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All videos archived of The PewDiePie Archive

m6cj6Mk9cGw | 05 Sep 2021
A video with no Felix commentary over it. A originally unlisted video where Felix tries to set up the balance board for a playthrough he was doing in 2013.

bOxBK7uwmns | 16 May 2021
The original title is "Terraria New Journey! Part 5 - Livestream" it was titled this because that was the name of the last stream he did before this one. He didn't set up a new livestream name for it to my knowledge.

safC48McNiA | 15 May 2021
This video was edited so it wouldn't be blocked in all countries. I had to mute a song that was used in the video. This video is still blocked in some countries though.

_q5ZA_5gy_g | 30 Apr 2020
PewDiePie Compilation where Felix Kjellberg talks about his past, childhood, and much more.

SLHSXgBK9zA | 27 Apr 2020
I know a lot of people have already seen the series I just thought I could work on my group edits with this series and I think I did really good. There were some audio problems with two clips so I removed them. I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

OgRyuCBAlfY | 24 Apr 2020
I was watching group channels like Lunch Club and Misfits when I thought what if PewDiePie had his own with his friends so this video was made. I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

XzDX8nm9pv4 | 23 Apr 2020
It's about to become the tenth anniversary for the PewDiePie channel. Let's look back at his YouTube career and hear some of his inspirational quotes. I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

_5_ww5H-HTE | 14 Apr 2020
This is all the events that happened during PewDiePie VS WSJ. ( Except for the Adpocalypse which might be its own video. ) All the clips are from this playlist: I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

WC4n9EECL0w | 23 Mar 2020
If you have a clip that you want in a compilation then check this link! I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

Sr5c0_n0kQU | 19 Mar 2020
If you have a clip that you want in a compilation then check this link! I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

TOaG_Z856Yg | 17 Mar 2020
If you have a clip that you want in a compilation then check this link! I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

uWem9ABj7z8 | 13 Mar 2020
If you have a clip that you want in a compilation then check this link! I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

XnXoXjSrk1o | 13 Mar 2020
If you have a clip that you want in a compilation then check this link! I have a Twitter account where I talk about compilation updates and much more. ( )

XGl7YS-Usy4 | 12 Jan 2020
Uploaded on Jan 12, 2011 Original Description: Thank you for SUBSCRIBING! Playing COD:BO with random classes. It's pretty fun you should try it out! I used to do it a lot in mw2 when I was bored - You can probably tell that I was really bored/tired in the commentary as well.. actually it's not much of a commentary, hope it's still enjoyable. Feel free to give it a like if you want more of these. In case anyone is confused: WHO YOU FINNA TRY!

rLzKSGXzM4c | 12 Jan 2020
Uploaded on Jan 4, 2011 Original Description: Thanks for SUBSCRIBING! and Showing love (heart) I (heart) y'all back! Sorry if I offended any Gingers, Midgets or Cripples in this video, obviously I (heart) you guys to!