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All videos archived of Nikolay Pavlov

MtfJ3itMKcE | 31 Oct 2021
Episode 10 of the Shorts series on the Solar System. This one is on Neptune - the furthest planet in the Solar System. Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] #shorts #Neptune #planets #solarsystem #learn #space

3taHy0cW4dc | 03 May 2021
Let me start by saying there are a few inaccuracies in this video which have been allowed to happen only for the sake of the visual presentation. 1) Cruithne is way smaller than the Moon and Earth. If I had shown it in its relative size to Earth, you wouldn't be able to see it on the screen. 2) The picture of Cruithne is an "approximation" of what it might look like. 3) Although it might appear like Cruithne's orbit is crossing the terrestrial planets' orbits, it actually doesn't as its orbit has a different tilt. In other words they won't collide. 4) Given the slight differences in the length of Cruithne and Earth's orbit duration, Cruithne's orbit actually moves ever so slightly with every cycle following a horseshoe shape pattern around the Earth. This was way to complex to describe in a short. Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] ***Special thanks to my patron - anno2122!*** - why not join them? #shorts #moon #planets #solarsystem #learn #space

fopWnf2XGHc | 31 Mar 2021
Episode 9 of the Shorts series on the Solar System. This one is on Mars - the forth planet in the Solar System. ----------------------------------- Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] #shorts #mars #planets #solarsystem #learn #space ***Special thanks to my patron - anno2122!*** - why not join them?

ogffasPum14 | 11 Mar 2021
This is a short video trying to answer a simple question - why does it take 7 months to get to Mars. Disclaimer: A short video does not provide enough time to go into a lot of detail on the manoeuvres the spacecraft would have to do to get to a trajectory to Mars or what it has to do to get into Mars orbit. In case you want to know more you can look up Hohmann transfer to Mars. The stated distances could vary subject to planetary orbital positions, external factors and type of technology used. ---------------------------------- Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] #shorts #Mars #planets #solarsystem ***Special thanks to my patron - anno2122!*** - why not join them?

5EQ3a1HqKmo | 06 Mar 2021
Episode 8 of the Shorts series on the Solar System. This one is on Venus - the hottest planet in the Solar System. ----------------------------------- Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] #shorts #Venus #planets #solarsystem ***Special thanks to my patron - anno2122!*** - why not join them?

tBHMUTf7tI0 | 25 Feb 2021
Episode 7 of the Shorts series on the... Solar System. This one is about the Sun :) ----------------------------------- Support the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] #shorts #sun #planets #solarsystem

h_oml47KNYo | 14 Feb 2021
A very short and non-exhaustive list of reasons for building a Moon Base. Again please bear in mind this video is trying to pack a lot of information in less than 60sec. For those of you who care about those things - rocket ships and planets are not presented to scale. #moonbase #shorts #spacex #spaceexploration #moon #mars Of course like all #shorts this video should not be taken too seriously. Its main goal is to be entertaining :) If you like what I do, consider supporting the channel: ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] ----------------------------------- ***Special thanks to my patron - anno2122!***

AniZxBNYQdk | 03 Feb 2021
A short comparison between SpaceX (Elon Musk) and Blue Origin (Jeff Bezos). Of course like all #shorts this is a very broad and non-exhaustive video and should not be taken too seriously. Its main goal is to be entertaining :) ----------------------------------- I use epidemic sound - ----------------------------------- Contact - [email protected] ----------------------------------- If you like what I do, consider supporting the channel: #spacex #blueorigin #shorts #elonmusk #jeffbezos

nFspErvpc_0 | 28 Jan 2021
Episode 6 of the Shorts series on the planets in our Solar System. This one is not about a planet though. If you'd like to know more about why the Moon face never changes check out this video - #shorts #moon #planets #solarsystem

K6fD5nHGWgQ | 22 Jan 2021
These are just a few reasons why Bitcoin is not a good investment. There are more but there is only so much I can say in a youtube #shorts video. If enough people like this video I can make a part 2 and 3 and maybe 4 :D Now let me caveat the above - you can still make money by investing in bad assets if your timing is good. The Bitcoin millionaires are proof of that. *This video does not represent investment advice! It represents my point of view. That's all. #bitcoin #crypto #shorts

8wRUmd1q0bE | 14 Jan 2021
Episode 5 of the Shorts series on the planets in our Solar System. This one is on Uranus - the coldest planet in the Solar System. I have a feeling the comments would be dominated by name jokes... All I ask is - be creative! :D #shorts #Uranus #planets #solarsystem

CEY2QkzlHW0 | 08 Jan 2021
Three interesting facts about Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster (aka Space Tesla) launched on the first flight of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. Disclaimer: Please note this is meant to be an entertaining video and certain omissions/adjustments were made. Those include - the removal of the pedestal on which the Tesla Roadster was positioned on in the "animation" bits; the scale of the planets; the amount of dirt on the roadster was only put there for illustrative purposes (the car was not sterile but it wasn't THAT filthy). #spacex #tesla #shorts #elonmusk

XZOmdztWdAQ | 03 Jan 2021
Episode 4 of the Shorts series on the planets in our Solar System. This one is on Saturn - the most photogenic planet in the Solar System. #shorts #saturn #planets #solarsystem

Njz8paSx-7Y | 29 Dec 2020
Looking into the financial performance of Tesla and comparing it to a peer group of established Auto Peers. This is a bit of a different type of video but I just wanted to highlight the insane valuation that the company has reached during the year. #tesla #shorts #teslashares #teslavalue

bTA_oW81BiY | 20 Dec 2020
Episode 3 of the Shorts series on the planets in our Solar System. This one is on Pluto - the largest dwarf planet in the Solar System. #shorts #pluto #planet #dwarfplanet

LjhzCLMassE | 17 Dec 2020
Episode 2 of the Shorts series on the planets in our Solar System. This one is on Jupiter - the largest planet in the Solar System. #shorts #jupiter #planet

01zJPb0c6HQ | 24 Nov 2020
At first sight, Venus is much more similar to Earth than Mars is. Not only that but we might have even discovered a potential sign of life on Venus. Mars on the other hand is smaller, further away and has significantly smaller atmosphere. Why then have we chosen to go to Mars instead of Venus? #venus #mars #space

GjGvB06S9VU | 04 Oct 2020
The effects Climate Change are becoming more and more prominent and we are running out of time to take meaningful action. Even if we were to phase out all fossil fuels in the next couple of decades we would still not be able the reverse the damage we have done. What we need right now is not only action but a miracle, a hail Mary. And that is exactly what scientists are planning for. This video is meant to provide a simplified view of the carbon capture and storage technological solution in combination with bio-energy. Being a youtube video, this cannot capture all of the detail on the subject, especially given that the technology is in its early stages. If you'd like to know more please have a look at the below: #climatechange #carboncapture #beccs

3992mOLyXAo | 26 Aug 2020
This is the story of arguably the greatest achievement of SpaceX - the leading Space Transportation company in the world. It not only guaranteed the future of SpaceX but it also made space transportation significantly cheaper than during the days of the NASA Space Shuttle program. Please don't forget to subscribe! ----- Watch More - ----- Twitter - ----- #SpaceX #ElonMusk #Falcon9

rD0GMEelpPg | 16 Aug 2020
Back in the 1960s the US government spent a million dollars developing a pen that can write in zero gravity while the Soviets just used a pencil. Fascinating story, right? Well, it would have been if it were true. Please don't forget to subscribe! ----- Watch More - ----- Twitter - #Space_pen; #million_dollar_space_pen, #space_pencil, #fisher_space_pen Sources:,2635537

rQTfxhjHXN4 | 28 Jun 2020
This is a short story of how I lost my main channel and how I was able to regain control only after 6 short months. Second Channel - Twitter - @NikoPavBG #hacked #stolenchannel #stolenyoutubechannel

ixM8rZVsR4s | 26 Jun 2020
This video looks at the potential causes for the Flu Season (Influenza Season) ranging from Social and Behavioural to Chemical and Biological. More info down below ↴ Please don't forget to subscribe! ----- Twitter - ----- #fluseason #fluoutbreak #flu_season

81_oaMOIXwo | 02 Jan 2020
Please show some love and like&share this video :) In the age of the Climate Crisis, hydro-electric power plants are a great source of clean energy and financial benefits. This is particularly true in developing areas which lack natural resources. As these facilities expand at an ever larger scale their externalities are becoming more and more visible. #hydro_electric #hydro_dam #renewable_energy #dam_failure ➤ Belo Monte Dam - ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos:

9eo8CgePW50 | 05 Dec 2019
Over the last 100 years Corn has transformed the US agriculture sector. Today the Corn industry has become key for the processed food industry, beverage industry, livestock and even the energy sector of the country. This revolution was spurred by government intervention in the form of agricultural subsidies and import tariffs. This however has lead to some significant externalities and market failures. Special Thanks to Austin McConnel!!! Go Subscribe if you haven't already: ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: Please support this channel by subscribing, liking and sharing this video! #corn #usagriculture #HFCS #cafo #ethanol

rXjjk40RurA | 07 Sep 2019
➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: The Canadian Tar Sands (Oil Sands) are the world's largest industrial project in Human History. This project is essential for the Canadian economy and the Global market. It is also the world's most polluting source of oil causing environmental degradation on a massive scale. Please support this channel by subscribing, liking and sharing this video! #tarsands #oilsands #canadiantarsands #canadianoilsands

YfL0UfmB6JA | 18 Jul 2019
The Aral Sea is one of the world's largest ecological disasters caused by human activities. Please support this channel by subscribing, liking and sharing this video! ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: During the 20th century most of the Aral Sea's water sources were diverted for irrigation of agriculture which in turn resulted in toxic runoffs causing pollution and damaging the sea's ecosystem. Eventually the Aral Sea dried out and the salt and chemicals dissolved in its water were carried out through out the region by dust storms. The Aral Sea was also used as a bio-weapon testing ground through a facility located on a large island. #Aralsea #aral_sea #arallake #aral_lake

O6DFvW2c4rk | 16 Jun 2019
Amazon Rainforest - what makes it so special? This video tells the story of the Amazon - its formation, composition, history, demographics, and environmental damage (deforestation, fires, agriculture, cattle ranching) from human intervention. Although it's not perfect this video took months to make. Please consider subscribing, liking and sharing it with your friends. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: The Amazon Rainforest occupies most of the 7m km^2 of the Amazon Basin which spans from the Atlantic in the east to the tree line in the Andes to the west. If that is not impressive enough, the Amazon forest represents over 50% of the planet’s remaining rainforests, comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world, produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen and is home of the second longest river on the Planet (Amazon River). #AmazonRiver #AmazonJungle #AmazonRainforest #amazonfires

YTQ2Rh_laOA | 10 Mar 2019
The Sahara Desert is the largest desert on Earth. The Sahara (صحراء sahra') name itself means desert in Arabic. Life within the Sahara Desert's borders is extremely tough given the dry climate, desolate landscape and amplitude in temperatures. Despite the challenging conditions however, people have managed to survive in the Sahara desert biome by utilising the desert's hidden treasures - aquifers. To understand why the Sahara currently sits on vast amounts of underground water reservoirs, you need to know about how the desert cycle between humidity and aridity. Finally, Sahara's reach does not stop in Africa but stretches over oceans and continents. This is perhaps most visible in jungles of South (Amazon) and Central America. If you would like to know more about the formation of the Sahara Desert and its effect on life in Africa and the world give this video a watch. #sahara #saharadesert #sahara_desert #thesahara #largestdesert ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: If you want to see more about the Sahara Desert ecosystem or have another idea for a video, please leave a comment below. Please also consider helping out the channel by subscribing and sharing the video with your friends.

hL1dBY4LZ60 | 27 Jan 2019
Carstensz Pyramid, or Puncak Jaya, has long been thought as Australia's highest peak despite not being on the mainland continent. ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: In addition to being among the highest mountains in the world, Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) is also famous for its equatorial glaciers, inaccessibility and surrounding controversy. This video covers the Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) climbing experience and provides an overview of the surrounding controversy associated with the Grasberg mine. If you have any suggestions on future videos please let me know in the comments below. This video took 3 weeks to make so please consider leaving a like, sharing and subscribing to the channel. If you are interested in knowing more about the Seven Summits please check my video - #carstensz #carstensz_pyramid #puncak_jaya

jDTO4KFnlug | 08 Jan 2019
The North Pole in the Arctic and South Pole in Antarctica are very similar in their extreme climate and unpredictable weather but they are also quite different. Those differences arise from the geography of the areas where the poles are located as well as the Earth's orbit among other factors. ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: What is the north pole and why is it different from the south pole? What is the difference between the Arctic and Antarctica? Why is the Arctic Ocean warmer than Antarctica? Why are there no penguins in the Arctic? Why is the Arctic summer different from the Antarctic summer? How easy is it to get to get to the two poles and who did it first? What is an explorer's grand slam? ...then watch this video :) In case you want me to make more of these videos leave a like and give me some suggestions in the comments below:) In case you want to know more about the Seven Summits please check out this: Please also consider subscribing to help out the channel as making these videos takes a lot of time and work. P.S. I know I messed up the Amundsen photo and used a photo of Scott instead... I am sorry! Thanks for watching!!! #northpole #north_pole #southpole #south_pole #arctic #antarctic #thenorthpole #thesouthpole

ugnZm0nfhRM | 14 Dec 2018
Overview of the Seven Summits challenge including location, climbing difficulty, cost, and summit success rate. The video includes the following: Kosciuszko - 0:40 Vinson - 1:11 Elbrus - 2:13 Kilimanjaro - 2:58 Denali - 3:52 Aconcagua - 4:47 Everest - 5:38 Special video on Carstensz Pyramid - Videos on climbing: ➤ Elbrus - ➤ Kilimanjaro - ➤ Check out more of my videos: ➤ I use Epidemic Sound for most of the music in my videos: If you are interested in achieving an Explorer's Grand Slam you would have to go to the two Poles in addition to climbing the Seven Summits. In case you'd like to know more about the poles check this video: Music - muspelheim_oslo_2013_space_disco #sevensummits #7summits #challenge #mountaineering #climbing

RhwmavKyUzI | 23 Sep 2018
Useful info for climbing mount Elbrus. Breakdown of climbing schedule, accommodation, route and more. We made our attempt to summit mount Elbrus in the summer of 2018 over the course of 5 days. Although it's not the tallest mountain in the world, climbing mount Elbrus can prove challenging. This video goes over the challenges that we experienced such as altitude sickness, poor weather conditions and battling with the elements. More details: Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe and Russia, and the tenth most prominent peak in the world. As such mount Elbrus is also one of the seven summits (highest mountains on each continent). A dormant volcano, mount Elbrus is located in the Caucasus Mountains in Southern Russia, near the border with Georgia. Mount Elbrus has two summits, both of which are dormant volcanic domes. We took the south route with the lifts from Azau up to the Barrel huts. We also stayed in Priut 11 for 2 days before the summit attempt. We had a week to make it to the top of mount Elbrus with 3 days to spare for a summit attempt in case of bad weather or other issues. The video goes over, in detail, all days of our climb. Please let me know down in the comments what you thought of the video, and do consider leaving a like and subscribing. #elbrus #climbingelbrus #sevensummits #mtelbrus #mount_elbrus #MountElbrus #mountaineering #mountains #climbing Music: Deux - dyalla twisted - Pold Bloc - KV Something new - Joakim Karud Philae - Olivaw Fun Time - DJ Quads

yy4DRWhoxas | 02 Apr 2018
This is the first leg of the famous W-trek in the Torres del Paine national park in Chilean Patagonia. The hiking starts from the entrance of the park, going through camp Chileno and up to the mirador Las Torres. The route takes about 4-5 hours up and 8-9 up and down. This video was shot on a gopro hero 5 and was then edited for many, many hours. If you've enjoyed this please leave a like, share and subscribe! Any feedback in the comment section is also greatly appreciated. Thank you! Music: shipwreck and zookeepers - ark cold funk - funkorama valesco - cloud 9 bongo - kv --------------- A bit more: I tried to film as much as I could of the W trek from the entrance of Torres del Paine to the exit, however there is only so much you can do with 15kg strapped to your back walking for days. The W trek is probably the best Patagonian hike in Chile, or if not at least one of the most famous ones. The Torres del Paine national park is full of jaw dropping views and scenery. Nature is very primal there and the experience you gain from trekking Patagonia would probably stay with you for the rest of your life. Please do not be fooled by this video - the w trek takes days and is a tough experience. Make sure that you are physically fit and that you have all the necessary equipment in your back pack. It rains a lot, and it gets cold, and the wind never stops so bring clothing suitable for a mountain trail. Another thing to mention is that this trip will cost you, a lot. Don't be fooled into thinking that since Chile is in South America it's gonna be cheap. For us the w trek expenses were about $1000 per person, not including expenses on extra food or drinks or internet. Finally this video is less than 10m long but it covers 9h of trekking in Torres del Paine's mountainous terrain. In addition, it only covers the first leg (out of 4) of the W trek which in total spans more than 60k. By my fitbit's calculations I actually walked close to 100k in the 4 days we were doing the w trek. Therefore - proper shoes! #torres_del_paine #w_trek #trekking_patagonia #camping_and_hiking #hiking #Patagonia #explore_patagonia #travel_chile #travel_patagonia #hike

St2H86Do_y0 | 26 Feb 2018
This is a video of our horse riding tour in Estancia la Peninsula near Puerto Natales in Chile. Apologies for the shaky camera work but it's not easy to film and control your horse at the same time... especially if it's your first time. If they ever watch this - I would like to thank my friends for letting me film them and tolerating my obsessiveness with time lapses. On the technical side - this was shot with GoPro 5 Hero and iPhone. If you've enjoyed this please leave a like, share and subscribe! Any feedback in the comment section is also greatly appreciated. Thank you! Music: Running - DJ Quads Bensound - Jazzy Frenchy It's True - DJ Quads Infinity - Lemmino Daybreak Electric Mantis #horseback #patagonia #chile #chilehike #puertonatales #chilevoyage Something more: Having gone to South America for two weeks most of which was spent in Patagonia, I initially though that the highlight of the trip would be the trekking in Torres del Paine. I was wrong. The horse ride that we did in Chile is by far the most pleasant and authentic experience I had in during the whole Patagonia holiday. As you can see in the video you get to explore the outdoors of Chilean Patagonia but trust me there is a lot more that I wasn't able to film because I had to hold on and control the horse. The guides will take you through some steep terrain, muddy (almost swampy) areas and through multiple river crossings, which of course the horses usually have no problems crossing. Being on a horse enables you to truly explore what Patagonia has to offer - exploring forests, fjords, lakes, caves, hills etc. Horses also cover big distances surprisingly fast which is another benefit when compared with trekking.

gLLBp-jInOY | 31 Dec 2017
Ait Ben Haddou - what is it, where is it and why is the Gladiator on the thumbnail. Following our climb of Toubkal we continued with our Morocco adventure by going on a road trip through the heart of Morocco. The Morocco road trip allowed us to explore the ancient Morocco, going through the atlas mountains, stopping at desert oasis, exploring some of the imperial cities such as Ait Ben Haddou (now used as moroccan movie set) and learning more about the Morocco history. It was a great way to explore Morocco and I recommend it! If you've enjoyed this please leave a like, share and subscribe! Any feedback in the comment section is also greatly appreciated. Thank you! The first stop of our Morocco tour was Ait Ben Haddou The ksar, a group of earthen buildings surrounded by high walls, is a traditional pre-Saharan habitat. The houses crowd together within the defensive walls, which are reinforced by corner towers. Ait-Ben-Haddou, in Ouarzazate province, is a striking example of the architecture of southern Morocco. Located in the foothills on the southern slopes of the High Atlas in the Province of Ouarzazate, the site of Ait-Ben-Haddou is the most famous ksar in the Ounila Valley. The Ksar of Aït-Ben-Haddou is a striking example of southern Moroccan architecture. The ksar is a mainly collective grouping of dwellings. Inside the defensive walls which are reinforced by angle towers and pierced with a baffle gate, houses crowd together - some modest, others resembling small urban castles with their high angle towers and upper sections decorated with motifs in clay brick - but there are also buildings and community areas. It is an extraordinary ensemble of buildings offering a complete panorama of pre-Saharan earthen construction techniques. The oldest constructions do not appear to be earlier than the 17th century, although their structure and technique were propagated from a very early period in the valleys of southern Morocco. The site was also one of the many trading posts on the commercial route linking ancient Sudan to Marrakesh by the Dra Valley and the Tizi-n'Telouet Pass. Architecturally, the living quarters form a compact grouping, closed and suspended. The community areas of the ksar include a mosque, a public square, grain threshing areas outside the ramparts, a fortification and a loft at the top of the village, an caravanserai, two cemeteries (Muslim and Jewish) and the Sanctuary of the Saint Sidi Ali or Amer. The Ksar of Ait- Ben-Haddou is a perfect synthesis of earthen architecture of the pre-Saharan regions of Morocco. Criterion (iv): The Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou is an eminent example of a ksar in southern Morocco illustrating the main types of earthen constructions that may be observed dating from the 17th century in the valleys of Dra, Todgha, Dadès and Souss. Criterion (v): The Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou illustrates the traditional earthen habitat, representing the culture of southern Morocco, which has become vulnerable as a result of irreversible socio-economic and cultural changes Integrity (2009) All the structures comprising the ksar are located within the boundaries of the property and the buffer zone protects its environment. The earthen buildings are very vulnerable due to lack of maintenance and regular repair resulting from the abandonment of the ksar by its inhabitants. The CERKAS (Centre for the conservation and rehabilitation of the architectural heritage of atlas and sub-atlas zones) monitors, with difficulty, respect for the visual integrity of the property. Authenticity (2009) In comparison to other ksour of the region, the Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou has preserved its architectural authenticity with regard to configuration and materials. The architectural style is well preserved and the earthen constructions are perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions and are in harmony with the natural and social environment. The large houses in the lower part of the village, with well conserved decorative motifs, are regularly maintained. The construction materials used still remain earth and wood. The inclination to introduce cement has so far been unsuccessful, thanks to the continued monitoring of the «Comité de contrôle des infractions» (Rural Community, Town Planning Division, Urban Agency, CERKAS). Only a few lintels and reinforced concrete escaped its vigilance, but they have been hidden by earthen rendering. Particular attention is also paid to doors and windows giving on to the lanes, to ensure that the wood is not replaced by metal. Enjoy! #morocco_travel #Morocco_explore #sahara_tour #travelmorocco #ait_ben_haddou Music: Cold Funk - Funkorama - Kevin MacLeod Clouds - Joakim Karud Dreams - DJ Quads Climbing Toubkal video:

DNJhKM0MivE | 13 Dec 2017
Useful information for those who want to climb Toubkal, including route, accommodation and guide review. If you've enjoyed this please leave a like, share and subscribe! Any feedback in the comment section is also greatly appreciated. Thank you! Exploring Morocco - Climbing Mount Toubkal (Atlas Mountains) description: In November 2017 me an my friend took a seven day trip to North Africa to explore Morocco. Our first stop was mount Toubkal in the High Atlas Mountains. This video tells the story of our two day hike to the top of mount Toubkal. It should give you a good idea on what to expect when trekking in the Atlas mountains. Although we trekked and climbed Toubkal in November, the weather was not too cold and there was practically no snow. When travelling in Morocco most people usually go to the tourist hot spots (Marrakech, Casablanca, Rabat), missing out on the rugged beauty of the Moroccan country side and the majestic views of the Atlas Mountains. Having done it I can say that climbing Toubkal, and hiking in the Atlas Mountains was a great way to get a feel of what Morocco and the Berber way of life are truly like. It was definitely a great way to immerse yourself in the Moroccan culture and experience Morocco through a different perspective. After all travelling should be an adventure and if you travel morocco, what greater adventure is there than to spend two days in the Atlas, sleep under the starts and see the sunrise from the top of North Africa. If you like this video please give it a like and a share and while you are doing that you might as well subscribe :) #toubkal #morocco #high_atlas #trekkingmorocco #hikingmorocco #travelmorocco #exploring_morocco Music used in Climbing Toubkal: dizzy - Joakim Karud bensound-jazzyfrenchy Cold Funk - Funkorama - Kevin MacLeod Get Back Up - Silent Partner For those of you that don't know - Jebel Toubkal, Jbel Toubkal, Jabal Toubkal or Tubkal is a mountain peak in southwestern Morocco, located in the Toubkal National Park. At 4,167 metres (13,671 ft), it is the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains, Anti Atlas, North Africa and the Arab World. It is an ultra prominent peak located 63 km south of the city of Marrakesh, and is a popular destination for climbers. For us the Toubkal climb was the first part of our "Travel Morocco" holiday. Having reached the top of the Atlas mountains, we then hiked all the way back to the base of mount Toubkal to Imlil. If you want to do the same it is crucial that you climb to the top in the early morning as you might run out of daylight before you reach the bottom. In the days following the climb we went for a road trip exploring the caravan routes, desert oasis, gorges and the Sahara desert itself. If you would like to see more of that you can subscribe to this channel as I would most likely be posting more videos from my Morocco Travel holidays in the future (editing is tough when you have a full time job). You can let me know in the comments if you know of other mountains and treks in Africa worth exploring. I'm always up for trekking in Africa or hiking in Africa or any other type of Morocco adventure.

f5jvfF8M7OM | 06 Sep 2017
This video shows you what to expect when climbing Triglav in the Julian Alps of Slovenia. Some areas like the initial via ferrata were a bit difficult to film but I believe you can still get a good sense of what you would encounter during the Triglav climb. We used the Prag route (one of two available on mount Triglav) for the climb and it took us roughly 8 hours to get to the peak, reaching the Kredarica hut in 5h:30m and going through the rest in 1:30-2h. We then climbed down the same day and eventually made it to the river and car park in complete darkness. A few tips for other beginners like me who might be planning to hike Triglav in one day (climb up and down): 1) Head torch is a must, because you might end up climbing down in complete darkness. Trust me, via ferrata is not fun in the dark! 2) Follow a schedule and try not to deviate. Any delays would make your decent even more difficult. 3) Via ferrata equipment is good to have, but we did see a lot of people going to the top without it. If you are experienced enough and the weather at the tie of the climb is good, you might be able to go without it. 4) Bring a helmet! Rocks are falling all the time. 5) Make sure you have enough food and water, however be aware that this would be sold in Kredarica. When we climbed there was a guy sitting at the top selling drinks and food as well :) 6) Research the route before going. We got lost a couple of times looking for the Prag route signs, which made our decent more difficult. 7) Finally, do bare in mind that climbing Triglav requires a good level of fitness, especially if you plan to do it in one day. Knees, ankles and toes would take some damage. This Alpine hike is tough to do in one day! This was shot on GoPro and iphone. Let me know your thoughts and if possible leave a like and share this video ;) Mt Triglav, with an elevation of 2,864m (9,395.2 ft), is the highest mountain in Slovenia and the highest peak of the Julian Alps. Mount Triglav is the pre-eminent symbol of Slovenia. It is the centerpiece of Triglav National Park, Slovenia's only national park. Mt Triglav was also the highest peak in Yugoslavia before Slovenia's independence in 1991. At the top of mount Triglav stands a small metal structure, the Aljaž Tower (Slovene: Aljažev stolp). It acts as a storm shelter and a triangulation point. Along with mount Triglav, it is also a landmark of Slovenia and a symbol of the Slovenes and Slovene territorial sovereignty. The tower's namesake was the priest, mountaineer and patriot Jakob Aljaž. In early 1895, he drew up, with a piece of chalk on the floor of his room in the parish of Dovje, plans for a cylindrical tower with a flag on its top. In April that year he purchased the Triglav summit for the sum of one Austro-Hungarian gulden. Having done so, he secured himself the right to erect a building on mount Triglav top. The tower was constructed from iron and zinc coated sheet steel by Anton Belec from Šentvid near Ljubljana. He and four workers brought the parts of the tower to the Triglav summit and put the tower together in only five hours on 7 August 1895. The opening took place that same day. Aljaž donated the shelter to the Slovene Alpine Society. In the beginning, there were three four-legged chairs, a summit register, a spirit stove, and the image Triglav Panorama by Marko Pernhart in the tower. It was later repainted and renovated several times by Alojz Knafelc and others. In the Communist era, as the highest point of the former Yugoslavia, it was painted red and decorated with a red star. However, it has now more or less been restored to its original appearance. The star was removed shortly before the dissolution of Yugoslavia. On the proclamation of Slovene independence in June 1991, the flag of Slovenia was raised on top of the tower. If you want to hike Triglav, be prepared for a proper Alpine hike. If you don't believe me now you will once you get to the Triglav summit ;) #triglav #slovenia #julian_alps

r3_rbjqp9KM | 18 Mar 2017
Blue skies, green water, endless beach, forever summer - welcome to Zanzibar. This is a video of our trip to the blue/green waters of Zanzibar - the Blue Lagoon. The place was teaming with life although you can see some erosion on the corals (global warming effects). I am guilty of stepping on the coral tho. That was bad. I am sorry. **Please like and share this video :) #Zanzibar #africaholiday #snorkeling Music: SoundCloud

p8uixVPK2kg | 11 Mar 2017
Useful for those planning the Marangu route ascent of mount Kilimanjaro. A five day trip to the roof of Africa, aka mount Kilimanjaro, through the Marangu route (aka Kilimanjaro hut route). Shot through the point of view of two amateur climbers:) This video will show you what trekking the Marangu Route is like. ---------------------------------------- A little description: The Marangu Route is the oldest on mount Kilimanjaro and is also one of the most popular – mainly because it is the only route on mount Kilimanjaro that has huts provided for hikers. There are 60 bunk beds each at Mandara Hut and Kibo Hut, and 120 bunk beds at Horombo Hut. The Kilimanjaro Marangu route climb can be completed in 5 days; however, it is recommended that climbers take an extra day to acclimatise at Horombo Hut (we didn't take the extra day due to budget constraints :D). The Marangu Route success rate also tends to be low as it is usually chosen by inexperienced and unprepared trekkers who are misled to believe it is the easiest route. Trekking Kilimanjaro is not easy! Climbing Kilimanjaro - Marangu Route Itinerary: Day 1 – Marangu Gate (1,870 meters) to Mandara Hut (2,700 meters) Day 2 – Mandara Hut (2,700 meters) to Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) Day 3 – Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) to Kibo Hut (4,700 meters) Day 4 – Kibo Hut (4,700 meters) to Uhuru Peak (5,895 meters) and then Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) Day 5 – Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) to Marangu Gate (1,870 meters) Mount Kilimanjaro can be climbed through a variety of other routes, some of which take longer and could possibly allow you to explore mount Kilimanjaro and its nature in more detail. Make sure sure you do your own research as your Kilimanjaro holiday / Tanzania holiday depends on it. Also do prepare for mount Kilimanjaro trek as it is physically demanding. This video does give an idea of what to expect when climbing Kilimanjaro, however there are a lot of things that were not filmed such as the 6h midnight summit climb. That is where the real test is. The summit of Kilimanjaro is at 5,895m! Oxygen is thin at that altitude! Forget that, you can see the curvature of the planet at that altitude! You will be tired, you will be cold, you will be sleep deprived and you might want to quit. Just power through that. Climbing Kilimanjaro is an adventure to cherish for a lifetime, but you have to reach the summit! For more information you can visit: If you are looking to do the Kilimanjaro climb yourself, this video should give you a good idea of what to expect along the way. The "Climbing Kilimanjaro" video took a lot of effort to plan, to shoot and to edit, so please like, share and SUBSCRIBE :) #kilimanjaro #bucketlist #adventure #marangu #kili #climbing #tanzania #Climb_kilimanjaro ---------------------------------------- Music on Climbing Kilimanjaro - Marangu Route: Bingo Thrills - Joakim Karud Crimson Fly - Huma Huma Weekend in the city - silent partner Tough Love - Joakim Karud Sould (vlog Music) - DJ Quads ●Soundcloud - ●Instagram - ●Twitter - Download Link: Indie Disco by Ben Fawkes Your heart beats like mine - Crimson Mourn Moments - Sappheiros