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Explaining Steppe Anti-Civilization

ZlBv5PwucTo | 03 Mar 2025

Explaining Steppe Anti-Civilization

Go to to stay fully informed on every side of every story. Save 50% on unlimited access with their Vantage Plan through my link. It's their biggest sale of the year! Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary Europe's Steppe Frontier 1500-1800 by McNeil Plagues and Peoples by McNeil Rise of the West by McNeil Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world by Jack Weatherford The Khan Trilogy by Khan Iggulden (fiction but is the best intro to Mongol history for lay people since the author does the research really well) A History of Warfare by John Keegan A History of Religious Ideas v 3 by Mircea Eliade War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin Fighting Techniques of the Oriental World by Rice War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt Nomads and Crusaders by Archibald Lewis War! What is it Good for by Ian Morris The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton The Silk Road by Frankopan

We live in a Totalitarian Society

X8a2ipqn3X8 | 12 Feb 2025

We live in a Totalitarian Society

Link to Black Forest Supplements and Turkestrone: More information here: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliigraphy: The True Believer by Eric Hoffer 1984 by George Orwell On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell The Dictator's Handbook by Mesquita Woke Racism by John McWhorter Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis Origins of Woke by Richard Hananai The Unabomber's Manifesto The Total State by Auron Macintyre A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Seeing Like a State by James Scott Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley On Power by Bertrand de Jouvenal On Politics by Aristotle The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu The Origins of Ideology by Todd Immanuel Sex and Power in History by Amaury de riencourt Rise of the West by William McNeill

The Politics of Dehumanization

lN1crhlH5Vk | 07 Feb 2025

The Politics of Dehumanization

Go to my sponsor Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Thus Spake Zarathustra by Nietzche Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler The Gulag Archipelago by Solzenitsyn Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker Humanity's Ascent by Charles Eisenstein The Unabomber's Manifesto Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung Das Kapital by Karl Marx Universe 65 by Calhoun Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Nihilism by Seraphim Rose The Passion of the Western Mind by Tarnas A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Seeing like a State by James Scott The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist Atrocities by Matthew White The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler The History of Philosophy by Will Durant The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Rusell The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt

Shatter the Glass of Modernity

3HV0ZHHPqcA | 28 Dec 2024

Shatter the Glass of Modernity

Go to to stay fully informed on every side of every story. Save 50% on unlimited access with their Vantage Plan through my link. It's their biggest sale of the year! Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Lost Connections by Johann Hari A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Myth of Disenchantment by Storm A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChrist The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Envy by Helmut Schoeck Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt How to Know a Person by David Brooks The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler Culture of Narcissism by Lasch The True Believer by Eric Hoffer The Body Keeps the Score by Van Der Kolk Dominion by Tom Holland

Is Bureaucracy Killing Civilization?

V1vYhFCuh-Y | 02 Nov 2024

Is Bureaucracy Killing Civilization?

Link to Black Forest Supplements and Turkestrone: More information here: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: * means book was really important for this video The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham** Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigely The Old Regime and the French Revolution by De Toqueville A New World Begins by Poptkin Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis** Strategy by Lawrence Freedman On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt The Ruling Classes by Gaetano Mosca The Fate of Empires by Hubbard The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Gulag Archipelago Solzenitsyn The Total State by Auron Macintyre* The Revolt of the Elites by Christopher Lasch The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman* Rise of the West by McNeil On Politics by Aristotle The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt The Sea and Civilization by Lincoln Payne The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson Reason and Faith by Sam Gregg The Shaping of America by Meinig Caesar and Christ by Will Durant The Life of Greece by Will Durant Destiny Disrupted Tamim Ansary Empires of the Atlantic World by Elliot The 13th Century World System by Abu Laughed Colonial Empires from the 18th century by Fieldhouse War What is it good for by Ian Morris The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Regime Change by Deenan Atrocities by Matthew White The Road to Serfdom by Hayek

A Message to Pennsylvanians

Ap8yEltnfX8 | 01 Nov 2024

A Message to Pennsylvanians


The Great Wave Crashes

yvQOs8iuve8 | 31 Oct 2024

The Great Wave Crashes

Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul The Identity of France by Fernand Braudel The History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel The Mediterranean at the time of Philip 2nd by Fernand Braudel The Structures of Every day life by Fernand Braudel Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker On Hero Worship by Thomas Carlyl Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer Long Cycles by Goldstein The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Paul Kennedy Generations by Strauss and Howe Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler The Coming Caesars by Amaury de riencourt Rise of the West by William McNeil The Pursuit of Power by William McNeil Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quiggley The Great Leveler by Walter Schedule Capital by Thomas Picketty The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell The Middle Ages by Sidney Painter The Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

RzkO6gl1LgE | 27 Sep 2024

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat War Before Civilization by Lawrence Keeley The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris The Elephant in the Brain by Simler Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer Ethhic America by Thomas Sowell The Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham Sex and Culture by JD Unwin Who we Are and How We Got Here by David Reich The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt The Blank Slate by Stephen Pinker Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson Humanity’s ascent by Eisenstein Who Are We by Sam Huntingdon Seeing Like a State by James Scott The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist The Moral Animal by Robert Wright The Secret to Our Success by Joseph Heinrich The History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell Mere Christianity by CS Lewis Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin The Genetic Lottery by Kathryn Harden Behave by Sapolsky The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Cynical Theories by James Lindsey The Cave by Plato The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking Lineages of Modernity by Tom Emmanuel Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Growth Delusion by James Pilling Everyone Lies by Stephenowitz The World After Liberalism by Matthew Rose Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray Gateway Trilogy by Robert Monroe

The Anthropology of the Right

uSiyzoHDDYw | 16 Sep 2024

The Anthropology of the Right

PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography The Ruling Classes by Gaetano Mosca The Rise of the West by McNeil The Story of the Americas by Leland Dewitt Baldwin Forgotten Continent by Michael Reid American Nations by Colin Woodard The WEIRDest people in the world by Joseph Heinrich Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin The Art of Not Being Governed by James Scott Seeing like a State by James Scott The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Shirer The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel Democracy the God that Failed by Herman Hoppes Atrocities by Matthew White The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama The Soul of France by Fernand Braudel A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel The Best of Times and Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh After Liberalism by Paul Gottfried The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis Politics by Aristotle The Pursuit of Power by McNeil Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley Enlightenment Now by Stephen Pinker The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Envy by Helmut Schoeck Dominion by Tom Holland The True Believer by Eric Hoffer The Dictators by Richard Overy Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary After Liberalism by Matthew Rose Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist Japan and the Shackles of the Past by Taggert Murphy The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Shadow World by Chandler The Righteous Mind by Haidt The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray Islamo Leftism by Philippe Fabry Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat

The Anthropology of the Left

NW_AiXLdsxo | 16 Sep 2024

The Anthropology of the Left

Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Try Ground News today and get 40% off your subscription by going to Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Dominion by Tom Holland Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington Strategy by Lawrence Freeman The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis The Unabomber’s Manifesto The Revolt of the Elites by Lasch The Total State by Auron Macintyre The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt Nihilism by Seraphim Rose Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt A History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer Assemblywoman by Aristophanes The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman The Future is the Past Country by Edward Dutton Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West’s by Edward Dutton Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin American Nations by Colin Woodard A Secular Age by Charles Taylor A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent Behave by Sapolsky Seeing Like a State by James Scott Coming to Our Senses by Morris German Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Foragers, Farmers and Fossil Fuels by Ian Morris Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose Curt Doolittle Yuri Bezmonov Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky The Abolition of Man by CS Lewis The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman The Managerial Class by James Burnham The Ruling Class by Gaetano Mosca The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson The Evolutionary Psychology behind Politics The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch After Liberalism by Paul Gottfried Shadow World by Robert Chandler Envy by Helmut Schoeck A History of Manners by Norbert Elias The Elephant in the Brain by Smiler The Story of Work by Lucassen The Fate of Empires by Hubbard The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray

Stop Coping. Your Life Sucks

MLl2D5VRL0o | 16 Aug 2024

Stop Coping. Your Life Sucks

PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel The Origins of Ideology by Todd Immanuel The Unabomber's Manifesto by Ted Kazcynski The Economics of Discontent by John Michel Paul Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Kuhn The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley Religions of the World by Houston Smith The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson The Anxious Generation by Jon Haidt The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Woke Racism by John McWhorter The Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis Nihilism by Seraphim Rose The Origins of Woke by Richard Hanania Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Seeing like a State by James Scott The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate The Elephant in the Brain by Simler A Hunter Gatherer's Guide to the 21st century by Bret Weinstein Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber How to Know a Person by David Brooks The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch Lost Connections by Johann Hari The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt

Was the Unabomber Right?

ZpDuGHZR3oI | 31 Jul 2024

Was the Unabomber Right?

Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code WHATIFALTHIST at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Unabomber’s Manifesto by Kaczynski The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker A Hunter Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st century by Weinstein The History of Manners by Norbert Elias The Total State by Auron Macintyre Tyranny Inc by Ahmari The Revolt of the Elites by Lasch The Anxious Generation by John Haidt The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate The Elephant in the Brain by Simler Europe Emerges by Reynolds Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber Debt by David Graeber The Dictators by Richard Overy The Geography of Nowhere by Kunstler The Story of Work by Lucassen The Lonely Crowd by Riesman The Origins of Ideology by Imannuel Todd Lineages of Modernity by Immaneul Todd Ultrasociety by Peter Turchin Seeing like a State by James Scott Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis The True Believer by Eric Hoffer After Liberalism by Gottfried A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Decay of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama The WEIRDest people in the world by Joseph Heinrech The Story of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel The Founder Effect by Samo Burja

Explaining the Political Triangle

hrJ_vYe14ok | 22 Jul 2024

Explaining the Political Triangle

PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Curt Doolittle's work. Available on the Propertarian Website The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama The Decay of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian. 2 volumes The History of Russia by Orlando Figes Europe by Norman Davies The Isles by Norman Davies Al Muqqahdimmah by Ibn Khaldun Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung The Elephant in the Brain by Simler The Rise of the West by McNeil Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder Atrocities by Matthew White The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt The Origins of Ideology by Immanuel Todd The Moral Animal by Robert Wright Sex and Culture by JD Unwin The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Very Beautiful People by Ashley Mears Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Righteous Mind by John Haidt Seeing like a State by James Scott War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu Dominion by Tom Holland The Ancient City by Foustel de Coulanges A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Samuel Francis A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel

Are we a New Weimar?

P_ePdqoFBeU | 11 Jul 2024

Are we a New Weimar?

Try Turkesterone with Tongkat Ali (Feminization Killer): (Buy Two Get One Free 48HR Promo) Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt Europe by Norman Davies Atrocities by Matthew White Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Political Order and its Decay by Francis Fukuyama Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose The Perversion of Normality by Bolton The Coming Storm by Winston Churchill The First World War by John Keegan The Road to Serfdom by Hayek The Human Tide by Paul Morland Modern Times by Paul Johnson The Geography of Nowhere by Kunstley The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung

The 4 Religions Fighting over America

EsYm8lbNx0I | 06 Jul 2024

The 4 Religions Fighting over America

Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code WHATDEAL for an extra 4 months free at Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler Evil by Baumeister The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker The World after Liberalism by Matthew Rose Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization by Samuel Gregg A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray The Elephant in the Brain by Simler A Secular Society by Charles Taylor Dominion by Tom Holland War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat Mere Christianity by CS Lewis Caesar and Christ by Will Durant The Age of Faith by Will Durant Recapture the Rapture by Wheal Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington

WTF is Wrong with the Economy?

pEGtRSuInxY | 01 Jul 2024

WTF is Wrong with the Economy?

Click this link to make some cash for giving your opinion! Thanks YouGov for sponsoring! Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Capital by Thomas Picketty Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu False Economy by Alan Beattie Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber Crashed by Adam Tooze The Road to Serfdom by Hayek The Rise and Fall of Nations by Ruchir Sharma The Growth Delusion by David Pilling The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel End Times by Peter Turchin The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Sam Francis The Origins of Woke by Richard Hanania The Absent Superpower by Peter Zeihan Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman The Soul of France pt 1 by Fernand Braudel Lost Connections by Johann Hari The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari The Moral Animal by Robert Wright The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris

Explaining Ancient Forbidden Teachings

9_jdEvkLD6c | 20 Jun 2024

Explaining Ancient Forbidden Teachings

Got injured in an accident? You could be click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win. Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth The Sacred History by Mark Booth The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin The Eye of Shiva by Amaury de Riencourt The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt The History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell Hermeticism by Evola Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith Religions of the World by Houston Smith Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington The Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Secret Teachings of the Ages by Manly Hall Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe Far Journeys by Robert Monroe Nihilism by Seraphim Rose Trump and a Post Truth World by Ken Wilbur Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung The Passion of the Western Mind by Tarnas Mere Christianity by CS Lewis The Great Divorce by CS Lewis The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis Primitive Mythology by Joseph Camble Oriental Mythology by Joseph Camble A Short History of Myth by Karen Armstrong The Iliad by Homer The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku How God Becomes Real by Luhrman The History of the Devil by Carus Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist The Inner World of Trauma by Kalsched Trauma and the World by Kalsched The Ascent of Humanity by Eisenstein The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent The Alchemist by Paul Coelho Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson The Tao te Ching by Lao Tau The Primer of Jungian Psychology by Hall The Oxford History of China by Ebrey The Age of Faith by Will Durant Caesar and Christ by Will Durant

Top 10 Potential Future Wars

n8dqRSGVTVE | 30 May 2024

Top 10 Potential Future Wars

Step into the future with Boltzmann. Join our Telegram at to experience the future of crypto and AI where privacy meets unlimited potential Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Reluctant Super by Peter Zeihan Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The End of the World is just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan The Next 100 Years by George Friedman The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman Flash Points by George Friedman Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin End Times by Peter Turchin The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Asian Waters by Humphrey Hawksley Asia's Cauldron by Kaplan Third World Century Charles Stewart Goodwin The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul Monsoon by Robert Kaplan The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Pomerantz The Rise and Fall of Nations by Ruchir Shamir The New Map by Dan Yergen The World in Conflict by John Andrews Fragile Empire by Ben Judah

Explaining Japanese Civilization

m8Tb14PpESU | 24 May 2024

Explaining Japanese Civilization

Start playing War Thunder today: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Japan and the Shackles of the Past by Taggart Murphy The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict Oriental Ways of Thinking by Nakamura The Rice Economies by Francesca Bay A History of Japan by Mason The Japanese Mind by Roger Davies Lineages of Modernity by Emmanuel Todd The Origins of Ideology by Emmanuel Todd A History of Civilizations by Fernando Braudel The Culture Map by Erin Meyer Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant Inside Asia by John Gunther The Isles by Norman Davies Behave by Sapolsky Rise of the West by McNeil The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt Culture and Its Consequences by Geert Hofstader The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan A History of the Second World War by Liddell Hart Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley,

The Anthropology of Karens

6iDDiCIM5mE | 23 May 2024

The Anthropology of Karens

PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias The Age of Faith by Will Durant Leviathan and Its Enemies by Samuel Francis Europe Emerges by Reynolds The Storm Before the Calm by Friedman Why Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines The Nice Guy's Guide to Dating by David Hamilton Woke Racism by John McWhorter The Origins of Woke by Hanania The Unabomber's Manifesto

The Coming Population Crash

FixVzxAitDY | 14 May 2024

The Coming Population Crash

Fight corruption today with Mystick Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Goodreads: Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan Empty Planet by Ibbitson and Bricker Universe 25 by Calhoun The History of the Arabs by Sir John Glubb Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary The Life of Greece by Will Durant Caesar and Christ by Will Durant The Next 100 Years by George Friedman The Tree of Culture by Ralph Linton Who We Are and How we Got Here by David Reich Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin The Unabomber's Manifesto The Fate of Empires by Hubbard The Age of Faith by Will Durant The Renaissance by Will Durant Rome by Greg Woolfe The Human Tide by Paul Morland The Rise of the West by Oswald Spengler Cynical Theories by James Lindsay A Guide to Late Antiquity by Peter Brown Plagues and Peoples by McNeil

A Manifesto for the New Right

OmslZwS1EAQ | 09 May 2024

A Manifesto for the New Right

Step into the future with Boltzmann. Join our Telegram at to experience the future of crypto and AI where privacy meets unlimited potential Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Eye of Shiva by Amaury de Riencourt The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt The True Believer by Eric Hoffer The WEIRDest people in the World by Joseph Heinrich The Body Keeps the Score by Van Der Kolk Lost Connections by Johann Hari Trauma and the Soul by Kalsched The Inner World of Trauma by Kalsched The Seven Types of Atheism by Gray Secularity by Zahl Ultimate Journey by Monroe Far Journeys by Monroe Journeys out of the Body by Monroe The Sacred History by Mark Booth Recapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson Behave by Sapolsky On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis Dominion by Tom Holland The Road to Serfdom by Hayek Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama Regime Change by Deneen A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Honor by Bowman Meditations by Marcus Aurelius The Writings of Epictetus Hoe God Becomes Real by Luhrmann Nihilism by Seraphim Rose The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku The Secret of our Success by Joseph Heinrich Seeing like a State by James Scott War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung The World After Liberalism by Matthew Rose The Ascent of Humanity by Eisenstein The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens The Infinite Staircase by Moore The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Fate of Empires by Hubbard The Righteous Mind by John Haidt Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Foragers, Farmers and Fossil Fuels by Ian Morris The Philosophy of History by Hegel A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russel The Web of Existence by Jeremy Lent Trump and the Post Truth World by Ken Wilbur Spiral Dynamics by Ken Wilbur The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari The Rise of the West by William McNeil Mere Christianity by CS Lewis The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker The Unabomber's Manifesto The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith Religions of the World by Houston Smith Hermeticism by Evola

A Message to Young Men

wP58ctFeYzk | 01 May 2024

A Message to Young Men

Link to Black Forest Supplements and Turkestrone: More information here: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin End Times by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin The End of History by Francis Fukuyama Leviathan and its enemies by Samuel Francis Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington Regime Change by Deneen The Economics of Discontent by Michel Paul After Liberalism by Gottfried Woke Racism by McWhorter The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Century of the Self by Adam Curtis The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman Why Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber Lineages of Modernity by Emmannuel Todd Sex and Culture by JD Unwin Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt The Rise of the West by William McNeil Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Unabomber's Manifesto by Tad Kacznsdyzn Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell

(Reupload)The Coming Incel Revolution

jxdKvPcov98 | 13 Apr 2024

(Reupload)The Coming Incel Revolution

Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: End Times by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan Eve's Rib by Robert Poole Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Sex and Civilization by JD Unwin Lineages of Modernity by Emmanuel Todd The Moral Animal by Robert Wright Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West by Edward Dutton Envy by Helmut Schoeck Empty Planet by Darrell Bricker The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Why Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines The Book of Numbers by Aaron Clarey The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt Evil by Baumeister A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray

Explaining Russian Civilization

k0j2nT-zYHA | 09 Apr 2024

Explaining Russian Civilization

Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel &. Get up to 60% OFF your subscription *Here: Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Reading List: A History of Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia part 1 by David Christian A History of Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia part 2 by David Christian Europe a History by Norman Davies A History of Russia by Orlando Figes The Rise of the West by William McNeil Europe's Steppe Frontier 1500-1800 by William McNeil The Story of the Russian Land by Alexander Dmitrevich Nechvolodov Atrocities by Matthew White Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder The Dictators by Richard Overy The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown Disunited Nations by Peter Turchin Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall False Economy by Alan Beattie The Age of Faith by Will Durant The Reformation by Will Durant The History of Western Warfare part 2 by JFC Fuller Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin End Times by Peter Turchin War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Peter Pomerantsev Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley All the Kremlin's Men by Mikhail Zygar Forces of Change by Henry Hobhouse Poland by Adam Zamoyski War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat The Origins of Ideology by Emmanuel Todd

The Coming Incel Revolution

U4dxsmlPguY | 08 Apr 2024

The Coming Incel Revolution

Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: End Times by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan Eve's Rib by Robert Poole Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Sex and Civilization by JD Unwin Lineages of Modernity by Emmanuel Todd The Moral Animal by Robert Wright Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West by Edward Dutton Envy by Helmut Schoeck Empty Planet by Darrell Bricker The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Why Women Deserve Less by Myron Gaines The Book of Numbers by Aaron Clarey The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt Evil by Baumeister A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray

Why is Every Society Religious?

9kSSCrEZBP4 | 26 Mar 2024

Why is Every Society Religious?

Step into the future with Boltzmann. Join our Telegram at to experience the future of crypto and AI where privacy meets unlimited potential Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: Link to my cancellation insurance: Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Fate of Empires by Hubbard Religions of the World by Houston Smith Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith The Decline of the West by Spengler The Lessons of History by Will Durant Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant Caesar and Christ by Will Durant The Life of Greece by Will Durant The Age of Faith by Will Durant a History of Philosophy by Will Durant Examined Lives by James Miller A History of the World by CJ Meyers A History of the World by McNeil A History of the Arabs by Sir John Glubb Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley Europe: A History by Norman Davies A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Cotton, Climate and Candles by Bulliet Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary Al Muqahdimmah by Ibn Khaldun A History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth The Sacred History by Mark Booth The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist Strategy by Lawrence Freedman Sex and Civilizations by JD Unwin Atrocities by Matthew White The Dictators by Richard Every Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton Dominion by Tom Holland The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt The Gateway Protocol by Robert Monroe A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson Empty Planet by Brocker and Ibbitson Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The Ancient City by Foustel de Coulanges Nihilism by Seraphim Rose Behavior by Sapolsky The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt

Did the CIA Discover the Spirit World?

yIwrtZPzW64 | 09 Mar 2024

Did the CIA Discover the Spirit World?

Use WHATIF to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird This month I received... Atlas by TUMI Jardins de Misfah by Une Nuit Nomade Oud Gaiac by Sentier History 102: Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The Gateway Report by Robert Monroe Journeys out of the Body by Robert Monroe Far Journeys by Robert Monroe Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzak Bentow The Concscious Universe by Dean Radin The Sacred History by Mark Booth A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth How God becomes Real by Lurhmann The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent Recapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal The Eye of Shiva by Amaury de Riencourt The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith Religions of the World by Houston Smith Mere Christianity by CS Lewis The Great Divorce by Charles Taylor A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilchrist A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Spiral Dynamics by Ken Wilbur

How Degeneracy will kill Civilization

cTDTVbourzU | 16 Feb 2024

How Degeneracy will kill Civilization

Click the link for Raycon below: Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Universe 25 itself The Righteous Mind by John Haidt Sociobiology by EO Wilson Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris The Secret of our Success by Joseph Heinrich The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene Behave by Sapolsky The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin Nihilism by Seraphin Rose The Unabomber's Manifesto War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Lost Connections by Johann Hari Stolen Focus by Johann Hari Evil by Baumeister The Master and His Emissary by McGhilcrhist The Ascent of Humanity by Eisenstein Guide to Late Antiquity by Peter Brown The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman The Fate of Empires by Hubbard Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray Woke Racism Trump and a Post Truth World by Ken Wilber Woke Racism by John McWhorter The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt

Why the 2024 Election will start a Civil War

yaGc4jMGcVU | 09 Feb 2024

Why the 2024 Election will start a Civil War

Check out Tacen with or Content related to Project TXA and Tacen Exchange is being provided to you for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed in this video is intended to be investment advice. This content, and any information contained therein, does not constitute a recommendation by Project TXA or Tacen Exchange to buy, sell or hold any security, financial product or instrument referenced in the content Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt The Storm before the Calm by George Friedman Leviathan and its Enemies by Samuel Francis The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Woke Racism by John McWhorter The Economics of Discontent by John Michel Paul Regime Change by Patrick Deneen Long Cycles by Goldstein The Great Wave by David Hackett Fiscer A History of Western warfare v.2 by JFC Fuller Battle Cry of Freedom by James McFerson Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner Generations by Strauss and Howe A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin End Times by Peter Turchin The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman The First World War by John Keegan The Master and His Emissary by McGhilchrist The World After Liberalism by Matthew Rose The Righteous Mind by John Haidt Night by Elie Wiesel China by John Keay Trump and the Post Truth World by Ken Wilbur

The Coming Chinese Revolution

httM1osjGEk | 07 Feb 2024

The Coming Chinese Revolution

🚀 Install Star Trek Fleet Command for FREE now and enter the promo code WARPSPEED to unlock 10 Epic Shards of Kirk, enhancing your command instantly! How to easily redeem the promo code 👉 Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Asian Waters by Humphrey Hawksley Asia's Cauldron by Robert Kaplan Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan Why Nations Fail by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama The Next 100 Years by George Friedman World Order by Henry Kissinger The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh Seeing Like a State by James C Scott Destined for War by Graham Allison Crashed by Adam Tooze China's Asian Dream by Tom Miller China by John Keay Mao by Jung Chang The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt Oriental Ways of Thinking by Nakamura

Understanding Modern Civilization

-SjMVJrmhh8 | 24 Jan 2024

Understanding Modern Civilization

Go to and use code WHATIF to get your Galaxy Projector 2.0 with 15% off! Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilChrist Seeing Like a State by James C Scott A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Unabomber's Manifesto by Ted Zazynsky The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt The Growth Delusion by David Pilling The Third World Century by Charles Stewart Goodwin The Leviathan and its Enemies by Samuel Francis Regime Change by Patrick Deneen After Liberalism by Paul Gottfried The Culture of Narcissim by Lasch Stolen Focus by Johann Hari Lost Connections by Johann Hari Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman Evil by Baumeister The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Behave by Sapolsky The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt The Eye of Shiva by Amaury de Riencourt The Coddling of the American Mind by Jon Haidt The Culture Map by Erin Meyer Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung Dominion by Tom Holland Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari War in Human Nature by Azar Gat The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton Atrocities by Matthew White The Dictators by Richard Overy Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder The Rise of the West by McNeil Europe by Norman Davies The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary The History of Manners by Norbert Elias Ultrasociety by Peter Turchin Millennium by Ian Mortimer The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley The Pursuit of Power by William McNeill The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens Reason, Faith and the Struggle for the West by Sam Gregg Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia Envy by Helmut Schoeck Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell Foragers, Farmers and Fossil Fuels by Ian Morris Th History of Philosophy by Will Durant The Philosophy of History by Hegel Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holliday Examined Lives by James Miller Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker The Rebel All by Joseph Heath The Lessons of History by Will Durant Seven Theories of Human Nature by Stevenson Trump and a Post Truth World by Ken Wilbur Technics and Civilization by Lewis Mumford A World after Liberalism by Matthew Rose Fire in the Minds of Men by Billington The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth The Myth of Disenchantment by Strom Coming to Our Senses by Morris Berman A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson

Who would Win a US-Iran War?

v5R3UODHv7A | 19 Jan 2024

Who would Win a US-Iran War? to get 83% off Private Internet Access with 4 months free! Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my podcast- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan How to Make War by James F Dunnigan World Order by Henry Kissinger The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh A Generation of Sociopaths by Bruce Cannon Gibney The New Map by Dan Yergin A Quick and Dirty Guide to War by James F Dunnigan The Second World War by Lidell Hart A History of Western Warfare by JFC Fuller Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary The Revenge of Geography Robert Kaplan Prisoners of Geography Tim Marshall Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan The Rise of the West by William McNeil Inside Asia by John Gunther

Why did the School System Fail?

2qkadx_x02U | 21 Dec 2023

Why did the School System Fail?

Click this link to make some cash for giving your opinion! Thanks YouGov for sponsoring! Bibliography: Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Seeing like a State by James C Scott The Geography of Nowhere by Kunstler Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire The History of Civilization by Will Durant Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West by Edward Dutton The Moral Animal by Robert Wright Bullfinch's Mythology North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt The Hunter Gatherer's Guide to the 21st century by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein Envy by Helmut Schoeck The History of Manners by Norbert Elias The Unabomber's Manifesto The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan The Pursuit of Power by William McNeil Foragers, Farmers and Fossil Fuel by Ian Morris Cynical Theories by James Lindsay After Liberalism by Gottfried Woke Racism by John McWhorter A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell The Master and His Emissary by McGhilchrist Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley The Rise of the West by William McNeil Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Coddling of the American Mind by John Haidt Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Will Israel Cause a World War?

-X9GfQuNY4c | 16 Dec 2023

Will Israel Cause a World War?

Get 50% off your first order of CookUnity meals — go to and use my code WHATIF50 at checkout to try them out for yourself! Thanks to CookUnity for sponsoring this video! Link to Pluribus. Cancellation Insurance- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Instagram- Bibliography: The New Map by Dan Yergin The Human Tide by Paul Moreland The First World War by John Keegan Long Cycles by Goldstein The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul The Next 100 Years by George Friedman A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The World in Conflict by John Andrews The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh A Quick and Dirty Guide to War by James Dunnigan Destined for War by Graham Allison War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary World Order by Henry Kissinger Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall Global Catastrophes and Trends by Vaclav Smil Asia's Cauldron by Robert Kagan

The Top 20 Bloodiest Atrocities in History

VyZ0Z1Bw2is | 06 Nov 2023

The Top 20 Bloodiest Atrocities in History

Start your FREE scan for data brokers that are hoarding your personal info: Bibliography: Atrocities by Matthew White Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder A History of China by John Keay The First World War by John Keegan A History of the Second World War by Liddell Hart Plagues and Peoples by McNeil Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant A History of China by Wolfram Eberhard Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom by Steven R. Platt The Cambridge Illustrated History of China War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin the Later Roman Empire by Bury A Guide to Late Antiquity by Peter Brown History's Greatest Wars by Cummins Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley A History of Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia by David Christian War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat The 30 Years War by Peter Wilson The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker The General Crisis by Geoffrey Parker Africa by John Reader African History by Basil Davidson Inglorious Empire by Sashi Tharoor Europe: A History by Norman Davies The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Generations of Captivity by Berlin The Story of the Americas by Leland Dewitt Baldwin

The Coming Psychological Black Death

s0K0sI5XiP4 | 01 Nov 2023

The Coming Psychological Black Death

Check out Softwarekeep here and use the coupon code WhatifAlthist20 Bibliography: A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Lost Connections by Johann Hari Stolen Focus by Johann Hari The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt The Coddling of the American Mind by John Haidt The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChrist Forgotten Truth by Houston Smith Evil by Baumeister Trauma and the Soul by Kalsched The Inner World of Trauma by Kalsched The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Knowledge Machine by Strevens The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent Seculosity by David Zahl The World's Religions by Huston Smith Strange Rites by Burton Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel The Past is a Future Country by Edward Dutton Spiteful Mutants by Edward Dutton The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman Empty Planet by Darrell Bricker Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin by David Hackett Fischer

How Christianity Changed History

nbhpUjXAfrM | 13 Oct 2023

How Christianity Changed History

Sign up for Domain Money today Disclaimers here- Bibliography: Dominion by Tom Holland The WEIRDest people in the World by Joseph Heinrech The Sorrows of the Ancient Romans by Carlin Barton The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson A Guide to Late Antiquity by Peter Brown Through the Eye of a Needle by Peter Brown A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Mere Christianity by CS Lewis The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku Religions of the World by Houston Smith A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth The Sacred History by Mark Booth Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization by Sam Gregg The 3D Gospel by Jason Georges Seven Types of Atheism by John Gray The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley Envy by Hemult Schoeck Dynasty by Tom Holland Debt a 5,000 Year History by David Graeber The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quiggley Millennium by Ian Mortimer Caesar and Christ by Will Durant The Age of Faith by Will Durant The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon Rise, Fall and Rise by Peter Turchin The Next 100 Years by Philippe Fabry

The Coming Fall of Russia

pAYkcYx921g | 13 Oct 2023

The Coming Fall of Russia

Start your free Optery Exposure Risk Report scan Bibliography: Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Pomerantz All the Kremlin's Men by Zygar Fragile Empire by Ben Judah Crashed by Adam Tooze DisUnited Nations by Peter Zeihan The End of the World is just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan The Next 100 Years by George Friedman The Rise and Fall of Nations by Rushir Sharma Shadow World by Robert Chandler The New Map by Dan Yergin The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Rise, Fall and Rise Again by Peter Turchin Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley

Was Colonialism Good or Bad?

EBLq9gHBtcc | 27 Sep 2023

Was Colonialism Good or Bad?

Link to Philippe Fabry's New Book "Rise, Fall, Reclaim" Link to his English speaking YouTube Channel- Bibliography: The Rule of Empires by War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat War: What is it Good for Ian Morris Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker Inglorious Empire by Sashi Tharoor War Before Civilization by Lawrence Keeley Atrocities by Matthew White Coming to Our Senses by Morris Berman The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler The Isles by Norman Davies Inside Africa by John Gunther Inside Asia by John Gunther The Barbarous Years by Bernard Bailyn The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan Rise of the West by McNeil The Pursuit of Power by McNeil Roll, Jordan Roll by Eugene Genovese War, Peace and War by Peter Turchin Dominion by Tom Holland 5th Sun by Camilla Townsend Colonial Empires by Fieldhouse Millennium by Ian Mortimer Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer African Founders by David Hackett Fischer Fairness and Freedom by David Hackett Fischer Empires of the Atlantic World by Elliot A History of Latin America by Hubert Herring Africa by John Reader Wars of Empire by Douglas Porch Generations of Captivity by Berlin History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill The Anarchy by William Dalrymple Civilization by Niall Ferguson India by John Keay The Soul of India by Amaury de Riencourt The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt A History of the World by William McNeil The General Crisis by Geoffrey Parker

The Anthropology of Real Life NPCs

Q6zO4kbdHf0 | 08 Sep 2023

The Anthropology of Real Life NPCs

Link to my podcast common ground- Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt Debt by David Graeber Conquest and Cultures by Thomas Sowell Techniques and Civilization by Lewis Mumford Seeing Like a State by James Scott The History of Manners by Norbert Elias The Bible by God The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChrist The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch The Unabomber's Manifesto by Ted K. Strategy by Lost Connections by Johann Hari Stolen Focus by Johann Hari Regime Change by Deenan The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt The Growth Delusion by David Pilling Empty Planet by Bricker Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis Pandora's box by Adam Curtis Can't Get you out of my Head by Adam Curtis Behave by Sapolsky Who We Are and How we Got Here by David Reich The Genetic Lottery by Harden The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

Why We're Facing another 30 Years War

EKx9Rgf4KXw | 10 Aug 2023

Why We're Facing another 30 Years War

Link to common ground- Bibliography The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker The 30 Years War by Peter Wilson The Little Ice Age by Brian Fagan Europe by Norman Davies Atrocities by Matthew White The Culture Map by Erin Meyer The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan Millennium by Ian Mortimer Protestants by Alec Ryrie The Next 100 Years by George Friedman The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel 1632 by Eric Flint Tecniques and Technology by Lewis Mumford

What Happened to Modern Feminism?

sVmvpGN5qCY | 05 Aug 2023

What Happened to Modern Feminism?

Click this link to start earning rewards on Ipsos iSay! Thanks Ipsos iSay for sponsoring! Link to Common Ground- Link to my podcast common ground- Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Biblography: Lineages of Modernity by Todd Emmanuel The Origins of Ideology by Todd Emmanuel Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley Sex and Power in History by JD Unwin Eve's Rib by Robert Poole The Genetic Lottery by Harden Behave by Sapolsky Cynical Theories by James Lindsay Woke Racism by John McWhorter Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris The Naked Woman by Desmond Morris Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia Culture's Consequences by Hofsteder Evil by Baumeister The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt

Why America will Have its French Revolution.

2yuZp5JX2mI | 25 Jul 2023

Why America will Have its French Revolution.

Link to Shield Wallet- Link to my podcast common ground- Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography- The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Lost Connections by Johann Hari Lineages of Modernity by Todd Emmanuel Sex and Culture by JD Unwin Dominion by Tom Holland Europe by Norman Davies The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt The Storm Before the Calm by George Friedman Beautiful Losers by Samuel Francis Leviathan and its Enemies by Samuel Francis

How to Survive the Coming Crisis

q9xW6S5v6s4 | 15 Jul 2023

How to Survive the Coming Crisis

Check out Enlisted Don Shift's books- Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Atrocities by Matthew White The Ages of American Capitalism by John Levy Strategy by Lawrence Freeman Long Cycles by Goldman Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Evil by Baumeister Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt The Secret to our Success by Joseph Heinrich

How Death Creates Everything

aMTL7yWflD4 | 04 Jul 2023

How Death Creates Everything

Link to Power up Paradise to buy incredible video game phone cases with the code WHATIF5- Sources: The Worm at the Core by Sheldon Solomon The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChirst Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker World War 1 by John Keegan The Ascent of Humanity by Eisenstein The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt The Origins of Ideologies by Todd Immanuel Lineages of Modernity by Todd Immanuel Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose A Secular Age by Charles Taylor The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent Seculosity by David Zahl Hidden Truth by Houston Smith Norse Myth by Neil Gaiman Oriental Mythology by Joseph Camble Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari Recapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal Nations by Azar Gat The Moral Animal by Robert Wright Dominion by Tom Holland The World's Religions by Houston Smith Dynasty by Tom Holland Homo Ludens by Johan Huizinga The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Trauma and the Soul by Thomas Kalsched Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt

The Secret History of the 20th Century

pD53ttMUgxk | 28 Jun 2023

The Secret History of the 20th Century

Sources: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder Liberalism by Paul Gottfried War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat The Master and His Emissary by McGhilchrist Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung The Origin of Ideology by Todd Immanuel The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Atrocities by Matthew White The Rise of the West by McNeil Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Mao by Jung Chang History's Greatest Conflicts by Joseph Cummins The Penguin History of the World by Roberts A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel A History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900 by JM Roberts The First World War by John Keegan Millennium by Ian Mortimer The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown Critical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose The World After Liberalism by Matthew Rose The Ascent of Humanity Charles Eisenstein The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization by Sam Gregg The Happiness Hypothesis by Jon Haidt The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker The True Believer by Eric Hoffer A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Cynical Theories by James Lindsay The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham Leviathan and its Enemies by Samuel Francis

Why Communism is a Failed Religion

75KqMzmuLw4 | 08 Jun 2023

Why Communism is a Failed Religion

Sources: Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown Envy by Helmut Schoeck The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGhilChrist A Secret History of the World by Mark Booth Dominion by Tom Holland A Secular Age by Charles Taylor Mao by Jung Chang Atrocities by Matthew White The Origins of Ideology by Immanuel Todd A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt Europe by Norman Davies A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell Intellectuals by Thomas Sowell Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell The Righteous Mind by Jon Haidt A History of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel The Seven Types of Atheism by Gray Behave by Sapolsky The Genetic Lottery by Harden Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker The Knowledge Machine by Michael Strevens Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose The Square and the Tower by Niall Ferguson The History of Philosophy by Will Durant The Road to Serfdom by Hayek The True Believer by Eric Hoffer Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky Seeing Like a State by James C Scott The Worm at the Core by Sheldon Solomon A History of the English Speaking World since 1900 by Andrew Roberts Instagram: . Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Are We on The Verge of Nuclear War?

jG8LJ0QkBo4 | 02 Jun 2023

Are We on The Verge of Nuclear War?

Instagram: . Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Is the Dollar Doomed?

EdJd-kz2EzI | 26 May 2023

Is the Dollar Doomed?

Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Common Ground 4:Introducing the Hosts

nPGZWBTUTfw | 24 May 2023

Common Ground 4:Introducing the Hosts

Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Common Ground 3:Orson Scott Card. Author of Ender's Game

d7eQGkaRhXo | 05 May 2023

Common Ground 3:Orson Scott Card. Author of Ender's Game

Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

The Philosophy and History Behind Lord of the Rings

sy3waPZpM3k | 27 Apr 2023

The Philosophy and History Behind Lord of the Rings

Click here to use Masterworks: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Common Ground 2:Tapa Ghosh. 21 yo Chip CEO and STEM Thinker.

HeK4a4QDMNI | 20 Apr 2023

Common Ground 2:Tapa Ghosh. 21 yo Chip CEO and STEM Thinker.

Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

How Would WW3 Be Fought?

zRsn6Xg192A | 13 Apr 2023

How Would WW3 Be Fought?

Check out War Thunder here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Common Ground Ep 1: Jreg. Youtuber, Anti-Centrist and Satirist

SYnGXNmpb-M | 13 Apr 2023

Common Ground Ep 1: Jreg. Youtuber, Anti-Centrist and Satirist

Link to Jreg's channel: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

The Coming Far Right Backlash

UuuDjqNyxyw | 10 Apr 2023

The Coming Far Right Backlash

Get 25% off Blinkist premium and enjoy 2 memberships for the price of 1! Start your 7-day free trial by clicking here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Explaining American Civilization

ipWIyujpgKM | 31 Mar 2023

Explaining American Civilization

Use my link and get 83% discount on Private Internet Access! That’s just $2.03 a month, plus 4 extra months completely for free! Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

My Epic New Podcast "Common Ground" 🦄🐍🐙🦑

0NzfM48M-WM | 30 Mar 2023

My Epic New Podcast "Common Ground" 🦄🐍🐙🦑

Check it out starting next week on this YouTube channel, Apple music and Spotify. Videos coming out three times a week talking about nuanced and interesting discussions with Dave Hamilton from America's Future. You're gonna love it

Understanding Islamic Civilization

BzHtikWg2yk | 15 Mar 2023

Understanding Islamic Civilization

Check out for our sponsor Morgan&Morgan Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

Why the BRICS Failed

M_80Ikpq3yw | 01 Mar 2023

Why the BRICS Failed

Check out Masterworks here: Masterworks Disclaimer here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:

America is the New Rome

K5Ww8NYq-b4 | 07 Feb 2023

America is the New Rome

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch I, Caesar here here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

The 7 Emotions that Push Civilization

Ul2iW3mWl90 | 28 Jan 2023

The 7 Emotions that Push Civilization

The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Why Modern Dating is Broken

HdakU_fourM | 19 Jan 2023

Why Modern Dating is Broken

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Queens: The Virgin and the Martyr here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

How Family Structure Drives Ideology

-RFFwhbVqeU | 30 Dec 2022

How Family Structure Drives Ideology

Check out Masterworks!: “net returns” refers to the annualized internal rate of return net of all fees and costs, calculated from the offering closing date to the sale date. IRR may not be indicative of Masterworks paintings not yet sold and past performance is not indicative of future results. See important Reg A disclosures: Masterworks’ offerings are filed with the SEC, view all past and current offerings here.

The Negative Effects of Science on Society

VPDK7cO-JPs | 13 Dec 2022

The Negative Effects of Science on Society

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Cosmic Vistas and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society

C4KIaQaEuOM | 18 Nov 2022

How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Wildest India and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Will the World Starve this Winter?

-qbCtBhyCiI | 05 Nov 2022

Will the World Starve this Winter?

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit or text whatifalthist to 500-500 to start your free 30 day trial. Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Indian Civilization Part 2

de6CDglZxxA | 23 Oct 2022

Understanding Indian Civilization Part 2

💥Use my link to install BLOODLINE for Free: ✅ & Get a special starter pack, only available for the next 30 days Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Indian Civilization

BaAqD5kOEBQ | 20 Oct 2022

Understanding Indian Civilization

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Wildest India and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Explaining South-East Asian Civilizations

TC0se4VWPVY | 19 Oct 2022

Explaining South-East Asian Civilizations

Thank you to Rocket Money for sponsoring today's video! Check out to start managing your personal finances today. #rocketmoney #personalfinance Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

America’s 21st century(Golden Age, Civil War....)

98SjPPrYRno | 12 Oct 2022

America’s 21st century(Golden Age, Civil War....) to get a bundle that gives you free gifts and free shipping in the contiguous USA, and use code WHATIFALTHIST at checkout for an additional 10% off! Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Civilizations of the Future

WM98WEUxAAU | 29 Sep 2022

Civilizations of the Future

Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed. Download the free Ground News app at Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Who Will Win America's Next Civil War?

5JDLrSRROC8 | 20 Sep 2022

Who Will Win America's Next Civil War?

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch America's Diplomats and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

AMA livestream(go to Pearl for full version)

z7Kff6uIBBk | 19 Sep 2022

AMA livestream(go to Pearl for full version) Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch America's Diplomats and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out the link to Pearl to watch the full video-

How the Internet Will Completely Change the World

K-j0bYmLkHw | 06 Sep 2022

How the Internet Will Completely Change the World

Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring today's video. They are now running a Labor Day Sale! Go to to get an additional 10% off on any purchase with code WHATIFALTHIST Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Explaining America's Nine Nations part 2

e97fAv6oEvE | 01 Sep 2022

Explaining America's Nine Nations part 2

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit or text whatifalthist to 500-500 to start your free 30 day trial. Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Explaining America’s Nine Nations part 1

Eem7zszAhCs | 18 Aug 2022

Explaining America’s Nine Nations part 1

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch America's Diplomats and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

A Final 8 Taboo Questions about History and Society.

CHBYlc2vH5g | 19 Jul 2022

A Final 8 Taboo Questions about History and Society.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch History's Verdict and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

How Our World and Age will Collapse Very Soon.

HmvDM8J9vQ0 | 09 Jul 2022

How Our World and Age will Collapse Very Soon.

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, Android or iOS: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

The Future of Europe.

AkIX5yHF1dU | 29 Jun 2022

The Future of Europe.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch History's Verdict and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Another 7 Taboo Questions About History and Society

hY9tFMvucGY | 25 Jun 2022

Another 7 Taboo Questions About History and Society

Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🎉. Get up to 65% OFF your subscription here: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

10 Taboo Questions About History and Society

ESD2XHeTxjA | 24 Jun 2022

10 Taboo Questions About History and Society

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit or text whatifalthist to 500-500 to start your free 30 day trial. Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Chinese Civilization.

Kf8XIxX7NEs | 30 May 2022

Understanding Chinese Civilization.

#Grammarly Answer your emails faster, in the appropriate tone, and confidently with Grammarly! Go to to sign up for a FREE account and get 20% off Premium! Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: The Soul of China by Amaury de Riencourt The Weirdest People in the World by Joseph Heinrech Inside Asia by John Gunther Debt a 5,000 year history by David Graeber The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary The Year 1,000 by Valerie Hansen War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat Cambridge Illustrated History of China by Ebrey Fighting Techniques of the Oriental World by Rob Rice Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom by Stephen Platt The Sea and Civilization by Lincoln Paine The Dynasties of China by Bamber Gasogne China: A History by John Keay Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant The History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer The History of the Medieval World by Susan Wise Bauer Atrocities by Matthew White Rise of the West by McNeil False Economy by Alan Beattie Plagues and Peoples by McNeil The Pursuit of Power by McNeil The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Shame, Guilt and Fear Cultures by Jayson Georges Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples by Nakamura The Culture Map by Erin Meyer Who We Are and How We got Here by David Reich Before European Hegemony by Abu Lughod A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel

A Study of Decadence(When Societies Commit Suicide).

wKBMRkFIdm0 | 21 May 2022

A Study of Decadence(When Societies Commit Suicide).

Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring today's video. Go to to get 10% off today. Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

The Fall of China.

OmKFt68sqQw | 13 May 2022

The Fall of China.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch China: Empire Builders and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Is WW3 About to Start?

uvjmC--UAvk | 06 May 2022

Is WW3 About to Start?

Check out amazing wallets at Ekster! Check out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps:

Another 12 Lies About Reality.

JE2tdlGTqUY | 21 Apr 2022

Another 12 Lies About Reality.

#Masterworks - The only investments platform dedicated to art investing: See important Masterworks disclosures: The Original 12 Lies About Reality- out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps:

Explaining the Borders of the 22nd Century

N3rgdTr71Qg | 16 Apr 2022

Explaining the Borders of the 22nd Century

Check out top tier geopolitical thought with Bismarck at Check out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps:

A Historian Explains Being Gen-Z.

Mc47CMImA8E | 09 Apr 2022

A Historian Explains Being Gen-Z.

Be sure to check out for unbiased news Check out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps:

Explaining America's Identity in 10 Ethnicities

f0uhy2ZxbQs | 23 Mar 2022

Explaining America's Identity in 10 Ethnicities

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Ku Klux Klan an American story, and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

How Canada Will Fall.

Io6bR4dGm6k | 17 Mar 2022

How Canada Will Fall.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Canada the story of us, and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Check out Pearl: Check out Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Twelve Insane Wars You’ve Never Heard Of.

SqliAE9EFrM | 01 Mar 2022

Twelve Insane Wars You’ve Never Heard Of.

Check out and get started managing your finances today. #truebill #personalfinance Check out Pearl: Check out Pillar: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Why Meta Means the Fall of Big Tech.

6p80Sd4gvFw | 22 Feb 2022

Why Meta Means the Fall of Big Tech.

Get PIA VPN for less than $2 a month and 4 Extra Months for FREE, means only $1.98/Month and 83% off! Link to Pearl. Get on the Waitlist! : Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

What’s Going on in Ukraine?

JrDJQ15u5_A | 18 Feb 2022

What’s Going on in Ukraine?

Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: Link to Pearl. Get on the Waitlist! : Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Social Justice

J10_2natxys | 07 Feb 2022

Understanding Social Justice

Link to Pearl. Get our Waitlist to 1000! : Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Is Germany a Future Superpower?

p2Nr0Rno530 | 04 Feb 2022

Is Germany a Future Superpower?

Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring today's video. Go to Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: Crashed by Adam Tooze The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan Europe: A History by Norman Davies The First World War by John Keegan Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley The Clash of Civilizations by Sam Huntingdon The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer Empty Planet by Darrell Bricket Eastern Europe by Tomek Jankowski Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder The Next 100 Years by George Friedman Flashpoints by George Friedman Global Catastrophes and Trends by Vaclav Smil Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall The Revenge of Geography by Robert Kagan The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray

Will Taiwan Cause a World War?

gXDQQxpkpZk | 31 Jan 2022

Will Taiwan Cause a World War?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: Asian Waters by Humphrey Hawksely Asia's Cauldron by Robert Kaplan Destined for War by Graham Allison Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan World Order by Henry Kissinger China's Asian Dream by Tom Miller China, a History by John Keay The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh The 3D Gospel by The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer War in Human Civilization by Azar Ghat The Next 100 Years by George Friedman The BBC Great War, 1964 Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin

Three Countries That Should've been Rich

9u0aWoEswS4 | 31 Jan 2022

Three Countries That Should've been Rich

Thanks to Kamikoto for sponsoring today's video. Go to to get $50 off your order Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Bibliography: Argentina: False Economy by Alan Beattie Political Order and Decay by Francis Fukuyama A History of Latin America by Hubert Herring Forgotten Continent by Michael Reid Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan La Republique Argentine par Jean Touchard Malaysia: From Third World to First by Lee Kuan Yew Migrations and Cultures by Thomas Sowell The Illustrated Encylopedia of Warfare by Saul David False Economy by Alan Beattie Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell Asia's Cauldron by Robert Kaplan Russia: A History of Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia volume 2 by David Christian Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quiggley Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin The Human Tide by Paul Morland The Great War BBC, 1964 False Economy Alan Beattie Atrocities by Matthew White Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh Seeing Like a State by James Scott Crashed by Adam Tooze

Understanding Orthodox Civilization.

3CgpPk1kTVc | 22 Dec 2021

Understanding Orthodox Civilization.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch Catherine the great about 18th century Russia, and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Classical Civilization.

F85urbupWIU | 20 Dec 2021

Understanding Classical Civilization.

Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

Understanding Mesopotamian Civilization.

G41XQ2GGgA4 | 13 Dec 2021

Understanding Mesopotamian Civilization.

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist

The Genetics of Prehistory.

2UL4rmBLOnw | 02 Nov 2021

The Genetics of Prehistory.

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon: › whatifalthist

Which Politics Are Best for the Economy?

D0gX477xTvs | 31 Oct 2021

Which Politics Are Best for the Economy?

See every side of every news story by downloading the free Ground News app: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon: › whatifalthist

How Envy Drives Society, History and the Left.

exCcz6uLbw8 | 20 Oct 2021

How Envy Drives Society, History and the Left.

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch [recommended documentary] about [documentary topic], and the rest of MagellanTV’s science collection: [link to documentary] Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon:Whatifalthist is creating Alternate History Youtube Videos › whatifalthist

Is China Naturally Authoritarian?

QL066i9HoWE | 08 Oct 2021

Is China Naturally Authoritarian?

Link to World of Tanks: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon:Whatifalthist is creating Alternate History Youtube Videos › whatifalthist Link to the Future of Ideology: Link to How the West Works: Link to is China the Next Superpower:

What if the Scramble for Africa Never Happened?

WiTIe7wCqfc | 30 Sep 2021

What if the Scramble for Africa Never Happened?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, iOS and Android: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon:Whatifalthist is creating Alternate History Youtube Videos › whatifalthist Geopolitics Playlist:

The Four Trends of the 21st Century.

00l-FWEm1pU | 30 Sep 2021

The Four Trends of the 21st Century.

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon:Whatifalthist is creating Alternate History Youtube Videos › whatifalthist Geopolitics Playlist:

We're Going to Have Another Great Depression.

pw63w_hcLEU | 26 Aug 2021

We're Going to Have Another Great Depression.

Go through my link to support my channel and get PIA VPN for less than $3 a month and 2 Extra Months for FREE, means only $2.08/Month and 83% off! Patreon- Twitter-​ Instagram-

What if Germany was Divided after WW2(feat. Alternate History Hub)?

vlUnO3jIP_g | 17 Aug 2021

What if Germany was Divided after WW2(feat. Alternate History Hub)?

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Why the Right and Left Hate Each Other.

0Ab-tdJazoo | 05 Aug 2021

Why the Right and Left Hate Each Other.

Link to Ground News: Patreon- Twitter-​ Instagram-

What if the Cold War was a Normal War?

QjvudV1461k | 23 Jul 2021

What if the Cold War was a Normal War?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Patreon- Twitter-​ Instagram-

Why are People Unhappy in the Modern World?

IHK38Xhy_ME | 21 Jul 2021

Why are People Unhappy in the Modern World?

Get your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers! Start your free trial today. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 3,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Patreon- Twitter-​ Instagram-

The Geopolitics of Space Colonization part 2(feat. Isaac Arthur).

APIgeCeA58U | 10 Jul 2021

The Geopolitics of Space Colonization part 2(feat. Isaac Arthur).

Get your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers! Start your free trial today. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 3,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Part 1 by Isaac Arthur- Patreon- Twitter-​ Instagram-

How to Kill a Civilization….

wf2PxI1tx5k | 30 Jun 2021

How to Kill a Civilization….

For your chance to win a $1.8 million dream house in Austin, Texas OR $1.3 million in cash- all while supporting a great cause- enter at Link to Vinny Theory- Patreon- Twitter-​ Discord- Instagram-

A History of 10 Monsters.

SFJ8O-Ko2fA | 30 Jun 2021

A History of 10 Monsters.

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit or text whatifalthist to 500-500 to start your free 30 day trial. Link to Vinny Theory- Patreon- Twitter-​ Discord- Instagram-

Let’s Make 4 African Empires.

vjd72fGohLk | 07 Jun 2021

Let’s Make 4 African Empires.

Get your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers! Start your free trial today. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 3,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Merch-​​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America.​ Link to my Twitter-​ Link to Discord-

Understanding Latin America.

efz4Aket2ao | 05 Jun 2021

Understanding Latin America.

Download Rise of Kingdoms: Redeem in-game props with Gift Code: rokvikings Click on the following link to participate in The Combat Power Contest, you will have the opportunity to win an iPhone 12 Pro Max: Link to my Merch-​​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​ Link to WhatifAltHist Discord-

Is America in Decline?

V7gQnotYzPo | 25 May 2021

Is America in Decline?

Start seeing the full picture and download Ground News - The world's first news comparison platform: Link to my Merch-​​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​

The 6 Most Extreme Societies Ever(We’re One).

pIrqR-sWyo0 | 12 May 2021

The 6 Most Extreme Societies Ever(We’re One).

Go to to get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase of website or domain Link to my Merch-​​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​

The Future of Ideology.

hxl_JrJVVjU | 28 Apr 2021

The Future of Ideology.

Click here to take the free online evaluation: Link to my Merch-​​​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​​ Link to my Twitter-​​ Link to takeoff-​. Take Online Quizzes

The Crisis of the 21st Century.

hIJq79HsvuU | 21 Apr 2021

The Crisis of the 21st Century.

Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: Link to The Iron Channel- Link to Intelligent Speech-https://www.intelligentspeechconferen...​ Intelligent Speech is a conference with 40 content creators on April 4th with 24 hours of content. Pay 30 bucks to listen to seminars by me and other history podcasters, YouTubers etc... Link to takeoff-​ Link to my Merch-​​​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​​ Link to my Twitter-​​ Link to Why is America Crazy Now-

What if the Great Recession Never Happened?

0CNj9W_sQXI | 16 Apr 2021

What if the Great Recession Never Happened?

Go to to get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase of website or domain Link to Intelligent Speech- Intelligent Speech is a conference with 40 content creators on April 4th with 24 hours of content. Pay 30 bucks to listen to seminars by me and other history podcasters, YouTubers etc... Link to takeoff- Link to my Merch-​​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​ Link to Why is America Crazy Now-

Understanding Western Civilization.

Ty7niAeQHs8 | 08 Apr 2021

Understanding Western Civilization.

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to Intelligent Speech- Intelligent Speech is a conference with 40 content creators on April 4th with 24 hours of content. Pay 30 bucks to listen to seminars by me and other history podcasters, YouTubers etc... Link to takeoff- Link to my Merch-​​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​

What would a Medieval America be Like?

8ipaX6Mb1SA | 31 Mar 2021

What would a Medieval America be Like?

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit or text whatifalthist to 500-500 to start your free 30 day trial. Link to Intelligent Speech- Link to takeoff- Link to my Merch-​​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-​

Another 11 Historical Misconceptions.

Mrd796w6FEs | 19 Mar 2021

Another 11 Historical Misconceptions.

Download WARPATH through my link and get a special startpack! Use my code: @Whatifalthist Join the event and you will have a chance to win PS5, Switch or tons of Amazon cards. Check the link for more details: Link to takeoff, live quizzes on Whatifalthist for real money- Link to my Merch-​ Link to the first video about historical misconceptions- Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions. Link to my Twitter- Addition: Some errors in the video. -For the final slide, the two books I would recommend are Millenium by Ian Mortimer and The Age of Faith by Will Durant. The reason we look down on the Medieval Catholic Church is that it was inside the self-interest of Protestants, Marxists and Enlightenment Secularists to denigrate it and there hasn't been a super-strong pro-Catholic school of history. -I also made a bunch of errors in underestimating the abilities of Pre-Colonial Africa, partially this is since I was considering Pre-Colonial to be pre-15th-century rather than pre-1880, but also out of sheer ignorance. I've read a good amount of anthropology on Africa but not history and apparently a good amount fell through the cracks. This is a reddit post that goes through the errors I made pretty well-

Twelve Lies about Reality.

U24gLMx_B08 | 03 Mar 2021

Twelve Lies about Reality.

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Geopolitics Playlist with all the videos I reference here-​ Link to my Merch-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions. Link to my Twitter-

What if the Mongol Invasions Never Happened?

i6xdpf8RJrc | 19 Feb 2021

What if the Mongol Invasions Never Happened?

Become smarter in 5 minutes by signing up for free today: - Thanks to Morning Brew for sponsoring today’s video. Link to What if Tamerlane Never Existed- Link to my Merch-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-

Is China the Next World Power?

h7wZOGtsOWg | 05 Feb 2021

Is China the Next World Power?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC or Mobile: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Link to my Merch-​ Link to my Geopolitics Playlist with all the videos I reference here-​ Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions.​ Link to my Twitter-

6 Countries that Will be Superpowers by 2080.

J3g_ZAx6o64 | 28 Jan 2021

6 Countries that Will be Superpowers by 2080.

Link to "I, Overlord": Link to my Merch- Link to my Geopolitics Playlist with all the videos I reference here- Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. First dibs on Patreon, and exclusive videos where you can ask me "What if" questions. Link to my Twitter-

11 Obscure Countries with Amazing Histories.

zVBwpehMIN8 | 22 Jan 2021

11 Obscure Countries with Amazing Histories.

Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code WHATIFALTHIST for 83% off and 3 extra months for FREE! Link to my Merch- Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. Exclusive videos out. Link to my Twitter-

What if the Next Ice Age Started on Time?

lyQVJnWsyFo | 17 Jan 2021

What if the Next Ice Age Started on Time?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Merch- Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first 11 chapters of my history of the world and the first three of my Cultural History of America. Exclusive videos coming out.

5 Countries that will Collapse by 2040.

N3bEVlNcpq0 | 30 Dec 2020

5 Countries that will Collapse by 2040.

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Merch- Link to my Patreon, cool maps, and the first four chapters of my history of the world. Link to other Geopolitics Videos- Link to Wars of 2020s-

What if Santa Really Existed?

Qn8IlJb0GDU | 24 Dec 2020

What if Santa Really Existed?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Merch- Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first four chapters of my history of the world.

What if WW1 Never Happened(feat. Vologda Mapping)?

RIInoRez_38 | 18 Dec 2020

What if WW1 Never Happened(feat. Vologda Mapping)?

Link to "Overlord Series"- Link to Joshua Done's Amazon- Link to Vologda Mapping- Link to my Twitter- Link to my Patreon-

What if Communism Never Existed?

piBt_glChAk | 07 Dec 2020

What if Communism Never Existed?

Link to Forks in the Timeline, quality alternate history card game. Use the promo code "whatif" for 10 percent off - Link to What if the Whites won the Russian Civil War- Link to Patreon-, cool maps and the first 8 chapters of my History of the World Link to Twitter-

What if the Confederacy Still Existed?

Xff9DR3dj-g | 27 Nov 2020

What if the Confederacy Still Existed?

Link to War and Peace. Fight epic battles today: Link to Patreon-, cool maps and the first 8 chapters of my History of the World Link to Twitter- What if the South won the Civil War Link-

What Would WW3 Be Like(old version)?

Wt8_5EKbkRc | 19 Nov 2020

What Would WW3 Be Like(old version)?

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC or Mobile: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Game Code:whatifalthist Password: whatifalthist *both are case sensitive Link to Patreon-, cool maps and the first 8 chapters of my History of the World Link to Twitter- Why is the World Crazy Now Link- Wars of the 2020s and 30s Link- Why is America Crazy Now Link-

Interview With Larry Harris, Designer of Axis and Allies

FCXOpmCn_GE | 07 Nov 2020

Interview With Larry Harris, Designer of Axis and Allies

Link to Nightingale Games. Check out Larry’s Games; Axis and Allies, War Room and Imperial Borders, which is coming out this winter, -

What if Russia Never Colonized Siberia?

Vqz8L0yjMtc | 04 Nov 2020

What if Russia Never Colonized Siberia?

Link to Forks in the Timeline, quality alternate history card game. Use the promo code "whatif" for 10 percent off - Link to Patreon- Link to Twitter-

Why is America Crazy Now?

8zqNDHBtl8U | 02 Nov 2020

Why is America Crazy Now?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first four chapters of my history of the world. Why is the World Crazy Now Link- Wars of the 2020s and 30s Link- Also, the sound quality on this video is slightly less than I like since I had to rush to finish this before the election. Also, please be civil and respectful in the comments. Remember, fighting evil makes you no better a person. To have a cause worth fighting for, you have to act like it.

What if Argentina was a British Colony?

U9EITHnTw14 | 22 Oct 2020

What if Argentina was a British Colony?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first four chapters of my history of the world. What if Paraguay won the War of the Triple Alliance Link-

100K special. My 12 best maps.

UCERitC0aEo | 22 Oct 2020

100K special. My 12 best maps.

Get 68% off the 2-year plan at NordVPN! Only $3.71, plus you get an additional month FREE at or use a coupon "whatifalthist" Link to my Patreon, cool maps and why History of the World- Link to my Twitter-

What if America Went Full Colonial?

67KquSGGfGI | 12 Oct 2020

What if America Went Full Colonial?

Learn using Brilliant? The first 200 people to click the link and sign up receive 20% off their annual subscription! Link to my Patreon Cool maps and my History of the World. Link to my Twitter-

Wars of the 2020s and 30s.

WXUiVLBifpk | 25 Sep 2020

Wars of the 2020s and 30s.

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: . It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Patreon, cool maps, and the first four chapters of my history of the world. I also didn't mention nuclear warfare. There are going to be comments about how we can't have wars anymore due to mutually assured destruction. This is a possibility, but not one I agree with. Missile defence systems have gotten better, being capable of knocking half of the nuclear attacks out of the sky. Hypersonics may change this. However, nuclear arsenals have also shrunk enormous and nuclear payloads have also shrunk dramatically. I've heard the estimate that a nuclear war in 1980 would cause 1 billion deaths, and today 300 million. This is a manageable number when you look at China and India's populations. Also, it's in no one's self interest to have a nuclear war, with China having a treaty that it will never have a nuclear strike without the Chinese homeland nuked first. The US has a far greater nuclear advantage over China and so China would not start one since it would be so outclassed. It's sort of similar to chemical warfare in the 2nd World War, where all the powers involved had poison gas, but all knew that the other sides would just use it if they did.

What if the Cold War Went Nuclear?

7Fv6-8WgPa4 | 11 Sep 2020

What if the Cold War Went Nuclear?

Learn using Brilliant? The first 200 people to click the link and sign up receive 20% off their annual subscription! Link to My Patreon- Link to My Twitter-

What if Europe Was Wiped out by the Black Death?

bUWvznNJuV8 | 26 Aug 2020

What if Europe Was Wiped out by the Black Death?

Link to Patreon- Link to Twitter-

Why is the World Crazy Now?

iTWOXRCyOY4 | 14 Aug 2020

Why is the World Crazy Now?

Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: ✅ ANDROID: ✅ PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! Link to Patreon- Link to Twitter-

What if France Never Surrendered in WW2?

vDaSdNyedsY | 08 Aug 2020

What if France Never Surrendered in WW2?

Link to Patreon- Link to Twitter-

What if Tamerlane Never Existed(ft. Al Muqahddimah)?

6o7a8tPbLz8 | 07 Aug 2020

What if Tamerlane Never Existed(ft. Al Muqahddimah)?

Link to Al Muqahddimah's video on Tamerlane- Link to my Patreon- Link to Twitter-

Top 11 Historical Misconceptions.

cjkJ6YuEoE4 | 29 Jul 2020

Top 11 Historical Misconceptions.

Boy this video is going to be controversial. Remember to remain civil to each-other in the comments. Link to Patreon, check out my cool maps and History of the World- Twitter-

What if Irene and Charlemagne Married?

-bT4m88DnvM | 16 Jul 2020

What if Irene and Charlemagne Married?

Link to BlinkList. Quality summaries of books. The first 100 people to click the link are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. Link to What if the Roman Empire Never Fell. I called it my last video in the video since I the release order of these videos got very convoluted due to sponsorships. Sorry for the late release of this video. Link to my Patreon-

What if the Ottoman Empire Never Fell?

eZo2n8UHcqs | 15 Jul 2020

What if the Ottoman Empire Never Fell?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Patreon, cool maps and the first four chapters of my history of the world. I swear to God the Irene and Charlemagne video will come out in a couple days. It's been a weird period due to scheduling sponsorships and so these videos aren't coming out in the order I made them.

What if Poland was a Superpower?

Opnghm4DCNY | 13 Jul 2020

What if Poland was a Superpower?

Link to NordVPN, get 70 percent off plus first month free on your 3 year deal. 30 day money back guarantee, use the promo code "whatifalthist". - Link to my Patreon, check out cool maps and my History of the World- Link to Twitter- The video about Irene and Charlemagne will come out next. It's been delayed by issues with sponsors.

What if the Roman Empire Never Fell?

lisdcxuGSgs | 30 Jun 2020

What if the Roman Empire Never Fell?

Link to Forks in the Timeline, quality alternate history card game. Use the promo code "whatif" for orders - Link to Patreon- Link to What if Islam Never Islam Link to Twitter-

What if the North had Won the Korean War?

qM5FTinAP8w | 24 Jun 2020

What if the North had Won the Korean War?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to What if the British Empire was a Superpower- Link to Patreon-

What if Latin America was Rich?

v6YpGvwPGH8 | 15 Jun 2020

What if Latin America was Rich?

This video was a long time coming Link to Buddy Panda, new quality member of the counterfactual community. Link to my Patreon check out for cool maps and my history of the world

What if the Central Powers won WW1?

BRGe78JgbsE | 03 Jun 2020

What if the Central Powers won WW1?

Link to Buddy Panda, another quality counterfactual channel emerging Link to my Patreon, quality maps and my History of the World ttps://

What if the Aztecs Beat the Spanish?

52yu6hA_k2Y | 19 May 2020

What if the Aztecs Beat the Spanish?

I'm making the three most popular video suggestions from that poll, this was the third most popular. Expect a new one each month. I'm spoiling you all by making 2 videos in a single week, you have to wait a week and a half for the next one after this, though. Link to What if the Huguenot Colonies Worked? Link to my Patreon-

What if the Crusades Succeeded?

I8pc0PkaZaQ | 15 May 2020

What if the Crusades Succeeded?

Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Link to my Patreon, check out my History of the World and cool maps.

What if Ancient Greece Industrialized?

qXoGReP-FIQ | 07 May 2020

What if Ancient Greece Industrialized?

Sorry, there was a slight issue with the previous video that I had to deal with. Apologies, there was also an issue with my editing software at several spots in the video. Check out my Patreon for my History of the World and Cool Maps.

My 11 Favorite History Books.

35Wbg4UgfPM | 29 Apr 2020

My 11 Favorite History Books.

I’m sure this list is going to be different next year. First time I’ve released 2 videos in a day. Link to my Patreon

What if the Catholic Church had taken over the West?

kH7TVAntJC4 | 29 Apr 2020

What if the Catholic Church had taken over the West?

Link to Forks in the Timeline, an excellent alternate history card game, highly recommended. I've played it and it's legitimately really fun. Link to my Patreon, with lots of cool maps and the first 2 chapters of my History of the World out.

What if the French had Colonized India?

HWWSOzd8pe4 | 23 Apr 2020

What if the French had Colonized India?

Hope you guys like this video. I wish I could be using Quarantine better to produce my videos but I've been stuck with relapse based Coronavirus, but I'm better now. Check out my livestream question and answer this Sunday at 2 PM, Eastern Time. Link to my Patreon I've got the first chapter of my History of the World and many cool maps.

What if Hitler Died as a Baby?

7TIWlf1i9No | 11 Apr 2020

What if Hitler Died as a Baby?

Link to my Patreon. This video was delayed since I got sick again. Would you all be interested in me making a livestream for a question and answer session?

What if SARS was as Widespread as Coronavirus?

B2wy06lwCYg | 25 Mar 2020

What if SARS was as Widespread as Coronavirus?

Quarantine is really helping my production schedule. For all the worried people in the comments, I caught flu-like symptoms earlier but now I'm feeling better except my throat which is still a bit rough.By the way this is the most recent alternate history I've ever done, starting in 2003. Check out my Patreon, I'm posting new maps all the time there and expect my First Chapter of my History of the World soon.

What if the Soviet Union Never Existed?

aq3WtOuRCMw | 21 Mar 2020

What if the Soviet Union Never Existed?

Link to my Patreon. Check out my maps and history of the world. More coming in the next few days. Expect a Coronavirus/Disease Related video soon. I'm one of the few industries that isn't slowing down now due to the global crisis.

What if Japan became Christian in 1637?

vWcxVB9QWZ4 | 10 Mar 2020

What if Japan became Christian in 1637?

I hope you all are goddamn grateful. See my patreon account. Look at my maps, commentary videos and history of the world. By the way FaceCam is over, here is the video explaining why

No more FaceCam and my History of the World.

WxPPjx_DmP8 | 08 Mar 2020

No more FaceCam and my History of the World.

Link to my Patreon. Tell me what you think about these changes.

What if the Cotton Gin Was Never Invented?

_lmnPCY8gDk | 23 Feb 2020

What if the Cotton Gin Was Never Invented?

Link to "What if the Atlantic Slave Trade Never Happened?" I considered having the Kaiser win WW1 here since in a world in which today's South never existed, neither would our buddy Woodrow. Also, without the Civil War the US would be a less unified country and less expansionistic. Thus, the US would never get involved in WW1 and the Germans would win the Kaiserschlacht of spring 1918. In the end I thought it was too much a stretch though. What do you think? Also, I really dislike a "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" since it viewed the people of the 6th century with such condescension. There is no correlation between technological level and general intelligence. If a 19th century man knew how to make guns in the 6th century, some clever blacksmith would have figured it out and caused an arm's race. Also, a large part of it seemed to be American chest beating and poking blame at Britain's class system at the time.

What if the Nazis Invented Nuclear Bombs?

IgMSsIxHDDI | 10 Feb 2020

What if the Nazis Invented Nuclear Bombs?

I’m sorry this took so long to make. I got two seperate bouts of flu and so have been in a barely conscious state for much of the last month. However, when hail and drought destroys your crop, you’ve just got to shake your fist at the sky and plant another.

What if the Japanese Won World War 2?

afDOv3BICgo | 13 Jan 2020

What if the Japanese Won World War 2?

Nord VPN link. Start surfing safely as a Costan Rican today.- The coupon code is whatifalthist. What if the Japanese Invaded Australia in WW2 link. I find it frankly surprising that it's been nearly a year since I put out a WW2 video, even though they're normally so successfully. I guess I have some artistic integrity.

What if the British Commonwealth was a Superpower?

DqIT28itNPQ | 28 Dec 2019

What if the British Commonwealth was a Superpower?

Link to Caspian Report videos about French influence in Africa. Economy- Military- Future Possibiliies- Sorry for two Britain wank videos in a row. I guess my 1/3 English ancestry is going into a nationalistic rebellion due to Brexit. Also, I can't wait for all the delusional British nationalists going on Brexit rants in the comment section,

What if England won the Hundred Years War?

yokAAtZci-k | 09 Dec 2019

What if England won the Hundred Years War?

God, this video was a lot of maps to make. I just realized how much this video panders to Europa Universalis fans.

What if Ethiopia was a Superpower?

IwJyZcAmqF8 | 15 Nov 2019

What if Ethiopia was a Superpower?

What if Islam Never Existed I can’t wait to see the Alt-Right and the Black Nationalists fight this one out in the comments. For the assholes on the Alt-Right who say black people can’t have empires, I reply “go fuck yourself”. The only things you need for empires are a large military and plenty of testosterone filled males. By the way, the discord is dead and will never live again.

What if the Persians Conquered Greece?

LTpe_R51pCA | 08 Nov 2019

What if the Persians Conquered Greece?

Hope you enjoy. By the way, the Discord is dead and will never live again. It was an absolute nightmare to run and I derived no pleasure from any aspects of it. A wise man knows what he can and cannot do I know that my place is to make YouTube videos, not run chatrooms.

What if Paraguay won the War of the Triple Alliance?

qFx4m1dbJO4 | 26 Oct 2019

What if Paraguay won the War of the Triple Alliance?

If this video goes viral, I will be very surprised.

What if the US Never Annexed Hawaii?

_A1L6WbHEjI | 11 Oct 2019

What if the US Never Annexed Hawaii?

Many more things change than you would expect What if the Nazis won WW2 Link

What if the Atlantic Slave Trade Never Happened?

6q6JQL2TISw | 26 Sep 2019

What if the Atlantic Slave Trade Never Happened?

I’m back and a lot of things have changed.

Six Month Hiatus. New Discord. Really Cool Maps.

H6ie9rGUZjQ | 06 Jul 2019

Six Month Hiatus. New Discord. Really Cool Maps.

Link to discord:

Three Prehistoric Alternate Histories.

eyCYLMUlozo | 10 Jun 2019

Three Prehistoric Alternate Histories.

What if Nelson Mandela Died in the 80s?

nCo1hVEUnGw | 04 Jun 2019

What if Nelson Mandela Died in the 80s?

The 10 Countries that are Hardest to Conquer.

OFOgIHzv7S4 | 12 May 2019

The 10 Countries that are Hardest to Conquer.

Link to my video on the Great Northern War Link to my video on Nuclear Weapons

What if the Huguenot Colonies Worked?

sPRyzigoAaw | 14 Apr 2019

What if the Huguenot Colonies Worked?

This timeline came out faster than either of us expected. Yes, the French South American colony was called French Antarctica.


vTz33CqbPTc | 09 Apr 2019


What if Goliath Killed David?

jk-_YgmIqsk | 18 Feb 2019

What if Goliath Killed David?

What if the Romans Conquered Germania?

JTF49pjlRDI | 04 Feb 2019

What if the Romans Conquered Germania?

Link to my video on what if the Romans never conquered Britain Link to what if the Greek Gods never died out For fun here are some other ethnic groups that hate each other and also pretty genetically close. -Jews and Palestinians -English and French -English and Irish -Koreans and Japanese

What if Japan Lost the Russo-Japanese War?

MnISwb0idU4 | 26 Jan 2019

What if Japan Lost the Russo-Japanese War?

What if the Nazis won World War 2?

SMLh9YXEzF0 | 21 Jan 2019

What if the Nazis won World War 2?

This is yet another reboot, hope you guys like it. This video has absolutely no relation to Martin Luther King's day, just bad timing. The link to the Knowing Better video Nerdy nitpicks I will have to make. 1.Stalin's purge of the officry was 1937-1939, not just 1939. 2.Vichy France is given the whole of France after the war. This is so that the Germans don't have to hold down the populated areas of the north of France and so they can instead use them for the subjugation of the French colonies. The fear of a British Invasion would also diminish over time. 3.Israel would probably not exist due to the rampant Anti-Semitism that would exist in this world. Also, the world would never really know the true horror of the Holocaust until Nazi Germany would collapse-whenever that would be. 4.I'm not sure if Pakistan would be a Nazi or American ally. 5.Brazil, although a dictatorship, was American aligned during World War 2.

What if America Never Exported its Industry?

Kv11Z7YgIQc | 29 Dec 2018

What if America Never Exported its Industry?

Finally, an alternate history that isn't about 17th century balance of power wars. If you guys like this econ alternate history, say so in the comments.

What if China was a Colonial Superpower?

Ii8YY_2Fltw | 08 Dec 2018

What if China was a Colonial Superpower?

This is yet another Reboot. Hope you guys enjoy it.

What if the Holy Roman Empire Remained United?

-Yt7nymTeoM | 19 Nov 2018

What if the Holy Roman Empire Remained United?

What if France won the War of Spanish Succession?

5ryS7huXWYg | 12 Nov 2018

What if France won the War of Spanish Succession?

Things people will nitpick A)I am aware Holland and the Netherlands are not interchangeable. Saying Holland is easier. B)I am aware Scotland only entered the War of Spanish Succession half way through the war, I still had them as part of the map for simplicity. C)French culture is objectively the best in the world (get a sense of humor). Sincerely, Whatifalthist

What if Nuclear Bombs Never Existed?

TDnFoPQZj0c | 06 Nov 2018

What if Nuclear Bombs Never Existed?

What if the West Never Rose to World Dominance? Part 2

O7CnjKLUTQw | 30 Oct 2018

What if the West Never Rose to World Dominance? Part 2

What if George Orwell's 1984 Actually Happened?

512swEQMqFU | 12 Sep 2018

What if George Orwell's 1984 Actually Happened?

Link to Skillshare, first 500 clicks get 2 months free -

What if the West Never Rose to World Dominance? Part 1

SYwfVY44s88 | 19 Aug 2018

What if the West Never Rose to World Dominance? Part 1

What if Canute's North Sea Empire Never Fell?

hiGHbt-hc6E | 17 Aug 2018

What if Canute's North Sea Empire Never Fell?

Link to History of the Vikings - The Vikings briefly conquered England under the Danish king Canute, but what if the empire held together? That is the question of this alternate history.

What if Dragons Actually Existed?

8fZCEZPj8o8 | 13 Aug 2018

What if Dragons Actually Existed?

Here is the link to TREY the Explainer's video on Dragons- For those of you who will inevitably say I'm ripping off alternate history hub, I actually made the original of this alternate history before him.

What if the Romans Discovered America?

SVAPD4F0yQo | 23 Jul 2018

What if the Romans Discovered America?

What if the Phoenecians discovered America link- Sorry for taking so long to make this video. The next one will be coming out this week.

What if the South won the Civil War?

rf8SxUON0wg | 01 Jul 2018

What if the South won the Civil War?

Top 10 Events I Wouldn't be able to Predict in History.

-t6zrSCPnyU | 24 Jun 2018

Top 10 Events I Wouldn't be able to Predict in History.

Even I as an alternate historian isn't perfect and so here are the top 10 events I wouldn't be able to predict in real history.

What if the Mediterranean Never Existed?

n09egQv-zB8 | 15 Jun 2018

What if the Mediterranean Never Existed?

Sorry for the technical difficulties earlier; the video is working now.

What if the Handmaid's Tale Actually Happened?

WJdK65yaggk | 12 Jun 2018

What if the Handmaid's Tale Actually Happened?

Real Life Lore Confederacy Video-

What if the Huns Never Existed?

_thSwppNRao | 30 May 2018

What if the Huns Never Existed?

What if the Mongols Conquered Europe?

6xQklyw2EH8 | 21 May 2018

What if the Mongols Conquered Europe?

What if the Draka Actually Existed?

X62KHucicLw | 12 May 2018

What if the Draka Actually Existed?

This asks what if the Domination of the Draka, an alternate totalitarian South Africa, written by SM Stirling, existed. Set in a world where the British settled the American Loyalists from the Revolution in South Africa instead of Canada, this video will explore my own take on the popular alternate history.

What if Harald Hardrada conquered England?

ylIXZRiDsNo | 23 Apr 2018

What if Harald Hardrada conquered England?

What if America was a Third World Nation? Part 2.

c5OjPy10J8Y | 07 Apr 2018

What if America was a Third World Nation? Part 2.

What if America was a Third World Country? Part 1

zg0UEWpK6JY | 04 Apr 2018

What if America was a Third World Country? Part 1

What if the Byzantine Empire Survived?

_zdxtemKy_4 | 26 Mar 2018

What if the Byzantine Empire Survived?

Monsieur Z, a fellow alternate historian made a similar timeline. The link is here, the only thing these videos share is a title.

What if Teddy Roosevelt won in 1912?

einBOivpm8M | 18 Mar 2018

What if Teddy Roosevelt won in 1912?

What if Britain made Peace with the Nazis in World War 2?

ZZSVp7iscWY | 11 Mar 2018

What if Britain made Peace with the Nazis in World War 2?

This'll be a fun comment section. Remember, you're all human and love your children.

What if the Turks won at Vienna?

TT1zb10Se6M | 22 Feb 2018

What if the Turks won at Vienna?

I cleverly use hyperbole by saying the world, don't take it literally.

What if Sweden won the Great Northern War?

N7_2zeLl2GY | 14 Feb 2018

What if Sweden won the Great Northern War?

What if the Japanese Invaded Australia in World War 2?

FpMkhTP_k6o | 10 Feb 2018

What if the Japanese Invaded Australia in World War 2?

What if the Americas were Never Colonized? Part 2

yn9f90w6u7E | 26 Jan 2018

What if the Americas were Never Colonized? Part 2

If the Americas were never colonized, Texas would speak Meshika and Europe would be communist. To find out how, watch this video.

What if the Europeans Never Colonized the Americas? part 1

h0UjeiqueDM | 29 Dec 2017

What if the Europeans Never Colonized the Americas? part 1

A look at what if the natives remained in power in the Americas.

What if the Greek Gods Never Died Out?

UvFUOJwEegg | 03 Dec 2017

What if the Greek Gods Never Died Out?

If the Greek Gods Never Died out, the West would Never Rise to Dominance and the Northern Europe would be sexist. To find out how, watch this video.

What if the American Revolution was Crushed?

ATk5bW4rEFs | 24 Nov 2017

What if the American Revolution was Crushed?

My Patreon Account- What if the American Revolution Never Happened- What if the Central Powers won World War 1- If the American Revolution Failed the world would be very different from how you would expect. Watch and find out.

What if the US annexed the Yucatan in 1848?

fyQw1GcIeiI | 10 Nov 2017

What if the US annexed the Yucatan in 1848?

My Patreon Account- If the US annexed the Yucatan in 1848 the Soviets could win the Cold War or nuclear war would break out. MLK and Malcolm X would both live in the Yucatan at some point. To find out how watch this video.

11/22/63 Book Review (Stephen King).

ncZufleHVQI | 31 Oct 2017

11/22/63 Book Review (Stephen King).

11/22/63 tells the thrilling tale of Jake Epping, a Maine High School English teacher who time travels back to the 60s to prevent JFK's death, but does the past want to be changed.

What if Columbus was Right about Geography?

AJLlg75-z90 | 09 Oct 2017

What if Columbus was Right about Geography?

What if one could sail directly from Europe to Asia across the ocean blue.

What if the Italian Army was Good in World War 2?

GHC7HuiLlaQ | 07 Oct 2017

What if the Italian Army was Good in World War 2?

If the Italian military was good in WW2 the world would be different.

What if the Romans Never Invaded Britain?

j9P7q_DVaqs | 21 Sep 2017

What if the Romans Never Invaded Britain?

If the Romans never invaded Britain Portugal would be part of Spain and Britain would be Celtic, too find out how, watch this video.

Alternate History League: Nazi Victory in World War 2.

I21nuC-32MA | 15 Sep 2017

Alternate History League: Nazi Victory in World War 2.

A board of whatifalthist, alternate history Luxembourg, Monsieur Z and phrenomythic discuss a world in which the Nazis won. Althistory Luxembourg- Monsieur Z- Phrenomythic-

What if 9/11 Never Happened?

VvdRAYJAGQk | 13 Sep 2017

What if 9/11 Never Happened?

If 9/11 Never Happened, the world would actually not be all that different.

New Show

w3ngnGrNXMI | 10 Sep 2017

New Show

Althistory Luxembourg's channel- Me and a few members of the alternate history community are making a discussion based show about the alternate history genre.

What if Civil War broke out between Republicans and Democrats(old version)?

T0ep-u1_0T8 | 29 Aug 2017

What if Civil War broke out between Republicans and Democrats(old version)?

Please remember commentors who disagree with you politically are still people and still deserve respect. I still can't wait too see the horrors of this comment section.

What if the Sahara Never Went Dry?

GyahAQ5vKLU | 06 Aug 2017

What if the Sahara Never Went Dry?

The Years of Rice and Salt Book Review.

_LmYpK9ikL8 | 27 Jul 2017

The Years of Rice and Salt Book Review.

Book Review Part- What if Europe was wiped out by the Black Death-My version

What if France won the 7 Years War?

7NAwiPbLQlg | 19 Jul 2017

What if France won the 7 Years War?

If France won the 7 Years War, Germany would be weak, Britain and Russia would be allies and democracy would not be dominant. Too find out how, watch this video.

What if the Soviets conquered Poland in 1920?

BSkEJvV95NM | 10 Jul 2017

What if the Soviets conquered Poland in 1920?

If the Soviets conquered Poland in 1920 the world would be all sunshine and rainbows. Don't believe me, just watch this video.

What if the American Revolution Never Happened

DDgZLKAO8ow | 05 Jul 2017

What if the American Revolution Never Happened

If the American Revolution Never Happened, the Tsars would still rule Russia and Latin America would be communist. Texas would be independent and the Congo would be controled by the Germans. Too find out how watch this video.

What if Scotland was a Colonial Empire?

qlO8LkdD-CQ | 02 Jul 2017

What if Scotland was a Colonial Empire?

If Scotland was a colonial power England would be a nation and parts of India would be a Scottish colony. Too find out how watch this video.

The Man in the High Castle Book Review.

Nx4F-ueNoxk | 23 Jun 2017

The Man in the High Castle Book Review.

This is a Man in the High Castle Plausibility and Book Review. Link to the Review Part of the Video Sorry, it looks like youtube got rid of the ability to link one part of the video with another. Link to Top 10 most implausible alternate history videos. See numbers 6 for Japanese winning World War 2 and Number 1 for a 20th century invasion of America

What if the Nazis won at Stalingrad?

6-xkwk0e--4 | 04 Jun 2017

What if the Nazis won at Stalingrad?

If the Nazis won at Stalingrad Russia would be a giant North Korea and China would never be communist too find out how watch this video.

What if the Muslims won the 718 siege of Constantinople?

gGmvNvgsRgA | 26 May 2017

What if the Muslims won the 718 siege of Constantinople?

If the Muslims won the 718 siege of Constantinople the Italians would be Muslim and the Pope would be in England. Turkey would be Slavic and the Germans would win World War 1.

What if Islam Never Existed?

93ejjK0dcEo | 17 May 2017

What if Islam Never Existed?

I'm tired of writing these introductions that no one reads. So I didn't.

What if the Madagascar Plan Happened?

5xj7cliDT_A | 01 May 2017

What if the Madagascar Plan Happened?

If the Madagascar Plan actually happened Somali piracy would not be an issue and Poland would be a small nation. Apartheid South Africa would still exist to find out how, watch this video.

What if Ireland United in the 11th Century?

UF90WYu-Qcg | 26 Mar 2017

What if Ireland United in the 11th Century?

If Ireland United in the 11th Century it would be a colonial power and Scotland would be independent to find out how watch this video.

What if the Nile never Existed?

wIXDQe3wEqg | 13 Mar 2017

What if the Nile never Existed?

If the Nile never existed, Christianity would never exist and the Hittites would dominate the Middle East. Too find out how watch this video.

What if Atlantis Existed?

dCMSUy3gguk | 17 Feb 2017

What if Atlantis Existed?

Younger Dryas Wikipedia- What if the Native Americans had horses- if Atlantis Existed, the Hittites would have conquered the Middle East and Technology would be hundreds of years more advanced. The Native Americans would survive to the present and the Celts would be the dominant force in Europe, too find out how watch this video.

What if the Quakers Never Existed? part 2

rVwVlJcPTPQ | 03 Feb 2017

What if the Quakers Never Existed? part 2

If the Quakers never existed, the Soviets would be the most powerful nation on earth and America would be a third world nation. The Japanese empire would still exist and the Boston Irish would be a second class. Too find out how, watch this video.

What if the Quakers Never Existed? part 1

fnYPsjebMWc | 02 Feb 2017

What if the Quakers Never Existed? part 1

If the Quakers never existed, the South would control much of North America and New England would be an independent country. Illinois would be like Kentucky and the Revolution would be easier. Too find out how, watch this video.

What if Ataturk Never Existed?

mDY-Vrj4ymU | 23 Jan 2017

What if Ataturk Never Existed?

Link to what if the Germans won World War 2 If Ataturk never existed the Germans would control much of Europe and the Russians would control Iran. The pretty pony frolicked across the meadow. I feel like no one reads these descriptions and I want to see how long it takes someone to notice. Prove me wrong in the comments.

What if Decolonization Never Happened? Part 2

jYijOjt2g4M | 05 Jan 2017

What if Decolonization Never Happened? Part 2

If Decolonization never Ended, South Africa would lead a powerful league and India would be a superpower. The US would be isolationist and China would be weak. To find out how watch this video.

What if Charlemagne Never Existed?

GrAEwmY_vm8 | 26 Dec 2016

What if Charlemagne Never Existed?

What if New England seceded in the War of 1812?

dy06KHRoLGk | 21 Dec 2016

What if New England seceded in the War of 1812?

What if the Central Powers won World War 1 link- If New England seceded in the War of 1812, the United States would still have segregation and Japan would control East Asia. Mexico would not exist and the Boston Irish would be an oppressed class, to find out how, watch this video.

What if the English never settled in America?

irg2PzYVOOM | 25 Nov 2016

What if the English never settled in America?

If the English never settled in America, Holland would be a colonial power and the Russians would control the Pacific North-west. France would be a superpower and Germany would have good colonies.

What if Decolonization Never Happened? part 1

9y7XMv8KMcI | 23 Nov 2016

What if Decolonization Never Happened? part 1

Details for the Abridged. World War 2-The British would not invade Norway and Greece. The Burma campaign and the Blitz are easier as well. The Battle of the Atlantic crashes less tons of British shipping. I'm sure there are a lot of other changes I could do, but don't know about Oil-The discovery of oil in Sudan might have led to the Hitler putting more effort into the North Africa campaign if he could get oil in Sudan. However, in our timeline Hitler put very little effort into the North Africa campaign, thinking it was the destiny of the Aryan peoples to conquer the Slavs and he would have tried to conquer the Caucasus oil fields instead.

Top 10 most implausible Alternate history Scenarios?

kOjkt2hQJDU | 17 Nov 2016

Top 10 most implausible Alternate history Scenarios?

Link to what if JFK was never assasinated by alternate history hub Link to what if the Roman Empire never fell What if Christianity never existed extras

What if Japan invaded the Soviet Union in World War 2?

KQFZZo3A2no | 05 Nov 2016

What if Japan invaded the Soviet Union in World War 2?

What if the Germans won world war 2 link Japan invaded the Soviet Union in World War 2 the British Empire would still exist and Pearl Harbor would never happen. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Spanish never funded Columbus?

ELfXrUGYDho | 21 Oct 2016

What if the Spanish never funded Columbus?

What if the Americans were never colonized link if the Spanish never funded Columbus Mexico would be a super power, England would be an absolute monarchy and the Portuguese would conquer the Inca. Too find out how watch this video.

What if the US purchased Greenland in 1946?

rSIiQC-ODcA | 30 Sep 2016

What if the US purchased Greenland in 1946?

If the US had a purchased Greenland in 1946 Greenland would be a major tourism destination and oil mining would be a majot business.

What if the Norman Conquest of England Failed?

yAoxVkX7uRA | 18 Sep 2016

What if the Norman Conquest of England Failed?

if the Saxons won the battle of Hastings Columbus would not discover America and Hungary would be an empire. Lowland Scotland would be English and Egypt would be conquered by the Crusaders.

What if Christianity never Existed: Extras

MZNbUTazhOM | 10 Sep 2016

What if Christianity never Existed: Extras

This is a video where I put all the stuff that didn't fit in the previous video. I cover all the wars that people say Christianity started and the Christianity's role in technology.

What if Christianity Never Existed?

92pgLLprjlU | 31 Aug 2016

What if Christianity Never Existed?

If Christianity Never Existed Austria would be controlled by the Zoroastrian Turks and Feminism would never exist. The Mexicans would still be Aztecs and Egypt would be Greek. To find out how watch this video.

What if Japan never Modernized?

r7KDbYLhoww | 19 Aug 2016

What if Japan never Modernized?

If Japan never modernized, the Tsars would still exist and the US would not be a major power. China would not be powerful and the Germans would win World War 1, to find out how watch this video.

What if Alexander the Great's Empire never Fell?

XLHPPQXddeQ | 08 Aug 2016

What if Alexander the Great's Empire never Fell?

If Alexander the Great's Empire never fell, Buddhism would not be important and the Huns would conquer Europe. Italy would be united and Australia would speak Hindi. To find out how watch this alternate history.

What if the Muslims Discovered Australia?

kFs7Xx2svD8 | 17 Jul 2016

What if the Muslims Discovered Australia?

Link to Matthew White alternate history If the Muslims discovered Australia, Korea would be communist and North Australia would be part of Indonesia. To find out how watch this alternate history.

What if War Plan Red Happened?

FIH8XTWW4mw | 04 Jul 2016

What if War Plan Red Happened?

If War Plan Red Happened, Europe would be the most powerful region in the world and the British Empire would still exist. The Japanese would control the Pacific and China would be nationalist. To find out how watch this alternate history.

What if Hitler never invaded Russia?

m3r2-ycMy-U | 23 Jun 2016

What if Hitler never invaded Russia?

If Hitler never invaded Russia, Denmark would be communist and Korea would be united. The Japanese would win Midway and the Battle of the Atlantic would be far more closely fought.

What if the Reconquista Failed?

gSdHUqEdXvA | 21 Jun 2016

What if the Reconquista Failed?

Promised complicated Scottish history. There was a major bubble in which the Scottish ruling classes all invested in a future colony in Panama called the Darien plan. The English, not wanting Scotland to get to powerful and develop a colonial empire refused to trade with it. Without English trade allyship, the colony failed and the bubble collapsed. This created a massive recession. The English promised to bail out the economy if they joined the Union. The loyalists to the Stewarts had recently been destroyed at the battle of the Boyne, thus leaving Unionists more powerful. Even this is just skimming the complicated surface. I reccomend you continue to research it is you are interested. If the Reconquista failed Mexico would speak English and North Germany would be controlled by Sweden. England would be Catholic and Holland would be the first nation to round the Cape of Good Hope, to find out how watch this alternate history.

What if a United America collapsed in the 18th century, part 2?

spP7P6C7P84 | 06 Jun 2016

What if a United America collapsed in the 18th century, part 2?

If a United America collapsed in the 18th century, Germany would rule Europe and Japan would be a superpower. North America would be a collection of allied states.

What if a United America Collapsed in the 18th Century, part 1?

cunujo5BTmM | 03 May 2016

What if a United America Collapsed in the 18th Century, part 1?

If a united America collapsed in the 18th century, Northern Mexico would be part of the Deep South and Britain would control the Midwest. To find out how wat this video

What if the U.S. won the Vietnam War?

Jy0VKkfBgws | 15 Apr 2016

What if the U.S. won the Vietnam War?

If the U.S. won the Vietnam war, Ethiopia would be capitalist and Somalia would still be a country. To find out how, watch this video

What if Carthage won the Punic Wars, part 2?

pSGSjTu536o | 03 Mar 2016

What if Carthage won the Punic Wars, part 2?

If Carthage won the Punic Wars Greece would no longer exist and South Africa would be a Phoenician colony. Europe would not be the only world power and the Americas would have been discovered earlier.

What if Carthage won the Punic Wars, part 1?

XijPOhLSvO8 | 03 Mar 2016

What if Carthage won the Punic Wars, part 1?

If Carthage won the Punic Wars Europe would worship Mithra. The Persian empire would be massive an Britain would be Celtic. Feminism would not exist and Italy would be controlled by the Germans.

What if the Soviets Won the Cold War?

02ml4SNaZ1k | 10 Feb 2016

What if the Soviets Won the Cold War?

If the Soviets won the Cold War, the United States would be a military dictatorship and France would be communist. Russian troops would be invading Iraq and China would still be poor. To find out how watch this timeline.

What if the Mongol Invasions never Happened?

NwFsyHhC4DI | 23 Jan 2016

What if the Mongol Invasions never Happened?

If the Mongol invasions never happened Germany would be a colonial superpower and Sweden would control Eastern Europe. China would be exactly the same and Kwarezm would be an independent nation. To find out how watch this video.

What if China wasn't Communist?

Kt5RY_DRbDU | 24 Dec 2015

What if China wasn't Communist?

If China wan't communist Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines would be a Chinese ally. Putin would be more powerful and Manchuria would be an independent nation. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Great Dying never Happened?

ARp74VV9YfY | 29 Nov 2015

What if the Great Dying never Happened?

If the Great Dying never happened Mankind would be immensely advanced. Spiders would fly in the sky like hawks and sea monsters would dominate the seas. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Indo European Invasions never happened?

vVkjMrF-yZ4 | 13 Nov 2015

What if the Indo European Invasions never happened?

If the Indo European invasions never happened China would be a colonial superpower and Egyptian civilization would live on even today. English, French and Russian would never exist. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Phoenecians discovered America?

NmQMnm_CcCs | 07 Nov 2015

What if the Phoenecians discovered America?

If the Phoenecians discovered America, the Native Americans would be a technoogical power and Elephants would wander the plains of Texas. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Vikings colonized America?

z5AG_4CZWh4 | 10 Oct 2015

What if the Vikings colonized America?

If the Vikings colonized America the Holy Roman Empire would be a superpower and the Turks would never be a Balkan power. Japan or Russia would control California and the Great Plains would be a warzone. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Central Powers won World War 1?

0SJrl0Dm2IA | 26 Sep 2015

What if the Central Powers won World War 1?

If the Central powers won World War 1, Japan and Russia would be fighting a cold war. Russia would be divided amonsgt the 2 previous powers and Austro-Hungary would still exist. To find out how watch this video.

What if the British won the Battle of New Orleans part 2.

B8yajpcBO4Y | 29 Aug 2015

What if the British won the Battle of New Orleans part 2.

If the U.S. lost the battle of New Orleans the Germans would win World War 1. The U.S. would be in a cold war with Germany and the C.S.A. would control Central America. To find out how watch this video.

What if the British won the Battle of New Orleans part 1.

Lzaho2S5Po0 | 29 Aug 2015

What if the British won the Battle of New Orleans part 1.

If the British won the battle of New Orleans the C.S.A. would be an independent nation and Canada would be under U.S. control. To find out how watch this video.

What if Brazil was a superpower?

tAP47ERQsFQ | 18 Aug 2015

What if Brazil was a superpower?

If Brazil was a superpower Europe would still be a major world power. Africa and Asia would still be colonized and Communism would not be a majot force. To find out how watch thi video.

What if Grass never Existed?

Kh0HdbaOQ2U | 20 Jul 2015

What if Grass never Existed?

If Grass never existed humans would never evolve. Also hogs and deer would be the main herbivores and ferns would be the major plant form

What Would happen after the End of War of The Worlds?

BzX2DO2kOJY | 24 Jun 2015

What Would happen after the End of War of The Worlds?

If Martians actually did invade the world in 1899 the European Union would be founded in the early 1900's and Japan would be master of the Pacific. Humans would have colonized the moon and we would be using awesome walkers.

What if the Native Americans had Horses?

ogInHnHevnk | 17 Jun 2015

What if the Native Americans had Horses?

If the Native Americans had horses the Inca would still rule Peru and the Aztec empire would stretch deep into Arizona. The Native Americans would still rule the Americas and writing and iron would be commonplace in prehistoric America. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Cold War Never Ended?

20dqkd6ZGSw | 10 May 2015

What if the Cold War Never Ended?

If the cold war never ended the Middle East would be invaded by the Russians and Russia would be a backwater technologically.

What if the U.S. conquered Canada in the War of 1812?

gD7EPAMZRTc | 30 Apr 2015

What if the U.S. conquered Canada in the War of 1812?

Link to what if the Germans won World War Two If the U.S. conquered Canada in the War of 1812, the Nazis would win WW2 and North Mexico would be owned by the U.S. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Neanderthals never went Extinct?

4pqYB7xPw4s | 06 Mar 2015

What if the Neanderthals never went Extinct?

If the Neanderthals never went extinct the Middle East would dominate the world. The Industrial Revolution would never have happened and the Native Americans would continue to dominate the Americas. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Arabs won the Battle of Tours?

9VaUDHUW76A | 30 Jan 2015

What if the Arabs won the Battle of Tours?

If the Arabs won the battle of Tours, I would be speaking a language more akin to Dutch then to our English. Spain would be ruled by the Arabs and Mexico would speak French. To find out how, watch this video.

What if the Napoleon Won?

3ygV7jlP2I4 | 06 Jan 2015

What if the Napoleon Won?

If the French won the battle of Trafalgar the U.S. would rule Canada and Cote D'Ivore would speak English. India would be a French colony and the Ottoman empire would still rule Romania. To find out how watch this video.

What if Vampires Existed?

8pvKZOvIyt4 | 20 Dec 2014

What if Vampires Existed?

If Vampires existed World war 2 would look like the Napoleonic wars and California would be a separate nation. The church would be a major superpower and Buffalo would be a artificial island. To find out how watch this video.

What if the Dinosaurs never went Extinct?

_HKoWdgYyIs | 19 Jul 2014

What if the Dinosaurs never went Extinct?

If the dinosaurs never went extinct mankind would never exist and marsupials would dominate the southern hemisphere. To find out how watch this video!