black goo living in the sewers, threatening our very existence. Subscribe –

IWU_pbNtq-0 | 14 Feb 2023
In this episode, we learn how to navigate the high seas the old fashioned way - instead of SatNav, James must avoid sand banks and shipping lanes using only a compass and a dog as navigational tools. James then moves on to the honourable art of duelling. Back in Man Lab HQ, James and his team come up with possibly the world's greatest invention - a toilet paper alarm! In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. Subscribe –

AYWrtUK2TnM | 10 Feb 2023
As millions fight and die on the battlefield during World War II, another war is being fought in the laboratory. The U.S military selects J. Robert Oppenheimer to develop the world's first nuclear bomb, but Oppenheimer is in a race against the 1940s Axis powers and their top physicist - the world renowned Werner Heisenberg. The very fate of the war, and the future of mankind hangs in the balance. American Genius is a documentary series focusing on the lives of inventors and pioneers who have been responsible for major developments in their areas of expertise and helped shape the course of history. Subscribe –

abMfVHQpPhU | 07 Feb 2023
In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man - from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever. In this episode, we learn how to defuse an unexploded bomb, build a kitchen out of concrete and create the world's first motorised picnic table. Subscribe –

zzcL5lCC-rc | 03 Feb 2023
It's the final week before the closure of Britain's last deep coal mine and in just a few days time every miner at Kellingley will those their job. Above ground, emotions run high as they say goodbye not only to each other but also to a way of life which has supported them for decades. Will they secure themselves a future beyond the pit? Kellingley Colliery in North Yorkshire is the last deep coal mine in Britain, but now it is due to close, bringing a once proud industry to an end. What will become of the men who spent their days in the dark to keep our lights on? Subscribe –

DyUqpQW1IZU | 31 Jan 2023
In this episode of James May's Toy Stories Special, James attempts to rehabilitate one of Britain's most derided toys by seeing if Action Man can do what no toy has ever managed - travel faster than the speed of sound. For decades, Action man has been a disappointment. He promised so much with his eagle eyes, gripping hands and natty outfits. But what has he achieved? Nothing...yet. Breaking the sound barrier and returning him safely to Earth will test James and the team to the limit. Battling high speed physics, unforeseen explosions and catastrophic design setbacks before settling on an supersonic vehicle, James is put to test when finding out if Action Man can redeem himself! Subscribe –

UwySJ7PaGS8 | 27 Jan 2023
Kellingley Colliery in North Yorkshire is the last deep coal mine in Britain, but now it is due to close, bringing a once proud industry to an end. What will become of the men who spent their days in the dark to keep our lights on? In the first of a two part series, we meet the crew who spend hours, 800 metres below the ground. As the 450 miners prepare to lose their jobs, they know there's still work to do. We join them on their commute to work, 800 metres below the ground and 4 miles to the coalface. They face many battles in a days work such as mechanical breakdowns, hot and humid temperatures and even severe health concerns. Subscribe –

A555LYvAPp0 | 24 Jan 2023
In another epic James May's Toy Stories Special, James get to the heart of the nation's childhood love affair with the model plane and sets out to achieve what seems an impossible dream: The first cross channel flight ever achieved by an engineless, homemade supersized toy. If it survives the perilous 22 mile journey, James's glider, built from over 1000 pieces, will smash the British distance record. James's mission is dedicated to making the dream of flight come true for the generations of children who, likes James himself, slaved for hours only to see their fragile and much loved planes smash tragically onto the unyielding concrete of reality. Subscribe –

Yc7vERB_31Y | 20 Jan 2023
This behemoth of a vehicle is the USS Nimitz. A supercarrier of the U.S. Navy, and the lead ship of her class. One of the largest warships in the world, she was later re-designated CVN 68 (nuclear-powered multi-mission aircraft carrier) and is the oldest American aircraft carrier in active service. For years, the USS Nimitz has travelled around the world being stationed at many different ports and serving for over 5 decades. It was announced in April 2022 that it would be removed from the battle force in 2025 with inactivation scheduled for 2027. Subscribe –

oR-eoWYf9Hg | 17 Jan 2023
In this episode of James May's Toy Stories Specials, James puts an iconic toy to the most ambitious test ever attempted. The challenge: to build a motorbike and side car entirely out of Meccano to take on the Isle of Man's legendary TT circuit. A mind-bending 15,000 pieces of Meccano must be assembled to create a full size, road legal motorcycle that James hopes will be more than a match for the treacherous twists and turns, steep climbs and dizzying descents of the world's toughest race circuit. And if that doesn't sound hard enough the bike must race against the clock! Subscribe –

S3qGDJ_b1SA | 13 Jan 2023
Cannons have been used in war since the late 13th century and during World War I, artillery was an important factor in the war. It led to trench warfare, influencing its tactics and operations. World War I raised the importance of artillery to a new level and by World War II, artillery had taken a significant step forward. Modern day artillery has majorly ditched gunpowder and now utilises shell-firing as modern artillery commonly uses mortars, howitzers and rockets. Subscribe –

5WFXn_xAh1I | 10 Jan 2023
In 2009, James May's Toy Stories went on a quest to show what is possible with old-fashioned toys by using them on a scale never seen before. Five toys were successful but one failed - model trains. In this special, James May seeks redemption. The Great Train Race is all about James and his team revisiting the doomed challenge and make another attempt at building the longest ever model railway track - nearly ten miles long! Linking two Devon towns, Barnstaple and Bideford, the last attempt saw no trains reach their destination. Will James and his trains, especially the Flying Scotsman, be successful this time round? Subscribe –

9J03WPBQ18A | 06 Jan 2023
Tank's can be traced back to horse-drawn chariots of the 2nd millennium BCE in the Middle East, however throughout the 20th century, tanks revolutionised and changed the direction of the war. During WWI, the first motor vehicle mounted with a machine gun emerged in England and throughout the years, tanks just continued to evolve. The push to develop such vehicles continued during WWII with the English, German and Americans all innovating and pushing the boundaries of what these behemoths can do. Subscribe –

VxQJDzCM5-M | 03 Jan 2023
In this instalment of James May's Toy Stories, James attempts to build the longest ever model railway track - a whopping ten miles long. He builds it in Devon, linking two towns, Barnstaple and Bideford, who last had a train service over forty years ago. Thousands of people turn out to help, but how will James's childhood model train cope in the pouring rain, with leaves on line and every bit of mud in the way? His old mate, and railway enthusiast, Oz Clarke turns up to lend a hand in what is certainly James's most ambitious idea yet. Subscribe –

1ltFpT-eRkM | 30 Dec 2022
James May continues to show just what is possible with old fashioned toys by using them on a scale never seen before. This week, he attempts his biggest, most ambitious challenge of them all: buiilding a full-size house out of LEGO. With thousands of people and over three million LEGO bricks, James attempts to do what no-one has ever managed, to build a two story house out of his colourful toy. Such an ambitious undertaking is not without its problems and James soon has issues with planning regulations. Subscribe –

tbBTO5hvVXA | 27 Dec 2022
In this episode of James May's Toy Stories, James tries to make a garden entirely out of Plasticine and then enter it at the Chelsea Flower Show. James manages to persuade thousands of members of the British public to help make the thousands of Plasticine flowers he needs but will it be enough to persuade the guardians of the world's most prestigious horticultural event to let him make a garden with no real flowers in it? James May is out to prove why traditional, old fashioned toys are still relevant today when he pushes them to the limit in spectacular, supersize challenges. From full size LEGO houses to bridges made completely out of Meccano, he shows just what they are capable of. Subscribe –

Wv-PdL47YZ0 | 23 Dec 2022
James May continues his quest to show what is possible with old fashioned toys and in this weeks episode, Meccano takes the spotlight. James joins forces with Edwina Currie to build a full size bridge from nothing but Meccano. Top engineers pitch incredible designs and contribute to the plan however James meets issues when he realises it will take longer to build than he ever imagined! James May is out to prove why traditional, old fashioned toys are still relevant today when he pushes them to the limit in spectacular, supersize challenges. From full size LEGO houses to bridges made completely out of Meccano, he shows just what they are capable of. Subscribe –

q3BEvlPTDbY | 20 Dec 2022
The M82 Barrett .50cal, more commonly known as the Barrett .50cal, is a high-powered sniper rifle and was the first gun to use a .50 BMG cartridge in a shoulder fired rifle that could be operated by a single individual. Since it's creation, this gun has gone to become a weapon feared by every military. The Barrett .50cal has gone onto serve over sixty countries and has been widely accepted as a heavy caliber sniping system. Capable of engaging lightly-armored vehicles, detonating IEDs or engaging with enemy personnel, the effecitveness of the weapon is unmatched. With a range of over 1500 metres and hits being recorded as far as 2500 metres, this weapon has established itself for use in specific military operations. Subscribe –

3g53LtTqlRU | 18 Dec 2022
In this weeks episode of James May's Toy Stories, James attempts to build the biggest Scalextric track in the world, nearly three miles long! With hundreds of volunteers, he wants to build it on the site of Britain's oldest grand prix track - at Brooklands in Surrey. However, to pull this off, his track will have to go through people's gardens, over ponds and rivers and even navigate through a business park. James May is out to prove why traditional, old fashioned toys are still relevant today when he pushes them to the limit in spectacular, supersize challenges. From full size LEGO houses to bridges made completely out of Meccano, he shows just what they are capable of. Subscribe –

eIypZ-XrCC0 | 16 Dec 2022
The SR-71 Blackbird is the fasest and highest flying jet in history. Developed during the 1960s, during the Cold War, it was designed as a high-altitude reconnaissance jet and to this day, is still considered to be one of the most advanced aircraft of its type. Flying three times faster than the speed of sound, the Blackbird was flown higher than any other jet and set the world record for sustained altitude flight in 1976, flying at 85,000 feet. Subscribe –

lUWqlOlRKyE | 13 Dec 2022
James May is out to prove why traditional, old fashioned toys are still relevant today when he pushes them to the limit in spectacular, supersize challenges. From full size LEGO houses to bridges made completely out of Meccano, he shows just what they are capable of. In this episode of Toy Stories, James takes model aeroplanes to a whole new level when he tries to make a full size Spitfire out of Airfix. But the venture soon hits problems when it becomes clear the giant 36 foot pieces may not be strong enough and nobody knows how they will together! Subscribe –

r5s1s9nBnGc | 10 Dec 2022
The final episode of Beyond Our Earth delves into the mysterious extremes of our universe, tracing the ongoing journey of scientists to discover the mechanics of the cosmos while adjusting their theories with each new discovery. From Isaac Newton's publication of his laws of gravitational attraction, to Einstein's theory of General Relativity 200 years later. The episode develops further into the 20th century, as quantum physics offered new insights into light and matter. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

hnu3wm54n4w | 08 Dec 2022
In the final episode of Stunt Science, we meet the Ice Man, Wim Hof. The Ice Man is known for his extremely impressive accomplishments and records all while surviving incredibly cold temperatures. He currently holds the world record for a half marathon, bare-foot over ice and snow. We also look at how a previous failed stunt on this show, inspired another. Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the ""have-a-go"" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

BSJJhQtD7cU | 06 Dec 2022
The Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, features high-tech radar-reduction capabilities and is the pinnacle of stealth planes. One of the most survivable aircraft in the world, the B-2 is one of the only aircraft to combine long-range, stealth and heavy payload on a single platform. Leading the way for the US military since 1989, its combat effectiveness has proved why it's there on the first night of any operation. Subscribe –

JzK24xalyuM | 29 Nov 2022
The penultimate episode of Beyond Our Earth examines the greater understandings of the cosmos gained through the aid of telescopes. With each development of telescopic technology, scientific pioneers have made observations that challenge our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Enabling us to see far beyond the visible spetrum, the view of telescopes spans space and time, to the precipice of the Big Bang. As we search through the heavens of our world, this episode focuses on the most famous of space telescopes - Hubble. Plagued with initial troubles, the Hubble eventually provided unprecedented views of the universe, from the Pillars of Creation, to the Horsehead Nebula, to extraordinary images of star clusters. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

upd3c7R-7hU | 28 Nov 2022
Oppenheimer. The Father of the Atomic Bomb. The efficiency of destruction has been a recurring theme in war, and in modern times the capability for carnage on the battlefield has grown exponentially. In this video, we look at the destructiveness of the Manhattan project and its leader, J. Robert Oppenheimer and how they created the ultimate weapon that ended WWII and brought on an era of fear with a single blast. Subscribe –

yzycsP1krrs | 22 Nov 2022
In the fourth installment of Beyond Our Earth, we cross the asteroid belt, on a journey to visit the planets and celestial bodies of the outer Solar System. We venture to the gas giants of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and the strange moons in their orbit - some harbouring the potential for life. The further we leave Earth, the more we unveil as we look at the icy worlds in the outer reaches and investigate the possibility of a mysterious Planet Nine. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

Tf_KKGk6FNY | 15 Nov 2022
In this episode of Beyond Our Earth, titled The Inner System, we explore humanity's interest of our terrestrial neighbours and the Sun they orbit. This episode is a voyage of discovery to Mercury, Venus and Mars, with each mission revealing clues to our Solar System's formation, whilst offering insights that may pave the road for humanity's first off-world colonies. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

oeUDwGsOdhw | 11 Nov 2022
In the sixth episode of this series, we watch how a skydiver can survive an 8-kilometer plummet without a parachute; investigate a stunt pilot and his sideways solution to air traffic congestion as well as meeting a jump jokey who's idea of fun was high diving off buildings into swimming pools Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the ""have-a-go"" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

LBbuKTX_bXc | 08 Nov 2022
Watch The First Episode Here: In the second episode, we follow humanity's journey to the Moon, our closest celestial body. The ultimate prize in the race between countries, Neil Armstrong's step onto the lunar surface crossed the finish line. 'Conquering the Moon' details the subsequent missions returning to our satellite and speculates about our lunar future Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

Bd9QVrTsAPQ | 04 Nov 2022
In the fifth instalment of Stunt Science, we discover how a James Bond movie stunt is executed, we go on a supersonic slip and slide party plus we witness the moment a wrong left turn, brought a Paramotorist close to a dead end. Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the "have-a-go" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

dqzfNwDPEKE | 01 Nov 2022
In the series finale, we focus on the importance of Special Operations. Modern warfare has leapt forth into the era of supercomputers, satellite surveillance and artificial intelligence. Special Op teams have come out of the trenches and are entering new domains of warfare. Unconventional missions are typically carried out by elite and highly skilled teams called 'Special Operations' or 'Spec-Ops'. Special Operations forces must outstep their adversaries to maximise the technological advantage. Their past was courage and stealth, their future is innovation and adaptability. Future Warfare tells a story that reaches beyond the traditional idea of warfare - a story that will take us to the uncharted reaches of outer space and into the digital realm, as the line between reality and science fiction is blurred by extraordinary developments in technology. Subscribe –

62Nh7R6M_eA | 28 Oct 2022
In the fourth episode of Stunt Science, we'll explore how a snowboarder's need for speed meant hiring a plane; probe a lung busting free diver reaching new depths; Chat with a cliff runner risking life and limb; plus we an elite BMX'er who goes head to head with gravity. Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the ""have-a-go"" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

ZYHl6ziOpKI | 25 Oct 2022
In the third part of this series, we take a look at Space Warfare. Gone are the weapons of past warfare. Now, we have pushed into the outer limits, into a vast frontier, well beyond earth's atmosphere. Dominating the space that surrounds our Earth will mean dominating the Earth itself. Space operations are the new frontier of future warfare. As nations clamour to own that most valuable piece of atmospheric real estate, they challenge each other to push the limits of technology and dominate the atmosphere above earth. Space operations are the final frontier in future warfare. Future Warfare tells a story that reaches beyond the traditional idea of "battlefield" - a story that will take us to the uncharted reaches of outer space and into the digital realm, as the line between reality and science fiction is blurred by extraordinary developments in technology. Subscribe –

HFHl2280VFw | 21 Oct 2022
In the third episode of Stunt Science, we take a look at a stunt straight out of the Pixar movie, 'Up', discover how when two sports combine it creates an avalanche as well as witness a wingsuit flyer smash a target with his face. Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the ""have-a-go"" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

Wp3GIyTweMo | 18 Oct 2022
In the second part of this series, we take a look at Cyber Warfare. The way that wars are fought are constantly evolving. In the warfare of today and the future, it's the push of a button rather than the pull of a trigger. Our interconnected technology keeps our societies closer than we've ever been before - but also more exposed. At risk are our connection reliant platforms: critical infrastructure, smart homes, GPS reliant military and civilian transportation hubs. In this age of hyper connectivity our lives rely on technological systems like never before. The real-world battlefield has morphed from the bloody trenches of the front line into an age of cyber warfare. Future Warfare tells a story that reaches beyond the traditional idea of "battlefield" - a story that will take us to the uncharted reaches of outer space and into the digital realm, as the line between reality and science fiction is blurred by extraordinary developments in technology. Subscribe –

LhI_Yf4aH2I | 14 Oct 2022
In the second episode of Stunt Science, we investigate into a human slingshot, a man who can escape from a washing machine while it's turned on and we meet the human fireball! As well as analysing how a base jump can go seriously wrong. Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the "have-a-go" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. Subscribe –

6Z2e5cyDWJs | 11 Oct 2022
"War is part of our human experience. But the way we fight it is changing." Future Warfare tells a story that reaches beyond the traditional idea of "battlefield" - a story that will take us to the uncharted reaches of outer space and into the digital realm, as the line between reality and science fiction is blurred by extraordinary developments in technology. In the series premiere, we explore Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and autonomy in warfare. AI and autonomy are no longer just the realm of science fiction; as the speed of warfare increases exponentially, utilising the power of this new technology will be integral to the success of future warfare. As machines match and outpace human capability; the landscape of future warfare could be like nothing we've seen before. With artificial intelligence powering ever faster systems that outstrip the capabilities of man - how far are we willing to go when delegating decisions to machines? Will there still be a human element in future conflicts? Or is our future defined by artificial intelligence? Subscribe –

nHwlj31Z5k8 | 07 Oct 2022
"Welcome to Stunt Science! In this show, we bow down to the pros who their life on the life for a living and salute the ""have-a-go"" heroes and amateurs who pull off Hollywood stunts using back-street budgets! Our scientists give us the low down on the physics of fast and the biology of the bizarre. In this season premiere, we explore how a kite surfer can fly over the Brighton Pier in the south of England, investigate an incredible homemade loop the loop, as well as a slack liner who is pushing his limits. Subscribe –"

VBeLyCtKpGo | 30 Sep 2022
Will James May be able to rebuild this guitar so that he can channel his inner Brian May? In this new three part series, James May explores the intricacies and engineering marvels of various objects by putting them back together again from a pile of hundreds of their component parts. While going through the rebuilding process, James May explains the purpose of every single nut and bolt. In the final episode of this season, James tackles an invention that transformed the music industry; the electric guitar. 147 pieces of pure rock must be reassembled carefully and in the correct order. This will entail soldering, extensive use of James' precision Japanese screwdrivers and some fiddly electronics. Can he put it all together as he gets ready to perform one of the most unexpected guitar solos of all time? Subscribe –

6dmcP7kCsak | 27 Sep 2022
In the season premiere, Beyond Our Earth tells the incredible story of humanity's struggle to conquer space within Earth's orbit. From Cold War competition to international collaboration, in this episode we trace the missions that surpassed each frontier, exploring the scientific and engineering achievements of the space age. From the launch of the satellite. Sputnik 1, the first manmade object in space, to the unofficial close nature of the space race and the achievement of the International Space Station, the result of unprecedented cooperation among 15 countries. Beyond Our Earth is a visually exciting and highly stylised exploration of humanity's journey to conquer space and understand the very fabric of cosmos. Through rich stories of human endeavour and scientific intrigue, the series will track our journey farther and farther from planet Earth. Subscribe –

on8o6zqFHbc | 23 Sep 2022
Could you piece back together a 1957 Dial Telephone? In this new three part series, James May explores the intricacies and engineering marvels of various objects by putting them back together again from a pile of hundreds of their component parts. While going through the rebuilding process, James May explains the purpose of every single nut and bolt. In the second episode of this season, James continues his quest to put history back together again one piece at a time by tackling a 1957 Bakelite dial telephone. 211 pieces, most of them very small indeed, must be reassembled by James in the correct order if this telephone is ever to ring again. James May's toolbox will be tested to the limit! Subscribe –

u_jgBrUdtEg | 16 Sep 2022
How many pieces goes into making a lawn mower? In this new three part series, James May explores the intricacies and engineering marvels of various objects by putting them back together again from a pile of hundreds of their component parts. While going through the rebuilding process, James May explains the purpose of every single nut and bolt. In this opening episode, James is faced with the 331 pieces that make up a 1959 petrol lawn mower. As this is a petrol lawnmower, James' first task is to put the engine back together before he gets to grips with the gearing, the clutch and the blades themselves. Subscribe –

0DKZvsW60rc | 02 Sep 2022
355 years before COVID 19 took over the world, another pandemic swept through Britain. The Great Plague of 1665 killed 100,000 in London, 25% of the population, and a further 100,000 in the rest of the country. In the finale of this three part series, we learn about the village of Eyam in Derbyshire, revealing the heroic story of self-sacrifice that saw this village of 700 lock themselves in, to try and stop the disease spreading to surrounding towns. We also take a look at treating the plague and it's symptoms. While some methods for controlling the spread of the plague were actually successful, some methods of treatment for the plague probably caused more harm than good. Subscribe to Naked Science –

IvzJJsUfm3o | 26 Aug 2022
355 years before COVID 19 took over the world, another pandemic swept through Britain. The Great Plague of 1665 killed 100,000 in London, 25% of the population, and a further 100,000 in the rest of the country. In the second part of this three part series, we discover records from the 17th century that indicate many doctors fled the outbreak, while the nursing staff stayed behind and risked their lives to help the sick. We also take a look at the similarities in how the virus was controlled compared to COVID 19 with such use of certain distancing methods, lockdown procedures and the avoidance of physical contact. On top of all of this, we dive into the truth behind Plague Doctors and why they wore those terrifying outfits. Subscribe to Naked Science –

Nu5QWGrbSYE | 23 Aug 2022
As the aviation industry expands at a ferocious rate – there has been a price to pay. There are more aircraft carrying more passengers than ever before. With the help of aviation insiders, flight crew members and behavioral psychologists this episode investigates stress on the airlines, airport staff, the pilots and crews and of course the long suffering but not always understanding passengers. Subscribe to Naked Science -

mHRbImQfRWo | 19 Aug 2022
355 years before COVID 19 took over the world, another pandemic swept through Britain. The Great Plague of 1665 killed 100,000 in London, 25% of the population, and a further 100,000 in the rest of the country. In this first episode of a three part series, we learn about the origin of the Great Plague in London and tracking the disease, day by day, week by week. We also dive into a deeper analysis of how the plague spread, uncovering the truth behind some long-held beliefs involving rats. Finally, we take a look at the symptoms of the bubonic plague and learn how the disease thrived in the impoverished living conditions of the time. Subscribe to Naked Science –

8aQoO2_mO2U | 16 Aug 2022
Passengers expect to go where they want, when they want but what happens when nature decides otherwise? In this episode we look at passengers’ phone footage to reveal what happens when aircraft get hit my typhoon winds, giant hail stones and even lightning – and examine the science of how aircraft can take the very worst that the weather can throw at them and keep going. Subscribe –

2Gaw8fSOra4 | 12 Aug 2022
Advancements in the field of A.I. within the last decade have been astounding. From self-driving cars to robot doctors but where do those replacements stop? In this episode we’ll look to the future to see how advancements in A.I. are increasingly blurring the distinction between what is human and what is machine. We’ll look at machines that improve the quality of life to those missing limbs, online chat bots to provide a social outlet for the lonely and more. But what might happen if these A.I. machines are programmed and directed by people with bad intentions? And what might happen when A.I can think for itself? This documentary explores these ground breaking developments in amazing detail, and seeks to answer some important questions such as what kind of future are we, and the machines that are becoming so much a part of our lives, creating for generations to come? Subscribe to Naked Science –

Kogq3fKTppA | 05 Aug 2022
Whilst flying above the clouds at 30,000ft, there are few things that would worry people more than a fire... Propelling a commercial aircraft and its passengers across the globe takes hundreds of miles of electrical wiring, engines that run at 1400 degrees Celsius, and thousands of gallons of fuel. In this episode, dramatic phone footage reveals just what it's like to get caught in a flight going up in flames and reveals the science of how firefighters deal with aviation infernos. Subscribe to Naked Science –

aqbxE_T1XHs | 02 Aug 2022
Humanity is on the brink of a AI revolution, however some argue that this may have already begun... From the worlds of finance and the stock market to transport and the healthcare industry, artificial intelligence is rapidly taking over jobs from human beings. Machines don't need to eat or sleep, and are not prone to human error. This documentary explores these ground breaking developments in amazing detail, and seeks to answer some important questions such as what risk do A.I pose to human jobs, safety, and, more importantly, our very existence? Subscribe to Naked Science -

wKpbHhahRO4 | 29 Jul 2022
What happens when an aircraft fails? An aviation nightmare. Modern aircraft are incredibly sophisticated machines, but even though every component is tested and retested, it’s impossible to totally eliminate mechanical failure. Today’s biggest planes have 4 million parts, fly 6000 miles a week, 48 weeks a year. In this episode, compelling phone footage reveals the results of high-altitude mechanical failure and examines how the industry is tackling the problem. Subscribe to Naked Science –

SRFSOKrhVXc | 27 Jul 2022
Did you know how much information there is in your pee? Subscribe to Naked Science – Using ground-breaking science, the humble urine sample acts as a lie detector to reveal exactly what people have been eating, how much they’ve been drinking and even the levels of pollution they’re absorbing. In this 90min doc, Dr Christian Jessen and Dr Amir Khan team up to test the UK’s health by gathering and testing samples up and down the country. The results are extraordinary. Providing intervention programmes to those in need along the way, Drs Christian and Amir try to improve the health of those with the most alarming results.

KV27xoxbR3I | 15 Jul 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – After sketching his idea for an “electric television” on his highschool chalkboard, Philo Farnsworth dedicates his life to gaining the knowledge necessary to make his dream a reality... When RCA tries to buy his patent (and the riches that come with it), Farnsworth and the RCA founder David Sarnoff face off; the results of their confrontation will forever change the way we experience the world. David Sarnoff is the ultimate rags-to-riches, American success story. One of the first to recognize the potential that radio has to offer, he rises up the ranks to become an executive at RCA. Within a few short years he’s the immensely wealthy and powerful head of the company. His goal: to change the world, using media. Though it’s hard to imagine, Sarnoff’s archrival is a farm boy from the Midwest. Philo Farnsworth, a brilliant, humble geek, believes in a machine that could someday broadcast pictures, like radio does with sound. One day, looking at the rows of a field he’s plowed, Farnsworth has a vision – of how a picture tube’s electronic lines could scan an image. He shows his high school teacher his plan for television, and persuades some investors to fund his idea. Before long, he has the backing of a leading company in the field, Philco.

iSuDuCzszUg | 08 Jul 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – In 1903, the Wright Brothers build and fly the world’s first airplane, but they keep it a secret, leaving an opening for motor designer, Glenn Curtiss, to swoop in and compete to be the first to fly in public... When Orville and Wilbur Wright build and fly the world’s first airplane, there’s only one problem: No one believes them. For years, the Wrights work tirelessly to prove they are indeed the rightful inventors of the plane. During that time, aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss begins manufacturing and selling his own planes – and making tons of money in the process — sparking a massive patent war that threatens to destroy the entire aviation industry before it even gets off the ground.

lFa8Wydalyw | 01 Jul 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Celebrated inventor Thomas Edison, goes to war with former assistant, Nikola Tesla, to determine who will power the world with electric light. Thomas Edison is the most famous inventor in the world. What he lacks in formal education, he makes up for in tireless perseverance. With backing from some of the world's wealthiest financiers, Edison sets out to expand upon his invention of the light bulb by building an electric empire, using the power of Direct Current. Nikola Tesla is an eccentric math genius obsessed with electricity. He's invented a motor that can use the largely unexplored – and far more complex power – of Alternating Current. His invention, he realizes, could change the world. He also believes there's only one man with the vision and power to make his dream a reality: Thomas Edison. The two men could not be more different. At first, Edison gives the strange young foreigner, Tesla, a shot. But it soon becomes clear Tesla’s idea will never see the light of day if Edison can help it. When Edison reneges on a $50,000 bonus, Tesla storms off, determined to prove he’s right. But Tesla finds a powerful ally in mogul and fellow inventor George Westinghouse. And now, the "War of the Currents" is on. AV vs DC.

5TqKWE4TkOY | 24 Jun 2022
Subscribe – The last Ground Sloth became extinct over 10,000 years ago. Now one man is risking his reputation and his livelihood to prove that the beast still exists, deep in the jungles of the Amazon. David Oren, Head of Natural History at the Goeldi Museum in Brazil, has interviewed scores of people who all claim to have seen a large bear-like animal with a monkey face. But he needs hard evidence in order to convince the skeptical scientific world. This documentary follows him as he journeys to the Nevada desert, the banks of the Tapajos and into the heart of the rainforest, accompanied by arch sceptic and paleontologist Greg MacDonald.

4Ug3rqSca4Q | 17 Jun 2022
Samuel Colt and partners Edwin Smith & Daniel Wesson become locked in the first true “arms” race, as they compete to perfect the world’s first revolver. Subscribe to Naked Science – In 1836, Samuel Colt changes the way that wars are fought with his patent for the revolver, and profits enormously from the invention. But when Colt fires his assistant Rollin White for suggesting an improvement on his design, White brings his innovative idea to Smith & Wesson… giving birth to the first true “arms” race. As the American Civil War breaks out, both the Union and the Confederacy are in dire need of arms, putting Colt and Smith & Wesson in a competition that only one manufacturer can survive.

JEvFH0SpdEY | 10 Jun 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – What begins as a plant hunt in the Peruvian jungle, turns into a terrifying, mind-altering journey… Botanist Piers Gibbon goes on a quest to sample the hallucinogenic ayahuasca, which Amazonian shamans drink to enter the spirit world and talk to the plants, and discover its recipe. As he travels deeper into the jungle, it becomes apparent that Piers' notion of plant collecting is hopelessly outdated. After injecting an uncontrollable dose of frog poison Piers finds a shaman who is prepared to reveal his supernatural secrets. But he must prove his comittment, by spending several nights on his own drinking the ayahuasca brew. The final initiation ceremony demands that Piers swallow some of the shaman's phlegm. How far is he prepared to go in pursuit of knowledge and experience, and will he ever find his way back again? 00:00 Intro 01:00 On a mission for Kew Gardens 03:10 About Ayahuasca 05:30 Beginning the journey 09:15 Brewing 11:10 First ceremony 13:30 Morning purge 17:16 Deeper into the jungle 19:00 More poison 21:30 Jungle tabacco 22:45 Extracting 24:33 The frog ceremony 32:08 Deeper into Ayahuasca country 33:40 Assessed by a Healer 36:33 Second ceremony 37:40 The Sorcerer Shaman 39:49 Thoughts on Piers 43:00 Shaman's phlegm 45:00 Mission complete?

3xEeMLTq9E8 | 03 Jun 2022
Subscribe – For the first time ever, TV cameras have been given exclusive access inside the entire UK’s Science Museum vaults: 10 airplane size hangars full of treasures… From jetliners to mobile phones, nuclear bombs to washing machines, we are taken on a guided tour of the objects that define the world we live in. Discovering items big and small, epic and seemingly humble, they will reveal the science and history behind the inventions that define our world. 00:00 The Science Museum Archives 00:58 Television 06:42 Steam Engine 14:23 First road vehicles 15:53 Mobile phone 22:35 Missiles 23:30 Jet engine 30:15 Refrigerator 37:11 Antibiotics 43:53 Concrete

a1k4wJJtRBo | 27 May 2022
Subscribe – New York City’s Bronx Zoo is offering a $50,000 reward to anyone who can provide them with a live and healthy 30-feet snake… The prize has stood unclaimed since 1910 but Robert Twigger, believes he is the man who can claim the prize, and in doing so overcome his fear of snakes. In this classic documentary film, we follow Twigger from Malaysia to the uninhabited forests of Indonesia as he sets out to find the biggest snake in the world. He follows the hot leads, the dead ends and the fisherman’s tales, encountering snakes of varying degrees of hugeness as he goes on his one-man odyssey to capture a prize and overcome a phobia.

PDFCq7fwJG4 | 20 May 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Documentary examining what sugar really does to our bodies and what the health benefits of cutting back actually are. With the help of some volunteers, Journalist Fiona Philips finds out why reducing your sugar intake is trickier than it seems. Humans have evolved to crave sugar and other high calorie foods as a survival technique; in this documentary Fiona discovers what sugar cravings really are. She also finds out why sugar is being added to many supermarket favourites that we would think of as purely savoury. Fascinating science and human drama combine as the truth about sugar turns out to be more surprising than Fiona could ever have imagined.

58Ch9Pzy08g | 14 May 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Ever wondered if there's someone out there who looks exactly like you? Well, statistically, it is estimated that for every face there are 7 doppelganger matches around the world. In this documentary, we follow a scientific study that is bringing strangers together from around the globe that bear a striking resemblance. While the pairs get to know each other, they undergo a series of tests by the twin-experts at St Thomas' Hospital, London. These include measuring similarities of facial features using the latest 3D scanning technology, 2D facial recognition analysis and DNA testing. The experts then get 100 people to rate the similarities from photos from most alike to least alike. Taking all of the results into consideration, the twin-experts will then reveal which pair is the most identical and why.

rnb75tuyy4c | 15 Apr 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Everyone knows that an iceberg sank The Unsinkable Titanic leaving more than 1,500 people to perish in what is now known to be one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. But this striking film argues that it was actually a long chain of misjudgements, human errors and misfortunes that sealed the fate of the largest liner of its day, her passengers, and crew. Had just one link in that chain been missing, this historic disaster may have been averted. The film draws on the latest research as well as eyewitness testimonies to reconstruct the story from the point of view of those involved, and debunk the many myths that have built up surrounding the Titanic.

QzZ_gnUhORc | 10 Apr 2022
Introducing Mech+ the new free streaming service… Featuring hours of science and robotics content including all classic series of UK’s Robot Wars in HD for the first time. Download the Mech+ app now: Google Play – Apple Store –

2JWLJhUAsI4 | 01 Apr 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – In the mood for food? We are a nation hooked on pills and medicinal quick fixes. Our Health Service spends billions of pounds on drugs that we might not need. The Food Hospital is the first of its kind, dedicated to treating illness solely through food. In the third instalment The Food Hospital experts employ cutting-edge research as they treat a 19-year-old dancer with Crohn’s Disease, an ex-soldier with a sleep disorder, a man whose sperm needs a boost if he’s to father the child he wants so much. And one of Britain’s growing numbers of morbidly obese teenagers is taught how to approach food again after her gastric bypass surgery. Dr Pixie McKenna discovers the truth about sports drinks – do they really boost energy or are they an expensive irrelevance?

EGU4bEGiQr0 | 18 Mar 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Documentary examining whether it’s possible to eat carbohydrates in a way that’s much healthier for us. Our over-consumption of the wrong sort of carb; like pasta, rice, bread and flour – is being blamed for contributing to record levels of obesity and diabetes. For this programme, Dr Xand Van Tulleken goes looking for the carbs in the foods he knows and loves, and discovers instead that he’s been eating them all wrong! By making relatively small changes to both the type of carb he eats, plus the way he stores and cooks certain foods – like pasta and bread – Xand learns that it’s possible to lose weight and become healthier. Packed full of handy tips and enriched with cutting-edge science, Xand discovers the added goodness of The Truth About Carbs.

zPqryz-WGJQ | 04 Mar 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – They’re tough, dangerous, mean, and powerful. For over a century trucks have helped build our world, these are the biggest, best, and fastest. Documentary profiling the unquestionable giants of the road, from the serious business of transportation to the thrills and spills of truck racing.

Ft9uib8ZCTc | 18 Feb 2022
Subscribe – Documentary investigating how getting enough sleep benefits your health. We should spend almost a third of our lives sleeping but we don’t and Britain is one of the most sleep-deprived countries in the world. The Truth About Sleep presented by chronic insomniac Michel Mosley takes us on a fascinating journey finding out what sleep is, what happens when we don’t get enough, and looks at surprising solutions to help us get more. Teaming up with world-renowned scientists to pick-apart cutting edge research, Michael turns human guinea pig to conduct pioneering tests on himself and other sleep deprived volunteers. Is it in our DNA, are we genetically wired to be insomniacs? Could dietary fibre hold the answer to better sleep, and can we combine caffeine and napping in a good way? Packed full of tips for getting a better night’s kip we turn a lot of what you thought you knew about sleep on its head.

02BTnhiXtgM | 04 Feb 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Food Hospital investigates the truth about vitamin supplements, asking if they have any real benefit to our health. In experiments conducted with strict scientific rigour, patients suffering from a range of medical conditions and symptoms are invited to attend The Food Hospital where they are prescribed specific food treatment programmes to find out if their health problems can be alleviated or cured by the food they eat. The Food Hospital doctors meet Karen and her 6 year old son, Callum, whose lives are both blighted by psoriasis. Karen fears her son will get bullied like she has been because his lesions are so noticeable. No amount of creams and potions seem to help, so Karen and Callum are turning to food after conventional medicine has failed. Professional singer Sophie suffers from such severe acid reflux that, if it continues, could spell the end of her career. After 13 years of this condition, she is also at risk of Barrett’s Oesophagus, which can increase the risk of cancer. Sixteen-year-old Rianna is looking for an answer to her distressing and unexplained hair loss. And can obese 38 year old father Ian reverse his dangerously fatty liver through food and increase his life expectancy?

Ch2TeRuESt8 | 21 Jan 2022
Subscribe – This episode visits the incredibly complex world of the airport. This is where the biggest and the fastest vehicles in the world share the same space, and where the slightest error can result in catastrophe. We also visit the world’s most extreme airports from the North Atlantic to the Himalayas where only the most highly skilled and specially trained pilots are allowed to approach.

N-eyI8u8MAk | 07 Jan 2022
Subscribe to Naked Science – Robotic space probes have opened a whole new frontier for mankind. Naked Science followed the construction, journey, and eventual arrival of the two biggest probe missions ever to be launched into our heavens, the Cassini–Huygens space research mission, and the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. Both reached their destinations in 2004 – one mission was to explore Mars in our planetary backyard, whilst the other was to travel across our vast solar system to the ringed planet Saturn and its mysterious moon Titan. Probes come in different forms. Some are built to just fly great distances past planets and moons collecting data, some are designed to orbit like giant satellites, and some are programmed to actually land and probe the surface and atmosphere of another planet

IY5L4jEcONs | 17 Dec 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport (a.k.a. Madeira, Funchal, or Saint Catherine Airport) is considered one of the most perilous airports in the world. Due to its geographically unusual location and spectacular runway construction, pilots must undergo additional training in order to land there. Clip taken from the documentary “Planes Gone Viral – Airports”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

vaFRKYJYMhs | 03 Dec 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Food Hospital examines the science behind using food as medicine. In experiments conducted with strict scientific rigour, patients suffering from a range of medical conditions and symptoms are invited to attend The Food Hospital where they are prescribed specific food treatment programmes to find out if their health problems can be alleviated or cured by the food they eat. In this first programme, the doctors meet 24-year-old Lauren, who has been suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) since she was 15. Her case is so extreme, with symptoms such as weight gain, fertility problems and most noticeably, excessive body and facial hair, that Lauren fears living as a virtual recluse forever unless she can find help. Crippling migraines are destroying 7-year-old Harvey’s life, and his mother will try anything to help her son. Twenty-five-year-old twin sisters Kristen and Maren are trying to use food as a weapon against breast cancer. And can 44-year-old single dad Chris turn around the world’s fifth biggest killer, Type 2 diabetes, with food? At the hospital, patients can have detailed consultations with a GP, a specialist consultant related to their condition, and a leading NHS dietitian after which they are advised how to integrate particular foods into their diets or leave them out. The Food Hospital follows the patients as they undertake their new food treatment programmes and attend follow-up appointments to monitor their progress. The experiments taking place at The Food Hospital, under the supervision of the medical team, aim to reveal the untold health benefits and medicinal properties of certain foods, whilst busting myths about some of the widely-held misconceptions and old wives’ tales. The patients in the series have conditions ranging from common problems like chronic fatigue and eczema, and the more unusual such as fish odour syndrome and gout, to life-threatening diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and breast cancer.

n7JdwJBS_Hc | 19 Nov 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Crash Test Dummy has endured a long and ruthless life of hard knocks – persistently rammed, beaten, dropped, contorted, run over, drowned, blown up and decapitated. This programme tells a remarkable story that, step by scientific step, which has resulted in a series of crucial discoveries and landmark inventions that have saved millions of lives. The crash test family has expanded from a one-size fits all male to include all body shapes and sizes including obese men and small women, children of different ages, a pregnant woman, and even a new-born crash test baby and dog. This show reveals what the crash test family have taught us over the years and uncovers the remarkable science behind the dummies themselves and the life-saving innovations that are part of our daily lives.

CDe9YdjSrDM | 05 Nov 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – With more aircraft in the sky than ever before, pressure on pilots has never been higher, they need to get us safely where we want to go, when we want to get there. But every time we take to the air, there’s a risk that the pilot may make an error. A sudden lack of concentration, a miscalculation or a wrong command at 30,000 feet can end in disaster. We examine the science and see the results of just what can happen when the pilot gets it wrong.

s-2uV40ErAI | 03 Sep 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – 6pm Sunday 14th April 1912, the Titanic had just changed course and was heading in a westerly direction across the Atlantic. The captain believed he was heading to a safe area of the Gulf Stream where there are no icebergs. But in 1912 a phenomenon took place that allowed icebergs to travel further south than was thought possible, the cold Labrador Current had pushed itself into the Gulf Stream, forming a cold protective layer around the iceberg. The iceberg was 10 times the mass of the Titanic and 130 miles away. It had now been seen by the steamship Californian which had sent a warning message to the Titanic. While Philips rested in the cabin next to the wireless room, his assistant Bride was manning the wireless. Although Bride heard the message from the Californian he did not respond. Although Philips and Bride were well trained wireless operators they were poorly paid and had to rely on sending passenger messages to earn their wages. At 7:20pm Bride finished his accounts and then intercepted the message from the Californian, it warned of 3 large icebergs, seen at latitude 42 degrees north, longitude 49 degrees west. But Captain Smith had already left the bridge and was now dining with passengers. Had Bride taken down the message earlier the captain would’ve received it and could’ve taken evasive action. None of the surviving offices recall ever seeing this vital message. To this day nobody knows if the message was delivered.

2MErxDSqM6M | 06 Aug 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – In the 1930s, FDR used a new medium called radio to talk to the American people. For JFK it was television. For Donald J Trump, the new medium is Twitter. Even Trump admits he wouldn’t have won the election without it. Now, ten years since his first tweet, this fast-paced one-hour special uses evocative archive and a cast of charismatic political experts and former members of Trump’s administration including Anthony Scaramucci, to unpick how, in just 140 characters, Twitter has changed the way political communication takes place in the US. It is the story of a social media platform and the first social media president, which reveals how both Twitter and Trump have grown their brands at the same speed over the course of the last decade. Each tweet is a window into our times, and the mind of Donald J Trump. In chronological order, they take us on a journey into some of the most important stories, events and issues of the modern world – an election result that polarized a country, the first-ever meeting of a US president with a North Korean leader, immigration, climate change, impeachment, and the 2020 presidential race.

mjN6XeWW-BY | 16 Jul 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – ‘Brace! Brace! Brace!’ – it’s the inflight announcement no passenger ever wants to hear. In this episode of Planes Gone Viral we feature caught on camera footage of just what it’s like to be involved in emergency landings from Alaska, the UK, Turkey and on the Hudson River in New York. And leading aviation experts explain how pilots are able to safely land stricken aircraft on land and on water – and just what happens when they get it wrong.

11d-zv_o6S4 | 02 Jul 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – On 29th December 2014 Virgin Atlantic VS43, a Boeing 747, takes off from Gatwick Airport carrying 459 passengers and crew headed for Las Vegas. As the undercarriage begins retracting into the fuselage the crew become aware that there’s a problem. A warning message in the cockpit alerts the crew that there’s a significant loss of hydraulic fluid from the right main landing gear. In modern passenger jets hydraulic fluid is used to power the landing gear, enabling it to extend and retract on take-off and landing, without hydraulic fluid to release the undercarriage the crew may not be able to land the aircraft. The pilots immediately make a U-turn and head back to Gatwick. With 170 tonnes of fuel on-board the pilots make their way to the Bristol Channel, circling to burn and jettison as much as possible. 4 hours later they’re almost 100 tonnes of fuel lighter, pilots make their final checks before the descent, and passengers are informed their aircraft is to make an emergency landing. The crew attempts to deploy the landing gear but they quickly realise it’s worse than they thought. The right main landing gear hasn’t extended, with only 3 out of 4 main sets of wheels drop down. The captain has no idea why the aircraft’s undercarriage is stuck. Before every take-off and landing and aircraft undergoes a number of maintenance checks. The night before VS43 was due to depart maintenance workers replaced the actuator in the right side landing gear. When the actuator is pumped full of fluid it works like a muscle extending and retracting the legs of the undercarriage. The pilots continue to circle as they troubleshoot the issue, but further attempts to extend the right landing gear all fail! Clip taken from the documentary “Planes Gone Viral – Emergency Landings”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

9zUNGTsTwAA | 04 Jun 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – Eagle entered lunar orbit in 1969. On 20th July Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin entered into the Lunar Module and separated from the Command and Service Module, Five minutes into the descent burn, and 6,000 feet above the surface of the Moon, the guidance computer distracted the crew with the first of several unexpected program alarms. Their descent trajectory had them on course for the worst possible landing site, the middle of a boulder field. The only option was to switch to manual control, with limited fuel and no option of turning back, Armstrong has to try and land the spacecraft on the fly. Clip taken from the documentary “Moon Landing – One Hour That Changed the World”. Watch it here –

cVXKSylDOlQ | 07 May 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – Denis Yaworski, a dedicated trucker who became fascinated by the history of trucks, built up a collection of over 200 classic vehicles that span almost a century of trucking. His family has been in the trucking business for over two generations, with Denis spending most of his time restoring trucks and rescuing them from a rusty grave The very first trucks were used only for local deliveries inside the city because they weren’t powerful or tough enough for rough country roads. The first truck was built by the Daimler Company in Germany in 1896. A few years later the American truck building industry was established, but it wasn’t until World War I that the truck really proved its worth.

WRx6GHKK-L4 | 23 Apr 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – If someone were to ask the average American 10 years ago, “would you see political candidates communicate the way they do today?”, most people would say no… 6 months into his presidency Donald Trump had already tweeted over 30,000 times. Since President Clinton’s first attempt in 1994, every US administration has tried to stop North Korea’s nuclear missile program. Donald J Trump is the first to attempt to do it via the medium of tweets. Ignoring diplomatic norms, Trump informs the world via Twitter of behind the scenes talks. In June 2018, the first ever meeting between a sitting US president and a North Korean leader takes place in Singapore. Donald Trump has now sent over 50,000 tweets. They’ve taken him from reality TV star, to the Oval Office, and 140 characters at a time, changed the presidency forever! Clip taken from the documentary “#Trump – How Social Media Changed the Presidency”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

S16zhJXVrvM | 02 Apr 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – As far as history is concerned, humans land on the moon and step outside. Neil Armstrong’s is probably the most famous footstep in history. But that’s not how it really happened. In the last 60 minutes, the Apollo mission could fall apart. Without dazzling on-the-spot ingenuity, a 240,000 mile helpline to Houston, and almost unnatural abilities to remain calm under incredible pressure, the first step onto another world might not happen at all. Rewind 1 hour, and there’s a whole untold story, hidden in the forensic moment-by-moment details, against a ticking clock. The story of an hour that changed the world… Following the last sixty minutes before the ‘one small step’, almost in real time, ‘One Hour That Changed the World: Moon Landing’ is packed with surprising details, which reveal a whole new perspective on the story. The first thing Neil Armstrong did when he stepped out of the capsule was throw away the trash. The whole moon landing was nearly derailed by the fact that they couldn’t get the door open. And one broken switch could have led to tragedy, had Buzz Aldrin not fixed it with a pen. Driven by powerful footage from the time, and authentic audio recordings from the capsule, the command module and mission control in Houston, this is a story we all think we know, told in a fresh and surprising new way.

2HOGjkUfHEM | 05 Mar 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – In Australia trucks have to travel long distances cross rough country on a daily basis. In the outback the towns are so far apart they use a special kind of truck. Several trailers are joined together to make one long ‘road train’. The roads across the outback are straight and empty, perfect for monster rigs. Here there are few railroads and only these giant trucks visit the remote mines and farms. But a truck doesn’t have to be long to carry large loads. A building weighing 1,790 tonnes and 75 feet high, sits on top of one of the most unusual trucks ever built. The Mammoet company specialises in transporting huge loads, they achieve the impossible by using self-propelled modular transporters. These units can be joined together in a variety of configurations depending on the weight and size of the load. All the wheels can turn 360 degrees together or separately, so the transporters can drive forward or backward, sideways, diagonally, even in a circle.

Qusi_N5rsUQ | 05 Feb 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – Meet the millionaires who drive ex-military tanks to relax – this is the weird and wonderful leisure time of the fabulously wealthy. Why aren’t these men playing golf or relaxing by the pool, because they’ve found a new way to unwind after a hard day at the office. They don’t for the traditional trappings of success, sports cars, speed boats, or mega yachts – they go for something much more radical. They collect military hardware, tanks, guns, and even Scud missiles. Most people would never dream of owning a tank, but these tycoons are spending millions of dollars to satisfy their passion for heavy metal. Tanks are deadly fighting machines, they are masters of the battlefield, raising towns to the ground and pulverising the enemy with an awesome range of weaponry. Tanks first entered the battle field in World War I, and despite only having a top speed of 3mph they revolutionised warfare. Tanks have now evolved from these lumbering machines into high-tech lethal killers capable of firing high explosive shells many miles, and racing around at high speed. They are not the sort of machine you would think people would drive for fun, you might even think owning one would be illegal – but it isn’t. If you’ve got enough money almost any military hardware can be acquired!

NPoZ7-NZN8o | 01 Jan 2021
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Cassini-Huygens mission began with an epic 7 year, 1 billion mile journey to Saturn, and if all went according to plan, would be the first probe to orbit the ringed planet, the first landing on a celestial body in the outer solar system, and first to ever sample an extraterrestrial ocean. For the mission to succeed the Huygens probe needed to send its data from the surface of Titan, back to the orbiting mothership Cassini. Cassini would then relay the information to Earth. Before this fixed communication system could prove its worth, Cassini and Huygens had to overcome one last deadly obstacle, Saturn’s rings looming on its horizon.

GyOFEDgbwDg | 04 Dec 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – Our planet Earth is teeming with life. To some it's a miracle, but can science explain how it came into existence? Critics have attacked the theory of evolution for over 150 years, claiming it is full of holes, and the gaps reveal the hand of an intelligent designer. Who's right – we investigate the most explosive science of them all and ask, was Darwin wrong?

6QsLhONS7cQ | 06 Nov 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – Two previous missions to Mars had failed, but in January 2004 two robotic geologists named Spirit and Opportunity landed on opposite sides of the red planet. These robot explorers trekked for miles across the Martian surface, conducting field geology and making atmospheric observations. The rovers were designed and built in from scratch in just 3 years, and far outlived their planned mission duration of 90 Martian solar days. Carrying identical, sophisticated sets of science instruments, they found evidence of ancient environments where intermittently wet and habitable conditions existed.

OaDrJPftYeA | 02 Oct 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – News about the number of lives lost broke on 16th April 1912, one day after the disaster. Grieving relatives of the victims were desperate to know how the impossible could have happened. The Titanic was designed to be the most luxurious, but also the safest ship ever built, even if she were rammed by another ship, she would stay afloat. Yet she took only two hours to sink after colliding with an iceberg. Two weeks later a public inquiry was setup to find out if the disaster could have been avoided, and if anyone was responsible for the loss of 1,523 lives. The chief council for the British government was the celebrated barrister Sir Rupert Issacs. The key witness was Joseph Bruce Ismay, the 50 year old chairman at White Star Line, the owner of Titanic, and one of the few men that survived the maiden voyage. Also called were wireless operator Harold Bride, and second officer Charles Lightoller, the most senior officer to survive. As most of the crew had died in the disaster, these three men’s testimony would be vital in deciding whether the ship’s crew or the ship’s owners had been negligent. Two years before the scheduled launch date, Ismay had met with his chief designer Alexander Carlisle, it was meeting that would start the chain of events that would lead to disaster. Their first decision would compromise the structural integrity of the ship.

47yARLSAzS8 | 04 Sep 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – We’re all familiar with idea we descended from apes, but if we travel further back in time, our ancestors according to the fossil evidence, were far stranger.

e5g2lObEgUM | 07 Aug 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – A tribute to military historian and war veteran Fred Ropkey, who passed away in 2013 (footage from 2004). An ex-tank commander who experienced the horrors or real tank warfare first hand, Fred saw combat in the Korean War and was the first serious tank collector in the United States. Although no fan of war he knew that every tank, aircraft and piece of artillery he recovered was not only a work of exquisite design, but combined they represented the lives that had been lost, or saved, in conflict. Fred’s collection of arms grew, filling the vast family estate outside Indianapolis with military equipment, in the same way some people might fill their attic with comic books!

c4oi6LNWbww | 03 Jul 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – SETI – The Early Years Perhaps life on Earth was the most impossible fluke, never to be repeated in the infinity of space. But on the balance of evidence one conclusion emerges. Conditions could’ve been the same on other planets billions of years before the birth of the Earth, which is a relative latecomer to the cosmic scene, and the Universe could be teaming with life far more advanced than our own. So what if we ever do receive a message? Whether this becomes the day the Earth stands still, or the day it goes into a flat spin, will depend on how well we are prepared to deal with it. And what about “them”, they’re certainly smart, but are they peaceful or aggressive – should we take the risk and answer back?

F3mJ6FRn4xk | 05 Jun 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – Panama, Central America, as dawn breaks the forest comes alive, this is one of the richest environments on Earth. Here more than anywhere you cannot avoid one inescapable fact – life is varied! But what created this dazzling diversity, and how did the Earth’s myriad of species come to be? Some think they must be the work of a divine creator. Darwin on the other hand claimed that they evolved naturally through a process called natural selection, one of the most breathtaking ideas ever conceived. How can a blind undirected force of nature create new species? Darwin saw the answer in an unlikely place, the relentless slaughter of the natural world. Some individuals have characteristics that make them more likely to survive, these individual are more likely to live long enough to produce young – this is survival of the fittest. Darwin said that over many generations these small differences can grow into large differences, with the changes eventually becoming so great that they lead to new species. This explains how life gets more complex, but how does it get more diverse and how does one species become two – according to Darwin the answer lies in the environment.

LrKSMfi3oRc | 01 May 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – While some might prefer to play a round of golf to relax, these tank fanatics love playing with their favourite toys. A machine gun enthusiast from Missouri has brought his two M5A1 Stuart tanks to Fort Knox for a weekend of war games. He’s part of the 14th Armored Division, a group of civilian hobbyists whose idea of fun is to blast thousands of shells at each other in battle re-enactment events. This is no cheap hobby – the battle involves over one million dollars of vintage hardware.

TiZ5XGpE83Y | 03 Apr 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – When sending or receiving interstellar messages it pays to think big. The bigger your radio, the further you can send, the bigger the web you spin, the more you can catch. At the Arecibo Observatory in 1974 the first deliberate broadcast from Earth was made. A short stream of binary information beamed to M13, a cluster of a million stars in the constellation of Hercules. Decoded by an intelligent alien, the signal would form a picture providing basic information about human technological achievement. It was a symbolic rather than a serious attempt, as even at the speed of light the message will take 25,000 years to reach its destination. The lesson is clear – if impatient, you should listen, rather than send.

AXMVcw3Br44 | 06 Mar 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – There are those that believe that life on our planet is so complex that the only explanation is to say that somewhere behind it there is a creator. On the other side are people who believe that nature can create life’s countess varieties with no outside help at all. The name for it, one of the most hotly debated words in our language, evolution. The theory of evolution was born out of a remarkable journey. In 1831 a naturalist and explorer, Charles Darwin, embarked on a five-year voyage around the world, along the way he collected fossils, plants, and animals. Back in his home near London, he spent the next 22 years piecing together a theory for how the great variety of life came to exist. Darwin didn’t claim to know how life started, but he did day that it was old. He thought it had existed for hundreds of millions of years, but many of his opponents argue that life is young, and that God created all living things within the last 10,000 years. So who is right, when did life begin?

rAFRmH9is40 | 07 Feb 2020
Subscribe to Naked Science – When it comes to collecting military hardware there is one man who was in a league of his own. Jacques Littlefield (November 1949 to January 2009) was the founder of the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (MVTF), also called the Littlefield Collection. Littlefield collected hundreds of vintage military vehicles including the American M60A1 and M4 Sherman, German Panther and Panzer IV, Soviet 2S7 Pion and T-34, British FV 214 Conqueror, SS-1 Scud launcher, Leichter Panzerspähwagen armoured car, and many more!

NnHpyIp1lK0 | 06 Dec 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – The history of aviation is thrilling, fast, dangerous, and sometimes deadly. In pursuit of the dream of flight we have seen decades of determination and inventiveness and witnessed the birth of an amazing number of different and exotic flying machines. There are many different designs and types of power used to stay in the air, each has its own flying abilities but they all enable us to defy nature. Extreme Machines is dedicated to finding out how machines work, experience the exciting and flamboyant world of aviation. Focusing on unusual aircraft and man's most extreme methods of flying, we take a look at different ways of powering aircraft from a homebuilt plane powered with a lawnmower engine to the cutting edge technology of NASA's solar powered planes. We take a close look into the world of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) planes, specifically the infamous Harrier Jump Jet with its unique manoeuvrability and ability to take-off and land from almost anywhere.

XaZW7bbmc9I | 01 Nov 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – “Animals in the Womb” follows the developmental path of three different mammals utilising some of the most amazing technology available. 3D and 4D ultrasound scans used on animals for the first time on television chronicle this incredible journey. These and amazing computer generated graphics highlight the path of development and in the process reveal the amazing science with outstanding detail. This volume follows the gestation of the golden retriever, bottlenose dolphin, and Asian elephant, and through comparisons to other animals and humans, emphasises the differences and similarities between them.

dnVDDnXJrzQ | 27 Sep 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – Fighter pilots are trained to fly themselves and their machines to the limit. In combat lives are at risk, on the ground, and in the air. The dogfight is the ultimate flying challenge! The pilots need skill and raw nerve – in real life only one will survive. At Sky Warriors anyone can learn to dogfight in 1950s fighter planes, even if you’ve never flown before you can come here and fly like an ace Today a police woman, Donna, is about to battle with Jeff, a musician. Neither are flyers, they’re here to live out their fantasies in the skies. Executing 4G turns and aerobatic manoeuvres – it’s time to fly or die! Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Flight Power”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

DgXb0L9wUsI | 30 Aug 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – You don’t always need a fighter plane to pull extreme manoeuvres in the sky. Homebuilt aircraft, also known as amateur-built aircraft or kit planes, are constructed by persons for whom this is not a professional activity. These aircraft may be constructed from scratch from plans, or from assembly kits. Cri-Cri The Colomban Cri-Cri is the smallest twin-engined manned aircraft in the world, designed in the early 1970s by French aeronautical engineer Michel Colomban. DA-11 Leeon Davis was an American aircraft designer, noted for his homebuilt aircraft. The DA-11 is Leeon’s gift to the backyard flyer, powered buy, believe it or not, a lawnmower engine. Long-EZ The Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ is a homebuilt aircraft with a canard layout designed by Burt Rutan's Rutan Aircraft Factory. It is derived from the VariEze, which was first offered to homebuilders in 1976. Voyager The Rutan Model 76 Voyager was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refuelling. In December 1986 Voyager took off from Edwards Air Force Base in California at the start of a historic 9 day flight. Boomerang The Rutan Model 202 design was intended to be a multi-engine aircraft that in the event of failure of a single engine would not become dangerously difficult to control due to asymmetric thrust. ARES Burt Rutan built his ARES fighter just to prove that a high performance military jet could be developed cheaply. The ARES is a demonstrator aircraft built by Scaled Composites, ARES is an acronym for Agile Responsive Effective Support. Gossamer Albatross In 1979 the Gossamer Albatross flew its way into the record books with an incredible human-powered flight. Built by American aeronautical engineer Paul MacCready's company AeroVironment, in 1979 it completed a successful crossing of the English Channel. NASA Pathfinder Two decades later design concepts from the Gossamer Albatross inspired another experimental aircraft, NASA’s Pathfinder. The first aircraft developed as part of an evolutionary series of solar and fuel cell system powered unmanned aerial vehicles. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Flight Power”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

rD5oDjk3IOU | 31 Jul 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – What are the most violent and dangerous planets in our Solar System? One day the time may come when humans have developed technology advanced enough to send sections of Earth’s population to settle on other planets. What kinds of world can we expect to find, how do they compare with our own, and what measures would we need to take to adapt to their alien environments? Naked Science takes us on journey through the Solar System and beyond, examining some of the most extreme characteristics of our planetary neighbours.

esDV4gjqsVA | 19 Jun 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Harrier is one of the most extraordinary planes ever built, informally referred to as the Harrier Jump Jet, a family of jet-powered attack aircraft capable of vertical or short take-off and landing operations. Originally developed by manufacturer Hawker Siddeley in the 1960s, this British design is a helicopter and a high performance jet all in one. The Harrier emerged as the only truly successful V/STOL design of the many attempted during that era, despite being a subsonic aircraft, unlike most of its competitors. Named after a bird of prey, the Harrier’s greatest strength is that it can land anywhere. It can hover in mid-air, and doesn’t need a runway. It was conceived to operate from improvised bases, such as car parks or forest clearings, without requiring large and vulnerable air bases. Later, the design was adapted for use from aircraft carriers. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Flight Power”. Watch it here – Coming soon!

ggwX_uZW3i4 | 08 May 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – Harbingers of doom or givers of life? Comets, distant travellers from the outer reaches of our solar system, have captured the imagination of man and have long been shrouded in mystery. Now through Earth based observations and an increasing number of space probes, their origins and nature are becoming unveiled. Naked Science explores behind the legend to reveal what a comet actually is, what secrets they hold for our understanding of how the solar system was formed; shed light on the theory that they brought the building blocks of life to earth and their potential for wiping out life as we know it.

qNLUezSs72Q | 27 Mar 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – Dogs first evolved around 12,000 years ago. They’re one of only about a dozen animals that have ever shared a close relationship with humans. Today they vary dramatically in size, shape, colour, and behaviour. No other species shows such a range of individual characteristics. But regardless of their size, the gestation period for dogs is the same, about 63 days. At just over 2 weeks since our Golden Retriever conceived, she’s already a quarter of the way through her pregnancy. Inside her uterus an amazing process is underway. The embryonic ball of cells turn in on themselves in a process called gastrulation. As the cells continue to divide and multiply they need instructions, a trigger to tell them what type of cells they should become, and whereabouts in the embryo they should go. Gastrulation is one of the greatest wonders of nature! At 3 weeks since conception, the embryos are about the size of a pea. Our dog is now showing outward signs of her pregnancy. But even dogs who are not pregnant can sometimes exhibit such signs. This odd behaviour sometimes referred to as pseudo, or phantom pregnancy, goes back to the dog’s distant past, for these embryos, along with every dog on the planet, all descend from the grey wolf. Clip from the documentary “Animals in the Womb”. Watch it here –

Kwl5kgyHhxo | 27 Feb 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – When fully grown this dolphin will only need to breathe 2 to 3 times per minute. Humans are involuntary breathers, meaning we continue to breathe even if we’re unconscious. But dolphins are voluntary breathers. They must make a conscious decision to inhale air. Unconscious dolphins die from asphyxiation. This means that dolphins never truly sleep in their whole lives. Their brain must always be active enough to initiate breathing. Clip from the documentary “Animals in the Womb”. Watch it here –

BZD-T5E0T78 | 30 Jan 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – Extreme Machines is dedicated to finding out how machines work. Cars are the most popular machine on the planet, they thrill, they excite, and they generate loyalty and passion like no other machine. Car Crazy hitches a ride through the world of the automobile. We go drag racing with the world’s fastest drag racers reaching speeds of over 515 kilometres per hour in just 366 metres. We drive off road with Baja Bugs, souped-up VWs that take on the worst nature has to offer and win. And we look to the future to see where the car is heading.

mmoEbCIYp5Y | 02 Jan 2019
Subscribe to Naked Science – There have been many attempts to build a car that could rule the waves. The Amphicar was designed by Hans Trippel and produced in Germany in the early 1960s, but it was a failure. It had a basic design fault, the steel hull rusted in salt water. 40 years later, one car manufacturer finally succeeded. The Dutton Mariner is the brainchild of designer Tim Dutton. The Mariner is the worlds only production amphibious car. Based on a standard Ford Fiesta, but with a boat shaped watertight body shell constructed from fibreglass. It may look like a bath tub on wheels but it drives like a normal car with a top speed of 95mph. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Car Crazy”. Watch it here –

i4pWocmL82M | 05 Dec 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Six times hotter than the surface of the sun, lightning is one of the world’s strangest phenomena. This film follows the progress of a lightning stroke, from its birth in the clouds, to the weird sounds called whistlers that follow it. In Australia we follow lightning researchers flying into storm clouds, to discover what triggers a lightning stroke. At the International Lightning Center in Florida we find new research that suggests that cosmic rays from outer space trigger lightning. We meet a golfer struck by lightning, and reveal what happens when you’re hit. Why do some people survive, when others don’t? One of the weirdest forms of lightning is ball lightning, but is it real, or a myth? We talk to people who have seen it. And we see stunning footage of sprites and other forms of lightning that go up from clouds towards space, and see them recreated in a laboratory. The film climaxes with the discovery that without lightning, we wouldn’t have satellite communication. Our modern way of life would be impossible.

ACmyltmJHHI | 07 Nov 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Volkswagen Beetle remained the bestselling vehicle until the late 1990s. Since production began in 1938 over 21 million have been sold. It’s a classic design which dominated one of the toughest motorsports in the world for decades, off-road racing. The Beetle was originally designed by Ferdinand Porsche when Hitler asked him to design a Volkswagen, German for “people’s car”. Porsche designed it to last! Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Car Crazy”. Watch it here –

0w2jNRf4o7c | 10 Oct 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Our quest for a new home has brought us a long way, we are 365 million miles from Earth, in orbit around the planet Jupiter. Io is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of gas giant Jupiter and the most volcanic body in our solar system, spewing lava from its superheated interior. It is the fourth largest moon, has the highest density of all the moons, and has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System. It was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 and named after the mythological character Io, a priestess of Hera who became one of Zeus' lovers. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Deadliest Planets”. Watch it here –

D_EzajUgx7Q | 12 Sep 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science - What would you see if you could drain the ocean? Well if you were patient enough, you’d see a conveyor belt moving. This film tells the story of the moving sea floor, from its formation at the mid-ocean ridges, to its demise in the deep-sea trenches thousands of miles away. We compress a journey that takes 200 million years into an incident packed 50 minutes. We start with the mystery of Hawaii, an island that is sinking, and moving. But why? The first clue came in the Second World War, when a US landing craft commander deduced that the sea floor was moving. To discover why, we dive to the strange underwater world of the ocean ridges where volcanic rock spewing out of the earth creates new sea floor. This is the realm of black smokers, and white chimneys, hydrothermal vents that create their own ecosystem. From here we descend to the flat landscape of the abyssal plain, where the only features are decaying whale carcasses. Even here, the evidence shows that the seabed is moving. Finally, we see strange mud volcanoes thrown up as the sea floor descends into the deepest part of the ocean, and melts back into the mantle of the earth.

22_qQbK_Yw8 | 15 Aug 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – If Jupiter fails to protect us from an extinction level comet is there anything we can do to protect ourselves? Observatories and an army of astronomers search the skies 24 hours a day hunting for comets and asteroids that threaten a planet killing event. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Comets”. Watch it here –

LHbWkxp9jas | 18 Jul 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Welcome to Triton, one of Neptune’s moons, super-chilled and covered in frozen nitrogen snow. It would be big enough for us to live on, the question is, could we? Triton is the largest natural satellite of the planet Neptune, and the first Neptunian moon to be discovered, by English astronomer William Lassell in 1846. It is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit, an orbit in the opposite direction to its planet's rotation. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Deadliest Planets”. Watch it here –

dloH7zbn13g | 20 Jun 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Every industry has its mavericks and the car industry is no exception. This car was created by car designer Jim Router, and takes its inspiration from a surprising source, the Lockheed Martin F-117A stealth bomber. It disregards standard design concepts and follows the angular shape of a plane, made up of a series of carefully angled panels. The jet feel continues inside the car, the driver sits in the centre of the cockpit, and even the instruments are based on the F-117 bomber. Router’s stealth car may look eccentric, but he also helped design the Lotus Elan, and the world’s most expensive car, the F1 McLaren. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines – Car Crazy”. Watch it here –

e9R-2VnC53s | 30 May 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Did comets bring water, organic material, or even life itself to Earth? Panspermia is the controversial hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids, and also by spacecraft in the form of unintended contamination by microorganisms. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Comets”. Watch it here –

2OpbdMjvni0 | 09 May 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Where does a cup of coffee come from? In this film, it’s not Starbucks, it’s stars busting. We go right back to the beginning of time to show where the ingredients in your cup of coffee were born. The main ingredient is hydrogen; it makes up most of the water in your cup. And that formed in the big bang. How it got from there, into your cappuccino is one of the most dramatic stories in science. It has taken thousands of scientists to track its trail. We follow it through stars and galaxies, exploding supernovae, and giant clouds of gas to show just how it reached your cup. But that isn’t the end of the story. For where it goes in the future, depends on the fate of the universe. Will it carry on expanding for ever, or tear itself apart?

RuaA6r-FlAs | 18 Apr 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Our Asian Elephant has reached the 4 month stage of her pregnancy. Deep within, the digestive system has started to develop, and it’s going to be kept very busy throughout the elephant’s life as this animal will consume vast quantities of food. But the elephant has only a simple stomach, a system that will never be as efficient as that of many other animals, so when this foetus is born it will only be able to digest 40% of what it eats. That means it will have to spend around 16 hours of every day just eating. In the course of one day an adult elephant can consume up to 150 kilos of vegetation. That’s the equivalent of you or me eating 1,000 apples in a day! The feet are growing pads of fibrous fatty tissue which will eventually help spread the enormous weight of the adult elephant. They act as a shock absorber, helping their owner to move quietly, despite its massive size. Even when an elephant treads on a stick, the sound is muffled by the feet. When the foetus is fully grown, it will be able to walk up to 95 kilometres in a day, and it will even run at nearly 40 kilometres an hour. It’s thought that elephants pick up vibrations in the ground alerting them to a variety of sounds such as distant thunder, animal stampedes, or another elephant’s calls. The footpads sense vibrations, which carry through the bones to the elephants ears. These elaborate senses in the feet will one day allow the foetus to pick up sounds from nearly 16 kilometres away! Clip from the documentary “Animals in the Womb”. Watch it here –

p_B1odqcNCo | 28 Mar 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – Early dolphin embryos like this one are revealing an astonishing fact, the dolphin, a mammal seemingly so perfectly adapted to life in the water may once have had ancestors who walked on the land. After 24 days in the womb strange things start happening. Although the flippers begin to grow, at the base of the embryo, leg-like limb buds begin to appear. These tiny limbs will emerge, then retract and vanish completely over the next 2 weeks. Scientists believe this is evidence of the dolphin’s land ancestry. They’ve narrowed the dolphin’s ancestor down to a small dog-like creature called Pakicetus. Clip from the documentary “Animals in the Womb”. Watch it here –

_cNrWCr2sqA | 07 Mar 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – On 6th July 1989, physicists from the University of Minnesota test out a new low-light camera they plan to use for a high altitude rocket experiment. They point the camera East at some stars and what looks like a distant thunderstorm. When playing the tape back something catches their attention, two funnel-shaped flashes of light lasting just a few thousandths of a second. The team estimates that the flashes are 20 miles above the clouds and an astonishing 12 miles tall. By pure chance they’ve accidentally captured the first image of what would subsequently become known as a “sprite”. Sprites are large-scale electrical discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds, or cumulonimbus, giving rise to a quite varied range of visual shapes flickering in the night sky. They are triggered by the discharges of positive lightning between an underlying thundercloud and the ground. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Lightning”. Watch it here –

i8Zo1_FN6xw | 14 Feb 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science - How were the continents formed? We walk over them without a second thought, but where did the land beneath our feet come from? We go back in time to the oldest rocks on earth, to see how the first continents formed on our fledgling planet. We see how continents are just lighter rocks, floating on a layer of denser molten rock, the mantle. Travelling to the bottom of the Grand Canyon we follow the process of erosion and sedimentation that created the landscape we see today. At the Giant’s Causeway, in Ireland, we tell the story of how a continent split into two, creating America and Europe, and in the Himalayas, we see how two continents colliding create the tallest mountains on earth. But what of the future? Using computer simulations, we trace the progress of the continents over the next 250 million years and discover that they will all merge into one.

mteiIu5WZWw | 31 Jan 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – The complex geology of the continental slope produces some of the weirdest features on our planet. 2000 feet down in the midst of the barren sea floor, the Johnson-Sea-Link submarine finds something that seems to upturn the laws of physics. A pond of water with ripples on its surface. A cold seep is an area of the ocean floor where hydrogen sulphide, methane and other hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage occurs, often in the form of a brine pool. Cold does not mean that the temperature of the seepage is lower than that of the surrounding sea water. On the contrary, its temperature is often slightly higher. Cold seeps constitute a biome supporting several endemic species. Perhaps the best evidence that life can flourish at extreme depths comes from one of the strangest creatures of all, Lamellibrachia luymesi. This tube worm can reach lengths of over 10 feet, scientists marvel at their size, and are astonished when they figure out their age. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “The Deep”. Watch it here –

BfmXjxJQuGM | 17 Jan 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – In 1990 NASA launched the Hubble Space Telescope to unravel some of the mysteries of our early Universe. Hubble promised scientists unprecedented views of the young Universe, it would be able to look back through space and time, and examine early stars to discover if they were making new elements. But the dream soon turned into the worst nightmare. After it was launched they discovered that Hubble’s mirror was distorted, it saw everything out of focus and needed corrective lenses, and the only way to fix it was to send up another space shuttle. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Birth of the Universe”. Watch it here –

Fgy11gT__TM | 03 Jan 2018
Subscribe to Naked Science – The incredible power of continental drift, not only builds mountains, it also sculpts one of the world’s most recognisable landmarks, the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long and up to 18 miles wide, and at its deepest stretches down for over a mile. The gorge exposes the interior of the North American continent, layer upon layer of rock reveal the geological history of North America, from present day to two billion years ago. 250 million years ago the canyon starts to form as a result of a collision between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. They collide with such force that the North American plate thrusts more than 2 miles upward. What was once seabed rises over a period of 15 million years to form a vast plateau far above sea level. It stays that way for millions of years until transformed by water erosion. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Colliding Continents”. Watch it here –

WfXjBGPLtPQ | 20 Dec 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - What makes something go bang? We dissect an explosion, from the moment of detonation to the impact of the blast. This film visits some of the most secretive and secure government locations to bring you everything you ever wanted to know about explosions. We see why low explosives are useful. When we put high explosives in a gun, it explodes; the reaction is just too fast. And we explore the science of detonation. At Lawrence Livermore’s test range, we see just what punishment an explosive will take before it explodes. And to discover how explosions got bigger and bigger, we visit Los Alamos, and see how they test nuclear warheads without covering the landscape in radiation. But the biggest explosion of all could be an antimatter bomb. Is such a device feasible, and what would it take to make one?

KbJN9Yr0dVU | 06 Dec 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science – Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. It was the first Kuiper belt object to be discovered. In 2006 the International Astronomical Union took the decision to demote Pluto so that the Solar System now consists of just eight planets. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

JVboHupB8l0 | 21 Nov 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – You can’t have life without water, so how did water arrive on arid Earth? The answer may lie with comets. In our planet’s early history it was bombarded by billions of tonnes of space debris, including comets. This is called the “Late Heavy Bombardment”. For 200 million years comets and asteroids travelling at over 23,000mph crashed into the Earth. The planet was a scolding cauldron of molten rock with temperatures almost 2,000 degrees, no life could survive in such an inhospitable place. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Comets”. Watch it here –

kBgXnjEpD7M | 08 Nov 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - What did the Romans do for us? They invented the modern world. Modern cities, modern warfare, modern living all first came together in ancient Rome. The Romans were the first superpower, controlling around a quarter of the world’s population. This film looks at how they used technology to hold together their empire. We see the ingenious pilum, a spear cleverly designed so that the enemy couldn’t throw it back; the scorpion, a bolt-firing weapon of war; and the rock-hurling ballista, the fore-runner of modern artillery. We learn how they built their roads, the arteries of the empire that, put end to end, would stretch twice around the world. Roman cities, with their grid pattern, paved the way for the cities of today. They had hot baths, central heating, flushing toilets and double-glazing. They built apartment blocks 8 stories high, and to entertain their citizens built stunning buildings like the Pantheon and Colosseum (or Coliseum). But holding everything together at the heart of the Empire, was water. No city can survive without a supply of drinking water. Great aqueducts carried water into Rome from springs 11 miles away. When the planners of New York were building their water system, they travelled to Italy to copy the Romans.

MUpaAf-OftE | 25 Oct 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science – In this video he talks about the ultimate fate of our Sun and how it will eventually become a planetary nebula. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

Z1yRnWKozUg | 11 Oct 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – 1st November 1952, US government scientists in the Marshall Islands press the button that ushers in a new era of explosive power. The age of the thermonuclear H-bomb. This bomb is one thousand times more powerful than the atomic fission bombs that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unlike those bombs that created energy by splitting nuclei in a process called fission, this weapon forces the nuclei of hydrogen atom together. This is nuclear fusion. High explosive first initiates a fission reaction, this creates super high temperatures. In the intense heat the hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium, this releases a huge amount of energy and creates a massive explosion. Thanks to the H-bomb the United States leads the arms race, but not for long. 30th October 1961 a Soviet bomber flies towards a remote island in the Arctic Circle, on board a special cargo, a 27 tonne hydrogen bomb. This is the king of bombs, the Tsar Bomba. At 8.33am GMT, the Soviet Union sets a new and terrifying record. The Tsar bomb explodes with 38 times more power than the Hiroshima bomb. The fireball is seen over 600 miles away, shockwaves circle the Earth three times. This is the greatest manmade explosion in human history. It heralds an age of mutually assured destruction in which there are enough nuclear bombs to destroy humanity many times over. It’s a threat that despite countless treaties and agreements continues to this day. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Explosive Force”. Watch it here –

-F7MRS_zyD8 | 27 Sep 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – The theory of continental drift suggests that we go through cyclical phases of continental dispersion and collision, over hundreds of millions of years. The Earth, 3.4 billion years ago, plate tectonics pushes the protocontinents together. They combine to form ever larger tracts of land. Scientists suggest that cratons combine with other cratons to form a supercontinent, a huge continuous stretch of land, called Vaalbara. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Colliding Continents”. Watch it here –

6eGIzdIMbgU | 13 Sep 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – Ball lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon. 19th March 1963, the Eastern Airlines late night flight EA539 from New York to Washington encounters a storm, there’s a sudden loud bang and bright flash. Seconds later a glowing ball emerges from the pilot’s cabin. The blue-white sphere hovers above the aisle and floats slowly towards the rear of the plane maintaining the same height. It reaches the back of the plane and vanishes. Remarkably the plane continues unharmed. But this wasn’t fantasy, this was fact and it wasn’t the first account of its kind. The eye witness was R.C. Jennison, a professor of the Electronics Laboratory at the University of Kent. Suddenly scientists sat up and took notice. Pilots in World War II described an unusual phenomenon for which ball lightning has been suggested as an explanation. The pilots saw small balls of light moving in strange trajectories, which came to be referred to as “foo fighters”. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Lightning”. Watch it here –

iufM_-aKxDM | 30 Aug 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - The Real Star Trek discovers the challenges humankind will have to overcome to journey to distant stars. One day we may face no choice but to leave Earth, forced by an ice age, pollution or a meteorite to find a new home elsewhere in the galaxy. The difficulties are daunting, humans evolved to live on Earth, not in space. We meet the scientists who are making journeys to Mars and beyond possible. The first task is finding the right planet; humans need oxygen and water, so not any old planet will do. We meet David Miller, the MIT scientist who works on the Terrestrial Planet Finder project and thinks it will make the job of finding a new home a whole lot easier. The ‘TPF’ is a set of orbiting satellites which are able to spot Earth like planets and reveal whether they have a ‘human-friendly’ atmosphere. Once we’ve found a target there’s the small matter of getting there. Just travelling to Mars and back is likely to take years. Journeys to stars are likely to be decades if not centuries. We look at some of the concepts to come out of NASA’s propulsion labs, from solar sails to antimatter. But even the rocket scientists can’t make our ship break the speed of light; we have to accept that crews are going to have to be in this for the long haul. We meet scientists who are trying to ensure that they arrive at their destinations healthy and ready to start life on a new planet. At MIT we see centrifuges that mimic the effects of gravity, installed in a spaceship they might stop the crippling loss of muscle and bone mass that would threaten our astronauts. Dava Newman demonstrates her revolutionary design for a spacesuit on a climbing wall, made of flexible material it will work with the wearer unlike the bulky suits currently used. We also reveal the work being done to overcome the deadly effects of cosmic radiation that threatens to wreck our crew’s DNA. We also look at the work being done to keep our crew in sound mind. Sealed in a ship for years with only faint communications with Earth they may rely on the software being designed by David Dinges, which allows a computer to spot when humans are becoming stressed. Eventually though we may have to accept that more drastic changes are needed before we can leave for the stars. From hibernation pods, to methods to slow down aging, the world of science fiction may have to become fact before we can leave our solar system. And if we embrace genetic manipulation to redesign ourselves for space we may also have to change our ideas of what a human is.

-aDhzQMIGCY | 16 Aug 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – Some experts believe that this is one of the most important buildings the world has ever seen. Roman technology transformed lime mortar into strong durable concrete, this revolutionised architecture. But having created this new concrete the Romans then took it to new levels of ingenuity unsurpassed even to this day. One example of such before their time skills can be found in the back streets of Rome. Built in 118AD, this is a temple to gods, which no one now worships. But it still inspires awe and wonder. When Emperor Hadrian’s architects begin designing a new temple to the 12 main gods of roman religion they have to come up with an impressive building. They decide upon a vast dome 142 feet in diameter. By modern standards that might not sound big, but in the 2nd century it’s a massive undertaking. Even 2000 years later, The Pantheon is still the largest unreinforced spherical concrete dome ever built. Its design still influences architecture across the world. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Roman Tech”. Watch it here –

-5dILooOABA | 02 Aug 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science – Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space. In this video he responds to a question from Willow Roberts. What is a white hole? In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. A place you can leave but never go back. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside and from which matter and light cannot escape.

ugxt_dq0FOg | 19 Jul 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - Landslides are among the most deadly of nature’s awesome forces, the raw power of our planet at its most overwhelming. Throughout history they have taken a terrible toll in human life and property destruction. Science is doing what little it can to find out what causes landslides and to predict or prevent such disasters. But, ironically, it is often the actions of humans and our desire to live in areas of great scenic beauty that make the dangers and the effects of landslides even worse. Naked Science follows the landslide detectives, such as geologist Randy Jibson, who investigates the cause of a 2005 landslide in the Californian town of La Conchita. He characterises the disaster as a “slide” type of land movement, a mass of mud and earth dragged downslope as a single cohesive mass by the overwhelming power of gravity. Such events often move slowly; but at la Conchita the slide moved faster than a person could run, wiping out more than a dozen homes and killing ten residents. Jibson’s enquires eventually uncover a fault line in the hillside allowing water to flow through the hill and fatally weaken the slope. A second investigation looks into the cause of Australia’s worst ever landslide in village of Threadbo, New South Wales. More than 2000 cubic metres of mud and rock smashed through three ski-lodges and buried 20 people. It was Australia’s worst-ever landslide. The film tells the story of ski-instructor Stuart Diver, the only survivor, who was found under the wreckage three days later lying alongside the dead body of his young wife. Naked Science reveals how the cause was finally traced to a leaking water pipe saturating the ground. Scientists at research centres in Oregon in the USA and at Davos in Switzerland, show how they are developing lightweight netting protection to guard against the dangers of rock falls. But such systems would have been of little use at Yosemite Park in California where two massive rocks 350 times as heavy as the Statue of Liberty, crashed in freefall 3000 feet down a mountainside to kill and injure people at a nearby nature centre. Finally Naked Science looks to the future, examining the scientific controversy over a landslide yet-to-happen in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. Some scientists believe that the entire mountain side of the volcanic island of La Palma could collapse into the sea in a future eruption. The landslide would send a massive tsunami across the Atlantic Ocean to wipe out East Coast America in a tsunami dwarfing even the horrors of the 2004 Asian tidal-wave disaster. Naked Science predicts that if and when this happens it could be the most deadly landslide ever witnessed by man.

Si7FW6Mt8Bc | 05 Jul 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – During spaceflight we encounter the most deadly enemy of them all, radiation. Cosmic rays are immensely high-energy radiation, mainly originating outside the Solar System. Naked Science discovers the challenges humankind will have to overcome to journey to distant stars. One day we may face no choice but to leave Earth, forced by an ice age, pollution, or a meteorite, to find a new home elsewhere in the galaxy. The difficulties are daunting, humans evolved to live on Earth, not in space. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Spacemen”. Watch it here –

6utAunBKXV4 | 21 Jun 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – A slide from this mountain could kill millions of people in Europe and along Northern America’s eastern seaboard. Some eminent scientists warn that it’s purely a matter of time until it happens. This is the volcanic island of La Palma, 700 miles off the northwest coast of Africa. It’s a new-born baby island barely past its 4 millionth Birthday, created in the last stage of what geologists call the rock cycle. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Landslides”. Watch it here –

zX_DPwewsOI | 07 Jun 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science – Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space. In this video he responds to a question about Stars from Stevo Canuck. How big are stars and what shape are they? Stars are luminous masses of plasma held together by their own gravity and vary widely in size. Some stars are huge and can be millions, or even billions, of kilometres across. When it comes to shape most of them are spherical just like our Sun, the nearest star to Earth. The reason being that they are composed of gas and so gravity pulls it in from all directions equally, ending up with a sphere. However, not all stars are spherical, like tangerine-shaped “Regulus” in the constellation of Leo, or egg-shaped “Spica” in the constellation of Virgo, or the pear-shaped “Cygnus X-1” orbiting around a black hole.

xVRlL2gd4Fc | 24 May 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Will scientists ever be able to predict volcanic eruptions? Volcanoes are among nature’s most awesome forces. Over millions of years, lava and debris ejected from volcanoes have created more than 80 percent of the surface of our planet. The world’s 1500 currently active volcanoes still kill an average of 800 people per year and threaten the lives of 500 million more. By their very nature, volcanoes are unpredictable, with molten rock, known as magma, forcing upwards under almost unimaginable power through complex webs of rock fractures from up to a hundred miles under the ground. We visit the Italian city of Naples, where 500,000 people live in the shadow of the world’s most dangerous explosive volcanoes, Mount Vesuvius. The mountain that killed thousands in AD79 in Pompeii, is now among the most solely monitored volcanoes on Earth. Scientists study its gas emissions, its earth tremors, its temperature and how the ground on and around the volcano changes shape. And yet as scientist Carmen Solana admits, “We are not right now in the position of being able to predict eruptions.” Naked Science travels around the world, looking at how each volcano prediction method helps scientists complete the jigsaw picture of when an eruption may happen. On Hawaii, we see how often deadly volcanic gases offer clues to what is happening underground. Here, too, they measure temperature changes to try and predict if an eruption is likely. We hear of how the study of ground deformation helped scientists predict the eruption of Mount St Helens and save hundreds of lives. And, on Mount Etna in Italy, volcanologist Harry Pinkerton reveals that the temperature of 2000 degree lava flows help him predict what destruction an eruption may cause. In New Zealand, one of the world’s leading seismologists details how her research reveals changing patterns of rock fractures in the run up to the eruption of the massive Mount Ruapehu volcano. Her studies of seismic waves, the sounds generated by earthquakes, could help prediction in other countries. For the newest prediction techniques, Naked Science looks at stunning computer images revealing the structure of magma chambers up to 100 miles under the ground. Nobody has ever seen this deep before. To create the picture English scientists tap into the massive penetrating power of electromagnetic waves, hitting the ground in lightning storms. Finally the program moves to Iceland where scientists combat the deadly threat of under ice volcanoes by creating computer models linking the information gathered by all of the prediction methods we have seen in the film. That offers hope for the future, although the volcanologists still warn that, however much their science improves, volcanoes will still produce unpredictable and often deadly eruptions.

vLgEH_3MjiQ | 17 May 2017
Pioneer Productions is one of the UK's most successful independent production companies. We have an outstanding reputation for producing innovative, high quality, popular programmes for both the UK and US markets, with industry leading expertise in science and history. Our investment in nurturing creative and editorial skills means the company continues to attract the leading on- and off-screen talent. Our passion is to tell factual stories in new and exciting ways. Pioneer Productions is prolific across a broad range of programme genres including history, science, drama-docs, engineering and adventure. The company has made over 700 hours of programming, sold in over 60 countries worldwide. Our critically-acclaimed productions have attracted both high audience viewing figures as well as many prestigious awards. Pioneer's clients include Discovery Channel, PBS, National Geographic Channel, History, ABC, TLC, Discovery Canada, WGBH, WNET, Discovery Europe, Travel Channel, HGTV, and in the UK, Channel 4, Channel 5, the BBC, and ITV. Pioneer Productions has been at the forefront of factual innovations. In the 90s it led the charge into filming the impossible; capturing some of the most extreme weather on our planet in series such as Raging Planet, developing the use of special effects sequences to see inside the human and animal bodies in series such In The Womb, creating pure CGI films such as Journey to the Edge of the Universe and combining life-like CGI into dramas and drama-docs such as The Unsinkable Titanic and Hindenburg. Our recent output ranges from fully dramatised specials like Bloody Queens, an innovative ‘chamber drama’, through high-end science such as How The Universe Works (now in series 5), to adventure and popular science, “Your Face Says It All”. Pioneer's many awards include numerous Medals, it is the only independent company to win the coveted Best Science film at the Banff TV festival. Pioneer has also won the Grand Award at the New York Television Festival, a UK Indie award, a Sony award, Cine Golden Eagles, and other prizes in France, Italy, US and Greece. Our shows have also won prestigious awards at the Emmys and the Royal Television Society.

r8rSC9mX328 | 10 May 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – We’re about to enter the abyss, the graveyard of the ocean, a ghostly landscape built of the skeletons of everything that sinks here. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “The Deep”. Watch it here –

mJ4Ngqj5wO0 | 26 Apr 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science - Naked Science investigates the truth behind the legend. The legend of the Loch Ness monster dates back 1500 years. Since then, 1000 eye witnesses, countless photographs, sonar records and films have testified to the existence of a Loch Ness monster. Yet despite extensive exploration, observation and scientific analysis, still no real evidence has been discovered. This documentary starts off charting the early history of the legend. From the first sighting by St Columba in 565AD, to the ‘Spicer’ sighting that kicked off the modern legend in 1933 and the world famous ‘Surgeon’s Photo’ from 1934 that captured what appeared to be a head and neck emerging from Loch Ness. From the ‘Surgeon’s Photo’, the press, frenzied public and scientific observers soon concluded that the creature living in the loch was a long-extinct dinosaur called a plesiosaur. A preposterous suggestion it would seem. However Naked Science profiles the coelacanth. A fish thought to be extinct 80 million years ago but discovered in 1938, to much surprise, living off the coast of Madagascar. But even if it was a dinosaur from the Triassic period, how on earth did it get into the loch? Loch Ness was gouged into today’s U shape valley by a series of glaciers that last melted 11,000 years ago, long after the extinction of the dinosaurs. Naked Science profiles the geology of the loch and examines whether the sea has ever intruded into the loch perhaps carrying an unknown creature in with it. After decades of intense observation of the surface of the loch by volunteer monster-hunters from around the world, in the late 60s Adrian Shine, skeptic, naturalist and leader of the Loch Ness Project arrived on the scene. He took a different tactic. Rather than search for a big monster, he looked for creatures just 100th of an inch in diameter, zooplankton. A monster brood hiding out in the loch would need plenty of zooplankton, to support plenty of fish, who in turn could support large creatures. Naked Science examines this ecology for clues. We also discover there are internal waves called seiches, mirages, local wildlife, large fish such as sturgeon, floating logs, boat wakes and strong winds that could all have their place in provoking monster sightings. But what of all the photographic evidence? The most famous moving image of the Loch Ness monster is the so-called Dinsdale film of 1960. At the time Britain’s foremost photographic analysis experts concluded it was an animate creature. Using high spec imagery analysis we show how the famous Dinsdale film was most probably a helmsman in a boat. Likewise we demonstrate that the McNab photo of 1955 could also be a boat wake. Naked Science reveals that the notorious ‘Surgeon’s Photo’ was actually a hoax. We show how in 1933 big game-hunter Marmaduke Wetherell planted some footprints on the loch side and passed them off as the monster. Humiliated when his first hoax was discovered, Wetherell’s revenge was the ‘Surgeon’s Photo’. In a reconstruction, we show how easy it was for him to fabricate a monster from a toy submarine and reveal how the hoax remained a secret for 50 years. Finally we look at the most unique theory by Italian geologist Dr Piccardi, that earth tremors along the Great Glen fault provoke water disturbance that are mistaken for monsters thrashing around in the water.

-k5bR0JH_5k | 12 Apr 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – 380,000 years after the Big Bang the Universe had expanded to the size of the Milky Way. It had cooled from billions of degrees Fahrenheit to a few thousand. As it cooled the electrons slowed down. The Universe was now ready to make its first true elements. One of the scientists who discovered this critical moment in the story of the Universe was Arno Allan Penzias. In 1963, a 30 year old Penzias and his 27 year old colleague Robert Woodrow Wilson began work on the Holmdel Horn Antenna in New Jersey. Initially they were only studying cosmic radio waves, but they would stumble upon one of the greatest discoveries of all time. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Birth of the Universe”. Watch it here –

vVbQ1qRcBGQ | 29 Mar 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – Our imaginary deep space quest is fleeing Earth for a new home among the stars. We’ve found the right planet, now we just have to get there. Our first challenge comes almost at once, losing a force that has shaped us all our lives, gravity! Generation after generation will need to live on board, on a ship in the most hostile environment imaginable, deep space. No air, no gravity, trillions of miles of nothingness. How will we ever survive on this journey? Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Spacemen”. Watch it here –

zh_U5JmH1kY | 15 Mar 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science – Nigel goes on the adventure of a lifetime, to visit the most extraterrestrial place on Earth with the famous American astronaut Buzz Aldrin, pilot of the first mission to land on the Moon. The Antarctic is the coldest, windiest, and driest place on Earth. Being almost completely lifeless it’s the closest we can get to visiting planet Mars, and Buzz is passionate about his plans for sending humans to the Red Planet. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

Tr6wEypYF24 | 01 Mar 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – The scorching New Mexico desert, a vast wilderness, 16th July 1945 it’s teaming with activity. This is the Trinity test site, where a new and terrifying age is about to dawn. At 5.20am the world’s first atomic bomb detonates with force of 20 kilotons of high explosive. 10 miles away observers feel the explosion’s heat on their skin, the flash is brighter than 20 suns. It’s the biggest manmade explosion to date, the world will never be the same again. "Little Boy" was the codename for the type of atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II, the first atomic bomb to be used in warfare. The Hiroshima bombing was the second artificial nuclear explosion in history, and the first uranium-based detonation. It exploded with an energy of approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. Little Boy had a big brother, "Fat Man". The type of bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki by the United States on 9th August 1945. It was the second of only two nuclear weapons ever used in warfare, built by scientists and engineers at Los Alamos Laboratory using plutonium. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Explosive Force”. Watch it here –

-TuXCNetZH0 | 15 Feb 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – The ground beneath our feet is solid and secure, isn’t it? Well, here's a reality check. New South Wales, Australia, the snowy mountain range 260 miles south of Sydney, home to the tiny ski resort village of Thredbo. On the night of 30th July 1997 the hillside started to move, at first a few inches, then a few feet, before becoming an unstoppable torrent racing downhill. More than 70 thousand cubic feet of earth, 3800 tonnes of soaking wet mud and rock, broke loose and hurtled down the mountainside, crushing two ski lodges and burying 19 people, before sliding to a halt on a precarious 40 degree slope. The riddle of what set this landslide in motion led to one of the most lengthy and complex landslide investigations ever mounted. Nature's forces constantly refashion our world, volcanoes, earthquakes, wind, waves, and landslides, capable of killing tens of thousands of people. Science offers scant protection against these overwhelming forces of nature. To save ourselves from landslides, we need to understand why they happen. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Landslides”. Watch it here –

BSmD8Bzzjio | 01 Feb 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – Mount St. Helens or Louwala-Clough is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, it is known as Lawetlat'la to the indigenous Cowlitz people. Will scientists ever be able to accurately predict volcanic eruptions? That’s what Naked Science asks as it examines how volcanologists around the world study gas emissions, ground deformation, temperature changes and seismic and electromagnetic data to try and tell when volcanoes will erupt. Seeking clues that could help prevent the next terrifying volcanic eruption we revisit the disaster of Mount St. Helens that occurred in May 1980, in the state of Washington, United States. The major eruption was preceded by a two month series of earthquakes and steam venting episodes, caused by an injection of magma at shallow depth below the volcano that created a huge bulge and a fracture system on the mountain's north slope. An earthquake on 18th May 1980 caused the entire weakened north face to slide away, creating the largest landslide ever recorded. This suddenly exposed the partly molten, gas and steam rich rock in the volcano to lower pressures. The rock responded by exploding a hot mix of lava and pulverized older rock toward Spirit Lake so fast that it overtook the avalanching north face. The eruption column rose 80,000 feet into the atmosphere and deposited ash over 11 U.S. states. At the same time, snow, ice and several entire glaciers on the volcano melted, forming a series of large volcanic mudslides. Approximately fifty seven people were killed directly, and hundreds of square miles were reduced to wasteland. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Volcano Alert”. Watch it here –

BCp5drCEGgg | 18 Jan 2017
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - What is a light-year? A light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances, about 9 trillion kilometres, or 6 trillion miles. A light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year, as defined by the International Astronomical Union. Because it includes the word "year", the term light-year is sometimes misinterpreted as a unit of time. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

GJYqDXh2QDA | 04 Jan 2017
Subscribe to Naked Science – Sceptics such as members of the Loch Ness Project believe that the unique topography of Loch Ness gives rise to some sightings. Loch Ness researcher Adrian Shine suggests there are two factors in creating illusions on the loch. First, the lock is like a wind tunnel, because it’s aligned with the prevailing southwest to northeast winds. Second, because of its great depth the loch water never gets too warm in summer, nor too cold in the winter, in fact the loch never freezes. In winter the relatively warm water meets colder air producing unexpected mirages on the surface, and the winds of late summer meeting the warmer less dense top layer of the water can induce an extraordinary process, called a seiche. A seiche is a large oscillation of a lake, caused by water reverting to its natural level after being blown to one end of the lake, resulting in a standing wave. The legend of the Loch Ness monster dates back 1500 years. Since then thousands of eye witnesses, countless photographs, sonar records and films have testified to the existence of a Loch Ness monster. A profile has gradually emerged of ‘Nessie’ having three humps, a long neck, rough-textured skin and being over 10 feet in length. Every year tourists from all over the world flock to see it. Yet despite decades of tireless exploration, observation and scientific analysis, still no real evidence has been discovered. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Loch Ness”. Watch it here –

kkgjiCKHvoY | 21 Dec 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science – 2000 years ago the Roman army is the best equipped army in the world. While architects have mastered the art of manipulating stone and concrete, military engineers have fashioned metal and wood to create devastating weapons of war. The Roman foot soldiers main weapon is a fearsome sword called the Gladius, a double edged blade with a sharp point used for stabbing and thrusting, rather than slashing. When not fighting at close quarters, their spear, called a pilum, could kill from a distance with lethal accuracy. Protecting soldiers from injury is just as important as arming them for attack. Early Roman soldiers wear chainmail, but armourers come up with a far superior form of protection. Articulated plate armour called lorica segmentata, made from overlapping iron plates joined together by leather straps, as flexible as chainmail, but one third lighter. If the romans weaponry has a modern feel, then so does the tactics they use. The Roman legions know exactly how to fight heavily armed foes. They use the testudo, Latin for tortoise. Legionaries bunch together and lock their shields in formation to create a protective screen, a formation as effective in attack, as it is in defence. Few examples of Roman artillery survive, but they left detailed clues as to how to recreate them. The Ermine Street Guard Roman Reenactment Society is dedicated to research into the Roman Army and the reconstruction of Roman armour and equipment. The scorpion fires iron tipped bolts, used in the first stages of attack and during sieges. It fires arrows at incredible speeds, pierces armour, and kills instantly, a bit like a giant crossbow. Although an effective anti-personnel weapon, the scorpion is of little use when attacking a building. For that the Romans need something with a bit more punch, the onager and the ballista. These pieces of artillery fire large stones at the enemy. During sieges they propel projectiles so high into the air that they can break down enemy walls. The whizzing noise of the stones strikes terror into Rome’s enemies. To increase the fear factor they’re painted black so harder to see. The ballista works like the scorpion, but is bigger and more powerful. It can fire a 60 pound stone or a 3 foot bolt around 15,000 feet allowing the soldiers to stand well away from enemy archers. The speed of the missile is phenomenal hitting its target at about 115 mph, anyone sustaining a direct hit would be killed instantly. The onager uses a different principle, it catapults basketball sized stones nearly 100 feet using a single arm and sling. The vertical arm is powered by a large horizontal skein of rope, coiled and twisted to create a rotational force, the skein acts like a spring storing energy to be released on firing. The combination of technology and tactics makes the Roman army the premier fighting force in Europe for 500 years and influences military tactics for the next 1,500. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Roman Tech”. Watch it here –

QuHr3ErT34I | 07 Dec 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - The Sun is the most powerful force in our solar system. It generates the heat and light that sustains us. Without it we wouldn’t have life on Earth. But the Sun is violent and volatile and is becoming more dangerous as it ages. Naked Science explores the life and death of the Sun. We explore what will happen in the future as the Sun ages, and how our lives linked to the Sun’s life cycle. Firstly we want to understand how the Sun was created from a giant cloud of dust and gas. Scientists pretty much agree on the theory but physical evidence is hard to come by. Naked Science meets scientists at Johnson Space Center who have been working on a ten year mission to bring a piece of the Sun back to Earth. How do scientists collect samples of the Sun when a probe could never get near the Sun’s surface? We follow NASA’s dare devil mission to capture the samples. Today we rely on the Sun to live. It’s energy fuels trees and plants which are essential for the food chain we all depend upon. But how do we get the energy? Naked Science explores the incredible journey that the particles of light from the Sun have to make to earth to deliver their energy. How old is the Sun? This is a question which has fascinated scientists for a long time. Scientists have now established the Sun’s age with the aid of one remarkable fact that the Sun sings. We visit Big Bear Solar Observatory in California to meet one of the scientists who has been at the forefront of using the Sun’s sounds to determine its age. The Sun’s warmth and light helped life on Earth to begin but it can also play havoc with our modern way of life. Billions of tons of plasma erupting from the sun send powerful storms hurtling through our solar system. We visit the Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado where they try to predict the sun’s violent moods. 1989 brought one of the most dramatic space storms and Naked Science uncovers the events which took place on the Earth. But what lies behind the explosive events on the Sun. We travel to the California Institute of Technology in Los Angeles where they are trying to understand the science behind the explosions by creating them in the laboratory. But what about the risks of solar storms to astronauts in Space? Naked Science meets Michael Foale who was directly in the line of fire on the International Space Station during the intense solar activity in 2003. There is one solar event astronauts can’t be protected from. A superflare. Superflares are up to 10 million times more energetic than the most powerful solar flares. Naked Science journeys to Louisiana to meet an astrophysicist who has found evidence of nine stars that have experienced superflares. What if our sun ever produced a superflare, what would happen to life on earth? We know when the sun was born, how it nurtured us and how it has thrown a fair amount of danger our way. But how and when will it die and will the Earth survive?

MplIrEAT6rg | 23 Nov 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... How will the Sun die and will the Earth survive in the process? The Sun is the most powerful force in our solar system. It generates the heat and light that sustains us. Without it we wouldn’t have life on Earth. But the Sun is violent and volatile and is becoming more dangerous as it ages. Our Sun is getting hotter, since its birth 4.5 billion years ago its brightness has risen by 30% and scientists predict that it will get even hotter, evaporating our oceans, melting the surface of the Earth, and ending life as we know it. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Death of the Sun”, exploring the life and death of the Sun. Watch it here -

7-dVvo7zbAU | 09 Nov 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - This instalment of the popular In the Womb series follows the embryonic and fetal journey of one of nature's most fascinating reproductive miracles, identical twins. Witness key moments from the spontaneous splitting of a single fertilised egg into identical twins to the major milestones of twin fetal development, ending with their dramatic births. Along the way, learn how skin colour is formed, what happens when aberrations in early development occur, producing conjoined twins, and how twins with ambiguous genitalia (hermaphrodites) can develop. Meet a pair of identicals who were separated at birth and met for the first time four decades later. Then, see dramatic 4-D ultrasound images of twins interacting in the womb in real time.

Kv-LXAWOsHQ | 26 Oct 2016
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - What is a quasar? Two billion light years from home, closing in on the edge of the Universe, going back to the beginning of time. This isn’t a galaxy, it’s brighter than 100 galaxies, a blinding beam of energy surging for trillions of miles. The deadliest most powerful thing in the Universe, the quasar. A swirling cauldron of superheated gas, this beast has a heart of darkness, a supermassive black hole as heavy as a billion suns. It’s ripping apart whole stars, devouring them until they’re nothing, lost forever from the visible Universe. A quasar, or quasi-stellar radio source, is a massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy, which typically has a star-like image in a telescope. It has been suggested that quasars contain massive black holes and may represent a stage in the evolution of some galaxies. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

GufeW4WZOQU | 12 Oct 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This young girl from India was born with an additional set of arms and legs, with x-rays revealing an extra pelvis. Strictly speaking these didn’t belong to her, but to her headless, inverted, and undeveloped twin, called a parasitic twin. The difference between a parasitic twin, and healthy twin, is just a matter of days. In most cases identical twins are created during a 12-13 day window following fertilisation. After this time the basic embryo starts to organise into the first stages of the crude embryonic body. It may be that if the embryo splits during this organisation, separation is never fully completed, and the two embryos remain fused. This rare reproductive accident occurs once in every 200,000 births and usually results in conjoined twins, identical twins joined at the head or body. Parasitic twins are in essence conjoined twins, except one twin is totally dependent on the other fully functional one. In this case her headless twin relied entirely on her for survival. Clip from the documentary “In the Womb: Identical Twins”. Watch it here - After the success of In the Womb, which followed the development of a single foetus from conception to birth, comes In the Womb Multiples. This film series opens up the incredible foetal world of twins, triplets and quads in the womb. Using revolutionary 4D scans, we witness unique footage of multiple foetuses interacting with each other before birth. Multiples tells us not only about the extremes of human reproduction but the limits of human design.

WKwdEDm_JP0 | 28 Sep 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Forget fast cars and luxury yachts, these are the must have toys for any budding tycoon today, ex-military fighter jets. These warbirds were once in active military service, battling it out in dogfights. Now they are the play things of the fabulously wealthy, men who only have the best of everything. This pastime is only for the seriously rich, not your average weekend hobby. One wrong move and these machines kill even the best pilots in the world. The perfect adrenalin rush for the seriously rich alpha male, and a chance to prove they are top guns! Jet airplanes revolutionised warfare, they first came in to service at the end of World War II, and over the next 50 years evolved into the most lethal killing machines. Air superiority fighters like the F-15 and the MiG ruled the skies, while planes such the F-16 or A-10 still strike fear into their adversaries. Once these extraordinary warplanes were flown by trained military pilots on deadly missions, but now they have become the toys for some of world’s high flyers. Some of the aircraft featured in this documentary : Aero L-39 Albatros Supersonic English Electric Lightning Bell AH-1 HueyCobra Attack Helicopter Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star Blackburn Buccaneer Nuclear Bomber Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

z3srwQlyeA4 | 14 Sep 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Revolutionary design made the Soviet MiG-15 one of the best dogfighters of its day, and is believed to have been one of the most widely produced jet aircraft ever made. The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 was a jet fighter aircraft developed by Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB for the Soviet Union. The MiG-15 was one of the first successful jet fighters to incorporate swept wings to achieve high transonic speeds. In combat over Korea, it outclassed straight-winged jet day fighters which were largely relegated to ground attack roles, and was quickly countered by the similar American swept-wing F-86 Sabre. The MiG-15 is often mentioned, along with the North American F-86 Sabre, as the best fighter aircraft of the Korean War, and among the best fighter aircraft of all time. Clip from the documentary “Tycoon Toys - Fighter Jets”. Watch it here - What do the super-rich choose to spend their hard-won zillions on? We meet individuals who have a particular penchant for owning, driving and firing huge pieces of ex-military hardware, from field guns to tanks to fighter jets. Tycoon Toys goes on a journey to watch them at play.

CGzHkFvDGFA | 31 Aug 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science – The so-called “surgeon's photograph” is reportedly the first photo of the creature's head and neck. Supposedly taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London gynaecologist, it was published in the Daily Mail on 21st April 1934. Wilson's refusal to have his name associated with its led to its being known as the surgeon's photograph. Although for a number of years the iconic photo was considered evidence of the monster, sceptics dismissed it as driftwood, an elephant, an otter, or a bird. The photo's scale was controversial as it is often shown cropped, making the creature seem large and the ripples like waves, while the uncropped shot shows the other end of the loch and the monster in the centre. The ripples in the photo were found to fit the size and pattern of small ripples, unlike large waves photographed up close. Since 1994, most agree that the photo was an elaborate hoax. The legend of the Loch Ness monster dates back 1500 years. Since then thousands of eye witnesses, countless photographs, sonar records and films have testified to the existence of a Loch Ness monster. A profile has gradually emerged of ‘Nessie’ having three humps, a long neck, rough-textured skin and being over 10 feet in length. Every year tourists from all over the world flock to see it. Yet despite decades of tireless exploration, observation and scientific analysis, still no real evidence has been discovered. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Loch Ness”. Watch it here –

jXLBhBz_2tE | 17 Aug 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - The Blackburn Buccaneer was a Royal Navy carrier-borne attack aircraft designed in the 1950s, a mid-wing, twin-engine monoplane with a crew of two in a tandem seat arrangement. Designed and initially produced by Blackburn Aircraft at Brough, it was later officially known as the Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer when Blackburn became a part of the Hawker Siddeley group. The Buccaneer was originally designed in response to the Soviet Union's massive Sverdlov-class cruiser construction program. Instead of building a new fleet of their own, the Buccaneer would attack these ships with relative impunity by approaching at low altitudes below the ship's radar horizon. The Buccaneer would attack using a nuclear bomb or conventional weapons in engagements lasting less than a minute, quickly flying out of range while its weapons struck. It was later intended to carry short-range anti-shipping missiles to further enhance its survivability against more modern ship-based anti-aircraft weapons. Clip from the documentary “Tycoon Toys - Fighter Jets”. Watch it here - What do the super-rich choose to spend their hard-won zillions on? We meet individuals who have a particular penchant for owning, driving and firing huge pieces of ex-military hardware, from field guns to tanks to fighter jets. Tycoon Toys goes on a journey to watch them at play.

FnMCIrKRkQM | 03 Aug 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For over four and a half thousand years the pyramids of Egypt have stood as wonders of the world. The facts are astonishing, the Great Pyramid alone weighs almost six million tons and contains over 2.3 million stone blocks. Naked Science sets out to uncover four great mysteries that still surround the pyramids, how were they built, who built them, why were they built, and what secrets may still lie hidden within their stones. As four millennia and countless generations stand between us and the men who built the pyramids we have to study the buildings themselves to uncover the answers. With British engineer Denys Stocks we learn the art of pyramid building. Stocks has spent twenty years mastering the techniques used by the ancient workmen and shows how such vast quantities of stone were quarried, transported and fitted by a civilisation that had not even invented the wheel. To show the scale of the achievement we asked construction manager and pyramid scholar Craig Smith to calculate what it would take to build a pyramid in today’s money. We may know the names of the pharaohs who commissioned the pyramids but who actually hauled the blocks. Legends have always held that slaves built the pyramids but we venture into the science of Forensic Egyptology to discover the truth. Mark Lehner discovered the town of the pyramid builders while Zahi Hawass takes us on a tour of their tombs. There may be few records of how the pyramids were built but hieroglyphic texts within some pyramids hint at their reveal purpose. Salima Ikram and Jim Allen help us find for the reason why the pyramids were built within these spells and incantations. However Robert Bauval, believes there may be deep connections between the pyramids and astronomy. He believes links to the stars are hidden within their stones and chambers. Finally we follow work in pyramid exploration as teams hunt for hidden chambers and use robots to explore the mysterious shafts at the centre of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

pOznETH5nGY | 20 Jul 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science – The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Its sides climb at an angle of slightly less than 52 degrees, rising to a summit of 480 feet. But how did they manage to manoeuvre 2.5 tonne blocks to such an incredible height without the crane or the block and tackle system? It was a challenge to the ancient Egyptians and still remains a mystery to modern archaeologists. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Pyramids”. Watch it here –

Du8uE2C-dWI | 06 Jul 2016
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Nigel addresses one of the biggest questions, if the universe is expanding, how will it end? The fate of the universe is determined by the density of the universe. The preponderance of evidence to date, based on measurements of the rate of expansion and the mass density, favours a universe that will continue to expand indefinitely, resulting in the "Big Freeze" scenario. However, observations are not conclusive, and alternative models are still possible, such as the “Big Rip”, or the “Big Crunch”. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

k9oLluVyCQ4 | 22 Jun 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Can we predict future tsunami, and if not, why not? To know this we need to understand how tsunamis are created, the way they speed across oceans, and how they inflict such devastation. When the Tsunami hit on December 26th 2004 it killed over two hundred and fifty thousand people, destroyed thousands of homes and caused billions in damage. It was a global catastrophe and the world now knows the meaning of the word Tsunami. Naked Science is looking at the work of scientists who are out to discover which areas are most prone to a tsunami, and how past discoveries will help us in predicting them in the future, and the potential causes of tsunamis, underwater landslides, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and even asteroids. A Geologist from The Institute of technology in California, ‘Sieh’, believes that the answer is in studying past tsunami events and has been working out in Indonesia for the past few years. He takes us to an island just off the west coast of Sumatra ‘Simeulue’, an island which has newly risen out of the ocean by up to 10 feet after the December 2004 earthquake. Just by looking at the uplifting coral reefs Sieh will be able to tell when the last tsunami happened and this could give an accurate prediction of when the next one might occur. Simeulue was also one of the closest islands to the fault line that ruptured in December 2004 yet no one on the island died. In 1900 a tsunami hit the island bigger than that of 2004 and killed many islanders in the process. Since that day the islanders have passed on the stories of this event through each generation and when the last earthquake occurred they knew exactly what to do. Run for the hills! This proves that education plays a big key in tsunami survival and that in passing stories and information to the next generation could save a lot more lives. But Indonesia is not the only place under threat from Tsunamis. The West Coast of America is vulnerable along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This is a 680 mile long fault line that runs up the Pacific coast from Northern California to Vancouver Island, in Canada. The last such earthquake is thought to have occurred around 300 years ago. Although subduction earthquakes along here are rare when they do happen they can be massive, magnitude 8 or 9 on the Richter scale. The Indian Ocean earthquake was 9.1, the earthquake that destroyed San Francisco in 1906 was 8.3. so if this happened again there is no telling to what might happen.

HU_7A-J4M34 | 08 Jun 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The sheer volume of water on the move makes a tsunami dangerous, but two other factors make it even more deadly. The first is its speed. Tsunamis travel so fast and so far because their energy is transmitted rapidly and efficiently through the water. The second factor that makes a tsunami so lethal is that it remains a silent and almost invisible threat until the very last moment! The threat of tsunami were brought sharply into focus by the tragic events of December 2004 when almost 300,000 people lost their lives in the Asian tsunami. Governments and scientists worldwide are working together to gain greater understanding of how and why tsunami occur and how we can stop future loss of life. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Tsunami Warning”. Watch it here -

0rO7WknDoAs | 25 May 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... How old is the Sun? This is a question which has fascinated scientists for a long time. Scientists have now established the Sun’s age with the aid of one remarkable fact that the Sun sings. Naked Science visits Big Bear Solar Observatory in California to meet one of the scientists who has been at the forefront of using the Sun’s sounds to determine its age. The Sun was formed about 4.57 billion years ago from the collapse of part of a giant molecular cloud that consisted mostly of hydrogen and helium and that probably gave birth to many other stars. Roughly halfway through the most stable part of its life, it has not changed dramatically for four billion years, and will remain fairly stable for four billion more. However, after hydrogen fusion in its core has stopped, the Sun will undergo severe changes, both internally and externally. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Death of the Sun”. Watch it here -

iXJWFEd6jeo | 11 May 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What was the purpose of the Pyramids? What drove the ancient Egyptian to devote so much energy and manpower into building the pyramids? While it is generally agreed that pyramids were burial monuments, there is continued disagreement on the particular theological principles that might have given rise to them. One suggestion is that they were designed as a type of "resurrection machine." The Egyptians believed the dark area of the night sky around which the stars appear to revolve was the physical gateway into the heavens. One of the narrow shafts that extends from the main burial chamber through the entire body of the Great Pyramid points directly towards the centre of this part of the sky. This suggests the pyramid may have been designed to serve as a means to magically launch the deceased pharaoh's soul directly into the abode of the gods. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Pyramids”. Watch it here -

0tqgWuSIZUg | 20 Apr 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The moon is far more than just a beautiful object in the night sky. Ever since its creation 4.5 billion years ago the moon has been edging away from Earth into space. Throughout its journey, it has influenced our planet in different ways. But one things clear, without it life would never have emerged on Earth. 4.5 billion years ago the moon forms when another planet slams into the early Earth. The impact knocks our planet “off-balance” onto an axis of 23 degrees, which we still rotate around today. This is what gives us our seasons. Without it we would have no summers, springs, winters or falls. 4 billion years ago the solar system endures the most violent meteorite bombardment in its history, the Lunar Cataclysm. The Earth, being 50 times bigger than the moon, exerts a massive gravitational pull on incoming space debris. Because the moon is still so close to Earth it too gets hit. 99% of all craters on the lunar surface visible today are a result of this bombardment. 3 billion years ago the Earth has water and oceans. Because the moon is far closer its gravitational pull is far stronger on the Earth. The tides it creates are thousands of feet high and smash hundreds of miles inland every day. Scientists believe that these tides feed the Primordial Soup with the minerals required to start life. Without them only the most basic microbes would be on Earth today. Today the moon has the same gravitational pull as a mosquito landing on your head, yet some people still believe it can influence our planet in bizarre ways. The San Francisco Police Department tell us how crime appears to soar during a full moon. But the scientific data suggests otherwise, studies show no correlation between the Full Moon and violence. Naked Science investigates. Scientific research into the moon is allowing some scientists to predict when natural disasters will strike. Some researchers believe that when the sun and moon align and pull together on the Earth they can trigger both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In the future the moon will move so far from Earth that it will affect the fine balance of our planet, sending our climate tumbling out of control.

vYN0WmjeRc8 | 06 Apr 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science – All the scientists’ calculations cannot cope with the unpredictability of nature. We do not know when the next devastating eruption will occur. Many volcanologists are still haunted by the memory of failures of volcanic prediction, tragic failures that cost the lives of more than 20,000 people in one gigantic eruption. In 1976 the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe hears a terrifying warning. Volcanologists say that the islands massive La Soufrière volcano may soon erupt. They report that gas pressure is building up, and the authorities heed the scientists’ grim warning, 72,000 people are evacuated at a cost of millions of dollars. For four months the capital city of Basse-Terre is left as a ghost town. As the scientists continue to monitor the volcano that looms over the area houses are abandoned and desperate farm animals roam the streets looking for food. But the scientists have got it wrong, La Soufrière never did violently erupt. Less than a decade later that failed prediction comes back to haunt volcanologists, when smoke starts rising from the 17,000 foot snow covered summit of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia. Scientist warn that a likely eruption will send volcanic floods of melted snow and ice towards nearby towns. This time the scientists have got it right, but the authorities do not order a full evacuation. The volcano erupts in November 1985 and the predicted floods bury the entire town of Armero under a sea of grey ash and mud. An estimated 23,000 people die, 4,500 are injured, and 8,000 made homeless. The disaster perfectly illustrates the dilemma facing all volcano scientists, cry wolf too often and nobody listens, fail to issue a strong enough warning, and thousands may die. Their task is of vital importance as many of the 1500 active volcanoes on the planet currently are still considered utterly unpredictable, killing an average of 800 people per year, and threatening 500 million more who live near potentially dangerous volcanoes. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Volcano Alert”. Watch it here –

a-BUWLQtifE | 24 Mar 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - The differing sexual orientation of identical twins is an opportunity to investigate one of science’s most controversial questions, are people born gay? Two brothers are identical twins, they were raised together, and as they grew up they remained physically similar, but their tastes and interests began to diverge. One became interested in dance and academia, while the other preferred sports. The most surprising difference between the brothers is that one is gay. They were raised by the same parents in the same household, sharing the same environment at a crucial time in their personal development. In the general population the chance of someone being gay is less than 5%, unless you have a gay twin, here the chances are much higher. If you’re fraternal sharing half your genes, there’s nearly a 25% chance that you will also be gay. If you’re identical sharing all your genes, there’s roughly a 50% chance that you will also be gay. This suggests that there must be some genetic component to our sexuality. However, it can’t be all down to genes, otherwise all identicals would be either both be gay, or both straight. Some other factor must be at play. In their first few weeks all foetuses develop along similar lines, if nothing changed we would all be born female. Foetuses with the male Y chromosome will form testes at about week 6, then begin to produce the hormone testosterone, but at about the 8th week testosterone is released and may affect early brain development. This hormone masculinises the body, testosterone also masculinises the brain, including a part called the hypothalamus, part of the network which controls who we find sexually attractive. Some scientists believe that the more the hypothalamus is exposed to testosterone, the more it sets the stage for a sexual inclination towards women. Occasionally a male fetus may not produce sufficient testosterone or its brain does not absorb enough to shape it along heterosexual lines, if this theory is right , then it may be that the gay brother absorbed enough testosterone to masculinise his body, but not enough to fully differentiate his brain. As a result he was left with a desire for men. Although there are still many mysteries twins like these are playing a crucial role in informing scientists about how and when we all develop our sexuality Clip from the documentary “In the Womb: Identical Twins”. Watch it here - After the success of In the Womb, which followed the development of a single foetus from conception to birth, comes In the Womb Multiples. This film series opens up the incredible foetal world of twins, triplets and quads in the womb. Using revolutionary 4D scans, we witness unique footage of multiple foetuses interacting with each other before birth. Multiples tells us not only about the extremes of human reproduction but the limits of human design.

CdYGlkV5nio | 09 Mar 2016
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Often referred to as dirty snowballs, Nigel discusses comets, what they are, where they come from, and how they have inspired dread, fear, and awe in many cultures. Comets always capture the imagination, from Hale-Bopp, the Great Comet of 1997, to Halley's Comet that was probed up close by the Giotto spacecraft in 1986. Currently we have the ESA’s Rosetta mission which managed the first successful landing on a comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. A comet is a small icy Solar System body that, when passing close to the Sun, heats up and begins to outgas, displaying a visible atmosphere or coma, and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind upon the nucleus of the comet. Comet nuclei range from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

SBl1tQlCkBo | 24 Feb 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Somewhere in our galaxy, at some time in the future, a spacecraft from Earth will encounter the most dangerous object in the Universe. A stunning visual journey into black holes, their structure and their creation. A black hole is a geometrically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing, including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light, can escape from inside it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

BUNhff6EAK8 | 10 Feb 2016
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Could isolated and stored anti-matter ever be used as a fuel for interplanetary or interstellar travel? The Universe consists almost entirely of ordinary matter, and that’s a puzzle for cosmologists. If you’re a fan of Star Trek you’ll know antimatter powers the warp drive which propels the Starship Enterprise to boldly travel across the Universe. But it’s not just science fiction, antimatter is real. Where you create a flash of energy, out of that comes both matter and antimatter. You can create it using particle accelerators, like the giant CERN accelerator in Switzerland. In particle physics, antimatter is material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but opposite charges, as well as other particle properties such as lepton and baryon numbers and quantum spin. Collisions between particles and antiparticles lead to the annihilation of both, giving rise to variable proportions of intense photons, neutrinos, and less massive particle-antiparticle pairs. The total consequence of annihilation is a release of energy available for work, proportional to the total matter and antimatter mass, in accord with the mass-energy equivalence equation, E = mc2. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

k2JhlBi525w | 27 Jan 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Has planet earth ever had a close encounter with aliens? While UFOs and their occupants have been part of our culture for more than a century, and people from many walks of life claim to have seen them, we have no indisputable evidence that they’re fact rather than fiction, or do we? Naked Science speaks to witnesses of two of the most controversial UFO sightings, the Rendlesham Forest incident in the UK and the Phoenix Lights sighting in the US, as well as the most famous UFO incident of all time, Roswell. If unidentified flying objects did come from space, how could they have travelled to earth? And how could they survive in our atmosphere? We talk to leading physicists and astrophysicists about the viability of interstellar travel and whether worm holes and warp drives could make it possible. Or perhaps extra-terrestrials will send tiny self-replicating nanobots to explore our Earth? Close encounters originated with reported sightings of alien craft, but in the last few decades alien contact has taken a new and more terrifying twist, alien abduction. We talk to a so called ‘experiencer’ who claims to have been taken from her bed and experimented on. She believes her claims but could there be another, scientific, explanation for what she remembers? We talk to a neuroscientist who thinks he has the answer. Finally, Naked Science asks possibly the most shocking question of all, could aliens already be among us?

qJ8jB0thVmc | 13 Jan 2016
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The defining feature of a black hole is the appearance of an event horizon, a boundary in spacetime through which matter and light can only pass inward towards the mass of the black hole. The event horizon is referred to as such because if an event occurs within the boundary, information from that event cannot reach an outside observer, making it impossible to determine if such an event occurred. In astrophysics, spaghettification is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes in a very strong non-homogeneous gravitational field. It is caused by immense tidal forces. In the most extreme cases, near black holes, the stretching is so powerful that no object can withstand it, no matter how strong its components. Within a small region the horizontal compression balances the vertical stretching so that small objects being spaghettified experience no net change in volume. The point at which tidal forces destroy an object or kill a person will depend on the black hole's size. Clip from the documentary “Black Holes”. Watch it here -

kvprxzfsYQU | 30 Dec 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - The story of a human life, from first cry to final breath, told from within the body. This documentary film combines state-of-the-art special effects, pioneering CGI, startling realistic models and real in-body photography. Exploring human physiology from birth, through the drama of puberty, into adulthood, and finally old age, the programme offers a visually-stunning insight into how our bodies function. Throughout life we undergo a continuous second-by-second transformation, every move we make and every outside stimulus triggers a reaction through the skin, bones, organs, muscles and cells. We breathe on average 700 million breaths in a lifetime, an adult skeleton is replaced every seven to 10 years, we shed as many as 30,000 dead skin cells every minute, and the food we eat travels 30 feet on its journey through our bodies. The Living Body takes you beneath the skin to reveal how our bodies evolve from birth to old age, and the amazing biological systems we need to thrive. Embark on an incredible journey tracing the story of one everywoman using milestones to examine the everyday workings of a living, functioning body in ways not seen before. Cutting-edge miniature endoscopic HD cameras delve deep inside the mouth, throat, heart, lungs, digestive tract, brain and reproductive organs to shed new light on how and why our bodies do what they do. Stunning photography reveals universal moments in human development at the most minute level, providing insight into both our own individual metamorphosis and our shared human experiences. Critically acclaimed “Inside the Living Body” won an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Graphic Design and Artistic Direction. Special Effects sequences created by David Barlow, 2004 winner of the prestigious Lennart Nilsson award for excellence and innovation in medical photography, and Bandito, one of the UK's leading CGI directors responsible for sequences in Animals in the Womb.

m3mWnhKAQ8k | 16 Dec 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Does this mysterious rogue planet really exist, or is it just a myth? Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space. In this video he responds to a question about Planet X from Jeremy Borges : “Nigel Hi! My name is Jeremy and I am a teacher at an international school. My class and I have watched your program about Pluto and we are fascinated! We would like to ask you a question about an object in the outer Solar System. We have heard rumours about a "Planet X" and we were wondering if you could make a video to help us understand the science behind the rumour. Thank you so much for your help, and we will continue to watch "Nigel Goes to Space"!!” Astronomers have been searching for Planet X for more than a hundred years, a hypothetical ice giant orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper belt. There's a region at the edge of our Solar System called the Oort Cloud, where long-period comets are thought to originate from. Could an undiscovered planet here account for discrepancies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune?

XYHe5wQeA28 | 02 Dec 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... How did the Earth evolve to support life. Our planet now supports a huge diversity of living creatures requiring very special conditions, but what was the series of events that brought this unique set of conditions together? What did it take to make a world that would support human life? Naked Science takes an imaginary ‘human’ time traveller on a journey back to the moment of formation of our solar system. We meet the scientists who are carrying out their own detective work, uncovering the clues around the world today into what our planet was like 4 and a half billion years ago. Our journey begins with the astonishing story of how a giant cloud of interstellar dust and gas collapsed to form the sun and planets. We discover that the intense heat of the early Earth created a molten iron core. This generated a magnetic shield around our planet that protects us, to this day, from the sun’s deadliest particles. Many of the features we take for granted on our living planet were forged in the most violent event in our planet’s history. Early in its life, the Earth collided with another planet. Planetary Scientist Robin Canup has modelled the impact using supercomputers. She reveals that the resulting fireball was so energetic it melted the Earth and created the moon. This dramatic impact gave us our tides and seasons. We wouldn’t have life today without water. But where our water came from is a mystery that has long puzzled scientists. At a NASA research laboratory, Michael Zolensky studies a recently discovered meteorite that supports the view that water came from space. For the first half of its history the Earth had an atmosphere of methane and carbon dioxide we would find impossible to breathe. One clue as to how the earth acquired its oxygen can be found in Australia. Shark Bay in Western Australia is home to strange bacterial mounds called stromatolites. The bacteria in these objects are pumping out oxygen. A few hundred miles away geologist Martin Van Kranendonk shows us a fossil stromatolite, the world’s oldest fossil. The evidence suggests that these strange objects are responsible for creating the air we breathe.

tR-uM05pmBY | 18 Nov 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Around 4 billion years ago a chance alignment of the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn changes the shape of their orbits. This creates a slingshot effect, hurling asteroids towards the inner Solar System, straight towards Earth, and the young Moon. For millions of years asteroids bombard the entire inner solar system. This period of intense bombardment is called the Late Heavy Bombardment, or Lunar Cataclysm. Today the moon is a distant body that does little more than light up the night sky. But when it first formed it was far closer to Earth and its gravity was felt far stronger on our planet. As the moon has slowly spiralled away from Earth, it has reshaped our world, creating our days and night, our seasons, our ocean tides and even primitive life. Some scientists believe that even today its gravity is powerful enough to trigger natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and could even influence human behaviour. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Moon Mysteries”. Watch it here -

JQfoI1CeZJc | 04 Nov 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - What is “Dark Matter” and how do we know it exists if we can’t see it? Astronomers now know that most of the universe is invisible. As well as the stars, planets, galaxies, gas and dust, that we can see, there’s a lot of stuff we can’t see. There’s five times as much dark matter as there is ordinary matter. Dark matter has not been detected directly, making it one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics. Its hypothetical existence is inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter and gravitational lensing of background radiation, and was originally hypothesized to account for discrepancies between calculations of the mass of galaxies, clusters of galaxies and the entire universe made through dynamical and general relativistic means, and calculations based on the mass of the visible "luminous" matter these objects contain. The most widely accepted explanation for these phenomena is that dark matter exists and that it is probably composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that interact only through gravity and the weak force. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

UQ-U9QI87lU | 28 Oct 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The majority of people who claim to have had close encounters describe humanoid alien creatures, often none to friendly, and prone to abducting, probing, or experimenting on their victims. An advanced alien civilisation might be able to manipulate physics and cross time and space to visit Earth, but some scientists question why would they want to. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Close Encounters”, investigating interstellar travel, survival of ET species on Earth, UFO sightings, interspecies communication, abduction phenomenon, and whether life on Earth originated in space. Watch it here -

7llfUFbYnYQ | 21 Oct 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Is there such a thing as the perfect bullet? The bullet has evolved over 200 years of scientific research from a simple lead ball, to the incredible hi-power rounds of today. Naked Science explores the science behind the bullet and the technical advances that led to today’s ammunition. We learn how science better understands the ballistics that govern their deadly flight. Naked Science starts by exploring the history of how bullets developed. The history of the bullet is inextricably linked to the guns that fire them. From the early smoothbore and rifled muskets, the renowned Colt revolver and the Winchester repeating rifle Naked Science charts the key developments. Today in the 21st century, there are a dizzying number of different types and sizes of bullet. But first we need to know just how a bullet works? How it flies and whether the size of a bullet makes it better? Naked Science looks at the stopping power of bullets and find out which is the most deadly. To find out which one does the job one of our experts hits the shooting range to put the destructive power of each bullet to the test and the guns that fire them. Naked Science tests the awesome power of one of the most powerful rifles in the world. The .50 calibre is a gun so powerful that it can penetrate 7 inches of steel and still keep going. To find the most effective ammunition we need to know what kind of damage they do to the body. So what is the perfect bullet trying to do? And how do the aims differ in both military and law enforcement environments? Dr Martin Fackler, the leading wound expert in the US explains. In a war zone or even on the city streets those that defend our country face these devastating bullets every day. What can be done to protect them? One answer is body armour. As bullets have become deadlier, body armour has had to get better at stopping them. So how does armour work? Naked Science investigates. How does understanding the behaviour of bullets help solve crime? Naked Science recreates an unusual real life crime which was solved by Ballistic Forensics. We speak to real CSI experts in Pittsburgh to investigate how the science of ballistics is used to solve violent crime. And how can a bullet have a fingerprint? Naked Science looks at the bullets and guns of the future; the new assault rifle for the US Army, the weapon of war for the 21st century, a high tech weapon that can fire around corners and a new ballistic technology capable of firing over one million rounds per minute. Finally Naked Science uncovers a bullet that could change everything, it’s a smart bullet and could make all other bullets obsolete.

xb9nXeXqEho | 14 Oct 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This demonstration shows the difference between the two most common types of bullets. The most effective bullet is a bullet that stops the target in just one shot. But there are circumstances when it’s better to wound the enemy, rather than kill them. Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Bullets”, examining the past, present, and future of bullets. Watch it here -

o9OEJAw0-88 | 07 Oct 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Ageing, or aging, is the process of becoming older, and one of the great mysteries of life. Death, like life, is an amazing biological process engineered into cells of the body. Just as our DNA dictates the timeline of our development it also puts a cap on how long we can live. Why does our appearance change so very much between the ages of 40 and 70. It’s more than wear and tear, it’s a process affecting every cell in our body. Every day cells clone themselves in their billions, the DNA inside is also copied, as old cells die off, the new ones take their place. The trouble is that this cloning system isn’t perfect, any imperfections in the DNA are also replicated. In a lifetime we make so many copies of our cells that even the tiniest errors accumulate with time, imperfection is exaggerated until cells eventually lose the ability to divide altogether. Clip from the critically acclaimed documentary “The Living Body”. Watch it here -

StqZI9pMq0U | 30 Sep 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Follows mankind's journey of life from the first cell to the present day. Captured in a single, animated time lapsed shot, and based on archeological findings, we trace our epic journey from the first spark of life billions of years ago up to our present status as the most successful species on the planet. Humans are the pinnacle of a chain of species that has survived by way of evolution, natural selection, adaptation, and pure luck. From the formation of primordial genetic material to the development of speech, this is the improbable story of the incredible set of circumstances that led to human existence. This documentary aims to answer such questions as: How did we get here? How did mutations create male and female sexes? And were we actually fish at one point during the evolutionary chain? We are the most complex creature on this planet, a big brained, two-legged mammal. We’ve risen from the raw materials of the Earth to dominate and shape it. Wind the clock backwards and the story of how we got to be us is a puzzle that defies all logic. Through nearly 4 billion years of evolutionary twists and turns, disasters strike, predators threaten to wipe us out. From rodent to reptile, we face extinction at every turn, from the land into the water, fighting to survive every step of the way, from fish to worm, back to the very first spark of life, to a single simple cell. One change or predator along the way and this extraordinary story would have never been told.

fZ4RN43Ul2o | 23 Sep 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - By the age of 11 childhood is nearly over and we’re about to change like never before, we’re on the brink of adulthood, but first comes the hormone surge of puberty. Puberty doesn’t follow a schedule, it can begin at any time, depending on our DNA clock, our lifestyle, even our diet. Whether female of male, it begins at the base of the brain in the hypothalamus, the same region that controls our body temperature. Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilisation. Puberty starts when the hypothalamus releases the protein Kisspeptin into the brain. The Kisspeptin triggers the release of other hormones throughout the body, this stimulates the sex organs to mature. Clip from the critically acclaimed documentary “The Living Body”. Watch it here -

sctJJzXmjbg | 16 Sep 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... 2.7 billion years ago, we are one microscopic cell in a primeval ocean of simple cells, most of them bacteria. A species of bacteria mutates to extract energy from sunlight, they pump out a by-product, a gas called Oxygen. It fills the oceans and the atmosphere and makes our evolution possible. With more Oxygen our ancestors can grow larger and more complex. Muscle cells congregate around a vein, squeezing and pumping blood around Myllokunmingia’s body until the first heart beats inside us, allowing us to travel faster and further. Turbocharged we can take on anything. Clip from the documentary “Mankind Rising”. Watch it here -

0gAsdEUNUJY | 09 Sep 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - “My chances are 50-50. Not great odds. And that’s only to get to the starting line. The human race is not for the faint hearted, when half the runners are doomed to die, before the race gets started.” This documentary film explores the development of the growing fetus from conception to delivery. Open a window into the hidden world of the foetus and explore each trimester in amazing detail. It’s meant to be a joyous event, but in reality, it's a gripping battle for survival. Using cutting edge technology, we go inside the womb and follow the incredible nine month journey from conception to birth, showing how the struggle for life turns into the miracle of birth. Enhanced by poet Roger McGough’s reading of a series of poems written for the occasion. “Until now, I thought I was the universe. But everything that is, was within me. Now that I can touch these walls, I realise I must be deep inside a greater universe.”

EhumyAEdMSw | 02 Sep 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Nigel Discusses His Experience of Weightlessness As part of his Virgin Galactic astronaut training Nigel booked a flight on board a reduced gravity aircraft. The so called “Vomit Comet” is a modified Boeing 727 aeroplane that provides near-weightless environments. The plane follows an elliptic flight path relative to the centre of the Earth giving its occupants the sensation of zero gravity during each parabola manoeuvre. Watch footage of Nigel perfecting his own zero-g gymnastic manoeuvres such as the summersault and Superman! Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

cDUW_TTj-p0 | 26 Aug 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Naked Science explores the mysteries of human sexuality. Human sexual attraction is bewildering, exasperating, euphoric and potentially dangerous. It is, like romantic love, an indefinable essence. The beating pulse, the clammy palms, and the flood of chemicals to our brain, are all part of the mysterious alchemy of attraction. All of us know that our culture values sexiness a lot, just look at our advertising. But what is 'sexiness' from a scientific point of view and what makes 'sexy' 'sexy'? The 'sexiness' the scientists are exploring is more than stand to attention breasts and washboard abs. This 'sexiness' is central to the survival of our species. It is nature's way of ensuring that we reproduce, at just the right time, with just the right partner. Nature understands the benefits of couples staying together for more than a one night stand, long enough to raise our kids. In this compelling program, Naked Science, reveals just how manipulative nature can be. Evolution has made us all vulnerable to nature's complex chemical cocktail of hormones. And subconscious desires control what we find sexy, and who we think of as 'hot' or not. To provide for themselves and their offspring, women seek providers, men with money, power, maturity, ambition, stability, commitment, health, and cooperative natures. Men, for similar reasons, invest their time, resources, and sperm in young, beautiful, and fertile women who will give them heirs and status. The capacity for multiple partners, casual sex, jealousy (a protective response), and divorce are all adaptive mechanisms to help people achieve their reproductive potential. Taking desire into the lab, Naked Science can reveal that when it comes to attraction, we are at the mercy of our biochemistry. And these feelings are so powerful that they should carry a Government health warning. Research concludes that sexual attraction is a biologically based drive just like hunger or thirst. The science of attraction helps account for why we might cross the Atlantic for a single kiss or plunge into hopeless despair if our lover dumps us. It's this drive for love that enables us to focus on one particular person, although we often can't explain why. 'Sexiness', 'desire', call it what you will, is distilled from an intoxicating hormonal mix designed to encourage human reproduction. A chemical cocktail that really does make the world go around.

RVlVcsp-ed4 | 19 Aug 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - “It’s like there are two of us, the real me, the one you can’t see, who thinks and feels and loves and look ahead. And the one you see, who lags behind. A victim of appetites and strange desires, bodily needs I can only guess at. Looking ahead I see it now, a lifetime of being held back and weighed down. Will I ever be free, of that me.” During the final phase of pregnancy babies spend about 90% of their time asleep, and when they sleep, nothing will wake them. One of the things revealed by the 4D scans is the fact that babies have REM, rapid eye movement sleep, a period of sleep where the eyes flick around behind the eyelids. Later in life we know this is an indication of dreaming. This gentle flicker of an eye could be a sign that the foetus, still with a month to go before even being born, is already dreaming. In adulthood, dreaming plays a vital role in allowing us to make sense of events around us, and to develop strategies to deal with the world. In a fetus, dreaming, however simple the dreams, maybe the crucial process that stimulates the brain to grow and develop. “What do I dream of, I dream my mother’s dreams. I dream my mother, she dreams me. I dream about our past, our future, what it may bring. I hear my mother crying, I hear her sing.” Clip from the award winning documentary “In the Womb”. Watch it here -

lH4xHf4Hb8M | 12 Aug 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... If you think you’re safe living in the peaceful climate of today, think again. Evidence shows that our planet has plummeted into periods of intense cold time and time again in the past. The question is: When will we next freeze over? Naked Science reveals how massive volcanic eruptions can cause global temperatures to drop for up to two years. We fly into an active volcano to collect samples of the gases that form a “global mirror” reflecting sunlight away from the Earth, causing these drops. The small changes in climate that volcanoes cause often start a domino effect of social and political disasters, resulting in a total reshuffling of life on our planet. The most recent “Earth changing” eruption occurred 1,500 years ago. These events can create or destroy civilisations and cultures, and form much of the modern world we live in today. But ominously these volcanically induced drops in temperature are just a blip compared to other drops that have occurred in the past. Evidence shows that time after time our planet nose-dives into Freezes that last over a thousand years. The effects on life are catastrophic. Entire species are wiped off the face of the planet. The last of these thousand year Big Freezes happened 11,500 years ago and pushed countless animals to extinction. These huge Big Freezes can be caused by changes in our oceans. Our oceans constantly flow in a circuit called the Great Ocean Conveyor. This transports cold water to the equator and transports warm water to the poles. But sometimes this system shuts down triggering massive climatic changes around the world and triggering a Big Freeze that lasts a thousand years. In a bizarre twist, it’s when our planet undergoes warming that these shut-downs occur. Worryingly Global Warming, today, might actually cause the Great Ocean Conveyor to shut-down triggering a devastating Big Freeze. Evidence shows that this shut-down might already be underway.

ecfEj4_5H8o | 05 Aug 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - New Horizons Mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt Future Virgin Galactic Astronaut Nigel Henbest talks about the astonishing “New Horizons” mission to the edge of our solar system, an interplanetary space probe that was launched as part of NASA's New Frontiers program. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space. He discusses Plutonian geography and geology as revealed in the fascinating images sent back from the spacecraft’s flyby of Pluto and its intriguing moon Charon. Pluto is an ice dwarf located in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. In 2006 it was reclassified by the International Astronomical Union as a dwarf planet, specifically a plutoid. Also mentioned are the Perseids, a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The peak of the next spectacular shower expected on 12th August 2015. Credits: NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Southwest Research Institute

MScbhEYUgB0 | 29 Jul 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - The story of Atlantis is one of the greatest mysteries ever told. It is a tale of a powerful civilisation destroyed by the gods more than 11,000 years ago. For centuries explorers have travelled the world in search of this lost city, but have found little. Did Atlantis really exist, or is it the work of one man’s vivid imagination? The search for Atlantis has been the inspiration behind some of mankind’s greatest achievements. It is the story of a great and powerful empire that became depraved and was sunk to the bottom of the sea by Zeus, the god of gods. Man has scoured the Earth in search for Atlantis, yet we still have no exact location for this lost continent. There are three islands that shed light on this mystery. The Greek island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea is a popular vacation spot unparalleled in its beauty, but with a violent past. Crete, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, whose history has contributed to the shaping of our world today. And Tenerife in the Atlantic Ocean, which many believe is the last remnant of the lost city. “Lost City of Atlantis” is a documentary from the “World of Mysteries” series.

R93gu6OgENg | 22 Jul 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Three weeks into your pregnancy one of the first recognisable organs to form is the heart. Without a heart there is no way of spreading around the food and oxygen the embryo needs to flourish. Until now the heart has been a dormant clump of muscle cells, but after 22 days it bursts suddenly into life when still just the size of a poppy seed. One cell spontaneously contracts, triggering its neighbours, and setting off a chain reaction, until all the heart cells are beating. Later on, when the nervous system is more developed, the brain will carefully control the rate of contraction, keeping it steadily beating and pumping for the rest of the child’s life. If he lives to 75, that will be 2.75 billion heart beats. Clip from the award winning documentary “In the Womb”. Watch it here -

UcZ44kQphlo | 15 Jul 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science – Ours is said to be a Godless age, yet billions remain faithful to religions thousands of years old. Scientist Colin Blakemore examines Christianity's relationship with science, arguing that science is the biggest challenge Christianity has ever faced. For more than 1,500 years Christians saw the bible as the primary source of knowledge, but in the 17th century a new movement emerged that challenged the Christian view of the world, the Scientific Revolution. During the Renaissance the rising power of science forced the Catholic Church to silence rebellious scientists. By the 19th century the enlightenment had given rise to a new generation of scientists who pushed Christianity into retreat. If science continues to make discoveries that conflict with Christian Doctrine will the Scientific Revolution ultimately make Christianity redundant? "Christianity: A History" is a documentary series presenting alternative views on the history of the Christian faith, looking at its origins, development and turbulent past. High profile British personalities examine a religion that has particular resonance for them. In doing so, they bring their own perspectives to a challenging and comprehensive debate that explores Christianity's role in shaping the modern world.

2wOlvtIUKj0 | 08 Jul 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Mainstream Christianity has been so influenced by the Enlightenment that’s its views are now totally different from those of 400 years ago. But the beliefs of some Christians in the United States have hardly changed at all. A recent poll found that almost one third of Americans still believe that the biblical story of creation is literally true. In the 1970s American fundamentalists came up with their own version of science, “Scientific Creationism”. Creationists base their core principles not on observation and experiment, but on the Bible. The Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, was set up in 2007 to give Christians a history of the natural world that fits with a literal interpretation of the bible. Clip from the documentary series “Christianity: A History”. Watch it here -

5j5sjO_nCSc | 01 Jul 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - The Physics of Getting to Space Future Virgin Galactic Astronaut Nigel Henbest talks about how he will have to overcome gravity in order to reach space on his sub-orbital spaceflight. When a rocket does not achieve orbital velocity, it falls back to Earth and re-enters the atmosphere within a few minutes after engine shutdown. Although Nigel will not quite manage escape velocity on this journey, he will leave the Earth’s atmosphere to experience weightlessness and witness an unforgettable view of the cosmos! Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

jJlwzhoQwZE | 24 Jun 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Hang on tight as we take you Inside a Lightning Bolt! Every year over three billion lightning bolts strike the earth, it’s one of the most beautiful sites you’ll ever see, but also unpredictable and lethal, killing thousands of people each year. But what do we actually know about lightning. In this documentary Lisa Burke is zapped by more than half a million volts, we find out what happens when people are struck by lightning, get up close and personal with a lightning storm, and experiment with the explosive potential of a direct hit. Lightning is all around us, the clouds above the Earth constantly throb with the power of electrical storms releasing superheated bolts down to the planet below. And it never stops. Globally lightning hits the ground at least 100 times a second. But what’s its source and how is lightning formed? To find the answer you have to find your own lightning bolt. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge during an electric storm between electrically charged regions of a cloud (called intra-cloud lightning or IC), between that cloud and another cloud (CC lightning), or between a cloud and the ground (CG lightning).

uKWECvaNsyE | 17 Jun 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... “It’s good to know, that if push came to shove, I could give it a go, out there. But I know I’m not ready, haven’t got what it takes. I’ll hang a while on the bow, wait till it breaks.” When does a foetus get the right to life? The fetus is 6 months old and has reached a major landmark. Though barely longer than his father’s hand, it is possible that he could survive outside the cradle of the womb. In Britain, the ability to survive outside the womb also informs the age limit on abortions. Under UK law termination can usually only be carried out during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy as long as certain criteria are met. Clip from the award winning documentary “In the Womb”. Watch it here -

AP8quUwA7A8 | 03 Jun 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - True or False - Once There Were 60,000 Jellyfish Orbiting Earth? Future Virgin Galactic Astronaut Nigel Henbest talks about some of the pioneering animals that have left Earth for a voyage into space. He also shares some Bioastronautics Research footage showing the effects of weightlessness on cats flying in a reduced gravity aircraft, the Convair C-131 Samaritan, also known as the “Vomit Comet”. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space. Animals have always pioneered the way into space. Albert II, a rhesus monkey, became the first mammal in space in 1949. In 1957, the second-ever orbiting spacecraft carried the first animal into orbit, the stray dog Laika, launched aboard the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Shortly afterwards Russia launched Sputnik 5 carrying two more female dogs Belka and Strelka. Animals in space originally served to test the survivability of spaceflight before manned space missions were attempted. Ham the Chimp was launched in a Mercury capsule aboard a Redstone rocket in 1961. The chimp had been trained to pull levers to receive rewards of banana pellets. Animals were later flown to investigate various biological processes and the effects microgravity and space flight might have on them. In 1963 France launched Félicette the cat aboard Veronique AGI sounding rocket No. 47. Félicette had electrodes implanted into her brain, and the recorded neural impulses were transmitted back to Earth. In the 1970s Skylab 3 even carried the first spiders into space, garden spiders named Arabella and Anita. Credit: National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 68700 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-33692 - BIOASTRONAUTICS RESEARCH - Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. (09/26/1947).

sKctL_q2oSY | 27 May 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... A unique insight into the spectacular phenomenon known as White Death. Taken from the Equinox documentary series, this features the enemy of the lovers of skiing, the avalanche. An in-depth look at what causes them, what effect they have and how to predict them is illustrated by spectacular footage of avalanches, and goes some way to explode some of the common myths attached to them. Alongside scientific explanation and analysis, the rescuers of avalanche victims are also looked at, along with the deliberate use of this force of nature as a form of warfare.

g8nm-FSgP4g | 20 May 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... It takes over 3 billion years for our ancestor to evolve from a single cell to a foot-long armoured fish. Our future looks bleak but natural selection throws us a lifeline. Over millions of years and thousands of generations our body adapts until we do something no fish has done before, breathe air! The air travels into a new organ, a lung. Take a breath and remember it’s because a monster fish chased our ancestor into stagnant water forcing them to breathe air. We’re Ichthyostega, we can breathe air or water, closing off our windpipe to switch between lungs and gills. Today our gills are gone but the mechanism remains and sometimes it spasms giving us the hiccups. 365 million years ago we stick our head out of the water, there’s a swamp behind us, paradise ahead, the choice is simple but the consequences are immense. We pull ourselves out of the water and change the course of history. Clip from the documentary “Mankind Rising”. Watch it here -

Tv8unnxymUs | 06 May 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - On 5th August 2010, all 33 of the day shift miners at the San Jose mine in Chile were missing and feared killed when their copper and gold mine collapsed. For 17 days no one knew whether they were alive or dead. Miraculously, after all hope was lost, on the 17th day the specialist drilling rigs looking for signs of life smashed through into the tunnel where the men had been clinging on. All 33 of the men were alive and well. Buried Alive: The Chilean Mine Rescue was given unprecedented access to the drilling rigs, engineers and medics for the definitive story of how this audacious rescue was carried out. The film follows the extraordinary story of the 33 miners, trapped underground for 70 days. Above ground, the film makers had unique access to document the highs and lows of the drilling teams as they pounded their way through almost half a mile of granite. Below ground the programme follows how the miners survived for so long and hears first hand from the doctors and psychologists who were keeping them alive and sane, giving extraordinary insight into the underground hell they had to endure. The rescue of all 33 Chilean miners has been an extraordinary feat of ingenuity and daring. This factual documentary explains in detail the challenges they faced and the technology they used to overcome all odds. Buried Alive: The Chilean Mine Rescue gains unique access to the key players involved to tell the story of the tireless, tough and emotional effort that went on at the San Jose Mine, away from the glare of the news cameras

1O8YgZlzUbY | 01 May 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Nigel’s Fruit Assisted Tour of the Solar System Future Virgin Galactic Astronaut Nigel Henbest uses the fruit in his kitchen to compare the eight planets in our solar system. Nigel looks at some of the differences between the four inner terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and the four giant outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. He discusses the contrasting structure and composition within the planetary system, and uses a vase of water to demonstrate the dramatic density difference between the massive gas giants. Pluto’s demotion to dwarf planet status gets a mention, and of course the Sun, the star of our solar system. Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser and author, specialising in astronomy and space.

TqujWodatu4 | 29 Apr 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Our big brains, the gift of speech, long legs, powerful muscles, and sweat glands for running across the Savanna. Robust thumbs from making and using tools. The coccyx, the remains of our tail from our days spent leaping through the tress in search of fruit. Our finely tuned senses, live birth and parenting, that helped us outwit the dinosaurs. The lungs and limbs that took us onto the land. Our hearts, eyes, bones, and teeth, from our aquatic past. And the DNA in our cells, that emerged in a primeval puddle. We are one of 10 million or more species that have evolved on this planet, all from one single cell that sparked into life over 3 billion years ago. Change one thing, one predator, one lucky mutation, and we wouldn’t be here to tell the tale. Clip from the documentary “Mankind Rising”. Watch it here -

MrEIT66oPqU | 22 Apr 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Docudrama about the gripping story and events leading up to the cataclysmic eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. On 27th August 1883 the uninhabited island of Krakatoa blew itself out of existence with an explosion the equivalent power of 150 million tonnes of TNT. The eruption was so loud that the sound was heard over a twelfth of the Earth’s surface, the shockwaves reverberated around the entire planet, seven times. This explosion also caused giant tsunami, the largest of them twice the height of those of 2004. These enormous waves wiped out 165 Indonesian towns and villages killing over 36,000 people. Within hours news of the disaster was transmitted around the globe, and scientists of the time struggled to comprehend the geological forces that caused the tragedy. Indonesia has so many volcanoes and earthquakes because of its geographical position. The archipelago that starts in Northern Sumatra stretches over 3,000 miles south. It has been created by the forces where two of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s surface, meet. The ocean floor of the Indo-Australian Plate and the Asian landmass of the Burma Plate are in collision. As they push against each other the heavier ocean floor is forced underneath the lighter continental rock. Krakatoa lies directly above this subduction zone. This film reconstructs the true stories of survivors from their accounts and diaries, to piece together what happened in the months leading up to the most famous eruption of all time.

pTYLO0LAUsY | 17 Apr 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Nigel’s Favourite Photos from the Hubble Space Telescope To celebrate Hubble’s 25th Anniversary Nigel bakes a Birthday cake and discusses his top 7 photographs taken by the low Earth orbit space telescope. This amazing spacecraft is named after the famous astronomer Edwin Hubble and has been taking spectacular pictures of the Universe for 25 years. 0:56 - Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 Bombards Jupiter (1994) 1:30 - Pillars of Creation - Eagle Nebula (2015) 1:55 - Mystic Mountain - Carina Nebula (2010) 2:41 - Cat's Eye Nebula - Dying Star (2004) 3:18 - Giant Hubble Mosaic of the Crab Nebula (2000) 3:56 - Interacting Galaxies Arp 142 (2013) 4:42 - Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (2012) In this episode Nigel talks about… his favourite HST imagery, from the unexpected and dramatic changes in Jupiter's atmosphere caused by comet fragment collisions, to the telescope’s most iconic image, a star factory dubbed the Pillars of Creation. An image showing a mountain of dust and gas rising in the Carina Nebula celebrates Hubble's 20th anniversary. The Cat's Eye Nebula is a dying star that has created a fantasy-like sculpture of gas shells and is one of the most complex planetary nebulae seen in space. The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant, all that remains of a tremendous stellar explosion. Arp 142, the result of a collision between a spiral and an elliptical galaxy a whopping 326 million light-years away, looks like a celestial hummingbird. The incredible Hubble eXtreme Deep Field is an image of a small part of space in the centre of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field within the constellation Fornax, showing our deepest ever optical view of space. Credits: Hubble Space Telescope Comet Team, The Hubble Heritage Team, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team, HEIC, J. Hester and A. Loll (Arizona State University), G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University) and the HUDF09 Team, NASA and the ESA. Hubble official website - Hubble YouTube channel -

G-nF6xVTYmI | 15 Apr 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science – As controller for Ketimbang, one of William Bering’s responsibilities was to report large tremors to his superiors in Batavia, but having no clue where the tremor had come from, or what had caused it, he was unaware of the danger that lay only 23 miles out to sea. Just before midnight on 9th May 1883 intense pressure building deep beneath the earth’s crust broke through the line of weakness directly below Krakatoa. Magma moving towards the surface split the crust apart creating a large tremor. The lighthouse keeper at Forth Point Lighthouse saw the sea freeze, becoming calm and flat for an instant. What he witnessed is now recognised as the first documented warning sign of the beginning of Krakatoa’s 1883 eruption. To momentarily freeze the waters of the Sunda Strait required incomprehensible geological forces. After 200 years of dormancy Krakatoa was about to wake from its slumber. Clip from the docudrama “Krakatoa”. Watch it here –

zVqe07QntlI | 07 Apr 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Indy cars, the fastest most dangerous racing machines on Earth. GT sports cars, the fastest most expensive road cars. These two extreme forms of racing are designed to push man and machine to the limits and beyond, these high performance monsters are built for just one purpose, to beat the opposition. The IndyCar Series is the premier level of American open wheel racing. Every IndyCar is hand built, half a million dollars’ worth of precision engineering. The rules make sure that each driver is given an equal amount of power, every car has a turbocharged 2.65 litre V8 engine. We follow two top young drivers from the Tasman Motorsports IndyCar team, Brazilian André Ribeiro and Mexican Adrián Fernández, competing in the fastest race in the world, the Michigan 500. It’s a race at the Michigan International Speedway that will give one of these drivers the greatest triumph of his career. IndyCar engines pound out about 900 horsepower, nine times more than a similar sized passenger car engine. The only way of generating such awesome power from such a small engine is to use a turbocharger to force feed its cylinders with air. The principle is similar to that of a jet engine, a turbine system sucks in cold air building up high pressure above the cylinders, this is called the boost pressure.

-cgZUKZVF6M | 03 Apr 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Nigel’s Preparation and How He Gets to Space A future astronaut with Virgin Galactic, Nigel Henbest discusses his upcoming trip to space, and his lifelong passion for all things astronomical. He will be one of the first 1,000 people to leave planet Earth and go out into space to float around in the immensity of the cosmos. It’s the dream of a lifetime come true! Inspired by the night sky from a young age, Nigel would spend evenings stargazing all year round. With his star chart and telescope he would examine the constellation patterns, study the moon, search for planets, nebulae, galaxies, and observe shooting stars. Never did he believe that someday he would be able to fly into space himself… Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser, specialising in astronomy and space. His books and articles have been published around the world, and his TV productions have gained awards in Britain and in the United States. Nigel was a founder of Pioneer Productions, one of the UK’s top independent TV production companies, specialising in factual and scientific programming. The International Astronomical Union named asteroid 3795 “Nigel” in his honour.

1sDMOa5jqHA | 25 Mar 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This machine breaks all the rules, it can penetrate some of the toughest terrains on earth, over land, over water, from the polar ice, to the rapids of the Amazon. This is the ultimate frictionless floating machine, the incredible hovercraft. A hovercraft, also known as an air-cushion vehicle or ACV, is a craft capable of travelling over land, water, mud or ice and other surfaces. Hovercraft are hybrid vessels operated by a pilot as an aircraft rather than a captain as a marine vessel. Hovercraft use blowers to produce a large volume of air below the hull that is slightly above atmospheric pressure. The pressure difference between the higher pressure air below the hull and lower pressure ambient air above it produces lift, which causes the hull to float above the running surface. For stability reasons, the air is typically blown through slots or holes around the outside of a disk or oval shaped platform, giving most hovercraft a characteristic rounded-rectangle shape. Typically this cushion is contained within a flexible "skirt", which allows the vehicle to travel over small obstructions without damage. The first practical design for hovercraft derived from a British invention in the 1950s to 1960s. They are now used throughout the world as specialised transports in disaster relief, coastguard, military and survey applications as well as for sport or passenger service. Very large versions have been used to transport hundreds of people and vehicles across the English Channel whilst others have military applications used to transport tanks, soldiers and large equipment in hostile environments and terrain.

2nfwrZeV8zk | 20 Mar 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - Meet Nigel A future astronaut with Virgin Galactic, Nigel Henbest discusses his upcoming trip to space, and his lifelong passion for all things astronomical. He will be one of the first 1,000 people to leave planet Earth and go out into space to float around in the immensity of the cosmos. It’s the dream of a lifetime come true! Inspired by the night sky from a young age, Nigel would spend evenings stargazing all year round. With his star chart and telescope he would examine the constellation patterns, study the moon, search for planets, nebulae, galaxies, and observe shooting stars. Never did he believe that someday he would be able to fly into space himself… Nigel is an internationally acclaimed science populariser, specialising in astronomy and space. His books and articles have been published around the world, and his TV productions have gained awards in Britain and in the United States. Nigel was a founder of Pioneer Productions, one of the UK’s top independent TV production companies, specialising in factual and scientific programming. The International Astronomical Union named asteroid 3795 “Nigel” in his honour.

zeByaxGtJhQ | 11 Mar 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... 1996 footage from crucial race weekend for the Gulf GTC Mclaren Team at the Anderstorp Raceway in Sweden. The two car-team defends a narrow world championship lead. The McLaren F1 GTR was a racing variant of the McLaren F1 sports car first produced in 1995 for grand touring style racing, such as the BPR Global GT Series, FIA GT Championship, JGTC, and British GT Championship. The racing version of the McLaren F1 won the 24 Hours of Le Mans race at its first attempt, where it beat out faster purpose-built prototypes. This supreme piece of engineering dominates the GT Global Endurance Race Series. Cars from every top mark, Ferrari, Porsche, Jaguar, Lotus, and McLaren, compete in four-hour endurance races on international Grand Prix circuits. This type of racing is the proving ground of the world’s finest sports cars. The McLaren is the car to beat. The McLaren F1 is a sports car designed and manufactured by McLaren Automotive. Originally a concept conceived by Gordon Murray, he convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and engaged Peter Stevens to design the exterior and interior of the car. In March 1998 it set the record for the world's fastest production car, reaching 231mph with the rev limiter enabled, and 243mph with limiter removed. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Race Cars”. Watch it here -

jvx1R9Ac1oY | 04 Mar 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The most amazing thing about Jupiter for us Earthlings is that there is no place to stand. We see nothing but clouds and hurricanes the size of Earth, we don’t see the ground because there is no ground. For five billion years an icy juggernaut had roamed the backstreets of the Solar System flaring only as it swept close to the heat of the sun. But Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hadn’t reckoned on the mighty power of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter, the king of the planets, destroyer of comets. The broken fragments of Shoemaker-Levy 9 were big enough to remodel life on Earth. Each was being sucked in by the largest planet in the Solar System, each of their fiery descents was another chance to find out what it’s really like on Jupiter. The impact of SL9 highlighted Jupiter's role as a "cosmic vacuum cleaner" for the inner Solar System. The planet's strong gravitational influence leads to many comets and asteroids colliding with the planet. If Jupiter were not present, the probability of asteroid impacts with the Solar System's inner planets would be much greater. For millennia the bright beacon of Jupiter has caught the human gaze as it has travelled the heavens, but we had to wait for the invention of the telescope and a renaissance Italian for the planet to begin giving up its secrets. On the night of 7th January 1610 Galileo Galilei made a discovery that was to challenge Earth’s claim to sovereignty of the solar system. Jupiter’s dominance of the Solar System is complete, 1,300 times the size of Earth, it’s a world so enormous it could swallow every planet and moon in the solar system an still have room to spare. Looking back from Jupiter the Earth is a feeble speck circling a faint and distant sun Documentary narrated by John Hurt.

VYRFlciGtyc | 25 Feb 2015
Nigel Goes to Space Join Nigel as he takes you on his journey to the stars and beyond! Subscribe to Naked Science - A total solar eclipse will occur on Friday 20th March 2015. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. They are rare events. Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, while a partial solar eclipse will be visible over a region thousands of kilometres wide.

Sx6vuSr9l34 | 18 Feb 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... From afar the Earth seems calm, a blue sphere turning peacefully in space, but travel closer and you find a turbulent and terrifying place. An atmosphere where hurricanes and tornados are spawned, and below that a realm of volcanos and earthquakes. Starting just before New Year's Day, on Boxing Day 2004, the year 2005 was the most disastrous on record, with hundreds of billions of pounds of losses and more than half a million deaths. This programme covers the litany of planetary catastrophes, from the extraordinary Boxing Day killer tsunami in the Indian Ocean, through the great Kashmir earthquake to Hurricane Katrina and the devastation it wrought on New Orleans, along with UK events, such as the Birmingham tornado, which reached the highest tornado category, yet miraculously killed no-one. 2005 saw an onslaught of epic-scale climate and geological events across the world, all caught on camera in the most spectacular fashion by professionals and amateurs alike. Using eye-witness footage, interviews with survivors and rescuers and analysis from geological and weather specialists, this documentary charts the incredible natural events of a year where almost every month was affected by a natural disaster. At that time it was the hottest year on record, and the stormiest, people on every continent were affected in some way by the year’s disasters. World leading scientists and climatologists speculate whether the events have been triggered by a real shift in the earth's climatic systems. Some of the natural disasters covered in this documentary : Indian Ocean Earthquake and Asian Tsunami The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred on 26th December with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres high. Maharashtra Floods The 2005 Maharashtra floods refers to the flooding of many parts of the Indian state of Maharashtra including large areas of the metropolis Mumbai a city located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, on the western coast of India, in which at least 5,000 people died. Birmingham Tornado The Birmingham tornado was one of the strongest tornadoes recorded in the United Kingdom in nearly 30 years, occurring on 28th July 2005 in the suburbs of Birmingham. The tornado uprooted an estimated 1,000 trees, removed the roofs of buildings, picked up and deposited cars and caused other damage during its short existence. European Floods The 2005 European floods hit mainly Romania, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as well as several other countries in Central Europe and Eastern Europe during August. The disaster came at a time when Portugal was suffering from intense forest fires which left 15 dead. Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It is the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods. The most significant number of deaths occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed. Kashmir Earthquake The Kashmir earthquake occurred on 8th October 2005 and was centred in the Pakistan administered Kashmir near the city of Muzaffarabad, and also affected the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It registered a moment magnitude of 7.6. The government of Pakistan's official death toll was 75,000. The severity of the damage caused by the earthquake is attributed to severe upthrust, coupled with poor construction.

k-WzwL8n_xc | 11 Feb 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This is the state-of-the-art hovercraft known as the LCAC, or “Landing Craft Air Cushion”. A class of air-cushion vehicle used as landing craft by the United States Navy's Assault Craft Units and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). The LCACs weigh 100 tonnes each and carry four gas turbine engines of 4,000 horsepower, a total of 16,000 horsepower. They transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel of the assault elements of the Marine Air / Ground Task Force both from ship to shore and across the beach. They can carry up to 75 tonnes of equipment over 20 miles. Their moto is “No Beach Out of Reach”. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Hovercraft”. Watch it here -

I7s8c4aQQSg | 04 Feb 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This is a vision of the future, a Maglev launch system that will transport ordinary people to the edge of space, and back again. This spacecraft will open the universe to all, it’s a dream of those who will design and build the next generation of space planes. In the very near future space tourism will become an everyday activity, the corridors of space will become as busy as the airways of today. The environment surrounding our Earth will become the largest construction site ever. Dozens of space stations will orbit our planet, these weightless cities will launch and maintain thousands of communications satellites and provide a stepping stone for deep space exploration. A fleet of commercial spaceplanes will transport passengers and cargo quickly and cheaply. As more and more spaceplanes ferry components up from Earth for use in space we will build larger and more complex space stations, floating gateways to the universe. But is the future already here? A spaceplane is a vehicle that operates as an aircraft in Earth's atmosphere, as well as a spacecraft when it is in space. It combines features of an aircraft and a spacecraft, which can be thought of as an aircraft that can endure and manoeuvre in the vacuum of space or likewise a spacecraft that can fly like an airplane. The spaceflight is then followed by an unpowered glide return to landing. Only five spaceplanes have successfully flown to date, having reentered Earth's atmosphere, returned to Earth, and safely landed, the X-15, Space Shuttle, Buran, SpaceShipOne, and X-37. All five are rocket gliders, only rockets and rocket-powered aircraft have thus far succeeded in reaching space.

TfMTinoQxCA | 28 Jan 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The origins of the Shroud of Turin and its image are the subject of intense debate among theologians, historians and researchers. Believers think this is the death shroud of Jesus Christ, but carbon dating says it’s a fake. For decades science has failed to discover how the bloody image of a man formed on its cloth. A controversial theory says it could be the work of one of the world’s greatest artists. Could the most outrageous hoax of all time be the work of Leonardo da Vinci? The faint and ghostly image of a slaughtered man on a sheet of linen. Blood and sweat stain the cloth, horrific wounds cover his back, puncture marks scar his hands and chest, and a ring of blood surrounds his head. Physical trauma consistent with crucifixion. For centuries this relic was thought to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity’s most precious relic, despite radiocarbon dating tests dating it to the medieval period. But how the shroud image was formed has baffled scientists for decades, and there is still no consensus on how it was created. The shroud is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy.

-ZvSQsIwXmg | 21 Jan 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Boats can’t reach high speeds because of the friction between the hull and the water. In 1877 Sir John Isaac Thornycroft, a brilliant British boat designer suggested that trapping air under a boat might reduce the friction problem. He tested his idea with a scale model of a flat bottomed boat with a recess underneath. Air trapped in the recess lifted the boat almost out of the water increasing its speed. Later he built a much more complex model using a clockwork mechanism connected to bellows, the bellows pumped air underneath the boat, as it passed through the water the air acted as a lubricant reducing the boat’s friction and once again increasing its speed. Sadly for Thornycroft his boat needed better engine technology than existed at the time. The patents were never exploited. Over half a century later another inventor took up the challenge and built the first full sized hovercraft. That man was Sir Christopher Sydney Cockerell. His dedicated belief in the air cushion principle earned him a place in the history books, as the inventor of the hovercraft. When he unveiled the first prototype of his extraordinary machine the press were amazed, the headlines called it the “Flying Saucer”. But they did not possibly believe it could work over water. So the scientists took it out onto the bay for its first ever flight over the sea. Cockerell was a well-respected engineer, he already had many patents to his name. He knew the hovercraft would work because of his early experiments, using an air blower, two tin cans, one inside the other, and a set of scales. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Hovercraft”. Watch it here -

KYjYLfhfPgI | 07 Jan 2015
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What do we talk most about in the United Kingdom? The Great British Weather, it’s part of our culture, we’re obsessed with it, but sometimes it can turn from being a mere talking point, into something deadly. Professor Nick Middleton of Oxford University investigates how the raw electric power of lightning is created, and examines the dire consequences of being struck by a bolt. Plus, why some buildings are set alight during a storm and others are not, and how a plane can fly into such bad weather and remain safe. Investigating Floods, Storms, Lightning and Snow, this four-part series will combine archive footage of some of the most spectacular weather phenomena ever caught on film with on-location footage of some of the UK's most notorious weather black-spots. Using original footage and Nick Middleton's expert knowledge, the series will provide viewers with the most up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of these ever-increasing natural occurrences.

B93uZPvThKc | 31 Dec 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science – The outbreak of the mystery SARS virus is a chilling reminder of our frailty in the face of Mother Nature. This programme follows the story of an epidemic that brought the world to the edge of panic. A dramatic reconstruction and investigation into how the lethal virus spread across the world from just one super-spreader in a lift in Hong Kong, and how scientists tracked transmission, and dealt with it. Severe acute respiratory syndrome is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin caused by infection of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Between November 2002 and July 2003, an outbreak of SARS in southern China caused an eventual 8,096 cases and 774 deaths reported in multiple countries with the majority of cases in Hong Kong (9.6% fatality rate) according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Treatment of SARS is largely supportive with antipyretics, supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation as needed. Antibiotics are ineffective, as SARS is a viral disease. There is no vaccine to date. Isolation and quarantine remain the most effective means to prevent the spread of SARS. In addition, hand washing, use of universal precautions, disinfection of surfaces for fomites, and use of a surgical mask are recommended.

qn2x62G5GmM | 24 Dec 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... In the not too distant future strange craft will zoom across our skies. These are not UFOs, they’re not alien craft from another planet, these are machines developed and built by human engineers and designers. Today’s science fiction will become tomorrow’s reality. These are the aircraft of the future! What you’re about to see is a glimpse into the future of aviation. Winged aircraft as we know them will soon be a thing of the past. Across the world designers are racing to create fantastic new aircraft that can fly humans higher, faster, and further than ever before. New military designs, airliners that can take us to the edge of space and around the planet in minutes, and new propulsion systems that will make the jet engine obsolete forever. One casualty of this race for the future sits abandoned on an airfield, this fighter was more advanced than aircraft in service, but was already obsolete. It was the loser in the engineering competition of the century. In 1985 the United States Air Force demanded a new fighter plane, one that would incorporate the most up-to-date advances in stealth and agility. Two multibillion dollar designs by rival companies took to the air in a fight to the death. One was the Northrop YF-23, it had diamond shaped wings. The other was the Lockheed YF-22. The winner would become the backbone of the US Air Force, the loser a billion dollar pile of scrap. A fierce fight was about to take place between the two most advanced fighter aircraft ever built. The test pilots fought to outperform each other. But after the YF-23’s wheels touched the ground it never flew again. With its greater performance and agility, the YF-22 was chosen to take the US Air Force into the next millennium. It is a truly remarkable craft, it is able to reach speeds and perform manoeuvres far beyond that of the front line fighter of the time, the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.

_r5fNEJbfIg | 17 Dec 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This is the Sukhoi Su-37, a Russian experimental single-seat, super-manoeuvrable multirole jet fighter, designed by Sukhoi. It looks like any other fighter, but it can perform impossible manoeuvres. A further development of the original Su-27 "Flanker", it was modified from the first-generation Su-35 prototypes. The Su-37 features an upgraded avionic suite and fire-control system, but its most notable additions are the thrust-vectoring nozzles. Fighter aircraft are traditionally fast but very heavy, which makes them difficult to turn. The Sukhoi Su-37 can perform heart-stopping manoeuvres that defy gravity. For any other fighter these manoeuvres would be well beyond their flight envelope. They would stall and crash. Thrust vectoring and small carnard wings allow the pilot to throw the Su-37 around the skies like an aerobatics plane. Twenty tonnes of military metal can reverse direction instantly. This amazing agility would give it a decisive edge in combat. On its first public appearance its pilot issued and open challenge to dogfight against all comers, no one took up the offer. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Flight of the Future”. Watch it here -

Wy0UNvL37vo | 10 Dec 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Designers around the world are trying to build radical new aircraft, at this secret airbase outside Moscow, Russian engineers created what looked more like a flying saucer than a plane. Called "Tarelka”, it was conceived during the height of the Cold War. This early secret footage shows the first scale model tests. Despite their methods being low-tech the results were remarkable. It looked impossible but the Tarelka flew. Initial tests were so successful that construction began on a full size Tarelka. Looking like a craft from another planet, it could carry up to a dozen passengers, and possibly become the new executive jet of the future. The engines are housed inside the main body. The small wings provide no lift at all, they help stabilise and steer the machine. But shortage of money from the Russian government caused work to stop on the Tarelka. A waterborne version was also tested, it was designed to travel just above the surface of the water using a cushion of air to provide lift for very little thrust. This is called ground effect, something Russian designers had used in their most unusual aircraft. The Lun-class Ekranoplan, also known as the Caspian Sea Monster, is a ground effect vehicle designed by Rostislav Evgenievich Alexeev and used by the Soviet and Russian navies from 1987 until the late 1990s. Larger than jumbo jet, this astonishing machine is powered by eight huge turbofan jet engines. It flew using the lift generated by the ground effect of its large wings when close to the surface of the water. Although they might look similar and have related technical characteristics, Ekranoplans like the Lun are not aircraft, seaplanes, hovercraft, or hydrofoils. Ground effect is a separate technology altogether. The International Maritime Organization classifies these vehicles as maritime ships. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Flight of the Future”. Watch it here -

QLvFDPl-E0o | 03 Dec 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Tornados are one of the most deadly forces of nature, with winds up to 300mph. Their awesome power can rip apart anything that lies in their path. In America whole towns are annihilated, homes totally destroyed, and hundreds of lives are lost every year. In Britain you might think you’re out of reach of the clutches of these deadly twisters, but you would be wrong. The United Kingdom’s second largest city, Birmingham, was hit in July 2005. What exactly happened that day? Why did it cause so much damage? And why was there no warning? At a time when extreme weather events were causing chaos in America, is it a sign that our own mild temperate climate could be coming to an end. Thursday 28th July 2005, the weather report that morning had forecast some thundery showers in the Midlands area, no mention of a tornado. But that afternoon residents along a narrow corridor through the Birmingham suburbs from King’s Heath to Highgate, were about to have their whole world turned upside down. The Birmingham tornado was one of the strongest tornadoes recorded in the UK for nearly 30 years.

8VvYu1fWyxA | 26 Nov 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Machines are evolving 10 million times faster than we are. Are you ready for robots that run our homes, watch our neighborhoods and even fight our wars? One day in the not too distant future, robots will travel to the far reaches of the universe, they will be the first to colonise new worlds. Robots will lead the way in the exploration of deep space. Robots, machines of our nightmares, or servants of man? In the 1930s film Metropolis the robot was an evil character, it represented our darkest fears. By the 1950s they had become even more sinister and powerful, but over that last few decades our opinions of robots have dramatically changed, they’ve been reinvented as the police force of the future. But can real robots match the exploits of their celluloid cousins? While the movies were creating ruthless men of steel, real robots were starting their own painful march into the world. Robots are still basic but over the past few decades they have advanced enormously. Before robots can become the masters of the universe, or even the servants of mankind, they need to accomplish one important thing, they need to move around. This 1999 documentary includes interviews with prominent roboticists and artificial intelligence specialists. Beginning with robot locomotion and historical clips of ingenious experiments from MIT's Leg Laboratory, BigDog's ancestors dynamically walk, hop, trot, and perform impressive gymnastics. To find out the best way for a robot to move around the scientists look to nature. There have been many attempts to copy nature, some successful, others less than perfect. Some of the robots discussed in this documentary : Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Genghis II Hermes the Hexapod Micro-robot Cricket Mine Clearer Ariel Ambler the Massive Six-legged Planetary Rover Adaptive Suspension Vehicle Odetics Inc’s Odex 1 Spring Flamingo Robot Honda’s P3 Humanoid Robot Xavier from Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Cog Project at MIT’s Humanoid Robotics Group Mark Tilden's BEAM Robotics SPAWAR’s Robart 3 NASA’s Surveyor 3 Mars Rover Sojourner JPL Robotics’ Rocky 7 Rover Nomad Rover Test Vehicle Nanorover Technology

Ux1PlEaXLdE | 18 Nov 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - What do we talk most about in the United Kingdom? The Great British Weather, it’s part of our culture, we’re obsessed with it, but sometimes it can turn from being a mere talking point, into something deadly. Professor Nick Middleton continues his investigation by visiting the Cairngorms in Scotland. He experiences first-hand the effects snow and extreme cold can have on the human body, including the disorientation caused by blizzards and the onset of hypothermia. The threat avalanches pose also comes under the spotlight, along with the havoc wreaked on the nation's roads by heavy snowfall. Investigating Floods, Storms, Lightning and Snow, this four-part series will combine archive footage of some of the most spectacular weather phenomena ever caught on film with on-location footage of some of the UK's most notorious weather black-spots. Using original footage and Nick Middleton's expert knowledge, the series will provide viewers with the most up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of these ever-increasing natural occurrences.

CamkAonyprk | 12 Nov 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Docudrama exploring the background and build-up to this final flight to disaster. Using dramatic reconstruction, archive footage and exclusive interviews with leading historians and engineering experts, the special delves into the political and scientific events that led up to the catastrophe. LZ 129 Hindenburg was a large German commercial passenger-carrying rigid airship, the lead ship of the Hindenburg class, the longest class of flying machine and the largest airship by envelope volume. It was designed and built by the Zeppelin Company (Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH) on the shores of Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen and was operated by the German Zeppelin Airline Company (Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei). The Hindenburg disaster took place on 6th May 1937 as the airship caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, located adjacent to the borough of Lakehurst, New Jersey. The disaster was the subject of spectacular newsreel coverage, photographs, and Herbert Morrison's recorded radio eyewitness reports from the landing field, which were broadcast the next day. A variety of hypotheses have been put forward for both the cause of ignition and the initial fuel for the ensuing fire. The incident shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying rigid airship and marked the end of the airship era. This British film is narrated by Malcolm Tierney who plays the role of Dr Hugo Eckener, the most successful airship commander in history. It provides a re-enactment of the Hindenburg Disaster using a detailed computer animated model, and then focuses on the official investigation that followed the disaster. “Hindenburg: The Untold Story” is known in Germany as “Das Geheimnis der Hindenburg” (The Secret of the Hindenburg) and “Die Hindenburg: Die Ungeklärte Katastrophe” (The Hindenburg: The Unexplained Disaster).

aujKlXrCt28 | 05 Nov 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... When the going gets tough at 30,000 feet and the unexpected happens, it's only the pilots with 'the right stuff' who wilI bring you safely down to earth. Watch incredible footage of Captain Larry Fuda landing his Boeing on only one set of main landing gear. The Gimli Glider is the nickname of an Air Canada aircraft that was involved in an unusual aviation incident. Captain Eric Moody lost all four engines when he flew into a cloud of volcanic ash, after gliding for an agonizing 14 minutes and dropping 25,000 feet, the engines suddenly burst into life. William Query survived a mid-air collision and managed to Iand his stricken plane safely. British Airways Captain Tim Lancaster was sucked out of his cockpit when his windscreen blew out, a purser clung to his feet as the co-pilot made an emergency landing. Captain Denny Fitch lost all flight controls in his DC10 but he achieved the impossible by landing his plane on a wing and a prayer. In this programme we meet the pilots whose acts of heroism saved passengers from almost certain death and find out what it took for these skilled men to land their planes. “Fear of Flying : Mayday” is a documentary from the “Extreme Machines” series.

z3jA2Xijz88 | 29 Oct 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - The word "extreme" means different things to different people, but to these homeowners it means pushing the envelope as far as possible, dreaming, daring, and innovating. From construction to completion, take an up-close look at some of the world's most spectacular homes ever built. A unique little house in Sebastopol, a city in Sonoma County, California. For most of us this is a garden shed, but for Jay Shafer its home. The dimensions are 7 feet wide by 16 feet long including the mini porch area. The home is simplicity itself, Cedar wood walls and a metal roof. It’s only 100 square feet, less than the average kitchen. The small kitchen has the usual sink, refrigerator, and for cooking there is a flat top hob that hangs on the wall. To freshen up for dinner just turn around, the bathtub is possibly the smallest in the world being less than 2 feet wide, to get into this slim line bath tub you’ll need to be a contortionist. Everywhere in this home space is tight, floor to ceiling storage makes the most of every inch vertically and horizontally. There’s a modest cathedral ceiling, space for a couple of chairs, a decent sized desk which is huge when compared to everything else. The propane stove altar keeps the place toasty during winter, at night makes the whole place glow. Sleeping here is warm and cosy, there’s a double bed tucked away in the loft space under the skylights. Surprisingly for such a tiny home it doesn’t feel too cramped, large windows let in plenty of light, although you wouldn’t want too many people over for dinner. Downsized living is more than choosing a home, it’s choosing a lifestyle. Editing is the key to living small, get rid of all your favourite things, make sure life is high quality, there’s no room for anything extra. And if you get tired of the neighbours you can always take the house to a different neighbourhood. The name of the house is "Gifford" and is featured in the “Extreme Homes” documentary series.

Wy46Gd0XON4 | 22 Oct 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What do we talk most about in the United Kingdom? The Great British Weather, it’s part of our culture, we’re obsessed with it, but sometimes it can turn from being a mere talking point, into something deadly. Professor Nick Middleton investigates extreme weather conditions, beginning by focusing on floods including the devastation caused at Boscastle in August 2004, during which more than 100 people were airlifted to safety. He asks whether the London Thames Barrier’s seven-metre-high gates will provide sufficient protection in future years and considers the consequences of London suffering the same fate as New Orleans. Investigating Floods, Storms, Lightning and Snow, this four-part series will combine archive footage of some of the most spectacular weather phenomena ever caught on film with on-location footage of some of the UK's most notorious weather black-spots. Using original footage and Nick Middleton's expert knowledge, the series will provide viewers with the most up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of these ever-increasing natural occurrences.

tHX_uVwFtiM | 15 Oct 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... 24th August 2005 the National Hurricane Centre in Florida scrambled its hurricane hunter aircraft, their mission, to fly into the heart of a powerful new storm that was building over the Bahamas. It was the eleventh in a busy season and had been given the name Katrina. Like all tropical storms, Katrina was powered by the surface of the ocean, warm moist air sucked high into the atmosphere then sent speeding back down to create an immense whirlpool of supercharged wind and rain. Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It is the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods. The most significant number of deaths occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed. As the centre of Hurricane Katrina passed southeast of New Orleans on 29th August winds downtown were in the Category 3 range with frequent intense gusts and tidal surge. In the City of New Orleans, the storm surge caused more than 50 breaches in drainage canal levees and also in navigational canal levees and precipitated the worst engineering disaster in the history of the United States. By 31st August around 80% of New Orleans was flooded, with some parts under 15 feet of water. Between 80 and 90 percent of the residents of New Orleans were evacuated safely in time before the hurricane struck, testifying to some of the success of the evacuation measures. The Louisiana Superdome was used to house and support some of those who were unable to evacuate. Television shots frequently focused on the Superdome as a symbol of the flooding occurring in New Orleans. The disaster had major implications for a large segment of the population, economy, and politics of the entire United States. Clip from the documentary “The Year the Earth Went Wild”. Watch it here –

nBpI679fziQ | 08 Oct 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The Hindenburg disaster, the destruction of Nazi Germany’s great propaganda machine on a US military base looked bad, but just how did this terrible tragedy happen? With the wreckage under military guard, a board of inquiry begin to hear the testimonials of eye witnesses inside the very hanger that would have housed the giant Hindenburg herself. Different reasons for the crash were discussed but the more that was heard, the less was understood. The evidence would need piecing together carefully by someone who knew the airship inch by inch. They would soon to be joined by the man who built the Hindenburg, Dr Hugo Eckener. The great airship was the doctor’s most powerful to come out of the Zeppelin factory at Friedrichshafen. Eckener knew he must stay detached and focused like a detective to solve the disaster, and knew it was his responsibility to find out what had gone wrong. He checked everything, one of his precepts being to assume nothing, you make sure you know. Dr Hugo Eckener was the manager of the Luftschiffbau Zeppelin during the inter-war years, and also the commander of the famous Graf Zeppelin for most of its record-setting flights, including the first airship flight around the world, making him the most successful airship commander in history. He was also responsible for the construction of the most successful type of airships of all time. An anti-Nazi who was invited to campaign as a moderate in the German presidential elections, he was blacklisted by that regime and eventually sidelined. Clip from the docudrama “Hindenburg: The Untold Story”. Watch it here -

IRZSuz_TOtc | 01 Oct 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... One of the most feared predators of the sea is the shark, many species of which can strip a man to ribbons in a matter of minutes. But what prompts sharks to attack human beings, who are not their natural enemies? “The Science of Shark Attacks” is a documentary in which survivors of shark attacks share their life-and-death stories, as ichthyologists explain the attack behaviour of sharks, how to keep yourself safe in the water, and discuss attempts to cure sharks of their killer instinct. Contrary to popular belief, only a few sharks are dangerous to humans. Out of more than 470 species, only four have been involved in a significant number of fatal, unprovoked attacks on humans: the great white, oceanic whitetip, tiger, and bull sharks. These sharks are large, powerful predators, and may sometimes attack and kill people. Despite being responsible for attacks on humans they have all been filmed without using a protective cage. The perception of sharks as dangerous animals has been popularised by publicity given to a few isolated unprovoked attacks, such as the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, and through popular fictional works about shark attacks, such as the Jaws film series. Jaws author Peter Benchley, as well as Jaws director Steven Spielberg later attempted to dispel the image of sharks as man-eating monsters.

Hrl5WY8cdHo | 24 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - The word "extreme" means different things to different people, but to these homeowners it means pushing the envelope as far as possible, dreaming, daring, and innovating. From construction to completion, take an up-close look at some of the world's most spectacular homes ever built. This unusual house is in Berkeley, California. It’s a beautiful place to live but earthquakes are a worry, particularly for architect Eugene Tsui’s elderly parents, so Eugene turned to nature for inspiration. The structure is based upon the world's most indestructible living creature, the Tardigrade. With its oval plan and parabolic top it utilises the same structural principles nature employs in creating an astoundingly durable design, by curving the outline of his house, he wind proofed it. All floors, walls, and ceilings were built as one unit from recycled Styrofoam strengthened with concrete Rastra blocks and steel rods. This kind of continuous construction dissipates the force of earthquake tremors on the house. Every part of the house is interconnected structurally with every other part of the house, the structure disperses stresses and strains that act upon it unilaterally. If some other kind of disaster strikes the Styrofoam blocks are so tightly packed together that no air can get through, making them fireproof and waterproof. Two massive convex windows act like magnifying glasses and flood the central atrium with natural sunlight. The oculus eye-shaped lens on the south side is angled low to catch the light and heat of the dim winter sun, but not the hot summer sun. The round windows may look strange but there’s a very good practical reason to use them, they let in 30% more light, and are 200 times stronger than a flat window. The interior of the 220+ square metre property has no stairs. Multiple levels inside the building are reached by a series of ramps which culminate in a central circular ramp at the midpoint of the house. Because this is an earthquake proof house, the ramps and just about everything else, are curvilinear for safety and ease of passing The name of the house is "Ojo Del Sol" (The Sun's Eye) and is featured in the “Extreme Homes” documentary series. It is internationally touted as the world's safest house.

mGAUorYkwBk | 17 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What do we talk most about in the United Kingdom? The Great British Weather, it’s part of our culture, we’re obsessed with it, but sometimes it can turn from being a mere talking point, into something deadly. Professor Nick Middleton of Oxford University investigates some of the UK's most destructive wind events of the past two decades, including the great storm of 1987, which caused London to lose power for the first time since the Blitz. He also recalls the tornado that caused vast damage to buildings in Birmingham in July 2005. Investigating Floods, Storms, Lightning and Snow, this four-part series will combine archive footage of some of the most spectacular weather phenomena ever caught on film with on-location footage of some of the UK's most notorious weather black-spots. Using original footage and Nick Middleton's expert knowledge, the series will provide viewers with the most up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of these ever-increasing natural occurrences.

YkqPxaTu4RI | 10 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... The Ford Mustang is more than just a car, it’s a living legend. It has come to represent the American ideals of personal freedom, integrity, and strength. Fasten your seatbelts for the ride of lifetime with 300 Mustang fanatics, as they race across America to Nashville, and watch some of the world’s fastest Mustangs as they hurtle around the famous Superspeedway track. The Mustang has ruled the highways for over 40 years. The unbridled energy and power of the all American muscle machine has captured the hearts of millions of people. To celebrate the Mustang’s 40th Anniversary a group of 300 cars of all ages attempt a staggering drive of nearly 2,000 miles, across 7 states, in just 5 days. Their destination is Nashville, Tennessee, and the biggest Mustang party on the planet. It will be a real challenge for man and machine. The 2004 MAA rally attracted people from as far away as New Zealand, all keen to part of this extraordinary piece of Mustang history. Some came for the love of the car, some for the comradery, and some to revel in the wonders of the American countryside. But for all the highlight of the whole experience was the exhilarating race at Nashville’s famous speedway. The race brought together some of world’s greatest Mustangs and drivers, as they push their machines, and themselves, to the limit. “Mustangs Across America” is a documentary from the “Kings of the Road” series.

CvaUvxGOvew | 06 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Twins Interacting in the Womb” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Human development : Dark field, top lighting. Human foetuses at six months development, the end of the second trimester. Silicone models of twenty four week old twins interacting in the womb. The models were created for the "In the Womb" series of films produced by Pioneer Productions for National Geographic and Channel 4 television. In this short clip the models are animated by hand and by the use of wires. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

1FsRIVWA6qo | 06 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Inflammatory Response in Tissue” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Microscopy : Blood flow in capillary beds. Differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC), low magnification view of a small artery and vein. The artery (top) shows white blood cells collecting along the walls due to an inflammatory response in the tissue. Monocytes in the blood are migrating into the surrounding tissue to combat infection. Here they become macrophages which will eat foreign material that has been "marked" by other immune cells. The lower vessel is the vein which can be seen slowly dilating and then constricting during the shot. This regulates the amount of blood being drained from the tissue. This static under-cranked shot was filmed at two frames per second so the blood flow and all the other action appears accelerated. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

Z1GenEFMArk | 06 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing a “Six Month Human Fetus in the Womb” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Human development : Trans-illuminated womb. A silicone model of a twenty four week old human foetus created for National Geographic television in the US and Channel 4 television in the UK. The programme was produced by Pioneer Productions. The film shows the development of the human embryo and foetus in the womb. This is a motion control shot showing the sleeping foetus in a womb set that has been backlit as though light were coming through the mother's body. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

XSOjy906MuQ | 06 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Cell Division” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Microscopy : Phase contrast microscopy. High magnification time lapse shot of a single HeLa cell dividing. The actual division of the whole cell takes around an hour to happen. A healthy cell can divide approximately every twenty four hours. A HeLa cell is a cell type in an immortal cell line used in scientific research. It is the oldest and most commonly used human cell line. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

GcfA9d5kRR4 | 05 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing an “Elephant in the Womb” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Animal development : Trans-illuminated womb. A model of an Asian elephant in the womb just before birth after 22 months gestation. The silicone model was made for the "In the Womb" series of television programmes produced by Pioneer productions and shown on National Geographic in the US and Channel 4 in the UK. This is a motion control shot of the foetus, lit as though light is glowing through the mother's body. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

pwmlP1hLJf0 | 05 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Blood Flow in the Frog Web” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Microscopy : Blood flow in the frog web. Differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC), high magnification view of blood flowing in capillaries in the web of juvenile clawed toads. The dark spots are melanocytes. When expanded, these pigmented cells darken the skin which is otherwise transparent. Blood flow through the capillary bed can be regulated through muscles in the larger vessels. These can contract or dilate the vessel to slow down or speed up blood flow depending on external conditions. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

xYlPaTGZENY | 05 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing a “Dolphin in the Womb” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Animal development : Trans-illuminated womb. 12 month dolphin foetus in the womb just before birth. The silicone model was made for the "In the Womb" series of television programmes produced by Pioneer productions and shown on National Geographic in the US and Channel 4 in the UK. This is a motion control shot of the foetus, lit as though light is glowing through the mother's body. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

hbNp9DBbTkU | 05 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Lactobacillus Bacteria Growing” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Microscopy : Bacteria. Time lapse photography of the bacterial genus Lactobacillus growing on a nutrient medium. Lactobacillus, also called Döderlein's bacillus, is a genus of Gram-positive facultative anaerobic or microaerophilic rod-shaped bacteria. These are "friendly" bacteria that normally live in our digestive, urinary, and genital systems without causing disease. Lactobacillus is also in some fermented foods like yogurt and in dietary supplements. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

vizaE3XhZts | 05 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Sample clip showing “Vasodilation” taken from the David Barlow Film Archive. Film category, Microscopy : Blood flow in capillary beds. Vasodilation increases blood flow to peripheral tissues by expanding small blood vessels and allowing greater flow of oxygen and nutrients to be delivered through the capillary network. In humans it is also used to regulate temperature by allowing increased flow to the skin (flushing) which gets rid of excess heat. The opposite process, vasoconstriction, results in cold hands and feet. For more clips, information, and licensing visit - David Barlow’s YouTube channel - The David Barlow Special Effects Film Archive is a unique film and video library. It contains a comprehensive collection of moving images photographed by award winning cinematographer David Barlow. Clips are organised in a hierarchy of subjects and topics covering the following categories : Animal Development Human Development Human Biology Physiology Parasitology Microscopy Landscapes Computer Effects Elements and Textures David Barlow is a scientist and cinematographer. He has devised a number of scientific techniques for filming microscopic and endoscopic set-ups to achieve optimal visual results. David works to expand the archive of scientific film he has been compiling for 20 years. He also takes commissions to create visual effects sequences, specialising in complex simulated reconstructions of real phenomena on a miniature scale. He uses models and composites to cross the boundaries of scale and create special effects shots for high end TV documentary production.

sl_CM6wlry0 | 03 Sep 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... In Tornado Alley you can never let your guard down, while you’re watching a twister in front, another will sneak up behind you. They’re beautiful, graceful, majestic, exciting, powerful, and they’re awesome. But up close tornadoes are the most violent creatures on planet Earth. Their killing grounds are the sweeping plains of North America. Welcome to Tornado Alley. These are the stories of human survival. These are the stories of the people who chase cyclones, the storm chasers. Across the length and breadth of the United States more than one thousand tornados touch down every year, but it’s Nebraska, Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma, that suffer most. These are the tales of Tornado Alley. “Tornado Alley” is a documentary from the “Storm Force” series.

j3QPLjc2YLU | 27 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Laurie Boyett was attacked while swimming 300 yards offshore on Kona, Hawaii, in 1999. She lost her right buttock and suffered severed tendons in eight fingers as she fended off a 12 to 14 foot tiger shark. Her 17 year old nephew kept her afloat, as she bled profusely, until a rescue boat could get them to shore. The retired school office worker still loves the ocean and swims daily five months a year near her home. Her experience deepened her religious faith and gave her a profound appreciation for life. She was introduced to shark conservation through the Pew Environment Group and is now a strong supporter. She was among a group of survivors who worked for passage of the U.S. Shark Conservation Act, which closed loopholes in the nation's shark finning ban. "I don't hold any blame against any shark," said the Rhode Island woman, who was 49 at the time of the attack. "I was entering their environment. I suffered dire consequences. I accept those consequences." Clip from the documentary “The Science of Shark Attacks”. Watch it here -

uI-4sCJ7s1Q | 20 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Not everyone has a fear of flying, but we all have a fear of crashing! Is this your worst nightmare, trapped in an aircraft heading for a crash landing? Just exactly what is like to be there when things go wrong? At the world’s busiest airports aircraft takeoff and land every 60 seconds. Every day 100,000 of flights depart and arrive safely. But some don’t. The aeroplane, the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century. In less than the 100 years since the Wright brothers’ first flight, this incredible machine has completely changed the world. But sometimes the miracle of flight comes with a heavy price. Aviation accidents and incidents covered in this documentary : United Airlines Flight 811 (24th February 1989) United Airlines Flight 811 experienced a cargo door failure in flight after its stopover at Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii. The resulting decompression blew out several rows of seats, resulting in the deaths of nine passengers. The aircraft involved was a Boeing 747-122. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 (31st October 2000) A Boeing 747-412 operating the flight, attempted to take off from the wrong runway at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport during a typhoon. The aircraft crashed into construction equipment on the runway, killing 83 of the 179 occupants aboard. Air France Flight 4590 (25th July 2000) Concorde flight operated by Air France which was scheduled to fly from Charles de Gaulle International Airport near Paris, to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. It crashed into a hotel in Gonesse, France. All one hundred passengers and nine crew members on board the flight died. On the ground, four people were killed and one critically injured. United Airlines Flight 826 (28th December 1997) Two hours into the flight, at 9400 meters, the plane received reports of severe clear-air turbulence in the area and the seat belt sign was turned on. Moments later, the aircraft suddenly dropped around 30 meters, seriously injuring 15 passengers and 3 crew members, although there was no structural damage to the aircraft. Aloha Airlines Flight 243 (28th April 1998) The Boeing 737-297 serving the flight suffered extensive damage after an explosive decompression in flight, but was able to land safely at Kahului Airport on Maui. The safe landing of the aircraft despite the substantial damage inflicted by the decompression established Aloha Airlines Flight 243 as a significant event in the history of aviation, with far-reaching effects on aviation safety policies and procedures. Alaska Airlines Flight 261 (31st January 2000) Alaska Airlines Flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 aircraft, experienced a fatal accident over the Pacific Ocean about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California. The two pilots, three cabin crewmembers, and 83 passengers on board were killed and the aircraft was destroyed. British Airways Flight 2069 (29th December 2000) On 29th December 2000, a mentally-ill passenger stormed the cockpit and attempted to hijack the plane. Captain William Hagan and his crew were able to apprehend the assailant while first officer Phil Watson levelled the flight, quickly putting the situation under control. Dawson's Field Hijackings (6th September 1970) In the Dawson's Field hijackings, four jet aircraft bound for New York City and one for London were hijacked by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and instead landed at the PFLP's "Revolutionary Airport". Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 (23rd November 1996) The plane crash-landed in the Indian Ocean near Grande Comore, Comoros Islands, due to fuel exhaustion; 125 of the 175 passengers and crew on board died, along with the hijackers; the rest of the people on board survived with injuries. USAir Flight 1493 (1st February 1991) Friday 1st February 1991, the aircraft serving the flight accidentally collided with SkyWest Flight 5569 upon landing at Los Angeles. A series of abnormalities distracted the local controller, including an aircraft that inadvertently switched off the tower frequency and a misplaced flight progress strip.

KCuh_2M4o3A | 18 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 In 1996, the hijacking of an Ethiopian Airline 767 became the worst in history when it crashed into the sea off the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean. The pilot, Captain Leul Abate, was no stranger to hijacks, this was the third time an aircraft under his command had been threatened. The Boeing 767-200ER was hijacked on 23rd November 1996 en route from Addis Ababa to Nairobi on a Bombay–Addis Ababa–Nairobi–Brazzaville–Lagos–Abidjan service, by three Ethiopians seeking asylum in Australia. The plane crash-landed in the Indian Ocean near Grande Comore, Comoros Islands, due to fuel exhaustion; 125 of the 175 passengers and crew on board died, along with the hijackers; the rest of the people on board survived with injuries. At the time this incident took place, it was the deadliest hijacking involving a single aircraft. It fell to second place with the 11th September 2001 attacks. The incident is one of the only documented water landing attempts of a wide-body airliner with survivors. Clip from the documentary “Extreme Machines - Fear of Flying : Crash Landing”. Watch it here -

XdQR6keMs3w | 13 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What are the world’s seven natural wonders? Which ones would you pick? We’ve compiled a list of our top seven, from the suffocating heat of Death Valley, the awesome power of Niagara Falls and the Geysers of Yellowstone, to the mightiest river, and the greatest Canyon. For many of us the natural world acts as a distant backdrop to our busy urban lives. We carve and cultivate vast areas of land to suit our own purposes and needs. But where nature remains untamed we are forced to confront ourselves, compelled to look and listen. These wildernesses, tropical jungles, and desert canyons, not only provide a window into the past, but they help remind us of our place on Earth. In this film we celebrate some of our most exquisite and precious natural sites. 2002 documentary for the Travel Channel, including the following subjects : Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park, the Hualapai Tribal Nation, and the Havasupai Tribe. Nearly two billion years of Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, although it also extends into Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone, widely held to be the first national park in the world, is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park. It has many types of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. Death Valley Death Valley is a desert valley located in Eastern California's Mojave Desert, the lowest, driest, and hottest area in North America. Death Valley's Badwater Basin is the point of the lowest elevation in North America at 282 feet below sea level. This point is 84.6 miles east-southeast of Mount Whitney, the highest point in the contiguous United States with an elevation of 14,505 feet. Death Valley's Furnace Creek holds the record for the highest reliably reported air temperature in the world, 134° Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, established in 1916, is a United States National Park located in the U.S. State of Hawaiʻi on the island of Hawaiʻi. It encompasses two active volcanoes: Kīlauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, and Mauna Loa, the world's most massive subaerial volcano. The park gives scientists insight into the birth of the Hawaiian Islands and ongoing studies into the processes of volcanism. The Amazon The Amazon River in South America is the largest river by discharge of water in the world, averaging a discharge of about 209,000 cubic meters per second, greater than the next seven largest independent rivers combined. The Amazon rainforest, also known in English as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle, is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America. The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests, and comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world. Niagara Falls Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Canada and the United States; more specifically, between the province of Ontario and the state of New York. They form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms.

yZptnjZvuRc | 08 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science – Big Island of Hawaii, the southernmost landmass of an archipelago lying in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The creation of Hawaii is an extraordinary and dramatic tail, it is the story of the tempestuous fire goddess Pele, it is the saga of life, and death. Hawaii is located 2,400 miles of the West Coast of the United States. There are 8 islands in the chain, but on the southeast coast of Big Island lies an area the size of New York City, known as Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Established in 1916, with 30 miles of coastline, and an area of 218,000 acres. This World Heritage Site displays the results of 70 million years of volcanism, and if you’re a lava lover, this is where you come. Here stands two of the world’s most impressive volcanoes. Mauna Loa, the "Long Mountain", is a slumbering giant, it last erupted in 1984. This is the largest volcano in the world, it measures just over 10 miles from it’s base below the sea floor to it’s crater. Kīlauea is Mauna Loa’s younger more volatile sister, her name is Polynesian for “spewing”, or “spreading”, and since 1983 Kilauea has spewed enough lava to cover the whole of Washington DC to a depth of 44 feet. On Big Island this creation of land is rich in symbolism, the Hawaiian people believe that divine imagery and mystical meaning is to be found in the natural elements. In the Hawaiian religion, Pele is the goddess of volcanoes. She is a popular figure in many stories of ancient Hawaii known as Hawaiian mythology. A unique combination of delicate ecosystems and fearsome violence, this endless cycle of death and rebirth, makes it a land of exotic and captivating contradictions. Clip from the documentary “Natural Wonders of the World”. Watch it here –

KPrBgNXpV7w | 06 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Papua New Guinea, a remote island in the vast Pacific, so impenetrable is this jungle island that only the most adventurous travel here. This untamed land holds many secrets, it plays host to the greatest aviation mystery of all time. In 1937, Amelia Mary Earhart took off from Papua New Guinea, then vanished without a trace. Now her true fate is finally emerging, armed with new technology, experts are going back to the Pacific to find the queen of the skies. International travel has never been easier, thousands of aircraft girdle the globe, guided to their destinations by satellite navigation systems. Pick any place on Earth and it’s only a plane ride away, it would never occur to us that our pilot might get lost, but in the pioneering days of aviation when Amelia Earhart was flying, getting lost was an occupational hazard. When she opened up the air routes we fly today she did so with little more than a compass to guide her. In 1932 flying across the States was big news, especially when the pilot was a woman. Amelia Earhart’s daring and charm made her a media celebrity, people hungered for every detail of this remarkable woman’s life. When she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic, New York City gave her a hero’s welcome. In an age when most people had never seen an aeroplane, flying across an ocean was like going to the moon. In 1937, Amelia announced her most ambitious project, to fly around the world. The first two thirds of the flight were successful, a month after she left the US Amelia reached the Pacific island of Papua New Guinea, California was only three days away. But she never made it. “In Search of Amelia Earhart”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

msRvp6R7bUI | 01 Aug 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Death Valley is a place of the weird, and the wonderful. In a far flung corner of the park, a geologist and his students from Hampshire College Massachusetts, have been studying a mystery that has baffled them for the last 15 years. On a dried lakebed known as the Racetrack Playa, there is the “Riddle of the Moving Stones”. Sailing stones, sliding rocks, and moving rocks all refer to a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention. Tracks from these sliding rocks have been observed and studied in various locations, including Little Bonnie Claire Playa in Nevada, and most notably Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park, California, where the number and length of tracks are notable. At Racetrack Playa, these tracks have been studied since the early 1900s, yet the origins of stone movement are not confirmed and remain the subject of research for which several hypotheses exist. Clip from the documentary “Natural Wonders of the World”. Watch it here -

lEbMOipbvfc | 30 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Is there an unknown beast lurking in the forests of the American Northwest? Thousands of people say they've seen it. It is part ape, part man, almost nine feet tall, covered head to foot in thick dark hair, and it walks on two legs. It's sometimes called Sasquatch, a Native American word, one of more than eighty names they have for such a creature. More commonly it's known as Bigfoot. Could this beast be the fabled missing link that proves we humans are descended from apes? A link that if proved, would be explosive! It challenges our thinking about everything we know about science, about culture, about mythology, this is a creature that shouldn't be, yet is. It is a mystery to be solved, all the evidence is not in, and we haven't yet one way or the other conclusively proved that it exists, or that it does not exist. We have footprints supposedly left by this creature, and countless eyewitness stories, yet we still do not have any corpses, blood samples, or even bones. So does this creature exist, or is this simply the biggest hoax in human history. "On the Trail of Bigfoot", is a documentary, from the "World of Mysteries" series.

CYUlzC8Znok | 23 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - We live on a beautiful planet. Today our natural landscapes also boast manmade wonders, icons of engineering and architecture. So what are the world's modern wonders? We've compiled our top seven, from the tallest building on Earth, to the longest underwater tunnel, from aviation's greatest airliner, to engineering's greatest work of art. These are our modern wonders! The great engineering achievements of the modern world are more than purely functional. The visionaries who dreamed up their imposing shapes used art and science to create structures of dramatic beauty. Our bridges, dams, and skyscrapers, dominate our landscapes, as the pyramids dominated those of ancient Egypt. They're testaments to the creative genius of humankind. In this film we tunnel under, climb up, jump off, and fly with, the greatest marvels the modern world has to offer. 2002 documentary for the Travel Channel, including the following subjects : Brooklyn Bridge The Brooklyn Bridge is a bridge in New York City and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. Completed in 1883, it connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River. It has a main span of 486.3 metres and was the first steel-wire suspension bridge constructed. Petronas Towers The Petronas Towers, also known as the Petronas Twin Towers are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat official definition and ranking, they were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004. The buildings are a landmark of Kuala Lumpur, along with nearby Kuala Lumpur Tower. Concorde Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde is a retired turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner or supersonic transport. Concorde was jointly developed and produced by Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation under an Anglo-French treaty. First flown in 1969, Concorde entered service in 1976 and continued commercial flights for 27 years. Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889, it was initially criticised by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. Hoover Dam Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Panama Canal The Panama Canal is a 77.1 kilometre ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean (via the Caribbean Sea) to the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a key conduit for international maritime trade. There are locks at each end to lift ships up to Gatun Lake, an artificial lake created to reduce the amount of excavation work required for the canal, 26 metres above sea level. Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel is a 50.5 kilometre rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom, with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France, beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At 37.9 kilometres the tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world.

WLMq5nkmyRM | 16 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Over the past fifty years 3000 ships and 100 planes have gone missing in a mysterious stretch of water in the Atlantic Ocean. One minute they are there, the next, they’ve vanished. They all have one thing in common, they all ventured in to the Bermuda Triangle. They’re paradise destinations for tourists, the sunshine coast of Florida and the Florida Keys, the sun-baked island of Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas, and the beautiful coral seas of Bermuda. But the surrounding waters hold a mystery that has been known by many names, the Devil’s Triangle, the Devil’s Seas, Graveyard of the Atlantic, but one given to these infamous waters strikes fear into the hearts of those who attempt to cross it, the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle lies off the Eastern Seaboard of the United States bordered by the Florida Keys, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, one and half million square miles of empty ocean. “Bermuda Triangle”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

rqr1pB_CG4k | 10 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Concorde is the greatest civilian aircraft ever built. In the aviation hall of fame Concorde stands second only to the Wright brothers' maiden flight. Even before she leaves the ground, she goes like a bat out of hell! She cruises at twice the speed of sound, faster than the earth rotates. She's so far ahead of the pack, she's out of sight! Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde is a retired turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner or supersonic transport (SST). Concorde was jointly developed and produced by Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) under an Anglo-French treaty. First flown in 1969, Concorde entered service in 1976 and continued commercial flights for 27 years. The aircraft is regarded by many people as an aviation icon and an engineering marvel. Type : Supersonic Jet Cruise Speed : 1,350 mph Cruise Altitude : 11 miles Rolls Royce Olympus Engines : Total Thrust 152,000 lbs Afterburners : Adapted from Military Jet Air Intake Systems : Slows Air for Engines to Subsonic Speed The Delta Wing : 5,000 of Testing Nose : Hydraulically Controlled System Clip from the documentary "Modern Wonders of the World". Watch it here -

5QEzXUVidA8 | 09 Jul 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

uf9fLuaHvZQ | 02 Jul 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Peru, South America, where mysterious pictures were created 2000 years ago on the plains of the driest desert on Earth. Now these ancient wonders have spawned a modern tourist industry attracting travellers from all over the world. Elsewhere, tourists flock to see monuments that date from the dawn of history, like at Stonehenge in England, and in the surrounding countryside new wonders still appear today, vast and intricate crop circles that materialise overnight. But how and why are they made, and who creates these extraordinary mysteries of the fields. Amid the rolling hills of England, hundreds of intricate designs known as crop circles appear in the fields. Such perfect circles have been known about for centuries, they used to be feared as the work of the devil. A 17th century illustration shows Satan mowing his corn. But in recent years these crop circles have become ever more numerous, more elaborate, and more mysterious. Nobody knows just how the circles are made, but some strange force is at work, twisting, crushing, and flattening the corn. Britain’s corn circles are beautiful and complex, but other more mysterious artworks can be found halfway round the world in Peru, South America. The Ballestas Islands, these uninhabited isles are an astonishing haven for wildlife, and home to the coastal sand drawing known as the Paracas Candelabra. 600 feet high, the drawing can be seen 12 miles out at sea. Nobody really knows when it was built, or why. But even this massive sand drawing pales in significance when compared to the awesome spectacle of the Nazca Lines, 150 miles away in the Peruvian desert. It looks like a desert runway, big enough for any international airport, 180 feet wide, more than 6000 feet long, a landing strip for a jumbo jet, or the space shuttle, or perhaps a more mysterious, more alien, flight arrival. “Crop Circles and Desert Lines”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

eiC-Nx3ONDg | 25 Jun 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

rdghT9I37S8 | 18 Jun 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... London, Europe’s biggest and busiest metropolis, visited by 28 million tourists every year. They come for history, culture, and entertainment, but behind the glamour of the bright lights lies a concealed sinister city that most travellers don’t get to see. This is the Hidden City of London. London is a city rich in history, but you won’t see it all from a double decker bus. In this programme we explore a secret subterranean world. We hunt for ghosts of centuries past, and unravel the most famous English mystery of all, Jack the Ripper. In 1888, Jack the Ripper was the most feared name in London. The Ripper preyed upon prostitutes of the East End, in just ten weeks he savagely murdered five women, but to this day his true identity remains a mystery. In Victorian England the East End of London was a gloomy network of narrow cobbled streets shrouded in thick smog, life here was hard. Each year on November 5th hundreds of bonfires burn across the city as millions celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes was a seventeenth century terrorist captured trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament with two tonnes of gunpowder. Fawkes was imprisoned in one of the most brutal and terrifying places of all, the Tower of London. The West End is the Broadway of Europe. This is theatre land with over 40 playhouses in a single square mile. The Theatre Royal at Drury Lane is hundreds of years old, and seats 2500 theatre goers, both living, and dead. Mark Fox has been at the theatre since 1992, he claims to know of at least three ghosts that haunt the building, and he has a possible explanation for one of them. In search of London’s darker mysteries we sail up the River Thames to one of the most glorious palaces in England. Hampton Court represents 500 years of royal history, and with it, countless hauntings. Westminster, in the heart of London is Britain’s political hub and home to matters of vital national security, but these buildings were not built to withstand the impact of the Blitz of World War II. Instead Winston Churchill’s war cabinet held their meets at a top secret location below ground. Now a museum, the Churchill War Rooms have been left exactly as they were when they were abandoned in 1945. “Hidden City of London”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

2v84eekJD8w | 11 Jun 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

MIwElS1vnCM | 04 Jun 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For 2000 years successive generations have been gripped by a quest. A quest, championed by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, for a sacred cup which will provide it’s finder with immortality and total enlightenment. This is the greatest treasure hunt of all, a journey through some of the most historic and mysterious sites in Britain. The Quest for the Holy Grail. The search for the Holy Grail has taken questers around the world, but one of the most enduring legends tells us that the Grail was brought to Britan by Jesus Christ’s great uncle, Joseph of Arimathea. When Jesus was dying on the cross, Joseph held a bowl to his side, collecting the blood of Christ. After Christ died Joseph was visited by the Archangel Raphael who told him to bring this sacred bowl, this Holy Grail, to the Blessed Isles of the West, Britain. Once here the chalice was said to be hidden in the most holy place in the land. Ever since the search has been on to find the Holy Grail. The story is shrouded in the mists of legend and the quest continues to this day weaving a spectacular path across some of the most dramatic and mysterious sites in Britain. Glastonbury, where the water flows red from the blood of Christ. Tintagel, birthplace of King Arthur, and home to Merlin. Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, a sacred treasure trove which closely guards its holy secrets including, possibly, the Holy Grail. “Quest for the Holy Grail”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

8RKbnsKaLtM | 29 May 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

QyyqUNb6d8Q | 24 May 2014
Learn and discover with Naked Science, the channel dedicated to bringing you the world of science and technology. Explore unseen wonders and mysteries, from the edge of the universe to the possibility of alien life, travel through the insides of the human body to the centre of the earth. Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Subscribe to Naked Science -

GIFRg2skuDI | 21 May 2014
James Ephraim Lovelock, is an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist who lives in Dorset, England. He is best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which he discusses in this exclusive interview, filmed in 2007. The Gaia hypothesis, also known as Gaia theory or Gaia principle, proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a self-regulating, complex system that contributes to maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. Topics of interest include how the biosphere and the evolution of life forms affect the stability of global temperature, ocean salinity, oxygen in the atmosphere and other environmental variables that affect the habitability of Earth. The hypothesis, which is named after the Greek goddess Gaia, was formulated by the scientist James Lovelock and co-developed by the microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s. The hypothesis was initially criticised for being teleological and contradicting principles of natural selection, but later refinements resulted in ideas framed by the Gaia Hypothesis being used in fields such as Earth system science, biogeochemistry, systems ecology, and the emerging subject of geophysiology. Nevertheless, the Gaia hypothesis continues to attract criticism, and today many scientists consider it to be only weakly supported by, or at odds with, the available evidence. In 2006, the Geological Society of London awarded Lovelock the Wollaston Medal largely for his work on the Gaia theory. Questions asked in this interview : What does Gaia tell us about the Earth? Is global warming really happening? What would the climate be like without humans? Has global warming ever happened before? What can we expect to see in 20 to 30 years from now? What will conditions be like at the end of this century? Are there too many people on the planet? When do you think global warming began? Will global warming cause a mass extinction? Can nuclear power save the planet? What about the problem of nuclear waste? Can nuclear power be used for transport? Could renewable energy be the solution? Do you think that we will ever be able to control our climate? Can we realistically reduce carbon dioxide emissions? Have we passed the tipping point? Could Earth become as lifeless as Mars of Venus? Is there any hope for the human race?

7Er-QMmt8WI | 14 May 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

4tLPMYi51l8 | 07 May 2014
It's 5:07pm on the 10th February, and a child is being born in central London. According to astrology he's born under the star sign Aquarius, he will be innovative, sociable, and unconventional. But we can reveal that the method that Western astrologers use to calculate our star signs is flawed. This programme will show that we are all reading the wrong star signs, we unveil the truth about astrology and "The New Zodiac". For centuries astrologers have believed that we are all intimately linked with the heavens, the exact position of the planets and stars act as a celestial mirror which reflects our personality, and our destiny. Astrologers base their predictions on the movements of the sun, the moon, and the planets as seen from Earth. As they move these heavenly bodies cross in front of 12 groups of stars called constellations. The ancient Greeks thought that these constellations look like figures, a crab, some twins, even a bull. This journey through the 12 constellations inspired astrologers to divide the sky into 12 equal segments, each representing a month. We know these constellations as the 12 signs of the zodiac. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Featuring contributions from astrologers Russell Grant and Roy Gillett, interviews with astronomer Dr Francisco Diego (University College London), psychologist Dr Chris French (Goldsmiths College), and media sceptic Tony Youens.

AMJ6WBm8pXw | 30 Apr 2014
A hair-raising 6 part adventure series set in the alpine resort of Chamonix, located at the heart of the French Alps. Following the Mountain Rescue Team (PGHM) as they rescue climbers and skiers from the Mount Blanc Region above the town. The area is the climbing mecca of the world and its rescue team the busiest and the most respected. The terrain is extreme and virtually every rescue involves helicopter winching, often from sheer cliffs and ice faces. Filmed during the peak climbing season in summer, the team risk their lives to save others in this beautiful but dangerous environment. A must watch for anyone interested in the tallest mountains in Europe or understanding the work performed by the world's premier mountain rescue service. This 2001 documentary was produced by Pioneer Productions for Channel 5. Pioneer Productions has strong links with the rescue team and is experienced at filming under extreme conditions. The specialist trauma unit at the Chamonix hospital, which is constantly under threat of closure, deals with anything from broken necks and backs to hypothermia and frostbite.

9ggh2iHIneM | 22 Apr 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's history of catastrophes has both moulded the planet and determined evolution. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. Episode 5 - Survival Earth So far, humans have been lucky not to have experienced catastrophes on a global scale, like those that have extinguished 99% of all other species. Humans have come to reside as the most powerful species on this planet, but it is easy to forget that the forces that wiped out many of our ancestors are still at work. In this final programme, Catastrophe maps out key events over the last 75,000 years. During that time humans were subjected to a super-volcano that nearly devastated whole regions of Earth. The ensuing ice age that covered Europe with ice sheets many kilometres thick is said to have thwarted the development of complex civilisation, and the cosmic catastrophe that followed is believed to have changed life forever for the early inhabitants of North America.

Hm0tgI2xgPE | 17 Apr 2014
"Universe: Beyond the Millennium" is a television series observing astronomical phenomena, research, and theories on the universe and its origins. Narrated by John Hurt. The documentary premiered in 1999 and presents an overview of the universe as humans understood it at that time, and how we think it will evolve in the next millennium. Using 3D computer generated graphics, the series features animated sequences that offer insight into the Big Bang theory and the anatomy of the sun. "Stars", scientific studies of our sun and surrounding stars are revealing discoveries that link electric and magnetic weather patterns of the sun with storms that rage on the earth. Similarly, viewers learn how the sun's electro-magnetic properties can close the Toronto Stock Exchange and turn off all the lights in New York City. In five billion years, our nearest start, the sun, will die, swelling and becoming a red giant. The heat will be so intense the oceans will boil. Our planet will be scorched beyond recognition. The crust will melt, the surface will become an ocean of molten rock, all life will end, in the ultimate armageddon.

hqt4US72yec | 15 Apr 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's history of catastrophes has both moulded the planet and determined evolution. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. Episode 4 - Asteroid Impact Dinosaurs rose up as rulers of Earth around 230 million years ago, eventually dominating all other species and relegating mammals to the shadows. But 65 million years ago their planet was rocked by yet another massive event when, seemingly out of nowhere, the mighty dinosaurs were wiped off the face of Earth. But without this devastating catastrophe, humans would not be here today. This film explores the trail of clues that lead to what extinguished the dinosaurs and ultimately led to the evolution of humans. Cutting-edge scientists, palaeontologists and geologists investigate what could be responsible, and chart the story behind the widely held theory that Earth was hit once again by a deadly asteroid.

00ILddHJlKw | 08 Apr 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's history of catastrophes has both moulded the planet and determined evolution. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. Episode 3 - Planet of Fire 250 million years ago, 95% of life was wiped off the face of Earth in the biggest extinction event ever. But what was responsible? Back then, our planet was a very different place. Millions of years before the era of dinosaurs, creatures such as Dicynodonts and Gorgonopsians roamed the land, while the oceans too teemed with life. Then, in the blink of a geological eye, everything changed. Life itself was almost completely wiped out in what is known as the Permian extinction. Travelling to locations such as South Africa, California, and Iceland, the experts discover that the volcanic activity of the Siberian Traps led to the release of deadly gases from beneath the sea and rises in Earth's temperature. This turbocharged global warming brought drought and a breakdown in the food cycle, with even the strongest animals eventually succumbing to the conditions.

YOLbE8frMrM | 02 Apr 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's history of catastrophes has both moulded the planet and determined evolution. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. Episode 2 - Snowball Earth This programme delves into a world lying beneath a frozen surface. It is the greatest climate disaster ever to have hit Earth. 650 million years ago, a cataclysmic ice age sealed the entire planet beneath ice and snow, almost destroying life and turning the world into one huge snowball. Snowball Earth uncovers the story behind one of the most controversial theories in science today. To investigate, the programme travels the world to follow scientists scouring southern Australia, Nevada's Death Valley and Alaskan glaciers for tantalising clues as to how our planet ran away into this doomsday scenario. The results could improve understanding of evolution and survival of life.

Ghd8H-KvwVA | 24 Mar 2014
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This spectacular five-part documentary series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence and suggesting that we are the product of catastrophe. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived, no longer exist. They were wiped-out in a series of global catastrophes. Each disaster changed the course of evolution on earth. Without them mankind, nor any of the life we see around us, would be here today. For out of catastrophe comes rebirth. Evolution is a savage, imperfect and violent process. It's survive or perish. The earth's history of catastrophes has both moulded the planet and determined evolution. For each disaster led to another leap forward on the evolutionary trail form single celled bacteria to humankind itself. Episode 1 - Birth of the Planet The first programme tells the story of Earth's difficult birth, and how the formation of our moon set us on a unique course to being a planet ripe for life. Glowing peacefully in the night sky, it is difficult to imagine that the moon was actually born from one of the most violent and potentially devastating events in history. Four and half billion years ago, in the chaos of the early solar system, a Mars-sized planet smashed into our young Earth with such force that it sent rock debris hurtling out into space. This was how the moon was formed. The first film of the Catastrophe series explores the role of the moon in creating the calm atmosphere on Earth that would eventually allow life to take hold.

rO3grYgsk3s | 21 Mar 2014
"Universe: Beyond the Millennium" is a television series observing astronomical phenomena, research, and theories on the universe and its origins. Narrated by John Hurt. The documentary premiered in 1999 and presents an overview of the universe as humans understood it at that time, and how we think it will evolve in the next millennium. Using 3D computer generated graphics, the series features animated sequences that offer insight into the Big Bang theory and the anatomy of the sun. "Alien Life", when NASA scientists found a lump of rock from Mars with microscopic fossils in it, the search for extraterrestrial life beyond our own became a credible objective. Researchers and scientists from SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) have spent decades trying to determine how an alien life force would contact us and if one does, how we would reply. At the start of a new millennium we're about to embark on the greatest adventure of all time. Five hundred million miles from Earth, a spacecraft will land on Jupiter's icy moon, Europa. It's mission, to search for alien life. As we reach out across the galaxy, our spacecraft will explore the most extreme environments to answer the ultimate question, are we alone?

2jWcjVEWYMY | 06 Mar 2014
Short clip from the 2008 documentary, " Catastrophe - Planet of Fire". Over 150 million years before Tyrannosaurus Rex came along, Gorgonopsian was the Earth's most efficient carnivore. Armed with serrated interlocking teeth, this ferocious animal was the ancient world's top predator. Gorgonopsia (Gorgon face) is a suborder of therapsid synapsids. Like other therapsids, Gorgonopsians were at one time called "mammal-like reptiles".

x-a-aCOscE4 | 30 Jan 2014
"Universe: Beyond the Millennium" is a television series observing astronomical phenomena, research, and theories on the universe and its origins. Narrated by John Hurt. The documentary premiered in 1999 and presents an overview of the universe as humans understood it at that time, and how we think it will evolve in the next millennium. Using 3D computer generated graphics, the series features animated sequences that offer insight into the Big Bang theory and the anatomy of the sun. "Planets", a new theory suggests that planets were formed from ice dwarfs or large solid lumps of frozen water. These ice dwarfs were causing cosmic collisions all throughout our solar system. Discover how this latest theory as well as cosmic collisions made earth hospitable and other planets in our solar system so desolate. We have blasted men and machines to our neighbouring worlds. Sent probes to the outer solar system. Discovered volcanoes erupting on the surface of distant moons, visited worlds more diverse than we had ever imagined. We have landed on Mars, walked on the moon. At the dawn of a new millennium, we're at the start of a new era of exploring the planets

mq8lTZ83P_Y | 22 Jan 2014
2004 Documentary - Naked Science Season 1 - Angry Earth Naked Science is an American documentary television series that premiered in 2004 on the National Geographic Channel. The programme features various subjects related to science and technology. What can science tell us about the fury of our Angry Earth? Can science do anything to protect us? Might we one day be able to predict the quakes? Or are we at the mercy of the awesome power of nature? Around the world, millions live under the threat of an earthquake disaster. In the last century, more than 1 million people died in earthquakes. Over the next century, it is feared that number could increase ten-fold. Why? Because Earthquakes don't kill people. Buildings do. And urban populations are increasing so fast that we now have 'mega-cities'. We discover the seismic vulnerability of some of the world's mega cities and the threat posed to millions of people all over the world.

onS9rvp3TDw | 17 Jan 2014
Pioneer Productions is one of the UK's most successful independent production companies. We have developed an outstanding reputation for producing innovative, high quality and popular programmes for both the UK and US markets. Our investment in nurturing creative and editorial skills has meant the company continues to attract the leading on and off-screen talent. Pioneer Productions has been at the forefront of factual innovations. In the 90's it led the charge into filming the impossible; capturing some of the most extreme weather on our planet in series such as Raging Planet, developing the use of special effects sequences to see inside the human and animal bodies in series such as In The Womb, creating pure CGI films such as Journey to the Edge of the Universe and combining life-like CGI into dramas and drama-docs such as The Unsinkable Titanic and Hindenburg. Pioneer Productions is prolific across a broad range of programme genres including lifestyle, factual entertainment, history, science and drama-docs. The company has made over 700 hours of programming, sold in over 60 countries worldwide. Our critically-acclaimed productions have attracted both high audience viewing figures as well as many prestigious awards. Pioneer's clients include Discovery Channel, PBS, National Geographic Channel, History, ABC, TLC, Discovery Canada, WGBH, WNET, Discovery Europe, Travel Channel, HGTV, and in the UK, Channel 4, the BBC, ITV and Five. Pioneer's many awards include numerous Medals - it is the only independent company to win the coveted Best Science film at the Banff TV festival. Pioneer has also won the Grand Award -- at the New York Television Festival, a UK Indie award, a Sony award, Cine Golden Eagles, and other prizes in France, Italy, US and Greece. Our shows have also won prestigious awards at the Emmys and the Royal Television Society.

4qs26EZnzjU | 09 Jan 2014
Footage from the 2008 documentary, "Journey to the Edge of the Universe". Stars are born, grow up, and then, then what? Do they die? Do they slip quietly into the night, or go out with a bang? Somewhere between here and the edge of the Universe lies the answer. Luminous clouds suspended in space, encircling what was once a star, like our own sun. All that's left of it are these brightly coloured gases, elements formed by nuclear fusion deep inside the star, released into space on its death. Green and violet, Hydrogen and Helium, the raw materials of the Universe. Red and blue, Nitrogen and Oxygen, the building blocks of life on Earth. For us to live, stars like this had to die. The Oxygen in our lungs, the Nitrogen in our DNA, it was all produced by nuclear fusion, in stars that died long before the Earth was even born. We are made of stellar nuclear waste. Our family tree begins here. At its heart the ghost of a star, it's a white dwarf. White, hot, small, but unbelievably dense. In a star's dying moments, its atoms fuse and squeeze together, making it so dense that just a teaspoon of this white dwarf would weigh one tonne. It's a chilling premonition of our sun's fate. Six billion years from now, it will become a white dwarf, its death will herald the end of life on Earth. It makes you wonder how many other worlds have been and gone, stories left untold, celestial books lost forever. But the greatest story of them all is still to be told. We must go back through time to the very first chapter, to tell the story of how the Universe began. The scattered remains of a dead star. A nebula, the Crab Nebula. We're six thousand light years from home, deep inside a stellar graveyard. We've learned so much, seen things we had never believed possible. Now sights like this, wonders once beyond imagination, we take in our stride. We're ready, ready to face whatever lies ahead. Determined to reach the edge of the Universe. It looks dead, but maybe this is just the calm after the storm, after a massive explosion, powerful enough to turn a huge star into a cloud of dust and gas. A supernova. The eye of the storm, a spinning pulsating star, a pulsar. Gravity must have squeezed the giant star's core down to this. It's just twenty kilometers across, unimaginably dense. One pinhead of this would weigh hundreds, maybe millions, of tonnes. As it shrank, like a figure skater spinning on the spot, arms outstretched then pulling them in, it began to spin faster. Two beams of light, energy, radiation, spinning thirty times a second, powering the huge cloud of dust and gas. There's so much radiation here, more even than on the sun.

WNzdy9c4vuU | 20 Dec 2013
"Universe: Beyond the Millennium" is a television series observing astronomical phenomena, research, and theories on the universe and its origins. Narrated by John Hurt. The documentary premiered in 1999 and presents an overview of the universe as humans understood it at that time, and how we think it will evolve in the next millennium. Using 3D computer generated graphics, the series features animated sequences that offer insight into the Big Bang theory and the anatomy of the sun. "Creation", for years scientists have speculated about the beginning of the universe. Some astronomers support the Big Bang theory while others purport the Steady State theory. Which one is correct? Telescopes that tune into natural heat radiation coming from space are helping scientists find answers to these and other questions. One day our universe will cool and die, our only escape maybe to risk a flight into a different universe. Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from, and find out what is our ultimate fate. Every culture, every age, has asked that question and tried answering it.

NGBGr5BnWlg | 20 Dec 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Surviving Nature's Fury - Human beings now travel the globe, to some of the most remote and hostile regions, and in doing so come up against the most deadly weather, violent storms that can rip a person to shreds, floods that carry them away and drown them and blizzards that can freeze an individual to death. But extreme weather can also seek us out. Tornados and flash floods have no regard for society and can destroy whole communities, freezing weather can descend on cities and lightning can strike in the very heart of towns. Naked Science will seek out those incredible individuals who have survived the worst that Mother Nature can throw at them and ask the question; what is the deadliest weather that a human being can survive?

2oDz-BHL1xI | 29 Nov 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... For 400 million years, sharks have dominated the Earth's oceans. They have survived 5 planetary mass extinctions to become the top predators of the sea, honed to an evolutionary perfection. But what shark species is the most deadly? And where in the world is it least safe to venture in to the water? Naked Science travelled across the world from Australia to California to find out.

_x-pfo3-PPk | 28 Nov 2013
Short clip from the fast turnaround production for Channel 4, "Super Volcano", and Discovery, "Mile Wide Tornado: Oklahoma Disaster". On 20th May 2013, a monster tornado swept through the US state of Oklahoma, killing more than 20 people, injuring hundreds more and flattening entire neighbourhoods. In the aftermath, this documentary investigates the terrifying power of the storms that produce the fastest and most destructive winds on Earth. British weather expert Alex Beresford travels through the devastation of the city where a number of people, including nine children in a school, died in a storm now rated as an EF5 tornado, the most dangerous of all of nature's furies. Alex interviews survivors, rescuers and the tornado scientists struggling to understand and predict how future storms may strike.

6wxI5pCRvL0 | 10 Oct 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... There is a place on Earth that we have never seen. It is a place of unimaginable heat and pressure, where no life could survive. Yet without it, we would perish for it holds the key to our precarious existence on this planet. 2000 miles below the Earth's surface, there is a vast ocean of molten iron. The spinning outer core of the Earth generates a protective magnetic shield around the planet, defending life from lethal space radiation. But now there is startling data that it could be about to stop defending us. Naked Science is taking you on a journey to the centre of the Earth.

ZCunblkAnik | 04 Sep 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. On the surface of the Earth, wind consists of the bulk movement of air. Wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. The wind is a powerful, invisible force. It reshapes landscapes, destroys buildings, and wrecks lives. In a single day a severe storm can cause over 10 billion dollars of damage, and when violent winds rip through a city they can kill dozens of people and seriously injure hundreds. Looking at the deadliest winds on Earth, within massive carpet-bombing hurricanes, and violent surgical-strike tornados, we meet the people who risk their lives to warn us of the storms. What is the fastest wind ever experienced? We discover just how fast a wind a person can take, and join the scientists in the front line, to discover the latest weapons in battle against these deadly winds. And can anything be done to reduce the wind's cause. To find out, Naked Science investigates the United States' most powerful storms to answer the question, can we tame the wind?

vaW8hQWOy-0 | 03 Sep 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... What do you need to compete with the fiercest predators on Earth, to tame fire, to make tools, to survive cataclysmic natural disasters, and ultimately turn yourself from being an ape like creature, into human being? Uncovering the secrets of the dead, we're looking back millions of years. This is the story of our battle to survive. Our species nearly became extinct. The struggle that eventually propelled one animal to rise above all other creatures on Earth. This is our story, the story of what makes us, human. Evolution, what is human? In the beginning there were amoebas. Then there were fish and then there were walking, air-breathing fish. Then there were apes and then, well, me and you. At some point along the vast evolutionary scale a change occurred, a genetic mutation was born giving rise to a new species, the first 'human'. The problem is when? Naked Science travels the globe in search of our earliest ancestor, the first animal we can say is undeniably not an ape, but one of 'us'.

gG9nXFy0pPU | 15 Aug 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Tutankhamun : Curse of the Boy King For 3000 years the treasures of Tutenkahmun lay entombed beneath Egypt’s desert sands, until archaeologists disturbed the pharaoh’s rest and unleashed a deadly curse. It’s a controversial issue that scientists dismiss out of hand, yet the threat of an ancient curse has enthralled the public for nearly 100 years. When an Egyptian King died suddenly 3000 years ago it marked the start of an ancient murder mystery that baffled scientists to this day. Far more chilling than the death of this young pharaoh, is the mystery of his curse, said to have caused a sinister series of deaths that began with the opening of his tomb in 1922. This is the story of Tutenkahmun. It’s set against the backdrop of Egypt, this country of awe inspiring natural beauty is more than twice the size of Texas. Egypt sits on the Mediterranean Sea at the northeast corner of Africa, between Libya, Israel, and the Sudan. It’s a land steeped in mysticism, which shrouds the most magnificent monuments in the world. Architecture of colossal proportions bears silent witness to a glorious past. Thousands of years ago Egypt was home to ancient Egyptians, at that time, the most advanced civilisation on Earth. “Tutankhamun”, is a documentary, from the “World of Mysteries” series.

yP2DlTwQuIY | 01 Aug 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Stonehenge, England's most mysterious ancient monument, on a site older than the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. 85 massive stones, some weighing more than 40 tonnes, stand guard on a remote and wind-swept plain. Why is it here, what is it for, how was it built? The answers are lost in the mists of time. Myth links Stonehenge to England's mysterious druids, Celtic priests said to have practiced ritual sacrifice. What we do know is that some of the rocks at Stonehenge were transported more than 200 miles across the waters of England's widest tidal estuary. Naked Science demonstrates how these stones could have been carried such a vast distance, and raised into place, using just the primitive technology possessed by Ancient Britons almost 5000 years ago. And, for the first time, the film employs modern forensic investigation techniques to examine human skeletons found near the site and recreates the face of one man who may have worked on the construction of this astonishing, ancient structure.

uiLmyZncOqs | 26 Jul 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... This episode of the Naked Science series explores the legend of the Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious region off the East Coast of the United States that has captured the public imagination with tales of vanishing ships and aircraft. The Triangle goes by many names, The Vile Vortices or The Devil's Triangle. There are also debates as to its boundaries. But at the centre of the myths and legends are the 450,000 square miles of island strewn ocean between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Said to be a mysterious vortex claiming lives, ships, and planes at will. Some are never found, others turn up as gravestones on the ocean floor. Among such feared supernatural phenomena as UFOs and alien abduction, the Triangle is a serious contender. This programme sets out to unravel its secrets, finding out what lies behind the myth. Flying into the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.

_1sT2WpT-Lk | 26 Jul 2013
2002 documentary for the Travel Channel. If you had to pick seven ancient wonders of the world, which ones would they be? We've compiled a list of our top 7, from the soaring heights of the Great Pyramid, to the statues of Easter Island, exotic Mayan temples, a Roman amphitheatre, and the Great Wall of China. In this documentary we explore some of the most awesome ancient wonders, each rich in stories of mystery and intrigue. We take part in the summer solstice celebrations at Stonehenge, walk the Great Wall of China, and join archaeologists in Mexico as they hunt for treasure in the Mayan temples. By searching for clues hidden with these historic monuments we can begin to unlock their secrets and reveal the marvels of these ancient wonders of the world. Great Pyramid of Giza: The three pyramids of Giza have stood on a high plateau by the Nile for more than 4,500 years. These wonders were built by the ancient Egyptian King Khufu, his son, and his grandson. Khufu's Great Pyramid is the largest and most impressive of them all Tower of London: The oldest palace and fortress in Europe. Behind this facade of respectability lie dark blood-curdling tales of terror, sinister acts born of ruthless ambition. For over 900 years these monumental walls have overshadowed the city of London. Even today the Tower of London is one of the capital's most prominent landmarks. The Colosseum: A marvel of Roman engineering and the greatest amphitheatre ever built. This huge stadium was designed so that as many Romans as possible could watch the most cruel and violent games the world has ever seen. Thousands died here in the name of popular entertainment. Stonehenge: Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies what is possibly the oldest structure on Earth. This is Stonehenge. It was built by prehistoric man and yet amazingly this extraordinary monument is aligned with the cosmos. The arrangement of the stones can predict exactly when the sun and the moon eclipse, and on the longest day of the year, they line up precisely with the midsummer sunrise. Great Wall of China: Built across mountain ranges up to 8,000 feet high, the Great Wall of China is a feet of engineering unparalleled in the world. It extends over 4,500 miles from North Korea to the wastes of the Gobi Desert, the same distance as from Miami to the North Pole. The Great Wall of China is the longest manmade structure on the planet. Easter Island Moai: This is one of the most isolated places on Earth, yet every year 20,000 tourists make the journey here to see some of the strangest wonders of the world. Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest habitation in Chile, it's a place with a tragic history, where the events of the past almost destroyed an entire population. 887 gigantic statues dot the island. Lost City of Palenque: In the 18th century the Spanish priest was sent by his bishop to explore the dense jungle of Central America. Searching for new land to cultivate he stumbled upon some hauntingly beautiful ruins rising spectacularly out of the forest. This was the Lost City of Palenque.

FqauNqFwt5I | 03 Jul 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... A disaster is looming. A fabulous city, rich in culture, and technological advances, is about to be destroyed. Buildings, people, an entire civilisation, swept away by an overwhelming natural disaster. The legend has entranced scientists and scholars for centuries. In this episode Naked Science goes in search of the most enduring myth of all - The City of Atlantis - lost beneath the waves to a massive natural cataclysm some 11,000 years ago. We know very little of Atlantis, in fact were it not for the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato we might not have encountered it at all. Plato, recounting a story he heard as a child, described a huge metropolis, rich in fine art, architecture and culture. The city was destroyed in the space of a day and a night, sunk beneath the waves for eternity by a massive natural cataclysm. For thousands of years the tale remained an obscure yet tantalising fable until an American by the name of Ignatius Donnelly reignited the idea, bringing it to worldwide attention and sending archaeologists and trophy hunters alike across the globe in its wake.

G1pa6afh8o4 | 29 Jun 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Yellowstone, Wyoming. In spring 2003, strange things began happening in America's most famous national park. The tallest geyser in the world, which can go 50 years without erupting, burst into life. Spraying columns of superheated water, 100s of feet into the air. There were new cracks in the ground, the ground heated up to the point where the National Park Service had to close some trails. Not long after, a group of bison collapsed and died, victims of poisonous fumes from below the ground. Satellite pictures revealed that something ominous was happening beneath the earth. On the internet, unfounded rumours spread that a super volcano, an eruption so large, that it only occurs on average every 700,000 years, was about to blow. These things happen, you can look at the earth and see the scars. They happen, and they're going to happen again. A million times more powerful than Hiroshima, super volcanoes are real events. Over 20 have been recorded in the history of the earth and over half of these happened in the USA. For the last 30 years scientists have been investigating where the next super volcano could erupt. Their research has revealed that an active super volcano exists under Yellowstone National Park. Naked Science follows these scientists and investigates the vital question, if the Yellowstone Caldera erupted today, could we survive? This documentary includes a Yellowstone timeline of past eruptions, how Yellowstone would affect the world, and what impact will it be for the United States.

AdmyUEVLRAM | 15 Jun 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Does telepathy exist? Scientists have argued for years about the existence of telepathy, the claimed ability to transmit words or thoughts to another mind outside of the channels of the recognized senses. Sceptics insist that humans possess no such power, but fail to provide answers for many phenomena suggesting that direct transmission can, and does, take place. Now Naked Science investigates this mysterious sixth sense and commissions new experiments to find an answer to this age-old question, does telepathy exist? Unsubstantiated claims are not proof, so several experiments are conducted to put the phenomenon to the test. This includes exploring the telepathic connection that some twins claim to experience through a series of tests on one twin and recording the other twin's reaction, and a Ganzfeld test where a person in one room attempts to transmit mental pictures to another person in a different room.

fkd3BVM7b94 | 13 Jun 2013
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Just for a moment, imagine a universe awash with life, where we humans are not the only intelligent beings around. What might these alien races look like? Could we communicate with them, or even recognise them as intelligent? And what would they make of our violent and dangerous species? Might they take one look, and decide not to bother with such primitive beings? A planetary nursery filled with spiteful, galactic infants. On the other hand, in our imaginary scenario, they may enrich us with scientific knowledge beyond our imagination. Or could an encounter with aliens have a more destructive outcome? It could be a bad day for human kind. But relax, it’s just make believe, it could never happen, could it? A mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1940s convinced many that our planet is being visited by space aliens. Crop circles in Britain have only added fuel to the fire. Few scientists doubt that life indeed exists elsewhere, but some believe we're more likely to make contact via radio waves. Join the search for extra-terrestrials and hear from scientists who think we are on the verge of making contact.

9CUrJrZI4g0 | 01 May 2013
The iridium anomaly. 550 metres beneath the Earth's surface there exists a thin layer of space rock. Often taken as evidence of an extraterrestrial impact event resulting in the extinction of the dinosaurs, along with about 70% of all other species. Footage from the 2012 documentary, "Down to the Earth's Core". We have travelled into space and looked deep into the universe's depths, but the world beneath our feet remains unexplored and unseen. Now, that's about to change. For the first time in one epic unbroken shot, we embark on an impossible mission - using spectacular computer generated imagery to smash through three thousand miles of solid rock, and venture from our world into the underworld and on to the core of the Earth itself. It's a journey fraught with danger. One thousand feet down we find ourselves inside one of the planet's most volatile places - the San Andreas Fault. Caught between two huge rock slabs, we watch as stress builds and then releases. It unleashes an earthquake and blasts us on towards rivers of molten rock, explosive volcanoes, tears in the Earth's crust and giant tornadoes of liquid metal. But for every danger, there are wonders beyond imagination. Four hundred feet below the surface, a three hundred million year old fossilized forest, with every leaf and every piece of bark perfectly preserved. At one thousand feet down we enter a cave of giant crystals, glistening in deadly 122 degree heat. More than two miles underground we find buried treasure - gold and gems. Deeper still there are valuable resources - salt, oil, coal and iron. And over one hundred miles down we see the sparkling beauty of diamonds. As we descend we piece together our planet's extraordinary story. We rewind time to discover how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel. 1700 feet down a layer of rock reveals the extraordinary story of the dinosaurs' cataclysmic death. We watch stalactites form and gold grow before our eyes. The deeper we travel into the underworld the more we understand our world above the surface. A bigger picture takes shape - a cycle of destruction and creation, driven by the core that sustains our dynamic planet and makes the Earth the only planet with life in a seemingly lifeless universe. Until, finally, three thousand miles down, we reach the core. Inside it lie the secrets of life as we know it - the magnetic force field that protects life on Earth from the sun's deadly rays, the ancient heat source that keeps our planet alive. Down to the Earth's Core brings the latest science together with breathtaking computer generated imagery. The result is an unmissable journey into an extraordinary world - full of dangers, wonders and secrets. And it's all down there, beneath our feet, right now waiting to be discovered.

QmDd7pVuTXs | 11 Apr 2013
Situated in Frohnleiten, the rural heartlands of Austria, a home camouflaged in synthetic turf. Randomly placed doors, windows, and staircases, make this a family home that looks like nothing else. Footage from the 2012 television show, "Extreme Homes". The word "extreme" means different things to different people, and to these homeowners it means pushing the envelope as far as possible. From construction to completion, take an up-close look at some of the world's most spectacular houses ever built. Including a modern Italian castle, a seaside house made of refrigerator panels, a floating home that was a ferry boat and a spherical house that revolves with the sun, and find out what makes them all so unique.

2SmEu_DV8N0 | 18 Mar 2013
Footage of flood rescue training at Tees Barrage International White Water Course, from the 2012 production, "Is Our Weather Getting Worse?". In Britain we love to moan about the weather. And over the past decade we have experienced some extraordinary weather conditions, with 2012 no exception. It has led many people to wonder if our weather really is getting worse. The year started with storms and gale-force winds tearing across much of the UK, before our driest spring in a century left 35 million people in the UK suffering from drought. In Aberdeen in March, temperatures soared to 23 degrees Celsius. But within four weeks, everything had changed. April 15 marked the beginning of our wettest summer on record. Towns such as Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire were flooded not once, but twice, and by the end of August 4000 homes across Britain had been devastated by floods. But the strange events of 2012 are only part of the story. For the past decade, our weather has been so erratic that government scientists have begun to use words like 'unprecedented' and 'extraordinary'. This programme gets to the truth of our extraordinary decade of extreme weather. Blending dramatic archive footage, expert insight and cutting-edge graphics, the film investigates the most severe weather events to have struck Britain in recent memory and puts them into the wider context of climate change. Are the strange events of 2012 a one-off or an ominous sign of climate change in action? How does the changing global climate affect the British weather and what can we expect in the future? Is our weather getting worse?

1RavnNnv5ns | 01 Mar 2013
South Africa's TauTona mine, real life alchemy, and Halicephalobus Mephisto. Footage from the 2012 documentary, "Down to the Earth's Core". We have travelled into space and looked deep into the universe's depths, but the world beneath our feet remains unexplored and unseen. Now, that's about to change. For the first time in one epic unbroken shot, we embark on an impossible mission - using spectacular computer generated imagery to smash through three thousand miles of solid rock, and venture from our world into the underworld and on to the core of the Earth itself. It's a journey fraught with danger. One thousand feet down we find ourselves inside one of the planet's most volatile places - the San Andreas Fault. Caught between two huge rock slabs, we watch as stress builds and then releases. It unleashes an earthquake and blasts us on towards rivers of molten rock, explosive volcanoes, tears in the Earth's crust and giant tornadoes of liquid metal. But for every danger, there are wonders beyond imagination. Four hundred feet below the surface, a three hundred million year old fossilized forest, with every leaf and every piece of bark perfectly preserved. At one thousand feet down we enter a cave of giant crystals, glistening in deadly 122 degree heat. More than two miles underground we find buried treasure - gold and gems. Deeper still there are valuable resources - salt, oil, coal and iron. And over one hundred miles down we see the sparkling beauty of diamonds. As we descend we piece together our planet's extraordinary story. We rewind time to discover how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel. 1700 feet down a layer of rock reveals the extraordinary story of the dinosaurs' cataclysmic death. We watch stalactites form and gold grow before our eyes. The deeper we travel into the underworld the more we understand our world above the surface. A bigger picture takes shape - a cycle of destruction and creation, driven by the core that sustains our dynamic planet and makes the Earth the only planet with life in a seemingly lifeless universe. Until, finally, three thousand miles down, we reach the core. Inside it lie the secrets of life as we know it - the magnetic force field that protects life on Earth from the sun's deadly rays, the ancient heat source that keeps our planet alive. Down to the Earth's Core brings the latest science together with breathtaking computer generated imagery. The result is an unmissable journey into an extraordinary world - full of dangers, wonders and secrets. And it's all down there, beneath our feet, right now waiting to be discovered.

bnY1Zwxei_w | 25 Feb 2013
Footage from the fast turnaround production for National Geographic Channel, "Superstorm 2012". This film looks at the stories behind the biggest storm to hit New York in living memory. How a freak combination of natural events led to life changing experiences for those in its path - the YouTube generation who watched trees being uprooted, cars swept away and whole neighbourhoods on fire. We take apart the science behind this massive clash of weather systems, showing just what happens when a tropical hurricane slams into a freezing cold front, over the most densely populated part of North America. Have the lessons of Hurricane Katrina been learnt or is it just the start of a nightmare scenario facing the world's population, in a changing climate?

iR6U8nCi4yI | 08 Feb 2013
A hideaway cool enough for a secret agent hidden high up amongst the clouds above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. Footage from the 2012 television show, "Extreme Homes". The word "extreme" means different things to different people, and to these homeowners it means pushing the envelope as far as possible. From construction to completion, take an up-close look at some of the world's most spectacular houses ever built. Including a modern Italian castle, a seaside house made of refrigerator panels, a floating home that was a ferry boat and a spherical house that revolves with the sun, and find out what makes them all so unique.

c2BVsNdT0ec | 28 Dec 2012
Subscribe to Naked Science - The English Electric Lightning is a supersonic jet fighter aircraft of the Cold War era, noted for its great speed. The aircraft had several distinctive design features, the principal of these being the twin engine arrangement, notched delta wing, and low-mounted tailplane. It is the only all-British Mach 2 fighter aircraft and was the first aircraft in the world capable of supercruise. The Lightning was renowned for its capabilities as an interceptor; pilots commonly described it as "being saddled to a skyrocket". Following English Electric's integration into the unified British Aircraft Corporation, the aircraft was marketed as the BAC Lightning. The Lightning was prominently used by the Royal Air Force RAF and the Royal Saudi Air Force. The aircraft was a regular performer at airshows, it is one of the highest-performance aircraft ever used in formation aerobatics. Following retirement in the late 1980s, many of the remaining aircraft became museum exhibits; until 2010, three examples were kept flying at "Thunder City" in Cape Town, South Africa. In September 2008, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers conferred on the Lightning its "Engineering Heritage Award" at a ceremony at BAE Systems' site at Warton Aerodrome. Clip from the documentary “Tycoon Toys - Fighter Jets”. Watch it here - Coming soon! What do the super-rich choose to spend their hard-won zillions on? We meet individuals who have a particular penchant for owning, driving and firing huge pieces of ex-military hardware, from field guns to tanks to fighter jets. Tycoon Toys goes on a journey to watch them at play.

ice47loNmsc | 05 Dec 2012
540 Million Years Ago. Footage from the 2011 documentary, "Earth: Making of a Planet". Imagine cameras have been around since the creation of Earth to record every major event. Take a photographic journey thorough time from the violent birth of our planet four and a half billion years ago, through ice-ages, massive volcanic eruptions and the dinosaurs' reign to the first humans. For the first time, see the incredible story of our planet unfold in one single, seamless camera move.

XMJ7MrQB_ww | 26 Nov 2012
Journey to the Edge of the Universe Using cutting edge visual effects and CGI - we create the first accurate non-stop journey from here to infinity. In one single, epic camera move we travel from two people staring at the night sky, accelerate up and out of our atmosphere, past the aurorae, past the Moon and our neighbour planets, out of our Solar System, to the nearest stars, nebulae and galaxies and beyond - right to the edge of the Universe itself. On this awe-inspiring and unique voyage we encounter the most beautiful, powerful and mysterious phenomena in the Cosmos, from pulsars to supermassive black holes, from star nurseries to quasars. Ultimately, we take the audience to the very edge of Time itself in a scientific and visual HD extravaganza that maps the Universe itself and will be the most stunning cosmology film ever made.

hRGNff6gsCs | 19 Nov 2012
Footage from the 2011 documentary, "How Drugs Work". Episode 3, Cocaine. This series follows users of Cannabis, Ecstasy and Cocaine to watch as the drugs change behaviour and mood. Using visual effects and CGI, each programme takes viewers on a trip inside the human body to see how drugs take control of the brain and other organs. Toxicologists, neuro-scientists and medical pharmacologists explain what actually happens when you indulge, exploding a few myths in the process. With testimony from people who enjoy using the drug and those who have become addicted and sometimes damaged by it.

SIHmbUtvTLM | 08 Nov 2012
Footage from the 2008 documentary, "Into America's West with Jeff Corwin". Episode 7, Yosemite. Jeff Corwin is on an amazing journey through one of the US's last great frontiers, America's West. Following in the footsteps of America's pioneers, Jeff explores the length and breadth of West coast from the Canadian Rockies down to New Mexico. The setting for each episode is America's greatest National Parks and Reserves, where the natural beauty and splendour of both the landscape and native wildlife are protected. Jeff's journey takes him through some of the most stunning landscapes on the planet; from the mighty Grand Canyon to the snowy peaks of Mount Baker, and wide-open plains of Montana to the pre-historic formations of Yellowstone Park. Learning how some of these amazing places were formed, and still changing, Jeff comes to appreciate how the formidable forces of nature have sculpted the landscape of America's West. But the beautiful vistas are only the backdrop to Jeff's real passion as he is on the lookout for America's most fascinating and sometimes elusive wildlife. Venomous snakes, mountain lions, gila monsters, bob cats and black bears are just a few of the many creatures that Jeff finds along the way. Where he can, he gets up close and personal whilst always remembering many of these wild animals are just that. Jeff is a traveller with a conscious; encouraging people to appreciate the wildlife but also to respect it.

9kzorrSbaUA | 31 Oct 2012
360 Million Years Ago. Footage from the 2011 documentary, "Earth: Making of a Planet". Imagine cameras have been around since the creation of Earth to record every major event. Take a photographic journey thorough time from the violent birth of our planet four and a half billion years ago, through ice-ages, massive volcanic eruptions and the dinosaurs' reign to the first humans. For the first time, see the incredible story of our planet unfold in one single, seamless camera move.

JYDOCgpRHN0 | 22 Oct 2012
Journey to the Edge of the Universe Using cutting edge visual effects and CGI - we create the first accurate non-stop journey from here to infinity. In one single, epic camera move we travel from two people staring at the night sky, accelerate up and out of our atmosphere, past the aurorae, past the Moon and our neighbour planets, out of our Solar System, to the nearest stars, nebulae and galaxies and beyond - right to the edge of the Universe itself. On this awe-inspiring and unique voyage we encounter the most beautiful, powerful and mysterious phenomena in the Cosmos, from pulsars to supermassive black holes, from star nurseries to quasars. Ultimately, we take the audience to the very edge of Time itself in a scientific and visual HD extravaganza that maps the Universe itself and will be the most stunning cosmology film ever made.