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All videos archived of Kliksphilip

NRD05R7TVuw | 26 Jan 2025
I was emailed asking for info and decided... why not. This channel needs more content! Here's the site that asked: and despite that they still get my associated content wrong LOL 0:00 - Hidden talents? 0:35 - Considered quitting social media? 0:55 - If you could find out about your future? 1:45 - 3 things on an island? 2:19 - Advice for aspiring influencers 3:53 - Favourite movies? 4:42 - Embarrassing moment? 5:15 - Pet peeve of yours? 6:20 - Favourite birthday memory? 6:41 - Super power? 7:13 - Favourite video I've made? 8:22 - Who did I follow first? 8:55 - Social media and future? 9:38 - Favourite holiday? 10:05 - Proudest accomplishment? 11:01 - Role-models?

dyCL62jOdNk | 01 Dec 2024
A guy dedicates his life and vast resources to test all sorts of painful stuff that we wouldn't want to do to ourselves, yet he's still the target for so much criticism! WHAT GIVES.

lIrHH8HGNrw | 14 Oct 2024
As somebody who has played the game for about... half an hour against bots, I thought it would be a REALLY INTERESTING experience to go and to attend one of the first tournaments for Deadlock in person. To see what it's like for a newbie. And also to hang out with some really cool people :)

ZXhON6EnVLI | 31 Aug 2024
3kliksphilip's latest video upset a few people cos it uses AI imagery! So I've made a non-AI version Non-AI: AI: To er is to human. To AI? Divine. 0:00 - The AI problem 2:22 - What if I didn't use it? 4:46 - 6 months of AI use 8:30 - All with the same brush

3DBzr3kzcks | 29 Jul 2024
But also a chance for me to take a camera to the shops! AHAAHHAA. So I had a GH5 for a while and it was a great all-rounder, but then my parents needed a new camera and I was like 'hey have this and I'll get the GH5-S cos it has better low light and stuff' but overall it's been a lot more hassle. So now I'm on the GH7... plus it's always nice to have more than one camera when I'm filming important stuff like weddings. Fun fact: I try firefox until something on it doesn't work, then I move back to Chrome for a while, which always seems to work brilliantly. It's now the lack of HDR video support that's forcing me back to Chrome. Firefox pls fix 0:00 - Summary 1:55 - HDR? 3:00 - CFExpress card 3:48 - 100 MP pics 4:59 - Wide angle VS zoom 5:42 - Autofocus 5:59 - Autostabilisation 6:36 - Other

213ImF_dz_0 | 01 Apr 2024
Even working from home, sometimes I need to get away from it all. And what better than on a digital train ride? Can make a music video for Caboosing while I'm at it! See the finished video here: The album on Bandcamp: Spotify:

jb7L7Pj1ye0 | 11 Mar 2024
Just like IT guys everywhere, hand-typed subtitles aren't appreciated until they go wrong, and then they're hated more than were there no subtitles at all. This is one job I don't mind AI taking sooner rather than later. Here's the really cool one online that's great and stuff: The one on my PC made 3-4 mistakes with this video, but it's still really good.

eHIcJmUt7SE | 01 Feb 2024
In an exclusive behind-the-scenes video, I show how I made the thumbnail for that video you totally thought had a photoshopped thumbnail: And these thumbnails will continue until Hardware Unboxed change their ways and stop lickbaiting with stupid looking thumbnails

H9Gx5L_nboE | 04 Jan 2024
Another year, another analysis. Another shift of expectations 0:00 - Year of concluding the past 3:06 - Youtubing failure 4:14 - Do YOU know what you want? 8:31 - Passion VS job 9:30 - 3kliksphilip and CS2 15:11 - My love is another person's hate 18:36 - Klik Empire's 2023 shifting focus 19:55 - Analysis 21:47 - What is this series any more?

omMgWH7XYyk | 29 Sep 2023
Comments, or series of comments, that have stuck with me over the years. 0:00 - Caboosing 1:27 - Youtube Studio's view of comments 2:42 - Different personalities per channel 3:18 - Dislike detective 3:59 - My 'like VS dislike' 'ratio' 5:21 - Spill-over 8:23 - Heart

EahO_0PS-kw | 13 Jul 2023
I explain the evolution of this piecemeal content and how 3kliksphilip has been experimenting with it in a bid to produce more regular content that might actually be seen by the Youtube Algorithm. 0:00 - Piecemeal content?! 1:00 - Quick response to news 1:45 - Extending my reach 2:18 - Niche content 2:41 - Confusion 3:29 - Building on it further with Office 4:36 - React Channels 5:50 - Reduced stats for paid promotions

EYHe7Z7OYF0 | 04 Jul 2023
I visited Japan for 10 days, here's a bunch of stuff I did while there. I probably have enough to make a second video, we really crammed cos it's not like it's easy to get there and the jetlag's ridiculous. Also, I know the difference between a temple and a shrine now! 0:00 - Japan 0:56 - Food 2:50 - TeamLab Planets 3:42 - When you're Big in Japan 4:53 - Consoles and arcades 5:12 - Coffee art 5:30 - Bullet trains 6:07 - Tokyo city and buildings 6:51 - Quest for Mt Fuji 7:32 - English speaking 8:12 - Mascots and anime

D7dtgWYG4yo | 11 Jun 2023
2kliksphilip accepts he can't compete with the heavy hitters in the youtube world... but thinks he may be able to churn stuff out at an alarming rate to clog the algorithm up enough to start showing his content to people! 0:00 - Aiming high 2:04 - Going low in content creation 3:31 - Tidying up old projects 5:17 - Striking that balance

xxwptFi0eR8 | 23 May 2023
This video's going to look weird if you don't have HDR, and probably if you do have HDR as well since the technology on PC is in its infancy and nothing can do it right just yet. I swear the text I put in this video was 'white'! 0:00 - Nice video quality 1 0:32 - HDR for you SDR people 1:52 - My story 5:08 - Conclusion

HvvRgxVco2I | 27 Mar 2023
I didn't expect cats to be so playful but mine plays fetch in the garden and pretends to be all scared so I chase her. Here are some other things she does 0:00 - Fluffykins 0:38 - Doormat 1:30 - Catnip 2:09 - Chasing belts and balls 2:35 - LASER 3:56 - Have some drugs!

Zp6-CVy4RZ4 | 14 Mar 2023
I investigate ways I can think of for AI to help me do what I do, then do some doom-mongering before admitting how little I know about AI 0:00 - Doom mongering 3:40 - Youtube thumbnails 4:26 - Video scripts 5:28 - Stealing content! 5:46 - Coming up with new ideas? 6:31 - Fully AI-generated content 7:05 - Voice generation 8:14 - Video editing 8:40 - Bot armies 10:20 - Future uses I can't comprehend

jZy5qonn6pY | 28 Feb 2023
3kliksphilip effortlessly achieved what 2kliksphilip has never managed. 0:00 - 3kliksphilip's evolution 1:59 - Now vs future benefit 2:44 - 2kliksphilip's problem

8J8NJnndo50 | 15 Feb 2023
Yes, time for a dream video. Hopefully I cover general topics and themes that you may relate to. 0:00 - The case of Dreams and nightmares 0:20 - Light switches not working 0:57 - Big waves 1:34 - The gay dream 1:59 - Betrayal 2:11 - Videogames in dreams? 2:35 - Past workplaces 3:04 - Exams. Endless exams 3:53 - What don't they mean?!?!

wf48THyp3Ds | 12 Jan 2023
How was 2022 for the Klik Empire? I talk about that, but first have to discuss my year because it turns out the two parts of my life are connected. See last year's video here: 0:00 - Summary of year 0:55 - House buying and music kit 3:24 - Illness 5:17 - Fluffykins 7:27 - Youtubing 10:52 - Analysis 12:45 - 3kliksphilip's shorts 16:49 - 2kliksphilip's anal 19:05 - kliksphilip gets nothing 19:19 - Subscriber predictions 20:17 - Content anal 23:39 - Gaping voids are great

2dwBLdBiLeY | 07 Nov 2022
The NVME drive with my Windows installation and all the projects I was working on went BANG. It still sort of worked, but BSOD'ed almost immediately after booting. I salvaged my stuff as I waited for the worst next day delivery service evarrrr 0:00 - Bang 1:11 - Why I dealt with it badly 4:41 - Why next time will be better

hMOc-TuxQVM | 20 Sep 2022
A perfect chance to rant about the state of baked beans in England, I tell you the tragic tale of my beans and spaghetti inflation and how it's forced me to find cheaper alternatives to this -now premium- way of life. 0:00 - Rant about 2022 1:12 - Beans 3:30 - Pricing confusion 4:19 - Shopping elsewhere?!?!

mn8YU7XaUyk | 28 Aug 2022
Apologies for the lack of wart footage, I didn't think to take pictures of it until it was all mooshy and holey. But look! Left 4 Dead gameplay instead. Duct tape beats wart, though covering your skin for weeks on end is pretty damaging to all that's underneath it, and my finger remained wrinkled and sensitive for weeks after.

rZoSOesDZb8 | 18 Aug 2022
60 VHS tapes, hundreds of hours of footage, and I'm here with 2 high powered PCs crunching it all as quickly as I can. Let me share the adventure I'm having. 0:00 - The rare VHS collection 1:49 - My digitisation rules and standards 4:42 - What's it like to have a VHS archive of childhood? 6:08 - What should YOU do? 6:57 - Naming files 8:09 - How will the future change things? 9:21 - Personal

pch4zcsfXA8 | 11 Jun 2022
Times change, habits and routines change, and I suppose the way I make videos has also changed. Time to try and cover all the stuff that I'm doing differently these days from how I was a year or so ago. Just for lols I haven't reviewed my captions. Let's see if that makes a noticeable difference. Have fun! 0:00 - TIMEEEE 1:19 - Routine and opportunity 3:00 - Changing strategy 5:15 - Making stuff up... in a good way 5:49 - Bad habit rendering 6:42 - My upload process 8:06 - Upholding high standards 8:53 - Gold star days

3HIGnKbF7y0 | 14 May 2022
I recently visited Iceland and did a 2-day South Coast tour. This video covers what you'd do on a 2-day tour of it. See the first part (and the 1-day tour itinery) here: 0:00 - Day 2 summary 0:34 - Vik and beyond 1:27 - Lava field 1:54 - Interstellar watery planet 2:23 - Towards the ice cap 3:04 - Interstellar icy planet + desert????? 3:53 - Stop for the night 5:32 - Glaciers explained 7:53 - Ice lake and diamond beaches 9:03 - Journey to the glacier 10:04 - Ice caves 11:07 - Melting and disappearing

U9PW1K63cfs | 30 Apr 2022
Covid is yesterday's news, but it'll still be here tomorrow. I talk about how it's currently affecting stuff, and what it's like to live through it in this series that I've been keeping up for over 2 years. 2 YEARS This 31st video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 0:40 - Limited testing 1:06 - I got ill! 1:54 - Travel restrictions 2:06 - Hepatitis 2:40 - Long Covid 3:44 - Content creation changes

cEdMY9KU4q8 | 21 Apr 2022
Google's Earth Day is almost upon us! And I recently visited ICELAND, and had some nice DAYS on EARTH. Just in time for EARTHDAY #earthday Earthday, worldday, world day, earth day, iceland, kliksphilip, earth day, #earthday, #mrbeast, #pewdiepie, #playlist, jordan, lake district, new forest, finland, world, planet, explore, adventure, holiday 0:00 - South coast summary 0:46 - Hellisheiði Power Station 1:12 - The Lowlands 1:59 - Seljalandsfoss Waterfall 2:55 - Eyjafjallajökull Volcano 3:12 - Skógafoss Waterfall 3:54 - Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach 6:05 - What's next?

1XvBT9ZrkDU | 19 Apr 2022
So THIS is why they don't trust me with graphics cards... My girlfriend really wants me to compete with people on Instagram, so has told me to jazz-up my content, to unbox exotic stuff and to do it in a suave, sexy manner. Here it is

mGZWu8RJuuk | 19 Apr 2022
So THIS is why they don't trust me with graphics cards... My girlfriend really wants me to compete with people on Instagram, so has told me to jazz-up my content, to unbox exotic stuff and to do it in a suave, sexy manner. Here it is

H0aseVJko3o | 17 Apr 2022
Youtube keeps telling me it's showing it to fewer people because fewer people are watching my videos because youtube's showing it to fewer people. Youtube says that's my fault and I'm meant to make my titles and thumbnails more appealing. So HERE YOU GO, YOUTUBE. HAPPY NOW??? This video covers Iceland's Golden Circle tour, which takes a day to complete and covers a number of unique and interesting locations around Western Iceland, on a tour that starts at Iceland's capital city of Reykjavik. Fun fact: Youtube wanted this video's thumbnail to be of the cookie. Golden circle indeed. See my Iceland summary video here: 0:00 - Golden Circle 1:14 - Mount Esja 1:40 - Þingvallavatn 3:26 - Gullfoss Falls 'Golden Falls' 4:48 - Geysers 6:13 - Volcano - Kerid Crater 6:55 - Blue Lagoon 7:42 - Conclusion

0Xs35MLtIRg | 14 Apr 2022
The first of hopefully several videos about Iceland 0:00 - Iceland? 0:37 - Icelandic 1:30 - Iceland's scenery 2:23 - Waves and eruptions 3:29 - Northern lights 4:28 - Family tree 5:30 - Prices 6:09 - Heat and electricity 7:27 - Hot baths

1rdT-HnnjXo | 03 Apr 2022
Post-Covid restrictions, maybe. But definitely not post-covid, as cases reach new highest levels. Or at least... it feels like it! This thirtieth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 0:58 - My self-imposed rules 2:50 - Waves compared 3:48 - In a room of doctors 5:31 - What now?

-Gri2RVxjrE | 28 Feb 2022
Christmas 2021, Omicron variant, and the booster jab. This twenty-ninth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 1:49 - Difference VS last year 2:51 - Post-covid lifestyle 4:04 - Covid app 4:36 - Lockdown parties 5:05 - Is this it? 6:16 - This channel 8:21 - The next big headline

XOwkbqUWYko | 25 Feb 2022
'Philip! Make more content. Stuff that doesn't upset or offend any one'. So I proudly present to you: places I've been in North Devon recently. A completely innocent video full of hangmen, morte points and naked ladies with their skin torn off. 0:00 - Intro 1:02 - Hartland Quay 1:26 - Morte Point 1:42 - Ilfracombe 2:25 - Hangman Cliffs 3:08 - Valley of the Rocks 3:32 - Lynton and Lynmouth

sSWJIbeelI8 | 09 Feb 2022
My Dad's music compilation is now available on Spotify, Bandcamp and more. Bandcamp - Spotify - 0:00 - Intro 1:10 - Steventhedreamer Deep in Thought 3:51 - Far Eastern shores 6:28 - Advance to the front line 10:12 - Deep in thought 15:13 - Warriors into battle 17:47 - Was it really a dream (part 1) 22:36 - The present will be the past 23:57 - Was it really a dream (part 2) 26:23 - Is this real 28:26 - Was this me 31:24 - Over at last B-Side 33:30 - Street rage 34:07 - The bandit's wagon 36:07 - Wistful winds 38:02 - The path well trodden 38:38 - Cruising the countryside

iAQJSA_-Qm4 | 25 Jan 2022
Here's a video to fill a gap, and because you deserve it xox 0:00 - Nothing 0:13 - Deus Ex 1:55 - One source experts 3:25 - New interpolated project 3:50 - 2kliksphilip plan 4:20 - Covid 7:00 - kliksphilip identity 7:36 - CS:GO unicorn

sBln4vDQzfE | 08 Jan 2022
Christmas 2021, Omicron variant, and the booster jab. This twenty-eighth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Omicron for Christmas 0:55 - Government's response 1:35 - Booster jab 3:10 - Side-effects 5:29 - Protection 6:47 - Christmas stories 8:48 - Will I get covid? 9:40 - Staff shortages 10:01 - Test shortage

k0kX__dEwPI | 04 Jan 2022
2021 was the year that everything on Youtube changed. Here is the Klik Empire's summary for a very turbulent year. See last year's anal here: The channels being analysed: 3kliksphilip - 2kliksphilip - 0:00 - 2021 3:28 - Youtube 6:45 - Kliksphilip 11:50 - 2kliksphilip 12:14 - Odgrub, probed 15:38 - 3kliksphilip 16:26 - Youtube Shorts 19:27 - Top 100 Most Viewed 21:51 - Viewership charts 23:14 - Subscriber charts 23:59 - Conclusion

aFkeObktGxQ | 19 Dec 2021
One thing lead to another and we ended up visiting London as the Omicron variant tore through it. This twenty-seventh video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 1:03 - Christmas 1:29 - 2 VS 3 doses 2:18 - Holiday plans 3:28 - London in a pandemic 4:21 - Covid Pantomime? 6:24 - Lateral flow test search 7:00 - Pandemic feels close to home 7:23 - Omicron begins spreading

zfRpFdhQT6I | 08 Dec 2021
More of the same, really. So this month I talk about my holiday to Finland. Also, it's been a while since I've felt attacked by anti-vaxxers etc, so it seems like that's calmed down now. This twenty-sixth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 0:35 - New Omicron variant 1:24 - Future unknowns 2:01 - Trip to Finland / Estonia 5:41 - How global is global? 6:47 - Life carries on 8:16 - Covid announcement thing in airport

MQb5_uuNuo4 | 03 Dec 2021
I don't know what I'd do without my K'nex- it's the solution to problems that only I seem to have. Decided to turn that twitter thread into a video because it's important this story is preserved forever.

nnzxn-Ow79E | 07 Nov 2021
The third full month where everything's been reopened this year. How's it going? Are the cases going down yet? :D This twenty-fifth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Covid with hindsight 1:39 - Current situation 2:37 - The Southwest PCR test scandal 2:58 - Hair dressers and gyms 3:34 - Booster vaccines 4:33 - Vaccines VS deaths 5:56 - Misinformation VS information 7:09 - Studies 8:37 - Schools and Winters 9:38 - Plan B? 10:36 - Opening windows 10:58 - My Halloween Party

cc9c6k41Xtc | 06 Nov 2021
The third full month where everything's been reopened this year. How's it going? Are the cases going down yet? :D This twenty-fifth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Covid with hindsight 1:39 - Current situation 2:37 - The Southwest PCR test scandal 2:58 - Hair dressers and gyms 3:34 - Booster vaccines 4:33 - Vaccines VS deaths 5:56 - Misinformation VS information 7:09 - Studies 8:37 - Schools and Winters 9:38 - Plan B? 10:36 - Opening windows 10:58 - My Halloween Party

IMXzuD9SZxY | 27 Oct 2021
You need an HDR screen to see this. If you don't have one, your phone might! See SDR here - HDR is a pain. But I look at the SDR version, I look at the pictures taken, and have decided that this HDR version looks kind of like that but nice and vivid and bright. No colour correction or editing was done of any sort, beyond finding the HDR colour profiles that didn't mute / over-expose the living hell out of everything. For anybody following in my footsteps, who happens use a GH5 to record footage and Vegas to edit (And me in 6 months time when I've forgotten how I did this!), HERE is how to get it looking right and working on Youtube in HDR. 1) Record on your GH5 using 10 bit 4K 30 fps Long Gop 150 mbps. 2) Once it's loaded in Vegas, set Project properties to: 3) Go to Project Media, select it all then click the cog above for 'Media Properties': 4) Then render with these settings: ...but of course, matching it to your framerate. In my case, 29.97 fps. 5) Upload to Youtube, discover it doesn't play in HDR 6) Wait a week 7) ??? 8) Profit! It is now encoded in 4K HDR. And before you say 'you used the wrong settings!', yeah, I tried the right ones and they didn't work, then wasted dozens of hours of my life rendering literally hundreds of different combinations until one looked right. Vegas doesn't like GH5 HDR files. This was done in Vegas 19. If you have something different... God help you

L3reXTYAlMs | 05 Oct 2021
The second full month where everything's been reopened this year- but Covid isn't the only problem This twenty-fourth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Monthly summary 1:11 - The future 2:05 - Social Media 4:21 - England's woes 5:58 - Fuel shortage 6:56 - Food shortage 7:26 - CO2 shortage 7:38 - Gas shortage 8:30 - Next recession? 8:35 - Conclusion A great resource for vaccinated case numbers etc

NEeiuiaroec | 06 Sep 2021
The first full month where everything's been reopened this year. Cases are high, but growing, but the vaccine roll-out is all but complete across the adult population. This twenty-third video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 2:03 - What did I think at the start? 2:42 - August - a return to normal? 3:42 - 2nd dose of vaccine 5:17 - Sometimes wearing a mask 6:12 - Cases growing 7:36 - Ivermectin 9:25 - Documenting the misinformation 11:26 - Tale of terror 12:24 - Friends with antivaxxers 17:40 - The nice bits of life

VAJC0QGyxKI | 17 Aug 2021
My Dad's music compilation is now available on Spotify, Bandcamp and more. Spotify - Bandcamp - 0:00 - Synchobonk Collection 3:45 - Steventhedreamer 5:02 - Electronic Voluntary 7:18 - A Reflective Lament 9:33 - Digadig 13:57 - Only Lonely 15:43 - Synchobonk 22:48 - Shortbonk 23:24 - Space Travel 26:56 - Re-entry (MS20) 34:11 - Henry Vill 35:21 - Mexican Bandit 39:37 - Philip's Birthday Song 41:39 - Jupiter Eight 44:18 - Only Lonely (3D Remix)

QmbgEwSvn98 | 13 Aug 2021
As I ramp up to my next big musical thing, I figured I should at least get my old stuff out there and available for anybody who wants it. Suggestions welcome! Spotify links 2008-2012 - Atomic Amnesia collection - 0:00 - Intro 2:36 - Atomic Amnesia 7:26 - Atomic Amnesia MMX 12:14 - Atomic Amnesia MMXX 15:25 - Atomic Amnesia MMXX (Reversed) 18:01 - Atomic Amnesia MMXX (X2)

k22vjTLCClg | 10 Aug 2021
The lockdown has been lifted! ...but cases have dropped, much to everybody's surprise. What's going on? And what was the second dose of the moderna vaccine like? Time to find out. This twentieth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Intro 2:32 - My second vaccine dose 5:00 - Side-effects good? 5:54 - Why are people anti-vax? 7:26 - Contagion movie 9:12 - Covid Shapes YOU

1FclCge2pNc | 19 Jul 2021
And it's scary as hell. Why contain it? Let it spill over to the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them. Page 39 on vaccine results - Source - 0:00 - End of lockdown 1:41 - Vaccines 4:01 - Social media debates 6:32 - My 5 questions 8:30 - Got busy doing nothing 9:35 - All in on going out

2rTUx_FzReI | 15 Jul 2021
I secretly hoped I'd go a whole pandemic without shoving something up my nose, but I was one of the lucky ones to be RANDOMLY SELECTED for a voluntary test. Which of course, I agreed to doing because I'd question my manliness if I didn't. But it turns out I questioned it while doing the test as well... The mouth swab I didn't fear at all, but the battle I had with my tongue proved challenging. The nose swab is horrible to think about, but not painful? I went deeper than 'nose picking' depth, but I'm not sure HOW much further I went. It felt further than it looked in this footage :( Honestly? I regret not swabbing more, or harder, or deeper. Truthfull, I did as best as my brain would let me, but I just know that if I'm called back for a second test I'd pluck the courage up to go just that little bit further.

TS2vg9nklFc | 03 Jul 2021
Sixth and (hopefully) final full month of lockdown in a row! Yup, reopening is delayed by 4 weeks following rocketing case numbers. They show no sign of slowing, but the death rate remains low. I discuss some of the banter and stories that I know about from this month, as well as some other stuff that might be interesting in 3 months or years, by which time I'll probably have forgotten about them. This eighteenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - Lockdown delay announcement - First jab figures - 0:00 - Summary 2:23 - Moving goalposts 4:09 - Cornwall 5:23 - Chris Whitty 5:51 - Shortages 7:04 - House market 9:10 - Uncertainty

qhtUzMY-Yi0 | 19 Jun 2021
I've been investing heavily into Youtube shorts, in the hope that the whole system doesn't collapse once people discover how many problems the system has. 0:00 - Youtube Shorts 1:33 - Watchdogs 2:26 - CS:GO skies 3:49 - ODGRUB 4:57 - Conclusion

9dmbmPVLBwo | 12 Jun 2021
Just a quick little video to talk about what it was like to get the moderna vaccine for the Coronavirus. I am 31 and had my first jab on the 6th of June, 2021. 0:00 - Vaccine procedure in England 1:14 - How I am with injections 2:01 - After the vaccine

MO8cr1aU1Kk | 08 Jun 2021
Fifth and (hopefully) final full month of lockdown in a row! Things are almost back to normal, bar the final indoor restrictions. The vaccine rollout is shooting down through the ages, finally reaching people in their 30s. But have enough people been vaccinated to curb the death-rate enough for things to reopen as usual in June? Tune in next month for this season's finale of... COVIDINTHEUKFROMAYOUTUBERSPERSPECTIVE. This sixteenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Holiday! 0:52 - Lockdown ending 1:51 - Variants 3:02 - How would YOU have vaccinated England? 3:39 - Government's vaccination procedure 6:25 - NHS covid booking 6:54 - Trust the experts 7:53 - My advice to future viewers 8:56 - Conclusion

W9tRNwogtcA | 11 May 2021
FOURTH month of lockdown in a row! But admittedly, things are starting to open back up again, including gyms, hair dressers, and outdoor pubs. This fifteenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary 0:14 - First restaurant meal of the year 0:32 - Not checking daily any more 0:55 - This latest lockdown VS older ones 1:48 - How will this pandemic be seen by the future? 2:29 - Vaccines 3:14 - India 4:03 - Out of my house 4:21 - House life 4:53 - Future pandemic warnings

FnI1sCr00GQ | 09 Apr 2021
Thought I'd clarify things with a youtube video, since twitter's not really my style See the previous video here - A video with actual, intended deeper meaning - And as I'd hate to misrepresent what Richard Lewis is saying, here's a link straight to his twitter comments -

3T4Vu7z1GOw | 09 Apr 2021
Is journalistic integrity about telling the truth, or about faithfully representing one side of the story? Or is both fine, provided the audience knows which one it is? 3kliksphilip's Cloud9 HenryG video: See the By the Numbers 149 video here:

SryvlHQibQo | 04 Apr 2021
Third month in a row of lockdown for England this year, and with none of the fear, fun or nice weather of the earlier ones. See the queen on webcam here - This fourteenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - Stuck inside and trying not to change 3:28 - Vaccine progress 5:02 - Global tourism? 5:41 - Queen on webcam 6:02 - Greetings from the past 6:40 - Profit from the pandemic 7:18 - One year and counting

CyVZWV8S9Ds | 06 Mar 2021
England continues to grind on through lockdown in February 2021. It's like January all over again, but with slightly nicer weather and longer days. Check out the beer countdown here: This thirteenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Intro 0:49 - Vaccine progress 2:45 - Misinformation battle 5:04 - Search for printer paper 6:51 - Pandemic and beyond

hg-dTSd1PxI | 14 Feb 2021
Based on a true story. In short: a person moved in above us who would make all sorts of weird sounds and would play loud music which interfered with our work. You THINK there are measures in place to protect you from stuff like that, but after months of battling with the tenant, the landlord, council and police we realised that nobody wanted to get involved, and decided it was just easier to move house in the middle of a pandemic instead. Since moving we've realised how BAD things were in the old house. It's amazing that I don't have to dedicate a part of my day to hammering on doors, shouting through open windows, phoning people and recording evidence that nobody bothers watching any way. Seriously, just move house. It's like reformating, but for real life.

WxUL8gndS4w | 03 Feb 2021
After the shocking display in December, England was plunged into a January lockdown as cases hit record highs. But vaccines are rolling out, and there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's just that there's a lot of tunnel left to go before that. This twelfth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Summary of cases 0:29 - Vaccines! 2:28 - Lockdown V3 3:15 - Self-isolation 6:16 - What I miss 8:50 - Selfishness 10:09 - Vaccine trust per country 10:28 - Before social distancing, and after?

uozOVo66hSc | 07 Jan 2021
2020's been a big year for my channels as I work on quantity over quality and nobody seems to mind but the stats have all gone up. See last year's anal here: The channels being analysed: 3kliksphilip - 2kliksphilip - 0:00 - Intro 1:11 - LOTS OF VIDEOS 4:31 - House moving sob story 6:19 - Quarterly views 7:46 - Most viewed videos 9:22 - CS:GO 10:38 - Rise of the 2kliksphilip 11:06 - Subscriber growth 12:27 - 2021 Predictions 17:27 - Side projects

OBoxMXX31sE | 04 Jan 2021
With Christmas looming, how will the government clever juggle restrictions and lockdown to allow the biggest, most important holiday of the year to go ahead?! New lockdown announced here: This eleventh video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Lots of cases and lockdown fatigue 2:25 - CHRISTMAS 5:06 - Evolution of the tier system 6:12 - Vaccines 7:18 - Anti-vax 9:02 - Mental health

MKswHyAvdCw | 01 Dec 2020
A GPU launch is a highly documented event, and the youtubers covering it have become increasingly professional... so how can I, with my makeshift rig in my bedroom, compete with larger and more professional Youtubers to produce content worth seeing? I also talk about the scary expecations and restrictions of signing an NDA. Here's the Geforce 3060 Ti video -

32XPKEG1e2Q | 12 Nov 2020
England's back into lockdown for this month, and I moan about people moaning about masks This tenth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Oh look! Rocks! 0:45 - National lockdown 2:54 - Christmas? 3:36 - The snowflake generation 4:25 - Masks when shopping 6:10 - Children? No masks? 6:48 - Various observations 8:09 - Vaccines 10:20 - Gallows humour 11:25 - Mink and other things with no positives Check out all of the vaccines here -

GXBlGyejstw | 20 Oct 2020
Oh no! Cases are shooting up and everywhere's locking down again. Well... MOST places. This ninth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - My trip to Wales 0:33 - Lockdowns and 3 tier system 1:57 - Hotspots up-country 4:52 - Cases 5:40 - Attitudes - then and now 6:22 - Truth? What truth? 8:03 - Donald Trump's Coronavirus pt 2 8:37 - What if you get it?

Sf4lrCWcEhc | 03 Oct 2020
Cases in the UK are now shooting up again, localised lockdowns everywhere, the youth of today are to blame and Donald Trump gets it. AND MORE! History of Donald Trump quotes: This eighth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Trump timeline 1:36 - Coronavirus infection 2:35 - UK controversies 3:24 - Infections in UK 4:17 - NHS app 5:03 - Generational hate in UK 6:51 - Speaking with doctors and vets 8:15 - Previous pandemics 9:40 - Personal examples 13:43 - Conclusion and dank stuff

8QIN-D_Q8c0 | 12 Sep 2020
I try to be a responsible Youtuber, balancing what I'm showing against how it will be received and perceived by my audience. This is the stuff I had to consider with Teardown. And no it's not a confession, just a behind-the-scenes look. Took a bit longer than expected to get this video out, so it might actually have been the week before last when the trailer was announced :P

mYwD6iRqIZk | 09 Sep 2020
The aftermath of the eat-out restaurant scheme, along with gyms and cinemas. Schools are back. This seventh video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Eat Out to Help Out 1:41 - Gyms 2:01 - Cinemas... and tenet 2:23 - Shops and one way systems 2:30 - Masks... again 3:55 - Another wave of cases 4:50 - Lockdowns and travel quarantines 6:04 - Vaccines 6:22 - My second train journey

j3RU4ffNTUY | 07 Aug 2020
In August, 2020, many businesses in England are open again. There's even a government scheme to encourage people to visit local restaurants. Where the virus flares up is put into local lockdown, but as a whole the country's doing comparatively to other places in Europe. This sixth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. See video 1 here - 0:00 - Current situation 1:01 - Russian hacking 1:35 - Masks in England 5:40 - Soap is everywhere 6:05 - Nostalgia 6:46 - 50% off food! 7:32 - Haircut 7:57 - Train journey 8:16 - Other observations 9:02 - Don't forget: this pandemic is terrible!

ZtSqahZaGz0 | 08 Jul 2020
In July, 2020, England's lockdown gets eased further, with parks and pubs reopening early in the month. In this I talk about the delays and complications with reporting cases, then take a trip around town on the night the lockdown ended. This fifth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. But America still finds its way of getting mention See video 1 here - 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Trends and delays in reporting 1:13 - America doing well? 2:30 - Future spikes looming? 2:56 - My hair 3:16 - Pubs reopening 3:51 - Pub night on July 4th 6:54 - England's degree of success 7:58 - 'Pillars'?! 8:30 - Conclusion

PxQRigo7qFU | 11 Jun 2020
In June, 2020, England's only in partial lockdown and the infection rates continue to subside. But good weather, and protests, have caused people to crowd together in the most polarising of ways possible. Compared with past months, I've barely seen the news or followed the pandemic other than to check that what I'm saying isn't false. I've spent almost all my time making videos and have barely touched Reddit (as part of my self-improvement programme!), so it will be interesting to see how different my thoughts are from those on that site. Please, bear in mind that this video is about the coronavirus first and foremost, as I try my best not to let it get sidetracked by other topics. This fourth video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. Not much point in watching this one until some time has passed and things have changed, so for now you might find the older videos more interesting. My, how much things have changed See video 1 here - 0:00 - Intro 0:13 - Family reunion 1:50 - England's state 2:02 - Contact tracing 2:46 - Eased lockdown 3:48 - BLM protests 5:29 - Conclusion

mXyfCE3fjGw | 31 May 2020
The business side of youtube is the bit that I assume every Youtuber is an expert at, apart from myself. I share with you my adventures and blunders via my business email. 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Gambling 5:00 - The other 5 percent 5:52 - MCNs 8:21 - Direct line to companies 12:32 - Being all business-like 13:08 - SPAM SPAM SPAM 14:55 - Fans and imposters 18:11 - Conclusion

-swH4VDj0eo | 23 May 2020
In May, 2020, the virus continues to spread as England eases its lockdown. This third video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. Not much point in watching this one until some time has passed and things have changed, so for now you might find the older videos more interesting. My, how much things have changed See video 1 here -

HZTStHzWRxM | 19 Apr 2020
Don't know what its actual name is, so I just threw every word into this video's title and hoped that something stuck. 0:00 - The new feature 0:17 - Slow roll-out 1:16 - How it works 2:04 - Problems / suggestions for the future

4g917rZg1jE | 14 Apr 2020
This second video is an update on the coronavirus outbreak, from the point of view of ME from England. Not much point in watching this one until some time has passed and things have changed, so for now you might find my first video more interesting. My, how much things have changed See video 1 here -

JmvxXw3d2C4 | 18 Mar 2020
I see the Coronavirus as being something that will be looked back at for a long time to come, so felt it was important to make a video documenting it from my point of view, as a Youtuber living in the UK, during this early stage of the pandemic, before later news clouds my memory of what it's like right now in March of 2020. Don't think this video is too useful or interesting right now, but think it'll be worth checking out in a month, a year... or 10.

Q_Sfh6k9GRI | 19 Feb 2020
You didn't think the lovey dovey, feel good would last forever, did you?! HAHAH! Here I am again with a not so nice video. A lot of you were concerned that me deleting horrible comments was an infringement of your right to free speech, so here's this video tell you why I do it. You're free not to watch if you don't want to. See the first video here:

4tn-zZYnfCc | 03 Feb 2020
I don't agree with many of the things that Youtube does, but I have grown rather fond of the Heart feature. I hope you do too xxx See related videos here: The Baited Response - Youtube: The Limits of Interaction - Music used in this video: MIDI version of Heart by the Pet Shop Boys ...also the inspiration for the music in this 3kliksphilip video

gLWAVYbomyg | 03 Jan 2020
The Klik Empire enters its 3rd decade, and me, my 5th! See last year's here: The channels being analysed: 3kliksphilip - 2kliksphilip - MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO 0:00 - Only the Lonely - 1:17 - Odgrub's video - 2:21 - Digadig - 6:43 - MS20 - 10:54 - A Reflective Lament -

GLOwH_LiDwE | 01 Dec 2019
An epic showdown, of ultimate destiny. Also: remember that several of the videos made in November won't be released until December. And my notes aren't to be trusted as the whole truth, but merely as a guide to help me for the month, but as with any successful plan it got sidetracked and rather messy towards the end.

C7ZdSN7KiGY | 06 Nov 2019
I went to Jordan for a week and this was what it was like. Here, have this video guide that I've designed to help me to prepare to Jordan before I visited. But obviously it was made too late for that 0:00 - Jordan? 3:58 - Some advice 5:05 - Bring water 5:31 - Weather and Temperature 5:57 - Accommodation and getting to places 7:02 - What is there in Jordan? (Amman, Petra and Wadi Rum) 7:23 - Dead Sea 10:23 - One the Border

-Y46PeofnDk | 05 Oct 2019
I wanted to take some nice pictures of the night sky and have so far managed okayish ones, considering that I live in England and there's heavy light pollution everywhere! And that my camera is better suited to video. Lots of footage from Space Engine in this video

jVTSShP9k3Q | 05 Oct 2019
I wanted to take some nice pictures of the night sky and have so far managed okayish ones, considering that I live in England and there's heavy light pollution everywhere! And that my camera is better suited to video. Lots of footage from Space Engine in this video

l3gGfOvKS7M | 07 Sep 2019
Large gaps in my upload schedule aren't uncommon. But recently, I worked solely on 2kliksphilip for 2 solid weeks... but didn't release a single video, despite finishing 3 in that time. Find out what went on behind the scenes and just how messy everything is right now! And thank you for clicking on this video. Subscribe. Music used: 0:00 - MS20 0:54 - A Reflective Lament 3:07 - Only the Lonely

-HinW1JQMrs | 26 Aug 2019
The world is forever changing. So will your beliefs. But what to do about what's already online for people to view? Will this stuff ever be used against you? I talk about it in this video, as well as throwing yet more incriminating stuff out there to be used against me later on. Enjoy.

j1QDrjqofys | 27 May 2019
...and how important I consider it to be, both for the artist in question and the youtuber using it. So much so that I even go as far as 0:00 - Synchobonk 3:19 - Boltzmann Brain 3:34 - Crossing Those Islands 4:14 - Only the Lonely

-n8hocJyedI | 27 May 2019
Crossing Those Islands, a dreamy song first made for JUR3, but which has instead ended up all over the place. You probably know it for the skin showcase videos on 3kliksphilip, but it's also the world map music for Destruction Darius 2. The name was chosen to rip off Final Fantasy 9's world map music. Still don't consider this song finished, but it's been played so many times I dare not change it!

WFP9PwizE7Y | 06 Mar 2019
What a rollercoaster ride. This is the original video, heavily censored and sandwiched with new content explaining what has happened before and after. I can even follow all of this up by saying that I've spoken to everybody involved and they've all been really nice. This whole thing has been one twist after another!

xNGEDzzqhSI | 18 Jan 2019
2kliksphilip took an unusual approach to the Odgrub video by jumping straight into a sequel, foregoing the usual content spam of November and December. This, together with the numerous difficulties of developing a video of this size, makes Odgrub's second video a bit different, and a turning point for the channel. This is a look behind the scenes at the making of Man VS Skyrim - Legendary Difficulty:

g1D8KPrR37U | 17 Jan 2019
Music used - Interstellar, Cornfield Chase - Finally, after so many flights where the person with the window seat immediately pulls the blind down, I got a window seat! Flew through some clouds on the way out of England and got this rather pretty footage.

USQzP2TzSQk | 12 Jan 2019
Annotations are being removed from Youtube, but you can still download and back up the data in case an effort is ever made to save them at a later date. Download the annotation saver here: Thanks Moder112/122 (Decide on a name damn it!): Operation Makeaoogjdaogjdaodagsj (My annotation video) - HOW TO USE THE PLUGIN You need to paste the link to the channels you want backing up in the txt file called 'channellist'. To backup my channel, for instance, you can't use - instead, click on a video of mine and then click on my username just beneath the video. You'll be taken to - and this is the link that will work. After you've done this, double-click on RUN and wait. It doesn't take too long, I've downloaded annotations from dozens of channels in under an hour, though it does of course depend on how many videos they have.

oMX4Oa4KF_w | 04 Jan 2019
Another year of anal. See it from a year ago: The channels being analysed: 3kliksphilip - 2kliksphilip - MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO 0:00 - Digadig 2:13 - Synchobonk - 4:22 - MS20 - 11:20 - Only the Lonely -

1es1TQxPiSs | 14 Nov 2018
The video wasn't hurt too badly by the Premiere feature, it seems. That being said, not many people were watching it live upon release. But I think that's besides the point. Once Youtube irons out the issues with Premiere I think it will become a valuable and enjoyable feature for those who want it. And those people DO exist. 0:00 - What a Premiere is and the thought I put into planning it 2:00 - The Premiere going live 3:23 - Responses to Premiere and how it performed 5:38 - The down-sides of Youtube Premiere 7:39 - The value (and down-side) of Anticipation 8:44 - Donations 9:07 - From a Youtuber's perspective 10:44 - Conclusion

ExKHUxldFIU | 09 Nov 2018
Exciting stuff. Odgrub the Basher returns. - Wow I can't believe that was only 2 years after Skyrim came out. I still remember making it and thinking 'wow it's been so long since I've made a Skyrim video!'

LwN6NU7EBT0 | 31 Oct 2018
What makes for the best video? Is it the one with the most information and depth? I think it's better to cut out all but the bare minimum to keep it clear and concise. But there are problems with that approach. 0:00 - Tutorials 2:43 - Entertaining/educational videos MUSIC USED 0:00 - MS20 3:58 - A Reflective Lament

2I7BS-aQsNI | 23 Oct 2018
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!!! I feel I miss out on a lot of opportunities- and often suffer the criticisms I try my best to avoid regardless. This video deals with the struggles I face when trying to land a compromise between selling myself, but stopping short of selling out. 0:24 - Getting people to subscribe 1:20 - Thumbnails and titles 2:47 - Klikbait Philip 3:38 - Twitter 5:12 - Conclusion MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO 0:00 - MS20 5:12 - Only the Lonely

MwdxAilP7Pk | 15 Oct 2018
My experience from working with other Youtubers, and the problems I face when deciding on new projects with others. 0:45 - Motboy8 Collaboration: 2:33 - KalimoGames Collaboration:

3V6FPRPVIlU | 27 Sep 2018
A morbid question, but one that everybody needs to ask themselves, Youtuber or not. Since I don't have much footage of my death, I instead filled this video with clips from the last few CS:GO matches I've had where I die and stuff. How profound

Z1sWJEGMpoY | 14 Sep 2018
Having tricked the world into thinking I know a lot about Counter-Strike, I'm at it again, only this time with the mines around Botallack in the West of England. What kind of rubbish can I think up on the spot? TIME TO FIND OUT!

2zr-HcG7kSA | 30 Aug 2018
I captured an unusual stage of making a video. After I had collected the footage, narrated it and had approximately arranged it all in Vegas, I was ready to view it for the first time. But I realised I had so many worries! Would it live up to the standards set by the series, and the expectations of the viewers? I quickly typed it all up, before getting on, watching, editing and finishing the video. And what's more, it's a video for a series that has just taken off and gotten popular. This will be the second video that many people will watch and its quality will decide whether they want to watch more. I decided to preserve my thoughts at this unusual moment with this video. It's now all done and released and you can see it here:

zYGF3BVR8k8 | 15 Aug 2018
Anybody who's ever tried sleeping on a coach will know the challenge. The seats are angled so your head rolls forward. There's an arm rest poking into your back whenever you try to get comfortable. Your leg space is- uh, what leg space? And then the person in front puts their seat back and it violates your knees' privacy. I can only think of one reason: they don't want you sleeping. It's a conspiracy, I tell you! A CONSPIRACY. BUT NEVER FEAR! For I have a solution to it all. Apart from that air conditioning, which they can never get right. Screw travelling on coaches.

dFkkfZsOqNo | 09 Aug 2018
Went there, got the footage, edited it into a nice little informative video that I can refer back to in future years to see how they compare. Here's their site: It's a pretty big thing, the largest of its kind in the UK. Each year, 6 of the best go against each other to out-shine each other and to, hopefully, go out with a bang. 0:30 - Phoenix Fireworks 1:30 - Illusion Fireworks Recorded on a Panasonic GH5, 4K 60 FPS.

mB8mNUxYE-M | 03 Aug 2018
Yes! I waste a lot of time on Reddit. But my search has not been in vain. For I have found many fantastic time wasters, which I hope to share with you now. See compilation 1 here: 0:27 - Misleadingthumbnails - 0:59 - Forbiddensnacks 1:22 - Askouija - 1:41 - 2healthbars - 1:57 - Likeus - 2:16 - Reverseanimalrescue - 2:31 - Tombstoning - 3:00 - Choosingbeggars - 3:21 - Accidentalswastika - 3:38 - Fullscorpion - 3:51 - Trippinthroughtime - Dankmemes - 4:10 - Bossfight - 4:20 - TLMIG -

FDtaEEbbqp8 | 17 Jul 2018
This is a video looking back at my Quantity VS Quality one from last year: whilst also looking at how it applies to my content going forward. Is quality enough? Is quantity and quality enough? Or is something else required as well? It's every Youtuber's dream to be bigger or more successful than they were before. But often things are lost along the way, that you only notice later on. I think I'm a lot more cautious now. I often feel as though I have a set idea of 'success' in my head, and once I go beyond that I get lazier or find reasons to produce less content. I would love to see how today's audience would respond to the quantity of videos I used to make. But at the same time, I'd be scared that they wouldn't like it :P Also, my thoughts on the Total War series that I've been working on.

aaXEy5DN0y8 | 17 Jun 2018
I'm beginning to think that happiness isn't something you ever get, merely something you look forward to. Kind of like tomorrow! That's not to say it's depressing. Just... make sure you make the most of the journey. If I had just started out on my Youtube journey, this is what I'd say to me. That is, the me that's here now, talking to the one who had just started. Wow, it's so confusing to contemplate multiple me's!

rMCOC4q1F9w | 03 Jun 2018
Put your own music to the Suspect's Story. Or re-edit it in a new way. Surprise me! Then feel free to reupload it. (But be careful of music copyright, no trying to monetize the Titanic theme song or anything!) See the original video here: See the Reddit page for info / where to post your own creations: Download the video file without music here: 1080p - 4k -

Jftlv8YSezs | 01 Jun 2018
See The Suspect's Saga here - And 3kliksphilip's video here - And here's the making of, and what it entails to make something like the Suspect's Saga. Or Sage, as I keep auto-spelling for some reason. Music: 0:00 - MS20 3:58 - Latin Lover 4:16 - Digadig 4:27 - CSGO main theme 4:39 - Digadig again 6:33 - Synchobonk 7:13 - Digadig AGAIN! 7:50 - Only the Lonely 9:31 - Unnamed song from a Crysis 2 tech demo

6I5LOCRcap8 | 27 May 2018
CS:GO's audience isn't getting any bigger. Other games need playing as well! And this puts CS:GO Youtubers in a difficult position. Do they fight on with a smaller audience, or do they choose to transition to another game/style, enduring the perilous path to get there? Music: 0:00 - A Reflective Lament 2:10 - MS20 3:56 - OFP Theme 4:11 - MS20 again! 9:29 - Only the Lonely

S5npaO46eXc | 15 May 2018
Not my usual content, but I was sat watching the latest movie and was like I NEED TO TELL SOME ONE ABOUT THIS. So here it is: what could make marvel movies good? 0:08 - 1 - Some should beat others. Properly. 2:04 - 2 - Fights mean nothing! 4:29 - 3 - Not much variety between Avengers (They're mostly interchangeable!) 5:32 - 4! - No lasting consequences I didn't want to dilute the video with off-topic stuff, but I'll mention here that I DON'T hate Marvel, or the movies. I understand that they're exciting family-friendly entertainment and that it wouldn't benefit them to become like WATCHMEN (Which is one of my favourite movies ever). And I also understand that you may find instances to argue with any of the points I mention. But these are all general feelings I've grown to expect from Marvel movies when walking into the cinema to watch a new one, and were things that kept cropping up during the latest Avengers movie. That being said, I do think Thanos was a step in the right direction, but for a company that can't even keep Thor eye-less, I don't expect them to be able to keep half their lucrative heroes dead. Music: 0:00 - Space Travel 3:30 - Christmas Combat 5:04 - MS20

els71JSBIaY | 12 Apr 2018
How my fear of getting fat helped me to discover the joy of walking and why you should do it, too. Also: I was a bit worried that listening to songs that already remind me of stuff would 'ruin' the nostalgic memories in some way, but no! Unreal Tournament's theme song can now remind me of my times on the game, OR my times on this walk, depending on what I want to remember at the time. MUSIC: 0:00 - Only the Lonely 1:39 - MS20 - 2:24 - Digadig - 3:06 - I'm so Excited - 3:12 - Palisade Bank theme from Deus Ex - (Please tell me if you love this song as well, it left its mark on me!) 3:22 - Foregone Destruction - 3:40 - Nether Animal - 5:42 - Last bit of Lebedev's Airfield - Also, since ALDI clearly isn't interested in sponsoring me, you up for it, ASDA? :P JKJKJK

Oct1SrNtUig | 16 Mar 2018
Videos of mine that I think may have been misunderstood. Give them a second chance! 0:08 - Unity: Good Enough for Bad Games 1:11 - Geforce 1080 1080p 2:43 - Medieval Not-Let's-Play (Admittedly it's been creeping up since release. I'm not too sad about this any more since the comments are so positive :) 2:57 - Nostalgia 3:17 - NotHere 3:53 - Nvidia being a DICK 5:23 - Dangers of Quicksand 5:51 - Dangers of Quicksand Videos 6:10 - Apology to Frankie - REUPLOAD of original, HORRIBLE NASTY test video I made, bullying him - And the NASTY HORRIBLE video I made asking you to prove his innocence - Then there's this map that showcases smoke bugs in CS:GO, but everybody in the comments seems to think it's a horror map or something?... Also, although it's not necessarily misunderstood, I do feel comment responses to 'Nvidia stop being a DICK' that are like 'MATE ITS BUSINESS ITS SIMPLY BEING CLEVER' are missing the point. I mean, sure, you're entitled to your opinion about it but I feel it's important for it to be known HOW they're being a dick and that it will negatively impact your experience in the longrun, regardless of which graphics card you get! It's not just be whining about 'good business practices' when it's really a market leader abusing their position at your expense.

vGW4isnf_9E | 08 Feb 2018
The making of the 2kliksphilip video. Here's the original video: Sigh... and I've just been pointed to this video, of which I've never seen before but clearly I've copied. It's a great video though, suggest you check it ou if you like rube goldberg machines!

OkTNQ7-RpRo | 05 Jan 2018
How was 2017? The main thing is, I beat 2016, so the dip wasn't a trend! 2015 still remains untouchable for subscribers, but I beat both earlier years for views. Looking forward: 3kliksphilip is to continue doing what 3kliksphilip does. 2kliksphilip needs to branch out and to find series that people enjoy. And kliksphilip will continue to post new content, but I don't want any pressure to do so. Song 1 - Song 2 - Song 3 - Song 4 -

BZ-b-1lzqlA | 08 Nov 2017
Less is more. But not too much less or more will be more. It's a balancing act, probably not best demonstrated with the sunsets which could probably all be deleted, looking at them. Music here:

ktUd6imka5Y | 07 Nov 2017
Electronic Voluntary song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in a number of my videos. Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

uf0CIWdjJD8 | 07 Nov 2017
MS20 song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in a number of my videos. Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

mur7jE_GmM4 | 07 Nov 2017
Space Travel song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in a number of my videos. Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

MpLQxduGNZw | 07 Nov 2017
Digadig song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in a number of my videos. Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

JWfezfD4wnU | 07 Nov 2017
Only the Lonely song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in a number of my videos. Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

0IwIwsxVMZ0 | 07 Nov 2017
Synchobonk song by Steventhedreamer, whose music I have used in quite a few of my videos! Check out his Soundcloud here - Yes, I have his permission to upload this song. It was either that or make my Dad a Youtube channel which we both agreed was unnecessary hassle.

5NbPBXHeiIc | 10 Oct 2017
Running out of ideas is a terrible thing to happen to a Youtuber. Do these comments perhaps suggest that the style and content of my videos are going out of date, or is it simply that I'm running out of ideas, whether I know it or not?

7MUk-8O64lo | 01 Oct 2017
I've been hit 3 times by the Adpocalpyse now (The first time was years ago, before it was cool). I've also had a few random 'this video can't be monetized' messages in the past as well. Here's a video where I talk about what happened and how it's impacted my channels, without it sounding like the end-times. I'm not saying it's like this for everybody! If it's worse for everybody else then this video might be even more important.

RSY7lHksU14 | 22 Sep 2017
Where I stand on you guys using my stuff. Bear in mind that this is just my opinion, and most CERTAINLY doesn't represent those of Youtube. Whatever your opinion, I'm sure you can agree that fair use is an incredibly complicated and difficult grey area. Where each case needs to be dealt with depending on its own unique circumstances. It's a delicate area where each case has 2 sides that deserve to be heard. It's certainly not a place to test questionable machine intelligence. In short: I'm happy for you to use my music and videos if they help you to make yours better, but don't just blatantly steal my content to re-upload for money because you CBA to make your own stuff.

3nI5mqP1pgU | 21 Jul 2017
A happy and proud look at my Crysis 2 parody and why it meant so much to me to make it. That face thing has been in my mind for years. I'll occasionally think of it in public and let out a weird smirk, or will begin humming the Crysis music when staring at an ugly statue or whatever. It's been a minor, but recurring part of my life for far too long and successfully conveying it in a video has made me a very happy man. The key word being 'successfully', as I know from my game making adventures how dangerous it is to have expectations or a strict idea of what it is you want to make. Not that it's the greatest thing ever, but it meant a lot to me. And it's nice for an idea to be so perfectly realised, rather than to be ruined by unexpected problems and differences, like the ones that have plagued my games in the past. See the end of this video for a few other things that I'm proud of for similar reasons.

MaIj4tz5_9w | 20 Mar 2017
Above a certain point it doesn't help me to improve my content. I talk about making things worse and moving this channel's stuff over to 2kliksphilip in this last, polished video that you'll see from this channel. (Until I backtrack on everything I say here in 2 weeks' time, accompanied by another video arguing about why more quality is always better.) See Sleep Disruption Bingo re-uploaded here:

jrmYcGZn3zY | 14 Mar 2017
My experience at Katowice, which ESL kindly invited me along to. The tournament, hosted in the Spodek Arena in Katowice, Poland, spanned 3 days and ended in a best of 5 between Faze and Astralis. This video documents the whole experience, in no particular order.

cVGeBHREr9g | 07 Mar 2017
Why play things safe? YOLO your way to success on Youtube, rather than being quiet, respectable... and ignored. A bit of a follow-up to my previous video, where I stumbled across hate and popularity and how it tends to go hand-in-hand. But which comes first?

eca4NennOBw | 01 Mar 2017
Dislikes: such a pointless feature that everybody cares enough about to use. Here's my tale of woe. BTW the clips of me are from a walk with a friend. I'd film them and they'd feel embarrassed, then whenever they tried doing the same back to me I'd act so cringey that they end up being the ones who were embarrassed again. I'm a horrible person

gXEWagtZb_s | 23 Feb 2017
I've had a taste of the downfall and it's not nice. But while I'm not on a decline I'll cover how it feels and what will eventually happen. Cos I'll probably be too sad to talk about it when it happens. Declining youtube channels seem few and far between at the moment. But come the moment the Youtube bubble bursts we'll start to see more and more channels beginning to decline. Probably won't see it in the subscription numbers so much, but in large drops as Youtube clears away inactive accounts, or subscription depreciation where you'll need more subscriptions to have the same viewerbase because viewers become inactive or whatever. I dunno.

2grFeiPTHKU | 19 Jan 2017
Sorry guys, neglected this channel a bit lately, so here's a little experimental video. See what you think. Routine, routine, routine. It's an important thing. But so is documenting it so that you can look back nostalgically :) This video will show you how to. Also: experimenting with video-game footage, since it saves me a lot of time and if you don't mind then I might as well do it for this channel. 0:00 - Appeal in the mundane daily repetition 0:46 - My routine and Youtube work 2:25 - How to document your own life to look back on nostalgically in 10 years time and wonder where it all went wrong 3:37 - I contradict myself and spend a while justifying it 4:46 - Conclusion! :D

ImqC7pva0JU | 07 Jan 2017
It's been a while. Time to look at how my channels did in 2016 and what to expect from 2017. Song 1 - Song 2 - Song 3 - See the video this time last year here:

9oMISNSnE2o | 09 Dec 2016
This footage is a over month old, I'm sorry. Was just clearing out the camera and stumbled upon this and thought it might be of some value to someone. Shows me trying and failing to make a Vlog with Garry, before releasing a video on my 3kliksphilip channel. Check out Garry here! Check out Tommyttk here! Check out that 3kliksphilip video here! What it's like to release a video on a channel with (almost!) 500,000 subscribers. It's very underwhelming.

fyflKXgkztQ | 17 Nov 2016
Hurrah! Most things are looking forward in the hope that it's better, but for once I can sit down, put my feet up and be pleased that I'm ahead of the pack and that this standard will be around for a while. See the video released a year and a day ago here: It's been a lot of hard work. It hasn't just been a case of switching; it's required research and effort to make it possible and makes things harder for me. But viewing that video that I made a year ago on 4K, it's very easy to see the improvement that 4K makes, and which games I recorded at HD and tried to pass for 4K back then. It's now all 4K. EZ. Check out my channels: ● 3kliksphilip: ● 2kliksphilip: ● kliksphilip: Other information you might like: ● Website: ● Twitter: ● PC Specs: Intel 6800K, 32 GB RAM, Geforce 1080, from DinoPC who paid for my system and have made capturing my videos in 4K a reality! ● Check them out here:

7qYKikzoq0I | 09 Nov 2016
Clips from the heart of the forest from early November, 2016. Just felt they were too pretty not to compile x Music: Only the Lonely Captured at 4K, 25 FPS on Panasonic V870. Converted into 60 FPS with software. 2015 video here:

RDyx2RBBD4E | 18 Oct 2016
After my mug from last year, I didn't think my sister had the guts to give me yet more Nicolas Cage stuff for my birthday this year. I was wrong. Thanks to my sister for the card, sorry I didn't show more but my family doesn't like being shown in clips and I respect their privacy.

K_FqjPL73Ng | 21 Sep 2016
My problem with procrastination, which I'm overcoming now by offloading onto you! Reddit pages are kind of personal. I feel like psychologists could have a field day if they knew everybody's favourite subreddits. But that won't stop me from sharing mine with you! 0:00 - Troubles with procrastination 1:51 - Iamverysmart - 2:14 - Titlegore - 2:36 - Nocontext - 2:51 - Jesuschristreddit - 3:06 - Subredditsimulator - 3:20 - Madlads - 3:30 - Ayymd - 3:48 - Crappydesign - 4:02 - Childrenfallingover - 4:14 - Idiotsfightingthings - 4:22 - Justfuckmyshitup - 4:32 - Thathappened - 4:32 - Quityourbullshit - 4:45 - Sadcringe - Background music -

xis_QK9hX-k | 11 Sep 2016
There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes of a Youtube channel. I normally avoid doing it. But not today! 2kliksphilip and 3kliksphilip's videos are now more standardised, with similar text and settings, as well as having the correct video category / game. And thanks to MrTweeday for letting me use his channel as an example:

gdbVKyxShEw | 30 Aug 2016
Upgrading from a lowly Panasonic V520 to a not-so-lowly-but-not-exactly-highly VX870, which is their cheapest 4K camera, yet shares the same image quality as the rest of them so I thought it was the sensible choice. My videos can now finally all be shot in 4K! :D (Though not necessarily 60 FPS :( See more about chroma subsampling here (Saving storage space by compromising on colour information): For extra information and footage check out this video: To see why Europe is 50:

hKH6QOZfKXs | 30 Aug 2016
Old camera - Panasonic V520 New camera - Panasonic VX870 Other footage - Panasonic TM900 I know it looks like I'm a Panasonic fanatic but both myself and my parents have had Sony camcorders in the past! Extended testing, main video here:

eBFLOXiUa_c | 22 Aug 2016
My life isn't simple. I occasionally leave my room and get caught up in unlikely moral dilemmas. I decided to leave out the dead seagulls which the RSPCA thoughtfully suggested I took of the crime scene. But they're real! I wasn't prank calling you RSPCA and don't appreciate being left hanging like that!

g_XPe6-wwyw | 11 Aug 2016
Thanks to Comacchio for providing me with his van, without this the bedroom LAN dream would have been impossible. A new setup, a new room layout and although not a lot has changed, it's my chance to do so. I'll try not to waste it.

uaMAfLm0-SY | 10 Aug 2016
The last video to be made using my old PC. Unless something goes disastrously wrong with the new one! Which I'm sure it won't. Some new chapters in my life creep up on me without me realising, but a lot of things have happened all at once that make this new start very easy to identify. A nostalgic look back at my Youtube career so far and the computer that helped me to achieve it so far. The past few years have been amazing. It's not all been easy or enjoyable; there are parts that really pushed me to my limits and showed me where they are. But it's those experiences, both good and bad, that I've ended up remembering most vividly and fondly. Time and time again, what I previously thought was impossible has come true and my channels have gone from strength to strength. The future is just as mysterious and as scary as ever but I look forward to embarking on the next stage of my life. Thanks to DinoPC who have provided me with this fantastic new PC (that I haven't even tried yet because I'm so busy finishing up everything on my old one!!!) in exchange for advertising on 2kliksphilip. I said a while ago that I wanted to look for sponsors and they're a decent, reliable company and I look forward to the opportunities that this opens up for me! And thanks to all of you for getting me this far. I hope to be churning out fresh dank memes for you all to enjoy for years to come. And thank you to DinoPC! You can check them out here:

Kyh1rSAouIs | 31 Jul 2016
Maybe I went home a bit too early or something because since this event I've been to 2 other twitch parties and they've both been CRAZY! I can only assume that after I left, the suits came off and everybody tried reenacting the best bits from Caligula. But I wasn't there to see it at this event. And so concludes my trip to Cologne. This video covers the secretive and glamorous (and not so glamorous) Twitch After Party. Filming wasn't allowed at the event, so instead the footage you see documents my journey home, which took place the following day. And the day after that. It was a long journey. See part 1 here: See part 7 here:

tf1BSkINVHw | 27 Jul 2016
Sunday, 10th July, 2016. The Grand Final with Liquid VS SK Gaming in the first ever all-American Grand Final. I and other Youtubers started with a signing event, then I looked at the VR booths and watched the Grand Finals. See part 1 here: See part 6 here: Also, thanks to Dr Proof and Playstation Access for giving me permission to use their video clips! 0:59 - Signing event 3:22 - VR (Oculus Rift and PS4 VR) 4:52 - Grand Final game ending Song 1: Song 2:

Ue1ISMdZLvk | 20 Jul 2016
Saturday the 9th of July, in Cologne, Germany. The CS:GO major reaches the semi-finals. But there's more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye... as well as lots of drinking on the lawn outside. Linus made a video about a later tournament here, complete with video footage: Another song by David near the end, a peaceful part of his Horizons track which you can check out here: See part 1 here: See part 5 here: See part 7 here:

Mqf3lAMkKpA | 18 Jul 2016
The evening of Friday the 8th of July, in Cologne, Germany. The CS:GO major finishes for the day, it becomes the night and a load of youtubers and streamers get taxis to PhantomL0rd's house to film unboxing videos. See part 1 here: See part 4 here: See part 6 here:

X0oM04hKf4I | 17 Jul 2016
Friday the 8th of July, in Cologne, Germany. The quarter finals of the CS:GO Major, seen from somebody with the level 4 card key who can get behind otherwise closed doors. See part 1 here: See part 3 here: See part 5 here:

jVBnQP_74Po | 14 Jul 2016
This video documents my 24 hour coach journey to Cologne. I know, I'm a noob at travelling. I live so far out from everything that normally I don't even attempt it. See part 1 here: See part 3 here:

sxxFymRqVns | 14 Jul 2016
Meeting up with Youtubers for the first time on 7th July, 2016 for the ESL One Cologne CS:GO Major. This was still the day we all arrived so none of us got up to that much. But we will. See part 1 here: See part 2 here: See part 4 here: Check out the other Youtuber's channels below: Azzy - Chaboyy - Houngoungagne - Mr Tweeday -

3Ubm8_2PGh0 | 29 May 2016
I'll claim I live frugally 'till I lose the willpower and splash out on like, a 1080 or something. In my defence my PC's core components have been the same for almost 4 years... Here's the site I mention in the video, some nice articles on it. Of course, for most of it it helps to have a job where you're earning a lot in the first place.

Sx7tbNl0Jp8 | 25 May 2016
VeXXSie shoots zombies and eats chocolate buttons. And she's all out of buttons. Bless her. Also, here's an update on her situation. I've stayed quiet about it since I feel she's in a better position to explain it:

5mFPS6ln6xk | 18 May 2016
If you like my content and feel bad about adblocking all of my videos, I have a Patreon account here where you can convert your likes into real money :D : That sentence took a hell of a lot of attempts to get right. But there's no way I was going to leave it undefeated.

RBUC9VZpQKc | 02 Apr 2016
...can eat a dick. Or maybe Twitter doesn't like Jeremy Soule. For those of you who don't understand, you type in a name, go to click on it and then it suddenly gets replaced with another name that Twitter thinks you'd rather look at instead of the person you're actually looking for. IT'S HORRIBLE.

xMmNKGdsRyg | 08 Mar 2016
A surprisingly positive video of mine where I say it's more important to be yourself and not a copy of somebody else. Of course, there are always exceptions. But if you make good quality content, and have some degree of success, please don't throw all of that away and completely change direction. At least carry on with what you're doing before. Tweak it. Nudge it into a better direction. But remember that it's what you do differently, not the same as other people, that defines your success. This video applies to more than just Youtube, obviously.

Xy7NKEaFY-0 | 15 Feb 2016
Over a month ago I announced that I was going to be encoding a terabyte of files. Well, now it's done and I got my archive down to just 37% of its original size! See the first video, announcing it, here:

myfg-b2_B98 | 10 Feb 2016
DISCLAIMER: Melatonin is a lovely drug with no adverse side effects when compared with stronger alternatives. I'm simply documenting my own experience whilst taking them, which may or may not have been influenced by the drug. I mean, your brain should naturally produce enough, plus you can buy it on ebay for a couple of pounds, it's hardly comparable to antipsychotics or benzodiazepines!

0QnrLIZVV3A | 04 Feb 2016
See the video here: See the round that looks fake but wasn't here: Just another making of, talking about how I made the video, what I set out to do and so on. In a couple of months I'll look back at this and see whether I managed it or if this episode is a massive disaster.

t9Ou4Ff718Y | 19 Jan 2016
I hope you like pain. 100% pain. Forget ready meals. Forget pizzas. The ultimate meal can be had from Aldi for 51p. Probably from Lidl and Asda as well. Forget everywhere else. Spaghetti hoops - 16p Baked beans and sausages - 35p Total = .... .... .... ...51p! To add to it, throw in some 100% Pain sauce (Ebay for £7ish but will last you a hundred meals!) and some Peri Peri, (75p from Aldi) and you've got yourself a meal, baby! Minimal expenditure, preparation and washing up. Maximum taste and fillingness. Open tins, chuck it in a microwave for 4 minutes and use it to fuel your dank meme creation for the day!

fGPgW9TAnFQ | 08 Jan 2016
H265, quality 21, MP3 192 Kbps audio and set the 'Optimise Video' setting to as low as you can bear. I found medium to be the best compromise. For Youtube uploads in 4K, since h265 isn't currently supported, H264 @ quality 20, medium speed is pretty good and will be 1/4 the size of Sony's 4K-S option. This is a bit of a fast-paced video, here's an index in case it helps: 0:58 - What is Youtube's quality like? (4K vs HD) 3:00 - h265 quality setting comparison and size 3:37 - 'Optimise video' feature: pros and cons 4:28 - Audio - Unfortunately the good FDK / HE settings have been removed from the latest version of Handbrake :( 5:46 - Which settings have I settled on for my video archives?

0HikPCFv1ZM | 17 Dec 2015
Possibly the first part of a series of videos, where I look into the video quality used in my videos. I look at the capturing and rendering stage in this video, though hope to do experiments with Youtube uploads and x264/265, since I'm running out of hard drive space and need to compress things more. But before I can do that, this video was needed! 0:19 - Uncompressed (Capture method) 0:41 - Shadowplay (Capture method) 0:55 - Restoring original colours to shadowplay videos 1:34 - Rendering in Vegas (AVC 26 Mbps) 2:15 - Higher quality settings that I don't often use 2:32 - 4K files 2:59 - High quality HD files 3:31 - Comparisons between all of the formats 4:34 - Can you even notice the difference?

w5516Y82zJA | 30 Nov 2015
How I make videos, step by step. 0:00 - The planning 0:40 - The script 1:30 - Recording narration 2:22 - Editing the audio 2:45 - Adding video footage 4:04 - Example of a folder with finished video content in 4:55 - Rendering and uploading 5:20 - Finishing touches 5:34 - Audio-led VS a mixture 6:35 - Time budgets and results

Soo6ZxsjpAA | 16 Nov 2015
Disabling HTML5 disables 60 FPS but makes videos so much more beautiful! When Youtube supports a higher quality standard, they often update older videos that already support it, which is why I'm considering uploading my videos in 4K to try and preserve as much of the quality as I can. CURRENT ISSUES: * I can't record at 4K using Shadowplay. * Youtube's 4K support occasionally goes super pixelated at 60 FPS, despite an apparently superior bitrate. * Nobody can watch it in 4K now any way. * Filesizes / upload times. PLUS POINTS: * Current footage may become better as time goes on. I'll deal with each video individually, as some would benefit more from a higher bitrate than others. This video IS 4K, properly so for most of it apart from the footage borrowed from (0:45 - 0:56 seconds and 1:48 - 2:15). I record footage at half-speed using FRAPS at 30 fps before doubling the speed when editing it.

YhwEGCKdwXM | 02 Nov 2015
I went to the New Forest recently, here's a compilation of my footage and how I hope to apply the holiday to my future projects. The New Forest is a national park full of trees and stuff, it's a place that I've been to pretty much every year of my life and I have many fond memories there. Check out my return in 2016 here... in 4K!

R7h79FZHrUM | 16 Oct 2015
I'm not happy about being one year older, but I'd rather live a new year than one I've already experienced! This makes me 8 days older than Pewdiepie, in case you're interested. Every year I look back at my previous one and think 'Ha! I'm so much better than I was a year ago!'. I always feel that if my abilities had to be frozen in time, that it would be best to do it right now... and I still feel that, so I guess I haven't peaked yet. Take that, stupid 20 year old Philip. If I look really tired, it's because I am! I've had an erratic sleep cycle for almost 2 weeks, today has been the first 'normal' day and it'll probably get messed up when I partayyy with my friends and housemates tomorrow. What a terrible life I live. Time to make this another record year for videos. Wooo. And yes, I've realised that I've been shown in pretty much every video since the one where I said I wasn't comfortable being seen. OH WELL.

NpxzN_eiyaI | 12 Oct 2015
0:00 - 3kliksphilip 0:56 - 2kliksphilip 1:33 - CODENAME: S.H.I.T 2:38 - CODENAME: C.R.A.P Thought I'd let you know my plans. This could be the biggest change to my 2kliksphilip since Going Low first came out. Hmm, sounds like I'm going back on some of the things I've said in previous videos here. But progress is about trial and error, learning from mistakes and using new knowledge to steer your way in the future. Right?

-pVP5Wwndxg | 31 Aug 2015
Since I bought a new camera recently I thought it was only fair that I say what I think about it, what it's good for and what I'd look out for with my next purchase. I use this video to explain why I got what I did, how it compares with my old one and with a superior product. I got myself a Panasonic V520, a cheap but very practical little camera that gets the job done, but not as well as a 4K camera would! I'm aware that this whole video sounds like an advert for Panasonic products. I also researched Sony cameras but since I ended up getting a Panasonic one, I thought I'd base the video around the series. To balance it out, I hate the batteries. Every generation requires a new kind of battery and they're all being sold for extortionate amounts. I've gone and bought some cheap ones from Hong Kong but they still haven't arrived. Perhaps they never will.

tMV6GCp9VRc | 29 Aug 2015
OH NO, I can't seem to finish anything that I'm working on! I wake up, and before I know it I'm going to bed again. I ask myself what I achieved with that day and all I can think of is what I've eaten, the silly things that I've discovered online and, at best, a successful trip to the shops. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MEEEEEE KILL ME NOW

RIlyu4YdpA0 | 13 Jul 2015
LIKE, DISLIKE and DISAGREE. Disagree with this video? Dislike it! Discuss this on reddit if you want to, it's amazing how much easier it is to use than Youtube's built-in comment system. The more I thought about it, the more I could see DISAGREE being used for every video in existence. Extremists talking about ethnic cleansing? Disagree! People being executed? Disagree! 20 minute long umming and ahhing guy filmed on a potato camera? Disagree! In a way, the current DISLIKE option is used as a 'disagree' option on some videos. I feel there's still a difference and that the options need to show this.

YWBdWG_4WQo | 25 Jun 2015
Which sample sounds best? The samples are mixed up so your answer (of which samples sound better) should be something like this: 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2+3 The results are up! See the video below for the answers: See? Now it's not about picking out one, it's about choosing which sounds BEST. When everybody rushes out and buys a super expensive mic, it's wasted unless they record audio in the best possible conditions. The moment you have it too far from your mouth or in an odd position, you might as well be using a cheap webcam instead. And with audio as well!

_fRDTCfXMXA | 17 Jun 2015
I test the four mics I have lying around on my desk right now to see which would win in a fight and stuff. I recently purchased the Blue Yeti in my quest for the perfect setup. Although I can't appreciate the improvement, at least I now have a backup, decent microphone and another portable but still decent one. Microsoft webcam (Who cares what, it's RUBBISH) Samson Go Samson Meteor Yeti Blue

NeMG1faO2wo | 17 May 2015
Okay, so juggling 7 balls is boring and anybody can do it. But on the top of a mountain? I thought not. Re-uploaded for like, the 3rd time, this time with no interlacing artifacts and in proper 50 fps! See the making of this improved version here:

usUHcYzoJMs | 17 May 2015
The problems I encountered from making a video with both interlaced and progressive file formats. The world simply isn't ready for it. See the juggling video in beautiful, flawless 50p on youtube for the first time here:

4kR-XdE4iLc | 16 Apr 2015
Here's VeXXSie's Youtube channel: Check out part 1 here. I've finally given up trying to make relevant video content for these audio videos, so have some footage of Vexxsie and myself playing Left 4 Dead 2 together. Feel free to close your eyes / minimise the video; it won't detract from this video's message! This is one of those videos that I wish had been around before having to deal with it in real life. Caring for somebody with OCD isn't just physically or mentally draining. It saps you in every way you could imagine, from getting you to needlessly throw things away to making things take 20 times longer than they should do, only for you to throw it away at the end because she wasn't happy with how it was performed. You even prepare for it by delaying anything you do so that she has time to say something if it's wrong, but you'll STILL manage to do something wrong and it'll be too late to do anything about it. She'll repeatedly trail off mid-way through giving instructions and you'll be hanging there for several minutes mid-action, waiting for her to finish explaining. Even walking next to Vexxsie in the streets is a pain because you find her subtley pushing you off into oncoming pedestrians because she has to follow set paths to destinations. Caring for somebody with a mental illness eats away at you every second of the day with the sheer pointlessness of it, and yet you have to remain strong because if you snap or say something negative it immediately becomes 100 times worse again. This video should hopefully explain it in a way that I haven't found elsewhere online.

Mx3lGXNBFfk | 03 Apr 2015
Check out her channel here: I had to take a break from Youtube to support Vexxsie through a crisis. See part 2 here: OCD isn't something I've ever had to think about until now. It's always interesting to learn about a new disorder. I hope it doesn't come across as preachy or pleading, it's solely intended to inform and to educate. More information on OCD here: I'm armed only with my laptop, hence the SHOCKING audio quality of this video. I'm afraid that it's the best I can manage for now.

q5F8wu1lCzg | 10 Mar 2015
Hence why I haven't been doing much. But at the same time, I have been! Before moving I kept thinking to myself 'this is the last time I'll do / go to X', but it was the things I did without thinking that that, with reflection, felt more final. You ever had those dreams where you're at work, trying to get something done, and yet you somehow never manage to finish it? You might get sidetracked, forget what you're doing or start on something else. I used to have a recurring one about cleaning the car park and I'd begin stacking the rubbish into towers and before I knew it it was 4 in the morning and I was like 'woops I should have finished hours ago'. That's how the videos I've been making so far this month have been like. They're excellent quality but take so much damn time to make. They had better bet worth it!

fMPqr-bzKno | 05 Mar 2015
Time to see if the shortest month of the year comes up short or if it ends on a high note... but that would be a tall order. 0:00 - Intro 0:36 - 3kliksphilip videos 0:56 - 2kliksphilip top 10 lists 1:50 - Series comparison 2:24 - March 2015

DA0aYwsaqvE | 21 Feb 2015
Thank you to everybody who has helped me to reach this stage! As usual, a completely unrelated video, though it was still fun to mess around with timelapses in Skyrim. STATS AS OF 21/2/14: 3kliksphilip - 87,544 2kliksphilip - 52,766 TOTAL - 140,310 kliksphilip - 6,357 (Doesn't count, though if it did it'd be 146,667) A lot will be double, or even triple counted. That's fine cos you're such great people you're worth 2 or 3 subscribers ;)

Mu5xb3z9VWE | 04 Feb 2015
January- the month that is just after December but is also a long time before it. Let's do it! A bit longer than your normal analysis video- you can't imagine how long it took to update how everything's shown, just in time to welcome in another year of ANAL! 0:00 - January's videos 0:54 - Channel overviews (Views / subscribers) 2:15 - 2kliksphilip clean-up 2:47 - New chart topics 4:31 - Per series 6:26 - February

bqNVC8H3eBs | 22 Jan 2015
In this video, I put random clips together because this is youtube. Please don't watch it and expect it to mean anything. LISTEN INSTEAD! In this audio, I explain why being awesome at something is cool but unlikely and not as enjoyable or rewarding as you might think it is, before arguing that being a jack of all trades will give you everything you ever wished for in life. (The juggling is the first I've done in 6 months and I hadn't warmed up at all. It's nice to know that my ability settles at this level even if I abandon practice for so long! It would only take a few hours to warm up again if I wanted to. It's not as if I've lost my skillz forever or anything.)

r4uJ08S3Sfw | 01 Dec 2014
I didn't bother including video for this review, but instead just watch this on repeat with the volume off. I did it, and it was EZ. Here are my thoughts on Jersey Shore. It starts kind of normal but soon spirals down into a morbid look to mankind's future and how little chance I have of being a part of it. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. Maybe I was a bit unfair on the characters in this review- for the most part, the guys seem better than the girls who deliberately go out of their way to make everybody feel as bad as possible. The Situation might be annoying and sulky but he does at least say nice things to girls. Ronnie is okay as long as things are going his way, I don't know much about the guy with the particularly greased up hair. The girls, with the exception of Snooki, are the most vile manipulative changeable cheating contradictory things I've ever seen and make me want to turn gay. The music is in the background for the same reason that I included a picture in this video- it partially fills a void that's more depressing left empty. Included in tags: 'Jersey Shore (Award-Winning Work)'. Brings a tear to my eye almost as much as another youtube tag: 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Defunct Organisation)' :(

UcX-G797pvc | 23 Nov 2014
Long story short: not much at the moment. But there has been, and may be again, depending on stuff beyond my control. The video's just lots of clips of me juggling numbers because I thought it was slightly relevant? Nah. 0:00 - Why numbers are bad 0:28 - Tommyttk 0:45 - Safeguarding kliksphilip's name 0:55 - Why I hate more than one channel (But I still have more :() 2:02 - Rebirth of 3kliksphilip + other channels and reasons 3:27 - FINALLY, what's the difference now?! + problems 4:24 - Solution?

Dogo_uNjsXk | 18 Nov 2014
Poor Vexxsie tries to share her latest masterpiece with me while I get a bit sidetracked with something of my own. Check out her 8-bit music on her channel! Loosely related: (Warning, it will make you sick and kill you)

IpN34LbS7RM | 12 Nov 2014
I let the side down a bit but everybody else was awesome! Zombie nurse, mime, gay pornstar... we had it all. Also: girls actually LOOKED at me after Kirsty had ironed my hair. It's never happened before. Take a note, guys... Sorry that this video's a bit late, I tend to let footage fester on my SD cards for a while before getting around to editing them.

qACEnT0YR2o | 10 Nov 2014
It's very difficult to get pictures that go with this sort of video, I thought of making these all black and white but then I thought it would look rubbish so I kept the colour. As for the video itself, it's mainly just talking about the differences between 9-5 jobs and ones that consume your existence.

ec3Zs0BYrSk | 05 Nov 2014
Watching this video I make it out to be the end of the world, which it clearly isn't. But you wouldn't expect something like this in a COMPUTER GAME that was made by a team of people and marketed to people who want an arcadey side-view shooting game! It really won't mean much to you- but hopefully you can appreciate the feeling of revisiting a mystery from your childhood that previously seemed so distant you begin questioning yourself. Did it really happen? No, surely not...

N1swpjz4Z9I | 03 Nov 2014
I dive in the deep end and extract useful nuggets from this month's anal. Did I hit all my targets, or were some left unfulfilled? And worst of all, will I have to watch Jersey Shore?! Every month I see how my channels have done and then forecast the following month. For October I set myself some rather lofty goals and a terrible punishment should I not complete them. November will be a little bit more laid-back. WARNING: This is a particularly venom-filled video where I bitch about lots of stuff. But that's what this series is for, right? My life isn't all fun and games and I do have concerns. Ultimately I absolutely love doing it but it would be misleading not to show the not-so-nice bits of it as well.

u-ldv6I0X3s | 30 Oct 2014
This is not an admission of defeat- I do believe that the original video will be reconverted at some point, but until then this will have to do. See the original video here! 30 VS 60 FPS and how it will REVOLUTIONISE OUR LIVES! I'm just praying that this video will be updated into 60 fps once us lowly plebs get given the feature. It's been uploaded in 60p so it will be an interesting test to see. Downsides: * Double the filesize (Storage + download cost) * Poor youtube has to put up with the strain :( * A lot of footage shows no improvement * Makes everything look like a sitcom... apparently. Upsides * It's the FUTURE!!! * Smooth half-speed playback for slow-motion edits * Movement looks more life-like * Camera pans no longer make you want to be sick and die * Will start a leap for all media as a whole towards the impossible task of perfection

KnOM6TmVemw | 21 Oct 2014
The tail-end of Hurricane Gonzalo hit the UK and I was there to watch the waves, which turned out to be big but not STUPIDLY big. They were still wet enough. Newquay is considered a great clubbing night out but after being refused a private dance in exchange for clubcard points, I've found the cliffs to be its best (and wettest) feature. Watch torrents of the stuff gush from the holes! Observe the frothing mess the motion churns up. The blow holes get me particularly wet. I'm not sure what causes them to be so dramatic on certain days... I may have to do an anal video on it.

9k3Xl8FRCNE | 19 Oct 2014
I've made 26 songs across 3 albums. I talk about how I got into it, how I progressed and what I learned from my time making music. You can check out my albums below IF YOU WANT TO:

qDPDWQctYvk | 15 Oct 2014
Better than normal since I got the USB the right way round first time. It normally takes 3. ...and this is how I feel when I plug something into the back of my computer.

rWPcifdQ_Dk | 13 Oct 2014
Anal...ysis. It's been exactly 1 year since I started the diary series on this channel! I show some of the highlights in this video, but it's mainly cold hard facts and figures, as well as some interesting facts about my 3 channels. THANK YOU :D XXXXXXXX

zkNIH5sUcKg | 09 Oct 2014
Back to good old Portholland, THE place to see waves. We were quite lucky- they were large enough to be exciting but not dangerous (These are the best bits from over an hour of footage). There was little wind so there wasn't any spray and the sunset was lovely. We saw several changes to the colours. I didn't edit this video at all, I thought it was pretty enough as it was. These aren't the biggest waves. Watch the video below to see what it's like when a STORM hits this place! ...and what it's like on a calm day.

4cJTDsN_aTs | 07 Oct 2014
Because I hadn't done this for a while and I happened to be up early! Not exactly the best day for it but beggars can't be choosers. I love the mystery of the first rays of sun as I stand there, cold and alone in the middle of nowhere. Then I go back home and play Counter Strike.

2FpH9JKehWI | 05 Oct 2014
Can you have good days without the bad ones? I look into the law of diminishing returns and what it means for your life in general. Perhaps by the time you get old, everything's boring and you're ready to die. How depressing.

vF1_CZLOgUw | 02 Oct 2014
It was rough for anal in September, I talk about how I reached my objectives and how I'll probably be watching Jersey Shore in November. 0:00 - Intro 0:43 - Being your own boss 2:19 - Analysis of September 3:10 - Next month's plans

8rNGAj1iWrI | 30 Sep 2014
Can she differentiate between 6 types of lemonade? TIME TO FIND OUT. Sorry about my camera and its positioning, the screen has died so I have to guess where it's pointing, which turns out is a lot harder than it looks. Check out her channel HERE R Whites Sprite R Whites Diet Schweppes ASDA 7UP

i4Rc6Q0T08g | 02 Sep 2014
August: the month I've been looking forward to all year. How did it fair in the grand scale of things, did I expect this, and what's the next step? 0:00 - Intro 0:15 - 3kliksphilip 0:35 - 2kliksphilip 1:00 - Drop in comments 1:09 - 2kliksphilip's ultimate direction 1:54 - How's Going Low in CS:GO? 2:18 - One-off videos (Opportunistic) 2:41 - Top 10 videos list 3:37 - Plan for September

8clI7QopkxE | 27 Aug 2014
The unedited footage from the camera that bravely ventured into the dark pit below. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -

z-p2KhMo3og | 26 Aug 2014
With our last attempt foiled by a stupid knot in the rope, we went away, made a reel system and reinforced the pipe with wood since it was bending too much for comfort as the rope was lowered. This is it. THE FINAL PART!

oSzXGAHfng8 | 21 Aug 2014
My friends and I gather supplies and prepare to delve into the mine in search of diamonds and other things. Will the rope break? Will my camera smash? Will it get snagged? What will be at the bottom?!?! All of these will be answered... in the video after this. I AM SO MEAN.

ZDL9B-R5y_0 | 14 Aug 2014
Vexxsie and myself experience the nightlife in Cornwall. We drive around the back roads and darkest areas to try and find wildlife, and failing that, we'll simply take awesome night-time pictures and scare ourselves silly. At one point we were waiting for a 3 minute camera exposure and a sheep sneezed in the field next to us. CAN THIS CHANNEL GET ANY MORE EXCITING?!?!?!?

JyTp0PxNn54 | 02 Aug 2014
What an exciting month! July is just the latest in a string of successful months. But does it peak here?... 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Why the success? 0:48 - Where are the views from? 1:39 - kliksphilip success 2:00 - Game with Hatton 2:09 - de_sparity 12 parter and controversy 2:44 - Most successful new video 3:05 - Annoying experience 3:49 - More effort = less pay-off? 4:13 - July VS August

Icv96P4k4GU | 19 Jul 2014
Yay I'm famous! See the original clip here: Next I expect a role in the new Hobbit movie. at about 28:50

CAdoEoT_Zjw | 11 Jul 2014
Yay, got around to editing the rest of the footage from the timelapse day I spent with Comacchio. We explore the Lost World, coming across a beautiful yet deadly lake, populated by deer and exotic birds and surrounded with quicksand. Apologies to anybody who was offended by us using Holy Entities in vain. I'm aware that if you get stuck in quicksand, you can't SINK since it's heavier than you are. You're more likely to die from exhaustion trying to escape. Make small circular movements with your limbs to create a layer of water between you and the clay and you'll more easily be able to slide out. Of course, the goal wasn't to see what it's like to be stuck in quicksand, but rather HOW people can get stuck in what seems to be a silly situation. It looks like people walk on it, expecting it to be solid, then when it gives way under one foot, they shift their weight to the other to support them which breaks the ground under their other foot as well, causing both feet to be stuck in the quicksand. With me, I didn't feel it break- it was more as though the ground wasn't there any longer. I immediately collapsed onto my knees and spread my weight as best as I could. It sure makes your shoe heavy. It eventually dried, allowing me to hit my shoe against the ground to get most of it off, though it's still a ghostly white colour. An exciting and different day. We wouldn't have tried it after a spell of wet weather, that's for sure.

cCpI97SPvBU | 09 Jul 2014
9 months in, seems a fitting time for a situation like this to arise. I should be PLEASED that I have a choice of two (potentially) viable routes in life. This could be one of the most important decisions of my life.

9Bua2GcJJQ4 | 05 Jul 2014
They came back from school and were like WHATS THAT MAN DOING and they didn't know what to say and I didn't say anything because it would have ruined the clip and I just carried on then got the camera and walked off. Music made by: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

RrDqWjuKgYI | 03 Jul 2014
No more jokes, THIS IS SERIOUS! How did June do in comparison with earlier months? What were the reasons for a drop in subscriber amounts for both channels? I don't touch on this in this video, but mark my words- they'll be back up for July. 0:00 - Intro and de_sparity 0:39 - 3kliksphilip growth and reasons 1:15 - 2kliksphilip growth 2:18 - Records broken - most viewed 3:25 - Competition problem and solution 4:30 - Expectations for July

mG12i6SW2P0 | 01 Jul 2014
...Well, 7 week old rats. Before they get old, fat and smelly. We have 4 husky rats and they're already getting tame and friendly. I wouldn't normally feed them but they had spent the whole day in the cage and I thought it would be a nice treat.

qXGqD55lUXU | 29 Jun 2014
Until this video converts to 60 fps, check out a video that I've uploaded HEAR 30 VS 60 FPS and how it will REVOLUTIONISE OUR LIVES! I'm just praying that this video will be updated into 60 fps once us lowly plebs get given the feature. It's been uploaded in 60p so it will be an interesting test to see. Downsides: * Double the filesize (Storage + download cost) * Poor youtube has to put up with the strain :( * A lot of footage shows no improvement * Makes everything look like a sitcom... apparently. Upsides * It's the FUTURE!!! * Smooth half-speed playback for slow-motion edits * Movement looks more life-like * Camera pans no longer make you want to be sick and die * Will start a leap for all media as a whole towards the impossible task of perfection

xdh3xMyRk1c | 09 May 2014
Well, this is awkward, I have absolutely no idea what to type here now that I'm doing this for a video. I don't really know what I can show on a video about captions any way. Maybe this will end up being more interesting. Perhaps as time goes on, the upload system for youtube will change and this sort of video will become quite valuable. I'm always amazed by how much youtube changes over the years- even going back one or two brings about massive changes. Remember when you could customise the background of your channel? I can't believe they've gotten rid of that. Perhaps they'll bring it back in Youtube's next redesign, when ever that is. Oh look at those typos. I'm sure I don't normally make them either. Can you believe facebook's recent update? It's changed all of the font and general layout, it looks so bulky and childish, yet I reckon if you saw the old design now you'd think that looks just as stupid. It's amazing how things change. How styles come and go. How we end up going in circles, thinking that we're constantly progressing. I don't know how long I've been typing for now, hopefully it's for as long as this video. I've decided to keep this in the description, since no doubt somebody will want to check. Maybe I'll add an extra bit on to the end of the proper description just to reward people who have got this far into the video. Have fun! Here's the extra bit- the deaf gamer who will kick your ass.

irj9YnNx-jg | 07 May 2014
...ysis for April (And January - March). 0:00 - Intro 1:10 - Top 10 videos (views) 2:47 - Top 10 videos (Subscribers) 3:26 - 10 most engaging videos (Comments) 3:38 - Views per series 5:00 - Subscribers per series 5:19 - Comments per series 5:48 - Future and conclusion If you liked this video, why not try out 3kliksphilip's analysis? A long, wordy video with lots of numbers. It's an accountant's dream but perhaps your worst nightmare, but if you have a Youtube account it might inspire you to do something similar. Why in the suggested tags for this video is there 'Anal Sex (Film Subject)? Oh wait, I remember.

zCGLeMXWRec | 04 May 2014
Shakily filmed and fairly uneventful, though we find a stream that starts from nowhere and a not-so-bottomless mineshaft. Check out JBond007 (AKA Garry)'s youtube page here and try to figure out why he got that name!

pv9I3PcFlCk | 23 Apr 2014
I spent a while back analysing video after video and comparing them. This video was released slightly out of date since it took me so long to get around to editing it together, but it's still an interesting, unique and in-depth look at numerous channels and how they go about building up a following on Youtube.

9fFmSCs4c6k | 20 Apr 2014
You feel brave. You feel oh so brave... until you step over that fence and into the field with them. Then you get out the other side again and they look so harmless and innocent again! It's not the first time this has happened, either. Filmed on a phone so apologies for the quality. We had travelled over fields, through SEVERAL gorse bushes and over a river, only to be greeted by a field with a couple of ponies in it. We had to pass through it to get to the road, there was no way around. It's not like Arma where you can run in any direction as far as you like!

3awFllu5Cc0 | 15 Apr 2014
Testing out the iPhone 5's slow motion feature. 120 fps! I was so impressed that I just HAD to upload this beautiful slow-motion capture of a sunset on a beach and of all of the strange creatures we saw. Apologies if you wanted to see more of the ocean currents hitting the stream, I have an extended version below:

gSs9eeUA55Q | 05 Apr 2014
How I made something of nothing after getting a new Sensei RAW mouse. And AW WHAT? There's already something called 'The Mouse's Tale'? Screw it, I'm not going to change the name of this video. The more I look at the word 'Tale' the stupider it looks. MAKE IT STOP. Watch the review here:

rrnIkX3-g1o | 30 Mar 2014
The other clip. Definitely need to record a skill video with a montage of these shots. I was just browsing the aisles in this manner when my sister was all like LOL and told me to do it again. So that's why I've been given funny looks for all these years :(

zdDg26PROLw | 08 Mar 2014
Check out the series below: Since it's coming along quite nicely, I decided to make this video explaining how Going Low in CSGO came to be. This will probably mean nothing to you unless you've seen the series for yourself first. Don't try to understand it.

-Zoev83BmXM | 06 Mar 2014
My trusty candle finally ran out. The wick is horizontal when you get close to the bottom, making it slowly fade out at the end of its life. Not much was left, it was close enough to the bottom to make it warm and soft to the touch from down under. Just the way I like it. The chimney is still intact.

pk4M5adsEXg | 28 Feb 2014
Welcome to the world of graphs, analytics and me getting excited by thousands of views. It makes a change from all of the wave videos recently, eh? Some obvious, logical lessons have been learned from this month. Life isn't fair, but you can still be happy when it plays in your favour.

TChXA8ulo3k | 25 Feb 2014
It became a beautiful day as we wandered about the cold, dark disused jail. Got some incredible pictures and footage which will help me a lot as I design a new map. Next we go and see the sunset, but end up on the wrong side of the cliff to see it. What a fail. Still, a nice day!

oWhvppLLUlc | 15 Feb 2014
Portholland took a battering on February 14th from the sea. Having visited there a few days earlier, I noticed that the windows were all boarded up and that there were sandbags everywhere. This is probably why- though towards the end of the video you'll see that even the sandbags got washed away. According to this news story, the wave managed to break through the front door of one of the buildings: Apparently the vehicles were dented under the weight of the water, one of the houses got flooded when the storm door burst open from the waves (It took the people inside right off of their feet, but they were okay), and sandbags and concrete blocks were found in all sorts of places. Extensive damage was done to the carpark where we stood, which continued to get more and more battered after we left. For an extended clip of us down by the flooded carpark, watch the below video. You'd expect bigger waves to be more impressive, but as you can see from this video, once they reach a certain size they simply become a swell with lots of spray. The high winds made it difficult to film and continually coated everything in salt-water, which is why this footage looks so murky and damp and why I occasionally turned around to face away from the sea. High tide was just after 5 so the last few clips look quite dark- but it was worth getting since that was when the tide was at its highest, completely claiming the road!

_x0bvnpHuWc | 14 Feb 2014
Went down to Portholland and got hit by THIS! We ventured as close as we dared and had a bit of drama as the waves worked their way between the houses beside us. Skip to 1:00 to get to the waves, though the main point of this video is to get the feel of the storm. The wind was so hard it made the rain feel like hail, we got totally soaked and were coated in salt by the end. My previous video shows this place on a normal day. I hope that this one makes up for the disappointment. The longer clip of today is now up, showing the waves from the cliffs! I also got some smaller, but more impressive waves in Charlestown. See them below.

qWsypHJafNA | 08 Feb 2014
The biggest waves are today, they said. It would be massive, they said. Very disappointing. I went to Portholland, which tends to get massive waves. They sucked. My parents went down to the Lizard, the most Southerly point of England, and they said that it was disappointing down there as well. I guess the worst is over. Still, I got a nice, cold, wet, muddy walk out of it!

p2RAEp9pObw | 05 Feb 2014
Huge waves bash against Charlestown, the dock where many large movies are filmed, including the most recent Alice in Wonderland. Check out an even stormier day at Portholland here! This makes me kind of proud of Cornwall, you hear of all the places up country that get flooded while down here it gets hit hard but has large defences and tougher cliffs to defend against it. It makes for some pretty awesome footage. There's some ghosting in this video due to Youtube's conversion of 50p to 30p, if you want to see the original (Better for still pictures, worse for motion), click here:

KyxCxm0cgdE | 28 Jan 2014
How random emails I received made my life better. DISCLAIMER: They didn't. Don't click on the links within. (I didn't either. I'm not STUPID) Annoyingly the day after I started making this video, cyanide and happiness released pretty much the same thing but in cartoon form. Grrrr.

vTec459V068 | 22 Jan 2014
In part 3... My first 3D video encounters even more unexpected problems than I could have predicted and I battle against the clock to fix these problems, to iron out the creases and to prepare my second video which would include all of these fixes and more. Will I finally get it right this time?...

Bqc9Js_h8YU | 20 Jan 2014
I know that this is going to bring out the coke-tasting brigade who swear that there's a massive difference. All I can say is that I couldn't taste the difference. The first tasted fresh, after that it was all the same old, bubbly, carbonated stuff. If you think it's easy then give it a go- you have the potential to make a saving in the future. I'm sure that most of you will go for regular drink variants, let me know how you get on with that!

9iZYGfNrdNM | 18 Jan 2014
In part 2... I scrap all of the 3D videos that I have made so far due to the poor audience retention of the old 3D videos that I made. I redo them with commentary, add a tutorial, make a super-duper Half Life 2 video with commentary throughout to spear-head the series and prepare for launch day.

YHGKb5eFDy0 | 15 Jan 2014
It could have been about anything, but I'm making 3D videos for my 3kliksphilip channel at the moment and thought that I would document my progress with carrying out the project. You have been on the receiving end of the videos that I make, now you can take a look behind the scenes and see the long and bumpy road most of my projects take before they are released. I don't just record 5 minutes of footage and I don't have slaves decorating what I do with pretty effects and fades. Most videos tend to be remade, rendered and uploaded several times before I'm happy with and the more that goes wrong with PROJECT 3D, the more interesting this series should become. And an awful lot has gone wrong with it already.

_0Y7cIuJ2ac | 12 Jan 2014
A close analysis at the mistakes and successes that I have had so far and what I plan to do with them. Bit of an odd video, even by my standards... and that's coming from somebody who did a 50th special on ear wax.

2HQHYdZbvVI | 10 Jan 2014
What's this about', you might ask, and I'll reply with 'pardon?', before linking you to the previous video, explaining my situation: 50th video in this diary series! And I have to go and ruin it all by talking about hearing loss and ear wax. Well hey, blogs from normal are boring, right? RIGHT?

jhIyZWr03TU | 06 Jan 2014
Want to know what I heard before? Watch the next video here: Okay, so a better and more relevant title would be 'ear syringing'... but who would want to hear that? Not sure if there's anything else quite like this video on the internet, which is probably a good thing. I explain how frustrating it was and how I syringed my deafness away.

kyNY166rHls | 01 Jan 2014
During the event and afterwards. January 1st is a depressing time of year, filled with loneliness and cold, long nights. On the plus side, a new episode of Sherlock tonight and plenty of time to make stuff! Yay.

PR-Bq-_SX1k | 22 Dec 2013
In short, if I don't make a video for a while then it's for the best. I mock blog videos that try to make news out of nothing by talking about random stuff in a rubbish video, by making a new rubbish video reporting that I have nothing to talk about! Ultimately, I think that the joke is on me and this video is yet more ammunition waiting to be used against me when the time is right.

MIEi1iB-BU4 | 19 Dec 2013
Yes, I hid in my room and locked my door for a while, after the air pressure from a gust of wind forced open one of the doors downstairs whilst I was skulking about upstairs. On the plus side, I now have some decent sound-clips should I ever need them for something I'm working on! I don't believe in ghosts or spirits, though I did spend several hours looking up the effects of DMT. It's released when you're asleep, as well as when you're about to die, and drug users who take a large enough dose all seem to see black figures that they consider to be spirit / Godlike. Once when I was ill in the middle of the day I spent about an hour in bed, half asleep. I spent that time playing a game with some one on the top of my curtain where you'd knock down as many scaly pyramids as possible and the more you knocked down, the more of a rushing noise it would make, like you were being blasted in the face by air. That's simplifying it a bit, I didn't SEE anybody there but I was 100% aware of SOMETHING there, almost like a friend who wasn't being controlled by my awareness, and the game was second nature to me. Also, it wasn't on my curtain but felt as though it should have been in that area of the world, though nothing was visible apart from a large number of floppy pyramids / scales. No explanation was needed, we simply had a good game before I woke up again. Another time as I was trying to get to sleep I heard somebody in the middle of the room, breathing heavily, almost rasping... it was early at the time so I doubt I was tired, but the first time it happened I most certainly became alert, only for it to do it a second time. Instantly afterwards, my gerbils began drumming their feet which they only do when they're scared by something. Something was in my room and it didn't feel nice. This was about 10 years ago now. Aside from that, there hasn't actually been anything that I would consider 'paranormal', though my friends and girlfriend all find the house scary. I think it's because we don't normally have the heating on, so it can get chilly. Plus the wind houls like you can hear in this video. Merry Christmas!

wSdaDHtfwmg | 17 Dec 2013
What will I be up to in the future? Will I be rich? famous? A pornstar?! Or myself but with additional weight and 1000 games on Steam? Watch this video to find out! See part 1 here! Game used: The Sims 3.

hsCzjHmUkeo | 13 Dec 2013
2 months of not working and what do I have to show for it? Forget that, just watch sunset timelapses and me moaning about stuff instead! See the charts for 3 (not all) of my projects below.

3l0ST6jseMo | 04 Dec 2013
Welcome to a three-parter where I explain why, how and when I did juggling. I'm pleased to finally get around to doing this. This series is as much for me as it is for you, as later on in my life I'd like to remember this part of my life with the clarity I do now. Juggling was more than just chucking balls for me. It brought me out of myself. It found me friends, earned me respect (yeah, really!) and taught me the importance of getting good at something... and then stopping before it lost its appeal. This final part explains my reasons for stopping and what has happened since.

RmqPuFTQ4bc | 02 Dec 2013
Welcome to a three-parter where I explain why, how and when I did juggling. I'm pleased to finally get around to doing this. This series is as much for me as it is for you, as later on in my life I'd like to remember this part of my life with the clarity I do now. Juggling was more than just chucking balls for me. It brought me out of myself. It found me friends, earned me respect (yeah, really!) and taught me the importance of getting good at something... and then stopping before it lost its appeal. This second part covers the rapid skill increase I experienced during my first two years of juggling properly.

Iz8dQq1Q1Cw | 30 Nov 2013
Welcome to a three-parter where I explain why, how and when I did juggling. I'm pleased to finally get around to doing this. This series is as much for me as it is for you, as later on in my life I'd like to remember this part of my life with the clarity I do now. Juggling was more than just chucking balls for me. It brought me out of myself. It found me friends, earned me respect (yeah, really!) and taught me the importance of getting good at something... and then stopping before it lost its appeal. This first stage covers why I started and how I felt towards it at that time.

dG0OPNzQI98 | 24 Nov 2013
Welcome to a look at the inner workings of my workhorse. My love-child. My fluffy Wuffy. What ever you want to call it. I simply know him as 'Philip'. I decide to reformat since I got up early and reformatting always motivates me to do more stuff. Processor - Intel i7 3770k RAM - 16 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 Graphics card - Geforce 670 2 GB Motherboard - Gigabyte SKT-1155 Z77X-D3H PSU - 650W Corsair thingy Soundcard - Soundblaster X-FI XTREME GAMER Blu-Ray player that has almost never been used STORAGE 128 GB SSD (Operating system and useful software + CS:GO) 2 x 3 TB HD (My main backup hard-drives, they mirror each other) 2 TB HD (For media and video footage) 1.5 TB HD (For games) PERIPHERALS Benq xl2420t monitor Sensei RAW mouse Microsoft comfort keyboard Samson Meteor Mic Sennheiser 215 Headphones

oLboExZgEjs | 22 Nov 2013
I go through the different versions to get to where I am now. 0:00 - 2006 - Clan Mk1 0:31 - 2007 - Clan Mk2 0:52 - 2008 - 3kliksphilip Mk1 1:02 - 2008 - 3kliksphilip Mk2 1:19 - 2009 - 3kliksphilip Mk3 1:36 - 2010 - 3kliksphilip Mk4 1:38 - 2011 - 3kliksphilip Mk5 / 6 1:59 - 2012 - 3kliksphilip Mk7 2:09 - 2013 - 3kliksphilip Mk8

0r_j0ToZLTs | 20 Nov 2013
I moan about sleep once again. Oh and it's actually week 5 of my weight thing, not 6. Sorry for the typo. The most common thing I get told is to have a schedule. For the first 15 years of my life I went to bed at the same time, every night. It was very early, around 8 o'clock. I remember even then I considered it some sort of torture to be stuck in a darkened room for so many hours. I didn't know that other people found it easy. I started doing things, like counting. I counted to just over a million in the space of a year. I made stories up every night. I'd sneak up to the door and draw pictures from the light coming from underneath it. More recently I've had family holidays, some abroad. On the first night I'm stuck in a room of snoring people. I'm then woken up early by everybody else and am tired all day, and this cycle repeats itself for 2 weeks. So no, routines don't work for me. /Rant over

b3rNqywlyMg | 17 Nov 2013
Exercise. Want a second tip? Don't eat so much. This was a 15 minute workout, every time my muscles aren't in pain I do something like this so that I can be in agony for another couple of days :) Not trying to be massive, not trying to go pro, just keeping exercise ticking along in the background. It's amazing how much rubbish I've cut out of my life without even trying. First to go were chocolate bars at lunch- I still have the occasional packet of crisps, but hey, it's better than crips and a chocolate bar every lunch time. I don't snack any more on unhealthy stuff. Instead, I have another two sandwiches. After dinner I used to have a large ice cream. That leveled up to 2 smallish ones. I still like a small ice cream sometimes but I can live with that. Altogether, 15 minutes of exercise + the above things = about 700 calories a day saved? In 10 days that's 7000 calories, or about a Kg burnt off. I'm sure it doesn't work quite like that. But it's a start. Like I said, I'm no pro.

9u59xG_T9BU | 13 Nov 2013
Don't be surprised if my next map is an old looking castle surrounded with flowing rivers and set in a deep valley. Apologies if this diary's a bit dull, tried to make something of the days where I've been out and about.

zahFrPyNQVk | 04 Nov 2013
This has been BUGGING me for years. I got all scared when a tiny little thing jumped at me in Sri Lanka, but after having been bitten by an ant that stung for about a month a couple of days before (as well as raped by 2 leeches), I think I had the right to be cautious around such an exotic looking spider. It only has 7 legs, but unless it's a well-hung insect I think it's safe to say that it's a beaten-up spider. Filmed in 2007 in Sri Lanka, hence the poor quality. I've tried searching for it, but it just comes up with links to Spiderman. What is this spider? What's blue and red with yellow limbs? Spiderman in a revealing suit!

Kt72ew88A5k | 30 Oct 2013
Thanks Pewdiepie for making it into a reality. Welcome to a rare glance at my subconscious in action. Dreams are incredible things. They can change the way you think of people! They let you think up entire worlds in seconds! They can make you wet the bed! Well... maybe that last bit was used for artistic license, but the rest of my story is 100% true. And just in time for Halloween!

sajEL5ECPCI | 29 Oct 2013
That storm sucked- at least here, in the South of England. On top of that, I'm having trouble finishing one of my best and most ambitious videos to date. Don't suppose anybody has any cleavage they can lend me?

zkWOgKChg5U | 27 Oct 2013
I've been looking down at my belly wondering if it's always been that flabby and un-sixpacky. It turns out it used to be better. What am I going to do about it?... Watch my tutorial on stabilizing footage using Sony Vegas here!

685QnH_-9XY | 26 Oct 2013
I've been looking down at my belly wondering if it's always been that flabby and un-sixpacky. It turns out it used to be better. What am I going to do about it?... Watch my tutorial on stabilizing footage using Sony Vegas here!

Fy1KOeEXya0 | 25 Oct 2013
I've been looking down at my belly wondering if it's always been that flabby and un-sixpacky. It turns out it used to be better. What am I going to do about it?... Watch my tutorial on stabilizing footage using Sony Vegas here!

NSNylFLbjnU | 24 Oct 2013
A time of reflection. I have had almost 2 weeks off of work now. How do I feel? How does it compare to the other time I had time off? Where will I be going? This is a turning point, second only to shaving off my beard!

JSYoaq5QfRM | 20 Oct 2013
Meeting Tommyttk in his new place of residence. Didn't do anything else that day, night or morning so I thought I'd show you a bit of around where we live and what we get up to.

c6zXtae8In4 | 19 Oct 2013
The scanning of yet another photo album is complete! Check out how I do it, and how I set up an automated thing to save time (though I probably spent more time getting it to work) OH and you know I said that rant would be ready for today? I LIED. I've messed around with a new structure and it should be ready for tomorrow, but I made another video that was more relevant so it will now be released Monday.

7jYOeQiBF-4 | 16 Oct 2013
The day before my birthday, I get up at sunrise and spend the day with Tamsy Wamsy... and still some how manage to have the most productive day of my unemployment yet. She's on holiday, if you want to know. We're not BOTH lazy good for nothing scoundrels! And I'll stress again, again that I'm not claiming benefits. I'm using my savings.

spXCE3KI5Ng | 15 Oct 2013
I'm refusing to give these entries dates, but rest assured, it's still very early days! Things haven't quite picked up yet as I fumble and stumble with my pacing, but it's getting there. I can smell it.

bq-duBTFBH0 | 14 Oct 2013
After that sacrifice ritual of me losing my beard, I go home and talk about why I'm doing what I'm doing. A new part of my life means that I must change some old habits, and start some new ones. Watch me lay the ground-rules for my new existence. I record my life as I quit my job to pursue my own dreams and desires. I'm using my life savings- so don't worry, I'm not claiming benefits at the tax payer's expense. As for what I'm doing, well... you'll just have to follow my progress and see how I do. It could (and most likely shall!) go disastrously wrong! Watch me as I plummet down the rabbit hole.

Y1pbvp0jNA4 | 13 Oct 2013
A new part of my life means that I must change some old habits, and start some new ones. Watch me lay the ground-rules for my new existence. CHECK OUT MY 1 YEAR VIDEO HERE! have I done? I record my life as I quit my job to pursue my own dreams and desires. I'm using my life savings- so don't worry, I'm not claiming benefits at the tax payer's expense. As for what I'm doing, well... you'll just have to follow my progress and see how I do. It could (and most likely shall!) go disastrously wrong! Watch me as I plummet down the rabbit hole.

YPb8gZiAieA | 03 Jul 2013
For ages, this has been my random video channel. But now, I have collaborated with friends to produce a more mainstream, popular sort of channel with more videos for you to watch. Feel free to continue the journey with me and my friends!

OGThAFEnXsc | 02 Jan 2013
Not a scientific study or anything, just a couple of screenshots that I tried to line up as best as possible. I'm not debating which is the better game (I loved Half Life 2 back then and I was surprised by how good Modern Warfare 3 was when I got around to playing it) but from the pictures it's safe to say that graphics have advanced considerably in just one generation of consoles.

nkPTOOC9vlg | 17 Mar 2012
The Music Man: one of the bosses that Jimmy has to fight to get out of Hell. He distracts Jimmy with his ridiculous music. This is his song. Playtest an early version of the game using the link below. Any feedback welcome, good luck trying to beat my highscores!

oEj5rux6oFM | 08 Feb 2012
Download the album here OOOOH look, it's the first of my 3 new songs! The first 3 were from 'Granny's Spaghetti', technically this is Grandad's Whisky but since the picture is of a sausage, and because it's getting confusing... who cares? Grandparent Edition.

iTKv0K59pPo | 24 Jun 2011
Sri Lanka, 2007. We had a very interesting journey in the dark to a remote beach where turtles laid their eggs. Not my normal sort of video, just adding to the youtube archive of random, lesser spotted things. For added effect, turn up the heating, get some one to blow in your face, and imagine you're wandering across a tropical beach at night, having heard rumours that TURTLES have been seen up ahead. Since I finished University yesterday, I'm now trying to clean up my massive backup hard-drive (Over 400 GB of videos I need to sort through!). Might take a while, but on the plus side, I should be uploading lots of random videos over the next few days.

lGzk9va-0Tg | 15 Jan 2011
Was just messing about with the song a bit more, would like a bit of feedback on it. Is it just WRONG, or is there something about this song that sounds right? If so, which bits? Ignore the video, I just messed about with some filters and stuff. Plus the video's an optional extra, right?

bpZH10NmJR4 | 28 Feb 2010
Extracts from my 6 latest songs. In order... Granny's Spaghetti - I like to eat Granny's Spaghetti - Granny's Spaghetti Granny's Spaghetti - Insomnia Grandad's Whiskey - ??? Grandad's Whiskey - Atomic Amnesia 2 Grandad's Whiskey - That's Life 2 The Grandad's Whiskey ones are still WIPs, and you've probably heard them all before since they're all older songs of mine that I've decided to remake. Any feedback is welcome, I'd like to know how to improve them. The reason for doing remakes is because I'd like to focus on improving the instruments in my songs and I don't really want to have to deal with a new song for this task. And it's not because I'm running out of ideas. It's harder to make a decent remake than it is to make a new song from scratch. Don't ask about the picture, I thought it looked pretty and it's hard to take a picture of my Dad drinking Whiskey, since he hardly ever drinks.

xvY-PvPT62s | 28 Oct 2009
This won't mean ANYTHING unless you've seen my 5 minute CSS rant first. Stumbled across these clips and realised how painful the whole youtube video was to put together. If you wanted to know, it took me 3 days to make the 5 minute CSS rant, every line had to be rehearsed then spoken about 15 times before I got it right.

3cYiuxxTDHA | 29 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE Ticking Clock (20th April 2009 - 18th May 2009) Of all the songs I have made, the tune has only fitted together perfectly three times; Ravein, Jimmy's War and this one. With this one I liked it so much I ended up getting tired of it before I even finished making the song, though of all the tunes I've made this one is my favourite. It's a very dark and sinister song and several times throughout the backing really goes well with the main song, especially when it slides from one note to another. Near the end there's a bit where the backing kind of plays a tune of its own- this song came up in my head from no where several months before and until now I hadn't managed to replicated it properly. This song remains one of my favourites and it's definitely the sort of song I'd like to do in the future. When making it, I used the name 'petshop'. I also used this name with Nursery Nightmare- I find it helps to try and immiate he Pet Shop Boy's style of music when making my own. They're my favourite band. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

jDS_y0SisKA | 29 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE Atomic Amnesia (17th November 2008 - 14th February 2009) This song was started even before Crevasse was, meaning that this should have been on my first album. However, it wasn't before its length and quality surpassed the others on my first album, so I pushed this one forwards to Audio Crime just to make sure I had at least one that was up to the standards set by my first album (Hey, I hadn't made any of the other songs at that time, my music making journey was unclear!). I very nearly left this as a very simple tune, but after I discovered that I could add more bits to the later sequences the song suddenly became far more interesting. The 'first' final version was 5 and a half minutes long- I cut it down a bit to try and make it a bit less tedious and closer in length to the other songs on this album. This song reminds me of my first term at University and I played this one again and again as I walked across campus, thinking up ways of improving it. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

ev4u_O_QOKk | 29 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE Heart Attack (6th March 2009 - 2nd April 2009) This is a very disjointed song. I deliberately changed everything at each point in the song because I was wondering if a song had to follow the same tune / chorus theme or if it could just go wild with loads of different styles. The result is a very disjointed tune, but I quite like it. It's the sort of song you can listen to many times with out getting bored. It originally had a hospital theme with one of those 'beep' machines going in the background, but apparently it sounded like a supermarket check out, so it was removed.I also had plans for a video to go with this song, of an old man trying to act cool in a nightclub, but ending up dying from a Heart Attack. I never really got around to it but it's on my wishlist of things to do, it would have rounded this album off nicely. This is the song that has gone through the most versions to date and I hope it leaves the door open for a third album, building on the things I've learnt from this tune. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

x9ki2hDSM8Q | 29 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE Underpass (19th May 2009 - 29th June 2009) It didn't start off being a trance song, but once I had a nice little tune going I changed the instruments, added some bits from my earlier song 'Crevasse', then carried on from there. The song is very simple- a beginning bit, then two bis that swap around as it progresses. I don't like this song that much and very nearly didn't finish it, but I gave it one last push today to get it finished before releasing it, as my patience with Audio Crime is nearing an end and I'd like to move on to bigger and better things. From past experience I reckon that this will be the most popular song on the album simply because of the instruments. Apart from a catchy rhythm I don't really find this sort of song appealing to listen to, or make. But hey, it concluded the Audio Crime album nicely and I can happily put it all behind me. Enjoy! FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

5rsOzhtWOCY | 29 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE Ticking Clock (24th February 2009 - 27th May 2009) The odd song out on this album, this song doesn't go in all guns blazing. My Mum had a go at my songs for being too messy and noisy and with too many instruments at once, so I made this quiet little one to prove how good the other ones sound in comparison. The tune isn't that good, it doesn't build up to anything but it's a calm little melody you can listen to in the background. Took me a while to finish because I lacked the motivation to do it all in one go, plus it was getting hard to find things to add to this song. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

daNegN8zCsQ | 28 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE That's Life (29th November 2008 - 30th January 2009) I started off by marking out the song's tune in one note. Once it had a nice flow to it I started altering the notes until I had the backing you can hear now. I actually used the tune to my song 'Crevasse' in early versions (day 2-4 of the project) but ended up scrapping that, replacing it with the main chorus I've kept in this version. I hit a block- I couldn't make anything else that went with the 3 bar beat until the end of January, 2009. I then just messed about with the pitch and even reversed the beat for the end section of this song. I'm pleased with this tune, as it's a good blend between trance and a tune. I think I could have done more to it but as it stands it's a nice little boppy song. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

0d6LM4HArRs | 13 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE JIMMY'S WAR (4th June 2009 - 13th June 2009) My exams were nearing an end and I really wanted to try and get another song for Audio Crime. I scrapped one of the songs I was doing, got the remains and made it into another song, then found a bit I liked and stole it from that song and made yet another song out of it. This is the result. I deliberately kept it simple. I still like my song 'Jimmy 2' but haven't been able to make a proper sequel for it until now. I think this one justifies, as it's simple and uses one instrument nobody else fears to use. I enjoyed making this song and it all came together very quickly. I then just ended up adding new bits for the build up to the chorus, then released it. This song reminds me more of my first album than this one. But I'm pleased I've made another simple tune with a strong rhythm. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

WyHcdMswYtc | 12 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE SUPERHERO (24th December 2008 - 31st December 2008) I really like the backing to this song. The tune is fairly wishy washy, it's the one song my parents can't stand that I've made. Apparently, if you want to make a good song you have to put emphasis on the first note of the main tune, instead of building it up as it goes along. What ever. This song holds a special place in my heart, because it changed the way I made music. before this song I didn't care about interesting instruments. With this, I sacrificed the song for a foreboding atmosphere. Most of the song was made within the last week of 2008, though I added an extra bit in February and remixed it in May, 2009. I have plans to use this song in several of the videos I'm making. Stay tuned- of all my songs this one could possibly become the most well known. Not that it's saying much... FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

14EvMrsXs54 | 12 Jun 2009
Audio Crime is my second album and consists of my 12th song right through to my 20th. They were all made between November 2008 and June 2009 and each has had weeks of tweaking. Track 1 - Nursery Nightmare Track 2 - Superhero Track 3 - Jimmy's War Track 4 - That's Life Track 5 - Underpass Track 6 - Atomic Amnesia Track 7 - Ticking Clock Track 8 - Ancients Track 9 - Heart Attack DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM HERE NURSERY NIGHTMARE (8th February 2009 - 18th April 2009) The 15th song I have ever made, this song is one of my favourites I have made. I started with the beat, then added the backing, then finally the various tunes you can hear through out. The strange beeping bit in the middle came about fairly early on. In fact, I had all of the elements there from day 3-4, but it took me several weeks of walking to and from lectures, listening to the track on repeat to smooth out the problems and get it into a flowing song. I am very happy with how this one turned out, both with the instruments and the tune. It is the song that has gone through the most iterations and changes so far. FOR MORE MUSIC GO TO

3s6XwIqcZCM | 11 Jun 2009
Juggling, my new '1 up slipper off wave about put back on' move, tree climbing, wall scaling and tree falling. Thank you PR Weasel for being the camera man, I wouldn't have been able to do it with out you! (Also acts as tree climber and suit case tramp) So, if anybody's a computer nerd going to University, this is the sort of stuff you can expect when you're not going to lectures, seminars, revising or clubbing until 3 in the morning. House parties are the best, by the way.

qSfgLYT_ztk | 18 May 2009
If you want to see my new album's cover art being made in fast motion, here it is. The song playing is one of the new ones on the new album. If you have played all the games I have ever made, and watched all of my videos, then you have heard all of them apart from two.

2kOq13YNs8A | 27 Apr 2009
Download it here Post video responses of any songs you make, or if you make a song that you want converted into mp3 format, send it to 3kliksphilip(at)gmail(dot)com Any feedback would be welcome, as long as it's constructive. GOOD POINTS: *No limitation for songs length *Save / Load feature *Easy to modify the sounds by replacing the default '1, 2, 3' OGG files in the sounds folder (WARNING: needs to be ogg) BAD POINTS TO BE FIXED: *Limited to one note per frequency *Only 3 different instruments *No ability to make a looping tune BAD POINTS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX: *Makes a crackling sound if too many sounds are played at once *Can't modify the length of notes *Can't save as MP3 or any other normal format

EwRyAsVz7s0 | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

PloWCgU55Is | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

XJmynb1kEtY | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

cH7qWSjJZbI | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

m6JIn-HFtDA | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

F2RYQ_QpOUM | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

UUvd-IRr9fA | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

TCZ9GB37IFk | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

zbCnAoE_NfY | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

PvQJhXqq94g | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.

kk_xiOeCW5o | 21 Apr 2009
Be sure to click on HQ to play in higher quality audio. In The Face is a compilation of my first 11 songs I have ever written. They are all entirely my own work, though my main inspirations were the Pet Shop Boys, Gorillaz, Jean-Michel Jarre and Chris Hülsbeck. TRACK LIST 01) Jimmy 1 02) Jimmy 2 03) Ravein 04) Basthakius 05) From the Attic 06) Undisputed 07) Hungover 08) Tidal Surge 09) Zombies 10) Cavern 11) Crevasse Download the album for free here.